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The passage provides details about recent and upcoming religious events including a crusade in Washington D.C. and faith events in Houston and Tulsa.

The recent Washington D.C. crusade was held at the University of Maryland Adult Education Center. It was reported that hundreds were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and that thousands of lives were changed through the faith teachings.

The Faith Seminar and Mid-Winter Indoor Campmeeting in Houston will be held from January 4-11 at Lakewood Church. Kenneth Hagin and Fred Price will be teaching at the new 2000 seat sanctuary. Services will be held on Sunday at 7pm and Monday-Saturday at 10am and 7:30pm.


Published monthly by the Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelistic Assn., Inc. J a n u a r y , 1976


Washington D.C. Crusade . . . f ag% 2

Is Your Profit Showing? Page 4
The Pastor (Part 2 ) Page 3

HOUSTON. TEXAS Jan. 4 - 1 1

"One of the most beautiful W i v e s of men in high govern­ MID-WINTER INDOOR CAMPMEETING
Kenneth Hagin and F r e d Price
sights I have ever seen was as I ment office witnessed the Lordship teaching in the new 2 0 0 0 seat sanctuary of:
L a k e w o o d Church
stood at Kenneth's side and looked of Jesus Christ in their lives as they 7 4 0 0 East Houston Road
Houston, Texas
at the faces of the people as they laid their hands upon believers to Sunday S e r v i c e s 7:00 pm
Monday-Saturday 1 0 : 0 0 am & 7:30 pm
came forth for salvation and to receive the Holy Spirit in the
receive the Holy Spirit," said Mrs. prayer rooms.
TULSA, OKLAHOMA Jan. 1 8 - 2 5
Kenneth Hagin of the Washington T h e campus newspaper carried a Kenneth Hagin
Teaching Seminar
D.C. Area Crusade held recently at front page report of the meeting
Sheridan Assembly Christian Center
2 0 5 South Sheridan Road
the University of Maryland Adult replete with picture of folks "falling
Sunday S e r v i c e s 6:30 pm
Education Center. Monday-Saturday 1 0 : 3 0 am & 7:30 pm
under the power." Young people
Area Full Gospel Businessmen and students came and responded
LAKELAND, FLORIDA Feb. 1 5 - 2 2
and Women's Aglow cooperated in to the call of the Lord.
a spirit of love and unity in the Says Brother Hagin of all the First Assembly of G o d Church
1 3 5 0 East Main
planning of the meeting in our Fall meetings, "In more than 40 Sunday S e r v i c e s 7:45 pm
Monday-Saturday 1 0 : 0 0 am & 7:30 pm
country's capital area. One of the years in the ministry I have never
Full Gospel Businessmen wrote us, seen it quite like this. There is such
CAMPMEETING 7 6 Aug. 2 - 7

"...Hundreds were saved...we esti­ a manifestation of the Spirit of God C i v i c Center Arena
Tulsa, Oklahoma
mate at least 500 were filled with people are flowing i n , in the Only one Campmeeting this summer. Plan your
v a c a t i o n now to be with us in Tulsa for Campmeet­
the Holy Ghost...and hundreds, if response to it. So many are coming ing '76.

not thousands of lives were for salvation...and to receive the

changed as a result of the faith Holy Spirit. Truly, the Glory of the CORRECTION
Last month's issue of The
teaching." Lord is all around." Word of Faith carried t w o
notices of the Faith Seminar
and Mid-Winter Indoor
WE NEED YOUR HELP Campmeeting to be held in
Houston in January. In one
The mailing list for The Word of notice the dates were incor­
Faith requires tender loving rect. T h e correct dates for
care and special handling. And, this meeting in which Ken­
unlike children, the bigger it neth Hagin and Fred Price
gets, the more care it requires. will minister are January 4
through 1 1 . ( S e e the Itiner­
Would you please check your ary listing in this issue for the
address label on this issue? address and times of ser­
Let us know if it is incorrect in University of Maryland vices.)
Center of Adult Education
any way—especially notice the
zip code. T H E W O R D O F F A I T H p u b l i s h e d monthly by
K e n n e t h E. Hagin Evangelistic A s s n . . P.O.
Box 5 0 1 2 6 , 1 0 2 9 N. Utica. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Also, if y o u happen t o be
D o y l e Harrison Editor
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$ 2 . 0 0 of your donation t o : K e n n e t h E. Hagin
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Thank you for your assistance.
Volume IX Number 1

ACTS 8:6-7
6 And the people with one accord
gave heed unto those things which

Philip spake, hearing and seeing the
miracles which he did.
7 For unclean spirits, crying with
loud voice, came out of many that
were possessed with them: and many
taken with palsies, and that were

PART 2 lame, were healed.

(Continued from List months teaching. -.) That's the true e v a n g e l i s t at

work. So I believe the office of
evangelist is in I Corinthians 12:28
Fifth in the Ministry Gifts Series in miracles and gifts of healings.
A l l right—next Paul lists in I
When he (Christ) ascended up on of the ministry of a pastor. A flock C o r i n t h i a n s 12:28, helps and
high, he led captivity captive, and well fed is least likely to become governments. I believe that's the
gave gifts unto men...And he gave spiritually unhealthy. M a n y times pastor's office. Jesus Himself used
some, apostles; and some, trouble in churches and among as an illustration a flock of sheep
prophets; and some, evangelists; God's sheep is due to the fact they and a shepherd. I've been to Israel
and some, pastors and teachers; haven't been fed the right diet. and seen the shepherd out with
For the perfecting of the saints, for GOVERNMENTS the flock. He has the oversight of
the work of the ministry, for the t h e m . H e has the g o v e r n i n g
edifying of the body of Christ; - It is the H o l y Ghost w h o makes faculty. He takes them where they
Ephesians 4:8, 11-12 men overseers. This "overseer" is should go. That's his job. Govern­
the pastor, or the shepherd. The ments heads up in the office of pas­

T he pastor is a divine gift of

God to the church. The scripture is
shepherd is the overseer of the
flock. It is God w h o set govern­
ments in the church.
Oh, I know sometimes the Sun­
day School superintendent thinks
clear on that. "When he ascended I C O R I N T H I A N S 12:28 h e ' s t h e g o v e r n m e n t of t h e
up on high, he...gave gifts unto 28 A n d God hath set some in the church. A n d sometimes the board
men...And he gave some,...pastors- church, first apostles, secondarily of deacons thinks it is. Their ad­
We certainly need to have the prophets, thirdly teachers, after that vice is well and good, and there's a
right respect and attitude toward miracles, then gifts of healings, place for it because the Bible
this office, this ministry, because it helps, governments, diversities of speaks of it. But the governing
is a true gift from God. tongues. ability of the church heads up in
Not only is the office a gift from the pastoral, or shepherd's office.
God—but the man called and set Did you notice the office of pas­ We know this too from the scrip­
in that office is a gift from God. If tor is not mentioned here in I Cor­ tures w e covered last month.
the gift is in a man's heart to stand inthians 12:28?
in this office, it can and should be In our text from Ephesians 4,
developed. However, no amount Paul lists the five ministry gifts as:
of personal ambition, no amount of apostles, prophets, evangelists, I believe that a pastor should be
good intentions, can take the place pastors, teachers. A n d over here e q u i p p e d w i t h spiritual gifts.
of having the touch of God and the in I Corinthians he writes, "And Which ones? The word of wisdom
anointing of God upon you to God hath set some in the church, and the word of knowledge. The
function in this office. It is the first apostles, secondarily manifestation of these in the pas­
Holy Ghost w h o makes men over­ prophets, thirdly teachers (now tor's ministry is not always the
seers. notice), after that miracles, then spectacular display w e ' v e seen. A
gifts of healings,...." He did not word of wisdom is often a right
ACTS 20:28
mention the evangelist b y name, word spoken in season. There is a
28 Take heed therefore unto your­
but I believe that's the evangelist side to these things which doesn't
selves, and to all the flock, over the
which the Holy Ghost hath made you there, "...after that miracles, then seem to be supernatural—yet it is
overseers, to feed the church of God, gilts of healings..." supernatural.
which he hath purchased with his W e ' v e s e e n t h e d i s p l a y of
P h i l i p is a N e w T e s t a m e n t
own blood.
evangelist. In fact, the only man in tongues and interpretation, of
We concluded last month b y say­ the N e w Testament called an prophecy, of healings, and work­
ing that above all else the positive evangelist. T h e only example of ing of miracles, and the spectacu­
work of feeding the flock is a part an evangelist given to us. lar side of the word of knowledge.
I hear people talk about "What
0 had never spoken on this subject pet se Sejoze. 3utPaatozQCenn
all I gave up. What all I laid aside.
OfliCCazd 0/ the Sheridan o^AiemSCg Chzutian Center diked me to What all it cost me."
speak on a Sunday mowing and9 went to sCeep one night praying Well, it didn't cost you nearly as
aSout whatO shouid use for a text. 9 a/as awakened in the night and much as it did Heaven to give up
Jesus. But besides all that, in the
something seemed to dag to me, "9s gout profit Showing? "
long run, it's not costing you any­
thing anyhow—It's paying! It's

IS YOUR PROFIT paying off! Godliness is profitable!

Not only in the next life—but in
this life!

SHOWING? W h y is godliness profitable?

Why is living for God, being God's
child, walking in fellowship with
Him, k e e p i n g H i s c o m m a n d ­
I T I M O T H Y 4:8, 15 according to this text it also ren­
8 For bodily exercise profiteth lit­ ders profit in this life. For it says, ments, profitable? It is because
tle: but godliness is profitable unto "...having promise of the life that God has made some promises to
all things, having promise of the life now is, and of that which is to His faithful children. Notice the
that now is, and of that which is to come." w o r d promise is in our text.
come... W e ' v e often heard the expres­ "...having promise of the life that
15 Meditate upon these things; give sion that some people are so now is...."
thyself wholly to them; that thy
h e a v e n l y minded they're no God has made us promises in this
profiting may appear to all.
earthly good. It is possible for us to life. Our profiting is because of His
get our minds entirely on the promises. A n d this may seem
Notice these statements—in the future, and on heaven, and that it's unusual—I'd never thought of it
8th verse that "godliness is profit­ all going to pay off over there— until I wrote it all down, then I
able"—and in the 15th "that thy and forget about now. I'm glad noticed they're all "P's". God's pro­
profiting may appear to all." Paul balanced us out on that say­ mises are: Protection, Promotion,
ing that godliness is not only Perpetuity, and Prosperity.
.We're at the time of year when profitable over yonder in the next
men w h o manage businesses are life, but it has promise of the " PROMISE O F PROTECTION
greatly concerned about whether that now is...."
they're going to show a profit. Paul said in w r i t i n g to the
A n d they should be. If there is a We were bankrupt. But God had church, " are God's husban­
profit—it ought to show. It says in mercy on us and sent Jesus to dry (garden, farm), y e are God's
this 15th verse, "that thy profiting redeem us. T h e Word of God building" (I Cor. 3:9). That means
may appear... "If your profiting ap­ speaks about "Christ in you the we belong to God.
pears—then it is showing. hope of glory" (Col. 1:27). So He N o w if you have a building
not only came to save us from our worth anything, even your own
sins—that's part of it—but to live home, you are going to protect it
Some people w o u l d h a v e us within us. A n d He wants us to every w a y you possibly can. A n d
believe that godliness—living for bring as much glory to His name— God, in His H o l y Word has pro­
God, being saved, being born- and to pay as rich dividends as mised us protection.
again, walking in fellowship with possible for Him in this life. I think the greatest such pro­
the Lord—has no profit in this life. I want to emphasize that instead mise—and it belongs to us too
That w e just g o through life with of s a y i n g g o d l i n e s s is a because God is still the same—is
our ups and downs, our struggles "hindrance" to success—the Apos­ the 91st Psalm.
and trials, and a "this life will soon tle Paul says here exactly the op­
be o'er" attitude. A n d that we'll posite. That it is profitable unto all PSALM 91:1-10
reap all the reward over yonder. things. 1 He that dwelleth in the secret
Well, godliness is profitable in I saw some empty billboards place of the most High shall abide
the life to come—it says so in I along the highway. T h e y wanted under the shadow of the Almighty.
T i m o t h y 4:8. T h e r e w i l l be a to lease them to someone for ad­ 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my
reward over there. A n d I'm cer­ vertising so they had put this refuge and my fortress: my God; in
statement on them—It doesn't cost. him will I trust.
tainly interested in that. But I'm
It pays! T h e y were saying that it 3 Surely he shall deliver thee from
not nearly so interested in that
the snare of the fowler, and from the
right at this moment, because I'm really doesn't cost to advertise—it
noisome pestilence.
not there yet. I'm interested in this pays. I just borrowed their saying
4 He shall cover thee with his
life right now because here is and paraphrased it. It doesn't cost feathers, and under his wings shalt
where I am. A n d if godliness is to serve God. It doesn't cost to be a thou trust: his truth shall be thy
going to give profit in the next life, Christian. It pays! shield and buckler.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the He stood before us 90 years old when you were born with the 91st
terror by night; nor for the arrow with all of his hair—and v e r y little Psalm. It's the best vaccination I
that flieth by day; g r e y . (I asked m y wife later, know of. A n d neither of you will
6 N o r for the pestilence that because she met him for the first have polio."
walketh in darkness; nor for the time, if he hadn't told us his age A n d so they said, "We don't
destruction that wasteth at noonday.
h o w old would she have guessed believe we'll take it."
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side,
him to be. She said she wouldn't Neither ever had polio.
and ten thousand at thy right hand;
but it shall not come nigh thee. have judged him to be a day over N o w don't misunderstand me
8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou 55.) and say that I said not to be vacci­
behold and see the reward of the Then he said, "I k n o w it's not nated. I didn't. It's pretty well up to
wicked. d i v i n e healing, (Faith will g o the individual.
9 Because thou hast made the b e y o n d some of these things But I'll tell you, God has some
Lord, which is my refuge, even the sometimes.) but I read in the Bible things for us—and w e live w a y
most High, thy habitation; one day that the v e r y hairs of your beneath our privileges because
10 There shall no evil befall thee, head are numbered. So I just said, our faith is not in His promises.
neither shall any plague come nigh 'Lord, you k n o w what the number The 91st Psalm goes on to say:
thy dwelling. is up there. I don't but you do. So
I'm just going to believe you to PSALM 91:11-16
I'd like to say here that a good 11 For he shall give his angels
many years ago I read this Psalm keep them.' A n d you see, I've got
charge over thee, to keep thee in all
from the Swedish translation. On all m y hair." thy ways.
that 10th verse where it says, Well, I'd never thought of that. I 12 They shall bear thee up in their
"There shall no evil befall thee...." was 37 at the time and didn't have hands, lest thou dash thy foot against
the Swedish translation reads, as much hair as I have now. So I a stone.
"There shall no accident overtake said, " A l l right, I'm not losing any 13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion
thee...." I researched it and found more hair." A n d I haven't. In fact, and adder: the young lion and the
that was i n c l u d e d . So I just I've grown some. dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
claimed that years ago. Then he said, "Brother Kenneth, 14 Because he hath set his love
upon me, therefore will I deliver him:
A n d I checked up once, and at I just believed God to keep m y
I will set him on high, because he
that time I had driven nearly 2 teeth." A n d he opened his mouth.
hath known my name.
million miles in preaching the He had e v e r y tooth in his head, 15 He shall call upon me, and I will
gospel. T w o million miles—and and not a filling in a one of them. answer him: I will be with him in
blessed be G o d — w i t h o u t o n e Somebody said, "Do you think trouble; I will deliver him, and
single accident. Understand, I'm that could belong to me?" honour him.
not bragging on me—I'm bragging If you've got enough faith to 16 With long life will I satisfy him,
on this Word here, the 91st Psalm. claim it, it does. There is promise and shew him my salvation.
A number of years ago, I went of p r o t e c t i o n in G o d ' s W o r d .
back to m y hometown to preach. "There shall no evil, or accident,
Brother Smith, a dear old Free befall thee...."
M e t h o d i s t b r o t h e r w h o m I'd "Well, it does sometimes," they
worked for some during m y first say.
pastorate, came out to hear me. I k n o w it. Maybe they didn't
"Brother Kenneth," he said to me claim it. I claimed it and got it.
after the service, "I'll be 90 years "...Neither shall any plague come
old in 20 days, and I haven't been nigh thy dwelling'IPs. 91:10). I
sick in 40 years. (His wife was claimed that one, too.
standing right there.) You can ask Thank God for the Salk vaccine.
my wife." We lived in a day when polio was
Well, I believed him. I k n e w him. rampaging. And we were
I'd known him a good many years thankful when the vaccine came
and had never known of his being out. But they came around to the
sick. school with it and our children
He said, "I haven't had the flu. I came home with a paper for us to
haven't had a sick day. I haven't sign if we'd like them to have it.
had one day in bed in 40 years." T h e y were 8 and 9 years old.
He explained, "Somebody came I never laid down any law con­
along 40 years ago in our Free cerning such matters to m y chil­
Methodist church preaching dren saying, "You've got to do
divine healing. I'd never heard it this, and you've got to do that." I
before but I thought, 'If that's said, "It's up to you. I'll sign it if If that's not protection—then I
mine, I'll just claim it.' " you want, but I vaccinated you don't k n o w what protection is!
most outstanding gift of all which
should be in the life and ministry
It is certainly true that the pastor of the pastor is love for his sheep.
is a gift, and he has a gift from Love for his sheep. A pastor needs
God—even supernatural equip­ a s h e p h e r d heart. W i t h this
The side where there is a revela­ ment to stand in the office. But— shepherd heart, he will succeed.
tion of someone w h o is sick and that d o e s n ' t i m p l y p e r f e c t i o n Without it, he will fail.
their immediate need, for ins­ before one lays claim to the office. A n d that shepherd heart is a gift
tance. If that were the case, the apostles from God. With tears I say this
But there's another side whereby never would have gotten there. because I see so often that men
the Spirit of God will bring revela­ You can look at their lives and see stand in this office and do not have
tion of the Word through the word p l e n t y of imperfections about that love and shepherd heart. It
of k n o w l e d g e unto the pastor and them. T h e church in e v e r y age has breaks m y heart to see the sheep
unto the teacher. A n d they share had to avail itself of the best scattered and divided.
it with the people. It's not so spec­ material available to work for God. The shepherd heart is a gift from
tacular—but it's a supernatural A s men would be faithful they God. It is the surest sign of
manifestation and revelation of would develop in ministry, and whether you are called to pastor.
the Spirit of A l m i g h t y God. Often develop in character, and develop The most outstanding model of
the pastor is equipped with some in spiritual growth, and become the pastoral, or shepherd office,
of these things and the congrega­ stalwart in God. the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said,
tion doesn't even recognize it. We need to realize this. Those "I am the good shepherd: the good
It is m y personal opinion, and of saints w h o are always grumbling shepherd giveth his life for the
course this is just me talking, you might remember this—that the sheep" (John 10:11).
don't have to accept it. But I think man w h o stands in the office as Hebrews 13:20 calls Jesus the
you'll find there is some merit in it. pastor (or any other ministry gift) "great shepherd" of the sheep. He
I'm convinced the pastor should is not perfect. If God had to wait is the supreme pattern for any pas­
have the ministry gift of diver­ until men became perfect before tor to follow.
sities of tongues operating in him, He could use them—He'd never The supreme pattern in patience.
along w i t h interpretation. H e use anybody. The supreme pattern in teaching.
could guide things in the con­ A l l honor is due that magnifi­ He went about, the Word of God
gregation better that w a y . cent a r m y of men w h o h a v e says, throughout their cities and
There was an abuse and misuse sought to fill the office of pastor— villages teaching in their syn­
of tongues and interpretation and who have been loyal to the Word agogues.
prophecy in Corinth which Paul of God, loyal to the flock, some­ He is the greatest Example of
was e n d e a v o r i n g to c o r r e c t . times e v e n at the expense of any example. A n d He bases the ti­
Where a pastor is used along this depriving themselves of a few of tle H e called Himself, "the good
line—and I'm c o n v i n c e d a n y the simple pleasures of life. shepherd," on this fact, "... me
Spirit-filled pastor w h o would ask It should be clearly kept before good shepherd giveth his life for
God for it, God would accomo­ us that for the pastoral ministry to the sheep."
date—he is able to maintain things be successful—it demands a real That is the most outstanding at­
in the Spirit, and to keep things gift from God. So many g o into it tribute of a pastor. The greatest
done decently and in order as the just as a profession. T h e y ' r e profes­ thing ever said about the pastoral
Bible teaches. sional men. We need spiritual men ministry is, "...the good shepherd
T o pastors I would say, if God for that office. giveth his life for his sheep." It is
ever used you the least little bit in A pastor needs some measure of the v e r y essence of shepherding.
that way, don't draw back from it. a gift in conducting meetings— The good shepherd gives his life
But m o v e on in to it b y faith. I'm and God will supply it. for his sheep—constantly.
well satisfied many of the gifts of It requires a certain measure of I don't believe Jesus meant just
the Spirit are lying dormant in the organization to stand in that that H e was going to die. He died
lives of many ministers as well as office. One translation of I Cor­ to save sinners, not sheep. Sheep
many laymen. W e should k n o w inthians 12:28 translates it the gift are already saved. But, you see, H e
about them and w e should en­ of organizing rather than govern­ had to die to selfish interests. A n d
courage folks—because God does ments. a good shepherd is dying all the
His w o r k w i t h supernatural The pastor has to deal with in­ time. A real true shepherd will do
means. dividual problems. It takes tact that same thing—he will die to self
Remember this—God does not and patience to do that sometimes. and selfish interests continually.
call a man to any task without giv­ A n d then there are discipline
ing that man the suitable gifts or problems. Here it requires a real This t e a c h i n g is available o n
the necessary qualifications to gift from God and great grace. cassette. Order #S569. Ministry of
stand in that office. But the most consuming and the Pastor (Part 2). Price $4.00.
IS YOUR PROFIT for then thou shalt make thy w a y
prosperous, and then thou shalt have
It was said of Joseph, "...that
which he did, the Lord made it to
SHOWING? good success. prosper" (Gen. 3:23).
CONTINUED F R O M P A G E 5 When God's Word has a part in The 1st Psalm is plain enough:
PROMISE O F PROMOTION your life, and when you abide by PSALM 1:1-3
It's a false notion on the part of the principles of the Word of God, 1 Blessed is the man that walketh
some that you have to tone down you will do just what the Bible not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor
and lay aside your God-given con­ says. You will have good success, standeth in the way of sinners, nor
victions in order to climb and and your w a y will be prosperous. sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
a m o u n t to s o m e t h i n g in life. Another translation of the last 2 But his delight is in the law of the
Remember the text said, " ...godli­ part of this verse reads, "...thou Lord; and in his law doth he meditate
ness is profitable unto all things, shalt be able to deal wisely in the day and night.
having promise of the life that now affairs of life." God's Word will do 3 A n d he shall be like a tree
is,...." that for you. planted by the rivers of water, that
Some individuals, if Jesus tarries bringeth forth his fruit in his season;
The Bible says concerning King his leaf also shall not wither; and
His coming, will soon be forgotten, Uzziah, " long as he sought the whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
leaving nothing behind to bless Lord, God made him to prosper" ill
the world, simply because they Chron. 26:4). M
were afraid to obey their convic­
tions. To me one of the saddest
things in this present age is the
lack of moral stamina. So many
people, even Christians, seem to January Teaching Topic: Prayer
have a backbone like a cotton Broadcast daily, Monday through Friday, over the following stations:
string. Somebody else can wind D.C. AREA MINNESOTA
Prince St. Paul KNOF-FM 95.3 1 2 noon
them like you'd wind a string Frederick WMJS-FM 92.7 10:30pm MISSISSIPPI
around your finger—either w a y Falls Church VA WFAX 1220 3:30pm Jackson WJFR-FM 96.3 10:30am
you want it to go. I believe God Birmingham WDJC-FM 93.7 11:15am
Kansas C i t y KCCV 1510 11:00am
wants to g i v e us an iron crowbar, ARIZONA St. Louis KXEN 1010 9:1 5am
so to speak, for a backbone. Phoenix KHCS 1010 11:30am St. L o u i s WGNU-FM 106.5 6:15pm
Tucson KFMM-FM 99.3 11:30am
We are new creations. A n d w e CALIFORNIA Albuquerque KKIM 1000 12:45pm
don't have to compromise. God Corona KREL 1370 11:45am N E W YORK
Los Angeles KFSG-FM 96.3 6:45pm
will promote you. Riverside KBBL-FM 99.1 1:45pm
New York C i t y WPOW 1330 5:15am
Read the first chapter of the Book San D i e g o XEMO 860 10:45pm
Charlotte WHVN 1310 2:00pm
San F r a n c i s c o KFAX 1100 2:15pm
of Daniel. I wish w e had space to Greensboro/Winston-
COLORADO Salem WSEZ-FM 93.1 7:00am
print it here. I would suggest you Denver KBRN 800 9:00am Raleigh/Durham WRBX 1530 11:45am
read it often especially those of Denver KQXI 1 550 11:45am
you in school. Belle Glade WSWN 900 8:15am
Canton WTOF-FM 98.1 5 30pm
Columbus WCVO-FM 104.9 12 15pm
PROMISE O F P E R P E T U I T Y GEORGIA Hamilton WQMS 96.5 8 45am
Atlanta WGUN 1010 10:45am OKLAHOMA
Sin paralyzes while godliness Rossville WOWE-FM 105.5 6:15pm Oklahoma C i t y KBYE 890 9:30am
Rossville WRIP 980 8:15am
perpetuates. John W e s l e y said, Pryor KOLS 1570 4:45pm
IDAHO Tulsa KBJH-FM 98.5 8:30am &
"God does not love inconstant Caldwell KBGN 910 4:00pm 10:30pm
souls, He loves that which resem­ ILLINOIS OREGON
Chicago WEAW 1330 12:15pm Ashland KDOV 1350 8:30am
bles his own immutability." The Peoria WPEO 1020 11:1 5am Portland KPDQ-AM/FM 800/93.7
Bible says, "The righteous also Rockford WQFL-FM 100.9 1:00pm 1:1 5pm
shall hold on his way, and he that INDIANA PENNSYLVANIA
Hammond WYCA-FM 92.3 9:00pm Philadelphia WIBF-FM 103.9 8:15am
hath clean hands shall be stronger Indianapolis WBRI 1500 3:15pm Pittsburgh WZUM 1590 9:45am
and stronger" (Job 17:10). Plymouth WTCA-FM 94.3 6:15pm SOUTH CAROLINA
W. Terre Greenville WBBR 1580 1:1 5pm
PROMISE O F P R O S P E R I T Y Haute WWVR-FM 105.5 2:05pm
IOWA Chattanooga
Godliness promises prosperity. Cedar Rapids KTOF-FM 104.5 10:45am & (See R o s s v i l l e , GA listing)
God said to Joshua, right at the Des M o i n e s KDMI-FM 97.3 8:00am
Nashville WNAH 1360 11:45am

beginning of his ministry when he KANSAS TEXAS

Pittsburg KOAM 860 10:00am Brownwood KLSN-FM 99 5:45am
took over the leadership of Israel: C o r p u s Christi KCTA 12:45pm
Scott City KFLA 1310 9:15am 1030
Wellington KLEY 1130 5:45pm Crane KBSN 970 9:45am
KENTUCKY 102.9 11:00am &
8 This book of the law shall not Louisville WFIA-FM 103.9 6:00pm 9:45pm & 2:15am
depart out of thy mouth; but thou MICHIGAN
Seattle KBLE-FM 93.3 6:15pm
shalt meditate therein day and night, Detroit WBFG-FM 98.7 3:45am &
Yakima KBBO 1390 10:05am
that thou mayest observe to do ac­ MEXICO WEST VIRGINIA
cording to all that is written therein: Monterrey XEG 1050 8:45pm Clarksburg WRGT-FM 106.5 8:15am
A Special Gift For You This Month...

For those of you who can use it: A 45 rpm single record.
David Ingles blessed us at Campmeeting 75 with new songs the Holy Spirit had given
him. They are born of the Spirit—anointed of the Spirit. We've never heard—or should
we say experienced—anything quite like them. They're a new dimension in worship.

We want to send you the title song There's a Whole Lot of People Going Home. This 45
rpm record is the introductory record sent to radio stations around the country—you
may have heard it—therefore only one song There's a Whole Lot of People Going Home
is on both sides of the record. (You'll probably wear one side out and need the other any­

For those of you who cannot use a 45 record: A book.

We want you to have something too. Our book Authority of the Believer has been used
by the Lord to set more people free than any other book we have. It's message is power­
ful. We'll send one copy free to those of you who cannot use the 45 record. You may
already have this book. If you do, we know you'll want one to give to someone else.


Kenneth E. Hagin PAID
/ Evangelistic Association, Inc.
P.O Box 50126 • Tulsa. OK 74150 • (916) 582-7161

Frank & Dorothy Powers

Rt. 6 , 12 0 2nd St
Claremorc, OK 74017


Please send my free 45 rpm record by David Ingles

There's a Whole Lot of People Going Home.

I cannot use the 45 record. So please send my free copy of Kenneth

Hagin's book Authority of the Believer.

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