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International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 2(5), ISSN 2394-9333

Student Online Voting System

Raja Lakshmi, 2Meenakshi Nivya and 3K S Selvanayaki,
Student And 3Assistant Professor, Master of Computer Application,
Easwari Engineering College, Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Abstract: On-line Voting System is a web based challenges.

system that facilitates the running of elections and
surveys online. Users are individuals who interact The use of insecure Internet, well
with the system. All user interaction is performed documented cases of incorrect implementations
remotely through the user's web browser. Users and the resulting security Breaches have been
are provided with a online registration form reported recently. These challenges and concerns
before voting user should fill online form and have to be resolved in order to create public trust
submit details these details are compared with in online voting.
details in database and if they match then user is
provided with username and password using this B. Problem Statement
information user can login and vote. If conditions Online Voting System provides the online
are not correct entry will be canceled. It contains registration form for the users before voting and
two level of user’s administrator level and voter makes the users to cast their vote online. The
level where each level has different functionality. system is to be developed with high security and
user friendly.
Keywords: Online Voting, HTML, JavaScript,
C. Research Objective
I. INTRODUCTION The main objective of this study is an
The aim of electronic voting schemes is to important step towards streamlining this effort is
provide a set of protocols that allow voters to cast to develop a framework and identify necessary
ballots while a group of authorities collect votes properties that a secure and trusted online voting
and output the final tally. Problems with voting system must satisfy to reduce discovery
machines extend from the quality of the locks, to redundancy. Such a framework will allow us to
the need for a printed audit trail, to the hacking of evaluate as well as compare the merits of existing
the communication links. Although voting makes and future candidate online voting schemes.
many people to believe that voting is the perfect System should support multi-user environment.
application for technology, but in reality applying System should be fully automated. System should
it is hard. For a voting system to be ideal, four provide concrete security features like creating
attributes must be satisfied: anonymity, users and assigning privileges to users of the
scalability, speed, and accuracy. On-line Voting system. System should be capable to keep track of
System is a web based system that facilitates the all the detailed descriptions of the client and the
running of elections and surveys online. This whole details of services offered by the client
system has been developed to simplify the process organization.
of organizing elections and make it convenient for
voters to vote remotely from their home Various outputs (reports) should be available
computers while taking into consideration online any time. System should be able to handle
security, anonymity and providing auditioning extremely large volumes of data (i.e. large
capabilities. database support).

A. Problem Background D. Scope of Study

In the recent years there are many literature on The scope of the project is that it will use
online voting has been developed. While online the ID and password created by user to register
voting has been an active area of research in the him/her in the voting site, through this all the
recent years, efforts to develop real-world details of voter are saved in database.
solutions have just begun posing several new
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Available 438
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 2(5), ISSN 2394-9333

Advanced technology: It is an advanced

D. Product Functions
technology used now a day. It increases the
internet knowledge of the users which is very The product has a server back-end which takes
necessary for current generation. care of authenticating the users and maintaining
necessary data structures.
E. Overview of Data Requirements
A. Background The internal memory requirement will be constant
This software is being developed for use by or linearly dependent on the number of users
everyone with a simple and self explanatory GUI. depending on the provision of changing the vote
This is software that can be used by people to vote at a later time. The external data about the
in an election. All the user must do is login and candidates (with photographs) and the posts or the
click on his favourable candidates to register his poll questions and the answers will be given as
vote. The development and testing is done on input only at the server end.
Ethernet. While online voting system has been an
active area of research in recent years, the use of F. Constraints
insecure Internet, well documented cases of Login and password is used for identification of
incorrect implementations reported recently. Voter.
These challenges are to be resolved so that public
should cast their vote in secure and convenient
way. Proposed online voting system is a voting
system by which any Voter can use his/her voting Online voting is software system through which a
rights from anywhere in country. Online voting voter can give votes through registering
system contains: themselves on the voting website. all the
information in sites which has been entered are
a) Voter’s information in database. stored in database for each page in the website
b) Voter’s Names with ID and password. have its own database table. It deals with design,
c) Voter’s vote in a database. build and test a online voting system that
d) Calculation of total number of votes. facilitates user (the person who is eligible for
Various operational works proposed in the system voting), candidate (Candidate are the users who
are: Recording information of the Voter in are going to stand in elections for their respective
database. Checking of information filled by voter. party), Election Commission Officer (Election
Discard the false information. Each information is Commission Officer who will verify whether
sent to election commission. registered user and candidates are authentic or
not) to participate in online voting. This online
B. Existing System voting system is highly secured, and it’s design is
very simple, ease of use and also reliable.
Remote voting is exercise into two different ways.
Proxy voting: The person who is unable to be A. Home
physically present authorized other person on It is the welcome page of the website,
behalf of him Close envelope ballet: In this the having all the feature options of the website.
person cast is voter, enclosed in an envelope and
post to register post. The problem with this
system is that not always the ballets are riched in
time. The proxy person may exercise other ballet
then the one synthesised the person.

C. Proposed System
In propose system remote and user’s can exercise.
In the proposed system we can get the result
without manually counting. The computerized B. Registration
counting is simple.
This is the register page, where the voter,
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Available 439
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 2(5), ISSN 2394-9333
candidate and can register themselves. They all
have to enter basic information best of their CONCLUSIONS
known .All the information registered in the Our proposal enables a voter to cast his/her vote
website are saved in the respective database not through internet without going to voting booth
require geographical proximity of the voters. For and additionally registering himself/herself for
example, soldiers abroad can participate in voting in advance, proxy vote or double voting is
elections by voting online. not possible, fast to access, highly secure, easy to
maintain all information of voting, highly efficient
and flexible.

The using of online voting has the capability to

reduce or remove unwanted human errors. In
addition to its reliability, online voting can handle
multiple modalities, and provide better scalability
for large elections.
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User Login: After registering into the website,
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PASSWORD generated through registration. 2008.
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with option of forgot password. Large Scale Systems Using Object
Technology,Cambridge University Press,
Candidate Login: After registration candidate 1998.
can see his/her profile and can edit his/her profile.
The candidate has facilitated with all the latest [4] M. Andrews and J. A. Whittaker, Functional
news update regarding election. and Security Testing of Web Applications
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Available 440

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