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Treatment of Pseudo Class III Malocclusion With Multiple Loop Protraction Utility Arch

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Case Report

Vipul Kumar
Treatment of Pseudo Class III Malocclusion
Sharma1, Kirti
Yadav2, Amit Nagar3,
with Multiple Loop Protraction Utility Arch
Pradeep Tandon4, TP Abstract
1 Pseudo Class III malocclusion has been characterized by an anterior crossbite in the
Assistant Professor,
Professor and Head, presence of a forward mandibular displacement. There are various methods to correct
Department of pseudo Class III malocclusion, e.g., Inclined planes, reverse stainless steel crown,
Orthodontics and bonded composite resin slopes, tongue blade, the removable appliance with auxiliary
Dentofacial Orthopaedics, springs, and maxillary lingual arch with finger springs. In this article, we are presenting a
FODS, IMS, BHU, case of pseudo Class III malocclusion treated with multiple loop protraction utility arch.
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
Patient had functional mandibular anterior deviation resulting into traumatic anterior
Senior Resident, cross bite and concave profile. We fabricated multiple loop arch wire (0.016”×0.022”
Department of blue elgiloy) which was activated at four 90° bends without disturbing other segments
3 4 of the arch.
Professor, Professor and
Head, Department of
Orthodontics and Keywords: Pseudo Class III malocclusion, Anterior crossbite, Protraction utility arch.
Dentofacial Orthopaedics,
FODS, KGMU, Lucknow, Introduction
Uttar Pradesh.
Pseudo Class III malocclusion has been characterized by an anterior crossbite in the
Correspondence to:
Dr. Vipul Kumar Sharma, presence of a forward mandibular displacement. Profile of pseudo Class III malocclusion
Department of appears normal at centric relation (CR) and slightly concave at habitual occlusion (HO);
Orthodontics and moreover, molar relationship is Class I at CR and Class III at HO.1,2 In Asian societies, the
Dentofacial Orthopaedics, frequency of Class III malocclusions is higher due to a large percentage of patients with
FODS, IMS, BHU, maxillary deficiency. The incidence ranges between 4 and 5% among the Japanese and
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
4 and 14% among the Chinese.3,4 The etiological factors of this malocclusion may be
E-mail Id: functional, which includes abnormal tongue position, nasal-respiratory problems, and neuromuscular conditions; skeletal, such as maxillary transverse deficiency; and dental,
which includes ectopic eruption of the maxillary central incisors and early loss of the
deciduous molars.5, 6 In most cases, retroclined maxillary incisors are the main cause of
pseudo Class III malocclusion.7 There are various methods to correct pseudo Class III
malocclusion, e.g., inclined planes, reverse stainless steel crown, bonded composite
resin slopes, tongue blade, the removable appliance with auxiliary springs, and
maxillary lingual arch with finger springs. In this article, we are presenting a case of
pseudo Class III malocclusion treated with multiple loop protraction utility arch.

Case Report
A fifteen-year-old male presented at Orthodontic Postgraduate Clinic with the chief
complaint of inability of biting from his anterior teeth. His medical and family history
How to cite this article:
was not significant. Extraoral examination showed concave facial profile in centric
Sharma VK, Yadav K,
Nagar A et al. Treatment occlusion and orthognathic in centric relation position with competent lips. On intraoral
of Pseudo Class III examination in centric relation, edge-to-edge incisor and Class I molar relation was
Malocclusion with found. Angle’s Class III molar relation and anterior cross bite was found in habitual
Multiple Loop Protraction occlusion position with increased curve of spee and 100% deep bite (Fig. 1).
Utility Arch. J Adv Res Cephalometric analysis showed mild skeletal Class III (ANB=-1, Wit’s=-3), average
Dent Oral Health 2016;
growth pattern (FMA=26°, SN-MP=30°) with retroclined maxillary incisors (Mx 1 to
1(2): 22-26.
NA=1/12, Mx 1 to SN= 7°, Md 1 to NB=4/17, IMPA=82°) (Table 1).
ISSN: 2456-141X Orthopantomographic analysis revealed no abnormal finding.

© ADR Journals 2016. All Rights Reserved.

J. Adv. Res. Dent. Oral Health 2016; 1(2) Sharma VK et al.

Figure 1.Pretreatment Photographs: (A-C) Extraoral; (D-H) Intraoral; (I) Edge-to-Edge Bite in CR; Radiographs: (J)
Lateral Cephalogram; (K) Orthopantomogram

Table 1.Cephalometric Measurements

Measurements Normal Pre-treatment Post-treatment
Horizontal Skeletal
SNA (°) 82 84 85
SNB (°) 80 85 83
ANB (°) 2 -1 2
Wits appraisal (mm) 0-1 -4 0
Vertical Skeletal
FMA (°) 25 26 28
Go-Gn to SN (°) 32 30 31
Mx.1 to NA (°/mm) 4/22 1/12 7/36
Mx. 1 to SN (°) 104 ± 7 97 121
Md. 1 to NB (°/mm) 4/25 4/17 5/21
IMPA (°) 90 82 88
Interincisal angle (°) 135 152 125
Soft Tissue
Rickett’s e-line (upper) (mm) -4 -4 -2
Rickett’s e-line (lower) (mm) -2 0 2
Steiner’s upperlip (mm) 0 -1 1
Steiner’s lowerlip (mm) -2 2 0
Lowerlip to H-line (mm) 1-2 4 2
Naso-labial angle (°) 94-110 100 105
Upperlip length (mm) 24 14 19

23 ISSN: 2456-141X
Sharma VK et al. J. Adv. Res. Dent. Oral Health 2016; 1(2)

Based on the analysis of available diagnostic record, maxillary incisors like 2×4 appliances. 0.016”×0.022”
case was diagnosed as pseudo Class III malocclusion. blue elgiloy was used to make T-loop between central
incisors and L-loop with helix between central and
Treatment objectives were to correct anterior cross bite lateral on both sides to decrease load deflection rate,
and concave profile, to eliminate CR-CO discrepancy, to allowing easy ligation. Four 90° bends were made; two
achieve Class I molar relation, normal overjet and distal to laterals and two mesial to first molars. Bite
overbite. raiser was placed and utility arch was activated by 5 mm
by opening the 90° bends (Fig. 2). After subsequent
Treatment Planning and Treatment Progress activation at every 6 weeks, incisors were proclined in 5
months (Fig. 3). Bite raiser was removed. Remaining
Bite registration was done for temporary bite raiser to
teeth were bonded and final alignment and leveling was
clear the anteriors by 2 mm. Bonding of maxillary
done using 0.016” NiTi, 0.017”×025” NiTi followed by
incisors was done in MBT prescription (0.022”×0.028”
0.019”×0.025” stainless steel.
slot). A protraction utility arch was used to procline the

Figure 2.(A) Bite Registarion; (B) Temporary Bite Raiser; (C-G) Multiple Loop Protraction Utility Arch

Figure 3.(A-C) Utility Arch Installed; (D-E) 13 Weeks after Treatment; (F-G) 5 Months after Treatment

ISSN: 2456-141X 24
J. Adv. Res. Dent. Oral Health 2016; 1(2) Sharma VK et al.

After 10 months of treatment, the case was debonded overbite and no CR-CO discrepancy (Figs. 4 and 5).
and pleasing facial profile obtained with normal overjet,

Figure 4.(A-H) Post-Treatment Photographs; (I-J) Radiographs

Figure 5.(A) Steiner’s Overall Superimposition; (B-F) Rickett’s Regional Superimpositions

Discussion proper treatment plan. Early interceptive treatment

may prevent progressive, irreversible soft-tissue or bony
Treatment of Class III problems starts with differential changes, improve occlusal function and provide a more
diagnosis of anterior crossbites.8 Anterior crossbite may pleasing facial esthetic, thus improving the psychosocial
be due to the abnormal inclination of the maxillary and development of the child.10 Delaying the treatment until
mandibular incisors, occlusal interferences (functional), the permanent dentition may cause loss of space
or skeletal discrepancies of the maxilla and/ or required for the eruption of the canines.11 After
mandible.9 Therefore, it is important to diagnose the introduction of utility arch by Ricketts, various
degree of skeletal discrepancy in order to develop a modifications were done, i.e., protraction, retraction,

25 ISSN: 2456-141X
Sharma VK et al. J. Adv. Res. Dent. Oral Health 2016; 1(2)

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