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Surface EMG Signal Amplification and Filtering: Jingpeng Wang Liqiong Tang John E Bronlund

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 82 – No1, November 2013

Surface EMG Signal Amplification and Filtering

Jingpeng Wang Liqiong Tang John E Bronlund

School of Engineering and School of Engineering and School of Engineering and
Advanced Technology Advanced Technology Advanced Technology
Massey, New Zealand Massey, New Zealand Massey, New Zealand

Collecting electromyographic (EMG) signals emanated from

ABSTRACT the human body using electrodes has become a routine
Electromyographic (EMG) signals have been widely employed procedure both in rehabilitation engineering and medical
as a control signal in rehabilitation and a means of diagnosis in research. The concept of myoelectric control to manipulate an
health care. Signal amplification and filtering is the first step in artificial hand using EMG signals from contracting muscles was
surface EMG signal processing and application systems. The proposed in the late 1940s and the great progress has occurred
characteristics of the amplifiers and filters determine the quality since the early 1960s. Nowadays, different types of assistive
of EMG signals. Up until now, searching for better devices such as externally powered prostheses and electrically
amplification and filtering circuit design that is able to powered wheelchairs are controlled using EMG signals.
accurately capture the features of surface EMG signals for the
intended applications is still a challenging. With the fast EMG signal is fairly weak and with the unwanted noises. It has
development in computer sciences and technologies, EMG to be carefully processed before using it for any health care
signals are expected to be used and integrated within small or applications. Signal amplification and filtering plays a critical
even tiny intelligent, automatic, robotic, and mechatronics role in EMG practical application systems. The process is
systems. This research focused on small size amplification and expected to remain as much information from the physiological
filtering circuit design for processing surface EMG signals from EMG signals as possible while it minimises the noise
an upper limb and aimed to fix the amplifiers and filters inside a components. The two major functions of amplification and
robotic hand with limited space to command and control the filtering process are the maximisation of the signal to noise
robot hand movement. The research made a study on the ratio and the minimisation of the distortion of the signal.
commonly used methodologies for EMG signal processing and Although there have been many reports and approaches about
circuitry design and proposed a circuit design for EMG signal the design of amplifiers and filters for EMG signal acquisition,
amplification and filtering. High-pass filters including second- better circuit structure and optimised design are still the focus
order and fourth-order with the suppression to low frequency of further research for accurate and reliable EMG signal driven
noises are studied. The analysis, verification and experiment systems.
showed that a second-order high-pass filter can adequately
suppress the low frequency noises. The proposed amplification This paper presents a design of an EMG signal amplification
and filtering circuit design is able to effectively clean the noises and filtering circuit using an instrumentation amplifier with
and collect the useful surface EMG signals from an upper limb. differential amplification technology and several active filters
The experiment also clearly revealed that power line with Sallen-Key architecture. The order of high-pass and low-
interference needs to be carefully handled for higher signal- pass filters in the proposed circuit and the sampling rate that is
noise-ratio (SNR) as a notch-filter might cause the loss of appropriate to the analog-to-digital conversion of EMG signals
useful signal components. Commercial computer software such were investigated. LabView together with the hardware from
as LabView and Matlab were used for data acquisition software National Instrument and the electrodes from Thought
development and data analysis. Technology Ltd were employed for capturing EMG signals and
the testing of the circuits. Matlab was used for data analysis and
General Terms comparison. The expected performance of the amplification and
EMG data acquisition, Bio-signal processing, Bio-informatics filtering circuit has a good match with the analysis and the
experiment result.
EMG signals, data acquisition, signal processing. 2. EMG SIGNAL AND THE NOISES
It is well accepted that the amplitude of the EMG signal is
1. INTRODUCTION within a range from the µV to low mV (0-6 mV peak-to-peak or
EMG signal is the electrical expression caused by 0-1.5 mV RMS). The energetic distribution of EMG signal is
neuromuscular activation during muscular contraction, basically within the 0 to 500 Hz range in frequency domain,
depicting the current detected at the specific location that is with the dominant components in the 50-150 Hz range. Outside
produced by the ionic flow across muscle fiber membranes and the 0-500 Hz frequency range, signals with energy less than
transmitted through intervening tissues. The motor unit is the electrical noise level are unusable. Four primary types of noise
most elementary functional unit of a muscle, generating a motor sources contribute to the process of EMG signal acquisition, i.e.
unit action potential (MUAP) when activated. Repeated the inherent noise of electronic parts inside the signal detection
continuous activation of motor units generates motor unit action and recording instrument, the ambient noise from the
potential trains (MUAPT) that are superimposed to form the electromagnetic radiation in the environment, the motion
EMG signal [1]. artefacts with electrical signals mainly in the frequency 0-20 Hz
range from the electrode-skin interface and from movement of
the cable connecting the electrode to the amplifier, and the
inherent instability of the EMG signal with unstable

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 82 – No1, November 2013

components in 0-20 Hz range due to the quasi-random nature of 3.2 Pre-amplifier

the firing rate of the muscular motor units [2]. The pre-amplifier with a reference-driven and a shielding-
driven circuit has an instrumentation amplifier INA128 and an
The property of amplitude, time and frequency of EMG signals operational amplifier OPA2604 both from Texas Instruments.
is influenced by the anatomical and physiological INA128 is a low power, general purpose instrumentation
characteristics of muscles, the control mechanism of the amplifier offering excellent accuracy with very low offset
nervous system, and the instrumentation involved. More voltage, drift and high common-mode rejection. The gain is
accurately, multiple factors determine the property of EMG adjustable from 1 to 10,000 through equation (1):
signals such as the timing and intensity of muscle contraction,
the distance from the electrode to the target muscle, the amount 50k 
of adipose tissue between the skin and the muscle, the G  1 (1)
properties of the electrode and the amplifier, and the contact RG
between the skin and the electrode [3]. where RG is an external resistor [4].

3. AMPLIFICATION AND FILTERING As showed in Figure 2, the EMG signal from the electrodes is
CIRCUITRY fed into the positive and negative input pins of INA128. R 1 and
The quality of an EMG signal from the electrodes is partially R2 comprise the resister RG. A signal from the mid-point of R1
dependent on the properties of the amplifiers. Because of the and R2 is fed into OPA2604 to provide a guarding potential and
weak amplitude of EMG signals typically in the order of tens to a reference potential.
thousands µV, it is necessary that the gain of the amplifiers
used in EMG applications is in the range from 1000 to 10000.
Consequently, the amplification process commonly
incorporates several stages. Figure 1 illustrates the block
diagram of the amplification and filtering stages implemented
in the circuit presented in this paper. The most important stage,
namely the first stage close to the electrodes, is conventionally
called pre-amplifier. The consideration to incorporate a pre-
amplifier is to have a high common mode rejection ratio
(CMRR), a high input impedance, a short distance to the signal
source, and a strong direct current (DC) signal suppression [3].
The outcome from the pre-amplifier is then processed by a
high-pass and a low-pass filter before entering into the second Fig.2: The schematic circuit of the pre-amplifier
amplification stage that amplifies signals again to attain an with reference and shielding-driven
expected gain. The second amplification stage is a simple
inverting amplifier and its gain can easily be adjusted by Because of the weakness of the EMG signal, the difference in
choosing different resistors. To further suppress high frequency the amplitude between some useful EMG signal components
noises, a low-pass filter follows the second amplification stage. and the noises can be very small. If the gain of the pre-amplifier
Finally, the output signal from the amplification and filtering is set too large, the noises will be simultaneously amplified
circuit is fed into an analog-digital converter (ADC). enormously, thus leading to the instability and saturation of the
subsequent amplifier. To avoid such a consequence, the gain of
the pre-amplifier is preferred to be set around 10. For the pre-
amplifier designed for this research, the gain was calculated
using equation (1) and set at 11.4.
Fig. 1: Block diagram of amplification
and filtering circuitry
50k  50k 
G1  1   1  11.4 (2)
3.1 The Electrodes RG R1  R2
The design of the electrode is of paramount importance as the where G1 is the gain of the pre-amplifier; both R1 and R2 are
quality and the design of the electrodes directly affect the 2.4kΩ resisters.
quality of the EMG signals. There are mainly two types of
electrodes on the market, non-invasive surface electrode and 4. HIGH-PASS AND LOW-PASS FILTER
invasive inserted electrode (wire or needle). Both have been In the amplification and filtering circuitry, high-pass filters and
used for EMG signal detection. The surface electrode has two low pass-filters were used after the first and second
categories, passive and active. The passive electrode has a amplification stages. The reason is that the noises and the EMG
conductive (commonly metal) detection surface touching with signals are simultaneously amplified, which is not favourable
the skin, whereas the active electrode has a differential for the following process. To design a filter, the corner
amplifier with a passive electrode in order to reduce the effects frequency, the roll-off rate, and the circuit topology have to be
of capacitance coupling and provide very low output chosen. The order of a filter determines the roll-off rate of the
impedance, rather than transmitting the signal to the amplifier filter, namely the slope of its frequency response curve. A first-
through long lead wires. The advantage of active electrode is order filter has a roll-off rate of -6dB/Octave whereas a second-
the reduced capacitance coupling and the very low output order filter has -12dB/Octave, that is, the roll-off rate of the
impedance will not introduce significant noises from power line filter response is proportional to the order of a filter. Higher-
and cable movement artefact, but such electrodes are expensive order filters are usually constructed by cascading first- and
and complicated [1, 3]. Surface electrodes were selected for this second-order blocks [5].
research as they are non-invasive and economic.
There are several types of noises with different characteristics
within the low frequency components. As a result, the design a

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 82 – No1, November 2013

high-pass filter is more complicated comparing with low-pass research, every amplification stage was followed by a second-
filter design. In recent years, more research has been seen in order Sallen-Key low-pass filter as shown in Figure 5. The
high-pass filter design and different corner frequencies corner frequency and the passband gain can also be calculated
including 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 10-20 Hz, 20 Hz, and 15-28 Hz, and using equation (3) and (4) the same way as for high-pass filter
different roll-off rates including -12dB/Octave, -18dB/Octave, design. In this research, the two second-order low-pass filters
and -24dB/Octave were investigated, employed and presented have the same properties and are placed before and after the
in literature [6-8]. second amplification stage as shown in Figure 1. The total
frequency response of these two second-order low-pass filters
In this research, a second-order Sallen-Key high-pass filters should be equivalent to a low-pass filter cascaded by two
(Figure 3) and a fourth-order Sallen-Key high-pass filter second-order low-pass filters, namely a fourth-order low-pass
(Figure 4) were studied and compared. The former has a slope filter. For this research, the corner frequency of the fourth-order
of -12dB/Octave and a 20 Hz corner frequency whereas the low-pass filter is 500 Hz and the roll-off rate is -24dB/Octave
latter has a slope of -24dB/Octave and the same corner [9].
frequency. Sallen-Key architecture is a widely used circuit
topology for building second-order filters, also known as a
voltage-controlled voltage source. The corner frequency and the
passband gain of the second-order Sellen-Key high-pass filter
are given by equation (3) and (4) respectively [9].
fc  (3)
2 R1 R2C1C2

G pass  1  (4)
where fc is the corner frequency and G pass is the passband

Fig. 5 The schematic of the second-order Sellen-Key

low-pass active filter with a corner frequency
of 709 Hz and a roll-off rate of -12dB/Octave

An issue related to low-pass filters is the selection of the

sampling rate that is important in EMG signal acquisition.
However it was not explicitly elucidated in EMG related
literature. Collecting EMG signals from upper limbs is a typical
example. Different sample rates, e.g., 400-500 Hz [10], 1000
Hz [11-13], 1024 Hz [14, 15], 2000 Hz [16] and 4000 Hz [17]
were used for converting the analog EMG signals to digital
signals. Using a high sampling rate would reduce requirements
Fig. 3: The schematic of the second-order Sellen-Key on analog anti-aliasing filter but increase processing and
high-pass active filter with a corner frequency computational load. According to the Nyquist–Shannon
of 20 Hz and a roll-off rate of -12dB/Octave sampling theorem, when digitising a band-limited signal the
sampling rate has to be two times higher than its band-limit
Figure 4 is the schematic of a fourth-order high-pass filter built otherwise aliasing may happen. Theoretically, as the highest
by cascading two second-order Sallen-Key filters. The corner useful frequency component of the EMG signals from an upper
frequency of this fourth-order filter is determined based on the limb is less than 500 Hz, a 1000 Hz sample rate is sufficient.
transfer functions detailed in reference [9]. However, the issue is more complicated than it looks. This is
because the suitable sampling rate is also dependent on the roll-
off rate of the anti-aliasing filter. The situation, where a
sampling rate of 1000 Hz is sufficient for collecting the EMG
signals with the maximum frequency less than 500 Hz, can only
be happened when an ideal low-pass anti-aliasing filter is used.
In other words, the low-pass anti-aliasing filter must have an
ideal property, that is, an infinite roll-off rate. In reality, this is
impossible. As a result, the selection of the sampling rate has to
consider the roll-off rate of the anti-aliasing filter, which is
determined by the order of the low-pass filter. In this research,
two low-pass filters with a corner frequency of 709 Hz and a
slope of -12dB/Octave were cascaded to form a fourth-order
Fig. 4 The schematic of the fourth-order Sellen-Key low-pass filter with a 500 Hz corner frequency and a slope of
high-pass active filter with a corner frequency 24dB/Octave. The two low-pass filters are able to remove the
of 20 Hz and a roll-off rate of -24dB/Octave noises above 500 Hz. Meanwhile, the two low-pass filters also
work as an anti-aliasing filter for analog-to-digital conversion
Since the noises coupled into the circuitry from electromagnetic [18]. As shown in Figure 6, the fourth-order low-pass filter
radiation are mainly in the high frequency band, in this (Line C) has higher possibility to use a lower sampling rate f s1

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 82 – No1, November 2013

than the second-order low-pass filter (Line D), by achieving the applications, the selection of sampling rate higher than 2000 Hz
same attenuation to spectral replications at 500 Hz or even may need to consider the hardware constrains.
higher attenuation within 0-500 Hz, without causing aliasing. In
other words, if the same sampling rate fs2 is used, the fourth- Unlike conventional Nyquist rate A/D converters, Sigma-Delta
order low-pass filter (Line E) can introduce lower amplitude of (Σ−∆) A/D converters use oversampling and decimation
spectral replications on the spectral baseband (0-500 Hz) than filtering technology. At the analog input end, a sampling rate
the second-order low-pass filter (Line D). Figure 6 also reveals that is much greater than the Nyquist rate is used. Through
that, for the signals with the maximum frequency less than 500 decimation and digital filtering, the sampling rate is reduced
Hz and using a Nyquist rate A/D converter, a sampling rate of down to the Nyquist rate at digital output end. Sigma-Delta
1000 Hz may not provide the necessary aliasing rejection for (Σ−∆) conversion technology minimises the size of the data but
the fourth-order low-pass filter (Line F). In this research, a reduces the requirements on the analog anti-aliasing filter
sampling rate of 2000 Hz was chosen. The experiment showed simultaneously. It means that using a Sigma-Delta (Σ−∆) A/D
the 2000 Hz sampling rate was higher enough to attenuate the converter, the EMG signals can be recorded at an output
frequencies above 500 Hz. However, as the sampling rate gets sampling rate of 1000 samples per second (SPS).
higher the size of the data is increased. Therefore, in real


Amplitude Response






0.2 A

0.1 B

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
 Frequency (Hz)  
500 Hz f f
s1 s2

Fig. 6 The amplitude responses and spectral replications of Sellen-Key low-pass filters
Line A – the amplitude of the second-order low-pass filter
Line B – the amplitude of the fourth –order low-pass filter
Line C – the replication of the fourth-order low-pass filter at sampling rate of fs1
Line D – the replication of the second-order low-pass filter at sampling rate of fs2
Line E – the replication of the fourth-order low-pass filter at sampling rate of fs2
Line F – the replication of the fourth-order low-pass filter at sampling rate of 1 kHz

To compare the effect of a fourth-order and a second-order In the experiment, a data acquisition card PCI-6229 from
high-pass filter on the low frequency components, the National Instrument and LabView were used to collect EMG
experiment circuit was configured as showed in Figure 7. After data. The amplified and filtered EMG signals were fed into a
the electrodes and the pre-amplifier, the signals is conditioned 68-pin shielded connector SCB-68 which is connected to the
using two different approaches before connecting to the SCB- 16-Bit PCI-6229 DAQ card in a computer. A programme was
68 connector from National Instrument as illustrated in the developed in LabView to log the EMG data. Matlab was
block diagram in Figure 7, a hardware interface box for employed to analyse the spectra of the EMG signals. The EMG
National Instrument PCI card. The difference between the two signals were recorded at a sampling rate of 2000 Hz.
approaches is in the high-pass filter section. The first approach
uses a second-order high-pass filter as showed in Figure 3 Three snap type pre-gelled surface EMG (sEMG) electrodes
whereas the other is a fourth-order high-pass filter shown in and a sEMG snap cable from Thought Technology Ltd were
Figure 4. The amplified and filtered EMG signals from the two used. Two electrodes with the inter-spacing of 2 cm were
approaches were simultaneously sampled and recorded using placed on the forearm flexor carpi radialis muscle and the
LabView. Hence, the EMG signals from the two approaches are reference electrode was located on the wrist. Figure 8 illustrates
actually from the same original source and in the same period of the experiment configuration used in this research.
time but through different high-pass filters.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 82 – No1, November 2013

Fig. 7 Block diagram of the amplification and filtering circuit

Fig. 8 The diagram of experiment configuration

The corner frequency of the high-pass and low-pass filter and transform was performed to the activation segments to analyse
the total gain of the amplification and filtering circuit shown in the spectrum.
Figure 7 were set as follows:
6.1 Ball Squeezing
 The high-pass corner frequency is 20 Hz; The activation segments from the five data sets for ball
 The low-pass corner frequency is 500 Hz; squeezing were analysed using Fourier transform. As shown in
 The total gain is set at about 2900. Figure 7, each test had two sets of data. One is the result of
using a fourth-order high-pass filter while the other is the output
The human upper limb is able to perform sophisticated from the second-order high-pass filter. Figure 9 and 10 is the
movements as it has multiple degrees of freedom. However, up comparison of the amplitude response of an activation segment
until now, it is still a challenge for researchers to model and randomly selected from the experiment activation segments
control human hand movement. In most cases, only certain between the two different approaches discussed in Section 4.
hand gestures are studied. In this research, two upper limb
movements were used to analyse and test the proposed (a)
amplification and filtering design. One is ball squeezing, which
Amplitude Response

is the spherical grasping from the six basic hand grasping

proposed by N. Fukaya [19] and the other is forearm flexion as 0.6

illustrated in Figure 9. 0.4


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency (Hz)


Amplitude Response


(a) (b) 0.4

Fig. 9 (a) Six types of hand grasping and
(b) Two forearm motions. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency (Hz)

The spherical grasping is tested to squeeze a rubber ball and the

Fig. 9 The amplitude response of the EMG
forearm flexion to hold a bottle of water hung over the hand.
Signal of ball squeezing (0-500 Hz).
For each hand movement, the test was repeated five times and
(a) Using the fourth-order high-pass filter
collected five sets of data. Each test run had 2-second rest at the
(b) Using the second-order high-pass filter
beginning and then followed the 2-second activation and 2-
second rest pattern. The experiment data were stored in
datasheet files using LabView and then transferred to Matlab to
conduct time-frequency analysis.

Matlab was used to analyse experimental data and evaluate the
proposed EMG amplification and filtering circuit. The EMG
signal waveforms were displayed in Matlab. The activation
segments of the two upper-limb movements, that is, when the
target muscles were contracting, were clearly identified. Fourier

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 82 – No1, November 2013

Amplitude Response

Fig. 12 The amplitude response of the EMG signal of
forearm flexion (zoomed in 0-50 Hz).

(a) Using the fourth-order high-pass filter
(b) Using the second-order high-pass filter
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Frequency (Hz)

1 As the results shown in Figure 9, 10, 11 and 12, there is only
Amplitude Response

0.8 little improvement in terms of suppression to low frequency

0.6 noises within the range of 0-15 Hz, when the high-pass roll-off
0.4 rate was doubled from -12dB/Octave to -24dB/Octave. A
0.2 second-order high-pass filter could perform almost as good as a
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
fourth-order high-pass filter in the tested EMG filtering
Frequency (Hz) circuitry.
Fig. 10 The amplitude response of the EMG signal of ball
squeezing (zoomed in 0-50 Hz). 7. FINAL DESIGN
(a) Using the fourth-order high-pass filter Based on the above study and experiments, the final version of
(b) Using the second-order high-pass filter the proposed EMG amplification and filtering circuit consists of
a pre-amplifier, a second-order high-pass filter, a second-order
6.2 Forearm Flexion low-pass filter, an inverting amplifier, and a second-order low-
Similar to the movement of ball squeezing, the amplitude pass filter. Figure 13 is the schematic of the circuit. The
response of an activation segment of forearm flexion is corresponding EMG signals collected from ball squeezing and
forearm flexion movements using this circuit are presented in
presented in Figure 11 and 12. Figure 14.
(a) The experiment also showed that, even when the limb keeps
completely relaxed, the signal collected from the EMG circuit
Amplitude Response


has some obvious noise signals. The frequency spectrum of the
noise signals is displayed in Figure 15, which clearly reveals
that the noise from the power line interferes with the 50 Hz
component. This noise and its harmonics is the primary noise
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 source. Conventionally, a notch filter at 50 Hz (or 60 Hz) is
Frequency (Hz)
employed to clean the power line noises. However, the majority
(b) energy of the EMG signal is within the 30-150 Hz range and
there is no notch filter can perform to the ideal level to only
Amplitude Response


0.6 eliminate 50 Hz (or 60 Hz) noises without losing the

neighbouring EMG signal components. As a result, the use of a
notch filter suppresses the power line interference and at the
same time, it causes the loss of useful information of the EMG
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Frequency (Hz)
350 400 450 500 signals. In addition, a notch filter at 50 (or 60) Hz is unable to
attenuate its harmonics introduced by the nonlinearity of
Fig. 11 The amplitude response of the EMG signal of electronic components. Therefore, a notch filter is not
forearm flexion (0-500 Hz). recommended for EMG data acquisition circuitry [2, 3].
(a) Using the fourth-order high-pass filter Various adaptive filter techniques have been proposed for noise
(b) Using the second-order high-pass filter cancellation [20-22] and have shown the potential for specific
EMG signal processing.
This paper discusses the issues related to the design of surface
Amplitude Response


EMG signal amplification and filtering circuits. The circuit
design proposed was tested stage by stage and then integrated
with a PC-based EMG data acquisition system through three
electrodes. The system is able to successfully acquire the EMG
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 signals and suppress the noises. The analysis of the experiment
Frequency (Hz)
results validates the effectiveness of the proposed design. The
(b) comparison between the second-and fourth-order high-pass
filter also confirms that a second-order high-pass filter has the
Amplitude Response

potential to replace the fourth-order high-pass filter.
Furthermore, the experiment also clearly shows that it is
necessary to remove the noises from power line to increase
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Frequency (Hz)

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 82 – No1, November 2013

Fig. 13 The schematic of the proposed amplification and filtering circuit



Amplitude (V)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (S)



Amplitude (V)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (S)

Fig. 14 The EMG signal waveforms in time domain.

(a) Ball Squeezing (b) Forearm flexion

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