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CIA - Gravitational Control Research - John T. Watson

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A Report Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School


Southern Methodist University


Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

ior t!:- Decree of


Laster ^.f Science


Electrical Engineering


John T. V/atson
(B.S. in E.E., Southern Methodist University, 1954)

February, 1961


All presently known propulsion systems apply a local-

ized force to a rigid body. In contrast, the forces re-
sisting motion (weight and inertia) are acting upon each
constituent particle of the body—thereby limiting the ac-
celeration to which it may be subjected. This limit depends
upon the strength of the molecular bonds within the mate-
rials which compose the body, and these bonds will fail
when a differential force applied across them is too large.
Such a differential force can arise when an excessive pro-
pulsive force is applied against the inertia and/or weight
of the more isolated members of the body. The strength of
the molecular bond, then, determines the maximum acceleration
of the body. Acceleration limits on present vehicles are a
few multiples of gravity (gfs).
If propulsive force could be applied at the funda-
mental (probably subnuclear particle) level of matter, the
limitations just mentioned would no longer be valid. The
concept of "gravitational control" to be discussed in this
report will be concerned with the modification of forces
(gravitational and inertial) at this level.
Several authors who have published articles of a pop-
ular nature on the control of gravitation during the past

few years have not been bound by this definition of grav-
itational control. As a result, some of their statements
about gravitational control (or "anti-gravity", a term ac-
quired from the authors of science fiction) encompass a
wide spectrum of theories ranging from those which may be
applicable to those which are unrelated to gravitational
control. A few of these articles actually do an injustice
to the serious research which is being conducted relative
to gravitational control either by presenting misconceptions
or misinterpretations of the facts concerning the status of
this research. Misconceptions have even allowed the inclu-
sion of such proposals as ion and photon propulsive devices
within the category of gravitational control. While this is
an extreme case, there are other schemes which have been
erroneously included in this category. The "electro-grav-
itics" concept of Townsend Brown is such a scheme.
Mr. Brown has received a moderate amount of publicity
concerning his scheme for gravitational control.(1)(2)(3)(4)
(5)* In the 1920's he conceived the possibility of con-
structing a device which would utilize the reaction between
electrostatic and electromagnetic fields for the purposes of
levitation and propulsion. Since he felt that his device
was also utilizing an interaction between electromagnetic
and gravitational fields, he referred to this principle as

* Numbers in parentheses refer to articles in the Bibliog-


"electro-gravities". Within the past ten years, a model of
this device has been demonstrated and Mr. Brown feels that
if he can improve the charge capactiy of his model, it will
operate with Mach 3 capability within the earth's electro-
magnetic field. Originally, Mr. Brown had attributed anti-
gravity properties to his vehicle. Now it would appear
that it is no more than a rather sophisticated utilization
of known effects. Since it does not modify forces at the
fundamental level of matter, the "electro-gravities" device
of Mr. Brown is not within the realm of the gravitational
control concept which is to be discussed in this report.
Some of the advantages of force application at the
fundamental level of matter have been pointed out in arti-
cles by A. R. 1/eyl and others.(6)(7)(ö) From their anal-
yses, it seems that a major advantage in the construction
of a vehicle capable of generating a field which could pro-
vide a force at the particle level is that it would have
it's own gravitational field. Then, since each particle
within the vehicle's field would be acted upon simultane-
ously, the occupants of such a vehicle could withstand un-
limited accelerations. Also, with the sustained accelera-
tions possible in such a vehicle, it's speed outside of the
earth's atmosphere could approach that of light. Inside
the atmosphere, the effects of air resistance would impose
some limitations, but the speed and maneuverability would
be far beyond that of any other vehicle conceivable by cur-
\ rent standards.
All presently known forms of mass are subject to the
attractive force of gravity.(Ö) Since this applies to the
subnuclear particles, it is reasonable to assume that the
achievement of gravitational control will probably result
from either 1) a neutralization of the gravitational field
at the particle level, or 2) forces applied at the particle
level to overcome gravitational and inertial effects.
Success in attaining control over gravitation seems
unquestionably tied to a better understanding of gravita-
tion. At the present time, most of the work being done to-
wards gaining gravitational control is centered around the
quest for better knowledge concerning the nature of grav-
" itation. This report will be concerned with some of the
more applicable theories and research. The information --will
be- discussed in four sections: Introduction, Characteris-
tics of Gravitation* Theories of Gravitation, and Current Re-
search Effort. Some of the material will, of necessity,
fall into more than one category.
Most of the current theories on gravitation are sub-
ject to question by one or more theorists in the field. It
is difficult to resolve the differences of opinion in
almost all phases of theory and even in the establishment
of the less controversial characteristics of gravitation.
These questions will be noted in all cases where it is felt
that there is justifiable doubt.
~r vi
- Underlying most of the difficulty, and opening wide
the door to controversy, is the lack of information as to
the true nature of gravitation. Further complicating the
problem is the extreme difficulty of carrying out experi-
mental work. While on an astronomical scale the interac-
tions between masses are quite large and can be measured
with fair accuracy, the magnitude of gravitational inter-
action between masses on the subatomic level is so small as
to be considered quite negligible in comparison to other
intra-nuclear forces. This makes the detection of gravita-
tional effects on this level virtually impossible. -







The first historical evidence of man's thoughts con-

cerning the effects of gravitation are attributed to the
Greek philosopher, Aristotle, around 350 B.C.. He classi-
fied all matter by it's "natural" habitat. The tendency of
heavy objects to gravitate associated them with the earth.
The tendency of light objects (smoke, fire, and air) to
levitate associated them with the sun, or sky. This think-
ing remained until the time of Galileo (1564-1642).
After Galileo demonstrated the independence of gravi-
tational acceleration from mass, various theories were pro-
posed to account for this effect. The most prevalent was
the vortex theory advanced by the French mathematician and
philosopher, Rene Descartes (1596-1650). He theorized that
the universe was made up of a series of vortices, all lim-
iting and circumscribing each other. This theory persisted
even after the advent of Kepler, who showed that t>* orbits
of the planets were constrained to be ellipses, and Newton,
whose laws of motion and universal gravitation demonstrated
that the vortex theory could not be valid.
Newton, however, proposed no theory concerning the
nature of gravity. In fact, he made the statement in the
second and third editions of the Principia, "Hitherto I

■ -
have not been able to discover the cause of these proper-
ties of gravity from phenomena, and I frame no hypothesis".
After Newton, several theories were advanced. In
these theories, attempts were made to account for gravity
by stresses in the ether, corpuscular action, electric
attraction and repulsion, electrodynamic waves interacting
with matter, etc..
The concept of action-at-a-distance, which was a
basic requirement for gravity in Newton's theory, was
almost completely unacceptable in the minds of physicists
in later years. Even Newton himself could not accept it
completely. Nevertheless the mathematical relationships
which he had developed seemed to require that this be true.
The conceptual problem was rectified when Einstein
developed his general theory of relativity. He used Min-
kowski's concept of the space-time continuum to show that
the effects of gravitation are associated with a field.
Thus the gravitational field replaced the old requirement
for action-at-a-distance.
Einstein relativity opened up new vistas in the sci-
entific world. The gravitational field of the general
theory explained the anomoly in the orbit of the planet
Mercury, as well as predicting two new effects which have
subsequently been verified. These effects were: 1) the
deflection of light passing through a strong gravitational
field (verified by noting that the light from stars appear-
» ing in the vicinity of the sun was deflected), and 2) the
spectral red shift due to the shift in wavelength of light
emitted by atoms in a gravitational field (the wavelength
of light from the very dense white dwarf, the companion
to Sirius, is much longer than that encountered on the
earth). This experimental verification of some of Ein-
steins principles gave credence to the remainder.
The general theory of relativity provided a new
theory of gravitation, but electromagnetic concepts have
remained apart from the theory. To correct this failing,
unified field theories would group the electromagnetic and
gravitational fields together as a part of the geometrical
structure of space. Some of these unified field theories
> will be discussed later in the report.
Another failing of the general theory of relativity-
is that, due to the nature of it's mathematical basis, it
does not provide a satisfactory theory of matter. The
elementary particles found within nature have inuividual
characteristics which set them apart from each other.
These characteristics are mass, charge, etc.. Within the
theory of relativity, these particles are merely singular-
ities of the field equations. This cannot explain why
these particles exhibit individual characteristics. Again,
it is felt that a unified field theory should be able to
provide an explanation.
The quantum theory was developed almost colaterally
with the general theory of r-elativity. Quantum mechanics
sought to provide rules for the interaction of microscopic
particles. This theory found application in regions where
the general theory of relativity did not apply. The pre-
diction and discovery of new subnuclear particles resulted
from applications of the quantum theory to electrodynamics.
Presently, it is believed that quantum electrodynamics
gives an exact picture of all physical phenomena other than
those which involve nuclear forces, gravitation, or the
weak interactions.(9)
The restrictions placed upon the present realms of
applicability of both the quantum theory and the general
theory of relativity are such that the quantum theory is
valid only for microscopic regions (radii of the order of
10" cm), and the general theory of relativity is valid only
within macroscopic domains. There are postulates which
would link one or more aspects of these theories with
others, but there is nothing which contributes to the ulti-
mate unification of the realms of both.(10)
There is almost nothing in gravitational knowledge
which is not questioned either by theorists or by the
people who are doing experimental work. The interpretation
of the more commonly accepted measurements associated with
gravitational fields is no exception.


A. Equivalence: Gravitational and inertial mass of

the same body are always equal. This follows from Galileo's
famous experiment in which he showed that the acceleration
of a body in a gravitational field is independent of it's
mass. The most accurate determination of this equality was
made in 1922 by Eötvös.(ll) Using his torsion balance, he
found that there was no deviation up to six parts in one
billion between the gravitational masses of a wide variety
of materials which included substances before and after
I chemical reaction as well as radioactive materials.
B. Isotropy: The anisotropic properties of some
crystals with regard to heat, electricity, and light are
well known. The possibility that crystalline structure
might exhibit anisotropic properties with respect to grav-
ity was investigated by Paul R. Heyl at the National Bureau
of Standards in 1924.111) Crystals, while oriented in var-
ious ways with respect to the earth, were weighed. No de-
viation of as much as one part in one billion was discover-
ed. Experimentation with steel in magnetized and unmagnet-
ized states also provided negative results.
C. Temperature: In 1922, P. E. Shaw conducted ex-
periments which revealed the independence of gravitation
) from temperature effects to two parts in one million per
degree centigrade.(11) Astronomical evidence verifies this
to an even greater degree of accuracy. Comets which ap-
proach close to the sun in their orbits are heated to a
very high temperature. If temperature had affected gravi-
tation, their orbits would be altered considerably. Over a
period of many years there have been no unexplainabie vari-
ations in the orbits of the comets.
Effects at the other end of the temperature scale
have also been investigated. No gravitational anomolies
have been noted down to the immediate region of absolute
D. Inverse Square Law: The relationship developed
> by Newton that the force of attraction between two bodies
is proportional to the inverse square of the distance sep-
arating them is verified by the observation of astronomical
The only question raised as to the validity of this
relation was by Leverrier in 1845. He noticed an irregu-
larity between the actual path of the planet Mercury and
that predicted through the use of the inverse square rela-
tionship. This anomoly was noted by others and an attempt
was made to verify it using Newton's laws. This was unsuc-
cessful. The irregularity was to be explained, finally, by
Einstein's general theory of relativity in 1916.
One attempt to explain this discrepancy was made by
Asaph Hall of the U. S. Naval Observatory. He proposed to
use 2.0000001612 for the power to which the distance sepa-
rating the bodies is raised. This would have accounted for
the orbit's unexplained precession. E. H, Brown pointed
out that the motion of the earth's rnoon would not allow the
slightest deviation from the power of 2.(11)
E. Interactions: Of all of the known interactions,
that which is due to gravitation is the weakest. .Thile on
an astronomical scale gravitational force seems large (in
order to keep the earth in it's orbit a force of 2 x 10
tons is exerted upon it), the same relation between sub-
atonic particles is quite small (the gravitational force
between the proton and the electron is 5 x 10"^ times that
of the electrostatic interaction).(12)
F. Permeability: There is no known shielding for the
gravitational field. This is in contrast to the effects of
the electromagnetic field in which many substances are
found to be opaque. There are also those substances which
have this characteristic with respect to heat and sound.
The best evidence of the absence of this phenomena in
gravitation is, again, astronomical. If there were any
shielding of the sun's gravitational field by the earth,
for instance, the moon would recede slightly every time it
is eclipsed. It would not take r.any eclipses for this re-
cession to be noticeable.
G. Universality: All forms of mass are affected re-
gardless of size. The elementary particles of nuclear
physics, even the newer so-called anti-matter particles,
are subject to gravitational attraction.(o) This includes
the photon which has mass due only to it's speed (inertial
Since it appears that gravitational forces are quite
negligible in comparison to the other forces binding atoms
together, it is possible that slight variations in the
gravitational interactions at the atomic level could have
Cone unnoticed despite the high degree of accuracy with
which some of the measurements have been made.

■■■ ■■«"»



Most phenomena occuring throughout the universe may

be attributed to gravitational and/or electromagnetic
effects upon matter. On a cosmological level, the inter-
actions between masses may be completely explained as grav-
itational. Within the constituent parts of matter (mole-
cules, atoms), the interactions are predominantly electro-
magnetic in nature down to the subnuclear domain.
The identity of the binding forces within the nucleus
is still in doubt; however, it is generally believed that
these forces are essentially non-electromagnetic. Yukawa
has introduced the concept of the meson field in order to
account for the nuclear binding forces.(9) Much more is to
be learned about phenomena at this level, however.
The physicists1 search for an answer to unexplained
phenomena has led to theories which attempt to explain ob-
servations. The discrepancy encountered in the Michelson-
Morley experiment stimulated the thinking of Albert Ein-
stein. This led to the special theory of relativity, and
ultimately, to the general theory of relativity. The de-
sire to find an answer to radiation problems stimulated the
thinking of Max Planck. This led to the development of the
quantum theory.

Both theories have made contributions leading to a
better understanding of the fundamental structure of the
universe, although the general theory has been restricted
to the macrocosm, and the quantum theory has been restrict-
ed to the microcosm. In the scientist's search for the
fundamental secrets of matter, it seems that a link between
the two theories is required. Much of the current theoret-
ical efforts are aimed in this direction.
Einstein's general theory of relativity is based upon
the validity of the principle of equivalence. This princi-
ple equates a gravitational field and a uniform acceler-
ation. This equivalence may best be understood by consid-
ering an analogy. Suppose there were an observer in a
closed room who desires to verify this equivalence. Within
this room he can observe no difference between the effects
due to it's presence on the surface of the earth and those
generated after removing it from the earth's gravitational
field and continuously applying a force sufficient to give
it a uniform acceleration of 32.2 feet per second . Thus,
localized gravitational effects may be transformed into an
accelerated frame of reference. This equivalence leads to
the use of generalized frames of reference, and, ultimately
to the appearance of the Riemannian form of the four dimen-
sional Minkowski space-time continuum which allows the
gravitational force to be transformed away.
Within the Riemannian space-time continuum the devel-

opment of the gravitational field becomes possible.(12)
This continuum is distorted by the presence of matter. The
geometry of the continuum determines unique paths for
bodies moving within it. Consequently, gravitational ac-
celeration is the result of motion through the distorted
continuum in the vicinity of a mass.
The "easiest" connecting path between any two space-
time points is called a "geodesic". In Riemannian space,
the line element, ds, between two space-time points is
given by ohe metric:

ds = ]T cL,* dx clx ; su,v-ltl,Z,A- (l)

where: X, d* " the differential coordinates of the
» space-time points (resulting from the
expression of the interval, ds, in
curvilinear coordinates).
^AAV- elements of the metric tensor (depen-
dent both upon the coordinates and
the characteristics of the continuum).
The path of a particle between two space-time points
is determined by applying the variational principle in such
a way that it is a minimum.

j/cls = 0 (2)
The line integral is taken along the path connecting the
two points.
In the presence of a gravitational field, the

I appearing in equation (1) become the gravitational poten-
tials. This metric tensor is responsible for determining
the gravitational field, in addition to being related to
the curvature of the continuum.
The field equation for gravitation is given by:

where: RVYV = the second rank tensor contracted

from the fourth rank tensor R.
(the Riemann-Christoffel tensor,
which is a measure of the curvature
of this space-time), with respect to
£ and <r •
i P ■ the scalar resulting from further
contraction of K^^ with respect
to A4 and v .
T^ = the energy-momentum tensor that des-
cribes the distribution of energy and
matter which produces the distortions
of the continuum.
Gn = the gravitational constant.
This equation results from the application of the
variational principle:

tfcL+R)^ dx = 0
where L is the Langrangian density of the matter, and
s-. sf-di d x is an element of volume in space-time.

When equation (3) is solved for the case of a spher-
ically symmetrical mass distribution, the resulting metric
tensor used with equation (2) gives the equation for the
path of the planet Mercury around the sun. This equation
accounts for the previously noted irregularity. By similar
use of the results of the equation (3), the deflection of
light rays in gravitational fields, and the shift of wave-
length of light emitted in a gravitational field were pre-
i'here are other effects which have been predicted by
the gravitational theory. Among them is the prediction of
the wave character of gravity and the speed of it's propa-
gation. The speed of propagation is predicted to be the
same as that of light. Both of these characteristics are
still subject to verification. Several of the experiments
mentioned later seek to generate these predicted waves.
Although the quantum theory was introduced by Planck
and Einstein in the early l^O's, it was not until after
1^26 that the theory was used other than in those cases
where classical mechanics failed to provide a reasonable
solution to particular problems. In that year, working
separately, Schroedinger and Heisenberg formulated the laws
of quantum mechanics. This formulation made possible the
unification of the principles of both the quantum theory
and the laws of classical mechanics, insofar as the study
,. of the microscopic domain is concerned.

■ _ .....
In 1927, Dirac brought the principle of relativity
into the laws of quantum mechanics. This enabled him to de-
velop the principles of quantum electrodynamics. While
this apparently gave the basis for the complete quantization
of atomic particles, there were still some limitations.
In the attempt to explain the properties of the elec-
tron and the positron, the theory of quantum electrodynam-
ics is found to be physically incomplete. It cannot ex-
plain the observed value of the dimensionless constant of
coupling associated with the electron charge. Since this
charge is a property of all of the fundamental particles
with direct or indirect magnetic coupling, as well as of
the electromagnetic field, a full understanding of the
> electron charge will have to wait for more information
about the fundamental particles.(13 )
There is a possibility that successful quantization
of the gravitational field will help to clarify the diffi-
culties which quantum electrodynamics encounters in the
lower regions of atomic structure. Of course, this would
give the long sought for unified field theory, as well.
Much of the theoretical work which is being done in this
country seems to be centered around this problem of quanti-
At the University of North Carolina, a group led by
Dr. Bryce S. DeWitt and Dr. Cecile H. DeWitt is trying to
determine the proper sequence of operations in the reduc-

J tion of the quantized gravitational theory to a usable form.

A group working with Professor P. G. Bergmann at the Uni-
versity of Syracuse is attempting to obtain an appropriate
expression for the energy and for the associated quantities
which are conserved in the transformation. The mathemati-
cal complexities of their tasks are almost insurmountable.
These mathematical difficulties arise from the nonlinearity
of the Einstein gravitational field equations. It is
difficult enough to work with nonlinear equations; these,
however, are complicated further through quantization.(14)
The particle resulting from the quantization of the
gravitational field would be the graviton. The nonline-
arity of the equations describing the field indicates that
the gravitons would interact with each other rather than
propagating in the free manner of the photons of the elec-
tromagnetic field. The reason for this is that the gravi-
tational field is created not only by the stress in the
continuum, but also by itself. The energy carried by the
gravitational field is also instrumental in creating the
Certainly, with all of the difficulties associated
with the quantization of the gravitational field, the ques-
tion of the ultimate success of such endeavors arises.
There is a possibility, voiced by Einstein and others, that
the gravitational field is the one field which will never
yield to the process of quantization; the gravitational
wave may be the only wave which does not have a particle
associated with it.(14)
In later years, much of Einstein's efforts were de-
voted to the development of the unified field theory. In the
1930's, he felt that he had been successful in accomplish-
ing this task and published his theory; later, due to an error
in the fundamental part of the theory, he had to refute it.
His continued work along these lines eventually produced
the final version of this unified field theory in 1950. The
complexity of his development was such that even he ques-
tioned the possibility of reducing it to a usable form. The
premise underlying the unified field theory is a strong in-
terrelation between mass, gravitation and electromagnetism.
It took Vaclav Hlavaty (of the University of Indiana)
to reduce the unified field theory to the point at which
some information could be derived from it. Dr. Hlavaty has
identified electromagnetic characteristics in both rest-
mass and the gravitational field. The electromagnetic
field is the basic field. The existence of a gravitational
field depends on it's presence.(8)
From this relation, it would seem that the conversion

of mass into energy would result in the release of some of

the gravitational energy within the mass. The form of this
energy release might be gravitons, electromagnetic radia-
tion, or plain gravitational waves.

o Dr. Hlavaty believes that gravitation is potentially

' controllable. He is continuing the mathematical analysis
of Einstein's unified field theory with the idea of making
some physical applications of the relationships identified
therein. Any results which he has obtained since 1956 have
not been reported, however.
The Conference on the Role of Gravitation in Physics
held at the University of North Carolina January 13-23, 1957
provided a rich source of information on contemporary theo-
ries of gravitation.(15) This assembly of many of the
nation's top theoretical physicists is perhaps indicative
of the revival of interest in the theory of gravitation.
One of the most interesting of the theories expounded
at this conference is that of II. H. Dicke. (12) (16) (17) He
questions the validity of the principle of equivalence—
which is the basis for the general theory of relativity.
According to Uicke, "The gravitational red shift could be
expected from elementary considerations of energy conserva-
tion involving photons, and hence does not represent a
crucial test of General Relativity". Further, he asserts
that the deflection of light in the sun's gravitational
field, as recently measured, is somewhat larger than that
predicted by the equations of the general theory.
The equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass as
determined by Eötvös to such accuracy allows Dicke to make
some other comparisons. For instance, the ratio of the
weight to mass for the electron plus proton is the same as

P the neutron with an accuracy of 1 part in 10'. With an
accuracy of 1 part in 10 , it can be determined that the
reduction in mass of the nucleus resulting from the nuclear
binding forces is accompanied by a like reduction in weight.
With an accuracy of 1 part in 10% it can be determined
that the electrostatic reduction of the nuclear binding
energy is accompanied by a like increase in weight. From
these relations, Professor Dicke concludes that the strong
interaction constants are approximately position indepen-
dent. Since the weak interactions do not make much contri-
bution, the accuracy of the Eötvös experiment does not rule
out the variation of these interactions with their position.
There appears to be something out of the ordinary with
these weak interactions which leads Dicke to believe that
they may vary with time and position. This is the basis
for his development.
Based upon a comparative analysis of the relation-
ships between 1) the ratio which yields the gravitational
force between the electron and proton, 2) the age of the
universe computed in atomic time, and 3) the square root of
the number of heavy particles in the visible part of the
universe, it is hypothesized by Dirac(12) that there is a
relation between gravitational and atomic quantities, and
that, compared with electrical interaction, the gravita-
tional interactions are becoming weaker as time passes.
^1 That is to say, the gravitational constant, G, varies in-

I versely with the age of the universe. This concept of a
variable interaction would lead to a weakening of the prin-
ciple of equivalence.
In the general theory of relativity, the transforma-
tion into Riemannian space-time is used to transform local-
ized gravitational forces into inertial forces. This
elimination of local gravitational effects is possible only
because of the principle of equivalence. With the possi-
bility that the principle of equivalence may be satisfied
only on an approximate basis, Dicke justifies the elimina-
tion of the Riemann metric from the Einstein relations.
There would no longer be a single universal gravitational
acceleration at a given space-time point. This makes pos-
> sible the introduction of a flat space-metric with gravita-
tional effects then related to a force field.
Dicke mentions several experiments to increase the
accuracy of the measurements of gravitational character-
istics. (IS) Some of these will be discussed in the section
on Current Research Efforts.
The possibility of the existence of matter which re-
acts in a manner opposite to that which is prevalent on the
earth (anti-matter) has been considered.(1)(2)(19)(20) The
Eötvös experiments supposedly eliminated the possibility of
any measurable substances possessing this characteristic.
The accuracy of these experiments does not rule out the
possibility of some gravitational anomoly, however, due to

I the extremely small gravitational effects between masses of
less than cosmological magnitude. (The gravitational force
required to keep the earth in itfs orbit is 2 x 10^° tons;
the mutual gravitational attraction of two 180-pound per-
sons standing side by side is a few hundred-thousandths of
an ounce.(11))
Morrison and Gold have advanced the theory that it is
possible for anti-matter to exist in the universe.(19) They
believe that other galaxies could conceivably be maae up of
this type of matter without it's being evident under pre-
sent methods of astronomical observation. The only way in
which this composition could be noted is in the interaction
between anti-matter and matter which results in mutual an-
nihilation and the release of large amounts of energy.
Morrison and Gold note the existence of distant ob-
jects in the universe which seem to derive large amounts of
energy from presently unexplainable sources. They feel
that the possible role of the annihilation process between
matter and anti-matter should not be excluded. Since it is
possible that anti-matter exists in the universe, they feel
that anti-gravitational effects could obtained from it's
use in this galaxy's gravitational environment. In con-
trast to other theorists, (e.g. Bergmann(20)) they also be-
lieve that it would be possible to demonstrate the exis-
tence of this anti-matter on earth.
•-| The possibility of negative mass is not excluded by
Peter G. Bergmann.(20) He points out that the advantages
to be gained from the discovery of such matter are rather
dubious from the standpoint of use in a "gravity shield".
Even if such matter could exist in it's negative mass state
while present on the earth, in order to obtain any appreci-
able cancellation of the fields of force of the earth1s
gravitational field, an object comparable in size to that
of the earth would be required.
Increasing knowledge of the particle nature of matter
yields some interesting phenomena according to Deser and
Arnowitt.(10) They believe that the new high-energy nu-
clear particle family gives rise to new concepts of gravi-
tational energy. These particles are the hyperons and
K-particles which have been produced in such high energy
accelerators as the Brookhaven Cosmotron and the Berkley
Bevatron. In an attempt to fit these particles into their
places, Deser and Arnowitt delved into the cosmological
theories of Bondi and Hoyle.
The Bondi-Hoyle theory of relativistic cosmology
seeks to explain the fact of the expanding universe. (This
fact assisted Dirac in framing his hypothesis of a time-de-
pendant gravitational constant.) Deser and Arnowitt be-
lieve that the explanation of how the universe can continue
it's expansion without a corresponding decrease in the den-
sity of matter requires that matter be replenished at the
same rate as this expansion.

Deser and Arnowitt submit that this continual crea-
tion of natter is linked with the high-energy particles.
These particles represent the conversion of gravitational
energy into nuclear energy. Under this assumption, they
feel that it will be possible to show that the general
theory of relativity and the quantum theory can be made to
overlap in this one case—that of continuous creation.
This conversion also points up the possibility of obtaining
usable nuclear energy from gravition.
Deser and Arnowitt feel that the high-energy acceler-
ators will give additional understanding of the links be-
tween these high-energy particles and gravitation and even-
tually bring about the controlled use of gravitational
ft energy.
Certainly, this is not the only theory which has pur-
sued the solution of the unification problem in the sub-
atomic regions. Most of the multi-dimensional theories of
gravitation seek to link the electromagnetic field and the
gravitational field by some other interrelated field. The
submicroscopic domain is about the only place left for this
type of a field to exist. There seem to be definite indi-
cations for the existence of this third field, for the nu-
clear binding forces within atomic nuclei are much stronger
than either the gravitational or electromagnetic forces.

This force which holds the nucleons (protons and neutrons)
of the atomic nucleus together is sharply limited to dis-
) tances less than about 1.5 Fermis (1 Fermi - lO'^cm), how-
ever. (9)
The meson theory which describes the forces within
the atomic nucleus results from the work of the Japanese
physicist, Yukawa. He theorized that nuclear binding
forces are the result of an exchange of particles between
nucleons. These particles, called mesons, have been iden-
Yukawa*s theory seems to be qualitatively correct,
but as yet there has been inadequate experimental verifi-
cation of it*s quantative correctness.
The possibility of the existence of another field
with such a small domain is predicted within the multi-di-
mensional theories of Dr. Bryce S. DeWitt and Professor
Burkhard Heim.
Dr. De./itt envisions a six-dimensional model of the
universe.(21) In this six-dimensional space-time continuum,
there are five dimensions associated with space and one
dimension associated with time. Three of the space dimen-
sions conform to the familiar Cartesian coordinates; the
other two are closed upon themselves so as to form a spher-
ical surface. The radius of this spherical surface is ex-
tremely small. This makes measurement virtually impossible
(which is also the problem with verifying the existence of
YukawaTs meson field).
^ The metric (resulting from the use of curvilinear

V coordinates) of this six-dimensional space varies according

to equations obtained through the use of a variational prin-
ciple in much the same manner as was done in Einstein's
gravitational relationships. The metric tensor in this re-
lationship describes the gravitational, electromagnetic and
meson fields. The fundamental particles are described
through the use of a spinor field (a quantum development
attributed to Dirac).
Dr. De.Vitt's efforts in this line seem promising, but
the problem of quantization arises even here. It is neces-
sary that this model universe be mathematically complete,
and this is not possible until the troublesome aspects of
the quantum theory are either removed or revised to conform
to the mathematical structure. The model exists, but the

mathematical foundation seems to be far from establishment.

The theory which appears to offer the most promise
for application to gravitational control is tnat of Burk-
hard Heim, a physicist at the University of Goettingen,
Germany.(22) Professor Heim calls his theory the meso-
field theory.
The basis for Heim*s theory lies in his introduction
of a new form of logic which he designates as "syntrometry".
He developed this form of logic in an effort to overcome
the failings which he feels exist in the present form of
mathematical-physical relationships. The seemingly unre-
solvable differences between the general theory of relativ-
ity and the quantum theory stem from this failure.
By applying syntrometry to mathematical analysis,
Professor Heim was able to develop the statements of phys-
ical laws in a rather abstract form. By proper manipula-
tion, he is able to arrive at a system of multi-dimensional,
nonlinear, partial differential equations which represent a
universal natural law of material reality. These equations
he calls "meso-field" equations.
Heim was able to establish the truth of this univer-
sality by making appropriate approximations in the meso-
field equations. He found that in one approximation he ob-
tained the field formulas of the general theory of relativ-
ity; in another approximation, relationships analogous to
the laws of quantum electrodynamics resulted. With numer-
ous approximations taken throughout the meso-field equa-
tions, the extent of all contemporary physical knowledge is
obtained. He felt that this gave very good indication of
the validity of the meso-field equations.
Other approximations which were made revealed laws
other than those which were already a part of physical
knowledge. The most significant of these is the indication
of a relationship between the gravitational and electromag-
netic fields. The major importance of this fact is that
Heim believes that he can present experimental confirmation
of it. The success of such an experiment would confirm his
^ theoretical approach.

The meso-field equations are defined in a six-dimen-
sional space-time continuum, and relate the gravitational
field, the matter field (related to the electromagnetic
field), and the meso-field. This relation is accomplished
through the use of seven operators which are dependent upon
the metrical properties of the space-time continuum. Each
of these operators is identified with a particular field.
There is one associated with the gravitational field; four
with the matter field; and two with the meso-field.
If the meso-field equations are approximated in such
a way that the four dimensional space-time continuum re-
sults, and the matter fields are restricted to their elec-
tromagnetic characteristics, it is determined that there
i are two states of the meso-field. This indicates that if
the meso-field does appear it must do so dually. These
states were designated by Heim as the contrabaric state and
the dynabaric state. The equations describing these states
are operator-equations.
In the contrabaric state, the operator acts on electo-
magnetic waves to produce a gravitational field, along with
gravitational waves.
The dynabaric state describes essentially the same
process in reverse. The operator of the dynabaric state
acts on the gravitational field to transform it into elec-
tromagnetic radiation.
The contrabaric state lends itself to experimental
verification, according to Professor Heim. There are re-
strictions placed upon the generation of the dynabaric
state which require the use of a contrabaric transformer
for it's development. Thus, the experimental effort is
centered around the construction of a suitable contrabaric
»Vith the successful construction of the contrabaric
transformer and the utilization of the dynabaric state made
possible by this development, it becomes possible to accom-
plish some rather remarkable things.
Upon contrabaric transformation, the energy of the
electromagnetic wave becomes a mechanical acceleration.
The result of fixing this transformer in a suitable metal
(presumably a good conductor) is that it accelerates the
electrons in the metal, thereby functioning as a current
generator. If the transformer is not held firm, it, and
anything to which it is attached, will be accelerated.
Y/ith the achievement of the dynabaric state, it will
be possible to have a closed system. After the system is
initially started, ohe dynabaric state of the meson field
will provide electromagnetic radiation from suitably ion-
ized metal fed continuously into it's field. The electro-
magnetic radiation can be contrabarically transformed into
electric current, which will provide the power needed for
the ionization of the metal. As long as the raw material
for the ions holds out, this system will continue to oper-
> ate. Professor Heim calls this operation dynamic contra-
The excess of energy produced in this system can be
utilized by draining it off and using it as desired. Elec-
tric power produced in this manner would be one of the
usable products of such a system.
If it were desired to use this excess of energy for
propulsive purposes, this could be done by channelling the
electromagnetic energy into a system of contrabaric trans-
formers arranged so as to act upon an entire vehicular
structure. Since the induced field is independent of any
external sources, this would be independent of any-
surrounding medium. Heim sees no limit en the speed of
such a vehicle up to the speed of light. In addition to
it's obvious use as an air and space vehicle, he also sug-
gests the possibility of the vehiclefs use as a submarine.
The success of Heim's theory would certainly seem to
solve many of the problems associated with theoretical
physics, today. Although he is a recognized physicist in
his own country (195ö Wer ist Wer» the German Who's Who),
his theories have not been examined in American professional
literature. Part of this difficulty lies in the fact that
he does not want to reveal the full character of his meso-
field operators until he is able to demonstrate the valid-
ity of his theories. He has published some information on
his mesc-field theories, and there are additional articles

: on the applications of dynamic contrabarie which have been

published in German.
The latest report (by A. R. Weyl, in February, 1959
(8)) on the status of Professor Heim's work indicates that
he has been unable to obtain experimental apparatus of suf-
ficient accuracy to conduct his experiments.



The most tangible proposals associated with gravita-

tional research are those associated with the verification
of several aspects of the gravitational characteristics.
The need for renewed interest in gravitational research has
been pointed out by R. H. Dicke.(18) The increased accu-
racy of the measuring equipment available for this type of
research should give much better results than those obtained
thirty to forty years ago (the last period of major interest
in establishing the accuracy of gravitational character-
Dicke's group at the Palmer Physical Laboratory,
Princeton University, has several proposals for checking
the validity of some of the theoretical characteristics of
gravitation. The first experiment which they have under-
taken is an effort to improve the accuracy of the measure-
ments made by Eötvös in 1922 verifying the principle of
equivalence.(13) Preliminary results have further substan-
tiated the principle of equivalence to 1 part in 3 x 10 .
Another project at Palmer is the establishment of a
long-term gravimeter to observe the earth's gravitational
acceleration over an extended period of time. As a result
of these observations, they hope to say something about the


annual variations of the gravitational constant.
Other experiments within this group involve the use
of atomic clocks to check on gravitational time and a sys-
tem to check on the red shift of the spectra of atoms from
the sun. There is also some preliminary work being done to
increase the accuracy of the measurement of the deflection
of light in the sun's gravitational field.
Besides the experimental work being done at the Pal-
mer Laboratory, there are several other experiments being
proposed and conducted throughout this country and in
One of the things predicted by the Einstein general
theory of relativity (and still unverified) is the exis-
tence of gravitational waves. Many of the recent proposals
for experiments are concerned with the generation and de-
tection of gravitational waves.
The proposal by J. Weber involves the use of the
earth as a detector for interstellar gravitational Radi-
ation. (24) He questions the success of such an endeavor
due to the relatively low Q of the earth and the high noise
temperature of the core. The other method proposed uses a
crystal detector. Incident waves will be detected with the
earth as the rotational source for the detection of them.
If radiation is incident, it should be noticed in the
change of amplifier noise output.
The method of generation of gravitational waves sug-

gested by Mr. ./eber requires the use of an electrically
driven piezo-electric crystal. The result of driving these
crystals just below the breaking point is a radiation of
lCT^ergs for each second. This is still substantially
undetectable, for the accuracy of measurements suggested
above is only about lCT^ergs, and this is quite accurate
measurement, comparatively.
Very little of a substantial nature has resulted from
recent experiments into the nature of gravitation. The
many proposals for experimentation indicate the interest
which is now being shown in the desire to answer the many
questions pertaining to gravitation. Perhaps some of these
experiments will reveal a weakness in the theory of rela-
tivity. If so, much of our fundamental physical knowledge
will have to be revised.



It seems virtually impossible to rule out any of the

theories which have been proposed. On the other hand, there
seems to be very little offered in them for the success of
gravitational control within the near future. Continued
searching in the depths of the atomic nucleus will undoubt-
edly reveal more about the fundamental structure of matter.
With this revelation may come the insight into the gravita-
tional field which is needed.
The solitary exception to the rather bleak outlook is
to be found in Burkhard Heim*s work. His theory offers much
in all respects. The only problem seems to be his reluc-
tance to discuss the basic portion of his theory. The work
which he has been doing for the past five or six years has
evidently been unsuccessful in providing the contrabaric
conditions which he requires for further exploitation of the
The experimental work which is being done in gravita-
tional research also seems to be a minimum. A number of
experiments have been proposed, but little information has
been published on results, if the proposals have been car-
ried out. Indications are that interest in the experimental
aspects of gravitational research is growing, however.
I finally, it appears that there is little encourage-
ment for success in the search for gravitational control.
Tore exact information from the experiments which are pro-
posed may help to eliminate many of the areas of disagree-
ment between the theorists. Then, perhaps, the surviving
theories can be interpreted more aaequately to give insight
into the nature of gravitation.


Theories a»c events furthering the

knowledge of the nature of gravitation

Ancient theories and concepts;

350 B.C. Aristotle advanced the concepts of levita-
tion and gravitation.
I564-I642 Galileo demonstrated that the acceleration
of gravity is the same for all bodies.
1596-1650 Descarte's vortex theory of gravitation
1642-1737 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.
1727-1Ö03 LeSs^c envisioned gravitation as corpuscular
in nature.
1Ö31-1379 Maxwell's equations of the electromagnetic
field opened up a new mode of physical
1ÖÖ7 Michelson-IIorley experiment dispelled the
ether theory.
Modern Theories:
1900 Planck utilized the quantum of action.
1905 Einstein proposed the quantization of the
radiation fields (wave-particle duality of
the photon).

r 1905 Einstein's special theory of relativity
190Ö Minkowski's concept of the space-time con-
1916 Einstein's general theory of relativity,
1924 de Broglie suggested the wave-particle
duality of the electron.
1926 Schroedinger and Heisenberg formulated the
laws of quantum mechanics.
1927 Dirac proposed the theory of quantum elec-
trodynamics, which accounts for both the
wavelike and particle-like properties of
1920*3-1930's Many experiments seeking to verify Ein-
I stein's theories; i.e. deflection of light
in gravitational field and gravitational
red shift.
1935 Yukawa proposed the basis for the meson
1920's-1940's During this period, several attempts were
made to develop a unified field theory.
1950 Einstein's unified field theory: an en-
deavor to relate both the microscopic and
the macroscopic domains.
1950*s Dirac suggests a modification of the ether
theory and combination with the quantum
1950*s Hlavaty is successful in reducing part of
Einstein's unified field theory to a mathe-
matical form.
1950»s Heim advanced the meso-field theory and
proposed to demonstrate his principle of
1950»s Many experiments and theories published and

1. Aviation Studies (International) Limited. Electro-

gravities Systems . A Report Prepared by Aviation
Studies (International) Limited. London, Englai.d.
February 1956.
2. Aviation Studies (International) Limited. The
Gravities Situation. A Report Prepared by Aviation
Studies (International) Limited. London, England.
December 1956.
3. Carew, Charles. "The Key to Travel in Space," Cana-
dian Aviation. Vol. 32 (July 1959)', pp. 27-32.
4. Intel. "Towards Flight Without Stress, or Strain,—
or Weight," Interavia. Vol. 11, No. 5 (May 1956),
p. 373.
5. Cleaver, A. V. '"Electro-gravities1: iVhat it is—or'
Might Be," Aeroplane. Vol. 92, No. 2376
(March 15, 1957), pp. 385-87.
6. Weyl, A. P.. "Anti-Gravity," Aeronautics. Vol. 37
(October 1957), pp. 80-36.
7. Cramp, Leonard G. "On the Nature of Gravity," Aero-
nautics. Vol. 30 (April 1958), pp. 86-93.
8. Weyl, A. R. "Gravity and the Prospects for Astro-
nautics," Aeronautics. Vol. 39 (February 1959),
pp. 16-22 (bibliography).
9. Leighton, Robert B. Principles of Modern Physics.
New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1959. "
10. Deser, 3. and Arnowitt, R. The New High-Energy Nu-
clear Particles and Gravitational Energy. New Boston,
N. H.: Gravity Research Foundation, 1954 (essay).
11. Heyl, Paul R. "Gravitation—Still a Mystery," The
Scientific Monthly. Vol. 78 (May 1954), pp. 303-3~Ol>.
12. Dicke, R. H. "Gravitation, an Enigma." American
Scientist. Vol. 47, No. 1 (March 1959), pp. 25-40.

13. Schwinger, J. (ed.). Quantum Electrodynamics. New
York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1958.

14. DeWitt, Bryce S. "Principle Directions of Current

Research Activity in the Theory of Gravitation,"
Journal of Astronautics, Vol. 4 (Summer 1957),
pp. 23-28.

15. . "Papers from the Conference on the Role

of Gravitation in Physics," Reviews of Modern Physics,
Vol. 29, No. 3 (July 1957), pp. 351-546.
16. Dicke, R. H. "Gravitation without a Principle of
Equivalence," Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 29»
No. 3 (July 1957), pp. 363-76.
17. Dicke, R. H. "Principle of Equivalence and the Weak
Interactions," Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 29,
No. 3 (July 1957), pp. 355-62.
18. Dicke, R. H. "New Research of Old Gravitation,"
Science, Vol. 129, No. 3349 (6 March 1959), pp. 621-24.
19. Morrison, P. and Gold, T. On the Gravitational Inter-
action of Matter and Antimatter. New Boston, N. H.:
Gravity Research Foundation, 1957 (essay).
20. Bergmann, Peter G. "Gravity Shields," Science,
Vol. 125 (15 March 1957), p. 493.
21. DeWitt, Bryce 3. New Directions for Research in the
Theory of Gravitation. New Boston, N. H.: Gravity
Research Foundation, 1953 (essay).
22. Heim, Burkhard. A Report on the Development of the
Principle of Dynamic Contrabarie. New Boston, N. H.:
Gravity Research Foundation, 1956 (unpublished essay).
Stearns, H. 0. Gravitation. New Boston, N. H.:
Gravity Research Foundation, I960 (pamphlet).
./eber, J. Gravitational Waves. Hew Boston, N. H.:
Gravity Research Foundation, 1959 (essay).
Gerardin, L. A. A. "Electro-gravitic Propulsion,"
Interavia, Vol. 11, No. 12 (December 1956), p. 992.
Abel, R. Cox. "Levitation," Aeronautics. Vol. 35
(September 1956), pp. 68-72.
Kit, B. and Zavistovich, R. R. "What is Graviation?..

. Some Soviet Views," Air Force, Vol. 42, No. 2

(February I960), pp. 64-67.
23. Belinfante, F. J. On the Pos ability of Discc
Reflectors or Absorbers of Gr.vity and of Cont
ing Effective Sources of Gravitational Javes.
Boston. N. H.: Gravity Research Foundation, 1
29. Docconi, G. and Salpeter, E. A Search for An:
phy of Interia. New Boston, M. H.: Gravity 1
Foundation, 1$5S (essay).
30. Bergmann, Peter G. Introduction to the Theor?
Relativity. Englewood Cliffs", II. J.: Prenti<
Inc., 1942.
31. . "Relativity and Gravitation on the
Anti-gravity," Aero/Space Engineering, Vol. 1.
(December 1959), p. 23 (abstract).
32. Peaslee, D« G. "I.'onexistenco of Gravity Shiel'.n
Science, Vol. 124 (28 December 1950), p. 1292^

33. Einstein, A. The Meaning of Relativity. Prin

N. J.: Princeton University"~Press, 1945.

34. Miller, C. The Theory of Relativity. London:

University Press, 1957.


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