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Activity-Based Costing Application in An Urban Mass Transport Company

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Activity-Based Costing Application in an Urban

Mass Transport Company

Popesko Boris, Novák Petr

The purpose of this paper is to provide a basic overview of the application of Activity-Based
Costing in an urban mass transport company which operates land public transport via buses
and trolleys within the city. The case study was conducted using the Activity-Based Methodol-
ogy in order to calculate the true cost of individual operations and to measure the profitability
of particular transport lines. The case study analysis showed the possible effects of the applica-
tion of the Activity-Based Costing for an urban mass transport company as well as the limita-
tions of using the ABC methodology in the service industry.
With regards to the application of the ABC methodology, the primary limitation of the accu-
racy of the conclusions is the quality of the non-financial information which had to be gathered
throughout the implementation process. A basic limitation of the accurate data acquisition is
the nature of the fare system of the transport company which does not allow the identification
of the route that is taken by an individual passenger. The study illustrates the technique of ABC
in urban mass transport and provides a real company example of information outputs of the
ABC system. The users indicated that, the ABC model is very useful for profitability report-
ing and profit management. Also, the paper shows specific application of the Activity-Based
Methodology in conditions of urban mass transport companies with regional specifics.

Key words: Activity-Based Costing, Urban mass transport, ABC implementation, overhead, cost allocation.

Urban mass transport could be considered as the very specific area for application of sophis-
ticated costing methods based on true cost allocation of existing cost objects. One of the
important issues that limit the application of modern costing system is the fact that urban
mass transport companies usually do not operate in fully competitive environment. Most com-
panies, which operate the urban mass transport, are fully owned by municipalities and are not
considered as the subjects earning any profit for their owner.
Companies operating the urban mass transit usually provide their services in a highly regulated
environment. De Borger et al. (2002) point at that government intervention in the sector is
widespread and has traditionally been justified by reference to a series of market failures. In the
past two decades, however, concerns about possible regulatory failures have led to a reassess-
ment of the role of the state in the organization in the sector.
One of the primary targets of every service provider is to achieve the efficiency of the exist-
ing operations. Elementary efficiency in the operations could be generally measured by the
quantity of the output and the inputs consumed, which could be quantified as the company
costs (Drury, 2001; Král, 2006), in other words, when production proceeds at the lowest pos-
sible per-unit cost. Lowell (1993) distinguishes between efficient and inefficient production

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and estimates the degree of inefficiency by considering observed best practice standards in the
industry as a benchmark.
Efficiency and costs measurement in the conditions of urban mass transport companies are,
despite these simple relations, restricted for several reasons. Firstly, the companies which op-
erate the urban mass transport usually work with a very complicated structure of customers,
lines, services and other cost objects. Secondly, the fare technology usually does not allow ob-
taining the information about the passenger behavior, which means that the company is unable
to get the information about the specific route taken by individual passenger. And thirdly, the
above described government and municipality intervention in a non-competitive area usually
causes the inability of management of urban mass transport companies to apply any progres-
sive programs to reduce the costs or increase the effectiveness of existing operations.
Despite the fact that efficiency could be accepted as the primary objective of business, stake-
holder’s structure in the mass transport companies usually disallows the use of efficiency as the
primary objective of the mass transport management (Susniene and Jurkauskas, 2008).

2.1 Emergence of the Activity-Based Costing approach and its applications
The Activity-Based Costing method was developed in the mid 1980´s as a powerful tool for
the cost measurement of specific cost objects based on the process and activity measurement
(Kaplan, 1987).
The ABC concept was designed as a method which eliminates the shortages of the traditionally
used absorption costing methods. Traditional costing techniques were used for the purposes
of overhead cost allocation during the 20th century. These are mostly based on simplified
procedures using principles of averages, which could dramatically distort the cost allocated to
the defined cost objects.
The Activity-Based Costing could bring about significant improvement in the quality of over-
head cost allocation. The ABC process is able to incorporate both physical measures and caus-
al principles in the costing system. The basic idea of ABC is to allocate costs to operations
through the various activities in place that can be measured by cost drivers. In other words,
cost units are assigned to individual activities, e.g., planning, packing, and quality control us-
ing a resource cost driver at an initial stage with the costs of these activities being allocated
to specific products or cost objects in a second phase of allocation via an activity cost driver
(Kaplan and Cooper, 1998).
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the ABC approach is not a truly revolutionary or a com-
pletely new means of allocation. In essence, it has transformed the logical relationships be-
tween costs and company outputs entering a costing system. Indeed, the ABC has incorporat-
ed logical allocation procedures from costing systems predating its own complex methodology
(Popesko, 2010).
Early applications in the industry sector (Innes and Mitchell, 1990; Glad and Becker, 1996)
have been followed by many applications in the service (Tsai and Kuo, 2004), logistics (Bayka-
soglu and Kaplanoglu, 2008, Everaert et al., 2008), healthcare (Udpa, 1996) and other specific

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areas. But the direct application of ABC to urban mass transport companies is not a frequent
case in the literature.
Although using ABC brings many advantages from the viewpoint of management, the imple-
mentation of ABC to a service organization, especially to urban mass transport, poses several
challenges which do not generally exist for ABC applications in manufacturing. There are
several reasons for this challenge of the ABC implementation which was defined by Rotch
(1990) for a logistic company, but which could be accepted also for application in urban mass
 Output is harder to define
 In many cases determining activities and cost drivers is not straightforward
 Data collection and measurements is more complicated than manufacturing
 Activity in response to service requests may be less predictable
Joint capacity represents a high portion of total cost and is difficult to link output related ac-

2.2 Activity-Based Costing methodology

The Activity-Based Costing methodology has been described and further developed by many
authors (Drury, 2001; Glad and Becker, 1996; Kaplan and Cooper, 1998; Staněk, 2003). The
ABC process could vary from simple ABC, using only one level of activities to expanded
ABC, comprising various levels of activities and allowing mutual allocation of activity costs
(Cookins, 2001).
Together with the emergence of ABC methodology, issues relating to its practical utilization
and implementation have been presented by both academics and practitioners. Drury (2001)
defined the necessary steps to set up an ABC system as follows:
1. Identifying the major activities taking place in an organization
2. Assigning costs to cost pools/cost centers for each activity
3. Determining the cost driver for every activity
4. Assigning the costs of activities to products according to their individual demands on
These are described by other authors in a very similar manner. For example, Staněk (2003) con-
siders adjusting accounting input data as the initial procedure in building the system. Further-
more, he prescribes the fourth step of implementation as calculating the activity rate, which is
defined as an activity unit cost.
The above-defined steps of system design could be considered as a very brief overview for
successful implementation process. Some other authors define much more detailed applica-
tion procedures. The steps in the ABC application methodology defined by Glad and Becker
(1996) are:
1. To determine the nature of costs and analyze them as direct traceable costs, activity trace-
able costs and non-traceable costs (or unallocated costs)
2. To account for all traceable costs per activity, distinguishing between primary and second-
ary activities
3. To identify the company’s processes, activities and tasks, and create process flowcharts


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4. To determine cost drivers for each activity and use output measures to calculate activity
recovery rates
5. To trace all secondary activities to primary activities, so that the combined activity rates
include all support costs
6. To identify which cost objects are to be priced. Compile the bill of activities for each cost
7. To multiply the activity recovery rates by the quantity of output consumed as specified in
the bill of activities. The sum of these calculated costs will give the activity-traced cost of
the cost object
8. Direct costs and non-traceable costs should be added to the cost calculated above to give
the total cost of the cost object
Many applications of the ABC in the service area point out that a simple ABC method could
be in some cases insufficient to fulfill the demands on data processing. Everaert et al. (2008)
introduce the fact that since the ABC uses a single driver rate for each activity, it is difficult to
model multi-driver activities, which could be very essential for service applications of ABC.
For example, order processing costs not only depend upon the number of orders processed,
but also on the type of communication medium used by the customer (online versus a writ-
ten document). Working with an average cost per order of € 50 thereby provides inaccurate
cost information. One could suggest splitting the activity into two activities, such as “order
processing of online order” and “order processing based upon a written document.” However,
splitting inflates the number of activities in ABC and creates difficulties in estimating the
practical capacity for each sub-activity.
In order to overcome the difficulties of ABC, Kaplan and Anderson (2004, 2007) developed a
new approach to ABC, called time-driven ABC. This new approach does not assign resources
and costs to the specific activities. The TDABC approach identifies the different departments,
their costs and their practical capacity. The breakthrough of TDABC lies in the time estima-
tion. The time of performing an activity is estimated for each specific case of the activity,
based upon the different characteristics of that specific case. These characteristics are called
“time-drivers,” because they “drive” the time spent on a given activity. Time equations model
how time drivers drive the time spent on activity. In complex environments wherein the time
needed to perform an activity is driven by many drivers, TDABC can include multiple drivers
for each activity (Everaert et al., 2008).


As the title of the paper explains, the primary method used for achieving the goals is the
case study research. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how the ABC can be used for
modeling costs and determining customer profitability in an urban mass transport company.
This purpose calls for a case study methodology, where the case is used as an illustration of an
emerging theory (Keating, 1995). The methodology combined qualitative interview data with
a quantitative data analysis, which benefits the reliability of the conclusions.

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The company operating the land urban mass transport by means of busses and trolleybuses
within the territory of Zlín (population 100 000) was chosen for carrying out this case study.
The reason why this company was chosen is the fact that the company started dealing with
more accurate cost allocation based on the ABC techniques.
The company operates 13 trolleybus lines, 11 bus lines, and cooperates with the national pro-
vider of the passenger rail transport. Besides the major transport services, the company also
provides other additional services: an advertising agency and repair services for trolleybuses.
The company owns 65 trolleybuses and 45 busses.
The following table presents the basic information about the company performance in years
2006 – 2008. The financial data are transformed from CZK currency in fixed exchange rate
of 25 CZK per EURO. Income from the transportation service is calculated as the sum of all
types of fare including the time coupons. The number of passengers was calculated as the sum
of individual fares sold and estimated volume of 4 rides a day per time coupons.

Tab. 1 – Characteristics of Zlín urban transport company. Source: Company financial statements
2006 2007 2008
Total income € 9 912 681 € 10 067 454 € 10 129 249
Income from transportation
€ 5 005 293 € 4 821 865 € 4 633 981
Municipal subsidies € 3 544 520 € 3 546 520 € 3 723 200
Costs € 10 198 009 € 10 462 492 € 10 683 275
Profit -€ 285 328 -€ 395 038 -€ 554 026
Number of passengers 38 795 880 37 709 730 37 334 050
As the table shows, the trend in number of passengers and income from transportation serv-
ices is declining. This confirms the De Boer´s (2008) proposition about the declining trends in
transport demand in most industrial economies. Hajek and Siwek (2009) also researched the
passenger behavior in the Zlín region and conclude the growing passenger preference for indi-
vidual means of transport. Table 1 also illustrates quite a large portion of municipal subsidies
for the company. The net income from the fare covers only 45% of the cost of transportation
services. This portion is quite standard in conditions of the Czech Republic. The companies
operating the urban mass transport in similar cities are able to cover only part of the costs
from the fare. Values differ from 46% in Ústí nad Labem to 29% in České Budějovice (SD-
PCR, 2007). This situation matches the situation in developed economies. Pucher et al. (1983)
features that the passengers fare covered only 42% of transit operating costs in the U.S. in the
1980´s compared to 99% in 1965 and 86% in 1970.
Drury´s elementary methodology has been used for the ABC method application, with addi-
tional consulting of other sources (Glad and Becker, 1996), (Popesko, 2010).
The first step of ABC implementation was to define the appropriate structure of activities.
Four major processes were defined within the organization: mass transport services, advertis-
ing services, external and supplemental services and the support process. All processes were


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than disarticulated into several activities. Table 2 and Figure 1 display the activities defined
within the model. The numerical codes were also assigned to individual activities in order to
facilitate the work with activities. The objective of the implementation was to keep the lowest
possible number of activities in order to simplify the work with the data. The final structure
contains 11 primary and 4 secondary activities. The defined structure of the ABC model is very
simple. Some of the activities (201, 301, 302) were defined in the way that matches the future
cost object for the purpose to simplify the allocation of the activity costs to cost objects.

Tab. 2 – Processes and activities defined within the model. Source: authors
Process: 100 - Mass transport operation
101 Administration and support of the mass transit
The activity contains all administrative and support tasks such as dispatching, techni-
cal control, transport schedules, etc.
102 Tickets sale and distribution
The activity gathers all tasks and actions performed within the sales and distribution
process of fare tickets and subscriptions.
103 Daily service and cleaning of vehicles
Daily cleaning, maintenance and repair of vehicles
104 Operation of vehicles
The operation of vehicles and other similar related costs
105 Ticket inspection
The activity contains actions and tasks performed by ticket inspectors and other ad-
ministrative actions related to fines and fine claims
191 Traffic network maintenance
Trolley lines and bus stops maintenance
192 Repair of vehicles
All heavy repairs of vehicles which are not performed within activity 103
Process: 200 - Advertising and promotional services
201 Advertising and promotional services
Advertising and promotional services which are offered by the company to external
customers, the most common actions are the posters inside and outside of vehicles
Process: 300 - External and supplemental services
301 External repairs
Heavy repairs of external customer´s vehicles
302 Charter services
Supplying complex transport services to external customers based on special orders
303 Other external services
Providing supplemental services to external customers, such as renting offices

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Process 900 – Secondary activities
901 Management and infrastructure
General infrastructure of the company + management activities
902 Building maintenance
Costs and activities related to the building maintenance
903 Accounting and finance
Accounting and finance activities
904 IS/IT
Information system and technologies

Primary processes/activities

Fig. 1 – Structure of activities within the model. Source: authors


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The second step within the ABC implementation process was to assign the costs to defined
activities. The costs registered in the accounting books on individual cost centers were as-
signed to the activities using different ways. Every cost element was investigated and after the
interview with persons in charge was assigned to the specific activity. The Activity cost matrix
(Glad and Becker, 1996; Popesko, 2010) was put together for illustrating the relations between
the individual cost types and defined activities.
According to the relatively simple structure of activities, the assignment of costs to those activi-
ties was in some cases relatively easy, because the whole cost centers could be assigned to the ac-
tivities. Table 3 demonstrates the total sum of costs which were assigned to individual activities.
According to Drury (2001), the next step in traditional ABC application is determining the
cost driver for every activity. Some studies (Popesko, 2008), however, showed the necessity of
determining the cost objects before the setting of appropriate cost drivers in order to adjust
the whole ABC cost model. Nevertheless, the definition of appropriate cost object could be
the important difference between the ABC application in an urban mass transport company
and the traditional application in a manufacturing industry. The primary question at this stage
of implementation process was to specify the appropriate cost objects. Drury (2001) defines
the cost object as the activity for which separate cost accumulation (or cost measurement) is
desired. The primary intention of the implementation team was to define the elementary pos-
sible cost object, which is a single ride taken by individual passenger. However, according to
mentioned problems related to the time-fare and the time coupons used by company, the use
of such cost object appeared as impossible and also unneeded from the manager’s perspective.
After the discussions held inside the implementation team, the following cost objects were
defined as the most useful for achieving the implementation goals: the individual bus and trol-
leybus lines were defined as the first cost object and the individual supplemental services such
as external repairs, advertising services, etc., were determined as the second cost object. Sup-
plemental services defined as the cost object are specified in the equivalent philosophy as any
activities. This is partially a different structure than as defined in the original ABC philosophy,
but the primary objective of the application was to achieve the managerial goals defined as the
useful profitability measurement of defined cost objects.

Tab. 3 – List of activities and assigned primary activity costs. Source: authors
Total ac-
Process Activity
tivity costs
100 Mass transport services € 9 142 259
101 Administration and support of the mass transit € 364 791
102 Tickets sale and distribution € 267 147
103 Daily service and cleaning of vehicles € 609 283
104 Operation of vehicles € 5 890 391
105 Ticket inspection € 254 900
191 Traffic network maintenance € 434 445
192 Repair of vehicles € 1 321 303

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200 Advertising services € 128 665
201 Advertising and promotional services € 128 665
300 External and supplemental services € 537 907
301 External repairs € 326 251
302 Charter services € 57 907
303 Other external services € 153 750
900 Support activities € 874 444
901 Management and infrastructure € 376 237
902 Building maintenance € 298 300
903 Accounting and finance € 147 495
904 IS/IT € 52 412
According to the above mentioned facts, the definition of the cost drivers was very specific
and in most cases the intensity drivers (direct allocation) were used for the allocation of activ-
ity costs to individual cost objects. Table 4 indicates the cost drivers used for the allocation of
activity costs to cost objects. No specific relations and cost allocations were defined within the
mass transport services (process 100). Even if the more accurate cost drivers could be identi-
fied, finally, the simple cost driver – the number of total kilometers of all vehicles was selected
as the general cost driver for most of the activities. This allowed the relative simplicity of the
ABC model. Only activities where the different cost drivers were defined are traffic network
maintenance, which is performed only in connection with trolleybus transport, and the ticket
inspection, which was measured individually. For the traffic network maintenance, the total
number of trolleybus kilometers was chosen as the cost driver. After the definition of the cost
drivers the output measure of the individual activities had to be determined. Output measure
quantifies the number of cost drivers consumed in specific time period. After the determina-
tion of output measures, the primary rates of the activities could be calculated as the total
activity costs divided by determined output measures.

Tab. 4 – List of activity cost drivers, output measures and primary rates of activities. Source:

Total ac- Output Primary

Activitiy Cost driver
tivity costs measure rate

100 Mass transport services € 9 142 259

101 Administration and sup- number of total
€ 364 791 4912587 € 0,074
port of the MT km of all vehicles
102 Tickets sale and distribu- number of total
€ 267 147 4912587 € 0,054
tion km of all vehicles
103 Daily service and clean- number of total
€ 609 283 4912587 € 0,124
ing of vehicles km of all vehicles


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104 number of total
Operation of vehicles € 5 890 391 4912587 € 1,199
km of all vehicles
105 Ticket inspection € 254 900 direct alloacation N/A
191 number of total
Traffic network main-
€ 434 445 km of trolley- 3182620 € 0,137
192 number of total
Repair of vehicles € 1 321 303 4912587 € 0,269
km of all vehicles
200 Advertising services € 128 665
201 Advertising and promo-
€ 128 665 direct allocation N/A
tional services
300 External and supplemen-
€ 537 907
tal services
301 External repairs € 326 251 number of hours 20708 € 15,755
302 Charter services € 57 907 number of km 28056 € 2,064
303 Other external services € 153 750 direct alloacation N/A
900 Support activities € 874 444
901 Management and infra- primary activity
€ 376 237 245220779 € 0,002
structure costs
902 Building maintenance € 298 300 square meters 19810,98 € 15,057
903 Accounting and finance € 147 495 account enries 7422 € 19,873
904 number of com-
IS/IT € 52 412 70,00 € 748,748
The following step of the ABC system implementation was to allocate the costs of secondary
activities to defined primary activities. This step is a usual part of all ABC systems, while the
secondary activities cannot be directly traced to the cost objects. They can only be assigned
to the primary activities, which consume their outputs (Glad and Becker, 1996). Defined cost
drivers were used for the allocation of those secondary activity costs. Table 5 shows the recal-
culated primary activity costs after the allocation of secondary activities. The combined rate is
calculated as the sum of primary rates and secondary rates. The secondary rate represents the
consumption of secondary activity costs by unit of primary activity.
The standard methodology described in detail by Popesko (2009) was used for the allocation of
secondary activities. This methodology is based on quantification of volume, in which primary
activities consume the outputs of secondary activities. Numbers of outputs (output measures)
of secondary activities which were consumed by individual primary activities are then multi-
plied by the primary rates of those secondary activities.

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Tab. 5 – Total activity costs after allocation of secondary activity costs. Source: authors
Output Second-
Process Activitiy activity
measure ary rate
100 Mass transport services € 9 826 812
101 Administration and support
€ 408 357 4912587 € 0,083
of the MT
102 Tickets sale and distribution € 301 440 4912587 € 0,061
103 Daily service and cleaning of
€ 686 411 4912587 € 0,140
104 Operation of vehicles € 6 149 859 4912587 € 1,252
105 Ticket inspection € 268 004 N/A
191 Traffic network maintanan-
€ 490 847 3182620 € 0,154
192 Repair of vehicles € 1 521 894 4912587 € 0,310
200 Advertising services € 141 014
201 Advertising and promotional
€ 141 014 N/A
300 External and supplemental services € 621 551
301 External repairs € 372 751 20708 € 18,000
302 Charter services € 70 441 28056 € 2,511
303 Other external services € 178 360 N/A

4.1 Use of the model

After the finalization of all above mentioned steps the final outputs of model could be defined.
The first output of the model was the cost calculations of the individual cost objects, in this
case the mileage costs per kilometer travelled by vehicle. These costs could be easily quantified
as the sum of combined rates of activities, which are used for the performance of urban mass
transport. This means activities 101, 102, 103, 104 and 192 for buses and activities 101, 102,
103, 104, 191 and 192 for trolley busses. The sum of costs per km is then € 1.84 for busses and
€ 2.00 for trolley busses. In comparison, the km cost for charter services is € 2.51.
As far as the costs of operation of vehicles, also other cost objects were calculated. For repair
services the calculated costs of € 18 was used. Other costs objects, as advertising services or
other external services, however, were not calculated and analyzed in greater detail.
The calculation of the operation costs of vehicles per kilometer was not sufficient for con-
sidering the individual costs objects, defined as individual lines. For those purposes the costs
and revenues of individual bus and trolleybus lines had to be estimated. The costs of the lines
could be quantified based on the kilometer length of the line and the operation frequency. The
revenue estimation was much more complicated because the used system of fare disallows the
identification of individual passenger and route which he takes. One of the existing informa-
tion inputs of the project was the observation research of passenger quantities in individual


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lines, which was conducted in 2008. In this research, the number of passengers in individual
lines was determined. The research output was then used for allocation of revenues for indi-
vidual lines.

Tab. 6 - Bus and trolleybus lines profitability. Source: authors

recalculated revenues

Profit (thous. CZK)

Line cost (thous.

Revenues /costs
# of passengers

% passengers

(thous. CZK)

% km


trolleybus 1 753 0,8% 1 706 1,0% 2 594 -888 -52,0% 65,8%

trolleybus 2 16 594 17,2% 37 602 15,4% 38 883 -1 282 -3,4% 96,7%
trolleybus 3 2 507 2,6% 5 681 2,2% 5 582 99 1,7% 101,8%
trolleybus 4 5 749 6,0% 13 027 5,3% 13 275 -248 -1,9% 98,1%
trolleybus 6 15 324 15,9% 34 724 13,5% 33 985 739 2,1% 102,2%
trolleybus 8 9 555 9,9% 21 651 7,8% 19 546 2 106 9,7% 110,8%
trolleybus 9 7 461 7,7% 16 906 6,3% 15 933 973 5,8% 106,1%
trolleybus 10 4 399 4,6% 9 968 5,3% 13 432 -3 464 -34,8% 74,2%
trolleybus 11 3 960 4,1% 8 973 4,6% 11 583 -2 609 -29,1% 77,5%
trolleybus 12 1 166 1,2% 2 642 1,6% 3 911 -1 269 -48,0% 67,6%
trolleybus 13 2 688 2,8% 6 091 2,1% 5 170 921 15,1% 117,8%
trolleybus 14 1 413 1,5% 3 202 1,5% 3 829 -627 -19,6% 83,6%
bus 31 3 298 3,4% 7 473 4,5% 10 451 -2 977 -39,8% 71,5%
bus 32 2 482 2,6% 5 624 4,0% 9 439 -3 815 -67,8% 59,6%
bus 33 4 900 5,1% 11 103 5,9% 13 698 -2 595 -23,4% 81,1%
bus 34 1 514 1,6% 3 431 1,6% 3 812 -381 -11,1% 90,0%
bus 35 862 0,9% 1 953 1,3% 3 000 -1 046 -53,6% 65,1%
bus 36 1 437 1,5% 3 256 2,9% 6 710 -3 454 -106,1% 48,5%
bus 51 227 0,2% 514 0,7% 1 613 -1 098 -213,5% 31,9%
bus 53 330 0,3% 748 0,5% 1 245 -498 -66,5% 60,0%
bus 55 7 312 7,6% 16 569 7,7% 17 994 -1 425 -8,6% 92,1%
bus 58 751 0,8% 1 702 0,8% 1 857 -156 -9,2% 91,6%
bus 70 1 705 1,8% 3 863 3,5% 8 129 -4 266 -110,4% 47,5%
total 96 387 100,0% 218 411 100,0% 245 670
Table 6 illustrates the calculation of profit and profitability of individual bus and trolleybus
lines. Column “revenues/costs” shows the percentage of the cost covered by the revenues. As

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we can see, only 5 lines out of 23 are able to cover its costs by the revenues. Municipal subsidies
are included in the line revenues.
After the calculation of individual lines profitability, the general profitability of major cost
objects was calculated. Those cost objects are in some cases equal to defined activities. Table 7
shows the profitability of individual segments of company. As we can see the most profitable
activity/cost objects are advertising and promotional services and external repairs.

Tab. 7 – Profitability of cost objects. Source: authors

Total costs Total Revenues Profit
Mass transport services € 9 826 812 € 8 736 441 -€ 1 090 371
Ticket inspection € 268 004 € 246 755 -€ 21 248
Advertising and promo services € 141 014 € 550 920 € 409 906
External repairs € 372 751 € 525 539 € 152 788
Charter services € 70 441 € 53 537 -€ 16 904
Other external services € 178 360 € 174 919 -€ 3 441

The application of the Activity-Based approach to the urban mass transport company is hugely
diverse from the traditional application in manufacturing industry. The major difference con-
sists in the structure of the cost objects, which is usually multidimensional. Despite the many
problems that go with the application process, the ABC model is able to offer different view on
the cost of activities and products inside the company. The ABC model, which was constructed
within this case study, is relatively simple and does not apply to all ABC features, but could be
accepted as the model example of further research in the field.
Application of the ABC in urban mass transport operator brought a lot of specifics. One of the
most important specific of the study is that the company doesn´t operates in the pure competi-
tive environment. According to the municipal subsidies, the company couldn’t be managed
as the organization which is oriented to the profit creation. Company receives the municipal
subsidies in order to operate the specific routes. Profit generated by the individual operated
routes, which have been calculated in the study, then could not be used for the elimination of
the unprofitable routes. ABC in this situation could show the way how to reduce the loss gener-
ated by the less profitable routes or determine the impact of the different routes structure.
Study also showed the level of profitability of individual processes of the company. This infor-
mation is not new, because the existing cost center structure of the company, used before the
ABC application allows the profit measurement. On the other hand ABC brings more accurate
way of support activity costs allocation.


joc_4-2011en_v3.indd 63 19.12.2011 18:06:46

The many authors see the application of Activity-based costing method in service organization
as the more usable, than in manufacturing industry. As mentioned above, the service organiza-
tions along with the urban mass transport providers face the many problems via application of
effective costing system. Every additional piece of information which is provided by costing
system could improve the quality of decision making and may lead into increase of perform-
ance and profitability of such organization.
First step via more accurate profit measurement is separating of the costs and revenues of
individual services which are provided. In our case the advertising, charter and other sup-
plemental services had to be separated from the main transport services. Detailed analysis of
the provided services and operated lines could be the first step of more cost-effective decision

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Contact information
doc. Ing. Boris Popesko, Ph.D.
Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics
Mostní 5139, 76001 Zlín
Tel: +420 576 032 504

Ing. Petr Novák, Ph.D.

Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics
Mostní 5139, 76001 Zlín
Tel: +420 576 032 512

JEL Classification: L32, M41


joc_4-2011en_v3.indd 65 19.12.2011 18:06:46

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