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Mastitis Prevention and Treatment

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Mastitis Prevention and Treatment

Document Type Guideline
Function Clinical Service Delivery
Directorates National Women’s Health
Department(s) affected Maternity, surgical wards, AED, APU
Patients affected (if applicable) Postnatal women
Staff members affected ADHB staff members caring for postnatal women
Key words (not part of title) lactation, engorgement, breastfeeding, abscess
Author – role only Lactation Consultant
Owner (see ownership structure) Owner: SCD Secondary Maternity
Issuer: SCD Secondary Maternity
Edited by Clinical Policy Advisor
Date first published February 2011
Date this version published January 2017 - reviewed
Review frequency 3 yearly
Unique Identifier NMP200/SSM/082

1. Purpose of guideline
2. Guideline management principles and goals
3. Definitions
4. Incidence
5. Infectious and non-infectious mastitis
6. Pathology
7. Microbiology
8. Predisposing factors
9. Prevention
10. Positioning for breastfeeding
11. Diagnosis
12. Management - conservative
13. Management - antibiotic therapy
14. Follow up and recurrent mastitis
15. Complications

a) Breast engorgement
b) Cracked nipples
c) Candida infection
d) Chronic breast pain
e) Pus in breastmilk
f) Blood in breastmilk
g) Breast abscess

16. Flowchart: Mastitis care pathway

17. Flowchart: Referrals to breast care team for postnatal women
18. Supporting evidence
19. Associated ADHB documents
20. Disclaimer
21. Corrections and amendments

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1. Purpose of guideline
The purpose of this guideline is to assist clinicians with the prevention and
management of mastitis within Auckland District Health Board (ADHB).

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2. Guideline management principles and goals

The Guidelines and Audit Implementation Network (GAIN) in Northern Ireland identified
the need for regional guidelines on the prevention, management and treatment of
mastitis. Subsequently they convened a regional multi-disciplinary group and these
new guidelines have been developed, from which are intended to aid appropriate
mastitis diagnosis, treatment and care. The guidelines have been developed using the
most up-to-date evidence at time of publication.
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3. Definitions

Mastitis is an inflammatory condition of the breast that may or may not be accompanied
by infection. Lactational mastitis occurs when pressure builds within the milk cells
(alveoli) from stagnant or excess milk, leading to cellulitis of the interlobular connective
tissue within the mammary gland.

Mastitis is a common preventable complication during breastfeeding. It can often be

self managed; however many breastfeeding women do not get the information or
support they need to avoid mastitis or manage it if it does occur.
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4. Incidence
Estimates of the global incidence of lactational mastitis vary considerably, with some
studies suggesting a figure as low as 2% and others reporting incidences up to 50%. A
recent study from Glasgow suggests an incidence of 18%. The results from this study
are similar to studies from Australia, and it is therefore feasible that around one in five
breastfeeding women may experience mastitis.

Recent studies have shown that approximately half of all cases occur in the first four
weeks of starting breastfeeding. However mastitis can also occur at any stage during
lactation and particularly when the number of breastfeeds or milk expressions is
suddenly reduced.

In approximately 3% of those with mastitis a breast abscess may result as a

complication. Prompt effective management and treatment of the mastitis helps reduce
the risk of a breast abscess developing.
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5. Infectious and non-infectious mastitis

Both infectious and non infectious mastitis present with symptoms suggestive of an
infection. In both types the symptoms may be severe enough to indicate treatment with
antibiotics. In cases of infectious mastitis, pyrexia (flu-like) symptoms are more likely to
persist for longer than 24 hours and produce significant breast discomfort.

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6. Pathology

Lactational mastitis happens when pressure from stagnant or excess milk builds within
the alveoli. Over-distension of the alveolar cells can cause milk to leak into the
surrounding connective tissues. The presence of milk outside the ductal system of the
breast can cause a localised immune reaction with subsequent inflammation and
swelling. If milk escapes from the alveolar cells and enters the blood stream via the
mammary capillary system, the patient will experience an immune response with a
pyrexia and malaise even in the absence of infection.

During mastitis there are various changes to the biochemical and cellular composition
of breastmilk. These changes result in increased breast permeability, reduced milk
synthesis and raised concentrations of immune components. Despite these changes it
is safe to continue breastfeeding during an episode of mastitis.
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7. Microbiology

The organism found in almost all cases of lactational mastitis and breast abscess (a
complication of mastitis) is Staphylococcus aureus. Escherichia coli (or other Gram-
negative bacteria), Bacteroides species and Streptococcus species (alpha, beta and
non-haemolytic) are sometimes found, and these latter have, in a few cases, been
linked to neonatal streptococcal infection (see evidence table). However, there is no
significant correlation between bacterial counts and severity of symptoms. Infants are
often colonised with S.aureus and an Australian case control study found 82% nasal
carriage rate in infants of mothers with mastitis versus 56% in controls (see Amir et al
2006). The direction of transmission is not clear since there was no difference in nasal
carriage rates of the mothers. Pathogens such as S. aureus may be found in breastmilk
where there is no clinical manifestation of mastitis, as evidenced by a study from
Finland which took samples of breastmilk from healthy women and found 5 out of 40
samples with S.aureus (see Heikkila et al 2003).

Transmission of these organisms between mother and baby has been reported in
healthy lactating mothers (see Kawada) and is a potential source of infection for sick
preterm infants (see Gastelum et al 2005 and Behari et al 2004).
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8. Predisposing factors
Milk stasis

 Lack of skin to skin contact at birth

 Ineffective breast drainage caused by poor positioning and attachment
 Scheduled or restricted feeds, long gaps without feeding, missed or short feeds
 Sudden cessation of breastfeeding
 Over abundant milk supply
 Breast engorgement
 Blocked milk duct
 Pressure on a particular area of the breast caused by tight bra or holding the breast
firmly during feeding
 Stress and fatigue which leads to less time for breastfeeding
 Separation from baby

Nipple trauma

 Nipple trauma due to ineffective feeding which allows entry of bacteria

 Baby with a tongue tie (or other oral anomaly): this may cause ineffective feeding
 In rare cases, untreated dermatitis of the areola and nipple

Other factors

 Past history of mastitis/abscess

 Local trauma to breast
 Previous breast surgery

The main underlying features of mastitis are milk stasis and nipple trauma.

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9. Prevention

 Ensure skin to skin contact at birth and unrestricted during hospital stay
 Ensure effective positioning and attachment
 Encourage frequent, baby led feeding
 Prevent nipple trauma through good position and attachment
 Keep the mother and the baby together 24/7 so the mother is able to respond to
feeding cues – rooming in
 Avoid missing feeds and leaving long gaps between feeds
 Avoid unnecessary breast milk supplements (BMS)
 Avoid the use of teats and dummies
 Avoid and treat breast engorgement
 Teach gentle massage and hand expression of breastmilk as a self help measure
 Avoid pressure on the breast (tight bra or holding the breast firmly during feeding)

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10. Positioning for breastfeeding

Some basic principles that should help facilitate good attachment can be applied to
how the baby is held. These include:

 The baby’s head and body should be in alignment and the neck not twisted
 Baby’s tummy turned towards mummy’s tummy
 The baby’s head should not be held; rather, the baby’s neck and shoulders should
be supported so that the baby’s head is free to tilt backwards
 The woman shapes her breast to maximise a deeper latch
 The baby starts a breastfeed with the nose opposite the nipple
 When the mouth is wide open the baby should be brought swiftly to the breast
with the chin leading
 The nipple should be pointing towards the roof of the baby’s mouth
 The baby’s body should be held close to the mothers’ body
 The mother’s position should be made sustainable after the baby is attached

To attach well, the baby is held, nose to nipple to be able to tilt the head back and
reach for the breast with the chin leading. The baby’s lower lip touches the breast first
and a wide open mouth forms a teat from both breast tissue and nipple. Then
negative pressure within the mouth, produces a seal which prevents the nipple and
breast from moving in and out during suckling.

The nipple is situated far back in the mouth at the junction of the hard and soft palate
where it will not be damaged. If the baby has not attached well, feeding will be painful
and prolonged, and the nipple will be rubbed against the hard palate during feeding,
resulting in trauma. If a blister has formed at the tip of the nipple or the nipple is
flattened, or has a white line on the tip, this is an indicator that the attachment
technique requires improvement.

Signs of good attachment for breastfeeding include:

 The baby’s mouth is wide open

 The baby’s tongue is forward over the bottom lip
 The baby’s chin is touching the breast
 The baby’s cheeks are full and rounded
 If visible, more areola is seen at the baby’s nose and top lip
 The baby’s lower lip is curled back
 Rhythmic sucks and swallows are evident throughout the feed
 The feeding is comfortable for the mother
 The baby is relaxed
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11. Diagnosis
Women who suspect they have mastitis will usually refer to their GP, midwife, child
health nurse or LMC for diagnosis and treatment. Voluntary breastfeeding
counsellors, breastfeeding support groups and peer support programmes are an
additional point of contact for women seeking guidance on managing mastitis.

The diagnosis of mastitis should be made by examining the patient's breast,

observing a breastfeed and carrying out observations of temperature, pulse and
respirations to confirm if two or more of the following clinical features are present:

 Painful red, swollen, inflamed area of the breast

 Breast is hot to touch
 Pyrexia of < 38.4°C
 Flu-like symptoms (chills, headache, muscle aches)
 Painful lump (blocked duct)

Identifying the cause of mastitis

Useful questions to ask include the following:

 How old is your baby?

 How often does your baby feed in 24 hours? (8-12 times is the average number of
feeds in a day.)
 Have you decided to stop breastfeeding suddenly?
 Have you any particular tender areas or lumps on your breast?
 Has there been a recent marked change in your baby’s feeding pattern?
 Do you feed your baby on demand, e.g. does your baby decide when he is
finished a feed or do you?
 Do you space feeds by offering a dummy or other method of soothing when baby
would like to feed?
 Are you a lot busier or stressed than usual?
 What is the longest time your baby has gone without a breastfeed in the last few
 Are your nipples sore or cracked?
 Does your bra leave a mark on your breasts or feels too tight?
 Do you feel that you may have more milk than your baby needs?
 Are you using nipple shields or a dummy?
 Have you noticed that your baby is fussier than normal when feeding?
 Is your baby having bottles of infant formula or your own milk?
 Have you recently been on a long journey where the seatbelt restricted breast
 How long have you had this problem?
 Has your baby’s mouth been checked for tongue-tie?
 Have you ever had mastitis before?
 Do you ever have any pain whilst breastfeeding?
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12. Management - conservative

It is important to begin by talking to the patient to elicit information to help establish
the underlying cause of her mastitis. This should help her to manage her mastitis and
address the cause or causes, and so help to prevent further episodes. Identifying the
cause of mastitis in each case should involve taking a comprehensive feeding history
and identifying predisposing factors. A full breast feed should be observed and the
baby’s mouth checked for tongue tie. The breasts should also be examined and
observed for tender, sore, lumpy areas, nipple trauma, and oedema and for signs of
piercings or previous surgery.

Management: key points

 Routinely examine postnatal patients who complain of nipple/breast pain

 Help maintain adequate and effective breast drainage
 Check breastfeeding technique or refer to appropriate practitioner
 Ensure there are no overlong gaps between feeds
 Examine the infant for signs of candida, tongue tie, poor milk intake
 Identify persistent and severe cases, culture milk as recommended and consider
careful prescribing
 Do not advise sudden cessation of breastfeeding during mastitis or breast
 Support the patient to maintain her milk supply should this be necessary
 Teach patients with a large milk supply to manage it and if necessary instruct her
how to “block feed”
 Use antibiotics judiciously

Support for prevention and management

Mastitis can be a distressing and debilitating experience and its emotional and
physical effects are strongly associated with premature weaning. It is therefore
important that patients are provided with information to enable them to find out the
cause of their mastitis. Access to skilled, knowledgeable support, while still
breastfeeding during mastitis, enables patients to cope with and appropriately
manage their symptoms.

Support and encouragement within the home should help enable patients to sustain
a decision to breastfeed despite the challenge of mastitis. Families should be
encouraged to help patients rest and focus on effective feeding and breast drainage
so that they can recover quickly.

All patients with mastitis should be provided with written information and contact
details of professional and voluntary breastfeeding support organisations within their

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Self management

The basic principles underlying the conservative management of mastitis are:

 Empty the breast

 Gentle massage
 Cold compresses after feeds and rest

Frequent effective milk removal is required to treat mastitis and prevent further
complications, such as breast abscess or recurrent mastitis. The most reliable
method of milk removal is usually effective feeding by the baby. If feeding is not
possible, or is not sufficient to ensure good breast emptying, the patient should
express milk from the affected breast by hand, by pump* or both. Patients should not
routinely be advised to stop breastfeeding or expressing during an episode of
mastitis: if they wish to wean this can be supported once they have recovered.

If needed, mothers should be reassured their baby will not be harmed by

breastfeeding during mastitis.

Those supporting a patient with mastitis should ensure that she is able to express
breastmilk effectively. When expressing breastmilk by hand or by pump* it is
important to use an effective technique, one that avoids trauma to the breast. Gentle
massage before expressing should encourage the “let down” reflex and aid milk flow.
All breastfeeding mothers should be taught how to hand express in the early days
after birth so that they can use this technique as needed to manage breast over-
fullness and early signs of mastitis or during an episode of mastitis.

To remove milk from the inflamed breast as effectively as possible, mothers should
be encouraged to offer feeds on the affected side first for the next two or three feeds.
To prevent further engorgement, care must be taken to ensure that there is also good
milk removal on the unaffected breast while managing mastitis.

*Note: if using a breast pump, it is vital to ensure that the funnel of the pump
attachment is large enough. The nipple should not touch the sides or extend the
length of the attachment funnel during expression. If a pump attachment larger than
the 24 - 25 mm standard is required this can be obtained from ward stock.

It may be helpful to support the mother to change her feeding position for a few feeds
so that the area of affected breast is drained as efficiently as possible. The area of
the breast corresponding to the baby’s chin will be the area most effectively drained.
For example, the underarm position will be helpful if the lower outer quadrant of the
breast is affected.

Medication may be started to treat pain, inflammation and pyrexia. If there are no
contra-indications, use Paracetamol 500 mg – 1g every 6 hours to treat pain and
pyrexia, or Ibuprofen 400mg three to four times a day after food to treat pain, pyrexia
and inflammation. .

Codeine phosphate is contraindicated in breastfeeding women.

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If the breast is inflamed a cold breast compress (3 -5 minutes maximum - protect skin
of breast with a dry wash cloth to prevent thermal shock and ductal damage) can be
useful to reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort. This in turn should aid milk flow
when used with reverse pressure massage (RPM).

If a breast abscess is suspected do not used RPM until the USS has excluded a
collection. Never do RPM for a breast abscess. Warm compresses could be used to
assist milk flow before feeding or expressing.

Gentle massage (RPM) of the affected breast and lying flat prior to a feed should
help to drain fluid within the tissues aiding milk flow prior to and during feeding or
expression of milk. The fingers (not tips) can be used in firm stroking movements
towards the sternum and axilla. Care must be taken to avoid massage that is too firm
as this can cause trauma and undue pressure and increase inflammation. A soft
stretchy support such as tubigrip has been found to be a useful support rather than a
bra at this time. Please ensure the correct size is used – not folded over and does not
gather or roll at the top as this will cause extra pressure on ductal and breast tissue.
In the community the patient can use a stretchy “boob tube” It is important to always
obtain consent prior to any massage.

Family support is important to allow the mother time to rest and recover from mastitis
and to continue breastfeeding. Extra help will be needed for at least 48 hours. It is
important that family members understand that it will not help the mother’s recovery if
they formula feed the baby and miss out breastfeeds.

The mother should be supported and encouraged to eat nutritious food to aid
recovery and healing. Extra fluids should help alleviate symptoms and reduce any

The patient should be advised to seek urgent LMC or medical advice if after 12 - 24
hours from the onset of symptoms there is no improvement or the symptoms are
severe or worsening despite following the recommended self management. For
example, if her temperature increases to 38.4oC or above, or the affected breast
becomes more painful, swollen or inflamed.

A mastitis care management flowchart has been developed to support these

principles. It is recommended that the flowchart is used in conjunction with these

If a problem with a breastfeeding technique is suspected then an assessment should

be undertaken. This should be by an appropriately trained health professional such
as the midwife, lactation consultant or Plunket nurse.

It is necessary to observe a full breastfeed to assess attachment and positioning

technique and ascertain if there are any particular concerns about milk supply or
trauma to the nipples. See Positioning for breastfeeding on effective positioning and
attachment for breastfeeding.
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13. Management - antibiotic therapy

Conservative management of mastitis to alleviate symptoms and ensure ongoing
breast emptying may be all that is required for treatment.

However, if symptoms are not improving within 12 - 24 hours from onset or the
symptoms are severe or worsening despite the patient implementing the
recommended self-management practices, the patient should seek urgent LMC or
medical advice and antibiotics should be started. An individual judgement on when to
start antibiotics should be made on the basis of a full case history and examination of
the patient. In severe cases it may not be desirable to wait. It is also important to
continue to empty the breast as previously described. A pain score should be
obtained. If necessary the patient should be admitted to hospital and commenced on
IV antibiotics.

Oral antibiotics for the patient with early infective mastitis (symptomatic)

Condition Antibiotics Dose

Mastitis First-line flucloxacillin 500mg qid po, one hour
before meals & last thing at
night, for 5-7 days***
Mastitis (penicillin cephalexin 500mg tds po for 5-7 ***
rash *) days
Mastitis (penicillin clindamycin 450 mg tds po for 5-7 days
anaphylaxis or ***
uncertain reaction) Swallow whole with a glass
of water; cease treatment
immediately if diarrhoea

*** NB: Longer treatment duration is seldom warranted. Resolution of all symptoms
will not occur until some time after effective antibiotic treatment. According to
Therapeutic Guidelines - Antibiotic version 14 2010 page 2 “keep duration of therapy
as short as possible. Do not exceed 7 days without a proven indication for longer
duration (e.g. endocarditis)”.

In hospital for infective mastitis

Please follow the admission flowchart to follow the admission procedure. Should the
patient’s condition indicate that IV antibiotics are required see table below:

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Antibiotic therapy for infective mastitis

Condition Antibiotics Dose

Mastitis flucloxacillin 1g q6h IV, changing to oral
flucloxacillin as above once
improved**, for total duration
5-7 days***
Mastitis (penicillin cephazolin 1g q8h IV, changing to oral
rash*) cephalexin as above once
improved**, for total duration
5-7 days***
Mastitis (penicillin clindamycin (ID pre-approval 450 mg po tds 5-7 days***
anaphylaxis or required) (excellent bioavailability so
uncertain reaction) IV required if oral intake
impossible). Swallow whole
with a glass of water; cease
treatment immediately if
diarrhoea develops.
Mastitis (penicillin clindamycin (ID pre-approval 300 – 600mg q8h IV until
anaphylaxis or required) oral intake possible then
uncertain reaction) switch to oral as above, total
and oral intake not duration 5-7 days***

*For patients with a history of penicillin causing a severe rash, clindamycin may be a
more appropriate choice. Please discuss with the ID service for pre-approval..

All patients known to be colonised with MRSA should be discussed with the ID
service so the most appropriate antibiotic can be chosen.

** Switch patients to oral antibiotic when the following criteria are met; clinically
improving, tolerating oral fluid; temperature ≤38°C over preceding 24 hours and BP

*** NB: Longer treatment duration is seldom warranted. Resolution of all symptoms
will not occur until some time after effective antibiotic treatment. According to
Therapeutic Guidelines - Antibiotic version 14 2010 page 2 “keep duration of therapy
as short as possible. Do not exceed 7 days without a proven indication for longer
duration (e.g. endocarditis)”

Patients should be reminded that they need to complete the full course of antibiotic
therapy to ensure their mastitis does not recur. Specific instructions regarding
antibiotic administration should be given to the patient.

Patients should also be reassured that the above recommended antibiotics may be
used during breastfeeding. Only small amounts pass through to the milk and any
effects on the baby are usually temporary. The importance to the baby of continued
breastfeeding far outweighs the temporary effects of the antibiotics. Effects can
include restlessness, diarrhoea, and a sore bottom for the baby. If the patient
develops diarrhoea (> 3 loose stools in a 24 hour period) this may be due to

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antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. If the diarrhoea fails to settle or worsens then she

should see her GP to exclude Clostridium difficile infection. This infection is
associated with all antibiotics but it is very uncommon in healthy women and may be

Alternative treatments

Various alternative or complementary therapies are reported in the literature as

treatments for mastitis. These include acupuncture and homeopathic remedies.

Presently there is not sufficient evidence to warrant the recommendation of these

alternative treatments for mastitis.

As these are merely complementary, the first line of treatment for mastitis should
always be based on the best available evidence as contained within these guidelines.
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14. Follow up and recurrent mastitis

Clinical response to the above management is typically rapid and dramatic.

If symptoms fail to resolve, differential diagnosis should be considered. Further

investigations may be required to confirm resistant bacteria, abscess formation,
underlying mass, ductal thrush or inflammatory or ductal carcinoma. More than two or
three reoccurrences in the same location warrant evaluation to rule out underlying
mass. Recurrent mastitis may occur as a result of over supply and poor drainage.
This should be addressed and there must be an immediate referral to a lactation
consultant at every admission.

There may be a role for decolonisation treatment of patients with recurrent

staphylococcal mastitis, these patients should be referred to the ID service.

Breastmilk cultures

Occasionally it may be necessary to consider taking a breastmilk sample if the

patient’s clinical picture suggests further investigation i.e. has had recurrent mastitis
or is not responding to treatment. This should be considered on a case by case basis
and not as routine general practice.

The lactation consultant should be involved in the decision making along with a
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15. Complications

a) Breast engorgement

Breast fullness commonly occurs between the second and fifth day following
delivery and the onset of lactogenesis II. Then there is a significant increase in the
volume of milk being produced. At this time, the breasts feel firm, heavy and
warm, and the milk flows readily: this is a normal physiological response. It is not
unusual for the breast to feel hot and look flushed.

Breast engorgement occurs as a result of venous and lymphatic stasis and

obstruction of the lactiferous ducts. Over-distension of the alveolar cells causes
the breasts to become hard, hot, painful, oedematous and shiny. When the
breasts are engorged, it is difficult to get milk flowing. Redness and inflammation
may be present: this is a pathological response.

If engorgement of the breasts is allowed to persist, a protein in the milk, feedback

inhibitor of lactation (FIL), will signal the body to stop producing milk. It is
therefore important to facilitate ongoing effective breast emptying. Untreated
breast engorgement can lead to a blocked milk duct and subsequent mastitis.

Treatment for breast engorgement includes frequent, effective breastfeeding from

the affected breast, gentle breast massage, hand expression, analgesia, skin to
skin contact and breast cooling in-between feeds.
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b) Cracked nipples
Trauma to the nipples during breastfeeding is most often caused by poor
attachment of the baby to the breast. All patients with cracked nipples require
further support from a midwife or lactation consultant, who should ensure that the
mother positions her baby correctly and achieves good attachment to prevent
further trauma. Positioning for breastfeeding describes how to achieve and
recognise effective positioning and attachment.

The baby should be assessed for tongue tie.

It is also important to remind the mother to pay particular attention to hand

washing to prevent further or cross infection. It is now universally acceptable to
advise women to use breastmilk and warmth to aid the healing process***

Note: The application of creams to prevent nipple trauma or pain is not


If, despite improvements to attachment and positioning, a cracked nipple persists

and has visible bacterial infection signs such as a yellow discharge or a wound
slough, an oral antibiotic may be prescribed as for mastitis above.

If there is not visible infection a referral to a lactation consultant is essential.

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c) Candida infection
It is important to remember that thrush is commonly misdiagnosed, under and
over treated. It is therefore advisable to take a detailed history to ascertain if
thrush is present. Generally nipple and areola thrush is seen after the patient is
discharged into the community.

Nipple and areola thrush presents with a red shiny appearance that is often itchy
with sharp stabbing pain on feeding. The nipples should be carefully observed
with a magnifying glass to assess for any white spots.

If thrush is suspected the baby’s mouth should be assessed for white spots on the
cheeks, tongue or pharynx and the baby’s anal area observed for red spots. Oral
thrush in the baby should be treated with nystatin oral suspension 0.5 – 1ml 4
times a day. For areola, nipple thrush it is recommended that clotrimazole cream
1% be applied three times a day after feeds. This treatment should continue for a
further 10 - 14 days after the symptoms have subsided.

Ductal thrush

Ductal thrush presents with specific symptoms that help in confirming the
diagnosis. For this reason a lactation consultant should be contacted.

Treatment for Ductal thrush requires ID approval and must be discussed on a

case by case basis with ID services.

Fluconazole 100mg once daily for a minimum of 7 days (see Heinig et al and
prescribing notes below). It is important that the prescriber follows up the patient
closely and adjusts the dosage accordingly in line with her symptoms. Refer to
the BNF for precautions when prescribing fluconazole. At ADHB the use of
fluconazole requires approval from the ID Team.

It is unlikely that the infant will need to be prescribed oral nystatin suspension if
the mother is taking fluconazole.
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d) Chronic breast pain

Some women may experience an ongoing, deep, burning breast pain occurring
during and between breastfeeds. A cardinal sign of ductal thrush is the pain
becomes worse at night. Recent studies suggest that in some cases deep breast
pain can be caused by a bacterial S. aureus infection. Bacterial lactiferous duct
infection can be present independently of mastitis or may develop subsequent to
mastitis. It is possible that a combination of a candida and bacterial infection may
be present. In this instance it may be necessary to treat with both antibiotic and
anti-fungal therapy. Women with nipple trauma are more susceptible to bacterial
ductal infections. A referral to a lactation consultant is important with any breast
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e) Pus in breastmilk
It is recommended that women continue to breastfeed.

Assess for cause:

 A small lump in breast may resolve with continued breastfeeding

 An abscess is a walled-off collection and pus does not enter the breastmilk
 If obvious pus, can be hand expressed or removed by breast pump discard,
change container and continue collection when clear breastmilk observed
 Clear expressed breast milk may be used or breastfeeding continued
 Send ‘pus’ specimen to laboratory if antibiotics have not been commenced,
thick milk with accompanying symptoms of pain may indicate thrush infection
 Refer if medical opinion required
 It is likely that this patient will require a breast USS
 Babies under paediatric care – notify paediatrician
 Document assessment, management plan, and outcome
 Prompt referral to the lactation service is recommended

Note: Thickened milk or string like milk solids may indicate previous blocked duct,
the water content has been reabsorbed and the milk solids only obtained until the
blockage cleared. The milk obtained is safe for the baby and the mother should
continue breastfeeding.
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f) Blood in breastmilk
Recommend that the mother continue breastfeeding.

Assess for cause:

 Bleeding cracked nipple – nipple trauma refer to Infant Feeding –

Breastfeeding policy (see associated ADHB documents section)
 Strong hand or breast pump expressing may cause a duct blood vessel
(commonly known as “rusty pipes”) to burst
 No obvious cause - usually resolves over a few days, continue to breastfeed
 Refer to the lactation consultant service for advice

i. Stop expressing if possible, or ensure only light hand or minimum setting for
electric breast pump if expressing is required;
ii. Make sure pumping equipment fits correctly and not the cause of further
iii. Expected outcome – bleeding should resolve spontaneously within 24 - 48
iv. Refer to lactation consultant if mother requires reassurance;
v. Refer for medical opinion if prolonged bleeding;
vi. Document the assessment, management plan, and outcome.

Note: If the patient is Hepatitis C positive she should be provided with information
on the possible risks associated with Hepatitis C. Nipple trauma should be
prevented, it is recommended she express and discard milk until signs of blood in
the milk have ceased.
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g) Breast abscess
Approximately 3% of mastitis cases result in a breast abscess. Most are caused
by inappropriate management of mastitis or sudden cessation of breastfeeding
during mastitis. All patients suspected of having a breast abscess should be
referred to the lactation consultant.

All confirmed or suspected breast abscesses should be clerked and admitted into
hospital for appropriate management. (See referrals to breast care team

Clinical features

The abscess may present as a well defined area of breast which remains hard
sometimes flutuant, red, and tender despite treatment. The initial systemic
symptoms and fever may have resolved. Some early breast abscess collections
are difficult to detect clinically.

Ultrasound is an adjunct to clinical assessment and may identify a fluid collection.

Should the patient present with a pyrexia > than 38.5 ºC blood cultures should be
done together with U&Es, FBC and CRP. The patient may require IV fluid therapy
if she is clinically dehydrated.

Ultrasound and needle aspiration of breast abscess

 A full history and clinical examination must precede ultrasound examination

 The preferred location for USS of the lactating breast is Greenlane
(Mammography Dept level 6 Greenlane Clinical Centre)
 Ultrasound examination should be carried out, the size and extent of the
abscess cavity documented, and the presence of any loculi recorded
 Local anaesthetic skin infiltration should be used, followed by ultrasound
guided wide bore needle to decompress the abscess cavity
 A sample of aspirate should be dispatched to microbiology for culture and
sensitivity testing, and documented (volume and type aspirated) in the clinical
 Details of current or recent antibiotic treatment should be highlighted on the
Pathology form and in the clinical record
 Clinical review and repeat ultrasound scans should be planned, as a second
and third aspiration may be necessary
 IV antibiotics should be administered to the patient as soon after diagnosis as
 This patient needs to be clinically assessed, admitted and clerked

If MRSA infection is confirmed this should be discussed with the ID service,

lactation consultant and a paediatrician.

Decompression of the abscess should alleviate pain and facilitate continued

breastfeeding from the affected side. Breastfeeding may be too painful in spite of
analgesia and support from the lactation consultant and therefore the patient
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should be expressing milk from the affected breast until she is able to resume
breastfeeding, the milk can be safely given to her baby via a cup or supply line at
the unaffected breast. During this time breastfeeding can continue from the
unaffected side.

Patients should be reassured that continued breastfeeding is safe for their baby.

Intravenous antibiotic therapy for breast abscess

Condition Antibiotics Dose

Breast abscess flucloxacillin 1g q6h IV, changing to oral
flucloxacillin as below once
improved**, for total duration
5-7 days***
Breast abscess cephazolin 1g q8h IV, changing to oral
(penicillin rash*) cephalexin as below once
improved**, for total duration
5-7 days***
Breast abscess clindamycin (ID pre-approval 450 mg po tds 5-7 days**
(penicillin required) (excellent bioavailability so
anaphylaxis or IV required if oral intake
uncertain reaction) impossible). Swallow whole
with a glass of water; cease
treatment immediately if
diarrhoea develops.
Breast abscess clindamycin (ID pre-approval 300 – 600mg q8h IV until
(penicillin required) oral intake possible then
anaphylaxis or switch to oral as above, total
uncertain reaction) duration 5-7 days***
and oral intake not

Oral antibiotic therapy for breast abscess (following completion of IV


Condition Antibiotics Dose

Breast abscess flucloxacillin 500mg qid po, one hour
before meals & last thing at
night , for 5 days***

Breast abscess cephalexin 500mg tds po for 5 days***

(penicillin rash*)
Breast abscess clindamycin (ID pre-approval 450 mg tds po 5 days***.
(penicillin required) Swallow whole with a glass
anaphylaxis or of water; cease treatment
uncertain reaction) immediately if diarrhoea

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* For patients with a history of penicillin causing a severe rash, clindamycin may
be a more appropriate choice. Please discuss with the ID service for pre-

All patients known to be colonised with MRSA should be discussed with the ID
service so the most appropriate antibiotic can be chosen.

** Switch patients to oral antibiotic when the following criteria are met; clinically
improving, tolerating oral fluid; temperature ≤38°C over preceding 24 hours and BP

*** NB: Longer treatment duration is seldom warranted. Resolution of all symptoms
will not occur until some time after effective antibiotic treatment. According to
Therapeutic Guidelines - Antibiotic version 14 2010 page 2 “keep duration of therapy
as short as possible. Do not exceed 7 days without a proven indication for longer
duration (e.g. endocarditis)”

Surgical incision and drainage of a breast abscess – emergency – refer to


If facilities for breast ultrasound are not available and the patient presents with a
clinically fluctuant abscess, surgical drainage may be required urgently. This may
also be necessitated by necrotic skin and soft tissue involvement.

In the absence of a breast ultrasound, Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) should be

performed before an incision is made if the abscess is not showing evidence of
pointing, with an USS booked for the next available slot at GCC – The patient
must be referred to The Lactation Consultant & the “Breast Team”.

IV antibiotic therapy should be commenced as soon as possible.

Non pointing abscess – surgical procedure

 The surgical incision should follow skin crease lines. Consider the incision
placement that will best facilitate drainage, even if an inframammary incision is
required BMJ volume 297 JM DIXON 10/12/88 ROYAL INFIRMARY
 A surgical incision close to the areola may preclude breastfeeding during
recovery, so care should be taken in planning an incision that best facilitates
dependent drainage and continued breastfeeding
 Adequate surgical drainage is crucial and digital interruption of loculi will be
required, and this is best performed under a general anaesthetic
 If available, a diagnostic breast ultrasound will be valuable in documenting the
extent of the abscess, assisting with incision planning, and may help avoid a
repeat surgical drainage procedure

Antibiotic therapy for breast abscess – please see above section

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Post operatively, loose packing with Seasorb will be required and then covered
with an Allevyn dressing, and there will be a need to change the packing to allow
healing by secondary intention. Breastfeeding is to continue, the lactation
consultant needs be involved in this patient’s care.
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16. Flowchart: Mastitis care pathway

Point of entry


Care managed by LC Discharged home to LMC with a

(1) Abscess NOT suspected and WAU midwife. management plan
and no significant mastitis Plan of care
documented Referred to WAU on call registrar –
reviewed plan either home or admit
to ward for observation and
appropriate treatment. Follow up by
LC on ward

(2) Significant mastitis and/or abscess.

Mother is clinically unwell with mastitis/potential abscess symptoms

After hours
Refer to LC for initial review
during working hours. If
significant delay in medical
Review by team on
assessment LC may gain verbal
call as above
approval for ultrasound scan

Refer to WAU on call registrar Follow flowchart

“referrals to Fax referral to
breast care team LC for follow
Registrar to refer to breast team for postnatal up on ward
within working hours. See women”
flowchart “referrals to breast care
team for postnatal women”

Be followed up by LC
Daily reassessment and review of
care input required by surgical
breast team and LC. LMC/team
to remain involved

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17. Flowchart: Referrals to breast care team for postnatal women

(1) During working hours – Monday to Friday 0800 to 1600

Breast team registrar should, depending on

Contact the breast team Urgent clinical
 arrange UUS
fellow: 021 289 5537 or assessment at
 ? do aspiration (US guided)
team support on x22787 ACH
 ? arrange surgery
 ? arrange follow up at Greenlane Breast Clinic

(2) After hours if there is a serious clinical concern:

The patient is to be assessed by an experienced member of on call O&G team

Decision regarding need for surgical management acutely

Call the general surgical registrar 021 938 931

The patient should be reviewed within 2 hours of this referral. If

this timeframe is not going to be met the surgical registrar must
inform the referrer and contact the on call surgical consultant
via the switchboard

The patient gets reviewed and plan of care discussed and

documented clearly

Please note:
 Adequate analgesia must be given at all times pending assessment, and antibiotics started by
verbal order if needed
 If there is significant delay in assessment, an ultrasound may be arranged prior to assessment by
the surgical team
 These women should be handed over to the next O&G team coming on if their care involves a
change of shift
 All referrals after hours for breast abscess will be handed over to the breast team the next
morning and noted on the computer list held by the breast team
 Ongoing responsibility of these patients will be with the breast team if an abscess or mastitis is
confirmed until the problem is resolved

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18. Supporting evidence

 Amir et al. A case-control study of mastitis: nasal carriage of Staphylococcus

aureus. BMC Family Practice 2006; 7: 57
 Behari et al. Transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus to
preterm infants through breastmilk. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2004
 Briggs et al Drugs & pregnancy in Lactation (8th Ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2008
 Guidelines and Audit Implementation Network (GAIN) Guidelines on the
treatment, management & prevention of mastitis
 Gastelum et al Transmission of community-associated methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus from breastmilk in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2005 Dec;24(12):1122-4
 Heikkila et al Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus by the commensal bacteria of
human milk. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2003; 95(3): 471-478
 Heinig et al Mammary Candidosis in Lactating Women. D. J HUm Lact 1999; 15:
 Kawada et al Transmission of Staphylococcus aureus between healthy, lactating
mothers and their infants by breastfeeding. J Hum Lact. 2003 Nov;19(4):411-7
 BNF 61, British National Formulary. London: Pharmaceutical Press, 2011
 Antibiotic Expert Group. Therapeutic Guidelines: Antibiotic. North Melbourne:
Therapeutic Guidelines Limited, 2006.

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19. Associated ADHB documents

 Infant Feeding - Breastfeeding

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20. Disclaimer

No guideline can cover all variations required for specific circumstances. It is the
responsibility of the health care practitioners using this ADHB guideline to adapt it for
safe use within their own institution, recognise the need for specialist help, and call
for it without delay, when an individual patient falls outside of the boundaries of this
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21. Corrections and amendments

The next scheduled review of this document is as per the document classification
table (page 1). However, if the reader notices any errors or believes that the
document should be reviewed before the scheduled date, they should contact the
owner or the Clinical Policy Advisor without delay.
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