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Git Radiology and Imaging

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Lecturer: Dr. Renato M. Carlos| Date: 09-25-09 Transcriber(s): Kat S.

OUTLINE Air fluid levels – step ladder sign

I. Introduction
- Distended jejunum appears as stack
II. Imaging Modalities
A. Plain Abdominal Radiograph of coins, mucosal folds are more
B. Contrast examinations adherent to each other
1. Barium swallow / esophagogram -ileum when distended mucosal folds
2. UGIS are effaced
3. SBS -Obstruction is more distal somewhere
4. Barium enema in the ileum
C. Ultrasound
D. CT Scan
T tube Cholangiogram
III. Interventional radiology
A. Angiogram and embolization
B. Abscess drainage
C. CT guide biopsy
Pneumoperitoneum – in ruptured viscous. Air escapes into the
INTRODUCTION peritoneal cavity, Double wall sign – translucent inner wall
(mucosa) and outer wall (serosa). Boarder of the liver and
DENSITIES diaphragm is also seen, as air insinuates in between. Rigler’s
sign – upright position,air goes up, inner and outer wall of the
AIR FAT WATER SOFT BONE stomach is seen.
1. Black – radiolucent (air and fat) 1. Barrium swallow / esophagogram
2. White – radioopaque (include bones, metals and Barium sulfate- contrast medium used, an inert
contrast medium) substance, radioopaque
Intermediate density – gray color – water and soft tissues or Indications:
organ structures. - esophageal motility disorders
Intestines- contain air. - atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula
- duplication
IMAGING MODALITIES - esophageal diverticula
- foreign bodies
A. PLAIN ABDOMINAL RADIOGRAPH - esophageal perforation
- Used to show calculi, calcifications, stones, tumors - hiatal hernia
-Take note of the pattern of calcifications. If its - esophagitis
toothlike – think of teratoma or cyst; vascular - rings, webs and strictures
calcification – hemangiomas that appears as ring-like - esophageal varices
Indications: - esophageal tumors
1. Abdominal pain
Achalasia – severe narrowing in the
2. Abdominal distention – obstruction, ileus, atresia gastroesophageal junction, proximal is
3. Vomiting dilated and distal is constricted
4. Diarrhea -in advance cases esophagus may
5. Trauma – intraabdominal bleeding and ruptured viscous appear sigmoid
→ pneumoperitoneum - terminal part shows a beak-like
Things to look at narrowing representing an nonrelaxing
1. Intestinal Gas Pattern LES.
2. Osseous Structures
3. Abnormal Calcifications
4. Abnormal Soft Tissue Densities
5. Renal Shadow
6. Psoas Shadow
Calcifications and psoas
shadow - psoas muscles
bounded by fat thus appears
translucent and is enlarged
in the presence of tumors
and abscesses. Kidneys lie Enlarging mass in the Diverticulosis - outpouching
along the lumbar area and lower neck.
is also bounded by fat - renal
shadow 2. Upper GI series
a. Duodenal atresia – - px on NPO, ingest barrium and effervescent
double bubble sign, tablet
shows an enlarged Indications
stomach and proximal ◦ Hematemesis
duodenal distention, ◦ Melena
absence of distal gas ◦ Hernia
(colonic gas) ◦ subacute or chronic nausea and vomiting
b. Jejunal atresia – ◦ palpable mass in the upper abdomen
a. b. triple bubble sign.
absence of distal gas
(colonic gas) Page 1 of 4
(Symptoms related to peptic ulcer disease or lesions - Used to study the colon
involving the stomach and duodenum) - Px on NPO, laxative given to cleanse to bowel,
catheter inserted into the anus, barium is injected
Double contrast and pushed with air.
exam – barium Indications
is radio opaque a. hematochezia
and b. rectal bleeding
effervescent is c. change in stool caliber
translucent. d. constipation
Take note of e. weight loss
the mucosal f. severe anemia
patterns of the (Symptoms related to Colon Cancer or Inflammatory
small intestine, Bowel Disease)
more adherent
unlike the
haustra of the Haustral patterns is 2-
colon. 3cm apart
Appendix is 2-3 haustras
apart beyond the
ileocecal valve that is
like a lip.
Widening of C loop Tumors cause narrowing
of the lumen
on SBS
-doudenal loop in
relation with the
pancreas Diverticulosis – multiple diverticles or
outpouchings taking up the medium. Causes
- Enlarging
severe bleeding, can become infected-
pancreatic mass diverticulitis- when ruptured produces
intramural abscess or localized peritonitis.
Also diagnosed with CT scan
String sign
pyloric stenosis
- narrowing of the Colon cancer
lumen of the pylorus -apple core deformity
(but is now directly -tumors are usually
dx by the use of circumferential, produce
UTS) narrowing of the lumen
- Adenocarcinoma
Peptic Ulcer
-seen outpouching or mound which corresponds to the
edematous base around the ulceration, it has to be big for
it to be seen in UGIS. Colitis
– not anymore used for its diagnosis -thumbprinting

infection or ischemia

3. Small Bowel Series (SBS) ◦ Evaluation of solid organs such as the liver,
Indications pancreas, spleen, kidneys and fluid-filled
a. Inflammatory, neoplastic or infectious structures such as the gallbladder and urinary
diseases which result in mucosal changes or bladder
obstruction of the small bowels. ◦ Ability to characterize lesions as solid, cystic
or complex
This shows the
◦ Of value in evaluating nonpalpable,
distribution of the small
intraabdominal and retroperitoneal masses
bowel. Take note of the
◦ Small amount of fluid collections in the
differences of the
peritoneal space are also easily assessed.
valvulated patterns,
more prominent in the - Any enlargement of the structures suspect tumor,
jejunum than in ileum about >2.5 cm
-transit time of the - Gall bladder- pear shaped, wall measures 8mm, if
medium is within 2-3 hrs there’s thickening – cholecystitis

- Fluids such as Bile appears dark, while
-segmentation and calcifications or stones appears white
distortion of the mucosal (hyperechoic)
folds, characteristic finding
of malabsorption syndrome

4. Barium enema
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Gall bladder: bile is dark, inside is ◦ During ERCP, sphincterotomy, biopsy,
multiple small echogenic foci. Due to stone extraction, and mucosal brushings
calcifiactions/stones, sound waves can be done
can’t penetrate through it and produces ◦ IOC may be used to visualize nonpalpable
distal acoustic shadowing stones during surgery
– Cholelithiasis ◦ T-tube cholangiogram is used to detect
retained stones after surgery

Acute cholecystitis with lithiasis

thickened gall bladder wall with
pericholecystic fluid
- Acoustic shadowing

impacted stone at the gall bladder neck

Normal T-tube Normal ERCP CBD stone
FAST (Focused MRCP advantages over ERCP
Abdominal Sonography (a) is noninvasive
for Trauma) (b) is cheaper
(c) uses no radiation
Objective: (d) requires no anesthesia
Detection of free fluid (e) is less operator dependent
(leaky fluid / minimal (f) allows better visualization of ducts proximal to an
fluid) secondary to obstruction
hHEPATORENAL SPLENORENAL (g) when combined with conventional T1- and T2-weighted
injury of the abdominal
sequences, allows detection of extraductal disease.
Oral Cholecystogram – showing multiple gall stones

a. A powerful imaging technique for evaluating IV. INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY
the abdominal walls, intraperitoneal and
retroperitoneal spaces, all organ systems, A. Visceral Angiogram and embolization
fascial planes and potential spaces Indications
b. May be used to evaluate the entire abdomen - evaluation and treatment of vascular diseases
for masses and their extension into - presurgical evaluation of lesions
adjacent structures. - Embolization: Endovascular treatment of specific
c. Can also differentiate between solid and diseases, e.g. bleeding control, tumor
cystic masses, exudates from transudates, chemoembolization, pre-operative devascularization…
and can demonstrate calcifications within Technique:
masses - Patient positioning, sterilization, draping
- Introduction of Needle, Guidewire, Catheter, into
- Given contrast medium to enhanced structures- Femoral Artery
vessels appear white, fat appear dark.

Advantage over MRI:

-Used in general abdominal cases
-Can detect calcifications, MRI does not
- it takes about 10 sec to scan the entire
abdomen, while MRI takes about 30-45min
-In Sigmoid Ca – advantage of CT over barium enema is
that your able to identify if there’s serosal
involvement or any involvement outside the colon Normal hepatic Hepatoma on angiogram
which is important in staging. Angiogram

Multi-detectional CT scan B. Percutaneous Abscess/Fluid Drainage

– able to attain different planes or sections Indications
-virtual colonography - able to show the mucosal - Diagnostic sampling for Laboratory Analysis
linings, can able to detect polypoid lesion and tumor - Therapeutic management, removal of fluid for
palliative or therapeutic purposes
Advantages over CT: can evaluate pancreas, adrenals C. CT-Guided Biopsy
and chemical structures. No use of X-ray Indications
- Tissue diagnosis of disease
- Aspiration for microbiologic/cytologic studies
F. ERCP(Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)
Cholangiography – used to study biliary tree Advantages vs. Surgical Biopsy
Indications/Method of Examination 1. management planning is immediate, therapy may be
◦ can be used to evaluate the biliary tree to initiated without waiting for the incision to heal
detect common bile duct stones, 2. minimal trauma, to normal as well as neoplastic tissue,
inflammatory or neoplastic duct anomalies decreasing the risk of tumor dissemination
3. risks of surgery and general anesthesia are avoided
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-done under local anesthesia
4. failure to obtain a diagnostic specimen does not
preclude a surgical biopsy

PTBD(Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage)

- used when surgical intervention and ERCP to place
a stent to bypass bile obstruction fails.
- under UTS and colonoscopy guidance, needle is
inserted into the biliary system and tube is placed
from the hepatic duct to the duodenum
- it does not cure the site of obstruction but it only
drains the bile that is retained from obstruction

1. Lecture ppt and recording
2. Wala masyado sa Harrisons 

Thanks to Gail for the recording and kay Grace S. thank
you na rin sa effort to send it, to Angel for the Harrison’s
and jollibee breakfast.. To Alvin for the powerpoint.. 
And we must not forget to thank God for keeping us alive…
continue to pray for our safety in all the calamities that
may come..
Goodluck to all of us.. esp sa exams, sana maging
“physically, mentally, and emotionally ready tayo” (-Carlo
Hope you enjoyed our early sembreak.. hehe!

1– Plain Abdominal Radiograph – shows calcifications.
Stones and tumor
2. Patterns of calcification: Toothlike – teratoma or cyst;
Ring-like - hemangiomas
3. Psoas shadow and renal shadow – bounded by fat thus
appears translucent
4. in small bowel obstruction/ atresia – absence of colonic
or distal gas
Duodenal atresia – double bubble sign; Jejunal
atresia – triple bubble sign; Step ladder sign – air fluid
5. Pneumoperitoneum: Double wall sign, Rigler’s sign
6. Achalasia – shows beak-like in barium swalow
7. Upper GI series: Double contrast exam
Pancreatic mass – widening of C loop (duodenal loop)
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis – String sign
8. Lymphoma-segmentation and distortion of the mucosal
folds, characteristic finding of malabsorption syndrome
9. Diverticulosis – multiple diverticles or outpouchings
10. Colon cancer (adenoCa) -apple core deformity
11. Colitis -thumbprinting
12. Cholelithiasis - multiple small echogenic foci,
calcifiactions/stones, distal acoustic shadowing; if with
gall bladder wall thickening - cholecystitis
13. FAST – detects free fluid
14. T-tube cholangiogram is used to detect retained
stones after surgery
15. MRCP advantages over ERCP- allows detection of
extraductal disease.

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