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The document discusses the early proposals about the common origin of Indo-European languages and the development of the field of comparative linguistics. It traces some of the earliest observations of similarities between languages like Sanskrit, Latin and Greek.

One of the earliest proposals came from Dutch linguist Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn in 1647. He discovered similarities among languages like Dutch, Greek, Latin, Persian and German and supposed the existence of a primitive common language which he called 'Scythian'.

Sir William Jones first lectured on the similarities between Sanskrit, Latin, Greek and Persian, noting strong affinities between their roots of verbs and forms of grammar that could not be accidental and must have come from a common source.




1.1.1. The Indo-European languages are a

family of several hundred languages and
dialects, including most of the major
languages of Europe, as well as many in
Asia. Contemporary languages in this
family include English, German, French,
Spanish, Portuguese, Hindustani (i.e.,
Hindi and Urdu among other modern
dialects), Persian and Russian. It is the
largest family of languages in the world
today, being spoken by approximately half
Figure 1. In dark, countries with a majority of Indo-
the world's population as first language. European speakers; in light color, countries with Indo-
Furthermore, the majority of the other half European-speaking minorities.

speaks at least one of them as second language.

1.1.2. Romans didn‘t perceive similarities between Latin and Celtic dialects, but they found obvious
correspondences with Greek. After Roman Grammarian Sextus Pompeius Festus:

Suppum antiqui dicebant, quem nunc supinum dicimus ex Graeco, videlicet pro adspiratione
ponentes <s> litteram, ut idem ὕ ιαο dicunt, et nos silvas; item ἕ μ sex, et ἑ πη ά septem.
Such findings are not striking, though, as Rome was believed to have been originally funded by Trojan
hero Aeneas and, consequently, Latin was derived from Old Greek.

1.1.3. Florentine merchant Filippo Sassetti travelled to the Indian subcontinent, and was among the
first European observers to study the ancient Indian language, Sanskrit. Writing in 1585, he noted some
word similarities between Sanskrit and Italian, e.g. deva/dio, ―God‖, sarpa/serpe, ―snake‖, sapta/sette,
―seven‖, ashta/otto, ―eight‖, nava/nove, ―nine‖. This observation is today credited to have
foreshadowed the later discovery of the Indo-European language family.

1.1.4. The first proposal of the possibility of a common origin for some of these languages came from
Dutch linguist and scholar Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn in 1647. He discovered the similarities among
Indo-European languages, and supposed the existence of a primitive common language which he called
―Scythian‖. He included in his hypothesis Dutch, Greek, Latin, Persian, and German, adding later
Slavic, Celtic and Baltic languages. He excluded languages such as Hebrew from his hypothesis.


However, the suggestions of van Boxhorn did not become widely known and did not stimulate further

1.1.5. On 1686, German linguist Andreas Jäger published De Lingua Vetustissima Europae, where he
identified an remote language, possibly spreading from the Caucasus, from which Latin, Greek, Slavic,
‗Scythian‘ (i.e., Persian) and Celtic (or ‗Celto-Germanic‘) were derived, namely Scytho-Celtic.

1.1.6. The hypothesis re-appeared in 1786 when Sir William Jones first lectured on similarities
between four of the oldest languages known in his time: Latin, Greek, Sanskrit and Persian:
“The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than
the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either, yet bearing to both
of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs and the forms of grammar, than could
possibly have been produced by accident; so strong indeed, that no philologer could examine them all
three, without believing them to have sprung from some common source, which, perhaps, no
longer exists: there is a similar reason, though not quite so forcible, for supposing that both the
Gothic and the Celtic, though blended with a very different idiom, had the same origin with the
Sanskrit; and the old Persian might be added to the same family”

1.1.7. Danish Scholar Rasmus Rask was the first to point out the connection between Old Norwegian
and Gothic on the one hand, and Lithuanian, Slavonic, Greek and Latin on the other. Systematic
comparison of these and other old languages conducted by the young German linguist Franz Bopp
supported the theory, and his Comparative Grammar, appearing between 1833 and 1852, counts as the
starting-point of Indo-European studies as an academic discipline.
1.1.8. The classification of modern Indo-European dialects into ‗languages‟ and ‗dialects‟ is
controversial, as it depends on many factors, such as the pure linguistic ones – most of the times being
the least important of them –, and also social, economic, political and historical considerations.
However, there are certain common ancestors, and some of them are old well-attested languages (or
language systems), such as Classic Latin for modern Romance languages – French, Spanish,
Portuguese, Italian, Romanian or Catalan –, Classic Sanskrit for some modern Indo-Aryan languages,
or Classic Greek for Modern Greek.
Furthermore, there are some still older IE ‗dialects‟, from which these old formal languages were
derived and later systematized. They are, following the above examples, Archaic or Old Latin, Archaic
or Vedic Sanskrit and Archaic or Old Greek, attested in older compositions, inscriptions and inferred
through the study of oral traditions and texts.
And there are also some old related dialects, which help us reconstruct proto-languages, such as
Faliscan for Latino-Faliscan (and with Osco-Umbrian for an older Proto-Italic), the Avestan language
for a Proto-Indo-Iranian or Mycenaean for an older Proto-Greek.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

NOTE. Although proto-language groupings for Indo-European languages may vary depending on different
criteria, they all have the same common origin, the Proto-Indo-European language, which is generally easier to
reconstruct than its dialectal groupings. For example, if we had only some texts of Old French, Old Spanish and
Old Portuguese, Mediaeval Italian and Modern Romanian and Catalan, then Vulgar Latin – i.e., the features of the
common language spoken by all of them, not the older, artificial, literary Classical Latin – could be easily
reconstructed, but the groupings of the derived dialects not. In fact, the actual groupings of the Romance
languages are controversial, even knowing well enough Archaic, Classic and Vulgar Latin...

Figure 2. Language families‟ distribution in the 20 th century. In Eurasia and the Americas,
Indo-European languages; in Scandinavia, Central Europe and Northern Russia, Uralic
languages; in Central Asia, Turkic languages; in Southern India, Dravidian languages; in
North Africa, Semitic languages; etc.


1.2.1. In the beginnings of the Indo-European or Indo-Germanic studies using the comparative
grammar, the Indo-European proto-language was reconstructed as a unitary language. For Rask, Bopp
and other Indo-European scholars, it was a search for the Indo-European. Such a language was
supposedly spoken in a certain region between Europe and Asia and at one point in time – between ten
thousand and four thousand years ago, depending on the individual theories –, and it spread thereafter
and evolved into different languages which in turn had different dialects.


Figure 3. Eurasia ca. 1500 A.D. This map is possibly more or less what the first Indo -Europeanists
had in mind when they thought about a common language being spoken by the ancestors of all those
Indo-European speakers, a language which should have spread from some precise place and time.

1.2.2. The Stammbaumtheorie or Genealogical Tree Theory states that languages split up in other
languages, each of them in turn split up in others, and so on, like the branches of a tree. For example, a
well known old theory about Indo-European is that, from the Indo-European language, two main
groups of dialects known as Centum and Satem separated – so called because of their pronunciation of
the gutturals in Latin and Avestan, as in the word kmtóm, hundred. From these groups others split up,
as Centum Proto-Germanic, Proto-Italic or Proto-Celtic, and Satem Proto-Balto-Slavic, Proto-Indo-
Iranian, which developed into present-day Germanic, Romance and Celtic, Baltic, Slavic, Iranian and
Indo-Aryan languages.

NOTE. The Centum and Satem isogloss is one of the oldest known phonological differences of IE languages,
and is still used by many to classify them in two groups, thus disregarding their relevant morphological and
syntactical differences. It is based on a simple vocabulary comparison; as, from PIE kṃtóm (possibly earlier
*dkṃtóm, from dékṃ, ten), Satem: O.Ind. śatám, Av. satəm, Lith. šimtas, O.C.S. sto, or Centum: Gk. ἑθαηόλ,
Lat. centum, Goth. hund, O.Ir. cet, etc.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

1.2.3. The Wellentheorie or Waves Theory, of J. Schmidt, states that one language is created from
another by the spread of innovations, the way water waves spread when a stone hits the water surface.
The lines that define the extension of the innovations are called isoglosses. The convergence of different
isoglosses over a common territory signals the existence of a new language or dialect. Where isoglosses
from different languages coincide, transition zones are formed.

NOTE. Such old theories are based on the hypothesis that there was one common and static Proto-Indo-
European language, and that all features of modern Indo-European languages can be explained in such unitary
scheme, by classifying them either as innovations or as archaisms of that old, rigid proto-language. The language
system we propose for the revived Modern Indo-European is based mainly on that traditionally reconstructed
Proto-Indo-European, not because we uphold the traditional views, but because we still look for the immediate
common ancestor of modern Indo-European languages, and it is that old, unitary Indo-European that scholars
had been looking for during the first decades of IE studies.

Figure 4. Indo-European dialects‟ expansion by 500 A.D., after the fall of the Roman Empire.



1.3.1. Even some of the first Indo-Europeanists had noted in their works the possibility of older origins
for the reconstructed (Late) Proto-Indo-European, although they didn't dare to describe those possible
older stages of the language.

Figure 5. Sample Map of the expansion of Indo-European dialects 4.000-1.000 B.C., according to
the Kurgan and Three-Stage hypothesis. Between the Black See and the Caspian See, the original
Yamna culture. In colored areas, expansion of PIE speakers and Proto-Anatolian. After 2.000 BC,
black lines indicate the spread of northern IE dialects, while the white ones show the southern or
Graeco-Aryan expansion.

1.3.2. Today, a widespread Three-Stage Theory depicts the Proto-Indo-European language evolution
into three main historic layers or stages:

1) Indo-European I or IE I, also called Early PIE, is the hypothetical ancestor of IE II, and
probably the oldest stage of the language that comparative linguistics could help reconstruct. There
is, however, no common position as to how it was like or where it was spoken.

2) The second stage corresponds to a time before the separation of Proto-Anatolian from the
common linguistic community where it coexisted with Pre-IE III. That stage of the language is
called Indo-European II or IE II, or Middle PIE, for some Indo-Hittite. This is identified with the
early Kurgan cultures in the Kurgan Hypothesis‘ framework. It is assumed by all Indo-European
scholars that Anatolian is the earliest dialect to have separated from PIE, due to its peculiar
archaisms, and shows therefore a situation different from that looked for in this Gramar.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

Figure 6. Early Kurgan cultures in ca. 4.000 B.C., showing hypothetical

territory where IE II proto-dialects (i.e. pre-IE III and pre-Proto-Anatolian)
could have developed.

3) The common immediate ancestor of the early IE proto-languages –more or less the same static
PIE searched for since the start of Indo-European studies – is usually called Late PIE, also Indo-
European III or IE III, or simply Proto-Indo-European. Its prehistoric community of speakers is
generally identified with the Yamna or Pit Grave culture (cf. Ukr. яма, ―pit‖), in the Pontic Steppe.
Proto-Anatolian speakers are arguably identified with the Maykop cultural community.

NOTE. The development of this theory of three linguistic stages can be traced back to the very origins of
Indo-European studies, firstly as a diffused idea of a non-static language, and later widely accepted as a
dynamic dialectal evolution, already in the 20th century, after the discovery of the Anatolian scripts.

1.3.3. Another division has to be made, so that the dialectal evolution is properly understood. Late PIE
had at least two main dialects, the Northern (or IE IIIb) and the Southern (or IE IIIa) one. Terms like
Northwestern or European can be found in academic writings referring to the Northern Dialect, but we
will use them here to name only the northern dialects of Europe, thus generally excluding Tocharian.

Also, Graeco-Aryan is used to refer to the Southern Dialect of PIE. Indo-Iranian is used in this
grammar to describe the southern dialectal grouping formed by Indo-Aryan, Iranian and Nuristani
dialects, and not – as it is in other texts – to name the southern dialects of Asia as a whole. Thus,
unclassified IE dialects like Cimmerian, Scythian or Sarmatian (usually deemed just Iranian dialects)
are in this grammar simply some of many southern dialects spoken in Asia in Ancient times.


Figure 7. Yamna culture ca. 3000 B.C., probably the time when still a single Proto-Indo-European
language was spoken. In two different colors, hypothetical locations of later Northern and Southern
Dialects. Other hypothetical groupings are depicted according to their later linguistic and
geographical development, i.e. g:Germanic, i-c:Italo-Celtic, b-s:Balto-Slavic, t:Tocharian, g-
a:Graeco-Armenian, i-i:Indo-Iranian, among other death and unattested dialects which coexisted
necessarily with them.

1.3.4. As far as we know, while speakers of southern dialects (like Proto-Greek, Proto-Indo-Iranian
and probably Proto-Armenian) spread in different directions, some speakers of northern dialects
remained still in loose contact in Europe, while others (like Proto-Tocharians) spread in Asia. Those
northern Indo-European dialects of Europe were early Germanic, Celtic, Italic, and probably Balto-
Slavic (usually considered transitional with IE IIIa) proto-dialects, as well as other not so well-known
dialects like Proto-Lusitanian, Proto-Sicel, Proto-Thracian (maybe Proto-Daco-Thracian, for some
within a wider Proto-Graeco-Thracian group), pre-Proto-Albanian (maybe Proto-Illyrian), etc.

NOTE. Languages like Venetic, Liburnian, Phrygian, Thracian, Macedonian, Illyrian, Messapic, Lusitanian, etc.
are usually called ‗fragmentary languages‘ (sometimes also ‗ruinous languages‟), as they are languages we have
only fragments from.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

Figure 8. Spread of Late Proto-Indo-European ca. 2000 B.C. At that time, only the European
northern dialects remained in contact, allowing the spread of linguistic developments, while the
others evolved more or less independently. Anatolian dialects as Hittite and Luwian attested since
1900 B.C., and Proto-Greek Mycenaean dialect attested in 16 th century B.C.

Other Indo-European dialects attested in Europe which remain unclassified are Paleo-Balkan
languages like Thracian, Dacian, Illyrian (some group them into Graeco-Thracian, Daco-Thracian or
Thraco-Illyrian), Paionian, Venetic, Messapian, Liburnian, Phrygian and maybe also Ancient
Macedonian and Ligurian.

The European dialects have some common features, as a general reduction of the 8-case paradigm
into a five- or six-case noun inflection system, the -r endings of the middle voice, as well as the lack of
satemization. The southern dialects, in turn, show a generalized Augment in é-, a general Aorist
formation and an 8-case system (also apparently in Proto-Greek).

NOTE. Balto-Slavic (and, to some extent, Italic) dialects, either because of their original situation within the PIE
dialectal territories, or because they remained in contact with Southern Indo-European dialects after the first PIE
split (e.g. through the Scythian or Iranian expansions) present features usually identified with Indo-Iranian, as an
8-case noun declension and phonetic satemization, and at the same time morphological features common to
Germanic and Celtic dialects, as the verbal system.


Figure 9. Eurasia ca. 500 B.C. The spread of Scythians allow renewed linguistic contact between
Indo-Iranian and Slavic languages, whilst Armenian- and Greek-speaking communities are again in
close contact with southern IE dialects, due to the Persian expansion. Italo-Celtic speakers spread
and drive other northern dialects (as Lusitanian or Sicul) further south. Later Anatolian dialects, as
Lycian, Lydian and Carian, are still spoken.

NOTE. The term Indo-European itself now current in English literature, was coined in 1813 by the British
scholar Sir Thomas Young, although at that time, there was no consensus as to the naming of the recently
discovered language family. Among the names suggested were indo-germanique (C. Malte-Brun, 1810),
Indoeuropean (Th. Young, 1813), japetisk (Rasmus C. Rask, 1815), indisch-teutsch (F. Schmitthenner, 1826),
sanskritisch (Wilhelm von Humboldt, 1827), indokeltisch (A. F. Pott, 1840), arioeuropeo (G. I. Ascoli, 1854),
Aryan (F. M. Müller, 1861), aryaque (H. Chavée, 1867).

In English, Indo-German was used by J. C. Prichard in 1826 although he preferred Indo-European. In French,
use of indo-européen was established by A. Pictet (1836). In German literature, Indo-Europäisch was used by
Franz Bopp since 1835, while the term Indo-Germanisch had already been introduced by Julius von Klapproth in
1823, intending to include the northernmost and the southernmost of the family's branches, as it were as an
abbreviation of the full listing of involved languages that had been common in earlier literature, opening the doors
to ensuing fruitless discussions whether it should not be Indo-Celtic, or even Tocharo-Celtic.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction


1.4.1. The search for the Urheimat or ‗Homeland‘ of the prehistoric community who spoke Early
Proto-Indo-European has developed as an archaeological quest along with the linguistic research
looking for the reconstruction of that

1.4.2. The Kurgan hypothesis was

introduced by Marija Gimbutas in 1956
in order to combine archaeology with
linguistics in locating the origins of the
Proto-Indo-Europeans. She named the
set of cultures in question ―Kurgan‖ after
their distinctive burial mounds and
traced their diffusion into Europe.
According to her hypothesis (1970:
―Proto-Indoeuropean culture: the Kurgan Figure 10. Photo of a Kurgan from the Archaeology
culture during the 5thto the 3rd Millennium
B.C.‖, Indo-European and Indo-Europeans, Philadelphia, 155-198), PIE speakers were probably
located in the Pontic Steppe. This location combines the expansion of the Northern and Southern
dialects, whilst agreeing at the same time with the four successive stages of the Kurgan cultures.

1.4.3. Gimbutas' original suggestion identifies four successive stages of the Kurgan culture and three
successive ―waves‖ of expansion.

1. Kurgan I, Dnieper/Volga region, earlier half of the 4th millennium BC. Apparently evolving
from cultures of the Volga basin, subgroups include the Samara and Seroglazovo cultures.

2. Kurgan II–III, latter half of the 4th millennium BC. Includes the Sredny Stog culture and the
Maykop culture of the northern Caucasus. Stone circles, early two-wheeled chariots,
anthropomorphic stone stelae of deities.

3. Kurgan IV or Pit Grave culture, first half of the 3rd millennium BC, encompassing the entire
steppe region from the Ural to Romania.

 Wave 1, predating Kurgan I, expansion from the lower Volga to the Dnieper, leading to
coexistence of Kurgan I and the Cucuteni culture. Repercussions of the migrations extend as far
as the Balkans and along the Danube to the Vinča and Lengyel cultures in Hungary.


 Wave 2, mid 4th millennium BC, originating in the Maykop culture and resulting in advances
of ―kurganized‖ hybrid cultures into northern Europe around 3000 BC – Globular Amphora
culture, Baden culture, and ultimately Corded Ware culture. In the belief of Gimbutas, this
corresponds to the first intrusion of IE dialects into western and northern Europe.

 Wave 3, 3000–2800 BC, expansion of the Pit Grave culture beyond the steppes, with the
appearance of the characteristic pit graves as far as the areas of modern Romania, Bulgaria and
eastern Hungary.

Figure 11. Hypothetical Homeland or Urheimat of the first PIE speakers, from 4.500 BC onwards.
The Yamnaya or Jamna (Pit Grave) culture lasted from ca. 3.600 till 2.200. In this time the first
wagons appeared. People were buried with their legs flexed, a position which remained typical for
the Indo-Europeans for a long time. The burials were covered with a mound, a kurgan. During this
period, from 3.600 till 3.000 IE II split up into IE III and Anatolian. From ca .3000 B.C on, IE III
dialects began to differentiate and spread by 2500 west - and southward (European Dialects,
Armenian) and eastward (Indo-Iranian, Tocharian). By 2000 the dialectal breach is complete.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

1.4.3. The European or northwestern dialects, i.e. Celtic, Germanic, Italic, Baltic and Slavic, have
developed together in the European Subcontinent but, because of the different migrations and
settlements, they have undergone independent linguistic changes. Their original common location is
usually traced back to some place to the East of the Rhine, to the North of the Alps and the Carpathian
Mountains, to the South of Scandinavia and to the East of the Eastern European Lowlands or Russian
Plain, not beyond Moscow.

This linguistic theory is usually mixed with archaeological findings:

Figure 15. ca 2.000 B.C. The Corded Ware complex of cultures traditionally represents for many
scholars the arrival of the first speakers of Northern Dialects in central Europ e, coming from the
Yamna culture. The complex dates from about 3.000-2.000. The Globular Amphorae culture may be
slightly earlier, but the relation between these two cultures is unclear. Denmark and southern
Scandinavia are supposed to have been the Germanic homeland, while present -day West Germany
would have been the Celtic (and possibly Italic) homeland; the east zone, then, corresponds to the
Balto-Slavic homeland. Their proto-languages certainly developed closely (if they weren't the same)
until 2.000 B.C.


Kurgan Hypothesis & Proto-Indo-European reconstruction

ARCHAEOLOGY (Kurgan Hypothesis) LINGUISTICS (Three-Stage Theory)

ca. 4500-4000. Sredny Stog, Dnieper-Donets and Early PIE is spoken, probably somewhere in the
Sarama cultures, domestication of the horse. Pontic-Caspian Steppe.

ca. 4000-3500. The Yamna culture, the kurgan Middle PIE or IE II split up in two different
builders, emerges in the steppe, and the Maykop communities, the Proto-Anatolian and the Pre-IE
culture in northern Caucasus. III.

ca. 3500-3000. The Yamna culture is at its peak, Late Proto-Indo-European or IE III and
with stone idols, two-wheeled proto-chariots, animal Proto-Anatolian evolve in different communities.
husbandry, permanent settlements and hillforts, Anatolian is isolated south of the Caucasus, and
subsisting on agriculture and fishing, along rivers. have no more contacts with the linguistic
Contact of the Yamna culture with late Neolithic innovations of IE III.
Europe cultures results in kurganized Globular
Amphora and Baden cultures. The Maykop culture
shows the earliest evidence of the beginning Bronze
Age, and bronze weapons and artifacts are

3000-2500. The Yamna culture extends over the IE III disintegrates into various dialects
entire Pontic steppe. The Corded Ware culture extends corresponding to different cultures, at least a
from the Rhine to the Volga, corresponding to the Southern and a Northern one. They remain still in
latest phase of Indo-European unity. Different cultures contact, enabling the spread of phonetic (like the
disintegrate, still in loose contact, enabling the spread Satem isogloss) and morphological innovations, as
of technology. well as early loan words.

2500-2000. The Bronze Age reaches Central The breakup of the southern IE dialects is
Europe with the Beaker culture of Northern Indo- complete. Proto-Greek spoken in the Balkans and a
Europeans. Indo-Iranians settle north of the Caspian distinct Proto-Indo-Iranian dialect. Some northern
in the Sintashta-Petrovka and later the Andronovo dialects develop in Northern Europe, still in loose
culture. contact.

2000-1500. The chariot is invented, leading to the Indo-Iranian splits up in two main dialects, Indo-
split and rapid spread of Iranians and other peoples Aryan and Iranian. European proto-dialects
from the Andronovo culture and the Bactria- like Germanic, Celtic, Italic, Baltic and Slavic
Margiana Complex over much of Central Asia, differentiate from each other. A Proto-Greek dialect,
Northern India, Iran and Eastern Anatolia. Greek Mycenaean, is already written in Linear B script.
Darg Ages and flourishing of the Hittite Empire. Pre- Anatolian languages like Hittite and Luwian are
Celtics Unetice culture has an active metal industry. also written.

1500-1000. The Nordic Bronze Age sees the rise of Germanic, Celtic, Italic, Baltic and Slavic are
the Germanic Urnfield and the Celtic Hallstatt cultures already different proto-languages, developing in
in Central Europe, introducing the Iron Age. Italic turn different dialects. Iranian and other related
peoples move to the Italian Peninsula. Rigveda is southern dialects expand through military
composed. The Hittite Kingdoms and the Mycenaean conquest, and Indo-Aryan spreads in the form of its
civilization decline. sacred language, Sanskrit.

1000-500. Northern Europe enters the Pre-Roman Celtic dialects spread over Europe. Osco-Umbrian
Iron Age. Early Indo-European Kingdoms and and Latin-Faliscan attested in the Italian Peninsula.
Empires in Eurasia. In Europe, Classical Antiquity Greek and Old Italic alphabets appear. Late
begins with the flourishing of the Greek peoples. Anatolian dialects. Cimmerian, Scythian and
Foundation of Rome. Sarmatian in Asia, Paleo-Balkan languages in the

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction


1.5.1. A common development of new theories about Indo-European has been to revise the Three-
Stage assumption. It is actually not something new, but only the come back to more traditional views,
by reinterpreting the new findings of the Hittite scripts, trying to insert the Anatolian features into the
old, static PIE concept.

1.5.2. The most known new alternative theory concerning PIE is the Glottalic theory. It assumes
that Proto-Indo-European was pronounced more or less like Armenian, i.e. instead of PIE p, b, bh, the
pronunciation would have been *p', *p, *b, and the same with the other two voiceless-voiced-voiced
aspirated series of consonants. The Indo-European Urheimat would have been then located in the
surroundings of Anatolia, especially near Lake Urmia, in northern Iran, near present-day Armenia and
Azerbaijan, hence the archaism of Anatolian dialects and the glottalics still found in Armenian.
NOTE. Such linguistic findings are supported by Th. Gamkredlize-V. Ivanov (1990: "The early history of Indo-
European languages", Scientiphic American, where early Indo-European vocabulary deemed ―of southern
regions‖ is examined, and similarities with Semitic and Kartvelian languages are also brought to light. Also, the
mainly archaeological findings of Colin Renfrew (1989: The puzzle of Indoeuropean origins, Cambridge-New
York), supported by the archaism of Anatolian dialects, may indicate a possible origin of Early PIE speakers in
Anatolia, which, after Renfrew‘s model, would have then migrated into southern Europe.

1.5.3. Other alternative theories concerning Proto-Indo-European are as follows:

I. The European Homeland thesis maintains that the common origin of the Indo-European
languages lies in Europe. These thesis have usually a nationalistic flavour, more or less driven by
Archeological or Linguistic theories.
NOTE. It has been traditionally located in 1) Lithuania and the surrounding areas, by R.G. Latham (1851) and
Th. Poesche (1878: Die Arier. Ein Beitrag zur historischen Anthropologie, Jena); 2) Scandinavia, by K.Penka
(1883: Origines ariacae, Viena); 3) Central Europe, by G. Kossinna (1902: ―Die Indogermanische Frage
archäologisch beantwortet‖, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 34, pp. 161-222), P.Giles (1922: The Aryans, New York),
and by linguist/archaeologist G. Childe (1926: The Aryans. A Study of Indo-European Origins, London).

a. The Old European or Alteuropäisch Theory compares some old European vocabulary
(especially river names), which would be older than the spread of Late PIE through Europe. It points
out the possibility of an older, pre-IE III spread of IE, either of IE II or I or maybe their ancestor.
b. This is, in turn, related with the theories of a Neolithic revolution causing the peacefully
spreading of an older Indo-European language into Europe from Asia Minor from around 7000 BC,
with the advance of farming. Accordingly, more or less all of Neolithic Europe would have been Indo-
European speaking, and the Northern IE III Dialects would have replaced older IE dialects, from IE II
or Early Proto-Indo-European.


c. There is also a Paleolithic Continuity Theory, which derives Proto-Indo-European from the
European Paleolithic cultures, with some research papers available online at the researchers‘ website, .
NOTE. Such Paleolithic Continuity could in turn be connected with Frederik Kortlandt‘s Indo-Uralic and Altaic
studies ( – although they could also be inserted in Gimbutas‘ early framework.

II. Another hypothesis, contrary to the European ones, also mainly driven today by a nationalistic
view, traces back the origin of PIE to Vedic Sanskrit, postulating that it is very pure, and that the origin
can thus be traced back to the Indus valley civilization of ca. 3000 BC.
NOTE. Such Pan-Sanskritism was common among early Indo-Europeanists, as Schlegel, Young, A. Pictet (1877:
Les origines indoeuropéens, Paris) or Schmidt (who preferred Babylonia), but are now mainly supported by those
who consider Sanskrit almost equal to Late Proto-Indo-European. For more on this, see S. Misra (1992: The
Aryan Problem: A Linguistic Approach, Delhi), Elst's Update on the Aryan Invasion Debate (1999), followed up
by S.G. Talageri's The Rigveda: A Historical Analysis (2000), both part of ―Indigenous Indo-Aryan‖ viewpoint by
N. Kazanas, the so-called ―Out of India‖ theory, with a framework dating back to the times of the Indus Valley
Civilization, deeming PIE simply a hypothesis (

III. Finally, the Black Sea deluge theory dates the origins of the IE dialects expansion in the genesis of
the Sea of Azov, ca. 5600 BC, which in turn would be related to the Bible Noah's flood, as it would have
remained in oral tales until its writing down in the Hebrew Tanakh. This date is generally considered as
rather early for the PIE spread.
NOTE. W.Ryan and W.Pitman published evidence that a massive flood through the Bosporus occurred about
5600 BC, when the rising Mediterranean spilled over a rocky sill at the Bosporus. The event flooded 155,000 km²
of land and significantly expanded the Black Sea shoreline to the north and west. This has been connected with
the fact that some Early Modern scholars based on Genesis 10:5 have assumed that the ‗Japhetite‘ languages
(instead of the ‗Semitic‘ ones) are rather the direct descendants of the Adamic language, having separated before
the confusion of tongues, by which also Hebrew was affected. That was claimed by Blessed Anne Catherine
Emmerich (18th c.), who stated in her private revelations that most direct descendants of the Adamic language
were Bactrian, Zend and Indian languages, related to her Low German dialect. It is claimed that Emmerich
identified this way Adamic language as Early PIE.


1.6.1. Many higher-level relationships between PIE and other language families have been proposed.
But these speculative connections are highly controversial. Perhaps the most widely accepted proposal
is of an Indo-Uralic family, encompassing PIE and Proto-Uralic. The evidence usually cited in favor of
this is the proximity of the proposed Urheimaten of the two proto-languages, the typological similarity
between the two languages, and a number of apparent shared morphemes.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

NOTE. Other proposals, further back in time (and correspondingly less accepted), model PIE as a branch of
Indo-Uralic with a Caucasian substratum; link PIE and Uralic with Altaic and certain other families in Asia, such
as Korean, Japanese, Chukotko-Kamchatkan and Eskimo-Aleut (representative proposals are Nostratic and
Joseph Greenberg's Eurasiatic); or link some or all of these to Afro-Asiatic, Dravidian, etc., and ultimately to a
single Proto-World family (nowadays mostly associated with Merritt Ruhlen). Various proposals, with varying
levels of skepticism, also exist that join some subset of the putative Eurasiatic language families and/or some of
the Caucasian language families, such as Uralo-Siberian, Ural-Altaic (once widely accepted but now largely
discredited), Proto-Pontic, and so on.

1.6.2. Indo-Uralic is a hypothetical language family consisting of Indo-European and Uralic (i.e.
Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic). Most linguists still consider this theory speculative and its evidence
insufficient to conclusively prove genetic affiliation.

1.6.3. Dutch linguist Frederik Kortlandt supports a model of Indo-Uralic in which the original Indo-
Uralic speakers lived north of the Caspian Sea, and the Proto-Indo-European speakers began as a group
that branched off westward from there to come into geographic proximity with the Northwest
Caucasian languages, absorbing a Northwest Caucasian lexical blending before moving farther
westward to a region north of the Black Sea where their language settled into canonical Proto-Indo-

1.6.4. The most common arguments in favour of a relationship between Indo-European and Uralic are
based on seemingly common elements of morphology, such as the pronominal roots (*m- for first
person; *t- for second person; *i- for third person), case markings (accusative *-m; ablative/partitive *-
ta), interrogative/relative pronouns (*kw- 'who?, which?'; *j- 'who, which' to signal relative clauses) and
a common SOV word order. Other, less obvious correspondences are suggested, such as the Indo-
European plural marker *-es (or *-s in the accusative plural *-m̥-s) and its Uralic counterpart *-t. This
same word-final assibilation of *-t to *-s may also be present in Indo-European second-person singular
*-s in comparison with Uralic second-person singular *-t. Compare, within Indo-European itself, *-s
second-person singular injunctive, *-si second-person singular present indicative, *-tHa second-person
singular perfect, *-te second-person plural present indicative, *tu 'you' (singular) nominative, *tei 'to
you' (singular) enclitic pronoun. These forms suggest that the underlying second-person marker in
Indo-European may be *t and that the *u found in forms such as *tu was originally an affixal particle.

A second type of evidence advanced in favor of an Indo-Uralic family is lexical. Numerous words in
Indo-European and Uralic resemble each other. The problem is to weed out words due to borrowing.
Uralic languages have been in contact with a succession of Indo-European languages for millenia. As a
result, many words have been borrowed between them, most often from Indo-European languages into
Uralic ones.


Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Uralic side by side

Meaning Proto-Indo-European Proto-Uralic

I, me *me 'me' [acc], *mVnV 'I'
*mene 'my' [gen]

you (sg) *tu [nom], *tun

*twe [obj],
*tewe 'your' [gen]

[demonstrative] *so 'this, he/she' [animate nom] *ša [3ps]

who? [animate interrogative *kwi- 'who?, what?' *ken 'who?'
pronoun] *kwo- 'who?, what?' *ku- 'who?'
[relative pronoun] *jo- *-ja [nomen agentis]

[definite accusative] *-m *-m

[ablative/partitive] *-od *-ta

[dual] *-h₁ *-k

[Nom./Acc. plural] *-es [], *-k
*-m̥-s []

[Obl. plural] *-i [pronominal plural] *-i

(as in *we-i- 'we', *to-i- 'those')
[1ps] *-m [1ps active] *-m
[2ps] *-s [2ps active] *-t
[stative] *-s- [aorist], *-ta
*-es- [stative substantive],
*-t [stative substantive]
[negative] *nei *ei- [negative verb]
to give *deh3- *toHi-

to moisten, *wed- 'to wet', *weti 'water'

water *wódr̥ 'water'

to assign, nem- 'to assign, to allot', *nimi 'name'

name *h1nomn̥ 'name'

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction


Figure 16. European languages. The black line divides the zones traditionally (or politically)
considered inside the European subcontinent. Northern dialects are all but Greek and Kurdish
(Iranian); Armenian is usually considered a Graeco-Aryan dialect, while Albanian is usually
classified as a Northern one. Numbered inside the map, non-Indo-European languages: 1) Uralic
languages; 2) Turkic languages; 3) Basque; 4) Maltese; 5) Caucasian languag es.



« The Sheep and the Horses. A sheep that had no wool saw horses, one pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a
big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: “My heart pains me, seeing a man
driving horses”. The horses said: “Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this: a man, the master, makes
the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself. And the sheep has no wool”. Having heard this, the sheep
fled into the plain. »

IE III, ca. 3000 BC: H3ou̯is h1éku̯o(s)es-qe. H3ou̯is, kwesi̯o u̯l̥Hneh2 ne h1est, h1éku̯oms spekét, h1óinom
gwr̥h3um wóghom wéghontm̥, h1óinom-kwe mégeh2m bhórom, h1óinom-kwe dhHghmónm̥ h1oh1ku bhérontm̥. H3owis
nu h1éku̯obhi̯os u̯eu̯kwét: kerd h2éghnutoi h₁moí h1éku̯oms h2égontm̥ wiHrom wídn̥tei. H1éku̯o(s)es tu u̯eu̯kwónt:
Klúdhi, h3ówi! kerd h2éghnutoi nsméi wídntbhi̯os: H2ner, pótis, h3ou̯i̯om-r̥ u̯l̥Hneh2m̥ su̯ébhi gwhermóm u̯éstrom
kwrnéuti. Neghi h3ou̯i̯om u̯l̥Hneh2 h1ésti. Tod kékluu̯os h3ou̯is h2égrom bhugét.
IE IIIb, ca. 2.000 BC (as MIE, with Latin script): Ówis ékwōs-qe. Ówis, qésio wl̥̄nā ne est, ékwoms
spekét, óinom (ghe) crum wóghom wéghontm, óinom-qe mégām bhórom, óinom-qe dhghmónm
ṓku bhérontm. Ówis nu ékwobh(i)os wewqét: krd ághnutoi moí, ékwoms ágontm wrom wídntei.
Ékwōs tu wewqónt: Klúdhi, ówi! krd ághnutoi nsméi wídntbh(i)os: anér, pótis, ówjom-r wĺnām
sébhi chermóm wéstrom qrnéuti. Ówjom-qe wl̥̄nā ne ésti. Tod kékluwos ówis ágrom bhugét.
IE IIIa, ca. 1.500 BC (Proto-Indo-Iranian dialect): Avis ak‟vasas-ka. Avis, jasmin varnā na āst, dadark‟a
ak‟vans, tam, garum vāgham vaghantam, tam, magham bhāram, tam manum āku bharantam. Avis ak‟vabhjas
avavakat; k‟ard aghnutai mai vidanti manum ak‟vans ag‟antam. Ak‟vāsas avavakant: k‟rudhi avai, kard aghnutai
vividvant-svas: manus patis varnām avisāns karnauti svabhjam gharmam vastram avibhjas-ka varnā na asti. Tat
k‟uk‟ruvants avis ag‟ram abhugat.

Proto-Italic, ca. 1.000 BC Proto-Germanic, ca. 500 BC Proto-Balto-Slavic, ca. 1 AD

Ouis ekuoi-kue Awiz ehwaz-uh Avis asvas(-ke)
ouis, kuesio ulana ne est, awiz, hwesja wulno ne ist, avis, kesjo vŭlna ne est,
speket ekuos, spehet ehwanz, spek‟et asvãs,
oinum brum uogum ueguntum, ainan krun wagan wegantun, inam gŭrõ vezam vezantŭ,
oinum-kue megam forum, ainan-uh mekon boran, inam(-ke) még‟am bóram,
oinum-kue humonum oku ferontum. ainan-uh gumonun ahu berontun. inam(-ke) zemenam jasu berantŭ.
Ouis nu ekuobus uokuet: Awiz nu ehwamaz weuhet: Avis nu asvamas vjauket:
kord áhnutor mihi uiduntei, hert agnutai meke witantei, sĕrd aznutĕ me vĕdẽti,
ekuos aguntum uirum. ehwans akantun weran. asvãs azantŭ viram.
Ekuos uokuont: Kludi, oui! Ehwaz weuhant: hludi, awi! Asvas vjaukant: sludi, awi!
kord ahnutor nos uiduntbos: kert aknutai uns wituntmaz: sĕrd aznutĕ nas vĕdŭntmas:
ner, potis, ulanam ouium mannaz, fothiz, wulnon awjan mãg, pat‟, vŭlnam avjam
kurneuti sibi fermum uestrum. hwurneuti sebi warman wistran. karnjauti sebi g‟armam vastram.
Ouium-kue ulana ne esti. Awjan-uh wulno ne isti. Avjam(-ke) vŭlna ne esti.
Tod kekluuos ouis agrum fugit That hehluwaz awiz akran buketh. Tod sesluvas avis ak„ram buget.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction



1.2.1. The Germanic languages form one of the branches of the Indo-European language family.
The largest Germanic languages are English and German, with ca. 340 and some 120 million native
speakers, respectively. Other significant languages include a number Low Germanic dialects (like
Dutch) and the Scandinavian languages, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.

Their common ancestor is Proto-Germanic,

probably still spoken in the mid-1st millennium
B.C. in Iron Age Northern Europe, since its
separation from the Proto-Indo-European
language around 2.000 BC. Germanic, and all
its descendants, is characterized by a number of
unique linguistic features, most famously the
consonant change known as Grimm's Law.
Early Germanic dialects enter history with the
Germanic peoples who settled in northern
Europe along the borders of the Roman Empire Figure 17. Expansion of Germanic tribes 1.200
B.C. – 1 A.D.
from the 2nd century.
NOTE. Grimm's law (also known as the First Germanic Sound Shift) is a set of statements describing the
inherited Proto-Indo-European stops as they developed in Proto-Germanic some time in the 1st millennium BC. It
establishes a set of regular correspondences between early Germanic stops and fricatives and the stop consonants
of certain other Indo-European languages (Grimm used mostly Latin and Greek for illustration). As it is presently
formulated, Grimm's Law consists of three parts, which must be thought of as three consecutive phases in the
sense of a chain shift:

a. Proto-Indo-European voiceless stops change into voiceless fricatives.

b. Proto-Indo-European voiced stops become voiceless.

c. Proto-Indo-European voiced aspirated stops lose their aspiration and change into plain voiced stops.

The ‗sound law‘ was discovered by Friedrich von Schlegel in 1806 and Rasmus Christian Rask in 1818, and later
elaborated (i.e. extended to include standard German) in 1822 by Jacob Grimm in his book Deutsche Grammatik.

The earliest evidence of the Germanic branch is recorded from names in the 1st century by Tacitus, and
in a single instance in the 2nd century BC, on the Negau helmet. From roughly the 2nd century AD, some
speakers of early Germanic dialects developed the Elder Futhark. Early runic inscriptions are also
largely limited to personal names, and difficult to interpret. The Gothic language was written in the


Gothic alphabet developed by Bishop Ulfilas

for his translation of the Bible in the 4th
century. Later, Christian priests and monks
who spoke and read Latin in addition to
their native Germanic tongue began writing
the Germanic languages with slightly
modified Latin letters, but in Scandinavia,
runic alphabets remained in common use
throughout the Viking Age. In addition to
Figure 18. Spread of Germanic languages the standard Latin alphabet, various
Germanic languages use a variety of accent marks and extra letters, including umlaut, the ß (Eszett), IJ,
Æ, Å, Ð, and Þ, from runes. Historic printed German is frequently set in blackletter typefaces.

Effects of the Grimm‘s Law in examples:

IE-Gmc Germanic (shifted) examples Non-Germanic (unshifted)

p→f Eng. foot, Du. voet, Ger. Fuß, Goth. fōtus, Ice. O.Gk. πνύο (pūs), Lat. pēs, pedis, Skr. pāda,
fótur, Da. fod, Nor.,Swe. fot Russ. pod, Lith. pėda

t→þ Eng. third, O.H.G. thritto, Goth. þridja, Ice. O.Gk. ηξίηνο (tritos), Lat. tertius, Gae. treas,
þriðji Skr. treta, Russ. tretij, Lith. trys

k→h Eng. hound, Du. hond, Ger. Hund, Goth. O.Gk. θύσλ (kýōn), Lat. canis, Gae. cú, Skr.
hunds, Ice. hundur, Sca. hund svan-, Russ. sobaka

kw→hw Eng. what, Du. wat, Ger. was, Goth. ƕa, Da. Lat. quod, Gae. ciod, Skr. ka-, kiṃ, Russ. ko-

hvad, Ice. hvað

b→p Eng. peg Lat. baculum

d→t Eng. ten, Du. tien, Goth. taíhun, Ice. tíu, Da., Lat. decem, Gk. δέθα (déka), Gae. deich, Skr.
Nor.: ti, Swe. tio daśan, Russ. des'at'

g→k Eng. cold, Du. koud, Ger. kalt Lat. gelū

gw→kw Eng. quick, Du. kwiek, Ger. keck, Goth. qius, Lat. vivus, Gk. βίνο (bios), Gae. beò, Lith. gyvas
O.N. kvikr, Swe. kvick

bh→b Eng. brother, Du. broeder, Ger. Bruder, Goth. Lat. frāter, O.Gk. θξαηήξ (phrātēr), Skr.
broþar, Sca.broder bhrātā, Lith. brolis, O.C.S. bratru

dh→d Eng. door, Fris. doar, Du. deur, Goth. daúr, O.Gk. ζύξα (thýra), Skr. dwār, Russ. dver',
Ice. dyr, Da.,Nor. dør, Swe. dörr Lith. durys

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

gh→g Eng. goose, Fris. goes, Du. gans, Ger. Gans, Lat. anser < *hanser, O.Gk. ρήλ (khēn), Skr.
Ice. gæs, Nor.,Swe. gås hansa, Russ. gus'

gwh→gw Eng. wife, O.E. wif, Du. wijf, O.H.G. wib, Tocharian B: kwípe, Tocharian A: kip
O.N.vif, Fae.: vív, Sca. viv

A known exception is that the voiceless stops did not become fricatives if they were preceded by IE s.

PIE Germanic examples Non-Germanic examples

sp Eng. spew, Goth. speiwan, Du. spuien, Ger. speien, Lat. spuere
Swe. spy

st Eng. stand, Du. staan, Ger. stehen, Ice. standa, Lat. stāre, Skr. sta Russian: stat'
Nor.,Swe. stå

sk Eng. short, O.N. skorta, O.H.G. scurz, Du. kort Skr. krdhuh, Lat. curtus, Lith. skurdus

skw Eng. scold, O.N. skäld, Ice. skáld, Du. Schelden Proto-Indo-European: skwetlo

Similarly, PIE t did not become a fricative if it was preceded by p, k, or kw. This is sometimes treated
separately under the Germanic spirant law:

Change Germanic examples Non-Germanic examples

pt→ft Goth. hliftus ―thief‖ O.Gk. θιέπηεο (kleptēs)
kt→ht Eng. eight, Du. acht, Fris. acht, Ger. acht, O.Gk. νθηώ (oktō), Lat. octō, Skr. aṣṭan
Goth. ahtáu, Ice. átta

kwt→h(w)t Eng. night, O.H.G. naht, Du.,Ger. nacht, Gk. nuks, nukt-, Lat. nox, noct-, Skr. naktam,
Goth. nahts, Ice. nótt Russ. noch, Lith. naktis

The Germanic ―sound laws‖, allow one to define the expected sound correspondences between
Germanic and the other branches of the family, as well as for Proto-Indo-European. For example,
Germanic (word-initial) b- corresponds regularly to Italic f-, Greek ph-, Indo-Aryan bh-, Balto-Slavic and
Celtic b-, etc., while Germanic *f-
corresponds to Latin, Greek,
Sanskrit, Slavic and Baltic p- and
to zero (no initial consonant) in
Celtic. The former set goes back
to PIE [bh] (reflected in Sanskrit Figure 19 The Negau helmet (found in Negova, Slovenia), ca. 400
BC, contains the earliest attested Germanic inscription (read from
and modified in various ways right to left). It reads harikastiteiva\\\ip, translated as
elsewhere), and the latter set to an “Harigast the priest”, and it was added probably ca. 200 BC.
original PIE [p] – shifted in Germanic, lost in Celtic, but preserved in the other groups mentioned here.



The Romance languages, a

major branch of the Indo-
European language family,
comprise all languages that
descended from Latin, the
language of the Roman Empire.
Romance languages have some
800 million native speakers
worldwide, mainly in the
Americas, Europe, and Africa, as
well as in many smaller regions Figure 20. Regions where Romance languages are spoken,
either as mother tongue or as second language.
scattered through the world. The
largest languages are Spanish and Portuguese, with about 400 and 200 million mother tongue speakers
respectively, most of them outside Europe. Within Europe, French (with 80 million) and Italian (70
million) are the largest ones. All Romance languages descend from Vulgar Latin, the language of
soldiers, settlers, and slaves of the Roman Empire, which was substantially different from the Classical
Latin of the Roman literati. Between 200 BC and 100 AD, the expansion of the Empire, coupled with
administrative and educational policies of Rome, made Vulgar Latin the dominant native language over
a wide area spanning from the Iberian Peninsula to the Western coast of the Black Sea. During the
Empire's decadence and after its collapse and fragmentation in the 5th century, Vulgar Latin evolved
independently within each local area, and eventually diverged into dozens of distinct languages. The
oversea empires established by Spain, Portugal and France after the 15th century then spread Romance
to the other continents — to such an extent that about 2/3 of all Romance
speakers are now outside Europe.

Latin is usually classified, along with Faliscan, as another Italic

dialect. The Italic speakers were not native to Italy, but migrated
into the Italian Peninsula in the course of the 2nd millennium BC,
and were apparently related to the Celtic tribes that roamed over a
large part of Western Europe at the time. Archaeologically, the
Apennine culture of inhumations enters the Italian Peninsula from
ca. 1350 BC, east to west; the Iron Age reaches Italy from ca. 1100
Figure 21. The „Duenos‟ (Lat. BC, with the Villanovan culture (cremating), intruding north to
„buenus‘) Inscription in Old
Latin, ca. 6 th century BC.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

south. Before the Italic arrival, Italy was populated primarily by non-Indo-European groups (perhaps
including the Etruscans). The first settlement on the Palatine hill dates to ca. 750 BC, settlements on the
Quirinal to 720 BC, both related to the Founding of Rome.

The ancient Venetic language, as revealed by its inscriptions (including complete sentences), was also
closely related to the Italic languages and is sometimes even classified as Italic. However, since it also
shares similarities with other Western Indo-European branches (particularly Germanic), some linguists
prefer to consider it an independent Indo-
European language.

Italic is usually divided into:

 Sabellic, including:
 Oscan, spoken in south-
central Italy.
 Umbrian group:
o Umbrian
o Volscian
o Aequian
o Marsian,
o South Picene
 Latino-Faliscan, including:
 Faliscan, which was
spoken in the area around
Falerii Veteres (modern

Civita Castellana) north of the Figure 22. Iron Age Italy. In central Italy, Italic
languages. In southern and north-western Italy, other
city of Rome and possibly Indo-European languages. Venetic, Sicanian and Sicel
were possibly also languages of the IE family.
 Latin, which was spoken in west-central Italy. The Roman conquests eventually spread it
throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.

Phonetic changes from PIE to Latin: bh > f, dh > f, gh > h/f, gw > v/g, kw > kw (qu)/k (c), p > p/ qu.

Figure 23. The Masiliana tablet abecedarium, ca. 700 BC, read right to left:


The Italic languages are first attested in writing from Umbrian

and Faliscan inscriptions dating to the 7th century BC. The
alphabets used are based on the Old Italic alphabet, which is itself
based on the Greek alphabet. The Italic languages themselves
show minor influence from the Etruscan and somewhat more
from the Ancient Greek languages.

Oscan had much in common with Latin, though there are also
some differences, and many common word-groups in Latin were
represented by different forms; as, Latin uolo, uelle, uolui, and
other such forms from PIE wel, will, were represented by words
derived from gher, desire, cf. Oscan herest, “he wants, desires‖
as opposed to Latin uult (id.). Latin locus, ―place‖ was absent and
represented by slaagid.

In phonology, Oscan also shows a different evolution, as Oscan

'p' instead of Latin 'qu' (cf. Osc. pis, Lat. quis); 'b' instead of Latin
'v'; medial 'f' in contrast to Latin 'b' or 'd' (cf. Osc. mefiai, Lat.
mediae), etc.

Up to 8 cases are found; apart from the 6 cases of Classic Latin

(i.e. N-V-A-G-D-Ab), there was a Locative (cf. Lat. proxumae Figure 24. Forum inscription in
Latin, written boustrophedon
viciniae, domī, carthagini, Osc. aasai ‗in ārā‘ etc.) and an
Instrumental (cf. Columna Rostrata Lat. pugnandod, marid, naualid, etc, Osc. cadeis amnud,
‗inimicitiae causae‟, preiuatud ‗prīuātō‟, etc.). About forms different from original Genitives and
Datives, compare Genitive (Lapis Satricanus:) popliosio valesiosio (the type in -ī is also very old,
Segomaros -i), and Dative (Praeneste
Fibula:) numasioi, (Lucius Cornelius
Scipio Epitaph:) quoiei.

As Rome extended its political

dominion over the whole of the Italian
Peninsula, so too did Latin become
dominant over the other Italic
languages, which ceased to be spoken
perhaps sometime in the 1st century AD.

Figure 25. Romance Languages Today.

The Red line divides Western from
Eastern (and Insular) Romance.
Indo-European Revival Association –
1. Introduction


The Slavic languages (also called Slavonic languages), a group of closely related languages of the
Slavic peoples and a subgroup of the Indo-European language family, have speakers in most of Eastern
Europe, in much of the Balkans, in parts of Central Europe, and in the northern part of Asia. The largest
languages are Russian and Polish, with 165 and some 47 million speakers, respectively. The oldest
Slavic literary language was Old Church Slavonic, which later evolved into Church Slavonic.

Figure 26. Distribution of Slavic languages in Europe now and in the past (in stripes) .

There is much debate whether pre-Proto-Slavic branched off directly from Proto-Indo-European, or
whether it passed through a Proto-Balto-Slavic stage which split apart before 1000BC.


The original homeland of the speakers of Proto-

Slavic remains controversial too. The most ancient
recognizably Slavic hydronyms (river names) are
to be found in northern and western Ukraine and
southern Belarus. It has also been noted that
Proto-Slavic seemingly lacked a maritime

The Proto-Slavic language existed approximately

to the middle of the first millennium AD. By the 7th
century, it had broken apart into large dialectal
zones. Linguistic differentiation received impetus

Figure 27. Historical distribution of the Slavic from the dispersion of the Slavic peoples over a
languages. The larger shaded area is the large territory – which in Central Europe exceeded
Prague-Penkov-Kolochin complex of cultures of
the sixth to seventh centuries, likely the current extent of Slavic-speaking territories.
corresponding to the spread of Slavic-speaking
tribes of the time. The smaller shaded area
Written documents of the 9th, 10th & 11th centuries
indicates the core area of Slavic river names. already show some local linguistic features.
NOTE. For example the Freising monuments show a language which contains some phonetic and lexical elements
peculiar to Slovenian dialects (e.g. rhotacism, the word krilatec).

In the second half of the ninth century, the dialect spoken north of Thessaloniki became the basis for
the first written Slavic language, created by the brothers Cyril and Methodius who translated portions of
the Bible and other church books. The language they recorded is known as Old Church Slavonic. Old
Church Slavonic is not identical to Proto-Slavic, having been recorded at least two centuries after the
breakup of Proto-Slavic, and it shows features that clearly distinguish it from Proto-Slavic. However, it
is still reasonably close, and the mutual intelligibility between Old Church Slavonic and other Slavic
dialects of those days was proved by Cyril‘s and Methodius‘ mission to Great Moravia and Pannonia.
There, their early South Slavic dialect used for the translations was clearly understandable to the local
population which spoke an early West Slavic dialect.

As part of the preparation for the mission, the Glagolitic alphabet was created in 862 and the most
important prayers and liturgical books, including the Aprakos Evangeliar – a Gospel Book lectionary
containing only feast-day and Sunday readings – , the Psalter, and Acts of the Apostles, were translated.
The language and the alphabet were taught at the Great Moravian Academy (O.C.S. Veľkomoravské
učilište) and were used for government and religious documents and books. In 885, the use of the Old
Church Slavonic in Great Moravia was prohibited by the Pope in favour of Latin. Students of the two
apostles, who were expelled from Great Moravia in 886, brought the Glagolitic alphabet and the Old

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

Church Slavonic language to the Bulgarian Empire, where it was taught and Cyrillic alphabet developed
in the Preslav Literary School.

Vowel changes from PIE to Proto-Slavic:

 i1 < PIE ī, ei;

 i2 < reduced *ai (*ăi/*ui) < PIE ai, oi;
 ь < *i < PIE i;

 e < PIE e;
 ę < PIE en, em;
 ě1 < PIE *ē,
 ě2 < *ai < PIE ai, oi;

 a < *ā < PIE ā, ō;

 o < *a < PIE a, o, *ə;

 ǫ < *an, *am < PIE an, on, am, om;

 ъ < *u < PIE u;

 y < PIE ū;
 u < *au < PIE au, ou.

NOTE 1. Apart from this simplified equivalences, other

evolutions appear:
o The vowels i2, ě2 developed later than i1, ě1. In Late Proto- Figure 28. A page from the 10 th -11 th
century Codex Zographensis found in
Slavic there were no differences in pronunciation between i1 and the Zograf Monastery in 1843. It is
i2 as well as between ě1 and ě2. They had caused, however, written in Old Church Slavonic, in
the Glagolitic alphabet designed by
different changes of preceding velars, see below. brothers St Cyril and St Methodius.
o Late Proto-Slavic yers ь, ъ < earlier i, u developed also from
reduced PIE e, o respectively. The reduction was probably a morphologic process rather than phonetic.
o We can observe similar reduction of *ā into *ū (and finally y) in some endings, especially in closed syllables.
o The development of the Sla. i2 was also a morphologic phenomenon, originating only in some endings.
o Another source of the Proto-Slavic y is *ō in Germanic loanwords – the borrowings took place when Proto-
Slavic no longer had ō in native words, as PIE ō had already changed into *ā.
o PIE *ə disappeared without traces when in a non-initial syllable.
o PIE eu probably developed into *jau in Early Proto-Slavic (or: during the Balto-Slavic epoch), and
eventually into Proto-Slavic *ju.
o According to some authors, PIE long diphthongs ēi, āi, ōi, ēu, āu, ōu had twofold development in Early
Proto-Slavic, namely they shortened in endings into simple *ei, *ai, *oi, *eu, *au, *ou but they lost their second
element elsewhere and changed into *ē, *ā, *ō with further development like above.


NOTE 2. Other vocalic changes from Proto-Slavic include *jo, *jъ, *jy changed into *je, *jь, *ji; *o, *ъ, *y also
changed into *e, *ь, *i after *c, *ʒ, *s‘ which developed as the result of the 3rd palatalization; *e, *ě changed into
*o, *a after *č, *ǯ, *š, *ž in some contexts or words; a similar change of *ě into *a after *j seems to have occurred in
Proto-Slavic but next it can have been modified by analogy.

On the origin of Proto-Slavic consonants, the following relationships are regularly found:

 p < PIE p;
 b < PIE b, bh;
 t < PIE t;
 d < PIE d, dh;
 k < PIE k, kw;
o s < PIE *kj;
 g < PIE g, gh, gw, gwh;
o z < PIE *gj, *gjh;
 s < PIE s;
o z < PIE s [z] before a voiced
o x < PIE s before a vowel when
after r, u, k, i, probably also after l;
 m < PIE m;
 n < PIE n;
 l < PIE l;
 r < PIE r;
 v < PIE w;
Figure 29. Page from the Spiridon Psalter in
 j < PIE j. Church Slavic, a language derived from Old
Church Slavonic by adapting pronunciation and
In some words the Proto-Slavic x developed from orthography, and replacing some old and
other PIE phonemes, like kH, ks, sk. obscure words and expressions by their
vernacular counterparts.
About the common changes of Slavic dialects, compare:

1) In the 1st palatalization,

 *k, *g, *x > *č, *ǯ, *š before *i1, *ě1, *e, *ę, *ь;

 next ǯ changed into ž everywhere except after z;

 *kt, *gt > *tj before *i1, *ě1, *e, *ę, *ь (there are only examples for *kti).

Indo-European Revival Association –

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2) In the 2nd palatalization (which apparently didn‘t occur in old northern Russian dialects)

 *k, *g, *x > *c, *ʒ, *s‟ before *i2, *ě2;

 *s‟ mixed with s or š in individual Slavic dialects;
 *ʒ simplified into z, except Polish;
 also *kv, *gv, *xv > *cv, *ʒv, *s‟v before *i2, *ě2 in some dialects (not in West Slavic and
probably not in East Slavic – Russian examples may be of South Slavic origin);

3) The third palatalization

 *k, *g, *x > *c, *ʒ, *s‟ after front vowels (*i, *ь, *ě, *e, *ę) and *ьr (= *ŕ̥), before a vowel;
 it was progressive contrary to the 1st and the 2nd palatalization;
 it occurred inconsistently, only in certain words, and sometimes it was limited to some Proto-
Slavic dialects;

sometimes a palatalized form and a non-palatalized one existed side-by-side even within the same
dialect (e.g. O.C.S. sikъ || sicь 'such');

In fact, no examples are known for the 3rd palatalization after *ě, *e, and (few) examples after *ŕ̥ are
limited to Old Church Slavonic.

In Consonants + j

o *sj, *zj > *š, *ţ;

o *stj, *zdj > *šč, *ţǯ;

o *kj, *gj, *xj > *č, *ǯ, *š (next *ǯ > *ţ);

o *skj, *zgj > *šč, *ţǯ;

o *tj, *dj had been preserved and developed variously in individual Slavic dialects;
o *rj, *lj, *nj were preserved until the end of Proto-Slavic, next developed into palatalized *ŕ, *ĺ, *ń;
o *pj, *bj, *vj, *mj had been preserved until the end of the Proto-Slavic epoch, next developed into *pĺ,
*bĺ, *vĺ, *mĺ in most Slavic dialects, except Western Slavic.



The Baltic languages are a group of related

languages belonging to the Indo-European language
family and spoken mainly in areas extending east and
southeast of the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe.

The language group is sometimes divided into two

sub-groups: Western Baltic, containing only extinct
languages as Prussian or Galindan, and Eastern Baltic,
containing both extinct and the two living languages in
the group, Lithuanian and Latvian – including literary
Latvian and Latgalian. While related, the Lithuanian,
the Latvian, and particularly the Old Prussian
vocabularies differ substantially from each other and
are not mutually intelligible. The now extinct Old
Prussian language has been considered the most archaic
Figure 30. Distribution of Baltic languages
today and in the past (in stripes) of the Baltic languages.

Baltic and Slavic share more close similarities, phonological, lexical, and morpho-syntactic, than any
other language groups within the Indo-European language family. Many linguists, following the lead of
such notable Indo-Europeanists as August Schleicher and Oswald Szemerényi, take these to indicate
that the two groups separated from a common ancestor, the Proto-Balto-Slavic language, only well
after the breakup of Indo-European.

The first evidence was that many words are common in their form and meaning to Baltic and Slavic, as
―run‖ (cf. Lith. bėgu, O.Pruss. bīgtwei, Sla. běgǫ, Russ. begu, Pol. biegnę), ―tilia‖ (cf. Lith. liepa, Ltv.
liepa, O.Pruss. līpa, Sla. lipa, Russ. lipa, Pol. lipa), etc.
NOTE. The amount of shared words might be explained either by existence of common Balto-Slavic language in
the past or by their close geographical, political and cultural contact throughout history.

Until Meillet's Dialectes indo-européens of 1908, Balto-Slavic unity was undisputed among linguists –
as he notes himself at the beginning of the Le Balto-Slave chapter, ―L'unité linguistique balto-slave est
l'une de celles que personne ne conteste‖ (―Balto-Slavic linguistic unity is one of those that no one
contests‖). Meillet's critique of Balto-Slavic confined itself to the seven characteristics listed by Karl
Brugmann in 1903, attempting to show that no single one of these is sufficient to prove genetic unity.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

Szemerényi in his 1957 re-examination of Meillet's results concludes that the Balts and Slavs did, in
fact, share a ―period of common language and life‖, and were probably separated due to the incursion
of Germanic tribes along the Vistula and the Dnepr roughly at the beginning of the Common Era.
Szemerényi notes fourteen points that he judges cannot be ascribed to chance or parallel innovation:

o phonological palatalization
o the development of i and u
before PIE resonants
o ruki Sound law (v.i.)
o accentual innovations
o the definite adjective
o participle inflection in -yo-
o the genitive singular of thematic
stems in -ā(t)-
o the comparative formation
o the oblique 1st singular men-, 1st
plural nōsom
o tos/tā for PIE so/sā pronoun
o the agreement of the irregular
athematic verb (Lithuanian dúoti,
Slavic datь)
o the preterite in ē/ā

o verbs in Baltic -áuju, Sla. -ujǫ

o the strong correspondence of Figure 31 Baltic Tribes c. 1200 AD.
vocabulary not observed between any other pair of branches of the Indo-European languages.
o lengthening of a short vowel before a voiced plosive (Winter)

NOTE. ‗Ruki‘ is the term for a sound law which is followed especially in Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian dialects.
The name of the term comes from the sounds which cause the phonetic change, i.e. PIE s > š / r, u, K, i (it
associates with a Slavic word which means 'hands' or 'arms'). A sibilant [s] is retracted to [ʃ] after i,u,r, and after
velars (i.e. k which may have developed from earlier k, g, gh). Due to the character of the retraction, it was
probably an apical sibilant (as in Spanish), rather than the dorsal of English. The first phase (s > š) seems to be
universal, the later retroflexion (in Sanskrit and probably in Proto-Slavic as well) is due to levelling of the sibilant
system, and so is the third phase - the retraction to velar [x] in Slavic and also in some Middle Indian languages,
with parallels in e.g. Spanish. This rule was first formulated for the Indo-European by Holger Pedersen, and it is
known sometimes as the ―Pedersen law‖.


The Celtic languages are the languages
descended from Proto-Celtic, or ―Common
Celtic‖, a dialect of Proto-Indo-European.

During the 1st millennium BC, especially

between the 5th and 2nd centuries BC they
were spoken across Europe, from the
southwest of the Iberian Peninsula and the
North Sea, up the Rhine and down the
Danube to the Black Sea and the Upper
Balkan Peninsula, and into Asia Minor
(Galatia). Today, Celtic languages are now
limited to a few enclaves in the British Isles
and on the peninsula of Brittany in France.
Figure 32. Distribution of Celtic languages in
The distinction of Celtic into different sub- Europe, at its greatest expansion in 500 B.C. in
lighter color, the so-called „Celtic Nations‟ in
families probably occurred about 1000 BC. The darker color, and today‟s Celtic-speaking
populations in the darkest color.
early Celts are commonly associated with the
archaeological Urnfield culture, the La Tène culture, and the Hallstatt culture.

Scholarly handling of the Celtic languages has been rather argumentative owing to lack of primary
source data. Some scholars distinguish Continental and Insular Celtic, arguing that the differences
between the Goidelic and Brythonic languages arose after these split off from the Continental Celtic
languages. Other scholars distinguish P-Celtic from Q-Celtic, putting most of the Continental Celtic
languages in the former group – except for Celtiberian, which is Q-Celtic.

There are two competing schemata of categorization. One scheme, argued for by Schmidt (1988)
among others, links Gaulish with Brythonic in a P-Celtic node, leaving Goidelic as Q-Celtic. The
difference between P and Q languages is the treatment of PIE kw, which became *p in the P-Celtic
languages but *k in Goidelic. An example is the Proto-Celtic verbal root *kwrin- ―to buy‖, which became
pryn- in Welsh but cren- in Old Irish.

The other scheme links Goidelic and Brythonic together as an Insular Celtic branch, while Gaulish and
Celtiberian are referred to as Continental Celtic. According to this theory, the ‗P-Celtic‘ sound change of
[kw] to [p] occurred independently or areally. The proponents of the Insular Celtic hypothesis point to
other shared innovations among Insular Celtic languages, including inflected prepositions, VSO word
order, and the lenition of intervocalic [m] to [β̃], a nasalized voiced bilabial fricative (an extremely rare

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

sound), etc. There is, however, no assumption that the Continental Celtic languages descend from a
common ―Proto-Continental Celtic‖ ancestor. Rather, the Insular/Continental schemata usually
consider Celtiberian the first branch to split from
Proto-Celtic, and the remaining group would later
have split into Gaulish and Insular Celtic. Known
PIE evolutions into Proto-Celtic:

 p > Ø in initial and intervocalic

 l̥ > /li/
 r̥ > /ri/
 gwh > /g/
 gw > /b/
 ō> /ā/, /ū/ Figure 33. Inscription CΔΓΟΚΑΡΟC ΟΥΗΙΙΟΛΔΟC
NOTE. Later evolution of Celtic languages: ē CΟCΗΛ ΛΔΚΖΤΟΛ, translated as “Segomaros, son of
Uillo, toutious (tribe leader) of Namausos, dedicated
>/ī/; Thematic genitive *ōd/*ī; Aspirated Voiced >
this sanctuary to Belesama”.
Voiced; Specialized Passive in -r.

Italo-Celtic refers to the hypothesis that Italic and Celtic dialects are descended from a common
ancestor, Proto-Italo-Celtic, at a stage post-dating Proto-Indo-European. Since both Proto-Celtic and
Proto-Italic date to the early Iron Age (say, the centuries on either side of 1000 BC), a probable time
frame for the assumed period of language contact would be the late Bronze Age, the early to mid 2nd
millennium BC. Such grouping is supported among others by Meillet (1890), and Kortlandt (2007).

One argument for Italo-Celtic was the thematic Genitive in i (dominus, domini). Both in Italic
(Popliosio Valesiosio, Lapis Satricanus) and in Celtic (Lepontic, Celtiberian -o), however, traces of the -
osyo Genitive of Proto-Indo-European have been discovered, so that the spread of the i-Genitive could
have occurred in the two groups independently, or by areal diffusion. The community of -ī in Italic and
Celtic may be then attributable to early contact, rather than to an original unity. The i-Genitive has been
compared to the so-called Cvi formation in Sanskrit, but that too is probably a comparatively late
development. The phenomenon is probably related to the Indo-European feminine long i stems and the
Luwian i-mutation.

Another argument was the ā-subjunctive. Both Italic and Celtic have a subjunctive descended from an
earlier optative in -ā-. Such an optative is not known from other languages, but the suffix occurs in
Balto-Slavic and Tocharian past tense formations, and possibly in Hittite -ahh-.

Both Celtic and Italic have collapsed the PIE Aorist and Perfect into a single past tense.




Messapian (also known as Messapic) is an extinct Indo-European language of south-eastern Italy,

once spoken in the regions of Apulia and Calabria. It was spoken by the three Iapygian tribes of the
region: the Messapians, the Daunii and the Peucetii. The language, a centum dialect, has been
preserved in about 260 inscriptions dating from the 6th to the 1st century BC.

There is a hypothesis that Messapian was an Illyrian language. The Illyrian languages were spoken
mainly on the other side of the Adriatic Sea. The link between Messapian and Illyrian is based mostly
on personal names found on tomb inscriptions and on classical references, since hardly any traces of
the Illyrian language are left.

The Messapian language became extinct after the Roman Empire conquered the region and
assimilated the inhabitants.

Some phonetic characteristics of the language may be regarded as quite certain:

 the change of PIE short -o- to -a-, as in the last syllable of the genitive kalatoras.
 of final -m to -n, as in aran.
 of -ni- to -nn-, as in the Messapian praenomen Dazohonnes vs. the Illyrian praenomen
Dazonius; the Messapian genitive Dazohonnihi vs. Illyrian genitive Dasonii, etc.
 of -ti- to -tth-, as in the Messapian praenomen Dazetthes vs. Illyrian Dazetius; the Messapian
genitive Dazetthihi vs. the Illyrian genitive Dazetii; from a Dazet- stem common in Illyrian and
 of -si- to -ss-, as in Messapian Vallasso for Vallasio, a derivative from the shorter name Valla.
 the loss of final -d, as in tepise, and probably of final -t, as in -des, perhaps meaning ―set‖, from
PIE dhe-, ―set, put‖.
 the change of voiced aspirates in Proto-Indo-European to plain voiced consonants: PIE dh- or -
dh- to d- or -d-, as Mes. anda (< PIE en-dha- < PIE en-, ―in‖, compare Gk. entha), and PIE bh-
or -bh- to b- or -b-, as Mes. beran (< PIE bher-, ―to bear‖).
 -au- before (at least some) consonants becomes -ā-: Bāsta, from Bausta
 the form penkaheh – which Torp very probably identifies with the Oscan stem pompaio – a
derivative of the Proto-Indo-European numeral penqe-, ―five‖.

If this last identification be correct it would show, that in Messapian (just as in Venetic and Ligurian)
the original labiovelars (kw, gw, gwh) were retained as gutturals and not converted into labials. The
change of o to a is exceedingly interesting, being associated with the northern branches of Indo-

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

European such as Gothic, Albanian and Lithuanian, and not appearing in any other southern dialect
hitherto known. The Greek Aphrodite appears in the form Aprodita (Dat. Sg., fem.).

The use of double consonants which has been already pointed out in the Messapian inscriptions has
been very acutely connected by Deecke with the tradition that the same practice was introduced at
Rome by the poet Ennius who came from the Messapian town Rudiae (Festus, p. 293 M).


Venetic is an Indo-European language that was spoken in ancient times in the Veneto region of Italy,
between the Po River delta and the southern fringe of the Alps.

The language is attested by over 300 short inscriptions dating between the 6th century BC and 1st
century. Its speakers are identified with the ancient people called Veneti by the Romans and Enetoi by
the Greek. It became extinct around the 1st century when the local inhabitants were assimilated into the
Roman sphere.

Venetic was a centum dialect. The inscriptions use a variety of the Northern Italic alphabet, similar to
the Old Italic alphabet.

The exact relationship of Venetic to other Indo-European languages is still being investigated, but the
majority of scholars agree that Venetic, aside from Liburnian, was closest to the Italic languages.
Venetic may also have been related to the Illyrian languages, though the theory that Illyrian and Venetic
were closely related is debated by current scholarship.

Some important parallels with the Germanic languages have also been noted, especially in pronominal

Ven. ego, ―I‖, acc. mego, ―me‖; Goth. ik, acc. mik; Lat. ego, acc. me.

Ven. sselboisselboi, ―to oneself‖; O.H.G. selb selbo; Lat. sibi ipsi.

Venetic had about six or even seven noun cases and four conjugations (similar to Latin). About 60
words are known, but some were borrowed from Latin (liber.tos. < libertus) or Etruscan. Many of them
show a clear Indo-European origin, such as Ven. vhraterei < PIE bhraterei, ―to the brother‖.

In Venetic, PIE stops bh, dh and gh developed to /f/, /f/ and /h/, respectively, in word-initial
position (as in Latin and Osco-Umbrian), but to /b/, /d/ and /g/, respectively, in word-internal
intervocalic position, as in Latin. For Venetic, at least the developments of bh and dh are clearly
attested. Faliscan and Osco-Umbrian preserve internal /f/, /f/ and /h/.


There are also indications of the developments of PIE gw- > w-, PIE kw > *kv and PIE *gwh- > f- in
Venetic, all of which are parallel to Latin, as well as the regressive assimilation of PIE sequence
>, a feature also found in Italic and Celtic (Lejeune 1974).


The Ligurian language was spoken in pre-Roman times and into the Roman era by an ancient
people of north-western Italy and south-eastern France known as the Ligures. Very little is known about
this language (mainly place names and personal names remain) which is generally believed to have
been Indo-European; it appears to have adopted significantly from other Indo-European languages,
primarily Celtic (Gaulish) and Italic (Latin).

Strabo states “As for the Alps... Many tribes (éthnê) occupy these mountains, all Celtic (Keltikà)
except the Ligurians; but while these Ligurians belong to a different people (hetero-ethneis), still they
are similar to the Celts in their modes of life (bíois).”


The Liburnian language is an extinct language which was spoken by the ancient Liburnians, who
occupied Liburnia in classical times. The Liburnian language is reckoned as an Indo-European
language, usually classified within the Centum group. It appears to have been on the same Indo-
European branch as the Venetic language; indeed, the Liburnian tongue may well have been a Venetic

No writings in Liburnian are known however. The grouping of Liburnian with Venetic is based on the
Liburnian onomastics. In particular, Liburnian anthroponyms show strong Venetic affinities, with
many common or similar names and a number of common roots, such as Vols-, Volt-, and Host- (<PIE
ghos-ti-, ―stranger, guest, host‖). Liburnian and Venetic names also share suffixes in common, such as
-icus and -ocus.

These features set Liburnian and Venetic apart from the Illyrian onomastic province, though this does
not preclude the possibility that Venetic-Liburnian and Illyrian may have been closely related,
belonging to the same Indo-European branch. In fact, a number of linguists argue that this is the case,
based on similar phonetic features and names in common between Venetic-Liburnian on the one hand
and Illyrian on the other.

The Liburnians were conquered by the Romans in 35 BC. The Liburnian language eventually was
replaced by Latin, undergoing language death probably very early in the Common era.

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1. Introduction


Lusitanian (so named after the Lusitani or Lusitanians) was a paleo-Iberian Indo-European
language known by only five inscriptions and numerous toponyms and theonyms. The language was
spoken before the Roman conquest of Lusitania, in the territory inhabited by Lusitanian tribes, from
Douro to the Tagus rivers in the Iberian Peninsula.

The Lusitanians were the most numerous people in the western area of the Iberian peninsula, and
there are those who consider that they came from the Alps; others believe the Lusitanians were a native
Iberian tribe. In any event, it is known that they were established in the area before the 6th century BC.

Lusitanian appears to have been an Indo-

European language which was quite different from
the languages spoken in the centre of the Iberian
Peninsula. It would be more archaic than the
Celtiberian language.

The affiliation of the Lusitanian language is still in

debate. There are those who endorse that it is a
Figure 34. Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres)
Celtic language. This Celtic theory is largely based
upon the historical fact that the only Indo- EN ETOM. INDI. NA(.) (....) CE. IOM. M
European tribes that are known to have existed in Portugal at that time were Celtic tribes. The apparent
Celtic character of most of the lexicon —anthroponyms and toponyms — may also support a Celtic

There is a substantial problem in the Celtic theory however: the preservation of initial /p/, as in
Lusitanian pater or porcom, meaning ―father‖ and ―pig‖, respectively. The Celtic languages had lost
that initial /p/ in their evolution; compare Lat. pater, Gaul. ater, and Lat. porcum, O.Ir. orc. However,
the presence of this /p/ does not necessarily preclude the possibility of Lusitanian being Celtic, because
it could have split off from Proto-Celtic before the loss of /p/, or when /p/ had become /ɸ/ (before
shifting to /h/ and then being lost); the letter p could have been used to represent either sound.

A second theory, defended by Francisco Villar and Rosa Pedrero, relates Lusitanian with the Italic
languages. The theory is based on parallels in the names of deities, as Lat. Consus, Lus. Cossue, Lat.
Seia, Lus. Segia, or Marrucinian Iovia, Lus. Iovea(i), etc. and other lexical items, as Umb. gomia, Lus.
comaiam, with some other grammatical elements.

Inscriptions have been found in Spain in Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres), and in Portugal in Cabeço das
Fragas (Guarda) and in Moledo (Viseu).



Tocharian or Tokharian is
one of the most obscure branches
of the group of Indo-European
languages. The name of the
language is taken from people
known to the Greek historians
(Ptolemy VI, 11, 6) as the
Tocharians (Greek Τόραξνη,
―Tokharoi‖). These are
sometimes identified with the
Yuezhi and the Kushans, while
the term Tokharistan usually
refers to 1st millennium Bactria. A Figure 35. Wooden plate with inscriptions in Tocharian.
Kucha, China, 5 th -8 th century.
Turkic text refers to the Turfanian
language (Tocharian A) as twqry. Interpretation is difficult, but F. W. K. Müller has associated this with
the name of the Bactrian Tokharoi. In Tocharian, the language is referred to as arish-käna and the
Tocharians as arya.

Tocharian consisted of two languages; Tocharian A (Turfanian, Arsi, or East Tocharian) and
Tocharian B (Kuchean or West Tocharian). These languages were spoken roughly from the 6th to 9th
century centuries; before they became extinct, their speakers were absorbed into the expanding Uyghur
tribes. Both languages were once spoken in the Tarim Basin in Central Asia, now the Xinjiang
Autonomous Region of China.

Tocharian is documented in manuscript fragments, mostly from the 8th century (with a few earlier
ones) that were written on palm leaves, wooden tablets and Chinese paper, preserved by the extremely
dry climate of the Tarim Basin. Samples of the language have been discovered at sites in Kucha and
Karasahr, including many mural inscriptions.

Tocharian A and B are not intercomprehensible. Properly speaking, based on the tentative
interpretation of twqry as related to Tokharoi, only Tocharian A may be referred to as Tocharian, while
Tocharian B could be called Kuchean (its native name may have been kuśiððe), but since their
grammars are usually treated together in scholarly works, the terms A and B have proven useful. The
common Proto-Tocharian language must precede the attested languages by several centuries, probably
dating to the 1st millennium BC.

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1. Introduction



Greek (Gk. Ειιεληθά, ―Hellenic‖) is an

Indo-European branch with a
documented history of 3,500 years.
Today, Modern Greek is spoken by 15
million people in Greece, Cyprus, the
former Yugoslavia, particularly the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
Bulgaria, Albania and Turkey.

Greek has been written in the Greek

alphabet, the first true alphabet, since
the 9th century B.C. and before that, in
Linear B and the Cypriot syllabaries.
Greek literature has a long and rich
tradition. Figure 36. Location of Ancient Greek dialects by 400 BC.

Greek has been spoken in the Balkan Peninsula since the 2nd millennium BC. The earliest evidence of
this is found in the Linear B tablets dating from 1500 BC. The later Greek alphabet is unrelated to
Linear B, and was derived from the Phoenician alphabet; with minor modifications, it is still used today.

Mycenaean is the most ancient attested form of the Greek branch, spoken on mainland Greece and
on Crete in the 16th to 11th centuries BC, before the Dorian invasion. It is preserved in inscriptions in
Linear B, a script invented on Crete before the 14th century BC. Most instances of these inscriptions are
on clay tablets found in Knossos and in Pylos. The language is named after Mycenae, the first of the
palaces to be excavated.

The tablets remained long undeciphered, and every conceivable language was suggested for them,
until Michael Ventris deciphered the script in 1952 and proved the language to be an early form of
Greek or closely related to the Greek branch of Indo-European.

The texts on the tablets are mostly lists and inventories. No prose narrative survives, much less myth
or poetry. Still, much may be glimpsed from these records about the people who produced them, and
about the Mycenaean period at the eve of the so-called Greek Dark Ages.


Unlike later varieties of Greek, Mycenaean Greek

probably had seven grammatical cases, the
nominative, the genitive, the accusative, the dative,
the instrumental, the locative, and the vocative. The
instrumental and the locative however gradually fell
out of use.
NOTE. For the Locative in -ei, compare di-da-ka-re,
‗didaskalei‟, e-pi-ko-e, ‗Epikóhei‗, etc (in Greek there are
syntactic compounds like puloi-genēs, ‗born in Pylos‟);
also, for remains of an Ablative case in -ōd, compare
(months‘ names) ka-ra-e-ri-jo-me-no, wo-de-wi-jo-me-
no, etc.

Proto-Greek, a Centum dialect within the

southern IE dialectal group (very close to
Mycenaean), does appear to have been affected by
the general trend of palatalization characteristic of the
Satem group, evidenced for example by the (post- Figure 37 Linear B has roughly 200 signs,
divided into syllabic signs with phonetic
Mycenaean) change of labiovelars into dentals before values and logograms (or ideograms) with
e (e.g. kwe > te ―and‖). semantic values

The primary sound changes from PIE to Proto-Greek include

 Aspiration of /s/ -> /h/ intervocalic

 De-voicing of voiced aspirates.
 Dissimilation of aspirates (Grassmann's law), possibly post-Mycenaean.
 word-initial j- (not Hj-) is strengthened to dj- (later δ-)

The loss of prevocalic *s was not completed entirely, famously evidenced by sus ―sow‖, dasus ―dense‖;
sun ―with‖ is another example, sometimes considered contaminated with PIE kom (Latin cum, Proto-
Greek *kon) to Homeric / Old Attic ksun, although probably consequence of Gk. psi-substrate (Villar).

Sound changes between Proto-Greek and Mycenaean include:

 Loss of final stop consonants; final /m/ -> /n/.

 Syllabic /m/ and /n/ -> /am/, /an/ before resonants; otherwise /a/.
 Vocalization of laryngeals between vowels and initially before consonants to /e/, /a/, /o/ from h 1,
h2, h3 respectively.

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1. Introduction

 The sequence CRHC (C = consonant, R = resonant, H = laryngeal) becomes CRēC, CRāC, CRōC
from H = *h1, *h2, *h3, respectively.
 The sequence CRHV (C = consonant, R = resonant, H = laryngeal, V = vowel) becomes CaRV.
 loss of s in consonant clusters, with supplementary lengthening, esmi -> ēmi
 creation of secondary s from clusters, ntia -> nsa. Assibilation ti -> si only in southern dialects.

The PIE dative, instrumental and locative cases are syncretized into a single dative case. Some
desinences are innovated, as e.g. dative plural -si from locative plural -su.

Nominative plural -oi, -ai replaces late PIE -ōs, -ās.

The superlative on -tatos (PIE -tm-to-s) becomes productive.

The peculiar oblique stem gunaik- ―women‖, attested from the Thebes tablets is probably Proto-
Greek; it appears, at least as gunai- also in Armenian.

The pronouns houtos, ekeinos and autos are created. Use of ho, hā, ton as articles is post-Mycenaean.

An isogloss between Greek and the closely related Phrygian is the absence of r-endings in the Middle
in Greek, apparently already lost in Proto-Greek.

Proto-Greek inherited the augment, a prefix é- to verbal forms expressing past tense. This feature it
shares only with Indo-Iranian and Phrygian (and to some extent, Armenian), lending support to a
Southern or Graeco-Aryan Dialect.

The first person middle verbal desinences -mai, -mān replace -ai, -a. The third singular pherei is an
analogical innovation, replacing expected Doric *phereti, Ionic *pheresi (from PIE bhéreti).

The future tense is created,

including a future passive, as
well as an aorist passive.

The suffix -ka- is attached to

some perfects and aorists.

Infinitives in -ehen, -enai and -

men are created.

Figure 38. A ballot voting

for Themistocles, son of
Neocles, under the
Athenian Democracy, ca.
470 BC.



Armenian is an Indo-European language

spoken in the Armenian Republic and also used
by Armenians in the Diaspora. It constitutes an
independent branch of the Indo-European
language family.

Armenian is regarded as a close relative of

Phrygian. From the modern languages Greek
seems to be the most closely related to
Armenian, sharing major isoglosses with it.
Some linguists have proposed that the linguistic
ancestors of the Armenians and Greeks were
either identical or in a close contact relation.

The earliest testimony of the Armenian

Figure 39. Distribution of Armenian speakers in
the 20 th Century.
language dates to the 5th century AD, the Bible
translation of Mesrob Mashtots. The earlier history
of the language is unclear and the subject of much speculation. It is clear that Armenian is an Indo-
European language, but its development is opaque. The Graeco-Armenian hypothesis proposes a close
relationship to the Greek language, putting both in the larger context of Paleo-Balkans languages –
notably including Phrygian, which is widely accepted as an Indo-European language particularly close
to Greek, and sometimes Ancient Macedonian –, consistent with Herodotus' recording of the
Armenians as descending from colonists of the Phrygians.

In any case, Armenian has many layers of loanwords, and shows traces of long language contact with
Hurro-Urartian, Greek and Iranian.

The Proto-Armenian sound-laws are varied and eccentric, such as *dw- yielding erk-, and in many
cases still uncertain.

PIE voiceless stops are aspirated in Proto-Armenian, a circumstance that gave rise to the Glottalic
theory, which postulates that this aspiration may have been sub-phonematic already in PIE. In certain
contexts, these aspirated stops are further reduced to w, h or zero in Armenian (as IE pods, supposed
PIE *pots, into Armenian otn, Greek pous ―foot‖; PIE treis, Armenian erek‟, Greek treis ―three‖).

The reconstruction of Proto-Armenian being very uncertain, there is no general consensus on the date
range when it might have been alive. If Herodotus is correct in deriving Armenians from Phrygian
stock, the Armenian-Phrygian split would probably date to between roughly the 12th and 7th centuries

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1. Introduction

BC, but the individual sound-laws leading to Proto-

Armenian may have occurred at any time preceding the
5th century AD. The various layers of Persian and Greek
loanwords were likely acquired over the course of
centuries, during Urartian (pre-6th century BC)
Achaemenid (6th to 4th c. BC; Old Persian), Hellenistic
(4th to 2nd c. BC Koine Greek) and Parthian (2nd c. BC to
3rd c. AD; Middle Persian) times.

The Armenians according to Diakonoff, are then an

amalgam of the Hurrian (and Urartians), Luvians and
the Proto-Armenian Mushki who carried their IE
language eastwards across Anatolia. After arriving in its
historical territory, Proto-Armenian would appear to
have undergone massive influence on part the languages

it eventually replaced. Armenian phonology, for instance, Figure 40 Armenian manuscript,

appears to have been greatly affected by Urartian, which ca. 5 th -6 th AD

may suggest a long period of bilingualism.

Grammatically, early forms of Armenian had much in common with classical Greek and Latin, but the
modern language (like Modern Greek) has undergone many transformations. Interestingly enough, it
shares with Italic dialects the secondary IE suffix –tio(n), extended from -ti, cf. Arm թյուն (t'youn).

The Indo-Iranian language group constitutes the easternmost extant branch of the Indo-European
family of languages. It consists of four language groups: the Indo-Aryan, Iranian, Nuristani, and Dardic
– sometimes classified within the Indic subgroup. The term Aryan languages is also traditionally
used to refer to the Indo-Iranian languages.

The contemporary Indo-Iranian languages form the largest sub-branch of Indo-European, with more
than one billion speakers in total, stretching from Europe (Romani) and the Caucasus (Ossetian) to East
India (Bengali and Assamese). A 2005 estimate counts a total of 308 varieties, the largest in terms of
native speakers being Hindustani (Hindi and Urdu, ca. 540 million), Bengali (ca. 200 million), Punjabi
(ca. 100 million), Marathi and Persian (ca. 70 million each), Gujarati (ca. 45 million), Pashto (40
million), Oriya (ca. 30 million), Kurdish and Sindhi (ca. 20 million each).


The speakers of the Proto-Indo-Iranian language, the Proto-Indo-Iranians, are usually associated with
the late 3rd millennium BC Sintashta-Petrovka culture of Central Asia. Their expansion is believed to
have been connected
with the invention of
the chariot.

The main change

separating Proto-
Indo-Iranian from
Late PIE, apart from
the satemization, is
the collapse of the
ablauting vowels e,
o, a into a single vowel, Ind.-Ira. *a (but see Brugmann‘s
law in Appendix II). Grassmann's law, Bartholomae‘s law,
and the Ruki sound law were also complete in Proto-Indo-
Iranian. Among the sound changes from Proto-Indo-
Iranian to Indo-Aryan is the loss of the voiced sibilant *z,
among those to Iranian is the de-aspiration of the PIE
voiced aspirates.
Figure 41. Current distribution of Indo-
Iranian dialects in Asia.

Proto-Indo-Iranian Old Iranian Vedic Sanskrit

*açva (―horse‖) Av., O.Pers. aspa aśva
*bhag- O.Pers. baj- (bāji; ―tribute‖) bhag- (bhaga)
*bhrātr- (―brother‖) O.Pers. brātar bhrātṛ
*bhūmī (―earth‖, ―land‖) O.Pers. būmi bhūmī
*martya (―mortal”, ―man‖) O.Pers. martya martya
*māsa (―moon‖) O.Pers. māha māsa
*vāsara (―early‖) O.Pers. vāhara (―spring‖) vāsara (―morning‖)
*arta (―truth‖) Av. aša, O.Pers. arta ṛta
*draugh- (―falsehood‖) Av. druj, O.Pers. draug- druh-
*sauma ―pressed (juice)‖ Av. haoma soma

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1. Introduction



The Kurdish language (Kurdî in Kurdish) is

spoken in the region loosely called Kurdistan,
including Kurdish populations in parts of Iran,
Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Kurdish is an official
language in Iraq while it is banned in Syria. The
number of speakers in Turkey is deemed to be
more than 15 million.

The original language of the people in the area

of Kurdistan was Hurrian, a non-IE language
belonging to the Caucasian family. This older
language was replaced by an Iranian dialect
around 850 BC, with the arrival of the Medes.
Figure 42. Current distribution of Kurdish-
Nevertheless, Hurrian influence on Kurdish is
speaking population in the Near East.
still evident in its ergativic grammatical
structure and in its toponyms.


Ossetic or Ossetian (Ossetic Ирон æвзаг, Iron ævzhag or Иронау, Ironau) is an Iranian language
spoken in Ossetia, a region on the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, on the borders of the Russian
Federation and Georgia.

The Russian area is known as North Ossetia-Alania, while the area in Georgia is called South Ossetia
or Samachablo. Ossetian speakers number about 700.000, sixty percent of whom live in Alania, and
twenty percent in South Ossetia

Ossetian, together with Kurdish, Tati and Talyshi, is one of the main Iranian languages with a sizeable
community of speakers in the Caucasus. It is descended from Alanic, the language of the Alans,
medieval tribes emerging from the earlier Sarmatians. It is believed to be the only surviving descendant
of a Sarmatian language. The closest genetically related language is the Yaghnobi language of
Tajikistan, the only other living member of the Northeastern Iranian branch. Ossetic has a plural
formed by the suffix -ta, a feature it shares with Yaghnobi, Sarmatian and the now-extinct Sogdian; this
is taken as evidence of a formerly wide-ranging Iranian-language dialect continuum on the Central
Asian steppe. The Greek-derived names of ancient Iranian tribes in fact reflect this special plural, e.g.
Saromatae (Σαξνκάηαη) and Masagetae (Μαζαγέηαη).




Romany (or Romani) is the term used for the Indo-European languages of the European Roma and
Sinti. These Indo-Aryan languages should not be confused with either Romanian or Romansh, both of
which are Romance languages.

The Roma people, often referred to as Gypsies, are an ethnic group who live primarily in Europe.
They are believed to be descended from nomadic peoples from northwestern India and Pakistan who
began a Diaspora from the eastern end of the Iranian Plateau into Europe and North Africa about 1.000
years ago. Sinte or Sinti is the name some
communities of the nomadic people usually
called Gypsies in English prefer for
themselves. This includes communities known
in German and Dutch as Zigeuner and in
Italian as Zingari. They are closely related to,
and are usually considered to be a subgroup of,
the Roma people. Roma and Sinte do not form
a majority in any state.

Today's dialects of Romany are differentiated

by the vocabulary accumulated since their
departure from Anatolia, as well as through
divergent phonemic evolutions and
grammatical features. Many Roma no longer
speak the language or speak various new
contact languages from the local language with
the addition of Romany vocabulary.

There are independent groups currently

Figure 43. First arrival of the Roma outside Berne
working toward standardizing the language, in the 15 th century, described by the chronicler as
getoufte heiden "baptized heathens" and drawn with
including groups in Romania,
Serbia, dark skin and wearing Saracen-style clothing and
Montenegro, the United States, and Sweden. A weapons (Spiezer Schilling, p. 749).
standardized form of Romani is used in Serbia, and in Serbia's autonomous province of Vojvodina
Romani is one of the officially recognized languages of minorities having its own radio stations and
news broadcasts.

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1. Introduction

A long-standing common categorization was a division between the Vlax (from Vlach) from non-Vlax
dialects. Vlax are those Roma who lived many centuries in the territory of Romania. The main
distinction between the two groups is the degree to which their vocabulary is borrowed from Romanian.
Vlax-speaking groups include the great number of speakers, between half and two-thirds of all Romani
speakers. Bernard Gillad Smith first made this distinction, and coined the term Vlax in 1915 in the book
The Report on the Gypsy tribes of North East Bulgaria. Subsequently, other groups of dialects were
recognized, primarily based on geographical and vocabulary criteria, including:

 Balkan Romani: in Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia,

Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.
 Romani of Wales.
 Romani of Finland.
 Sinte: in Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland,
Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Switzerland.
 Carpathian Romani: in the Czech Republic, Poland (particularly in the south), Slovakia, Hungary,
Romania, and Ukraine.
 Baltic Romani: in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.
 Turkish dialects:
o Rumeli (Thrace) dialect (Thrace, Uskudar, a district on the Anatolian side of the
Bosphorus): most loanwords are from Greek.
o Anatolian dialect. Most loanwords are from Turkish, Kurdish and Persian.
o Posha dialect, Armenian Gypsies from eastern Anatolia mostly nomads although some
have settled in the region of Van, Turkey. The Kurds call them Mytryp (settled ones).

Some Roma have developed Creole languages or mixed languages, including:

 Caló or Iberian-Romani, which uses the Romani lexicon and Spanish grammar (the Calé).
 Romungro.
 Lomavren or Armenian-Romani.
 Angloromani or English-Romani.
 Scandoromani (Norwegian-Traveller Romani or Swedish-Traveller Romani).
 Romano-Greek or Greek-Romani.
 Romano-Serbian or Serbian-Romani.
 Boyash, a dialect of Romanian with Hungarian and Romani loanwords.
 Sinti-Manouche-Sinti (Romani with German grammar).




Albanian (gjuha shqipe) is a language

spoken by over 8 million people primarily in
Albania, Kosovo, and the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, but also by smaller
numbers of ethnic Albanians in other parts of
the Balkans, along the eastern coast of Italy
and in Sicily, as well other emigrant groups.
The language forms its own distinct branch of
the Indo-European languages.

The Albanian language has no living close

relatives among the modern languages. There
is no scholarly consensus over its origin and Figure 44. Albanian language and its dialects
dialectal classification. Some scholars maintain Gheg, Tosk (also Arbëreshë and Arvanitika)
that it derives from the Illyrian language, and others claim that it derives from Thracian.

While it is considered established that the Albanians originated in the Balkans, the exact location from
which they spread out is hard to pinpoint. Despite varied claims, the Albanians probably came from
farther north and inland than would suggest the present borders of Albania, with a homeland
concentrated in the mountains.

Given the overwhelming amount of shepherding and mountaineering vocabulary as well as the
extensive influence of Latin, it is more likely the Albanians come from north of the Jireček line, on the
Latin-speaking side, perhaps in part from the late Roman province of Dardania from the western
Balkans. However, archaeology has more convincingly pointed to the early Byzantine province of
Praevitana (modern northern Albania) which shows an area where a primarily shepherding,
transhumance population of Illyrians retained their culture.

The period in which Proto-Albanian and Latin interacted was protracted and drawn out over six
centuries, 1st c. AD to 6th or 7th c. AD. This is born out into roughly three layers of borrowings, the largest
number belonging to the second layer. The first, with the fewest borrowings, was a time of less
important interaction. The final period, probably preceding the Slavic or Germanic invasions, also has a
notably smaller amount of borrowings. Each layer is characterized by a different treatment of most
vowels, the first layer having several that follow the evolution of Early Proto-Albanian into Albanian;
later layers reflect vowel changes endemic to Late Latin and presumably Proto-Romance. Other

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1. Introduction

formative changes include the syncretism of several noun case endings, especially in the plural, as well
as a large scale palatalization.

A brief period followed, between 7th c. AD and 9th c. AD, that was marked by heavy borrowings from
Southern Slavic, some of which predate the ―o-a‖ shift common to the modern forms of this language
group. Starting in the latter 9th c. AD, a period followed of protracted contact with the Proto-
Romanians, or Vlachs, though lexical borrowing seems to have been mostly one sided – from Albanian
into Romanian. Such a borrowing indicates that the Romanians migrated from an area where the
majority was Slavic (i.e. Middle Bulgarian) to an area with a majority of Albanian speakers, i.e.
Dardania, where Vlachs are recorded in the 10th c. AD. This fact places the Albanians at a rather early
date in the Western or Central Balkans, most likely in the region of Kosovo and Northern Albania.

References to the existence of Albanian as a distinct language survive from the 1300s, but without
recording any specific words. The oldest surviving documents written in Albanian are the Formula e
Pagëzimit (Baptismal formula), Un'te paghesont' pr'emenit t'Atit e t'Birit e t'Spirit Senit, ―I baptize thee
in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit‖, recorded by Pal Engjelli, Bishop of Durres
in 1462 in the Gheg dialect, and some New Testament verses from that period.



The Phrygian language was the Indo-European language

spoken by the Phrygians, a people that settled in Asia Minor
during the Bronze Age.

Phrygian is attested by two corpora, one, Paleo-Phrygian,

from around 800 BC and later, and another after a period of
several centuries, Neo-Phrygian, from around the beginning
of the Common Era. The Palaeo-Phrygian corpus is further
divided (geographically) into inscriptions of Midas-city,
Gordion, Central, Bithynia, Pteria, Tyana, Daskyleion,
Bayindir, and ―various‖ (documents divers). The Mysian
Figure 45. Traditional Phrygian
region and expanded Kingdom. inscriptions show a language classified as a separate Phrygian
dialect, written in an alphabet with an additional letter, the ―Mysian s‖. We can reconstruct some words
with the help of some inscriptions written with a script similar to the Greek one.

The language survived probably into the sixth century AD, when it was replaced by Greek.


Ancient historians and myths sometimes did associate Phrygian

with Thracian and maybe even Armenian, on grounds of classical
sources. Herodotus recorded the Macedonian account that Phrygians
emigrated into Asia Minor from Thrace (7.73). Later in the text (7.73),
Herodotus states that the Armenians were colonists of the Phrygians,
still considered the same in the time of Xerxes I. The earliest mention
of Phrygian in Greek sources, in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite,
depicts it as different from Trojan: in the hymn, Aphrodite, disguising
herself as a mortal to seduce the Trojan prince Anchises, tells him

―Otreus of famous name is my father, if so be you have heard of

him, and he reigns over all Phrygia rich in fortresses. But I know
your speech well beside my own, for a Trojan nurse brought me up
at home‖. Of Trojan, unfortunately, nothing is known.

Its structure, what can be recovered from it, was typically Indo-
European, with nouns declined for case (at least four), gender (three)
and number (singular and plural), while the verbs are conjugated for
Figure 46. Phrygian
tense, voice, mood, person and number. No single word is attested in all
inscription in Midas City.
its inflectional forms.

Many words in Phrygian are very similar to the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European forms. Phrygian
seems to exhibit an augment, like Greek and Armenian, c.f. eberet, probably corresponding to PIE *é-
bher-e-t (Greek epheret).

A sizable body of Phrygian words are theoretically known; however, the meaning and etymologies and
even correct forms of many Phrygian words (mostly extracted from inscriptions) are still being debated.

A famous Phrygian word is bekos, meaning ―bread‖. According to Herodotus (Histories 2.9) Pharaoh
Psammetichus I wanted to establish the original language. For this purpose, he ordered two children to
be reared by a shepherd, forbidding him to let them hear a single word, and charging him to report the
children's first utterance. After two years, the shepherd reported that on entering their chamber, the
children came up to him, extending their hands, calling bekos. Upon enquiry, the pharaoh discovered
that this was the Phrygian word for ―wheat bread‖, after which the Egyptians conceded that the
Phrygian nation was older than theirs. The word bekos is also attested several times in Palaeo-Phrygian
inscriptions on funerary stelae. It was suggested that it is cognate to English bake, from PIE *bheh3g; cf.
Greek phōgō, ―to roast‖, Latin focus, ―fireplace‖, Armenian bosor, ―red‖, and bots ―flame‖, Irish goba
―smith‖, and so on.

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1. Introduction

Bedu according to Clement of Alexandria's Stromata, quoting one Neanthus of Cyzicus means ―water‖
(PIE *wed). The Macedonians are said to have worshiped a god called Bedu, which they interpreted as
―air‖. The god appears also in Orphic ritual.

Other Phrygian words include:

 anar, 'husband', from PIE *ner- 'man'; cf. Gk. anēr (αλήξ) ―man, husband―, O.Ind. nara, nṛ, Av.
nā/nar-, Osc. ner-um, Lat. Nero, Welsh ner, Alb. njeri ―man, person―.
 attagos, 'goat'; cf. Gk. tragos (ηξάγνο) ―goat‖, Ger. Ziege ―goat‖, Alb. dhi ―she-goat‖.
 balaios, 'large, fast', from PIE *bel- 'strong'; cognate to Gk. belteros (βέιηεξνο) ―better‖, Rus.
bol'shói ―large, great‖, Welsh balch ―proud‖.
 belte, 'swamp', from PIE *bhel-, 'to gleam'; cf. Gk. baltos (βάιηνο) ―swamp‖, Alb. baltë, ―silt, mud‖,
Bulg. blato (O.Bulg. balta) ―swamp‖, Lith. baltas ―white‖, Russ. bledny, Bulg. bleden ―pale‖.
 brater, 'brother', from PIE *bhrater-, 'brother';
 daket, 'does, causes', PIE *dhe-k-, 'to set, put';
 germe, 'warm', PIE *gwher-, 'warm'; cf. Gk. thermos (ζεξκόο) ―warm‖, Pers. garme ―warm‖, Arm.
ĵerm ―warm‖, Alb. zjarm ―warm‖.
 kakon, 'harm, ill', PIE *kaka-, 'harm'; cf. Gk. kakñs (θαθόο) ―bad‖, Alb. keq ―bad, evil‖, Lith. keñti
―to be evil‖.
 knoumane, 'grave', maybe from PIE *knu-, 'to scratch'; cf. Gk. knaō (θλάσ) ―to scratch‖, Alb.
krromë ―scurf, scabies‖, O.H.G. hnuo ―notch, groove‖, nuoen ―to smooth out with a scraper‖, Lith.
knisti ―to dig‖.
 manka, 'stela'.
 mater, 'mother', from PIE *mater-, 'mother';
 meka, 'great', from PIE *meg-, 'great';
 zamelon, 'slave', PIE *dhghom-, 'earth'; cf. Gk. chamelos (ρακειόο) ―adj. on the ground, low‖, Sr.-
Cr. zèmlja and Bul. zèmya/zèmlishte ―earth/land‖, Lat. humilis ―low‖.


Excluding Dacian, whose status as a Thracian language is disputed, Thracian was spoken in
substantial numbers in what is now southern Bulgaria, parts of Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia,
Northern Greece – especially prior to Ancient Macedonian expansion –, throughout Thrace (including
European Turkey) and in parts of Bithynia (North-Western Asiatic Turkey).

As an extinct language with only a few short inscriptions attributed to it (v.i.), there is little known
about the Thracian language, but a number of features are agreed upon. A number of probable Thracian


words are found in inscriptions – most of them written with Greek script – on buildings, coins, and
other artifacts.

Thracian words in the Ancient Greek lexicon are also proposed. Greek lexical elements may derive
from Thracian, such as balios, ―dappled‖ (< PIE *bhel-, ―to shine‖, Pokorny also cites Illyrian as a
possible source), bounos, ―hill, mound‖, etc.

Most of the Thracians were eventually Hellenized – in the province of Thrace – or Romanized – in
Moesia, Dacia, etc. –, with the last remnants surviving in remote areas until the 5th century.


The Dacian language was an Indo-European language spoken by the ancient people of Dacia. It is
often considered to have been a northern variant of the Thracian language or closely related to it.

There are almost no written documents in Dacian. Dacian used to be one of the major languages of
South-Eastern Europe, stretching from what is now Eastern Hungary to the Black Sea shore. Based on
archaeological findings, the origins of the Dacian culture are believed to be in Moldavia, being identified
as an evolution of the Iron Age
Basarabi culture.

It is unclear exactly when the Dacian

language became extinct, or even
whether it has a living descendant. The
initial Roman conquest of part of
Dacia did not put an end to the
language, as Free Dacian tribes such as
the Carpi may have continued to speak
Dacian in Moldavia and adjacent
regions as late as the 6th or 7th century
AD, still capable of leaving some
Figure 47. Theoretical scenario: the Albanians as a
influences in the forming Slavic languages.
migrant Dacian people

 According to one hypothesis, a branch of Dacian continued as the Albanian language (Hasdeu, 1901);

 Another hypothesis considers Albanian to be a Daco-Moesian Dialect that split off from Dacian
before 300 BC and that Dacian itself became extinct;

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

The argument for this early split (before 300 BC) is the following: inherited Albanian words (e.g. Alb.
motër 'sister' < Late PIE māter 'mother') shows the transformation Late PIE ā > Alb. /o/, but all the
Latin loans in Albanian having an /a:/ shows Lat. /a:/ > Alb. /a/. This indicates that the transformation
P-Alb. /a:/ > P-Alb. /o/ happened and ended before the Roman arrival in the Balkans. On the other
hand, Romanian substratum words shared with Albanian show a Romanian /a/ that correspond to an
Albanian /o/ when both sounds source is an original common /a:/ (mazãre/modhull<*mādzula 'pea';
raţã/rosë<*rātja: 'duck') indicating that when these words have had the same Common form in Pre-
Romanian and Proto-Albanian the transformation P-Alb. /a:/ > P-Alb. /o/ had not started yet. The
correlation between these two facts indicates that the split between Pre-Romanian (the Dacians that
were later Romanized) and Proto-Albanian happened before the Roman arrival in the Balkans.


The Illyrian languages are a group of Indo-European languages that were spoken in the western
part of the Balkans in former times by ethnic groups identified as Illyrians: Delmatae, Pannoni, Illyrioi,
Autariates, Taulanti. The Illyrian languages are generally, but not unanimously, reckoned as centum

Some sound-changes and other language features are deduced from what remains of the Illyrian
languages, but because no writings in Illyrian are known, there is not sufficient evidence to clarify its
place within the Indo-European language family aside from its probable centum nature. Because of the
uncertainty, most sources provisionally place Illyrian on its own branch of Indo-European, though its
relation to other languages, ancient and modern, continues to be studied and debated.

Today, the main source of authoritative information about the Illyrian language consists of a handful
of Illyrian words cited in classical sources, and numerous examples of Illyrian anthroponyms,
ethnonyms, toponyms and hydronyms.

A grouping of Illyrian with the Messapian language has been proposed for about a century, but
remains an unproven hypothesis. The theory is based on classical sources, archaeology, as well as
onomastic considerations. Messapian material culture bears a number of similarities to Illyrian
material culture. Some Messapian anthroponyms have close Illyrian equivalents.

A relation to the Venetic language and Liburnian language, once spoken in northeastern Italy and
Liburnia respectively, is also proposed.


A grouping of Illyrian with the Thracian

and Dacian language in a ―Thraco-Illyrian‖
group or branch, an idea popular in the first
half of the 20th century, is now generally
rejected due to a lack of sustaining evidence,
and due to what may be evidence to the

A hypothesis that the modern Albanian

language is a surviving Illyrian language
Figure 48. Territories where the different Paleo-
Balkan languages were spoken. remains very controversial among linguists.
The identification of Illyrian as a centum
language is widely but not unanimously accepted, although it is generally admitted that from what
remains of the language, centum examples appear to greatly outnumber Satem examples. One of the
few Satem examples in Illyrian appears to be Osseriates, probably from PIE *eghero-, ―lake‖. Only a few
Illyrian items have been linked to Albanian, and these remain tentative or inconclusive for the purpose
of determining a close relation.

Only a few Illyrian words are cited in Classical sources by Roman or Greek writers, but these glosses,
provided with translations, provide a core vocabulary. Only four identified with an ethnonym Illyrii or
Illurioí; others must be identified by indirect means:

 brisa, ―husk of grapes‖; cf. Alb. bërsi.

 mantía, ―bramble bush‖; cf. Alb. (Tosk) mën ―mulberry bush‖, (Gheg) mandë.
 oseriates, ―lakes‖; akin to O.C.S. ozero (Sr.-Cr. jezero), Lith. ẽţeras, O.Pruss. assaran, Gk.
Akéroun ―river in the underworld‖.
 rhinos, ―fog, cloud‖; cf. O.Alb. ren, mod. Alb. re ―cloud‖.
 sabaia, sabaium, sabaius, ―a type of beer‖; akin to Eng sap, Lat. sapere ―to taste‖, Skr. sabar ―sap,
juice, nektar‖, Av. višāpa ―having poisonous juices‖, Arm. ham, Greek apalós ―tender, delicate‖,
O.C.S. sveptŭ ―bee's honey‖.
 Lat. sibina, sibyna, sybina; Gk. ζηβπλε, ζηβπλεο, ζπβηλε, δηβπλε: ―a hunting spear‖, ―a spear‖,
―pike‖; an Illyrian word according to Festius, citing Ennius; is compared to Gk. ζπβελε, ―flute case‖,
found in Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazusai; the word appears in the context of a barbarian speaking.
Akin to Persian zôpîn, Armenian səvīn ―spit‖.
 tertigio, ―merchant‖; O.C.S. trĭgĭ (Sr.-Cr. trg), Lith. tirgus (Alb. treg ―market‖ is a borrowing
from archaic Slavic *trŭgŭ)

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

Some additional words have been extracted from toponyms, hydronyms, anthroponyms, etc.:

 loúgeon, ―a pool‖; cf. Alb. lag ―to wet, soak, bathe, wash‖ (< PA *lauga), lëgatë ―pool‖ (< PA.
*leugatâ), lakshte ―dew‖ (< PA *laugista); akin to Lith. liűgas ―marsh‖, O. Sla. luţa ―pool‖
 teuta < from the Illyrian personal name Teuta< PIE *teuta-, ―people‖
 Bosona, ―running water‖ (Possible origin of the name ―Bosnia‖, Bosna in Bosnian)


The Paionian language is the poorly attested language of the ancient Paionians, whose kingdom
once stretched north of Macedon into Dardania and in earlier times into southwestern Thrace.

Several Paionian words are known from classical sources:

 monapos, monaipos, a wild bull.

 tilôn, a species of fish once found in Lake Prasias (Republic of Macedonia).
 paprax, a species of fish once found in Lake Prasias; masc. acc. pl. paprakas,

A number of anthroponyms (some known only from Paionian coinage) are attested, several toponyms
(Bylazora, Astibos) and a few theonyms (Dryalus, Dyalus, the Paionian Dionysus), as well as:

 Pontos, affluent of the Strumica River, perhaps from *ponktos, ―wet‖ (cf. Ger. feucht, ―wet‖);
 Stoboi (nowadays Gradsko), name of a city, from *stob(h) (cf. O.Pruss. stabis ―rock‖, O.C.S.
stoboru, ―pillar‖, O.Eng. stapol, ―post‖, O.Gk. stobos, ―scolding, bad language‖);
 Dóberos, other Paionian city, from *dheubh- ―deep‖ (cf. Lith. dubùs, Eng. deep);
 Agrianes, name of a tribe, from *agro- ―field‖ (cf. Lat. ager, Gk. agros, Eng. acre).

Classical sources usually considered the Paionians distinct from Thracians or Illyrians, comprising
their own ethnicity and language. Athenaeus seemingly connected the Paionian tongue to the Mysian
language, itself barely attested. If correct, this could mean that Paionian was an Anatolian language.

On the other hand, the Paionians were sometimes regarded as descendants of Phrygians, which may
put Paionian on the same linguistic branch as the Phrygian language.

Modern linguists are uncertain on the classification of Paionian, due to the extreme scarcity of
materials we have on this language. However, it seems that Paionian was an independent IE dialect. It
shows a/o distinctiveness and does not appears to have undergone Satemization. The Indo-European
voiced aspirates bh, dh, etc., became plain voiced consonants, /b/, /d/, etc., just like in Illyrian,
Thracian, Macedonian and Phrygian (but unlike Greek).



The Ancient Macedonian language was the tongue of the Ancient Macedonians. It was spoken in
Macedon during the 1st millennium BC. Marginalized from the 5th century BC, it was gradually replaced
by the common Greek dialect of the Hellenistic Era. It was probably spoken predominantly in the
inland regions away from the coast. It is as yet undetermined whether the language was a dialect of
Greek, a sibling language to Greek, or an Indo-European language which is a close cousin to Greek and
also related to Thracian and Phrygian languages.

Knowledge of the language is very limited because there are no surviving texts that are indisputably
written in the language, though a body of authentic Macedonian words has been assembled from
ancient sources, mainly from coin inscriptions, and from the 5th century lexicon of Hesychius of
Alexandria, amounting to about 150 words and 200 proper names. Most of these are confidently
identifiable as Greek, but some of them are not easily reconciled with standard Greek phonology. The
6,000 surving Macedonian inscriptions are in the Greek Attic dialect.

The Pella curse tablet, a text written in a distinct Doric Greek idiom, found in Pella in 1986, dated to
between mid to early 4th century BC, has been forwarded as an argument that the Ancient Macedonian
language was a dialect of North-Western Greek. Before the discovery it was proposed that the
Macedonian dialect was an early form of Greek, spoken alongside Doric proper at that time.
NOTE. Olivier Masson thinks that ―in contrast with earlier views which made of it an Aeolic dialect (O.Hoffmann
compared Thessalian) we must by now think of a link with North-West Greek (Locrian, Aetolian, Phocidian,
Epirote). This view is supported by the recent discovery at Pella of a curse tablet which may well be the first
‗Macedonian‘ text attested (...); the text includes an adverb ―opoka‖ which is not Thessalian.‖ Also, James L.
O'Neil states that the ―curse tablet from Pella shows word forms which are clearly Doric, but a different form of
Doric from any of the west Greek dialects of areas adjoining Macedon. Three other, very brief, fourth century
inscriptions are also indubitably Doric. These show that a Doric dialect was spoken in Macedon, as we would
expect from the West Greek forms of Greek names found in Macedon. And yet later Macedonian inscriptions are
in Koine avoiding both Doric forms and the Macedonian voicing of consonants. The native Macedonian dialect
had become unsuitable for written documents.‖

Figure 49. The Pella katadesmos, is a katadesmos (a curse, or magic spell) inscribed on a lead
scroll, probably dating to between 380 and 350 BC. It was found in Pella in 1986.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

From the few words that survive, a notable sound-law may be ascertained, that PIE voiced aspirates
appear as voiced stops, written β, γ, δ in contrast to Greek dialects, which unvoiced them to φ, χ, θ.

 Mac. δαλόο danós ('death', from PIE *dhenh2- 'to leave'), compare Attic ζάλαηνο thánatos.
 Mac. ἀβξνῦηεο abroûtes or ἀβξνῦϜεο abroûwes as opposed to Attic ὀθξῦο ophrûs for 'eyebrows'.
 Mac. Βεξελίθε Bereníkē versus Attic Φεξελίθε Phereníkē, 'bearing victory' *ἄδξαηα adraia
('bright weather'), compare Attic αἰζξία aithría, from PIE *h2aidh-.
 βάζθηνη báskioi ('fasces'), from PIE *bhasko.
 According to Hdt. 7.73 (ca. 440 BC), the Macedonians claimed that the Phryges were called
Brygoi before they migrated from Thrace to Anatolia ca. 1200 BC.
 κάγεηξνο mágeiros ('butcher') was a loan from Doric into Attic. Vittore Pisani has suggested an
ultimately Macedonian origin, cognate to κάραηξα mákhaira ('knife', <PIE *magh-, 'to fight').

The same treatment is known from other Paleo-Balkan languages, e.g. Phrygian bekos, ―bread”,
Illyrian bagaron, ―warm”, but Gk. θώγσ (phōgō), “roast”, all from IE *bheh3g-. Since these languages
are all known via the Greek alphabet, which has no signs for voiced aspirates, it is unclear whether de-
aspiration had really taken place, or whether β, δ, γ were just picked as the closest matches to express
voiced aspirates.

If γνηάλ (gotán), ―pig”, is related to IE *gwou ('cattle'), this would indicate that the labiovelars were
either intact, or merged with the velars, unlike the usual Gk. βνῦο (boûs). Such deviations, however, are
not unknown in Greek dialects; compare Doric Spartan γιεπ- (glep-) for common Greek βιεπ- (blep-),
as well as Doric γιάρσλ (gláchōn) and Ionic γιήρσλ (glēchōn) for common Greek βιήρσλ (blēchōn).

A number of examples suggest that voiced velar stops were devoiced, especially word-initially; as in
θάλαδνη (kánadoi, from PIE *genu-), “jaws”; θόκβνπο (kómbous, from PIE *gombh-), “molars”; within
words, as in ἀξθόλ (arkón) vs. Attic ἀξγόο (argós); the Macedonian toponym Akesamenai, from the
Pierian name Akesamenos – if Akesa- is cognate to Greek agassomai, agamai, ―to astonish‖; cf. the
Thracian name Agassamenos.

In Aristophanes' The Birds, the form θεβιήππξηο (keblēpyris), “red-cap bird‖, shows a voiced stop
instead of a standard Greek unvoiced aspirate, i.e. Macedonian θεβ(α)ιή (kebalē) vs. Greek θεθαιή
(kephalē), “head”.



The Anatolian languages are a group of

extinct Indo-European languages, which were
spoken in Asia Minor, the best attested of
them being the Hittite language.

The Anatolian branch is generally

considered the earliest to split off the Proto-
Indo-European language, from a stage
referred to either as Middle PIE (also IE II) or
―Indo-Hittite‖, typically a date in the mid-4th
millennium BC is assumed. In a Kurgan
framework, there are two possibilities of how
early Anatolian speakers could have reached
Anatolia: from the north via the Caucasus,
and from the west, via the Balkans.

Attested dialects of the Anatolian branch are:

Figure 50. Maximal extent of the Hittite Empire
 Hittite (nesili), attested from ca. 1900 BC to ca. 1300 BC is shown in dark color, the
1100 BC, official language of the Hittite Empire. Egyptian sphere of influence in light color. The
approximate extent of the Hittite Old Kingdom
 Luwian (luwili), close relative of Hittite under Hantili I (ca. 1590 BC) in darkest.
spoken in adjoining regions, sometimes under Hittite control .
o Cuneiform Luwian, glosses and short passages in Hittite texts written in Cuneiform script.
o Hieroglyphic Luwian, written in Anatolian hieroglyphs on seals and in rock inscriptions.
 Palaic, spoken in north-central Anatolia, extinct around the 13th century BC, known only
fragmentarily from quoted prayers in Hittite texts.
 Lycian, spoken in Lycia in the Iron Age, a descendant of Luwian, extinct in ca. the 1 st century BC,
fragmentary language.
 Lydian, spoken in Lydia, extinct in ca. the 1st century BC, fragmentary.
 Carian, spoken in Caria, fragmentarily attested from graffiti by Carian mercenaries in Egypt
from ca. the 7th century BC, extinct ca. in the 3rd century BC.
 Pisidian and Sidetic (Pamphylian), fragmentary.
 Milyan, known from a single inscription.

There were likely other languages of the family that have left no written records, such as the languages
of Mysia, Cappadocia and Paphlagonia.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

Anatolia was heavily Hellenized following the conquests of Alexander the Great, and it is generally
thought that by the 1st century BC the native languages of the area were extinct.

Hittite proper is known from cuneiform tablets and inscriptions erected by the Hittite kings. The
script known as ―Hieroglyphic Hittite‖ has now been shown to have been used for writing the closely
related Luwian language, rather than Hittite proper. The later languages Lycian and Lydian are also
attested in Hittite territory. Palaic, also spoken in Hittite territory, is attested only in ritual texts quoted
in Hittite documents.

In the Hittite and Luwian languages there are many loan words, particularly religious vocabulary,
from the non-Indo-European Hurrian and Hattic languages. Hattic was the language of the Hattians,
the local inhabitants of the land of Hatti before they were absorbed or displaced by the Hittite
invasions. Sacred and magical Hittite texts were often written in
Hattic, Hurrian, and Akkadian, even after Hittite became the
norm for other writings.

The Hittite language has traditionally been stratified into

Old Hittite (OH), Middle Hittite (MH) and New or Neo-
Hittite (NH), corresponding to the Old, Middle and New
Kingdoms of the Hittite Empire, ca. 1750–1500 BC,
1500–1430 BC and 1430–1180 BC, respectively. These
stages are differentiated partly on linguistic and partly
on paleographic grounds.

Hittite was written in an adapted form of Old

Assyrian cuneiform orthography. Owing to the
predominantly syllabic nature of the script, it is
difficult to ascertain the precise phonetic qualities of
a portion of the Hittite sound inventory.

Hittite preserves some very archaic features lost in Figure 51. Hittite pictographic writing
was directly derived from Old Assyrian
other Indo-European languages. For example, Hittite cuneiform.
has retained two of three laryngeals, word-initial h2 and h3. These sounds, whose existence had been
hypothesized by Ferdinand de Saussure on the basis of vowel quality in other Indo-European languages
in 1879, were not preserved as separate sounds in any attested Indo-European language until the
discovery of Hittite. In Hittite, this phoneme is written as ḫ.


Hittite, as well as most other Anatolian languages, differs in this respect from any other Indo-
European language, and the discovery of laryngeals in Hittite was a remarkable confirmation of
Saussure's hypothesis.

The preservation of the laryngeals, and the lack of any evidence that Hittite shared grammatical
features possessed by the other early Indo-European languages, has led some philologists to believe
that the Anatolian languages split from the rest of Proto-Indo-European much earlier than the other
divisions of the proto-language. In Indo-European linguistics, the term Indo-Hittite (also Indo-
Anatolian) refers to the hypothesis that the Anatolian languages may have split off the Proto-Indo-
European language considerably earlier than the separation of the remaining Indo-European
languages. The majority of scholars continue to reconstruct a single Proto-Indo-European, but all
believe that Anatolian was the first branch of Indo-European to leave the fold.
NOTE. The term is somewhat imprecise, as the prefix Indo- does not refer to the Indo-Aryan branch in
particular, but is iconic for Indo-European (as in Indo-Uralic), and the -Hittite part refers to the Anatolian
language family as a whole.

As the oldest attested Indo-European languages, Hittite is interesting largely because it lacks several
grammatical features exhibited by other ―old‖ Indo-European languages such as Sanskrit and Greek.

The Hittite nominal system consists of the following cases: Nominative, Vocative, Accusative,
Genitive, Allative, Dative-Locative, Instrumental and Ablative. However, the recorded history attests to
fewer cases in the plural than in the singular, and later stages of
the language indicate a loss of certain cases in the singular as
well. It has two grammatical genders, common and neuter, and
two grammatical numbers, singular and plural.

Hittite verbs are inflected according to two general verbal

classes, the mi-conjugation and the hi-conjugation. There are
two voices (active and mediopassive), two moods (indicative and
imperative), and two tenses (present and preterite).
Additionally, the verbal system displays two infinitive forms, one
verbal substantive, a supine, and a participle. Rose (2006) lists
132 hi-verbs and interprets the hi/mi oppositions as vestiges of a
system of grammatical voice, i.e. ―centripetal voice‖ vs.
―centrifugal voice‖. Figure 52. Broken door jamb
inscribed in raised Hittite
hieroglyphs, c. 900 BC; in the
British Museum.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction


1.8.1. Modern Indo-European, for which we use the neutral name Dńghūs (also dialectally extended
in -ā, Ita.-Cel., Ger. dńghwā), ―the language‖, is therefore a set of grammatical rules – including its
writing system, noun declension, verbal conjugation and syntax –, designed to systematize the
reconstructed Late Proto-Indo-European language, to adapt it to modern communication needs. As PIE
was spoken by a prehistoric society, no genuine sample texts are available, and thus comparative
linguistics – in spite of its 200 years‘ history – is not in the position to reconstruct exactly their formal
language (the one used by learned people), but only approximately how the spoken, vulgar language
was like, i.e. the language that evolved into the different attested Indo-European dialects and languages.
NOTE. Reconstructed languages like Modern Hebrew, Modern Cornish, Modern Coptic or Modern Indo-
European may be revived in their communities without being as easy, as logical, as neutral or as philosophical as
the million artificial languages that exist today, and whose main aim is to be supposedly ‗better‟, or ‗easier‟, or
‗more neutral‟ than other artificial or natural languages they want to substitute. Whatever the sociological,
psychological, political or practical reasons behind the success of such ‗difficult‟ and ‗non-neutral‘ languages
instead of ‗universal‘ ones, what is certain is that if somebody learns Hebrew, Cornish, Coptic or Indo-European
(or Latin, German, Swahili, Chinese, etc.) whatever the changes in the morphology, syntax or vocabulary that
could follow (because of, say, ‗better‟ or ‗purer‟ or ‗easier‟ language systems recommended by their language
regulators), the language learnt will still be the same, and the effort made won‘t be lost in any possible case.

1.8.2. We deemed it worth it to use the Proto-Indo-European reconstruction for the revival of a
complete modern language system, because of the obvious need of a common language within the EU,
to substitute the current deficient linguistic policy. This language system, called European or European
language (Eurōpáiom), is mainly based on the features of the European or northwestern dialects,
whose speakers – as we have already seen – remained in loose contact for some centuries after the first
PIE migrations, and have influenced each other in the last millenia within the European subcontinent.
NOTE. As Indo-Europeanist López-Menchero puts it, ―there are three Indo-European languages which must be
clearly distinguished: 1) The Proto-Indo-European language, spoken by a prehistoric people, the so-called Proto-
Indo-Europeans, some millennia ago; 2) The reconstructed Proto-Indo-European language, which is that being
reconstructed by IE scholars using the linguistic, archaeological and historical data available, and which is
imperfect by nature, based on more or less certain hypothesis and schools; and 3) The Modern Indo-European
language system(s) which, being based on the later, and trying to come near to the former, is neither one nor the
other, but a modern language systematized and used in the modern word‖. We should add that, unlike artificial
languages, Indo-European may not be substituted by different languages, although – unlike already systematized
languages like Classic Latin or English – it could be changed by other dialectal, older or newer versions of it, as
e.g. ‗Graeco-Aryan‟, i.e. a version mainly based on the Southern Dialect, or ‗Indo-Hittite‘, a version using
laryngeals, not separating feminines from the animates, and so on.


NOTE 2. A Modern PIE is probably the best option as an International Auxiliary Language too, because a)
French, German, Spanish, and other natural and artificial languages proposed to substitute English dominance,
are only supported by their small cultural or social communities, while the communities of IE speakers make up
the majority of the world‘s population, being thus the most ‗democratic‘ choice for a language spoken within
international organizations and between the different existing nations; and b) only a major change in the political
arena could make a language different than English succeed as a spoken IAL; if the European Union makes
Modern Indo-European its national language, it would be worth it for the rest of the world to learn it as second
language and use it as the international language instead of English.

1.8.5. Words to complete the MIE vocabulary (in case that no common PIE form is found) are to be
taken from present-day IE languages. Loan words – from Greek and Latin, like philosophy, hypothesis,
aqueduct, etc. –, as well as modern Indo-European borrowings – from English, like software, from
French, like ambassador, from Spanish, like armadillo, from German, like Kindergarten, from Italian,
like casino, from Russian, like icon, from Hindi, like pajamas, etc. –, should be used in a pure IE form
when possible. They are all Indo-European dialectal words, whose original meaning is easily
understood if translated; as, e.g. Greek loan photo could appear in Modern Indo-European either as
phṓtos [‗p'o-tos] or [‗fo-tos], a loan word, or as bháwtos [‘bhau̯-tos], a loan translation of Gk.
―bright‖, IE bháuesos, from genitive bhauesós, from PIE verb bhā, to shine, which gives in Greek
phosphorus and phot. The second, translated word, should be preferred. 2 See §2.9.4, point 4.

1.8.6. A comparison with Modern Hebrew seems adecuate, as it is one successful precedent of an old,
reconstructed language becoming the living language of a whole nation.


ca. 3000 BC: Proto-Aramaic, Proto-Ugaritic, ca. 3000 BC: Middle Proto-Indo-European
and other Canaanite languages spoken. dialects, Pre-IE III and Pre-Proto-Anatolia,
spoken. ca. 2.500 BC: Late PIE spoken.
ca. 1000 BC: The first written evidence of ca. 1600 BC:first written evidence, Hittite and
distinctive Hebrew, the Gezer calendar. Luwian tablets (Anatolian). ca. 1500 BC: Linear
B tablets in Mycenaean Greek.
Orally transmitted Tanakh, composed Orally transmitted Rigveda, in Vedic Sanskrit,
between 1000 and 500 BC. (similar to older Indo-Iranian), composed in
parts, from 1500 to 500 BC. Orally transmitted
Zoroastrian works in Avestan (Iranian dialect),
from 1000 to 700 BC. Homeric works dated
from ca. 700 BC. Italic inscriptions, 700-500 BC.
Destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians Italics, Celtics, Germanics, Baltics and Slavics
under Nebuchadnezzar II, in 586 BC. The are organized mainly in tribes and clans.
Hebrew language is then replaced by Aramaic Expansion of the great Old Civilizations, such as
in Israel under the Persian Empire. the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans.
Destruction of Jerusalem and Expulsion of Behistun Inscription, Celtic inscriptions ca 500
Jews by the Romans in 70 AD. BC; Negau Helmet in Germanic, ca. 200 BC.

Indo-European Revival Association –

1. Introduction

70-1950 AD. Jews in the Diaspora develop Expansion of the renowned Antique, Mediaeval
different dialects with strong Hebrew and Modern IE civilizations, such as the
influence, with basis mainly on Indo-European Byzantines, the Franks, the Persians, the Spanish
(Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish, Judeo-Italian, etc.), and Portuguese, the Polish and Lithuanians, the
as well as Semitic languages (Judeo-Aramaic, French, the Austro-Hungarians and Germans
Judeo-Arab, etc.) and the English among others.
1880 AD. Eliezer Ben-Yehuda begins the 1820 AD. Bopp begins the reconstruction of the
construction of a modern Hebrew language for common ancestor of the Indo-European
Israel based on Old Hebrew. languages, the Proto-Indo-European language.
19th century. Jews speaking different Indo- 1949-1992. European countries form an
European and Semitic languages settle in International European Community, the EEC.
Israel. They use different linguae francae to 1992-2007: A Supranational entity, the
communicate, such as Turkish, Arab, French or European Union, substitutes the EEC. There are
English. 23+3 official languages
1922 AD. Hebrew is named official language Present. New steps are made to develop a
of Palestine, along with English and Arabic. national entity, a confederation- or federation-
From that moment on, modern Hebrew like state. The EU Constitution and the linguistic
becomes more and more the official national policy are two of the most important issues to be
language of the Israelis. The settlers' native solved before that common goal can be achieved.
languages are still spoken within their More than 97% of the EU populations has an
communities and families. Indo-European language as mother tongue.

NOTE. Even though it is clear that our proposal is different from the Hebrew language revival, we think that: a)
Where Jews had only some formal writings, with limited vocabulary, of a language already dead five centuries
before they were expelled from Israel, Indo-European has hundreds of living dialects and other very old dead
dialects attested. Thus, even if we had tablets of PIE written in some dialectal predominant formal IE language
(say, from pre-Proto-Indo-Iranian), the current PIE reconstruction would probably still be used as the main
source for PIE revival today. b) The common culture and religion was possibly the basis for the Hebrew language
revival in Israel. Proto-Indo-European, whilst the mother tongue of some prehistoric tribe with a common culture
and religion, spread into different peoples, with different cultures and religions. There was never a concept of
―Indo-European community‖ after the migrations. But today Indo-European is the language spoken by the
majority of the population – in the world and especially within Europe –, and it is therefore possible to use it as a
natural and culturally (also ―religiously‖) neutral language, what may be a significant advantage of IE.

1.7.7. The noun Eurōpáios comes from adjective eurōpaiós, from special genitive europai of Old
Greek Εὐξώπε (Eurṓpē), Εὐξώπα (Eurṓpā), both forms alternating already in the oldest Greek, and
both coming from the same PIE feminine ending ā (see § 4.9.3). The Greek ending -ai-o- (see § 4.7.8
for more on this special genitive in -ai) turns into Latin -ae-u-, and so Europaeus. The forms Eurṓpā
and Eurōpaiós are, then, the ‗correct‘ ones in MIE, as they are the original Classic forms – other
dialectal variants, as Eurōps, Eurōpaís, Eurōpaikós, Eurōpaiskós, etc. could be also used.
NOTE 1. For Homer, Eurṓpē was a mythological queen of Crete – abducted by Zeus in bull form when still a
Phoenician princess –, and not a geographical designation. Later Europa stood for mainland Greece, and by 500
B.C. its meaning had been extended to lands to the north. The name Europe is possibly derived from the Greek
words επξύο (eurús, ―broad‖, from IE *h1urhu-) and σς (ops, ―face‖, from IE *h3ekw-), thus maybe


reconstructable as MIE Ūrṓqā – broad having been an epithet of Earth in PIE religion. Others suggest it is based
on a Semitic word cognate with Akkadian erebu, ―sunset‖ (cf. Arabic maghreb, Hebrew ma'ariv), as from the
Middle Eastern vantage point, the sun does set over Europe. Likewise, Asia is sometimes thought to have derived
from a Semitic word such as the Akkadian asu, meaning ―sunrise‖, and is the land to the east from a Middle
Eastern perspective, thus maybe MIE Erṓbā. In Greek mythology Έξεβνο (Erebos, ―deep blackness/darkness or
shadow‖) was the son of Chaos, the personification of darkness and shadow, which filled in all the corners and
crannies of the world. The word is probably from IE *h1regwos (cf. O.N. rœkkr, Goth. riqis, Skr. rajani, Toch.
orkäm), although posibly also a loan from Semitic, cf. Hebrew erebh and Akkadian erebu, etc.
NOTE 2. ‗Europe‟ is a common evolution of Latin a-endings in French; as in ‗Amerique‟ for America, ‗Belgique‘
for Belgica, ‗Italie‟ for Italia, etc. Eng. Europe is thus a French loan word, as may be seen from the other
continents' names: Asia (not *Asy), Africa (not *Afrik), Australia (not *Australy), and America (not *Amerik).
NOTE 3. Only Modern Greek maintains the form Επξώπε (Európi) for the subcontinent, but still with adjective
επξσπατθό (europaikó), with the same old irregular a-declension and IE ethnic ending -iko-. In Latin there were
two forms: Europa, Europaeus, and lesser used Europe, Europensis. The later is usually seen in scientific terms.
NOTE 4. For adj. ―European‖, compare derivatives from O.Gk. eurōpai-ós (< IE eurōp-ai-ós), also in Lat.
europaé-us -> M.Lat. europé-us, in turn giving It., Spa. europeo, Pt., Cat. europeu; from Late Latin base europé-
(< IE eurōp-ái-) are extended *europe-is, as Du. europees; from extended *europe-anos are Rom. europene, or
Fr. européen (into Eng. european); extended *europe-iskos gives common Germanic and Slavic forms (cf. Ger.
Europäisch, Fris. europeesk, Sca. europeisk, Pl. europejski, common Sla. evropsk-, etc.); other extended forms are
Ir. Eorpai-gh, Lith. europo-s, Ltv. eiropa-s, etc. For European as a noun, compare, from *europé-anos, Du., Fris.
europeaan, from *europé-eros, Ger. Europäer, from ethnic *-ikos, cf. Sla. evropejk-, Mod.Gk. europai-kó, etc.

The regular genitive of the word Eurṓpā in Modern Indo-European is Eurṓpās, following the first
declension. The name of the European language system is Eurōpáiom, inanimate, because in the
oldest IE dialects attested, those which had an independent name for languages used the neuter, cf. Gk. ειιεληθά (ellēniká), Skr. संस्कृ तम् (saṃskṛtam), also in Tacitus Lat. uōcābulum latīnum.
In other languages, however, the language name is an adjetive which defines the noun ―language‖,
and therefore its gender follows the general rule of concordance; cf. Lat. f. latīna lingua, or the Slavic
examples3; hence MIE eurōpai dńghūs or eurōpai dńghwā, European language.

1.7.8. Sindhueurōpáiom (n.) means Indo-European (language). The term comes from Greek Ἰλδόο
(hIndos), Indus river, from Old Persian Hinduš - listed as a conquered territory by Darius I in the
Persepolis terrace inscription.
NOTE. The Persian term (with an aspirated initial [s]) is cognate to Sindhu, the Sanskrit name of the Indus river,
but also meaning river generically in Indo-Aryan (cf. O.Ind. Saptasindhu, ―[region of the] seven rivers‖). The
Persians, using the word Hindu for Sindhu, referred to the people who lived near the Sindhu River as Hindus, and
their religion later became known as Hinduism. The words for their language and region, Hindī or Hindustanī
and Hindustan, come from the words Hindu and Hindustan, ―India” or ―Indian region” (referring to the Indian
subcontinent as a whole, see stā) and the adjectival suffix -ī, meaning therefore originally ―Indian”.

Indo-European Revival Association –

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