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CCC-ODFC01-03 - Elders' Eyes Upon You PDF

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The document discusses an adventure involving a request from Rastol Shan to retrieve an item stolen from the Tower of Arcane Might without alerting the Thayans. It also details magical items and effects that could be gained from the adventure.

Rastol Shan has summoned the characters to the Tower of Arcane Might and told them to be discrete, as the last time he said that there was a coup in Mulmaster. He wants the characters to retrieve something that has been stolen without the Thayans being alerted.

The spellbook is filled with spells ranging from 1st to 9th level and is immune to many damaging effects. It also projects a shield to prevent objects from striking it.


EldErs’ EyEs Upon yoU

Rastol Shan has summoned you to the Tower of Arcane Might and told you to be discrete. The last time the chief of the
Cloaks said that, there was a coup in Mulmaster. This time, something has been stolen that he wants retrieved without
the Thayans being alerted.

A four hour adventure for 11th- 16th level characters .

Adventure Designer

Module Code: CCC-ODFC01-03

Version 1.1

Producer: James Winfield

Convention Adventurers League Organizer: Darion Smith
Editing and Playtesting: Bruce A, Kenneth B, William C, Ernesto G, Jackin J, Donald M, Michael Zhang
Layout: Leigh Smith, Jesse Tudela
Cartography: Darion Smith
Organized Play: Chris Lindsay
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Matt Senett
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected
under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park,
Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
you’d like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to
use in combat. Familiarize yourself with the
adventure’s appendices and handouts.
Welcome to Elders’ Eyes Upon You, part of the D&D  WARNING: This adventure makes extensive use of
Adventurers’ League, and the Convention Created spellcasting monsters which use spells from
Content program. This adventure premiered at 1d4Con Xanathar’s Guide to Everything in addition to
2017, a local gaming convention in Martinsburg, West spells from the Player’s Handbook.
Virginia. This adventure is designed for three to  Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in
seven 11th - 16th level characters, and optimized for running this adventure – such as notecards, a DM
five characters of 15th level. Characters outside of this screen, miniatures, and battlemaps.
level range cannot participate in this adventure.  Ask the players to provide you with relavant
character information, such as name, race, class,
and level; passive Wisdom (Perception), and
anything specified as notable by the adventure
This adventure provides suggestions in making (such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, other passive
adjustments for smaller or larger groups, characters of skills, etc.)
higher or lower levels, and characters that are
otherwise a bit more powerful than the adventure is
optimized for. You’re not bound to these adjustments;
they’re here for your convenience. You have the most important role – facilitating the
To figure out whether you should consider adjusting enjoyment of the game for the players. You provide the
the adventure, add up the total levels of all the narrative and bring the words on these pages to life.
characters and divide the total by the number of To facilitate this, keep in mind the following:
characters (round an average level of X.5 or greater up, You’re Empowered. Make decisions about how the
otherwise round down). This is the group’s APL. To group interacts with the adventure; adjusting or
approximate the party strength for the adventure, improvising is encouraged, so long as you maintain the
consult the following table. adventure’s spirit. This doesn’t allow you to implement
house rules or change those of the Adventurers League,
DETERMINING PARTY STRENGTH however; they should be consistent in this regard.
Party Composition Party Strength Challenge Your Players. Gauge the experience level
3-4 characters, APL less than Very Weak of the players (not the characters), try to feel out (or
3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak ask) what they like in a game, and attempt to deliver
3-4 characters, APL greater than Average the experience they’re after. Everyone should have the
5 characters, APL less than Weak opportunity to shine.
5 characters, APL equivalent Average Keep the Adventure Moving. When the game
5 Characters, APL greater than Strong starts to get bogged down, feel free to provide hints
6-7 characters, APL less than Average and clues to your players so they can attempt to solve
6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong puzzles, engage in combat, and roleplay interactions
6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong without getting too frustrated over lack of information.
This gives players “little victories” for figuring out good
Some encounters make include a sidebar that offers choices from clues. Watch for stalling - play loses
suggestions for certain party strengths. If a particular momentum when this happens. At the same time,
recommendation is not offered or appropriate for your make sure players don’t finish too early; provide them
group, you don’t have to make adjustments. with a full play experience.

Players with the acolyte background may call on the
Before you start play, consider the following: following temples during this adventure:
 Read through the adventure, taking notes of Mulmaster: Azuth, Cyric, Loviatar, Mystra, Tymora
anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself
of while the running the adventure, such as a way
CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 2
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
length of time, Shan has decided to call on trusted,
powerful adventurers to administer justice.
A couple of years ago, the Cults of Elemental Evil were For more information on devastation orbs, consult
causing all sorts of havoc in the area around Mulmaster, the Princes of the Apocalypse hardcover adventure. For
as well as within the city itself (DDEX02-01 – DDEX02- more information on Mulmaster and the Brotherhood
16), culminating in the Battle of Mulmaster (DDEP2), of the Cloaks, consult the State of Mulmaster for
when all four elemental cults joined forces to assault information prior to the Battle of Mulmaster and The
the city. Using devastation orbs, they wreaked untold City of Danger: Reconstruction for information following
havoc on the once proud city, including the destruction the battle. Both articles are available on the
of the valuable harbor and waterfront districts. Adventurers’ League website and through the DM’s
Hundreds of Mulmaster’s Soldiery, City Watch, and Guild.
Cloaks died in the battle, along with thousands of During this adventure, the characters receive Shan’s
Mulmaster’s citizens, as the cults unleashed the quest to eliminate the Heartshadows, “travel” to the
elemental fury of the magical bombs known as difficult and unforgiving terrain of the high Earthspur
devastation orbs. Thus weakened, the city was unable mountains, then assault the base the Heartshadows
to say ‘No’ when agents of the Thayan Empire offered have reinforced with numerous followers before
to help with rebuilding. fighting the two traitors for control of the missing orb.
Unbeknownst to most everyone, a squad of Cloaks,
working with some adventurers, captured one of the
devastation orbs during the battle. Somehow, it was
damaged in the fight without being set off. When the
Cloaks brought it to Rastol Shan, head of the MEMBER OF THE CLOAKS
Brotherhood, he promoted them and swore them to As a member of the Brotherhood of the Cloaks, Rastol
secrecy with magically binding oaths. The adventurers Shan can demand your presence. Instead, he has
he executed, except for one, who had fallen in love with chosen to request it politely. Give these players the
one of the Cloaks, and was willing to be magically appropriate note.
bound as well. Shan quickly set the now bound Cloaks
to studying the orb, hoping to unlock elemental secrets HERO OF MULMASTER
to improve the effectiveness of elemental spells, or use Rastol Shan contacts people who have served the city of
an understanding of how the orbs directly channeled Mulmaster in the past, most likely in the adventures of
the fury of the elemental planes into the Prime Material Season 2: Elemental Evil, especially people with the
to decrease the magical requirements of opening a Story Award To Wear the Cloak who are not members
planar portal. He would need any advantage he could of the Brotherhood of the Cloaks, or individuals who
get to eventually drive the Thayans from his city. participated in DDEX2-14: The Sword of Selfaril and did
After about a year of study, the leader of the team, not receive the Persona Non Grata story award, or
Brinora Heartshadow, nee Fogoreth, and the DDEP2: Mulmaster Undone. Give these players the
adventurer, Richard Heartshadow, her new husband, appropriate note.
slaughtered the team in the middle of a meeting with
skills and weapons they had not previously FAMOUS MERCENARY
demonstrated, and then fled the Tower of Arcane Might Tales of your prowess have reached the ears of one
and apparently the remains of the city. Richard died of such as this, as has your reputation for getting things
his wounds afterwards, but was brought “back” by the done. As the leader of the Brotherhood of the Cloaks,
primordial powers they had chosen to serve, in the sort Rastol Shan commands riches and resources in
of joke cruel gods might play. Rastol Shan was occupied significant amounts, despite the current state of
by first the demonic incursion in the Underdark, and Mulmaster. In exchange for service, he’d likely be
then by retaking Phlan, and the mysterious events that willing to part with some of them. Or maybe owe you a
winter, but he did not forgive, and he did not forget. It favor. Give these players the appropriate note.
took him some time, but using various methods of
scrying, he eventually located what he believes to be Faction Hooks: If the players wish to consult with their
the two renegades. Unable to leave the city for any faction after receiving Shan’s note, use the following

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 3

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
EMERALD ENCLAVE 2. Modules Played
Reports of strange weather patterns and creatures have a. DDEX2-14 The Sword of Selfaril
been coming in from the areas near Mulmaster b. DDEP2 Mulmaster Undone
recently. Previously, unnatural destruction on a c. DDEP4 Reclamation of Phlan
massive scale resulted when such signs were observed.
The only thing that could be doing this is magic – see
what the leader of the mages in Mulmaster wants, and
find out if it has anything to do with what is going on.

The Brotherhood of the Cloaks contains numerous
Harper agents and those sympathetic to the Harper
cause. Additionally, helping Shan can only mean
weakening Thay’s grip on the city of Mulmaster, which
would not be a bad thing.

Thay’s grip on Mulmaster is stifling the rightful heirs to
the city and its power. There are rumors Shan wants to
move against them, but no one can put stock in such
things, can they? There are always rumors, after all.
Find out.


Shan is known to be fair and just in his dealings, if
suspiciously self-interested. But he always is looking
out for Mulmaster, even if his definition of greater good
doesn’t always agree with the Order. But last time he
asked for help, the Church of Bane had a near complete
collapse in the City of Danger, so hopefully something
good will come of this.

The goody-two-shoes are sending their agents, and we
still have a lot of people left in the ghettos who were
hurt hard by the destruction wrought on the city. If we
can make friends with Shan, he can certainly help us
help those among the family who need it most. And
besides, he’s not a cheapskate – I bet you get paid really
well for whatever it is he wants.


1. Story Awards:
a. Persona Non Grata (DDEX2-14)
b. To Wear the Cloak (DDEX2-2, 2-3, CCC-CIC-4,
possibly others)
c. Mushroom of Connection (CCC-ODFC01-01)
d. Chaotic Blessing of the Queen of Spiders (CCC-

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Roleplaying Rastol Shan
Rastol Shan has hidden his true self for decades,
and is vastly experienced at presenting himself as
human. At no time should the players be given a
As always, the Tower of Arcane Might stands reason to suspect he is anything but an elderly
prominently among the towers of the Blades of human mage.
Mulmaster, serene, but still wearing its battle scars He knows almost all the questions the characters
proudly. Those with regular access are very aware might ask of him, and has answers prepared well in
of the façade, and have seen the organization known advance. If detect magic is used, he does not
register as anything but human with some
as the Brotherhood of the Cloaks charging about in a
abjuration magic and a few points sources of energy
that read as magic items, thanks to a non-detection
spell cloaked with a Nystul’s magic aura cast at 8th
Today is not one of those days, however. Members
level. The two spells also block effects that would
of the organization move confidently about their return any details of his true nature or alignment,
business, with no more rush than any other though things capable of affecting him because of
bureaucrat in any other city in the Realms. One such his true nature as undead still work normally, such
functionary was waiting to greet you at the gate of as turn undead. Should the characters for some
the facility, and recognized you as you approached reason attempt to confront him over his true
with a welcome in your own perfectly pronounced nature, he will laugh off the accusation, then decide
that maybe they aren’t the right people for the job
name. While not sumptuous, the guardroom where
he has in mind after all.
he had you wait until the appointed time (and As a powerful lich, he keeps neither his spellbook
everyone else arrived) was stocked with your nor his phylactery on his person, and deliberately
favorite drink and a selection of nibbles. keeps his actions purposeful and non-threatening as
to avoid confrontations that might expose his
Once everyone was present, the secretary took you nature. He speaks in a charismatic, resonant
and your new companions on a winding path baritone, and always wears an ornate, silvery mask.
through the tower – which you are absolutely Adventurers at this level, he affords a level of
certain was not as big outside as in. The summons respect he rarely has shown, though he is never
anything but polite.
from Rastol Shan became more mysterious as you
were taken into a room sealed with a number of Shan’s briefing is succinct and to the point. He offers
wards, to which the man knew all the passwords, the characters 1000 gp each to travel to a location he
has determined by scrying, kill two people located near
but the room proved to be empty, except what
there, and bring him, if possible, what they stole from
appeared to be left over remains from some form of the Tower of Arcane Might, and not ever let the
arcane experiments. A door on the far side led to a Thayans know what happened.
similiarly distressed office, holding a single cloaked When the inevitable follow up questions come, he
individual. will elaborate.
 A devastation orb was captured during the Battle of
Mulmaster. He had a team of Cloaks studying it.
The cloaked individual is Rastol Shan, and immediately
 The team was headed by Brinora Heartshadow, an
recognizable as such to anyone who has met him
archmage who specialized in abjuration magic.
Security was handled by her husband, a swordmage
Shan greets the characters by name, and checks that
by the name of Richard. They betrayed the team,
they all know each other, at least by reputation. He
killed them all, and stole the orb.
dismisses the secretary, who closes the door behind
him. Feel free to name drop any character you know of  They took all of their notes with them.
who is a member of the Cloaks of rank 8 or higher that  This took place roughly a year after the Battle of
is not playing the module as the secretary’s name, or Mulmaster, or roughly a year prior to now.
give him or her a random name.

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
 He had difficulty finding them via his scrying, which
is why he’s only called the adventurers now. There
are very strong magical protections in place, as well Tower of Arcane Might Quartermaster
as something disrupting the Weave in the area. Armor (PHB p 145): All items available
 If the two have accumulated followers in the Weapons (PHB p 149): All items available
intervening time, eliminate the followers as well. Adventuring Gear (PHB p 150): All items available,
 The Thayans have been sending search teams all with additional items: desert clothing 4gp, sand
over the White Worm Glacier and the Earthspur shoes 5 gp, cold weather clothing 4 gp, snow shoes
Mountains looking for artifacts and ruins. Avoid 5 gp, snow goggles 2gp, crampons 2 gp, cross-
those teams if at all possible. Eliminate them if not. country skis and poles 8 gp, mountaineer tent (2
The Thayans cannot be permitted to know about person) 6 gp
the orb, or worse, that the Cloaks had it and Tools (PHB p 154): All items available
allowed it to be stolen. If a confrontation is unwise, Mounts and Other Animals (PHB p 157): No
and the Thayans are unaware of the orb, they can elephants, add a mountain pony (a pony with long
be permitted to depart contingent on their shaggy fur and resistance to cold damage) for 200
continued lack of awareness. gp
 Any additional information from the adventure Tack and Harness (PHB p 157): No carriages or
background section that doesn’t make him look chariots. 2 carts, 2 sleds, 1 wagon available. All
bad. other items.
 Shan has allies in the area with their own interests. Waterborn Vehicles (PHB p 157): Only 1 rowboat
If the party is able to assist those allies directly, it is available.
recommended that they do so. The assault is being Spellcasting Components: Anything under 1000 gp
coordinated with those allies, so timing is crucial. in value. The quartmaster also issues spell scrolls to
 Shan will open a gate for them in exactly one hour. members of the Cloaks of sufficient rank if
They will be deployed directly over the combat requested.
zone. As such, he will provide the party with a Potions: The quartmaster is willing to exchange a
HALFF (High-Altitude, Low Feather Fall) runestone potion of superior healing for a Mushroom of
that he learned of from a wizard over on the Sword Connection (Story Award from CCC-ODFC01-01
Coast. It can be snapped in half and apply feather Hammer and Anvil). He has a maximum of three
fall to up to 7 creatures, including the caster, within potions.
60 feet of the person snapping the runestone. It
does not have to be snapped at the beginning of a Individuals who are not members of the Cloaks pay
fall, unlike casting the spell normally. He admits, if a 5% surcharge on any purchases of under 1000gp
questioned, that the magic is still experimental, and and a 2% surcharge on any purchase over that. For
likely will not last longer than 6 hours or so. example, a suit of plate armor is 1500 gp + 50gp (5%
 They can purchase any gear needed from the first 1000) + 10 gp (2% over 1000) for a total of
Tower’s quartermaster. 1560 gp. Non-Cloak members are given a stern
 When he sends you through the gate, remember to warning about the use of components for arcane
breathe out to deal with an abrupt altitude change. spells by the quartermaster.

Once he has answered all of the adventurers’ questions,

To save time, this information is also included in Player
and they have made any purchases they need to make,
Shan will escort them into a larger room where any Handout 2.
Large or larger sized allies will be waiting for them. He
This would an appropriate time to roll a dice for those
gives them a silver hand mirror, with instructions to
speak his name into it when the task is done. He will players with the Chaotic Blessing of the Queen of
cast another spell to bring them back to this room. The Spiders from CCC-ODFC01-02. On an odd number, they
head of the Cloaks will then cast a modified version of have disadvantage on their first d20 roll of the game.
arcane gate to send the party to the location he has On an even, they have advantage.
identified and can reach with spells – some 6000 feet
directly over the combat zone.
CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 6
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
speed automatically gain control of their fall if they take
an action to do so.

The battle rushes quickly up towards you, or perhaps

Advice to Dungeon Masters: It is strongly encouraged you down towards it, as your speed increases and
that you keep this section moving quickly to heighten the wind tears at your ears.
the tension and speed of falling from such a height.
Using initiative order is not necessary, but going in the As the battle approaches, it resolves into things you
order the party would have stepped through the portal can identify – griffons with riders swooping and
would emphasize certain party members being closer to fighting, while avoiding ground fire from the base
the ground than others. Consider allowing players no below that must be your destination. Two forces
more than 30 seconds (or less) to decide on their course
clearly are involved – skirmishers in the green cloaks
of action. A falling creature will reach terminal velocity
and impact the ground in approximately 20 seconds of the Emerald Enclave’s Earthspur Rangers
from 6000 feet. opposing a force of metal clad knights riding barded
griffons, whose weapons crackle with elemental
Emergence from Rastal Shan’s gate is a violently energies. With your extensive combat experience,
abrupt change from the sea level of Mulmaster. You you know you can add relatively little to the swirling
immediately begin to plunge downward through the scrum of their melee, but must simply hope to pass
freezing, thin air with the entirety of the Earthspur through it unscathed and continue to your objective.
Mountain range spread out below you. It would be
a rare bird or even dragon to venture this high above Each member of the party gets 1 action at this point to
Toril’s surface, but magic is a wonderful, terrible prepare themselves to pass through the battle at an
thing. The peaks of the mountains are over a mile insane downward velocity. In addition to gaining
below you, but it won’t be long until your landing, control of their fall as described previously, reward
creative preparations, such as a character with the
even with Shan’s magic runestone to slow your
Shield Master feat placing their shield in front of them
descent. Assuming that it works. and curling up behind it. At the end of each character’s
turn, have them make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) or
A flash far below catches your attention – spellfire.
Strength (Athletics) check. Creatures which have gained
The battle has already begun, and you are going into control of their fall have a +5 bonus on this check.
it head first. Compare the result to the following table:

Each character and accompanying creature that 20+ The creature passes through the battle
breathes must immediately make a DC 12 Constitution without damage.
saving throw as the abrupt change in air pressure and 17-19 The creature is attacked by one side or the
temperature tries to damage their bodies. Creatures other, decided randomly. +11 to hit, 8 (1d8+4)
with pressure or altitude adaptation, such as goliaths or piercing damage or +9 to hit, 8 (1d8+4)
tritons, have advantage on this saving throw. If the slashing plus 5 (2d4) acid, cold, fire, lightning
player remembers to state that they are breathing out, or thunder damage.
the DC of the save is only 10. Failure on the save is 10 14-16 The creature sideswipes one of the griffons,
(3d6) force damage. The damage is doubled if they fail dealing 35 bludgeoning damage to both
the save by more than 5. creatures.
10-13 As the results of both 14-16 and 17-19.
Each character can take 1 action or bonus action as they <10 The creature slams headlong into one of the
fall. If they wish to gain better control of their dive, griffons, dealing 60 bludgeoning damage to
they can make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity both creatures. (This will kill the griffon – it
(Acrobatics) check as their action. Creatures with a fly and its rider join the descent in an
uncontrolled manner – they do not live.)

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
they strike the ground. This damage can be mitigated
After each creature makes its skill check, it also must with appropriate abilities.
make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 15 to avoid
the ground fire. On an even result, the creature falls Once the HALFF or other feather fall effect is activated,
through a fireball dealing 28 (8d6) fire damage on a each creature affected by them can take one additional
failure or half that much on a success. On an odd result, action before they hit the ground.
the creature is nearly struck by one of the ballista bolts
being fired upward into the combat. These deal 36 Any creature which does not have control of its fall can
(8d8) piercing damage (or 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage gain it automatically during this period as an action if it
and the restrained condition (escape DC 14), DM’s chooses to do so. Any creature not in control of its fall
choice) on a failure, and no damage on a success. will land prone, despite the effects of feather fall.

You are a mere second or two from the ground,
If the characters all survive the approach to the fortress,
traveling a rate that will surely mean your doom if award each party member 500 XP.
the HALFF runestone fails in its singular purpose.

You have no choice but to assume it will, and

prepare for your landing in the snow.

If the character carrying the HALFF runestone is

unconscious (possible, but unlikely), add the following

As you watch with horror, your companion carrying

the runestone falls limply through the air,
completely out of control, and the tiny runestone
slings free of a hand that can no longer hold it.

Any creature that struck a griffon or was damaged by

ground fire (fireball or ballista) is out of position and
more than 60 feet (the activation radius) from the
character with the runestone, and must spend their
final turn falling getting back into position. If they are
still not in control of their fall, they must make that
check to become so. Alternatively, a character who is in
control of their fall can make a mid-air interception to
assist that character in gaining control – consuming
both characters’ actions this round. If necessary, a
character in control of their fall can use any ability that
they have (such as a monk’s Deflect Missiles ability) or
a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to catch the
runestone quickly enough to break it. The character
holding the runestone uses their action to break it and
allow the party to land safely (if they want to).

Any creature not under the effect of feather fall will

take 120 (20d6 maximized) bludgeoning damage when

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
feet from the doors. If in control of their descent, they
can choose to land further away from the doors than 35
feet, but no further than 90 feet, which is where the
plateau drops off down the mountainside. Distance is
calculated from the center point of the doors.
Move swift as the Wind and closely-formed as the
Wood. Attack like Fire and be still like the Mountain.
--Sun Tzu, The Art of War Ballista
Large Object
The cultist garrison guarding the entrance to the Hit Points: 50
mountain fortress consists of the following creatures: Damage Immunites: poison, psychic
32 Elemental Cultists Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
2 Kennel Masters 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing
4 Hell Hounds damage.
4 Winter Wolves Chain Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
1 Elemental Mage: Hydromancer 120/480 ft., one creature. Hit: Target is restrained
1 Elemental Mage: Geomancer (escape DC 14)
1 Elemental Mage: Aethermancer
1 Elemental Mage: Pyromancer
Snow swirls up from multiple impacts as the
6 Ballista in bunkers (areas B5 and B5.2)
adventures slam down before the imposing face of a
fortress that seems to have been directly shaped
MODIFYING THE ENCOUNTER from the mountainside. Dark caverns are pierced
Adjustments are not cumulative
with the lethal looking heads of ballista swiveling to
Very Weak: The Elemental Cultists have 9 HP.
Remove 2 hell hounds, 2 winter wolves, and 1 meet your sudden presence, and archer’s posts are
kennel master. Remove 2 Elemental Mages of scattered across the sullen surface. Imposing doors
your choice. 4 Ballista are targeted at the aerial are sealed to your entry, and before them await a
combat and take 3 rounds to retarget the ground. lethal looking pack of giant war dogs.
Weak: Remove 4 elemental hounds and 1 kennel
master. Remove 1 Elemental Mage of your choice.
3 Ballista are targeted at the aerial combat. AT THE END OF THE FIRST ROUND OF COMBAT:
Strong: Add 2 hell hounds, 2 winter wolves and a From out of the sky, with a sickening thump, an
kennel master. The Ballista take 1 round to armored griffin slams into the ground, sending its
retarget the ground. rider flying like a ragdoll. Already dead, the figure in
Very Strong: Add 2 hell hounds, 2 winter wolves
heavy plate is a stark reminder that the ground
and a kennel master. The Elemental Cultists have
25 HP. All Ballista are targeting the ground at the combat is not the only fight here.
beginning of combat.
Any character that is outside the fortress with a passive
Wisdom (Perception) of 20 or higher will notice that the
Currently, 2 ballista (in areas B5.2) are pointed skyward rider and the griffin are wearing matching necklaces.
to fire at the aerial combat. It will take 2 rounds to Investigation reveals the necklaces to worthless
bring them back to where they can fire on ground monetarily, but containing abjuration and enchantment
targets. magic.
When the party hits the ground, the impacts throw up a GENERAL FEATURES
great deal of snow, creating conditions that are lightly Lighting: The day is brightly lit, and the sunshine
obscured. Any party member in control of their descent reflects off of the snow and ice here above the world as
lands between 25 and 35 feet from the doors of the well, providing disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
fortress (area B1), while others land between 35 and 60 checks to see things more than 120 feet away or on

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ranged attack rolls targeting things more than 120 feet published by Wizards of the Coast) as well as an average
away, unless the character has snow goggles. of 10 gp each (360 gp total).
The interior of the cult fortress is brightly lit from
continual flame spells on wall decorations. B4. OFFICER BARRACKS
Terrain: The plateau is covered with ice and snow, but These rooms are more finely decorated, and are home
used routinely by the cultists here. Any creature taking to more senior members of the cult’s rank and file,
the Dash action on their turn while on the ground must including the mages and kennel masters. Each of these
make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone at the rooms sleeps two cult members, with appropriate
end of the movement, unless they can ignore difficult facilities.
terrain posed by ice and snow.
Wind: The curve of the mountain blocks the majority of TREASURE
the wind in the combat area, allowing snow that is Each cultist’s wardrobe contains an average of 50 gp
churned up to settle in 1 round. worth of money (400gp total), 2 trinkets (determined by
Other Senses: The sounds of battle echo from above, a d100 roll on the trinket table in the Player’s Handbook
and the sounds of men working hard and angry dogs are or other AL legal trinket table published by Wizards of
prevalent on the ground. Wet dog, snow, and boiling oil the Coast). One of the wardrobes contains a potion of
are the obvious smells if someone checks. superior healing.


Stout stone doors barricade each end of this small This 15 foot square room contains a ballista with two
room. A DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check is required to types of shot. It is just large enough to hold the ballista,
crack the bars holding each door shut. A crowbar 10 bolts (6 standard and 4 chain), and the crew of 5
cannot be used for advantage because of the magical needed to operate the machine quickly. The ballistae
formation of the doors out of solid stone. The doors are mounted on a geared apparatus that allows for
have a +10 on saves against effects that would force quick changes in firing angle and elevation, and as such,
them open, such as a thunderwave spell, 50 HP, a have a firing arc of 45 degrees off of center.
damage threshold of 15, an AC of 10, and resistance to When the crew of five elemental cultists is present,
piercing and slashing damage, as well as immunity to the first two spend their turns loading the ballista, the
poison and psychic damage. next aims it, the fourth refines the aim (granting
advantage on the attack roll), and the last fires it. As
The hell hounds and winter wolves form a mixed line the cultists die, the aiming refinement stops first,
15 feet in front of the outer doors, with five to ten feet followed by a single cultist loading. If a single cultist has
between them. The kennel masters are located to load more than 5 rounds on their own, they must
between the center of each group of 4 dogs and the make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw for each
outer wall of the fortress. additional round or suffer a muscle strain, which gives
them the effect of being poisoned. While the cultists
B2. BARRACKS HALLWAY are aware of the tiring effects of a single loader, in
Like the rest of the facility, this hallway appears to have combat, they do not take the time to switch positions –
been magically formed out of the stone of the because of the close quarters in the bunkers, it takes a
mountain. full turn from everyone present to rearrange the firing
team. Creatures and objects inside the ballista bunker
B3. CULTIST BARRACKS have partial cover (+2 AC) against creatures outside the
These two rooms consist of bunk beds for the rank and fortress. To enter the bunker from the ground outside
file cultists following Brinora’s message. Each set of the fortress requires a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check
beds has a foot locker at either end for the two cultists to pull oneself to the firing port. A Small creature
who use it. makes this check with disadvantage as they have
trouble reach the firing port. A DC 10 Dexterity
TREASURE (Acrobatics) check is required to move through the
Each of the 36 footlockers holds a random trinket firing port and land on your feet inside. A Small
(determined by a d100 roll on the trinket table in the creature makes this check with advantage.
Player’s Handbook or other AL legal trinket table

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These slightly larger bunkers are otherwise identical the This room contains fairly advanced bathing and toilet
downstairs bunkers, except that they also contain an facilities. It gleams strongly of conjuration, evocation,
arrowslit along the front wall, next to the opening for and transmutation magic when investigated with detect
the ballista. These arrowslits provide ¾ cover (+5 to AC) magic.
for any creature using them to fight out of. Elemental
Mages may use these as positions to fight from.

This room is a kennel for the hell hounds and winter
wolves, and smells appropriate to that purpose. The
most impressive feature is straw training dummies that
have been chewed, burned, and frozen. They are
worthless now.


This room holds two cauldrons that sit over magical
fires that quickly bring their contents to a boil on
command. It takes an action to speak the command
word “Naxotas” (Orcish for ‘heat’) which activates both
fires. The cauldrons are ready in 5 rounds. Each
cauldron can be dumped as an action, pouring oil onto
the 10 x 10 square beneath it in room B1. If fully
heated, the oil does 17 (5d6) fire damage to the
creatures it dumps on to, or half as much with a
successful DC 15 Dexterity save. If the oil is not heated
for the full five rounds, decrease the fire damage by 1d6
for each round it was not heated completely. Refilling
the cauldrons with oil takes two cultists 1 minute, and
there is 1 refill for each cauldron present in barrels in
the corner of the room. There are two elemental
cultists present normally in this room.

There are arrowslits in this room, to either side of the

barrels. The arrowslits provide ¾ cover (+5 to AC) to
any creature inside against attacks from outside the cult
base. Elemental Mages may use these as positions to
fight from.

With sufficient ability to transport it, the oil in barrels
can be sold for 40 gp.


These tiny hallways are a mere 7 feet long and just 4
feet wide. They link the interior hallways to the cliff
face. Sealed at one end with hidden doors, the outside
edge contains simply an arrowslit. The arrowslits
provide ¾ cover (+5 to AC) to any creature inside
against attacks from outside the cult base. Elemental
Mages may use these as positions to fight from.

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Unlike all the other rooms you have been in so far,
this room is decorated elegantly, if somewhat
spartanly. A number of couches, chairs and tables
Advice to Dungeon Masters: This section is not meant
fill the room, but they have been rearranged in a
to contain combat, though it is very possible that many
parties engage with intent to kill the Thayans. If they do defensive manner, their normal locations obvious
so, offer them opportunities during the first round to see in scuffmarks on the stone floor.
that the Thayans are not fighting eagerly, or perhaps
attempt to negotiate still. After that, the Thayans fight Three tattooed humans in the blood red robes of
with the lethal skill that makes them feared the Realms the Thayan mage class stand behind four men in
over. A full combat could cause this section to drag out, heavy armor, clearly ready for a fight, but not
so don’t be afraid to call if it needed. immediately attacking either.
GENERAL FEATURES “Well, you don’t appear to work for the
Lighting: The interior of the cult fortress is brightly lit Heartshadows,” is the calm statement of the
from continual flame spells on wall decorations.
oldest, and most tattooed, looking of the three.
Terrain: The floor is smooth and dry inside the fortress.
Walls: The fortress has been formed out of solid rock.
The walls are as smooth as the floors, with shelves In the visitor’s quarters, there is a delegation of Thayan
formed directly into them where appropriate. The mages present, along with their bodyguards. They have
doors meld into the rock when closed, leaving only a no quarrel with the party, particularly not if they figure
thin line that reveals their presence and a 1 inch gap at out that the party is from Mulmaster. They will attempt
the bottom of each door. to negotiate their freedom in preference to fighting
Detect Magic: Any time the detect magic spell is used their way free.
inside the fortress, the entire thing glows of strong, but The group consists of a Thayan Necromancer, Urth
very faded, transmutation magic. Additionally, Jos, a Thayan Acolyte, a Thayan Apprentice, and 4
evocation is strong where continual flame spells are Thayan Knights. The necromancer does most of the
mounted to provide light. Various spots in the corners talking. Urth knows the following information about
and along the ceilings are also rife with divination the situation:
magic, as Brinora uses a series of permanent arcane  The Heartshadows have been trying to convert him
eyes to keep watch on everything. Additionally, every and his people to their little cult. It’s amusing, but
doorway gleams with abjuration magic, as Brinora has the only reason he hasn’t left yet is he is pretty sure
installed permanent alarm spells in every doorway in that there is more information here he could learn
the complex so that she can monitor the comings and from. The cult hasn’t threatened them either, at
goings of everyone present. least, not yet, so he hasn’t felt like risking the wild
magic to cut his way through the cultists to leave.
 Brinora is arrogant and slightly paranoid. The
chapel area is guarded by riddles and magic. Urth is
sure anyone with the tiniest bit of intelligence can
figure them out. He does not share the answers
under any circumstances, including threats against
his life, though he knows them.
 Brinora is attempting to make weapons. He’s pretty
sure she is planning to destroy most of the major
cities she can get her hands on. Urth isn’t sure how,
or why she would want to do this – a conquered
people cannot serve if they are all dead, though
some could still serve, he supposes.
 Urth has only seen the Unstable Node once. He
won’t admit it, but it scared him (Wisdom (Insight)
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DC 20). He knows that Brinora and Richard are the glyph will deactivate it. The command words for
somehow connected to it – the regular cultists the various abilities of the chest are ‘Appear’,
seemed to bask in the pain in caused them when ‘Disappear’, and ‘Disarm’ spoken in Ancient Netherese.
they touched it, but Brinora and Richard were
unaffected by it – walking out of it while totally TREASURE
wreathed in flames. He also saw the elemental The chest is worth 6500gp intact, or 6000gp with the
hounds come out of it. glyph destroyed. Inside the chest are spell components
 Urth knows Brinora and Richard stole something worth an additional 500gp, a small replica of the chest
valuable from Rastol Shan, but doesn’t know what, worth 50gp as an art object, and 2 potions of greater
currently. healing. There is additionally a Thayan codebook, and a
journal of Urth Jos’ observations and experiments. The
If it comes to a fight, the Thayans attempt to carve their journal contains all of the information that Urth Jos
way to freedom, rather than fight to the death, and knows concerning the fortress and its occupants.
Urth will attempt to keep his whole party together. The Additionally, there is an elegant cloth of gold tapestry
Knights are sacrificed to keep the mages alive, though, depicting a siege on the City of Brass in the Elemental
and if that is not sufficient, the necromancer will Plane of Fire worth 500 gp.
abandon the others as well, fleeing in preference to
death. Not totally prepared for flight, though, he will
attempt to hide somewhere in the facility so that he can This room has two beds in it. It appears to be midway
return for equipment to survive the mountains outside. in comfort between the almost barracks-like quality of
the guard bedroom and the opulence of the Senior
T1. VISITOR’S QUARTERS COMMON ROOM Visitor’s quarters. There are two desks – each has a
This is where everyone is present if the Thayans are burned book in the center of the work area if the two
aware of combat in the facility. If by chance they are junior mages are dead. If the mages are not dead,
not, only the Thayan Apprentice and two Thayan these spellbooks have identical protections as the
Knights are present when the door is opened, and the necromancer’s spellbook.
furniture is not arranged defensively.
T2. VISITOR’S QUARTERS GUARD BEDROOM There are two visible chests containing a total of 350gp
Each of the Thayan Knights spends their down time worth of coinage and spell components. There is a
here. potion of healing in 1 chest and a potion of greater
healing in the other.
There are 100 gp between the 4 knights, and 4 potions
of healing.


If Urth Jos is dead, there is a burned book in the middle
of the desk in this room, destroyed beyond repair. Any
arcane caster can tell that it was an extensive spellbook.
The spellbook is sealed with magic. Any attempt to
open it without the password and Urth Jos’ blood will
result in it being destroyed. Urth Jos can also destroy
the spellbook with thought.
A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check of the
bedroom locates an invisible footlocker. Dispel magic
temporarily suppresses its invisibility, and once visible, a
DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a glyph
of warding trap set to destroy the chest and the
contents inside. The chest is 3 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet,
and made from the wood of a gulthias tree. A DC 18
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) or dispel magic targeted at
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The Cult of the Eye’s aerial component lives and works Jewelry, gems, and coin in the amount of 200 gp can
in this area. In the event that the party has moved also be found by searching the room. Tucked
through the fortress either stealthily or extremely underneath one of the pillows and found with a DC 15
quickly, the Elemental Knights are still getting ready for Intelligence (Investigation) check is a hand written note
combat (or even not getting ready at all). Under most in Common – Player Handout 3.
circumstances, the Knights and their Griffons are in the
Rookery, ready for combat. Some of their number will
be mounted, but the Rookery is not large enough for all You can see the problem the rangers described
the Elemental Knights to fight inside while mounted. immediately on your approach. A shimmering field
of energy blocks the entrance to an area containing
You can read the following at any point while the party a number of unarmored griffons and their nests.
is exploring the upper floor area:
A sign next to the door reads ‘Knights Only’ in
As you approach the next door, a voice calls out Common. As you approach, the female elf kneels
from behind you. “Could you assist us?” says a down next to a woozy looking male elf with burned
man in the green cloak of the Earthspur Rangers. armor who is seated by the door.
“We’ve found the captured griffons and the stolen
eggs, but we’re unable to get into the room.” This room is much taller than it is wide or deep, and
contains numerous wide ledges on which griffon nests
He is accompanied by a concerned looking female have been constructed. Entering or leaving the room
elf and a male aasimir druid dressed in similar safely requires one of the knights’ control amulets to be
riding leathers to himself, each looking battleworn worn, unless the barriers are removed.
and spattered with blood.
Detect Magic
The energy field is actually two separate layers, each of
which contains strong abjuration and weak divination
This room is where the commander of the mounted magic. They appear to have been created at a very high
warriors lives most of the time when not training with level of casting. Additionally, the griffons on the far side
her knights or their griffons. The room reflects its of the barrier appear to have collars with enchantment
occupant with reasonably nice furnishings carved magic on them.
directly out of the mountain.

TREASURE Perception or Investigation

Perception DC 15: There are two separate layers to the
Jewelry, gems, and coin in the amount of 100 gp can
also be found by searching the room.
Perception DC 17: The adult griffons on the other side
F2. KNIGHT’S BARRACKS of the barrier are all wearing collars studded with
The six senior knights share this room and live here. gemstones.
Investigation DC 20: There are tiny runes carved all
Any equipment they are not carrying is stored here.
around the edge of the barriers. Careful and skillful
TREASURE application of deft tools might be able to disrupt them.
Jewelry, gems, and coin in the amount of 200 gp can
Forcing Your Way Through
also be found by searching the room.
Simply charging the barriers is an option. Each time you
F3. SQUIRE’S BARRACKS pass through a barrier, you must make a DC 17
The remainder of the aerial forces lives in this room, Constitution saving throw or take 11 (2d10) force
with considerably less comfort than either the knights damage and be pushed back along your direction of
or the knight commander. There is a lot more room per travel 1 foot. As the two barriers are 4 inches apart, this
person than the regular barracks on the lower floors. can result in being thrown back and forth between the
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Destroying the Barriers The adult griffons sleep here if not monitoring the
By Force: The barriers have AC 5, 50 HP, and are nests. There are additionally armor forms for the
immune to all damage except force damage. griffons’ barding, which the creatures are currently
By Dispel: Each barrier is considered a 9th level spell. wearing in combat outside the fortress.
By Trickery: Anyone proficient with Thieves’ Tools can
attempt to destroy the runes. Four runes must be F6. ACCESS TUNNEL
destroyed for each barrier, with a Dexterity (Thieves’ This tunnel is carved through the mountain side from
Tools) check of DC 17 for each one. Failure on these the rookery to the outside. It is closed ten feet from the
checks results by more than 5 results in a hand slipping outside end by a permanent wall of force that can be
into a barrier, triggering the results of passing through a activated and deactivated by a pair of runes located on
barrier. the tunnel wall five feet inside the wall of force. A
second copy of these runes is located just inside the
With a Control Amulet rookery at the inside end of the tunnel. Additionally, a
If a control amulet (or more than 1) is retrieved from permanent major image spell disguises the entrance
the bodies of the knights outside the fortress, anyone from the exterior of the mountain.
carrying one is able to pass through the barriers without
any trouble.
Control Amulets
If the creature is holding the amulet, the griffons Each griffon mount wears a control amulet around
become immediately hostile to them and begin its next that it cannot remove. Each knight or
posturing to attack, but do not attack. A DC 15 Wisdom squire wears a matching amulet. The amulets have
or Charisma (Animal Handling) check gets them to calm an AC of 20, immunity to psychic, poison, or area of
down enough to approach. A DC 20 check with the effect damage, and 10 hit points. While a knight
same skill will convince the griffons to come with you and griffon wear an amulet, the griffon must follow
through the barriers, though one must be taken at a any verbal or telepathic command from the knight.
time with the creature with the control amulet touching If one or both of an amulet pair is destroyed, the
the griffon the entire time. If at any point the control griffon will immediately turn on the knight that
amulet is placed on the floor, the griffons lose their wore its amulet if that knight is still alive. If the
hostility, but destroy the amulet. If someone holding knight is already dead, the griffon will attempt to
the amulet attempts to put it on, the griffons flee. A DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check as an
immediately attack before the action can be completed. action allows a character to determine the purpose
They are unable to attack a creature wearing a control of the amulets and the likely result of their
amulet. A creature already wearing an amulet can destruction. If there is (or was) an active shield
mentally command the griffons to walk through the guardian in the party, this check is made with
barrier with them with no trouble. The collars worn by advantage. When the Unstable Elemental Node is
the griffons here are not paired, so any amulet can closed or destroyed, the magic powering the
control them. amulets fails. An amulet can be removed from a
cooperative griffin with a DC 25 Strength (Athletics)
The Rangers are able to calm the griffons easily once check or a DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check.
they are on the other side of the barrier, but also ask if
the party can sort out the access tunnel for them so
they can bring in the special equipment to move the
eggs. This hallway grants access to the Aviary area.


Once the griffons are retrieved, award each member of This hallway grants access to the Infirmary, the Armory,
the party 500 XP. Weapons Storage, and the Dining Hall. Further down
the hall leads into the Chapel area.

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U3. INFIRMARY This magic longbow can be used by anyone proficient
This area contains mundane healing equipment and with a shortbow or longbow. Arrows fired by this bow
apothecary supplies. deal an extra 2d6 lightning damage. Additionally, the
attuned wielder gains resistance to lightning and
TREASURE thunder damage, and a fly speed equal to their walking
The supplies here can be looted for 100 gp if the results speed. If the Unstable Node is closed or destroyed, this
are sold on the open market. It takes ten minutes to bow vanishes in a puff of ozone smelling air.
sort the useful stuff out of the cabinets if anyone is
Fire Glaive (Requires attunement):
proficient with Medicine or has the Healer feat. It takes This magic glaive deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on
twenty minutes otherwise. each hit, and grants fire resistance to the wielder. It
does not have the Heavy property. While wielding this
U4. ARMORY glaive, as a bonus action, a creature can teleport up to
This area holds additional weapons and armor for the 60 feet while standing in a fire their size or larger to
cultists. It is mostly empty. another fire of roughly the same size, or as a reaction
when they cast a spell that deals fire damage, they can
TREASURE teleport up to 30 feet next to a creature damaged by
The weapons and armor here can be sold for 400 gp. the spell. Each teleport takes 1 charge, and the glaive
has 4, which refresh at highsun. If the Unstable Node is
U5. WEAPONS STORAGE closed or destroyed, this glaive vanishes in a flash of
This room is sealed with an arcane lock spell. The flame into ashes that drift away on the wind.
password is “Vizeran DeVir,” which can be discovered
by going through Brinora’s notes in her private Earthen Warhammer (Requires attunement):
chambers. This magic warhammer deals an additional 1d6 force
damage with each hit. It can be activated 4 times a day
With the door opened, this room is horrifying at to when a target is hit to deal an additional 4d10
thunder damage. These charges refresh at dawn. The
first glance. Rack after rack of orbs, each roughly
wielding also gains tremorsense out to 15 feet, and a
three feet in a diameter, fills this room. The orbs burrow speed of 10 feet. If the Unstable Node is closed
are carved with arcane glyphs and elemental sigils, or destroyed, this warhammer melts into non-magical
and seem to be grouped in sets of four – one for mud.
each element.
This room appears large enough for the entire cult to
The orbs are devastation orbs, which anyone who has
seen one before immediately recognizes. A detect meet and eat at the same time. It contains numerous
magic spell reveals the truth of them, though – they are large rectangular tables.
empty, uncharged shells. Brinora has not been able to
duplicate the rituals required to create them yet, U7. KITCHEN
because she has been unable to develop stable This is a kitchen of appropriate size to the fortress and
elemental weapons yet. Icicle, Richard’s sword, is her the number of people living in it.
first attempt. Three others sit in a weapons rack in the
center of this room, if the Unstable Node is still active.
There is a bow, a glaive, and a warhammer. Each can be
attuned in a minute, but give disadvantage on all
attacks against elementals, Brinora, Richard, and their
cultists. Icicle has the same features. If the Unstable
Node has been closed, a pile of ash and mud sit at the
base of the weapons rack.

Lightning Bow (Requires attunement):

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a door open that the party is unable to solve the riddle
for, as could something like the knock spell.
The final door bears the Kong (King) and the Hellig
(Sacred) runes, but both are formally negated. The
answer to this riddle is ‘Chaos’, which again must be
Fire wants to burn spoken in Primordial. This glyph triggers a prismatic
Water wants to flow spray spell (DC 17) if the party fails to disarm it.
Air wants to rise
Earth wants to bind C2. CHAPEL
Chaos wants to devour
A huge room stretches out before you, dimly lit as
--Cassandra Clare, The Iron Trial
the door creaks open, then flashing into brightness
C1. CHAPEL APPROACH as if welcoming you. A writhing ball of energy sits
The corridor to approach the main chapel is rigged with in the center of the far end of the room, with an
a series of heavy, airtight doors, each bearing two armored man standing before it, two winged
massive runes on their surface. Additionally, each door
creatures flapping gently to either side of his head.
is rigged with with a glyph of warding cast by Brinora,
which can be disarmed as normal, if seen with an His shield and sword gleam with eldritch energies.
Intelligence (Investigation) of DC 17. These glyphs are
A soft alto voice echoes clearly in your ears, though
8th-level spells for the purposes of disarming them,
requiring either an Intelligence (Thieves’ Tools) check of you do not see the owner. “Shan’s lackeys, I
DC 17 to disarm or a dispel magic spell or similar effect. presume? I’m afraid that’s not going to go as well
The first four doors bear the following combination of as he might have hoped.”
runes (which can be read by anyone familiar with Giant
Rune Magic or can be deciphered by anyone proficient Despite the implicit threat in those words, the
in the Giant Language with an Intelligence (Arcana) energy draws your eye back to it as it pulses out
check of DC 20): from an orb mounted on some sort of arcane
1. Liv (Life) and Ild (Fire) framework at its center. What have those crazy
2. Ise (Ice) and Ild (Fire) wizards done now?
3. Blod (Blood) and Stein (Stone)
4. Uven (Enemy) and Ise (Ice) Brinora Heartshadow (Renegade Archmage), Richard
Heartshadow (Undead Guardian), and Brinora
The two runes on each door form a riddle that gives the Heartshadow (Minor Simulacrum) await the characters
password for each door to prevent the glyph from in the chapel with two familiars, a magma mephit and
triggering. As the DM, you can change the order of an ice mephit respectively. Additionally, a random
these four doors at your leisure, particularly if anyone elemental is also present, hidden in the chaos of the
has played the module before. The answers to the Unstable Node. The Unstable Node starts with a fire
riddles must be spoken in Primordial: connection.
1. Air (The life of fire)
2. Water (ice plus fire equals) Advice to DMs: Note the effects from the spells cast in
3. Earth (the blood of the stone is) Brinora and Richard’s stat blocks in a manner that can
4. Fire (the enemy of ice is) be erased or changed easily. At this level of play, PCs
have options that can affect these precast spells readily
Any triggered glyph deals appropriate damage on a available.
failure: air deals cold damage, water deals acid damage,
earth deals thunder damage, and fire deals fire damage. Tactics:
The amount of damage is 45 (10d8), or half of that on a Brinora cast the following spells on herself at the
successful DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. If the party is beginning of the day: mage armor, darkvision, and
having difficulty with the riddles, a DC 15 Intelligence or mind blank. She cast mage armor and darkvision on her
Wisdom check could provide them with a clue or hint. simulacrum, and then used Arcane Recovery to restore
A DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check can be used to force her 1st and 2nd level spell slots that she used up. Prior to

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the adventurers entering the chapel, she casts see THE UNSTABLE NODE IN COMBAT
invisibility (or true seeing if she has observed a lot of On Initiative Count 20, during combat, to determine the
illusions being cast) and then greater invisibility the Unstable Node’s behavior, roll a d4. The result of the
round before they breach the door. The simulacrum d4 determines which of the elemental planes the
does the same thing. Richard casts his spells mostly as Unstable Node is connected to for that round.
buffs for the three primary opponents, making sure to D4 Element Investiture Save Damage Light
have sanctuary cast on each of them to help prevent a 1 Fire Flame DEX Fire Bright
crippling attack from loss of initiative, as well as 2 Air Wind DEX Lightning Dim
freedom of movement to prevent them from being tied 3 Water Ice CON Cold Dim
down by grappling and restraining. 4 Earth Stone CON Thunder Dark
While invisible, Brinora is not hidden at the start of
combat, and will open combat with the highest level If the Node selects a new element, it immediately casts
chain lightning spell she can muster that hits all the the appropriate Investiture of $appropriate_element
party members, ignoring familiars, mounts, and spell on people that are harmonized to it (Brinora and
companions unless she has the extra secondary targets Richard, but not the simulacrum). If it does not select a
to burn. She will retain her 9th level slot for new element, roll a d20.
emergencies to cast invulnerability. Other spells are
used viciously, particulaly favoring the casting of dispel d20 Result
magic on characters using effects such as mage armor, Roll
aura effects, and haste, particularly against parties less
1- The Node attacks a random non-harmonized,
well able to absorb large amounts of damage from high
15 non-elemental creature within 30 feet of it, or
level spells.
inside it. Make a melee spell attack against the
The pair rely on Brinora to counter enemy
target with a +11 bonus to the attack roll. On a
spellcasting, with the simulacrum saving its spells to
hit, it deals 14 (4d6) damage of the matching type
counter counterspells directed at Brinora’s counters.
to the current element.
Brinora automatically recognizes any spell from the
16- The Node pulses out of wave of elemental energy
school of abjuration she sees being cast, as well as any
18 that strikes every non-harmonized creature
spell that manipulates the elements, unless steps are
within 30 feet. Those creatures make a saving
taken to disguise it (such as the Subtle Magic
throw (DC 19) of the type matching the current
metamagic ability). For any other spell, she must make
element. The creatures take 10 (4d4) damage of
an Intelligence (Arcana) check equal to 15 + the spell’s
the type matching the current element on a failed
level to recognize it and still have time to counter it
save, or half as much on a successful one.
appropriately. (If you use a different rule for identifying
19- The Node spawns an elemental of the type
spells, feel free to use that rule instead.)
20 matching its current element. These elementals
Both Heartshadows use the Unstable Node to their
cannot be banished while in the chapel.
advantage, particularly against melee opponents.
If there is a Cloak member of the party, and all other
On the d20 roll, if the roll is odd, the node grows by 5
considerations are equal, the pair will attack the Cloak
feet in radius. On an even roll, the node shrinks by 5
by preference. They will offer the party a chance to
feet in radius. The node never grows beyond the
surrender and swear fealty if all Cloak members of the
confines of the room, though its radius may be less in
party are dead. Richard fights to subdue non-Cloak
some dimensions than in others, and never shrinks to a
party members so that they can be living sacrifices. The
radius of less than 15 feet.
mephits are familiars – they cannot attack, but all their
Moving in the area of the node is considered to be
other abilities are available to them.
difficult terrain for creatures not resistant to its current
damage type or not harmonized to it. Creatures inside
Advice to DMs: For the Unstable Node, it may be useful
the node take 10 (3d6) damage of the matching type at
to preroll a number of rounds of combat for it to help
the start of their turn or on entering it for the first time
speed it up. Also, if you’re using a map, make sure that
on a turn, unless they are harmonized to it.
the Node is marked down in a fashion which is easy to
change the size of, rather than drawn.

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 18

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MODIFYING THE ENCOUNTER When either Richard or Brinora is reduced to 0 hit
points, read the following, adapted as appropriate, if
Adjustments are not cumulative
the two have the marriage bond ability:
Very Weak: Brinora (Archmage) and Richard have
average (100 and 180) instead of maximum hit As the blow (spell) strikes Brinora (Richard), both
points. Brinora (Simulacrum) is replaced by an husband and wife stagger briefly before a surge of
Elemental Mage of your choice, which gains energy revitalizes Brinora (Richard), taking away
Simulacrum Weakness (sidebar below).
what should have been lethal damage. Somehow,
Weak: Brinora (Archmage) and Richard have
average (100 and 180) instead of maximum hit their partner is keeping them alive!
points. Brinora (Simulacrum) gains Simulacrum
Weakness (sidebar below). When either Richard or Brinora (whichever is killed last)
Strong: Brinora (Simulacrum) regains its 7th level is killed, read the following:
spell slot. Replace the starting elemental and every
second elemental summoned with an elemental With the death of Brinora and Richard, the
myrmidon of the same type. Brinora (Archmage)
Unstable Node begins a madcap swirl. It stretches
and Richard gain the Marriage Bond (sidebar
below). out to one side as the other compresses as if struck
Very Strong: Replace Brinora (Simulacrum) with a by an invisible, giant hand. A wave of energy
Brinora (Archmage) with 81 hit points and no 7th passes over you, expelled from the Node and
level spell slot. Replace every elemental with an pushing you back a few inches. Without the mages
elemental myrmidon of the same type. The original here to control it, the Node seems likely to
Brinora (Archmage) and Richard gain the Marriage
Bond (sidebar below).

It should be immediately obvious to the characters that

Simulacrum Weakness
the Node exploding will be catastrophic for anything
Monster Trait
nearby. The party has five rounds of the Node not
As a simulacrum, created by the spell of the same
being ‘in tune’ with any creature before it explodes. If
name, this creature can be destroyed by casting
combat is still ongoing (perhaps with summoned
dispel magic on it at 7th level or higher.
elementals), closing the Node must be done during
combat. The Node remains in its combat state during
this process, but instead makes its melee attack instead
Marriage Bond of summoning more elementals. The rounds until the
Monster Trait explosion are cumulative, not consecutive.
Brinora and Richard used ritual magics to seal their
marriage into an unbreakable bond. The ritual CLOSING THE NODE
constantly feeds a tiny bit of their life force to each The Unstable Node can be closed in two ways: the
other. While they are on the same plane, both have devastation orb at its heart can either be removed or
the following benefits: destroyed.
 They are in constant telepathic contact and are While in the Node, the devastation orb is immune to
immune to the charmed and frightened area of effect spells, poison, psychic, fire, cold, thunder,
conditions. lightning, acid damage, as well as damage from non-
 While the other has at least 1 hit point, dropping magical weapons that are not adamantine. It resists
to 0 hit points does not cause either to fall slashing and piercing damage, but is vulnerable to
unconscious or die. bludgeoning damage. The orb has AC 20 and 100 hit
 They are immune to the detrimental effects of points. Anyone who deals damage to the orb is
spells cast by the other person. immediately subject to the Node’s melee attack.
A creature can become ‘in tune’ to the Unstable
Node via study or prayer. A creature can tune itself to
CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 19
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the node by making a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) or corpse after the combat, but Icicle melts into a puddle
Wisdom (Religion) or Wisdom (Nature) check as an when the Unstable Node is closed or destroyed.
action. To maintain being in tune with the node, a
creature must make a DC 15 check of the same type C3. ARCANE STUDY
every turn. If the creature is a spellcaster, it can expend This room is closed off from the main chapel by an
a spell slot to reroll the check if it fails. After an hour of unlocked door bearing the symbol of the Elder
making these checks, a creature can become Elemental Eye. Inside is a magic circle inscribed into the
harmonized to the Unstable Node. While ‘in tune’ with stone floor that also bears a teleportation circle’s sigil
the Node, a creature is considered to be concentrating, sequence. One corner of the room holds a bookcase
as if on a spell, and must make concentration saves if it with numerous books on it. Another corner holds what
takes any damage. If a creature becomes harmonized, appears to be an alchemy station, and a third holds and
it is considered to be permanently in tune to the Node hearth and an anvil, along with blacksmith’s tools. If
until it dies or chooses to give up the harmonization as inspected with detect magic, the circle in the floor holds
an action. abjuration and conjuration magic, and the anvil,
If at any point a creature that is ‘in tune’ with the transmutation.
Node fails the check to maintain being that status, or
loses concentration, it takes 18 (4d8) psychic damage C4. BRINORA AND RICHARD’S QUARTERS
and the node attacks it with its melee spell attack. This is clearly the bedroom and rest area for Brinora and
Additionally, the creature must make a DC 19 Charisma Richard. It has a bed, bookcases, an eating area, and a
saving throw or become charmed by something on the work area, as well as access to a private restroom.
far side of the node. While charmed in this way, the
creature has no desire to be in tune with the node, and
Brinora’s grimoire is located on the bookcases here,
will attack any creature attempting to cause the node to
along with numerous books and journals exploring
close. That creature may repeat the saving throw any
elemental magic, including Elemental Spells: A Treatise
time it takes damage and at the end of each of its turns.
on Manipulating Reality, which appears to be her
If a player character, the creature additionally gains the
master work on the study of elemental energy through
And Chaos Stared Back story award.
the orb. Jewelry, gems, spell components, and coin in
Also, the devastation orb can be removed from its
the amount of 1500 gp can also be found by searching
frame with a DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check. If a
the room for 10 minutes.
creature is in tune with the Node, the DC decreases to
25. The AC of the orb also decreases to 15 if a creature
is in tune with the Node.
If the orb is destroyed, the Node closes instantly in a
flash of light, incapacitating any creature in the room
that sees it happen for 1 round. Any creature inside the
boundaries of the Node at that moment that fails a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw is sucked into the elemental
planes and gains the Chaos Warped story award.
If the orb is removed from its frame, though, the
Node closes much more sedately. There is no flash of
stunningly bright light, and no overpressure drawing
creatures onto other planes.
Unless those creatures are an elemental: all
elementals present in the room when the Node closes
are immediately returned to their home plane.

As part of the support structure for the damaged
devastation orb, Brinora was charging elemental gems
for her soldiers to use. The gems that are not charged
worth 1000 gp. Warden can be retrieved from Richard’s

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If Brinora, Richard, and their cultists are defeated, but
THE PARTY IS DEFEATED the characters are unable to control the node
sufficiently to deactivate it, the node explodes in a
If at any point, the player characters are completely
massive burst of elemental energy, unleashing the
overwhelmed and eliminated, the cultists, under orders
capabilities of the devastation orb from inside the
from Brinora, drag their unconscious bodies into the
mountain, except with four times the power of a normal
Chapel, and after a brief ceremony, cast them into the
orb, as the energy of each of the primary elemental
Node itself, which functions as a portal following the
planes flows into the Prime Material plane. The
ceremony. Dead characters are thrown in as well.
massive explosion flattens the top of the mountain and
Award each character the Chaos Warped story award.
creates an unfortunate cloud of debris that trails off
into the upper atmosphere, much like a volcano would.
THE ORB IS DESTROYED Further, they are unable to escape the blast themselves,
When you return to Rastol Shan, he is disappointed that but instead of being killed, they are thrown into the
the orb is destroyed, and provides the characters with elemental planes, and receive the Chaos Warped story
their promised fee. If the Thayan delegation remain award. If you later return to Rastol Shan for your
unaware of the specific reasons for your adventure into payment, he is genuinely surprised to see you, but gives
the mountains, characters which have previously over the promised monies, but it seems likely he would
participated in DDEX2-14 The Sword of Selfaril, DDEP2 need to be desperate to contact you again for a mission.
Mulmaster Undone, or have more than 1 copy of the To
Wear the Cloak story award receive the story award
Shan’s Troubleshooter. The party must also decide
what to do with Elemental Spells: A Treatise on
Manipulating Reality. If consulted, Shan makes the
argument that it should belong to the Brotherhood, as it
was started as a research project under their direction,
but he is not insistent. He offers to permit any party
members who wish to study it with him to do so.


If the players retrieve the orb and return it to Rastol
Shan, he is extremely pleased, particularly if they offer
any additional insights or notes developed by Brinora.
He gives the each character their promised fee, as well
as a bonus consumable magic item – a spell scroll with
either elemental bane or locate creature inscribed on it,
or a potion of Superior Healing. If the Thayan
delegation remain unaware of the specific reasons for
your adventure into the mountains, characters which
have previously participated in DDEX2-14 The Sword of
Selfaril, DDEP2 Mulmaster Undone, or have more than 1
copy of the To Wear the Cloak story award receive the
story award Shan’s Troubleshooter. The party must
also decide what to do with Elemental Spells: A
Treatise on Manipulating Reality. If consulted, Shan
makes the argument that it should belong to the
Brotherhood, as it was started as a research project
under their direction, but he is not insistent. He offers
to permit any party members who wish to study it with
him to do so.

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divide treasure evenly whenever possible. Gold piece
values for sellable gear are calculated at their selling
Make sure players note their rewards on their price, not their purchase price.
adventure logsheets. Give your name and DCI number Consumable magic items should be divided up however
(if applicable) so players can record who ran the the group sees fit. If more than one character is
session. interested in a specific consumable magic item, the DM
can determine who gets it randomly should the group
EXPERIENCE be unable to decide.
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated Permanent magic items are divided according to a
foes, and divide by the number of characters present in system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards
the combat. For non-combat experience, the rewards permanent magic items.
are listed per character. Give all characters in the party
non-combat experience awards unless otherwise noted. TREASURE AWARDS
Item Name GP value
COMBAT AWARDS (MIN/MAX XP: Cult Garrison 360
15000/20000 EACH) Trade Quantity Lamp Oil 40
Name of Foe XP per Foe Garrison Officers 400
Air Elemental 1800 Knight Commander 100
Air Elemental Myrmidon 2900 Elemental Knights 200
Brinora Heartshadow 18000 Squires 200
Earth Elemental 1800 Thayan Knights 100
Earth Elemental Myrmidon 2900 Thayan Functionaries 350
Elemental Cultist 200 Thayan Necromancer’s Chest 6000 or 6500
Elemental Mage 2300 Replica Necromancer’s Chest 50
Fire Elemental 1800 Thayan Spell Components 500
Fire Elemental Myrmidon 2900 City of Brass Tapestry 500
Griffon 450 Infirmary Supplies 100
Hell Hound 700 Weapons and Armor 400
Ice Mephit 100 Uncharged Elemental Gems 1000
Kennel Master 700 Brinora and Richard’s Stash 1500
Magma Mephit 100 Rastol Shan’s Payment 1000 each character
Richard Heartshadow 18000
Thayan Acolyte 2300
Thayan Apprentice 1100
Thayan Knight 700
Thayan Necromancer 5000
Water Elemental Myrmidon 2900
D&D Adventurers League has a system in place to determine
Winter Wolf 700 who is awarded permanent magic items at the end of a
session. Each character’s logsheet contains a column to
record permanent magic items for ease of reference.
NON-COMBAT AWARDS  If all the players at the table agree on one character taking
Task or Accomplishment XP per Character possession of a permanent magic item, that character gets
Safe Landing on Approach 500 XP the item.
 In the event that one or more characters indicate an
Griffons Rescued 500 XP
interest in possessing a permanent magic item, the
Orb Returned to Rastal Shan 1000 XP
character that possesses the fewest permanent magic
items gets the item. If there is a tie in the total number of
TREASURE permanent magic items owned by contesting characters,
The characters receive the following treasure, divided the item’s owner is determined randomly by the DM.
up amongst the party. Characters should attempt to

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WARDEN, SPELLGUARD SHIELD 3rd: counterspell, dispel magic, fly, fireball, glyph of
Shield, very rare, requires attunement warding, haste, lightning bolt, Melf’s minute
While holding this shield, you have advantage on saving meteors
throws against spells and other magical effects, and 4th: banishment, dimension door, fire shield, greater
spell attacks have disadvantage against you. invisibility, stoneskin
5th: cone of cold, scrying, transmute rock, wall of force
Created by Brinora for her lover, and later husband,
Richard, this shield is made of multicolored glass. While 6th: chain lightning, globe of invulnerability, guards and
it appears fragile, it is just as strong as a regular shield. wards, true seeing
Although the picture that was initially formed was 7th: prismatic spray, teleport
Brinora’s arcane sigil, the pattern rearranges 8th: antimagic field, mind blank
appropriately for the wielder, forming a holy symbol or 9th: foresight, time stop
other simple image of great meaning.
POTION OF SUPERIOR HEALING Each character receives ten downtime days at the
Potion, rare conclusion of this adventure.
A description of this item can be found in the Dungeon
Master’s Guide.
All faction members earn one renown point for
SPELL SCROLL OF ELEMENTAL BANE participating in this adventure.
Scroll, rare
This spell scroll contains the text and magic of 1 spell Members of the Emerald Enclave earn an additional
renown point for returning the griffon eggs and more
from the Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. A description
than half of the adult griffons alive to the Earthspur
of this item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s Rangers and the griffons of the Earthspur Mountains.
Members of the Harpers OR the Lords’ Alliance who
SPELL SCROLL OF LOCATE CREATURE provide the Thayan codebook and Urth Jos’ journal to
Scroll, rare their faction earn an additional renown point.
This spell scroll contains the text and magic of 1 spell
from the Player’s Handbook. A description of this item Members of the Brotherhood of the Cloaks advance
one rank in that organization.
can be found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
In exchange for running the adventure, you earn XP, gp,
The lock on this impressive leather bound tome popped and downtime days in accordance with the guidance
open when Brinora died, and refuses to stay shut, even prescribed by the Adventurers League Dungeon
though you later figured out the magical sequence that Master’s Guide. For that purpose, this is a 4 hour
was the key. The book is immune to acid, cold, fire, module for APL 15.
lightning, and thunder damage, in addition to poison
and psychic, and projects a shield of force around itself STORY AWARDS
to prevent objects from striking it. None of these
And the Chaos Stared Back.
properties are able to help you in combat, though the
While attempting to maintain control of the Unstable
contents might, if you can decipher them. The
Elemental Node long enough to close it, you saw
spellbook is completely full, so no spells can be added.
something in the seething chaos. At the same time,
1st: absorb elements, chromatic orb, detect magic, earth
whatever it was saw you, and when you close your eyes,
tremor, feather fall, identify, protection from evil
you can see it still staring at you. Elementals and other
and good, mage armor, magic missile, shield
creatures representing the elemental princes or the
2nd: blur, darkvision, detect thoughts, earthbind, Melf’s
Elder Elemental Eye (as determined by the DM) will
acid arrow, mirror image, misty step, see invisibility
target you by preference in combat, assuming it is not
dangerous for them to do so. In social encounters, their

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 23

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attitude is one step worse than it otherwise would be
(friendly becomes indifferent, indifferent becomes

Chaos Warped.
You’re not sure how, but you woke up in the middle of
one of the elemental planes, totally lost, your mind
scrambled, but with only a single thought – you have to
get home. Consult the Adventurers League FAQ for the
most up to date information on getting back to the
Material Plane.

Elemental Spells: A Treatise on Manipulating Reality.

What did you do with this tome?
Gave it to someone else: That’s really sad.
Kept it: Congratulations! You have a dense, academic
tome on the study of the elements and their impact on
reality. Wandering about, adventuring, dungeon
delving – not really all that conducive to studying, are
they? Perhaps you should keep this at the bottom of
your pack until you need a unique book to get in
somewhere, like Candlekeep. Void this award if you
ever give up the book.
Gave it to Rastol Shan: Shan is delighted with your gift,
and offers to let you study the tome with him. For
every 10 downtime days you spend studying the tome
with him, he is able to produce a spell scroll of one level
of spell from the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion and
give it to you. If you choose to instead wait, multiple
units of 10 days can be combined for higher level
scrolls. After 60 days of study, Shan unfortunately has
no more time to examine the book. During your study
with him, you are expected to look and act the part of a
respected researcher, so you must maintain a wealthy
lifestyle, at a minimum.

Shan’s Troubleshooter.
Rastol Shan has taken a personal interest in your career
with the Brotherhood of the Cloaks. He has given you a
signet ring that indicates his respect for your talents.
You gain an additional rank within the Cloaks
organization. Additionally, you are considered to be a
citizen resident of Mulmaster with respect to the
Community Service downtime activity.

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Medium elemental, neutral
Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 117 (18d8+36)
AIR ELEMENTAL Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
Large Elemental, neutral STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Armor Class 15 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Hit Points 90 (12d10 + 24)
Speed 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) Damage Resistances lightning, thunder; bludgeoning,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
Damage Resistances lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, prone
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Damage Immunities poison Languages Primordial
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, Challenge 7 (2900 XP)
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Magic Weapons. The myrmidon’s weapon attacks are
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 magical.
Languages Auran
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Actions
Air Form. The elemental can enter the hostile Multiattack. The myrmidon makes three flail attacks.
creature’s space and stop there. It can move through a
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) bludgeoning damage.
Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks. Lightning Strike (Recharge 6). The myrmidon makes
one flail attack. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 18
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one (4d8) lightning damage, and the target must succeed on
target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until
the end of the myrmidon’s next turn.
Whirlwind (Recharge 4-6). Each creature in the
Source: Air Elemental Myrmidon, Princes of the Apocalypse
elemental’s space must make a DC 13 Strength saving
throw. On a failure, a target takes 15 (3d8 + 2)
bludgeoning damage and is flung up 20 feet away from
the elemental in a random direction and knocked
prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a
wall or floor, he target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is
thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed
on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take the same
damage and be knocked prone.
If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half
the bludgeoning damage and isn’t flung away or
knocked prone.

Source: Air Elemental, Monster Manual

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BRINORA HEARTSHADOW (RENEGADE Source: Archmage, Monster Manual


Medium humanoid (human),
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 162 (18d8 +18) Medium humanoid (human)
Speed 30 ft., Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 84 (13d8+26)
Speed 30 ft.,
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +6
Skills Arcana +13, History +13
Damage Resistances damage from spells Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +5
Senses passive Perception 12 Skills Arcana +8, History +8
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Senses passive Perception 11
Netherese, Primordial Languages Common, Primordial
Challenge 12 (8400 XP) Challenge 9 (5000 XP)
War Caster. Brinora has advantage on Constitution War Caster. Brinora’s simulacrum has advantage on
saves to prevent loss of concentration. She can use a Constitution saves to prevent loss of concentration. She
single target, one action spell on a target that provokes can use a single target, one action spell on a target that
an opportunity attack from her. provokes an opportunity attack from her. She can cast
spells with somatic components while holding things in
Magic Resistance. The archmage has advantage on her hands.
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Arcane Ward. Brinora’s simulacrum has a magical ward
Spellcasting. The archmage is an 18 -level spellcaster. that has 30 hit points. Whenever it takes damage, the
Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, ward takes the damage instead. If the ward is reduced
+9 to hit with spell attacks). The archmage can cast to 0 hit points, the simulacrum takes any remaining
shield and misty step at will and has the following damage. When the simulacrum casts an abjuration
wizard spells prepared: spell of 1st level or higher, the ward regains a number of
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, fire bolt, mage hand, hit points equal to twice the level of the spell.
prestidigitation, shocking grasp, thunderclap
1 level (4 slots): absorb elements, chromatic orb, Spellcasting. The simulacrum is a 13th-level spellcaster.
mage armor, magic missile Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16,
2nd level (3 slots): darkvision, earthbind, Melf’s acid +8 to hit with spell attacks). The simulacrum has the
arrow, see invisibility following wizard spells prepared:
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, fireball,
lightning bolt, thunder step Cantrips (at will): acid splash, fire bolt, prestidigitation,
4 level (3 slots): greater invisibility, vitriolic sphere shocking grasp, thunderclap
5th level (3 slots): cone of cold, transmute rock 1st level (4 slots): absorb elements*, chromatic orb,
6th level (1 slots): chain lightning, true seeing mage armor*, shield*
7th level (1 slots): prismatic spray 2nd level (3 slots): earthbind, see invisibility
8th level (1 slots): mind blank 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell*, dispel magic*, fireball,
9th level (1 slots): invulnerability lightning bolt
4th level (3 slots): banishment*, greater invisibility
Actions 5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, transmute rock
6th level (1 slots): chain lightning, globe of
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2)
7th level (0 slots): simulacrum
piercing damage.
*Abjuration spell of 1st level or higher

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Medium elemental, neutral
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) Armor Class 18 (plate)
piercing damage. Hit Points 127 (17d8+51)
Speed 30 ft.,
Source: Abjurer, Volo’s Guide to Monsters
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Large elemental, neutral Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) slashing from nonmagical weapons
Hit Points 126 (12d10 + 60) Damage Immunities poison
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
20 (+5) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Primordial
Challenge 7 (2900 XP)
Damage Vulnerabilities thunder
Magic Weapons. The myrmidon’s weapon attacks are
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified,
poisoned, unconscious Multiattack. The myrmidon makes two maul attacks.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., passive
Perception 10 Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Languages Terran target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Thunderous Strike (Recharge 6). The myrmidon makes
Earth Glide. The elemental can burrow through
one maul attack. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 16
nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing
(3d10) thunder damage, and the target must succeed
so, the elemental doesn’t disturb the material it moves
on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Source: Earth Elemental Myrmidon, Princes of the Apocalypse
Siege Monster. The elemental deals double damage to
objects and structures.

Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one

target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Source: Earth Elemental, Monster Manual

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 27

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Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic evil Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Armor Class 14 (leather armor) Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 16 (3d8+3) Hit Points 49 (9d8+9)
Speed 30 ft., Speed 30 ft.,
9 (-1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Wis +2 Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +4

Skills Deception +3, Stealth +5 Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Religion +7
Damage Resistances one type chosen randomly from Senses passive Perception 11
acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Primordial
Senses passive Perception 10 Challenge 6 (2300 XP)
Languages Common, Primordial Elemental Adept. Spells cast by a aethermancer ignore
Challenge 1 (200 XP) resistance to lightning damage. Additionally, when the
Elemental Devotion. The cultist has advantage on spell deals lightning damage, if the dice roll is a 1, the
saving throws against being charmed or frightened. aethermancer treats the dice roll as a 2.
While the cultist can see a higher ranking member of
the Cult of the Eye friendly to it, it ignores the effect of Spellcasting. The mage is a 9th level spellcaster. Its
being charmed or frightened. spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to
hit with spell attacks). The mage has the following
Fanatical Advantage. Once per turn, if the cultist wizard spells prepared:
makes a weapon attack with advantage on the attack Cantrips (at will): frostbite, gust, light, shocking grasp
roll and hits, it deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage. 1st level (4 slots): chromatic orb, mage armor, shield,
Pack Tactics. The cultist has advantage on an attack roll 2nd level (3 slots): dust devil, gust of wind, misty step
against a creature if at least one of the cultist’s allies is 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fly, lightning bolt
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t 4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, storm sphere
incapacitated. 5th level (1 slots): control winds

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The cultist makes two attacks with its Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
scimitar. reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2)
piercing damage.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage. Source: Mage, Monster Manual

Source: Dragonclaw, Hoard of the Dragon Queen

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 28

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 49 (9d8+9) Hit Points 49 (9d8+9)
Speed 30 ft., Speed 30 ft.,
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +4 Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +4
Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Religion +7 Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Religion +7
Senses passive Perception 11 Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Primordial Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Primordial
Challenge 6 (2300 XP) Challenge 6 (2300 XP)
War Caster. The geomancer has advantage on Elemental Adept. Spells cast by a hydromancer ignore
Constitution saves to prevent loss of concentration. resistance to acid damage. Additionally, when the spell
The geomancer can use a single target, one action spell deals acid damage, if the dice roll is a 1, the
on a target that provokes an opportunity attack from it. hydromancer treats the dice roll as a 2.

Spellcasting. The mage is a 9th level spellcaster. Its Spellcasting. The mage is a 9th level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to
hit with spell attacks). The mage has the following hit with spell attacks). The mage has the following
wizard spells prepared: wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mold earth, light, poison Cantrips (at will): acid splash, mold earth, light, ray of
spray frost
st st
1 level (4 slots): chromatic orb, earth tremor, mage 1 level (4 slots): chromatic orb, mage armor, shield
armor, shield 2nd level (3 slots): Melf’s acid arrow, misty step,
2nd level (3 slots): earthbind, hold person, shatter Snilloc’s snowball swarm
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, erupting earth, slow rd
3 level (3 slots): counterspell, tidal wave, wall of
4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, stoneskin water
5th level (1 slots): wall of stone 4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, vitriolic sphere,
watery sphere
Actions 5th level (1 slots): cone of cold
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) Actions
piercing damage. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2)
Source: Mage, Monster Manual piercing damage.

Source: Mage, Monster Manual

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 29

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Large elemental, neutral
Armor Class 13
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil Hit Points 102 (12d10 + 36)
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Speed 50 ft.
Hit Points 49 (9d8+9)
Speed 30 ft.,
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks.
Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +4 Damage Immunities fire, poison
Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Religion +7 Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
Senses passive Perception 11 petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Primordial Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 6 (2300 XP) Languages Ignan
Elemental Adept. Spells cast by a pyromancer ignore Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
resistance to fire damage. Additionally, when the spell Fire Form. The elemental can move through a space as
deals fire damage, if the dice roll is a 1, the pyromancer narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A creature
treats the dice roll as a 2. that touches the elemental or hits it with a melee attack
while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) fire damage. In
Spellcasting. The mage is a 9th level spellcaster. Its addition, the elemental can enter a hostile creature’s
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to space and stop there. The first time it enters a
hit with spell attacks). The mage has the following creature’s space on a turn, that creature takes 5 (1d10)
wizard spells prepared: fire damage and catches fire; until someone takes an
Cantrips (at will): conjure bonfire, control flames, fire action to douse the fire, the creature takes 5 (1d10) fire
bolt, mage hand damage at the start of each of its turns.
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, chromatic orb, mage
armor, shield Illumination. The elemental sheds bright light in a 30-
2nd level (3 slots): Aganazzar’s scorcher, misty step, foot radius and dim light in an additional 30 feet.
scorching ray
3 level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, fireball, Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet the elemental
Melf’s minute meteors moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on
4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, wall of fire it, it takes 1 cold damage.
5th level (1 slots):
Multiattack. The elemental makes two touch attacks.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
piercing damage. target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) fire damage. If the target is a
creature r a flammable object, it ignites. Until a
Source: Mage, Monster Manual
creature uses an action to douse the fire, the target
takes 5 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its

Source: Fire Elemental, Monster Manual

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 30

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Medium elemental, neutral Large monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 18 (plate) Armor Class 12
Hit Points 117 (18d8+36) Hit Points 59 (7d10+21)
Speed 40 ft., Speed Number. ft., Other Speeds.
13 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and Skills Perception +5

slashing from nonmagical weapons Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Damage Immunities fire, poison Languages -
Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, Challenge 2 (450 XP)
prone Keen Sight. The griffon has advantage on Wisdom
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Languages Primordial
Challenge 7 (2900 XP) Actions
Illumination. The myrmidon sheds bright light in a 20- Multiattack. The griffon makes two attacks: one with its
foot radius and dim light in a 40-foot radius. beak and one with its claws.

Magic Weapons. The myrmidon’s weapon attacks are Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
magical. target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage.

Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet the myrmidon Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
moves in water, it takes 2 (1d4) cold damage. target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage.

Actions Source: Griffon, Monster Manual

Multiattack. The myrmidon makes three scimitar

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) slashing damage.

Fiery Strikes (Recharge 6 The myrmidon uses

Multiattack. Each attack that hits deals an extra 5
(1d10) fire damage).

Source: Fire Elemental Myrmidon, Princes of the Apocalypse

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 31

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Medium fiend, lawful evil Small elemental, neutral evil
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Armor Class 11
Hit Points 45 (7d8+14) Hit Points 21 (6d6)
Speed 50 ft., Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +5 Skills Perception +2, Stealth +3

Damage Immunities fire Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, fire
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Damage Immunities cold, poison
Languages understands Infernal but can’t speak it Condition Immunities poisoned
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Keen Hearing and Smell. The hound has advantage on Languages Aquan, Auran
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
smell. Death Burst. When a mephit dies, it explodes in a burst
of jagged ice. Each creature within 5 feet of it must
Pack Tactics. The hound has advantage on an attack make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4 (1d8)
roll against a creature if at least one of the hound’s slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t damage on a successful one.
False Appearance. While the mephit remains
Actions motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one shard of ice.
target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire
damage. Innate Spellcasting. The mephit can innately cast the
following spells, using no material components. Its
Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The hound exhales fire in a spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11):
15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a 1/day: fog cloud
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Actions
successful one. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4)
Source: Hell Hound, Monster Manual cold damage.

Frost Breath (Recharge 6). The mephit exhales a 15-

foot cone of cold air. Each creature in that area must
succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5
(2d4) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.

Source: Ice Mephit, Monster Manual

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 32

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil Small elemental, neutral evil
Armor Class 18 (plate) Armor Class 11
Hit Points 52 (8d8 +16) Hit Points 22 (5d6+5)
Speed 30 ft., Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2 Skills Stealth +3

Senses passive Perception 10 Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Languages Common, Infernal Damage Immunities fire, poison
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Condition Immunities poisoned
Brave. The kennel master has advantage on saving Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
throws against being frightened. Languages Ignan, Terran
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Sentinel. The kennel master can make an opportunity Death Burst. When a mephit dies, it explodes in a burst
attack if a creature within its reach makes an attack of lava. Each creature within 5 feet of it must make a
against someone other than the kennel master. DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire
Additionally, the kennel master can make an damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
opportunity attack against creatures that have taken successful one.
the disengage action. If the kennel master hits with an
opportunity attack, the target’s speed is reduced to 0 False Appearance. While the mephit remains
for the remainder of its turn. motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary
mound of magma.
Multiattack. The kennel master makes two melee Innate Spellcasting. The mephit can innately cast the
attacks. following spells, using no material components. Its
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 10):
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 1/day: heat metal
ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing creature. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4)
damage. fire damage.

Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For Fire Breath (Recharge 6). The mephit exhales a 15-foot
1 minute, the knight can utter a special command or cone of fire. Each creature in that area must succeed
warning whenever a nonhostile creature that it can see on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire
with 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear successful one.
and understand the knight. A creature can benefit from
only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if Source: Magma Mephit, Monster Manual
the knight is incapacitated.

Parry. The knight adds 2 to its AC against one melee
attack that would hit it. To do so, the knight must see
the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Source: Knight, Monster Manual

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 33

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RICHARD HEARTSHADOW (UNDEAD GUARDIAN) Hellfire Orb (1/day). The death knight hurls a magical
Medium Undead, chaotic evil ball of fire that explodes at a point it can see with 120
Armor Class 20 (plate, shield) feet it. Each creature in a 20-foot radius sphere
Hit Points 247 (19d8 + 95) centered on that point must make a DC 18 Dexterity
Speed 30 ft., saving throw. The sphere spreads around corners. A
creature takes 35 (10d6) fire damage and 35 (10d6)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
20 (+5) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) damage on a successful one.

Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +9, Cha +10 Reactions

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Parry. The death knight adds 6 to its AC against one
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, poisoned melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the death
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 knight must see the attacker and be wielding a melee
Languages Common, Primordial weapon.
Challenge 17 (18000 XP)
Magic Resistance. Richard has advantage on saving Source: Death Knight, Monster Manual
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Additionally, spell attacks against him are made at

Marshall Undead. Unless Richard is incapacitated, he

and undead creatures of his choice within 60 feet of
him have advantage on saving throws against features
that turn undead.

Special Equipment. Richard wields Icicle, a frostbrand

sharktooth longsword, and Warden, a spellguard shield.
Their effects are already taken into account in this stat

Spellcasting. Richard is a 19th-level spellcaster. His

spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save 18, +10 to hit
with spell attacks). He has the following paladin spells
1st level (4 slots): armor of Agathys, command,
sanctuary, shield of faith
2 level (3 slots): aid, spiritual weapon
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, fear
4th level (3 slots): freedom of movement, ice storm
5th level (2 slots): destructive wave, holy weapon

Multiattack. Richard makes three attacks with Icicle.

Icicle. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) magical slashing damage, plus 18
(4d8) necrotic damage and 3 (1d6) cold damage. The
weapon deals an extra 4 (1d8) magical slashing damage
against targets that are not wearing armor.

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 34

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor) Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
Hit Points 71 (11d8+22) Hit Points 39 (6d8+12)
Speed 30 ft., Speed Number. ft., Other Speeds.
11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +5 Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +3
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +3, Insight +5, Stealth +6 Skills Arcana +5, Deception +2, Insight +3, Stealth +5
Senses Click here to enter text. passive Perception 12 Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Primordial, Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Primordial,
Thayan Thayan
Challenge 6 (2300 XP) Challenge 4 (1100 XP)
Potent Cantrips. When the apprentice casts an
Spellcasting. The acolyte is an 11th level spellcaster evocation cantrip and misses, or the target succeeds on
who uses Intelligence as its spellcasting ability (spell its saving throw, the target still takes half the cantrip’s
save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The acolyte has damage but suffers no other effects.
the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, minor illusion, Sculpt Spells. When the apprentice casts an evocation
prestidigitation, shocking grasp spell that affects other creatures that it can see, it can
1 level (4 slots): chromatic orb, mage armor, magic choose a number of those creatures equal to 1 + the
missile, shield level of the spell to succeed on their saving throws
2nd level (3 slots): mirror image*, phantasmal force*, against the spell. Those creatures take no damage if
scorching ray they would normally take half damage from the spell.
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, hypnotic
pattern* Spellcasting. The apprentice is a 6th level spellcaster
4 level (3 slots): confusion, greater invisibility*, that uses Intelligence as its spellcasting ability (spell
phantasmal killer* save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The apprentice
5th level (2 slots): hold monster, mislead* has the following spells prepared from the wizard list:
6th level (1 slots): Otto’s irresistible dance Cantrips (at will): fire bolt*, mage hand, light*,
*Illusion spell of 1st level or higher shocking grasp*
1 level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile*, shield,
Actions thunderwave*
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 2nd level (3 slots): Aganazzar’s scorcher*, misty step,
ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage. scorching ray*
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, fireball*
Reactions * Evocation spell
Illusory Self (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
When a creature the acolyte can see makes an attack Actions
roll against him, the acolyte can interpose an illusory Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
duplicate between the attacker and itself. The attack reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3)
automatically misses, then the illusion dissipates. piercing damage.

Source: Rath Moder, Hoard of the Dragon Queen Source: Azbara Jos, Hoard of the Dragon Queen

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 35

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil Medium humanoid (high elf), lawful evil
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield)
Hit Points 99 (18d8+18) Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)
Speed 30 ft., Speed 30 ft.,
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +5 Saving Throws Str +6, Con +4
Skills Arcana +12, History +12 Skills Arcana +5, Deception +1, Insight +2, Perception
Damage Resistances necrotic +2, Religion +5
Senses passive Perception 11 Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Netherese, Languages Common, Infernal, Thayan
Primordial, Thayan Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Fey Ancestry. The Thayan Knight has advantage on
Grim Harvest (1/turn). When the necromancer reduces saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t
a creature that is neither a construct nor undead to 0 put it to sleep.
hit points with a spell of 1st level or higher, the
necromancer regains hit points equal to twice the War Magic. When a Thayan Knight casts a cantrip using
spell’s level, or three times the spell’s level if the spell is its action, it can make a single weapon attack as a bonus
a necromancy spell. action.

Spellcasting. The necromancer is an 12th- level Weapon Bond. Provided its longsword is on the same
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell plane, a Thayan Knight can take a bonus action to
save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The teleport it to its hand.
necromancer has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch*, light, mage hand, Spellcasting. A Thayan Knight is a 10th level spellcaster
prestidigitation, shocking grasp that uses Intelligence as its spellcasting ability (spell
1st level (4 slots): false life*, mage armor, ray of save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). A Thayan
sickness*, shield Knight has the following spells prepared from the
2 level (3 slots): blindness/deafness*, misty step, see wizard list:
invisibility Cantrips (at will): booming blade, lightning lure
3 level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, fear, 1st level (4 slots): absorb elements, feather fall, shield
vampiric touch* 2nd level (3 slots): blur, misty step, see invisibility
4th level (3 slots): blight*, greater invisibility
5th level (3 slots): dominate person, mislead Actions
6th level (1 slots): circle of death* Multiattack. A Thayan Knight attacks twice with its
*Spell is a necromancy spell longsword or dagger.

Actions Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage.
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2)
piercing damage. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or ranged 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6
Source: Necromancer, Volo’s Guide to Monsters (1d4+4) piercing damage.

Source: Dralmorrer Borngray, Hoard of the Dragon Queen

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 36

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Large Elemental, neutral Medium elemental, neutral
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48) Hit Points 127 (17d8+51)
Speed 30 ft., swim 90 ft. Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances acid; bludgeoning, piercing, and Damage Resistances acid; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities poison Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Aquan Languages Primordial
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Challenge 7 (2900 XP)
Water Form. The elemental can enter a hostile Magic Weapons. The myrmidon’s weapon attacks are
creature’s space and stop there. It can move through as magical.
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Freeze. If the elemental takes cold damage, it partially Multiattack. The myrmidon makes three trident
freezes; its speed is reduced by 20 feet until the end of attacks.
its next turn.
Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Actions target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.
Freezing Strikes (Recharge 6). The myrmidon uses
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Multiattack. Each attack that hits deals an extra 5
target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. (1d10) cold damage, and the target’s speed is reduced
by 10 feet until the end of the myrmidon’s next turn.
Whelm (Recharges 4-6). Each creature in the
elemental’s space must make a DC 15 Strength saving Source: Water Elemental Myrmidon, Princes of the
throw. On a failure, a target takes 13 (2d8 + 4) Apocalypse
bludgeoning damage. If it is Large or smaller, it is also
grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the
target is restrained and unable to breathe unless it can
breathe water. If the saving throw is successful, the
target is pushed out of the elemental’s space.
The elemental can grapple one Large or up to two
Medium creatures at one time with this ability. At the
start of each of the elemental’s turns, each grappled
target takes 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. As an
action, a creature within 5 feet of the elemental can pull
a creature or an object out of it by succeeding on a DC
14 Strength check.

Source: Water Elemental, Monster Manual

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 37

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Large monstrosity, neutral evil
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20)
Speed 50 ft.,
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

Skills Perception +5, Stealth +3

Damage Immunities cold
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Giant, Winter Wolf
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Keen Hearing and Smell. The wolf has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or

Pack Tactics. The wolf has advantage on an attack roll

against a creature if at least one of the wolf’s allies is
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t

Snow Camouflage. The wolf has advantage on

Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in snowy

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage. If the target is
a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.

Cold Breath (Recharge 5-6). The wolf exhales a blast of

freezing wind in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that
area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking
18 (4d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much
on a successful one.

Source: Winter Wolf, Monster Manual

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Large elemental, neutral
ELEMENTALS Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 126 (12d10 + 60)
AIR ELEMENTAL Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.
Large Elemental, neutral STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Armor Class 15 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
Hit Points 90 (12d10 + 24)
Speed 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) Damage Vulnerabilities thunder
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) slashing from nonmagical attacks.
Damage Immunities poison
Damage Resistances lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks. poisoned, unconscious
Damage Immunities poison Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., passive
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, Perception 10
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Languages Terran
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Languages Auran Earth Glide. The elemental can burrow through
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing
Air Form. The elemental can enter the hostile so, the elemental doesn’t disturb the material it moves
creature’s space and stop there. It can move through a through.
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Siege Monster. The elemental deals double damage to
Actions objects and structures.
Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.
target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Whirlwind (Recharge 4-6). Each creature in the target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
elemental’s space must make a DC 13 Strength saving
Source: Earth Elemental, Monster Manual
throw. On a failure, a target takes 15 (3d8 + 2)
bludgeoning damage and is flung up 20 feet away from
the elemental in a random direction and knocked
prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a
wall or floor, he target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is
thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed
on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take the same
damage and be knocked prone.
If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half
the bludgeoning damage and isn’t flung away or
knocked prone.

Source: Air Elemental, Monster Manual

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 39

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Large elemental, neutral Large Elemental, neutral
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 102 (12d10 + 36) Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48)
Speed 50 ft. Speed 30 ft., swim 90 ft.
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and Damage Resistances acid; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks. slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities fire, poison Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Ignan Languages Aquan
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Fire Form. The elemental can move through a space as Water Form. The elemental can enter a hostile
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A creature creature’s space and stop there. It can move through as
that touches the elemental or hits it with a melee attack space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) fire damage. In
addition, the elemental can enter a hostile creature’s Freeze. If the elemental takes cold damage, it partially
space and stop there. The first time it enters a freezes; its speed is reduced by 20 feet until the end of
creature’s space on a turn, that creature takes 5 (1d10) its next turn.
fire damage and catches fire; until someone takes an
action to douse the fire, the creature takes 5 (1d10) fire Actions
damage at the start of each of its turns. Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.

Illumination. The elemental sheds bright light in a 30- Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
foot radius and dim light in an additional 30 feet. target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet the elemental Whelm (Recharges 4-6). Each creature in the
moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on elemental’s space must make a DC 15 Strength saving
it, it takes 1 cold damage. throw. On a failure, a target takes 13 (2d8 + 4)
bludgeoning damage. If it is Large or smaller, it is also
Actions grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the
Multiattack. The elemental makes two touch attacks. target is restrained and unable to breathe unless it can
breathe water. If the saving throw is successful, the
Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target is pushed out of the elemental’s space.
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) fire damage. If the target is a The elemental can grapple one Large or up to two
creature r a flammable object, it ignites. Until a Medium creatures at one time with this ability. At the
creature uses an action to douse the fire, the target start of each of the elemental’s turns, each grappled
takes 5 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its target takes 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. As an
turns. action, a creature within 5 feet of the elemental can pull
a creature or an object out of it by succeeding on a DC
Source: Fire Elemental, Monster Manual 14 Strength check.

Source: Water Elemental, Monster Manual

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 40

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Medium elemental, neutral
AIR ELEMENTAL MYRMIDON Armor Class 18 (plate)
Medium elemental, neutral Hit Points 127 (17d8+51)
Armor Class 18 (plate) Speed 30 ft.,
Hit Points 117 (18d8+36) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Resistances lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, Damage Immunities poison
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
Damage Immunities poison prone
Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
prone Languages Primordial
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Challenge 7 (2900 XP)
Languages Primordial Magic Weapons. The myrmidon’s weapon attacks are
Challenge 7 (2900 XP) magical.
Magic Weapons. The myrmidon’s weapon attacks are
magical. Actions
Multiattack. The myrmidon makes two maul attacks.
Multiattack. The myrmidon makes three flail attacks. Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage.
Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) bludgeoning damage. Thunderous Strike (Recharge 6). The myrmidon makes
one maul attack. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 16
Lightning Strike (Recharge 6). The myrmidon makes (3d10) thunder damage, and the target must succeed
one flail attack. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 18 on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
(4d8) lightning damage, and the target must succeed on
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until Source: Earth Elemental Myrmidon, Princes of the Apocalypse
the end of the myrmidon’s next turn.

Source: Air Elemental Myrmidon, Princes of the Apocalypse

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 41

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Medium elemental, neutral Medium elemental, neutral
Armor Class 18 (plate) Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 117 (18d8+36) Hit Points 127 (17d8+51)
Speed 40 ft., Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
13 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and Damage Resistances acid; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical weapons slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities fire, poison Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
prone prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Primordial Languages Primordial
Challenge 7 (2900 XP) Challenge 7 (2900 XP)
Illumination. The myrmidon sheds bright light in a 20- Magic Weapons. The myrmidon’s weapon attacks are
foot radius and dim light in a 40-foot radius. magical.

Magic Weapons. The myrmidon’s weapon attacks are Actions

magical. Multiattack. The myrmidon makes three trident
Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet the myrmidon
moves in water, it takes 2 (1d4) cold damage. Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
Multiattack. The myrmidon makes three scimitar Freezing Strikes (Recharge 6). The myrmidon uses
attacks. Multiattack. Each attack that hits deals an extra 5
(1d10) cold damage, and the target’s speed is reduced
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., by 10 feet until the end of the myrmidon’s next turn.
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) slashing damage.
Source: Water Elemental Myrmidon, Princes of the
Fiery Strikes (Recharge 6 The myrmidon uses Apocalypse
Multiattack. Each attack that hits deals an extra 5
(1d10) fire damage).

Source: Fire Elemental Myrmidon, Princes of the Apocalypse

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Your assistance is required with a delicate matter. Be at

the Tower of Arcane Might five mornings hence. Inform the
guards on the gate you are present to discuss Brinora.

-R.S., Senior Cloak


Your assistance is requested with a delicate matter for the

future of Mulmaster, which you have served so ably in the
past. If you are of mind to assist, be at the Tower of Arcane
Might five mornings hence. When the guards at the gate
ask your business, tell them ‘Brinora’.

- R.S., Senior Cloak


Tales of your deeds have reached my ears, and I have a

proposition that might be of interest to you. If you are, be
present five mornings hence at the Tower of Arcane Might.
When asked your business, reply with only ‘Brinora’. It will
be worth your time.

- R.S., Senior Cloak

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 46
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Individuals who are not members of the Cloaks pay a
5% surcharge on any purchases of under 1000gp and a
2% surcharge on any purchase over that. For example,
a suit of plate armor is 1500 gp + 50gp (5% first 1000) +
10 gp (2% over 1000) for a total of 1560 gp. Non-Cloak
members are given a stern warning about the use of
components for arcane spells by the quartermaster.

Armor (PHB p 145): All items available

Weapons (PHB p 149): All items available
Adventuring Gear (PHB p 150): All items available, with
additional items: desert clothing 4gp, sand shoes 5 gp,
cold weather clothing 4 gp, snow shoes 5 gp, snow
goggles 2gp, crampons 2 gp, cross-country skis and
poles 8 gp, mountaineer tent (2 person) 6 gp
Tools (PHB p 154): All items available
Mounts and Other Animals (PHB p 157): No elephants.
Tack and Harness (PHB p 157): No carriages or chariots.
2 carts, 2 sleds, 1 wagon available. All other items.
Waterborn Vehicles (PHB p 157): Only 1 rowboat
Spellcasting Components: Anything under 1000 gp in
value. The quartermaster also issues spell scrolls to
members of the Cloaks of sufficient rank if requested.
Potions: The quartmaster is willing to exchange a potion
of superior healing for a Mushroom of Connection
(Story Award from CCC-ODFC01-01 Hammer and Anvil).
He has a maximum of three potions.

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 47

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To attend Chapel

In the tongue of the Elders






Crap! The order changes. Have to think


CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 48

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Shield, very rare, requires attunement
While holding this shield, you have advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects, and
spell attacks have disadvantage against you.
Created by Brinora for her lover, and later husband,
Richard, this shield is made of multicolored glass. While
it appears fragile, it is just as strong as a regular shield.
Although the picture that was initially formed was
Brinora’s arcane sigil, the pattern rearranges
appropriately for the wielder, forming a holy symbol or
other simple image of great meaning.

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 49

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The lock on this impressive leather bound tome popped
open when Brinora died, and refuses to stay shut, even
though you later figured out the magical sequence that
was the key. The book is immune to acid, cold, fire,
lightning, and thunder damage, in addition to poison
and psychic, and projects a shield of force around itself
to prevent objects from striking it. None of these
properties are able to help you in combat, though the
contents might, if you can decipher them. The
spellbook is completely full, so no spells can be added.

1st: absorb elements, chromatic orb, detect magic, earth

tremor, feather fall, identify, protection from evil
and good, mage armor, magic missile, shield
2nd: blur, darkvision, detect thoughts, earthbind, Melf’s
acid arrow, mirror image, misty step, see invisibility
3rd: counterspell, dispel magic, fly, fireball, glyph of
warding, haste, lightning bolt, Melf’s minute
4th: banishment, dimension door, fire shield, greater
invisibility, stoneskin
5 : cone of cold, scrying, transmute rock, wall of force
6th: chain lightning, globe of invulnerability, guards and
wards, true seeing
7 : prismatic spray, teleport
8th: antimagic field, mind blank
9th: foresight, time stop

CCC-ODFC01-03 Elders’ Eyes Upon You Page 50

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Shan’s Troubleshooter.
Rastol Shan has taken a personal interest in your career
with the Brotherhood of the Cloaks. He has given you a
signet ring that indicates his respect for your talents.
And the Chaos Stared Back. You gain an additional rank within the Cloaks
While attempting to maintain control of the Unstable organization. Additionally, you are considered to be a
Elemental Node long enough to close it, you saw citizen resident of Mulmaster with respect to the
something in the seething chaos. At the same time, Community Service downtime activity.
whatever it was saw you, and when you close your eyes,
you can see it still staring at you. Elementals and other
creatures representing the elemental princes or the
Elder Elemental Eye (as determined by the DM) will
target you by preference in combat, assuming it is not
dangerous for them to do so. In social encounters, their
attitude is one step worse than it otherwise would be
(friendly becomes indifferent, indifferent becomes

Chaos Warped.
You’re not sure how, but you woke up in the middle of
one of the elemental planes, totally lost, your mind
scrambled, but with only a single thought – you have to
get home. Consult the Adventurers League FAQ for the
most up to date information on getting back to the
Material Plane.

Elemental Spells: A Treatise on Manipulating Reality.

What did you do with this tome?
Gave it to someone else: That’s really sad.
Kept it: Congratulations! You have a dense, academic
tome on the study of the elements and their impact on
reality. Wandering about, adventuring, dungeon
delving – not really all that conducive to studying, are
they? Perhaps you should keep this at the bottom of
your pack until you need a unique book to get in
somewhere, like Candlekeep. Void this award if you
ever give up the book.
Gave it to Rastol Shan: Shan is delighted with your gift,
and offers to let you study the tome with him. For
every 10 downtime days you spend studying the tome
with him, he is able to produce a spell scroll of one level
of spell from the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion and
give it to you. If you choose to instead wait, multiple
units of 10 days can be combined for higher level
scrolls. After 60 days of study, Shan unfortunately has
no more time to examine the book. During your study
with him, you are expected to look and act the part of a
respected researcher, so you must maintain a wealthy
lifestyle, at a minimum.

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