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Alternatives To Enhance Flat Slab Ductility: Mohamed Husain, Ahmed S. Eisa, and Ramy Roshdy

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International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials

Vol.11, No.1, pp.161–169, March 2017

DOI 10.1007/s40069-016-0180-5
ISSN 1976-0485 / eISSN 2234-1315

Alternatives to Enhance Flat Slab Ductility

Mohamed Husain, Ahmed S. Eisa*, and Ramy Roshdy

(Received January 23, 2016, Accepted November 17, 2016, Published online February 28, 2017)

Abstract: Flat slab systems are vastly used in multi-story buildings because of their savings in story height and construction time,
as well as for their flexibility in architectural remodeling. However, they frequently suffer brittle punching-shear failure around
columns, especially when subjected to lateral loads. Therefore, seismic codes labeled flat slabs as non-ductile systems. This
research goal is investigating some construction alternatives to enhance flat slab ductility and deformability. The alternatives are:
adding different types of punching-shear reinforcement, using discreet fibers in concrete mixes, and increasing thickness of slab
around columns. The experimental study included preparation and testing of seven half-scale interior slab-column connections up
to failure. The first specimen is considered a reference, the second two specimens made of concrete mixes with different volumetric
ratios of polymer fibers. Another three specimens reinforced with different types of punching-shear reinforcement, and the last
specimen constructed with drop panel of inverted pyramidal shape. It is found that using the inverted pyramid-shape drop panel of
specimen, increases the punching-shear capacity, and the initial and the post-cracking stiffnesses. The initial elastic stiffnesses are
different for all specimens especially for the slab with closed stirrups where it is experienced the highest initial stiffness compared
to the reference slab.
Keywords: flat slab, punching-shear, stud-rails, ductility, punching reinforcement, fibers.

1. Introduction slab models with and without punching-shear reinforcement

were tested (Ruiz and Muttoni 2010). It was observed that the
Flat slabs are preferred in multi-story construction due to strength of slab with shear reinforcement has almost double
its economical and architectural benefits. These benefits the strength of the slab without shear reinforcement; also the
include; reducing the construction time and reducing story deformation capacity is increased more than three times. The
height, which results in more stories for the same building, main objective of this research is to evaluate the potential of
as well as their flexibility in architectural remodeling. using different alternatives for enhancing the ductility and
However, they have been discredited by many seismic codes deformability of flat slab new construction.
for less ductile behavior, and poor energy absorption (IBC Hawkins (1974), Dam and Wight (2015) and Matzke et al.
2009; Eurocode 8 2004; ACI 421-1R 2008). (2015) published a paper presenting an overview of tests
The capacity design method has been widely adopted by a performed with different punching-shear reinforcement
majority of modern seismic codes, since its introduction in systems such as steel heads, bent-up bars, and stirrups.
the New Zealand code in mid-1970s (Park and Paulay 1974; During the 1980s and 1990s, Regan started his research on
Paulay and Priestley 1992; Dovich and Wight 1996; punching with and without shear reinforcement at the
Robertson and Johnson 2004). The method uses ductility Polytechnic of Central London (Regan 1981, 1985). In the
and energy absorption characteristics of structures to dissi- UK at the beginning of the 1990s, Chana and Desai have
pate large amount of the seismic imparted energy, which performed extensive experimental investigations on punch-
boosts the structural safety and reliability. It requires flexural ing-shear tests with shear reinforcement (Chana and Desai
yielding at many locations of the building and provides them 1992). Oliveira et al. (2000) have carried out experimental
with adequate ductility. At the same time prevent any pos- punching investigations on the effects of vertical or inclined
sibility of brittle failure, such as, shear and bond failures. stirrups on flat slab behavior. Carvalho (2011) also have
Punching shear reinforcement is increasingly used in flat conducted investigations on the same subject.
slabs because of the significant improvements introduced in Another way to increase shear strength is to add fiber to
strength and ductility as demonstrated in Fig. 1. Two identical concrete as shear reinforcement. Dinh et al. (2010) have
tested 28 simply supported beams with 3.5 shear span/depth
ratio, with different fiber volumetric ratio. They concluded
Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of that fiber concrete with appropriate fiber volumetric ratio can
Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt. provide shear reinforcement to concrete beams. Meisami
*Corresponding Author; E-mail: et al. (2013) have investigated the shear strengthening of flat
Copyright Ó The Author(s) 2017. This article is published slab by using fibers-reinforced concrete. In the early 1990s, a
with open access at

2. Experimental Program

Experimental studies were designed to achieve the

objectives of this research. The experimental study included
construction and testing of seven half-scale interior slab-
column connections reinforced with the same steel bars in
two direction top and bottom. The first specimen is con-
sidered a reference, the second two specimens made of
concrete mixes with different volumetric ratios of polymer
fibers. Another three specimens reinforced with different
types of punching-shear reinforcement, and the last speci-
men constructed with drop panel of inverted pyramidal
shape. Each specimen had a square plan of side length
Fig. 1 Force-deformation behavior of two slab models with dimension of 1500 mm and a central column stub of cross
and without shear reinforcement (adapted from Ruiz section (200 mm 9 200 mm) extending 600 mm beyond
and Muttoni et al. 2010). the top surface of the slabs. The test specimens were sup-
ported along all four edges. A concentric load was applied to
team of researchers from University of California, at the slabs through the column stub. Through the experimental
Berkeley, has assessed the seismic performance of 14-story- program, the effects of the following parameters were
non ductile-reinforced concrete built in middle 1960s. The investigated: (i) type of additional punching shear rein-
building was termed non-ductile, because it was designed on forcement; (ii) concrete with polymer fiber; (iii) slab thick-
code provisions prior to the 1976 seismic code (Graf and nesses of 120 and 180 mm by adding pyramidal drop panel.
Mehrain 1992). The building has survived two major seismic All slabs were designed based on the ACI-421.IR two-way
events—San Fernando Valley in 1971, and Loma Prieta slab systems.
1989—only by slab column framing action. It is concluded The slab-column connection specimens are built and tes-
that the building exceptional behavior has to do with its ted under gravity load, and the specimens are inclined with
inverted pyramid-shaped drop-panels. The ductility of flat an angle of 20° that give vertical and horizontal loads on the
plates: comparison of shear reinforcement systems have specimens as shown in Fig. 2. The vertical load represents
been studied (Broms 2007). gravity (dead and live) loads and the horizontal load repre-
sents an equivalent static lateral load on the slab. Figure 3
shows the specimen testing setup. All slabs were reinforced
with steel bars in two orthogonal directions top and bottom.
Each specimen is square in plan with side-length dimension
of 1500 mm, and a central column stub extending 600 mm
above the top surface of the slabs. The test specimens were
simply supported along all four edges. A concentric load was
applied to the slabs through the column stub from the top
side. Through the experimental program, the effects of the
following parameters were investigated: (i) type of addi-
tional punching shear reinforcing; (ii) polymer fiber; (iii)
slab thickness. Table 1 summarize the details of the tested
Fig. 2 Test setup and location of load on specimens. specimens.

Fig. 3 Specimen on steel frame (unit: m).

162 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.11, No.1, March 2017)
Table 1 Characteristics and dimensions of the specimens.
Specimen S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Effect Control Fiber 0.2% Fiber 0.3% Stud-rails Multi-leg stirrups Closed stirrups Drop panel
Thickness (mm) 120 120 120 120 120 120 180
Effective depth 95 95 95 95 95 95 155
Top 200
spacing (mm)
Bottom 167
spacing (mm)
Steel studs N/A N/A N/A 60 N/A N/A N/A
spacing (mm)
Closed stirrups N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 60 N/A
spacing (mm)

Table 2 Concrete mix proportions of 1.0 m3.

Ingredient Cement (kg) Fine aggregate (m3) Coarse aggregate (m3) Water (kg)
350 0.4 0.8 250

Different ratio of polymer fiber on specimen S2 and S3

Cement (kg) Cement per specimen (kg) Fiber per specimen
S2 350 103 0.2% = 206 g
S3 350 103 0.3% = 309 g

Fig. 5 Location of LVDT.

Steel studs have a head diameter of 300 mm, shear stud’s

shaft diameter of 100 mm, the steel base rail has a thickness
of 60 mm with a length of 400 mm and the thickness of
10 mm whereas the total height is 106 mm. The shear studs
have a yield strength of 360 N/mm2. The multiple-leg stir-
rups arranged every 60 mm, and the height of the stirrup is
100 mm and the diameter is 6 mm. The closed stirrups used
Fig. 4 a Strain gages at the top reinforcing mat (left), and at
the shear reinforcement (right). b Location of A, A0 , in slab S6, arranged every 60 mm with a diameter of 6 mm.
B & B0 . All slabs have 5/8/m as a top reinforcement and 6/12/m as

International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.11, No.1, March 2017) | 163
Fig. 6 Different specimen configurations (unit: m).

164 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.11, No.1, March 2017)
Table 3 Specimen’s cracking load, failure load, and deflection.
Specimens Cracking load (kN) Failure load (kN) Deflection at failure (mm) Failure mode
S1 20 130 13 Brittle
S2 22 135 15.5 Brittle
S3 23 141 17 Brittle
S4 25 200 22 Ductile
S5 27 220 28 Ductile
S6 30 244 35 Ductile
S7 35 300 – N/A

2.2 Test Setup

A vertically oriented hydraulic actuator, connected to a
steel reaction frame, is used for application of the load to the
slab specimens that shown in Fig. 3. This setup helps to
subject the connection to horizontal and vertical loads to
create unbalanced moment typical of lateral loads.
The installation of strain gages for concrete structures
presents several unique challenges to the installer, whether
measurements are made on the concrete surface or within the
concrete, or on reinforcement bars within the structure.
Figures 4 and 5 show the location of stain gages installed in
Fig. 7 Load-deflection relations of tested specimens. the present study. The deflection of the test specimens was
captured with linear variable differential transformers
(LVDT). Figure 6 shows the specimen details for all the
tested slabs.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Load Deflection

The typical load-deflection behavior of all specimens was
linear up to the yield load, when the yield of the longitudinal
steel reinforcement was reached; the behavior changed to
nonlinear up to failure. The cracking failure loads and cor-
Fig. 8 Strain of shear reinforcement in slabs S4, S5, and S6. responding vertical deflections for all tested specimens are
listed in Table 3.
Load-deflection curves of all specimens S1, S2, S3, S4,
a bottom reinforcement. The shear studs and stirrups are S5, S6 and S7, respectively are presented in Fig. 7 and
arranged at a distance of 0.5 d from the column face. Table 3. The control slab is failed at an ultimate load of
130 kN with a corresponding deflection of 13 mm. The
2.1 Material Properties addition of fiber to the concrete mixtures has a noticeable
All concrete mixtures were normal weight concrete and effect on the ultimate load, where the 0.2 and 0.3% of fiber
tested for a 28-day’s compressive strength with an average of increased the ultimate load by 3.8 and 8.4%, respectively.
(310 kg/cm2). Coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture The ultimate deflection increased by 19.2 and 30.7% for the
consisted of crushed basalt rock from Ataqa area in Egypt, 0.2 and 0.3% fiber volume, and compared to the control
the mix proportions of concrete for 1.0 m3 of concrete is deflection. Using steel studs around the slab-column con-
shown in Table 2. Polymer fiber concrete used for specimens nection enhanced the ultimate load and deflection signifi-
S2 and S3 with different ratio are shown in Table 2. cantly by 53.8 and 69.23%, respectively compared to the
The characteristic yield strength of steel bars was control specimen. A similar behavior was noticed when
360 MPa and the mean yield strength of the steel bars was using the stirrup legs as well. An outperformed behavior was
fy = 382 MPa (obtained from direct tension tests on three obtained when the slab-column connection was reinforced
specimens). The ultimate strength of the steel bars was by closed stirrups, where the ultimate load and deflection
fu = 532 MPa and the average uniform elongation of bars at increased by 87.7, and 269% respectively. Finally as it was
fu was eu = 11%. expected, the pyramidal drop panel shape increased the

International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.11, No.1, March 2017) | 165
ultimate load by 230% compared to the control specimens polar moment of inertia. Y is the location where the maxi-
(Fig. 8). mum shear stress is calculated. More details could be found
in the ACI 421.1R.
3.2 Crack Pattern While the nominal shear strength in slabs S1, and S7,
The cracking load Pcr and the mid-span deflection D where shear reinforcement is not provided, were taken the
corresponding to the cracking load of the specimens are smallest value of Eqs. 4–7b, 4–8b, and 4–9b in ACI421.1R.
given in Table 4. In regard to the Pcr values reported in The shear strength of slabs with stirrups (S5 and S6) is
Table 4, it is concluded that the cracking load of the control calculated based on Eq. 4–11 in ACI 421.1R, and finally the
slab without fibers, S1 is around 9–10% less than the
cracking load of the slabs with fibers. This can be attributed
partly to shrinkage induced cracks in the non-symmetrically
reinforced sections; however, the uniform distribution of
fibers in slabs S2 and S3 can lessen the shrinkage induced
The initiation and development of first cracking at mid-
point of the control slab and the slabs with fibers of 0.2 and
0.3% by volume (S2 and S3) took place at deflection Dcr of
0.5–0.6 mm, respectively (Table 4). The development of
cracks at mid-span is associated with a small reduction in the
load and a load drop followed the onset of first cracking is a
characteristic of reinforced concrete members tested. The
cracking load increased with the addition of the studs, stirrup
legs and the closed stirrups by 25, 35, and 50%, respectively
compared to the control specimen. It was seen that the
maximum cracking load recorded from all the specimens
tested was related to the addition if the pyramidal drop panel
shape, where the cracking load reached 35 kN by an increase
equal 75% compared to the control slab with and enhance-
ment of the cracking deflection of 60%. The crack patterns
of specimens S1, S4, and S5 are shown in Fig. 9. Specimen
S7 did not reach failure due to lab limitations (available load
capacity = 300 kN).
For measured shear stress (at maximum applied load Pu
recorded during the tests). The shear stress for all concrete
slabs was predicted by the shear equation provided by ACI
421.1R as in the following:
V u cvx Mux y
vu ¼ þ : ð1Þ
Ac Jc

Vu is the factored shear force and Mux is the unbalanced

moment, Ac is the concrete area resisting shear, Jc is the Fig. 9 Cracks patterns of specimens S1, S4, and S5.

Table 4 Load deflection at different load stages and shear strength.

Slabs Pcr (kN) Dcr (mm) Py (kN) Dy (mm) Pu (kN) Du (mm) Vu (measured Vn (nominal
shear strength) shear strength)
ACI 421-1R ACI 421-1R
(N/mm2) (N/mm2)
S1 20 0.5 112 10.5 130 13 3.00 1.83
S2 22 0.5 120 7.5 135 15.5 N/A N/A
S3 23 0.6 120 8 141 17 N/A N/A
S4 25 0.7 138 7.2 200 22 3.69 4.16
S5 27 0.6 140 6.4 220 28 5.08 1.1
S6 30 0.6 145 9 244 35 5.63 1.57
S7 35 0.8 185 14.5 300 – 2.97 1.83

166 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.11, No.1, March 2017)
Table 5 Ductility ratio of all specimens.
Slab Dy (mm) Du (mm) lD = Du/Dy
S1 10.5 13 1.238
S2 7.5 15.5 2.067
S3 8 17 2.125
S4 7.2 22 3.056
S5 6.4 28 4.375
S6 9 35 3.888
S7 14.5 – N/A

Fig. 10 Ductility ratio of specimens.

nominal shear strength of slab S4 is calculated based on

Sec. 4.3.3 in the same document. Fig. 11 Area A1 and A2.

3.2.1 Example Slab S4 (Shear Studs Provided) specimen at yield point, Pu and Du: load and deflection of the
specimen at yield point at failure. The following equations
200;000 cos 20
vu ðEq:1Þ ¼ are used to define the cracking and yield points from the
2ð295  95Þ þ 2ð295 þ 95Þ steel strain readings.
0:4  200;000 sin 20  600  295=2
þ 953 295 3
þ 295 695 þ 295295
2 95
d n  fctr
6 2 eConcrete ¼ eSteel ¼ ¼
¼ 4:61 N=mm2 ESteel ESteel
10  1:9 320
Column dimensions (c) = 200 9 200 mm2. eSteel ¼ ¼ 150  106 ¼ 150 le
The critical section perimeter = c ? d = 200 ? 95 = 2  106
295 mm. dy 3600
Column height = 600 mm. ey ¼ ¼ ¼ 1800  106 ¼ 1800 le
ESteel 2  106
Pu = 200,000 N.
The nominal shear strength is calculated based on the Table 4 shows the shear strength resisted by concrete for
following: all the slabs except S2, and S3. The predicted values based
pffiffiffi0ffi on the ACI 421-1R (2008) and it is noticed that the per-
fc centages of actual/predicted shear strength are varied. The
vc ¼ ¼ 1:4 N/mm2
4 closest prediction was for slab S7 where the actual-to-
Av fy 8  78:5  360 predicted shear strength was 0.96 and the worst prediction
vs ¼  ¼ was for slab S4 where the percentage of difference was
S b0 60  ð2  295 þ 2  295Þ
¼ 2:79 N/mm2 0.65.

vn ¼ vc þ vs ¼ 1:4 þ 2:79 ¼ 4:16 N/mm2 :

3.3 Slabs Ductility
In Table 4; Pcr and Dcr: load and deflection of the speci- The ultimate load capacity, Pu, and the deflection value at
men at first crack, Py and Dy: load and deflection of the ultimate load level, Du, and the ductility ratio, lD (measure

International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.11, No.1, March 2017) | 167
Table 6 EAI and stiffness of all slab specimens.
Slab A1 A2 A1 ? A2 EAI Ki Ks
S1 5.88 3.25 9.13 1.55 40.0 10.7
S2 4.5 10.8 15.3 3.40 44.0 16.0
S3 4.8 12.69 17.49 3.64 38.3 15.0
S4 4.97 29.6 34.57 6.96 35.7 19.2
S5 4.48 47.52 52 11.61 45.0 21.9
S6 6.53 63.44 69.97 10.72 50.0 16.1
S7 13.41 NA NA NA 43.8 12.8

A1 þ A2
EAI ¼ ð2Þ

The EAI is calculated and listed in Table 6, it shows that

specimens S5 has the highest energy absorption, about 7.5
times of the value of the control specimen S1. Specimens S4
and S6 exhibited energy absorption about 3.8, and 7 times of
the value of S1.

4.1 Slab Stiffness

Two different stiffnesses the initial stiffness Ki, and the
post secant stiffness Ks were obtained from experimental
data by using Eq. 3, and listed in Table 6 (Fig. 12).
Fig. 12 Definition of Ki and Ks.
Pcr Py
Ki ¼ and Ks ¼ ð3Þ
Dcr Dy
of ductility) are listed in Table 5. Specimen S2 and S3 failed
in a more ductile manner than specimen S1, suggesting that Table 6 shows the initial stiffness for all specimens. It is
the fibers added to the concrete mixtures enhanced the observed that all specimens have almost the same elastic
ductility by an average of 66% relative to the control slab stiffness except S5 (due to stirrups legs) and S7 (due to the
and thus provided ductility to the reinforced concrete slab larger depth).
column connections. In terms of ductility provided by the
shear studs layout improved the ductility by a significant
percentage (246%) compared to the control slab. Both the 5. Conclusions
shear legs and the closed stirrups provided outperformance
of ductility where it was observed to be 353, and 314% From this study the following conclusions can be drawn:
Figure 10 shows ultimate load and deflection of the 1. The addition of the pyramid-shaped drop panel in
specimens, it shows that S7 exhibit higher strength with no specimen (S7), has led to the increased strength, initial
signs of near failure, compared with all specimens. Also the stiffness, and secant stiffness.
bar chart for the ductility for all specimens was observed that 2. The initial stiffness of specimens reinforced with stud-
S5 and S6 exhibited higher ductility compared with S4 that rail have increased by about 12.5% compared to the
because the large number of stirrup legs in S5, and con- control slab.
finement of concrete of the closed stirrups S6. 3. The secant stiffness for specimens made of fiber
concrete S2, and S3 have increased by about 49.5 and
40% relative to the control specimens.
4. Energy Absorption Index (EAI) 4. In terms of ductility provided by the shear studs layout
improved the ductility by a significant percentage
Previous research on the performance of buildings during (246%) compared to the control slab. Both the shear
severe earthquakes indicated that energy dissipation plays a legs and the closed stirrups provided outperformance of
very important role in protecting buildings from collapse. ductility where it was observed to be 353, and 314%
The EAI is defined as the ratio of the total area under load- respectively.
deflection curve to that under the elastic part only as cal- 5. Specimens S5 has the highest energy absorption index
culated in Eq. 2 (Fig. 11): (energy dissipation), about 7.5 times of the value of the

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