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The main idea of CRAIIP is: that farmer learn to adapt to climate change.

Why is it so
important ? Who remembers how many small-scale farmers are in Indonesia? It is 570 million
small-scale farms worldwide, 200 million alone in China, 138 million in India, and on place 3 in
the world, it is Indonesia with 25 million small-scale farmers, producing the food, many of them
depending on rainfed farming. In CRAIIP project two different kind of knowledge schools are
brought together: Practical knowledge of farmers and scientific knowledge of researchers. Farmers
learn to document and monitor the results in the field (=farmer researcher) and involved lecturers,
professors, students, graduate and undergraduate learn to communicate scientific knowledge in a
easy way farmers can understand and also learn from local practices; the third group are the middle
men, the facilitator of knowledge, where the knowledge is built together, these are the
implementing organisations : IPPHTI in Java and Motivator Kondoran in Sulawesi.

The topography of Tana Toraja is elevated terrain at an altitude of around 800 m above sea
level, with climate change besides higher temerature appears as increasing rainfall, more
unpredicatability of rainfall. With the effect: Pests and diseases occurence, soik erosion, nutrient
leaching, among others. In Java farm land is about at sea level with extrme weather events like drought
and flood occuring more often, salt water intrusion and sea level rise.

With the Fifth Assessment Report (AR) of the IPPC published in 2014, Working Group II
“Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability” introduces a new focus on risks, explained by the chart:
“Risk of climate-related impacts results from the interaction of climate-related hazards (including
hazardous events and trends) with the vulnerability and exposure of human and natural systems.
Changes in both the climate system (left) and socioeconomic processes including adaptation and
mitigation (right) are drivers of hazards, exposure, and vulnerability.” (Working Group II, 5th AR
IPCC 2014)

Glossary of terms (according to IPCC 5th AR):

Hazard: The potential occurrence of a natural or human-induced physical event or trend

or physical impact that may cause loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, as well as damages
and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods, service provision, ecosystems and environmental
Exposure: The presence of people, livelihoods, species or ecosystems, environmental
functions, services and resources, infrastructure or economic, social, or cultural assets in places
and settings that could be adversely affected.

Vulnerability: The propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected. Vulnerability

encompasses a variety of concepts and elements including sensitivity or susceptibility to harm and
lack of capacity to cope and adapt.

Risk: The potential for consequences where something of value is at stake and where the
outcome is uncertain, recognizing the diversity of values.

Impacts: Effects on natural and human systems. In this model it primarily refers to those
effects caused by extreme weather and climate events and of climate change.

Currently, about half of the food produced in the world comes from smallholder farms,
where yields are very low. Not all farmers in the developing world are smallholders, but small to
medium family farms account for about three quarters of total production in developing countries.

Diversification is important at all stages of the food production.

At the farm he concept of SI encompasses a responsible and efficient input base aiming at
an increased output per unit of land (The Montpellier Panel 2013, Campbell et al. 2014, Cook et
al. 2015, Andres and Bhullar 2016). In many countries farmers virtually do not use much of the
required inputs, sustainable intensification would mean to use more inputs. In the Indonesian
context the picture is diverse. While for some farmers it would mean more inputs, some areas it
would mean other inputs.

Diversifying by using different varieties, crops, either at the same time as intercropping or
at different time by crop rotation. In the market or trade farmers can succeed better by having
various contracts, diversified market channels, like direct sale, sale to supermarkets, local
restaurants, consumers, premium markets, fair trade export, and conventional markets with moddle
men and wholesellers. By having fair contracts and choice the potential to reduce loos and waste
is also higher, which would contribute to climate chnage mitigation. Finally demand management,
meaning a healthy diverisfied diet by consuming all food groups according to dietary requirements.
Away from staple rich diet (meaning rice) to more fruits and vegetables proteine etc. Here,
we see also diversification potential. Dietary choices and meat consumption: Almost 60 percent of
the area consumed by Europeans lies outside the European Union. The average European needs
1.3 hectares – two football pitches – to produce all of the food and other products he or she
consumes each year. That is about six times more than is available to each Bangladeshi

Global quantitative food losses and waste per year are roughly 30% for cereals, 40-50%
for root crops, fruits and vegetables, 20% for oil seeds, meat and dairy plus 35% for fish.

Does a lot of fertilizer helps to reach the goal sustainable intensification?

Fertilizer consumption measures the quantity of plant nutrients used per unit of arable land.
Fertilizer products cover nitrogenous, potash, and phosphate fertilizers (including ground rock
phosphate). Traditional nutrients--animal and plant manures--are not included. For the purpose of
data dissemination, FAO has adopted the concept of a calendar year (January to December). Some
countries compile fertilizer data on a calendar year basis, while others are on a split-year basis.
Arable land includes land defined by the FAO as land under temporary crops (double-cropped
areas are counted once), temporary meadows for mowing or for pasture, land under market or
kitchen gardens, and land temporarily fallow. Land abandoned as a result of shifting cultivation is

Here, our sandy soil in North Western Germany, a result of synthetic Nitrogene fertiizer,
big machinery and monocultures, e.g. maize: High synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use cause dieing of
soil and finally leads to land degradation

Currently, the actual yields obtained by farmers are ca. 50% of the potential yields, and in
exceptional cases in irrigated crops up to 80% is reached (Lobell et al. 2009). These yield gaps are
caused by insufficient or unbalanced supply of water and nutrients, damage due to weeds, pest and
diseases, and losses caused by weather-related events such as extreme temperatures, severe rainfall
events, and prolonged periods of drought (Van Ittersum and Rabbinge 1997; Lobell et al 2009)

The production funtion should move in the Global North to the left, less fossil fuels same
outputs, in the Global South the curve should move up with szustainable affordable inputs.
In conventional research we have a research question and analyse within a given structure
the function of a system and how it fulfills ist purpose. We draw conclusions and therefore generate
new knowledge.

In climate change and agroecological systems we operate under uncertainty and complexity
and we combine different knowledge of farmers and researchers. The design approach might be
more appropriate.

Look at research side:

Conventional Irrigated Paddy farming production is our structure, it has the function to
produce rice with the purpose to increase the yields. Conclusion can be manifold:

One could be: Increase fertilizer , e.g. back in June 2006, African Union member states in
Nigeria resolved: To increase the level of fertilizer from the current average of 8 kg per hectare to
an avergae of at least 50 kg per hectare Tittonell 2014,Eicological Intensification of Agriculture,
p.54), it can be also a purpose to enrich the agrobiodiveristy and microbes in the soil health the
conclusion would be different. Often in experiments, even if multifactorial, the focus is very much
on economics and yields. With this new knowledge, policy programmes are designed: the Think
it from the design idea: what would be the purpose ? The purpose could be increase income from
paddy production.


1. Enhanced recycling of biomass, optimising nutrient availability and balancing nutrient


2. Securing favourable soil conditions for plant growth particularly by managing

organic matter and enhancing soil biotic activity);

3. Minimizing losses due to flows of solar radiation, air and water by way of microclimate

management, water harvesting and soil management through increased soil cover;

4. Species and genetic diversification of the agro-ecosystem in time and space;

5. Enhance beneficial biological interactions and synergisms among agrobiodiversity

components thus resulting in the promotion of key ecological processes and services.

Hard = Technical or “grey” adaptation measures involving technical installations or

construction works

Green = Adaptation measures pursuing “green” approaches with a particular

environmental benefit

Soft = Capacity building and all adaptation measures that do not encompass any technical

Incremental Adaptation vs. Transformative Adaptation

Incremental = Improving the status quo/immediate circumstances

Transformative = pursues broader and systematic change by addressing the underlying

roots of vulnerability

Ideal strategies to be used would be “no regrets”

Autonomous adaptation is distinguished from planned adaptation by the criteria of

consciousness of response to climate change. Planned adaptation refers to adaptation action which
is based on awareness, evidence-base and deliberate policy decisions. Unplanned, spontaneous or
autonomous adaptation is defined as the human ability to cope with impacts of climate change, for
human systems it could be diversifying livelihoods in response to market or welfare needs or
pressing problems resulting from climate change

Autonomous adaptation can also be described as adaptation actions carried out “by agents
without external inputs such as policies, information, or resources” (IPCC, 2014a, p. 838).

The floating rice is discussed controversially. It has been piloted in the flood-prone area of
350 hectares in Cigangjeng. For 80 rafts an investment of 72 million IDR (approx. 4500 €) is
needed. The flood-prone area of Cigangjeng is very difficult for rice farming. Farmers usually
plant more than five to seven times before they can harvest once the rice.

● Biochar is the residue left after the pyrolysis of any organic matter and is used as a soil

● Pyrolysis occurs when the organic matter is heated in anaerobic conditions, which is
usually done in specially designed kilns.

● A larger kiln might mitigate energy loss

● Increased workload compensated by higher yields

Traditional ecological knowledge is defined as a cumulative body of knowledge, practices,

and beliefs about the relationships of living beings, including humans, to one another and to the
environment (Gadgil et al. 1993). This body of knowledge evolves by adaptive processes and is
handed down through generations by cultural transmission. Here, we use the concept of local
ecological knowledge to refer to the knowledge held by a specific group of people about their local
ecosystems (Olsson and Folke 2001). This

Advantages of intercropping identified by farmers in Roslagen, Sweden

1. Increases production

2. Enhances the supply of nutrients, especially nitrogen

3. Attracts insects and birds that control pests and diseases

4. Protects the crop against fungi by naturally occurring chemical compounds

5. Repels harmful insects by fragrance

6. Increases taste and aroma in the crop

7. Increases the content of ethereal oils in herbs

8. Increases crop quality in vegetables

9. Buffers for crop failure during climate irregularities

This study has shown that the inclusion of economic value versus just productivity alone
may change conclusions around the selection of which soil management practice is the best fit for
purpose when wanting to optimise climate and livelihood trade-offs. Although limited in scope,
these data provide a first indication of the importance of taking the trade-off analysis one step
further to include economic value. It is therefore concluded that soil fertilisation from a mix of
organic and inorganic nitrogen fertilisers is a promising agronomic pathway towards achieving
optimal combined economic and environmental outcomes from vegetable production in peri-urban


● The inner part of the kiln is filled with wood and lit.

● It is then put into an empty oil barrel, which is filled with rice husks.

● The heat pyrolyses the husks from the bottom to the top of the barrel, and the gases are
burned in the inner part of the kiln and the chimney.

● Just before the upper part is pyrolysed, the husks are extinguished.

● There is a weight loss of about 50 to 60 % caused by this process.

● The Biochar is added to the fields after ploughing, and the fields are harrowed.

Lubang TANAM

Farmers first dig medium-sized holes (or zais) in rows across the fields during the dry
season. Each zai is allowed to fill with leaves and farmers add manure, which during the dry
months attracts termites; these create an extensive network of underground tunnels beneath the
holes and bring up nutrients from the deeper soils.

The rainwater is captured in the zais which are sown with sorghum or millet seed. Water
loss through drainage is limited by the manure and deep infiltration is made possible by the termite
tunnels. Thus, even in the drought-prone environment of the Sahel, sufficient water capture is
ensured. Farmers have consistently reported greatly increased yields using this technique. In
Burkina Faso, grain yield has increased 120% equating to around 80,000 tons of extra grain per
year.46 The labour in the first year is quite high, but after that farmers may reuse the holes or dig
more between the existing ones.

A key factor in the spread of zai adoption was the student-teacher system led by the
innovators of the technique to train farmers.4This practice of planting in small shallow holes dug
during the dry season and filled with crop residue or manure was first developed in Mali and was
later adopted and improved in northern Burkina Faso by farmers after the drought of the
1980’s. This method has been successful in producing crop yield in places where soils have been
so degraded that water can no longer infiltrate and topsoil has been washed or blown away. With
time, zai holes have been proven to restore organic content and productivity to soil. Termites play
an important role in this process through which unproductive hardpan is turned into living,
productive agricultural land. The manure attracts termites that then tunnel beneath the zai hole,
this facilitates increased water infiltration. The termites also provide another benefit; they assist
in the decomposition of organic material added to the hole, making nutrients more readily available
for the growing crops.

Zai pits catch water in places where rainfall is limited. Nutrients are concentrated and
protected from high winds that threaten to blow away soils on the ground’s surface. The simplicity
of this technology allows it to be implemented with minimal resources. As a strategy for
responding to climate change, farmers in parts of the Sahel are increasingly employing zai hole
farming method to improve or restore agricultural productivity to degraded farmland.

Limitations of zai crop production are important to consider, not all areas with limited
rainfall and degraded soil also have “composting termites”. Zai holes can be used in areas without
these termites but productivity and infiltration may be reduced. Digging holes is performed by
hand, no technology has been designed to expedite this process, making it extremely labor
intensive, 300-450 hours/ hectare. Digging in the dry season limits the time frame in which labor
should be performed. Size and position of the pits is integral to their success, proper training is
necessary to ensure productivity. Raw, organic material cannot be placed in pits, composted
material is necessary for nutrients to become available to crops.
While this method is not a panacea for the famine ridden peoples of the Sahel, it is a
positive and productive component of the evolving response to land degradation in that
region. Other places around the world facing similar problems have begun to adapt zai holes to
new conditions, these experiments will undoubtedly result varying degrees of success and new
ideas about how to restore productivity to degraded soils and damaged ecosystems.


Basil plant (Ocimum spp) and Tea tree (Melaleuca bracteata). Metyl methyl eugenol
(C12H24O2) traps l oil obtained from distillation of basil and tea tree leaves contain methyl
eugenol (C12H24O2) which is acting as attractant for fruit flies.

Essential control of fruit flies pest on guava fruit by using organic insecticide

Kardinan, Agus (2014) Control of fruit flies pest on guava fruit by using organic
insecticide. In: Rahmann, G. und Aksoy, U. (Hrsg.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich
von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, Nr. 20, S. 675-678.


TO CONTROL Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) POPULATION




Yogi Puspo Friarini*), Witjaksono, & Suputa

Public consumption

reaches 900 tons/year, or about 4 kg/capita. Since

domestic production is only 76% of the total

demand, pepper then imported from Malaysia and

Australia. For the last ten years, pepper production

centers in Central Java and Yogyakarta came

through a decline in production due to a virus

disease known as Pepper Yellow Leaf Curl Virus

(PYLCV) or pepper yellow virus. Sudiono et al.

(2001) suggested that the disease is caused by

Effect of mulches, botanical insecticides, and traps against fruit flies infestation and yield
of chili (Capsicum annuum)

December 2014

Journal of the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences 20(2):11-18

Hana Amalia

Dadang Dadang

Djoko Prijono

RAHMANN G & AKSOY U (Eds.) (2014) Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific

‘Building Organic Bridges’, at the Organic World Congress 2014, 13-15 Oct.,
Istanbul, Turkey (eprint ID 23235)


Incidence of white fly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) and their

sustainable management by using biopesticides


The flower extract of Polygonum and the microbial toxin Saccharopolyspora spinosa gave
satisfactory white fly suppression
▪ Disease resistant chili

▪ Training in pest control and IPM

▪ Low-cost barriers to control spread of pest and diseases (nets, border planting, low-cost
nylon net barriers for nurseries

▪ Drip Irrigation

▪ Improve bargaining power

▪ Address structural trade issues


▪ Climate change increases the intensity and frequency of weather events with impacts on

▪ Smallholders are important actors to be better integrated in the value chain

▪ Smallholders are requested to (ecologically) intensify

▪ Agrometeorological learning increase farmers capacity to adapt to climate change

▪ Diversification at all levels plays a major role in building climate-resilience of smalholders

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