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SVC Implementation Using Neural Networks For An AC Electrical Railway

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Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

SVC Implementation Using Neural Networks for an AC Electrical

Electrical Railway Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology
Hengam Street, Narmak, Tehran

Abstract: - This paper presents an on-line method for implementation of a static var compensator (SVC) in a
real ac autotransformer (AT)-fed electrical railway for reactive power compensation using Neural Networks
(NN). Genetic algorithm (GA) can be the off-line minimizing function for reactive power compensation.
Consequently, the nonlinear auto-regressive model with exogenous Inputs networks in series-parallel
arrangement (NARXSP) is implemented as a predictor and methodology in order to diminish calculation time
and making this method practicable. To study load flow and reactive power compensation for this unique
system, forward/backward sweep (FBS) load flow method is applied. MATLAB software is used for
programming and simulations.

Key-Words: - Neural network (NN), reactive power compensation, static var compensator (SVC),
genetic algorithm (GA), AC electrical railways load flow, forward/backward sweep (FBS).

1 Introduction unbalanced single phase ac AT-fed railway

Recently, electrical ac railways using 25kV, 50Hz networks and applied for Tehran-Golshahr suburban
are playing leading roles in urban transportation electrical railway for study optimal power flows.
systems [1]. Asynchronous train tractions lead to In this paper, Reactive power compensation by
drastic changes in both currents and power profiles use of a single-phase static var compensator (SVC)
of the traction substation (TSS). It is desirable to installed at the sectioning point (SP) is studied. In
mitigate these effects as low as possible by reactive order to minimize the power losses by the single
compensation methods applied in optimal power phase SVC, swift and accurate methods are needed
flow. to analyze the network and calculate amounts of
On the other hand, However, Solving load flow needed reactive power. Kulworawanichpong and
problems and consequently optimal power flows in Goodman, in [10] for a simple mode (SM) railway
these systems are always a complex problem system, stated that gradient search method (steepest
because of trains types, trains motion, variable descent method) is sufficient for minimizing power
power consumption, route lengths and conditions, losses. Their objective function was proportional to
dispatch schedules, and track and supply system the square of voltage or reactive power variations
layouts [2]-[6]. In autotransformer (AT)-fed and they claimed that their methodology solves
networks, this issue gets more complicated due to minimizing function precisely and in an appropriate
the AT characteristics in load feeding and necessity time.
of voltage drop calculations on the contact and In this paper, however, the compensation
feeder wires as well as the rail [4]-[6]. One of the function minimizes the imaginary part of the current
main studies for the AT-fed load flow was in a whole real electrical system. Genetic algorithm
conducted in 1999 [4] which considered only one (GA) is considered as a comprehensive and global
train between two ATs while dynamic movements minimizing function method. GA is time consuming
of trains were not considered. Reference [5] presents and consequently cannot be a good solution for real-
probabilistic load flow models which simplify time implementation. Thus, neural networks, which
railway load flow analysis. The forward/backward can approximate the complicated functions thorough
sweep (FBS) load flow method is widely used for a training procedure, are taken into account to save
load flow calculation in distribution systems [7]-[9]. the time and make implementation of the SVC
In this paper, this method is modified for feasible. The nonlinear auto-regressive model with

ISSN: 1109-2734 173 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

exogenous Inputs network (NARX) [11] is well (C), rail (R), and feeder (F), respectively. So, (2) is
suited for non-linear systems such as heat obtained regarding the variation of x.
exchangers and waste water treatments plants [12],
[13]. In this paper, NARX network in series-parallel ⎡U C ⎤ ⎡ I C ⎤ ⎡U C ( x ) ⎤
arrangement (NARXSP) is considered for ⎢U ⎥ = Z (x ) ⎢ I ⎥ + ⎢U x ⎥
calculation of the exact amount of reactive power ⎢ R⎥ [ ] ⎢ R ⎥ ⎢ R ( )⎥ (2)
which must be injected by the SVC. ⎢⎣U F ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ I F ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣U F ( x ) ⎥⎦
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. The FBS method which is modified for ac
electrical AT-fed railways is presented in section 2. where IC represents catenary current, which can be
Minimizing reactive power and the methodology changed by charging currents of coupling capacitors
using neural network is discussed in sections 3. between the catenary and both the rail and feeder.
Simulation results are given in section 4. Section 5 However, coupling capacitors and consequently
presents the conclusions of this work. charging currents are small enough to be neglected
[14]. PQ busses (trains) move along the track and
consequently x changes. Therefore, load flow
calculations must be iterated for each location, x.
2 Load Flow Calculations
For unbalanced distribution systems, the impedance
matrix consists of the self and mutual equivalent 2.1 AT systems
impedances for the three phases. The model ATs lead to changes in the feeding currents and
depicted in Fig.1 constitutes the fundamental part of flowing currents from the TSS. In the load flow
the computational method that simultaneously calculation, following key points are taken into
analyzes the three lines and their reciprocal account: a) the TSS transformer is modeled as a
interactions. Thus, (1) allows expressing the sending single phase transformer and an AT, whose
voltages, Uai, Ubi, and Uci, with branch currents, Ia, midpoint connected to the rails with zero potential;
Ib, and Ic; and receiving voltages, Uaj, Ubj, and Ucj. b) ATs are regarded as ideal voltage sources whose
voltages will be calculated after load flow
⎡U ai ⎤ ⎡ I a ⎤ ⎡U aj ⎤ calculations. As shown in Fig.2, ATs secondary
⎢U ⎥ = Z (x ) ⎢ I ⎥ + ⎢U ⎥
⎢ bi ⎥ [ ] ⎢ b ⎥ ⎢ bj ⎥ (1) currents, I2n, feed the train according to (3).
⎢⎣U ci ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ I c ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣U cj ⎥⎦ Yn
I 2n = Il (3)

i =1 i
where x, in Fig.1, represents the distance between
sending and receiving points.

Pl − jQl
Il = (4)

and Il, V, Pl, and Ql are the current, voltage, active

power, and reactive power of the load, respectively.
N is the total number of ATs, I2n (n=1, 2, …, N) is
Fig.1 Three-phase layout between sending (i) and the share of secondary current of the nth AT to
supply the train, and Yi is the inverse of the
receiving (j) buses. aggregate series impedance between the load and ith
AT. Isub is the substation current and can be obtained
The FBS method is applied to solve this problem from (5) in which I1i is the primary current and
in unbalanced distribution system. In this method, a equals 0.5I2i for the ith AT.
backward sweep estimates branch powers (or
currents). Subsequently, a forward voltage
I sub = ∑ I 1i (5)
calculation method updates the procedure by i =1
applying (1).
In (1) and for electric railway systems, the The procedure for load flow calculations when
parameters a, b, and c can be replaced with catenary one train is in the track can be described as follows:

ISSN: 1109-2734 174 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

Fig.2 Current sharing of ATs to suppply one train.

Fig.3 Diagram of an AT electrical raiilway system.

a) At first, the voltages of all nodes are

U 1 = −U 3 = 25 kV − Z S 2 × I sub , U 2 = 0 (7)
considered as 1 per unit. The train current and
subsequently all branches currents are calculated
based on the train power consumpption (constant where ZS is the aggregate of
o the transmission system
power). For current calculations, (3), (4), and (5) are transferred impedance to thet railway side (50 kV)
used to obtain each AT current. Eachh AT current is and leakage impedance of thet TSS transformer.
equal to its primary current. In a backkward trend, the After calculating voltagges for the PQ bus nodes
current of the rails connected to the last
l AT is equal (4, 5, and 6), other node voltages
v can be written as
to the summation of the upper and loower of the last follows:
AT currents, which are equal to the t feeder and
catenary currents of the end section, respectively, as ⎡U 7 ⎤ ⎡U 4 ( x ) ⎤ ⎡ I C 4,7 ⎤
illustrated in Fig.3. Currents for othher sections can ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
be calculated by using KCL law at their ⎢U 8 ⎥ = ⎢U 5 ( x ) ⎥ − ⎡⎣ Z (d − x ) ⎤⎦ ⎢ I R 5,8 ⎥
⎢⎣U 9 ⎥⎦ ⎢U 6 ( x ) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
corresponding nodes. ⎣ ⎦ ⎢⎣ I F 6,9 ⎥⎦
b) Based on the calculated braanches currents ⎡ 0.5Z l − A T I C 4,7 ⎤
from the previous step, the nodes voltages
v can be ⎢ ⎥
calculated using (2). So, the train buus voltages can − ⎢ 0.25Z l − A T I R 5,8 ⎥
be calculated as follows: ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ 0.5Z l − A T I F 6,9 ⎥⎦

⎡U 4 ( x ) ⎤ ⎡U 1 ⎤ ⎡ I C 1,4 ⎤ where Zl-AT is the equivaleent leakage impedance of

⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢U 5 ( x ) ⎥ = ⎢U 2 ⎥ − [ Z (x ) ] ⎢ I R 2,5 ⎥ (6) the AT.
⎢⎣U 6 ( x ) ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣U 3 ⎥⎦ ⎢ I F 3,6 ⎥ It should be mentioned that the magnetic
⎣ ⎦ impedance of ATs is negleected. After calculation of
all voltages of nodes, for the distance between the
where second and third AT, U7, U8, and U9 are considered

ISSN: 1109-2734 175 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

as U1', U2', and U3', respectively. Node voltages for calculation must be in a loop considering each
this distance can be calculated in the same way as system current effects on the other. Four iterations
the previous distance. This forward sweep is can minimize the differences.
followed until the last AT so that the first step of b) The TSS current is equal to half of the
iteration will be completed. Afterwards, the summation of the loads currents in the AT system
calculated voltages will be used in the next iterative whereas this current for the SM equals to loads
step. Therefore, this procedure is followed like a summation. In addition, power losses in the AT
recursive calculation until the difference between system are directly related to the number of ATs,
the calculated node voltages for two consecutive length of tracks, and the Overhead Catenary System
steps gets low enough. (OCS) parameters. But, power losses in the SM
While more trains are in the track, the solving depends only on the OCS parameters and distance
method is almost the same, but some consideration between the load and TSS.
must be applied: a) for current calculations,
superposition is used; so, the currents for ATs are
summed up; b) each train adds tree nodes in the 3 Minimizing Reactive Power
distance between two consecutive ATs which must The power consumption of the electric railway
be considered for KVL calculation while using (2); systems depend on the headway, status, and power
c) while two or more trains are between two consumption of trains. Thus, if both on-line data of
consecutive ATs, current of the section which is the trains position and power consumption profiles
situated between PQ buses must be calculated by are available, a central processing system, located at
using KCL and this issue must be considered while the control room, can specify how much reactive
(2) is used as shown in (9): power must be injected to the grid. It is achieved by
sending remotely controlled signals from the
⎡U 4 ( x , n ) ⎤ ⎡U 4 ( x ′, n −1) ⎤ processing center to compensators to implement
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ reactive power compensation.
⎢U 5 ( x , n ) ⎥ = ⎢U 5 ( x ′, n −1) ⎥ In this paper, the main objective of the SVC
⎢U 6 ( x , n ) ⎥ ⎢U 6 ( x ′, n −1) ⎥ exploitation is minimizing the power losses revealed
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
(9) in (10). To obtain this function, the power losses
⎡ I Cn ,n −1 ⎤ corresponding to the imaginary component of the
⎢ ⎥ current must be compensated to zero as shown in
− ⎡⎣ Z (x − x ′) ⎤⎦ ⎢ I Rn ,n −1 ⎥
⎢ I Fn ,n −1 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
th th
where n train is farther than the (n-1) train from
Ploss = ∑ n R n I n
= ∑ n R n I nx
2 2
+ I ny ) (10)

the TSS and x' is the distance between the (n-1)th ∀ n , I ny = 0 ⇒ min ( Ploss ) = ∑ n R n I nx
train from the predecessor AT (x, and x' < d).
where Rn and In are the resistance and current of the
nth branch of the railway system, respectively. Also,
2.2 Combined System y and x indices indicate the imaginary and real part
The left side of Tehran-Golshahr network has no of the current, respectively.
installed AT. The distance between TSS and
Golshahr station is supplied by SM layout as shown
in Fig.4. Power feeding system parameters are given 3.1 Off-line Methodology
in Appendix. While two systems are connected, load To reach the global minimum a constrained GA is
flow calculation should be combined. Following used. The population consists of initial random set
points must be considered to analyze the load flows of constrained injected reactive powers due to the
for this combined system: SVC. The potential injected reactive powers are the
a) SM has no feeder wire. Thus, load flow chromosomes forming the population. The
calculation in SM is easier and the FBS method as arithmetic crossover is shown in (12) in which λ is a
mentioned in subsection A can be implemented. random number between 0 and 1, Q represents the
Voltage drop for the loads which are in the AT chromosome (reactive power), and Q ′ is the
region must be considered for the loads in SM
system and vice versa. For both systems, load flow offspring [15].

ISSN: 1109-2734 176 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

Fig.4 Tehran-Golshahr power feeding system for up- or down-track.

Q 2′ = Q 2 + (1 − λ )Q1 ⎛ u (t ), u (t − 1),..., u (t − Du ), yˆ (t − 1), ⎞

(12) ˆ =f ⎜
y(t) ⎟ (15)
Q1′ = Q1 + (1 − λ )Q 2 ⎝ ..., yˆ (t − d y ) ⎠

For mutation (13) is implemented as follows: where u(t) and yˆ (t ) describe the input and output
of the network at time t. Du and Dy are the input and
X K′ = X K ± Δ (t , X KU − X K ) (13) output orders. The schematic diagram of NARXSP
is illustrated in Fig.5.
where Δ(t , y ) can be defined as below:
Δ(t, y) = y.r.( 1- ) b (14)
T Ŷ(t)

Both r and b are the random numbers between 0 Y(t)

and 1, T is the maximal generation number, and t is
the generation number.
Fig.5 NARXSP architecture.
3.2On-line Methodology
The minimizing function in AT systems is intricate The TSS current corresponding to the AT part of
because of sharing currents of AT systems, various the system is considered as an input and the
power factors of trains, unpredictable current drawn corresponding reactive power of SVC resulted from
from the TSS, and different headways. The genetic algorithm is assumed as a desired output.
NARXSP network is considered to make power The input vector of the NARXSP model is given by,
losses minimization feasible by reducing the
processing time compared to GA. Based on the ⎡ ′
definition of the NARXSP, (15) describes the output U (t ) = ⎢ ⎥ (16)
of the nonlinear function [12], [16], [17]: ⎣⎢cos (angle (I TSS ) ⎦⎥


ISSN: 1109-2734 177 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

I TSS improvements of electrical parameters of the system

′ =
I TSS (17) while the SVC compensates the reactive power.
max I TSS ) Voltage variations for Golshahr (S8) and the SP (S1)
are shown in Fig.8. Fig.9 illustrates variations of the
In more details, ITSS is the TSS transformer rms TSS currents and voltages. The SVC needs very fast
algorithm to implement compensation.
current corresponding to the AT-side. I TSS ′ , the
Nevertheless, constrained genetic algorithm applied
magnitude of the normalized traction substation rms as the power losses minimizing method is not time-
current corresponding to the AT-side, is normalized efficient.
in [0:1] interval. 2) On-line methodology: as described in section
The output vector Y(t) is the normalized reactive 3, we used the NARXSP network to capture and
power, comprises of QSVC generated by the SVC represent the inputs-output relationship. This NN
using GA: consists of 5 layers and each has 10 neurons.
According to definitions in [17], Levenberg-
⎡ Q ⎤ Marquardt method is applied as the training method
Y (t ) = ⎢ SVC ⎥ (18) and transfer function of ith layer is tansig, and
⎣ (
⎢ max Q SV C ) ⎥

purelin is considered for the output layer. The
performance function and back-propagation network
training function are mean squared error (MSE) and
4 Simulations trainlm, respectively. Fig.10 shows performance of
At first, the detailed model of the railway system is the trained network during 69 epoches. After
simulated for HT =15 minutes in order to show the learning procedure, the trained neural network
results of the written program in MATLAB calculates precisely the amount of reactive power
software. In reactive power compensation section, compared to the results of GA method as shown in
the reactive powers injected to the system by SVC Fig.11.
using GA compose the output vector of the In addition, this NARXSP trained neural network
NARXSP model. In this case HT =7 and trains work gives the corresponding result for various inputs
with PF=0.7. After training, the results of generated included different magnitude of current and various
reactive power by the SVC using GA while HT=15 power factors. Fig.12 shows the results of the NN in
and trains work with various power factors above comparison with the results of GA for HT=15 while
0.8 is compared with results of the output of the trains work with variable power factors. These
NARXPS network in order to reproduce the results show that the trained neural network, while
identification and validation data sets. The obtained HT=7 and trains work with PF=0.7, has an ability to
data are processed as described in the next compute the required amount of reactive power for
subsections. the SVC while trains work with various power
factor and HT=15 without any delay in reaction to
inputs. Thus, the NARXSP network can be
4.1 Headway: 15 minutes considered as an on-line reactive compensator for
For HT=15, the time table for the up-track and the SVC regarding the availability of current and its
down-track are given in Fig.6(a) and (b), angle measured at the TSS.
respectively. Fig.6(c) depicts the speed of the first
train which passes the down-track according to the
time table. Power consumption for this train is 5 Conclusion
depicted in Fig.6(d). The current simulation for HV In this paper, the FBS load flow method has been
side of the TSS is revealed in Fig.7 which implies, modified for electric AT-fed railways and applied
in theory, after reaching the stable condition the for load flow analysis of Tehran-Golshahr suburban.
fluctuations of the current varies periodically in Implementation of SVC for optimal power flow
every 15 minutes based on the headway. using NARXSP network gives the same results
compared with GA. After learning procedure, the
trained neural network calculates accurately the
4.2 Reactive Power Compensation exact amount of reactive power for every values of
1) Off-line methodology: In this subsection, at first,
′ , cos (angle ( I TSS ) )
the input since the inputs ( I TSS
application of a single phase SVC at the SP (S1)
between the catenary and rails is studied for HT=7 intrinsically relate states of the variable parameters
while trains work with PF=0.7. Table 1 illustrates of the system which can cover variations of trains

ISSN: 1109-2734 178 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

Fig.6 (a) up-line time table, (b) downn-line time table, (c) speed of the first train, and (dd) power of the first train.

Fig.7 The TSS HV current.

ISSN: 1109-2734 179 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

Fig.8 (a) SP (S1) voltage and (b) Golshahr (S8) voltage.

Fig.9 (a) TSS voltage and (b) TSS current.

ISSN: 1109-2734 180 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

Fig.10 MSE of NARXSP in learning procedure.

Fig.11 (a) generated reactive power by GA and (b) results of training in NN (NARXSP).

ISSN: 1109-2734 181 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

Saeid Veysi Raygani, Bijan Moaveni,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS Seyed Saeed Fazel, Amir Tahavorgar

Fig.12 (a) generated reactive power by GA and (b) output of the trained NN (NARXSP) for the corresponding
current as the predictor.

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ISSN: 1109-2734 183 Issue 5, Volume 10, May 2011

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