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Instruction Manual: Digital Energy

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Digital Energy

Instruction Manual
EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring v5.72
GE Publication Code: GEK-113605
Manual Part Number: 1601-0270-A1
Copyright © 2013 GE Multilin Inc.

GE Digital Energy
650 Markland Street, Markham, Ontario
Canada L6C 0M1
Tel: (905) 927-7070 Fax: (905) 927-5098
GE Digital Energy's Quality
Internet: Management System is
registered to ISO9001:2000
QMI # 005094
UL # A3775

Table Of Contents
Welcome to EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring ................................................................. 1
Full Screen Mode ..................................................................................................... 3
User Preferences ...................................................................................................... 5
Security ............................................................................................................... 5
Start Up Screen .................................................................................................... 6
LED Sounds .......................................................................................................... 7
Annunciator.......................................................................................................... 7
Waveform & Events ............................................................................................... 9
Control .............................................................................................................. 11
Watchdog .......................................................................................................... 11
Device Setup ......................................................................................................... 13
Introduction to Device Setup ................................................................................ 13
Adding a Device .................................................................................................. 14
Editing a Device .................................................................................................. 21
Deleting a Device ................................................................................................ 24
Importing GE Multilin Devices ............................................................................... 25
Formula Editor ....................................................................................................... 27
Introduction to Formula Editor .............................................................................. 27
Adding a Formula ................................................................................................ 29
Editing a Formula ................................................................................................ 33
Formula Storage ................................................................................................. 35
Using Formulas ................................................................................................... 36
System Editor........................................................................................................ 37
Introduction to One-Line Editor ............................................................................. 37
Toolbars ............................................................................................................ 38
Introduction to One-Line Editor Toolbars .............................................................. 38
Add / Remove Toolbars ..................................................................................... 42
One-Line Editor Toolbar ..................................................................................... 43
Drawing Toolbar ............................................................................................... 44
Gauges Toolbar ................................................................................................ 45
Links Toolbar ................................................................................................... 46
Symbols Toolbar .............................................................................................. 47
Transformer & Symbols Toolbar .......................................................................... 48
Switchgear and Control Toolbar .......................................................................... 49
Zoom Toolbar .................................................................................................. 50
Nudge Toolbar ................................................................................................. 51
Align Toolbar ................................................................................................... 52
Structure Toolbar ............................................................................................. 53
Rotate Toolbar ................................................................................................. 54
Layout Toolbar ................................................................................................. 55
Building a Schema ............................................................................................... 56
Adding Components and Items to a Schema ......................................................... 56
Adding a Component for Manual Indication........................................................... 57
Adding a Component for Control ......................................................................... 60
Adding Images to a Schema............................................................................... 63
Changing the work area size of the Schema ......................................................... 64
Component Properties ....................................................................................... 65
Custom Symbols .............................................................................................. 70
LED Indicators ................................................................................................. 74
How to use One Shot Test ................................................................................. 87

Table Of Contents

Modifying Properties of a Component................................................................... 88

Saving Schemas ............................................................................................... 89
Simultaneously Editing and Viewing the Same Schema .......................................... 90
System Viewer ...................................................................................................... 93
Introduction to One-Line Viewer ............................................................................ 93
One-Line Viewer Toolbar ...................................................................................... 94
Opening/Loading a Schema File ............................................................................. 95
Method 1......................................................................................................... 95
Method #2 ...................................................................................................... 95
Equipment and Switchgear Indication ..................................................................... 96
Equipment and Switchgear Control ........................................................................ 97
LED Indicator Colours .......................................................................................... 98
Screen Capturing in One-Line Viewer ..................................................................... 99
Device Status .................................................................................................... 100
Device Status Window ...................................................................................... 100
Understanding Online, Offline and Invalid Status .................................................. 103
What is an Unassigned Device ?......................................................................... 104
Annunciator ......................................................................................................... 105
Introduction to Annunciator ................................................................................. 105
Annunciator Toolbar ........................................................................................... 106
Indicators ......................................................................................................... 108
Inserting an Indicator into the Annunciator Panel ................................................. 108
Configuring / Editing an Indicator to a Device ...................................................... 110
Configuring / Editing the Active State Properties of an Indicator ............................. 112
Acknowledging Alarmed Indicators ..................................................................... 118
Resetting an Alarmed Indicator that has been Acknowledge ................................... 120
Reports ............................................................................................................... 121
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 121
Report Creation ................................................................................................. 123
Report Parameters ............................................................................................. 125
Report Charts .................................................................................................... 127
Report Viewer .................................................................................................... 130
Additional Features ............................................................................................. 133
COMTRADE .......................................................................................................... 137
Introduction to COMTRADE .................................................................................. 137
Convert ............................................................................................................ 139
Converting File Format ..................................................................................... 139
Resample .......................................................................................................... 141
Resample a COMTRADE file ............................................................................... 141
Merge ............................................................................................................... 142
Merging COMTRADE files .................................................................................. 142
View ................................................................................................................. 145
Introduction to COMTRADE View ........................................................................ 145
COMTRADE View Toolbar .................................................................................. 146
View Oscillography .......................................................................................... 147
Configure Preferences ...................................................................................... 150
Opening a Saved COMTRADE File ....................................................................... 155
View Phasors .................................................................................................. 156
A Reminder about Spreadsheets ........................................................................ 158
View Harmonics .............................................................................................. 159
Administration ...................................................................................................... 161
Introduction to Administration Setup ..................................................................... 161
Adding an Access Group ...................................................................................... 162

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Editing an Access Group ...................................................................................... 164

Deleting an Access Group .................................................................................... 166
Adding a User .................................................................................................... 167
Editing a User .................................................................................................... 169
Deleting a User .................................................................................................. 172
Plug & Play .......................................................................................................... 175
Introduction to Plug & Play .................................................................................. 175
Open System Schema ......................................................................................... 177
Device Window Screen: .................................................................................... 178
Dashboard ........................................................................................................ 179
Virtual Front Panel .............................................................................................. 180
Import Templates............................................................................................... 181
Custom Device Editor ............................................................................................ 183
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 183
Accessing the Custom File Editor .......................................................................... 184
Custom Device Definition Maintenance Screen ........................................................ 185
Custom Device Definition Editor ........................................................................... 187
Training License Transfer Procedure......................................................................... 191
Step 1 - Destination PC ....................................................................................... 191
Step 2 - Original PC ............................................................................................ 191
Step 3 .............................................................................................................. 192
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) .......................................................................... 193
1. Uninstalling Viewpoint Monitoring...................................................................... 193
2. ViewNode 5.50 communicates with Viewpoint Monitoring 5.60 server ..................... 193
3. ViewNode Support requires Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 ................................... 194
4. Identity setting for OPC servers in DCOM configuration ........................................ 194
5. Installing 5.60 Viewpoint Monitoring or ViewNode in Windows 2000 Professional
system ............................................................................................................. 196
6. Configure the Windows TFTP client in Windows Vista for URPlus event retrieval ....... 197
7. Administrator password on a new installation ..................................................... 197
8. MDAC installation issues on Windows 2000......................................................... 197
Index .................................................................................................................. 200

Welcome to EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring
Welcome to EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring, a PC-based program for on-demand monitoring
and control. Upon successful launching of EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring, you should now
see the following main menu:

Here's a breakdown of the main tools of EnerVista Viewpoint:

Plug & Play - IED Dashboard - View online information via pre-defined templates for
configured devices
Device Setup - Setup and Configure your remote assets and their components.
One-Line Editor - Create interactive one-line diagrams using various graphical tools.
One-Line Viewer - View one-line diagrams that you have created.
Annunciator - View and Monitor your remote assets.
Reports - View and Create Reports.
Waveforms - Tools and Viewer for COMTRADE formatted waveform files.
Administration - Add/Edit/Remove groups of users who can access this system.
Events- Can view Events for the Configured Devices in the Device Setup.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Full Screen Mode
Full Screen Mode is new to EnerVista Viewpoint 4.0 and allows for the user to increase the
viewable area for viewing schema, annunciator panels or COMTRADE Oscillography files. In
order to access the Full Screen Mode select [View] from the main menu and click on [Full
Screen Mode].

In order to return the screen to the original view, click on the [close Full Screen Mode]


User Preferences

User Preferences
Users can now set certain preferences in EnerVista Viewpoint. To access the preferences
screen seen below, select [Preferences] under the [Tools] menu.

The following preferences are available to the user to change in the user preference menu:

Users can now configure the following Security modes:

• None - Users are not required to Login.

• FULL - Users must Login at startup.
• Enhanced - Users receive guest privileges at startup. Users can login for assigned

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Start Up Screen
Users can now select EnerVista Viewpoint startup screen. The user can configure the
following screens to be initially displayed when they log into Viewpoint:

• Main Menu
• IED Dashboard
• specific Schema
• specific Annunciator Panel

User Preferences

LED Sounds
Sounds serve to alert the attention of the user when an LED state changes in one of the
opened Schemas in the One-Line Viewer. Users can change the default sounds to any ‘.wav’
files. When more than one opened schema has a condition to play a sound, the sound file
for the LED type with highest priority is played.

• The Alarm sound is played when an LED changes to an Alarm condition.

• The Alert sound is played when an LED changes to an Alert condition.
• To stop the sound, click the ‘Acknowledge’ button when viewing the schema
containing the active condition.
• The Reset sound is played when LED changes state back to Normal after it was

Users can setup their system to receive email notification from the Annunciator Panel.
Simply enter the SMTP Mail server address in the space provided. Follow the instructions
below to setup your system properly.

• Consult the IT department for the correct SMTP Mail Server address.
• Enter the SMTP Mail Server address in the space provided.
• Ensure the Mail Server is configured to accept SMTP mail requests.
• Verify that a user name and a password are not required when sending messages.

• Select the Message Format:

• Standard Format - This message contains several lines of information

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Name: Indicator's display name

Device: Device name
Report Type: Parameter name=Value

• Short Format - This is a single line that could be used for texting to a mobile
time, indicator's display name, device name, report type, parameter,

User Preferences

A maximum of 5 Annunciator Panel files can be configured to run continuously. Viewpoint

Monitoring opens the user selected Annunciator Panel files at startup and keeps them
running continuously. If the user closes an Annunciator Panel file that is in the list of files to
continuously run, Viewpoint Monitoring automatically opens it again.

In order to select the Annunciator Panel files for alarm continuous run, the user needs to
enable the Viewpoint Monitoring Watchdog, a Windows service to ensure Viewpoint
Monitoring is running continuously (see below).

Waveform & Events

When a user exits Viewpoint the user can select to continue retrieving the waveform and
event information from the configured devices in the environment.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

User Preferences

To offer a level of protection, the action of sending a control command to a relay requires
the user to hold a key down as they select a button with the mouse pointer.

The user can select the button needed to be combined with the mouse action. Choices are
CTRL, Shift, or None.

The Watchdog is a service that monitors Viewpoint Monitoring and ensures that the
application is running continuously.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

If the Watchdog is enabled, Viewpoint Monitoring will not exit when user clicks the ‘X’
button. Instead, Viewpoint Monitoring will minimize and appear as an icon in the System
Tray / Notification Area located in the bottom right corner of the Windows desktop. Double-
click the icon in the System Tray to restore Viewpoint Monitoring. To exit Viewpoint
monitoring, choose the ‘Exit’ menu item in the ‘File’ menu or click the right mouse button on
the icon in the system tray and choose the ‘Exit’ menu item in the pop-up menu.

Device Setup
Introduction to Device Setup
The Device Setup tool is used to add/edit/modify the devices. Upon accessing the Device
Setup screen from the EnerVista Viewpoint main menu, the following screen will pop up
showing sites (Ethernet and Serial) or devices that you have previously setup:

To exit back to the main menu without saving your changes, click on the [CANCEL] button,
to exit back to main menu, saving your changes, click on the [OK] button.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Adding a Device
This command can be accessed via the Device Setup main menu screen shown below:

To add a new device, perform the following steps:

1. A device can only be created within an existing Site that is Ethernet or Serial. So to
begin, click on the Site in your site list that you wish to add the device to

2. Click on the [ADD DEVICE] button. Device parameters should now appear on the right-
hand section of the screen.

Device Setup

3. Fill in the details for Device Name, Description.

4. Select an interface of the device by clicking on the Interface drop-down menu. Once an
interface has been selected, the parameters of that interface will be shown just below. The
interface choices you have are:

• Ethernet
• Serial

Note: Modems are not supported with the current version of EnerVista Viewpoint

The following images respectively show the parameters associated with each type of

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Ethernet parameters

Serial parameters

Device Setup

5. Device Type, in this drop box, predefined (All Multilin) Devices can be seen. This Device
Type is same for both Ethernet and Serial Interfaces.

Predefined Device Types

If the selected Device has support of Waveform and Events, it will automatically Enable the
respective check boxes else disable.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Check box Enable

Check the ‘Time Download’ check box for synchronizing your relay’s real-time clock with
your Viewpoint Monitoring computer system. When this option is enabled, Viewpoint
Monitoring will perform the time synchronization in every 12-hour interval between your
relay and your Viewpoint Monitoring computer system.

For Non Multilin Devices, the Device Type should be Others. And enter the Order Code
For example: For EPM1000, enter the Order Code as EPM1000.

Device Setup

For Non Multilin Device

Table shows some Non Multilin Devices and their Order Codes.

Non Multilin Order Code

Spectra MicroVersa MVT
Enhanced MicroVersa EMVTC
Trip C
Enhanced MicroVersa EMVTD
Trip D
EPM1000 EPM1000
EPM4000 EPM4000
EPM5000P EPM5000P
EPM5200P EPM5200P
EPM5300P EPM5300P
EPM5350P EPM5350P
EPM9450Q EPM9450Q
EPM9650Q EPM9650Q

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

6. Fill in the details for the interface parameters for your device. Note, if your device is
supported, you can click on the [READ ORDER CODE / TEST COMMUNICATION] button to
try to autoload the device's interface parameters.

7. Your device is now added. EnerVista Viewpoint automatically saves your newly created
devices. You may now either add/edit/delete other Access Groups or Users.

Returning to the Main Menu:

Should you want to cancel your changes made in this session, you can click on the
[CANCEL] button to exit back to the EnerVista Viewpoint menu without saving. If you wish
to confirm the changes you have made in this section, click on the [OK] button.

Device Setup

Editing a Device
This command can be accessed via the Device Setup main menu screen shown below:

To edit details of an existing device, perform the following steps:

1. Select the Site from the site menu that contains the device you wish to edit. The list of
Devices corresponding to that site should now appear below the Site.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

2. Select the Device that you wish to edit. It's properties/parameters will now appear on the
right side of the screen. The following images show what parameters will appear for
Ethernet and Serial interfaced devices.

Device Setup

Ethernet Parameters

Serial Parameters

3. When you are finished editing the details of your particular device, EnerVista Viewpoint
automatically saves your changes.

Returning to the Main Menu:

Should you want to cancel your changes made in this session, you can click on the
[CANCEL] button to exit back to the EnerVista Viewpoint menu without saving. If you wish
to confirm the changes you have made in this section, click on the [OK] button.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Deleting a Device
This command can be accessed via the Device Setup main menu screen shown below:

To delete an existing device, perform the following steps:

1. Select the Site to which the Device is associated to, from the site menu list on the left
hand portion of the screen. A list of Devices connected to that site should now be shown.

2. Select the Device you wish to delete.

2. Click on the [DELETE] button to delete the Device. You will get a confirmation request to
make sure that this is the particular site you wish to delete.

Note: Only the Device you selected will be deleted, the rest of the remaining devices (if
there are any) will still be there.

Device Setup

Importing GE Multilin Devices

Each time EnerVista Viewpoint is launched, Viewpoint will search the current system for
existing 32-bit xxxPC programs (Eg. 469PC, PQMPC, etc.). The xxxPC environment files will
be searched and any new devices will get added to a list from which the operator can select
the devices to import into Viewpoint.

In addition to checking for xxxPC programs, a system scan will also be done for the
EnerVista UR Setup environment file.

This automatic import feature can also be manually selected from the File menu by selecting
'Import Devices' and then select 'Perform Search'.

If for some reason Viewpoint cannot locate a desired environment file, select from the File
menu, 'Import Devices' and then select 'Specify Location'. This will allow the operator to
browse and select a specific environment file.

Formula Editor

Formula Editor
Introduction to Formula Editor
The Formula Editor is a tool available within EnerVista Viewpoint that allows the user to
create Virtual Variables. These Virtual Variables are based on values from relays that can
be modified with simple math operators and trigonometric functions.

The Formula Editor can be accessed from the menu bar. Select [Formula Editor] under the
[Tools] menu.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

The dialog box shown below will appear upon entering the Formula Editor:

Formula Editor

Adding a Formula
Select the [Add] button to add a new formula.

The Edit Formula screen will display allowing the user to create a formula. The user MUST
use the GUI keypad on the right to enter the formula. The mouse can be used to move the
cursor position within the edit control and to highlight blocks of the formula.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Edit Formula Screen for Analog Formula:

Formula Editor

Edit Formula Screen for Digital Formula:

The description of the fields in the Edit Formula screen are described below:

Formula name:
Name of formula. This must be specified.

The units the formula is evaluated in. This must be specified.

The user can select a device from which the parameters are selected.

Note: The device is used only as a template. If a user were to reference

another similar device, then the same formula should be available to other

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

The user can enter the formula in this section. When the user wants to use a
parameter from the device, pressing the [Parameter] button inserts a parameter
variable in the formula. The user can then select this parameter to specify the exact
parameter to use in the formula by use of a list box containing a list of all possible
analog parameters for this particular device.

Select the [OK] button to save the formula.

Formula Evaluation:
Once a formula is created, the user can press the [Evaluate] button to have the formula
parameters resolved (communication requests will retrieve data values). Instead of the
formula, the user will see all of the individual parameter values and the formula result.
Press the [Edit] button to return to the editor mode.

Formula Editor

Editing a Formula
Select the formula you wish to edit and then click on the [Edit] button to edit that formula.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

The Edit Formula screen will display allowing the user to edit the selected formula. The user
MUST use the GUI keypad on the right to edit the formula. The mouse can be used to move
the cursor position within the edit control and to highlight blocks of the formula.

Formula Editor

Formula Storage
Formulas stored in a 'EVVPmonitoring.for' file. This file is located in the installation folder
where EVVPmonitoring.EXE is located. The file will contain a list of records. Each line in the
file will be a comma-delimited record where each record defines the properties for a single


Selecting the [Import] button will prompt the user with a file browser window where they
can select a ‘*.for’ file. After selecting the file, Viewpoint will read the records from the
selected file and append the formulas to the existing formula file.


Selecting the [Export] button will prompt the user with a file browser window where they
can select a ‘*.for’ file to export the current formulas. This is a simply a ‘Save As’ feature.
The data is not getting reformatted.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Using Formulas
The user can access their device formulas in any analog parameter list. The list of formulas
created for a device will be appended to the analog parameter list of a device. Analog
formula names are prefixed with a "*" to differentiate the formulas from the device's analog
parameters. Digital formula names are prefixed with a '#' to differentiate the formulas from
the device's digital parameters.

An example is seen below in the component properties of a multi-value circle gauge.

Formula 1 was previously created for the 750_360 device and is seen in the analog
parameter list below prefixed by a "*".

System Editor
Introduction to One-Line Editor
The One-Line Editor tool is used to create interactive and graphical one-line diagrams that
can be connected to real devices so that users can easily monitor and understand their
remote site configuration as well as view up to date readings and status updates with ease.

Upon accessing the One-Line Editor screen from the EnerVista Viewpoint main menu, the
following screen will appear:

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual


Introduction to One-Line Editor Toolbars

Here are the various toolbars associated with the One-Line Editor:

Align Toolbar

The Align toolbar contains tools that can be used to align two components in an variety of

Drawing Toolbar

The Drawing toolbar contains tools used to create basic lines, curves, text and shapes for
use in your schema.

Gauges Toolbar

The Gauges toolbar contains an assortment of interactive analog gauge symbols which can
be used to represent their respective real-life components on a schema.

System Editor

Links Toolbar

The Links toolbar contains tools used to create link buttons or hot-spots on the schema
that when viewed in the One-Line Viewer can navigate the user to another connected

Nudge Toolbar

The Nudge toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to move components of your
schema by minute lengths.

Rotate Toolbar

The Rotate toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to rotate or flip the components
created on your schema.

Layout Toolbar

The Layout toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to adjust and size the
components created on your schema.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Structure Toolbar

The Structure toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to group/ungroup components

of your schema and also to move components in between the viewable layers of your

Switch Gear and Control Toolbar

The Switchgear and Control toolbar contains an assortment of interactive digital symbols
which can be used to represent their respective real-life components on a schema.

Symbols Toolbar

The Symbols toolbar contains an assortment of electrical diagram symbols which can be
used to represent their respective components on a schema.

System Editor Toolbar

The One-Line Editor toolbar provides the basic functionality of creating/opening and
saving schema files as well as providing access to certain One-Line Editor specific tools like
"Insert UR" and the "One Shot Test".

System Editor

Transformers and Symbols Toolbar

The Transformers & Symbols toolbar contains an assortment of transformer related

symbols which can be used to represent their respective components on a schema.

Zoom Toolbar

The Zoom toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to resize, zoom and pan around
the schema.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Add / Remove Toolbars

In tools such as the One-Line Editor that allow users to user various toolbars, If you wish to
add or remove toolbars from screen, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the [VIEW] Menu button located at the top of any EnerVista Viewpoint tool.

2. Roll your mouse cursor over the [TOOLBAR] option. A list of toolbars applicable to your
application will now be shown. Toolbars that are not applicable to your current tool will be
grayed out.

3. Click on the toolbar you wish to add or remove from view.

The selected toolbar will now be added (if it was hidden before) or hidden (if it was viewable
before) on the current screen.

System Editor

One-Line Editor Toolbar

The One-Line Editor toolbar provides the basic functionality of creating/opening and saving
schema files as well as providing access to certain One-Line Editor specific tools like "Insert
UR" and the "One Shot Test". Here are the following tools specific to this toolbar and their

New Schema Create a new schema (.sf ) file.

Open File Open and load an existing schema.

Save File Save current schema with current filename ( If there is

none, EnerVista Viewpoint will ask you to provide a
filename ).

Save as Save current schema and specifying file.

Save and View Save current schema and then view schema using the
Schema One-Line Viewer.

UR Inserts a UR component into the schema. This UR

component can now be connected and configured to a
real UR relay.

One Shot Test Provides the user with a one-time reading of all the
current values or status from each of the connected and
configured components on the schema.

Master Connect On Allows for but does NOT initiate connections to devices.

Master Connect Off Disconnects all connected devices.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Drawing Toolbar

The drawing toolbar is used to create basic lines, curves, text and shapes for use in your
schema. Here are the following tools specific to this toolbar and their function:

Select Used to select components. You can either click one component
and then hold down CTRL to select others or you can just drag
an area which contains the components you want to select.

Edit Shows vertices points for the current component you have select
Vertices (if the component support vertices manipulation).

Properties Shows the properties of the current selected component.

Line Used to draws one line.

Polyline Used to draw connecting lines. Double click to end drawing a


Polygon Used to draw an enclosed variable-sided polygon. Double click to

end drawing a component.

Rectangle Used to draw a right angle rectangle.

Polycurve Used to draw connecting curved lines. Double click to end

drawing a component.

Close Curve Used to draw an enclosed connecting curved lined object. Double
click to end drawing a component.

Ellipse Used to draw a elliptical component.

Text Used to add text to your schema

Image Used to insert and image into your schema.

System Editor

Gauges Toolbar

The Gauges Toolbar contains an assortment of interactive analog gauge symbols which can
be used to represent their respective real-life components on a schema. These symbols can
be connected to an actual device to show the analog readings of the component. Here is an
explanation for each symbol.

Parameter Creates a generic analog reading component.

Bar 2D Creates a 2D bar gauge component.

Bar 3D Creates a 3D bar gauge component.

Thermometer 2D Creates a 2D thermometer gauge component.

Thermometer 3D Creates a 3D thermometer gauge component.

Semicircle 2D Creates a 2D semicircle gauge component.

Segment 2D Creates a 2D segment gauge component.

Circle 2D Creates a 2D circle gauge component.

Semicircle 3D Creates a 3D semicircle gauge component.

Segment 3D Creates a 3D segment gauge component.

Circle 3D Creates a 3D circle gauge component.

Circle Multi Creates a multi value circle gauge component.

Phasors Creates a phasor gauge component.

Bar Multi Values Creates a multi value bar gauge component.

Note: Before these gauges can measure real time values, you must specify which device to
connect the gauge to by double clicking on the gauge.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Links Toolbar

The Links Toolbar contains tools that are used to link components together as well as create
link buttons on the schema that when viewed in the One-Line Viewer can navigate the user
to another connected schema. Here are the following tools specific to this toolbar and their

Hot Creates a button that allows users to navigate to other schemas when
Spot clicked on. Once the button is created, you must specify the schema
to link to by double clicking on the HOT SPOT button and editing the
properties in the [NEXT FILE] tab.

Link Draws connecting lines between two selected components. Once this
tool is selected, select the first component to begin drawing
connecting lines. Select the second component to stop drawing
connecting lines.

System Editor

Symbols Toolbar

The Symbols Toolbar contains an assortment of electrical diagram symbols which can be
used to represent their respective components on a schema. Here is an explanation for each

Automatic Voltage Regulator Exciter

Sectionalizer Ground

Test Switch Bus Connection

Capacitor 1 Bus End

Capacitor 2 Generator

Rectifier Generator Synchronous

Reactor Motor

Resistor Motor Synchronous

Fuse Motor Round Rotor

Recloser Turbine

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Transformer & Symbols Toolbar

The Transformer & Symbols Toolbar contains an assortment of transformer related symbols
which can be used to represent their respective components on a schema. Here is an
explanation for each symbol.

Tapchanger Transformer Voltage 1

Transformer 1 Transformer Voltage 2

Transformer 2 Transformer 5

Transformer 3 Transformer Delta

Transformer 4 Star

Transformer AUTO Zig Zag

Transformer Phase Shifting Star Grounded

Transformer Current Star Zig Zag Grounded

System Editor

Switchgear and Control Toolbar

The Switchgear and Control Toolbar contains an assortment of interactive digital symbols
which can be used to represent their respective real-life components on a schema. These
symbols can be connected to an actual device to show the states of the component. Here is
an explanation for each symbol.

Switch Ground

Switch Motorized

Test Switch 1

Test Switch 2

Switch Fused 1

Switch Fused 2

"V" Switch

Circuit Breaker 1

Circuit Breaker 2

Drawout Breaker

Send Command Can only be used to send out virtual inputs

Custom Symbol

Switch Double


LED Indicator Analog and Digital types.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Zoom Toolbar

The Zoom Toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to resize, zoom and pan around the
schema. Here are the following tools specific to this toolbar and their function:

Zoom Allows user to zoom in and centers the screen to the spot

Zoom to Fit Allows user to zoom in to a magnitude that fits your entire
schema layout on your entire screen.

Zoom to Allows user to zoom in on the components that you have

Selection selected.

Pan Move the viewable area of your screen around the schema.
To activate, select this tool and then place the hand icon
over and part of your schema. Click and drag the hand in a
direction to move around the schema.

System Editor

Nudge Toolbar

The Nudge Toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to move components of your
schema by minute lengths. Here are the following tools specific to this toolbar and their

Nudge Up Moves selected component one pixel upwards.

Nudge Down Moves selected component one pixel downwards.

Nudge Left Moves selected component one pixel left.

Nudge Right Moves selected component one pixel right.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Align Toolbar

The align toolbar contains tools that can be used to align two or more components in an
variety of ways. Here are the following tools specific to this toolbar and their function:

Align Top Align the top sides of all the selected components to
the top of the reference component.

Align Horizontal Align the horizontal centers of all the selected

Centers components to the horizontal center of the reference

Align Bottom Align the bottom sides of all the selected components
to the bottom side of the reference component.

Align Left Align the left sides of all the selected components to
the left side of the reference component.

Align Vertical Centers Align the vertical centers of all the selected
components to the vertical center of the reference

Align Right Align the right sides of all the selected components to
the right side of the reference component.

Selecting Components

Select multiple components by holding a CTRL key down and selecting each of the
components with the mouse button. The last component selected will be considered to be
the reference component. When multiple components are selected, each component is
outlined with a series of empty boxes. The last component selected, the reference
component, is outlined with a series of solid boxes.

System Editor

Structure Toolbar

The Structure Toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to group/ungroup components

of your schema and also to move components in between the viewable layers of your
schema (ie: visually show a component to be behind another overlapping component). Here
are the following tools specific to this toolbar and their function:

Group Combines all selected components into one combined entity.

Ungroup Breaks apart all components of one entity back into their
respective original components.

Front Moves current components to the absolute front of all

viewable layers.

Back Moves current components to the absolute rear of all viewable


Forwards Moves current components on layer higher than it's original

layer hierarchy.

Backwards Moves current components on layer lower than it's original

layer hierarchy.

Selecting Components

Select multiple components by holding a CTRL key down and selecting each of the
components with the mouse button.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Rotate Toolbar

The Rotate Toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to rotate or flip the components
created on your schema. Here are the following tools specific to this toolbar and their

Rotate Rotates selected component freely. Once selected, put your

mouse cursor over the component and move the component
clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on what you need.

Rotate Left Rotates selected component 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

Rotate Right Rotates selected component 90 degrees clockwise.

Flip Vertical Flips the selected component on the vertical axis.

Flip Horizontal Flips the selected component on the horizontal axis.

System Editor

Layout Toolbar

The Layout Toolbar contains an assortment of tools used to space components and size
components with relation to each other. Here are the following tools specific to this toolbar
and their function:

Space Across Evenly space the selected components across an imaginary

horizontal axis, starting from the far left component and
ending at the far right component.

Space Down Evenly space the selected components across an imaginary

vertical axis, starting from the top component and ending at
the bottom component.

Same Width Set the width of the selected components to the same width
as the reference component.

Same Height Set the height of the selected components to the same height
as the reference component.

Same Size Set the width and height of the selected components to the
same width and height of the reference component.

Selecting Components

Select multiple components by holding a CTRL key down and selecting each of the
components with the mouse button. The last component selected will be considered to be
the reference component. When multiple components are selected, each component is
outlined with a series of empty boxes. The last component selected, the reference
component, is outlined with a series of solid boxes.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Building a Schema

Adding Components and Items to a Schema

To add components or items to a scheme, following these steps:

1. Select a component or item from any of the following toolbars. These toolbars contain
component symbols that you can use to build your schema.

2. Once your component or item is selected, click on a spot on your schema work area
where you would like to place the component.

3. Your component should now appear on your schema.

System Editor

Adding a Component for Manual Indication

Follow the steps below to create and configure a non-monitoring or non-control component:

* Note: Only components from the SWITCHGEAR & CONTROL toolbar can be used for
manual indication.

1. Select a Component.

2. Place the component on the work area to where you want to place it.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

3. Open up the COMPONENT PROPERTIES box by either double-clicking on the component

or right-clicking on it and selecting [PROPERTIES] from the pop-up menu. The COMPONENT
PROPERTIES box will look something like this:

System Editor

4. Select the [Attach to] tab:

a. Select the Manual radio button (this indicates to EnerVista Viewpoint that the
component is a manual indicator)
b. Select the Status to be either in the ON or OFF state.
c. You can select the colour to fill in the component in each state (ON and OFF) if the
selected component supports this function.

5. Your Component configuration is now complete. Click [OK] to save your changes.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Adding a Component for Control

Follow the steps below to create and configure a Component for Control purposes:

* Note: You must have Sites and Devices Sitescreated properly in order to connect your
Components to control functions. Only components from the SWITCHGEAR & CONTROL
toolbar can be used for control.

1. Select a Component.

2. Place the component on the work area to where you want to place it.

3. Open up the COMPONENT PROPERTIES box by either double-clicking on the component

or right-clicking on it and selecting [PROPERTIES] from the pop-up menu. The COMPONENT
PROPERTIES box will look something like this:

System Editor

4. Select the [Attach to] tab:

a. Select the Automatic radio button

b. Select the Device to which this Component is connected
c. Select the Indication Category from the Category dropdown box
d. Select the particular Contact that you wish the Component to control

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

5. Now, select the [CONTROLS] tab

a. Check the [Enable] checkbox for either Control 1 or 2

b. Select the desired Device associated with this Component.
c. Select the Control-type Category in the Category Drop-down.
d. Select the corresponding Category Force Coil or Virtual Input command below
the Category Drop-down.
e. Change the text of the Command Name as you desire.
f. Select value to send when control is initiated.
g. Repeat step a to f if you want another control function added to this

6. Your device is now ready for control. Click on [OK] to save your changes.

System Editor

Adding Images to a Schema

Follow the steps below to add image files to your schema work area:

Note: Currently, EnerVista Viewpoint only allows bitmap files to be imported (.bmp, .dib).

1. Select the Image button on the Drawing toolbar . A MS Windows Explorer box will
pop up.

2. Browse to where your desired image file is stored and click on it.

3. Click on [OK]

Your picture should now be seen on the work area.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Changing the work area size of the Schema

If the current work area size of your schema is insufficient, follow the steps below to enlarge
or shrink the work area to a size that is suitable for your particular drawing:

1. Select [EDIT] button on the Menu Bar.

2. Select [Measurements and Size]. The following box should show up:

3. Staying within the [Size and Units] tab, change the values for the selection boxes below:

• Unit of Measure
• Canvas Width
• Canvas Height

4. click [OK] to submit and save your changes.

Your schema work area size should now be changed accordingly.

System Editor

Component Properties

Here are the aspects of a component that can be modified in EnerVista Viewpoint.


• Component Name
• Type (usually selected by EnerVista VIEWPOINT)

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Attach to

• Device Monitoring Type: Manual or Automatic

System Editor


• Control Settings

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Next File

• This option allows user to connect to another schema or run an application by double
clicking on the component from the One-Line Viewer.

System Editor


• Component Outline Border settings

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Custom Symbols

Should you want to use measurable digital components that are not part of EnerVista
Viewpoint's default symbols; you can use the CUSTOM SYMBOLS button to do this. Custom
Symbols are generalized digital components where the visual look of the OFF/ON states can
be customized to whatever image files ( bit-map files - .bmp , .dib ) you have created.

The Custom Symbols button can be found on the [Switchgear and Control] toolbar.

Creating and Configuring Custom Symbols:

Before you start, please ensure that you have created two image file for the custom symbol
or components you wish to make. One image should be for the ON state of the symbol and
the other should be for the OFF state of the symbol.

1. Click on the Custom Symbol button located on the [Switchgear and Control] toolbar.

2. Click anywhere on your schema work area to place the custom symbol.

3. Either double click the custom symbol area or right click on it and select properties to

4. You must now fill in the following information to correctly connect and configure your
custom system:

System Editor


• Select your Name and image bitmap properties information.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual


• Select the device monitoring type to be manual or automatic.

• Select the ON and OFF images for the component.

System Editor


• Fill in the properties for controlling the unit.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

LED Indicators

What is an LED Indicator?

The ‘LED Indicator’ is the latest tool available with Viewpoint. he LED allows the operator to
receive visual and/or audible notification when an undesirable condition occurs. Both a
digital state and an analog parameter can be attached to an LED state. In addition, existing
analog parameters have been enhanced to include the option of defining an alarm condition.

Viewpoint versions 2.1 and 2.2 used the Schema Indicator on the schema tab to indicate
the communication status of the devices on the schema.

Since Viewpoint 3.0, the meaning of the Schema Indicator represents the combined status
of all the LEDs on the schema. The communication status for the active schema is now
located in the top toolbar to the rightmost side of the screen when a schema is opened in a
One-Line Viewer or when the user is using the Annunciator tool.

System Editor

Communication Status

The communication status will show one of two states:

All relays on the schema are successfully communicating.

The schema is having communication problems with at least one


Press the ‘Communication Status’ button to view the ‘Device Status’ dialog. The ‘Device
Status’ dialog can display the communication status of every relay. A green status
represents a device that Viewpoint is successfully communicating with. A grey status
represents a device that Viewpoint cannot communicate with.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Schema Indicator

Each opened schema has an associated tab located at the bottom left of the screen.

Each schema tab can have two pieces of information:

• The name of the schema

• A schema Indicator

For the tab to display a Schema Indicator, one of two rules must be satisfied:

1. The schema must contain at least 1 LED.


2. The schema must contain at least 1 analog parameter that has at least 1 alarm
condition defined.

System Editor

Rules for the Schema Indicator

There are no LEDs on the schema.

All LEDs are in normal condition.

At least 1 LED is in an alert condition and the operator has acknowledged the
LED. There are also no alarm conditions present.

At least 1 LED is in an alarm condition and the operator has acknowledged

the LED.

At least 1 LED has been reset. There are no alarms or alerts present.

At least 1 LED is in an alert condition. There are no alarms. At least 1 LED

(flashing) has changed state.

At least 1 LED is in an alarm condition. At least 1 LED has changed state.


No communications to any of the relays on the schema.

Rule 1

Flashing of the Schema Status means there is a state change on the schema.

Rule 2

The Schema Status will represent the LED used on the schema with highest priority state.

Schema Indicator Priority

Priority Level 1 - Lowest

Priority Level 2

Priority Level 3

Priority Level 4 - Highest

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

LED Indicator - How To

There are two ways that an LED can be added to a schema.

An LED can be added to a schema by selecting the LED icon, located on the ‘Switch Gear
and Control’ toolbar.

An LED can also be added to a schema by creating the LED through the properties of an
analog parameter.

System Editor

LED Type - Analog

There are two possible ways of placing an LED on a schema. The direct way is to select the
LED icon and place the icon in the schema work area. The indirect way of creating an
analog LED is by means of the analog parameter.

Create Analog LED - Method 1

Pressing the LED icon on the toolbar will prompt the operator to select the type of LED to

After selecting either a ‘Digital’ or ‘Analog’ LED, select the size of the LED. An LED can
either be ‘Small’ or ‘Large’. After selecting the size, press the left mouse button at the
location on the schema to place the LED.

After specifying a device and an analog parameter, the LED will change to its normal
condition state.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Edit the Analog LEDs properties to attach the LED to a device and an analog parameter. For
proper functioning, the LED needs to have at least one range defined. The multiplier can
also be selected in order to adjust Viewpoint’s displayed value to match the value displayed
by a device.

The number of alarm conditions that can be created for each LED is unlimited. But for the
LED to work properly, there needs to be at least one alarm condition.

Each range condition entered can be configured as one of two Types: Alarm or Alert.

System Editor

Alarm vs. Alert

When any one of the Alarm conditions becomes satisfied, the LED will change from Green to
Red. An Alarm Sound, selectable by the operator, will be continuously played.

When any one of the Alert conditions becomes satisfied, the LED will change to Yellow. An
Alert Sound, selectable by the operator, will be continuously played.

The exception to these rules is that an Alarm takes priority over any Alert. So if an Alert
occurs while an Alarm is present, the Alarm has priority. This also means that if an Alert
occurs followed by an Alarm, the Alarm will override the Alert.

When setting up conditions, the borders of the ranges can be configured to be either
inclusive or exclusive. Ranges cannot overlap.

If the analog parameter selected is an enumeration, then configuring the alarm conditions is
done in a different way. Instead of entering a numeric value, the operator has to select an
item from the list of available choices applicable for this parameter.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Create Analog LED - Method 2

All of the analog components found in the ‘Gauges’ toolbar can now be configured to show
an alarm/alert state, except for the multi-value circle, the multi-value bar, and the phasor

When an analog parameter has a condition configured the parameter will be displayed with
a double border.

If an analog component has conditions defined the ‘Line’, ‘Fill’ and ‘Font’ settings for the
parameter cannot be changed. This means that the parameter’s color is predefined to be
green (Normal), red (Alarm) or yellow (Alert).

Select the ‘Create LED’ checkbox located in the bottom left of the parameters properties to
create a small LED that will have the same condition properties as the analog parameter
being edited.

System Editor

LED Type - Digital

Select the LED icon from the toolbar and choose ‘Digital’ from the LED types.

Edit the Digital LEDs properties to attach the LED to a device and a digital parameter.

The Digital LED shows the current state of device’s digital parameter (0 or 1). The LED can
also be configured to become active when the digital parameter has a value of 0 by
selecting the ‘Reverse Indication’ checkbox.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

You can select a Digital LED to be one of three LED types.

When viewing a schema the color of the digital LED can be any one of the five states listed

Unknown Communication failure or configuration problem

Normal LED is in normal condition
Status Lowest priority
Alert Medium priority

Alarm Highest priority

System Editor

LED Logic

When an LED has a condition that becomes active, the LED will start flashing the color
associated with the LED type: Red for Alarm, Yellow for Alert. If an LED is configured as
type ‘Status’, it does not have to be acknowledged and will not flash while in an active

Once an LED changes state and goes from a solid green color to a flashing red/yellow color
a sound file will be continuously played until either the ‘Acknowledge’ button is pressed or
the ‘Mute’ is enabled.

The Acknowledge button is located on the top toolbar and to the far right of the screen
when a schema is opened in Viewer. Initially, the Acknowledge button is disabled. The
Acknowledge button becomes enabled when an LED changes state (flashing).

The function of the Acknowledge button is to:

1. Silence the Alarm, Alert, Status and Reset sounds.

2. Change a flashing Red/Yellow LED to either a solid Red/Yellow or to a flashing green.
3. Reset a flashing green LED back to its solid green default state.

When there are LEDs flashing an active condition, the ‘Acknowledge’ button will become
available so that the operator can acknowledge the presence of the conditions.
Acknowledgement of the active conditions will stop the sound from playing and cause the
active LEDs to stop flashing and change to a solid red/yellow color.

When the acknowledged LED returns to a normal condition, the color of the LED will change
from a solid red/yellow to a flashing green and the ‘Reset’ sound file will be played

The flashing green indicates to the operator that there was an LED with an acknowledged
condition that changed back to a normal condition. The flashing green state now needs to
be acknowledged again. Acknowledging the flashing green LED will stop the sound. The
operator can now press the ‘Acknowledge’ button to reset the flashing green LEDs to a solid
green state.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual


Sounds serve to alert the attention of the user when an LED state changes in one of the
opened Schemas in the One-Line Viewer. Reset, Alert, and Alarm sounds are defined in the
user preferences menu. User can reset these default sounds to any ‘.wav’ files.

System Editor

How to use One Shot Test

You can use the One Shot Test command in the One-Line Editor to see a one-time, actual
value update for all digitals and analog components that have connected and configured in
your current schema.

Follow these steps to use the One Shot Test function:

1. Make sure you can see the One-Line Editor toolbar on your screen. To display it, click on
[VIEW] > [TOOLBAR] > [One-Line Editor] to make the toolbar viewable.

2. Click on the One Shot Test button

Any readings or values for any of your measurable components will be now be cleared and
within a 5-15 second period, new values will show up showing you the current reading for
those connected and configured devices.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Modifying Properties of a Component

There are two methods of modifying the properties of a selected component.


• Double-click on the component and the COMPONENT PROPERTIES box will pop up.
• Edit the properties of the component.
• Click on [OK] to save your changes.


• Right-click on the component

• Select [Properties]
• the COMPONENT PROPERTIES box will pop up.
• Edit the properties of the component.
• Click on [OK] to save your changes.

System Editor

Saving Schemas

To save the current schema that you are working on, click on the Save button or Save
As button on the One-Line Editor toolbar

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Simultaneously Editing and Viewing the Same Schema

When editing a schema, should you decide to view the schema in the One-Line Viewer at
the same time ( so that you can view your changes in real-time ), all you have to do is the

1. While in the One-Line Editor, click on the [TOOLS] menu bar and then click on [One-Line
Viewer] to open up the EnerVista Viewpoint One-Line Viewer

2. Within the One-Line Viewer, open the same schema file that you are currently editing in
the One-Line Editor.

3. You can now switch between the Editor and Viewer by the tabs on the bottom of the
screen. The tab with the letter "E" enclosed in a box is the Editor and the tab with the
blinking indicator is the Viewer.

As you switch back and forth between Editor and Viewer, EnerVista Viewpoint will ask if you
want to save your changes.

Sample Screen

Here's the schema "PROVIDENCE" in the One-Line Editor. Note we can easily switch to the

System Editor

Viewer to view this schema by clicking on the tab PROVIDENCE with the blinking editor

Here's the schema "PROVIDENCE" in the One-Line Viewer. Note we can easily switch to
the Editor to edit this schema by clicking on the tab PROVIDENCE with the boxed "E"

System Viewer

System Viewer
Introduction to One-Line Viewer
The One-Line Viewer tool is used to view and provide control to your remote sites and their
corresponding devices through graphical one-line diagrams created with the One-Line Editor
tool. Upon accessing the One-Line Viewer screen from the EnerVista Viewpoint main menu,
the following screen will appear.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

One-Line Viewer Toolbar

By default, once you enter the One-Line Viewer Tool, you will see a toolbar at the top of the
screen. In terms of the One-Line Viewer, the following buttons and their functionality are

Open File Open an EnerVista Viewpoint schema file (.sf).

Left arrow Jumps backward to previous schema (only available for

schemas that contain links).

Right arrow Jumps forward to next schema (only available for

schemas that contain links).

Reconnect In the event that at least one device loses communication

Devices (ie: due to a possible bad network connection), EnerVista
Viewpoint will attempt to automatically reconnect 3 times
within a span of approximately 2 minutes. If a connection
cannot be re-established, you can press this button to
force EnerVista Viewpoint to try to reconnect to all non-
communicating devices for another 3 attempts each.

Master Connect Allows for but does NOT initiate connections to devices.
Master Connect Disconnects all connected devices.

System Viewer

Opening/Loading a Schema File

There are two ways to open a EnerVista Viewpoint schema (.sf) files:

Method 1

1. Click on the icon in the toolbar

2. Browse or Specify where to find the scheme file
3. Click [OK] when done.

Your schema file should now be viewable on screen.

Method #2

1. Click on the [FILE] button on the menu bar

2. Click on the [OPEN] button in the dropdown menu.
3. Browse or Specify where to find the scheme file
4. Click [OK] when done.

Your schema file should now be viewable on screen.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Equipment and Switchgear Indication

When viewing schemas created with the One-Line Editor, you can manually convert non-
connected, digital components to their other state ( ex: from switch ON to switch OFF ) by
following these steps.

1. Select the digital component to be switched by clicking on it once. The following prompt
should appear:

2. Click the [YES] button to confirm

The digital component that you have selected should now be switched to the opposite state.

System Viewer

Equipment and Switchgear Control

When viewing schemas in the One-Line Viewer, you can toggle the state of a correctly
configured and connected digital components (ie: from switch ON to switch OFF or vice-
versa) by following these steps.

1. Select the digital component to be toggled. A prompt similar to this should appear:

2. Control requires a two-handed approach. This means you must use both hands to issue
the control command. In EnerVista Viewpoint, you must hold down the Control key and
simultaneously press the button with the state you wish the component to be in (in this
case CLOSE or OPEN). If you just click the button without pressing the Control key, nothing
will happen. Similarly, if the state of the item being controlled is already set (ie. you send
an OPEN command when the state is already OPEN), nothing will happen.

The digital component that you have selected should now be switched to the desired state.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

LED Indicator Colours

Explanation behind the colour indicators in the Device Status Window:

Every Device has a coloured indicator associated with it that can be one of 4 colours. The
following chart explains the meaning behind each of the states of the indicator which are
ordered from highest to lowest priority:

Red At least one correctly configured Device is not communicating.

Yellow All correctly configured devices are communicating but at least one
analog or digital device on the schema is incorrectly configured.

Green All devices are communicating and configured correctly.

Gray Either no analog or digital device exist on the schema or they are ALL
incorrectly configured.

System Viewer

Screen Capturing in One-Line Viewer

Within the One-Line Viewer tool, follow these steps to take a screen shot of your current
schema to be placed in your window's clipboard.

1. Click on [Edit] button on the menu bar

2. Select Screen Capture

A copy of your screen has now been copied to your window's clipboard. You can paste this
in another document that supports 'cut and pasting'.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Device Status

Device Status Window

The device status window is a floating, hierarchical menu driven interface that allows you to
view the status and values of your connected devices. It is accessed via the
"Communication Status" button located on the right side of the top toolbar in the One-Line
Viewer. Only one “Device Status” window can be open for one schema drawing (.sf file). If
you have multiple schemas opened, you can have the same number of Device Status
windows open.

Here is a sample screen shot of what the Device Status Window looks like:

As you can see, the Device Status window consists of two major areas. The
Device/Parameter Monitoring List (top section) and the Device/Parameter Summary
(bottom section)

System Viewer

Device/Parameter Monitoring List

This section contains a list of all connected Devices, their respective Parameters and also
their corresponding values (which are updated every few seconds). The window is
conveniently split up into two columns: “Device/Parameter” (which lists Devices and
associated Parameters) and “Actual Value” (which shows the status or reading of the
Parameter to the left of it).

To begin viewing readings, follow these steps:

1. Select the Device which contains the Parameter(s) you wish to view by double
clicking on it or clicking on its associated [+] button
2. You are now able to view all the Parameters and their associated reading for this

Explanation behind the colour indicators:

Every Device has a coloured indicator associated which can be one of 4 colours. The
following chart explains the meaning behind each of the states of the indicator which are
ordered from highest to lowest priority:

Red At least one correctly configured Device is not communicating.

Yellow All correctly configured devices are communicating but at least one
analog or digital device on the schema is incorrectly configured.

Green All devices are communicating and configured correctly.

Gray Either no analog or digital device exist on the schema or they are ALL
incorrectly configured.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Device/Parameter Summary

This section contains a brief overview of all Devices and A&D (Analog and Digital) Points
being monitored in the currently loaded schema. There are three column headings which are
used to describe the status of the your connected Device/Parameters:

• Online - Device is connected properly and readings are being updated by EnerVista
VIEWPOINT on a real-time basis

• Offline - Device is not connected properly. No readings are being read by EnerVista
VIEWPOINT. Note if you want to attempt to reconnect all Parameters of a device,
right click on the Device and select “Connect Device”.

• Invalid - Device/Parameter is not configured properly according to current schema


To quickly locate a parameter on the schema

Double click the desired Parameter in the Device/Parameter Monitoring List and the
corresponding Parameter will be highlighted in the schema.

System Viewer

Understanding Online, Offline and Invalid Status

In the Device/Parameter Summary section, a brief overview of all Devices and A&D (Analog
and Digital) Points being monitored in the currently loaded schema are shown. There are
three column headings which are used to describe the status of the connected

• Online - Device is connected properly and readings are being updated by EnerVista
Viewpoint on a real-time basis

• Offline - Device is not connected properly. No readings are being read by EnerVista
Viewpoint. Note if you want to attempt to reconnect all Parameters of a device, right
click on the Device and select “Connect Device”.

• Invalid - Device/Parameter is not configured properly according to current schema


EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

What is an Unassigned Device ?

An Unassigned Device is a device component created in the One-Line Editor that has not
been assigned/connected to a real device yet (ie: the component is not reading values or
states from a connected device).

Introduction to Annunciator
The Annunciator tool is used to create and view visual dashboards or alarm status screens
so that an operator can monitor and acknowledge the status of their remote Sites and
Devices all on one convenient screen. Upon accessing the Annunciator screen from the
EnerVista Viewpoint main menu, the following screen will appear.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Annunciator Toolbar

The Annunciator contains an assortment of tools used to perform File Management (save,
open, etc.), Alarm/Alert Acknowledgement and Configuring of Indicators. Here are the
following tools specific to this toolbar and their function.

New Create a new annunciator panel file (.ap).

Open Open/Load an existing annunciator panel

file (.ap).

Save Save current .ap file with existing

filename. If a filename has not been
specified, EnerVista VIEWPOINT will
prompt you to name it now.

Save As Save current .ap file with a new filename.

Edit Edit current Indicator Settings and


Insert Indicator Insert a new Indicator panel which can

later be configured to monitor Device

Cut Copy and remove the current selected

Indicator and place it in your Windows

Copy Copy the current selected Indicator and

place it in your Windows clipboard.

Paste Paste the current selected Indicator that is

in your Windows clipboard.

Erase Delete the current selected Indicator.

Reconnect In case of your Indicators not being able

Devices to communicate to their respected
Devices. Clicking on this button will result
in EnerVista Viewpoint trying to reconnect
to those Devices.

Master Connect Allows for but does NOT initiate

On connections to devices.


Master Connect Disconnects all connected devices.


Mute Sound Allows the user to turn the sound on and


Acknowledge Acknowledge all Indicator whose alarms

have been triggered. The Indicators will go
from a blinking colour to a solid colour.

Reset Reset all Indicators whose alarms have

been triggered and Acknowledged. The
Indicators will go from a solid colour, back
to a grey colour.
Communication Displays the Device Status window for the
Status corresponding schema. The Device Status
window allows the user to view the status
and values of your connected devices in
the schema.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual


Inserting an Indicator into the Annunciator Panel

To insert a new Indicator into the Annunciator Panel, follow the steps below:

1. Right-click anywhere in either an empty rectangle space or on an already existing


Should you have no Configured Indicators yet, just right click

on one of the empty rectangle areas to add a new Indicator

2. Select [INSERT] in the drop-down menu. A new Indicator should now appear.

* - Note, you can also click on the Insert Indicator button to perform the same function
as Step #1 and #2.


Please note, that this Indicator is not configure yet. You will have to Configure it to a
Device before it will begin monitoring.

Each Annunciator Panel can have a maximum of 100 Indicators.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Configuring / Editing an Indicator to a Device

To configure or edit an Indicator's properties to a Device, follow these steps:

1. Either right click on the Indicator that you wish to Configure/Edit and select the
[PROPERTIES] option in the dropdown menu


select the Indicator you wish to edit and click on the Edit button on the toolbar. The
following properties box should now appear:



To begin. Within the [SETUP] tab, fill in the following information:

• Display Name
• Select the Device to attach this Indicator to
• Select either the Analog Parameter or the Digital Parameter to monitor. Note
you cannot have both configured. It's either one or the other. If you have
selected a Digital Value, please select a Digital Time as well.
• Select whether or not you want to Log Events by clicking on the respective
check box.

* Note: The Row and Column number tell you where on your annunciator panel
screen this Indicator resides on.

You have now connected an Indicator to a Parameter of a Device.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Configuring / Editing the Active State Properties of an Indicator

To configure or edit an Indicator's ACTIVE/ALARM STATE PROPERTIES, follow the steps


1. Either right-click on the Indicator that you wish to Configure/Edit and select the
[PROPERTIES] option off the drop down menu

Select the Indicator you wish to edit and click on the Edit button on the toolbar. The
following properties box should now appear:

The SETUP tab contains the following settings:

• Display name - The name of the indicator.
• Device - The device to which the indicator will trigger from.
• Analog Parameters - The Analog parameter to use as the Alarm trigger.
• Digital Parameter - The Digital parameter that contains the digital item to
use for triggering.
• Digital Item - The digital item used as the Alarm trigger.
• Log Events - Select this in order to add this alarm to the event log.


Active Condition

Select the [ACTIVE] tab and the following screen will appear:

Fill in the following information:

• Select the HIGH and/or LOW conditions that will trigger the indicator alarm.
• Select the Latency Period ( ie: the amount of time the value is in the alarm
state before the alarm is triggered ).

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Alarm Colour

Click on the [COLOUR] tab:

Fill in the following information:

• Select the alarm condition color for the indicator.

• Select the Low condition color for the indicator.


Alarm Audible

Click on the [AUDIBLE] tab:

Fill in the following information:

• Select whether or not you want EnerVista VIEWPOINT to play a sound file
when the alarm is triggered for this Indicator
• Select the sound file to play.
• Select the Frequency/Repeatability of the Indicator, when the alarm is

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

EMAIL Notification

Click on the [EMAIL Notification] tab:

Fill in the following information:

• Select whether or not you want to send an EMAIL notification message when
the alarm state changes from Normal to Alarm, or Alarm to Normal.
• Select whether or not you want to send an EMAIL notification message when
the annunciator is either Acknowledged or Reset.
• Enter up to 5 separate email addresses to be used for notification.

NOTE: This feature supports only SMTP addressing. Please check the configuration in
the Preferences screen.


Alarm Reset

Click on the [RESET] tab:

Select whether or not you want the ALARM to be:

Manually reset: Alarm resets back to it's original color setting when the user
presses the "Reset" button on the annunciator toolbar.

Automatically reset: Alarm resets back to it's original color setting on it's
own once the Alarm condition has been removed.

Once the six steps have been completed click [Ok] to save the changes to the indicator.
Click [Cancel] to abort the changes and return to the annunciator screen.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Acknowledging Alarmed Indicators

Follow the steps below to acknowledge an Indicator on your Annunciator Panel which is in
ALARM condition (ie: flashing).

See the sample screens below for an example of an Indicator switching to an ALARMED

Indicator in Normal State


Indicator in ALARM STATE flashing blue.

1. Click on the Indicator in ALARM mode for which you want to acknowledge. Then click on
the ACKNOWLEDGE button on the right side of the Annunciator Toolbar.

All Indicators will now be acknowledge (ie: They will no longer be blinking and will remain in
a solid alarm colour).

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Resetting an Alarmed Indicator that has been Acknowledge

An Indicator in an ALARM condition can only be reset back into it's NORMAL state
under the following conditions.

1. It has been ACKNOWLEDGED.

2. The Indicator's ALARM RESET MODE parameter has been set to MANUAL.

3. The current readings or values from the Indicator are no longer in the range of values
that trigger the ALARM state.

If the above conditions are met, follow the steps below to reset the alarm:

1. Click on the Indicator to be reset and then click on the [RESET] button .

All Indicators will now be reset if they meet the conditions above.

A ‘Reports’ tool is available to the user to configure reports. The user can access this new
option from the main screen of Viewpoint as seen below:

Pressing the ‘Reports’ button will launch a Reports Configuration window. A message will be
displayed in the Reports Configuration screen to inform the user to press the [Add] button
on the toolbar to create a new report if there are no reports created as seen below:

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

There is a maximum of 50 Reports that can be created and running concurrently within a
Viewpoint session. The Reports Configuration screen contains a table listing the reports. The
description for each column in the table is described below:

Name of parameter.
Description of the parameter.
The Status will show the current communication state. The Status may be:
• GREEN - 100% successful communications
• YELLOW - communication problems with at least 1 device
• RED - communication problems with ALL devices
The View button will list the available charts for the report, so that the user
can quickly jump to a pre-configured chart.


Report Creation
To add a report, Press the [Add] button on the toolbar to add a report. The Report
Properties screen will pop up as seen below:

The user is required to enter the following three attributes in the general tab seen above:

• Report Name -Defaulted to ‘Report n’, where n represents the number of reports.
• Description - Field to enter text that would best describe the report’s purpose.
• Filename - Location to store the report's information.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Click [OK] to proceed with creating the report.

The user is then prompted to start the newly created report as seen below:


Report Parameters
Follow the instructions below to add parameters to a report:

1. Select a report listed in the report configuration screen.

2. Click the [Stop] button to stop running the report if it is running.
3. Click the [Edit] button.
4. Select the 'Parameters' tab to begin adding data items to the report that will be
monitored as seen below:

Description of each button in the 'Parameters' tab is described below:

• Add button - Select the [Add] button to add a parameter to the current
• Edit button - Select the [Edit] button to edit the selected parameter.
• Delete button - Select the [Delete] button to delete the selected parameter
from the current report.
• Up and Down Arrows - Use the up and down arrow buttons to customize
the ordering of the data items in the report. This ordering determines how
the data is displayed and exported.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

5. Select the [Add] button. The following prompt will be displayed:

6. The user can now fill in the following fields for the current data item:

• Name - Enter the parameter name.

• Color - Select the color for the parameter.
NOTE: The same color must be used for the same parameter across all
• Device - Select the device.
• Type of parameter (digital or analog) - Selecting an Analog Parameter will
force 'None' to be displayed for the Digital Parameter. Selecting a Digital
Parameter will force 'None' to be displayed for the Analog Parameter.

7. Click [OK] to proceed.

NOTE: A total of 50 parameters can be added to each Report.


Report Charts
Each Report requires you to create Charts used to view the information gathered by the

Follow the instructions below to add charts to a report:

1. Select a report listed in the report configuration screen.

2. Click the [Stop] button to stop running the report if it is running.
3. Click the [Edit] button.
4. Select the 'Charts' tab.

Description of each button in the 'Charts' tab is described below:

• Add button - Select the [Add] button to add a chart to the current report.
• Edit button - Select the [Edit] button to edit the selected chart.
• Delete button - Select the [Delete] button to delete the selected chart from
the current report.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

5. Select the [Add] button to create a new Chart. The following prompt will be

6. The user can now fill in the following fields for the current chart:

• Chart Name - Enter the name for the chart.

• Description - Enter the description for the chart.
• Display Parameters - Select the parameters to be displayed in the chart.
• Customize the chart with the following options:
Show Zero
Show High/Low
Enabling this selection will draw separate lines to indicate the
High and Low values when averaging is used to plot values.
Add Reference lines
Each Reference line is defined by a name, value to graph the line,
and the color to plot the reference line.
NOTE: A total of 10 Reference Lines can be added to each


7. Click [OK] to proceed.

NOTE: The Time Window for the Chart is selected within the Chart Viewer
since this information will be changed often.

NOTE: A total of 50 Charts can be added to each Report.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Report Viewer
There are 2 methods to open the Report Viewer:

Method 1:
From the main ’Report Configuration’ screen, there is a ‘View’ selector that lists all of
the Charts. Select a Chart from the list and the chart will then be displayed.

Method 2:
A Chart can be viewed by selecting [File] -> [Open] from the menu and then
selecting a Report file (File with extension REP).

Time Range Displayed in the Viewer

The format of the sampled data will vary depending on the size of the Date Window. Data
points are constantly sampled and an average for the data point is calculated once every
In order for the data to be displayed properly, the size of the date window will determine
the format of the data displayed. The following rules governs how the time range is
• If the date window is less than one day, the minute data will be charted.
• If the date window is greater than one day and less than 2 months, each data point
will be the average for an hour. There will be an option to show the High/Low range
on the same graph.
• If the date window is greater than 3 months, each data point will be the average for
a day. There will be an option to show the High/Low range on the same graph.

Note: The High/Low range will be based on the highest and lowest stored minute


The Report Viewer is seen below:

The functionality of each feature in the report viewer is described below:

Left Arrow Button:

When viewing a graph that displays the time in days, the user can click on that day in
the graph to display the hours of that days in a graph. Similarly, when viewing a
graph that displays the time in hour, the user can click on that hour in the graph to
display the minutes of that hour in a graph. The Left Arrow Button is used to return
back to the larger time range graph.

Chart Selector:
The user can select any chart that the report contains to display in the viewer.

Graph Button:
Select this button to view the data in a 2D graph.

Chart Button:
Select this button to view the data in a chart format.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Date Selector:
The user must select one of the Report's predefined charts. Selecting from the 'Date
Selector' list will initialize the Date Window to the specified date range. Options for
the 'Date Selector' are:

• Current Hour
• Last Hour
• Today
• Last 24 Hours
• Yesterday
• Current Week (M-S)
• Current Week (S-S)
• Last 7 days
• Current Month
• Last 30 days
• Current Year
• Custom Date

Date Window From & Date Window To:

The user can select a custom time range to view the data. Simple select the start and
end time in 'Date Window From' and 'Date Window To' drop down boxes. When the
user edits these drop down boxes, the 'Date Selector' drop down box displays
'Custom Date'. The user must then click the Right Arrow Button to display the
'Custom Date' in the viewer.

Right Arrow Button:

Once the user selects a custom date with the 'Date Window From' and 'Date Window
To' drop down boxes, the user must click the Right Arrow Button to display the time
range in the viewer.

Exporting the Chart

The user can select the ‘Export’ icon on the toolbar to export the data from the Chart to a
CSV file that can be easily imported into a spreadsheet application.

Printing the Chart

The user can select the ‘Print’ icon on the toolbar to print the Chart.


Additional Features
From the Configuration screen the user can choose to Purge, Archive, and Export data from
the currently select Report as seen from the respective buttons below:

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Purge Data

Select the [Purge] button to purge the data. The following dialog will appear that allows the
user to select the end date.

Purging of data must always begin with the oldest data.

The button is disabled since purging has to be always be done starting from the oldest
date recorded in the Report.

Selecting the button will set the End Date to the last date recorded in the Report.


Archive Data

Select the [Archive] button to archive the data. The following dialog will appear that allows
the user to select a Date Window to Archive data from.

If the Start Date selected is the Start of the Report data, the user will be asked if the user
would like to purge the Data after the archiving is completed.

Selecting the button will set the Start Date to the oldest date recorded in the Report.

Selecting the button will set the End Date to the last date recorded in the Report.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Export Data

Select the [Export] button to export the data. The following dialog will appear that will allow
the user to select the channels to export.

A Date Window will allow the user to define the Start and End dates to be exported. The
user can also select the format of the data; either minute samples, hourly averages, or daily
averages. If the user selects hourly or daily averages, they will also have the option to
export the minimum and maximum values. The user needs to only specify a destination file
and press the ‘Export’ button to complete the task.

Selecting the button will set the Start Date to the oldest date recorded in the Report.

Selecting the button will set the End Date to the last date recorded in the Report.

Introduction to COMTRADE
The COMTRADE viewer feature within EnerVista Viewpoint provides a visual display of power
systems data and relay operation data captured during a specific triggered event.

Previously captured and saved Oscillography COMTRADE files (.CFG) can be viewed while
off-line. Oscillography data has to be first extracted from a device while on-line, but once
extracted, the data can be saved to disk. CSV files retrieved from GE Multilin products may
be combined with existing COMTRADE files and viewed within a single window.

These files can then be opened in EnerVista Viewpoint and allows the user to analysis the
captured waveforms.

EnerVista Viewpoint supports the C37.111-1991 and C37.111-1999 COMTRADE Standards.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

The following screen shows the options available for viewing and manipulating COMTRADE



Converting File Format

The convert utility converts a CSV oscillography file into a COMTRADE file viewable by
COMTRADE viewer. If converted into an ASCII Data file, an oscillography COMTRADE (.cfg)
file can be readable by spreadsheet applications. GE Multilin products that create CSV
oscillography files are: 369PC, 469PC, 489PC, 745PC, 750/760PC, PQMPC, and PQMIIPC.

To Convert to COMTRADE Format:

• Under the title, "Select Source CSV File" enter the CSV file to convert. The file may
be found from the file browsing dialog box by clicking the following icon .

• Under the title, "Select Destination COMTRADE File" enter the CFG file to output to.
The file may be found from the file browsing dialog box by clicking the following icon

• Next to the title, "Format of COMTRADE Data file:" select between ASCII and
Binary. ASCII files are in a text format and maybe viewed in a spreadsheet

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

document while the binary format is smaller but only viewable by the COMTRADE

• Specify the CT Ratios for the Phase and Ground CTs for the current channels. The
CSV file displays only Primary values, but COMTRADE has support for displaying
current information in either Primary or Secondary quantities.

• Specify the VT Ratio for the voltage channels. The CSV file displays only Primary
values, but COMTRADE has support for displaying voltage information in either
Primary or Secondary quantities.

• Specify the Line Frequency that the CSV information was recorded at.

• Use the "Open in COMTRADE Viewer" check box to open the COMTRADE file in the
COMTRADE viewer once the converting process is complete.

• The [Convert] button will then convert the source CSV file into the target CFG
COMTRADE file in the format (ASCII/Binary) selected. To ignore all changes and
cancel the operation select [Cancel].



Resample a COMTRADE file

Resampling a COMTRADE file allows for the user to convert a COMTRADE file with a variable
sampling rate to a COMTRADE file with a fixed sampling rate. Additionally, the fixed
sampling rate of a COMTRADE file may be changed to a new value.

To Resample a COMTRADE File:

• Under the title, "Select Source COMTRADE File" enter the CFG file to resample. The
file may be found from the file browsing dialog box by clicking the icon.

• Under the title, "Select Destination COMTRADE File" enter the CFG file to output to.
The file may be found from the file browsing dialog box by clicking the icon.

• Next to the title, "Format of COMTRADE Data file:" select between ASCII and
Binary. ASCII files are in a text format and maybe viewed in a spreadsheet
document while the binary format is smaller but only viewable by the COMTRADE

• Use the "Open in COMTRADE Viewer" check box to open the COMTRADE file in the
COMTRADE viewer once the resampling process is complete.

• The [Resample] button will then resample the source CFG file into the target CFG
COMTRADE file in the format (ASCII/Binary) selected. To ignore all changes and
cancel the operation select [Cancel].

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual


Merging COMTRADE files

The convert utility converts a CSV oscillography file into a COMTRADE file viewable by
COMTRADE viewer. If converted into an ASCII Data file, an oscillography COMTRADE (.cfg)
file can be readable by spreadsheet applications.

To merge two COMTRADE files:

• Under the title "Select 1 or 2 COMTRADE files" enter the CFG files to merge. The files
may be found from a browsing dialog box by clicking the following icon .

NOTE: The first COMTRADE file entered in the list will be considered the reference
file. The reference file is used to determine the start time and trigger time of the
merged file.

• Under the title "Select Destination COMTRADE File" enter the CFG file to output to.
The file may be found from a browsing dialog box by clicking the following icon .

• Next to the title "Format of COMTRADE Data file:" select between ASCII and
Binary. ASCII files are in a text format and maybe viewed in a spreadsheet
document while the binary format is smaller but only viewable by the COMTRADE

• The [Next] button will become accessible when the above information is entered.
Click on [Next] to continue with the Merge process. To ignore all changes and
cancel the operation select [Cancel].


• The select analog channels dialog box will appear. On the left are the available
waveforms from both source COMTRADE files. On the right are the selected
waveforms for the destination COMTRADE file. Highlight the required waveforms
from the source files and use the button to move it to the destination file. Use the
button to move all the waveforms from the analog list to the destination file. In
order to remove incorrectly selected waveforms from the destination list use the
trash can icon . The buttons are provided for re-ordering the analog list of
the destination file. Select [Next] to continue.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

• The select Digital channels dialog box will appear. This screen is identical to the
"Select Analog Channels" screen and operates in the same manner. On the left are
the available waveforms from both source COMTRADE files. On the right are the
selected waveforms for the destination COMTRADE file. Highlight the required
waveforms from the source files and use the button to move it to the destination
file. Select [Next] to continue.

• The "Sample Rate" dialog will appear next and is the last step in the process. At the
top of the window is four boxes each detailing the start and end times of the two
source COMTRADE files. If synchronization is required, the field "Trigger in the
second file lagging by" is given to add an offset to the second file. This offset can be
negative in which case the first file will be lagging the second file.

• The field "Destination - Sampling Rate" is available so that the sampling rate for the
destination file is configurable.

• In order to view the now merged COMTRADE file, leave the check box "Open in
COMTRADE Viewer" checked.In order to finish the process click [Finish].

The two source COMTRADE files have now been merged into the specified destination file. If
three or more files are to be merged, this process may be repeated using the destination file
from the first merge as one of the source files for a second merge.



Introduction to COMTRADE View

The COMTRADE viewer feature within EnerVista Viewpoint provides a visual display of power
systems data and relay operation data captured during a specific triggered event. The
viewer application can display oscillography, phasors, harmonics and actual values retrieved
from a COMTRADE file.

To exit back to the main menu open [File] and select [Close].

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

COMTRADE View Toolbar

The COMTRADE viewer contains an assortment of tools used to perform File Management
(save, open, etc.) and playing/viewing of COMTRADE files. Here are the following tools
specific to this toolbar and their function.

Open Open/Load an existing COMTRADE file (.CFG).

Save Save current .CFG file with existing filename. If a

filename has not been specified, EnerVista VIEWPOINT
will prompt you to name it now.

Print Prints the waveform.

Preferences Opens the COMTRADE Viewer preferences dialog box.

Data Show the actual value of the waveform at the specified

cursor position.

Phasors Show the phasor diagram of the waveform at the

specified cursor position.

Harmonics Show the harmonic spectrum of the waveform at the

specified cursor position.

Play Begin moving the first cursor through waveform samples

at the specified sampling rate.

Stop Stop moving the first cursor through the waveform

Zoom out Zoom out from the previous selected scale.


View Oscillography

Displayed on the top of the window are the following parameter fields:

• The Blue field (labeled ) displays the parameter value at the blue cursor 2

• The Green field (labeled ) displays the parameter value at the green cursor 1

• The Yellow field (labeled ) indicates the relative parameter difference between
the two cursor amplitude values.

• Select the Start button to have the cursor times displayed as an offset from the
‘Start Time’ of the COMTRADE file. These times will always be a positive value.

• Select the Trigger button to have the cursor times displayed as an offset from the
‘Trigger Time’ of the COMTRADE file. A negative time indicates a time that occurs
before the trigger and a positive time indicates a time that occurs after the trigger.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

• Select the Actual button to have the cursor times displayed as an actual time stamp.
The format for the time stamp is “mm/dd/yy HH:mm:ss.ssssss” and the hours are
based on a 24 hour system.

• The vertical Red line indicates the trigger position (%) of the data capture.

• The Blue and Green vertical cursors indicate initial and final time.

• The top left of the screen shows the trigger time/date as well as the playback rate.
The playback rate is related to the number of samples shown every second and can
be increased/decreased in order to improve the resolution of the playback.

• Cursors can be moved either by clicking and dragging them left and right across the
duration period of the signal, or by using the Cursor 1, Cursor 2 scrolling bars at the
top of the window. The Red line is the Trigger position and cannot be moved across
the captured waveforms. There are three time values indicated in the top right
boxes listing the selected time for Cursor 1, Cursor 2 and the Delta value. The delta
value is the calculated time difference between Cursor 1 and Cursor 2.

• The Play button may be used to play Cursor 1 throughout the entire period or
sections of the waveform(s). The speed of play is controlled by the Playback Rate
which is by default 1 Sample. The larger the value the faster the cursor will travel
across the signal. (Note: Playback rate can be changed on the spot during playback)


During playback, the Phasors screen and Harmonic screen will also be updated
accordingly in real time based on the position of cursor 1.

• Press the Stop button to halt play. The playback automatically rewinds and repeats
when the end of oscillography record is reached.

• A selected section of waveform(s) may be Zoomed in on by right mouse clicking and

dragging the outline box over the desired segment. Multiple zooms are also possible.
When utilizing this function, the Zoom Out button becomes active for zooming
back out.

• The Delta box on the top right side of the screen indicates the difference in
magnitude between the two cursors. The box at the top shows the difference in time

• Waveforms may be super-imposed on top of each other by selecting and dragging

them with the left mouse button.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Configure Preferences

Select the Preferences button in the viewer toolbar to display the

Oscillography/Setup Window.

The user has a selection of upto 40 channels to plot in various colors, line styles, and
Groups for simultaneous display. These 40 channels can be a combination of Analog and
Digital channels. Phasors can only be setup to the number of Analog channels being used.
As an example, if only 20 Analog channels is enabled, only 20 Phasors channels can be

The four dialogs listed in the left view of the COMTRADE Preferences are described below:

General Dialog:

This dialog allows users to add comments to a COMTRADE file. The user can also customize
the display with the option to display channel names, alter the window transparency, and
choose a background color. These changes will have an effect on the display of the
Oscillography, Phasor, and Harmonics screens.


Analog Channels Dialog:

This dialog allows the user to customer the analog channels. The user can customize the
following seven columns for each analog channel:
Channel - Displays the name of each channel/waveform.
Color - Click on the color to change the displayed color for that channel.
Scaling - Allows for channels to be grouped so that they share the same scale.
Line Style - Selects the format of the displayed line for that channel.
Graph - Check this to select the channel to be displayed on the waveform graph.
Phasor - Check this to select the channel to be displayed on the phasor graph.
FFT - Check this to select the channel to be displayed on the Harmonic graph.

The user can also customize the Phasor display of the analog channels with the following
• Select Reference:
Allows the selection of an analog channel to be used as a zero phase angle reference
for the phasor graph. If None is selected, the absolute channel magnitudes and
phase angles are plotted according to the position of cursor 1
• Samples/Cycle:
For proper display of the phasor angle(s) enter in the sampling rate for the data
points of the COMTRADE file. Phasors will be incorrect if an incorrect value is
specified for the samples/cycle.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Digital Channel Dialog:

This dialog allows the user to customer the digital channels. The user can customize the
following five columns for each digital channel:
Channel - Displays the name of each channel/waveform.
Color - Click on the color to change the displayed color for that channel.
Changed Detected - A checkmark is generated when a change of state is detected.
Line Style - Selects the format of the displayed line for that channel.
Graph - Check this to select the channel to be displayed on the waveform graph.


Symmetrical Components Dialog:

This dialog allows the symmetrical components to be calculated and shown for a 3 phase
system. The user can customize the following seven columns:
Channel - Displays the name of each channel/waveform.
Color - Click on the color to change the displayed color for that channel.
Scaling - Allows for the channels to be grouped so that they share the same scale.
Phase A - Phase A component to be used.
Phase B - Phase B component to be used.
Phase C - Phase C component to be used.
Phasor - Check this to select the channels to be displayed on the phasor graph.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual


Opening a Saved COMTRADE File

Sample COMTRADE files have already been saved in the EnerVista Viewpoint program DEMO

To Open the Saved File:

• A dialog box will appear when the COMTRADE viewer is opened requesting for
the cfg file to load.


• Click the File menu in the main window menu bar and select Open.


• Click the open folder icon in the main window tool bar.

This will automatically map to the EnerVista Viewpoint folder located in the GE Power
Management Program or to where you last opened an EnerVista Viewpoint program file.

• Open the DATA folder and look in the DEMO folder

A window will appear with a list of files in the current directory. At the bottom will be a
drop-down box describing the type of files that are available. By default this is set to
Oscillography Files (*.cfg) which means that the files being displayed should contain
oscillography data.

• Select the file named OVERCURRENT.cfg and then click on Open.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

View Phasors

To Open the Phasors window:

Click on the Phasors button in the Oscillography window, and a new window will open
displaying a phasor diagram.

The Phasor Diagram indicates the rotation, magnitude and angle with respect to a selected
reference component chosen in the Preferences window.

The Phasor diagram is viewed simultaneously with the Oscillography waveforms and can be
resized to customize viewing. By either dragging the cursor or pressing play, the Phasor
diagram will update the position of the cursor based on the playback rate.


The following options are available within the phasor viewing window:

• Select between cursor positions. This is done by clicking on the cursor tabs:

• Phasor magnitude view attributes may be set by highlighting these option:

• Peak vs. RMS: Select between peak and RMS phasor magnitudes.
• Primary vs. Secondary: Select between the primary or secondary phase
• Scaled vs. Fixed: Select between scaled phasors or fixed magnitude
phasors. Fixed magnitude phasors will ignore the magnitude value and will
only show the angles.

• The actual values for the phasor quantities such as amplitude and phase angle are
displayed above the phasor diagram as shown below:

The Preferences screen can be used to change which values are displayed on the phasor
diagram and to configure the number and color of phasors.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

A Reminder about Spreadsheets

When you are opening the .dat file into a spreadsheet application, remember that this file is
similar to a CSV, Comma Separated Value file. This means that a comma separates each
data value.

Most spreadsheet programs will ask what format the data is stored in. CSV is a Delimited
data type, and most applications will recognize it.


View Harmonics

The harmonic spectrum may be viewed for the file by using the harmonic button located
within the COMTRADE viewer toolbar. The harmonic diagram is viewed simultaneously with
the Oscillography waveforms. The harmonic window can be resized to customize viewing.

By either dragging or Playing Cursor 1 in the Oscillography window, the Phasor diagram will
update to the corresponding position of the cursor.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

The following options are available within the phasor viewing window:

• Select between cursor positions. This is done by clicking on the tabs cursor tabs:

• A table listing the calculated percentage of THD (total harmonic distortion) due to
each phase is presented:

The Preferences screen can be used to change which values are displayed on the harmonic
diagram and to configure the color of the harmonics.

Introduction to Administration Setup
The Administration tool is used to add/edit/modify various aspects of your Access Groups
and their corresponding Users. Upon accessing the Administration button from the EnerVista
Viewpoint main menu, the following screen will pop up showing all Access Groups and users
that you have previously setup:

Note: By default, no Access Groups or Users are setup except for an ADMIN Access Group
and a corresponding user named ADMINISTRATOR. These cannot be deleted from the
system ( though they can be edited ) since EnerVista Viewpoint requires one administrator
account to be present in the system at all times.

Administrator Setup Menu (Note the ADMIN group and the corresponding ADMINISTRATOR user which are setup by

To exit back to the main menu without saving your changes, click on the [CANCEL] button,
to exit back to main menu, saving your changes, click on the [OK] button.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Adding an Access Group

This command can be accessed via the Administration Setup screen shown below:

Note: By default, no Access Groups or Users are setup except for an ADMIN Access Group
and a corresponding user named ADMINISTRATOR. These cannot be deleted from the
system (though they can be edited) since EnerVista VIEWPOINT requires one administrator
account to be present in the system at all times.

To add a new Group, perform the following steps:

1. Click on the [ADD GROUP] button, the right portion of the screen should now bring up
the following parameters:

• Permission Check boxes (for Device Setup, One-Line Editor, Annunciator,

• Group Name
• Group Comments


Adding an Access Group. In this case, we have created a new group called "Alpha"

2. Fill out permissions settings you want configured for this group by clicking on the various
check-boxes underneath the Permissions Heading. This will indicate to EnerVista
VIEWPOINT, the maximum amount of permission that can be given to users in this group.
For example, if only Device Setup and One-Line Editor are checked, all users put into this
group can have at most those two permission settings granted to them.

3. Fill out the details you want for Group Name and Comments. Your changes in this session
are saved automatically and you may now either add another new Group, add another user,
or delete Groups and users.

Returning to the Main Menu:

Should you want to cancel your changes made in this session, you can click on the
[CANCEL] button to exit back to the EnerVista VIEWPOINT menu without saving. If you wish
to confirm the changes you have made in this section, click on the [OK] button.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Editing an Access Group

This command can be accessed via the Administration Setup screen shown below:

To edit details of an existing Access Group, perform the following steps:

1. Select the Access Group from the site menu that contains the Group you wish to edit. The
list of Users corresponding to that site should now appear below the Site.


When selecting an Access, it's details show up on the right side of the screen

2. Edit the Access Group details fields ( Permission and Group Information ).

3. Your changes are saved automatically by EnerVista VIEWPOINT. You may now
add/edit/delete other Access Group and Users.

Returning to the Main Menu:

Should you want to cancel your changes made in this session, you can click on the
[CANCEL] button to exit back to the EnerVista VIEWPOINT menu without saving. If you wish
to confirm the changes you have made in this section, click on the [OK] button.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Deleting an Access Group

This command can be accessed via the Administration Setup screen shown below:

To delete an existing site, perform the following steps:

1. Select the Site from the site menu you wish to delete

2. Click on the [DELETE] button to delete the site. You will get a reconfirmation request to
make sure that this is the particular site you wish to delete.

* Note: The Admin group ( which is present all EnerVista VIEWPOINT systems by default )
cannot be deleted. Also when you delete a site, all the corresponding Users to that site are
deleted as well. Once a site is deleted, the action cannot be reversed.


Adding a User
This command can be accessed via the Administration Setup screen shown below:

Administration Setup Menu with an Access Group, "New Group 1" already created

To add a user to a Access Group, perform the following steps:

1. An User can only be created within an existing Access Group. So to begin, click on the
Access Group in your site list that you wish to add the User to.

2. Click on the [ADD USER] button. User parameters should now appear on the right-hand
section of the screen.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Adding an User to the Access Group "New Group 1"

3. Fill in the permissions for this User. Note that the permissions available for this user are
the ones that have been specified by this particular Access Group that the user is being
added to. In this example, all permissions can be selected for this user because Group,
"New Group 1" has full access rights (ie: Device Setup, One-Line Editor, Annunciator,
Commands ) associated with it.

4. Fill the details for Contact information (Name, Email, Phone, Comments)

5. Fill in the details for Authentication Information (Login, Password). Please make sure that
you confirm your password by retyping it in the 'Confirm Password' field.

6. Your new user is saved automatically by EnerVista Viewpoint. You may now either
add/edit/delete new users or Access Group.

Returning to the Main Menu:

Should you want to cancel your changes made in this session, you can click on the
[CANCEL] button to exit back to the EnerVista Viewpoint menu without saving. If you wish
to confirm the changes you have made in this section, click on the [OK] button.


Editing a User
This command can be accessed via the Administration Setup screen shown below:

To edit details of an existing User, perform the following steps:

1. Select the User from the Access Group menu that contains the User you wish to edit. The
list of Users corresponding to that site should now appear below the Access Group.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

When selecting a site, the list of User associated with it shows beneath the site

2. Now select the User that you wish to edit. It's properties/parameters will now appear on
the right side of the screen.


Editing the details of user: John Smith from Access Group: Alpha

3. When you are finished editing the details of your particular user, EnerVista VIEWPOINT
automatically saves your changes.

Returning to the Main Menu:

Should you want to cancel your changes made in this session, you can click on the
[CANCEL] button to exit back to the EnerVista VIEWPOINT menu without saving. If you wish
to confirm the changes you have made in this section, click on the [OK] button.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Deleting a User
This command can be accessed via the Administration Setup screen shown below:

To delete an existing User, perform the following steps:

1. Select the Access Group to which the User is associated to, from the site menu list on the
left hand portion of the screen. A list of Users corresponding to that site should now be


A user named John Smith associated with Group: Alpha

2. Select the User you wish to delete.

2. Click on the [DELETE] button to delete the User. You will get a reconfirmation request to
make sure that this is the particular User you wish to delete.

* Note: The "Administrator" user cannot be deleted. Also, only the User you selected will be
deleted, the rest of the remaining Users (if there are any) will still be there.

Plug & Play

Plug & Play

Introduction to Plug & Play
The Plug & Play features of EnerVista Viewpoint allows you to quickly and automatically
create schemas for your devices using a series of built-in templates. The schemas can then
be further customized at any time and even automatically updated to reflect new devices
you may have setup.

To access the Plug & Play features of EnerVista VIEWPOINT, click on the IED Dashboard
button on the main screen.

If there are no installed templates for the devices you have setup (or you haven’t any
devices setup - see Device Setup to help setup your devices) the only option available will
be "Import Templates.". The screen shown below will appear if the IED Dashboard is

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Many IED templates have already been included when you installed EnerVista VIEWPOINT.
Please check the VIEWPOINT web site for additional templates that are available.

Plug & Play

Open System Schema

This option allows the operator to view all available Plug & Play devices on a single schema.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Device Window Screen:

The IED dashboard contain product windows for all configured products in the Device
Setup screen. The product window contains the following information:

• Select Device - Details the name and communication status of each configured
device belonging to the product group for the window. The status indicator is green
when communications is established between Viewpoint and the device.

• Dashboard - The dashboard icon opens the "plug and play"

template associated to the highlighted device in the Select Device window.

• COMTRADE - The COMTRADE icon opens the COMTRADE viewer so

that oscillography available for the device may be viewed.

• Front Panel - The Front Panel icon opens the virtual product front panel
associated to the highlighted device. The virtual front panel allows direct access to
the device.

Plug & Play

Each device within the IED Dashboard has its own configured plug and play screens.
These screens have a common navigation bar located at the top of the screen. Use [Main
Menu] to return to the IED Dashboard. The LED indicator on the lower left hand side of
the screen shows the communication status of the device and will be lit green if
communicating successfully.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Virtual Front Panel

The virtual front panel allows for direct access to any device within the IED dash board.
This front panel is fully functional and shows the status of the product display as well as the
LED indicators. The keys used for product navigation and menu selection are functional,
allowing the product to be remotely viewed. This feature is only available for products that
support this remote capability.

Plug & Play

Import Templates
This option is used to add additional Plug & Play device templates after Viewpoint has been
installed. When you select this option from the menu, a dialog box will appear prompting
you to select an overview file. The overview file is the main file used to identify a new Plug
& Play device template.

After selecting an overview file for a new device type, you will be prompted if to add it to
the list of existing device templates. Click OK to add the device template. Viewpoint will
then check your installed devices.

Custom Device Editor

Custom Device Editor

The Custom File Editor allows the user to define a new device to be used within Viewpoint as
well as edit and delete devices already defined. This will allow EnerVista Viewpoint to
communicate to any product that uses the Modbus protocol for accessing data.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Accessing the Custom File Editor

The Customer File Editor can be accessed in EnerVista Viewpoint by selecting [Custom File
Editor] from the [File] menu in Viewpoint as seen below:

Upon entering the Custom File Editor, the following screen will prompt up:

Custom Device Editor

Custom Device Definition Maintenance Screen

The description for each section and button in the Custom Device Definition Maintenance
screen is described below:

Device Section:
The Device Section displays a list of devices already defined and can be used in Viewpoint.

Version Section:
The Version Section displays a list of all versions available for a device that is selected in the
Device Section Screen.

Add Button:
Clicking on the [Add] button allows the user to define a new device to be used within
Viewpoint. The corresponding information will be saved in a *.cdd file with the format
”r;[Product Name]_[Version].cdd”. The user will be prompted for a product name and
version for the new device as seen below:

Click on [OK] to create your new device. The new device will be displayed in the Device
Section. The user must then select the new device and select the [Edit] button to open the
editor to add Modbus entries for the new device.

Edit Button:

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Selecting the [Edit] button allows the user to edit the selected cdd file in the Custom Device
Definition editor. The user must select a Product and Version before clicking on the [Edit]
button in order to specify which cdd file to edit.

Delete Button:
Selecting the [Delete] button allows the user to delete the selected cdd from EnerVista
Viewpoint. The user must select a Product and Version before clicking on the [Delete]
button in order to specify which cdd file to delete. After the user clicks on the [Delete]
button, the program will prompt the user to confirm the file to delete as seen below:

Click [Yes] to proceed with deleting the selected cdd file.

Close Button:
Selecting the [Close] button allows the user to exit back to the main menu of EnerVista

Load Image Button:

Selecting the [Load Image] button allows the user to select an image to represent the
selected device. The user must select a Product and Version before clicking on the [Load
Image] button in order to specify which device the image represents.

Custom Device Editor

Custom Device Definition Editor

The Custom Device Definition editor allows the user to edit the Modbus entries for the
selected device as seen below:

The changes made in the editor will be reflected in the corresponding cdd file.
Described below are the various features and sections available in the editor:

Device Identification:
Displays the name for the current device.

Displays the version number you are currently editing.

Displays a text description for this device.

Check for unique Modbus Address:

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Checking this check box means the program will prompt the user when they enter a Modbus
address that is not unique. The user must then change the value in order to continue. The
only exception to this rule is when the user wishes to manipulate bit values for a specific
Modbus entry. Thus, if the data type is set to a bit for a particular Modbus Address mapping,
the user can use that Modbus Address in a different entry.

Received data is LSB-MSB order Check Box:

Checking this check box means the register stores values with the byte order from LSB
being in the first byte position to MSB being in the last byte position. By not selecting this
check box it is assumed that the register stores values in the reverse byte order.

Edit Force Coil Button:

Select this button to enter preset operation codes that this device has been programmed
with that the user can perform.

For third party devices, the Force Coil is the only method of sending control commands to
the device. Refer to the device's communication guide, specifically for a description of the
device's Modbus Command 05 implementation.

Edit Enumerations Button:

Select this button to create number to text string mapping. These mappings can then be
used to format the display of individual registers. A Modbus entry can use these mappings
by entering a List Name in the List Reference column. Follow the instructions below to
create a List mapping.
• Click on the [Edit Enumeration Button].
• Enter a unique string name for the mapping in the Enumerations section.
• Enter the list of numeric values and their corresponding string values.

When entering in a new Modbus entry in the spreadsheet, only the unique Label ID and
Modbus Address are required. All other fields are loaded with default values.
The column headings in the spreadsheet are described below:
• Label - Unique name to identify the respective Modbus entry. Displayed when
showing the value for this Modbus entry.
• Modbus Address - The numeric address location for the Modbus entry. The address
should be entered in hexadecimal format.
• Data Type - Allows user to select the data type the number represents. The user
can click on the cell to select the data type from the drop down menu.
• List Reference - Allows the user to map the output values for this specific register
to a text string. The text string will be displayed instead of the numeric value on the
device. The user can click on the cell to select the enumeration mapping from the
drop down menu. The user can define number to string mapping by selecting the
[Edit Numerations] button.
• Settings - Identifies the data represents settings information. The data is saved to a
Settings File
• Actual Values - Identifies this register stores an actual value.
• Writable - Identifies this entry as modifiable.
• Printable - Allows the register value to be printable. This only applies to URPC
• Min - Smallest stored value.
• Max - Largest stored value. When the Data Type is a String, the maximum value
represents the maximum string size.

Custom Device Editor

• Step - This is the smallest incremental step the value stored in the register can
increase/decrease by.
• Decimals - Enter the number of decimals to display for the Modbus value.
• Units - Enter the Unit that this register value is in (ex: Hz, Hz/s, kV). The unit string
is appended to the data value prior to displaying the data.
• Default - Default value used when editing the value in Settings Mode.
• One-Line Editor - Checking this check box allows the One-Line Editor to see this
register mapping.
• Annunciator Panel - Checking this check box allows the One-Line Editor to see this
register mapping.
• ID - Unique identification.

Data Types

Viewpoint Monitoring Custom Device Definition supports following data types:

• CFT_ENUMERATION - Modbus data item has a fixed set of values, and each value
in the set has a corresponding text description. A named enumeration has to be
created in Enumeration Editor for the values and their corresponding text
descriptions. Select the enumeration name for this data type in the 'List Reference'
column. This data type is 2 bytes long (1 Modbus register).
• CFT_FLOATING_POINT - Modbus data item has the value of floating point.
Decimal points can be specified in the 'Decimals' column. If the value is range
bounded, the minimum and maximum values can be entered in the columns of 'Min'
and 'Max'. Floating point value is 4 bytes long (2 Modbus registers).
• CFT_SINT16 - Signed 16 bits integer. If the value is range bounded, the minimum
and maximum values can be entered in the columns of 'Min' and 'Max'. It is 2 bytes
long (1 Modbus register).
• CFT_SINT32 - Signed 32 bits integer. f the value is range bounded, the minimum
and maximum values can be entered in the columns of 'Min' and 'Max'. It is 4 bytes
long (2 Modbus registers).
• CFT_ UINT16 - Unsigned 16 bits integer. If the value is range bounded, the
minimum and maximum values can be entered in the columns of 'Min' and 'Max'. It
is 2 bytes long (1 Modbus register).
• CFT_UINT32 - Unsigned 32 bits integer. If the value is range bounded, the
minimum and maximum values can be entered in the columns of 'Min' and 'Max'. It
is 4 bytes long (2 Modbus registers).
• CFT_TEXT - Modbus data item has the value of text string. You must enter how
many characters in this text string in the 'Max' column.
• CFT_BCD_TIMESTAMP - Modbus data item has a 8 bytes long value. The value is
encoded as, 1st byte => hour, 2nd byte => minute, 3rd byte => second, 4th byte
=> millisecond, 5th byte - month, 6th byte - day, and the 7th and 8th byte => year.
It is 4 Modbus registers long. Viewpoint Monitoring will display the data value in the
format, such as 'Jan 10 09 10:20:30am'.
• CFT_BIT - Modbus data item has the single bit value 0 or 1. However, when this
data item is read from the Modbus device, a single Modbus register - 16 bits, is
always being read. You must enter the bit mask in the 'Max' column to specify which
bit is to be used. The bit mask value is always 2s power based, and counted from
right to left. If you CFT_BIT is the 1first bit from the right in the 16 bits Modbus
register, you need to specify the max value as 1 (2^0. 0x0001). If you CFT_BIT is
the 2nd bit in the 16 bits Modbus register, you need to specify the max value as 2

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

(2^1. 0x0002). If you CFT_BIT is the 9th bit from the right in the 16 bits Modbus
register, you need to specify the max value as 256 (2^8. 0x0100). If you CFT_BIT is
the 16th bit from the right, you need to specify the max value as 32768 (2^15.
0x8000). Hence, you should enter the max value as 2^(bit count - 1), where the bit
count is from the right to the left. CFT_BIT value also needs an enumeration to
specify the text descriptions for the value 0 and 1.
• CFT_DATE - A 4 bytes long value. The first 2 bytes represent the year, the 3rd byte
represents the day, and the 4th byte represents the month. Viewpoint Monitoring
presents the value in the format of 'MM/DD/YYYY'.
• CFT_TIME - A 4 bytes long value. The 1st byte represents the hundredth of a
second. The 2nd byte represents the second. The 3rd byte represents the minutes,
and the 4th byte represents the hours. Viewpoint Monitoring presents the value in
the format of 'HH:MM:SS:hh'.
• CFT_HEX2 - Modbus data item is a Modbus register - 16 bits long. Viewpoint
Monitoring presents the value in the format of '0x?? 0x??', such as '0x1A 0x20'.
• CFT_COIL_BIT - It is exactly the same as CFT_BIT data type, except that the
Modbus function 1 is used for reading the data item.
• CFT_INPUT_BIT - It is exactly the same as CFT_BIT data type, except that the
Modbus function 2 is used for reading the data item.
• CFT_BYTE - A single byte value. However, Viewpoint Monitoring will have to read at
least a single Modbus register which is 2 bytes long. In this case, in the 'Max'
column, you need to enter a value to specify how many counts the bits have to be
shifted to the right for the 16 bit Modbus register value. Viewpoint Monitoring will
use this value to shift the Modbus register value from the device, and use the lower
byte of the 16 bits value. For example, if the 16 bits Modbus register value is
0x02C7, the max value specified in the 'Max' column is 8, Viewpoint Monitoring will
shift the bits of 0x02C7 8 times to the right, after the shift, the value will be 0x0002,
and the lower byte 0x02 will be used.
• CFT_FLOAT2 - Modbus data item has the value of floating point. However, the word
order has to be swapped by the Viewpoint Monitoring system to correctly present the
value. It is 4 bytes long (2 Modbus registers).
• CFT_MILLI_SEC_COUNTS - A 6 bytes long Modbus data item. It represents the
milliseconds since Jan. 1, 2000, 00:00:00. Viewpoint Monitoring system will present
it in the format of 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.ssss'. It is 3 Modbus registers long.
• CFT_SINT64 - Modbus data item is a 64 bits long signed integer (4 Modbus
registers long).
• CFT_UINT64 - Modbus data item is a 64 bits long unsigned integer (4 Modbus
registers long).

Training License Transfer Procedure

Step 1 - Destination PC
• Load Application (Viewpoint, URCD, 269, 469 …) to destination P.C.
• Launch Application - make note of the Site Code -

Site Code is required to complete transfer

Step 2 - Original PC
• Ensure Application is closed
• Ensure Scroll Lock key is enabled
• Launch Application

• Click on Transfer License

• Enter original Unlock code

(don’t know? Refer to unlock instruction sheet or contact
GE Multilin please provide Company,
Contact information and Site code from original PC)

• Enter Site Code obtained from Destination PC

• Verify codes, click Continue

**License in this P.C will be disabled**

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

Step 3
• Enter New Unlock code on Destination PC
** Record and save number**
• Send email to with new:
• MID #
• Site Code
• Unlock Code

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Uninstalling Viewpoint Monitoring

If you have the ’ViewNode Support’ setup in your Viewpoint Monitoring system, and have
any ViewNodes remotely connected to you system, you can’t uninstall Viewpoint Monitoring.

Before starting to uninstall, you must uninstall the ’ViewNode Support’ service first. To
uninstall the ’ViewNode Support’, you need to click the ’Remove ViewNode Support’ menu
item from the ’ViewNode Management’ under the ’File’ menu.

2. ViewNode 5.50 communicates with Viewpoint Monitoring 5.60


Because of new devices and firmware versions added in Viewpoint Monitoring 5.60, you
can't use ViewNode 5.50 to communicate with a Viewpoint Monitoring 5.60 system. If you

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

use your ViewNode 5.50 to communicate Viewpoint Monitoring 5.60 system, you might see
following warning message boxes.


In this case, please upgrade your ViewNode 5.50 to ViewNode 5.60 to communicate with
Viewpoint Monitoring 5.60 system.

3. ViewNode Support requires Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

The XML-DA web service is a Microsoft .NET 1.1 based web application. It can not be
properly executed in Microsoft .NET framework 2.0. When you setup your ViewNode Support
in Viewpoint Monitoring system, the ViewNode Support setup wizard automatically un-
registers the .NET framework 2.0 from Internet Information Service. If you have any other
web applications need Microsoft .NET framework 2.0, you can' t run them together with
Viewpoint Monitoring XML-DA web services. Please install and run those .NET framework 2.0
web applications in another computer.

4. Identity setting for OPC servers in DCOM configuration

During the ViewNode Support setup, Viewpoint Monitoring automatically uses the interactive
account for DCOM server GE32MTCP and GE32MODB. However, if you use remote desktop
client to remotely login into your Viewpoint Monitoring in Windows XP, your ViewNode will


report communication problems with Viewpoint Monitoring system. To solve the problem,
please do following,

1) Click the 'Run' menu item from 'Start' to launch the 'Run' dialog box.
2) Enter dcomcnfg in the 'Open' text entry and click the 'OK' button to launch the
'Component Services' window.
3) In the left tree panel of 'Component Services', go to Component Services ->
Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config.
4) Select the 'GE32MTCP OPC Server' from the right panel, and click right mouse button
on it, and click the 'Properties' menu item to launch the 'GE32MTCP OPC Server Properties'

5) Click the 'Identity' tab.

6) Click the 'This user' radio button and enter the user ID you used to run Viewpoint
Monitoring system, and the user's password.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

7) Click the 'OK' button to exit the 'GE32MTCP OPC Server Properties' window.

Please repeat those steps on GE32MODB OPC server.

5. Installing 5.60 Viewpoint Monitoring or ViewNode in Windows 2000

Professional system
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 express is used as the database engine for Viewpoint Monitoring
and ViewNode 5.60. For the Viewpoint Monitoring/ViewNode installation to be successful,
your Windows 2000 Professional system must have following Windows patches or
components installed,

1) Windows 2000 service pack 4.

2) Microsoft Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 (KB891861).
3) Microsoft Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB935839). This security path upgrades
kernel32.dll to version 5.0.2195.7135.
4) Microsoft Internet 6.0 SP1 or above.
5) Microsoft MDAC 2.8 SP1.

If you have problems to install Viewpoint Monitoring/ViewNode 5.60 in your Windows 2000
system, please ensure you have above patches or components installed first.


6. Configure the Windows TFTP client in Windows Vista for URPlus

event retrieval
Viewpoint Monitoring needs Windows TFTP client to retrieve events from URPlus devices
(C90P and D90P). If you have URPlus devices configured in your Viewpoint Monitoring
environment under Windows Vista system, you need to configure the Windows Vista TFTP
client as follows,

1) Go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows Features on or off
2) Check the box for TFTP Client and click OK
3) If you use Windows Firewall, proceed to step 5, otherwise, configure your firewall to
allow all incoming and outgoing traffic for C:\Windows\System32\TFTP.EXE
4) TFTP setup is complete. You do not need to continue to step 5.
5) Go to Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Allow a program through Windows Firewall
6) Click Add Program, then Browse&ldots;
7) Select C:\Windows\System32\TFTP.EXE and click Open, then OK, then OK.
8) TFTP setup is complete.

7. Administrator password on a new installation

The default password for Administrator is 'password'. As long as the password remained as
'password', the change password window will always popped up to ask user to change. This
is the reason you may see the change password window popping up.

8. MDAC installation issues on Windows 2000

The Viewpoint Monitoring installation redistributes MDAC 2.81. On a Windows 2000 system,
the MDAC portion of the installation appears to fail even though MDAC exists on the system.
Press 'Yes' to continue the installation of Viewpoint Monitoring.

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

2 changing the work area size of the
2D bar gauge .................................... 45 schema ......................................... 64
2D thermometer gauge ....................... 45 circuit breaker component .................. 49
3 close curve button ............................. 44
3D bar gauge .................................... 45 component properties ................... 65, 88
3D thermometer gauge ....................... 45 configuring / editing an indicator to a
7 device ......................................... 110
760 ................................................ 175 configuring / editing the alarm/active
A states properties of an indicator ...... 112
accessing custom file editor ............... 184 connecting an indicator to a device ..... 110
acknowledge button ......................... 106 creating a report .............................. 123
acknowledging alarmed indicators ...... 118 creating a report chart ...................... 127
acknowledging alarms ...................... 118 creating and configuring custom symbols:
add / remove toolbars ........................ 42 ................................................... 70
adding a component for control ............ 60 custom device definition editor ........... 187
adding a component for manual indication custom device editor ......... 183, 185, 187
.................................................... 57 custom device maintenance screen ..... 185
adding a device ................................. 14 custom file editor ............................. 183
adding a user .................................. 167 custom symbols ........................... 49, 70
adding an access group .................... 162 D
adding an indicator to the annunciator define new device ............................ 185
panel ........................................... 108 deleting a device ............................... 24
adding components and items to a deleting a user................................. 172
schema.......................................... 56 deleting an access group ................... 166
adding formula .................................. 29 delta configuration button .................. 48
adding images to a schema ................. 63 device .....................................185, 187
adding report parameters.................. 125 digital symbols ................................. 49
additional features ........................... 133 drawing toolbar ................................ 44
align bottom button............................ 52 drawout breaker component ............... 49
align horizontal centers button ............. 52 E
align left button ................................. 52 edit vertices button ........................... 44
align right button ............................... 52 editing a device ................................ 21
align toolbar ...................................... 52 editing a formula............................... 33
align top button ................................. 52 editing a user .................................. 169
align vertical centers button ................ 52 editing an access group .................... 164
annunciator toolbar .......................... 106 ellipse button ................................... 44
archive data .................................... 133 equipment and switchgear control ....... 97
automatic voltage regulator button ....... 47 equipment and switchgear indication ... 96
B exciter button ................................... 47
back button....................................... 53 export ............................................. 35
backwards button .............................. 53 export data ..................................... 133
bar 2D gauge .................................... 45 exporting the chart........................... 130
bar 3D gauge .................................... 45 F
bus connection button ........................ 47 flip horizontal button ......................... 54
bus end button .................................. 47 flip vertical button ............................. 54
C flipping components .......................... 54
capacitor buttons ............................... 47 formula ...................... 27, 29, 33, 35, 36
capture button................................. 106 formula editor ............. 27, 29, 33, 35, 36
forwards button ................................ 53


front button ...................................... 53 N

fuse button ....................................... 47 new schema button ........................... 43
fuse switches .................................... 49 nudge down button ........................... 51
G nudge left button .............................. 51
gauges toolbar .................................. 45 nudge right button ............................ 51
generator button................................ 47 nudge toolbar ................................... 51
generator synchronous button ............. 47 nudge up button ............................... 51
ground button ................................... 47 O
group components button ................... 53 one shot test button .......................... 43
grouping components together ............ 53 One-Line editor toolbar ...................... 43
H One-Line viewer toolbar ..................... 94
hiding toolbars from view .................... 42 open file button ................................ 43
hot spot button .................................. 46 opening a schema file ........................ 95
how to use one shot ........................... 87 opening files in system viewer ............ 94
I opening the report viewer ................. 130
image button..................................... 44 P
import .............................................. 35 pan button ....................................... 50
import templates ............................. 181 parameter gauge .............................. 45
insert indicator button ...................... 106 plug & play ..............................175, 181
inserting an indicator into the annunciator polycurve button ............................... 44
panel ........................................... 108 polygon button ................................. 44
introduction to administration ............ 161 polyline button ................................. 44
introduction to annunciator ............... 105 PQM ............................................... 175
introduction to device setup ................ 13 preferences ........................................ 5
Introduction to EnerVista VIEWPOINT printing the chart ............................. 130
monitoring ...................................... 1 properties button .............................. 44
introduction to system editor ............... 37 purge data ...................................... 133
introduction to system editor toolbars ... 38 Q
introduction to system viewer .............. 93 qualified modem ................................. 1
LED ....................................... 5, 74, 86 reactor button .................................. 47
LED indicator colours .......................... 98 recloser button ................................. 47
left arrow button ................................ 94 reconnect devices button ............ 94, 106
line button ........................................ 44 record button .................................. 106
link button ........................................ 46 rectangle button ............................... 44
links toolbar ...................................... 46 rectifier button.................................. 47
M report ......................................125, 127
maintenance screen ......................... 185 report charts ................................... 127
making toolbars viewable .................... 42 report parameters ............................ 125
master connect off button ................. 106 report viewer ................................... 130
master connect on button ................. 106 reports ..................... 121, 123, 130, 133
modbus entries ................................ 187 resetting an alarmed indicator that has
modbus protocol .............................. 183 been acknowledge ......................... 120
mode ................................................ 5 resistor button .................................. 47
modem troubleshooting ....................... 1 right arrow button ............................. 94
modifying properties of a component .... 88 rotate button .................................... 54
motor button ..................................... 47 rotate left button .............................. 54
motor round rotor button .................... 47 rotate toolbar ................................... 54
motor synchronous button .................. 47 rotating components.......................... 54
moving components between layers ..... 53 S
moving components between viewable save and view schema button ............. 43
layers ............................................ 53 save as button .................................. 43
save file button ................................. 43

EnerVista Viewpoint Monitoring 5.72 User Manual

saving schemas ................................. 89 text button ....................................... 44

schema ................................... 175, 181 thermometer 2D gauge ...................... 45
screen capturing in system viewer ........ 99 thermometer 3D gauge ...................... 45
sectionalizer button ............................ 47 transformer & symbols toolbar ............ 48
security ............................................. 5 transformer AUTO button ................... 48
select button ..................................... 44 transformer current button ................. 48
send command component .................. 49 transformer symbols.......................... 48
simultaneously editing and viewing the transformers buttons ......................... 48
same schema ................................. 90 transformers phase shifting button ...... 48
sound..................................... 5, 74, 86 transformers voltage buttons .............. 48
sounds ................................... 5, 74, 86 turbine button .................................. 47
star configuration button ..................... 48 U
star grounded configuration button ....... 48 understanding online, offline and invalid
star zig zag grounded configuration button status .......................................... 103
.................................................... 48 ungroup component button ................ 53
start ................................................. 5 ungrouping components ..................... 53
startup .............................................. 5 UR button ........................................ 43
stop button ..................................... 106 user .................................................. 5
storage............................................. 35 using formula ................................... 36
structure toolbar ................................ 53 V
switch component .............................. 49 V switch........................................... 49
switch double throw component ........... 49 view device status button ................... 94
switch motorized component ............... 49 W
switchgear & control toolbar ................ 49 what is an unassigned device? ........... 104
symbols toolbar ................................. 47 Z
system requirements ........................... 1 zig zag configuration button ............... 48
T zoom button ..................................... 50
tapchanger button ............................. 48 zoom to fit button ............................. 50
templates ................................ 175, 181 zoom to selection button .................... 50
test switch button .............................. 47 zoom toolbar .................................... 50
test switches ..................................... 49


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