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The document discusses the various testing procedures and acceptance criteria for gas turbines as defined in industry standards.

The main tests performed on gas turbines discussed in the document include shop balance, mechanical running test, additional tests like hydrostatic test, and field test.

Rotor dynamics analysis is performed to identify lateral and torsional vibration levels as a function of turbine speed to determine critical speeds.

Engineering Encyclopedia

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi
Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramco’s employees.
Any material contained in this document which is not already in the public
domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or disclosed to third
parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without the written permission
of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi Aramco.

Chapter : Mechanical For additional information on this subject, contact

File Reference: MEX-214.04 PEDD Coordinator on 874-6556
Engineering Encyclopedia Gas Turbines

Evaluating Gas Turbine Testing

Section Page

INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 2
EVALUATING GAS TURBINE TESTING........................................................................ 3
TEST METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................... 3
HYDROSTATIC TEST ............................................................................................ 5
SHOP BALANCE .................................................................................................... 6
MECHANICAL RUNNING TEST............................................................................. 9
ADDITIONAL TESTS ............................................................................................ 12
ROTOR DYNAMICS ............................................................................................. 15
Determination of Critical Speeds................................................................... 16
Lateral Analysis............................................................................................. 20
Torsional Analysis ......................................................................................... 22
Vibration and Balancing ................................................................................ 22
FIELD TEST.......................................................................................................... 23
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................. 25


Figure 1. Inspection Requirements................................................................................ 13

Figure 2. Example of a Typical Rotor Response Plot (Not a Gas Turbine Plot) ............ 18

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Gas turbine inspection and testing for acceptability are
performed as required on the turbine data sheet and the
referenced Saudi Aramco Inspection Form 175-320200. This
module provides background information on the testing
requirements, the methods, and the acceptability criteria for
heavy-duty and aeroderivative gas turbines.

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Evaluating Gas Turbine Testing


The testing requirements for acceptability of gas turbines are
defined in API Standard 616 and Saudi Aramco Standard
SAES-K-502. These standards define the tests required and the
acceptability requirements for such tests. Other acceptance
testing may be required based on turbine criticality, application,
and past experience with the turbine vendor. This module
provides the Mechanical Engineer with information on gas
turbine acceptance testing as defined by the API Standard 616
and Saudi Aramco Standard SAES-K-502.

Test Methodology
API Standard 616, Gas Turbines for Refinery Services, requires
the following tests:
• Hydrostatic test
• Mechanical running tests
In addition, the following tests and/or inspections, which are
optional, according to API 616, are performed if specified in the
• Performance test (field test)
• Complete unit test
• Load gear test
• Sound level test
• Auxiliary equipment test
• Post test inspection
• Inspection of hub/shaft fit for hydraulically mounted
• Governor response and emergency overspeed trip systems
• Spare parts tests
• Fire protection tests
• Other tests and inspections as defined by the purchaser

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In addition to the above tests specified in API 616 in preparation

for delivery, shop tests that relate to the dynamic behavior of the
machine rotating mass are also required as follows:
• Shop verification of unbalanced response analysis
• Dynamic balancing
• Residual unbalance check
API Standard 616 provides general guidance on test
methodology for the various tests. The turbine manufacturer
should have detailed test procedures to be followed in
conducting the tests, including acceptance criteria for all
monitored parameters. These procedures must be submitted to
Saudi Aramco for review and comment at least six weeks before
the first scheduled test.
The requirements of SAES-K-502 match those of API 616 for
the required tests. SAES-K-502 suggests that the following
optional tests be considered:
• Performance test
• Complete unit test
• Load gear test
• Sound level test
• Auxiliary equipment test
The remainder of this module will describe the various tests
conducted on the gas turbine and how the results of these tests
are used to determine the acceptability of the unit.

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Hydrostatic Test
The purpose of the hydrostatic test is to verify the structural
integrity of pressure-containing components of the gas turbine
package. The test is conducted by pressurizing the component
with water or some other test fluid to a pressure greater than
that seen in service. The test will typically detect leakage due to
casting or welding defects. Because the test produces stress
levels in components that are higher than those seen in service,
the test also helps to detect flaws in the component that could
propagate to failure in service.
SAES K-502 requires that the following components be
subjected to hydrostatic testing:
• Casing parts and combustors (unless otherwise agreed
upon) - 1.5 times the maximum working pressure for the
• Welded piping for fuel, external oil, and gas (including
steam) up to the casing - in accordance with SAES-A-004,
General Requirements for Pressure Testing. SAES-A-004
directs the user to other Saudi Aramco specifications that
are application-specific. These specifications conform to the
ASME B31 piping specification series. In addition to the
hydrostatic testing of fuel piping, Saudi Aramco SAES-K-502
requires that all fuel piping welds must be 100 percent
• Pressure vessels, filters, coolers, etc., in auxiliary systems -
1.5 times rated pressure (unless a more stringent code
Several important factors should be noted relative to the
conduct of the test:
• The temperature of the test liquid must be above the nil
ductility transition temperature of the material of the
component being tested. The temperature requirement
prevents the hydrostatic test from not inducing a brittle
failure of the component.
• If the component being tested will operate at an elevated
temperature at which the strength of the material is less than
the strength at room temperature, the hydrostatic test
pressure must be increased by a multiplying factor. This
multiplying factor is obtained by dividing the allowable
working stress at room temperature by the allowable working

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stress at the operating temperature. In accordance with

SAES-K-502, the allowable stress values must conform to
those given in ASME Code Section VIII Division I for the
material that is used.
• In accordance with API Standard 616, the chloride content of
liquids used to test austenitic stainless steels must not
exceed 50 parts per million. The chloride specification should
be used for other highly alloyed materials typically used in
combustion section components. Austenitic stainless steels
are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking in the presence
of chlorides, and many of these materials may be subject to
attack at elevated temperatures from residues left from the
test. Because of the potential for chloride stress corrosion,
SAES-K-502 allows the hydrostatic test of combustors to be
• The test pressure must be maintained for a sufficient period
of time to allow complete examination of all of the parts that
are under pressure. The hydrostatic test is considered
satisfactory when no leakage has been observed after the
parts have been under full hydrostatic test pressure for a
minimum of 30 minutes. Large and heavy casings may require
a longer test period. Any hydrostatic test that is to be
conducted for longer than 30 minutes must be agreed upon by
Saudi Aramco and the vendor.
In accordance with SAES-K-502, all hydrostatic tests require
witnessing, although this requirement is not indicated on the
Saudi Aramco Inspection Form 175-320200.

Shop Balance
The major components of the rotating element of a gas turbine
(the shaft, the disks, the drums, and the components with the
blades installed) must be vibration tested and dynamically
balanced. When a bare shaft with a single keyway is
dynamically balanced, the keyway must be filled with a fully
crowned half-key for an initial balance. This initial balance
correction to the shaft must be recorded. The type of gas turbine
construction will determine the method that is used to test and
balance the turbine rotating element.

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For gas turbines with rotors that may be removed as an

assembled unit, the rotating element (rotor) must be multiplane
dynamically balanced at low speed (approximately 400 rpm)
during assembly. No more than two of the major components
that make up the rotating element may be added to the rotating
element prior to each dynamic balancing. Any corrections that
must be made to the rotating element to correct an unbalance
condition must be applied to the components that were added to
the rotating element. After the gas turbine rotating element is
completely assembled, minor corrections of other components
that were added to the assembly may be required. These minor
corrections will be determined during the final trim balancing of
the completely assembled element.
For gas turbines with rotors that cannot be removed as an
assembled unit, all rotating components must be component-
balanced at low speed. After the rotor is assembled, a balance
check is performed at low speed. No corrections may be made
to the assembled rotor. If corrections are required, the entire
rotating element must be disassembled, and each of the
individual components must be dynamically balanced again to
achieve the allowable residual unbalance limits.
Residual unbalance is the amount of unbalance that remains in
a rotor after the rotor has been balanced. The following equation
is used to calculate the maximum allowable residual unbalance
per plane for a gas turbine:
Umax = 4 (customary units)
UMAX = 6350 W/N (SI units)
Umax = Amount of residual unbalance, in
ounce-inches (gram-millimeters)
W = The journal static weight load, in pounds
N = The maximum continuous speed, in
revolutions per minute.

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After the balancing machine readings indicate that the rotor has
been balanced to within the specified tolerances, a residual
unbalance check should be performed before the rotor is
removed from the machine. To perform a residual unbalance
check, a known trial weight is attached to one of the balance
planes of the rotor and a balance check is performed. The
weight is moved around the rotor in six or twelve equal
increments, and a balance check is performed. The trial weight
is moved to the next balance plane and the test is repeated until
all of the balance planes have been tested. The balance check
readings are plotted and the amount of residual unbalance is
calculated. If the specified maximum allowable residual
unbalance has been exceeded in any balance plane, the rotor
must be balanced more precisely, and the residual unbalance
check must be repeated.
The peak-to-peak amplitude of unfiltered vibration is measured
during the testing of the balanced rotor. With a balanced rotor
operating at its maximum continuous speed, the peak-to-peak
amplitude of unfiltered vibration that is measured on the shaft
adjacent and relative to each radial bearing must not exceed its
calculated limitation or 2.0 mils (50 micrometers) on any plane,
whichever is less. The limit for peak-to-peak amplitude of
unfiltered vibration is calculated through use of the following

A = 25.4 square root (12,000/N) (SI units)
A = The amplitude of unfiltered vibration, in mils
(micrometers) peak to peak
N = The maximum continuous speed, in
revolutions per minute
At any speed greater than the maximum continuous speed, up
to and including the trip speed, the vibration limit is 150 percent
of the vibration value that is recorded at the maximum
continuous speed.
If the vendor can demonstrate that an electrical runout or a
mechanical runout is present in the gas turbine assembly, a

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Evaluating Gas Turbine Testing

maximum of 25 percent of the peak-to-peak amplitude of

unfiltered vibration that was calculated or 0.25 mil (6.4
micrometers), whichever is greater, may be vectorially
subtracted from the vibration signal that is measured during the
factory testing. The electrical and mechanical runout are
determined by rotation of the rotor in V-blocks at the journal
centerline while the runout is measured. The runout
measurement is taken for the full 360 degrees of rotation with a
noncontact vibration probe (for electrical runout) at the normal
probe location and a dial indicator (for mechanical runout) that is
located at one probe tip diameter on either side of the
noncontact vibration probe. The electrical runout and
mechanical runout readings are recorded. The electrical runout
and mechanical runout readings must be supplied by the vendor
in the mechanical test report.

Mechanical Running Test

In accordance with API Standard 616 and Saudi Aramco
Standard SAES-K-502, a mechanical running test must be
performed by the vendor on all gas turbines. A Saudi Aramco
representative must witness the mechanical running test. The
mechanical running test provides proof of the mechanical
operation of the turbine within the design requirements. The
mechanical running test is run in the vendor’s shop.
As stated in API Standard 616, as part of the mechanical
running test inspection and witness, the Saudi Aramco
representative must verify that the following requirements are
met before the mechanical running test is performed on the gas
• The shaft seals and bearings that were specified with the
gas turbine must be installed and used in the machine for
the mechanical running test.
• The oil pressures, the oil viscosity’s, and the oil
temperatures must be at the same operating values as the
operating values that are recommended in the
manufacturer's operating instructions for the specific unit
under test. The oil filtration must be ten microns nominal or
• All of the joints and connections must be checked for
tightness. Any leaks must be corrected prior to the
mechanical running test. Casing air leaks may be

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permissible if they do not adversely affect the specified

performance or present a safety hazard in the judgement of
Saudi Aramco.
• All warning, protection, and control devices must be
calibrated to their alarm, shutdown, or relief setpoints.
• Any auxiliary gear units that are supplied with the turbine
must be included in the mechanical running test if specified
in the order. Also, the coupling that is to be installed on the
gas turbine should be included in the mechanical test. If the
inclusion of the coupling is not practical, the mechanical
running test must be performed with coupling-hub idling
adapters in place. When all of the tests are complete, the
idling adapters must be furnished as part of the special tools
for the gas turbine.
• All of the controls that are to be supplied with the gas turbine
must be used during the test.
• The vibration monitoring equipment that is to be supplied
with the gas turbine must be used in the test. If the vendor
does not furnish the vibration equipment, or if the equipment
is not compatible with the test shop readout equipment shop
equipment and readouts that meet the accuracy
requirements of API Standard 670 and API Standard 678
must be used.
The gas turbine is started and brought up to idle speed until the
bearing and lube oil temperatures and the shaft vibrations have
stabilized. The gas turbine is then accelerated to minimum
governor speed at the turbine's test acceleration rate. The test
acceleration rate is normally less than the normal acceleration
rate in order to provide a slow and controlled acceleration for
the test. The gas turbine is operated in 10 percent speed
increments from the minimum governor speed to the maximum
continuous speed. The gas turbine is allowed to stabilize at
each speed increment prior to a speed increase. Once the
speed has been increased to the maximum continuous speed,
the speed is increased to 1 percent below the overspeed trip
setpoint. The gas turbine overspeed trip devices are tested and
adjusted until a trip setpoint of within 1 percent of the nominal
trip setpoint is obtained. The mechanical overspeed bolt must
be tested and adjusted until three consecutive trip setpoints
within 1 percent of the nominal trip setpoint have been obtained.
The gas turbine must not be operated at near the overspeed trip

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point for more than 15 minutes without a period of operation at

normal speed to allow the turbine to cool down.
All of the turbine's control devices (speed governor and any
other speed-regulating devices) must be tested for smooth
performance over the operating speed range of the turbine. No-
load stability and response to the control signal must be
checked. As a minimum, the following data must be recorded for
• Sensitivity between the speed and the control signal.
• Linearity of the relationship between the speed and the
control signal.
• For adjustable governors, the response over the speed
The speed of the gas turbine is adjusted to the maximum
continuous speed, and the turbine is run for a minimum test
duration of four fired hours (cumulative). The four fired hours
must include at least 30 minutes at stabilized conditions at
maximum continuous speed. The mechanical operation of all of
the equipment that is being tested and the operation of the test
instrumentation must be satisfactory during the test. Bearing oil
flow rates and temperatures must be measured.
The measured unfiltered vibration must be recorded, and it must
not exceed the vibration limits throughout the test. While the
mechanical test is being conducted, vibration sweep readings
must be recorded for vibration amplitudes at frequencies other
than synchronous. As a minimum, these sweep readings must
cover a frequency range from 0.25 to 8 times the maximum
continuous speed, but they need not exceed 90,000 cycles per
minute (1500 Hz).

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The lateral critical speeds of the gas turbine must be verified

during the mechanical running test. If the gas turbine is a
flexible-shaft machine, the first lateral critical speeds must be
determined during the mechanical running test, and the lateral
critical speed must be stamped on the nameplate. Taped
recordings of all real-time vibration data should be made during
the mechanical running test. These recordings provide the initial
data for vibration analysis.
In accordance with SAES-K-502, dismantling of the unit
following the mechanical running test is required only in the
event of an unsatisfactory test.
If a spare rotor is part of the order, a mechanical running test
utilizing the spare rotor must also be conducted in accordance
with API 616.

Additional Tests
Optional tests may be specified on the gas turbine data sheets.
Figure 1 shows the Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements
form 175-320200. The following section describes the optional
tests for gas turbines. Acceptability criteria for testing auxiliary
equipment, such as oil systems and gear units, are specified in
the applicable Saudi Aramco and API standards for the specific
piece of equipment.

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Figure 1. Inspection Requirements

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In accordance with SAES-K-502, the following optional tests

may be considered for inclusion in the purchase order for a gas
• Field Performance Test - The machine must be
performance-tested in accordance with ASME performance
test codes PTC 1, General Instructions, and PTC 22, Gas
Turbine Power Plants, following a detailed test procedure
agreed upon between Saudi Aramco and the manufacturer.
If the purchase order is for multiple turbines, the field
acceptance test will normally be conducted on one turbine of a
given size and type. A more detailed description of field
performance testing is presented in a subsequent section of
this module.
• Complete Unit Test - A complete unit (train) test of such
components as compressors, gears, drivers, and auxiliaries
that make up a complete unit must be tested together during
the mechanical running test. A separate test may be
performed with the purchaser’s approval.
• Gear Test - The gear must be tested with the unit during the
mechanical running test.
• Sound Level Test - A sound level test must be performed in
accordance with API Standard 615 to verify that sound levels
meet the requirements of Saudi Aramco Standard SAES-A-
105, Noise Control.
• Auxiliary Equipment Test - Auxiliary equipment, such as oil
systems and control systems, must be tested in the vendors'
shop. Details of the auxiliary equipment test must be
developed jointly by the buyer, the vendor, and Saudi
Aramco's Engineer.
• Other tests and inspections that are not listed or defined in
SAES-K-502 are to be completely described in the inquiry
and the purchase order.

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Rotor Dynamics
Dynamic testing of turbine rotors is performed by the vendor as
required by API 616 and Saudi Aramco Form 175-320200. The
dynamic balancing of a turbine rotor and rotor components is
conducted as described in the previous section on shop
balancing, and it must be witnessed by a Saudi Aramco
representative. The witnessed inspection can be waived for gas
turbines that are rated below 1000 kW (1340 hp). The following
section describes additional testing and specifications for rotor
dynamic tests on gas turbines.
The rotor dynamics of a turbine include the following different
areas and considerations:
• The performance of a lateral analysis.
• The performance of a torsional analysis.
• The performance of vibration testing and balancing.
Each area of consideration provides important data used to
operate the turbine and to determine the operating vibration
limitations of the turbine. The determination of the turbine’s
critical speeds is an important operating consideration.
As discussed below, the turbine critical speeds must not be in
the operating speed range, and they must be compatible with
the driven equipment’s operating speed range. The lateral
analysis verifies that the vibration levels from zero speed to the
trip speed are within acceptable limits.
The torsional analysis verifies that torsional vibration (oscillating
angular motion as a result of twisting in the shaft) is within
acceptable limits. Operation of a turbine outside of the torsional
limits may cause malfunctions, such as twisted shafts
(permanent deformation or shaft failure from fatigue), gear set
failure (if the turbine is driving a gear train), and spun couplings
(coupling failure).
Vibration testing verifies that the turbine vibration levels are
within acceptable limits. Balancing ensures that the rotating
components meet the vibration requirements.

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Each of the rotor dynamic tests can provide baseline data for
condition monitoring trend analysis.
Shop testing is carried out during and after equipment
construction but before it is commissioned. The shop tests help
to identify equipment problems prior to installation and to
commissioning startup. Shop-tested turbines may require
additional testing after turbine installation to prove acceptability.

Determination of
Critical Speeds

When an exciting frequency is applied to a rotor-bearing support

system that corresponds to the natural frequency of the rotor-
bearing support system, the system may be in a state of
resonance. A resonating rotor-bearing support system will have
its normal vibration displacement amplified.
The magnitude of amplification and the rate of phase shift
(phase-angle change) are related to the amount of damping in
the rotor-bearing support system and the mode shape that is
taken by the rotor as it deflects. The mode shapes for deflection
are commonly referred to as the first rigid (translatory or
bouncing) mode, the second rigid (conical or rocking) mode, the
first bending mode, the second bending mode, and the third
bending mode. An exciting frequency may be less than, equal
to, or greater than the rotational speed of the rotor. The
following are some of the sources of exciting frequencies that
must be considered:
• Unbalance in the rotor system.
• Oil-film instabilities (whirl).
• Internal rubs.
• Blade, vane, nozzle, and diffuser passing frequencies.
• Gear-tooth meshing and side bands (on turbines with gear
• Coupling misalignment.
• Loose rotor-system components.
• Friction whirl.
• Boundary-layer flow separation.
• Acoustic and aerodynamic cross-coupling forces.

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Evaluating Gas Turbine Testing

• Asynchronous whirl.
• Ball/race frequencies of antifriction bearings, such as are
used on aeroderivative machines.
The magnitude of the vibration amplification is called the rotor
amplification factor. The rotor amplification factor (AF) is
determined through use of the following formula and the rotor
response plot that is shown in Figure 2:
AF =
N2 − N1

This plot is a graph of vibration amplitude verses the rotor speed

(in revolutions per minute).
Figure 2 represents an example of a typical rotor response plot.
The specific points of interest on the plot are identified. A rotor
response plot provides the following information:
• The rotor’s first critical speed in revolutions per minute (Nc1).
• The rotor’s initial (or lesser) speed (N1). The initial speed
occurs at the first peak-to-peak amplitude that is equal to
0.707 times the peak-to-peak amplitude at the critical speed
• The rotor’s final or greater rotational speed (N2) occurs after
the displacement at the first critical speed. The value of
peak-to-peak displacement at N2 is equal to 0.707 of peak-
to-peak displacement at Nc1.
• The peak-to-peak amplitude (Ac1) at the rotor’s first critical
speed (Nc1).
• Additional critical speeds (Ncn) and their associated
amplitudes (Acn).

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Evaluating Gas Turbine Testing

(MILE pk-pk)

ROTATIONAL SPEED ( X 1,000 rpm )


Figure 2. Example of a Typical Rotor Response Plot (Not a Gas Turbine Plot)

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If the rotor amplification factor at a given resonance is greater

than or equal to 2.5, the vibration frequency at which resonance
occurs is called critical, and the rotational speed at which the
resonance occurred is called a critical speed. A critically
damped system is a system that has an amplification factor of
less than 2.5.
The separation margin is the minimum difference that must be
maintained between an operating speed and a critical speed.
For a critically damped system, no separation margin is
required. Systems with amplification factors greater than 2.5
have varying requirements for separation margin, dependent on
the magnitude of the amplification factor and whether the critical
speed is below the minimum operating speed or above the
maximum continuous speed of the machine. Resonance of
support systems for gas turbines must not occur within the
specified operating speed range or the specified separation
margins unless the resonance is critically damped.
Any operating speed that should be avoided as a critical speed
must be included in the operating and maintenance instructions
for the turbine. The critical speeds of the turbine must be
compatible with the critical speeds of the driven component, and
the combination must be suitable for the operating speed range.
If the turbine is acquired as part of an equipment package, such
as a turbine-driven gas compressor package, the vendor
supplying the equipment package is responsible for determining
the drive-train critical speeds (rotor lateral, system torsional,
blading modes) and for verifying that the critical speeds of the
gas turbine are compatible with the critical speeds of the
machinery that is being supplied. The equipment package
combination must be suitable for the specified operating speed
range, which includes any starting-speed detent (hold-point)
requirements of the train. A list of all undesirable speeds from
zero to trip must be provided to Saudi Aramco for review, and
they must be included in the instruction manual for the
equipment package.

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Lateral Analysis

In accordance with SAES-K-502, the turbine manufacturer is

responsible for providing a lateral and torsional critical speed
and unbalanced response analysis for each of the turbine train
components and a torsional analysis for the complete train. The
following considerations should be included in the damped,
unbalanced-response analysis:
• Support stiffness (base, frame, and bearing housing), mass,
and damping characteristics.
• Bearing lubricant-film stiffness.
• Rotational speeds (starting speeds, operating speed and
load ranges, trip speed, and coast-down speeds). (Any
special speeds, such as test condition speeds, should also
be included.)
• Rotor masses, which include the mass moment, the
stiffness, and the damping effects of the coupling halves.
• Asymmetrical loading, such as might be caused by gear
The damped unbalanced response analysis must indicate that
the turbine, in the unbalanced condition, will meet the following
acceptance criteria:
• For amplification factors less than 2.5, the response is
considered critically damped, and no separation margin is
• If the amplification factor is between 2.5 and 3.55, a
separation margin of the critical speeds from the intended
operating speed range of 15 percent above the maximum
continuous speed and 5 percent below the minimum
operating speed is required to prevent incidental operation at
the critical speed.

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• If the amplification factor is greater than 3.55 and with the

critical response peak below the minimum operating speed,
the required separation margin is a percentage of minimum
speed, and it is determined by the following equation:
 6 
SM = 100 −  84 + 
 AF − 3 
SM = Separation Margin
AF = Amplification Factor
• If the amplification factor is greater than 3.55 with the critical
response peak above the trip speed, the required separation
margin is a percentage of maximum continuous speed, and
it is determined by the following equation:
 6 
SM = 126 −  − 100
 AF − 3 
SM = Separation Margin
AF = Amplification Factor
A Shop Verification of Unbalanced Response Analysis - must be
performed as specified in API Standard 616. The following
section describes the analysis requirements as specified in API
Standard 616.
The actual test critical speed responses are the criteria used to
confirm the validity of the damped unbalanced response
analysis. The shop verification is performed on a test stand with
a rotor unbalanced magnitude of at least two times and no more
than eight times the specific unbalanced limit with unbalance
weight or weights, typically placed at the coupling. The actual
critical speed responses are recorded on the test stand. The
dynamic response of the machine on the test stand is a function
of the test conditions. The test results should be obtained at the
conditions of pressure, temperature, speed, and load that are
the expected in the field; otherwise, the test stand results may
not be comparable with the actual operation in the field.

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Torsional Analysis

The following section describes the torsional analysis

requirements as specified in API Standard 616 and Saudi
Aramco Standard SAES-K-502.
SAES-K-502 requires that the turbine vendor perform a torsional
critical speed and unbalanced response analysis for each of the
train components and a torsional analysis for the complete train.
The performance of a torsional analysis includes a
determination of the excitations of torsional resonances of the
turbine. Excitations of torsional resonances other than the
turbine must be considered in the torsional analysis, such as for
gears and hydraulic-governor control-loop resonance.
Any torsional resonances, including the natural frequencies, that
are a product of the complete train must be at least 10 percent
above or 10 percent below any possible excitation frequency
that exists within the speed range of minimum to maximum
continuous speed. Torsional resonances at frequencies that are
two times or higher than the turbine’s running speeds should be
avoided, or they must be demonstrated to have no adverse
effect on the turbine. If the turbine’s torsional resonances are
calculated to be a multiple of the running speed, and if all efforts
to remove the critical from within the limiting frequency range
have been exhausted, a stress analysis must be performed to
demonstrate that the resonances have no adverse effect on the
complete turbine train.

Vibration and

As stated previously, API 616 requires that all major parts of

rotating elements be dynamically balanced and that operating
vibration levels (during the shop test) be verified as being
acceptable. The procedures and requirements for these items
were previously described in the section of this module entitled
“Shop Balancing.”

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 22

Engineering Encyclopedia Gas Turbines

Evaluating Gas Turbine Testing

Field Test
SAES-K-502 suggests that a performance test (field test) be
considered for inclusion in the purchase order for a gas turbine.
A field test demonstrates the turbine’s ability to achieve the
power output levels and efficiency that is guaranteed by the
manufacturer to be achieved under actual field conditions. A
field test also provides a baseline against which performance of
the turbine can be compared over time. The field test is
conducted in accordance with ASME Performance Test Codes
(previously known as the Power Test Codes) PTC 1, General
Instructions, and PTC 22, Gas Turbine Power Plants. The object
of the test, as stated in PTC 22, is to determine the power
output and thermal efficiency of the turbine under specified
operating and control conditions.
Before the field test is started, the gas turbine must be run until
steady-state conditions have been established. A steady-state
condition is achieved when the key variables that are associated
with the test have stabilized within the maximum permissible
variation. During the period when the gas turbine is stabilizing,
the test instrumentation is checked, and the personnel
conducting the test have the opportunity to familiarize
themselves with the test equipment and their duties during the
test. Frequently, a short-duration preliminary test is conducted
to verify that all test instrumentation is functioning properly.
The PTC 22 Code Test requires determination of the gas
turbine power output and fuel heat input. To ensure that the
turbine is operating at its design firing temperature, turbine
exhaust temperature thermocouples with an error of no greater
than ± 2ºF are used to measure exhaust temperature and as an
input to the fuel control system. Other operating parameters that
must be measured to correct test results to design conditions
are compressor inlet air temperature (± 1ºF), compressor inlet
pressure (barometric pressure – inlet pressure drop, ± 0.25 in.
Wc), turbine exhaust pressure (± 0.25 in. Wc, and humidity (±
.001 lb moisture per lb dry air).

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 23

Engineering Encyclopedia Gas Turbines

Evaluating Gas Turbine Testing

For gas turbines that are driving electrical generators, the power
output is measured at the generator terminals. For generator
drive applications, measurements at the generator terminals are
also typically performed where the rated power output is
specified. If the guaranteed power output is defined at the
turbine shaft coupling, it will be necessary to account for the
generator losses. For mechanical drive turbines, rated power
output is specified at the turbine shaft coupling. This power
output is determined from the measured shaft torque and shaft
Fuel heat input is determined as the product of the measured
fuel flow times the fuel heating value (generally lower heating
value). The test code specifies the required methods of
determining fuel consumption for liquid and gaseous fuels. Fuel
consumption must be measured with an error of less than ± 0.5
The field test should be conducted at conditions as close to
design as possible; however, because of the significant effects
of ambient conditions on gas turbine performance, test results
must be corrected to the specified design conditions. Test result
corrections are performed through the use of correction curves
provided by the turbine manufacturer.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 24

Engineering Encyclopedia Gas Turbines

Evaluating Gas Turbine Testing


amplitude The magnitude of a variable that varies periodically at any

instant during a cycle (or period).
condition monitoring A process and a method of monitoring specific
parameters on equipment to determine the status of the
mechanical condition.
displacement Movement of an object from a position of rest, equilibrium,
or in relation to a reference point.
frequency The number of cycles that a periodic variation completes
in a given period. Sometimes stated in cycles per minute
(cpm) or cycles per second (cps, Hertz, Hz). For vibration,
frequency is also expressed as a multiple (1×, 2×) of shaft
rotative speed.
lateral analysis An analysis of turbine rotor dynamics used to identify
lateral (translatory, rocking, and bending) vibration levels
as a function of turbine speed.
peak-to-peak amplitude In reference to a waveform that traces a periodic variation
of displacement, the maximum amplitude of displacement
that occurs during a complete cycle. On an X/Y graph, it is
represented as the sum of the vertical line from the zero
reference line to the positive peak and the vertical
reference line to the negative peak.
phase angle An expression in degrees that defines the relationship
between events that occur as a rotating shaft vibrates.
Typically, phase angle defines the number of degrees that
the unbalanced mass (heavy spot) in a shaft has rotated
between the event in which a phase reference transducer
detects a phase reference mark and the event in which
the heavy spot makes the closest approach (high spot) to
the sensor of a radial vibration transducer.
rated power The power developed by the gas turbine when it is
operated at the rated turbine inlet temperature, rated
speed, and rated conditions of inlet temperature, inlet
pressure, and exhaust pressure.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 25

Engineering Encyclopedia Gas Turbines

Evaluating Gas Turbine Testing

root mean square (RMS) In reference to measurements of vibration, 71 percent

(.707) of a zero-to-peak value for velocity or acceleration.
Calculated algorithmically as follows: a number of
instantaneous values occurring during one cycle or during
several cycles are squared; the average of the squared
values is taken; and the square root of this average is
then taken. In a vibration monitoring system, velocity and
acceleration are often measured in terms of RMS values.
torsional analysis An analysis of turbine rotor dynamics used to identify
torsional vibration levels as a function of turbine speed.
velocity The time rate at which an object is moving. For vibration,
measured in inches per second (in/sec).
vibration Motion in which an object undergoes periodically
occurring displacement. Vibration is measured in terms of
its variables of displacement (mils), velocity (in/sec), and
acceleration (g’s). For rotating machinery, vibration is
assessed in terms of frequency, peak-to-peak amplitudes
of displacement, and either root mean square (RMS)
values or zero-to-peak values for velocity or acceleration.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 26

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