Enr 2011 PDF
Enr 2011 PDF
Enr 2011 PDF
The international contracting community has been enduring difficult economic headwinds during the past
three years. However, even as the U.S. continues to fight off the prospect of a double-dip recession and
European nations pull back from stimulus programs to stabilize the troubled euro, opportunities are
bubbling for international contractors in developing countries, particularly those rich in resources.
47 Analysis of past decade 51 How the Top 225 International 61 The Top 225 Global Contractors
47 Profit/loss analysis Contractors shared the 2010 market 66 Index of Global Contractors
Market Analysis
83,026.4 (21.6%) 109,007.2 (28.4%)
89,320.8 (23.3%)
Industrial Power
Other 20,948.0 (5.5%) 38,598.1 (10.1%)
15,749.3 (4.1%)
Sewer Waste
6,389.3 (1.7%)
4652.6 (1.2%)
12,380.8 (3.2%)
Hazardous Waste
630.2 (0.2%) Telecom
2,959.6 (0.8%)
(Measured $ millions)
Source: McGraw-Hill Construction
Reasearch & Analytics/ENR.
The global shift in the international construction mar- impact of the downturn on the firm. “Latin America,
ket can be seen in the results of ENR’s Top 225 Inter- the BRIC [Brazil, Russia, India and China] countries
national Contractors list. The Top 225 as a group gen- and Southeast Asia are certainly all regions where we
erated $383.66 billion in 2010 contracting revenue see great opportunities for the future, and we are ac-
from projects outside their home countries, down only tively targeting these regions for business growth.”
marginally from 2009’s figure of $383.78 billion. On The sovereign debt crises hitting some European
the domestic front, 2010 revenue for the Top 225 rose Developing countries have hurt many construction programs.
by 10.8% to $688.71 billion, led by China's major large-scale “Construction-related spending from the economic
growth among contractors working on that nation’s stimulus programs was stopped earlier than expected
partnerships is
massive infrastructure program. “one of our or not passed at all, instead being replaced by austerity
Contractors are shifting their focus to new and strategic packages to help slow the national debt,” says Hans
emerging markets, which can be seen in the Top 225’s priorities ... to Peter Haselsteiner, CEO of Austria’s Strabag SE.
regional revenue breakdowns. International revenue generate However, he says there has been an uptick in invest-
fell 6.6% to $94.18 billion in Europe. It also fell 6.6% ment from private clients and German developers.
in the Middle East to $72.43 billion and 6.5% to $32.61 income.” Philippe Quoilin, COO of Besix warns that the
billion in the U.S. budget woes in the U.S. and the European Union may
Yves Gabriel,
By contrast, international contracting revenue rose have an indirect impact on other countries’ spending.
CEO, Bouygues
25.6% to $34.05 billion in Latin America and the Carib- Construction The sovereign debt crisis has limited many countries’
bean, 6.7% to $60.59 billion in Africa and 4.7% to $76.64 ability to invest in costly projects, and countries in
billion in Asia and Australia. This shift in focus is leading good financial shape have “received the warning and
to upheaval for major international contractors. will not make the same mistake. They will be prudent
International construction firms have not escaped in investing in construction development,” he says.
the recent turmoil in international markets. “The main Europe’s construction community underwent ma-
impact has been in the U.S. and the European Union,” jor change this summer as Germany’s largest contrac-
says Pierre Duhaime, CEO of SNC-Lavalin Group. tor, Hochtief AG, fell under the control of Spain’s
However, SNC has been traditionally strong in devel- ACS Group. Hochtief’s CEO, Herbert Lütkestratköt-
oping countries such as those in Africa, softening the ter quit and was replaced in May by Frank Stieler, an
46 N ENR N August 29, 2011 enr.com
International Regions
Middle East
$72,434.0 Asia / Australia Number of Firms
(18.9%) $76,639.7 Reporting Profit/Loss
U.S. 161
155 Domestic Profits
(8.5%) Domestic Loss
International Profit
Canada Latin America
South / International Loss
$13,003.2 $30,425.2 23
Central Africa 20
(3.4%) (7.9%) $31,051.8
(8.1%) North Africa
Caribbean $29,540.4 Volume (in $ billions)
$3,620.7 (7.7%) Domestic
(0.9%) 901.4 Revenue
688.7 Domestic
528.2 New Contracts
383.7 International
(Measured $ millions) Revenue
Source: McGraw-Hill Construction International
Reasearch & Analytics/ENR.
New Contracts
executive board member since 2009. Hochtief will con- Independent States. He says that many major contrac-
tinue functioning as a separate company, helping ACS tors are holding back in the face of new competitors
enter new markets like Asia Pacific, according to one of the Top 225
making unrealistic bids in unfamiliar markets.
bank analyst in Frankfurt. sent in surveys One such situation arose in June. China Overseas
Hochtief will increasingly focus on energy, trans- last year. Engineering Group was dismissed as contractor on the
portation infrastructure and urban construction sec- A2 project in Poland. The action had less to do with
tors, says Stieler. It will increase “asset turnover,” par-
ticularly by selling public-private-partnership 53.7% its bid price than experience, says Johan Karlström,
CEO, Skanska Group. “They underestimated how
investments. Hochtief is on course to sell its airport had increased difficult it is to go to a new market,” he says. But as
business by this year’s end, he adds. The firm has in- revenue in
China’s internal economic growth moderates, Karl-
terests in airports in Athens, Budapest, Düsseldorf, 2010. ström believes more Chinese contractors will look for
Hamburg, Sydney and Tirana. entry into new geographic markets.
Alain Bonnot, chairman and CEO of Vinci Con-
struction Grands Projets (VCGP), is uncertain how its 46.3% Chinese contractors “are becoming bigger com-
petitors,” agrees Yves Gabriel, CEO of Bouygues Con-
relationship with Hochtief will change. Until now, had lower struction. “We are mainly competing [with Chinese
Hochtief teams have been “good competitors and good contractors] in Africa for the moment, but these com-
revenue in
partners,” he says. “ACS/Dragados has been very ag- 2010. panies might probably come in Europe in the future.”
gressive ... because they have an internal market which Balfour Beatty already is competing with Chinese firms
is completely destroyed.” in Hong Kong and the Middle East, says CEO Ian
Tyler. “They do have some specific skills which are
Competitive Pressures very good,” he adds.
The downturns in many major regions have caused an Chinese contractors have proposed joint venturing
increase in competition as more firms enter unfamiliar with VCGP internationally, says Bonnot. “I don’t know
markets. “We see crowding of markets as some local if we will. We don’t want to have partners just to get a
players aspire to be global players,” says Ravinda lower price. If they have good technology and are well
Kansal, regional CEO of India’s Punj Lloyd operations [placed], then why not?” he says.
in Africa, the Middle East and the Commonwealth of While Chinese contractors have been pushing into
enr.com August 29, 2011 N ENR N 47
114 22.8
3 2 KIEWIT CORP. 47 14.9
7 ** CB&I
8 4 JACOBS Increase Decrease Stayed the same Increase Decrease
9 7 KBR Sources: ENR / McGraw-Hill Sources: ENR / McGraw-Hill
Construction Research & Analytics. Construction Research & Analytics.
the international market with some success, interna- larly in infrastructure. “In general, we avoid countries
tional contractors trying the penetrate the Chinese
On the where we have no strategic advantage, like China,” says
market have been less successful. Bonnot sees little Web SNC’s Duhaime. “The Chinese model, which favors
prospect of work for VCGP inside China itself. Ga- For expanded Chinese companies, puts companies like ours at a dis-
briel agrees, saying, “The Chinese market is particu- content on the advantage,” he says.
larly closed,” although Hong Kong “is booming.” Top 500 List India, on the other hand, is positively courting their
Mainland China is “very, very closed,” adds Tyler, see enr.com/ involvement. Bouygues is interested in large, complex
but he sees niche opportunities in the energy sector. highway projects, “particularly those including tun-
He agrees that Hong Kong is “very buoyant,” particu- nels,” says Gabriel. And the company is tracking metro
48 N ENR N August 29, 2011 enr.com
the sale of its U.S.-based Fru-Con Se
construction subsidiary to No. 19 RANK
Balfour Beatty on June 17, 2011. 20112
8 M
9 H
now, says Bonnot. “We got back from Libya one full
THE TOP 20 NON-U.S. IN INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION plane,” he says. “We had very good relationships in
MANAGEMENT / PROGRAM MANAGEMENT FEES* Libya ... now the subsidiary is closed.”
Nevertheless, “there are many business opportuni-
($ MIL)
($ MIL)
ties in [Arab] countries rich in natural resources, espe-
1 LEND LEASE GROUP, Millers Point, Australia 643.3 219.7 863.0
cially Qatar,” says Gabriel. Bouygues is building a
2 BALFOUR BEATTY, London, U.K. 273.4 395.9 669.3 $1.3-billion real estate project in Doha, including nine
3 DAR AL-HANDASAH CONSULTANTS, Cairo, Egypt 238.8 245.4 484.2 high-rise buildings and a hotel.
4 HOCHTIEF AG, Essen, Germany 0.0 237.6 237.6 The global financial crisis of 2008 caused “the stop-
5 WORLEYPARSONS, North Sydney, Australia 150.6 86.7 237.4 ping or slowing down of many construction projects
6 ARCADIS NV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 0.0 223.0 223.0 owned by the private sector,” particularly in Dubai,
7 TURNER & TOWNSEND PLC, Leeds, U.K. 159.1 18.7 177.8 says Samer Arafa, executive vice president of Al-Arrab
8 HATCH GROUP, Mississauga, Canada 56.5 114.7 171.2 Contracting Group. But he says Al-Arrab’s home coun-
9 AUSENCO, South Brisbane, Australia 75.8 80.6 156.4 try of Saudi Arabia is the strongest regional market.
10 KEO INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS WLL, Safat , Kuwait 26.1 96.5 122.6
11 ATKINS, Epsom, U.K. 97.5 18.8 116.3 European Disunion
12 PROJACS INTERNATIONAL, Manama, Bahrain 71.5 10.2 81.7 Much of European construction has been hit by gov-
13 RAMBOLL GROUP A/S, Copenhagen S, Denmark 53.5 20.6 74.1 ernment efforts to cut debt. Nordic countries are buck-
14 SEPCO ELECTRIC POWER CONSTRUCTION CORP., Jinan City, China 0.0 51.3 51.3 ing the trend, providing Skanska with ample work, says
15 ARUP GROUP LTD., London, U.K. 38.6 0.0 38.6 Karlström. But as orders elsewhere decline, “we see a
16 HANMIGLOBAL, Seoul, S. Korea 38.4 0.0 38.4 lot of international players coming in.”
17 QATAR PROJECT MANAGEMENT, Doha, Qatar 0.0 38.0 38.0 For Skanska, the Czech market is weak, but Poland
18 EHAF CONSULTING ENGINEERS, Giza, Egypt 34.9 0.0 34.9
remains “very good,” adds Karlström. The U.K. is
19 GHD PTY LTD., Sydney, Australia 0.0 30.0 30.0
slowing down, though Skanska’s current backlog “is
20 CARDNO LTD., Brisbane, Australia 25.0 0.0 25.0
very good,” he says. But he worries about prospects for
The U.K. market “is definitely quieter,” says Tyler.
However, he detects some recovery in commercial
orders and expects demand from the energy sector to
grow in the next year.
PROGRAM TOTAL Bonnot believes the French market will probably
RANK FIRM FEES ($ MIL) ($ MIL) ($ MIL) return to the previous high of 2008 next year or in
1 HOCHTIEF AG, Essen, Germany 0.0 1005.2 1005.2 2013. His order book received a major boost this June
2 BALFOUR BEATTY, London, U.K. 292.8 592.9 885.7 when a Vinci-led consortium signed a 50-year design,
3 LEND LEASE GROUP, Millers Point, Australia 643.3 219.7 863.1 build, finance and operate contract with a roughly $9
4 LEIGHTON HOLDINGS LTD., St. Leonards, Australia 829.0 0.0 829.0 billion construction value for the 300-km high-speed
5 DAR AL-HANDASAH CONSULTANTS, Cairo, Egypt 240.8 245.4 486.2 railroad between Bordeaux and Tours. “It’s the biggest
6 CHINA POWER ENGINEERING CONSLTG. GROUP CO., Beijing, China 382.9 0.0 382.9 contract Vinci ever signed,” says Bonnot.
7 ATKINS, Epsom, U.K. 185.0 169.1 354.1 In Europe, conditions have “not changed signifi-
8 TURNER & TOWNSEND PLC, Leeds, U.K. 291.7 25.0 316.7 cantly during last year,” says Gabriel. In France, “there
9 HATCH GROUP, Mississauga, Canada 85.7 174.0 259.7
are still many opportunities of large-scale contracts in
10 ARCADIS NV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 0.0 258.0 258.0
some areas, especially Paris,” he says. Outside Paris,
11 WORLEYPARSONS, North Sydney, Australia 150.6 86.7 237.4
projects in the $35-70 million range are scarce.
12 AUSENCO, South Brisbane, Australia 153.8 80.6 234.4
Over the Atlantic, Balfour Beatty’s U.S. order book
13 SEPCO ELECTRIC POWER CONSTRUCTION CORP., Jinan City, China 0.0 136.7 136.7
is “picking up,” especially in the federal market, says
14 KEO INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS WLL, Safat , Kuwait 32.1 96.7 128.8
Tyler. Karlström is “concerned about the economy and
15 MMM GROUP LTD., Thornhill, Canada 29.3 80.6 109.9
the impact it will have on the construction sector.”
16 CYRIL SWEETT INTERNATIONAL (MEAI), Dubai, U.A.E. 68.6 37.0 105.5
Skanska is growing a commercial building business
17 RAMBOLL GROUP A/S, Copenhagen S, Denmark 72.2 28.7 100.8
18 HANMIGLOBAL, Seoul, S. Korea 85.3 2.6 87.9
using its own cash to finance real estate projects.
19 PROJACS INTERNATIONAL, Manama, Bahrain 73.9 10.2 84.1
VCGP this summer failed to be shortlisted by The
20 GHD PTY LTD., Sydney, Australia 0.0 65.0 65.0
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey for the
Goethals Bridge replacement project. The company
is looking to Canada, aiming to bid for railroad public-
50 N ENR N August 29, 2011 enr.com
private partnerships (PPP) in Ottawa and Vancouver. part of Russia’s Moscow-St. Petersburg highway,
Bouygues, meanwhile, is building the Port of Mi- VCGP could not compete on construction price. In-
ami tunnel in its first U.S. PPP. But “for the moment, stead it has about 60 people providing project manage-
we are more interested in PPP opportunities in Can- ment, taking no construction risk, says Bonnot.
ada,” adds Gabriel. Developing large PPPs is “one of The U.K. PPP market, once the world’s most ac-
our strategic priorities ... to generate recurrent long- tive, has stalled but “will return in time,” says Tyler.
term operating income,” he says, adding that “India “We avoid However, the U.S. PPP business remains “more dis-
should be a big new market.” countries cussed than real,” he says.
where we
SNC-Lavalin has long experience in the PPP mar- While the current construction market is no more
have no
ket, including the new home of the Montreal Sym- strategic stable than the world’s stock markets, there are op-
phony Orchestra and the Canada Line in Vancouver, advantage, portunities for firms that know where to look. “The
the first light rail link system in Canada, says Duhaime. like China.” current crisis represents the greatest challenge the con-
But he worries that the public sectors in many jurisdic- Pierre Duhaime, struction industry has faced in decades,” says Karl-
tions are unwilling or unable to adopt best practices CEO, SNC- Heinz Strauss, CEO of Austria’s PORR AG. Contrac-
needed to make PPP projects a success. Lavalin Group. tors will have to learn to work smarter to succeed in
VCGP generally works with its concession affiliate this market. “It will not be the largest who will take the
in international PPPs. However, on a contract covering lead, but rather the fastest and the most flexible.” N
AMERICAN 22 44,903.2 11.7 11,747.7 16.2 9,727.8 12.7 4,395.5 7.3 6,006.9 6.4 NA NA 9,572.7 73.6 3,452.5 10.1
CANADIAN 3 3,191.7 0.8 138.6 0.2 25.6 0.0 912.6 1.5 178.7 0.2 1,836.2 5.6 NA NA 100.1 0.3
EUROPEAN 67 201,064.7 52.4 23,112.2 31.9 29,008.5 37.8 22,530.1 37.2 78,271.4 83.1 24,203.0 74.2 3,198.1 24.6 20,741.5 60.9
BRITISH 4 11,563.5 3.0 3,037.6 4.2 1,406.5 1.8 1,269.7 2.1 2,480.4 2.6 3,276.0 10.0 63.1 0.5 30.2 0.1
GERMAN 4 35,455.6 9.2 1,722.7 2.4 16,816.7 21.9 940.1 1.6 6,145.8 6.5 9,055.8 27.8 529.2 4.1 245.4 0.7
FRENCH 5 40,020.8 10.4 2,344.6 3.2 4,013.8 5.2 5,902.6 9.7 21,110.4 22.4 3,191.3 9.8 1,778.7 13.7 1,679.6 4.9
ITALIAN 23 32,505.2 8.5 5,374.7 7.4 4,039.4 5.3 9,998.9 16.5 6,021.8 6.4 903.5 2.8 86.3 0.7 6,080.6 17.9
DUTCH 3 7,954.6 2.1 959.2 1.3 567.4 0.7 195.8 0.3 6,033.7 6.4 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 195.7 0.6
SPANISH 13 35,652.0 9.3 2,649.3 3.7 973.0 1.3 1,890.3 3.1 15,639.3 16.6 3,167.2 9.7 516.8 4.0 10,816.1 31.8
OTHER 15 37,913.0 9.9 7,024.2 9.7 1,191.8 1.6 2,332.8 3.8 20,840.0 22.1 4,609.1 14.1 221.1 1.7 1,694.1 5.0
AUSTRALIAN 4 10,431.5 2.7 1,246.0 1.7 3,827.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 1,656.4 1.8 3,406.6 10.4 223.7 1.7 71.3 0.2
JAPANESE 13 15,568.7 4.1 4,218.5 5.8 7,772.4 10.1 846.9 1.4 353.4 0.4 1,883.9 5.8 0.2 0.0 493.5 1.4
CHINESE 51 57,062.4 14.9 10,009.2 13.8 17,409.9 22.7 23,467.7 38.7 2,443.1 2.6 389.3 1.2 2.6 0.0 3,342.6 9.8
KOREAN 11 18,313.2 4.8 11,146.9 15.4 3,634.1 4.7 2,186.1 3.6 95.5 0.1 507.9 1.6 4.9 0.0 737.9 2.2
TURKISH 31 14,583.3 3.8 4,580.7 6.3 3,116.7 4.1 2,198.0 3.6 4,679.6 5.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0
ALL OTHERS 23 18,392.5 4.8 6,234.3 8.6 2,119.2 2.8 4,055.3 6.7 498.4 0.5 378.0 1.2 1.0 0.0 5,106.4 15.0
ALL FIRMS 225 383,511.3 100.0 72,434.0 100.0 76,641.7 100.0 60,592.2 100.0 94,183.4 100.0 32,612.9 100.0 13,003.2 100.0 34,046.0 100.0
/ PE
2010 NEW
ER /
2011 2010 INT'L TOTAL ($ MIL)
/ PE
2010 NEW
ER /
2011 2010 INT'L TOTAL ($ MIL)
/ PE
2010 NEW
ER /
2011 2010 INT'L TOTAL ($ MIL)
103 115 THE ARAB CONTRACTORS (O.A.O. & CO.), Cairo, Egypt † 708.9 3,638.9 4,127.5 44 0 0 2 7 1 46 0 0
104 103 SOARES DA COSTA - GRUPO SGPS, Porto, Portugal † 675.2 1,056.6 790.4 65 0 6 2 2 0 22 0 1
105 91 GHELLA SPA, Rome, Italy † 674.0 824.0 3,415.0 4 0 31 12 1 0 50 0 0
106 99 SSANGYONG ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Seoul, S. Korea † 669.4 1,953.1 1,553.4 38 0 0 0 0 1 61 0 0
107 118 SHIKUN & BINUI - SBI INFRASTRUCTURE LTD., Ramat-Gan, Israel † 669.3 669.3 726.2 5 0 11 2 0 0 82 0 0
108 165 JOHN SISK & SON LTD., Dublin, Leinster, Ireland † 665.9 1,525.2 850.0 80 5 11 0 0 0 3 0 0
109 110 BAUER AG, Schrobenhausen, Germany † 661.8 954.8 1,055.1 27 3 18 9 3 11 22 0 4
110 97 TEKFEN CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION CO. INC., Istanbul, Turkey † 660.0 754.0 37.0 1 0 4 12 0 52 32 0 0
111 98 CONTRACTING & TRADING CO. “C.A.T.” GROUP, Beirut, Lebanon † 656.1 656.9 477.2 10 0 0 0 0 57 33 0 0
112 ** CGC OVERSEAS CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO. LTD., Beijing, China † 650.4 720.5 1,004.5 5 0 0 25 0 0 70 0 0
113 117 BEIJING CONSTRUCTION ENG’G GROUP CO. LTD., Beijing, China † 645.3 645.5 414.3 91 0 5 0 3 0 1 0 0
114 100 TAV CONSTRUCTION, Istanbul, Turkey 633.1 682.6 166.0 13 0 0 0 0 0 87 0 0
115 125 CHINA INT’L WATER & ELECTRIC CORP. (CWE), Beijing, China † 610.3 663.1 1,552.6 2 0 39 29 3 1 26 0 0
116 120 MCCONNELL DOWELL CORP. LTD., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia † 604.5 2,005.2 1,993.8 14 2 28 7 0 22 11 0 0
117 96 STFA CONSTRUCTION GROUP, Istanbul, Turkey 604.3 630.4 285.0 9 0 0 0 0 0 87 0 0
118 123 ZHONGYUAN PETROLEUM EXPLORATION BUR., Puyang, Henan, China † 600.4 2,314.9 2,314.9 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
119 166 HABTOOR LEIGHTON GROUP, Dubai, U.A.E. † 600.0 2,100.0 1,320.0 90 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0
120 111 NUROL CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING CO., Ankara, Turkey † 589.0 892.2 1,500.0 49 8 0 7 0 6 30 0 0
121 127 WORLEYPARSONS, North Sydney, NSW, Australia † 588.6 890.4 338.3 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
122 107 YUKSEL INSAAT CO. INC., Ankara, Turkey † 576.5 784.5 653.1 31 0 0 32 0 0 37 0 0
123 87 POSCO ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION, Incheon, S. Korea 574.4 5,339.7 9,836.1 9 0 58 0 0 19 15 0 0
124 121 NATIONAL PETROLEUM CONSTRUCTION CO. (NPCC), Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. 562.9 1,107.1 1,984.4 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
125 119 CHINA JIANGSU INT’L ECON-TECH. COOP. CORP., Nanjing, China † 553.3 1,022.1 1,179.0 91 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0
126 126 RIZZANI DE ECCHER SPA, Pozzuolo del Friuli (UD), Italy † 551.0 647.5 1,194.8 26 0 0 0 0 0 69 0 0
127 133 QINGJIAN GROUP CO. LTD., Qingdao, Shandong, China † 545.0 3,351.0 3,334.0 95 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0
128 129 C.M.C. DI RAVENNA, Ravenna, Italy † 534.6 998.2 832.5 3 0 47 8 3 0 40 0 0
129 106 CHINA GEO-ENGINEERING CORP., Beijing, China † 527.9 709.5 695.3 8 0 1 39 8 0 38 2 0
130 ** MAPA INSAAT VE TICARET A.S., Ankara, Turkey 519.1 689.8 51.5 8 0 0 63 0 0 29 0 0
131 93 ANT YAPI CONSTRUCTION, INDUSTRY & TRADE CO., Istanbul, Turkey 503.1 634.5 205.6 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
132 143 HANWHA ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CORP., Seoul, S. Korea † 501.6 2,390.8 3,047.9 3 0 84 0 0 12 0 0 0
133 ** METKA, Maroussi, Athens, Greece † 480.8 802.4 1,458.2 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
134 92 CTCI CORP., Taipei, Taiwan † 472.7 1,422.5 1,889.1 3 7 2 0 2 66 18 1 0
135 116 E. PIHL & SON AS, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark † 472.5 863.2 923.5 25 0 25 0 6 0 44 0 0
136 132 THE SHAW GROUP INC., Baton Rouge, La., U.S.A. † 472.0 4,966.0 3,267.7 0 0 6 0 0 89 1 3 0
137 122 BLACK & VEATCH, Overland Park, Kan., U.S.A. † 465.0 1,087.9 968.9 0 0 29 46 25 0 0 0 0
138 85 ELLAKTOR SA, Kifissia, Greece † 448.3 2,346.7 704.1 19 0 1 0 14 5 61 0 0
139 ** NATA CONSTRUCTION TOURISM TRADE & INDUS. CO., Ankara, Turkey † 446.0 1,026.0 578.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
140 155 YAPI MERKEZI INSAAT VE SANAYI AS, Istanbul, Turkey † 443.8 756.9 931.5 15 0 0 0 6 0 79 0 0
141 173 KHARAFI NATIONAL KSCC, Safat, Kuwait, Kuwait † 442.0 1,115.0 3,592.0 19 0 6 0 41 28 0 0 0
142 ** SEMBOL CONSTRUCTION, Istanbul, Turkey 430.4 521.9 1,457.3 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
143 139 COMSA EMTE, Madrid, Spain † 421.8 2,714.3 NA 5 0 0 0 0 0 65 0 28
144 95 PJSC STROYTRANSGAZ, Moscow, Russia † 415.7 1,254.8 2,346.0 1 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 0
145 141 CHINA DALIAN INT’L ECO. & TECHN. COOP. GROUP CO., Dalian, China † 414.7 439.3 157.2 84 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0
146 152 CENGIZ CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY & TRADE CO. INC., Istanbul, Turkey † 409.2 1,079.4 95.0 0 0 0 32 0 0 40 0 0
147 109 CONSTRUCOES E COMERCIO CAMARGO CORREA SA, Sao Paulo, Brazil † 401.6 3,922.2 4,837.1 8 0 41 2 24 2 23 0 0
148 146 B.L. HARBERT INTERNATIONAL LLC, Birmingham, Ala., U.S.A. 399.2 657.1 1,095.8 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
149 138 AL-ARRAB CONTRACTING CO. LTD., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia † 392.1 923.5 2,330.2 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
150 158 BAYTUR CONSTRUCTION & CONTRACTING CO., Istanbul, Turkey † 382.1 382.1 266.2 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
151 135 CHINA NATIONAL TECHNICAL IMP. & EXP. CORP., Beijing, China 370.8 370.8 1,098.6 0 0 89 3 0 2 6 0 0
152 171 IRCON INTERNATIONAL LTD., New Delhi, Delhi, India † 356.9 731.8 809.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 0 2
153 ** M.A. KHARAFI & SONS, Safat, Kuwait 355.6 457.3 1,767.0 12 0 0 5 0 0 81 0 0
/ PE
2010 NEW
ER /
2011 2010 INT'L TOTAL ($ MIL)
154 159 CHINA HENAN INT’L COOP. GROUP CO. LTD., Zhengzhou, Henan, China 342.3 342.3 462.4 0 0 0 11 0 0 89 0 0
155 179 ANHUI FOREIGN ECONOMIC CONSTR. CO. LTD., Hefei, Anhui, China 340.5 340.5 772.3 71 0 0 1 0 0 29 0 0
156 154 KINDEN CORP., Tokyo, Japan † 327.0 5,112.0 5,112.0 52 8 17 8 0 0 10 0 6
157 202 ATLAS GROUP, Ankara, Turkey † 325.0 332.0 253.5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
158 151 CHINA HUANQIU CONTRACTING & ENGINEERING CORP., Beijing, China † 322.4 2,706.8 3,590.4 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
159 172 PETROLEUM PROJECTS & TECHNICAL CONSULTATIONS, Cairo, Egypt † 320.7 1,245.9 1,106.8 0 2 0 0 0 98 0 0 0
160 136 CH2M HILL, Englewood, Colo., U.S.A. † 320.6 804.3 1,311.5 16 5 33 1 3 38 0 4 0
161 131 KAYI INSAAT SANAYI VE TIC. AS, Istanbul, Turkey † 316.0 334.4 400.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
162 160 CHINA NATIONAL MACHINERY IMP. & EXP. CORP., Beijing, China 313.3 313.3 966.4 0 0 7 0 0 48 40 0 0
163 169 XINJIANG BEIXIN CONSTR. & ENG’G CO. LTD., Urumqi, Xinjiang, China † 308.7 1,453.5 1,534.9 57 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 0
164 174 BENTINI SPA, Faenza, Italy † 305.8 340.2 43.1 74 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0
165 ** ECC, Burlingame, Calif., U.S.A. † 297.9 495.5 469.0 65 0 4 0 0 0 22 8 1
166 ** TEPE INSAAT SANAYI AS, Ankara, Turkey † 295.6 420.7 117.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
167 ** GHIZZONI SPA, Polesine Parmense, Italy 288.0 352.1 468.2 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
168 ** SHENYANG YUANDA ALUMINUM INDUS. ENG’G CO., Shenyang, China 280.0 1,178.8 719.7 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
169 150 ONUR TAAHHUT TICARET LTD. STL., Ankara, Turkey † 279.2 386.9 624.5 14 0 0 0 0 0 86 0 0
170 157 ANHUI CONSTRUCTION ENG’G GROUP CO. LTD., Hefei, Anhui, China † 277.6 2,552.6 2,938.0 71 8 0 9 2 0 11 0 0
171 147 IMPRESA PIZZAROTTI & C. SPA, Parma, Italy † 276.0 1,266.0 577.8 15 0 0 5 0 0 79 0 0
172 199 SENER INGENIERIA Y SISTEMAS SA, Las Arenas, Vizcaya, Spain † 275.4 699.0 589.4 0 22 12 0 0 64 3 0 0
173 144 PER AARSLEFF A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark † 269.5 784.9 1,307.0 0 34 9 4 37 0 16 0 0
174 198 IREM GROUP, Siracusa, Italy † 267.3 358.0 502.9 0 0 21 0 0 79 0 0 0
175 148 WILLBROS GROUP INC., Houston, Texas, U.S.A. † 266.0 1,088.0 2,677.0 0 0 1 0 0 99 0 0 0
176 140 CHINA WANBAO ENGINEERING CORP., Beijing, China 264.3 264.3 486.8 0 45 4 0 0 0 48 1 0
177 186 CHINA ZHONGYUAN ENGINEERING CORP., Beijing, China 263.1 295.1 70.0 6 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 0
178 ** CHINA NATIONAL CORP. FOR OVERSEAS ECON. COOP., Beijing, China 261.8 265.1 NA 0 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 0
179 ** ITALIAN-THAI DEVELOPMENT PCL, Bangkok, Thailand † 261.2 996.3 186.8 1 0 0 15 0 0 64 0 0
180 161 ARABTEC CONSTRUCTION LLC, Dubai, Dubai, Saudi Arabia † 258.6 841.8 2,335.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
181 178 SOCIETA ITALIANA PER CONDOTTE D’ACQUA SPA, Rome, Italy † 258.6 982.7 478.9 0 0 0 11 0 0 78 0 0
182 74 NISHIMATSU CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Tokyo, Japan 258.0 2,792.2 2,483.4 0 0 5 9 39 0 46 0 0
183 185 CHINA JIANGXI CORP. FOR INT’L ECO. & TECH. COOP., Nanchang, China † 257.4 271.0 546.2 43 0 0 16 0 0 41 0 0
184 164 SUMITOMO MITSUI CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Tokyo, Japan † 257.0 2,898.0 22,898.0 10 21 0 3 0 24 42 0 0
185 177 AMEC PLC, London, U.K. † 255.3 694.9 123.0 33 0 2 0 0 41 0 0 0
186 ** GRUPO SANJOSE SA, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain † 254.0 1,269.9 952.6 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
187 162 PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO. LTD., Beijing, China † 253.2 866.5 470.5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
188 142 GRAHAM GROUP LTD., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 250.0 1,886.0 2,671.0 60 0 0 18 0 0 23 0 0
189 209 ALARKO CONTRACTING GROUP, Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey 240.4 1,286.9 NA 0 0 0 0 66 0 34 0 0
190 212 PREZIOSO TECHNILOR, Vienne, France † 238.2 400.2 NA 0 0 4 0 0 96 0 0 0
191 137 HEFEI CEMENT RESEARCH & DESIGN INSTITUTE, Hefei, China 237.7 392.5 222.6 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
192 170 DOGUS INSAAT VE TICARET AS, Kavacik-Beykoz-Istanbul, Turkey 233.7 462.9 490.0 43 0 0 0 0 0 57 0 0
193 184 CHINA WU YI CO. LTD., Fuzhou, Fujian, China † 230.6 734.6 785.3 16 0 0 7 0 10 67 0 0
194 210 METAG INSAAT TICARET AS, Ankara, Turkey 222.4 222.4 296.4 52 0 0 0 0 0 48 0 0
195 ** LAKESHORE TOLTEST CORP., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. † 221.2 621.6 563.4 18 0 0 0 0 8 73 1 0
196 192 INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES INC., Chesterfield, Mo., U.S.A. † 212.7 644.1 858.0 0 0 0 4 63 33 0 0 0
197 214 SICIM SPA, Busseto (PR), Italy † 209.8 216.0 200.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
198 163 GAMUDA BERHAD, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia † 199.1 771.0 NA 0 0 0 0 40 0 60 0 0
199 189 RASEN INSAAT VE YATIRIM TICARET AS, Istanbul, Turkey † 197.0 197.0 140.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
200 197 NANTONG CONSTR. JOINT-STOCK CO. LTD., Nantong, Jiangsu, China † 194.2 1,574.1 1,270.0 37 1 0 2 0 59 0 0 0
201 ** INGENIUM INTERNATIONAL INC., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. † 192.0 192.0 NA 80 0 0 1 0 0 18 0 1
202 200 JIANGSU NANTONG NO. 3 CONSTR. GRP. CO. LTD., Haimen, China † 189.7 2,807.9 2,447.5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
203 ** CHINA PETROLEUM PIPELINE ENG’G CORP., Langfang City, Hebei, China 189.0 198.3 190.5 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
204 149 SHANGHAI URBAN CONSTRUCTION (GROUP) CORP., Shanghai, China † 188.9 2,797.8 2,477.5 0 0 0 0 5 0 58 37 0
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2011 2010 INT'L TOTAL ($ MIL)
205 153 URS CORP., San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. † 187.4 2,040.0 1,599.2 1 1 38 2 1 16 7 3 0
206 207 ZHONGDING INT’L ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Nanchang, Jiangxi, China † 185.8 185.8 180.2 46 0 5 3 2 0 1 0 0
207 167 GURIS INSAAT VE MUHENDISLIK AS, Ankara, Turkey 184.4 246.0 101.0 73 0 0 3 6 0 18 0 0
208 ** MORTENSON CONSTRUCTION, Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. 182.6 2,459.5 2,031.0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
209 213 IC ICTAS INSAAT SANAYI VE TICARET AS, Ankara, Turkey † 182.5 493.1 107.2 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
210 194 SUMMA TURIZM YATIRIMCILIGI AS, Ankara, Turkey † 182.0 182.0 266.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
211 176 GAP INSAAT YATIRIM VE DIS TICARET AS, Istanbul, Turkey † 181.2 181.2 888.8 41 0 2 0 0 57 0 0 0
212 193 S.E.L.I. SPA, Rome, Italy † 178.4 237.2 616.9 0 0 44 17 3 0 34 0 0
213 ** M/S. AFCONS INFRASTRUCTURE LTD., Mumbai, India 177.9 606.0 1,147.0 0 0 0 0 0 4 96 0 0
214 217 ZHEJIANG CONSTR. INVEST. GROUP CO., Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China † 177.9 4,849.4 5,582.9 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
215 211 PARSONS, Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A. † 177.4 1,117.6 1,097.9 5 0 0 0 0 11 84 0 0
216 203 RENCO SPA, Pesaro, Italy † 176.5 185.8 82.0 20 0 13 0 0 67 0 0 0
217 218 LIMAK INSAAT SANAYI VE TICARET AS, Ankara, Turkey 172.2 586.2 1,110.0 20 0 9 47 0 0 24 0 0
218 156 TUTOR PERINI CORP., Sylmar, Calif., U.S.A. † 170.2 3,195.5 3,249.7 72 0 0 0 12 0 16 0 0
219 ** LAYNE CHRISTENSEN CO., Mission Woods, Kan., U.S.A. † 166.8 982.1 1,013.1 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0
220 ** CHINA YUNAN CONSTRUCTION ENG’G CO. LTD., Kunming, Yunnan, China † 164.6 3,647.1 4,336.1 95 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0
221 ** DAEWOO ENGINEERING CO., Seongnam City, S. Korea † 164.4 594.4 1,345.2 0 1 14 0 3 82 0 0 0
222 ** SHAPOORJI PALLONJI & CO. LTD., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India † 159.0 809.6 1,665.5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
223 180 BETA TEK INSAAT, Istanbul, Turkey † 157.2 157.2 132.5 12 52 0 0 0 36 0 0 0
224 204 MAK-YOL CONSTR. INDUS. TOURISM & TRADING INC., Istanbul, Turkey † 156.3 686.5 6,529.0 4 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0
225 224 CHINA NATIONAL COMPLETE PLANT IMP. & EXP. CORP., Beijing, China † 156.3 156.3 165.5 78 1 4 0 0 0 17 0 0
CITIC Construction Co. Ltd. 32 Kiewit Corp. 42 SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corp. 100
A COMSA EMTE 143 Kinden Corp. 156 Shanghai Construction Group 54 W
Societa Italiana Per Condotte D’Acqua SpA 181 Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd. 78
ABB SpA - Process Automation Division 98 Consolidated Contractors Group 18 L Shanghai Urban Construction (Group) Corp. 204
Abeinsa SA 40 Contracting & Trading Co. “C.A.T.” Group of Cos. 111 Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd. 222
Acciona Infraestructuras 66 CTCI Corp. 134 Lakeshore TolTest Corp. 195 The Shaw Group Inc. 136
Grupo ACS 12 Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 77 Shenyang Yuanda Aluminum Indus. Eng’g Co. Ltd. 168
M/s. Afcons Infrastructure Ltd. 213 D Layne Christensen Co. 219 Shimizu Corp. 79
Al-Arrab Contracting Co. Ltd. 149 Leighton Holdings Ltd. 25 SICIM SpA 197
Alarko Contracting Group 189 Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd. 41 Lend Lease Group 16 Sinohydro Corp. 24
AMEC plc 185 Daewoo E&C Co. Ltd. 57 Limak Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret AS 217 Sinopec Engineering Inc. 83
Anhui Construction Engineering Group Co. Ltd. 170 Daewoo Engineering Co. 221 John Sisk & Son Ltd. 108
Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Danieli & C SpA 36 M SK Engineering & Construction 63
(Group) Co. Ltd. 155 Dogus Insaat Ve Ticaret AS 192 Skanska AB 5
Ansaldo Energia SpA 93 Dongfang Electric Corp. 80 MAPA Insaat ve Ticaret A.S. 130 SNC-Lavalin International Inc. 64
Ansaldo STS 91 Maire Tecnimont 39 Soares Da Costa - Grupo SGPS 104
Ant Yapi Construction, Industry & Trade Co. Ltd. 131 E Mak-Yol Constr. Indus. Tourism & Trading Inc. 224 Shikun & Binui - SBI Infrastructure Ltd. 107
The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. & Co.) 103 McConnell Dowell Corp. Ltd. 116 Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. 106
Arabian Construction Co. SAL 68 ECC 165 McDermott International Inc. 47 STFA Construction Group 117
Arabtec Construction LLC 180 EIFFAGE 37 Metag Insaat Ticaret AS 194 STRABAG SE 8
Archirodon Group NV 97 Ellaktor SA 138 Metka 133 PJSC Stroytransgaz 144
Astaldi SpA 65 Enka Construction & Industry Co. Inc. 88 Mortenson Construction 208 Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd. 184
Atlas Group 157 Mota-Engil 73 Summa Turizm Yatirimciligi AS 210
FCC, Fomento de Constr. y Contratas SA 10
Balfour Beatty 19 Ferrovial Agroman SA 30 Nantong Construction Group Joint-Stock Co. Ltd. 200 Taikisha Ltd. 102
Royal BAM Group nv 17 Fluor Corp. 7 Nata Construction Tourism Trade and Industry Co. 139 Taisei Corp. 62
Bauer AG 109 Foster Wheeler AG 28 National Petroleum Construction Co. (NPCC) 124 Takenaka Corp. 96
Baytur Construction & Contracting Co. 150 Nishimatsu Construction Co. Ltd. 182 TAV Construction 114
Bechtel 3 G Nurol Construction and Trading Co. 120 Techint Group 38
Beijing Construction Eng’g Group Co. Ltd. 113 TECHNIP 9
Bentini SpA 164 GAMA 75 O Tecnicas Reunidas 31
BESIX SA 52 Gamuda Berhad 198 Tekfen Construction and Installation Co. Inc. 110
Beta Tek Insaat 223 GAP Insaat Yatirim ve Dis Ticaret AS 211 Obayashi Corp. 49 Tepe Insaat Sanayi AS 166
Bilfinger Berger SE 13 Ghella SpA 105 Construtora Norberto Odebrecht 15 Toyo Engineering Corp. 76
Black & Veatch 137 Ghizzoni SpA 167 OHL 21 Trevi Spa 81
Bonatti SpA 99 Graham Group Ltd. 188 Onur Taahhut Ticaret Ltd. Stl. 169 Tutor Perini Corp. 218
BOUYGUES 4 Grupo SANJOSE SA 186 Orascom Construction Industries (OCI) 94
GS Engineering & Construction Corp. 48 U
C Guris Insaat ve Muhendislik AS 207 P
Construtora Andrade Gutierrez SA 85 URS Corp. 205
C.M.C. di Ravenna 128 Pan-China Construction Group Co. Ltd. 187
Construcoes e Comercio Camargo Correa SA 147 H Parsons 215 V
CB&I 43 PCL Construction Enterprises Inc. 60
Cengiz Construction Industry & Trade Co. Inc. 146 Habtoor Leighton Group 119 Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd. 87 Van Oord 55
CGC Overseas Construction Group Co. Ltd. 112 Hanwha Engineering & Construction Corp. 132 Per Aarsleff A/S 173 Veidekke ASA 101
CH2M HILL 160 B.L. Harbert International LLC 148 Petrofac Ltd. 22 VINCI 2
China Civil Engineering Constr. Corp. 86 Harbin Power Engineering Co. Ltd. 95 The Petroleum Projects and Technical
China Communications Construction Grp. Ltd. 11 Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute 191 Consultations Co. 159 W
China Dalian Int’l Eco. & Techn. Cooperation HOCHTIEF AG 1 E. Pihl & Son AS 135
Group Co. 145 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. 23 Impresa Pizzarotti & C. SpA 171 Willbros Group Inc. 175
China Geo-Engineering Corp. 129 Polimeks Insaat Taahhut ve San Tic. AS 59 WorleyParsons 121
China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd. 71 I A. Porr AG 67
China Henan Int’l Cooperation Group Co. Ltd. 154 POSCO Engineering & Construction 123 X
China HuanQiu Contracting & Engineering Corp. 158 Iberdrola Ingenieria y Construccion 74 Prezioso Technilor 190
China Int’l Water & Electric Corp. (CWE) 115 IC Ictas Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret AS 209 Punj Lloyd Ltd. 82 Xinjiang Beixin Construction & Eng’g
China Jiangsu Int’l Econ-Tech. Coop. Corp. 125 IMPREGILO SpA 50 (Group) Co. Ltd. 163
China Jiangxi Corp. For Int’l Eco. & Tech. Coop’n 183 Ingenium International Inc. 201 Q
China Metallurgical Group Corp. 61 Insituform Technologies Inc. 196 Y
China National Chemical Eng’g Group Corp. 92 Ircon International Ltd. 152 Qingjian Group Co. Ltd. 127
China National Complete Plant Imp. & IREM Group 174 Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi AS 140
Exp. Corp. (Group) 225 Grupo Isolux Corsan SA 44 R Yuksel Insaat Co. Inc. 122
China National Corp. for Overseas Italian-Thai Development PCL 179
Economic Cooperation 178 Rasen Insaat Ve Yatirim Ticaret AS 199 Z
China National Machinery Industry Corp. 26 J Renaissance Construction 69
China National Technical Imp. & Exp. Corp. 151 Renco SpA 216 Zhejiang Constr. Investment Group Co. Ltd. 214
China National Machinery Imp. & Exp. Corp. 162 Jacobs 72 Rizzani de Eccher SpA 126 Zhongding Int’l Engineering Co. Ltd. 206
China Petroleum Eng’g & Construction Corp. 27 Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA) 53 Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau 118
China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (CPP) 89 JGC Corp. 35 S Ed. Zublin AG 84
China Petroleum Pipeline Eng’g Corp. 203 Jiangsu Nantong No. 3 Construction Grp. Co. Ltd. 202
China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd. 29 Joannou & Paraskevaides Group of Cos. 51 Sacyr Vallehermoso 45
China Railway Group Ltd. 33 Saipem 6
China State Construction Eng’g Corp. Ltd. 20 K Salini Costruttori SpA 90
China Wanbao Engineering Corp. 176 Samsung C&T Corp. 56
China Wu Yi Co. Ltd. 193 Kajima Corp. 46 Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd. 34
China Yunan Construction Engineering Kayi Insaat San. ve Tic. AS 161 S.E.L.I. SpA 212
Group Co. Ltd. 220 KBR 14 Sembol Construction 142
China Zhongyuan Engineering Corp. 177 M.A. Kharafi & Sons 153 Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas SA 172
Chiyoda Corp. 70 Kharafi National KSCC 141 SEPCOIII Electric Power Construction Corp. 58
/ PE
2010 NEW
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2011 2010 TOTAL INT'L ($ MIL.)
1 1 CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORP. LTD., Beijing, China 76,206.0 3,424.0 110,876.0 8 2 3 2 0 0 75 0 5
2 2 CHINA RAILWAY GROUP LTD., Beijing, China 73,012.1 3,158.6 111,436.7 11 3 0 0 0 0 73 0 0
3 6 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENG’G CORP. LTD., Beijing, China 48,868.0 4,871.7 121,015.7 74 3 2 1 1 3 15 0 0
4 3 VINCI, Rueil-Malmaison, France 45,110.0 16,557.6 37,214.8 16 0 9 3 0 5 40 1 4
5 5 CHINA COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION GROUP LTD., Beijing, China 40,418.7 7,134.2 62,865.5 2 0 1 1 0 0 95 0 0
6 4 BOUYGUES, Paris, France 30,671.0 12,432.0 33,275.0 38 0 6 1 1 1 50 0 1
7 8 CHINA METALLURGICAL GROUP CORP., Beijing, China 29,905.1 1,514.9 59,790.5 27 5 3 0 1 45 12 0 0
8 7 HOCHTIEF AG, Essen, Germany 28,979.7 27,424.7 37,651.7 38 1 2 6 3 3 26 0 4
9 10 GRUPO ACS, Madrid, Spain 20,631.8 6,562.4 23,388.1 9 0 23 2 10 17 32 0 1
10 9 BECHTEL, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. 19,714.0 12,500.0 16,253.0 0 0 19 0 0 54 19 5 1
11 12 LEIGHTON HOLDINGS LTD., St. Leonards, NSW, Australia 18,510.0 3,648.0 27,870.0 14 0 2 11 4 6 26 1 5
12 16 EIFFAGE, Asnieres-sur-Seine, France 17,729.0 2,853.0 14,563.0 28 12 23 0 2 2 33 0 0
13 14 FLUOR CORP., Irving, Texas, U.S.A. 17,194.4 11,565.6 27,363.0 12 0 11 0 0 55 15 4 2
14 13 FCC, FOMENTO DE CONSTR. Y CONTRATAS SA, Madrid, Spain 16,059.8 7,457.8 25,432.5 30 2 3 4 5 2 50 1 3
15 26 SINOHYDRO CORP., Beijing, China 15,883.3 4,010.0 20,668.0 8 3 54 19 2 0 12 0 0
16 15 SKANSKA AB, Solna, Sweden 14,635.5 11,632.3 18,235.0 52 2 3 3 3 6 28 0 2
17 18 SHIMIZU CORP., Tokyo, Japan 14,403.8 1,162.8 14,596.1 58 6 3 2 1 6 15 0 0
18 17 KAJIMA CORP., Tokyo, Japan 14,394.7 2,106.3 15,049.0 55 9 4 3 1 3 13 0 1
19 22 OBAYASHI CORP., Tokyo, Japan 13,675.0 1,916.0 10,539.0 59 3 3 2 1 5 22 1 2
20 27 SHANGHAI CONSTRUCTION GROUP, Shanghai, China 13,005.3 1,654.1 13,176.3 75 7 0 0 1 0 12 0 0
21 21 TAISEI CORP., Tokyo, Japan 12,978.0 1,435.0 13,410.0 55 10 1 1 2 0 27 0 0
22 11 STRABAG SE, Vienna, Austria 12,777.0 10,870.0 12,449.0 24 0 2 3 4 5 46 0 0 Pl
23 19 BALFOUR BEATTY, London, U.K. 12,400.4 5,161.1 12,351.3 50 0 7 2 2 0 36 0 1 be
24 23 TAKENAKA CORP., Osaka, Japan 12,248.0 880.0 9,404.0 82 12 0 0 1 0 4 0 0
25 24 SAIPEM, San Donato Milanese (Milan), Italy 12,106.8 11,604.9 15,590.5 0 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 0
26 20 BILFINGER BERGER SE, Mannheim, Germany 10,780.8 6,324.3 10,681.4 28 0 14 0 2 36 21 0 0
27 29 CONSTRUTORA NORBERTO ODEBRECHT, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil 10,000.8 5,837.6 15,930.2 5 0 14 9 1 18 52 0 0 TH
28 25 ROYAL BAM GROUP NV, Bunnik, The Netherlands 9,808.0 5,435.0 11,129.0 47 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 (BA
29 34 LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD., Mumbai, India 9,205.0 1,199.0 17,865.4 11 7 31 2 1 27 16 0 0
30 33 HYUNDAI ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Seoul, S. Korea 8,876.5 4,308.9 15,878.4 31 1 23 3 1 26 14 0 1 TELE
31 32 LEND LEASE GROUP, Millers Point, NSW, Australia 8,431.4 5,590.4 3,543.4 92 0 0 1 0 4 1 0 1
32 31 KIEWIT CORP., Omaha, Neb., U.S.A. 8,206.6 2,222.9 8,296.6 7 0 20 9 5 21 34 0 0
33 30 TECHNIP, Paris, France 8,069.0 7,940.0 9,231.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
34 28 KBR, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. 7,648.1 5,863.5 7,232.0 30 2 11 3 0 44 9 0 0
35 36 GS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CORP., Seoul, S. Korea 7,043.3 1,969.4 12,587.3 41 6 13 2 5 23 10 0 0
36 35 SACYR VALLEHERMOSO, Madrid, Spain 6,942.1 2,162.8 10,279.9 28 0 4 6 11 0 46 0 0
37 43 DONGFANG ELECTRIC CORP., Chengdu, Sichuan, China 6,865.1 1,140.1 8,581.4 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 ** OHL, Madrid, Spain 6,480.9 4,624.7 6,568.9 21 0 0 3 3 2 70 0 0
39 45 SAMSUNG C&T CORP., Seoul, S. Korea 6,437.9 1,625.2 9,705.4 37 29 9 1 0 4 20 0 0
40 67 STROYGAZCONSULTING LLC, Moscow, Russia 6,118.5 0.0 13,297.7 0 0 0 0 0 98 2 0 0
41 37 FERROVIAL AGROMAN SA, Madrid, Spain 6,110.6 3,346.3 7,052.8 25 0 0 5 5 1 61 0 0
42 55 CHINA NATIONAL CHEMICAL ENG’G GROUP CORP., Beijing, China 5,954.1 965.8 9,598.5 4 8 1 0 1 74 0 0 0
43 38 DAEWOO E&C CO. LTD., Seoul, S. Korea 5,913.6 1,612.2 10,270.4 46 0 6 2 11 17 16 2 0
44 41 DAELIM INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD., Seoul, S. Korea 5,673.0 2,383.0 5,645.0 27 2 3 4 1 47 14 0 0
45 40 POSCO ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION, Incheon, S. Korea 5,339.7 574.4 9,836.1 27 0 18 1 5 38 12 0 0
46 50 TODA CORP., Tokyo, Japan 5,286.0 90.0 5,502.0 74 3 2 2 2 5 12 0 0
47 39 CONSOLIDATED CONTRACTORS GROUP, Athens, Greece 5,264.7 5,264.7 6,427.9 14 0 1 19 0 45 21 0 0
48 49 KINDEN CORP., Tokyo, Japan 5,112.0 327.0 5,112.0 58 3 19 1 5 0 3 0 12
49 44 PCL CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES INC., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 4,984.9 1,519.4 5,026.4 56 1 4 4 2 22 11 1 0
50 56 THE SHAW GROUP INC., Baton Rouge, La., U.S.A. 4,966.0 472.0 3,267.7 0 0 51 2 1 15 10 19 0
51 75 CHINA PETROLEUM ENG’G & CONSTRUCTION CORP., Beijing, China 4,861.7 3,476.2 3,900.2 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
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2010 NEW
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2011 2010 TOTAL INT'L ($ MIL.)
52 53 ZHEJIANG CONSTR. INVEST. GROUP CO. LTD., Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 4,849.4 177.9 5,582.9 49 5 7 2 3 12 21 0 1
53 60 CHINA GEZHOUBA GROUP CO. LTD., Wuhan, Hubei, China 4,815.6 1,266.7 10,194.0 9 1 46 9 5 0 23 0 0
54 54 CHINA NATIONAL MACHINERY INDUSTRY CORP., Beijing, China 4,716.3 3,529.5 21,373.3 12 8 40 7 3 9 21 0 1
55 69 SAMSUNG ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Seoul, S. Korea 4,660.0 3,070.0 8,064.0 1 14 0 0 9 75 1 0 0
56 51 CLARK GROUP, Bethesda, Md., U.S.A. 4,536.8 4.1 3,036.0 83 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0
57 66 PETROFAC LTD., Jersey, U.K. 4,354.2 4,354.2 7,673.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
58 57 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN SA, Madrid, Spain 4,269.7 2,174.7 8,003.2 10 8 30 4 2 5 26 0 9
59 42 JACOBS, Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A. 4,120.7 1,243.9 7,900.0 3 5 2 0 0 86 1 3 0
60 48 FOSTER WHEELER AG, Clinton, N.J., U.S.A. 4,067.7 3,471.7 4,105.8 0 0 18 0 0 81 0 0 0
61 46 ACCIONA INFRAESTRUCTURAS, Madrid, Spain 4,034.0 1,407.0 4,341.8 27 0 6 5 0 6 51 0 0
62 78 SK ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION, Seoul, S. Korea 4,011.5 1,434.8 7,278.6 27 0 5 3 2 40 13 0 10
63 61 TECNICAS REUNIDAS, Madrid, Spain 3,990.0 3,343.0 5,211.0 0 0 14 5 0 78 0 0 0
64 62 CONSTRUCOES E COMERCIO CAMARGO CORREA SA, Sao Paulo,Brazil 3,922.2 401.6 4,837.1 3 0 31 0 3 47 16 0 0
65 64 ABEINSA SA, Seville, Spain 3,834.2 2,406.2 5,503.0 3 1 82 1 0 3 3 0 4
66 90 CHINA PETROLEUM PIPELINE BUREAU, Langfang City, Hebei, China 3,802.0 976.0 3,386.8 0 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 1
67 58 A. PORR AG, Vienna, Austria 3,755.8 1,397.7 3,443.6 28 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 0
68 ** CHINA YUNAN CONSTRUCTION ENG'G CO. LTD., Kunming, Yunnan, China 3,647.1 164.6 4,336.1 87 0 0 6 0 3 3 0 0
69 88 THE ARAB CONTRACTORS (O.A.O. & CO.), Cairo, Egypt 3,638.9 708.9 4,127.5 23 0 1 27 21 4 24 0 0
70 82 CONSTRUTORA ANDRADE GUTIERREZ SA, Sao Paulo, Brazil 3,631.6 1,029.8 NA 8 0 20 3 1 24 45 0 0
71 94 JGC CORP., Yokohama, Japan 3,589.0 3,024.0 5,794.0 5 0 0 0 0 93 0 1 0
72 74 THE WALSH GROUP LTD., Chicago, Ill., U.S.A. 3,448.5 25.0 4,490.0 30 0 4 14 5 0 47 0 0
73 77 PENTA-OCEAN CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Tokyo, Japan 3,400.7 999.5 3,371.9 35 0 0 2 13 6 45 0 0
74 101 QINGJIAN GROUP CO. LTD., Qingdao, Shandong, China 3,351.0 545.0 3,334.0 78 0 0 9 2 4 6 0 0
75 86 CITIC CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Beijing, China 3,280.8 3,252.9 2,623.9 48 1 8 0 0 5 38 0 0
76 68 ED. ZUBLIN AG, Stuttgart, Germany 3,265.8 1,044.9 3,200.9 65 0 6 1 3 1 6 0 0
77 70 THE WHITING-TURNER CONTRACTING CO., Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. 3,232.0 0.0 3,500.0 86 2 1 0 1 2 3 0 5
78 47 TUTOR PERINI CORP., Sylmar, Calif., U.S.A. 3,195.5 170.2 3,249.7 78 0 0 0 1 1 21 0 0
79 ** DANIELI & C SPA, Buttrio, Italy 3,100.0 2,945.0 2,500.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
80 65 TECHINT GROUP, Milan, Italy 3,094.9 2,835.6 2,608.6 2 0 10 0 0 72 4 0 0
81 63 CB&I, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A. 3,041.4 2,219.6 3,361.1 0 0 3 5 0 91 0 0 0
82 84 MAIRE TECNIMONT, Rome, Italy 3,011.9 2,494.5 2,329.8 5 0 46 0 0 42 8 0 0
83 79 GILBANE BUILDING CO., Providence, R.I., U.S.A. 2,975.2 22.3 2,571.1 92 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 1
84 87 SUMITOMO MITSUI CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Tokyo, Japan 2,898.0 257.0 22,898.0 62 5 0 4 2 5 22 0 0
85 105 JIANGSU NANTONG NO. 3 CONSTR. GROUP CO. LTD., Haimen, China 2,807.9 189.7 2,447.5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
86 81 SHANGHAI URBAN CONSTRUCTION (GROUP) CORP., Shanghai, China 2,797.8 188.9 2,477.5 3 0 3 4 12 9 62 3 3
87 59 NISHIMATSU CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Tokyo, Japan 2,792.2 258.0 2,483.4 47 8 2 7 4 0 25 0 0
88 98 SEPCO ELECTRIC POWER CONSTR. CORP., Jinan City, Shandong, China 2,766.2 750.6 3,004.5 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
89 85 COMSA EMTE, Madrid, Spain 2,714.3 421.8 NA 4 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 32
90 125 CHINA HUANQIU CONTRACTING & ENGINEERING CORP., Beijing, China 2,706.8 322.4 3,590.4 1 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 0
91 115 AECON GROUP INC., Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2,667.0 155.0 NA 25 1 7 1 1 25 31 0 4
92 92 BESIX SA, Brussels, Belgium 2,592.0 1,728.0 3,421.0 50 0 7 0 7 0 37 0 0
93 95 ASTALDI SPA, Rome, Italy 2,564.1 1,415.0 2,152.0 4 0 0 12 0 1 82 0 0
94 123 ANHUI CONSTRUCTION ENG'G GROUP CO. LTD., Hefei, Anhui, China 2,552.6 277.6 2,938.0 53 3 1 3 3 5 31 1 0
95 83 HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION CO., Greeley, Colo., U.S.A. 2,533.8 0.0 1,790.4 81 2 0 0 0 0 16 0 1
96 71 IMPREGILO SPA, Milan, Italy 2,472.9 1,902.1 3,512.1 3 0 1 37 8 0 41 0 0
97 100 MORTENSON CONSTRUCTION, Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. 2,459.5 182.6 2,031.0 74 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 4
98 80 MCCARTHY HOLDINGS INC., St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. 2,448.0 0.0 2,900.0 83 0 2 1 4 1 8 0 0
99 110 SNC-LAVALIN INTERNATIONAL INC., Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2,422.7 1,422.3 NA 11 0 40 18 1 12 18 0 0
100 89 JAN DE NUL GROUP (SOFIDRA SA), Capellen, Luxembourg 2,410.1 1,675.8 NA 16 0 0 13 0 10 61 0 0
101 108 HANWHA ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CORP., Seoul, S. Korea 2,390.8 501.6 3,047.9 54 1 22 2 4 4 7 0 1
102 ** HYUNDAI DEVELOPMENT CO. ENG'G & CONSTR., Seoul, S. Korea 2,348.3 0.0 27.8 68 0 0 0 2 0 30 0 0
/ PE
2010 NEW
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2011 2010 TOTAL INT'L ($ MIL.)
/ PE
2010 NEW
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2011 2010 TOTAL INT'L ($ MIL.)
154 ** GRUPO SANJOSE SA, Tres Cantos (Madrid), Spain 1,269.9 254.0 952.6 85 0 1 0 0 0 14 0 0
155 141 THE YATES COS. INC., Philadelphia, Miss., U.S.A. 1,269.2 15.8 1,037.8 75 15 3 0 0 1 6 0 0
156 200 TREVI SPA, Cesena, Italy 1,268.7 1,094.5 512.8 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
157 168 IMPRESA PIZZAROTTI & C. SPA, Parma, Italy 1,266.0 276.0 577.8 18 0 5 1 0 0 76 0 0
158 139 PJSC STROYTRANSGAZ, Moscow, Russia 1,254.8 415.7 2,346.0 7 0 28 0 0 65 0 0 0
159 156 PETROLEUM PROJECTS & TECHNICAL CONSULTATIONS, Cairo, Egypt 1,245.9 320.7 1,106.8 8 12 0 0 0 79 0 0 0
160 159 HANJIN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTR. CO. LTD., Seoul, S. Korea 1,180.8 70.0 1,315.0 43 2 1 6 2 3 42 0 0
161 ** SHENYANG YUANDA ALUMINUM INDUS. ENG’G CO., Shenyang, China 1,178.8 280.0 719.7 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
162 119 ENKA CONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRY CO. INC., Istanbul, Turkey 1,170.1 998.0 1,073.7 22 0 39 3 0 20 16 0 0
163 148 BARTON MALOW CO., Southfield, Mich., U.S.A. 1,122.6 0.0 1,252.8 33 23 24 0 0 20 0 0 0
164 142 PARSONS, Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A. 1,117.6 177.4 1,097.9 17 0 4 2 5 11 45 17 0
165 187 KHARAFI NATIONAL KSCC, Safat, Kuwait 1,115.0 442.0 3,592.0 16 0 3 0 19 27 0 0 0
166 172 NATIONAL PETROLEUM CONSTRUCTION CO. (NPCC), Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. 1,107.1 562.9 1,984.4 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
167 154 WILLBROS GROUP INC., Houston, Texas, U.S.A. 1,088.0 266.0 2,677.0 0 0 57 0 0 43 0 0 0
168 140 BLACK & VEATCH, Overland Park, Kan., U.S.A. 1,087.9 465.0 968.9 0 0 46 22 11 0 0 0 21
169 201 CENGIZ CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY & TRADE CO. INC., Istanbul, Turkey 1,079.4 409.2 95.0 1 0 0 20 0 0 59 0 0
170 162 CHINA CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTR. CORP., Beijing, China 1,077.0 1,026.3 1,852.4 32 0 0 4 0 0 64 0 0
171 131 ZACHRY HOLDINGS, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. 1,063.7 0.0 2,653.0 0 0 57 0 0 43 0 0 0
172 151 SOARES DA COSTA - GRUPO SGPS, Porto, Portugal 1,056.6 675.2 790.4 57 0 6 4 3 0 29 0 1
173 163 MICHELS CORP., Brownsville, Wis., U.S.A. 1,056.3 47.7 1,056.3 0 4 18 0 10 54 8 0 7
174 ** PRIMORIS SERVICES CORP., Lake Forest, Calif., U.S.A. 1,049.0 21.7 1,263.0 2 0 12 3 2 54 27 0 0
175 184 SUNDT CONSTRUCTION INC., Tempe, Ariz., U.S.A. 1,034.0 0.0 889.7 80 0 3 2 6 0 9 0 1
176 ** NATA CONSTRUCTION TOURISM TRADE AND INDUS. CO., Ankara, Turkey 1,026.0 446.0 578.0 36 0 0 13 0 0 49 0 0
177 203 CHINA JIANGSU INT’L ECON-TECH. COOP. CORP., Nanjing, China 1,022.1 553.3 1,179.0 80 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0
178 198 BONATTI SPA, Parma, Italy 1,017.0 761.0 932.5 8 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 0
179 149 FLINTCO LLC, Tulsa, Okla., U.S.A. 1,002.0 0.0 1,063.5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
180 175 WALBRIDGE, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. 1,001.5 65.0 1,473.0 54 29 3 1 2 8 3 0 0
181 ** ABB SPA - PROCESS AUTOMATION DIVISION, Sesto San Giovanni, Italy 1,001.0 840.8 218.2 0 0 12 0 0 88 0 0 0
182 180 C.M.C. DI RAVENNA, Ravenna, Italy 998.2 534.6 832.5 20 0 25 4 1 0 48 0 0
183 ** ITALIAN-THAI DEVELOPMENT PCL, Bangkok, Thailand 996.3 261.2 186.8 31 8 5 4 0 0 47 0 0
184 170 SOCIETA ITALIANA PER CONDOTTE D’ACQUA SPA, Rome, Italy 982.7 258.6 478.9 13 0 0 6 0 0 74 0 0
185 192 LAYNE CHRISTENSEN CO., Mission Woods, Kan., U.S.A. 982.1 166.8 1,013.1 0 0 0 42 29 0 0 1 0
186 150 SWINERTON INC., San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. 981.5 0.0 1,466.2 86 0 7 0 0 0 3 0 3
187 176 BAUER AG, Schrobenhausen, Germany 954.8 661.8 1,055.1 27 5 16 7 3 13 23 0 4
188 190 AL-ARRAB CONTRACTING CO. LTD., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 923.5 392.1 2,330.2 72 0 7 2 0 0 20 0 0
189 179 THE LANE CONSTRUCTION CORP., Cheshire, Conn., U.S.A. 914.0 0.0 1,330.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
190 164 PEPPER CONSTRUCTION GROUP, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A. 908.9 0.0 1,192.0 88 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0
191 188 NUROL CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING CO., Ankara, Turkey 892.2 589.0 1,500.0 34 5 4 15 0 5 36 0 0
192 ** HARBIN POWER ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Harbin, China 891.1 891.1 891.1 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
193 ** WORLEYPARSONS, North Sydney, NSW, Australia 890.4 588.6 338.3 0 0 3 0 0 93 0 0 0
194 205 CLAYCO INC., St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. 880.0 0.0 800.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
195 ** ARCHIRODON GROUP NV, Dordrecht, The Netherlands 873.6 873.6 624.8 17 0 19 0 0 2 61 0 0
196 220 PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO. LTD., Beijing, China 866.5 253.2 470.5 69 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0
197 ** POMERLEAU, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 865.4 39.4 971.8 64 0 8 0 5 6 18 0 0
198 166 E. PIHL & SON AS, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark 863.2 472.5 923.5 50 0 13 0 4 0 32 0 0
199 133 ARABTEC CONSTRUCTION LLC, Dubai, U.A.E. 841.8 258.6 2,335.0 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
200 152 THE WEITZ CO., Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A. 835.2 6.7 931.1 94 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0
201 178 VALLEYCREST LANDSCAPE COS., Calabasas, Calif., U.S.A. 835.0 0.0 NA 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
202 181 GHELLA SPA, Rome, Italy 824.0 674.0 3,415.0 4 0 39 10 1 0 42 0 0
203 ** SHAPOORJI PALLONJI & CO. LTD., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 809.6 159.0 1,665.5 69 7 10 0 0 12 0 0 0
204 169 CH2M HILL, Englewood, Colo., U.S.A. 804.3 320.6 1,311.5 15 4 31 8 1 30 0 12 0
/ PE
2010 NEW
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2011 2010 TOTAL INT'L ($ MIL.)
Where to find the Top 225
Day & Zimmermann 152 Layne Christensen Co. 185 John Sisk & Son Ltd. 139
A Dongfang Electric Corp. 37 Leighton Holdings Ltd. 11 SK Engineering & Construction 62
Doosan Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. 115 Lend Lease Group 31 Skanska AB 16
ABB SpA - Process Automation Division 181 DPR Construction Inc. 144 SNC-Lavalin International Inc. 99
Abeinsa SA 65 Duke Construction 216 M Soares Da Costa - Grupo SGPS 172
Acciona Infraestructuras 61 JE Dunn Construction Group 117 Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. 116
Grupo ACS 9 MAPA Insaat ve Ticaret A.S. 225 STRABAG SE 22
Adolfson & Peterson Construction 224 E Maire Tecnimont 82 Stroygazconsulting LLC 40
Aecon Group Inc. 91 Manhattan Construction Group 149 PJSC Stroytransgaz 158
Al-Arrab Contracting Co. Ltd. 188 EIFFAGE 12 McCarthy Holdings Inc. 98 Structure Tone 106
Alberici Corp. 212 Ellaktor SA 103 McConnell Dowell Corp. Ltd. 114 Suffolk Construction Co. Inc. 132
Alarko Contracting Group 151 Enka Construction & Industry Co. Inc. 162 McDermott International Inc. 108 Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd. 84
AMEC plc 223 Metka 205 Sundt Construction Inc. 175
Anhui Construction Engineering Group Co. Ltd. 94 F Michels Corp. 173 Swinerton Inc. 186
Ansaldo Energia SpA 120 Mortenson Construction 97
Ansaldo STS 131 FCC, Fomento de Constr. y Contratas SA 14 Mota-Engil 110 T
The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. & Co.) 69 Ferrovial Agroman SA 41
Arabian Bemco Contracting Co. Ltd. 148 Flintco LLC 179 N Taikisha Ltd. 135
Arabian Construction Co. SAL 146 Fluor Corp. 13 Taisei Corp. 21
Arabtec Construction LLC 199 Foster Wheeler AG 60 Nantong Construction Group Joint-Stock Co. Ltd. 136 Takenaka Corp. 24
Archirodon Group NV 195 Nata Construction Tourism Trade and Industry Co. 176 Techint Group 80
Astaldi SpA 93 G National Petroleum Construction Co. (NPCC) 166 TECHNIP 33
Austin Industries 142 Nishimatsu Construction Co. Ltd. 87 Tecnicas Reunidas 63
GAMA 150 Nurol Construction and Trading Co. 191 Tekfen Construction and Installation Co. Inc. 214
B Gamuda Berhad 210 Toda Corp. 46
Ghella SpA 202 O Toyo Engineering Corp. 121
Balfour Beatty 23 Gilbane Building Co. 83 Trevi Spa 156
Royal BAM Group nv 28 Graham Group Ltd. 119 Obayashi Corp. 19 Turner Industries Group LLC 133
Barton Malow Co. 163 Granite Construction Inc. 124 Construtora Norberto Odebrecht 27 Tutor Perini Corp. 78
Bauer AG 187 Grupo SANJOSE SA 154 OHL 38
Bechtel 10 GS Engineering & Construction Corp. 35 Orascom Construction Industries (OCI) 128 U
BESIX SA 92 Construtora Andrade Gutierrez SA 70
Bilfinger Berger SE 26 P URS Corp. 113
Black & Veatch 168 H
Bonatti SpA 178 Pan-China Construction Group Co. Ltd. 196 V
BOUYGUES 6 Habtoor Leighton Group 111 Parsons 164
Brasfield & Gorrie LLC 129 Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co. Ltd. 160 PCL Construction Enterprises Inc. 49 ValleyCrest Landscape Cos. 201
Burns & McDonnell 215 Hanwha Engineering & Construction Corp. 101 Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd. 73 Van Oord 112
Harbin Power Engineering Co. Ltd. 192 Pepper Construction Group 190 Veidekke ASA 107
C Hensel Phelps Construction Co. 95 Per Aarsleff A/S 207 VINCI 4
HOCHTIEF AG 8 Petrofac Ltd. 57
C.M.C. di Ravenna 182 Hoffman Corp. 206 The Petroleum Projects and Technical W
Construcoes e Comercio Camargo Correa SA 64 Holder Construction Co. 134 Consultations Co. 159
CB&I 81 Hunt Construction Group 126 E. Pihl & Son AS 198 Walbridge 180
Cengiz Construction Industry & Trade Co. Inc. 169 Hyundai Development Co. Engineering & Impresa Pizzarotti & C. SpA 157 The Walsh Group Ltd. 72
CGC Overseas Construction Group Co. Ltd. 219 Construction 102 Polimeks Insaat Taahhut ve San Tic. AS 137 Webcor Builders 220
CH2M HILL 204 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. 30 Pomerleau 197 The Weitz Co. 200
China Civil Engineering Constr. Corp. 170 A. Porr AG 67 The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. 77
China Communications Construction Grp. Ltd. 5 I POSCO Engineering & Construction 45 Willbros Group Inc. 167
China Geo-Engineering Corp. 221 Primoris Services Corp. 174 WorleyParsons 193
China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd. 53 Iberdrola Ingenieria y Construccion 138 Punj Lloyd Ltd. 127
China HuanQiu Contracting & Engineering Corp. 90 IMPREGILO SpA 96 X
China Jiangsu Int’l Econ-Tech. Coop. Corp. 177 Ircon International Ltd. 218 Q
China Metallurgical Group Corp. 7 Grupo Isolux Corsan SA 58 Xinjiang Beixin Construction & Eng’g (Group)
China National Chemical Eng’g Group Corp. 42 Italian-Thai Development PCL 183 Qingjian Group Co. Ltd. 74 Co. Ltd. 143
China National Machinery Industry Corp. 54
China Petroleum Eng’g & Construction Corp. 51 J R Y
China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (CPP) 66
China Power Engineering Consltg. Group Co. 153 Jacobs 59 Renaissance Construction 147 Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi AS 213
China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd. 1 Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA) 100 The Yates Cos. Inc. 155
China Railway Group Ltd. 2 JGC Corp. 71 S Yuksel Insaat Co. Inc. 208
China State Construction Eng’g Corp. Ltd. 3 Jiangsu Nantong Liujian Construction Group
China Wu Yi Co. Ltd. 217 Co. Ltd. 123 Sacyr Vallehermoso 36 Z
China Yunan Construction Engineering Group Jiangsu Nantong No. 3 Construction Grp. Co. Ltd. 85 Saipem 25
Co. Ltd. 68 Joannou & Paraskevaides Group of Cos. 122 SalfaCorp 140 Zachry Holdings 171
Chiyoda Corp. 104 Salini Costruttori SpA 141 Zhejiang Constr. Investment Group Co. Ltd. 52
CITIC Construction Co. Ltd. 75 K Samsung C&T Corp. 39 Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau 105
Clark Group 56 Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd. 55 Ed. Zublin AG 76
Clayco Inc. 194 Kajima Corp. 18 Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas SA 222
COMSA EMTE 89 KBR 34 SEPCOIII Electric Power Construction Corp. 125
Societa Italiana Per Condotte D’Acqua SpA 184 Kharafi National KSCC 165 SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corp. 88
Consolidated Contractors Group 47 Kiewit Corp. 32 Shanghai Construction Group 20
CTCI Corp. 145 Kinden Corp. 48 Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd. 130
The Kokosing Group 209 Shanghai Urban Construction (Group) Corp. 86
D Kolin Insaat Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret AS 211 Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd. 203
The Shaw Group Inc. 50
Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd. 44 L Shenyang Yuanda Aluminum Indus. Eng’g Co. Ltd. 161
Daewoo E&C Co. Ltd. 43 Shimizu Corp. 17
Danieli & C SpA 79 The Lane Construction Corp. 189 Sinohydro Corp. 15
Daqing Oilfield Construction Group Co. Ltd. 118 Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 29 Sinopec Engineering Inc. 109
1 Hochtief AG
Constructora Hochtief-TECSA SA 6 Saipem
Flatiron Construction Corp. Er Sai Caspian Contractor LLC
HOCHTIEF (UK) Construction Ltd. European Maritime Commerce BV
Hochtief Construction AG Petrex SA
Hochtief Construction Qatar WLL Saipem (P) Comercio Maritimo Lda
Hochtief CZ as Saipem America Inc.
Hochtief Facility Management Energy GmbH Saipem Asian Sdn. Bhd.
Hochtief Facility Management GmbH Saipem Contracting Algerie
Hochtief Polska Sp. z.o.o. Saipem Contracting Nigeria Ltd.
Hochtief Projektentwicklung GmbH Saipem do Brasil
Hochtief Russia Saipem Energy Services SpA
Leighton Holdings Ltd. Saipem Indonesia
Streif Baulogistik GmbH Saipem Nigeria Ltd.
The Turner Construction Saipem SA
Saipem U.K. Ltd.
2 VINCI Saudi Arabian Saipem Ltd.
CFE (Building, Civil works and Dredging)
Concessions 7 Fluor Corp.
Contracting Energy & Chemicals
Entrepose Contracting (Civil works) Fluor Daniel
Eurovia (road works) Global Services
Filiales Europe Centrale (Civil works) Government
Pôle Energies (Electrical works and Industrial Industrial & Infrastructure
process) Oil & Gas
Sogea Satom & Filiales DOM-TOM (Civil works) Power
Solétanche- Freyssinet (Civil works)
VINCI Autoroutes (Cofiroute, ASF, Escota, Arcour) 8 STRABAG SE
VINCI Concessions DYWIDAG Bau GmbH
VINCI Construction France (Building and Civil Ed. Zublin AG
works) Heilit+Worner Bau GmbH
VINCI Construction Grand Projects Josef Mobius Bau AG
VINCI Immobilier STRABAG AG, Austria
VINCI PLC (Building and Civil works) STRABAG AG, Germany
3 Bechtel 9 TECHNIP
Bantrel Co. Technip Brazil
Bechtel Communications Technip France
Bechtel Construction Operations Inc. Technip Germany
Bechtel Corp. Technip Italy
Bechtel Ltd. Technip Malaysia
Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemicals Technip Norge AS
Bechtel Power Corp. Technip U.K. Ltd.
Bechtel Systems and Infrastructure Inc. Technip USA
CCCC Fourth Harbor Consultants Co. Ltd. Constructora Norberto Odebrecht SA - República
CCCC Fourth Highway Engineering Co. Ltd. Dominicana
CCCC Guongzhou Dredging Co. Ltd. Odebrecht Angola Projectos e Servicios Ltda.
CCCC Highway & Bridge Tehcnology Consultants Odebrecht Construction Inc.
Co. Ltd. Odebrecht Peru Ingenieria y Construccion SA
CCCC Highway Consultants Co. Ltd. Odebrecht Serviços Engenharia e Construção SA
CCCC Investment & Engineering Co. Olex Importacao e Exportacao SA
CCCC Investment Co. Ltd.
CCCC Second Harbor Consultants Co. Ltd. 16 Lend Lease Group
CCCC Second Highway Consultants Co. Ltd. Bovis Lend Lease Inc.
CCCC Second Highway Engineering Co. Ltd. Bovis Lend Lease Ltd.
CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co. Ltd. Bovis Lend Lease Overseas Holdings Ltd.
CCCC Shanghai Equipment Engineering Co. Ltd. Bovis Lend Lease Pty Ltd.
CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co. Ltd.
CCCC Third Highway Engineering Co. Ltd. 17 Royal BAM Group nv
CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co. Ltd. AM
CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co. Ltd. BAM Civiel
CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co. Ltd. BAM Construct UK Ltd.
CCCC Xi'an Road Construction Machinery Co. Ltd. BAM Contractors Ltd.
Chenzhou Road Construction Machinery Factory of BAM Deutschland
CRBC BAM Infratechniek
China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. BAM International bv
China Harbour Engineering Co. Ltd. BAM Nuttall Ltd.
China Highway Engineering Group Corp. BAM PPP
China Highway Vehicle and Machinery Co. Ltd. BAM Rail
China Nat'l Communications Materials & Eqpt. BAM Techniek
Corp. BAM Utiliteitsbouw
China Road and Bridge Corp. BAM Vastgoed
Chuwa Bussan Co. Ltd. BAM Wallonië
CRBC International Co. Ltd. BAM Wegen
Facility Management Zhong Qiao, Zhongshan, BAM Woningbouw
CRBC Betonac
Guangzhou Port Machinery Industry Corp. CEI-De Meyer
Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co. Ltd. Interbuild
Tianjin Zhenhua Logistics Group Co. Ltd. Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau
Xi'an Road Construction Machinery Factory
Zhenhua Engineering (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.
18 Consolidated Contractors Group
ACWA Services Ltd.
12 Grupo ACS CCC (Underwater Engineering)
Clece SA Morganti Group Inc.
Dragados SA N.P.C.C.
Grupo Cobra Sicon
19 Balfour Beatty
Balfour Beatty Capital
13 Bilfinger Berger SE Balfour Beatty Capital Group Inc.
Balfour Beatty Construction Northern Ltd.
Balfour Beatty Construction Scottish & Southern
14 KBR Ltd.
KBR Inc. Balfour Beatty Construction Services UK
KBR Ltd. Balfour Beatty Construction US
KBR Services Inc. Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd.
Kinhill Ltd. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Inc.
MW Kellogg Ltd. Balfour Beatty Major Civil Engineering
Balfour Beatty Rail Germany & Austria
15 Construtora Norberto Odebrecht Balfour Beatty Rail Inc.
Bento Pedroso Construcoes SA Balfour Beatty Rail International
CBPO Engenharia Ltda. Balfour Beatty Rail UK
Constructora Norberto Odebrecht SA - Panama Balfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering
2011 ENR Top International Contractors – Subsidiaries by Rank
Rank Company Subsidiary Rank Company Subsidiary
SNC-Lavalin Engineers & Constructors Inc. Renaissance Construction and Investment ZAO
SNC-Lavalin Environment Inc. Renaissance Construction TOV
SNC-Lavalin International Inc. Renaissance Construction ZAO, Kaluga
SNC-Lavalin Maghreb EURL Renaissance Construction ZAO, Moscow
SNC-Lavalin Nuclear Inc. Renaissance Construction ZAO, St. Petersburg
SNC-Lavalin Operations & Maintenance Inc. Renaissance Construction ZAO, Vsevolozhsk
SNC-Lavalin PAE Inc. Renaissance Construction ZAO, Yaroslavl
SNC-Lavalin Peru SA Ronesans AVM Yatirim Ins San. ve Tic. AS
SNC-Lavalin Pharma Inc. Ronesans Turkmen AS
SNC-Lavalin Polska Sp. z.o.o.
SNC-Lavalin Projetos Ltda. 71 China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd.
SNC-Lavalin SAS China Gezhouba Architecture Constr. Co. Ltd.
SNC-Lavalin U.K. Ltd. China Gezhouba International Co. Ltd.
Societe d'Expertise et d'Ingenierie LGL SA China Gezhouba Machinery & Ship Co. Ltd.
SPAN Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Chongqing Daxihe Hydroelectric Dev. Co. Ltd.
Spectrol Energy Services Inc. Chongqing Gezhouba Explosive Co. Ltd.
Gezhouba Cement Co. Ltd. in Dangyang
65 Astaldi SpA Gezhouba Cement Co. Ltd. in Jingmen
Astaldi Arabia Ltd. Gezhouba Cement Co. Ltd. in Wuhan
Astaldi Concessioni Gezhouba Cement Co. Ltd. in Hanchuan
Astaldi Construction Corp. Gezhouba Cement Co. Ltd. in Qianjiang
Astaldi de Venezuela CA Gezhouba Cement Co. Ltd. in Xiangfang
Gezhouba Cement Co. Ltd. in Yichang
66 Acciona Infraestructuras Gezhouba Cement Co. Ltd. in Yingcheng
ACCIONA Concesiones Chile Gezhouba Cement Co. Ltd. in Zaoyang
ACCIONA Concesiones SL Gezhouba Construction Co. Ltd.
ACCIONA Concessions Canada Gezhouba Finance Co. Ltd.
ACCIONA Infrastructures Australia Pty Gezhouba Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.
ACCIONA Ingenieria SA Gezhouba Foundation Treatment Co. Ltd.
ACCIONA Instalaciones Mexico SA de CV Gezhouba Haiji Real Estate Dev. Co. Ltd.
ACCIONA Instalaciones SA Gezhouba Highway & Bridge Constr. Co.
ACCIONA ISL Health Victoria HoldCo Gezhouba Jiahong Co. Ltd.
ACCIONA Mantenimiento de Infraestructuras SA Gezhouba Mechanical & Electrical Install. Co. Ltd.
Capev Venezuela Gezhouba No. 1 Construction Co. Ltd.
Freyssinet SA Gezhouba No. 2 Construction Co. Ltd.
Mostostal Warszawa SA Gezhouba No. 5 Construction Co. Ltd.
Necso Canada Inc Gezhouba No. 6 Construction Co. Ltd.
Necso Entrecanales Cubiertas Mexico SA Gezhouba No. 8 Construction Co. Ltd.
Rodovia do Aço SA Gezhouba Power Supply Co. Ltd.
Gezhouba Real Estate Dev. Co. Ltd.
68 Arabian Construction Co. SAL Gezhouba Three Gorges Industry Co. Ltd.
ACC India Ltd. Hu+bei Siping Hydroelectric Dev. Co. Ltd.
Arabian Construction Co. (Cairo) Hubei Daguangbei Express Highway Constr. Co.
Arabian Construction Co. (Dubai) Ltd.
Arabian Construction Co. (Jordan) Hubei Gezhouba Testing Co. Ltd.
Arabian Construction Co. LLC (Abu Dhabi) Hubei Nanhe Hydroelectric Dev. Co. Ltd.
Arabian Construction Co. SAL (Beirut) Hubei Wuhan Gezhouba Industry Co. Ltd.
Qatari Arabian Construction Co. Hubei Xianfan-Jingzhou Express Highway Constr.
Saudi Arabian Construction Co. (Damascus) Co. Ltd.
Saudi Arabian Construction Co. (KSA) Hubei Zhongge Proj. Management Co. Ltd.
Sichuan Neizhu Express Highway Constr. Co. Ltd.
Yichang Gezhouba Consulting & Supervision Co.
69 Renaissance Construction Ltd.
Energostroy OOO, St. Petersburg Zhangjiajie Gezhouba Hydroelectric Dev. Co. Ltd.
REC Libya Construction JSC
REC Libya Insaat San. ve Tic. AS
REC Uluslararasi Insaat Yatirim Sanayi ve Ticaret 73 Mota-Engil
AS Ferrovias e Construcoes SA
REC Uluslararasi KSA Branch Maprel Lda.
Renaissance Construction AG MK Contractors LLC
Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construcao SA
2011 ENR Top International Contractors – Subsidiaries by Rank
Rank Company Subsidiary Rank Company Subsidiary
Mota-Engil Magyarorszag RT
Mota-Engil Polska SA 77 Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Sefimota AS L&T - MHI Turbine Generators Pvt Ltd.
Translei SA L&T - Sargent & Lundy Ltd.
L&T - Valdel Engineering Ltd.
74 Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción L&T Infrastructures Developers Ltd.
Adicora, Servicios de Ingeniería SL L&T Modular Fabrication Yard LLC
Empresarios Agrupados Internacional SA L&T Urban Infrastructures Ltd.
Empresarios Agrupados, AIE Larsen & Toubro (Oman) LLC
Enermón SA de CV Larsen & Toubro Electromech LLC, Muscat
Ghesa, Ingeniería y Tecnología SA y Sociedades Larsen & Toubro RMC LLC
Iberdrola Construçao e Serviços Ltda. 78 Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd.
Iberdrola Consultoria e Servicios do Brazil Ltda. Shanghai Electric Power Generation Group
Iberdrola Engenharia e Construçao Portugal Shanghai Electric Power Transmission and
Uniperssoal Lda. Distribution Group
Iberdrola Engineering and Construction Bulgaria
Iberdrola Engineering and Construction Germany 79 Shimizu Corp.
GmbH Daiichi Setsubi Engineering Corp.
Iberdrola Engineering and Construction Kenya Katayama Stratech Corp.
International PT Shimizu Bangun Chipta Kontraktor
Iberdrola Engineering and Construction Middle SHIMIZU BLC Co. Ltd.
East Ltd. Shimizu Building Life Care Kansai Co. Ltd.
Iberdrola Engineering and Construction Networks Shimizu Corp. (China) Ltd.
Ltd. Shimizu North America LLC
Iberdrola Engineering and Construction Oo. SRL Shimizu Philippine Contractors Inc.
Iberdrola Engineering and Construction Poland Sp. Thai Shimizu Co. Ltd.
z.o.o. TTK Corp.
Iberdrola Engineering and Construction UK Ltd.
Iberdrola Engineering and Construction US Inc.
Iberdrola Ingegnieria e Costruzioni Italia SRL
80 Dongfang Electric Corp.
Iberdrola Ingeniería de la Explotación, SAU Dongfang Electric Corp. Ltd.
Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción Mexico SA de Dongfang Electric International Corp.
Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción Venezuela SA 81 Trevi Spa
Iberdrola Inzliniring and Stroitelstro Ltd. Liability Galante SA
Co. IDT Free Zone Co.
Iberdrola Magyarország Mérnöki és Korlátolt Petreven CA and Subsidiaries
Felelösségü Társaság Petreven U.T.E. Argentina
Iberinco Hellas Techniki Kai Kataskevastiki EPE Swissboring Overseas Piling Corp.
Iberinco Servicios SAU Trevi Algerie Eurl
Iberservicios SA de CV Trevi asasat general construction jv
IEC California Engineering and Construction Inc. Trevi Austria GmbH
Ingeniería, Estudios y Construcciones SA (Inecosa) Trevi Cimentaciones
Keytech Sistemas, Intergrales SA Trevi Foundation Nigeria
Trevi Foundation Philippines
75 GAMA Trevi Foundation Saudi Arabia
Gama Construction Qatar WLL Trevi Germania GmbH
Gama Energy Trevi Icos and subsidiaries
Gama Industry Arabia Ltd. Trevi Spa
Gama Industry Inc.
Gama Power Systems Inc. 82 Punj Lloyd Ltd.
Gate Construction, Industry & Trade Inc. Dayim Punj Lloyd
Kaefer Punj Lloyd
76 Toyo Engineering Corp. PL Engineering Ltd.
Toyo Engineering & Construction Sdn. Bhd. PLN Construction Ltd.
Toyo Engineering Corp., China PT Punj Lloyd Indonesia
Toyo Engineering India Ltd. PT Sempec Indonesia
Toyo Engineering Korea Ltd. Punj Lloyd Aviation Ltd.
Punj Lloyd Delta Renewables Pvt. Ltd.
2011 ENR Top International Contractors – Subsidiaries by Rank
Rank Company Subsidiary Rank Company Subsidiary
110 Tekfen Construction and Installation Co. China Int'l Water & Electric (Shanghai) Corp.
Inc. CWE Huashui Hydropower Dev't Corp.
Azfen JV Hongkong Resources Engineering Co. Ltd.
Gate JV 116 McConnell Dowell Corp. Ltd.
HMB AG Electrix Ltd.
Tekfen Engineering Electrix Pty Ltd.
Tekfen Manufacturing and Engineering McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd.
Tekfen-TML JV McConnell Dowell Contructors Ltd.
TGO JV McConnell Dowell Philippines Inc.
McConnell Dowell SEA Pte Ltd.
111 Contracting & Trading Co. "C.A.T." Group
of Cos. 118 Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau
C.A.T. International Algerie sarl Kazakhstan
C.A.T. International Qatar WLL PT. ZPEB Indonesia
Contracting & Trading Co. ZP Arabia Drilling Co.
Mothercat Ltd. Nigeria ZPEB Algeria
Niger Construction Ltd. (NIGERCAT) ZPEB Ecuador SA
ZPEB Mauritania
ZPEB Mongolia
112 CGC Overseas Construction Group Co. ZPEB Nigeria Ltd.
Ltd. ZPEB Sudan
CGC Nigeria Ltd. ZPEB Yemen
CGCOC Algeria Ltd.
CGCOC Angola Ltd. 119 Habtoor Leighton Group
CGCOC Cameroon Ltd. HLG Bahrain
CGCOC Chad Ltd. HLG Oman
CGCOC Ethiopia Ltd. HLG Qatar
CGCOC Kazakhstan Branch HLG UAE
Leighton Middle East
113 Beijing Construction Eng'g Group Co. Ltd. Leighton Middle East Contracting
BCEG Rwanda
BCEG (Australia) Pty Ltd. 120 Nurol Construction and Trading Co.
BCEG Angola Nurol Energy Inc.
BCEG Equatorial Guinea SA Nurol LLC
BCEG Kazakhstan Nurol Machinery Inc.
BCEG Libya Nurol Real Estate Inc.
BCEG Saudi Arabia
BCEG Tanzania
121 WorleyParsons
BCEGZ - USA Inc. Worley Parsons Canada Ltd.
Beijing Construction Eng'g (M) Sdn. Bhd. Worley Parsons Europe Ltd.
Beijing Construction Eng'g (Vietnam) Co. Ltd. Worley Parsons Group Inc.
Beijing Construction Eng'g Group (Mongolia) Co. Worley Parsons International Inc.
Ltd. Worley Parsons MEG Ltd.
Beijing Construction Eng'g Group Co. Ltd. Worley Parsons Services Pty Ltd.
Beijing Construction Eng'g Group Co. Ltd. 122 Yuksel Insaat Co. Inc.
(Singapore) Sasel Electromechanic Ind. and Trade Co. Inc.
Beijing Construction Eng'g Group Co. Ltd., Abu Yuksel Construction Saudia Co. Ltd.
Beijing Construction Eng'g Group Co. Ltd., Iran 125 China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech. Coop. Corp.
Office China Jiangsu Int'l Eco-Tech Coop. Corp.,
Beijing Construction Eng'g (Philippines) Co. Ltd. Sucursal, Angola
Chang Cheng Esquares Co. Ltd. Construction Co.
Continental Engineering Co.
115 China Int'l Water & Electric Corp. (CWE) Overseas Engineering Co.
China Int'l Water & Electric (Beijing) Corp. Zhong Jiang(s) International Pte Ltd.
China Int'l Water & Electric (Fujian) Corp.
2011 ENR Top International Contractors – Subsidiaries by Rank
Rank Company Subsidiary Rank Company Subsidiary
149 Al-Arrab Contracting Co. Ltd. 161 Kayi Insaat San. ve Tic. AS
Al-Arrab Electromechanical Contracting Co., UAE Bilyap Insaat AS
Al-Arrab General Contracting Co., UAE Kayi Filial Sofia
Al-Arrab Power Kayi Filial Vilnius
Al-Arrab Trading & Contracting Co., Qatar Kayi Filiali Almaata
Specialized Electromechanical Contracting Co. OOO Kasa Stroy
150 Baytur Construction & Contracting Co. 163 Xinjiang Beixin Construction & Eng'g
Binbelaila Baytur (Group) Co. Ltd.
Saudi Arabian Baytur Xinjiang Beixin Road & Bridge Construction Co.
156 Kinden Corp.
Bintai Kinden Corp. Bhd 164 Bentini SpA
Kinden (Thailand) Co. Ltd. Benco SpA
Kinden International Ltd. Bentini Construction Nigeria Ltd.
Kinden Pacific Corp. Bentini Energia West Africa Lda.
Kinden Phils. Corp. Bentini Energy Nigeria Ltd.
Kinden Vietnam Co. Ltd. Bentini Maroc sarl AU
P.T. Kinden Indonesia Gepco SpA
Wasa Electrical Services Inc.
165 ECC
157 Atlas Group ECC Constructors LLC
Atlas Genie Civil ECC International Constructors JV
Atlas Texas Construction and Trading Inc. ECC International LLC
Atlas Yapi and Sanayi Ltd.
2011 ENR Top International Contractors – Subsidiaries by Rank
Rank Company Subsidiary Rank Company Subsidiary
183 China Jiangxi Corp. For Int'l Eco. & Tech. 193 China Wu Yi Co. Ltd.
Coop'n China Wu Yi (Equitorial Guinea) Co. Ltd.
China Jiangxi Engineering Ghana Ltd. China Wu Yi (Kenya) Co. Ltd.
China Jiangxi International (Ethiopia) Ltd. China Wu Yi (Philippines) Co. Ltd.
China Jiangxi International Kenya Ltd.
China Jiangxi International Namibia Ltd. 195 Lakeshore TolTest Corp.
China Jiangxi International Uganda Ltd. Lakeshore Engineering Services Inc.
China Jiangxi International Zimbabwe Ltd. TolTest Inc.
Three -C Zambia Ltd.
Zambia JX International Engineering Ltd. 196 Insituform Technologies Inc.
Zhong Gan Engineering & Constr. Corp. Botswana Corrpro Cos.
Ltd. The Bayou Cos.
United Pipeline Systems
184 Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd.
Beijing M.B.R. Construction Engineering Co. Ltd. 197 SICIM SpA
PT. SMCC Utama Indonesia Constructora SICIM SA de CV
SMCC (Thailand) Co. Ltd. SICIM Ireland Ltd.
SMCC Construction India Ltd. SICIM Libya for Oil Services
SMCC Guam Inc.
SMCC Philippines Inc. 198 Gamuda Berhad
SMCC Shanghai Gamuda Berhad, Bahrain
Gamuda Engineering Sdn. Bhd.
185 AMEC plc Gamuda-WCT JV (Dukhan, Qatar)
AMEC Group Ltd. Gamuda-WCT JV (NDIA, Qatar)
AMEC Inc. MMC-Gamuda JV Sdn. Bhd.
Abeinsa SA Mota-Engil
MEXICO Ansaldo Energia SpA OHL
Abeinsa SA Bauer AG POSCO Engineering &
Acciona Infraestructuras CB&I Construction
Ansaldo Energia SpA CH2M HILL Saipem
Bilfinger Berger SE China Communications Shanghai Construction Group
Black & Veatch Construction Grp. Ltd. Skanska AB
BOUYGUES China National Machinery SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
China Communications Industry Corp. Techint Group
Construction Grp. Ltd. Construtora Norberto Odebrecht Trevi Spa
Construtora Andrade Gutierrez FCC, Fomento de Constr. y
Construtora Norberto Odebrecht Foster Wheeler AG Abeinsa SA
Daewoo Engineering Co. Grupo ACS Bilfinger Berger SE
Danieli & C SpA Grupo SANJOSE SA CB&I
FCC, Fomento de Constr. y IMPREGILO SpA Ferrovial Agroman SA
Contratas SA IREM Group Foster Wheeler AG
Fluor Corp. Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA) Techint Group
Foster Wheeler AG S.E.L.I. SpA TECHNIP
Grupo ACS Sacyr Vallehermoso
Grupo Isolux Corsan SA Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas SA VENEZUELA
HOCHTIEF AG Societa Italiana Per Condotte Acciona Infraestructuras
Iberdrola Ingeniería y D'Acqua SpA Ansaldo Energia SpA
Construcción Trevi Spa Ansaldo STS
Insituform Technologies Inc. VINCI Astaldi SpA
Jacobs Bilfinger Berger SE
Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA) PARAGUAY BOUYGUES
KBR Ghella SpA CB&I
Kiewit Corp. Grupo SANJOSE SA China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd.
Layne Christensen Co. China Metallurgical Group
McDermott International Inc. PERU Corp.
Mota-Engil Abeinsa SA China National Machinery
OHL Ansaldo STS Industry Corp.
POSCO Engineering & Astaldi SpA China Railway Group Ltd.
Construction Bechtel CITIC Construction Co. Ltd.
Sacyr Vallehermoso Bilfinger Berger SE COMSA EMTE
Saipem CB&I Construcoes e Comercio
Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd. China Int'l Water & Electric Camargo Corrêa SA
Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas SA Corp. (CWE) Construtora Andrade Gutierrez
Shimizu Corp. China National Machinery SA
SICIM SpA Industry Corp. Construtora Norberto Odebrecht
STRABAG SE COMSA EMTE FCC, Fomento de Constr. y
Techint Group Construcoes e Comercio Contratas SA
Tecnicas Reunidas Camargo Corrêa SA Fluor Corp.
URS Corp. Construtora Andrade Gutierrez Foster Wheeler AG
Van Oord SA Ghella SpA
VINCI Construtora Norberto Odebrecht Grupo ACS
Daewoo Engineering Co. Iberdrola Ingeniería y
NICARAGUA Fluor Corp. Construcción
Abeinsa SA Foster Wheeler AG IMPREGILO SpA
Astaldi SpA Grupo ACS JGC Corp.
FCC, Fomento de Constr. y Grupo SANJOSE SA Maire Tecnimont
Contratas SA Iberdrola Ingeniería y Royal BAM Group nv
Grupo ACS Construcción S.E.L.I. SpA
Kiewit Corp. IMPREGILO SpA Saipem
Insituform Technologies Inc. Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd.
PANAMA Jacobs Sinohydro Corp.
Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA) Skanska AB
Where They Worked – by Country
SNC-Lavalin International Inc. The Shaw Group Inc. FCC, Fomento de Constr. y
Techint Group Contratas SA
TECHNIP URS Corp. Foster Wheeler AG
Toyo Engineering Corp. Iberdrola Ingeniería y
Trevi Spa CUBA Construcción
Van Oord BOUYGUES Joannou & Paraskevaides
CH2M HILL Group of Cos.
SURINAME China Communications Maire Tecnimont
Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Grp. Ltd. Salini Costruttori SpA
Construction (Group) Co. China National Corp. for STRABAG SE
Ltd. Overseas Economic Coop'n Techint Group
CB&I China National Machinery URS Corp.
China Dalian Int'l Eco. & Techn. Industry Corp. VINCI
Cooperation Grp. Co. Construtora Norberto Odebrecht Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi
Saipem Lakeshore TolTest Corp. AS
The Shaw Group Inc. Bilfinger Berger SE Al-Arrab Contracting Co. Ltd.
URS Corp. Black & Veatch Ansaldo Energia SpA
Van Oord CH2M HILL Arabian Construction Co. SAL
VINCI China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech. Arabtec Construction LLC
Coop. Corp. Archirodon Group NV
CYPRUS China National Machinery Bilfinger Berger SE
Archirodon Group NV Industry Corp. China Int'l Water & Electric
Bilfinger Berger SE China Petroleum Eng'g & Corp. (CWE)
China Wanbao Engineering Construction Corp. China Metallurgical Group
Corp. China Petroleum Pipeline Corp.
Ellaktor SA Bureau (CPP) China National Complete Plant
Joannou & Paraskevaides Consolidated Contractors Group Imp. & Exp. Corp. (Group)
Group of Cos. ECC Consolidated Contractors Group
Limak Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Fluor Corp. Daewoo E&C Co. Ltd.
AS Foster Wheeler AG GAMA
Onur Taahhut Ticaret Ltd. Stl. Habtoor Leighton Group Grupo Isolux Corsan SA
VINCI HOCHTIEF AG Hanwha Engineering &
KBR Construction Corp.
IRAN Lakeshore TolTest Corp. Jacobs
Ansaldo Energia SpA Leighton Holdings Ltd. Joannou & Paraskevaides
Beijing Construction Eng'g Mak-Yol Constr. Indus. Tourism Group of Cos.
Group Co. Ltd. & Trading Inc. KBR
Bilfinger Berger SE Orascom Construction M/s. Afcons Infrastructure Ltd.
China Communications Industries (OCI) PJSC Stroytransgaz
Construction Grp. Ltd. Parsons SEPCOIII Electric Power
China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd. Petrofac Ltd. Construction Corp.
China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech. Shanghai Electric Group Co. Shenyang Yuanda Aluminum
Coop. Corp. Ltd. Indus. Eng'g Co. Ltd.
China Metallurgical Group SNC-Lavalin International Inc. SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
Corp. Tepe Insaat Sanayi AS Societa Italiana Per Condotte
China National Chemical Eng'g The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. & D'Acqua SpA
Group Corp. Co.) Techint Group
China National Machinery The Shaw Group Inc. The Petroleum Projects and
Industry Corp. Tutor Perini Corp. Technical Consultations Co.
China National Technical Imp. URS Corp. Van Oord
& Exp. Corp. Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi VINCI
China Railway Group Ltd. AS Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi
CITIC Construction Co. Ltd. Yuksel Insaat Co. Inc. AS
Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd. Yuksel Insaat Co. Inc.
Danieli & C SpA ISRAEL
GS Engineering & Construction Ansaldo Energia SpA KUWAIT
Corp. Bilfinger Berger SE ABB SpA - Process Automation
Maire Tecnimont Black & Veatch Division
POSCO Engineering & CH2M HILL Bilfinger Berger SE
Construction China Civil Engineering Constr. Black & Veatch
Punj Lloyd Ltd. Corp. CH2M HILL
S.E.L.I. SpA China Railway Construction China Communications
Shanghai Construction Group Corp. Ltd. Construction Grp. Ltd.
Sinopec Engineering Inc. Ed. Zublin AG China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd.
Techint Group Kiewit Corp. China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech.
VINCI Lakeshore TolTest Corp. Coop. Corp.
Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi Per Aarsleff A/S China Metallurgical Group
AS POSCO Engineering & Corp.
Zhongyuan Petroleum Construction China National Machinery
Exploration Bureau Sacyr Vallehermoso Industry Corp.
Soares Da Costa - Grupo SGPS China Railway Construction
Arabian Construction Co. SAL China State Construction Eng'g
JORDAN Corp. Ltd.
Where They Worked – by Country
Al-Arrab Contracting Co. Ltd. National Petroleum China National Chemical Eng'g
Ansaldo Energia SpA Construction Co. (NPCC) Group Corp.
Arabian Construction Co. SAL Nurol Construction and Trading China National Machinery
Arabtec Construction LLC Co. Industry Corp.
Archirodon Group NV OHL China Railway Construction
Astaldi SpA Petrofac Ltd. Corp. Ltd.
Bauer AG Punj Lloyd Ltd. China Railway Group Ltd.
Baytur Construction & Qingjian Group Co. Ltd. Chiyoda Corp.
Contracting Co. Renco SpA Consolidated Contractors Group
Bechtel Rizzani de Eccher SpA Contracting & Trading Co.
BESIX SA Royal BAM Group nv C.A.T. Group of Cos.
Bilfinger Berger SE Saipem CTCI Corp.
Black & Veatch Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd. Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd.
BOUYGUES Shenyang Yuanda Aluminum Danieli & C SpA
CB&I Indus. Eng'g Co. Ltd. Dongfang Electric Corp.
CH2M HILL Sinohydro Corp. Enka Construction & Industry
China Communications SK Engineering & Construction Co. Inc.
Construction Grp. Ltd. STFA Construction Group Fluor Corp.
China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd. STRABAG SE Foster Wheeler AG
China Metallurgical Group Taisei Corp. GAMA
Corp. Takenaka Corp. Grupo ACS
China State Construction Eng'g TAV Construction GS Engineering & Construction
Corp. Ltd. Techint Group Corp.
Chiyoda Corp. TECHNIP Guris Insaat ve Muhendislik AS
Consolidated Contractors Group Tekfen Construction and Habtoor Leighton Group
Contracting & Trading Co. Installation Co. Inc. Hanwha Engineering &
C.A.T. Group of Cos. The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. & Construction Corp.
CTCI Corp. Co.) Hefei Cement Research &
Daewoo E&C Co. Ltd. Toyo Engineering Corp. Design Institute
Danieli & C SpA Trevi Spa HOCHTIEF AG
ECC URS Corp. Hyundai Engineering &
Ed. Zublin AG VINCI Construction Co. Ltd.
Ellaktor SA Yuksel Insaat Co. Inc. IMPREGILO SpA
Fluor Corp. Jacobs
Foster Wheeler AG SAUDI ARABIA Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA)
GAMA Abeinsa SA JGC Corp.
Gamuda Berhad Ansaldo Energia SpA Joannou & Paraskevaides
Grupo Isolux Corsan SA Ansaldo STS Group of Cos.
GS Engineering & Construction Arabian Construction Co. SAL KBR
Corp. Arabtec Construction LLC Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Habtoor Leighton Group Archirodon Group NV Leighton Holdings Ltd.
HOCHTIEF AG Astaldi SpA Limak Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret
Hyundai Engineering & Bauer AG AS
Construction Co. Ltd. Baytur Construction & M.A. Kharafi & Sons
Iberdrola Ingeniería y Contracting Co. Maire Tecnimont
Construcción Bechtel MAPA Insaat ve Ticaret A.S.
IMPREGILO SpA Bilfinger Berger SE McDermott International Inc.
Jacobs Black & Veatch Metag Insaat Ticaret AS
Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA) Bonatti SpA National Petroleum
JGC Corp. CB&I Construction Co. (NPCC)
Joannou & Paraskevaides China Civil Engineering Constr. Onur Taahhut Ticaret Ltd. Stl.
Group of Cos. Corp. Orascom Construction
KBR China Communications Industries (OCI)
Lakeshore TolTest Corp. Construction Grp. Ltd. Parsons
Larsen & Toubro Ltd. China Geo-Engineering Corp. Petrofac Ltd.
Leighton Holdings Ltd. China HuanQiu Contracting & PJSC Stroytransgaz
Maire Tecnimont Engineering Corp. Punj Lloyd Ltd.
McConnell Dowell Corp. Ltd. China Metallurgical Group Renaissance Construction
McDermott International Inc. Corp. Saipem
Where They Worked – by Country
Kajima Corp. Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi China Railway Group Ltd.
Kharafi National KSCC Yuksel Insaat Co. Inc. Consolidated Contractors Group
Kinden Corp. Zhongding Int'l Engineering Co. Ed. Zublin AG
Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Ltd. Fluor Corp.
Leighton Holdings Ltd. Zhongyuan Petroleum Foster Wheeler AG
M.A. Kharafi & Sons Exploration Bureau Ghella SpA
M/s. Afcons Infrastructure Ltd. Grupo ACS
Maire Tecnimont YEMEN, NORTH GS Engineering & Construction
MAPA Insaat ve Ticaret A.S. Bilfinger Berger SE Corp.
McConnell Dowell Corp. Ltd. China Communications HOCHTIEF AG
McDermott International Inc. Construction Grp. Ltd. Insituform Technologies Inc.
Nurol Construction and Trading China Metallurgical Group Italian-Thai Development PCL
Co. Corp. Jacobs
Obayashi Corp. China National Machinery Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA)
Orascom Construction Industry Corp. JGC Corp.
Industries (OCI) China State Construction Eng'g KBR
Parsons Corp. Ltd. Kiewit Corp.
Penta-Ocean Construction Co. China Wanbao Engineering Layne Christensen Co.
Ltd. Corp. McDermott International Inc.
Petrofac Ltd. Consolidated Contractors Group POSCO Engineering &
PJSC Stroytransgaz Daewoo E&C Co. Ltd. Construction
POSCO Engineering & GAMA Royal BAM Group nv
Construction Hyundai Engineering & Sacyr Vallehermoso
Prezioso Technilor Construction Co. Ltd. Saipem
Punj Lloyd Ltd. JGC Corp. Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd.
Rizzani de Eccher SpA Jiangsu Nantong No. 3 Shenyang Yuanda Aluminum
Royal BAM Group nv Construction Grp. Co. Ltd. Indus. Eng'g Co. Ltd.
Saipem KBR SK Engineering & Construction
Salini Costruttori SpA Punj Lloyd Ltd. SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
Samsung C&T Corp. Renco SpA STRABAG SE
Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd. Sinohydro Corp. Techint Group
Sembol Construction SK Engineering & Construction TECHNIP
Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd. Taisei Corp. Tecnicas Reunidas
Shenyang Yuanda Aluminum TECHNIP URS Corp.
Indus. Eng'g Co. Ltd. The Petroleum Projects and Van Oord
Shimizu Corp. Technical Consultations Co. VINCI
Sinohydro Corp. VINCI Zhejiang Constr. Investment
SK Engineering & Construction Zhongyuan Petroleum Group Co. Ltd.
SNC-Lavalin International Inc. Exploration Bureau
Soares Da Costa - Grupo SGPS BANGLADESH
STFA Construction Group Ansaldo Energia SpA
Bilfinger Berger SE
Taisei Corp. AUSTRALIA China Communications
Takenaka Corp. Abeinsa SA Construction Grp. Ltd.
TAV Construction Acciona Infraestructuras China Geo-Engineering Corp.
Techint Group AMEC plc China Metallurgical Group
TECHNIP Ansaldo Energia SpA Corp.
Tecnicas Reunidas Bauer AG China National Machinery Imp.
Tekfen Construction and Bechtel & Exp. Corp.
Installation Co. Inc. Bilfinger Berger SE China National Machinery
The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. & Black & Veatch Industry Corp.
Co.) BOUYGUES China Railway Group Ltd.
The Petroleum Projects and CB&I China Wanbao Engineering
Technical Consultations Co. CH2M HILL Corp.
Trevi Spa China Communications Hyundai Engineering &
URS Corp. Construction Grp. Ltd. Construction Co. Ltd.
Van Oord China Metallurgical Group Ircon International Ltd.
VINCI Corp. Italian-Thai Development PCL
Where They Worked – by Country
Layne Christensen Co. China State Construction Eng'g Shikun & Binui - SBI
VINCI Corp. Ltd. Infrastructure Ltd.
Construtora Andrade Gutierrez Sinohydro Corp.
China Geo-Engineering Corp. Prezioso Technilor The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. &
China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd. Renco SpA Co.)
Enka Construction & Industry Saipem VINCI
Co. Inc. SICIM SpA
Pan-China Construction Group Sinohydro Corp. GUINEA
Co. Ltd. Techint Group Bechtel
The Shaw Group Inc. China Communications
CAMEROON VINCI Construction Grp. Ltd.
Anhui Construction Engineering China Dalian Int'l Eco. & Techn.
Group Co. Ltd. GABON Cooperation Grp. Co.
BESIX SA Acciona Infraestructuras China Geo-Engineering Corp.
Bilfinger Berger SE B.L. Harbert International LLC China Henan Int'l Cooperation
CB&I China Communications China Int'l Water & Electric
CGC Overseas Construction Construction Grp. Ltd. Corp. (CWE)
Group Co. Ltd. China Geo-Engineering Corp. China National Machinery
China Communications China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd. Industry Corp.
Construction Grp. Ltd. China National Machinery China Railway Group Ltd.
China Geo-Engineering Corp. Industry Corp. China State Construction Eng'g
China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd. Foster Wheeler AG Corp. Ltd.
China Int'l Water & Electric Grupo Isolux Corsan SA China Wu Yi Co. Ltd.
Corp. (CWE) Saipem Consolidated Contractors Group
China National Machinery Shanghai Construction Group Construtora Andrade Gutierrez
Industry Corp. Sinohydro Corp. SA
Construtora Andrade Gutierrez VINCI Enka Construction & Industry
SA Co. Inc.
Ellaktor SA GAMBIA Grupo Isolux Corsan SA
Foster Wheeler AG China Henan Int'l Cooperation Layne Christensen Co.
Grupo ACS Group Co. Ltd. Onur Taahhut Ticaret Ltd. Stl.
Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA) M.A. Kharafi & Sons Shanghai Construction Group
Sinohydro Corp. Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd. Summa Turizm Yatirimciligi AS
The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. & VINCI TECHNIP
Co.) URS Corp.
Ansaldo Energia SpA
Grupo SANJOSE SA BOUYGUES Bilfinger Berger SE
Sacyr Vallehermoso China Geo-Engineering Corp. BOUYGUES
China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd. China Geo-Engineering Corp.
CONGO China Int'l Water & Electric China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd.
ABB SpA - Process Automation Corp. (CWE) China National Machinery
Division China Jiangxi Corp. For Int'l Industry Corp.
B.L. Harbert International LLC Eco. & Tech. Coop'n Saipem
Beijing Construction Eng'g China National Machinery Shikun & Binui - SBI
Group Co. Ltd. Industry Corp. Infrastructure Ltd.
BOUYGUES China Railway Group Ltd. The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. &
China Communications EIFFAGE Co.)
Construction Grp. Ltd. Per Aarsleff A/S Trevi Spa
China Geo-Engineering Corp. Prezioso Technilor VINCI
China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech. Qingjian Group Co. Ltd.
Coop. Corp. Royal BAM Group nv KENYA
China National Machinery Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd. BOUYGUES
Industry Corp.
Where They Worked – by Country
China National Complete Plant Beijing Construction Eng'g China National Machinery
Imp. & Exp. Corp. (Group) Group Co. Ltd. Industry Corp.
China National Machinery China Civil Engineering Constr. China Railway Group Ltd.
Industry Corp. Corp. China
EIFFAGE China Communications State Construction Eng'g Corp. Ltd.
M.A. Kharafi & Sons Construction Grp. Ltd. Layne Christensen Co.
Nantong Construction Group China Geo-Engineering Corp. Sinohydro Corp.
Joint-Stock Co. Ltd. China Henan Int'l Cooperation VINCI
VINCI Group Co. Ltd.
China Railway Group Ltd. ZAMBIA
SIERRA LEONE China State Construction Eng'g Anhui Foreign Economic
Anhui Construction Engineering Corp. Ltd. Construction (Group) Co.
Group Co. Ltd. China Wanbao Engineering Ltd.
Bilfinger Berger SE Corp. B.L. Harbert International LLC
Black & Veatch China Wu Yi Co. Ltd. BOUYGUES
China Civil Engineering Constr. Consolidated Contractors Group China Geo-Engineering Corp.
Corp. HOCHTIEF AG China Henan Int'l Cooperation
China Geo-Engineering Corp. Kajima Corp. Group Co. Ltd.
China National Machinery Layne Christensen Co. China Jiangxi Corp. For Int'l
Industry Corp. M.A. Kharafi & Sons Eco. & Tech. Coop'n
China Railway Construction Pan-China Construction Group China National Machinery
Corp. Ltd. Co. Ltd. Industry Corp.
Jan De Nul Group (Sofidra SA) Per Aarsleff A/S China Petroleum Pipeline
Salini Costruttori SpA Renco SpA Bureau (CPP)
VINCI Royal BAM Group nv China Railway Group Ltd.
Xinjiang Beixin Construction & Shikun & Binui - SBI Fluor Corp.
Eng'g (Group) Co. Ltd. Infrastructure Ltd. Layne Christensen Co.
Sinohydro Corp. Shanghai Construction Group
ABB SpA - Process Automation Veidekke ASA Techint Group
Division VINCI The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. &
Anhui Construction Engineering Co.)
Ansaldo Energia SpA Ant Yapi Construction, Industry
Ansaldo STS & Trade Co. Ltd. ZIMBABWE
Bilfinger Berger SE China Communications Anhui Foreign Economic
BOUYGUES Construction Grp. Ltd. Construction (Group) Co.
C.M.C. di Ravenna China Geo-Engineering Corp. Ltd.
CB&I China Jiangxi Corp. For Int'l China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech.
China Communications Eco. & Tech. Coop'n Coop. Corp.
Construction Grp. Ltd. China National Complete Plant China Jiangxi Corp. For Int'l
China Railway Group Ltd. Imp. & Exp. Corp. (Group) Eco. & Tech. Coop'n
Danieli & C SpA China Railway Group Ltd. China National Machinery
Fluor Corp. Foster Wheeler AG Industry Corp.
Foster Wheeler AG Kinden Corp. China Petroleum Pipeline
Grupo ACS Pan-China Construction Group Bureau (CPP)
HOCHTIEF AG Co. Ltd. Nantong Construction Group
IMPREGILO SpA Salini Costruttori SpA Joint-Stock Co. Ltd.
Jacobs Shikun & Binui - SBI Salini Costruttori SpA
KBR Infrastructure Ltd. Techint Group
Prezioso Technilor Sinohydro Corp. VINCI
Royal BAM Group nv The Arab Contractors (O.A.O. &
SNC-Lavalin International Inc. Co.)
Veidekke ASA
Techint Group E. Pihl & Søn AS
VINCI The Shaw Group Inc.
China Geo-Engineering Corp.