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Technological, Industrial and Services Baccalaureate Center No. 103 "Francisco Javier Mina"

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Technological, Industrial and Services Baccalaureate Center

No. 103

"Francisco Javier Mina"

Name Of The Proyect:

Climate Change

Name Of Students:

Johann Samuel Worbis Orozco # 39

Edgar Martínez Ortega # 25

Dylan Ricardo Martínez Pérez # 26

Alejandro Rendón del Ángel # 33

Grade And Group:



Freda Garye Chavira Michel

Our world is always changing. Look through your window enough and you see that
the weather changes. Look for more time and you will see that the seasons change
in winter it is not as cold as before and in summer the heat increases in an
alarming way .Earth climate is also changing but in ways you can not easily see
so difficult that many people think that climate change is not real.

The Earth is heating up because people are adding gases that damage the ozone
layer to the atmosphere because they are burning fossil fuels. These gases are
called greenhouse gases. This warmer temperatures are causing other changes
around the world such as the melting of glaciers at the poles and stronger storms.
These changes are happening because the air, water and earth of the Earth are all
related to the climate. Earth climate has changed before but this time it is different.
People are causing these changes in an unnatural way which are bigger and
happen faster than any climate change that modern society has seen before.

This heat of 2016 broke the record of 2015 which was that broke the record of
2014 that means that every year the general global temperature of the world is
getting hottest. Every year after having collected information from ships, bouys and
weather stations studies are made by professionals in the field and these have
revealed that the climate was 1.69 degrees Fahrenheit warmer compare to the
average also sattellites prob the information of the studies was correct.

The term "Climate Change" is use to refer to a climate change attributed directly or
indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere and
produces variation in the natural climate compare to the Others periods of time.

Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic process variations in solar

radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Many human
activities have been identified as primary causes of climate change is often
referred to as global warming because produce a global temperature increase.


From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution until now societies have greatly
changed their way of consuming energy. In the eighteenth century there were no
fossil fuels, except the that oil had been used for a long time for medical and
military weapons being the main energy source Wood.

In the year of 1776 man began

to use fossil fuels that the Earth
had accumulated in the subsoil
during its geological history. The
burning of oil, coal and natural
gas has caused an increase of
CO2 in the atmosphere and
produces the
disrupting the global carbon
cycle and leading to the planet
warming impact. Global warming and a changing climate have a range of potential
ecological, physical and health impacts, including extreme weather events (such as
floods, droughts, storms, and heatwaves); sea-level rise; altered crop growth; and
disrupted water systems.
Greenhouse Effect:

The Greenhouse Effect is a process by which radiation from a planet atmosphere

damage the planet surface to a temperature above the normal atmosphere

Earth natural greenhouse effect is fundamental for supporting life but human
activities and the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation of nature have make
worse the greenhouse effect and caused global warming.

The Green house effect is the cause of the greenhouse gases

A greenhouse gas is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiant

energy within the thermal infrared range. There are many greenhouse gases but
the most dangerous are:

-Carbon Dioxide (CO2) -Methane Gas (CH4)

-Nitrous Oxide (N2O) -Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6)

-Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) -Perfluorocarbons (PFC)

Kyoto Protocol:

is an international agreement that his objetive is to reduce the emissions of these

six gases that cause global warming.In 1996 was one of the five hottest years
since 1866 and in December 11 1997 the industrialized countries make themselves
to execute a plan of measure to reduce polluting emissions of the industries at
least 5% on average between 2008 and 2012 the agreement entered into taked
force until February 16, 2005. This recent increase in "atmospheric events" has
attracted the attention of the entire world which is why it should not be taken at
random since many scientists have shown that climate change has already begun.


This comparative table shows the emissions of CO2 In a global form since 1751 to
2015 the measurement used to measure carbon dioxide is in billions tonnes (Gt).

We see that the global emissions increased from 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide
in 1900 to over 36 billion tonnes 115 years later.

We can look at atmospheric concentrations over the past 2000 years (see the Data
Quality and Measurement section in this graphic for explanation on how we
estimate historical emissions) we see that levels were fairly stable at the 18th
century until the Industrial Revolution that causes the global CO2 concentrations
to increase in rapidly way.

But also the recent years it begin to slowdown the emissions of carbón dioxide and
this because the Kyoto Protocol that force the the world largest emitter of dioxide
carbone to reduce the emissions Some of them are Europe and America have
been change and his emissions reduce during the last decade.

The the last few years (2014-2015) the global annual emissions of CO2 have
approximately stabilized.

However, CO2 is not the only dangerous gas we need to concerned about
emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) that have also been
increasing rapidly through agricultural, energy, and industrial sources. Like CO2
the atmospheric concentration of both of these gases has also been rising rapidly.

We can conclude that Global Climate Change has left globally damaged the
environment and all the living beings that inhabit it. That is why there is work
together to change the course where we are going but it is impossible and useless
to face one of the most important environmental problems if the great nations of
the whole world are not involved in a totalitarian way It is therefore a concern that
must be immediate and can not wait for the effects become more obvious and
clear because surely at that time it will be too late to be looking solutions.







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