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Xenofex 2 Manual

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The manual covers how to use an image editing software called Xenofex 2 that provides various photo effects.

The manual covers instructions for using various effects in the Xenofex 2 image editing software such as burnt edges, classic mosaic, constellation, cracks, and others.

The Xenofex 2 software allows users to apply different photo effects to images such as burnt edges, classic mosaic, constellation, cracks, electrify, flag, lightning, little fluffy clouds, puzzle, rip open, shatter, stain, and television.


Alien Skin Software

1111 Haynes Street, Suite 113
Raleigh, NC 27604 USA
Phone: 1-919-832-4124
Toll-free in USA: 1-888-921-SKIN (7546)
Fax: 1-919-832-4065
For Tech Support:
On the Web:

This manual is copyright 2003 by Alien Skin Software, LLC. All rights reserved. Alien Skin is a
trademark and Xenofex is a registered trademark of Alien Skin Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
The Xenofex 2 software is furnished under a license agreement printed at the end of this document.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose,
without the written permission of Alien Skin Software, LLC. Don’t make us come after you; we have
more fun things to do.
Adobe and Adobe Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. Macintosh is
a trademark of Apple Computer, Incorporated. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Fireworks is a registered trademark of Macromedia, Incorporated. Paint Shop Pro is a registered
trademark of Jasc, Incorporated. All other product names mentioned in this manual are used for
identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
companies. Registered and unregistered trademarks used herein are the exclusive property of their
respective owners. Alien Skin Software, LLC, makes no claim to any such marks, nor willingly or
knowingly misused or misapplied such marks. We will never wear suits.
Revised February 26, 2003

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Getting Started with Xenofex 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 2
Burnt Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Chapter 3
Classic Mosaic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Chapter 4
Constellation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chapter 5
Cracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Chapter 6
Crumple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Chapter 7
Electrify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 8
Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Chapter 9
Lightning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Chapter 10
Little Fluffy Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Chapter 11
Puzzle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Chapter 12
Rip Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 13
Shatter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Chapter 14
Stain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Chapter 15
Television . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Chapter 16
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Chapter 1: Getting Started with

Xenofex 2
Welcome What’s New
Welcome to Xenofex 2, a set of 14 phenomenal
plug-in effects for Photoshop and other
For Users Upgrading from Xenofex
compatible graphics host programs.
Note: If this is the first version of Xenofex
Please take some time to explore this manual; it you’ve owned, skip ahead to “Important
contains information essential to getting the Symbols” on page 2.
most out of Xenofex 2. Take a few minutes to
familiarize yourself with the preview window This section lists the new features, improve-
and user interface. Soon you’ll be ready to dive ments, and new filters added to Xenofex since
in and experiment with Xenofex 2 version one. Detailed discussions of new features
can be found in the relevant sections of the
This chapter contains the following sections: manual.
• “What’s New” on page 1

• “Important Symbols” on page 2

Five New Filters
The following filters are new to Xenofex 2:
• “Host Requirements” on page 2
• “Burnt Edges” on page 13—Easily scorch
• “System Requirements” on page 3
• “Macintosh Installation” on page 3
• “Classic Mosaic” on page 16—Convert photos
• “Windows Installation” on page 5 into mosaics with a single click.
• “Registering Xenofex 2” on page 7 • “Cracks” on page 23— Simulate fault lines,
• “The Xenofex 2 User Interface” on page 7 cracks, erosion or fissures.

• “Keyboard Shortcuts” on page 12 • “Rip Open” on page 46—Tear holes in the

shape of text and selections.
• “Shatter” on page 48—Explode images into
little pieces that fly off the page.

New User Interface Important Symbols

We gave Xenofex 2 the Eye Candy 4000 interface.
Pay close attention when you see a
Simple and uncluttered, with hundreds of
warning symbol in the manual.
presets, unlimited undos, keyboard shortcuts, a
Warnings point out bad technique or
before/after feature and more, the new user
improper use of the Xenofex 2 filters.
interface is a huge improvement. For more
Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.
details, see “The Xenofex 2 User Interface” on
page 7. Tips provide useful techniques and
time-saving steps that increase your
Existing Filter Improvements productivity when using Xenofex 2.
Here are just a few of the improvements to
existing filters:
• Constellation—Now highlights edges for more
Host Requirements
realism, and adds new features, such as Xenofex 2 is a plug-in; you must use it with one
Twinkle. of the following compatible host programs:
• Crumple—More realistic, with a seamless tile
option, and expanded distortion features. Macintosh
• Electrify—Tabbed interface organization. • Adobe Photoshop 6 or 7
• Flag—More realistic simulation with better • Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0
control over Flag attachment points and wind
• Macromedia Fireworks MX or later
• Lightning—Now aim your lightning bolts by
specifying beginning and end points. Windows
• Little Fluffy Clouds—Now create perspective • Adobe Photoshop 6 or 7
clouds with improved sky color controls, • Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0
seamless tiling and more.
• Macromedia Fireworks MX or later
• Puzzle—Now knock out puzzle pieces!
• Paint Shop Pro 7.0 or later
• Stain—More realistic, with ring stain option.
We are constantly testing new programs for
• Television—More realistic, with vertical shift compatibility with Xenofex 2. For information
simulation. about other compatible host programs, please
check our Web site:

System Requirements
Read this section carefully if you are installing
Macintosh Xenofex 2 on systems running Macintosh OS X.
• PowerPC processor Installing with Administrator Privileges
To install Xenofex 2, your Mac OS X user account
• Macintosh System Software 9 or later; OS X must have administrator privileges. The Xenofex 2
10.1 or later installer, like most installation programs, will need
to write files to protected folders on your com-
• 64 MB or more of physical RAM puter. For information on configuring your user
account for administrator privileges, talk to your
IT guy or consult your operating system’s user
Windows manual.
• Pentium II-class processor Installing Xenofex 2 as a Classic Application
If you are running OS X and want to install Xenofex
• Windows 98/2000/Me/XP 2 into a host that runs under Classic mode—such
Note: Windows NT is not supported. as Photoshop 6 or 7—you will need to run the
installer under Classic mode, also. If the installer
• 64 MB or more of physical RAM
runs under OS X, it assumes that your host is a Car-
bonized application and saves the registration
information differently than when it runs under
Classic. If you try to use Xenofex 2 in Classic mode,
Macintosh Installation the registration information will not be present;
The following boxed section contains you’ll get an error, and will be unable to use the
important information about filters.
installing Xenofex 2 on systems
running Macintosh OS X.
Note: You may skip the following boxed section To force the Xenofex 2 installer to run in Classic
if you are installing on an earlier version of mode, highlight the program icon and select Show
Mac OS. Info under the File menu. Next, check the check
box item Open in the Classic environment. Close
the Info dialog and double click on the program.
This will bring up the Classic environment (if it
isn’t already up) and run the installer.

Before installing Xenofex 2, shut installations. We also recommend registering the

down your graphics program software with Alien Skin Software, either via our
(Photoshop or Fireworks). This is Web site or by mailing us the registration card.
necessary because host programs If you ever need a replacement code,
only recognize new filters when starting up. replacement software, or technical support, you
will need to be registered with us.
Insert the Xenofex 2 CD into your computer. If
you purchased an electronic version of Xenofex After you enter your registration code, you will
2, locate the Xenofex 2 installation program see the main installation screen.
that you downloaded from the online store.
Our installer will now search for Photoshop 6 or
Double-click the Install Xenofex 2 icon. After
7. If you are installing into Photoshop, highlight
the splash screen, the installer will display the
<Drive> : Applications : Adobe Photoshop (6
Readme file for Xenofex 2. Click Next after you
or 7) : Plug-ins and click OK to install Xenofex
have carefully read the Readme file. The installer
2. The installer will find the Photoshop plug-ins
will then display the License Agreement. After
folder and install Xenofex 2 there.
reading this, click Accept.
Next you will be asked to enter your name,
company name (optional) and registration code
in the following dialogue box.

If you are installing to another graphics host,

you should click the Choose another install
Your registration code is the 12-letter code location button.
located on a sticker on the inside front cover of It is important that you now locate your
the manual. If you purchased an electronic graphics program’s plug-in folder. If you do not
version of Xenofex 2, the 12-letter code, visible choose the proper plug-in folder, then the filters
during the download process, is included in the will not show up in your graphics program’s
email invoice or in an electronic users license Filters menu.
file with your download. We strongly suggest
you store this code in a safe place for future

Browse your hard disk until you find the appro- or Windows ME system.
priate Plug-ins folder. Highlight the folder and
click the Choose button to return to the main
installation screen. The Xenofex 2 files will be WINDOWS INSTALLATION ISSUES

copied to your hard disk. Installing with Administrator Privileges

To install Xenofex 2, your Windows 2000 or Win-
dows XP user account will need to have adminis-
trator privileges. The Xenofex 2 installer, like most
installation programs, will need to write files to
protected folders on your computer. For informa-
tion on configuring your user account for such
privileges, consult with your system administrator
or with your operating system’s manual.

Before installing Xenofex 2, shut

down your graphics program
(Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro or
If you are not sure where to install Xenofex 2, Fireworks). This is necessary because
consult your graphics program’s manual. host programs only recognize new filters when
Photoshop users can check for the plug-in starting up.
location by selecting the Plug-In option under
Insert the Xenofex 2 CD into your computer. If
the Preferences sub-menu of Photoshop’s File
you purchased an electronic version of Xenofex
menu. The Plug-ins folder is usually located in
2, locate the Xenofex 2 installation program
the Photoshop folder.
that you downloaded from the online store. Run
Rerun the installer if you wish to install Xenofex the program Setup.exe. After the splash screen,
2 into other graphics programs. the installer will display the Readme file for
Xenofex 2. Click Next after you have carefully
read the Readme file. The installer will then
Windows Installation display the License Agreement. After reading
this, click Accept.
The following boxed section contains
important information about
installing Xenofex 2 on systems
running Windows 2000 and
Windows XP.
Note: You may skip the following boxed section
if you are installing Xenofex 2 on a Windows 98

Next you will be asked to enter your name, ever need a replacement code, replacement
company name (optional) and your registration software, or technical support, you will need to
code. be registered with us.
Next, our installer will search for all graphics
programs on your computer that are compatible
with Xenofex 2 and will display them in a list.

Your registration code is the 12-letter code

located on a sticker on the inside front cover of
the manual. If you purchased an electronic
version of Xenofex 2, the 12-letter code, visible
during the download process, is included in the Select one program (you can only install into
email invoice or in an electronic license file with one graphics program at a time) and click OK.
your download. We strongly suggest you store The installer will look for the correct plug-ins
this code in a safe place for future installations. folder for the selected program and install
We also recommend registering the software Xenofex 2 there.
with Alien Skin Software, either via our Web site
or by mailing us the registration card. If you

If you wish to install Xenofex 2 into a program reseller. Registering will help speed up any tech
that’s not listed in the Select Host list, click the support assistance and allows us to inform you
Choose Another Location button to bring up of any bug fixes or updates to the software. We’ll
the manual Select Destination Directory also be able to notify you of special discounts on
window. Browse through the file list until you other Alien Skin products.
find the desired folder and click OK. If you are
You can register via the World Wide Web during
not sure where to install Xenofex 2, consult your
the installation process (see either “Macintosh
graphics program’s manual.
Installation” on page 3 or “Windows Instal-
lation” on page 5).
If you don’t have access to the World Wide Web,
you can register by completing and mailing the
registration card included with every hard copy
of Xenofex 2. Mailing the card is free in the
United States.

The Xenofex 2 User Interface

Photoshop users can check for the plug-in
location by selecting the Plug-In option under Menus
the Preferences sub-menu of Photoshop’s File Command menus are accessible when you call up
menu. The Plug-ins folder is usually located in each of the Xenofex 2 filters. Macintosh users
the Photoshop folder. will see the menus in place of their usual menu
Rerun the installer if you wish to install Xenofex bar. Windows users will see the menus at the top
2 into other graphics programs. of the filter preview window.

Edit Menu
Registering Xenofex 2 This menu allows you an unlimited number of
Please take a moment to register your copy of Undo’s and Redo’s in the preview window. If you
Xenofex 2 with us. Note that if you purchased experiment with the sliders, and find that you
Xenofex 2 directly from Alien Skin Software, via prefer a previous group of settings, simply use
phone, fax, email or the purchase page at our the Undo command in the Edit menu, or use
Web site, then you are already registered with Command-Z (Control-Z on Windows machines) to
us. You only need to register if you purchased back up as many times as necessary.
Xenofex 2 through a catalog, store or other

The Edit menu also allows you to Copy, Cut, Settings Menu
Paste, and Delete numerical values from
This menu allows you to name, save, and delete
parameter fields.
your own settings, as well as use the presets that
we include with each filter. You can also reset a
Filters Menu filter to its factory default settings from this
menu. Another way to reset the settings is by
This menu allows you to switch between filters
pressing the F5 key (Windows) or the Command-
from within the preview. Photoshop users note
R key sequence (Macintosh).
that if you switch between filters from within
the Xenofex 2 preview, the Actions, History, and
Last Filter Used functions will record the filter Help Menu
you initially selected.
The enhanced Help menu allows you to access
context-sensitive (filter-specific) help from
View Menu within a filter window. You can access filter-
specific help by pressing the F1 (Windows) or
This menu allows you to zoom the preview in
Help (Macintosh) key within any filter interface.
and out. You can also view all of the layers in
your image using the Show All Layers
Note: Due to a limitation in Photoshop,
choosing Show All Layers in the preview
window will show all of the visible layers in your
image, even if those layers are above the current
(working) layer in the Layers palette. As a
result, your effect may be invisible in the filter
preview window.
The enhanced Help menu contains user manual
In the preview, you will also see the current documentation to help you better use the
working layer below the filter effect. Again, this Xenofex 2 filters. You can also access the Alien
is a limitation in Photoshop, not Xenofex 2, but Skin home page from the Help menu.
it can be misleading so we recommend tempo-
To access a Table of Contents for the online help,
rarily turning off Show All Layers in cases
click Help > Contents in the Xenofex 2 user-
where the current working layer is below other
opaque layers in your composition.
Note: Show All Layers will be grayed out and
unavailable in hosts other than Photoshop.

The Filter Window B: Thumbnail Navigation

Take a look at the Crumple filter window. The The thumbnail image above the preview window
Macintosh and Windows versions are allows you to move the preview anywhere in
functionally identical. your image with a single click. The movable red
box displays the area of your image visible in the
The Windows filter window looks almost exactly preview window.
the same, with the addition of the Xenofex 2
menu bar at the top left.

A: The Slider Controls

Slider controls and radio buttons appear along
the left side of the filter window.



C: Move, Zoom, Show Original, and Arrow Buttons D: OK and Cancel Controls
The Move (hand) and Zoom (magnifying glass) Clicking the OK button applies the filter with
tools, and Show Original button are found the current settings. Clicking Cancel closes the
above the preview window. Click the hand to filter window without applying the effect.
enable the Move tool, then click and drag to
move around the preview image. E: Preview Window Area
The Move and Zoom Tools Preview the effect on your image here. The
preview area can be resized by clicking and
dragging the bottom right-hand corner of the
filter window. Windows users can also click and
drag the bottom of the window.
Click the magnifying glass to enable the Zoom
tool. Click to zoom into your image; Option-click
to zoom out (Alt-click for Windows users). F: Render Status Bar
Double-clicking the Zoom tool at any time The rectangle to the left of the magnification
resets the preview window to 100% magnifi- indicator is the Render Status bar. As an effect
cation. is being rendered in the preview, this rectangle
displays the amount of rendering that has been
The Show Original button enables you to toggle completed.
back and forth between the filtered and unfil-
tered versions of your image. Just click and hold
G: Magnification Indicator
the button to view the unaffected image.
Release the button when you want to view your The current level of magnification is shown to
image with the effect. the right of the render status bar at the lower
right corner of the filter window.
The Show Original Button

H: Mouseover Help String Area

All elements in each filter window have
mouseover help text associated with them. This
The Arrow button enables In Preview controls in help text appears at the bottom left of the filter
the Puzzle and Lightning filters. See the Puzzle window whenever you move your cursor over a
or Lightning chapters for more details. user interface element.

The Arrow Button

A Note About Sliders
A variety of sliders are used in Xenofex 2. Each
one allows you to enter a numeric value or click
and drag the slider to get the desired effect.

Note that you can use the slider, enter a numeric Resetting to Factory Default
value, or use the up and down arrow keys to Every filter has a basic factory default setting.
change the value of filter controls. You can also The Reset to factory default command in the
adjust slider settings by using the up and down Settings menu will display a preview with the
arrow buttons to the right of the sliders. filter’s default setting. If you are bogged down
in a quagmire of complex slider combinations,
use the F5 (Windows) or Command-R
Using Settings (Macintosh) key to reset the current preview to
The Settings menu in each filter window allows the filter’s factory default setting.
you to save and manage the presets that are
included with each filter. You can also create
your own settings. Enjoy the Filters!
That’s it for the opening section. We’ve designed
How to load a preset Xenofex 2 to be a tool that’s both fun and easy
To use a preset included with a filter, simply to use. We hope you enjoy using the filters.
open the Settings menu and select the name of
the desired setting from the list.

How to Save and Manage Settings

If you have a filter setting you’d like to save for
later use, click Save... in the Settings menu. A
dialog box appears, asking you to name the
setting. Type in a name, using only letters
and/or numbers, and click OK. The setting will
appear in the Settings menu immediately.
To rename a setting, click Manage... in the
Settings menu. Highlight the setting you wish
to edit and click Rename. Type in the new name
and click OK.
To delete a setting, click Manage... in the
Settings menu. Highlight the setting you wish
to delete from the list and click Delete.
You will not be able to undo deleting a setting.
Be certain you want to delete any setting before
doing so; the delete is permanent.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Macintosh Windows

Next Editable Text Field Tab Tab

Previous Editable Text Field Shift + Tab Shift + Tab

OK Return Return

Cancel Escape Escape

Undo Command-Z Control-Z

Redo Command-Y Control-Y

Cut Command-X Control-X

Copy Command-C Control-C

Paste Command-V Control-V

Next Filter Command- ] Control- ]

Previous Filter Command- [ Control- [

Zoom In Command- + Control- +

Zoom Out Command- - Control- -

Actual Pixels Alt + Command + Zero Alt + Control + zero

Restore Default Settings Command-R F5

Switch to Move Tool (hand) H H

Switch to Zoom Tool Z Z

Switch to In Preview Controls A A

Zoom In (with zoom enabled) Mouse Click Left Mouse Click

Zoom Out Option + Mouse Click Alt + Mouse Click

Zoom to Actual Pixels Double-click Zoom Tool Double-click Zoom Tool

Increase/Decrease Slider by 1 Up/Down Arrow Up/Down Arrow

Increase/Decrease Slider by 10 Shift-Up/Down Arrow Shift-Up/Down Arrow


Chapter 2: Burnt Edges

Burnt Edges simulates the effect of burning the Using Burnt Edges
edges of a piece of paper, or burning a hole into
paper, and then putting the flame out. Burnt 1 Using a selection tool, such as the type mask
Edges can be used with any selection shape, tool, or the lasso, select the object or area that
including text. By using different burn colors, you wish to burn. Or, to burn the edges around
you can create many different effects. Check out an entire image, run the Burnt Edges filter
the Burnt Edges presets to see some of the many with no selection.
effects you can create. 2 Run the Burnt Edges filter.
3 Adjust the filter controls to taste.
4 Click OK.
5 Enjoy.

Control Descriptions Hollow Edges Selecting this check box hollows

out the fringes of the burnt edge.
Contract/Expand Selection Use this slider to
contract or expand your original selection from
within the Xenofex 2 user interface.
Burn Width Controls the thickness of the burnt
area around your selection.
Roughness Controls the roughness of the burnt
edge; higher values produce an increasingly
jagged edge.

Top: Hollow edges disabled and burn inside enabled on


Bottom: Hollow edges enabled.


Burn Inside Select this option to burn a hole Random Seed Controls the random element in
into the selection. the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

Burnt Edges with Burn Inside selected.

Burn Color The burnt edges can be any color

you like. Clicking in this box awakens your
slumbering color picker.
Fill Inside Burn The following three options
determine how Burnt Edges fills an area which
has been burned away.
Fill with solid color Fills burned away areas
with the color chosen by the Fill Color picker.
Keep Original Image Preserves the original
image in areas which have been burned away.
Make Selection Transparent Fills burned away
areas with transparency. Any underlying image
layers will show through the burned out areas.
This option is disabled when your image is in the
background layer.
Overall Opacity Controls the opacity of the
burned edge effect.

Chapter 3: Classic Mosaic

Classic Mosaic converts any image into a realistic Using Classic Mosaic
tiled mosaic. Classic Mosaic is particularly
effective because of it’s edge detecting features. To get great results with Classic Mosaic, choose
Tiles align themselves to curved shapes, such as images to be used with the filter wisely. Here are
the outlines of a face, to simulate the visual some guidelines for choosing an image that will
characteristics of ancient Greek mosaics. Classic work well with Classic Mosaic:
Mosaic is an extremely simple filter to operate. • Choose large images with strongly contrasting
In most cases, you’ll run it on an entire image; colors.
so a selection isn’t even necessary.
• Adjust the contrast levels in your image to
improve results.
• If you want to work with text, use type large
enough to handle being rebuilt as blocks.

Now that you’ve chosen the right image, Classic Grout Width Specifies the width of the space
Mosaic is a snap: between tiles, relative to the tile size. Larger
values increase the spacing between tiles.
1 Run the Classic Mosaic filter.
2 Choose an appropriate tile size. Tiles that are
too large obscure details of the original image,
but tiles that are too small don’t look like tiles.
3 Select a grout width that strikes your fancy.
Grout that is too wide confuses the original
4 Select the edge sensitivity that preserves just
the right amount of detail from your original
5 Click OK.
6 Enjoy.

Control Descriptions
Tile Size Controls the size of the tiles that
compose your mosaic. Higher values yield larger

First image above: Grout Width 20.

Second image: Grout Width 75

Edge Sensitivity Higher values forces the tiles Crumple your image before running
to follow the details of an image more closely. Classic Mosaic to add interesting
variations to the colors and shape of
Grout Color Grout can be any color you like.
Clicking in this box awakens your slumbering
color picker.
Random Seed Controls the random element in
the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

The following tips will help you get the best
results when using Classic Mosaic:
Use the contrast adjustment tools in
your graphics host to strengthen
contrast levels in your image. This
practice helps Classic Mosaic detect
and place tiles along edges more accurately.

Chapter 4: Constellation

Constellation reconstructs images as starlike Using Constellation

points of light. Imagine the constellation effect
as an overlay of the original image, where each Constellation is typically used on entire images,
star takes its color from the image lying but the filter also works great with selections
beneath. Constellation also detects the edges of and text.
objects in your images to better accentuate 1 Select the image or selection that you want to
shapes in the effect. You can then choose to fill transform.
the areas between the stars with the original
2 Run the Constellation filter.
image, color or transparency.
3 Tweak the control sliders until you are
Constellation also provides a wide range of kalei-
satisfied with the results.
doscopic textures and effects; we strongly
recommend you experiment with this filter, 4 Click OK
starting with the presets, to discover all that it 5 Enjoy.
can do.

Control Descriptions Edge Star Density Controls the number of stars

placed around detected edges in your image.
Star Size Controls the size of the stars that Higher values increase the frequency of edge
make up your constellation. Higher settings stars. Use higher densities to accentuate the
yield larger stars. outline of a face, for example.
Size Variation Controls the irregularity of star
sizes in the effect. Higher values produce more
inconsistently sized stars.

Top to Bottom: The effects of increasing edge star density.


Overall Star Density Controls the number of Fill with solid color
stars placed throughout the image. Higher Fills the areas between stars with the color
values place more stars. chosen using the Fill Color picker.
Overdrive Controls the brightness and
saturation of the stars’ light and color. Higher
values make the stars brighter and whiter.
Twinkle Amount Adds sparkling spires of light
that radiate outward from the largest stars. The
values are a percentage of the total. If you select
10, 10 percent of the largest stars will twinkle.
Twinkle Rotation Specifies the angle of
rotation at which the spires radiate from the
stars. Enter a numeric value or click and drag the
control knob to change the value.
Background Fill The following three options
determine how Constellation fills an area which
has been filled with stars. In a background layer,
you can fill with the original image or a solid
color or the original image. In any other layer,
you can fill with transparency, a solid color, or
the original image.

Applying Constellation to photographs works great! This

example really shows off the advanced edge detection ca-
pabilities in Constellation.

Keep Original Image

Preserves the original image in areas beneath
the stars and yields a sparkly overlay of the
original image.

Make Selection Transparent

Fills areas between stars with transparency. Any
underlying image layers will show through the
transparency. This option is disabled when your
image is in the background layer.
Random Seed Controls the random element in
the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

Say you have a picture of a rapper
with gold teeth. By selecting just the
teeth, then choosing the Keep
original image fill option, and
applying Constellation, you add the perfect
“bling-bling” effect!

Chapter 5: Cracks

Cracks simulates the fault lines, cracks, erosion Control Descriptions

or fissures that one might see in an aged solid
stone surface. Cracks works great with text and Crack Length Controls the length of the cracks.
other objects alone in layers. Larger values produce longer cracks.
Crack Spacing Controls the average distance
between cracks in your selection. Lower values
Using Cracks reduce the amount of space between cracks,
thus increasing the density.
Cracks is best used on objects in layers. For the
best results, do not apply to entire images. Crack Width Larger values make the cracks
1 Using a selection tool, preferably the lasso,
make a selection around the object or text Crack Depth Larger values make the cracks
that you want to crack. appear deeper.
2 Run the Cracks filter. Edge Roughness Controls the roughness of the
3 Tweak the controls to taste. outer edges of the cracks; higher values yield a
rougher, more eroded look.
4 Click OK.
Light Direction Controls the direction from
5 Enjoy.
which the light falls on your selection. Click and
drag within the lighting control box to change
the direction, or enter a numerical value
between 0 and 360 degrees.

Random Seed Controls the random element in

the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

Chapter 6: Crumple

Crumple simulates the result of balling up of a 2 Run the Crumple filter.

flat object, such as a piece of paper, and then 3 Adjust the control sliders until you have
flattening it back out. Crumple works great on achieved the desired effect.
entire images and discrete objects, such as text.
4 Click OK.
5 Enjoy.
Using Crumple
1 Using a selection tool, make a selection
around the object that you want to crumple.
To apply Crumple to the entire image, make no
selection at all.

Control Descriptions original image. This option also causes the edges
of your selection to be drawn in. This space can
Crumple Size Controls the size of the creases in either be transparent or filled with a solid color.
the crumpled paper.
Crumple Force Low values crumple the image
less; higher values wrinkle the selection more.
Note that highly crumpled paper, combined with
Distort Image covers less projected area than
the original image.
Distort Image Select the Distort Image
checkbox to make your image adhere to the
surface contours created by the crumple effect.
When this checkbox is cleared, Crumple creates
highlights and shading that do not affect the

The uppermost image is crumpled with the Distort Image

option disabled. In the lower image, Distort Image is en-

Seamless Tile Select the Seamless Tile

checkbox to create a crumpled rectangle that
can be tiled with no seams. Selecting Seamless
Tile disables Distort Image.

Background Color Chooses the solid color that Light Boost Increases the overall brightness of
fills in where the effect does not cover the the image to compensate for any darkening due
original image. This is only enabled in the to lighting calculations.
background layer. In layers that have trans-
parency, the area around the effect is simply
Random Seed Controls the random element in
the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed
Direction Controls the direction from which the
light falls on your selection. Click and drag
within the lighting control box to change the
direction, or enter a numerical value between 0
and 360 degrees.
Inclination Controls the angle formed by the
light and the page. Click and drag within the
lighting control box to change the inclination,
or enter a numerical value between 45 and 90
Highlight Brightness Controls the intensity of
the shiny highlights appearing on areas facing
the light.
Highlight Size Controls the size of the shiny
highlights on areas facing the light; higher
values yield larger highlights.
Highlight Color Use the color picker to choose
any color for the shiny highlights.

Chapter 7: Electrify

Electrify creates arcs of electricity branching out Using Electrify

from a selection, object, or text. You have more
control over the number, shape, direction and Note: Use Electrify to create arcing electricity
color of the arcs of electricity. around selections, text, and objects. Use the
Lightning filter in photos to simulate (you
guessed it) lightning.

Since Electrify places arcs of electricity around sometimes have more effect than others.
an object, you must use the filter with a Clicking Random Seed will sometimes create
selection, or an object floating in an empty layer more branches when Branching doesn’t seem to
with surrounding transparency. have much effect.
1 Select the object or text that you want to Branch Spread Controls how far apart the
electrify. branches are spaced; higher values increase the
2 Run the Electrify filter. angle between branches.

3 Adjust the control sliders until you have

achieved the desired effect.
4 Click OK.
5 Do a dance.

Control Descriptions

Basic Tab
Arc Spacing Specifies the distance between
each arc. Lower values reduce the distance
between arcs, thus increasing the total number
of arcs.
Arc Length Controls the length of the arcs.
Higher values yield longer arcs. Not all arcs are
the same length, however.
Arc Thickness Controls the width of each arc.
Higher values make wider arcs.
Jaggedness Higher values increase the crooked
movement of arcs. Lower values yield straighter
Branching Controls the number of branches
each arcs forms; higher values generally yield
more branching. Because branching is a random
process, changing the Branching slider will

Radiate From Center Selecting this option changes in your image; we encourage you to
makes all of the arcs move directly away from experiment with this control until you find the
the center of the selection. When deselected, effects you like best. You can then precisely
arcs will shoot outward at a a 90 degree angle, duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed
relative to the selection. setting.

Glow Tab
Glow Width Controls the diffuse glow around
the arcs. Increasing this value spreads the glow
over a wider area.
Glow Opacity Increasing this value yields a
more solid and intense arc.
Inner and Outer Color The glow at the middle
of each arc starts as the Inner Color and fades
to the Outer Color as it moves outward. Clicking
in either box brings up a color picker dialog.

Radiate from center is enabled in the lower fez.

Random Seed Controls the random element in

the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic

Chapter 8: Flag

Flag uses shadows and highlights to simulate 1 Place an object in a layer, by itself, with
three-dimensional, windblown fabric or liquid background transparency.
surfaces. Flag quickly creates striking banners 2 Run the Flag filter.
for the web. Intrepid users can even start with
non-rectangular shapes to make pennants or 3 Adjust the filter controls to taste.
war-torn flags. 4 Click OK.
5 Enjoy.

Using Flag
Apply Flag to objects in layers with transparency
to get the best results.

Control Descriptions Realistic Distortion Controls the amount that

rippling affects the apparent dimensions of the
Simplified Mode Selecting this option disables flag. Lower values shrink the image less and
most of the Flag controls making it easy to preserve more original detail. Higher values
create an idealized flag. To make a simple realistically shrink the flag.
rectangular flag that looks like it is being blown
from left to right, check this box.
Shrink Shrink is a zoom lens for your flag. If
parts of your flag fall outside of the viewable
canvas, increase the Shrink value to zoom away
from the flag.
Wind Strength Controls the speed of the air
flowing over the fabric. Higher values create
more ripples and cause the ripples to curve
Wind Direction Controls the direction from
which wind blows across the flag.

Top to bottom: Increasing Realistic Distortion shrinks the


Attachments Controls which corners and edges

are fixed. Each checkbox corresponds to a corner
or an entire side of the flag. To hold a typical
flag tightly to the flagpole, turn on the middle-

left checkbox. To hold the flag more loosely, Tips

clear the middle-left checkbox and turn on both
the upper-left and lower-left checkboxes. It is easy to make non-rectangular
flags. For instance, to make a baseball
pennant, use the following steps:
1 Create a rectangular image in a layer with

The flags above are held loosely to the poles, using only
two corner attachments.

Background Color Chooses the solid color that

fills the areas where the effect does not cover
the original image. This is only enabled in the
2 Trim it to a triangular shape.
background layer. In layers that have trans-
parency, the area around the effect is simply
Increase Contrast Boosts the lighting effect on
your flag, yielding brighter, harsher lighting.
Light Direction Controls the direction from
which the light falls on your selection. Click and
drag within the lighting control box to change
the direction, or enter a numerical value 3 Run Flag and, voila, you have a pennant!
between 0 and 360 degrees.
Random Seed Controls the random element in
the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

To make a flag look like it has been

through a battle, rough up the edges
and add bullet holes before applying
the Flag filter. Bullet holes are easy to
make with the Xenofex 2 filters Burnt Edges or
Rip Open.

Chapter 9: Lightning

Lightning renders realistic arcs of lightning in Using Lightning

digital photos and compositions without waiting
for a thunderstorm. You can specify beginning Lightning renders a single arc of electricity
and endpoints to steer lightning bolts. Control inside of a selection. Use the Lightning filter to
over the color, branching and spread of the arcs simulate (you guessed it) lightning bolts in
of lightning add to the versatility of the effect. photos. Use Electrify to create arcing electricity
around selections, text, and objects.
1 Run the Lightning filter.

2 Specify the beginning and endpoints of your Control Descriptions

lightning bolt.
3 Tweak the other control sliders until you have
achieved the desired effect. In Preview Controls
4 Click OK. Click the Arrow button to position the
beginning and endpoints of your arc of
5 Enjoy. lightning. When you activate the In Preview
control, a new cursor and two crosshairs appear
in the preview window. With the cursor, simply
click and drag the crosshairs to wherever you
prefer. You can even drag them outside of the

Click the arrow to

activate the In Preview control.

The In Preview control cursor.

Crosshairs—Click with the

cursor and drag to aim your

Basic Tab Branch Spread Controls how far apart the

branches are spaced; higher values increase the
Taper Main Arc. Select this option to taper the
angle between branches.
arc of lightning from thick to thin. If this option
is not selected, the primary arc maintains an
even thickness along its length and each end is
terminated by a glowing flash.
Arc Thickness. Controls the width of the arc.
Higher values make wider arcs.
Jaggedness. Higher values increase the crooked
movement of arcs. Lower values yield straighter
Branching Controls the number of branches
each arc forms; higher values generally yield
more branching. Because branching is a random
process, Branching will sometimes have more
effect than others. Clicking Random Seed may
create more branches when Branching does not.
Note: Branching is randomly controlled by the
Branching, Branch Spread, and Random Seed
parameters. A small change made to any of these
The effect of increasing branch spread.
controls can have an unpredictable effect on the
number and distribution of branches.
Random Seed Controls the random element in
the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

Glow Tab
Flash Size Specifies the size of the glowing flash
that begins the arc of lightning. With Taper
Main Arc disabled, both the beginning and
endpoints of the arc have flashes
Glow Width Controls the diffuse glow around
the arcs. Increasing this value spreads the glow
over a wider area.
Glow Opacity Increasing this value yields a
darker, less transparent arc.
Inner and Outer Color The glow at the middle
of each arc starts as the Inner Color and fades
to the Outer Color as it moves outward. Clicking
in either box brings up a color picker dialog.

Chapter 10: Little Fluffy Clouds

Little Fluffy Clouds creates a wide range of cloud 4 Play with the basic features of the filter, then
shapes and cloud-like effects, from slight wisps the camera features, until you are satisfied
to threatening storm fronts. The clouds can be with the result.
rendered with a horizon perspective for use in 5 Click OK.
photos or as tileable two-dimensional clouds
that make great backdrops. We recommend that 6 Sit back and gaze contentedly upon your
you test drive the filter using presets, to survey creation.
the wide variety of cloud simulations that this To render clouds that do not have a horizon
filter can render. perspective:
1 Select the area to which you would like to add
Using Little Fluffy Clouds 2 Run the Little Fluffy Clouds filter.
To render perspective clouds:
3 In the Camera Tab, disable Perspective.
1 Select the area to which you would like to add
4 Play with the basic features of the filter and
optionally the sky color features.
2 Run the Little Fluffy Clouds filter.
5 If you are using the clouds to tile a
Note: If you are adding clouds to a photo, it is
background, such as a Web page, enable the
advisable to leave the Draw Sky Background
Seamless Tile option.
option cleared.
6 Click OK.
3 In the Camera Tab, enable Perspective.
7 Be amazed.

Control Descriptions effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed
Basic Tab
Puff Size Controls the size of the cloud puffs Sky Color Tab
created across your selection; higher values
Draw Sky Background Choose this option to
yield larger and fewer clouds.
draw a sky background over the original image.
Coverage Higher values cover your image more When cleared, the rest of the Sky Color Tab is
completely and smaller values leave more gaps disabled.
in the clouds.
Zenith Color Specify the color of the zenith
Edge Sharpness Controls the sharpness of the using your color picker.
clouds’ edges; lower values yield softer, less
Horizon Color Specify the color of the horizon
defined clouds.
using your color picker.
Base and Edge Color The clouds are made up of
Haze Simulates dust or smog, which obscures
two colors. Clouds are the Base Color in central
the clouds. Higher values fade the clouds more.
opaque areas and fade to the Edge Color in
surrounding semi-transparent areas. Clicking in
either box brings up the color picker you have
previously selected in your graphics program.
Cloud Mode Select the basic cloud type, then
refine the effect with the other filter control
parameters. The following three modes are
• Fluffy

• Wispy

• Puffy

Random Seed Controls the random element in

the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the

Sky Gradient Controls how high the Horizon Camera Tab

Color extends into the sky before transitioning
Seamless Tile Select the Seamless Tile
into the Zenith Color.
checkbox to create a repeating pattern with no
seams. Selecting Seamless Tile disables the rest
of the Camera Tab controls.
Perspective Select this option to draw a
perspective view of the clouds. Clearing this box
disables View Elevation, Field of View, and
Cloud Height.
View Elevation Specifies the angle at which the
camera is tilted, relative to a horizontal position
of 0 degrees. Zero degrees is the bottom of your
selection and is a view straight across the
horizon from a standing position. The maximum
angle of 90° looks straight into the sky from a
flat-on-the-back position. Anywhere in between
is like falling backward from a standing

The effect of increasing Sky Gradient. The zenith is black

and the horizon is white.

Field of View Controls how much of the sky is

captured by the camera. Higher values show
more of the sky. Low values show only a tiny
portion of the sky.

Cloud Height Controls the height of clouds in

the sky. Higher values increase the apparent
height and reveal more of the sky.

Chapter 11: Puzzle

Puzzle creates a jigsaw puzzle effect over your Using Puzzle

image, using highlights and shading. You can
knock out pieces of the puzzle, invert Note: Puzzle is easiest to use on entire images
connecting nubs, and replace knocked out or rectangular selections. Round selections will
pieces with color or transparency. cut off parts of the puzzle effect.
1 Run the Puzzle filter.
2 Play with the basic features of the filter—set
up columns, knock out pieces, and futz with
connecting nubs.
3 When you are satisfied, click OK.
4 Have a comforting beverage and pat yourself
on the back for a job well-done.

Control Descriptions • (B) Restore Piece—When you mouse over a

deleted piece this cursor appears. Click the
empty space to restore the piece.
In Preview Controls • (C) Invert Connector—If you think that a
Clicking the arrow cursor in the Puzzle interface connecting nub would look better reversed,
activates the In Preview controls. Puzzle click on that nub when you see this cursor.
provides three context-sensitive In Preview Note: Multiple In Preview control cursors will
controls, each with a distinctive cursor: not be active simultaneously. The cursors have
• (A) Knockout Piece—When you mouse over a been magnified in the image below for better
puzzle piece, this cursor appears. Click on the visibility.
piece to delete it.

Click the arrow to activate

the In Preview controls.


Connecting Nub


Basic Tab Knockout Fill

Columns Controls the number of columns drawn Fill with solid color Fills the knocked out areas
over the selection. Higher values yield more with the color chosen using the Fill Color
columns and smaller pieces. The number of rows picker.
is automatically determined to create puzzle
Make knockouts transparent Fills the knocked
pieces that are as square as possible.
out areas with transparency. This option is
Knockout 10% Remaining Deletes approxi- disabled when the selection is in a background
mately 10% of the remaining puzzle pieces each layer.
time you click the button.
Connector Shape Random Seed Controls the
Restore All Pieces Did you go a little crazy random variations in connector shapes. Give
knocking out pieces? That’s OK. Just click this Random Seed a couple of clicks; if you find an
button to restore them all. Note: You also have effect that you like, save it as a setting so you
unlimited undos in Xenofex 2; if you want to can reproduce the effect later.
backtrack sequentially, use your old friend
Control-Z (Windows) or Command-Z
(Macintosh). Lighting Tab
Groove Darkness Darkens the trenches between
Invert All Pieces Click to restore any pieces
puzzle pieces. Higher values make the trenches
that have been knocked out while simulta-
neously knocking out all active pieces.
Light Direction Controls the direction from
Randomize Connectors Randomizes the direc-
which the light falls on your selection. Click and
tions in which puzzle piece connectors face. If
drag within the lighting control box to change
you see too many repeating patterns in the
the direction, or enter a numerical value
connectors, give this bad boy a click.
between 0 and 360 degrees.
Connector Length Increases the length of the
Highlight Brightness Controls the intensity of
connecting nubs that connect puzzle pieces.
the shiny highlights appearing on the bevelled
There’s no science to this; just go with what
areas facing the light.
looks best.
Highlight Size Controls the size of the shiny
Groove Width Specifies the width of the
highlights on the bevelled areas facing the light;
bevelled trench between puzzle pieces. Higher
higher values yield larger highlights.
values increase the width.

Chapter 12: Rip Open

Rip Open simulates a paper surface being torn, 2 Run the Rip Open filter.
punctured, or blown open. 3 Adjust the sliders to taste.
4 Have a siesta; you deserve it.

Using Rip Open

1 Using a selection tool, preferably the lasso or Control Descriptions
the elliptical marquee tool, make a selection
around object or spot that you want to rip Curl Size Controls the width and number of the
open. curled pieces. Higher values yield wider and
fewer pieces.

Curl Amount Specifies the distance to pull back Underside Color Use the color picker to select a
curled pieces. Higher values peel the pieces back color for the underside of the curls.
Curl Variation Randomizes the curl sizes,
direction, and amount of curling. Higher values
further randomize the these features.
Edge Roughness Adds roughness to the edges
of the curled pieces. Higher values result in a
tattered appearance.
Shadow Width Specifies the width of the
shadows cast by the curls. Higher values yield
wider shadows.
Inside Fill
Fill with solid color Fills the torn out areas with
the color chosen using the Fill Color picker.
Make selection transparent Fills with trans- Same Color on Underside has been selected in the image
parency to reveal the underlying layer. Disabled above with a high curl variation setting.

if the image is in the background layer.

Random Seed Controls the random element in
Same Color on Underside Selecting this option the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
draws the original image on the underside of the Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
curls. Disables Underside Color. changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

Chapter 13: Shatter

Shatter explodes images and selections into 3 Experiment with the control sliders freely,
little pieces and shards that fly off the page in a until you are satisfied with the result.
three-dimensional simulation of an exploding 4 Click OK.
5 Think good thoughts.

Using Shatter
Note: Shatter does not work in CMYK mode.
1 Select the area that you want to shatter. To
shatter the entire image, leave it unselected.
2 Run the Shatter filter.

Control Descriptions Time Specifies the amount of time that has

elapsed in the shatter event. A value of 1 is the
very beginning of the event, and all you can see
Basic Tab are surface cracks forming. As time moves
forward, pieces fly away from the original
Piece Size Controls the average size of the
surface and rotate.
broken pieces. Increasing this value makes the
average shattered piece larger.
Thickness Controls the three-dimensional
depth of each piece. Higher values yield thicker
Tumble Controls the random rotation and
spreading of shattered pieces. As this value
increases, pieces spread further apart,
sometimes flying out of the field of view.

The sequence above demonstrates the effect of Time on a

shattered image.

Shadow Opacity Controls the opacity of drop

shadows cast by the broken pieces. Higher
values yield darker shadows.

Shadow Blur Width Controls the opacity drop-

off at the edge of shadows. Higher values yield a
wider area of blurring, suggesting a light source
that is farther away.
Random Seed Controls the random element in
the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

Lighting Tab
Increase Contrast Boosts the lighting effect on
shattered pieces, yielding brighter, harsher
Light Direction Controls the direction from
which the light falls on your selection. Click and
drag within the lighting control box to change
the direction, or enter a numerical value
between 0 and 360 degrees.
Highlight Brightness Controls the intensity of
the shiny highlights appearing on the areas
facing the light.
Highlight Size Controls the size of the shiny
highlights on areas facing the light; higher
values yield larger highlights.

Chapter 14: Stain

Stain creates a realistic stain effect in the shape Using Stain

of any selection. You can emulate spaghetti
sauce, coffee cup rings, motor oil, sweat and Note: Use Stain with a selection to get the best
more! effect. Using Stain without a selection fills the
entire image or, with Ring Stain selected,
creates a border around the edge of an image.

1 Using a selection tool, such as the type mask Clearing the Ring Stain check box fills the ring
tool, or the lasso, select the object or area that using the color selected in Stain Color and
you wish to stain. opacity levels set with the Internal Opacity and
2 Run the Stain filter. Overall Opacity sliders.

3 Adjust the filter controls to taste.

4 Click OK.
5 Enthusiastically beat your chest.

Control Descriptions
Ring Stain Select this check box to apply the
stain effect to the area around your selection
boundary. For example, applying Stain to a
circular selection with Ring Stain selected
creates a stained loop, like a coffee mug might Edge Width Specifies the width of the opacity
leave behind. drop-off, which forms the stain effect. Higher
values produce a wider stain.
Roughness Controls the roughness of the stain
edge; higher values produce an increasingly
jagged edge.
Internal Opacity Controls the transparency of
the inner part of the stain. Higher values
increase the opacity of the stain’s interior.
Overall Opacity Controls the opacity of the
entire stain effect. Higher values darken the
stain effect and interior opacity (if an internal
opacity above one has been specified).
Stain Color The stain can be any color you like.
Clicking in this box awakens your slumbering
color picker.

Random Seed Controls the random element in

the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

Stain is designed to work with selec-
tions. If you apply Stain without a
selection (when the Ring Stain
check box is cleared) the stain will
cover your entire image, producing an under-
whelming effect.
In defiance of the above edict, apply
stain to an entire image, with the
Ring Stain check box cleared to
create a picture frame.

Chapter 15: Television

Television makes images appear as if they were Control Descriptions

displayed on an old television, display device, or
computer monitor. A wide range of video-like Scanline Strength Creates dark bands like those
distortions are possible. Using the monochrome seen on old television monitors; higher values
screen option can be used to simulate old yield darker bands.
computer monitors, for example. Scanline Thickness Controls the width of the
dark and light bands; higher values yield thicker
but fewer bands.
Using Television Vertical Shift Places a black band at the bottom
Note: Television works best on rectangular of the selected area, then shoves the image
images and selections. It also works well with upward, looping it back through the bottom of
rectangular objects in layers. the selected area. This effect simulates the loss
of vertical hold on an old TV. Higher values push
1 Make a rectangular selection, using the
the image further. A value of 100 nearly
marquee tool or select the entire image to
completes the loop, rendering an image similar
which you will apply Television.
to a zero value.
2 Run the Television filter.
Curvature Simulates the distortion caused by
3 Adjust the control sliders until you have curved picture tubes; higher values increase the
achieved the desired effect. curvature. If you use a high Curvature setting
4 Click OK. on a selection in the background layer, your
background color will show around the edges of
5 Enjoy.

your selection. You can avoid this by copying Ghost Offset Controls the amount the image
the image to its own layer and applying copy is shifted from the original; higher values
Television there. yield “ghosts” farther away from their original
Static Controls the amount of visual noise
added to the image. Higher values yield a more
noisy and colorful image.
Ghost Strength Creates a faint, shifted copy of
the image. Higher values produce a more
obvious “ghost” copy.

Top to bottom: The effects of increasing breakup and ghost

offset. Ghost strength levels are set high.

Breakup Adds random horizontal shifting to Use Amber or Green to emulate the
your image; higher values yield a wavier, look of ancient computer monitors.
broken-up image.
Monochrome Screen Selecting the
Monochrome Screen check box yields a two-
color effect. You can convert color distortions to
black-and-white, amber (like old computer
monitors), or anything else. This option is
cleared by default.
Monochrome Screen Color Use this color picker
to choose your screen color when the
monochrome screen check box is selected.
Background Color Chooses the solid color that
fills the areas where the effect does not cover
the original image. This is only enabled in the
background layer. In layers that have trans-
parency, the area around the effect is simply
Random Seed Controls the random element in
the creation of this effect. Minor changes in the
Random Seed setting can produce dramatic
changes in your image; we encourage you to
experiment with this control until you find the
effects you like best. You can then precisely
duplicate the effect by saving the Random Seed

Apply Television only to rectangular
selections, images, or objects. Using
rounded selections yields unexpected

Chapter 16: Troubleshooting

We have tried to collect the most commonly- If you’ve registered the software with us (by
asked questions here. A regularly updated purchasing directly from us, registering online
troubleshooting guide can be found in the or sending in a registration card), we’ll have the
Support section of our Web site. If you get really code in our database. If you didn’t register with
stuck, send E-mail to us, contact us at
Include in the E-mail your 12 letter registration <> to get regis-
code, whether you are using Mac or Windows, tered and receive a new registration code.
and your graphics host program (Photoshop,
Solution—If you have the code
Paint Shop Pro, etc.).
1 Make sure that you are entering the 12-letter
This chapter covers the following trouble-
code and other registration fields correctly.
shooting issues:
The registration code should be all letters with
• “Installation Problems” on page 57 no spaces before or after the code. The Name
• “Performance Issues” on page 59
field must contain at least three characters.
2 Make sure that you are using a Xenofex 2 code.
• “Error Messages” on page 61
Product registration codes are not inter-
changeable. For example, your Eye Candy 4000
code will not work with Xenofex 2. You will
Installation Problems need to use the new Xenofex 2 code that you
Problem The installer won't accept my 12-letter were issued when you purchased the software.
registration code, or I can't find my code. This 12-letter code can be found on web page
from which you downloaded the software, in
Solution—If you can’t find your code
an email invoice you received while
The Product Registration Code (serial number) is downloading the product, or on a sticker
a 12-letter code located in one of the following inside the front cover of the manual.
three places:
• Your user manual (physical version). Problem When I try to install Xenofex 2, I get
• On the CD jewel case (physical version). an error dialog saying that I don’t have privi-
leges or permission to install the software.
• On the download page and in an email invoice
(electronic version).

Solution The Xenofex 2 installer, like most with a host not listed in this manual, please
installation programs, will need to write files to visit our Web site for the latest list of compatible
various folders on your computer. With hosts.
operating systems such as Mac OS X, Windows
2000 and Windows XP, you will need to have
administrator privileges. For information on Problem: How do I uninstall Xenofex 2?
configuring your user account for such privi-
Macintosh OS 9/Classic Solution: Find the
leges, see your system administrator or your
Xenofex 2 folder in your graphics program’s
operating system manual.
plug-in folder and delete it. Also delete the
Application Support : Alien Skin : Xenofex 2
Problem After installing the plug-ins and
starting the graphics host program, the filters If the multiple users control panel is enabled,
do not appear in the Filter or plug-in menu. you’ll also need to delete the Users : <user
name> : Application Support : Alien Skin :
Solution The filters were probably not installed
Xenofex 2 folder.
in your graphics program’s plug-in folder. Find
out exactly which folder your host program is If the multiple users control panel is disabled,
using for plug-ins. With Photoshop, you can you’ll also need to delete the System Folder :
determine this by going to Edit > Preferences Application Support : Alien Skin : Xenofex 2
> Plug-ins. Then try to install the filters again folder.
and make sure you select the proper plug-in
Macintosh OS X Solution: Find the Xenofex 2
folder. Also, remember that after installing new
folder in your graphics program’s plug-in folder
filters, you must restart your graphics program
and delete it. Also delete the /Users/<user
for them to become available. With other
name>/Library/Application Support/Alien
graphic host programs, consult that program’s
Skin/Xenofex 2 folder.
manual for more information about where plug-
ins need to be installed and how to access them. Windows Solution: Run Add/Remove
Programs from your Windows Control Panel.
Select Xenofex 2 from the program list and click
Problem: Xenofex 2 doesn’t work with a
the Add/Remove button. This will remove the
graphics program that claims to use Photoshop
program and most of its components. Next go to
your plug-ins folder and delete the Xenofex 2
Solution: Programs sometimes claim to work Settings folder.
with all Photoshop plug-ins without testing
thoroughly or strictly following the Photoshop
plug-in standard. If you’d like to use Xenofex 2

Performance Issues Solution In Photoshop, the history palette and

other features take up a lot of memory. You can
Problem Running Photoshop 7 under OS X, free up this memory by selecting Edit > Purge >
when I use the color picker in an Xenofex 2 All.
filter, the effect doesn’t apply.
Solution The effect has been applied, but the Problem The preview seems broken. It only
view window is not being updated. There are two shows the checkerboard pattern.
ways to kick this recalcitrant window into gear:
Solution Sometimes the preview begins in a
1 Before you run the filter, select and use the transparent part of a layer. Click an opaque area
Apple color picker, rather than the Photoshop of your selection in the navigation thumbnail.
color picker (select this under the General tab
in the Preferences dialog).
Problem A filter makes the graphics program or
2 If you have already used the Photoshop color
the entire computer crash or freeze up.
picker, zoom in and out to update the image.
Mac OS 9/Classic Environment Solution Make
sure that you have allocated enough memory to
Problem Some or all of the filters appear grayed
your image editing program. The default
out in the Filter menu.
memory allocation may not be enough,
Solution Grayed-out filters in the Filter menu especially if you are working with print
occur if you are in certain color modes (such as resolution images. You can increase the memory
CMYK, Lab or Bitmap) that won’t allow a specific allocation by exiting the image editor and
filter to work properly. performing a Get Info on the program icon in
the Finder.
Problem One of the filters seems to have no If you are using Photoshop, the history palette
effect on the image. and other features take up a lot of memory. You
can free up this memory by selecting Edit >
Solution You may have selected a layer that is
Purge > All from the Photoshop menu.
hidden by other layers when Show all Layers is
enabled. Deselect the Show all Layers checkbox To determine whether you have an extension
in the View menu in your filter interface. conflict, restart your Macintosh while holding
down the Shift key. You may release the Shift
key after you see the message “Welcome to
Problem I get a message that Xenofex 2 ran out
Macintosh. Extensions off.” Then try the same
of memory while rendering the preview.
filter operation. If it now works, then you have
a control panel or extension installed in your
computer that is incompatible with Xenofex 2.

We will love you very much if you try to identify

the problem extension and inform us of the
Mac OS X/Windows Solution Sometimes
freezes or crashes occur when your computer
runs out of available memory. If you are using
Photoshop, you can sometimes free up large
amounts of memory by selecting Edit > Purge >
Also, make sure that your computer system has
the minimum requirements to run our software.
You also should try exiting out of other
programs before you run your image editing
program, as there might be a conflict between
another program and Xenofex 2. If you notice
such a conflict, we will love you very much if
you try to identify the problem program and
inform us of the conflict.
Also, make sure that your computer system has
the minimum requirements to run our software.
You also should try exiting out of other
programs before you run Photoshop, as there
might be a conflict between another program
and Xenofex 2 If you notice such a conflict, we
will love you very much if you try to identify the
problem program and inform us of the conflict.

Error Messages
The table below provides remedies to the error messages you may encounter in Xenofex 2.

Error Message User Remedy

This host application does not support enough of Sorry! Your host graphics program is incompatible with Xenofex 2. Consult the
the Photoshop filter specification for this filter to list of compatible host programs in “Host Requirements” on page 2.

This filter requires a selection. Make a selection, then rerun the filter.

This filter requires editable transparency. Please turn In Photoshop 6, turn off the Preserve Transparency option in the Layers Palette.
OFF Preserve Transparency in the Layer palette. In Photoshop 7, clear the Lock Transparent Pixels button.

This filter only runs on MacOS 9 or later. Check the operating system requirements for Xenofex 2 in your user manual.
Xenofex 2 only works with MacOS 9 or later.

The filter ran out of available memory while render- The history palette and other features take up a lot of memory. In Photoshop, you
ing the preview image. can free up this memory by selecting Edit > Purge > All.

You may not have enough physical memory (RAM) to handle the image that
you’re working with.

A serious error occurred and the filter was unable to Reinstall Xenofex 2.
find the entry point for the core library. Reinstalling
the filters may fix this problem.

A serious error occurred and the filter was unable to Reinstall Xenofex 2.
load the core library. Reinstalling the filters may fix
this problem.

A serious error occurred and the filter was unable to Reinstall Xenofex 2.
set the location of its resources. Reinstalling the fil-
ters may fix this problem.

The registration code was not installed or is invalid. Reinstall Xenofex 2.

Please reinstall the filters.

Please make a selection or an object in a layer that Make a selection or place an object in its own layer with surrounding transpar-
does not take up the entire layer. ency to make the filter run.

Setting names can only include letters, numbers and Reduce the length of your setting name and make sure that it only contains let-
spaces, and must be 31 or fewer characters in length. ters, numbers, or spaces.

License Agreement
This is a legal agreement (the "Agreement") between you (either an individual or an entity), the end-
user, and Alien Skin Software LLC ("Alien Skin"). By installing the computer software in this package
("SOFTWARE"), by loading or running the SOFTWARE, or by placing or copying the SOFTWARE onto
your computer hard drive, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do
not agree to the terms of this Agreement, promptly return the SOFTWARE and the accompanying items
(including all written materials), along with your receipt to the place from where you obtained them
for a full refund.
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Alien Skin grants to you the right to use one (1) copy of the enclosed SOFTWARE
on a single computer. For purposes of this section, "use" means installing the SOFTWARE into RAM,
as well as installation on a hard disk or other storage device. You may make multiple installations of
the SOFTWARE on a single computer; provided that, each installation of the SOFTWARE is for use with
a different application. You may not: rent, lease, distribute, modify, translate, disassemble,
decompile, reverse engineer, or create derivative works based upon the SOFTWARE. The SOFTWARE,
together with any archive copy thereof, shall be either returned to Alien Skin or destroyed when no
longer used in accordance with this Agreement, or when the right to use the SOFTWARE is terminated.
2. COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE is owned by Alien Skin and is protected by United States copyright laws
and international treaty provisions. You must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted
material, except that you may either (a) make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for back-up or
archival purposes, or (b) transfer the SOFTWARE to a single hard disk provided you keep the original
solely for back-up or archival purposes. You may not otherwise reproduce, copy or disclose to others,
in whole or in any part, the SOFTWARE. You may not copy the written materials accompanying the
3. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. This Agreement is your proof of license to exercise the rights granted herein
and must be retained by you. You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE, but you may transfer your
rights under this License Agreement on a permanent basis provided you transfer this License
Agreement, the SOFTWARE, and all accompanying written materials and retain no copies, and the
recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. Any transfer of the SOFTWARE must include the most
recent update and all prior versions.

4. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Should any provision of this Agreement be held to be void, invalid,
unenforceable or illegal by a court, the validity and enforceability of the other provisions shall not
be affected thereby. If any provision is determined to be unenforceable, you agree to a modification
of such provision to provide for enforcement of the provision’s intent, to the extent permitted by
applicable law. Failure of a party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute or
be construed as a waiver of such provision or of the right to enforce such provision. If you fail to
comply with any terms of this Agreement, YOUR LICENSE IS AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATED.
LIMITED WARRANTY. Alien Skin warrants that if properly installed and operated on a computer for
which it is designed, the SOFTWARE will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying
written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt.
CUSTOMER REMEDIES. Alien Skin’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, at Alien Skin’s
option, either (a) return of the price paid or (b) repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE that does not
meet Alien Skin’s Limited Warranty. To make a warranty claim, return the SOFTWARE to the point of
purchase, accompanied by proof of purchase, your name, your address, and a statement of defect, or
return the SOFTWARE with the above information to Alien Skin. This Limited Warranty is void if
failure of the SOFTWARE has resulted in whole or in part from accident, abuse, misapplication or
violation of this Agreement. Any replacement SOFTWARE will be warranted for the remainder of the
original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. This warranty allocates risks of
product failure between you and Alien Skin. Alien Skin’s product pricing reflects this allocation of
risk and the limitations of liability contained in this warranty.

EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. You agree that your exclusive remedy against Alien Skin, its affiliates,
contractors, suppliers, and agents for loss or damage caused by any defect or failure in the SOFTWARE
regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort, including negligence, strict liability or
otherwise, shall be the return of the purchase price paid or replacement of the SOFTWARE. This
Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of North
Carolina. Copyright and other proprietary matters will be governed by United States laws and inter-
OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. Some jurisdictions do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion
may not apply to you.
VIOLATION OF AGREEMENT. If you breach the provisions of this Agreement, you will be liable to Alien
Skin for all damages, losses, cash, and expenses incurred by Alien Skin as a result of such breach,
including lost profits and all the incidental and consequential damages.
The SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or
disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs
(c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as appli-
cable. Contractor/manufacturer is Alien Skin, 1111 Haynes Street, Suite 113, Raleigh, North Carolina
Kevin Arthur
Finley Lee

User Inter
face and
System Progr
Finley Lee, Sam Mauney

Finley Lee, Sam Mauney

Skip Elsheimer, Scott Gilliam,
Ben Hazard, Mikeolikowski,
Jerry Pemberton, Charlotte Walton

Project Management:
Marcus Rogers

Andy Spencer

Product Ar
Dale Flattum

Amedeo Rosa

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