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Database Planning Design and Database Planning, Design, and Administration

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International Islamic University Malaysia

Department of Information Systems

Kulliyyah of Information & Communication Technology

Lecture 15
Database Planning
Planning, Design
Design, and

Dr. Mira Kartiwi

 M i components
Main t off an information
i f ti system.

 Main
M i stages
t off database
d t b system
t development
d l t

 Main phases of database design: conceptual,

g , and physical
p y design.

 Benefits of CASE tools.


 H
How to evaluate
l and
d select
l a DBMS.

 Distinction
i i i between data administration
i i i and
database administration.

 Purpose and tasks associated with data

d i i t ti and d database
d t b administration.
d i i t ti

Software Depression

 Last few decades have seen proliferation of

software applications, many requiring constant
i involving:
i l i
 correcting faults,
 implementing new user requirements,
 modifying software to run on new or upgraded platforms.
 Effort spent
p on maintenance began
g to absorb
resources at an alarming rate.
Software Depression

 As a result, many major software projects were

 late,
 over budget,
b d
 unreliable,
 difficult to maintain,
 performed poorly.

 In late 1960s, led to ‘software crisis’, now refer

to as the ‘software depression’.
Software Depression

 Major reasons for failure of software projects

- lack of a complete requirements specification;
- lack of appropriate development methodology;
- poor decomposition of design into manageable
 Structured approach to development was
proposed called Information Systems Lifecycle
Information System

Resources that enable collection, management,

control, and dissemination of information
throughout an organization.

 Database is fundamental component of IS,

IS and
its development/usage should be viewed from
perspective of the wider requirements of the
Database System Development Lifecycle

 Database planning

 System definition

 Requirements collection and analysis

 Database design

 DBMS selection (optional)

Database System Development Lifecycle

 Application design
 Prototyping
yp g (optional)
( p )
 Implementation
 Data conversion and loading
 Testing
 Operational maintenance
Stages of the Database System
Development Lifecycle
Database Planning

 Management activities that allow stages of

database system development lifecycle to be
realized as efficiently and effectively as

 Must be integrated with overall IS strategy of

the organization.
Database Planning – Mission Statement

 Mission statement for the database project

defines major aims of database application.

 Those driving database project normally define

the mission statement.
 Mission statement helps clarify purpose of the
database project and provides clearer path
towards the efficient and effective creation of
q database system.
Database Planning – Mission Objectives

 Once mission statement is defined, mission

objectives are defined.

 Each objective should identify a particular task

that the database must support.
 May be accompanied by some additional
information that specifies the work to be done,
the resources with which to do it, and the
money y to pay
p y for it all.
Database Planning

 Database planning should also include

development of standards that govern:
 how data will be collected,
 how the format should be specified,
 what necessary documentation will be needed,
 how design and implementation should proceed.
System Definition

 Describes scope and boundaries of database

y and the major
j user views.

 User view defines what is required of a

d t b
database system
t from
f perspective
ti of:f
 a particular job role (such as Manager or
Supervisor) or
 enterprise application area (such as marketing,
personnel, or stock control).
System Definition

 Database application may have one or more

user views.
 Identifying user views helps ensure that no
major users of the database are forgotten
when developing requirements for new system.
 User views also help
p in development
p of
complex database system allowing
requirements to be broken down into
bl pieces.
Representation of a Database System with
Multiple User Views
Requirements Collection and Analysis

 Process of collecting and analyzing information

about the part of organization to be supported
by the database system, and using this
information to identify users’ requirements of
new system.
Requirements Collection and Analysis

 Information is gathered for each major user view

 a description of data used or generated;
 details of how data is to be used/generated;
 any additional requirements for new database system.

 Information is analyzed to identify requirements

to be included in new database system. Described
in the requirements specification.
Requirements Collection and Analysis

 Another important activity is deciding

how to manage the requirements for
a database system with multiple user
 Three main approaches:
 centralized approach;
 view integration approach;
 combination
bi ti off both
b th approaches.
Requirements Collection and Analysis

 Centralized approach
 Requirements for each user view are
merged into a single set of requirements.
 A data model is created representing all
user views during the database design
Centralized Approach to Managing Multiple
User Views
Requirements Collection and Analysis

 View integration approach

 Requirements for each user view remain as
separate lists.
 Data models representing each user view are
t d andd then
th merged d later
l t during
d i the
th database
d t b
design stage.
Requirements Collection and Analysis

 Data model representing single user view (or a

subset of all user views)) is called a local data

 Each model includes diagrams and

documentation describing g requirements
q for one
or more but not all user views of database.
Requirements Collection and Analysis

 Local data models are then merged at a later

g duringg database design
g to produce
p a gglobal
data model, which represents all user views for
the database.
View Integration Approach to Managing
Multiple User Views
Database Design

 Process of creating a design for a database that

will support the enterprise’s mission statement
and mission objectives for the required
database system.
Database Design

 Main approaches include:

 Top-down
 Bottom-up
 Inside-out
 Mixed
Database Design

 Main purposes of data modeling include:

 to assist in understanding the meaning (semantics)
of the data;
 to facilitate communication about the information
i t

 Building
g data model requires
q answering g
questions about entities, relationships, and
Database Design

 A data model ensures we understand:

- each user’s perspective of the data;
- nature of the data itself, independent of its physical
- use of data across user views.
Criteria to Produce an Optimal
p Data Model
Database Design

 Three phases of database design:

 Conceptual
C t l database
d t b design
d i
 Logical database design
 Ph i l database
Physical d t b design.
d i
Conceptual Database Design

 Process of constructing a model of the data

used in an enterprise,
p independent
p of all
physical considerations.

 Data
D t model
d l iis b
ilt using
i the
th information
i f ti ini
users’ requirements specification.

 Conceptual data model is source of

information for logical
g design
g phase.
Logical Database Design

 Process of constructing a model of the data

used in an enterprise based on a specific data
model (e.g. relational), but independent of a
particular DBMS and other physical
id ti

 Conceptual data model is refined and mapped

on to a logical data model.
Physical Database Design

 Process of producing a description of the

database implementation
p on secondary y storage.

 Describes base relations, file organizations, and

i d
indexes usedd tto achieve
hi efficient
ffi i t access to
t data.
d t
Also describes any associated integrity
constraints and security measures.

 Tailored to a specific
p DBMS system.
Three-Level ANSI-SPARC Architecture and
Phases of Database Design
DBMS Selection

 Selection of an appropriate DBMS to support

the database system.
 Undertaken at any time prior to logical design
provided sufficient information is available
regarding system requirements.
 Main steps to selecting a DBMS:
 define Terms of Reference of study;
 shortlist two or three products;
 evaluate products;
 recommend selection and produce report.
DBMS Evaluation Features
DBMS Evaluation Features
Example - Evaluation of DBMS Product
Application Design

 Design of user interface and application

programs that use and process the database.

 Database design and application design are

parallel activities.

 Includes two important activities:

 transaction design;
 user interface design.
Application Design - Transactions

 An action, or series of actions, carried out by a

single user or application program, which
accesses or changes content of the database.

 Should define and document the high-level

high level
characteristics of the transactions required.
Application Design - Transactions

 I
Important characteristics
h i i off transactions:
 data to be used by the transaction;
 functional characteristics of the transaction;
 output of the transaction;
 importance to the users;
 expected rate of usage.

 Three main
Th i types
t off transactions:
t ti retrieval,
t i l
update, and mixed.

 Building working model of a database system.

 Purpose
 to identify features of a system that work well, or are
 to suggest improvements or even new features;
 to clarify the users’ requirements;
 to evaluate feasibility of a particular system design.

 Physical
Ph i l realization
li i off the
h ddatabase
b and
d application
li i
 Use DDL to create database schemas and empty
database files.
 Use DDL to create any specified user views.
 Use 3GL or 4GL to create the application programs.This
will include the database transactions implemented
using the DML,
DML possibly embedded in a host
programming language.
Data Conversion and Loading

 Transferring
T f i any existing
i i data
d into
i new database
d b
and converting any existing applications to run on
new database.

 Only required when new database system is

replacing an old system.
 DBMS normally has utility that loads existing files into
new database.
 May be possible to convert and use application
programs from old system for use by new system.

 Process of running the database system with intent

of finding errors.

 Use carefully planned test strategies and realistic

 Testing cannot show absence of faults; it can show
only that software faults are present.
 Demonstrates that database and application
programs appear to be working according to
i t

 Should also test usability of system.

 Evaluation conducted against a usability
ifi i
 Examples
p of criteria include:
 Learnability;
 Performance;
 Robustness;
 Recoverability;
 Ad
Operational Maintenance

 Process of monitoring and maintaining

database system following installation.
 Monitoring performance of system.
 if p
performance falls, may
y require
q tuning
g or
reorganization of the database.
 Maintaining and upgrading database
li ti ((when
h required).
i d)
 Incorporating new requirements into database
CASE Tools

 Support provided by CASE tools include:

- data dictionaryy to store information about
database system’s data;
- design tools to support data analysis;
- tools to permit development of corporate data
model, and conceptual and logical data models;
- tools
l to enable
bl prototypingi off applications.
li i
CASE Tools

 Provide following benefits:

 Standards;
 Integration;
 Support for standard methods;
 Consistency;
 Automation .
CASE Tools and Database System
Development Lifecycle
Data Administration and Database

 The Data Administrator (DA) and Database

Administrator (DBA) are responsible for
managing and controlling the corporate data
and corporate database, respectively.

 DA is more concerned with early stages of

database system development lifecycle and
DBA is more concerned with later stages.
Data Administration

 Management of data resource including:

 database planning,
p g,
 development and maintenance of standards,
policies and procedures, and conceptual and logical
database design.
Data Administration

 Management of data resource including:

 database planning,
p g,
 development and maintenance of standards,
policies and procedures, and conceptual and logical
database design.
Database Administration

 Management of physical realization of a

database system
y including:
 physical database design and implementation,
 setting security and integrity controls,
 monitoring system performance, and reorganizing
the database.

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