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Cooling System Article

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By Randy C. Turner
Technical Director
Swan Analytical USA
Wheeling, IL
In recent years, there has been increased pressure to reduce start-up times for all units,
particularly combined cycle units. Most of the combined cycles in the late 1990’s were
designed to be base loaded due to the low price of natural gas at the time. Increased demand
drove the price of natural gas to near $15 per million BTU’s. That, coupled with seasonal
demand fluctuations and decreased demand due to the economic recession, has resulted in
frequent cycling and start-ups. Combined cycle power stations are more frequently operated
in cycling mode. In some cases, this could mean more than 250 start-up and shut-down cycles
per year. Combined cycle units designed today have reduced the start-up time by as much as
Given the substantial fuel cost, environmental issues, and economic impact, any shortening of
the time between start-up and reaching full load is of paramount importance. Cation
conductivity is still the decisive measurement for the start-up of the steam turbine and the
focus is now how fast the cation conductivity results are available and how reliable they are.
The time necessary to obtain correct and representative analysis values is greatly influenced by
the design of the sampling and monitoring system. A well designed sampling and monitoring
system, coupled with the small staff at a combined cycle plant, can provide significant economic
Economics of Degassed Cation Conductivity
Today’s demands require generating units to rapidly respond to changing generation
requirements and supply fluctuations from renewables such as solar and wind power. OEM’s
have designed combined cycle units that can reach full load in less than 30 minutes without
sacrificing efficiency or parts life. To achieve this, the OEM’s have incorporated degassed
conductivity as their steam purity conductivity requirement. During start-up carbon dioxide
(CO2) is at high concentrations thereby greatly elevating the cation conductivity. CO2 is not a
serious cause for concern for steam turbine corrosion therefore admitting steam to the steam
turbine with elevated cation but degassed cation conductivity values within OEM guidelines is
acceptable. A well-designed degassed cation conductivity analyzer with precise boiling point
temperature control removes 90 – 95 % of the CO2. Achieving full load one hour sooner will
generate additional $60,000 revenue based on the average price of $120 per MWH and
assuming 500 megawatts of net generation. The average time savings to achieve OEM
conductivity limit with DGCC is 3 hours 22 minutes resulting in $202,000 additional revenue for
500 MW’s capacity. Also, degassed conductivity is an excellent tool to determine if elevated
cation conductivity is due to CO2 or more corrosive species such as chloride thereby reducing
potential for corrosion and catastrophic failure.
Sampling System
To ensure proper and rapid analysis results the sampling system must be properly designed. A
well-designed sampling system conditions samples for the precise measurement of various
chemical and physical properties for both grab samples and on-line analysis.
In other words, a properly designed steam and water sampling system preserves the properties
of the sample so that analyzers (on-line or laboratory) can provide the most reliable
measurements possible.

Sample systems must be able to handle a wide variety of sample temperatures and pressures
for both water and steam. The three critical variables to control are temperature, pressure and
velocity. The sample should have a high temperature blowdown to remove oxides and other
suspended solids. The sample should be cooled prior to reduction of pressure. An automatic
temperature shutoff valve should be employed to protect the system should cooling water flow
be lost. A filter is typically employed to remove oxides prior to the analyzers. One of the
important requirements of sampling system design is the sample flow regulation. A back
pressure regulator ensures priority flow to all the analyzers and maintains the flow
characteristics of the sample at constant level. The sample then flows to the analyzers and to
the grab sample. Figure 1 below illustrates a properly designed sample system.

Figure 1: Sample Conditioning System

Start-up Activities

Cation conductivity, often called acid conductivity, remains the critical criterion for start-up of
the steam turbine. Industry all-volatile treatment (AVT) steam purity guidelines are listed in
Table 1.

Parameter Cation Cond. Silica Sodium Chloride Sulfate Iron Copper

EPRI ≤0.20* ≤10 ≤2 ≤2 ≤2 - -
IAPWS ≤0.2 - ≤2 - - - -
GE ≤0.15 ≤10 ≤3 ≤3 ≤3 - -
Siemens ≤0.2 ≤20 ≤10 - - ≤20 ≤3
Alstom ≤0.2* ≤20 ≤10 - - ≤20 ≤1
Toshiba ≤0.3 ≤20 ≤3 - - - -
Table 1: OEM and Industry Technical Organizations Steam Purity Limits
*Degassed cation conductivity.

It is common for OEM’s to establish operating guidelines when chemistry parameters exceed
normal operating limits, such as during start-up or commissioning. Table 2 lists Siemens steam
purity guidelines.

Parameter Unit AL1 AL2 AL3 AL4

Cation Conductivity* µS·cm ≥0.2<0.35 ≥0.35<0.5 ≥0.5<1.0 ≥1.0
Silica ppb ≥20<30 ≥30<40 ≥40<50 ≥50
Iron (Total) ppb ≥20<30 ≥30<40 ≥40<50 ≥50
Copper (Total) ppb ≥3<5 ≥5<8 ≥8<10 ≥10
Sodium ppb ≥10<15 ≥15<20 ≥20<25 ≥25
Period per incident H ≤100 ≤24 ≤4 0(2)
Accumulated total per year H ≤2000 ≤500 ≤80 0(2)
Table 2: VGB guide values for startup and deviation from normal limits for continuous
operation. (1)
*Continuous measurement at 25oC

AL1 action level 1 AL2 action level 2 AL3 action level 3 AL4 action level 4
In order to avoid efficiency and lifetime reduction, the turbine startup should preferably
occur at values within AL2 or below with a downward trend.
AL4: steam quality is poor; damage to the turbine cannot be ruled out. The turbine
should be shut down.
Copper content monitoring is not necessary in copper-free systems.
Sodium monitoring is not mandatory if solid alkalizing agents (caustic or trisodium
phosphate) are not applied.
Analyzer Start-up

A considerable amount of time may be required to prepare an instrument for service, obtain a
representative sample, and receive an accurate representative analysis result. If the time
required preparing the monitoring equipment for operation, acquiring a representative sample,
and validating analysis results are taken into consideration, start-up time can be considerably
prolonged. Therefore, another feature to help expedite the start-up is the ability to establish
flow to the analyzers using demineralized water or condensate, which allows calibration and
ensures the analyzers are prepared for operation prior to start-up. Therefore, well designed
sampling and monitoring equipment can have considerable influence on start-up times. The
following design parameters are critical:
• Sample Availability
- Optimized sample line design
- Include a high temperature / high pressure blowdown
- Employ proper back-pressure regulator
• Analyzer Design Parameters
- Dimensioning of cation exchanger
- Use of regenerated and pre-flushed resins
- Installation of an automatic air vent
• Determination of Conductivity from Corrosive Anions
- Minimize the contribution of carbon dioxide to cation conductivity

Cation Resin Preparation

It has been shown that regenerated and pre-rinsed resin provides better performance than
using new pre-rinsed resin and it provides especially better performance than new non-rinsed
resin. Figure 2 illustrates the benefit of new rinsed resin versus new non-rinsed resin.
----- New resin not rinsed
----- New resin rinsed
1.5 ----- Regenerated & rinsed

µS 1

per 0.5
60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600
Figure 2: Resin Rinse Time
Air Venting of Cation Exchanger

Another design feature that facilitates unit start-up via obtaining accurate representative
analysis results is to remove the air from the cation exchanger to mitigate the influence of
carbon dioxide on the resultant cation conductivity. Manual venting is labor intensive,
considering the number of monitoring points. With automatic venting, half an hour or more
can be saved. Figure 3 illustrates the benefit of automtic air venting the cation exchange vessel
to eliminate the influence of carbon dioxide on the cation conductivity.

Anlaufen von Messeinrichtungen

Start-up behavior mit und ohne
of acid conductivity measurements Entlüftung
in CCPP plant
Messung 1: GuD Anlage, Messstelle HD-Dampf, Anfahren aus kaltem Zustand
µS/cm Tests
Messungin steam
2: GuD Anlage,(1) and Kondensat,
Messstelle condensate (2) samples

Automatic deaeration of cation
0.70 • Prevents time losses at start-up
0.60 • Prevents air accumulation in
normal operation




Courtesy Michael Lormies, E.ON
0. h
0. h
0. h
0. h
0. h
1. h
1. h
1. h
1. h
1. h
1. h
2. h
2. h
2. h
2. h
2. h
2. h
3. h
3. h
3. h

Standard 1 Vented 11
Entlüftet Standard 2 Vented 22

Figure 3: Influence of cation exchanger air venting

1. High pressure steam sample, cold start-up
2. Condensate sample, cold start-up

Cation Exchanger Design Criteria or Dimensioning

The design of the cation exchanger is critical to the performance of the exchanger. The
common design is a long and narrow cylindrical tube with the sample entering the top and
flowing downward without air venting capability. A more effective design is a liter bottle where
the sample flows upward with automatic air venting. Figure 4 illustrates the typical and more
effective sample flow through the resin bed.

Typical Flow Path More Effective Flow Path

Figure 4: Typical and more effective sample flow through resin bed.

Key design criteria are:

• Sample must remain in active resin for ~24s
• Flow from top to bottom
• Automatic air venting
• Diameter / height
• Connections
• Maintenance interval
• Disturbances such as lag time and/or air contamination
• Ease of maintenance

Figure 5 illustrates the flow path of a well design cation exchanger and Figure 6 shows a cation
exchanger with a pre-rinse option to have a fresh container of resin rinsed and ready for use
when needed.
Specific Cond. Cation Cond.

Air Vent


Figure 5: Well designed sample flow through a cation exchanger.

Specific Cond. Cation Cond.

Air Vent


Figure 6: Cation exchanger with pre-rinse option.

The retention time in the cation exchanger should remain in the resin bed for 24 seconds or
longer. The liter cation exchanger bottle has 300 milliliters of void space between the resin
beads therefore, the residence time in the resin bed, at a flow of 100ml/min, is approximately 3
minutes. This is sufficient time for proper ion exchange. Figure 6 illustrates the lag time in
response when injecting 4 ml of 0.01M KCl.

150 sec
Response time lag
Conductivity, Microsiemens/cm


Specific conductivity
Cation conductivity


SWAN Analytical Instruments

15.08.06H. Maurer


Injection of 4 ml 0.01 M KCl

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Time, seconds

Figure 7: Lag time cation exchanger

Start-up Data

Each OEM has their own steam purity specifications, including allowances for deviation from
the normal operating limit for start-ups and commissioning. Values above the normal
operating limit may be tolerated for short periods of time, with the greater the deviation, the
shorter the allowable duration. These allowances are predicated on the elevated cation
conductivity values and are caused by carbon dioxide. This requires credible evidence that the
conductivity elevation is indeed due to carbon dioxide and not more corrosive species, such as
chlorides, sulfates, and organic acids. The conductivity of a sample is defined by the following
alogrithm, which is the equivalent conductance of each species multiplied by the concentration
of each species.

= ·   +  ·   +  ·  +  ·  + 2 · 2 +  4 ·
 =   μ ·  · -1· -1]
  = ! "  · -1]
Table 3 identifies the common chemical constituents in the sample prior to the cation
exchanger, after the cation exchanger, and after the degasser.
Sample upstream of cation exchanger pH typically > 9.0
Water H+, OH -
Contaminants Na+, Fe+2&3,Cl-, CO32-, COO-, CH3COO-
Alkalizing agent NH4+
Sample downstream of cation exchanger pH typically < 7.0
Water H+, OH -
Contaminants Cl-, CO32-, COO-, CH3COO-
Sample downstream of cation exchanger and degasser
Water H+, OH -
Contaminants Cl-, COO-, CH3COO-,
Table 3: Typical species contributing to conductivity

Degassed Cation Conductivity

Most OEM’s recognize degassed conductivity for startup and commissioning, and some OEM’s
specify degassed conductivity as their normal operating guideline. The degassed conductivity
unit removes carbon dioxide so the resultant conductivity is a result of more corrosive anions,
such as chloride, and organic acids, such as formate and acetate. The degassing process does
not remove anions or organic acids, as illustrated in Figure 7. There are typically three methods
employed for degassing samples:

1. Nitrogen Sparging
a. 70% removal of CO2
2. Re-boiling
a. 28 – 58% removal of CO2
b. 90 - 95% removal of CO2 with a well-designed system employing precise boiling
point temperature control.
3. Membrane
a. 40 – 63 % removal of CO2

Employing degassed conductivity for startup will result in the conductivity value reaching the
OEM’s limit, allowing steam to be admitted to the steam turbine much sooner than when using
non-degassed conductivity. Figure 8 shows the response time of degassed versus non-degassed
cation conductivity in a laboratory test. The degassed cation conductivity reached the OEM
limit much sooner than non-degassed cation conductivity.

A well designed degassed conductivity monitoring system contains the following features:
1. Measurement based on ASTM D4519-94.
2. Reboiler unit with heating and cooling system made of stainless steel.
3. Degasser electronic controller for reboiler with vapor pressure control.
4. Atmospheric pressure measurement for boiling point compensation.
a. If the temperature is 0.3oC below the actual boiling point the carbon dioxide removal
efficiency decreases from 90 % to 60%.
5. Measurement and display of conductivity, pH, & ammonia.
6. Concentration, sample temperature, and sample flow indication.
7. Calculation of resin consumption with alarm capability.
8. Automatic shutoff of reboiler with loss of flow.
9. Consistently removes 90-95% of carbon dioxide.

C ------ Cation Conductivity ------- Degassed Conductivity

a 1.6
i 1.4

n 1.2

o 0.8
D 0.6

µ 0.4

c 0.2

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Figure 8: Degassed versus cation conductivity in the presence of acetic acid in two
C 4
a ------ Cation Conductivity
t 3.5
------ Degassed Conductivity
i ------ Startup steam quality limit
o 3
o 2
d. 1.5

µ 1
c 0.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 9: Laboratory illustrating response time of degassed versus non-degassed cation


Figure 10 is pictures a number of available degassed conductivity monitors.

Reboiler with Precise Boiling Point Temperature Control

Nitrogen Sparger Reboiler

Membrane Reboiler
Figure 10: Degassed Conductivity Monitoring Units Available
Benefits of Degassed Cation Conductivity

The benefits of degassed cation conductivity, as compared to non-degassed cation conductivity

1. Removal of less corrosive carbon dioxide, so more corrosive species such as chloride,
sulfate, acetate, and formate can be monitored more effectively.
2. Faster startup times.
3. Increased revenues.
4. Reduced startup costs.

Figure 11 compares the degassed cation conductivity versus non-degassed cation conductivity
of a triple pressure HRSG. The cycle was treated with ammonia, with the addition of
carbohydrazide being injected only during startup.

Figure 12: Commissioning data of a triple pressure HRSG; high pressure steam cation versus
degassed conductivity.
Figure 12: HRSG Cold Startup Data Comparing Cation and Degassed Conductivity

Table 4 illustrates the time savings during cold and warm startups when utilizing degassed
conductivity as compared to traditional cation or acid conductivity.

Time from sample flow Time from GT start to Time difference AC/DC
Start to DC < 0.5 µS/cm AC < 0.5 µS/cm < 0.5 µS/cm
Cold start # 1 28 min 5h 30min 3h 50min
Cold start # 7 10 min 2h 45min 1h 50min
Cold start # 9 37 min 7h 10min 4h 25min
Warm start # 5 13 min 2h 50min 1h 45min

The time savings for startup and additional revenue generated by admitting steam to the steam
turbine much sooner easily justifies the cost of degassed cation conductivity monitoring
providing paybackwith one startup. It is also an excellent trouble shooting tool to determine if
elevated cation conductivity is due to carbon dioxide or more corrosive anions such as chloride
and sulfate.

Employing the various measures for optimization of continuous monitoring equipment and
employing the optimally designed analyzers can reduce the response time of the
instrumentation by more than half. Depending on the number of startups per year, a thorough
evaluation of the sampling and monitoring instrumentation may provide significant economic
rewards. The cost of these improvements are negligible compared to the benefits of reducing
the time operating in by-pass mode.


1. Guidelines for Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants, 2004. VGB
PowerTech Service GmbH, Essen, Germany, VGB-R 450 Le.
2. Comprehensive Chemistry Guidelines for Fossil Plants, EPRI, December 2011.
3. Volatile Treatments for the Steam-Water Circuits of Fossil and Combined Cycle/HRSG
Power Plants, IAPWS, July 2010.
4. Steam Purity Requirements for Turbine Operation, Alstom.
5. Toshiba Corporation, Toshiba Steam Purity Specifications, Toshiba PCD-GMH-XUSN4-
0001 Rev. 6, 2008.
6. General Electric Co., GE Steam Purity Recommendations for Utility Steam Turbines,
GEK72281E, 2011.
7. Siemens Steam Purity Guidelines, Siemens STIM 11.002 Rev. 3 4-23-2008.
8. Sentry Equipment Co., photo of reboiler.
9. Waters Equipment Co., photo of nitrogen sparger.
10. Martek Instruments, photo of reboiler.
11. Dr. Thiedig, photo of reboiler.
12. Swan Analytical Co., photo of degassed conductivity unit.

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