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Subject Code: EE3L011 Name: Electromagnetic Field Theory L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3 Prerequisite: Mathematics - 1, Mathematics - 2

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Subject Code: EE3L011 Name: Electromagnetic Field Theory L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3

Prerequisite: Mathematics – 1, Mathematics – 2

Review of Electrostatic & Electromagnetics: Coordinate systems, Coulombs Law, point charge and
charge distribution, Gauss Law, Electric Scalar potential, Equipotential contour, Electric dipole,
potential gradient, Conductor and dielectric, polarization, boundary condition between dielectrics,
Capacitance of parallel wires and co-axial cables, Method of images, Effect of earth on transmission
circuit capacitance, Dielectric strength and breakdown, Divergence and Curl, Divergence theorem,
Stoke’s theorem, Laplacian operator, Solution of electrostatic problem, Magnetic force on a moving
charge, Biot-Savert’s Law, Ampere’s Law, Magnetic Vector potential, Faraday’s Law of
Electromagnetic Induction, Inductance of transmission line, Energy stored in Electric and Magnetic
fields, Bar magnets, force between bar-magnets, Magnetic dipole, Magnetization curve and magnetic
boundary condition.

Maxwell’s equations and Electromagnetic Waves: Generalization of Ampere’s Law and

displacement current, Maxwell’s equations, Conservation of Electromagnetic Energy—Poynting’s
Theorem, Plane electromagnetic wave in dielectric medium and in conducting medium, Polarization
of plane electromagnetic wave, Retarted potential, Radiation from an oscillating dipole, boundary
condition at dielectric-dielectric interface and conductor-dielectric interface, refection and refraction
of electromagnetic waves at the interface, Fresnel’s Equation and its physical implications,
Reflectance and transmittance, Propagation of electromagnetic waves between parallel conducting
plates, Rectangular waveguide, Transverse Electric and Transverse magnetic modes, Radiation.

Transmission Lines: Introduction, Lossy parallel plate transmission line, Transverse electromagnetic
(TEM) waves, General transmission line equations, Wave characteristics on finite transmission lines,
transmission line as circuit elements, Lines with resistive termination, lines with arbitrary
termination, Reflection diagrams, Pulse excitation, The Smith Chart, Smith chart calculations for
lossy lines, transmission line impedance matching.

Text Books:
1. D. J. Griffiths, ‘Introduction to Electrodynamics’, Addison Wesley, 2010.
2. D. K. Cheng, ‘Field and Wave Electromagnetics’, Addison Wesley, 2014.
3. K A Gangadhar, P M Ramanathan, ‘Field Theory’, Khanna Publishers, 2005
4. W. H. Hayt, ‘Engineering Electromagnetic’, Fifth Edition. TMH, 1999.
5. Basudev Ghosh, ’Fundamentals of electricity and magnetism’, Books & Allied (P) Ltd, 2017
6. N. N. Rao, ‘Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics’, Pearson Education, Inc, 2004.

End Exam: 50
Mid-term Exam: 30
Internal: 20 [Attendance, Class test, Brief Presentation (group wise)]

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