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Gulf Times: Russia WC Best Ever, But Qatar 2022 Will Be Even Better: FIFA Chief

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October 24, 2018
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Amir meets FIFA president Amir gets Aoun’s message

In brief

QATAR | Reaction
Qatar condemns
bombing in Iraq
Qatar has expressed its strong
condemnation of the car bombing
near the town of Qayyarah in
northern Iraq, which resulted in
deaths and injuries. In a statement
issued yesterday, the Ministry of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani received a written
Foreign Affairs reiterated Qatar’s His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani met at the Amiri Diwan office yesterday with FIFA President Gianni message from Lebanese President General Michel Aoun, inviting him to participate
firm stance rejecting violence Infantino, who called on him to greet him on his visit to the country. Talks during the meeting dealt with co-operation between in the Arab Economic Summit which will be held in Beirut in January 2019. The
and terrorism, regardless of their Qatar and FIFA, especially the preparations for hosting Qatar 2022 World Cup and the achievements made in this regard. A message was handed by Lebanese Minister for Foreign Affairs and Emigrants
motives and reasons. The statement number of issues related to sports were also discussed. His Highness the Personal Representative of His Highness the Amir, Gebran Bassil when the Amir met him and his accompanying delegation at the
expressed Qatar’s condolences Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad al-Thani, attended the meeting. Amiri Diwan office yesterday.
to the families of the victims, the
government and the people of
Iraq, wishing the injured a speedy
recovery. Page 9

ARAB WORLD | Conflict

Israel to resume
Gaza fuel flow
Russia WC best ever, Turkey, US vow to
Israel will today resume supplies of
get to bottom of
fuel to the Gaza Strip after a 12-day
halt imposed over violent border
clashes, the defence ministry said.
Israel suspended the desperately
needed deliveries of Qatari-financed
but Qatar 2022 will be Khashoggi killing
diesel on October 12, hours after
Israeli troops shot dead five
Palestinians who the army said
broke through the border fence. “In
accordance with recommendations
even better: FIFA chief O Erdogan rejects official Saudi version
O Trump: Riyadh’s handling was ‘worst cover-up ever’
O Pence says killing was ‘barbaric’

by security bodies it has been IFA president Gianni Infantino
decided to resume the supply of yesterday said the 2018 World O US revokes visas for Saudis involved in killing
‘Qatari fuel’ from tomorrow,” the Cup (WC) in Russia has been the
ministry statement said yesterday. best ever, but the 2022 event in Qatar Reuters “The Saudi administration has taken
Page 9 will be even better. Ankara/Washington an important step by admitting to the
During a whistle-stop tour of the murder. From now on, we expect them
ARAB WORLD | Dialogue country yesterday, he praised Qatar’s to uncover all those responsible for this

infrastructure progress and described urkey and the US vowed yester- matter from top to bottom and make
UN Syria envoy the 2022 FIFA World Cup as a “unique day to get to the bottom of the them face the necessary punishments,”
due in Damascus opportunity for football fans to experi- killing of Jamal Khashoggi and Erdogan said in a speech in parliament.
The outgoing UN envoy for Syria, ence a new culture and region”, FIFA. punish those responsible, after Saudi “From the person who gave the or-
Staffan de Mistura, will arrive in com reported. Arabia admitted that the prominent der, to the person who carried it out,
Damascus today for a visit aimed at Infantino visited the 40,000-ca- journalist died during a Saudi security they must all be brought to account,”
convincing the government to accept pacity Al Wakrah Stadium before tak- operation in Istanbul. he said, adding that Riyadh needed to
the creation of a committee to draft ing a helicopter ride to view the other Turkish President Recep Tayyip Er- “uncover all those responsible for this
a post-war constitution, the world seven proposed tournament venues, dogan dismissed Saudi efforts to blame matter from top to bottom”.
body said. De Mistura is expected along with several training sites. the murder on rogue operatives and Turkish sources have said that au-
to stay for a “couple of days” in the “The stadium is very impressive. When urged Riyadh to search “from top to thorities have an audio recording pur-
Syrian capital, deputy UN spokesman you enter here, you can immediately feel bottom” to uncover those behind it, portedly documenting the killing. Er-
Farhan Haq said yesterday. Haq did how imposing it is, and you can see the while US President Donald Trump said dogan made no reference to any audio
not say who the envoy would meet, progress that is being made here four FIFA president Gianni Infantino during the visit to Al Wakrah Stadium yesterday. Riyadh’s handling of the matter was recording.
and if that list would include Syrian years before kick-off,” the FIFA president (Picture courtesy of SC) “the worst cover-up ever”. Trump, however, told reporters he
President Bashar al-Assad. Syrian told the Supreme Committee for Delivery Also, US Vice-President Mike Pence wanted to get all the facts on Khashog-
authorities invited De Mistura to visit, & Legacy (SC) website, safe World Cup, a very welcoming the 80,000-capacity Lusail Stadium, described the killing as “barbaric”. gi’s death at the Saudi consulate in Is-
the spokesman said. Page 9 “I think this World Cup is extremely World Cup, in a country that made fans which will host the opening match and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said tanbul before agreeing with Erdogan’s
important, not only for Qatar but (also) feel good. The whole population con- final in 2022, are all scheduled to be the US is revoking the visas of Saudis assessment. Trump, who sent his CIA
EAST ASIA | Project for the whole region. This World Cup tributed to that and I’m sure the same completed by 2020. found to be involved in the killing of director to Turkey to discuss the issue,
is a unique opportunity – a chance to will happen here in Qatar. “As always, it’s a pleasure to welcome Khashoggi. “These penalties will not said he expected to have a report soon.
Chinese leader opens show the world what this region can “The Russian World Cup has been the FIFA president back to Qatar to wit- be the last word,” he told reporters yes- Meanwhile, Pence said he wants “to
longest sea bridge offer; for football, but also for anybody the best ever, but the World Cup in ness the huge progress we are making. terday. assure the American people that we’re
The controversial 55-km Hong in the world to come and visit a beauti- 2022 in Qatar – I am sure – will be even This has been a landmark visit, with Khashoggi’s death in the Saudi con- going to get to the bottom of it.”
Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge opened ful place, learn about a new culture and better.” him experiencing the Doha Metro for sulate on October 2 has caused global “This brutal murder of a journalist,
yesterday with an official ceremony meet new people,” he added, before Infantino arrived in Al Wakrah af- the first time and visiting Al Wakrah outrage and raised questions about of an innocent man, of a dissident will
attended by Chinese President pointing out that the recent World Cup ter becoming one of the first people to Stadium, which we are looking forward the possible role of Crown Prince Mo- not go without an American response
Xi Jinping. Fireworks played on a in Russia set a high benchmark. travel on the new Doha Metro. He trav- to launch in the very near future,” said hamed bin Salman. Turkish officials and, I expect, without an international
screen behind him at the ceremony, “There are many lessons we can elled from the DECC (Doha Exhibition Hassan al-Thawadi, secretary-general suspect Khashoggi, a US resident and response,” he said at an event hosted by
which was also attended by Hong learn from Russia. The first one is how and Convention Centre) station in of the SC, who accompanied Infantino critic of the crown prince, was killed the Washington Post.
Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam to welcome so many people – 1.5mn West Bay to Al Wakrah, a journey south on his tour together with HE the Min- and dismembered inside the consulate He added that President Trump
and Chinese Vice-Premier Han people headed to Russia to enjoy the that took approximately 20 minutes. ister of Transport and Communications by Saudi agents. would ultimately decide whether to
Zheng, according to the South China World Cup and they were all welcomed Qatar had launched its first tour- Jassim Seif Ahmed al-Sulaiti and Qatar Erdogan stopped short of mention- impose economic sanctions on Saudi
Morning Post. With its opening, in a way that was unexpected to many,” nament-ready venue - the Khalifa Rail managing director and CEO Ab- ing the crown prince who some US Arabia once all the facts were available,
the project has become the world’s he said. “There were many fears about International Stadium - back in May dulla Abdulaziz al-Subaie. lawmakers suspect ordered the killing and called the killing “barbaric”.
longest sea bridge. Page 12 Russia, but it turned out to be a very 2017. The other venues, including Page 24 and Sports Page 1 of the Washington Post columnist. Pages 16, 22

Qatar to set up laboratory to assess air conditioner ratings

By Joseph Varghese signed with a private Qatari company “We have got the staff for the new and Qatar National Research Fund energy and water efficient,” said Dr
Staff Reporter Al Taadhod Group (Gree Qatar) in this facility and are waiting for the equip- (QNRF) aims for GSAS operations and Alhorr.
regard. ment to reach. The AC distributors or energy efficiency labelling for build- An agreement between the United
“This is an important agreement for manufactures must bring sample units ings. Nations Environment and Gord aims

atar will soon have a labora- Qatar in ensuring sustainability prac- to check,” he said. “We have applied the label for ap- to exchange expertise. “The UN wants
tory to assess whether new air tices,” he explained after signing the When the AC shipments come to pliances and cars. Now we are ap- to utilise the expertise of Gord and
conditioners conform to the agreement at the opening ceremony of Qatar, they will be subjected to ran- plying the same for buildings. This promote sustainability practices out-
Energy Star ratings set by Kahramaa, the Sustainable Summit 2018 organ- dom sampling and checking. is also a unique programme in the side Qatar. Similarly Gord would like
a top official told Gulf Times yester- ised by Gord. Similarly when the Gord inspectors Middle East and the outcome of a to learn from the best practices of the
day. “The company will provide the check for Global Sustainability As- long-term research funded by QNRF. UN to promote sustainability practices
Dr Yousef Alhorr, founding chair- equipment while Gord will run the sessment System (GSAS) certification We will provide energy as well as in Qatar. We will announce those spe-
man of Gulf Organisation for Re- facility. It will work as a third party of buildings, they will also check the water performance labels. Many of cific projects in the near future when
search and Development (Gord), re- certification agency for the AC units,” AC units. the leading buildings, stadiums, new they are formally finalised,” added Dr
vealed that an agreement has been said Dr Alhorr. Dr Yousef Alhorr Another agreement, between Gord metro stations will be labelled as Alhorr. Pages 2, 3
Gulf Times
2 Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Minister reaffirms Qatar’s commitment

to ensure best sustainable practices
By Joseph Varghese Qatari Diar Real Estate In- the European Union.
Staff Reporter vestment Company CEO Sheikh In addition, several renowned
Khalid bin Khalifa al-Thani, regional sustainability experts
Othman Zarzour (the Supreme from Kuwait and Oman are also

eld under the patronage Committee for Delivery and participating in the summit.
of HE the Prime Minis- Legacy), Dirk Forrister from the The sessions of the Sustainabil-
ter and Interior Minister International Emissions Trad- ity Summit 2018 focus on the im-
Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin ing Association (IETA), and UN portance of innovation in the field
Khalifa al-Thani, the fifth edi- Environment’s acting deputy of sustainability, and celebrate the
tion of the annual Sustainability regional director Abdul Majeid outstanding sustainability initia-
Summit organised by the Gulf Haddad also spoke at the open- tives around the world.
Organisation for Research and ing session. The 2018 summit also of-
Development (Gord) got under- A large number of industry fers international and regional
way at Ritz-Carlton Doha yes- professionals, experts, regula- perspectives on climate change
terday. tors and researchers are attend- challenges and solutions for a
The delegates at the two- ing the event to discuss and low-carbon and climate-resil-
day summit discussed the best exchange ideas about sustain- ient future.
sustainability practices and ability and climate change. It aims to drive innovation in
deliberated on the different en- “The World, and Middle East the design of built environment,
vironmental challenges as well especially, has daunting tasks as well as promoting education
as proposed effective solutions to overcome the challenges of and collaboration in the field,
and ideas to address these chal- consumerism and the exploita- bringing to the fore the latest re- HE the Minister of Municipality and Environment Mohamed bin Abdullah al-Rumaihi, Gord founding chairman Dr Yousef Alhorr, Qatari Diar
lenges. tion of the natural resources, as search and developments in sus- Real Estate Investment Company CEO Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa al-Thani and other dignitaries at the opening ceremony.
At the opening session of the such challenges pose severe cli- tainable building design. PICTURES: Shemeer Rasheed
summit, HE the Minister of Mu- mate change and sustainability This year’s summit highlight-
nicipality and Environment Mo- threats. ed the importance of investing
hamed bin Abdullah al-Rumaihi “Gord is committed to raising in sustainability strategies, pro-
reiterated the commitment of societal awareness and build- grammes, research and laws, and
Qatar to ensure best sustain- ing the capacity of our region on the identified the different roles
able practices in the country and the key issues around this topic”, that governments and policy-
highlighted some of the major noted Dr Alhorr. makers can play in promoting
achievements. This year’s summit has at- sustainability and supporting
Gord founding chairman Dr tracted participation from sustainability initiatives.
Yousef Alhorr noted the major leading local, regional and in- There is an accompanying ex-
challenges that the whole region ternational sustainability or- hibition of green building prod-
faces in meeting the sustainabil- ganisations such as the United ucts which was visited by the
ity commitments. Nations Environment, IETA, and guests after the opening session.

A panel discussion at the event. Dr Yousef Alhorr explains a green building product to the minister and guests.

Qatar takes global sustainability

initiatives responsibly: al-Rumaihi
By Joseph Varghese to achieve sustainability mate change,” he explained. Sustainability Assessment
Staff Reporter and combat climate change “The Qatar General Or- System (GSAS) as a main li-
embody stressing contem- ganisation for Standards censing requirement for all
porary challenges that go and Metrology has adopted public and private buildings

atar takes global beyond geographical board- a new chapter in the Qatar in the city, which positions
sustainability ini- ers,” said al-Rumaihi. Construction Specification the city on the list of the
tiatives responsibly The minister also drew standards called the “Green sustainable cities around
and with full commitment, the attention of the audi- Construction Code,” which the world. The Public Works
HE the Minister of Mu- ence to two key common- includes measurable stand- Authority, ‘Ashghal’, contin-
nicipality and Environment ground accomplishments to ards that guide energy, ues to develop the schools,
Mohamed bin Abdullah al- achieve global sustainability water, resources and in- mosques, healthcare centres
Rumaihi has said. aspirations. frastructure. The Supreme government administrative
Speaking yesterday at “Firstly, the global cli- Committee for Delivery and projects in accordance with
the Sustainability Sum- mate agreement of De- Legacy has been working on GSAS green building certi-
mit 2018, organised by Gulf cember 2015, commonly planning and organising a fication system,” described
Organisation for Research known as The Paris Agree- carbon-neutral 2022 FIFA the minister.
and Development (Gord), ment, which brings all na- World Cup tournament in According to the minister,
he highlighted some of the tions, including Qatar, into addition to constructing in the transportation sec-
numerous efforts initiated a common cause to under- all of the tournament in- tor, Qatar Rail projects are
by the sustainability entre- take ambitious efforts to frastructure in accordance considered among the most
preneurs in Qatar in various combat climate change and with the FIFA approved sustainable infrastruc-
sectors. adapt to its effects, with GSAS sustainability assess- ture project in the country.
“Our commitment to enhanced support to assist ment system, which con- These projects have em-
sustainability is inspired developing countries to do serves 40% more energy ployed strict sustainabil-
from Qatar National Vision so. Secondly, in September and water compared to av- ity standards for the design,
2030. We in Qatar, as an ac- 2015, countries adopted 17 erage consumption rates,” construction and operation
tive member of the interna- Sustainable Development stated the minister. of the various stations to
tional community, take such Goals, which ensure the “The Lusail City, one of lower the carbon dioxide
global initiatives responsi- welfare of the people and the largest modern multi- emissions by 30% compared
bly and with full commit- prioritise sustainability as functional cities in Qatar, to the average carbon emis-
ment. Our ongoing efforts a global goal to combat cli- has adopted the Global sion rates,” he added.

Gord signs pacts, names award winners

he Gulf Organisa- buildings, renovations and
tion for Research and interior design projects.
Development (Gord) Several leading Qatari in-
signed a number of col- stitutions were honoured
laboration agreements and as “Eco Champions” for
Memorandum of Under- their exceptional support
standings (MoU) with local, for Gord in crafting a green
regional and international legacy in Qatar.
organisations to establish This year’s Sustainability
and implement sustainabil- Awards winners are: Al Bayt
ity in Qatar and across the Stadium – Al Khor City for
region at the opening cer- GSAS Construction Man-
emony of the Sustainability agement class A*; Al Wak-
Summit 2018 yesterday. rah Stadium for GSAS Con-
Gord also announced Sus- struction Management class
tainability Awards as well as Gord founding chairman Dr Yousef Alhorr and the United A*; Sendian Tower for GSAS
the Eco Champions’ Awards Nations Environment’s West Asia Office director Sami Design & Build 5 Stars; Al-
for this year. Gord founding Dimassi sign an MoU. Sayer Headquarter for GSAS
chairman Dr Yousef Alhorr Operations Gold and Naufar
and the United Nations En- agreement with Qatar ability Awards to many local for Design & Build 3 Stars
vironment’s West Asia Of- National Research Fund and international compa- and Construction Manage-
fice director Sami Dimassi (QNRF) for launching en- nies and organisations for ment class B.
signed an MoU. ergy efficiency label. Dr Al- their outstanding leadership This year’s Eco Champions’
Another MoU was signed horr and QNRF executive and commitment to adopt- Awards were presented to:
between the Gord and Al director Dr Abdul Sattar al- ing the best sustainabil- Qatar General Organisation
Taadhod Group. Dr Alhorr, Taie signed the MoU. ity practices in the design, for Standardisation; Ashghal
and Al Taadhod Group CEO The opening ceremony construction and operation – Public Works Authority;
Sheikh Faisal bin Jassim al- of the Sustainability Sum- of different types of de- Barwa Real Estate Company;
Thani were the signatories. mit 2018 also featured the velopments. This includes Internal Security Force – Le-
Gord also signed an presenting of the Sustain- new construction, existing khwiya and Qatar Rail.
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 3

Qatari Diar invests
$35bn in 60 projects SC holds meeting on
around the world
atari Diar Real Estate
Investment Company
is investing over $35bn
in over 60 projects in more
than 24 countries, highlighted
stadium safety
QNA standards for stadium safety and
CEO Sheikh Khalid bin Kha- Doha security licensing and certifica-
lifa al-Thani and stressed the tion used in major sports tourna-
company’s commitment to the ments so that all countries of the

development objectives and he third consultative world can benefit from it in future,
principles of sustainability. meeting on stadium safe- affirming the organisation’s trust
He was addressing the open- ty and security licensing in Qatar and its achievements on
ing ceremony of the Sustain- and certification, organised by the ground regarding the estab-
ability Summit 2018 organised by Supreme Committee for Deliv- lishment of sports stadiums, in
Gulf Organisation for Research ery & Legacy (SC) in co-opera- which security and safety require-
and Development yesterday. Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa tion with the Iinterpol’s Project ments are met.
“As Qatari Diar’s flagship al-Thani “As Qatari Stadia, began in Doha yesterday. The three-day meeting is sched-
project, Lusail City embodies Diar’s flagship project, The three-day meeting aims uled to discuss the timetable for
our commitment to sustaina- Lusail City embodies to review the best practices for the construction of all facilities for
bility by offering a better living our commitment the issuance of stadium licens- hosting the 2022 World Cup and
environment for its residents. to sustainability by ing and certification under the delivering on time, the stadiums
From regulations guidelines offering a better living Project Stadia and to identify the accreditation and certification
planning, to developing its environment for its mechanisms for achieving secu- scheme for completed facilities, the
infrastructure and promoting residents” rity and safety. Officials at the third consultative meeting on stadium safety and security licensing and certification, maintenance of stadiums, tools and
the use of technology, ending The meeting is attended by organised by Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) in co-operation with the Iinterpol’s Project operational responsibilities in the
by implementing best opera- tion system that links the Doha a team of international experts Stadia, in Doha yesterday. post-construction phase and how
tion and management prac- Metro with Lusail City tram. This in security and safety measures to choose the action plan for the
tices, Lusail City is sustainable comes, in addition to offering and stadium licensing and certi- accordance with international He pointed out that the meet- senior manager, Falah al-Dosa- 2022 World Cup.
and comprehensively planned supplying all the necessary serv- fication to ensure its readiness to standards. ing is being organised in co- ri, said this is the third meeting Project Stadia, which was es-
city that caters to its residents ices within the premises to lower host major sporting events. He stressed that the meeting operation with the Iinterpol’s on issuing safety and security tablished by Interpol in 2012 and
and visitors alike, signifying the need to use transportation Chief of the Advisory Unit is important because it reflects Project Stadia, the strategic licensing and certification for funded by Qatar, aims to assist
Qatar’s progress on a grand and, as a result, lower the carbon in the Security Committee at the efforts of Qatar in this re- partner of the SC, through which stadiums to host the World Cup Interpol member-countries in
scale,” he explained. emissions,” the Qatari Diar CEO SC, Brigadier Ibrahim Khalil gard, especially that the compa- many programmes, workshops 2022, which is a guide and a planning and implementing po-
“Lusail City has embraced said. al-Muhannadi, said that the nies that build up the stadiums and conferences have been im- standard for the issuance of sta- licing and security preparations
the Global Sustainability As- According to him, the Lu- meeting supports efforts of have followed the best standards plemented, which helped to dium safety and security licens- for major sporting events.
sessment System (GSAS) as sail City’s integration of latest Qatar, which seeks to establish included in the Green Guide, boost the experience of those ing and certification that ben- The ten-year programme is
one of the main sustainability technology in its infrastructure a mechanism for licensing and which is the main reference for implementing security plans efits all countries of the world. contributing to policing and se-
standards that guide the de- projects represents another certification of stadiums that the construction of the sports and related legislation. He added that the Project Sta- curity arrangements for the 2022
sign, construction and opera- achievement in the mission to will host the World Cup 2022 in stadiums of the country. For his part, Project Stadia’s dia seeks to issue international FIFA World Cup in Qatar.
tions of the various building sustainability. “For instance,
in the city both government The city relied on building lo-
owned or private since estab- cal cooling stations to fulfil the
lishment. Lusail City’s em- buildings need of air condition-
bracement of the GSAS means
that the design of each build-
ing in the city will allow them
ing, which, commonly, accounts
for around two-thirds of the av-
erage consumer consumption of
Qatar attends Arab transport ministers’ meeting in Morocco
to conserve around 30% of energy. It also worked on equip-

energy and carbon emission ping the city towers with an in- eetings of the 31st ses- Ambassador and Qatar’s Per- of the Council of Arab Transport for the Palestinian economy. the Arab ministries of transport
when compared to average tegrated natural gas network, sion of the Council of manent Representative to the Ministers contains many topics The meeting will discuss the in this regard. The meeting will
buildings.” he highlighted. as well as an Automatic Waste Arab Transport Minis- Arab League Ibrahim bin Ab- related to the transport sector, implementation of the goals of also consider the approval of the
“Additionally, Lusail City has Collection System technology ters kicked off in Alexandria yes- dulaziz al-Sahlawi is heading the the most important of which is sustainable development 2030 establishment of an Arab frame-
been working on implementing for the first time in the Middle terday under the chairmanship delegation of the country. the economic and social council for the transport sector in the work to investigate maritime ac-
an integrated public transporta- East,” he added. of Morocco. The agenda of the 31st session resolution 2153/2017 on support Arab region and the efforts of cidents. – QNA
Gulf Times
4 Wednesday, October 24, 2018


HIA sees passenger

numbers scaling up
Cagney and al-Jaber shake hands as British ambassador Ajay Sharma looks on.
PICTURE: Jayaram
to 9.7mn in 3 months
ACS Doha’s Al Kheesa campus Third quarter represents a
10.6% year-on-year increase for
Hamad International Airport,

to be ready by August 2020 further positioning it as a

leading hub worldwide

CS Doha International School will the UK and Qatar, the new campus will en- atar’s state-of-the-art Ha-
have its new state-of-art-cam- hance our strong international reputation, mad International Airport
pus in the northern Doha town of ensuring that we continue to attract the (HIA) has seen passenger
Al Kheesa ready by August 2020, it was very best teachers and educational leaders numbers scaling up to nearly 9.7mn
announced yesterday at a ceremony. from around the world.” in the third quarter, which represents
ACS International School chief execu- Head of School at ACS Doha, Robert a 10.6% year-on-year increase.
tive Tim Cagney and Al Jaber Group chair- Cody said “Our fantastic new campus will HIA handled 57,031 aircraft
man Mohamed Sultan al-Jaber signed a ensure that we can best prepare students movements in the third quarter
partnership agreement in this connec- in Doha for unrivalled academic success.” of 2018, making this the “busiest
tion in the presence of British ambassador The new campus will offer Internation- quarter” of the year so far.
Ajay Sharma. al Baccalaureate Primary, Middle Years, HIA has also handled 538,551
The new campus for up to 2,470 stu- Diploma and US High School Diploma tonnes of cargo in the third quarter
dents is to be designed and built by inter- programmes. of this year.
nationally renowned architects Broadway The school authorities added the new The third quarter 2018 report
Malyan on a 60,000sq m site. campus will also provide an opportu- reveals that HIA served 3,401,880
Cagney said: “ACS Doha is deeply dedi- nity for ACS Doha to serve the educa- passengers in July, 3,459,518 pas-
cated to creating a legacy in Qatar. After tional needs of neighbourhoods including sengers in August and 2,821,928 August was the busiest month for HIA this year.
more than half a century in education in Lusail, the Pearl and Um Salal. passengers in September, which in-
cludes passengers arriving, depart- third quarter, with 181,643 tonnes in to empower its travellers through the smooth arrival of visitors for
ing and transferring through HIA. July, 175,585 tonnes in August and hassle-free airport travel experi- the World Cup. To ensure seamless
The third quarter of the year has 181,322 tonnes in September. ence while also accommodating an and hassle-free airport travel for
also shown a 10.6% increase in pas- The third quarter demonstrates increasing number of passengers. the increase in passengers, HIA has
senger traffic in comparison to the continuous growth for the airport, “Our resilient operations, invest- received 62 next-generation com-
third quarter of 2017, with August further positioning it as a leading ment on cutting edge technology, mon-use check-in kiosks, with bag
being the busiest month of the year hub worldwide. HIA has contrib- and ambitious team had put HIA tag printing capability and board-
so far. uted its efforts towards investing ahead of the curve in shaping the ing pass verification e-gates. These
The airport also handled 19,064 in facilities, services, staff and the future of passenger experience”. kiosks and e-gates will have the
aircraft movements in July, 19,228 newest technologies to provide a As Qatar gears up to welcome ability to use biometrics to identify
movements in August and 18,739 world-class passenger experience thousands of visitors during the passengers.
movements in September, with Au- to its travellers. FIFA World Cup 2022, HIA is pre- HIA is currently a candidate for
gust being the busiest month for Hamad International Airport paring to boost the airport’s capac- the “Best Airport in the World”
aircraft movement in the year so far. chief operating officer Badr Mo- ity, which will eventually accom- 2019 award by Skytrax.
This denotes a 15.2% increase in the hamed al-Meer said, “HIA has modate more than 50mn passengers Earlier this year, it was ranked
total number of aircraft taking off demonstrated sustained and con- a year by 2022. ‘fifth Best Airport in the World’
and landing at HIA compared to the tinued growth, experiencing the HIA is also working hand-in- by the 2018 Skytrax World Airport
same period in 2017. In addition, HIA busiest quarter of 2018 so far. As a hand with the Supreme Committee Awards, and also classified as a
handled 538,551 tonnes of cargo in the gateway to Qatar, we are committed for Delivery and Legacy to process five-star airport.
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 5

MoFA for close relations with ABLOS
HMC urges residents By Ayman Adly
Staff Reporter
tion and investment treaties, the ability
of the Convention to absorb challenges,
and other important topics.

to get flu vaccination
Professor Natalie Klein, UNSW

he two-day workshop on the Faculty of Law, Sydney, Australia,
‘Challenges in the implemen- talked on the settlement of disputes
tation of the United Nations and the involved mechanism and reg-
Convention on the Law of the Sea ulations. She pointed out that under
(UNCLOS) - A regional perspective’ HE Dr Ahmed bin Hassan al-Hammadi the international laws the four block-

oth healthcare work- perature and treat any aches started yesterday in Doha. ading countries cannot block the pas-
ers and members of and pains,” said Dr Imam. Organised by the Ministry of Foreign strengthen these relations by hosting sage of Qatari ships in their territorial
the community who She said most people with Affairs (MoFA) Standing Committee for the ABLOS workshop and convening seas. “The right of passage of vessels
are yet to receive the in- flu are only contagious for the the Convention on the Law of the Sea in its annual conference in Doha. for peaceful and trade means cannot
fluenza (flu) vaccination first few days, but says even co-operation with the Advisory Board on He pointed out that the workshop be suspended in discriminatory way.”
should consider getting it, a after symptoms disappear it the Law of the Sea (ABLOS), the workshop focuses on the challenges facing the Sheikh Mohamed bin Hamad al-Tha-
senior official of the Hamad is important to avoid spread- has gathered world experts in the field to implementation of the United Nations ni, director of the MoFA Legal Affairs
Medical Corporation (HMC) ing the illness to others. In share their expertise on related issues. Convention on the Law of the Sea, Department, talked about the efforts to
urged yesterday. addition to getting the annual In his opening speech, HE MoFA Sec- noting that ambassador Tommy Koh, implement the provision of the Law of
“We strongly recommend vaccination and practising retary-General Dr Ahmed bin Hassan al- president of the third UN Conference the Sea in Qatar.
those most at risk of influen- good hand hygiene, Dr Imam Hammadi said the standing committee on Law of the Sea, had described it as Dr Mohamed bin Abdulaziz al-Khu-
za, including young children Dr Abdullatif al-Khal Dr Dina Imam recommends getting enough has established a close relationship with a “constitution for the sea”. laifi, dean of the College of Law at Qatar
under the age of five, preg- sleep every night and eating a ABLOS and participated as an observer The workshop will discuss issues University, talked about the settlement
nant women, the elderly, and “Flu viruses are constantly can help stop the spread of healthy diet as strategies for in many of its meetings and activities. including conflict resolution, overlap of maritime disputes in the Gulf Region
people with pre-existing and changing, so the vaccine is re- germs. preventing the flu. She says The standing committee is keen to between the provisions of the Conven- in accordance with the UNCLOS.
chronic medical conditions viewed each year and updated Dr Imam is also urging this is especially important for
receive the vaccination,” said based on which influenza those with flu symptoms to children, as their immune sys-
Dr Abdullatif al-Khal, dep- viruses are making people not go to hospital. She said tems are less mature and they
uty chief medical officer and sick and how well the previ- flu is highly infectious so it are more susceptible to respi-
head of Infectious Diseases. ous season’s vaccine protects is important for those who ratory illnesses like the flu.
In the lead up to the against those viruses. are unwell to stay away from “Eating a healthy diet, spe-
flu season, last week the “Influenza spreads eas- hospital to stop the spread cifically foods rich in vitamin
Ministry of Public Health ily from person to person of the virus. She added that C such as oranges and other
(MoPH), HMC, and Primary through coughing, sneez- those who are healthy can citrus fruits, kiwi, guava, and
Health Care Corporation ing, or having face-to-face usually manage the symp- peppers, can help boost your
(PHCC), joined forces to contact. The virus can toms of flu at home without immune system. If you have
launch a national vaccina- also spread when a person seeing a doctor. small children, make sure
tion campaign. touches tiny droplets from “If your symptoms are your child knows to use soap
Dr Dina Imam, an ENT spe- a cough or sneeze and then mild, you can usually re- and warm water when wash-
cialist at HMC, said the flu touches their eyes, mouth cover at home. If possible, ing their hands and limit your
season in Qatar usually begins or nose before washing their stay away from work, school, child’s contact with people
around the end of October. She hands,” said Dr Imam. or other public places where who have the flu. Have your
said the influenza vaccine is She added that the best you can pass the flu to others. child cover his or her nose
designed to protect against the way to prevent the seasonal Most people with the flu are and mouth when coughing or
three or four influenza viruses flu is to get vaccinated but able to fully recover at home sneezing,” added Dr Imam.
that research indicates are said good health habits like by getting sufficient rest and For more information
most likely to spread and cause covering your mouth and drinking a lot of fluids. You about influenza and where to
illness among people during nose when you cough and can also take paracetamol or get the vaccine for free in Qa-
the upcoming flu season. washing your hands often ibuprofen to lower your tem- tar, visit

Dodge Ram models of 2013-2016 recalled

he Ministry of Econ- in the AutoPark functionality. defects and repair them. the necessary repairs are
omy and Commerce The MEC said the recall The MEC said that it will carried out.
(MEC), in collaboration campaign comes within the co-ordinate with the dealer The MEC has urged all
with United Cars Almana, framework of its ongoing ef- to follow up on the main- customers to report any
has announced the recall of forts to protect consumers tenance and repair works violations to its Consumer
Dodge Ram models of 2013- and ensure that automobile and will communicate with Protection and Anti-Com-
2016 over possible defect dealers follow up on vehicles’ customers to ensure that mercial Fraud Department.
Gulf Times
6 Wednesday, October 24, 2018


‘Parenting, child wellbeing and development’ in focus

he Doha International In his keynote speech, Dr al- ties, and the capacity to provide Participants highlighted cur-
Family Institute (Difi), a Nuaimi said: “Children are the children with care, are not traits rent practices among public and
member of Qatar Founda- foundation of sustainable human people are born with. Such traits private sector employers regard-
tion (QF), yesterday kicked off its development, and the investment are learned over time, through ing support to parents.
international conference entitled in their care and development is an exposure to one’s surroundings, This was followed up with a
‘Parenting, Child Wellbeing and investment in the present and fu- and can be instilled in parents panel titled ‘Parenting in Hu-
Development’. ture of nations. Qatar places great over time. In recent years, we manitarian Settings.’
Held under the patronage of value on the child’s wellbeing, have seen a wealth of science Another session, titled
Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint through financial, health, and edu- coming together that will help ‘Parenting in the Digital Era: Op-
Nasser, chairperson of Qatar cational means, and has worked to all parents in critical parenting portunities and Challenges,’ was
Foundation, in the presence of improve childhood projects, quali- moments and guide them on the chaired by Anjan Bose, specialist,
HE the Minister of Administra- tatively and quantitatively, follow- Noor al-Malki al-Jehani delivers best parenting practices.” Child Online Protection, Unicef,
tive Development, Labour and ing the directives of His Highness the opening remarks. First-day proceedings included addressing parents’ anxieties
Social Affairs, Dr Issa Saad al-Ja- Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Tha- discussions and parallel sessions regarding their children’s use of
fali al-Nuaimi, and in partnership ni, the Amir of Qatar, to protect all the most important factor influ- covering a number of topics, be- new technology, and the lack of
with Unicef, the conference has the rights of children.” encing a child’s wellbeing, care, ginning with the ‘Supporting parental digital know-how.
brought together policymakers, Noor al-Malki al-Jehani, ex- and protection, but also proves Working Parents’ session, chaired The session went on to identify
practitioners, researchers, and ecutive director, Difi, delivered that good parenting contributes by Adrienne Burgess, joint chief the most important risks in this
experts from around the world. the conference’s opening speech. to national development by im- executive and head of research at area, and to debate what kind of
The agenda focuses on the im- “Our choice of ‘Parental Edu- proving health and education The Fatherhood Institute. parenting practices can help chil-
portance of investing in parents cation’ as the conference’s theme outcomes, promoting gender The session addressed the dren manage new technology.
and parenting strategies – in the reflects our commitment to pur- equality, and intergenerational struggle faced by parents to Additionally, ‘OSRA Grant Re-
form of programmes, laws, and suing efforts to address family solidarity,” al-Jehani said. maintain work/life balance, the search Outcomes: Parenting in the
policies at all levels – while iden- issues that align with national, Geert Cappelaere, regional impact felt by their children, and Arab World,’ was held in parallel,
HE the Minister of Administrative Development, Labour and Social tifying the different approaches regional, and global interests. director, Unicef Middle East ways in which employers and along with two further sessions
Affairs, Dr Issa Saad al-Jafali al-Nuaimi, addressing the opening adopted by governments around International research not only and North Africa Regional Of- governments can provide further on ‘Parental Conflict and Absence’
ceremony. the world to achieve these aims. shows that parental education is fice, said: “Parenting capabili- support to working parents. and ‘Best Practices – Mena region.’

‘As long as it was proven by our

deeds’...motto of National Day 2018
QNA Today, the homeland is at the cross-
Doha roads of a decisive stage in the history
of this free country.
The first lesson is the need that the

he National Day Celebrations sons of the country must work hard to
Organising Committee an- achieve self-reliance in science, indus-
nounced the motto of Qatar try, agriculture and the development
National Day 2018: “As long as it was of all the elements of the renaissance
proven by our deeds”, which is one of of their country.
the poetic verses of the Founder Sheikh The love of the country must be
Jassim bin Mohamed bin Thani, and translated into good work and success.
the accompanying slogan “Qatar Will The challenges — of course — are the
Remain Free”. The theme combines secret of the renaissance of nations.
the poetic verse of the Founder and the All societies and nations face diffi-
National Anthem. ple about the national symbols, the cult challenges at different periods of
The theme is consistent with Qatar’s Founder Sheikh Jassim and the princi- their history in which they test their
vision of promoting loyalty, unity, soli- ples and values of the society. abilities to confront them and strive to
darity and pride in the national iden- The Founder’s poetic verse, “As long create what meets their needs.
tity, and emphasises the organising as it was proven by our deeds”, empha- The theme of last year’s National
committee’s values which include par- sises the importance of good deeds. Day celebrations was “Promise of
ticipation, inspiration, creativity and The good work that builds the na- Prosperity and Glory” which had been
transparency. It is also a confirmation tion varies from era to era according to taken from a quote of His Highness the
of the National Day’s achievements. the growth of its needs, and it is a nec- Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-
It is also meant to educate peo- essary condition of its renaissance. Thani.

NMoQ acknowledges community support

Diverse Voices share
stories as part of
innovative engagement

he National Museum of Qatar’s
(NMoQ) innovative ‘Voices’
campaign has reached a major
milestone six months from launch,
collecting many individual stories rep-
resenting the past, present and future
of Qatar.
First launched in April, to coincide
with the unveiling of the new NMoQ
brand, the ‘Voices’ campaign invited
the people of Qatar to share personal
stories and unique connections to the
National Museum. The campaign put Designed by Pritzker Prize-winning French architect Jean Nouvel, the interlock-
the local community at its heart, asking ing disc design was inspired by the desert rose.
them to share interesting backgrounds
and personal experiences. A mixture of serve for future generations. French architect Jean Nouvel, the in-
locals and expats, these ‘Voices’ came The NMoQ gives voice to the coun- terlocking disc design was inspired by
from all corners of the community and try’s rich heritage and history whilst the desert rose. It evokes the life of the
represented its full diversity of back- celebrating its future. It also highlights Qatari people between the desert and
grounds, histories and stories. QM’s commitment to fulfilling the cul- the sea. Seemingly growing organi-
Representatives from Qatar Mu- tural goals of the 2030 Qatar National cally out of the ground, the museum’s
seums (QM) and NMoQ thanked Vision, contributing towards creating structure surrounds the Old Palace of
members of the community for tak- a strong and sustainable cultural in- Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim al-Thani.
ing part in this initiative, highlight- frastructure for Qatar and helping to It is one of most recognisable land-
ing how these collective memories build a diversified, knowledge-based marks in the country and serves as a
are interlinked with Qatar’s history economy. monument to a historic way of life in
and growth and are crucial to pre- Designed by Pritzker Prize-winning Qatar.
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 7


Mwani Qatar
main sponsor
of Milipol 2018
wani Qatar yesterday dulla al-Khanji and Milipol Qatar to showcase the best solutions
signed a partnership Committee president Brigadier and products in the fields of QSS will be participating in the latest edition of Milipol Qatar to be held from October 29 to 31.
agreement with the Nasser bin Fahd al-Thani. homeland security and civil de-
committee for the 12th Inter- Al-Khanji said: “Our support fence and discuss the importance
national Exhibition of Internal for Milipol Qatar 2018 stems from of safety and security for popula-
Security and Civil Defence 2018
(Milipol Qatar) to be held from
October 29 to 31 at the Doha Ex-
hibition and Convention Centre.
Under the agreement, Mwani
our deep belief in its importance
and its role in enhancing public
safety and security and within
our social responsibility and our
commitment to work towards re-
Brigadier Nasser bin Fahd
thanked Mwani Qatar for its
support for Milipol Qatar 2018,
pointing out that the sponsor-
QSS to showcase its latest
Qatar will be the main sponsor of
Milipol Qatar, the biggest securi-
ty exhibition of its kind in the re-
gion to held under the patronage
of His Highness the Amir Sheikh
alising the Qatar National Vision
2030 and transforming Qatar
into a regional trading hub in line
with the Ministry of Transport
and Communications’ strategic
ship will assure the exhibition’s
success and help achieve the
Milipol Qatar Committee’s ob-
jectives to bring the exhibition to
international levels.
security products, solutions
Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. plan.” “This year’s edition will pro- atar Security Systems bitions and the largest of its kind in QSS will showcase a number prominent public shareholding
The agreement was signed by He said the exhibition repre- vide unprecedented experiences Company (QSS), a sub- the Middle East and North Africa, of its security products and companies listed on Qatar Stock
Mwani Qatar CEO Captain Ab- sents an important opportunity to exhibitors, visitors, buyers, sidiary company of Qa- specifically in the field of homeland solutions such as X-ray and Exchange (QSE).
and industry professionals, as tari Investors Group (QIG), has security. people scanners, ELVS, elec- QIG business is mainly fo-
well as providing a unique plat- announced its participation in Milipol organisers said they tronic gates, turnstiles for the cused on the investment activi-
form for decision-makers and the 12th edition of Milipol Qa- expect the highest turnout by FIFA World Cup 2022, CCTV ties such as shares, bonds, and
defence and security profession- tar to be held from October 29 participants since its inception and storage, access control, securities. The group also plays
als,” he said. to 31 at the Doha Exhibition and dating back to 1996. The high- data transmission systems, fire a key role in the fields of indus-
Milipol Qatar 2018 shines light Conference Centre (DECC). light of this year’s exhibition systems, and other latest inte- try and investment, making it
on the latest and extensive range QSS’s participation in the event is the merger with Qatar Civil grated security technology and one of the pioneering business
of security and safety innova- further demonstrates the compa- Defence as an all-in-one event safety systems. enterprises in the region which
tions and products. This year’s ny’s commitment to securing and showcasing the latest security QSS is a subsidiary company provides high-quality business,
edition will, for the first time, in- building Qatar. The event is one of technology. of QIG that was established on distinguished services, and out-
clude live demonstrations, where the important international exhi- During this year’s edition, May 4, 2006 and it is one of the standing products.
exhibitors, visitors, and buyers
can witness new products and
innovations in action. Judiciary Council launches encyclopaedia of penal code
The event is expected to wit-
ness a wide participation of The Supreme Judiciary Council isters and ministerial decisions Council’s keenness to provide research on judges and those
global companies operating in yesterday issued the Encyclo- up to October of this year. There the technical capabilities that interested in the legal affairs of
the internal security sector. The pedia of the Penal Code in light are a total of 8,0267 legislations enable judges to keep pace with the provisions of the Court of
exhibition brings together key of the provisions of the Court besides 2,020 criminal and civil modernity, overcome difficul- Cassation and to spread the
global civil defence players for a of Cassation and launched it on judgments. ties in their work and shorten benefit of those provisions and
series of focused conference ses- its website. The Council also up- The president of the Court of the arduous effort required by expand the knowledge of judges,
sions and agenda-setting panel dated on its website all the laws First Instance Mohamed Daalouj research in legal principles and lawyers, researchers and the
Mwani Qatar CEO Captain Abdulla al-Khanji and Milipol Qatar discussions on the latest and and international conventions al-Kubaisi said at a press confer- provisions. Al-Kubaisi added general public with the principles
Committee president Brigadier Nasser bin Fahd al-Thani shake hands emerging civil defence trends and Amiri resolutions and the ence that the launch comes that the purpose of issuing the of the provisions of cassation
after signing the agreement. and best practices. decisions of the Council of Min- within the framework of the encyclopedia was to facilitate the and to save their time and effort.
Gulf Times
8 Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Safari Mall’s eighth anniversary celebrated

A cake-cutting ceremony to mark the eighth anniversary celebration of Safari Mall-Abu Hamour was attended by a number of dignitaries, including Indian ambassador P Kumaran,
director at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce Abdulla Khalifa al-Kuwari, Safari Group director and general manager Zainul Abideen, chief co-ordinator Shaheen Backer, assistant
general manager/finance controller Surendra Nath and other Group management, staff members.

Qatar Airways enhances frequency

to Maldives with triple daily service
atar Airways is to add ad- most exotic and tranquil leisure continue in our efforts to provide
ditional frequency to the destinations. “We are delighted our passengers with even more
Maldives, with triple daily to announce the addition of a opportunity to experience this
services starting October 28, it was third daily flight between Doha captivating destination.”
announced yesterday. and the Maldives, one of our Qatar Airways currently op-
The new service to Male Ve- most popular holiday destina- erates 14 flights per week from
lana International Airport is part tions. We believe that a luxuri- Doha to the Maldives.
of the award-winning airline’s ous travel experience isn’t just The additional service will be
continued expansion in Asia, fol- about the destination, but about operated by both the A330-300
lowing its historic move last year the whole journey itself,” Qatar and A320-200 aircraft, and will
to be the first airline to fly the Airways Group chief executive take the number of weekly flights
state-of-the-art A350 aircraft to Akbar al-Baker said. to 21.
the Maldives. “The additional daily fre- In October 2017, the airline
Located in the Indian Ocean, quency between Doha and the upgraded its double-daily A330
and just a five-hour flight from Maldives showcases our com- service to the Maldives with an The picturesque islands of Maldives are renowned for their immaculate
Doha, the picturesque islands mitment to expanding our global A350 aircraft, featuring a total of white sandy beaches, magnificent diving spots and well-preserved
are renowned for their immacu- route network in order to offer 283 seats, with 36 Business class natural wonders.
late white sandy beaches, mag- our passengers enhanced choice seats and 247 in Economy Class.
nificent diving spots and well- and flexibility when planning a The third daily flight to the tions such as London, Berlin, Angeles, Chicago, and Nairobi
preserved natural wonders, all of holiday getaway,” he noted. Maldives will also provide en- Paris, Milan, Rome, Frankfurt, via Qatar Airways’ five-star hub,
which make it one of the world’s “We are pleased that we can hanced connectivity to destina- Zurich, Moscow, New York, Los Hamad International Airport.

Bovet’s latest masterpieces Dometic’s portable

showcased at Blue Salon cooling boxes launched
ometic, a leading Swed- of the outside temperature.

urt Hefti, the regional sales director of Bovet ish manufacturer of port- The Dometic CoolFreeze CF
Watches, one of the greatest Swiss Watchmak- able fridges and freezers, series coolers are ready for con-
ing Maisons, has presented two of its latest has launched portable cooling nection to 12/24 volts DC and
masterpieces for the first time in Qatar during a pri- boxes, the Dometic CoolFreeze 100 – 240 volts AC or solar en-
vate showcase in Blue Salon. in Qatar. ergy while the CDF series works
“The scale of the artisanal and artistic craftsman- They keep liquids or solids on 12 or 24 V DC. The CDF Series
ship of the Recital 22 Grand Recital tourbillon is reason cool or hot while on the move. also features an electronic ther-
enough to consider each of the 60 timepieces in this All designs and innovations mostat with digital temperature
limited edition a unique piece,” according to a state- are done at Dometics R&D fa- display.
ment. cilities in Sweden and Italy and “Whether you love out-
This grand astronomical masterpiece is presented manufacturing at its own facto- doors, camping or a boat owner
by Bovet in a Tellerium-Orrery, with the sun repre- ries around the world. They do who loves to explore the sea,
sented by the flying tourbillon. The hemispherical not rely on third party manufac- a Dometic CoolFreeze cooling
earth rotates on its own axis and shows the hours on turers, ensuring good control on box can ensure that your food
a natural 24-hour cycle. A spherical moon orbits the quality. and drinks are kept cool and
earth according to the exact length of its synodic pe- The cooling boxes with shoul- preserved for longer periods of
riod. der strap and carry handles are time,” said CV Rappai, director
Specially designed and developed for the Grand Re- available in two ranges – the CF and CEO of Video Home & Elec-
cital, the perpetual calendar is brimming with innova- Series and the CDF Series. Due to tronic Centre, Jumbo Electron-
tive features, including the original addition of a pat- the use of a new, compact com- ics.
ented, double-sided date disk display. It is driven by a pressor it is now even lighter. The Dometic CoolFreeze
retrograde mechanism with a micrometric rack, also Super-slim and easy to fit in the Cooling Boxes come in capaci-
patented, which optimises operation while reducing The Edouard Bovet Tourbillon smallest of spaces, the coolers ties starting from 10.5 litres up
the amount of required space. can deep-freeze food and drinks to 39 litres and are available at
The case’s design, inspired by the shape of a writing lowered in order to receive the Super-LumiNova, down up to –18°C with minimal Jumbo Electronics and leading
slope and measuring 46mm in diameter, is inseparable which is delicately applied by hand. power consumption regardless hypermarkets.
from the structure of the movement. The Edouard Bovet Tourbillon is housed in the em-
The Edouard Bovet Tourbillon features three differ- blematic Amadeo convertible case.
ent time zones, with the local time zone displayed at Patented in 2010, the Amadeo system transforms a
the centre of the timepiece. timepiece into a reversible wristwatch, a table clock,
In addition to the hour and minute hands, a dome or a pocket watch without the use of any tools.
indicates the day-night cycle. Each of the two addi- This feature requires the time to be displayed on
tional times displayed correspond to any one of the both sides of the movement and in the case of the
earth’s twenty-four-time zones; each window dis- Edouard Bovet Tourbillon, the second face presents
plays the name of the chosen city and the time in this hand-engraving that adorns each detail of its surface.
same zone via a hand that moves over a 24-hour dial. It features a dial displaying the hours and minutes,
The dome’s surface is engraved to represent a world synchronised with the display of local time. Available
map, specially redesigned to take up the hemispheri- in red gold, white gold, or platinum, only 60 move-
cal surface of the dome. The surface of the oceans is ments of the Edouard Bovet Tourbillon are produced. Dometic portable coolers.

Ahlibank partners with HMC

for blood donation campaign
hlibank has recently
organised a blood
donation campaign,
in partnership with Ha-
mad Medical Corporation
(HMC), at its head office in
Al Sadd.
The campaign aims to con-
tribute and support the blood
bank in Qatar and to raise
awareness on the importance
of donating blood. The campaign aims to contribute and support the blood
Hassan Ahmed AlEfran- bank in Qatar and to raise awareness on blood donation.
gi, Ahlibank DCEO – Retail
Banking, said: “The campaign commitment within the com- awareness on the importance
was very successful and em- munity and in line with the of blood donation. I would
ployees were enthusiastic to bank’s corporate social re- like to thank all employees
participate and donate blood. sponsibility.” who contributed and partici-
We are extremely proud of the AlEfrangi added: “The pated in the blood donation,
great response from our staff. campaign aims to support the and also thank HMC for their
This humanitarian awareness blood bank reserve in Qatar continued support in this no-
campaign is part of the Bank’s and in promoting employee ble cause.”
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9

Boko Haram militants kill Iran arrests extremists Car bomb kills six, wounds Tehran: Saudis targeting Over 50 die after clan
two in NE Nigeria attack planning pilgrim attacks 30 near Iraq’s Mosul Guards to distract the world clashes in breakaway region
Boko Haram militants have killed two people in an Iran said yesterday it had arrested 15 militants plan- At least six people were killed, including two soldiers, An Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander Fighting between clans in Somalia’s breakaway
attack on a village in northeast Nigeria near the ning attacks on those making an annual pilgrimage and 30 wounded in a car bomb blast in the northern said yesterday that Saudi Arabia and Bahrain Somaliland region has killed more than 50 people,
town of Chibok, residents and a militia official said to Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians travel to Iraqi town of Qayyara yesterday, police and medical had added the Guards and Quds Force com- a witness at the scene and an official in neigh-
yesterday. The militants, believed to be loyal to Boko the Iraqi city of Kerbala each year for the ritual of Ar- sources said. A vehicle packed with explosives was mander Qassem Soleimani to their terrorism lists bouring Puntland said yesterday. “There has been
Haram factional leader Abubakar Shekau, late Monday baeen, which marks the end of a 40-day mourning parked near a restaurant and a crowded market area to distract the world from killing of a prominent fierce clan fighting yesterday and today. Over
raided Mifah, seven kilometres from Chibok, where period for the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad in Qayyara, south of the city of Mosul, police said. Saudi journalist. “Saudi Arabia is in a quagmire it 50 people died but they have not been buried
militants abducted more than 200 schoolgirls in (PBUH), Imam Hussein. Iran’s Intelligence Minister Health officials and police had earlier put the death toll cannot easily come out of... Saudi rulers are trying because the fighting is still going on,” Ahmed
2014. Boko Haram’s nine-year conflict has killed an Mahmoud Alavi, visiting the Iran-Iraq border area, at four but said it could rise as some of the wounded to distract the world and the region from the Ismail told Reuters from Dhumey village. “The
estimated 27,000 people and displaced 2mn, creating was quoted by state television as saying that “three were in a critical in condition. No group immediately killing of Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi journalist, injured are dying of blood loss because there are
a humanitarian crisis and spilling into Nigeria’s northern terrorist groups that wanted to target Arbaeen claimed responsibility, but Islamic State militants often in their consulate in Turkey,” Brigadier-General no hospitals here,” he said, adding that some had
neighbours. “They killed two people and looted the vil- mourners were arrested.” Tasnim news agency carry out such attacks. Iraq’s top military commander Esmail Kowsari, the Revolutionary Guards’ deputy been taken to hospitals further away. Dhumey is
lage before setting it on fire,” said David Bitrus, a civilian quoted Alavi as saying the arrests took place in in Mosul Major-General Najim al-Jabouri accused IS of security chief in Tehran was quoted as saying by in an area controlled by Somaliland, but which
militia member fighting alongside the army. southwestern Khuzestan province in recent days. carrying out the Qayyara attack. Mehr news agency. has been claimed by Puntland for years.

shot dead in
border clash:
AFP blockade of the impoverished
Gaza City enclave have sparked repeated
clashes with the army.
More than 200 Palestinians

sraeli troops shot dead a Pal- and one Israeli have been killed
estinian teenager in a border in the violence.
clash yesterday, the health Last week, a rocket from the
ministry in the Hamas-run Gaza Palestinian territory hit a home
Strip said in a statement. in southern Israel, prompting Syrian families receive aid from Russian soldiers at the Abu Duhur crossing on the eastern edge of Idlib province, yesterday.
It named him as 17-year-old the Jewish state to strike 20 Ha-
Muntaser Mohamed al-Baz, mas targets in Gaza.
saying he was shot in the head Another rocket fell in the
earlier during protests near Bu-
reij in central Gaza and died of
his wounds in hospital.
An Israeli army spokeswoman
said that troops at the border
Mediterranean off Tel Aviv,
without causing casualties or
Hamas disavowed the rocket
launches and said it was investi-
UN Syria envoy due in Damascus today
fence opened fire during a vio- gating the incident. AFP ment as to the make-up of the
lent protest by about 200 Pales- An Egyptian security delega- United Nations constitutional committee — Coalition strikes leave 37 IS militants dead in eastern Syria
tinians. tion that visited Gaza on Thurs- which has been in the cards for
“They burned tyres and threw day encouraged Hamas leader months. US-led coalition air strikes on areas controlled by State fighters have been killed since the offensive

explosive devices at soldiers,” Ismail Haniya to rein in the pro- he outgoing UN envoy for The West wants De Mistura Islamic State in eastern Syria have killed at least 37 began.
she said. “They also threw a pet- tests, according to an Egyptian Syria, Staffan de Mistura, to get Damascus to agree to militants in the past 24 hours, a monitoring group The war monitor said that 41 civilians, among them
rol bomb.” She said none of the official. will arrive in Damas- convene the committee as soon said late yesterday. ten children, were killed in coalition strikes earlier
soldiers was injured. Hamas has fought three wars cus today for a visit aimed at as possible to revive the po- The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human this month, on October 18 and 19.
“Troops responded with riot with Israel since 2008 and fears convincing the government to litical process aimed at ending Rights said the Islamic State militants were killed SDF said the offensive would focus on several
dispersal means and gunfire ac- of a fourth have spurred efforts accept the creation of a com- Syria’s devastating war, now in as coalition planes intensified their raids on the towns, including Hajin and al-Shaafa, near the
cording to the rules of engage- by Egypt and the United Na- mittee to draft a post-war con- its eighth year. village of Souseh, on the eastern banks of the borders with Iraq.
ment,” she added. tions for a wider deal that would stitution, the world body said. The new constitution is seen Euphrates river. The SDF has played a major role in fighting Islamic
Near daily protests along the see Israel ease its blockade in De Mistura, who announced as a stepping stone to staging The monitor added that dozens of militants were State in Syria, taking over most of the extremist
Gaza border since March 30 exchange for a long-term truce last week that he would step elections in Syria, where more also wounded in the strikes and ground battles, in militia’s strongholds in Al-Raqqa and Deir al-Zour
against Israel’s crippling 11-year with the rulers. down from his post at the end than 360,000 people have been which the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces provinces.
of November, is expected to killed since war erupted in 2011 (SDF) managed to advance into parts of Souseh. Islamic State militants continue to control pockets
stay for a “couple of days” in with the brutal repression of In September, SDF said they had started the final in eastern and southern Syria. The extremist group
the Syrian capital, deputy UN anti-government protests. stage of their campaign against Islamic State mili- has suffered military setbacks, losing most of the
Tsetse fly out of Zimbabwe’s hot Zambezi valley spokesman Farhan Haq said The uprising has since tants in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour. territory it controlled in Syria and neighbouring
yesterday. morphed into a complex con- According to the watchdog, some 456 Islamic Iraq.
The tsetse fly — an insect that ing sickness in humans across Haq did not say who the en- flict with myriad armed groups,
transmits trypanosomiasis or sub-Saharan Africa. voy would meet, and if that list some of whom are foreign-
sleeping sickness — could soon The initial stage of the disease would include Syrian President backed. members: 50 chosen by Da- Fifteen people would be spend more time with fam-
die out in Zimbabwe’s Zambezi is symptom free, but during the Bashar al-Assad. The UN-backed political mascus, 50 chosen by the op- chosen from the three factions ily after four difficult years of
Valley due to rising tempera- second stage the parasites cross Syrian authorities invited De process has suffered in the face position and 50 chosen by De on the committee to draft the work. His successor has not
tures, a study said yesterday. into the central nervous system Mistura to visit, the spokesman of parallel efforts led by Russia, Mistura. new constitution, according yet been named.
The study based on 27 years and the brain, where they can said. Turkey and Iran, and as the Syr- The Syria government is ob- to the UN plan. The Italian-Swedish dip-
of data from the country’s be lethal if untreated. Under intense pressure from ian military has progressively jecting to the UN-led effort to The 71-year-old De Mistu- lomat’s predecessors include
northern Mana Pools National There has been a huge reduc- Western countries, who accuse regained control of most of the include civil society represent- ra, who is the UN’s third Syria former UN secretary-general
Park suggests that temperature tion in human African trypano- Damascus of stonewalling, the country. atives, religious and tribal lead- envoy in six years, says he is Kofi Annan and veteran Al-
increases over the last three somiasis in recent years. UN envoy will try to ease the The constitutional commit- ers, experts and women on the leaving the post for “purely gerian diplomat Lakhdar Bra-
decades have caused major In 2015, only 2,804 cases were concerns of the Syrian govern- tee is expected to include 150 panel, De Mistura has said. personal reasons,” wanting to himi.
declines in local populations of registered, down from 37,000
tsetse flies. “If the effect at Mana in 1999, according to the World
Pools extends across the whole Health Organisation, whose
of the Zambezi Valley, then goal is to eliminate the tropical
transmission of trypanosomes
is likely to have been greatly
reduced in this warm low-lying
disease by 2030.
The fly also causes trypano-
somiasis in livestock and the
52 died in Madagascar pre-trial detention in 2017: Amnesty
region”, said Jennifer Lord, most recent global estimates
lead author of the study and indicate that disease kills ap- AFP only facing allegations of minor crimes. those being held for extended periods “Pre-trial detainees, who were in vis-
post-doctoral fellow at Liverpool proximately 1mn cattle per year, Antananarivo “The miserably poor conditions of de- without trial were accused of petty, ibly poor health during Amnesty Inter-
School of Tropical Medicine. according to the study. tention in which pre-trial detainees are non-violent crimes.One man accused of national’s visit, complained about not
“While this would be good news The study was based on held clearly amount to cruel, inhuman stealing cattle had been in detention for receiving timely or appropriate medical

for the disease situation in Zam- prolonged laboratory and ifty-two people died in pre-trial or degrading treatment,” said Amnesty’s three-and-a-half years.” care. While most of the prisons visited
bezi Valley, rising temperatures field measures of fly densities detention in Madagascar last year report titled “Punished For Being Poor”. The report said that many suspects are had an infirmary, nurses, medical sup-
may have made some higher, from the 1990s, and nearly as the country grapples with pa- Amnesty International’s southern Af- held on remand for years because of de- plies and facilities were in short supply,”
cooler parts of Zimbabwe, more continuous records of climatic ralysis in its judicial system, rights group rica director Deprose Muchena said that lays to court sessions which are only held said the report.
suitable for the flies,” she said. data since 1975, recorded Amnesty International said yesterday. “a catalogue of failures in Madagascar’s twice yearly. Shortages of food were also found to be
Tsetse are blood-feeding insects by researchers based at the It warned that 55% of the Indian criminal justice system means people are Amnesty visited nine prisons across an issue with the International Commit-
that transmit trypanosome Rekomitjie Research Station in Ocean island nation’s prison population suffering in prison for years before they the country and found “appalling living tee of the Red Cross reporting that almost
pathogens which cause sleep- the park. — around 11,000 people — were await- have their day in court”. conditions” as well as inmates who were half of prisoners in Madagascar suffer from
ing trial as of October 2017 despite many “In the prisons we visited, many of facing serious health problems. moderate or severe malnutrition.

Zimbabwe opposition calls for ‘transitional’ govt to fix crisis

AFP not be a fig leaf for Mnangagwa’s local bond notes, the government-
Harare government. run Herald daily reported.
“We will ultimately discuss and The deepening economic crisis
resolve our national issues as a comes just months after Mnan-

imbabwe’s main opposi- country,” he said, “(but) we are not gagwa won elections following a
tion leader Nelson Chamisa ready to be forced (to) legitimise brief military takeover that ousted
called yesterday for a tran- the illegitimate”. “Our people are former president Robert Mugabe
sitional government to resolve the suffering. This economic decay is last year.
worsening economic and political common to all,” he said. “The situation in the hospitals
crisis engulfing the country. The current shortages and price is so shocking,” Chamisa said.
A foreign currency shortage hikes have not been seen since the “Our hospitals are sick. Sick
in recent weeks has sparked the 2008 economic and financial cri- hospitals can’t attend to sick peo-
worst economic crisis with sup- sis spiralled into hyperinflation. ple. Our people are dying from
plies of fuel, food and pharmaceu- Prices for many staples have preventable diseases such as chol-
ticals drying up. more than doubled in less than a era.” At least 50 people have died
“The first thing is for this nation month. The Reserve Bank of Zim- of cholera since September.
to go on a path of a political dia- babwe has suspended four top “There is an absence of leader-
logue,” said Chamisa, 40, leader Zimbabwe main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa of the Movement for managers accused of fuelling the ship. The nation is orphaned, the
of the Movement for Democratic Democratic Change (MDC) Alliance looks on during a press conference on black market trade in US dollars, nation is parentless,” Chamisa
Change (MDC) party, who claims Zimbabwe’s economic crisis, yesterday at his party headquarters in Harare. state media reported yesterday. said. A commission of inquiry is
to have won the July 30 presiden- Their suspensions on Monday currently investigating the death
tial election. capital Harare. Chamisa, who lost cal dialogue between the opposi- followed allegations that they of six people in post-election vio-
“We need a national transi- the vote to President Emmerson tion and the president. were supplying illicit currency lence after soldiers opened fire on
tional authority so that we resolve Mnangagwa, said he had met reli- “We are ready to discuss,” he dealers with illegal allocations of protesters who accused officials of
this crisis,” he told reporters in the gious leaders pushing for a politi- said, while adding that he would hard currency and dollar-pegged delaying poll results.
Gulf Times
10 Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Trump stumps for ex-rival Cruz AFP tor from Texas fired off insults of music and food trucks. Some had the cake-walk win he and the
Houston his own, calling Trump a “patho- camped overnight, bundled up party initially predicted.
logical liar” and “utterly amoral.” against the frigid temperatures, “Beto,” as supporters of the
But sporting black cowboy according to local media. 46-year-old O’Rourke call him,

onald Trump on Monday boots, Cruz welcomed the presi- Trump focused particularly on is making life difficult for Cruz.
night stumped for his dent to the Lone Star State on the immigration, a tender point in While positioning himself
former rival Ted Cruz, tarmac as he descended from Air the border state of Texas. firmly on the left, O’Rourke has
a pair that had long exchanged Force One. The rally was timed with the eschewed the anti-Trump rheto-
barbs but now share a Texas rally “He’s not Lyin’ Ted anymore,’” beginning of early voting in the ric systematically rolled out by
stage just two weeks before the Trump told reporters before state. most of his party — a move that
congressional midterms. leaving for Texas, bestowing Local media reported unex- has won over voters.
The political equation is sim- Cruz with two new nicknames: pectedly heavy traffic at poll- Some even say O’Rourke could
ple: Trump needs Cruz to main- “Beautiful Ted” and “Texas Ted.” ing stations, where some also be the party’s saviour in the next
tain Republican control of the “He defended your jobs. He camped overnight in order to cast presidential election in 2020.
US Senate, while Cruz is all too defended your borders,” Trump their ballots. Trump has called O’Rourke
aware that a presidential seal of said later at the rally. “He defends With national attention on a “total lightweight” but the
approval could help him in his your families and your faith.” Houston, O’Rourke campaigned Democrat has opted not to trade
face-off with rising Democrat “We are defending together in various spots around the city insults with the president on
star Beto O’Rourke. with other great Republicans to boost supporters and encour- Twitter.
During the 2016 campaign, your freedom,” he said, encour- age them to vote early. “I don’t know that it makes
Trump infamously insulted aging Texans to “get out there “We are here for everyone,” any sense to respond,” O’Rourke
the looks of Cruz’s wife Heidi, and vote.” O’Rourke told a crowd in Pasade- told ABC News.
vaguely suggested Cruz’s fa- Thousands of Trump sup- na, a Houston suburb, “Republi- “The kind of bitterness and the
ther had played a role in John porters arrived hours in advance cans, Democrats, independents name-calling and partisanship
F. Kennedy’s assassination and of the rally — swarming streets alike.” that has unfortunately defined so
tagged him with the nickname around Houston’s Toyota Center Opinion polls still have the much of the national conversa-
President Donald Trump greets Senator Ted Cruz during a campaign rally at the Toyota Center in Houston “Lyin’ Ted.” stadium in a festival-like atmos- ultra-conservative Cruz in the tion, you can add more to it or you
on Monday night. The 47-year-old junior sena- phere that was to include live driver’s seat, but he is far from can stay focused on the future.”

Judge affirms Monsanto verdict, slashes damages

Reuters dropping the damages altogether,”
brokerage alpha said in a note to cli-
Lawyers for Johnson in a state-
ment on Monday said they were still
ment for allowing a jury to award
punitive damages.
‘Ready to bolster
nuclear arsenal’
San Francisco
ents. “Now, however, the judge made reviewing whether to accept the re- But following that tentative rul-
a U-turn and confirmed the jury’s duced award or retry the punitive ing, at least five of the jurors who

US judge on Monday affirmed previous verdict.” damages portion. delivered the August 10 verdict sent
a verdict against Bayer AG Monsanto, which denies the alle- “The evidence presented to this letters to the judge, urging her to up-
unit Monsanto that found its gations, had asked the judge to throw jury was, quite frankly, overwhelm- hold their decision.
glyphosate-based weed-killers re- out the entire original $289mn ver- ing,” the lawyers said. Bolanos did not directly refer to AFP treaty. In fact they said: ‘You are breaching
sponsible for a man’s terminal can- dict or order a new trial on the puni- The amount of punitive damages the jurors’ letters in her Monday rul- Washington the INF treaty,’” Bolton said in an interview
cer, sending the German company’s tive damages portion. is limited by law, and Bolanos said ing, but said the jury was entitled to with Kommersant, a Russian broadsheet.
shares down 8%. A jury on August 10 found the California’s constitution did not its findings. “You can’t bring somebody into com-

In a ruling by San Francisco’s Su- company’s glyphosate-based weed- permit a higher award. In September 2017, the US Envi- resident Donald Trump said Monday pliance who does not think they are in
perior Court of California, Judge killers, including RoundUp and If Johnson accepts the reduced ronmental Protection Agency con- the United States is ready to build up breach,” he said, adding the treaty seems to
Suzanne Bolanos said she would Ranger Pro, had caused Johnson’s damages, the final verdict would cluded a decades-long assessment its nuclear arsenal after announcing have run its course.
slash the punitive damages award cancer and that the company failed order Monsanto to pay a total of of glyphosate risks and found that it is abandoning a Cold War-era nuclear The two men also discussed a possible
to $39mn from $250mn if lawyers to warn consumers about the risks. $78mn, split equally between com- the chemical was not a likely car- treaty, as Russia warned the withdrawal extension by five years of the New START
for school groundskeeper Dewayne The verdict wiped 10% off the pensatory and punitive damages. cinogen to humans. could cripple global security. arms control treaty, which expires in 2021,
Johnson agreed. value of the company and marked Bolanos’ Monday decision is a However, in 2015, the cancer unit Trump sparked concern globally at the the Security Council said.
Bayer said in a statement the de- the first such decision against Mon- turnaround from a previous tenta- of the World Health Organisation weekend by saying he wanted to jettison Bolton told Kommersant that Washing-
cision to reduce the damages was santo, which faces more than 8,000 tive ruling she issued on October 10. classified glyphosate as “probably the three-decade-old Intermediate-Range ton wanted to “resolve the INF issue first.”
a step in the right direction, but it similar lawsuits in the United States. In that preliminary order, Bolanos carcinogenic to humans.” Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) signed former The Russian foreign ministry released a
would still file an appeal with the The German company, which said she was considering ordering Johnson’s case, filed in 2016, was US president Ronald Reagan and Mikhail picture of Lavrov talking to a grinning Bol-
California Court of Appeal, because bought Monsanto this year for a new trial on punitive damages, fast-tracked for trial due to the se- Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader. ton, and said the two men discussed bilat-
the verdict was not supported by the $63bn, says decades of scientific saying Johnson had failed to meet verity of his non-Hodgkin’s lym- In explaining his decision, Trump told eral co-operation, the fight against terror,
evidence presented at the trial. studies and real-world use have his burden of producing clear and phoma, a cancer of the lymph sys- reporters in Washington that Russia had and “maintaining strategic stability.”
“According to an earlier hear- shown glyphosate to be safe for hu- convincing evidence of malice or tem, that he alleged was caused by “not adhered to the spirit of that agree- Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov re-
ing, the judge toyed with the idea of man use. oppression by Monsanto, a require- years of glyphosate exposure. ment or to the agreement itself.” jected claims that Moscow has violated
“Until people come to their senses, we the pact, instead accusing Washington of
will build it up,” he said, referring to Amer- doing so, and called Bolton’s upcoming
Museum says five Dead Sea Scroll fragments are fake ica’s nuclear stockpile. “This should have meeting with Putin important.
been done years ago.” “There are more questions than an-
A US museum announced Monday that
five artefacts it had said were fragments
of the ancient manuscripts known as the
In April last year the museum sent
five of its 16 Dead Sea Scroll pieces to
Germany’s Federal Institute for Materials
Explosive device found “It’s a threat to whoever you want. And
it includes China. And it includes Russia,”
the US president continued. “And it in-
swers,” he told journalists.
Trump’s announcement has raised glo-
bal concerns, with the European Commis-
Dead Sea Scrolls are in fact fake, and will
no longer be displayed.
Washington’s Museum of the Bible —
Research and Testing (BAM) for testing
after previous studies questioned their
at Soros’ NY residence cludes anybody else who wants to play that
game. You can’t do that. You can’t play
that game.”
sion urging the United States and Russia
to pursue talks to preserve the treaty and
China calling on Washington to “think
which stirred controversy last year for its One researcher, Kipp Davis of Trinity “Until they get smart, there’s going to be twice.”
financial backing from a billionaire evan- Western University, had published work AFP nobody that’s going to be even close to us.” “The US and the Russian Federation
gelical Christian — removed the pieces saying “at least seven fragments in the New York Russia however has warned that aban- need to remain in a constructive dialogue
from exhibition after a German research museum’s Dead Sea Scrolls collection are doning the agreement would be a major to preserve this treaty and ensure it is fully
institution concluded that they weren’t modern forgeries.” blow to global security. and verifiably implemented,” said Maja

old enough. The museum has removed the five he FBI was yesterday investigating an explosive device Moscow was ready to work with the Kocijancic, the EU spokeswoman for for-
“Though we had hoped the testing pieces tested in Germany from display found in the mailbox at the New York home of US billion- United States to salvage the agreement, eign affairs and security policy.
would render different results, this is an and replaced them with three others, aire and liberal donor George Soros, a target of right-wing the Russian Security Council said after a Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman
opportunity to educate the public on the which are also the focus of further groups, officials confirmed. meeting between its chief Nikolai Patru- Hua Chunying said a unilateral withdrawal
importance of verifying the authenticity of analysis. An employee of the residence in Bedford, north of Manhat- shev and US National Security Advisor from the treaty “will have a multitude of
rare biblical artefacts, the elaborate testing The Museum of the Bible raised tan, found the suspicious package in the mailbox on Monday af- John Bolton. negative effects.”
process undertaken and our commitment eyebrows even before opening its giant ternoon, opened it and found what appeared to be an explosive Bolton, who is expected to meet Rus- Bolton, however, said Britain, Japan, and
to transparency,” the museum’s chief cura- bronze, Latin-inscribed gates: its primary device, Bedford police said. “The employee placed the package sian President Vladimir Putin, was visit- a number of other countries supported the
tor Jeffrey Kloha said in a statement. financial backer is billionaire Steve Green, in a wooded area and called the Bedford police,” the local police ing Moscow in the wake of Trump’s an- US position.
“As an educational institution entrusted whose arts and crafts chain Hobby Lobby department said in a statement. nouncement Saturday that he wants to do Analysts have warned that the latest rift
with cultural heritage, the museum has supported conservative causes in Soros was not at home at the time and bomb squad techni- away with the pact that bans intermediate- between Moscow and Washington could
upholds and adheres to all museum and Washington. cians defused the device, said police in Bedford, a wealthy en- range nuclear and conventional missiles. have lamentable consequences, dragging
ethical guidelines on collection care, Just months before the museum clave that is home to a string of the rich and famous within easy Signed in 1987, the INF resolved a crisis Russia into a new arms race.
research and display.” opened the company was forced to pay commute of Manhattan. An “extensive investigation” has been over Soviet nuclear-tipped ballistic mis- Putin last week raised eyebrows by say-
The Dead Sea Scrolls, which include the a $3mn settlement and give up 5,500 arte- opened and the case has been turned over to the Joint Terrorism siles targeting Western capitals. ing Russians would “go to heaven” in the
oldest known manuscripts of the Hebrew facts — including ancient clay cuneiform Task Force Division of the FBI, police said. On Monday, Bolton discussed the fate event of nuclear war and that Moscow
Bible, date from the 3rd century BC to the tablets from Iraq — that the US Justice “We are conducting an investigation at and around a resi- of the treaty with Foreign Minister Sergei would not use nuclear weapons first.
1st century AD. Department said were illegally imported. dence in Bedford,” the FBI’s New York field office said on twitter. Lavrov and spent “nearly five hours” in “The aggressor will have to understand
Numbering around 900, they were The Green family’s Christian convic- “There is no threat to public safety, and we have no further com- talks with Russian Security Council chief that retaliation is inevitable, that it will be
discovered between 1947 and 1956 in the tions and the smuggling debacle had ment at this time.” Nikolai Patrushev, a spokesman for the destroyed and that we, as victims of ag-
Qumran caves above the Dead Sea. sceptics questioning both the museum’s Born to a Jewish family in Hungary, the 88-year-old hedge council told AFP. gression, as martyrs, will go to heaven,” he
The five removed fragments had been ideological aim and the provenance of its fund tycoon has an estimated net worth of $8.3bn, making him Speaking after his meeting with Patru- said. “They will simply croak because they
exhibited in the sprawling museum since antiquities. one of the world’s richest men, according to Forbes magazine. shev, Bolton said the Russians had insisted won’t even have time to repent.”
it opened in November 2017, but were At the opening Green, who chairs the He has given away billions to his Open Society Foundations, that Moscow did not violate the treaty. Putin and Trump will both be in Paris on
labelled with explanations that research museum’s board, said the institution aims which promote freedom of expression, justice and equality, and “The position was very firmly an- November 11 to attend commemorations
on their legitimacy was underway. only to “present the facts.” which counter discrimination, focusing in part on Central and nounced by Russia that they did not be- marking 100 years since the end of World
Eastern Europe. lieve that they were breaching the INF War I.

Trail-blazing retired Justice O’Connor says she has dementia

By Lawrence Hurley, Reuters state judge in her native Arizona, was established in 1789, but her “She broke down barriers for improving civics education,
Washington was appointed to the nine-mem- place in history went beyond women in the legal profession to starting a group called iCiv-
ber court by Republican former breaking gender barriers. the betterment of that profession ics that provided free online
president Ronald Reagan during Over time, she emerged as the and the country as a whole.” resources for middle and high

andra Day O’Connor, a pio- his first year in office and she re- court’s ideological centre, cast- O’Connor grew up on a ranch school students.
neer in the legal profession tired in 2006. ing key votes in cases on the most in Arizona before attending In 2009, Democratic former
who made history in 1981 She was considered a centrist on contentious issues of her era, in- Stanford University in Califor- president Barack Obama pre-
by becoming the first woman to the conservative-leaning court. cluding a ruling that helped pre- nia. sented her at the White House
serve on the US Supreme Court As a result of her diagnosis, serve a woman’s right to have an She was one of only five wom- with the Presidential Medal of
and remained on the bench for O’Connor said she has with- abortion and another upholding en in her class at Stanford Law Freedom, the highest civilian
a quarter century, yesterday an- drawn from public life. affirmative action — the use of School. honour a president can give.
nounced that she has been diag- “I will continue living in Phoe- racial preferences in student ad- Although she graduated near O’Connor retired mainly so
nosed with dementia. nix, Arizona, surrounded by missions — on college campuses. the top of her class, she was re- she could care for her husband,
“Some time ago, doctors di- dear friends and family. While When Republican former jected for most law firm jobs. who had been diagnosed with
agnosed me with the beginning the final chapter of my life with president George W Bush re- She and her husband, John, Alzheimer’s.
stages of dementia, probably dementia may be trying, noth- placed her with conservative whom she met in law school, lat- Reagan, who died in 2004, also
Alzheimer’s disease,” O’Connor, ing has diminished my gratitude Justice Samuel Alito, the al- er settled in Phoenix where she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
88, said in a letter issued by the and deep appreciation for the ready-conservative court moved became a prominent Republican An estimated 5.7mn Ameri-
court. countless blessings in my life,” further to the right. politician in the state. cans have Alzheimer’s, almost
Alzheimer’s is an irreversible, O’Connor added. “Justice O’Connor is of course She was elected as a state trial two-thirds of them women, ac-
progressive brain disorder that O’Connor became the Su- a towering figure in the history of judge in 1974 and in 1979 was cording to the Alzheimer’s As- An August 12, 2009 file photo of President Barack Obama present-
gradually destroys memory and preme Court’s first woman jus- the United States and indeed the named to a state appeals court. sociation. ing the Medal of Freedom to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day
thinking skills. tice nearly two centuries after world,” Chief Justice John Rob- After retiring from the court, It is the sixth leading cause of O’Connor during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in
O’Connor, who had served as a the country’s top judicial body erts said in a statement. O’Connor dedicated herself to death in the United States. Washington.
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 11

New Vietnam’s president opposition
figure held on

sworn in after 99.8% vote

AFP speaking beneath a large bust of ter Nguyen Tan Dung who was
Hanoi Ho Chi Minh. sidelined in the last leadership Dhaka
“This is a very huge honour, shuffle two years ago.
while at the same time, a very Some say the campaign likely

ietnam lawmakers yes- heavy responsibility for me,” allowed Trong to secure the top angladeshi police have
terday elected as presi- he added, acknowledging his job as president, an unlikely and arrested an opposition
dent Communist Party advanced age. rare move. figure on defamation
chief Nguyen Phu Trong, the His election comes as no “Trong did this because charges one week after he made
only candidate on the ballot, surprise after the Communist he is currently in a politically unpleasant and abusive com-
making him the most power- Party’s Central Committee put unassailable position,” Za- ments about a female journalist
ful man in the country where his name forward as the only chary Abuza, a professor at in a television show, police said
consensus leadership has tra- contender last month following the National War College in yesterday.
ditionally kept strongman rule the death of Tran Dai Quang, Washington, said. A judge in Dhaka said yes-
in check. a former police chief who had “(He) has effectively used terday that Mainul Hosein,
Trong was ushered into his been president since 2016. ‘anti-corruption’ to purge ri- the leader of a recently-
new role as head-of-state with Trong’s dual role in two of vals within the party,” he added. formed opposition alliance,
99.8% of the vote from Viet- the so-called “four-pillar” top Trong’s time in office has should be detained pend-
nam’s rubber stamp parliament leadership positions allows him also coincided with a crack- ing trial following his ar-
members a month after the to yield a huge amount of power down on dissidents, with more rest on Monday night, officer
former president died from a in the government whose in- than 55 jailed this year alone, Mahbub Alam said.
prolonged illness. ner workings are often shielded according to an AFP tally, that He was picked up from a home
Though the president’s role from the public. rights groups say shows no sign in Dhaka’s Uttara neighbour-
is seen as largely ceremonial, The two other “pillars” are of abating. hood, the officer said.
74-year-old Trong will main- the prime minister and National The US ambassador to Vi- Hosein was harshly criticised
tain his position as party head Assembly chair. etnam congratulated Trong on after he verbally abused a female
- the first person to hold both His appointment is not likely the post yesterday, celebrating journalist and called her “char-
roles since revolutionary leader to shake up politics in the one- cosying ties between the former acterless” on live television on
Ho Chi Minh in the late 1960s. party state, though observers war enemies who are both seek- October 16 after he was asked
His new position was ce- have said it will eliminate any ing to counter China’s rising whether he was representing
mented in a tightly orchestrated potential opposition to an anti- military and economic might. a right-wing party in the new
swearing-in ceremony yester- corruption campaign that he “We look forward to con- political alliance.
day after an overwhelming vote has spearheaded since his re- tinuing to work closely with Earlier this month, he joined
from 477 lawmakers, with only election as party chief in 2016. President Trong on further the alliance led by jailed former
one vote against, according to The campaign has seen doz- strengthening and expanding Nguyen Phu Trong takes oath as the president of Vietnam at the National Assembly hall in Hanoi yesterday. prime minister Khaleda Zia’s op-
the government’s website. ens of top officials, executives the US-Vietnam Comprehen- position Bangladesh Nationalist
“I, president of Vietnam, vow and bankers put behind bars, sive Partnership,” ambassador powerful Communist Party, abroad as the public face of the guarded reputation as a com- Party (BNP) to contest the next
to be completely loyal to the na- many seen as Trong’s political Daniel Kritenbrink said in a as president Trong will now administration. mitted apparatchik, and is general election in December
tion, people and constitution,” foes because of their perceived statement. be in charge of welcoming for- The white-haired longtime also a member of the powerful against Prime Minister Sheikh
Trong said at the ceremony, alliance to former prime minis- In addition to running the eign delegates and travelling party member has a carefully politburo. Hasina’s ruling Awami League
Hosein’s arrest comes hours
after Prime Minister Hasina de-
nounced his objectionable com-

Lanka calls Australia slaps sanctions on Myanmar generals

Reuters counter-insurgency operation
launched by Myanmar’s mili-
ing for Myanmar’s army and
refrained from imposing sanc-
It said financial dealings with
them can now attract penal-
ments and alleged that he was
an agent of Pakistani forces dur-
ing Bangladesh’s liberation war
in 1971.
Hosein is a lawyer and the

for coalition
tary after attacks on security tions, yesterday responded to ties of A$1.7mn ($1.2mn) for publisher of the English-lan-
posts by Rohingya militants in the UN report by targeting four companies and 10 years jail for guage daily The New Nation.

ustralia yesterday slapped August last year. of the men named, and one individuals. He was an adviser to a mili-
travel and financial sanc- A recent UN report accused other senior commander. Myanmar government tary-backed caretaker admin-
tions on five top Myan- Myanmar’s military of gang “I have now imposed targeted spokesman Zaw Htay did not istration that oversaw Bang-

to tackle mar military officers, accused

of overseeing brutal violence
against Rohingya Muslims by
units under their command, fol-
lowing similar moves by the Eu-
rapes and mass killings with
“genocidal intent” and called
for its commander-in-chief
and five generals to be pros-
ecuted under international law.
financial sanctions and travel
bans against five Myanmar mili-
tary officers responsible for hu-
man rights violations committed
by units under their command,”
pick up a call seeking comment
The United States imposed
similar restrictions on top gen-
erals in August. Like the United
ladesh’s 2008 parliamentary
Leaders of the opposition BNP
have condemned the arrest, say-
ing it was politically motivated.

rising dollar ropean Union and United States.

More than 700,000 Rohingya
Muslims fled Buddhist-majori-
ty Myanmar to neighbouring
Bangladesh last year, accord-
Myanmar has denied most
of the allegations in the report,
blaming Rohingya “terrorists”
for most accounts of atrocities.
However Australia, which
Australian Foreign Minister
Marise Payne said in a statement.
A separate document named
the officers - Aung Kyaw Zaw,
Aung Aung, Maung Maung Soe,
States, Australia omitted Myan-
mar’s military chief, Min Aung
Hlaing from the sanctions.
The European Union im-
posed similar restrictions in
“Such an arrest in a defama-
tion case is unprecedented. He
was arrested because he de-
fended democracy,” said Ruhul
Kabir Rizvi, a spokesman for
AFP “I want to build a coalition ing to UN agencies, following a has previously provided train- Than Oo and Khin Maung Soe. June. the BNP.
Colombo of the willing to deal with this
problem. I don’t see the global
situation improving any time

ri Lanka yesterday called soon.”
for a “coalition of the
willing” to help stabilise
free-falling emerging market
Washington pulled out of
a landmark 2015 nuclear deal
with Iran in May and has been
Buffaloes plough through annual Thai racing fest
currencies around the globe, reimposing punishing sanc-
as the beleaguered rupee tions on the Islamic repub- AFP Yesterday, some 500 buffaloes were com-
slumped to fresh lows. lic, targeting in particular its Chonburi peting.
The island’s currency bot- financial system. “There are many youngsters attending
tomed out at a record-low Iran not only supplies Sri and (a lot of) interest in this event,” mayor

Rs174.12 to the dollar, resist- Lanka with most of its oil, but everal hefty buffaloes thunder down a Chutharut Parinwachirapud said of the
ing a slew of measures by poli- is one of its chief buyers of the dirt track in eastern Thailand, kicking crowds, which numbered in the thousands at
cymakers to arrest its steady island’s celebrated tea. up dust as they are urged toward the the festival.
decline. Samaraweera has warned finish line by whip-wielding jockeys perched For centuries, these gentle giants were of
The rupee has shed more that blockading Iran will have on their backs. immense practical importance - ploughing
than 12% of its value this year ripple on effects on Sri Lanka, It’s a display of strength and agility from the fields, providing transport, and even de-
and Sri Lanka fears it could which has been unable to stop the riders, who risk life and limb in their fending villages in times of conflict.
slide further as US sanctions the rupee from nose diving. bid for glory - and a top prize of 8,000 baht But as farming became mechanised, buf-
squeeze Iran, the island’s chief Last month, Colombo ($240). faloes have taken on a symbolic role, act-
source of oil. curbed its state institutions The race is the highlight of the annual week- ing as a reminder of Thailand’s farming
A stronger dollar has made and public servants from im- long buffalo festival held in the coastal town of tradition.
it difficult for emerging mar- porting cars to reduce the out- Chonburi which is now into its 147th year. Near the race track, farmers splashed wa-
kets to repay debts and bat- flow of foreign capital. Buffalo trainer Pongsak Khanngern, 44, has ter over the buffaloes’ glossy hides to keep
tered global currencies from Banks were also ordered to entered two of his animals into the contest. them cool under the sun as they wait for
Turkey to India and Argentina. restrict lending for purchasing “I have trained them for months and I am their race category.
Finance Minister Mangala overseas and consumer goods, confident that one of them will win,” he said. Phaichit Payindee has been competing
Samaraweera invited those but the rupee has continued The decades-old tradition started as a for years, and prides herself in keeping last
nations experiencing currency its decline. way for farmers to blow off steam during the year’s reigning champion, four-year-old
crises to visit Colombo and In August, the government slow moments of an arduous rice-planting Ruang, strong and healthy.
hash out a strategy. substantially increased taxes season, and over time many superstitions “Today my buffalo is ready to defend his
“The rise of the dollar is on small cars to discourage developed around it. champion title,” the 42-year-old said, add-
having a serious impact on our imports, but officials said If a buffalo fell sick for example, farmers ing that she doesn’t care about the money at
currencies. We are not the only there was still pressure on would pray to the spirits of their ancestors to stake.
one affected,” he told reporters foreign exchange reserves to heal it; if the animal recovered, a race would “It’s not about the prize, but my buffalo’s Jockeys compete in the annual buffalo race festival in Chonburi province of Thai-
in the Sri Lankan capital. finance big-ticket imports. be offered in thanks. reputation.” land yesterday.

Himalayan caterpillar fungus under threat from climate change

By Ivan Couronne, AFP stews believe it cures everything So they interviewed around its range,” said the report. Human-Environment Systems is not permanently frozen. Tibetan plateau “did not shift
Washington from impotence to cancer. four dozen harvesters, collectors The finding “is important be- at Boise State University. “Such conditions are typically upward in response to climate
It is “one of the world’s most and traders of the prized fungus. cause it calls attention to how Researchers were unable to tell present at the margin of perma- warming from 2000 to 2014,”
valuable biological commodi- They also examined previous- highly valuable species, like cat- which factor - overharvesting or frost areas,” said the PNAS report. suggesting that the caterpillar

prized caterpillar fungus ties, providing a crucial source ly published scientific literature, erpillar fungus, are susceptible climate change - had a larger im- “Given that winter tempera- fungus will be unable to simply
that is more valuable than of income for hundreds of thou- including interviews with more not only to overharvesting, as is pact on the fungus. tures have warmed significantly move up the mountain to colder
gold in Asia, where it is sands of collectors,” said the re- than 800 people in Nepal, Bhu- often the focus, but also to cli- “To do so would require access from 1979 to 2013 across much of habitats as the climate warms.
seen as a wonder drug, is becom- port in the Proceedings of the tan, India and China, in order to mate change,” lead study author to better harvest records, but its range, and especially in Bhu- This spells trouble for har-
ing harder to find due to climate National Academy of Sciences, a understand its apparent decline. Kelly Hopping said. monitoring of it is very limited tan, its populations are likely to vesters who sell the fungus in
change, researchers have said. peer-reviewed US journal. Weather patterns, geographic “This means that even if peo- throughout most of the areas have been negatively affected.” order to survive, according to
People in China and Nepal In recent decades, the fungus factors and environmental con- ple start reducing the amount where it grows,” Hopping said. The warming trend has par- Hopping.
have been killed in clashes over has skyrocketed in popularity ditions were also analysed to that they harvest, production The cone-shaped fungus is ticularly affected Bhutan, with “Communities throughout
the years over the elusive fungus and prices have soared - it can create a map of yarchagumba will likely continue to dwin- only found above an elevation of average winter temperatures “in- the Himalayan region have be-
“yarchagumba,” known formally fetch up to three times the price production in the region. dle as a result of ongoing cli- 9,800ft (3,000m), and forms when creasing by 3.5-4 degrees Celsius come very financially dependent
as Ophiocordyceps sinensis. of gold in Beijing, researchers say. “Using data spanning nearly mate change,” said Hopping, the parasitic fungus lodges itself in across most of its predicted habi- on collecting and selling cater-
Although it has no scien- While many have suspected two decades and four coun- who conducted the work while a caterpillar, slowly killing it. tat (+1.1 Celsius per decade, on pillar fungus, and so this study
tifically proven benefits, people overharvesting was the rea- tries, (we) revealed that cat- a postdoctoral research fellow To grow, it needs a specific cli- average),” added the study. could serve as a warming of what
who boil yarchagumba in water son for its scarcity, researchers erpillar fungus production is at Stanford University and is mate with winter temperatures Researchers have previously many harvesters already realise,”
to make tea or add it to soups and wanted to find out more. declining throughout much of currently assistant professor in below freezing but where the soil found that vegetation on the she said.
Gulf Times
12 Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Chinese president opens captured in
Syria freed

HK-mainland mega bridge

AFP the strategy as “deployed and

man believed to be a Japa-
nese freelance journalist
who was captured three
years ago in Syria has been freed,
Zhuhai driven by Xi Jinping personally”. a Japanese government spokes-
Hong Kong leader Carrie man said yesterday.
Lam said the bridge would help “We received information

hina’s President Xi Jin- transform Hong Kong from a from Qatar that Jumpei Yasuda
ping officially opened “connector to a more active had been released,” Chief Cabi-
the world’s longest sea participant”. net Secretary Yoshihide Suga told
bridge connecting Hong Kong, Some Hong Kong social me- reporters. “We were informed
Macau and mainland China dia comments accused Lam that he is in an immigration fa-
yesterday, at a time when Bei- of “selling out” to Xi and por- cility in Antakya (in Turkey).”
jing is tightening its grip on its trayed her as Piglet to his Win- Suga said the government was
semi-autonomous territories. nie the Pooh, as she was wear- making checks to confirm that
The 55km (34-mile) crossing, ing an all-pink outfit. the man was in fact Yasuda. But
which includes a snaking road It is the second major infra- he said that in light of the avail-
bridge and underwater tun- structure project tying Hong able information that was highly
nel, links Hong Kong with the Kong to mainland China to likely, adding that Yasuda’s wife
southern mainland city of Zhu- launch in a matter of weeks, af- had been notified.
hai and the gambling enclave of ter the opening of a high-speed Japanese media reported that
Macau, across the waters of the rail link last month that sparked Yasuda, 44, had been captured
Pearl River Estuary. criticism Hong Kong was giv- by an Al Qaeda affiliate after en-
Xi presided over an inaugu- ing away territory – with part tering Syria from Turkey in 2015.
ration ceremony attended by of the terminus coming under Since then, he has appeared
Hong Kong’s and Macau’s city mainland jurisdiction. occasionally in online videos
leaders at a new port terminal The main section of the new looking increasingly unkempt
in Zhuhai. bridge is also considered main- with greying hair.
“I declare the Hong Kong- land territory, even though
Zhuhai-Macau bridge officially Hong Kong was slated to pay
open,” Xi said in a one-line ad- at least half the cost of the Quake shakes
dress, as digital fireworks ex- project, according to the origi-
ploded on a screen behind him nal blueprint from the city’s Japan islands
at the indoor ceremony, before government.
leaving the stage immediately. Hong Kong cars and drivers A magnitude-6.1 earthquake
Supporters of the multi- travelling over it “must comply rattled Japan’s southern islands
billion-dollar bridge pro- with the laws and regulations of yesterday, but no tsunami
mote it as an engineering the mainland”, the city’s trans- warning was issued, the Japan
marvel that will boost busi- port department said. Guests and politicians watch a trailer on a giant screen during the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge at the Zhuhai Meteorological Agency said.
ness and cut travel time, but Building began in 2009 and Port terminal yesterday. There were no immediate reports
critics say it is one more way has been dogged by delays, of casualties or damage to
to integrate Hong Kong into budget overruns, corruption ties in the southern Chinese bridge’s restricted access ahead and Macao, and promote the support for Hong Kong’s eco- property from the quake.
China as fears grow that the prosecutions and the deaths of province of Guangdong. of the launch. economic development of the nomic and political integration The seismic centre of the quake
city’s cherished freedoms are construction workers. Most people will need to trav- “Such a huge investment us- whole area of the Pearl River into the region, adding that the at 1:35pm (0435 GMT) was off
being eroded. The total price tag is unclear el on coaches and buses. ing the Hong Kong taxpayer’s Delta,” resident Dang Zheiliang Pearl River Delta had long been Yonaguni island near Taiwan
China’s Vice Premier Han but some estimates run to over Some Hong Kong media re- money... yet basically it is not said. the “new growth pole of China”. about 1,900km southwest of
Zheng characterised the bridge 100bn yuan ($14.4bn). ported that the physical con- open to us at all,” said one com- China already lays claim to It was also timed with a wider Tokyo, according to the agency.
as part of the development of Hong Kong residents will only dition of bus drivers would ment on the South China Morn- the record for the world’s long- push to mark the 40th anniver- The quake struck at a depth of
the Greater Bay Area – a Be- be granted a licence to cross into be monitored by cameras, in- ing Post website. est bridge of any kind – the Dan- sary of China’s economic re- about 30km.
ijing-driven project to create Zhuhai by car if they meet high- cluding an alert sent if a driver But residents in Zhuhai yang-Kunshan Grand Bridge, a forms, against the backdrop of In early September, a
an economic hub linking nine ly selective criteria, including yawns more than three times in welcomed it. viaduct which is part of a high- major challenges to the econ- magnitude-6.7 quake rocked
southern mainland cities to holding certain mainland gov- 20 seconds. “I think this bridge will bring speed rail line. omy, including the escalating the northern island of Hokkaido,
Hong Kong and Macau. ernment positions or making Online commenters in Hong great convenience to the whole Political analyst Willy Lam US-China trade conflict, Lam leaving 41 people dead and about
At the ceremony he described major contributions to chari- Kong complained about the area of Zhuhai, Hong Kong said the launch by Xi showed his said. 740 injured. (DPA)

China voices ‘concern’

over US warships
Refugee offer could strengthen
Hua said Beijing urged
Washington to “scrupulously
abide by the one-China prin-
ciple” and “carefully handle
Australian PM’s grip on power
hina said yesterday it the Taiwan-related issues in Reuters any refugees arriving by boat to compromise amendment which Morrison is poised to lose his Human rights groups warn all
has expressed concern an appropriate manner”. Sydney enter the country, instead de- would only ban refugees sent to one-seat parliamentary major- refugees on PNG and Nauru are
to the United States Colonel Rob Manning from taining them in remote Pacific New Zealand. ity after voters, angry about the in need of resettlement as a con-
over what it considered an the US Department of De- detention centres. “Labor is prepared to compro- party’s ousting of former prime troversial resettlement deal with

affront to its sovereignty af- fense told reporters that the ustralian opposition law- Nearly 1,300 asylum seek- mise with the government,” dep- minister Malcolm Turnbull, de- the United States stalls.
ter two US warships sailed USS Curtis Wilbur and USS makers have offered a deal ers have been detained in Papua uty Labor leader Tanya Plibersek serted the ruling Liberal Party in In 2016 Australia and the
through the Taiwan Strait. Antietam conducted a rou- to resettle 150 refugees New Guinea and Nauru for more told reporters in Canberra. a Sydney by-election. United States agreed to a refu-
The move adds to increas- tine transit to demonstrate from a Pacific detention camp, than five years after being inter- “We understand that it is be- Turnbull was the sitting gee swap which would see Aus-
ingly fraught relations between US commitment “to a free and which if accepted by embattled cepted while trying to travel to yond time that these people who member for the Sydney seat and tralia take people from Latin
the two countries, which have open Indo-Pacific.” Prime Minister Scott Morrison Australia by boat. have been reported by their doc- quit politics after being dumped. America and in return the United
clashed over a number of is- Washington remains Tai- could strengthen his tenuous New Zealand has offered to tors and other support workers Although counting con- States would take up to 1,250
sues, including trade, Beijing’s pei’s most powerful unofficial grip on power. resettle 150 refugees, a proposal to be in the most desperate cir- tinues, Morrison is likely to refugees held in the Austral-
territorial claims in the South ally and its main arms supplier Morrison’s government is on Canberra has previously said it cumstances, find a new home.” have to rely on the support of ian camps. Two years on, only
China Sea and human rights despite switching diplomatic the verge of losing its majority, would only accept if opposition Morrison said he would con- five independents to prevent 422 refugees have been given US
abuses in Xinjiang. recognition to Beijing in 1979. after a devastating by-election lawmakers agreed to change the sider the compromise. a no confidence motion that resettlement.
Monday was the second time The Trump administra- on Saturday, and key independ- law to prevent any refugee from Eleven child migrants were could trigger an election. The “Lives are at risk,” said Cathe-
in the space of three months tion has sought closer ties to ents have warned their support ever travelling to Australia in transferred from Nauru to Aus- next general election is due by rine Stubberfield, a spokeswom-
that American warships had the island, announcing plans hinges on him freeing children future. tralia for medical treatment on May 2019. an for the UN refugee agency,
conducted so-called “freedom last month to sell it $330mn from the Australian-run deten- Amid warnings by aid agen- Monday, only hours after two Two independents have said UNHCR.
of navigation” exercises in the spare parts for several aircraft tion camp on Nauru island. cies of a health crisis on Nauru, independents said they would their support is conditional on “They need to step in now and
Taiwan Strait, a 180-kilometre including the F-16 fighter and The Australian government the opposition Australian Labor only support the government if the immediate resettlement of 52 make sure that further harm and
wide stretch of water separating the C-130 cargo plane. has steadfastly refused to allow Party said it would agree to a it stopped detaining children. children detained on Nauru. even deaths are not occurring.”
the Chinese mainland and the Taiwan’s premier William
self-ruled democratic island. Lai said during a parliamen-
Beijing “expressed its con- tary session yesterday that
cern to the US side” as “the Taiwan respected the US right
Taiwan issue concerns China’s
sovereignty and territorial in-
tegrity”, Chinese foreign minis-
try spokeswoman Hua Chuny-
ing told a regular news briefing.
of passage in international
waters and recognised “the
various efforts of the US in
maintaining peace in the Asia-
Pacific Region”.
swap bottles
Remand of British
woman extended for bus tickets
Reuters Surabaya is the first city in
AFP ists to its beaches every year. Surabaya Indonesia to implement this
Kuala Lumpur At a court appearance yester- scheme.
day, a magistrate ordered that “Garbage, like plastic bottles,

her remand be extended until ndonesia’s second-largest piles up in my neighbourhood,

British woman sus- October 30, local police chief city has come up with a novel so I brought it here so the envi-
pected of murdering her Mohamed Iqbal Ibrahim said. way to encourage its resi- ronment is not only cleaner but
husband on a Malaysian He added that the police dents to recycle waste: giving also to help ease the workload of
resort island was remanded in investigation was nearly com- free bus rides in exchange for garbage collectors,” said Sura- Residents bring plastic bottles to exchange for Suroboyo bus tickets at Purbaya station in Surabaya of
custody for another week yes- plete and he expected Jones to used plastic bottles. baya resident Linda Rahmawati. Indonesia yesterday.
terday to give police time to be charged soon. Under the scheme launched City data shows that 15%, or
complete their investigation. Jones is suspected of having by Surabaya in April, commuters nearly 400 tonnes, of Surabaya’s goes towards running the bus op- plastic waste, and through this pollutant in the oceans after
Samantha Jones, 51, was de- killed her husband after an ar- can ride red city buses by drop- daily waste is plastic. erations and to fund green spaces in initiative, we hope to raise public China, according to a 2015 study
tained on Thursday after her gument, according to police. A ping off plastic bottles at termi- A bus can collect up to 250kg the city, located on the eastern tip of awareness on the environment, published in “Science” journal.
husband John William Jones, bloodstained, 30cm (12-inch) knife nals or directly ‘paying’ a fare (550 lb) of plastic bottles a day, Java, Indonesia’s main island. especially issues that relate to Another Surabaya resident
62, was found with a stab was found on the floor of their with bottles. or roughly 7.5 tonnes in a month, The world’s fourth-most popu- plastic trash,” said Irvan Wahyu also welcomed the scheme.
wound to his chest on the floor bedroom following her arrest. A two-hour bus ticket costs 10 the data shows. lous country is home to the larg- Drajad, the head of Surabaya’s “We can reduce trash so it
of his house on Langkawi. Under current laws, she plastic cups or up to five plastic bot- After collection, labels and est expanse of tropical rainforest in transportation department. doesn’t pile up at home because
The couple had lived for the would be sentenced to death by tles, depending on their size, which bottle caps are removed from Asia, but also struggles with grid- Indonesia, an archipelago of we can just bring them in and make
past 11 years on the jungle-clad hanging if found guilty of mur- the city hopes will help it meet an the waste and it is auctioned off locked traffic in its congested cities. thousands of islands, is esti- good use of it. It is a win-win situa-
island in northwest Malaysia, der – which carries a mandato- ambitious target of becoming free of to recycling companies. “Indonesia is one of the big- mated to be the world’s second- tion,” said Sulastri, who, like many
which attracts millions of tour- ry death sentence in Malaysia. plastic waste by 2020. Money earned from the auction gest contributors in the world for largest contributor of plastic Indonesians, uses one name.
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 13


Surge in crimes against MPs sparks fears over intimidation

Guardian News and Media The data, obtained through concern about this being a grow- cial media. “Facebook and Twitter Sofia Collignon an assist- tion of their home address,” Col- talked about receiving death
London freedom of information from ing problem, and MPs spoke of have proven not to be at all helpful ant professor at the University lignon said. threats and abuse on social me-
the Metropolitan police’s parlia- their staff reporting a handful of in doing this themselves. Over- of London who studied abuse She said the rise was a result of dia. Theresa May has promised to
mentary liaison and investiga- threatening letters a week to the whelmingly the abuse is of a highly against politicians during elec- more awareness of the issue and tackle threatening behaviour.

he number of crimes tions team (Plait), was not broken police. offensive racist and misogynist tions, found that 32% of the can- an increase in MPs’ use of social A report published this month
against MPs has more than down by the nature of the crimes. The shadow home secretary, character,” she said. didates experienced harassment media as a means of communi- by the thinktank WebRoots De-
doubled in a year, prompt- The Met attributed the rise to Diane Abbott, said: “These are Abbott noted that the constant and intimidation in 2017. cating with the public. mocracy looked at ways to turn
ing concern about the level of in- better engagement with the unit batched at the end of the week, flow of abuse increased sharply “We did not ask this question “More than 74% of the candi- the tide against the “sewer of
timidation and abuse politicians and more MPs reporting prob- otherwise contact with the police when there was a major crime in 2015 but we have reasons to dates who suffered abuse (based hate speech and abusive content”
are facing. lems. Detective inspector Philip would be too frequent. There are involving a black or Asian sus- suspect the issue has worsened on the survey results) did so on found online.
A specialist police team set up Grindell, who leads Plait, said: many more than this, but these pect or perpetrator. She added … because 45% of the candidates social media, with limited ac- One of the suggestions was
to investigate crimes against MPs “Since we formed … we’ve en- are the ones where police action that negative press coverage had that answered a follow-up survey tions taken to foster an environ- for online antisocial behaviour
dealt with 242 complaints last year, gaged with all MPs about the may result.” an impact, saying it was hard to consider that the issue got worse ment of respect and tolerance orders, whereby people who per-
compared with 102 in its first year work we do and encouraged them The Labour MP said her staff escape the conclusion that some in 2017 compared with previous in the platform. My results also sistently abuse politicians would
of operation. The unit launched in to report incidents of concern to spent considerable time removing parts of the press played a role in elections. Additionally, there is suggest there is less tolerance to be banned from Twitter or Face-
August 2016 after the murder of us.” and blocking abusive or threaten- “encouraging abuse, unwittingly a decrease in the number of can- ideological differences,” she said. book for a short period and added
the Labour MP Jo Cox. But experts also expressed ing posts or comments from so- or otherwise”. didates that support the publica- MPs from all parties have to an online abuser register.

Harry and Meghan in Fiji

loses £9mn
No 10 denies
home in
legal fight
Cabinet row
Guardian News and Media
over Brexit
Russian banker who

claims Vladimir Putin
is trying to kill him has
been forced to sell his house in
London after a judge ruled that
the multi-million pound prop-
erty belongs to state creditors in
Sergei Pugachev, who was Agencies The state of the Brexit negoti- Conservative lawmakers, some
once close to Putin but is now London ations was discussed at a longer- of whom would like to topple her,
his bitter adversary, had opposed than-normal Cabinet yesterday will be closely watched.
the sale of his one-time home in morning, at which ministers The Sunday newspapers were

Chelsea. His former partner Al- abinet members held “an were also promised weekly up- full of anonymous attacks on
exandra Tolstoy and their three impassioned” discussion dates on Brexit planning. her, the violent nature of which
young children still live in the about the importance of A backstop is deemed neces- have since been condemned by
property and will now have to time-limiting any Brexit back- sary to prevent a hard border re- even her harshest critics. One
move out by January. stop arrangements agreed with emerging in case the UK and EU said May was entering “the kill-
Pugachev has been embroiled the European Union as part of the are not able to conclude a free ing zone”, while another said May
in a four-year battle with the divorce negotiations. trade deal. The UK is proposing should “bring her own noose” to
Russian government, where he No 10 denied any row had tak- that the whole country would the 1922 committee meeting.
was once a privileged insider. en place at the meeting, although remain in a “temporary customs A vote of no-confidence in
He co-ran Putin’s first election ministers told Theresa May she arrangement” after the transi- May would be triggered if 48
campaign but by 2011 relations had to ensure that any backstop tion period ends in 2021. Conservative lawmakers submit
with the president had soured arrangements designed to avoid The EU is evaluating whether it letters to the chairman of the
and Pugachev moved to London. a hard border between Northern could be an acceptable alternative 1922 committee to demand such
Russia’s state deposit agency, Ireland and the Republic of Ire- to the Northern Ireland-only back- a vote. The Sunday Times said 46
the DIA, accuses Pugachev of land were not indefinite. stop that it has proposed, under had now been sent, but Reuters
siphoning off hundreds of mil- Ministers also exchanged which the region would remain in could not verify that number.
lions of dollars from a bailout of views about how any mechanism the customs union and single mar- Earlier May has hit out at Tory
Mezhprombank, a bank he co- to ensure the UK can quit the ket, but which May has repeatedly MPs who anonymously referred to
founded in the 1990s. It has been backstop could be constructed, denounced as unacceptable. her being knifed to death or hanged.
pursuing him vigorously in the in a discussion in which several May also told colleagues that The prime minister said every-
high court in England. ministers weighed in on the issue Donald Tusk, the president of the one in public life needed to set an
Pugachev has said the accu- at the heart of British concerns EU council, had advised her, that example with the language they
sations against him are absurd. about the Brexit talks. the other members of the union used, as figures from across the
He says he is the victim of a A string of ministers have stood ready to hold an emergency party called for those responsible
brazen attempt by the Russian voiced concern about the im- summit to finalise a Brexit deal to be expelled.
state to steal his £11.5bn of as- portance of time-limiting the if officials were able to reach an At the weekend, a former min-
sets: two major shipyards, the backstop in behind-the-scenes agreement in principle. ister was quoted in The Sunday
world’s biggest mine, and ex- meetings, including the Work Meanwhile, the premier’s Times as saying: “The moment
tensive property in Moscow and Pensions Secretary, Esther spokesman said May will face her is coming when the knife gets
and St Petersburg. McVey, and the leader of the Conservative Party lawmakers in heated, stuck in her front and
In 2014, the DIA won a Commons, Andrea Leadsom. a private meeting in parliament twisted. She’ll be dead soon.”
freezing order against Pu- Officials are putting together a today as she seeks to calm growing In the Commons yesterday,
gachev’s global business em- proposal on how the exit mecha- tensions over her Brexit strategy. May said: “I think it is incumbent
pire and a court ordered him nism could work for Brussels to May will make a rare appear- on all of us in public life to be care-
to give up his passports. Nev- consider, although concerns have ance at a meeting of the party’s ful about the language we use.
ertheless Pugachev managed been repeatedly raised in Brus- so-called “1922 Committee” There are passionate beliefs and
to escape from England to Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, arrive to meet the President of Fiji sels and Dublin that a backstop of backbenchers in parliament, passionate views that are held on
France, where he is a citizen, Jioji Konrote and his wife Sarote in Suva, Fiji yesterday. The royal couple arrived in Fiji for a that was not indefinite would not where she can expect a rowdy this subject and other subjects but
and has been living in Nice three-day official visit, part of their tour of Australia and the South Pacific. amount to an adequate border crowd and difficult questions. whatever the subject is we should
since the summer of 2015. insurance policy. How she goes down with restive all be careful about our language.”

Court hearing Ryanair rakes in £6mn

Railway staff accused of a day in flight extras
‘mocking’ autistic boy Daily Mail boarding if they wanted to take
a second, larger bag – such as a
Guardian News and Media it was for my son but they spoke to understood that staff at senior wheelie suitcase – on board the
London us both rudely, accused me of try- level were appalled by what had plane.

ing it on and humiliated us in front happened. yanair is squeezing more Ryanair insisted it was purely
of other passengers,” she said. Hilary said she was surprised than £6mn a day in extra to cut down on delays caused

he mother of an autistic In a tweet, Hilary continued: by the response she had received charges from passengers, by passengers bringing on more
boy has accused rail staff “When I tried, again, to explain to her tweets and the number of it emerged yesterday. luggage than could fit in the
of mocking her son at my son was autistic, one of the people who said they had similar A surge in the number of peo- overhead lockers. The airline also
Paddington station. men said: ‘Yeah, so’s mine,’ in a experiences. ple paying extra just to reserve doubled the cost of seat reser-
Sarah Hilary said she was left voice that made it clear he was “This is not just about GWR a seat or bring a second bag on vation charges earlier this year
humiliated when two employ- really saying ‘pull the other one’. but using transport generally. board has enabled the budget while hiking the cost of extra
ees of Great Western Railway I have never been spoken to so It’s about the number of inci- airline to generate £1.15bn from legroom seats.
allegedly jeered at her and her cruelly and horribly in any pub- dents where people are spoken add-ons in just six months. Seat reservation fees increased
17-year-old son after she asked lic place, least of all by customer to rudely, where parents or foster In results posted yesterday, from £2 to £4 per passenger for
whether they could take an ear- service staff.” parents with an autistic child get the Irish-based carrier revealed one journey – or £8 for a return
lier train than the one they had She added: “It takes a lot of someone saying ‘he does not look the amount it generated from trip. Reserving a seat with extra
booked on Sunday evening. courage for my kid to travel by disabled’ thrown out there.” ‘ancillary sales’ soared by 27%. legroom rose from £11 to £15 per
She said staff accused her of public transport, and he still feels Hilary said she was concerned It includes everything apart journey. Parents with children
“trying it on” and she was made the stigma of his diagnosis, so to that it was hard for autistic peo- from the fare and baggage fee – under 12 have to pay £6 to guar-
to feel like a criminal. GWR has be humiliated and jeered at – and ple to fight their own corner in ranging from priority boarding to antee they can sit with them.
apologised, saying an investiga- accused of lying and fraud – was a this regard and that was why she seats with extra legroom, snacks The Civil Aviation Authority
tion had been launched. huge setback and so unnecessary.” had spoken out. and sandwiches and car hire. has been investigating the price
Hilary, a crime writer who A GWR spokesman said: “We In July a comedian criticised This has pushed up the aver- of tickets and ‘add-on charges’
lives in Bath, made a formal are sorry to learn of Sarah’s expe- Great Western Railway after she age amount paid in extras per including booking and baggage
complaint. She said she and her rience … All of our staff are given was left feeling “harassed and passenger to around £15. fees.
son arrived two hours early for autism awareness training with humiliated” for using a disabled Ryanair blamed strikes by One of the main focuses of the
their train and asked staff at the a leading autism charity as part space for her mobility scooter. cabin crew, pilots and air traf- probe will be allegations some
help desk whether they could of our customer service training Tanyalee Davis, who has a fic controllers, as well as higher airlines are deliberately split-
be transferred to an earlier one programme. We are investigating form of dwarfism, said a guard Far-right activist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, who goes by fuel costs, for dragging down its ting families up unless they pay
because her son was “so over- the issues raised and are grateful on a GWR train threatened to call the name Tommy Robinson, leaves the Old Bailey after profit by 7% to £1.06bn. A con- to reserve seats. The watchdog
whelmed” by the station envi- to Sarah for bringing this to our the police if she did not leave the his contempt of court charge was referred to the attorney troversial crackdown in Janu- estimates this tactic is costing
ronment. attention.” Hilary said she was space to make way for a woman general, in London, yesterday. ary meant passengers had to pay passengers up to £400mn a year
“I tried to explain how difficult grateful for the apology and she with a pram. between £6 and £8 for priority in fees.
Gulf Times
14 Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Secret affair led to woman’s murder, court hears

Daily Mail pressionless behind a desk in his ing friends baffled as to what had growing tension arising from a to cause her really serious bodily low grave eight miles from her dishonestly, to mislead others in
London remand prison to admit the mur- gone wrong between the pair. long-standing, but not particu- harm, but matters escalated and home in Baddeley Green, Stoke- the afternoon after the killing”.
der of 28-year-old Eastwood in a Stirling’s barrister, Charles larly intense affair. On the after- he carried out the intention to kill on-Trent. The day after Eastwood Jonas Hankin, QC, prosecut-
short hearing conducted via vid- Miskin, QC, told the court how noon of the killing, various things her. vanished, Stirling was seen in her ing, told Justice Carr that Stir-

midwife who was found eolink to Northampton Crown his client, a fencer and landscape were said between the defendant “He panicked afterwards and road knocking on doors asking ling, who had never been in trou-
dead in a shallow grave Court. gardener, had been in a ‘long- and Eastwood which led to him buried her in an area of which he neighbours if they had seen the ble with the law previously, had
with tape wrapped around Stirling’s wife Katie is the sis- standing but not particularly in- becoming very angry. There was had some knowledge.” missing midwife. a history of depression and had
her face and eyes had been having ter of the man Eastwood had been tense’ affair with Eastwood. an argument... After a struggle, Eastwood’s body was found in He was later arrested and bailed searched ‘methods by which one
a ‘long-standing’ affair with her due to marry this summer, John Eastwood’s mother Carole, 59, and while she was on the floor, a disused quarry at Caverswall – and was observed casually cy- might kill oneself’ online 48 hours
killer, a court was told. Peake. sobbed in the public gallery as he put his hands over her throat, on the edge of the Staffordshire cling to his parents’ home as police before the murder. A few weeks
Samantha Eastwood was killed The two couples regularly so- Miskin said the guilty plea had her mouth and nose. As a result of Moorlands, eight days after she continued to hunt for Eastwood before her death, Eastwood had
by her former fiance’s brother-in- cialised together and were pic- been entered on the basis that the that she died.” was last seen driving out of the – before being re-arrested and advertised her wedding dress for
law within hours of being seen for tured together at the wedding murder was not a “premeditated As Miskin continued, Stirling Royal Stoke University Hospital. charged with her murder when sale on Facebook Marketplace for
the last time as she left a hospital of one of Peake’s relatives. But act”. began sobbing into his hands. The Her face and eyes had been bound the grave was discovered. £400, describing the Alfred An-
night shift. Eastwood suddenly called off He added: “The context of barrister added: “During his in- with masking tape and her body Stirling’s barrister said he “en- gelo garment as “not worn apart
Michael Stirling, 32, sat ex- the engagement in January, leav- the killing was a background of tense rage, he originally intended wrapped in a duvet in the shal- tirely accepts that he tried, wholly from being tried on in the shop”.

Dutch king and queen begin state visit

Uber drivers
to charge clean
air fee for all
London rides
Guardian News and Media save about £3,000 towards a new
London electric vehicle in two years.
Uber said it was in talks with
manufacturers to negotiate prices

ber will charge its custom- and ensure supply, as well as to
ers in London an extra 15p home vehicle charging suppliers.
per mile on every trip to Khosrowshahi said: “You’re
help its drivers buy electric cars. going to see many initiatives but
The ride-hailing app hopes to what it adds up to is us moving
create a £200mn fund from the from being a simple ride-sharing
levy to encourage almost half service to transforming to an on-
of its 45,000 drivers to use fully demand mobility service. We
electric vehicles by 2021. The firm ultimately want to be that go-
hopes its London fleet will be fully to mobility platform – whether
electric by 2025. you’re going to move with the car
Uber said the clean air fee or a bike or ultimately a bus or the King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands pose with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, as they arrive at Buckingham Palace after a
would mean an extra 45p on the tube service. All this is aimed at ceremonial welcome on Horse Guards Parade in London yesterday, on the first day of the Dutch king and queen’s two-day state visit.
average three-mile trip in the eventually replacing car owner-
capital, on top of normal fares, ship itself.
but every penny would go towards “Cars are unused 95% of the
helping drivers upgrade their ve- time and take up enormous
hicles or other green initiatives amounts of space, in parking etc
should that money not be used.
The fund was announced as
part of a clean air plan, as Uber
continues its efforts to prove itself
to Transport for London after it
initially decided not to renew its
– we want to give that space back
to the city.”
Uber is also offering a diesel
scrappage bonus of £1,500 in
credit for its app to the first 1,000
people in London to scrap a pre-
Govt ‘may ease converting
empty shops into homes’
licence to operate last year. Euro 4 diesel vehicle.
Uber’s chief executive, Dara Khosrowshahi said: “It’s our
Khosrowshahi, said the initiative, goal to help people replace their
a world first for the company, car with their phone by offer-
showed it was committed to be- ing a range of mobility options –
ing a strong partner in the capital. whether cars, bikes, scooters or
“It represents our wanting our public transport – all in the Uber Daily Mail as a solution to keeping high revenue they bring in. Mike Cherry, chairman of the able value of less than £51,000
partnership in London not only app.” London streets intact despite the decline Business rates are charged as a Federation of Small Businesses, pay rates at 48p in the pound.
to be a strong partnership but The chief executive said he was in bricks-and-mortar shops. The set percentage of a property’s es- said: “These figures show that So a shop worth an estimated
trailblazing in solving air pollu- confident most drivers would take prime minister suggested in a timated value on the rental mar- despite welcome efforts from the £20,000 would pay £9,600 year.

tion, which every great city in the up the chance to spend their clean he chancellor is consid- speech in March that more dis- ket – its so-called rateable value. government to reduce the busi- After the inflation-linked in-
world is struggling with, and our air fee savings on a new electric ering making it easier to used buildings should be reused Every company is automati- ness rates burden for small firms, crease, the small business rate
mayor here in London is looking vehicle, but the fund would oth- convert empty shops into as homes. cally being hit with a 2.4% rise in far too many still have uncertain will rise to 49.2p – meaning the
to improve,” he said. erwise be used for other green homes to tackle Britain’s hous- At the same time, there have their rates next year, in line with futures because of this ridiculous same shop would be charged
However, Khosrowshahi said schemes. “We won’t bank it.” ing crisis, it was reported yes- been a string of profit warnings last month’s inflation figure – an levy. £9,840 or £240 more.
Uber would continue to resist The IWGB union, which rep- terday. and collapses on the high street increase which will rake in an- “Business rates is a regressive Robert Hayton, of Altus
proposals to make its drivers li- resents private hire drivers, said: Philip Hammond is said to be this year as consumers increas- other £728mn for the taxman. tax that makes life a misery for Group, said: “It is time for the
able for London’s congestion “We are very concerned that this exploring ways to reshape town ingly move their shopping online. But 261,700 firms face even thousands of small businesses chancellor to take a step back
charge, unless black cabs were latest PR move from Uber will centres by relaxing rules around More than 50,000 retail jobs have larger rises because their proper- simply because they occupy a and support business through
also forced to pay. lure drivers deeper into debt, as classifying buildings. been lost this year alone. Another ty’s rental value is judged to have property. The chancellor claims an unprecedented stimulus by
Under Uber’s new scheme, they struggle to finance expensive The government is seeking option would be to reform busi- gone up, according to consultant to be pro-business - this budget freezing rate rises at the upcom-
each driver will in effect have vehicles on below minimum wage ways to deliver on its promise to ness rates to provide much-need- Altus Group. is his chance to prove it. ing Budget.”
their own savings account to- income. The answer to London’s fix the ‘broken’ housing mar- ed relief for shops, but this would Around 241,800 of them are “We’ve seen our high streets The Mail is campaigning for a
wards the purchase of an electri- growing congestion and pollution ket. An announcement on plan- come at cost to the Treasury – the small premises such as corner struggling with many businesses sweeping reform of rates to level
cal vehicle, based on the number problem is for the government ning reform could be made in the levy generated £27.3bn in 2016-17. shops, which are likely to have forced to close. They urgently the playing field, and Chancellor
of miles driven. A driver using and the mayor to resolutely com- Budget on Monday, The Financial Hammond is resisting calls ultra-tight margins and could be need support.” Philip Hammond is under grow-
Uber’s app for an average of 40 mit to capping minicab numbers Times reported. to embark on a major overhaul tipped over the edge by the tax At present, a small business ing pressure to act in this month’s
hours per week could expect to in London.” Advocates say it could serve of business rates because of the hike. occupying a premises with a rate- Budget.

Film premiere
Spanish police handed Children’s services at
breaking point: experts
racial abuse case details Guardian News and Media
Feuchtwang, the chair of the End
Child Poverty alliance.
Guardian News and Media it left for London Stansted. designed to cheer her up on the The call comes at a time of
London In an interview with ITV News, first anniversary of her husband’s increasing concern about ris-

Gayle, from east London, said the death, has arthritis and took some hildren’s services from ing child poverty, long waits for
incident had left her feeling very time to move out of the way so the Sure Start to schools and youth mental health services,

olice say they have identi- low. “He pays his fare, I pay mine. man could be seated. NHS mental health are school budget cuts and growing
fied a man who was filmed So why did he abuse me for that? The incident was described by at breaking point, according to demand for services for young-
racially abusing an elderly Because of the colour of my skin … the Transport Secretary, Chris a coalition of 120 organisations sters with special educational
woman on a Ryanair flight. If I had done that to him, I’m sure Grayling, as “totally unaccept- that have called on the Chancel- needs and disabilities.
The woman, Delsie Gayle, 77, they would have called the police,” able”. He told BBC Radio 4’s To- lor to invest in young people in Councils have said finan-
said she was left stunned and de- she said. day programme he hoped “police the budget next week. cial pressures caused by rising
pressed after a man shouted at her Ryanair apparently did not re- would want to take action in such An open letter to Philip Ham- demand for children’s serv-
to move seats as they boarded a move the man from the flight, in- an extraordinarily unacceptable mond and Theresa May from ices threaten to tip town halls
plane last Friday stead moving Gayle from her seat. case”. a group of charities, teaching into bankruptcy. More than 90
In footage shared on social me- Gayle said it had put her off flying The shadow transport minister, unions and medical colleges ac- children a day are taken into
dia, Gayle’s daughter tries to stand with the low-cost airline in the fu- Karl Turner, said Ryanair’s failure cuses the government of ignor- care in England, while family
up to the man and tells him her ture. “I feel really depressed about to immediately remove the man ing children and young people in support services undergo mas-
mother is disabled, and the man it. I go to bed and say ‘what have I from the flight and hand him over its spending plans. sive cuts.
says he does not care “whether done?’,” she said. to the Spanish authorities could Local authorities backed the The letter cites a survey by the
she’s disabled or not – if I tell her Her daughter, Carol, 53, criti- result in no charges being brought. call, saying council-run chil- National Association of Head
to get out, she gets out.” cised Ryanair’s response and He told Radio 4’s World at One dren’s services were fast ap- Teachers that found almost
Essex police said they had iden- claimed they had not yet received that because Ryanair was reg- proaching a tipping point as three-quarters of school leaders
tified both parties in the incident an apology from the airline. “He istered in Dublin and the plane they struggled to maintain expected they would be unable to
and passed the information to the should have been moved or taken was on the ground in Spain, UK services in the face of a funding balance their budgets in the next
Spanish authorities, who are lead- off the plane and nothing was done law did not apply. There was no gap estimated to reach £3bn by financial year.
ing an investigation. … Nobody has apologised. We’ve extradition arrangement for an 2025. Earlier this month the Nation-
In the footage, the man appears not had nothing. We just want an offence of this nature, he said, so “If austerity is really coming to al Audit Office said mental health
to tell Gayle: “Don’t speak to me in open apology from Ryanair,” she there could be no charges unless an end, its high time the govern- services for children would fall
a foreign language, you stupid ugly said. the man handed himself over to Actor Gwilym Lee poses on the red carpet on arrival for the ment puts its money where its well short of meeting growing
cow.” The incident is believed to The argument is believed to the Spanish authorities. “I doubt world premiere of the film Bohemian Rhapsody at Wembley mouth is, and makes a concrete need, despite promises of extra
have taken place on Ryanair flight have started because Gayle, who whether he’s going to do that,” Arena in north London yesterday. financial commitment to the funding, in part because of staff
FR015 at Barcelona airport before was returning from a holiday Turner said. welfare of children,” said Anna shortages.
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 15

Turkish nationalist
leader ends election
alliance with AKP
In eurozone first, EU

he leader of Turkey’s
main nationalist fac-
tion has announced that
alliance in the local elections,”
he added.
The announcement stunned
Turkey politics watchers.
Bahceli later clarified to
journalists in parliament that
the so-called People’s Alliance
rejects Italy’s budget
AFP Italy stood by its budget.
there would be no alliance with between the parties remained Strasbourg Brussels was only angering
the ruling party of President in place, “but there is no al- Italians even more and eroding
Recep Tayyip Erdogan in local liance for the local elections”, faith in the bloc, he warned.

elections next year after a dis- meaning the MHP will not vote he European Commission Sitting next to Dombrovskis,
pute over a proposed amnesty against the AKP in parliament has rejected Italy’s draft European Economics Commis-
law. but will field competing candi- 2019 budget, the first time sioner Pierre Moscovici said that
The Nationalist Movement dates in the local elections. the EU executive has ever sent a the “ball is not touching the line,
Party (MHP) of Devlet Bah- During his speech, Erdogan member state back to the draw- it is far from the line”.
celi teamed up with Erdogan’s appeared to seek to reassure ing board over spending plans. If Italy fails to comply with
Justice and Development Party AKP members and lawmakers. Charging Rome with “openly the Commission’s request, he
(AKP) for an alliance in June’s “We only have one thing to and consciously” flouting pledg- warned, it could face disciplinary
parliamentary and presidential say, since they say ‘let’s go our es made, the Commission gave action.
elections, a move widely seen way’ in local elections, we say Italy’s populist government three This could lead to fines of 0.2% Moscovici: the ball is not
as aiding the president’s vic- ‘everyone go their own way!’” weeks to present a new plan to of its GDP, or €3.4bn, based on touching the line, it is far from
tory. Erdogan downplayed any curb spending in line with the 2017 figures. the line.
But speaking to MHP mem- fears of a spat after a journal- rules. Italy’s government says it
bers and lawmakers in parlia- ist asked him after his speech “Today for the first time the will stick to a deficit of 2.4% of However, the coalition gov-
ment, Bahceli announced there if the alliance was broken, he commission is required to ask annual economic output next ernment of the anti-establish-
will be no such alliance for the said: “We want the alliance ... a euro area country to revise its year, which would be triple the ment 5-Star Movement (M5S) Salvini: Brussels was only angering Italians even more and eroding
March 31 local elections which to continue.” draft budgetary plan,” Commis- amount forecast by the previous and anti-immigrant League has faith in the bloc.
will determine city mayors While the two parties sion Vice-President Valdis Dom- government and approach the EU said it will reduce total debt to
across the country, notably in teamed up for the formal alli- brovskis told reporters. limit of 3.0%. 126.5% in 2021. of the stability and growth pact” “One should not get into a
Ankara and Istanbul. ance in the elections, the MHP Despite its “regret”, he said, In turn, it would aggravate Italian Prime Minister governing EU member state pub- panic,” Regling said.
The rupture comes after has no ministers in the cabinet the executive arm of the 28-na- Italy’s already huge debt moun- Giuseppe Conte, speaking to re- lic finances. Italy had not lost its ability to
the MHP encouraged the AKP and is not part of a formal al- tion European Union saw “no tain, at some 130% of gross do- porters as he arrived in Moscow “It was a difficult decision compete, and a large part of its
to agree to a mass amnesty – liance in parliament with the alternative” than to ask Rome for mestic product (GDP), way above for talks with President Vladimir but necessary given the delay in debt is financed internally.
mostly for common criminals AKP, which is just short of an a new draft, as clarifications sent the EU’s 60% ceiling and second Putin, said they are ready to ar- achieving pre-crisis GDP levels There is “very, very limited
but also some mobsters – an overall majority. on Monday had failed to dissi- only to Greece’s in Europe. gue their case before the Com- and the dramatic economic situ- risk” of contagion to other coun-
idea received with little enthu- Nevertheless Bahceli’s move pate concerns raised by member Dombrovskis said last year mission. ation of the most disadvantaged tries, he argued.
siasm in the ruling party. could upset the strategy of the countries in July. that Italy’s debt represented an “It’s not an improvised budg- in Italian society,” the letter said. When the euro area was
“No alliance can survive if ruling party to hoover up na- “The Italian government is average burden of €37,000 per et, it’s a budget that we have The eurozone’s bailout fund formed in 1999 and the euro cur-
one party is rejected and forced tionalist votes in order to pre- openly and consciously going inhabitant and the country spent considered, elaborated, we have director, Klaus Regling, said rency introduced in 2002, Italy
to step back,” Bahceli said. vent them going to the other against commitments made,” about the same amount to serv- thought about it a long time,” he shortly before the announcement was among the 11 original mem-
“There is no meaning in ex- nationalist party – the Good Dombrovskis said. ice its debt as it did on education. said. “So saying today or tomor- that there is no need to panic over bers – of the 15 EU member states
tending this process.” Party – of former cabinet min- “Europe is built on co-opera- “Experience has shown ... that row morning that we are looking Italy’s high-spending plans. at the time.
“We no longer have any ex- ister Meral Aksener, who open- tion,” he said. “If trust is eroded higher fiscal deficits and debt at it again would make no sense.” Their proposals do not comply In the years following the
pectation or intention for an ly opposes Erdogan. all member states take damage. do not bring lasting growth,” he In its four-page letter to the with the legal framework, “but 2007-2008 financial crisis, the
Our union takes damage.” said. “Excessive debt makes your Commission, Italy’s government Italy is not the next Greece”, said EU Commission has set stricter
Italy’s far-right Deputy Prime economy more vulnerable to fu- acknowledged that its budget the German head of the European limits on spending and gained
Eager beaver fells tree on yacht Minister Matteo Salvini insisted ture crisis.” was “not in line with the norms Stability Mechanism. more power to enforce them.

A couple in Germany had a bizarre near-death experience when a

huge tree felled by a beaver crashed down onto their yacht, causing
damage worth thousands of euros.
The tenacious animal managed to nibble its way through a 20m tall
poplar on the banks of the Mueritz-Elde waterway in the town of
Luebz, local water police said yesterday.
France clears 1,800 migrants from northern camp
The tree, whose trunk was about 50cm wide, then fell directly on
top of the 10m yacht. AFP Salam, an aid group working with
The two holidaymakers were inside at the time, but below deck, so Grande-Synthe, France migrants.
escaped uninjured. “They need to be given tem-
The accident happened on October 18. porary housing, but we know

“They were very lucky,” a police spokeswoman remarked. “Luckily rench police cleared 1,800 full well that some migrants will
the yacht was made of metal, so it was able to continue on its migrants from a makeshift return, as is always the case,”
journey.” camp near Dunkirk yester- said Akim Toualbia, deputy head
day, hoping to deter people-traf- of Drop, another migrants’ aid
fickers seeking to smuggle them group.
Albania arrests 27 in drugs crackdown across the Channel to Britain. The migrants were living in the
Hundreds of police flooded the camp with no access to showers
Albanian police arrested 27 people and seized narcotics and Grande-Synthe camp at dawn to or toilets as the winter chill be-
weapons on Sunday during a crackdown on gangs smuggling expel the migrants, most of them gins to set in, he added.
heroin into Germany, authorities said. Iraqi Kurds, who were loaded Newly-appointed Interior
More than 1,500 officers raided properties across the country, which onto dozens of buses bound for Minister Christophe Castaner,
has promised to boost its crime-fighting efforts as part of its bid to shelters. who was due to visit later, has
join the European Union. While the infamous “Jungle” vowed to take a tough stance on
Days earlier, police raided a heroin lab in the mountainous Has camp in nearby Calais was razed illegal immigration.
region and found morphine and drug ingredients that had come in 2016, migrants continue to France received a record
from Turkey via Macedonia and Kosovo, national police chief Ardi head to the coast hoping to stow 100,000 asylum requests in 2017,
Veliu told reporters on Monday. away on trucks travelling to Brit- up 17% from the year before.
ain. Police had clashed overnight
Refugees and others seek- with migrants who set up road-
Shopkeeper lays trap for robbers ing a better life have long used blocks near the port of Calais,
the wooded, lakeside area near some 40km (25 miles) west,
A Belgian store owner foiled an armed robbery on Saturday by Dunkirk as a jumping-off point though officials said there were
telling the would-be thieves to return later when there would be for attempted crossings, and this Migrants are seen with their belongings during a police operation to clear a migrant camp in Grande no casualties.
more money in the till. was the sixth such operation in Synthe, northwestern France. Migrants have repeatedly set
The gang duly complied – only to be arrested by waiting police five months. up roadblocks at night in an at-
officers, broadcaster RTL reported yesterday. The migrants, including many Hauts-de-Seine region and oth- “to stop human trafficking in the impending swoop and left tempt to slow trucks heading
“I told them they’d be better off robbing me at half past six,” families, “will be cared for and er regions nearby”, local authori- these camps where smuggling the camp ahead of the operation onto ferries bound for Britain,
Charleroi e-cigarette seller Didier told the channel. “I could see I given shelter in emergency ac- ties said in a statement. rings are active”, they added. – “but tomorrow, many will be hoping to make it easier to slip
wasn’t dealing with geniuses.” commodation throughout the The operation was intended Some migrants were aware of back”, predicted Claude Lenoir of aboard.

Ban on niqab violates human rights: UN Militant recruiter loses citizenship

Reuters In its findings, the panel said AFP meet his obligations as a Belgian of her Belgian citizenship.
Geneva the ban had violated the two Brussels citizen and posed a permanent The Moroccan-Belgian wom-
women’s human rights and threat to public security”, Belgian an is the widow of a Tunisian
called on France to pay them media reported. religious extremist who died in

he UN Human Rights compensation. man found guilty in Bel- Belkacem’s lawyer Liliane Afghanistan after having assas-
Committee said yester- Under the ban, anyone wear- gium of recruiting re- Verjauw denounced the deci- sinated the Afghan commander
day that France’s ban on ing the full-face veil in public is ligious extremists was sion by the court in the northern Ahmad Shah Massoud, who led
the niqab, the full-body Islamic liable to a fine of €150 or lessons stripped yesterday of his Belgian Dutch-speaking city, saying that the resistance to the Taliban.
veil, is a violation of human in French citizenship. citizenship, a rare move which she would take further action to Belgium’s immigration minis-
rights and called on it to review The committee’s chair Yuval the country’s Flemish national- restore his nationality. ter Theo Francken, who belongs
the legislation. Shany said that he and several ists want applied more broadly in “Usually the second step is to the Flemish nationalist N-VA
France had failed to make the others on the 18-member panel terrorism cases. to try to expel him to Morocco,” party, welcomed the court’s “ex-
case for its ban, the committee considered it a form of oppres- Fouad Belkacem, a 36-year- Verjauw told AFP. “Yet his whole cellent” decision.
said, giving Paris 180 days to re- sion. old born in Belgium to Moroccan family is in Belgium, his wife and “This should happen auto-
port back to say what actions it Several countries in Europe parents, was sentenced in 2015 his four children are Belgian. He matically for terrorism convic-
had taken. have introduced legislation on to 12 years in prison for heading does not have a Moroccan pass- tions,” he said.
The panel’s findings are not This 2011 file picture shows a woman, wearing a niqab despite a Islamic dress. “a terrorist group”, Sharia4Bel- port.” He recalled a draft law spon-
legally binding but could influ- nationwide ban, making a phone call outside the courts in Meaux, Denmark’s parliament enact- gium, which sent militants to In December last year, Malika sored by a fellow N-VA politician
ence French courts. east of Paris. ed a ban on wearing of face veils Syria. el-Aroud, who served an eight- supported automatically strip-
“In particular, the Committee in public in May. An appeals court in Antwerp year prison term in Belgium for ping citizenship for any Belgian
was not persuaded by France’s There was no immediate re- the right to religious freedom. Belgium, the Netherlands, withdrew his citizenship on leading an Al Qaeda-linked ter- who holds another nationality
claim that a ban on face covering action from French authorities. But the UN Human Rights Bulgaria and the German state grounds “he seriously failed to rorist organisation, was stripped and is convicted of terrorism.
was necessary and proportion- The same committee came to Committee disagreed with this of Bavaria have also imposed
ate from a security standpoint similar conclusions on the 2008 in its statement yesterday, say- some restrictions on full-face
or for attaining the goal of ‘liv- case of a woman sacked by a ing that the ban disproportion- veils in public places. French media urge Macron to keep press room inside Elysee
ing together’ in society,” it said. crèche for wearing a veil. ately harmed the right of wom- France has the largest Muslim
The panel of 18 independent In September, a top French en to manifest their religious minority in Europe, estimated at French journalists have urged President Emmanuel Journalists said moving the office out of the Elysee
experts oversees compliance judge was quoted by newspa- beliefs and could lead to them 5mn or more out of a population Macron to scrap plans to move the presidential press would undermine a symbol of transparency,
with the International Covenant per Le Monde as saying that being confined at home and of 67mn. room outside the Elysee palace, saying that the highlighting Macron’s preferred communications
on Civil and Political Rights (IC- while not binding, the panel’s marginalised. The place of religion and re- measure would make it more difficult for reporters to strategy of using Twitter and Facebook to bypass the
CPR). decisions might still influence The committee’s findings ligious symbols worn in public cover government business. media.
Implementation of its deci- French case law. come after complaints by two can be a matter of controversy in The press room currently overlooks the palace’s The press room closure would be “nothing less
sions is not mandatory, but un- In 2014, the European Court Frenchwomen convicted in 2012 the staunchly secular country. central courtyard, letting journalists see visitors than a lock-down of the Elysee and the decision
der an optional protocol of the of Human Rights, whose rulings under a 2010 law stipulating According to French media coming and going. would impinge on reporters’ freedom to inform”, the
treaty, France has an interna- are binding, upheld France’s ban that “No one may, in a public Metronews, some 223 fines were But soon after Macron took office last year, aides said presidential press association, headed by Reuters
tional legal obligation to comply on full-face veils in public, say- space, wear any article of cloth- handed out in 2015 for wearing a he would relocate it from within the palace walls to a reporter Elizabeth Pineau, said in a statement
“in good faith”. ing that it was not in violation of ing intended to conceal the face”. full veil in public. street nearby. yesterday.
Gulf Times
16 Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Erdogan demands
US to revoke visas of 21 punishment for all
behind ‘planned
Saudis over Khashoggi Khashoggi murder’
z These penalties will not be the last word from us: Pompeo Agencies & Al Jazeera

z Whoever thought of the idea is in big trouble: Trump Ankara/Istanbul

z CIA chief wants to hear Turkey’s audio of Khashoggi killing: sources

urkish President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan yesterday
said the “savage murder”
of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at
Agencies “These penalties will not be the Khashoggi killing could have up to Congress. And that means the Saudi consulate in Istanbul
Washington the last word on this matter from happened, Trump said: “They Congress, both Republicans and was meticulously planned, and
the United States. We will con- had a very bad original concept. Democrats,” Trump said, adding demanded that all those linked to
tinue to explore additional meas- It was carried out poorly, and the that he would like a bipartisan the killing face punishment.

wenty-one Saudis will ures to hold those accountable,” cover-up was one of the worst in recommendation. Erdogan, who had promised
have their US visas revoked Pompeo said. “We are making (it) the history of cover-ups.” Meanwhile, CIA director Gina that his speech to lawmakers in
or be made ineligible for very clear that the United States Khashoggi’s death in the Saudi Haspel, in Turkey to investigate Ankara would reveal the “naked
American visas over the killing of does not tolerate this kind of ac- consulate in Istanbul on Octo- the death of Khashoggi, has sought truth” about the killing, did pro-
journalist Jamal Khashoggi, US tion to silence Mr. Khashoggi, a ber 2 has caused global outrage. to hear a purported audio record- vide a host of new details.
State Department spokeswoman journalist, through violence.” Khashoggi, a critic of Saudi ing of his torture and murder, four But the president acknowl-
Heather Nauert said yesterday. The top US diplomat said the Crown Prince Mohamed bin Sal- sources familiar with her mission edged that Turkey was still
The vast majority of the 21 affected Saudis came from “the man, was a US resident and col- told Reuters yesterday. searching for answers to key
have American visas, a State De- intelligence services, the royal umnist for the Washington Post. Haspel flew to Turkey on Mon- questions, including who gave Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaking
partment official said. court, the foreign ministry and Yesterday, Trump said the day for what one source called a the order. in Ankara yesterday.
This is the toughest action by other Saudi ministries”. Khashoggi matter was handled brief visit, three weeks after Saudi Arabia on Saturday ad-
the US to date against its long- Pompeo said the US was also badly by Saudi officials. “Bad deal, Khashoggi disappeared and days mitted that Khashoggi, 59, was Police have searched both areas
time ally Saudi Arabia. looking into whether to take ac- should have never been thought after Trump asked Turkey to killed in its Istanbul consulate. for evidence of Khashoggi’s re-
Earlier, Secretary of State Mike tion under a law named after Ser- of. Somebody really messed up. share evidence it had collected. A former royal family insider mains, Reuters has reported.
Pompeo said the US has “identi- gei Magnitsky, the anti-corruption And they had the worst cover-up Despite extensive news leaks turned critic of the Saudi crown On the day Khashoggi arrived
fied at least some of the individu- accountant who died in Russian ever,” he said. “Because whoever alleging that Turkey has au- prince, Khashoggi disappeared for his appointment and was
als” behind the death of the Wash- custody, that would impose finan- thought of that idea, I think is in dio recordings documenting after he entered the consulate on later killed, the hard disk in the
ington Post opinion writer in Saudi cial sanctions on individuals be- big trouble. And they should be in Khashoggi’s demise, neither the October 2 to collect a document consulate’s camera system was
Arabia’s Istanbul consulate. hind Khashoggi’s death. big trouble. Okay?” US nor allied government agen- for his upcoming marriage. removed, Erdogan said.
“We are taking appropriate ac- US lawmakers have been Mike Pompeo Trump also said he would work cies had been granted access as Erdogan’s revelations of care- “Covering up a savage murder
tion, which includes revoking visas, pressing President Donald with the US Congress to deter- of late Monday to such evidence, ful planning contradicted the like this will only hurt the human
entering visa lookouts and other Trump’s administration to take staged the “worst cover-up ever” mine the American response to Western security officials said. Saudi version of an operation conscience. We expect the same
measures,” Pompeo told reporters. tough action, with several men- in the killing of Khashoggi this the Khashoggi matter. There are no plans for Haspel gone wrong. sensitivity from all parties, pri-
Visa ‘lookouts’ mean that suspects tioning the Magnitsky Act. month. “In terms of what we ultimate- to travel to Saudi Arabia during Erdogan outlined the steps marily the Saudi Arabian leader-
would be marked as inadmissible The statements came on a day Asked by a reporter in the ly do, I’m going to leave it very her trip, sources familiar with the taken by what he said was a ship,” he noted. “We have strong
when trying to enter the US. Trump said the Saudi authorities White House Oval Office how much - in conjunction with me - mission said. 15-person team that came from signs that the murder was the re-
Riyadh planning to kill Khashog- sult of a planned operation, not a
gi, including carrying out recon- spontaneous development.”
naissance outside Istanbul and On the day of the killing, 15

G7 says ‘many questions unanswered’ deactivating security cameras at

the consulate.
He said 18 suspects detained
by Saudi Arabia should be extra-
dited to Istanbul to face trial over
people went to the consulate, in-
cluding security, intelligence and
forensic experts, Erdogan said.
Consulate personnel were given
the day off. “Why did these 15

z Body parts ‘found’ in search for Khashoggi, says Sky News report the killing and called for an in-
vestigation into those with “even
people meet in Istanbul on the
day of the murder? We are seek-
the slightest link” to the case. ing answers to this. Who are these
But the Turkish leader did not people receiving orders from?”
Agencies & Al Jazeera A former royal family insider The broadcaster said “well- “The location of Mr Khashog- condolences, pledging Turkey mention some of the most strik- Erdogan said. He added that he
London/Ankara/Istanbul turned critic of the Saudi crown placed sources within the in- gi’s body is just one of the ques- would do all it can to solve his ing claims that appeared in the wanted Saudi Arabia to send the
prince, Khashoggi disappeared vestigation and within po- tions we need answers to and as murder, presidential sources Turkish press in recent days, no- suspects to Turkey for trial.
after he entered the consulate on litical circles” revealed that the such we await the full results of said. tably that Khashoggi’s body was Turkish investigators, mean-

audi Arabia’s explanations October 2 to collect a document 59-year-old was “cut up” and the Turkish investigation.” They said Erdogan had ex- cut up into multiple pieces, and while, found two suitcases and
so far about the killing of for his upcoming marriage. “disfigured” after being killed on Turkey’s Foreign Minis- pressed his deep sadness at that there was an audio record- other items in a Saudi consulate
journalist Jamal Khashoggi “The confirmation of Mr Jamal October 2. ter Mevlut Cavusoglu has af- Khashoggi’s killing in his call ing of the murder. car in Istanbul, as part of the in-
leave “many questions unan- Khashoggi’s death is a first step One source suggested that firmed that Turkey is ready to with the family members, in- Erdogan did confirm that a vestigation into the disappear-
swered”, G7 foreign ministers toward full transparency and ac- remains were discovered in the co-operate in any international cluding Khashoggi’s son Abdul- Saudi official played the role ance of Khashoggi, Reuters said,
said yesterday in a joint state- countability. However, the ex- garden of the Saudi consul-gen- investigation into the killing of lah. of body double for Khashoggi, citing a report by broadcaster
ment. planations offered leave many eral’s house. Khashoggi. In a related development, wearing the journalists clothes CNN Turk yesterday.
“Those responsible for the questions unanswered,” the G7 Sky’s report came just hours Cavusoglu said in a press Saudi state media reported that upon leaving the consulate, pre- It was not immediately clear
killing must be held to account. ministers said. after Turkey’s President Re- statement yesterday that Turkey King Salman and Crown Prince tending to be him. whether any of the items be-
Saudi Arabia must put in place “We reiterate our expectation cep Tayyip Erdogan called for was ready to co-operate in a pos- Mohamed bin Salman met with Erdogan did not mention Sau- longed to Khashoggi.
measures to ensure something for a thorough, credible, trans- more answers from Riyadh over sible probe into the Khashoggi members of Khashoggi’s fam- di Crown Prince Mohamed bin A Reuters witness said a Saudi
like this can never happen again,” parent and prompt investigation Khashoggi’s killing during an ad- case at the United Nations, inter- ily in Riyadh, according to Al Salman by name. But he said he team accompanied the Turkish
the statement said. by Saudi Arabia, in full collabora- dress to the Turkish parliament national courts or institutions. Jazeera. was confident of the full co-op- investigators as they carried out
The statement was agreed by the tion with the Turkish authorities, in Ankara. The minister said that it was The Saudi rulers met with the eration of his father, Saudi King the search in a car park where the
foreign ministers of Britain, Canada, and a full and rigorous account- British Prime Minister Theresa “important” that Saudi Ara- journalist’s son, Salah, and his Salman, in the probe and vowed vehicle was found in Istanbul’s
France, Germany, Italy, Japan and ing of the circumstances sur- May’s spokesman described as bia acknowledged the killing of brother, Sahel, at the Yamama full retribution for all those Sultangazi district on Monday.
the US, plus the high representative rounding Mr. Khashoggi’s death. “deeply disturbing” reports that Khashoggi, even though it was a Palace, where the royals ex- guilty of the “savage murder”. “We understand that a a
of the European Union. “Those responsible for the parts of Khashoggi’s body have late statement. pressed their condolences, state- Erdogan said the killing was number of things have been
In it, they “condemn in the killing must be held to account. been found in Istanbul. He added that his country had run news agency SPA reported. planned from when Khashoggi found in the car, including a
strongest possible terms” the Saudi Arabia must put in place “We are aware of the reports. not yet shared any information A friend of the Khashoggi fam- first went to the Saudi consu- personal computer, some cloth-
killing of Khashoggi. measures to ensure something They are deeply disturbing,” the with any country on the case, but ily told The Associated Press late in Istanbul on September 28 ing and paperwork,” Al Jazeera’s
After more than two weeks like this can never happen again.” spokesman said. there may be meetings between news agency that Salah has been to obtain documents necessary Charles Stratford, reporting
of near silence, Saudi Arabia on Meanwhile, body parts be- “Our thoughts are with the intelligence services. under a travel ban since last year. for his marriage. He was told he from the Turkish city, said yes-
Saturday finally admitted that longing to Khashoggi have been family of Jamal Khashoggi, for Erdogan spoke by phone with The individual spoke on condi- would need to return later to col- terday. “We understand that
Khashoggi, 59, was killed in their found, Al Jazeera said citing a re- whom they must have been par- family members of the slain jour- tion of anonymity, fearing re- lect the documents. there is no confirmation as to
Istanbul consulate. port by Sky News. ticularly distressing. nalist yesterday and sent them prisal. A day before Khashoggi’s whether any of these items be-
death, agents arrived from over- longs to Khashoggi,” he added.
seas and began to scout loca- “They (investigators) are saying
tions, including the Belgrad For- that forensic analysis is needed
est near Istanbul and the city of before anything like that can be

UN climate chief calls for action plan at COP24 summit Yalova to its south, Erdogan said. confirmed.”

AFP “Success at COP24 means fi- ury of time, nor do we have the energy sector carbon emissions Despite a stream of announce-
Krakow nalising the Paris Agreement luxury of endless negotiations,” will rise again in 2018, after hit- ments and summits, little real
Work Programme – period,” said Espinosa warned ahead of a UN ting record levels in 2017,” she progress has been made however.
Patricia Espinosa, executive sec- climate summit next month in added. In June 2017, President Donald

he UN’s climate chief has retary of UN Climate Change. the Polish city of Katowice. The energy sector accounts for Trump said the US would pull out
said that the COP24 sum- The Work Programme is an She spoke at a pre-summit 80% of global CO2 emissions, of the agreement in November
mit in Poland must pro- operating manual for the 195-na- meeting attended by representa- with most of the rest caused by 2020, and support from several
duce a detailed programme to tion agreement, which is to take tives of 35 countries in the south- deforestation and agriculture, other countries has faded.
move the Paris climate accord effect in 2020 and calls for limit- ern Polish city of Krakow. so its efficiency is key to curbing Espinosa warned that “by
forward. ing global warming to less than Espinosa termed limiting cli- rising temperatures. 2030, the loss of productivity
World leaders have been try- 2° Celsius above pre-industrial mate change “one of the biggest With a rise of just 1°C so far, caused by a hotter world could
ing to breathe new life into the levels. challenges humanity has ever the Earth has witnessed a surge cost the global economy $2tn”
Paris Agreement amid backslid- Experts warn that the global faced. of extreme weather, including (€1.7tn).
ing from several nations over measure is on track to surpass “But, we’re moving in the heatwaves, droughts, floods and Climate change could also dis- A diplomatic car of the Saudi consulate, which was being searched
commitments made when it was 3°C by 2100. wrong direction. The Interna- deadly storm surges made worse place 50mn to 200mn people by by forensic police officers, leaves during ongoing investigations in
signed in December 2015. “We no longer have the lux- tional Energy Agency tells us that by rising seas. 2050, she added. the killing of Khashoggi in Istanbul, yesterday.


12 get hepatitis C after Gambling addict wins Professor appeals €2,250 Bulgaria raids print shop, Several hurt in Rome
operations in Germany €2.5mn compensation late fee for library books seizes $14.3mn in fake bills escalator accident
Twelve patients at a German hospital have so far An Austrian court has ordered a gambling Court proceedings have begun in the case of Bulgarian authorities have raided a print shop Several people have been hurt in an accident
been found to have hepatitis C after undergoing company to pay €2.5mn ($2.87mn) to a gambler a German professor who appealed a €2,250 that was making counterfeit cash, and seized involving an escalator in a underground station
surgery involving an anaesthetist who is himself that the court found was under the influence ($2,580) fine for not returning books to her fake euro and dollar bills worth more than in central Rome, firefighters said yesterday.
infected with the disease. of addiction, in a judgment made public on university’s library on time. $14.3mn, the interior ministry said. The fire department wrote on Twitter that they
The practitioner who no longer works at the Monday. After she returned 50 books late to the Special forces personnel stormed a basement in intervened at the Repubblica stop, near Termini
Donau-Ries Clinic in the southern German town The complainant said that over a period of 10 Hochschule Niederrhein library, the psychology hotel in the Black Sea resort of Sunny Beach and train station.
of Donauwoerth, infected the individuals during years starting in 2002, he spent around €2mn professor was told to pay a €1,000 fine and a seized some €100 and €500 notes and $50 bills, About 20 people were injured, one of whom was
surgery, a local health authority said on Monday. $2.3mn) in slot machines run by the Novomatic further €1,250 in administrative fees. the ministry said on Monday. in critical condition, a spokesman for Italy’s civil
Prosecutors have opened investigations against company in the capital Vienna. The plaintiff’s lawyer said she was appealing the “From the print shop and from different protection agency said.
the anaesthetist. According to an expert opinion heard by the fine because it is disproportionately high. hideouts, over 11mn fake euros and over $1.7mn He added that all those injured were Russians.
He was addicted to medication, according to the court in the town of Wiener Neustadt, the A representative of the university admitted were seized, some stockpiled ready and some According to the Ansa news agency, about
health body. man was “partially incapacitated” through his at the court hearing that the fine was not an unfinished,” the statement said. a dozen football fans of Russian team CSKA
Given that hepatitis C is normally transmitted addiction, which rendered his bets invalid. accurate calculation of the library’s expenses for The raid at the print shop, the biggest to be Moscow were trapped in a collapsed escalator
through blood contact, it is unclear how patients Novomatic, which is based near Wiener the late returns, but the presiding judge said that discovered for 11 years, as well as some other 30 that they had been jumping on, “probably” while
became infected. Neustadt, is one of the world’s biggest gambling fines of this kind were allowed to be issued as a sites in the Balkan country, followed a 10-month drunk.
Several hundred of the clinic’s former patients technology companies with operations in deterrence, to ensure others return the books investigation supported by Europol and US CSKA Moscow had been due yesterday to play
have been called to get tested for the disease. dozens of countries worldwide. on time. intelligence. an away Champions League game against Roma.
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 17


Trafficking survivors pin hopes on #MeToo movement

Reuters The movement has spread “They fear losing respect if ficking victims will eventually said many cases are weakened by trial was 28%, according to gov- “We counsel them but they are
Mumbai across India over the past couple they speak about their past. They feel empowered enough to share the reluctance of victims to speak ernment data. still unable to speak up in court,”
of weeks, as women flood social fear stigma,” said Mona Almeida, their stories too. out right away. Campaigners say negative so- said Acharya.
media with stories of their expe- a trustee with Kshamata, a non- “It may take some time before the “They reveal much later what cial attitudes mean that many Krishnan of Prajwala said

s India’s #MeToo move- riences of harassment and sexual profit that helps rehabilitate sur- movement reaches them,” Almeida happened with them and that survivors do not often report that sex-trafficking survivors
ment gains ground, cam- violence. vivors. said. “But when it does, they may throws up legal complications to their ordeals to authorities. who have spoken out have never
paigners hope sex traf- Yet, the voices of those who India has seen high-profile think, ‘Why should I feel ashamed of revisit the case,” he said. It takes survivors months or had the same level of support
ficking survivors will feel more have experienced some of the women, including Bollywood what happened if these women are Less than half of the more than years before they are able to share as women who have joined the
empowered to speak out about worst abuse – trafficking vic- actresses, speak out, which cam- able to talk about it?’” 8,000 human trafficking cases what they went through, accord- #MeToo movement.
their experiences, which could tims – have not been heard, said paigners say has helped popular- That could help put more per- reported in 2016 were filed in ing to Triveni Acharya, founder “The world does not care for
raise awareness of the crime and Sunitha Krishnan, founder of the ise the movement. petrators behind bars, according court by the police, and the con- of the anti-trafficking charity the violations these girls are sub-
help convict perpetrators. anti-trafficking charity Prajwala. Almeida said she hopes traf- to Wesley Menezes, a lawyer who viction rate in those that did go to Rescue Foundation. jected to,” she said.

Three arrested
over bid to
Paytm founder
Agencies Reuters could not contact Ku-
Lucknow mar. Sharma did not immediate-
ly respond to a request seeking

court yesterday remanded Other top company officials
three people, including declined to comment.
the spokeswoman of the The complaint said Sharma’s
country’s biggest digital pay- brother and son received two
ments company Paytm, to a WhatsApp calls in September
week’s custody over an alleged from one of the accused indi-
bid to blackmail its founder and viduals demanding Rs200mn
extort $2.7mn by threatening to ($2.7mn) to stop him from mak-
leak stolen personal data. ing the data public.
The incident threatens to em- Ajay told Reuters that before
barrass the company, synony- calling him, the accused ap-
mous with taking digital pay- proached Sharma on September
ments mainstream in India after 20 from a Thailand number when
the government’s controversial he was in Japan for work, threat- Shopkeepers wait for customers on their firecracker shop in New Delhi yesterday.
currency note ban of late 2016, as ening to “destroy our lives” if the
well as its billionaire founder. money was not paid.
Paytm, whose investors include “I told him ‘give us some sam-

SC allows use of ‘green’

China’s Alibaba Group and Japan’s ple, only then I will believe what
SoftBank Group Corp, has de- you are saying’,” Ajay said, recall-
clined to say how the stolen mate- ing the conversation.
rial would have allowed the black- “Then he gave me the pass-
mail of its founder, but added that words of two Gmail accounts
only his personal data was taken. of my brother. Then we realised
“Paytm would like to reiterate that this guy really had some-

firecrackers for Diwali

that all our consumer data is pro- thing.”
tected with the highest and most Ajay transferred about
impenetrable levels of security,” Rs200,000 this month to two
it said in a statement, declining bank accounts provided by the
further comment until the re- caller, he added.
sults of the police investigation But the extortion demands did
are known. not end, forcing the family to go
Police said Sonia Dhawan, her to the police, according to the Agencies the burning of crop residue, for whom Diwali is one of the said Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga, harmful particles from the vari-
husband Rupak Jain and another complaint, seen by Reuters. New Delhi vehicle exhausts and industrial biggest festivals. a spokesman for the Delhi unit ous emissions.
Paytm employee, Devendra Ku- Police also said they were gases. A two-judge bench said fire- of ruling Bharatiya Janata Par- The city administration last
mar, were arrested on Monday looking for a fourth suspect. Activists in India, home to the crackers would be permitted ty. week closed its biggest coal-

following a complaint on be- Rohit Chomal, a Kolkata resi- he Supreme Court yes- world’s 14 most polluted cit- during Diwali, Christmas and But Judge Arjan Kumar Sikri fired power plant in a bid to im-
half of Vijay Shekhar Sharma, dent, is on the run. terday allowed the use of ies, had petitioned the court for New Year, with conditions. said a balance had to be drawn prove air quality.
the founder of Paytm’s parent, Earlier, police said a case was “green” firecrackers for another ban on fireworks ahead Only “safe and green fire- between religious practices and But another coal plant is pro-
One97 Communication. registered under the relevant Diwali next month to try to curb of Diwali, when millions of fire- crackers” would be allowed, for safeguarding public health. posed for Khurja, just outside
“Police are investigating the sections of the Indian Penal Code pollution, but it was unclear crackers are lit. a maximum two hours on Diwa- “If a particular religious prac- Delhi, posing similar health risks
nature of the stolen data and the and Information and Technology how the rules will be enforced or Environmentalist Vimlendu li, and only in designated areas tice is threatening the health and for millions in the Indian capital,
modus operandi of the accused Act against the four. whether there was such a thing Jha said there was no such thing such as parks. lives of people, such practice is critics say.
people,” police official Ajay Pal They added all the phone as an environmentally safe fire- as an environmentally safe fire- Online sales were banned. not entitled to protection,” Sikri In a report published yes-
Sharma said on social network numbers concerned were under work. work and blasted the court de- “This decision should have said. terday, the Institute for Energy
Twitter. observation. The court banned the sale cision as others raised concerns come earlier because manufac- Yesterday, Delhi’s air qual- Economics and Financial Anal-
A police spokesman said a “We are minutely watch- of firecrackers outright during about how the order can be en- turers are ready with all kinds ity index, which measures the ysis recommended the Khurja
court in the northern state of Ut- ing the activities on the same the festival of lights last year forced. of firecrackers and it will be very concentration of poisonous proposal be scrapped.
tar Pradesh remanded the three IP address through which the but revellers bought them from “Your one decision to allow hard to stop them,” said Green- particulate matter, stood at over “Delhi already has the dubi-
accused to a week’s custody. phone calls were made,” a po- neighbouring states and air pol- sale and use of firecrackers in peace campaigner Sunil Dahiya. 300 in some parts of the sprawl- ous reputation of having the
“They will be in jail until then,” lice officer said. lution in New Delhi hit 18 times current times, while half of our New Delhi accounts for nearly ing city, far above the safe limit worst air pollution of any city in
the spokesman said. Paytm competes with Alpha- the healthy limit. country turns into a gas cham- half of India’s demand for fire- of 100. the world,” the institute’s Tim
Dhawan could not be reached bet Inc’s Google Pay, and with Each year, smoke from fire- ber, will kill toddlers, children crackers although Diwali is cel- “It needs to be enforced Buckley said in a statement.
for comment on her mobile tel- 95mn monthly active users, it crackers covers Delhi and its and elderly,” Jha said in a Tweet. ebrated across the country. strictly,” Gopal Sankarnarayan, “If the Khurja coal plant is
ephone. She did not respond to has been growing by 5% to 6% satellite cities in a haze that can But authorities have been re- “These celebrations should a lawyer for the petitioners, told built as planned near Delhi, this
an e-mail sent to her official ad- every month. linger for days as wind speeds luctant to enforce an outright not be spoiled. Such petitions NDTV television. will increase the impact on local
dress. A call to Jain went unan- It aims to reach 500mn users drop in the cooler weather, ban to avoid offending millions for a ban are deliberately tar- Every winter, air pollution in residents, emergency workers
swered. by 2022. adding to pollution caused by of Hindus across the country, geted against Hindu festivals,” Delhi soars as cooler air traps and the local government.”

Congress blames Modi, Two dead, 12 hurt in

stampede on bridge
BJP chief for CBI mess IANS The chief minister also an-
nounced a compensation of
IANS going corruption investigation getting a clean chit in the Vyapam Rs500,000 each to the families
New Delhi against CBI and RAW officers,” Scam as well as the escape of fraud- of the dead and Rs100,000 each

asked Congress spokesman Ran- sters Nirav Modi Mehul Choksi and wo people were killed and to the injured.
deep Singh Surjewala. Vijay Mallya out of the country, the a dozen including two The accident occurred just

he Congress yesterday held Apart from Asthana, the CBI Congress alleged the Modi govern- children in a stampede at four days after 59 people were
Prime Minister Narendra has also named Samant Kumar ment was influencing the CBI. a railway foot bridge at Santra- killed when a train crushed peo-
Modi solely responsible for Goel, special director of India’s The Congress accused Modi of gachhi station in Howrah yester- ple as they stood on rail tracks
“dismantling, denigrating and external intelligence agency RAW. “systematically demolishing” the day, police said. watching Ravana effigies go up in
destroying” the Central Bureau of Surjewala said “habitual and independent architecture of all pre- “Two people have been killed flames during Dussehra celebra-
Investigation and accused him and perpetual misuse” of CBI by mier agencies including the CBI, the and 12 others injured in the un- tions in Amritsar.
Bharatiya Janata Party chief Amit Modi and Shah in fixing political Enforcement Directorate (ED), the fortunate incident. Two persons Banerjee alleged that the an-
Shah of “perpetually misusing” opponents and illegal interven- Serious Fraud Investigation Office are critical, and one of them is nouncement of the change of
the central probe agency. tion to tamper with fair investi- (SFIO), the Central Board of Direct in the ICU. We are shifting the platforms was made minutes be-
In the wake of the CBI regis- gation of serious criminal cases Taxes (CBDT) and the National In- other one to the SSKM hospi- fore the trains arrived.
tering a corruption case against has landed the agency in an un- vestigation Agency (NIA). tal,” West Bengal Chief Minister “The incident happened in
its Special Director Rakesh fathomable mess, eroding its in- “These agencies are being used Mamata Banerjee said. the premises of Indian Railways.
Asthana and raiding its own dependence and credibility. as captive puppets in converting She said that the other injured They will be able to say why they
headquarters, the Congress said “The entire nation is look- them to dirty tricks department people were stable. made public announcements of
Modi’s role in the entire matter ing for a fair, impartial and in- of the BJP,” added Surjewala. The stampede occurred so many trains simultaneously.”
was under a cloud. dependent investigation of the Meanwhile, the Delhi High around 6pm when people hur- Banerjee alleged that there
The opposition party also serious charges of corruption Court yesterday asked the CBI to riedly tried to cross the bridge was a lack of co-ordination on
raised questions over “Modi involving senior most officers of maintain status quo in the ongo- between two platforms following the part of the railways, compro-
summoning” CBI Director Alok CBI and RAW,” he said. ing probe involving Asthana and an announcement of two trains mising the security of innocent
Kumar Verma and Research and Surjewala said it was also re- granted him interim protection coming simultaneously on two people.
Analysis Wing chief Anil Dhas- quired to investigate as to who in from arrest till October 29. adjacent tracks. “Security of people should not
mana to his residence on Monday the current political dispensation The ‘status quo’ is generally re- Banerjee said the arrival of be compromised, and railways
hours after the CBI arrested its was involved in the entire saga and ferred to the existing state of af- an express train was also an- should take proper care of the
Deputy Superintendent Deven- is attempting to shield the accused fairs or circumstances, and now, nounced. people. The railways is the life-
dra Kumar in connection with involved in the matter. both sides involved in the dispute Central Bureau Investigation (CBI) Deputy Superintendent She announced that there line of the country, it should not
the case against Asthana. Citing Madhya Pradesh Chief are prevented from taking any ac- Devendra Kumar is escorted out of a New Delhi court after he was would be an administrative probe be derailed,” said the chief min-
“Was it to influence the on- Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan tion until the next date of hearing. remanded in seven days’ custody yesterday. into the incident. ister.
Gulf Times
18 Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Judge’s son shot by guard Conduct village polls in 4.6mn tonnes of paddy Exhibition on homelands, Karnataka’s tax collection
dies, family donates organs 3 months, court tells AP procured in Punjab displacements opens up 11% in 6 months: CM
Gurugram’s Additional District and The Hyderabad High Court yesterday asked the Nearly 4.6mn tonnes of paddy have been Drawings and oil paintings depicting human Karnataka’s tax collection went up 11% in the six
Sessions Judge Krishan Kant’s son, who Andhra Pradesh government to conduct local procured in Punjab this season, food and and animal figures in familiar and alien months from April to September to Rs75,634-
was ‘brain dead’ after he was shot at by panchayat elections within three months. The supplies officials said yesterday. Government environs, dealing with concepts of homelands crore, Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy said
the judge’s security guard on October 13, court struck down a recent government order agencies and private millers have procured and displacements are exhibited at the Triveni yesterday. “Taxes to the tune of Rs75,634-crore
was declared dead by doctors yesterday. appointing special officers for the panchayats. 459,8716 tonnes of paddy in Punjab till Monday, Kala Sangam in New Delhi which started were collected till the end of September, which is
“A very critical Dhruv was on life support The court was dealing with a petition filed by the officials said. Payment of Rs4,998.47 crore yesterday. Titled “This Side of the Forest”, the 11% more than the same period of the previous
since he was admitted to the hospital on a group of former sarpanches (village heads) has been transferred to the accounts of farmers exhibition houses works by artist Vasudevan fiscal,” Kumaraswamy told reporters on the
October 13. He died around 3am today. The challenging the government’s decision to run and commission agents by the government, Akkitham. “Though I have always maintained occasion of the Janata-Dal-Secular (JD-S)-
family donated his organs,” A K Dubey of the administration in the villages with special the officials added. Paddy procurement started sketchbooks and drawn whatever I saw and Congress coalition government completing 150
Medicity said. The guard shot and injured officers after the term of the elected bodies in the agrarian state on October 1 but the bulk felt, it had never even once crossed my mind days in office. After forming a post-poll alliance
the judge’s wife Ritu, 38, and Dhruv, 18, on ended in July. The petitioners argued that the of stocks started coming after October 10. The that they could be displayed,” Akkitham with Congress, JD-S leader Kumaraswamy
October 13. Ritu died late that night. Police government was running the administration central government had recently sanctioned a said in his note on the exhibition, adding took over as the chief minister on May 23, and
said that the guard attacked them in a fit of local bodies in an undemocratic manner Cash Credit Limit (CCL) amount of Rs29,695.40 that many of them come from his “assorted presented his maiden budget on July 5. The chief
of rage. The guard, a policemen, whose without conducting the elections. They told crore for procurement of paddy in the kharif sketchbooks of the last 15 years or so”. He minister claimed that the coalition government,
services were terminated, is currently in the court that running the local bodies with marketing season 2018-19. The Punjab was egged on to exhibit his work by his friend which had committed to waiving farm loans
Gurugram’s Bhondsi jail. special officers would hamper development in government had raised a demand of Rs40,300 and prominent artist Rekha Rodwittiya, who to the tune of Rs43,448 crore from state-run
the villages. crore for paddy procurement this season. curated the first show of his sketches in 2014. nationalised banks and state co-operative banks

AGP stages
protest rally
Vijayan blames
bill in Assam Hindu groups
for Sabarimala
he Asom Gana Parishad
(AGP) yesterday staged
a massive protest rally in
Guwahati against the Citizen-
ship Amendment Bill, asking
the Bharatiya Janata Party-led
federal government to throw the
legislation into the dustbin if
they respected the historic As-
temple fiasco
Agencies It will not reopen until No- claims on things which they can-
sam Accord and the people of Thiruvananthapuram vember. not.
the state. “Even before the temple “The Sabarimala temple is the
AGP president Atul Bora also opened, the sangh parivar forces property of the TDB and none else

termed the Assam Accord must erala Chief Minister Pi- had their plans laid out,” Vijayan have any rights over it. Accord-
be implemented for the sake of narayi Vijayan yesterday said, referring to Hindu hardline ing to the 1949 Covenant things
securing the rights of the indig- accused Hindu right-wing groups. are written very clearly and it
enous people. groups linked to the Bharatiya Ja- “The government never says that the Sabarimala temple
The rally that started from nata Party of turning the Sabar- stopped any devotee. Instead, it ownership was handed over to the
Latasil playground to the city’s imala temple into a conflict zone provided all support as it is its TDB after the royal family had se-
Chandmari area, was against and vowed to implement the constitutional responsibility to rious financial problems.
the bill that seeks to make the Supreme Court order in the next see that the court verdict is ad- “Today they just conduct ritu-
minority communities such as long-season pilgrimage starting hered to,” Vijayan said. alistic activities of the temple and
Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, in November. He said Sabarimala is a reli- that they can continue to do,” said
Parsis and Christians from Af- He also slammed the temple gious institution and peace and Vijayan.
ghanistan, Bangladesh and Pa- priest and the Pandalam royal tranquillity has to be preserved But state BJP president P S
kistan eligible for applying for family for claiming rights and but the “sangh parivar forces Sreedharan Pillai said he felt sorry
Indian citizenship. powers over the shrine that they took over”. for Vijayan.
The bill is under consideration do not possess. “Their agenda was to convert “Do not know what has hap-
of a joint parliamentary com- The chief minister, who was Sabarimala into a conflict zone pened to Vijayan as he appears
mittee of both houses of parlia- abroad when the temple opened and we will ensure that at the up- to have lost his balance when he
ment. for the five-day monthly rituals coming festival season (the two- said that the tantri is an employee
“I want to ask the BJP leader- on October 17, broke his silence month-long season that begins of the TDB. It’s for a government
ship whether they respect the As- over the unrest while speaking to on November 17), the govern- employee that there is a code
sam Accord or not or the blood of reporters here. ment would do everything pos- of conduct and the tantri does
martyrs of the Assam movement Mobs of Hindu hardliners pre- sible to abide by the top court’s not take a single rupee as salary.
who laid down their lives for the vented women aged 10 to 50 from order. The tantri does not fall under the
state,” Bora said at the rally. getting in to the temple complex He said it would be ensured employee category. It was just
The AGP is a partner of the when it opened last Wednesday that during that period no devo- because of the adamant stand of
BJP-led alliance government in for the first time since the Su- tee would be allowed to stay there Vijayan, that things reached so
Assam and the party has three preme Court reversed a ban on beyond a particular time. low. He has proved to be an abject
legislators in Chief Minister Sar- women of menstruating age from A Tirupati model system of failure,” said Pillai.
bananda Sonowal’s cabinet. worshipping at the temple. managing the devotees would be Sreekumar Varma of the Pan-
While over 60 organisations The shrine is only open on a put into force, Vijayan added. dalam royal family said he was
in Assam called for a 12-hour handful of auspicious days eve- He also slammed the tantri extremely delighted that the will
Assam shutdown yesterday to ry year, and a number of Hindu (chief priest), who at the height of the deity has prevailed even
protest against the bill, the AGP women between these ages had of the conflict threatened to close when several attempts to send
decided to hold the protest rally. flocked there in the wake of the the temple even as the police tried women to the temple failed.
“We contested the 2016 elec- court order. to escort women for the prayers. “I take this opportunity to
tions with the BJP following But the ruling had enraged tra- “It was a needless statement thank all the devotees who stood
discussion with our grassroots ditionalists, including support- from the tantri because the right their ground to protect the tem-
workers and the people of As- ers of the BJP. to open and close the temple vests ple and its traditions despite
sam. However, we are ready to Protesters, including women with the Travancore Devaswom several attempts to defame the
come out of the alliance if the and children, massed at the base Board (TDB),” the chief minister temple.
BJP government goes ahead with of the shrine when it opened last said. “I do not recall any amend-
the Citizenship (Amendment) week, threatening women trying “The protest by the temple em- ments being made with regards
Bill 2016,” said AGP leader and to reach it. ployees was also wrong as both to the tantri and their rights and
state Water Resources Minister Some smashed car windows the tantri and the employees all responsibilities. To the best of
Keshav Mahanta. and clashed with police. come under the TDB and they my knowledge it remains the
The shutdown drew a near Armed police escorted some should not forget it,” said Vijayan. same as it was before. About the
total response across the state devotees but none managed to Taking on the Pandalam royal statements against our family, I
although the government had is- Activists of Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) party take part in protest against the Citizenship (Amendment) make it to the hilltop temple over family and its claims that they will study in detail what was said
sued instructions to the admin- Bill 2016 proposal to provide citizenship or stay rights to minorities from Bangladesh, Pakistan and the five-day worship period be- have the rights to the temple, by him (Vijayan) and will react
istration to ensure normalcy. Afghanistan in India, in Guwahati yesterday. fore it closed late Monday. Vijayan said they were staking tomorrow,” said Varma.

2019 polls may throw up Punjab’s AAP legislators

can visit Canada: officials
hung parliament: Pawar IANS
they choose to do so, at any fu-
ture time,” Minister for External
Affairs Sushma Swaraj said in a
IANS an event organised by India To- Rejecting the argument of communication to Punjab As-

Mumbai day group in Mumbai yesterday. a ‘vacuum in politics,’, Pawar onths after turning sembly Speaker Rana K P Singh,
He said the Bharatiya Janata sought to underplay the ‘Modi back two Punjab legis- according to a spokesman for
Party government headed by vs Who’ debate and said every lators belonging to the the speaker.

ationalist Congress (prime minister) Atal Behari political situation throws up a Aam Aadmi Party from the Ot- Amarjit Singh and Kultar
Party president Sharad Vajpayee had gone to elections leader. tawa airport, Canada has writ- Singh, members of Punjab As-
Pawar yesterday pre- with an impressive ‘Shining In- He asked: “Who would have ten to India saying that the law- sembly, were sent back from the
dicted that no single party dia’ campaign, but failed to win thought in 2004 that Manmo- makers can visit the country, an Ottawa international airport
would get a majority in the 2019 the polls. han Singh would be the PM?” official said yesterday. by the Canadian immigration
elections and that there would It paved the way for a new In this context, he referred Canadian authorities, in a authorities on July 21 although
be a change in government both Congress-led coalition at the to senior Congress leader P communication to India’s Min- they had travel documents.
at the national level and in Ma- Centre coming to power with Chidambaram’s statement on istry of External Affairs through Swaraj informed the speaker
harashtra. Manmohan Singh as PM and he Monday that the party has not the Indian High Commission in that the Indian High Commission
Comparing the current politi- led it for two consecutive terms projected its president Rahul Ottawa, have said that both leg- in Ottawa strongly raised this mat-
cal scenario to the one in 2004, till 2014. Gandhi as the prime ministerial islators could travel to Canada ter with the Canadian government.
the senior politician said it did Pawar said in 2004, the BJP candidate in 2019. whenever they chose to. “We will continue to pursue
not seem possible for a single was led by Vajpayee and at that “Chidambaram has stated the “I have been informed that the matter with the Canadian
party to come to power in 2019. time they said “there was no al- fact and placed on record the the Canadian Border Services side to ensure that such incidents
“I don’t think power equa- ternative” to him. Congress Party’s position. In Agency has conveyed to our do not recur in future. I also urge
tions will remain same in the “Compare Vajpayee’s stature my discussions with the Con- mission in Ottawa that due to you to kindly ensure that the
state (Maharashtra) and Centre. and leadership with the present gress leaders, though it is clear privacy legislation, they are un- government of India’s guidelines
It would be like 2004 when no PM’s stature and leadership. it wants a change, it never oc- able to provide further details in on foreign travels are followed by
party secured a majority but a I feel Vajpayee was one of the curred that they want to put Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) president Sharad Pawar speaks the matter. However, they have legislators in future and our mis-
government under (prime min- tallest leaders of the BJP. I don’t someone as the PM candidate with Janata Dal (Secular) chief H D Deve Gowda during the also conveyed that Mr Kultar sion and post in Canada are kept
ister) Manmohan Singh contin- think that is the situation in that and force it on other parties,” birthday celebrations of former Bihar governor and Congress Singh and Mr Amarjit Singh are informed about such travels,”
ued for 10 years,” Pawar said at party today,” Pawar said. Pawar said. leader D Y Patil in Mumbai on Monday. eligible to return to Canada, if Swaraj said in her letter.
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 19

Over 500 Nicaraguans Pre-Columbian statues Mexico vows to entice Moise sacks officials linked Cuba fund first to be listed
dead in protests since April discovered in Peru migrants to stay home to corruption scandal on London exchange
At least 528 people have died in anti- Archaeologists in Peru have found 20 800-year-old Mexico’s future foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard Haiti’s President Jovenel Moise removed two CEIBA Investments, a fund that owns stakes in
government protests in Nicaragua since April, wooden statues in the largest pre-Columbian site has vowed to try to stem central America’s huge top government officials as part of a purge of hotels and commercial property across Cuba, said
human rights activists said. At least 4,100 in the Americas, Culture Minister, Patricia Balbuena outflow of migrants by boosting investment in people linked to a corruption scandal that has it raised $39mn on its first day of trading on the
people have been injured, with 105 people likely and researchers revealed. The statues, all but one their home countries. The comments followed ignited mass protests. The Cabinet chief and the London Stock Exchange and will use the money to
to suffer from their injuries for the rest of their of which were in a good condition, were found US President Donald Trump’s Twitter attacks secretary general of the presidency were removed expand its business on the island. CEIBA, launched
lives, the independent rights group Nicaraguan in the Chan Chan archaeological site: a city that on a caravan of thousands of mostly Honduran from office along with 15 government advisers, in 2001, has investments in office buildings and
Association for Human Rights (ANPDH) said. was once the capital of the Chimu Kingdom and migrants rolling toward the US border. “The tweets an official said. “To have a healthy process, the four hotels across Havana and the beach resort of
Additionally, more than 1,600 people have pre-dated the Inca Empire. Located close to the we’ve been seeing lately do not surprise me, they president has decided to rid the environment of Varadero. Proceeds from the IPO are earmarked to
been kidnapped by armed gangs with ties north Peruvian modern city of Trujillo, Can Chan do not surprise the government. It’s very close to people linked to Petrocaribe without admitting upgrade and expand existing properties as well as
to the government, of which only 123 have was comprised of 10 citadels, or walled palaces, the elections in the US,” Ebrard said. He promised they are guilty of anything,” Prime Minister Jean- build a new 400-room hotel in the central town of
been released. Nicaragua has been wracked in its six kilometre squared centre of a wider “substantial changes” to Mexico’s migrant policy Henry Ceant said. Investigations by the Haitian Trinidad. “The company has raised $39mn through
by protests since April, after President Daniel city that measured 20 square kilometres. “It’s an when president-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Senate in 2016 and 2017 concluded that nearly the Initial Issue of 30,000,000 new shares at a
Ortega tried to push through a pension reform important discovery for its age and the quality of Obrador is sworn in on December 1. “There are $2bn from a Venezuelan aid programme called price of 100 pence per share, capitalising CEIBA at
which would have cut benefits. its decoration,” said Balbuena while visiting the site. going to be many more work visas,” Ebrard said. Petrocaribe were misused. approximately £137mn,” it said.

Amazon at risk
if right-wing
candidate wins
polls: ecologists
AFP not give up “one centimetre more”
Rio de Janeiro of land to indigenous communities
claiming traditional land.
His aim is to end what he sees as

romises by Brazil’s far-right “ecologist activism.”
presidential candidate Jair In August, while visiting Rorai-
Bolsonaro and his entourage ma state within the vast Amazon,
bode badly for the future of the the long-term congressman railed
Amazon — called the “lungs of the against the environmental activ-
planet” — if he wins, environmen- ists’ control over the public envi-
talists warn. ronmental agencies ICMbio and
The candidate is seen as pliant IBAMA, saying they “hurt those Brazilian congressmen and pro-gun campaigners Alberto Fraga (left) and Laudivio Carvalho (centre) joke after visiting far-right Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro
to the powerful agrobusiness lobby who want to produce.” at his house in Barra da Tijuca neighbourhood in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, yesterday.
in his country known for putting Oswaldo Ferreira, the retired
profit ahead of preservation. general Bolsonaro wants to install
One of his most controversial as his transport minister, recent-
campaign pledges is to merge the ly told the Estadao de Sao Paulo
agriculture and environment min-
istries into one.
“Let us be clear: the future min-
istry will come from the productive
sector. We won’t have any more
fights over this,” Bolsonaro, who
vows to boost Brazil’s fragile econ-
newspaper that those agencies only
worked to anger people.
IBAMA’s chief, Suely Araujo, re-
sponded with a statement warning
that establishing projects “with
high environmental impact, with-
out the necessary study, signified
Bolsonaro scolds son for
omy, told a media conference four
days after winning the October 7
first-round in the presidential race.
“If he’s elected, that will be the
beginning of the end for the Ama-
zon,” his leftist rival in Sunday´s
run-off, Fernando Haddad, said
turning the clock back four dec-
Emilio La Rovere, director of an
environmental studies lab at the
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
said Bolsonaro’s discourse “recalled
the doctrine in place at the time of
threat to shut top court ities to respect the constitution. “The judiciary is obviously danger, including physical, if we a fellow lawmaker she was not
last week. the military dictatorship,” between Brasilia Bolsonaro’s leftist rival, Fern- important. I was even hard on do not alert the country that the pretty enough to rape. He has
Geraldo Monteiro, a political 1964 and 1985 — which Bolsonaro ando Haddad, who is trailing in the boy. Anyone who says such political opposition, judges and called the cases political perse-
science professor at Rio de Janeiro served as an army captain. opinion polls, said if the former a thing needs to see a psychia- journalists are being threatened cution.

State University, said: “As he’s That doctrine was “development razil’s leading presiden- army captain wins Sunday’s trist,” he said. “As far as we are before the election has been de- In a video taken in July of
backed by the agrobusiness lobby at any price,” to the detriment of tial hopeful, Jair Bol- run-off vote, military hardlin- concerned, this is a closed chap- cided,” he said at a press confer- him speaking in a classroom,
in congress, which is really strong, the environment, which was seen sonaro, publicly upbraid- ers will threaten democratic ter.” ence. Eduardo Bolsonaro said the
Bolsonaro virtually wants to make as an “obstacle” to building roads ed his son for threatening to institutions and undermine the Yet Haddad seized on the Bolsonaro is a seven-term Supreme Court could be shut
the environment serve the interests or mining. shut down the Supreme Court country’s young democracy. controversy to tell Brazilians member of Congress who has down if it countered his father.
of agrobusiness.” For La Rovere, Bolsonaro’s cam- in comments that set off a Brazil emerged in 1985 from a that democracy was in peril. found wide appeal with an elec- “One wouldn’t even need a Jeep.
Bolsonaro has also several times paign promises could have “serious storm of criticism and prompt- repressive 21-year military dic- The Workers Party (PT) can- torate seeking order after five Sending a soldier and corporal
evoked studies to build hydroelec- consequences at a global level” and ed his main opponent to call the tatorship. didate has issued increasingly years of economic and political would be enough to close the
tric power stations in the Amazon, also undermine efforts made over far-right candidate a threat to Following the firestorm, Bol- dire warnings as the latest opin- crises. Haddad has faced strong STF,” he said, using the acronym
which implies the construction of the past 15 years to preserve the democracy. sonaro, a federal lawmaker, ion polls show the race seeming- headwinds as his party, a domi- for the court.
massive dams that would greatly country’s exceptional biodiversity. Over the weekend, social expressed his respect for the ly out of reach, with nearly three nant force in politics in recent The younger Bolsonaro post-
impact water courses and require Greenhouse gas emissions have media exploded over a video separation of powers and dis- in five voters backing Bolsonaro. years, is one of many ravaged by ed another video on Monday on
communities to be moved. been cut almost in half under strict of comments made in July by owned the comments by his son, “If he has the courage to corruption scandals. his Twitter account criticising
That issue has long been a con- laws against deforestation. Eduardo Bolsonaro saying a 34-year-old member of Con- threaten democracy before the Until his presidential run, the top court and backing his
tentious one between Brazilian Lifting restrictions could block the top court could be forci- gress. election, what do you think he Bolsonaro was best known for father’s proposal to increase its
authorities and indigenous tribes “the transition towards an econo- bly disbanded by the army if it “I’ve already warned my boy. will do if he wins?” Haddad said his defence of the 1964-1985 size from 11 to 21 members —
— particularly over one project my based on low carbon emissions,” stripped his father of an elec- It was his responsibility. He has in Sao Paulo, a day after Bol- military government and being something that Haddad said was
already under construction, Belo he said. toral victory. already apologised. It happened sonaro renewed a vow to jail him charged with hate crimes for mi- a clear attempt to neutralise the
Monte, which when finished will Bolsonaro has even threatened Chief justice Jose Antonio four months ago. He was asked for alleged graft and wipe the PT sogynist, racist and homophobic court’s current justices.
be the third-biggest dam in the to follow US President Donald Dias Toffoli issued a statement a senseless question and gave an from Brazil’s political map. rants. Justice Celso de Mello, the
world. Trump’s example of taking his saying that any attack on the ju- absurd answer,” said Bolsonaro, “Either we toss aside this au- The Supreme Court rejected court’s oldest judge, called Edu-
In February, the hard-right can- country out of the Paris climate ac- diciary amounted to an attack on 63, in a interview with the SBT thoritarian tradition that Brazil the racism charge, but has not ardo Bolsonaro a “coup-mon-
didate said that, if elected, he would cord. democracy and urged all author- television network. has always had...or we are in ruled on a case in which he told ger” in a written statement.

Three dead as migrant Thousands evacuated

as storm hits Mexico
caravan nears US border Reuters gradually weaken further before
striking a few miles south of Ma-
Agencies The UN says the caravan in- into his country and threatened to zatlan.
Huixtla, Mexico cludes about 7,300 people. cut aid to Guatemala, Honduras Yesterday morning the storm

Most of the migrants crossed and El Salvador for failing to stop housands of people were was about 209km south-south-
illegally from Guatemala into the caravan early on. evacuated, buildings were west of Mazatlan, the hurricane

migrant has been found Mexico and continued their The president is seen as mak- boarded up and schools centre said.
dead on the road from journey despite warnings by the ing the migrants a campaign is- closed on Mexico’s Pacific coast In Mazatlan, a steady rain fell
Tapachula to Huixtla in Mexican authorities that un- sue, just weeks before mid-term yesterday as Hurricane Willa with a slight breeze, while run-
southern Mexico, state prosecu- documented migrants would be elections. battered tourist resorts with high ners and tourists were out on the
tors said yesterday, as a caravan deported. The migrants include many winds and heavy rains. boardwalk.
of thousands continued to head They spent Monday night in who could qualify for asylum, the Residents had sealed off win- Some young men were surfing
through Mexico for the US. Huixtla, sleeping outdoors or in UN refugee agency UNHCR said. dows and doors with large wood- the higher-than-usual waves.
The discovery means at least makeshift tents. “UNHCR would like to remind en planks on hotels facing the Several other tourist getaways
three people have died since the It was possible they might rest countries along this route that historic downtown boardwalk of in the state of Nayarit, as well as
caravan of central American mi- in the town for a day to gather this caravan is likely to include Mazatlan, a popular coastal city the beach resort of Puerto Val-
grants began heading north from strength for the nearly 4,000km people in real danger,” UNHCR in the northwestern state of Si- larta in Jalisco state, also lie near
Honduras on October 13. journey to the US border, organis- said in a statement. naloa. the path of the storm, which is
The body of the migrant, who ers said. “In any situation like this it Willa, which weakened to forecast to bring a life-threaten-
appears to have died of respirato- “Amid the chaos, we need to try is essential that people have the a category 3 on the five-step ing storm surge of ocean water,
ry problems and dehydration, was to create a bit of order...We need chance to request asylum and Saffir-Simpson scale yesterday wind and rainfall, the hurricane
found on the road that the caravan to avoid anyone getting hurt or have their international protec- morning, was blowing maxi- centre said.
travelled on Monday. dying,” said Irineo Mujica from tion needs properly assessed, mum sustained winds of around Nayarit Governor Anto-
The person has not yet been the migrant rights group Pueblo before any decision on return/de- 201kph with higher gusts, the nio Echevarria said more than
identified. Sin Fronteras. portation is made,” it added. Miami-based National Hurri- 10,000 people were being evac-
A 25-year-old migrant was Migrant Alexander Fernandez Mexico has encouraged the cane Center said. uated and schools would be
killed on Monday after falling said the column planned to move migrants to legalise their situa- It had been a Category 4 storm closed.
from a moving vehicle, prosecu- again early today. tion by seeking refugee status in earlier yesterday and had reached He warned locals not to defy
tors said earlier. Huixtla mayor Jose Luis La- the country, but only about 1,000 rare Category 5 status on Monday the storm.
The Guatemalan authorities parra said the city was providing have done so. with winds near 260kph. “Let’s not play the macho,” he
also reported the death of a Hon- medical attention to the migrants Many of the migrants shun the Forecast to be one of the most said. “Let’s not act like superhe-
duran migrant in similar circum- who “only want to work.” procedure, because it would take powerful hurricanes to enter roes. It’s a very strong hurricane,
stances in the country on Satur- US President Donald Trump months and because most of them Mexico from the Pacific in re- very potent, and we don’t want
day. has vowed not the let the migrants do not want to stay in Mexico. Children look at the sea along the Mazatlan boardwalk yesterday. cent years, Willa was expected to any tragedies.”
Gulf Times
20 Wednesday, October 24, 2018


PM okays incentives for

non-resident Pakistanis Internews Also, pensioners can now re- financial year will also have an
Imran meets Saudi king Islamabad ceive up to Rs250,000 per indi-
vidual per month.
incentive of Rs1 against each
dollar of incremental remittance
Umar: also directed FBR officials
to give the Urdu version of the
Under C2B, direct payments transaction. return forms.

rime Minister Imran Khan from overseas Pakistanis abroad These incentives will have a
has approved incentives can be received to pay for utility significant impact on increased
to create favourable con- bills, education fees of institu- remittances.
ditions for non-resident Pa-
kistanis to send in remittances
through legal banking channels.
tions (accredited by the Higher
Education Commission), su-
perstores, insurance companies,
The prime minister hopes that
by taking these measures, the
government would be able to
According to officials of the
Media Cell of the Prime Min-
ister’s Office, the State Bank of
credit card payments, etc.
Remittances received by
reputable real estate builders/
increase remittance flows from
$20bn to at least $30bn per an-
num, and perhaps even $40bn,
Pakistan (SBP) and authorised
banks have been allowed to im-
plement Business to Customer
developers and housing socie-
ties from overseas Pakistanis on
account of purchase of property
through proper banking chan-
A survey will also be conduct-
(B2C) and Customer to Busi-
ness (C2B) transactions through
foreign correspondent entities
such as residential and com-
mercial houses, plots, flats, and
building, are also allowed, ex-
ed to get feedback from overseas
Pakistanis – particularly work-
ers in the Middle East – about
tax form
under existing home remittance cept remittances for equity/par- how to further facilitate them
agency arrangements. ticipation in an enterprise. in the process of sending remit- Internews
Under B2C, freelance and The prime minister also ap- tances to the country. Islamabad
information systems services proved an incentive payment by Khan said he believes over-
are allowed transaction of up to the government on mobile wal- seas Pakistanis are the country’s

$1,500 per individual per month. let use to the tune of Rs2 on each greatest assets, and that the gov- ederal Finance Minister
Transaction services other transaction of $1 remittance. ernment would facilitate them in Asad Umar has expressed
than computer and informa- Currency exchange compa- every respect. his displeasure with the
This handout photograph released by Pakistan’s Press Information Department (PID) yesterday tion services are also allowed to nies and authorised dealers, He has directed the ministries Federal Board of Revenue’s (FBR)
shows Prime Minister Imran Khan with Saudi King Salman in Riyadh. transact up to $1,500 per indi- such as banks, that bring in 15% and departments concerned to top officials for delaying the in-
vidual per month. more remittances than the prior work out further incentives. troduction of a simplified sin-
gle-page return form for salaried
and small taxpayers.
In a recent meeting, Umar di-

Imran vows peace talks with India after 2019 elections rected the officials to come up
with the return form immedi-
ately, an official source privy to
the meeting here says.
AFP Khan launched a charm offen- “Now, what we are hoping is unleashed a barrage of insults Khan’s call for peace talks Khan confirmed that Pakistan The government has already
Riyadh sive targeting potential investors that we wait until the elections, from both sides. comes as his administration is was also in talks with the Inter- extended the filing of tax returns
as Pakistan seeks to secure funds then again we will resume our India has long accused Pa- desperately seeking funds from national Monetary Fund (IMF) until November 30.
amid a yawning balance of pay- peace talks with India,” he add- kistan of backing militants in “friendly” countries, including over a new bailout. “The minister also directed

rime Minister Imran Khan ment crisis. ed, referring to upcoming na- Kashmir, a Himalayan territory Saudi Arabia, to shore up Paki- Since taking power in August, FBR officials to give the Urdu
has vowed to hold peace “When I won the elections tionwide polls scheduled to take divided between the two coun- stan’s deteriorating finances. Khan has also sought loans from version of the return forms as
talks with India follow- and came to power, the first place by mid-May. tries but claimed in full by both The prime minister’s attend- allies such as China and Saudi well,” the official said.
ing next year’s elections in the thing I tried to do was extend In September India pulled the since independence in 1947. ance at the FII comes as leading Arabia, promised to recover Asked about the deadline for
neighbouring country, after a a hand of peace to India,” the plug on a rare meeting – between Delhi has stationed about policy-makers and corporate funds allegedly stolen by offi- the proposed form, the official
similar offer from the former prime minister told the crowd at Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj 500,000 soldiers in the por- chiefs shunned the conference cials, and embarked on a series said the minister only directed
cricketer was “rebuffed”. the Future Investment Initiative and Pakistan’s Shah Mehmood tion of Kashmir that it controls, in response to the death of jour- of high-profile populist auster- that it be done “immediately”.
He made the announcement (FII) in Riyadh, adding that the Qureshi – on the sidelines of a where separatist groups demand nalist Jamal Khashoggi at the ity measures. Plenty of complaints have
during a speech at a Saudi Arabi- overture was later “rebuffed” by UN summit, a move that was independence or a merger with Saudi consulate in Istanbul. been voiced at various forums
an investment conference where Delhi. termed “arrogant” by Khan and Pakistan. During his address at the FII, See Business Page 13 regarding the complexity of e-
filing platform IRIS, which con-
sists of almost seven pages.
FBR spokesperson Dr Mo-
All in a day’s work hamed Iqbal says that the bureau

Gwadar to play host has already introduced the sim-

plified return form.
Regarding the Urdu version of

to lawmakers from forms, he said he was not aware

of whether they will be intro-
duced from this fiscal year.

26 Asian countries However, Umar said that the

form should not be more than
one page for salaried and small
taxpayers, and be made available
Internews The inaugural ceremony in Urdu.
Islamabad will be held on October 29, to Former prime minister Shahid
be followed by meetings of the Khaqan Abbasi had previously
Special Committee on Creation announced the introduction of

embers of parliament of Asian Parliament in Gwadar. a single page return form to be
from 26 Asian coun- The meetings will lead to available from July 1.
tries will be gathering discussion on resolutions That came as part of the tax
next week in Gwadar, Balu- which will consequently be reform package in which maxi-
chistan. brought before the Assembly. mum relief was given to salaried
Official sources confirmed The resolutions to be dis- and non-salaried business indi-
yesterday that the legislators cussed by the APA Commit- viduals.
will gather for a three-day tee on Political Affairs relate According to a World Bank-
meeting of the Committee on to the rule of law and judicial PwC report Paying Taxes 2015, it
Political Affairs of the Asian empowerment in the Asian takes 594 hours to comply with
Parliamentary Assembly (APA) region, building prosperity in tax law provisions in Pakistan,
to deliberate on matters of Asia through friendship and which does not include time
mutual interests to the Asian co-operation, bringing Asian spent by the taxpayer on filing
region in terms of political af- parliaments and governments withholding statements.
fairs, economic trade, and oth- together for prosperity in Asia, This time needs to be reduced
er issues. and promoting good parlia- by at least 33% by simplifying
They said that the interna- mentary practices. returns and increasing the user-
tional legislators will also be The Pakistan Senate will put friendliness of software.
passing declarations and reso- before the Assembly the pro- The tax reform commission
lutions at the conference start- posal of “development through constituted by the previous gov-
ing on October 29. democracy”, suggesting that ernment has also suggested that
The sources said that Gwa- this system of governance is the the FBR introduce a single-page
dar is the future economic hub most important tool for peace, A man prepares a fishing boat in Karachi. return form to facilitate taxpay-
of Pakistan, and that the pur- prosperity and development. ers.
pose of holding of this inter- The APA traces its history to
national conference is to high- the establishment of the As-
light its economic importance sociation of Asian Parliaments
as well as to present a message for Peace (AAPP) in September
to the world that Pakistan is a
peaceful country with enor-
mous investment opportuni-
1999 in Dhaka, when a group
of Asian parliamentarians de-
cided to join forces towards
Pakistan, Russian troops conduct military drills
ties. promoting peace and human
The APA member countries rights in Asia. Internews The purpose of the war games is
would deliberate on future In 2006, at a meeting in Te- Islamabad to strengthen co-operation between
prospects for economic co- hran, the AAPP became the militaries of the two countries and ex-
operation. Asian Parliamentary Assembly. change professional experience, partic-

akistani and Russian troops have ularly in the area of counter-terrorism
been conducting the third edition operations.
1,800 Peshawar houses ‘protected’ of their annual joint drills this Defence relations between Pakistan
week in Pakistan codenamed “Druzh- and Russia have steadily grown since
The Archaeological Directorate of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has ba-III”. the countries signed their defence co-
deemed 1,800 houses in Peshawar as “protected sites” under the A 70-member contingent of Russian operation agreement in 2014.
antiquity law. troops is participating in the drills being The agreement, besides providing for
Owners of these houses have been sent notices informing them held at the National Counter-Terrorist co-operation in different areas of mili-
that the structures are of historical value and that the directorate Centre in Pabbi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. tary activities, also covers collaboration
will be responsible for their preservation, official sources revealed The exercises will continue till No- between the two sides for promoting
yesterday. vember 4. international security and intensifica-
All of the identified 1,800 houses are located inside the “walled city”, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Re- tion of counter-terrorism activities.
the older sections of Peshawar. lations announced the arrival of the Earlier this year, Islamabad and Mos-
The notices were issued by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Russian contingent, saying that it is cow set up a commission to promote
Archaeology and Museums Directorate under the KP Antiquity Act here to participate in the Pak-Russia military co-operation.
2016. Joint Training Exercise “Druzhba-III”. At the first meeting of the Russia-
The law provides that every structure that is at least 100 years old Druzhba is a Slavic word that means Pakistan Joint Military Consultative
will be considered as having historical value and a piece of national “friendship”. Committee, which is said to be the
heritage. The drills have been held since 2016, highest forum of defence collaboration This photograph released by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Monday
While its legal owner can retain possession of the property, they will when Pakistan hosted the first edition. between the two sides, it was agreed shows Russian troops in a military plane upon their arrival at a military base at an undisclosed
no longer be allowed to make any changes to the structure without The second edition was held in Rus- that Pakistan army personnel would location in Pakistan. A Russian army contingent is in Pakistan to participate in the Pak-Russia
first seeking permission from the directorate. sia. train at Russian military institutes. Joint Training Excercise ‘Druzhba-III’.
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 21

Indian naval ship docks in Manila
from IPU
Manila Times Trillanes is still in the recom-
Manila mendation stage “and is thus
not binding for now.”
Asked to comment on Ar-

enators Franklin Drilon, royo’s proposal to withdraw
Panfilo Lacson, and Risa from IPU, Senate President
Hontiveros yesterday re- Vicente Sotto said, “I am in-
jected the proposal of House clined to concur but after due
Speaker Gloria Macapagal- consultation with my col-
Arroyo that the Philippines leagues.”
withdraw from the Inter-Par- “Perhaps the IPU’s hu-
liamentary Union (IPU). man rights committee should
Drilon, Lacson and Senate be reminded that the Philip-
President Pro Tempore Ralph pines is a sovereign state with
Recto were part of the Philip- a working judicial process, and
pine delegation this month to a Constitution that decrees
the 139th IPU conference in the separation of powers for
Geneva, Switzerland. the executive, legislative and
Aside from Arroyo, House judicial branches,” Sotto said
members present in the same in a text message.
IPU meeting were representa- Lacson said Arroyo’s rec-
tives Gustavo Tambunting, ommendation is based on the
Ron Salo, Rodante Marcoleta, wrong premise. Members of the Philippine navy band play music during the arrival ceremony of Indian naval ship sailor INS Rana at the international port in Manila, yesterday. The multi-role
and Eric Martinez. “The IPU has yet to act on guided missile destroyer INS Rana is on a four-day goodwill visit.
With 178 members and 12 its Human Rights Commit-
associate members, the IPU tee’s recommendation to the
is an organisation of national IPU Governing Council. Hav-
parliamentarians worldwide. ing said that, it is premature,
Formed in 1889, the IPU aims if at all, to denounce the IPU as

Govt to appeal court

to “protect and build global a whole, much less withdraw
democracy through political membership from the body.”
dialogue and concrete action.” “Second, by withdrawing,
“House speaker Gloria it would imply that the Phil-
Macapagal-Arroyo should ippine Senate acknowledges
mind her own and we will mind the political persecution of
our own. I oppose the proposal opposition senators. Third, it

ruling in Trillanes case

of Arroyo that we withdraw is the Senate, not the House
from the IPU just because this of Representatives, that is a
global body of parliamentar- member of the IPU, so I’m not
ians expressed its concern over sure where Speaker GMA is
the political persecution of our coming from,” he said in a text
fellow Senators Leila de Lima message.
and (Antonio) Sonny Tril- Hontiveros said the plan to
lanes,” Drilon said. withdraw membership in the By Catherine S Valente evidence. So there are questions “It’s more of a pyrrhic victory filed by the court and say that it still up to the military whether or
“Arroyo’s proposal is de- IPU is a “virtual admission of Manila Times that can be properly raised in because if you will notice, the has no jurisdiction,” he added. not to pursue such action.
spairing, defeatest and will guilt on the part of the Duterte the Court of Appeals and subse- court decided that the procla- Asked if they were confident in “The president will allow all
be seen by the world as a tacit government.” quently, in the Supreme Court,” mation issued by the president is seeing Trillanes detained, Panelo offices and branches to do their

admission that indeed critical “It only confirms the IPU’s he fight isn’t over, Mala- Panelo said. Makati Regional valid. They are claiming the time said the administration would al- thing,” Panelo added.
lawmakers are being perse- serious concerns about our canang said yesterday as Trial Court Branch 148 rejected that the president does not have ways observe the rule of law and Trillanes was arrested nearly a
cuted under the Duterte ad- country’s worsening human it would ask the Court of the Department of Justice’s pe- the power to void any amnesty. would prosecute those who vio- month ago for rebellion, on orders
ministration,” said Drilon, also rights record. If this goes on, Appeals (CA) to reverse a Makati tition for an alias arrest warrant And the court said he has,” he lated it. of the Makati RTC Branch 150 over
Senate minority leader. the way it’s going, the Phil- court ruling denying a motion to and travel ban against Trillanes said. “This administration will al- the 2007 Manila Peninsula siege.
The Senate majority bloc ippines will soon run out of have Senator Antonio Trillanes but upheld Duterte’s Proclama- The Palace official also ques- ways observe the rule of law. Any He posted bail on the same day.
said that the supposed inquiry intergovernmental bodies that arrested for his coup d’etat case. tion 572 that revoked the am- tioned the court’s refusal to issue violation of any law, it is mandat- The Justice department previ-
by the IPU Committee on the it can be part of. President In press conference, Palace nesty granted to the senator by an arrest warrant due to the sup- ed to prosecute. We saw that there ously asked the two Makati courts
Human Rights of Parliamen- Rodrigo Duterte cannot with- spokesman Salvador Panelo said former president Benigno Aqui- posed “principle of immutability has been a violation in the grant of to order Trillanes’ arrest and bar
tarians into the alleged politi- draw our country from the Solicitor General Jose Calida no over two failed coup attempts of judgment.” amnesty and that is precisely why his departure from the country,
cal persecution of de Lima and world,” Hontiveros said. would not file a motion for re- in 2003 and 2007. “I am wondering why because the proclamation was issued to arguing that the nullification of
consideration “but would go Trillanes welcomed the latest effectively, that would mean it declare its nullity. So until its time his amnesty meant that all cases
immediately to appeal the ruling court decision, citing Judge An- has no jurisdiction over the case. when the Supreme Court said we against the senator must be pur-
of the court, with respect to the dres Soriano for upholding the But then again, the court took are wrong, we will consistently sued.
Customs chief hits back at accusers non-issuance of the warrant of rule of law. jurisdiction and in fact, the par- make our stand that we are right,” The senator insisted that his
arrest.” Panelo, however, said Tril- ties submitted their respective he said. amnesty was valid and that he fol-
Drug syndicates have pen- Customs, funded by drug “There are procedural mat- lanes should not celebrate as the positions and evidence,” Panelo In a radio interview, Panelo also lowed procedure.
etrated the highest echelons syndicates to divert the atten- ters decided by the court, which court’s decision declaring Du- said. floated the possibility of a court A former Navy lieutenant, Tril-
of government, including the tion from them. to my mind are erroneous, how terte’s proclamation nullifying “Because if it has no jurisdic- martial being reconvened against lanes won a seat in the Senate in
Bureau of Customs and the “The issue on X-rays, and all it accepted evidence despite the the amnesty as valid was more tion, then the court should have Trillanes, saying this is the “logi- 2007, campaigning from deten-
Philippine Drugs Enforcement these noise are smokes and fact that they were all secondary important. dismissed outright the motion cal consequence” but also said it’s tion, and was re-elected in 2013.
Agency (PDEA), according mirrors — technicalities being
to Customs Commissioner used to divert the public
Isidro Lapena, Manila Times away from the main issue.
reported. We should refocus,” Lapena
“It is a fact that the drug stressed.
syndicates have penetrated
the government. They exist in
the Bureau of Customs, they
Among the suspected
cohorts of drug syndicates at
Customs, Lapena specifically
Police get ready for reopening of Boracay island
exist in PDEA, and they exist identified Jimmy Guban, the
in other branches of govern- former head of the Customs Manila Times units were well-prepared after they con- cause we have substations that are cur- enforced, after its soft opening last Octo-
ment,” Lapena said yesterday. Intelligence and Investigation Manila ducted a series of activities. rently being constructed there,” he added. ber 16 showed guests leaving their trash.
Proof of it, he pointed out, was Service (CIIS) at the Manila “All systems go. In fact, on October 25, PNP chief director general Oscar Albay- “The PNP will enforce all municipal
the drug matrix that had been International Container Port we are conducting the capability demon- alde will visit the capability demonstra- ordinances especially with those punitive

shown by President Rodrigo where the controversial four he Philippine National Police (PNP) stration…and we have a series of activities tion.The Malay Police Station headquar- provisions,” Bulalacao said.
Duterte himself in public. magnetic lifters that allegedly is ready to assist tourists and locals that will be done in Boracay,” Bulalacao ters was also transferred to another area in Boracay Island was closed to the pub-
Lapena deplored what he contained more than a tonne when Boracay reopens on October said. Boracay, to further assist the people there lic in April to undergo rehabilitation af-
described as a well-orches- of shabu or methampheta- 26, according to officials. “We are well-prepared insofar as equip- in the reopening. ter President Rodrigo Duterte called the
trated media attack against mine were released. Chief Supt. John Bulalacao, regional ment, the number of personnel needed, Bulalacao also said the ordinance world-renowned tourist destination a
director of Western Visayas, said police the facilities, especially the building be- against littering on the island would be “cesspool”.

Duterte faces first serious dip in popularity ratings

By Hannah Ellis-Petersen his two years in power. The move consistently remained at about was declared after a shortage of help matters, but critics have
Guardian News & Media was described as a “huge politi- 80% due to his appeal to the big- rice, and prices rose by a report- accused the government of not
cal slap” to the president. gest sections of voters — poor ed 75%. The national shortage adequately stockpiling.
Inflation in the Philippines, people in urban areas and the got so bad that the government However Atienza said that the

is domestic reputation which was one of the fastest middle classes — many of whom lifted restrictions on rice im- decline in Duterte’s popularity
has survived a brutal growing economies in south- praise his brash, often offensive ports to try to relieve demand was also linked to the fact that he
drug war that took thou- east Asia, is now at almost 7%, a style, which was seen as an an- and bring prices down, but many had now been in power for more
sands of lives, a personal attack nine-year record for the country tidote to “corrupt, imperial Ma- say it has come too late and does than two years, and major prom-
on religion, jokes about rape and and the highest in the region. nila”. not solve the long-term prob- ises had not been fulfilled.” Du-
a barrage of misogynistic com- “Duterte has had dents in his But his popularity has taken lem. The rising price of fuel has terte made the promise he would
ments about women. popularity in the past, but in the a hit and is now by some esti- also hit poor people in urban ar- eliminate drugs in six months or
But now the Filipino presi- past few months this has been mates between 50% and 60%, eas hard, and things will worsen one year but still no major drug
dent, Rodrigo Duterte, is facing the most sustained decline in mainly because of a new tax when public transport prices go dealers have been caught and a
the first serious dip in his popu- his popularity,” said Maria Ela L policy, which was aimed at up a planned two pesos (3p) in lot of people, including children,
larity ratings at a time of soar- Atienza, editor of the Philippine lowering national poverty to November. have died,” she said.
ing inflation, which has seen the Political Science Journal. 14% but increased the price of In the main, Duterte has re- “Most of the promised infra-
price of everyday basics such as “The price of groceries is in- everyday goods with a value- fused to acknowledge his ad- structure projects programme
rice, bread and fuel as much as creasing, transportation is get- added tax. ministration’s role in the crisis, have not been fulfilled.
double. ting more expensive and in dis- It meant the overall cost of blaming “corrupt” rice hoard- A lot of people in the metro
Duterte’s targeted attacks on array, and the price of even basic food had risen by 10% in Sep- ers, the US-China trade war and Manila area have a lot of prob-
his vocal critics also received foods like bread is increasing. tember, with the price of fish then rising global oil prices for lems with the mass transport
their first pushback from the A lot of people are angry and rising by 12% and vegetables by the increase in the cost of living. system, and the conditions of
courts this week, after a judge they are complaining because 20%. People in the Philippines Certainly Typhoon Mang- the trains are very bad — and
rejected the petition for the ar- they are really feeling the effect even reported loaves of bread khut, which hit one of the most he has not eliminated the secu-
rest of Sen Antonio Trillanes IV, of the rising cost of living.” being smaller. agricultural areas of the Philip- rity problems with militants and
Rodrigo Duterte’s popularity has fallen from about 80% to between who has been one of the presi- Since he was elected in 2016, In the southern region of pines and destroyed more than communist insurgents in the
50-60%. dent’s fiercest opponents during Duterte’s popularity rating has Zamboanga, a state of calamity 250,000 tonnes of rice, did not south.”
Gulf Times
22 Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Attiyah
Faisal Abdulhameed al-Mudahka
Deputy Managing Editor
K T Chacko

P.O.Box 2888, Doha, Qatar
44350478 (News),
44466404 (Sport),
44466636 (Home delivery)

Tearing up N-arms
treaty with Russia
would be catastrophic
President Trump has made a habit of repudiating
international agreements negotiated by Barack Obama,
his Democratic predecessor. Now he seems to be on the
verge of withdrawing the United States from a landmark
arms control agreement signed more than 30 years ago by
a Republican president, Ronald Reagan.
Trump’s stated reason for abrogating the 1987
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty – that Russia
is violating its terms – seems superficially plausible. But
withdrawal would still be a catastrophic mistake.
The treaty, concluded between the US and the former
How the man behind Khashoggi
Soviet Union, ended an arms race in Europe that began in
the late 1970s when Moscow deployed a new generation
of intermediate-range missiles capable of delivering
multiple nuclear warheads, and Nato responded with a
plan to deploy US ground-launched cruise missiles and
murder ran the killing via Skype
intermediate-range ballistic missiles. Eventually the two Reuters much greater heights.
superpowers agreed to a treaty banning all land-based London According to his biography on his
missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500km. Twitter account, Qahtani studied law and
made the rank of captain in the Saudi air
The INF treaty was part of a larger disarmament

e ran social media for Saudi force.
dialogue between the US and the Soviet Union (and later Arabia’s crown prince. After launching a blog, he caught the
the Russian Federation) that also included talks to limit He masterminded the arrest eye of Khaled al-Tuwaijri, the former
long-range nuclear of hundreds of his country’s head of the royal court, who hired him
weapons. Current elite. in the early 2000s to run an electronic
“Russia has strategic stockpiles and
He detained a Lebanese prime minister. media army tasked with protecting Saudi
And, according to two intelligence Arabia’s image, according to a source with
violated the delivery systems are sources, he ran journalist Jamal ties to the royal court.
limited by the 2010 New Khashoggi’s brutal killing at the Saudi Tuwaijri is under house arrest and
agreement” START treaty, which consulate in Istanbul by giving orders could not be reached for comment.
expires in February 2021 over Skype. Qahtani rose to further prominence
Saud al-Qahtani, a top aide for Saudi after latching onto Prince Mohamed,
unless the two nations agree to extend it for up to five Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman, who was part of his father Salman’s court
years. is one of the fall guys as Riyadh tries to as Riyadh governor, then crown prince
Trump has been telegraphing in recent days that the stem international outrage at Khashoggi’s and finally king in 2015. Tasked with
US would be abandoning the INF treaty. On Saturday death. countering alleged Qatari influence on
he said: “Russia has violated the agreement. They have On Saturday, Saudi state media said social media, Qahtani used Twitter to
King Salman had sacked Qahtani and four attack criticism of the kingdom in general
been violating it for many years. And we’re not going to other officials over the killing carried out and Prince Mohamed in particular.
let them violate a nuclear agreement and go out and do by a 15-man hit team. He also ran a WhatsApp group with
weapons and we’re not allowed to.” But Qahtani’s influence in the crown local newspaper editors and prominent
The president apparently was referring to allegations prince’s entourage has been so vast journalists, dictating the royal court’s
that the Russians have developed a land-based cruise over the past three years — his own line.
rise tracking that of his boss — that it When Riyadh led an economic boycott
missile that exceeds the range specified in the treaty, an will be hard for Saudi officials to paint against Qatar in June 2017, Qahtani
allegation the Russians deny. The Obama administration Qahtani as the mastermind of the murder ramped up his attacks on the small Gulf
also alleged that Russia breached the treaty’s terms, and without also raising questions about state.
in 2016 convened a meeting of the Special Verification the involvement of Prince Mohamed, Saud al-Qahtani, a top aide for Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman. Online, he urged Saudis to tweet the
Commission, a body established by the treaty to address according to several sources with links to names of anyone showing sympathy with
the royal court. Saud al-Qahtani. court, Qahtani was beamed into a room of Qatar under the Arabic hashtag “The
compliance concerns. But rather than withdraw from “This episode won’t topple MbS, but France intervened to free Hariri, but the Saudi consulate via Skype. Black List”. The high-ranking Arab official
the treaty, the Obama administration adopted a policy of it has hit his image which will take a long Western capitals did not take Riyadh to He began to hurl insults at Khashoggi and Saudi sources with ties to the royal
trying to press Russia back into compliance. time to be repaired if it ever does. The task for detaining a head of government over the phone. court said Qahtani was MbS’s “bad cop”
Arms-control experts point out that abrogating the king is protecting him,” one of the sources — and Prince Mohamed emerged According to the Arab and Turkish late last year when 200 people, including
treaty over one alleged violation by Russia would free with ties to the royal court said. emboldened, according to these Saudi sources, Khashoggi answered Qahtani’s Saudi princes, ministers and business
Qahtani himself once said he would sources. insults with his own. tycoons, were detained and put under
Moscow to disregard all constraints imposed by the never do anything without his boss’ This time is different, with some But he was no match for the squad, house arrest at the Ritz-Carlton in an
agreement. And that wouldn’t be the only adverse approval. Western capitals increasingly critical of which included top security and anti-corruption sweep.
consequence. “Do you think I make decisions the murder and the Saudi explanation. intelligence operatives, some with direct Qahtani oversaw some of the
US renunciation of the INF treaty also would undermine without guidance? I am an employee and Germany has announced it will stop links to the royal court. interrogations, the Arab official said.
prospects for extending the New START treaty. a faithful executor of the orders of my lord arms sales, while Britain, France and A Turkish intelligence source relayed The extent of Qahtani’s power is
the king and my lord the faithful crown Germany issued a joint statement asking that at one point Qahtani told his men perhaps best illustrated by the kidnapping
In addition to complaining about Russian violations, prince,” Qahtani tweeted last summer. for an “urgent … clarification of exactly to dispose of Khashoggi. “Bring me the of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-
Trump has pointed out that China is not bound by Qahtani did not respond to questions what happened Oct 2.” head of the dog”, the Turkish intelligence Hariri last year, several of the Saudi and
the INF treaty. “If Russia’s doing it and if China’s from Reuters. President Donald Trump has swung source says Qahtani instructed. Arab diplomatic sources said.
doing it, and we’re adhering to the agreement, that’s His biography on Twitter changed between saying he is unhappy with the It is not clear if Qahtani watched the The Saudis were incensed at the
unacceptable,” he said. Some arms-control experts have in recent days from royal adviser to Saudi investigation but also that he does entire proceedings, which the high- inability of Hariri, a Sunni Muslim and a
chairman of the Saudi Federation for not want to jeopardise US arms sales to ranking Arab source described as a Saudi client, to stand up to their regional
spoken about “globalising” the INF treaty to add China Cybersecurity, Programming and Drones, the country. “bungled and botched operation”. The rival Iran and Hezbollah, the Shi’ite
and other Asian nations. But the idea that the US needs a role he had held before. To stem the fallout of the Khashoggi Arab source and the Turkish intelligence paramilitary movement that acts as
to be freed from the treaty’s restrictions to deter China Prince Mohamed had no knowledge killing, the crown prince, commonly source said the audio of the Skype call Tehran’s spearhead in the region.
isn’t serious given this country’s other military assets not of the operation that led to Khashoggi’s known by his initials MbS, allowed is now in the possession of Turkish Hariri belonged to the same multi-
constrained by the agreement. death and “certainly did not order a Qahtani to take the fall, according to one President Tayyip Erdogan. party coalition government as Hezbollah.
kidnapping or murder of anybody”, a source close to the Saudi royal court. The sources say he is refusing to release The Saudis were particularly dismayed
On too many occasions this administration has acted Saudi official said on Saturday. A second senior Saudi official said it to the Americans. that Hariri had failed to deliver a message
impulsively on the world stage and scrambled to contain Officials in Riyadh could not be reached Qahtani had been detained following his Three Turkish officials reached by to a top adviser to Iranian Supreme
the damage later. Trashing the INF treaty would be for further comment. sacking by royal decree, but he continued Reuters declined to comment. Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to stop
another such blunder. The president should pull back As the crisis has grown over the past to tweet afterwards. The senior Saudi official who laid interfering in Lebanon and Yemen.
from the precipice. – Tribune News Service three weeks, Saudi Arabia has changed its The sources with links to the royal out the official version of events — Hariri claimed he had delivered the
tune on Khashoggi’s fate, first denying his court said he was not believed to be under that Khashoggi had got into a fight Saudi message, but an informer, planted
death, then saying he died during a brawl arrest. — said he had not heard about Qahtani by Qahtani in Hariri’s circle, gave the
at the consulate, and now attributing the In the Khashoggi killing, Qahtani appearing via Skype, but that the Saudi Saudis the minutes of the meeting which
death to a chokehold. was present as he has been in other key investigation was ongoing. showed that he had not done so.
To Advertise A senior Saudi official told Reuters moments of MbS’s administration. Qahtani, 40, has earned a reputation The Saudis lured Hariri to Riyadh for a
that the killers had tried to cover up what This time, though, his presence was at home as both a violent enforcer meeting with MbS. happened, contending that the truth was virtual. of princely whims and as a strident Upon his arrival on November 3, 2017,
only now emerging. Khashoggi, a US-based Saudi nationalist. there was no line-up of Saudi princes or
Display The Turks reject that version of the journalist often critical of Saudi Arabia In blogs and on social media, some officials, as would typically greet a prime
44466621 44418811 story, saying they have audio recordings and its leadership, walked into the liberal Saudi journalists and activists minister on an official visit.
of what happened. Istanbul consulate at around 1 pm on Oct dubbed him the Saudi Steve Bannon Hariri later received a call that the
Classified The kingdom has survived other 2, to pick up some documents that would for his aggressive manipulation of the meeting with the crown prince would
44466609 44418811 crises in the past year, including the allow him to marry. news media and behind-the-scenes take place the next day at a royal
fallout of the crown prince’s short-lived Turkish security sources say he was strategising. compound.
Subscription kidnapping of Lebanese prime minister immediately seized inside the consulate Qahtani wrote odes on Twitter to the When Hariri arrived, he was ushered
Saad al-Hariri in 2017. by 15 Saudi intelligence operatives who royal family under the pen name Dari, into a room where Qahtani was waiting Hariri, too, was verbally humiliated had flown in on two jets just hours before. which means predator in Arabic. for him with a security team, according
and beaten, according to eight Saudi, According to one high-ranking Arab Some of his opponents on social media to three Arab sources familiar with the
Arab and Western diplomatic sources. source with access to intelligence and call him Dalim, a figure in Arabic folklore incident.
© 2018 Gulf Times. All rights reserved The man leading that interrogation: links to members of Saudi Arabia’s royal who rose from being a lowly servant to To Page 23
Gulf Times
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 23

Indian women no longer prepared to stay silent
Rana Ayyub comedy collective, #MeToo India has
London been unsparing. But a movement as
apparently transformational as this
will not be sustained if those in power

ast year, just as the world was continue to see sexual harassment as
reading with disgust stories an issue to be tackled only in urban
emerging as a result of the elites, dismissing it as another western
#MeToo movement in the US, phenomenon.
a journalist from Bengaluru decided Nothing could be further from the
to tell her story in Vogue India. She truth. This is not just the concern of
wrote a detailed, graphic account of prominent journalists and famous
harassment by a senior editor and actors. In a country that worships
founder of two national newspapers women as goddesses, there is also one
who had invited her for an interview. of the highest rates of sexual abuse
But Priya Ramani stopped short of in the world, with many cases going
naming her alleged tormentor. unreported due to the stigma attached
For Indian women, the courage to these crimes. During communal
to identify a man in power does riots rape is used as a weapon of
not come easily. In a culture where intimidation.
sexual harassment is normalised and In January this year in Kashmir,
trivialised, where the line of consent Asifa, an eight-year-old girl, was
is blurred by the patriarchy and flawed allegedly held hostage by a group of
ideas of machismo, where a women’s men who are reported to have drugged,
testimony is too often disregarded, it starved and then raped her for days
took an external force, in the form of before her death.
#MeToo, for Ramani and other women When the case became public,
to feel as though they could call out members of the BJP marched in protest
their alleged tormentors. But they were against the arrest of the accused,
still fearful. calling it an attack on Hindus (the
Now, a year on, it feels as though the girl belonged to a Muslim family). BJP
momentum has returned. This month, legislators and the prime minister
Ramani finally named the unknown remained silent then just as they
editor. It was Mobashar Jawed Akbar. remain silent now over accusations
He had left journalism to join the ruling against Akbar and the #MeToo
Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), and had ‘Women are saying they won’t be told to shut up like their predecessors.’ Tanushree Dutta in 2008, before she left India. revelations at large.
been inducted in the country’s cabinet We will no longer stand for this
as the minister of state for external ministers. In the weeks leading up to the first “boys’ club” of the film industry, and share evidence and testimony. Those kind of silence. Women have decided
affairs in 2016. Emboldened, Akbar filed a anniversary of the Harvey Weinstein the fact that “everyone knew” about who were dissuaded from speaking to rebel against the norms they have
Within days of Ramani’s allegation, defamation case against Ramani, revelations, a young Indian actor her harassment, but “did nothing”. out by their families to “protect long been asked to conform to. What
more than 20 female journalists hiring a battery of the best lawyers returned from the US. Tanushree And, crucially, having witnessed the their honour”, who refrained from started as a foreign import has become
accused Akbar of molestation, with in the country. But, by that time, Dutta, 34, alleged in an interview new mood in the US and other parts complaining at workplaces so they a moment of reckoning at home. My
complaints including forcible kissing Ramani had the support of thousands that she had been sexually harassed of the world, India was now willing to were not labelled the “problematic country’s women are saying loud and
and groping. Every day a harrowing of women who had found their voices, by veteran actor Nana Patekar on hear her story and stand by her. Shortly employee”, were now using #MeToo to clear that they won’t be told to shut
account of harassment by Akbar found shaming the Indian government over an Indian film set 10 years ago. The afterwards, Patekar stepped down shake skeletons out of their closets. up like their predecessors, and won’t
its way on to social media under the its lack of a response. On 16 October, trauma had made her pack her bags from his latest film, though he strongly It has felt like India is being cleansed accept the indifference of those in
#MeToo hashtag. Akbar, who continues to deny the and leave the country, abruptly ending denies the allegations. of the toxic male entitlement that authority. We must hope, for the sake
The government, led by the Prime allegations, stepped down from his her acting career. Over the past few weeks, India has has long been glamorised in our of all India’s women and girls, that they
Minister Narendra Modi – who post. Indian women celebrated the first Now a US citizen, and inspired by witnessed a change that feels like arts and popular culture. From the are finally heard. – Guardian News and
assumed power in 2014 on the concrete victory of their own #MeToo what she had seen in her adopted nothing short of a revolution in our resignation of the political editor of Media
promise of providing a safe and just movement. country, she returned home to slay culture. The social media spaces that a newspaper to the disbanding of a
environment for women – remained Journalism and politics aren’t the the demons of her past. It was an have often been the bane of outspoken film production house and the falling O Rana Ayyub is an Indian journalist
silent. So did an entire cabinet of only worlds to have been rocked. opportunity to speak out about the women now provide a platform to apart of the country’s most popular and writer.

The man behind Khashoggi murder Three-day forecast

Maximum Temperature : 340c
From Page 22 told Reuters that in the months after the worked for the kingdom’s security bone-saw Turkish sources say was used
Minimum Temperature : 290c
The security team beat Hariri; Qahtani journalist moved to Washington a year and intelligence services, military, to dismember the journalist — is hard
cursed at him and then forced him to ago he received multiple phone calls government ministries, royal court to explain in an operation Saudi officials THURSDAY
resign as prime minister in a statement from MbS’s right-hand man urging him security and air force. now say was aimed at persuading Maximum Temperature : 340c
that was broadcast by a Saudi-owned to return to Saudi Arabia. One of them, General Maher Mutreb, Khashoggi to return home. Minimum Temperature : 280c
TV channel. Khashoggi had balked, they said, a senior intelligence officer, who is part It is hard to imagine that the crown FRIDAY
“He (Qahtani) told him you have fearing reprisals for his Washington Post of the security team of Prince Mohamed, prince could have not known about such Maximum Temperature : 330c
no choice but to resign and read this columns and outspoken views. appeared in photographs with him on a delicate operation, the Saudi sources Minimum Temperature : 280c
statement,” said one of the sources. Qahtani had tried to reassure the official visits earlier this year to the with ties to the royal court say. Fisherman's forecast
“Qahtani oversaw the interrogation and former newspaper editor that he was United States and Europe. The Saudi official who spoke on
ill-treatment of Hariri.” still well respected and had offered the The high-ranking Arab official and Saturday said an existing standing order
Another source said it was the provided authorisation to “negotiate” WARNING
journalist a job as a consultant at the the Turkish intelligence source said it
intervention of French President royal court, the friends said. was Mutreb’s phone that was used to dial with dissidents to return home without Inshore : Nil
Emmanuel Macron that secured his Khashoggi said that while he found in Qahtani while Khashoggi was being requiring approval, but that the team Offshore : Expected strong wind
release following an international outcry. Qahtani gentle and polite during those interrogated. involved with Khashoggi exceeded that & high seas to the
Macron claimed credit in May for conversations, he did not trust him, Reuters tried to contact members authorisation. WEATHER
ending the crisis, saying an unscheduled one close friend told Reuters. “Jamal of 15-man team but their phones were Another Saudi official close to the Inshore : Relatively hot daytime
stopover in Riyadh to convince MbS, told me afterwards, ‘he thinks that I either switched off, on voicemail or no investigation said that Qahtani decided & sctd clouds with c of
light rain at places by
followed by an invitation to Hariri to will go back so that he can throw me longer in service. on his own to organise Khashoggi’s afternoon. Mild by night
come to France, had been the catalyst to in jail?” The Saudi official said Deputy kidnapping and that he asked Asiri to get Offshore : Partly cloudy with c of
resolving it. The second senior Saudi official Intelligence Chief General Ahmed a team together, but that their plans had sctd rain at times
Lebanese officials confirmed to confirmed that Qahtani had spoken to al-Asiri put together the 15-man squad gone wrong. WIND
Reuters that Macron’s quick intervention Khashoggi about returning home. from the intelligence and security forces. Qahtani’s final act may be to serve his Inshore : Northwesterly-North
secured Hariri’s return. The ambush in Istanbul seems to have Asiri was one of the five officials boss by assuming the responsibility for 05-15/18 KT
Offshrore : Northwesterly-North
Saudi officials could not be reached for been another way to get him home. dismissed on Saturday. the crisis that has hit Saudi Arabia since 08-18/22 KT
comment about the sequence of events How much did the crown prince know Another key figure was Dr Salah al- Khashoggi’s murder.
or Qahtani’s involvement. about his trusted aide’s plan to abduct Tubaigy, a forensic expert specialised in The Saudi king has sacked Qahtani Visibility : 4-8 KM
French officials declined to comment Offshore : 3-5/7 FT
Khashoggi? autopsies attached to the Saudi Ministry and ordered a restructuring of the
when asked about Qahtani’s role. Most of the 15 hit-man team identified of Interior. general intelligence agency. Around the region
At least three friends of Khashoggi by Turkish and Saudi authorities His presence — equipped with a To head it, he named MbS. Weather
today Max/min tomorrow Max/min
Baghdad P Cloudy 32/21 P Cloudy 34/22
Kuwait City M Sunny 33/22 M Sunny 35/26

Live issues Manama

M Sunny

The proof we all eat plastic

By Colin Fernandez reach the human gut. Of particular vegetarian and six of them ate sea fish. fabrics are also a significant source of
Daily Mail concern is what this means to us, and The microplastics found were microplastics in the environment as
especially patients with gastrointestinal between 50 and 500 micrometres in size. fibres from our clothes end up in the sea
diseases. The smallest microplastic A human hair has a thickness of between from treated and untreated sewage being

uman bodies are becoming particles are capable of entering the 17 and 181 micrometres. released into rivers.
polluted with plastic, bloodstream and lymphatic system and The Daily Mail is leading the calls to Dr Schwabl said: “Plastics are
scientists have confirmed for may even reach the liver. tackle the plastic pollution crisis, with pervasive in everyday life and humans
the first time. ‘Now that we have first evidence for campaigns that have stopped the use of are exposed to plastics in numerous
Tiny pieces were found in samples microplastics inside humans, we need tiny microplastic beads in cosmetics and ways. I did not expect that each sample Around the world
from every participant in an experiment further research to understand what this resulted in the introduction of a plastic would test positive. We do, however, Weather Weather
which tried to estimate how much means for human health.’ Hundreds of bag levy. need to be aware of the small sample today Max/min tomorrow Max/min
plastic we eat and drink every day. pieces of microplastics were found in It is estimated that about 2 to 5% of size of our study.” He added: “On a Athens M Sunny 22/14 Sunny 18/11
Until now most research has focused every stool sample taken from people all plastic produced ends up in the sea, global level plastic production and Beirut M Sunny 29/23 T Storms 26/20
on the natural world, but the new study who took part in the study by the where it is consumed by fish and other plastic pollution correlate very strongly. Bangkok S T Storms 32/26 T Storms 32/26
shows that humans are also consuming Medical University of Vienna. marine creatures. Significant amounts Therefore, it is likely that the amount of Berlin P Cloudy 11/07 Showers 13/08
plastic, with some pieces potentially Researchers from the university of microplastics have been detected in plastic contamination may rise further Cairo P Cloudy 33/23 Sunny 28/20
lodging in our bodies. and the Environment Agency Austria tuna, lobster, shrimp and mussels. if mankind does not change the current Cape Town M Sunny 28/18 Sunny 28/17
Researchers spoke last night of their monitored participants from the UK, A Mail investigation this year found situation.” Colombo T Storm 29/24 T Storm 29/23
surprise at finding so many particles Finland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, that tiny plastic particles have become Friends of the Earth’s head of policy Dhaka Sunny 33/21 Sunny 33/20
in the human samples. They suggested Poland, Russia, and Austria. The results ‘part of the air we breathe’. Mike Childs said: “This is further Hong Kong P Cloudy 28/26 M Sunny 28/25
sources could include the eating of fish showed every sample tested positive for A laboratory study found airborne disturbing evidence of how pervasive Istanbul P Cloudy 19/10 M Sunny 13/09
or drinking of water from plastic bottles. the presence of microplastics – with particles on every sample of fish from plastics are in our environment. Jakarta T Storm 33/26 S T Storms 33/26
Campaigners said the scale of the up to nine different types identified. eight major supermarkets in the UK “It now appears to be impossible for Karachi Sunny 32/23 P Cloudy 32/23
plastic crisis meant it was ‘impossible’ The most common plastics were after they had been left on open-air people to avoid ingesting or breathing London M Sunny 17/06 P Cloudy 13/08
for people to avoid eating, drinking and polypropylene and polyethylene- counters. in plastic pollution. While programmes Manila S Showers 33/24 S Showers 33/25
breathing in plastic – with potentially terephthalate (PET). Both are commonly It had been thought the risk to health like Blue Planet have vividly shown the Moscow Showers 07/04 Showers 06/00
harmful effects. These include the risk found in food and drink packaging. was largely limited to eating fish from devastating impact of plastic on wildlife, New Delhi Sunny 32/17 Sunny 32/18
of bacterial infections, introducing The research was a pilot study oceans polluted with plastic, but the we don’t yet know what effect it has on New York P Cloudy 14/06 P Cloudy 12/04
harmful chemicals to the body, irritating involving eight participants. Each one study proved that microplastics are also human health.” Paris P Cloudy 17/09 P Cloudy 16/07
the gut lining, and affecting immune kept a food diary for a week before their in the air. Louise Edge, Greenpeace UK’s Sao Paulo Rain 20/16 S Showers 21/17
responses. samples were analysed in the laboratory. The researchers behind the new study senior oceans campaigner, added: Seoul Sunny 19/06 M Sunny 21/10
Lead researcher Dr Philipp Schwabl The diaries showed all the note: “It is highly likely that during “This is yet another shocking Singapore T Storm 31/26 T Storm 31/26
said: ‘This is the first study of its participants had eaten food wrapped various steps of food processing or development that shows just how Sydney Cloudy 17/14 Cloudy 19/14
kind and confirms what we have long in plastic or drunk from plastic as a result of packaging, food is being dramatically plastic is contaminating Tokyo Cloudy 23/15 Clear 23/15
suspected – that plastics ultimately bottles. None of the participants was a contaminated with plastics.” Synthetic every aspect of our lives.
Gulf Times
24 Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Qatar Airways to host Orbis Flying Eye Hospital

The hospital is a fully which is funded by Qatar Fund
operational aircraft for Development and led by Or-
equipped with Together, they are on track
medical supplies, to deliver an impressive 5.6mn
an operating room, eye care treatments to children
across India and Bangladesh by
a classroom and a mid-2020.
recovery room “Qatar Airways is proud to be
a supporter of Orbis, as we be-
lieve in supporting communities

atar Airways will host the in need and creating a tangible
Orbis Flying Eye Hospi- difference in the world,” Qatar
tal at Doha International Airways Group chief executive
Airport from late October to Akbar al-Baker said.
November 12, ahead of the Doha “We are especially pleased to
Healthcare Week launch. host the Orbis Flying Eye Hos-
The Flying Eye Hospital, oper- pital during Doha Healthcare The Flying Eye Hospital, operated by global eye health charity Orbis, is a fully-equipped cargo plane with
ated by global eye health charity The Orbis team is on track to deliver an impressive 5.6mn eye care Week, as it is a wonderful way state-of-the-art medical equipment, an operating theatre and a classroom, making it a unique teaching
Orbis, is a fully-equipped cargo treatment to children across India and Bangladesh by mid-2020. to raise awareness of the criti- facility.
plane with state-of-the-art cal need for medical eye treat-
medical equipment, an operating awareness about the importance ity will also have a booth at the ment around the world. We look “We are proud to work with airline officially renewed its ing ophthalmic medical experts,
theatre and a classroom, making of eye health. award-winning Hamad Interna- forward to welcoming the Orbis Qatar Airways to bring the Orbis sponsorship with the global eye each year Orbis delivers be-
it a unique teaching facility. The Orbis team will support tional Airport, to raise awareness Flying Eye Hospital to Doha,” he Flying Eye Hospital to Doha and health charity in 2017 as the Of- tween four to eight training pro-
Every year, the aircraft visits Doha Healthcare Week by or- about the importance of provid- added. look forward to welcoming peo- ficial Airline Partner for three grammes on board the Flying Eye
countries across Africa, Asia and ganising public and private tours ing care to those with avoidable Orbis UK chief executive Re- ple on board in the weeks ahead,” years. Hospital.
Latin America, partnering with inside the aircraft, as well as eye conditions, as part of Doha becca Cronin said: “We’re ex- she added. Since 1982 Orbis has been It also runs long-term pro-
local hospitals to deliver special- hosting on board workshops, in- Healthcare Week. tremely grateful to Qatar Airways Qatar Airways has been a working to prevent avoid- grammes in 18 countries, in-
ist training through its team of cluding a Nursing and Ophthal- The aircraft will also be stop- for once again hosting us and for proud supporter of Orbis since able blindness in areas of need. cluding Bangladesh, Ethiopia,
world-class medical volunteers, mology session. ping in Doha to celebrate the their ongoing hospitality and un- 2012. Working with a global team of India and Zambia, among oth-
carry out treatments, and raise The global eye health char- Qatar Creating Vision initiative, stinting support.” The multiple award-winning volunteers and the world’s lead- ers.

On track for 2022

Ashghal starts Wakrah
road upgrade project
shghal has announced
the commencement of
the 9.2km long Al Wak-
rah Main Road upgrade works.
The total cost is approximately
The project is part of Ashghal’s
plan to complete works on the
road networks in the southern
area, following the recent open-
ings of G-Ring Road, southern
part of Doha Express Highway,
Hamad Port Road and the Orbital
Qatar Rail said it yesterday hosted FIFA president Gianni Infantino and his delegation on a tour of the DECC station in West Bay before Road, which is nearing comple-
boarding a Doha Metro train for Wakrah station. Present during Infantino’s visit were a number of Qatari dignitaries, including HE the tion.
Minister of Transport and Communications Jassim Seif Ahmed al-Sulaiti, Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) secretary-general The road works stretch from
Hassan al-Thawadi and Qatar Rail managing director and CEO Abdulla Abdulaziz al-Subaie. The SC also said in a tweet that “Infantino used the Airport Interchange on G-
the brand-new Doha Metro to travel from West Bay to Al Wakrah in just 20 minutes”, while thanking Qatar Rail for supporting the visit. Ring Road to Mesaieed Road and
(Images courtesy: Qatar Rail Twitter page) Waab Behair Intersection in the
southern part of Doha Express
Works will include widening
the road to three lanes to accom-
modate 6,000 vehicles per hour

Mopping-up operations in full swing in each direction, providing free

traffic flow and reducing travel
time for vehicles coming from
Doha to Wakrah and the south-

ain emergency teams are teams to drain out water left be- times, the Qatar Met department “However, the Education City ern areas.
continuing to work round hind by the recent rains in differ- has said. Student Center, the Liberal Arts The project includes con-
the clock in order to re- ent parts of the country. The minimum and maximum and Sciences Building and Al structing four new intersec-
move water from all areas and Meanwhile, today’s weather temperatures are expected to be Shaqab remain closed for the tions and upgrading the existing
clean roads and tunnels around forecast says strong winds and 25C in Abu Samra and Al Khor time being,” QF tweeted. roundabouts to signal-control-
the country, the Ministry of high seas are expected in off- and 34C in Doha, Wakrah and Consular services will led intersections. There will be a
Municipality and Environment shore areas towards the north. Mesaieed today. resume normal operations to- tunnel for free traffic flow in both
(MME) has said. “We appreciate The wind speed in these areas Yesterday, a minimum of 23C day, the US embassy has said. directions.
your patience and co-operation. may go up to 22 knots, with the was recorded in Ghuwairiyah, ACS appointments may be The project also includes the
Thank you,” it tweeted yester- sea level rising to 7ft. while the maximum was 35C in scheduled on the embassy’s construction of 6.1km bicycle
day. Inshore, it will be relatively Abu Hamour and other places. website and visa applicants may and pedestrian paths from the
In a separate tweet, the MME hot during the day and there is The Doha temperatures ranged log into their online visa ap- airport interchange to the Ras
said teams concerned with public a chance of scattered clouds and from 28C to 33C yesterday. pointment accounts to see their Bufuntas train station.
hygiene continued with their in- light rain in some places by the Meanwhile, Qatar Foundation new appointment date or re- The Wakrah road will also be
tensive efforts to lift and remove afternoon. Mild conditions are yesterday said Education City schedule at their convenience, integrated with the Qatar Rail
solid waste from residential ar- likely by night. reopened yesterday following the mission tweeted yesterday. Metro Station in line with devel-
eas, clean streets and squares and Partly cloudy conditions are the temporary closure neces- Services at the mission were oping an efficient transportation
wash sidewalks, in conjunction also forecast offshore and there sitated by the extreme weather affected following Saturday’s network that can improve traffic
with the efforts of the emergency is a chance of scattered rain at experienced in Doha recently. heavy downpour in Doha. flow.

CNA-Q hosts Canadian university fair

ollege of the North Atlantic – Qatar (CNA-
Q) was packed with prospective Canadian
students earlier this week, as the EduCanada
Tour launched on campus.
The tour, organised by the Canadian embassy in
Qatar, serves as a platform for student exchanges
between Qatar and Canada.
The fair attracted hundreds of students and par-
ents, who were able to get a first-hand look at what
a Canadian education has to offer, CNA-Q said in a
“This is an excellent opportunity to promote
Canada as an education destination,” said Canadian
ambassador Stefanie McCollum.
“Canada’s educational institutions are interna-
tionally respected for their diplomas, degrees and
certifications. We are pleased to be here at CNA-
Q – a world-class campus – to be able to showcase
these schools.”
The tour is organised with the support of Qatar’s
Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
Undersecretary Dr Ibrahim al-Nuaimi spoke about
the importance of the event at the opening ceremony.
“We are keen to diversify the education oppor-
tunities for students and Canada is well-known for Dr Ibrahim al-Nuaimi
the quality of education and some of their institu-
tions ranked among the best 100 universities in the president (Academic) Samah Gamar.
world,” said Dr al-Nuaimi. “I want to thank the universities and colleges in
Since 2002, CNA-Q has been offering technical, attendance, as well as ambassador McCollum and
career-focused Canadian curriculum to graduate the Canadian government representatives who are
thousands of students who have gone on to pursue here to speak about the visa application process.”
higher education or are making an impact in Qatar’s Last year, almost 500,000 foreign students were
knowledge-based economy. registered in Canadian universities and colleges.
The college was the first Canadian post-second- “I’m so pleased with the turnout,” said the am-
ary institution to offer education in Qatar. bassador. “This large crowd is proof that there is a
“For several years we have welcomed the Edu- great deal of interest in a quality Canadian educa-
Canada tour of the GCC region,” said CNA-Q vice- tion.” Students and parents were able to get a first-hand look at what a Canadian education has to offer.

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