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Dimmer ld90 Users Manual

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User's Manual

Document No.: 8807009 (A85)

Issue: 3.1
Date: March, 2008

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Tel: (32) 02 245 8686
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Fax: (1) 905 677 6859
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Tel: (44) 0181 560 3171
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USA: PO Box 9004,18111 South Santa Fe Avenue, Rancho
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(1) 310 637 7500 Fax: (1) 310 632 5519

The material in this manual is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Strand Lighting assumes
no responsibility for any errors or omissions which may appear in this manual. For comments and suggestions regarding
corrections and/or updates to this manual, please contact your nearest Strand Lighting office.

El contenido de este manual es solamente para informaciуn y estб sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso. Strand Lighting no asume
responsabilidad por errores o omisiones que puedan aparecer. Cualquier comentario, sugerencia o correcciуn con respecto a este
manual, favor de dirijirlo a la oficina de Strand Lighting mбs cercana.

Der Inhalt dieses Handbuches ist nur fьr Informationszwecke gedacht, Aenderungen sind vorbehalten. Strand Lighting
uebernimmt keine Verantwortung fьr Fehler oder Irrtuemer, die in diesem Handbuch auftreten. Fьr Bemerkungen und

ii Offices and Service Centres

I s s u e 3.1
Verbesserungsvorschlaege oder Vorschlaege in Bezug auf Korrekturen und/oder Aktualisierungen in diesem Handbuch,
moechten wir Sie bitten, Kontakt mit der naechsten Strand Lighting-Niederlassung aufzunehmen.

Le matйriel dйcrit dans ce manuel est pour information seulement et est sujet а changements sans prйavis. La compagnie Strand
Lighting n'assume aucune responsibilitй sur toute erreur ou ommission inscrite dans ce manuel. Pour tous commentaires ou
suggestions concernant des corrections et/ou les mises а jour de ce manuel, veuillez s'll vous plait contacter le bureau de Strand
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Information contained in this document may not be duplicated in full or in part by any person without prior written approval of
Strand Lighting. Its sole purpose is to provide the user with detailed operational information for the equipment supplied. The use
of this document for all other purposes is specifically prohibited. Certain features of the equipment described in this document
may form the subject of patents or patent applications.

Manual and Software Copyright © March, 2008, Strand Lighting Limited. All rights reserved.

Safety Information and Warning

The WARNING signs are to draw your attention to situations that could result
in personal injury or even death, if ignored.

The CAUTION sign draws your attention to a situation that could cause serious
damage to the equipment

The STOP sign draws your attention to an action that should be taken, or a fact that should be
considered carefully for optimum equipment performance.

General Information

This equipment operates at voltage levels that are potentially lethal. Do not touch any of
the internal parts of the equipment unless you are fully aware of the hazards involved
and the precautions to be taken.

Safety Information and Warning iii

I s s u e 3.1
It is imperative to provide an adequate earth conductor for the rack and
load connections. Do not rely on earthing via conduit or trunking.

The equipment described in this manual is designed and manufactured to comply with international
safety standards IEC 950 and is intended for use as part of a lighting control system. It must not be used
for other purposes where there is any risk of safety to persons. It is important that installation be carried
out in accordance with the instructions given in this manual and in compliance with applicable electrical
regulations. The work should be carried out by a suitably qualified electrician.
The system is designed to be permanently installed with supply and load wiring permanently connected.

In the interests of continued safe and reliable operation, observe the following guidelines:

• Keep the equipment at a room temperature of 0-35°C and a relative humidity of 10-95% (non-
condensing) during operation. For operation between 35°C and 40°C de-rate the maximum load by
4% per °C.

Do not, under any circumstances, operate the equipment above 40°C or in an environment
that may become wet.

• Avoid sudden extremes of temperature, rain, direct sunlight, or other heat sources.

• Make sure that wires and cables are routed sensibly and wired in accordance with local regulations.

• DO NOT drop the equipment or subject it to excessive bumping or jarring.

• DO protect the unit from excessive dust or other contamination.

iv General Information
I s s u e 3.1
Table of Contents
Safety Information ................................................................................ iii

General Information.............................................................................. iv

Offices and Services.............................................................................. ii

1. Introduction........................................................................................ 1
Manual Organisation..................................................................................................1
The LD90 Dimmer.....................................................................................................2
Glossary and Abbreviations .......................................................................................3
Technical Assistance..................................................................................................5
Technical Questions ...............................................................................................5
Parts Purchases .......................................................................................................5
Product Features.........................................................................................................6
Power Circuits ........................................................................................................6
General Dimmer Features.......................................................................................6
Power Input ............................................................................................................6
Control Inputs.........................................................................................................7
User Interface .........................................................................................................7
Programmable Features per rack ............................................................................7
Programmable Features per Mux Input ..................................................................7
Programmable Features per dimmer.......................................................................7
Building Blocks and Accessories ...........................................................................8

2. Physical Description.......................................................................... 1
Rack Layout ...............................................................................................................1
Typical Power Block (2.5kW, Single Pole) ..............................................................2
3. Installation........................................................................................ 11
General Information .................................................................................................11
Installation Planning ................................................................................................12
Ventilation ............................................................................................................12
Typical weights ....................................................................................................12
Placement and Fixing...............................................................................................13
Basic Rack Installation .........................................................................................15
Installing Power Blocks (Non-factory configured racks).....................................15
Supply Connections..............................................................................................16
Load Connections.................................................................................................18
Phase Orientation .................................................................................................18
Wiring the Loads ..................................................................................................18
Control Signal Connections..................................................................................21
Testing the system after Installation.....................................................................27

Rack Setup & Quickstart..........................................................................................28

Table of Contents v
I s s u e 3.1
Setting Language..................................................................................................28
Setting Rack Number ...........................................................................................29
Setting Phase Type ...............................................................................................29
The Mux Input Key ..............................................................................................30
The Level Key ......................................................................................................30
Multiple Rack Installations ......................................................................................31
SWC / SV90 Installation........................................................................................33
Control Wiring .....................................................................................................34
Wiring for Handheld Programmer........................................................................35
Wiring Control Stations & Programmer...............................................................36
Outlook Installation ...............................................................................................37
Wiring Control Sations.........................................................................................38
Setting up Control Stations...................................................................................39
Outlook Patch Menu.............................................................................................39
Outlook Preset Menu............................................................................................42
Fuorescent Dimmer Mode Set-up ............................................................................46
4. Reference ......................................................................................... 51
Navigating the System .............................................................................................51
The Keypad and Display ......................................................................................51
Power up Display .................................................................................................52
Indicators ..............................................................................................................52
Display Contrast ...................................................................................................52
System Default Settings .......................................................................................53
Function Keys & Menu Levels ................................................................................54
Checking Default (Factory) Settings........................................................................55
SET Menu ................................................................................................................56
Setting Language..................................................................................................57
Setting Rack Number ...........................................................................................57
Setting Maximum Output Voltage .......................................................................58
Setting Minimum Dimmer Levels........................................................................59
Return to Default Settings ....................................................................................60
Key Lock ..............................................................................................................60
Setting Phase Type ...............................................................................................61
Mux Input key..........................................................................................................62
Non -Dim Key..........................................................................................................63
Curve Key ................................................................................................................64
Patch key ..................................................................................................................65
Mux Start No. Example........................................................................................65
Mux: Dim Patch Example ....................................................................................66
Mux : I.D. Example ..............................................................................................67
Advanced Operation.............................................................................................68
Response key............................................................................................................69
Preset Key ................................................................................................................70
Preset View...........................................................................................................70
Preset Record........................................................................................................71
Preset No Mux......................................................................................................72
Preset Time...........................................................................................................73
The Level Key ......................................................................................................74
User Messages..........................................................................................................76

5. Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting ............................................... 77

Routine Tests............................................................................................................77
Fault finding.............................................................................................................77

vi Table of Contents
I s s u e 3.1
Basic System ........................................................................................................77
Basic Rack ............................................................................................................79
First Line Maintenance ............................................................................................81
Processor Unit Replacement.................................................................................81
Processor Unit Reconfiguration ...........................................................................82
Processor Unit Fuse Replacement ........................................................................82
Power Device Replacement..................................................................................83
Spare Parts............................................................................................................84
Appendix .............................................................................................. 85
Control Signal Path Diagram ...................................................................................85
Summary of LD90 Features .....................................................................................86
Technical Data Summary .........................................................................................87
Fluorescent Relay Drive Output Connections..........................................................88

Index ..................................................................................................... 89

Power Block Wiring Supplement

This manual provides information on the installation and operating
procedures for the LD90 Dimmer System.

Manual Organisation This manual contains the following chapters plus an index:-

Table of Contents vii

I s s u e 3.1
Introduction Tells you about the organisation of this manual and explains the
typographical conventions and terms used. It also tells you how to get
technical help if necessary.

Product Features Describes the main features of the LD90.

Physical Description Shows how the dimmer is constructed and details the major parts.

Installation This section tells the contractor how to install the system, includes
important safety information and describes basic rack setup.

Reference Gives detailed information about configuring the LD90.

Maintenance & Trouble- This section details user maintenance and straightforward trouble-
shooting shooting procedures.

Appendix Gives details on:-

• Control Signal Path Diagram
• Summary of LD90 Features
• Technical Data Summary
• Fluorescent relay wiring
Also appended to the manual is the Power Block & Accessory
Instructions supplement that comes with each power block; this
contains information on 2nd Mux processor and RCD fitment.

viii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
The LD90 Dimmer The LD90 is a fully digital, semi-modular dimmer, suitable for fixed
installations. It is designed to give the user an affordable system with
a high degree of flexibility.
This is achieved by using the latest microprocessor technology
together with eighty years of design and manufacturing experience for
the entertainment industry.
Standard features include simultaneous multiplex and analogue control
signals, outputs to control auxiliary dimmers, multi-language
configuration menus, diagnostic messages and the storage and
playback of preset lighting scenes.
The LD90 system offers a user-configurable mixture of dimmer ratings
in one cabinet. Standard options include earth leakage circuit breakers
(RCDs) and System Wide Control of all racks using a Handheld
Programmer, Preset Station, or Personal Computer. Also support for
Strand's Outlook range of architectural control stations is a standard
The LD90 offers these and many more features designed to give the
greatest flexibility.

Table of Contents ix
I s s u e 3.1
Glossary and The following terminology is used throughout this manual for
Abbreviations consistency:-

Default The original factory settings.

Dimmer Curve (Law) The relationship between a control level and actual dimmer output

DNC Digital Network Control - A digital protocol used for the Outlook
range of Architectural control Stations.

HTP Highest Takes Precedence, whereby channel levels when combined

will give priority to the one with the highest level.

Level A numerical value used to express the 'brightness' of a dimmer, usually

shown as %.

Maximum O/P Voltage The maximum output voltage which may be set for each dimmer or
group of dimmers.

MUX Abbreviation of the word Multiplex. Multiplex systems transmit data

(usually dimmer information) from a lighting controller to a dimmer
rack via means of a single signal cable. There are various types of
multiplex systems as shown below:-
• DMX 512: A USITT Standard system for digital transmission to a
maximum of 512 dimmers.
• D54: Strand Lighting multiplexed analogue system for transmission to a
maximum of 384 dimmers.
• SMX: A lighting standard for digital transmission including error
checking and recovery.

No MUX State This defines which of the 99 preset states (or blackout) dimmers should
fade to when both the A & B mux inputs have failed. State 0 is fixed and
is always blackout (the default), the other 99 states are user

Circuit Identifier The Circuit Identifier is a unique identification string containing up to

five upper case letters or numbers which you can assign to each
dimmer. The dimmer number may be the same as the Circuit
Identifier, or may be a string used to indicate circuit location, phase,
etc. This feature is useful for SWC or SV90.

Non-Dim A mode in which the dimmer circuit responds to its control signal as a

Outlook Strand's range of Architectural control stations.

Patch A way of allocating a logical dimmer to a multiplex signal address, or

with Outlook, configuring dimmer to channel room assignment.

x Table of Contents
I s s u e 3.1
Phase The three phases of the mains supply to which the dimmers are
connected are identified as phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 in Europe and
phase A, phase B and phase C in the U.S.

Preset Every circuit within a rack has associated with it 99 programmable

preset lighting states and a blackout state (backup state 0). Backup
states are recalled by user input from the keypad, SV90, SWC Remote
or Preset Station. Backup state 0 is a blackout.
Outlook presets can also be set separately with this facility, allowing
16 rooms to be configured, each with 8 different presets plus On and

Preset Fade Time Every preset has an associated fade time which is the time over which
the dimmer output level will change when fading from the current
level to the selected preset.

Preset levels are programmable per dimmer, but preset fade times
are programmable per preset state.

Rack Number Rack numbers are set up on the front panel of the LD90 dimmer. They
will usually be set up by the installation engineer. They are used to
identify physical units within the system.

Response This determines how quickly a dimmer responds to an instantaneous

increase in its control input. Fast response is required for effects, but
reduces lamp life, 'SLOW' can be used to protect large lamp loads.

RCD Residual Current Device, commonly known as an Earth Leakage

Circuit Breaker.

SV90 An MS-DOS software package for setting up and reporting the status
of EC90, CD90 and LD90 dimmers.

SWC System Wide Control - A method of programming and controlling

more than one dimmer rack simultaneously. Three types of SWC
controllers are currently available: simple 8 or 16 button preset panels,
a hand-held remote and an Audio Visual interface.

USITT United States Institute of Theatre Technology.

Technical The LD90 system is designed for simple installation and easy
Assistance configuration via simple menus.

Table of Contents xi
I s s u e 3.1
Problems If you have problems installing or operating this system, in the first
instance refer to the section on Maintenance and Trouble-shooting,
but if you have further problems please contact Strand Lighting Field
Service, at the office serving your area.

Technical Questions For technical questions regarding dimmer setup or operation, please
contact the Strand Lighting Field Service office serving your area.

Parts Purchases For purchase of spare parts or documentation, please contact the
Strand Lighting office serving your area. A list of first line
maintenance parts is contained in the section on Maintenance and

Comments and For comments regarding equipment functions and/or possible

Suggestions improvements, or for comments on this manual, please call or write to
the Product Manager, Controls and Dimmers, at Strand Lighting, U.K.

Addresses Addresses for all of the Strand Lighting offices are shown at the front
of this manual.

Manual Applicability This manual applies to LD90 software versions B1 and later. Version
C1 onwards supports the following:-

• Outlook Architectural Control Stations.

• Mux B processor.

It is possible to upgrade the software in any existing rack, see the

section on First Line Maintenance, and refer to your nearest Strand
Lighting office.

All subsequent software versions following C.1 become numeric,

i.e. C.1, 3.2, 3.3 etc.

Product Features The LD90 dimmer is designed to provide a large number of

programmable features, which are easy to configure. The following
are the basic system features:-
• All digital system.
• Mux and analogue control input as standard.
• Second DMX/SMX control input option.

xii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
• Digital Network Control (DNC) for Outlook.
• System Wide Control (SWC) by handheld programmer, preset panel,
PC. or A/V interface.
• Optional RCD (Earth Leakage Breaker) option per phase.
• Smooth Fade - eight times smoother than DMX.
• Complies with mandatory European EMC directive and regulations.
• Fluorescent control modes - magnetic and HF electronic.
• Convection cooled - no fans - quiet and maintenance free.

Power Circuits • Up to 24 dimmer circuits in Power Blocks of 8 x 2.5kW or 4 x 5kW.

• Blank Power Blocks enabling cost efficient depopulation and user
specified branch breaker design.
• Single Pole, Single Pole with Neutral disconnect (SPN) or Double Pole
MCB protection.
• Optional neutral disconnect.
• 2.5mm2 (multi-stranded) or 4mm2 (solid) load terminals on 8 x 2.5kW
Power Blocks, 6mm2 bridging connector also supplied.
• 4mm2 (multi-stranded)) or 6mm2 (solid) load terminals on 4 x 5kW
Power Blocks.
• 16mm2 terminating kit per 4x5kW Power Block option.

General Dimmer • 2000 step fade resolution at 50Hz voltage input.

Features • Easy installation and service access.
• Service and self test modes with diagnostics and reporting.
• Data security - dimmer setup can be stored on a PC (with SV90

Power Input • Power voltage input: 1, or 2, or 3 phase and neutral supplies, nominally
100 - 240Vac 50/60Hz.
• Input voltage measurement and automatic compensation.
• Built in ripple rejection (to reduce mains signalling disturbances).
• Internal temperature detection, cutting off drive to the relevant Power
Block in case of over temperature.

Table of Contents xiii

I s s u e 3.1
Control Inputs • Maximum of 26 analogue (+ or - 10V) control inputs for up to 24
internal dimmers and two auxiliary dimmers or other devices via two
analogue +10V outputs.
• Multiplex input signals: DMX-512 (1990), SMX or D54.
• Analogue and multiplex control signal inputs work on highest level
takes precedence basis (HTP) with other inputs.
• Optional 2nd multiplex input: DMX-512 (1990) or SMX on HTP basis.
• 99 Programmable preset states activated by rack keypad or by System
Wide Control remote control unit on HTP basis.
• Outlook presets - 16 rooms with 8 presets plus On / Off for each room.

User Interface • Keypad on front of rack with security code and keylock option.
• Liquid Crystal Display for programming and diagnostic reporting.
• Status LEDs on front of rack: A-Mux ok; Processor ok, Phase 1, 2, 3
present; Over temperature; B fitted and ok; B Mux ok.

Programmable Features • 99 Programmable SWC presets.

per rack • Mux input fail: hold forever or fade to a nominated SWC preset after a
10 second delay.
• Calibration of the two +10V analogue out signals for aux dimmers.
• English, French or German language menu system.
• Outlook - dimmer / channel room assignments.
• Outlook presets - 16 rooms with 8 presets plus On / Off for each room.
• Programmable fade times per preset.
• Power up Outlook preset.
• Calibration of analogue control input signals over range of +/- 7 to +/-
13V for signal matching.
• Calibration of D54 analogue mux signal.

Programmable Features • Rack start address.

per Mux Input • Two individual dimmer patches (one for each Mux. input).

Programmable Features • Set dimmer level to 0% (disable), XX% or INPUT.

per dimmer • Max Output voltage setting.
• Set minimum level.
• Non-dim programming at any trigger level.
• Fast, Standard and Slow dimmer response times.
• Linear power, square, S-Curve selection.
• Fluorescent electronic or magnetic ballast mode with programmable top
set and bottom cut-off points and "kick-start" mode.

xiv Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Building Blocks and LD90 may be purchased either as a complete unit or as a set of
Accessories building blocks for assembly on site.
The following is a list of the available parts, including accessories.

Cat. No. Description

74101 Empty rack with processor unit
72203 Power Block - 8 x 2.5kW Single Pole
72204 Power Block - 8 x 2.5kW Single Pole with Neutral Disconnect Terminal (NDT)
72205 Power Block - 4 x 5kW Single Pole
72206 Power Block - 8 x 2.5kW Single Pole with Neutral Disconnect Terminal (NDT)
72207 Power Block - 4 x 5kW Double Pole
72208 Custom / Blanking Block
72209 Power Block - 8 x 2.5kW Double Pole
72210 Power Block - 8 x 2.5kW Double Pole with Neutral Disconnect Terminal (NDT)
76102 SWC Handheld Programmer
76320 SWC Remote socket box
76309 2nd Mux Kit
76310 RCD Option; one per power block
76311 Analogue Input Connector Set
76312 16 mm2 Termination kit for 4 dimmers
76313 Single Phase Strapping Kit
76314 Wall bracket (requires 10mm fixings)
62951 SWC 8 Preset Push-button Panel
62952 16 Preset panel
66074 Remote socket box, XLR 6
66800 Flush mounting back box for 8 SWC Preset Panel
66801 Flush mounting back box for 16 SWC Preset Panel

66101 DIN rail Power Supply Unit
66100 Wall mounted Power Supply Unit

Physical Description
This section describes the main physical parts of the LD90 system -
the Rack and Power Blocks.

Rack Layout The rack is a welded steel construction with three main areas:
• The area at the top, where the main power input is terminated and load
cables exit.
• The processor unit, including keypad and display. This controls all of
the rack's functions.
• The lower area, with locating positions for the three single-phase Power
Blocks. All racks must have three blocks fitted, but any combination,
including custom or blank types may be fitted.

Table of Contents xv
I s s u e 3.1
In addition, a DIN rail is supplied to allow additional items such as
extra contactors, auxiliary power supplies etc. to be fitted.

xvi Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Typical Power Block Each power block comprises the same basic elements:
(2.5kW, Single Pole) • A heatsink extrusion and moulded fascia covers.
• A single choke for 2.5kW circuits and a pair for 5kW circuits.
• A Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) for each dimmer.
• A Power control circuit board and associated power devices.

Over temperature Sensor Connection to Processor Unit

Circuit Breakers
Write-On Label
Power Circuit Board

Dimmer 1

Dimmer 2

Dimmer 3
Connections -
2 per dimmer Dimmer 4

(Numbering applies Dimmer 5

to Phase Type A)
Dimmer 6

Dimmer 7

Dimmer 8 THIS WAY UP

Neutral Busbars

• Note carefully the orientation - it is possible to install the blocks upside

down by mistake!

• Wiring details are provided in the Power Block and Accessory

instructions enclosed with each block and appended to the rear of
this manual.
Dimmer systems contain potentially hazardous voltages
and high temperatures. Installation should only be carried
out by suitably qualified personnel, safe working practice
observed, and caution exercised at all times. Ensure that
all Power supplies are properly isolated before gaining

Table of Contents xvii

I s s u e 3.1
Do not run power feed or load wires in the same conduit or
trunking as control wiring.

Do not run wiring from other unrelated equipment (e.g., the

building security system) in the same conduit with LD90 wiring.

Do not substitute plastic conduit for metal where conduit is called

for. Metal conduit acts as a ground and shield.

Do not substitute shielded wiring for unshielded wiring or conduit.

Changes in transmission line capacitance can cause problems with
the control signals.

General Information LD90 cabinets are shipped with an installation kit containing the
following items:-
• Plug-on Connectors for multiplexed control signals.

• Earth Terminals.

To simplify installation and siting only front and top access is

required. A large removable access panel is provided at of the top of
the rack for power cable entry.
Care should be exercised if High Voltage insulation testers
(Meggers) are used on this equipment. Test voltages above
500V should not be applied to the electronic circuits.

Installation Planning Planning an installation is very important. The following sections

contain important information which should be read before the
installation is undertaken.

Location Any dimmer installation requires careful choice of location. It is

advisable to avoid siting the racks in acoustically 'live' positions in the
performance area.
Adequately fused isolators should be provided close to each rack.
Max rating 100A-3 phase, 300A-single phase.
Allow adequate clearance at the front of the dimmer rack in order for it
to be opened for wiring purposes and safe servicing of the equipment.

Ventilation Ambient temperature must be kept within the range 0 to 35°C and
humidity should be betweeen 45-95% non-condensing. Special

xviii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
attention should be paid to the need to maintain ambient temperature
within these limits when an LD90 rack is enclosed in a small room.

Do not obstruct the ventilation slots.

Typical weights Rack, empty: 42kg

Rack, with Power Blocks: 76kg
Rack, Packed & Crated: 130kg

Dimmers are heavy, take care when lifting.

Dimensions Cable entry dimensions

• Power Wiring Top left 135 x 505mm flat cover plate. This plate
may be removed and punched or drilled to
suit the trunking or other wiring method in use.
• Control Wiring Top right 1 x 50mm and 1 x 25mm holes
suitable for conduit.

Table of Contents xix

I s s u e 3.1
Placement and The rack must not be left free standing. It must be fixed securely to a
Fixing suitable sturdy wall, either as a floor mounted unit or, alternatively,
wall mounted by means of the optional wall brackets (part number
Fixing in this case is via the top two holes in the rack and the three
holes in the wall bracket itself.

Wall bracket mounting provides the easiest and most secure fixing.

It is possible to stack units as shown in the diagrams overleaf. The

racks may also be mounted in a ''Back to Back'' configuration.

Electrical equipment must not be used in close proximity to

flammable materials.

xx Table of Contents
I s s u e 3.1
Note: Appropriate fixings should be used depending on the material
of the wall. The rack has four clearance holes of 6.5mm diameter
whilst the optional wall fixing bracket has three 10mm clearance holes.

Rack Installation After unpacking the rack, remove the front panel (2 screws) and the
Procedure Earth lead attached to it.
The rack(s) should be secured to the wall before installation. Where
Power Blocks are to be fitted by the installer, it is advisable to fix the

Table of Contents xxi

I s s u e 3.1
rack(s) and route all wiring through to the rack via the appropriate
apertures before fitting the Power Blocks.
• Power wiring: Top left.
• Control wiring: Top right.

Note: For factory configured racks, go to Section on Supply

Connections to continue the installation procedure.

Installing Power Blocks 1. Carefully unpack each Block and remove fascia covers by gently
(Non-factory configured pressing the four 'legs' located on each side.
racks) Note: The Power Block And Accessory Instruction leaflet is
inside and is required for wiring information later. This wiring
information is also appended to the back of this manual.
2. The Power Block mountings come attached to the rack. Remove the
upper mountings and attach them to the Power Block extruded runners
as shown overleaf. Loosen the lower mountings.
3. Position each block in the rack so that it locates on the bottom
mountings. and make sure that the load terminals are to the left and
MCBs to the right.
4. Fix in position making sure the locating lugs are seated properly, but do
not tighten the screws yet.
5. Secure both top and bottom screws securely only when the Block is
located properly.
6. Repeat this procedure for all other Blocks.



7. Once all Power Blocks are fitted, wiring can commence.

Refer to the Power Block Termination instructions for wiring
procedures. Wiring from the output side of the busbars to the input side
of the Power Blocks is factory fitted in pre-cut form and only requires
termination to the blocks.
8. Connect ribbon cables to PL1 on their respective Power Blocks. Leave
this cable disconnected for Custom (blank) Blocks.

xxii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Supply Connections LD90 racks are equipped with busbars for Single or Three phase plus
Neutral and Earth connections. The busbars are rated at 100A per
phase for 3 phase systems or 300A for single phase with the optional
single phase kit. The busbars are provided with M12 bolts for the
NEUTRAL and PHASE 1 terminals and M8 for 3 PHASE 2 and 3

In all cases an adequately fused external isolator must be

used for each rack. The supply must not be looped through
from one rack to another.

It is imperative to provide an adequate Earth conductor for

the rack and load connections. Do not rely on earthing via
conduit or trunking.

The main Earth connection is directly on the Earth Busbar, below the
Processor Unit (see Physical Description). It will take a conductor
size up to 35mm2.
Careful consideration must also be given to the segregation of dimmer
power supplies and any supplies provided for sound, video or
computer equipment. In particular the Earth and Neutral for the
dimmer installation should be kept separate from the technical 'clean'
supplies to avoid unwanted interference.

Table of Contents xxiii

I s s u e 3.1
Three Phase Conductor sizes must be chosen to comply with local regulations and
are usually calculated to take into consideration cable lengths and
types. Typically, wiring for 3 PHASE LIVE conductors should be
35mm2 for maximum rack load capacity.

For the NEUTRAL conductor, we recommend a size of at least 1.3 x

phase conductor size to allow for the harmonic currents generated by
phase control dimmers.

Single Phase Typically, wiring for both LIVE L1 and NEUTRAL N should be
95mm2 for maximum rack load capacity. For this application use the
Single Phase strapping bar ( 76313 )).
The strapping bar fits across the input busbars as shown below:

Load Connections Two connections for both LIVE and NEUTRAL are supplied at each
dimmer output to allow two loads to be connected in parallel without the
need to fit two wires in a single terminal. The terminals are located on the

xxiv Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Power Blocks. Please refer to the Power Block & Accessory
Instruction supplement.
Load terminals allow for wire sizes as follows:-

2.5kW dimmers Up to 4mm2 stranded direct into the terminals and up to 6mm2 with
supplied "pin crimps".
5kW dimmers 6mm2 stranded.
Earth connections are made directly to the Earth Busbar under the
Processor Unit (for location, see Physical Description). 24 busbar
clamps for up to 10mm2 wires are provided in the installation kit and
are fitted as required.

IMPORTANT Dimmer control involves fast waveform switching, and care must
be taken to ensure that this does not result in radiated interference
or induced fields.
It is therefore important that the PHASE and NEUTRAL
conductors for each circuit carry equal and opposite current
components, and this can be achieved by always running the two
conductors together as a pair of equal length.
NEUTRAL conductors of different dimmers must not be joined or
run as alarge common conductor.

Phase Orientation LD90 provides a powerful way of re-numbering physical dimmers by

software. This provides the installer with the ability to accommodate
different wiring practices (such as alternating phases for each
successive numbered dimmer). Dimmer numbers in the system can be
phased as shown in the diagrams overleaf. This is an advanced
software function - it is important to realise that physical dimmers on
each Power Block are always on the same phase.

Wiring the Loads The dimmer load wiring must be installed in one of the circuit orders
shown overleaf. When Rack Setup is performed, the PHASE TYPE
must be set to the corresponding letter A, B, or C (this is covered in the
Rack Setup & Quickstart section).
Decide on the phase orientation that suits the installation best, and
terminate the loads to suit. Make a note of the selected mode, A, B, or
C, for when you come to the Rack Setup & Quickstart section and
also for labelling the MCB's.

It is easier to install the supplied cable ties in the cable tie landing
points and around the Input Busbar Power Block cables before the
load wiring is put in place.

The load wiring must be attached to the rack and kept free of
the Power Block ventilation paths. Ensure that the wiring does
not obstruct the top of the Power Blocks, otherwise the rack may
overheat and trip the overtemperature switches.

Phase Type A is a
straightforward way of
allocating dimmers with Power
Blocks of the same and mixed
power ratings.
Table of Contents xxv
I s s u e 3.1
Phase Type B Allocates dimmers
across phases and will attempt to
'Balance' the loading.
Note: This will not reduce the size
of the required Neutral cable.

xxvi Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Phase Type C Allocates
dimmers across phases
sequentially regardless of
loading considerations.

Control Signal Control cable connections are made via screw terminals on the two
Connections part plug-in connectors fitted to the Processor Unit.
LD90 accepts the following dimmer control signals without
• Digital multiplex: DMX512, SMX.
• D54.
• Analogue: +/-10V (or mixture) one per dimmer + two inputs for
auxiliary dimmers.

In addition it supports the connection of :-

Table of Contents xxvii

I s s u e 3.1
• System Wide Control - either remote handheld unit(s) wall-station
unit(s) or an Audio Visual Interface.
• Outlook range of control stations, (DNC).
• Connection to a Personal Computer using the SV90 program for
sophisticated remote programming and interrogation.

Diagrams below and overleaf show Processor Unit connections and

cable types required.

LD90 racks can be fitted with a second digital multiplex processor

PCB, in the position shown, to support simultaneous input from two
control consoles (DMX512 or SMX only on the second input).
Information on this PCB is contained in the Power Block and
Accessory Instructions supplement appended to the rear of this

DMX512 / SMX Control WiringThese control signals use the same electrical standard: RS485. This
defines the electrical requirements of the cable and the voltages
used. The voltages are classed as Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV).

CABLE TYPE Belden 9841/9842 or equivalent cable suitable for RS422/485 use.

MAX. LENGTH Standard RS485 electrical characteristics apply, including line driver
and receiver characteristics, line loading, and multi-drop
Recommended lengths, < 300m with a maximum of 31 dimmer racks
per line.

xxviii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
CONNECTOR 5 way terminal block, supplied with the rack.

TERMINATION The termination rules for Mux A and Mux B are identical. The
termination link, LK5 for mux A and LK1 for mux B, must be across
pins 1-2 (unterminated) on all racks except the last one. The link must
be set in positions 2-3 (terminated) for the final, or single, rack unless
the control signal is to be terminated elsewhere.
• If Mux control cables are wired to wall boxes for desk connection at
alternate positions, it is recommended that the USITT DMX512 pin
conventions are used.
• This wiring arrangement applies to both Mux A and Mux B.
• SMX uses the same electrical standard as DMX and should be wired
using two-twisted pair wiring.

The plug-in connectors in the following diagrams are shown with

respect to their wiring up position. They can only be plugged in one

Table of Contents xxix

I s s u e 3.1
D54 Control Wiring
D54 is an unbalanced analogue multiplex signal, amplitude +/- 5V.
CABLE TYPE Standard twin screen microphone style cable with minimum 16/0.2
(0.5mm2) conductor size.


CONNECTOR 5 pin Terminal block, supplied with the rack.

TERMINATION LK6 termination link should be left across pins 1&2 under normal
circumstances (no termination). The last rack on the line may be
terminated by using LK6 across pins 2-3 if the line is very long or
there are particular electrical noise problems.

xxx Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Analogue Input Wiring
In addition to using multiplex protocols such as DMX, SMX and D54,
it is possible to use, on a HTP basis, +/-10V analogue inputs as well
using the appropriate optional plug-on connectors on the processor
unit PCB.
CABLE TYPE Screened multicore, 7/0.2 (0.22mm2) or 16/0.2 (0.5mm2) conductor

MAX. LENGTH Depends on how noisy the environment is. This cable should be kept
well away from any noise sources. Lengths of 100-200m may be
achieved in optimum conditions.
CONNECTOR 2 x 15 pin Terminal blocks, optional part 76311 (2 off).

INPUT IMPEDANCE Each input has approx. 100kΩ input impedance. It is filtered with
10ms time constant to eliminate signal noise.

Table of Contents xxxi

I s s u e 3.1
Analogue inputs are assigned to physical dimmers in the rack
according to their phase arrangements.

xxxii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Analogue Output Wiring
A facility exists to drive two auxiliary analogue dimmers or other
equipment via the ANALOGUE OUTPUT socket on the processor
unit PCB. The plug-in connector is the same as the MUX A/B
connectors and is supplied with the rack.
CONNECTOR 5 pin Terminal block, supplied with the rack.
OUTPUT LEVEL 0 to +10V positive.

OUTPUT IMPEDANCE 1 kΩ in series with diode, allowing "pile-on" paralleling with other
control sources.

Testing the system After the installation stage is complete, a number of safety and
after Installation functional tests must be performed. The safety checks must be
performed before power is switched on for the first time.

Table of Contents xxxiii

I s s u e 3.1
Before Switching 1. Check that all terminals and mechanical fixings are secured.
Power On 2. Check for stray wire strands and make sure wires are correctly
restrained and not in contact with metal edges or obstructing the power
block ventilation paths.
3. Remove any installation debris from bottom of racks as this might
obstruct ventilation.
4. Check Earth connections and impedance.
5. Double-check Neutral connections and positively verify phase
orientation at the input busbars. Ensure that Neutral has not been
confused with a phase - connecting the unit "across the phases." This
will do severe damage.
6. Replace cover (Rating label) over supply terminals.
7. Make sure all Power Block ribbon cables are connected.
8. Open all circuit breakers and if "Neutral Disconnect" blocks are fitted,
open Neutral Disconnect terminals to perform insulation tests.

DO NOT test wiring without first isolating the dimmer.

9. Remove protective plastic film from display panel.

10. Replace all fascia panels, reconnect the earth lead to the front panel and
re-fit the front panel. Affix fascia labels and mark circuit numbers as
11. A full safety inspection of the supply and load wiring should be carried
out before power is applied to the dimmer rack.
Testing After Power On 1. Check L1, L2, L3 LED's are lit.
2. Check display shows Rack No.: 01, after the following sign-on
message has appeared for a few seconds:

If the display is difficult to read refer to page 52 for adjustment.

Also by default the system should be unlocked, however should the
display show a key symbol indicating a locked system, refer to
page 60 for unlocking instructions

The message is useful to verify that the Processor Unit has recognised
all the power blocks fitted to the rack.
3. Switch on all circuit breakers and RCDs (if fitted).
4. Check OK LED is lit.

IMPORTANT Should any of the above fail to appear, switch off the supply
immediately and check the installation again.

5. Refer to the Rack Set Up & Quickstart procedure (following) and set
up the variable parameters on the rack as required.
6. A suitable luminaire should be connected up to each outlet and every
dimmer individually checked using the LEVEL control facility or a
suitable console. Any malfunctions should be corrected at this stage.

Rack Setup & Once the rack has been switched on and all necessary checks and tests
Quickstart made, check the default values in the following menu fields and alter
to suit your own requirements. Your dimmer setup can then be tested
Each dimmer rack is shipped with most parameters set at usable
defaults. Usually, a small number of programmable settings will need

xxxiv Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
to be altered to your own requirements using the keypad; this operates
in the following manner:-

In most cases and keys step through the 'values' which can
be set for any parameter.

The and keys are used to step through various menu

options. EXIT is used to leave a menu and store the changes.
Sometimes a confirmation may be asked for. Changes to the settings
will appear immediately, but are not stored permanently until the EXIT
key is pressed and any necessary confirmation step has been taken.

For some menus the three shaded keys, MUX INPUT, PRESET,
LEVEL must be pressed together and held until the display changes to
SET Language, (see Reference section for details).

Setting Language Default setting: English

Setting Rack Number Default setting:= 01

For multiple rack installations, see Multiple Rack Installation at the
end of this section.

Table of Contents xxxv

I s s u e 3.1
Setting Phase Type Default setting: =A
Set according to your load wiring

The Mux Input Key Default setting: Mux A (Mux B) =DMX512

Protocols can be changed to any of the following options shown in the
procedure below. The Input B parameters are not available unless the
optional 2nd mux processor is fitted.

xxxvi Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
key may also be used to step through options.

The Level Key Default setting: All =Input (console faders, analogue inputs, presets
This function allows dimmers and loads to be tested directly from the
keypad, regardless of the signals, Mux or otherwise that are being
received from inputs. ALL or individual dimmers may be set to any %
All signals are overridden by this key but any MINIMUM DIMMER
LEVEL and MAXIMUM VOLTAGE previously set takes overall
precedence. This should be borne in mind when using the facility.

Since this control overrides the control inputs, including the

Presets, it is possible to completely disable any or all of the
dimmers. This is not a safety switch off mechanism however. It is
easy to forget to set the dimmers back to INPUT, giving rise to
unexpected lack of control.

Example: Set all dimmers to 90%

Table of Contents xxxvii

I s s u e 3.1
Multiple Rack Multiple rack installations require that each rack is individually
Installations numbered and dimmers assigned accordingly.

Example: Two racks, one containing 3 x 2.5 kW Power Blocks and

the other 3 x 5kW Power Blocks, are to be installed as one complete
system. Racks and dimmers are assigned as shown overleaf.

Go to the SET menu in the second rack and set RACK NUMBER to
02. Dimmers in Rack 02 now need to have their multiplex addresses
set up; the first dimmer on rack number two has to be set to 0025.

Press to take you out of the SET menu.

xxxviii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Press and follow the procedure shown below.

LD90 / SWC
System Wide Control (SWC) is a distributed remote control system
Installation allowing different dimmers and control equipment to be 'daisy chained'
together and used via a highly reliable SMX communications bus,
independant of mux control systems.
Currently there are three types of SWC unit available; a handheld
programmer an 8 or 16 preset control station and an Audio Visual
interface. These may be combined on one SWC data bus.

Table of Contents xxxix

I s s u e 3.1
Where a Control Station or an A/V interface is required, an SWC
Power SupplyUnit (Part No 66101) must be fitted to the DIN rail
inside LD90. Up to 8 stations or 8 programmers can be supplied from

this internal PSU.

To install the PSU:-

1. Remove Mains power from rack.
2. Clip PSU into place on the DIN rail.
3. PSU wiring is supplied with the rack from the internal wiring loom; cut
off the insulating boots and connect to the LIVE, NEUTRAL and
EARTH terminals of the PSU.
4. Check that the input voltage selector on the DIN-rail PSU is correct for
the local mains supply, either 240 or 120 volts.
5. Check that the link is in place between connections B & C.

To provide power for more than 8 Control stations or programmers, an

externally mounted unit (66100) must be used instead.

Control Wiring The SWC control signals use the RS485 electrical standard: This
defines the electrical requirements of the cable and the voltages used.
The voltages are classed as Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV). The
following table illustrates the relationship between control signals and
their parameters:-

CABLE TYPE Belden 9841/9842 or equivalent cable suitable for RS422/485 use.

xl Table of Contents
I s s u e 3.1
Standard RS485 electrical characteristics apply, including line driver
and receiver characteristics, line loading, and multi-drop
Recommended lengths, < 300m with a maximum of 31 dimmer racks
per line.


5 way terminal block, supplied with the rack.

Link LK4 should be positioned as shown in the side figure.
• SWC (SMX protocol) uses the same electrical standard as DMX and
should be wired using two-twisted pair wiring; use the second pair to
power the unit(s).
• If SWC remote socket boxes (66074) are mounted then the pin
convention shown in the diagram overleaf must be used.

Wiring for Handheld One handheld programmer can be connected directly to LD90 without
Programmer & SV90 the need for a power supply to be fitted. The control cable entry point
to the dimmer rack is via the top right hand corner and termination is
made to the plug-in connector supplied with the rack.

Table of Contents xli

I s s u e 3.1
LD90 supplies +10v with a maximum current of 100mA and this
must also cater for the analogue input and output ports.

Note: The screens at the sockets can be linked or terminated by

connecting a small terminal block; they must not be connected to the
socket metalwork.
With multiple LD90 racks (but less than eight Control Stations) only
one rack need contain a SWC PSU. The control cable should be
linked in a "daisy chain" to the PL12 connectors in all racks using the
Data +, Data - and Screen connections only. Do not connect up power
connections as earth loops may occur. This cable should be run as a
single circuit looping into all relevant points and should not include
any spurs.

Wiring SWC Control Control stations can be combined with the SWC handheld
Stations & Programmer programmer; the programmer requires a Ground wire to be connected
and this must be terminated at the PSU's 0V supply.

xlii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Detailed installation and operational instructions for SWC systems
are covered in the System Wide Control Users Manual (doc. no.

LD90 / Outlook Outlook is a comprehensive family of distributed control stations

designed for architectural applications and can be used with LD90 and
other dimming systems that employ the Digital Network Control
(DNC) protocol.

Outlook Installation Power for these stations is supplied by a DC Power SupplyUnit (Part
No 66101) which must be fitted to the DIN rail inside LD90. Up to 8
stations can be supplied from this internal PSU.

Table of Contents xliii

I s s u e 3.1
To install the PSU:-
1. Remove Mains power from rack.
2. Clip PSU into place on the DIN rail.
3. PSU wiring is supplied with the rack from the internal wiring loom; cut
off the insulating boots and connect to the LIVE, NEUTRAL and
EARTH terminals of the PSU.
4. Check that the input voltage selector on the DIN-rail PSU is correct for
the local mains supply, either 240 or 120 volts.
5. Check that the link is in place between connections B & C.

To provide power for more than 8 Outlook stations, a separate wall-

mounting unit (66100) must be used instead. This can power up to 25

Wiring Outlook Control The cable from the Control Station(s) should be Belden 9773 or
Sations equivalent. The control cable entry point to the dimmer rack is via the
top right hand corner. This cable should be terminated to the plug-in
connector (supplied with the rack) which plugs into the underside of
the LD90 Processor circuit board.
When removing the outer sheathing of the cable, allow extra length for
conductors to connect to the PSU.

xliv Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Setting up Control Once wiring from the rack(s) to the control station sites has been
Stations completed, the stations can be mounted as detailed in their
accompanying Instruction Sheets.
Dimmer to room channel assignments are programmed by LD90's
LCD and keypad. In addition, each control station has a switch (SW1)
that requires setting to define the room being controlled.

Table of Contents xlv

I s s u e 3.1
Step 4 of the Instruction Sheet tells you to set switch SW1 to
correspond to the room being controlled; this is shown in the table
below. If a room contains more than one station, all stations
controlling that room should be set to the same number.

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
8 8
9 9
10 A
11 B
12 C
13 D
14 E
15 F
16 0

Outlook Patch Menu Dimmer to room channel assignment must be defined according to the
load wiring installed. By default, LD90 assigns dimmers as follows:-
Dimmers 1 - 12 Rm 1 Ch.1 - 12
Dimmers 13 - 24 Rm 2 Ch. 1 - 12
Programming is possible for up to 16 rooms each with a maximum of
12 channels and is accessed as shown below.

Example: Dimmers 1,2,3 have been wired to room 1 and dimmers

4,5,6 have been wired to room 2. The Outlook station in room 1
requires its selector switch to be set at 1 whilst the one in room 2 needs
to be set at 2.

xlvi Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Multiple dimmer to channel assignment is also posssible.

The example on the previous page is configured on the LD90 keypad

as follows:-

Table of Contents xlvii

I s s u e 3.1
Outlook Preset Menu LD90 assigns, from default, 8 preset states per room as follows:-
1 all dimmers @ 100%
2 " " " 85%
3 " " " 70%
4 " " " 60%
5 " " " 50%
6 " " " 40%
7 " " " 30%
8 " " " 20%

xlviii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
These 8 presets are available for re-recording. In addition, preset 0 is
fixed as a blackout state and preset 9 is fixed at 100%, both are non-
recordable. There is also a Manual option on this menu which when
selected sets the dimmer levels of a room according to the position of
any channel slider that may be present on that control station. By
default there is a zero fade in time assigned to manual fades.

Preset View
Presets can be viewed either by recalling them from an Outlook preset
or master station or by selecting them on the LD90 keypad via the
PRESET VIEW menu. Presets are selected immediately and have a
default fade in time of 5 seconds.

Re-recording Presets Normally, re-recording presets would be carried out at the Outlook
station sites. However, presets can have their CHANNEL LEVELS
and PRESET FADE TIMES changed and re-recorded with the
PRESET RECORD option on the LD90 if required.

Channel Levels
Example: The two room set
up on page xlvi has 3
dimmers allocated to each room. Preset 1 defaults to all dimmers @
100% for all rooms. Room 1 requires preset 1 to be set with Dimmer 1
Off and Dimmer 2 at 50%. Dimmer 3 to remain at full.

Table of Contents xlix

I s s u e 3.1
Preset Time All presets have a default fade time of 5 seconds with the exception of
Manual fade times which have a zero or instant fade time. The range
for all presets can be set between 0 secs. and 10 mins.
The example below changes the time to 30 seconds.

When in the TIME : PRESET menu, there are options to change the
Manual, Room or All Rooms fade time.
Manual - (Default fade time is 0 secs.). When you press the 'Manual'
button on a control station to activate local sliders, the current lighting
state will fade to the state set on the sliders in the selected time.

l Table of Contents
I s s u e 3.1
If a slider is moved during this fade time the fade will complete

Room - (Default fade time 5secs.) This option sets individual rooms
presets all to the same fade time and overrides any previous room fade
times that may have been set.
Confirmation is required once times are changed.

All Rooms -(Default fade time 5secs.) This option sets the presets in
all 16 rooms to the same fade time and overrides any previous room
fade times that may have been set.
Confirmation is required once times are changed.

Preset Record
Once settings have been changed they can be recorded using PRESET
In the example below, Preset 1 has now been re- recorded with new
settings and this can be verified by using the PRESET VIEW facility
as shown on page xlix.

Table of Contents li
I s s u e 3.1
If more than one rack supplies dimmers to the same room, setting
Presets from LD90 is not advisable as only those dimmmers
controlled by that rack will be affected.

Presets in this case should be set from the rooms control stations.

Power Up Preset
When LD90 is powered up, any of the 10 presets can be selected to
start up automatically, hence all dimmers controlled by that rack will
go to that state; from default this is a Blackout state (00). When a
Power Up Preset is selected, the programmed preset for each room
fades in.
For example:-
Room 1 Preset 1 may be set at - All dimmers @ 50%, fade time
Room 2 Preset 1 may be set at:- All dimmers @ 80%, fade time 25
If Power Up Preset were set to 1, these rooms would power up to these
settings when the rack was next switched on.

Fluorescent Dimmer The LD90 rack supports both magnetic and electronic fluorescent
Mode Set-up ballasts. Each dimmer can be set up to be a normal dimmer, a dimmer
for magnetic (conventional) ballasts or one for electronic fluorescent
Magnetic ballasts require a heater relay to preheat the fluorescent tube
cathodes via a separate 'line fixed' supply. Twelve heater relays may

lii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
be driven, via suitable interface electronics, from the Processor Unit.
See the Appendix for signal connection details.
When set to MAGNETIC, any of the first 12 dimmers will activate
their corresponding relay output (PL11) on the Processor Unit when
the dimmer is faded up from zero. The dimmer output itself is delayed
by approx. 1 second to allow the tube(s) to warm up.
Example: Set Dimmer 1 to MAGNETIC type.

When set to ELECTRONIC, the dimmer is able to control fluorescent

loads which incorporate approved types of HF electronic dimmable
ballast. This type of ballast does not require a 'line fixed' supply used
with magnetic ballasts. However the nature of the ballast requires the
dimmer's maximum output to be set to a lower level than normal, so as
to protect the ballasts.
In practice, fluorescent tubes give full light output at a reduced TOP
SET reading of around 190 volts, for 240v supplies, on the LD90
display. The ELECTRONIC mode sets the default Top Set to this
level, but it may need adjustment depending on the exact loading of
the dimmer. The commissioning procedure is as follows:-

1. Identify the appropriate dimmer terminal(s) block (eg LV1).

Switch power off and Cut link LK1 on the dimmer module. Links
LK2 -LK8 will also need cutting if those channels are also to be
used for electronic fluorescent ballast loads.

Table of Contents liii

I s s u e 3.1
In case of unwanted flashing of electronic fluorescent ballasts, for
each dimmer programmed for this application, you may need to
remove a link on the Power Block PCB - see Power Block wiring
IMPORTANT for details. You should be aware that this will remove the RFI
suppression (to EN55014) on that dimmer. An alternative means
must then be found to suppress any interference caused.

2. Switch power back on and using a true RMS voltmeter, measure

the (full Mains) voltage between terminals 1 and 8.
3 Set Max Volts: All to the measured voltage, the procedure is
shown below.
e.g. The measured voltage in this case is 240V.

4. From the control source (SWC, Outlook, control station etc.) set
all dimmer outputs to full and all lamps should be at full
brightness. Any faults at this stage must be cleared before the next
5. Place a light meter at a fixed central point in the room, wait 4
minutes, then measure the ‘full’ light output. If no light meter is
available it will be necessary to visually estimate 10% of this 'full'
light output (see step 7).
6. Set dimmer 1 to Fluo Elec as shown below.

liv Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
7. From the Control source, set the dimmer so the lamp(s) just come
on, and then adjust the Bottom Set adjustment on LD90 to achieve
10% of the"full" reading measured in step 5, (do not go below this
level as it may shorten lamp life).

8. Connect the true RMS meter across terminals 6 and 8 of LV1. Set
the dimmer to Full from the control source, and then adjust the
Top Set to the maximum (250V).

9. Decrease the Top Set slowly and observe the output voltage on the
meter. As the dimmer 'backs off' from full conduction, the output
voltage rises above the supply voltage; continue decreasing until
the output voltage falls to approx. 5V below that measured in Step
3. (e.g. 235V).

Table of Contents lv
I s s u e 3.1
The measured voltage at the luminaire will not correspond to the
readout on the rack due to the 'resonant' effect associated with the
ballast. Ensure that the voltage on the luminaire does not go over
the measured voltage on site.


The dimmers 'Fast-Start' circuit strikes the tubes at approx. 45% for
about 2 secs before settling to the fader (or Preset) level. Following
this, dimming is possible between 10% and 100% light output.
This feature ensures correct starting of the fluorescent tubes by
generating a brief voltage surge each time the dimmer is faded up from
zero. Following the surge, the dimmer may be controlled in the
normal way.
For further information on Fluorescent Dimming refer to Strand
Lighting FACT SHEET NO.9: A Guide to Fluorescent Dimming.

Notes 4
This section gives details on how to select and program all the LD90
programmable features using the rack keypad and display. To fully
appreciate how all the programmable functions interact, refer to the
Control Signal Path diagram in the Appendix.

lvi Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Navigating the The following sections describe in detail the keypad, keypad
System operation, the LED indicators, and the system's default (factory)

The Keypad and Display Programmable features are accessed through the use of the dimmer
rack's keypad and 16 character display. Multi-level menus are
generally used for advanced functions covered later in this section.
English is the default language and this text assumes that English is


RESPONSE, PRESET on the left of the control module and the
LEVEL key on the right are functions which are controlled by the keys
listed below.
Unless otherwise specified, these keys are always used to scroll
between possible fixed options or adjust a numeric field shown in the
For CONFIRM /CANCEL operations see EXIT key.

The EXIT key, when pressed, will leave an option or menu and
generally record any changed data immediately in non-volatile
memory. Some options require positive confirmation via the
+/CONFIRM or -/CANCEL key. A prompt will be produced if
confirmation is required.
These keys are always used to:-
• Go to a sub-menu.
• Move between fields.
• Move along a large numeric field.

A flashing cursor will signify which field is selected.

Table of Contents lvii

I s s u e 3.1
Power up Display When the rack is switched on, a number of self-tests are run and the
system displays a message similar to that shown in the sidefigure for a
few seconds.
This checks and shows the rack configuration, version of software, 3.3
in this case, and number of dimmers fitted to each phase (888). Other
configurations are shown below.

888 8 dimmers fitted to each phase (8 x 2.5kW usually).

444 4 dimmers fitted to each phase (3 x 5kW usually).

884 8 dimmers fitted to L1 and L2 phases, 4 dimmers fitted to L3.

008 No dimmers fitted to L1 and L2 phases, 8 dimmers fitted to L3.

Any other configurations will display accordingly.

The default display, shown left, appears as soon as this software check
is complete.

Indicators LD90 has 7 green status LED indicators. LED's associated with MUX
B are part of the optional MUX B processor.
L1, L2, L3 Phase Power present at Processor Unit.

O.K. Main processor is running. A flashing condition indicates that over

temperature has been detected in one or more Power Blocks.
B OK Optional multiplex receiver B processor fitted and running.
MUX A OK / MUX B OK Shows that valid multiplex signals are being received at the Mux A or
Mux B input.

Display Contrast Once at the default display, the display contrast may be adjusted by
holding down the + or - key at the top level of the menu system (i.e.
when Rack 01 is shown).

lviii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
System Default Settings When first switched on from new, or when set to defaults, the
following functions are set to the states listed:-

RACK NO.: 01


NON-DIM All dimmers = Off

(facility inoperative, all dimmers as
CURVE All dimmers = Square

PATCH Start address of dimmer 01= 0001

RESPONSE All dimmers = Medium


POWER UP ) default to 00: After a
10 second period following mux
failure, all dimmers will fade to a
blackout state. (00).
LEVEL Level = Input: Dimmers take levels
from control inputs (Mux, Analogue
etc). Every time the dimmer system
is switched on, even if a level was set
previously, it will always respond to
the control inputs.

Table of Contents lix

I s s u e 3.1
Function Keys & The following diagram gives an outline of the menu system.
Menu Levels Generally the first line of each menu is the most commonly required
Sub-menus are shown where applicable and are reached by pressing
the +/CONFIRM key.

Checking Default The procedure illustrated below shows how to check all default
(Factory) Settings settings. Pressing the appropriate keys as shown steps through each

lx Table of Contents
I s s u e 3.1
default in turn. The symbol indicates that there is another menu
level available.

Note that for menus that control ALL dimmers, a confirmation will
be requested on EXIT. Pressing +/CONFIRM will ensure that all
dimmers are set to the specified value. Pressing -/CANCEL will
leave them as programmed.

Table of Contents lxi

I s s u e 3.1
SET Menu The SET menu is used to configure or alter fundamental system
settings. Press the following three keys (shown as shaded)
simultaneously and hold them down for approx. 2 seconds until *SET
Language appears.

The SET menu gives access to the following settings:-

LANGUAGE English is the default language, French and German are also available.
Once changed, all subsequent messages will be displayed in the
selected language.

RACK NO. For Multiple rack installations this must be set. No two racks should
have the same rack number.
MAX VOLTAGE This facility allows the max. output voltage to be set for all or
individual dimmers. Set max. voltage to that of your lamps, or, set
them 10% lower for considerably improved lamp life.
MIN LEVEL This is a facility for all or individual dimmers to be held at a minimum
level. It may be used for security/safety lighting or as a preheat.

DEFAULTS An option to return to the factory settings, useful if errors are made in

KEY LOCK Once configured, the rack can be 'locked' inhibiting any further key
inputs. A locked rack is denoted by a key symbol in the display screen.
The default setting is unlocked.
PHASE TYPE This must be set to the required type: A, B, C (see Load Connections
section in this chapter).
The next few pages illustrate procedures for accessing and modifying
required settings.

To leave the SET menu, press the EXIT key when any *SET < title >
options are displayed.

lxii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Setting Language

Setting Rack Number

Table of Contents lxiii

I s s u e 3.1
Setting Maximum
Output Voltage
Example 1: Set ALL to

Example 2: Set Dimmer

02 to 220V

lxiv Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Setting Minimum
Dimmer Levels
Example: Set ALL
dimmers to 10%.

Example: Set only

Dimmer 02 to 10%

Table of Contents lxv

I s s u e 3.1
Return to Default

Beware - this option returns all programmable settings to factory


Key Lock

To unlock the rack, repeat the above procedure and set 'key Lock' to



The key combination must be pressed in

order to access the Key Lock menu for unlocking.

Setting Phase Type Example: Set to Phase Type A.

lxvi Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Mux Input key Protocols can be changed to any of the following options shown in the
procedure below. The Input B parameters are not available unless the
optional 2nd mux processor is fitted.

Table of Contents lxvii

I s s u e 3.1
key may also be used to step through options.

lxviii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Non - Dim Key This key allows dimmers to be assigned as "Non-Dims", i.e. they will
remain at zero below the set threshold (%) and at full if above the

Example: Dimmer 05 to 50%,

Dimmer 06 to 90%. (Max. setting)

Table of Contents lxix

I s s u e 3.1
Curve Key There are 3 dimmer curves available, these are supplied for
compatibility purposes with other dimmers or applications. T.V.
requirements generally use SQUARE whilst the S-CURVE allows
matching with older dimmers. LINEAR is the most suitable for theatre
SQUARE is the default setting.
The following graph illustrates the relationship between input signal
and output voltages for the different curves.

LD90 Dimmer Curves (shown with 230V nominal supply)



150 Square

RMS Output Voltage (V) S-Curve

100 Linear


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Control Signal Level (%)

Separate curves apply to fluorescent fittings. See the "Fluorescent

Dimmer Setup" in the Installation chapter.

lxx Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Patch key The PATCH function allows you to allocate dimmer numbering
according to your own requirements.
• The Outlook: Patch option is detailed in the Installation chapter, under
"LD90/Outlook" and as such is not covered in this section. It is
displayed in broken lines for continuity purposes.
• The Mux: Start No option is the most basic facility, allowing you to
patch all dimmers in the rack sequentially after the specified Start
• The Mux:Dim Patch option allows you to assign each dimmer to a
specified multiplex number. Note that D54 protocol has a maximum
spread of 52 dimmers, starting at the Mux: Start number.
• The Mux:Circuit ID option allows you to assign your own dimmer
numbers independently of the Start Number or Dimmer patch. It is an
important facility but only for use with the SWC programmer or SV90.
The facility allows you to use your desk's channel numbering scheme, or
even a geographic numbering scheme, (e.g. 100, 101, 102... 110, 111,
112 etc. when remotely controlling dimmers in a complete system. (See
Advanced Operation for an example).

Mux Start No. Example On a 3 rack system where all POWER BLOCKS are 2.5kW dimmers
(24 per rack) the third rack would normally start at dimmer number 49.
To set this, follow the procedure below:

It is not recommended to alter PATCH with dimmers on, as patching

operations will directly affect light output.

The mux address will change as

the dimmer number is changed
showing the address that the
dimmer is patched to. Remember
that any changes to the patch will
be seen on the lighting output

Dimmers 1-2 are both to be

assigned to mux number 100.

Table of Contents lxxi

I s s u e 3.1
Mux: Dim Patch

When using the D54 protocol, you must set the Mux: Start Number
to the lowest Mux address that you want to patch any dimmer to.
When using the Mux:Dim Patch facility, the software will not
allow you to set any dimmer to respond to an address more than 52
higher than this number.

Mux : I.D. Example By utilising the Circuit I.D.feature on LD90 it is possible to give
dimmers 4 character identification names or numbers, for instance
Dimmer 5 is to be called 9134. Giving dimmers Circuit numbers will
prove useful when LD90 is used with the optional SWC Remote or the

lxxii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
SV90 /PC programme which may be used to control significant
numbers of dimmers.

The SWC Programmer Circuit ID must be a 4 digit numeric value

only. SV90 I.D's may be alpha numeric, achieved by scrolling past

Advanced Operation Example: A 24 dimmer LD90 is being added to an existing installation

of 16 Permus racks (dimmer capacity 384) driven by a Galaxy console.
The total number of dimmers is 408, so exceeding the capacity of one
D54 Mux link. The Galaxy's second mux output must be used, driving
dimmers 385-768. However, there is no implicit number carried in the
D54 Mux signal to tell the new dimmer rack that it is receiving 385-
768. To the dimmers it appears as 1-384 again.

Table of Contents lxxiii

I s s u e 3.1
By setting the dimmer Circuit ID's to 385-408 and the start number to
1, the dimmer can be controlled both by the Galaxy and an SWC
Programmer or SV90 as dimmers 385-408. The Circuit ID feature
will allow us to do this as shown in the diagrams below.

Response key

The response speed of a dimmer is the rate at which it responds to an

increase or decrease in its control level. Three speeds are available,
MEDIUM, FAST and SLOW, corresponding to 100mS, 30mS and
300mS respectively. SLOW is generally used for large lamp loads e.g.
5kW luminaires, whilst FAST is used for small lamp loads such as
those used in a chase effect.
Example: Set all dimmers to FAST

lxxiv Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
The fast setting together with the fast response of digital
dimmers can cause very high inrush currents to flow. These
may damage large lamp filaments and cause circuit breakers to
trip. Only set dimmers to FAST if necessary for a particular

Example: Set dimmer 8 to SLOW

Table of Contents lxxv

I s s u e 3.1
Preset Key This feature is split into two areas:-

Outlook Presets are for use with Outlook control stations and are
detailed in the Installation chapter, under "LD90/Outlook" and as
such are not covered in this section. The display is shown in broken
lines for continuity purposes.

SWC Presets: can be used with or without an SWC system. There are
99 user programmable Presets. PRESET 0 being a non-recordable
blackout state.
A number of options are available when setting up and using Presets;
these are explained in the sections that follow.

Preset View Any Preset may be called up and added to the dimmer output in a
'Highest Takes Precedence' (HTP) manner from the keypad or
remotely by SWC, SV90, A/V interface or any preset panel.
When selected, the preset will crossfade at the default time of 5
seconds, or if using SWC or SV90, a recorded time from any
previously selected preset.
Example: Calling up preset 10 to add to the output.

Since PRESET VIEW operates on a Highest Takes Precedence

(HTP) basis with other control inputs (e.g. the multiplexed signal
from a lighting desk), if a preset has been left 'on view' it will not
be possible to subsequently fade down the dimmers from the
lighting desk. To avoid problems, always turn off the preset after

Preset Record This records the current dimmer output as a Preset.

lxxvi Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Example: Record dimmer output into Preset 1.
1. Set up the desired lighting state first using any control means.
2. Follow the procedure as shown.
3. Repeat for any other Presets that are required.

Preset No Mux Any Preset (0 -99) can be assigned as a 'backup' state. Mux signal
(Backup Preset) failure of both mux A and B is determined after a 10 second period,
the current output will remain on for 2 seconds and is then followed by
a 5 second fade in to the assigned backup Preset.

Table of Contents lxxvii

I s s u e 3.1
NoMux=0 is the default setting, causing a fade to blackout (preset 0)
when the Mux signal from the control desk ceases.
Setting NoMux to HOLD (HLD) will allow the current lighting state to
remain in the event of a Mux failure. This is useful as a safety feature
in live performance situations.
Setting NoMux to HOLD may cause problems if the dimmers are
left on after the control desk is turned off. Many desks produce
unwanted signals as the power fails, and once the desk is
turned off, the dimmers are susceptible to noise pickup on the
Mux Input. This can leave the dimmers unexpectedly ON. If
you set NoMux to HOLD, make sure unattended dimmers are
turned off.


Mux failure is determined when both A and B have failed; if either

mux is still present, the contribution from the failed mux is
removed when the failure is detected but no Preset is faded in.

Preset Time Presets have a default fade in time of 5 seconds; this can be altered for
individual or all Presets, including Blackout (preset 0).
The time range is:- 0 secs. - 10 Mins.


lxxviii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
The Level Key This function allows dimmers and loads to be tested directly from the
keypad, regardless of the signals, Mux or otherwise that are being
received from inputs. ALL or individual dimmers may be set to any %

Since this control overrides the control inputs, including the

Presets, it is possible to completely disable any or all of the
dimmers. This is not a safety switch off mechanism however. It is
easy to forget to set the dimmers back to INPUT, giving rise to
unexpected lack of control.

Normally this control is set to ALL=INPUT whereby all dimmers will

be controlled by the Mux generated by a lighting console, analogue or
DNC inputs and Presets.

Table of Contents lxxix

I s s u e 3.1
It may also be used to set up states for recording into Presets in
situations where there is no external lighting control available.
The lighting console is overridden by this key but the MINIMUM
DIMMER LEVEL and MAXIMUM VOLTAGE still take overall
precedence. This should be borne in mind when using the facility.

Example: Set all dimmers to 90%

lxxx Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Example: Set Dimmer numbers 5 and 8 to 90%

User Messages Sometimes, the software may produce an unexpected message, due to
external or internal reasons. Each "Error" has a unique number and is
logged internally in non-volatile memory. If a message should appear,

Table of Contents lxxxi

I s s u e 3.1
then its number should be written down and referred to your Strand
Lighting service agent or dealer.
The message can be cleared by pressing EXIT.

Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting
In general, the LD90 system will require very little maintenance.
However, the following is a list of routine tests that should be carried
out as often as local regulations require, but at least annually. RCD's
should be tested monthly.

Routine Tests 1. Load wiring should be tested in accordance with local regulations.
2. Check all terminals for tightness.
3. Ensure vents are always kept clear and not obstructed.
4. Test optional RCD's.

Fault finding Fault finding is relatively easy with LD90 systems because the racks
include diagnostic software (tests are run each time the rack is
powered up) and include status LED's and the LCD display.
Experience shows that common faults are connected with the control
signal wiring. This section will help you to identify any faults that

Basic System The following problems are those that are generally found to affect a
whole lighting system, rather than a particular rack.

None of the lights will come on throughout the system.

Having checked the obvious things such as power to the dimmers, the
most likely cause is failure of the MUX connection. This can be
verified by observing the MUX OK LED on each rack. Assuming that
the MUX protocol has been selected correctly and the MUX start
number or patch are as required, if none of the MUX OK lights on any
rack is on, then the cable is probably at fault. Check the connectors at
each end, and, using a ohmmeter, check that the signal(s) and shield
are not shorted. If O.K, then the most likely cause is an open circuit
somewhere along the line.

Some lights can't be turned off.

There are many ways to control lights with an LD90. Some common
problems are: Presets being called up unexpectedly from a handheld

lxxxii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
control or wall station, or the NoMUX preset is being called up
because the racks have not detected MUX (wiring fault etc.). Note that
it is also possible to leave a PRESET on via the PRESET VIEW
Also MIN LEVEL may be set for a particular dimmer. There is no
way of turning off a dimmer with a min level set.

The lights flash or become erratic. The MUX OK LED goes on and
off erratically.

This problem may be caused by one MUX signal wire being loose or
disconnected. It is most often seen with DMX512 installations. Both
DMX512 signal connections and ground (screen) must be connected to
all dimmers and the control desk. A common installation fault with
DMX512 is the reversal of the two signal connections, or a signal
connection and screen. Check that all cables have the correct wiring.
A further problem can be caused by either over terminating the line, or
not terminating the line at all. Make sure that only the rack farthest
away from the console has its line terminated (see line termination in
the Installation chapter).

The lights very occasionally flash or misbehave.

This may be caused by interaction with other systems. Try to isolate
the occurrence of the problem and tie it in with activity in other parts
of the building. Arc welding or unsuppressed motors (lifts etc.) can
cause mains disturbances or corruption of control signals. LD90 is
highly immune to such problems, but in extreme cases interference can
If time is available, set ALL dimmers to a given (low) level from the
rack keypad. This isolates the control signals and allows observation
of the dimmers alone. If the problem still occurs, then it is a mains-
borne interference. The solution will be to re-route the feeder cables to
another supply (if at all possible), or suppress the offending
equipment. If, however, the problem goes away, then it may be in the
signal wiring (see above), the routing of the wiring (make sure it is not
near noisy equipment), or a fault in the control desk.
If your control desk signal can use the SMX protocol, then this will
provide a far greater immunity to interference than DMX512 or D54.
Changing the protocol on both the dimmer(s) and control system to
SMX is an alternative.

Table of Contents lxxxiii

I s s u e 3.1
Basic Rack The following problems are those that are generally found to affect a
single dimmer rack, while other parts of the system are working

One rack doesn't work properly, the others do.

This can be caused by the wiring faults as described previously. It
may also be caused by incorrect programming. It is quite easy to set a
dimmer to a LEVEL from the keypad, and in so doing disable MUX
control. The dimmer reverts to normal control at power up, thus
power cycling is a quick way to check. Equally, setting the level from
the keypad verifies electrical operation of the dimmer regardless of
control system.
An extreme example of a wiring fault is a loose power connection to
the rack. Loose neutral connections in particular cause problems.

Some dimmers don't appear to work.

Use the LEVEL key to check dimmer operation. If the dimmer fails to
work, and all load wiring and connected load has been tested, then the
dimmer will require service. If the dimmer works from the keypad,
but not from the control desk, check that the START NUMBER or
PATCH are set correctly. Check also the dimmer patch in the control
desk if applicable.

One power block isn't working

Check that the POWER LED is on for the relevant phase. The
ordering of the LED's is the same as the power blocks. If power is
OK, then check that the RCD unit (if fitted) hasn't tripped. If power is
definitely present, turn the LD90 rack off and back on, and observe the
"sign-on" message:
L1 L2 L3

LD90 V. XX 888
Software Version No. of dimmers
in each power block

The number of dimmers in each power block should be consistent with

the number of circuit breakers. If a figure is 0, then the power block
may not be connected correctly.

Lights don't appear to track each other in fades.

lxxxiv Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
This can be caused by using different DIMMER CURVES on each
dimmer or setting dimmers to different MAX. OUTPUT voltages. The
keypad can be used to set ALL dimmers in a rack to the same curve
and voltage to rectify the problem.

Also note that the relationships were modified between the 'A' releases
of software and all subsequent releases to improve the ability of the
dimmers to 'track' mains voltage fluctuations. Make sure all racks are
running the same software.

Table of Contents lxxxv

I s s u e 3.1
First Line The following procedures are designed for a competent technician to
Maintenance follow in the event of minor failures. They do not involve the use of
complex tools or equipment.

Hazardous voltages are contained within the rack. All

maintenance operations must be carried out with power to
the rack properly isolated.

Processor Unit The processor unit contains many complex circuits, most of which are
Replacement surface mounted on a multi-layer PCB. This is an expensive item and
no attempt should be made to repair it, under any circumstances.
It is, however, feasible to replace the module with an exchange unit.
The following procedure should be adopted: -
1. Switch power off.
2. Remove the front cover of the rack.
3. Remove the two fixing screws shown arrowed in the diagram below.
4. Remove the earth strap from the earth bus-bar to the Processor Unit.
5. Slide the unit out approx. 75mm, giving enough space to disconnect all
control signal cables, the 3-phase power cable, and the Power Block
cables as shown below. Note the positions of all connectors as several
of them are similar.
6. Slide the unit forward and out of the rack.
7. Replacement is the reverse of the above procedure. Make sure that the
connections to the Power Modules are made to the correct plugs on the
PCB. They are clearly marked "DIMMERS - PHASE L1",
8. Ensure that the rack cover is replaced before applying power again.

lxxxvi Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Processor Unit All user configurations are held in a non-volatile memory device
Reconfiguration (EEPROM), IC 12, on the Processor Unit PCB. This device is
socketed, and it is therefore possible to "transplant" it into an exchange
unit, so avoiding the necessity to re-configure the unit manually.

The memory device is Static Sensitive. Do not attempt removal and

replacement without using proven anti-static precautions, such as
an earthed wrist strap and earthed anti-static working surface. If
you are in any doubt, do not proceed.

Front of Processor Unit 1. Remove the Processor Unit from the rack.
2. Remove the Processor Module cover (two screws).
LK3 3. Ensure anti-static precautions have been taken.
4. Gently lever out EEPROM, IC12.
5. Repeat above two steps with exchange unit.
6. Swap devices over. Make sure that the device is oriented correctly, see
IC12 left.
7. Replace the covers on both units.

The replacement unit will now have the "personality" of the previous
Storage Program one, and will require no setting up.

Test the unit as if you were applying Power for the first time (see
'Testing After Power On', in the Installation chapter).
Note that the Operating Program is stored in the EPROM, IC16 next to
the EEPROM, IC12. Software upgrade is a simple matter of swapping
this device. Refer to the Issue Notes supplied for any compatibility

Processor Unit Fuse The Processor Unit power is supplied via three fuses mounted directly
Replacement above the Unit. In the event of a major Processor Unit fault, one or
more of these may be blown. This is very unlikely, and will almost
certainly mean that the Processor Unit will need to be exchanged.
Once the Processor Unit has been removed, the fuses may be
examined. A fuse is removed by gently pulling the "cap", which
contains it. Spare parts numbers are given later in this section.

The fuses must only be replaced with ones of the correct

value and similar specification. Failure to use the correct
values could have serious safety implications.

Table of Contents lxxxvii

I s s u e 3.1
Power Device Power devices on all 2.5kW dimmers are identical, as are all devices
Replacement on 5kW dimmers. Replacement on 2.5kW dimmers is very easy
because each device is individually connected with screw terminal
blocks on the Power PCB.
Power Devices typically fail "short circuit" and the classic indication
of this is the inability to turn a dimmer off. To verify that a device has
failed, attempt to control the load using the LEVEL facility, this
ensures the problem is not with the control wiring. If it is impossible
either to turn the dimmer on, or off, and the MCB has been checked,
then the power device is most likely to be at fault.

Power Devices can be damaged by a fault condition on the load

wiring, and it is important to check that any wiring fault has been
repaired before repairing the dimmer.

If the dimmer is a 5kW type, the user is advised to replace the whole
Power Block as repair must be done only by qualified Strand Service
agents. The removal procedure is reversal of the Installation
Procedure, (see Chapter 3).
If the dimmer is a 2.5kW type, use the following procedure:-
1. Identify which physical dimmer is at fault, by reference to the fascia
panel labelling.
2. Isolate the rack and remove the front cover.
3. Remove all the fascia covers from the Power Block is question, by
gently pressing the "legs" inwards to release them from the extrusion.
4. Unscrew and remove the Power Device.
5. Replace the device with one of the pair supplied in the spare part kit
6. Ensure that the screws are done up tightly to avoid a "hotspot" on the
device in service.
7. Replace the mounting screw with the one supplied in the spare part kit
above; this is essential to guarantee adequate thermal contact with the

Do not attempt to operate the dimmer without fitting a new Power

Device of the correct type. It would cause considerable damage to
the firing circuit.

lxxxviii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Spare Parts The following are branded spare parts to be used with LD90. Do not
use any other parts, as these may compromise safety and reliability.
79101 LD90 Processor Unit.
79102 LD90 Spare Fascia Panel, complete with all label types.
79103 LD90 Processor Module Fuse (3 off).
79104 2.5kW Power Device (2 off).
79105 5kW Power Device.

Accessories, 8
Abbreviations, 3

Conductor apertures, 13
Control signal path diagram, 85
Control station
power connections, 33

Default settings, 53
DIN rail, 33
Display contrast, 52

Earthing bar, 33

Table of Contents lxxxix

I s s u e 3.1
Fault finding, 77
First Line Maintenance, 81
Fixing, 13
Fluorescent Relay, 88
Fuses, 82

Glossary, 3

Humidity, 12
Hold, 72

xc Table of Contents
I s s u e 3.1
3-phase, 16
Analogue, 25
Control Signals, 21
Load, 18
Single Phase, 16, 17
Dimensions, 13
Dimmer protocols
D54, 24
DMX512, 22,
SMX, 22,
Installation kit, 11
Location, 12
Multiple Racks, 31
channel levels, 43
default presets, 42
installation, 37
power up Preset, 45
wiring, 38
patch menu, 39
preset record, 45
preset time, 43
preset view, 42
re-preset viewing, 42
re-recording presets, 42
setting up, 39
Phase Orientation, 18
Planning, 12
Power Blocks (Non-factory configured racks), 15
SWC, 33
SV90, 35
Ventilation, 12

Key Lock, 60
Keypad, 51
Curve key, 64
Indicators, 52
Level key, 74
Mux Input, 62
Non-Dim key, 63
Patch key, 65
Preset key, 70
Exit key,51
Cursor keys, 51

Table of Contents xci

I s s u e 3.1
Power Block, 10
Rack, 9

Maintenance, 81
Menu Levels, 54

Outlook (see Installation)
Overtemperature, 52

Power Supply -control stations, 33
fade times, 73
No Mux, 72
Hold, 72
Recording, 71
View, 70
Proccessor Unit Replacement, 81

Quickstarting the rack, 28

Rack Setup
Fluorescent dimmer mode, 46
Minimum Dimmer Level, 59
Return to Default Settings, 60
Setting Language, 28, 57
Setting Output Voltage., 58
Setting Phase Type., 29, 61
Setting Rack no., 29, 57
Routine Tests, 77

xcii Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Safety standards, iv
Software upgrade, 82
Software Versions, 5
Spare Parts, 84
Suggestions, 5
Summary of LD90 Parameters, 86
SWC / SV90(see Installation)

Technical Assistance, 5

Wall bracket, 13
Weights, 87

This appendix contains information on
• The Control Signal Path Diagram.
• A Summary of LD90 Features
• Technical Data Summary.
• Fluorescent dimmer relay connections.

Table of Contents xciii

I s s u e 3.1
Control Signal Path The following diagram illustrates the control signal flow throughout
Diagram the LD90 dimmer. It is included to show how each of the
programmable settings interrelates.

There are several important features of the above diagram:-

1. The relationship between the Mux A, Mux B, analogue inputs and
Presets. Note particularly the precedence between the preset selected by
NoMux, and that selected by the SWC or SV90, i.e. last action takes
2. The local rack keypad overrides all external control signals.
3. The Analogue outputs are independent of the curve, max. voltage,
response time, min level, and fluorescent functions. It is assumed that
the external dimmer will perform these functions.
4. The cycle-by-cycle voltage and frequency compensation built into the
system software.

Summary of LD90 The following table summarises the various LD90 user-programmable
Features functions, and gives allowable limits and default settings.

Feature Range - Min. Range - Max. Default

Dimmer Curve Linear Square
(Mag /Elec.)

xciv Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
Circuit ID 00000 ZZZZZ = mux address
Dimmer Response Fast (30mS) Slow (300mS) Medium (100mS)
Error Number 1 99999
Language English English
Mux Protocol A DMX512 DMX512
SMX (all baud
Mux Protocol B DMX512 DMX512
SMX (all baud
Maximum set 50V 250V 230V
dimmer output
Non-Dim 1% 90% Disabled
Rack Number 1 99 1
Outlook Presets
Preset View Rm. 01 Pre. 00 Rm. 16 Pre. 09 + Rm. 01 Pre. 00
Preset Record Rm. 01 Pre. 01 Rm. 16 Pre. 08 Rm. 01 Pre. 01
Channel Levels Rm. 01 Ch. 01= Rm. 16 Ch. 12 = Rm. 01 Ch.
Off Full 01=Input
Preset Fade 10 mins : 00 00 mins. : 05
Times Instant secs. secs.
Manual Fade " 10 mins : 00 00 mins. : 00
Time secs. secs.
Room Fade Times 10 mins : 00 00 mins. : 05
". secs. secs.
All Room Fade " 10 mins : 00 00 mins. : 05
Times secs. secs.
Power Up Preset 0 9 0
SWC Presets
Preset View Off 99 Off
Preset Rec 01 99 01
Preset No Mux 00 99 + HOLD 00
Preset Fade 00 mins : 00 10 mins : 00 00 mins : 05
Times secs secs secs

Technical Data.

Parameter Range - Min Range - Max. Default

Phase Type A
-A -C

Table of Contents xcv

I s s u e 3.1
Load Connection 1.5mm2 6mm2 / As
sizes 2.5kW, application
6mm2 / 5kW, requires
16mm2 via
Busbar Current 100A/Phase,
300A Single

Input Voltage 4V 6V 5V
(D54 Input)
Input Voltage +/-7V +/-13V +/-10V
Input Impedance -5% +5% 100kΩ
Output Voltage +5V +10V +10V
Output Impedance -5% +5% 1kΩ, in
(Analogue series with
Outputs) diode

Sizes Rack Size: 1050 x 995 x 150 mm

Contracting panel: 505 x 135mm
Conduit Entry: 1 x 50mm and 1 x 25mm

Typical Weights Rack, empty: 42kg

Rack, with Power Blocks: 76kg
Rack, Packed and crated: 135kg

Fluorescent Relay PL6 on the Processor Unit PCB has 12 open-collector outputs and an
Drive Output unregulated supply connection. Each output is capable of sinking
5mA for an opto - coupler and output 1 corresponds with the first
Connections dimmer in the rack. These outputs are driven when MAGNETIC
fluorescent control mode is selected (see Fluorescent Dimmer Setup
on page 47 for details).
The connector is a 20 pin IDC (ribbon) style.

Pin Function Pin Function

xcvi Table of Contents

I s s u e 3.1
1 Relay drive 11 Relay drive
1 7
2 GND 12 GND
3 Relay drive 13 Relay drive
2 8
4 GND 14 GND
5 Relay drive 15 Relay drive
3 9
6 Relay drive 16 Relay drive
4 10
7 Relay drive 17 Relay drive
5 11
8 Relay drive 18 Relay drive
6 12
9 +8V 19 +8V
unregulated unregulated
(do not (do not
short short
circuit) circuit)
10 No 20 No
connection Connection

Typical Application


Table of Contents xcvii

I s s u e 3.1

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