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Constructing a Liability Hedging Portfolio:

A Guide to Best Practices for US Pension Plans

Amir Farahani | Ming Yan

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Executive Summary 1

Role of Liability Hedge Portfolios 3

Pitfalls of “Matching” the Liability 8
Liability Hedge Construction 12
Liability Hedging Implementation Options 15
Alpha Considerations 20
Conclusions on Best Practices 21

List of Figures
1. A Holistic Approach to Plan Assets:
Decisions in One Portfolio Impact the Other 2
2. The Value of Liabilities Is Different Under Each Discount Rate 5
3. Liability Hedge Ratio Formula 6
4. Long Credit Bonds Can Keep Up With Liabilities
Better Than Core Bonds 7
5. Liability Hedge Portfolio Using Core Bonds Can Erode
Funded Status in Periods of Steady or Falling Interest Rates 7
6. Distribution of Benefit Payments Creates Curve Risk 8
7. The Impact of One Issuer on a Bond Index Can Be Significant 11
8. With a Large Growth (Equity) Portfolio,
Additional Exposure to Credit May Increase Risk 13
9. Interest Rate Swap Example 17
10. The Marginal Payoff of Swaptions Mirrors That of Bonds 19
11. Swaption Collar Can Increase Protection at Reduced Costs 20

List of Tables
1. Identifying the Most Relevant Liability for the Sponsor’s Needs 4
2. Top Ten Constituents of Barclays AA Corporate Index 10
3. Equities Are Modestly Correlated to Credit Spreads 12
Executive Summary

 To construct an effective liability hedging believe is paramount when looking at

portfolio, a key first step is to evaluate the the low level of return provided by fixed
variety of ways liabilities can be calculated income in the current environment. Still,
and discounted and to identify the most even with these derivatives-based strategies,
relevant liability metric for a plan spon- a “perfect hedge” is not attainable.
sor’s circumstances. Plan sponsors should  Plan sponsors should think carefully about
also define the acceptable level of surplus the active management implications of
risk and carefully consider the appro- constructing the liability hedge, particularly
priate duration of the liability hedging for those plans that target low surplus
assets—shorter duration assets often have volatility and maintain heavy allocations
a meaningful mismatch to most defined to fixed income. In normal environments,
benefit pension liabilities. a plan with the majority of its liability
 Plan sponsors should not construct a hedging assets devoted to bond managers
liability hedge in isolation, as the size and (typically with moderate tracking error)
composition of both the growth portfolio will not be able to generate the same level
and liability hedge will have important of value add as a plan with a more diversi-
implications for each other. Since the fied portfolio invested in higher active risk
end goal is to maximize portfolio return strategies such as equities, hedge funds, and
at a controlled level of risk, the liability private investments.
hedging portfolio should not attempt to  Best practices when developing a liability
perfectly immunize a cash flow stream—an hedging framework include:
extremely difficult task when considering
 Understanding and defining the
real world constraints of corporate bond
issuance, transaction costs, and liquidity—
but rather optimize duration, curve, and  Quantifying acceptable surplus risk,
credit spread exposures within the broader  Acknowledging the basis risks in repli-
context of the total plan’s risks related to cating the liability hedging benchmark,
both its assets and liability.  Monitoring the interaction of credit and
 We recommend plan sponsors consider equities,
the use of more complex fixed income  Emphasizing capital efficiency given the
structures to manage their liability hedge
lower returns of liability hedging assets,
programs. Most notably, we believe prudent
use of derivatives (and, implicitly, some
degree of portfolio leverage) should be  Considering derivatives as part of the
considered, as bond futures, interest rate toolkit.
swaps, swaptions, and other techniques
provide far more flexibility to optimize
the portfolio when compared to a plain
vanilla physical bond portfolio. Derivatives
may also allow for a more capital-efficient
liability hedging allocation, which we

| 1
Liability Hedging

T he construction and calibration of a

liability hedging portfolio is integral to
effective risk management of a pension port-
surplus risk for the plan is also important, and
we discuss the calculation of a hedge ratio to
provide plan sponsors with a more accurate
folio. As we discussed in our report Pension understanding of how much of the liability is
Risk Management, liability hedging portfolios hedged. We next examine pitfalls of matching
should not be developed in a vacuum, as the the liability given the real world constraints
growth portfolio will have an interaction of corporate bond issuance, transaction costs,
effect on the risks and returns of the liability and liquidity. Given these constraints, we share
hedge (Figure 1). Further, as we described in our view on the construction of the liability
Pension De-Risking—A Better Solution, the size hedging portfolio, which should not attempt
of the liability hedge may be impacted by an to perfectly immunize a cash flow stream, but
overarching “glide path.” This report focuses rather optimize duration, curve, and credit
exclusively on the liability hedge allocation, spread exposures within the broader context of
delineating what we believe are key consid- the total plan’s risks related to both its assets and
erations and best practices for this rate- and liability.
spread-driven portfolio.
In the section on implementation options, we
This report has five main sections. The first review benefits and drawbacks of physical fixed
reviews the role of the liability hedging port- income, the more traditional approach, and
folio and discusses the importance of plan synthetic fixed income. Finally, we examine
sponsors understanding and identifying the alpha considerations within the liability hedging
most relevant liability metric for their circum- portfolio and the implications of maintaining a
stances. Quantifying the acceptable level of large allocation to the liability hedge.

Figure 1. A Holistic Approach to Plan Assets: Decisions in One Portfolio Impact the Other

Liability Hedging Portfolio Growth Portfolio

Role Role
 Theoretical zero volatility asset  Growth engine for portfolio
that “perfectly” immunizes
liability Objectives
Interaction Effect
The impact of decisions in  Cover costs of administering
Objective one portfolio on the other the plan
 Minimize impact of movements  Reduce future contribution
in the market-based discount amounts of the plan sponsor
rate on the liability and funded
ratio  Meet required return expectations
of the plan

| 2
Liability Hedging

Role of Liability Hedge Portfolios  Liability Hedging Portfolio. The goal

of the liability hedging portfolio is to
Pension plan assets are invested with the objective minimize the volatility of the plan’s assets
of meeting current and future payouts to plan relative to changes in the value of the plan’s
participants. The annual cash flows that represent unique liability. While the composition
the plan’s future obligation to participants often of the optimal liability hedging portfolio
span a number of decades, which necessitates varies and will be discussed in more detail
the calculation of a discounted present value that later in this report, fixed income assets and
can be compared to a marked-to-market asset related derivatives almost always serve the
value, enabling evaluations of how healthy (or role given the interest rate sensitivity of
funded) a plan might be at a given point in time. both fixed income assets and the discount
The discount rate, which is based on the level of rate applied to pension obligations. The rate
interest rates, is one of the most critical factors sensitivity can be decomposed into changes
affecting the liability. US pension plans subject to due to general interest rates (as proxied by
ERISA have generally used corporate bond yields US Treasuries) as well as the level of credit
for the discounting calculation. However, plans spreads (amount by which corporate bond
have long adopted allocations that seek not only to yields exceed Treasury yields).
protect the plan from moves in interest rates, but
also to generate superior returns to help offset the Defining the Liability
cost of the plan’s future accrued benefits. Pension To construct an effective liability hedging
assets thus need to be invested in a holistic portfolio, a key first step is to evaluate the
manner to ensure growth to help cover the cost of variety of ways liabilities can be calculated
future liabilities, while still hedging to some extent and discounted. The three primary methods
against discount rate movements. These two, for calculating plan liabilities are accumulated
sometimes competing, objectives result in an asset benefit obligation (ABO), projected benefit
allocation approach with two main categories: obligation (PBO), and funding target.
 Growth Portfolio. The goal of the growth The ABO and PBO methodologies are
portfolio is to generate excess returns to accounting-related, generated to show the impact
strengthen the plan’s funded status over of changes in the plan on a plan sponsor’s finan-
the long term and to help pay for future cial statements. ABO embeds current salary and
benefit accruals, mitigating the size of current service levels in the calculation while
needed contributions to the plan. The PBO creates a higher threshold by assuming
growth portfolio is typically composed future salary increases in its calculation. Many
of public and private equity, hedge funds, plans favor the ABO methodology to define
commodities, and high-yield credit (among their “target” liability while the PBO calcula-
other assets). The common thread that ties tion is a higher threshold. However, the PBO
these assets together is their equity market methodology underpins values shown on many
risk, or “beta.” Under normal market condi- financial statements, particularly the balance
tions these assets are expected to produce sheet, and influences pension-related expenses.
positive returns, contributing to the growth The funding target methodology is a funding-
of the plan assets. related calculation generated to determine the

| 3
Liability Hedging

plan’s health as measured by a threshold for Table 1 summarizes the variety of liability meth-
acceptable funding levels. The funding target odologies that are disclosed in a typical actuarial
methodology uses similar cash flows and report. Plan sponsors should identify for them-
assumptions as in the ABO calculation and selves which methodology is most pertinent when
impacts the sponsor’s cash contribution require- thinking about the risks of the plan. For instance,
ments. Recent legislation known as MAP-21 has if a sponsor’s primary concern is to mitigate the
materially impacted funding target calculations volatility of the plan’s liabilities on the balance
by allowing plan sponsors to use higher refer- sheet, the sponsor would pay close attention to the
ence rates (based on a 25-year moving average) PBO estimate of its liabilities. But if the sponsor
in the calculation. This lowers the present value wants to reduce the volatility of its annual cash
of pension liabilities and required contributions, contribution, the funding target liability would be
providing some relief to sponsors (the relief is the right metric to monitor and manage.
temporary as the effects of MAP-21 will fade
Although inflation has an indirect influence on
away over the coming years). However, because
the PBO in terms of assumed salary growth,
MAP-21 has created a more favorable treatment
inflation typically does not meaningfully influ-
of liability present values that deviates greatly
ence liability measurement for most US plans.
from a “mark-to-market” approach, some plans
Unless explicitly stated in the plan’s provisions,
have shifted to accounting-based methods
US defined benefit pension benefits are usually
(ABO or PBO) when evaluating the movement
defined as a nominal dollar value (e.g., based
and risks associated with their liability to better
on a percentage of an employee’s salary level).
account for necessary future contributions after
Since benefits are usually not subject to a cost of
the expiration of MAP-21 relief.
living adjustment, US plans emphasize nominal
corporate and Treasury bonds in their liability

Table 1. Identifying the Most Relevant Liability for the Sponsor’s Needs

Methodology Accounting Salary Service Discount Rate Relevance to Sponsor

vs Funding Basis Basis and Investment Decisions
Funding Funding Current Current High-quality corpo- Methodology used for calculating
Target rate bonds (A or Pension Protection Act funding ratio and
better quality) directly related to measuring sponsor’s
contribution requirements
Choice of segmented
rates averaged over MAP-21 provided temporary relief and
prior 24 months or allows use of 25-year average rates
IRS full yield curve
Accumulated Accounting Current Current High-quality corpo- Similar to Funding Target but uses
Benefit rate bonds different reference rate
(ABO) Lower value than PBO, but will be
equal if plans are hard frozen (no new
benefits are accruing) or benefits are not
Projected Accounting Projected Current High-quality corpo- Methodology used for accounting
Benefit rate bonds (generally purposes (e.g., 10-K pension liability)
Obligation AA or better)
(PBO) More comprehensive estimate of future

| 4
Liability Hedging

hedging portfolios. The present value of plan’s Capital Allocation and Hedging Ratio
liabilities, however, will change in response to For most plans, the strategic asset allocation
changes in perceived or expected inflation to is a customized mix between the growth and
the extent that interest rates are affected. liability hedging portfolios, taking into consid-
As referenced in Table 1, the particular defini- eration the sponsor’s tolerance for surplus risk.
tion of the liability determines what discount rate Surplus risk refers to the expected volatility of
the plan must use, and the choice of discount funded status, measuring the extent to which
rate impacts the present value of the liability. fund assets and liabilities will deviate from each
Figure 2 displays the various discount rates that other (a theoretical portfolio with no surplus
could be used and their impact on the present risk would be “immunized” as assets perfectly
value of the funding rate liability. The value of match liabilities). It can be used to measure
the liability increases moving from the top of the risk of failing to attain adequate long-term
the table in Figure 2 to the bottom, as there is returns consistent with the plan’s expected
an inverse relationship between the discount return—inability to mitigate surplus risk means
rate and the present value of the liability. For the sponsor will ultimately have to make up
example, there is an approximately $33 million the difference and kick in higher contributions
difference in the value of the liability between to keep the plan’s funding at a healthy level.
the MAP-21 Discount Curve and IRS Full Generally, open and soft closed plans, as well
Yield Curve, as the MAP-21 legislation results as hard frozen plans that are underfunded, will
in higher discount rates than the IRS Full Yield assume some level of surplus risk to generate
Curve. This example highlights the funding excess return (above and beyond the liability’s
status and subsequent required contribution return) to increase funded status and reduce
relief that defined-benefit plans have received future contributions.
since the introduction of the legislation.

Figure 2. The Value of Liabilities Is Different Under Each Discount Rate

As of December 31, 2013



Discount Rate



2% MAP-21 Curve (2013) (Funding Target: $246.6 million)

IRS Full Yield Curve (Funding Target: $279.7 million)
IRS 24-Month Segmented Curve (Funding Target: $299.7 million)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Sources: Internal Revenue Service and US Treasury.

| 5
Liability Hedging

Analysis is possible to quantify the size of such as the Barclays Aggregate, serve as an all-
surplus risk (or surplus volatility), but on a more inclusive universe of investment-grade bonds,
simple and intuitive level, hedge ratios can be the Aggregate has a meaningful mismatch in
computed to assess how much the market value duration compared to most defined benefit
change for plan assets captures the change in pension liabilities. Even larger allocations
pension liabilities. Liability values and related to an Aggregate-based portfolio will embed
hedges are significantly driven by the level of significant surplus risk—potentially more than
interest rates, as well as changes in the credit the sponsor realizes. Lesser but still important
spread of corporate bond yields in excess of considerations of using core bond benchmarks
US Treasuries. Sponsors can compute a rate are their significant holdings in mortgage-
hedge ratio that provides an estimate of how backed and asset-backed securities, which are a
“protected” the plan would be given a move in poor hedge for a liability marked on the basis
interest rates (Figure 3). of corporate yields. Core bond benchmarks
also introduce additional tracking error as they
include securities with negative convexity.
Figure 3. Liabilities Hedge Ratio Formula
Similar calculations can be made for credit
LH Allocation % x LH Duration x Funded Status % spread metrics, as a credit hedge ratio estimates
Liability Duration how “protected” the plan is from tightening
(falling) credit spreads relative to the credit
sensitivity of the liability. As an extreme
For example, assume a defined benefit plan example, a plan with a 100% allocation to
with the following characteristics: duration-matched Treasuries would be effec-
tively 100% hedged to general rate sensitivity,
 Funded Status: 85% but the plan would have a 0% credit hedge
 Liability Hedging Allocation: 50% position, given no exposure to credit spreads.
 Liability Hedge Duration: 5.5 years
Duration of the Liability Hedge
 Liability Duration: 12 years Figure 4 ties the concepts of rate and credit
Despite a 50% allocation to fixed income, hedging together and indicates the benchmark’s
this hypothetical plan maintains an effective importance to the effectiveness of a liability
interest rate hedge ratio of 20%, suggesting the hedge. The chart displays the cumulative
plan is hedged on less than a quarter of its rate performance of a sample liability stream (with
exposure related to the liability. The rate hedge duration of 13 years—approximating typical
ratio is lower than the liability hedging alloca- pension plan duration), the Barclays US Long-
tion due to the plan being underfunded (not Term Credit Corporate Index, and the Barclays
enough assets available to match the size of the Aggregate Bond Index during a period of
liability) and the shorter duration of the assets falling interest rates (January 2010 through
relative to the liabilities. December 2013). The Long Credit index does
a significantly better job of keeping up with the
This example reveals an inherent weakness growth in liabilities, as its duration and yields
of using “core” or “core plus” approaches as are closer to those of the liability.
liability hedges. Though core bond benchmarks,

| 6
Liability Hedging

The Aggregate’s inability to hedge the liabili- hedge is invested in long duration bonds. Said
ties can be very painful for pension plans. As another way, a pension portfolio with total
shown in Figure 5, a plan with a 50/50 alloca- assets of $1 billion whose liability hedge is
tion (growth/liability hedge), where the liability invested in long duration bonds would end
hedge is the Aggregate, would have a funded up with approximately $100 million more in
status of 80% at the end of the simulation funded status than the portfolio using the
period. This contrasts with a terminal funded Aggregate during this period of falling interest
status of 87% for the portfolio whose liability rates.

Figure 4. Long Credit Bonds Can Keep Up With Liabilities Better Than Core Bonds

Asset/Liability Growth (US$)



Barclays Agg
100 Barclays Long Credit
Sample Liability Stream
Dec-09 Jun-10 Dec-10 Jun-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 Dec-12 Jun-13 Dec-13

Sources: Barclays and Cambridge Associates LLC.

Figure 5. Liability Hedge Portfolio Using Core Bonds Can Erode Funded Status
in Periods of Steady or Falling Interest Rates

50% MSCI ACWI/ 50% Barclays Agg 87%
50% MSCI ACWI/ 50% Long Credit
Funding Status

80% 80%



Dec-09 Jun-10 Dec-10 Jun-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 Dec-12 Jun-13 Dec-13

Sources: Barclays and MSCI Inc. MSCI data provided "as is" without any express or implied warranties.

| 7
Liability Hedging

Pitfalls of “Matching” the Liability and mitigated, but several of which are not
possible to eliminate.1 Specifically, we note the
A plan’s liability present value calculation is following chief challenges in perfectly hedging
subject to many complexities, and as a result, a liability stream: curve matching, credit spread
plans will encounter numerous implementa- constraints, high-quality concentration, and
tion challenges and trade-offs. It is virtually downgrade decay. Because many of these chal-
impossible to perfectly mimic the behavior lenges are unsolvable, we advise plans to devise
of a discounted liability stream through an the most effective liability hedge that mitigates
investable bond portfolio. The assumption is these trade-offs and manage surplus risk to an
a discrete set of annual cash flows discounted acceptable level, rather than try to attain a false
at a corporate bond rate could be perfectly sense of precision at a greater cost.
“immunized,” but in reality, the achievement 1
In this section, we focus on liability precision chal-
of complete liability replication is elusive. lenges related to interest rates and credit spreads, but we
In this section, we discuss the most notable note additional challenges exist such as those generated
challenges—some of which can be controlled by changes in mortality tables, future demographics
gains and losses, actuarial changes, etc.

Figure 6. Distribution of Benefit Payments Creates Curve Risk


Hypothetical Liability Cash Flows (Duration=14 Years)

10 Long Government/Credit Index Maturities (Duration=14 Years)

Market Value (%)

1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 100
Years Until Maturity

Key Rate Duration Buckets

Key Rate Duration Exposures 0.5 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10 Year 20 Year 30 Year Total
Long G/C Index 0.01 0.09 0.33 1.85 4.96 6.79 14.03
Hypothetical Liability 0.05 0.25 1.43 3.09 3.76 5.45 14.03
Difference -0.04 -0.16 -1.10 -1.24 1.20 1.34 -

Source: Barclays.

| 8
Liability Hedging

Curve Matching Credit Spread Constraints

Interest rate duration, the sensitivity of a bond Whether using an accounting or funding target
portfolio or liability to a change in interest methodology, the pension liability is discounted
rates, is a key consideration in a robust liability using a corporate interest rate, which embeds
hedging approach. The vast majority of plan both a risk-free (government) interest rate, as
liability durations, though long, tend to be at well as an additional yield related to credit risk
levels that are technically investable (even in associated with corporate bonds. This credit
the high teens or low twenties, where Treasury spread component creates at least four chal-
STRIPS can be used). To provide an example, lenges for liability hedging purposes.
Figure 6 compares a liability cash flow stream
 Corporate bonds tend to be much less
with duration of 14 years, identical to the
liquid and more expensive to transact than
duration of the Barclays Long Government/
Treasury bonds, which makes customiza-
Credit Index. If a parallel interest rate shift
tion more difficult. Such liquidity and cost
occurs (holding spreads constant), the liability
constraints also create challenges in making
and fixed income investments would be
needed adjustments over time as the port-
expected to generally move in tandem.
folio and liability change.
However, such duration positioning comes  Few derivatives options to simulate corpo-
with a significant amount of curve risk. The rate bond exposure are available (unlike
liability exhibits the familiar “bell curve” shape swaps and futures, which can be readily
spanning a number of decades, while the Long available for government bond exposure),
Government/Credit index (by design) is heavily further limiting liability hedge customiza-
clustered in the ten- to 30-year maturity space. tion. The most readily available corporate
As a result, this implementation results in a derivatives, credit default swaps, tend to
meaningful overweight to the longer end (20+ trade in the five-year maturity (too short for
years part of the curve) and an underweight to most liability hedges) and also embed a fair
the front end of the interest rate curve. Such amount of “basis risk” (differences between
positioning is therefore susceptible to the cash and synthetic valuation).
flattening, steepening, and kinking that can
result in a term structure of rates over time.  Corporate spreads provide a “carry” of
Depending on the behavior of the curve, the excess yield for the liability that may be
liability hedge could materially deviate from difficult for the liability hedge to mimic.
the liability as a result. It is possible to mitigate For example, if a plan relies on 30-year
these curve exposures through some of the Treasury STRIPS to maintain needed
techniques we will discuss later (including duration exposure, the liability hedge return
derivatives), but it is imperative to understand will lag the percentage change in liability
the size and nature of the curve positions that each day that transpires by virtue of not
may be assumed, particularly if the liability earning the credit spread in that duration
hedge is a meaningful part of the overall asset bucket.

| 9
Liability Hedging

 Liabilities based on corporate bonds possess Downgrade Decay

sensitivity to movements in spreads referred One of the most challenging aspects of
to as “spread duration.” Especially in longer managing a liability hedge against a cash flow–
duration bonds, this exposure can become oriented liability benchmark is that the liability
heightened. Again using the example of uses a very different methodology in being
30-year Treasury STRIPS, if credit spreads marked to “market.” On the liability side, the
were to tighten (rally) substantially, the plan plan is obligated to pay discrete annual cash
liability would increase by virtue of the flows in the future, and as time transpires,
lower spreads, but the plan’s liability hedge there is little to no downward slippage in these
would miss out on the benefit, impairing cash flows, as any failure to pay would trigger
the hedge’s effectiveness. default for the sponsor. With these cash flows
Similar to the challenges on managing curve relatively little changed over time (excluding the
exposures, the plan sponsor must arrive at effect of service cost, demographic experience,
the best solution that manages the problems
of corporate exposure in the most effective
manner possible. However, as we will discuss
in the next section, a liability hedge should be Table 2. Top Ten Constituents of
constructed holistically with the character- Barclays AA Corporate Index
As of December 31, 2013
istics of the growth portfolio in mind. Plans
% Market
with higher levels of equity beta may be better Issuer Ticker Value
served maintaining lower corporate exposure
and higher government exposure, given the Wal-Mart Stores WWT 10.4
correlation of corporate spreads and equity risk.
International Business IBM 7.0
High-Quality Concentration
The liability’s corporate bond–based discount Shell International Finance RDSALN 6.3
rate is generally derived from market yields on
higher-quality corporates. Although this higher- Berkshire Hathaway BRK 5.1
quality focus would seem conservative on the
surface, plans that elect to perfectly mimic this Toyota Motor Credit Corp TM 5.0
high-quality exposure may assume a substantial
amount of issuer concentration risk in their TOTAL SA TOT 4.5
corporate bond portfolio. Table 2 demonstrates
Bank of Nova Scotia BNS 3.9
the highly concentrated nature of the Barclays
AA Corporate Bond Index, in particular. The
Westpac Banking Corp WSTP 3.9
top-ten issuers make up more than half of the
index, with an allocation in excess of 10% for
General Electric. GE 3.7
Wal-Mart alone. The level of concentration is
generally inappropriate for a corporate bond Apple Inc. AAPL 3.5
portfolio even if it is intended to be a “perfect”
liability hedge, and the lack of diversification also Total 53.3
leaves a plan more vulnerable to downgrade risk.

| 10
Liability Hedging

and actuarial assumption changes), the sole recent downgrade. As indicated in Figure 7,
mechanism of change in the liability present after Verizon announced plans to issue debt
value is driven by applying a dynamic discount and acquire the Verizon Wireless interests it
rate. did not already own from Vodafone, Verizon
However, the asset side is not blessed with such bonds widened substantially (widening spreads
a static cash flow structure—individual under- mean the yield of a bond rises and the price of
lying bonds held by the plan may fall in value. the bond falls, all else equal) due to investor
Even worse, if an issuer is downgraded below concerns. Ultimately, Verizon and Verizon
the minimum quality permitted by index rules Wireless bonds were downgraded from low A
(or defaulted in a worst case scenario), the plan to BBB in September 2013.
sponsor sustains losses, while the index eventu- From November 30, 2012 (when Verizon
ally ejects the downgraded/defaulted bond(s) had issued its previous benchmark bonds)
and re-prices the discount rate as if the index to September 30, 2013 (the effective date of
never held the bonds in the first place. Verizon’s removal from the A or Better Index),
The recent downgrade of Verizon and Verizon Verizon’s underperformance caused a drag of
Wireless illustrates this disconnect. Verizon 16 bps on the total index. But more importantly,
and Verizon Wireless constituted about 3% Verizon’s ultimate removal from the A or Better
of the Barclays A or Better Index until their Index (a proxy for many liability valuations)

Figure 7. The Impact of One Issuer on a Bond Index Can Be Significant

November 30, 2012 – September 30, 2013

Spread (OAS): VZ 3.85 11/42 vs Cumulative Impact of VZ/VZW

Long Corp A or Better Index on the Long Corp A or Better Index
180 5
VZ 3.85 11/1/2042
Long Corp A or Better
Verizon's cumulative
performance hurt the total
150 Long Corp A or Better
Basis Points
Basis Points

Index by 16 basis points



Verizon bonds -15
widened meaningfully
110 in anticipation of the

100 -20
Nov-12 Jan-13 Mar-13 May-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 Nov-12 Jan-13 Mar-13 May-13 Jul-13 Sep-13

Source: Barclays.

| 11
Liability Hedging

caused the index yield to compress by about 2 Liability Hedge Construction

bps. Thus, the liability proxy was not affected
by Verizon’s lowered quality, but investors in The previous section touched on the
the real-life index incurred all of Verizon’s constraints of being able to perfectly match
underperformance. a liability proxy calculated based on actuarial
methods. We now address a key aspect of
Since the market usually recognizes issues liability hedge portfolio construction. We
before rating agencies, all downgrades tend to believe plan sponsors should not construct
follow this same pattern—investors sustain a liability hedge in isolation, as the size and
losses up until the credit’s ejection from the composition of both the growth portfolio and
index, but the liability discount rate ultimately liability hedge will have important interac-
kicks the credit out. When these effects are tion effects upon each other. The end goal is
compounded over time across a wide variety to maximize portfolio return at a controlled
of downgrades, the “drag” from this issue level of risk. Thus, a liability hedge should not
becomes extremely meaningful. Unfortunately, attempt to perfectly immunize a cash flow
there is no counterbalance to this down- stream, but rather optimize duration, curve,
grade headwind—corporate bonds that get and credit spread exposures within the broader
upgraded will usually have realized much of context of the total plan’s risks related to both its
the upgrade’s benefit well before inclusion in assets and liability.
the higher-quality index. In addition, a literal
interpretation of a bond’s conformity with a Equity Interaction Effect
high-quality restriction may force investors to Credit spreads are clearly a key driver of plan
sell newly downgraded bonds (such as Verizon) discount rates, but a plan should be cautious
at one of the worst moments, when the credits in assuming that heavy or exclusive use of
often encounter their greatest selling pressure. credit-related securities is appropriate in all
cases. Performances of credit spreads and
Construction of the liability hedge must account
equity markets are modestly correlated (Table
for this effect carefully. Account guidelines can
3). Typically, in strong equity markets, credit
be modified to handle downgrades of securities
spreads tend to “tighten” and in weak equity
more practically. Plan sponsors may also be better
rewarded by broadening the permissible credit
quality of holdings (into securities rated BBB, for Table 3. Equities Are Modestly
example) to mitigate the effect of downgrades, Correlated to Credit Spreads
As of December 31, 2013
better diversify holdings across more issuers, and,
ultimately, earn returns that can help offset the Credit Spread (OAS)
headwinds of liability management that have been
described thus far. Although each liability hedging S&P 500 0.51
situation is unique, we generally advise plans to
permit investment in all investment-grade corpo- MSCI ACWI 0.53
rate ratings, as allowing for BBB investments
helps mitigate the downgrade slippage. Barclays Aggregate -0.03

Barclays Long Gov/Credit -0.01

| 12
Liability Hedging

markets, credit spreads tend to “widen.” The the “0 Growth /100 Liability Hedge” (fully
credit/equity alignment is intuitive, as the hedged) plan is helped by maximizing credit,
healthy economic/profit conditions that drive as the portfolio is devoid of equity risk, which
equity returns are also conducive to better reduces surplus volatility by better mimicking
performance among corporate bonds, as well as the behavior of the liability on a much larger
improved risk sentiment. slice of the portfolio. If a plan maintains
As a result of this relationship, plans must significant equity exposure, devising a complex
take into account the relative level of equity customized credit solution that tries to imitate
beta (market sensitivity) in their growth port- the liability may actually accentuate existing
folio when determining the right mixture of equity risks rather than help manage overall
corporate and Treasury bonds in their liability portfolio risk. For the “60 Low Beta Growth /
hedging portfolios. 40 Liability Hedge” portfolio, greatly reducing
equity beta (in this example, assumed to be
Figure 8 demonstrates equity risk can have 0.4) controls surplus volatility with a consis-
substantial implications for implementing a tent amount across the government/credit
liability hedge, plotting the appropriate govern- spectrum. Such an allocation comes with a
ment/credit ratio against surplus volatility for return trade-off. In most long-term periods,
a few sample portfolios. The “60 Growth /40 credit will typically outperform Treasuries
Liability Hedge” plan is better served, from (when adjusted for duration), given the excess
a surplus volatility perspective, with higher credit spread earned over time.
government bond allocations. Conversely,

Figure 8. With a Large Growth (Equity) Portfolio, Additional Exposure to Credit May Increase Risk
Duration Matched Plan with ACWI Equity Exposure

Impact of Adding Credit Exposure on Surplus Volatility

60 Growth / 40 Liability Hedge
60 Low Beta Growth / 40 Liability Hedge
20 Growth / 80 Liability Hedge
0 Growth / 100 Liability Hedge
Surplus Volatility

100/0 90/10 80/20 70/30 60/40 50/50 40/60 30/70 20/80 10/90 0/100
Government/Credit Ratio

Sources: Barclays and MSCI Inc. MSCI data provided "as is" without any express or implied warranties.
Notes: Low beta growth portfolio assumes a 0.4 beta to the MSCI All Country World Index. Returns from October 2003 to October 2013.

| 13
Liability Hedging

Avoiding False Precision  Permissible Quality. More “literal”

How precise the liability hedge’s mechanics interpretation of a liability benchmark
need to be depends on the size of a liability could cause mandates to focus purely on
hedge allocation. In the most extreme example, high-quality corporates. Such a narrow
a plan that hedges 10% or 20% of its liability scope entails the concentration and down-
will leave a fair amount of its rate exposure grade risks described earlier. Allowing for
unhedged. In this case, assuming significant lower-quality (but still investment-grade)
implementation complexity makes little sense securities can help mitigate downgrade
as the impact of the unhedged surplus risk headwinds and, in the long run, provide
would dwarf efforts to fine-tune the hedge. enhanced returns and reasonable correla-
Conversely, a plan that invests all of its assets tion to the liability benchmark.
in a liability hedge would have a very low toler-  Permissible Securities. When consid-
ance for surplus volatility, raising the onus for ering the inclusion of securitized holdings,
liability hedge precision. municipals, floating-rate paper, and high-
Most plans are likely somewhere between the yield bonds, such bonds are “out-of-index”
two end points described above. In determining securities when compared to a corporate-
the appropriate definition and implementation focused liability benchmark. However,
of a liability hedge, plans should consider the active managers with skill may be capable
trade-offs associated with: of accentuating returns on the fixed income
portfolio with these holdings. Potential
 Customization. A plan that elects to return enhancement should be evaluated
become more precise with the curve, rate, relative to the tracking error being assumed
and spread dynamics of its liability in terms (i.e., on a risk/return basis).
of implementation will be taking a step
 Portfolio Leverage. As we will discuss,
that is far more complex. Management fees,
fixed income derivatives can be very useful
oversight, and account structure should
in managing specific rate and curve risks
all be evaluated relative to the benefit of
for a plan relative to its liability. But such
improving the precision of a liability hedge.
exposures can involve the assumption of
 Benchmarking Complexity. Selecting portfolio leverage, and adequate parameters
Barclays Long Government/Credit or other should be crafted to ensure leverage is
widely known indexes as the benchmark employed appropriately.
for the liability hedging portfolio can be
an attractive option. It ensures a straight-
forward benchmark to measure program
success. But it is also possible to follow a
more customized approach to hedging the
liabilities by constructing a bond portfolio
comprising of STRIPS and derivatives (as
we discuss in the next section).

| 14
Liability Hedging

Liability Hedging benchmark. The physical approach can be

Implementation Options undertaken in either a passive or active format,
with the potential for value add via credit
After incorporating all of the duration, curve, selection, curve posture, duration adjustment,
and credit nuances described to arrive at an opportunistic out-of-index positions, or other
optimal liability hedge, plans can implement the techniques.
portfolio in a variety of ways. In this section, Corporate bond investments are, practically
we review the key benefits and drawbacks of speaking, only investable in the physical format,
commonly used approaches. The implemen- as no liquid and investable format exists to
tation options provide differing degrees of replicate corporate exposure other than credit
liquidity, tracking error, and complexity—as default swaps, which introduce a significant
each approach has its own pros and cons, the basis risk and are not appropriately calibrated
suitability of each approach is dependent on a in terms of duration. Thus, plans that wish to
plan’s specific circumstances. maintain meaningful credit exposure will have
to rely on physical corporate bond exposure
Physical Fixed Income
significantly. An attempt to replicate duration
“Physical” implementation refers to purchasing
synthetically in Treasury/swap markets (as we
a portfolio of actual fixed income securities,
will discuss) will underperform the liability
with targeted duration either set in line with
benchmark over time due to a lack of carry
a benchmark or equal to a plan’s liability in
from the inherent credit spread.
a customization strategy. The composition
of bonds in the physical portfolio would be A physical approach does have drawbacks.
calibrated based on the plan’s liability hedge Depending on the nature of the liability hedge,
characteristics. In most cases, defined benefit a physical portfolio is not capital efficient
plans invest only in nominal fixed rate corpo- because it traps a fair amount of plan assets
rate and government securities in their liability in the role of hedging liabilities. This capital
hedging portfolios as plans are not usually could have been put to work in other parts of
subject to a cost-of-living-adjustment provi- the portfolio, where expectations for returns
sion (COLA). For plans with such provisions are higher. Thus, holding a large, physical
it makes sense to hold assets (e.g., Treasury hedge portfolio whose expected surplus return
Inflation-Protected Securities, hard assets) that is theoretically zero could have a significant
can offset the cost of rising liabilities in event opportunity cost.
of rising inflation. Physical portfolios are likely to present curve
An approach that emphasizes physical bonds mismatch relative to a liability, even if signifi-
has several advantages. The implementation cant effort is spent matching duration on a total
is relatively straightforward, which mitigates portfolio basis. Furthermore, corporate bonds
execution risk for less well-resourced invest- are less liquid, at times difficult to source for
ment organizations. Performance of a simple specific maturity profiles, and often embed a
physical portfolio is simple to measure, and meaningful bid/ask spread in transactions costs.
the performance and portfolio characteris-
tics can be easily compared to a reference

| 15
Liability Hedging

Synthetic Fixed Income ation, and complexities tied to ISDAs or other

The capital efficiency of derivatives offers over-the-counter (OTC) procedures are not
unique benefits in managing exposures for applicable.
the liability hedging portfolio, but derivatives One key drawback of Treasury futures is the
also present unique risks and considerations fact that initial and variation margin is required,
(including treatment under FAS 157). Plans though such amounts are still far more capital
should ensure these risks and complexities are efficient than a physical bond portfolio. A plan
well articulated and managed at a policy level, must also maintain the proper operational
and implementation of derivatives may very resources to handle the funding and mainte-
often need to reside with an external manager nance of margin, as well as understand duration
or provider. Below, we cover three key deriva- sensitivity and risk introduced by Treasury
tive types: Treasury futures, interest rate swaps, futures positions. Similar to the other synthetic
and swaptions. approaches, Treasury futures also fail to match
Treasury Futures. Treasury futures are similar the interest expense on a plan’s liability given
to futures on other assets (commodities, no embedded corporate spread, which would
equities, etc.)—parties to a Treasury futures lead to deteriorating funded status if it is
contract agree on the forward price of the not earned elsewhere in the portfolio, and a
referenced Treasury bond at a certain date in mismatch on credit spread duration as well.
the future. If the spot price at the expiry of the Interest Rate Swaps. An interest rate swap
contract is above the agreed-upon (forward) is a contract whereby one party agrees to pay
price, the party short the contract will pay the other party a fixed amount in exchange
the long party the difference, adjusted for the for a floating amount periodically for a pre-
notional of the contract. If the spot price is determined amount of time. For instance, in
below the forward, the long party pays the a 30-year interest rate swap, party A agrees to
difference to the short party. The payout is pay party B a fixed amount (equal to a fixed
therefore very similar to owning the Treasury rate times a notional amount determined in
security physically. advance) in exchange for a floating amount
Pension investors can hedge their interest rate (equal to a short-term rate, typically Libor plus
exposure by purchasing (“going long”) Treasury a spread, times the same notional amount). The
futures of appropriate maturities. Given the life of this hypothetical swap would span 30
long duration nature of pension liabilities, plans years, and every quarter (or, depending on the
typically hedge exposure by purchasing the terms of the contract, every month) during that
ten- and 30-year Treasury futures (adjusted as time cash flows would be swapped between the
needed for curve parameters). Treasury futures counterparties (Figure 9).
are very actively traded, and the market is very In this transaction, party B has effectively
deep, making futures an attractive option for purchased a fixed-term bond with a fixed
plans reluctant to take on significant liquidity coupon rate (without the principal payment at
risk and to pay a lot in transaction costs to the end) and has therefore assumed increased
construct their liability hedge. As exchange- interest rate duration consistent with owning a
listed derivatives with daily margin settlement, bond. Thus, a pension investor may be inclined
counterparty risk is eliminated as a consider- to assume a position similar to party B if it

| 16
Liability Hedging

Figure 9. Interest Rate Swap Example to sign trade confirmations and understand
all terms of the contract. These processes
Party A Party B (particularly the ISDA) can be lengthy and also
Paying Fixed, Paying Floating,
Receiving Floating Receiving Fixed involve a fair amount of legal and administra-
tive expense.
We would be remiss not to mention the element
Notional Amount of counterparty risk associated with swaps. To
the extent a plan has earned profit on a swap,
it is vulnerable (and is taking “credit risk”)
with the financial institution that acts as the
needs to add duration for a liability hedge, or counterparty to the swaps. While this risk can
may take a position similar to party A if it needs be mitigated by proper collateral and netting
to lighten up duration in a specific instance. agreements, it must be monitored very closely.
Operationally, the plan must have the proper
A significant advantage of employing swaps resources and procedures in place to handle the
for duration/curve management approach is the periodic payments. Particularly in volatile rate
capital efficiency of the position. Since neither environments, ample cash or very liquid assets
party in an interest rate swap is required to pay should be set aside to meet such payments.
any upfront amounts, investors can increase the Also, most swaps contracts have strict collat-
duration of their portfolios without having to eral provisions and investors must be able to
tie up a significant amount of capital.2 Another manage any potential collateral calls.
positive is that there is a large and liquid market
for swaps of varying maturities (e.g., five-year, Since the underlying reference rates in swaps
ten-year, 30-year), and as such they can be cheap are heavily tied to US Treasury rates, a liability
to trade, particularly when compared to physical hedging portfolio constructed solely out of
corporate bonds. In particular, the market for swaps has no exposure to credit spreads. This
ultra-long swaps (above 30 years) is more liquid mismatch exposes the plan to tightening spreads,
and active than that for long-term bonds. as liabilities grow in value while the hedging
portfolio’s value remains unchanged. The lack
Plans must be aware of key considerations of exposure to credit spreads also exposes the
related to swaps. First, swap position sizing, plan to credit slippage, as the hedging portfolio
sensitivity analysis, trading, and reporting can misses out on the extra yield earned by the
all be more complex than plain vanilla bond liabilities. This effect causes the funded status
portfolios. Second, since interest rate swaps are to deteriorate since the hedging portfolio is not
OTC derivatives, investors must negotiate and earning the liability’s annual interest expense.
sign ISDA agreements with counterparties and
establish adequate back-office procedures to Finally, swaps (like bonds) are discrete invest-
handle the swap implementation. For specific ments that inherently target one point of the
swap transactions, plan investors are required maturity spectrum; thus, a plan would take on
significant curve risk if it only purchased swap
exposure to a single reference point. The curve
As the swap position valuation moves based on the
passage of time and change in interest rates, the position mismatch risk can be mitigated by entering
may require mark-to-market infusions. into multiple swaps with different underlying

| 17
Liability Hedging

rates (i.e., five-year, ten-year, etc.), though this hedge ratio, and the plan intends to increase its
approach introduces additional operational hedge ratio to 50% if discount rates rise by 100
complexity into the portfolio. bps. The plan can express that objective today
Swaptions. Swaptions are essentially options by selling a payer swaption, with the strike
on interest rate swaps, allowing plans to price set to the rate at which the plan wishes
obtain asymmetric payoff profiles in differing to increase the hedge ratio. The plan collects a
rate environments. Swaptions can either be premium in expressing this view, which creates
a receiver swaption or payer swaption, with an additional yield for the portfolio while still
the word “receive” or “pay” referring to what staying consistent with the strategic objec-
happens with the fixed rate leg of the swaption. tives of the plan. Effectively, the plan can take
For instance, a receiver swaption gives the buyer advantage of its structural need for duration by
the right to enter into an interest rate swap “selling” that action in advance and generate
(whose terms have been specified at purchase additional funds for the portfolio.
of the swaption) as the receiver of the fixed rate Though the plan could pocket the premium
at the expiry of the swaption. Alternatively, the from selling a payer swaption, it can alterna-
buyer of a payer swaption has the right to enter tively use the premium to fund purchases of
into an interest rate swap as the payer of the receiver swaptions as previously discussed. For
fixed rate on the expiration date. instance, suppose a plan sells payer swaptions,
If structured properly, payer swaptions can collecting premiums worth $1 million. The
provide a plan some protection from funded funds generated can be used to buy receiver
status deterioration if rates were to fall. swaptions that would give plans extra protec-
Specifically, a plan could hedge against a tion if interest rates fall. This strategy is known
decline in funded status due to falling rates by as a swaption collar. The collar’s pricing, payoff
purchasing out-of-the-money receiver swap- profile, and other characteristics will vary
tions. Because the swaption is customizable, the widely based on the level of rate volatility in the
plan can determine the rate at which it would marketplace, as well as the level and shape of
like to have protection by setting the strike the spot and forward yield curves.
equal to that rate. If rates fall below the strike, Similar to plain vanilla interest rate swaps,
the swaption becomes “in-the-money” and will swaptions are capital efficient and allow plans
have a positive payout to the buyer—in this to hedge their interest rate exposure without
case, the pension plan. Therefore, while the having to tie up a large amount of their capital
plan’s liability grows due to a drop in rates, its in the liability hedging portfolio. To better
assets grow along with it since the swaption illustrate this point, Figure 10 depicts the
has a positive payout. There is no free lunch, instantaneous change in value of a physical
of course, and the plan must pay a premium to bond and a swaption collar payoff in response
obtain this beneficial optionality. to changes in interest rates at expiry. Both
Another application of swaptions for a pension instruments give investors exposure to interest
plan is the possibility of earning extra income rates with certain duration (in this case $7.2
on the portfolio by monetizing a decision to million of exposure with duration of 14 years).
increase the plan’s hedge ratio if rates rise. For For every 50 bp change in interest rates both
instance, suppose a plan currently has a 40% the swaption’s final payout at expiry (once in

| 18
Liability Hedging

the money) and bond’s market value change by tion against falling rates. Figure 11 shows the
$500,000. With the swaption collar, however, funded status of a plan with swaption collar
the entire principal amount does not have to structured so that the payer leg kicks only when
be used up to gain exposure and the investor is funded status is anticipated to go above 100%.
free to use the funds elsewhere in the portfolio. At that point or above, the sponsor’s utility (or
This figure is only an estimate as it ignores use) for any further gains is limited, and any
changes in the swaption’s market value as it further potential upside gains in funded status
reaches expiry. Furthermore, the swaption can be used to fund downside protection.
collar has no payoff if interest rates at expiry
The swaption approach has similar drawbacks
fall in between the strikes (i.e., both legs are out
to interest rate swaps, including potential
of the money), whereas bonds would.
counterparty risk, collateral and cash flow
Swaptions can be particularly attractive to plans management, ISDA negotiation, and trade
not too far from becoming fully funded. Such confirmations. Swaptions also encounter the
plans can put on swaption collars, with the same caveats of swaps in terms of potential
payer leg struck at rates that result in funded curve mismatch and a lack of corporate yield
status being at or above 100%. Since the plan’s spread. One additional drawback is the high
sponsor cannot access excess assets (i.e., the level of complexity of swaptions (even relative
portion of assets in excess of the present value to swaps). Since swaptions combine elements
of the liabilities), any upside gains from rising of both options and interest rate swaps, plan
rates beyond fully funded can be sold and investors may need time to become comfortable
the proceeds can be used to increase protec- with their risks and benefits.

Figure 10. The Marginal Payoff of Swaptions Mirrors That of Bonds

Swaption Collar Payout at Expiry
Bond Price Return in US$ (Ignoring Convexity)

Payer Strike
Payout at Expiry (US$)



-2,000,000 Receiver Strike


0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50
Spot Rate at Expiry

Source: Cambridge Associates LLC.

| 19
Liability Hedging

Figure 11. Swaption Collar Can Increase Protection at Reduced Costs

Funded Status (No Swaption)
Funded Status (With Swaption)

100% Receiver Swaption

Funded Status

Starts Paying Off

Once Rates Fall

Payer Swaption
80% Kicks In Only When
Plan Becomes
Fully Funded

1.8% 2.6% 3.3% 4.1% 4.8% 5.6% 6.3% 7.1%
Interest Rates

Source: Cambridge Associates LLC.

Alpha Considerations as the ability to forecast absolute changes in

interest rates is difficult at best.3 Typically,
Maintaining high levels of active risk (defined most bond managers prefer credit selection,
as an investment’s tracking error relative to sector allocation, opportunistic investments
its benchmark multiplied by the size of the (i.e., emerging markets debt in an Aggregate
investment) in bond portfolios is difficult given mandate), lower-quality holdings (high-yield
the lower volatility and higher diversification investments that may be limited as a percentage
priorities of the asset class. While some bond of the portfolio), and other techniques to beat
managers may have a history of generating a benchmark. The latter approach is more
solid risk-adjusted returns (as measured by their consistent with the purpose of a liability hedge
Sharpe ratio), the absolute level of value add portfolio as it avoids any unintended changes in
may be lower than the expected contribution the plan’s surplus risk.
provided by other asset classes, simply because
The ability of bond managers to generate alpha
bond managers tend to operate at a lower
is limited by the fact that other asset classes
tracking error (ex ante deviation from the appli-
can operate at much higher levels of active risk.
cable benchmark).
A plan with a large allocation to the liability
The most potent way to ramp up tracking error hedging portion of the portfolio will conse-
for a bond manager involves taking aggressive quently have a lower expected alpha at the total
duration or curve bets. Especially in a volatile portfolio level.
rate environment, being long or short an index 3
For a liability hedge portfolio, aggressive active bets in
by a number of years is a surefire way to ramp duration would be particularly problematic, as from a
up active risk. However, many bond managers portfolio construction standpoint the manager’s duration
tend to avoid making explicit duration bets, posture could impair the efficacy of the pension’s liability
hedge, and relatedly, overall pension risk.

| 20
Liability Hedging

Conclusion on Best Practices hedge ratios with equivalent capital and

can better match the yield of the liability
We have discussed a number of nuances and benchmark.
complexities related to both the asset and  Avoid Over-precision. Perfectly replicating
liability side of employing a true “liability a liability benchmark is extremely difficult.
hedge.” Articulating a coherent liability frame- We recommend employing strategies that
work and revisiting it frequently will serve can manage the lion’s share of risks related
plans well in maintaining an effective liability to duration, curve, and credit spread, but
hedge exposure. Below, we summarize what we avoid assuming additional complexity or
believe are the most important considerations implementation cost to attain only marginal
when developing the liability hedge framework: benefits. Also, do not let an inappropriate
 Understand and Define the Liability. focus on high-quality corporate indexes
With a wide variety of cash flow and result in poorly diversified credit portfolios,
discount rate methodologies, the plan and be willing to allow BBB corpo-
sponsor must ultimately identify which rates as a way to mitigate slippage from
metric (accounting or funding?) is most downgrades and other liability benchmark
relevant in the context of risk for the overall imperfections.
organization, and perform liability hedge  Monitor the Interaction of Credit and
analysis once that determination has been Equities. Credit exposure can be correlated
made. with equity exposure, and the formula-
 Quantify Acceptable Surplus Risk. tion of a liability hedge should be adjusted
Although “LDI” (liability-driven investing) continuously to ensure optimized risk and
has become a very hot topic in the pension return when considering these two inter-
community, we caution against any plan related asset exposures.
defaulting to a stance of minimizing surplus  Use a Complete Toolkit. Fixed income
volatility at all costs. Organizational and derivatives provide many advantages,
plan-specific circumstances will influence particularly in terms of their ability to fine
the setting of risk objectives, but surplus tune exposures with relatively little capital,
risk and contribution risk should be explic- as well as their high degree of liquidity.
itly defined when calibrating the growth But the complexity of derivatives should
and liability hedge components of the asset be taken into account. Opportunities to
allocation. generate alpha should be considered care-
 Emphasize Capital Efficiency. Liability fully when investments become heavier in a
hedging assets, particularly in the current liability hedge allocation, but more complex
environment, provide lower returns to a and capital-efficient structures may allow
plan, and efforts to make the allocation for alpha sources to be allocated outside the
more capital efficient can be extremely realm of fixed income. ■
helpful. In almost all cases, shorter duration
mandates like the Barclays US Aggregate
are poor benchmarks for a liability hedge.
Longer duration mandates can attain higher

| 21

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