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The Universal Treatise of Global Economic Common Sense

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Welcome to the Operational Framework needed to Facilitate the Projected Revenues for
a New $36 Trillion Global Market and the Creation of over 48 Million Jobs Worldwide


The Universal Treatise of Global Economic Common Sense
The Abilities to Engage in anAdhoc Cost Benefit Analysis and Adjust to Systemic Financial
Changes within the Landscape of a New High-Tech Global Economy of Scale


A. Introduction.....5
B. How to Use Traditional Playing Cards, Board Games and Dice to Engage or Manipulate Global Financial
C. The Universal Market Forces within a Pre-Existing Global Republic of Financial Idealisms & Marketing
Warfare Stratagems.
D. The A-Square Technology Group & Nascent Applied Methods and Endeavors (NAME) R&D Joint-
Venture Services Contracts.

I.: To the Global Republic of Free Peoples on Planet Earth. ....12

II.: Our Confidential Plan Utilizing the Power of Molecular & Genetic Sciences to Immediately Create a New
$36 Trillion Global Market and Over 48 Million New Technology Jobs.....13
III.: The Total Financial Picture......14
IV.: The Global Advertising Fee Structures.....18
V.: Prefatory Note to the Total Financial Picture of a New Global High-Tech Economy’s (First Essay).....22
VI.: A Serious Socioeconomic Thought on Global Markets. ....27
VII.: The Economic Affairs of the A-Square Technology Group and Nascent Applied Methods &
VIII.: The Dream or Misconception of Global Socioeconomic Ascendancy Interpreted. .....32
IX.: The First Tier Internal Wages & Benefits Program......74
X.: The Regional Advertising Fee Structures......76
XI.: The Operational Framework Needed to Facilitate the Projected Revenue for a New $36 Trillion Global
Market and the Creation of over 48 Million Jobs......80
XII.: A Tribute to the Writings of Thomas Paine on Behalf of a Platform Interpreting Modern Economic Civil
Rights as a Means to Obtain and Perpetuate Human Freedoms (X3)......111****
XIII.: Economic Slavery Embedded in Modern Academia as a Disguised Form of Traditional Didactic Thought
of Moral Achievements......189
XIV.: The Hidden Defacto Socialist Hierarchy of Racism, Sexism & Class or Cultural Economic Warfare
Currently Embedded within a Capitalistic Global Free Markets......194****
XV.: A Letter of Global Socioeconomic Liberation through Innovative Free Markets. .....215
XVI.: A Dialogue between the General Contractor of Network Operation & the Free Peoples of Planet
XVII.: Economic Powers Developed on Planet Earth......223

XVIII.: The Modern Issues of an Abstract Capitalistic RACEE of Global Free Market Competition through the
Concepts of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. .....231
XIX.: Reflections on Various Contract Standards within a Confederation of Global Economic Thought. .....247
XX.: An Occasional Letter on Using Procreation as a Method to Develop New Global High-Tech
XXI.: Useful and Entertaining Hints on the Systems Engineering Applications of Human History. .....261
a. Literature from Antiquity......265
XXII.: Anecdotes of Gaius Julius and Augustus Caesar as Global Economic Footprints in Modern
XXIII.: An Advance Across the Rubicon of Deceptive Practices and Practitioners of Traditional Economic
a. The Call to Action Formulas......299
XXIV.: Epistle to the Religious Interpretations of Governments and Global Market Forces from Cicero......307
XXV.: Reflections on Life and Death and the Interpretations of the Embodiment of Eternal Life through
Global Economic Principles......310
a. The Torah......379
b. The Mishneh Torah......382
c. The Mishnah......384
d. The Babylonian Talmud......390
e. The Soncino Babylonian Talmud. .....392
f. The Thirteen Books of Rambam. .....398
g. The Commandments......422
h. The 613 Commandments — 248 Positive Commandments......424
i. The 613 Commandments — 365 Negative Commandments......434
j. The 613 Mitzvoh (Commands)......449
k. The 613 Commandments Cited......465
l. Torah Economics By Hillel ben David (Greg Killian)......476
m. Torah Economics By Rabbi Noson Weisz......481
n. Torah and Business (The Dynamic Corporation)......488
o. Economic Utopia of the Torah By Esa Mangeloja Professor (act.), PhD (Economics). .....498
p. A Christian Response to Poverty: Torah Economics or a New Starting Point? By Shane Claiborne
and Economics......518
q. Islamic Economics By Dr. V. Nienhaus......520
r. The Noble Qur'an......529
XXVI.: Reflections on Socioeconomic Titles of Power and Authority within a New Global High-Tech Economy
Part - A......533
XXVII.: Reflections on Socioeconomic Titles of Power and Authority within a New Global High-Tech Economy
Part - B......546
XXVIII.: A Simple and Small Dialogue Between Myself as General Contractors of Network Operations and a
Higher Power(s)......597
XXIX.: Sun Tzu’s Art of War as a Means of Developing Silent Weapons While Engaging In Quiet Warfare......599
a. The Enterprise Performance Life Cycle Framework as an Instrument of Sun Tzu’s Art of
XXX.: Thoughts on Offensive & Defensive Quiet Wars with Silent Weapons used in Marketing Warfare. .....638

b. MARKETING WARFARE (Paul Herbig)......672
d. ECONOMIC WARS IN THE 21ST CENTURY (Dr. Gen. Gamal Mazloum)......682
Practice (David Galula Foreword by Robert R. Bowie)......683
Stakeholder Value Driven Approach (Yue Chen, Barry Boehm and Luke Sheppard). .....699
XXXII.: The Examination Profile of the Previous and Current Global Economic Crisis......704
XXXIII.: The Global Economic Crisis: I Operational Fiduciary Leverage of Capital Gains through Defacto
Government Backed Derivatives......712
a. Operational Platform......712
b. Loan Packagers...... 712
c. Lines of Credit......712
d. Grants......713
e. Grant Writers......713
f. Grant Writing Organizations. .....713
XXXIV.: The Global Economic Crisis: II Defacto Operational Leveraging of Capital Gains through Academic Real
Estate Investments......715
a. Child Care Info......715
b. Detailed Regulations......715
c. Facility......715
d. Financing......716
e. Fees......716
f. Franchises......716
g. Security Issues......716
h. Pets......717
i. Equipment......717
j. Services......717
k. Educational Hierarchies......717
l. Numerical Strategies......717
m. Personalizing Internet Content......717
n. Records......718
XXXV.: Final Statements from Ibn al-Haytham, Onesimus, Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat, Saint John, Moses,
William E. Fields, Gaius Julius Caesar and David Avenue......719


The Economic Preamble for the Simultaneous Procreative Modeling of Global Markets through
Status & Opulence as both a Republican & Democrat within a time of World-Wide Market
Fluctuations, Equilibrium & Stability (A Financial Return on Monetary High-Tech Investments)

"How swiftly shall the IDEAL of Monetary Strategies as the Caesars from Ancient Rome and the Economic Tactics
derived from the Legions of Hannibal, revisited together as Leonidas of Sparta, surmount the icy Alps of human
indifference and bigotry within modern times of emotional economic fear & bondage... ...there has been in their
minds conceived immense upheavals within Global Markets, of the coming Quiet Civil War of idealism between
the principles of Market Certainties through Innovation, and the vastness of the Void that exists within the
boundaries of Human Monetary Ignorance. As they reached the little Rubicon of a universal perspective of the
human conditions on Earth, clearly through the murky night of conflicting pecuniary objectives and the fog of
Economic Warfare... ...appeared to them a mighty image of Humanity in distress... ...grief upon its face...'s
white hair of Economic Injustice streaming from its Tower-Crowned Head of social achievements. With tresses
torn and shoulders bare, Humanity as a whole stood before them and sighing, said: "Where further do you march?
Where do you take these Academic Standards, Warriors of Truth within a generation of supreme causes? If
lawfully you come, if as citizens within a global community where all men, women and children are created and
treated as equal, this far only is allowed thin own Power and Authority on Earth." Then trembling struck their
limbs. And weakness checked their progress, holding their feet at the river's edge of human knowledge and
progress. At last they speak as one. "Oh, thunderer surveying a great cause through the walls of Bias Economic
Behavior from the Tarpeian rock of a global Authority and Power. Oh, Phrygian, God's historic house of Universal
Knowledge and Understanding... ...clan and mysteries of Martyrs who were carried off to Heaven in the name of a
truly living Almighty God. Oh, Kingdom of Economic Progress that lerks within the boundries of enternal peace on
earth, that sets upon lofty Alba and Hearths of Vesta. Oh, God of the Universe, superior to the highest of all known
deities, favor our eternal plans. Not as children of a lesser god with impious Physical Weapons do we now pursue
Thee. Here all of Humanity stands as a mighty Triumvirate, the Caesars as Hannibal and Hannibal as the Emperors
of Ancient Rome combined into a Single unilateral Augustine monetary thought, in the presence of an Almighty
God of the Universe... ...Pharaohs & Conquerors of economic wealth and seas of innovative opportunities, moral
soldiers of a greater cause above human indifference everywhere... too if we are permitted. The situations
that makes mankind an enemy onto himself, it is that which will be the guilty one." As all humanity breaks the
academic barriers of Economic Civil Wars that engage in Socialists Forms of Racism and through the swollen rivers
of time and space itself... ...swiftly shall it take these Scientific Standards of untold Economic Wealth and Labor
Opportunities. When they together as one Caesar of the Pharaonic Rule of Human Liberties & Freedoms cross the
flood of Immoral Stupidities and reached the opposite bank of economic uncertainties... ...from a throne of
forbidden fields of arrogance, a stand shall be taken and from there it will be said: "Here, we embrace Peace and
Prosperity, and denounce the desecration of a Universal Law and Truth that Observes the human endeavor
through out countless galaxies. Fortune and Equal Opportunities, it is henceforth them shall we follow. Farewell to
academic treaties and silent weapons of monetary racism and human emotional bigotries. From now on, those
Quiet Wars of Economic Expansionism that perpetuate the oil of the human experience and character throughout
the Known Universe is our judge."

"All Hail Christ Jesus. We who are about to achieve Eternal Life through the principles of a Universal perspective
toward free global markets and commit our immortal souls into the hands of a Universal Almighty God salute

–William E. Fields (GCNO) as a version of Lucan referencing the life and times of Gaius Julius Caesar & Hannibal
(Monetary Footprints and Virtual First Citizens of a New Global Republic of Free Market Innovations)


The Genetic and Molecular Socioeconomic

Applications of Procreative Game Theorems
Demonstrating how common Card and Board Games are used to simultaneously convey the
numerical analogies involved in the application of Procreatively Modeling Global Market
Economies within modern times of monetary thought are as follows;
Ground Zero - Domino Tile Double Blank/The starting point at the roll of the Dice/The Thirty-Six
Stratagems of Global Economic Marketing Warfare
Dice - Domino Tile Blank One/The Thirty-Six Stratagems Chapter 1: Winning Stratagems of
Global Economic Marketing Warfare
Dominoes - Domino Tile Blank Two/The Thirty-Six Stratagems Chapter 6: Defeat Stratagems
of Global Economic Marketing Warfare
Backgammon - Domino Tile Blank Three/The Thirty-Six Stratagems Chapter 5: Proximate
Stratagems of Global Economic Marketing Warfare
Chess - Domino Tile Blank Four/The Thirty-Six Stratagems Chapter 3: Attacking Stratagems of
Global Economic Marketing Warfare
Checkers - Domino Tile Blank Five/The Thirty-Six Stratagems Chapter 4: Chaos Stratagems of
Economic Marketing Warfare
Poker - Domino Tile Blank Six/The Thirty-Six Stratagems Chapter 2: Enemy Dealing
Stratagems of Economic Marketing Warfare

And sometimes on occasion the Card Game 21 or Blackjack, as in the analogy of using a deck
of cards to track the movements of the G-20 Major Economies as their activities relates to or
overlaps and moves both horizontally and vertically through the PDA & CPDA worksheet's
Static Processes numbering 1-20.

The abstract stratagems and tactics involved in the Procreative Modeling of Global
Economies will initiate a twofold series of events. First of these events consists of the
simultaneous application of several common board games. Their unique numerical structures
establishes a relationship with the sequential arrangements within the documents relevant to the
conceptual mapping of those technologies used by this educational network to personalize
internet content on behalf of the general populous. The technologies referenced both as an
internal systems process, as well as a platform to deliver real-time real-world technology bases
& educational services on the fly are a culmination of over 35 years of research & development
to accomplish that very end through associative analogies.

Initially, the first point of entry into this application consists of obtaining a set of common dice.
The Dice, or as in this case the #2, referencing those strategies & tactics in question whose
numerical count is 1 - 6 for each dice. Each dice is also used to represent the initiation of two 6
Dimensional Regions within two distinct 48/48 Cellular Matrices as they engage in the
simultaneous game play involving the development of numerous economic stratagems & tactics
(e.g., 48+48=96). One DNA Matrix for the Planning & Design Approaches (PDA), and another
RNA Matrix for the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA). Within each dimension
there are approximately 8 Elemental Cells or Build Objectives. Whereas, each element then
becomes representative of 8 PPES Formulas used to establish synonymous grammatic
relationships through XML or Thesauri Programs. It is at this point where the stated needs of
individuals, groups, inter-groups, and that of a regional or global economic perspective are
influenced by the introduction of Genetic Thought, New Ideas or Technologies.

All the while during this process the ninth formula PA2, and it's 4 Major Corresponding
Components, infuses itself into the 4 Minor Subdivisions within the structures of the rest of the
formulas themselves as a whole. Namely, it's components of systems management titled;
Power/Authority (PA2), Morale/Cohesion (M/C2), Norms/Standards (N/S2) and Goals/Objectives
(G/O2). Whereas, each PPES formula is jointly applied toward both strategic and tactical
economic thought or marketing warfare stratagems through the 6 dimensional regions of the 36
Chinese Stratagems of War. This operational analogy also establishes a connection with the 36
subject matters related to the Physiological Settings of rendering problem solving measures of
effectiveness through academic thought.

Remember, that when on each and every occasion that all 9 principle parts of english speech
are used to convey information or knowledge through any medium, a single Method is then
executed to a total of twelve methods representing the 12 major regions of the Human Body, as
each method contains 9 Subcategories that overlap the 9 major processing components of both
the PDA & CPDA worksheets, combined in an effort to accomplish those set goals established
in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Upon this action, when you multiply 9x9 you get 81
feedback interconnections that feed directly into the 81 subcomponents of those formulas listed
in the word file titled Global - 3. While a similar document listed as Global - 4, attaches a search
engine based Genetic Matrix to the processes of personalizing Internet content, as this
technique incorporates Roget's Conceptual Thesaurus. Therefore, product and service
development strategies move as a tactics, and marketing warfare tactics move as strategies
within the Realms of product and services R&D.

As the dice are rolled, a player has a choice of which dice & its corresponding numerical count
shall represent a particular PDA or CPDA matrix dimension. In other words, if dice ( 1 ) rolls a 3
then that number would represent PDA strategic dimension labeled as Measure. Generally, as
in measures taken in relation to matrix elements or cells (1.) Purpose, (2.) Inputs, (3.) Outputs,
(4.) Sequence, (5.) Environment, (6.) Human or Autonomous Agents, (7.) Physical Catalysts,
and finally (8.) Information Aids. If for instance, dice ( 2 ) rolls a 5 then it's corresponding CPDA
tactical dimension label would be Interface, as in user interface or network interconnections.
This dimension's cellular relationships would be similar to the ones referencing the Measures
dimension mentioned above, therefore at this point it's subject matter bares no repeating. Once

the stage has been set the dice then become an integral part of the game of Backgammon and
Dominoes. For example, the game of Backgammon contains a set of dice and 15 chips that
rotate counter-clockwise according to player position over the game board's 24 points. In our
case, the 15 chips referencing the 15 Emperors of Rome from Augustus to Constantine I, minus
one emperor who is represented by the actual player or players involved in the game.

At this point our internal systems programs utilizes the Backgammon game board's 24 points to
overlap the 24 sections of the word files titled, the Chromosomal Matrix and Autonomous
Agent OS Feeds. These documents represent a process of infusing the game of Backgammon
with both PDA/CPDA 48 cellular matrices, as they in turn establish an interconnected causal
relationship with the 24 chapters of the book Caesar: Life Of A Colossus. Next, the following
series of events involves overlapping the 24 books of the Torah as an evidentiary economic
footprint in the efforts against Racism and Anti-Semitism. While additionally, overlapping the 24
focal points of CPDA sections - A1-A4, B1-B4, C1-C4, D1-D4, and E1-E4 consecutively, as well
as their corresponding interconnected overlapping relationship with the Procreative Worksheet's
Financial Elements. As each set of 24 CPDA focal points totaling 5 processes filters through the
entire sequences of events. These events then become reflective of the 16 Genetic Stages
involved with infusing over 96 (i.e., 48 forward and 48 backward chaining) matrixed search
engines into a single minded effort (e.g., as in the five phases of the PDA worksheet or the 5
major Hemispheres of the human brain, as they in turn relates to the 5 component Mindset of
Caesar, or any other Persons, Places or Things within the Marketing Warfare of human history).
It is also at this point that the number 16 lends relevance towards the direction of incorporating
16 Roman Legions as Economic Standards under the marketing warfare auspices of numerous
strategies and tactics. Case in point, the initial set of 16 Roman Legions from the Early Empire
as 16 Roman Emperors. The secondary set of Early Empire Legions as the 16 Genetic Stages.
The third set of legions, Legio I - Legio XXX as CPDA sections - AAF-AAT, ACG-ACV, ADH-
ADW and AEI-AEY. While the final set of 16 Roman Legions represents CPDA sections, B1 -
E4 as each of their individual internal five phases facilitates over 400 Roman Generals, whose
individual mindset is maintained through 5 poker cards in a game of Texas Hold'em.

Similarly, during this same series of events the game of Dominoes comes into play by way of
having it's game rules and numerical pips implemented as matching tactics or counter-
measures to the sum total of each roll of the Dice at the start and heart of this analogous
procreative game play. In other words, if the sum total of the roll of the dice is 1 and 1 or craps,
then a player has a choice between playing the tile listed as Blank 2 or Double 1s as the
spinner. This in turn initiates a counter-move whose actions determines a corresponding
counter counter-move in and of itself, with the clear objective being the random selection of
approximately 36 AAA approaches toward manipulating all six games as a whole. For instance,
domino tile 5/2 representing those Economic Adaptive Autonomous Agents (AAA) involved in
PDA Phase - 5, Process Area - 2, Implementing and Specifying Solutions. Or in the case of the
CPDA worksheet sections - A2, Phase - One. Once the Domino tiles are evenly dispersed into
14 tiles, then each tile becomes the focal point of the 14 procedural elements and dimensions of
both PDA & CPDA genetic matrices.

The following steps stands in recognition of several facts or approaches at this point, and they
are; (1) That the Dice as such are used to strategize a board game in particular called
Backgammon. (2) That the game of Backgammon consists of the counter-clockwise rotation of
15 chips or references to the 15 Emperors of Rome. Plus, one as such representing an
individual player engaged in the thoughts and actions of a particular Ancient Roman Emperor
playing the game. All the while having their internal 12 descriptive Methods as Global

Information Drivers of Strategic & Tactical Innovations (GIDSTI) move across the 6 points
within 4 core Managerial Sections of the Backgammon game board (i.e., P/A, M/C, N/S and
G/O). (3) That the 4 core managerial sections of the game of Backgammon, while being
attached to a 24 focal point Chromosomal Matrix, is additionally comprised of the 4 initial
process areas of the word files called; The Procedural ( 4 Vertical PDA Process Areas Down),
Economic (CPDA sections - AAF-AEY), and Autonomous Economic Procedural Guidelines
(CPDA Sections, B1-E4), or to simply put it the mathematical equation X3. These files list and
categorizes approximately 81 subjects according to their numerical layout under the PPES
formula, as representative of those numerous processes engaged in personalizing Internet
content, all the while integrating over 300 variety of books that support the development of
Strategic and Tactical Setup Features according to the numeric outline of a book's written
subject matter.

The Second of these events broadens into the implementation of the games Checkers and
Chess. Even if you're already familiar with the game board layouts for both Checkers and
Chess, let me remind you that their game boards are similar in that they each contain 64
squares. As in the 64 cells of both the PDA/DNA & CPDA mRNA or tRNA genetic matrices
combined. Also, 8 PDA strategic PPES Formulas X 8 CPDA tactical PPES Formulas = a 64
point observational and operational layout (i.e., Checkers as strategic & Chess as tactical
operations matrixed). Once a visualization of this blueprint is perceived then one need only take
the 5 or more cards dealt him or her, and apply these cards laced with 48 (64-16=48) genetic
codons upon each checker or chess piece as they are played during the course of game play.
Whereas, each suite of cards represents the 4 areas of systems management P/A, M/C, N/S
and G/O. Remember, that each game piece in this case, other than the one considered actually
in play, represents approximately 15 Roman Emperors engaged in the simultaneous application
of both Checkers as an operational strategy, and Chess as a series of tactical processes. When
you consider the importance of the numbers 4x16=64, then can begin to see how this particular
setup provides this network with the ability to use common game play analogies to teach global
markets participants how to model global economies. Simply put, 16 Roman Emperors,
Checkers or Chess pieces, plus the 48 frontal cells of the game board referencing the 48
chapters of a book titled Hannibal, equals a total of 64 possible scenarios through the game
play stratagems of Checkers and/or Chess.

Henceforward, whenever a game piece in Checkers or Chess is moved from it's original starting
point genetic sequences are initiated, whereas a series of 20 amino acid progressions stand in
recognition of the 5x4 PPES procedural layout of both PDA and CPDA worksheets. For
example, their are 2 teams in a baseball game consisting of 9 players, whereas each team
attempts to score the most points by rounding 4 bases. There are 9 possible winning hands in a
game of Poker utilizing 4 suites of cards in a deck consisting of 52 (4 A's - 52=48) playing cards
numerically sequenced 1-10. There are 2 teams in a game of basketball consisting of 5 players
each attempting to outscore their opponents by making the most baskets. Then under the
auspices of the numerous Card Games in the world. The amount of players involved equates
into the same Domino game sequence mentioned above. And the list just goes on and on
infinitum. Finally, the numerical relationships in life in general brings about the following
meaning in this network's attempts at facilitating the health and well being of All Mankind:

The number (1) means a single person, place or thing consisting of 12 internal or external

The number (2) means a strategic and/or tactical relationship with a person, place or thing
consisting of 12 internal or external methods.

The number (3) means a three dimensional relationship with a person, place or thing consisting
of 12 internal or external methods. As in the mathematical equation X3.

The number (4) means the four areas of systems management Power/Authority (P/A),
Morale/Cohesion (M/C), Norms/Standards (N/S) and Goals/Objectives (G/O) as they relate to
the combined technology platforms; P/A - Internet-Based Operating Systems (IBOS), M/C -
Distributive Operating System Architectures (DOSA), N/S - Distributed Abstract Life Programs
(DALP) and the G/O - Integrated Autonomous Office Applications (IAOA). The number 4 also
means PDA vertical columns; Pursuing the P&D Strategy (N/S), Specifying & Presenting
Solutions (M/C), Information Aids (P/A), and finally Arranging for Continual Change &
Improvement (G/O). The number 4 additionally means PDA process area, Involving People, as
it relates to CPDA strategic sections - A1 (N/S), A2 (M/C), A3 (P/A) and A4 (G/O) consecutively.
Moreover, the number 4 corresponds with CPDA tactical sections - [B1-B4, C1-C4, D1-D4 and
E1-E4] successively as established interconnections with 80 Economic Legions. The 80
Economic Legions are comprised of the 1-20 point, 5-Phase 36 AAA stratagems processed
across all 4 areas of management within the PDA worksheet vertical layout, from which 144
core strategies coexist through a genetic matrix with the Global Information Drivers of Strategic
& Tactical Innovations (e.g., 3 initial genetic sequences x 16 cells, codons or roman emperors =
48. The 48 set of genetic sequences as codons or cells x 3 genetic sequences each = 144.
Also, 36 AAAs that are infused into a 1-20 point Integrated Framework x 4 Areas of
Management within a PDA's perspective = 144). Once an analogous operational blueprint of the
80 legions of Ancient Rome is formulated as CPDA sections - [B1-B4, C1-C4, D1-D4 and E1-
E4], and as subcomponents to those formulas listed within documents Global - 3 & 4 as they
are further multiplied by 144 matrixed stratagems, this format shall produce approximately
11,664 Academic Standards of Fiduciary Principles. An Academic Standard consists of 3,927
technology approaches divided into 45M Businesses Worldwide which produces the number
11,465. This total then overlaps the number 11,664 which now represents 11,465 Solution
Providers, each one potentially generating approximately $3.2B over a period of 5 years more
or less.

The number (5) means the 5 phases of both the PDA and CPDA worksheets. The 5 major
Hemispheres of the human brain, as it in turn relates to the 5 component Mindset of Caesar, or
any other Persons, Places or Things within the Marketing Warfare of human history).

The number (6) means the 6 dimensions of Dominoes, and that of the PDA or CPDA 48 cell
matrices. The 6 Orders or Sedarim of the Mishna and it's corresponding 63 Tractates, as it
relates to the 64 cells of both DNA and RNA genetic matrices, as well as the 64 sections of
Building a Guide to an Engineering Body of Knowledge.

The number (7) means the 7 Continents of a global economic perspective or the 7 candlestick
Menorah. The 7 Articles of the United States Constitution as the 7 Kings of Rome, and the 7
hierarchical layers within the Sniffer's Guide to Network Protocols.

The number (8) means the 8 Principle Parts of English Speech (PPES) formula system as it
relates to the (9th) PPES formula PA2, as well as the 8x8 layout of both the board games
Checkers and Chess. The ninth formula infuses the concepts of it's subroutines into each of it's
component PPES predecessors, whereas PA2 = G2, MC2 = E, NS2 = NT2 and GO2 = OT2. This
process continues until all formulas are interconnected as the one into the single (10th) formula
X3, whose structure carries all 9 formula through it's layout 4 times over giving rise to
approximately 36 AAAs. Remember, that these formulas also convert themselves into the 9
major regions of both the PDA and CPDA worksheets, as well as the 9 subcategories of each
Method totaling 12.

The number (9) means the 9 Principle Parts of English Speech formula system that is all
inclusive of it's defined numerical relationships mentioned throughout this website.

The number (10) means Caesar's 10th Legion (i.e., X3) as a simultaneous Republican and
Democratic representation of the 300 global economies by way of the following; Since the
operational mindset of Gaius Julius Caesar is a combined PDA and CPDA 5 - Phase approach
toward implementing problem solving measures of effectiveness through fiduciary concepts, the
format of CPDA sections - A1 thru E4 in their entirety establishes on behalf of this network, a
means by which the 300 CPDA components [A-1-1/^AAA^ thru E-4-5/^EYY^] becomes a
series of rotational elements within the Procreative Worksheet. The effects of which is the
foundation of a mobile economic expeditionary force of wealth and opportunities through a
series of global monetary perspectives. Moreover, this process once it is embodied along the
these guidelines by simply multiplying the 300 economic representatives by as many as their 12
or more members, shall produce approximately 3,927 technology approaches that will be the
foundation to influence global markets through static cutting-edge innovations.

The number (11) means Employment Related Software Development (ERSD) as an overlap to
12 methods.

The number (12) means the twelve Global Information Drivers of Strategic and Tactical
Innovations (GIDSTI), whose individual members when multiplied 12 times equals 144
Operational Grand Stratagems. It also means the 12 major regions of the Human Body. The 12
Apostles of the Body of Jesus Christ. The 12 Tribes of Israel. The combination of the Ten
Commandments in the Old Testament with that of the Two Commandments in the New
Testament, equals the embodiment of Mohammed. Since the nature of the very existence of
Islam, and that of each & every Moslem is founded upon the combination of the two Testaments
as a whole. In other words, 3x12=36 and 4x36=144.

The number (13) means the embodiment of the very nature of an individual person, place or
thing referencing their 12 members (e.g., 1+12=13). This number also represents the
incorporation of the 13 chapters of Sun Tzu's the Art of War.

The number (14) means the 14 topics that are the core issues of both PDA and CPDA cellular
matrices (i.e., 6 Dimensions + 8 Elements). The 14 subjects related to the analogies of Special
Ops in Marketing Warfare strategies and tactics. The 14 Books of Rambam's 613 Mitzvots. And
so on, and so on until a player of the Procreative Modeling of a Global Economic Perspective
achieves the ability to integrate, and as a single minded entity, move all of the principles and
processes mentioned as an Economic Procedural Guideline through the principles and actions
of human sexuality or simple game play.





To the Global Republic of Free Peoples on Planet Earth

July 4, 2020
The A-Square Technology Group & NAME
3107 S. Grand Ave. #314
Los Angeles, CA. 90007

To The Status and Prosperity Of a New Global Republic (SPOR)

The A-Square Technology Group & Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors thanks you for submitting your time
in reading our proposal in preparation and implementation of a global joint research & development strategy for the
foundation of a 20 year multi-trillion dollar global commercial market through autonomous high-tech educational
facilities. This global enterprise will be the cornerstone for the founding of over 11,500 economic mechanisms whose
purposes are the delivery of some 3,925 unique technology platforms that facilitates the creation of approximately
847 new high and low-tech jobs each.
The A-Square Technology Group & Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors, under a contract of mutual
monetary consideration, seeks to revitalize global economies by attracting new innovative developments to meet the
current and future needs of worldwide high-tech communities. It is the organization’s objective to identify
development opportunities, encourage the development of unused or misused office space or real estate, reinforce
commercial activity, and expand the variety of goods and services offered to the high-tech market area or increase
market certainty within fiduciary focal points. A more complete scope of services is outlined within our web pages at The organization, with the assistance of various business operations worldwide, will use the
information gained from the socioeconomic development strategies and fiduciary tactics involved to build and
implement a systemic commercial economic program in the targeted areas of our technology bases and platforms to
engage in a universal war on poverty as a form urban renewal and market expansionism.
As a selected Investor we will enter into a joint R&D contract with The A-Square Technology Group & Nascent
Applied Methods & Endeavors, under the supervision of our core business services. There will be a virtual
post-proposal meeting at the request of all parties concerned. All proposals submitted by July 4, 2020 will be
considered to have premium selection in ownership rights. The projected date for contract commencement is
immediately. All correspondence pertaining to this proposal should be directed to my attention at The A-Square
Technology Group & Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors 3107 S. Grand Ave., #314 Los Angeles CA.

William E. Fields, General Contractor of Network Operations (GCNO)




Our Confidential Plan Utilizing the Power of Molecular &

Genetic Sciences to Immediately Create a New $36 Trillion
Global Market and Over 48 Million New Technology Jobs

Distinguished Members of Government and Society,

We are representatives of a new and innovative global business model that utilizes genetic
and molecular sciences as a means of converting words, concepts or ideas into search
engine or business modeling technologies and new global markets. The format in and of
itself shall facilitate the firms of patent or copyright attorneys with the ability to acquire over
3,927 additional revenue streams, while also protecting the propriety rights of their clients
both previous and current, as their material or new inventions are expressed through
Internet technology bases.

Foremost, since all 11,465 business models or revenue streams as a structural template or
direct copy of the NAME business model itself is capable of directly generating 847 new
jobs each or 9,710,855 systems-wide, our global approaches through the genetic &
molecular application of operational technologies within the world-wide-web shall in-
directly produce in this immediate era approximately 48,554,275 new sources of
employment as a whole. Viewing the current global economic state of things here in
America and elsewhere, we at Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors and the A-Square
Technology Group feel that the 35 yr. R&D project at our disposal might be of interest to
you or any interested parties concerned.

William E. Fields

Please see, Press Release and R&D Joint Venturing




The Total Financial Picture

Releases Advertised Businesses Individuals
11,464.9681 11,464,968.1529 573,248,407.6434

Total Acquired – Global Small & Medium Size Enterprise (SME) Services Market
x114649 Global SME Services Seller Assisted Marketing Plans

Total Acquired – Global SME Services Trust for F.I.R.E. Emergencies within Global Finance Markets
($6,875,625,787,61373) = [$3,672,441,065,613.73 (10% of Global SME Services Market) + $3,203,184,722,000 (GSME/SAMP)]
/20 yrs.

= $343,781,289,38068 per yr.

= $28,648,440,78172 per mo.

= $6,611,178,64200 per wk.

= $944,454,09170 per day

= $39,352,25382 per hr.

= $655,87090 per min.

= $10,93118 per sec.

45,6 (Individuals & Businesses Worldwide) / 3,925 (NAME SME Customers) = 11,464.9681 (SME Services Releases) x
$3,203,184,722 (Per 5 Year Market Share) = $36,724,410,656,13737 (Total) / $3,203,184,722,000 (Global SME Services Seller
Assisted Marketing Share) = 11.4649 (Global SME Services Seller Assisted Marketing Plans)

The Fiduciary Techniques of Protection

1. Business Model - Power/Authority (The Sociological Approaches) NAME

I. $2,505,847,222,00000 (Licenses or Releases)
2. Copyright - Norms/Standards (The Philosophical Approaches) ERSD
3. Patent - Morale/Cohesion (The Psychological Approaches) GHOST
I. $2,700,000,000,00000 (U.S. Registrations)
4. Trademark - Goals/Objectives (The Physiological Approaches) A-SQUARE

The Financials Defined

1) The Seller Assisted Marketing Plan Fee (SAMP) - $38,830 Itemized:
a) Password Registration & Subscription to the EINNS - $69.95
b) Systems Processing and Database Setup - $129.95
c) Business Website Development and Web Hosting - $420
d) ISP Integration and Intranet Implementation - $840
e) E-Commerce Marketing Research & Development - $2,880
f) Systems Training and Installation - $6,900
g) Systems Hardware and Software Expenditure - $7,600
h) International E-Commerce Facilitation - $9,800
i) Merchant Reserve Trust Account Deposit - $10,200

2) The Fees for Educational or Employment Related Systems Development:

a) Employee (Personalized-Format Two Year Program) - $42,521 ($1,771.67 Monthly) ***
b) Employees (Integrated Group-Format Two Year Program) - $57,117 ($2,379.84 Monthly) ****
c) Manager (Personalized-Format Two Year Program) - $47,808 ($1,992.00 Monthly) ***
d) Managers (Integrated Group-Format Two Year Program) - $62,400 ($2,600.00 Monthly) ****
e) Employer (Personalized-Format Two Year Program) - $250,008 ($10,417.00 Monthly) ***
f) Employers (Integrated Group-Format Two Year Program) - $349,992 ($14,583.00 Monthly) ****
g) Small Business (Personalized-Format Two Year Program) - $450,000 ($18,750.00 Monthly) ***
h) Large Businesses (Integrated Group-Format Two Year Program) - $550,008 ($22,917.00 Monthly) ****
$1,809,852.96 ($75,410.54 Monthly)

I. Packaged Group Orders for Small Businesses - $790,336.80 ($32,930.70 Monthly) ***
o Employee (Personalized-Format Two Year Program) - $42,521
o Manager (Personalized-Format Two Year Program) - $47,808
o Employer (Personalized-Format Two Year Program) - $250,008
o Small Business (Personalized-Format Two Year Program) - $450,000

II. Packaged Group Orders for Large Businesses - $1,019,516.16 ($42,479.84 Monthly) ****
o Employee (Integrated Group-Format Two Year Program) - $57,117
o Manager (Integrated Group-Format Two Year Program) - $62,400
o Employer (Integrated Group-Format Two Year Program) - $349,992
o Small Business (Integrated Group-Format Two Year Program) - $550,008

$3,619,705.92 ($150,821.08) x 312 = $1,129,348,247.04 ($47,056,176.96 Monthly)

3) The Initial SAMP Local or Regional Build Configuration for 311.50923 (312) Intermediaries Referencing
3,925 Customers:
The Seller Assisted Marketing Plan 312 Intermediary Recruitment Phase ROI is $12,114,960 per business model with about 535 internal
support personnel as a small business operation. Creating a total of 847 new jobs while mimicking the NAME business model as a whole:
a) 12 Intermediaries - $38,830 ($465,960 1st Month)
b) 50 Intermediaries - $38,830 ($1,941,500 2nd Month)
c) 50 Intermediaries - $38,830 ($1,941,500 3rd Month)
d) 50 Intermediaries - $38,830 ($1,941,500 4th Month)
e) 50 Intermediaries - $38,830 ($1,941,500 5th Month)
f) 50 Intermediaries - $38,830 ($1,941,500 6th Month)
g) 50 Intermediaries - $38,830 ($1,941,500 7th Month)

4) The Initial SAMP Global Build Configuration for 311,509.23 Intermediaries Referencing a 3,925,000
Customer Base:
a) 588.8643288 Intermediaries or Independent Operations (Phase One)
b) 2,355.4573158 Intermediaries or Independent Operations (Phase Two)
c) 11,777.286579 Intermediaries or Independent Operations (Phase Three)
d) 49,464.60363 Intermediaries or Independent Operations (Phase Four)
e) 49,464.60363 Intermediaries or Independent Operations (Phase Five)
f) 49,464.60363 Intermediaries or Independent Operations (Phase Six)
g) 49,464.60363 Intermediaries or Independent Operations (Phase Seven)
h) 49,464.60363 Intermediaries or Independent Operations (Phase Eight)
i) 49,464.60363 Intermediaries or Independent Operations (Phase Nine)

5) Fees Accumulated from Services Rendered through the Intermediaries:

a) All fees generated through the Intermediaries are depicted in the Regional Data Sheet. Please use that example by moving
the decimal point over three places. The numbers inputted are meant to be suggestive, but are real-world nevertheless.
b) After 90 days of training each Intermediary begins acquiring customers at the monthly rate depicted above within each
service category for those educational services or patent upgrades delivered over a period of 2 years or less.
c) The rationale behind a SAMP framework is to develop high-tech version of a pre-established California Commercial Code
that would provide our services a reliable investment structure outside of the box of traditional forms of debt or VC capital.
In that the law states, “That a Seller of a Seller Assisted Marketing Plan (SAMP) can charge a buyer (Subcontract
Intermediaries) of a Seller Assisted Marketing Plan Contract a maximum of approximately $50,000 per contract in lue of
using those funds to initiate an operation or business on behalf of the buyer in an attempt to make a profit from said
business or operation.” When this law is applied to computer networking or the Internet on a global scale the skies are the
limit. In this case, approximately 312 Subcontract Intermediaries or Consultants, etc. x $38,830 per business model
participant = $12,114,960 from a different investment perspective involving Crowd Funding.
d) Even though the fees associated with our service model seem expensive all charges can be waived for either a temporary or
permanent basis depending upon those market forces driven within certain internal divisions or markets within our
network. In other words, in order to move things along quickly in a tight economy we could postpone all fees associated
with the Seller Assisted Marketing Plan itself, while seeking investment capital elsewhere.

Company Name: Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors
Thirty Second Elevator Pitch: We are representatives of a new and innovative corporation that utilizes genetic and molecular sciences as
a means of converting words, concepts or ideas into search engine or business modeling technologies and new global markets. Case in point, our
organization in and of itself shall facilitate the firms of patent or copyright attorneys with the ability to acquire over 3,927 additional revenue
streams, while also protecting the propriety rights of their clients both previous and current, as their material or new inventions are expressed
through Internet technology bases.

Business Summary: Company:

Outreach and Consultations Company Name: Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors
Outreach: In addition to promoting, and facilitating automated business practice initiatives within industry, government, and Address: 3107 S Grand Ave. #314
City, State, Zip: Los Angeles, Ca. 90007
• Provide demonstrations of electronic commerce, enterprise work architectures, and related technologies.
• Perform studies and analyses to identify how electronic commerce and information management can improve Contact:
both performance and profits. Name: William E. Fields
• Conduct a business case analysis of a customer organization to determine the functional and economic impact Position: General Contractor of Network Operations
of implementing EC technologies. Email:
Cell/Direct Phone: (213) 421-9316
• Assemble a team of business and technical specialists to address a customer’s situation in depth.
• Assist the customer in developing prototype solutions using ABP and business process re-engineering. Company Snapshot:
Industry: Educational Systems Development
Consultation: NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVOURS offers help in the technical areas concerning automated # of Employees: 2
business practices. Such areas include: Founded: 1984
• The use of online and network data sources to support clients. Financial Information:
• Database tools for the collection and analysis of lessons from previous consultations with people and Funding Stage: Seed & IPO Funding
businesses across various industries. Capital Seeking: $1,300,000 Seed / $110,000,000 IPO Funding over 5
• Helping customers focus on important hardware and software features to assists in making “smart” purchasing years
decisions. Global SAMP Pre-Money Valuation: $445,184,711
Previous Capital: $352,030
• Hands-on experience with ABP through evaluating and incorporating them into NASCENT APPLIED
Global Market Monthly Burn Rate: $45,517,769,750 upon initiation of all
METHODS & ENDEAVOURS’s business operations. 11,465 SAMP business models and their full staffing within our initial 20
• EDI, EWA and ALP software, hardware, and implementation. year global marketing plan
• Database design and implementation. Use of Proceeds:
• Electronic document management.  Acquisition of existing Dot-Com(s) with established customer-bases for
• Local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN). use as a distribution channel & to secure initial round of investments.
• Multimedia Social Networking.  Preparation development for expansion.
 Beta testing e-commerce platforms for global experimental R&D Joint-
Opportunity for the Market: Ventures.
In the rapidly growing global digital economy, the ability to reach consumers through ON DEMAND business modeling &  Marketing business models & copyright or patent upgrade services and
personalized search engine technologies is paramount in generating revenue in the present & coming ages. There is also products.
the need for businesses and other entities to efficiently & cost-effectively communicate or educate their employees while  Hiring key internal staff or outsourcing.
staying abreast of the latest technological advances within new GREEN business models utilizing the virtual application of  Assembly of Investment Advisory Board, etc.
genetic & molecular sciences.
Service/Product/Technology: Market:
Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors is a California-based corporation and network providing Electronic Commerce Size: 50M businesses & 4 billion Smartphone applications
Applications (ECA), Enterprise Work Architectures (Business Models), Autonomous Knowledge Worker Systems (KWS) Demographic: Global
to combat global terrorism, and Distributed Artificial Life Programming (Avatars) technologies through a collaborative- Marketing Strategy: California’s Seller Assisted Marketing Plan
networking strategy. NAME intends to capitalize on the opportunities in this area by being the first corporation to introduce a Sales Strategy: NAME is based in Los Angeles and has initially tapped
collaborative internet-based operating system using high-concept theories such as genetic algorithms, biological suffix trees, into the local market, though by its own nature it can easily reach a global
and a host of other information-retrieval or monetary strategies in relation to artificial life (avatar) or virtual economic scenario customer base. Essentially, any business, institution, or public agency is
programming involving global joint research & development through the use of the molecular sciences. a potential customer in a global market consisting of over 60 million
Business Model:
Additional Information:
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s technology is able to deliver an order of magnitude improvement over
Management: William E. Fields (GCNO), etc.
other commercially available products and services. This dramatic increase represents a significant breakthrough in the Advisors: The Linkedin Network & Tiber Creek Corporation
design, development and implementation of enhanced artificial intelligence programs and services. One of the main Investors: William E. Fields, Michael S. Diamond, etc.
practical applications for NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s technologies is that of e-commerce shopping Referred By: The Linkedin Network
portals. By using its technologically advanced methods, the Network can establish highly functional and well-trafficked
comparison-shopping sites that are search-engine-optimized to quickly and inexpensively reach consumers via all the major
search engines
Customer Profile:
NAME is based in Los Angeles and has initially tapped into the local market, though by its own nature it can easily reach a
global customer base. Essentially, any business, institution, or public agency is a potential customer in a global market
consisting of over 60 million businesses. NAME will target the business owners and decision-makers among these
Competitors, Direct: None
Competitors, Alternative: Once Known Anyone
Resources Needed Beyond Funding: Effective internal staffing & outsourcing of special client services.
Global Market Financial Projections:
Financials 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

$482,210,447,750 $7,061,831,988,120 $7,061,831,988,120 $7,061,831,988,120 $7,061,831,988,120
$567,653,990,825 $5,087,539,188,065 $5,671,756,286,045 $5,676,267,591,570 $5,685,756,977,165

Net ($85,443,543,075) $1,974,292,800,055 $1,390,075,702,075 $1,385,564,396,550 $1,376,075,010,955




Global Advertising Fee Structures

($600 Billion or More a Year Market in Customer-Based Costs of Living Expenditures)

Level - 1 Global Market for Small-Size Ecommerce Auction-Sites

Involving IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] Technology Base
(1-12 Commodities Markets or Methodical Units $250,000,000 - $27,500,000,000)

1. $1,000 - $5,000
2. $5,000 - $10,000
3. $15,000 - $20,000
4. $25,000 - $30,000
5. $35,000 - $40,000
6. $45,000 - $50,000
7. $55,000 - $60,000
8. $65,000 - $70,000
9. $75,000 - $80,000
10. $85,000 - $90,000
11. $95,000 - $100,000
12. $105,000 - $110,000

Level - 2 Global Market for Medium-Size Ecommerce Auction-Sites

Involving IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] Technology Base
(1-12 Commodities Markets or Methodical Units $2,500,000,000 - $60,000,000,000)

1. $10,000 - $20,000
2. $30,000 - $40,000
3. $50,000 - $60,000
4. $70,000 - $80,000
5. $90,000 - $100,000
6. $110,000 - $120,000

7. $130,000 - $140,000 *** Average price for each category of the maximum advertising fee
8. $150,000 - $160,000
9. $170,000 - $180,000
10. $190,000 - $200,000
11. $210,000 - $220,000
12. $230,000 - $240,000

Level - 3 Global Market for Deluxe-Size Ecommerce Auction-Sites

Involving IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] Technology Base
(1-12 Commodities Markets or Methodical Units $62,500,000,000 - $120,000,000,000)

1. $250,000 - $260,000
2. $270,000 - $280,000
3. $290,000 - $300,000
4. $310,000 - $320,000
5. $330,000 - $340,000
6. $350,000 - $360,000
7. $370,000 - $380,000
8. $390,000 - $400,000
9. $410,000 - $420,000
10. $430,000 - $440,000
11. $450,000 - $460,000
12. $470,000 - $480,000

Level - 4 Global Market for Large-Scale Consultative Planning & Design Auction-Sites Involving
IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] Technology Base
(1-12 Commodities Markets or Methodical Units $125,000,000,000 - $412,500,000,000)

1. $500,000 - $550,000
2. $600,000 - $650,000
3. $700,000 - $750,000
4. $800,000 - $850,000
5. $900,000 - $950,000
6. $1,000,000 - $1,050,000
7. $1,100,000 - $1,150,000
8. $1,200,000 - $1,250,000
9. $1,300,000 - $1,350,000
10. $1,400,000 - $1,450,000
11. $1,500,000 - $1,550,000
12. $1,600,000 - $1,650,000

Maximum Accumulated Market Totals
(50M Subscribers, within a combined Market of 1M E-Businesses World-Wide)

$620,000,000,000 Advertising-Based Market Structure, 5 Years
$2,505,847,222,000 SAMP-Based Market Structure, 5 Years
$3,125,847,222,000 User & SAMP Markets Combined, 5 Years

$11,970,000,000 ISP-ASP ($19.95 Monthly Fee - $997,500,000 Per Mo.)

$3,497,500,000 ISP-ASP ($69.95 Yearly Registration/Upgrades)
$15,467,500,000 Annually
($77,337,500,000, 5 years)
($3,203,184,722,000 Market/System-Wide, 5 Years)

Primary Time Slots for Bid Positioning or Advertising Rank

1. Level – 1 I – XII E-Commerce Methodical Units Covered, 6:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
2. Level – 2 I – XII E-Commerce Methodical Units Covered, 6:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
3. Level – 3 I – XII E-Commerce Methodical Units Covered, 6:00 A.M. – 12:00 A.M.
4. Level – 4 I – XII E-Commerce Methodical Units Covered, 6:00 A.M. – 6:00 A.M.

The A-Sqaure Technology Group’s Marketing Strategies in Simple Terms

The Advertising Market

In order to achieve those financial numbers depicted in the levels above, Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors
marketing strategies will consists of three primary branches; The first branch, involves the founding of a software
engineering laboratory, whose initial products & services are based upon the engineering, and free distribution of
its IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] technologies. In other words, if 50 million copies are manufactured, distributed &
used. This will in turn, establish an annual multi-billion dollar consumer-base market within the realm of
ecommerce. Over a period of 5 years, & based upon this marketing approach, NAME will charge approximately
250,000 businesses within each level world-wide, the appropriate fees for becoming attached to the
IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] technology group, as an auction-based E-Retailer for a 5 year time period. At the end of
which, our services will be adjusted in this area.

The Educational Market

The second branch, encompasses a strategy of implementing a distributed or distant learning network within the
IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] technology environment. From this perspective, market revenues are generated through
an adjacent fee structure, for those educational services supported by NAME through its Subcontractors. These
311,509 subcontractors need only acquire 1 client per year, in order to achieve those financial goals set-forth
within NAME’s global business plans.
The Membership Market

To simply put it, the third branch revolves around the annual premise that if 50 million IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA]
copies are manufactured, distributed & used, then a monthly & annual fee for technology support will accurately
reflect the numbers above in that area.

The ultimate goal in this area, in order to acquire a user base of this enormity, is to establish a number benefits
within the IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] technology environment as listed below;

A. The ability to focus Internet content, into a personalize intranet for each user.
B. Free give aways directly from the network, such as free medical assistance, educational scholarships,
computers, etc.
C. The ability to deduct some expenses from local, state and/or federal taxation within the U.S.




Prefatory Note to the Total Financial Picture of a New

Global High-Tech Economy (First Essay)

To the Current State of the Existence of All Mankind:

When the free peoples of planet earth reflect that they are now called upon to decide the final
question of their actions towards one another, which, in its consequences, must prove one of
the most important that has ever engaged their attention, the propriety of their taking a very
comprehensive, as well as a very serious, view of it, will be evident.

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of a universal perspective of a global
monetary existence, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, All
Mankind must eventually cede to it some of its unnatural rights of human indifference in order
to vest it with requisite powers of emotional and economic freedoms. It is well worthy of
consideration therefore, whether it would conduce more to the interest of Mankind that it
should, to all general purposes, become united, under a Universal Law of Observation that
Exists within a Global Republic of Economic Thought, or that they should divide themselves into
separate emotional or economic confederacies, and give to the head of each the illusion of the
same kind of powers from which they are advised has not or does not currently exists
within Perspectives of a Global Economy.

It has until lately been a received and uncontradicted opinion that the prosperity of All Mankind
depended on its continuing firmly united, and the wishes, prayers, and efforts of the best and
wisest citizens on earth have been constantly directed to that object. But academics might
appear, who will insist that this opinion is erroneous, and that instead of looking for safety and
happiness in a global economic union of abstract fiduciary principalities, we ought to seek it in a
division of financial or emotional states which are distinct conflicting reactionary confederacies
or behavioral sovereignties of a pre-existing invisible defacto global republic of fraudulent free
market forces. However extraordinary this new doctrine may appear, it nevertheless will have
its advocates; and certain characters who might become much opposed to it formerly, will be at
present times of various numbers. Whatever may be the arguments or inducements which
might wrought this change in the sentiments and declarations of the opinionated, it certainly
would not be wise for the peoples of this planet at large to adopt these new academic tenets
without being fully convinced that they are founded in truth and sound economic policy.

It has often given me as a human being pleasure to observe that aspect of Humanity that was
not composed of detached and distant emotional territories, but that of one connected, fertile,
and filled with wide-spreading forms of existence that are proportioned to the causes and
peoples of liberty and economic freedoms. Providence has in a particular manner blessed All
Mankind with a variety of soils and methods of productions, and watered it with innumerable
streams of knowledge and potential, for the delight and accommodation of its inhabitants at
the behest of Higher or Universal Powers. A succession of navigable academic waters forms a
kind of chain around its monetary borders, as if to bind it together; while the most noble
ecclesiastical rivers in the world, running at convenient distances, presents them with the most
technical highways known to modern man for the easy communication of friendly aids, and the
mutual transportation and exchange of their various commodities on a global scale at personal

With equal pleasure I have taken notice that Providence has been pleased to finally give this
planet, as promised throughout human history, one connected global economic perspective to
a united peoples on earth—a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same
language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very
similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts,
fighting side by side throughout long and bloody wars, have nobly established through trial and
error, trials and tribulations general liberties and independence from global free market

I may well live long enough in secret to witness this planet and its inhabitants become made for
each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence, that an inheritance so proper
and convenient for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties, should never
be split into a number of unsocial, jealous, and alien economic behavioral sovereignties.

Similar sentiments have hitherto prevailed among all orders and denominations of men
amongst us on this planet at this point in human history. To all general purposes we have
uniformly been one people each individual citizen everywhere either pursuing or enjoying the

same natural rights, privileges, and protections afforded any and all cognitive beings created
equal in the presence of a Universal GOD. As nations of families we have made peace and war;
as nations of families we have attempted to vanquish what we thought from time-to-time were
our common enemies; as a nations of families we have formed alliances, and made treaties,
and entered into various compacts and conventions with what we were taught as those who
were existing in foreign academic states or conflicting monetary objectives.

A strong sense of the values and blessings of a united global economic perspective shall
induced the peoples of this planet, at very early periods within the going-ons of their daily
activities, to institute a Universal Law of Observation that Exist within a Global Republic of
Economic Thought, and to preserve or perpetuate it as well. It shall transform All Mankind as
evidenced throughout human history, into forming it almost as soon as its internal economic
forces achieves various political existences; nay, at times when the habitations of some peoples
were in monetary flames, when many a citizen on this planet were bleeding from economic
bondage, and when the progress of emotional hostility and fiduciary desolation left little room
for those calm and mature inquiries and reflections which must ever precede the formation of a
wise and well-balanced state of existence for a free people living in a global free market society.
It is not to be wondered at, that traditional market forces instituted in times so inauspicious,
should on experiment be found greatly deficient and inadequate to the purposes that they
were intended to answer by the mere fact of the existence of their design within historic

Throughout human history intelligent peoples on Earth perceived and regretted these
socioeconomic of monetary character. Still continuing no less attached to various unions than
enamored of economic liberties, they observed the danger which immediately threatened the
former and more remotely the latter; and being persuaded that ample security for both could
only be found in various national governments more wisely framed, they as with one voice,
shall immediately convene at this point in human history a tardy convention of universal
achievements, to take that important subject under consideration.

This convention of universal achievements through monetary strategies and tactics most often
is composed of all men, women and children who possessed the confidence of numerous
peoples across this planet, and many of whom had become highly distinguished by their zeal to
acquire socioeconomic patriotism, virtue, wisdom and eternal life through the moral principles
of global free markets, in times which tried the minds and hearts of all men, women and
children victimized by human indifferences, undertook the arduous task. In the mild season of
peace, with minds unoccupied by other subjects, they passed many months in cool,
uninterrupted, and daily consultation; and finally, without having been awed by power, or

influenced by any passions except love for their themselves and others, they presented and
recommended to All Mankind a plan produced by their joint and very unanimous councils.

Admit, for so is the fact, that this plan is only recommended, not imposed, yet let it be
remembered that it is neither recommended to blind approbation, nor to blind reprobation; but
to that sedate and candid consideration which the magnitude and importance of the subject
demand, and which it certainly ought to receive. But this (as was remarked in the foregoing
areas of this newsletter) is more to be wished than expected, that it may be so considered and
examined. Experience on former occasions teaches All Mankind not to be too sanguine in such
hopes. It is not yet forgotten that well-grounded apprehensions of imminent economic dangers
in the past induced numerous peoples across this planet to form memorable societies. That
organized bodies of men have recommended certain measures to their constituents, and that
these events have either proved or have broken the foundations of their wisdom; and yet again
it will be fresh in our memories of how soon the press shall began to teem with reports and
articles against various conflicting measures whose methodology achieve no end results but an
intentional waste of monetary or human resources. Enlisting many an officer of various
economies and governments, who obeyed the dictates of invisible personal interests, as well as
those of others, from a mistaken estimate of consequences, or the undue influence of former
attachments, or whose ambition is aimed at objects which do not correspond with the public
good, will be indefatigable in their efforts to persuade the people of this planet to reject the
advice of a patriotic calling of fiduciary certainties. Many, indeed, might become deceived and
deluded, but the great majority of all peoples within all nations on Earth shall have been
positioned to reason and decide judiciously; and happy shall they become when they recognize
that they are existing in era reflecting that day that they did so.

They shall also have considered that the adoption of a Universal Law of Observation that Exist
within a Global Republic of Economic Thought be composed of many wise and experienced
men, women and children. And that being so convened from different parts of the world, that
they may have brought with them and communicated to each other a variety of useful
economic information. That, in the course of the time they passed together in inquiring into
and discussing the true interests of all peoples and their economies, they must have acquired
very accurate knowledge on that figure head. That they were individually interested in the
public liberty and prosperity All Mankind, and therefore that it was not less their inclination
than their duty to recommend only such measures as, after the most mature deliberation, they
really thought prudent and advisable to the inhabitants of this planet.

These and similar considerations then might induced all peoples to rely greatly on the judgment
and integrity of the effort in and of itself; and that of the process that they took note of in their
advice, notwithstanding the various arts and endeavors used to deter them from doing so. But
if the peoples of all nations of families on Earth at large had reason to confide in the meetings
ahead, few of whom that shall be fully tried or generally known, still greater reason have they
now to respect the judgment and advice of the convention methods themselves, for it is well
known that some of the most distinguished members of all societies, who have been since tried
and justly approved for their economic patriotism and abilities, and who have grown old in
acquiring political information, will be members of this convention of historical economic
thought, and carried into it their accumulated knowledge and experience.

It is worthy of remark that not only the first, but every succeeding parley, as well as any late
convention, will have invariably joined with the peoples of all nations of families in thinking that
the prosperity of All Mankind is depended upon an eventual Global Economic Union. To
preserve and perpetuate it was the great object of any people in forming a convention of this
sort, and it is also the great object of the plan which the convention has advised them to adopt.
With what propriety, therefore, or for what good purposes, are attempts at this particular
period made by some to depreciate the importance of a Global Economic Union? Or why is it
suggested that various emotional or economic confederacies would be better than one? I am
persuaded in my own mind that the people have always thought right on this subject, and that
their universal and uniform attachment to the cause of a Global Economic Union rests on great
and weighty reasons, which I shall endeavor to develop and explain in some ensuing papers.
They who promote the idea of substituting a number of distinct confederacies in the room of
the plan of the convention, seem clearly to foresee that the rejection of it would put the
continuance of any Global Economic Union in the utmost jeopardy. That certainly would be the
case, and I sincerely wish that it may be as clearly foreseen by every good citizen of this planet,
that whenever the dissolution of a Global Economic Union arrives, All Mankind will have reason
to exclaim, in the words of the poet: Farewell! A long farewell to all my greatness.

-Quintilian [Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat] petitioning on behalf of All Mankind in standing reference
to a literary moment of John Jay




A Serious Socioeconomic Thought on Global Markets

Urgent Memorandum Regarding Our In-House Copyright &

Patent Upgrade Processes Referencing The Bilski vs. Kappos Ruling

To Whom It May Concern:

Forward this email to any and all associates regarding our ability to suit the productivity
needs of patent attorneys. Quoting Fenwick & West own public PDF postings @,
"Determine whether the claims recite a physical transformation or specific
machine" Referencing this point, as you know our autonomous Computer Aided Software
Engineering (CASE) abilities currently known as a publicly posted conceptual map @, utilizes molecular and
genetic sciences or sequences to convert words, concepts and ideas into systems
technologies, that also either in turn directly or indirectly support machine processing, shall
eventually as in the words of Fenwick & West "Find support in existing applications for
claim amendments to include machine or transformation elements."

Furthermore, as in the words of Fenwick and West, "For impacted products/services,

examine patent protection for related aspects that will pass the machine or
transformation test and file additional applications." Our current structural abilities to
replicate into 11,465 global
prototypes shall produce legal firms of the likeness of Intellectual Ventures @ With immediate revenues guaranteed to be at the
projected levels of over $3.2B every 5 years for each one because of the uncertainty that

the ruling of Bilsky vs. Kappos has created on a global scale. "It will be like nothing seen or
heard of since the invention & testing of the atomic bomb."

Our 35 year research will without a doubt surpass the legal definition of the Machine-or-
Transformation test even at the appellate levels, or even perhaps at the levels of the
Supreme Court as far as future filings are concerned, when considering that a ruling against
our products and services would equal the courts saying that any and all patents in the past
that include molecular elements as they are defined through words, concepts and ideas are
invalid as well when applied and protected in industry. The following attachments are source
material for stating our case in client acquisition.

As stated by the attorneys at Jones & Askew, LLP and Michael S. Pavento In
CONCLUSION, "The State Street Bank decision (i.e., has opened the floodgates
for e-commerce companies to seek patent protection for their innovative models of
conducting business via the Internet. Given the rapid growth of e-commerce opportunities,
savvy companies have recognized that patents can serve as offensive and defensive tools
for warding off competitors. In the on-line environment, patents enable a new company to
establish a foothold in a marketplace, opening the door for licensing opportunities and the
attraction of capital investments. Indeed, the competitive advantages provided by patents
may be vital to the success of any company trying to enter the Internet marketplace.
Accordingly, attorneys representing businesses throughout Georgia should be aware that
patent rights are available for computer-implemented business models as well as innovative
software technologies. Given the rapidly growing number of pending patent applications and
issued patents relating to e-commerce, businesses conducting business on the Internet are
wise to seek patent protection sooner rather than later. Otherwise, a more aggressive
competitor may win the race to secure an on-line market niche based on a patented
business model."

Take care and enjoy the fruits of life because it's about to become abundant for us. As in
the words of Rabbi Noson Weisz @, "The
world of the bracha is necessarily a world of limitless generosity. The ability to
draw on the inexhaustible source of blessing must be expressed in the form of
benevolence toward others. For someone who has access to limitless blessings
there is no such thing as not enough to go around for everyone. Whatever I give
away can be immediately replaced by a fresh flow from the source." Government
revenue projections due to our intervention have yet to be determined beyond the annual
$640B because of the lack of definitive references, but the information @ is a great starting
point. This doesn't include the markets for the WIPO filings using our technologies which are
between $40-$120K for each one multiplied by mere global economic necessity.






The Economic Affairs of the A-Square Technology Group

and Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors

Memorandum in Response to a Global SME Business Plan

To Whom It May Concern:

In response to a business plan to start operations in general support of new efforts toward Innovative
Environmentalism or E-Issues submitted, I have drafted this memorandum in the hopes of clarifying our
proposal toward a mutual joint venture that benefits our monetary goals and objectives as it relates to
underwriting our network operation on a global scale through banking principles under U.S. rules. First of
all, based upon my expertise as a researcher, I can only hope to use certain documents or web pages that
best convey our mutual expectations as they relate to operational planning and design. Based upon this
fact I shall begin with a definitive positioning of our cornerstone institution or think tank as it is involved
with the distribution of approximately 11,500 interface business models or SMEs as they are in turn
referred to individually as,, etc.

My initial references are towards that of the Procreative Business Modeling technique mentioned within
the webpage This area of our definitive application
explains the global approaches or marketing umbrella for eCommerce that will deliver a business model
of which facilitates an educational environment conducive with thousands of clients, henceforward
referred to as SME Evolving Novel Organizational Forms @ The initial numerical relationship
or outline of the Procreative Business Modeling webpage is that of seven (7) major sections as they turn
relate to the procedural or literary outline of NASA’s System Engineering Handbook mentioned @
6105%20Rev%201%20Final%2031Dec2007.pdf. I have found that in an attempt to introduce new
technologies or innovations to a pre-existing marketplace that is either fundamentally or financially
strained, that it is best advised not to reinvent the wheel as of lately, but to use what others are most
familiar with as far as terminology is concerned. Therefore, this is the basic premise of all the documents
used within this network to manufacture its consultative and high-tech software or infrastructural job
producing deliverables.

Overall this is how it works. In order to manage the operation as a business entity, while simultaneously
educating key personnel as to operational functionalities, I numbered the structural outline of key
documents according cultural traditions and/or the numerical outline of the documents referenced
themselves. In other words, the web pages @ are a definitive
example of our approaches in this area alone. Hidden within the structure of this webpage is the means by
which we shall adapt and utilize a host of literary works as a way of acquiring marketing strategies, while
simultaneously implementing those monetary tactics related to our overall financial objectives. The
operational business plan used to manage the internal functions of our network as it relates to the issues of
monetary gain is best referenced @ This business plan
defines our internal operation parameters as well as the structural blueprint for contractual deliverables as
defined @ as a support services SME
in general, or as specific high-tech SME infrastructures as referenced @ and

For the record, may I suggest that any references or use of the words Small or Medium Size Enterprises
(SME) be reflective of those materials listed at;

A. Small and Medium Enterprise Development Framework -

B. Supporting Enterprise Development and SME in Europe -

C. SME eBusiness Readiness In Five Eastern European Countries -$FILE/olive

D. Leveraging Entrepreneurial Orientation To Enhance SME Export Performance -

E. SME Adjustments to Information Technology In Trade Facilitation: The South Korean Experience -

F. A More Complete Conceptual Framework for SME Finance -

G. Performance Modeling For Interoperability SMEs -

H. SME Marketing Programs -


Subsequently, at this point there currently resides the need to further discuss our network’s financial
configuration as it relates to SME projects and banking. For the sake of argument and to avoid having our
new innovative approaches toward high-tech global networks defined by others or other institutions we
have decided to use what is called in the state of California a Seller Assisted Marketing Plan, of which, an
example shall be forwarded to you as a document or word file titled, NAME's Joint-Venture Services
Contracts. This law provides for us with the ability apply traditional laws toward global innovative
institutions like ourselves at this point in our development. Seller Assisted Marketing Plan contracts are
best defined @ Since we have
begun releasing or distributing our business models for about $42,520 each through our eBay storefront
@, which is around the maximum fee under California
Law, our next step then involves selecting our market and acquiring a general socioeconomic perspective
as to a twofold set of monetary ranges as (1.) the end-user clients @, and (2.) as a
series of financial worksheets that are reflective of those fiduciary predictions @
A%20SHEET%20PART-IIa.XLS, etc.

It is at this point that we request your entrance into the picture in general. If our proposal/business plan is
read correctly your position will be that of the financial facilitator for all of our global interests that are
representative of a vast number of U.S. patent titles and positions. In other words, underwrite our needs as
a financial facilitator of all 11,465 business models at our immediate deposal to the economic tune of
approximately $487,491,800 in subtotal, of which is currently reflective of an initial issue of our 75,000
corporate shares at a value of approximately $6,500 for each share. In order to minimize risk all that need
be done is to have perspective SME owners of our services sign a debtors contract reflective of the new
term titled Guaranteed Investment Contract (GIC) @ or Secured Investment Contract (SIC) @ My intent in referencing this idea is to minimize risk by having
potential SME owners of our business models become indebted or receive ghost loans of approximately
$42,520 while not actually receiving the monies involved in the initial transactions themselves by the
keeping the monies placed within their originating banking institution(s). I will elaborate upon this
technique at a later date. All initial startup expenses could be managed by engaging their setup processes
through a distant learning environment and the localized outsourcing of traditional business
methodologies such as legal representation for additional fees. In closing, I would like to simply state,
“That I will basically give you free reign in going ahead and setting up your financial operations with the
full expectation of our unlimited technical support in producing those high-tech goods and services as
stated within the webpages at Our commitment to you and your operation will be
unwavering in regards to meeting our mutual expectations of monetary gain in the immediate future as
long as an atmosphere of trust reigns superior.”


William E. Fields, General Contractor of Network Operations & Director




William E. Fields

Company Name: Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors
Thirty Second Elevator Pitch: We are representatives of a new and innovative corporation that utilizes genetic and
molecular sciences as a means of converting words, concepts or ideas into search engine or business modeling technologies and new
global markets. Case in point, our organization in and of itself shall facilitate the firms of patent or copyright attorneys with the
ability to acquire over 3,927 additional revenue streams, while also protecting the propriety rights of their clients both previous and
current, as their material or new inventions are expressed through Internet technology bases.

Business Summary: Company

Outreach and Consultations Company Name: Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors
Outreach: In addition to promoting, and facilitating automated business practice initiatives within industry, government, and Address: 3107 S. Grand Ave. #314
academia, NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS can: City, State, Zip: Los Angeles, Ca. 90064
• Provide demonstrations of electronic commerce, enterprise work architectures, and related technologies. URL:
• Perform studies and analyses to identify how electronic commerce and information management can improve
both performance and profits. Contact
• Conduct a business case analysis of a customer organization to determine the functional and economic impact of Name: William E. Fields
implementing EC technologies. Position: General Contractor of Network Operations
• Assemble a team of business and technical specialists to address a customer’s situation in depth. Email:
• Assist the customer in developing prototype solutions using ABP and business process re-engineering. Cell/Direct Phone: (213) 421-9316
Consultation: NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVOURS offers help in the technical areas concerning automated
business practices. Such areas include: Company Snapshot
• The use of online and network data sources to support clients. Industry: Educational Systems Development
• Database tools for the collection and analysis of lessons from previous consultations with people and businesses # of Employees: 2
across various industries. Founded: 1984
• Helping customers focus on important hardware and software features to assists in making “smart” purchasing
decisions. Financial Information
• Hands-on experience with ABP through evaluating and incorporating them into NASCENT APPLIED METHODS Funding Stage: Seed & IPO Funding
& ENDEAVOURS’s business operations. Capital Seeking: $1,300,000
• EDI, EWA and ALP software, hardware, and implementation. Pre-Money Valuation: $13,266,240
• Database design and implementation.
Previous Capital: $352,030
• Electronic document management.
Monthly Burn Rate: $39,701.50 only upon initiation of full staffing
• Local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN).
within our initial marketing plan
• Multimedia Social Networking.
Use of Proceeds:
Opportunity for the Market:  Acquisition of existing Dot-Com(s) with established customer-bases for
In the rapidly growing global digital economy, the ability to reach consumers through ON DEMAND business modeling & use as a distribution channel & to secure initial round of investments.
personalized search engine technologies is paramount in generating revenue in the present & coming ages. There is also the  Preparation development for expansion.
need for businesses and other entities to efficiently & cost-effectively communicate or educate their employees while staying  Beta testing e-commerce platforms for global experimental R&D Joint-
abreast of the latest technological advances within new GREEN business models utilizing the virtual application of genetic & Ventures.
molecular sciences.  Marketing business models & copyright or patent upgrade services and
Service/Product/Technology: products.
Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors is a California-based corporation and network providing Electronic Commerce  Hiring key internal staff or outsourcing.
Applications (ECA), Enterprise Work Architectures (Business Models), AutonomousKnowledge Worker Systems (KWS) to  Assembly of Investment Advisory Board, etc.
combat global terrorism, and Distributed Artificial Life Programming (Avatars) technologies through a collaborative-
networking strategy. MDR, Inc. intends to capitalize on the opportunities in this area by being the first corporation to introduce Market
a collaborative internet-based operating system using high-concept theories such as genetic algorithms, biological suffix trees, Size: 50M businesses & 4 billion Smartphone applications
and a host of other information-retrieval or monetary strategies in relation to artificial life (avatar) or virtual economic scenario Demographic: Global
programming involving global joint research & development through the use of the molecular sciences.
Marketing Strategy: California’s Seller Assisted Marketing Plan
Business Model: Sales Strategy: NAME is based in Los Angeles and has initially
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s technology is able to deliver an order of magnitude improvement over other tapped into the local market, though by its own nature it can easily
reach a global customer base. Essentially, any business, institution,
commercially available products and services. This dramatic increase represents a significant breakthrough in the design, or public agency is a potential customer in a global market consisting
development and implementation of enhanced artificial intelligence programs and services. One of the main practical of over 60 million businesses.
applications for NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s technologies is that of e-commerce shopping portals. By
using its technologically advanced methods, the Corporation canestablish highly functional and well-trafficked comparison- Additional Information
shopping sites that are search-engine-optimized to quickly and inexpensively reach consumers via all the major search engines Management: William E. Fields (GCNO)
Advisors: The Linkedin Network & Tiber Creek Corporation
Customer Profile: Investors: Confidential
NAME is based in Los Angeles and has initially tapped into the local market, though by its own nature it can easily reach a Referred By: The Linkedin Network
global customer base. Essentially, any business, institution, or public agency is a potential customer in a global market
consisting of over 60 million businesses. NAME will target the business owners and decision-makers among these
Competitors, Direct: None
Competitors, Alternative: Once Known Anyone
Resources Needed Beyond Funding: Effective internal staffing & outsourcing of special client services.

Company Financial Projections

Financials 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

$42,059,350 $615,946,968 33 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968

Expenditures $49,511,905 $443,745,241 $494,701,813 $495,095,298 $495,922,981

Net ($7,452,555) $172,201,727 $121,245,155 $120,851,670 $120,023,987

Non-Disclosure Agreement

The undersigned acknowledges that Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors has furnished to the
undersigned potential Investor ("Investor") certain proprietary data ("Confidential Information")
relating to the business affairs and operations of NASCENT APPLIED METHODS &
ENDEAVORS for study and evaluation by Investor for possibly investing in NASCENT

It is acknowledged by Investor that the information provided by NASCENT APPLIED

METHODS & ENDEAVORS is confidential; therefore, Investor agrees not to disclose it and not
to disclose that any discussions or contracts with the NASCENT APPLIED METHODS &
ENDEAVORS have occurred or are intended, other than as provided for in the following

It is acknowledged by Investor that information to be furnished is in all respects confidential in

nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any
disclosure or use of same by Investor, except as provided in this agreement, may cause serious
harm or damage to NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS, and its owners and
officers. Therefore, Investor agrees that Investor will not use the information furnished for any
purpose other than as stated above, and agrees that Investor will not either directly or indirectly
by agent, employee, or representative, disclose this information, either in whole or in part, to any
third party; provided, however that (a) information furnished may be disclosed only to those
directors, officers and employees of Investor and to Investor's advisors of their representatives
who need such information for the purpose of evaluating any possible transaction (it being
understood that those directors, officers, employees, advisors and representatives shall be
informed by Investor of the confidential nature of such information and shall be directed by
Investor to treat such information confidentially), and (b) any disclosure of information may be
made to which NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS consents in writing. At the
close of negotiations, Investor will return to NASCENT APPLIED METHODS &
ENDEAVORS all records, reports, documents, and memoranda furnished and will not make or
retain any copy thereof.

____________________________________ _______________
Signature Date

Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors (typed or printed)

Investor's Company

This is a technical business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.

Table of Contents

Non-Disclosure Agreement ..................................................................................................... 33

1.0 Executive Summary .........................................................................................36
1.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 37
1.2 Mission Statement ............................................................................................................. 37
1.3 Keys to Success .................................................................................................................. 37
1.4 Investor Return & Financial Overview ........................................................................... 38
2.0 Company Summary .........................................................................................38
2.1 Company Ownership ........................................................................................................ 39
2.2 Pre-Operating Source and Use of Funds ........................................................................ 39
3.0 NAME Technology and Business Model .......................................................40
3.1 NAME Products and Services .......................................................................................... 42
4.0 Market Analysis ...............................................................................................46
4.1 Market Segmentation ........................................................................................................ 48
4.2 Competitive Landscape..................................................................................................... 52
4.3 Industry Summary ............................................................................................................ 53
4.4 Industry Analysis .............................................................................................................. 54
5.0 Marketing Strategy/Implementation .............................................................57
5.1 Web Summary ................................................................................................................... 58
5.2 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................. 58
6.0 Management Summary ...................................................................................59
6.1 Management Gaps............................................................................................................. 59
7.0 Financial Summary ..........................................................................................60
7.1 Revenue Forecast............................................................................................................... 60
7.2 Personnel Forecast ............................................................................................................ 62
7.3 Income Statement .............................................................................................................. 63
7.4 Statement of Cash Flow .................................................................................................... 65
7.5 Balance Sheet ..................................................................................................................... 67
7.6 Break-Even Analysis ......................................................................................................... 68
7.7 Best & Worst Case ............................................................................................................ 69
Appendix A – Year 1 Financials ...........................................................................70

1.0 Executive Summary
Advances in technology move faster than any one person or business can possibly keep up with.
The most valuable technology solutions, then, are those that can stay one step ahead without the
need for constant reprogramming and updating. With the application of high-concept theories
such as genetic algorithms, biological suffix trees, and a host of other information-retrieval
strategies in relation to artificial life programming and networking strategies, computers and
networks can in fact adapt to changes and stay ahead of the technological curve. These next-
generation technologies essentially give computers real-time automated decision-making

Through more than 25 years of theoretical and practical study of these computing technologies as
applied to electronic commerce, NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS (NAME)
(“the Company”) has created a series of platforms that have the potential to bring an unmatched
level of efficiency and profitability to businesses on a global scale. For NASCENT APPLIED
METHODS & ENDEAVORS, the scope of electronic commerce includes any and all activities
related to a business’s operations over the Internet or its intranet. This ranges from setting up e-
commerce retail sites to deploying education and training materials to employees throughout an
organization to keeping a large-scale multinational Company’s computers and servers
continually up-to-date using a virtual environment and online operating system.

With the use of self-replicating autonomous software programs, this can be achieved with far
greater efficiency and far less expense than is currently within the realm of today’s technology.
Specifically, NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s technological advances
revolve around:

 Electronic Commerce Applications (ECA)

 Enterprise Work Architectures (EWA)
 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
 Distributed Artificial Life Programming Strategies (DALP)

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s technology is able to deliver an order of

magnitude improvement over other commercially available products and services. This dramatic
increase represents a significant breakthrough in the design, development and implementation of
enhanced artificial intelligence programs and services. One of the main practical applications for
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s technologies is that of e-commerce
shopping portals. By using its technologically advanced methods, the Company can establish
highly functional and well-trafficked comparison-shopping sites that are search-engine-
optimized to quickly and inexpensively reach consumers via all the major search engines.
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS also will help revolutionize the corporate
educational market by deploying best-of-breed EDI applications for internal learning and
training purposes to a variety of private and public entities.

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS is based in Los Angeles and will initially
tap into the local market, though by its nature can easily reach a global customer base.
Essentially, any business, institution, or public agency is a potential customer. NASCENT
APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS will target the business owners and decision-makers
among these organizations. Marketing will be deployed through a combination of aggressive
direct sales branding/public relations, Internet search engine optimization, and attending key
industry functions. However, NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS will most
acutely differentiate itself in the market by first aiming its products and services toward
subcontractors or distributors through the Company’s facilitation of numerous Seller Assisted
Marketing Plans, and then focusing its overall products and services toward actual customers.
The Company’s main selling point is emphasizing education in systems technologies that
increase customer productivity, and it then will sustain business by providing an ongoing
comprehensive support infrastructure to the customer.

Directing NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s efforts in the marketplace is

William E. Fields. Due to his diligence over the past several years, Mr. Fields has successfully
produced on behalf of NAME a unique set of genetic and molecular programming strategies that
will develop or enhance copyrights, patents and emerging electronic markets. Mr. Fields will
also draw globally from the resulting extensive body of knowledge and technologies necessary to
ensure the Company’s success and long-term competitiveness. Mr. Fields will oversee the day-
to-day operation of the Company, including accounting, marketing, sales, and human resources,
assisted by a Board of Representatives and Advisory Committee, as well as pertinent technical

 NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS is currently seeking an investment in

the amount of $110 million or more to acquire existing Dot-Com(s) with established
customer-bases for use as a distribution channel & to secure an immediate ROI of the initial
round of investments.

1.1 Objectives
 Have NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS become a well-known brand
in the electronic commerce industry
 Expand rapidly and become established as a dominant player in the market within 5 years
 Promote business models that helps businesses large and small:
o Increase overall productivity.
o Have one network to deal with for all of their electronic commerce needs.
o Provide ongoing educational support for all operational personnel.
o Implement ECA, EWA and ALP strategy without disrupting the workplace.

1.2 Mission Statement

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS is an innovator in developing new
electronic markets. The Company has taken a new approach to the challenge of developing
procedural and educational networks, all focused on the objective of providing a host of multi-
media products through the Internet and World Wide Web.

1.3 Keys to Success

 Complete development and beta-test applications
 Use marketing to become a well-known Internet destination for e-commerce as well as
for B2C and B2B technology solutions

To accomplish this, the Company plans expansion activities every year, adding both staff and
network subcontractors. This expansion will be financed primarily from the income derived from
business activities.

To remain competitive, NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS must have a

presence and connection beyond the normal scope of its business operations. Therefore,
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS plans to become a member of a number of
computer and software engineering associations. However, a more formal expansion is also
needed. One option out of two is foremost of this process: to expand the region of the Seller
Assisted Marketing Plan beyond the regions of North, Central and South America.

1.4 Investor Return & Financial Overview

The Investor Return section details the investor(s) initial investment, investment multiple,
investment fifth year value, investor(s) share of the Company, the value of the Company in the
fifth year, and internal rate of return for 3 different cases.

Investor Return
Investm ent Years Invested Investm ent Multiple 5th Year Value Com pany Share
Initial $110,000,000 5 3.0 $330,000,000 46.0%
Total $110,000,000 3.0 $330,000,000 46.0%

5th Year Com pany Earnings 5th Year Multiple 5th Year Com pany Value
Company $119,453,349 6.0 $716,720,095

Normal Case 65.1%
Best Case 80.5%
Worst Case 47.4%

Financial Overview
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Gross Revenue $42,059,350 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968
Gross Profit $40,534,180 $614,376,043 $614,328,915 $614,280,373 $614,230,375
Operating Profit ($7,107,615) $296,768,528 $208,822,172 $208,053,563 $206,524,688
Earning Before Interest & Taxes ($7,178,252) $296,572,891 $208,501,534 $207,607,925 $205,954,050
Earnings ($7,178,252) $172,012,277 $120,930,890 $120,412,597 $119,453,349

Gross Margin Percentage 96.4% 99.7% 99.7% 99.7% 99.7%

Operating Profit Percentage -16.9% 48.2% 33.9% 33.8% 33.5%
EBIT Percentage -17.1% 48.1% 33.9% 33.7% 33.4%
Earnings Percentage -17.1% 27.9% 19.6% 19.5% 19.4%

Net Cash Flow ($8,452,555) $171,201,727 $120,245,155 $119,851,670 $119,023,987

Cash Balance $101,484,415 $272,686,142 $392,931,297 $512,782,967 $631,806,954

2.0 Company Summary
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS is a California-based Company owned by
William E. Fields. Mr. Fields has founded both Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors
(NAME) and the A-Square Technology Group (A2) to apply its technology to the large emerging
electronic markets. NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s executive operations
will be located in both Los Angeles, California and Miami, Florida.

2.1 Company Ownership

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS is owned by William E. Fields.

2.2 Pre-Operating Source and Use of Funds

The Pre-Operating Source & Use of Funds section details the Expenses, Assets, Inventory,
Investment and Debt needed to facilitate the Company’s business objectives. The Pre-Operating
expenses and funding occur before the Company receives revenue.
Pre-Operating Use of Funds Pre-Operating Source of Funds
Expenses Investm ent
Advertising $1,500 Ow ner $289,000
Literature $14,800 Investor $110,000,000
Promotions $3,300 Total Investm ent $110,289,000
Other Marketing & Advertising $23,760
Research & Development $238,000 Debt
General & Admin $4,716 Current Debt $0
$0 $0 Long-Term Debt $0
Total Expenses $286,076 Total Debt $0
Total Source of Funds $110,289,000
Inventory $42,520 Total Source & Use of Funds
Property $0 Total Source of Funds $110,289,000
Equipment $23,434 Total Use of Funds $352,030
Other Long-Term Assets $0 Month 1 Starting Cash $109,936,970
Total Assets $65,954
Total Use of Funds $352,030

Total Source & Use of Funds






Investment Debt Expenses Assets Cash


Business Model
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s procedural technologies developed
during its extensive research will be deployed to businesses near its Los Angeles headquarters as
well as to companies and organizations worldwide, providing engineered information products
and services for the fast growing electronic markets. In addition, the Company is developing
educational networks to provide improved strategic job skills to individuals and businesses using
their existing information technologies, thereby substantially reducing the cost of introducing
this new technology and service.

This technology’s distinctive cost advantages has the power to accelerate the development of
these global markets, creating exciting growth opportunities for NASCENT APPLIED
METHODS & ENDEAVORS, its subcontractors, and its customers. Using the NASCENT
APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS platform for Enterprise Work Architecture, for
instance, has numerous applications for businesses in a variety of fields. In the industrial
engineering field, for example, NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s powerful
software applications can assist in consumer product design, economic engineering and cost
estimation, materials handling, project management, performance analysis and simulation,
CAD/CAM, and production systems design, planning, and control, among other areas vital to the
day-to-day operations of an engineering firm. Solutions are tailor-made for each business,
providing an unmatched level of customization and integration within a business’s existing

Additionally, NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s product lines includes a

genetic Internet-Based Operating System (IBOS), an Integrated Autonomous Office Application
(IAOA), a generic designer software formula called Managerial Applied Numerics (MAN), and a
programming strategy titled Distributed Operating System Architecture (DOSA). These are the
study of the design and implementation of computerized software agents that can make decisions
on their own and in interaction with a user or other software agents over a personal/corporate
intranet or the Internet.
Since 1985, NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS has been developing a
comprehensive library of technical programming strategies that have wide ranging implications
for the global electronic economies. The main emphasis of this technology is centered on the
ability to control the dominant limiting factors in artificial life programming systems that use
genetic algorithms, biological suffix trees, and a host of other information retrieval strategies. Of
these factors, the most difficult is the self-replication of autonomous agents. In this area,
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s technology is able to deliver a substantial
improvement over other commercially available products and services. The highlights of
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s strategic systems and technology base
are summarized below:

 Fundamental (Can be Developed and Used in Many Networking Applications):

Because NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s technology resolves the
problems associated with the development of accurate information retrieval systems, it
can be applied to systems ranging from high-speed local area networks (LAN) to long
distance video and information-on-demand networks (WAN) over installed distributed-
database systems.

 Simple (Low-cost Products and Services): NASCENT APPLIED METHODS &

ENDEAVORS has developed a fundamentally different approach to the problem of
providing multi-media based educational programs than other companies that are
addressing these electronic markets. NASCENT APPLIED METHODS &
ENDEAVORS’s confidential techniques are dramatically simpler and superior, so that
products and services can be developed and tested much more quickly and cost much

 Economical (Uses the Customers Installed Communication Products and Services):

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s programming technologies allows
most customers to upgrade to the next generation networks without having to change
their own operational and networking strategies.

Business model
The current lack of industry leaders represents an exceptional opportunity for NASCENT
APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS to develop a dominant presence in the Artificial Life
Programming (ALP) arena in the greater Los Angeles area, and globally on the World Wide
Web. The Company will then be well situated to take advantage of national and international
affiliations, either with subcontractors, national and international associations, or network

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS will initially use subcontractors or

distributors through facilitating Seller Assisted Marketing Plans (SAMPs), which are essentially
affiliate programs where entrepreneurs sell NASCENT APPLIED METHODS
&ENDEAVORS’s products and services on its behalf in exchange for commission. The
Company will do a portion of the promotion for the SAMPs, emphasizing to consumers
education in systems technologies that increase customer productivity, and by providing an

ongoing comprehensive support infrastructure and follow-up to the customer. Sales are secured
predominately through the Internet or face-to-face.

These programs and services are marketed by NASCENT APPLIED METHODS &
ENDEAVORS’s in-house telemarketing systems, subcontractors, business representatives, and
distributors and manufacturers with specific horizontal market expertise. In the electronic
markets, for example, NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS will provide true
Internet access to all network suppliers, contractors, subcontractors and consumers, for full in
Company into their systems. The Company is also pursuing a similar strategy in its public
agency networking services, working with key systems vendors and systems operators to
integrate its technology into successful systems solutions.


At the core of NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s strategic concepts is the
implementation of Employment Related Educational Research & Development. The NASCENT
APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS network draws on the expertise of its members to
provide customers with the latest information in ECA, EWA & ALP strategies. The Company
can assist the client in research and development, engineering, manufacturing, and logistics.
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS specializes in automated business
practices, including business process re-engineering, information management, electronic data
interchange, and electronic commerce. There will also be other globally located Electronic
Commerce Resource Systems, each having a different specialty to best meet the customer needs:

1. Automated Business Practices

3. Outreach and Consultation
4. Strategic Evaluation
5. Education
6. Situation and Procedural Mapping

Automated Business Practices

Automated Business Practices (ABP) are techniques that streamline business functions through
the use of computers, machines and skilled human resources. NASCENT APPLIED METHODS
& ENDEAVORS serves as a facilitator of ABP, providing explanations, training, and
demonstrations of information management and electronic commerce (EC). NASCENT
APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS also serves as a point of contact for explaining
different methods of information management systems (IMS), electronic data interchange (EDI),
and EC. NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS is actively addressing the
technical issues affecting the customer. These include:

 ABP: using appropriate automation as a tool in decision-making and information

handling. The goal is to use new technologies to their fullest extent to achieve a business
advantage. Such technologies include: Bulletin Board Systems, Value Added Networks
(VAN), Local Area Networks (LAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN), the Internet, Fax and
Electronic Mail (E-Mail).

 EC and EDI: bringing to the globe new markets and trading partners through EDI by
helping the customer apply electronic commerce sensibly.
 Scanning and Conversion: transforming hard copy data into an electronic form so it can
be used more efficiently and cost effective.

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS maintains a common database of past

experiences and lessons learned in relation to ABP. This database provides a valuable resource in
identifying solutions to client issues. The subcontractors of NASCENT APPLIED METHODS &
ENDEAVORS are globally located and all have various specialties. These specialties include:
networking technologies, scanning and conversion, information technologies, automated
manufacturing, automated design and commercial technologies.

Electronic Commerce
Adopting EC and EDI can require a business to change its corporate culture, giving up old ways
of doing business and old expectations. This century has produced many such changes already,
as phone calls replace office calls and faxes replace couriers and mail. Each such change
occurred where it made business sense - and that is the recognition required of business. EC and
EDI can make good business sense and businesses must be open to that responsibility.

Substantial returns can reward businesses which interests are well considered toward change. EC
and EDI offer competitive advantages, improved cash flow, expanded markets, and greater
profitability for companies that implement them wisely.

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s Genomic Hierarchy Operating System

Technologies (GHOST) involve constructing an e-commerce shopping site for a customer and
then tying it into NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s B2B, B2C or C2C user-
base. One of GHOST’s functions is that of a computer mall, where Internet shoppers can stop
and shop, pick out gifts, vacations, personal items, services, and much more.

Initially, at NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s E-bay type auction site,
clients’ product portfolios are uploaded into a powerful e-commerce comparison-shopping
engine (CSE). NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS has a professional staff of
designers who will format and enter in the entire catalog of products by barcode or other
methods. The products and services are then used along with multiple keywords for a search
engine optimized site that is live on the Internet. Clients therefore receive top search engine
rankings, with NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS receiving a percentage of
the revenue for each successful sale. The Company’s Internet mall has the following
product/service categories, and much more:

Apparel & Accessories Home & Garden

Jewelry, Men's, Women's... Kitchen, Appliances, Home Improvement...

Automobiles Luxury Items

Mid-Size, Trucks, SUVs... Beauty & Spa, Handbags & Wallets, Home Decor...

Baby Mobile/Wireless
Activity Centers, Travel, Bathing... PDAs/Handhelds, Mobile Phones, 2-Way Radios...

Books Movies
Fiction & Literature, Children's, Business & DVD, VHS...
Computer Hardware Rock/Pop, Jazz, Classical...
Digital Cameras, CD-RW, MP3 Players...
Computer Software Machines & Equipment, Desk Supplies &
Anti-Virus, Web Design, Genealogy... Organizers, Supplies...

Electronics Sports & Fitness

DVD Players, Camcorders, Televisions... Camping, Fitness, Golf...

Flowers & Gifts Toys & Games

Cigars, Collectibles, Flowers... Video Games, Dolls, Ride-Ons...

Health & Beauty

Bath & Body Care, Cosmetics, Vitamins, Herbs &


NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS also offers opportunities for
businesses with no product to sell to still generate revenue from the exploding e-
commerce industry. With its affiliate programs, also known as associate, commission,
referral, bounty and partner programs, they create websites that link to another e-
commerce site offering the actual items for sale. Links from these sites, in return, get
paid a percentage of the sales as commission, usually 10-20% of the sale. There are
several different types of affiliate programs. Some examples are:

o Pay Per Sale: You get paid a commission for each sale you generate.
o Bounty: You get a one-time bounty payment for the customer you referred.
o Pay Per Click: You get paid for every visitor you send to the online merchant
through a banner or text link, regardless of whether or not a sale is made.
o Two-Tier Programs: You get commission on direct sales that you generate, plus
you get commission on sales generated by affiliates that you recruit.
o Pay Per Lead: You get paid a one-time fee for generating a lead for the

Outreach and Consultation

 Outreach: In addition to promoting, and facilitating automated business practice

initiatives within industry, government, and academia, NASCENT APPLIED
o Provide demonstrations of electronic commerce, enterprise work architectures,
and related technologies.
o Perform studies and analyses to identify how electronic commerce and
information management can improve both performance and profits.
o Conduct a business case analysis of a customer organization to determine the
functional and economic impact of implementing EC technologies.
o Assemble a team of business and technical specialists to address a customer’s
situation in depth.
o Assist the customer in developing prototype solutions using ABP and business
process re-engineering.

 Consultation: NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS offers help in the

technical areas concerning automated business practices. Such areas include:
o The use of online and network data sources to support clients.
o Database tools for the collection and analysis of lessons from previous
consultations with people and businesses across various industries.
o Helping customers focus on important hardware and software features to assists in
making “smart” purchasing decisions.
o Hands-on experience with ABP through evaluating and incorporating them into
o The latest developments in ABP.
o EDI, EWA and ALP software, hardware, and implementation.
o Database design and implementation.
o Electronic document management.
o Scanning and conversion.
o Local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN).
o Multimedia.

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS provides seminars on information
management, business process re-engineering, and electronic commerce. These seminars are
available at both an NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS production site and at
the customer’s facility. The available classes include:
 Electronic Commerce/EDI Orientation
 VAN Orientation
 Business Needs Analysis
 Process Management in a Technology Environment
 Data In a Business Environment

4.0 Market Analysis
Worldwide information technology (IT) spending in 2011 is expected to reach $3.6 trillion,
according to market analyst Gartner. This is a 5.1% increase from 2010 ($3.4 billion), which
itself was a 5.4% increase from 2009. According to Gartner, “Aided by favorable U.S. dollar
exchange rates, global IT spending growth is expected to exceed 5 percent in 2010, but a similar
level of growth in 2011 – while forecast – is far from certain, given continued macroeconomic
uncertainty… Nevertheless, as well as a fundamental enabler of cost reduction and cost
optimization, investment in IT is seen increasingly as an important element in business growth
strategies. As the global economy repairs itself in coming years, we are optimistic about
continued healthy spending on IT.”

The telecom equipment market is expected to see the strongest growth in 2011. The forecast is
further outlined in the chart below: 1

Worldwide IT Spending Forecast (Billions of U.S. Dollars)

2010 2010 2011 2011

Spending Growth (%) Spending Growth (%)

Computing Hardware 364.1 8.9 391.3 7.5
Enterprise Software 235.9 6.1 253.7 7.5
IT Services 782.0 2.5 817.9 4.6
Telecom Equipment 426.6 14.0 465.4 9.1
Telecom Services 1,593.0 3.9 1,647.4 3.4
All IT 3,401.6 5.4 3,575.8 5.1

Cloud Computing and Virtualization

A Gartner survey of more than 2,000 CIOs across the globe, representing more than $160 billion
in corporate and public-sector IT spending, found that “CIOs report that their organizations are
emphasizing growth, in addition to continued vigilance on cost and operational efficiencies.”
According to Mark McDonald of Gartner, “CIOs and IT have been boxed in between modest
budget growth and growing legacy requirements. New lighter-weight technologies – such as
cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), and social networks -and IT models enable the
CIO to redefine IT, giving it a greater focus on growth and strategic impact. These are two things
that are missing from many organizations.” While just 3% of CIOs currently have the majority
of their IT running in the cloud, 43% are expected to be doing so in the next four years.

CIOs expect to adopt new cloud services much faster than originally expected. Currently, 3
percent of CIOs have the majority of IT running in the cloud or on SaaS technologies, but over
the next four years CIOs expect this number to increase to 43 percent.2

The market for these hosted solutions (SaaS) is heavily influenced by the exponential increase in
worldwide Internet use, especially for enterprise applications. Hosted applications is the next
major software sector and requires a substantial use of the Internet more than traditional

Gartner. “Gartner Says Worldwide IT Spending to Grow 5.1% in 2011.” Jan. 6, 2011. Obtained at:
Gartner. “Survey of More than 2,000 CIOs Indentifies Cloud Computing as Top Technology Priority for CIOs in
2011.” Jan. 21, 2011. Obtained at:

software. The worldwide market for SaaS in 2009 was an estimated $7.5 billion, up 17.7% from
2008, according to Gartner. By 2013, the market will nearly double to more than $14 billion.
SaaS represented nearly 25% of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) market in
2009.3 Additional analysis, from IDC, projects that:4

 At the end of 2009, 76% of U.S. organizations used at least one SaaS-delivered
application for business use.
 The percentage of U.S. firms which plan to spend at least 25% of their IT budgets on
SaaS applications will increase from 23% in 2008 to nearly 45% in 2010.
 This market’s growth prospects will accelerate the shift to SaaS for the whole value chain
with the promise of a recurring revenue stream. The opportunity to tap OPEX and
project-related dollars will benefit the whole SaaS ecosystem.

Worldwide, the market for SMB managed services reached an estimated $14.3 billion in 2009, a
9.2% growth from 2008. In 2010, the market was projected to reach $15.7 billion, achieving a
growth rate of 9.6%. The most lucrative segment, according to a study from San Jose-based
Techaisle, is 10-49-employee companies, accounting for 36% of the market. The SMB managed
services market comprises 46% of the total managed services market of $31.1 billion.5

“We feel interest and adoption of cloud computing among small and midsize businesses will
really take off in 2010,” says Christoph Wilfert, corporate vice president and general manager for
Microsoft’s small and mid-market business solutions in the U.S. “Our research and conversations
with SMBs show they are very interested in cloud computing, but are not yet fully aware how
easy it is to employ the technology, its widespread availability and full benefits.”6

Corporate Education
The global market for Learning Management Systems (LMS), according to research and
consulting firm Bersin & Associates, is more than $1 billion and “is maturing and consolidating
among larger organizations as businesses replace their older learning platforms with integrated
talent management systems and social learning tools. At the same time, a major influx of new
innovative companies is entering the LMS market, causing it to become more competitive as
organizations look to expand their LMS platform to address internal social networking,
knowledge sharing, expertise directories, and collaborative learning. As a result, the largest
player now commands less than 10 percent of the overall market.” In 2011, the global LMS
market is expected to grow 7-11%, compared to 2-5% in North America.7

Kim, Gary. TMCnet. “SaaS to Reach $7.5 Billion in 2009: Analyst.” Nov. 9, 2009. Obtained at:
IDC. “Software as a Service Market Will Expand Rather than Contract Despite the Economic Crisis.” Jan. 26,
2009. Obtained at:
Techaisle. “SMBs managed services spend up 9.2 pc.” Aug. 24, 2009. Obtained at:
Small Business Computing. “The Top Small Business Technology Trends for 2010.” Jan 12, 2010. Obtained at:
Bersin & Associates. “Learning Systems 2011.” Dec. 15, 2010. Obtained at:

More than 162 million people in the U.S. were active e-commerce participants, according to
eMarketer, of whom around 133 million people are online buyers. eMarketer states that, “The
percent of online buyers will rise as young Internet users, predisposed to e-commerce, replace
older users. “Growth in e-commerce is illustrated below:8

4.1 Market Segmentation

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS operates in the greater Los Angeles area,
but targets individuals and small, medium and large-sized businesses all over the world. These
individuals or groups have a need to improve their day-to-day operations. The geographic area
includes the areas of:

 North America
 Central America
 South America
 Africa
 Asia
 Europe

However, most initially marketing will revolve around Southern California, a market ripe for
entry. The greater Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside combined statistical area (CSA), for
example, has a gross metropolitan product (GMP) of $831 billion, which makes it the third
largest economic center in the world after Tokyo and New York-Newark-Bridgeport. If it was a
country, it would have the world’s 15th-largest economy. The chart below shows the number of
businesses here. This is followed by a chart showing the major industry sectors.9

eMarketer. “US Retail E-commerce forecast: room to grow.” March 2010. Obtained at:
Los Angeles County Economic Development Company (LACEDC). “LA Stats.” March 2010. Obtained at:

Los Angeles County is also home to several Fortune 500 companies as well as branches of
countless multinational Companies. Major industries include manufacturing, international trade,
entertainment, aerospace, technology, petroleum, fashion, apparel, and tourism. Fortune 500
firms based in Los Angeles County are shown below.10

Los Angeles County Economic Development Company. “Growing Together.” Obtained at:

Within this market, the businesses NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS targets
for its services have these characteristics:

 Over 2 or more employees

 Low, medium and high computer use (data processing and retrieval, financials)
 Relatively low, medium and high employee turnover; expanding number of employees
 Government
 Insurance Firms
 Financial/Banking
 Accounting Firms
 Colleges and Universities
 Law Firms
 Engineering Firms
 Hospitals and Other Medical Facilities
 Airlines

They will also exist on a national level. The following chart shows the most recent U.S. Census
Bureau data with regard to the number of businesses nationwide.

Employment Size of United States Employer and Nonemployer Firms 11

Employment size of enterprise Firms Establishments payroll
All firms 25,409,525 26,911,465 115,074,924 4,253,995,732
Employer firms 5,885,784 7,387,724 115,074,924 4,253,995,732
Firms with no employees 802,034 803,355 0 40,043,549
Firms with 1 to 4 employees 2,777,680 2,782,252 5,844,637 165,904,564
Firms with 5 to 9 employees 1,043,448 1,055,937 6,852,769 195,519,100
Firms with 10 to 19 employees 632,682 666,574 8,499,681 257,802,789
Firms with 20 to 99 employees 526,355 692,677 20,642,614 670,418,442
Firms with 100 to 499 employees 86,538 330,447 16,757,751 587,676,161
Firms with 500 employees or more 17,047 1,056,482 56,477,472 2,336,631,127
Firms with 500 to 749 employees 5,695 66,305 3,449,491 130,408,281
Firms with 750 to 999 employees 2,709 41,835 2,331,851 87,180,964
Firms with 1,000 to 1,499 employees 2,828 57,479 3,444,427 132,832,629
Firms with 1,500 to 2,499 employees 2,281 76,491 4,396,430 179,582,908
Firms with 2,500 employees or more 3,534 814,372 42,855,273 1,806,626,345
Firms with 2,500 to 4,999
1,739 106,893 6,038,196 262,111,452
Firms with 5,000 to 9,999
905 120,311 6,378,292 278,396,903
Firms with 10,000 employees or
890 587,168 30,438,785 1,266,117,990

Obtained at

4.2 Competitive Landscape
No market leaders have yet emerged in the fields NASCENT APPLIED METHODS &
ENDEAVORS services, and what competition that does exists is diverse and uneven, creating
substantial market opportunities. NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS
maintains the following advantages over any existing competition: the ability to develop
Evolvable Service Systems for over 50 million business models through both the genetic &
molecular sciences, the ability develop Evolvable Service Systems for over 4 billion
personalized iPhone, iPad, or iPod (Smartphone) Applications from a single autonomous
agent programming method (strategy) through the genetic & molecular sciences as well as, an
ongoing support mechanism for customers, a strong marketing emphasis on increasing customer
productivity, a coordinated marketing program, professional image, qualified management,
consistent quality of education, and the availability of the NASCENT APPLIED METHODS &
ENDEAVORS training centers & simulations on the World Wide Web.

Competing with NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS to provide Employment

Related Research and Development services to the targeted market (individuals and businesses
with substantial use and need of procedural & organizational technologies) are these categories
of systems providers:

 Individualized organizational development companies.

 Local systems analysis groups.
 National information providers.
 Software developers
 Computer network designers.
 Programmers from within the targeted companies themselves.
 Business consultants in organizational management systems.

Local Competitors
No known number of individual consultants provide a service similar of that of NASCENT
APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS’s, none are listed in any formal or traditional manner.
Overall, only three organizations have developed a substantial presence in the targeted electronic
and traditional markets: Intellectual Ventures, Google and eBay. These organizations have
performed extensive research in the areas of global e-commerce in the past few years. To date,
only NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS has planned and developed a working
commercial plan, product and service model to distribute personalized performance enhancing
job related skill sets.

Other Competition
Only a selected few (individuals and/or companies) have conducted the research and
development necessary to acquire the end-products and services that are housed within the
operational programs of NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS, therefore the list
of competitors can only be speculated at best. Those individuals or organizations that have
similar products and services can be found on the Internet, but are either located outside the state
of California or the boundaries of the United States. Lesser known individuals and companies
also provide similar products and services, but with outdated technologies and business

In-house educational and procedural development services taught and implemented by
employees of the targeted individual employers and companies varies widely in content, form,
and quality. Very few companies have “professional systems developers;” most training and
development is provided on an ‘ad hoc’ basis from internal personnel. A conservative
interpretation of NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS survey results indicates at
least 38% of such training and development would be contracted out if satisfactory products and
services could be obtained.

4.3 Industry Summary

The Company will operate in this distinct industry; Computer Systems Design and Related
Services (NAICS 5415). Information provided is gathered from the U.S. Census.

Computer Systems Design & Related Computer Systems Design & Related
Sales Volume Number of Businesses Employee Size Number of Businesses
Unknown 2.31% Unknown 0.52%
Less Than $500k 39.68% 1 to 4 59.32%
$500k to $1mil 20.63% 5 to 9 19.80%
$1 to $2.5mil 23.18% 10 to 19 9.73%
$2.5 to $5mil 6.51% 20 to 49 6.22%
$5 to $10mil 3.92% 50 to 99 2.44%
$10 to $20mil 2.19% 100 to 249 1.33%
$20 to $50mil 1.08% 250 to 499 0.37%
$50 to $100mil 0.29% 500 to 999 0.17%
$100 to $500mil 0.19% 1,000 to 4,999 0.08%
$500mil to $1bil 0.01% 5,000 to 9,999 0.01%
Over $1bil 0.01% 10,000+ 0.01%

Number of Businesses






Over $1bil
$500k to

$500mil to
Less Than

$10 to

$20 to
$2.5 to

$100 to


$5 to

$50 to
$1 to


Sales Volum e

Em ployees

Number of Businesses







1,000 to

5,000 to
100 to 249

250 to 499

500 to 999

1 to 4

5 to 9

10 to 19

20 to 49

50 to 99


Em ployee Size

4.4 Industry Analysis

The map below shows sales per capita for Computer Systems Design and Related Services.

The map below shows sales in millions for Computer Systems Design and Related Services.

Computer Systems Design and Related Services (NAICS 5415)

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing expertise in the field of
information technologies through one or more of the following activities: (1) writing, modifying,
testing, and supporting software to meet the needs of a particular customer; (2) planning and
designing computer systems that integrate computer hardware, software, and communication
technologies; (3) on-site management and operation of clients computer systems and/or data
processing facilities; and (4) other professional and technical computer-related advice and
USA Computer Systems Design and Related Services
Establishments Total Sales Annual Payroll Paid Employees
105,710 $173,414,189,000 $72,368,242,000 1,107,241

Sales per Establishment Payroll per Establishment

$1,640,471 $684,592

Employees per Establishment Payroll as a Percent of Sales

10.5 41.7%

Annual Payroll per Employee Sales Per Employee

$65,359 $156,618

Custom Computer Programming Services (NAICS 541511)

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in writing, modifying, testing,
and supporting software to meet the needs of a particular customer.

USA Custom Computer Programming Services
Establishments Total Sales Annual Payroll Paid Employees
48,953 $60,125,952,000 $30,082,100,000 439,395

Sales per Establishment Payroll per Establishment

$1,228,238 $614,510

Employees per Establishment Payroll as a Percent of Sales

9.0 50.0%

Annual Payroll per Employee Sales Per Employee

$68,463 $136,838

Computer Systems Design Services (NAICS 541512)

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in planning and designing
computer systems that integrate computer hardware, software, and communication technologies.
The hardware and software components of the system may be provided by this establishment or
Company as part of integrated services or may be provided by third parties or vendors. These
establishments often install the system and train and support users of the system.
USA Computer Systems Design Services
Establishments Total Sales Annual Payroll Paid Employees
39,517 $78,335,457,000 $28,573,227,000 434,587

Sales per Establishment Payroll per Establishment

$1,982,323 $723,062

Employees per Establishment Payroll as a Percent of Sales

11.0 36.5%

Annual Payroll per Employee Sales Per Employee

$65,748 $180,253

Computer Facilites Management Services (NAICS 541513)

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing on-site management
and operation of clients computer systems and/or data processing facilities. Establishments
providing computer systems or data processing facilities support services are included in this
USA Computer Facilities Management Services
Establishments Total Sales Annual Payroll Paid Employees
4,882 $22,279,279,000 $7,508,644,000 125,905

Sales per Establishment Payroll per Establishment

$4,563,556 $1,538,026

Employees per Establishment Payroll as a Percent of Sales

25.8 33.7%

Annual Payroll per Employee Sales Per Employee

$59,637 $176,953

Other Computer Related Services (NAICS 541519)

his U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing computer related
services (except custom programming, systems integration design, and facilities management
services). Establishments providing computer disaster recovery services or software installation
services are included in this industry.
USA Other Computer Related Services
Establishments Total Sales Annual Payroll Paid Employees
12,358 $12,673,501,000 $6,204,271,000 107,354

Sales per Establishment Payroll per Establishment

$1,025,530 $502,045

Employees per Establishment Payroll as a Percent of Sales

8.7 49.0%

Annual Payroll per Employee Sales Per Employee

$57,793 $118,053

5.0 Marketing Strategy/Implementation

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS emphasizes high-productivity training and
electronic market applications. This is accomplished by not only selling the Company’s products
and services at the introductory, basic user-level, but additional, advanced products and services
to substantially increase the benefits to the client. This additional training expands the number of
services NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS can sell to each customer, and
increases the revenues produced from each sale.

Since the average service contract is projected at between $43,000 and $1,019,516 per client or
two-year educational session, and the goal is to target individuals and companies for regularly
repeated sessions, most of the marketing will be done by both the Internet, and by face-to-face
solicitation. An outside sales force will consist of the network representative subcontractors –
who will have global experience in selling to the targeted market – and will call on
entrepreneurs, sole proprietors, and individual business personnel to introduce the Company and
make sales presentations.

Organization of Sales Team

All Corporate personnel and network operatives are considered members of the sales team. The
Company or network registrars, who take electronic registrations, are educated in corporate
manners and order solicitation, and shall be given incentive gifts for registering targeted numbers
of clients for services rendered. Even the systems programmers themselves will participate in
monthly sales meetings. All employees and network operatives receive financial education
bonuses if the network as a whole reaches its overall sales goals.

Quality printed and downloadable sales material have been prepared to support personal sales
calls and for mailing in responses to electronic requests. (The Network Registrars are trained to
attempt to set up personal sales presentations for larger business clients phoning in). In the first
few months of operations, funds are budgeted to produce a computerized video presentation
(multi-media) to augment the printed materials and enhance the sense of professionalism and
computer expertise.

Cooperative Marketing Plans
A number of cooperative marketing activities are planned with the Company’s network of
subcontractors. These include advertisements through the Company’s seller assisted marketing
plan, and sponsoring events to introduce business customers to network services.

The goal of such efforts is to give NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS added
exposure to potential customers and increased stature through being associated with a host of
information providers. The Company will soon be negotiating with a number of network
providers (e.g. subcontracted providers of information, equipment and services), so that the
Company may benefit from their established client base.

NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS will also become a member of the Los
Angeles and Orange County Chamber of Commerce and will participate in the Chamber’s
sponsored trade shows, which feature providers of business services and products.

5.1 Web Summary

A professional and sophisticated website has been developed to promote NASCENT APPLIED
METHODS & ENDEAVORS online and act as a marketing tool for potential customers. The
site will list Company history, executive staff qualifications, and the benefits of using the
NASCENT APPLIED METHODS & ENDEAVORS service for both businesses and public
organizations. The site has walk-throughs of how the products and services as well as the
development process works. There will also be subcontractor and client-side log-ins, as well as a
“Request More Information” feature for sales leads.

5.2 SWOT Analysis

The Company has compiled the following summary of its current state of affairs.

Strengths Weaknesses
Offering a full spectrum of commercial New player in a relatively established market
e-commerce and internal business- with an entrenched business model
process products and services
Software, while already developed, still
Ability to reach a broad geographic base will require extensive time after
of customers through its online platform deployment to work out all the bugs
Owners and managers with extensive Factors
theoretical and practical knowledge
of the products and services

Opportunities Threats
Capturing a large share of a vast Numerous competing firms, including
market is very possible well-established IT service providers

Creating recurring revenue streams through Consumers and businesses could

offering a wide range of resist adoption of the technologies External
highly relevant technology Factors

Positive Negative

6.0 Management Summary
The Company is currently managed by William Fields, who possess the requisite management
skills and experience to successfully run this operation. Mr. Fields is the General Contractor of
Network Operations within the Company, and brings with him significant experience and
expertise in management, technology and operating systems. He is a highly skilled
entrepreneurial-minded leader who is an accomplished results-driven professional with over 30
years of experience in technology-related management skills. Through his many years in
numerous industries, he has developed an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the high-
tech industry and its market dynamics. Prior to founding Nascent Applied Fields & Endeavors,
Mr. Fields completed a 25-year research and development project in genetic internet-based
operating systems, integrated autonomous office applications, and distributed artificial life
programming through a combination of the genetic and molecular sciences. He was deeply
engaged in the development of the MAN artificial life software program.

Mr. Fields will be assisted by numerous institutions, and a knowledgeable Board of

Representatives and Advisory Committee comprised of industry professionals a in a variety of

6.1 Management Gaps

In the near future, the Company foresees a gap in management for an experienced high-
functioning Chief Administrator of Network Operations. In addition, the Company will need to
hire several other skilled individuals to fill out its management team and staff. These include:
Chief Information Officer of Systems & Network Development, Chief Accounting Officer of
Network Implementation, Chief Organizational Officer of Education & Social Development,
Chief Logistics Officer of Network Support, Chief Intelligence Officer of Network Security &
Special Operations. All senior staff officials will be offered a sizable financial interest in the
gross profit of the Company in return for a reduced salary. The salaries budgeted for these
positions are to be negotiated with annual increases.

7.0 Financial Summary
7.1 Revenue Forecast
The Revenue Forecast section details the revenue that the Company will receive. This section
also details the direct costs. The following graphs illustrate the amount of revenue each line item
Yearly Revenue
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Seller Assisted Marketing Plan 312 0 0 0 0
Employee Edu. Formats 1 & 2 412 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200
Manager Edu. Formats 3 & 4 362 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200
Employer Edu. Formats 5 & 6 312 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200
Small Business Edu. Format 7 262 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200
Large Business Edu. Format 8 212 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200
Packaged Edu. Formats 1/3/5/7 162 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200
Packaged Edu. Formats 2/4/6/8 112 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200
Total Units 2,146 29,400 29,400 29,400 29,400

Unit Price
Seller Assisted Marketing Plan $38,830.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Employee Edu. Formats 1 & 2 $4,151.51 $4,151.51 $4,151.51 $4,151.51 $4,151.51
Manager Edu. Formats 3 & 4 $4,592.00 $4,592.00 $4,592.00 $4,592.00 $4,592.00
Employer Edu. Formats 5 & 6 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00
Small Business Edu. Format 7 $14,583.00 $14,583.00 $14,583.00 $14,583.00 $14,583.00
Large Business Edu. Format 8 $22,917.00 $22,917.00 $22,917.00 $22,917.00 $22,917.00
Packaged Edu. Formats 1/3/5/7 $32,930.70 $32,930.70 $32,930.70 $32,930.70 $32,930.70
Packaged Edu. Formats 2/4/6/8 $42,479.83 $42,479.83 $42,479.83 $42,479.83 $42,479.83

Seller Assisted Marketing Plan $12,114,960 $0 $0 $0 $0
Employee Edu. Formats 1 & 2 $1,710,422 $17,436,342 $17,436,342 $17,436,342 $17,436,342
Manager Edu. Formats 3 & 4 $1,662,304 $19,286,400 $19,286,400 $19,286,400 $19,286,400
Employer Edu. Formats 5 & 6 $7,800,000 $105,000,000 $105,000,000 $105,000,000 $105,000,000
Small Business Edu. Format 7 $3,820,746 $61,248,600 $61,248,600 $61,248,600 $61,248,600
Large Business Edu. Format 8 $4,858,404 $96,251,400 $96,251,400 $96,251,400 $96,251,400
Packaged Edu. Formats 1/3/5/7 $5,334,773 $138,308,940 $138,308,940 $138,308,940 $138,308,940
Packaged Edu. Formats 2/4/6/8 $4,757,741 $178,415,286 $178,415,286 $178,415,286 $178,415,286
Gross Revenue $42,059,350 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968

Direct Costs
Material $1,281,570 $1,320,017 $1,359,618 $1,400,407 $1,442,419
Production Facility Expense $42,000 $43,260 $44,558 $45,895 $47,271
Production Equipment Rental $20,400 $21,012 $21,642 $22,292 $22,960
Small Tools / Supplies $34,800 $35,844 $36,919 $38,027 $39,168
Packaging Supplies $56,400 $58,092 $59,835 $61,630 $63,479
Other Production Expenses $90,000 $92,700 $95,481 $98,345 $101,296
Direct Cost of Revenue $1,525,170 $1,570,925 $1,618,053 $1,666,595 $1,716,593

Yearly Revenue Projections
Packaged Edu. Formats 2/4/6/8
Packaged Edu. Formats 1/3/5/7
Large Business Edu. Format 8
Small Business Edu. Format 7
Employer Edu. Formats 5 & 6
Manager Edu. Formats 3 & 4
Employee Edu. Formats 1 & 2
Seller Assisted Marketing Plan
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Year 1 Revenue Projections

Packaged Edu. Formats 2/4/6/8
Packaged Edu. Formats 1/3/5/7
Large Business Edu. Format 8
Small Business Edu. Format 7
Employer Edu. Formats 5 & 6
Manager Edu. Formats 3 & 4

$1,000,000 Employee Edu. Formats 1 & 2

$0 Seller Assisted Marketing Plan

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11

Month 12

7.2 Personnel Forecast
The Personnel section breaks down the payroll expense line on the Income Statement. It
provides total headcount, average salary per category and total pay per category.
Yearly Personnel
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Seller Assisted Marketing Plan $0 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000
Employee Edu. Formats 1 & 2 $2,876,829 $1,743,634 $1,743,634 $1,743,634 $1,743,634
Manager Edu. Formats 3 & 4 $2,404,950 $1,928,640 $1,928,640 $1,928,640 $1,928,640
Employer Edu. Formats 5 & 6 $4,481,803 $10,185,000 $10,500,000 $10,500,000 $10,500,000
Small Business Edu. Format 7 $2,240,900 $5,465,708 $6,124,860 $6,124,860 $6,124,860
Large Business Edu. Format 8 $2,648,830 $7,383,857 $9,625,140 $9,625,140 $9,625,140
Packaged Edu. Formats 1/3/5/7 $2,648,829 $8,344,639 $13,830,894 $13,830,894 $13,830,894
Packaged Edu. Formats 2/4/6/8 $5,732,636 $9,277,595 $17,841,529 $17,841,529 $17,841,529
Marketing & Advertising $947,200 $6,914,760 $6,914,760 $6,914,760 $6,914,760
Research & Development $768,000 $29,083,300 $39,275,160 $39,275,160 $39,275,160
General & Admin $439,500 $29,083,300 $39,275,160 $39,275,160 $39,275,160
Total Payroll $25,189,477 $109,660,434 $147,309,777 $147,309,777 $147,309,777

7.3 Income Statement
The Income Statement is also known as a Profit & Loss Statement. This table breaks down
Revenue, Cost of Revenue, Operating Expenses, Depreciation, Interest, Taxes, and bottom line
Earnings for the first five years.
Yearly Income Statement
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Gross Revenue $42,059,350 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968
Direct Cost of Revenue $1,525,170 $1,570,925 $1,618,053 $1,666,595 $1,716,593
Other Direct Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost of Revenue $1,525,170 $1,570,925 $1,618,053 $1,666,595 $1,716,593

Gross Profit $40,534,180 $614,376,043 $614,328,915 $614,280,373 $614,230,375

Gross Margin Percentage 96.4% 99.7% 99.7% 99.7% 99.7%

Operating Expenses
Advertising $3,329,190 $9,398,400 $9,680,400 $9,970,800 $10,269,600
Literature $15,774 $17,816,000 $19,380,000 $19,596,000 $20,556,000
Promotions $2,758,524 $6,914,760 $7,122,203 $7,335,870 $7,555,947
Other Marketing & Advertising $671,342 $29,083,300 $39,275,160 $39,275,160 $39,275,160
Research & Development $2,549,076 $29,083,300 $39,275,160 $39,275,160 $39,275,160
General & Admin $2,548,832 $69,593,938 $81,593,937 $81,593,937 $81,593,937
Total Payroll $25,189,477 $109,660,434 $147,309,777 $147,309,777 $147,309,777
Payroll Taxes $10,579,580 $46,057,382 $61,870,106 $61,870,106 $61,870,106
Total Operating Expenses $47,641,795 $71,114,910 $94,587,511 $406,226,810 $407,705,687

Operating Profit ($7,107,615) $296,768,528 $208,822,172 $208,053,563 $206,524,688

Operating Profit Percentage -16.9% 48.2% 33.9% 33.8% 33.5%

Depreciation $70,638 $195,638 $320,638 $445,638 $570,638

Earning Before Interest & Taxes ($7,178,252) $296,572,891 $208,501,534 $207,607,925 $205,954,050
EBIT Percentage -17.1% 48.1% 33.9% 33.7% 33.4%

Interest Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxes Accrued $0 $124,560,614 $87,570,644 $87,195,329 $86,500,701
Earnings ($7,178,252) $172,012,277 $120,930,890 $120,412,597 $119,453,349
Earnings Percentage -17.1% 27.9% 19.6% 19.5% 19.4%

Yearly Income Statement

$600,000,000 Gross Revenue

Gross Profit

$300,000,000 Operating Profit

Earning Before
$100,000,000 Interest & Taxes


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Year 1 Income Statement

Gross Revenue
Gross Profit
$3,000,000 Operating Profit
$1,000,000 Earning Before
$0 Interest & Taxes
($1,000,000) Earnings
Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11

Month 12

7.4 Statement of Cash Flow
The Statement of Cash Flow illustrates the Company’s cash received and cash spent for the five-
year period. The table is broken down into three main categories; Operating, Investing, and
Financing. The Operating Activities report the Company’s business operations. Investing
Activities detail the Company’s property, plant, and equipment transactions. Financing
Activities account for the Company’s paid-in capital and debt.
Yearly Statement of Cash Flow
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Operating Activities
Cash Received
Gross Revenue $42,059,350 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968
Total Cash Received $42,059,350 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968 $615,946,968
Cash Used
Cost of Revenue $1,525,170 $1,570,925 $1,618,053 $1,666,595 $1,716,593
Payroll/Taxes/Benefits $35,769,057 $155,717,817 $209,179,883 $209,179,883 $209,179,883
Other Operating Expenses $11,872,738 $161,889,698 $196,326,860 $197,046,927 $198,525,804
Additional Inventory $344,940 $6,187 $6,373 $6,564 $0
Interest Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxes Accrued $0 $124,560,614 $87,570,644 $87,195,329 $86,500,701
Total Cash Used $49,511,905 $443,745,241 $494,701,813 $495,095,298 $495,922,981
Net Cash From /(Used By) Operating ($7,452,555) $172,201,727 $121,245,155 $120,851,670 $120,023,987

Investing Activities
Cash Received
Proceeds from Property/Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Proceeds from Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cash Received $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash Used
Purchase of Property/Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Purchase of Equipment $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000
Total Cash Used $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000
Net Cash From /(Used By) Investing ($1,000,000) ($1,000,000) ($1,000,000) ($1,000,000) ($1,000,000)

Financing Activities
Cash Received
Proceeds from Investors $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Proceeds from Long-Term Debt $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cash Received $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash Used
Dividends Paid $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Repayment of Long-Term Debt $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cash Used $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Net Cash From /(Used By) Financing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Net Cash Flow ($8,452,555) $171,201,727 $120,245,155 $119,851,670 $119,023,987

Cash Balance $101,484,415 $272,686,142 $392,931,297 $512,782,967 $631,806,954

Quarterly Statement of Cash Flow









Q1 Y1

Q2 Y1

Q3 Y1

Q4 Y1

Q1 Y2

Q2 Y2

Q3 Y2

Q4 Y2

Q1 Y3

Q2 Y3

Q3 Y3

Q4 Y3

Q1 Y4

Q2 Y4

Q3 Y4

Q4 Y4

Q1 Y5

Q2 Y5

Q3 Y5

Q4 Y5
Net Cash Flow Cash Balance

Year 1 Statement of Cash Flow








Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11

Month 12

Net Cash Flow Cash Balance

7.5 Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet shows the Company’s Assets, Liabilities, and Shareholders’ Equity for a
given time period.
Yearly Balance Sheet
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Current Assets
Cash $101,484,415 $272,686,142 $392,931,297 $512,782,967 $631,806,954
Inventory $387,460 $393,647 $400,020 $406,584 $406,584
Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Current Assets $101,871,875 $273,079,789 $393,331,317 $513,189,551 $632,213,538
Long-Term Assets
Property $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Equipment $1,023,434 $2,023,434 $3,023,434 $4,023,434 $5,023,434
Other Long-Term Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Accumulated Depreciation ($70,638) ($266,275) ($586,913) ($1,032,550) ($1,603,188)
Total Long-Term Assets $952,796 $1,757,159 $2,436,521 $2,990,884 $3,420,246
Total Assets $102,824,672 $274,836,948 $395,767,838 $516,180,435 $635,633,784

Current Liabilities
Current Debt $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Long-Term Liabilities
Long-Term Debt $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Long-Term Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Shareholders' Equity
Paid-in Capital
Ow ner $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000
Investor $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000
Total Paid-in Capital $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000
Retained Earnings
Previous Retained Earnings ($286,076) ($7,464,328) $164,547,948 $285,478,838 $405,891,435
Current Earnings ($7,178,252) $172,012,277 $120,930,890 $120,412,597 $119,453,349
Total Retained Earnings ($7,464,328) $164,547,948 $285,478,838 $405,891,435 $525,344,784
Total Shareholders' Equity $102,824,672 $274,836,948 $395,767,838 $516,180,435 $635,633,784
Total Liabilities & Equity $102,824,672 $274,836,948 $395,767,838 $516,180,435 $635,633,784

7.6 Break-Even Analysis
The Break-Even Analysis details two different break-even points. The Operating Break-Even
accounts for the Company’s revenue and expenses on the Income Statement. The Investment
Cash Flow Break-Even takes the Operating Break-Even one step further by including the inflow
and outflows of the Cash Flow. The Investment Cash Flow Break-Even looks at all transfers of
money except investments.
Analysis Month
Operating Break-Even 13
Investment Cash Flow Break-Even 13

Operating Break-Even






1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59
Accumulated Revenue Accumulated Expenses

Investment Cash Flow Break-Even







1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59
Accumulated Cash Received Accumulated Cash Used

7.7 Best & Worst Case
The Best and Worst Case analysis illustrates what the Company’s financial statements might
look like with an increase or decrease in Revenue.
Worst Case -- Revenue Decrease By: 10%
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Gross Revenue $37,853,415 $554,352,271 $554,352,271 $554,352,271 $554,352,271
Total Cost of Revenue $1,372,653 $1,413,832 $1,456,248 $1,499,936 $1,544,934
Gross Profit $36,480,762 $552,938,439 $552,896,023 $552,852,335 $552,807,338
Gross Margin Percentage 96.4% 99.7% 99.7% 99.7% 99.7%
Total Operating Expenses $47,641,795 $317,607,515 $405,506,743 $406,226,810 $407,705,687
Operating Profit ($11,161,033) $235,330,924 $147,389,280 $146,625,525 $145,101,650
Operating Profit Percentage -29.5% 42.5% 26.6% 26.4% 26.2%
Earning Before Interest & Taxes ($11,231,670) $235,135,286 $147,068,643 $146,179,888 $144,531,013
EBIT Percentage -29.7% 42.4% 26.5% 26.4% 26.1%
Interest Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxes Accrued $0 $98,756,820 $61,768,830 $61,395,553 $60,703,025
Earnings ($11,231,670) $136,378,466 $85,299,813 $84,784,335 $83,827,987
Earnings Percentage -29.7% 24.6% 15.4% 15.3% 15.1%

Net Cash Flow ($12,505,973) $135,567,916 $84,614,078 $84,223,409 $83,398,625

Cash Balance $97,430,997 $232,998,914 $317,612,991 $401,836,400 $485,235,025

Best Case -- Revenue Increase By: 10%

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Gross Revenue $46,265,286 $677,541,665 $677,541,665 $677,541,665 $677,541,665
Total Cost of Revenue $1,677,687 $1,728,017 $1,779,859 $1,833,255 $1,888,252
Gross Profit $44,587,599 $675,813,647 $675,761,806 $675,708,410 $675,653,413
Gross Margin Percentage 96.4% 99.7% 99.7% 99.7% 99.7%
Total Operating Expenses $47,641,795 $317,607,515 $405,506,743 $406,226,810 $407,705,687
Operating Profit ($3,054,197) $358,206,132 $270,255,063 $269,481,600 $267,947,725
Operating Profit Percentage -6.6% 52.9% 39.9% 39.8% 39.5%
Earning Before Interest & Taxes ($3,124,834) $358,010,495 $269,934,426 $269,035,962 $267,377,088
EBIT Percentage -6.8% 52.8% 39.8% 39.7% 39.5%
Interest Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxes Accrued $0 $150,364,408 $113,372,459 $112,995,104 $112,298,377
Earnings ($3,124,834) $207,646,087 $156,561,967 $156,040,858 $155,078,711
Earnings Percentage -6.8% 30.6% 23.1% 23.0% 22.9%

Net Cash Flow ($4,399,137) $206,835,537 $155,876,232 $155,479,932 $154,649,348

Cash Balance $105,537,833 $312,373,371 $468,249,603 $623,729,535 $778,378,883

Appendix A – Year 1 Financials
Year 1 Monthly Forecast illustrates the Company’s first 12 months after the Pre-Operating stage.
Year 1 Revenue
M o nth 1 M o nth 2 M o nth 3 M o nth 4 M o nth 5 M o nth 6 M o nth 7 M o nth 8 M o nth 9 M o nth 10 M o nth 11 M o nth 12
Unit s
Seller A ssisted M arketing P lan 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 0
Emplo yee Edu. Fo rmats 1& 2 0 0 0 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
M anager Edu. Fo rmats 3 & 4 0 0 0 0 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Emplo yer Edu. Fo rmats 5 & 6 0 0 0 0 0 12 50 50 50 50 50 50
Small B usiness Edu. Fo rmat 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 50 50 50 50 50
Large B usiness Edu. Fo rmat 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 50 50 50 50
P ackaged Edu. Fo rmats 1/3/5/7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 50 50 50
P ackaged Edu. Fo rmats 2/4/6/8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 50 50
T o t a l Unit s 12 50 50 62 112 16 2 2 12 2 12 262 3 12 350 350

Unit P ric e
Seller A ssisted M arketing P lan $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00 $ 38,830.00
Emplo yee Edu. Fo rmats 1& 2 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51 $ 4,151.51
M anager Edu. Fo rmats 3 & 4 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00 $ 4,592.00
Emplo yer Edu. Fo rmats 5 & 6 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00
Small B usiness Edu. Fo rmat 7 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00 $ 14,583.00
Large B usiness Edu. Fo rmat 8 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00 $ 22,917.00
P ackaged Edu. Fo rmats 1/3/5/7 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70 $ 32,930.70
P ackaged Edu. Fo rmats 2/4/6/8 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83 $ 42,479.83

R e v e nue
Seller A ssisted M arketing P lan $ 465,960 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,941,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Emplo yee Edu. Fo rmats 1& 2 $0 $0 $0 $ 49,818 $ 207,576 $ 207,576 $ 207,576 $ 207,576 $ 207,576 $ 207,576 $ 207,576 $ 207,576
M anager Edu. Fo rmats 3 & 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 55,104 $ 229,600 $ 229,600 $ 229,600 $ 229,600 $ 229,600 $ 229,600 $ 229,600
Emplo yer Edu. Fo rmats 5 & 6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 300,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000
Small B usiness Edu. Fo rmat 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 174,996 $ 729,150 $ 729,150 $ 729,150 $ 729,150 $ 729,150
Large B usiness Edu. Fo rmat 8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 275,004 $ 1,145,850 $ 1,145,850 $ 1,145,850 $ 1,145,850
P ackaged Edu. Fo rmats 1/3/5/7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 395,168 $ 1,646,535 $ 1,646,535 $ 1,646,535
P ackaged Edu. Fo rmats 2/4/6/8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 509,758 $ 2,123,992 $ 2,123,992
G ro s s R e v e nue $ 465,960 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,991,318 $ 2,204,180 $ 2,678,676 $ 3,803,672 $ 2,691,330 $ 3,957,344 $ 5,718,468 $ 7,332,702 $ 7,332,702

D ire c t C o s t s
M aterial $ 6,690 $ 7,895 $ 13,665 $ 38,384 $ 70,251 $ 95,612 $ 115,922 $ 144,190 $ 175,088 $ 190,455 $ 197,774 $ 225,644
P ro ductio n Facility Expense $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,500
P ro ductio n Equipment Rental $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,700
Small To o ls / Supplies $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 2,900
P ackaging Supplies $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $ 4,700

Other P ro ductio n Expenses $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500
D ire c t C o s t o f R e v e nue $ 26,990 $ 28,195 $ 33,965 $ 58,684 $ 90,551 $ 115,912 $ 136,222 $ 164,490 $ 195,388 $ 210,755 $ 218,074 $ 245,944

Year 1 Personnel
M o nth 1 M o nth 2 M o nth 3 M o nth 4 M o nth 5 M o nth 6 M o nth 7 M o nth 8 M o nth 9 M o nth 10 M o nth 11 M o nth 12
P a yro ll
Seller A ssisted M arketing P lan $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Emplo yee Edu. Fo rmats 1& 2 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736 $ 239,736
M anager Edu. Fo rmats 3 & 4 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413 $ 200,413
Emplo yer Edu. Fo rmats 5 & 6 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484 $ 373,484
Small B usiness Edu. Fo rmat 7 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742 $ 186,742
Large B usiness Edu. Fo rmat 8 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736
P ackaged Edu. Fo rmats 1/3/5/7 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736 $ 220,736
P ackaged Edu. Fo rmats 2/4/6/8 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720 $ 477,720

M arketing & A dvertising $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933 $ 78,933
Research & Develo pment $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000
General & A dmin $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625 $ 36,625
T o t a l P a yro ll $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123

Year 1 Income Statement

M o nth 1 M o nth 2 M o nth 3 M o nth 4 M o nth 5 M o nth 6 M o nth 7 M o nth 8 M o nth 9 M o nth 10 M o nth 11 M o nth 12
G ro s s R e v e nue $ 465,960 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,991,318 $ 2,204,180 $ 2,678,676 $ 3,803,672 $ 2,691,330 $ 3,957,344 $ 5,718,468 $ 7,332,702 $ 7,332,702
Direct Co st o f Revenue $ 26,990 $ 28,195 $ 33,965 $ 58,684 $ 90,551 $ 115,912 $ 136,222 $ 164,490 $ 195,388 $ 210,755 $ 218,074 $ 245,944
Other Direct Co sts $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
T o t a l C o s t o f R e v e nue $ 26,990 $ 28,195 $ 33,965 $ 58,684 $ 90,551 $ 115,912 $ 136,222 $ 164,490 $ 195,388 $ 210,755 $ 218,074 $ 245,944

Gro ss P ro fit $ 438,970 $ 1,913,305 $ 1,907,535 $ 1,932,634 $ 2,113,629 $ 2,562,764 $ 3,667,450 $ 2,526,840 $ 3,761,956 $ 5,507,713 $ 7,114,628 $ 7,086,758
Gro ss M argin P ercentage 94.2% 98.5% 98.3% 97.1% 95.9% 95.7% 96.4% 93.9% 95.1% 96.3% 97.0% 96.6%

O pe ra t ing E xpe ns e s
A dvertising $ 500 $ 990 $ 1,500 $ 5,000 $ 57,500 $ 94,000 $ 130,000 $ 320,000 $ 510,000 $ 670,000 $ 768,900 $ 770,800
Literature $ 1,298 $ 1,301 $ 1,304 $ 1,307 $ 1,310 $ 1,313 $ 1,316 $ 1,319 $ 1,322 $ 1,325 $ 1,328 $ 1,331
P ro mo tio ns $ 500 $ 504 $ 800 $ 5,120 $ 51,600 $ 200,000 $ 240,000 $ 280,000 $ 320,000 $ 536,000 $ 540,000 $ 584,000
Other M arketing & A dvertising $ 7,920 $ 7,930 $ 7,940 $ 7,950 $ 79,600 $ 79,700 $ 79,801 $ 79,901 $ 80,000 $ 80,100 $ 80,200 $ 80,300
Research & Develo pment $ 1,633 $ 1,637 $ 1,641 $ 1,645 $ 16,490 $ 16,530 $ 165,700 $ 166,100 $ 166,500 $ 166,900 $ 167,300 $ 1,677,000
General & A dmin $ 1,572 $ 1,576 $ 1,580 $ 1,584 $ 16,490 $ 16,530 $ 165,700 $ 166,100 $ 166,500 $ 166,900 $ 167,300 $ 1,677,000
To tal P ayro ll $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123 $ 2,099,123
P ayro ll Taxes $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632 $ 881,632
T o t a l O pe ra t ing E xpe ns e s $ 2,994,178 $ 2,994,693 $ 2,995,520 $ 3,003,361 $ 3,203,745 $ 3,388,828 $ 3,763,272 $ 3,994,175 $ 4,225,077 $ 4,601,980 $ 4,705,783 $ 7,771,186

O pe ra t ing P ro f it ($ 2,555,208) ($ 1,081,388) ($ 1,087,985) ($ 1,070,727) ($ 1,090,116) ($ 826,064) ($ 95,822) ($ 1,467,335) ($ 463,121) $ 905,734 $ 2,408,845 ($ 684,428)
Operating P ro fit P ercentage -548.4% -55.7% -56.0% -53.8% -49.5% -30.8% -2.5% -54.5% -11.7% 15.8% 32.9% -9.3%

Depreciatio n $ 1,112 $ 1,980 $ 2,848 $ 3,716 $ 4,584 $ 5,452 $ 6,320 $ 7,189 $ 8,057 $ 8,925 $ 9,793 $ 10,661
E a rning B e f o re Int e re s t & T a xe s ($ 2,556,320) ($ 1,083,368) ($ 1,090,833) ($ 1,074,443) ($ 1,094,701) ($ 831,517) ($ 102,143) ($ 1,474,524) ($ 471,177) $ 896,809 $ 2,399,053 ($ 695,089)
EB IT P ercentage -548.6% -55.8% -56.2% -54.0% -49.7% -31.0% -2.7% -54.8% -11.9% 15.7% 32.7% -9.5%

Interest Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxes A ccrued $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
E a rnings ($ 2,556,320) ($ 1,083,368) ($ 1,090,833) ($ 1,074,443) ($ 1,094,701) ($ 831,517) ($ 102,143) ($ 1,474,524) ($ 471,177) $ 896,809 $ 2,399,053 ($ 695,089)
Earnings P ercentage -548.6% -55.8% -56.2% -54.0% -49.7% -31.0% -2.7% -54.8% -11.9% 15.7% 32.7% -9.5%

Year 1 Statement of Cash Flow
M o nth 1 M o nth 2 M o nth 3 M o nth 4 M o nth 5 M o nth 6 M o nth 7 M o nth 8 M o nth 9 M o nth 10 M o nth 11 M o nth 12
O pe ra t ing A c t iv it ie s
C a s h R e c e iv e d
Gro ss Revenue $ 465,960 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,991,318 $ 2,204,180 $ 2,678,676 $ 3,803,672 $ 2,691,330 $ 3,957,344 $ 5,718,468 $ 7,332,702 $ 7,332,702
T o t a l C a s h R e c e iv e d $ 465,960 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,941,500 $ 1,991,318 $ 2,204,180 $ 2,678,676 $ 3,803,672 $ 2,691,330 $ 3,957,344 $ 5,718,468 $ 7,332,702 $ 7,332,702
C a s h Us e d
Co st o f Revenue $ 26,990 $ 28,195 $ 33,965 $ 58,684 $ 90,551 $ 115,912 $ 136,222 $ 164,490 $ 195,388 $ 210,755 $ 218,074 $ 245,944
P ayro ll/Taxes/B enefits $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755 $ 2,980,755
Other Operating Expenses $ 13,423 $ 13,938 $ 14,765 $ 22,606 $ 222,990 $ 408,073 $ 782,517 $ 1,013,420 $ 1,244,322 $ 1,621,225 $ 1,725,028 $ 4,790,431
A dditio nal Invento ry $ 1,898 $ 9,090 $ 38,942 $ 50,203 $ 39,954 $ 31,996 $ 44,533 $ 48,677 $ 24,209 $ 11,530 $ 43,906 $0
Interest Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxes A ccrued $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
T o t a l C a s h Us e d $ 3,023,066 $ 3,031,978 $ 3,068,427 $ 3,112,248 $ 3,334,249 $ 3,536,736 $ 3,944,027 $ 4,207,341 $ 4,444,674 $ 4,824,265 $ 4,967,763 $ 8,017,130
N e t C a s h F ro m / ( Us e d B y) O pe ra t ing ($ 2,557,106) ($ 1,090,478) ($ 1,126,927) ($ 1,120,930) ($ 1,130,070) ($ 858,061) ($ 140,356) ($ 1,516,012) ($ 487,330) $ 894,203 $ 2,364,939 ($ 684,428)
Inv e s t ing A c t iv it ie s
C a s h R e c e iv e d
P ro ceeds fro m P ro perty/Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
P ro ceeds fro m Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
T o t a l C a s h R e c e iv e d $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
C a s h Us e d
P urchase o f P ro perty/Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
P urchase o f Equipment $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333
T o t a l C a s h Us e d $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333
N e t C a s h F ro m / ( Us e d B y) Inv e s t ing ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333) ($ 83,333)
F ina nc ing A c t iv it ie s
C a s h R e c e iv e d
P ro ceeds fro m Investo rs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
P ro ceeds fro m Lo ng-Term Debt $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
T o t a l C a s h R e c e iv e d $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
C a s h Us e d
Dividends P aid $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Repayment o f Lo ng-Term Debt $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
T o t a l C a s h Us e d $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
N e t C a s h F ro m / ( Us e d B y) F ina nc ing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
N e t C a s h F lo w ($ 2,640,439) ($ 1,173,811) ($ 1,210,260) ($ 1,204,263) ($ 1,213,403) ($ 941,394) ($ 223,689) ($ 1,599,345) ($ 570,663) $ 810,870 $ 2,281,606 ($ 767,761)
C a s h B a la nc e $ 107,296,531 $ 106,122,719 $ 104,912,459 $ 103,708,196 $ 102,494,792 $ 101,553,399 $ 101,329,710 $ 99,730,364 $ 99,159,701 $ 99,970,571 $ 102,252,176 $ 101,484,415

Year 1 Balance Sheet
M onth 1 M onth 2 M onth 3 M onth 4 M onth 5 M onth 6 M onth 7 M onth 8 M onth 9 M onth 10 M onth 11 M onth 12
A ssets
Current Assets
Cash $107,296,531 $106,122,719 $104,912,459 $103,708,196 $102,494,792 $101,553,399 $101,329,710 $99,730,364 $99,159,701 $99,970,571 $102,252,176 $101,484,415
Inventory $44,418 $53,508 $92,451 $142,654 $182,608 $214,604 $259,137 $307,814 $332,023 $343,553 $387,460 $387,460
Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Current Assets $107,340,949 $106,176,228 $105,004,910 $103,850,850 $102,677,400 $101,768,002 $101,588,847 $100,038,178 $99,491,724 $100,314,124 $102,639,636 $101,871,875
Long-Term Assets
Property $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Equipment $106,767 $190,101 $273,434 $356,767 $440,101 $523,434 $606,767 $690,101 $773,434 $856,767 $940,101 $1,023,434
Other Long-Term Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Accumulated Depreciation ($1,112) ($3,092) ($5,941) ($9,657) ($14,241) ($19,694) ($26,014) ($33,203) ($41,259) ($50,184) ($59,977) ($70,638)
Total Long-Term Assets $105,655 $187,008 $267,493 $347,110 $425,859 $503,740 $580,753 $656,898 $732,175 $806,583 $880,124 $952,796
T o tal A ssets $107,446,604 $106,363,236 $105,272,403 $104,197,960 $103,103,259 $102,271,743 $102,169,600 $100,695,076 $100,223,899 $101,120,708 $103,519,760 $102,824,672

Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Current Debt $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Long-Term Liabilities
Long-Term Debt $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Long-Term Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
T o tal Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Shareho lders' Equity

Paid-in Capital
Owner $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,000
Investor $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000 $110,000,000
Total Paid-in Capital $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000 $110,289,000
Retained Earnings
Previous Retained Earnings ($286,076) ($2,842,396) ($3,925,764) ($5,016,597) ($6,091,040) ($7,185,741) ($8,017,257) ($8,119,400) ($9,593,924) ($10,065,101) ($9,168,292) ($6,769,240)
Current Earnings ($2,556,320) ($1,083,368) ($1,090,833) ($1,074,443) ($1,094,701) ($831,517) ($102,143) ($1,474,524) ($471,177) $896,809 $2,399,053 ($695,089)
Total Retained Earnings ($2,842,396) ($3,925,764) ($5,016,597) ($6,091,040) ($7,185,741) ($8,017,257) ($8,119,400) ($9,593,924) ($10,065,101) ($9,168,292) ($6,769,240) ($7,464,328)
T o tal Shareho lders' Equity $107,446,604 $106,363,236 $105,272,403 $104,197,960 $103,103,259 $102,271,743 $102,169,600 $100,695,076 $100,223,899 $101,120,708 $103,519,760 $102,824,672
T o tal Liabilities & Equity $107,446,604 $106,363,236 $105,272,403 $104,197,960 $103,103,259 $102,271,743 $102,169,600 $100,695,076 $100,223,899 $101,120,708 $103,519,760 $102,824,672




First Tier Internal Wages & Benefits Program

First Tier Internal Employee Wages & Benefits
(*Financial Investment Package)

1. General Contractor of Network Operation (1) Salary Confidential - ($6,230,184,600)

2. Board of Representatives (12) Salary Confidential - ($250,000,008)

3. Chief Administrators (6) Salary - $248-550,000 ($3,300,000)

4. Deputy Administrators (30) Salary - $57,116-$62,400 ($1,872,000)
5. Executive Officers (42) Salary - $42,520-$47,808 ($2,007,936)

(91) First Tier Total Salaries ($7,179,936)

First Tier Supervisory Employee Wages & Benefits

(*Financial Investment Package)

1. General Contractor of Network Operation (16) Salary - $42,520-$47,808 ($764,928)

2. Board of Representatives (84) Salary - $42,520-$47,808 ($4,015,872)
3. Subordinate Staff Members (227) Salary - $42,520-$47,808 ($10,852,416)

(327) First Tier Total Salaries ($15,633,216)

First Tier Secretarial Employee Wages & Benefits
(*Financial Investment Package)

1. General Contractor of Network Operation (2) Salary - $36,000 ($72,000)

2. Board of Representatives (24) Salary - $36,000 ($864,000)
3. Chief Administrators (6) Salary - $36,000 (216,000)
4. Deputy Administrators (30) Salary - $36,000 ($1,080,000)
5. Executive Officers (42) Salary - $36,000 ($1,512,000)

(104) First Tier Total Salaries ($3,744,000)

(522 New Sources of Personal Income)

Totals Reflecting Wages & Benefits Package

1. (91) Core Staff Members - Yearly Salaries ($7,179,936)
2. (327) Supervisory Staff Members - Yearly Salaries ($15,633,216)
3. (104) Subordinate Staff Members - Yearly Salaries ($3,744,000) = $26,557,152 Yearly
4. (312) Opt-In Solution Providers - Yearly Compensation ($55,036,785) ****
a. $26,557,152 Yearly Internal
b. $132,785,760 5 Years Internal
c. $55,036,785 Yearly External ****
d. $275,183,925 5 Years External

(522 + 312 = 834 New Sources of Personal Income)

$2,505,847,222 - $407,969,685 = $2,097,877,537 5 Year Profit / $419,575,507 Yearly Profit




Regional Advertising Fee Structures

($600 Million or More a Year Market in Customer-Based Costs of Living Expenditures)

Level - 1 Regional Market for Small-Size Ecommerce Auction-Sites

Involving IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] Technology Base
(1-12 Commodities Markets or Methodical Units $250,000 - $27,500,000)

1. $1,000 - $5,000
2. $5,000 - $10,000
3. $15,000 - $20,000
4. $25,000 - $30,000
5. $35,000 - $40,000
6. $45,000 - $50,000
7. $55,000 - $60,000
8. $65,000 - $70,000
9. $75,000 - $80,000
10. $85,000 - $90,000
11. $95,000 - $100,000
12. $105,000 - $110,000

Level - 2 Regional Market for Medium-Size Ecommerce Auction-Sites Involving

IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] Technology Base
(1-12 Commodities Markets or Methodical Units $2,500,000 - $60,000,000)

1. $10,000 - $20,000
2. $30,000 - $40,000
3. $50,000 - $60,000

4. $70,000 - $80,000
5. $90,000 - $100,000
6. $110,000 - $120,000
7. $130,000 - $140,000 *** Average price for each category of the maximum advertising fee
8. $150,000 - $160,000
9. $170,000 - $180,000
10. $190,000 - $200,000
11. $210,000 - $220,000
12. $230,000 - $240,000

Level - 3 Regional Market for Deluxe-Size Ecommerce Auction-Sites Involving

IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] Technology Base
(1-12 Commodities Markets or Methodical Units $62,500,000 - $120,000,000)

1. $250,000 - $260,000
2. $270,000 - $280,000
3. $290,000 - $300,000
4. $310,000 - $320,000
5. $330,000 - $340,000
6. $350,000 - $360,000
7. $370,000 - $380,000
8. $390,000 - $400,000
9. $410,000 - $420,000
10. $430,000 - $440,000
11. $450,000 - $460,000
12. $470,000 - $480,000

Level - 4 Regional Market for Large-Scale Consultative Planning & Design Auction-Sites Involving
IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] Technology Base
(1-12 Commodities Markets or Methodical Units $125,000,000 - $412,500,000)

1. $500,000 - $550,000
2. $600,000 - $650,000
3. $700,000 - $750,000
4. $800,000 - $850,000
5. $900,000 - $950,000
6. $1,000,000 - $1,050,000
7. $1,100,000 - $1,150,000
8. $1,200,000 - $1,250,000
9. $1,300,000 - $1,350,000
10. $1,400,000 - $1,450,000
11. $1,500,000 - $1,550,000
12. $1,600,000 - $1,650,000

Maximum Accumulated Market Totals
(50K Subscribers, within a combined Market of 1,000 E-Businesses Nation-Wide)

$620,000,000 Advertising-Based Market Structure, 5 Years
$2,505,847,222 SAMP-Based Market Structure, 5 Years
$3,125,847,222 User & SAMP Markets Combined, 5 Years

$11,970,000 ISP-ASP ($19.95 Monthly Fee - $997,500 Per Mo.)

$3,497,500 ISP-ASP ($69.95 Yearly Registration/Upgrades)
$15,467,500 Annually
($77,337,500 5 years)
($3,203,184,722 Market/System-Wide, 5 Years)

Primary Time Slots for Bid Positioning or Advertising Rank

1. Level – 1 I – XII E-Commerce Methodical Units Covered, 6:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
2. Level – 2 I – XII E-Commerce Methodical Units Covered, 6:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
3. Level – 3 I – XII E-Commerce Methodical Units Covered, 6:00 A.M. – 12:00 A.M.
4. Level – 4 I – XII E-Commerce Methodical Units Covered, 6:00 A.M. – 6:00 A.M.

NAME’s Marketing Strategies in Simple Terms

The Advertising Market

In order to achieve those financial numbers depicted in the levels above, Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors
marketing strategies will consists of three primary branches; The first branch, involves the founding of a software
engineering laboratory, whose initial products & services are based upon the engineering, and free distribution of
its IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] technologies. In other words, if 5 million copies are manufactured, distributed & used.
This will in turn, establish an annual multi-billion dollar consumer-base market within the realm of ecommerce.
Over a period of 5 years, & based upon this marketing approach, NAME will charge approximately 250 businesses
within each level world-wide, the appropriate fees for becoming attached to the IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA]
technologies, as an auction-based E-Retailer for a 5 year time period. At the end of which, our services will be
adjusted in this area.

The Educational Market

The second branch, encompasses a strategy of implementing a distributed or distant learning network within the
IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] technology environment. From this perspective, market revenues are generated through
an adjacent fee structure, for those educational services supported by NAME through its Subcontractors. These
312 subcontractors need only acquire 1 client per year, in order to achieve those financial goals set-forth within
NAME’s business plan.

The Membership Market

To simply put it, the third branch revolves around the annual premise that if 5 million IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA]
copies are manufactured & distributed, then a monthly & annual fee for technology support will accurately reflect
the numbers above in that area, if at least 1% of that distribution ratio achieves a customer base of 50,000 users.

The ultimate goal in this area, in order to acquire a user base of this size, is to establish a number benefits within
the IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA] technology environment as listed below;

A. The ability to focus Internet content, into a personalize intranet for each user.
B. Free give-aways directly from the network, such as free medical assistance, educational scholarships,
computers, etc.
C. The ability to deduct some expenses from local, state and/or federal taxation within the U.S.




The Operational Framework Needed to Facilitate

Projected Revenues for a New $36 Trillion Global
Market and the Creation of over 48 Million Jobs

The Republican & Democratic Thought in an Era of

Globalization & Opulence (SPOR)

The Economic Preamble for the Procreative Modeling of Global Markets through Status &
Opulence as both a Republican and Democrat within a time of Market Fluctuation & Stability
(A Financial Return on Global High-Tech Investments)

Individuals within a Global Economy (Republic) on Earth, in Order to form a more perfect Union
of Labor Opportunities, Wealth and Opulence, establish Global Free Markets through Innovation,
insure Domestic Privatization, provide for common Human Rights, promote the general Welfare of
Industry & Individuality alike, and secure the Blessings of Universal Understanding amongst
ourselves and Global Posterity, do recognize, accept and establish principles of Unitarian Market
Forces as a tool for the Furtherance of the Idea of Mankind throughout the Known Universe.

The Initial Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations

In Relation to the Universal Law of Observation that Exist within a Global Republic of Economic
Thought (In Time and Space the Acquired Level of Wealth [Matter] and Opulence [Energy] within
a Currency's Fiduciary Wave Length [Influence] is Relative to the Type, Sum Value or Amount of
Information Received as to its Monetary Position or Place within a Fiscal Period which Orbits a
Gravitational Need in the Productivity of the Division of Labor that converts it's Reality into
Knowledge, and it's Knowledge into the Realities of Modern Economic Legions of Market

It is within All Creation that their lies a Time [Uncertainty] & Space [Vastness] of Darkness [Ignorance]
within the Academic Minds of All Cognitive Beings that Exist within realm of life itself, a Platform or
Throne from which the Authority of a GOD rules both the Known and Unknown Universe, a base of
unlimited Power of which is exercised through the UNIVERSAL LAW OF OBSERVATION.
Primarily, that In the Beginning there was no Recognition of things Made until there was
Acknowledgement of those persons, places or things Seen, Heard, Felt, Thought or Written of. It is by
standardizing this common rule of thought into a single three-dimensional mathematic equation [X3] that
the Creation of All that is Made within both the Known or Unknown Universe becomes a Centralized
Rule of Thought or Seat of An Absolute Power. "That if anything is Seen, Heard, Felt, Thought or
Written of [Observed]? Then it Exist within a Separation of Time & Space that Defines a Person's, Place's
or Thing's Location or Existence. A Person's, Place's or Thing's Location or Existence is Relative to its
Observed Motion or Force in Time & Space and the applicable efforts of the WORDS, CONCEPTS,
and IDEAS used to Define and Convey its Presence the instant that it is Recognized that its Existence is
Unknown, or that the Behavioral Patterns or Movements of an Existing Focal Point has Changed or has
become Unfamiliar to an Observer." [Cases In Point: If an Abuser Sees, Recognizes and Targets a
Victim, then he or she must intercept his or her Victim at a particular point or location in time and space
in order to commit the act(s) of abuse or indifference. The question of how to prevent the action(s) of the
abuse is answered by changing how an abuser recognizes, perceives or targets his or her Victim, as well
as altering the Location or Existence of the Time and Place to which the action(s) of abuse are to occur.
Another case in point from a financial perspective, is that if the left-over Materials or Matter (Trash) from
consumable products bought and sold by human beings is not intercepted at its current location at a
certain point in Time and Space on Earth, then the economic residual effects of the illnesses that it causes
as polution within a general populous would far out-weigh the levels of fiduciary profit within a region's
agricultural GDP. Therefore, it is cost effective for the creation or existence of a Procedural or
Mathematical Multivariate Singularity or Method consisting of numerous subroutines used to move the
Trash or Matter from one Place or Location in Time and Space to another. This effect is called a
Necessity or Motion, of which whose mere existence in a market economy Overthrows the Principles of
various forms of Tombstone Management.]

–Ibn al-Haytham (Former Political Prisoner and First Scientist to the Embodiment of All Mankind,
currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Scientific Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-
Lifeform of Caesar's 10th Economic Legion for the Perpetuation of Empiricism

In Relation to Definitive Economic Principles (Power/Authority)

"Oh Lord God, truly as I now Pray to Thee. I hope that Thou shall soon Bestow upon me the most
effective means possible of Establishing Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and Global Markets within the
Hearts, Minds and Soul of all Mankind here on Earth. I hope and Pray to Thee Oh Lord God, that
within this process, that Thou shall grant upon me the further those physical abilities inherent to the
Resurrect of the Spiritual Bodies of Moses, Christ and Muhammad (MCMA.D.). So that they may be
equally used as Vehicles to Perpetuate Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and Global Markets throughout
the Known Universe. I hope and I Pray to Thee Oh Lord God that within both of these Processes, that
Thou shall truly forgive me for any and all Sins that I may have committed in the Past, Present or
Future, whether in the Heart, Mind or Soul, against any Person(s), Place(s) or Thing(s). Amen."

–Onesimus (Former Slave and Orthodox Christian, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered
Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's 10th Economic Legion against Human
Bigotries and Indifferences)

In Relation to Economic Behavior (Morale/Cohesion)

“Those who do not Learn to (Overcome) the [Uncertainties] of Financial Markets, will never (Master)
the Monetary [Unexpectancies] within a Global Economy.”

–Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat (Spartan-Legionnaire from the 1stMethod of the 144th Stratagem, 62nd
Tactical Element within Caesar's 10th Economic Legion against Fiduciary Racism and Deception)

In Relation to Strategic Economic Thought (Norms/Standards)

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were
made by him; [and (without) him was not anything Made that was Made]. In him was life; and the life
was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

–Saint John (Apostle and First Physician to the Body of Christendom)

In Relation to Tactical Economic Operations (Goals/Objectives)

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [And the Earth was (without) Form, and Void];
and the darkness was upon the face the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God
divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning was the first day.”

–Moses (Genesis and Master of Overthrowing Uncertainties within a Global Community)

In Relation to Economic Theories (Pursuing the PDA)

"For the first time in the history of Mankind. The road representing financial security, which leads
toward the Commanding Heights of global market economies, is no longer solely Paved with the words,
concepts & ideas of Privatization. But is additionally Forged upon the creation of Individualized
Innovative global free-market entrepreneurial business & search engine technologies. Whose, patentable
genetic-based consultative Planning & Design Approaches (PDAs) are interconnected, evolvable & user
specific through personalizing internet content by way of the following grammatic formula(s); Whereas,
the constant Sum Value of [A2, G2, G2, G2, L2, M2, PA2,T3 &T3] Equals the Measured quantitative
significance of any number(s), letter(s), word(s), concept(s), idea(s), genomic sequence(s) or method(s)
used to describe the existence or processes of a person(s), place(s) or thing(s), both currently known or
unknown. Which, are also supplanted within the driving forces [E] behind the Meaning of Life [M], the
Tree of Life [T], and of course Quality of Life [Q] issues. Whereas, the Process is the molecular or
genomic facilitation of single & multiple number, letter or word, strategies or tactics that simultaneously
accommodate systemic personal or organizational management, from a single point of origin, throughout
the Resources involving the Human Language System (HLS) as a whole."

–William E. Fields (GCNO)

In Relation to Managerial Economic Expansionism (Pursuing the CPDA)

“The Republic (Global Economy) is nothing, [merely a Name (without) Body or Shape].”

–Gaius Julius Caesar (The Embodied First Citizen of a new Global Socioeconomic Republic)

In Relation to Economic Scenarios (Simultaneously Pursuing the $ PDA/CPDA $ Problem Solving

Measures of Effectiveness)

"The Lord is Shepherd and King; We shall not want for Knowledge of the presence of a GOD
ALMIGHTY. He maketh All Mankind to lie down in green pastures of Universal Understanding and
Advancement; He Leadeth Mankind beside the still Waters of Bigoted and Bias Emotional Uncertainties.
He Restoreth the Moral, Mental and Physical Health, Wealth and Prosperity of Mankind's Eternal Soul;
He Leadth All Mankind in the Academic Path of Reason and Righteousness for His own name's sake.
Yea, Though I walk through the Emotional and Assiduous Valleys of the shadow of Death, Ignorance and
Human Indifferences, No Evil Intent or Uncertainties shall be Feared: for Thou Dwells Everywhere; Thy
Rod or Law of Universal Knowledge shall protect and comfort Me and All Mankind. Thou Preparest a
Table of Free Global Markets in the Presence and Recognition of Thy own Glory before all things
Created; Thou Anointest the Known Universe with the oil of the Human Endeavor; Thy own Cup of
Comprehension runneth over. Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow Mankind all the days of Eternal
Life: and the Known Universe shall live in a Time and Space of the Lord GOD forever.

–David Avenue (Former Babylonian Slave and Orthodox Jewish Rabbinical Scribe, currently Cloned
or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's 10th
Economic Legion against Futuristic Forms of Anti-Semitism)

The Secondary Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations

Most Current Economic Powers within a Global Economy are vested in the idea of a universal
uncertainty, which consist of a representation of Purposeful Hierarchies (Institutions, Market Forces or
Governments) engaged in the use of conflicting Ideologies and Social Class Structures.

The Third Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations

The Declaration of Independence from Market Uncertainty within a Global Economy

When in the Course of human events that exist within a Fear Based Perspective of a Global Economy,
it becomes necessary for All Mankind to dissolve the Economic Behavioral Bands to which it has become
connected or accustomed within the universal uncertainties of emotional economic bondage, and to
assume among the powers inherent to those that exist within the Known Universe, the separate and equal
emotional stations to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitles all creation, a decent respect
to the opinions of All Mankind requires that they should declare the causes to which impel them to the
separation from any and all standing allegiances to economic dought.

We hold these truths to be Self-Evident, that as observed, all things are created equal through a
universal law of physics or genomic sequences, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights to Exists, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to
secure these rights, Governments or Market Forces are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed and market certainty, That whenever any Form of Government or
Market Force becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the All Mankind and that which is
Made to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Governments or Market Forces, laying its foundation
on such principles and organizing its powers in such forms, as to them shall seem most likely to effect
and protect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence and Opulence, indeed, will dictate that Governments,
Institutions and Free Global Markets long established should not be changed for light and transient
causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that the assumptions of mankind are more disposed to
suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms of economic behavior
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses, usurpations and market uncertainties,
pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Destitution or
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such uncertainties, and to provide new Market
Economies as Guards for their future socioeconomic security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of All Mankind; and such is now the necessity which constrains
them to alter their former Systems of Economic Behavior in the Face of Universal Uncertainties. The
history of the present level of economic uncertainty in a global economy is a history of repeated injuries
and usurpations of economic achievement across the globe, all having in direct object the establishment of
an absolute Tyranny over the Emotional States of Membered Nations of Individuals. To prove this, let the
Facts be submitted to a candid global economy as it currently exist.

Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have Assent to Laws guaranteeing Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the most
wholesome and necessary for the general good of all created.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have forbidden Governments and Institutions to circulate funds of immediate and pressing
importance, unless suspended in their operation till Economic Behavioral Assent should be
obtained; and when so suspended, Market Uncertainties have prevented Governments and
Institutions utterly neglected to attend to them.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have caused Governments and Institutions to refuse to circulate other funds for the
accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people who would live in a fear based
social modeling of global economies, relinquish the right of Representation within their own
Economic System of Government, a right inestimable to them and formidable only to the tyranny
of market uncertainties.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have called together fraudulent economic systems of thoughts, principle only to bodies of theft at
places usual, comfortable, and close to the depository of it's public knowledge, for the sole
purpose of fatiguing All Mankind into compliance with measures of fear and universal
uncertainty or chaos.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have dissolved Individual Homes, Communities, Cities, Counties, States, and Representative
Houses of Governments or Institutions repeatedly, in opposition with mainly the firmness of
defenses to the invasions of market uncertainties upon the behavioral rights of All Mankind
guaranteeing Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the most wholesome and necessary for
the general good of all created.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have throughout human history, after such dissolutions, to cause economic principles to be
elected; whereby the Legislative powers of Governments and Institutions, incapable of
Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State of Existence
remaining in time and space exposed to all the dangers of invasions of market uncertainties from
without, and convulsions within.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have endeavored to emotionally handicap All Mankind within numerous Economic States of
Existence; for the purpose of obstructing those needed Market Forces from Naturalizing Foreign
Commercial Ideologies (Academic Tariffs); in the process refusing to accept human beings or
other life forms encouraged within their migrations in time or space toward obtaining Status,
Opulence or Wealth, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations toward unilateral
achievement within Global Economic Thought.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing the Assent of Principles for
establishing Judiciary powers of Due Process of Law through Market Forces.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have made Judiciary powers of Due Process of Law dependent on the Will of market fluctuations
alone, for the tone or tenure of their offices, and the amount and sequence of payments for their
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have erected a multitude of Old Ideologies, and sent hither swarms of useless rules and
regulations to harass Mankind, and eat out its substance.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have kept among All Mankind, in time and space, Standing Legions of Dought with the Consent

of Governments and Institutions duty bound and sworn to protect an individual's rights to Life,
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have affected to render economic forces independent of and superior to rights of Human Beings
and Civil powers or abilities.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have combined with other Standing Legions of Socioeconomic Dought to subject Mankind to an
emotional jurisdiction foreign to the constitution of reasonable Economic Men, and
unacknowledged by innovative technologies; giving economic uncertainties Assent to Acts of
pretended forms of Market Expansionism. Thus:

For Quartering Legions of Socioeconomic Dought among All Mankind:

For protecting an atmosphere of socioeconomic dought, by fraudulent schemes and mock
trials of economic stimulus packages, from transparency for any forms of effective
management which they should commit on the Inhabitants within a Global Market
For randomly cutting off Trade with all parts of the world through Bigotry, Prejudices or
any form of indifference toward those things made or created as equal in the eyes of a
Universal GOD:
For taxing and imposing oppressive economic principles upon All Mankind with or
without Consent:
For depriving individuals, institutions and governments in many cases, of the benefits of
and within the due processes of a truly Global Free Market Economy:
For displacing individuals, institutions and governments in many cases beyond the know
realm of time and space on the bases pretended economic downturns:
For abolishing the free System of the Human Thought Process in a neighboring state of
emotional existence, establishing therein an Arbitrary sense of belonging, and enlarging
its Emotional Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for
introducing the same absolute rule of uncertainty and fraud into the economic behavioral
patterns of All Mankind:
For taking away the Emotional Charter of Opulence and Prosperity, by abolishing our
most valuable Rights to Pursue Justice, Peace, Life and Happiness:
For altering fundamentally the Valued Forms of Individuals, Institutions and
For suspending the Rights of varied life forms from the financial protection of
Individuals, Institutions and Governments, and declaring a Fear Based Social Model
invested with the power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
that have emotionally abdicated and terrorized Governments and Institutions, by needlessly
declaring their Behavioral Portfolios out of the Protection of Market Certainties and waging Quiet
Wars with Silent Weapons through global market forces against All Mankind.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have plundered seas of human knowledge and innovations, ravaged imports and exports of
needed goods and services, abandoned towns of employers and employees in need of revenue or
jobs, and destroyed the lives of whole peoples from dispersed economies.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have at this time transported large Standing Legions of Socioeconomic Dought to complete the
works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy
scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy to exist as the Head
Economic Thought of those that exists within a civilized universe.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have constrained fellow human beings taken Captive on the high Seas of Ignorance to bear Arms
against their own Moral Values, to become the executioners of their Friends and Brethren, or to
fall themselves by their Own Hands at the behest of various forms of sedition.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have excited domestic insurrections amongst All Mankind, and has endeavored to bring upon the
inhabitants of planet Earth, the merciless Savages of Self-Loathing, whose known rule of
traditional warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions

In every stage of these Oppressions there have been Petitions for Redress through Innovation in the
most humble terms: Mankind's repeated Petitions have been answered only by lies and repeated financial
uncertainties. An emotional time in space whose very character of existence is thus marked by every act
which may define as Tyrannical, is unfit to be the morale ruler of a people participating in a free global
market economy.

Nor has Mankind not been wanting in Attention to the needs of financial certainties. Mankind has been
warned of the existence of varied forms of Universal uncertainties within a Global Economy that from
Time to Time Attempts by its own Legislature of Bias Academia to extend an unwarrantable Jurisdiction
over the Economic Behavioral Patterns of Unilateral Fiduciary Exchanges. Mankind has been reminded
of the Circumstances of the Emigration and Settlement here of Bigotry, Prejudices or any form of Human
Indifferences toward those things made or created as equal in the eyes of a Universal GOD. Mankind has
appealed to its native sense of Justice and Magnanimity, and has conjured up both of them by the Ties of
common Kindred to disavow these Usurpations of Monetary Gain, which, would inevitably interrupt its
Connections and Correspondence with the Principles, Wealth and Opulence of Modern Economic
Legions. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of consanguinity through the non-existence
of Innovative Global Free Market Entrepreneurial Networks. Mankind must, therefore, acquiesce in the
Necessity, which denounces it's Separation from Human Indifferences, and hold them, as we hold the rest
of all Created, Enemies to Human Indifference in of itself, as manifested in any Form, and through
Peaceful Intent, Friends for all Eternity.

We the Inhabitants of All Creation, therefore, as the Representative Economies of the Embodiment of
All Mankind, in General Congress of Global Market Forces, Assembled in Thought, appealing to the
Supreme Judge of the Universe for the rectitude of historic technologically progressive intentions, do, in
the Name of an Almighty God, and by Authority of the good in all Humanity, solemnly publish and
declare, That the Global Free Market Economy is, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent of
Emotional States of Monetary Uncertainty; that it be Absolved from all forms of Market Uncertainties
standing in Allegiance against the pursuit of Wealth, Status and Opulence, and that all political and
nonpolitical connections between them and the Emotional State of Prosperity, is and ought to be totally
dissolved; and that as a Free and Independent Emotional State, it has full Power to pursue the Quiet Wars
of Intellectual Expansionism, conclude Peaceful Intentions, contract R&D Alliances, establish E-
Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent Emotional States may of right do.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, the
Principalities of Market Economies shall mutually pledge to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and the
Sacred Honor of their Economic Legions of Market Certainties to facilitate the health and well-being of
All Mankind.
The Fourth Perspective of Global Economic Thought Through Innovations

The Pursuit of a Financial Perspective Involving the Implementation of DaVinci’s

Procreative Business Modeling of Global Market Economies
(An Economist’s Mindset from an Integrated Listing of over 600 World Economists into a Single Equation)

1. An Economic Outline for the Procreative Modeling of Global Markets within a Planning & Design
Approach (PDA) Worksheet for Monetary Operational Grand Strategies:

A. The Descriptive Procedural Mindset of an Economist/Broker as a Firm Utilizing over (600) Historical
Economists, as a Single Minded Autonomous Economic Function, within a PDA Worksheet (i.e., X3 the
Neuroeconomic Procedural Guidelines);

I. The Ancient and Modern History of Economic or Monetary Thought as Phase One within the
Planning & Design Approach Worksheet.
II. The Economic Theories within (4) Managerial Categories & (117) Overlapping Financial
Subcategories as Phase Two within the Planning & Design Approach Worksheet.
III. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics as the New Mainstream within Phase Three of the
Planning & Design Approaches.
IV. Behavioral Economics within (4) Managerial Categories & (24) Subcategories Involving the (24)
Points of the Change Equation utilizing Chromosomal Development within Phase Four of the
Planning & Design Approach Worksheet.
V. The (5) Point Outline of Cognitive Biases, Involving the (43) Categories of Behavioral Finance
within the (48) Types of Economic Systems, or the (40) Categories of Economic Indicators
encompassing Phase Five of the Planning & Design Approach Worksheet;

(a.) The (20) Step List of Financial Topics within the Pursuing the Planning & Design Strategy
(PPDS) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation (VIR) Involving
Norms/Standards or DALP Technologies]
(b.) The (18) Step List of Financial Services Companies within the Specifying & Implementing
Solutions (SIS) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation (VIR)
Involving Morale/Cohesion or DOSA Technologies]
(c.) The (18) Step List of Important Publications In Economics within the Information &
Knowledge (I&K) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation (VIR)
Involving Power/Authority Issues or IBOS Technologies]
(d.) The (20) Step List of Economic Topics within the Arranging for Continuous Change &
Improvement (ACCI) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation
(VIR) Involving Goals/Objectives or IAOA Technologies]

B. The Conceptual Implementation of (165) Accounting Topics within all (144) Sections of the Global
Information Drivers of Strategic & Tactical Innovations (GIDSTI), as well as the (21) Major Categories of
Financial Markets Involving (36) Economic Adaptive Autonomous Agents;

I. The (15/10) Point Assignment of Marketing Structures & Pricing within IT Investments, and a
Political/Religious Enterprise Work Architecture.
II. The (4) Areas of a Political Media or Das Kapital as a Source for Market-Based Ideological Counter-
Measures within the (4) Approaches of the Grammatic Genome.
III. The (6) Dimensions of Marketing for a Consultative Planning & Design Approach (CPDA) Stratagem
Matrix, Sections A – E.
IV. The List of Basic Economic Topics Representing the (9) PPES Formula System for a PDA Matrix.
V. The List of Behavioral Economics Representing the (9) PPES Formula System for a CPDA Matrix.
VI. The List of Financial Services Involving the (9) PPES Formula System for the Solution Framework
VII. The List of (11) Marketing Topics Representing Employment Related Software Development
VIII. The (12) Methods of Financial Services Involving Market Generation.
IX. The (12) Part Mechanism for Autonomous Agent Formatting.

2. An Economic Outline for the Procreative Modeling of Global Markets within a Consultative Planning & Design
Approach (CPDA) Worksheet for Monetary Operational Grand Tactics:

A. The Descriptive Operational Policy-Based Mindset of a Financier/Broker as an Individual Utilizing a List

of (81) Scholarly Journals In Economics, as Morale or Cohesive Tactics in Specifying & Implementing
Solutions within a Consultative Planning & Design Approach (CPDA) Worksheet (i.e., X3 the
Autonomous Economic Procedural Guidelines). [Vertical Inter-Changeable Clockwise Rotation (VIR)]
B. The List of (100) International Trade Topics as a Means of Engaging in Power or Authority Issues within
the Tactical Methods Involving the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA) Worksheet.
[Vertical Inter-Changeable Counter-Clockwise Rotation (VIR)]
C. The (4/115) Categories of Financial Services as a Means of Engaging in Norms or Standards within the
Tactical Approaches Involving the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA) Worksheet.
[Vertical Inter-Changeable Clockwise Rotation (VIR)]
D. The (21/121) Categories of Markets as a Means of Engaging in Goals or Objectives within the Tactical
Methods Involving the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA) Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-
Changeable Counter-Clockwise Rotation (VIR)];

I. The (288) Categories of Economics by Geographical Locations, Overlapping all (324) Components
within the Tactical Areas of the CPDA Worksheet as Stationary Elements.
II. The (53) Tactical Matrix Categories of Economies by Continents within the CPDA Worksheet.
III. The (46) Stationary Strategic Components of the CPDA Worksheet, Sections A-1 to A-4.

3. The Socioeconomic Base Equation(s) for the Individualized Global Free Market Fusion of Information :

3 (RW=QM )
X Homo Economicus Universal

–Archimedes (Former Hostage and First Scientist to the Embodiment of All Mankind, currently Cloned or
Embodied as a Re-Membered Scientific Petitioner/Call-To-Action VirtualE-Lifeform of Caesar's 10th Economic
Legion for the Empiricism of Fiduciary Defensive Stratagems

The Fifth Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations
A Representative of Global Free Market Behavioral States of Existence shall be composed of two Forms,
both representative of World-Wide Financial Grand Monetary Strategies and/or Operational
Fiduciary Tactics, chosen by the known global economies or markets, for up to Four Five Year terms;
and each Economic Representative shall have one Vote representing that economy through global market

Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Selection, they shall be divided as
equally as may be into Four Classes consisting of the Powers/Authorities within Global Finance,
Morale/Cohesion of Global Behavioral Economics, Norms/Standards of Global Economic
Procedures and that of the Goals/Objectives Embedded within Global Monetary Thought. The
Seats of the Representatives of the First Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the First Term, of the
Second Class at the Expiration of the Second Term, of the Third Class at the Expiration of the Third
Term, and so forth, so that one quarter may be chosen every subsequent term; and if Vacancies happen by
Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recession of the Global Economy of any Stated Market(s), the
NPMIS Executive Field Branches thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting or
Term, which shall then fill such Vacancies.

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of Twelve Years, and been
Eleven Years a Citizen educated in the principles of a Global Free Market Economy, and who shall not,
when Selected, be an Economically and/or Emotionally Enslaved Inhabitant of a Fear Based Social
Model from which he or she has been chosen.

A Competitive Leader of Global Free Market Behavioral States of Existence shall be Selected Chief
Representative, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

The Economic Representative of a membered economy shall choose their other Officers, and also a Chief
Representative pro tempore, in the absence of the Board of Network Representative, or when they, he or
she shall exercise the Office of any General Contractor of Network Operations.

The Board of Network Representative shall have the sole Power to try all Fraudulent Socioeconomic
Procedural Impeachments as accused. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation
from the Market Forces governing the issues of the economy or economies concerned. When the
Behavioral States of Market Forces is tried, the Chief Counsel for the General Contractor of Network
Operations shall preside: And no Persons, Places or Things shall be condemned without the Concurrence
of three quarters of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Fraudulent Socioeconomic Procedural Impeachment, of those actions concerned

shall not extend further than that to remove the issue from Procedural Confidence, and Disqualification to
hold and enjoin any Place of honor, Trust or Profit in economic thought affecting Global Free Market
Behavioral States of Existence: but the Issue(s) and its Practitioners set aside shall nevertheless be liable
and subject to at least some form of Moral Indictment, Trial within the Court of Public Opinion(s), or
Judgment and Counter-Measure(s), according to the Economic Laws governing the implementation of
innovative technologies.

The Sixth Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Selections for Representatives in Symposium or rather the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall be prescribed in each Existing Economic State or
Economy on Earth thereof; but the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may at any time through a
global consensus or the court of public opinion make or alter such Course of Action (COA), except as to
the Place of choosing Representatives in Symposium.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall convene at least once in every Month, and such
Meeting shall be on the first Monday in that Month, unless they shall by general consensus amongst
members appoint a different Day.

Each Class within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall be the Judge of the Selections,
Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do
Business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the
Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each Class may provide.

Each Class may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and,
with the Concurrence of three-quarters, expel a Ranking Member.

Each Class shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting
such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either
Class within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled on any question shall, at the Desire of one
fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.

Neither Class, during the Session of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall, without the
Consent of the other, adjourn for more than a prescribed period of days, nor to any other Place than that in
which the Four Classes shall be sitting in general consensus.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be
ascertained by Global Market Forces from within each of their designated Existing Economic States or
Economies of Thought, and paid out of the Treasury of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled
itself. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace against any person(s),
place(s) or thing(s), be privileged from Financial Distress during their Attendance at the Session of their
respective Classes, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either
Class, they can be questioned in any Case.

A Representatives in Symposium can, during the Time for which he or she was selected, be appointed to
any Civil Office under the Authority of any Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought which
shall have been created by Higher Powers, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during
such time; and Person or Entities holding any Office within the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, shall be a Member of either Class during his or her Continuance in Place.

The Seventh Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations
All Measures for generating markets and wealth shall originate in the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled by reason of innovations or global market forces themselves as observed; but the Existing
Economic States or Economies of Thought may propose or concur with modifications as to other
measures that are based upon the ideas of a global free market society.

Every Measure which shall have passed within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall,
before it become a Ruling Economic Thought, be presented to the embodiment of the Board of Network
Representatives; If it approves the Measure(s) then they shall sign it, but if not then they shall return it,
with its Objections to that Assembly in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at
large in the Network Journal (Blogs), and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration three
quarters of that Assembly shall agree to pass the Measure(s), it shall be sent, together with the Objections,
to another Assembly, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by three quarters of that
Assembly, it shall become a Ruling Economic Thought. But in all such Cases the Votes within the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the
Persons voting for and against the Measure(s) shall be entered on the Journal of each Assembly
respectively. If any Measure shall not be returned by the Board of Network Representatives within ten
Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to Them, the Same shall become a Ruling
Economic Thought, in like Manner as if they had signed it, unless the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not become a Ruling Economic

Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled and Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought may be necessary (except on a
question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the Board of Network Representatives; and before the
Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by them, or being disapproved by them, shall be repassed by
three quarters of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled and Existing Economic States or
Economies of Thought, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of Individualized
Economic Measure(s).

The Board of Network Representatives shall have power to pay all Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to
pay Organizational Debts and provide for the common Support and general Welfare of the Unified Body
of Market Forces assembled; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the Global

To borrow money on the credit of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled;

To regulate Commerce with Existing Economic States or Economies that are based upon innovations
derived internally within its own networks;

To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalized Socioeconomics, and uniform Measures on the subject of
Impoverishment throughout the Global Economies;

To coin or create monetary value within Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought, study the
Value thereof, and of new economic principles, and adjust the Standard of its Global Financial Weights
and Measures;

To provide for the Due Process of Law involving Fraudulent Securities or Financial Schemes involving
the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled;

To establish Distant Learning Environments and Position Financial Markets;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by honoring limited Times to Authors and Inventors
the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries as defined by international law(s);

To constitute Studies both inferior and superior to a Supreme Court of Public Opinions;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed upon Unified Body of Market Forces assembled,
and Offenses against the Law of Nations under a Universal Observation;

To implement Marketing Warfare Strategies and Tactics involving the perpetuation of Market Certainties,
and grant Letters of Commercial Marque and Market Analysis, and to make Rulings concerned with
Market Soundness on Land, Water, Air and Space;

To raise and support Standing Legions of Economic Certainty, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use
shall be for a longer Term than circumstances may require;

To provide and maintain Global Import and Export Markets;

To suggest the Rules for Governing and Regulating the use of Global Market Innovations and Economic
Forces through the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled derived from within its own network of

To provide for calling forth of Standing Legions of Market Certainties to execute the Measures of
Economic Union, suppress the Insurrections of Market Uncertainties and repel the Invasion of Human

To provide for the organizing, support, and disciplining of Standing Legions of Market Certainties, and
for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, reserving to the Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought respectively, the
Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training Standing Legions of Market Certainties
according to the discipline prescribed by the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled itself;

To exercise inclusive Economic Measures in all Cases whatsoever, over such Behavioral Districts as may,
by Cession of a particular Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, and the acceptance of the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, become the Mobile Seat of Global Market Forces, and to
exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Economic Measures of State
Existing in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Missions of Opportunities, Magazines of
Knowledge, Arsenals of Strategic and Tactical Economic Ideologies, Dock-Yards of Wealth, and other
needful Buildings of Socioeconomic Prosperity; And

To make all Measures which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing
Economic Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Membership in the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, or in any Department or Office thereof.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the Existing Economic States or Economies of
Thought shall think proper to admit, and shall not be prohibited by the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled prior.

The privilege of an Economic Writ of Habeas Corpus in Procedural Thought shall not be suspended,
unless when in Cases of an Emotional Recession in Economic Thought and Behavior, or the Invasion of
Human Ignorance endangering the Safety of the Global Economic Community.

No Measure of Attainder or ex post facto Rule of Thought shall be Adhered.

No economic capitation, or other direct, emotional monetary levy shall be laid, in Proportion to the
Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken against the Global Economy through Market

No Emotional Tax or Financial Duty shall be laid on Monetary Articles exported from any Existing
Economic State or Economies of Thought.

No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Financial Ports of one
Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought over those of another: nor shall

Academic Vessels bound to, or from, one Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, be obliged
to enter, clear, or pay Duties for the purposes of elevating any single person, place or thing at the expense
of another, thereby, lacking mutual benefit.

No Money shall be drawn from the Common Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by
Measure; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all Money shall be
published from time to time.

No Measure forbidding the Title of Nobility shall be granted by the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled or the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought: And no Person holding any Office
of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Court of Public Opinion, accept Presents,
Emoluments, Offices, or Titles, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or Foreign State.

No Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought shall through this Network enter into any Treaty,
Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; Earn
anything but valued resources, monies, gold and silver Coin to Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any
Measure of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Rule impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or the granting of
any Title of Nobility without the Consent of the Court of Public Opinion.

No Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought shall, without the Consent of the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports of Innovation or Idealism,
except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Rules: and the net Produce of all
Duties and Imposts, laid by any Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought on the Imports or
Exports of Innovation or Idealism, shall be for the Use of the Common Treasury of the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled; and all such Rules shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled.

No Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought shall use as Counter-Measures against Market
Uncertainties, without the Consent of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, lay any duty of
Emotional Tonnage, keep Emotional Troops of Human Stupidity, or Transport Academic Forms of
Foolishness in times of Financial Unity, enter into any Agreement or Compact with Standing Legions of
Monetary Uncertainties, or with a Corrupt Power, or engage in Marketing Warfare of Human
Indifference, unless actually invaded by illegal or immoral strategies or tactics of financial espionage, or
in such imminent Monetary Danger as will not admit delay.

The Eighth Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations

All Powers shall be vested in the Presiding Economic Issue(s) Concerning Innovations of the past, present
or forecasted level(s) of problem solving measures of effectiveness or ineffectiveness within Existing
Economic States or Economies of Thought. The Economic Issues of Innovations held multi-cameral
referencing the framework of Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria of Socioeconomic Prosperity are
subjugated to the Board of Network Representatives and the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled.

Each Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought shall appoint, in such Manner as the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled thereof may direct, a Number of Voting Members from within the
General Court of Public Opinion, equal to the whole Number of Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled to which the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought may be entitled in Assembly:
but no Network Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit within the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, shall be appointed a Voting Member from within the general Court of Public
Economic Opinion.

The Voting Members from within the General Court of Public Opinion shall meet in their Respective or
Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, and vote by Ballot for two persons, of whom one at
least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought
themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each;
which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Academic Seats of Financial Powers
within Global Markets as a whole, as directed by the Presiding Economic Issue(s) Concerning
Innovations of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled. The Presiding Economic Issue(s)
Concerning Innovations of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall, in the presence of the
Board of Network Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The
Issue(s) having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the Presiding Economic Issue(s) Concerning
Innovations of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, if such Number be a Majority of the whole
Number of Voting Members from within the General Court of Public Opinion appointed; and if there be
more than one issue who has such a Majority, and has an equal Number of Votes, then the Board of
Network Representatives shall immediately choose by Ballot one of them to Preside multi-cameral in a
Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria framework for obtaining Socioeconomic Prosperity and if no other
issue(s) have a Majority, then from the most urgent or highest on the List the said Voting Members from
within the General Court of Public Opinion shall in like Manner choose as Presiding. But in choosing the
Presiding Economic Issue(s) Concerning Innovations of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled,
the Votes shall be taken by each Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Representation
from which each Economic State or Economy having one Vote; a quorum for this Purpose shall consist of
a Member or Members from three-quarters of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, and
a Majority of Economic Issue(s) within all the Economic States or Economies of Thought shall be
necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice for the Presiding Economic Issues at hand, the
Ideology having the greatest Number of derivative Votes within the Voting Members of the General
Court of Public Opinion shall be the secondary representative principle in Quintilian: Institutio
Oratoria. But if there should remain two or more Issues having equal Votes, the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled shall choose from them by Ballot a secondary Representative Quintilian: Institutio
Oratoria referencing any collateral economic issue of concern.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may determine the Time of choosing the Voting Members
from within the General Court of Public Opinion, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes;
which Day shall be the same throughout the Network.

No Ineffective Presiding Issue(s) except those concerned with facilitating financial opportunities, or the
Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, at the time of the Adoption of this Embodiment of
Global Free Market Economies, shall be eligible to Preside multi-cameral in a Quintilian: Institutio
Oratoria framework for obtaining Socioeconomic Prosperity; neither shall any Issue(s) or Person(s) be
eligible to Preside Economic Issue(s) Concerning Innovations of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled who has not attained to an Age of Maturity, and been a Resident within an Existing Economic
State or Economies of Thought.

In the Case of the Removal of Ineffective Presiding Issue(s), in particular those matters concerned with
facilitating financial opportunities, or the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought from
Officiating Problem Solving Measures of Effectiveness, or of its Deception, Resignation toward
Corruption, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of said Officiating toward achieving wealth
and prosperity, the same shall be devolved upon the implementation of Secondary representative financial
principle(s) in Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria, and the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may
by Measure provide for the Case of Removing Ineffective Presiding Issue(s), it's Abolishment, Procedural
Resignation or Republican Incapacitation, both of the Presiding and Secondary Economic Issue(s)
brought to bare, declaring what Official Economic Measures shall then act as Precedence, and how such
Officiated Financial Footprinting must act accordingly, until the Financial Disability be removed, or a
New of set Monetary Precedences be newly elected to the global forum of Idealism.

The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall, at stated times, distribute for Services generated or
granted, Compensatorial Monetary Markets, which shall neither be vulnerable nor diminished by any
standing Legions of Uncertainties or Dought during the Period for which it shall have been elected, and it
shall receive within that same Period of Time and Space any other Strategic or Tactical Academic
Emoluments from the Voting Members within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the
Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them.

During or before the compulsion of Recessive or Inflationary Global Market Forces, all Parties concerned
shall enter into an Execution of Official Marketing Warfare Standards taking into consideration the
following Oath or Affirmation:

"Under or Existing within the Universal Law of Observation We do solemnly swear (or affirm) that
We will faithfully execute the Official World-Wide Financial Grand Monetary Strategies and/or
Operational Fiduciary Tactics of the Presiding Academic Emoluments from the Voting Members
within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic States or
Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, or any of them, and will to the best of our Ability, preserve, protect and defend the
Constitutional Embodiment of Global Free Market Idealism."

The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall be Commander-In-Chief of the Standing Economic
Legions of World-Wide Financial Grand Monetary Strategies and/or Operational Fiduciary Tactics
within those Marketing Warfare Operations involving the establishment of Financial Certainties, and
of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought of unquestionable Status and Conformity
toward the achievement of Prosperity and Opulence, that when called into the actual Service on behalf of
the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled; may require the Opinion of the Voting Members within
the General Court of Public Opinion respective, in writing, of the principal issues in each of the
Representative Classes reflective of or based upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective
Socioeconomic Causes, and the Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall have sole power to Grant
Monetary Operational Reprieves during Global Market fluctuations and Academic Pardons for
Opinionated Offenses against the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, except in Cases of
Procedural Impeachment through the Idealism of Global Market Forces.

The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall have the Power and Authority, by and with the Advice and
Consent of the Voting Members within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing
Economic States or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, or any of them, to make Commercial Non-Governmental Treaties, provided
three quarters of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled present concur; and They shall nominate,
and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Board of Network Representative, shall appoint various
forms of Socioeconomic Idealism, other public or non-public Ministers and Consuls, Adjudicators of
Supreme Causes, and all other Officials or Representative of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by
Internal Measure(s): but the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may by Special Measure(s) vest
the Appointment of such Superior Officials or Representative of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, as they may think proper as Counter-Measure(s) to Corrupt Presiding Economic Issue(s) at
hand alone, or within the Voting Members of the General Court of Public Opinion respective, or within
the Heads of False Financial Principalities.

The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall have the sole compulsive power to fill up all Vacancies
that may happen during the Recess of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, by granting
Commissions of Monetary Expediencies which shall expire at the End of their next Selection if at all.

The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall from time to time give to the Voting Members within the
General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought,
the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them
Information as to the State of the Union of Global Market Forces, and recommend to their Consideration
such Measures as shall be deemed or judged necessary and expedient; the Presiding Economic Issue(s) at
hand may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene all Classes within the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of
Adjournment, the Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand may adjourn them to such Time as deemed proper;
the Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall receive Academic Ambassadors and other public Ministers
of Financial idealism; the Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall take Care that the Monetary
Measures be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Official Duties Concerned within the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled.

The Presiding, Secondary Precedence and all Civil Economic Measures within the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, shall be removed from Consideration on Impeachment for, and Conviction of,
Fiduciary Treason, Academic Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors involving or against the
Global Market Forces producing Wealth and Opulence.

The Ninth Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations

All Analytical Powers within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic
State or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled, or any of them, shall be vested into one unifying supreme forum Declaring the
Universality of Human Rights through the Democratic and/or Republican rule of Global Free Market
Forces, and in such derivative forums as the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing
Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, or any of them, may from time to time ordain and establish. The Analytical
Powers, that stems from both the supreme and derivative socioeconomic forums, shall hold its principle
academic position(s) in time and space during good Financial Behavior, and shall, at stated Economic
Times, derive from its Services a Compensation toward the public good of All Mankind and the
Environment as a whole, which shall not be diminished during its Continuance in Service of the General
Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board
of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them.

All Analytical Powers shall extend to all Social Classes, in Law and Equity, arising under this
Embodiment of Global Free Market Forces, the Laws of the Existing Economic States or Economies of
Thought, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Due Process of Law extending to the
Presiding Judicial Authorities; to all Cases affecting Academic Profiles of Monetary Issues; other private
or public Ministers and Consuls; to all Cases of Technical and Marketing Jurisdiction; to Controversies to
which the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall be a Party; to Controversies between the Laws
of two or more Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought; between a projected State of
Prosperity and the actual accrued status of Opulence obtained through Citizens at varying Class Levels;
between Citizens of different Values and Conformities; between Citizens of the same Values and
Conformities Existing under the Academic Grants of different Economic States or Economies of Thought,
and between an Economic State or Economies of Thought, or the Class Level(s) thereof, and Innovative
Economic States or Economies of Thought, Citizens or Academic Financial Subject Matters.

In all Cases affecting Network Representatives, other Public or Non-Public Ministers and Consuls, and
those in which a Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall be Party, the Due Process of Law
extending to the Presiding Judicial Authorities and Analytical Powers that be shall have original
Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the Due Process of Law extending to the Presiding
Judicial Authorities and Analytical Powers that be shall also have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law
and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the General Court of Public Opinion
Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network
Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them shall make.

The Moral Trial of all Crimes of Intent to Defraud, including Cases for the Impeachment of Monetary
Crimes against Humanity, shall be by Due Process of Law of Observation within itself; and such Moral
Trial shall be held in the State or Nation where the said Crimes against Humanity shall have been

committed; but when not committed within any particular State or Nation, but within the Global
Economy as a whole, said Trial(s) shall be at such Place or Places as the General Court of Public Opinion
Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network
Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them, may by Rule of Law or
Internal Measure(s) have been directed.

Monetary Treasonous Activities against the Membered Representative Nations of Individuals, shall
consist of levying Quiet Wars through Silent Weapons against them, or in adhering to the Fiscal Policies
of Emotional Enemies to those who wish to obtain Wealth and Opulence through Legitimate Global
Market Forces, in the process giving Financial Aid and Comfort to the Standing Legions of Economic
Dought that cleverly prevent varied individuals from acquiring Wealth and Opulence through Legitimate
Academic Means. No Person shall be convicted of Monetary Treasonous Activities Against Humanity
unless on the Testimony of Analytical Powers as to the sum or sort of Covert and/or Overt Act, or on the
Confession in the open Forums of the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing
Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, or any of them..

The Rule and Due Process of Law(s) Respective of the Existing Economic States or Economies of
Thought shall have the power to declare the Punishment of Monetary Treasonous Activities against
Humanity under its Jurisdiction, but no Attainder of Monetary Treasonous Activities against Humanity
shall work the Corruption of any unrelated Genome Factor(s), or Forfeitures except during and toward the
Life of the Entities or Issues attainted.

The Tenth Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought as to the
public Acts, Records, and Adjudicated Proceedings of every other Existing Economic State or Economies
of Thought. And the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may by general Laws prescribe the
Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be Proved, and the Effect thereof.

The Membered Nations of Individuals shall be entitled to all the Privileges, Immunities and Opportunities
afforded those who wish to obtain Wealth and Opulence through Global Market Forces, as are other
Citizens in other Nations on Earth existing within the same exact time and space of Economic Reality.

Any Person or Persons of this Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, through Due Process of Law or
Measure, charged in any State or Nation with Treason, Felony, or other Crimes, who shall flee from
Justice, and be found in another State or Nation, shall on demand of the executive Authority of the State
or Nation from which he or she fled, shall be delivered up, or be removed to the State or National
Authorities having Jurisdiction of the Crime(s) in question.

No Person(s), Place(s) or Thing(s) held to the Service or Labor in one Existing Economic State or
Economies of Thought, under Immoral Laws or Economic Conditions thereof, escaping into another,
shall, in Consequence of any Moral Law or Regulation therein, be discharged to such Service or Labor,
but shall be delivered up on Claim of Global Free Market Forces to whom such Service or Labor may be
morally due.

New Economic States or Economies of Thought, may be admitted by the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled into this Economic Union of Monetary Idealism; but no new Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction in of itself; nor any Existing Economic State
or Economies of Thought be formed by the Junction of two or more Existing Economic States or
Economies of Thought, or parts thereof, without the Consent of the Voting Members within the General
Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board
of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall have the power to dispose of and make all needful
Rules and Regulations respecting the Market Territory or other Innovative Properties belonging to
Individuals, Institutions or Government Entities developed in Service; and nothing in this Embodiment of
Global Free Market Forces shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of Person(s), Place(s) or
Thing(s) held to the Service or Labor in one Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought or

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall guarantee to every Existing Economic State or
Economies of Thought in this Union of Monetary Idealism a Republican Form of Co-Existence and shall
protect each of them against the Invasion of Human Ignorance and Market Uncertainties; and on
Application of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or of the Board of Network Representatives
(when the Symposium cannot be convened) against domestic Violence through the appropriate counter-
measures involving the Procreative Modeling of Global Market Forces.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, whenever three quarters of all Classes shall deem it
necessary, shall propose Amendments to the Embodiment of the Idealism of Global Free Market Forces,
or, on the Application of Analytical Powers within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the
Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought, shall call a Symposium for proposing Amendments,
which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Embodiment of the
Idealism of Global Free Market Forces, when confirmed by the Analytical Powers within the General
Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought, or by
Symposium in three fourths thereof, as to the one or the other Mode of Confirmation that may be
proposed by the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled; Provided that no Amendment which may be
made shall in any Manner affect the issue(s) at hand without the Consent those parties concerned, or that
they shall be deprived of the equal Suffrage of Economic Idealism within the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled.

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Embodiment of the
Idealism of Global Free Market Forces, shall be as valid against the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled under this Business Modeling of Global Market Forces, as under the Articles of Global Free
Market Confederation Referencing Adam Smith's Divisions Labor and the Global Unified Expansionism
of Commercial Economic Forces.

This Embodiment of the Idealism of Global Free Market Forces, and the Measures within the United
States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the
Power and Authority of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall be the Presiding Rule of
Economic Thought within this Network; and the Analytical Powers in every Existing Economic State or
Economies of Thought shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or Laws of any State or
National Economy to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic States or Economies of
Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of
them, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Embodiment of the Idealism of Global Free
Market Forces; no religious litany test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or Position
within this Embodiment of the Idealism of Global Free Market Forces. Whose peace and happiness, may
God preserve, Amen.

The Eleventh Perspective of Global Economic Thought through Innovations

The Confirmation of the Symposium, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Embodiment of the
Idealism of Global Free Market Forces between the Global Economies whose mere presence on Earth so
ratifies the Same.

 Algeria
 Angola
 Benin
 Botswana
 Burkina Faso
 Burundi
 Cameroon
 Cape Verde
 Chad
 Comoros
 Cote d'Ivoire
 Djibouti
 Egypt
 Equatorial Guinea
 Eritrea
 Ethiopia
 Gabon
 Gambia
 Ghana
 Nigeria

 Asia
 Afghanistan
 Azerbaijan
 Bahrain
 Bangladesh
 Bhutan
 Brunei
 Cambodia
 East Timor
 Hong Kong, SAR
 Macau, SAR
 People's Republic of China
 Singapore
 Republic of China (Taiwan)
 Vietnam

 Albania
 Andorra
 Armenia
 Austria
 Azerbaijan
 Belarus
 Belgium
 Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Bulgaria
 Croatia
 Cyprus
 Czech Republic
 Communist Czechoslovakia
 Denmark

 Economy of Estonia
 Economy of Finland
 Economy of France
 Economy of Gdansk
 Georgia
 Economy of Germany
o Economy of East Germany
 Economy of Gibraltar
 Economy of Greece
 Economy of Slovakia
 Economy of Spain

 Economy of Anguilla
 Economy of Antigua and Barbuda
 Economy of Argentina
 Economy of Aruba
 Economy of Barbados
 Economy of Belize
 Economy of Bermuda
 Economy of Bolivia
 Economy of Brazil
 Economy of Canada
o Economy of Ontario
 Economy of Chile
 Economy of Colombia
 Economy of Costa Rica
 Economy of Cuba
 Economy of Dominica
 Economy of Puerto Rico
 Economy of Ecuador
 Economy of El Salvador

 Economy of French Guiana
 Economy of the United States
o Economy of California
See also: Canadian and American economies compared

 Economy of American Samoa
 Economy of Australia
 Economy of Christmas Island
 Economy of Fiji
 Economy of French Polynesia
 Economy of Niue

 Economy of Antarctica
 Economy of Bouvet Island
 Economy of Earth

The following have not yet been inserted above.

 Economy of Greenland
 Economy of Grenada
 Economy of Guadeloupe
 Economy of Guam
 Economy of Guatemala
 Economy of Guernsey
 Economy of Guinea
 Economy of Guinea-Bissau
 Economy of Guyana
 Economy of Haiti
 Economy of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
 Economy of Honduras
 Economy of Howland Island
 Economy of Hungary
 Economy of Iceland
 Economy of India
 Economy of Indonesia
 Economy of Iran
 Economy of Iraq
 Economy of Ireland
 Economy of Israel
 Economy of Italy
 Economy of Jamaica
 Economy of Japan
o Economic timeline of Japan
 Economy of Jersey
 Economy of Johnston Atoll
 Economy of Jordan
 Economy of Kazakhstan
 Economy of Kenya
 Economy of Kiribati
 Economy of Kuwait
 Economy of Kyrgyzstan
 Economy of Laos
 Economy of Latvia
 Economy of Lebanon
 Economy of Lesotho
 Economy of Liberia
 Economy of Libya
 Economy of Liechtenstein
 Economy of Lithuania
 Economy of Luxembourg
 Economy of Macedonia
 Economy of Madagascar
 Economy of Malawi
 Economy of Malaysia

 Economy of Maldives
 Economy of Mali
 Economy of Malta
 Economy of Martinique
 Economy of Mauritania
 Economy of Mauritius
 Economy of Mayotte
 Economy of Mexico
 Economy of Moldova
 Economy of Monaco
 Economy of Mongolia
 Economy of Montserrat
 Economy of Morocco
 Economy of Mozambique
 Economy of Myanmar
 Economy of Namibia
 Economy of Nauru
 Economy of Nepal
 Economy of New Caledonia
 Economy of New Zealand
 Economy of Nicaragua
 Economy of Niger
 Economy of Nigeria
 Economy of Norfolk Island
 Economy of North Korea
 Economy of Norway
 Economy of Oman
 Economy of Pakistan
 Economy of Palau
 Economy of Panama
 Economy of Papua New Guinea
 Economy of Paraguay

 Economy of Peru
 Economy of Poland
 Economy of Portugal
 Economy of Qatar
 Economy of Quebec
 Economy of Reunion
 Economy of Romania
 Economy of Russia
 Economy of Rwanda
 Economy of Réunion
 Economy of Saint Helena
 Economy of Saint Kitts and Nevis
 Economy of Saint Lucia
 Economy of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
 Economy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
 Economy of Samoa
 Economy of San Marino
 Economy of Sao Tome and Principe
 Economy of Saudi Arabia
 Economy of Senegal
 Economy of Serbia and Montenegro
 Economy of Seychelles
 Economy of Sierra Leone
 Economy of Slovenia
 Economy of Somalia
 Economy of South Africa
 Economy of South Korea
 Economy of Spain
 Economy of Sri Lanka
 Economy of Sudan
 Economy of Suriname
 Economy of Swaziland

 Economy of Sweden
 Economy of Switzerland
 Economy of Syria
 Economy of São Tomé and Príncipe
 Economy of Tajikistan
 Economy of Tanzania
 Economy of Thailand
 Economy of The Gambia
 Economy of Timor Leste
 Economy of Togo
 Economy of Tokelau
 Economy of Tonga
 Economy of Trinidad and Tobago
 Economy of Tunisia
 Economy of Turkey
 Economy of Turkmenistan
 Economy of Tuvalu
 Economy of Uganda
 Economy of Ukraine
 Economy of Uruguay
 Economy of Uzbekistan
 Economy of Vanuatu
 Economy of Venezuela
 Economy of Wake Island
 Economy of Wallis and Futuna
 Economy of Western Sahara
 Economy of Yemen
 Economy of Yugoslavia
 Economy of Zambia
 Economy of Zimbabwe
 Economy of the Bahamas
 Economy of the British Virgin Islands

 Economy of the Cayman Islands
 Economy of the Central African Republic
 Economy of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands
 Economy of the Cocos Islands
 Economy of the Cook Islands
 Economy of the Czech Republic
 Economy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
 Economy of the Dominican Republic
 Economy of the Falkland Islands
 Economy of the Faroe Islands
 Economy of the Federated States of Micronesia
 Economy of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
 Economy of the Gaza Strip
 Economy of the Glorioso Islands
 Economy of the Isle of Man
 Economy of the Maldives
 Economy of the Marshall Islands
 Economy of the Netherlands
 Economy of the Netherlands Antilles
 Economy of the Northern Mariana Islands
 Economy of the Paracel Islands
 Economy of the Philippines
 Economy of the Republic of Macedonia
 Economy of the Republic of the Congo
 Economy of the Seychelles
 Economy of the Solomon Islands
 Economy of the Soviet Union
 Economy of the Spratly Islands
 Economy of the Turks and Caicos Islands
 Economy of the U.S. Virgin Islands
 Economy of the United Arab Emirates
 Economy of the United Global markets

 Economy of the Vatican City
 Economy of the West Bank




A Tribute to the Writings of Thomas Paine on Behalf of

a Platform Interpreting Modern Economic Civil Rights as
a Means to Obtain and Perpetuate Human Freedoms

SOME writers, academics, economists and those who engage in monetary deception or political
policies have so confounded various societies with untethered ideas of free market forces or
governments, so as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only
indifferent to the needs of Truth (i.e.,The Hidden Agenda of Human Intentions), but that they
themselves have developed numerous fraudulent global economies of scale (i.e., ponzi
schemes) imbedded in various forms of bigotry and human indifferences whose origins are an
establishment of pronounced evils. While they themselves believe that any form of evil in and
of itself is a non-existent or a legitimized form of public costs vs. benefits analysis, in a vain
attempt to scapegoat the fact of having to deal with those moral issues associated with
hypochrisy, guilt and shame by which the admission of their own defect of ethical character
seeks religious atonement for numerous sins against the Truth itself and Humanity as a whole.
Societies and market forces are produced by the wants and needs of a general populous, and
governments by both mankind’s strengths and weaknesses; the former promotes mankind’s
happiness positively by uniting human affections, the latter negatively by restraining deceptive
vices and tendencies toward human abuses or profiting without mutual benefit within the
moral boundaries of innovative endeavors. The one encourages numerous social and carnal
intercourses that perpetuate whole societies, the other creates distinctions between distorted
wants and needs that avail themselves on a moment-to-moment or day-to-day basis. The first is
a patron of historical achievements, the last a punisher of those who operate on a
socioeconomic platform of intellectual monetary forms of bigotry or human discriminatory

Whole societies in every state of human existence are a blessing to be used as a means of
promoting a collective calling of Mankind to participate in the Universal Law of Observation
where the question or answer of whether or not a God does or does not exist awaits to be
debated or discovered, but on occasion deceitful governments or market forces even in their
best state soon become at various times a necessary evil and in their worst state an intolerable
one; for when Mankind suffers, or is exposed to the same miseries by deceitful individuals or
institutions that design deceptive forms of governments or fraudulent market forces, which it
might expect in an emotional state without governments or a monetary system, calamities are
heightened by reflecting that Mankind furnish the means by which it suffers! Bigotry or human
indifferences designed and disguised as governments or market forces, like a stained wedding
dress of bodily fluids, can at various times become a badge of lost innocence; just as the
palaces of deceitful economic global markets or generated material wealth are built upon the
ruin moral states of lost paradises on Earth that exists within the realm of socieconomic
deception. For were the true impulses of conscience clear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed,
Mankind would need no other lawgiver from an Almighty God but the law itself as a form of
constitutional or global operational frameworks; but that not being historically or currently the
case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his emotional property to furnish various
means for the protection of a few at the expense of the rest or majority that exist within a
constitutional jurisdiction(s); and this he is induced to do so by the same immoral prudence
which in every other case advises him out of two evils to choose the least. Wherefore,
economic security being the true design and end of honest honorable governments or market
forces, in most cases it unanswerably follows that socioeconomic deceit whatever form thereof
appears most likely to pretend to ensure it to Mankind as a form of costs benefit analyses or
tomb stone management, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all other
types of truthfully inclusionary legal or monetary institutions that eventually become over time
whole governments or both regional and global economies.

In order to gain a clear and just idea of the design and end of governments or global free
market forces, let us suppose that a small number of persons settled in some sequestered part
of the earth, unconnected with the rest of truly free peoples as separate ones, they will then
represent the first emotional peopling of that region of the planet, or of the world of conscious
men engaged in a limited view of the Universal Law of Observation. In this state of supposed
natural liberty, an ignorant view of a society will be their first thought. A thousand motives will
excite them thereto, the strength of one man or group is so unequal to his or her wants or
needs of survival, and his or her mind so unfitted for perpetual solitude, that they soon obliged
themselves to seek assistance and relief from other indigenous human beings on Planet Earth,
who in his or her turn requires the same. Four or five united would be able to raise a tolerable
dwelling in the midst of a physical or economic wilderness of uncertainty, but one man or a
selected few might labor out a common period of life without accomplishing anything truly
meaningful to themselves and others; when he or she have felled there emotional timber they
may not easily remove it, nor erect demonstrative economic security after it was removed;
various forms of hunger or thirst in the meantime would urge them from their work, and every
different want call them a different way. Diseases of the mind or body, nay even misfortune of
nature would soon become a form of death, for though neither might be moral or mortal, or
immortal or immoral yet either individual or group perceived to be a friend or foreigner would
disable them from the fear of living, and reduce them to a state in which they might rather be
said to perish at the behest of their own hand(s) through various wars than to die in countless
forms of self-induced human miseries because of their bigoted opinions of other human beings
on Earth.

Thus spiritual and material necessity, like an invisible gravitating power, would soon form newly
arrived emigrants of various discoveries into a societal calling, the reciprocal blessings of which,
would supersede, and render the obligations of market forces, laws and governments
unnecessary while they remained perfectly just to each other; but as nothing but a perception
of heaven is impregnable to vice, it will unavoidably happen, that in proportion as they
surmount the first difficulties of both physical and emotional forms of emigration and
innovative development as a perceived newly integrated society of sinners or businessmen,
which bound them together into a universal risk of common abuses, they will begin to relax in
their duty and attachment to each other; and this remissness will point out the necessity of
establishing some form of market or police force and government to supply the defect of
material or moral virtues of character through various regulations or attempts of establishing
some common rule of law.

Some convenient tree of knowledge will afford them some state of existence, under the
branches of which, whole peoples may assemble to deliberate on public socioeconomic
matters. It is more than probable that their first laws will have the title only of Regulations, and
be enforced by no other penalty than public disesteem. In this first parliament every man, by
natural right will have a voice or emotional seat of economic power(s) under some banner of
individualism or human right(s).

But as the group increases in its holdings, the public concerns will increase likewise, and the
distance at which the members may be separated, will render it too inconvenient for all of
them to meet on every occasion as at first without the use of various forms of technologies, as
when their numbers were small, their habitations near, and the public concerns few and
trifling. This will point out the convenience of them consenting to nominate a socioeconomic
legislative part of separate ones to be chosen and managed from the whole body politic, who
are supposed to have the same concerns at stake which those have who appointed them, and
who will act in the same manner as the whole body politic would act were they all present in
one location. If the group continues increasing, it will become necessary to argue the number of
political or monetary representatives, and that the interest of every part of the group may be
attended to, it will be found best to divide the whole into convenient parts, each part sending
its proper number; and that the elected might never form to themselves an interest separate
from the electors, prudence will point out the propriety of having elections often; because as
the elected might by that means return and mix again with the general body of the electors
from time-to-time, their fidelity to the public will be secured by the prudent reflection of not
making a rod of rules and regulations for themselves. And as this frequent interchange will
establish a common interest with every part of the community, they will mutually and naturally
support each other, and on this (not on the unmeaning names of monetary global markets)
depends the strength of truthful global free market forces or government, and the happiness of
the governed. (1 Corinthians, Chapter 12)

Here then is the origin and rise of government or market forces; namely, a mode rendered
necessary by the inability of moral virtue to govern the world; here too is the design and end of
government or market forces, viz., economic freedom and financial security. And however
Mankind’s eyes may be dazzled with the snow of televised media, or the ears of human beings
deceived by the sound of lies; however prejudice may warp Humanity’s will or self-interests
darken the understanding of the free peoples of Planet Earth, the simple voice of nature and of
reason will say, it is right. (1 Corinthians, Chapter 15)

Mankind may draw an idea of the form of global market forces or government from a principle
in nature, which no art of deception can overturn, viz., that the more simple anything is, the
less liable it is to be disordered, and the easier repaired when disordered; and with this maxim
in view, it is offered a few remarks on the so much boasted defacto constitution of our current
global economy. That it was noble during the dark and slavish times in which it was erected and
granted boundless powers over All Mankind.

When the world was overrun with the tyranny of human ignorance and economic uncertainties
the least therefrom was a glorious rescue. But that it is imperfect, subject to convulsions, and
incapable of producing what it seems to promise, is easily demonstrated.

Absolute governments or market principles (though the disgrace of human nature) have this
advantage with them, that they are simple; if the people suffer, they know the head from which
their suffering springs, know likewise the remedy, and are not bewildered by a variety of true or
false causes and cures. But the current defacto constitution of our global economy is so
exceedingly complex, that nations of inherently free peoples on Earth may suffer for years
together without being able to discover in which part the fault lies, some will say in one and

some in another, and every academic & political physician will advise a different medicine for
the socioeconomic ills that devours Humanity with political or monetary uncertainties.
It is difficult to get over local or long standing prejudices, yet if Mankind will suffer itself to
examine the component parts of the current global economy, it shall find itself to be the base
remains of several ancient tyrannies, compounded with some new republican materials that
promise what are actually pretended democratic freedoms.

First, the remains of a type of defacto monarchical tyranny in the person of financial global
markets of economic deceit or various forms of monetary deception disguised as free
government and market idealisms.

Secondly, the remains of an aristocratical tyranny in the persons of supposed free peoples who
where or actually monetary slaves and deceived participants of an assortment of various
religions of which they are the direct or indirect descendants of those who will be remembered
throughout all enternity as being the most murderous group of illegal immigrants to have ever
existed in all of human history.

Thirdly, materials of Global Republicanisms, in the persons of a common form of human

stupities, on whose virtue depends the freedoms or perpetuation of various forms of
socioeconomic falsehoods.

The first two, by being hereditary to human ignorance, are independent of truly free peoples;
wherefore in a global constitutional common sense of the Universal Law of Observation they
contribute nothing towards the freedom of various forms of economic and emotional states of

To say that a constitution of monetary falsehoods is a union of free market powers reciprocally
checking itself, is farcical, either the words have no meaning, or it is a flat contradiction.

To say that a common socioeconomic interest is a check upon global markets of financial
slavery, presupposes two things.

First, that such global markets are not to be trusted without being looked after, or in other
words, that a thirst for absolute power is the natural disease of a financial monarchy consisting
of monetary human slaves as in the legal definitions of the words Employer (Master) and
Employee (Servant).

Secondly, that a common socioeconomic interest, by being appointed for that purpose, is
either wiser or more worthy of confidence than a crown of academic achievements.

But as a worldwide constitutional framework of the Universal Law of Observation which gives
common powers to Humanity’s checks on a global market of economic falsehoods by
withholding monetary supplies, gives afterwards such a global market powers to check the
common interests of All Mankind, by empowering it to reject civil advancements; it again
supposes that such a global market is in a position to be wiser than those whom it has already
claimed to falsely support as wiser than itself. A mere absurdity to say the least!

There is something exceedingly ridiculous in the modern composition of financial monarchies or

current global markets; it first excludes Mankind from the means of information, yet empowers
it to act in cases where the highest judgment is required. The state of such a global market
shuts Mankind from the world of civil and academic achievement, yet the business of such a
global market requires it to know itself thoroughly; wherefore the different parts, unnaturally
opposing and destroying each other, proves the current whole character of modern global
economics to be absurd and useless.

SOME writers, academics, economists and those who engage in monetary deception or political
policies have explained global economic constitutional frameworks thus; various autonomous
monetary global markets or financial schemes, say they, are of one interest, the people
another; free market competition is housed in behalf of such global markets or funds; the
common interests in behalf of All Mankind; but this hath all the distinctions of a house divided
against itself; and though the expressions be pleasantly arranged, yet when examined they
appear idle and ambiguous; and it will always happen, that the nicest construction that words
are capable of, when applied to the description of something which either cannot exist, or is
too incomprehensible to be within the compass of description, will be words of sound only, and
though they may amuse the ear, they cannot inform the mind, for this explanation includes a
previous question, viz. How became financial global markets or institutions by a power which
All of Mankind is afraid to trust, and always obliged to check by way of regulatory laws? Such
a power could not be the gift of truly free peoples, neither can any power, which needs
checking, be from a God of universal understanding; yet various provisions, which traditional
interpretations of constitutional law makes, supposes such a power to exist within their
operational frameworks by simply mentioning the word God.

But the provisions are unequal to the task; the means either cannot or will not accomplish
the end, and the whole affair is a felo de se; for as the greater weight will always carry up the
less, and as all the wheels of a machine are put in motion by one, it only remains to know
which power or uncertainty in the constitutional framework of the Universal Law of
Observation has the most weight, for that power or uncertainty will ultimately govern as an
absolute; and though the others, or a part of them, may clog, or, as the phrase is, check the
rapidity of its motion, yet so long as they cannot stop it, their endeavors will be ineffectual;
the first moving power will at last have its way, and what it wants in speed is supplied by
time itself.
That the crown of innovation against lesser human achievement is this overbearing part in the
constitution of the Universal Law of Observation needs not be mentioned, and that it from time
to time derives its whole consequence merely from being the giver of financial idolatry is self-
evident, wherefore, though Mankind has been wise enough to shut and lock a door against
absolute financial deceit, it has at the same time been foolish enough to put a crown of thorns
in possession of the key of opportunistic achievements.

Human prejudices, in favor of its own government by global markets of monetary deceit, lords
of bigotries, and common fools, arises as much or more from individual pride than reason.
Individuals are undoubtedly safer in transparent economies than in some other form of
socioeconomic existence, but the will of the global markets of monetary falsehoods is as much
the law of the land in one nation as in others under a living God, with this difference, that
instead of proceeding directly from his mouth, it is handed to Mankind under the most
formidable shape of an act of ineffective traditional democracies. For fate has only made global
markets of monetary falsehoods more subtle not- more just.

Wherefore, laying aside all human pride and prejudices in favor of modes and forms of civil
achievement, the plain truth is, that it is wholly owing to the global constitution of the Universal
Law of Observation, and not to the constitution of governments or market forces that a crown
of financial truths is not oppressive.

An inquiry into the constitutional errors in any form of government or market force on earth is
at this time highly necessary; for as Mankind will never exist in a proper condition of doing
justice to itself, while it continues under the influence of some leading partiality, so neither is
Mankind capable of doing it for itself while it remains fettered by any obstinate prejudice. And
as a man, who is attached to a prostitute, is unfitted to choose or judge for himself a virgin wife
and a good moral life free from lust, so is such any expected prepossession in favor of a rotten
constitution of government hypocrisies or market forces will disable it from discerning a good
one from a bad one.

MANKIND being originally equal to the order of creation, the correspondence of which could
only be destroyed by some subsequent circumstance as in the time in America during slavery
when both regional and international markets of COTTON were declared to be KING; the
distinctions of rich and poor, may in a great measure be accounted for, and that without having
recourse to the harsh, ill-sounding names of oppression and greed. Oppression is often the
consequence, but seldom or never the means of riches; and though greed will preserve a man
from being necessitously poor, it generally makes him too timorous to be both spiritually and
physically wealthy.

But there is another and greater distinction for which no truly natural or religious reason can be
assigned, and that is, the distinction of Mankind into deceitful financial global markets and
monetary slavery. Male and female are the distinctions of nature, good and bad the distinctions
of various perceptions of Heaven; but how a group of men and women, institutions and
markets came into the world so exalted above the existence of other men, and distinguished
themselves like some new species or extraterrestrial, is worth inquiring into as to whether or
not they are the means of happiness or misery to all of Mankind.

In the early ages of the world, according to scripture chronology, there were no KINGS but that
of the acknowledged presence of an Almighty GOD; the consequence of which was that there
were no useless wars of moral contentions; it is the pride of deceitful financial global markets
which throw Mankind into confusion. For the quiet and rural lives of the first patriarchs hath a
happy something in them, which vanishes away when we come to the history of that which
defines the elements of royalty that stems out of the arid region of the Sinai Desert.

Governments or monetary markets through various institutions of fraudulent and deceitful

financial hierarchies were first introduced into the world by way of human ignorance, from
which the supposed children of a Living God copied various customs on earth. It was the most
prosperous invention the Devil or deceptive strategies and tactics ever set on foot for the
promotion of idolatry. Human ignorance paid divine honors to their deceased global markets of
monetary promises, and the supposed enlighten world has improved on the plan by doing the
same to their living ones. How impious is the title of sacred majesty applied to infectious worms
that feast upon the decaying corpse of Humanity’s sense of freedoms, who in the midst of
splendor have become a crumbling into dust the promise of an opulent lifestyle free from guilt
or shame and the need to seek moral atonement or legal recompense!

As the exalting of one man or group so greatly above the rest cannot be justified on the equal
rights of nature and of nature’s God, so neither can it be defended on the authority of
scripture; for the will of the Almighty, as declared by Gideon and the prophet Samuel, expressly
disapproves of any government or market forces rooted in global markets of economic deceit.
All anti-monarchial parts of scripture have been very smoothly glossed over in hierarchial
governments or monetary forces of supposed global free market economies that lack
transparency, but they undoubtedly merit the attention of nations of inherently free peoples
which have their economies and free markets yet to form. Render unto Caesar the things which
are Caesar’s is the scriptural doctrine within the moral courts of All Mankind in blind pursuit of
financial justice, rather than recognizing the fact that God created and owns Caesar and his
things. Therefore, to even consider rendering anything unto Caesar is in no support of
monarchial governments or financial markets that are defined by the Universal Law of
Observation, for the children of Godin in the time of Ancient Rome were without the Kingdom
of Heaven on Earth, and in a state of vassalage to the Romanization of planet earth.

Nearly three thousand years passed away from the Mosaic account of the creation, till the
children of God under a national delusion requested of themselves to engage in the worldly
principles of various monetary global markets. Till then various forms of government and
market forces (except in extraordinary cases, where the Almighty interposed) were a kind of
republic administered by a form of human justice and elder tribal doctrine. Financial global
markets they had none, and it was held sinful to acknowledge any constitutional embodiment
being under an aristocratic title but that of the Lord of Hosts. And when a man seriously reflects
on the idolatrous homage which is paid to the persons within traditional global markets he
need not wonder, that the Almighty, ever jealous of his honor, should disapprove of a form of
government or market force which so impiously invades the prerogative of Heaven on Earth.
Monarchy is ranked in scripture as one of the sins of Mankind, for which a curse in reserve is
denounced against it. The history of that transaction is worth attending to.

Once upon a time, when the children of a truly Living God being ever oppressed by an
environment of human ignorance and indifferences, chose Gideon to marched against this
environment with a small army, and as he saught to become victorious, and through divine
interposition, the battles were decided in his favor. The children of God elate with success, and
attributing it to the generalship of Gideon, proposed making him ruler king, saying, Rule thou
over us, thou and thy son and thy son’s son. Here was temptation in its fullest extent; not to
rule a kingdom, but that of the concept of human hereditary Rule. So Gideon in the piety of his
soul replied, I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you, THE LORD SHALL RULE
OVER YOU or rather the WORD OF GOD UNDER THE RULE OF LAW. Words need not be more
explicit; Gideon doth not decline the honor but denieth their right to give it; neither doth he
compliment them with invented declarations of his thanks, but in the positive style of a prophet
charges them with disaffection to their proper sovereign, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

About one hundred and thirty years after this, Mankind fell again into the same error. The
hankering which the children of a living God had for the idolatrous customs of the Heathens, is
something exceedingly unaccountable; but so it was, that laying hold of the misconduct of
Samuel’s two sons, who were entrusted with some secular concerns, they came in an abrupt
and clamorous manner to Samuel, saying, “Behold thou art old and thy sons walk not in thy
ways, now make us a king to judge us like all the other nations.” And here we cannot but
observe that their motives were bad, viz., that they might be like unto other nations, i.e., the
Heathen, whereas their true glory lay in being as much unlike them as possible. But the thing
displeased Samuel when they said, give us a king to judge us; and Samuel prayed unto the Lord,
and the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto
thee, for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, THEN I SHOULD NOT REIGN
OVER THEM. According to all the works which have been done since that day; wherewith they
brought them up out of Egypt, even unto this day; where with they have forsaken me and
served other Gods; so do they also unto thee. Now therefore hearken unto their voice,
howbeit, protest solemnly unto them and show them the manner of the King that shall reign
over them, i.e., not of any particular king, but the general manner of the kings of the earth,
whom Israel was so eagerly copying after. And notwithstanding the great distance of time and
difference of manners, the character is still in fashion as material or monetary gain.

And Samuel told all the words of the Lord unto the people, that asked of him a king. And he
said,” This shall be the manner of the king that shall reign over you; he will take your sons and
appoint them for himself for his chariots, and to be his horsemen, and some shall run before his
chariots (this description agrees with the present mode of impressing men) and he will appoint
him captains over thousands and captains over fifties, and will set them to ear his ground and
to read his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots; and he
will take your daughters to be confectionaries and to be cooks and to be bakers (this describes
the expense and luxury as well as the oppression of kings) and he will take your fields and your
olive yards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants; and he will take the tenth of
your seed, and of your vineyards, and give them to his officers and to his servants (by which we
see that bribery, corruption, and favoritism are the standing vices of earthly kings) and he will
take the tenth of your men servants, and your maid servants, and your goodliest young men
and your asses, and put them to his work; and he will take the tenth of your sheep, and ye shall
be his servants, and ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen,
AND THE LORD WILL NOT HEAR YOU IN THAT DAY.” This accounts for the continuation of
monarchy; neither do the characters of the few good kings which have lived since, either
sanctify the title, or blot out the sinfulness of the origin; the high encomium given of David
takes no notice of him officially as a king, but only as a man after God’s own heart.

Nevertheless, the People refused to obey the voice of Samuel, and they said, “Nay, but we will
have a king over us, that we may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us, and go
out before us and fight our battles.” Samuel continued to reason with them, but to no purpose;
he set before them their ingratitude, but all would not avail; and seeing them fully bent on their
folly, he cried out, “I will call unto the Lord, and he shall sent thunder and rain (which then was
a punishment, being the time of wheat harvest) that ye may perceive and see that your
wickedness is great which ye have done in the sight of the Lord, IN ASKING YOU A KING.” So
Samuel called unto the Lord, and the Lord sent thunder and rain that day, and all the people
greatly feared the Lord and Samuel and all the people said unto Samuel, “Pray for thy servants
unto the Lord thy God that we die not, for WE HAVE ADDED UNTO OUR SINS THIS EVIL, TO ASK
FOR A KING.” These portions of scripture are direct and positive. They admit of no equivocal

That the Almighty has here entered his protest against deceptive and oppressive monarchial
governments or financial markets is true no matter their modern manifestation(s), or the
scripture is false. And a man has good reason to believe that there is as much of kingcraft, as
priest craft in withholding the scripture from the public in Popish countries. For a deceitful
economic monarchy in every instance is the Popery of government or market forces within free
economies of scale. To the evil of financial monarchies housed in deception that profit from the
decaying flesh of subjective human monetary freedoms we have added that of defacto racial
hereditary succession by way of cultural indifferences. All the while teaching human beings
within modern academia about their differences disguised as cultural awareness rather than
about their commonalities; and as the first is collective degradation and lessening of ourselves
as human beings, so the second, claimed as a matter of right, is an insult and an imposition on
global socioeconomic posterity. For all men being originally equals, no one by birth could have a
right to set up his own family, race or culture in perpetual preference to all others forever, and
though he/she or themselves might deserve some decent degree of honors from their
contemporaries, yet their descendants might be far too unworthy to inherit them. One of the
strongest natural proofs of the folly of bigoted hereditary rights in financial global markets, are,
that nature disapproves it, otherwise she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule by giving
Mankind an ass with a bad attitude for a lion with the heart of a King David or Julius/Augustus
Caesar. Secondly, as no man at first could possess any other public honors than were bestowed
upon him, so the givers of those honors could have no power to give away the right of free
market posterity, and though they might say, “We choose you for our head,” they could not,
without manifesting injustice to their children, say, “that your children and your children’s
children shall reign over ours forever as employers (masters).” Because such an unwise, unjust,
unnatural compact might (perhaps) in the next succession put them under the government or
free markets of a rogue or a fool. Most wise men, in their private sentiments, have ever treated
hereditary right with contempt; yet it is one of those evils, which when once established is not
easily removed; many submit from fear, others from superstition or religious beliefs, and the
more powerful part shares with fraudulent fiduciary global markets the plunder of the rest by
way of the economic colonization of indigenous peoples that reside in various regions on Planet

This is supposing the present racial incarnation of the body politic of deceptive global monetary
markets in the world to have had an honorable origin; whereas it is more than probable, that
could Mankind take off the dark covering of antiquity, and trace it to its first rise, that human
beings should find the first of its membered parts nothing better than the principal ruffian of
some restless entity, whose savage manners of emotional preeminence in subtlety is actually
an obtained seat of conjecture(s) whose title is that of chief among plunderers; and who by
increasing in illegitimate powers, and extended depredations, overawed the quiet and
defenseless to purchase their safety by frequent contributions of market uncertainties. Yet its
electors could have no idea of giving transparent financial hereditary rights to its descendants,
because such a perpetual exclusion of itself was incompatible with the free and unrestrained
principles it professes to live by through some traditional laws of a constitution. Wherefore,
fraudulent hereditary financial succession in the early ages of a deceitful global economic
monarchy of the body politic could not take place as a matter of claim, but as something casual
or complemental; but as few or no records were extant in those days, and traditional history
stuffed with fables, it was very easy, after the lapse of a few generations, to trump up some
superstitious tale, conveniently timed, and Godlike, to cram hereditary or fraudulent
constitutional rights down the throats of the vulgar. Perhaps the disorders which threatened, or
seemed to threaten on the decease of a leader and the choice of a new one (for elections
among ruffians could not be very orderly) induced many at first to favor socioeconomic
hereditary pretensions; by which means it happened, as it hath happened since, that what at
first was submitted to as a convenience, was afterwards claimed as human rights of the
immoral and not that of those in pursuit of immortality within the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

For example, historical England since the days of many a conquest, has known some few good
monarchs, but groaned beneath a much larger number of bad ones, yet no man in his senses
can say that their claim under William the Conqueror is a very honorable one. A French bastard
landing within armed banditti and establishing himself king of England against the consent of its
own native population, is in plain terms a very paltry rascally original. It certainly has no divinity
in it. However, it is needless to spend much time in exposing the folly of traditional hereditary
rights, if there are any so weak as to believe it, let them promiscuously worship the ass and lion,
and welcome its ultimate end results of human hypocrisies. I shall neither copy their humility,
nor disturb their devotion which is merely an example of the ends that justify the means of the

Yet I should be glad to ask how their supposed global markets came at first? The question
admits but of three answers, viz., either by lot of human hypocrisy, by fraudulent election, or by
socioeconomic usurpation of human constitutional freedoms.

If the first deceptive monetary global markets were taken by lot, it establishes a precedent for
the next and any or all subsequent ones, which excludes legitimate economic hereditary
successions based upon merrit. Saul was by lot, yet the succession was not hereditary, neither
does it appear from that transaction there was any intention that it ever should have been. If
the first financial global market’s economic deception of any country was by election, that
likewise establishes a precedent for the next; for to say, that the right of all future
generations is taken away, by the act of the first socioeconomic electors, in their choice not
only of a fraudulent monetary global market, but of a family of deceitful economic global
markets forever, has no parallel in or out of scripture but that of the doctrine of original sin,
which supposes the free will of all men lost in Adam; and from such comparison and it will
admit of no other, humanistic hereditary succession can derive no glory truly derived from
the presence of a Living Almighty Universal God on Earth. For as in Adam all sinned or were
lead astray by lies of self-interests, and as in the first electors all men obeyed; as in the one All
Mankind was subjected to Satan (the Father of All Lies (the FALLEN) or the truely deceptive
Nature of Human Hidden Agendas (the TRUTH)), and in the other to a false sense of emotional
and socioeconomic sovereignties; as Mankind’s innocence was lost in the first, and its moral
authorities in the last; and as both disable Mankind from reassuming some former state of
earthly privilege, it unanswerably follows that original sin and a traditional perspective of
hereditary succession are parallels.

Dishonorable rank! Inglorious connection! Yet the most subtle sophist cannot produce a

As to moral and economic usurpation, no man will be so hardy as to defend it; and that William
the Conqueror and his following were usurpers is a fact not to be contradicted. The plain truth
is, for example, is that the antiquity of an English monarchy will need not bear looking into as
far as being an illustration of fraud and mass murder in behest of perpetuating socioeconomic

But it is not so much the absurdity as the evil of fraudulent financial hereditary succession
which concerns Mankind. Did it ensure a race of good and wise men within a free global
economy it would have the seal of a divine authority, but as it opens a door to the foolish, the
wicked; and the improper, it has in it the nature of financial oppression. Men who look upon
themselves born to reign a global economy, and others to obey its various uncertainties, soon
grow insolent financial markets; selected from the rest of Mankind their minds are easily
poisoned by media importance; and the world they act in differs so materially from the actual
world at large, that they have but little opportunity of knowing its true interests, and what they
succeed to various governments and free markets are financial principles frequently the most
ignorant and unfit of any throughout the known dominions of All Mankind.

Another evil which attends academically fraudulent financial hereditary succession of global
markets is, that the throne of scholastic opportunism achievement is subject to be possessed by
minor unimportant issues at any age in human history; at which time an economic regency of
fraudulent monetary principles, acting under the cover of an authority of free markets and
peoples, has within its juridiction every chance and inducement to betray the trust of all

The same international misfortune happens, when a global authority of monetary achievement
worn out with age and infirmity, enters the last stages of human financial weakness or a market
bubble. In both these cases the public good becomes a prey to every miscreant to the elements
of truth, that can tamper successfully with the follies either of age accomplishments or financial

The most plausible plea, which hath ever been offered in favor of resourcing traditional
perspectives toward the financial hereditary succession of fiduciary markets, is, that it
preserves various peoples from quiet economic civil wars that eventually turn hot; and were
this true, it would be weighty; whereas, it is the most barefaced falsity ever imposed. The
whole history of Mankind disowns the fact. Numerous issues of authority have reigned in
various distracted financial markets since the conquest of their morality, in which there have
been (including several economic Recessions and Depressions) numerious civil wars and
government rebellions. Wherefore instead of making for peace, it makes economic upheaval
against it own existence, and destroys the very monetary foundation it seems to stand upon.

The contest for monetary monarchy and succession, between the houses of the rich and poor
at heart, has laid Mankind in a scene of blood for many years. Over centuries pitched battles,
besides emotional skirmishes and economic sieges, were fought between the have and have-

On numerous occasions was Mankind a prisoner to economic uncertainties, who in its turn of
social achievements was a prisoner to human ignorance. And so uncertain is the fate of
economic wars and the temper of a nation of free peoples, when nothing but personal matters
and bigotry are the ground of a quarrel, that Mankind was fraudulently taken in triumph from a
palace to a prison, and Mankind also obliged itself to fly from a palace to a foreign land of
human stupidities; yet, as sudden transitions of temper are seldom lasting, Mankind in its turn
was driven from the throne of social self-acclaim, and recklessness recalled to succeed equal
opportunities. Human folly always following the strongest side.

This contest began in the reign of Adam’s original sins, which to this day in human history it has
not been entirely extinguished, in whom the families of Humankind are united. In short,
fraudulent financial monarchies and ritualistic fiduciary principles of socioeconomic successions
have laid (not this or any financial global markets only) but the world in blood and ashes. ‘Tis a
form of government or market forces which the word of God bears testimony against, and the
blood lust of deceptive academic triumph will attend it.

If Mankind inquire into the business of global monetary markets of organized deception, it shall
find that (in some countries they have none) and after sauntering away its life without pleasure
to itself or advantage to a nation of free peoples, withdraw from the scene, and leave
emotional successors to tread the same idle round. In absolute deceptive financial monarchies
the whole weight of business, civil and military, lies within the economic stability of monetary
global marketship; the children of Godin in their request for global interests in the days of old,
urged this plea “that its efforts may judge them, and go out before them and fight their battles
through quiet wars with silent weapons.” But in countries where it is neither a judge nor a
general, as in other eras of human history, Mankind would be puzzled to know what its true
business really is.

The nearer any government or market force approaches to a true republic of free idealism, the
less business there is for a global market of deceptive economic practices. It is somewhat
difficult to find a proper name for a government of fiduciary frauds. Sir William Meredith calls
such institutions a republic; but in its present state it is unworthy of the name, because of its
corrupt influences. If the crown of human failures, by having all the places in its disposal, has so
effectually swallowed up global economic powers, and eaten out the virtue of the house of the
common man (the republican part in the constitution of the Universal Law of Observation) then
the governments and free market forces of Mankind in its current state of existence is as nearly
as a monarchical economic fraud as that of any other system of financial imprudence.

Men fall out with names without understanding them. For it is the republican and not the
monarchical part of the constitution of Mankind as it exists within the Universal Law of
Observation which human beings glory in, viz., the liberty of choosing a house of common
monetary efforts from out of their own embodiment of free idealism and it is easy to see that
when the republican virtue fails, economic slavery ensues. My is fraudulent monetary
constitutions that are exclusively of the Humankind sickly, because deceptive financial
monarchies has so poisoned the republic of free idealism, the crown of human failure has
engrossed the common man. On earth global markets of economic fraud have little more to do
than to make war and give away places; which in plain terms, is to impoverish nations of free
peoples and set them together by the ears. A pretty business indeed it is for a man to be
allowed poverty wages for years, and worshipped into the bargain his general sense of God
given freedoms and opportunities of social achievements! Of more worth is one honest man to
society, and in the sight of God, than all the deceptive crowned ruffians that ever lived.


IN the following pages it is offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and a
universal common sense; and also that there are no other preliminaries to settle with a reader,
than that Mankind will divest itself of prejudice and prepossession, and suffer its reason and its
feelings to determine for itself; that it will put on, or rather that it will not put off the true
character of the human existence, and generously enlarge its views beyond the present day.

Volumes have been written on the subject of the struggle between the biblical darkness of
human ignorance and the light of social academic achievements led by the charges on behalf of
an Almighty God. Men of all ranks have embarked in the controversy, from different motives,
and with various ensigns; but all have been ineffectual, and the period of debate is now forever
closed. Spiritual and physical arms of various sorts, as the last resource, have decided the
contest; the appeal was the choice of global monetary markets of deceit, and a platform of
financial transparency has accepted the challenge.

It has been reported of the Chicago School of Economics (who though in the past was an able
minister of free market idealism was not without various faults) that in its historical being has
been attacked in the house of free peoples on earth, on this score, that its measures were only
of a temporary kind, replied, “it monetary concepts shall come fast in my time on earth once
the light of Heaven shines upon it.” Should a thought so fatal to deceptive monetary principles
and the unmanliness of human economic slavery possess the existence of free peoples on earth
in the present contest; the names of Humanity’s submissive ancestors will be remembered by
future generations with the Hell of detestation.

The sun has never shined on a cause of greater worth. It is not the simple affair of a city, a
country, a province, or any type of global markets, but of a global platform of economic and
academic achievements immediately of at least two thirds part of the habitable globe. It is not
the concern of a day, a year, or an age; eternal posterity is virtually involved in the contest, and
will be more or less affected, even to the end of time, by the proceedings of what happens
now. Now is the seed time of a global continental union, faith and honor. The least fracture
now will be like a name engraved with the point of a pin on the tender rind of a young oak of
paper or with a few key strokes on some obscure computer; The wound will enlarge like that of
a mustard tree, and eternal posterity read of it in full grown character like those typed sets of
sentences produced in Microsoft WORD.

By referring the matter from argument to systems technologies, a new area for a global
economic confederation in politics is struck liken to a computer keyboard; a new method of
thinking has arisen. All prior plans, proposals, and commencements of traditional modes of
hostilities, are like the almanacs of previous times; which, though proper then, are superseded
and useless now.

Whatever was advanced by the advocates on either side of the question then, terminated in
one and the same point, viz., a unification of global economic thought and action; the only
difference between the parties was the method of effecting it; the one proposing the traditions
of global monetary forces, the other friendship between nations of free peoples united; but it
has so far happened that the first has failed, and the second has withdrawn her pretended

As much has been said of the advantages of reconciliation with failed ideologies, which, like an
agreeable dream, has passed away and left Mankind as if it existed in more barbaric times, it is
but right, that Mankind should examine the contrary side of the argument for a universal
perspective of global economic thought, and inquire into some of the many material injuries
which by nature and the existence of a Living God of free peoples have sustained, and always
will sustain, by being connected with, and for whom they themselves are dependent upon
deceptive monetary practices, market forces or socioeconomic global markets. To examine that
connection and dependence, on the principles of nature and a global economic common sense,
to see what human beings have to trust to, if separated, and what Humanity is to expect, if co-

It has been asserted by some, that as one nation of enslaved peoples has flourished under its
current or former connection(s) with deceptive monetary global markets or principles, that the
same connection is necessary towards their own future sense of false happiness or political
interests, and that they will always have the same effect under a banner of hypocrisies. Nothing
can be more fallacious than this kind of argument. Mankind may as well assert that because a
child has thrived upon a land of milk and honey, that it is never to have meat and bread to
permanently sustain itself; or that the early years of new or useless fiduciary concepts are to
become a precedent for the next few decades or centuries. But even this is admitting more
than is true, for Mankind may answer roundly, that Humanity would have flourished as much,
and probably much more, if no deceptive monetary powers had anything to do with supposed
free peoples enslaved by a monetary falsehood. So far the global commerce by which Humanity
hath so enriched itself is of the emotional necessaries of life on planet earth, and will always
have a hidden black market while eating is the custom of all life forms within the known

But as in some cases deception has protected Humanity and some markets, say some. That it
hath engrossed Mankind is true, and defended the free peoples of various nations at the
expense of a small minority as well as its own moral integrity is admitted, and that the majority
in the past and in current times has defended the minority from the same motive, viz., but for
the sake of free trade and socioeconomic dominion under fiduciary falsehoods.

Alas! Mankind has been long led away by ancient prejudices and has made large human
sacrifices to material superstitions (idolatrous pursuits). Mankind has unknowingly boasted the
protection of deceptive monetary practices, without considering, that its motives were useless
financial interests and not the moral attachments of economic longevities; that it did not
protect itself from the real enemy (scarce academic achievements) on its own account, an
enemy of falsehoods embedded with investments into fraudulent monetary schemes, but from
those free peoples of intellectual achievements who had no quarrel with other human beings
on any other account, which will always be the true enemy of Humankind on the same account.
Let the assumptions of free markets wave its pretensions to an inherently free peoples, or
Humanity throw off the dependence of monetary deceptions within global markets, and that it
should be at peace with itself and all of God’s creations were they at quiet war with the free
peoples of planet earth. The miseries of such confederations of self-interest sought to warn
Mankind against any other connections of similar types.

It has lately been asserted on planet earth, that the colonies of inherently free peoples have no
relation to each other but through a parent idealism of monetary schemes, i.e., that the
concepts of economic slavery and the enslaved, and so on for the restless sake of human
ignorance, are sister concepts by the way of a global market of monetary bigotries; this is
certainly a very round about way of proving deceptive commercial relationships, but it is the
nearest and only true way of proving the existence of an enemyship of human stupidities, if I
may so call it. Truth and knowledge never were, nor perhaps ever will be our enemies as human
beings, but only an enemy to those that are moral subjects of monetary global markets that are
based upon various falsehoods.

But if denial is the parent concept of economic and academic achievements in modern times,
say some. Then the more shame that be upon our own conduct as human beings. Even a dying
star does not devour itself without the goal being to produce a new star or planets; nor a
savage environment make war upon itself without the opportunities to produce new lands for
growth; wherefore the assertion, if true, turns to Humanity a reproach; but it happens not to be
true, or only partly so, and the phrase parent concept or mother of free peoples enslaved in
poverty hath been jesuitically adopted by global markets of academic lies and its parasites
called sloths and procrastination, with a low papistical design of gaining an unfair bias on the
credulous weakness of the human mind. A sense of Europa, and not a global market of
economic misfortune, is the parent place of origin for Humanity’s eternal destiny. This new
world of an old idea has been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty
from every part of the human endeavor.

Hither have they fled, not from the tender embraces of the mother of all that is natural, but
from the cruelty of the monster of socioeconomic lies and actions of monetary deceit; and it is
so far true of a global market of financial falsehoods, that the same emotional tyranny which
drove the first emigrants from a sense of paradise on earth pursues their descendants still.

In this extensive quarter of the globe, Mankind has forgotten the narrow limits of free will and
self-determination, and the purpose to which it must carry its friendship with its own
environment on a larger scale; therefore Humanity must know claim brotherhood with every
aspect of its own existence, and triumph in the generosity of the sentiment of Peace on Earth.

It is pleasant to observe by what regular gradations Mankind will surmount the force of various
prejudices, as it enlarges itself with the acquaintance of truth and bids for eternal life. A man
born in any house divided, will naturally associate most with his or her fellow parishioners
(because their interests in many cases will be of a universal calling or common sense) and
distinguish themselves by the name of friend or neighbor; if he or she meet him or her but a
few miles from home, they both drop the narrow idea of a street, and salute themselves by the
name of a messenger; if they travel upon or out of the place of their earthly bounds, and meet
in any other place on the planet or in the universe, they forget the minor divisions of streets
and towns, counties or countries, as well as the major divisions of race, creed, class, gender,
etc., and call themselves human beings; but if in their foreign sense of a common reality the
emotional excursions that they should associate themselves with or as they engage with any
other life forms, their local remembrance will be enlarged into that of being a simple witness or
participant within the Universal Law of Observation. And by a just parity of reasoning, all of
Mankind existing in any other quarter of the globe or universe, are human beings; for when
compared with the whole, stand in the same places on the larger scale, which the divisions of
realm do on the smaller ones; distinctions too limited for a common sense mind of Humanity.
Not any of the inhabitants of planet earth, even of this emotional province, are of a descent of
a false Kingdom of God. Wherefore, I reprobate the phrase of parent or mother contingencies
as applied to Global markets of Monetary Deceit only, as being false, selfish, narrow and

But admitting that we are all descendants of Adam, what does it amount to? Nothing. A global
market of economic deceit, being now an open enemy of strategic and tactical monetary lies,
extinguishes every other name and title: And to say that reconciliation with deception or
submission to its practitioners or institutions is our duty, is truly farcical. The first Kingdom of
Lies (Hell), of the present line of those children of a lesser God (the Devil or Father of all Lies)
was a misconception of numerous personal realities, and the peers of a global market of
monetary deceit are descendants from the same spiritual line of perceptions; wherefore by the
same method of reasoning, a deceptive economic principle ought to be governed by a
monetary global market of lies and deceit.

Much has been said of a united strength within false monetary global markets and that of free
peoples enslaved in modern versions of buying and selling, that in conjunction they might bid
defiance to a world free of human prejudices.

But this is mere presumption; the fate of quiet wars gone hot is uncertain, neither do the
expressions mean anything; for Mankind would never suffer itself to be drained of inhabitants
to support the global interests of a false monetary global market or defacto market force once

Besides, what have we to do with setting the world at defiance? Mankind’s ultimate plan is
global commerce, and that, well attended to, will secure Humanity the peace and friendship for
all eternity; because it is in the interest of All Mankind to have modern academia a free port.
Her trade will always be a protection, and her barrenness of gold and silver secure her from
invaders of human ignorance and bigotries.

Mankind shall challenge the warmest advocate for reconciliation with economic enslavement,
to show, a single advantage that this concept can reap, by being connected with global markets
of economic deceit. Mankind shall repeat the challenge, not as a single advantage that is to be
derived, but as a disadvantage to the mutual benefit of all Humanity. Its corn will fetch its price
in any market on earth, and its imported goods must be paid for by them where it will.

But the injuries and disadvantages Mankind sustain by that connection, are without number;
and its duty to itself at large, as well as to our individual selves, instruct us as human beings to
renounce the alliance to the lack of financial and political transparencies: Because, any
submission to, or dependence upon a deceitful monetary global market or market force, tends
directly to involve Mankind in various wars and political economic quarrels; and sets in part free
people sat variance against each other, who would otherwise seek friendship, and against
whom, they have neither angered nor complained. As planet earth is Mankind’s market for
trade, it ought to form no partial connection with any part of it. It is the true interest of a free
people to steer clear of deceptive economic contentions, which they never can do, while by
their dependence on global markets of monetary deceit, is made the makeweight on the scale
of deceptive global politics and emotional indifferences.

Historically, Humanity is too thickly supplanted within the fabric of economic global markets of
monetary deceit to achieve a lasting peace on earth, and whenever a war breaks out between
free peoples and any perception of a foreign power, the trade of amongst human beings goes
to ruin, because of its connections with various fiduciary schemes and hidden political agendas.
The next war may be global in nature and not turn out like those wars fought in the past, and
should it not, the advocates for reconciliation now will be wishing for separation then from
their old grand operational strategies of modern warfare if able, because, neutrality from evil
intentions toward other human beings in that case, would be a safer convoy of an eternal peace
than a man of war. Everything that is right or natural pleads for separation. The blood of the
slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, ‘tis time to part from this form of human behavior.

Even the distance at which the Almighty has placed deceitful monetary global markets and the
free peoples of planet earth, is a strong and natural proof, that the authority of the one, over
the other, was never the design of Heaven. The time likewise at which the existence of free
idealism was discovered, adds weight to the argument, and the manner in which it was peopled
increases the force of it. The reformation was preceded by the discovery of a universal
perspective toward global free markets, as if the Almighty graciously meant to open a sanctuary
to the persecuted in future years, when a home of everlasting grace should afford neither
prejudices nor bigotries in order to exist within an atmosphere of friendship and safety.

The authority of an economic global market of deceptive policies and practices over a free
peoples destined to answer a universal calling, is a form of government or market force, which
sooner or later must have an end as all mortal things do: And a serious mind can draw no true
pleasure by looking forward to it, under the painful and positive conviction, that what he calls
“the present constitution of global market forces” is merely temporary. As the parents of a
universal calling of Mankind, we can have no joy, knowing that our current perspective of global
economic forces is not sufficiently lasting to ensure anything which we may bequeath to
posterity or opulence: And by a plain method of argument, as we are running the next
generations into debt, we ought to do the work of it, otherwise we use them meanly and
pitifully as an enslaved populous. In order to discover the line of our duty rightly, we should
take our children in our hand, and fix our station a few years farther into life; that eminence will
present a prospect, which a few present fears and prejudices conceal from our sight.

Though Mankind would carefully avoid giving unnecessary offence, yet it should be inclined to
believe, that all those who espouse the doctrine of reconciliation to pronounced economic
evils, may be included within the following descriptions:

Interested men, who are not to be trusted; weak men who cannot see; prejudiced men who
will not see; and a certain set of moderate men, who think better of a world contaminated
with monetary untruths than current times deserves; and this last class by an ill-judged
political deliberation, will be the cause of more economic calamities to an enslaved free
people than all the other three combined.

It is the good fortune of many to live distant from the scene of societal sorrows; the evil is not
sufficiently brought to the door of Humanity to make it feel the precariousness with which All
Mankind’s property is possessed. But let the imagination of a free people transport itself for a
few moments to the past, so that a passionate seat of wretchedness will teach All Mankind
wisdom, and instruct it forever to renounce economic powers in whom it can have no trust. The
inhabitants of that unfortunate city, who but for a few years ago were in ease and affluence,
have now no other alternative than to stay and starve, or to turn out to become beggars within
their own lands of supposed financial opportunities.

Endangered by the demonstrative fires of their friend’s emotions if they continue within the
city, and plundered by a soldiery fraud if they leave it. In their present condition they are but
prisoners without the hope of redemption, and in a general attack for the relief of personal
properties, as well as being exposed to the fury of armies of human iniquities.

Men of passive tempers look somewhat lightly over the offenses of fraudulent monetary
policies, and, still hoping for the best, are apt to call out, “Come we shall be friends again for all
this.” But examine the passions and feelings of Mankind. Bring the doctrine of reconciliation
with deception to the touchstone of nature, and then tell me, whether or not you can hereafter
love, honor, and faithfully serve the socioeconomic powers that have carried fire and sword
into your land or homes through the default of a mortgage? If you cannot do all these, then are
you only deceiving yourselves, and by your delay bringing ruin upon a global posterity.
Mankind’s future connection with deceitful monetary global markets or market forces, whom it
can neither love nor honor, will be forced by fear and morally unnatural, and being formed only
on the plan of a present convenience, will in a little time fall into a relapse or recession more
wretched than in previous periods of human economic history. But if Mankind says, that a free
people can still pass the violations over, then it must ask of itself, Has your house been burnt
with the FIRE (Frequent Interuptions of Resources and Energy) of deceptive economic
practices? Has your property been monetarily destroyed before your face? Is your spouse and
children destitute from a bed of fiduciary and academic lies, or have no bread to eat and live
on? Have you lost a parent or a child by their own hands or disease due to the lack of money,
and yourself the ruined and wretched survivor? If you have not, then are you not a judge of
the situation of those who have? But if you have, and can still shake hands with words,
concepts and ideas that are in reality murderers of the principles of a truly free people, then
are you unworthy of the name of husband, wife, mother, father, friend, or lover, and
whatever may be your rank or title in life, you have the heart of a coward, and the spirit of an
immoral bootlicker who then sues for economic change when the tentacles of socioeconomic
monetary fraud or recession affect only your individual selves as a manner of a denied loan or
unemployment which denies your own abilities to eat or pay the rent.

This is not inflaming or exaggerating matters, but trying them by those feelings and affections
which nature justifies, and without which, Mankind should be incapable of discharging the
social duties of life, or enjoying the felicities of it. I mean not to exhibit financial horrors for the
purpose of provoking revenge, but to awaken all of Humanity from fatal and unmanly slumbers,
that it may pursue determinately some fixed object that exist within the universal law of
economic observations.

It is not truly in the power of deceptive monetary global markets or of an academic atmosphere
of fraud to conquer the socioeconomic realm of free peoples on earth, if it doesn’t first conquer
itself by delay and timidity. The present time in human history is worth an age if rightly
employed, but if lost or neglected, the whole of enslaved peoples will partake of the
misfortune; and there is no punishment which that man or woman will not deserve, be he or
she who, or what, or where they will, that may be the means of sacrificing a season of
opportunities so precious and useful.

It is repugnant to reason, to the universal order of things, to all examples from the former ages,
to suppose, that Mankind can longer remain subject to any external power of global financial
corruption. The most sanguine subjects of fraudulent monetary global markets do not think so.
The utmost stretch of human wisdom cannot, at this time compass a plan short of separation
from monetary diseases, which can promise enslaved peoples even a year’s security.

Reconciliation with deceitful economic practices is or was a fallacious dream. At present, nature
has deserted the spiritual connection, and cannot supply its emotional place. For, as Milton
wisely expresses, “never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have
pierced so deep.” Every quiet method for inner-emotional peace has been ineffectual. Our
open prayers have been rejected with disdain; and only tended to convince All of Mankind, that
nothing flatters vanity, or confirms obstinacy in fraudulent economic global markets more than
repeated petitioning for the financial redemption of true monetary oppurtunities- and nothing
has contributed more to that very measure to make such global markets the absolution of
unimpeded access to prosperity: Witness Mankind’s current state of socioeconomic affairs.
Wherefore since nothing but blows will do, for God’s sake, let us come to a final separation of
economic evils, and not leave the next generation to be cutting its own throats, under the
violated unmeaning names of parent and child.

To say, that it will never attempt it again is idle and visionary, Humanity thought so at the
repeal of former monetary acts or through supposed new regulations or laws, yet in a year or
two undeceived in it’s opinions; as well we may suppose that nations, which have been once
monetarily defeated, will never renew the quarrel.

As to government or market force matters, it is not in the economic powers of human

deception to do an enslaved people justice: The business of it will soon be too weighty, and
intricate, to be managed with any tolerable degree of convenience, by powers, so financially
corrupt, indifferent and distant from the moral interests of All Mankind, and so very ignorant to
the general monetary needs of Humanity; for if a lie cannot truthfully conquer a free people, it
cannot govern an economy attached to a sense of free idealism.

To be always running ahead of itself with a tale or a petition ready to deceive, waiting for a
fraudulent answer it conduces as a truth to its own sense of self-interests, which if obtained
requires academic liars to explain its economic feasibilities, of which in a few years will be
looked upon by future generations of Mankind as folly and childishness in a time when it was
perceived proper, and of which in that day it will be considered a proper time for it influences
to cease and desists.

Small emotional landmasses or cultures of free peoples not capable of protecting themselves
from academic lies, are the proper objects for global markets of monetary deceit to take under
their care; but there is something very absurd, in supposing a continent to be perpetually
governed by an island of human stupidities. In no instance has nature made the satellite larger
than its primary planet, and as deceptive economic global markets and the enslaved, with
respect to each other, reverses the common sense order of nature, it is evident that they
belong to different systems of thought: Deceptive economic global markets to the enslaved -
free peoples to themselves.

Mankind should not become induced by motives of pride, party, or resentment to espouse the
doctrine of separation and independence from perceived fiduciary deceptions; It should clearly,
positively, and conscientiously become persuaded that it is the true interest of All Humanity to
be so; that everything short of that is mere patchwork, that it can’t afford no lasting felicity,
that it is leaving the sword to our children, and shrinking back one step at a time, when, a little
more, a little farther, would have rendered Mankind the glory of Free Global Markets or the
Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

As a global market of economic falsehoods in its design has not historically manifested the least
inclination towards a compromise of human freedoms, Mankind may be assured that no terms
can be obtained worthy the acceptance of a free people, or anyways equal to the expense of
blood and treasure that Humanity has already put to as an investment toward global civil
socioeconomic liberties.

The object contended for, ought always bear some just proportion to the expense. The removal
of a spiritual hierarchy of deceptive economic practices, or the whole detestable stratocracy, is
a matter unworthy of the millions of human lives Humanity has already expended. A temporary
stoppage of trade, was an inconvenience, which would have sufficiently balanced the repeal of
all the acts complained of, had such repeals been obtained; but if the whole planet must take
up new ideas of social management, if every man must be a soldier for a greater spiritual cause,
it is scarcely worth the while of Mankind to fight against a contemptible ministry of deceptive
economic policies only. Dearly, dearly, how does Mankind pay for the repeal of the acts of
economic human indifferences, if that is all it fights for; for in a just estimation, it is as great a
folly to pay a holocaust price for laws against economic slavery, as for lands of material
opportunities. As it is of late always considered the independency of a free people, as an event,
which sooner or later must arrive, so from the hindered rapid progress of Mankind to maturity,
the event could not be far off. Wherefore, on the breaking out of emotional hostilities, it was
not worth the while to have disputed the matter, which time would have finally redressed,
unless it was meant to be in earnest from the earliest of times; otherwise, it is like wasting an
estate of a suit at law, to regulate the trespasses of a tenant, whose lease is just expiring. No
man was a warmer wisher for the reconciliation of past economic indifferences than myself, but
the moment of the event of this day is now made known, Mankind shall reject the hardened,
sullen tempered Pharaohs of economic deceit forever; and disdain the wretch, that with the
pretended title of Father of his people, can unfeelingly hear of their slaughter, and composedly
sleep with their blood upon his eternal soul.

But admitting that matters were now made up, what would be the event? The answer, the
economic ruin of free peoples on earth. And that for several reasons: First, the powers of
governing through global market forces still remaining in the hands of a deceitful monetary
global market or practioners of economic deception, it will have a negative influence over the
whole legislation of free peoples. And as it has shown for itself such an inveterate enemy to
financial liberty, and discovered such a thirst for arbitrary power, is it, or is it not, proper to say
to the earthly colonies of free peoples, “You shall make no laws but those that are pleasing to a
selected few?” And are there any inhabitants on planet earth so ignorant, as not to know, that
according to what is called the present constitutional embodiment of global market forces, that
free peoples can make no laws but what practitioners of deceptive monetary global markets
gives leave to? And is there any man so unwise, as not to see, that (considering what has
happened in the past) it will suffer no other Laws to be made here, but such as those that suit a
selfish or bigoted socioeconomic purpose or power structure? The inhabitants of planet earth
may be as effectually enslaved by the want of deceptive laws in one nation under God, as by
submitting to fraudulent economic laws made in another. After matters are made up (as it is
called) can there be any doubt but the whole power of a crown of human injustices will be
exerted, to keep a free people as low and humble as possible? Instead of going forward
Mankind shall go backward, or be perpetually quarrelling or ridiculously petitioning as a child of
a lesser God. Truly free peoples are already greater than any global market of economic deceit
wishes them to be, and will it not hereafter endeavor to make earthly inhabitants less? To bring
the matter to one point. Is an economic power base that is jealous of unilateral human
prosperity, a proper power to govern the thought of what is defined as successes? Who ever
says no to this question is an independent derived from the principles of monetary truths, for
independency means no more, than, whether Mankind shall live under the Law of Observation,
or whether a deceptive monetary global market, the greatest enemy to a free people has, or
can have, the ability to forever tell all of Humanity, “there shall be no laws but those such as it
likes to use as instruments of human deception in order to perpetuate human indifferences.”
But an emotionally deceitful monetary global market will say a negative to an enslaved
populous; that a free people can live under no other law without its consent. In point of right
and good order, there is something very ridiculous, that a temporary concept (which has often
happened) shall say to several billions of people, older and wiser than itself, “I forbid this or
that act of Humanity to exist under a single law of economic transparencies in order to prevent
fraud.” But in this place Mankind will decline this sort of reply, though it will never cease to
expose the absurdity of it, and only answer, that deception being the residence of false
economies, and a free people not so, make quite another case. A false economic global market
of human achievement’s negative here is ten times more dangerous and fatal than it can be in a
state of inherently free peoples, for there it will scarcely refuse its consent to a bill of laws for
putting itself into as strong a state of defense for its abilities to deceive as possible, and in an
era of human freedoms it would never suffer such a bill of laws to be passed.

The enslaved is only a secondary object in a system of deceptive politics-false economic policies
consults only the pretended good of a nation of free peoples, no farther than it can answer for
its own self-interests or purpose.
Wherefore, its own interest leads it to suppress the growth of a truly free people in every case
which doth not promote its deceptive advantages, or in the least interfere with it. A pretty state
Mankind shall soon be under in such a second-hand form of government or market force,
considering what has already happened in human history! Men do not truthfully change from
enemies to friends by the alteration of a name; and in order to show that reconciliation with
the pronounced evil of human ignorances now is a dangerous doctrine, Mankind should affirm,
that it would become policy in a global market of economic deceit at this time, to repeal the
acts of a universal calling of Mankind for the sake of reinstating itself in the governments of free
peoples on earth; in order, that it may accomplish by craft and subtlety, in the long run, what it
cannot do by force and violence in the short one. Reconciliation financial evils and ruin are
nearly related.

Secondly, that as even the best terms, which Mankind can expect to obtain, can amount to no
more than a temporary expedient, or a kind of government or supposed free market force by
deception or a guardianship disguised as market uncertainties, which can last no longer than till
Humanity comes of age, so the general face and state of things, in the interim, will be unsettled
and unpromising.

Emigrants of new ideas and innovations will not choose to come to a code of conduct whose
forms of governments or market forces hangs but by a thread, and of whom is everyday
tottering on the brink of commotion and disturbance; and numbers of the present inhabitants
on earth would lay hold of the interval, to dispose of their effects, and quit the current ideas of
market generation or creation.

But the most powerful of all arguments, is, that nothing but independence from market
uncertainties, i.e., unifying forms of governments or global market forces, can keep the peace
of a truly free people and preserve it inviolate from civil wars. Mankind should dread the event
of a reconciliation with any deceptive monetary policy now, as it is more than probable, that it
will be followed by a revolt somewhere or another, the consequences of which may be far
more fatal than all the malice of a global market of economic deceptions can account or be
responsible for.

Hundreds of millions are already ruined by the barbarity of traditional market uncertainties;
(hundreds of millions more will probably suffer the same fate.) Some men have other feelings
than us who have suffered nothing. All they now possess is a false sense of liberty, what they
before enjoyed is sacrificed to its service, and having nothing more to lose, they disdain
submission to new ideas by using the excuse and saying that, “the issues at hand have no track
records or that it representatives have no experience.” All the while either openly or secretly
supporting old financial idealologies that have a known historic pattern of numerous failures to
produce what they promise. Besides, the general temper of a truly free people towards
deceptive economic policies, will be like that of a youth, who is nearly out of his or her time of
submissive childhood expectations, while laying in wait on the brink of the independence of
adulthood; they will care very little about it. And a government or market force which cannot
establish and preserve the peace that is derived from unilateral economic achievement, is no
government or market force of mutual benefit at all, and in that case Mankind participates in it
and pays its money for nothing; and simply prays for what its current monetary global markets
can do, whose power will be only, solely or wholly on paper. Should a civil tumult break out the
very day after reconciliation with proven false expectations of financial gain occur. I have heard
some men say, many of whom I believe spoke without thinking, that they dreaded
socioeconomic independence from failed traditional economic behaviors, fearing that it would
produce financial calamities or global civil wars. It is but seldom that our first thoughts are truly
correct, and that is the case here; for there are ten times more to dread from through proven
falsehoods and expectations with a patched up connection of promised financial achievements
whose potentials are doomed from the start than from monetary independence. I make the
sufferers case my own, and I protest, that I too was I driven from house and home, my property
destroyed, and my circumstances ruined, that as a man, sensible of injuries, I could never relish
the doctrine of reconciliation with political lies or constitutional socioeconomic hipocrisies, or
consider myself bound thereby.

Mankind has manifested such a spirit of good order and obedience to societal governments or
market forces, as is sufficient to make every reasonable person easy and happy on that head.
No man can assign the least pretense for his fears, on any other grounds, that such as are truly
childish and ridiculous, viz., that one network will be striving for superiority over another in a
bid of righteous intentions.

Where there are no distinctions there can be no superiority, perfect equality affords no
temptation. Throughout human history republics on some occasion were without wars, foreign
or domestic; monetary monarchical governments, it is true, are never long at rest: the crown of
human academic achievements itself is a temptation to enterprising ruffians within any home;
and that degree of pride and insolence ever attendant on regal authority swells into a rupture
with foreign powers of deception, in instances where a republican government or market force,
by being formed on more natural principles, would negotiate the mistake.

If there is any true cause of fear respecting economic independence it is because no

acceptable or recognizable plan has yet been noted within the mass media. Men do not see
their way out; wherefore, as an opening into that business I offer the following hints; at the
same time modestly affirming, that I have no other opinion of them myself, than that they
may be the means of giving rise to something better. Could the straggling thoughts of
individuals be collected, they would frequently form materials for wise and able men to
improve to a useful matter.

Thus, let the Plan continuosly become debated or ungraded amongst assemblies of free
peoples on planet earth be annual. A Representative of Global Free Market Behavioral States of
Existence shall be composed of two Forms, both representative of World-Wide Financial Grand
Monetary Strategies and/or Operational Fiduciary Tactics, chosen by the known global
economies or markets, for up to Four Five Year terms; and each Economic Representative shall
have one Vote representing that economy through global market forces.
Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Selection, they shall be
divided as equally as may be into Four Classes consisting of the Powers/Authorities within
Global Finance, Morale/Cohesion of Global Behavioral Economics, Norms/Standards of
Global Economic Procedures and that of the Goals/Objectives Embedded within Global
Monetary Thought. The Seats of the Representatives of the First Class shall be vacated at the
Expiration of the First Term, of the Second Class at the Expiration of the Second Term, of the
Third Class at the Expiration of the Third Term, and so forth, so that one quarter may be chosen
every subsequent term; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the
Recession of the Global Economy of any Stated Market(s), the NPMIS Executive Field Branches
thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting or Term, which shall then
fill such Vacancies.

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of Twelve Years,
and been Eleven Years a Citizen educated in the principles of a Global Free Market Economy,
and who shall not, when Selected, be an Economically and/or Emotionally Enslaved Inhabitant
of a Fear Based Social Model from which he or she has been chosen.

A Competitive Leader of Global Free Market Behavioral States of Existence shall be Selected
Chief Representative, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

The Economic Representative of a membered economy shall choose their other Officers, and
also a Chief Representative pro tempore, in the absence of the Board of Network
Representative, or when they, he or she shall exercise the Office of any General Contractor of
Network Operations.

The Board of Network Representative shall have the sole Power to try all Fraudulent
Socioeconomic Procedural Impeachments as accused. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall
be on Oath or Affirmation from the Market Forces governing the issues of the economy or
economies concerned. When the Behavioral States of Market Forces is tried, the Chief Counsel
for the General Contractor of Network Operations shall preside: And no Persons, Places or
Things shall be condemned without the Concurrence of three quarters of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Fraudulent Socioeconomic Procedural Impeachment, of those actions

concerned shall not extend further than that to remove the issue from Procedural Confidence,
and Disqualification to hold and enjoin any Place of honor, Trust or Profit in economic thought
affecting Global Free Market Behavioral States of Existence: but the Issue(s) and its
Practitioners set aside shall nevertheless be liable and subject to at least some form of Moral
Indictment, Trial within the Court of Public Opinion(s), or Judgment and Counter-Measure(s),
according to the Economic Laws governing the implementation of innovative technologies.

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Selections for Representatives in Symposium or rather
the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall be prescribed in each Existing Economic
State or Economy on Earth thereof; but the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may at
any time through a global consensus or the court of public opinion make or alter such Course of
Action (COA), except as to the Place of choosing Representatives in Symposium.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall convene at least once in every Month, and
such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in that Month, unless they shall by general
consensus amongst members appoint a different Day.

Each Class within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall be the Judge of the
Selections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall
constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and
may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under
such Penalties as each Class may provide.

Each Class may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly
Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of three-quarters, expel a Ranking Member.

Each Class shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same,
excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the
Members of either Class within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled on any question
shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.
Neither Class, during the Session of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall,
without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than a prescribed period of days, nor to any
other Place than that in which the Four Classes shall be sitting in general consensus.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall receive a Compensation for their Services,
to be ascertained by Global Market Forces from within each of their designated Existing
Economic States or Economies of Thought, and paid out of the Treasury of the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled itself. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of
the Peace against any person(s), place(s) or thing(s), be privileged from Financial Distress during
their Attendance at the Session of their respective Classes, and in going to and returning from
the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either Class, they can be questioned in any Case.

A Representatives in Symposium can, during the Time for which he or she was selected, be
appointed to any Civil Office under the Authority of any Existing Economic States or Economies
of Thought which shall have been created by Higher Powers, or the Emoluments whereof shall
have been increased during such time; and Person or Entities holding any Office within the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall be a Member of either Class during his or her
Continuance in Place.
All Measures for generating markets and wealth shall originate in the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled by reason of innovations or global market forces themselves as observed; but
the Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought may propose or concur with
modifications as to other measures that are based upon the ideas of a global free market

Every Measure which shall have passed within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled,
shall, before it become a Ruling Economic Thought, be presented to the embodiment of the
Board of Network Representatives; If it approves the Measure(s) then they shall sign it, but if
not then they shall return it, with its Objections to that Assembly in which it shall have
originated, who shall enter the Objections at large in the Network Journal (Blogs), and proceed
to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration three quarters of that Assembly shall agree to
pass the Measure(s), it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to another Assembly, by
which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by three quarters of that Assembly, it
shall become a Ruling Economic Thought. But in all such Cases the Votes within the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the
Persons voting for and against the Measure(s) shall be entered on the Journal of each Assembly
respectively. If any Measure shall not be returned by the Board of Network Representatives
within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to Them, the Same shall
become a Ruling Economic Thought, in like Manner as if they had signed it, unless the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it
shall not become a Ruling Economic Thought.

Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled and Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought may be necessary
(except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the Board of Network
Representatives; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by them, or being
disapproved by them, shall be repassed by three quarters of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled and Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought, according to the Rules and
Limitations prescribed in the Case of Individualized Economic Measure(s).

The Board of Network Representatives shall have power to pay all Taxes, Duties, Imposts and
Excises, to pay Organizational Debts and provide for the common Support and general Welfare
of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be
uniform throughout the Global Economy;

To borrow money on the credit of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled;

To regulate Commerce with Existing Economic States or Economies that are based upon
innovations derived internally within its own networks;

To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalized Socioeconomics, and uniform Measures on the
subject of Impoverishment throughout the Global Economies;

To coin or create monetary value within Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought,
study the Value thereof, and of new economic principles, and adjust the Standard of its Global
Financial Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Due Process of Law involving Fraudulent Securities or Financial Schemes
involving the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled;

To establish Distant Learning Environments and Position Financial Markets;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by honoring limited Times to Authors and
Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries as defined by
international law(s);

To constitute Studies both inferior and superior to a Supreme Court of Public Opinions;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed upon Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, and Offenses against the Law of Nations under a Universal Observation;

To implement Marketing Warfare Strategies and Tactics involving the perpetuation of Market
Certainties, and grant Letters of Commercial Marque and Market Analysis, and to make Rulings
concerned with Market Soundness on Land, Water, Air and Space;

To raise and support Standing Legions of Economic Certainty, but no Appropriation of Money to
that Use shall be for a longer Term than circumstances may require;

To provide and maintain Global Import and Export Markets;

To suggest the Rules for Governing and Regulating the use of Global Market Innovations and
Economic Forces through the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled derived from within its
own network of innovators;

To provide for calling forth of Standing Legions of Market Certainties to execute the Measures
of Economic Union, suppress the Insurrections of Market Uncertainties and repel the Invasion
of Human Ignorance;

To provide for the organizing, support, and disciplining of Standing Legions of Market
Certainties, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, reserving to the Existing Economic States or
Economies of Thought respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of
training Standing Legions of Market Certainties according to the discipline prescribed by the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled itself;

To exercise inclusive Economic Measures in all Cases whatsoever, over such Behavioral Districts
as may, by Cession of a particular Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, and the
acceptance of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, become the Mobile Seat of Global
Market Forces, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the
Economic Measures of State Existing in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Missions of
Opportunities, Magazines of Knowledge, Arsenals of Strategic and Tactical Economic Ideologies,
Dock-Yards of Wealth, and other needful Buildings of Socioeconomic Prosperity; And

To make all Measures which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the
foregoing Economic Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Membership in the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled, or in any Department or Office thereof.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the Existing Economic States or
Economies of Thought shall think proper to admit, and shall not be prohibited by the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled prior.

The privilege of an Economic Writ of Habeas Corpus in Procedural Thought shall not be
suspended, unless when in Cases of an Emotional Recession in Economic Thought and Behavior,
or the Invasion of Human Ignorance endangering the Safety of the Global Economic

No Measure of Attainder or ex post facto Rule of Thought shall be Adhered.

No economic capitation, or other direct, emotional monetary levy shall be laid, in Proportion to
the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken against the Global Economy
through Market Forces.

No Emotional Tax or Financial Duty shall be laid on Monetary Articles exported from any
Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought.

No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Financial Ports
of one Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought over those of another: nor shall

Academic Vessels bound to, or from, one Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, be
obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties for the purposes of elevating any single person, place or
thing at the expense of another, thereby, lacking mutual benefit.

No Money shall be drawn from the Common Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations
made by Measure; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all
Money shall be published from time to time.

No Measure forbidding the Title of Nobility shall be granted by the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled or the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought: And no Person
holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Court of
Public Opinion, accept Presents, Emoluments, Offices, or Titles, of any kind whatever, from any
King, Prince or Foreign State.

No Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought shall through this Network enter into any
Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills
of Credit; Earn anything but valued resources, monies, gold and silver Coin to Tender in
Payment of Debts; pass any Measure of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Rule impairing the
Obligation of Contracts, or the granting of any Title of Nobility without the Consent of the Court
of Public Opinion.

No Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought shall, without the Consent of the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports of
Innovation or Idealism, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection
Rules: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any Existing Economic State or
Economies of Thought on the Imports or Exports of Innovation or Idealism, shall be for the Use
of the Common Treasury of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled; and all such Rules
shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled.

No Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought shall use as Counter-Measures against

Market Uncertainties, without the Consent of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, lay
any duty of Emotional Tonnage, keep Emotional Troops of Human Stupidity, or Transport
Academic Forms of Foolishness in times of Financial Unity, enter into any Agreement or
Compact with Standing Legions of Monetary Uncertainties, or with a Corrupt Power, or engage
in Marketing Warfare of Human Indifference, unless actually invaded by illegal or immoral
strategies or tactics of financial espionage, or in such imminent Monetary Danger as will not
admit delay.

All Powers shall be vested in the Presiding Economic Issue(s) Concerning Innovations of the
past, present or forecasted level(s) of problem solving measures of effectiveness or
ineffectiveness within Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought. The Economic Issues
of Innovations held multi-cameral referencing the framework of Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria
of Socioeconomic Prosperity are subjugated to the Board of Network Representatives and the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled.

Each Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought shall appoint, in such Manner as the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled thereof may direct, a Number of Voting Members
from within the General Court of Public Opinion, equal to the whole Number of Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled to which the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought may
be entitled in Assembly: but no Network Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or
Profit within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall be appointed a Voting
Member from within the general Court of Public Economic Opinion.

The Voting Members from within the General Court of Public Opinion shall meet in their
Respective or Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, and vote by Ballot for two
persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same Existing Economic State or
Economies of Thought themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and
of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to
the Academic Seats of Financial Powers within Global Markets as a whole, as directed by the
Presiding Economic Issue(s) Concerning Innovations of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled. The Presiding Economic Issue(s) Concerning Innovations of the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled shall, in the presence of the Board of Network Representatives, open
all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Issue(s) having the greatest
Number of Votes shall be the Presiding Economic Issue(s) Concerning Innovations of the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Voting
Members from within the General Court of Public Opinion appointed; and if there be more than
one issue who has such a Majority, and has an equal Number of Votes, then the Board of
Network Representatives shall immediately choose by Ballot one of them to Preside multi-
cameral in a Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria framework for obtaining Socioeconomic Prosperity
and if no other issue(s) have a Majority, then from the most urgent or highest on the List the
said Voting Members from within the General Court of Public Opinion shall in like Manner
choose as Presiding. But in choosing the Presiding Economic Issue(s) Concerning Innovations of
the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, the Votes shall be taken by each Existing
Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Representation from which each Economic State
or Economy having one Vote; a quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members
from three-quarters of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, and a Majority of
Economic Issue(s) within all the Economic States or Economies of Thought shall be necessary to
a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice for the Presiding Economic Issues at hand, the Ideology
having the greatest Number of derivative Votes within the Voting Members of the General
Court of Public Opinion shall be the secondary representative principle in Quintilian: Institutio
Oratoria. But if there should remain two or more Issues having equal Votes, the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled shall choose from them by Ballot a secondary Representative
Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria referencing any collateral economic issue of concern.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may determine the Time of choosing the Voting
Members from within the General Court of Public Opinion, and the Day on which they shall give
their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the Network.

No Ineffective Presiding Issue(s) except those concerned with facilitating financial

opportunities, or the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, at the time of the
Adoption of this Embodiment of Global Free Market Economies, shall be eligible to Preside
multi-cameral in a Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria framework for obtaining Socioeconomic
Prosperity; neither shall any Issue(s) or Person(s) be eligible to Preside Economic Issue(s)
Concerning Innovations of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled who has not attained
to an Age of Maturity, and been a Resident within an Existing Economic State or Economies of

In the Case of the Removal of Ineffective Presiding Issue(s), in particular those matters
concerned with facilitating financial opportunities, or the Existing Economic State or Economies
of Thought from Officiating Problem Solving Measures of Effectiveness, or of its Deception,
Resignation toward Corruption, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of said
Officiating toward achieving wealth and prosperity, the same shall be devolved upon the
implementation of Secondary representative financial principle(s) in Quintilian: Institutio
Oratoria, and the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may by Measure provide for the
Case of Removing Ineffective Presiding Issue(s), it's Abolishment, Procedural Resignation or
Republican Incapacitation, both of the Presiding and Secondary Economic Issue(s) brought to
bare, declaring what Official Economic Measures shall then act as Precedence, and how such
Officiated Financial Footprinting must act accordingly, until the Financial Disability be removed,
or a New of set Monetary Precedences be newly elected to the global forum of Idealism.

The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall, at stated times, distribute for Services generated
or granted, Compensatorial Monetary Markets, which shall neither be vulnerable nor
diminished by any standing Legions of Uncertainties or Dought during the Period for which it
shall have been elected, and it shall receive within that same Period of Time and Space any
other Strategic or Tactical Academic Emoluments from the Voting Members within the General
Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, the
Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of

During or before the compulsion of Recessive or Inflationary Global Market Forces, all Parties
concerned shall enter into an Execution of Official Marketing Warfare Standards taking into
consideration the following Oath or Affirmation:

"Under or Existing within the Universal Law of Observation We do solemnly swear (or affirm)
that We will faithfully execute the Official World-Wide Financial Grand Monetary Strategies
and/or Operational Fiduciary Tactics of the Presiding Academic Emoluments from the Voting
Members within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic
States or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, or any of them, and will to the best of our Ability, preserve,
protect and defend the Constitutional Embodiment of Global Free Market Idealism."

The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall be Commander-In-Chief of the Standing Economic
Legions of World-Wide Financial Grand Monetary Strategies and/or Operational Fiduciary
Tactics within those Marketing Warfare Operations involving the establishment of Financial
Certainties, and of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought of unquestionable
Status and Conformity toward the achievement of Prosperity and Opulence, that when called
into the actual Service on behalf of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled; may require
the Opinion of the Voting Members within the General Court of Public Opinion respective, in
writing, of the principal issues in each of the Representative Classes reflective of or based upon
any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Socioeconomic Causes, and the Presiding
Economic Issue(s) at hand shall have sole power to Grant Monetary Operational Reprieves
during Global Market fluctuations and Academic Pardons for Opinionated Offenses against the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, except in Cases of Procedural Impeachment through
the Idealism of Global Market Forces.

The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall have the Power and Authority, by and with the
Advice and Consent of the Voting Members within the General Court of Public Opinion
Respective of the Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network
Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them, to make
Commercial Non-Governmental Treaties, provided three quarters of the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled present concur; and They shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and
Consent of the Board of Network Representative, shall appoint various forms of Socioeconomic
Idealism, other public or non-public Ministers and Consuls, Adjudicators of Supreme Causes,
and all other Officials or Representative of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled,
whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by
Internal Measure(s): but the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may by Special
Measure(s) vest the Appointment of such Superior Officials or Representative of the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled, as they may think proper as Counter-Measure(s) to Corrupt
Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand alone, or within the Voting Members of the General Court
of Public Opinion respective, or within the Heads of False Financial Principalities.
The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall have the sole compulsive power to fill up all
Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled,
by granting Commissions of Monetary Expediencies which shall expire at the End of their next
Selection if at all.

The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall from time to time give to the Voting Members
within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or
Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled, or any of them Information as to the State of the Union of Global Market
Forces, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as shall be deemed or judged
necessary and expedient; the Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand may, on extraordinary
Occasions, convene all Classes within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or either of
them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment,
the Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand may adjourn them to such Time as deemed proper; the
Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall receive Academic Ambassadors and other public
Ministers of Financial idealism; the Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall take Care that the
Monetary Measures be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Official Duties
Concerned within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled.

The Presiding, Secondary Precedence and all Civil Economic Measures within the Unified Body
of Market Forces assembled, shall be removed from Consideration on Impeachment for, and
Conviction of, Fiduciary Treason, Academic Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors
involving or against the Global Market Forces producing Wealth and Opulence.

All Analytical Powers within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing
Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them, shall be vested into one unifying supreme
forum Declaring the Universality of Human Rights through the Democratic and/or Republican
rule of Global Free Market Forces, and in such derivative forums as the General Court of Public
Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board of
Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them, may
from time to time ordain and establish. The Analytical Powers, that stems from both the
supreme and derivative socioeconomic forums, shall hold its principle academic position(s) in
time and space during good Financial Behavior, and shall, at stated Economic Times, derive
from its Services a Compensation toward the public good of All Mankind and the Environment
as a whole, which shall not be diminished during its Continuance in Service of the General Court
of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board
of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them.

All Analytical Powers shall extend to all Social Classes, in Law and Equity, arising under this
Embodiment of Global Free Market Forces, the Laws of the Existing Economic States or
Economies of Thought, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Due Process of
Law extending to the Presiding Judicial Authorities; to all Cases affecting Academic Profiles of
Monetary Issues; other private or public Ministers and Consuls; to all Cases of Technical and
Marketing Jurisdiction; to Controversies to which the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled
shall be a Party; to Controversies between the Laws of two or more Existing Economic States or
Economies of Thought; between a projected State of Prosperity and the actual accrued status
of Opulence obtained through Citizens at varying Class Levels; between Citizens of different
Values and Conformities; between Citizens of the same Values and Conformities Existing under
the Academic Grants of different Economic States or Economies of Thought, and between an
Economic State or Economies of Thought, or the Class Level(s) thereof, and Innovative
Economic States or Economies of Thought, Citizens or Academic Financial Subject Matters.

In all Cases affecting Network Representatives, other Public or Non-Public Ministers and
Consuls, and those in which a Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall be Party, the Due
Process of Law extending to the Presiding Judicial Authorities and Analytical Powers that be
shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the Due Process of Law
extending to the Presiding Judicial Authorities and Analytical Powers that be shall also have
appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such
Regulations as the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or
Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled, or any of them shall make.

The Moral Trial of all Crimes of Intent to Defraud, including Cases for the Impeachment of
Monetary Crimes against Humanity, shall be by Due Process of Law of Observation within itself;
and such Moral Trial shall be held in the State or Nation where the said Crimes against
Humanity shall have been committed; but when not committed within any particular State or
Nation, but within the Global Economy as a whole, said Trial(s) shall be at such Place or Places
as the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies
of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, or any of them, may by Rule of Law or Internal Measure(s) have been directed.

Monetary Treasonous Activities against the Membered Representative Nations of Individuals,

shall consist of levying Quiet Wars through Silent Weapons against them, or in adhering to the
Fiscal Policies of Emotional Enemies to those who wish to obtain Wealth and Opulence through
Legitimate Global Market Forces, in the process giving Financial Aid and Comfort to the
Standing Legions of Economic Dought that cleverly prevent varied individuals from acquiring
Wealth and Opulence through Legitimate Academic Means. No Person shall be convicted of
Monetary Treasonous Activities Against Humanity unless on the Testimony of Analytical Powers
as to the sum or sort of Covert and/or Overt Act, or on the Confession in the open Forums of
the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic State or Economies of
Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled,
or any of them..

The Rule and Due Process of Law(s) Respective of the Existing Economic States or Economies of
Thought shall have the power to declare the Punishment of Monetary Treasonous Activities
against Humanity under its Jurisdiction, but no Attainder of Monetary Treasonous Activities
against Humanity shall work the Corruption of any unrelated Genome Factor(s), or Forfeitures
except during and toward the Life of the Entities or Issues attainted.

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought as
to the public Acts, Records, and Adjudicated Proceedings of every other Existing Economic State
or Economies of Thought. And the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled may by general
Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be Proved, and
the Effect thereof.

The Membered Nations of Individuals shall be entitled to all the Privileges, Immunities and
Opportunities afforded those who wish to obtain Wealth and Opulence through Global Market
Forces, as are other Citizens in other Nations on Earth existing within the same exact time and
space of Economic Reality.

Any Person or Persons of this Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, through Due Process
of Law or Measure, charged in any State or Nation with Treason, Felony, or other Crimes, who
shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State or Nation, shall on demand of the
executive Authority of the State or Nation from which he or she fled, shall be delivered up, or
be removed to the State or National Authorities having Jurisdiction of the Crime(s) in question.

No Person(s), Place(s) or Thing(s) held to the Service or Labor in one Existing Economic State or
Economies of Thought, under Immoral Laws or Economic Conditions thereof, escaping into
another, shall, in Consequence of any Moral Law or Regulation therein, be discharged to such
Service or Labor, but shall be delivered up on Claim of Global Free Market Forces to whom such
Service or Labor may be morally due.

New Economic States or Economies of Thought, may be admitted by the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled into this Economic Union of Monetary Idealism; but no new Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction in of itself;
nor any Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought be formed by the Junction of two or
more Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought, or parts thereof, without the Consent
of the Voting Members within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing
Economic State or Economies of Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall have the power to dispose of and make all
needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Market Territory or other Innovative Properties
belonging to Individuals, Institutions or Government Entities developed in Service; and nothing
in this Embodiment of Global Free Market Forces shall be so construed as to Prejudice any
Claims of Person(s), Place(s) or Thing(s) held to the Service or Labor in one Existing Economic
State or Economies of Thought or another.
The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall guarantee to every Existing Economic State
or Economies of Thought in this Union of Monetary Idealism a Republican Form of Co-Existence
and shall protect each of them against the Invasion of Human Ignorance and Market
Uncertainties; and on Application of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or of the
Board of Network Representatives (when the Symposium cannot be convened) against
domestic Violence through the appropriate counter-measures involving the Procreative
Modeling of Global Market Forces.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, whenever three quarters of all Classes shall
deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to the Embodiment of the Idealism of Global
Free Market Forces, or, on the Application of Analytical Powers within the General Court of
Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought, shall call a
Symposium for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and
Purposes, as part of this Embodiment of the Idealism of Global Free Market Forces, when
confirmed by the Analytical Powers within the General Court of Public Opinion Respective of
the Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought, or by Symposium in three fourths
thereof, as to the one or the other Mode of Confirmation that may be proposed by the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled; Provided that no Amendment which may be made shall in
any Manner affect the issue(s) at hand without the Consent those parties concerned, or that
they shall be deprived of the equal Suffrage of Economic Idealism within the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled.

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Embodiment
of the Idealism of Global Free Market Forces, shall be as valid against the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled under this Business Modeling of Global Market Forces, as under the
Articles of Global Free Market Confederation Referencing Adam Smith's Divisions Labor and the
Global Unified Expansionism of Commercial Economic Forces.

This Embodiment of the Idealism of Global Free Market Forces, and the Measures within the
United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall
be made, under the Power and Authority of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall
be the Presiding Rule of Economic Thought within this Network; and the Analytical Powers in
every Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought shall be bound thereby, anything in the
Constitution or Laws of any State or National Economy to the Contrary notwithstanding.
The General Court of Public Opinion Respective of the Existing Economic States or Economies of
Thought, the Board of Network Representatives, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled,
or any of them, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Embodiment of the
Idealism of Global Free Market Forces; no religious litany test shall ever be required as a
Qualification to any Office or Position within this Embodiment of the Idealism of Global Free
Market Forces. Whose peace and happiness, may God preserve, Amen.

Should any body of men be hereafter delegated for this or some similar purpose, Mankind
should offer them the following extracts from that wise observer on governments Dragonetti.
“The science” says he, “of the politician consists in fixing the true point of happiness and
freedom. Those men would deserve the gratitude of ages, who should discover a mode of
government that contained the greatest sum of individual happiness, with the least national
expense.”-Dragonetti on Virtue and Rewards.

But where says some is the Kingdom of Heaven? I’ll tell you Friend, that it reigns above, and
doth not make havoc of Mankind like a royal of the deceived. Yet that Mankind may not appear
to be defective even in earthly honors, let a day be solemnly set apart for proclaiming the
charter; let it be brought forth and placed upon the divine law, the Word of God; let a crown be
placed thereon, by which the world may know, that so far as Humanity approves of the
existence of a global market force, that the Universal Law of Observation is King. For as in
absolute governments or market forces the king is law, so should it be in free markets that the
Universal Law of Observation ought to become the authoritarian place of free peoples who find
themselves monetarily enslaved; and there ought to be no other. But lest any ill use should
afterwards arise, let the crown of social achievements through innovations at the conclusion of
the transformation ceremony be demolished, and scattered among all people on planet earth
whose right it is to possess as individuals in pursuit of various degrees happiness.

A government or market force of a free peoples is a natural right: And when Mankind seriously
reflects on the precariousness of human affairs, it will become convinced, that it is infinitely
wiser and safer, to form a new constitution of global markets as it pertains to the Universal Law
of Observation in a cool deliberate manner, while Humanity has it in its power, than to trust
such an interesting event to time and chance. If Mankind omits it now, some may hereafter
arise, who laying hold of popular disquietudes, may collect together the desperate and the
discontented, and by assuming to themselves the powers of government or market forces, may
sweep away the liberties of all Humanity like a deluge. Should the governments or global
market forces return again into the hands of deceptive monetary practices, the tottering
situation of things, will be a temptation for some desperate adventurer to try their fortune; and
in such a case, what relief can such global market forces give? An era that could hear the news
of the fatal business that could have been done, and ourselves suffering like the wretched
under the oppression of a conqueror.Ye that oppose financial independence now, ye know not
what ye do; ye are opening a door to eternal tyranny, by keeping vacant the seat of new
perspectives of governments or global market forces.

To date there are a billion or several billion people; who would think it glorious to expel from
the continents of free peoples, barbarous and hellish behavioral economic powers, which stirs
up various cultures to destroy themselves; the cruelty has a double guilt, it is dealing brutally to
All Mankind, treachery within its own ranks, races and cultures. To talk of friendship with
deception in whom reason forbids Mankind to have faith and affections, (though wounded
through a thousand pores) and instruct all Humanity to detest, is madness and folly. Everyday
wears Mankind out otherwise, who after spiriting up itself in the public market place, against
the oppression of all human beings, to whom the place was then subject, prompted itself to
revolt, and in the space of a day became a global market of monetary deceptions.

As little remains of the kindred of lies that exist within Humanity’s us(es) and them(s), can there
be any reason to hope, that as the relationship with economic deception expires, that
affections with its practices will increase, or that human beings shall agree better, when we
have ten times more and greater concerns to quarrel over than ever? Ye that tell us of harmony
and reconciliation with deceptive monetary practices, can ye restore to us the time that has
past while being deceived? Can ye give to prostitution a former sense of innocence? If not, then
there can be nothing to reconcile. The last cord is now broken, Humanity is now presenting
addresses against the times when it was financially deceived as a whole. There are injuries
which nature cannot forgive; she would cease to be nature if she did. As well can the lover
forgive the ravisher of his mistress, as a continent of inherently free peoples attempt to forgive
the murders that exist within its own ranks, races or cultures? The Almighty has implanted in
Mankind these inextinguishable feelings for good and wise purposes. They are the guardians of
his image imbedded in the hearts of human beings. They distinguish Mankind from the herd of
common animals. The social compact would dissolve, and justice be extirpated upon the earth,
or have only a casual existence were Mankind callous to the touches of affection. The robber
and the murderer, would often escape unpunished, did not the injuries which Humanity’s
temper has sustained, provoke All Mankind into a universal sense justice.

O ye that love Mankind! Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny of financial uncertainies, but
the tyrant of deceptive economic practices, stand forth! Every spot of the old world of
tolerance and forgiveness is overrun with monetary oppression. Financial freedom hath been
hunted around the globe. Other nations, have long expelled her. The Practitioners of
socioeconomic deception regards her as a stranger, and deceived followers of monetary
falsehoods hath given her warning to depart.

O! receive the fugitive that runs from fiduciary falsehoods, and prepare in time an asylum free
from economic bigotries for All Mankind to exist within.

I HAVE never met with a man or woman that has emotionally or physically existed in the past or
at present, either in the realm of a deceptive monetary system or a land of free peoples, who
have not confessed his or her opinion, that a separation from market uncertainties or poverty,
would not take place at one time or other. And there is no instance in which Mankind has
shown less judgment, than in endeavoring to describe, what it calls, the ripeness or fitness for
financial independence.

As Mankind allows the measure, and vary only in its opinion of the time, let us, in order to
remove mistakes, take a general survey of things and endeavor if possible, to find out the very
time. Mankind need not go far, the inquiry ceases at once, for the time has now found us all.
The general concurrence, the glorious moral union of all things proves the fact. It is not in
physical numbers but in an ethical unity of behavorial finance, that Mankind’s great strength
lies; yet it present numbers are sufficient to repel the dark forces of the entire world’s
deceptive economic forces. A free people has, at this time, the largest body of spirit and
disciplined men and women of any power under Heaven; and has just arrived at that pitch of
strength, in which no single race, class, creed, culture or land on planet earth is able to support
itself alone, and a part or the whole, who when united can accomplish the matter of financial
independence, and either more or less than this, might become completely fatal to the effects
of all deceptive markets for all eternity. Mankind’s economic force is already sufficient, and as
to commercial affairs, it cannot be insensible, to the fact that a deceptive monetary global
market would never suffer free peoples of affluences to be built while current markets
remained in its deceitful hands. Wherefore Mankind should be no forwarder another day hence
in that branch, than it is now; but the truth is, it should be less so, because the timber of
economic freedoms are every day diminishing, and that which will remain at last, will be far off
and difficult to procure.

Were planet earth crowded with nothing but inhabitants of human ignorances, her sufferings
under the present circumstances would still be intolerable. The more economic opportunities it
has, the more it has to both defend and loose just for the sake of perpetuating human
indifferences. Mankind’s present numbers are so happily proportioned to its wants, that no
man need be idle. The diminution of trade affords an army of socioeconomic abilities, and the
necessities of economic legions to create a new global trade. Debts it has none; and whatever
Humanity may contract on this account will serve as a glorious memento to the virtue of all
human beings. Can Mankind but leave posterity with settled forms of governments and new
global market forces, a new independent universal constitution of its own? The costs of its
purchase at any price will be cheap. But to expend billions for the sake of getting a few useless
monetary acts repealed, and routing the present financial ministries only, is unworthy the
charge, and is using posterity with the utmost cruelty; because it is leaving Humanity a great
work to do, and a debt upon its back, from which it shall derive no advantage. Such a thought is
unworthy of honorable men, and is the true characteristic of a narrow heart and a peddling
politician. The debt Mankind may contract does not deserve Humanity’s regard if the work be
but accomplished. No nation of free peoples on earth ought not to be without some debt of
financial gratitude. A universal debt is a bond of all free peoples; and when it bears no interest,
it is in no case a grievance. In global markets of monetary falsehoods debt is a form of
oppression, for which a free people pays upwards in interest. And as a compensation for their
debt, they have a sense of numerous failures enlarged.

Mankind is so happily situated, so internally capable of raising economic legions as a planet of

free peoples. Tar, timber, iron, and earth are their natural produce. Mankind need not go
abroad into emotional bigotries for nothing. Whereas the economically enslaved, who make
small profits by hiring out their skills of monetary achievements to traitors of their own causes,
are obliged to most foreign of the materials disguised as mutually beneficial that they use.
Mankind ought to view the building of modern global economic legions as an article of
commerce, it being the natural manufactory of free peoples. It is the best that money can buy.
Legions of global monetary gain when finished are worth more than they might cost. And is that
nice point in global economic policy, in which commerce and various degrees of protection are
united. Let Mankind build; if it wants them not, it can sell them; and by that means replace it
paper currency with ready labor, gold and silver.

Cases in point of manning an economic legion, a Workshop on “Open Source Innovation

(Beyond software) Turning dispersed ideas and efforts into successful businesses?”
Strasbourg, February 25-26, 2010; an economic standard is a set of specific technical
characteristics to which different competitors within an industry will tend (Tushman, Murmann,
1998; Jolly, 2008). It is composed of a set of specific data and techniques to facilitate
interconnection between different system components and subsystems (Kano, 2000, Tassey,
2000, Simcoe 2006). For example, these industry standards may be a set of parameters on the
thermal properties of materials used to manufacture a car part. These standards may also
designate a particular method, tool, or design in order to improve the quality of the system and
each component (Gallagher, 2007).

Some research studies mostly based on patent analysis have shown that firms can take
advantage of standards settings in high technology industries such as the mobile phone
industry (Funk, 2003; Hemphill, 2005; Bekkers, West, 2009). The control of these standards is a
strategic issue for companies who seek to benefit from network externalities and economies of
scale (Tassey, 2000: 592). This strengthens the credibility of their technology and enables them
to gain market shares by reducing the number of competing technologies (Hill, 1997; Schilling,

This also implies that firms establish partnerships to enforce and create these economic
standards, something that they generally cannot do alone. Consequently, this strategy of R&D
partnership requires an open and flexible intellectual / industrial property (IP) (i.e. patent,
copyright protection, trademark) policy (Simcoe, 2006). In most of cases, it consists in granting
licenses to their own competitors at lower prices and more flexible terms of use (Shapiro and
Varian, 1999). The goal is to maximize the investment by others in complementary assets in
order to reduce coordination costs. On another side, this also constitutes an opportunity for
firms to get the technology needed to implement these standards.

Such strategies of “cooperating on standards and competing on implementation” lead to

enhance a tension between value creation and value capture (Teece, 2006, Chesbrough,
2006).This tension is an important characteristic of the open innovation paradigm
(Chesbrough,2003) and is one key issue of a sustainable open source project (West, 2003).
Some questions are also still hanging when these standards are the results of collaborative
research and development (R&D) projects within an open innovation (Chesbrough, 2003)
framework. How do firms involved in these R&D projects uses of external knowledge shared by
their competitors to achieve innovation and what kinds of IP strategies do they use to capture
value on new markets? This paper presents action research aims to build valuable business
models scenarios for two open innovation projects. The first one is the development of a
collaborative database of industry standards (DataLIB), set up within an innovative cluster
framework. The second project is the creation of a platform of collaborative R&D computing
(CalcHUB) directed by a research network which members are also involved in the same cluster

In the point of safety, ought Mankind to be without economic legions? In this study, business
models are considered as conceptualized tools to understand and identify how do firms create
and capture value from collaborative knowledge exchange and economic transactions
(Applegate, 1999; Shafer et al., 2005:202). It is during the research phase of innovation process
that firms build the value proposition for the customer, which value is created by the offering
based on the technology (Chesbrough, 2003: 64). During the R&D phases, the challenge is to
anticipate what kind of value can constitute the offering and who would pay for it (Magretta,
2002, Warnier et al. 2004). When it comes to open innovation, these issues are more difficult to
solve because of the blurring of firms boundaries and the profusion of potentially innovative
ideas. The business model should be the compass that allows firms to know what kinds of ideas
deserve to be developed and what types of marketing opportunities are viable in an open

In order to have an understanding of value creation and value capture within collaborative R&D
project, scholars have attempted to show the different roles played by business models in the
innovation process (Doganova, Eyquem-Renault, 2009). For example, they can be used by firms
within an open innovation paradigm to retain or remove one or few potential partners from
their network in order to prepare the development phase. If they get interested in participating
to this phase, projects leaders will discuss and adapt their business model to match it with
these external technologies. This can lead to major changes to the original final research
product (uncertainty on market’s fitting and on research results maturity) and allow them to
consider one more path to markets. For some practitioners, business models are the most
appropriated tools in collaborative R&D to face this uncertainty and visualize how new ideas
will create value for each participant (Chesbrough and Schwartz, 2007).

The level of the economic value expected to capture depends on the different business models
adopted by all project participants to commercialize the fruits of these R&D activities
(Chesbrough, 2009). A main issue related to these collaborative R&D phases is the need for
each firm to handle within their own boundaries the complex links between knowledge
creation, value exchange and innovation achievement. Each business model provide some
patterns to map these internal links, depending on which business models components do each
firm focuses on. Business models also allow firms to contextualize their investment in one
funded project, having regard to their own businesses.

Costly investments, pressures on time-to-market and uncertainty over the commercialization of

the final result of innovation processes are classic constraints of R&D phases. Previous research
has highlighted the issues related to these factors on the success of an innovation (Burgelman
et al., 1996; Brown and Eisenhardt, 1998). As a strategic tool, business models can help firms
involved in an open innovation project to deal with these factors. This paper aims to provide
insights on the use of business models to balance between each firm interests and strategies
used by them to capture value from each IP elements they have exchanged and shared.
Throughout two case studies, the article also looks at how issues relating to these standards are
essential in the development of business models within these two projects.

The emerging interest in the process approach is giving rise to numerous expectations and
views. Whether it is Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Business Process Management
(BPM), Activity Based Costing (ABC), or Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), process modeling is
at the core of each of these approaches. The arrival of modeling standards is now resulting in
the rationalization of process analysis methods and the creation of a knowledge base that can
be shared by market participants.

Substantial progress has been made in business process standardization. However, it is clear
that the wide range of domain covered by business process modeling requires more than a
single compacted standard. This article attempts to present the current status and the need to
embrace the multiple dimensions of business process approaches. The perspectives given in
this report are based on MEGA customer experience and our many years of participation in
standardization groups.

Business Process: One Word, Multiple Arenas of Application
Before creating a list of the modeling standards being developed, we will first address the
following question: What business processes are we talking about? The term “business
process” is often used in relation to very different types of projects. Of these, we are addressing
the following three:

• The creation of a customer-oriented business management method. This means running

the company via its business processes or value chains.
• The creation of procedures to oversee the organization’s operations.
• The integration of IT resources using a business process approach.

In planning a company’s operations, one factor is the relationship between strategy and
business processes. For example, a bank can decide to focus on the financial products market
over the retail banking market. The business process “Provide financial products” thus becomes
the bank’s major value added product line. Bank operations must be reorganized according to
this business process so that each branch focuses on satisfying customers who buy financial

In the second example, a bank is looking to improve its operational organization. For example,
this bank would want to ensure, through management procedures, that it had control over its
customer debt levels. The goal is to determine what rules to apply and which organizational
units are responsible for applying them. Here, task distribution and management of
responsibilities for each task are at the forefront.

The third example involves information systems. The issue here is coordination of software
services and user tasks. In the case of this bank, for example, a workflow could be implemented
to automate the gathering of past customer records for debt control purposes. It is apparent
that the above described areas cover topics as varied as strategic analysis, responsibility
analysis, and information system architecture. This review of different instances involving
business process modeling reveals that no single standard being proposed today can satisfy all
these differing requirements. It is important to realize that for each approach, there must be a
specific, adapted type of process modeling. Business analysts using the process approach will
need to be informed as to the optimal standard to deploy. The next paragraph provides a
classification of the main business process standards.

Criteria for a Business Process Modeling Standard

Aside from covering the different business process modeling requirements, as described above,
an economic standard for analyzing business processes must meet certain criteria that apply to
any modeling standard:

• An intuitive notation that is easily adopted for use by those involved with business
analysis: a good diagram is worth a thousand words.
• A metamodel and vocabulary—a group of concepts and relationships—that are strictly
and consistently defined to provide a solid foundation for the various business process
• A breakdown of the metamodel and notation for each level of analysis of business
processes: value chain, organization, and IT integration. This breakdown must be
accompanied by a mechanism for navigating between the different levels of analysis.
• An exchange format for both the process models and their diagrams.

State of the Industry

A double analysis grid, depicting the field of application for the process modeling and the
characteristics of a modeling standard, enables us to classify the main standards that already
exist and those currently being created:
Fields of Application
• Value Chain Analysis
• Organization Analysis
• Business Process Automation Analysis
• Execution language for automated
Characteristics of a modeling standard
• Has a metamodel
• Has a notation
• Has an exchange format

Figure 1 – Grid analysis for a business process modeling standard.

In almost every article of a business model economic defenses Mankind abounds; Long Range
Planning 43 (2010): Special Edition on the concept ‘Business Model’ Editorial: By Charles
Executive Summaries
I. Business Model Foundations- Definitions and Approaches
a. Business Models as Models (Baden-Fuller & Morgan)
b. Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation (Teece)
c. From Strategy to Business Models and onto Tactics (Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart)
d. Business Model Design-An Activity System Perspective (Zott & Amit)
II. How do Business Models Emerge?
a. Business Models - A Discovery Driven Approach (McGrath)
b. Business Model Evolution - In Search of Dynamic Consistency (Demil & Lecocq)
c. Business-Model Innovation - General Purpose Technologies and their Implications for
Industry Structure (Gambardella & McGahan)
d. Strategic Development of Business Models - Implications of the Web 2.0 for Creating
Value on the Internet (Wirtz, Schilke & Ullrich)
III. Building New Business Models for Emerging Economies and Social Uses
a. Business Models-Creating New Markets and Societal Wealth (Yunus, Moingeon &
b. Building Social Business Models- Lessons from the Grameen Experience
c. Corporate-NGO Collaboration - Co-creating New Business Models for Developing Markets
(Dahan, Doh, Oetzel & Yaziji)
d. Cost Innovation - Preparing for a ‘Value-for-Money’ Revolution (Williamson)
IV. Implementing Business Models-Key Success Factors
a. Business Model Innovation - Opportunities and Barriers (Chesbrough)
b. Killing Two Birds with One Stone - Profit for Now and Learning for the Future (Itami &
c. Embedding Strategic Agility - A Leadership Agenda for Accelerating Business Model
Renewal (Doz&Kosonen)
d. An Individual Business Model in the Making - a Chef’s Quest for Creative Freedom
(Svejenova,Planellas& Vives)
e. From Recipe to Dinner - Business Model Portfolios in the European Biopharmaceutical
Industry(Sabatier, Mangematin & Rousselle)
f. Complex Business Models - Managing Strategic Paradoxes Simultaneously (Smith, Binns &

Business Model R&D for New Market Entry by: Ted London William Davidson
Institute/Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan
How do firms create new capabilities to enter new markets? While yielding important results in
their own right, the existing growth- and change-oriented capabilities literatures appear to
offer limited insight when firms are trying to implement an organic growth strategy that
involves building new capabilities. Indeed, new market entry, as conceptualized in the growth-

oriented capabilities literature, is guided by the idea that firms should focus on entering
markets where they can leverage their existing business models and associated capability
development trajectories (Mahoney & Pandian, 1992; Peteraf, 1993). Penrose (1959), in her
seminal book on the growth of firms, highlighted that firms’ existing pool of assets and
capabilities influence which new markets they enter. While they may need to overcome a lack
of context-specific resources, firms primarily exploit opportunities for expansion by leveraging
their existing internal capabilities as “stepping stones” to enter new markets (Andrews, 1971;
Wernerfelt, 1984). These findings, however, do not address the challenge of new market entry
that requires new capability development.

Similarly, the change-oriented capabilities literature does not shed much light on this issue. The
research on new capability development by incumbent firms, much of it based on dynamic
capabilities, focuses on exploring how firms can respond to radical, or non-linear, technological
changes in their current markets. Research from this line of inquiry emphasizes the importance
of component and architecture technology innovation, as well as the value of context-specific
complementary assets (Henderson & Cockburn, 1994; Tripsas, 1997). As such, its prescriptions
for capability creation do not readily transfer to organic new market entry, where firms are not
serving existing customers, may not need to generate radical technological innovation, and
typically do not control context-specific resources.

Again, this suggests that the existing growth- and change-oriented capabilities literatures do
not directly address the challenge that firms face when trying to enter new markets that
require creating new capabilities. Yet an increasing number of firms are attempting this,
suggesting that the conventional wisdom about growth and change in the capabilities literature
may need to be extended. One market opportunity gaining increased attention as a potential
source of new growth requiring capability creation is lower income markets in developing
countries, also known as the base (or bottom) of the pyramid (BoP).

In the original article on the BoP, Prahalad and Hart (2002) divided the global population into
three segments based on purchasing power parity (PPP). BoP consumers, estimated to be about
4 billion people (or approximately two-thirds of Humanity), are defined as those whose PPP is
less than approximately $5 per day (Prahalad & Hammond, 2002). While these PPP numbers
could be viewed as a relatively arbitrary figure, what is unique (and most challenging) about the
BoP is that entry into lower income markets requires the creation of new business models and
associated new capabilities (Hart & London, 2005; London & Hart, 2004).

As such, studying the capability development process of multi-national companies (MNCs)

looking to enter lower income markets in the developing world provides a research setting
where a theoretical gap in the capabilities literature – building new capabilities to enter new
markets – can be examined. Exploring this question required opening the “black box” of
business model development and involved an extended tracking of 18 new initiatives in six
MNCs that were initially designed to pursue new market opportunities at the base of the

A Gapin the Capabilities Literature
Growth and change are two dimensions identified as particularly important in understanding
capability development (Abernathy & Clark, 1985; Benner & Tushman, 2003; Pettus, 2001). A
firm can continue serving an existing market and/or enter a new one, defined as whether or not
the firm is serving a new set of customers (Benner & Tushman, 2003). Change can involve either
adapting an existing capability or building a new one. For example, as Helfat and Lieberman
(2002: 726) indicated, “When new or existing firms enter a market in which they do not
currently participate, almost by definition they must develop new capabilities or alter existing
ones.” As discussed below, these dimensions provide a useful framework for mapping the
theoretical and empirical developments in capabilities research. Three streams of capabilities
literatures, in particular, provide insight into change and growth. These are the evolutionary
economics, dynamic capabilities, and capabilities-based “stepping stone” growth.

Existing Markets and Existing Capabilities: Evolutionary Economics

The value of a firm’s assets are context-dependent (Amit & Schoemaker, 1993; Collis, 1994;
Miller & Shamsie, 1996; Priem & Butler, 2001). As discussed in the resource-based view
(Barney, 1991; Barney, 1986; Conner, 1991), at a particular moment in time, firms may possess
certain capabilities that are sources of competitive advantage. That is not to say that these
capabilities are static. They can and do evolve over time (Helfat & Peteraf, 2003). Indeed, there
is a growing stream of research that explores the adaptation of existing capabilities, much of it
based on evolutionary economics (Nelson & Winter, 1982). In this literature, changes to existing
capabilities are grounded in a firm’s current routines and structure and occur in a path
dependent fashion.

Eisenhardt and Martin (2000) suggested that in competitive environments where change is
relatively predictable and linear, capability development is based on the logic of leverage. In
these environments, the objective is to enhance current capability development trajectories.
Existing routines, business models, resources, and structure influence and channel capability
development (Benner & Tushman, 2003; Raff, 2000).

Existing Markets and New Capabilities: Dynamic Capabilities

The dynamic capabilities perspective emerged as an extension of the resource-based view and
evolutionary economics to address the issue of non-linear changes in capabilities in a firm’s
current operating environment. As Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997: 515) indicated in what is
probably the foundational piece on this subject, “the term ‘dynamic’ refers to the capacity to
renew competences so as to achieve congruence with the changing business environment…” In
markets undergoing non-linear technology changes, dynamic capabilities emphasize the logic of
opportunity and the need for change (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000).

Starting with Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997), dynamic capabilities research has focused on
radical technological change in existing markets. What makes the literature on dynamic
capabilities distinct from prior evolutionary economics is that it explores how incumbent firms
break technological development path dependencies and create new capabilities. Indeed, a key
reason that incumbent firms face challenges from discontinuous change in their current

markets is the burden of existing mindsets and biases (Henderson & Cockburn, 1994; Tripsas &
Gavetti, 2000; Tushman &Smith, 2002). Christensen & Bower (1996) and Christensen (1997), for
instance, find that existing resource allocation mechanisms and problem-solving approaches
prevented incumbents, such as those in the disk drive industry, from effectively responding to
the emergence of a new technological sub-field within the industry.

Exploring technological innovation, Henderson and Clark (1990) show that firms must consider
how their existing routines influence the development of both the various components and the
overall architecture that integrates the components associated with technology innovation.
When radical change occurs and a new technology or industry sub-field emerges, relying on a
dominant logic that embraces existing metrics and familiar problem-solving approaches
constrains the ability of a firm to effectively respond (Henderson & Cockburn, 1994). Firms
must be prepared to alter individual technological components and/or reconfigure the
alignment among these assets. This need for architectural innovation can occur across varying
units of analysis, ranging from redesigning products to reconfiguring resources among a
corporation’s divisions (Galunic &Eisenhardt, 2001; Henderson & Clark, 1990).

Even with these challenges, firms can survive non-linear changes in their existing markets.
Successful technology innovation requires spanning the appropriate internal and external
boundaries to enhance the diversity of the participants in the problem-solving process
(Henderson &Cockburn, 1994; March, 1991; Rosenkopf & Nerkar, 2001). Scholars have also
suggested that creating a dual organizational structure or even an entirely new organization is
useful in establishing an internal context conducive to generating the needed technological
innovation (Benner &Tushman, 2003; Christensen, 1997).

Furthermore, empirical research indicates that context-specific resources, in this case

complementary assets, facilitate incumbents’ efforts to respond to radical technological change
and the emergence of new technology sub-fields within their existing markets (Mitchell, 1989;
Tripsas, 1997). Complementary assets reside in different parts of the value chain and are
important in commercializing an innovation (Teece, 1986). When the linkages to existing
customers are not disrupted (Abernathy & Clark, 1985), complementary assets, including
distribution networks and after-sales service, play an important role in the success of
technology innovation (Mitchell, 1991; Tripsas, 1997).

Thus in current markets undergoing non-linear technology changes, existing research suggests
that firms must generate the appropriate mix of component and architectural innovation and
leverage their context-specific resources, particularly complementary assets, to build new
capabilities that overcome existing routines and problem-solving approaches.

New Markets and Existing Capabilities: “Stepping Stone” Growth

Some of the earliest work in the capabilities literature focused on firm entry into new markets
(Penrose, 1959). Growth by new market entry offers an important context for exploring
capability development (Helfat & Lieberman, 2002). In the strategy literature on capabilities,
however, growth typically relies on an implicit “stepping stone” assumption (Andrews, 1971;

Wernerfelt, 1984). Growth, as conceptualized this research, is guided by the idea that firms’
market entry is directed by their existing capability development trajectories (Mahoney &
Pandian, 1992).While they may lack certain context-specific assets for this new market, this
perspective indicates that firms should “enter markets where the resource requirements match
their firm capabilities (Peteraf, 1993: 188).”

Some researchers have examined, for example, the “McDonalds approach” to replication, a
growth strategy most recognizably used by chain organizations and franchisers (Knott, 2003;
Winter & Szulanski, 2001). While these firms may be highly explorative in developing the initial
business model template, once they begin to expand, the orientation shifts to replication. In
discussing Wal-Mart’s entry into a new market, Helfat and Lieberman (2002: 737), for instance,
indicated that in serving a new set of customers “the company replicates its local distribution
network, store operating routines, information systems and personnel policies.” Growth by
replication is based on transferring a consistent set of operational routines and complementary
assets, and new market entry success is enhanced by implementing the existing business model
template as closely as possible (Winter & Szulanski, 2001).

Given the increasing interest in market opportunities across the globe, international expansion
should be particularly instructive for exploring growth from a capabilities perspective (Helfat &
Lieberman, 2002; Penrose, 1959; Tallman, 2001). As Barlett & Ghoshal (1989) andTallman
(1991) have found, a capabilities-oriented perspective is important to understanding MNC
market entry. Similar to the strategy research, however, the logic of replication is also
embedded in the international management literature. The prevalent view on international
expansion emphasizes that MNCs should look to utilize existing resources, transfer current
internal knowledge, and incrementally modify familiar products when entering new markets
where they may lack context specific complementary assets (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1989). As
Tallman (1991) noted, when entering new international markets, MNCs will tend to rely on
proven strategies and familiar structures.

New Markets and New Capabilities: Unexplored Terrain

Firms are continually searching for new sources of long term growth (Bhardwaj, Camillus,
&Housel, 2006). New capability development associated with this growth can target new
market as well as new technology opportunities (Winter, 2003). Indeed, there are new market
opportunities, such as serving lower income customers in developing countries (the base of the
pyramid), where existing capabilities typically cannot be successfully modified, and firms
instead need to build new capabilities (Hart, 2005; Hart & London, 2005; London & Hart, 2004).

When entering these new markets, firms lack context-specific complementary assets that
facilitate non-linear change in an existing market. In addition, they must avoid a strategy based
on replicating existing business models and associated capabilities found in the “stepping step”
approach to growth. To date, there has been almost no work in the capabilities literature
(international or domestic) that explores how firms enter markets that require creating new
capabilities (Tallman, 2001). What has not been examined in the evolutionary economics,
dynamic capabilities, and capabilities-oriented growth literature streams is capability creation

for new market entry. Another reason why the present time is preferable to all others, is, that
the fewer our numbers are, the more land there is yet unoccupied, which instead of being
lavished by the king on his worthless dependents, may be hereafter applied, not only to the
discharge of the present debt, but to the constant support of government. No nation under
heaven hath such an advantage as this.

Strategic Planning Models Published by the Foundation for Community Association Research
Strategic planning is a relatively new genre of planning, adapted from primarily two sources.
Business schools have equipped leaders with institutional planning processes, which were
developed from decision making and production control. Community planning schools have
prepared planning staffs with models of social planning and physical land-use planning. The
business model is more often tailored for a hierarchical organization with top-down control,
although this has softened in the dot-com era. The community-planning model is more grass
roots, bottom-up, consensus building and is better suited for non-profit organizations and local
governments. The former is market share and profit oriented, and the latter is empowerment
and constituent needs oriented. In between, there is a range of blended approaches.

Model 1: Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs)

Brian W. Barry details strategic planning for NPOs in the treatise and workbook Strategic
Planning Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations. The workbook is oriented to organizations
such as soup kitchens, nascent neighborhood groups, and other human services groups. It
outlines the strategic planning process, but is tailored to a small organization with a narrow
focus. It also assumes that all of the stakeholders are represented, that they speak with
authority, and that the constituencies they represent are fairly homogeneous.

In order to be applied to community associations, this model must be modified to

accommodate multiple missions in more complex organizations, which offer many services to
very heterogeneous constituencies. However, it lacks attention on soliciting feedback and
developing consensus.

NPO Strategic Planning includes:

• Recruiting stakeholders, power brokers, and leadership.
• Reviewing the organization’s history and current situation.
• Reviewing and revising (or developing) the organization’s mission statement.
• Identifying the organization’s opportunities and threats.
• Identifying organizational strengths and weaknesses.
• Identifying the most critical issues arising from any of the organization’s opportunities,
threats, strengths, and weaknesses.
• Setting goals to remove weaknesses, blunt threats, and seizing opportunities.
• Brainstorming, evaluating, and selecting strategies to empower leaders.
• Critiquing and reviewing the plan.
• Revising goals, and re-implementing goals, as appropriate.

Model 2: Applied Strategic Planning
The Applied Strategic Planning approach is described in the treatise Applied Strategic
Planning, An Introduction by Leonard D. Goodstein, Timothy M. Nolan, and William J.Pfeiffer.
Business and military executives tend to favor this model. It assumes a top-down hierarchy with
a plans and operations department, that is responsible for running the models and recruiting
and involving appropriate and key personnel. It also presumes the existence of a fair degree of
quantifiable data and business modeling decision making where one finds targets and executes
programs. This method might be well suited for solving problems where constituents have an
identifiable problem and are unified in the opinion that better service is needed. The process
also incorporates scanning the environment, brainstorming solutions, establishing a future
orientation, and looking at the behavior of competitors and new products on the horizon.

Applied Strategic Planning includes:

• Identifying consultants and key internal players.
• Garnering CEO support, identifying stakeholders, and setting planning goals.
• Scanning organizational values, philosophy, and culture.
• (Re)defining the organization’s mission statement.
• Identifying new futures and new venture opportunities.
• Auditing threats, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses.
• Identifying critical gaps between where the organization is and its future.
• Selecting strategies to expand or retrench as a means to close performance gaps.
• Implementing the strategies to acquire or divest.
• Monitoring actions, updating conditions, and restarting the cycle.

Model 3: ICMA Strategic Development

This model is the least relevant to community planning as it focuses very narrowly on the
special issue of economic development. It makes a strong case for inventorying existing
capacities and capabilities. It also contains several good elements that would stimulate
association planning groups’ thinking on consensus building. ICMA Strategic Development is
described in Economic Development: A Strategic Approach for Local Governments, a 68-page
leader’s guide and student workbook for an International City/County Management Association
(ICMA) course on local economic development.

ICMA Strategic Development includes:

• Augmenting existing planning structure with stakeholders.
• Conducting an environmental scan of community conditions.
• Identifying and evaluating the community resources.
• Identifying and rating different community business activities.
• Identifying and rating different community development agencies and programs.
• Conducting an inventory of congruent and divergent values and visions in the
• Imagining and describing multiple visions of different community economic sectors.
• Developing visions into goals and establishing objectives to reach the goals.
• Describing who, what, when, how, and where resources are needed.

• Monitoring, reporting, updating, and reallocating efforts as targets are hit.
• Restarting the process again by recruiting a new group and conducting scans.

As you have just read the global infant state of free peoples, as it is called, so far from being
against an argument in favor of financial independence. Mankind is sufficiently numerous, and
were it more so, it might be less united. It is a matter worthy of the Universal Law of
Observation, that the more a planet is peopled, the more economic legions lay in its possession.
In military numbers, the ancients far exceeded the moderns: and the reason is evident, for
trade being the consequence of a population, men become too much absorbed thereby to
attend to anything else. In a global market of monetary deceit commerce diminishes the spirit,
both of monetary patriotism and economic defense. And history sufficiently informs us, that
the bravest achievements were always accomplished in the infancy of a free people. With the
increase of commerce a global market of economic deception loses its spirit. A city of the
economically enslaved, notwithstanding its numbers, submits to continued insults with the
patience of a coward. The more men that are sacrificed, the less willing Humanity is to venture.
The rich are in general slaves to fear, and submit to a courtly power with the trembling duplicity
of a spaniel. Youth is the seed-time of good habits, as well in nations as in individuals. It might
be difficult, if not impossible, to form planet earth into one invisible government of global
market forces in a very short period of time. The vast variety of interests, occasioned by an
increase of trade and population, might create confusion. Free peoples might also be against
the economically enslaved.

Each being able might scorn each other’s assistance: and while the proud and foolish gloried in
their little distinctions, the wise would lament that a union of global economic thought under a
Universal Law of Observation has never been formed before. Wherefore, the present time is
the true time for establishing it. The intimacy which is contracted in infancy, and the friendship
which is formed in misfortune, are, of all others, the most lasting and unalterable. Our present
union of economic thought is marked with both these characters: Humanity is young, and it has
been distressed; but its concord has withstood all troubles, and fixes a memorable area for
posterity to glory in.

The present time, likewise, is that peculiar time, which never happens to a free people but
once, viz., the time of forming itself into a single global market force. Most nations have let slip
the opportunity, and by that means have been compelled to receive laws from their
conquerors, instead of making laws for themselves. First, they had a king, and then a form of
government; whereas, the articles or charter of government, should be formed first, and men
delegated to execute them afterwards: but from the errors of other nations, let All Mankind
learn wisdom, and lay hold of the present opportunity- to begin a new global market force at
the right end.

When William the Conqueror subdued England he gave them law at the point of the sword; and
had it consented to that the seat of government in America, it would have been legally and
authoritatively occupied, it would have been in danger of having its borders filled by some
fortunate ruffian, who may have treated its residence in some ill manner, and then, where

would its freedoms had been? It’s property? As to religion, Mankind should hold it to be the
indispensable duty of all governments on earth and a universal market force, to protect all
conscientious professors thereof, and let it know of no other business which a government or
universal market force has to do therewith. Let Mankind throw aside that narrowness of soul,
that selfishness of principle, which the stupid of all professions are so unwilling to part with,
and it will be at once delivered from its fears on that head. Suspicion is the companion of mean
souls, and the bane of all a good society. Let Mankind fully and conscientiously believe, that it is
the will of the Almighty, that there should be diversity of religious opinions among all
Humanity: It affords a larger field for enlighten kindness. Were Mankind all of one way of
thinking, its religious dispositions would want no matter for probation; and on this liberal
principle, let Mankind look upon the various denominations amongst itself, to be like children
of the same family, differing only, in what is called their Enlighten names.

Earlier in this work, I threw out a few thoughts on the propriety of a newly discovered unifying
global high-tech market, (for I only presume to offer hints, not plans) and in this place, I take
the liberty of re-mentioning the subject, by observing, that a universal law of monetary
observation is to be understood as a bond of solemn obligation, which the whole enters into, to
support the right of every separate part, whether of religion, personal freedom, or property, a
firm bargain and a right reckoning make long friends.

In a former page I likewise mentioned the necessity of a large and equalor global
representation under the Universal Law of Observation; and there is no political matter which
more deserves Mankind’s attention. A small number of electors, or a small number of
representatives, are equally dangerous when compared to an entire global market of deceptive
monetary practices. But if the number of the representatives be not only small, but unequal,
the danger is increased. As a prevention to an instance of this, I mention the following;

The Pursuit of a Financial Perspective Involving the Implementation of Davici’s Procreative Business
Modeling of Global Market Economies (An Economist’s Mindset from an Integrated Listing of
over 600 World Economists into a Single Equation)
1. An Economic Outline for the Procreative Modeling of Global Markets within a Planning & Design
Approach (PDA) Worksheet for Monetary Operational Grand Strategies:
A. The Descriptive Procedural Mindset of an Economist/Broker as a Firm Utilizing over (600) Historical
Economists, as a Single Minded Autonomous Economic Function, within a PDA Worksheet (i.e., X3 the
Neuroeconomic Procedural Guidelines);
I. The Ancient and Modern History of Economic or Monetary Thought as Phase One within the
Planning & Design Approach Worksheet.
II. The Economic Theories within (4) Managerial Categories & (117) Overlapping Financial
Subcategories as Phase Two within the Planning & Design Approach Worksheet.
III. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics as the New Mainstream within Phase Three of the Planning
& Design Approaches.
IV. Behavioral Economics within (4) Managerial Categories & (24) Subcategories Involving the (24)
Points of the Change Equation utilizing Chromosomal Development within Phase Four of the
Planning & Design Approach Worksheet.
V. The (5) Point Outline of Cognitive Biases, Involving the (43) Categories of Behavioral Finance within
the (48) Types of Economic Systems, or the (40) Categories of Economic Indicators encompassing
Phase Five of the Planning & Design Approach Worksheet;

(a.) The (20) Step List of Financial Topics within the Pursuing the Planning & Design Strategy
(PPDS) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation (VIR) Involving
Norms/Standards or DALP Technologies]
(b.) The (18) Step List of Financial Services Companies within the Specifying & Implementing
Solutions (SIS) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation (VIR)
Involving Morale/Cohesion or DOSA Technologies]
(c.) The (18) Step List of Important Publications In Economics within the Information &
Knowledge (I&K) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation (VIR)
Involving Power/Authority Issues or IBOS Technologies]
(d.) The (20) Step List of Economic Topics within the Arranging for Continuous Change &
Improvement (ACCI) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation
(VIR) Involving Goals/Objectives or IAOA Technologies]

B. The Conceptual Implementation of (165) Accounting Topics within all (144) Sections of the Global
Information Drivers of Strategic & Tactical Innovations (GIDSTI), as well as the (21) Major Categories of
Financial Markets Involving (36) Economic Adaptive Autonomous Agents;
I. The (15/10) Point Assignment of Marketing Structures & Pricing within IT Investments, and a
Political/Religious Enterprise Work Architecture.
II. The (4) Areas of a Political Media or Das Kapital as a Source for Market-Based Ideological Counter-
Measures within the (4) Approaches of the Grammatic Genome.
III. The (6) Dimensions of Marketing for a Consultative Planning & Design Approach (CPDA) Stratagem
Matrix, Sections A – E.
IV. The List of Basic Economic Topics Representing the (9) PPES Formula System for a PDA Matrix.
V. The List of Behavioral Economics Representing the (9) PPES Formula System for a CPDA Matrix.
VI. The List of Financial Services Involving the (9) PPES Formula System for the Solution Framework
VII. The List of (11) Marketing Topics Representing Employment Related Software Development
VIII. The (12) Methods of Financial Services Involving Market Generation.
IX. The (12) Part Mechanism for Autonomous Agent Formatting.

2. An Economic Outline for the Procreative Modeling of Global Markets within a Consultative Planning & Design
Approach (CPDA) Worksheet for Monetary Operational Grand Tactics:
The Descriptive Operational Policy-Based Mindset of a Financier/Broker as an Individual Utilizing a List of (81)
Scholarly Journals In Economics, as Morale or Cohesive Tactics in Specifying & Implementing Solutions within a
Consultative Planning & Design Approach (CPDA) Worksheet (i.e., X3 the Autonomous Economic Procedural
Guidelines). [Vertical Inter-Changeable Clockwise Rotation (VIR)]
A. The List of (100) International Trade Topics as a Means of Engaging in Power or Authority Issues within
the Tactical Methods Involving the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA) Worksheet.
[Vertical Inter-Changeable Counter-Clockwise Rotation (VIR)]
B. The (4/115) Categories of Financial Services as a Means of Engaging in Norms or Standards within the
Tactical Approaches Involving the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA) Worksheet.
[Vertical Inter-Changeable Clockwise Rotation (VIR)]
C. The (21/121) Categories of Markets as a Means of Engaging in Goals or Objectives within the Tactical
Methods Involving the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA) Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-
Changeable Counter-Clockwise Rotation (VIR)];
I. The (288) Categories of Economics by Geographical Locations, Overlapping all (324) Components
within the Tactical Areas of the CPDA Worksheet as Stationary Elements.
II. The (53) Tactical Matrix Categories of Economies by Continents within the CPDA Worksheet.
III. The (46) Stationary Strategic Components of the CPDA Worksheet, Sections A-1 to A-4.

3. The Socioeconomic Base Equation(s) for the Individualized Global Free Market Fusion of Information:

3 (RW=QM )
X Homo Economicus Universal

Immediate necessity makes many things convenient, which if continued would grow into
oppressions. Expedience and right are different things. When the economic calamities of
Mankind required a consultation, there was no method so ready, or at that time so proper, as
to appoint persons from various cultures for that purpose and the wisdom with which they
have proceeded has preserved free peoples from ruin. But as it is more than probable that
Humanity shall never be without a financial representation, every well-wisher to good order,
must own, that the mode for choosing members of that body, deserves consideration. And I put
it as a question to those, who make a study of Mankind, whether representation and election is
not too great a power for one and the same body of men to possess? When Humanity begins
planning for the posterity of this new global market, it ought to remember that virtue is not

It is from the enemy of a free conscious that Mankind often gain false maxims, and are
frequently surprised into reason by their mistakes. Some may treat a global petition of human
monetary freedoms with contempt, because some will say that no man or plan could with
decency be put for the whole of Humankind. We shall thank them for their involuntary honesty.
To conclude: However strange it may appear to some, or however unwilling they may be to
think so, matters not, but many strong and striking reasons may be given, to show, that nothing
can settle Mankind’s affairs so expeditiously as an open and determined declaration for global
monetary independence. Some of which are those who would fully understand of what great
consequence a large and equal socioeconomic representation is to the state of All Mankind,
should take into account their own political disquisitions of economic and academic

First, it is the custom of truly free peoples, when any two systems are at economic civil war, for
some other powers, not engaged in the quarrel, to step in as mediators, and bring about the
preliminaries of a peace: but while a free people calls itself the slaves of global markets of
monetary deceit, no power, however well-disposed it may be, can offer themselves mediation
toward its inherent economic freedoms. Wherefore, in our present global economic state
Mankind may quarrel on forever.

Secondly, it is unreasonable to suppose, that any economy will give Humanity any kind of
assistance, if it mean only to make use of that assistance for the purpose of repairing the
breach, and strengthening the connection between the principles of deceitful economic global

markets and the monetarily enslaved; because, that economic power would become a sufferer
of numerous recessions by the consequence. Thirdly, while Mankind professes itself the
subjects of such a concept of socioeconomics, it must, in the eye of foreign ideologies, be
considered as rebellious to social academic achievements. The precedent is somewhat
dangerous to that economy’s sense of peace and prosperity, for Humanity to be in conflict
under the name of a subjected form of global markets; it on the spot, can solve the paradox:
but to unite resistance and subjection to deception, requires an idea much too refined for a
common sense understanding under a Universal Law of Observation.

Fourthly, were a manifesto to be published, and dispatched to courts of law, setting forth the
miseries Mankind has endured, and the peaceable methods it has ineffectually used for
redress; declaring, at the same time, that it has not been able to any longer live happily or
safely under the cruel disposition of deceptive monetary practices, and that it has been driven
to the necessity of breaking off all connections with global markets of financial deceit; at the
same time assuring all such courts of its peaceable disposition, and of its desire of entering into
global trade. Such a memorial would produce more good effects on behalf of an inherently free
people, than if a ship was freighted with petitions to deceptive monetary practitioners.

Under Mankind’s present denomination as subject of economic deceit, Humanity can neither
be received nor heard within various forms of its own prejudices and human ignorance: The
custom of all courts of human freedoms is against it, and will be so, until, by a monetary
independence under the Universal Law of Observation, it takes rank within its own sense of

These proceedings may at first appear strange and difficult; but, like all other steps which all of
Mankind has already passed over, it will in a little time become familiar and agreeable; and,
until such an economic independence is declared, that Humanity will feel itself like a man who
continues putting off some unpleasant business from day to day, yet knows it must be done,
hates to set about it, wishes it over, and is continually haunted with the thoughts of its

When in the course of human events a "Superior Force", also known as cas fortuit (French) or
casus fortuitus (Latin) "chance occurrence, unavoidable accident", of a universal common sense
essentially frees Mankind from liability or obligation to global markets of economic deceit when
an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of all Humanity, such as a war,
strike, riot, crime, or an event described by the legal term Act of God (such as hurricane,
flooding, earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc.), prevents human beings from fulfilling their
obligations under a contract that obligates them to a Hidden Socialist Hierarchy of Racism,
Sexism & Class Warfare within a Global Free Market Economy. It is then that it is held that this
truth is to be self-evident, that all human beings are created equal through a Universal Law of
Physics or Genomic Sequences, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights to Exists, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure
these rights, Governments or Market Forces are instituted among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed and market certainty, That whenever any Form of
Government or Market Force becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the All
Mankind and that which is Made to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Governments or
Market Forces, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such forms,
as to them shall seem most likely to effect and protect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence
and Opulence, indeed, will dictate that Governments, Institutions and Free Global Markets long
established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience
has shown, that the assumptions of Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right itself by abolishing the forms of economic behavioral slavery to which
they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses, usurpations and market uncertainties,
pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce human beings under absolute
Destitution or Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such uncertainties, and to
provide new Market Economies as Guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of All Mankind; and such is now the necessity which
constrains them to alter their former Systems of Economic Behavior in the Face of Universal
Uncertainties. The history of the present level of economic uncertainty in a global economy is a
history of repeated injuries and usurpations of economic achievement across the globe, all
having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over the Emotional States of
Membered Nations of Individuals. To prove this, let the Facts be submitted to a candid global
economy as it currently exists.

Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have Assent to Laws guaranteeing Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the most
wholesome and necessary for the general good of all created.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have forbidden Governments and Institutions to circulate funds of immediate and pressing
importance, unless suspended in their operation till Economic Behavioral Assent should be
obtained; and when so suspended, Market Uncertainties have prevented Governments and
Institutions utterly neglected to attend to them.

Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have caused Governments and Institutions to refuse to circulate other funds for the
accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people who would live in a fear based
social modeling of global economies, relinquish the right of Representation within their own
Economic System of Government, a right inestimable to them and formidable only to the
tyranny of market uncertainties.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have called together fraudulent economic systems of thoughts, principle only to bodies of theft
at places usual, comfortable, and close to the depository of it's public knowledge, for the sole
purpose of fatiguing All Mankind into compliance with measures of fear and universal
uncertainty or chaos.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have dissolved Individual Homes, Communities, Cities, Counties, States, and Representative
Houses of Governments or Institutions repeatedly, in opposition with mainly the firmness of
defenses to the invasions of market uncertainties upon the behavioral rights of All Mankind
guaranteeing Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the most wholesome and necessary for
the general good of all created.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have throughout human history, after such dissolutions, to cause economic principles to be
elected; whereby the Legislative powers of Governments and Institutions, incapable of
Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State of Existence
remaining in time and space exposed to all the dangers of invasions of market uncertainties
from without, and convulsions within.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have endeavored to emotionally handicap All Mankind within numerous Economic States of
Existence; for the purpose of obstructing those needed Market Forces from Naturalizing
Foreign Commercial Ideologies (Academic Tariffs); in the process refusing to accept human
beings or other life forms encouraged within their migrations in time or space toward obtaining
Status, Opulence or Wealth, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations toward unilateral
achievement within Global Economic Thought.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing the Assent of Principles for
establishing Judiciary powers of Due Process of Law through Market Forces.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have made Judiciary powers of Due Process of Law dependent on the Will of market
fluctuations alone, for the tone or tenure of their offices, and the amount and sequence of
payments for their salaries.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have erected a multitude of Old Ideologies, and sent hither swarms of useless rules and
regulations to harass Mankind, and eat out its substance.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have kept among All Mankind, in time and space, Standing Legions of Dought with the Consent
of Governments and Institutions duty bound and sworn to protect an individual's rights to Life,
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have affected to render economic forces independent of and superior to rights of Human
Beings and Civil powers or abilities.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have combined with other Standing Legions of Socioeconomic Dought to subject Mankind to an
emotional jurisdiction foreign to the constitution of reasonable Economic Men, and
unacknowledged by innovative technologies; giving economic uncertainties Assent to Acts of
pretended forms of Market Expansionism. Thus:

For Quartering Legions of Socioeconomic Dought among All Mankind:

For protecting an atmosphere of socioeconomic dought, by fraudulent schemes and
mock trials of economic stimulus packages, from transparency for any forms of effective
management which they should commit on the Inhabitants within a Global Market
For randomly cutting off Trade with all parts of the world through Bigotry, Prejudices or
any form of indifference toward those things made or created as equal in the eyes of a
Universal GOD:
For taxing and imposing oppressive economic principles upon All Mankind with or
without Consent:
For depriving individuals, institutions and governments in many cases, of the benefits of
and within the due processes of a truly Global Free Market Economy:
For displacing individuals, institutions and governments in many cases beyond the
known realm of time and space on the bases pretended economic downturns:
For abolishing the free System of the Human Thought Process in a neighboring state of
emotional existence, establishing therein an Arbitrary sense of belonging, and enlarging
its Emotional Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for
introducing the same absolute rule of uncertainty and fraud into the economic
behavioral patterns of All Mankind:
For taking away the Emotional Charter of Opulence and Prosperity, by abolishing our
most valuable Rights to Pursue Justice, Peace, Life and Happiness:
For altering fundamentally the Valued Forms of Individuals, Institutions and
For suspending the Rights of varied life forms from the financial protection of
Individuals, Institutions and Governments, and declaring a Fear Based Social Model
invested with the power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
that have emotionally abdicated and terrorized Governments and Institutions, by needlessly
declaring their Behavioral Portfolios out of the Protection of Market Certainties and waging
Quiet Wars with Silent Weapons through global market forces against All Mankind.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have plundered seas of human knowledge and innovations, ravaged imports and exports of
needed goods and services, abandoned towns of employers and employees in need of revenue
or jobs, and destroyed the lives of whole peoples from dispersed economies.

Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have at this time transported large Standing Legions of Socioeconomic Dought to complete the
works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy
scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy to exist as the Head
Economic Thought of those that exists within a civilized universe.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have constrained fellow human beings taken Captive on the high Seas of Ignorance to bear
Arms against their own Moral Values, to become the executioners of their Friends and
Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Own Hands at the behest of various forms of sedition.
Modern Macro & Micro-Economic Thought is Guilty of inflicting Market Uncertainties that
have excited domestic insurrections amongst All Mankind, and has endeavored to bring upon
the inhabitants of Planet Earth, the merciless Savages of Self-Loathing, whose known rule of
traditional warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions there have been Petitions for Redress through Innovation
in the most humble terms: Mankind's repeated Petitions have been answered only by lies and
repeated financial uncertainties. An emotional time in space whose very character of existence
is thus marked by every act which may be define as Tyrannical, is unfit to be the morale ruler of
a people participating in a free global market economy.

Nor has Mankind not been wanting in Attention to the needs of financial certainties. Mankind
has been warned of the existence of varied forms of Universal uncertainties within a Global
Economy that from Time to Time Attempts by its own Legislature of Bias Academia to extend an
unwarrantable Jurisdiction over the Economic Behavioral Patterns of Unilateral Fiduciary
Exchanges. Mankind has been reminded of the Circumstances of the Emigration and Settlement
here of Bigotry, Prejudices or any form of Human Indifferences toward those things made or
created as equal in the eyes of a Universal GOD. Mankind has appealed to its native sense of
Justice and Magnanimity, and has conjured up both of them by the Ties of common Kindred to
disavow these Usurpations of Monetary Gain, which, would inevitably interrupt its Connections
and Correspondence with the Principles, Wealth and Opulence of Modern Economic Legions.
They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of consanguinity through the non-existence
of Innovative Global Free Market Entrepreneurial Networks. Mankind must, therefore,
acquiesce in the Necessity, which denounces it's Separation from Human Indifferences, and
hold them, as we hold the rest of all Created, Enemies to Human Indifference in of itself, as
manifested in any Form, and through Peaceful Intent, Friends for all Eternity.

We the Inhabitants of All Creation, therefore, as the Representative Economies of the

Embodiment of All Mankind, in General Congress of Global Market Forces, Assembled in
Thought, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the Universe for the rectitude of historic
technologically progressive intentions, do, in the Name of an Almighty God, and by Authority of
the good in all Humanity, solemnly publish and declare, That the Global Free Market Economy
is, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent of Emotional States of Monetary Uncertainty;
that it be Absolved from all forms of Market Uncertainties standing in Allegiance against the
pursuit of Wealth, Status and Opulence, and that all political and nonpolitical connections

between them and the Emotional State of Prosperity, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and
that as a Free and Independent Emotional State, it has full Power to pursue the Quiet Wars of
Intellectual Expansionism, conclude Peaceful Intentions, contract R&D Alliances, establish E-
Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent Emotional States may of
right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine
Providence, the Principalities of Market Economies shall mutually pledge to each other their
Lives, their Fortunes and the Sacred Honor of their Economic Legions of Market Certainties to
facilitate the health and well-being of All Mankind.

Global Economic Drivers of Market Certainties

With all the technological advances of the last few decades, food, shelter, clothing, and
government remain the basic necessities for of All Mankind, regardless of where it exists. In
part, these technological advances can be directly attributed to its efforts to improve upon the
ability to satisfy its own basic necessities and to answer a universal calling.

Also, many of these technological advances have, in turn, become perceived as essential to the
maintenance of the interrelated national and global commerce that has evolved from
Humanity’s efforts to satisfy the more basic needs. These perceived essentials include
transportation, communication, and information processing.

Regardless of whether the economic driver is basic or perceived as essential, there are two
additional economic drivers that make continued functioning in today's interrelated world
possible. These are energy and industrial metals. Also, given the increase in apparent affluence
and leisure time, entertainment has become a significant economic driver.

As an interim summary, there are ten global economic drivers that deserve attention, as they
relates to the industries, specific entities, and related spheres of socioeconomic influence in
portfolioand risk management activities that in turn represent the philosophical embodiment of
All Mankind:

1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Clothing
4. Government
5. Transportation
6. Communication
7. Information Processing
8. Energy
9. Industrial Metals
10. Entertainment

Although not an economic driver, financial intermediaries (commercial banks, mortgage banks,
thrifts, insurance companies, pension funds, and professional money managers) also need to be
included in portfolio management and risk management efforts because they are natural

aggregators of the financial transactions, assets, and liabilities involved in intermediating
commerce amongst the economic drivers.

Wealth Transfer
A basic premise is that wealth will continue to be created and transferred as a result of the on-
going boom/bust cycling of the secular movement toward greater globalization. We can also
assume, within the secular movement, a continued wealth creation and transfer resulting from
the boom/bust cycling of the individual economic drivers involved in creating and facilitating
national and global commerce.

Financial Markets and Instruments

Several financial markets and instruments have evolved to facilitate the intermediation of the
commerce and wealth transfer resulting from this boom/bust cycling.

Caveat - Regardless of how globalized and interrelated the world's markets become, each
market and instrument needs to be traded strictly on its own merits and traits, and not based
on some perceived relationship with another market or instrument.

Additionally, several dollar and non-dollar markets and instruments have evolved to facilitate
the management of the risk inherent in the increasing secular and cyclical volatility. These
markets and instruments include (cash, futures, options, and other derivatives, both listed and
OTC) for:

 Fixed Income (government and corporate).

 Money Markets (government and corporate).
 Mortgage-Backed Securities (fixed and adjustable rate; agency and non-agency)
 Equity.
 Currency.
 Commodity (both traditional and non-traditional).

There are several summary points to consider regarding the major commercial entities involved
in creating and intermediating commerce in the various global economic drivers:

 They all have substantial performance profiles at risk to interest rate, equity, currency,
and/or commodity price volatility.
 There are liquid markets and instruments available for managing the performance
profile volatility within each economic driver and for each financial intermediary.
 There is a growing level of management literacy regarding the need and opportunities
to manage performance profile.
 There is a focus on implementing a portfolio management and risk management process
that can be applied to the major global economic drivers and related financial
intermediaries, markets, and instruments.

 Furthermore, this process can be adapted to serve as a utility function for those
organizations with a fully internalized performance profile management process.
Likewise, it can be adapted to serve as a value added service to enable management
groups with less developed internal capability to make and implement performance
profile management decisions.

Mutual Economic Ascension

Meeting of the minds (also referred to as mutual agreement, mutual assent or consensus ad
idem) is a phrase used to describe the intentions of forming new high-tech global markets
under the Universal Law of Economic Observationisms. In particular it refers to the situation
where there is a common economic sense understanding in the formation of contracts that
support the various business models conducive with facilitating a new $36 trillion global market
and the immediate development of over 48 million new sources of employment. This condition
or element is often considered a necessary requirement to the formation of a mutually
beneficial collective bond.

Since the publication of this treatise, or rather, in the modern era in which it came out, various
messages of deception have made its appearance in prevailing times. Had the spirit of prophecy
not directed the birth of this production, it could not have been brought forth, as it has now at
a more seasonable juncture, or at the more necessary of trying economic times. The bloody-
mindedness of deceptive markets, show the necessity of pursuing the doctrine of another or
additional way of social interactions. Men read by way of academic revenge or monetary fears.
And their speech instead terrifying in order to produce public unrests or horrors, prepared a
way for the manly principles of global financial independence.

Their ceremony, and even, silence, from whatever motive that may arise, have a hurtful
tendency, when they give the least degree of countenance to a base of wicked socioeconomic
performances; wherefore, if this maxim be admitted, it naturally follows, that the speeches of
deceptive practitioners of global markets, as being the pieces of a finished moral villainy,
deserved, and still deserves, a general execration by a global congress of free peoples. Yet as
the domestic tranquility of Mankind, depends greatly on the chastity of what may properly be
called a common sense, it is sometimes often better, to pass some things over in silent disdain,
than to make use of such new methods of dislike, as might introduce the least innovation, on
that guardian of Mankind’s peace and safety. And perhaps, it is chiefly owing to this prudent
delicacy, that the speeches of market uncertainties, have not before now, suffered a public
execution. Such speeches as they may be so-called, are nothing better than a willful audacious
libel against the truth, the common good, and the entire existence of All Mankind; and is a
formal and pompous method of offering up human sacrifices to the pride of tyrannical markets.
But this general massacre of Mankind’s achievements and social advances, is one of the
privileges, and the certain consequences of any global market of economic deceit; for as nature
knows it not, it knows not her, and although it is the beings of Mankind’s own creationisms, it
know not Humanity, and has become a lesser God of its own deceptive making. Their speeches
of false monetary practices have one good quality, which is, that their words are an open
miscalculation to mislead, neither can Mankind, even if it would, be deceived by such oratories.

Brutality and tyranny appears on the face of it. It leaves Humanity at no loss for the longing of
relief from its influences: And every line of their misdeeds convinces, even in the moment of
reading, that He, who hunts the woods for prey, the naked and untutored of global monetary
terrorism, is less a savage than global markets of socioeconomic deception that slowly murders
countless human beings through the implementation of quiet wars that use silent weapons of
monetary deceit.

Modern global academia of free markets, the putative earthly father of a whining scholastic
piece of economic falsehoods, fallaciously called, its bogus addresses to the monetarily
enslaved and to the entire free peoples on planet earth, a necessary evil and required vain
supposition, in that an inherently free peoples were to easily frightened by a truthful
description of innovative global markets, given, (though very unwisely on its part) the real risks
imbedded within the financial character of the present times: “But,” says this writer,“if
Mankind is so inclined to pay compliments to an economic ideology, and its administration that
is lacking financial transparencies, which is to be complained of,” (meaning the deceptive
monetary practices of the academic) “it is very unfair to Humanity to withhold the monetarily
enslaved from the princes of human kindness, by whose actions would be permitted to do
anything feasible to facilitate the needs of Humankind.” This is truism with a witness! Here is
admiration without a mask: And he who can turn a deaf hear, and not digest such a doctrine,
has forfeited his or her claims to rationality an apostate from the order of manhood; and ought
to be considered as one, who has, not only given up the proper dignity of Mankind, but sunk
themselves beneath the rank of animals, and contemptibly crawl through the world like a

However, it matters very little now, what a global market of economic deception either says or
does; it has wickedly broken through every moral human obligation, trampled nature and
conscience beneath its feet; and by a steady constitutional spirit of insolence and cruelty,
procured for itself a universal hatred. It is now the interest of inherently free peoples to provide
for themselves. She hath already a large and young family, whom it is more her duty to take
care of, than to be granting away her property, to support those powers that have become a
reproach to the names of enlightened men and women. Ye, whose office it is to watch over the
morals of Mankind, of whatsoever sect or denomination ye are of, as well as ye, who are more
immediately the guardians of public liberties, if ye wish to preserve your native emotional state
uncontaminated by corruption, ye must at least in secret wish a separation from economic
uncertainties. But leaving its ethical parts to private reflection, Mankind should chiefly confine
further remarks to the following heads: First, that it is the interest of a planet of inherently free
peoples to become separated from monetary global markets of deceptive marketing principles.

Secondly, which is the easiest and most practicable plan, reconciliation or economic
independence? With some occasional remarks.

In support of the First Head, if a free man could judged it proper, produce the opinion of some
of the ablest and most experienced men on planet earth; and whose sentiments, on that head,
are not yet publicly known. It is in reality a self-evident position: For no nation of inherently

free peoples in a state of foreign or deceptive economic dependence, limited in its commerce,
and cramped and fettered in its legislative powers, can ever arrive at any moral or material
eminence. Economic slaves doth not yet know what opulence is; and although the progress
which they had made stands unparalleled in the history of other human beings, it is but
childhood, compared with what they would be capable of arriving at, had they, as they ought to
have, the legislative economic powers within their own hands.

A global market that houses deceptive monetary practices is, at this time, proudly coveting
what would do it no good, was it to accomplish it; and a nation of free peoples were it to
become hesitant on the matter, will always become a final resting place of economic ruin.

It is the commerce and not the conquest of an inherently free person, by which a new global
market is to be benefited, and that would in a great measure continue, were Humanity
financially independent of market uncertainties and fraud; because in many articles of
socioeconomic achievement, it cannot go to or build a better market. But it is the financial
independence of inherently free human beings on earth which is now the main and only object
worthy of contention, and which, like all other truths discovered by necessity, will appear
clearer and stronger every day.

Initially, because it will come to that conclusion in one time or other.

Thus, because the longer it is delayed the harder the times will be in which it shall be

I have frequently amused myself both in public and private companies, with silently remarking
upon the spacious errors of those who speak without reflecting. And among the many which I
have heard, the following seems the most general, viz., that had this rupture in the idea of a
global economy happened forty or fifty years ago, instead of now, the free world would have
been more able to have shaken off the dependence upon deceptive monetary practices. To
which one must reply, that Mankind’s marketing warfare abilities at this time, arises from the
experience gained through previous quiet economic warfare stratagems. Besides, due to the
lack of prevailing technologies Mankind would not, as in previous times, have had the likes of
those concepts involving the general high-tech contracting of global networks, or even the idea
of using a combination of genetics and physics to develop modern business models that utilize
marketing warfare tactics; and it, or those who may become its succeeding generation, would
have been as ignorant of martialing economic matters as those who existed in the days of
ancient history: And this single position, closely attended to, will unanswerably prove, that the
present time is preferable to all others: The argument turns thus- at the conclusion of previous
economic wars, Mankind has experienced, but was in wanted need of sufficient monetary
knowledge; and in centuries hence, should it have had the information, without experience;
wherefore, the proper point of time, must be some particular area between the two extremes
of human knowledge and it tendencies towards bigotry and prejudice, in which a sufficiency of
the former remains, and a proper increase of the latter is rejected: And that point of time is the
present time.

The reader will pardon this digression, as it does not properly come with the mindset that I first
set out with, and to which I again return by the following position, viz.: Should affairs be
patched up with the previous knowledge of global economics, and it to remain the governing
and sovereign power of an inherently free peoples, (which as matters are now circumstanced,
is giving up the point entirely) Mankind shall deprive itself of the very means of sinking the debt
it has or may contract in the future.

It is by the sale of certain lands that the debt may be sunk, without burden to any, and the quit-
rent reserved thereon, will always lessen, and in time, will wholly support the annual expenses
of various governments. It matters not how long the debt is in paying, so that the technological
services when sold be applied to the discharge of it, and for the execution of which, a global
congress of free economies for the time being, will be the trustees of all Humanity.

I proceed now to the Second Head, viz. Which is the earliest and most practicable plan,
reconciliation or socioeconomic independence? With some occasional remarks.

Should Mankind take nature for its guide it will not easily be beaten out of its argument for new
global service markets, and on that ground, answer generally- That SOCIOECONOMIC
INDEPENDENCE being a SINGLE SIMPLE LINE, contained within itself; and reconciliation, a
matter exceedingly perplexed and complicated, and in which, treacherous and varing capricious
courts of law are prone to interfere, gives the answer without a doubt.

The present state of Mankind is truly alarming to every human being that is capable of
reflection. Without law, without government, without any other mode of power than what the
current global economy is founded upon, granted that by courtesy, is actually held together by
an unexampled concurrence of sentiment, which is nevertheless subject to change, and which
who’s prosperity every secret enemy is endeavoring to dissolve. Mankind’s present condition of
its global economy is legislation without laws of truthful unilateral benefits; wisdom without an
effective plan of transparencies; a global constitution of free markets without a name; and,
what is strangely astonishing, the idea of perfect financial independence contending for the co-
dependencies of deceptive practices inherent to a global market of monetary falsehoods. The
instance is without a precedent; the case never existed before; and who can tell what may be
the event to initiate a universal change? The property of no man is secure in the present
unbraced system of things. The academic mindset of the multitude is left to randomness, and
feeling no fixed object before itself, it pursues vanity as a fancy of pop culture as opinions start.

Nothing is criminal; there is no such thing as treason; wherefore, everyone thinks himself at
liberty to act as he pleases. The monetarily enslaved dared not to have assembled offensively,
had they known that their lives, by that act would become forfeited to the laws of various
states of existence in order affect the principles of financial behavior. A line of distinction
should be drawn, between those who economically soldier for greater causes taken in
monetary battles, and the inhabitants of planet earth taken or enslaved in economic conflicts.
The first are emotional prisoners of marketing warfare, but the latter are perceived as traitors

to their own self-interests. The one forfeits his financial liberties the other his abilities to
become a head of households.

Notwithstanding the wisdom of Mankind, there is a visible feebleness in some of Humanity’s

proceedings which gives encouragement to economic dissensions. The academic nature of free
peoples is too loosely buckled. And if something is not done in time, it will be too late to do
anything, and Mankind shall fall into an emotional state, in which, neither reconciliation nor
financial independence will be practicable. Monetary deception and its worthless adherents are
up to their old game of dividing the free people of planet earth, and they are in wanting need
among all Humanity for mass media involvement, which itself is busy spreading specious
falsehoods. The artful and hypocritical broadcasts which have appeared are evidence that there
are among men those who are in want of neither judgment nor honesty.

It is easy getting into financial holes and corners talking of monetary reconciliation with old and
useless theories of new global markets: But does such a thing seriously consider, how difficult
the task is, and how dangerous it may prove, should free peoples remain divided thereon. Does
it take within its view, all the various orders of men whose situation and circumstances, as well
as its own nature, the livelihoods to be considered therein? Does it put itself in the place of the
sufferer whose all is already gone, and of a soldier, who has quit all for the defense of his
country and values. If as an entity its ill-judged moderation be suited to its own private
situations only, regardless of the human factor, the event will convince itself, that “it is
reckoning without a Morale Host.” Put us, says some, on the same socioeconomic footing
Mankind was on in previous times that led to financial recessions: To which Mankind should
answer, the request is not now in the power of deceptive monetary practitioners to comply
with, neither should an inherently free people or the monetarily enslaved propose it; but if it
were, and even should be granted, Mankind should ask, as a reasonable question, by what
means is such a corrupt and faithless institution to be kept to its engagements? Other global
markets, nay, even the present one, may hereafter repeal such an obligation, on the pretense
of itself being violently obtained and protected, or unwisely granted; and in that case, where is
Mankind’s redress? No going to laws of nations; civil economic war is the barrister of a crown of
academic thorns; and the word, not of justice, but of quiet wars, decides the suit.

To be on the footing of better economic times, it is not sufficient, that the laws only be put on
the same emotional and economic state of existence, but, that Mankind’s circumstances,
likewise, be put on the same state of socioeconomic achievements; its financially burnt and
destroyed towns repaired or built up, private monetary losses made good, its public debts
(contracted for defense) equally discharged; otherwise, human beings shall be in the billions at
worse than it was in enviable periods. Such a request had it been complied with years ago,
would have won the heart and soul of both inherently free peoples and the monetarily
enslaved but now it is too late, “the Rubicon has been crossed is passed by.” Besides the taking
up of new global markets, merely to enforce the repeal of pecuniary financial laws, seems as
unwarrantable by the divine law, and as repugnant to human feelings, as the taking up to
protest its enforcement of obedience thereto. The object, on either side, does not justify the
ways and means; for the lives of men are too valuable to be cast away on such trifles. It is the

violence which is done and threatened to the persons of Mankind; the destruction of property
by an economic force; the invasion of a nation by the fire and sword of monetary recessions
and falsehoods, which conscientiously qualifies the use of new global markets of innovations:
And the instant, in which such a mode of economic defenses became necessary, all subjection
to deceitful monetary practices ought to have ceased; and the financial independency of
Mankind should have been considered, as dating its area from, and published by, the first lie
that was fired against it. This line is a line of consistency; neither drawn by caprice, nor
extended by ambition; but produced by a chain of events, of which the colonies of free peoples
on planet earth were not the authors.

I shall conclude these remarks, with the following timely and well-intended hints, Mankind
ought to reflect, that there are three different ways by which an economic independency may
hereafter be effected; and that one of those three, will one day or the other, be the fate of free
peoples, viz. By the legal voice of the people in a global congress of free markets; by the power
of business model marketing warfare stratagems; or by the prejudices and bigotries of mob
actions: It may not always happen that Mankind’s spiritual soldiers for a greater cause are
common citizens, and the multitude a body of economically reasonable men; virtue, as it has
already been remarked, is not hereditary, neither is it perpetual. Should an economic
independency be brought about by the first of those means, Mankind has every opportunity
and every encouragement before itself, to form the noblest, purest global monetary
constitution since the dawn of MANKIND on the face of Planet Earth. It has in its own power to
begin the world over again free from the environmental causes of human deception. A
situation, similar to the present, until now it has not happened since the days of Adam and Eve.
The birth of a new world is at hand, and a spiritual race of men perhaps as numerous as all the
stars in heaven, are to receive their portion of freedom from the event to occur in just a few
days or weeks. God forbid if it takes months or at it worst years. The existence of modern
technologies, as in case of social media, shall anyways expedite the circumstances.

The reflection is awful and in this point of view, how trifling, how ridiculous, do the little, paltry
complaining, of a few weak or interested men appear, when weighed against the business of a
new world of financial opportunities.

Should Humanity neglect the present favorable and inviting period, and socioeconomic
independence be hereafter effected by any other means, it must charge the consequence to
itself, or to those rather, whose narrow and prejudiced souls, are habitually opposing the
measure, without either inquiring or reflecting. There are reasons to be given in support of
monetary independence from blind financial behavior, which Mankind should rather privately
think of, than be publicly told of. Mankind ought not now to be debating whether it shall
become monetarily independent or not, but, anxious to accomplish it on a firm, secure, and
honorable basis, and uneasy about the fact that it is not yet began to do so. Everyday convinces
human beings of its necessity. Even the practitioners of deceptive economic policies (if such
beings yet remain) should, of all men, be the most solicitous to promote it; for, as the first
appointment of new global markets, shall protect them from popular rage, so, a wise and well

established form of new business model technologies, will be the only certain means of their
continuing security.

Wherefore, if they have not virtue enough to become citizens of a society of monetarily free
peoples, they ought to still have enough prudence to wish for global economic independence
free from human indifferences.

In short, financial independence is the only bond that can tie and keep Mankind together. It
shall then see the object of all Humanity, and its ears will be legally shut against the schemes of
an intriguing, as well as a cruel enemy to those human beings who seek the opportunity to
pursue happiness, wealth and opulence.

Mankind shall then too, be on a proper footing, to commerce with financial global markets of
mutual benefit; for there is reason to conclude, that the pride of that court, will be less hurt by
commercializing with a free peoples whose emotional state sues for terms of a peaceful
coexistence, than with those, whom are denominated by monetary prejudice and bigotry,
“rebellious subjects,” for terms of accommodation. It is delaying it that encourages Mankind to
hope for conquest, and its backwardness tends only to prolong economic wars of hypocrisies
that produce civil unrest.

As Mankind has, without any good effect therefrom, withheld its trade to obtain a redress of
financial grievances, let it now try the alternative, by independently redressing them itself on
behalf of a free peoples, and then offering up its soul of economic behavior to truly open global
trade. The mercantile and reasonable part of global markets will still be amongst all Humanity;
because, financial peace with trade, is preferable to economic wars without it. And if this offer
be not accepted, then other courts of financial opportunities may be petitioned.

On these grounds let the matter rest. And as no other offer has yet been made to refute the
doctrine contained in the former editions of this treatise, it is a positive proof, that either the
doctrine cannot be refuted, or, that the parties in favor of it are too numerous to be opposed.
Wherefore, instead of gazing at each other with suspicious or doubtful curiosity, let Mankind,
hold out to itself the hearty hand of friendship, and unite in drawing a line, which, like an act of
oblivion, shall bury in forgetfulness every former dissention. Let the names of the slave masters
and the enslave become dissolved and extinct; and let none other be heard among all of
Humanity, than those of a good citizenry , an open and resolute friend, and a virtuous

To the Representatives of Global Secular Societies and the People in Protest against deceitful
monetary practices, or to so many of them on planet earth concerned with respect to
(CONSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS), and touching the COMMOTIONS now prevailing within the
minds of an intrinsically FREE PEOPLES IN GENERAL.” This writer has not dishonored any race,
class, creed, color, culture, sex, nation or religion by either ridiculing, or caviling at anyone or
denomination whatsoever. To God, and not to man, is All Mankind accountable on the score of
universal moral intentions inherent to the Universal Law of Observation.

Wherefore, this treatise is not so properly addressed to any particular persons, political or
religious bodies, but as to series of influential abstract monetary or socioeconomic words,
concepts or ideas, dabbling in matters, which the professed quietude of honorable principles

As you have, with a proper authority for so doing, put yourselves in the place of the whole body
of Mankind, so, the writer of this treatise, in order to become a witness on an equal rank with
yourselves, is under the necessity, of putting himself in the place of all those who approve the
very writings and principles, from which your testimony is directed: And he has chosen a
singular situation, in order that all might discover in him, that presumption of character which
has yet to be seen within yourselves. For neither he nor you have any claim or title to Financial
or Political Representation.

When men have departed from the right way, it is no wonder that they stumble and fall. And it
is evident from the manner in which you have managed your testimony, that money or politics,
(as a religious body of men) is your proper walk; for however well adapted it might appear to
you, it is, nevertheless, a Universal Good put wisely together, and the conclusion drawn
therefrom, both natural and just.

Mankind shall give you credit for, and expect the same civility from you, because the love and
desire of peace is not confined to a non-believer, it is the natural, as well as the religious wish of
all denominations of men.

And on this ground, as Mankind labors to establish an Economically Independent Global

Constitution of its own, does this generation of Humanity exceed all others in its hope, end, and
aim. Mankind’s plan is peace forever. Mankind is tired of the contentions with global markets
of monetary deception, and can see no real end to it but in a final emotional separation from
economic slavery through the establishment of a new $36 trillion global market and the
founding of 48 million new sources of employment world-wide.

Mankind acts consistently, because for the sake of introducing an endless and uninterrupted
peace, does it bear the evils and burdens of the present day. Humanity is endeavoring, and will
steadily continue to endeavor, to separate and dissolve a global monetary connection which

has already filled various lands with flesh and blood; and which, while the name of it remains,
will be the fatal cause of future mischiefs within nations of free peoples.

Mankind shall fight neither for revenge nor conquest; neither from pride nor passion; It shall no
longer insult the world with fleets upon the waters and armies upon land of planet earth, nor
ravage the globe for plunder. Beneath the shade of its own vines of information, knowledge
and academic achievements is it attacked; in its own houses of higher learning, and on its own
lands of financial prosperity, is economic violence committed against it. Mankind must view its
enemies in the characters of highway men and house breakers, and having no defense for itself
in a universal civil law; are obliged to punish them by a monetary one, and apply the WORD, in
the very case, where it has before now, applied the halter.

Perhaps Mankind feels for the ruined and insulted sufferers in all and every part of this planet,
and with a degree of tenderness which has not yet made its way into the bosom of Mother
Nature. But be ye sure that your mistake not the cause and ground of a Truthful Testimony. Call
not the coldness of contemptuous souls, religion; nor put the bigot in the place of the

O ye partial ministers of your own acknowledged principles! If the bearing of spiritual arms be
sinful, the first going to open protest must be more so, by all the difference between willful
attack and unavoidable defenses.

Wherefore, if ye really preach from conscience, and mean not to make a monetary or political
hobby-horse of religion, convince the world thereof, by proclaiming your doctrine to the true
enemy of human consciousness, for it likewise bears SPRITUAL ARMS. Give yourselves proof of
your own sincerity by publishing it to all the murdering miscreants who are acting in authority
under an evil whom ye yourselves profess not to serve. Had ye the honest soul of an angel or
saint ye would preach repentance to global markets of monetary deception; Ye would tell the
lying rant of their sins, and warn it of eternal ruin. Ye would not spend your partial invectives
against the injured and the insultedonly, but like faithful ministers, would cry aloud and spare
none. Say not that ye are persecuted, neither endeavor to make Mankind the authors of that
reproach, which, ye are bringing upon yourselves; for an inherently free peoples testify unto All
Mankind, that they do not complain against an inherent evil because they are virtuous, but
because there is pretentions to do so.

Alas! Monetary deception seems to exist by the particular tendencies of some part of a
Testament, and other parts of Human conduct, as if all sin was reduced to, and comprehended
in the act of bearing the spiritual fruit by that of a free peoples only. Ye appear before all
Humanity, to have mistaken party for conscience, because the general tenor of human actions
wants to wear the uniform of uniformity or to become the uniformed itself: And it is
exceedingly difficult to Mankind to give credit to many of a pretended scruples; because it sees
them made by the same men, who, in the very instant bear witness to that mammon which
they are exclaiming against in this world, are the ones to never say “Thou hast tasted of
prosperity and adversity; thou knowest what it is to be economically banished by thy own

native country or state of human existence, to be overruled as well as to rule, and set upon a
throne of universal knowledge just to become eventually dethroned of monetary or academic
achievements; and being oppressed thou hast reason to know now how hateful the
oppressor is to the existence of both God and Free Men. If after all these warnings and
advertisements, thou dost not turn unto the Lord with all thy heart, but forget him who
remembered thee in thy distress, and give up thyself to follow lust and vanity, surely great
will be thy condemnation. Against which snare, as well as the temptation of those who may
or do feed thee, and prompt thee to evil, the most excellent and prevalent remedy will be, to
apply thyself to that light of the enlighten which shineth in thy conscience and which neither
can, nor will flatter thee, nor suffer thee to be at ease in thy sins.”

Less, hunting after it with a step as steady as Time, and an appetite as keen as Death.

The quotation which is have made from Proverbs in these pages cries of Mankind, that, “when
a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him;” is very
unwisely a chosen part of its testimony; because it amounts to proof, that the ways of
deceptive monetary global markets (whom Mankind has been so desirous of supporting) does
not please the Lord, otherwise, its reign would be in Peace on Earth as it is in Heaven.

I now proceed to the latter part of Mankind’s testimony, and that, for which all the foregoing
seems only an introduction, viz:

“It has never been Mankind’s judgment and principle, since it was called to profess the light
of the Enlighten of the Universal Law of Observation, to manifested in its consciences unto
this day, that the setting up and putting down of deceptive monetary global markets markets,
is God’s peculiar prerogative; for causes best known to himself: And that it is not Mankind’s
business to have any hand or contrivance therein; nor to be busy-bodies above its own
emotional economic station, much less to plot and contrive the ruin, or overturn any of them,
but to pray for new global markets and massive sources of employment, and the safety
within nations of inherently free peoples, and the good of all men: that Mankind may live a
peaceable and quiet life, in all goodliness and honesty; under a global monetary
infrastructure which God is pleased to set over All Humanity.” If these are really the principles
of Mankind why does it not abide by them? Why does it not leave that, which it calls God’s
work, to be managed by Himself? These very principles instruct Mankind to wait with patience
and humility, for the event of all public measures, and to receive that event as the divine will
towards itself. Wherefore, what occasion is there for political economic Testimony if it is to fully
believe what it contains? And the very publishing of it proves, that either, Mankind does not
believe what it professes, or have not virtue enough to practice what it truthfully believes.

The principles of the Enlightened has a direct tendency to make any man the quiet and
inoffensive subject of any, and every global market which is set over him. And if the setting up
and putting down of economic principles and global markets is God’s peculiar prerogative, he
most certainly will not be robbed thereof by Mankind; wherefore, the monetary principle itself
leads Humanity to approve of everything, which ever happened, or may happen to global

markets as being his work. Previous derivatives markets died not by the hands of man; and
should the present market a proud imitator of it, come to the same untimely end, the writers
and publishers of this Testimony, are bound by the doctrine it contains, to applaud the fact that
global markets are not taken away by miracles, neither are changes in economic principles
brought about by any other means than such as are common and human; and such as we are
now using. Even the dispersing of the children of God, though fore told by a Savior, was
effected by a spiritual arm. Wherefore, as Mankind refuses to be the means on one side, it
ought not to be meddlers on the other; but to possibly wait the issue in silence; and unless it
can produce divine authority, to prove, that the Almighty who has created and placed new
markets, at the greatest distance it could possibly stand, from every part of the old ways of
doing business, doth, nevertheless, approves of its being independent of the corrupt and
abandoned courts of deceptive monetary practitioners; unless I say, Mankind can show this,
how can it, on the grounds of old economic principles, justify the exciting and stirring up of a
free people “firmly to unite in the abhorrence of all such writings, and measures, as evidence a
desire and design to break off the happy connection it has hither to enjoyed, with deceptive
global markets, and it’s just and necessary subordination to the deceptive academic, and those
who are lawfully placed in authority under their sense of idealism.” What a slap in the face is
here! The men, who, in the very paragraph before, have quietly and passively resigned up the
ordering, altering, and disposal of financial academics and global markets, into the hands of
God, are now recalling their monetary principles, and putting in for a share of the business. Is it
possible, that the conclusion, which is here justly quoted, can anyways follow from the doctrine
laid down? The inconsistency is too glaring not to be seen; the absurdity too great not to be
laughed at; and such as could only have been made by those, whose understandings were
darkened by the narrow and crabby spirit of a despairing political party; for Mankind is not to
be considered as a whole body but only as a factional and fractional part thereof.

Here ends the examination of such a testimony; (which I call upon no man to abhor, as Mankind
has done, but only to read and judge of fairly;) to which I subjoin the following remark; “That
the setting up and putting down of new global markets,” most certainly mean, the making of
Mankind global markets of equally progressive monetary and academic achievements, which is
yet not so, and the remaking to Mankind no new monetary infrastructure who already has one.
And pray what has this to do in the present case? I neither mean to set up nor to put down,
neither to make nor to unmake, but to have nothing to do with them. Wherefore my testimony
in whatever light it is viewed serves only to dishonor bad economic judgment or financial
behavior, and for many other reasons had better to have been let alone than published.

First, because it tends to monetary decrease and reproach of religion orders, and is of the
utmost danger to society, to make the issue itself a party in monetary or political disputes.

Secondly, because it exhibits a body of men, numbers of whom disavow the publishing of
political economic testimonies, as being concerned therein and approvers thereof.

Thirdly, because it has a tendency to undo that spiritual harmony and friendship which
yourselves by your late liberal and charitable donations has lent a hand to establish; and the
preservation of which, is of the utmost consequence to All Mankind.

And here, without anger or resentment I bid you farewell. Sincerely wishing, that as men, that
you may always fully and uninterruptedly enjoy every civil and religious right; and be,
in your turn, the means of securing it to others; but that the example which has been wisely
set, of mingling religious hypocrisies with political indifferences, may be disavowed and
probated by every inhabitant of Planet Earth.




Economic Slavery Embedded in Modern Academia as a Disguised

Form of Traditional Didactic Thought of Moral Achievements
“The Republic (Global Economy) is nothing, merely a name (without) body or shape.”
–Gaius Julius Caesar

To the Current State of the Existence of All Mankind: After an unequivocal experience of the
void or inefficiency of my own current subsisting global economic perspective involving my
personal finances, I was called upon by necessity to deliberate with Higher Powers on a new
Constitutional Perspective toward a Global Economy. The subject speaks to its own
importance; comprehending in its consequences nothing less than the existence of a union of
global economic thought, the safety and welfare of the individual parts of my own life of which
it is composed, the fate of a global financial empire in many respects the most interesting and
incomprehensible in human history currently in the possession of high-tech idealism within the
human experience. It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to
myself and the people of this planet, by our conduct and example, to decide the important
question, whether societies of human beings are really capable or not of establishing long-term
effective fiduciary markets from reflection and choice, or whether we are forever destined by
accident or force to depend upon current fiduciary inefficiencies or subsist within financial
uncertainties that continuously blindside one's future monetary existence. If there be any truth
in the remark, the current financial crisis at which I have witnessed All Mankind arrived may
with propriety be regarded as the era in which that decision is to be made; and a wrong
election of the part we shall act may, in this view, deserve to be considered as the greatest
general misfortune or blunder of All Mankind.

This idea will add to my own inducements of socioeconomic philanthropy as well as to those of
a universal patriotism, to ascend the commanding heights of wealth, peace and of course the
emotional prosperity derived only from a unilateral perspective of the human condition which
all that is considerate and good within All Mankind must feel in order to achieve under current
and future events. Happy will it be if my choices should be directed by a judicious estimate of
my interests in truth, unperplexed and unbiased by considerations not connected with the
public good. But this is a thing more ardently to be wished than seriously expected by
reasonable economic men in full possession of a universal perspective of global market forces.
The plan offered to myself to overcome the negative attitude toward effectively deliberating
the barriers to entry within global markets affects too many particular interests, innovates upon
too many local institutions, not to involve in my personal discussion on a variety of objects
foreign to traditional merits, and of views, passions and prejudices of little or any use favorable
to the discovery of truth.

Among the most formidable of the obstacles of which my personal perspective will have to
encounter may readily distinguished the obvious interests existing in every social class of men
in every conscious state of mind and body on Earth to resist the appearance or actual change
itself which may hazard a diminution of perceived powers, emoluments, and of consequences
held under established fiduciary attitudes; and the perverted ambitions within all classes of
men, who will either hope to advance themselves by the confusions of others, or will flatter
themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of a universal perspective of
global market forces, a hidden empire whose vary existence is interwoven into several partial
emotional confederacies from which its union lives and moves under one monetary thought.

It is not, however, my design to dwell upon observations of this nature. I am well aware that it
would be disingenuous to resolve indiscriminately the opposition of any set issues by reason of
the appearance that those views lack merit (merely because followers of a belief system exists
in situations that might subject them to various forms of suspicion) and thereby attempt to
perceive human interest as ambitious views. Candor and research will oblige me to admit that
even such men may bring before me issues actuated by upright intentions; and it cannot be
doubted that much of the opposition which has made its appearance, or may hereafter make
its appearance, will spring from sources, blameless at least, if not respectable—the honest
errors of minds led astray by preconceived jealousies and fears. So numerous indeed and so
powerful are the causes which serve to give a false bias to the judgment, that I have, upon
many occasions, seen wise and good men on the wrong as well as on the right side of questions
of the first magnitude to society. This circumstance, if duly attended to, would furnish a lesson
of moderation to those who are ever so much persuaded of their being in the right in any
controversy. And a further reason for caution, in this respect, might be drawn from the
reflection that I am not always sure that those who advocate the truth are influenced by purer

principles than their antagonists. Men of ambition, avarice, personal animosity, party
opposition, and many other motives not more laudable than these, are apt to operate as well
upon those who support as those who oppose the right side of any question. Were there not
even these inducements to moderation, nothing could be more ill-judged than that intolerant
spirit which has, at all times, characterized social issues. For in Humanity, as in religion, it is
equally possible to aim at making proselytes by truth and words. Heresies in either case can
rarely be cured by lies and persecution through quiet economic warfare or hidden agendas.

And yet, however numerous sentiments will be allowed to be, I have already sufficient
indications that it will happen in this exact point in human history as in all former cases of great
discussion and changes or modifications within the transformation of the Universal Law of
Observation. At this unique point in history torrents of angry and unreasonable malignant
passions will be forever chanced as a collaborative republican and democratic effort to be herd
while it's propensity towards human indifference & violence permanently hindered. To bare
witness to the human souls judge from the conduct within their own principles or
organizations, I shall be led to conclude that they will mutually hope to evince the justness of
numerous opinions, and to increase the number of their converts by the loudness of their
declamations but existing totally devoid of any bitterness within the doctrine of their invectives.
An enlightened zeal for the energy and efficiency of a centralized perspective toward global
economic forces will be stigmatized as the offspring of a temper fond of despotic power and
hostile to the principles of global economic liberties. An over-scrupulous jealousy of danger to
the rights of whole peoples, which is more commonly the fault of the head than of the heart,
will be represented as mere pretense and artifice, the stale bait for popularity at the expense of
the public good. It will be forgotten, on the one hand, that jealousy is the usual contaminant of
love, and that the noble enthusiasm of a centralized perspective toward global economic forces
is apt to be infected with a spirit of narrow and illiberal distrust. On the other hand, it will be
equally forgotten that the vigor of a centralized perspective toward global economic forces is
essential to the security of liberty; that, in the contemplation of a sound and well-informed
judgment, individual interests can never be separated; and that a dangerous ambition more
often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of individual hidden agendas than
under the forbidden appearance of zeal for the firmness and efficiency of a centralized
perspective toward global economic forces. History has taught me in current times that the
former has been found a much more certain road to the introduction of despotism than the
latter, and that of those ideas who have overturned the liberties of republics and democracies,
the greatest number have begun within mindsets paying into an obsequious court of whole
peoples; commencing demagogues, and ending in a monetary tyrannical state of human

In the course of the preceding observations, I have had an eye on all Humanity, putting upon
my personal guard against all attempts, from whatever quarter, to influence my decisions in
matters of the utmost moment concerning the general welfare of All Mankind, by any
impressions other than those which may result from the evidence of truth. I will, no doubt, at
the same time, have collected from the general scope of my observations, that proceeds from a
source not unfriendly to a new Constitutional Frame of References. Yes, I own to the fact that,
after having given it an attentive consideration for over 35 years of research and development,
I am clearly of opinion it is of my personal interest to adopt it. I am convinced that this is the
safest course for a centralized perspective toward global economic forces, my dignity, and my
happiness. I affect not reserves which I do not feel. I will not amuse myself with an appearance
of deliberation when I have decided. I frankly acknowledge my convictions, and I will freely lay
before All Mankind the reasons on which they are founded. The consciousness of good
intentions disdains ambiguity. I shall not, however, multiply professions on this head. My
motives must remain in the depository of my own breast. My arguments will be open to All
Mankind, and may be observed by Mankind and judged of by a God of the universe. God shall
deliver a table of global free markets at least be offered in a spirit which will not disgrace the
cause of truth.

I propose, in a series of papers and websites, to discuss the following interesting particulars:

 the utility of a union of monetary thought through Economic Procedural Guidelines

 the insufficiency of my present fiduciary confederation to preserve a monetary union of a

global perspective

 the necessity of a System of Thought at least equally energetic to those previously

proposed, to the attainment of this object

 the conformity to a global constitutional frame of mind true to the principles of

republican and democratic objectives

 its analogy to individualized constitutional frame of references to the state of market

forces within global monetary unions

 and lastly, the additional security which its adoption will afford to the preservation of the
financial existence of All Mankind, to its universal liberties, and to its conservation of

In the progress of this discussion I shall endeavor to give a satisfactory answer to all the
objections which shall have made their appearance, that may seem to have any claim to the
attention of all.

It may perhaps be thought superfluous to offer arguments to prove the utility of a union of
global economic thought, a point, no doubt, deeply engraved on the hearts of a great body of
peoples existing in every State of Mind, and one, which it may be imagined and discussed
elsewhere, has no adversaries. But the fact is, that we already hear it whispered in the private
circles of those who oppose a universal perspective, that the mindset established as Gaius
Julius Caesar to represent global monetary forces is of too great an extent toward the past to
benefit any current general system of thought, and that we must of necessity resort to separate
academic confederacies of distinct portions of the whole. This form of idealism will, in all
probability, be gradually propagated, till it has achieved enough momentum to countenance an
open opinion of it. For nothing can be more evident, to those who are able to take an enlarged
view of the subject, than the alternative of an adoption of the continuation of universal
uncertainties within global markets or a fiduciary dismemberment of All Mankind. It will
therefore be of use to begin by examining the advantages of a Union of Global Economic
Thought, the certain evils, and the probable dangers, to which every known state of existence
will be exposed from its dissolution. This shall accordingly constitute the subject of my next

Quintilian [David Avenue] petitioning on behalf of All Mankind in standing reference to a

literary moment of Alexander Hamilton




The Hidden DeFacto Socialist Hierarchy of Racism,

Sexism & Class or Cultural Economic Warfare currently
Embedded within Capitalistic Global Free Markets

A Tribute to the Writing of

Friedrich August Von Hayek
In this region of the universe Mankind has spent its entire existence native to planet earth, in
close touch with thoughts as to its design and purpose, all the while engaged in attending to the
various needs of its survival, development and carnal expansion. In the latter period of its
subsistence he has become increasingly convinced that some of the forces which attempt to
destroy freedom in the world have been at work since the dawn of its sense of self-
awareness.The very magnitude of the outrages committed by human beings has strengthened
the assurance that an invisible defacto totalitarian system has happened. But let Mankind
remember that throughout all civilized ages the possibility of such a thing happening has
proven itself to always lerk within the consciousness of all Humanity as it struggles to adapt to a
most hostile environment.

There are many features which are regarded as being ‘Typically Human’ which are now equally
familiar in various races and cultures as actions of human indifferences, and many social class
symptoms point to a further development in the same direction: the increasing veneration for
status at the expense of others, the fatalistic acceptance of ‘inevitable trends’, the enthusiasm
for ‘organization’of everything into a pop culture or what can now be called, “the hidden
agenda of human intentions or TRUTH.”

The character of the danger is, if possible, even less understood here than it was in previous
generations. The supreme tragedy is still not seen that in earlier times it has been largely
people of good will who, by their deceived moral perceptions, prepared the way for the forces
which stand for everything they detest. Few recognize that the rise of Fascism and Marxism was
not a reaction against the indifferent racist socialist trends of the preceding period but a
necessary outcome of those tendencies. Yet it is significant that many of the leaders of these
movements, from Mussolini down (and including Laval and Quisling) began as racist socialists
and ended as murderous Fascists or Nazis.

In the financial democracies at present, many intellectuals who sincerely hate all manifestations
of human indifference are working for ideals whose realization would lead straight to the
abhorred tyranny of economic insecurities and class warfare. Most of the people whose views
influence developments are in some measure of a common set of defective principles and
immoralities. They believe that our monetary lives should be ‘unconsciously directed’ that it
should be substituted ‘true economic planning’ for a deceptively competitive financial system.
Yet is there a greater tragedy more imaginable than that, in our endeavor consciously or
unconsciously to shape our future in accordance with defective high ideals, we should in fact
unwittingly produce thievery opposite of what we have been striving for?

Deceptive Socioeconomic Planning and Power(s)

In order to achieve their ends the deceitful financial planners must create deceptive economic
powers – powers of monetary deception over men wielded by other men – of a magnitude
never before known under the appearance of change or some sort of civil advancement. Their
success will depend on the extent to which they fraudulently achieve such power. A true
democracy is an obstacle to this suppression of financial freedom which the centralized
fraudulent direction of economic activity requires. Hence arises the clash between deceptive
monetary planning and a true socioeconomic democracy.

Many who practice monetary deception have the tragic illusion that by depriving private
individuals of the financial power they possess in a truly competitive individualist system, and
by transferring fiduciary powers to a society of thieves, they thereby either gain true or
extinguish their perception of deceptive powers. What they overlook is that by concentrating
power so that it can be used in the service of a single plan of economic fraud, it is not merely
transformed, but infinitely heightened. By uniting in the hands of some single body monetary
powers formerly exercised independently by many, an amount of deceitful power is created
infinitely greater than any that existed before, so much more far-reaching as almost to be
different in kind or nature.

It is entirely fallacious to argue that the great financial power of global markets exercised by a
monetarily deceptive central planning board would be ‘far less greater than the monetary
powers collectively exercised by private boards of directors who engage in human
indifferences.’ There is, in a truly competitive society, nobody who can exercise even a fraction
of the deceitful powers to which these types of fraudulent defacto financially racist socialists

planning boards would possess. To decentralize fraudulent economic power is to reduce or
extinguish the absolute amount of falsehoods of deceptive financial power, and a truely
competitive system is the only system designed to minimize fraudulent socioeconomic powers
exercised by man over man. Who can seriously doubt that the economic power to which a
group of bigoted and discriminatory millionaires or billionaires, disguised as employers or
investors, has over a society is very much greater than that to which the greatest compromised
bureaucrat possesses who wields the coercive political power of a state and on whose
discretion depends how anyone is allowed to live and work?

In every real sense a badly paid unskilled workman in any nation has limited freedom to shape
his or her life as in the case of many of an employer who co-exists in economic bondage. If he
or she wants to change his or her profession or job, or the place where he or she lives, if he or
she wants to profess certain views or spend their leisure in a particular way, they face on
occasion absolute impediments. There are dangers to bodily security and freedom that confine
them by brute economic force to the task and environment to which a greater moral calling has
assigned them.

Generations have forgotten that the system of private property and global innovations are the
most important guarantees of economic freedoms. It is only because the control of the means
of production is divided among free peoples acting independently that Humanity as groups of
individuals can Mankind effectively decide what to do with itself. When all the means of
production are vested into a single invisible hand or concept of racist economic fraud, whether
it be nominally that of a ‘defacto society of human indifferences’ as a whole or that of some
form of immoral monetary dictation, who or whatsoever exercises this control has complete
socioeconomic power over Mankind. In the hands of deceptive private individuals, what is
called economic power can be an instrument of coercion, but in its limited transparencies it is
never control over the whole life of a civilization. But when economic power is centralized as
an instrument of fraudulent political power or financial markets it creates a degree of
dependence scarcely distinguishable from slavery. It has been well said that, on planet earth
where the sole employer is a status quo of false expectations, opposition means death by the
slow starvation of unemployment.

Background to Fiduciary Dangers

Socioeconomic individualism, in contrast to racist monetary socialism and all other forms of
financial totalitarianism, is based on the respect of Christianity for the individual man and the
belief that it is desirable that men should be free to develop their own individual gifts and
bents. This philosophy, first fully developed during the Renaissance, grew and spread into what
we know as Modern Civilizations. The general direction of social development was one of
freeing the individual from the economic ties which bound him in a discriminatory racist feudal

Perhaps the greatest result of this unchaining of individual energies was the marvelous growth
of science. Only since industrial economic freedom opened the path to the free use of new

knowledge, only since everything could be tried – if somebody could be found to financially
back it at his own risk – has science made the great strides which in the last 150 years have
changed the face of the world. The result of this growth surpassed all expectations.Wherever
the barriers to the free exercise of human ingenuity were removed, man became rapidly able to
satisfy ever-widening ranges of desire. By the beginning of the twentieth century the working
man in the Western world had reached a degree of material comfort, security and personal
independence which 100 years before had hardly seemed possible.

The effect of this success was to create among men a new sense of socioeconomic power over
their own fate, the belief in the unbounded possibilities of improving their own lot. What had
been achieved came to be regarded as a secure and imperishable possession, acquired once
and for all; and the rate of progress began to seem too slow. Moreover those racist principles
which had made this progress possible in the past came to be regarded as obstacles to speedier
progress, impatiently to be brushed away. It might be said that the very success of liberalism
became the cause of its decline.

No sensible person should have doubted that the economic principles of the nineteenth
century were only a beginning – that there were immense possibilities of advancement on the
lines on which Mankind had moved. But according to the views now dominant, the question is
no longer how Mankind can make the best use of the spontaneous forces found in a free
society. We have in effect undertaken to dispense with these forces and to replace them by an
immoral collective and ‘unconscious’ direction.

It is significant that this abandonment of economic liberalism, whether expressed as defacto

financial racist socialism in its more radical form or merely as ‘organization’or ‘planning’, was
actually perfected deceptive economies. During the last quarter of the nineteenth century and
the first quarter of the twentieth, deceitful monetary systems moved far ahead in both the
theory and the practice of defacto racist socialism, so that even today the discussion itself
largely carries on where numerous financial schemes left off. Fraudulent practitioners of
monetary deception long before the rise of Nazism, were attacking monetary liberalism and
democracy, free capitalism, and wealth generated individualism.

Long before the Nazis, too, the German and Italian racist socialists were using techniques of
which the murderous Nazis and Fascists later made effective use. The idea of a political party or
monetary system which embraces all activities of the individual from the cradle to the grave,
which claims to guide his financial views as commercialism of everything, was first put into
practice by racist socialism. It was not the murderous fascists but the racist socialists who began
to collect children at the tenderest age into political or economic organizations of human
indifference to direct their thinking toward various forms of bigotry disguised as a free
education (i.e., coloring books or cultural awareness or distinctions). It is not fascism but a
defacto form of economic racist socialisms that first thought of organizing sports and games,
football and hiking, into political party clubs or contracts where the members would not be
infected by other views. It is a form of racist socialism that insists that various societal members
should distinguish themselves from others by the modes of greeting and the forms of address

(i.e., fraternities or sororities). It was they who, by their organization of ‘cells phone devices’ for
the permanent supervision of private life, created the prototype of a defacto totalitarian
political party of pollsters.

By the time Hitler came to power, social liberalism of any type was dead in Germany. And it was
various forms of racist monetary socialism that had killed it. Too many who have watched the
transition from bigoted socialism to murderous fascism at close quarters noticed that the
connection between the two systems has become increasingly obvious, but in the democracies
the majority of people still believe that racist economic socialism and pretended forms freedom
can be combined. They do not realize that democratic racist socialism, the great utopia to only
a chosen few generations, is not only unachievable, but that to strive for it produces something
utterly different – the very destruction of freedom itself for themselves as well. As has been
aptly said: ‘What has always made the state a hell on earth has been precisely that man has
tried to make it a personal heaven based solely on ones own secular point-of-view of culture.’

It is disquieting to see in nations of free peoples today the same drawing together of deceptive
monetary forces and nearly the same contempt of all that is liberal in the old sense.
‘Conservative (Exclusionary) Racial Socialism’ was the slogan under which a large number of
writers have prepared the atmosphere in which National Racist Socialism will succeed once
again. It is ‘Defacto Conservative Economic Racist Socialism’ which is the dominant trend
among Mankind now.

The Liberal Way of Global Socioeconomic Planning & Design

‘Financial Planning & Design’ owes its popularity largely to the fact that various societies desire,
of course, that Mankind should handle its common monetary problems with as much foresight
as possible. The dispute between modern financial planners and the liberal is not on whether it
ought to employ systematic thinking in the financial planning of Mankind’s affairs. It is a dispute
about what is the best way of doing so. The question is whether it should be created under the
conditions to which the knowledge and initiative of individuals are actually given the best scope
of fiduciary truths so that they can financially plan most successfully; or whether that they
should be directed to organize all economic activities according to a single minded ‘monetary
blueprint’, that is, ‘consciously or unconsciously directing the resources of a society to conform
to the deceptive planners’ particular views of who should have what’.

It is important not to confuse opposition against the latter kind of socioeconomic planning with
a dogmatic laissez faire attitude. The liberal argument does not advocate leaving things just as
they are; it favors making the best possible use of the forces of competition as a means of
coordinating human efforts. It is based on the conviction that, where effective competition can
be created, it is a better way of guiding individual efforts than any other. It emphasizes that in
order to make competition work beneficially a carefully thought-out legal framework is
required, and that neither a pastor or existing legal rules are free from grave defects.

Liberalism is opposed, however, to supplanting competition by inferior methods of guiding
economic activity. And it regards competition as superior not only because in most
circumstances it is the most efficient method known but because it is the only method which
does not require the coercive or arbitrary intervention of deceptive authority. It dispenses with
the need for ‘conscious socioeconomic control’and gives individuals a chance to decide whether
the prospects of a particular occupation are sufficient to compensate for the disadvantages
connected with it.

The successful use of competition does not preclude some types of government or monetary
interference. For instance, to limit working hours, to require certain sanitary arrangements, to
provide an extensive system of social services is fully compatible with the preservation of
competition. There are, too, certain fields where the system of competition is impracticable.
For example, the harmful effects of deforestation or of the smoke of factories cannot be
confined to the owner of the property in question. But the fact that we have to resort to direct
regulation by authority where the conditions for the proper working of competition cannot be
created does not prove that we should suppress competition where it can be made to function.
To create conditions in which competition will be as effective as possible, to prevent fraud and
deception, to breakup monopolies – these tasks provide a wide and unquestioned field for
state activity.

This does not mean that it is possible to find some ‘middle way’ between fraudulent economic
competition and central monetary direction, though nothing seems at first more plausible, or is
more likely to appeal to reasonable people. Mere common sense proves a treacherous guide in
this field. Although competition can bear some mixture of regulation, it cannot be combined
with deceptive economic planning to any extent we like without ceasing to operate as an
effective guide to production. Both financial competition and central deceptive monetary
direction become poor and inefficient tools if they are incomplete, and a mixture of the two
means that neither will work. True financial planning and competition can be combined only
by planning for open and honest competition, not by deceptively planning for or against
competition. The planning against which all our criticism is directed is solely the planning
against open and honest competition.

The Great Utopia

There can be no doubt that most of those in the democracies who demand a central direction
of all economic activity still believe that racial socialism and individual freedom can be
combined. Yet racist socialism was early recognized by many thinkers as the gravest threat to

It is rarely remembered now that bigoted socialism in its beginnings was frankly authoritarian.
It began quite openly as a reaction against the liberalism of the French Revolution. The French
writers who laid its foundation had no doubt that their ideas could be put into practice only by
strong dictatorial powers. The first of modern planners, Saint-Simon, predicted that those who
did not obey his proposed planning boards would be ‘treated as cattle.’

Nobody saw more clearly than the great political thinker DeTocqueville that democracy stands
in an irreconcilable conflict with any form of socialism: ‘Democracy extends the sphere of
individual freedom,’he said. ‘Democracy attaches all possible value to each man,’he said in
1848, ‘while any type of socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy
and secular socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the
difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, racist socialism seeks equality in restraint
and servitude.’

To allay these suspicions and to harness to its cart the strongest of all socioeconomic motives –
the craving for freedom – socialists of human indifferences began increasingly to make use of
the promise of a ‘new type of freedom for a chosen few or defacto separatism disguised as
political conservatism’. Socialism in and of itself was to bring ‘socioeconomic freedoms’ without
which political or economic freedom as divided entities were ‘not worth having’.

To make this argument sound plausible, the word ‘freedom’was subjected to a subtle change in
meaning. The word had formerly meant freedom from coercion, from the arbitrary power of
other men. Now it was made to mean freedom from necessity, release from the compulsion of
the circumstances which inevitably limits the range of a sense of emotional free choice
embedded within all of us. Freedom in this sense is, of course, merely another name for
immoral powers or generated wealth. The demand for the new freedom was thus only another
name for the old demand for a redistribution of wealth through various forms of racism. Take
from haves and give it a chosen selection of have-nots.

The claim that a planned economy would produce a substantially larger output than the
competitive system is being progressively abandoned by most students of the problem. Yet it is
this false hope as much as anything which drives us along the road to deceptive financial

Although modern socioeconomic socialists’ promise of greater freedom is genuine and sincere,
in recent years observer after observer has been impressed by the unforeseen consequences of
racist socialism, the extraordinary similarity in many respects of the conditions under
‘communism’ and ‘fascism’. As the writer Peter Drucker expressed it in 1939, ‘the complete
collapse of the belief in the attain ability of freedom and equality through Marxism has forced
Russia to travel down the same road toward a totalitarian society of unfreedom and inequality
which Germany has been following. Not that communism and fascism are essentially the same.
Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion, and it has proved as
much an illusion in Russia as in pre-Hitler Germany.’

No less significant is the intellectual outlook of the rank and file in the communist and fascist
movements in Germany before 1933. The relative ease with which a young Communist could
be converted into a Nazi or vice versa was well known, best of all to the propagandists of the
two parties. The Communists and Nazis clashed more frequently with each other than with
other parties simply because they competed for the same type of mind and reserved for each
other the hatred of the heretic. Their practice showed how closely they are related. To both,

the real enemy, the man with whom they had nothing in common, was the liberal of the old
type. While to the Nazi the Communist and to the Communist the Nazi, and to both the racist
socialist, are potential recruits made of the right timber, they both knew that there can be no
compromise between them and those who really believe in individual freedoms.

What is promised to us as the Road to Freedom is in fact the Highroad to Servitude. For it is not
difficult to see what must be the consequences when democracy embarks upon a course of
deceptive economic planning. The goal of the planning will be described by some such vague
term as ‘the general welfare or urban renewal’. There will be no real agreement as to the ends
to be attained, and the effect of the people’s agreeing that there must be some sort of central
planning, without agreeing on the ends, will be rather as if a group of people were to commit
themselves to take a journey together without agreeing to where they want to go: with the
result that they may all have to make a journey which most of them do not want at all.

Democratic assemblies cannot function as planning agencies. They cannot produce agreement
on everything – the whole direction of the resources of a nation – for the number of possible
courses of action will be legion. Even if a congress could, by proceeding step by step and
compromising at each point, agree on some scheme, it would certainly in the end satisfy

To draw up an economic plan in this fashion is even less possible than, for instance, successfully
to plan a military campaign by democratic procedure. As in strategy, it would become inevitable
to delegate the task to experts. And even if, by this expedient, a democracy should succeed in
planning every sector of economic activity, it would still have to face the problem of integrating
these separate plans into a unitary whole. There will be a stronger and stronger demand that
some board or some single individual should be given powers to act on their own responsibility.
The cry for an economic dictator is a characteristic stage in the movement toward deceptive
monetary planning.

Thus the legislative body will be reduced to choosing the persons who are to have practically
absolute power. The whole system will tend toward that kind of monetary dictatorship in which
the head of an economy is from time to time confirmed into various positions by some sort of
popular vote, but where he or she has all the power at his or her command to make certain that
the vote will go in the direction that he or she desires.

Some socioeconomic plans lead toward economic dictatorship because financial dictatorship is
the most effective instrument of monetary coercion and, as such, essential if centralized global
economic planning on a large scale is to be possible. There is no justification for the widespread
belief that, so long as economic power is conferred by socioeconomic procedure of human
indifferences, it cannot be arbitrary; it is not the source of power which prevents it from being
arbitrary; to be free from dictatorial qualities, the power must also be limited. A true
‘dictatorship of the proletariat’, even if democratic in form, if it undertook centrally to direct
the economic system, would probably destroy personal freedom as completely as any
autocracy has ever done.

Individual economic freedom cannot be reconciled with the supremacy of one single purpose to
which the whole of society is permanently subordinated. To a limited extent we ourselves
experience this fact in previous generations, when subordination of almost everything to the
immediate and pressing need is the price at which we preserve our freedom in the long run.
The fashionable phrases about doing for the purposes of peace what we have learned to do for
the purposes of war are completely misleading, for it is sensible temporarily to sacrifice
freedom in order to make it more secure in the future, but it is quite a different thing to
sacrifice liberty permanently in the interests of a deceptively planned economy.

To those who have watched the transition from racist socialism to murderous fascism at close
quarters, the connection between the two systems is obvious. The realization of the racist
socialist programme means the destruction of individual or cultural freedoms. Democratic
socialism of any sort, the great utopia of a chosen few in the last several generations, is simply
not truly achievable in atmosphere of perceived various races and cultures consisting of varying
individualized emotional needs or material wants.

Why the Worst Get On Top

No doubt an American or English ‘Fascist’ socioeconomic system would greatly differ from the
Italian or German models; no doubt, if the transition were effected without violence, we might
expect to get a better type of deceptive leadership cast. Yet this does not mean that our fascist
system would in the end prove very different or much less intolerable than its financial or
political prototypes. There are strong reasons for believing that the worst features of
totalitarian economic systems are a phenomena to which some sort of totalitarianism is certain
sooner or later.

Just as the democratic statesman who sets out to plan economic life will soon be confronted
with the alternative of either assuming monetary dictatorial powers or abandoning his
socioeconomic plans, so the deceptive totalitarian leader would soon have to choose between
a disregard of ordinary morals or face recessive failures. It is for this reason that the
unscrupulous are likely to be more successful in a society tending toward economic
totalitarianism. Who does not see this has not yet grasped the full width of the gulf which
separates deceitful totalitarianism from the essentially individualist Western civilization.

The financially deceptive totalitarian leader must collect around him a group which is prepared
voluntarily to submit to that discipline they are to impose by force upon a society of free
peoples. That racial socialism can be put into practice only by methods of which most racist
socialists disapprove is, of course, a lesson learned by many social reformers and conformists in
the past. The old racial socialist parties were inhibited by their morals toward democratic
idealism; they did not possess the ruthlessness required for the performance of their chosen
task. It is characteristic that both in Germany and in Italy the success of murderous fascism was
preceded by the refusal of the socialist parties to take over the responsibilities of government.
They were unwilling to wholeheartedly employ the methods to which they had pointed the
way. They still hoped for the miracle of a majority’s agreeing on a particular inclusive

socioeconomic plan for the organization of whole societies. Others had already learned the
lessons that in a financially planned society of any sort the question can no longer be on what
do a majority of the people agree but what the largest single group within the majority agree to
do and whose members agree sufficiently to take whatever measures that are necessary in
order to make a unified direction of all affairs possible.

There are three main reasons why such a numerous group, with fairly similar views, is not likely
to be formed by the best but rather by the worst elements of any society. First, the higher the
education and intelligence of individuals become, the more their tastes and views are
differentiated. If we wish to find a high degree of uniformity in outlook, we have to descend to
the regions of lower moral and intellectual standards where the more primitive instincts
prevail. This does not mean that the majority of people have low moral standards; it merely
means that the largest groups of people whose values are very similar are the people with low

Second, since this group is not large enough to give sufficient weight to the leader’s endeavors,
he will have to increase their numbers by converting more to the same simple creed. He must
gain the support of the docile and gullible, who have no strong convictions of their own but are
ready to accept a ready-made system of values if it is only drummed into their ears sufficiently
loudly and frequently. It will be those whose vague and imperfectly formed ideas are easily
swayed and whose passions and emotions are readily aroused who will thus swell the ranks of a
racist totalitarian party whatever their nationalities, race, class, creed or culture.

Third, to weld together a closely coherent body of supporters, the leader must appeal to a
common human weakness. It seems to be easier or more expedient for people to agree on a
negative program – on the hatred of an enemy, on the envy of the better off – than on any
positive task which requires time in order to gain a sense of understanding toward mutual

The contrast between the ‘we’ and the ‘they’ is consequently always employed by those who
seek the allegiance of huge masses. The enemy may be internal, like the ‘Jew’ in Germany, the
‘kulak’in Russia, the ‘Negro’ in America or the ‘Immigrant Mexican’ who in fact are the
indigenous people of that region of the world that were historically invaded as ‘Indian Cultures’
and subsequently murdered on mass under the disguise of repatriation, or he, she or they may
be external. In any case, this technique has the great advantage of leaving the leader greater
freedom of action than would almost any positive program.

Advancement within a racist totalitarian group or party depends largely on a willingness to do

immoral things. The principle that the end justifies the means, which in individualist ethics is
regarded as the denial of all morals, in collectivistism ethics becomes necessarily the supreme
rule. There is literally nothing which the consistent collectivist must not be prepared to do if it
serves ‘the good of the whole’, because that is to him the only criterion of what ought to be

Once you admit that the individual is merely a means to serve the ends of the higher entity
called any group, society or the nation, most of those features of totalitarianism which horrify
us follow of necessity. From the collectivist standpoint intolerance and brutal suppression of
dissent, deception and spying, the complete disregard of the life and happiness of the individual
are essential and unavoidable. Acts which revolt all our feelings, such as the shooting of
hostages or the killing of the old or sick, are treated as mere matters of expediency; the
compulsory uprooting and transportation of hundreds of thousands becomes an instrument of
policy approved by almost everybody except the victims.

To be a useful assistant in the running of a totalitarian state, therefore, a man must be

prepared to break every moral rule he has ever known if this seems necessary to achieve the
end set for him. In the totalitarian machine there will be special opportunities for the ruthless
and unscrupulous. Neither the Gestapo nor the administration of a concentration camp, neither
the Ministry of Propaganda nor the SA or SS (or their Russian and American counter-parts) are
suitable places for the exercise of humanitarian feelings. Yet it is through such positions that
the road to the highest positions in the totalitarian state leads.

A distinguished American economist, Professor Frank H.Knight correctly notes, ‘that the
authorities of a collectivist state ‘would have to do these things whether they wanted to or
not: and the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the
possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-
hearted person would get the job of whipping master in a slave plantation’.

A further point should be made here: collectivism means the end of truth. To make a
totalitarian system function efficiently it is not enough that everybody should be forced to work
for the ends selected by those in control; it is essential that the people should come to regard
these ends as their own. This is brought about by propaganda and by complete control of all
sources of information.

The most effective way of making people accept the validity of the values they are to serve is
to persuade them that they are really the same as those they have always held, but which
were not properly understood or recognized before. And the most efficient technique to this
end is to use the old words but change their meaning. Few traits of totalitarian regimes are at
the same time so confusing to the superficial observer and yet so characteristic of the whole
intellectual climate as this complete perversion of language.

The worst sufferer in this respect is the word ‘liberty’. It is a word used as freely in totalitarian
states as elsewhere. Indeed, it could almost be said that wherever liberty as we know it has
been destroyed, this has been done in the name of some new freedom promised to the people.
Even among us we have deceptive monetary planners who promise us a ‘collective economic
freedom’, which is as misleading as anything said by totalitarian politicians. ‘Collective
Freedom’ is not the freedom of the members of society, but the unlimited freedom of the
planner to do with society that which he pleases. This is the confusion of freedom with power
carried to the extreme.

It is not difficult to deprive the great majority of independent thought. But a cultural minority
who will retain an inclination to criticize must also be silenced. Public criticism or even
expressions of doubt must be suppressed because they tend to weaken support of the regime.
As Sidney and Beatrice Webb report of the position in every Russian enterprise: ‘Whilst the
work is in progress, any public expression of doubt that the plan will be successful is an act of
disloyalty and even of treachery because of its possible effect on the will and efforts of the
rest of the staff.’

Control extends even to subjects which seem to have no political significance. The theory of
relativity, for instance, has been opposed as a ‘Semitic attack on the foundation of Christian and
Nordic physics’ and because it is ‘in conflict with dialectical materialism and Marxist dogma’.
Every activity must derive its justification from conscious social purpose. There must be no
spontaneous, unguided activity, because it might produce results which cannot be foreseen and
for which the plan does not provide.

The principle extends even to games and amusements. I leave it to the reader to guess where it
was that chess players were officially exhorted that ‘we must finish once and for all with the
neutrality of chess. We must condemn once and for all the formula chess for the sake of chess.’

Perhaps the most alarming fact is that contempt for intellectual liberty is not a thing which
arises only once the totalitarian system is established, but can be found everywhere among
those who have embraced a collectivist faith. The worst oppression is condoned if it is
committed in the name of socialism. Intolerance of opposing ideas is openly extolled. The
tragedy of collectivist thought is that while it starts out to make reason supreme, it ends by
destroying reason.

There is one aspect of the change in moral values brought about by the advance of
collectivism which provides special food for thought. It is that through hypocrisy the virtues
which are held less and less in esteem in Britain and America are precisely those on which
Anglo-Saxons justly prided themselves and in which they were generally recognized to excel.
These virtues were independence and self-reliance, individual initiative and local
responsibility, the successful reliance on voluntary activity, non-interference with one’s
neighbor and tolerance of the different, and a healthy suspicion of power and authority.

Almost all the traditions and institutions which have molded the honest character and the
whole moral climate of a truly free people are those which the progress of collectivism and its
centralistic tendencies are progressively destroying.

Deceptive Socioeconomic Planning and Design vs. the Monetary Rule of Universal
Law and Observation
Nothing distinguishes more clearly a free country from a country under arbitrary government or
market forces than the observance in the former of the great principles known as the Rule of
Law or Law Of The Land. Stripped of technicalities this means that government or market forces

in all their actions are bound by rules fixed and announced beforehand – rules that make it
possible to foresee with fair certainty how the authority of God or of Nature’s God will use its
coercive powers in given circumstances and to plan one’s individual affairs on the basis of this
knowledge. Thus, within the known rules of the game, the individual is free to pursue his
personal ends, certain that the powers of government or a market force will not be used
deliberately to frustrate his or her efforts.

Racial socialist economic planning necessarily involves the very opposite of this. The planning
authority cannot tie itself down in advance to general rules which prevent arbitrariness.

When the government or deceptive market force has to decide how many pigs are to be raised
or how many buses are to run, which coal-mines are to operate, or at what prices shoes are to
be sold, these decisions cannot be settled for long periods in advance. They depend inevitably
on the circumstances of the moment, and in making such decisions it will always be necessary
to balance, one against the other, the interests of various persons and groups.

In the end somebody’s views will have to decide whose interests are more important, and these
views must become part of the Law Of The Land. Hence the familiar fact that the more the
state‘plans’, the more difficult planning becomes for the individual.

The difference between the two kinds of rule is important. It is the same as that between
providing signposts and commanding people which road to take.

Moreover, under central economic planning the government cannot be impartial. The state
ceases to be a piece of utilitarian machinery intended to help individuals in the fullest
development of their individual personality and becomes an institution which deliberately
discriminates between particular needs of different people, and allows one man to do what
another must be prevented from doing. It must lay down by a legal rule how well off a
particular people shall be and what different people are to be allowed to have.

A Universal Rule of Law, the absence of legal privileges on behalf of a particular people
subjectively designated by authority, is what safeguards that equality before the law which is
the opposite of arbitrary government. It is significant that racist socialists (and Nazis) have
always protested against ‘merely’ formal justice, that they have objected to laws which have
had no views on how well off a particular people ought to be, that they have demanded a ‘false
socialization of the law’ and attacked the independence of judges and jurisprudence itself.

In a deceptively planned society the law must legalize what to all intents and purposes remains
arbitrary action. If the law says that such a board or authority may do what it pleases, anything
that board or authority does is legal – but its actions are certainly not subject to any aspects of
a Universal Rule of Law. By giving a government or market force unlimited powers the most
arbitrary rule can be made legal; and in this way a democracy may set up the most complete
despotism imaginable.

The Rules of Law were consciously evolved only during the liberal age and is one of its greatest
achievements. It is the legal embodiment of freedom. As Immanuel Kant put it, ‘Man is free if
he needs obey no person but solely the laws.’

Is Any Planning ‘Inevitable’?

It is revealing that few planners of any sort today are content to say that centralized planning is
desirable. Most of them affirm that we now are compelled to it by circumstances beyond our

One argument frequently heard is that the complexity of modern civilization creates new
problems with which we cannot hope to deal effectively except by centralized planning. This
argument is based upon a complete misapprehension of the working of free competition. The
very complexity of modern conditions makes free competition the only method by which a
coordination of affairs can be adequately achieved.

There would be no difficulty about efficient control or planning were conditions so simple that a
single person or board could effectively survey all the facts. But as the factors which have to be
taken into account become numerous and complex, no one center can keep track of them. The
constantly changing conditions of demand and supply of different commodities can never be
fully known or quickly enough disseminated by any one center.

Under competition – and under no other economic order – the price system automatically
records all the relevant data. Entrepreneurs, by watching the movement of comparatively few
prices, as an engineer watches a few dials, can adjust their activities to those of their fellows.

Compared with this method of solving the economic problem– by decentralization plus
automatic coordination through the price system – the method of central direction is incredibly
clumsy, primitive, and limited in scope. It is no exaggeration to say that if we had had to rely on
centralized planning for the growth of our industrial system, it would never have reached the
degree of differentiation and flexibility it has attained. Modern civilization has been possible
precisely because it did not have to be consciously created. The division of labor has gone far
beyond what could have been planned. Any further growth in economic complexity, far from
making central direction more necessary, makes it more important than ever that we should
use the technique of competition and not depend on conscious control of any kind.

It is also argued that technological changes have made competition impossible in a constantly
increasing number of fields and that our only choice is between control of production by
private monopolies and/or fundamental direction by governments. The growth of a monopoly,
however, seems not so much a necessary consequence of the advance of technology but it is
the result of the policies of centralized control pursued in most countries.

The most comprehensive study of this situation is that by the Temporary National Economic
Committee, which certainly cannot be accused of an unduly liberal bias. The committee

The superior efficiency of large establishments has not been demonstrated; the advantages
that are supposed to destroy competition have failed to manifest themselves in many fields .
. . the conclusion that the advantage of large-scale production must lead inevitably to the
abolition of competition cannot be accepted . . . It should be noted, moreover, that monopoly
is frequently attained through collusive agreement and promoted by public policies. When
these agreements are discovered and invalidated these policies are reversed, it is then that
competitive conditions can be restored.

Anyone who has observed how aspiring monopolists regularly seek the assistance of the state
to make their control effective can have little doubt that there is nothing inevitable about this
development. In the United States a highly protectionist policy aided the growth of monopolies.
In Germany the growth of cartels has since 1878 been systematically fostered by deliberate
policy. It was here that, with the help of the state, the first great experiment in‘scientific
planning’ and ‘conscious organization of industry’ led to the creation of giant monopolies. The
suppression of competition was a matter of deliberate policy in Germany, undertaken in the
service of an ideal which we now call focused socioeconomic deceptive planning.

Great danger lies in the policies of two powerful groups, organized capital and organized labor,
which support the monopolistic organization of industry. The recent growth of monopoly is
largely the result of a deliberate collaboration of organized capital and organized labor where
the privileged groups of labor share in the monopoly profits at the expense of the community
and particularly at the expense of those employed in the less well organized industries.
However, there is no reason to believe that this movement is inevitable. The movement toward
socioeconomic deceptive planning is the result of deliberate action. No external necessities
forced us to it.

Can a Global Plan of Deceptive Monetary Practices Free Us from Arbitrary Care?
Most deceptive planners who have seriously considered the practical aspects of their task have
little doubt that a directed economy of human indifferences must be run on dictatorial lines,
that the complex system of interrelated activities must be directed by staffs of deceitful
experts, with ultimate power in the hands of some sort of commander-in-chief whose actions
must not be fettered by democratic procedure. The consolation these planners offer Mankind is
that this authoritarian direction will apply ‘only’ to global socioeconomic matters. This
assurance is usually accompanied by the suggestion that, by giving up freedom in the less
important aspects of Humanity, it shall obtain freedom in the pursuit of higher social values. On
this ground people who abhor the idea of a political dictatorship often clamor for dictation or a
dictator in the economic fields.

The arguments used appeal to our best instincts. If direct planning really did free us from less
important cares and so made it easier to render Mankind’s existence one of plain living and
high thinking, who would wish to belittle such an ideal?

Unfortunately, purely economic ends cannot be separated from the other ends of life. What is
misleadingly called the ‘economic motive’ means merely the desire for general opportunity. If
we strive for money, it is because money offers us the widest choice in enjoying the fruits of
our efforts – once earned, we are free to spend the money as we wish.

Because it is through the limitation of individual financial incomes that he or she feels the
restrictions which Mankind’s relative poverty still imposes on its inhabitants, many have come
to hate money as the symbol of these restrictions. Actually, money is one of the greatest
instruments of freedom ever invented by man. It is money which in existing society opens an
astounding range of choice to the poor man – a range greater than that which not many
generations ago was only open to the wealthy or those who could read and write.

We shall better understand the significance of the service of money if we consider what it
would really mean if, as so many racists socialists characteristically propose, the ‘pecuniary
motive’ were largely displaced by ‘non-economic incentives’. If all rewards, instead of being
offered in money, were offered in the form of public distinctions, or privileges, positions of
power over other men, better housing or food, opportunities for travel or education, this would
merely mean that the recipient would no longer be allowed to choose, and that whosoever
fixed the reward would determine not only its size but the way in which it should be enjoyed.

The so-called economic freedom which the deceptive financial planners promise Mankind as a
whole means precisely that it would to be relieved of the necessity of solving its own economic
problems and that the bitter choices which this often involves are to be made for the deceived.
Since under modern conditions we are for almost everything dependent on the means for
which our fellow men provide, this type of economic planning would involve direction of almost
the whole of anyone’s life. There is hardly an aspect of it, from our primary needs to our
relations with our family and friends, from the nature of our work to the use of our leisure, over
which these planners would not exercise their ‘conscious control’.

The power of the planner over the private life of Mankind would be hardly less effective if the
consumer were nominally free to spend his or her income as they pleased, for the authority
would control over the production of needful things.

True freedom of choice in a competitive society rests on the fact that, if one person refuses to
satisfy our wishes, we can turn to another. But if we face a monopolist we are at his or her
mercy. And an authority directing the whole economic system would be the most powerful
monopolist imaginable.

It would have complete power to decide what we are to be given and on what terms. It would
not only decide what commodities and services are to be available and in what quantities; it

would be able to direct their distribution between districts and groups and could, if it wished,
discriminate between persons to any degree it liked. Not our own view, but somebody else’s
view of what we ought to like or dislike, would determine what we should get.

The will of the authority would shape and ‘guide’ our daily lives even more in our position as
producers. For most of us the time we spend at our work is a large part of our whole lives, and
our job usually determines the place where and the people among whom we live. Hence some
freedom in choosing our work is probably even more important for our happiness than
freedom to spend our income during our hours of leisure.

Even in the best of worlds this freedom will be limited. Few people ever have an abundance of
choice of occupation. But what matters is that we have some choice, that we are not absolutely
tied to a job which has been chosen for us, and that if one position becomes intolerable, or if
we set our heart on another, there is always a way for the able, at some sacrifice, to achieve
this goal. Nothing makes conditions more unbearable than the knowledge that no effort of ours
can change them. It may be bad to be just a cog in a machine but it is infinitely worse if we can
no longer leave it, if we are tied to our place and to the superiors who have been chosen for us.

In our present world there is much that could be done to improve our opportunities of choice.
But ‘deceptive economic planning of any sort’ would surely go in the opposite direction. The
plan itself must control the entry into the different trades and occupations, or the terms of
remuneration, or both. In almost all known instances of deceitful socioeconomic planning, the
establishment of such controls and restrictions was among the first measures taken.

In a deceitful competitive society most things can be had at a price. It is often a cruelly high
price. We must sacrifice one thing to attain another. The alternative, however, is not freedom
of choice, but orders and prohibitions which must be obeyed.

That people should wish to be relieved of the bitter choice which hard facts often impose on
them is not surprising. But few want to be relieved through having the choice made for them by
others. People just wish that the choice should not be necessary at all. And they are only too
ready to believe that the choice is not really necessary, that it is imposed upon them merely by
the particular economic system under which we live. What they resent is, in truth, that there is
an economic problem.

The wishful delusion that there is really no longer an economic problem has been furthered by
the claim that a deceptive planned economy would produce a substantially larger output than a
transparent competitive system. This claim, however, is being progressively abandoned by most
students of the problem. Even a good many economists with any sort of socialist views are now
content to hope that any type of planned society will equal the efficiency of a open competitive
system. They advocate planning because it will enable us to secure a more equitable
distribution of wealth. And it is indisputable that, if we want consciously to decide who is to
have what, we must deceptively plan the whole of an economic system.

But the question remains whether the price we should have to pay for the realization of
somebody’s ideal of justice is not bound to be more discontent and more oppression than was
ever caused by the much abused free play of economic forces.

For when a government or deceitful monetary system undertakes to distribute the wealth, by
what principles will it or ought it to be guided? Is there a definite answer to the innumerable
questions of relative merits that will arise?

Only one general principle, one simple rule, would provide such an answer: absolute equality
of all individuals. If this were the goal, it would at least give the vague idea of distributive
justice clear meaning. But people in general do not regard mechanical equality of this kind as
desirable, and discriminatory socialism promises not complete equality but ‘greater equality’.

This formula answers practically no questions. It does not free us from the necessity of deciding
in every particular instance between the merits of particular individuals or groups, and it gives
no help in that decision. All it tells us in effect is to take from the rich as much as we can. When
it comes to the distribution of the spoils the problem is the same as if the formula of ‘greater
equality’ had never been conceived.

It is often said that political freedom is meaningless without economic freedom. This is true
enough, but in a sense almost opposite from that in which the phrase is used by certain
planners. The economic freedom which is the prerequisite of any other freedom cannot be the
freedom from economic care which various sorts of socialists promise us and which can be
obtained only by relieving us of the power of choice. It must be that freedom of economic
activity which, together with the right of choice, carries also the risk and responsibility of that

Two Kinds of Security

Like the spurious ‘economic freedom’, and with more justice, economic security is often
represented as an indispensable condition of real liberty. In a sense this is both true and
important. Independence of mind or strength of character is rarely found among those who
cannot be confident that they will make their way by their own effort.

But there are two kinds of security: the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance for all and
the security of a given standard of life, of the relative position which one person or group
enjoys compared with others.

There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, the
first kind of security should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that
is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any
reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in
providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision.

It is planning for security of the second kind which has such an insidious effect on liberty. It is
planning designed to protect individuals or groups against diminutions of their incomes. If, as
has become increasingly true, the members of each trade in which conditions improve are
allowed to exclude others in order to secure to themselves the full gain in the form of higher
wages or profits, those in the trades where demand has fallen off have nowhere to go, and
every change results in large unemployment. There can be little doubt that it is largely a
consequence of the striving for security by these means in the last decades that unemployment
and thus insecurity have so much increased.

The utter hopelessness of the position of those who, in a society which has thus grown rigid,
are left outside the range of sheltered occupation can be appreciated only by those who have
experienced it. There has never been a more cruel exploitation of one class by another than
that of the less fortunate members of a group of producers by the well-established. This has
been made possible by the ‘regulation’ of competition. Few catchwords have done so much
harm as the ideal of a ‘stabilization’ of particular prices or wages, which, while securing the
income of some, makes the position of the rest more and more precarious.

In England and America special privileges, especially in the form of the ‘regulation’ of
competition, the ‘stabilization’ of particular prices and wages, have assumed increasing
importance. With every grant of such security to one group the insecurity of the rest necessarily
increases. If you guarantee to some a fixed part of a variable cake, the share left to the rest is
bound to fluctuate proportionally more than the size of the whole. And the essential element of
security which the competitive system offers, the great variety of opportunities, is more and
more reduced.

The general endeavor to achieve security by restrictive measures, supported by the state, has in
the course of time produced a progressive transformation of society – a transformation in
which, as in so many other ways, Germany has led and the other countries have followed. This
development has been hastened by another effect of bias socialist teachings disguised as
cultural awareness, the deliberate disparagement of all activities involving economic risk and
the moral opprobrium cast on the gains which make risks worth taking but which only few
can win.

We cannot blame human beings when it prefers the safe, salaried position to the risk of
enterprise after it has heard from the earliest times the former described as the superior, more
unselfish and disinterested occupation. The younger generation of today has grown up in a
world in which, in school and press, the spirit of commercial enterprise has been represented as
disreputable and the making of profit as immoral, where to employ 100 people is represented
as exploitation but to command the same number as honorable.

Older people may regard this as exaggeration, but the daily experience of the university teacher
leaves little doubt that, as a result of anti-capitalist propaganda, values have already altered far
in advance of the change in institutions which has so far taken place. The question is whether,

by changing our institutions to satisfy the new demands, we shall not unwittingly destroy values
which we still rate higher.

The conflict with which we have to deal is a fundamental one between two irreconcilable types
of social organization, which have often been described as the commercial and the military. In
either both choice and risk rest with the individual or he is relieved of both. In the army, work
and worker alike are allotted by authority, and this is the only system in which the individual
can be conceded full economic security. This security is, however, inseparable from the
restrictions on liberty and the hierarchical order of military life – it is the security of the

In a society used to freedom it is unlikely that many people would be ready deliberately to
purchase security at this price. But the policies which are followed now are nevertheless rapidly
creating conditions in which the striving for security tends to become stronger than the love of

If we are not to destroy individual freedom, true competition must be left to function
unobstructed. Let a uniform minimum be secured to everybody by all means; but let us admit
at the same time that all claims for a privileged security of particular classes must lapse, that
all excuses disappear for allowing particular groups to exclude newcomers from sharing their
relative prosperity in order to maintain a special standard of their own.

There can be no question that adequate security against severe privation will have to be one of
our main goals of policy. But nothing is more fatal than the present fashion of intellectual
leaders of extolling security at the expense of freedom. It is essential that we should re-learn
frankly to face the fact that freedom can be had only at a price and that as individuals we must
be prepared to make severe material sacrifices to preserve it.

We must regain the conviction on which liberty in the Anglo-Saxon countries has been based
and which Benjamin Franklin expressed in a phrase applicable to us as individuals no less than
as nations: ‘Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.’

Toward a Better World

To build a better world, we must have the courage to make a new start. We must clear away
the obstacles with which human folly has recently encumbered our path and release the
creative energy of economically free individuals. We must create conditions favorable to
progress rather than ‘deceptively planning progress.’

It is not those who cry for more ‘planning’ who show the necessary courage, nor those who
preach a ‘New Order’, which is no more than a continuation of the tendencies of past centuries,
and who can think of nothing better than to imitate Hitler. It is, indeed, those who cry loudest

for a deceptively planned economy who are most completely under the sway of the ideas which
have created wars and most of the evils from which we suffer.

The guiding principle in any attempt to create a world of freemen must be this: a policy of
economic freedom for the individual is the only truly progressive policy.




A Letter of Global Socioeconomic Liberation

Through Innovative Free Markets

December 18, 2007

The Simon Wiesenthal Center

1399 South Roxbury Drive
Los Angeles, Ca. 90035

Dear Rabbi Marvin Hier,

My name is William E. Fields, the current Owner & General Contractor of Network Operations (GNCO)
for the start-ups Nascent Applied Methods &Endeavors and the A-Square Technology Group. Based
upon the growing consensus in my entrepreneurial studies within the field of Employment Related
Educational Research & Development, an internet-based operating system & integrated autonomous
office application that involves using human genetics to develop evolving novel organizational forms. I
believe that the strategic operational business model & tactical marketing plan for Nascent Applied
Methods & Endeavors, and its supporting documentation, may be of interest to you, the Simon
Wiesenthal Center, and the Jewish community as a whole. In that it provides a means of establishing
11,664 strategic & tactical operations that hinder the activities or effects of web-based anti-Semitism on a
global scale through internet technology bases. This platform through the tenets of traditional & modern
Judaism, Christianity and Islam also establishes a means of interjecting approximately $3.2B behind each
& every strategy or tactic utilized in this effort, so as to overwhelm any person (terrorist), place
(terrorist state) or thing (terrorist website) that engages in any racist or murderous intent toward anyone
or civilized Jewry as a whole.

Hopefully, through the assistance or divine guidance of you or your organization, NAME will become the
leader in the production of patentable strategic & tactical information technologies. My mission is to

provide new autonomous e-commerce solutions within the marketplace of the growing global information
economies, based in part upon the production & distribution of patentable business model technologies. I
have targeted the Internet market for my products and services because of the very nature of NAME’s
business operations. Where I differ from previously established internet-based operations or competitors,
if any, are my approaches toward developing & implementing computer generated Distributed Abstract
Lifeform Programs (DALP) and Enterprise Work Architectures (EWA), whose definitive roots stem from
orthodox religious scriptures. I will also build a strong management team and Board of Network
Representatives, including myself as a significant Proprietor & General Contractor of Network
Operations. I must add sir, that I hope that upon your, or your associate’s review of the overall intent of
the business plan & financial data enclosed, that the information conveyed within these documents
sincerely convinces you that the platforms mentioned are representative of the entire financial picture
referred to within the financial datasheets themselves. Overall, through the application of California’s
Seller Assisted Marketing Plan Laws and my research technologies, the financial information mentioned
is more than valid to say the least. But of course only through the assistance of the Jewish, Christian &
Islamic communities. I have provided proof with this letter in the form of a CD/DVD data disk, and will
gladly provide any additional proper documentation or physical support upon your request.

Thank you for your time and consideration or potential interest in my request on behalf of NAME & the
A-Square Technology Group. If you complete your review and would like to discuss matters further,
please contact me at your earliest convenience at (310) 876-5366 or by email at


William E. Fields
Entrepreneur & General Contractor of Network Operations

Enclosures: PR, ES and FD (Press Release, Executive Summary and Financial Data)




A Dialogue between the General Contractor of Network

Operation & the Free Peoples of Planet Earth

We Have Been Told Phantoms of Racial Monetary Leprosies and of the Existence of Quiet
Economic Wars that Utilize Silent Weaponry: The adoption of a Universal Law of Observation
that Exist within a Global Republic of Economic Thought will not meliorate our own monetary
system of economic behavior at this particular point in time. I to be known as a distant voice
standing in fear of economic bondage on a global scale beg leave to consider the circumstances
of the proposed Behavioral Economic Union antecedent to the meeting of the Representative
Economies of the Embodiment of All Mankind, in General Congress of Global Market Forces,
Assembled in Thought through Systems Technology Bases. We have been told of nationalistic
principles, racial phantoms filled with inherent ideological dangers that have lead us into
emotional and economic measures which will, in my opinion, be the ruin of all peoples within
all nations on Earth at this particular point in human history. If the existence of those dangers
can or cannot be proved to be factual, if there be no or actual apprehension of wars, if there be
rumors or even no rumors of wars, it will always place a subject such as this in a light
predetermined by the socioeconomic issues currently at hand and likely to occur within an
atmosphere of monetary uncertainties, and plainly evince to the peoples of this planet that
there cannot be any reason for adopting such measures which we apprehend to be ruinous and
destructive to the pursuit of Martyrdom through high-tech idealism. When the compelling
nature of global market uncertainties as an unpredictable force states of the human existence
that a proposal to which all regions of this planet with a general free market economy should
be improved, we need only be reminded as human beings of the previous periods of such forms
of experimental economic recovery plans from which the potential for monetary rebellion had

brought numerous republics to the brink of destruction, as such potential for fiduciary
rebellions which were crushed by those traditional governmental perspectives considered to be
their citizen's democratic own, were caught off guard by various forms of political and
monetary representation unfamiliar with the methodologies of a Transformation of the
Universal Law of Observation which now again lays in wait within all probability to be of such an
emotional state so much academically condemned and abhorred.

The Opinions and Status of what is or will be proposed to be that of the Augustine body of
hundreds of millions of men, women and children, aided by the exertions of what is to be
perceived as a superior state of human existence, may be placed in a position to permanently
silence all opposition in spite of long established Democratic Rule, and then through
underhanded means shortly restore the perception of public tranquility through immoral forms
of opportunistic wealth and blue-collar expansionism. Numerous political states may become
satisfied that these internal monetary commotions were so happily settled, and may also
become unwilling to risk any distresses by theoretic experiments rooted in more traditional
economies. Will all relevant Economic States or Monetary Forms of Human Behavior promised
equal opportunities for its own individual participating citizenry willingly enter into measures
consistent with a Universal Global Economic Perspective after witnessing the Racist and Anti-
Semitic fiduciary policies inflicted upon their own populations in the past by previous
generations? Will they willingly accede to proposals consistent with the views of a newly
revealed invisible pre-existing global republic of universal economic forces and thought? No
what the manner of how it is perceived or how it is received by various individuals within
various nations of families on Earth? Previous generations have revolted at such grandiose
ideas. Some economic states witnessing any form of transformation in how their monetary
policies are viewed by others may stand against any formal or recommended meeting of a
convention of economic thought. They are well aware of the dangers of being vulnerable to
academic revolutions and undermining socioeconomic changes. Will its internal methodologies
consists of every effort be to used, and such uncommon pains taken, so as to freely and
peacefully bring it about? These questions of myself would be unnecessary, if not for the
current issues concerned being approved of by the people of this planet, were not so affected
by an idea as the one currently presented.

Will all current forms of monetary existence become disposed for the reception of this project
of global socioeconomic reformation? Are these proponents of current monetary policies even
willing to amend their opinion of revenue laws, so as to make a global economy truly operative
and opportunistic? Are they satisfied with the way things are as they are? There was no initial
complaint, that ever I heard of, from any other toward any part of a Union of Economic
Thought, except within those circumstances concerned with economic uncertainty. This being
the case among ourselves, what dangers were there to be apprehended from foreign economic

matters? It will be easily shown that dangers from that quarter were absolutely imaginary. Was
not the successes of the monetary policies of the European Economic Union proclaimed to be
and actually open and friendly? Unequivocally so. Despite the fact as we now suspect that She
was devising new regulations of commerce to their own advantage while being disadvantage or
hindered by inherent forms of socioeconomic bigotries which in turn lead to inflationary causes
within Her own monetary ranks. Will foreign governments harass the citizens of other
governments without due process with applications for money owed by previous policy
holders? Is it likely that market uncertainties will cause nations of families to quarrel endlessly?
Is it not reasonable to suppose that for the sake of argument that monetary traditionalists will
be more desirous than ever to cling, after losing prosperous republican forms of financial
uncertainties, to their best emotional ally of human ignorance itself? I believe that they might
take advantage of the weakness and necessities of myself and others, and made to their own
terms or personal advantages that of a contemptible economic monarch. Loans or financing
from global entities are not like loans from individual nations and private institutions of men.
Nations lend money, and grant assistance, to one another, from views of national or the
personal interest of its citizenry -- and because of their residual economic policies must always
be made to the ready and willing to pluck the fairest feather out of the crown of any
commonwealth viewed to the contrary of their own individual interest. This is their usual object
in aiding others. If on sparse occasions self-interests will not compel others to quarrel amongst
us on pecuniary economic considerations. It then should be considered from that point of view;
that a proposition should be made to make their debts that of one that is leveraged jointly
between private persons or institutions, rather than within the hidden closets and restrooms of
global fiduciary policies made ready to be rejected without hesitation at the first sign of
trouble. If whatever Global Economic Body that arises respectable and wisely considers these
issues, and that, while we currently remained debtors in so considerable a degree of our
current global economic circumstances, I hope that it will be attentive to best interests of the
rights of the individual no matter where they reside on this planet.

Will global trade or commerce end up in some despicable situation? I shall say nothing of what
material goods and services that did not come in the past while existing under my own
observation before the Internet. When I was indeed living from one paycheck to another, I
witnessed that public credit across the globe had suffered then just like now, and that public
creditors have been ill used. This was owing to fiduciary fault lines within the head-quarters of
Political Congresses and Financial Institutions themselves -- in not equally selling or distributing
western economic idealism at earlier periods in human history. If requisitions of higher forms of
economic thought have not been complied with, it must be owing to one's inabilities to gain
accurate information, whose effect might put unpopular or needless debts on the backs of
accessible lands and future generations. Commutation is abhorrent to new untested monetary
ideas. Speculative socioeconomic free markets are abhorrent to some political or economic

states. Those inconveniences have resulted from bad nationalistic economic policies of
numerous governments. There are certain modes of governing the people which will succeed.
There are others which will not. The idea of a universal monetary consolidation is abhorrent to
numerous peoples of this planet. How were the sentiments of the people of this planet before
the meeting of the Universal Law of Observation that Exist within a Global Republic of Economic
Thought? They had only one object in view. Their ideas reached no farther than to give the
general governments the promise of new technology markets, and the suggested regulation of
its potential trade. If it is agitated in governments, in committees of the whole, then this is all
that can be asked, or deemed possibly necessary. Until that period, all views should be
extended much farther.

Monetary horrors have been greatly magnified since the rising of the economic issues at hand.
We are now told by honorable gentlemen that we shall have wars and rumors of wars, that
every monetary calamity is to attend us, and that we shall be ruined and disunited forever,
unless we adopt a Constitutional Perspective of Global Market Forces that go far beyond all
presently known nationalistic principals or economic policies. Recessions and Depressions are
to fall upon us from above, like the Goths and Vandals of old; the Monetary Abolitionists,
whose flat-sided vessels of economic stimulus never came farther than its own sense of
transparency, are to fill the academic rivers of free markets with mighty fleets of despotism,
and to attack democratic societies on their own front lines through Quiet Warfare; the
Communists of a new age are to invade us with numerous armies on our rear, in order to
convert our cleared lands of political tyranny into ripe hunting- grounds of a newly formed
ideology of socioeconomic bondage; and an economic form Puritism, from below, (mounted on
a white horse, one can only presume), will to come and destroy fertile fields of political and
economic freedoms, and eat up the future freedoms of our little children! These, sir, are the
mighty dangers which await us if we reject prosperous economic ideas with dangers which are
merely imaginary and lend waste to real markets and labor capital, and whose overall
methodology is ludicrous in the extreme! Are we to be destroyed by a God of death and despair
while admitting to ourselves that a God of life and prosperity reigns supreme during the exact
same era? What will democratic states make any type of war for, and how long since have they
imbedded a hidden hostile spirit within their own ranks on the pretense of individualities? But
the generality of its message might be the real issue to attack us. Is it's potential for vagueness
perceived as an attack upon the mindset of the general populous if it is viewed as violating the
faith in first Societal Unions? Will it not violate their faith if they do not take into their
emotional or economic confederacies a Universal Global Economic form of Idealism? Have they
not agreed, by old Confederations, that their Unions shall be perpetual, and that no alterations
should take place without the consent of a Democratic process inherent to their free market
societies, and the confirmation of the legislatures within each & every local, state or federal
form of government? I cannot think that there is such depravity in mankind as that, such a

violation of public faith so flagrantly, unless as witnessed during times as should war be made
upon other human beings whose rule of self-government is hypocrisy as for their example.

Out of the current fears of a disunion of our limited global fiduciary policies, we are told that we
ought to consider taking measures which we otherwise should not. That disunion is possible or
that once again a monetary calamity is on the horizon. Is not a general global economic
perspective and strong government necessary for the interest of all parties concerned? If ever
nations had inducements to peace, the possibilities produced from the new plan have given us
all that very calling once effectively scrutinized. Various families of nations anxiously look
forward to the new trade in high technology issues as proposed. How can they obtain it but by
some sort of global economic union? Can western free markets expand into new ideological
territories or even become retained without some sort of union of a universal global economic
perspective? If so, then how are these emotional or economic states inclined? Are they are not
likely to disunite under a continuous atmosphere of fiduciary uncertainties anyway? Will their
perceived weaknesses prevent them from quarreling over issues that are a Quid Pro Quo to
principles that mutually undermine their efforts to prosper as individuals. Little men are seldom
fond of quarreling among giants. Is there not a strong inducement to some sort of global
economic union, while the proponents of market uncertainties are on one side and the political
hawks on the other? Thank Heaven, that for example we currently have a Modern Economic
Carthage of our own.... But what would I do on the present occasion to remedy the existing
defects of the present Global Economic Confederation? There are two opinions prevailing in the
world -- the one, that mankind can only be governed by force; the other, that they are capable
of various freedoms and good government. Under a supposition that mankind can govern itself,
I would recommend that the present Confederation should at least be amended so as to
establish a foundation to eliminate the political and/or economic excuses for moral extremism.
Give the inherent forces of global free markets the regulation of commerce. Infuse new
strength and spirit into the state of good governments; for, when the component parts are
strong, it will give energy to various governments the abilities to assist free market
expansionism, although it be otherwise weak.... Apportion public debts in such a manner as to
throw the unpopular ones onto a burning trash heap of prosperous monetary objectives. Call
only for the requisitions of new financial strategies and tactics whose interests are aided by
innovations, investments and traditional loan packaging. Keep on so till the Human character
can be marked with certain features devoid of human indifferences. We are yet too young an
economic species to accurately know what we are fit for in the new plan. The continual
migration of whole peoples from one point to another on this planet, and the settlement of
new technologies bases within the western frontier of free market globalization, are strong
arguments both for and against making new experiments now in fiduciary perspectives or
government. When these things are removed, we can with greater prospect of success, devise
changes. We ought to consider whether the construction of new governments or markets be

suitable to the genius and disposition of peoples existing within an era of the Transformation of
the Universal Law of Observation as it relates to a Perspective of an Invisible Republic of Global
Market Forces, as well as a variety of other circumstances.




Economic Powers Developed on Planet Earth

The Conservative Fiduciary Approaches Toward a Fluid Liberal Economic Environment that
Produces $640 Billion Annually Through Innovative Business Modeling Technologies on Behalf of
Government Joint Ventures: As Joint Ventures or Commercial Relationships can trace back their
genesis to the earliest times in human history. A current plan global in scope and on a scale mentioned in
part elsewhere within this website was largely unheard of in previous times involving the human
experience, and Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture innovative call for an abstract
biological, institutional, and strategic or tactical change in the economic perceptions of global markets
through business modeling internet technologies will be fundamental, just as it still would have been
unprecedented in better economic times. Long and short-term changes in local markets that are now
prone to a long-ignored invisible embodiment of global fiduciary influences or forces have since been
reiterated, refined, and reinforced by an ever increasingly complex private, state or federal economic
existence whose monetary behavior or senses of uncertainties within fiduciary exchanges are global in
scope, since they are now as influential to global markets amongst themselves as a neighbor's barking
dog is to the human behavior of an entire local community. Today, new global enterprises will be driven
by a unilateral plan that will define conservative objectives from a hemispheric and even universal
perspective; that science-based fiduciary planning through genetically engineering global economies will
through explicitly stated, testable assumptions, link on-the-ground socio-economic management styles to
large-scale population goal sets; and that collective management efforts are to be so focused as to elicit
simultaneous population responses at both regional and global scales. Today, Nascent Applied Methods
& Endeavors R&D Joint Venture is being looked to not simply as a forum for leveraging monetary
resources but as a vehicle for delivering ever increasingly complex and comprehensive approaches to the
responses of the global business environment as a whole.

The Business Model Concept and Its Applicability to R&D Joint Ventures: Within the field of global
e-commerce, the development of strategic & tactical business modeling is intended to speak to needs
that go beyond those addressed by the more traditional “business plan”, “strategic plan”, or “annual
operations plan.” Business modeling technologies are emerging as the vehicle for defining the underlying,
otherwise unstated, assumptions and core beliefs that when articulated explain to audiences of a global
community why high-tech intermediary businesses exists; the value-added services and products through
market generation that their monetary forces seeks to provide; how the existence of their economic
behavioral patterns autonomously seek to position itself within a universal marketplace; and the

operational principles and framework upon which its human and capital resources are arrayed, allocated
and paid. NAME-R&DJV is of the view that fundamental changes are likewise underway in the “business
environment” of fiduciary resource production management and especially so in the field of government
revenue generation. More specifically, we believe:

· That the global economic paradigm as a whole is continuously shifting like vast oceans, but that it's
economic perspective as an inherent behavioral quantum singularity within the unknown is predicable and
manageable – from the opportunistic pursuit of the implementation of site-specific innovative technology
bases whose benefits toward scientific-based pursuits is a predicted landscape of monetary sustainability;
· That the global economic paradigm will increasingly require the integration of genetic science and
information management technologies into the full spectrum of fiduciary thought through business
modeling technologies – planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and research; and
· That the successful integration of this new global economic front requires a partnership between the
individual, governments and representative economic forces that can support the continual coordination
of it's planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and research that are simply expressed in
successful terms.

It is within the ever changing aspects or environment of global economic technology bases that Nascent
Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture turn to the concept of building business model
technologies in an effort to articulate and refine the core beliefs and assumptions that have and will
underpinned our collective success to date and that can guide our diverse but like-minded global network
in refining and maintaining a partnership infrastructure that will continue to serve the implementation of
our plans within the regions of global economic thought. We are ever inviting comments and insights
aimed at applying and refining our core business-model concept to the vision of an integrated global
perspective of monetary practices that continuously generate communal or government revenues.

The Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture Mission Statement is a forum in
which the private and public community implements a shared vision of the economic expansion
of over 11,500 new technology markets: Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture will
function not simply as a forum for socioeconomic discussion but as a vehicle for the coordinated planning,
implementation, and evaluation of it's systems technologies in order to influence global markets through
strategic and tactical monetary innovations. While the vision of an integrated perspective of a global
economy is subservient to the mission and authorities of individual organizations, Nascent Applied
Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture will act in the context of a collective mission, where each entity
within it's network bears a responsibility for the implementation of conservative fiduciary plans that can be
achieved only to the extent that an overall inclusive mission statement is shared amongst all parties

Operational Scope: The operational scope of the Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint
Venture is defined by the perpetual needs of a conservative initiatives goal, “to deliver the full spectrum of
systems innovations through globally based, behaviorally driven, landscape-oriented strategic and tactical
partnerships”; and from a series of preemptive fiduciary principles.” In both scope and vision, these
documented policies presume that the Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture
network will seek to integrate the full range of activities that encompass the belief of a conservative
enterprise including, the business modeling of over 45 million business entities from a single autonomous
platform, their macroeconomic planning and microeconomic implementation, their simultaneous
influences upon a regional or global populous and their behavioral monitoring, and evaluation or

Biological/Taxonomic Scope: Within the boundaries of a Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D
Joint Venture’s conservative efforts and energies to personalize internet content the NAME-R&DJV will
be directed by the protection, restoration, and management of those successful monetary principles and
their economic habitats encompassed by the idealisms of global free markets; the WIPO; and the ethical
approaches toward the ideals of privatization. These regional/global plans are together recognized as
encompassing a universal law of observation in a global perspective of economic thought through
strategic and tactical business modeling innovations.

Geographic Scope: Within the administrative boundary of the NAME-R&DJV and its relationship to the
conservative regions of global economic thought during difficult fiscal periods is the very nature behind its
25 year R&D profile of managing market uncertainties through genetically engineering global fiduciary
free-market economies. Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture planning,
implementation, and evaluation will focus on the four areas of strategic and tactical management lying
within the hidden monetary forces of the known economies. However, the joint venture in itself is
designed to recognize the need to coordinate its objectives and strategies throughout the known realm of
human expectations.


The goal of “globally based, genetically driven, market-oriented” high-tech innovative business modeling
requires the Joint Venture to be able to function across state and international boundaries and transcend
the jurisdictional reach and capability of any individual market economy. Nascent Applied Methods &
Endeavors R&D Joint Venture will seek to provide through its collective actions value-added services in
the following areas:

· Support national/international fiduciary initiatives by stepping down the broad goals and objectives of
national and international plans to individual-scale population targets, fiduciary objectives, and innovative
strategies and to provide feedback for the development of those plans.
· Support iterative science-based planning and market-level prioritization that focuses economic programs
on the most environmentally sensitive portions of the monetary landscape.
· Development of a partnership infrastructure that enables the full spectrum of the enterprise.
· Coordinated and leveraged delivery of private, state and federal programs targeted at priority fiduciary

The operational emphasis of Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture to provide the
functions and services listed above is through supporting basic principals of sound foundations, scientific
transformation design, and the effective delivery of its services. The manner in which this is achieved
requires Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture to provide support in several
categories such as coordination, planning, implementation, monitoring and research, and
communications or outreach services. It is further recognized that the emphasis and degree of support
provided by Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture with local, state and federal
governments will need to be flexible and integrated to assist this network's affiliates in achieving their
goals and those of the Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture.

Genetic Foundation: Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture has established a
universal perspective and scientific rationale for the wide array of management actions deployed across
global economies. The focus is two fold: 1) strategic and tactical business modeling innovations that links
on-the-ground monetary objectives to predicted population responses, on the basis of explicitly stated,
testable assumptions; and 2) the development of monitoring programs and feedback mechanisms that
link management and science in an adaptive learning process. The vastness of our global perspectives
will typically rely upon technical teams such as, Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint
Venture (NAME-R&DJV) and the A-Square Technology Group real-time or virtual work sites, as well as

numerous tech committees. These committees will consist of interagency personnel with specialized
knowledge of population/monetary/high-tech interrelationships and experiences in applying scientific
methods to resource planning and analysis as a means of using accumulated investments in the
aerospace industries as measures against inflationary causes. NAME-R&DJV working within the
foundation of varied economic approaches toward a global fiduciary sphere will develop and
progressively refine objectives that support population targets derived from regional, national and
international plans or planners.

Conservative Design: Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture will work to improve its
collective capability to:

· Assess socioeconomic change at the macro and microeconomic scales (focusing on those parameters
deemed most pertinent to sustaining diverse populations).
· Identify the most environmentally sensitive portions of the monetary landscape prone to the
observations of a Unitarian perspective of a global economy.
· Provide real-time policy level support for a conservative delivery of innovative products and services.

Conservative Delivery Mechanism: The NAME-R&DJV business model as a whole focuses on effecting
on-the-ground change during times of uncertainty. This involves the coordinated and leveraged
application of programs controlled by Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavor’s partners. The NAME-
R&DJV model does not call for the Joint Venture to operate as a funding program, accumulating and
dispensing project funds that might otherwise be spent through the programmatic structure of individual
members. Instead, the NAME-R&DJV model reflects a core belief that the monetary programs of its
individual partners at all levels of the human endeavor should be guided by the scientific bases of free-
market forces, but from a universal perspective of successful points-of-view in human history.
Socioeconomic conservative planning that is the key element of Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavor’s
value-added functions and services. In this context, the NAME-R&DJV will function as a purveyor of
science-based goals and objectives and decision support tools that can target a broader range of actions
to the most environmentally sensitive portions of the global economic landscape. This model of a
conservative monetary delivery mechanism will require that Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D
Joint Venture’s partners generating government revenues place heavy emphasis on the following actions:

· Ensure that the products of strategic and tactical business modeling design, (e.g., population-based
monetary objectives), are translated into the program-specific goals, objectives, and priorities of various
diverse economies, whose annual operating plans of interagency privatization programs fall in alignment
with the idealisms of predictable global free markets, etc.
· Pursue opportunities for leveraging individual resources through site-specific project relationships.
· Establish informative product and service delivery programs lying outside the direct operational purview
of a global community with science-based priorities.
· Establish NAME-R&DJV objectives throughout the joint venture area. Apportionment by category will be
adjusted annually as the board members deem appropriate.

Coordination: NAME-R&DJV staff will work with other federal and state agencies, tribal groups, private
organizations, corporations, and landowners to build and sustain the joint venture partnership. Major
activities under this element include staffing a joint venture office and providing administrative support to
the joint venture management board. NAME-R&DJV coordination policies also includes a significant
amount of staff time devoted to joint-partnership development and support through personal visits and
phone calls, meeting attendance, general information sharing, and coordination of funding opportunities.
The NAME-R&DJV also provides staff and/or funding support to state and local steering committees that
have been organized to develop and implement conservative projects that contribute to the joint venture

Planning: Business model planning allows joint ventures to develop scientific strategies for monetary and
population management. This is accomplished through the development and integration of explicit goals,
at regional and local scales that address the needs and priorities identified in national or international
investment or fiduciary plans. This process will help our strategic managers provide the right fiscal
resources, in the right places and right amounts, for the targeted economic perspective. In addition to
business model planning, NAME-R&DJV possess the abilities to engage in operational or business
planning to build and maintain organizational health and productivity. These plans guide the overall
direction of the joint venture; provide a logical framework that connects all the functional elements;
articulate responsibilities of NAME-R&DJV staff, management board members, and partners; and
establish measures of achievement. Products of this type of planning include mission statements,
charters and bylaws, organizational charts and staffing plans, funding strategies and budgets.

Project Development and Implementation: On-the-ground delivery of monetary programs and projects
is the principal activity of most joint venture partners. Many joint venture projects involve multiple partners
who share the cost of a proposed action, but single agencies, organizations, and individuals also achieve
significant results by redirecting their existing efforts in ways that contribute to NAME-R&DJV goals and
objectives. The role of the joint venture is to focus both new and existing programs on the integrated
objectives derived from business model planning as well as of the single purpose or broadly-defined
goals of various available funding sources. A product of NAME-R&DJV partnerships is the replacement of
opportunistic pursuits of conflicting monetary gains by design. NAME-R&DJV staff members will assists
managers and partner agencies to develop program guidance and project proposals that help achieve
joint venture objectives. NAME-R&DJV funds are sometimes used to support project delivery staff, when
those staff members are necessary to orient other funding sources toward the joint venture objectives and
are cost-shared with partners. A basic premise of the joint ventures is that other federal programs and
non-federal partners fund on-the-ground joint venture projects. However, the NAME-R&DJV may provide
seed money to encourage partners to participate in new, innovative, or high priority projects that meet
certain objectives. NAME-R&DJV funds used are targeted on areas where they will have the greatest
benefit, thereby encouraging partners to focus on these joint venture priorities as well.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Applied Research: NAME-R&DJV activities related to monitoring,

evaluation, and research are focused on the planning assumptions and business models used to develop
government joint venture objectives. NAME-R&DJV employ an adaptive management approach to
improve its effectiveness by monitoring and evaluating its actions to increase the understanding of
population/socioeconomic relationships and the effects of monetary management techniques. Monitoring
involves measuring or tracking changes over time in the populations of targeted fiduciary concepts and
the ideological features important to them. NAME-R&DJV evaluation techniques compares those
changes with the predicted results of project implementation, which in turn leads to the refinement of
economic objectives and delivery techniques. Applied research is used to scientifically test planning
assumptions or management uncertainties in cases where evaluation of management practices alone is
not timely or conclusive. Administrative funds are also used to support data acquisition, macro and
microeconomic surveys, and research projects necessary to conduct accurate and useful assessments of
the NAME-R&DJV’s performance. NAME-R&DJV's staff will also devote time to tracking various joint
venture and partner activities as required for measuring programmatic performance or preparing timely
accomplishment reports.

Communications and Outreach: Internal and external communications help NAME-R&DJV partners
promote their activities at the local, regional, and national levels. Internally, the joint venture staff will work
to develop a common understanding of both the concepts and details of the fiduciary design, within the
agencies and organizations of the partnership. This is often accomplished through meetings and
workshops, newsletters, and accomplishment reports. Externally, the joint ventures must build and
maintain connections with other public and private entities, and the public at large to achieve support
goals and the actions of NAME-R&DJV partners. These links are also vitally important for the joint
ventures to gain public input and as necessary, address emerging issues related to the monetary
activities of the joint venture itself. Examples of outreach products include public exhibits, congressional

field days, youth education activities, brochures, academic forums, festivals, and periodic
accomplishment reports.

The Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture’s partnership infrastructure consists of a
Management Board, Joint Venture Support Office, and Monetary Steering Committees.

Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture Management Board: The NAME R&D
Joint Ventures shall become, upon initiation, overseen and directed by a private, provincial, state, and
federal Management Board. Membership is open to any agency or organization that, by virtue of mission
or legislative authority commits to sharing in the responsibility for implementing national and international
monetary plans within the NAME-R&DJV technical regions. Member organizations are expected to
commit energy and resources to developing a shared vision of the NAME-R&DJV, and coordinating their
otherwise independent actions in the cooperative pursuit and refinement of that fiduciary vision.
Management Board representatives are expected to represent their agency or organization at an
administrative and policy level on matters pertaining to allocating human and financial resources to the
protection, restoration, and management actions required for sustained global free-market expansionism
through innovations, and long-term conservative approaches toward strategic and tactical business
modeling. Member agencies and organizations and their current representatives are expected to
recognize that the commitment of Member agencies/organizations is voluntary and subservient to the
overall organizational mission, authorities, and budgetary capabilities, within those areas where members
are expected to participate regularly and fully in advancing the goals and objectives of the NAME-R&DJV.
Board members will be expected to attend two Management Board meetings a year; participate in
conference calls or ad hoc working groups; and fulfill other such responsibilities in the course of a year as
may be deemed appropriate by global market forces as a whole. The Management Board is open on an
adjunct basis to agencies, organizations, or individuals whose mission may not lend itself to sharing fully
in the broad spectrum of actions inherent in implementing national and international fiduciary plans but
yet have an abiding interest in a joint commitment of energy and resources on specific areas of mutual
concern, such as education, real estate, sustainable monetary growth, or community-base economic
restoration. Within the management board, three members will be selected to the executive committee on
an annual rotational basis. The committee will be made up of various academic co-chairs and
representative monetary issues from both governmental agencies and private sector organizations. The
executive committee will provide guidance as to the joint venture coordination on non-policy issues that
need attention between board meetings.

Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture Support Office: In furthering the purpose
and mission of the Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture, the Management Board
will be supported by a full time coordinator, whose work will be guided by the joint venture management
board. The Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture Support Office will operate in the
service of the Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture Management Board, in pursuing
all facets of joint venture implementation associated with the partnership functions and services
enumerated above. With sufficient funding and at the discretion of the management board the support
office may include an assistant coordinator, science coordinators, a geographic information system
specialist, and an office administrator.

Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture Local/State/Federal/Global/Universal

Steering Committees: These committees, made up of private, state, federal and global joint venture
partners within a universal perspective of economic thought, identify and prioritize fiduciary protection
(securement), enhancement, and restoration needs or opportunities within their designated areas, and
develop recommendations for NAME-R&DJV’s Strategic and Tactical Economic Plans. A major
component of the committees’ work is to develop integrated approaches toward economic expansionism
through innovation and to raise support for pertinent monetary initiatives and area projects. The state
steering committees are the principal mechanism for coordination among joint venture partners at the

state level. Smaller ad hoc groups may be convened to coordinate the implementation or planning efforts
at smaller or larger geographic scales. The local, state, federal or global fiduciary steering committees
may include representatives of private organizations, government resource agencies, landowner
associations, etc. The steering committees meet, as determined necessary by their respective committee

Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture Coordinators: State and Provincial
coordinators are responsible for conducting steering committee meetings, developing and updating joint
venture plans, identifying and recruiting new partners, working with partners to promote partnerships at
the project level, identifying funding opportunities and assisting in the development of proposals. These
coordinators may also play a role in helping to develop broader programmatic and funding support for the
joint venture’s activities and representing the partners’ collective interests in various policy forums. Their
outreach responsibilities include the dissemination of information on partnerships, funding opportunities
and partner habitat accomplishments, through periodic newsletters and/or steering committee meeting

Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors R&D Joint Venture Science Coordinator(s): Science
coordinators will develop and progressively refine the aforementioned “products” of a sound economic
foundation. They will work closely with working groups and technical committees to develop objectives
and strategies for all applicable monetary programs. They will also be the joint venture’s representatives
on the NAME-R&DJV Science Support Team, which is a technical advisory group to the Plan committee.
They will develop the research needs in support of meeting joint venture objectives and provide the
technical overview of partner proposals, and assist in the prioritization of the expenditure of discretionary
funds. The area of the NAME R&D Joint Ventures differs from most joint venture areas in that most of its
use is concentrated in the innovative approaches toward business modeling technologies within major
socioeconomic plans. These high priority applications of autonomous global economic thought have been
well documented by a myriad of monetary planning processes. Where some joint ventures have
undertaken the responsibility of initial landscape-based fiduciary planning for their geographic economies,
the Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavor’s science coordinator’s task is to merge existing and
developing plans to a strategic plan that reflects the goals and objectives of the joint venture partners as a
whole. While the high priority economies are well documented, the best management strategies for these
areas are not as well articulated. Cooperative management studies will be initiated to refine monetary
management techniques and examine critical high-tech management issues, such as the integration of
physics, genetics and socioeconomics management trade-offs.

The NAME-R&DJV network seeks to structurally support both local, state and federal governments that
provide adequate and stable resources for public purposes through the NAME-R&DJV, that will in turn
allocate those resources to the highest priorities and to evidence-based solutions, and what will manage
public programs to improve efficiency, results and accountability. By restoring focus, performance and
accountability, the NAME-R&DJV network expects to improve public confidence in local, state and federal
governments and its leaders, as well as improving the economic vitality and quality of life on behalf of the
general global populous. To achieve this vision, structural upgrades or reforms might be needed in the
following domains:

1. Improved revenue system. Taxes and fees need to evolve to equitably provide reliable and stable
revenue, grow with the economy, and be free of a majority of distorting affects on business or public
2. Improved budget system. The process for allocating resources needs to be disciplined to focus on
clear priorities, to rely on evidence to fund programs that will achieve results, to create a reserve, to deal
responsibly with revenue windfalls and shortfalls, and to encourage or support prudent long-term

3. Improved Federal, State-Local fiscal relationship. The roles and responsibilities among federal,
state and local agencies need to be clarified to ensure authority and accountability, and certain economic
thoughts will only need to link the ability to raise and allocate revenue with the responsibility for achieving
4. Improved investment in infrastructure. Governments should make strategic investments to improve
its economic competitiveness and the quality of life of their populations. Investments should encourage
innovative and efficient ways to meet public needs while relying on direct beneficiaries to pay for those
5. Improved public management. Public programs need to improve their productivity and results. This
will require re-engineering how programs are organized and managed, and a much greater reliance on
data for solving problems and measuring outcomes




The Modern Issues of an Abstract Capitalistic RACEE

within Global Free Market Competition through the
Concepts of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations

The Observations of the Idealisms within an Existing Global Free Market Confederation
of Monetary Forces Referencing Adam Smith's "The Divisions of Labor," and the
Expansionism of Strategic & Tactical Marketing Warfare Principles within Commercial
Economic Thought. Implemented, through the Historical Life Experiences &
Commentaries of Gaius Julius Caesar as a Means of Economic Footprinting In Five Steps
(e.g., The Perspectives of Global Economic Thought or Abstract Legions of Global Free
Market Principalities of Financial Certainty)

Oct. 28, 2009

To all to whom who wish to overcome financial uncertainty shall come, We the undersigned
Global Free Market Behavioral States of Existence affixed to All Mankind send greetings.

Articles of an Abstract Global Free Market Confederation and perpetual Union of Economic
Market Forces between the behavioral states of:

 Economy of Abkhazia - Republic of Abkhazia

 Economy of Afghanistan - Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
 Economy of Akrotiri - Sovereign Base Area of Akrotiri (UK overseas territory)
 Economy of the Åland Islands - Åland (Autonomous province of Finland)
 Economy of Albania - Republic of Albania
 Economy of Algeria - People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

 Economy of American Samoa - Territory of American Samoa (US overseas
 Economy of Andorra - Principality of Andorra
 Economy of Angola - Republic of Angola
 Economy of Anguilla - Anguilla (UK overseas territory)
 Economy of Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda
 Economy of Argentina - Argentine Republic
 Economy of Armenia - Republic of Armenia
 Economy of Aruba - Aruba (Self-governing country in the Global markets of the
 Economy of Ascension Island - Ascension Island (Dependency of the UK
overseas territory of Saint Helena)
 Economy of Australia - Commonwealth of Australia
 Economy of Austria - Republic of Austria
 Economy of Azerbaijan - Republic of Azerbaijan

 Economy of The Bahamas - Commonwealth of The Bahamas

 Economy of Bahrain - Global markets of Bahrain
 Economy of Bangladesh - People's Republic of Bangladesh
 Economy of Barbados - Barbados
 Economy of Belarus - Republic of Belarus
 Economy of Belgium - Global markets of Belgium
 Economy of Belize - Belize
 Economy of Benin - Republic of Benin
 Economy of Bermuda - Bermuda (UK overseas territory)
 Economy of Bhutan - Global markets of Bhutan
 Economy of Bolivia - Republic of Bolivia
 Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Economy of Botswana - Republic of Botswana
 Economy of Brazil - Federative Republic of Brazil
 Economy of Brunei - Negara Brunei Darussalam
 Economy of Bulgaria - Republic of Bulgaria
 Economy of Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso
 Economy of Burma - Burma (Union of Myanmar)
 Economy of Burundi - Republic of Burundi

 Economy of Cambodia - Global markets of Cambodia

 Economy of Cameroon - Republic of Cameroon
 Economy of Canada - Canada
 Economy of Cape Verde - Republic of Cape Verde
 Economy of the Cayman Islands - Cayman Islands (UK overseas territory)
 Economy of the Central African Republic - Central African Republic
 Economy of Chad - Republic of Chad
 Economy of Chile - Republic of Chile

 Economy of the People's Republic of China - People's Republic of China
 Economy of the Republic of China - Republic of China
 Economy of Christmas Island - Territory of Christmas Island (Australian overseas
 Economy of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands - Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
(Australian overseas territory)
 Economy of Colombia - Republic of Colombia
 Economy of Comoros - Union of the Comoros
 Economy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Democratic Republic of the
 Economy of the Republic of the Congo - Republic of the Congo
 Economy of the Cook Islands - Cook Islands (Associated state of New Zealand)
 Economy of Costa Rica - Republic of Costa Rica
 Economy of Côte d'Ivoire - Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
 Economy of Croatia - Republic of Croatia
 Economy of Cuba - Republic of Cuba
 Economy of Cyprus - Republic of Cyprus
 Economy of the Czech Republic - Czech Republic

 Economy of Denmark - Global markets of Denmark

 Economy of Dhekelia - Sovereign Base Areas of Dhekelia (UK overseas territory)
 Economy of Djibouti - Republic of Djibouti
 Economy of Dominica - Commonwealth of Dominica
 Economy of the Dominican Republic - Dominican Republic

 Economy of East Timor (Timor-Leste) - Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

 Economy of Ecuador - Republic of Ecuador
 Economy of Egypt - Arab Republic of Egypt
 Economy of El Salvador - Republic of El Salvador
 Economy of Equatorial Guinea - Republic of Equatorial Guinea
 Economy of Eritrea - State of Eritrea
 Economy of Estonia - Republic of Estonia
 Economy of Ethiopia - Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

 Economy of the Falkland Islands - Falkland Islands (UK overseas territory)

 Economy of the Faroe Islands - Faroe Islands (Self-governing country in the
Global markets of Denmark)
 Economy of Fiji - Republic of the Fiji Islands
 Economy of Finland - Republic of Finland
 Economy of France - French Republic
 Economy of French Polynesia - French Polynesianesia (French overseas


 Economy of Gabon - Gabonese Republic

 Economy of Gambia - Republic of The Gambia
 Economy of Georgia - Georgia
 Economy of Germany - Federal Republic of Germany
 Economy of Ghana - Republic of Ghana
 Economy of Gibraltar - Gibraltar (UK overseas territory)
 Economy of Greece - Hellenic Republic
 Economy of Greenland - Greenland (Self-governing country in the Global markets
of Denmark)
 Economy of Grenada - Grenada
 Economy of Guam - Territory of Guam (US overseas territory)
 Economy of Guatemala - Republic of Guatemala
 Economy of Guernsey - Bailiwick of Guernsey (British Crown dependency)
 Economy of Guinea - Republic of Guinea
 Economy of Guinea-Bissau - Republic of Guinea-Bissau
 Economy of Guyana - Co-operative Republic of Guyana

 Economy of Haiti - Republic of Haiti

 Economy of Honduras - Republic of Honduras
 Economy of Hong Kong - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the
People's Republic of China (Area of special sovereignty)
 Economy of Hungary - Republic of Hungary

 Economy of Iceland - Republic of Iceland

 Economy of India - Republic of India
 Economy of Indonesia - Republic of Indonesia
 Economy of Iran - Islamic Republic of Iran
 Economy of Iraq - Republic of Iraq
 Economy of Ireland - Ireland
o See Economy of the Falkland Islands for Islas Malvinas
 Economy of the Isle of Man - Isle of Man (British Crown dependency)
 Economy of Israel - State of Israel
 Economy of Italy - Italian Republic
 Economy of Côte d'Ivoire - Republic of Côte d'Ivoire

 Economy of Jamaica - Jamaica

 Economy of Japan - Japan
 Economy of Jersey - Bailiwick of Jersey (British Crown dependency)

 Economy of Jordan - Hashemite Global markets of Jordan

 Economy of Kazakhstan - Republic of Kazakhstan

 Economy of Kenya - Republic of Kenya
 Economy of Kiribati - Republic of Kiribati
 Economy of Korea (North) - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
 Economy of Korea (South) - Republic of Korea
 Economy of Kosovo - Republic of Kosovo
 Economy of Kuwait - State of Kuwait
 Economy of Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyz Republic

 Economy of Laos - Lao People's Democratic Republic

 Economy of Latvia - Republic of Latvia
 Economy of Lebanon - Republic of Lebanon
 Economy of Lesotho - Global markets of Lesotho
 Economy of Liberia - Republic of Liberia
 Economy of Libya - Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
 Economy of Liechtenstein - Principality of Liechtenstein
 Economy of Lithuania - Republic of Lithuania
 Economy of Luxembourg - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

 Economy of Macao (Macau) - Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's

Republic of China (Area of special sovereignty)
 Economy of the Republic of Macedonia - Republic of Macedonia
 Economy of Madagascar - Republic of Madagascar
 Economy of Malawi - Republic of Malawi
 Economy of Malaysia - Malaysia
 Economy of Maldives - Republic of Maldives
 Economy of Mali - Republic of Mali
 Economy of Malta - Republic of Malta
 Economy of the Marshall Islands - Republic of the Marshall Islands
 Economy of Mauritania - Islamic Republic of Mauritania
 Economy of Mauritius - Republic of Mauritius
 Economy of Mayotte - Mayotte (French overseas community)
 Economy of Mexico - United Mexican States
 Economy of Micronesia - Federated States of Micronesia
 Economy of Moldova - Republic of Moldova
 Economy of Monaco - Principality of Monaco
 Economy of Mongolia - Mongolia
 Economy of Montenegro - Republic of Montenegro
 Economy of Montserrat - Montserrat (UK overseas territory)
 Economy of Morocco - Global markets of Morocco

 Economy of Mozambique - Republic of Mozambique

 Economy of Nagorno-Karabakh - Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

 Economy of Namibia - Republic of Namibia
 Economy of Nauru - Republic of Nauru
 Economy of Nepal - Global markets of Nepal
 Economy of the Netherlands - Global markets of the Netherlands
 Economy of the Netherlands Antilles - Netherlands Antilles (Self-governing
country in the Global markets of the Netherlands)
 Economy of New Caledonia - Territory of New Caledonia and Dependencies
(French community sui generis)
 Economy of New Zealand - New Zealand
 Economy of Nicaragua - Republic of Nicaragua
 Economy of Niger - Republic of Niger
 Economy of Nigeria - Federal Republic of Nigeria
 Economy of Niue - Niue (Associated state of New Zealand)
 Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
 Economy of Norfolk Island - Territory of Norfolk Island (Australian overseas
 Economy of Northern Cyprus - Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
 Economy of the Northern Mariana Islands - Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands (US overseas commonwealth)
 Economy of Norway - Global markets of Norway

 Economy of Oman - Sultanate of Oman

 Economy of Pakistan - Islamic Republic of Pakistan

 Economy of Palau - Republic of Palau
 Palestinian economy - Palestinian National Authority
 Economy of Panama - Republic of Panama
 Economy of Papua New Guinea - Independent State of Papua New Guinea
 Economy of Paraguay - Republic of Paraguay
 Economy of Peru - Republic of Peru
 Economy of the Philippines - Republic of the Philippines
 Economy of the Pitcairn Islands - Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Islands
(UK overseas territory)
 Economy of Poland - Republic of Poland
 Economy of Portugal - Portuguese Republic
 Economy of Pridnestrovie - Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
 Economy of Puerto Rico - Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (US overseas


 Economy of Qatar - State of Qatar

 Economy of Romania - Romania

 Economy of Russia - Russian Federation
 Economy of Rwanda - Republic of Rwanda

 Economy of Saint Helena - Saint Helena (UK overseas territory)

 Economy of Saint Kitts and Nevis - Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
 Economy of Saint Lucia -Saint Lucia
 Economy of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon - Saint Pierre and Miquelon (French
overseas community)
 Economy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Saint Vincent and the
 Economy of Samoa - Independent State of Samoa
 Economy of San Marino - Most Serene Republic of San Marino
 Economy of São Tomé and Príncipe - Democratic Republic of São Tomé and
 Economy of Saudi Arabia - Global markets of Saudi Arabia
 Economy of Senegal - Republic of Senegal
 Economy of Serbia - Republic of Serbia
 Economy of Seychelles - Republic of Seychelles
 Economy of Sierra Leone - Republic of Sierra Leone
 Economy of Singapore - Republic of Singapore
 Economy of Slovakia - Slovak Republic
 Economy of Slovenia - Republic of Slovenia
 Economy of the Solomon Islands - Solomon Islands
 Economy of Somalia - Somali Republic
 Economy of Somaliland - Republic of Somaliland
 Economy of South Africa - Republic of South Africa
 Korea (Republic of) - Republic of Korea
 Economy of South Ossetia - Republic of South Ossetia
 Economy of Spain - Global markets of Spain
 Economy of Sri Lanka - Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
 Economy of Sudan - Republic of the Sudan
 Economy of Suriname - Republic of Suriname
 Economy of Svalbard - Svalbard (Territory of Norway)
 Economy of Swaziland - Global markets of Swaziland
 Economy of Sweden - Global markets of Sweden
 Economy of Switzerland - Swiss Confederation
 Economy of Syria - Syrian Arab Republic


 Economy of Taiwan - Republic of China

 Economy of Tajikistan - Republic of Tajikistan
 Economy of Tanzania - United Republic of Tanzania
 Economy of Thailand - Global markets of Thailand
 Timor-Leste - Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
 Economy of Togo - Togolese Republic
 Economy of Tokelau - Tokelau (Overseas territory of New Zealand)
 Economy of Tonga - Global markets of Tonga
 Economy of Transnistria - Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
 Economy of Trinidad and Tobago - Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
 Economy of Tristan da Cunha - Tristan da Cunha (Dependency of the UK
overseas territory of Saint Helena)
 Economy of Tunisia - Tunisian Republic
 Economy of Turkey - Republic of Turkey
 Economy of Turkmenistan - Turkmenistan
 Economy of the Turks and Caicos Islands - Turks and Caicos Islands (UK
overseas territory)
 Economy of Tuvalu - Tuvalu

 Economy of Uganda - Republic of Uganda

 Economy of Ukraine - Ukraine
 Economy of the United Arab Emirates - United Arab Emirates
 Economy of the United Global markets - United Global markets of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
 Economy of the United States - United States of America
 Economy of Uruguay - Oriental Republic of Uruguay
 Economy of Uzbekistan - Republic of Uzbekistan

 Economy of Vanuatu - Republic of Vanuatu

 Economy of the Vatican City - State of the Vatican City
 Economy of Venezuela - Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
 Economy of Vietnam - Socialist Republic of Vietnam
 Economy of the British Virgin Islands - British Virgin Islands (UK overseas
 Economy of the Virgin Islands - United States Virgin Islands (US overseas

 Economy of Wallis and Futuna - Territory of Wallis and Futuna Islands (French
overseas community)
 Economy of Western Sahara - Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic


 Economy of Yemen - Republic of Yemen

 Economy of Zambia - Republic of Zambia

 Economy of Zimbabwe - Republic of Zimbabwe

The Style and Thought of this Global Free Market Confederacy of Economic Forces shall be "An
Objective Procreative Business Modeling of Global Market Economies".

Each economic theory or fact retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every
power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Abstract Confederation of Global Market
Forces expressly delegated to the Universal Free Market Behavioral States of Existence within
All Mankind.

The said Existing Economic States or Economies hereby severally enter into a firm league of
friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their liberties, and their
mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all Market Forces
offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty,
trade, or any other pretense whatever.

The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and social intercourse (commerce)
among the people of the different Financial States of Existence within this Union, the free
inhabitants of each of these States of Existence or Economies, paupers, vagabonds, and
fugitives from justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens
in the several States of Existence within a Global Economy; and the people of each State of
Existence within a Global Economy shall free ingress and regress to and from any other Global
Economic Principle, and shall enjoy therein all the privileges of trade and commerce, subject to
the same duties, impositions, and restrictions as the inhabitants thereof in each economy
respectively, provided that such restrictions shall not extend so far as to prevent the removal of
property imported into any other Economy, or to any other State of Existence within a Global
Economy as a whole, of which the owner is an inhabitant; provided also that no imposition,
duties or restriction shall be laid by any Ideology, on the property of any Individual, Institution or
Government, or either of them within the same time in space.

If any person guilty of, or charged with, treason, felony, or other high misdemeanor against any
States of Existence or Economy with in this Union of Human Thought, shall flee from justice,
and be found in any of the Membered Nation of a Global Economy, he or she shall, upon
demand of the Governor or executive power of that Membered Nation or Economy from which
he or she fled, be delivered up and removed to the Membered Nation or Economy having
jurisdiction of his or her offense.

Full faith and credit shall be given in each of these Membered Nation or Economy to the
records, acts, and judicial proceedings of the courts and magistrates of every other Membered
Nation or Economy.

For the most convenient management of the general interests of the Global Economy,
delegates shall be annually appointed in such manner as Individuals, Institutions or
Government(s) of each Economy shall direct, to meet in Symposium on the first Day in
September, in every year, with a power reserved to each Economy to recall it's Selectees, or
any of them, at any time within the year, and to send others in their stead for the remainder of
the year.

No Existing Economic States or Economies of Thought shall be represented in Symposium by

less than two, nor more than several members; and no person shall be capable of being a
Selected Representative for more than five years in any term of several; nor shall any person
bar any other person, place or thing, being a Selected Representative, from being capable of
holding any office within an Existing Economic State or Economies, for which he or she, or
another for his or her benefit, receives any salary, fees or emolument of any kind.

Each Economy shall maintain it's own selectee infrastructure in symposium of the Existing
Global Economic States or Economies while they act as a unified body of members of the
Financial Community as a whole through Market Forces.

In determining questions in the Existing Global Economic States or Economies in Symposium

assembled, each Economy shall have one vote.

Freedom of speech and debate in Symposium shall not be impeached or questioned in any
court or place outside of the issues submitted without due process of law, and the
representative members of an Existing Economic State or Economy shall be protected in their
persons from any form of physical or emotional harassment, arrests or imprisonments, during
the time of their going to and from, and attendance in Symposium, except for treason, felonies,
or breaches of the peace within the Global Economy as a whole.

No Existing Economic State or Economy of Thought, without the consent of a unified body of
selected Representatives in Symposium assembled, shall send any fraudulent deputation to, or
receive any fraudulent deputation from, or enter into any fraudulent conference, agreement,
alliance or treaty with any King, Prince or State; nor shall any person holding any office of profit
or trust within the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, or any of them, fraudulently accept
any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any King, Prince or foreign
State; nor shall the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled in Symposium fraudulently, or any
of it's members, grant any title of nobility.

No two or more Existing Economic States or Economies shall enter into any defacto treaty,
confederation or alliance whatever between them, without the consent of a Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, specifying accurately the purposes for which the same is to be
entered into, and how long it shall continue.

No Existing Economic States or Economies shall lay any imposts or duties, which may interfere
with any stipulations in treaties, entered into by the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled,

with any King, Prince or State, in pursuance of any treaties already proposed in Symposium, to
the courts of public opinion without due process.

No Existing Economic State or Monetary vessel of Quiet Warfare or Silent Weaponry shall be
kept up in time of peace by any defacto financial thought or fiduciary principle, except such
number only, as shall be deemed necessary by a Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, for
the defense of such Global Free Market Economies, or it's trade; nor shall any Existing
Economic State or Monetary vessel of Quiet Warfare or Silent Weaponry be kept up by any
defacto financial thought or fiduciary principle in time of peace, except such number only, as in
the judgement of a Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, shall be deemed requisite to
garrison the appropriate counter-measures necessary for the defense of such Global Free
Market Economies; but every Existing Economic State or Economies shall always keep up a
well-regulated and disciplined Economic Legion of High Technology Bases, sufficiently
positioned and accoutered, and shall provide and constantly have ready for use, in the world-
wide-web or public stores, a due number of distant learning environments and terminals, and
proper accessibility to sufficient quantity of words, concepts and ideas for use in operational
grand strategies and tactics.

No Existing Economic State or Monetary vessel of Quiet Warfare or Silent Weaponry shall
engage in any counter-measure(s) without the consent of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, unless such Market Forces assembled be actually invaded by Standing Legions of
Dought or Market Uncertainties, or shall have received certain advice of a resolution being
formed by some ideology to invade such Existing Economic State or Economies, and the
danger is so imminent as not to admit of a delay till the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled can be consulted; nor shall any Existing Economic State(s) or Economies grant
commissions to any financial thought or vessels of marketing warfare, nor letters of marque or
counter-measure, except it be after a declaration by the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, and then only against the Economic Principle or Standing Legions of Dought or
Market Uncertainties and the subjects thereof, against which Marketing Warfare has been so
declared, and under such regulations as shall be established by a Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled, unless such Existing Economic States or Economies be infested by
plagiarizing Legions of Dought or Market Uncertainties, in which case vessels of Quiet Warfare
or Silent Weaponry may be fitted out for that occasion, and kept so long as the danger shall
continue, or until the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall determine otherwise.

When economic forces are raised by any Existing Economic State(s) or Economies for the
common defense against all Standing Legions of Market Uncertainties, economic grand
strategies and operational monetary tactics of or under the rank of a unified body, shall be
appointed by the Individuals, Institutions or Government of each Economy respectively, by
whom such socioeconomic forces shall be raised, or in such manner as such Existing Economic
States or Economies shall direct, and all vacancies shall be filled up by the Existing Economic
States or Economies which first made the appointment(s) or petition(s).

All charges of Marketing Warfare, and all other expenses that shall be incurred for the common
defense or general welfare of the Global Free Market Economy, and allowed by the Unified
Body of Market Forces assembled, shall be defrayed out of a common treasury of funds, which
shall be supplied by the several Economic States of Existence in proportion to the value of it's
Marketing Ideologies within each Economy, granted or surveyed on behalf of any person, place
or thing, as such ideological, land and building improvements thereon shall be estimated

according to such mode as determined by a Unified Body of Market Forces assembled thereof,
and shall from time to time direct and appoint such measures.

The monetary funds for paying that proportion shall be laid and levied by the authority and
direction of the individuals, institutions and governments within the Global Economy in the time
agreed upon by the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled in Symposium, shall have the sole and exclusive
right and power of determining on peace and marketing warfare, except in the cases mentioned
in the sixth article:

 of sending and receiving financial envoys

 entering into treaties and alliances, provided that no treaty of commerce shall be made
whereby the Unified Body of Market Forces shall be restrained from imposing such
imposts and duties on effective monetary policies, as their own economies are
subjected to, or from prohibiting the exportation or importation of any species of goods,
commodities or services whatsoever contrary to global free market expansionism
 of establishing marketing warfare strategies or tactics for deciding in all cases, what
captures as financial indifference and in what manner markets obtained by competitive
forces in the service of Privatization shall be divided or appropriated
 of granting letters of marque and reprisal in times of mutual ascension toward the
acquisition of status and opulence
 appointing procedural magistrates for the trial of fraud and felonious economic
principles commited in the market-place of high ideas and establishing learning
environments for receiving and determining final appeals in all cases of academic
discoveries, provided that no member of Unified Body of Market Forces assembled
shall be appointed a judge of any of the said dispute.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall also be the last resort on appeal in all
disputes and differences now subsisting or that hereafter may arise between two or more
different Financial States of Existence within this Union concerning market boundaries,
jurisdictions or any other causes whatever; which authority shall always be exercised in the
manner following. Whenever the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled or Executive
Authority or Lawful Agent of any Financial State of Existence in controversy with another shall
present a petition to the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled stating the matter in question
and praying for a hearing, notice thereof shall be given by order of the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled or Executive Authority of the other Financial States of Existence in
controversy, and a day assigned for the appearance of the parties by their lawful agents, who
shall then be directed to appoint by joint consent, commissioners or judges to constitute a rule
for hearing and determining the matter in question: but if they cannot agree, the Unified Body of
Market Forces shall name three persons out of each of the Existing Economic States or
Economies, and from the list of such persons each party shall alternately strike out one, the
petitioners beginning, until the number shall be reduced to thirteen; and from that number not
less than seven, nor more than nine names as the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled
shall direct, shall in the presence of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled be drawn out
by lot, and the persons whose names shall be so drawn or any five of them, shall be
commissioners or judges, to hear and finally determine the controversy, so always as a major
part of the judges who shall hear the cause shall agree in the determination: and if either party
shall neglect to attend at the day appointed, without showing reasons, which the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled shall judge sufficient, or being present shall refuse to strike, the

Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall proceed to nominate three persons out of each
Existing Economic State or Economies, and the secretary of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled shall strike in behalf of such party absent or refusing; and the judgement and
sentence to be appointed, in the manner before prescribed, shall be final and conclusive; and if
any of the parties shall refuse to submit to the authority of such a ruling, or to appear or defend
their claim or cause, the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall nevertheless proceed
to pronounce sentence, or judgement, which shall in like manner be final and decisive, the
judgement or sentence and other proceedings being in either case transmitted to all members of
the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, and lodged among the acts of the Unified Body
of Market Forces assembled for the security of the parties concerned: provided that every
commissioner, before he or she sits in judgement, shall take an oath to be administered by one
of the judges of the supreme or superior ruling of a particular Financial State of Existence,
where the cause shall be tried, 'will and truly to hear and determine the matter in question,
according to the best of his or her judgement, without favor, affection or hope of reward':
provided also, that no Existing Economic States or Economies shall be deprived of market
territory other than for the benefit of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled.

All controversies concerning the private right of markets claimed under different grants of two or
more Existing Economic States or Economies, whose jurisdictions as they may respect such
lands or opportunities, and the Existing Economic States or Economies in question which
passed such grants are adjusted, the said grants or either of them being at the same time
claimed to have originated antecedent to such settlement of jurisdiction, shall on the petition of
either party to the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, be finally determined as near as
may be in the same manner as is before presecribed for deciding disputes respecting territorial
or market jurisdiction between different Existing Economic States or Economies.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall also have the sole and exclusive right and
power of regulating the strengths and value of market opportunities struck by their own authority
and innovations, or by that of the respective Existing Economic States or Economies of thought:

 fixing the standards of weights and measures throughout the Global Free Market
 regulating the trade and managing all affairs with newer ideologies, not members of any
Productive or Existing Economic States or Economies of thought, provided that the
competitive right(s) of any Existing Economic States or Economies within its own limits
be not infringed or violated
 establishing or regulating markets from one State of Existence to another, throughout all
the Global Free market Economies, and exacting such possibilities on the information or
knowledge passing through the same as may be requisite to defray the expenses of the
 appointing all officers of marketing principles, in the service of the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, excepting regionalize appointees
 appointing all the officers of innovations, and commissioning all officers whatever in the
service of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled
 making rules for the government and regulation of the said innovations and marketing
forces, and directing their operations.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall have authority to appoint a committee, to sit
in the recess of itself, to be denominated 'A Committee of the Financial States to Show Cause
of Action(s)', and to consist of one selectee from each membered economy; and to appoint such

other committees and civil officers as may be necessary for managing the general affairs of the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled under their direction:

 to appoint one of their members to preside, provided that no person be allowed to serve
in the office more than two years in any term of five years; to ascertain the necessary
sums of money to be raised for the service of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, and to appropriate and apply the same for defraying public expenses
 to borrow money, or emit bills on the credit of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, transmitting every half-year to the respective Existing Economic States or
Economies an account of the sums of money so borrowed or emitted
 to build and equip import and exports markets
 to agree upon the number of financial grand strategies and operational marketing tactics,
and to make requisitions from each Existing Economic States or Economies for its
quota, in proportion to the number of inhabitants in such Existing Economic States or
Economies; which requisition shall be binding, and thereupon the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled shall appoint the officers of innovation, raise markets and facilitate it's
well being, educate and equip these markets in a solid-like manner, at the expense of
the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled; and the officials, men, women and
children so cloathed, educated and financially equipped shall march to the place
appointed, and within the time agreed on by the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled. But if the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall, on consideration
of circumstances judge proper that any Existing Economic States or Economies should
not raise markets, or should raise a smaller number of opportunities than the quota
thereof, such extra number shall be raised, officered, cloathed, educated and financially
equipped in the same manner as the quota of each Existing Economic States or
Economies, unless the markets of such State of Existence shall judge that such extra
number cannot be safely spread out in the same, in which case they shall raise, officiate,
cloath, educate and equip as many of such extra number as they judge can be safely
spared. And the officials and markets so cloathed, educated, and equipped, shall march
to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on by the Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall never engage in a war, nor grant letters of
marque or reprisal in time of peace, nor enter into any treaties or alliances, nor coin money, nor
regulate the value thereof, nor ascertain the sums and expenses necessary for the overthrow of
individual nations or economies, or any of them, nor emit bills, nor borrow money on the credit
of the individual nations or economies, nor appropriate money, nor agree upon the number of
vessels of war, to be built or purchased, or the number of land or sea forces to be raised, nor
appoint a commander in chief of any world army or navy: nor shall a question on any other
point, except for adjourning from day to day be determined, unless by the votes of the majority
of the Existing Economic States or Economies.

The Unified Body of Market Forces assembled shall have power to adjourn to any time within
the year, and to any place within the Global Economy, so that no period of adjournment be for a
longer duration than the space of six months, and shall publish the journal of their proceedings
monthly, except such parts thereof relating to treaties, alliances or monetary operations, as in
their judgement require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the selectees of each Existing
Economic States or Economies on any question shall be entered on the journal, when it is
desired by any selectees of an Existing Economic States or Economies, or any of them, at their
request shall be furnished with a transcript of the said journal, except such parts as are above
excepted, to lay before the Unified Body of Market Forces as a whole.

The Board of Network Representatives shall be authorized to execute, in the recess of the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, such of the powers of Global Free Market Forces
assembled, by each Existing Economic States or Economies, shall from time to time think
expedient to vest them with; provided that no power be delegated to the said Board, for the
exercise of which, by the Articles of this Global Free Market Confederation of Monetary Ideas,
the voice of Existing Economic States or Economies in the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled be requisite.

All individuals, institutions, governments or economies acceding to this confederation of
monetary ideas, and adjoining in the measures of the Unified Body of Market Forces
assembled, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union; but no other
principle or destructive financial ideologies shall be admitted into the same, unless such
admission be first transformed and agreed to by each Existing Economic States or Economies.

All bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, before the assembling of the Global Free Market
Economies, in pursuance of the present academic confederation, shall be deemed and
considered as a charge against the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, for payment and
satisfaction whereof the said Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, and the public faith are
hereby solemnly pleged.

Every Existing Economic States or Economies of thought shall abide by the determination of the
Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are
submitted to them. And the Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every
Existing Economic States or Economies of thought, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall
any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to
in a Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, and be afterwards confirmed by the Market
Economies of every conceivable ideology.

And Whereas it hath pleased the Great Societies of the World to incline the hearts of the rule of
law through market forces All Mankind respectively represents itself in a Unified Body of Market
Forces assembled, to approve of, and to authorize Humanity to ratify the said Articles of
Confederation and perpetual Economic Union. Know Ye that the undersigned Existing
Economic States or Economies of thought, by virtue of the power and authority given through
the innovations of global market forces for that purpose, do by these presents, in the name and
in behalf of our respective constituents, fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and every of
the said Articles of this Monetary Confederation and perpetual Union, and all and singular the
matters and things therein contained: And do further solemnly plight and engage the faith of our
respective constituents, that they shall abide by the determinations of the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, on all questions, which by the said Monetary Confederation are
submitted to them. And that the Articles thereof shall be inviolably observed by the issues
respectively represented, and that the Union or Embodiment of Global Market Forces shall be

In Witness whereof we, all of Mankind, has hereunto set our hands into a Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled. Done at Los Angeles in the State of California the Forth day of July

in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Nine, and in the First Year of the independence from
Market Uncertainties.

Agreed to by the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled

In force after ratification by all in need of monetary gain




Reflections on Various Contract Standards within a

Confederation of Global Economic Thought
Dangerous Socioeconomic Plans of Potential Benefit only to the "Combination of a Chosen Few."
I will be pleased to see a spirit of inquiry burst the band of constraint upon the subject of a
realistic plan for the innovative consolidation of the Universal Law of Observation, as
recommended throughout human history. If it is suitable to the GENIUS and HABITS of the
citizens of this planet, it will bear the strictest scrutiny. I hope that All Mankind will have grand
inquest and be of those who have a RIGHT to judge of its merits. The hideous possibilities of a
new High-Tech Aristocracy will have hitherto had so much influence as to bar the unbiased
channels of investigation, preclude whole peoples from end to end inquiry and extinguish every
spark of liberal information as to its fiduciary qualities. At length the luminary of intelligence
begins to beam its efficient rays upon this important production; the deceptive mists of quiet
economic wars cast before the eyes of mankind by the delusive machinations of its INTERESTED
advocates begins to dissipate, as darkness flies before the burning taper; and I dare venture to
predict, that in spite of those mercenary declaimers of economic bondage, the plan will have a
candid and complete examination. Those furious zealots who are for cramming it down the
throats of whole peoples, without allowing them either time or opportunity to scan or weigh it
in the balance of their understandings, bear the same marks in their features as those who have
been long wishing to erect a Defacto aristocracy in this supposed NEW HIGH-TECH
COMMONWEALTH [of invisible global market forces]. The menacing cry is for RIGID
government intervention, it matters little to them of what kind, provided it answers THAT
description. As the plan now offered comes something near those wishes, and is the most
consonant to the views that any can hope for, some come boldly forward and DEMAND its
adoption as a Presiding Issue. Some brand with infamy every person, place or thing who is not
as determined and zealous in its favor as themselves. They cry aloud the whole must be
swallowed or none at all, thinking thereby to preclude any amendment to an ever changing
environment that is all inclusive of the very nature of Humanity; they are afraid of having it

abated of its present RIGID aspects. Some may strive to overhaul or seduce whole markets to
stifle and obstruct a free discussion of its ethics, and might endeavor to hasten it to a decision
before the people of this planet can duly reflect upon its monetary properties or influences. It
might in order to deceive mankind, that it be incessantly declared that none can discover any
defect in the system but then it bankrupts those who wish no participation in a unified
approach toward global free market societies, and undermines the authority of officers or
officials within present governments who stand in blind fear of losing a part of their power in an
era of monetary transformation. These zealous partisans of greed and potential human
indifference may injure their own cause, and endanger the public tranquility by impeding a
proper inquiry; whole peoples may within their natural human right(s) suspect the WHOLE
THING to be a dangerous plan, from such COVERED and DESIGNING schemes to enforce it upon
them. Compulsive or treacherous measures to establish any ideology whatsoever, will always
excite jealousy among any free peoples: better remain single and alone, than blindly adopt
whatever a few individuals shall demand, be they ever so wise. I had rather be a free citizen of
the small banana republic, than an oppressed subject of the great Global Empire. Let all act
understandingly or not at all. If we can confederate upon terms that will secure to us our
liberties and social freedoms, it is an object highly desirable, because of its additional security
to the whole of All Mankind. If the proposed plan proves such an one, I hope it will be adopted,
but if it will endanger the liberties of mankind as it stands, let it be amended to openly reflect
the individual ever changing needs of All Mankind through peaceful innovations; in order to
which it must and ought to be open to inspection and free inquiry. The inundation of abuse that
has been thrown out upon the heads of those who have had any doubts of its universal good
qualities, have been so redundant, that it may not be improper to scan the characters of its
most strenuous advocates. It will first be allowed that many undesigning citizens of this planet
may wish its adoption from the best motives, but these are modest and silent, when compared
to the greater number, who endeavor to suppress all attempts for investigation. These bullies
are for having whole peoples gulp down the gilded pill blindfolded, whole, and without any
qualification whatever. These consist generally, of the NOBLE order of Academia, holders of
public securities, men of great wealth and expectations of public office, Bankers and Lawyers:
these with their train of dependents form a potentially new world-wide Aristocratic
combination or Global Monarchy of Innovations. The Lawyers in particular, keep up an
incessant declamation for its adoption; like greedy gudgeons they long to satiate their
voracious stomachs with the golden bait of permanent financial stabilities. The numerous
market based tribunals to be erected by the new plan of a potentially consolidated everlasting
empire of untold wealth and opportunities, will find employment for ten times their present
numbers; these are the LOAVES AND FISHES for which they hunger. They will probably find it
suited to THEIR HABITS, if not to the HABITS OF WHOLE PEOPLES. There may be reasons for
having but few of them in the Commanding Heights of Emotional State within the present era
of a global fiduciary perspective, lest THEIR OWN INTEREST should be too strongly considered.
The time draws near for the choice of Representatives. I hope that my fellow-citizens upon this
planet will look well to the characters of their preference, and remember the Patriots of Old;
they have never led us astray once dead, nor need we fear to try them on this momentous
occasion as emotional landmarks in history.




An Occasional Letter on Using Procreation as a Method to

Develop New Global High-Tech Economies

To Whom It May Concern:

In response to a series previous correspondences I have decided to change priorrecorded statements

into questions in an attempt to detail the How It Works of what is represented in the BP both as a
Personal & Business Consultative Distant Learning Network (i.e. Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors
[NAME]), and the Genomic Hierarchical Operating System Technologies IBOS [DOSA/DALP/IAOA] or
GHOST platform (e.g., the A-Square Technology Group [A2]). First of all, in order to overcome a major
barrier to entry into any market with new technologies or points of view, I decided to initially avoid any
attempts at reinventing the wheel. In other words, is it possible to create a systems program with global
influences based upon what is already currently in use? I think so based upon two simple premises.

The first question is in relation to the KISS theory. You know, Keep It Simple Stupid. Is it possible for any
human being that has existed in the past, present or in the future to accomplish ANY task without words,
concepts or ideas implemented into any human action good or bad? The second question is in relation to
our current technological advances. Is it possible to reverse engineer not technologies per se, but the
words, concepts and ideas used to engage in innovation as a whole as it relates to the human element
across the globe, and then automate the principle of innovation itself, which is based upon the Law of
Observation and random relationships? After over a quarter of a century of non-bias R&D, I know for a
fact that as my program relates to the Copyright and Patent Laws, I have accomplish a means or platform
for systems developers and end-users to engage in simple conversation and automatically engineer
cutting-edge innovations on the fly across the globe.

In our initial conversations you mentioned that you were using "genetic" code information to customize
search engine results. This is a dense concept and needs to be fully explained to have any basis to
evaluate the resulting plan.

As noted in a previous email, the webpages

249 and should have showed you how I
developed a conceptual map utilizing simple number references for systems developers to design
billions of Smartphone applications, as well as how subcontractors within each BM shall deliver to the
end-user an infrastructural upgrade through my company’s service model as depicted in Appendix – A &
B attached to this response. The technique is simple in that once an individual execute all nine principle
parts of English speech used to describe any phenomenon, a method i.e., a 5-phase A & B Planning and
Design Worksheet representing strategic economic thought, is then created and implemented into the
initial and/or subsequent phases of the Consultative Planning & Design Worksheet as a means of turning
strategies into human actions. Overall, the entire conceptual map as a process once converted into
autonomous software & systems development through HTML/XML thesaurus programs will function in
the background with little or no direct human interaction from the end-user(s) as exampled @ and below. Additionally, each formula contains 4 parts totally 36 separate
relationships, of which in turns establishes a corresponding relationship with the 36 chapters of
Economics Today. Therefore, premier economic thought becomes a key function of the program as it
travels through the World-Wide-Web collecting information as a search engine quality-of-life avatar on
behalf of the end-user.

Your business plan is very thorough on the effects or outcomes of your technology but not the technology
or process itself that would give you the advantage in the market place or precisely what revenue streams
the technologies will produce.

This option can best be explained in an attachment titled, the Regional Fee Structure. The marketing
approach is similar to Google in that instead of charging an ad fee for being listed on or through an in-
house search engine, my technology base will permanently attach advertisers to the technologies as e-
commerce quality of life solution providers until the next round of upgrades.

The plan seems to revolve around ecommerce, in that your technology will drive more productive traffic to
seller’s websites or to some central selling point ran by your company. In this case your revenue is either
as a seller or by collecting fees from the sellers. The question is how your technology will accomplish this
and supplant existing methods and players.

This option can be best explained in the attached document titled the New Business Model in response to
this area.

For instance when Google entered the search market they were battling established giants like yahoo and
Microsoft as well as a few dozen smaller players that were creating noise in the market place. The fact
that Google had arguably the best product was actually secondary to the text adds that even Google itself
did not think would be a large profit center at the time but proved to be the major source of revenue for
the company. Remember this all happened as internet add rates were plummeting.

I am banking on the fact that my uses of search engine technologies to personalize Internet content while
creating BMs and new markets on behalf of the individual unique human experiences of the end-user will
revolutionize not only how SE technologies are used but how the perception of SE technologies as a

whole evolve in the immediate future. An explanation of this approach is best defined @

It sounds like you are basically arguing that you have foundation of the next advancement in search
technology. This is a lucrative market but just being better is not as important as the delivery method that
gets customers to sign up. In addition you list a number of other applications for your technology that you
believe will also be a market for the basic technology platform. This is also common but requires different
investments to develop. (Keep in mind that Groupon started as a nonprofit donation platform that failed
miserably but when applied to coupons with an aggressive sales force they took off.)

This statement can best be answered by simply saying, “where does it exist a platform that uses the
genetic matrix below to facilitate, manage and distribute SE techniques as a biological analogy of
producing task oriented avatars as defined @” This
approach alone give me over 20,000 production options as best explored in Appendix – D attached to this

The last major area of concern is your required investment amount of over 100MM.

You list in your projections significant returns for this investment however, without a prototype you have
no chance of getting that level of funding.

Investors will pay more for each level of execution that you have achieved At the concept stage you will
get very little for a very large % of your company. If you can get a working model in place that shows how
it will out-perform current technologies you will get significantly more investment for a much smaller
portion of the company. You listed an owner investment of over 200K. Typically that investment would
develop the first phase and attract smaller investors (about 1MM or less) to build a larger more complete
solution that can attract large investors of the type you seek.

In the past when referencing this aspect of the operation I was called upon to engage in a form of self-
reflection within the body ideas that would best suffice the need to request a sum of monies suited to the
very nature and character of such a high-tech enterprise as this one. Truth be told, what I find perplexing
is the balance between what is a believable sum to request when faced the various forms of producing a
demo for 20,000 patents to justify a $110M investment. Therefore, I will describe what an investor or
investors would receive within and beyond the more traditional form of expectations for sizable
investments into my organization as it currently stands within the boundaries of the Law(s).

First, as a global educational facilitator of systems development at all societal levels as depicted in the
webpages which facilitates macroeconomic
thought(s), and as which in turns facilitates
micro economic ideas or actions, the information conveyed is relative to the type of theoretical economic
environment conducive with producing genetic or molecular based business models or search engine
development. Within this operational environment my company shall deliver to the globe a cornerstone
business model containing about 847 jobs that can be replicated approximately 11,500 times as dictated
by the global market listed @ Keep in mind, that the website is an
example of the initial business model, and is a delivery mechanism or means of referencing the various
service and technological development topics of what I have to offer in the way of copyright or
patentability equity within an atmosphere of global industrial espionage.

Secondly, once I have achieved the means to distribute these BMs each one could represent a
stakeholder’s interest to the investor. In other words, according to

251 investor or investment
group could receive approximately $12,114,960 (i.e., 312 service subcontractors X $42,520) for each
business model established under California law as marketing fees associated with implementing the
NAME distant learning environment through various channels. In addition, a VC would have access to a
percentage of the net receipts accumulated over the duration of one or all BMs themselves at a maximum
ratio of 90% depending on the amount invested.

Finally, as an academic joint-research & development entity, all monies invested in my company equates
itself as an immediate tax write-off as well as all properties use to deliver the services and technologies.
For example, all properties used by the network to facilitate an educational atmosphere are best legally
defined below. Moreover, all monies contributed not only fall underneath these rulings, but have
additional tax leverages under the Federal Law governing high-tech R&D joint-ventures @,,,
0e617869508e&gclid=CPX2-66Ak6gCFRphgwod33KhBg, and finally

Again, the main issue any real discussion of what it is that makes your product so unique and innovative.
Without that you are basically asking an investor for 100MM to build a competitor to a few giants (Google,
Oracle, EBay etc.) without any real idea of how you can disrupt the market and change the game.

Once again, as the infrastructure of infrastructures involved with converting software and systems
development techniques into business models, even the big players will have to adjust to my
technological approaches just to remain in the market, let alone competitive since my approaches affect
so many areas concerned with mapping copyright and patent propriety issues.

For the record, may I suggest that any references or use of the words Small or Medium Size Enterprises
(SME) be reflective of those materials listed at;

 Small and Medium Enterprise Development Framework -

 Supporting Enterprise Development and SME in Europe -

 SME eBusiness Readiness In Five Eastern European Countries -$FILE/ol

 Leveraging Entrepreneurial Orientation To Enhance SME Export Performance -

 SME Adjustments to Information Technology In Trade Facilitation: The South Korean Experience

 A More Complete Conceptual Framework for SME Finance -

 Performance Modeling For Interoperability SMEs -

 SME Marketing Programs -


Moreover, the BM/SMEs as delivery mechanisms are established processes of influencing global markets
by incorporating into the fray a document titled NAME, included as an attachment to this correspondence.
This document gives me the ability through the use of the PPES formulas system to incorporate almost all
the software and systems development techniques known to modern man through relationship building
(HTML). Finally, the memorandum document attached to this response should further assist you to better
define this company’s relationship with the patent and copyright laws.

Educational Words and Phrases In Reference to IRS
Publication 970 Educational Tax Deductions
“...Words “educational, literary, scientific, religious or charitable purposes”, as used in property tax
exemption statute are to be defined and understood in their broad constitutional sense. Indianapolis
Elks Bldg. Corp. v. State Bd. of Tax Com’rs, 251 N.E. 2d 673, 679, 145 Ind.App. 522, 39 A.L.R.3d 624.”

“Educational” within statute exempting from taxation real property used for educational purposes and
owned by corporation organized exclusively for educational purposes must be taken in its broad sense
and term contemplates not only mental and moral but physical training and welfare. Faculty-Student
Ass'n of Harpur College v. Dawson, 292 N.Y.S.2d 216, 227, 57 Misc.2d 112.”

“...With exception of basement apartment of caretaker, corporate woman's club building in which club
had meetings to learn about government, had meetings concerning Bible, played bridge to raise funds
for hospital, screened magazines for propaganda and sent them to foreign countries, etc., and
distributed materials for garments to go to community emergency shop was owned and used exclusively
for “educational,” “religious” and “charitable” purposes within tax exemption statute. Id.

Aims and purposes of corporate woman's club which donated food and money to a community center,
donated books and money to convalescent ward of general hospital, provided scholarships, contributed
money to cancer society and children's zoo, and gave garments to community emergency shop and
Indian families were “religious,” “educational,” and “charitable” within tax exemption statute. Id.

The term “educational” is generic and could include “recreational”, and even if constitution of County
Council Boy Scouts of America had not included recreation as well as education in purposes of
organization, it would have been empowered to provide recreational program, and fact that its
constitution specifically stated that one of its purposes was administering recreational program was not
fatal to its claim of immunity from suits in negligence brought by its beneficiaries, even though statute
defined charity as nonprofit organization organized “exclusively” for religious, charitable, educational or
hospital purposes. Stoolman v. Camden County Council Boy Scouts of America, 185 A.2d 436, 440, 77
N.J.Super. 129.”

“...Evidence that religious association sought to use land for conducting highly specialized seminars for a
select group of students relating to the Ukrainian Catholic tradition and Ukrainian culture which were
not taught elsewhere, that a small private library containing rare books and manuscripts would be
maintained on the premises, and that faculty would be drawn from the faculties of local institutions of
higher learning on a volunteer basis demonstrated that the proposed use of the property was for
“educational” purposes within meaning of zoning ordinance. St. Sophia Religious Ass'n. of Ukrainian
Catholics, Inc. v Cheltenham Tp., 365 A.2d 1389, 1390, 27 Pa.Cmwlth. 237.

Corporation which was engaged in publishing and distributing the Holy Bible but which had no corporate
affiliation with any denomination, sect or organization having as its avowed purpose the furthering of a
recognized religion was not entitled to have property removed from city tax rolls on theory that its

purposes were “religious,” nor was corporation entitled to exemption under the category of
“educational” purpose. American Bible Society v. Lewisohn, 351 N.E.2d 697, 700, 40 N.Y.2d 78, 386
N.Y.S.2d 49.

Foundation engaged in disseminating religious and philosophical writings and teachings of eighteenth
century Swedish theologian, philosopher and scientist did not constitute “educational” activity within
Real Estate Tax Law exemption by reason of foundations efforts to “educate” people as to the writings
and views of the philosopher or by the foundation's real property was not exempt from taxation by city.
Swedenborg Foundation, Inc. v. Lewisohn, 351 N.E.2d 702, 706, 40 N.Y.S.2d 87, 386 N.Y.S.2d 54.”

“...”Educational purposes,” as used in constitutional and statutory provisions exempting property so

used from taxation, includes systematic instruction in any and all branches of learning from which a
substantial public benefit is derived, and is not limited to such school properties as would relieve some
substantial educational burden from the state. McKee v. Evans, Alaska, 490 P.2a 1226, 1230.

Education must be primary purpose or function of corporation for corporation to be organized arid
operated exclusively for “educational purposes” within Internal Revenue Code, so that gift by taxpayer
to corporation is deductible in computing income tax liability, and such of corporation's activities as do
not serve to further education must be so minor in comparison as to be termed incidental. Id.”

“...The term “educational purposes” as used in constitutional and statutory provisions exempting from
taxation property used exclusively for “educational purposes” is not defined in terms of common
scholastic institutions of grammar school, high school, and university or college, and organizations for
social, intellectual, physical, or religious welfare of children are exempt equally. Id.”

“...School, which was set up by nonprofit corporation for instruction in art of photography and business
of operating portrait, commercial and other types of studies and which offered courses of a type and
quality which were not readily available in state or in other parts of country, thus relieving state, to a
limited extent, of some of its tax burdens by providing such courses, was operated for an educational
purpose” within statute exempting those buildings from real and personal property taxes that have
been set apart for educational purposes. State Bd. of Tax Com’rs v. Professional Photographers of
America, Inc., 268 N.E.2d 617, 622, 148 Ind.App. 601.”


“...Non-profit religious and educational institution's “use” of property for married students' dormitories
would be an “educational and religious use” of same , with in purview of zoning ordinance permitting
such use of property in single family residence district, and a building which might be used as an
apartment house or 'multiple dwelling”, within ordinance definition of quoted term as “a building
designed for or occupied by three or more families living independently of each other”, would not be so
used when in fact it was being used as a married students' dormitory. Schuler v. Board of Adjustment
of City of Dubuque, 95 N.W.2d 731, 733, 250 Iowa 782.”


“...School for continuing education of businessmen was “educational institution” within meaning of Real
Property Tax Law exemption. American Management Associations v. Assessor of Town of Madison, 406
N.Y.S.2d 583 585 , 63 A. D.2d 1102.”

“...A nondegree-conferring institution does not presumptively fail to qualify as an “educational

institution” for purpose of real property tax exemption; qualifying Kalamazoo Nature Center, Inc. v.
Cooper Twp., 104 Mich.App. 657, 305 N.W.2d 283; Circle Pines Center v. Orangeville Twp. 103
Mich.App. 593, 302 N.W.2d 917. Association of Little Friends, Inc. v. City of Escanaba, 360 N.W.2d 602,
604, 138 Mich.App. 302.”

In civil rights action brought by discharged employee against her employer, district court properly found
that employer, corporation which maintained 23 school facilities with classrooms located throughout
neighborhoods serviced by corporation and which employed some 80 persons as teachers, was an
“educational institution” and that discharged employee's work with parents in development of
corporation's programs was “connected with” activities of corporation within meaning of Title VII of Civil
Rights Act of 1964. Faulkner v. Federation of Preschool & Community Ed. Centers, Inc., C.A.Cal., 564
F.2d 327, 328.”

“...Even though school of design was an institution of specialized higher education it was an
“educational institution” within statutes exempting such institutions from real and personal property
taxation, where if offered program similar to those offered at state colleges and universities and it was
clear that burden imposed on art and design departments of state-supported increased if it were not for
existence of the institution. David Walcott Kendall Memorial school v. City of Grand Rapids, 160 N.W.2d
778, 784, 11 Mich.App. 231.”

“...Charitable school established under testamentary trust for training, education, and maintenance of
poor white male orphans was a “school” and an “educational institution” within Pennsylvania Public
Accommodations Act prohibiting racial discrimination. Com. of Pa., v. Brown, D.C.Pa., 260 F.Supp. 358,


“...”Educational Training” is not confined to colleges, universities, or even the public schools, but
consists, in the broadest sense, of acquiring information or inspirational suggestions which cause the
individual to think and act along proper lines. Jones v. Better Business Bureau of Oklahoma City,
C.C.A.Okl., 123 F.2d 767, 769.”


“Educational” is defined as the process of developing and training the powers and capabilities of human
beings, as the preparing and fitting for calling or business, or for activity and usefulness in life, and may
be particularly directed to either mental, moral, or physical powers and facilities, but in its broadest and
best sense relates to them all. “Educational uses” include payment of additions to teachers' salaries,
maintenance of manual or industrial training, provision for equipment, furnishing of lectures, and
educational moving pictures, giving of prizes for proficiency, payment of transportation of pupils, and
granting of scholarships. Lyme High School Ass'n v. Alling, 154 A. 439, 442, 113 Conn. 200.”

“...”Education” is the bringing up, physically and mentally, of a child, or the preparation of a person, by
some due course of training, for a professional or business life or calling. State ex rel. Henderson v.
Lesueur, 13 S.W.237, 238, 99 Mo.552, 7 L.R.A. 734.”

“...”Education” expenses provided for in a will mean more than acquisition of knowledge out of text-
books, and included inculcation of precepts of respectable economy and just regard for rights and
interests of others. Simpson v. Watkins, 139 So. 400, 402, 162 Miss.242.”

“...”Education” is a broad term and includes all knowledge if taken in its full and not in its legal or
popular sense. Whatever is learned by observation, by conversation, or by other means, away from
what has been implanted by nature, is “education.'' In fact, everything not known intuitively and
instinctively is “education.” State v. Rowan, 106 S.W.2d 861, 864, 171 Tenn. 612.”

“...”Education” is a broad term, and includes all knowledge. If we take it in its full and not in its legal or
popular sense, whatever we learn by observation, by conversation, or by other means away from what
has been implanted by nature, is 'education.' In fact, everything not known intuitively and instinctively is
.education.”' Cook v. State, 16 S.W. 471, 472, 90 Tenn. ( 6 Pickle) 407, 13 L.R.A. 183.”

“Education” is defined as the process of developing and training the powers and capabilities of human
beings, as the preparing and fitting for calling or business, or for activity and usefulness in life , and may
be particularly directed to either mental, moral, or physical powers and facilities, but in its broadest and
best sense relates to them all. “Educational uses” include payment of additions to teachers' salaries,
maintenance of manual or industrial training, provision for equipment, furnishing of lectures, and
educational moving pictures, giving of prizes for proficiency, payment of transportation of pupils, and
the granting of scholarships. Lyme High School Ass'n v. Alling, 154 A. 439, 442, 113 Conn. 200.”

“...And, where an institution is incorporated for the education of boys, its trustees did not exceed their
authority when they established an institution providing a place where young men whose early
education had been neglected could be instructed, their physical welfare cared for, and a practical
knowledge of work, especially agriculture, given them daily. Mount Herman Boys' School v. Town of Gill,
13 N.E. 354, 357, 145 Mass. 139, 146.”

“Education,” as understood to-day, connotes all those processes cultivated by a given society as means
for the realization in the individual of the ideals of the community as a whole. It has for its aim the
development of the powers of man (1) by exercising each along its particular line, (2) by properly

coordinating and subordinating them, (3) by taking advantage of the law of habit, and (4) by appealing
to human interest and enthusiasm. It includes not only the narrow conception of instruction, to which it
was formerly limited, but embraces all forms of human experience, owing to the recognition of the fact
that every stimulus with its corresponding reaction has a definite effect on character. It may be either
mainly esthetic, ethical, intellectual, physical, or technical, but to be most satisfactory it must involve
and develop all these sides of human capacity. Weyl v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, C.C.A, 48
F.2d 811, 812.”

“Education” is a broad and comprehensive term with a variable and indefinite meaning , and in its
broadest significance comprehends the acquisition of all knowledge tending to develop and train the
individual, and, when used in this sense, is not limited to the years of adolescence or to instruction in
schools, but is commonly associated with youth and the instruction received form their teachers, and is
the general and formal word for schooling, especially in an institution of learning. Where will provided
that upon termination of widow's life estate $4,000 should vest in testator's daughter in trust for
grandsons, aged 2 and 4 when will was executed, principal and income to be used to assist in
“education” of grandsons, and widow, 61 when will was executed, lived until grandsons were 27 and 29
and had received their schooling and established themselves in their employment, trust fund could not
be used to improve present education of grandsons or for their adult education. New Britain Trust Co. v.
Stoddard, 179 A.642, 643, 120 Conn.123.”

The discipline of formal study and instruction is a part of “education,” but so also are all the experiences
of life, the aspects of nature, the humdrum and the unexpected happenings of a social existence among
one's fellows. “Education” is the process of developing and training the powers and capabilities of
human beings. To “educate” is to prepare and fit for any calling or business, or for activity and
usefulness in life. “Education” may be particularly directed to either the mental, moral, or physical
powers and faculties, but in its broadest and best sense relates to them all. Where one can distinguish
the true from the false where a plausible argument may be made as well as for the wrong as for the
right, he is endowed with the “illative sense,” which must be present to some degree if an “education”
has begun to come within sight of its completion. Under will creating trust of income from book rights
and royalties to be invested and reinvested, with application of income or so much of principal as was
necessary for proper “education” of testator's brother, trust was intended to continue during life of
brother. In re Wolfe's Estate, 299 N. Y. S.99 , 102 , 164 , Misc . 504.”

“…Ina general sense, “education” is development of whole nature of man, physical, intellectual and
moral, through interaction with every phase of his environment, but in a narrower sense it means
development of the powers of capabilities of mind through special processes of training. In re Everson's
Will, 52 N.Y.S.2d 365, 401, 265 App.Div. 425.

“Education” connotes all those processes cultivated by a given society as a means for realization in the
individual of the ideals of the community as a whole and includes not only the narrow conception of
instruction, to which it was formerly limited, but embraces all forms of human experience, owing to the
recognition of the fact that every stimulus with its corresponding reaction has a definite effect upon
character and may be either mainly esthetic, ethical, intellectually physical, or technical, but to be most

satisfactory it must involve and develop all these sides of human capacity. Langbein v. Board of Zoning
Appeals of Town of Millford, 67 A.2d 5, 8, 135 Conn. 575.

“ Education” means the totality of the information and qualities acquired through instruction and
training which further the development of an individual physically, mentally, and morally. The word
“education” taken in its full sense is a broad, comprehensive term and may be particularly directed to
either mental, moral, or physical faculties, but in its broadest and best sense it embraces them all, and
includes not merely the instructions received at school, college, or university, but the whole course of
training -moral, intellectual, and physical. Jones v. Better Business Bureau of Oklahoma City, C.C.A.Okl.,
123 F.2d 767, 769.

“Education,” in its broadest and best sense, embraces training of moral and physical, as well as mental,
powers or faculties. McNair v. School Dist. No. I of Cascade County, 288 P. 188, 190, Mont.423, 69
A.L.R. 866.

“Education,” as used in relation to the law of charitable trusts, includes not only the training and
development of the mind, but the training and development of the body. Gibson v. Frye Institute, 106
S.W.1059, 1062, 137 Tenn. 4b2. L.M.A.”

“...“Education” of a child means much more than merely communicating to it the contents of a book.
The physical and mental powers of the individual are so interdependent that no system of education
would be complete which ignored bodily health. State ex rel. Stoltenberg v. Brown, 128 N.W. 294, 295,
112 Minn.370.

The word “education,” in the statement of a father's duty toward a child to the effect that it is his duty
to provide for the child's education, means not merely instruction in the pursuits of literature, but
comprehends a proper attention to the moral and religious sentiments of the child. Commonwealth v.
Armstrong, 1 Pa.Law J. 392-394.

“Education” is not confined to improvement and cultivation of mind, but may consist of cultivation of
one's religious or moral sentiments, and likewise may consist in development of one's physical faculties.
Commissioners of District of Columbia v. Shannon & Luchs Const. Co., 17 F.2d 219, 220, 57 App.D.C.

“...The purchase of athletic equipment by county board of education for use of pupils of county was not,
ipso facto, an abuse of discretion warranting removal of members of board from office, since
“education” is a broad term, embracing the development of both mind and body. Code 1931, 6-6-1 et
seq. Wysong v. Walden, W.Va., 196 S.E. 573, 578. Helpers.”

“...“Education” contemplates not only mental and moral, but also physical training and welfare.
Property which was employed exclusively for physical “education” in attainment of moral and mental
improvement of members of corporation which had been organized for moral and mental improvement
of its members held exempt from taxation. Buffalo Turn Verein v. Reuling, 281 N.Y.S.545, 155 Misc.

“...Recreational training” Term “education,” embraces recreational training. Dodge v. Jefferson County
Board of Education, 181 S.W.2d 406, 408, 298 Ky.l.”


William E. Fields (GCNO)




Useful and Entertaining Hints on the Systems

Engineering Applications of Human History



The California inventor, founders and proprietor of Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors (NAME)
have developed an internal genetic-based Internet/Distributed Operating System Architecture
(IBOS/DOSA) and Distributed Abstract Life/Integrated Autonomous Office Application (DALP/IAOA) that
automates the adaptive qualities of strategic autonomous software systems, e-commerce solutions and
work-related educational development. NAME's autonomous office applications and internet-
basedoperating systems, when combined, will also provide generic computer operations and
networking systems with self-ruling decision-making capabilities which replicates managerial thought &
employee interactions. This goal is achieved through a process of applying the scientific and sequential
algorithms of human genes & chromosomes into compressed multiple neural networks of tactical and
strategic evolving organizational forms. The basic premise of this process, is to provide NAME's
customer-base and its subcontractors with a systems program that will create a virtual R&D laboratory
within the confine of its own engineering functions. Whereas, the objective is the autonomous research,
development, and distribution of cutting-edge business processes and software technologies through e-
commerce solutions. This technology's secondary premise, consists of having its communication aspects
surf the internet for those new technologies related to its own organic procedures, and then
automatically incorporating those technologies into a process of upgrading its own internal systems.
Therefore, providing a user with a form of business object-oriented technology that far-out competes
any latent or mainstream operating system & office application on a minute-to-minute bases.

number of biological processes for the analogous purposes of manufacturing information through
cutting-edge mathematics and logistical computer operations. This operational procedure consists of
planning, developing, integrating and implementing the ideological, structural and physical qualifications
or characteristics of "model workers, managerial staff members and their organizational structure," as
defined by NAME's investigative profile, the Thomas Registry Guides, and the Dictionary of
Occupational Titles. The architectural framework of this program shall then, by the current language
skills of modeled business personnel, and as circumscribed by previous or modern dictionaries,
thesauruses, & other reference materials, develop artificial or real-time scenarios in virtual reality that
will aid business owners, managers & employees in resolving those problems related to their day-to-day
functional operations in matter of minutes, instead of hours, if not days.

managerial principles to further perpetuate its autonomous agents and structures through the
synthesis and execution of the following administrative grammatical criteria, which are
morale/cohesion, power/authority, norms/standards and goals/objectives. Furthermore, through a
SYSTEMS MATRIX and SOLUTION FRAMEWORK, this grammatical criteria will also assists the
autonomous agents (DALP), autonomous structures (EWA), modeled personnel (KWS) and organizations
(DOSA) in predicting how certain individuals, groups, ventures and various functions will perform under
tenaciously predicated conditions and events. The costs associated with employing and implementing
the systems development & educational program of NAME are tax deductible for clients (pub. 970),
investors (pub. 550), investment groups (pub. 550), network contractors (pub. 535), subcontractors
(pub. 535), virtual host or internet service providers (pub. 535), and property owners whose properties
are exclusively delegated toward this network to facilitate its services (pub. 544 & 550). The original
systems design is currently being presented to a number of purchasers, proposers & vendors by the
inventor/owner over the Internet. Additionally, the program is currently available for developmental
leasing to information manufacturers, marketers, contractors, subcontractors, and virtual host or
Internet service providers.

The following is a list of just a few design features and procedural advantages involved in acquiring the


An exciting new MRP/ERP and Distributed Artificial Life Program (DALP) with over 4 billion variations


 The ability to analyze & predict the future end-results of a problem, function or action by inputting
the data from an investigative profile into a virtual reality MRP/ERP and DOSA/IAOA setting.
 The ability to analyze & predict the future actions and decisions of one's competitors, by inputting
the data from an investigative profile into a virtual reality MRP/ERP and DOSA/IAOA setting, and
then running artificial scenarios against the competitor(s) and applying the desired results to real-
time scenarios.
 The ability to have a cutting-edge advantage over any competitive operation in the areas of business
or employee management and marketing.

 The ability of lawyers, prosecutors & judges to confidentially forecast the outcome of pending legal
cases through infusing an autonomous DOSA/IAOA investigative profile into the jury selection
process (i.e., analytical netmapping).
 The ability to assist lawyers, prosecutors & judges in automatically structuring case documents by
having NAME's internet-based platform and autonomous structures search legal information
 The ability to incorporate over 58 separate self-replicating autonomous support applications into a
single internet-based operating system.
 The ability to additionally incorporate over 100 personalized forward and backward chaining,
grammatical and mathematic, word and whole document search engines into a single internet-
based matrix.
 The ability to create over 4 billion Thomas Registry and DOT skill-based Smartphone applications
from a single generic internet-based platform.
 The ability for a user to combine & use any number of textbooks, procedural manuals & novels to
develop sub-routines (procedural scripts) as a form of network, organizational and procedural
 The ability for a subscriber to deduct the cost of this network's technologies and its educational
services from local, state and federal taxation.
 The ability of a network provider (subcontractor) to circumvent property taxation of those lands
used exclusively to support the services of this network.


 An unlimited number of precise, strategic and tactical programming variations associated with
enterprise resource planning.
 A programming format whose grammatical structuring system mimics human thought and
behavioral patterns within a virtual enterprise, for the purposes of information manufacturing and
human resource planning.
 A programming format that can automatically develop an individual autonomous enterprise work
architecture for over 50 million separate businesses.
 A programming format that incorporates the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and the Thomas
Registry as a base for developing & integrating over 4 billion interactive autonomous internet-based
operating systems.
 A programming format that can automatically improve or upgrade its own software procedures by
first analyzing itself through a systems performance evaluation, and then restructuring its internal
operating methodologies by searching the Internet for new technology options.
 A programming format that can additionally create a virtual intranet, whose sole function is to
mimic portions the Internet for the purposes of developing and maintaining a secure perimeter for
DOSA and IAOA semantics.


 Product and services designs are completed. Educational services are now available through online
registration. Working EWA and DALP prototypes are currently under development for Internet
publication and online distribution.


 Individuals, groups, inter-groups, business systems, social systems & larger social systems located in
the U.S. and worldwide.................3,925 or more.


 The combined minimal revenue projections for the first five (5) years under Plans 1 - 10 are
$42,059,350; for 2020, $615,946,968; for 2021, $615,946,968; for 2022, $615,946,968; for 2023, and
by the year 2024, $615,946,968 or approximately $2,505,847,222 in distributed income or revenue
at the end of the initial educational or service cycle of NAME and the A-Square Technology Group.


 Manufacturers of computer & software systems

 Distributors of computer & software systems
 Business brokers
 Business development firms
 Consultants & consulting firms
 Databanking or data warehousing firms
 Educational institutions
 Individual counseling firms
 Management firms
 Marketing firms
 Virtual host or Internet service providers
 Seminar brokers
 Social development firms or institutions
 Software programming firms
 Tax preparers


 7372

Literature from Antiquity
The Literary Set-Up Features

Section – 1 (How Problems are Defined)

1. The Treatise of Human Nature (3)

2. The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (16) {5 Sections}
3. The Science of Fear (12)
4. The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity (2)
5. The Road to Serfdom (16)
6. Violence (6)
7. Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History (7)
8. Sex & Wars (15)
9. How to Make Love to a King ( )
10. Egypt, Greece & Rome (32)
11. The History of Ancient Egypt (15)
12. The Chronicle of the Pharaohs (5)
13. The History of Greece & Sparta ( )
14. Hannibal (48)
15. The Chronicle of Roman Emperors (4)
16. The Emperors of Rome (9)
17. Caesar’s Legions (25)
18. Augustus (24)
19. Romanization in the Time of Augustus (5)
20. The Wealth of Nations (5)
21. Rome & Jerusalem (14)
22. Josephus (28)
23. God’s War (8)
24. Knights Templers: God's Warriors, The Devil's Bankers (3)
25. The Knight Templers (3)
26. Hitler (28)
a. Mein Kampf Volume I (12)
b. Mein Kampf Volume II (16)
c. 2nd Book (16)

Section – 2 (How Problems are Solved)

27. The Elegant Universe (5)

28. The Princeton’s Guide to Mathematics (8) {288 Sections} The Meaning of Life Issues
29. The Handbook of Chemistry & Physics [CRC] (16) {288 Sections of Molecular Profiles}
30. The Physician Desk Reference (10) The Tree of Life Issues
a. The PDR Guide to Drug Interactions, Side Effects, and Indications
b. The PDR Pharmacopeia Pocket Dosing Guide
c. The PDR for Nutritional Supplements
d. The PDR for Nonprescriptive Drugs, Dietary Supplements and Herbs
e. The PDR for Herbal Medicines The Quality of Life Issues
f. The PDR for Ophthalmic Medicines
g. The PDR Medical Dictionary
h. The PDR Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals
i. The ABX Guide for Infectious Diseases
31. The Merck Manual (24) {341 Sections}
32. The Emperor of Japan (63)
33. Warren Buffet-Snowball (6)
34. Buffettology (20)
35. Financial Darwinism (4)
36. Wikinomics (11)




Anecdotes of Gaius Julius and Augustus Caesar as

Global Economic Footprints in Modern Times

Gaius Julius Caesar

Life of Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar was born July 12, in the year 100 before Christ [Some scholars put the date
two years earlier. Cf. Mommsen, "History of Rome," (ed. of 1895), vol. iv., pp. 278-280.], being
thus six years younger than Cicero and Pompey. His family belonged to the old nobility, the
patrician order, and several of his ancestors had won distinction in the service of the state; but
his father had held no higher office than that of praetor. His mother was Aurelia, a woman of
strong character, who watched carefully over the education of her children. Of his early youth
nothing is known except that he was taught at his own home by Gnipho, an accomplished man
of Gallic descent, and dabbled in verse-making. As his parents were wealthy, we may suppose
that he received under private masters the usual training of the time in Greek and Latin,
numbers, music, and physical exercises.

Caesar's life was cast in a period fraught with great changes for the Roman state. The former
adjustment of authorities, the old-time balancing of the elements of power that had brought to
Rome both strength and security, had given place to violent party strifes, which threatened the
very existence of the government. The city was crowded with turbulent throngs of poor
citizens, who received grain from the public treasury at a rate much below cost, and were easily
bribed by men desiring political elevation. With this needy populace all those of humbler
station sympathized and voted; thus the bulk of the popular party was made up. Opposed to
this was the old aristocracy, which jealously guarded its ancient privileges. Its stronghold was

the Senate. Besides these parties there were the capitalists, who wielded great influence and
sided sometimes with the one, sometimes with the other, as self-interest directed. Amid
intrigues for power, things had come to such a pass that any great and successful party leader
had matters all his own way and might become virtually supreme. Notwithstanding the risk and
uncertainty, politics were thought the only field of activity not beneath the dignity of a young
Roman of standing.

When Caesar became old enough to take an active interest in public affairs, Marius, his uncle by
marriage, was at the head of the popular party, and with this party his lot was naturally cast. In
83 B.C. he married the daughter of Lucius Cinna, one of the bitterest opponents of the
aristocracy. The following year Sulla returned from a series of victories in the East and restored
the power of the Senate, wreaking vengeance upon all its political enemies. Caesar was bidden
to put away his wife. He refused, and his life was endangered. He disguised himself and went
into hiding in the Sabine mountains, once indeed purchasing his life from an emissary of Sulla,
who had tracked him out. After a time, through influential friends, pardon was obtained from
Sulla, who is said to have granted it with the remark that in Caesar there were many Mariuses.
Caesar soon left Italy, to serve with the army in Asia in the war with Mithridates. At the siege of
Mytilene (B.C. 80) he distinguished himself by saving the life of a Roman citizen, receiving a civic
crown as a reward of merit. Afterwards he served with Publius Servilius Isauricus in a campaign
against the Cilician pirates.

Returning to Rome, after Sulla's death (B.C. 78), he accused of extortion in provincial
management first Gnaeus Dolabella, who had been proconsul in Macedonia, and afterwards
Gaius Antonius, who had plundered Greece. At that time the bringing of delinquent officials to
justice was a common way of introducing one's self to public notice. Though both Dolabella and
Antonius were acquitted, Caesar showed great oratorical power, and in prosecuting them
attracted much attention. Wishing to perfect himself in oratory, in 76 he set out for Rhodes, to
study under Molo. Near Miletus his vessel was captured by pirates; he was kept a prisoner on
the island of Pharmacusa until a ransom of fifty talents (more than fifty-six thousand dollars)
was paid. But as soon as he was set free he manned some ships, took the pirate stronghold, and
crucified his captors,--as when with them he had jokingly told them that he would do.

During the next sixteen years Caesar followed the regular course of political promotion,
neglecting no means by which he might make himself popular. He bestowed gifts with a lavish
hand, assumed the debts of bankrupt young nobles who had squandered their inheritance,
gave largesses to the people. As his own means were soon exhausted, he borrowed large sums
at exorbitant rates of interest, with the design of getting reimbursement from the spoils of
office. According to Plutarch his indebtedness, before he held a single office, had reached the
enormous sum of thirteen hundred talents, about a million and a half of dollars. In 68 he was
quaestor, going with Antistius Vetus into Spain. In 65 he was curule aedile, with Bibulus as
colleague. In this office, by most extravagant expenditures on public games and buildings, he
raised the enthusiasm of the populace to the highest pitch. He even dared by night to set up in
the Capitol the statue of Marius and some trophies of victories in the Jugurthine and Cimbrian
wars, which had been thrown down by Sulla seventeen years before; and the people wept for

joy at the revival of old memories. He secured so many gladiators for public shows that the
Senate became alarmed, on account of the presence of so great an armed force, and passed a
law restricting the number; but he nevertheless exhibited three hundred and twenty pairs, all
resplendent in silver armor.

It is generally believed that Caesar was connected with the Catilinarian conspiracy of 65 B.C., if
not also with that of 63; but the evidence is meagre. In 62 he had the office of praetor, in the
discharge of which amid scenes of violence, he carried himself with firmness and dignity. The
next year he was propraetor in Further Spain, where he won distinction by subduing several
tribes along the Atlantic in Gallaecia and Lusitania. Returning to Rome in the summer of 60,
with abundant means of satisfying his creditors, he was decreed a public thanksgiving for his
victories, and was soon elected consul for the year 59.

For some years Pompey had been the most prominent man in Rome. His successes in the
campaign against the pirates and the war with Mithridates had made him the national hero.
But in the qualities needful for a political leader he was utterly lacking; so that even from his
own party, the aristocratic, he was unable to win either the recognition he desired or the
privileges to which he was entitled. More than once the Senate snubbed him outright. Here
Caesar saw his chance. Relying on his own popularity, he proposed to Pompey that they work in
harmony, and by uniting their influence accomplish what either might desire. Pompey agreed;
and with these two, Crassus, the wealthiest man of Rome, was joined, making a political
coalition really supreme, which is known as the First Triumvirate. It had no official existence; it
was simply a political ring, of only three members but on unlimited power. To cement the union
further, Pompey married Caesar's own daughter Julia. During his consulship, among other
measures, Caesar caused a law to be passed regarding the division of the public lands, which,
though bitterly opposed by the Senate, pleased the people greatly. With his aid, too, Pompey
gained the favors previously denied. At the close of his consulship, as it was the custom to give
ex-consuls the charge of provinces, Caesar easily obtained for five years the government of
both Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum, together with the part of Transalpine Gaul previously
subdued, "the Province."

Caesar now devoted himself to the conquest of Transalpine Gaul beyond "the Province." The
first summer (B.C. 58) he drove back to their homes the Helvetii, who had attempted to migrate
to the west of Gaul, and annihilated the army of the German king, Ariovistus. The following year
he subdued the Belgic States in the north. The third campaign (B.C. 56) was against the peoples
of north-west Gaul, that had leagued together to resist him. This year at Luca Caesar renewed
his compact with Pompey and Crassus, who agreed to see to it that his command should be
extended for five years longer. A part of every winter except one (54-53), he spent in Cisalpine
Gaul, so as to be near Rome and retain his influence in home politics: it was against the law that
a provincial governor having any army should enter Italy while in office. In 55 Caesar chastised
several German tribes, and crossed over to Britain. The campaign of the next summer was
principally against the Britons, part of whom he reduced to nominal subjection. In the fall a
division of his army in Belgium, under the command of Sabinus and Cotta, was cut off by a
sudden uprising of the enemy. In 53 Caesar had to face a general rebellion of the subject states,

which, however, he speedily crushed. But the next year almost all Gaul rose against him, and
under the leadership of Vercingetorix taxed his powers to the utmost. He finally prevailed; and
after the fall of Alesia (B.C. 52), the strength of the Gauls was forever broken. In the eighth
campaign, summer of 51, the states that had not submitted were one by one reduced to
complete subjection. The following spring Caesar left his army and went into Cisalpine Gaul.
Here he resolved to remain till the expiration of his command in 49, returning to Transalpine
Gaul only for a short time during the summer to review the troops.

During Caesar's absence in Gaul Crassus had been defeated and killed in the East, thus putting
an end to the Triumvirate, and with it to the harmony between Caesar and Pompey. The latter
began to view Caesar's successes with distrust and alarm. He entered into alliance again with
the aristocracy. The Senate in Pompey's interest passed a decree that he and Caesar should
each give up a legion for service in the East. Since 53 Caesar had had one of Pompey's legions:
this was now demanded back. Caesar let it go, and one of his own too, without a complaint,
although the intent of the whole action was evidently to weaken his forces and annoy him. As it
was not lawful for him to proceed in person to Rome, he stationed himself in Ravenna, the
town of his province nearest the Italian boundary. He sent agents and friends to the City to
negotiate for him, to try and offset the influence now openly brought to bear against him.
Pompey and the Senate both hated and feared him. A decree was passed that Caesar should
disband his army by a certain date, or be considered an outlaw. In the state of public affairs at
that time this was simply to wrest from him the fruits of his hard-won successes, without
leaving him even a guaranty of his personal safety. Caesar hesitated. The Senate voted further,
that the consuls should "provide that the state receive no hurt," which is like a proclamation of
martial law in our day. This was virtually a declaration of war against Caesar, inspired by the
jealousy of his opponent. With one legion he at once crossed the Rubicon, the boundary of his
province. Soon all Italy was in his power,--Pompey, the Senate, and their followers having fled
to Greece. After arranging matters at Rome to suit himself he went to Spain, where lieutenants
devoted to Pompey had a strong army. They were quickly crushed, the main force being
captured near Ilerda (Aug. 2, B.C. 49). On his return Massilia (Marseilles), which had closed its
gates to him on the way out, and had been besieged with great energy in his absence by
Decimus Brutus, gave itself into his hands.

Caesar now gathered his forces in Greece, to meet his enemies there. For some time the two
armies faced each other at Dyrrhachium; but Caesar was soon obliged to withdraw into the
interior. The decisive battle was fought August 9, B.C. 48, near the city of Pharsalus, in Thessaly.
Caesar's forces numbered about twenty-two thousand men, with one thousand cavalry;
Pompey had forty-seven thousand infantry, seven thousand cavalry, and some light-armed
troops. But superior generalship and the courage of desperation won the day against
overwhelming odds. The Senatorial forces were entirely routed. Pompey fled to Egypt, where
he was treacherously murdered. Caesar also went to Egypt, where he became involved in
difficulties known as the Alexandrine War. Putting an end to these, and to some disturbances in
Asia Minor, he proceeded to the neighborhood of Carthage, where Cato and Scipio had raised a
force against him. He won a complete victory over them at the battle of Thaspus, April 6, B.C.

Caesar was now everywhere master. In accordance with legal forms he promulgated several
laws of great benefit to the people. He reformed the calendar; in memory of this, the name of
the month in which he was born was changed from Quintilis to Iulius, our July. In 45 a large
army was collected in Spain, and commanded by the two sons of Pompey. Caesar marched
against it, and at the battle of Munda (March 17) totally defeated it. On his return to Rome the
Senate, whose members were mainly of his own choosing, loaded him with honors. By
conferring upon him all the important offices it centered the whole authority in his hands. His
tenure of power was marked by clemency towards former opponents, and by the forming of
great projects for the public weal, few of which were ever realized. A league was formed to take
his life. The conspirators were led to the crime by different motives, part by personal jealousy
and hatred, part by a patriotic desire to restore the old republican constitution in full force, part
by ambitious designs upon the spoils of office. So on March 15, B.C. 44, as Caesar had just
entered the hall where the Senate met, near Pompey's Theatre, he was set upon by daggers,
and fell, pierced by twenty-three wounds, at the foot of a state of his vanquished rival. But the
plans of the murderers all miscarried. It is said that not one of them died a natural death; and
before many years Caesar's nephew and heir, Octavianus, afterwards called Augustus, was
Emperor of the Roman world.

Caesar was tall and of commanding presence. His features were angular and prominent.He had
a fair complexion, with keen, expressive black eyes. In later years he was bald; at no time of life
did he wear a beard. Though endowed with a constitution naturally by no means robust, he
became inured to hardship, and exhibited astonishing powers of endurance. In matters of dress
he was particular to the verge of effeminacy. His private life was not free from the vices of his

Of all the Romans Caesar was without doubt the greatest. In him the most varied talents were
united with a restless ambition and tireless energy. While deliberate and far-seeing in forming
his plans, in carrying them out he often acted with a haste that seemed like utter recklessness.
He could command, and witness unmoved, scenes of the most shocking cruelty; yet none could
be more forgiving, or more gracious in granting pardon. Believing, with the Epicurean
philosophy, that death ends all and life is worth living only for the pleasure to be gotten out of
it, he mingled freely with the dissolute society of Rome; yet when it was time for action he
spurned indulgences, gave himself to the severest toil, endured without a murmur the most
trying privations. Although denying the power of the gods, he became a priest of Jupiter early in
life, and in 63 B.C. sought and obtained the office of Supreme Pontiff, which placed him at the
head of the Roman religious system. But in regard to all these things we may say that his faults
were those he shared in common with his age; his genius belongs to all ages. Chateaubriand
declares that Caesar was the most complete man of all history; for his genius was transcendent
in three directions, in politics, in war, and in literature. Let us try to form some estimate of this
threefold life-work by considering him specially as a General, as a Politician, and as a Man of

Caesar as a General

Caesar was the greatest general Rome produced. His military genius did not display itself, as did
that of Hannibal or Napoleon, in strategic innovation of the introduction of new tactics; but
taking the Roman art of war as he found it, he brought it to the highest perfection. The Romans,
at all periods in their history, relied for victory not so much on brilliant feats in arms as on the
rigid discipline, power of endurance, and persistent courage of their soldiers. In Caesar's ability
to make his men do more and endure more for him than they would under any one else lies a
chief secret of his success. He had the rare power of binding his army to him with a devotion
that nothing could destroy. In almost every campaign he fought against vastly superior numbers
and the most serious disadvantages. For his troops there were long marches, heavy burdens,
the constant labor of fortifying, well-grounded fears of the enemy often increased tenfold by
exaggeration; yet confidence in their leader inspired them with ever fresh zeal, and his
addresses from time to time, reminding them of what he expected of them, fired their courage
to the utmost. To this unflagging faithfulness, this unswerving allegiance to him and his cause
that he had the faculty of calling forth, fully as much as to skillful handling of forces on the field
of battle, his victories were due.

The longer men served under Caesar the more confidence he placed in them; and he did not
hesitate to tell them how much he relied on them. Instances of special courage on the part of
legions, battalions, or individuals, he made note of, and commended. He made his men think
that he was personally interested in each one,--just as Napoleon used to go among the
common soldiers and inquire into their welfare. He knew his centurions by name, and once at
least when the battle was hottest he rushed into the ranks and called out to them individually,
urging to greater effort; at the battle of the Sambre he seized a shield from a common soldier,
and fought in the front rank.

In campaigns Caesar was most careful of the lives of his men, never exposing them to
unnecessary risks. Slight delinquencies of conduct he often overlooked; but his general system
of discipline was most strict. Active warfare was confined almost entirely to the summer
months. During the winter the troops were placed in stationary quarters, where they were kept
from idleness by constant drilling. These winter camps, though often distributed about the
enemy's country, were nevertheless located away from cities, that the soldiers might not lose
their discipline by being brought under corrupting influences, or form attachments with those
in whose region they were placed. In this way Caesar avoided one of the fatal mistakes of
Hannibal, who in the winter allowed his army to revel in the luxuries of South Italy. No matter
how well trained a force may be, in a campaign of hard fighting it becomes demoralized, partly
by reason of the gaps in the ranks caused by losses, partly on account of irregularity of
movement and constant effort toward adaptation to new circumstances. Caesar made his
winter encampments a source of fresh strength. From them his soldiers went forth with
recruited powers, confident from the experience of past campaigns, and hardened by training.
Thus Caesar "made his army, as it were a body, of which he was the soul."

The military movements of Caesar, as of Napoleon, were characterized by an incredible
swiftness. He often appeared in the vicinity of the enemy, or gained possession of important
points, before the news had spread that he was on the march. Thus he not infrequently caught
his adversaries unawares, found them with scattered forces, and gained a victory before they
could come together. As a consequence, in many cases a panic was excited that paralyzed the
efforts of the foe and resulted in greater advantage to Caesar than the winning of several
battles. When he felt himself too weak in numbers to assume the offensive with the force at
hand, he would gain time by parleying, declaring that he must have opportunity for
deliberation, while in reality he was awaiting reinforcements, or completing preparations for
active measures. Like Grant, he had the power of keeping to himself his designs. His most
trusted officers rarely knew his plans till called upon to execute them. He seems to have
thought that the best way to assure the secrecy of a project was to carry it out as soon as
formed. So his movements often appeared rash; but in the end results revealed his superior
judgment and foresight.

No matter how rapidly Caesar advanced, he was always careful to keep up connection with his
base of supplies. For these he relied in the Gallic War partly on "the Province," partly on
friendly tribes, and partly on the hostile region through which he was marching. That there
might be no failure in the regular transportation of supplies to the front he took every
precaution. He left no points in possession of the foe behind him; he so secured the route by
garrisons at strategic points that in case of defeat he could retreat in safety. Thus, instead of
crossing the Rhine by boats, as he could easily have done, he built bridges each time, and left
them strongly guarded while he went over into Germany. Once sufficiently near the enemy, his
usual practice was to choose immediately a favorable location and fortify a camp. Then by
sallies with cavalry he tried to cut off the supplies of the enemy and force them to attack him
on his own ground. In this respect his tactics were defensive rather than offensive, and
uniformly successful. Sometimes by a feigned retreat, or by marching to one side of the direct
route, he drew the enemy away from a point he wished to take, then by a reverse movement
fell on it suddenly before they could come to the rescue. He never stopped to besiege a town if
he could well avoid it, knowing that a crushing defeat in the field opens the gates of cities. Yet
no one was more skilled in the conducting of operations against fortified places than he. The
siege of Alesia was one of the most remarkable recorded in history.

None understood better than Caesar how to follow up a victory and turn it to the best
advantage. In pursuit of the fleeing he sent detachments of cavalry, and on all sides struck
heavy blows before the enemy could gather again or get new courage. Occasionally he
authorized indiscriminate slaughter, or the general sale of captives into slavery; but he was not
cruel by nature, and in making slaves of those he spared by the sword, he acted in accordance
with the universal custom of antiquity. In the Civil War he was more compassionate toward the
vanquished men than any of his contemporaries. In the Gallic War, on conquering a state he
usually took under his protection one of the parties in it, placing it in charge of the government,
thus binding it to himself by strong ties. His organizing power displayed itself in bringing order
out of chaos; while his firmness and moderation won the respect, if not the esteem, of those
whom he had made subject. When he left Gaul and engaged in the war with Pompey, the

country was not only once for all subdued, but even contained a strong party devoted to his

The military successes of Caesar have sometimes been attributed to the lack of generalship on
the part of his adversaries. This is not just. To say nothing of the fact that in the civil strifes the
best warriors of Rome were pitted against him, two at least of his northern foes, Ariovistus and
Vercingetorix, were men of great natural powers of organization and leadership, consummate
masters of the tactics with which they are familiar. The numbers of the barbarian armies were
almost beyond compute, their courage well-nigh invincible. From traditions of Gallic invasions
the Gauls had become the terror of the Roman soldiery. They were by no means the
undisciplined savages that they are sometimes thought to have been; in civilization they were
far in advance of the early Britons and Germans. In the earlier campaigns they showed lack of
military organization; but toward the end of the Gallic War their troops were organized, armed,
and drilled after the Roman fashion, and proved almost a match for the invaders. Sometimes
Caesar diminished the awe of his soldiers by trial skirmishes, that the mettle of the enemy
might be tested, and the confidence of his army strengthened before the general engagement.

No, the reasons for Caesar's pre-eminence as a general must be sought, not in the weakness of
his enemies, but in himself, in his singular power of controlling and organizing men, in his quick
and comprehensive grasp of circumstances and ready adaptation to them, in his knowledge of
human nature as shown specially in his selection of officers, in his ability to make skillful use of
the Roman tactics. But behind all these qualities there was another that defies analysis, that
enabled him always to turn things to his own advantage: therein lay his genius. Many generals
have studies Caesar's Memoirs very carefully as a military manual; Wellington carried a copy
with him on his memorable campaign in India. As the greatest general among the Romans,
Caesar takes rank among the most famous military leaders of the world. He will not suffer by
comparison with Alexander the Great, with Hannibal and Napoleon, Grant and Von Moltke; but
the modern warrior whose qualities of leadership and generalship most resemble Caesar's is
England's "Iron Duke," Wellington.

Caesar as a Politician

The political character of Caesar has long been a subject of controversy. According to some he
was a monster of crime, with hardly a redeeming quality, deliberately sacrificing the liberties of
his country to an inordinate ambition. Others portray him as a broad-minded statesman, who
saw that, in the anarchy arising from the strife of parties, Rome's great need was a single
controlling will; who, to give peace and order to his distracted land, made himself its master.
Both these views are extreme and unjust. The one emphasizes the destructive side of Caesar's
character, while the constructive side is ignored; the other attributes to him that profound
knowledge of the tendencies of the Roman state which students of history have been eighteen
centuries in acquiring. His character presents, indeed, many apparently conflicting elements.
But upon careful study it is evident that in the main he acted in accordance with the spirit of his
age; that though his motives may not always have been patriotic, he was in reality a benefactor

of his country; and that the true significance of his career becomes apparent only when it is
considered as the final outworking of a principle which in times past had been asserting itself
more and more in Roman politics,--the principle of Imperialism.

In entering the arena of political life Caesar no doubt both followed his own inclinations and
chose the course reckoned most proper for a Roman youth of fortune and high position. At that
time, owing to the proscriptions of Sulla, there was in the popular party a dearth of leaders,--a
condition which gave ample room for the exercise of his powers. The methods which he
employed to make himself the people's favorite were in the highest degree objectionable, if
judged by modern standards. Still, they were the usual methods of his time; while in restoring
the trophies of Marius to the Capitol he showed a deep insight into the real feelings of the
masses as well as a knowledge of the ways of reaching the popular heart. Few of his
contemporaries had so great regard for the formalities of the law as he; he avoided unlawful
means. At the trial of the Catilinarian conspirators he argued on legal grounds that the accused
should not be put to death. The formation of the First Triumvirate was a shrewd move, fraught
with momentous consequences. It reveals rare sagacity and foresight; but it had no more and
no less significance than the forming of political rings to secure the rewards of office in our day.
It proposed not to subvert but to direct the government, and at the same time to turn to
private advantage the influence and emoluments of official positions.

The means by which Caesar was enabled finally to obtain the supreme power was the conquest
of Gaul. From early times the Gauls, pressed by the tribes beyond, had occasionally made
incursions into Italy; and now Roman colonists in "the Province" were not infrequently
threatened. To protect these the rest of Transalpine Gaul must be subdued. It has been said
that Caesar undertook the task of bringing Gaul into subjection in order to acquire a military
power with which to overthrow the home government. But how could he expect, in the
subduing of a rough northern country, to develop a force able to cope with a government that
had behind it Pompey, conqueror of rich provinces in the East? More likely he planned the
Gallic campaigns as an important service to the State. If he should be successful in carrying
them out, he would gain still a higher place in the affections of the people, and would add one
more laurel to his political honors. Because his remarkable ability as a general rapidly won for
him extraordinary successes, which he afterwards employed to further his own ends, we are
not warranted in assuming that his aim from the beginning was to obtain the supreme power,
and that the conquest of Gaul was the means he took to accomplish it.

The death of Crassus left Pompey and Caesar without rivals in political power. The latter, as
master of Gaul, found himself much more nearly on a level with the "great man of Rome" than
ever before. A mutual jealousy soon provoked a collision. Pompey undoubtedly had the
advantage; for while he was administering a powerful command in Spain through his
lieutenants, he was in person at Rome, at the centre of affairs, acting as sole consul by the
desire of the people; but Caesar was outside the limits of Italy. As a matter of fact, Rome was
under Pompey's control. So it was at Pompey's bidding that the Senate ordered Caesar to
disband his legions and resign his command. Caesar was placed in a difficult position. In obeying
this decree he would give up everything to his opponent and make himself a political cipher,

with but small prospect of ever regaining his former influence. His enemies had woven a net
around him. In refusing to obey he would give to the Senate a chance to declare him a traitor,
and to his adversary an opportunity of attacking him in the name of the State. Yet simple justice
required that all which might be demanded of the one should be demanded of the other also.
So at least Caesar thought; and he acted accordingly. If he had previously fought for fame and
influence, he must now fight for self-preservation. An appeal to arms was his only means of
defense. Delay was dangerous; and he decided on immediate action. If an appeal to arms
against the existing authority is ever justifiable in the case of an individual, the crossing of the
Rubicon, the first aggressive step of the movement which resulted in Caesar's elevation to
supreme power, was attended at least by palliating circumstances.

But in this contest there was a deeper significance than the elevation or overthrow of an
individual. Whoever conquered would be king. There were certain tendencies in the Roman
state that rendered a monarchy inevitable. Rome was at first a municipality; her government, a
group of institutions developed by and adapted to a city population. When she extended her
boundaries she conquered cities, and her government thus had to deal with a collection of
municipal organizations similar to her own. The consequence was a constant tendency toward
disintegration,--toward the separation of this combination of units into its original elements.
Opposed to this localizing tendency there was necessarily developed a contrary drift toward
centralization. It was found that a body composed of many inharmonious members needed a
single will. In times of extreme danger the state was obliged to put almost absolute power into
the hands of a dictator. The people thus became familiar with the prerogatives of royalty under
a different name. Meanwhile the influx of wealth after the period of conquest, the
development of large landed estates which absorbed the small farms of the peasant class, and
the excessive employment of slave labor which was reducing the free classes within ever
narrower limits, gave prominence to individual aspirants to power who made the state a
republic only in name. Gaius Gracchus for a time held virtual sovereignty. Marius was supreme
for five years. Sulla was as really a king as if he had worn the purple. Matters had at length
come to such straits that the very existence of the state demanded a king. There was needed a
strong, centralized government, capable of repressing anarchy at home and of enforcing
respect abroad.

The murder of Pompey left Caesar without a rival; and under the forms of the old constitution
he became in truth monarch of Rome. Thus had he, who at first cherished no more ambitious
aim than to become a political leader, risen by force of circumstances to the absolute mastery
of the Roman world. His short administration revealed in him statesmanship of the highest
order. Under him the state enjoyed a larger measure of prosperity than before for many
decades; and his untimely end only renewed the political disturbances that he had sought to
repress. Endowed with so deep insight into men and things, Caesar must have foreseen, faintly
at first perhaps, but more and more distinctly as time passed on, what would be the end of the
course he was pursuing,--as the traveler sees through the breaking mist the summit toward
which the upward path is leading. We claim for him, however, that he did not definitely
contemplate the subversion of the liberties of the Commonwealth; and that, guided by an
overruling Providence, he accomplished an important work for the Roman state and for

Humanity. Certainly few men have left so strong an impress upon the history of the race as he.
The calendar, as reformed by him, is still in use in Greece and Russia. His name became a
designation of imperial authority in the Empire which he founded, and remains today in the
word Kaiser, the official title of the emperors of Germany and Austria; some think also in the
Russian Czar [All three positions which existed when this book was written.--Webmaster].
Political writers, too, use the word Caesarism. What a life, able not simply to make for itself a
place in the records of history, but even to hand down a name as synonymous with the highest

Caesar as a Man of Letters

Caesar had a natural taste for literature. He enjoyed the best educational advantages of his
time in rhetoric and elocution; but the freshness, directness, and vigor of his style indicate not
so much careful training as an inborn power over language. As an orator he was considered
second only to Cicero. It is to be regretted that none of his orations have come down to us;
from the fragments that survive, we know that his manner of speaking was terse, logical,
earnest, and convincing. Even during the busiest periods of his life he kept up literary pursuits.
He composed a treatise on Latin grammar (De Analogia) in two books, in the course of a
journey from Cisalpine Gaul across the Alps to the army. About the time of the battle of Munda
he wrote a tract "Against Cato," also in two books (Anticatones); this was in answer to a
panegyric by Cicero, and held the hero of Utica up to ridicule. An extensive treatise on
astronomy passed under his name, and is several times cited by the elder Pliny. With the
exception of a few fragments, all these works, as well as his poems and letters, have perished.

Caesar's most important writings, which still survive, were the 'Commentaries on the Gallic
War,' in seven books, describing the conquest of Gaul; and 'Commentaries on the Civil War,' in
three books, giving an account of the struggle with Pompey. These works, as the name indicates
(Commentarii, that is, notes or comments, 'Memoirs'), were not intended to be formal
historical treatises, but were written in great haste, and given to the world rather as condensed
first droughts, as sketches in outline, than as complete and finished productions. The 'Gallic
War' was probably written after the fall of Alesia, and published in 51 B.C., before the break
with Pompey (Cf. Book VI., chap. i.; VII., chap. vi.); an eighth book was afterwards added to it by
Aulus Hirtius. The 'Civil War' was left unfinished, and probably not published till after Caesar's
death; it, too, was extended by others, who added narratives of his military operations in Egypt,
Africa, and Spain.

The style of the 'Memoirs' has always been much admired. Cicero, although a political enemy of
the author, did not hesitate to say of them (Brut. lxxv. 262): "They are worthy of all praise. They
are unadorned, straightforward, and elegant, every embellishment being stripped off as a
garment. Caesar desired, indeed, to furnish others who might wish to write history with
material upon which they might draw; and perhaps men without good taste, who like to deck
out facts in tawdry graces of expression, may think that he has rendered a service in this regard,
but he has deterred men of sound sense from trying to improve on them in writing. For in

history a pure and brilliant conciseness of style is the highest attainable beauty." The manner of
expression, although so condensed, is most clear, and often vivid. It stands as a warning to
those who think that a simple, direct, and forcible statement of facts can be made more
effective by the use of many words and high-sounding phrases. The same unaffected directness
of language is a noticeable characteristic of Grant's memoirs.

Although Caesar is everywhere, as a matter of course, the principal figure in the 'Memoirs,' he
throws himself into the background, making prominent the deed rather than the doer. He
speaks of himself usually in the third person,--a mode of expression as rare in personal
narrative in his time as today, which made possible the belief, current in the Middle Ages, that
the 'Memoirs' were written by Suetonius. More surprising still is the fact that one finds no
bitter aspersions upon his enemies, no extravagant commendations of friends, no professedly
special pleas to justify his course. The reasons for important movements are always stated, but
in such a way that they seem to have grown out of the attendant circumstances, and to have on
action; so that no man of discretion could have done otherwise than he did. In all this there is
the highest skill. While keeping himself free from all expressions alike of malice and of self-
glorification, he draws the reader along with him, arouses sympathy, and wins to his own view;
thus he justifies his course tenfold more effectively than if he were to excite the reader's
opposition of suspicion by violent statements, or had adopted a more direct way of pleading his
cause. There can be little doubt that behind both the 'Gallic' and the 'Civil War' lay a political
purpose, to set a favorable explanation of his career before the eyes of his fellow-countrymen
and of posterity, and so to offset the malicious rumors about his acts persistently circulated by
his enemies. But does this affect the truthfulness of his statements?

In writing his 'Memoirs' Caesar had to deal with several classes of facts. First, especially in the
'Gallic War,' there was a fund of interesting information about the strange peoples with which
he came in contact. many of these were previously unknown to the Romans. Caesar was a close
and careful observer. He made minute inquiries not only into the numbers and military prowess
of his foes, but also into their manner of life, their customs, and religious beliefs. In him, with
the circumspection and foresight of the general, was united the eager desire for knowledge of
the man of science. His nature was adverse to the marvelous. The pages of few ancient writers
who present accounts of new peoples are so free from the improbable. Whenever possible he
got his information directly, at first hand. In a few instances he seems to have become
possessed or erroneous views; but as a whole his statements about lands and peoples are
trustworthy. Then, there were the accounts of his military campaigns in the broad sense, of the
general conduct of his campaigns. the accuracy of these has hardly been called in question;
while the surveys and excavations carried on under the direction of the Emperor Napoleon III,
have furnished in many cases a remarkable confirmation. Finally, there remain the more
particular descriptions of battles, sieges, and the like; of successes and reverses. These affect
reputation; here if anywhere we should look for untruthfulness. Did Caesar, as some have
thought, magnify his victories and cover up his defeats? There is no evidence that he did. The
tone throughout his works is candid and fair. Besides, with these things most of his readers
were to some extent familiar by means of reports brought from the field. Falsifying under such
circumstances would have been downright folly, would have excited all manner of derision, and

have entirely defeated the writer's purposes. Probably Caesar now and then purposely omitted
something: his reliability in general we have not the slightest reason to doubt. His statements of
his motives of action in certain cases, bearing in mind the circumstances, we are at liberty to
accept or reject as we choose; his veracity in regard to facts should not be impugned without
good reason. From whatever point of view considered, his works are of great interest and
value. The De Bello Gallico in particular deserves to be carefully studied, as a masterpiece of
concise and spirited writing, as casting light upon the beginnings of the history of Northern
Europe, and as revealing the modes of thought and action of one of the world's greatest men.

The Portraits of Caesar

After Caesar became supreme, innumerable likenesses of him must have been made. Men
ordered the erection of statues of him in all cities, and in all the temples of Rome; his features
were stamped on coins and cut in gems. Of the many extant busts and statues bearing his name
only a few can be considered genuine. Though the two best of these, a colossal bust at Naples
and a large statue at Rome, have been somewhat restored, the expression of face has not been
materially affected; a bust in the British Museum, representing Caesar at a somewhat later
period of life, is singularly well preserved. In the statue he appears as commander, making an
address to his troops. To judge from the manner of treatment, both this statue and the bust at
Naples were made near the end of the first century A.D. Augustus is arguably the single most
important figure in Roman history. In the course of his long and spectacular career, he put an
end to the advancing decay of the Republic and established a new basis for Roman government
that was to stand for three centuries. This system, termed the "Principate," was far from
flawless, but it provided the Roman Empire with a series of rulers who presided over the
longest period of unity, peace, and prosperity that Western Europe, the Middle East and the
North African seaboard have known in their entire recorded history. Even if the rulers
themselves on occasion left much to be desired, the scale of Augustus's achievement in
establishing the system cannot be overstated. Aside from the immense importance of
Augustus's reign from the broad historical perspective, he himself is an intriguing figure: at once
tolerant and implacable, ruthless and forgiving, brazen and tactful. Clearly a man of many
facets, he underwent three major political reinventions in his lifetime and negotiated the
stormy and dangerous seas of the last phase of the Roman Revolution with skill and foresight.
With Augustus established in power and with the Principate firmly rooted, the internal
machinations of the imperial household provide a fascinating glimpse into the one issue that
painted this otherwise gifted organizer and politician into a corner from which he could find no
easy exit: the problem of the succession.

Augustus Caesar
The Background

To understand Augustus, it is necessary to appreciate briefly the nature of the Roman

Revolution and, in particular, the place of Julius Caesar within it. The Roman Republic had no
written constitution but was, rather, a system of agreed-upon procedures crystallized by
tradition (the mos maiorum, "the way of our ancestors"). Administration was carried out by
(mostly) annually elected officials, answerable to the senate (a senior council, but with no
legislative powers) and the people (who, when constituted into voting assemblies, were the
sovereign body of the state). Precedent prescribed procedure and consensus set the
parameters for acceptable behavior. Near the end of the second century BC, however, the
system started to break down. Politicians began to push at the boundaries of acceptable
behavior, and in so doing set new and perilous precedents. Violence also entered the arena of
domestic politics. (This long process of disintegration, completed a century later by Augustus,
has been termed by modern scholars the "Roman Revolution.") By the time of Caesar's
dominance in 49-44 BC the Republic had not been functioning effectively for at least a dozen
years, some would argue for longer. Politics had come to be dominated by violence and
intimidation; scores were settled with clubs and daggers rather than with speeches and
persuasion. Powerful generals at the head of politicized armies extorted from the state more
and greater power for themselves and their supporters. When "constitutional" methods proved
inadequate, the generals occasionally resorted to open rebellion. Intimidation of the senate
through the use of armies camped near Rome or veterans brought to the city to influence the
voting assemblies also proved effective and was regularly employed as a political tactic from ca.
100 BC onwards. These generals also used their provincial commands to extract money from
the locals as a way of funding their domestic political ambitions. As the conflict in the state
wore on, popular assemblies, the only avenue for the passage of binding legislation in the
Roman Republic, routinely ended in disorder and rioting. The senatorial aristocracy, riven by
internal disputes, proved incapable of dealing effectively with the mounting disorder, yet the
alternative, monarchy, was not openly proposed by anyone. When civil war erupted between
Pompey and Caesar in 49 BC, few could have been surprised. These two men were the
strongest personalities in the state, each in command of significant military forces, and they
were mutually antagonistic.

Despite vanquishing his opponents in the long series of civil wars 49-45 BC, Caesar did little to
address the underlying ills of the Republic. His concerns were first and foremost the defeat in
the field of his political opponents. During these years, and following his final victory, he was
content to maintain control by a combination of the consulship and the revived, albeit reviled,
dictatorship. Extensive and excessive honors of all sorts were also voted to Caesar by a
sycophantic senate: he refused none, save attempts to crown him king. Nevertheless, his broad
disregard for tradition and precedent, and the general air of arrogance and high-handedness
that marked Caesar's dealings with his peers, made him appear Rome's king in all but name. To
be sure, he passed various items of legislation dealing with immediate problems (for instance,

debt relief or the calendar), but he made no serious effort to systematize his position or tackle
the issues that had generated the Roman Revolution in the first place. In fact, in the last months
of his life he was planning to leave Rome for several years to campaign against the Parthians in
the East. That the cabal of nobles who conspired to kill Caesar included disaffected members of
his own party constitutes stark testimony as to the effects of Caesar's tactlessness. On 15
March, 44 BC C. Julius Caesar, dictator for life, was surrounded by the conspirators at a meeting
of the senate and cut down with twenty-three stab wounds. He died at the foot of a statue of
his great rival, Pompey. The senatorial "Liberators," covered in blood and brandishing their
daggers, rushed out to accept the gratitude of the liberated. They met with a somewhat
different reception.

The people had loved Caesar, even if his recent behavior had been disappointing. The
Liberators, who were led by L. Cassius Longinus and M. Junius Brutus, held public meetings in
the Forum, but the reaction of the people was equivocal at best. The senate, meeting on March
17, vacillated and declared an amnesty for the Liberators (inferring legitimacy for their act of
tyrannicide) while ratifying all of Caesar's acts and decreeing him a public funeral in the Forum
(inferring legitimacy for Caesar's power). It may have seemed a workable compromise, but
when Caesar's mutilated body was displayed to the crowd and the contents of his will were
made public--in which some gardens were bequeathed to the public and an individual stipend
given to each member of the Roman people--the dam of emotion burst and rioting ensued. The
Liberators fled the city. Power seemed firmly in the hands of the pro-Caesar camp and, in
particular, in those of M. Antonius (Mark Antony), Caesar's right-hand man. The dictator's will,
however, had contained something of a political bombshell that was to shake this situation to
its foundations. For Caesar named as his chief heir and adopted son one of his three great-
nephews, C. Octavius.

From Octavian to Augustus: A New Order Established

The third and final political reinvention of Augustus was about to take place. That the Republic
needed a guiding hand was beyond doubt. The old system had failed utterly and, if reinstated,
would do so again. Even someone as republican in sentiment as Cicero had finally admitted the
need for a "governing leader" of the state (rector). Octavian was to remain in control, that
much was clear. But how? Over the next three decades, his position in the state was
established in a complex amalgam of legal and non-legal powers and privileges. The process
was not instantaneous nor did it adhere to a single agenda relentlessly pursued; rather, it
evolved piecemeal over time, occasionally reactionary, occasionally with foresight. Many details
remain debated or uncertain, but the overall process is clearly discernible: it extends through
two main "Constitutional Settlements" in 27 and 23 BC respectively, some refinements in 19 BC,
and sporadic assignations of numerous rights and privileges down to the granting of the
ultimate title, "Father of his Country" (Pater Patriae), in 2 BC.

In the wake of Actium, however, there was work to be done. After taking Egypt and settling
affairs there, Octavian stayed away from Rome as he saw to the organization of the East. For

the most part, Antony's arrangements were left in place, as long as old loyalties were suitably
redirected. Octavian returned to Rome and Italy, amid tumultuous celebrations, in August of 29
BC. Large numbers of veterans were settled (perhaps 25 legions totaling 40,000 men or more)
both in Italy and the provinces, this time without complaint, since the vast wealth of Egypt
allowed for ample compensation. When he entered Rome, he celebrated three triumphs over
three days (over Dalmatia, Actium, and Egypt). Legally, his difficult position of 32 BC had been
bypassed and Octavian held the consulship every year from 31 BC onwards (until 23 BC). Just as
important, however, was the non-legal basis for his dominance, later expressed by Augustus as
"universal consent." The roots of this consent must lie in the oath of 32 BC, now extended in
principle, if not in practice, to embrace the entire empire and all its armies. Octavian was, as he
later put it, "in complete control of affairs" precisely because everyone wanted him to be and,
just as significantly, because he was the last man standing. There is political posturing in his
claim to "universal consent," to be sure, but possibly also some kernel of truth. He had ended
the civil wars, and all hopes for a peaceful future now rested with him and him alone. In light of
this, the senate and people voted him numerous honors in 29 BC, some of which Octavian
judiciously refused, consonant with his image as respecter of tradition.

Octavian's holding continuous consulships would be insufficient as a mode of administration in

the long term, especially if, as he intended, the old order was to be seen to be restored. He
needed, somehow, to find a firm place simultaneously within and above established norms. His
position at the head of affairs therefore needed careful consideration, and this no doubt
explains the eighteen-month gap between his return to Rome in August 29 BC and the so-called
First Constitutional Settlement of 13 January, 27 BC which, with the broadest of brush strokes,
began painting the portrait of the new order. Memories of Caesar's fate must have loomed
large. Despite that dictator's huge popularity among the masses, his complete victory over his
enemies in civil war, and the devotion of his troops, he had been laid low by a few dozen
disillusioned aristocrats. Among the uppermost considerations pressing on Octavian, therefore,
must have been the need to appease the sensibilities of the elite. In addition, the divided
loyalties of highly politicized armies had been a plague on the Late Republic. This situation too
would require remedying. These two issues, in fact, were at the heart of the "First Settlement,"
staged in the senate on 13 January, 27 BC.

On that day, Octavian entered the senate and, to the shock of those not in the know,
surrendered his position and retired to private life. The senators, possibly confused, reacted
with indignance and insisted that Octavian remain at the helm of the state. After a show of
reluctance, Octavian graciously accepted a share in the running of the state, gaining command
of Spain (except Baetica), Gaul, Syria, Cyprus, and Egypt while the senate and people kept the
rest. Within his extended provincia, granted for ten years, Octavian could appoint legates to
administer regions on his behalf. Modern scholars have failed to reach agreement on the exact
legal status of Octavian's command over his provinces (was it by virtue of imperium consulare
or proconsulare, imperium maius or aequum?), but the case for imperium proconsulare is the
stronger; it also had precedents, in the form of the "extraordinary commands" of Pompey or
Caesar in the Late Republic. This situation would have appealed to Octavian's desire to appear
to be maintaining traditions while also doing nothing alarmingly new or innovative. Other

honors and privileges were also forthcoming, at a second meeting on 16 January. Here Octavian
was named Augustus, a word ringing with religious (augur) and social (auctoritas) meaning but
not suggestive of overt political dominance. C. Julius Caesar Octavianus now became Imperator
Caesar Augustus. Other honors carried more symbolic meaning (laurels placed on the door of
his house; award of the corona civica for saving the lives of citizens; the "Shield of Virtues"
erected in his honor) but they were no less significant for that: they helped establish Augustus's
pre-eminent place in the state and craft the beginnings of an Augustan ideology. By means of
this settlement, Augustus was simultaneously commander, leader, savior.

In the summer following the settlement, Augustus left Rome to tour Gaul and Spain. The
journey kept him away from Rome until 24 BC--probably a wise choice on his part, to be out of
the public eye while the new arrangements took root. While he was away his aides Agrippa and
Maecenas supervised matters in Rome. The summer after his return, probably in June or July,
the "Second Constitutional Settlement" was staged. At around this time a conspiracy was
unearthed and two principals, Fannius Caepio and Varro Murena, were executed. In the
absence of evidence, scholarly debate has raged about the timing, aims, methods, and
members of the conspiracy: was the "Second Settlement" a reaction to the conspiracy, or vice
versa? Or were the events unrelated? In the end, the conclusion has to be left open, but the
case for the conspiracy's occurring after the settlement seems the stronger, though any
causative links between events remains little more than putative. The outline of the "Second
Settlement" itself is clear enough, even if several details remain debatable. Augustus
relinquished the consulship (which he had been monopolizing since 31 BC) and was only to take
it up on two further occasions in the rest of his life, for dynastic reasons. In return, he received
an empire-wide grant of proconsular power (imperium proconsulare) for five years. It is
debated whether this imperium was "greater" (maius) than that of any other governor or
"equal" (aequum) to it. Five decrees found in Cyrenaica, dated to the period 6-4 BC, show
Augustus intervening in the internal affairs of this province. The implication is that his imperium
overrode that of the governor on the spot (and so was maius), though the possibility that it was
co-extensive with it must also be allowed (making the imperium aequum). Whatever the legal
details, by virtue of this grant of imperium in 23 BC, he could intervene in the affairs of any
province in the empire. Unlike other governors, he was also given dispensation to retain his
power within the city limits of Rome (the pomerium), probably for purely practical reasons:
otherwise, every time he left the city, his proconsular power would need to be renewed. In
relinquishing the consulship, Augustus lost certain powers and privileges within the city of
Rome and its polity (his proconsular power notwithstanding). These were now compensated for
by a grant of tribunician power (tribunicia potestas), also for five years, that allowed him all the
rights and privileges of a tribune of the people, without actually holding that office: he could
summon the people, propose legislation, veto meetings and proposals, and so on. With both his
tribunician power and proconsular power, Augustus now had the ability to direct affairs in
every wing of domestic and foreign administration. These two powers were long to remain the
twin pillars of the Roman emperors' legal position.

While the major settlements of 27 and 23 BC established the bases of Augustus's position,
further refinements were necessary. As with the settlement of 27 BC, Augustus soon left Rome

for the East (22-19 BC). Before he left, he was forced to refuse offers of the dictatorship or
perpetual consulship pressed on him by the people, who appear to have completely missed the
subtleties of the Second Settlement the year before. Over the coming years, he received,
piecemeal, some significant privileges and honors. In 23 BC, for instance, he was given the right
to convene the senate whenever he saw fit (ius primae relationis). In 22 BC, he was appointed
to oversee Rome's grain supply (for how long is unclear). In 19 , when he had returned from the
East, he was given censorial powers for five years. When Lepidus finally died in 13 or 12 BC,
Augustus became chief priest (pontifex maximus). Finally, in 2 BC, he was granted the title
"Father of his Country" (pater patriae), a title of which he was immensely proud. It is not hard
to see why, since the title placed Augustus in a relationship with the Roman state analogous to
that of a paterfamilias over his charges: he was to be in complete control of everything. In
addition, there was his membership of all the colleges of priests, numerous symbolic privileges
(e.g., immunity from taxes), and the matter of auctoritas. This personal quality, impossible to
translate into English with a single word, was a combination of authority and influence derived
from one's social and political position, family, abilities, and achievements. It was, most
importantly, an informal virtue: it could not be voted to anyone by the senate or the people. In
this way, the extent of Augustus's auctoritas reflected the extent and success of his life's work,
and it helped him get a lot of business done without constantly invoking his legally-conferred
powers. Augustus simply had to make known his preferences for matters to transpire
accordingly, so that, for instance, candidates for office whom he favored invariably got elected.
No wonder he was proud to boast that he "surpassed all in auctoritas."

The complex edifice of the Augustan Principate was, at heart, a sham. But, like any successful
sham, it was one that people could believe in. Above all, there was political genius in Augustus's
slow and careful acquisition of overarching authority in every area of public life. At every step
of the way--from the oath of 32 BC through the "constitutional settlements" and the honors
and privileges conferred upon him piecemeal--he could present himself as the passive partner.
On all occasions, the senate and people of Rome voluntarily conferred powers, privileges, and
honors on him. He sought nothing for himself; he was no Caesar. Indeed, he often expressed
reluctance to accept offices and honors that struck him as excessive, and occasionally he
refused them outright. In sharp contrast to Caesar, Augustus constantly had one eye on
aristocratic sensitivities. Furthermore, none of his cardinal powers were conferred for life but,
rather, for fixed periods of five or (later) ten years. That these powers were never rescinded
when they came up for renewal is entirely beside the point: there was the illusion of choice.
That is what mattered. The vocabulary Augustus chose to express his power, too, was a model
of tact: "leading citizen" (princeps) not dictator, "authoritative influence" (auctoritas) not
"command" (imperium). Throw into the equation his modest lifestyle, affable approachability,
routine consultation of the senate, and genuinely impressive work ethic, and we have in
Augustus one of the greatest and most skillfully manipulative politicians of any nation in any

The Nature of the Principate and the Problem of the Succession

While his tact and the careful construction of his position shielded Augustus from
contemporary accusations of grasping ambition and lust for power, it did bring with it an
unpleasant corollary: tremendous uncertainty as to happened when the "leading citizen" died.
Technically, Augustus's position was a particular package of powers granted to him by the
senate and people, for fixed periods. When he died, therefore, technically, it was up to the
senate and people to decide what happened next. They could appoint another princeps to
replace Augustus, or return to the republican system of popular votes and annual magistrates.
Both of these options, however, would undoubtedly lead to civil war. What would stop army
commanders, particularly those related to Augustus, from challenging a princeps chosen by the
senators? If there were a return to the "free republic," what would prevent a resurgence of the
chaos that had preceded Augustus? Indeed, paradoxically, Augustus's very position had set a
new precedent for what one could achieve: others would almost certainly aspire to it, even it
were officially abandoned. In short, there was no possibility of Augustus leaving the choice of
what happened after his death to the senate and people, despite their legal position as the
source of his powers. He himself realized this. Suetonius reports his published ambition that the
new order continue after his death. But there was a problem here, too. If, as Augustus himself
claimed in his Res Gestae, he really "possessed no more official power than the others who
were my colleagues in the several magistracies," then he had as little right to appoint a
successor as did a governor, or a consul, or a praetor. Such an action would traduce tradition
and smack too openly of the despised kingship. So Augustus was in a real bind in the matter of
the succession. His solution will be familiar to Kremlinologists: the granting of signs of
preference to favored individuals, in this case drawn largely from within the princeps' own
house. In selecting members of his extended family, Augustus was behaving entirely within the
ethos of the Roman aristocracy, for whom family was paramount. It would also ensure that the
name "Caesar," which had been so vital in establishing Augustus's own control over the armed
forces, would remain at the head of the state. But the informal nature of Augustus's succession
arrangements, even if forced on him by the nature of his position, opened the door to domestic
turmoil and proved the single most consistently destabilizing political factor in his reign and
those of future emperors.

After Actium, Augustus moved on the succession problem quickly. He began to show signs of
favor to his nephew, Marcellus. He himself only had one natural child, Julia, his daughter by his
second wife, Scribonia. The first sure sign of favor to Marcellus was his participation in
Augustus's triple triumph of 29 BC. In 25 BC, Marcellus was married to Julia, forming a closer
family link with Augustus. The following year, Marcellus became aedile and, on Augustus's
request, was granted the privilege of sitting as an ex-praetor in the senate and of standing for
the consulship ten years in advance of the legal age. By 23 BC he was widely considered, in
Velleius's words, Augustus's "successor in power" (successor potentiae). Then, a surprise.
Augustus fell seriously ill in 23 BC. As he lay on what he thought was his deathbed, he handed
an account of the state's resources to the consul Cn. Calpurnius Piso, and his signet ring to
Agrippa. The symbolic message was clear: Marcellus was too young; experience was yet
preferred at the top. Augustus recovered from his illness, but later that same year Marcellus fell

ill and was not so fortunate. He was nineteen when he died and was entombed with all due
pomp and ceremony in Augustus's family mausoleum.

The career of Marcellus, short though it was, already revealed the elements of Augustus's
methods: he was to use family links (marriage or adoption) in conjunction with constitutional
privileges (office-holding and the privilege of standing for office early) to indicate his successor.
His inspiration appears to have been his personal experience: as Caesar had presented Octavius
to the public at his triumphs of September 46 BC, so now did Augustus display Marcellus at his
own triumphs in August 29 BC; as the senate had Octavius granted the right to stand for the
consulship ten years in advance of the legal age in 43 BC, so Augustus had the same right
granted to Marcellus in 24 BC; and just as Caesar had bound Octavius to him by a familial link,
so now did Augustus with Marcellus's marriage to Julia (although such political alliances
through family ties had long been a staple of the Roman nobility). Each event had its precedent;
it was their combination that was significant.

Marcellus was soon replaced by Agrippa. Shortly before Marcellus's death, Agrippa had left for
the East. In the face of Marcellus's earlier preferment, the sources abound with rumors of
Agrippa's voluntary departure in high dudgeon or of his forcible exile, but such speculations are
demonstrably without merit. Agrippa had been favored when Augustus was ill in 23 BC and
subsequently went East with a grant of imperium proconsulare, a share in Augustus's own
powers. This is not what Augustus would have done with a man of whom he was suspicious or
who had fallen in any way from favor. Augustus had business in the East, to which he was
shortly to attend personally, and Agrippa was doubtless sent ahead to pave the way. Maecenas,
Augustus's other chief advisor and no friend of Agrippa, is reported to have commented in 21
BC that Agrippa had now been raised so high that either Augustus must marry him to Julia or
kill him. Augustus chose the former route. Julia was married to Agrippa in that year. Until his
death in 12 BC, Agrippa was clearly intended to be Augustus's successor. Aside from his
marriage to Julia, in 18 BC Agrippa's proconsular power was renewed and, more significantly,
he received a share of tribunician power (renewed in 13 BC).

By virtue of these powers and privileges, had anything happened to Augustus in the years 21-13
BC, Agrippa would have been ideally placed to take over the reins of government. Coins of the
period 13-12 BC depict Agrippa as virtual co-emperor with Augustus, although the latter was
always the senior partner. This straightforward interpretation of the situation in these years has
been complicated by Augustus's treatment of Agrippa and Julia's sons, Gaius (born in 20 BC)
and Lucius (born in 17 BC). When Lucius was born, Augustus adopted them both as his own
sons and they became Gaius and Lucius Caesar. A further complication is added when the
ongoing careers of Augustus's stepsons, Tiberius and Drusus, who were also advanced over
these years, are taken into consideration. The intent behind these labyrinthine machinations
appears to have been to create a pool of eligible candidates, headed by a frontrunner. Any
other princes as were advanced in the background are best considered as insurance against fate
or as indicators of Augustus's preferences for the third generation of the Principate. In this way,
Agrippa was to succeed Augustus, but the adoption of Gaius and Lucius signalled Augustus's
desire that one of them succeed Agrippa (which one was to be preferred remains unclear, given

subsequent events). Tiberius and Drusus, as imperial princes, can be expected to have enjoyed
high public profiles and earned various privileges, but they were very much on the backburner
in these years. Notions of Regency (Agrippa over Gaius and Lucius) or paired succession (Gaius
and Lucius, Tiberius and Drusus) proposed by modern scholars seem remoter possibilities.

Augustus's vision for the succession can be seen in action again in 12 BC, when Agrippa died.
Julia, now widowed a second time, was married to Tiberius the following year. Tiberius was
Augustus's stepson and the most senior and experienced of the "secondary" princes in the
imperial house. As such, he was a natural choice. Not long afterward, Tiberius left for
campaigns in Germany and Pannonia, possibly with a grant of proconsular imperium. In 7 BC he
entered his second consulship and the following year his position was made plain when he
received a large commission in the East and a grant of tribunician power. In short, between 12
and 6 BC Tiberius was upgraded to take Agrippa's place in Augustus's scheme and was installed
to be Augustus's successor. But it was to be a rocky road indeed that led to his eventual
succession in AD 14. In 6 BC Tiberius unexpectedly "retired" to Rhodes, despite his prominent
public position. Augustus, apparently angered by Tiberius's action, had little choice (Drusus,
Tiberius's brother had died in Germany in 9 BC). He appears to have relied on his increasingly
robust health to see his adopted sons Gaius and Lucius Caesar to their maturity. But fate
intervened once more and both young men died, Lucius in AD 2 and Gaius two years after that.
In a burst of dynastic activity in June of AD 4, Tiberius was rehabilitated and adopted by
Augustus, as was Agrippa Postumus (the youngest child of Julia and Agrippa); Tiberius was
constrained to adopt his nephew Germanicus. Again, debate has swirled around these
arrangements but, following the suggestions made above, it is probably best to avoid notions of
regency or paired succcession and see here an attempt by Augustus to re-establish a "pool" of
princes from which to draw candidates, with Tiberius as the favored successor and Germanicus
to come behind him. The adoption of Agrippa Postumus remains puzzling, but he was still only a
teenager at the time and the move may have been intended only to secure his prominence in
future succession plans. Germanicus, twenty years old at the time of his adoption by Tiberius,
was clearly the frontrunner for the third generation of the Principate. Through him, also,
Augustus could hope for a Julian heir to the throne, but it is far from clear whether this remote
consideration played any decisive role in Augustus's thinking.

The succession issue was not a happy one for the imperial house and carried in its train some
domestic tragedies. Aside from the deaths of the various princes, Augustus banished his own
daughter Julia in 2 BC and her daughter, also named Julia, in AD 8. In AD 6-7 Agrippa Postumus
was disinherited and banished to the small island of Planasia, only to be murdered shortly after
Augustus's death. The banishment of Julia the Elder is emblematic of this group of events.
Julia's marriage to Tiberius had not been successful and she appears to have sought solace in
the arms of various noblemen and equestrians. In 2 BC her indiscretions were brought to
Augustus's attention and, enraged, he banished her to the island of Pandateria. She never
returned to Rome. The sources unanimously ascribe Julia's fate to her licentiousness and
immorality, but modern scholars have rightly questioned this presentation and seen instead
dynastic scheming behind Julia's actions and subsequent banishment. Whatever the actual
degree of Julia's political acumen, the informal and allusive nature of the succession system

itself was the root cause of her demise. For, in the Augustan system, an imperial princess who
had been married to no less than three indicated favorites (Marcellus, Agrippa, and Tiberius)
and who then brought outsiders into her bed was also bringing them into the heart of the
dynasty. That could not be tolerated. That Augustus interpreted his daughter's misdeeds in
political terms, at least in part, is suggested by the trial for treason of one of Julia's lovers, Iullus
Antonius, and his subsequent execution or suicide; others of her lovers were banished. The
same can be said for the fall of Agrippa Postumus and then of Julia the Younger. However
murky the details in each case, they can all be seen as victims of the Augustan succession

In all, then, the succession problem was a difficult one for Augustus, and his solutions only
perpetuated it for all future emperors. Despite the internal difficulties engendered by the issue,
Augustus was keen to present a united image of the imperial house to the populace. This is best
illustrated by the "Altar of the Augustan Peace" (Ara Pacis Augustae), dedicated in January, 9
BC, and laden with symbolic significance largely outside the purview of this biography. For our
current purposes, most important is the presentation to the people, on the south frieze, of the
imperial family--women and children included--as a corporate entity. The message of dynastic
harmony and the promise of future stability emanating from the imperial house is palpable. The
reality, as we have just seen, was rather different.

Augustus and the Empire I: the Army

At the heart of Augustus's position in the state lay the army. It had been a major player in the
chaotic events of the Late Republic and it had carried Augustus to power. Concern for its proper
maintenance and for the effective channelling of its loyalties was therefore one of the chief
goals of the Augustan settlement. In achieving these goals, Augustus's actions were a rousing
success, since the army was tamed as a force in imperial politics for the better part of a century.

Augustus completed the ongoing professionalization of the Roman military by establishing a

force of 28 standing legions (three were to be lost in Germany in AD 9), made up of volunteer
recruits. For the citizen soldiers of the legions, service was for a prescribed period (first 16, then
20 years), on a regular wage, and with fixed rewards upon discharge. After 14 BC, land grants
were discontinued in favor of cash pension payments; such payments were funded, after AD 6,
by a new public treasury (the aerarium militare). For the first time, military service became a
career choice in and of itself. Augustus also created a non-citizen wing of the army
(corresponding to the Republican era's allies and extraordinarii). These auxiliary troops were
formed into cohorts of infantry and wings (alae) of cavalry, usually 500 or 1000 strong,
sometimes under their own commanders, sometimes under a Roman officer (an ex-centurion
or tribune). Under Augustus, auxiliary units were mostly raised as needed and disbanded when
the campaign(s) ended; some units were incorporated into the new permanent force, on terms
of service similar to those for the legionaries. Augustus also regularized the organization and
terms of service in the Roman navy and created the praetorian guard, a personal force which he
discreetly and tactfully billeted in townships around Rome.

Augustus was careful to channel the loyalties of this new professional army solely in his
direction. The troops' loyalty to Augustus was assured by their taking a personal oath of loyalty
to him and by his role as their sole paymaster and guarantor of their rewards on discharge. In
short, he was their patron. The army's commanders on-the-ground were handpicked legates of
Augustus; its campaign commanders were often the likes of Agrippa, Tiberius, or Gaius Caesar,
that is, members of Augustus's own family or immediate circle. He also kept the army busy in
major campaigns in Spain, the Alpine regions, along the Danube and Rhine rivers, across the
Rhine in Germany, and in numerous small-scale actions all along the empire's frontiers. Where
active campaigns were not prosecuted, as in Gaul or in the East, the army was used as a means
of aiding political settlements (as in the return of the Parthian eagles in 20 BC or the meeting of
C. Caesar and the Parthians on an island in the Euphrates in AD 2) or as a garrison over local
populations (as in Gaul). While Augustus did not go so far as to station the legions along the
frontier as a defensive garrison force (as was to happen in later ages), he at least removed them
from the center of power and began the process of keeping them in the vicinity of the frontiers.
Although Augustus appears to some scholars to have been aiming at establishing "scientific
frontiers" along the Rhine/Elbe and Danube lines, the whole issue of his foreign policy--indeed,
whether even such a policy existed--remains most unclear. For the "scientific frontiers" view to
be true, certain problematic assumptions are requisite, not the least concerning the Romans'
cartographic capabilities and their appreciation of geographic realities well beyond their
immediate purview; it is also questionable to what degree the administration of the empire in
general adhered to clearly conceived "policy" on anything, rather than reacting ad hoc as
circumstances and local conditions dictated. On the whole, then, we should probably avoid
notions of Roman "imperial policy" on the model of modern national policies. One of the chief
political values of Augustus's campaigns was that it kept his new professional army busy--idle
trained killers can be a somewhat destabilizing element in society--and afforded him
considerable personal military glory, which further reinforced his claim to the loyalty of the

The importance to Augustus, as well as to the state, of his monopolization of army loyalties is
revealed in two suggestive incidents in 27 BC, when the Augustan order was still in its infancy.
At this delicate time, M. Licinius Crassus, grandson of the great Late Republican magnate, raised
a serious problem for Augustus. As governor of Macedonia he had undertaken successful
campaigns south of the Danube in 29-28 BC and had personally killed the enemy leader in
battle. In 27 BC, then, he was awarded a triumph but he went further: he claimed the ancient
honor of spolia opima ("the most honorable spoils"), awarded to a Roman commander who had
slain his counter-part with his own hand. These honors, involving the dedication of the enemy
commander's captured panoply to Jupiter Feretrius, had only been earned on three prior
occasions in all of Roman history. Since Crassus's claim to the spolia opima would have raised
Crassus into the uppermost echelons of military glory, it had the potential to confuse the
soldiers' loyalty toward Augustus. So Augustus blocked the claim on a technicality. Crassus held
his triumph and promptly disappears from our records. (It is unlikely that he was killed but,
rather, that his public profile died a death in the face of Augustus's displeasure, a good
example, if true, of the workings of auctoritas.) Not long afterward, another governor proved
problematic. C. Cornelius Gallus had been appointed the first prefect of Egypt on its annexation

in 30 BC. Like Crassus, he had embarked on campaigns to suppress revolts and to attack
neighboring people. He then celebrated his successes with statues of himself and bragging
inscriptions, one of which has survived. Enraged, Augustus let it be known that he no longer
considered Gallus his friend. Charges were immediately brought and proposals laid that Gallus
be convicted in absentia, exiled, and his property given to Augustus. His social status and
political career in ruins, his very life perhaps in danger, Gallus committed suicide (possibly in 26
BC). Both of these men had behaved fully within the boundaries of republican precedent but
had failed utterly to appreciate a fundamental rule of the new order: there was to be no
military glory but Augustus's. In contrast, Agrippa, for so long Augustus's right-hand man,
repeatedly refused honors and triumphs granted to him; all his victories were celebrated by

Augustus and the Empire II: Administration

Augustus also reformed and refined the administration of the Roman empire in many respects.
In the domestic sphere, the senate had moved from being the chief organ of the state to being
a subordinate entity, an assemblage of administrators at the disposal of Augustus. What was
essential from Augustus's viewpoint was that the senators not have this fact dangled before
their faces, hence his tact in dealing with them. Consuls, for instance, continued to hold office
annually but the need to pass the honor around more liberally required Augustus to create
"suffect" consulships, a sort of supplementary consulship that doubled the number of men
holding the consulship per year (the suffects replaced the "ordinary" consuls, who stepped
down from office in mid-term, so there was always the traditional pair of consuls in office at
any given time). This is a good illustration of the mixture of tradition and innovation that marks
so much of Augustus's activity. Augustus also appointed senators to newly-created positions
such as the curatorships of the aqueducts or of the public works, the prefecture of the city, and
so on. Throughout, he consulted the senate frequently and fully and treated it with respect.
More significantly, he formed an inner "cabinet" (consilium) from the two presiding consuls, a
representation of minor magistrates, and fifteen senators chosen by lot. Nevertheless, in Dio's
revealing words, "nothing was done that did not please Caesar." As the administration of the
state became more regularized, Augustus also drew administrators from the non-senatorial
section of the elite, the equites. A variety of new posts was created exclusively for equestrians,
including command of the praetorian cohorts and of the vigiles (firefighters), and the important
prefectures of the corn supply and of Egypt; their role as army officers also appears to have
expanded in these years. As a result, the equites benefited enormously from Augustus's rule,
and that of future emperors. Altogether, the thrust of Augustus's administrative reforms was to
create permanent, standing offices headed by longer-term appointments where the Republican
system had preferred occasional or rotating appointments, or none at all.

In the sphere of external affairs, many of the army's conquests were formed into new
provinces, especially along the south shore of the Danube (Moesia, Pannonia, Noricum, and
Raetia) and the Alps (Alpes Cottiae and Maritimae). In the East and in Mauretania in North
Africa, client global markets and principalities were allowed to exist, sometimes in very complex

arrangements, as with the Tetrarchs in Palestine or the numerous lesser global markets that
dotted the interior and eastern reaches of Asia Minor. From 27 BC onward these provinces
were divided into those that fell into the vast provincia of Augustus (the "imperial" provinces)
and those that were retained by the senate and people (the "senatorial" or "public" provinces;
see above, "From Octavian to Augustus: A New Order Established"). When the disposition of
the provinces is examined (as it stood on Augustus's death in AD 14), it shows that the imperial
territories outnumber the public ones by a factor of almost two, and that all but one of the
empire's twenty-five legions then in service fell under the emperor's command. Further, the
Cyrenaica decrees reveal the emperor making decisions about the internal operation of this, a
public province. Such interference on Augustus's part was legitimated by the improved
imperium proconsulare granted him in the settlement of 23 BC and brings into question any
notions of joint rule by senate and princeps (so-called diarchy). Ultimately, all the provinces
were Augustus's concern.

Overall, it is fair to say that the provinces, whether public or imperial, benefited enormously
from Augustus's reign. Not only had he brought them peace, he also brought them good
government. Legates in imperial provinces were appointed by Augustus for periods of three
years or more depending on local conditions, whereas proconsuls in the public provinces
continued to rotate annually. The men varied in rank from senators (proconsuls, usually of
praetorian rank, in public provinces; legates of praetorian or consular rank in imperial ones) to
equites (governing as prefects, as in Egypt and some of the smaller, unarmed provinces).
Whatever their status, under the new order governors had no reason to extort from their
provinces the huge sums of money that Republican-era proconsuls and proprietors had used to
bankroll their domestic political careers, since the success of those careers now depended less
on victory at the polls and more on the emperor's favor. Indeed, extortion in the provinces
could be positively dangerous, as it raised suspicions about the nature of one's ultimate
ambitions. These strictures applied no less in the public than in the imperial provinces, since all
governors were now answerable to a single source of authority in a way they had not been
under the Republic. This does not mean that rapacious governors entirely disappeared as a
breed but that, for the most part--the disappointments of Gallus and Crassus aside--Augustus's
gubernatorial appointments were sound. We hear of no major failings in the management of
the provinces during his reign and certainly nothing on a par with the rapacious activities of the
likes of Caesar or Sulla under the Republic. Augustus, by virtue of proconsular power, could also
intervene directly in any provincial dispute, as he did famously in Cyrenaica. Hardly surprising,
then, is the fact that of all the emperors, Augustus's image is the most commonly found in the
provinces, even long after his death. The remarkable period of peace and prosperity ushered in
by Augustus's reign is known not only as the PoxRomina but also as the Pox Augusta.

Augustus, as the protector and guardian of Roman tradition, also sought to inculcate a return to
that tradition by means of legislation: "by new laws passed at my instigation, I brought back
those practices of our ancestors that were passing away in our age" (RG 8.5). Thus, for instance,
he passed laws limiting public displays of extravagance (so-called sumptuary legislation) in the
manner of the old Republican senate, and he attempted through marriage regulations to put a
cap on divorces and punish childlessness and adultery among the elite. He also reinforced the

traditional social hierarchy, making sure that everyone knew their place in it. Minimum
property qualifications for membership of the upper orders were reinforced, and status
symbols for all the classes, especially the amorphous equestrians, clearly established. The
convergence of this sort of legislation is illustrated by the series of laws pertaining to freed
slaves, passed between 17 BC and AD 4. In the first place, the numbers of slaves that could be
informally manumitted or freed in wills was restricted in proportion to the total number of
slaves owned. This is a piece of sumptuary regulation, limiting overly extravagant displays of
wealth and generosity in public. Second, informally freed slaves were placed into a special class
of quasi-citizenship termed Jungian Latinity that was capable of being upgraded to full
citizenship only after the Jungians had proved themselves worthy; one way of achieving
worthiness was to have children. Such regulations, then, encapsulated the Augustan attitudes
toward public extravagance, maintenance of the social hierarchy, and marriage and
reproduction. In his private life, Augustus fell short of his own ideals (witness the turmoil
engendered in his family by adultery and infidelities of all sorts), but the thrust of his social
legislation was less to regulate individuals' private behavior than to maintain the proper
outward appearance of dignities and decency that Augustus felt had been lost during the Late
Republic. As such, it pertained to the ruling classes of the state and hardly at all affected the
commoner on the street.

Finally, there is the issue of the worship of Augustus. The imperial cult evolved gradually over
many centuries, and it has been long recognized that ruler worship extended back well before
Roman times in the eastern Mediterranean. In the East, then, the worship of Augustus as a god
commenced not long after Actium. Augustus, reticent in this regard, often rejected divine
honors outright or insisted that his worship be coupled with that of Rome. He probably had an
eye on Caesar's fate in so acting. The situation in the West, however, was more difficult. In
Rome itself there could be no question of Augustus being worshipped as a living god, which
would go against the grain of the Principe. In any case, he was already the son of a god and the
"revered one" (Augustus). A compromise solution appears to have been to have his will
(numen) or essence (genius) recognized as divine. In Italy and out in the western provinces
Augustus did not actively block direct worship, and two major cult centers were established at
Lugdunum in Gaul and Cologne on the Rhine with altars at each place to Rome and Augustus,
maintained by officials drawn from the local elite. In communities all across the West, in fact,
altars and temples to Rome and Augustus and to Augustus himself are attested, all staffed by
locals. Such cult centers therefore acted not only to promote unity in the previously barbarous
western provinces and to direct loyalties accordingly, but they also facilitated the assimilation
of local populations into a Roman way of life.



1. Economic Warfare Strategies and Tactics – The Commanding Heights @

a. NAME Resources, Inc. Joint-Venturing of Green Innovations -
b. NAME Resources, Inc. Plan to Create 9.7 Million New Jobs -
c. The State and Prosperity of the Republic (SPQR) -
d. The Procreative Game Theories through Market Economies of Scales -
e. Frequently Ask Questions -
f. Competitiveness Intelligence -
g. Do Ethnic and Non-Ethnic Civil Wars Have the Same Causes? -
h. Class Warfare, Noam Chomsky,%20Noam%20Chomsky.pdf
i. Tactics in Global Activism for the 21st century -

2. Business Model Warfare

a. Business Model R&D for New Market Entry -
b. Business Model R&D -
c. Co-evolutionary Warfare -
d. Corporate Warfare -
e. Hybrid Warfare -
f. Information Warfare -
g. Relations of Warfare -
h. Immediate Financial Support -
i. Thore Ronstadt in Evolutionary Economics -

3. Marketing Warfare Strategies and Tactics

a. Marketing Warfare Strategies -
b. Marketing Warfare Tactics -
c. State and Statecraft -
d. Strategic Usabilities -
e. Modern Warfare the Battle for Public Opinion -
f. Future Strategic Issues and Warfare -

g. Defensive Information Warfare -
h. Deflationism Warfare -
i. University-Industry Research Partnerships in the United States -

4. Business Model Foundations - Definitions and Approaches

a. Business Models as Models (Baden-Fuller & Morgan)
b. Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation (Teece)
c. From Strategy to Business Models and onto Tactics (Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart)
d. Business Model Design - An Activity System Perspective (Zott & Amit)

5. How do Business Models Emerge?

a. Business Models - A Discovery Driven Approach (McGrath)
b. Business Model Evolution - In Search of Dynamic Consistency (Demil & Lecocq)
c. Business-Model Innovation - General Purpose Technologies and their Implications for Industry
Structure (Gambardella & McGahan)
d. Strategic Development of Business Models - Implications of the Web 2.0 for Creating Value on
the Internet (Wirtz, Schilke & Ullrich)

6. Building New Business Models for Emerging Economies and Social Uses
a. Business Models - Creating New Markets and Societal Wealth (Yunus, Moingeon & Lehmann-
b. Building Social Business Models - Lessons from the Grameen Experience
c. Corporate-NGO Collaboration - Co-creating New Business Models for Developing Markets
(Dahan, Doh, Oetzel & Yaziji)
d. Cost Innovation - Preparing for a ‘Value-for-Money’ Revolution (Williamson)

7. Implementing Business Models - Key Success Factors

a. Business Model Innovation - Opportunities and Barriers (Chesbrough)
b. Killing Two Birds with One Stone - Profit for Now and Learning for the Future (Itami & Nishino)
c. Embedding Strategic Agility - A Leadership Agenda for Accelerating Business Model Renewal
(Doz & Kosonen)
d. An Individual Business Model in the Making - a Chef’s Quest for Creative Freedom (Svejenova,
Planellas & Vives)
e. From Recipe to Dinner - Business Model Portfolios in the European Biopharmaceutical Industry
(Sabatier, Mangematin & Rousselle)
f. Complex Business Models - Managing Strategic Paradoxes Simultaneously (Smith, Binns &




An Advance Across the Rubicon of Deceptive Practices

and Practitioners of Traditional Economic Thought

The Build Plan or Objectives

(The Organizational Method Structure for Building Mission or Goal Statements)

A. Environmental Scanning

1. Social and political trends

a. Demographics
b. Moral Values
c. Education
d. Regulatory Pressures

2. Capital markets analysis

a. Capital Asset Pricing Model
b. Capital Structure
c. Ask How Estimate
d. Value Analysis

3. Macroeconomic trends
a. Systematic Risk
b. Value Curve for Signal
c. Value Chain and/or Stream
d. Economics of Scale

4. Industry structure studies

a. Industrial Organization
b. Industry Capacity

c. Industry Importance Graph
d. Industry Segment
e. Industry Structure
f. Industry Life Cycle

5. Competitor analyses
a. Competitive Force
b. Competitor Configuration
c. Competitive Strategy
d. Competitive Position

B. Developing and Modifying a Corporate Strategy

1. Corporate goals
a. Corporate Culture
b. Corporate Stakes
c. Corporate Strategy
d. Corporate Brands

2. Concept of fit
a. Concept of Assembly
b. Concept of Management
c. Organizational Structure
d. Integrating System

3. Concept of assembly
a. Organizational Hierarchy
b. Measurement Systems
c. Incentive Systems
d. Planning Hierarchy
e. Planning Process
f. Resource Allocation Process

4. Concept of management
a. Differentiation Strategy
b. Functional Areas of Fit
c. Entry and Mobility Barriers
d. Formula Fit

C. Establishing Different Goals for Business Units (Alternatives)

1. Identity business units (Segmentations)

a. Buyer Groups
b. Business Cycle Profiling
c. Business Plan and Policy
d. Business Interrelationships

2. Assess contributions to information and for economic values

a. Business Systems Analysis

b. Cost of Capital
c. Financial Leverage
d. Capital Structure

3. Alternative or subroutine goals for business units

a. Strategic Leverage
b. Shared Experience
c. Strategic Business Unit(s)
d. Strategic Beachhead

D. Developing Competitive Strategies for Business Units

1. Identify current strategy (Reverse implied assumptions)

a. Required Return
b. Operating Policies
c. Competence Profile
d. Strategic Audit

2. Generate alternative strategies (Analyze environment industry structure's intra-industry structure)

a. Buyer Power
b. Supplier Power
c. Relative Costs, Prices and Utility
d. Fix-To-Value Added Ratios

3. Select optimal strategy and determine operating policies to carry out

a. Build Plan
b. Operating Leverage
c. Operating Unit
d. Operations Research

E. Reviewing Competitive Strategies

1. Consistency test
a. Critical Path Method
b. Cost Analysis
c. Price to Performance Ratio
d. Input-Output Analysis

2. Contribution to economic and/or informational values

a. Decision-Making Process
b. Decision-Making Unit(s)
c. Decision Trees
d. Value System and/or Chains

3. Ongoing monitoring
a. Structural Analysis
b. Structural Factor
c. Critical Path Methods
d. Value Chain for System

4. Reports
a. Linkage
b. Market Signal
c. Measurement System
d. Mission Statement(s)

F. Resource Allocation

1. Financial resources
a. Capital Intensity
b. Capital Structure
c. Cash Flow
d. Cash Trap

2. Human resources
a. Employees
b. Sub-contractors
c. Consultants
d. Labor Organizations

3. Information resources
a. Information Brokers
b. Governmental Sources
c. Written Materials (Books and/or Database Hard-copies)
d. Media Systems (News or News Associations)

G. Determining Incentives

1. Set performance measures

a. Measurement System
b. Management Through Objectives
c. Game Grid
d. Gap-Based Planning

2. Evaluate performance measures

a. Cost Dynamics
b. Growth Value Leverage Matrix
c. PIMS Program
d. Gaming

H. Monitoring Implementation

1. Software procedures
a. Regression Analysis
b. Seven-8 Framework
c. Strategic Condition Matrix
d. Strategy Audit

e. Uniqueness Driver
f. Systematic Risk
g. Unsystematic Risk
h. Value Added Advantage for Analysis
i. Planning and Design
j. @ Functioning
k. Macro Structuring
l. Problem Formatting

2. Grids, matrixes and flow chart systems

a. Brainiac
b. Pie Structures (5 Area Phases)
c. Bar Charts (Report Structure)
d. Decision Flow Chart Grid
e. Consultation Grid
f. Strategic Condition Matrix
g. Pie Structures (Report Structure)
h. Brainiac Wave Length Flow Charts
i. 5 Area Phase Bar Charts
j. Macro Flow Chart System
k. Legends
l. Total System's Integrated Color Chart Systems
m. CAD Systems
n. CAM Systems
o. Anatomy Charts and Diagrams


The charts, diagrams and procedural formats shown in this part of Appendix F, are designed and
formatted for use by the Technical Support Units of Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors in order to
provide the System Matrix of this system with a structure, by-which all processes and procedures can be
verified as to it's accuracy and form of implementation


The ERSD Call To Action Formula(s) on Behalf of

Caesar’s 10th Legion within Global Economic Thought

3 (S= )

The Formula System’s Principle Components

Through the Concepts of Economics Today
For the first time in the history of mankind. The road representing financial security, which leads
toward the Commanding Heightsof global market economies, is no longer solely paved with the words,
concepts & ideas of Privatization. But is additionally forged upon the creation of individualized
innovative global free-market entrepreneurialbusiness model&search engine technologies. Whose,
patentable genetic-based consultative Planning & Design Approaches (PDAs) are interconnected,
evolvable & user specific through personalizing internet content by way of the following grammatic
formula(s); Whereas, the constant sum value of [A2, G2, G2, G2, L2, M2, PA2,T3 &T3] equals the
measured quantitative significance of any number(s), letter(s), word(s), concept(s), idea(s), genomic
sequence(s) or method(s) used to describe the existence or processes of a person(s), place(s) or thing(s),
both currently known or unknown. Which, are also supplanted within the driving forces [E] behind the
Meaning of Life [M], the Tree of Life [T], and of course Quality of Life [Q] issues. Whereas, the
Process is the genomic facilitation of single & multiple number, letter or word, strategies or tactics that
simultaneously accommodate systemic personal or organizational management, from a single point of
origin, throughout the following distributed infrastructural linguistic resources involving the Human
Language System (HLS) as a whole;

The Meaning of Life Issues

2. ***
5. ****
6. ***
7. ******* 613
8. Shavuot
9. 248 Do's
10. 365 Don'ts
/index.htm 248 Do's & 365 Don'ts
12. There is also complete agreement that
these 613 mitzvot can be broken down into 248 positive mitzvot (one for each bone and organ
of the male body) and 365 negative mitzvot (one for each day of the solar year).
13. Body Count
16. SE & TML
17. Anagram Software
18. Genealogy Software
19. Numerology
23.,_the_Universe,_and_Everything *** Must Use
27. SoulWorks
30. Merck Manual
32. ***
37. Biblical Mark
39. Strategic Methods
43. Strategic Assets
47. ***
48. Strategic Facilitations

54. Strategic Reading
55. ******* Strategic Mind-Sets
57. ***
58. ******* Strategic Guidelines
59. AI
62. Formal Methods
64. Software Engineering Resources
66. Numerical Methods
67. Bibliographies
karlsruhe.dezSzpubzSzmikezSzdfezSzpaperzSzDKE98.pdf/studer98knowledge.pdf Knowledge
72. Tactical Methods
74. Tactical Totalitarianism
76. Military Tactics
81. MRP
82. Teaching Methods
84. Business Intelligence
89. Competitive Intelligence
100. CI

105. ***
108. ******* CI DNS

The Tree of Life Issues

1. Software
3. ***
4. Structural Example
6. Structure
7. Enneagram
9. *** 9 - Enneagram
10. Biblical Enneagram
11. Personality Colors
13. PPRS Sample Report
14. Test
16. Educational Hierarchies
18. Social Reproduction
22. Personality Survey
23. & ***
Psychological Tests
25. Formula Classes
26. Software Test
28. 360
33. ***
36. Newsgroups
37. Communities
39. School Setting
43. Collegiate Institutions
45. College Courses

48. All Subjects
49. SEI
50. ***
51. Engineering Links
53. CASE
54. *** CASE Tool
56. Agent Emotions
57. ***
58. *** AOSE
60. *** Thesaurus
61. *** Classification
62. *** WordNet
63. *** Library
67. ***
69. *** Screen-Plays
70. *****
71. ***** Style Writer
83. Numerical Strategies
86. Personalizing
Internet Content
91. *** Netmap
92. *** Concept Mapping
100. ***

102. *** Social Methods

The Quality of Life Issues

4. Systems
6. Speaking Software
8. Chart
9. *** Indicators
10. Medical Support
12. ***
13. Performance Appraisals
14. *** Software
17. Forms
profiles.htm Personnel Profiles
19. Leadership Qualities
20. *** Maslow
ic_travel_security_report.html ***
22. Methodology
23. *** Change Management
27. ***
28. Strategies & Tactics
29. CM Software
30. Application
33. CM PDF
34. ******* CM
35. Social CM
38. *** Social Change
40. Social Systems
41. Organizational Change

43. Chaos
44. Socioeconomic Change
45. Life-Cycle Generation
49. Socioeconomic Democracy
54. Autonomous Agents ***
55. ***
65. *** Social & Cognitive Roots
66. Systems Biology
67. Bull Markets
68. Books
69. Prototype
70. Representation
71. EM
74. Natural
75. Autonomous Agent Component
76. Robotic Interaction
77. Terrorist Modeling
78. Agent Modeling
79. MOs
81. Evolutionary Power Bases
82. World Systems
85. World Legal Systems
86. Higher Education
87. Agent Library
88. Game Theory
92. Evolutionary Games

astronova/ Virtual Economies
95. Theories
96. TOC
98. Economic Wars
100. Incentive Wars
101. Silent Wars
102. Emotional Warfare
103. Encyclopedia of Self
104. Emotional Intelligence
108. \ Spiritual Warfare




Epistle to the Religious Interpretations of Governments

and Global Market Forces from Cicero


The first development of the syncretic and mixed policy, is that form of government which is
called the Patriarchal or Paternal. The power of patriarchs has in all ages been accounted
higher, wider, and more absolute than that of any of the emperors, kings, aristocrats, or
democrats that subsequently arose. This aboriginal and supreme form of government, entitled
the patriarchal, has been lauded as the earliest and best, by Philo, Plutarch, Selden, Bossuet,
Filmer, Michaelis, Pastoret, and most of the commentators on the political history of the Jews.
The patriarchs, and, as they were subsequently called the Judges, of the Jewish nation, were in
fact theocratic legislators: they combined an absolute ecclesiastical and civil power, universal
and indefeasible. Sir Robert Filmer has evinced, beyond contradiction, the priority and
superiority of the patriarchal power. He has shewn that the beautiful principle of paternal
government and hereditary succession is the natural and proper foundation of human
government. In this respect Gerson, Bossuet, Du Pin, and other Catholic writers are perfectly
right. When they entitle the pope a patriarch, they acknowledge that so far as precedence of
rank is concerned, he stands as much above all emperors and kings, as they stand above all
archbishops and bishops. The patriarchal power of the pope should not, however, extend
beyond his own dominions.

Emperors and kings should be supreme within their own territories in ecclesiastical as well as
civil matters; for they ought to be as much defenders of the universal faith of their subjects, as
they are of their universal rights. The patriarchal theory, which shews us that we must trace the
true origin of monarchical and aristocratic power to the paternal principle of hereditary
succession, is of the greatest value. By Filmer’s doctrine, we consider our princes and nobles as
the personal representatives of the oldest families; and as such entitled to the same deference
and respect as attach to priority of birth and seniority of age, in all national clans and private

families. The able politician Heeren has recently shewn that the theory which makes all
government merely a matter of popular compact and election, though supported by Locke and
his followers, is fraught with all the perils of Rousseau’s “social compact,” and tends to produce
republicanism and revolution. These remarks would indicate the truth of what the admirable
Selden observes with reference to the Hebrew commonwealth, namely, that when the
government was changed from the patriarchal into the monarchical, there was in fact a fall
from a higher order of government into a lower. It is no wonder, therefore, that the Deity was
incensed against the people of Israel for asking for a king, instead of a patriarchal successor to
Samuel; for, by so doing, they throw their political system into an inferior condition.
Yet, royal, imperial, and monarchical government is next to the patriarchal, wonderfully sacred
and venerable. We find something resembling it in the first rise and youthful spring of all
ancient nations. In the Asiatic territories it has been universally cherished. And we find that
kings, a series of wise and heroic monarchs, laid the foundation of all the glories of Greece and
Rome. Still, however fair, monarchy has been continually exposed to the dangers of
degeneration into despotism and tyranny. Next to the imperial or regal, is that particular form
of government called the aristocratical. Inferior to the regal no doubt it is, but something
infinitely better than the democratic. It still maintains something of the patriarchal dignity of
hereditary succession to family wealth and honors, which is the grand security of all states,
though it has often been abused to purposes of pride, extravagance, and oppression.

The last particular form of government we shall mention, is the democratical or republican. The
advantages and disadvantages of this form are so neatly summed up by Paley, we shall avail
ourselves of his words. “The advantages of a republic are, liberty, or exemption from needless
restrictions; equal laws; regulations adapted to the wants and circumstances of the people,
public spirit, frugality, averseness to war, the opportunities which democratic assemblies afford
to men of every description, of producing their abilities and counsels to public observation, and
the exciting thereby, and calling forth to the service of the commonwealth the faculties of its
best citizens. “The evils of a republic are —dissentions, tumults, factions, the attempts of
powerful citizens to possess themselves of the empire; the confusion, rage, and clamour, which
are the inevitable consequences of assembling multitudes, and of propounding questions of
state to the discussion of the people; the delay and disclosure of public counsels and designs,
and the imbecility of measures retarded by the necessity of obtaining the consent of numbers
and lastly, the oppression of the provinces which are not admitted to a participation in the
legislative power.”

Now Cicero, the most observant of all politicians, clearly perceived that in proportion as the
catholic, syncretic system of government, which combined and harmonized these several
particular forms, advanced, in that proportion had the state become prosperous and durable.
For it is the remarkable characteristic of this syncretic government, being unionistic, universal,
coalitionary, mixed, and eclectic, to blend all that is good in the particular species, without
contracting their mischiefs. Like the light of heaven, it combines all colours in a blaze of glory,
which, when divided and segregated, become faint and shadowy. Thus, according to Cicero,
there can be only two principal distinctions in the kinds of government—ne is the Catholic,

Syncretic, Unionistic, coalitionary, and harmonic. The other is the sectarian, partizantic,
divisionary and discordant. Cicero’s preference for the first kind was strong and invincible; he
saw that by a manly eclecticism, a philanthropical latitudinarianism, it combined all the
separate notes of political wisdom into one grand and majestic concord; and he saw that the
universal tendency of all divisionary and particular governments was to produce a miserable
contractedness in national politics, and to embroil the state in the interminable jars of schisms
and sects, parties and factions.

By the Online Library of Liberty: Treatise on the Commonwealth




Reflections on Life and Death and the Interpretations of the

Embodiment of Eternal Life through Global Economic Principles

The Human Body

By Hillel ben David (Greg Killian)

THE HUMAN BODY ......................................... 1 HEART............................................................................. 46

HEAD ................................................................... 7 LUNGS ............................................................................ 47
THE BRAIN ....................................................................... 7 DIAPHRAGM ................................................................... 47
FOREHEAD ........................................................ 9 KIDNEYS.......................................................................... 48
LIVER .............................................................................. 50
THE FACE ........................................................ 11 PANCREAS (‫ )לבלב‬............................................................ 50
NOSE .................................................................. 11 SPLEEN ........................................................................... 51
EYES .................................................................. 16 THE BET HAMIQDASH ................................ 51
TEARS ............................................................... 18 MILAH .............................................................. 52
EARS .................................................................. 18 THE HEALING OF BODY AND SOUL ................................ 52
MOUTH ............................................................. 19 UPPER AND LOWER DA'AT ............................................. 54
TONGUE ........................................................... 21 BLOOD .............................................................. 55
TEETH ............................................................... 23 RECTUM .......................................................... 56
NECK ................................................................. 23 HEALING: ........................................................................ 58
SHOULDERS .................................................... 26 LEGS ................................................................. 59
ARMS ................................................................. 27 LEFT THIGH ..................................................................... 60
HANDS ............................................................... 27 FEET ................................................................................ 60
“WASHING HANDS” ....................................................... 37 BODY SHAPE .................................................. 60
FINGERS ........................................................... 37 MASHIACH ...................................................... 60
THE OMER ..................................................................... 41 THE TREES ...................................................................... 61
FINGERNAILS ................................................. 41
BREASTS .......................................................... 45 Man is a metaphor. Indeed, one of several
ORGANS ............................................................ 46 meanings of the Hebrew word adam (“man”) is “I

resemble.” For man is a microcosm of creation— our attempt to know (daat) and connect with
in the words of the Talmud, “As the soul fills the HaShem.
body, so HaShem fills the universe.”12[1] Thus Iyov
declares, “From my flesh, I perceive HaShem”13[2], The human body is the physical element in a
by contemplating the workings of our body and complex and ultimately spiritual being. The
the manner in which it relates to and is animated human body is not simply the housing for the
by our soul, we gain insight into the workings of spiritual essences, it is part and parcel of the
creation and the manner in which it relates to and combined human being, a being that will
is sustained by its source. Man is a microcosm, ultimately exist in greater spiritual form in the
and so provides analogies for all other worlds world to come, after the resurrection. For when the
which can explain the secrets of reality and the world to come begins, and we stand up at the
great riddles hidden from our senses”.14[3] resurrection, we will stand up with combined body
and soul, though both will be raised to a much
According to R. Bachya, our primary duty is to higher spiritual level than at which we stand
study that which is closest to us: the human being. today.

It is our duty to study the origins and birth of the The walls of the succah represent the human body,
human, the form and structure of his physical and are even adorned with kishutim, jewelry, so-
frame, how the various body parts are connected to-speak, as we adorn a body. For, like the body
and function together, the purpose of each itself, the walls of the succah are only a temporary
individual part and the need for it to take its and somewhat flimsy encasement for the person,
present form. Next we should study man's the soul, that enters and then later leaves it.
advantages, his various temperaments, the
faculties of his soul, the light of his intellect, his The spiritual nature of the human body is
qualities -- those that are essential and those that manifested in an erect posture. This is one of the
are accidental; his desires, and the ultimate aspects of a human being which shows his
purpose of his being. When we have arrived at an spiritual nature. The fact that a man stands upright
understanding of the matters noted in regard to and has a certain glow in the face is a
man, much of the mystery of this universe will manifestation of his difference from an animal.
become clear to us, since the one resembles the These two features distinguish us from the
other... as Job said (Job 19:26): "From my flesh I animals.
see God."15[4]
Maharal’s View
The Rambam16[5]states that the only way to love and
fear HaShem is through the study of His creation, Maharal suggests that the human body symbolizes
for only through this study are we able to know aspects of HaShem, rather than that the actual
HaShem. Our understanding of HaShem can only form of the body reflects the form of HaShem in
be achieved by the intellectual investigation of the some way. In his view, human characteristics such
genius and balance of His creation. Every detail, as our walking upright, having two eyes, the heels
every remarkable insight and fact is necessary in of our feet, all remind us, if we understand them
correctly, of attributes of HaShem. Specifically,
our walking upright indicates a lack of
Berachot 30a subservience, our eyes remind us of HaShem’s
Iyov 19:26 awareness of good and evil, and our heels can
Shomer Emunim HaKadmon, argument 1, sec. remind us of the ubiquity of sin.
Duties of the Heart (Chapter 5)
Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah 2:2
Vilna Gaon’s View
The Divisions of the Body
According to our mystical tradition, the human
being is a microcosm of all creation, and within The human body is divided into three parts: the
the human being one can find the characteristics of head, the most aristocratic part of the body; the
every creature. The Vilna Gaon, a leading sage of middle section, which incorporates the heart; and
the 18th century, states that this idea is expressed the lower section of the body, the most mundane
in the following pasuk, where the Creator of all (symbolizing the three sections of the
proclaims: Mishkan, the Kodesh Kodeshim (Holy of Holies),
the Kodesh (the Holy Place), and the Chatzer (the
Bereshit (Genesis) 1:26Let us make the courtyard), and the three worlds, the world of the
human being in Our image and after Our angels, the world of the luminaries, and this world.
There are 613 commandments. The positive
Who was the Creator speaking to when He said, commandments (do), numbering 248, are
'Let us make the human being'? According to the equivalent to the number of organs in the human
Vilna Gaon, the Creator was addressing all of body. The 365 negative commandments (do not
creation, bidding each creature to contribute a do) are equivalent to the number of blood vessels
portion of its characteristics to the human being. in the human body. The 613 mitzvot relate to 613
For example, the human being's strength is traced specific physical areas in the body, a Hakham
to the lion; his swiftness to the eagle; his cunning (Rabbi) can analyze whether a limb is affected by
to the fox; and his capacity for growth to the flora. an adversely conducted mitzva.

THE TORAH AS A LIVING ORGANISM Man has 248 limbs they are as follows: Thirty
bones in the foot, six in each toe. Then, ten bones
The weaving of the Torah from the Ineffable in the ankle, two in the lower leg, five in the knee,
Name (YHWH) suggests the analogy that the one in the thigh, and three in each hip. There are
Torah is a living texture, a live body in the eleven pairs of ribs. The hand has thirty bones, six
formulation of both Azriel of Gerona and the in each finger. There are two bones in the forearm,
Zohar. The Torah "is like an entire building; just two in the elbow, one in the upper arm, and four in
as one man has many organs with different each shoulder. This yields a sum of 102 bones on
functions, so among the different chapters of the each side, for a total of 204.
Torah some seem important in their outward Besides these, there are another 46 limbs. These
appearance and some unimportant," yet in actual include the eighteen vertebra of the spine, nine
fact all are bound together in a single organic bones in the head, and eight in the neck. There are
pattern. Just as man's unified nature is divided up also six in the "gateway to the heart," which is the
among the various organs of his body, so the chest, and another five at the outside orifices. The
living cell of HaShem's Name, which is the total is 248 limbs.
subject of revelation, grows into the earthly Torah
that men possess. Down to the last, seemingly The Hakhamim (Rabbis) declared that there were
insignificant detail of the Masoretic text, the Torah 248 members (bones) in the human body17[6];
has been passed on with the understanding that it namely, forty in the tarsal region and the foot
is a living structure from which not even one letter (30+10 = 40); 2 in the leg (the tibia and fibula); 6
can be excised without seriously harming the in the knee (including the head of the femur, and
entire body. The Torah is like a human body that the epiphyses of the tibia and fibula); three in the
has a head, torso, heart, mouth, and so forth. pelvis (ilium, ischium, and pubes); eleven ribs (the

Jewish Encyclopedia
twelfth rib, owing to its diminutive size, was not
counted); 30 in the hand (the carpal bones and the ***
phalanges); two in the forearm (radius and ulna); 2
at the elbow (the olecranon and the head of the The Shela Hakodesh writes that each of the 248
radius); 1 in the arm (humerus); four in the positive mitzvot corresponds to one of the 248
shoulder (clavicle, scapula, coracoid process, and limbs of the body and each of the 365 negative
acromion)—which makes 101 for each side of the commandments corresponds to one of the 365
body, or 202 for both—eighteen vertebræ; 9 in the veins and arteries of the body. Each positive
head (cranium and face), eight in the neck (7 mitzva that one fulfils and each negative
vertebral and the os hyoides), five around the commandment that one is careful not to transgress
openings [sic] of the body (cartilaginous bones), nourishes its corresponding limb or vein.
and six in the key of the heart (the sternum). However, if one neglects one of the mitzvot or
commits a sin, he blemishes the parallel limb or
The human form also has 248 limbs (and organs), vein of his neshama. The Shela then notes that it is
corresponding to the 248 positive commandments impossible for any one individual to observe all
of the Torah, and 365 connecting tissues, veins or 613 mitzvot. Some mitzvot apply only to
sinews, corresponding to the 365 prohibitions of kohanim; others, only in Eretz Israel or when the
the Torah18[7]. Bet HaMikdash stood. Still, others apply only in
rare circumstances, e.g., if one's brother dies
Like man, the earth is also divided into 248 parts without children and there is a mitzva for him to
with a head, eyes, mouth and other limbs. It also marry his brother's widow (yibum). If that is the
has 365 arteries. Every time a person observes a case, how can one properly prepare his neshama
commandment, he sustains one of his limbs, as for the Next World and prevent his neshama from
well as a part of the world. Each limb announces, being blemished?
"Observe a commandment with me, so that I will
live long". It is for this reason that man is called The Shela answers that if one fulfils those mitzvot
a microcosm He is a miniature universe, having that he is capable of performing and learns the
in him everything that exists in the world. sections of the Torah related to all the mitzvot, it
is considered as if he fulfilled the entire Torah.
Nowhere is it written which mitzva corresponds to This is alluded to in the passage here. "For this
which item in the body. This appears to be a secret commandment that I command you today is not
Tzaddikim have. When something goes wrong hidden from you...". This refers to those mitzvot
physically, it is because a mitzva or group of that are hidden from one and are impossible to
mitzvot are not being performed properly. The fulfil, e.g., mitzvot that apply to kohanim. "...And
power that should be flowing to that limb is it is not distant...". This refers to mitzvot that are
subverted. The power that should be coming from possible to fulfill but circumstances are rare, e.g.,
the soul (Torah) to the physical body (mitzvot) is Yibum or Birchat HaChama. "...Nor is it across
not flowing properly. the sea...". This refers to mitzvot that can only be
performed in Eretz Israel thereby exempting one
“The body,” writes Hakham Culi19[8], “has 248 who lives across the sea. The Torah says that one
limbs and 365 blood vessels . . . The soul has should not say that it is hidden, far, in the heavens
exactly the same number of limbs and blood or across the sea. Rather, it is very near to you, in
vessels, but these are spiritual rather than physical. your mouths and in your hearts to learn and delve
Each part of the soul is in its counter-part in the into it. The pasuk ends with the words "to perform
body, and is strongly bound to it.” it". All that precedes these final words is given on
condition that one performs those mitzvot that he
Zohar I, 170b can fulfil.
Meam Loez
These radical differences come about through the
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai interpreted the presence of the drop of semen in the mother's
following verse: womb during the forty weeks of gestation. It is
this period of physical development that produces
Devarim (Deuteronomy) 23:15HaShem the differences between one organ and another:
your G-d is constantly present in the midst the more materialized a particular component of
of your camp [be’kerev machanecha] . the drop becomes, the more it diverges from its
original state and becomes an entity with its own
“In the midst” [be’kerev] refers to none other than unique physical characteristics. We thus observe
your heart, and “your camp” [machanecha] is your that though all the organs share a common source,
body with its 248 limbs. The verse thus continues, nevertheless in the process of development there
“Make sure that no unseemly thing/word be seen arise differences as radical as that between brain
in you, which might cause Him to withdraw His and nails.
presence.” Your body is a Temple for the Divine!
Sanctify [i.e. elevate] your mind, speech, and Another matter evident from the analogy: Though
actions, even when you are engaged in permitted the nails are the most insignificant part of the
activities. [In other words, sanctification does not child's body, they are still bound and united with
only refer to refraining from that which is their first source, the father's brain. For, like the
forbidden, but, in addition, to being careful to other parts of the child's body, the nails too receive
elevate even that which is permitted20[9].] Woe to their nourishment and life from its brain. Since the
you if you don’t, for it will considered as if you child's brain retains the essence of its source (the
had defiled the Mikdash of the king! father's brain) and is thus constantly bound to its
source, even the nails are therefore bound up with
*** their original source.

(a) The two calf-bones and one thigh-bones ***

comprise the majority of the volume of bones of
the human body. Aperson's two principle organs are his brain and
(b) Since there are 248 limbs in a male human his heart. The Maharal, commenting on the
body, the majority of limbs will total 125. Mishna in Avot, "May it be Your will that the Bet
(c) According to Rebbi Yehoshua, there are 252 HaMikdash be rebuilt speedily in our days, and
limbs in a female human body, But according to make our portion in Your Torah," explains that
Rebbi Akiva, there are 253. there is a reference here to these two organs.
(d) A quarter of a Kav (six egg-volumes) of bones Divine service is the "heart," while Torah is the
will also be Metamei be'Ohel. "brain."

The Beginning A persons brain is the kodesh ha-kodoshim (Holy

of Holies) of the human body.
We observe that the child's entire body is derived
from a drop of semen originating in its father's The following charts shows the ten structures of
brain. Yet the many physical components which the human being as it relates to the men of the
constitute the child's body are by no means synagogue and to the Temple:
uniform. They vary greatly, from the brain, the
highest component, to the nails of the feet, the

see Ramban, Vayikra 19:2
Bet Kenesset – The Body

(Wisdom) - Black
Virtue: Emunah (Faithful Obedience)
Ministry: Chief Hakham of the bench
of three
Rosh HaShanah
Da'at Binah
(Knowledge) - White (Understanding) - Gray
Virtue: Yichud (Unity) Virtue: Simchah (Joy)
Ministry: 3rd of the bench of three Ministry: 2nd of the bench of three
Yom HaKippurim Shabbat Shuva
Gevurah G’dolah / Chessed
(Strength/Might) – Scarlet Red (Greatness/Mercy) – Royal Blue
Virtue: Yir’ah (Fear of HaShem) Virtue: Ahavah (love)
Ministry: Sheliach [Apostle/Bishop] Ministry: Masoret [Evangelist]
Second Day First Day
Second intermediate day First intermediate day
(Beauty) - Yellow
Virtue: Rachamim (Forgiveness)
Ministry: Darshan or Magid [Prophet]
Third Day
Third intermediate day
Hod Netzach
(Glory) - Orange (Victory) – Emerald Green
Virtue: Temimut (Sincerity) Virtue: Bitahon (Confidence)
Ministry: Parnas [Pastor] Ministry: Parnas [Pastor]
Fifth Day Fourth Day
Fifth intermediate day Fourth intermediate day
(Foundation) - Violet
Virtue: Emet (Truth/Honesty)
Ministry: Parnas [Pastor]
(Female – hidden)
Sixth Day
Sixth intermediate day
Shekhinah / Malkhut
(Presence) – Purple
Virtue: Humility
Ministry: Meturgeman/Moreh/Zaqen
Seventh Day
Seventh intermediate day

Chachma, Bina, and Daat). This is related to the
HEAD verse, "The gold plate shall be on Aaron's
forehead before HaShem" (Ex. 28:36), since the
plate was engraved with the Tetragrammaton,
HaShem's Holy Name. In addition, the Zohar23[12]
compares the rest of the head to the menorah of
the Sanctuary of which it is written:

Bamidbar (Numbers) 8:2 "When you

[Aaron] light the Menorah, its seven lights
shall shine toward the center".

The seven lamps emanating light from the oil

correspond to the seven apertures of the head: two
As HaShem is more revealed in the Bet eyes, two ears, two nostrils and the mouth, which
HaMikdash, so, the soul is concentrated in the radiate the light of the mind. This light should be
head. directed toward the center, in the service of
HaShem. Lastly, these four sets of organs
The Jews are called Israel because the letters can correspond to the four letters of the Divine Name,
be switched around to form the words, Li Rosh where the mouth relates to the last heh - ‫ ה‬and the
(“to me as a head”)21[10]. The head has three parts: last of the sefirot, Malchut. We see then that the
the brain, the skull and the hair. The brain is the ten Sefirot permeate the head, from Keter in the
source of reason, and the skull represents will. forehead on high to Malchut in the mouth.
Hair represents the Chachma which is revealed to Subjugating and harmonizing one's thoughts to the
us (the Torah), just as hair receives a minute will of HaShem brings one into the spiritual loop
amount of Chayot from the brain. Thus, the such that he becomes a conduit for the flow of
revelation of the “hair” is in Gan Eden (since Divine energy cascading from on high down
Torah is studied there) and the revelation of the below. This is symbolized by a kiss on the
brain (hidden Chachma) and of the skull (will, forehead that originates in the mind of the
mitzvot), will be revealed when Mashiach comes. bestower, is transmitted down through the mouth,
and received by the mind of the recipient who is
The Tallit that is wrapped around us, represents now resonating in harmony with HaShem.
the mitzvot, the skull and the tzitzith are like the
hairs (Chachma, Torah). Since tzitzith contain
both ideas (Torah and mitzvot), they correspond to The Brain
the whole Torah, and thus the statement that
“tzitzith are compared to the whole Torah.”22[11] The human forebrain is made up of a pair of large
cerebral hemispheres. Because of crossing over of
*** the spinal tracts, the left hemisphere of the
forebrain deals with the right side of the body and
According to Jewish mysticism, the forehead is vice versa. Things in the higher world are reversed
associated with the inclusive of Keter (including in the lower world when they become manifested.
We see this when we see the wicked prosper and
21[10] the righteous suffer. This reversal is absolutely
Remember that each letter of the Hebrew essential in order for us to have free will. If the
alefbet has meaning, so ultimately one can righteous always propered and the wicked always
understand a word by adding up the meaning of suffered; Who would want to be wicked? This
the letters.
Based on a Maamer of the Tzemach Tzedek,
Derech Mitzvosecha, Mitzvot Tzitzith. Tikkunim 13b
apparent injustice is resolved in the next world The brain stem pictures the Rosh Bet Din (Chief
where we see that the righteous are paying, in this Justice). This organ is the most centered of the
world, for any minor sins that they committed. organs of the head, being centered left to right,
The wicked, too, are being payed for any minor front to back, and top to bottom.
mitzva that they committed. Thus in the next
world the righteous find only reward and the The brain captures and translates the message of
wicked find only punishment. the neshamah into concepts and ideas.

The next world does not have the cross-over. It is The Mishkan's furnishings or vessels are seen as
a world of essence. representations of the various organs and faculties
of man: The Ark (containing the Torah)
The brain stem and its parts: corresponds to the mind, intellect and the faculty
of speech.
The medulla oblongata is an enlarged continuation
of the spinal cord extending up into the pons (a Chachmah (wisdom), of all the mental powers, is
large bulge under the brain stem). On each side of considered to be the essential mind or the "mind
the medulla oblongata is an oval swelling, called within the mind." Consequently, binah
the olive, from which a large bundle of nerve (understanding) relative to chachmah, in addition
fibers arises and passes up into the cerebellum. to referring to the heart itself (the physical seat of
Because of its location, all ascending and emotive experience born from the
descending nerve fibers connecting the brain to
the spinal cord must pass through it.

Medulla Oblongata - The medulla oblongata

functions primarily as a relay station for the
crossing of motor tracts between the spinal cord
and the brain. It also contains the respiratory,
vasomotor, and cardiac centers, as well as many
mechanisms for controlling reflex activities such
as coughing, gagging, swallowing and vomiting

Midbrain - The midbrain serves as the nerve

pathway of the cerebral hemispheres and contains
auditory and visual reflex centers.

Pons - The pons is a bridge-like structure which

links different parts of the brain and serves as a
relay station from the medulla to the higher
cortical structures of the brain. It contains the
respiratory center. understanding of the mind), can be regarded as the
relative "heart within the mind." This distinction
The head contains three hidden parts: The right also plays itself out in the body, where Chachmah
and left forebrain and the brain stem. These three is positioned in the right lobe and Binah in the left
parts picture the Bet Din, the bench of three. The lobe of the brain. The third additional element,
right and left lobes have a dominant lobe, Daat – the midbrain, is located in the rear lobe of
signifying the right hand Dayan (Judge) in the Bet the brain at the point where the brain connects to
Din (court). the spine, the position of the occipital lobe.

We hear about the concept of brain death. This
refers only to the demise of the brain-stem. This FOREHEAD
does not refer to being comatose, which may only
be a state of unconsciousness, nor to the persistent The forehead is open and blank. It is at the highest
vegetative state in which case the patient is part of the body to indicate an extremely elevated
completely alive. It is more accurate to call it function: Where the forehead is facing is where
brain-stem death, or the death of the whole brain. you are going! What direction are you facing?
The brain-stem is the lower part of the brain, You will walk in the direction of your forehead.
which controls automatic, instinctual reactions. At The forehead is a symbol of your ratzon, your
the demise of the brain-stem, it is impossible to desire.
remain alive without the help of a breathing
apparatus. The body is unable to breath on its Midrash Rabbah - The Song of Songs
Our Sages discuss the part of the body which first Sanctuary. Just as the forehead is on the
returns to life (in the resurrection). It was called highest part of a man, so the Sanctuary is in
the Luz bone, and it is located at the back of the the highest part of the world. Just as most
neck. Interestingly, the brain-stem is at the top of ornaments are suspended from the forehead,
the spinal cord and the lower area of the brain! so priesthood, Levites, and kingship are
from Jacob.
The following are some of the Ari's teachings of
Doesn't the Torah itself say that one must decide the spiritual significance of the design of the
in accordance with the majority? human body:

The Rabbi responded with a parable: once, all the The golden head-plate resembles another religious
hundreds of other organs in the body gathered in object worn above the forehead: tefillin. The
opposition to the brain. All of them were being Sages in fact compared the two, and declared: if
treated as nothing but servants. The brain never the tzitz (sacred head-plate), upon which
consulted with them or asked any of their opinions HaShem's Name is engraved just once, required
about what to do, rather, the brain made all the constant awareness, certainly tefillin, in which
decisions by itself, and whatever it felt like doing, HaShem's Name is mentioned many times, have
all the other organs were obligated to do. "Can this the same requirement.
be?" argued the other organs. "The Torah itself
says that one must decide in accordance with the Yet the argument seems weak. Do the Sages really
majority!" mean that tefillin, worn by any Jew, are holier
than the sacred head-plate worn only by the High
But the brain responded immediately. "That Priest when serving in the Temple? Also, why is it
verse," explained the brain, "is discussing the that the head-plate only mentions HaShem's Name
Sanhedrin, the Supreme Rabbinical Court, where once?
71 brains sat together. Therefore it was necessary
to ask the opinions of each one, and in cases of We can divide all of life into two parts: ultimate
disagreement they would rule in accordance with goals, and the means we use to reach those goals.
the majority. But you don't have a single brain We must be careful not to confuse one for the
between all of you! Just tails that think they can other. It is easy to loose sight of our true goals
offer an opinion. In such a case, no one says that when we are intensively occupied with the ways
one must follow that majority!" of achieving them.

Even those who are careful to stay on track may
not have a clear understanding of the true purpose The obvious question here is, how does the tzitz
of life. The Sages taught that "all actions should which is worn on the forehead of the high priest,
be for the sake of Heaven". Knowledge of what atone for the impurity of the holy offerings? In
HaShem wants us to do in each and every other words: what is the connection between the
situation is by no means a simple matter. The golden plate, the forehead, the sacrifice, and
ability to discover the highest value, to impurity?
comprehend the central value of existence, and to
be able to relate all of life to this central theme, Before taking up this question we will first
this is a function of one's wisdom and spiritual examine another source, which is also related to
greatness. the tzitz and atonement. Rabbi Anani bar Sasson
catalogued the various sins for which the priestly
Regarding the High Priest, we expect that the garments provide atonement: the tunic atones for
person suitable for such a central and elevated bloodshed; the breeches (trousers) atone for incest;
position will have reached the level of the mitre for arrogance; the girdle for sinful
enlightenment whereby all activity revolves thoughts of the heart; the breastplate atones for
around one ultimate goal. Everything relates to the errors in legal judgment; the ephod, for idolatry;
central theme of "Holy to HaShem ". Therefore the the robe, slander, and the tzitz procures atonement
tzitz contained only one mention of HaShem's for impudence. The reason given for the latter: the
Name, one crowning value. tzitz is worn "on the forehead (metzach) of
Aharon" and in Jeremiah 3,3 it is written: "and
The common person, on the other hand, may not you had the forehead(metzach) of a harlot". From
reached this level of enlightenment. For him there here we learned that the tzitz atones for sins of
exist many elevated goals: Torah study, acts of impudence25[14].
kindness, charity, prayer, service, wisdom,
prophecy, etc. These are true spiritual values, and Beyond this comparison, which is of a strictly
by relating various activities to each of these technical, verbal nature, the word "forehead"
values, one will succeed in elevating himself and ("metzach") does in fact have a broader meaning
recognizing the underlying central goal. Therefore which relates to human behavior and character. An
the individual's tefillin contains HaShem's Name examination of the Biblical idiom leads us to the
many times, reflecting many guiding spiritual conclusion that "metzach" symbolizes hardness
goals. which carries with it opposition and refusal. The
words of HaShem to Ezekiel, when He sends him
We see how much people need physical to the people of Israel as a prophet, include the
reinforcement in order to keep the ultimate goals following passage: "But the House of Israel will
of life in sight. This is the underlying logic of the not want to listen to you for they do not want to
Sage's comparison between the head-plate and listen to Me, for all the House of Israel are defiant
Tefillin. Even the High Priest, despite his broad (Heb. - chizqei metzach; literally: strong of
spiritual perception, needed to be constantly aware forehead) and further on, "Behold, I have made
of the tzitz on his forehead and its message. your face hard against their faces and your
Certainly the average Jew, with a multitude of forehead strong against their foreheads, fear them
spiritual goals, needs to maintain contact and not"26[15]. A parallel verse in Isaiah (48,4) says: "for
recognition of his tefillin.24[13] I know that you are obstinate, your neck is a sinew
of iron and your forehead is brass".
This symbolized that Aaron’s mind was sacred
and worthy of carrying the name of HaShem that
was embossed on the tzitz. 25[14]
Zevachim 88b and the parallel sources in
Arachin 16a and in Vayikra Rabbah 10,6
24[13] 26[15]
Ayn Aya III:26 on Shabbat 12 Ezekiel 3:7-8
The same word also symbolizes insolence and d"28[17] insulted them and shamed them. Could there
impudence. In addition to the example already be greater impudence than this? The stone striking
discussed above from Jeremiah ("and you had the his forehead symbolized a blow to the center of
forehead of a harlot, you refused to be ashamed"), his insolence, the focal point of impudence.
this meaning of the word also appears in the well-
known story of King Uzziah who wishes to usurp (As an aside, Goliath became a giant because of an
the prerogative of the priests and offer incense: overactive pituitary gland which is located in the
head, between the eyes and slightly above them,
"When he was strong, he grew so arrogant that he and about two inches back from the forehead.
acted corruptly: he trespassed against HaShem his Thus the giant was slain by destroying the organ
G-d by entering the temple of HaShem to offer that had made him mighty. David became the first
incense on the incense altar. The priest Azariah, endocrinologist.29[18])
with eighty other brave priests of the lord,
followed him in and, confronting King Uzziah, For better or for worse body language is expressed
said to him, 'It is not for you, Uzziah, to offer more by the forehead than by any other exposed
incense to HaShem, but for Aaronite priests, who part of the body. Therefore, when the high priest
have been consecrated, to offer incense. Get out of wears the tzitz on his forehead it is to atone for
the Sanctuary, for you have trespassed; there will those sins which the forehead represents.
be no glory in it for you from HaShem G-d'. impudence which originates in stubbornness,
Uzziah, holding the censer and ready to burn contrariness and rebelliousness.
incense, got angry; but as he got angry with the
priests, leprosy broke out on his forehead in front
of the priests in the House of the Lord beside the The Face
incense altar. When the chief priest Azariah and
all the other priests looked at him, his forehead The physiognomy of the human face alludes to
was leprous, so they rushed him out of there; he ascending levels or dimensions of existence. The
too made haste to get out, for the Lord had struck mouth, which represents the sense of taste, the
him with a plague"27[16]. least spiritual of our senses, is in the lowest
position. The nose, representing the more spiritual
It is unreasonable to assume that the choice of the sense of smell, comes above the mouth, and the
forehead as the only place where the leprosy broke eyes take the highest position as the sense of sight
out was simply in order to make it more visible, to is considered the most spiritual of the senses.
make the punishment of this impudent more
obvious. Most probably the forehead was chosen Rabbi Yoseph Chayim of Bagdad goes into the
for yet another reason: for being a symbol of conceptual or spiritual implications of this as well.
insolence and impudence; in other words, the He quotes the verse, "You shall therefore
forehead was singled out to be struck with leprosy safeguard the commandment (mitzva), the statutes
so that part of the body which committed the sin (chukim), and the laws (mishpatim) which I am
of impudence, would be the part which bears the teaching you today, to do them" (Devarim. 7:11),
punishment. and says: The 613 commandments are
traditionally divided into three categories:
Another famous story makes the same point, the 1) chukim (statutes or decrees) such as not mixing
battle of David against Goliath. Here again we can or cross-breeding certain species when planting, or
say that it is no coincidence that the stone David not eating pork, etc.,
chose from the stream struck Goliath precisely on
the forehead and nowhere else. Let us not forget,
the Philistine "taunted the armies of the Living G- 28[17]
II Samuel 17:21 and 45
I learned this from my endocrinologist Dr.
II Chronicles 26:16-20 Jerome Fisher.
2) mitzvot (commandments or testimonies) such Yilkot Talmud Torah says that when it came time
as wearing tefillin or keeping the Sabbath and for a person to pass away, he would sneeze and his
other commemorative festivals, and soul would exit his nostrils.
3) mishpatim (laws or judgments) such as not
killing, not stealing, etc. Pirkei DeRabi Eliezer Ch. 52 From the day
that heaven and earth were created, people
These three levels of commandments can be said did not become sick. A person might have
to correspond to three types of pleasures. In been walking in the market, he would sneeze
ascending order, these are taste, smell, and sight. and his soul would leave his body through
Though all of these exist here in this his nostrils. Jacob requested mercy, 'Master
physicalworld, the lowest of the three, namely of the Universe, do not take my soul until I
taste [eating/drinking], is most appropriate for the have instructed my children and the
level of reality in which we live. members of my house.' God acceded to the
request.... That is why one wishes a person
'life' when they sneeze.
"The Chizkuni zt"l informs us that Yaakov Avinu
Smell is considered the loftiest and most changed the way people die. From the beginning
transcendent sense. The Arizal says that when the of creation, a man's sneeze would be his last
sin of Adam brought lust into the world it affected breath. Wherever he was, whatever he was doing,
all of the senses except for that of smell. The sense when he sneezed, his neshama (soul) would leave
of smell remained unaffected. All other senses his body, without warning."
desire forbidden things while the nose remains
holy. Baba Metzia 87a Until Jacob there was no
illness: then Jacob came and prayed, and
The nose is that part of the body which is illness came into being, as it is written, And
connected most directly with the life force. one told Joseph, Behold, thy father is sick.

Bereshit (Genesis) 2:7 And HaShem God Thus we see sickness that leads to death, instead
formed man of the dust of the ground, and of a sneeze, for the first time.
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul. The Talmud calls the pleasure of smell one that
benefits the soul and not the body31[20].
The nose is used to perform two functions:
Breathing and smelling. Now, we have a principle Smelling is the faculty which tells us whether or
in the Torah which tells us that if we have a single not something is alive. Things that are fresh
organ which perform two function, then both and full of life, smell very good. Things that
functions are intrinsically one function. have died smell very bad. The higher the
organism, the worse it smells when the life
Chazal30[19] teach us that there was a time when force has left. Thus we see that the nose is the
people died when they sneezed. The first time you organ for the life force.
sneezed, you died. This is why we say mazal tov
when someone sneezes, and doesn’t die. Clearly As we are taught, Mashiach will judge and rectify
we can see then that the nose was the place where reality by using his sense of smell. This means he
life force went in and the place where the life will be able to detect the truth of a person's
force went out. statement and will truthfully judge who is guilty,
as it says in the prophesy of Isaiah:

30[19] 31[20]
Mishna Berura Berechot 43b
The sovereignty of Mashiach will be more
Yeshayahu 11:3"and his delight will be in elevated than that of Moshe Rabbeinu. For the
the fear of G-d and he shall not judge after Gemara teaches:
the sight of his eyes, nor decide after the
hearing of his ears..." Sanhedrin 93b The Messiah-as it is written,
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon
Yeshayahu 11:3 "He will be scented with him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the fear of God, and he will not judge by the the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of
sights in his eyes or decide by the sounds in knowledge of the fear of the Lord. And shall
his ears" make him of quick understanding [wa-
hariho] in the fear of the Lord. R. Alexandri
The word for "delight" (v'haricho) has the same said: This teaches that he loaded him with
root as the word "smell," (rayach). The Sages good deeds and suffering as a mill[is laden].
interpreted this to mean that the Mashiach will be Raba said: He smells [a man] and judges33[22],
able to judge through the sense of smell. as it is written, and he shall not judge after
According to tradition, the four senses of sight, the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after
hearing, taste and touch were all blemished due to the hearing of his ears, yet with
their participation in the sin of eating from the tree righteousness shall he judge the poor.
of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of
Eden. Only the sense of smell does not appear in Mashiach will judge by his sense of smell,
the verses describing the sin, thus retaining its whereas a king is permitted to judge only
original pristine state. The common expressions according to the testimony of witnesses. (The
"something doesn't smell right," and "this stinks" concept of judging by the sense of smell applies to
used to illustrate situations that feel intuitively Mashiach in his capacity as king, not in his
wrong, allude to the association between smell and capacity as prophet, for a prophet may not judge.)
judgment. Smell is connected to intuition and
inspiration, both of which emanate from a The most spiritual of all the senses is the sense of
superconscious level above logic and reason. smell and so it is not surprising that it is strongly
Mashiachrepresents the consummate state of associated with Mashiach.
ongoing inspiration from HaShem; therefore he
will be able to judge through his rectified sense of The sense of smell was the only one of the five
smell. senses that was not involved in the sin that took
place in Gan Eden. In addition, the Hebrew word
The Torah32[21] states that HaShem breathed life into for smell, "rei'ach", is closely related to the word
the form of Man. The Hebrew word for breath, for the second level of soul, which is called
nesheema, is the same as the word for soul, "ruach".
neshama. Our spiritual life force comes,
metaphorically, by way of air and respiration. ***

Yermiyahu refers to the Mashiach as the “breath Yoma 85a Abba Saul said: From the navel
of our noses” which sends its roots into every direction!
You may even say that [the first view is in
Eichah 4:20The breath of our nostrils, the agreement with] Abba Saul, inasmuch as
anointed of HaShem, was taken in their pits, Abba Saul holds his view only touching the
of whom we said, Under his shadow we first formation, because ‘everything
shall live among the heathen.
Thereby definitely knowing whether he is
guilty or innocent. ujhrvu is thus derived from jhr
Bereshit (Genesis) 2:7 reah, smell.
develops from its core [middle]’, but The nose is shaped like the Hebrewletter vav,
regarding the saving of life he would agree which has the numerical value of six. The Holy
that life manifests itself through the nose Zohar states with regards to the creation of Adam:
especially, as it is written: In whose nostrils
was the breath of the spirit of life. (Bereshit Zohar 26a “AND THE L-RD G-D
7: 22) FORMED MAN. “Man” here refers to
Israel, whom G-d shaped at that time both
R. Papa said: The dispute arises only as to for this world and for the future world.
from below upwards,34[23] but if from above Further the word “Vayizer” (and He
downwards, one had searched up to the formed) implies that G-d brought them
nose, one need not search any further, as it under the aegis of His own Name by shaping
is said: ‘In whose nostrils was the breath of the two eyes like the letter “Yod” and the
life’. nose between like the letter “Vav” …
Forthwith at that time He planted Israel in
Sotah 45b FROM WHAT PART [OF THE the Holy Garden of Eden, as it is said: “and
BODY] DO THEY MEASURE? In what do the L-rd G-d planted” (Genesis 2:8).The two
they differ? One is of the opinion that the names here refer to the Father and the
source of existence is in the nose, while the Mother; the “Garden” is the Shekinah on
other is of the opinion that the source of earth, and “Eden” is the supernal Mother;
existence is in the navel. Is this to say [that “the man” is the Central Column; the
they differ on the same point] as the Shekinah was to be his plantation, his
following teachers: From where is the spouse who was never to depart from him
embryo formed? From the head, and thus it and was to be his perpetual delight. Thus G-
states: Thou art He that took me [gozi] out d at that time planted Israel as a holy shoot,
of my mother's womb,(Tehillim 71:6.) and it as it is written, “the branch of my planting,
further states: Cut off [gozi] thine hair and the work of my hands, in which I glory”
cast it away etc.18 Abba Saul Says: It is (Yeshayahu 60:21).
from the navel, and its root spreads in all
directions [from there]! — You may even Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi (1513-86 C.E.) in his
say that Abba Saul [agrees with R. Akiba], work "Ma'asei HaShem" (The Works of God),
because Abba Saul's statement only applies wrote:
to the formation, that when an embryo is
formed it is formed from the centre, but with "The phrase 'a pleasant aroma to the Lord'
respect to existence all agree that [its source does not reflect the absolute quality of the
is] in the nose; for it is written: All in whose sacrifices, but, on the contrary, it conveys a
nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life possible flaw in their nature. In case the
etc.1 worshipper imagines that he indeed has
achieved atonement for his sin by just
*** offering a sacrifice, the Torah tells him that
this is far from true. The sacrifice is only a
'pleasant aroma' which means: a foretaste
for what is yet to come. If the worshipper
does not repent, then the Almighty will say,
If the person under the debris has his feet up 'To what purpose are your sacrifices to Me?'
and his head down. According to one view, one [Yeshayahu/Isaiah 1:11] The concept of
must examine the core, i.e., the heart; according to aroma is attributed to the Almighty because
the other, even though the heart seems to have of its metaphoric connotation. Just as a
suspended action, the definitive diagnosis depends pleasant aroma coming from afar bears
on the action or failure of the function of the nose. witness to something good in the offering,
so every time the Torah uses the phrase, 'a Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk achieved the
pleasant aroma' in connection with the spiritual level of awareness akin to the Godliness
sacrifices, (the meaning is that) it should be Mashiach will reveal. He knew what Mashiach
to the Almighty as a foretaste of the good smelled liked because his room was in a messianic
deeds which the worshipper is planning to state. He needed to open the window because the
perform. It is called a 'pleasant aroma' outside was not.
because anything which can be detected by
the senses before it actually arrives at a ***
person is called a smell, e.g., to be 'in the
air', as its says in the book of Iyov/Job Bamidbar (Numbers) 33:1 "These are the
(39:25), "He smelled the war from afar", journeys of the Children of Israel, who went
which implies that he sensed the battle even forth from the land of Egypt according to
before he actually reached it. Every human their legions."
being who wants to bring a sacrifice should
know that this should be done so as to QUESTION: Why does it say matei, journeys, in
reconcile himself with God. Consequently plural? Immediately after the first journey, weren't
the sacrifice is to be brought as a foretaste of the Jews out of Egypt?
good deeds which are still to come".
ANSWER: The encampments began after the
The Mishkan's furnishings or "vessels" are seen as Exodus from Egypt and culminated with the
representations of the various organs and faculties arrival at Yardein Yeriecho, the Jordan by Jericho.
of man: The inner altar on which the Ketoret The word Mitzrayim can also be read as
(incense) was burned, corresponds to the sense of meitzarim, restraints, i.e. boundaries and
smell. limitations. Yereicho etymologically stems from
the word rei'ach, smell and aroma, and it alludes
We know that everything that exists in the to Mashiach, of whom it is written, "He will be
material world is paralleled in the spiritual world. imbued with a spirit of fear for HaShem"35[24]. Also,
Smell and taste refer to Torah and mitzvot. Taste the Gemara36[25] says of Mashiach that, "He will
and smell are the spiritual core and the living judge right and wrong through his sense of smell."
essence of everything and Torah and mitzvot are
similarly the living essence of everything. The Torah is eternal. Not only does it record the
actual departure from Mitzrayim, Egypt, but also
The Smell of Mashiach conveys a message for posterity. It is incumbant
upon every Jewish soul which descends to this
In his later years, when Rabbi Menachem Mendel earthly world to make matei, journeys, i.e. to
of Vitebsk lived in Tzefat. One day he heard a progress in stages in order to detach and elevate
commotion in the street and sent his valet to itself from its own meitzarim, limitations and
inquire of its nature. The servant came back with restraints. As a person rises from one level to the
the report that Mashiach had arrived. R' other, he must deal with new and subtler restraints.
Menachem Mendel opened the window took a Upon successfully accomplishing his mission, he
sniff, shook his head to the negative and went is ultimately ready for Yereicho, the revelation of
back to what he was doing. Mashiach, and to come to "the good and bountiful
The question is asked: What does Mashiach smell
like and if R' Mendel knew what Mashiach ***
smelled like, why did he need to open the
Isaiah 11:3
Sanhedrin 93b
Shabbath 151b ‘Or ever the sun and the sneeze!). For this reason, we make a blessing over
light be darkened’ (Eccl. 12:2.) this refers to a sweet-smelling fragrance on Motzei Shabbat and
the forehead and the nose; ‘and the moon’ inhale it, to compensate ourselves somewhat for
— this is the soul; ‘and the stars’ these are the loss of the extra soul we had gained over
the cheeks; ‘and the clouds return after the Shabbat. (Interestingly enough, of the five senses,
rain’ — this is the light of man's eyes [his smell was the only one that did not participate in
eyesight], which is lost after weeping. the sin of eating from the Tree of Knowledge of
Good and Evil, and is said to have remained
The nose was the portal through which life was unaffected.) The Talmud calls the pleasure of
given by the eternal breath of the Creator, so too smell one that benefits the soul and not the
was the smell of the incense the conveyer of body37[26].
spiritual energy into the world. The incense
formed the fulcrum point of the Temple both in
service and position. EYES
Fifty days after the exodus from Egypt, the Jewish The eye is similar in shape to the Hebrewletteryud,
people received the Torah and soon after began which has a numerical value of ten. Two eyes and
building the Mishkan, a temporary dwelling place one nose, therefore, are represented by ten plus ten
for the Ten Commandments. Moshe was the plus six equals twenty-six. Twenty-six is the sum
leader of the people and his brother Aharon with of the letter values of one of the names of
the help of his four sons would do the service HaShem. Thus the name of HaShem is inscribed
required in the Mishkan. The Torah relates how upon our bodies, teaching us that He is the master
the two elder sons brought incense before the of each person, for it is customary to write one's
Creator and were killed because the mixture was name on his belongings; there are seven orifices
improper. contained in one's head, two eyes, two nostrils,
two ears, and one mouth corresponding to the
Two lines of light entered into the nostrils of the seven candles of the menorah (candelabrum) that
two sons and took their lives; HaShem said, I am was lit in the Temple; the three layers of the eye
honored and then told Aharon not to come into the that surround the pupil represent the three
Mishkan while drunk. These two disparate notions patriarches (Avraham, Yitchak, and Yaakov); the
help to explain the circumstances of their death. lips are similar in shape to the willow leaves that
They had mixed the incense in a way to bring we use on the holiday of Succoth; the thirty-two
down too great of a light because they were drunk teeth correspond to the thirty-two paths of
on HaShem. HaShem was honored, but forbade wisdom; there are said to be thirteen points of the
further exaltations. beard which correspond to HaShem's thirteen
attributes of mercy.
The Kabbala teaches that smell is the highest of
our senses. It is why the golden Altar that burned The Mishkan's furnishings or "vessels" are seen as
the incense was at the central point in the Temple; representations of the various organs and faculties
it is the same reason that the nose is the of man: The menorah corresponds to the eyes and
predominant feature of the face and the face is the the sense of sight.
stamp of the Creator. It is through the nose that
life enters us and through the nose that life leaves The Bet HaMikdash was called the "eye of the
the nose grasps what can’t be heard or seen. world." The eye is a physical organ but it receives
something that is about as non-physical as you can
The Incense-Offering also alludes to this concept, get; light. The eye is the gateway to a non-physical
since incense is something that is enjoyed through existence called light. The Bet HaMikdash was
the nose, through which the soul enters and leaves
the body (which is why we bless a person after a 37[26]
Berachot 43b
called "the eye of the world" because it was the the medium of its mundane subject matter. Only
portal for the Light. by studying the soul of Torah does one come to
see G-dliness, to perceive its reality in the most
Hearing is the modality of this world. Seeing is the immediate and unequivocal manner.
modality of the Olam Haba, the next world. In this
world there is movement and sound. Hence ***
hearing is the sense modality of this world. In the
next world, there is no more movement, there is Tehillim (Psalm) 116:1-9 I love HaShem,
no more hearing. This is a world of stillness, a because he hath heard my voice and my
world of sight. Why don’t we move in the next supplications. 2 Because he hath inclined
world? Because all movement is done to meet a his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon
need. In the next world there will be no more him as long as I live. 3 The sorrows of death
needs and hence there will be no more movement. compassed me, and the pains of hell gat
hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. 4
Hearing requires us to work, as we shall see. Then called I upon the name of HaShem; O
Seeing requires no work. That is why seeing is HaShem, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. 5
believing. In the Olam Haba, the next world, Gracious is HaShem, and righteous; yea,
reality will be instantly apparent. The Olam HaBa our God is merciful. 6 HaShem preserveth
is seeing. the simple: I was brought low, and he
helped me. 7 Return unto thy rest, O my
When the Talmud cites a proof to decide a dispute soul; for HaShem hath dealt bountifully with
between two sages or to resolve a question of law, thee. 8 For thou hast delivered my soul from
it often introduces it with the phrase Ta shema, death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet
Come, hear or Come, understand (the Hebrew from falling. 9 I will walk before HaShem in
word shema means both hear and understand). In the land of the living.
contrast, the common opening phrase in the Zohar
is Ta chazi, Come, see. For the difference between For You have delivered my soul from death, my
these two forms of Torah is akin to the difference eyes from tears, my feet from falling. . ."
between sight on the one hand, and hearing and
comprehension on the other. In this spirited chapter of Tehillim, King David
sings thanks to HaShem for saving him from his
While sight and hearing are both tools of enemies, and for taking away his suffering. King
perception, absorbing stimuli and conveying them David thanks HaShem for saving three parts of his
to the mind to interpret, there is a major difference body from harm:
in the manner in which they impress their findings
upon us. Sight is the most convincing of faculties: 1. His soul from death,
once we have seen something with our own eyes, 2. his eyes from tears, and
it is virtually impossible for other sensory 3. his legs from stumbling.
evidence or rational proofs to refute what we now
know. On the other hand, hearing and Why is King David only thanking HaShem for
comprehension are far less vivid impressers of the these three benefits? Did not King David thank
information they convey. They will convince us of HaShem for saving his entire being from harm?
certain truths, but not as unequivocally as do our Perhaps these three items are representative of the
eyes. What we hear and understand are facts that entire human being. Consider this thought. There
have been proven to us; what we see is reality. are three parts of man:

One who contemplates the body of Torah gains 1. His body (or physical side)
knowledge of the divine reality. But this remains 2. his soul (or non-physical side)
hearsay, second-hand information conveyed via
3. his existence as a thinking, functioning
human being (or the connection of his The level below this in Keter is called the
body and soul). Chachmah of the Keter, or of Arich Anpin. It is
also represented by the (expanded) Name of
When King David praises HaShem for saving his HaShem possessing the following letters: YUD-
soul from death, he praises HaShem for the entire Vav-Dalet (20), HEH-Yud (15), VAV-Yud-Vav
metaphysical side of himself. (22), HEH-Yud (15), which has the gematria of
Ayin-Bet (72 ), and which is said to correspond to
When he thanks HaShem for saving his eyes from the level called the eyes. This light is so high up in
tears, he is praising HaShem for saving the part of the system, so sublime, that it does not make it to
him that is a connection of body and soul: The the outside.
eyes do not enter the world as our arms and legs
do; they are stuck in their sockets. Yet, they can This is represented in the human being as well.
only see things that are inside the physical world. The ears, nose, and mouth all allow for two-way
They are in the physical world, but not of the traffic, whereas the opening in the eyes is covered
physical world. by a film, allowing light to enter but for nothing to
come out. If a person closes his eyes tightly to
Chazal explain that the role of our right and left prevent any light from coming in, he can see light
eyes is different. The right eye is meant for on the inside of his eyes, which, according to
viewing others positively, always observing, and Kabbalah, is light that comes down from the high
catching their good qualities. The left eye, which spiritual level mentioned above, through the brain,
is judgmental and critical, should be directed but flowing only up until the barrier of the eyes.
inwards, at oneself. Indeed, just as our eyes
function together so is our ability to see the good
in others dependent on our ability to justly Tears
criticize ourselves for all of our shortcomings, and
our distance from the Almighty. "For You have delivered my soul from
death, my eyes from tears, my feet from
Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, the student of the Gaon stumbling. . ."
of Vilna, offers the following explanation in his
work, Nefesh Hachaim. Human beings discern Let us now decipher this phrase; what King
physical phenomena mainly by utilizing the power David's body was savedfrom.
of vision. Their eyes and ears are mainly
employed to serve as gateways to ideas and The first one is understandable: King David
thoughts. Stated another way, the physical world praises HaShem for saving his soul from death
is a detectable reality that we actually see; our (the most significant potential loss.)
awareness of anything spiritual is in our thoughts
expressed in the medium of concepts and ideas. What is meant in the phrase "my eyes from tears"?
We 'see' physicality; we 'hear' spirituality. Why is it that King David thanks HaShem for
saving his eyes from tears, and not as we would
*** have thought, from blindness? Consider this
thought. What are tears?
The human head possess many parts: hair, a skull,
brain lobes, eyes, a nose, ears, a mouth, a beard on A great deal of emotional energy gathered in the
men; all of this corresponds to levels in the Sefirot body (either joy or pain), that can not be contained
themselves. For example, within the sefirah called within the body, spills out as tears.
Keter, there is the Gulgalta, Skull, a level of
Divine light that functions as the Keter of the
Keter, often referred to as Arich Anpin.
When a person cries, the energy that was built up believing. In the Olam Haba reality will be
within him spills out and is lost; it can never be instantly apparent. The Olam HaBa is seeing.
reclaimed, and is a great loss.38[27]
Shemot (Exodus) 20:15 "And all the Nation
That is why tears of the eyes are so significant. saw the voices and the flames, and the sound
That is why they are mentioned right after the loss of the Shofar, and the mountain smoking,
of the soul. and the nation was afraid, and they
trembled, and they stood far away."
Similarly, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch calls
tears "the sweat of the soul." When the Bne Israel stood at Mt. Sinai, the Torah
records that we saw the voices. We saw something
that is normally heard. Our Sages teach that when
Ears HaShem is manifest, then we see everything as it
really is. We see reality, even if it is normally
Ketuvot 5a-b Design of Fingers to fit inside Ears. heard, because there are no broken pieces to
assemble when everything is one with HaShem.
Ketuvot 5b Design of Ear for Self-Sealing. Since there are no broken pieces to assemble, the
Torah calls that seeing.
Ketuvot 5b Ears are the Most Easily Burnt Limb.
Hearing and seeing are the only senses associated
Hearing is a sense which requires us to assemble with beauty. We see and hear beautiful things.
the sounds from another person, into a cohesive This makes hearing and seeing intimately
picture. Thus we would say that hearing is the associated.
forming of disparate parts into a single picture.
Literally we make many into one. Twice a day, the HaShem’s people cover their
eyes, meditate on the unity of the Creator and
The shema, which is uttered twice a day by every intone, "Shema Israel - Hear! O Israel, HaShem
observant Jew, is an interesting perspective into our God, HaShem is One!"
hearing. Shema is normally translated as hear.
Chazal teach us that shema literally means the The Shema is the basic credo of the Jew, his first
gathering of many and making them into one. The declaration of HaShem's unity and the last words
appropriateness of this definition is brought into to leave his mouth when he passes from this
sharp distinction when we see that the goal of the world.
shema is that HaShem should be one and His
name One. Why is it that we say "Hear! O Israel?" Why don't
we say "Look! O Israel?"
The Shema contains 245 words (in the first verse
"Shema Israel ..." and the three words that preceed When the Jewish People stood at Sinai to receive
them), in order to complete a total of 248 words the Torah, they underwent an experience which
corresponding to the members of the human body. was literally out of this world. When HaShem
spoke, the Torah writes that the Jewish People
Hearing is the modality of this world. Seeing is the "saw the voices." There was a dislocation of the
modality of the Olam Haba, the next world. natural perception of the senses. What does it
Hearing requires us to work, as we shall see. mean to see sound?
Seeing requires no work. That is why seeing is
There is a fundamental difference between the two
senses. With sight, we perceive a complete whole
Similarly, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch instantaneously. The essence of vision is an
calls tears "the sweat of the soul." instantaneous whole.
We will now analyze several of the primary limbs
Sound, on the other hand, is assimilated as a of the body in this way, beginning from the
collection of sounds. We order these separate mouth.
pieces of information, giving them substance and
definition, and in the process, we understand what The palate corresponds to the sefirah of
it is we are hearing. This process of assembly is Chachmah (wisdom) within the mouth. Just as the
not instantaneous. Our brain takes time to balance inner eye of wisdom ever experiences new flashes
and evaluate what it is hearing. In the end, we of insight, so do the taste buds of the palate, on the
have assembled the pieces into a single unified inner spiritual plane, ever experience new tastes of
picture. truth. In Psalms we read, "Taste and see that God
is good." The very word Chachmah is read in
The reason we say "Hear! O Israel" is that, in this Kabbalah as cheich-mah, "the palate of [i.e., that
world, you cannot see HaShem. You have to tastes] the sublime."
"hear" Him. You have to take the disparate,
seemingly random elements of this world, and Just as the palate is the lower extension or
assemble them into a cogent whole. reflection of the brain, generally identified with
Chachmah (in the words of the Zohar, "Chachmah
There was only one time in history that you didn't is the brain"), so is the throat understood to be the
have to hear HaShem's Unity; one moment when higher extension or reflection of the heart,
you could actually see it. At Mount Sinai. There generally identified with binah ("binah is the
the Jewish People saw the voices. They saw with heart"). The throat is thus understood to be the
an incontrovertible clarity those things that usually binah of the mouth. In Kabbalah, we speak of the
need to be heard. Seeing is more than believing. union of the palate and the throat, reflecting the
When you see, you don't have to believe. It's in supernal union of Chachmah and binah (termed
front of your eyes. father and mother) in the mouth.

The tongue, which in the mouth corresponds to the

MOUTH middle axis of the sefirot, possesses three "centers
of energy," corresponding to the three sefirot
The following was written by R. Ginsburg: along the middle axis: daat, tiferet, and yesod.

The last power of the soul is manifest in the The point where the tongue connects with the
mouth. Malchut (global markets) is the domain of throat is the point of daat, the power to connect, in
a person’s influence. As it is written, "The word of the mouth. Of this point it is said, "if there is no
the king rules," meaning that the extent of the daat there is no binah (understanding); if there is
king's rule is marked by how far his word travels. no binah there is no daat."
The ability of the mouth to speak, to produce self-
expression, is the power to affect one's The length of the tongue itself corresponds to the
environment, one's world. sefirah of tiferet (beauty) in the mouth. Here lies
the power of language or tongue (both in Hebrew
Based upon the principle of inter-inclusion, and English). In the tongue lies the beauty of self-
Kabbalah sees in each one of the limbs of the body expression, the eloquent blend of rich vocabulary.
a reflection and manifestation of the entire body
with all its limbs. (From this the path is clear to The tip of the tongue corresponds to the sefirah of
the now-known biological phenomenon that the yesod, the holy covenant in the mouth. Of this oral
genes of each cell of the body encode the entire energy center it is said, "the covenant of the
body.) tongue corresponds to the covenant of the flesh
[i.e., the procreative organ]."

Here, at its tip, the tongue touches, as it were, the
daat Contact point of tongue and
empty cavity of the mouth itself. This cavity is
indeed the essence of the mouth, for as the mouth
in general corresponds to the sefirah of malchut, chesed Upper jaw and teeth
the empty vessel that receives the lights of all the
higher sefirot, so, in the detailed analysis of the gevurah Lower jaw and teeth
mouth, the cavity is its own particular level of
malchut, the very end of the middle axis of the tiferet Length of the tongue
sefirot. The touching of the tip of the tongue to the
mouth’s cavity is thus an analog to the sexual netzach Upper lip
union of male and female, yesod and malchut.
hod Lower lip
The upper and lower jaws with their two rows of
teeth correspond to the two sefirot of chesed and yesod Tip of the tongue
gevurah within the mouth. Chewing food is like
processing an idea to make it digestible. This malchut Cavity of the mouth
process depends upon the two primary emotive
powers of the soul. Love, chesed, motivates the
desire of the soul to integrate the sparks present in
external reality. Might, gevurah, performs the
We know that everything that exists in the
actual grinding of the teeth, breaking the food into
material world is paralleled in the spiritual world.
digestible pieces, of which is said, "malchut [in
Smell and taste refer to Torah and mitzvot. Taste
our context, the mouth] is built [i.e., made able to
and smell are the spiritual core and the living
perform its function to eat] out of the [states of]
essence of everything and Torah and mitzvot are
similarly the living essence of everything.
Similar to the upper and lower jaws and teeth, the
The dimple of the upper lip: inclusion of the ten
upper and lower lips correspond to the twosefirot
sefirot within the mouth.
of netzach and hod within the mouth. These guard
the entrance to the mouth from the outside (in
The lips also hide a deep secret. This is the secret
Kabbalah, netzach and hod are described as
of our conscience which guides us in life. It is the
"outside the body"). In addition, the lips serve to
secret that explains how a man might derive a
convey an expression of the soul deeper than
novel understanding of the Torah that has not been
words, the kiss. Here, they join together with the
explained by others. This secret is expressed in the
tip of the tongue, the union of the triplet netzach-
body by the dimple of the upper lip. This is what
hod-yesod within the mouth. Just as "tongue"
Chazal teach about this dimple:
means "language," so does "lip" (safah) mean
"language" in Hebrew. This alludes to the
Midrash Tanchuma (S. Buber Recension) for
language of the kiss.
Vayikra (Leviticus) 12:1 – 13:28
We have thus completed the analysis of the inter-
4.1 Leviticus 12:l ff, Part I
inclusion of the ten sefirot within the mouth.

Sefirah Part of Mouth

Chachmah Palate

binah Throat

MOSES, SAYING: SPEAK UNTO THE Why does the Torah use the phrase "mouth and
CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, SAYING: WHEN A heart" to tell us that we can learn the whole Torah
MALE. This text is related (to Job 29:2): O THAT
I WERE AS IN THE MONTHS OF OLD, AS IN When you make a sincere verbal commitment to
THE DAYS WHEN GOD WATCHED OVER the Almighty and to yourself to become a changed
ME! In regard to this verse, Job spoke it when the person, your very words have impact. If you keep
afflictions had come upon him. He said: O THAT up your resolve, you can change your behavior.
would that I had the days which I had when I was If the words of your mouth are one with what is in
in my mother’s belly! AS IN THE DAYS WHEN your heart, then you can change immediately.
GOD WATCHED OVER ME! However, sometimes we need to repeat over and
over the words of what we know is correct, and
<These words> teach that the infant is watched what we should do, so that they will enter our
over while it is in its mother’s belly. hearts.


MY HEAD. From here you learn that the infant TONGUE
has light in its mother’s belly.]
Midrash Tehillim Psalms 120:2-4In my
(Job 29:4:) WHEN I WAS IN THE DAYS OF distress I called unto the Lord ... Deliver my
MY YOUTH (horef), [WHEN THE GOD’S soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a
COMPANY WAS OVER MY TENT. These deceitful tongue (Ps. 120:1-2). The children
words teach about the infant.] Just as the rain is at of Israel said to the Holy One, blessed be
work in the soil for it to become muddy, so the He: Even as You have delivered us from all
infant is muddy in its mother’s womb. {WHEN kinds of distress, deliver us from this one,
THE GOD’S COMPANY WAS OVER MY and we will have no other distress, for lying
TENT. These words teach about the infant.} lips—ín them is our distress. Hence it is said
Moreover, just as the infant stays muddy, [so is a Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, etc.
person muddied] by sins, so that misfortunes come
upon him. At that time <Job> said (in Job 29:2): O Of all the organs of a man's body, some are
THAT I WERE AS IN THE MONTHS OF OLD, fixed in place and some have freedom of
AS IN THE DAYS WHEN GOD WATCHED movement; his feet make him free to come
OVER ME, and would that I had the days which I and go, his hands make it possible for him to
had when I was in my mother’s belly! What does give and take. Only the tongue is neither
he finally say (in vs. 4)? WHEN I WAS IN THE fixed nor free. Being set inside it is isolated
DAYS OF MY YOUTH. R. Abbahu said: The and hemmed in. And yet the tongue can
infant comes out of the mother’s belly covered smite the great and the small, the near and
with slime and covered with blood; yet everyone the far. It could smite all the more fatally, if
praises and cherishes it, especially when it is a it were outside a man's body, or if like some
male. Ergo (in Lev. 12:2): WHEN A WOMAN other parts it could give and take, or if like
EMITS HER SEED AND BEARS A MALE. the feet it were free to come and go.

*** III.What will it profit you, or what will be

added unto you, you false tongue? (Ps.
Deuteronomy 30:14Rather, the matter is 120:3): What will your falseness profit you,
very close to you in your mouth and heart to or what good can it do you? The tongue
do it. sins, but not for its own advantage.
The Holy One, blessed be He, says to the three sons (ibid.) And the wicked/lawless
tongue: When a thief steals, he steals to eat. global markets (Rome) slays with its tongue
Though it is written You will not steal (Εx. as does a serpent, for it is said The voice
20:13), a thief will steal for the need of the thereof will go like a serpent (Jer. 46:22).
moment, as it is said Men do not despise a
thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is The tongue is like an arrow. Why? Because
hungry (Prov. 6:30). And though it is written if a man takes his sword in hand to slay his
You will not commit adultery (Ex. 20:13), a fellow, who thereupon pleads with him and
man will commit adultery and for the begs for mercy, the would-be slayer can
moment satisfy his appetite, as is said He repent and return the sword to its sheath.
that commits adultery with a woman lacks But an arrow—once the would-be slayer
understanding; he that does it destroys his aims and lets it go, he cannot bring it back
own soul (Prov. 6.32). Though the adulterer even if he wants to bring it back. Hence it is
destroys his own soul, yet for the moment he said Sharp are the arrows of the mighty, like
satisfies his lust. But you, O tongue, what coals of broom (Ps. 320:4), for a broom-
good have you done yourself by your shrub once set on fire makes coals that
slaying? I will tell you, O evil/lawless cannot be extinguished.
tongue, how I am going to act towards you!
Even as you did act towards the world from Once it happened that two men going
the beginning—as a serpent you spoke evil through the wilderness sat down under a
to Adam—so will I act towards you. You broom-shrub, gathered some fallen twigs of
were also the serpent tongue of the the broom, broiled for themselves what they
wilderness, when, as it is written, The people wanted to eat, and ate their victuals. A year
spoke against God and against Moses (Num. later when they came back into the
21:5). And how did the Lord act towards wilderness to the place of the broom-shrub
them? The Lord sent fiery serpents among and found the ashes of the fire which they
the people (ibid. 21:6). Why serpents? had kindled, they said: “It is now twelve
Because it was a serpent that spoke months since we came through here and ate
evil/lawlessness, as is said They have in this place.” Thereupon they raked up the
sharpened their tongues like a serpent; ashes, and as they walked over them, their
vipers’ venom is under their lips (Ps. 140:4). feet were burnt by the coals under the ashes,
And so I made those evil-tongued children of for they were still unextinguished. Hence the
Israel into the dust that I had decreed for the evil tongue is said to be like coals of broom,
serpent: Dust will you eat (Gen. 3:14). as in the verse Sharp are the arrows of the
mighty, like coals of broom (Ps. 120:4).
IV.What will it profit you, or what will be
added unto you, you false tongue? (Ps. A wicked/lawless man can slay other men
120:3). The evil/lawless tongue is called with his tongue. Like an arrow which a man
“triple-slaying.” Why? Because it slays is unaware of until it reaches him, so is the
three: the one who owns it, the one who evil tongue. A man is unaware of it until its
listens to it, and the one of whom it speaks. arrows from the global markets of Esau
And so you find in the story of Doeg that it come suddenly upon him. A man remains
slew three. It slew Doeg himself, for he has unaware of it until suddenly a sentence of
no portion in the world-to-come; it slew death or imprisonment is released against
Ahimelech the priest, for it is said And Nob him. For while the man is given over to his
the city of the priests [Doeg] smote with the own affairs, the scribes libel him wherever
edge of the sword (1 Sam. 22:19); it also he may be and so slay him. Hence it is said
slew Saul, who listened to it and accepted its Sharp are the arrows of the mighty. Thus
words, for it is said So Saul died, and his Moses said to Israel: You will not be afraid
of the terror by night (Ps. 91:5)—that is, of
the terror of the global markets of Esau; and
he went on to say, Nor of the arrow that flies
by day (ibid.)—that is, the arrow of the
scribes of Esau. Hence it is said Sharp are
the arrows of the mighty.

We have thirty-two (32) teeth corresponding to the
thirty-two paths of wisdom (often understood as
the tensefirot and the twenty-two letters of the
Hebrew alphabet) as taught in Sefer Yitzirah.

A malfunciton in a particular tooth must represent

a malfunction in a particular aspect symbolized by
one of the paths of wisdom. I have no idea which
Tooth Name Number
tooth corresponds to which path, although I would
Central Incisors Four (4)
take note of functions (biting, grinding, etc) as
well as age of development (a good clue to the Lateral Incisors Four (4)
late-coming wisdom teeth). Cuspids (canine or eye teeth) Four (4)
Second Bicuspids (2nd Premolars) Four (4)
“He established twenty-two letters fundamentally First Molars (6-year Molars) Four (4)
by the voice, formed by the breath of air and fixed Second Molars (12-year molars) Four (4)
them on five places in the human mouth, namely: Third Molars – (Wisdom Teeth) Four (4)

One at the throat {guttural sounds}, Aleph, Hay, According to Chazal, our Sages, the number
Chet, Ayin. four signifies completion or fullness.

Two at the palate {palatal sounds}, Gimel, Yod, HaShem is referred to exclusively by the name
Kaf, Qof. Elohim in the account of creation, and this name is
mentioned exactly 32 times in the course of this
Three, at the tongue {lingual sounds}, Dalet, Tet, section of the Torah. As we said above, the 32
Lamed, Nun, Taw. teeth correspond to the 32 paths of wisdom.

Four, at the teeth {dental sounds}, Zain, Shin,

Samekh, Resh, Tzaddi. NECK
Five, at the lips {labial sounds}, Bet, Vau, Mem, The first use of neck in the Torah is found in:
Peh.” (Sefer Yitzirah chapter two, section three.)
Bereshit (Genesis) 27:16 And she put the
skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands,
and upon the smooth of his neck:

The neck is used by the Torah to describe one who

is stubborn:

Devarim (Deuteronomy) 31: 27 For I know The Temple was built within the portion of land
thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck: behold, allocated to Benjamin. The neck which is between
while I am yet alive with you this day, ye the shoulders alludes therefore to the Temple.
have been rebellious against HaShem; and
how much more after my death? Rashi explains: Necks means the two Temples (all
towers resemble neck like structures) in Jerusalem
In the Oral Torah we also find various names for (which was in Binyamin’s territory). Yoseph was
the Temple. In the Midrash Rabbah the Temple is actually weeping over the future destruction of
called a “neck”: these two Temples. Similarly, Binyamin was
weeping over the neck of Yoseph, this being the
Midrash Rabbah - Genesis XCIII:12 AND tabernacle of Shiloh (in Yoseph's territory).
BENJAMIN'S NECKS (XLV, 14). Did This explanation is amplified by the Maharal, who
Benjamin then have two necks? In fact, said explains how a person's neck connects his head,
R. Eleazar, he foresaw through the Holy the seat not only of the intellect but also of
Spirit that two Temples would be built in spirituality, to his body, which carries out the
Benjamin's portion, and both would be wishes of the head. The Maharal quotes passages
destroyed. AND BENJAMIN WEPT UPON to show that the Temple was referred to as the
HIS NECK: he saw that the Tabernacle of "neck" of the Jewish people, since it forms a
Shiloh would be built in Joseph's portion connection between HaShem (the "head") and His
and would be destroyed. people (the "body").

Bereshit (Genesis) 45:14 And he fell upon So the Temple is called the "neck" and it connects
his brother Benjamin's necks, and wept; and the lower and higher worlds. The neck's seven
Benjamin wept upon his neck. vertebrae may thus correspond to Shabbat; this
approach interfaces with the concept that Man,
(As a side note, Rambam suggests that the three who is made in the image of the Creator, is a
phrases in Bereshit 33:12 refer to HaShem's microcosm of the entire universal structure.
relationship to the three Temples.)
The Midrash explains this connection between the
The Midrash also explains the Torah when it tells neck and the Temple:
us that the Temple is equated to the neck:
Midrash Rabbah - The Song of Songs
Midrash Rabbah - Genesis XCIII:6 Here IV:12 THY NECK IS LIKE THE TOWER
that it is on account of a man, the beloved of OF DAVID: this refers to the Temple. Why
the eyes, the one who gives hospitality to the is it compared to a neck? Because so long as
Holy One, blessed be He-as it says, Of the Temple was standing, Israel's neck was
Benjamin he said: The beloved of the Lord stretched out among the nations of the
shall dwell in safety by Him; He covereth world, but when the Temple was destroyed,
him all the day, and He dwelleth between his then, if one may say so, Israel's neck was
shoulders (Deut. XXXIII, 12) --how much bowed; and so it is written, And I will break
the more so!’ the pride of your power (Lev. XXII, 19),
namely, the Temple. Another explanation:
Devarim (Deuteronomy) 33:12 Of Benjamin Just as a man's neck is in the highest part of
he said, The beloved of HaShem shall dwell him, so the Temple was in the highest part of
in safety by him; shall cover him all the day the world. And just as most ornaments are
long, and he shall dwell between his hung round the neck, so the priests were
shoulders. attached to the Temple, the Levites were
attached to the Temple. And just as, if the
neck is removed, a man cannot live, so since
the Temple was destroyed there has been no Mashiach is also a Kohen Gadole. The Kohen
life for the enemies of Israel. Gadole serves to connect the higher and the lower
Let’s list the things that we know about the neck:
Hebrews 3:1-2 Wherefore, holy brethren,
1. It represents the Temple partakers of the heavenly calling, consider
2. It represents Mashiach, the head of the the Apostle and High Priest of our
body. profession, Mashiach Yeshua; Who was
3. It represents Israel faithful to him that appointed him, as also
4. It represents the connection between the Moshe [was faithful] in all his house.
higher and the lower worlds.
5. It is weak in an infant. In the midrash of Matityahu we find a yoke which
6. It is the last voluntary point of eating and is attached to the neck:
7. It contains the throat. Matityahu (Matthew) 11:29 Take my yoke
8. It contains the vocal chords and thus is the upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek
origin of words or voice. and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest
9. It connects the head to the shoulders. unto your souls.
10. A yoke is placed on the neck.
Mashiach says that we should take His yoke upon
Mashiach is called “The Word” which originates us. This infers that Mashiach is the neck because
in the neck: this is the organ which bears the yoke.

Yochanan (John) (John) 1:1-5 In the Gan Eden with HaShem, Adam, and Chava was
beginning was the Word, and the Word was the ideal. When we failed we were given a
with HaShem, and the Word was HaShem. substitute: the Mishkan. The Mishkan was
The same was in the beginning with eventually replaced with the Temple.
HaShem. All things were made by him; and
without him was not any thing made that The manifest presence of HaShem in the Temple
was made. In him was life; and the life was was therefore like Gan Eden. The Pillar of cloud
the light of men. And the light shineth in on the altar, the constant miracles all made
darkness; and the darkness comprehended it HaShem's presence impossible to ignore.


Top of the Head Holy of Holies Gan Eden
Heart / Brain Aron (Ark) containing the Luchot Adam – Talmid Hakham and
(tablets) – This is the Crown of Torah The Tree of Life
Lungs over the heart Kervim (Cherubim) with their wings
over the Aron
Mouth Shulchan (table of shewbread) – This The Tree of the Knowledge of
is the Crown of Malchut (Monarchy) Good and Evil
Eyes / Mind Menorah Fruit
Nose and sense of smell. Altar of incense and the Ketoret
(Incense) – This is the Crown of
Kehuna (Priesthood)

The Stomach The brazen altar Trees
The “food” the stomach. The Korbanot - sacrifices Fruit
Throat – the origin of speech chatzer – the place of the Maggid
Chest – the origin of song fifteen steps with Levitical choir
Liquid in the body Kiyor (Laver) The river
Ribs Beams
Mashiach Crossbeam
Hands The courtyard of the Jews Working the garden
Yesod - “The foundation” The courtyard of the women. Trees on both sides of the river.
Legs The courtyard of the Gentiles
Skin Curtain and Walls around the Temple Walls around the garden.

two ends, and it shall be attached"39[28], for, the two

SHOULDERS have become joined through the Yesod.40[29]

In one discussion, Sha'ar HaGilgulim, in Chapter However, on one level, it is not unlike the physical
Thirty-One, discusses the division of Adam's soul, body itself, which has a system for sending signals
and teaches how Cain and Abel were from the and blood to different parts of the body, often a
"Shoulders" of Adam HaRishon, the Left and function of electrical impulses that originate in the
Right Shoulder respectively. Now, again, we must brain and move down the spinal cord to more
not think in physical terms, even though that is remote sections the body. The light in the Sefirot
exactly what we are using to discuss the spiritual works very much in the same way, no wonder.
world, for, all these physical terms are also just
conventions to describe different spiritual levels in ***
the Sefirot as well, of which the physical world is
only a "projection." Bamidbar 7:9 The Aron must only be
carried on the shoulders of the family of
It is said that, one of the unique aspects of the Kehat.
"Shoulders" in the spiritual realm is that the light
that travels from the "Brains" of the Sefirot to the The purpose of carrying the Ark on the shoulders
lower parts of the Sefirot, must do so via the was thus to connect the external aspect of man
"Shoulders." Thus, the light splits into two paths, with the inwardness of the Torah.
moving downward to the lower levels through the
Right and Left Shoulders simultaneously, only to What is meant by HaShem dwelling "between his
unify once again on the level of Sefirot called shoulders". One possibility is that this phrase is
"Yesod" (Foundation). referring to the breastplate worn by the High
Priest. This is the place where the Divine Presence
Here is the actual quote: When the "drop" (of communicated through the priest (cf. Keli Yakar).
light) goes from the Shoulders until the Yesod, the Alternatively, "the shoulders" refers to the place
Yesod is then called "Kapat (chof-peh-tav) where the Temple stood, i.e. between the
Tamarim," which has the letters of "shoulder" shoulders of the land of Benjamin and Judah
(chof-tav-peh). And, once the two Shoulders unify (Rashi, Ibn Ezra).
in the Yesod, since a drop from both of them
descends to the Yesod, then the following applies,
"It shall have two shoulder straps attached to its
Shemot 28:7
Sha'ar HaGilgulim, Hakdamah 31
We see from the gemara that Esav's and Amalek's The same is true on an allegorical level. Man can
origin was evil, the power of desire, that came into "lower" his hands, he can perform all the greatest
being by the sin of the Eitz HaDaat, as mentioned sins possible. He can murder, steal. Everything
above. This is explicitly written by the Vilna can be done with the hands. We talk of having
Gaon41[30]: "The heart has a continuous war with blood on our hands and dirty hands. On the other
Amalek, who is [represented in man by] the liver. hand, the hands, when raised up, can perform the
The liver always fatigues [the heart] with desire holiest acts. When the kohen blesses the people he
for food, as the Midrash HaNe'elam writes on the raises his hands. The hand gives tzedaka (charity).
posuk, `And Esav said to Yaakov, hal'iteini no, I The hand puts on tefillin. We extend the hand of
pray you, some of this red, red pottage, for I am friendship and assistance.
faint' (Bereshit 25:30). Hal'iteini no is the
gematria of HaShem Amalek." ***

Israel sinned because "they enjoyed the feast of The thumb is the chief and best finger.
that rosho" (Achashverosh). Their sin was their
deriving pleasure from the feast. Heaven's ***
grievance was not because they ate since they
were forced to eat, but because they enjoyed doing This next section is an excerpt from Rabbi
it. By doing so they increased Amalek's power in Yitzchak Ginsburgh.
that generation.42[31]
There are three segments in each of our two arms
It was impossible for the power of Amalek to and two legs, which equals twelve, relating to the
increase during the month of Shevat. The essence twelve tribes.
of the Rosh Hashanah for Trees is that it is a
tikkun for the sin of the Eitz HaDaat. Since the With regard to the three emotive attributes of the
entire power of Amalek becomes intensified only heart, we find that the right arm embodies chesed
through the damage done by this sin, therefore the and the left arm gevurah. This is alluded to in the
Targum Sheini wrote, "The lot would not fall on verse, "His left arm is under my head, and his
Shevat since the Rosh Hashanah for Trees" occurs right arm embraces me43[32]" and in the saying of
during it. our sages, "let the left arm push away and the right
arm draw near.44[33]" To "push away" in this context
means to disengage, granting the other party a
Arms sense of independence (before drawing him near).
Similarly, the imagery of "his left arm is under my
Arms, kabbalistically, are outside the body. They head" means that he nurtures my consciousness of
enable a person to “do” things in this world, but, self-independence (before embracing me with his
they are not, strictly speaking, a part of the body. right arm). The balancing position of beauty, that
which ties in all the parts of the body in general
The hands are different from all the other limbs. and is centered between the arms in particular, is
All the other limbs of the body are fixed and the torso.
static, whereas the hands may be lowered below
the feet or raised higher than the head. Of the behavioral properties of the soul, those of
netzach and hod correspond to the legs of the
body. Legs represent the first and most continual
Or Yohel, parshat Nasso contact with outer reality. Moreover, the legs
I learned this understanding of Chanukah facilitate the movement of the body as a whole,
from the Yemei Purim, who deduced the
significance of Purim -- KiPurim from the Vilna Shir HaShirim 2:6
Gaon's explanation. Mechilta
bringing a person where he wants to go. Netzach is this idea, for Pesach is the annual point of
the quality of putting "one’s best foot forward" in beginning for everything that exists, in all times.
an assertive posture. Hod is the left leg, which
keeps a person's movement on course by ***
monitoring and validating his assertive thrust.
Finally, the property of yesod is referred to as the Bamidbar (Numbers) 6:27 They will put My
"sign of the Holy Covenant," which corresponds Name upon the Children of Israel, and I will bless
to the male and female reproductive organs. them.
Referred to as the "conclusion of the body,"
yesodis the body’s physical manifestation of its However, unlike the body, light can exit the
own ability to actualize and fulfill itself, as well as system in ways that blood cannot leave the body
to connect and communicate with others. without doing real harm. For example, if blood
were to break forth from the ends of the ten
there are 248 limbs which correspond to the 248 fingers of a person he could bleed to death if the
positive commandments in the Torah and 365 deluge is not halted quickly.
primary veins which correspond to the 365
negative commandments. This is not the case when it comes to the light
leaving the 'fingertips' of the spiritual system and
our bodies. For the blood of the hands to reach the
HANDS legs, it must do so internally. However, when it
comes to the spiritual light that flows through us -
The "Divine" model of 10 = 2 X 5 (the two prime and it really does, it can 'leap' from one part of the
factors of 10) = (1 squared plus 2 squared) plus (1 body to another part of the body without using the
squared plus 2 squared). Thus we have two hands internal system of transfer and delivery.
with four fingers on each hand folding in a single
direction and one finger folding into an opposing For example, though the spiritual light usually
direction, the thumb. This gives us two sets of five travels from an upper section of our bodies to a
fingers broken into two sets of four + 1. lower section of our bodies, the light also has the
capacity to move from the hands to the legs via the
This is the model of the Ten Commandments--five fingertips. This means without going through the
on each of the two tablets of the covenant. body proper, as is usually the case.

*** There is a Kabbalistic reason for this, which has to

do with maintaining the forces of evil so long as
The Maharalof Prague says that there is deep free-will remains necessary in creation. Since evil
symbolism involved when one washes his hands and impurity have no intrinsic life source of their
for the purpose of a mitzva. Hands represent the own, they live off of the holiness that they can
beginning of the human body, for when one latch onto within creation. This is another way of
stretches out his hands to reach forward or above, saying that, even though evil seems to work
it is the hands that are at the front or at the top of against HaShem, in the end it is HaShem Himself
the body. The Maharal explains that that the way who maintains them as part of the ultimate plan
one begins an action greatly influences the for mankind.
direction and tone of all that follows from that
point, and therefore, even a seemingly Thus, one such place in the body where the light is
insignificant sin, but one involving the “bodily said to 'break forth' and therefore act as a conduit
leader,” is particularly wrong, for a misguided for the 'Kachot Hatuma' (Impure Forces), is the
beginning will lead to an incomplete and incorrect fingertips. Therefore, the finger tips are a place
conclusion. On Pesach, the Maharal continues, we around which the impure forces 'circle,' waiting
should be extremely careful in our observance of for their due like hungry dogs, so-to-speak, which
is why we are so strict about washing 'Negel
Vasser' (literally, 'Night Waters') upon waking, However, just as the Impure Forces are limited as
and other types of washing when emerging from a to how far they can ascend in the spiritual world
spiritual impure place (such as a bathroom) or and 'suckle' light within the overall system of light
before eating bread. and filters (called, in more Kabbalistic terms,
'Sefirot'), so too are they limited with respect to a
This is also the reason why we are strict about not human being regarding how high they can ascend
growing fingernails past the flesh, at least those to draw light. By shoulder height the 'K'lipot,' as
who are aware of such a tradition. Keeping the they are also called, are left far behind and behind
fingernails short has the same effect as washing the spiritual boundaries that HaShem has
the hands, that being to limit the amount of light established for them, to make sure they can never
that the impure forces are allowed to derive from come too close to the side of holiness.
us. For, when the fingernails extend past the flesh,
the Arizal teaches, this increases the flow of holy Thus, we can now appreciate the need for the
light to the impure forces, strengthening them kohanim to keep their arms and hands at shoulder
against us, and the world in general. This is also height while blessing the Jewish people. Birchat
one of the reasons why we look at our fingernails Kohanim (the priestly blessing) has a special
during Havdalah on Motzei Shabbat. ability to draw down tremendous light into the
world and to direct it towards those who are
Now you can appreciate why, when washing the intending to be blessed. That is why one is
hands before eating bread, upon saying HaShem's supposed to stand free of any obstacles between
Name in the blessing over the washing ('al netilas them and the kohanim during the blessing, and to
yadayim'), we raise our hands upwards to the level have intention to be blessed while focusing on the
of the shoulders. In fact, this is one of the unique words of the kohanim.
properties of the hands more than any other limb
of the body: they can ascend and descend. To protect this light from the would-be impure
'sucklers,' the light is kept beyond their borders
When we recite blessings, and particularly upon and thus remains in the realm of holiness.
mentioning HaShem's Name, we become conduits
for His light to enter the world. We draw holy ***
light down from the holy Upper World into the
unholy Lower World in which we live. The The five fingers parallel the five senses: taste,
positive aspect is that the light brings rectification smell, touch, sight and hearing. Each has a finger
to the world. The negative part is that, if we're not which serves it. The thumb cleans out the mouth
careful, that same light can end up falling into the so that one can taste. The second finger is used to
hands of the 'enemy' and strengthen him against clean the nose, so that one can smell. With the
us. third, which is the longest of all, one can touch the
entire body. The fourth finger is used to clean the
Without going into detail here, this is the inherent eye, so one can see. The little finger is used to
problem with people learning Kabbalah before clean the ear. One can see that each finger was
they are holding on the appropriate level of created for a special purpose. One unconsciously
spiritual purity, which can only be achieved uses the little finger to clean the ear, and the
through the proper Torah channels and after much second finger to clean the nose, without ever
time and effort. Many may find it enjoyable changing them.
unaware of the fact that, since they are very much
a part of the world of impurity, they are simply The fingers are pointed so that if a person hears
sharing the light they are drawing down with the forbidden speech or vain oaths, he can place his
forces of impurity, contributing to the overall fingers in his ears and not hear them For the same
chaos of creation. It's that serious. reason, although most of the ear is hard and
cartilaginous, the earlobe is soft. It can be used to water must wash his clothes and bathe with water,
close the ear, so that it will not hear idle chatter and he will be unclean till evening. "'A clay pot
and malicious gossip. The ears need special that the man touches must be broken, and any
protection, since they are the first parts of the body wooden article is to be rinsed with water. "'When
to be burned by the fires of purgatory. a man is cleansed from his discharge, he is to
count off seven days for his ceremonial cleansing;
*** he must wash his clothes and bathe himself with
fresh water, and he will be clean. On the eighth
Exodus 30:17-21 Then HaShem said to Moses, day he must take two doves or two young pigeons
"Make a bronze basin, with its bronze stand, for and come before HaShem to the entrance to the
washing. Place it between the Tent of Meeting and Tent of Meeting and give them to the priest.
the altar, and put water in it. Aaron and his sons
are to wash their hands and feet with water from Devarim (Deuteronomy) 21:1-9 If a man is found
it. Whenever they enter the Tent of Meeting, they slain, lying in a field in the land HaShem your
shall wash with water so that they will not die. God is giving you to possess, and it is not known
Also, when they approach the altar to minister by who killed him, Your elders and judges shall go
presenting an offering made to HaShem by fire, out and measure the distance from the body to the
They shall wash their hands and feet so that they neighboring towns. Then the elders of the town
will not die. This is to be a lasting ordinance for nearest the body shall take a heifer that has never
Aaron and his descendants for the generations to been worked and has never worn a yoke And lead
come." her down to a valley that has not been plowed or
planted and where there is a flowing stream.
Yayikra (Leviticus) 15:1-14 HaShem said to There in the valley they are to break the heifer's
Moses and Aaron, "Speak to the Israelites and say neck. The priests, the sons of Levi, shall step
to them: 'When any man has a bodily discharge, forward, for HaShem your God has chosen them
the discharge is unclean. Whether it continues to minister and to pronounce blessings in the
flowing from his body or is blocked, it will make name of HaShem and to decide all cases of dispute
him unclean. This is how his discharge will bring and assault. Then all the elders of the town
about uncleanness: "'Any bed the man with a nearest the body shall wash their hands over the
discharge lies on will be unclean, and anything he heifer whose neck was broken in the valley, And
sits on will be unclean. Anyone who touches his they shall declare: "Our hands did not shed this
bed must wash his clothes and bathe with water, blood, nor did our eyes see it done. Accept this
and he will be unclean till evening. Whoever sits atonement for your people Israel, whom you have
on anything that the man with a discharge sat on redeemed, HaShem, and do not hold your people
must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and guilty of the blood of an innocent man." And the
he will be unclean till evening. "'Whoever touches bloodshed will be atoned for. So you will purge
the man who has a discharge must wash his from yourselves the guilt of shedding innocent
clothes and bathe with water, and he will be blood, since you have done what is right in the
unclean till evening. "'If the man with the eyes of HaShem.
discharge spits on someone who is clean, that
person must wash his clothes and bathe with Tehillim (Psalms) 26:1-12 {Of David.} Vindicate
water, and he will be unclean till evening. me, HaShem, for I have led a blameless life; I
"'Everything the man sits on when riding will be have trusted in HaShem without wavering. Test
unclean, And whoever touches any of the things me, HaShem, and try me, examine my heart and
that were under him will be unclean till evening; my mind; For your love is ever before me, and I
whoever picks up those things must wash his walk continually in your truth. I do not sit with
clothes and bathe with water, and he will be deceitful men, nor do I consort with hypocrites; I
unclean till evening. "'Anyone the man with a abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit
discharge touches without rinsing his hands with with the wicked. I wash my hands in innocence,
and go about your altar, HaShem, Proclaiming make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed
aloud your praise and telling of all your wonderful hands does not make him 'unclean.'"
deeds. I love the house where you live, HaShem,
the place where your glory dwells. Do not take Yaaqov (James) 4:1-10 What causes fights and
away my soul along with sinners, my life with quarrels among you? Don't they come from your
bloodthirsty men, In whose hands are wicked desires that battle within you? You want
schemes, whose right hands are full of bribes. But something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but
I lead a blameless life; redeem me and be merciful you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and
to me. My feet stand on level ground; in the great fight. You do not have, because you do not ask
assembly I will praise HaShem. HaShem. When you ask, you do not receive,
because you ask with wrong motives, that you may
Matityahu (Matthew) 15:1-20 Then some spend what you get on your pleasures. You
Pharisees and teachers of the law came to adulterous people, don't you know that friendship
Yeshuafrom Jerusalem and asked, "Why do your with the world is hatred toward HaShem? Anyone
disciples break the tradition of the elders? They who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes
don't wash their hands before they eat!" Yeshua an enemy of HaShem. Or do you think Scripture
replied, "And why do you break the command of says without reason that the spirit he caused to
HaShem for the sake of your tradition? For live in us envies intensely? But he gives us more
HaShem said, 'Honor your father and mother' and grace. That is why Scripture says: "HaShem
'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
put to death.' But you say that if a man says to his Submit yourselves, then, to HaShem. Resist the
father or mother, 'Whatever help you might devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to
otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted HaShem and he will come near to you. Wash your
to HaShem,' He is not to 'honor his father' with it. hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you
Thus you nullify the word of HaShem for the sake double-minded. Grieve, mourn, and wail. Change
of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.
when he prophesied about you: 'These people Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will
honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far lift you up.
from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings
are but rules taught by men.'" Yeshua called the Marqos (Mark) 7:1-15 The Pharisees and some of
crowd to him and said, "Listen and understand. the teachers of the law who had come from
What goes into a man's mouth does not make him Jerusalem gathered around Yeshua and saw some
'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is of his disciples eating food with hands that were
what makes him 'unclean.'" Then the disciples "unclean," that is, unwashed. (The Pharisees and
came to him and asked, "Do you know that the all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands
Pharisees were offended when they heard this?" a ceremonial washing, holding to the tradition of
He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father the elders. When they come from the marketplace
has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. they do not eat unless they wash. And they observe
Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man many other traditions, such as the washing of
leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." Peter cups, pitchers and kettles.) So the Pharisees and
said, "Explain the parable to us." "Are you still so teachers of the law asked Yeshua, "Why don't your
dull?" Yeshua asked them. "Don't you see that disciples live according to the tradition of the
whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach elders instead of eating their food with 'unclean'
and then out of the body? But the things that come hands?" He replied, "Isaiah was right when he
out of the mouth come from the heart, and these prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:
make a man 'unclean.' For out of the heart come 'These people honor me with their lips, but their
evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain;
theft, false testimony, slander. These are what their teachings are but rules taught by men.' You
have let go of the commands of HaShem and are
holding on to the traditions of men." And he said hands on him, and took [him] by the throat,
to them: "You have a fine way of setting aside the saying, Pay me that thou owest.
commands of HaShem in order to observe your
own traditions! For Moses said, 'Honor your Matityahu (Matthew) 19:13 Then were there
father and your mother,' and, 'Anyone who curses brought unto him little children, that he should put
his father or mother must be put to death.' But you [his] hands on them, and pray: and the disciples
say that if a man says to his father or mother: rebuked them.
'Whatever help you might otherwise have received
from me is Corban' (that is, a gift devoted to Matityahu (Matthew) 19:15 And he laid [his]
HaShem), Then you no longer let him do anything hands on them, and departed thence.
for his father or mother. Thus you nullify the word
of HaShem by your tradition that you have handed Matityahu (Matthew) 21:46 But when they sought
down. And you do many things like that." Again to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude,
Yeshua called the crowd to him and said, "Listen because they took him for a prophet.
to me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing
outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going Matityahu (Matthew) 26:45 Then cometh he to
into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now,
that makes him 'unclean.' and take [your] rest: behold, the hour is at hand,
and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of
“Hands” in the Nazarean Codicil sinners.

Matityahu (Matthew) 4:6 And saith unto him, If Matityahu (Matthew) 26:50 And Yeshua said unto
thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came
written, He shall give his angels charge they, and laid hands on Yeshua, and took him.
concerning thee: and in [their] hands they shall
bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot Matityahu (Matthew) 26:67 Then did they spit in
against a stone. his face, and buffeted him; and others smote [him]
with the palms of their hands,
Matityahu 15:2 Why do thy disciples transgress
the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their Matityahu (Matthew) 27:24 When Pilate saw that
hands when they eat bread. he could prevail nothing, but [that] rather a
tumult was made, he took water, and washed [his]
Matityahu 15:20 These are [the things] which hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent
defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands of the blood of this just person: see ye [to it].
defileth not a man.
Marqos (Mark) 5:23 And besought him greatly,
Matityahu 17:22 And while they abode in Galilee, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of
Yeshua said unto them, The Son of man shall be death: [I pray thee], come and lay thy hands on
betrayed into the hands of men: her, that she may be healed; and she shall live.
(The hands are the tools of HaShem – The hands
Matityahu 18:8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot are fit to praise HaShem and praise. The labor of
offend thee, cut them off, and cast [them] from prayer is called “avodah” [from the root: Ebed =
thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or Slave, servant], service of HaShem. Do we want to
maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet wash our hands before mincha and maariv?)
to be cast into everlasting fire.
Marqos (Mark) 6:2 And when the sabbath day
Matityahu (Matthew) 18:28 But the same servant was come, he began to teach in the synagogue:
went out, and found one of his fellowservants, and many hearing [him] were astonished, saying,
which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid From whence hath this [man] these things? and
what wisdom [is] this which is given unto him, Marqos (Mark) 14:41 And he cometh the third
that even such mighty works are wrought by his time, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take
hands? [your] rest: it is enough, the hour is come; behold,
the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of
Marqos (Mark) 6:5 And he could there do no sinners.
mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a
few sick folk, and healed [them]. Marqos (Mark) 14:46 And they laid their hands
on him, and took him.
Marqos (Mark) 7:2 And when they saw some of
his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, Marqos (Mark) 14:58 We heard him say, I will
with unwashen, hands, they found fault. destroy this temple that is made with hands, and
within three days I will build another made
Marqos (Mark) 7:3 For the Pharisees, and all the without hands.
Jews, except they wash [their] hands oft, eat not,
holding the tradition of the elders. Marqos (Mark) 14:65 And some began to spit on
him, and to cover his face, and to buffet him, and
Marqos (Mark) 7:5 Then the Pharisees and to say unto him, Prophesy: and the servants did
scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples strike him with the palms of their hands.
according to the tradition of the elders, but eat
bread with unwashen hands? Marqos (Mark) 16:18 They shall take up
(The halacha requires that the hands be rubbed on serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it
a garment or a stone if no water is available.) shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the
sick, and they shall recover.
Marqos (Mark) 8:23 And he took the blind man
by the hand, and led him out of the town; and Luqas (Luke) 4:11 And in [their] hands they shall
when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot
upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. against a stone.

Marqos (Mark) 8:25 After that he put [his] hands Luqas (Luke) 4:40 Now when the sun was setting,
again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and all they that had any sick with divers diseases
he was restored, and saw every man clearly. brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on
every one of them, and healed them.
Marqos (Mark) 9:31 For he taught his disciples,
and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered Luqas (Luke) 6:1 And it came to pass on the
into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and second sabbath after the first, that he went
after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. through the corn fields; and his disciples plucked
the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing [them] in
Marqos (Mark) 9:43 And if thy hand offend thee, [their] hands.
cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life
maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, Luqas (Luke) 9:44 Let these sayings sink down
into the fire that never shall be quenched: into your ears: for the Son of man shall be
(We are obliged to see the hands – to see if our delivered into the hands of men.
soul is fit – we need to constantly question
whether these hands are fit to serve HaShem.) Luqas (Luke) 13:13 And he laid [his] hands on
her: and immediately she was made straight, and
Marqos (Mark) 10:16 And he took them up in his glorified God.
arms, put [his] hands upon them, and blessed
them. Luqas (Luke) 20:19 And the chief priests and the
scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him;
and they feared the people: for they perceived that
he had spoken this parable against them. Yochanan (John) 13:9 Simon Peter saith unto
him, Lord, not my feet only, but also [my] hands
Luqas (Luke) 21:12 But before all these, they and [my] head.
shall lay their hands on you, and persecute [you],
delivering [you] up to the synagogues, and into Yochanan (John) 19:3 And said, Hail, King of the
prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for Jews! and they smote him with their hands.
my name's sake.
Yochanan (John) 20:20 And when he had so said,
Luqas (Luke) 22:53 When I was daily with you in he shewed unto them [his] hands and his side.
the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the
me: but this is your hour, and the power of Lord.
Yochanan (John) 20:25 The other disciples
Luqas (Luke) 23:46 And when Yeshua had cried therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord.
with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his
commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into
up the ghost. the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his
side, I will not believe.
Luqas (Luke) 24:7 Saying, The Son of man must
be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be Yochanan (John) 20:27 Then saith he to Thomas,
crucified, and the third day rise again. Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and
reach hither thy hand, and thrust [it] into my side:
Luqas (Luke) 24:39 Behold my hands and my and be not faithless, but believing.
feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a
spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. Yochanan (John) 21:18 Verily, verily, I say unto
thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself,
Luqas (Luke) 24:40 And when he had thus and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when
spoken, he shewed them [his] hands and [his] feet. thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy
hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry
Luqas (Luke) 24:50 And he led them out as far as [thee] whither thou wouldest not.
to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed
them. II Luqas (Luke) 2:23 Him, being delivered by the
determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye
Yochanan (John) 7:30 Then they sought to take have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified
him: but no man laid hands on him, because his and slain:
hour was not yet come.
II Luqas (Luke) 4:3 And they laid hands on them,
Yochanan (John) 7:44 And some of them would and put [them] in hold unto the next day: for it
have taken him; but no man laid hands on him. was now eventide.

Yochanan (John) 8:20 These words spake Yeshua II Luqas (Luke) 5:12 And by the hands of the
in the treasury, as he taught in the temple: and no apostles were many signs and wonders wrought
man laid hands on him; for his hour was not yet among the people; (and they were all with one
come. accord in Solomon's porch.

Yochanan (John) 13:3 Yeshua knowing that the II Luqas (Luke) 5:18 And laid their hands on the
Father had given all things into his hands, and apostles, and put them in the common prison.
that he was come from God, and went to God;
II Luqas (Luke) 6:6 Whom they set before the II Luqas (Luke) 14:3 Long time therefore abode
apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave
[their] hands on them. testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted
signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
II Luqas (Luke) 7:41 And they made a calf in
those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and II Luqas (Luke) 17:24 God that made the world
rejoiced in the works of their own hands. and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of
heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made
II Luqas (Luke) 7:48 Howbeit the most High with hands;
dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith
the prophet, II Luqas (Luke) 17:25 Neither is worshipped with
men's hands, as though he needed any thing,
II Luqas (Luke) 8:17 Then laid they [their] hands seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all
on them, and they received the Holy Ghost. things;

II Luqas (Luke) 8:18 And when Simon saw that II Luqas (Luke) 19:6 And when Paul had laid
through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy [his] hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on
Ghost was given, he offered them money, them; and they spake with tongues, and
II Luqas (Luke) 8:19 Saying, Give me also this
power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may II Luqas (Luke) 19:11 And God wrought special
receive the Holy Ghost. miracles by the hands of Paul:

II Luqas (Luke) 9:17 And Ananias went his way, II Luqas (Luke) 19:26 Moreover ye see and hear,
and entered into the house; and putting his hands that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout
on him said, Brother Saul, the Lord, [even] all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned
Yeshua, that appeared unto thee in the way as away much people, saying that they be no gods,
thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest which are made with hands:
receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy
Ghost. II Luqas (Luke) 20:34 Yea, ye yourselves know,
that these hands have ministered unto my
II Luqas (Luke) 11:30 Which also they did, and necessities, and to them that were with me.
sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and
Saul. II Luqas (Luke) 21:11 And when he was come
unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own
II Luqas (Luke) 12:1 Now about that time Herod hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy
the king stretched forth [his] hands to vex certain Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the
of the church. man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver
[him] into the hands of the Gentiles.
II Luqas (Luke) 12:7 And, behold, the angel of
the Lord came upon [him], and a light shined in II Luqas (Luke) 21:27 And when the seven days
the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and were almost ended, the Jews which were of Asia,
raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the
chains fell off from [his] hands. people, and laid hands on him,

II Luqas (Luke) 13:3 And when they had fasted II Luqas (Luke) 24:7 But the chief captain Lysias
and prayed, and laid [their] hands on them, they came [upon us], and with great violence took
sent [them] away. [him] away out of our hands,

II Luqas (Luke) 27:19 And the third [day] we hands the thing which is good, that he may have to
cast out with our own hands the tackling of the give to him that needeth.
Colosians 2:11 In whom also ye are circumcised
II Luqas (Luke) 28:8 And it came to pass, that the with the circumcision made without hands, in
father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the
bloody flux: to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, circumcision of Christ:
and laid his hands on him, and healed him.
I Timothy 4:11 And that ye study to be quiet, and
II Luqas (Luke) 28:17 And it came to pass, that to do your own business, and to work with your
after three days Paul called the chief of the Jews own hands, as we commanded you;
together: and when they were come together, he
said unto them, Men [and] brethren, though I have I Timothy 2:8 I will therefore that men pray every
committed nothing against the people, or customs where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and
of our fathers, yet was I delivered prisoner from doubting.
Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.
I Timothy 4:14 Neglect not the gift that is in thee,
Romans 10:21 But to Israel he saith, All day long which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying
I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient on of the hands of the presbytery.
and gainsaying people.
I Timothy 5:22 Lay hands suddenly on no man,
I Corinthians 4:12 And labour, working with our neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep
own hands: being reviled, we bless; being thyself pure.
persecuted, we suffer it:
II Timothy 1:6 Wherefore I put thee in
II Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if our earthly remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God,
house of [this] tabernacle were dissolved, we have which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.
a building of God, an house not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens. Bereans (Hebrews) 1:10 And, Thou, Lord, in the
beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth;
II Corinthians 11:33 And through a window in a and the heavens are the works of thine hands:
basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his
hands. Bereans (Hebrews) 2:7 Thou madest him a little
lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with
Galatians 2:9 And when James, Cephas, and glory and honour, and didst set him over the
John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the works of thy hands:
grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and
Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we Bereans (Hebrews) 6:2 Of the doctrine of
[should go] unto the heathen, and they unto the baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of
circumcision. resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

Ephesians 2:11 Wherefore remember, that ye Bereans (Hebrews) 9:11 But Christ being come
[being] in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are an high priest of good things to come, by a greater
called Uncircumcision by that which is called the and more perfect tabernacle, not made with
Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; hands, that is to say, not of this building;

Ephesians 4:28 Let him that stole steal no more: Bereans (Hebrews) 9:24 For Christ is not entered
but rather let him labour, working with [his] into the holy places made with hands, [which are]

the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now Matityahu (Matthew) 26:74 Then began he to
to appear in the presence of God for us: curse and to swear, [saying], I know not the man.
And immediately the cock crew.
Bereans (Hebrews) 10:31 [It is] a fearful thing to
fall into the hands of the living God. Matityahu (Matthew) 26:75 And Peter
remembered the word of Yeshua, which said unto
Bereans (Hebrews) 12:12 Wherefore lift up the him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me
hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly.

Yaaqov 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw Marqos (Mark) 1:35 And in the morning, rising
nigh to you. Cleanse [your] hands, [ye] sinners; up a great while before day, he went out, and
and purify [your] hearts, [ye] double minded. departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

I Yochanan (John) 1:1 That which was from the Marqos (Mark) 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye
beginning, which we have heard, which we have know not when the master of the house cometh, at
seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in
and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; the morning:

Revelation 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great Marqos (Mark) 14:30 And Yeshua saith unto
multitude, which no man could number, of all him, Verily I say unto thee, That this day, [even]
nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, in this night, before the cock crow twice, thou
stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, shalt deny me (the Torah) thrice.
clothed with white robes, and palms in their (Hakham Tzefet missed the prayers at midnight,
hands; therefore, he had denied the Torah three times – he
had missed the three prayers for tikkun. This
Revelation 9:20 And the rest of the men which tikkun is made because we mourn the destruction
were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the Temple, the body of Mashiach. On Tisha
of the works of their hands, that they should not B’Av we should be mourning the fragmentation
worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and and destruction of the Torah Jew, not the stones.)
brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can
see, nor hear, nor walk: Marqos (Mark) 14:68 But he denied, saying, I
know not, neither understand I what thou sayest.
Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat And he went out into the porch; and the cock
upon them, and judgment was given unto them: crew.
and [I saw] the souls of them that were beheaded
for the witness of Yeshua, and for the word of Marqos (Mark) 14:72 And the second time the
God, and which had not worshipped the beast, cock crew. And Peter called to mind the word that
neither his image, neither had received [his] mark Yeshua said unto him, Before the cock crow
upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. And when he
lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. thought thereon, he wept.

“Getting up in the morning” Luqas (Luke) 22:34 And he said, I tell thee,
(Cock crowing alarm clock) Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that
thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me.
Matityahu (Matthew) 26:34 Yeshua said unto
him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before Luqas (Luke) 22:60 And Peter said, Man, I know
the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. not what thou sayest. And immediately, while he
yet spake, the cock crew.

Luqas (Luke) 22:61 And the Lord turned, and
looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the FINGERS
word of the Lord, how he had said unto him,
Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. The number five represents the perfection of the
natural order (the number four), with the addition
Yochanan (John) 13:38 Yeshua answered him, of one: HaShem Himself.
Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake? Verily,
verily, I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, Whenever a four-level system is used to
till thou hast denied me thrice. contemplate "existence," there is always a fifth,
higher and all-inclusive level that enlivens the
Yochanan (John) 18:27 Peter then denied again: other four.
and immediately the cock crew.
Each hand has five fingers. Four are similar in
“Washing hands” motion with a fifth that is contrary in it’s motion.
The thumb is the chief and best finger.
Matityahu (Matthew) 15:2 Why do thy disciples
Hands are specially constructed for taking hold of
transgress the tradition of the elders? for they
wash not their hands when they eat bread.
HaShem equipped our hands with opposable
Matityahu (Matthew) 15:20 These are [the
thumbs, or thumbs that can be moved against the
things] which defile a man: but to eat with
fingers. This action makes it possible to grasp
unwashen hands defileth not a man.
things in the hand and make delicate motions. To
help to understand the work thumbs do, try to pick
Matityahu (Matthew) 27:24 When Pilate saw
up a pen with your thumb motionless alongside
that he could prevail nothing, but [that] rather a
your hand. If you accomplish that, then try to pick
tumult was made, he took water, and washed [his]
up a dime in the same way.
hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent
of the blood of this just person: see ye [to it].
Hands are also used to feel things. The human
hand contains at least four types of nerve endings
Marqos (Mark) 7:2 And when they saw some of
that make the fingers and the thumbs highly
his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say,
sensitive. Blind people rely entirely on their sense
with unwashen, hands, they found fault.
of touch when reading Braille books. Surprisingly,
there are 27 bones that make up the hand: eight in
Marqos (Mark) 7:3 For the Pharisees, and all the
the wrist, five in the palm, and fourteen make up
Jews, except they wash [their] hands oft, eat not,
the fingers and thumb. Thirty-five powerful
holding the tradition of the elders.
muscles move the hand, with fifteen of them in the
forearm, rather than in the hand. This allows the
Marqos (Mark) 7:5 Then the Pharisees and
hand to have great strength, without making the
scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples
fingers thick with muscles that would make them
according to the tradition of the elders, but eat
difficult to move. Twenty muscles within the hand
bread with unwashen hands?
itself are arranged so that the hand and fingers can
make a variety of precise movements
Yaaqov (James) 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he
will draw nigh to you. Cleanse [your] hands, [ye]
Each of the four fingers has three joints and the
sinners; and purify [your] hearts, [ye] double
thumb has two: (4 x 3) + 2 = 14.
According to the prayerbook with the commentary
of Rabbi Shabsi of Rashkov:
read, thy implements, but ‘upon thy ear’; [this
right hand left hand means to say] that if a man hears an unworthy
thumb alef-hei-yud-hei alef-hei-yud-hei thing he shall plug his finger45[34] into his ears.
first alef-lamed-pei alef-lamed-pei And this is the same that R. Eleazar said: Why do
finger and the second and the second the fingers of man resemble pegs? Why?46[35] Shall
iteration of each iteration of each I say because they are divided?47[36] [Surely] each
letter letter one has been made for its own purpose!48[37] For a
second hei-yud and the hei-alef and the Master said: This one49[38] [Is used for measuring]
finger second iteration of second iteration of the span;50[39] this one51[40] [is used for] taking a
each letter each letter fistful of the meal-offering,52[41] this one53[42] [is
third yud-vav-dalet and yud-vav-dalet and used for defining] the cubit measure,54[43] this
finger the second the second one55[44] [is used for taking the measure of] ‘a
iteration of each iteration of each finger’,56[45] [and] this one57[46] [is used for service
letter letter with] the thumb!58[47] — But [the question is]
fourth hei-yud and the hei-alef and the why59[48] [are the fingers] pointed like pegs? [The
finger second iteration of second iteration of reason is] that if a man hears an unworthy thing
each letter each letter he shall plug his fingers into his ears. [A member]
of the school of R. Ishmael taught: Why is the
*** whole ear hard and the ear-lap soft? [So] that if a

We have ten fingers, corresponding to the ten

(elementary) commandments, ten pulses, relating
to the ten sefirot (spiritual energy centers which
reflect different aspects of HaShem's emanations The finger is pointed like a peg
in the physical world) and ten types of song which 46[35]
Lit., ‘what is the reason?’ I.e., what is the
comprise the book of Psalms. meaning of the question? With regard to what are
the fingers of man like pegs?
These are just a few examples of how HaShem I.e., shall I say that the question is: Why are
fashioned the human body reflecting deep, the fingers divided? They might have been joined
spiritual concepts. Every part of the human body together.
is, in some way, related to the commandments of 48[37]
Lit., ‘for its thing.’
the Torah and every event recorded in the Torah The little finger.
applies, in some way, to our daily lives. In it's I.e the distance from the little finger to the
basic, straightforward interpretation, our parsha thumb of a spread hand.
discusses the Jews' redemption from the crushing The finger next to the little finger.
slavery of Egypt. On the deeper, allegorical level, vmhne the taking of a fistful of the meal-
the Exodus relates to our daily lives, especially to offering. v. Lev II, 2.
our very limbs, sinews and organs. The middle finger.
The cubit is a measure equal to the distance
The Gemara says that the earth was created with from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger.
the five fingers of HaShem. The fourth from the little finger.
And also for priestly service with the
*** ‘finger’; cf. Lev. IV, 6.
The fifth from the little finger.
Design of Fingers to fit inside Ears: Ketuvot 5a-b V. Lev. VIII, 23, 24; XIV, 14, 17, 25, 28. We
thus see that every finger has a definite purpose.
Kethuboth 5b Bar-Kappara [also] expounded: They therefore had to be divided and function as
What [is the meaning of what] is written. And thou separate fingers!
shalt have a peg among thy implements? Do not 59[48]
Lit., ‘what is the reason (that)?’
man hears an unworthy thing he shall bend the reason, Rabbi Falagie points out, during the
ear-lap into it.60[49] wedding ceremony the ring is placed on the index
finger to signify that HaShem is the unifying force
binding husband and wife.
Individual Purpose of each Finger: Ketuvot 5b
Involvement of Clean Hands in protecting the The significance and the symbolism that our Sages
eyes: Shabbat 108b attach to every finger and to each part of our body
is most instructive. Rabbeinu Bechaye discusses
*** the utility of each organ and in particular the
fingers, each of which serves to facilitate one of
The Me'amLo'ez is the only source that mentions the five senses. The pinkie finger is associated
the custom of pointing the pinkie finger towards with the sense of hearing and we may conjecture
the text, adding that it is customary to kiss the that this is related to the custom of pointing
pinkie after pointing. However, this is not a towards the Torah with the pinkie.
universal custom, and is not mentioned in other
halachic sources. Sources:

In reply to our inquiry as to the source of this Nachmanides--Ramban on the Torah -- Devarim
custom, Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, shlita, (27:26).
gave the following explanation: The Torah lists
the ten generations from Noah until Abraham, Tractate Sofrim (14:14).
including Yoktan, who established the largest
number of families. Rashi notes that Yoktan Shulchan Aruch -- Orach Chaim (134:2); and
merited establishing so many families due to his Ba'er He'tev(6).
great humility as his name indicates (from the root
katan-little). Rabbi Scheinberg went on to explain Devarim (4:44).
that when pointing at the Torah we take this lesson
to heart and we point with our smallest finger - the Sha'ar Hakavanos (Sefer Torah -- Drush 1)
pinkie - to indicate that we should reach out to try
to gain understanding of the Torah with the utmost Bamidbar (9:23).
humility and thus merit to succeed in this
aspiration. Me'am Lo'ez -- Devarim (27:26).

Rabbi Chaim Falagie expounds on a second Bereishis (10:26-29).

variation of the custom in which the indexfinger is
used for pointing towards the Torah rather than the Lev Chaim (Responsa) -- Orach Chaim (167:6).
pinkie. He bases this custom on six consecutive
statements in Tehilim the first of which is, "The Tehilim (19:8-10).
Torah of HaShem is perfect reviving the soul...".
Each one of these statements is composed of five Rabbeinu Bechaye -- Vayikra (8:23).
words corresponding to the number of fingers of
one hand. The second word of each statement is ***
HaShem corresponding to the second, namely the
index finger. In pointing towards the Torah with Zohar Parshat Terumah 154B the Zohar is
the index finger we are indicating that everyword finding a connection between the word Chovah
of the Torah is a Name of HaShem. For that same used to express the obligation to give the waters to
the Other Side and the same word Chovah as it is
Into the ear. He will thus close the ear and used to describe guilty or in this case negative
not hear the unworthy thing. energies, things and spaces i.e. water, nails on
fingers and the Tumah (spiritual impurity) they For one of the symbols of Malkhut is the rose.
have and the dark forces they attract and nourish. And the cup of wine, thus expressing also the
The Zohar further finds it of note that we do bless Shekhinah, stands in the center of the palm and is
when we wash our hands before the meal while held by the petal fingers of the rose.
we do not when we wash our hands after the meal.
This is not in the Zohar’s view due primarily to ***
the fact that little water is used but rather because
as it states blessing does not rest on that side. We
wash our hands in the morning or before a meal to
remove spiritual impurity thus we make a
blessing. Here with the After Waters we are
nourishing spiritual impurity thus we do not bless
for we do not wish to “increase” spiritual impurity
via the blessing. To increase is a blessings The priests should lift their hands shoulder high,
function see Nefesh Hachaim 2:2 This reason of extend them, and spread out their fingers to allow
the Zohar behind washing the hands after a meal is five open spaces between them. On each hand,
not seemingly shared by a notable Halachic there should be an open space between the two
authority with resulting changes in the quantity of pairs of fingers and the second pair of fingers and
water used see Shulchan Aruch Aroch Chaim thumb, thus creating four open spaces, two on
181:1 and Mishna Berurah ad loc. each hand. They should hold their hands in such a
manner that a fifth open space is created between
*** the two thumbs. This proceedure, "Peeking
through the window." means that the Divine
Heh has a numerical value of five, alluding to the Presence peeks through the windows between the
five fingers of the hand. As such it represents priests fingers. The five spaces are an allusion to
Understanding, the hand that hold Wisdom, the verse in Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs) 2:8
distributing it and channeling it. Heh is one of the which states that HaShem "peeks through the
two letters in the Hebrew alphabet that is written cracks in the wall." In other words,
as two disjunct parts. This alludes to the fact that HaShemprotects and watches the Jewish people
Understanding represents the beginning of even when He is hidden.
The priests should be very careful that the tips of
*** their thumbs do not touch, lest they spoil the
"window." The right hand should be raised
The Kiddush cup symbolizes the vessel through slightly higher than the left hand, and the right
which, and into which, the blessing comes. The thumb should be above the left thumb. They
numerical value of the Hebrew word for drinking should spread their hands so that their palms face
cup kos is the same as that of the name of god the earth and the back of their hands face the sky.
Elokim which expresses the divine revelation in
the world, in nature, in law. And into the cup is ***
poured the bounty, the wine, whose numerical
value is seventy, the number of the Shabbat Eve. One of the most popular Jewish pendants, along
After the filling of the cup, which is now the with the Star of David, the mezuzah, and the chai,
vessel of consecration containing the divine is the hand-shaped symbol known as the chamsa.
plenty, it is placed on the palm of the right hand in The word chamsa is from the Arabic root meaning
such a way that the cup, supported by the upturned "five," similar to the Hebrew chamesh, obviously
fingers, resembles or recalls a rose of five petals. derived from the fact that we have five digits on
our hand. Normally the chamsa is displayed
Sefer Yetzira, p. 15-16
hanging downward, with the fingers symmetrical The kohen carrying the Kli Shareit containing the
so that you can't differentiate between the thumb Kometz and the accompanying Levona ascended
and pinkie finger. Alternatively, the hand faces to the top of the Mizbeach, salted them (Melicha)
upward, with the fingers sometimes slightly and then consigned them to the ever-burning
spread and the thumb's tip accentuated outward, sacrificial fire. This act is called Haktara.
resembling a bird. These attempts to purposefully Following the Haktara of the Omer, a lamb was
misrepresent the hand may be concessions to the sacrificed as an Olah - burnt offering. The Omer
second commandment's prohibition against offering completed, the people in Jerusalem were
making a sculpted image of anything on the earth. now permitted to harvest and eat Chadash, the
The Talmud, in fact, explicitly forbids making a newly ripened grain of that year's harvest.
physical representation of the hand. Sometimes a Elsewhere in Eretz Israel, the people waited until
chamsa even has a sixth finger to clearly noon.
differentiate it from the normal human hand.


For example, though the spiritual light usually
"R. Yehuda said in the name of R. Akiva; 'Why
travels from an upper section of our bodies to a
did the Torah say to bring the Omer on Pesach?
lower section of our bodies, the light also has the
Because Pesach is the time of produce. The Holy
capacity to move from the hands to the legs via the
One Blessed be He said, 'Bring before Me the
fingertips. This means without going through the
Omer on Pesach so that your produce in the fields
body proper, as is usually the case.
may be blessed…"
There is a Kabbalistic reason for this, which has to
Rashi notes that the kohen first "waved" the Omer
do with maintaining the forces of evil so long as
offering towards the north, then to the south, then
free-will remains necessary in creation. Since evil
east and finally west. After Tenufa, the Kohen
and impurity have no intrinsic life source of their
proceeded to the southwest corner of the
own, they live off of the holiness that they can
Mizbeach where he paused. He then touched the
latch onto within creation. This is another way of
lower portion of the southwest corner of the
saying that, even though evil seems to work
Mizbei'ach with the Kli Shareit containing the
against HaShem, in the end it is HaShem Himself
Omer offering. This act is called Hagasha. Then
who maintains them as part of the ultimate plan
he held his right hand open and vertical, placed it
for mankind.
in the Kli Shareit in the midst of the Omer
offering, folded his four fingers (excluding the
Thus, one such place in the body where the light is
thumb) against his palm, turned his palm upward
said to 'break forth' and therefore act as a conduit
and lifted his hand up. This act is called Kemitza.
for the 'Kochos Hatuma' (Impure Forces), is the
The Omer flour trapped in his four fingers and his
fingertips. Therefore, the finger tips are a place
palm is the Kometz ("handful"). It is this Kometz
around which the Impure Forces 'circle,' waiting
which would be burnt on the Mizbeach. (Note the
for their due like hungry dogs, so-to-speak, which
Rambam, Ma'asei Korbanot 13:12,13 and the
is why we are so strict about washing 'Negel
glosses of the Kesef Mishna and the Lechem
Vasser' (literally, 'Night Waters') upon waking,
Mishna.). The Kometz was then placed in a
and other types of washing when emerging from a
second Kli Shareit. This act of "re-sanctification"
spiritual impure place (such as a bathroom) or
is called Kiddush Hakometz. The Levona, the
before eating bread.
frankincense, was also transferred from the first
Kli Shareit to the second.

One should trim his finger-nails every Friday, Written Torah; the commandments found on the
never on Thursday, otherwise the nails will second tablet are an allusion to the Oral Torah.
commence growing on the following Sabbath. He
should pare the nails of the left hand first, Two tablets…represent the relationship
beginning at the fourth finger and ending with the between bride and groom.
thumb; and then he should pare the nails of the
right hand, beginning with the thumb and ending Our sages may have had this in mind when they
with the fourth finger; he should not vary the said that the reason that there were two tablets was
following order: 4th, 2d, 5th, 3d, 1st of the left that one symbolizes heaven whereas the other
hand; then the 1st, 3d, 5th, 2d, 4th of the right symbolizes Earth; they represent the relationship
hand. Never pare two (contiguous) fingers one between bride and groom. They symbolize the two
after the other, for it is dangerous, and it also worlds, the here and now with the Hereafter. All
impairs the memory. The reason and mystery of this is reflected in a single allusion. Intelligent
about the order for paring the nails are well known students will understand this.
to the expert.
Thus far Nachmanides.

The Guiding Hands of Torah On the verse "Your two breasts[shnei shadecha]
are like two fawns, twins of the gazelle" (Songs
The Ten Commandments were engraved on the 4:5), Rashi comments that the expression shnei
tablets in two groups of five each. Nachmanides shadecha refers to the two stone tablets. They are
comments: described as "twins" because they were both of
identical dimensions and contained five
Five of the Ten Commandments deal with the commandments each. The commandments parallel
honor of the Almighty, the Creator, whereas the each other. The injunction not to murder
other five address the well-being of man. The corresponds to the commandment that "I am the
commandment to honor one's father and mother is Lord Your God," for the murderer diminishes the
a part of the commandments honoring HaShem stature of HaShem by destroying His handiwork.
Himself, since by honoring one's father and The commandment not to have other gods
mother a person honors HaShem; this is because corresponds to the prohibition of adultery, because
HaShem is a partner in the formation of any the adulteress practices deceit of her husband,
human being. whereas the idol-worshipper practices infidelity
against his Maker.
The ten sefirot parallel the ten fingers.
We are therefore left with five commandments
which address man's needs and dignity. It appears Interestingly enough, the Talmud has recorded
that one set of five commandments was engraved instances of rabbinic leaders producing living
on one of the two tablets, and the second on the creatures-like the legendary golem [Talmud
other. We are to regard both groups of Sanhedrin 65b], an artificial anthropoid-from dust.
commandments as equally important. This In talmudic accounts a golem was formed from
corresponds to what is written in the Sefer Yetzira, earth and was activated by putting the Name of
that the ten sefirot parallel the ten fingers, five on HaShem either on the golem's forehead, or on a
each hand, with a covenant forming the link manuscript inserted into his mouth. A golem was
between them in the center. incapable of speech, and since speech was said to
be associated with possession of a soul, it was
This explains the need for two tablets. Up to and concluded that a golem did not possess a soul.
including the commandment of honoring father This would explain why renowned rabbinic
and mother, the commandments allude to the
leaders were reportedly able to destroy a golem The basis for this comes from the following: "The
without violating the prohibition of murder. sign { Tav } as a Divine judicial pronouncement
was used when HaShem decreed the destruction of
The Hebrew Letter Tav Jerusalem and ordered the angel Gabriel - as seen
in the vision by the Prophet Ezekiel (Ch. 9) - to
Tav Is The Twenty-Second Letter Of the Aleph put a { Tav } on the foreheads of the citizens of
Bet {Hebrew Alphabet} Jerusalem. {The Tav was used} to differentiate the
righteous ones destined for life in the World to
The Letter Tav represents Truth and Perfection Come from the wicked who were doomed to
Gematria is a particular study of Jewish mysticism perish in This World and in the next, ink and
based on the numerical value of Hebrew letters in blood were used respectively. A { Tav } in ink
the Aleph Bais (Hebrew alphabet) as inscribed in was placed on the forehead of the righteous,
the Torah. Jewish Gematria has many disciplines. denoting {the word [from right to left] Hey - Yod
- Chess - Tav, 'Teech Yeh' meaning} you shall
Gematria value = 400 Gematria value of the word live; {see second blue box at top of page} and in
Tav = 406 blood {on the forehead} for the wicked, denoting
{the word [from right to left] Tav - Vav - Mem -
Meaning of Tav = sign, line, feature or note... Tav, 'Taw Moos' meaning} you shall die" {see
second yellow box at top of page} (Shabbat55 a).
The Tav is a directional letter moving from the left HaShem's seal has been understood in Judaism for
to the right. The direction begins with man thousands of years and since Creation as the
represented by the letter Vav and moves towards Hebrew letter Tav. In Judaism we regard the Tav
truth and perfection which represent HaShem {see which is the Gematria total of Vav {6} plus Vav
Gematria discussion for the letter Vav}. {6} plus Vav {6} equaling 18 to mean "LIFE".
Christians / Messianics regard HaShem's seal with
The Gematria construction of the Tav is a Vav = 6 its Gematria construction of Vav {6} plus Vav {6}
plus a Vav = 6 plus a Vav = 6 for a total of 18, plus Vav {6} to be "666" which they claim to be
{see first blue box at top of page}. The Gematria "the mark of the Beast."
of Chai, meaning "life / living" is 18, {see first
yellow box at top of page}. Every life and the Now, in fact, the letter Tav does NOT represent
substance for every life is based upon HaShem's the mark of the beast. The Tav represents the seal
truth. All Creation is sustained and maintained by of HaShem the Creator. HaShem's seal is placed
HaShem's truth. The first letter for the Hebrew upon the forehead of the righteous IN INK
word Torah begins with the letter Tav. The last representing "life in the World to Come" and
letter for Emet, meaning truth, concludes with the HaShem's seal is placed upon the forehead of the
letter Tav. The letter Tav is HaShem's seal. The wicked IN BLOOD meaning "you shall die in this
Tav is HaShem's absolute guarantee that His life and in the next world." The righteous are
agreement will be carried out to completion. sealed to life IN INK and the wicked are sealed to
death IN BLOOD. The same seal is used.
When Kayin murdered his brother Hevel, the
Torah records that HaShem placed an Oht, ***
meaning sign, on Kayin's forehead. This Oht,
according to Nachlas Benjamin, was the letter HALACHAH: HOW MUCH OF THE FACE
Tav. The letter Tav {from right to left} Vav - Yod DETERMINES "BECHORAH"? Resh Lakish
- Tav comes from the root Hey - Vav - Tav, rules that even after the forehead of fully formed
meaning to place a mark or sign. It is the Tav that child has come out of the womb, the next born is a
represents HaShem's sign or mark! Bechor with regard to inheritance (because a
forehead is not considered "Yakir.") Rav
Yochanan rules that a forehead entirely removes
the status of Bechor of the next born, even as far Lord your God." (Deut. 8:14) (Maimonides, Laws
as inheritance. of Ethical Qualities 2:3)

HALACHAH: The TUR (CM 277) rules that Tetzaveh

although only a Bechor who was born while his by Rabbi Yaakov Menken
father was still alive has the status of Bechor for
inheritance, if most of the forehead came out "And you shall make a Tzitz of pure gold, and you
while his father was still alive it is sufficient. The shall engrave in it, like the engraving of a seal,
BET YOSEF explains that this ruling is in 'Sanctified to HaShem.'" [Shemot 28:36]
accordance with Rav Yochanan.
The Tzitz was a band which the Kohen Gadol, the
The BACH recommends removing the word most, High Priest, wore across his forehead. Engraved
since the Gemara only mentions "forehead," which into this band, pressed in from the back so as to
implies that the entire forehead must be born and appear in relief, coming out from the band, were
not only most of the forehead. Since the forehead the words "Kadosh LaShem," Sanctified to
is required in order that it should be possible to HaShem.
recognize ("Yakir") the newborn, the rule of Rubo
k'Kulo would obviously not apply. The SHEV Our Sages explain in the Talmud that the Tzitz
SHMAITSA (7:15) and Acharonim agree with atoned for azus panim, literally "boldness of face"
this emendation. -- presumptuousness, brazenness, chutzpah. Think
about a "bald-faced lie" -- sinning in an obvious,
*** blunt, brazen way. The Zohar says that when the
Kohen Gadol wore the Tzitz on his forehead, it
"You shall make its horns on the four corners (of subdued those who were brazen. Just imagining it
the altar), to be of one piece with it, and overlay it can be frightening. The Kohen Gadol is wearing
with copper." (Shemot 27:2) "Sanctified to HaShem" on his forehead. What
shows on my forehead? Brazen lies and other
Why were its horns to be of copper, "nechoshet"? misdeeds?
In order to atone for insolence, as it says, "And
your forehead is copper."(Is. 48:4) (Midrash In the Chapters of the Fathers, Chapter 5, there is a
Tanchuma 11) The forehead is a metaphor for perplexing Mishna. "He [Yehudah ben Teima]
insolence, because such a person raises his used to say: 'The brazen go to Gehennom
forehead when it should be bowed in humility; [purgatory], but the shamefaced go to the Garden
copper also suggests inflexibility. (Rabbi David of Eden.' May be Your will, HaShem our HaShem
Kimchi, 12th-13th c.) and the HaShem of our fathers, that the Holy
Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days, and grant
There are some qualities concerning which it is us our portion in your Torah."
forbidden simply to maintain a middle path, but
must be avoided to the extreme, and pride is one What is happening in this Mishna? The author is
of them. The right way is not simply to be humble, telling us what Yehudah ben Teima used to say,
but to be extremely humble-minded and very low and then he suddenly starts davening (praying)!
in one's own estimation. Thus it was said of Moses Looking forward to the rebuilding of the Temple,
that he was "VERY humble", (Numb. 12:3) not and praying for our share in Torah, is a recurring
merely "humble". Hence our Sages directed us to theme throughout the traditional Jewish prayer
"be exceedingly humble." (Pirkei Avot 4:4) They book -- but why is it relevant to a discussion of
also said that whoever is prideful, denies the appropriate and inappropriate character traits?
essential principle of our faith, as it says: "And
your heart will be proud, and you will forget the I found the following answer (original source
unknown): the author of the Mishna wrote the
saying of Yehudah ben Teima, and immediately
thought of the brazen people in his own BREASTS
generation, who undoubtedly caused grief for the
community and especially for straight, upright This next passage from Song of Song of Songs
individuals. Those people, he wrote, were going to Rabbah, which compares a woman's breasts to
face cleansing in Gehennom for their behavior. Moses and Aaron, is extremely telling and rife
And he remembered that when the Temple with symbolism.
existed, the Tzitz on the forehead of the Kohen
Gadol atoned for their sins, and indeed subdued Song of Songs Rabbah IV:13 YOUR TWO
them and prevented them from being so brazen in BREASTS: these are Moses and Aaron. Just
the first place. as the breasts are the beauty and the
adornment of a woman, so Moses and Aaron
Life would be so much better for everyone, if only were the beauty and adornment of Israel.
the Temple were rebuilt! And so this short prayer Just as the breasts are the appeal of a
burst from his heart, asking for this to happen woman, so Moses and Aaron were the
soon. appeal of Israel. Just as the breasts are full
of milk, so Moses and Aaron filled Israel
Our Sages also say in the Talmud (Beitzah 25): with Torah. Just as whatever a woman eats
"Why was the Torah given to Israel? Because they helps to feed the child at the breast, so all
are brazen." And the commentator Rashi explains, the Torah that Moses our teacher learned he
"The Torah was given to them so that they should taught to Aaron, as it is written, "And Moses
involve themselves in it, and it will take their told Aaron all the words of the Lord (Exodus
strength and subdue their hearts." Therefore the 4:28)." The Rabbis say, "He revealed to him
writer of the Mishna concludes: "And give us our the ineffable Name." Just as one breast is
portion in Your Torah." not greater than the other, so it was with
Moses and Aaron, for it is written, "These
The Temple was not merely designed to be a are that Moses and Aaron (Exodus 4:27),"
glorious place for worship of HaShem, a fancy and it is also written, "These are that Aaron
edifice. In every aspect, it was built to help us, to and Moses (ib. 26)," showing that Moses
improve each person who passed through its gates, was not greater than Aaron nor was Aaron
or even shared the world with it. In the meantime, greater than Moses in knowledge of Torah.
we take refuge in the Torah, which has everything R. Abba said, "They were like two fine
spiritual within it, but may we indeed see the pearls belonging to a king which he put in a
Temple rebuilt, speedily in our days! balance, finding that neither weighed down
the other. So were Moses and Aaron just
Good Shabbos, equal."
Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Through the symbolic use of "breasts" to represent
The source of the commandment of Tefillin Moses and Aaron, we have an encounter with both
appears in the passage of Shema Yisrael: You symmetry and opposition. The symmetry of the
shall love the L-rd your HaShem with all your breasts illustrates the equivalence between Moses
heart and with all your soul and with all your and Aaron. Yet, on the other hand, Moses and
might. Take to heart these instructions with which Aaron also represent opposites. Aaron was an
I charge you this day.... Bind them as a sign on eloquent spokesperson while Moses stuttered and
your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your was "slow of tongue" (Exodus 4:10). We can also
forehead. (Deuteronomy 6:5-8) say that Moses is to Aaron as God is to Moses.
This is demonstrated by the following two

Exodus 4:16 And he (Aaron) shall speak to Conversely, the heart can drag man into a
the people for you; and he shall be to you bottomless abyss, from where there appears to be
(Moses) as a mouth, and it will be as if you no return:
were God to him.
Bamidbar (Numbers) 15:39 “Do not
Song of Songs Rabbah I:52 "And you shall explore after your heart and after your eyes
be to him in God's stead." In fact, what God after which you stray.”
said to Moses was this, "Moses, as My fear
is upon you, so shall the fear of you be upon HaShem made man a heart, which is the king over
thy brother." all the organs, and which is the seat of the animate
The Hebrew word for breasts can be further
related to greater spiritual realms in two ways. Just like the center of the Temple is the Holy of
First, the spelling for breasts, Shadayim, differs by Holies, the center of the human being is his heart.
only one letter from the spelling for heavens, His head is above him, his feet are beneath him, so
Shamayim, and second, the word for breast, Shad, the heart which is at the midpoint of his trunk, is
appears to be etymologically related to the the actual center of his being. Just as the holiness
appellation "God Almighty", El Shaddai. that is the source of all that is good in the world
Additionally, the transition of the milk of the emanates from the Holy of Holies, the life force of
breasts from the unseen inside to the visible the human emanates from the heart.
outside is also representative of more general
transitions from the unknown to the known, and The human heart serves as the physical antenna
hence from HaShem to humans. and receiver of the spiritual force of ruach.Thus
the human heart, which serves as the physical
antenna and receiver of the spiritual force of ruach
ORGANS is the exact counterpart of the cherubim above the
Ark in the Holy of Holies. Just as that is the point
The Mishkan's furnishings or "vessels," are seen where the Divine voice connects with man, the
as representations of the various organs and ruach in man's heart is the connection point with
faculties of man: The Outer Altar on which the the neshama, which represents the Divinity within
animal and meal offerings were brought represent man.
the digestive system and other "functional" organs.
All joy is manifest in the heart (in Hebrew: lev).
Heart The word lev has many associations with the
holiday of Succoth: When we write out the letters
of the word lev (spelled lamed, beit) in full
In Jewish literature, man’s heart has often been
(Lamed, mem, dalet; Bet, yud, tav) they equal the
referred to as king. Physiologically, the heart
numerical value of succoth (486).
provides sustenance to all the body’s limbs,
without which all would die. Spiritually, the heart
When we sit in the succah, we bless HaShem for
is the seat of thought and emotion, with the
having commanded us to sit inside. The
capacity to guide man to higher levels of devotion
distinguishing words of this blessing are leshev
to and closeness with HaShem:
basukkah ("to sit in the succah"). The first letters
of the words Leshev Basukkah are lamed and bet,
Devarim (Deuteronomy) 6:5 “You shall
another allusion to lev.
love HaShem your G-d with all your
The lulav ("palm branch"), one of the four species,
is spelled lamed, vav, lamed, bet. This word can
be read as lo lev, "he has a heart."
The diaphragm is thus seen as separating between
Our sages say that the etrog ("citron fruit"), the more spiritual aspects of the body and the
another of the four species, resembles a heart. lower, more physical aspects. Above the
diaphragm we have the heart, the lungs, the brain,
The numerical value of all the four species, (etrog, etc., while below, we have the more corporeal and
aravah, lulav, hadas) equals lev (32) times lev! gross physical organs.


The Nation of Israel is the "heart" of the whole

world. Just as the heart is the vital organ which
determines whether the body will live, so are we
responsible for the spiritual life of the whole
world. (Kuzari, 2:36-44). However, we must
follow a certain order. First, we must bring the
Nation of Israel to perfection, then all of mankind,
and finally, the animal, vegetable and mineral

The Torah teaches that importance should always

be given to the right side. We put on our right shoe
before our left shoe, we wrap our Tefillin with our
right hand and we give charity with our right hand.
Why than is the most important part of the body,
our heart, on the left side? Rav Nachman of
Breslav gives the truest answer. If we stand face
to face with another individual our heart is on
their right. Our heart is for them not for

The lungs take in air and separate out the gasses to
be absorbed from the gasses to be expelled. The Your heart rests over the diaphragm and the liver,
expelled product is less refined than the incoming gall bladder spleen, stomach and kidneys lie below
air, but still it is not very offensive and it is light it. It is attached to the spine as it moves and
and ethereal.. By contrast, that which is expelled massages all your abdominal organs.
below the diaphragm is much more offensive and
“heavy”. Your diaphragm is the mediator of all the
biological and emotional rhythms of your body.
Diaphragm Including the autonomic nervous system. The
diaphragm interconnects your abdomen, lungs and
The diaphragm (Hebrew: Parsa, lit. curtain) acts as spine.
separator between the higher organs of the heart
and lung, the immediate organs of life, and the The diaphragm divides the organs of breathing
lower organs of digestion and reproduction. The [the respiratory system] from the organs of
diaphragm divides the organs of breathing [the digestion. The diaphragm is thus seen as
respiratory system] from the organs of digestion. separating between the more spiritual aspects of
the body and the lower, more physical aspects.
Above the diaphragm we have the heart, the lungs, This may seem very strange to us, after all, what
the brain, etc., while below, we have the more do kidneys have to do with giving advice? Chazal
corporeal and gross physical organs. suggest that the right and left kidneys represent,
respectively, the good and evil inclinations:
Berachoth 61a Our Rabbis taught: Man has
How does the transmission of Life Force depend two kidneys, one of which prompts him to
on our speech and prayer? good, the other to evil; and it is natural to
suppose that the good one is on his right
It is written, "From my flesh, I shall see G-d" (Job side and the bad one on his left, as it is
19:26). [By understanding the human body, we written, A wise man's understanding is at his
can also understand HaShem's ways.] right hand, but a fool's understanding is at
his left. Our Rabbis taught: The kidneys
Man is filled with life force and breath, spread prompt, the heart discerns, the tongue
inside him. When he wishes to speak, he must shapes [the words], the mouth articulates,
constrict this breath through his larynx, and the gullet takes in and lets out all kinds of
modulate it with his mouth, lips, tongue and teeth. food, the wind-pipe produces the voice, the
He can then express it as he desires, and only then lungs absorb all kinds of liquids, the liver is
can his speech, voice and wisdom be detected. [He the seat of anger, the gall lets a drop fall
can communicate] because his life force, wisdom into it and allays it, the milt produces
and voice are constricted in his speech. laughter, the large intestine grinds [the
food], the maw brings sleep and the nose
When a righteous person stands in prayer, he awakens. If the awakener sleeps or the
certainly attaches and binds his thought and life sleeper rouses, a man pines away. A Tanna
force to the Infinite Essence, which is a simple taught: If both induce sleep or both awaken,
formless Unity. When he begins to speak, he a man dies forthwith.
transmits the Creator's Life Force into his words
and speech. As these leave his lips, they are very Another of Chazal’s interpretations is that the two
strongly bound to his breath and life force, kidneys correspond to two aspects of our
constructed into the sounds that he expresses. relationship to HaShem: To fear HaShem and to
love HaShem. In both interpretations, these organs
Then (to the extent that we can express it), the represent a system of duality or alternative courses
Infinite Essence is bound to this person's breath of action. The role of these "advisers" is to signal
and life force, and is modulated and constricted in us how to choose between possible actions.
his expression of words. (From Magid Devarav Le
Yaakov 269) Rabbi Nachman taught that the 613
commandments of the Torah are actually 613
major categories of advice which can provide
Kidneys solutions to every conceivable problem. All that is
necessary in order find the hidden advice is
The Torah and Chazal attributed specific functions expertise in how to properly unravel the verses
to the organs of the body. The Talmud tells us and laws of the Torah. The spiritual energies of
that, "The kidneys advise" (Berachot 61a), this the kidneys influence the decision making
echoes King David's song: faculties of the mind, as is taught in the Talmud:
Tehillim (Psalms) 16:7 I will bless the Lord
Berachot 61aOur Rabbis taught: Man has
who has advised me, even at night my
two kidneys, one of which prompts him to
kidneys instruct me.
good, the other to evil; and it is natural to
suppose that the good one is on his right has the same root as the word K'Saw'Lim
side and the bad one on his left, as it is (kidneys). Rashi says that the spiritual energies
written, A wise man's understanding is at his contained in the fat covering the kidneys prevent
right hand, but a fool's understanding is at the intellectual fools from returning to HaShem. It
his left. is forbidden to eat the layer of fat that covers the
kidneys because its essence pollutes the spiritual
Our Rabbis taught: The kidneys prompt, the energies of holiness contained in the kidneys,
heart discerns, the tongue shapes [the greatly hampering the mind's ability to make the
words], the mouth articulates, the gullet right choices, as the verse says, "You may not
takes in and lets out all kinds of food, the consume any fat or any blood [because of the
wind-pipe produces the voice, the lungs negative spiritual energies they contain]." (Lev.
absorb all kinds of liquids, the liver is the 3:17)
seat of anger, the gall lets a drop fall into it
and allays it, the milt produces laughter, the Midrash Rabbah - Genesis LXI:1 And in
large intestine grinds [the food], the maw His law doth he meditate day and night (Ps.
brings sleep and the nose awakens. If the Ioc. cit.). R. Simeon b. Yohai said: His
awakener sleeps or the sleeper rouses, a [Abraham's] father did not teach him, nor
man pines away. A Tanna taught: If both did he have a teacher; whence then did he
induce sleep or both awaken, a man dies learn the Torah? The fact is, however, that
forthwith. the Holy One, blessed be He, made his two
kidneys serve like twoteachers for him, and
Rabbi Nachman says that Torah study can sanctify these welled forth and taught him wisdom;
the spiritual energies of the kidneys, directing the thus it is written, I will bless the Lord, who
mind to the path of holiness. In other words, when hath given me counsel; yea, in the night
the kidneys contain the spiritual energies of seasons my reins [kidneys] instruct me (ib.
holiness, it eventually leads to purity of the mind. XVI, 7).
The spiritual energies of holiness facilitate the
mind in making the right choices because they can Midrash Rabbah - Ecclesiastes VII:28
light up the darkness of any problem. When one Another interpretation of WISDOM IS A
makes the right choices, he is directed to the STRONGHOLD TO THE WISE MAN: i.e. to
pathways that lead to HaShem, the source of all Adam, as it is written, Thou seal most
joy and goodness. It is essential to safeguard the accurate, full of wisdom, and perfect in
purity of the mind and all the organs of the body beauty, thou wast in Eden the garden of God
that influence it, because one's link to HaShem (Ezek. XXVIII, 12f.). THAN TEN RULERS
and eternal goodness, is dependent upon the THAT ARE IN A CITY: i.e. the ten organs
degree of purity of the mind. This is referred to as that minister to the soul,4 viz. the gullet for
Tikun HaBrit, "rectification of the covenant", [the passage of] food, the windpipe for
which is an eternal bond that the Jewish nation voice, the liver for anger, the gall for
made at Mount Sinai with HaShem, and is jealousy, the lungs to absorb liquids, the
incumbent upon each Jew to observe. stomach to grind [food], the milt for
laughter, the kidneys to advise, the heart to
Rav Noson says that although the spiritual give understanding, and the tongue to
energies of the kidneys provide good advice to the decide.
brain, the fat that covers them contain negative
energies which distort the good advice. Rashi The Torah and the sages attributed interesting
explains that the origin of the word K'SiL (which features to certain organs of the lower half of the
refers to an intellectual fool, one who has a great body. A comment in the Talmud, "The kidneys
intellect but misuses it, coming to errroneous advise" (Berachot 61a), echoes King David's song:
conclusions which lead him away from HaShem), "I will bless the Lord who has advised me, even at
night my kidneys instruct me" (Psalms 16:7). But thoughtful of HaShem all day; Rashi explains this
this may seem very strange to us: What do kidneys like a person who is troubled that he hasn't
have to do with giving advice? satisfied his desires65[54].

The Sages suggest that the right and left kidneys Rav Noson says that although the spiritual
represent, respectively, the good and evil energies of the kidneys provide good advice to the
inclinations (Berachot 61a); another of their brain, the fat that covers them contain negative
interpretations is that the two kidneys correspond energies which distort the good advice. Rashi
to two aspects of our relationship to the divine: to explains that the origin of the word K'SiL (which
fear God and to love God. In both interpretations, refers to an intellectual fool, one who has a great
these organs represent a system of duality or intellect but misuses it, coming to errroneous
alternative courses of action. The role of these conclusions which lead him away from HaShem),
"advisers" is to signal us how to choose between has the same root as the word K'Saw'Lim
possible actions. (kidneys). Rashi says that the spiritual energies
contained in the fat covering the kidneys prevent
We can see this from a physical perspective: the intellectual fools from returning to HaShem. It
kidneys filter and detoxify, cleansing the blood, is forbidden to eat the layer of fat that covers the
separating what is good for our bodies from what kidneys because its essence pollutes the spiritual
is bad. They monitor levels of sugar, salt, energies of holiness contained in the kidneys,
potassium, protein, and water. Further, atop the greatly hampering the mind's ability to make the
kidneys sit the powerful adrenal glands, which right choices, as the verse says, "You may not
fuel our "fight or flight" reflex when a dangerous consume any fat or any blood [because of the
situation develops, and empower the body to go negative spiritual energies they contain]." (Lev.
beyond its normal range of reactions. So, along 3:17)
two different dimensions, the kidney area
represents decision-making. Liver
The kidneys are related to the heart and to desire:
The liver is the main organ of the abdomen
according to the kabbalistic system.
Yeremyahu (Jeremiah) 17:10 I the Lord
search the heart and test the kidneys, and
The liver uses food elements to produce blood
give to each man according to his ways and
elements. The liver separates out those elements to
to the fruit of his actions.
be retained and those elements that are to be
discarded. This is analogous to the lungs which
The name Kislev comes from a root in the word
take in air elements and separates the oxygen
'kesel- kesalim' and the kelayot-kidneys are called
component which is used to produce blood
kesalim. Strong desire is rooted in the kidneys; Ibn
elements. The blood is, of course, the place of the
Ezra comments62[51] that they are called kelayot
life energy.
because they are the seat of lust and desire and
"How I my soul pine and indeed my soul was
The liver is dedicated to the nefesh and translates
consumed in yearning for Thy Courtyards,
its messages into desires and drives.
HaShem"63[52] or "If I put kisli in gold"64[53] that Rashi
sees as "all my hope and thoughts", that is the
Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page
desires and the lusts. This is the trait of Benyamin
as they taught that he was concerned and
THE MAN, SAYING. It is agreed that the
term “command” in the Scripture always
VaYikra 3:4
Tehillim, 84:3
64[53] 65[54]
Iyov 31 Yoma, 12a
has reference to the prohibition of idolatry. The pancreas is a digestive and endocrine organ. It
This sin has its root in the liver, which is the produces chemicals which aid in digestion and
seat of anger, and it has been laid down that chemicals, like insulin, which affect the body in
“to fall into a passion is like worshipping other ways. Insulin is needed to convert the
idols”. The expression “the man” carbohydrates you eat into energy.
designates bloodshed, on the analogy of the
verse: “by man shall his blood be shed” The Talmud, in Tamid 31a, calls the pancreas the
(Gen. IX, 6). This sin has its root in the gall, “finger of the liver”.
the sword of the angel of death, after the
verse: “her latter end is bitter like gall, Devarim 16:7 – 27:22. Bereshit 31:20
piercing like a two-edged sword” (Prov. V,
4). The expression “saying” refers to incest, There's nothing like a hot cup of tea on a cold day.
which has its root in the spleen, as it is Now an Israeli company plans to introduce an
written, “Such is the way of the adulterous herbal tea to the United States that it claims can
woman, she eats and wipes her mouth” substantially reduce the blood-sugar levels of
(Ibid. XXX, 20). Although the spleen has no diabetics.
mouth or suckers, yet it absorbs the black
turbid blood of the liver; so the adulterous Glucodan tea, which was developed by Nufar
woman wipes her mouth and leaves no Natural Products, is a mixture of medicinal herbs
trace. The murderer is incited by the bile for reducing and balancing sugar levels in the
and sucks from the blood of the heart. All blood. The company says tea reduces sugar and
who see bile recoil from it, but unchastity is breaks down carbohydrates and fats, which rise to
covered in darkness, in the black blood of dangerous levels in diabetics after they eat a meal.
the spleen. Whoever sins by murder,
idolatry, and incest bans his soul through The small 15-man company claims the tea, which
the liver, the gall, and the spleen, and is includes the herbs stevia, gymnema sylvestris,
punished in Gehinnom in these three salvia fruticosa, eucalyptus and lemon grass,
members, through three chief demons, rehabilitates and activates the pancreas causing it
Mashith (destroyer), Af (anger), and Hemah to secrete insulin, a hormone that helps the cells
(wrath).... absorb glucose from the bloodstream and use it to
produce energy, thereby reducing sugar levels in
Pancreas (‫)לבלב‬ the blood. In addition, says Israel Solodoch, the
founder and CEO of Nufar, the tea helps diabetics
absorb the insulin into their bodies.

"Drinking Glucodan tea decreases the body's

resistance to insulin," he explains. "The cells get
re-influenced by the insulin, absorb the sugar,
disassemble it and as a result stabilize the levels of
sugar in the blood.

Patients who have used the tea, drinking from two

to three cups a day, claim that their blood-sugar
levels have fallen dramatically.


HaShem made for man the spleen, which produces that it was also meant for his spiritual son, Ibn
black bile. The spleen also causes a person to be Aknin (whom Rambam calls his "dear son" in a
happy, and makes him laugh. letter), and the children of his brother David,
whom he adopted, for he addresses his "children",
but had only one son (but I recall a letter from
The Bet HaMiqdash Rambam, wherein he portrays difficulties and
tension with his daughters). His first wife must
The mishkan also resembles HaShem's other have died early (see Meor Enayim, de Rossi, Ch.
microcosmos, man, it too has outer "skin" (the 25) and a daughter, perhaps David's, died young
outer curtains of goat and tachash skins), an (mentioned by Rambam, in that letter to Ibn
intellectual center (the menorah, corresponding to Aknin, where he urges Aknin not to mourn or
the light of understanding), a food processing grieve at the demise of any individual, male or
mechanism, without which the intellect cannot female, the survival of the species being the focus
function (the copper altar at the entrance to the of the notion of goodness).
mishkan, and the table within, with its supply of
weekly bread, consumed by the kohen), and at its One of the many subliminal messages suggested
heart, the tablets in the ark in the Holy of Holies by the above exposition is that, just as the
(compare the two tablets of the decalogue with the sanctuary structure resembles a human body, so
heart's ventricles). Each space inside the mishkan the human body should become a sanctuary,
is separated and defined by membranes (curtains). treated and respected as such. Then it can become
The entire structure is supported by wooden acacia an abode of the shechina, the concentrated
beams, its ribs and skeletal framework. Over this manifest essence of HaShem, They shall make me
are stretched the curtains and animal skins. Close a sanctuary, and I shall dwell within them (Ex.
to the place of the heart is the altar of incense. 25:8, Sifse Cohen). The Mishkan thus provides the
associated with the sense of smell, and the soul. children of Israel with a tangible model of the
The keruvim spread their wings over the ark, connection between their bodies, the
tightly bound to its cover, the caporet, microcosmos, and the structure and plan of
corresponding to the lungs and their close and HaShem's cosmos, the universe. It henceforward
vital connection to the heart. The kiyor (laver) becomes the meeting place (ohel moed) of heaven
represents the function of water in the body. Each and earth. The leaders and the people try
of the holy utensils may represent an inner organ repeatedly and unsuccessfully to erect the
of the human body. mishkan. Moses, undaunted, exerts himself in the
seemingly impossible task, and the mishkan
Chayim exposition expands, and differs with, that basically erects itself, a hint perhaps to the
of the Rambam, cited in Chidushei Hagaonim on eventual resolution of the seemingly insoluble
Menachoth 29, quoted in The Midrash Says; in conflicts of modern Israel, torn between heaven
The Guide 3:45, Rambam gives a simple and earth, body and soul, the moment and eternity
explanation of the mishkan; but he dwells upon its
"secret", nistar, implications in his grand letter of
life wisdom and instructions to his son, Avraham, MILAH
a manual of intimate personal morality; there he
claims that the table represent the liver, the A man is old enough to have Daat in the mind
menorah the spleen; the sacrificial altar represents when he is old enough to have daat in his body.
our natural heat, the altar of incense man's Daat in his body is the sexual maturity which is
intuitive illumination. The holy scrolls, in the ark, manifested in pubic hairs. Thus when a man is old
symbolize human wisdom, the cherubim, enough to bond with a woman and produce
protecting them, the safeguarding of our health. it something new physically, then he is old enough
is translated into English and expounded in Letters to bond with the higher world and bring down new
of Maimonides, by Leon D. Stitskin. He claims wisdom. This explains why a boy makes his Bar
Mitzva at thirteen. The halacha is that he must These first threemishnayot themselves follow the
have pubic hairs before he can become responsible order of the three sefirot of the intellect:
for the commandments. The reason for this Chachmah ("wisdom"), binah ("understanding")
halacha is that the physical mirrors the spiritual. and da'at ("knowledge"). The first mishnah opens
The hair indicates that the mind has matured to the with the 32 pathways of Chachmah(the right lobe
point where he can become responsible for the of the brain). The second mishna analyzes and
commandments. divides these 32 into subgroups, a process
dependent upon the intellectual faculty of
The Healing of Body and Soul binah(the left lobe of the brain). The third mishna
presents a concrete, physical model for the ten
sefirot, thus employing the power of da'at (the
By Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh
middle, posterior lobe of the brain), which serves
to concretize the abstract intellectual cognition of
The Ten Fingers, the Tongue and the Procreative
Chachmah and binah.
In addition, this mishna presents the most
The most evident allusion to the ten sefirot in the
fundamental principle of tikkun ("rectification") in
human body are the ten fingers and the ten toes.
Kabbalah--balance and equilibrium. Balance
This correspondence appears in the beginning of
between the right and left axes of the sefirot is
SeferYetzirah, the most ancient Kabbalistic text,
dependent upon the middle axis of the sefirot in
whose first three staves (mishnayot) read:
general, and upon the power of da'at in particular.
With thirty-two wondrous pathways of wisdom,
When da’at is not counted as one of the tensefirot
God...created His world with three books:
(i.e., when the ten are counted from keter), it
"scribe," "book," and "story."
serves as the middle balance-point between the
two symmetric groups of five (right side) and five
[There are] ten ineffable sefirot and twenty-two
(left side) sefirot. Da'at is able to balance and
letters of foundation: three mothers, seven
regulate the two groups of five because it itself
doubles, and twelve simples.
subdivides into two internal categories of five
each: five chasadim ("positive" powers of
[There are] ten ineffable sefirot, corresponding to
attraction) and five gevurot ("negative" powers of
the ten fingers, five opposite five, and the single
repulsion). These two sets of five inherent to da'at
covenant is placed in the middle, in the word of
prevail throughout creation. They must be
the tongue and the circumcision of the procreative
regulated and properly balanced in order to serve
their purpose in the rectification process of reality.
Here, in the third mishnah of the first chapter of
In the Torah, the "five opposite five" principle first
SeferYetzirah, we find the first explicit portrayal
finds its expression in the two tablets of the
or model of the ten sefirot in Kabbalah.
covenant, given to Moses at Sinai, upon which
were inscribed the Ten Commandments--"five
The first mishnah of SeferYetzirah introduces the
opposite five."
32 pathways of wisdom in general; the second
mishnah divides the 32 pathways into two general
In general, the five "positive" forces of kedushah
groups of 10 sefirot and 22 letters (which further
(holiness) motivate the performance of the 248
subdivide into 3 groups of 3, 7, and 12 letters). In
positive mitzvot of the Torah, while the five
the third mishnah, the text begins to deal with the
"negative" forces of kedushah fortify the soul to
ten sefirot explicitly (and continues to do so
refrain and thereby observe the 365 negative
throughout the rest of the first chapter).
mitzvot of the Torah.

Thus we find the general teaching of our sages: and indeed, we are taught that Adam was created
"the left hand should always repel and the right already circumcised.)
hand bring near."
The modesty present in the holy union of husband
The secret of the "single covenant" (or the and wife reflects the "unknowability" of the
"covenant of the Single One"), which appears at Creator's essence by His creation, especially in
two levels--in the tongue (to balance the ten that very moment that the creation most emulates
fingers) and in the procreative organ (to balance its Creator, the moment of procreation, attaching
the ten toes)--is thus the manifestation of the itself to His certain existence. This is the moment
power of da'at "above" and "below." that "man" reaches his epitome (fulfilling the first
and only commandment given him by HaShem at
Da'at "above"--in Kabbalah da'atelyon--is the the moment of his creation: "be fruitful and
rectified, concrete perspective on all of reality multiply...").
"from above": the Creator Himself is the true
essence of all being, whereas the "virtual reality" From the above, we learn that the "tongue" and the
of creation envisioned as existing independently is "procreative organ" (the two manifestations of the
in fact "nothing." Da'at "below"--in Kabbalah "single covenant"--the union of God and man) are
da'attachton--is the creation's perspective of its interrelated in essence. From this we may infer
Creator as an absolute "given," yet totally that their "rectification" is interdependent. The
"unknown." "correction" of one's faculty of speech (to speak
only good and "sweet" words) and the "guarding"
Moses, the greatest of all men, is called "the man of the covenant of one’s procreative organ (to
of God," which is interpreted by our sages to express one's true love for one’s spouse in marital
mean: "from his 'mid-point' and above, [he was] relations in holiness), depend upon and influence
God; from his 'mid-point' and below, [he was] one another. For this reason the two terms: "the
man." Moses fully unites and integrates the two word (in Hebrew, milah) of the tongue" and "the
levels of da'at (as will be explained), the power to circumcision (in Hebrew milah) of the procreative
perceive reality through the "eyes of God" (this organ," are the same.
being the meaning of "from 'mid-point' and above,
[he was] God"), as well as the power to "humbly" The most basic model of Divine service, as taught
know God, one's Creator, from the eyes of man by the Ba'al Shem Tov, is the three-stage process
(the meaning of "from 'mid-point' and below, [he of chash, mal, mal--"silence, circumcision, and
was] man"). speech" (equivalent to "submission, separation,
and sweetening"). The last two stages,
The external expression of the higher da'at is circumcision and speech, correspond to the two
through the means of the speech of the tongue, levels mentioned in our mishnah: "the
especially in speaking words of Torah in general, circumcision of the procreative organ" and "the
and revealing the inner mysteries of the Torah, in word of the tongue."
particular. In relation to Moses, this is the secret of
"the Shechinah [Divine Presence] speaks through The first stage of Divine service--chash or silence-
the throat of Moses." -also appears in the opening phrase of the
mishnah: "tenineffablesefirot." The word for
The external expression of the lower da'at is "ineffable"--blimah--appears subsequently in the
through the union of husband and wife (to text as "shut your mouth from speaking," thus
procreate), as referred to in the original union of referring to the service of chash (which must
man and woman: "and Adamknew Eve, his wife." precede those of mal-mal). Thus, the order of
(Marital relations are referred to as "knowing" Divine service is found to be that first one must
only when the procreative organ is circumcised, meditate, in silence, on the mysteries of the "ten
ineffablesefirot" and then actualize the potential of
his lower (human-like) da'at and his higher (God- This verse (in the thanksgiving song Chanah sang
like) da'at. after the birth of Samuel) is the Biblical source for
the existence of two levels of da'at, as described in
Upper and Lower Da'at chapter 8. Thus, the two levels of da'at are alluded
to in the two letters of God’s Name: Kel, the two
letters that appear in the places of the two
In continuing our study of the third mishnah in
manifestations of the "single covenant" as pictured
Sefer Yetzirah, we find that it comprises twenty-
two elements:
Alef corresponds to the intuitive wisdom and
ten fingers, corresponding to the ten sefirot of the
insight of the mind, as is said: "I will teach [alef]
world of Atzilut, the world whose consciousness is
you wisdom"; Lamed corresponds to the emotive
exclusively that of da'at elyon; ten toes,
power of the heart, for the letterlamed throughout
corresponding to the ten sefirot of the world of
the Torah represents the "heart" (lev).
Beriah (and the lower worlds), whose
consciousness is that of da'at tachton; and two
Thus we learn that the inner insight of the mind
balance-points--the tongue and the procreative
(the consciousness of da'at elyon) finds its
external expression in the tongue, whereas the
inner emotion (love) of the heart (da'at tachton)
We can associate the above twenty-two elements
finds its external expression in the procreative
of the physical body with the twenty-two Hebrew
letters by drawing the following representation
(the tongue above the ten fingers and the
When the hands are raised (as the hands of the
procreative organ above the ten toes):
priests when blessing the people), the tongue (that
blesses) is between the ten fingers. But, when the
‫א‬ hands are lowered, it is the procreative organ that
is between the ten fingers. Conversely, we find in
the Bible the idiom of the tongue "walking," like
the feet.

‫ז ח ט י כ‬ ‫ב ג ד ה ו‬ Though it was explained above that the higher

da'at of the alef serves to balance the ten fingers--
the ten sefirot of the world of Atzilut--and the
‫ל‬ lower da'at of the lamed serves to balance the ten
toes--the ten sefirot of the world of Beriah (and
the lower worlds)--we see here that there is also a
relation between the higher da'at (the tongue) and
the lower worlds (the toes), and the lower da'at
‫צ ק רש ת‬ ‫מ נ ס ע פ‬ (the procreative organ) and the higher worlds (the
We see from this diagram that the two letters that
correspond to the "single covenant" (manifest at The union of the supernal sefirot of Atzilut gives
its two levels)--alef and lamed--combine to form birth to the consciousness of the lower da'at in
the Divine Name Kel . This is the Divine Name Beriah and below. The service of the souls in the
that appears in the verse: God [Havayah] is a God lower worlds reveals, ultimately, the higher da'at
[Kel] of two [levels of] knowledge. on earth.

Moreover, the alef and the lamed--the higher da'at

and the lower da'at--of the tongue and the
procreative organ themselves, at times invert. The
emotions of the heart find their expression in the
words of the tongue. The seminal essence of the BLOOD
mind "contracts" into the seed of the procreative
organ. I challenge anyone to draw blood, have it analyzed
by the most stringent of laboratory tests and find
We can now understand why the order of the two for me the component in the blood which we can
manifestations of the "single covenant" as quoted call the nefesh, the soul. The soul cannot be found
in our mishnah is first "the word of the tongue" in a laboratory simply because the soul is not
and thereafter "the circumcision of the procreative something physical that can be detected or
organ" (though following the order of the Divine examined under a microscope. Nonetheless, the
service of chash-mal-mal described above "the soul is in your blood. Otherwise, you would have
word of the tongue" follows "the circumcision of no soul, your blood would have no life, and you
the procreative organ"). Ultimately, the revelation would not be alive.
of the Divine essence (on earth) depends upon the
rectification and sanctification of "the When one strikes his fellow, it causes the blood to
circumcision of the procreative organ." accumulate in that particular limb and the blood
becomes congealed and trapped there. The
*** characteristic of harshness, “din,” in Hebrew, is
the spiritual essence that is contained in physical
blood. When the limb that has ben struck has an
excessive amount of blood, this causes an
accumulation of excessive din or harshness to
inundate the affected limb. The excessive build-up
of blood is not good for the health of the body and
the excessive harshness that permeates the limb is
Etrog not good for the spiritual condition of the mind
Lulav and the soul.

Before their sin, the bodies of Adam and Eve were

very pure and were inclined toward the spiritual.
Our sages offer different explanations of the Their bodies had no desire for any of the pleasures
symbolism of the four species. One explanation is of this world. After their sin their bodies became
a reference to the body parts. The etrog is the more coarse and more attached to the physical. It
shape of a heart, the lulav is like a backbone became very difficult for them to strive for the
(spinal cord), the leaves of the myrtle resemble the spiritual. The coarseness of the body now stood in
eyes, and the willow leaves are the mouth. These the way. The urges of the body became more
are the organs that can be misused for negative dominant, which now made it very burdensome to
behavior. The eyes see, the heart desires, the body strive for the spiritual. This all came about through
reacts, and the mouth speaks. We dedicate all our the change in the nature of the blood. By eating
activities to serving the Almighty, above and the forbidden fruit, the spiritual essence of the
below and in all four directions. fruit that they ate became absorbed into the
bloodstream. This caused the blood become
*** polluted with the evil powers that was contained in
the forbidden fruit. Now blood was not only the
With the organ of the brit mila we make physical item that sustained physical life, but it also
children. With the organ of the brit halashon (the contained poison, the urge to do evil. After the sin,
tongue) we make talmidim, spiritual children the only way for a person to be successful in
(talmidim – disciples). coming close to HaShem is to purify his blood.
This is why HaShem intentionally fashioned the This matter will be understood with the help of
Torah to correspond to the limbs of the human Heaven. It is known that everything "below" has
body. Each limb of the human body is connected to be in the image of its supernal source.
to and draws nourishment from each limb of the
Torah. It is the nature of blood to be absorbed into Now, our father Ya'aqob, upon him be peace has
the limb that it passes through. The spiritually his source in holiness. Laban has his source in
poisonous blood that flows through our bodies is klipah.
absorbed by each limb that it passes through.
Since each one of our limbs is directly connected It is known that the klipot have no ability to
to each limb of the Torah, the spiritual poisons of attach themselves to the face side of the holy
the blood become absorbed by the Torah itself, light, rather they (the klipot) stand "behind"
which purifies the blood. This processes weakens the light. Therefore, the face of the light does
our desires for the harmful and forbidden not see the klipah.
pleasures of this world. The weakening of the
desires for this world is all dependent on our This exact pattern is also made below in that this
attachment to the Torah. The more effort one covenant was made, as it is written, "HaShem will
makes in following the Torah, the more he is able watch between you, and me, for we are concealed
to reflect and activate the limbs of the Torah, and one from one another" (Bereshit 31:49). The
the more success he has at purifying his blood. reason (for this) is clear, for each one must be in
the image of its source.

Rectum Therefore our Sages of blessed memory have

taught regarding the pasuk, "and he (Moshe) was
THE SECRET OF THE BEIT HAKISEH buried opposite Beit P'ohr"66[55], that any time that
The Importance of Answering Nature's Call in "P'ohr" (a title for the powers of the "other side")
Due Time rises up to bring accusations (against Yisrael), it
sees that Moshe is buried there, and is startled, and
Sefer Ben Ish Hai withdraws back. This is because the Sitra Ahra,
Hakdama to Parasha VaYetze the "other side" must disappear, and not be seen in
Rabbi Yosef Hayim the presence of holiness.

Bereshit 31:44 Now come, let us make a This is the reason why a man's rectum is on his
covenant, you and I, let it be a witness rear side, and not on the front side. For it is clear
between us. in the writings of the Ari'zal, in the Sha'ar
Ma'amrei Rashbi (the teachings of Rabi Shimon
Now, anyone with eyes can see that this covenant Bar-Yohai), Parasha Tetzaveh, and this is what he
is different from any other covenant in the world. says:
Every covenant that a man makes with his friend
is based on connection, union, closeness, and "Now, we will explain the subject of the "nikudat
brotherhood. This is not the case with this ha'ahor" (the rectum), and what it is all about.
covenant, which is founded upon separation, and However this is a great secret, and it is proper to
staying away one from the other. One is not to see keep it concealed. Now, you have known that the
the other, and not to have anything to do with the klipot are called "tzo'ah bli makom" (filth, lit.
other. They are to be completely concealed one feces, without a place)67[56]. Their nourishment, and
from another. We must understand why they have sustenance come from the remainder that comes
made this covenant in this way, that one is to be forth from the "nikudat ha'ahor" (the rectum).
concealed from the other.
Devarim 34:6
Yeshayahu 28:8
In the Gemara70[59], it says, "The one who wishes to
Therefore was the rectum placed on the back side, completely take upon himself the burden of the
for they (the klipot) are not able to receive from Global markets of Heaven must first relieve
the side of the face. They cannot see the light of oneself, wash one's hands, put on Tefillin, read the
the Face of the Shekhina, as it is written, "the Shema, and pray (the Amidah)".
boastful shall not stand before your eyes"68[57].
Rabbeynu71[60] writes in Sha'ar HaMitzvot, Parashat
Now, this, the rectum, is called in the language of Shemini, "Regarding the abomination of the soul,
the Torah "Beit P'ohr". This is the secret of the referred to in the pasuk, "you shall not make
idolatry called "P'ohr". Its service was that one yourselves abominable"72[61], our Sages, of blessed
would relieve oneself upon its face. As is known, memory have said73[62], "from here it is learned that
that is how it received its sustenance. Understand the one who holds back nature's call, violates the
this!" commandment of "you shall not make yourself
We thus find that the place where the refuse of
leftovers of man (leave his body), is (formed) in The reason is clear, for the (spiritual) purpose of
the image of the place that nourish the klipah. eating is to sift the (true) food from the wastes.
Therefore is its place on the behind of man, for The food, which is the nourishment is absorbed
this is the place of the klipah. within the body, and the extra is made into waste
and pushed below. From this are the klipot made,
With this one can understand the reason why the as it is written, "you shall cast them away as an
unclean spirit descends upon a man when he unclean thing, say to them, leave"74[63]. For they (the
enters into a bathroom, for it is there that the klipot) are what exits from the rectum, as was
powers of the "other side" cling, for the filth is referred to regarding the P'ohr.
their food.
Therefore the one who delays nature's call, that is
Therefore must one be very cautious not to delay he who waits and delays pushing the refuse, and
the call of nature, and thus make himself the klipah outside (of his body) after the sifting
detestable. Rather, at every time that one feels that and digestion is complete, is one who makes his
it is time for the refuse to be excreted, one must do soul abominable, even more abominable than his
so immediately, without any wait or delay at all. body.

This warning is very important, according to the It is known, "Know Him, in all your ways"75[64].
secret of things, especially prior to praying, saying Therefore one must keep these thoughts in mind
a blessing, or studying Torah. This is spoken of in when he has to relieve himself, prior to entering
Sefer Hasadim, (Sec. 818). It is written there, the bathroom. For it is forbidden to think (about
"One must be as clean on the inside as one is on holy things) inside the bathroom".
the outside". It is also written, "let all that is within
me bless His holy Name"69[58], this shows that one's ***
insides should not be filthy.
If a Jew eats kosher, eating a cow which eats the
Therefore prior to prayer, as well as prior to eating grass which is grown from the ground; the cow,
and drinking, which (as is known) requires a
blessing, one should relieve oneself. 70[59]
Berakhot 15A
VaYikra 11:43
Macot 16B
68[57] 74[63]
Tehilim 5:6 Yeshayahu 30:22
69[58] 75[64]
Tehilim 103:1 Mishlei 3:6
the grass and the ground are elevated by the Bnei We can all appreciate the problems of constipation
Israel using that food to nourish his body to learn or diarrhea. We can, therefore, appreciate the fact
Torah and do mitzvot.Physical activity effects a that it is a good thing when the body works. What
spiritual result. So it is generally that souls cause a makes this blessing so amazing is the last line. In
change in physicality which effects spirituality this last line we speak of HaShem healing all
which fascinatingly enough then can change flesh, yet when we go to the bathroom properly,
physicality again. This helps us to understand the the body does not need healing, it is working
waste that comes from the backside. This waste correctly. So, why do we include this phrase? The
represents physicality that has not yet been answer is amazing! The secret is that HaShem
elevated. This waste will return to the ground and originally created man (Adam) in such a way that
nourish another plant, which will nourish another he never needed to go to the bathroom. In fact,
cow, which be eaten and elevated by Bnei Israel. when we were traveling in the wilderness, we
never needed to go to the bathroom. How do I
Healing: know this? Well one can see that the camping
order of the tribes precluded a bathroom because it
was ten miles to get outside the camp if you were
After we go to the bathroom we have a special
close to the mishkan (Ten of Meeting). Chazal
teach that one day we will be healed and we will
never need to go to the bathroom again!
‫בָּ רּוְך אַ תָּ ה יְ הֹ וָּה אֱֹלהֵ ינּו מֶ לְֶך הָּ עֹו ָּלם אֲשֶ ר יָּצַ ר אֶ ת‬
.‫חֲלּולִ ים חֲלּולִ ים הָּ אָּ דָּ ם בְ חָּ כְ מָּ ה ּובָּ ָּרא בֹו נְקָּ בִ ים נְ קָּ בִ ים‬ CONNECTION
‫יִ פָּתֵ חַ אֶ חָּ ד מֵ הֶ ם גָּלּוי וְ יָּדּו ַע לִ פְ נֵי כִ סֵ א כְ בֹודֶ ָך שֶ ִאם‬
‫אֹו יִ סָּ תֵ ם אֶ חָּ ד מֵ הֶ ם ִאי אֶ פְ שַ ר לְ הִ ְתקַ ֵים וְ ַלעֲמֹוד לְ ָּפנֶיָך‬ Words are the way a soul communicates within
.‫אֲפִ ילּו שָּ עָּה אֶ חָּ ת‬ the world. That is why words are formed and
pronounced by organs in the center of the body.
‫בָּ רּוְך אַ תָּ ה יְ הֹ וָּה רֹופֵא כָּל בָּ שָּ ר ּומַ פְ לִ יא ַלעֲשֹ ֹות‬
The center of the body only contains organs which
are used for connecting.
Baruch atah Adonai, Elohainu, melech ha'olam,
Asher yatzar et ha'adam b'Chachmah, u'vara vo
The mouth, for example, is used for three
n'kavim n'kavim, chalulim chalulim, galui v'yadua
functions: Eating, kissing, and talking.
lifnai chisei chvodecha, she'im yipatei'ach echad
maihem o yisataim echad maihem, ee efshar
If one fails to eat at the proper time, one feels faint
l'hitkayeim v'la'amod l'fanecha afilu sha'ah achat.
as the soul begins to separate from the body.. If he
Baruch atah Adonai, rofeh chol basar u'mafli
keeps from eating long enough, the soul
completely separates from the body and the body
dies. Food, therefore, is what keeps the soul
The following is a translation of Asher Yatzar:
connected with the body. This, by the way, is why
the korbanot, the sacrifices are called HaShem’s
Blessed are You, HaShem, our God, King of the
food. These korbanot are what keeps HaShem’s
Universe, Who formed man with intelligence,
soul connected with the earth.
and created within him many openings and
many hollow spaces; it is revealed and known
Vayikra (Leviticus) 3:11 And the priest
before the Seat of Your Honor, that if one of
shall burn it upon the altar: [it is] the food
these would be opened or if one of these would
of the offering made by fire unto HaShem.
be sealed it would be impossible to survive and
to stand before You (even for one hour).
Vayikra (Leviticus) 3:16 And the priest
Blessed are You, HaShem, Who heals all flesh
shall burn them upon the altar: [it is] the
and does wonders.
food of the offering made by fire for a sweet
savour: all the fat [is] HaShem’s.
The sefer Yitzirah describes the arms and legs as
The second function of the mouth is for talking. being the right and left sides which are linked
Talking is the only way a soul can connect and together by a “brit”, a covenant, in the exact center
communicate with the world. of the two. The arms are on both sides of the brit
HaLashon, the covenant of the tongue; whilst the
The third function of the mouth is for kissing. legs are on both sides of the brit mila, the
Kissing is how two souls connect in love. covenant of circumcision:

With the mouth as an example, one can quickly Section Two The ten Sephiroth out of
grasp how the other organs in the center of the nothing is analogous to that of the ten
body are used for connecting. fingers {and toes} of the human body, five
parallel to five, and in the center of which is
As we learned before, the human body is divided the covenant with the only One {between the
into three parts: the head, the most aristocratic part hands this is the tongue. Between the feet
of the body; the middle section from the shoulders this is the circumcised penis or the broken
to the belt, which incorporates the heart; and the hymen} by the word of the tongue and the
lower section of the body which goes from the belt rite of Abraham.
to the bottom of the torso.
The legs represent the physical part of man. They
In each of these three parts of the body we have an always touch the ground (the chomer) and are very
organ that is centered left to right, top to bottom, connected to the physical world. They also serve
and front to back. It is The Center organ. Thus the the most basic function of the body, that of
midbrain in the head, the heart in the middle transporting the body from place to place.
section and the womb in the bottom section. We
can learn the meaning of “center” if we go back to A habit, in Hebrew – heregail, is a thing done
Bereshit: without thinking by the legs.

Bereshit (Genesis) 2:9 And out of the The Gemara says that a person’s legs are his
ground made HaShem God to grow every guarantors since they make sure that he arrives
tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good where he is supposed to be:
for food; the tree of life also in the midst of
the garden, and the tree of knowledge of Sukkah 53a R. Johanan stated, A man's feet
good and evil. are responsible for him; they lead him to the
place where he is wanted.
There were two trees in the middle, the center of
the garden. The tree of the knowledge of good and ***
evil and the tree of life. By examining the organs
that are in the center of each of the three sections, Tehillim (Psalm) 116:1-9 I love HaShem,
one can see that they are the connections to life because he hath heard my voice and my
and to knowledge. supplications.
2 Because he hath inclined his ear unto me,
therefore will I call upon him as long as I
Legs live.
3 The sorrows of death compassed me, and
Legs, kabbalistically, are outside the body. They the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found
carry a person through this world, but, they are trouble and sorrow.
not, strictly speaking, a part of the body. 4 Then called I upon the name of HaShem;
O HaShem, I beseech thee, deliver my soul.

5 Gracious is HaShem, and righteous; yea, only see things that are inside the physical world.
our God is merciful. They are in the physical world, but not of the
6 HaShem preserveth the simple: I was physical world.
brought low, and he helped me.
7 Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for When he thanks HaShem for saving my legs from
HaShem hath dealt bountifully with thee. stumbling, he thanks HaShem for saving the
8 For thou hast delivered my soul from physical part of him. The legs represent the
death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet physical part of man. They always touch the
from falling. ground (the chomer) and are very connected to the
9 I will walk before HaShem in the land of physical world. They also serve the most basic
the living. function of the body (that of transporting the body
from place to place).
For You have delivered my soul from death, my
eyes from tears, my feet from falling. . ." LEFT THIGH
In this spirited chapter of Tehillim, King David
The Zohar explains that it was through the left
sings thanks to HaShem for saving him from his
thigh that the yetzer hara entered Adam and
enemies, and for taking away his suffering.
King David thanks HaShem for saving three parts
of his body from harm: Feet
1. His soul from death, The Talmud calls a “son” the “foot of his father”,
2. his eyes from tears, and because as a foot carries us through this world, so
3. his legs from stumbling. a son carries us through time.

Why is King David only thanking HaShem for

these three benefits? Did not King David thank BODY SHAPE
HaShem for saving his entire being from harm?
Berachoth 61a Another explanation: R.
Perhaps these three items are representative of the Hisda said (some say, it was taught in a
entire human being. Consider this thought: There Baraitha): It teaches that [God] built Eve
are three parts of man: after the fashion of a storehouse. Just as a
storehouse is narrow at the top and broad at
1. His body (or physical side) the bottom so as to hold the produce
2. His soul (or non-physical side) [safely], so a woman is narrower above and
3. his existence as a thinking, functioning broader below so as to hold the embryo.
human being (or the connection of his
body and soul).
When King David praises HaShem for saving his
soul from death, he praises HaShem for the entire The body of Mashiach is the 'body' of Israel. The
metaphysical side of himself. life of this body extends from the timewe left
Egypt until the arrival of the Mashiach.
When he thanks HaShem for saving his eyes from Throughout the generations, older 'cells' die and
tears, he is praising HaShem for saving the part of newer ones comprise this 'body,' but they are all
him that is a connection of body and soul: The the same body.
eyes do not enter the world as our arms and legs
do; they are stuck in their sockets. Yet, they can
As such, we can say that we were there when we which allows the people in Tanach to say ‘I am
left Egypt. We are a part of that very same body dust,’ without lying.), our bodies are what we
that experienced that earth-shattering event. This must elevate. Our souls already reach to the
is the meaning behind the Haggada’s statement heights if we let them, but when we voluntarily
that “WE” were slaves in Egypt. intertwine our souls with our bodies, our bodies
are carried up as well. The Tree of Life and the
All of the Bne Israel are part of one whole and Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, of my
need each other, like the different parts of the body, are the inner and outer worlds of my soul
human body constitute a complete person. Just as mate respectively. The Tree of Life and the Tree
each limb possesses its own characteristic and of Knowledge of her body are my soul (inner
unique quality that benefits the body as a whole, world), and world (outer world). This is the spiral.
so, too, are the Bnei Israel people divided into I am the flimsy film between her two worlds, and
different spiritual "limbs"; each Jew has his own she the flimsy film between mine. Our bodies are
mission and task and each benefits all other Jews different however. The male sexual organ’s nature
by accomplishing his unique function. Until the is to give, and the female’s is to receive, to bound.
coming of Mashiach, when holiness will exist The outer world which I provide to my soul mate
truly as one entity. is one of giving, and plenty. The outer world
which she provides for me is one of boundary and
The Trees 76[65]
reception. This is not to say that one has a
negative connotation. If you are reading a negative
connotation into this, rid your mind of that idea
The human body is actually a combination of
and go back and look over the two halves of the
incarnations of both the Tree of Life and Tree of
whole directly above. To assume then that only
Knowledge. This I learned from the Aryeh
our outer worlds are different would be
Kaplan’s books:
foolishness on my part because I have already
admitted that the inner and outer worlds are
Our ten fingers and our tongue are the Tree of
intrinsically connected (and in fact, one). So, our
Life. It is worth noting that the Tree of Life is
inner worlds are different as well, and we can see
this in the different acts and usages of speech
between the sexes. More importantly this explains
Our ten toes and the sexual organ (usually this
why the commandments for men are binding ones,
deals only with the male sexual organ to my
and the commandments for women are unbinding
(admittedly very limited) are the Tree of the
(By binding I obviously refer to time, but that is
Knowledge of good and evil. Our Yetzer HaRa is
not the only kind of boundary from which women
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
are free). We live in different worlds, literally.
The human body as it exists today is a fusion of
the two worlds. It is the flimsy barrier between
both worlds. It is that which is actually you. One
From Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh
of the goals of prayer and mitzvot is to unify these
two Trees, for it is through these two worlds that
The next stage of reflection upon the powers of
HaShem has hidden himself from us.
the soul is to meditate on how classical Kabbalah
relates these powers to aspects of the human
Let us explain the spiritual difference now
anatomy. This identification of spiritual powers
between men and women. Our meager barrier, our
with limbs of the body illustrates the Kabbalistic
bodies (the only thing clearly definable as ‘us’,
idea of hitlabshut ("enclothment"), wherein a
higher reality is vested in a lower one. In this
This section is based on the work of Hanan instance, a power of the soul is the higher reality
Yitzhak ben Sh'lomo Shimon u'Berachah Hannah that is vested and expresses itself through the
medium of a lower reality, such as a physical
vessel like a limb or organ of the body.

It is important to note that in the traditional

literature of Kabbalah great emphasis is placed on
the correlation between the supernal sefirot and
the physical limbs and organs of the human body,
skipping directly from the plane of the Divine to
the plane of the physical. Only at a later stage in
the historical unfolding of the revelation of the
Torah's hidden wisdom, did the Ba'al Shem Tov
and his disciples come to reveal and describe in
detail the psychological correlates to both the
supernal sefirot and their physical parallels. These
psychological correlates serve as the spiritual
intermediates by means of which the Divine
sefirot may in fact become vested and reflected in
the physical limbs of the body.

The correspondence presented in Kabbalah

between the sefirot and the limbs of the body can
be summarized as follows:
Sefirah Meaning Corresponding part of the body
keter crown skull
Chachmah wisdom brain [in particular, the right lobe of the brain]
binah understanding heart [related to the left lobe of the brain]
da’at knowledge rear lobe of the brain
chesed loving-kindness right arm
gevurah might left arm
tiferet beauty torso
netzach victory right leg
hod thanksgiving left leg
yesod foundation procreative organ
malchut global markets mouth [also associated with the crown on the tip of
the procreative organ]

Asher Yatzar old. The following is a translation of Asher

The blessing of Asher Yatzar is recited every
morning as part of the Birchat HaShachar, Blessed are You, HaShem, our God, King of the
Morning Blessings. It is also recited after one has Universe, Who formed man with intelligence, and
gone to the bathroom. It expresses our recognition created within him many openings and many
that our bodies are complex and sophisticated hollow spaces; it is revealed and known before the
systems and if one part of the system goes bad Seat of Your Honor, that if one of these would be
then this effects the whole body. In this blessing opened or if one of these would be sealed it would
we express our gratitude to HaShem for the fact be impossible to survive and to stand before You
that our bodies continue to function properly. The (even for one hour). Blessed are You, HaShem,
Asher Yatzar prayer is over two thousand years Who heals all flesh and does wonders.
saying this Beracha from a written page with the
Commentaries: proper intent.

"Who formed man with intelligence": ***

The human body is extraordinarily sophisticated. The salivary glands or "fountains" (Niddah 55b)
In this context we are speaking primarily of the are situated in the cavity of the mouth (Ab. R. N.
digestive system. The ability to ingest foreign xxxi.) and under the tongue (Lev. R. xvi.). The
material and process it so as to provide the body capacity of the pharynx ("bet ha-beli'ah") was
with the energy and materials it needs to continue found by experiment to be larger than it seems. A
functioning is truly amazing. HaShem gave man hen's egg can easily be swallowed whole (Yoma
the gift of intelligence. 80a). The esophagus ("wesheṭ") and larynx
("ḳaneh") have their respective origins in the
During the six days of creation, HaShem wisely pharynx. The structure of the esophagus is
created man's needs before he created man. composed of two layers ("orot")—an outer,
muscular one and an inner, serous one (Ḥul. 43a).
HaShem used great wisdom in binding man's soul The inner layer has longitudinal folds throughout
to his body. its length, except at the upper part, which is called
"tarbeẓ ha-wesheṭ" (ib. 43b). The lower portion of
"many openings and many hollow spaces": the inner layer is supplied with hair-like
projections (ib. 44a).
"Openings" refers to openings in the human body
such as the mouth, the anus, the nose, and the ears.
The larynx ("ḳaneh," "gargeret") is composed of a
"Hollow spaces" refers to hollow organs such as
large ring of cricoid cartilage ("ṭabba'at gedolah"),
the stomach, the intestines, and the heart.
thyroid cartilage ("koba'," "piḳah shel-gargeret"),
"it is revealed and known before the Seat of Your and the epiglottis ("shippuy koba'"; Ḥul. 18b). The
Honor": trachea is composed of incomplete cartilaginous
rings ("ḥulyot"), and membranous ones ("bene
The reason that the Seat of HaShem's Honor is ḥulyah").
mentioned here is to teach us not to think that
HaShem does not concern Himself with lowly According to R. Samuel, there are no hair-like
things such as the use of the bathroom, but that projections ("milot") below the pylorus ("meẓar").
HaShem watches and knows everything. The gastro-intestinal tract throughout its lengthis
covered externally with the peritoneum ("ḳerum
"if one of these would be opened or if one of these niḳlaf") except the posterior surface of the lower
would be sealed it would be impossible to survive portion of the rectum ("ḥilḥolet"; Ḥul. 49b). The
and to stand before You": peritoneum forms the greater omentum ("peder"),
which is attached to the greater curvature or "bow"
If a person is born with one of the openings or ("Ḳashta") of the stomach (ib. 50a) and the
hollow spaces of his body improperly formed, beginning of the small intestines (ib. 93a).
either that it is open when it should be closed or
vice versa, then life would not be possible. The liver is attached to the diaphragm ("ṭarpesha")
by a fold of the peritoneum (ib. 46a). It is united
The Chafetz Chaim and other Great Sages write also with the gall-bladder ("marah") by means of a
that the saying of Asher Yatzar with the proper narrow tube ("simpona"; ib. 48b). The pancreas is
intent and from writing has the power to help one considered an accessory organ of the liver, and is
have a healthy body all of his life. There are many called the "finger of the liver" ("eẓba' ha-kabed").
people who were saved from a severe illness by Its relations to the abdominal organs are described
correctly (Tamid 31a). The anterior abdominal ancient Jews possessed concerning the anatomy of
wall is divided into an inner, peritoneal layer the generative organs. Of the male genitals the
("keres penimit") and an outer, muscular one anatomical parts are mentioned as follows: The
("keres ḥiẓonah"). The spleen and kidneys are scrotum ("kis")is divided by a septum into two
frequently mentioned in Talmud and Midrash, but sacculi (Bek. 40a); the testes ("beẓim," "ashakim")
no description is given (see below). have two coats (Ḥul. 45a); each testicle has an
appendix, the epididymis ("ḥuṭe beẓah"; Yeb.
The Lungs and Heart. 75a); it is supplied with blood-vessels ("gide
paḥad"; Ḥul. 93a) and nerves (ib. 45b), and it
The lungs are composed of two "rows" ("'arugot"), contains a viscid fluid (Yeb. 75a). It was held that
right and left, divided vertically, by a septum the spermatic fluid and the urine had each a
("ṭarpesh ha-leb") which rises from the separate canal for their exit (Bek. 44b).
pericardium ("kis ha-leb") and is attached to the
spinal column. The large bronchi ("bet ha- Besides the uterus only the visible parts of the
simponot") enter respectively the inner side of female generative organs ("reḥem"), there being
each row (ib. 50a). Alongside of the bronchi enter many synonyms, are mentioned in the Bible. The
also the large blood-vessels ("mizraḳim"; ib. 93b). Talmud mentions the following: Mons veneris
The number of lobes in each lung is given (Hebr. "kaf tappuaḥ"; Yer. Yeb. 1-2); vulva
correctly (ib. 47a). The pleura is composed of two ("'erwah"); rima pudendorum ("bet ha-setarim";
layers, an outer, rough one ("ḳerama 'illaya") and Niddah 66b); vestibulum vaginœ ("bet ḥiẓon"; ib.
an inner, rose-colored one ("ḳerama tatta'a," 41b); orificium urethrœ ("lul"; ib. 17b); hymen
"kittuna de-warda"; ib. 46a). The heart is ("betulim"); ostium vaginœ ("bet shinnayim"; ib.
composed of two ventricles ("ḥalal"), the right 46b); vagina ("bet toref," "bet ha-reḥem"; Shab.
being larger than the left (ib. 45b). It is situated to 64a); septum vesico-vaginalis ("gag prosdor";
the left of the median line (Men. 37b). Rab Niddah 18a); septum vagina-rectalis ("karka
expressed a radical view for his time, namely, that prosdor"; ib.); uterus ("reḥem"; ib.); canalis
the aorta ("ḳaneh shel-leb") contains blood, not air cervicis uteri ("maḳor; ib. 41a); cavum uteri
(Ḥul. 45b). The large veins are called "weridim"; ("ḥeder" [ib. 17b]; "bet herayon" ['Ar. 7a]).
the small ones, "ḥuṭe dam."

The brain is not mentioned in the Bible. Embryology.

According to the Talmudists, it has two coats, an
outer (the dura mater) and an inner coat (the pia According to the Mosaic law (Lev. xii. 2-5), a
mater), the one being hard ("ḳashshish"), the other woman after giving birth to a male child remained
thin ("daḳḳiḳ"). The spinal cord begins outside of unclean for seven days thereafter; in the case of a
the condyloid processes (Ḥul. 45a). The Zohar female child, fourteen days. Then followed a
gives a somewhat more detailed description: "The period of purification—for a male thirty days, and
skull contains three cavities in which the brain is for a female sixty-six days. According to the
lodged. From the brain issue thirty-two paths. Mishna, miscarriages fell under the same law,
These paths spread over the body connecting it provided, however, the fetus ("shefir") was
with the brain" (Zohar on Lev. xxvi.). completely formed ("meruḳḳam") and its features
were well differentiated ("mi-ẓorat adam").
The Generative Organs. Monstrosities and all fetuses not viable were
exempt from the above-named law (Niddah iii.).
From the laws relating to circumcision, flux, This interpretation of the Biblical law served as an
menstruation, etc., which are discussed at length in impetus to the Talmudists for the diligent study of
the Bible and especially in the Talmud, may be embryology.
gathered some idea of the knowledge which the
The esteem in which were held those who performs a purely mechanical function, that of
occupied themselves with this study is shown in churning the food; it is compared to a mill.
the legend that King David devoted a great deal of Digestion proper ("ikkul") is carried on in the
his time to these investigations (Ber. 4a). R. intestines. The time occupied in digestion is not
Samuel, it is said, was able to tell the exact age of the same in all individuals. The end of the
a fetus (Niddah 25b). The fetus, it was held, is digestive period is made manifest by the return of
completely formed at the end of the sixth week. a desire for food (Bek. 52b). Eating when the
Aba Saul, a grave-digger by occupation, but also bowels are full is likened to the making of a fire in
an embryologist, describes an embryo at the end a stove from which the ashes have not been
of the sixth week as follows: "Size, that of the removed (ib. 55a). Normal defecation hastens
locust; eyes are like two specks at some distance digestion. Birds digest their food rapidly (Shab.
from each other, so are the nostrils; feet like two 82a); dogs, slowly (Oh. xi. 7). The reasoning
silken cords; mouth like a hair. . . . The soles are faculties are lodged in the brain (Yeb. 9a). The
not well defined." He adds that the embryo should movements of the body depend upon the integrity
not be examined in water, but in oil, and only by of the spinal cord (Ḥul. 58). Rabbi Isaac holds that
sunlight (Niddah 25b). R. Samuel (l.c.) contended the liver elaborates blood (Shab. 82a).
that it was impossible to differentiate the sex
before the end of the fourth month, which, by the However, our times are known as ikvesa
way, is the opinion of modern embryologists. At diMeshicha, which means "the heels of
certain autopsies it was found that the male Mashiach." Try to picture the entire span of time,
embryos were completely formed at the end of the since the creation of the world, as a body. The first
forty-first day, and the female embryos at the end generation, Adam, is compared to the top of the
of the eighty-first day. The Rabbis contended that head, and the next generation a little lower, like
the autopsies had not been free from error (Niddah the nose, then the neck, then the heart, then the
30b). The soft parts are formed first, then the abdomen, then the top of the legs, until the time of
bones (Gen. R. xiv.). Monstrosities like cyclopia, Mashiach. Almost 6,000 years after creation we've
monopsia, double back with double spinal column, descended down the entire body from head to foot.
and artresia œsophagi ("wesheṭ aṭum"), etc., are The generation which will greet Mashiach, the
mentioned (Niddah 23b, 24a, b). generation which is right before Mashiach, is
called the heels of Mashiach -- and there's nothing
Physiology. lower than the heels of the body.

The Bible identifies the blood with the soul (Gen. The difference between the "heel" and the other
ix. 4). The Talmudists regard blood as the parts of the body is that other organs of the body
essential principle of life (Ḥul. 125a). The relation have some will of their own -- the brain has a
between strength and the development of muscles mind of its own, the heart has emotions.
is mentioned in the Bible (Job xl. 16). The According to Chassidus, the kidneys also have
Talmudists noted the fact that the muscles change some relationship to the process of thought (even
their formwhen in motion (Ḥul. 93a). Respiration though scientists may not know it, but they will
is compared to burning. Expired air can not find out some day that the kidneys have their own
sustain life (Sanh. 77a). The life of all the organs place in the thought processes). But the heel? That
of the body depends upon the heart (Yer. Ter. viii. is one part of the body that we look at as kind of
4). Each gland secretes a fluid peculiar to itself, passive. The heel cannot make major decisions.
although all the glands derive their material from The heel simply follows the will of the person. If
the same source (Num. R. xv.). The difference in the brain decides that it wants to go someplace,
the structure of the teeth in herbivorous and then the heel has no choice but to go where the
carnivorous animals is noted (Ḥul. 59). Saliva, brain wants.
besides moistening the tongue, adds to the
palatability of food (Num. R. xv.). The stomach
Chassidus explains that the era of the "heels of his understanding, but by his faith, regardless of
Mashiach" therefore means that just like the heel how high his or her IQ is, and no matter how
receives its directions and mission in life without much knowledge he or she has. Whether you
too much intellectual enquiry, we too, should not understand it, or whether you do not yet
be guided overly much by our intellect and reason, understand it, you do it with kabbalas ol.
by rationality, but by pure, simple faith in
The body is a microcosm of the Holy Temple.


The Jewish Encyclopedia (Anatomy)

The Sefer Yetzira

In My Flesh I See God, Avraham Yaakov Finkel.

HaShem. Even a person who has reached a deep

understanding of G-dliness, of Torah and mitzvot,
should nevertheless not be motivated chiefly by

This study was written by Hillel ben David

(Greg Killian).
Comments may be submitted to:

Greg Killian
7104 Inlay St SE
Lacey, WA 98513

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(360) 584-9352

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The Torah

The word "torah" means "a teaching". The Torah is HaShem’s (God's) teaching
to the Jewish people. In the Torah HaShem tells us how to live. The Torah has
many mitzvos (commandments) in it. They are HaShem’s instructions to us. The
Torah also contains stories. These stories are true and teach us about our history
and our relationship with HaShem.

The Torah has two sections, the Torah Shebiksav (the Written Torah) and the
Torah Sheb’al Peh (the Oral Torah).

The Torah Shebiksav has three parts:

 Torah: This is the part that was given directly to Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses
our Teacher) at Mount Sinai by HaShem (God). It is made up of five
books. Each book is called a Chumash.
o B’reishis (Genesis)
o Shemos (Exodus)
o Vayikra (Leviticus)
o Bamidbar (Numbers)
o Devarim (Deuteronomy)
 Nevi’im (Prophets): Prophets are great and saintly people who
communicate with HaShem. These books are recordings of some of what
HaShem said to His prophets.
o Yehoshua (Joshua)
o Shoftim (Judges)
o Shmuel (Samuel) - two books
o Melachim (Kings) - two books
o Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah)
o Yechezkel (Ezekiel)
o Yeshayahu (Isaiah)
o The following twelve are combined in one book called Trey Asar
(The Twelve):
 Hoshaia (Hosea)
 Yoel (Joel)
 Amos
 Ovadiah (Obadiah)
 Yonah (Jonah)
 Michah (Micah)
 Nachum (Nahum)
 Chabakkuk (Habakkuk)
 Tzefaniah (Zephaniah)

Chaggai (Haggai)
Zechariah (Zachariah)
 Kesuvim (Writings): These books were written by prophets with
HaShem’s guidance but are not direct prophecies.
o Tehillim (Psalms)
o Mishlei (Proverbs)
o Iyov (Job)

The following five books are called Megillos:

o 1 Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs)

o 2 Rus (Ruth)
o 3 Eichah (Lamentations)
o 4 Koheles (Eccelesiastes)
o 5 Esther
o Daniel
o Ezra &Nechemiah (Nehemiah)
o Divrei HaYomim (Chronicles) two books

All together there are 24 books, five in the Torah, eight in the Nevi’im, and
eleven in the Kesuvim.

These three sections (Torah, Nevi’im, and Kesuvim) are frequently referred to by
the acronym TaNaKh (or Tanach).

Many things are not explained in the Torah Shebiksav. Hashem gave the
explanations to Moshe Rabbeinu on Mount Sinai together with the written Torah.
These explanations are called the Torah Sheb’al Peh, the Oral Torah, because
they were meant to be passed from teacher to student. In the years after the
destruction of the second Beis HaMikdash (Holy Temple) there was a danger
that the Torah Sheb’al Peh would be forgotten. Therefore, our Sages, led by
Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi (The Prince), assembled a basic outline of the Torah
Sheb’al Peh into a series of books called the Mishna. The Mishna was
completed in the year 188 CE. The Mishna was intended to serve as a memory
aid so that it would be easier for students to remember the Torah Sheb’al Peh.
The Mishna was primarily an outline and did not include the in-depth analysis
and explanation behind the laws. These explanations are called gemara. About
three hundred years after the completion of the Mishna there was a risk that the
gemara would be forgotten. Once again, our sages, now led by Rav Ashi and
Ravina, compiled the gemara into a written work as a commentary on the
Mishna. This completed work is called the Talmud. The Talmud is therefore the
complete collection of the Mishna and the gemara.

The Talmud is made up of six sections. Each section is called a Seder (Order)
and contains several books called Mesechtos (Tracts). The six Sedarim are:

 Zera’im (Seeds), this section deals with the laws of agriculture. It also
deals with the laws of prayer and blessings.. It contains 11 mesechtos.
 Mo’ed (Season), this section deals with the laws of Shabbos and Yom
Tov (holidays). It contains 12 mesechtos.
 Nashim (Women), this section deals with the laws of marriage and
divorce. It contains 7 mesechtos.
 Nezikin (Damages), this section deals with civil law, such as laws about
damages and theft. It also deals with ethics. It contains 10 mesechtos.
 Kedoshim (Holy Things), this section deals with sacrifices. It contains 11
 Tohoros (Purities), this section deals with laws of ritual purity. It contains
12 mesechtos.

The Mishneh Torah

"Mishneh Torah" ("The Second Law") is the name used in the Bible itself to designate the book of
Deuteronomy, which is a kind summary or review of the rest of the Torah. Maimonides' Mishneh Torah
was intended to be a summary of the entire body of Jewish religious law.

The Mishneh Torah is sometimes referred to as the Yad Ha-Hazaqah, "the mighty arm." This is a play on
the numerological value of the Hebrew word for arm, "yad," which is 14, equal to the number of volumes
in this code.

The author actually referred to the book as "Sefer Mehoqeq" ("The Book of Legislation"), a title which is
rarely employed.

The author lived from 1135 to 1204. He spent ten full years compiling the Mishneh Torah, which he
continued to revise throughout his lifetime.

Moses Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, usually referred to in Hebrew by the acronym
"RaMBa"M) was one of the towering figures in medieval intellectual and religious life. In addition to his
law code, he excelled in the fields of philosophy, science, medicine, exegesis and communal leadership.

Though born in Spain, in his youth his family fled religious persecution, settling in Egypt.

Maimonides' literary output includes: a work on philosophical logic; an Arabic commentary to the
Mishnah; an enumeration of the 613 precepts of the Torah; the Mishneh Torah law code; the Arabic
philosophical treatise The Guide of the Perplexed; and many letters and responsa addressed to various
Jewish communities.

Fustat (now Cairo), Egypt.

The Mishneh Torah is composed in Rabbinic Hebrew, after the style of the Mishnah. It is divided up into
fourteen general sections (similar to the "orders" of the Mishnah), each of which is further subdivided into
books (like tractates), and then into numbered chapters and laws.

Some of the distinctive features of the Mishneh Torah are the following:

 It encompasses the full range of Jewish law, as formulated for all ages and places. Most other
Jewish law codes confined themselves to laws that were in force in their own times and lands,
thereby excluding rules that apply only in the Land of Israel, under an independent Jewish global
markets, or that could not be observed following the destruction of the Temple.
 It completely reorganizes and reformulates the laws in a clear and logical system. Earlier codes
had followed the Talmud's sometimes haphazard arrangement with only very few attempts to
improve on that order.
 It presents the normative rulings without any discussion or explanation of how the decisions were
 It opens with a section on systematic philosophical theology, derived largely from Aristotelian
science and metaphysics, which it regards as the most important component of Jewish law. Most
other Jewish codes avoided mixing creed and religious law; and Maimonides' interpretation of
Jewish religion in terms of Greek ideas aroused much opposition.

The Mishnah
 Terminology
 Dates
o Composition
o Redaction
 Author
 Place
 Description

The Hebrew root "ShNH" means "to repeat," and refers to memorization by repetition. "Mishnah" therefore
has the sense of "that which is memorized by rote," as distinct from the Rabbinic designation for the Bible:
"Miqra," that which is read and recited from a written text.

Thus, Mishnah can refer in a general way to the full tradition of the Oral Torah, as formulated by the
Rabbis in the first centuries of the Common Era. These traditions could not be written down, but had to be
transmitted and learned by word of mouth. This restriction was observed quite scrupulously throughout the
eras of the Mishnah and Talmud.

In some contexts "Mishnah" is contrasted with "Midrash." The latter term denotes Rabbinic teachings that
are attached to the text of the Bible, whereas the former term refers to teachings that are organized or
formulated independently of Scripture.

In its most narrow sense, as it is employed here, "the Mishnah" refers to a specific work of Rabbinic
literature that embodies the features outlined above.

The Jewish sages whose statements are quoted in the Mishnah are known as Tanna'im (singular: "Tanna"),
derived from the Aramaic root related to the Hebrew "ShNH". The era in which the Mishnah was developed
is therefore referred to as the "Tanna'itic" era.
The term "Tanna" was originally applied to the functionary in the later Talmudic academies whose job it
was to memorize and recite the oral traditions of the Tanna'itic era, serving as a sort of "living book." By
extension it came to be applied to the actual Rabbis whose opinions make up the Mishnah and its
contemporary works.

With a very few exception (e.g., quotations from Aramaic legal documents), the Mishnah is composed
entirely in Hebrew, in a dialect that appears to reflect the spoken vernacular of Judea.

The Mishnah was composed entirely in the Land of Israel, and all the sages quoted there, even if they
resided originally in other places (Babylonia, Rome, etc.), were active in the Holy Land.

On the Talmud page, the passages from the Mishnah (for which the Talmud serves as a commentary) are
introduced with the abbreviation "MTNY'," short for the Aramaic"Matnitin," "our mishnah." It is
customary for the Babylonian Talmud to refer to "our Mishnah" (or: We learned), to distinguish it from
other, "external," mishnahs, referred to in Aramaic as "baraita." At the beginnings of chapters or tractates
no introductory formula is required, since all chapters in the Talmud must begin with a Mishnah citation.

 Composition
Although there are traditions in the Mishnah that claim to go back to the fifth century B.C.E. (the
"Great Assembly"; cf. Nehemiah 8-10), as well as a few additions from as late as the mid-third
century, the main body of the Mishnah consists of teachings attributed to authorities from about
the middle of the first century, through to the second decade of the third century C.E.

This time period witnessed some major historical turning-points for the Jewish nation, such as the
destruction of the Second Jerusalem Temple in 70, and the catastrophic failure of the revolt against
Rome under the leadership of Simeon bar Kokhba (or: bar Kuziba) in 135. Because the Mishnah is
a technical work of religious law, these momentous historical events find almost no explicit
mention in the Mishnah, even though the very composition of the Mishnah is often viewed as a
response to those very events.

It has become customary in scholarly and historical literature to divide the era of the Mishnah into
"generations" that are identified by the towns in which the main centres of Rabbinic leadership
were situated.
Following this convention, scholars refer to the following generations:

o Yavneh [=Jamnia, Jabneh]

The centre of Jewish communal leadership and Torah scholarship moved to this Judean
coastal town following the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E.
The Rabbis of Yavneh (the term "Rabbi" to denote a religious teacher was probably not
in use before this time) were faced with the responsibility of reconstructing Judaism and
adapting it to the new situation, in which its major centre of religious life was no longer
in existence. It is likely that the drive to preserve the oral traditions of previous
generations was initiated at Yavneh as a central part of this mission.

"Yavneh" is usually used to designate at least two full generations, extending from 70 to
135 C.E.

The first Yavneh generation was dominated by such figures as Rabban Johanan ben
Zakkai (the academy's founder), Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanos and Rabbi Joshua ben
Hanania. The later Yavneh period (sometimes called "the generation of Betar" with
reference to the military centre of the Bar-Kokhba insurrection) was known for the
appearance of the two influential schools of Rabbis Akiva and Ishmael, each of which
formulated a distinctive approach to the interpretation of the Torah.

o Usha

The tragic aftermath of the Bar-Kokhba uprising saw the complete destruction of
Jerusalem by the Romans, and the devastation of the region of Judea, the southern portion
of the Land of Israel that had hitherto been the main centre of Jewish religious leadership.
This situation led to widespread migration to the northern region, the Galilee, and the seat
of rabbinic judicial authority resided for a while in the Galilean village of Usha, home of
Rabbi Meir.

By far the greatest proportion of Mishnah's contents derive from this generation. Almost
all the "Ushan" Rabbis mentioned in the Mishnah were students of Rabbi Akiva. These

include Rabbis Meir, Judah [bar Ilai], Simeon ben Yohai, Yose [ben Halafta], Rabbi
Eleazar [ben Shamua] and the Patriarch (Nasi) Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel.

o Bet Sha'arayim/Sepphoris: The Generation of the Redaction

On this, see below.

 Redaction:
All ancient sources are in agreement that the Mishnah was compiled by Rabbi Judah the "Prince,"
before his death around 217 C.E. On the author see below. It should be emphasized that--contrary
to a view that appears in many histories and introductions, and which is based on the writings of
medieval Spanish Jewish authorities--this redaction did not involve writing down the traditions,
but merely the determining and organizing of a fixed text that was subsequently disseminated by
memory. It is clear from the internal evidence of the Talmud that the teachings of the Rabbis
continued to be studied orally throughout the Talmudic era, and this continued to be the practice in
the Babylonian academies well into the middle ages.

The Mishnah's redactor, who had studied with most of the important teachers of the previous
("Usha") generation, assembled early redactions that had been shaped in various different
academies, combining them into a new and integrated work. The Mishnah contains almost no
material that is contemporary with its redactor.

Rabbi Judah ben Simeon bore the Hebrew title of "Nasi," signifying the position of Patriarch, the
official political representative of the Jewish people.

From an internal Jewish perspective, the Nasi presided over Judaism's supreme judiciary and
legislative body, the Sanhedrin. The title had become a hereditary one, almost without
interruption, since the days of the revered Hillel the Elder in the first century B.C.E.

In Talmudic texts, Rabbi Judah is usually referred to simply as "Rabbi" or, by virtue of his
legendary piety: "Rabbenu Ha-Qadosh" ("our holy master").

After migrating from Judea, Rabbi Judah the Prince resided in Beit Sha'arayim, and later in
Sepphoris, both in the Galilee. Presumably the project of redacting the Mishnah was conducted in
both locations.

With a few significant exceptions (e.g., the tractate "Avot" [="Fathers"]), the Mishnah deals only
with the legal component of the Jewish Oral Tradition, known in Hebrew as "halakhah."

The Mishnah is distinguished by its topical organization, dividing the traditions of Jewish
religious law into six main areas, designated as "sedarim" (singular: "seder"; English: "Orders"),
which are in turn divided into separate topical treatises, or tractates (in Hebrew: "Masekhet."
While the topical classification is the dominant one, there are numerous digressions, several of

which reflect the alternative criteria of organization employed in previous stages of redaction. The
six orders of the Mishnah are:

1. Zera'im ("Seeds"): 11 tractates

Deals mostly with portions of crops and foodstuffs that must be set aside for the Priests
and poor, etc., as well as other land-related regulations (sabbatical years, mixed sowing,
etc.). The opening tractate, Berakhot, is concerned with blessing and prayers.

2. Mo'ed ("Festivals"): 12 tractates

The weekly Sabbath and the cycle of annual festivals.

3. Nashim ("Women"): 7 tractates

Concerning marriage, divorce, etc., including laws of oaths.

4. Neziqin ("Torts"): 10 tractates

Covers the full range of civil and criminal laws, including the structure of the judiciary
itself. This order also includes two tractates (Avot and 'Eduyyot) that trace the history of
Rabbinic authority .

5. Qodashim ("Sacred Things"): 11 tractates

About the Temple and sacrificial worship.

6. Tohorot ("Purity"): 12 tractates

About the rules of purity.

The order of tractates within an order is usually determined by the number of chapters (in
descending order). Zera'im does not fit this pattern.

Each tractate is divided into chapters, which are in turn composed of numbered units, each of
which is termed a mishnah or halakhah. The normal manner of citation would thus be: Tractate
Name chapter number: mishnah number (e.g., Zevahim 4:2. The Mishnah citations in the
Babylonian Talmud are not numbered.

The Mishnah was clearly not designed to encompass the whole of the Oral Torah tradition. The
same Rabbis who contributed to it also figured prominently in the Tannai'itic Midrashic
The Mishnah form lent itself most effectively to traditions that were not derived from Scripture or,
more commonly, to the unfolding of legal principles whose Biblical roots had been so elaborated
that they could be discussed adequately without having to return to their exegetical origins.

In formulating its laws the Mishnah employs a number of different literary structures:

o Some rulings are cited anonymously, implying that they are not contested.

o Some rulings are subject to disputes between named Rabbis. In general, the Mishnah is
very laconic about describing only the contents of these disputes (e.g.: "Rabbi X says: it
is permitted, and Rabbi Y says: it is forbidden"), without usually explaining their
underlying reasons.
o Often the Mishnah juxtaposes anonymous views with those of identified Rabbis. If an
anonymous opinion is placed after a named one, it is introduced by the formula: "And the
Sages say..."
The traditional explanation of the above situation is that the anonymous views were
intended to represent the views of the majority, and hence are being presented as legally

Although most of the Mishnah is made up of legal rulings and disputes, there are several other
literary types included in it, including midrashic segments (i.e., Biblical passages accompanied by
their Rabbinic interpretations), anecdotal precedents, extensive narrative descriptions of rituals and
procedures (especially of Temple ceremonies), and more.

The Babylonian Talmud
edited byRabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein
of Jews’ College, London
More than fifteen years in the making, more than 5 1/2 million words, this monumental
task of scholarship called on the best brains in Judaism and won the approval of the
world's top rabbis. Yet few Christians today even know it exists, and you will probably
not find it in your local public library. The Come and Hear™ hypertext version,
currently on line at this web site, represents approximately 1431 folios (produced as
accurately as possible). We hope this presentation will provide the necessary context for
understanding ancient and modern rabbinical teachings. We hope the larger context will
also enable you to evaluate how fairly various commentators interpret the text.
Passages censored in previous editions of the Talmud were restored, and the translators
amplified the text with extensive footnotes that form a running commentary. The
publication was completed as a 35-volume set in 1952, and republished in 18 volumes in
1961. Each tractate was accompanied by a glossary, a table of abbreviations, an index of
Biblical references, and a general subject index. In 1952, Soncino published a
comprehensive Index volume collating the indices from all tractates, and included an
index to the statements of each of the Sages. The Jew's College/Soncino English
translation of the Babylonian Talmud has remained the gold standard of English
Talmuds for six decades.

Table of Contents — What's On Line

SEDER ZERA‘IM — Introduction
Tractate Berakoth
SEDER MO‘ED — Foreword — Introduction
Tractate Shabbath
SEDER NASHIM — Foreword — Introduction
Tractate Yebamoth
Tractate Kethuboth
Tractate Nedarim
Tractate Nazir
Tractate Sotah
Tractate Gittin
SEDER NEZIKIN — Foreword — Introduction
Tractate Baba Kamma
Tractate Baba Mezi‘a
Tractate Baba Bathra
Tractate Sanhedrin
Tractate ‘Abodah Zarah
Tractate Horayoth
SEDER KODASHIM — Foreword — Introduction
SEDER TOHOROTH — Introduction
Tractate Niddah
Tractate Tohoroth

The Babylonian Talmud

The page format of the Babylonian Talmud has remained almost unchanged since the
early printings in Italy. Some twenty-five individual tractates were printed by Joshua and
Gershom Soncino between 1484 and 1519, culminating in the complete edition of the
Talmud produced by Daniel Bomberg (a Christian) in 1520-30. These editions
established the familiar format of placing the original text in square formal letters the
centre of the page, surrounded by the commentaries of Rashi and Tosafot, which are
printed in a semi-cursive typeface. The page divisions used in the Bomberg edition have
been used by all subsequent editions of the Talmud until the present day.

Over the years several additions were introduced, including identifications of Biblical
quotes, cross-references the Talmud and Rabbinic literature, and to the principal codes of
Jewish law.

Almost all Talmuds in current use are copies of the famous Vilna (Wilno, Vilnyus)
Talmuds, published in several versions from 1880 by the "Widow and Brothers Romm"
in that renowned Lithuanian centre of Jewish scholarship. While retaining the same
format and pagination as the previous editions, the Vilna Talmud added several new
commentaries, along the margins and in supplementary pages at the ends of the
respective volumes.

Contents of the
Soncino Babylonian Talmud




B.A., Ph.D., D. Lit.







These are the Sederim ("orders", or major divisions) and tractates (books) of the
Babylonian Talmud, as translated and organized for publication by the Soncino Press in
1935 - 1948. The tractates available on the Come and Hear web page are provided with
hot links.

The English terms in italics are taken from the Introductions in the respective Soncino
volumes. A summary of the contents of each Tractate is given in the Introduction to the
Seder, and a detailed summary by chapter is given in the Introduction to the Tractate.

There are about 12,800 printed pages in the Soncino Talmud, not counting introductions,
indexes, glossaries, etc. Of these, Come and Hear™ has put about 8050 pages on line,
comprising about 1460 files — about 63% of the Soncino Talmud. However, this should
in no way be considered a substitute for the printed edition, with the complete text, fully
cross-referenced footnotes, a master index, an index for each tractate, scriptural index,

rabbinical index, and so on. The sole purpose for the presentation of this text is to provide
full context for the many things that are said and heard about the Talmud, and to invite
further study.

SEDER ZERA‘IM(Seeds: 11 tractates)

Introduction to Seder Zera‘im — Rabbi Dr. I Epstein
Berakoth (Benedictions: 9 chapters, 64 folios, 405 pages)
Introduction to Berakoth — Maurice Simon
Pe‘ah (Corner: 8 chapters, 46 pages)
Demai (Doubtful: 7 chapters, 82 pages)
Kil‘ayim (Mixtures: 9 chapters, 68 pages)
Shebi‘ith (Seventh: 10 chapters, 52 pages)
Terumoth (Heave Offerings: 11 Chapters, 57 pages)
Ma‘aseroth (Tithes: 5 chapters, 29 pages)
Ma‘aser Sheni (Second Tithe: 5 chapters, 33 pages)
Hallah (Dough 4 chapters, 40 pages)
‘Orlah ('Uncircumcision', sc. of trees: 3 chapters, 29 pages)
Bikkurim (First Fruits: 4 chapters, 4 folios, 24 pages)

SEDER MO‘ED(Appointed Seasons: 12 tractates)

Foreword to Seder Mo‘ed — The Very Rev. The Chief Rabbi Dr. J. H. Hertz
Introduction to Seder Mo‘ed — Rabbi Dr. I Epstein
Shabbath (Sabbath: 24 chapters, 157 folios, 806 pages)
Introduction to Shabbath — Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman
‘Erubin (Blendings: 9 chapters, 105 folios, 733 pages)
Pesahim (Paschal Lambs: 10 chapters, 121 folios, 623 pages)
Yoma (The Day: 8 chapters, 88 folios, 441 pages)
Sukkah (Booth: 5 chapters, 56 folios, 27 pages)
Bezah (Egg: 5 chapters, 40 folios, 203 pages)
Rosh Hashana (New Year: 4 chapters, 35 folios, 174 pages)
Ta‘anith (Fast: 4 chapters, 31 folios, 165 pages)
Shekalim (Shekels: 8 chapters, 36 pages)
Megillah (The Scroll: 4 chapters, 32 folios, 195 pages)
Mo‘ed Katan (Minor Feast: 3 chapters, 29 folios, 192 pages)
Hagigah (Festival-Offering: 3 chapters, 27 folios, 171 pages)

SEDER NASHIM(Women: 7 tractates)

Foreword to Seder Nashim — The Very Rev. The Chief Rabbi Dr. J. H. Hertz
Introduction to Seder Nashim — Rabbi Dr. I Epstein
Yebamoth (Sisters-in-law: 16 chapters, 122 folios, 871 pages)
Introduction to Yebamoth — Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki
Kethuboth (Marriage Settlements: 8 chapters, 112 folios, 728 pages)
Introduction to Kethuboth — Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki

Nedarim (Vows: 9 chapters, 91 folios, 283 pages)
Introduction to Nedarim — Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman
Nazir (Nazirite: 9 chapters, 66 folios, 253 pages)
Introduction to Nazir — Rabbi B. D. Klein
Sotah (Suspected Adulteress: 9 chapters, 49 folios, 271 pages)
Introduction to Sotah — Rev. Dr. Abraham Cohen
Gittin (Bills of Divorcement: 9 chapters, 90 folios, 439 pages plus 5 pages of
Introduction to Gittin — Maurice Simon
Kiddushin (Consecrations: 4 chapters, 82 folios, 425 pages)

SEDER NEZIKIN(Damage: 10 tractates)

Foreword — The Very Rev. The Chief Rabbi Dr. J. H. Hertz
Introduction to Seder Nezikin — Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein
Baba Kamma (First gate: 10 chapters, 119 folios, 719 pages)
Introduction to Baba Kamma — Dr. E. W. Kirzner
Baba Mezi‘a (Middle gate: 10 chapters, 119 folios, 676 pages)
Introduction to Baba Mezi‘a — Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman
See also: Introductory Essay: Social Legislation in the Talmud (1962) — Rabbi
Dr. I. Epstein
Baba Bathra (Last gate: 10 chapters, 176 folios, 780 pages)
Introductory to Baba Bathra — Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki and Maurice Simon
Sanhedrin (Court of Justice: 11 chapters, 113 folios, 781 pages)
Introduction to Sanhedrin — Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman and Jacob Shachter
‘Abodah Zarah (Strange Worship: 5 chapters, 76 folios, 366 pages)
Introduction to Abodah Zarah — Rev. Dr. Abraham Cohen
Horayoth (Rulings: 3 chapters, 14 folios, 106 pages)
Introduction to Horayoth — Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki
Shebu‘oth (Oaths: 8 chapters, 49 folios, 309 pages)
Makkoth (Floggings: 3 chapters, 24 folios, 175 pages)
‘Eduyyoth (Testimonies: 8 chapters, 50 pages)
Aboth (Fathers: 6 chapters, 91 pages)

SEDERKODASHIM(Holy Things: 11 tractates)

Epilogue — The Very Rev. The Chief Rabbi Israel Brodie
Introduction to Seder Kodashim — Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein
Zebahim (Animal-offerings: 13 chapters, 120 folios, 596 pages)
Menahoth (Meal-offerings: 13 chapters, 110 folios, 682 pages)
Hullin (Non-holy: 11 chapters, 142 folios, 825 pages)
Bekoroth (Firstlings: 9 chapters, 61 folios, 418 pages)
‘Arakin (Estimations: 9 chapters, 34 folios, 204 pages)
Temurah (Substitution: 7 chapters, 34 folios, 253 pages)
Kerithoth (Excisions: 6 chapters, 28 folios, 220 pages)
Me‘ilah (Trespass: 6 chapters, 22 folios, 86 pages)
Tamid (The Continual [Offering]: 7 chapters, 33 folios, 38 pages)

Middoth (Dimensions: 5 chapters, 23 pages)
Kinnim ([Bird-]nests: 3 chapters, 24 pages)

SEDERTOHOROTH(Cleannesses: 12 tractates)
Introduction to Seder Tohoroth — Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein
Niddah (The Menstruant: 10 chapters, 73 folios, 509 pages)
Introduction to Niddah — Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki
Kelim (Vessels: 30 chapters, 142 pages)
Oholoth (Tents: 18 chapters, 86 pages)
Nega‘im (Leprosy: 14 chapters, 70 pages)
Parah (Heifer: 12 chapters, 58 pages)
Tohoroth (Cleannesses: 10 chapters, 60 pages)
Introduction to Tohoroth — Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki
Mikwa'oth (Pools of Immersion: 10 chapters, 46 pages)
Makshirin (Predispositions 6 chapters, 36 pages)
Zabim (They That Suffer Flux: 5 chapters, 24 pages)
Tebul Yom (Immersed at Day Time: 6 chapters, 20 pages)
Yadayim (Hands: 4 chapters, 26 pages)
Ukzin (Stalks: 3 chapters, 20 pages)

Foreword — The Very Rev. The Chief Rabbi Israel Brodie
Come and Hear™ Talmud Search Page

Jewish Law
Sanhedrin :: Aseret Hadiberot ("10 Commandments") :: Shulkhan Aruch :: 613 Mitzvot ::
Speech :: Essay: Did You Hear What Sarah Said to Adam? Lashon Hara and Chilul HaShem

Jewish Law (halachah) is based upon the Written Torah and the Oral Torah. There are
613 mitzvot (commandments) that Jews are to live by - although not all 613 apply to
every individual. The "Ten Commandments" (more properly called the Ten Statements)
can be thought of as a summary of the 613 mitzvot. There have been many great rabbis
who have contributed their skill to writing commentary on Jewish Law. By following the
mitzvot Jews worship G-d and continue their lifelong relationship with G-d. The mitzvot
permeate the Jews' lives and regulate their behaviors and thoughts as well as their
relationships with G-d, fellow Jew, and gentiles.

The Sanhedrin was an assembly made up of 71 judges who constituted a supreme court
and a legislative body of ancient Israel. The Sanhedrin included a Nasi (chief justice), Av
Beit Din (vice chief justice), and 69 general members who all sat in a semi-circle while in
session. When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, the Sanhedrin met in the Hall of
Hewn Stones except during festivals and Shabbat. The Lesser Sanhedrin was made up of
23 judges required to be in each city. The Sanhedrin began with Moses and the 70 elders.
As an individual died or became unfit to sit on the court, a new member received smicha
(ordination) and took the individual's place.

Return to Top

Aseret Hadiberot ("10 Commandments")

Exodus 20:2-14

1. I am Hashem, your G-d, Who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, from the house
of slavery.

2. You shall not recognize the gods of others in My presence. You shall not make
yourself a carved image nor any likeness of that which is in the heavens above or on the
earth below or in the water beneath the earth. You shall not prostate yourself to them nor
worship them, for I am Hashem, your G-d—a jealous G-d, Who visits the sin of fathers
upon children to the third and fourth generations, for My enemies but who shows
kindness for thousands of generations to those who love Me and observe My

3. You shall not take the Name of Hashem, your G-d in vain, for Hashem will not absolve
anyone who takes His Name in vain.

4. Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it. Six days shall you work and accomplish all
your work; but the seventh day is Sabbath to Hashem, your G-d; you shall not do any

work—you, your son, your daughter, your slave, your maidservant, your animal, and
your convert within your gates—for in six days Hashem made the heavens and the earth,
the sea and all that is in them, and He rested on the seventh day. Therefore Hashem
blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.

5. Honor you father and mother, so that your days will be lengthened upon the land that
Hashem, your G-d give you.

6. You shall not murder.

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness against your fellow.

10. You shall not covet your fellow's house. You shall not covet our fellow's wife, his
manservant, his maidservant, his ox, his donkey, nor anything that belongs to your

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Shulkhan Aruch
The Shulkhan Aruch, compiled by Rabbi Joseph Caro in the mid-1500s, is the standard
legal code of Judaism. It was the first code to list the differing customs of the Ashkenazic
and Sephardic Jews. The Shulkhan Aruch is divided into four books:
Orakh Hayyim - laws of prayers and holidays;
Yoreh Deah - diverse laws, including those covering charity, Torah study, and Jewish
dietary laws;
Even HaEzer - laws concerning Jewish marriage and divorce;
Khoshen Mishpat - Jewish civil law.

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613 Mitzvot
Maimonides, one of the first codifiers of Jewish law, wrote the fourteen volume Mishneh
Torah that covers all of Jewish law, belief and practice. He divides the 613 Mitzvot
(commandments) into 14 books, with 83 sections. the 613 mitzvot are comprised of 248
positive commands and 365 negative ones. The positive mitzvot equal the number of
parts of the body; the negative mitzvot correspond to the number of days in the solar

Printable version - 613 Mitzvot

# of
Title Contents
The Book of The laws concerning religious belief, character,
Knowledge Torah study, idolatry, and repentance
Recital of the Shema Yisrael, prayer, tefillin,
The Book of Adoration 11 mezuzah, Torah scroll, tzitzit, blessings, and
The Shabbat, Yom Kippur, holidays, New
The Book of Seasons 35
Moon, and fast days
The Book of Women 17 Marriage, divorce, seduction, and infidelity
Illicit sexual relations, forbidden foods, and
The Book of Holiness 70
ritual slaughter
The Book of Specific Oaths, vows, Nazirite restrictions, and devotion
Utterances of property to the Sanctuary
The crossing of seeds, cattle and materials, laws
The Book of Seeds 67 of charity and tithing, and laws regarding the
sabbatical and jubilee years
The Book of Divine The Sanctuary, how it is to be built, who serves
Service in it and the nature of the service
The sacrifices brought on holidays and as
The Book of Sacrifices 39
atonement for sins
All the causes of defilement and the
The Book of Purity 20
requirements for purification
The laws of compensation for damages and
The Book of Injuries 36 theft, returning lost property, murder, and the
preservation of life
The Book of Commercial transactions, neighbors, and
Acquisition bondage
Labor relations, renting and borrowing, and
The Book of Judgments 23
The judicial system, rabbinic and parental
The Book of Judges 74
authority, mourning, kings, and wars

The Book of Knowledge

Section I: Torah Foundations
1. Know there is G-d (Exodus 20:2, Deuteronomy 5:6)
2. Don't believe in any other (Exodus 20:3)
3. Know that He is One (Deuteronomy 6:4)
4. Love Him (Deuteronomy 6:5)
5. Fear Him (Deuteronomy 6:13, 10:20)

6. Sanctify His Name (Leviticus 22:32)
7. Don't profane His Name (Exodus 22:27, Leviticus 24:16)
8. Don't destroy things bearing His Name (Deuteronomy 12:4)
9. Listen to a prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15)
10. Don't test Him too much (Deuteronomy 6:16)

Section II: Character

11. Emulate the Almighty (Deuteronomy 28:9)
12. Cleave to those who know Him (Deuteronomy 10:20)
13. Love Fellow Jews (Leviticus 19:18)
14. Love proselytes (Deuteronomy 10:19)
15. Don't hate your brothers (Leviticus 19:17)
16. Reprove (Leviticus 19:17)
17. Don't embarrass another (Leviticus 19:17)
18. Don't oppress the weak (Exodus 21:22)
19. Don't gossip (Leviticus 19:16)
20. Don't take revenge (Leviticus 19:18)
21. Don't bear a grudge (Leviticus 19:18)

Section III: Learn Torah

22. Learn Torah (Deuteronomy 6:7)
23. Honor those who know Torah (Leviticus 19:32)

Section IV: Idol Worship

24. Don't inquire into idol worship (Leviticus 19:4)
25. Don't follow your desires (Numbers 15:39)
26. Don't blaspheme (Exodus 22.27)
27. Don't worship idols in the way they are worshipped (Exodus 20:5)
28. Don't worship idols in the four ways we worship G-d (Exodus 20:5)
29. Don't make an idol for yourself (Exodus 20:4)
30. Don't make an idol for others (Leviticus 19:4)
31. Don't make a statue of a man (Exodus 20:20)
32. Don't turn many people to idol worship (Exodus 23:13)
33. Burn a city that has turned to idol worship (Deuteronomy 13:17)
34. Don't rebuild it as city (Deuteronomy 13.17)
35. Don't derive any benefit from it (Deuteronomy 13.18)
36. Don't turn one person to idol worship (Deuteronomy 13:12)
37. Don't love the person that turns you to idol worship (Deuteronomy 13:9)
38. Don't abandon this hatred (Deuteronomy 13:9)
39. Don't try to save him (Deuteronomy 13:9)
40. Don't say anything in his defense (Deuteronomy 13:9)
41. Don't refrain from incriminating him (Deuteronomy 13:9)
42. Don't prophecy in the name of an idol (Deuteronomy 13:14, 18:20)
43. Don't listen to such a prophet (Deuteronomy 13:4)
44. Don't prophesy falsely, even in G-d's name (Deuteronomy 18:20)
45. Don't be afraid to kill a false prophet (Deuteronomy 18:22)

46. Don't swear in the name of idols (Exodus 23:13)
47. Don't perform act of "ov" (medium) (Leviticus 19:31)
48. Don't perform act of "yidoni" (magical seer) (Leviticus 19:31)
49. Don't pass children through flame to Molach (Leviticus 18:21)
50. Don't erect a structure for people to gather at (Deuteronomy 16:22)
51. Don't bow down on smoothed stone (Leviticus 26:1)
52. Don't plant a tree in the sanctuary (Deuteronomy 16:21)
53. Destroy idols and accessories (Deuteronomy 12:2)
54. Don't derive any benefit from man-made idols (Deuteronomy 7:26)
55. Don't derive any benefit from natural objects served as idols (Deuteronomy
56. Don't make a covenant with idol worshippers (Deuteronomy 7:2)
57. Don't show favor towards them (Deuteronomy 7:2)
58. Don't let them stay in our land (Exodus 23:33)
59. Don't go in their fashion (Leviticus 20:23)
60. Don't be superstitious (Leviticus 19:26)
61. Don't go into a trance for foreseeing (Deuteronomy 18:11)
62. Don't engage in astrology (Leviticus 19:26)
63. Don't utter magic chants (Deuteronomy 18:11)
64. Don't try to make contact with the dead (Deuteronomy 18:11)
65. Don't consult "ov" (medium) (Deuteronomy 18:11)
66. Don't consult "yidoni" (magical seer) (Deuteronomy 18:11)
67. Don't do magic (Deuteronomy 18:10)
68. Don't round your head (side-burns) (Leviticus 19:27)
69. Don't destroy your beard with razor (Leviticus 19:27)
70. Don't (men) wear women's clothes (Deuteronomy 22:5)
71. Don't (women) wear men's clothes (Deuteronomy 22:5)
72. Don't tattoo your skin (Leviticus 19:28)
73. Don't tear your skin in mourning (Deuteronomy 14:1)
74. Don't pull out your hair in mourning (Deuteronomy 14:1)

Section V: Repentance
75. To repent and confess sins (Numbers 5:7)

The Book of Adoration

Section I: Recital of Shema
76. Say Shema twice a day (Deuteronomy 6:7)

Section II: Prayer

77. Pray to G-d each day (Exodus 23:25)
78. (The Kohanim) Bless the People of Israel daily (Numbers 6:23)

Section III: Tefillin, Mezuzah, Sefer Torah

79. Wear Tefillin on the head (Deuteronomy 6:8)
80. Wear Tefillin on the arm (Deuteronomy 6:8)
81. Put up a Mezuzah on doorposts (Deuteronomy 6:9)

82. Write a Sefer Torah for yourself (Deuteronomy 31:19)
83. A king to write a second Sefer (Deuteronomy 17:18)

Section IV: Tzitzis

84. To wear Tzitzis fringes on garments (Numbers 15:38)

Section V: Blessings
85. Bless His Name after meals (Deuteronomy 8:10)

Section VI: Circumcision

86. To circumcise sons on eighth day (Leviticus 12:3)

The Book of Seasons

Section I: Laws of Sabbath
87. Rest on the Sabbath (Exodus 23:12)
88. Don't do any work (Exodus 20:10)
89. Don't punish on the Sabbath (Exodus 35:3)
90. Don't go out of the boundaries of the city (Exodus 16:29)
91. Sanctify the day with words of remembrance (Exodus 20:8)

Section II: Laws of Eruvin

Section III: Laws of Yom Kippur

92. Rest on Yom Kippur (Leviticus 23:32)
93. Don't do any work (Leviticus 23:32)
94. Fast (Leviticus 16:29)
95. Don't eat or drink (Leviticus 23:29)

Section IV: Laws of Yom Tov

96. Rest on the 1st day of Passover (Leviticus 23:7)
97. Don't do any work (Leviticus 23:8)
98. Rest on the 7th day of Passover (Leviticus 23:8)
99. Don't do any work (Leviticus 23:8)
100. Rest on Shavuos (Leviticus 23:21)
101. Don't do any work (Leviticus 23:21)
102. Rest on Rosh Hashana (Leviticus 23:25)
103. Don't do any work (Leviticus 23:25)
104. Rest first day Succos (Leviticus 23:25)
105. Don't do any work (Leviticus 23:25)
106. Rest eighth day Shemini Atzeret (Leviticus 23:36)
107. Don't do any work (Leviticus 23:36)

Section V: Laws of Passover

108. Don't eat chametz 14th day from noon on (Deuteronomy 16:3)
109. Destroy chametz on 14th day (Exodus 12:15)
110. Don't eat chametz 7 days of Passover (Exodus 13:3)

111. Don't eat mixture of chametz (Exodus 12:20)
112. Don't allow chametz to be seen in your possession (Exodus 13:7)
113. Don't allow chametz to be found in your possession (Exodus 12:19)
114. Eat Matzah on eve of 15th (Exodus 12:18)
115. Tell of Exodus that night (Exodus 13:8)

Section VI: Shofar, Succah, Lulav

116. Hear blowing of Shofar on Rosh Hashana (Numbers 29:1)
117. Dwell in Succah during Succos (Leviticus 23:42)
118. Take up Lulav on Succos (Leviticus 23:40)

Section VII: Shekalim

119. To give half-shekel annually for sanctuary (Exodus 30:13)

Section VIII: New Moon

120. To calculate and determine start of each month (Exodus 12:2)

Section IX: Fasts

121. To fast and cry out in troubled times (Numbers 10:9)

Section X: Megillah and Chanukah

The Book of Women

Section I: Laws of Marriage
122. Take a wife through Kiddushin and Ketubah (Deuteronomy 22:13)
123. Don't have relations with a woman not thus married (Deuteronomy 23:18)
124. Don't withhold food, clothing and relations from wife (Exodus 21:10)
125. Have children with wife (Genesis 1:28)

Section II: Divorce

126. Divorce with a Get document (Deuteronomy 24:1)
127. Don't remarry your divorcee after she marries another (Deuteronomy 24:4)

Section III: Laws of a Widow

128. Do Yibum: Marry childless widowed brother's wife (Deuteronomy 25:5)
129. Do Chalitzah (when Yibum not desired) (Deuteronomy 25:9)
130. Don't (this childless widow) marry another while still bound to husband's
brother (Deuteronomy 25:5)

Section IV: Laws of Young Maidens

131. Fine seducers (Exodus 22:15-16)
132. Marry maiden that he coerced (Deuteronomy 22:29)
133. Don't divorce her (Deuteronomy 22:29)
134. Slanderer to keep his wife forever (Deuteronomy 22:19)
135. Don't divorce her (Deuteronomy 22:19)

Section V: Laws of Suspect Wife
136. Carry out Torah Law of suspect wife (Numbers 5:30)
137. Don't put oil on her sacrifice (Numbers 5:15)
138. Don't put incense on her sacrifice (Numbers 5:15)

The Book of Holiness

Section I: Laws of Forbidden Sexual Relationships
139. Don't have relations with mother (Leviticus 18:7)
140. Don't have relations with father's wife (Leviticus 18:8)
141. Don't have relations with sister (Leviticus 18:9)
142. Don't have relations with father's wife's daughter (Leviticus 18:11)
143. Don't have relations with son's daughter (Leviticus 18:10)
144. Don't have relations with daughter (Leviticus 18:10)
145. Don't have relations with daughter's daughter (Leviticus 18:10)
146. Don't take as a wife a woman and her daughter (Leviticus 18:17)
147. Don't take as a wife a woman and her son's daughter (Leviticus 18:17)
148. Don't take as a wife a woman and her daughter's daughter (Leviticus 18:17)
149. Don't have relations with father's sister (Leviticus 18:12)
150. Don't have relations with mother's sister (Levitcus 18:13)
151. Don't have relations with father's brother's wife (Leviticus 18:14)
152. Don't have relations with son's wife (Leviticus 18:15)
153. Don't have relations with brother's wife (Leviticus 18:16)
154. Don't have relations with wife's sister (Leviticus 18:18)
155. Don't (man) have relations with a beast (Leviticus 18:23)
156. Don't (woman) have relations with a beast (Leviticus 18:23)
157. Don't have homosexual relations (Leviticus 18:22)
158. Don't have homosexual relations with father (Leviticus 18:7)
159. Don't have homosexual relations with father's brother (Leviticus 18:14)
160. Don't have relations with another man's wife (Leviticus 18:20)
161. Don't have relations with any woman while she is menstrually impure
(Leviticus 18:19)
162. Don't intermarry with gentiles (Deuteronomy 7:3)
163. Don't let an Ammonite or Moabite marry into us (Deuteronomy 23:4)
164. Don't prevent a 3rd generation Egyptian from marrying into us
(Deuteronomy 23:8-9)
165. Don't prevent a 3rd generation Edomite from marrying into us (Deuteronomy
166. Don't let a mamzer marry into us (Deuteronomy 23:3)
167. Don't let a eunuch marry into us (Deuteronomy 23:2)
168. Don't castrate a male, even an animal (Leviticus 22:24)
169. Don't - a High Priest - marry a widow (Leviticus 21:14)
170. Don't - a High Priest - have relations with a widow, even out of marriage
(Leviticus 21:15)
171. A High Priest shall marry a virgin in her maidenhood (Leviticus 21:14)
172. Don't - a priest - marry a divorced woman (Leviticus 21:7)
173. Don't - a priest - marry a zonah (one who had relations with heathen or

relative) (Leviticus 21:7)
174. Don't - a priest - marry a chalalah (the party to or product of relations
forbidden to priest) (Leviticus 21:7)
175. Don't have close contact with forbidden women (Leviticus 18:6)

Section II: Forbidden Foods

176. Examine the marks of the beast to distinguish clean from unclean (Leviticus
177. Examine marks of fowl (to distinguish clean from unclean) (Deuteronomy
178. Examine marks of Locust (to distinguish clean from unclean) (Leviticus
179. Examine marks of Fish (to distinguish clean from unclean) (Leviticus 11:9)
180. Don't eat the unclean beasts (Leviticus 11:4)
181. Don't eat the unclean fowl (Leviticus 11:13)
182. Don't eat the unclean fish (Leviticus 11:11)
183. Don't eat winged creeping things (Deuteronomy 14:19)
184. Don't eat things that creep on earth (Leviticus 11:41)
185. Don't eat vermin that creep on earth (Leviticus 11:44)
186. Don't eat a worm found in fruit after it has emerged on the ground (Leviticus
187. Don't eat creeping things of the water (Leviticus 11:43)
188. Don't eat the flesh of a beast that died without slaughter (Deuteronomy
189. Don't benefit from on ox condemned to be stoned (Exodus 21:28)
190. Don't eat the flesh of a Treifah beast (Exodus 22:30)
191. Don't eat a limb of a beast removed while it was alive (Deuteronomy 12:23)
192. Don't eat blood (Leviticus 3:17)
193. Don't eat Chelev (certain fat) of a clean animal (Leviticus 3:17)
194. Don't eat the sinew of the thigh-vein (Genesis 32:33)
195. Don't eat meat with milk (Exodus 23:19)
196. Don't cook it with milk (Exodus 34:26)
197. Don't eat bread make of new grain (before Omer offered) (Leviticus 23:14)
198. Don't eat parched corn of the new produce (before Omer offered) (Leviticus
199. Don't eat fresh ears of corn (before Omer offered) (Leviticus 23:14)
200. Don't eat Orlah (fruit from tree under 3 years old) (Leviticus 19:23)
201. Don't eat produce of diverse seeds sown in a vineyard (Deuteronomy 22:9)
202. Don't eat produce from which the priest's tithes have not been separated
(Leviticus 22:15)
203. Don't drink wine poured as libation to idol (Deuteronomy 32:38)

Section III: Laws of Slaying Animals for Food

204. Slay an animal in prescribed way before eating it (Deuteronomy 12:21)
205. Don't slay a beast and its offspring on the same day (Leviticus 22:28)
206. Cover the blood of a wild beast or fowl (Leviticus 17:13)

207. Don't take the mother bird from its young (Deuteronomy 22:6)
208. Release the mother bird if you did take her (Deuteronomy 22:7)

The Book of Specific Utterances

Section I: Law of Oaths
209. Don't swear by G-d's name falsely (Leviticus 19:12)
210. Don't swear by G-d's name in vain (Exodus 20:7)
211. Don't deny claim to an article left in trust (Leviticus 19:11)
212. Don't swear in denial of a money claim (Leviticus 19:11)
213. Swear by His Name when truth must be affirmed (Deuteronomy 10:20)

Section II: Law of Vows

214. Fulfill what you have uttered as a vow (Deuteronomy 23:24)
215. Don't break your vow or oath (Numbers 30:3)
216. That the vow shall be annulled under certain circumstances (Numbers 30:3)

Section III: Laws of the Nazir

217. Let your hair- of a Nazir - grow long (Numbers 6:5)
218. Don't cut off your hair while you are a Nazir (Numbers 6:6)
219. Don't drink wine, wine mixtures or wine vinegar (Numbers 6:3)
220. Don't eat fresh grapes (Numbers 6:3)
221. Don't eat raisins (Numbers 6:3)
222. Don't eat kernels of grapes (Numbers 6:4)
223. Don't eat skins of grapes (Numbers 6:4)
224. Don't enter a house where there is a dead body (Numbers 6:6)
225. Don't defile yourself by contact with dead (Numbers 6:7)
226. Shave off your hair when bringing your sacrifices (Numbers 6:9)

Section IV: Laws of Appraisal of Things Devoted to the Sanctuary

227. Carry out appraisal of human beings according to Torah laws (Leviticus
228. Carry out appraisal of devoted animals according to Torah laws (Leviticus
229. Carry out appraisal of dwellings devoted according to Torah laws (Leviticus
230. Carry out appraisal of devoted fields according to Torah laws (Leviticus
231. Carry out law of one who devoted his property (Leviticus 27:28)
232. Don't sell what was thus devoted (Leviticus 27:28)
233. Don't redeem what was thus devoted (Leviticus 27:28)

The Book of Seeds

Section I: Laws concerning the Sowing of Diverse seeds together
234. Don't sow diverse seeds together (Leviticus 19:9)
235. Don't sow seeds of grains or greens in a vineyard (Deuteronomy 22:9)
236. Don't crossbreed cattle of diverse species (Leviticus 19:9)

237. Don't work with cattle of diverse species together (Deuteronomy 22:10)
238. Don't wear garments woven of diverse species (wool and linen)
(Deuteronomy 22:11)

Section II: Laws of Gifts to the Poor

239. Leave an un-reaped corner of the field (Leviticus 19:9)
240. Don't reap this corner (Leviticus 19:9)
241. Leave the gleanings (Leviticus 19:9)
242. Don't gather the gleanings (Leviticus 19:9)
243. Leave gleanings in the vineyard (Leviticus 19:10)
244. Don't gather the gleanings in the vineyard (Leviticus 19:10)
245. Leave the tiny clusters of the vineyard (Leviticus 19:10)
246. Don't gather the tiny clusters of the vineyard (Leviticus 19:10)
247. Leave the forgotten sheaf (Deuteronomy 24:19)
248. Don't turn back to take the forgotten sheaf (Deuteronomy 24:19)
249. Set aside tithe for the poor (Deuteronomy 14:28)
250. Give charity according to your means (Deuteronomy 15:8)
251. Don't harden your heart towards the poor (Deuteronomy 15:7)

Section III: Law of Trumah

252. Set aside the Trumah (for the priest) (Deuteronomy 18:4)
253. Set aside (the Levite) the Trumah from the Ma'aser (Numbers 18:26)
254. Don't set aside the Trumah Ma'aser tithes out of order (Exodus 22:28)
255. Don't - a non-priest - eat Trumah (Leviticus 22:10)
256. Don't - a non-priest - eat Trumah even if he is his Hebrew bondsman
(Leviticus 22:10)
257. Don't - an uncircumcised priest - eat Trumah (Exodus 12:48)
258. Don't - an unclean priest - eat Trumah (Leviticus 22:4)
259. Don't - a Chalalah - eat Trumah or from sacrificial portions (Leviticus 22:12)

Section IV: Laws of Tithes

260. Set aside the first tithe of the produce every year and give it to the Levites
(Numbers 18:24)

Section V: Laws of Second Tithes and Fruit of Fourth Year from Planting
261. Set aside a second tithe (Deuteronomy 14:22)
262. Don't spend the redemption money on anything but food, drink, ointment
(Deuteronomy 26:14)
263. Don't eat the second tithe while unclean (Deuteronomy 26:14)
264. Don't eat it as Onan (first day following death of relative) (Deuteronomy
265. Don't eat second tithe of grain outside of Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 26:17)
266. Don't eat second tithe of vintage outside of Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 26:17)
267. Don't eat second tithe of oil outside of Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 26:17)
268. Eat the fruits of the Fourth Year in Jerusalem (Leviticus 19:24)
269. Recite the confession of tithes in 4th and 7th years (Deuteronomy 26:13)

Section VI: Laws of First Fruits and other gifts to Priests beyond the Sanctuary
270. Set aside first fruits and bring to Sanctuary (Exodus 23:19)
271. Don't - Priests - eat first fruits outside Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 12:17)
272. Read a declaration when presenting first fruits (Deuteronomy 26:5)
273. Set apart a gift from dough for the priest (Numbers 15:20)
274. Give shoulder, two cheeks and stomach of slaughtered animal to the priest
(Deuteronomy 18:3)
275. Give to the priest the first fleece (Deuteronomy 18:4)
276. Redeem the first born (if a son) and give redemption money to the priest
(Numbers 18:15)
277. Redeem first born of an ass by giving lamb to priest (Exodus 13:13)
278. Behead firstborn of ass if refuses to redeem it (Exodus 13:13)

Section VII: Laws of Sabbatical Year and Year of Jubilee

279. See that land rests in Sabbatical Year (Exodus 34:21)
280. Don't do agricultural work that year (Leviticus 25:4)
281. Don't do arboricultural work that year (trees) (Leviticus 25:4)
282. Don't cut, in regular fashion, the aftermath that grows by itself (Leviticus
283. Don't gather fruit of untended trees (Leviticus 25:5)
284. Leave what the land produces free to all (Exodus 23:11)
285. Release all loans (Deuteronomy 15:2)
286. Don't press debtor (Deuteronomy 15:2)
287. Don't refrain from making loans before the Sabbatical year (Deuteronomy
288. Count (Sanhedrin) the years by sevens (Leviticus 25:10)
289. Declare (Sanhedrin) the fiftieth year holy (Leviticus 25:10)
290. Sound the Shofar on the 10th of Tishrei (Leviticus 25:9)
291. Don't till the soil in that year (Leviticus 25:11)
292. Don't cut, in regular fashion, the aftermath which grows by itself (Leviticus
293. Don't gather the fruits of the untended trees that year (Leviticus 25:11)
294. Carry out redemption of sold fields that year (Leviticus 25:24)
295. Don't cause the land to be sold in perpetuity (Leviticus 25:23)
296. Carry out law concerning houses in walled cities (Leviticus 25:29)
297. Don't give Tribe of Levi regular portion of land (Deuteronomy 18:1)
298. Don't let Tribe of Levi share in spoils of war (Deuteronomy 18:1)
299. Give Levites cities and their suburbs to dwell in (Numbers 35:2)
300. Don't cause the houses and suburbs of their cities to be sold in perpetuity
(Leviticus 25:34)

The Book of Divine Service

Section I: Laws Concerning the Sanctuary
301. Erect a Sanctuary (Exodus 25:8)
302. Don't build altar of hewn stones (Exodus 20:22)

303. Don't ascend the altar with stairs (Exodus 20:23)
304. Show reverence for the Sanctuary (Leviticus 19:30)
305. Keep a guard about the Sanctuary (Numbers 18:2)
306. Don't leave the Sanctuary unguarded (Numbers 18:5)

Section II: Laws which deal with the Vessels in the Sanctuary and those who
serve in it
307. Prepare the oil of anointment (Exodus 30:31)
308. Don't make this same oil for secular use (Exodus 30:32)
309. Don't anoint a human with it (Exodus 30:32)
310. Don't prepare spice mixture like Sanctuary incense (Exodus 30:37)
311. Don't offer anything but incense on the Golden Altar (Exodus 30:9)
312. Bear the Ark on the shoulder during transport (Numbers 7:9)
313. Don't remove staves from Ark (Exodus 25:15)
314. Serve (The Levites) in the Sanctuary (Numbers 18:23)
315. Don't (Priests and Levites) do the work of another in the Sanctuary
(Numbers 18:3)
316. Consecrate the priest for the service (Leviticus 21:8)
317. See that all priestly divisions share equally in service and sacrifices on
festivals (Deuteronomy 18:6-8)
318. Put on priestly vestments for the service (Exodus 28:2)
319. Don't rend the priestly vestments (Exodus 28:32)
320. Don't loose the breast plate from the Ephod (Exodus 28:28)

Section III: Laws Concerning Admission into the Sanctuary

321. Don't (Priest) enter Sanctuary while intoxicated (Leviticus 10:9)
322. Don't (Priest) enter with over-long hair (Leviticus 10:6)
323. Don't (Priest) enter with torn garments (Leviticus 10:6)
324. Don't enter the innermost Sanctuary at all times (Leviticus 16:2)
325. Don't leave the Sanctuary during service (Leviticus 10:7)
326. Send the ritually unclean out of the Sanctuary (Numbers 5:2)
327. Don't (unclean man) enter the Sanctuary (Numbers 5:3)
328. Don't (unclean man) enter the Temple Mount (Deuteronomy 23:11)
329. Don't (unclean Priest) participate in the service (Leviticus 22:2)
330. Don't (unclean Priest) participate even after immersion until sundown
(Leviticus 22:7)
331. Sanctify your hands and feet by washing before serving in Sanctuary
(Exodus 30:19)
332. Don't (a person with a physical blemish) enter the Sanctuary nor approach
the Altar (Leviticus 21:23)
333. Don't (a person with a passing physical blemish) take part in the service
(Leviticus 21:17)
334. Don't (a person with a passing physical blemish) take part in the service
(Leviticus 21:17)
335. Don't (a stranger not descended from Aaron) take part in the service
(Numbers 18:4)

Section IV: Laws Concerning Restrictions in regard to Sacrifices on the Altar
336. Offer only unblemished cattle (Leviticus 22:21)
337. Don't consecrate a blemished animal for the Altar (Leviticus 22:20)
338. Don't slaughter it for the Altar (Leviticus 22:22)
339. Don't sprinkle its blood on Altar (Leviticus 22:24)
340. Don't burn its fat on Altar (Leviticus 22:22)
341. Don't offer an animal with a passing blemish (Deuteronomy 17:1)
342. Don't inflict a blemish on cattle consecrated for Altar (Leviticus 22:25)
343. Don't inflict a blemish on cattle consecrated for Altar (Leviticus 22:21)
344. Redeem cattle consecrated for Altar and subsequently disqualified
(Deuteronomy 12:15)
345. Offer an animal as sacrifice only from its eighth day on (Leviticus 22:27)
346. Don't offer as sacrifice the hire of the harlot or "price of the dog"
(Deuteronomy 23:19)
347. Don't burn on the Altar leaven of honey (Leviticus 2:11)
348. Salt all sacrifices (Leviticus 2:13)
349. Don't omit seasoning all sacrifices with salt (Leviticus 2:13)

Section V: Laws Concerning the Procedure of Sacrifices

350. In offering Burnt Offering observe the procedure prescribed in Torah
(Leviticus 1:13)
351. Don't eat flesh of Burnt Offerings (Deuteronomy 12:17)
352. Observe procedure of Sin Offering (Leviticus 6:18)
353. Don't eat flesh of innermost Sin Offering (Leviticus 6:23)
354. Don't divide asunder the fowl brought as a Sin Offering (Leviticus 5:8)
355. Observe procedure of the Trespass Offering (Leviticus 7:1)
356. Eat (the priests) the flesh of the holiest sacrifices within the Sanctuary
(Exodus 29:33)
357. Don't eat them outside the Courtyard of the Sanctuary (Deuteronomy 12:17)
358. Don't (a stranger) eat any portion of the holiest sacrifices (Exodus 29:33)
359. Observe the procedure of the Peace Offering (Leviticus 7:11)
360. Don't eat the flesh of the offerings before their blood has been sprinkled (on
the Altar) (Deuteronomy 12:17)
361. In offering a meal offering observe the procedure prescribed in Torah
(Leviticus 2:1)
362. Don't put oil in a Sin Offering (Leviticus 5:11)
363. Don't put frankincense on it (Leviticus 5:11)
364. Don't eat the meal offering of a priest (Leviticus 6:16)
365. Don't bake a leavened meal offering (Leviticus 6:10)
366. Eat (the priests) the rest of meal offering after handful offered on Altar
(Leviticus 6:9)
367. Fulfill all your vows and bring your free-will offering on the first Festival
following the vow (Deuteronomy 12:5-6)
368. Don't delay in fulfilling your vows or offerings (Deuteronomy 23:22)
369. Offer all Sacrifices in the chosen Sanctuary (Deuteronomy 12:11)

370. Bring all hallowed things from abroad to the chosen Sanctuary
(Deuteronomy 12:26)
371. Don't slaughter sacrifices outside the Sanctuary Courtyard (Leviticus 17:4)
372. Don't offer up a sacrifice outside the Sanctuary Courtyard (Deuteronomy

Section VI: Laws Concerning the Daily Offerings and Additional Offerings
373. Offer daily two lambs as Burnt Offerings (Numbers 28:3)
374. Kindle the fire upon the Altar daily (Leviticus 6:6)
375. Don't extinguish it (Leviticus 6:6)
376. Remove the ashes daily (Leviticus 6:3)
377. Burn incense daily (Exodus 30:7)
378. Light lamps of Menorah daily (Exodus 27:21)
379. Offer (the High Priest) a Meal Offering daily (Leviticus 6:13)
380. Offer an additional two lambs as Burnt Offerings on the Sabbath (Numbers
381. Prepare the show-bread (Exodus 25:30)
382. Offer the Additional Sacrifices of Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) (Numbers
383. Offer the Additional Sacrifices of Passover (Numbers 28:19)
384. Offer the Omer as a wave offering (Leviticus 23:10)
385. Count (everyone) seven weeks from when Omer brought (Leviticus 23:15)
386. Offer Additional Sacrifice on the Feast of Shavuos (Leviticus 28:26)
387. Bring two loaves of bread in addition to sacrifices on Feast of Shavuos
(Leviticus 23:17)
388. Offer Additional Sacrifices for Rosh Hashana (Numbers 29:2)
389. Offer Additional offering on Yom Kippur (Numbers 29:8)
390. Offer Additional Sacrifices on the Feast of Succos (Numbers 29:13)
391. Offer Additional Sacrifices on the Feast of Shemini Atzeres (Numbers

Section VII: Laws Concerning Sacrifices that Have Become Unfit

392. Don't eat offerings that have become unfit or blemished (Deuteronomy 14:3)
393. Don't eat of an offering that is pigul (improper thought of priest during
offering) (Leviticus 7:18)
394. Don't leave the offerings beyond time for consumption (Leviticus 22:30)
395. Don't eat what has been left over (Leviticus 19:8)
396. Don't eat sacrifices that have become unclean (Leviticus 7:19)
397. Don't eat sacrifices if you are unclean (Levitcus 7:20)
398. Burn that which has been left over (Leviticus 7:17)
399. Burn that which is unclean (Leviticus 7:19)

Section VIII: Laws Concerning the Sanctuary Service on Yom Kippur

400. Do the entire order of Yom Kippur Service (Leviticus 16)

Section IX: Laws Concerning Misuse of Sacred Property

401. The one guilty of misuse shall pay the value of what he has taken, add a
fifth and bring an offering (Leviticus 5:16)
402. Don't work with cattle set apart for sacrifice (Deuteronomy 15:19)
403. Don't shear the fleece of such cattle (Deuteronomy 15:19)

The Book of Sacrifices

Section I: Laws of the Paschal Offering
404. Slaughter Paschal Offering at appointed time (14 Nissan) (Exodus 12:6)
405. Don't slaughter it until leaven is removed from home (Exodus 23:18)
406. Don't let fat remain un-offered overnight (Exodus 23:18)
407. Slaughter the Second Paschal Offering (14 Iyar) (Numbers 9:11)
408. Eat flesh of Paschal Offering with herbs and Matzah on the eve of Passover (Exodus
409. Eat flesh of Second Paschal offering on the eve of 15 Iyar (Numbers 9:11)
410. Don't eat it half-broiled or broiled (Exodus 12:9)
411. Don't take the flesh of the Paschal Offering outside the place of assembly of the
company (Exodus 12:46)
412. Don't eat of the Paschal lamb if you are an apostate (Exodus 12:43)
413. Don't allow it to be eaten even by a non-Jew who has left idolatry and been
circumcised (Exodus 12:45)
414. Don't eat of it if you are uncircumcised (Exodus 12:48)
415. Don't break a bone of it (Exodus 12:46)
416. Don't break a bone of the Second Paschal Offering (Numbers 9:12)
417. Don't leave any till morning (Exodus 12:10)
418. Don't leave any of the Second Paschal Offering till morning (Numbers 9:12)
419. Don't leave flesh of the Festival Offering of the 14th day of Nissan to the 3rd day
(Deuteronomy 16:4)

Section II: Laws Concerning the Celebration of the Festival

420. Appear before the L-rd (with a Burnt Offering) three times a year (Deuteronomy
421. Celebrate the three festivals (with Peace Offerings) (Exodus 23:14)
422. Rejoice on the festivals (with Peace Offerings) (Deuteronomy 16:14)
423. Don't appear before the L-rd empty handed on these Festivals (Deuteronomy 16:16)
424. Don't neglect to bring joy to the Levite and give him due gifts on the Holiday
(Deuteronomy 12:19)
425. Assemble the people on the Feast of Sukkot following the Sabbatical Year
(Deuteronomy 31:12)

Section III: Laws of the first Born

426. Set apart the first born of cattle (Exodus 13:12)
427. Don't eat an unblemished first born outside of Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 12:17)
428. Don't redeem the first born (of clean cattle) (Numbers 18:17)
429. Set apart tithe of the young of the clean cattle (Leviticus 27:32)
430. Don't redeem tithe of cattle (Leviticus 27:33)

Section IV: Laws Concerning Offerings Brought for Transgressions Committed in Error
431. One who sinned shall bring a definite Sin Offering (Leviticus 4.27)
432. One who is uncertain of sinning shall bring a Trespass Offering (and a Sin Offering
upon ascertainment) (Leviticus 5:17-18)
433. For certain specified transgressions the sinner shall bring a Trespass Offering
(Levitcus 5:25)
434. For other specified transgressions he shall bring an offering according to his means
(Leviticus 5:7-11)
435. The Sanhedrin shall bring an offering if they erred in giving a decision of a serious
transgression (Leviticus 4:13)

Section V: Laws Concerning Unclean Ones who Have to Bring Sacrifices as an

436. A woman who has a running issue shall bring an offering when she becomes clean
(Leviticus 15:28-29)
437. A woman after child-birth shall bring an offering when she is clean (Leviticus 12:6)
438. A man who has a running issue shall bring an offering after he is clean (Leviticus
439. A leper shall bring an offering after he becomes clean (Leviticus 14:10)

Section VI: Laws Concerning Substitution of Sacrifices

440. Don't substitute another beast for one set apart for Sacrifice (Leviticus 27:10)
441. If a substitute is made, the new beast must also be holy (Leviticus 27:10)
442. Don't switch things that are consecrated from one category to another (Leviticus

The Book of Purity

Section I: Laws Concerning Defilement by a Dead Body
443. Carry out laws of defilement by the dead (Numbers 19:14)

Section II: Laws Concerning the Red Heifer

444. Carry out laws concerning the Red Heifer (Numbers 19:2)
445. Carry out laws concerning the uncleanliness of waters of sprinkling and the manner
in which they must be used for purification (Numbers 19:21)

Section III: Laws Concerning the Uncleanliness of Leprosy

446. Carry out the law of leprosy of a man according the Torah rules (Leviticus 13:12)
447. Don't cut away marks pointing to uncleanliness (Deuteronomy 24:8)
448. Don't shave the scall (leprosy of head or beard) (Leviticus 13:33)
449. A leper shall rend his garments, allow his hair to go loose and cover his lips
(Leviticus 13:45)
450. Carry out prescribed rules for cleansing of leprosy (Leviticus 14:2)
451. A leper shall shave all his hair when he becomes clean (Leviticus 14:9)
452. Carry out the law of leprosy of a garment (Leviticus 13:47)
453. Carry out the law of leprosy of a house (Leviticus 13:34)

Section IV: Laws Concerning Defilement of a Couch or Seat
454. Carry out the law of defilement of a menstruous woman (Leviticus 15:19)
455. Carry out the law of defilement of a woman after childbirth (Leviticus 12:2)
456. Carry out the law of defilement of a woman with a running issue (Leviticus 15:25)
457. Carry out the law of defilement of a man with a running issue (Leviticus 15:3)

Section V: Laws of Other Original Sources of Defilement

458. Carry out the law of defilement of that beast which died of itself (Leviticus 11:39)
459. Carry out the law of defilement of creeping things (Leviticus 11:29)
460. Carry out the law of defilement of seminal issue (Leviticus 15:16)

Section VI: Laws of Defilement of Food

461. Carry out laws relating to defilement of food and drink (Leviticus 11:34)

Section VII: Laws Concerning Ritual Baths

462. Every unclean person should immerse himself in a ritual bath in order to become
clean (Leviticus 15:16)

The Book of Injuries

Section I: Laws Concerning Damages to Property
463. Carry out law concerning the goring ox (Exodus. 21:28)
464. Carry out law concerning trespass cattle (Exodus 22:4)
465. Carry out law concerning damages by a pit (Exodus 21:33)
466. Carry out law concerning damages by fire (Exodus 22:5)

Section II: Laws Concerning Theft

467. Don't steal anything of pecuniary value (Leviticus 19:11)
468. Carry out law concerning the thief (his obligations) (Exodus 21:37)
469. Ensure correct scales and weights (Leviticus 19:36)
470. Don't commit injustice in respect to measures and weights (Leviticus 19:35)
471. Don't have in your possession a double standard of weights or measures
(Deuteronomy 25:13)
472. Don't remove a landmark (to rob property) (Deuteronomy 19:14)
473. Don't kidnap (Exodus 20:13)

Section III: Laws Concerning Robbery and Concerning Things Lost

474. Don't rob (Leviticus 19:13)
475. Don't withhold wages or debt owed (Leviticus 19:13)
476. Don't covet (and take action for acquiring) (Exodus 20:14)
477. Don't desire another's possessions (Deuteronomy 5:18)
478. Restore what has been robbed (Leviticus 5:23)
479. Don't pass by a lost object to ignore it (Deuteronomy 22:3)
480. Restore lost property (Deuteronomy 22:1)

Section IV: Laws Concerning One Who Commits an Injury to Person or Property
481. Carry out laws of personal or property damage (Exodus 21:18)

Section V: Laws Concerning Murder and the Preservation of Human Life
482. Don't commit murder (Exodus 20:13)
483. Don't accept ransom for life of the murderer (Numbers 35:31)
484. Exile an accidental murderer (Numbers 35:25)
485. Don't accept ransom from him (Numbers 35:32)
486. Don't kill the murderer before trying him (Numbers 35:12)
487. Save the pursued at the cost of the life of the pursuer (Deuteronomy 25:12)
488. Don't show pity for the pursuer (Numbers 35:12)
489. Don't stand idly by when you can save a life (Leviticus 19:16)
490. Set aside cities of refuge for those who commit accidental homicide
(Deuteronomy 19:3)
491. Break the neck of the calf by the river (in ritual following unsolved murder)
(Deuteronomy 21:4)
492. Don't till by that river or sow there (Deuteronomy 21:4)
493. Don't cause loss of human life (through negligence) (Deuteronomy 22:8)
494. Build a parapet (in roof of house) (Deuteronomy 22:8)
495. Don't mislead with advice which is a stumbling block (Leviticus 19:14)
496. Help a man remove the load from his beast which can no longer carry it
(Exodus 23:5)
497. Help him load his beast (Deuteronomy 22:4)
498. Don't leave him in a state of confusion and go on your way (Deuteronomy

The Book of Acquisition

Section I - Laws of Sale
499. Carry out law of purchase and sale (Leviticus 25:14)
500. Don't do wrong in buying and selling (Leviticus 25:14)
501. Don't do wrong with words - like reminding a repentant man of his sins
(Leviticus 25:17)
502. Don't wrong a proselyte in regard to his possessions (Exodus 22:20)
503. Don't wrong him with words (Exodus 22:20)

Section II: Laws of Acquisition of Derelict Property and Gifts

Laws in regard to one who acquires derelict property and by what methods one
acquires title to such property; and laws in regard to donor of gifts and recipient
and kind of gift which reverts to original owner and which doesn't

Section III: Laws of Neighbors

Laws of partnership divisions and removal of potential nuisances to neighbors

Section IV: Laws of Agents and Partners

Laws of agency and partnership regarding their transactions, profits and losses

Section V: Laws of Bondmen

504. Carry out the laws of the acquisition of a Hebrew bondman (Exodus 21:2)

505. Don't sell his as a slave is sold (Leviticus 25:42)
506. Don't force him to work rigorously (Leviticus 25:43)
507. Don't allow a non-Jew to work him with rigor (Leviticus 25:53)
508. Don't force him to do the menial work of a slave (Leviticus 25:59)
509. Bestow upon him a liberal gift when he goes free (Deuteronomy 15:14)
510. Don't send him away empty-handed (Deuteronomy 15:13)
511. Redeem a Hebrew bondwoman (Exodus 21:8)
512. Espouse her (the master or his son) (Exodus 21:8)
513. Don't sell her if you don't espouse her (Exodus 21:8)
514. Keep a Canaanite slave in perpetual bondage (except if master injured his
limbs) (Leviticus 25:46)
515. Don't surrender a slave who fled from outside of Israel to Israel
(Deuteronomy 23:16)
516. Don't wrong such a slave (Deuteronomy 23:16)

The Book of Judgments

Section I: Laws of Hiring
517. Carry out law of the man who rents and the depository for hire (Exodus
518. Pay the hired wage the same day (Deuteronomy 24:15)
519. Don't delay the wage after it is due (Leviticus 19:13)
520. That the hired man may eat of agricultural produce at which he works
(Deuteronomy 23:25)
521. Don't eat from un-severed produce until work is completed (Deuteronomy
522. Don't take with you anything you don't consume (Deuteronomy 23:25)
523. Don't muzzle an ox (or cattle) while it is doing agricultural work
(Deuteronomy 25:4)

Section II: Laws Concerning Borrowing an Article and Deposit

524. Carry out the law appertaining to a borrower (Exodus 22:13)
525. Carry out the law concerning a gratuitous depository (Exodus 22:6)

Section III: Laws Concerning Creditor and Debtor

526. Lend to the poor and needy (Exodus 22:24)
527. Don't press him for payment he doesn't have (Exodus 22:24)
528. Press the idolater (Deuteronomy 15:3)
529. Don't (the creditor) take a pledge by force (Deuteronomy 24:10)
530. Return the pledge to its owner when he is in need of it (Deuteronomy 24:13)
531. Don't be tardy in returning it to him (Deuteronomy 24:12)
532. Don't exact a pledge from a widow (Deuteronomy 24:17)
533. Don't take utensils used in preparing food (Deuteronomy 24:6)
534. Don't (the lender) give a loan at usury (Leviticus 25:37)
535. Don't (the borrower) take a loan at usury (Deuteronomy 23:20)
536. Don't act as intermediary in a loan at usury (Exodus 22:24)
537. Borrow from, and lend to an idolater at usury (Deuteronomy 23:21)

Section IV: Laws of Plaintiff and Defendant
538. Carry out laws of claims, admissions and denials (Exodus 22:8)

Section V: Laws of Inheritance

539. Carry out law regarding order of inheritance (Numbers 27:8)

The Book of Judges

Section I: Laws Concerning the Sanhedrin and the penalties within Their
540. Appoint judges (Deuteronomy 16:18)
541. Don't appoint a judge who does not know judicial procedure (Deuteronomy
542. Rule according to the majority (when judges differ) (Exodus 23:2)
543. Don't execute the accused if there is only a bare majority for conviction (a
majority of two necessary) (Exodus 23:2)
544. Don't (in capital cases) present argument for conviction if you have
presented a plea for acquittal (Deuteronomy 23:2)
545. Put to death by stoning (Deuteronomy 22:24)
546. Put to death be burning (Leviticus 20:14)
547. Put to death by decapitation with sword (Exodus 21:20)
548. Put to death by strangling (Leviticus 20:10)
549. Hang (those stoned for blasphemy or idolatry) (Deuteronomy 21:22)
550. Bury the body on day of execution (Deuteronomy 21:23)
551. Don't let the body remain overnight (Deuteronomy 21:23)
552. Don't allow a sorcerer to live (Exodus 22:17)
553. Punish the wicked with stripes (for certain sins) (Exodus 25:2)
554. Don't exceed the number of (39) stripes in the Torah (Deuteronomy 25:3)
555. Don't put the innocent to death on presumptuous testimony (Exodus 23:7)
556. Don't punish one who committed sin under duress (Deuteronomy 22:26)
557. Don't show pity for one who slays another (Deuteronomy 19:13)
558. Don't show compassion at a trial to a person who is poor (Leviticus 19:15)
559. Don't show respect at a trial to a great man (Leviticus 19:15)
560. Don't decide the cause of a habitual transgressor unjustly (Exodus 23:6)
561. Don't pervert judgment (Leviticus 19:15)
562. Don't pervert the judgment of a stranger or an orphan (Deuteronomy 24:17)
563. Judge righteously (Leviticus 19:15)
564. Don't be afraid at a trial of a man who is violent (Deuteronomy 1:17)
565. Don't take a bribe (Exodus 23:8)
566. Don't receive a one-sided report (Exodus 23:1)
567. Don't curse judges (Exodus 22:27)
568. Don't curse prince (of state or Torah) (Exodus 22:27)
569. Don't curse any Jew who leads a worthy life (Leviticus 19:14)

Section II: Laws of Testimony

570. Testify in court if you are in possession of evidence (Leviticus 5:1)

571. Carefully interrogate the witnesses (Deuteronomy 13:15)
572. Don't (in a capital case) act as a judge if you have given evidence
(Deuteronomy 19:17)
573. Don't make any ruling based on the testimony of only one witness
(Deuteronomy 19:15)
574. Don't accept a transgressor's testimony (Exodus 23:1)
575. Don't accept a relative's testimony (Deuteronomy 24:16)
576. Don't testify falsely (Exodus 20:13)
577. Do unto an exposed false witness as he has plotted to do to accused
(Deuteronomy 19:19)

Section III: Laws Concerning the Rebellious

578. Act in accordance with the law of the Torah as the High Court declares it
(Deuteronomy 17:11)
579. Don't depart from rulings of this Court (Deuteronomy 17:11)
580. Don't add to the Torah (Written Law or Oral interpretation) (Deuteronomy
581. Don't detract from the precepts (Deuteronomy 13:1)
582. Don't curse your father or mother (Exodus 21:17)
583. Don't strike you father or mother (Exodus 21:15)
584. Honor your father and mother (Exodus 21:12)
585. Revere your father and mother (Leviticus 19:3)
586. Don't rebel against the order of your father or mother (Deuteronomy 21:18)

Section IV: Laws or Mourning

587. Mourn relatives (even Priest defiles himself for relatives) (Leviticus 10:19)
588. Don't (High Priest) defile yourself through contact with deceased, even
relatives (Leviticus 21:11)
589. Don't (any Priest) be under same roof as deceased forbidden for contact
(Leviticus 21:11)
590. Don't (Ordinary Priest) defile yourself for anyone except relatives (Leviticus

Section V: Laws of Sovereigns and their Wars

591. Appoint a King (Deuteronomy 17:15)
592. Don't appoint proselyte as king (Deuteronomy 17:15)
593. Don't (King) have too many wives (Deuteronomy 17:17)
594. Don't have too many horses (Deuteronomy 17:16)
595. Don't have too much gold and silver (Deuteronomy 17:17)
596. Destroy seven Canaanite nations (Deuteronomy 20:17)
597. Don't let any one to them live (Deuteronomy 20:16)
598. Blot out seed of Amalek (Deuteronomy 20:19)
599. Remember what Amalek did to us (Deuteronomy 25:17)
600. Don't forget his evil deeds (Deuteronomy 25:19)
601. Don't reside permanently in Egypt (Deuteronomy 17:16)
602. Offer terms of peace to inhabitants of besieged city (Deuteronomy 20:10)

603. Don't offer peace to Ammon and Moab (Deuteronomy 23:7)
604. Don't destroy fruit trees even during siege (Deuteronomy 20:19)
605. Prepare place outside camp where soldiers can relieve themselves
(Deuteronomy 23:13)
606. Prepare a shovel to dig with (Deuteronomy 23:14)
607. Anoint priest to speak to men in wartime (Deuteronomy 20:2)
608. If a man takes a wife, builds a building, plants a vineyard - he should be
deferred from service one year (Deuteronomy 24:5)
609. Don't draft them for any purpose (Deuteronomy 24:5)
610. Don't panic and retreat in battle (Deuteronomy 20:3)
611. Act according to law of beautiful women taken captive in war (Deuteronomy
612. Don't sell this captive into slavery (Deuteronomy 21:14)
613. Don't retain her in servitude after having relations with her (Deuteronomy

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It is forbidden to speak disparagingly about a fellow Jew (chaveir – lit. "friend") even if
the information is entirely true. This is Lashon Hara (Leviticus 19:16). It is also forbidden
to speak, write, communicate, or act in any way that would create a chilul HaShem
(desecration of the name of G-d). This prohibition forbids speaking or acting in a
disparagingly way toward a fellow Jew or non-Jew. Chilul HaShem does not sanctify G-
d's Name and leads those around the offending person to question whether the person is
truly a G-d-fearing, righteous Jew (Leviticus 22:32).

If the information contains any kernel of fabrication, the speech is also called motzi shem
ra (lit. "putting out a bad name"). Those people who make a habit out of speaking in a
derogatory manner are called ba'alei lashon hara (lit. "masters of lashon hara"). These
ba'alei regularly create a chilul HaShem. Such behavior cuts the ba'alei off from much of
the good in the world around them. In addition, this behavior cuts them off from olam
habah (The World To Come). The Sages say (Bab. Erchin 15b) that there are three things
that cut a person off from olam habah - murder, adultery, and idol worship and that
Lashon Hara is equivalent to all three.

If someone (even a parent or teacher) attempts to coerece a person into speaking Lashon
Hara, the person must resist the coercion and not speak Lashon Hara. It is also forbidden
to speak Lashon Hara to avoid a financial loss or to avoid personal dishonor. It is also
prohibited to speak Lashon Hara about oneself. If one witnesses a "yirei Elokim"
(sincerely G-d fearing individual) who says or does something that can be interpreted
favorably and given the benefit of the doubt, whether Bein Adam L'Makom (between
man and G-d) or Bein Adam L'chaveiro (between man and fellow man), one is obligated
to judge him favorably even if the speech or action in question is more logically
interpreted negatively. If one witnesses a "beinoni" (average person who is careful to
avoid sin, yet on occasion falters) who says or does something that can be interpreted

favorably or unfavorably, one is obligated to follow the favorable judgment. Even if the
speech or action leans toward the negative and there is no room to interpret the behavior
as favorable, one is not permitted to transgress the prohibition of Lashon Hara (Leviticus

Speaking negatively about individuals is permitted under certain circumstances and only
if the reason for speaking negatively is to warn others from learning such negative
behavior or prevent future harm. The prohibition of Lashon Hara applies when one
speaks negatively of another in order to disparage or embarrass the individual and rejoice
in the disgrace of another person. If one has spoken to the offending person and that
person does not listen or change his/her ways, one is obligated to speak to the offending
person's children or students in order to warn against learning the negative behavior. It is
important to remember to tell the offending person that one is going to speak to his/her
children or students and exactly why this is being done. When one is entering into a
potential relationship - such as employment or an arranged marriage - one is permitted to
inquire about a person's behavior through a third party as long as that person has been
informed about the potential relationship. Even if the inquiries lead to negative speech,
the inquiries are permissible in order to prevent future harm and are used for the good of
the person.

Every individual Jew has the responsibility and command to not speak Lashon Hara
about fellow Jews and not create an atmosphere of chilul HaShem. If one does transgress
against this command, one must perform teshuvah (repentence).

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Did You Hear What Sarah Said to Adam? Lashon Hara and Chilul
By Jennifer Abbott

We all known how easy it is to listen into a good conversation with a lot of juicy gossip
attached to each sentence. We all also know how hurtful it is to have gossip spoken about
ourselves. So what is Lashon Hara and what are we to do when we hear or see it?

It is forbidden to speak disparagingly about a fellow Jew (chaveir – lit. "friend") even if
the information is entirely true. This is Lashon Hara.

You shall not be a gossipmonger among your people, you shall not stand aside while your
fellow’s blood is shed – I am HaShem. ---Leviticus 19:16

It is also forbidden to speak, write, communicate, or act in any way that would create a
chilul HaShem (desecration of the name of G-d). This prohibition forbids speaking or
acting in a disparagingly way toward a fellow Jew or non-Jew. Chilul HaShem does not
sanctify G-d's Name and leads those around the offending person to question whether the
person is truly a G-d-fearing, righteous Jew.

You shall not desecrate My holy Name, rather I should be sanctified among the Children
of Israel; I am HaShem Who sanctifies you. ---Leviticus 22:32

If the information contains any kernel of fabrication, the speech is also called motzi shem
ra (lit. "putting out a bad name"). Those people who make a habit out of speaking in a
derogatory manner are called ba'alei lashon hara (lit. "masters of lashon hara"). These
ba'alei regularly create a chilul HaShem. Such behavior cuts the ba'alei off from much of
the good in the world around them. In addition, this behavior cuts them off from olam
habah (The World To Come). The Sages say (Bab. Erchin 15b) that there are three things
that cut a person off from olam habah - murder, adultery, and idol worship and that
Lashon Hara is equivalent to all three.

If someone (even a parent or teacher) attempts to coerece a person into speaking Lashon
Hara, the person must resist the coercion and not speak Lashon Hara. It is also forbidden
to speak Lashon Hara to avoid a financial loss or to avoid personal dishonor. It is also
prohibited to speak Lashon Hara about oneself. If one witnesses a "yirei Elokim"
(sincerely G-d fearing individual) who says or does something that can be interpreted
favorably and given the benefit of the doubt, whether Bein Adam L'Makom (between
man and G-d) or Bein Adam L'chaveiro (between man and fellow man), one is obligated
to judge him favorably even if the speech or action in question is more logically
interpreted negatively. If one witnesses a "beinoni" (average person who is careful to
avoid sin, yet on occasion falters) who says or does something that can be interpreted
favorably or unfavorably, one is obligated to follow the favorable judgment. Even if the
speech or action leans toward the negative and there is no room to interpret the behavior
as favorable, one is not permitted to transgress the prohibition of Lashon Hara.

You shall not commit a perversion of justice; you shall not facor the poor and you shall
not honor the great; with righteousness shall you judge your fellow. ---Leviticus 19:15

Speaking negatively about individuals is permitted under certain circumstances and only
if the reason for speaking negatively is to warn others from learning such negative
behavior or prevent future harm. The prohibition of Lashon Hara applies when one
speaks negatively of another in order to disparage or embarrass the individual and rejoice
in the disgrace of another person. If one has spoken to the offending person and that
person does not listen or change his/her ways, one is obligated to speak to the offending
person's children or students in order to warn against learning the negative behavior. It is
important to remember to tell the offending person that one is going to speak to his/her
children or students and exactly why this is being done. When one is entering into a
potential relationship - such as employment or an arranged marriage - one is permitted to
inquire about a person's behavior through a third party as long as that person has been
informed about the potential relationship. Even if the inquiries lead to negative speech,
the inquiries are permissible in order to prevent future harm and are used for the good of
the person.

Every individual Jew has the responsibility and command to not speak Lashon Hara
about fellow Jews and not create an atmosphere of chilul HaShem. If one does transgress
against this command, one must perform teshuvah (repentence).

1. One must realize that he/she has trespassed against another.

2. One must regret what he/she has done.
3. One must ask for forgiveness from the person against who he/she transgressed (or
his/her family in the case of a death).
4. One must make restitution to the person (or his/her family in the case of a death).
5. One must honestly make attempts to not commit the same trespass in the future.

Every Jew must remember that they are representatives of G-d and are to be a Light Unto
the Nations. Lashon Hara and chilul HaShem are degrading to the individual as well as to
his/her fellow Jews and G-d.

© Jennifer Abbott 2003-2007

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The Commandments

On the next few pages Yavoh Ministries will present a more concise and detailed listing of the 613
commandments (mitzvot). It is based primarily on the list recorded and classified by RaMBaM in his classic
compendium of Jewish law, the MishnehTorah, which contains 14 primary "books" or sections. For each
mitzvah, we have provided a citation to the biblical passage or passages from which it is derived, based
primarily on RaMBaM.

Some Scripture references may contain a reference in parenthesis (). This indicates a conflict in reference
numbering between the Hebrew and Christian copies of the Scriptures and reflects the Christian reference
to the Scriptures which are used.

Even though may of the commands listed below are found in the Scriptures, many Christians believe that
any ruling by the Rabbis is not binding upon them because they have been taught the "this is just for the
Jews". Therefore an understanding of what Ya'shua (Jesus) referred to as "Moshe's seat" should really
accompany their study of the mitzvot. A good explanation of "Moshe's seat" and the authority of the
Rabbis for all who would partake of the promises of the Covenant is given HERE and Berean students are
urged to read it.

Positive Commandments Negative Commandments

Book 1 — The Book of Knowledge Book 8 — The Book of Service

Book 2 — The Book of Adoration Book 9 — The Book of Sacrifices

Book 3 — The Book of Seasons Book 10 — The Book of Purity

Book 4 — The Book of Women Book 11 — The Book of Injuries

Book 5 — The Book of Holiness Book 12 — The Book of Acquisition

Book 6 — The Book of Oaths Book 13 — The Book of Judgments

Book 7 — The Book of Seeds Book 14 — The Book of Judges

The 613 Commandments —
248 Positive Commandments

The Negative Commandments

Mitzvah is a Hebrew word often translated "commandment." It comes from the Hebrew
root tzavah. Tzavah means to "constitute, to enjoin, appoint, give charge to, set in order."
So it really means more than to command. The plural form in mitzvot. The purpose of the
mitzvot is to give order to our lives so that we put äåäé first in our lives.

There are 248 positive mitzvot (Do's) and 365 negative mitzvot (Don'ts). The total number of mitzvot is
613. The Sages calculate that there are 248 important organs equal to the 248 positive mitzvot and 365
sinews equal to the 365 negative mitzvot in our bodies. This is just one of the ways that it is evident that
we are created for äåäé. In the 12th century, Maimonides classified the 613 mitzvot in his classic work of
Jewish Law, MishnehTorah, which contains 14 main books or sections. This page and its sister page
segregate the positive and negative mitzvot. We have departed from the tradition of calling a
commandment the "Law". Herein it is referred to the more proper name of "Torah" which means
teaching. After all, these are the teachings of God.

Column 3 links each mitzvah to its associated book. Column 4 links some mitzvahs to a d'rash (teaching)
that explores the Messianic and spiritual meaning of mitzvah. It will continue to grow until we have
covered all 613 mitzvot.

1 A1 1 Sh’mot 20:2 To believe in God

2 A2 3 D’varim 6:4 The unity of God
3 A3 4 D’varim 6:5 To love God
4 A4 5 D’varim 6:13 To fear God
5 A5 77 Sh’mot 23:25 To worship God

6 A6 12 D’varim 10:20 To cleave to God
7 A7 213 D’varim 10:20 To take an Oath Only by the Name of God
8 A8 11 D’varim 28:9 Walking in the ways of God
9 A9 6 Vayikra 22:32 To sanctify the Name of God
10 A10 76 D’varim 6:7 To read the Shema Twice Daily
11 A11 22 D’varim 6:7 To study and Teach the Torah
12 A12 79 D’varim 6:8 To bind Tefillin on the Head
13 A13 80 D’varim 6:8 To bind Tefillin on the Arm
14 A14 84 B’midbar 15:38 To put Tzitzit on the corners of clothing
15 A15 81 D’varim 6:9 To affix the Mezuzah to the doorposts and gates of your house
16 A16 425 D’varim 31:12 Kawhal during Chag Sukkot to hear the reading of the Torah
17 A17 83 D’varim 17:18 The King Shall Write a Sefer Torah for himself
18 A18 82 D’varim 31:19 That every person shall write a Sefer Torah
19 A19 85 D’varim 8:10 To bless God after meals
20 A20 301 Sh’mot 25:8 To build the Beit Ha'Miqdash
21 A21 304 Vayikra 19:30 To revere the Beit Ha'Miqdash
22 A22 305 B’midbar 18:4 To guard the Beit Ha'Miqdash
23 A23 314 B’midbar 18:23 The Levi shall serve in the Beit Ha'Miqdash
24 A24 331 Sh’mot 30:18-19 The ritual cleansing of the Kohen
25 A25 378 Sh’mot 27:20-21 The Torah of Kindling the Menorah
26 A26 78 B’midbar 6:23 The Kohen Shall Bless Yisra'el
27 A27 381 Sh’mot 25:30 The Torah of the Table of Showbread
28 A28 377 Sh’mot 30:7 The Torah of the Altar of Incense
29 A29 374 Vayikra 6:12-13 To always keep the fire burning on the Altar of the Burnt Offering
30 A30 376 Vayikra 6:10 To remove the ashes from the Altar
31 A31 326 B’midbar 5:2 To remove tame persons from the camp
32 A32 316 Vayikra 21:8 To consecrate the Kohen
33 A33 318 Sh’mot 28:2 The Kohen shall put on priestly vestments for the service

34 A34 312 B’midbar 7:9 The Kohen are to bear the Ark on their shoulders
35 A35 307 Sh’mot 30:31 To prepare the Oil of Anointment
36 A36 317 D’varim 18:6-8 The Kohen shall serve in the Sanctuary in divisions
37 A37 587 Vayikra 21:1-3 The Kohen to mourn for relatives
38 A38 171 Vayikra 21:13 The Kohen Gadolshall marry a virgin
39 A39 373 B’midbar 28:3 The Torah of the Daily Burnt Offerings
40 A40 379 Vayikra 6:19-23 The Torah of the Chavittin
41 A41 380 B’midbar 28:9-10 The Torah of the Sabbath Additional Offering
42 A42 382 B’midbar 28:11-15 The Torah of the Rosh Chodesh Additional Offering
43 A43 383 Vayikra 23:7 The Torah of the Pesach Additional Offering
44 A44 384 Vayikra 23:12-13 The Torah of the Yom Ha'Bikkur Additional Offering
45 A45 386 B’midbar 28:27-31 The Torah of the Chag Shavu'ot Additional Offering
46 A46 387 Vayikra 23:17 Bring two loaves of leavened bread to accompany the Chag Shavu'ot Offering
47 A47 388 B’midbar 29:1-6 The Torah of the Yom Teruah Additional Offering
48 A48 389 B’midbar 28:7-8 The Torah of the Yom Kippur Additional Offering
49 A49 400 Vayikra 16 The Torah of the Yom Kippur Service
50 A50 390 B’midbar 29:12-34 The Torah of the Chag Sukkot Additional Offering
51 A51 391 B’midbar 29:36 The Torah of the Sh'minei Atzeret Additional Offering
52 A52 421 Sh’mot 23:14 The Torah of the Three Annual Pilgrimages
53 A53 420 Sh’mot 34:23 To appear before äåäé during the Festivals
54 A54 422 D’varim 16:14 To rejoice on the Festivals
55 A55 404 Sh’mot 12:6-7 The Torah of Slaughter of the Pesach-offering
56 A56 408 Sh’mot 12:8-10 The Torah of Eating the Pesach-offering
57 A57 407 B’midbar 9:11-14 The Torah of the PesachSheini-offering
58 A58 409 B’midbar 9:11b-12 The Torah of Eating the Pesach Sheini- offering
59 A59 121 B’midbar 10:9-10 The Torah of Blowing the Trumpets in the Sanctuary
60 A60 345 Vayikra 22:27 That animal sacrifices must be at least eight days old
61 A61 336 Vayikra 22:21 To offer only unblemished sacrifices

62 A62 348 Vayikra 2:13 The Torah of Salt
63 A63 350 Vayikra 1 The Torah of the Burnt Offering
64 A64 352 Vayikra 4:1-12 The Torah of the Sin Offering
65 A65 355 Vayikra 7 The Torah of the Guilt Offering
66 A66 359 Vayikra 3 The Torah of the Peace Offering
67 A67 361 Vayikra 2 The Torah of the Meal Offering
68 A68 435 Vayikra 4:13-21 The Torah of a Court of Judgment Which Rules in Error
69 A69 431 Vayikra 4:27-35 The Torah of the Fixed Sin Offering
70 A70 432 Vayikra 5:17-18 The Torah of the Asham Talui
71 A71 401 Vayikra 5:15-16 The Torah of the Unconditional Guilt Offering
72 A72 434 Vayikra 5:7-11 The Torah of the Olah V'yoredOffering
73 A73 75 B’midbar 5:6-7 The Torah of Confession
74 A74 438 Vayikra 15:13-15 The Torah of the Offering of a Zav
75 A75 436 Vayikra 15:28-30 The Torah of the Offering of a Zavah
76 A76 437 Vayikra 12:6 The Torah of the Offering of a Woman after Childbirth
77 A77 439 Vayikra 14:8 The Torah of the Tzara after he is cleansed
78 A78 429 Vayikra 27:32 The Torah of the Tithe of Animals
79 A79 426 Sh’mot 13:1-2,11 To sanctify the Pidyon Ha'Bekor
80 A80 276 B’midbar 18:15 To redeem the Pidyon Ha'Bekor
81 A81 277 Sh’mot 34:20 To redeem the first born of a donkey
82 A82 278 Sh’mot 13:13 To break the neck of the first born of a donkey if it is not redeemed
83 A83 367 D’varim 12:5-7 The Torah of the Obligatory and Freewill Offerings
84 A84 369 D’varim 12:13-14 To bring all sacrifices to the Sanctuary
85 A85 370 D’varim 12:26 To bring all sacrifices from outside Eretz Yisra'el to Sanctuary
86 A86 344 D’varim 12:15 To redeem blemished offerings
87 A87 441 Vayikra 27:33 The holiness of substituted offerings
88 A88 366 Vayikra 2:9(10) That the remainder of the Meal Offering shall be eaten by the Kohen
89 A89 356 Sh’mot 29:32-33 The Kohen shall eat the meat of the Consecrated Offerings
90 A90 399 Vayikra 7:19 To burn meat of the holy sacrifice that has become tame

91 A91 398 Vayikra 7:17 To burn meat of the holy sacrifice that has remained until the 3rd day
92 A92 217 B’midbar 6:5 The nazir shall permit his hair grow
93 A93 226 B’midbar 6:18 The nazir obligations on completion of vow
94 A94 214 D’varim 23:23 That a man should fulfill what he has uttered
95 A95 216 B’midbar 30:2-17 The Torah of the Annulment of Vows
96 A96 458 Vayikra 11:39 The Torah of Impurity of a Dead Beast
97 A97 459 Vayikra 11:29 The Torah of Impurity of the Eight Sh'retz
98 A98 461 Vayikra 11:33-34 The Torah of Impurity of Food and Drink
99 A99 454 Vayikra 15:19-24 The Torah of Impurity of a Menstruate
100 A100 455 Vayikra 12:2 The Torah of Impurity After Childbirth
101 A101 446 Vayikra 13:1-46 The Torah of Tzara'atin a Person (Leprosy in a Person)
102 A102 452 Vayikra 13:47-59 The Torah of Tzara'at in Clothing (Leprosy in Clothing)
103 A103 453 Vayikra 14:33-53 The Torah of Tzara'at in a House (Leprosy in a House)
104 A104 457 Vayikra 15:1-12 The Torah of Impurity of a Zav
105 A105 460 Vayikra 15:16 The Torah of Impurity of the Emission of Semen
106 A106 456 Vayikra 15:25-27 The Torah of Impurity of a Zavah
107 A107 443 B’midbar 19:11-16 The tumah of a corpse
108 A108 445 B’midbar 19:13,21 The Torah of the Water of Purification
109 A109 462 Vayikra 15:16 The Torah of Immersion in a Mikvah
110 A110 450 Vayikra 14 The Torah of Cleansing From Leprosy
111 A111 451 Vayikra 14:9 The tzara must shave his head prior to purification
112 A112 449 Vayikra 13:45 The tzara must be made distinguishable
113 A113 444 B’midbar 19:2-9 The Torah of the Ordinance of the Red Heifer
114 A114 227 Vayikra 27:2-8 The Torah of the Valuation of a Person
115 A115 228 Vayikra 27:11-13 The Torah of the Valuation of Beasts
116 A116 229 Vayikra 27:14 The Torah of the Valuation of Houses
117 A117 230 Vayikra 27:16-24 The Torah of the Valuation of Fields
118 A118 433 Vayikra 5:14-6:7 The Torah of the Asham Vadai
119 A119 268 Vayikra 19:24 The Torah of the Fruits of the Fourth-year Planting
120 A120 239 Vayikra 19:9a To leave the peah of the field or orchard for the poor
121 A121 241 Vayikra 19:9b To leave peretof the field for the poor

122 A122 247 D’varim 24:19 To leave the forgotten sheaves for the poor
123 A123 245 Vayikra 19:10 To leave olelah of the vineyard for the poor
124 A124 243 D’varim 24:21 To leave the peret of the vineyard for the poor
125 A125 270 Sh’mot 23:19 The Torah of First Fruits
126 A126 252 D’varim 18:4 The Torah of the Terumah Gedolah
127 A127 260 Vayikra 27:30 The Torah of the Ma'aser
128 A128 261 D’varim 14:22 The Torah of the Ma'aser Sha'ni
129 A129 253 B’midbar 18:26 The Torah of the Levi'im Tithe for the Kohen'im
130 A130 249 D’varim 14:28 To set aside the poor man's tithe in the third and sixth year
131 A131 269 D’varim 26:13 To make the declaration when giving the various tithes
132 A132 272 D’varim 26:5 To read the portion prescribed on bringing the first fruits
133 A133 273 B’midbar 15:20 To set aside theChallah for the Kohen
134 A134 284 Sh’mot 23:11 To leave all self-growth produce which grows during Sh'biy'iy
135 A135 279 Vayikra 25:1-4a To rest the land during the sh'biy'iy
136 A136 289 Vayikra 25:10 To sanctify the Yovel
137 A137 290 Vayikra 25:9 To sound the shofar on Yom Kippur in the Yovel
138 A138 294 Vayikra 25:24 The Torah of Redemption of the land in the Yovel
139 A139 296 Vayikra 25:29 The Torah of Redemption of Property Within a Walled City
140 A140 288 Vayikra 25:8 To count the years until the Yovel
141 A141 285 D’varim 15:3 To release all debts during Sh'metah
142 A142 528 D’varim 15:4 To exact the debt of an alien
143 A143 274 D’varim 18:3 The Kohen their due in the slaughter of every clean animal
144 A144 275 D’varim 18:4 The first of the fleece to be given to the Kohen
145 A145 231 Vayikra 27:21,28 The Cherem Vow
146 A146 204 D’varim 12:21 The Torah of Schita
147 A147 206 Vayikra 17:13 To cover the blood of a slaughtered animal or fowl with earth
148 A148 208 D’varim 22:7 To release the mother bird before taking the nest
149 A149 176 Vayikra 11:1-3 To examine the signs of animals to distinguish the clean
150 A150 177 D’varim 14:11 To examine the signs of fowls to distinguish the clean
151 A151 179 Vayikra 11:21 To examine the signs in locusts to distinguish the clean
152 A152 178 Vayikra 11:9 To examine the signs of fish to distinguish the clean

153 A153 120 Vayikra 12:2 To determine Rosh Chodesh
154 A154 87 Sh’mot 23:12 To rest on Sabbath
155 A155 91 Sh’mot 20:8 To proclaim the sanctity of Sabbath
156 A156 109 Sh’mot 12:15 To remove all chametz on the Eve of Pesach
157 A157 115 Sh’mot 13:8 To tell the story Exodus from Egypt on first night of Pesach
158 A158 114 Sh’mot 12:18 To eat Matzah on the first night of Pesach
159 A159 96 Sh’mot 12:16 To Rest on the first day of Pesach
160 A160 98 Sh’mot 12:16 To Rest on the seventh day of Pesach
161 A161 385 Vayikra 23:15 To count the Omer for 50 days from the day of the first sheaf
162 A162 100 Vayikra 23:21 To Hold a Sacred Assembly on Chag Shavu'ot
163 A163 102 Vayikra 23:24 To Rest on Yom Teruah
164 A164 94 Vayikra 16:29 To Fast on Yom Kippur
165 A165 92 Vayikra 16:31 To Rest on Yom Kippur
166 A166 104 Vayikra 23:35 To Rest on the first day of Chag Sukkot
167 A167 106 Vayikra 23:36 To Rest on Sh'mini Atzeret
168 A168 117 Vayikra 23:42 To Dwell in a Sukkah for the seven days of Chag Sukkot
169 A169 118 Vayikra 23:40 To take up a Lulav and Etrog all seven days of Chag Sukkot
170 A170 116 B’midbar 29:1 To Hear the Shofar on Yom Teruah
171 A171 119 Sh’mot 30:11-13 Each man must give a half shekel annually
172 A172 9 D’varim 18:15 To Heed the Prophets who speak in His Name
173 A173 591 D’varim 17:15 To appoint a King from Israel
174 A174 578 D’varim 17:10-11 Act According to the ruling of the Sanhedrin
175 A175 542 Sh’mot 23:2 To abide by a majority decision
176 A176 540 D’varim 16:18 To Appoint Judges and Officers of the Court
177 A177 563 Vayikra 19:15 To treat litigants equally before the law
178 A178 570 Vayikra 5:1 Anybody who knows evidence must testify in court
179 A179 571 D’varim 13:15 To carefully inquire into the testimony of witnesses
180 A180 577 D’varim 19:19 To punish the false witnesses as they tried to punish the defendant
181 A181 491 D’varim 21:4 The Torah of the Eglah Arufah
182 A182 490 D’varim 19:3 To designate cities of refuge and prepare routes of access
183 A183 299 B’midbar 35:2 To give cities to the Levi'im cities in which to live

184 A184 494 D’varim 22:8 To make a guardrail around flat roofs
185 A185 53 D’varim 12:2 To destroy all idolatry and its appurtenances
186 A186 33 D’varim 13:17 The Torah of an Apostate City
187 A187 596 D’varim 20:17 The Torah of the Seven Nations
188 A188 598 D’varim 25:19 To completely wipe out the seed of Amalek
189 A189 599 D’varim 25:17 Always remember what Amalek did to the Jewish people
190 A190 602 D’varim 20:11-12 The Torah of the Non-Obligatory War
191 A191 607 D’varim 20:2 To appoint a Kohen to speak to the soldiers in a war
192 A192 605 D’varim 23:14-15 To prepare a place outside the camp for sanitary purposes
193 A193 606 D’varim 23:14 To including a digging tool among war implements
194 A194 478 Vayikra 5:23 To restore that which was taken by robbery
195 A195 250 D’varim 15:8 To give charity
196 A196 509 D’varim 15:14 To lavishing gifts on a Hebrew bondman on his freedom
197 A197 526 Sh’mot 22:24 To Lending money to the poor
198 A198 537 D’varim 23:21 To lend money to the heathen with interest
199 A199 530 D’varim 24:13 To restore a pledge to a needy owner
200 A200 518 D’varim 24:15 To pay wages on time
201 A201 520 D’varim 23:25 The hired worker may eat from the unharvested crops where he works
202 A202 496 Sh’mot 23:5 To help another remove the load from a beast which can no longer carry it
203 A203 497 D’varim 22:4 To assist in replacing the load upon a neighbor's beast
204 A204 480 D’varim 22:1 To return lost property to its owner
205 A205 16 Vayikra 19:17 To rebuke the sinner
206 A206 13 Vayikra 19:18 To love your neighbor as yourself
207 A207 14 D’varim 10:19 To love the convert
208 A208 469 Vayikra 19:36 The Torah of Weights and Measures
209 A209 23 Vayikra 19:32 To honor the old and wise
210 A210 584 Sh’mot 20:12 To respect your father and mother
211 A211 585 Vayikra 19:3 To reverently fear your father and mother
212 A212 125 B’reshit 1:28 To have children with one's wife
213 A213 122 D’varim 24:1 The Torah of Marriage
214 A214 608 D’varim 24:5 The bridegroom shall devote himself for one year to rejoice with his wife

215 A215 86 B’reshit 17:10-11 The Torah of Brit Milah
216 A216 128 D’varim 25:5 The Torah of Yabam
217 A217 129 D’varim 25:9 The Torah of Chalitzah
218 A218 132 D’varim 22:28-29 The rapist must marry the maiden he has violated
219 A219 134 D’varim 22:13-19 The Torah of the Defamer of his Bride
220 A220 131 Sh’mot 22:15-16 The Torah of the Seducer
221 A221 611 D’varim 21:11 The Torah of the Captive Woman
222 A222 126 D’varim 24:1 The Torah of Divorce
223 A223 136 B’midbar 5:30 The Torah of a Sotah
224 A224 553 D’varim 25:2 The Court shall hand down a sentence of whipping
225 A225 484 B’midbar 35:25 The Torah of the Unintentional Murderer
226 A226 547 Sh’mot 21:20 The Court shall hand down a sentence of death by beheading
227 A227 548 Vayikra 20:10 The Court shall hand down a sentence of death by strangulation
228 A228 546 Vayikra 20:14 The Court shall hand down a sentence of death by burning
229 A229 545 D’varim 22:24 The Court shall hand down a sentence of death by stoning
230 A230 549 D’varim 21:22 The Court must hang those stoned for blasphemy or idolatry
231 A231 550 D’varim 21:23 To bury the hanged transgressor on the day of the execution
232 A232 504 Sh’mot 21:2-6 The Torah of the Hebrew Bondman
233 A233 512 Sh’mot 21:8-9 The Hebrew bondmaid to be married by her master or his son
234 A234 511 Sh’mot 21:8 The Torah of the Redemption of a Hebrew bondmaid
235 A235 514 Vayikra 25:46 The Torah of a Canaanite Bondman
236 A236 481 Sh’mot 21:18-19 The Penalty for Inflicting Injury
237 A237 463 Sh’mot 21:35-36 The Torah of Injuries Caused by an Ox
238 A238 465 Sh’mot 21:33-34 The Torah of Damage Caused by a Pit
239 A239 468 Sh’mot 21:37 The Torah of Theft
240 A240 464 Sh’mot 22:4(5) The Torah of Damage Caused by a Beast
241 A241 466 Sh’mot 22:5(6) The Torah of Damage Cause by a Fire
242 A242 525 Sh’mot 22:6-8(7-8) The Torah of an Unpaid Bailee
243 A243 517 Sh’mot 22:9-12 The Torah of a Paid Bailee
244 A244 524 Sh’mot 22:13-14 The Torah of a Borrower
245 A245 499 Vayikra 25:14 The Torah of Buying and Selling

246 A246 538 Sh’mot 22:8(9) The Torah of Litigants
247 A247 487 D’varim 25:12 To save someone being pursued even by taking the life of the pursuer
248 A248 539 B’midbar 27:8 The Torah of Inheritance

The 613 Commandments —
365 Negative Commandments

The Positive Commandments

Mitzvah is a Hebrew word often translated "commandment." It comes from the Hebrew
root tzavah. Tzavah means to "constitute, to enjoin, appoint, give charge to, set in order."
So it really means more than to command. The plural form in mitzvot. The purpose of the
mitzvot is to give order to our lives so that we put äåäé first in our lives.

249 N1 2 Sh’mot 20:3 Not to entertain thoughts of any other Eloheimbesides Him
250 N2 29 Sh’mot 20:4 Not to make images for the purpose of worship
251 N3 30 Vayikra 19:4 Not to make an idol for others to worship
252 N4 31 Sh’mot 20:23 Not to make figures of human beings
253 N5 28 Sh’mot 20:5 Not to bow down to an idol
254 N6 27 Sh’mot 20:5 Not to worship idols
255 N7 49 Vayikra 18:21 Not to pass your children through the file to Molech
256 N8 47 Vayikra 19:31 Not to practice sorcery of the Ov
257 N9 48 Vayikra 19:31 Not to practice sorcery of the yidoni
258 N10 24 Vayikra 19:4 Not to study idolatrous practices
259 N11 50 D’varim 16:22 Not to erect a pillar in a place of worship
260 N12 51 Vayikra 26:1 Not to lay down an engraved stone for worship
261 N13 52 D’varim 16:21 Not to plant trees in the Temple courtyard
262 N14 46 Sh’mot 23:13 Not to swear by an idol
263 N15 32 Sh’mot 23:13 Not to divert people to idolatry
264 N16 36 D’varim 13:12 Not to entice an Israelite to worship idols
265 N17 37 D’varim 13:9a Not to love the enticer to idolatry
266 N18 38 D’varim 13:9b Not to listen to the enticer to idolatry

267 N19 39 D’varim 13:9c Not to pity the enticer to idolatry
268 N20 40 D’varim 13:9d Not to spare the life of an enticer to idolatry
269 N21 41 D’varim 13:9e Not to suppress evidence unfavorable to the enticer to idolatry
270 N22 55 D’varim 7:25 No to benefit from ornaments which have adorned an idol
271 N23 34 D’varim 13:17 Not to rebuild an apostate city
272 N24 35 D’varim 13:18 Not to derive benefit from the property of an apostate city
273 N25 54 D’varim 7:26 Not to increase wealth from anything connected with idolatry
274 N26 42 D’varim 18:20 Not to prophesy in the name of an idol
275 N27 44 D’varim 18:20 Not prophesying falsely in the name of äåäé
276 N28 43 D’varim 13:3 Not to listen to someone who prophesies in the name of an idol
277 N29 45 D’varim 18:22 Not to fear or refrain from killing a false prophet
278 N30 59 Vayikra 20:23 Not to adopt the habits and customs of idolaters
279 N31 61 D’varim 18:10 Not to practice kesem occult
280 N32 62 Vayikra 19:26 Not to practice anan
281 N33 60 Vayikra 19:26 Not to act on the basis of omens
282 N34 67 D’varim 18:10 Not to practice ka'shaph
283 N35 63 D’varim 18:11 Not to practice the art of a chaber cheber
284 N36 65 D’varim 18:11 Not to consult a Shaal Ov
285 N37 66 D’varim 18:11 Not to inquire of a Yidde'oni
286 N38 64 D’varim 18:11 Not to seek information from the darash muth
287 N39 71 D’varim 22:5 Women not to wear men's clothes or adornments
288 N40 70 D’varim 22:5 Men are not to wear a women's clothes or adornments
289 N41 72 Vayikra 19:28 Not to imprint any marks on our bodies
290 N42 238 D’varim 22:11 Not wearing sha'atnez
291 N43 68 Vayikra 19:27 Not to shave the temples of the head
292 N44 69 Vayikra 19:27 Not to shave the beard

293 N45 73 D’varim 14:1 Not making cuttings in your flesh in mourning
294 N46 601 D’varim 17:16 Not to settle in the land of Egypt
295 N47 25 B’midbar 15:39 Not to indulge in evil thoughts and sites
296 N48 56 Sh’mot 23:32 Not to make a covenant with the Seven Nations of Canaan
297 N49 597 D’varim 20:16 Not to let anyone of the Seven Canaanite Nations to remain alive
298 N50 57 D’varim 7:2 Not to show mercy to idolaters
299 N51 58 Sh’mot 23:33 Not to allow idolaters to settle in the Land of Israel
300 N52 162 D’varim 7:3 Not to intermarry with Gentiles
301 N53 163 D’varim 23:4 Not to intermarry with an Ammonite or Moabite man
302 N54 165 D’varim 23:8 Not to exclude the descendants of Esau (Edom)
303 N55 164 D’varim 23:8 Not to exclude the descendants of Egyptians
304 N56 603 D’varim 23:7 Not to offer peace to Ammon and Moab
305 N57 604 D’varim 20:19 Not to destroy fruit trees in time of siege
306 N58 610 D’varim 7:21 Not to panic and retreat during battle
Not to forget Amalek's atrocities and ambush on our journey from
307 N59 600 D’varim 25:19
308 N60 26 Vayikra 24:16 Not to blaspheme the Name of God
309 N61 209 Vayikra 19:12 Not violating a shevua bittui
310 N62 210 Sh’mot 20:7 Not to swear a shevua shav
311 N63 7 Vayikra 22:32 Not to profane the Name of God
312 N64 10 D’varim 6:16 Not to test the promises and warnings of God
313 N65 8 D’varim 12:4 Not to break down houses of worship or to destroy holy books
314 551 D’varim 21:23 Not to leave the body of an executed criminal hanging overnight
315 N67 306 B’midbar 18:5 Not to interrupt the watch over the Sanctuary
316 N68 324 Vayikra 16:2 The KohenGadol may not enter Sanctuary at any but prescribed times
317 N69 332 Vayikra 21:23 The Kohen with a physical blemish shall not enter the Sanctuary
318 N70 333 Vayikra 21:17 The Kohen with a blemish shall not minister in the Sanctuary

319 N71 334 Vayikra 21:18-21 The Kohen with a temporary blemish not to minister in Sanctuary
The Levi and Kohen'im are not to perform each other's allotted
320 N72 315 B’midbar 18:3
Not to be intoxicated when entering the Sanctuary or giving a
321 N73 321 Vayikra 10:8-11
decision on Torah
322 N74 334 B’midbar 18:4 The zur shall not serve in the Sanctuary
323 N75 329 Vayikra 22:2 That a tameKohen shall not serve in the Sanctuary
324 N76 330 Vayikra 22:7 The Kohen who is tevul yom may not minister in Sanctuary
325 N77 327 B’midbar 5:1-3 That a tameKohen shall not enter the courtyard
326 N78 328 D’varim 23:11 That a tame person shall not enter the camp of Levi
327 N79 302 Sh’mot 20:22 Not to build an Altar of stones which were touched by iron
328 N80 303 Sh’mot 20:26 Not to ascend the Altar by steps
329 N81 375 Vayikra 6:6 Not to extinguish the fire on the Altar
Not to burn anything other than the Incense of the Sanctuary on the
330 N82 311 Sh’mot 30:9
Golden Altar
331 N83 308 Sh’mot 30:32 Not to reproduce oil like the Oil of Anointment
Not anoint anyone except the Kohen and King with the Oil of
332 N84 309 Sh’mot 30:32
333 N85 310 Sh’mot 30:37 Not to incense like the Incense of the Sanctuary
334 N86 313 Sh’mot 25:15 Not to remove the staves from their rings in the Ark
335 N87 320 Sh’mot 28:28 Not to remove the Breastplate from the Ephod
336 N88 319 Sh’mot 28:32 Not to tear the edge of the Kohen's robe
337 N89 372 D’varim 12:13 Not to offer up sacrifices outside the Sanctuary
338 N90 371 Vayikra 17:3 Not t to slaughter holy offerings outside the Sanctuary Court
339 N91 337 Vayikra 22:20 Not to dedicate a blemished animal to be offered on the Altar
340 N92 338 Vayikra 22:22 Not to slaughter a blemished animal as a korban sacrifice
341 N93 339 Vayikra 22:24 Not to sprinkle the blood of a blemished animal on the Altar

342 N94 340 Vayikra 22:22 Not to burn the sacrificial portions of a blemished animal on the Altar
343 N95 341 D’varim 17:1 Not to sacrifice an animal with a temporary blemish on the Altar
344 N96 342 Vayikra 22:25 Not to offer the blemished sacrifice of a Gentile
345 N97 343 Vayikra 22:21 Not to cause an animal set apart for sacrifice to become blemished
346 N98 347 Vayikra 2:11 Not to offer up honey or leaven upon the Altar
347 N99 349 Vayikra 2:13 Not to offer any sacrifice without salt
348 N100 346 D’varim 23:19 Not to bring sacrifices out of the "hire of a harlot" or "price of a dog"
349 N101 205 Vayikra 22:28 Not to slaughter the mother and its young on the same day
350 N102 362 Vayikra 5:11 Not to put olive oil on the Meal Offering of a sinner
351 N103 363 Vayikra 5:11 Not to put levonah the Meal Offering of a sinner
352 N104 137 B’midbar 5:15 Not to put olive oil with Meal Offering of a Sotah
353 N105 138 B’midbar 5:15 Not put levonah on Meal Offering of a Sotah
354 N106 440 Vayikra 27:10 Not to substitute another beast for one set apart for sacrifice
355 N107 442 Vayikra 27:26 Not to change one's holy offering for another
356 N108 428 B’midbar 18:17 Not to redeem the First-born of a clean beast
357 N109 430 Vayikra 27:33 Not to sell the tithe of the herd or flock
358 N110 232 Vayikra 27:28 Not to sell the cherem
359 N111 233 Vayikra 27:28 Not redeem the cherem
360 N112 354 Vayikra 5:8 Not to completely sever the head a fowl brought as a Sin Offering
361 N113 402 D’varim 15:19 Not to do any work with a dedicated beast
362 N114 403 D’varim 15:19 Not to shear any beast set apart for sacrifice
363 N115 405 Sh’mot 34:25 Not to slaughter the Paschal lamb while there is chametz in the home
364 N116 406 Sh’mot 23:18 Not to leave any portion of KorbanPesach-offering overnight
365 N117 417 Sh’mot 12:10 Not to allow meat of KorbanPesach-offering to remain till morning
366 N118 419 D’varim 16:4 Not allow meat of 14 Abib Festival Offering remain till day 3
367 N119 418 B’midbar 9:3 Not allow meat of Pesach Sheini-offering to remain till morning

368 N120 394 Vayikra 22:30 Not to allow the meat of Thanksgiving Offering to remain till morning
369 N121 415 Sh’mot 12:46 Not to break any bones of the Pesach-offering
370 N122 416 B’midbar 9:12 Not to break any bones of the Pesach Sheini- offering
371 N123 411 Sh’mot 12:46 Not to remove the Pesach-offering from where it is eaten
372 N124 365 Vayikra 6:10 Not to bake the residue of a Meal Offering with leaven
373 N125 410 Sh’mot 12:9 Not to eat the Pesach-offering boiled or raw
374 N126 413 Sh’mot 12:45 Not to allow a ger toshav to eat the Pesach-offering
375 N127 414 Sh’mot 12:48 An uncircumcised person may not eat the Pesach-offering
376 N128 412 Sh’mot 12:43 Not to allow an apostate Israelite to eat the Pesach lamb
377 N129 397 Vayikra 12:4 That a tame person may not eat of things that are holy
378 N130 396 Vayikra 7:19 Not to eat of holy things that have become tame
379 N131 395 Vayikra 19:6-8 Not to eat a sacrifice nosar
380 N132 393 Vayikra 7:18 The Torah of Piggul
381 N133 255 Vayikra 22:10 A zur may not eat terumah
382 N134 256 Vayikra 22:10 A Kohen tenant or hired servant may not eat terumah
383 N135 257 Vayikra 22:10 An uncircumcised Kohen may not eat terumah
384 N136 258 Vayikra 22:4 TameKohen may not eat terumah
385 N137 259 Vayikra 22:12 A Kohen's daughter who is a chalalah may not eat terumah
386 N138 364 Vayikra 6:16 Not to eat the Meal Offering of a Kohen
387 N139 353 Vayikra 6:23 Not to eat Sin Offering meat whose blood was brought into Sanctuary
388 N140 392 D’varim 14:3 Not to eat sacrifices which have become unfit or blemished
389 N141 265 D’varim 12:17 Not to eat the Ma'aser Sha'niof grains outside of Jerusalem
390 N142 266 D’varim 12:17 Not to consume the Ma'aser Sha'ni of wine outside of Jerusalem
391 N143 267 D’varim 12:17 Not to consume the Ma'aser Sha'ni of oil outside of Jerusalem
392 N144 427 D’varim 12:17 Not to eat of the unblemished firstling of your herd outside Jerusalem
393 N145 357 D’varim 12:17 The Kohen'im must not eat the meat of the Sin or Guilt Offering

outside the Temple
394 N146 351 D’varim 12:17 Not to eat the meat of the Burnt Offering
395 N147 360 D’varim 12:17 Not to eat the meat of minor sacrifices before sprinkling the blood
397 N148 358 Sh’mot 29:33 That a zar shall not eat the flesh of the holy sacrifices
396 N149 271 D’varim 12:18 Not to eat within your gates the Heave Offering of your hand
398 N150 263 D’varim 26:14 Not to eat the Ma'aser Sha'ni for tame manner
399 N151 264 D’varim 26:14 Not to eat the Ma'aser Sha'ni while in mourning
400 N152 262 D’varim 26:14 Not to give the Ma'aser Sha'ni redemption money for the dead
401 N153 202 Vayikra 22:15 Not to eat tevel
402 N154 254 Sh’mot 22:28 Not to alter the prescribed order of harvest tithing
Not to delay in fulfilling vows or bringing Obligatory or Freewill
404 N155 368 D’varim 23:22
403 N156 423 Sh’mot 23:15 Not to appear in the Sanctuary for the festival without a sacrifice
405 N157 215 B’midbar 30:3 Not to infringe on any oral obligation, even if without an oath
406 N158 173 Vayikra 21:7 A Kohen may not marry a zanah
407 N159 174 Vayikra 21:7 That a Kohen may not marry a chalalah
408 N160 172 Vayikra 21:7 A Kohen may not marry a divorced woman
409 N161 169 Vayikra 21:14 The Kohen may not marry a widow
410 N162 170 Vayikra 21:15 The Kohen may not have sexual relations with a widow
411 N163 322 Vayikra 10:6 Kohen with disheveled hair may not enter the Sanctuary
412 N164 323 Vayikra 10:6 Kohen with torn garments may not enter the Sanctuary
413 N165 325 Vayikra 10:7 The Kohen may not leave the Sanctuary Courtyard
The Kohen must not defile himself for anyone except immediate
414 N166 590 Vayikra 21:1
415 N167 589 Vayikra 21:11 The Kohen may not enter under the same roof as a corpse
416 N168 588 Vayikra 21:11 The Kohen may not defile himself for ANY dead person

417 N169 297 D’varim 18:1 The Levi may not take a share of Eretz Yisra'el
418 N170 298 D’varim 18:1 The Levi may not share in the spoils of war
419 N171 74 D’varim 14:1 Not to make a bald spot for the dead
420 N172 180 Vayikra 11:4 Not to eat unclean animals
421 N173 182 Vayikra 11:10-12 Not to eat unclean fish
422 N174 181 Vayikra 11:13-19 Not to eat unclean fowl
423 N175 183 D’varim 14:19 Not to eat unclean flying insects
424 N176 184 Vayikra 11:41 Not to eat anything which creeps on the earth
425 N177 185 Vayikra 11:44 Not to eat any creeping thing that breeds in decayed matter
426 N178 186 Vayikra 11:42 Not to eat living creatures that breed in seeds or fruit
427 N179 187 Vayikra 11:43 Not to eat any swarming thing
428 N180 188 D’varim 14:21 Not to eat any animal which is a Nevelah
429 N181 190 Sh’mot 22:31 Not to eat an animal which is tereifah
430 N182 191 D’varim 12:32 Not to eat a limb of a living animal
431 N183 194 B’reshit 32:33 Not to eat the gid ha'nasheh
432 N184 192 Vayikra 7:26 Not to eat blood
433 N185 193 Vayikra 7:23 Not to eat the chelebof a clean animal
434 N187 195 Sh’mot 23:19 Not to eat a young male goat cooked in its mother's milk
435 N186 196 Sh’mot 34:26 Not to boil a young male goat in it's mother's milk
436 N188 189 Sh’mot 21:28 Not to eat the flesh of a stoned ox
437 N189 197 Vayikra 23:14 Not to eat bread made of the new grain before the Omer
438 N190 198 Vayikra 23:14 Not to eat roasted grains from the new grain before the Omer
439 N191 199 Vayikra 23:14 Not eat the ripened grains from the new grain before the Omer
440 N192 200 Vayikra 19:23 Not to eat orlah
441 N193 201 D’varim 22:9 Not to eat kilai ha-kerem
442 N194 203 D’varim 32:38 Not to drink yayin nesach
443 N195 586 Vayikra 19:26 Not to eat or drink to excess
444 N196 95 Vayikra 23:29 Not to eat or drink on Yom Kippur
445 N197 110 Sh’mot 13:3 Not to eat chametz on Pesach

446 N198 111 Sh’mot 12:20 Not to eat any food containing chametz on Pesach
447 N199 108 D’varim 16:3 Not to eat chametz after mid-data on the 14th of Abib
448 N200 112 Sh’mot 13:7 No chametz shall be seen in our homes during Pesach
449 N201 113 Sh’mot 12:19 Not to possess chametz during Pesach
450 N202 219 B’midbar 6:3 The Nazir may not drink wine or any beverage from grapes
451 N203 220 B’midbar 6:3 The Nazir shall not eat fresh grapes
452 N204 221 B’midbar 6:3 The Nazir shall not eat dried grapes (raisins)
453 N205 222 B’midbar 6:4 The Nazir shall not eat the kernels of the grapes
454 N206 223 B’midbar 6:4 The Nazir may not eat the skins of the grapes
455 N207 225 B’midbar 6:7 The Nazir may not become tame for the dead
456 N208 224 B’midbar 6:6 That a Nazir may not become tame by entering a house with a corpse
457 N209 218 B’midbar 6:5 The Nazir shall not cut his hair
458 N210 240 Vayikra 23:22 Not to reap all harvest without leaving a corner for the poor
459 N211 242 Vayikra 19:9 Not to gather ears of corn that fell during harvesting
460 N212 246 Vayikra 19:10 Not to gather ol'loth (the imperfect clusters) of the vineyard
461 N213 244 Vayikra 19:10 Not to gather the peret that have fallen to the ground in the vineyard
462 N214 248 D’varim 24:19 Not to return for a forgotten sheaf
463 N215 234 Vayikra 19:19 Not to sow kilayim
464 N216 235 D’varim 22:9 Not to sow grain or vegetables in a vineyard
465 N217 236 Vayikra 19:19 Not to crossbreed animals of different species
466 N218 237 D’varim 22:10 Not to work different kinds of animals together
467 N219 523 D’varim 25:4 Not to prevent a beast from eating the produce where working
468 N220 280 Vayikra 25:4 Not to work the land in the Sh'metah
469 N221 281 Vayikra 25:4 Not to work with trees that produce fruit during Sh'metah
470 N222 282 Vayikra 25:5 Not to reap self-growth crops during Sh'metah as in normal years
471 N223 283 Vayikra 25:5 Not to gather self-growth grapes during Sh'metah as in normal years
472 N224 291 Vayikra 25:11 Not to cultivate the soil during the Yovel
473 N225 292 Vayikra 25:11 Not to reap the after growths of the Yovel as in normal years

Not to pick grapes in the normal manner in the Yovel as in normal
474 N226 293 Vayikra 25:11
475 N227 295 Vayikra 25:23 Not to sell out holdings in Eretz Yisrael in perpetuity
476 N228 300 Vayikra 25:33 Not to sell the open lands of the Levi'im
477 N229 424 D’varim 12:19 Not to forsake the Levi'im
478 N230 286 D’varim 15:2 Not to demand payment of debts after Sh'metah
479 N231 287 D’varim 15:9 Not to refuse a loan because the Sh'metah is near
480 N232 251 D’varim 15:7 Not to withhold charity from the poor
481 N233 510 D’varim 15:13 Not to send a Hebrew bondman away empty-handed
482 N234 527 Sh’mot 22:24 Not to demand payment from a debtor known to be unable to pay
483 N235 534 Vayikra 25:37 Not to lend at interest
484 N236 535 D’varim 23:20 Not to borrow at interest
485 N237 536 Sh’mot 22:24(25) Not to participate in a loan at interest
486 N238 519 Vayikra 19:13 Not to delay payment of wages past the agreed time
487 N239 529 D’varim 24:10 Not to take a pledge from a debtor by force
488 N240 531 D’varim 24:12 Not to keep a needed pledge from its owner
489 N241 532 D’varim 24:17 Not to take a pledge from a widow
490 N242 533 D’varim 24:6 Not to demand as collateral utensils needed for preparing food
491 N243 473 Sh’mot 21:17 Not to abduct an Israelite
492 N244 467 Vayikra 19:11 Not to steal personal property
493 N245 474 Vayikra 19:13 Not to commit robbery
494 N246 472 D’varim 19:14 Not to fraudulently alter land boundaries
495 N247 475 Vayikra 19:13 Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt
496 N248 211 Vayikra 19:11 Not to deny possession of something entrusted to you
497 N249 212 Vayikra 19:11 Not to swear falsely in repudiating our debts
498 N250 500 Vayikra 25:14 Not to wrong one another in business
499 N251 501 Vayikra 25:17 Not wronging one another by speech
500 N252 503 Sh’mot 22:20 Not wronging a proselyte by speech
501 N253 502 Sh’mot 22:20 Not wronging a proselyte in business

502 N254 515 D’varim 23:16 Not to to extradite a slave who fled to Israel
503 N255 516 D’varim 23:17 Not to wrong a slave who has come to Israel for refuge
504 N256 18 Sh’mot 22:21 Not to deal harshly with orphans and widows
505 N257 508 Vayikra 25:39 Not to compel the Hebrew servant to do the work of a slave
506 N258 505 Vayikra 25:42 Not to sell a Hebrew bondman by public auction
507 N259 506 Vayikra 25:43 Not having a Hebrew bondman do unnecessary work
508 N260 507 Vayikra 25:53 Not to allow a Gentile to mistreat a Hebrew bondman
509 N261 513 Sh’mot 21:8 Not to sell a Hebrew bondmaid
510 N262 124 Sh’mot 21:10 Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from your wife
511 N263 612 D’varim 21:14 Not to sell a captive woman into slavery
512 N264 613 D’varim 21:14 Not to enslave a captive woman
513 N265 476 Sh’mot 20:17 Not to covet what belongs to anther
514 N266 477 D’varim 5:18 Not to desire what belongs to another
515 N267 521 D’varim 23:26 The hired laborer is not to eat growing crops
516 N268 522 D’varim 23:25 The hired laborer shall put any of the harvest in his own vessel
517 N269 479 D’varim 22:3 Not to ignore lost property
518 N270 498 D’varim 22:4 Not to leave a beast that has fallen down beneath its burden unaided
519 N271 470 Vayikra 19:35 Not to commit injustice with weights and measures
520 N272 471 D’varim 25:13-14 Not to keep false weights and measures
521 N273 561 Vayikra 19:15 Judge not to commit unrighteousness
522 N274 565 Sh’mot 23:8 A Judge must not accept bribes
523 N275 559 Vayikra 19:15 A Judge is not to favor a great man at the trial
524 N276 541 D’varim 1:17 Not to appoint judges who are not familiar with judicial procedure
525 N277 558 Vayikra 19:15 A Judge is not to decide in favor of poor man out of pity
526 N278 560 Sh’mot 23:6 Not to pervert the judgment of your poor
527 N279 557 D’varim 19:13 A judge must not pity the murderer or assaulter at the trial
528 N280 562 D’varim 24:17 A Judge must not pervert justice involving converts or orphans
529 N281 566 Sh’mot 23:1 A Judge must not to listen to one litigant in absence of the other

530 N282 543 Sh’mot 23:2 Not to convict by a majority of one in a capital case
A Judge must not present arguments for acquittal and conviction in
531 N283 544 Sh’mot 23:2
the same case
532 N284 564 D’varim 1:17 The Judge must not fear a violent man in judgment
533 N285 576 Sh’mot 20:16 Not to testify falsely
534 N286 574 Sh’mot 23:1 Judge shall not receive a wicked man's testimony
535 N287 575 D’varim 24:16 Judge shall not receive testimony from litigants' relatives
536 N288 573 D’varim 19:15 Not to convict on the testimony of a single witness
537 N289 482 Sh’mot 20:13 Not to murder
538 N290 555 B’midbar 35:30 The Court must not kill anybody on circumstantial evidence
539 N291 572 Sh’mot 23:7 That a witness must not serve as a judge
540 N292 486 B’midbar 35:12 Not to kill a murderer without trial
541 N293 488 B’midbar 35:12 Not to spare the life of a pursuer
The Court must not punish a person for being forced to commit a
542 N294 556 D’varim 22:26
543 N295 483 B’midbar 35:31 Not to accept ransom from a murderer
Not to accept monetary restitution instead of being sent to a city of
544 N296 485 B’midbar 35:32
545 N297 489 Vayikra 19:16 Not to stand idly by when a human life is in danger
546 N298 493 D’varim 22:8 Not to allow pitfalls and obstacles to remain on your property
547 N299 495 Vayikra 19:14 Not to put a stumbling block before a blind man
548 N300 554 D’varim 25:3 The Court must not exceed the prescribed number of lashes
549 N301 19 Vayikra 19:16 Not to carry tales
550 N302 15 Vayikra 19:17 Not to hate another Israelite
551 N303 17 Vayikra 19:17 Not to put another to shame
552 N304 20 Vayikra 19:18 Not to take vengeance on another
553 N305 21 Vayikra 19:18 Not to bear a grudge
554 N306 207 D’varim 22:6 Not to take the mother bird and her young

555 N307 448 Vayikra 13:33 Not to shave the signs of leprosy in the hair
556 N308 447 D’varim 24:8 Not to cut or cauterize the signs of leprosy
557 N309 492 D’varim 21:4 Not to plough a valley where Eglah Arufah was performed
558 N310 552 Sh’mot 22:17 Not to permit a sorceress to live
Not to demand from a bridegroom any communal or military
559 N311 609 D’varim 24:5
560 N312 579 D’varim 17:11 Not to deviate from the word of the Sanhedrin
561 N313 580 D’varim 4:2 Not to add to the Torah commandments or their oral explanations
Not to diminish from the Torah any commandments, in whole or in
562 N314 581 D’varim 4:2
563 N315 567 Sh’mot 22:27(28) Not to to curse judges
564 N316 568 Sh’mot 22:27 Not to curse a ruler
565 N317 569 Vayikra 19:14 Not to curse any Israelite
566 N318 582 Sh’mot 21:17 Not to curse your father or your mother
567 N319 583 Sh’mot 21:15 Not to smite parents
568 N320 88 Sh’mot 20:10 Not to work on Sabbath
569 N321 90 Sh’mot 16:29 Not to walk beyond the permitted limits on Sabbath
570 N322 89 Sh’mot 35:3 Not to inflict punishment on Sabbath
571 N323 97 Sh’mot 12:16 Not to work on the first day of Pesach
572 N324 99 Sh’mot 12:16 Not to work on the seventh day of Pesach
573 N325 101 Vayikra 23:21 Not to work on Chag Shavu'ot
574 N326 103 Vayikra 23:25 Not to work on Yom Teruah
575 N327 105 Vayikra 23:35 Not to work on the first day of Chag Sukkot
576 N328 107 Vayikra 23:36 Not to work on Sh'mini Atzeret
577 N329 93 Vayikra 23:28 Not to do work on Yom Kippur
578 N330 139 Vayikra 18:7 Not to have sexual relations with your mother
579 N331 140 Vayikra 18:8 Not to have sexual relations with your father's wife
580 N332 141 Vayikra 18:9 Not to have sexual relations with your sister
581 N333 142 Vayikra 18:11 Not to have sexual relations with the daughter of your father's wife

582 N334 143 Vayikra 18:10 Not to have sexual relations with your son's daughter
583 N335 145 Vayikra 18:10 Not to have sexual relations with your daughter's daughter
584 N336 144 Vayikra 18:10 Not to have sexual relations with your daughter
585 N337 146 Vayikra 18:17 Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter
586 N338 147 Vayikra 18:17 Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her son's daughter
Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter's
587 N339 148 Vayikra 18:17
588 N340 149 Vayikra 18:12 Not to have sexual relations with your father's sister
589 N341 150 Vayikra 18:13 Not to have sexual relations with your mother's sister
590 N342 151 Vayikra 18:14 Not to have sexual relations with wife of your father's brother
591 N343 152 Vayikra 18:15 Not to have sexual relations with your son's wife
592 N344 153 Vayikra 18:16 Not to have sexual relations with your brother's wife
Not to have sexual relations with your wife's sister (during her
593 N345 154 Vayikra 18:18
594 N346 161 Vayikra 18:19 Not to have sexual relations with a menstruous woman
595 N347 160 Vayikra 18:20 Not to have sexual relations with another man's wife
596 N348 155 Vayikra 18:23 Men shall not have sexual relations with beasts
597 N349 156 Vayikra 18:23 Women shall not have sexual relations with beasts
598 N350 157 Vayikra 18:22 A man shall not have sexual relations with other men
599 N351 158 Vayikra 18:7 A man shall not have sexual relations with his father
600 N352 159 Vayikra 18:14 A man shall not have sexual relations with his father's brother
601 N353 175 Vayikra 18:6 Not to be intimate with a kinswoman
602 N354 166 D’varim 23:3 A mamzer shall not marry the daughter of a Jew
603 N355 123 D’varim 23:18 Not to have sexual relations with women outside of marriage
604 N356 127 D’varim 24:4 Not to remarry one's divorced wife after she has remarried
605 N357 130 D’varim 25:5 Not having relations with woman subject to Yabam
A rapist is not allowed to divorce the woman he raped was compelled
606 N358 133 D’varim 22:29
to marry
607 N359 135 D’varim 22:19 The Defamer of His Bride cannot divorce her all his days
608 N360 167 D’varim 23:2 A eunuch shall not marry the daughter of Jew
609 N361 168 Vayikra 22:24 Not to castrate a man or beast

610 N362 592 D’varim 17:15 Not to appoint a non-Israelite King
611 N363 594 D’varim 17:16 The king must not have too many horses
612 N364 593 D’varim 17:17 The King must not have too many wives
613 N365 595 D’varim 17:17 The King must not have too much gold and silver

613 Mitzvoh (Commands)

Below is the list of the 613 mitzvot (commandments) as brought in the Preface to
Mishneh Torah by the Rambam or Maimonides.

Green = Relevant, Red = No longer Relevant, Purple = Optional

Laws of the Foundations of the Torah include ten commandments, six

positive commandments and four negative commandments, which are: (1)
to know that there is God; (2) not to entertain the thought that there is any
god but the LORD; (3) to acknowledge His Oneness; (4) to love Him; (5) to
fear Him; (6) to sanctify His Name; (7) not to profane His Name; (8) not to
destroy things upon which His Name is called; (9) to obey the prophet who
speaks in His Name; (10) not to test Him.

Laws of Personal Dispositions include eleven commandments, five positive

commandments and six negative commandments, which are: (1) to imitate
His ways; (2) to cleave to those who know Him; (3) to love others; (4) to
love converts; (5) not to hate others; (6) to rebuke; (7) not to shame others;
(8) not to afflict the unfortunate; (9) not to gossip; (10) not to take revenge;
(11) not to bear a grudge.

Laws of Torah Study include two positive commandments: (1) to learn

Torah; (2) to honor those who teach it and know it.

Laws of Idolatry and Gentile Customsinclude fifty-one commandments, two

positive commandments and forty-nine negative commandments, which
are: (1) not to turn to idolatry; (2) not to stray after thoughts of the heart
and sights of the eyes; (3) not to blaspheme; (4) not to worship an object of
idolatry in its normal way; (5) not to prostrate oneself before it; (6) not to
make a graven image for oneself; (7) not to make a graven image even for
others; (8) not to make figures even for decoration; (9) not to proselytize
others after it; (10) to burn a city that has been proselytized over to
idolatry; (11) not to rebuild it; (12) not to benefit from any of its property;
(13) not to entice an individual to worship it; (14) not to love the enticer;
(15) not to leave off hating him; (16) not to save him; (17) not to plead for
his acquittal; (18) not to refrain from pleading for his conviction; (19) not to
prophesy in its name; (20) not to listen to one who prophesies in its name;
(21) not to prophesy falsely, even in the name of the LORD; (22) not to fear
killing a false prophet; (23) not to swear in the name of idolatry; (24) not to

divine by consulting ghosts; (25) not to resort to familiar spirits; (26) not to
turn over to Molech; (27) not to set up a pillar; (28) not to prostrate oneself
on a figured stone; (29) not to plant a tree for worship; (30) to destroy an
object of idolatry and everything made for it; (31) not to benefit from a
object of idolatry or its accessories; (32) not to benefit from the coverings
of anything worshipped; (33) not to make a covenant with idolaters; (34)
not to show them favor; (35) that they must not settle in our land; (36) not
to imitate their customs or their dress; (37) not to practice divination; (38)
not to practice black magic; (39) not to practice soothsaying; (40) not to
practice the charmer's art; (41) not to enquire of the dead; (42) not to
consult a ghost; (43) not to consult a familiar spirit; (44) not to practice
witchcraft; (45) not to shave the corners of the head; (46) not to remove the
corners of the beard; (47) that a man shall not wear the attire of a woman;
(48) that a woman shall not wear the attire of a man; (49) not to tattoo the
body; (50) not to cut oneself; (51) not to make a bald spot for the dead.

Laws of Repentance include one positive commandment, which is that the

sinner shall repent of his sin before the LORD, and confess.

Laws of Reading the Shema` include one positive commandment, which is

to read the Shema` twice daily.

Laws of Prayer and Priestly Blessinginclude two positive commandments:

(1) to serve the LORD in prayer daily;(2) for priests to bless Israel daily.

Laws of Tefillin, Mezuzah, and Torah Scrollinclude five positive

commandments, which are: (1) for there to be tefillin on the head; (2) to
bind them on the arm; (3) to fix a mezuzah at entrances; (4) for every man
to write a Torah scroll for himself;(5) for the King to write a second scroll
for himself, so that he will have two Torah scrolls.

Laws of Tzitzit include one positive commandment, which is to make tzitzit

on the corners of garments.

Laws of Blessings include one positive commandment, which is to bless

His Name after eating.

Laws of Circumcision include one positive commandment, which is to

circumcise males on the eighth day.

Laws of the Sabbath include five commandments, two positive

commandments and three negative commandments, which are: (1) to rest
on the seventh day; (2) not to do work on it; (3) not to punish on the
Sabbath; (4) not to leave the limits of one's settlement on the Sabbath; (5)
to sanctify the day in speech.

Laws of Rest on the Tenth of Tishri include four commandments, two
positive commandments and two negative commandments, which are: (1)
to rest on it from work; (2) not to do work on it; (3) to fast on it; (4) not to
eat or drink on it.

Laws of Rest on the Holidays include twelve commandments, six positive

commandments and six negative commandments, which are: (1) to rest on
the first day of Pesach; (2) not to do work on it; (3) to rest on the seventh
day of Pesach; (4) not to do work on it; (5) to rest on Shavu`ot; (6) not to do
work on it; (7) to rest on Rosh Hashanah; (8) not to do work on it; (9) to rest
on the first day of the Festival of Sukkot; (10) not to do work on it; (11) to
rest on the eighth day of the Festival; (12) not to do work on it.

Laws of Leaven and Unleavened Bread include eight commandments, three

positive commandments and five negative commandments, which are: (1)
not to eat leavened food on the Fourteenth of Nisan, from noon onwards;
(2) to get rid of leaven on the Fourteenth of Nisan; (3) not to eat leavened
food during the seven days; (4) not to eat a mixture that contains leaven
during the seven days; (5) that no leavened food is to be seen in one's
possession during the seven days; (6) that no leavened food is to be found
in one's possession during the seven days; (7) to eat unleavened bread on
the night of Pesach; (8) to tell the story of the Exodus from Egypt on that

Laws of Shofar, Sukkah, and Lolav include three positive commandments,

which are: (1) to hear the sound of the shofar on the first of Tishri; (2) to
dwell in a sukkah seven days of the Festival; (3) to take up a Lolav in the
Temple all seven days of the Festival.

Laws of Sheqels include one positive commandment, which is for every

man to give half a Sheqel every year.

Laws of Sanctification of Months include one positive commandment,

which is to calculate, know, and fix which day is to be the beginning of
each and every month in the year.

Laws of Fasts include one positive commandment, which is to fast and cry
out before the LORD whenever a great calamity comes upon the public.

Laws of Marriage include four commandments, two positive

commandments and two negative commandments, which are: (1) to take a
wife by marriage contract and sanctification ceremony; (2) for a woman not
to have sexual relations without a marriage contract and sanctification
ceremony; (3) not to withhold food, clothing, and conjugal rights; (4) to be
fruitful and multiply from one's wife.

Laws of Divorce include two commandments: (1) a positive
commandment, which is that one shall divorce with a written document; (2)
that one shall not take back a former wife after her being married to
another. Yeshua added to this commandment by saying G-d hates divorce
and that no one should divorce except for Adultery or abandonment

Laws of Levirate Marriage and Release include three commandments, two

positive commandments and one negative commandment, which are: (1)
to marry the widow of a brother who died childless; (2) to release the
widow, if one does not marry her; (3) that such a widow not be married to
another man until the levirate obligation has been removed.

Laws of the Virgin Maiden include five commandments, three positive

commandments and two negative commandments, which are: (1) to fine
the seducer; (2) that the rapist shall marry his victim; (3) that the rapist
shall not divorce; (4) that the wife of one who defamed her as a non-virgin
at marriage may remain with him forever; (5) that such a defamer shall not
divorce his wife.

Laws of a Woman Suspected of Adultery include three commandments,

one affirmative commandment and two negative commandments, which
are: (1) to do to a woman suspected of adultery the special procedure set
out in the Torah; (2) not to put oil on her offering; (3) not to put
frankincense on it.

Laws of Forbidden Sexual Relations include thirty-seven commandments,

one positive commandment and thirty-six negative commandments, which
are: (1) not to have sexual relations with one's mother; (2) not to have
sexual relations with one's father's wife; (3) not to have sexual relations
with one's sister; (4) not to have sexual relations with one's father's wife's
daughter; (5) not to have sexual relations with one's son's daughter; (6) not
to have sexual relations with one's daughter; (7) not to have sexual
relations with one's daughter's daughter; (8) not to marry a woman and her
daughter; (9) not to marry a woman and her son's daughter; (10) not to
marry a woman and her daughter's daughter; (11) not to have sexual
relations with one's father's sister; (12) not to have sexual relations with
one's mother's sister; (13) not to have sexual relations with one's father's
brother's wife; (14) not to have sexual relations with one's son's wife; (15)
not to have sexual relations with one's brother's wife; (16) not to have
sexual relations with one's wife's sister; (17) not have sexual relations with
a beast; (18) that a woman shall not bring a beast to have sexual relations
with her; (19) not to have sexual relations with another male; (20) not to
have sexual relations with one's father; (21) not to have sexual relations
with one's father's brother (22) not to have sexual relations with another
man's wife; (23) not to have sexual relations with a menstruous woman;
(24) not to intermarry with Gentiles; (25) that an Ammonite or Moabite shall

not enter the community by marriage with born Jews; (26) not to keep an
Egyptian of the third generation from so entering the community; (27) not
to keep an Edomite of the third generation from so entering the community;
(28) that a mamzer shall not so enter the community; (29) that a eunuch
shall not so enter the community; (30) not to castrate a male, even a
domestic animal or wild beast or fowl; (31) that the High Priest shall not
marry a widow; (32) that the High Priest shall not have sexual relations with
a widow, even without marriage; (33) that the High Priest shall marry a
virgin in her adolescence; (34) that a priest shall not marry a divorced
woman; (35) that he shall not marry a harlot; (36) that he shall not marry a
profaned woman; (37) that one shall not be intimate with one with which
sexual relations are severely forbidden, even though he does not have
sexual relations.

Laws of Forbidden Foods include twenty-eight commandments, four

positive commandments and twenty-four negative commandments, which
are: (1) to examine the identifying signs in animals and beasts to tell the
unclean from the clean; (2) to examine the identifying signs of fowl to tell
the unclean from the clean; (3) to examine the identifying signs of locusts
to tell the unclean from the clean; (4) to examine the identifying signs of
fishes to tell the unclean from the clean; (5) not to eat unclean animals and
beasts; (6) not to eat unclean fowl; (7) not to eat unclean fishes; (8) not to
eat winged swarming things; (9) not to eat things that creep upon the earth;
(10) not to eat things that swarm upon the earth; (11) not to eat a worm
found in fruit after it has emerged onto the ground; (12) not to eat things
that swarm in water; (13) not to eat an animal that died without
slaughtering; (14) not to benefit from an ox condemned to be stoned; (15)
not to eat an animal that is fatally injured; (16) not to eat a limb removed
from a living animal; (17) not to eat blood; (18) not to eat suet of a clean
animal; (19) not to eat the sinew of the thigh; (20) not to eat meat with milk;
(21) not to cook it; (22) not to eat bread of the new crop; (23) not to eat
roasted grain of the new crop; (24) not to eat fresh grain of the new crop;
(25) not to eat fruit of a tree in the first three years from planting; (26) not to
eat grains or vegetables sown in a vineyard; (27) not to eat produce from
which priestly portions have not yet been removed; (28) not to drink wine
of libation to idolatry.

Laws of Slaughter include five commandments, three positive

commandments and two negative commandments, which are: (1) to
slaughter and then eat; (2) not to slaughter an animal and its young on the
same day; (3) to cover the blood of a wild beast or of a fowl; (4) not to take
the mother bird with the young; (5) to set the mother bird free, if one has
taken it and its young.

Laws of Oaths include five commandments, one positive commandment

and four negative commandments, which are: (1) not to swear by His

Name falsely; (2) not to take His Name in vain; (3) not to falsely deny an
article left in trust; (4) not to swear falsely in denial of a claim to property;
(5) to swear by His Name in truth.

Laws of Vows include three commandments, two positive commandments

and one negative commandment, which are: (1) that one shall fulfill
whatever he has uttered and do as he has vowed; (2) not to break one's
word; (3) that a vow or oath may be annulled, which is the law of annulment
of vows explicitly mentioned in the Written Law.

Laws of the Nazarite include ten commandments, two positive

commandments and eight negative commandments, which are: (1) that the
Nazarite shall let his hair grow long; (2) that he shall not cut his hair all the
days of his Nazariteship; (3) that the Nazarite shall not drink wine nor a
mixture with wine, not even their vinegar; (4) that he shall not eat fresh
grapes; (5) that he shall not eat raisins; (6) that he shall not eat grape
seeds; (7) that he shall not eat grape skins; (8) that he shall not enter under
any covering where there is a corpse; (9) that he shall not become unclean
from a corpse; (10) that he shall shave off his hair when bringing his
sacrifices, when he completes his Nazariteship or when he becomes

Laws of Appraisals and Devoted Property include seven commandments,

five positive commandments and two negative commandments, which are:
(1) to judge in appraisals of the values of persons as explicitly set forth in
the Torah, which is the law of appraisal of persons; (2) the law of the
appraisal of animals; (3) the law of the appraisal of houses; (4) the law of
the appraisal of fields; (5) the law of one who devotes his property; (6) that
what was so devoted shall not be sold; (7) that what was so devoted shall
not be redeemed.

Laws of Diverse Varieties include five negative commandments, which are:

(1) not to sow diverse seeds together; (2) not to sow grain or vegetables in
a vineyard; (3) not to mate animals of different species; (4) not to work with
animals of different species together; (5) not to wear clothing of both wool
and linen.

Laws of Gifts to the Poor include thirteen commandments, seven positive

commandments and six negative commandments, which are: (1) to leave
the corner of the field unharvested; (2) not to wholly reap the corner of the
field; (3) to leave the fallen stalks; (4) not to gather the fallen stalks; (5) to
leave the imperfect clusters of the vineyard; (6) not to gather the imperfect
clusters of the vineyard; (7) to leave the individual fallen grapes of the
vineyard; (8) not to gather the individual fallen grapes of the vineyard; (9) to
leave the forgotten sheaf; (10) not to go back to take the forgotten
sheaf;(11) to set aside a tithe for the poor; (12) to give charity according to

one's ability; (13) not to harden one's heart against the poor.

Laws of Heave Offerings include eight commandments, two positive

commandments and six negative commandments, which are: (1) to set
aside a great heave offering; (2) to set aside a heave offering of the tithes;
(3) not to set aside heave offerings and tithes out of order, but to set them
aside in the right order; (4) that an unauthorized person shall not eat a
heave offering; (5) that even a tenant or hired worker of a priest shall not
eat a heave offering; (6) that the uncircumcised shall not eat a heave
offering; (7) that an unclean priest shall not eat a heave offering; (8) that a
profaned woman shall not eat a heave offering nor a gift from consecrated

Laws of Tithes include one commandment, which is to set apart the first
tithe of produce each and every year the fields are sown and give it to the

Laws of Second Tithes and the Fruit of the Fourth Year include nine
commandments, three positive commandments and six negative
commandments, which are: (1) to set apart the second tithe; (2) not to
spend its redemption money for any necessities but eating, drinking, and
anointing; (3) not to eat it while unclean; (4) not to eat it while mourning; (5)
not to eat the second tithe of grain outside Jerusalem; (6) not to eat the
second tithe of wine outside Jerusalem; (7) not to eat the second tithe of
olive oil outside Jerusalem; (8) that all the fruit of trees in the fourth year
after planting shall be holy, and that it is to be eaten by its owner in
Jerusalem like the second tithe; (9) to make the tithe declaration.

Laws of First Fruits and Other Priestly Gifts Outside the Sanctuary include
nine commandments, eight positive commandments and one negative
commandment, which are: (1) to set apart first fruits and bring them to the
Sanctuary;(2) that the priest shall not eat the first fruits outside Jerusalem;
(3) to recite the declaration on them; (4) to set apart a portion of dough for
the priest; (5) to give the foreleg, the jaw, and the stomach to the priest; (6)
to give him the first fleece; (7) to redeem the first-born son, and to give the
redemption gift to the priest; (8) to redeem the first-born of an ass, and give
the redemption gift to the priest; (9) to decapitate the first-born of an ass, if
one does not want to redeem it.

Laws of the Sabbatical Year and the Jubilee include twenty-two

commandments, nine positive commandments and thirteen negative
commandments, which are: (1) that the land shall rest unworked in the
Sabbatical year; (2) that one shall not work the ground in that year; (3) that
one shall not work the trees in that year; (4) that one shall not harvest what
grows by itself in the manner of harvesters; (5) that one shall not harvest a
vineyard in the manner of harvesters; (6) that one shall renounce

ownership in what the land produces; (7) that one shall release all his
loans; (8) that one shall not oppress nor demand a debt; (9) that one shall
not refrain from making loans before the Sabbatical year, so as not to lose
his money; (10) to count the years by sevens; (11) to sanctify the fiftieth
year; (12) to sound the shofar on the Tenth of Tishri so that slaves go out
free; (13) that the land shall not be worked in that year; (14) that one shall
not harvest what grows by itself in manner of harvesters; (15) not to
harvest the vineyards in the manner of harvesters; (16) to grant redemption
to the land in this year, which is the rule for inherited fields or purchased
fields; (17) that the land shall not be sold in perpetuity; (18) the rule for
houses in walled cities; (19) that none of the Tribe of Levi shall receive a
heritage in the Land of Israel, but cities to dwell in shall be given to them as
a gift; (20) that the Tribe of Levi shall not take a share in the spoils of war;
(21) to give to the Levites cities to dwell in and open land round about the
cities; (22) that the open land round about their cities shall never be sold,
but they may redeem it at any time whether before the Jubilee or after the

Laws of the Chosen House include six commandments, three positive

commandments and three negative commandments, which are: (1) to build
a Sanctuary; (2) not to build the Altar of hewn stones; (3) not to go up by
steps onto the Altar; (4) to fear the Sanctuary; (5) to keep a guard around
the Sanctuary; (6) not to stop guarding the Sanctuary.

Laws of Vessels of the Sanctuary and Those Who Serve in It include

fourteen commandments, six positive commandments and eight negative
commandments, which are: (1) to prepare the anointing oil; (2) not to make
the like of it; (3) not to anoint oneself with it; (4) not to prepare incense in
the formula of the incense; (5) not to offer on the Golden Altar anything but
the incense; (6) to bear the Ark on the shoulder; (7) that one shall not
remove the staves from it; (8) that the Levite shall serve in the Sanctuary;
(9) that no one shall do the work assigned to another in the Sanctuary; (10)
to sanctify the priest for the service; (11) that all divisions take part equally
on the pilgrimage festivals; (12) to wear priestly clothing for the service;
(13) that one shall not rend the priests' robes; (14) that the breastplate be
not loosened from the Ephod.

Laws of Entry into the Sanctuary include fifteen commandments, two

positive commandments and thirteen negative commandments, which are:
(1) that a drunken priest shall not enter the Sanctuary; (2) that a priest
whose hair is disheveled shall not enter it; (3) that a priest whose garment
is torn shall not enter it; (4) that a priest shall not enter the Temple at all
times; (5) that a priest shall not leave the Sanctuary during the service; (6)
to send the unclean out of the Sanctuary; (7) that one who is unclean shall
not enter the Sanctuary; (8) that one who is unclean shall not enter the
Temple Mount; (9) that one who is unclean shall not serve; (10) that who

took a purifying ritual bath shall not serve in the Sanctuary before the stars
come out on the following evening; (11) that one who serves shall wash his
hands and feet; (12) that one with a disqualifying blemish shall not enter
the Temple nor approach the Altar; (13) that one with a disqualifying
blemish shall not serve; (14) that one with a temporary disqualifying
blemish shall not serve; (15) that a non-priest shall not serve.

Laws of Things Forbidden on the Altar include fourteen commandments,

four positive commandments and ten negative commandments, which are:
(1) to sacrifice only unblemished animals; (2) not to set apart a blemished
animal for the Altar; (3) not to slaughter one; (4) not to sprinkle its blood;
(5) not to burn its suet; (6) not to sacrifice one with a temporary blemish;
(7) not to sacrifice one with a blemish, even in sacrifices of Gentiles; (8) not
to inflict a blemish in consecrated animals; (9) to redeem consecrated
animals that have become unfit; (10) to sacrifice only from eight days old
and onward, for before then it is called underage and is not to be
sacrificed; (11) not to sacrifice animals taken in exchange for services of a
prostitute or in exchange for a dog; (12) not to burn on the Altar leaven or
honey; (13) to salt all sacrifices; (14) not to omit salting of sacrifices.

Laws of Sacrificial Procedures include twenty-three commandments, ten

positive commandments and thirteen negative commandments, which are:
(1) to do the burnt offering according to the procedures in its prescribed
order; (2) not to eat the flesh of the burnt offering; (3) the order of the sin
offering; (4) not to eat the flesh of a sin offering brought inside; (5) not to
sever the head a sin offering of fowl; (6) the order of the guilt offering; (7)
that the priests shall eat the flesh of the most holy sacrifices within the
Sanctuary; (8) that they shall not eat them outside the Courtyard; (9) that a
non-priest shall not eat of the most holy sacrifices; (10) the order of the
peace offerings; (11) not to eat the flesh of the minor holy sacrifices before
the sprinkling of their blood; (12) to do each of the meal offerings
according to the order of its procedures prescribed in the Torah; (13) that
one not put oil on the meal offering of a sinner; (14) that one not put
frankincense upon it; (15) that a priest's meal offering shall not be eaten;
(16) that a meal offering shall not be baked leavened; (17) that the priests
shall eat the remainders of meal offerings; (18) that one shall bring all his
vowed offerings and his free-will offerings on the first pilgrimage festival
that comes; (19) that one shall not delay vowed offerings or free-will
offerings or other things one is obligated to do; (20) to offer all sacrifices in
the Chosen House; (21) to bring things consecrated outside Israel to the
Chosen House; (22) not to slaughter sacrifices outside the Courtyard; (23)
not to offer a sacrifice outside the Courtyard.

Laws of the Daily Offerings and Additional Offerings include nineteen

commandments, eighteen positive commandments and one negative
commandment, which are: (1) to sacrifice daily two lambs as burnt

offerings; (2) to light a fire upon the Altar daily; (3) not to extinguish it; (4)
to remove the ashes daily; (5) to burn incense daily; (6) to light lamps daily;
(7) that the High Priest shall bring a meal offering daily, which is called
Chavittin; (8) to add on the Sabbath two lambs as burnt offerings; (9) to do
the showbread; (10) the additional offering of New Moons; (11) the
additional offering of Pesach; (12) to offer the Omer as a wave offering; (13)
that each and every man shall count seven weeks from the day the Omer is
offered; (14) the additional offering of Shavu`ot; (15) to bring the two loaves
of bread with the sacrifices brought because of them on Shavu`ot; (16) the
additional offering of Rosh Hashanah; (17) the additional offering of the
Day of the Fast; (18) the additional offering of the Festival of Sukkot; (19)
the additional offering of the Festival of Shemini `Atzeret.

Laws of Sacrifices Become Unfit include eight commandments, two

positive commandments and six negative commandments, which are: (1)
not to eat consecrated animals that have become unfit or have been
blemished; (2) not to eat the abomination of intended delay; (3) that one
shall not leave the offerings until after their time; (4) that one shall not eat
what is left over beyond its time; (5) that one shall not eat sacrifices that
have become unclean; (6) that one who has become unclean shall not eat
sacrifices; (7) to burn what is left over beyond its time; (8) to burn what has
become unclean.

Laws of the Service on Yom Kippur are one positive commandment, which
is to do the service of the whole Day of Atonementin the order written in
Leviticus 16--the sacrifices, the confessions, the sending of the
scapegoat,and the rest of the service.

Laws of Benefit from Consecrated Things include three commandments,

one positive commandment and two negative commandments, which are:
(1) for one has benefited from consecrated things to pay what he has
benefited with the addition of a fifth and bring an offering, which is the rule
for one who benefits from consecrated things; (2) not to work with
consecrated animals; (3) not to shear the fleece of consecrated animals.

Laws of the Pesach Sacrifice include sixteen commandments, four positive

commandments and twelve negative commandments, which are: (1) to
slaughter the Pesach sacrifice at its appointed time; (2) not to slaughter it
while in possession of leaven; (3) not to let the parts to be burned on the
Altar be left overnight; (4) to slaughter the Second Pesach sacrifice; (5) to
eat the flesh of the Pesach sacrificewith unleavened bread and bitter herbs
on the night of the Fifteenth of Nisan; (6) to eat the flesh of the Second
Pesach sacrifice with unleavened bread and bitter herbs on the night of the
Fifteenth of the second month; (7) not to eat it raw or boiled; (8) not to take
flesh of the Pesach sacrifice outside the place of the group appointed to
eat it; (9) that an apostate shall not eat it; (10) that an alien tenant or hired

worker shall not eat it; (11) that the uncircumcised shall not eat it;(12) that
one shall not break a bone of it; (13) that one shall not break a bone of the
Second Pesach sacrifice; (14) that one shall not leave over any of it until
morning; (15) that one shall not leave over any of the Second Pesach
sacrifice until morning; (16) that one shall not leave over any of the flesh of
the pilgrimage festival sacrifice brought on the Fourteenth of Nisan until
the third day.

Laws of Pilgrimage FestivalSacrificesinclude six commandments, four

positive commandments and two negative commandments, which are: (1)
to appear before the LORD; (2) to celebrate the three pilgrimage festivals;
(3) to rejoice on the pilgrimage festivals; (4) not to appear empty-handed;(5)
not to neglect to make the Levite rejoice and to give him gifts on the
pilgrimage festivals;(6) to assemble the people on Sukkot after the end of
the Sabbatical year.

Laws of the First-Born include five commandments, two positive

commandments and three negative commandments, which are: (1) to set
apart the first-born; (2) not to eat an unblemished first-born outside
Jerusalem; (3) not to redeem the first-born; (4) to set apart a tithe of
animals; (5) not to redeem the tithe of animals.

Laws of Unintentional Sins include five positive commandments, which

are: (1) that an individual shall bring a fixed sin offering for his error; (2)
that one who does not know whether he sinned or not shall bring a guilt
offering until he knows for certain and brings his sin offering, and this is
called the conditional guilt offering; (3) that the sinner in specific sins
brings a guilt offering, and this is called the unconditional guilt offering; (4)
that the sinner in specific sins brings, if wealthy an animal and if poor a
fowl or a tenth of an ephah of meal, and this is called the offering according
to means; (5) that the Sanhedrin shall bring an offering, if they have erred
and instructed not according to the law in one of certain grave matters.

Laws of Those with Incomplete Atonement include four positive

commandments, which are: (1) that a woman with an unclean issue shall
bring an offering, when she becomes clean; (2) that a woman after
childbirth shall bring an offering, when she becomes clean; (3) that a man
with an unclean issue shall bring an offering, when he becomes clean; (4)
that a leper shall bring an offering, when he becomes clean. After they
have brought their offerings, their purification is complete.

Laws of Substitution for Consecrated Animals include three

commandments, one positive commandment and two negative
commandments, which are: (1) not to substitute for consecrated animals;
(2) that a substituted animal shall become consecrated, if a substitution
was made; (3) not to change consecrated animals from one category of

holiness to another.

Laws of the Uncleanness from a Corpse include one positive

commandment, which is the rule for uncleanness from a corpse.

Laws of the Red Heifer include two positive commandments: (1) the rule
for the red heifer; (2) the rule for the uncleanness of the waters of
sprinkling and of their purification.

Laws of Uncleanness from Leprosy include eight commandments, six

positive commandments and two negative commandments, which are: (1)
to give judgments on leprosy in persons according to the rules written in
the Torah; (2) not to cut off the identifying signs of uncleanness; (3) not to
shave the scall; (4) that the leper shall be recognizable by wearing torn
garments, letting the hair go unkempt, and covering the head down to the
lips; (5) the cleansing of leprosy; (6) that the leper shall shave all his hair
when he becomes clean; (7) the rule for leprosy of a garment; (8) the rule
for leprosy of a house.

Laws of Uncleanness of a Bed or Seat include four positive

commandments, which are: (1) the rule for uncleanness from a
menstruous woman; (2) the rule for uncleanness from a woman after
childbirth; (3) the rule for uncleanness from a woman with an unclean
issue; (4) the rule for uncleanness from a man with an unclean issue.

Laws of Other Sources of Uncleanness include three positive

commandments, which are: (1) the rule for uncleanness from an animal
that died without slaughtering; (2) the rule for uncleanness from the eight
creeping things; (3) the rule for uncleanness from semen. An idol defiles
like a creeping thing, and this uncleanness is rabbinical.

Laws of Uncleanness of Foods are one commandment, which is the rule for
the uncleanness of liquids, and foods, and the conditions that cause foods
to be susceptible to becoming unclean.

Laws of Vessels are on the subject of knowing which vessels contract

uncleanness of any of the sorts given above, which vessels do not contract
them, and how vessels become unclean and cause uncleanness.

Laws of Ritual Baths include one positive commandment, which is that

whoever is unclean shall immerse himself in a ritual bath and then he will
become clean.

Laws of Injury to Property include four positive commandments, which

are: (1) the rule for the goring ox; (2) the rule for the grazing animal; (3) the
rule for the uncovered pit; (4) the rule for the spreading fire.

Laws of Theft include seven commandments, two positive commandments
and five negative commandments, which are: (1) not to steal property; (2)
the rule for the thief; (3) to maintain just scales and weights; (4) not to do
injustice in measures and weights; (5) not to have in one's possession
diverse weights and measures, even if they are not used in buying and
selling; (6) not to move a landmark; (7) not to steal persons.

Laws of Robbery and Lost Property include seven commandments, two

positive commandments and five negative commandments, which are: (1)
not to rob; (2) not to exploit; (3) not to covet; (4) not to desire what belongs
to another; (5) to return what has been robbed; (6) not to ignore lost
property; (7) to return lost property.

Laws of One Who Injures Person or Property include one positive

commandment, which is the rule for one who injures another or damages
another's property.

Laws of a Murderer and the Preservation of Life include seventeen

commandments, seven positive commandments and ten negative
commandments, which are: (1) not to murder; (2) not to take ransom from
a murderer, but rather to execute him; (3) to exile one who killed another
accidentally; (4) not to take ransom from one who is liable for exile; (5) that
a murderer shall not be executed when he has committed murder, before
he has been tried; (6) to save the pursued at the cost of the life of the
pursuer; (7) to show no pity for the pursuer; (8) not to stand by idly when
life is in danger; (9) to set apart cities of refuge and prepare the way to
them; (10) to decapitate the heifer in a riverbed; (11) not to till its ground
nor sow it; (12) not to endanger human life; (13) to build a parapet; (14) that
one not cause the innocent to err; (15) to help a person unload the burden
when fallen on the way; (16) to help him to load it again; (17) not to leave
him alarmed and go on one's way.

Laws of Sales include five commandments, one positive commandment

and four negative commandments, which are: (1) the rule for purchase and
sale; (2) not to wrong others in buying and selling; (3) not to wrong others
in speech; (4) not to wrong a righteous convert in his possessions; (5) not
to wrong him in speech.

Laws of Acquisition of Ownerless Property and Gifts are on the subject of

knowing the rule for one who acquires ownerless property and how and by
what means he acquires it, and the rule for one who gives a gift and its
recipient and which gift returns to its giver and which does not return.

Laws of Neighbors are on the subject of knowing the rule for partition of
land between partners, the avoidance of damage by each of them to his
neighbor or to the owner of adjoining property, and the rule for the owner

of adjoining property.

Laws of Agents and Partners are on the subject of knowing the rule for a
person's agent or his partner, and the laws on their purchases and sales
and losses and profits.

Laws of Slaves include thirteen commandments, five positive

commandments and eight negative commandments, which are: (1) the rule
for the acquisition of a Hebrew bondman; (2) that he shall not be sold as a
slave is sold; (3) that he shall not be subjugated to do strenuous work; (4)
that we shall not allow a resident alien to subjugate him to strenuous work;
(5) that we shall not force him to do the work of a slave; (6) to give him a
gift when he goes free; (7) that he shall not go out empty-handed; (8) to
redeem a Hebrew bondmaid; (9) to espouse her; (10) that she shall not be
sold; (11) to use a Canaanite slave forever, except if the master injured one
of certain parts of his body; (12) not to return a slave who fled from outside
the Land of Israel to the Land of Israel; (13) not to wrong such a slave who
escaped to us.

Laws of Hiring include seven commandments, three positive

commandments and four negative commandments, which are: (1) the rule
for the hired worker and the paid depositary; (2) to pay the hired worker's
wage on time; (3) not to delay the payment of the hired worker's wage after
it is due; (4) that the hired worker may eat of the unharvested produce in
which he is working; (5) that he may not eat the unharvested produce other
than when he does the finishing work on it; (6) that the hired worker shall
not take anything away other than what he has eaten; (7) that one shall not
muzzle an ox in his treading, and this applies to other animals.

Laws of Borrowed and Deposited Things include two positive

commandments: (1) the rule for the borrower; (2) the rule for an unpaid

Laws of Creditor and Debtor include twelve commandments, four positive

commandments and eight negative commandments, which are: (1) to lend
to the poor and needy; (2) not to press him; (3) to press the Gentile; (4) that
one shall not take a pledge by force; (5) to return the pledge to its owner,
when he needs it; (6) not to delay return of the pledge to a poor owner,
when he needs it; (7) not to exact a pledge from a widow; (8) not to take in
pledge utensils used in preparing food; (9) that the lender shall not loan at
interest; (10) that the borrower shall not borrow at interest; (11) that a
person shall not provide services between lender and borrower in a loan at
interest, neither to serve as witness between them, nor to write the loan
document, nor to act as a guarantor; (12) to borrow from the Gentile and
loan him at interest.

Laws of Claimant and Respondent are one positive commandment, which
is the rule for one who makes a claim and one who admits or denies.

Laws of Inheritances are one positive commandment, which is the rule for
the order of inheritances.

Laws of the Sanhedrin and the Penalties Under Their Jurisdiction include
thirty commandments, ten positive commandments and twenty negative
commandments, which are: (1) to appoint judges; (2) not to appoint a
judge who does not know the way of judgment; (3) to follow the majority,
when the judges differ in opinion; (4) not to execute the accused if there is
only a bare majority for conviction, but rather when there is at least a
majority of two; (5) that one who has argued for acquittal shall not later
argue for conviction in capital cases; (6) to execute by stoning; (7) to
execute by burning; (8) to execute by decapitation with a sword; (9) to
execute by strangling; (10) to hang; (11) to bury the executed on the day of
his execution; (12) not to let his body remain overnight; (13) not to allow a
sorcerer to live; (14) to whip the wicked; (15) not to exceed the maximum
number of whippings; (16) not to execute the innocent on circumstantial
evidence; (17) not to punish one who committed an offence under duress;
(18) not to show pity for one who kills another person or injures him; (19)
not to show compassion to a poor person in a trial; (20) not to show
respect to an important person in a trial; (21) not to decide against a
habitual transgressor, even though he is a sinner; (22) not to do injustice in
a judgment; (23) not to pervert the judgment of a convert or orphan; (24) to
judge righteously; (25) not to fear when judging a violent person; (26) not
to take a bribe; (27) not to receive a baseless report; (28) not to curse
judges; (29) not to curse a king or head of Sanhedrin; (30) not to curse any
other worthy Israelite.

Laws of Evidence include eight commandments, three positive

commandments and five negative commandments, which are: (1) for one
who knows evidence to testify in court; (2) to examine and thoroughly
check witnesses; (3) that a witness shall not give instruction in a case in
which he has given evidence, in capital cases; (4) that nothing shall be on
evidence of a single witness; (5) that a habitual transgressor shall not
testify; (6) that a relative shall not testify; (7) not to testify falsely; (8) to do
to a false witness as he had plotted to do to the accused.

Laws of Rebels include nine commandments, three positive

commandments and six negative commandments, which are: (1) to act
according to the Torahas the Great Rabbinical Court declares it; (2) not to
deviate from their words;(3) not to add to the Torah either in the
commandments of the Written Law or in the interpretation that we have
learned from tradition; (4) not to take away from either of them; (5) not to
curse one's father or mother; (6) not to strike one's father or mother; (7) to

honor one's father and mother; (8) to fear one's father and mother; (9) that
a son shall not be stubborn and rebellious against the voice of his father
and mother.

Laws of Mourning include four commandments, one positive

commandment and three negative commandments, which are: (1) to
mourn for deceased relatives, and even a priest must become unclean and
mourn for his relatives; but one does not mourn for those who have been
executed by a court, and for this reason I have included these laws in this
book, because they are similar to the duty of burying the executed on the
day of his death, which is a positive commandment; (2) that the High Priest
shall not become unclean for deceased relatives; (3) that he shall not enter
under a covering where a corpse is; (4) that an ordinary priest shall not
become unclean from the corpse of any person aside from his relatives.

Laws of Kings and Wars include twenty-three commandments, ten positive

commandments and thirteen negative commandments, which are: (1) to
appoint a king from among the Israelites; (2) not to appoint him from the
community of converts; (3) that he shall not have many wives; (4) that he
shall not have many horses; (5) that he shall not have much gold and
silver; (6) to exterminate the seven Canaanite peoples; (7) not to let a single
one of them live; (8) to wipe out the seed of Amalek; (9) to remember what
Amalek did; (10) not to forget his evil deeds and his ambush on the way;
(11) not to dwell in the Land of Egypt; (12) to offer peace to the inhabitants
of a city when besieging it, and to deal with it in the way set out in the
Torah, according as it makes peace or does not; (13) not to seek peace with
Ammon and Moab, when besieging them;(14) not to destroy fruit trees in a
siege; (15) to prepare a latrine so that members of the camp shall go out
there to excrete; (16) to prepare a stake to dig with; (17) to anoint a priest to
speak to the men of the army in time of war; (18) for a man who has
espoused a wife, built a house, or planted a vineyard to rejoice in their new
acquisitions a full year, and they are sent back home from the war; (19) that
they shall not be pressed into any service, and not even to go out for the
needs of the city, the needs of the troops, nor the like; (20) not to be
frightened nor retreat in time of war; (21) the rule for a beautiful woman
taken captive in war; (22) that she is not to be sold; (23) that one shall not
enslave her after having sexual relations with her.

The 613 Commandments
The Jewish philosopher Rabbi Maimonides made a list of the 613 commandments he found in the Jewish
Bible, and they have since become a standard list of what God requires of Jews. The 613 mitzvot are listed
below, with their biblical references.

1. To know there is a God Ex. 20:2

2. Not to entertain thoughts of other gods besides Him Ex. 20:3
3. To know that He is one Deut. 6:4
4. To love Him Deut. 6:5
5. To fear Him Deut. 10:20
6. To sanctify His Name Lev. 22:32
7. Not to profane His Name Lev. 22:32
8. Not to destroy objects associated with His Name Deut. 12:4
9. To listen to the prophet speaking in His Name Deut. 18:15
10. Not to test the prophet unduly Deut. 6:16
11. To emulate His ways Deut. 28:9
12. To cleave to those who know Him Deut. 10:20
13. To love other Jews Lev. 19:18
14. To love converts Deut. 10:19
15. Not to hate fellow Jews Lev. 19:17
16. To reprove a sinner Lev. 19:17
17. Not to embarrass others Lev. 19:17
18. Not to oppress the weak Ex. 21:22
19. Not to speak derogatorily of others Lev. 19:16
20. Not to take revenge Lev. 19:18
21. Not to bear a grudge Lev. 19:18
22. To learn Torah Deut. 6:7
23. To honor those who teach and know Torah Lev. 19:32
24. Not to inquire into idolatry Lev. 19:4
25. Not to follow the whims of your heart or what your eyes see Num. 15:39
26. Not to blaspheme Ex. 22:27
27. Not to worship idols in the manner they are worshiped Ex. 20:5
28. Not to worship idols in the four ways we worship God Ex. 20:5
29. Not to make an idol for yourself Ex. 20:4
30. Not to make an idol for others Lev. 19:4
31. Not to make human forms even for decorative purposes Ex. 20:20
32. Not to turn a city to idolatry Ex. 23:13
33. To burn a city that has turned to idol worship Deut. 13:17
34. Not to rebuild it as a city Deut. 13:17
35. Not to derive benefit from it Deut. 13:18
36. Not to missionize an individual to idol worship Deut. 13:12
37. Not to love the missionary Deut. 13:9
38. Not to cease hating the missionary Deut. 13:9
39. Not to save the missionary Deut. 13:9
40. Not to say anything in his defense Deut. 13:9
41. Not to refrain from incriminating him Deut. 13:9
42. Not to prophesize in the name of idolatry Deut. 13:14
43. Not to listen to a false prophet Deut. 13:4
44. Not to prophesize falsely in the name of God Deut. 18:20
45. Not to be afraid of killing the false prophet Deut. 18:22
46. Not to swear in the name of an idol Ex. 23:13
47. Not to perform ov (medium) Lev. 19:31
48. Not to perform yidoni ("magical seer") Lev. 19:31
49. Not to pass your children through the fire to MolechLev. 18:21
50. Not to erect a column in a public place of worship Deut. 16:22
51. Not to bow down on smooth stone Lev. 26:1
52. Not to plant a tree in the Temple courtyard Deut. 16:21

53. To destroy idols and their accessories Deut. 12:2
54. Not to derive benefit from idols and their accessories Deut. 7:26
55. Not to derive benefit from ornaments of idols Deut. 7:25
56. Not to make a covenant with idolaters Deut. 7:2
57. Not to show favor to them Deut. 7:2
58. Not to let them dwell in the land of Israel Ex. 23:33
59. Not to imitate them in customs and clothing Lev. 20:23
60. Not to be superstitious Lev. 19:26
61. Not to go into a trance to foresee events, etc. Deut. 18:10
62. Not to engage in astrology Lev. 19:26
63. Not to mutter incantations Deut. 18:11
64. Not to attempt to contact the dead Deut. 18:11
65. Not to consult the ovDeut. 18:11
66. Not to consult the yidoniDeut. 18:11
67. Not to perform acts of magicDeut. 18:10
68. Men must not shave the hair off the sides of their headLev. 19:27
69. Men must not shave their beards with a razorLev. 19:27
70. Men must not wear women's clothing Deut. 22:5
71. Women must not wear men's clothing Deut. 22:5
72. Not to tattoo the skin Lev. 19:28
73. Not to tear the skin in mourning Deut. 14:1
74. Not to make a bald spot in mourning Deut. 14:1
75. To repent and confess wrongdoings Num. 5:7
76. To say the Shema twice daily Deut. 6:7
77. To serve the Almighty with prayer daily Ex. 23:25
78. The Kohanim must bless the Jewish nation daily Num. 6:23
79. To wear tefillin on the head Deut. 6:8
80. To bind tefillin on the arm Deut. 6:8
81. To put a mezuzah on each door post Deut. 6:9
82. Each male must write a Torah scroll Deut. 31:19
83. The king must have a separate Sefer Torah for himself Deut. 17:18
84. To have tzitzit on four-cornered garments Num. 15:38
85. To bless the Almighty after eating Deut. 8:10
86. To circumcise all males on the eighth day after their birth Lev. 12:3
87. To rest on the seventh dayEx. 23:12
88. Not to do prohibited labor on the seventh day Ex. 20:10
89. The court must not inflict punishment on Shabbat Ex. 35:3
90. Not to walk outside the city boundary on Shabbat Ex. 16:29
91. To sanctify the day with Kiddush and Havdalah Ex. 20:8
92. To rest from prohibited labor Lev. 23:32
93. Not to do prohibited labor on Yom KippurLev. 23:32
94. To afflict yourself on Yom Kippur Lev. 16:29
95. Not to eat or drink on Yom Kippur Lev. 23:29
96. To rest on the first day of PassoverLev. 23:7
97. Not to do prohibited labor on the first day of Passover Lev. 23:8
98. To rest on the seventh day of Passover Lev. 23:8
99. Not to do prohibited labor on the seventh day of Passover Lev. 23:8
100. To rest on Shavuot Lev. 23:21
101. Not to do prohibited labor on Shavuot Lev. 23:21
102. To rest on Rosh HashanaLev. 23:24
103. Not to do prohibited labor on Rosh Hashana Lev. 23:25
104. To rest on SukkotLev. 23:35
105. Not to do prohibited labor on Sukkot Lev. 23:35
106. To rest on Shmini Atzeret Lev. 23:36
107. Not to do prohibited labor on Shmini Atzeret Lev. 23:36
108. Not to eat chametz on the afternoon of the 14th day of Nisan Deut. 16:3
109. To destroy all chametz on 14th day of Nissan Ex. 12:15
110. Not to eat chametz all seven days of Passover Ex. 13:3
111. Not to eat mixtures containing chametz all seven days of Passover Ex. 12:20
112. Not to see chametz in your domain seven days Ex. 13:7
113. Not to find chametz in your domain seven days Ex. 12:19
114. To eat matzah on the first night of Passover Ex. 12:18

115. To relate the Exodus from Egypt on that night Ex. 13:8
116. To hear the Shofar on the first day of Tishrei (Rosh Hashana) Num. 9:1
117. To dwell in a Sukkah for the seven days of Sukkot Lev. 23:42
118. To take up a Lulav and Etrog all seven days Lev. 23:40
119. Each man must give a half shekel annually Ex. 30:13
120. Courts must calculate to determine when a new month begins Ex. 12:2
121. To afflict and cry out before God in times of catastrophe Num. 10:9
122. To marry a wife by means of ketubah and kiddushin Deut. 22:13
123. Not to have sexual relations with women not thus married Deut. 23:18
124. Not to withhold food, clothing, and sexual relations from your wife Ex. 21:10
125. To have children with one's wife Gen 1:28 HE
126. To issue a divorce by means of a Get document Deut. 24:1
127. A man must not remarry his wife after she has married someone else Deut. 24:4
128. To do yibbum (marry the widow of one's childless brother) Deut. 25:5
129. To do chalitzah (free the widow of one's childless brother from yibbum) Deut. 25:9
130. The widow must not remarry until the ties with her brother-in-law are removed Deut. 25:5
131. The court must fine one who sexually seduces a maiden Ex. 22:15-16
132. The rapist must marry the maiden (if she chooses) Deut. 22:29
133. He is never allowed to divorce her Deut. 22:29
134. The slanderer must remain married to his wife Deut. 22:19
135. He must not divorce her Deut. 22:19
136. To fulfill the laws of the Sotah Num. 5:30
137. Not to put oil on her meal offering Num. 5:15
138. Not to put frankincense on her meal offering Num. 5:15
139. Not to have sexual relations with your mother Lev. 18:7
140. Not to have sexual relations with your father's wife Lev. 18:8
141. Not to have sexual relations with your sister Lev. 18:9
142. Not to have sexual relations with your father's wife's daughter Lev. 18:11
143. Not to have sexual relations with your son's daughter Lev. 18:10
144. Not to have sexual relations with your daughter Lev. 18:10
145. Not to have sexual relations with your daughter's daughter Lev. 18:10
146. Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter Lev. 18:17
147. Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her son's daughter Lev. 18:17
148. Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter's daughter Lev. 18:17
149. Not to have sexual relations with your father's sister Lev. 18:12
150. Not to have sexual relations with your mother's sister Lev. 18:13
151. Not to have sexual relations with your father's brother's wife Lev. 18:14
152. Not to have sexual relations with your son's wife Lev. 18:15
153. Not to have sexual relations with your brother's wife Lev. 18:16
154. Not to have sexual relations with your wife's sister Lev. 18:18
155. A man must not have sexual relations with a beast Lev. 18:23
156. A woman must not have sexual relations with a beast Lev. 18:23
157. Not to have homosexual sexual relations Lev. 18:22
158. Not to have homosexual sexual relations with your father Lev. 18:7
159. Not to have homosexual sexual relations with your father's brother Lev. 18:14
160. Not to have sexual relations with someone else's wife Lev. 18:20
161. Not to have sexual relations with a menstrually impure woman Lev. 18:19
162. Not to marry non-Jews Deut. 7:3
163. Not to let Moabite and Ammonite males marry into the Jewish people Deut. 23:4
164. Don't keep a third-generation Egyptian convert from marrying into the Jewish people Deut. 23:8-9
165. Not to refrain from marrying a third generation Edomite convert Deut. 23:8-9
166. Not to let a mamzer (a child born to an adulterous married woman) marry into the Jewish people
Deut. 23:3
167. Not to let a eunuch marry into the Jewish people Deut. 23:2
168. Not to offer to God any castrated male animals Lev. 22:24
169. The High Priest must not marry a widow Lev. 21:14
170. The High Priest must not have sexual relations with a widow even outside of marriage Lev. 21:15
171. The High Priest must marry a virgin maiden Lev. 21:13
172. A Kohen must not marry a divorcee Lev. 21:7
173. A Kohen must not marry a zonah (a woman who has had a forbidden sexual relationship) Lev. 21:7
174. A priest must not marry a chalalah ("a desecrated person") (party to or product of 169-172) Lev.

175. Not to make pleasurable (sexual) contact with any forbidden woman Lev. 18:6
176. To examine the signs of animals to distinguish between kosher and non-kosher Lev. 11:2
177. To examine the signs of fowl to distinguish between kosher and non-kosher Deut. 14:11
178. To examine the signs of fish to distinguish between kosher and non-kosher Lev. 11:9
179. To examine the signs of locusts to distinguish between kosher and non-kosher Lev. 11:21
180. Not to eat non-kosher animals Lev. 11:4
181. Not to eat non-kosher fowl Lev. 11:13
182. Not to eat non-kosher fish Lev. 11:11
183. Not to eat non-kosher flying insects Deut. 14:19
184. Not to eat non-kosher creatures that crawl on land Lev. 11:41
185. Not to eat non-kosher maggots Lev. 11:44
186. Not to eat worms found in fruit on the ground Lev. 11:42
187. Not to eat creatures that live in water other than (kosher) fish Lev. 11:43
188. Not to eat the meat of an animal that died without ritual slaughter Deut. 14:21
189. Not to benefit from an ox condemned to be stoned Ex. 21:28
190. Not to eat meat of an animal that was mortally wounded Ex. 22:30
191. Not to eat a limb torn off a living creature Deut.
192. Not to eat blood Lev. 3:17
193. Not to eat certain fats of clean animals Lev. 3:17
194. Not to eat the sinew of the thigh Gen. 32:33
195. Not to eat meat and milk cooked together Ex. 23:19
196. Not to cook meat and milk together Ex. 34:26
197. Not to eat bread from new grain before the Omer Lev. 23:14
198. Not to eat parched grains from new grain before the Omer Lev. 23:14
199. Not to eat ripened grains from new grain before the Omer Lev. 23:14
200. Not to eat fruit of a tree during its first three years Lev. 19:23
201. Not to eat diverse seeds planted in a vineyard Deut. 22:9
202. Not to eat untithed fruits Lev. 22:15
203. Not to drink wine poured in service to idols Deut. 32:38
204. To ritually slaughter an animal before eating it Deut. 12:21
205. Not to slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same day Lev. 22:28
206. To cover the blood (of a slaughtered beast or fowl) with earth Lev. 17:13
207. Not to take the mother bird from her children Deut. 22:6
208. To release the mother bird if she was taken from the nest Deut. 22:7
209. Not to swear falsely in God's Name Lev. 19:12
210. Not to take God's Name in vain Ex. 20:6
211. Not to deny possession of something entrusted to you Lev. 19:11
212. Not to swear in denial of a monetary claim Lev. 19:11
213. To swear in God's Name to confirm the truth when deemed necessary by court Deut. 10:20
214. To fulfill what was uttered and to do what was avowed Deut. 23:24
215. Not to break oaths or vows Num. 30:3
216. For oaths and vows annulled, there are the laws of annulling vows explicit in the Torah Num. 30:3
217. The Nazir must let his hair grow Num. 6:5
218. He must not cut his hair Num. 6:5
219. He must not drink wine, wine mixtures, or wine vinegar Num. 6:3
220. He must not eat fresh grapes Num. 6:3
221. He must not eat raisins Num. 6:3
222. He must not eat grape seeds Num. 6:4
223. He must not eat grape skins Num. 6:4
224. He must not be under the same roof as a corpse Num. 6:6
225. He must not come into contact with the dead Num. 6:7
226. He must shave after bringing sacrifices upon completion of his Nazirite period Num. 6:9
227. To estimate the value of people as determined by the Torah Lev. 27:2
228. To estimate the value of consecrated animals Lev. 27:12-13
229. To estimate the value of consecrated houses Lev. 27:14
230. To estimate the value of consecrated fields Lev. 27:16
231. Carry out the laws of interdicting possessions (cherem) Lev. 27:28
232. Not to sell the cheremLev. 27:28
233. Not to redeem the cheremLev. 27:28
234. Not to plant diverse seeds together Lev. 19:19
235. Not to plant grains or greens in a vineyard Deut. 22:9
236. Not to crossbreed animals Lev. 19:19

237. Not to work different animals together Deut. 22:10
238. Not to wear shatnez, a cloth woven of wool and linen Deut. 22:11
239. To leave a corner of the field uncut for the poor Lev. 19:10
240. Not to reap that corner Lev. 19:9
241. To leave gleanings Lev. 19:9
242. Not to gather the gleanings Lev. 19:9
243. To leave the gleanings of a vineyard Lev. 19:10
244. Not to gather the gleanings of a vineyard Lev. 19:10
245. To leave the unformed clusters of grapes Lev. 19:10
246. Not to pick the unformed clusters of grapes Lev. 19:10
247. To leave the forgotten sheaves in the field Deut. 24:19
248. Not to retrieve them Deut. 24:19
249. To separate the tithe for the poor Deut. 14:28
250. To give charity Deut. 15:8
251. Not to withhold charity from the poor Deut. 15:7
252. To set aside Terumah Gedolah (tithe for the Kohen) Deut. 18:4
253. The Levite must set aside a tenth of his tithe Num. 18:26
254. Not to preface one tithe to the next, but separate them in their proper order Ex. 22:28
255. A non-Kohen must not eat Terumah Lev. 22:10
256. A hired worker or a Jewish bondsman of a Kohen must not eat Terumah Lev. 22:10
257. An uncircumcised Kohen must not eat Terumah Ex. 12:48
258. An impure Kohen must not eat TerumahLev. 22:4
259. A chalalah must not eat Terumah Lev. 22:12
260. To set aside Ma'aser (tithe) each planting year and give it to a Levite Num. 18:24
261. To set aside the second tithe (Ma'aser Sheni) Deut. 14:22
262. Not to spend its redemption money on anything but food, drink, or ointment Deut. 26:14
263. Not to eat Ma'aser Sheni while impure Deut. 26:14
264. A mourner on the first day after death must not eat Ma'aser SheniDeut. 26:14
265. Not to eat Ma'aser Sheni grains outside Jerusalem Deut. 12:17
266. Not to eat Ma'aser Sheni wine products outside Jerusalem Deut. 12:17
267. Not to eat Ma'aser Sheni oil outside Jerusalem Deut. 12:17
268. The fourth year crops must be totally for holy purposes like Ma'aser SheniLev. 19:24
269. To read the confession of tithes every fourth and seventh year Deut. 26:13
270. To set aside the first fruits and bring them to the Temple Ex. 23:19
271. The Kohanim must not eat the first fruits outside JerusalemDeut. 12:17
272. To read the Torah portion pertaining to their presentation Deut. 26:5
273. To set aside a portion of dough for a Kohen Num. 15:20
274. To give the shoulder, two cheeks, and stomach of slaughtered animals to a KohenDeut. 18:3
275. To give the first sheering of sheep to a Kohen Deut. 18:4
276. To redeem the firstborn sons and give the money to a Kohen Num. 18:15
277. To redeem the firstborn donkey by giving a lamb to a Kohen Ex. 13:13
278. To break the neck of the donkey if the owner does not intend to redeem it Ex. 13:13
279. To rest the land during the seventh year by not doing any work which enhances growth Ex. 34:21
280. Not to work the land during the seventh year Lev. 25:4
281. Not to work with trees to produce fruit during that year Lev. 25:4
282. Not to reap crops that grow wild that year in the normal manner Lev. 25:5
283. Not to gather grapes which grow wild that year in the normal way Lev. 25:5
284. To leave free all produce which grew in that year Ex. 23:11
285. To release all loans during the seventh year Deut. 15:2
286. Not to pressure or claim from the borrower Deut. 15:2
287. Not to refrain from lending immediately before the release of the loans for fear of monetary loss
Deut. 15:9
288. The Sanhedrin must count seven groups of seven years Lev. 25:8
289. The Sanhedrin must sanctify the fiftieth year Lev. 25:10
290. To blow the Shofar on the tenth of Tishrei to free the slaves Lev. 25:9
291. Not to work the soil during the fiftieth year (Jubilee) Lev. 25:11
292. Not to reap in the normal manner that which grows wild in the fiftieth year Lev. 25:11
293. Not to pick grapes which grew wild in the normal manner in the fiftieth year Lev. 25:11
294. Carry out the laws of sold family properties Lev. 25:24
295. Not to sell the land in Israel indefinitely Lev. 25:23
296. Carry out the laws of houses in walled cities Lev. 25:29

297. The Tribe of Levi must not be given a portion of the land in Israel, rather they are given cities to
dwell in Deut. 18:1
298. The Levites must not take a share in the spoils of war Deut. 18:1
299. To give the Levites cities to inhabit and their surrounding fields Num. 35:2
300. Not to sell the fields but they shall remain the Levites' before and after the Jubilee year Lev. 25:34
301. To build a Sanctuary Ex. 25:8
302. Not to build the altar with stones hewn by metal Ex. 20:23
303. Not to climb steps to the altar Ex. 20:26
304. To show reverence to the Temple Lev. 19:30
305. To guard the Temple area Num. 18:2
306. Not to leave the Temple unguarded Num. 18:5
307. To prepare the anointing oil Ex. 30:31
308. Not to reproduce the anointing oil Ex. 30:32
309. Not to anoint with anointing oil Ex. 30:32
310. Not to reproduce the incense formula Ex. 30:37
311. Not to burn anything on the Golden Altar besides incenseEx. 30:9
312. The Levites must transport the ark on their shoulders Num. 7:9
313. Not to remove the staves from the ark Ex. 25:15
314. The Levites must work in the Temple Num. 18:23
315. No Levite must do another's work of either a Kohen or a Levite Num. 18:3
316. To dedicate the Kohen for service Lev. 21:8
317. The work of the Kohanim 's shifts must be equal during holidays Deut. 18:6-8
318. The Kohanim must wear their priestly garments during service Ex. 28:2
319. Not to tear the priestly garments Ex. 28:32
320. The Kohen Gadol 's breastplate must not be loosened from the EfodEx. 28:28
321. A Kohen must not enter the Temple intoxicated Lev. 10:9
322. A Kohen must not enter the Temple with long hair Lev. 10:6
323. A Kohen must not enter the Temple with torn clothes Lev. 10:6
324. A Kohen must not enter the Temple indiscriminately Lev. 16:2
325. A Kohen must not leave the Temple during service Lev. 10:7
326. To send the impure from the Temple Num. 5:2
327. Impure people must not enter the Temple Num. 5:3
328. Impure people must not enter the Temple Mount area Deut. 23:11
329. Impure Kohanim must not do service in the temple Lev. 22:2
330. An impure Kohen, following immersion, must wait until after sundown before returning to service
Lev. 22:7
331. A Kohen must wash his hands and feet before service Ex. 30:19
332. A Kohen with a physical blemish must not enter the sanctuary or approach the altar Lev. 21:23
333. A Kohen with a physical blemish must not serve Lev. 21:17
334. A Kohen with a temporary blemish must not serve Lev. 21:17
335. One who is not a Kohen must not serve Num. 18:4
336. To offer only unblemished animals Lev. 22:21
337. Not to dedicate a blemished animal for the altar Lev. 22:20
338. Not to slaughter it Lev. 22:22
339. Not to sprinkle its blood Lev. 22:24
340. Not to burn its fat Lev. 22:22
341. Not to offer a temporarily blemished animal Deut. 17:1
342. Not to sacrifice blemished animals even if offered by non-Jews Lev. 22:25
343. Not to inflict wounds upon dedicated animals Lev. 22:21
344. To redeem dedicated animals which have become disqualified Deut. 12:15
345. To offer only animals which are at least eight days old Lev. 22:27
346. Not to offer animals bought with the wages of a harlot or the animal exchanged for a dog Deut.
347. Not to burn honey or yeast on the altar Lev. 2:11
348. To salt all sacrifices Lev. 2:13
349. Not to omit the salt from sacrifices Lev. 2:13
350. Carry out the procedure of the burnt offering as prescribed in the Torah Lev. 1:3
351. Not to eat its meat Deut. 12:17
352. Carry out the procedure of the sin offering Lev. 6:18
353. Not to eat the meat of the inner sin offering Lev. 6:23
354. Not to decapitate a fowl brought as a sin offering Lev. 5:8
355. Carry out the procedure of the guilt offering Lev. 7:1

356. The Kohanim must eat the sacrificial meat in the Temple Ex. 29:33
357. The Kohanim must not eat the meat outside the Temple courtyard Deut. 12:17
358. A non-Kohen must not eat sacrificial meat Ex. 29:33
359. To follow the procedure of the peace offering Lev. 7:11
360. Not to eat the meat of minor sacrifices before sprinkling the blood Deut. 12:17
361. To bring meal offerings as prescribed in the Torah Lev. 2:1
362. Not to put oil on the meal offerings of wrongdoers Lev. 5:11
363. Not to put frankincense on the meal offerings of wrongdoers Lev. 3:11
364. Not to eat the meal offering of the High Priest Lev. 6:16
365. Not to bake a meal offering as leavened bread Lev. 6:10
366. The Kohanim must eat the remains of the meal offerings Lev. 6:9
367. To bring all avowed and freewill offerings to the Temple on the first subsequent festival Deut. 12:5-
368. Not to withhold payment incurred by any vow Deut. 23:22
369. To offer all sacrifices in the Temple Deut. 12:11
370. To bring all sacrifices from outside Israel to the Temple Deut. 12:26
371. Not to slaughter sacrifices outside the courtyard Lev. 17:4
372. Not to offer any sacrifices outside the courtyard Deut. 12:13
373. To offer two lambs every day Num. 28:3
374. To light a fire on the altar every day Lev. 6:6
375. Not to extinguish this fire Lev. 6:6
376. To remove the ashes from the altar every day Lev. 6:3
377. To burn incense every day Ex. 30:7
378. To light the Menorah every day Ex. 27:21
379. The Kohen Gadol ("High Priest") must bring a meal offering every day Lev. 6:13
380. To bring two additional lambs as burnt offerings on Shabbat Num 28:9 HE
381. To make the show bread Ex. 25:30
382. To bring additional offerings on Rosh Chodesh (" The New Month") Num. 28:11
383. To bring additional offerings on PassoverNum. 28:19
384. To offer the wave offering from the meal of the new wheat Lev. 23:10
385. Each man must count the Omer - seven weeks from the day the new wheat offering was brought
Lev. 23:15
386. To bring additional offerings on Shavuot Num. 28:26
387. To bring two leaves to accompany the above sacrifice Lev. 23:17
388. To bring additional offerings on Rosh Hashana Num. 29:2
389. To bring additional offerings on Yom Kippur Num. 29:8
390. To bring additional offerings on Sukkot Num. 29:13
391. To bring additional offerings on Shmini Atzeret Num. 29:35
392. Not to eat sacrifices which have become unfit or blemished Deut. 14.3
393. Not to eat from sacrifices offered with improper intentions Lev. 7:18
394. Not to leave sacrifices past the time allowed for eating them Lev. 22:30
395. Not to eat from that which was left over Lev. 19:8
396. Not to eat from sacrifices which became impure Lev. 7:19
397. An impure person must not eat from sacrifices Lev. 7:20
398. To burn the leftover sacrifices Lev. 7:17
399. To burn all impure sacrifices Lev. 7:19
400. To follow the procedure of Yom Kippur in the sequence prescribed in ParshatAcharei Mot ("After
the death of Aaron's sons...") Lev. 16:3
401. One who profaned property must repay what he profaned plus a fifth and bring a sacrifice Lev. 5:16
402. Not to work consecrated animals Deut. 15:19
403. Not to shear the fleece of consecrated animals Deut. 15:19
404. To slaughter the paschal sacrifice at the specified time Ex. 12:6
405. Not to slaughter it while in possession of leaven Ex. 23:18
406. Not to leave the fat overnight Ex. 23:18
407. To slaughter the second Paschal Lamb Num. 9:11
408. To eat the Paschal Lamb with matzah and Marror on the night of the fourteenth of Nisan Ex. 12:8
409. To eat the second Paschal Lamb on the night of the 15th of Iyar Num. 9:11
410. Not to eat the paschal meat raw or boiled Ex. 12:9
411. Not to take the paschal meat from the confines of the group Ex. 12:46
412. An apostate must not eat from it Ex. 12:43
413. A permanent or temporary hired worker must not eat from it Ex. 12:45
414. An uncircumcised male must not eat from it Ex. 12:48

415. Not to break any bones from the paschal offering Ex. 12:46
416. Not to break any bones from the second paschal offering Num. 9:12
417. Not to leave any meat from the paschal offering over until morning Ex. 12:10
418. Not to leave the second paschal meat over until morning Num. 9:12
419. Not to leave the meat of the holiday offering of the 14th until the 16th Deut. 16:4
420. To be seen at the Temple on Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot Deut. 16:16
421. To celebrate on these three Festivals (bring a peace offering) Ex. 23:14
422. To rejoice on these three Festivals (bring a peace offering) Deut. 16:14
423. Not to appear at the Temple without offerings Deut. 16:16
424. Not to refrain from rejoicing with, and giving gifts to, the Levites Deut. 12:19
425. To assemble all the people on the Sukkot following the seventh year Deut. 31:12
426. To set aside the firstborn animals Ex. 13:12
427. The Kohanim must not eat unblemished firstborn animals outside Jerusalem Deut. 12:17
428. Not to redeem the firstborn Num. 18:17
429. Separate the tithe from animals Lev. 27:32
430. Not to redeem the tithe Lev. 27:33
431. Every person must bring a sin offering (in the temple) for his transgression Lev. 4:27
432. Bring an asham talui (temple offering) when uncertain of guilt Lev. 5:17-18
433. Bring an asham vadai (temple offering) when guilt is ascertained Lev. 5:25
434. Bring an oleh v'yored (temple offering) offering (if the person is wealthy, an animal; if poor, a bird or
meal offering) Lev. 5:7-11
435. The Sanhedrin must bring an offering (in the Temple) when it rules in error Lev. 4:13
436. A woman who had a running (vaginal) issue must bring an offering (in the Temple) after she goes
to the Mikveh Lev. 15:28-29
437. A woman who gave birth must bring an offering (in the Temple) after she goes to the Mikveh Lev.
438. A man who had a running (unnatural urinary) issue must bring an offering (in the Temple) after he
goes to the Mikveh Lev. 15:13-14
439. A metzora must bring an offering (in the Temple) after going to the Mikveh Lev. 14:10
440. Not to substitute another beast for one set apart for sacrifice Lev. 27:10
441. The new animal, in addition to the substituted one, retains consecration Lev. 27:10
442. Not to change consecrated animals from one type of offering to another Lev. 27:26
443. Carry out the laws of impurity of the dead Num. 19:14
444. Carry out the procedure of the Red Heifer (Para Aduma) Num. 19:2
445. Carry out the laws of the sprinkling water Num. 19:21
446. Rule the laws of human tzara'at as prescribed in the Torah Lev. 13:12
447. The metzora must not remove his signs of impurity Deut. 24:8
448. The metzora must not shave signs of impurity in his hair Lev. 13:33
449. The metzora must publicize his condition by tearing his garments, allowing his hair to grow and
covering his lips Lev. 13:45
450. Carry out the prescribed rules for purifying the metzoraLev. 14:2
451. The metzora must shave off all his hair prior to purification Lev. 14:9
452. Carry out the laws of tzara'at of clothing Lev. 13:47
453. Carry out the laws of tzara'at of houses Lev. 13:34
454. Observe the laws of menstrual impurity Lev. 15:19
455. Observe the laws of impurity caused by childbirthLev. 12:2
456. Observe the laws of impurity caused by a woman's running issue Lev. 15:25
457. Observe the laws of impurity caused by a man's running issue (irregular ejaculation of infected
semen) Lev. 15:3
458. Observe the laws of impurity caused by a dead beast Lev. 11:39
459. Observe the laws of impurity caused by the eight shratzim (insects) Lev. 11:29
460. Observe the laws of impurity of a seminal emission (regular ejaculation, with normal semen) Lev.
461. Observe the laws of impurity concerning liquid and solid foods Lev. 11:34
462. Every impure person must immerse himself in a Mikveh to become pure Lev. 15:16
463. The court must judge the damages incurred by a goring ox Ex. 21:28
464. The court must judge the damages incurred by an animal eating Ex. 22:4
465. The court must judge the damages incurred by a pit Ex. 21:33
466. The court must judge the damages incurred by fire Ex. 22:5
467. Not to steal money stealthily Lev. 19:11
468. The court must implement punitive measures against the thief Ex. 21:37
469. Each individual must ensure that his scales and weights are accurate Lev. 19:36

470. Not to commit injustice with scales and weights Lev. 19:35
471. Not to possess inaccurate scales and weights even if they are not for use Deut. 25:13
472. Not to move a boundary marker to steal someone's property Deut. 19:14
473. Not to kidnap Ex. 20:13
474. Not to rob openly Lev. 19:13
475. Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt Lev. 19:13
476. Not to covet and scheme to acquire another's possession Ex. 20:14
477. Not to desire another's possession Deut. 5:18
478. Return the robbed object or its value Lev. 5:23
479. Not to ignore a lost object Deut. 22:3
480. Return the lost object Deut. 22:1
481. The court must implement laws against the one who assaults another or damages another's
property Ex. 21:18
482. Not to murder Ex. 20:13
483. Not to accept monetary restitution to atone for the murderer Num. 35:31
484. The court must send the accidental murderer to a city of refuge Num. 35:25
485. Not to accept monetary restitution instead of being sent to a city of refuge Num. 35:32
486. Not to kill the murderer before he stands trial Num. 35:12
487. Save someone being pursued even by taking the life of the pursuer Deut. 25:12
488. Not to pity the pursuer Num. 35:12
489. Not to stand idly by if someone's life is in danger Lev. 19:16
490. Designate cities of refuge and prepare routes of access Deut. 19:3
491. Break the neck of a calf by the river valley following an unsolved murder Deut. 21:4
492. Not to work nor plant that river valley Deut. 21:4
493. Not to allow pitfalls and obstacles to remain on your property Deut. 22:8
494. Make a guard rail around flat roofs Deut. 22:8
495. Not to put a stumbling block before a blind man (nor give harmful advice) (Lifnei iver) Lev. 19:14
496. Help another remove the load from a beast which can no longer carry it Ex. 23:5
497. Help others load their beast Deut. 22:4
498. Not to leave others distraught with their burdens (but to help either load or unload) Deut. 22:4
499. Buy and sell according to Torah law Lev. 25:14
500. Not to overcharge or underpay for an article Lev. 25:14
501. Not to insult or harm anybody with words Lev. 25:17
502. Not to cheat a sincere convert monetarily Ex. 22:20
503. Not to insult or harm a sincere convert with words Ex. 22:20
504. Purchase a Hebrew slave in accordance with the prescribed laws Ex. 21:2
505. Not to sell him as a slave is sold Lev. 25:42
506. Not to work him oppressively Lev. 25:43
507. Not to allow a non-Jew to work him oppressively Lev. 25:53
508. Not to have him do menial slave labor Lev. 25:39
509. Give him gifts when he goes free Deut. 15:14
510. Not to send him away empty-handed Deut. 15:13
511. Redeem Jewish maidservants Ex. 21:8
512. Betroth the Jewish maidservant Ex. 21:8
513. The master must not sell his maidservant Ex. 21:8
514. Canaanite slaves must work forever unless injured in one of their limbs Lev. 25:46
515. Not to extradite a slave who fled to (Biblical) Israel Deut. 23:16
516. Not to wrong a slave who has come to Israel for refuge Deut. 23:16
517. The courts must carry out the laws of a hired worker and hired guard Ex. 22:9
518. Pay wages on the day they were earned Deut. 24:15
519. Not to delay payment of wages past the agreed time Lev. 19:13
520. The hired worker may eat from the unharvested crops where he works Deut. 23:25
521. The worker must not eat while on hired time Deut. 23:26
522. The worker must not take more than he can eat Deut. 23:25
523. Not to muzzle an ox while plowing Deut. 25:4
524. The courts must carry out the laws of a borrower Ex. 22:13
525. The courts must carry out the laws of an unpaid guard Ex. 22:6
526. Lend to the poor and destitute Ex. 22:24
527. Not to press them for payment if you know they don't have it Ex. 22:24
528. Press the idolater for payment Deut. 15:3
529. The creditor must not forcibly take collateral Deut. 24:10
530. Return the collateral to the debtor when needed Deut. 24:13

531. Not to delay its return when needed Deut. 24:12
532. Not to demand collateral from a widow Deut. 24:17
533. Not to demand as collateral utensils needed for preparing food Deut. 24:6
534. Not to lend with interest Lev. 25:37
535. Not to borrow with interest Deut. 23:20
536. Not to intermediate in an interest loan, guarantee, witness, or write the promissory note Ex. 22:24
537. Lend to and borrow from idolaters with interest Deut. 23:21
538. The courts must carry out the laws of the plaintiff, admitter, or denier Ex. 22:8
539. Carry out the laws of the order of inheritance Num. 27:8
540. Appoint judges Deut. 16:18
541. Not to appoint judges who are not familiar with judicial procedure Deut. 1:17
542. Decide by majority in case of disagreement Ex. 23:2
543. The court must not execute through a majority of one; at least a majority of two is required Ex. 23:2
544. A judge who presented an acquittal plea must not present an argument for conviction in capital
cases Deut. 23:2
545. The courts must carry out the death penalty of stoning Deut. 22:24
546. The courts must carry out the death penalty of burning Lev. 20:14
547. The courts must carry out the death penalty of the sword Ex. 21:20
548. The courts must carry out the death penalty of strangulation Lev. 20:10
549. The courts must hang those stoned for blasphemy or idolatry Deut. 21:22
550. Bury the executed on the day they are killed Deut. 21:23
551. Not to delay burial overnight Deut. 21:23
552. The court must not let the sorcerer live Ex. 22:17
553. The court must give lashes to the wrongdoer Ex. 25:2
554. The court must not exceed the prescribed number of lashes Deut. 25:3
555. The court must not kill anybody on circumstantial evidence Ex. 23:7
556. The court must not punish anybody who was forced to do a crime Deut. 22:26
557. A judge must not pity the murderer or assaulter at the trial Deut. 19:13
558. A judge must not have mercy on the poor man at the trial Lev. 19:15
559. A judge must not respect the great man at the trial Lev. 19:15
560. A judge must not decide unjustly the case of the habitual transgressor Ex. 23:6
561. A judge must not pervert justice Lev. 19:15
562. A judge must not pervert a case involving a convert or orphan Deut. 24:17
563. Judge righteously Lev. 19:15
564. The judge must not fear a violent man in judgment Deut. 1:17
565. Judges must not accept bribes Ex. 23:8
566. Judges must not accept testimony unless both parties are present Ex. 23:1
567. Not to curse judges Ex. 22:27
568. Not to curse the head of state or leader of the Sanhedrin Ex. 22:27
569. Not to curse any upstanding Jew Lev. 19:14
570. Anybody who knows evidence must testify in court Lev. 5:1
571. Carefully interrogate the witness Deut. 13:15
572. A witness must not serve as a judge in capital crimes Deut. 19:17
573. Not to accept testimony from a lone witness Deut. 19:15
574. Transgressors must not testify Ex. 23:1
575. Relatives of the litigants must not testify Deut. 24:16
576. Not to testify falsely Ex. 20:13
577. Punish the false witnesses as they tried to punish the defendant Deut. 19:19
578. Act according to the ruling of the SanhedrinDeut. 17:11
579. Not to deviate from the word of the Sanhedrin Deut. 17:11
580. Not to add to the Torah commandments or their oral explanations Deut. 13:1
581. Not to diminish from the Torah any commandments, in whole or in part Deut. 13:1
582. Not to curse your father and mother Ex. 21:17
583. Not to strike your father and mother Ex. 21:15
584. Respect your father or mother Ex. 20:12
585. Fear your father or mother Lev. 19:3
586. Not to be a rebellious son Deut. 21:18
587. Mourn for relativesLev. 10:19
588. The High Priest must not defile himself for any relative Lev. 21:11
589. The High Priest must not enter under the same roof as a corpse Lev. 21:11
590. A Kohen must not defile himself (by going to funerals or cemeteries) for anyone except relatives
Lev. 21:1

591. Appoint a king from Israel Deut. 17:15
592. Not to appoint a convert Deut. 17:15
593. The king must not have too many wives Deut. 17:17
594. The king must not have too many horses Deut. 17:16
595. The king must not have too much silver and gold Deut. 17:17
596. Destroy the seven Canaanite nations Deut. 20:17
597. Not to let any of them remain alive Deut. 20:16
598. Wipe out the descendants of Amalek Deut. 25:19
599. Remember what Amalek did to the Jewish people Deut. 25:17
600. Not to forget Amalek's atrocities and ambush on our journey from Egypt in the desert Deut. 25:19
601. Not to dwell permanently in Egypt Deut. 17:16
602. Offer peace terms to the inhabitants of a city while holding siege, and treat them according to the
Torah if they accept the terms Deut. 20:10
603. Not to offer peace to Ammon and Moab while besieging them Deut. 23:7
604. Not to destroy fruit trees even during the siege Deut. 20:19
605. Prepare latrines outside the camps Deut. 23:13
606. Prepare a shovel for each soldier to dig with Deut. 23:14
607. Appoint a priest to speak with the soldiers during the war Deut. 20:2
608. He who has taken a wife, built a new home, or planted a vineyard is given a year to rejoice with his
possessions Deut. 24:5
609. Not to demand from the above any involvement, communal or military Deut. 24:5
610. Not to panic and retreat during battle Deut. 20:3
611. Keep the laws of the captive woman Deut. 21:11
612. Not to sell her into slavery Deut. 21:14
613. Not to retain her for servitude after having sexual relations with her Deut. 21:14

Torah Economics
By Hillel ben David (Greg Killian)

The following study is based on a lecture given by Rabbi Daniel Lapin 77[1] at the Ludwig
von Mises Institute, Lou Church memorial lecture in religion and Economics. Rabbi
Lapin’s lecture was titled:
What is Morally Right about Economic Freedom

Making money is a Torah virtue, it is inherently moral. Prospering is a virtue.

Why is it that Jews are disproportionately successful with money?

Mark Twain made this same observation in his essay, Concerning Jews:

"If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It
suggests a nebulous dim puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly the
Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as
prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is
extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk…”

The reason Jews have excelled in the area of economics is because they have believed
that making money is a good thing in and of itself. When you are making money you are
doing something good. Philanthropy and tzedaka (charity – righteousness) do not have to
be the goal. Making money is, in the end, good. Not doing tzedaka is reprehensible, but
that does not detract from the fact that making money is good. For Jews especially,
making money is a perfectly natural thing to do. How can this be?

Consider a man who knocks of people’s doors and offers to take away their unwanted
items, their junk. If he pays a pittance for the goods, so much the better. In fact,
businesses have sprouted up for the sole purpose of taking unwanted items from people.
These businesses charge people good money to take unwanted items. Whether the
business is the city trash collector, or a junk hauler, they both charge money to remove a
man’s junk. Now if one could purchase one man’s junk and fix it up and sell it to another
man for a good price, then all are extremely satisfied with this arrangement. The one has
his junk removed without cost or for a small profit, and the other has obtained a needed
item for a good price. The end result is two happy customers and a junk dealer who has
made a profit.78[2] The whole world is better off because of this transaction. By engaging

in this sort of commerce we are doing something good for people. People welcome such
junk dealers. When we do these types of transactions everyone is happy with the
outcome. The ability to make multiple people happy is at the root of the Torah. Thus
making money is a good thing in, and of, itself!

In Hebrew, and in English, we use the same word to characterize good business dealings
and our worship of HaShem. We call it avodah, or service. Those who get good service
are glad. Whether they are HaShem or men. Providing good service is what the Torah is
all about. When we please the men whom HaShem made, then we are also pleasing
HaShem! When are children treat their siblings well, then the parents are extremely
happy. In the same way, when HaShem sees his children treating each other well, then He
is extremely happy. To make HaShem happy, all we have to do is make people happy
when we make money.

Does it matter whether we are serving HaShem’s children with a profit motive?
Absolutely not! In fact, in both the Torah and in common wisdom we find that actions are
more important than intentions. Obeying HaShem for the wrong reason is certainly better
than not obeying Him at all. In the same way, if we serve people with a profit motive we
still serve people. Now clearly kavanah, or intent, is important. Never the less, obedience
is more important. Consider a child who obeys his parents with a bad attitude. While the
parents would prefer a good attitude, they are never the less glad that the child obeyed.
Since only HaShem understands the motives of our hearts, it is impossible for us to judge
this aspect. In fact, a Jewish court looks for the actions and words, to discern intent.
Actions speak louder than words and actions trump intention. The fact that a waiter
provides good service to his customers is appreciated, despite the fact that he is looking
for a good tip.

The process of building good economic relationships is integral to building good

relationships between human beings. The world was created for the purpose of building
bonds and relationships. Consider the elements on the periodic chart. As important as
those elements are, the compounds that are produced from those elements are infinitely
more important. The air we breathe is a mixture. Water is a mixture. As nice as iron is,
steel is ever so much more useful.

Salt, for example, is composed of sodium (toxic) and chlorine (toxic). Yet the result
graces nearly every dinner table in the world. With the alchemy of relationships, even
toxic substances become tov, beneficial. In the same way, we take a toxic male and marry
him to a toxic female and the relationship is called love, and the whole world is better off
because of this relationship. In fact, Bereshit (Genesis) describes the creation as good
except for one exception. The Torah tells us that it is not good for man to be alone. Man
needs a relationship with a woman. Bonding and connectivity are what make the world
go around.

Does HaShem want us to be rich? While His desire in inscrutable, it is quite clear that He
wants us to be obsessively preoccupied with the need and desires of other people.
Whether they are your clients or your customers; whether they are your boss or your

employees. No matter what the relationship, HaShem warns us to be concerned with the
needs of others. When we do this, prosperity and wealth are the natural outcome. To put
it another way, if we want to become wealthy, all we have to do is become obsessively
preoccupied with the needs of others. If we build buggy whips whilst the world is driving
automobiles, then we will never meet the desires of others and we will never make a
profit. We make profit when we sell what others want. The more we understand the needs
and desires of the world and obsess with how to meet those needs and desires, the more
we will become wealthy. It is interesting that the more we do what we want to do, the
more poverty stricken we become. It is only when we turn outward to the desires of
others that we can become wealthy.

Many have said that the most important occupation is the occupation that you enjoy. This
is not the Torah perspective. The Torah perspective is to choose an occupation that meets
the needs of others. This is the only way to have success in life because we will be
serving HaShem in the process. Prosperity is the result of building relationships by
meeting the needs of others.

The Torah is full of contracts (covenants) because contracts allow relationships to flower.
The contract that Yaaqov made with Esav regarding the birthright was a contract that
allowed the Jewish people to become a nation of priests.

Bereshit (Genesis) 25:30-33 And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with
that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom. 31 And
Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. 32 And Esau said, Behold, I am at the
point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? 33 And Jacob said,
Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto

Shemot (Exodus) 19:6 And ye shall be unto me a global markets of priests, and an
holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.

A profit motive is what allowed Joseph to survive his encounter with his brothers at

Bereshit (Genesis) 37:26-27 And Judah said unto his brethren: ‘What profit is it if
we slay our brother and conceal his blood? 27 Come, and let us sell him to the
Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our brother, our flesh.’
And his brethren hearkened unto him.

Yehuda asked, “what profit do we get by killing the boy? Come let us sell him instead”.
Thus Joseph will succinctly state that their intention to do evil was used by HaShem to do

Bereshit (Genesis) 50:19-20 And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the
place of God? 20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto
good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

This good came about only because of a motive for profit. Consider the alternative:
Joseph is dead and the Jewish people all starve to death. Where is the good in that? Even
Joseph greatly benefited from this transaction. Thus the whole world benefited from the
profit motive of Joseph’s ten brothers.

When Joseph’s ten brothers encountered Joseph in Egypt he accused them of spying.

Bereshit (Genesis) 42:9 And Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of
them, and said unto them, Ye are spies; to see the nakedness of the land ye are

Additionally, he had their money returned to them in the top of their sacks of grain.

Bereshit (Genesis) 42:35 And it came to pass as they emptied their sacks, that,
behold, every man’s bundle of money was in his sack: and when both they and their
father saw the bundles of money, they were afraid.

When they saw the money they were terrified because they imagined that they would be
accused of theft. Yet Joseph’s intention was to teach them that relationships were more
important than money. The brothers thought that squandering their relationship with
Joseph to produce a profit was a good thing. Joseph’s message was just the opposite. His
message was that profit comes from good relationships, not the other way around. It is
not about money, it is about relationships.

Relationships and profit go hand in hand with the uniqueness of each individual. If we
were all clones we would find it very hard to meet the needs of others. What we have is
what they have. There is no profit in have each individual being a clone. Having different
desires allows commerce. If no one wants to get rid of his junk, then there can be no sale
of that junk. If everyone desires the same junk, then there is no opportunity for
commerce. Being created in the image of God makes us unique.

While most economists would tend to call us consumers, in reality we are actually
producers. If everything were consumed there would be no museums, buildings, roads, or
parks. We produce! When we create wealth we acknowledge the uniqueness of the
individual. When a government attempts to equalize its citizens, then they will
necessarily produce poverty. The more we are alike the more commerce fails. It is our
uniqueness that allows commerce to thrive. Thus the more freedom (uniqueness) that
exists in the world, the greater the prosperity of the world. The more we are free to
pursue our own desires, the more we allow the world to prosper.

Socialism destroys uniqueness. Consider government housing, public transportation, and

confiscatory taxation. These socialist tools are all designed to destroy our uniqueness and
in the process doom us to poverty. We must produce wealth, not merely move it around.

At the tower of Babel the goal was to make bricks, not to make a tower. Notice that
bricks come first followed by what was to be done with the bricks:

Bereshit Genesis) 11:1-4 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one
speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a
plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another,
Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone,
and slime had they for mortar. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a
tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be
scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

Bricks were the goal! That is why the people were FIRST encouraged to make bricks,
then to build a city and a tower. Bricks are made by man and are all identical. Stones are
made by HaShem and each is unique. The goal of Babel was to make all individuals the
same, to destroy their uniqueness, to make bricks. One of the reasons that HaShem
confused the languages at Babel was to make it very difficult to all be alike.

The Torah records that bricks were used only in two regards: The tower of Babel and the
building of Egypt by the Israelites. As the Israelites were enslaved, so too were the
people of Babel. As the people at Babel received no pay for their service, so too were the
Israelites deprived of their pay.

We had two economic models: The Abrahamic model and the Nimrod model. The
Abrahamic model is the basis for the economy of the western world. This model is based
on giving, not on taking. Abraham wanted to give to and to serve other human beings.
This is the source of the strength of the Abrahamic model. Nimrod’s model was based on
taking from people and making them all the same.

The free market system is propped up by a spiritual system.

Long term business relationships cannot endure if we ‘rip people off’. Bad business
dealings do not make for long term business relationships.

We are predominately spiritual creatures with a subordinate physical aspect. We are souls
with a body. This is an important mental perspective. We must focus on the spiritual and
use the physical to accomplish the spiritual goals. We must use our minds to impact our
bodies. If we believe that something can be done, then it can be done. Nothing stands in
the way of desire, nothing! The only thing that makes us different from robots is our
desire. Robots do not have any desires.

Torah Economics
By Rabbi Noson Weisz

The Torah is not a storybook. The Midrash tells us that the word Torah in Hebrew
derives from the word "Hora'ah," meaning to point the way; the Torah was given to us
by God to guide us through life. In general, it is downright stingy with words and avoids
details with a passion. How then can we account for the lengthy stories concerning the
lives of the Patriarchs recounted in such abundant detail throughout the Book of Genesis?

Nachmanides tackles the problem in his commentary. In his introduction to the Book of
Exodus he explains that the Book of Genesis contains the record of all aspects of
creation, spiritual as well as physical. Spiritual creation was only completed upon the
formation of the Jewish character. Unlike physical creation, for which God alone was
responsible, it was the Patriarchs who completed spiritual creation. It was the events of
their lives and the teachings that they passed down to later generations that helped to
form the Jewish national character. The record of the lives of the Patriarchs is thus the
spiritual Genesis story.

In his commentary on Lech Lecha (Genesis 12:6), he presents a second thesis: "the events
of the lives of the Patriarchs are the precursors of the events of Jewish history." We the
Jewish people merely relive the experiences of the Patriarchs on a larger canvas;
whatever did not happen to them cannot possibly happen to us.

The reason for devoting so much space to describing the lives of the Patriarchs is not
connected to storytelling. It is important for us to be familiar with the details of their lives
for two reasons: (a) to learn how we ourselves are expected to behave as Jews, and (b) to
anticipate and prepare ourselves for the events that history will throw at us.




Nachmanides develops this theory that the events of the lives of the Patriarchs can be
used to forecast the pattern of the history of their offspring in the following manner. All
that happens in the universe is driven by Divine energy and therefore it follows that all
aspects of being must necessarily manifest themselves spiritually prior to making their
appearance in the physical world. He illustrates the way this works by highlighting an
incident from 2 Kings, 13.

The king of Israel, Yoash, attends the deathbed of the prophet Elisha and pleads for his
intercession against Israel's enemy, Aram. Elisha instructs him to open the window
toward the east and placing his own hands on top of the king's, they jointly shoot an
arrow in the direction of Aram through the open window. Then Elisha instructs the king

to shoot some more arrows into the ground. The king shoots three of these; Elisha gets
angry at him; he tells him, "Had you shot six or seven arrows you would have been
totally victorious over Arom; as it is, you will defeat them in battle a few times but never
manage to totally extinguish the threat."

Explains Nachmanides: to acquire the finality of completed events, spiritual forces need
to be brought down to the physical world and expressed in physical terms; until this is
done they are considered unfinished and can still be withdrawn. Elisha created the
spiritual force needed to annihilate Aram, but this force had to descend to the physical
world through the king of Israel. Yoash's unenthusiastic participation in the arrow
shooting ceremony was not sufficient to serve as the agency of transformation of spiritual
into physical; the spiritual force for the annihilation of Aram still lacked a corresponding
physical dimension.

In the case of Jewish history, the events of the lives of the Patriarchs provided the agency
of transformation of the spiritual forces that empower Israel into real events in the
physical world. The history of the Jewish people is the broader expression of the
symbolic potentials generated by the deeds of the Patriarchs. For example, Abraham's
wanderings through the land of Canaan actualized the potential for the conquest of the
land in the times of Joshua.



Following Adam's sin, his offspring no longer resembled the human being that God
originally intended to create. That human being did not make his reappearance on the
stage of human history until Abraham arrived on the scene. The climb back to the
pinnacle of spirituality on which Adam had been placed before he fell had to be
accomplished by human beings themselves through the exercise of their free will. It was
incumbent on man himself to repair what he had broken. The first human being who
dedicated his life to this restoration work was Abraham, and his descendants, Isaac and
Jacob, followed in his footsteps.

Before his sin Adam was described as having been created in the image of God. The fall
is to be understood in terms of the shattering of this image. It was Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob who recast the human being in the image of God. In so doing they shaped the
nation of Israel, about whom it is written:

"You are my flock, you are Adam, and I am your God..." (Ezekiel 34:31)

Each of the Patriarchs made his own unique contribution to the reconstruction of this
Divine image. The incidents described in Parshat Lech Lecha portray one of Abraham's
major contributions to this restoration process, the reattachment of the universe to the
power of Bracha or blessedness. As such, they are as important to understand and to

observe as the rest of the commandments of the Torah. They are to be viewed as a set of
instructions, not as interesting folk tales.



At the very outset of the Parsha God tells Abraham:

"I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great; and you
will be a blessing." (Genesis 12:2)

How can a person "be a blessing"? For that matter what is a blessing? How does it work?
Jewish liturgy is full of blessings. We cannot even take a drink of water without reciting a
blessing and yet blessings are far from self-explanatory. All the blessings of Jewish
liturgy begin with the words: "Blessed are You Lord, Our God, King of the Universe..." It
sounds like we are giving the Almighty a blessing. But does that make sense? Why would
He require our blessings?

In Hebrew, the word "bracha" meaning blessing is a derivative of the word "breicha"
meaning a well or a spring. Spring water is referred to as "living waters" [see for example
Genesis 2:9] in the Torah; a spring is perceived to be supplying energy in the form of
water that is generated by its own life force. When we begin our blessings with the word
"Baruch," we acknowledge God as the source of all our blessings, and we establish a
connection to Him in this capacity as the inexhaustible life source of all being. This
connection then functions as a pipeline that can transport and deliver a fresh flow of
creative energy from the Divine source of all being.

A "bracha" is a reminder of the fact that God not only created the world, but that He also
takes an active interest in its management; in effect, it says: "God, You have
demonstrated that it is Your desire to be involved in Your creation by instructing us to
follow Your wishes as expressed in Your Torah; may it be Your will to strengthen Your
connection to our world and increase the flow of life and energy to us from Your Infinite
reserves." (see Nefesh Hachaim Gate 2, early chapters)

Every blessing acknowledges God as an inexhaustible living source on which we can

draw. When God tells Abraham that he too "will be a blessing," God establishes
Abraham, the human being fashioned in the image of God as himself constituting a
channel for the provision of new life. Let us attempt to get a grip on what this means.



Secular Western society is a world devoid of bracha consciousness. The secular

worldview regarding the proper management of resources is economic. Economics is

defined as the study of the distribution of scarce resources. Prosperity is always relative,
and it is a consequence of successfully optimizing the distribution of these scarce

We all know that nature has limits; the upper limits of natural capacity are determined by,
(1) the basic resources available in various parts of the world, (2) the amount of
knowledge concerning methods of exploitation of such resources, and (3) the
effectiveness with which such knowledge is implemented. Limitless plenitude is
impossible by definition under natural law. Mankind must learn to distribute the limited
resources available among competing claimants without destroying itself in the process.

Economics does not recognize the power of bracha. This does not mean that the
economist rejects the idea that God created the world, but it does mean that as an
economist, he does not subscribe to the notion that God remains a continuing source of
bounty. As far as scientific thinking is concerned, God invested all the energy He was
willing to put into the universe at creation, and man is forced to make do with what
nature can now provide. There is no new energy being continuously channeled into the
world. There will never be more than what there is now.



When he was ordained by God to be a new source of blessing, Abraham was specifically
given the ability to break free of this economic world of limitation.

The world of economics limits every person to the possibilities that are provided by (to
borrow the words of Genesis 12:1) his homeland or culture, his birthplace, and his
father's house, (a concept that embraces all his family connections); these are the basic
natural resources at the disposal of the human individual. But, in the first commandment
addressed to the first Jew, God orders Abraham to leave these resources behind and step
into the world of "bracha," or blessing, where nothing is limited. Abraham's connection
to God becomes a limitless source of energy on which he is always free to draw.

Jewish existence becomes emancipated from the economic order that prevails in the rest
of the universe through God's connection to Abraham. God wanted the creature He
created in His image to have constant access to the wellsprings of bracha. The
actualization of this Divine desire required the establishment of channels that could
transport the fresh flow of blessing from the Source. The Patriarchs opened these
channels for us, and enabled us, their descendants to also connect to the source of bracha.
Not that we have some exclusive right to such access. All human beings were created in
the image of God. They all had the capacity to establish this sort of connection. The
factor that sets the Jewish people apart from the rest is the work put in by the Patriarchs
to establish this direct channel to the source of all blessings.



This is why the Torah describes the lives of the Patriarchs in such great detail - every
incident represents the creation of a channel of bracha that is essential for the
effectiveness of future Jewish prayers. Their lives are the channel that we still employ
down to the present to tap into the source of blessing.

The King of the Kuzars asked a provocative question of the Jewish sage. (Kuzari, Sec.1)
We begin our prayers by addressing God as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Wouldn't it be more appropriate to begin by addressing Him as the creator of the
Universe? After all, there is much more to the universe than the Jewish people. Surely
God is non-sectarian!

The answer is obvious in light of the ideas we have developed. The universe of creation
is the economic world with which we are familiar, subject to the limitations of nature.
Every prayer is a request to tap into the reserves of bracha so that these limitations can be
surmounted. The way to bracha is through the people who opened the channel, the
Patriarchs. We can only pray by going through them.



But surely the matter cannot be this simple. Why wouldn't everyone desire this
connection to the ultimate source of blessing? How is it possible that only the Patriarchs
stumbled upon it? Isn't it extremely presumptuous of the Jewish people to claim this
connection as their unique legacy?

The answer: this world of bracha has many opponents. There are those who prefer the
economic world; they would rather battle for a greater share in a world of scarce
resources and emerge victorious through their own courage and ingenuity, than humble
themselves by turning to God. There is little glory to be found in becoming God's
dependent, and linking one's level of well-being to the intensity of one's Divine service.

The war between the kings described in this Torah portion (Genesis 14) is a manifestation
of this opposition. The four kings are precursors of the four global markets that later
ended Israel's self-rule, and drove the Jewish people into exile. According to
Nachmanides, Abraham's victory over the kings represents the ultimate triumph of the
world of bracha over the world of economics, the superiority of the oved Hashem, the
servant of God, over the superman of Nietzche. But this ultimate victory will come with
the Messiah, at the very end of human history.



The world of bracha is necessarily a world of limitless generosity. The ability to draw on
the inexhaustible source of blessing must be expressed in the form of benevolence toward
others. For someone who has access to limitless blessings there is no such thing as not
enough to go around for everyone. Whatever I give away can be immediately replaced by
a fresh flow from the source.

Indeed, the way to open the tap that releases the flow of Divine Blessing is to engage in
acts of benevolence and generosity. To establish a connection to God involves behaving
like God. We connect to God by adopting His character traits and practices as our own.
After all, God Himself declared that we are cast in His image. If we are endlessly
benevolent so must He be; otherwise the image would be more perfect than the source
that it reflects, a proposition that is absurd on its face. [see the introduction to Tomer

It is not by coincidence that it was Abraham who firsttapped into the source of bracha.
Abraham's chief character trait was chesed, benevolence and generosity. He perfected
himself to such an extent in this aspect of his character, that God identifies Himself as the
God of Abraham when He chooses to reveal Himself in His aspect of benevolence.



Ironically, when he defeated the four kings, Abraham rescued the vanquished kings of
Sodom and Gomorra. These ancient Twin Cities, which God eventually destroyed, have
always symbolized the diametric opposite of chesed. Their citizens clung to the economic
world with fanatic zeal. Their philosophy was: There is only so much and whatever I give
you is irreplaceable, so I will not give you anything.

The Sages teach:

There are four character types among people. One says, "My property is mine and yours
is yours." This is an average character type, but some say this was characteristic of
Sodom... (Pirkei Avos, 5:13)

Every act of generosity is a decision to defy the relentless logic of economics. In a purely
economic world, where resources are scarce, the average character type will inevitably
adopt the lifestyle based on the saying, "what's mine is mine, and what's yours is yours."
There is no evil in this, such practice simply follows the dictates of cold logic-either I can
enjoy the asset or I can deprive myself of it by giving it to you; if one of us gains, the
other loses; we cannot both profit through acts of generosity.

The Sages teach that this average character can easily transform itself into the extreme
cruelty represented by Sodom and Gomorra. All that is required to affect the
transformation is an utter lack of belief in the power of bracha.

The Talmud tells us [Yevomoth, 79a] that Jews possess three outstanding character traits;
their inheritance from the Patriarchs. These three attributes are the prominent traits of the
Jewish national character and it is through them that Jews can always be identified:

 They are merciful.

 They are easily embarrassed.
 Above all, they are generous.



Every Jew is a blessing; he is a descendant of Abraham, who was promised by God that
he would be a blessing. Whatever their level of observance, all Jews somehow know that
they were born into a non-economic world of limitless blessing. Even the average
character type is logically compelled to behave generously in a world where all resources
are always immediately replenish able.

In another passage in the Ethics of the Fathers, the Sages teach:

The world stands in the merit of three things: the learning of Torah, the performance of
the avoda, that is, the sacrifices that were brought in the Temple, and the practice of acts
of generosity. (Pirkei Avot 1:2)

There is precious little Torah learning going on today, we have no Temple and no
sacrifices; we need Jewish generosity to keep the blessing flowing in the world. The
children of Abraham must continue the fresh flow of blessings into the world by
continuing to practice chesed.

Torah and Business
The Dynamic Corporation
By Gal Einai Institute, Inc.

Chapter 1: The Synergy of Economics and Religion

This exposition will address issues of concern to the world of corporate management in
light of the teachings of Chassidut and Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition. In so
doing we will employ the traditional expository method of Chassidic discourse as a
means of arriving at profound insights relevant to these contemporary issues.

The return of our people to their historic Jewish homeland challenges us as a nation to
plan a strategy for social and economic renewal that will guarantee our material well-
being while at the same time reflect the unique spiritual character of the land and its
people. The ancient mystical tradition of Judaism in fact has much to contribute toward
inspiring such a strategy. One of its fundamental tenets has always been that the material
realm G-d brought into being possesses great spiritual possibilities that must be exploited
if the Divine Will behind Creation is to become manifested entirely. Having been
repatriated to the land where heaven and earth have maintained a timeless dialogue, we
must strive to release the material realm from its overtly secular character and thereby
restore the Divine purpose which attaches to all experience, mundane as well as sacred.

We often find in the Bible that before assigning someone a particular mission, G-d
addresses him by name, in order to arouse his unique individuality which is so well suited
to the task at hand. When the prophetic call is no longer audible to man, it can be inferred
from the way in which we are each spiritually touched by G-d's Creation--the wonders of
nature and the miracles of Divine providence. The unique sensibilities that emerge from
our encounter with His world serve to guide us in mediating between heaven and earth
and thereby fulfilling our Divine mission.

The peculiar attachment of modern man to the materialist forces at work in Creation
beckons us to explore, among other things, the opportunities inherent in the pursuit of
capital gain and profit. Although this might repel those who seek in religion a respite
from the material obsessions of modern life, our tradition teaches us not to ignore the
collective experience of one's generation but rather to reveal the spark of holiness that
animates the historic forces behind it--and nothing characterizes contemporary life as
much as the dynamic of economic growth.

Any attempt to legitimize man's inclination toward material pursuit must first offer some
justification for reducing the world and all it contains to a mere assortment of quantifiable
objects. Such a rationale can be derived from the quantifier's tendency to see
relationships of volume and number develop between diverse and unrelated objects. The
very act of counting itself generates conformity of relationship by reducing all things to

an equal value of one. This lowest-common-denominator approach to experience can
serve to confirm the centripetal force in Creation that binds all the discrete elements of
this world to a single source in Divinity. Such reductionism helps one discover the
underlying unity and interconnectedness of all things.

Conversely, one who measures reality in purely qualitative terms can actually lose this
awareness. By emphasizing the unique and intangible essence of things, the quality-prone
mind can cultivate a pagan-like idealism whereby all elements of Creation are isolated
within their own distinct and inviolate individuality. It is the quantitative orientation of
economic thinking that accommodates quality within a system that is also concerned with
ever-expanding profit for Creation.

Chapter 2: Involvement, Quality, and Flow

Let us now explore one aspect of contemporary economic life--the field of corporate
enterprise--by suggesting a particular formula for success that has roots in Chassidic
thought as well as support from intimations in the Bible.

The three major arenas of interaction that characterize the corporate environment are:

1. Interaction between the company and its employees.

2. Interaction between the company and its markets.

3. Interaction between the company and its investors.

Any broad strategy for corporate success needs to address the dynamic governing each of
these spheres.

The fundamental strategy that we wish to put forth is founded upon the three principles of
Involvement (in Hebrew, meuravut), Quality (in Hebrew, eichut), and Flow (in Hebrew,
zeriemah). It will become clear from the following discussion how each of these
principles can serve to guide a corporation in negotiating its diverse interactions and
together help maximize profitability and success.

The three dimensions of corporate activity identified above center around personnel
(employees), product (markets), and capital (investors). Thus, our formula can be easily
summarized as consisting of personnel involvement, product quality, and capital flow.
Before we proceed to elucidate each of these components in light of Chassidic thinking,
let us consider two places in the Torah where the significance of these three principles is
hinted at.

The first is a phrase that appears in the book of Proverbs (8:22) where the Torah refers to
itself in the following words:

G-d created me as the beginning of His way, the most primal (in Hebrew, kedem) of His
works (in Hebrew, mifal [av])from the outset of time (in Hebrew, me'az).

The words kedem ("the most primal") and mifal ("work") possess connotations which
render them particularly relevant to a discussion of corporate enterprise. The word
kedem, which literally means the "fore," denotes as well the concepts of "progress" or
"advance." The word mifal implies any creative enterprise, and in modern Hebrew is used
specifically to mean a manufacturing plant. Together, these two words evoke the
following association from the above verse: "To advance an enterprise, promote me'az (in
Hebrew spelled: mem, alef, zayin)--which we can take as an acronym for the three
principles identified above: Involvement (meuravut), Quality (eichut) and Flow

An additional Scriptural hint to this formula can be found in the verse:

And Jacob said when he saw [the angels approaching],"This (in Hebrew, zeh) is a camp
(in Hebrew, machaneh) of G-d (in Hebrew, Elokim)."

As can be seen, the initials of the phrase "this is a camp of G-d" also form this acronym,

The image of the "camp of G-d" serves as a fitting symbol for what every Jewish
company should strive to become. The "camp" was the basic organizational structure that
defined Israel's first phase of development as a people. Encompassing both their
movement and settlement during the forty years of sojourn in the desert, the "camp of G-
d" became the first paradigm of constructive group activity within the Israelite

In analyzing these three words (machaneh Elokim zeh, "this is a camp of G-d"), it is
possible to arrive at an even more exact correspondence to the corporate principles
suggested above. The "camp," as an organizational archetype, hints at the Involvement-
driven group-structure one strives to create within a company. It’s being "of G-d" hints at
the Divine ideal of Quality that every organization should aspire to in its active life.
Finally, the word "this is" (zeh), suggesting in our verse the ability to identify quality
when one sees it, hints at the Flow (zeriemah) of creative force that inspires success(in
Hebrew zeh and zeriemah both begin with the letter zayin and end with the letter hei.

The word me'az, which we have adopted as the acronym for the purpose of our study,
literally implies the idea of something harking "from the onset of time." As such, it
imparts a sense of the primordial, as does the word kedem ("original") that appears
together with it in the verse quoted above. The relevance of things primordial to the
subject of corporate enterprise lies in the implicit correlation which one can draw
between creative success that is lasting and the primal roots of experience from which it
derives its inspiration.

One can only have confidence that his creative efforts will be met with blessing if the
inspiration for those efforts comes from an ancient and eternal source of wisdom. All
things primordial last for eternity; the word for "eternity" (netzach) also possesses the
connotation of "victory" and "success." If one's enterprise is established exclusively upon
a contemporary and temporal knowledge-base, success may be achieved but it will not be
lasting in nature. Enduring creativity is only possible by reaching beyond one's available
resources and tapping into a primordial source of energy that infuses one's venture with
an eternal and Divine character.

The Torah is, of course, the primary source of creative wisdom that comes down to us
me'az. Let us now employ it in further exploring the subject at hand.

Chapter 3: Inside the Corporate Family--Involvement Without


The extended family clearly prefigures the "camp" as the basic organizational structure
depicted in the Bible. Before Israel became a nation, it was known as "the House of
Jacob," a recognized spiritual as well as socio-economic unit held together by the bonds
of a common origin and destiny. Consequently, any company aspiring to become a "camp
of G-d" should first seek to emulate this model of the extended familial community.

The actual word in Hebrew for "corporation," chevrah, is used as well to denote any
organized social system, the most fundamental of which is of course the nuclear family.
The additional connotation of chevrah, "friendship and camaraderie," suggests the spirit
of human warmth that should pervade every form of chevrah--including that which is
established for pure economic benefit.

The modern corporation has its roots in the early tradition of the "family business." Every
family possesses a patriarch who presides over its extended network. The natural heir to
that position is usually vested with a certain measure of responsibility as a sign of the
implicit faith and confidence that his father has in him. If the heir is truly worthy of this
trust, he will act as a "son turned servant," subordinating his own needs to those of the
family unit at large. It is this subservience which, somewhat paradoxically, earns the son
the right to act with his own initiative. Insofar as he acknowledges his essential
dependence upon a higher authority, the son can be encouraged to cultivate his own
unique talents and abilities so that a new generation of leadership may emerge.

As one of the few vestiges of hierarchic rule left in our obsessively democratic culture,
the corporate structure demands a strong prevailing head. Nevertheless, its roots in the
familial tradition demand that employees sense the commensurate love and respect
accorded them as members of the corporate clan. Only then can they be expected to feel,
in addition to the loyalty and dedication characteristic of a trustworthy servant, the
responsibility of a succeeding heir who has internalized the creative ideal promoted by
his elders. A pervasive atmosphere of love and respect encourages all personnel to seek

and enhance the common aim of the corporate body by exercising creative initiative and
independent thought.

The motto guiding personnel-interaction within a company should be "involvement

without interference." The balance between individual freedom and team discipline
necessary for the optimal functioning of an organization can only be preserved by
promoting the principle of "involvement without interference," a function allowing for
independent initiative while preserving the framework of group accountability.
Resourcefulness on the part of individual employees is only beneficial when it is
accompanied by strong identification with the general group effort. If motivated by, or
aimed at, the devaluation of any other corporate team-member, such initiative should not
be tolerated.

The first to recognize the value of a "flat" hierarchical system, where lower-level
functionaries are invested with maximum responsibility, was Jethro, the father-in-law of
Moses. In proposing a more democratic system for adjudicating the day-to-day affairs of
Israel, he showed great insight into the efficient and productive use of bureaucratic
systems. By suggesting that the judiciary be constructed in pyramid form, with a
predominance of local representation at its base, he demonstrated a faith in the ability of
subordinate authorities to govern the major part of community life.

Moses, one can assume, was hesitant to propose such a model--if only because he felt
that maximum involvement on his own part, having alone received the Law from the
"mouth of G-d," was essential to guaranteeing a fair and accurate decision based upon the
truth absorbed within his soul. Jethro, on the other hand, believed that no harm could
come from delegating certain prescribed responsibilities to other individuals who also
possessed, if not on as perfected a level, the necessary refinement of knowledge and
character. On the contrary, he felt, willingness to do so would be the height of
benevolence and lovingkindness toward:

(1) the community, who would be afforded easy and direct access to the due process of

(2) the chosen officials, who would profit spiritually from the opportunity to exercise
judicial responsibilities;

(3) most obviously, Moses, who would be relieved of a tremendous communal burden
without compromising the decisive weight of his authority and opinion.

In the end, Jethro's perspective was accepted by Moses, and a new hierarchic model was
born--predicated upon a wide delegation of authority by the designated chief executive of
the community.

The success of this model is dependent upon the ability of the delegating authority to
inspire and guide even when physically removed from the actual field of operation. As
such, the creed of "involvement without interference" is just as relevant to the authority's

management force as it is to his personnel. The importance of this creed in establishing a
proper state of leadership can be understood by pondering the state that G-d Himself
assumes vis-a-vis His own Creation, as described in the following statement from the

He grasps all worlds, yet no one grasps Him.

Though everywhere around us, G-d's presence is rarely felt as an invasive force
constraining our activity in the world. Man acts freely, and experiences himself as such,
while Divine Providence continues to tacitly affect the outcome of all that we set in
motion. The mysterious juxtaposition of man's free will against the backdrop of Divine
care and supervision comprises the essential paradox underlying all man's efforts to
influence and rectify the world he lives in.

This same paradox attaches to the management of any creative enterprise where
independent initiative must blend with higher directive. G-d's hidden, yet influential,
presence in the world supplies a model of management whereby self-restraint is willingly
employed as a way of promoting positive input at all levels of the organization.

However, just as independent initiative can lead to interference, so too can self-restraint
result at times in indifference or even neglect. When properly applied, though,
managerial self-control serves to enhance the corporate environment by inducing
personnel to increase their involvement and assert their dormant potential. The revelation
of that potential is what provides management with the knowledge and resources to
advance its creative plan.

The creative potential inherent in one's work-force is the greatest asset and strength of a
company. In fact, the Hebrew word koach denotes both "strength" and "potential,"
alluding to the might that goes into restraining one's powers where the purpose is to
reveal the potential in others. The idiom used in modern Hebrew for "personnel" (koach
adam) means literally "manpower," but is also translatable as "human potential." Such
potential is management's greatest resource and must be actively cultivated if a company
is to inspire maximum effort and generate optimal output.

Chapter 4: Mastering One's Markets--Where Quality Rules

The domestic atmosphere that a company aims to create by encouraging a familial spirit
within its ranks must be offset by an aggressive stance vis-a-vis the outside markets it
seeks to serve. Here, an assumption of confidence in one's powers to influence and
dominate is the posture of choice. Whereas a deferential style may help spur internal
cooperation and productivity, when facing one's markets one must learn to adopt an
attitude of assertive pride in the service or product he is offering.

It is crucial, however, that this corporate pride be tied to one thing only: quality.
Reputation, value, service, and even profit-return must never replace the quality of a

product as the jewel in the company crown. In markets as vast and far-flung as those
which confront the modern manufacturer, representing one's product to customers
becomes a contrived task. With most end-users nothing more than anonymous fish in the
big consumer ocean, the only reasonable option is to "cast your bread upon the waters"
and let the product speak for itself.

The intrinsically impersonal character of contemporary markets serves to propel modern

corporations toward aggressive self-promotion aimed at securing hegemony within those
markets. In an interactive mass-economy, where the unbridled desire for market-rule can
lead to either prosperity or peril for all involved, a company must justify its pretensions to
power and domination. This is where the balance between a nurturing style within the
company and an aggressive one without serves to insure against the self-destructive
tendencies often observed in corporate life.

The goal of establishing market-hegemony demands that the company devise a relational
paradigm for interacting with markets that is based upon a monarchic model. Unlike
relating to employees, where a casual familial style promotes growth, winning potential
markets demands a much more formal corporate persona. Jewish law dictates that
whereas both father and teacher are allowed to decline the honors normally accorded
them, a king is absolutely prohibited from compromising the dignity of his office--even if
motivated by devotion to his subjects. The esteem attached to kingship is no mere
privilege of office; it is an integral aspect of the kingly function. For the ascendant
corporation, this means avoiding the tendency to pander to its markets if doing so entails
compromising its standards of excellence.

The pride one takes in the quality of a product is ultimately a reflection of the respect he
maintains for the markets at which the product is directed. If a king is unable to
compromise the honor of his office, this is only because it would compromise the honor
of his global markets and his subjects. The risk of losing market popularity is indeed
small if it is clear to all that the standard of quality one maintains in a product reflects the
image one has of those for whom that product is intended.

Clear dedication to a creative ideal is what most protects the corporate self from false
pride and conceit. Especially as regards a company's internal health, which can be
endangered by individual ego and ambition, the ability of management to model
selflessness in its commitment to corporate excellence will bolster the entire company
without jeopardizing the dignity of the executive office itself.

This can be clearly seen from the example of the Biblical king of Israel, for whom the
Heavenly Global markets serves as inspiration for his own earthly rule. In the Bible's
description of the celebration that accompanied the arrival of the holy ark in Jerusalem,
we find King David unabashedly dancing and leaping before the approaching ark. He is
subsequently chastised by his wife Michal for demeaning the dignity of his office in
comporting himself so frivolously before his subjects. In his reply to her, we find the
testimony of a sovereign who understands that the honor of his office belongs not to his
person but to the Power that has invested him with his kingly responsibility:

And David said to Michal: It was before G-d, who has chosen me above your father and
all his house to be appointed as a prince over the people of G-d, over Israel; it was before
G-d that I frolicked. May I demean myself even more, and be lowly in my own eyes--yet
before the servants of whom you have spoken, with them will I be honored.

This incident, together with King David's response, indicates that the unique humility of
kingship need not always be concealed when its revelation allows others to share in the
joy of serving the ideal which legitimizes one's royal powers. In our context, the ultimate
advantage of the executive adopting an occasionally self-effacing and transparent
managerial style is that it allows the employees to validate his authority by exposing them
to the creative vision in which it is grounded.

To the same extent that "abasing" oneself before employees is justified when done for the
sake of sharing his vision and enthusiasm, so too is the occasional expression of pride in
a company's creative achievements an appropriate demonstration. This odd combination
of pride and humility essential to Jewish leadership is compared in the Kabbalah to the
surging (gei'ut) and ebbing (shefel) of the sea. The numerical equivalence of these words
(gei'ut= shefel = 410), suggesting the pendula motion of the ocean tide, serves to teach us
as well that it is the extent of a leader's humility which determines the degree of power he
can instinctively allow himself to assume.

What marks the humility of kingship as so unique is the sense of mission and
responsibility with which it is imbued. By reining his ego, the king ensures that the ideal
which he seeks to promote will strike deep into the heart of his subjects, just as the
trajectory of an arrow is determined by the degree of restraint exerted in pulling back the
bow-string. For the corporate "archer" whose target is his market, the challenge of
identifying a unique and worthy need for him to serve should provide a focus for his
powers of humility and restraint. Once he succeeds in recognizing that outer need, he sets
his product in motion so that it may proceed toward its intended mark.

The task of identifying an objective need in the world to which one can offer a singular
response must be the foremost concern of any aspiring company. The extent to which the
corporate power can suppress its own "self-interest," be that defined as any goal other
than the "common good" of the market, will determine its success in fulfilling its creative

The quality of a product is measured by its distinctiveness of function as well as of form.

Its ability to serve the need that it was designed for, while at the same time evoke the
creative vision and power that produced it, will determine its ultimate quality. The
strength that one is measuring when considering quality is referred to in Hebrew as on
("potency"), a gauge of the impact one makes through the act of creative self-expression.
It is this imprint left upon a product which carries a message of excellence into markets
of the future, thereby ensuring a company's enduring relevance and survival.

Chapter 5: Widening the Investment Channel--"Grow with the Flow"

In relating to employees and markets, a company often finds itself in asymmetrical

interactions: vis-a-vis personnel, management strives to act with considered deference
while, at the same time, unleashing a campaign of influence and persuasion on its
potential markets. The only corporate arena where mutualized interactions can take place
is the boardroom, where executive leadership meets the company patronage. Dependent
upon each other for the sustained growth of the corporation, the two must arrive at a
modus vivendi that reflects the reciprocity of their relationship.

The principle guiding their relationship should be that of cooperation aimed at

strengthening the vital sign of corporate health, a steady "flow" of investment and return.
The greater this "flow," the wider the investment channel becomes and the further
upstream the company can sail its product. The surest guarantee of free-flowing capital is
the establishment of trust between management and investors.

Unlike a company's relationship to employees and markets, which focuses on the

conditions necessary for optimizing production and demand, its relationship to investors
revolves around profitability. Money is the medium which flows between the two in a
swirling motion that carries capital into the company and retrieves profit for its holders.
The word in Hebrew for "trust" (emunah) is related to that for "money" (mamone),
highlighting the importance of good faith in securing financial well-being. The very term
"shareholding" expresses the value of trust and cooperation in solidifying the bonds
between management and ownership.

Besides the investor pool, there is another essential body in whom management must
inspire trust and confidence if it is to guarantee the company's financial base: the bankers.
As the company's debt financier and major lending source of venture and working
capital, the bank must be welcomed as an intimate partner in virtually all aspects of the
corporate enterprise. By taking care to choose a bank with good knowledge of the
business one is in, and cultivating with them a rapport based upon understanding,
patience, and friendship, management can find in its bankers an indispensable source of
objectivity regarding the health of one's company. At times of fiscal stress, a
knowledgeable and concerned banker can help a company evaluate whether the source of
difficulty is managerial or purely financial in nature. Establishing a banking relationship
upon openness and trust will guarantee the maximum advantage to be gained by all.

One of the goals of management should be to keep the spiraling cycle of trust in one's
company growing until it touches all potential investment, drawing even the company's
own customers into the vortex. Whereas market-strength is characterized by an
aggressive forward thrust in sales, the capital-strength of a company is characterized by
the more stable and reassuring pattern of spiral-expansion that draws more and more
people into a reciprocal sharing arrangement. The ultimate display of faith that a market
can show in a company's product is to enter the investment stream and thereby reinforce
the corporate momentum. As the "flow" increases and the channel widens, all benefit
from the increased surge in corporate growth.

The term in Hebrew for capital strength is chayil, a word that implies both power and
wealth. Unlike the synonyms for strength mentioned earlier--koach and on--denoting the
"potential" and "potency" inherent in goods and those who produce them, chayil is a
measure of the success one achieves through those goods, expressed primarily through
the capital they generate.

Implicit in the root of the word chayil is a connotation of ever-expanding circular motion
(mechol) seeking out broader and broader orbits within which to extend its influence. The
contagion of success is what every enterprise wishes for itself, its product, and the
markets it serves. Let us conclude with the standard blessing offered those who embark
upon the road to such success: "May they proceed from strength to strength--from bounty
to bounty."

Economic Utopia of the Torah
Economic concepts of the Hebrew Bible interpreted
According to the Rabbinical Literature
By Esa Mangeloja Professor (act.), PhD (Economics)

Ancient Hebrew texts, especially the Torah (also known as Five Books of Moses, Mosaic
Code or Pentateuch (using Greek terminology)) offers an alternative economic ideology
and system. In this study of Biblical literature, these texts of Torah are studied from the
viewpoint of economic theory and concepts. Some quotes are made also from the larger
corpus of Biblical texts, from the Tanach (also called as Old Testament in Christian
terminology). Most economic ideas of the Bible are nevertheless found in the Torah. In
this paper, basic properties and phenomenon of economic concepts found in Bible are
presented by using Rabbinical texts for more clear interpretation. Several economic
concepts, as taxation, property rights and labor markets are presented.

Among the Judaistic scholarship, the Torah is seen as a unified combination of “Written
Law”, which must be interpreted by using the Jewish Sage’s Rabbinical commentaries,
called “Oral Law”, collected in Talmudic Literature. This is also the premise of this
paper, seeing these texts as a unified entity containing also economic message. Therefore,
it should be noted that this study does not fully associate with contemporary Hebrew
Bible exegetic, because no assumptions of the formulation process or origin of these texts
are made. Therefore, discussion on the textual differences and various literature, tradition
or redaction critique issues is not done here. I believe this is a possible basis for this
study, as no major economic policy differences can be found between the redactors of
first four books of Moses and the Deuteronomistic history. In terms of Bible exegetic
schools, this paper could be representing narrative critique viewpoint. This paper is not
interested of the origin of source texts, but the economic issues and consequences implied
in the final codex of these texts (final form of these texts was completed some centuries
B.C.E.). These findings connect with the emerging sub-area of Economics of Religion,
where also economic texts before Adam Smith are nowadays under increasing scientific

Classic Rabbinical commentaries (of which most notable was Rashi) are used to interpret
the original meaning of the Torah legislation and to gain the “Oral Law” insight.
Appreviations of the main Rabbinical texts (also known as Mikraot Gedolot) are
presented in the references section. I use traditional textus receptus and scholarly BHS
(Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia) Hebrew Bible text as the primary base source. Quotes
from the English Bible are according to the traditional Authorized King James version
(from year 1611).

The Torah is seen in Rabbinical texts as one unified structure which is necessarily to be
protected by the Israeli nation and followed in its wholeness. This strict rule on ''the
statutes and thejudgments'' is to be found in Deut. 4:1-14 ''You shall not add to the word

which Icommand you, nor take anything from it...'' This implies that in Biblical
Theocratic rule the Mosaic Law is seen as a given, unchangeable constitution.

Powerful and wealthy economy of Egypt was the gentile economy with material
abundance, but without freedom for Jewish slaves. Moses decided to lead the Jewish
population out of theEgyptian bondage, requiring “a leap of faith”, with no guarantee of
survival in the land of Canaan. The commandment to keep Sabbath rest is central to
whole teachings of the Hebrew Bible. It requires a trust on God’s ability to support seven
days prosperity for six days of work. It operates on the assumption that human life and
spiritual prosperity exceed human productivity.

“And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the
LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, [and]when we did eat bread to
the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with
hunger.” (Exod. 16:3)

People’s argumentation can be understood as perfectly rational short-term utility

optimization, but the alternative Theocratic utopia of Moses was able to show its
potential already in the desert. God made a miracle in wilderness and the people were
able to gather manna1 and quails for free. This illustrates the Torah’s “economy of grace”.

“Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the
people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether
they will walk in my law, or no.” (Exod. 16:4)

The economic utopia of Pentateuch is especially suited for the Jewish nation and maybe
not intended for any use among the gentile economies. Nevertheless, it offers interesting
alternative view of seeing the basic economic fundamentals in a society, as taxation,
laborleisuredecision, social care, economic institutions, financial market, economic
growth and private property.

The contemporary economic theory is based on two initial conditions: Scarcity of

material resources and infinite needs of the consumers. The key economic problem is to
reconcile the conflict between people’s unlimited demands with society’s limited ability
to produce goods and services to fulfil these demands.Torah gives an alternative
foundation with fulfilled needs and sufficient resources. This is enabled by completely
trusting God’s long-term support and following the mitzvothof the Torah.

“This [is] the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every man according
to his eating, an omer for every man, [according to] the number of your persons; take ye
every man for [them] which [are] in his tents. And the children of Israel did so, and
gathered, some more, some less. And when they did mete [it] with an omer, he that
gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered
every man according to his eating.”(Exod. 16:16-18)

The example presents the situation when nobody “had no lack” after gathering manna.

Similarly the quantity of manna was enough, not too little, not too much. Those who
gathered more had no surplus and those gained less did not face shortage. Every day the
people got the quantity which was enough for that day (only for Sabbath it was allowed
to gather for two days portion). When some tried to gather more, the manna was spoiled.

“… some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank.” (Exod.

The miracle of manna was intended only for the 40 years’ time period of wilderness
journey, but was an example of God’s promise to provide adequate means of support for
the people if the Torah was obeyed. Similar promise is made in relation to ordering of
Sabbath and Jubilee years.

“And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety.”
(Lev. 25:19)

Not only will there be abundant food, there will be a blessing upon the food in that it will
be filling to those who eat it. People will be satisfied with it (Rashi). Sforno likens it to
the manna, which was enough to satisfy young and old, big and small, even though
everyone had the same measure of food every day. The blessing is that people will not
gorge themselves to excess, and still they will be satisfied. Those who live in moderation
can easily adjust to less (K’sav Sofer).

In the Torah, different attitudes towards material abundance are seen in the story of
brothers Jacob and Esau who both had gained wealth and prosperity. Righteous Jacob
states in Gen. 33:11 that “I have everything”7, implying that righteous feel that no matter
how much or how little they have in absolute terms, they are content, for they think that
whatever they have is everything they could possibly need. On the other hand, the wicked
brother Esau has a boastfully tone in his words when he says two verses before (Gen.
33:9) that “I have plenty”8, emphasizing the abundance of their possessions and
proclaiming that they have accumulated more than they could ever want (Rashi).

Ownership of Land Property

The fundamental Biblical principle is that God is the only sole owner of the Universe.
The most basic form of productive property and wealth in Bible is agricultural land.

“The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land [is] mine; for ye [are] strangers and
sojourners with me.” (Lev. 25:23)

Israelis were freed from the bondage of slavery in Egypt and were ordered to move to
Canaan. After conquering the seven Canaanite nation (which did not succeed
immediately, but during the following many years) and destroying all the living
Canaanites, they were to possess the Promised Land, “Eretz Israel”, as a virgin territory.
(Deut. 7:1-5; 20:16)

This conquer can be seen as a fulfillment of a promise made to Abraham in Gen. 12:1-7,
7 and 17:5-8.10

“And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art astranger,
all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” (Gen.

As already noted, God is the only true owner of the land. In Lev. 25:2 it is explicitly
stated that “God gives” the land for Israel. After invading and depopulating the Promised
Land,”EretzIsrael”, the land property is divided among the Israelis. The initial division is
commanded tobe permanent and is based on equalitarian rule.

”These were the numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred thousand and a thousand
seven hundred and thirty. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, unto these the land
shall be divided for an inheritance according to the number of names. To many thou shalt
give the more inheritance, and to few thou shaltgive the less inheritance: to every one
shall his inheritance be given according to those that were numbered of him.
Notwithstanding the land shall be divided by lot: according to the names of the tribes of
their fathers they shall inherit. According to the lot shall the possession thereof be
divided between many and few.” (Num. 26:51-56)

Similar order is repeated in Num. 33:51-54.

”And ye shall divide the land by lot for an inheritance among your families: [and] to the
more ye shall give the more inheritance, and to the fewer ye shall give the less
inheritance: every man's [inheritance] shall be in the place where his lot falleth;
according to the tribes of your fathers ye shall inherit. ” (Num. 33:51-54)

The number of people mentioned above includes only men fit for a military service, the
whole amount of people is therefore to be more exactly “numbered of him”. This is
accordance of the God’s order for Moses not to count the exact number of Israelis, only
military force was allowed to be numbered, excluding also Levites. The reason for
ordering not to count each Israeli is not clear, but it’s sinfulness is seen especially in King
David’s mistake (2 Sam. 24:1-10).

Division of land done by using a lot raises some additional problems. The distribution is
said to be equalitarian, but using what unit of measurement? The soil is certainly not
homogenous in relation to productivity. The most simple alternative is to distribute equal
acreage per capita, if the soil was measured in physical units. Nevertheless, it is
reasonable to assume that there existed some more sophisticated method for
measurement, as the agriculture soil apparently is not homogenous for the production
purposes. Soss suggests that we could assume that the land was divided to give some of
its inhabitants an equal market value (or yield) per capita (Soss 1973, p.325). This is in
some degree possible, as Israelis had gathered some beforehand information on the
productivity of the Canaan. As a conclusion, we do not know the exact valuation methods

employed, but the grounding aim of the procedure was nevertheless to be as equal as

The decisions concerning the measurement and valuation was to be done according the
Mosaic Law. The interpretation of the law, thus establishing defacto a Theocratic rule,
was given to priests, that is to sons of Levi.

”And the priests the sons of Levi shall come near; for them the LORD thy God hath
chosen to minister unto him, and to bless in the name of the LORD; and by their word
shall every controversy and every stroke be [tried].” (Deut. 21:5)

Deuteronomistic history orders:

“Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates, which the LORD thy God
giveth thee, throughout thy tribes: and they shall judge the people with just judgment.”
(Deut. 16:18)

It does not specify from which group of people those judges and officers are to be chosen
from. Nevertheless, it might be reasonable to assume that they should be Levites. Lev 6
gives several orders concerning damages done to private property and the required

Verse 6 tells that priests are allowed to evaluate the required sacral offerings, as it is done
“with thy estimation”. Similarly the supreme court, Sanhedrin, is completely Levitical,
which gives decisions in matters not solved in lower courts.

Important basic unit of currency in Hebrew Bible is “the shekel of the sanctuary”, which
is mentioned 25 times in Pentateuch17. The Levites set the weight of this currency, which
gave thema lot of economic control. Levites had much legal and economic power, but on
the other hand they were not able to own any land.

“…there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.” (Num. 26:62)

This was a mean to prevent the Levites from having economic conflicts of interest. They
were able to dedicate themselves into their sacral and governmental responsibilities and
were freed from agricultural labor.

“Command the children of Israel, that they give unto the Levites of the inheritance of
their possession cities to dwell in; and ye shall give [also] unto the Levites suburbs for
the cities round about them. And the cities shall they have to dwell in; and the suburbs of
them shall be for their cattle, and for their goods, and for all their beasts… [So] all the
cities which ye shall give to the Levites [shall be] forty and eight cities: them [shall ye
give] with their suburbs. And the cities which ye shall give [shall be] of the possession of
the children of Israel: from [them that have] many ye shall give many; but from [them
that have] few ye shall give few: every one shall give of his cities unto the Levites
according to his inheritance which he inheriteth.” (Num. 35:2-3,7-8)

Levitical courts were originally supervising weights and measures18, but in the middle of
the third century the rabbinical courts were granted also control over monetary issues and
private property. (Shapiro 2000)

Taxation and Tithes

Levites were to be living in 48 cities inside the area of each tribe and were given
somewhat land for cattle. They were given a right to eat food sacrifices brought into the
temple, but that right includes only males. Therefore, the Levites had a right to tax 10%
of agricultural production.

“And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance,
for their service which they serve, [even] the service of the tabernacle of the
congregation… But the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer [as] an heave
offering unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit: therefore I have said unto
them, Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.” (Num. 18:21, 24)

The tax incidence is beard by the land owners and is a proportional tax. The tithe for
Levites was consumed solely among the Levites and was collected for the supporting of
the priests. The Deuteronomium mentions a second kind of tithe, also 10%, which was
consumed by the owner himself and his family, but eaten in the temple in Jerusalem.

“Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by
year. And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to
place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and outshine oil, and the firstlings
of thy herds and of thy flocks … “ (Deut. 14:22-27)

The owner had also a possibility to change that part of production into money and
consumethat money in Jerusalem.

“And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; [or] if the place
be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name there, when
the LORD thy God hath blessed thee: Then shalt thou turn [it]into money, and bind up
the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall
choose: And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen,
or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and
thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine
household.” (Deut. 14:24-26)

Therefore, this second tithe also made an incentive to support money economy instead of
agricultural barter product transfer. This brings apparently all the market economy
benefits for the national economy. The important role of Jerusalem implied also some
regional effects, where Jerusalem and the whole Judean area got economic benefits, due
to increasing tourism into the area. It should be noted that every seventh year was a
sabbatical year and no tithes were collected then.

Every third year this tithe is not to be eaten in the temple, but inside the home area and
the food is shared with the poor, widows and Levites. This is sometimes called as a “poor

“At the end of three years thou shalt bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same
year, and shalt lay [it] up within thy gates: And the Levite, (because hehath no part nor
inheritance with thee,) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which [are]
within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that the LORD thy God may
bless thee in all the work ofthine hand which thou doest.” (Deut. 14:28-29)

The beginning of kingship brought new taxes, but probably in the beginning of
KingDavid’s reign he did not levy taxes at all, but was forced to do so lately (Radak).
The prophet and judge Samuel gave a warning that kingship means increasing taxation, in
addition to the taxes ordered by Mosaic Law.

“And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers,
and to his servants. And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your
goodliest young men, and your asses, and put [them] to his work. He will take the tenth of
your sheep: and ye shall be his servants.”(1Sam. 8:15-17)

Exodus 30:12-16 mentions also one additional tax, which was of fixed amount (half a
shekel),but that tax most probably was one-time tax, collected in relation to particular

Notion of Private Property and Business Commerce

Bible presents several wealthy figures and attains no negative implication on the private
property itself or to its quantity. Commerce is not seen itself as having any negative
connotation, but it is clearly forbidden to cheat. Rabbinical commentaries state that a Jew
should give preference in commercial relations to a fellow Jew. Prohibition of hurting or
insulting other people applies to commercial relationships as well. The Talmud contains
several examples of such insensitivity (Rashi, Bava Metzia 58b).
The Torah gives clear requirement for honest business practices.

”And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour, or buyest [ought] of thy neighbour'shand, ye
shall not oppress one another.” (Lev. 25:14)

This verse is in Talmud interpreted to refer to over- and undercharges as well, and rules
that if the overcharge is more than one-sixth, the sale is null. Similarly, the rule applies to
undercharges as well, and therefore one must not take advantage of the seller’signorance.
Therefore, a business company that wishes to behave ethically should not use its
monopolistic powers to overcharge customers or underpay its employees. Selling
defective or low-quality items would also be a violation of this law. The Talmud extends
the law also against excessive mark-ups on necessities. Any profit from the sale of a
necessity is not to exceed one-sixth (Friedman 2000, p. 49).

The Sages derive from Lev. 25:50, the strict rule that it is forbidden to steal also from a
non-Jew (Bava Kamma 113b). Tosefta notes that it is worse to steal from a non-Jew than
from a Jew. The reason is that if a Jew is victimized by his fellow, he will not condemn
all Jews or lose his faith in God, but if a Jew cheats a non-Jew, the victim will rail against
the Torah and God. Similarly Jacob instructed his sons to return the money that they
found in their sacks(Gen. 43:12), demonstrating the integrity of people (R’ Bachya).

In Gen. 23:3-20 there is an example of business negotiation tactic when Abraham wanted
to buy a burial site for his wife Sarah. In plain sense, Hittite man Ephron said (v. 11) that
he would be honored to give the entire field as a gift. But as the story continues, it is
clearly revealed that Ephron's public generosity was a sham. He not only had no intention
of making a gift, he hypocritically implied to Abraham that he expected an outrageously
high price for the plot. At the end of the negotiation process, Abraham was forced to pay
not just a cave but the surrounding large field area as well and Ephron demanded an
incredible high price of 400”negotiable currency”, which were known as centenaria. As
the Talmud (Bava Metzia 87a)explains, each shekel that Abraham used to pay for the plot
was worth 2,500 ordinary shekels(Rashi). Thus Abraham paid a total of one million
ordinary shekels for the area.

In this story Abraham proofed his righteousness by choosing the finest burial place for
his wife without haggling over the price. On the other hand, Ephron’s actions are seen as
wicked, because he started out by making grandiose offer of a gift, but then revealed
himself as a greedy man who extorted far more than the property was worth. One small
way to imply this is that Ephron’s name is spelled all the time with a Hebrew letter &, but
in verse 16 when money changed hands and the sale was consummated, the sale is
omitted. Thereby the Torah implies that his stature was diminished. This story is one of
three places where Torah attests to the Jew’s uncontestable possession of the land of
Canaan. For the Cave of Machpelah, the site of the Temple, and the Tomb of Joseph were
all purchased without bargaining and paid for with unquestionably legal tender.

The Talmud states that business ethics is so important that the first question an individual
is asked in the next world at the final judgment is, “Were you honest in your business
dealings?” One important Talmudic tractate, Avot (also known as Ethics of the Fathers),
explains that a pious person follows the philosophy that “mine is yours and yours is
yours”, an antithesis of selfish greed.

The negative attitude towards stealing is most profoundly based on the eight
commandment, but expanded to all types of deception and dishonesty. One of the prophet
Isaiah’s criticism of people dealt with unethical business.

”Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water.” (Isaiah 1:22)

According to several commentaries (Rishi and Reda), this is not a metaphor but refers to
actual misconduct of people, causing God’s anger. The Talmud instructs shopkeepers to
wipe their weights once a week and clean their scales after every weighting.

In the Bible’s books of small prophets when the future Messianic utopia is revealed, in
the future paradise on earth, the right for private property clearly continues.

“But everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree.” (Micah. 4:4)

Another prophetic vision for the future Messianic economy is shown in Isaiah. It gives a
promise of spiritual abundance.

“Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye,
buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore
do ye spend money for [that which is] not bread? and your labour for [that which]
satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye [that which is] good, and let your
soul delight itself in fatness.” (Isaiah 55:1-2)

It does not mean that there is no monetary institution or price mechanism in Messianic
rule, as the verse is purely allegorical. Nevertheless, the redemption will be followed also
by pure material blessings.

“Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the
myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign [that] shall
not be cut off.” (Isaiah 55:13)

Social Policy
The Torah admits that the nation will always have some poor population amongst it.

“ For the poor shall never cease out of the land:” (Deut. 15:11)

Nevertheless, this is not an ideal state of nation, but the aim should be to remove or at
least easen the poverty in economy.

“Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in
the land…” (Deut. 15:4)

Biblical rule consists caring of poor, including also non-Jewish population.

“And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve
him: [yea, though he be] a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee.” (Lev.

Rambam rules that the highest form of charity is to step in with help to prevent a person
from becoming poor. The above verse refers to him as “thy brother” which is a clearly
intimate term. (Hil. Matanos Aniyim 10:7). The responsibility for caring of the poor is
defined geographically, whoever happens to be near a poor person, must help. (Soss,
p.333). The help includes food support, but any individual is not required to brought a

poor into his household, which would mean a forming of involuntary enslavement. In
above verse, “a stranger” is in Rabbinical literature interpreted to mean “a proselyte”,
who has become a Jew. Similarly “a sojourner” is interpreted to be so called “righteous
gentile” (Rashi, Sifra).

The poor tithe, to be repeated every third year, is a clear social income transfer for the
poor. Another type of social care is an order to leave some crops in fields to be uncut for
the poor.

“And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy
field, neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest. And thou shalt not glean thy
vineyard, neither shalt thou gather [every] grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them
for the poor and stranger.” (Lev. 19:9-10)

It should be noted that this order not to cut the corners of the field is not exact and leaves
room for interpretation and practical decision. The Levites probably made practical
interpretation of every action for field gleaning.

Similar fear of widening income gap between rich and poor is seen also in later prophetic
books of the Hebrew Bible, as in Isaiah.

“Woe unto them that join house to house, [that] lay field to field, till [there be] no place,
that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!” (Isaiah 5:8)

Interest Rate
Mosaic Law orders a zero interest rate for any interpersonal loans. In Deuteronomium,
this order is given to be concerning loans for Jews, but not for foreigners.

“Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury
of anything that is lent upon usury: Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but
unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury:” (Deut. 23:19-20)

Similar zero-rate order is in Leviticus, but in form which does not explicitly reveal such
clear distinction between loan for Jews and others.

“Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with
thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for
increase.” (Lev. 25:36-37)

Nevertheless, it is pretty clear from the context of this verse, that it is referring only to “a
brother”, not for non-Jews. The commandment not to take interest applies only to a Jew,
but it is permitted to take interest from a non-Jewish resident, as it is from other gentiles
(Bava Metzia 71b). In dealing with non-Jews, one may charge interest because it is no
contradiction of ethical business practice, but in dealing with Jews, non-interest
legislation is a form of generosity and charity.

According to Rashi, terms “usury” and “increase” have identical meaning and the
prohibition against interest is mentioned twice, implying that taking interest violates more
than one commandment. Nevertheless, Ramban explains that there are two different kind
of loans. First type is an “interest” loan, where a borrower must pay interest indefinitely,
without any of it being credited to the principle. The second type is a loan, where a
borrower pays the principle and the interest back when agreed, but there is no stipulation
for further interest payments. This arrangement is “increase”, because it increases the
lender’s fortune without unduly “biting” the borrower.

This zero-interest rule is not aimed to lead to the situation where lending is not practiced.
Torah gives strong orders to support lending money for the poor, even without interest.

“If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thygates in thy
land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not hardenthine heart, nor shut
thine hand from thy poor brother: But thou shalt open thinehand wide unto him, and shalt
surely lend him sufficient for his need, [in that] which he wanteth.” (Deut. 15:7-8) 43

The text does not explicitly tell how much the rich is required to lend, except that it is
“sufficient for his needs”. It might be that this was also one of the tasks of the Levitical
court. Lending, also in nation-wide level, is seen as negative sign affecting nation’s
independence. Ideal national economic situation means do foreign debt, but lending other
nations, and thereforereining them.

“For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto
many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but
they shall not reign over thee.” (Deut. 15:6)

There are also several orders for not taking a pledge if the borrower is a poor, nor it is
allowed to take an important pledge, which would threaten a poor’s ability to continue
working and earning.

“When thou dost lend thy brother anything, thou shalt not go into his house to fetch his
pledge. Thou shalt stand abroad, and the man to whom thou dost lend shall bring out the
pledge abroad unto thee. And if the man [be] poor, thou shalt not sleep with his pledge:
In any case thou shalt deliver him the pledge again when the sun goeth down, that he may
sleep in his own raiment, and bless thee: and it shall be righteousness unto thee before
the LORD thy God.” (Deut. 24:10-13)

Accordingly, it is not allowed to deny loans because of the narrowing Sabbatical year.
Zero interest rate (but not for non-Jews) does not sound efficient and economic growth
stimulating way of policy. But it should be remembered, that it applies to interpersonal

relations between the poor and rich, and mainly among the Jewish population (poor
gentiles will also get help).

It is not a description of whole capital market, but only the part which relates to social
characteristics. This legislation has several implications. Firstly, redistribution of national
income which equalizes the income distribution. This task is somehow organized in all
modern economies, but in this version it is done with great emphasis on private support,
combining the shortages with other social help, as the tithes from the temple and Levites.
Secondly, it leads to reduction of the total net accumulation of capital.

Aumann and Maschler (1985) give several examples of Talmudic rules concerning
Talmudic rules for dividing the estate among the creditors. They show that rules given in
Talmud lead to uniformly consistent solutions for collective bargaining.

Labor Market
The basic task given to man is to labor. After the man’s transgression to the sin in the
Garden of Eden the man was given a heavy load of work.

“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground…“ (Gen.

Wage payment period is legislated to be one day.

“Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob [him]: the wages of him that is hired
shall not abide with thee all night until the morning.” (Lev. 19:13)

Similar order is given in Deuteronomistic history:

“Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant [that is] poor and needy, [whether he be] of thy
brethren, or of thy strangers that [are] in thy land within thy gates: At his day thou shalt
give [him] his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it; for he [is] poor, and setteth his
heart upon it: lest he cry against thee unto the LORD, and it be sin unto thee.” (Deut.

Here it is added that the rule applies also to gentiles. This rule significantly decreases the
need for financial market and institutions. The Talmud extends this law to all kinds of
payments owed, including various types of rental fees.

The Torah gives Jewish men the right to sell themselves as slaves to fellow Jews, but
they do not lose their status in the civil or religious community (Rishi, Sierra). Rabbinical
literatureemphasisthat rather than slaves, they are “indentured servants”, who for a
specific period of time are not free to resign their employment, but who should be treated
with respect (Lev. 25:39). Sages say that “one who buys himself a slave, buys himself a
master” (Kiddushin15a). A Jew is owned only by God and it is sacrilegious to sell him on
an auction bock (Rashi,Sifra, Rambam, and Hil. Avadim 1:5). Rambam also defines that

it is forbidden to have him work merely to keep him busy or to set him to tasks without a
specified time limit or useful purpose (Hil. Avadim 1:6). Labor without a purpose and
degrading work demoralizes the human being and is therefore prohibited. Righteous
employers take care that their employees are not overworked, but treated with respect.
King Solomon used a large number of workers when building the Temple in Jerusalem,
but even in this sacred work employees were allowed to work in shifts, not to keep them
away from their families for too long a time when working in Lebanon.

Nevertheless, Jews may purchase slaves from surrounding nations and they become the
property of their owners (Lev. 25:44).

“Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, [shall be] of the heathen
that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. … And ye shall
take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit [them for] a
possession; they shall be your bondmen forever: but over your brethren the children of
Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.” (Lev. 25:44,46)

The Torah states clearly, that the non-Jewish slave is his master’s property (but not so
with Jews, because their true owner can only be God) and is a heritage. His owner does
not have the similar restrictions as Jewish slave owners (Seder Olam). The Talmud notes
that the inheritance of non-Jewish slaves is a positive commandment, prohibiting a
Jewish owner to free his non-Jewish slaves. If necessary, a slave may be freed as a
performance of a good deed, mitzvah. A slave may not be freed merely to please him, but
if the owner will derive some benefit from freeing a slave, he may do so (Gittin 38b,
Berachos 47b). If a Jew is sold as a slave to a non-Jewish resident of “Eretz Israel”, his
kinsmen have the responsibility to redeem him, but without depriving the owner of his
legitimate property rights (Lev. 25:47-55).

The Torah also states responsibilities of workers. Employees are required to work to the
best of their abilities and not waste time. This is homiletically seen in passage where
Jacob enters Haran and notices idle shepherds around the well. He gives them orders to
continue work even when he is in a foreign land. Later he describes his work habits when
serving his uncle Laban, saying he has used all his strength and abilities. Jacob
emphasizes that an employee should work as hard as possible and do an honest day’s

“And ye know that with all my power I have served your father.” (Gen. 31:6)

The Torah and its Rabbinical interpretation seems to support the idea of labor
specialization. Each of the tribes of Israel (i.e. sons of Jacob) had their own
characteristics and task, implied in the blessing of Jacob in Gen 49. Rabbinical literature
does not necessarily give the study of Torah and religious professions the most valuable
position in human life. Although Issachar was the tribe that excelled in Torah scholarship
while Zebulon was a merchant tribe, Jacob gave precedence to Zebulon in Gen. 49
(similar as with Ephraim and Manasseh, sons of Joseph in Gen 48:19). Issachar’s

spiritual growth was made possible only because Zebulon shared his wealth with the
scholars of Issachar.

The Law also prohibits the improvement of seed and meat production by using hybrid
strains of seeds and animals.

“Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thyfield with
mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee.”
(Lev. 19:19)

The Law seems to be pretty pessimistic also on the use of irrigation, but it is not
explicitly restricted. The negative connotation can nevertheless be seen as the status of
God as a rainmaker and God’s blessing to be seen in a form of rain.

“The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy
land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand.” (Deut. 28:12)

Irrigation is referred to be used in Egypt, where real God was not served.

“For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it, [is] not as the land of Egypt, from
whence ye came out, where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst [it] withthy foot, as a
garden of herbs: But the land, whither ye go to possess it, [is] a land of hills and valleys,
[and] drinketh water of the rain of heaven: A land which the LORD thy God careth for:
the eyes of the LORD thy God [are] always upon it … That I will give [you] the rain of
your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in
thy corn, and thy wine, andthine oil.” (Deut. 11:10-14)

Any need for technological innovation is not clearly seen in the Bible, but is not restricted
either. Some implication for supporting agricultural innovation can nevertheless be
found.ThePromised Land is seen as a good soil, where for example mining is

“… a land whose stones [are] iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest digbrass.” (Deut.

Both Pentateuch’s attitudes towards capital accumulation and technological innovation

seem to be somewhat restrictive. The third input factor in economic theory is work-
leisure decisions made by the consumers. One of the most essential orders in the Torah is
to keep Sabbath, which is given as fourth in the Ten Commandments.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy
work: But the seventh day [is] the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it]thou shalt not do
any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor
thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates: For [in] six days the LORD made
heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day:
wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” (Exod. 20:8-11)

This rule applies to all humans, including gentiles and also animals. Also using other
nonhuman means of production, as using fire, is prohibited in Exod. 35:3. This order is
very strict, as is shown in the death-penalty

“Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a
Sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.”
(Exod. 35:2)

Jewish calendar includes also several festivals when the work is not allowed and three
pilgrimage festivals54 (the feast of unleavened bread, the feast of harvest, the feast of
ingathering) require a pilgrimage to the temple in Jerusalem, concerning the whole

Business Cycles
Biblical calendar is profoundly cyclical, as sabbatical years are every seven years. During
those sabbatical years (every seven years and a year after seven seven-year cycles, the so
called year of Jubilee) no tithes were collected.

Another cyclical element in Bible is not ordered by the Law, but seems to be fluctuating
because of deterministic cycles of the nature. They are revealed in Pharaoh’s dreams,
which were interpreted by Joseph.

“Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt: And
there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in
the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land; And the plenty shall not be
known in the land by reason of that famine following; for it [shall be] very grievous.”
(Gen. 41:29-31)

Joseph also gave economic policy measures to dampen those fluctuations and acted lately
as a finance minister in Egypt. The same episode of Joseph in Egypt, includes
recommendations for using active public fiscal policy for dampening the economic
fluctuations. During the prosperous years of economic boom the public governance
should use surplus budgets to prepare for the economic downturns, when public budgets
could be in deficit. When Josef interprets the dreams of Pharaoh, he includes suggestions
for proper handling of future seven year famine. In Gen. 41:34, one part of these
suggestions is usually interpreted “and he shall prepare”, but several alternatives exist.
Ibn Ezra derives the word usually interpreted as “prepare”, –OE(E &A , from the word –
/F (I ,“five”, according to which Joseph was recommending that Pharaoh buy a fifth of
the land of Egypt during the seven years of abundance. Along similar lines, Rash bamand
Radak observe that this was a proposal that Pharaoh double the usual one-tenth tax on
grain, and have his oversees collect a fifth of all the produce for the royal granary during
the economic boom. Another proposition Josef gave to Pharaoh, in verse 35 “and let them
gather”, implies that the food (double taxation during the upturn) should be gathered as a
levy from the landowners, even against their will (Rashbam). Every city should also have

its own royal granaries, to save transport costs and reassure the citizens that their food is
not being taken for the benefit of others (Tur, Ralbag, R’ Bachya). It should be also noted
that Joseph’s granaries were sufficient not only feed Egypt but to enrich Pharaoh by
selling food to the surrounding lands. This implies not only active fiscal policy, but also
active overall public economic sector in the society. According to Talmud, the famine did
not last for full seven years, but was shortened (by God). Therefore, the length of the
fluctuations is not fixed, but may vary depending on the economic and spiritual situation
of the nation.

Jacob seems to speculate with future grain price increases and take use of the price
fluctuations when ruling in Egypt. Joseph’s agrarian policy enriches Pharaoh when he
gathers high prices from food. In Gen. 47:14 tells that either Joseph had bought the grain
from farmers of Egypt when the prices were depressed during the seven years of
abundance, or Pharaoh had forced them to give it up during those years. Joseph’s plan
was to impoverish the Egyptians and make them totally dependent upon the King. Priests
were the only part of population which was not forced to sell their land for food. This
implies that Jews should never be reluctant to give their tithes to the Jewish priests,
Levites or poor either.

The Talmud is concerned of price stability. Causing prices to rise by hoarding or by any
means was a violation of Biblical law, similar to usury or tampering with weights and
measures. The market prices should be stable and low throughout the year. Nevertheless,
the Sages disagree as to whether or not supervisors should be appointed to oversee prices
(Friedman 2000, p.49).

Sabbatical Year
The Jewish time frame is strictly connected to the cycles of number seven. Every seventh
day is a rest day and also every seventh year is a Sabbath year (Shemittah in Hebrew).

“And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: But the
seventh [year] thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat: and
what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy
vineyard, [and] with thy olive yard.” (Exod. 23:10-11)

Additional orders are given in Leviticus, which states that produce of the land which is
not supported by any human actions may be consumed also during the Sabbath year.

“That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather
the grapes of thy vine undressed: [for] it is a year of rest unto the land. And the Sabbath
of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for
thy hired servant, and for thy stranger that sojourneth with thee, And for thy cattle, and
for the beast that [are] in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat.” (Lev. 25:3-7)

After growth of the harvest (v.5) was not allowed to reap, which refers to the produce of
seeds that were not planted in the seventh year, but that fall onto the soil during the

harvest of the sixth year’s crop (Rashi). A crop that was planted before the seventh year
was also allowed to be eaten (Ramban). Everyone from land-owners to gentiles and wild
animals must have equal access to the produce, it is to be used as food but not for
commerce (Rashi). Rest of the land implies also that it is left unguarded so that anyone
could take its produce.

This rest is naturally understandable for the reproductive purposes, while it may also
support innovation activity, as time is devoted also for resting and leisure. Nevertheless,
the religious obligations, essentially the study of the Torah, is time-consuming. On the
other hand, literacy is very much respected and supported. The Law puts clearly great
emphasis on education of the whole population.

“When all Israel is come to appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall
choose, thou shalt read this law before all Israel in their hearing. Gather the people
together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that [is] within thy gates, that
they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the LORD your God, and observe to do
all the words of this law:” (Deut. 31:11-12)

The lands rest in the seventh year has the same spiritual message as the people’s rest on
the seventh day, both teach that the primary force in the universe is God, not the law of
nature. Devotion of the whole year for contemplation and spiritual enhancement requires
additional saving during the six year period. Cycle of six years farming can be seen both
as a blessing and a warning. It implicitly promises that the people will be able to work
productively all consecutive six years, and are not required to let the soil lay fallow any
more (Sforno). Ramban (Mechilta) notes, that if this legislation is not followed, people
will be necessary to let the soil rest for four years out of every seven. The Talmud
(Sanhedrin 26a) adds that under extreme economic circumstances, the Sages permitted
farmers to work their fields also during Shemittah, implying that people are permitted to
take measures to deal with hunger if it comes.

Deuteronomistic history adds also forgiveness of loans in every Sabbatical years. This
was intended to remove the threat of deepening cycle of poverty.

“At the end of [every] seven years thou shalt make a release. And this [is] the manner of
the release: Every creditor that lendeth [ought] unto his neighbor shall release [it]; he
shall not exact [it] of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD'S
release. Of a foreigner thou mayest exact [it again]: but [that] which is thine with thy
brother thine hand shall release.” (Deut. 15:1-3)

Year of Jubilee
The number seven represents the cycle of completion in creation. The seven cycles (of
seven years) leading up to the Jubilee reinforce this concept (Chinuch).

As already noted, God is the only true owner of the land and He gave the Canaan to each
tribe of Israel. After the original division of the land, the human “owner” of the land

cannot permanently sell his property. This is because every fiftieth year, in Jubilee year,
all land alienated during the preceding fifty years returns to its original owner or his
closest heirs. Inheritance is given to sons and the first-born male is given the double
portion. The inheritance legislation ensures, therefore, at least some land-owning to every
non-Levitic male in Canaan.

The main orders concerning the year of Jubilee are given in Leviticus chapter 25. It
should be noted, that the Jubilee year follows immediately after a Sabbath year (seventh
in succession after last Jubilee). At the end of each 48 year there occurs two consecutive
years of rest, 49th is a Sabbath year and 50th is the Jubilee. Therefore, the institution of
the Jubilee year institution is essentially an extension of the Sabbath year legislation.

The most important function of Jubilee was reversion of sold land to its original owner.
Ancestral plots of land, that have been sold between one Jubilee and the next, revert to
their original owners with the arrival of the Jubilee Year (Rashi). Land could not be sold
in perpetuity, implying that the land and the owner family are entwined with each

Therefore, the transfer of property was actually not the sale of the land, but of its produce
for a certain number of years and the price was fixed according to the number of years
which intervened between the year of the sale and that of the next year of Jubilee. In
addition to zero interest rate, returning the land to its original owner every 50th year
implies that the land is valued only by the crops produced until the next year of Jubilee.

As Lev. 25:29-34 adds, a residence house in a walled city was not included in a Jubilee
legislation. Whereas a field cannot be redeemed for the first two years, but may be
redeemed at any time thereafter, and a house in an unwalled city may be redeemed at any
time, even immediately, a house in a walled city can be redeemed only until the first
anniversary of the sale. Thereafter, it remains the property of the buyer in perpetuity
(Rashi, Sifra, Vayikra, p.434). Levites received initially 48 towns, scattered around the
country, each of which was surrounded by a ring of open land, 2000 cubits wide (Num.
35:1-8). Any part of the Levite property may be redeemed immediately, whether it is a
house or a field, and whether the city is walled or open (Rambam, Hil. Shemittah
V’Yovel 13:8-9, Rashi, Sifra). Consequently, the Levites cannot be deprived permanently
of any part of their heritage.

There were two ways in which an Israelite would lose his right to the property, namely if
an Israelite consecrated a field to the Temple treasury and did not redeem it, and
alternatively, if he consecrated his field to the Temple treasury and it was sold by the
Temple treasurer before it was redeemed. In these cases the field did not return to an
original owner, but would become the property of the Priests, who divide it among
themselves (Lev. 25:34; 27:20-21).
Levite fields, however, do go back in even such an event (Rashi, Sifra).

Another main function of the year of Jubilee was rest for agricultural soil. Similar as to
normal Sabbatical year, land was to lie fallow and there was to be no tillage. Therefore,
the soil actually rests for two consecutive years.

“A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which
groweth of itself in it, nor gather [the grapes] in it of thy vine undressed. For it [is] the
jubilee; it shall be holy unto you: ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field.” (Lev.

What the land produces spontaneously is free to be utilized by all Israelites (owner
included), but only from their immediate use, not to be stored or sold for any future or
speculative use. Third function was releasing of slaves. The slaves are free to return (with
their family if any) to their land of inheritance. This is a difference compared to slave
release after six years of service, when family was not necessarily allowed to follow the
male slave. Additionally, the slave in Jubilee year was allowed to gain back its
inheritance soil, but no other financial help was provided. All Jewish slaves must be
freed, even if they have not worked the usual minimum of six years or if they have
elected to remain with their masters after the six years (Rashi).

Releasing of debts is not mentioned to be happening in Jubilee. That is obviously not

necessary, as it is done every seven years.

Leviticus contain a promise that rest of land will not cause famine, but the last harvest
during the 48th year will be enough for the next three years demand (until the next

“And if ye shall say, What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we shall not sow, nor
gather in our increase: Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year, and
it shall bring forth fruit for three years. And ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat [yet] of
old fruit until the ninth year; until her fruits come in ye shall eat [of] the old [store].”
(Lev. 25:20-22)

Meaning of the Jubilee is to preserve the essential character of the Theocracy, the end
that no poor people exists among the Israelis. If people realize the benefits of Torah
Economics, they will refrain from cheating and stealing, because they will reflect on the
lesson of Supreme Owner (Chinuch).

It is not historically known by how long the command for celebrating the year of Jubilee
was followed, but later books of Bible still consists some reference to stable land-owning

Economics of the Torah offers one more alternative basis for understanding economic
reasoning and theory. To say it very shortly, the modern capitalist economic system tries
to increase the material well-being (increase the size of the common economic “pie”), by

accelerating economic growth, so that in the end even the smallest (in relative sense)
piece of that “pie” is big enough to feed and sustain even the poorest people in society,
leading to world of material well-being and peaceful co-existence (Nelson 2001).
Marxian economic theory is based on equal division of that “pie”, which would lead to
peaceful society according to that view. But the Economics of Torah offers completely
alternative way of seeing the economic dilemma. We may say that the aim and final state
of that process is the same in all these alternatives, some kind of Messianic world of
peace and happy co-existence between people and nature, but the means and ways to that
state of society are completely different.

Economics of Torah tries to tell that the “pie” is not ours at all, but belongs to Supreme
Being, God. If the society and economic practice is based on that kind of very strict and
absolute moral base and institution, the gross utility (including material and spiritual) of
consumers is maximized and poverty minimized. There is no need to accumulate wealth
or accelerate economic growth, as the two main assumptions concerning the state of
initial economic conditions are different. In the Economics of Torah, there is no scarcity
of material resources (if controlled by Torah institutions) and the needs of consumers can
be met (if consumers allow to follow the Torah commandments, alternating their personal

A Christian Response to Poverty: Torah
Economics or a New Starting Point?
By Shane Claiborne and Economics

Recently I ran across a friend’s Facebook comment which was a part of a long string of
right-wing harping on Obama’s “spread the wealth” comment. One commenter in this
string quoted Jesus to argue that spreading the wealth would not accomplish anything:
“The poor you will always have with you” (Mark 14:7). (The use of this quote was
egregiously out-of-context, as Jesus is rebuking the disciples for using the poor as an
excuse for criticizing a women’s act of worship.)

This guy’s comment highlights a need for American Christians develop a biblically-based
response to the ever-present reality of poverty in their economic context.

Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw state that God’s plan for the Israelites was that there
would be “no poor people among you” (Deuteronomy 15:4) (in Jesus for President, 59).
This verse in Deuteronomy is a part of a section of laws called Jubilee laws, which call
for the canceling of debts and, if you will, the redistribution of wealth! Claiborne and
Haw later state that Jesus, when reading from Isaiah in Luke 4, “called upon the
economic tradition of the Torah,” and that “to release the prisoner and the oppressed is to
practice jubilee” (Jesus for President, 88).

It’s a nice idea to think that the Christian response includes the practice of Torah
economics, but I just don’t see Jesus calling us to that. If that were the case, Jesus would
have spent his energies in ministry releasing people from their debts and teaching on
economics (Jesus’ parables that include money are never about finances—they teach
about the things of the global markets of God). Instead Jesus spent his time ministering to
people in a way that had spiritual and eternal rewards, not economic rewards. In Luke 4
Jesus is talking about setting spiritual prisoners free.

In addition Claiborne and Haw fail to acknowledge what follows in Deuteronomy 15, that
“There will always be poor people in the land” (Deuteronomy 15:11). There will always
be poor persons among us, but it doesn’t seem that Jesus calls us back to the Torah for a
solution. What then do we do, because using the perpetual reality of the poor as an excuse
not to do anything doesn’t seem a biblical response?

Perhaps we’re picking the wrong starting point. To first associate and identify a poor
person with their economic status is very disrespectful. To first identity someone with the
amount of money they have (“a poor person”, “a rich person”) is wrong in two ways.
First and most importantly, this way of categorization fails to acknowledge that those
persons are created in the image of God, that God has placed his image and imprint into
their being in a way that identifies them with him. The image of God in other should be

the first thing we identify in another. If we are followers of Christ, we will choose to see
this and to love this in others.

Secondly, identifying another with their economic status shows an unhealthy value on
money/wealth. We can’t serve God and money at the same time, and when we equate
someone’s identity with their money we show we serve money because we are showing
that is the first value we uphold.

Addressing poverty, I do feel that Claiborne and Haw point to God’s desire that there
would be no poor. God also wants all to seek him as the source of provision, for Jesus
taught not to worry but to seek God’s global markets and God will provide for our needs
(Matthew 5:25-34). God wants to provide for the needs of all and will do so for those
who seek him.

Our response to those in poverty? When we start by seeing others as created by God in
God’s image, we are open to love others in a profound way. When we understand God’s
desire that all their needs be met and yet some needs are not being met, we are open to
being God’s conduit for provision. In our communities, if we choose to respond to the
poor with love we’ll find God’s global markets alive and real in our communities and in
their lives. We’ll be serving God and not money. Suddenly the thought of redistributing
wealth isn’t a threat but a loving notion.

Islamic Economics
By Dr. V. Nienhaus

In recent years. Many Islamic countries have proposed an Islamic economic system
which reasserts traditional Islamic values. These countries want a complete system that
covers specific patterns and areas of social and economic behavior for believers which
does not involve a reformulation of Islamic ideology or a compromise of its tenets.
Economic practices are made to conform to Koranic dictates, with no reinterpretation of
the basic doctrine.

The process of Islamisation of economic systems involves a stamping of economic

institutions with a particular Islamic identity. The process seems to be gaining
momentum over time. New institutions have been established, such as Islamic banks and
development assistance agencies, with the aim of translating Islamic economic ideals into
practical business solutions.

As noted previously. Islamic economics is closely related to and is part of the Islamic
concept of life. Both the Koran and Sunna have much to say on economic questions. The
welfare of people while on this earth and their welfare in the hereafter are inextricably
intertwined. Islamic teaching in the economic sphere deals with a wide-ranging set of
welfare issues: justice, mercy, well-being, wisdom, and stress on fraternity and equality.
It also addresses purely economic issues such as the system of economic decision
making, saving, investment, capital accumulation, the incentive system, the proper role of
government, property rights, inheritance laws, the allocation of resources, the types of
economic freedom man enjoys and other fundamental economic issues which have a
deep-rooted significance for the Muslim faithful.

In sum, the moral teachings of Islam lay down ethical guidelines for the effective control
of all economic behavior. Economic institutions should facilitate the achievement of the
goals and objectives of Islam. Economic activities and undertakings are assessed and
measured in moral terms and must be conducted in consonance with the ethos and norms
of the Islamic value system. There must be a positive line of action leading towards the
ultimate aim of welfare dispensed judiciously and tempered with wisdom. Specific
ordinances, some obligatory and others prohibitive, serve as guides to economic actions.

Principles Governing Economic Practices

It is Islamically legitimate to engage in material pursuits aiming at welfare. Commercial
institutions relating to the sale of goods, hiring of workers, warehousing goods, wages,
interest, exchange, banking and the like have been well understood in the Islamic world
for many centuries. Many have Islamic origins.

There are several basic principles that serve as the foundation of Islamic economics.
First. Islamic economics contraindicates acts resulting in harm, corruption and

exploitation of the weak. Islamic economics, more than capitalism or socialism,
emphasizes man as part of a collectivity and attempts to balance and harmonize the
individual's spiritual and material needs equitably against the needs of society at large.
Islam stresses the virtue of total integration of morality in man's dealings with other
human beings in any endeavor undertaken. It literally encompasses the relationship of
Islamic adherents to each other and to their society from birth to death. In the area of
economic activity as well as personal morality, Islam places great emphasis on
selflessness as a form of gratitude towards God.

An overriding concern with social justice, stress on contractual obligations. The sanctity
of one's word and the correct patterns of income and wealth distribution pervades Islamic
economic thought. This is the basis of repeated admonitions regarding the needy,
destitute, prisoners, wayfarers, orphans and one's parents and relatives: the appropriate
tax policy and general orientation of government expenditures: the importance of meeting
one's contractual obligations; and the precise execution of very strict trust and inheritance
laws. In Islam, no individual or institution is left a victim of human vagaries and
uncontrolled greed. The selfishness of the rich and powerful is denounced repeatedly.

Second, Muslims are not averse to legitimate profit through trade and other kinds of
business. Muhammad was not hostile to commerce as he himself was a businessman for
most of his life, and some of his most eminent followers were merchants who imported,
exported, and facilitated the transit of goods. The merchant has always been a respected
member of the Islamic community, and like the artisan and members of other professions
receives particular commendation in the Koran.

While giving express approbation to certain occupations, the Koran sanctions any other
licit occupational pursuit based on free will that does not involve usury, fraud and
profiteering. In economics as in other areas, the belief is that Allah in his divine justice
allows man the freedom to pursue actions on which he will be judged. Man is the author
of his own economic vices and virtues and thus of his own crimes and punishment. Man's
economic actions rest on the basis of his good deeds. His faith in Allah and his own
conscience. There is clear reasoning behind this thinking. Muhammad wrote that a wide
range of economic choices motivates man to be creative and to use his intellectual and
physical endowments for the betterment of his life and his society. With the exception of
certain doctrinally unacceptable practices (gambling, speculating, or trading in prohibited
items such as alcohol or arms). A man should be free to choose his trade or business of
his own volition.

Third, Muslims have what seems to westerners to be a unique concept of property. Islam
assumes that wealth is a favor from Allah, who created and so owns everything. Man is
merely an agent with only temporal possession of material things. This belief is
demonstrated in an often-quoted Koranic verse: "To him belongs, whatever is in the
heavens and whatever is in the earth and whatever is in between and whatever is beneath
the soil", The Shariah provides commandments on how this trust is to be fulfilled. Those
holding property are regarded as trustees or bondsmen who are entitled to receive profits
therefrom. However, they are admonished to honor and please Allah by managing and

using property entrusted to them in a responsible, righteous, socially beneficial and
prudent manner; and to neither abuse, destroy, nor waste it. Wealth is to be used in
moderation and is to be shared with the less fortunate through payment of the Zakat and
the discreet giving of alms to the poor and needy generally.

Those holding wealth are particularly admonished not to misuse it for dubious pleasure.
Allah does not look with favor on those who spend and use resources wastefully and
extravagantly. Further, property is not to be hoarded or accumulated as an end in itself;
rather, it is to be viewed as a means of serving society as a whole. Avariciousness,
cupidity and indifference to the poor and needy are cardinal sins.

Fourth, it should be noted that the Koran speaks approvingly of demarcated free
enterprise, while quite straightforwardly discouraging the kind of central planning that
characterizes socialistic and communistic economies. A relevant Koranic verse reads: "O
ye who believe, consume not your property between yourselves unlawfully; it being
lawful to acquire property through trade with mutual consent”. Another quotation
sanctions the acquisition of legitimate wealth: "Wealth rightly acquired is a good thing
for the righteous man.” The Koran does not condemn the accumulation of wealth, only
the failure to use it to help others.

The protection of the rights to property including ownership of the means of production,
is deeply embedded in Islamic ideology. Private property is not to be confiscated, even at
death. This contradiction to socialist philosophy is seen clearly in a passage dealing with
laws of descent and distribution: "For everyone leaving an inheritance we have appointed
heirs, parents, and near relations, and also husbands and wives with whom you have
made firm covenants. So give each of them appointed shares." Even if the inheritance
laws do not have a socialistic intent, they ensure that substantial estates soon get
dispersed and prevent the concentration of wealth through massive intergenerational
transfers to heirs and beneficiaries of the testator's choosing. Obviously, the inheritance
laws serve as a major check on the accumulation of property.

The Islamic emphasis on private property and individual initiative manifests itself in
other ways. The Koran says that all men are created equal, but that some are endowed
with more talent, energy, ambition and wealth, so there are bound to be differences in
degrees of economic success. Simply put, some people possess more personal ability,
aspirations and resources than others. There is no Koranic objection to pecuniary
incentive and no assumption is made that all citizens in an Islamic society should
consume at the same level. Thus, the Islamic religion accepts maldistribution of wealth
and income and justifies it in the interests of efficiency with the caveat that the wealthier
people in society should be aware of their obligations to poorer people.

While the Holy Word speaks of the obligatory payment by the affluent of levies to feed
and help the needy and wayfarers, it discourages transfers intended solely to equalize
wealth. A relevant injunctive Koranic passage reads: 'Allah has favored some of you
above others in the matter of worldly provision; but those more favored will by no means
restore a portion of their provision to those under their control’, Such an injunction is

again contrary to socialist thinking. Here is one reason why the Zakat. a capital levy or
wealth tax designed to cover most of the activities of a modern welfare state, but very
regressive in character, is favored over income tax, a progressive tax whose effect is to
redistribute income and wealth [6,9,15,18].

Basic Characteristics
The full impact of the Islamic religion can be derived only from the political, social and
economic institutions it sired. In the area of economics, ten fundamental characteristics -
dictates, prohibitions, and injunctions - which distinguish the Islamic economic system
from others are as follows:
(1) Muslims must pay an annual Zakat, an alms or poor tax that is assessed as a capital
levy, not as a graduated income tax. Zakat means giving back to Allah a portion of his
bounty as a means of purification or expiation for what the believer keeps for himself. It
is also a means of avoiding the sufferings of the next life. Paying the Zakat - which is in
many ways similar to the Christian tithe - is not only a commendable virtue but an
imperative religious obligation. It is a duty rather than a mere ritual act. While the mode
of paying the Zakat and the percentage levied are worked out according to carefully laid
down and specifically defined rules, generally, peasants must pay from 5-10 per cent of
their produce and others must pay 2.5 per cent of their income and savings. The Zakat
contribution is over and above the secular tax.
(2) An obligation consecrated in Islam is that believers. must pay food, clothing and other
maintenance costs for certain categories of relatives, including one's wife, needy parents,
and female children until they are married and male children until they reach the age of
(3) Believers are obliged (have an inalienable right and a communal responsibility) to
provide charitable assistance to relatives, orphans, neighbors and the destitute. Individual
fortunes are intertwined with and inseparable from the fortunes of the family and the
entire community.
(4) Muslims are enjoined to work diligently to earn their own livelihood and
to provide for dependents.
(5) Workers earning a wage or salary, employers earning a profit, and administrators are
urged to do their work faithfully and loyally, and to exert the utmost effort to produce the
highest quality product or service possible.
(6) The faithful are exhorted to observe the conditions laid down in the Sharia
for the validity of business and financial transactions. These laws facilitate
the exchange of goods, help remove miscomprehension and misunderstanding in business
dealings and help promote a climate of peace between the contracting parties.
(7) Solemn and binding agreements such as pledges or trusts concluded with other parties
must be fulfilled.
(8) Muslims must respect Koranic ordinances concerning the devolution of one's estate to
heirs, including the surviving spouse, surviving parent(s) and all surviving children.
(9) Usury is condemned and usurious practices are considered to be the gravest of sins.
(10) Muslims are admonished to observe the property rights of others and to abstain from

deception, exploitation, sharp trade practices and disruptive transgressions such as
gambling, monopoly, pornography and the like. Gaining profit through expediency and
making unethical use of others for one's own advantage is condemned.

The Utopian Approach: Islamic Rationality

In exact opposition, in the Utopian approach it is not the institutions which lead to the
Islamic state or to Islamic society, but rather it is individual acting in the spirit of Islam
guided by an "Islamic rationality".17 Social reforms cannot be externally imposed by a
few people but rather can only come about through an internal change of man, through
moral renewal; it is only the internalization of the right morality which can repress the
evil in the minds of people. There is no doubt that what matters is not institutions but a
new type of human being.

The thoughts and actions of this human being are not determined by materialism and
selfishness but rather are motivated by faith in God and the spirit of brotherhood. The
Universal Islamic Declaration expresses this in a relatively subdued fashion: "The Islamic
economic system is based on social justice, equity, moderation and balanced
relationships. It is a universal system embodying eternal values which safeguard man's
rights while constantly reminding him of his obligations to himself and to society." It is
particularly the. "obligations to society" which deserve closer attention and which point
to the specifics of the Utopian approach.

The following sentences from the "Declaration" have a key position in this: "All
resources available to man in general and to the Ummah in particular, must always be put
to optimum use". "Wealth should be justly distributed. When personal wealth has
satisfied the legitimate needs of its owner, the surplus is required to satisfy the needs of
others". Using the surplus in such a way is a moral duty of each individual, which may
possibly be supplemented by government-imposed duties (such as zakat) but certainly
cannot be replaced by it.

This moral obligation for the "social" use of surplus demonstrates most clearly what is
meant by god-fearing and brotherly actions. This type of activity which is characteristic
of the Utopian approach and is, in fact, called for by it as a norm could be labelled as
"altruistic" (in contrast to "individualistic") in economic terminology. If the goal is the
material well-being of individuals and this merely depends on each individual's supply of
goods and services, one could speak of "individualism". If, by contrast, the supply
situation of others is a determining factor m one's own well-being, one could speak of

The contrast to Western notions regarding motives and norms for action is obvious. A
"theory of altruistic economics" cannot rest on any empirical knowledge since it is
indisputable that the current practices of Muslims do not correspond to the ideal to which
they aspire. Thus, questions of altruistic economic systems cannot be addressed by a
large part of present economic theory since, to begin with, its arguments rest on empirical
evidence. However, even a simple adoption of non-empirical conventional economic

theories is almost impossible. Currently dominant theories (of economic and political
relevance) are all based on the supposition of a substantial rationality which could be
labelled, in view of such goals as "profit" or "income", materialistic and individualistic.
This type of substantial rationality is rejected by the representatives of the Utopian
approach, however, who demand replacement by an "Islamic rationality".

What is lacking in the Utopian approach to the development of an Islamic economic

system is a "(systems) theory of altruistic economy (and society)" which would address
the central questions of each economic system regarding the allocation, efficiency,
distribution, growth, and system stability appropriately, i.e. on the basis of individual
altruistic behavior in compliance with the established norms. Western economics
contains only a few and partial approaches that deal with questions of altruism. No such
contribution has as yet emerged on the part of Muslim scholars.

Whoever does not believe in the possibility of creating a "new man" and is willing to
accept materialism and self-interest as long as institutions for the peaceful resolution of
conflicts exist (such as the market, for example), nevertheless may thoroughly agree with
Islamic economic ethics as a reprimand to and incentive for the individual, but will view
as a real danger the transition to policies which follow the Utopian approach. Without
adequate theory it is to be feared that "false" policies can cause enormous economic
losses. Worse, however, is the fact that there is no point of reference for a system-
immanent scientific critique of practical policies which follow the Utopian approach,
even if the policies become repressive and resort to discriminating and coercive
measures. As long as no theory exists, any type of policy can claim to contribute to the
erection of an Islamic system and any criticisms (even justified ones) can be rejected as
un-Islamic and a result of alien and reprehensible values.

The Adaptive Approach: Islamic Modernisms

Representatives of the adaptive approach make efforts to link Western theories or
ideologies with the Islamic economic ethic.
— "Islamic socialism" and
— "liberal Islam"
are the two most important expressions of Islamic modernism in which this linkage is
attempted. What is clear, however, is that the direction of adaptation is practically the
opposite of what it ought to be; i.e., in ambiguous cases, Islamic theory is adapted to the
Western ideology or methodology.
a) Islamic socialism.21 Even if Islamic socialism may carry remarkable weight in
practical politics, it is rather unsatisfactory in terms of the questions discussed in
this essay.

- If the Islamic content should be limited to justifying positions advanced in

ambiguous passages in the Koran and Sunna (such as on the question of property,
for example), then Islamic socialism would also have to accept that methodology
of Islamic interpretation formulated more precisely by representatives of liberal
Islam and discussed in that context below.

- There must be considerable doubts as to whether "Islamic" means much more
than "utopian socialism", as the contributions keep circling around the designs of
ideal societies and of aspired-to goals. However, practically no one deals with the
"theoretical foundation." This is a grave omission in view of the constant efforts
made by socialist countries to develop further their socialist planning theory and
strategies which are constantly confronted with scientific criticisms and practical

"Islamic socialism" is first and foremost socialist. The fact that there are large areas of
agreement between it and the recitative approach - for example, as regarding central
precepts such as the law of inheritance, taxation, ban on interest — still by no means
makes it Islamic. On the contrary, one may fully accept a system of inheritance and
taxation as socialist which, among other things, aids in the reduction of the concentration
of wealth. The same applies to the acceptance of the ban on interest since, according to
socialist value theory, only labor creates value, while interest payments to the capital
owner are not backed up by labor. The only point of controversy is thus the question of
property and to answer this question in the socialist sense, Islam is reinterpreted
accordingly. Thus much speaks for the fact that "Islamic socialism" is neither Islamic nor
does it have a theoretical content worth mentioning. This does not mean that it does not
possess the power to mobilize politically.

b) Liberal Islam. While the pragmatic approach makes do without resorting to

the Koran, the recitative approach starts from a traditional interpretation of it. This
interpretation is also taken over in principle by the Utopian approach, and the
socialist variant of the adaptive approach has adjusted the Koran to Western
ideology. "Liberal Islam", by contrast, has set itself the task of independently
reinterpreting Islam.

It claims that the task at hand is to ascertain what Islam wants to say to the Muslims of
today. To prevent arbitrary interpretations, established procedures are strictly followed
and the recommendation is for an historicsociological analysis:

- With the aid of an historical perspective efforts are made to understand the
Koran in such a fashion as it was understood by the Arabs at the time of the
Prophet so as to find a basis for the interpretation from a modern perspective and
for an adjustment to the modern world. In so doing, one primarily utilizes
methods of comparative religion.
- It is hoped that these studies permit one to differentiate between the
commandments and prescriptions of the Koran and the goals to which they are
directed. These goals, however, must always be seen against the background of
socio-economic conditions at the time of the Prophet.

The regulations in the Koran and Shari'a are checked to see whether they contain a legal
or an ethical command. No doubts are raised about the eternal validity of Koranic ethics
and morality. What is doubted, however, is that concrete legal instructions are also
irrevocable. What is recommended instead is that a concrete instruction be checked to

ascertain the extent to which it deviates from pre-Islamic practices; why and with what
results the Prophet attempted a reform. This is followed by a review of the interpretation
of this rule by the Islamic legal schools and a comparison of the present situation with the
command in the Koran in order to recognize the possibility for reforms necessary today.

An economic example of the application of this method of "liberal Islam" can be found in
the treatment of the ban on interest.23 One can state in very abbreviated form that
Muhammed spoke out against what today would be called usury and the exploitation of
the misery of the economically weak. The interest of today's decisive production credits
has nothing in common with usury at the time of the Prophet. Thus it is claimed that the
ban on interest or usury made by Muhammed does not apply to them.

Liberal Islam has nothing to offer so far for economic policy (especially for system
policy), since its representatives are still striving for the shaping and recognition of their
method and deal little with its economic application. This, indeed, is the critical point,
since if one were to accept the method, an "Islamic economic policy" could, without
hesitation, have recourse to the entire positive knowledge of "Western" economic theory
and could bring it into its service.

The methodology of liberal Islam or of the modernist interpretation of Islam generally

leads to a differentiation of the religious body and to a rank ordering between statements
with a normative-theological basis. It does so not by using sentences from this basis itself
but rather by applying positive knowledge from primary legal and epistemological

In material terms this can lead to the reduction of a comprehensive Weltanschauung to a

social-reformist movement. In methodological terms, it points to the conflict of
epistemological theory discussed above. Furthermore, the so-called "theoretical error"
seems to have been committed by reaching an inadmissible conclusion from ascertaining
what is (the reforms of Mohammed) on the basis of history, comparative religion, and
sociology, in relation to what ought to be (reforms necessary today). Even if one wanted
to overlook these doubts, open questions would remain. What would have to be done, for
example, if the analysis of the Koran and Sunna showed a group of goals which were all
aspired to simultaneously and were realizable at the time of the Prophet but which today
(because of changed socio-economic conditions) are in conflict with one another? Overall
the modernistic approach is also not very-convincing and its Islamic content is subject to
many grave doubts.

In the final analysis, none of the four approaches of Islamic economics introduced in this
essay is convincing. In all cases, there is a lack of Islamic and/or theoretical content. To
date, Islamic economics has contributed precious little to an "Islamic economic policy".
As long as there is no crucial change in this situation, a policy which wishes to be Islamic
can only choose between utopia and pragmatism.

What the discussion of the present approaches has done is to point to the unsatisfactory
state of Islamic economics. It did not, however, discover a compelling reason why this
should be irrevocable. Quite the contrary, a few insights might even be gained from the
above inventory toward the development of a convincing approach.

Since the approach should be Islamic it would have to make as the starting point of
reference economic ethics. Having done so, however, it should neither get stuck at the
recitative level, nor limit its view to only one specific model from the beginning. This
could be attained by not starting with a discussion about content but rather about
methods, as is done in the adaptive approach. Perhaps a look at the development of
Christian social theory would be helpful, since it appears there that one has found a way
to answer the question as to link between epistemological method and material content
for theological and theoretical, normative positive knowledge, and of primary and
secondary sources of knowledge. In terms of the fundamental economic ethic and the
confrontation with a "secular" science which has been developed independently from
theology, both are definitely in comparable situations. To prevent a misunderstanding, the
following should still be stated. If Christian social theory reaches the conclusion that
there is no clearly definable "Christian economic order" but the Christian doctrine is
compatible with a multiplicity of concrete systems (as long as they meet certain
minimum conditions), then this should not ex ante be analogous to Islamic economic
theory. For that, the differences in regard to theological base, especially in the
concretization of rules and commands for action, are too great. A reference to Christian
social theory should thus only point to relevant ways of posting questions and not
anticipate the answers.

The Noble Qur'an

"Alif Laam Raa. A book which we have revealed to you (Muhammad) so that
you may lead the people from out of the darknesses into the light by their Lord's
leave to the path of the All-Mighty, the Praiseworthy." [Qur'an 14:1]

The Qur'an ("Qor-Ann") is a Message from Allah to Humanity. It was transmitted to us in a chain
starting from the Almighty Himself (swt) to the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad(saas). This
message was given to the Prophet (saas) in pieces over a period spanning approximately 23 years (610
CE to 622 CE). The Prophet (saas) was 40 years old when the Qur'an began to be revealed to him, and
he was 63 when the revelation was completed. The language of the original message was Arabic, but it
has been translated into many other languages.

The Qur'an is one leg of two, which form the basis of Islam. The second leg is the Sunnah of the
Prophet (saas). What makes the Qur'an different from the Sunnah is primarily its form. Unlike the
Sunnah, the Qur'an is quite literally the Word of Allah, whereas the Sunnah was inspired by Allah but
the wording and actions are the Prophet's. The Qur'an has not been expressed using any human's
words. Its wording is letter for letter fixed by no one but Allah.

Prophet Muhammad (saas) was the final Messenger of Allah to Humanity, and therefore the Qur'an is
the last Message which Allah has sent to us. Its predecessors such as the Torah, Psalms, and Gospels
have all been superseded. It is an obligation - and blessing - for all who hear of the Qur'an and Islam to
investigate it and evaluate it for themselves. Allah has guaranteed that He will protect the Qur'an from
human tampering, and today's readers can find exact copies of it all over the world. The Qur'an of
today is the same as the Qur'an revealed to Muhammad (saas).

Related Items

 A transliteration of the Qur'an

 An index to the Qur'an
 Search for a particular verse
 Syed Maududi's introduction to each chapter
 An essay highlighting the scientific information contained in the Qur'an
 Another essay on the Qur'an, knowledge, and science
 A brief history of the compilation of the Qur'an, courtesy of Perspectives.
 Some rules to assist in the memorization of the Qur'an.

Translations of the Qur'an
On this Web site, there are three translations of the Qur'an. Note that any translation of the Qur'an
immediately ceases to be the literal word of Allah, and hence cannot be equated with the Qur'an in its
original Arabic form. In fact, each of the translations on this site is actually an interpretation which
has been translated. The first-time reader is strongly advised to read the introduction to the
translations we have made available. Corrections and suggestions are appreciated.

The Chapters of the Qur'an:


11. HUD (HUD)
20. TA-HA (TA-HA)






Reflections on Socioeconomic Titles of Power and

Authority within a New Global High-Tech Economy

Part - A

The Mishnah Investor Knowledge Base of Operational Grand

Monetary Strategies and Procedural Fiduciary Stratagems

The Genetic Configuration for Systems Entry and Chromosomal

Manipulation within a Consultative P&D Managerial or Operational
Effort as it Relates to an Outline of Primary Jewish Law Sources

(The major sources are in bold.)

1. Written Law —Torah [P&D Issues involving Norms/Standards]

a. Genesis (Bereshit)
b. Exodus (Shemot)
The 5 Books of the Torah as it Relates to the 5 Hemispheres
c. Leviticus (Vayikra) of the Human Brain & the 5 Operational Phases of CPDA
d. Numbers (Bamidbar)
e. Deuteronomy (D ’varim)

2. Oral Law—Tannaitic Period (1 C.E.–220 C.E.) [P&D Issues involving Power/Authority]
a. Mishna —"The Beit Knesset or House of Prayer" (Real World) The Mishna is divided
into six orders (seder,sing.; sedarim,pl.), or in this case six matrix dimensions, each
subdivided into several tractates (masekhet, sing.; masekhtot, pl.), or in this case 64 genetic
matrix cells. Each masekhet is divided into chapters. Tractates marked with an “*”are also
tractates in the Babylonian Talmud. The orders and the tractates are:

i. Zeraim (lit.-seeds)—agricultural and food laws

(1) Berakhot*
(2) Peah
(3) Demai
(4) Kilayim
(5) Shebiit
(6) Terumot
(7) Maaserot
(8) Maaser Sheni
(9) Challah
(10) Orlah
(11) Bikkurim

ii. Moed (lit.-holidays)—laws relating to holiday and Sabbath rituals

(1) Shabbat*
(2) Erubin*
(3) Pesachim*
(4) Shekalim
(5) Yoma*
(6) Sukkah*
(7) Besah*
(8) Rosh Hashanah* Law Library Journal [Vol.98:2 244]
(9) Taanit*
(10) Megillah*
(11) Moed Katan*
(12) Hagigah*

iii. Nashim (lit.-women)—laws relating to marriage and divorce

(1) Yebamot*
(2) Ketubot*
(3) Nedarim*
(4) Nazir*
(5) Sotah*
(6) Gittin*
(7) Kiddushin*

iv. Nezikin (lit.-damages)—laws of tort, other civil law, criminal law

(1) Baba Kamma*
(2) Baba Metzia*
(3) Baba Batra*
(4) Sanhedrin*
(5) Makkot*
(6) Shavuot*

(7) Eduyot
(8) Avodah Zarah*
(9) Avot (also known as Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers)
(10) Horayot*

v. Kodoshim (lit.-holy things)—laws relating to Temple sacrifice and ritual slaughter

(1) Zevachim*
(2) Menachot*
(3) Chullin*
(4) Bekhorot*
(5) Arakhin*
(6) Temurah*
(7) Keritot*
(8) Meilah*
(9) Tamid*
(10) Middot
(11) Kinnim

vi. Tahorot (lit.-purity)—laws of ritual purity

(1) Kelim
(2) Ohalot
(3) Negaim
(4) Parah
(5) Tohorot
(6) Mikvaot
(7) Niddah*
(8) Makhshirin
(9) Zabim
(10) Tebul-Yom
(11) Yadayim
(12) Uksin

b. Halakhic Midrashim "The Beit Midrash or House of Study" (Educational Hierarchies)

i. Mekhilta —On Exodus (Shemot)

ii. Sifra —On Leviticus (Vayikra)
iii. Sifrei —On Numbers (Bamidbar)
iv. Sifrei —On Deuteronomy (D ’varim)

c. Tosefta "The Beit Tefilah or House of Assembly" (Quality Measures)

3. Amoraic Period (220 C.E.–500 C.E.) [P&D Issues involving Morale/Cohesion]

a. Gemara (Babylonian Talmud or Talmud Bavli)—The Gemara tracks the order of the
Mishna. Not all tractates of the Mishna are addressed. Those that are addressed are
indicated with a “*”in the listing of the Mishna tractates above. {Matrix Systems
b. Jerusalem Talmud or Talmud Yerushalmi {Matrix Systems Elements}

4. Post-Talumdic Period (Geonim, 7th Century –mid-11th Century; Rishonim, mid-11th Century
–16th Century; Ahronim, 16th Century –present) [P&D Issues involving Goals/Objectives]
a. Major commentaries on Mishna/Gemara {CPDA Issues involving Morale/Cohesion}

i. Rashi
ii. Tosefot ^AAA^
iii. Numerous others

b. Codes of Law {CPDA Issues involving Power/Authority}

i. Mishneh Torah (P/A)

ii. Arba ’ah Turim (N/S) A–1–1

iii. Shulchan Aruch (G/O)

c. Responsa {CPDA Issues involving Norms/Standards}

d. Other resources including takkanot (enactments), legal forms, and legal documents {CPDA
Issues involving Goals/Objectives}

The Mishnah Configuration for Systems Entry and Chromosomal

Manipulation within a Consultative P&D Managerial or Operational
Effort as it Relates to an Outline of Primary Jewish Law Sources

I. The Types of Targeted Markets(Zeraim (lit.-seeds)—agricultural and food laws)

(1) The Wealth of Nations

(2) Procedural Configuration & Interpretations
(3) The Technical Business Plan for Operational Strategies & Tactics
(4) The Business Model Representing Advertising Revenues
(5) The Types and Location of Targeted Businesses
(6) The Dictionary of Occupational Titles
(7) The Thomas Registry Guides
(8) The Thomas Registry Guides CAD
(9) The Thomas Registry Guides CAM
(10) The Solusource Approach
(11) The List of Stock Exchanges

II. The Amino Acid Classification Codes as they Relate to the Journal of Economic Literature(Moed (lit.-
holidays)—laws relating to holiday and Sabbath rituals)

(1) The Integrated Framework

(2) The Amino Acid Classification Codes as they Relate to the Journal of Economic Literature
(3) The Marketing Warfare Strategies

(4) The Framework for Systems Development
(5) The USA Social Model
(6) The Shifts in Economic Geography and their Causes
(7) The Venture Capitalist
(8) The Judaic Approaches Toward An Economic Foundation
(9) The Economic Utopia of the Torah
(10) The Economics of the Torah
(11) The Torah Business Model
(12) The Legal Structure of the Torah

III. The Investment Procedural Tactics(Nashim (lit.-women)—laws relating to marriage and divorce)

(1) The Sexual Divisions of Labor

(2) The Consultative Planning & Design Approach (CPDA) Worksheet
(3) The CPDA Legionary Format of Market Economies Through Strategic & Tactical Innovations
(4) The CPDA 4 Components of Management Methods, Management Models & Management Theories
(5) The CPDA 5 Phase Operational Tactical Portfolio & Risk Management Process
(6) The CPDA 20 JEL Component A-Y Classification Codes
(7) The CPDA 120 Types of Component Global Stock Exchanges

IV. The Bioeconomic Legal Structure(Nezikin (lit.-damages)—laws of tort, other civil law, criminal law)

(1) The Structure of the Grammatic Genome

(2) The Patent Newsletter
(3) Patent Issues
(4) Copyright Issues
(5) Trademark Issues
(6) Research & Development Joint Ventures
(7) The NAME and A-Square Technology Group Research & Development Joint Ventures
(8) The Regional Capital Markets of USPTO Patent Filings
(9) The Global Capital Markets of WIPO Patent Filings
(10) The Structure of Judicial Economics

V. The Types of Targeting Institutions(Kodoshim (lit.-holy things)—laws relating to Temple sacrifice and
ritual slaughter)

(1) The Economic Data Updates

(2) The eller Assisted Marketing Plan
(3) The Evolving Novel Organizational Forms
(4) The World Stock Exchange
(5) The List of Financial Services
(6) The List of Online Brokerage Firms
(7) The List of Asset Management Firms
(8) The List of Investment Banks
(9) The List of Hedge Funds
(10) The List of Private Equity Firms
(11) The List of Venture Capital Firms

VI. The Investment Operational Grand Strategies(Tahorot (lit.-purity)—laws of ritual purity)

(1) The Planning & Design Approach (PDA) Worksheet

(2) The PDA PPDS 5 Phase Managerial Economics Applications
(3) The PDA SIS 5 Phase IXX Investment Categories A/The PDA SIS 5 Phase IXX Investment
Categories B
(4) The PDA IV 5 Phase Procedural Tactics to Beat Your Competition
(5) The PDA I&K 5 Phase Procreative Worksheet
(6) The PDA ACCI - 5 Phases of IT Investments
a. The PDA Matrix 6 Dimensional Report Structure of Investing
b. The CPDA Matrix 9 Elemental Components of the PPES Formula System within the
Procreative Worksheet
c. The 12 Methods of Economic Indication
i. The MTQ Document Referencing Quintillian’s Perspective Interpretations of 324 Points
of References
ii. The PDA 36 AAA Operational Elements of Economics Today
iii. The Physiological Setting
iv. The Literary Set-Up Features
(7) The Genomic Matrices
(8) The Stratagems of Checkers
(9) The Tactics of Chess
(10) The Stability Operational Framework
(11) The Strategies of Power & Authority
(12) The Human Economic Action

The Hebrew Alphabet Referencing the Outline of the
Journal of Economic Literature as a Means of Implementing Operational
Monetary Grand Strategies and Procedural Fiduciary Tactics


name The CPDA as Modern Hebrew The PDA as Ancestral Hebrew
(Unicode) Serif Sansserif Monospaced Cursive Rashi Phoenician Paleo-Hebrew Aramaic



Concept Phase

General Economics and

‫א‬ ‫א‬ ‫א‬


‫ב‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ב‬

Design Phase

History of Economic
Thought, Methodology,
and Heterodox


Test Phase

Mathematical and
‫ג‬ ‫ג‬ ‫ג‬
Quantitative Methods


Phase ‫ד‬ ‫ד‬ ‫ד‬


‫ה‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ה‬

Operations and

Macroeconomics and
Monetary Economics


Management ‫ו‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ו‬
International Economics


Phase ‫ז‬ ‫ז‬ ‫ז‬
Financial Economics


Phase ‫ח‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ח‬
Public Economics


Phase ‫ט‬ ‫ט‬ ‫ט‬
Health, Education, and


Installation and
Checkout Phase ‫י‬ ‫י‬ ‫י‬
Labor and Demographic


Phase ‫כ‬ ‫כ‬ ‫כ‬
Law and Economics

Final Kaf

Need Satisfaction
(QM.1) ‫ך‬ ‫ך‬ ‫ך‬


‫ל‬ ‫ל‬ ‫ל‬
Industrial Organization


‫מ‬ ‫מ‬ ‫מ‬


Business Administration
and Business Economics;
Marketing; Accounting

Final Mem

‫ם‬ ‫ם‬ ‫ם‬


Human Computer
Interaction ‫נ‬ ‫נ‬ ‫נ‬
Economic History

Final Nun

‫ן‬ ‫ן‬ ‫ן‬


‫ס‬ ‫ס‬ ‫ס‬

Target Operating

Economic Development,
Technological Change,
and Growth


Interfaces (APIs)
‫ע‬ ‫ע‬ ‫ע‬
Economic Systems


Data Recording/

Agricultural and Natural

‫פ‬ ‫פ‬ ‫פ‬
Resource Economics;
Environmental and
Ecological Economics

Final Pe

Adaptive (QM.4)
‫ף‬ ‫ף‬ ‫ף‬


Handling ‫צ‬ ‫צ‬ ‫צ‬
Urban, Rural, and
Regional Economics
Final Tsadi

‫ץ‬ ‫ץ‬ ‫ץ‬


Software ‫ק‬ ‫ק‬ ‫ק‬


Security ‫ר‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ר‬
Other Special Topics



Managerial Economics
‫ש‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ש‬
Applications, Strategies,
and Tactics


‫ת‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ת‬
Economics Today

The Jewish Portal as Principle Parts of English Speech (PPES)

within the Global Monetary Landscape of Strategic Republican or
Tactical Democratic Planning & Design Approaches

 Judaism[M2]
 Hebrew calendar
 Jewish denominations The 12 Global Information Drivers of Strategic &
 Jewish holy days Tactical Innovations
 Jewish law and rituals
 Jewish mysticism
 Jewish schools
 Jewish texts
 Mishnah (Genetic Interpretation) The 3 (MTQ) Genetic Matrixes Representing
 Talmud (Chemical Interpretation) DNA Planning & Design Approaches & CPDA
 Torah (CPDA Interpretation) Strategic or Tactical Monetary Activities

 Rabbis
 Jewish seminaries
 Synagogues
 Tabernacle and Jerusalem Temples
 Judaism and women
 Judaic studies in academia[G2(E)]

 Jews[G2(S)]
 Jewish history[G2(M)]
 Jewish society[A2]
 Jewish culture
 Jewish film and theatre
The 6 Matrix Dimensions Involved in the
 Jewish cuisine Foundation of Judicial Economics
 Jewish media
 Jewish music
 Jewish organizations
 Jewish languages[PA2]
 Aramaic languages (IBOS P/A)
 Hebrew language (DALP N/S)
The 4 Methods Involved in Individual, Group,
Inter-Group, Business Systems and E-
 Ladino (DOSA M/C) Government Entity Management Systems
 Yiddish (IAOA G/O)
 Jewish law and rituals[T3(I)]
 Zionism[L2]

The Pursuit of a Financial Perspective Involving the Implementation of

DaVinci’s Procreative Business Modeling of Global Market Economies
(An Economist’s Mindset from an Integrated Listing of over 600 World Economists into a Single Equation)

1. An Economic Outline for the Procreative Modeling of Global Markets within a Planning & Design
Approach (PDA) Worksheet for Monetary Operational Grand Strategies:

A. The Descriptive Procedural Mindset of an Economist/Broker as a Firm Utilizing over (600) Historical
Economists, as a Single Minded Autonomous Economic Function, within a PDA Worksheet (i.e., X3 the
Neuroeconomic Procedural Guidelines);

I. The Ancient and Modern History of Economic or Monetary Thought as Phase One within the
Planning & Design Approach Worksheet.
II. The Economic Theories within (4) Managerial Categories & (117) Overlapping Financial
Subcategories as Phase Two within the Planning & Design Approach Worksheet.
III. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics as the New Mainstream within Phase Three of the Planning
& Design Approaches.
IV. Behavioral Economics within (4) Managerial Categories & (24) Subcategories Involving the (24)
Points of the Change Equation utilizing Chromosomal Development within Phase Four of the
Planning & Design Approach Worksheet.
V. The (5) Point Outline of Cognitive Biases, Involving the (43) Categories of Behavioral Finance within
the (48) Types of Economic Systems, or the (40) Categories of Economic Indicators encompassing
Phase Five of the Planning & Design Approach Worksheet;

(a.) The (20) Step List of Financial Topics within the Pursuing the Planning & Design Strategy
(PPDS) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation (VIR) Involving
Norms/Standards or DALP Technologies]

(b.) The (18) Step List of Financial Services Companies within the Specifying & Implementing
Solutions (SIS) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation (VIR)
Involving Morale/Cohesion or DOSA Technologies]
(c.) The (18) Step List of Important Publications In Economics within the Information & Knowledge
(I&K) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation (VIR) Involving
Power/Authority Issues or IBOS Technologies]
(d.) The (20) Step List of Economic Topics within the Arranging for Continuous Change &
Improvement (ACCI) Column of the PDA Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-Changeable Rotation
(VIR) Involving Goals/Objectives or IAOA Technologies]

B. The Conceptual Implementation of (165) Accounting Topics within all (144) Sections of the Global
Information Drivers of Strategic & Tactical Innovations (GIDSTI), as well as the (21) Major Categories of
Financial Markets Involving (36) Economic Adaptive Autonomous Agents;

I. The (15/10) Point Assignment of Marketing Structures & Pricing within IT Investments, and a
Political/Religious Enterprise Work Architecture.
II. The (4) Areas of a Political Media or Das Kapital as a Source for Market-Based Ideological Counter-
Measures within the (4) Approaches of the Grammatic Genome.
III. The (6) Dimensions of Marketing for a Consultative Planning & Design Approach (CPDA) Stratagem
Matrix, Sections A – E.
IV. The List of Basic Economic Topics Representing the (9) PPES Formula System for a PDA Matrix.
V. The List of Behavioral Economics Representing the (9) PPES Formula System for a CPDA Matrix.
VI. The List of Financial Services Involving the (9) PPES Formula System for the Solution Framework
VII. The List of (11) Marketing Topics Representing Employment Related Software Development (ERSD).
VIII. The (12) Methods of Financial Services Involving Market Generation.
IX. The (12) Part Mechanism for Autonomous Agent Formatting.

2. An Economic Outline for the Procreative Modeling of Global Markets within a Consultative Planning & Design
Approach (CPDA) Worksheet for Monetary Operational Grand Tactics:

A. The Descriptive Operational Policy-Based Mindset of a Financier/Broker as an Individual Utilizing a List of

(81) Scholarly Journals In Economics, as Morale or Cohesive Tactics in Specifying & Implementing
Solutions within a Consultative Planning & Design Approach (CPDA) Worksheet (i.e., X3 the Autonomous
Economic Procedural Guidelines). [Vertical Inter-Changeable Clockwise Rotation (VIR)]
B. The List of (100) International Trade Topics as a Means of Engaging in Power or Authority Issues within
the Tactical Methods Involving the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA) Worksheet.
[Vertical Inter-Changeable Counter-Clockwise Rotation (VIR)]
C. The (4/115) Categories of Financial Services as a Means of Engaging in Norms or Standards within the
Tactical Approaches Involving the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA) Worksheet.
[Vertical Inter-Changeable Clockwise Rotation (VIR)]
D. The (21/121) Categories of Markets as a Means of Engaging in Goals or Objectives within the Tactical
Methods Involving the Consultative Planning & Design Approaches (CPDA) Worksheet. [Vertical Inter-
Changeable Counter-Clockwise Rotation (VIR)];

I. The (288) Categories of Economics by Geographical Locations, Overlapping all (324) Components
within the Tactical Areas of the CPDA Worksheet as Stationary Elements.
II. The (53) Tactical Matrix Categories of Economies by Continents within the CPDA Worksheet.
III. The (46) Stationary Strategic Components of the CPDA Worksheet, Sections A-1 to A-4.

3. The Socioeconomic Base Equation(s) for the Individualized Global Free Market Fusion of Information :

3 (RW=
Homo Economicus Universal




Reflections on Socioeconomic Titles of Power and

Authority within a New Global High-Tech Economy

Part - B

The Mishnah Investor Judicial Knowledge Base of Operational Grand

Macroeconomic Strategies and Procedural Microeconomic Tactics

The Genetic Configuration for Systems Entry and Chromosomal

Manipulation within a Consultative P&D Managerial or Operational
Effort as it Relates to an Outline of Primary Jewish Law Sources

(The major sources are in bold.)

1. Written Law —Torah [P&D Issues involving Norms/Standards]

a. Genesis (Bereshit)
b. Exodus (Shemot)
The 5 Books of the Torah as it Relates to the 5 Hemispheres
c. Leviticus (Vayikra)
of the Human Brain & the 5 Operational Phases of CPDA
d. Numbers (Bamidbar)
e. Deuteronomy (D ’varim)
The 5 Books of the Torah as it Relates to the 5 Hemispheres of
the Human Brain & the 5 Operational Phases of CPDA

2. Oral Law—Tannaitic Period (1 C.E.–220 C.E.) [P&D Issues involving Power/Authority]
a. Mishna —"The Beit Knesset or House of Prayer" (Real World) The Mishna is divided
into six orders (seder,sing.; sedarim,pl.), or in this case six matrix dimensions, each
subdivided into several tractates (masekhet, sing.; masekhtot, pl.), or in this case 64 genetic
matrix cells. Each masekhet is divided into chapters. Tractates marked with an “*”are also
tractates in the Babylonian Talmud. The orders and the tractates are:

i. Zeraim (lit.-seeds)—agricultural and food laws

(1) Berakhot*
(2) Peah
(3) Demai
(4) Kilayim
(5) Shebiit
(6) Terumot
(7) Maaserot
(8) Maaser Sheni
(9) Challah
(10) Orlah
(11) Bikkurim

ii. Moed (lit.-holidays)—laws relating to holiday and Sabbath rituals

(1) Shabbat*
(2) Erubin*
(3) Pesachim*
(4) Shekalim
(5) Yoma*
(6) Sukkah*
(7) Besah*
(8) Rosh Hashanah* Law Library Journal [Vol.98:2 244]
(9) Taanit*
(10) Megillah*
(11) Moed Katan*
(12) Hagigah*

iii. Nashim (lit.-women)—laws relating to marriage and divorce

(1) Yebamot*
(2) Ketubot*
(3) Nedarim*
(4) Nazir*
(5) Sotah*
(6) Gittin*
(7) Kiddushin*

iv. Nezikin (lit.-damages)—laws of tort, other civil law, criminal law

(1) Baba Kamma*
(2) Baba Metzia*
(3) Baba Batra*
(4) Sanhedrin*
(5) Makkot*
(6) Shavuot*

(7) Eduyot
(8) Avodah Zarah*
(9) Avot (also known as Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers)
(10) Horayot*

v. Kodoshim (lit.-holy things)—laws relating to Temple sacrifice and ritual slaughter

(1) Zevachim*
(2) Menachot*
(3) Chullin*
(4) Bekhorot*
(5) Arakhin*
(6) Temurah*
(7) Keritot*
(8) Meilah*
(9) Tamid*
(10) Middot
(11) Kinnim

vi. Tahorot (lit.-purity)—laws of ritual purity

(1) Kelim
(2) Ohalot
(3) Negaim
(4) Parah
(5) Tohorot
(6) Mikvaot
(7) Niddah*
(8) Makhshirin
(9) Zabim
(10) Tebul-Yom
(11) Yadayim
(12) Uksin

b. Halakhic Midrashim "The Beit Midrash or House of Study" (Educational Hierarchies)

i. Mekhilta —On Exodus (Shemot)

ii. Sifra —On Leviticus (Vayikra)
iii. Sifrei —On Numbers (Bamidbar)
iv. Sifrei —On Deuteronomy (D ’varim)

c. Tosefta "The Beit Tefilah or House of Assembly" (Quality Measures)

3. Amoraic Period (220 C.E.–500 C.E.) [P&D Issues involving Morale/Cohesion]

a. Gemara (Babylonian Talmud or Talmud Bavli)—The Gemara tracks the order of the
Mishna. Not all tractates of the Mishna are addressed. Those that are addressed are
indicated with a “*”in the listing of the Mishna tractates above. {Matrix Systems
b. Jerusalem Talmud or Talmud Yerushalmi {Matrix Systems Elements}

4. Post-Talumdic Period (Geonim, 7th Century –mid-11th Century; Rishonim, mid-11th Century
–16th Century; Ahronim, 16th Century –present) [P&D Issues involving Goals/Objectives]
a. Major commentaries on Mishna/Gemara {CPDA Issues involving Morale/Cohesion}

i. Rashi
ii. Tosefot ^AAA^

iii. Numerous others

b. Codes of Law {CPDA Issues involving Power/Authority}

i. Mishneh Torah (P/A)

ii. Arba ’ah Turim (N/S)
iii. Shulchan Aruch (G/O)

c. Responsa {CPDA Issues involving Norms/Standards}

d. Other resources including takkanot (enactments), legal forms, and legal documents {CPDA
Issues involving Goals/Objectives}

The Mishnah Configuration for Systems Entry and Chromosomal

Manipulation within a Consultative P&D Managerial or Operational
Effort as it Relates to an Outline of Primary Jewish Law Sources

I. The Types of Targeted Markets(Zeraim (lit.-seeds)—agricultural and food laws)

(1) The Wealth of Nations

(2) Procedural Configuration & Interpretations
(3) The Technical Business Plan for Operational Strategies & Tactics
(4) The Business Model Representing Advertising Revenues
(5) The Types and Location of Targeted Businesses
(6) The Dictionary of Occupational Titles
(7) The Thomas Registry Guides
(8) The Thomas Registry Guides CAD
(9) The Thomas Registry Guides CAM
(10) The Solusource Approach
(11) The List of Stock Exchanges

II. The Amino Acid Classification Codes as they Relate to the Journal of Economic Literature(Moed (lit.-
holidays)—laws relating to holiday and Sabbath rituals)

(1) The Integrated Framework

(2) The Amino Acid Classification Codes as they Relate to the Journal of Economic Literature
(3) The Marketing Warfare Strategies

(4) The Framework for Systems Development
(5) The USA Social Model
(6) The Shifts in Economic Geography and their Causes
(7) The Venture Capitalist
(8) The Judaic Approaches Toward An Economic Foundation
(9) The Economic Utopia of the Torah
(10) The Economics of the Torah
(11) The Torah Business Model
(12) The Legal Structure of the Torah

III. The Investment Procedural Tactics(Nashim (lit.-women)—laws relating to marriage and divorce)

(1) The Sexual Divisions of Labor

(2) The Consultative Planning & Design Approach (CPDA) Worksheet
(3) The CPDA Legionary Format of Market Economies Through Strategic & Tactical Innovations
(4) The CPDA 4 Components of Management Methods, Management Models & Management Theories
(5) The CPDA 5 Phase Operational Tactical Portfolio & Risk Management Process
(6) The CPDA 20 JEL Component A-Y Classification Codes
(7) The CPDA 120 Types of Component Global Stock Exchanges

IV. The Bioeconomic Legal Structure(Nezikin (lit.-damages)—laws of tort, other civil law, criminal law)

(1) The Structure of the Grammatic Genome

(2) The Patent Newsletter
(3) Patent Issues
(4) Copyright Issues
(5) Trademark Issues
(6) Research & Development Joint Ventures
(7) The NAME and A-Square Technology Group Research & Development Joint Ventures
(8) The Regional Capital Markets of USPTO Patent Filings
(9) The Global Capital Markets of WIPO Patent Filings
(10) The Structure of Judicial Economics

V. The Types of Targeting Institutions(Kodoshim (lit.-holy things)—laws relating to Temple sacrifice and
ritual slaughter)

(1) The Economic Data Updates

(2) The Seller Assisted Marketing Plan
(3) The Evolving Novel Organizational Forms
(4) The World Stock Exchange
(5) The List of Financial Services
(6) The List of Online Brokerage Firms
(7) The List of Asset Management Firms
(8) The List of Investment Banks
(9) The List of Hedge Funds
(10) The List of Private Equity Firms
(11) The List of Venture Capital Firms

VI. The Investment Operational Grand Strategies(Tahorot (lit.-purity)—laws of ritual purity)

(1) The Planning & Design Approach (PDA) Worksheet

(2) The PDA PPDS 5 Phase Managerial Economics Applications
(3) The PDA SIS 5 Phase IXX Investment Categories A/The PDA SIS 5 Phase IXX Investment
Categories B
(4) The PDA IV 5 Phase Procedural Tactics to Beat Your Competition
(5) The PDA I&K 5 Phase Kamasutra Worksheet
(6) The PDA ACCI - 5 Phases of IT Investments
a. The PDA Matrix 6 Dimensional Report Structure of Investing
b. The CPDA Matrix 9 Elemental Components of the PPES Formula System within the
Procreative Worksheet
c. The 12 Methods of Economic Indication
i. The MTQ Document Referencing Quintillian’s Perspective Interpretations of 324
Points of References
ii. The PDA 36 AAA Operational Elements of Economics Today
iii. The Physiological Setting
iv. The Literary Set-Up Features
(7) The Genomic Matrices
(8) The Stratagems of Checkers
(9) The Tactics of Chess
(10) The Stability Operational Framework
(11) The Strategies of Power & Authority
(12) The Human Economic Action

The Hebrew Alphabet Referencing the Outline of the
Journal of Economic Literature as a Means of Implementing Operational
Monetary Grand Strategies and Procedural Fiduciary Tactics


name The CPDA as Modern Hebrew The PDA as Ancestral Hebrew
(Unicode) Serif Sansserif Monospaced Cursive Rashi Phoenician Paleo-Hebrew Aramaic



Concept Phase

General Economics and

‫א‬ ‫א‬ ‫א‬


‫ב‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ב‬

Design Phase

History of Economic
Thought, Methodology,
and Heterodox


Test Phase

Mathematical and
‫ג‬ ‫ג‬ ‫ג‬
Quantitative Methods


Phase ‫ד‬ ‫ד‬ ‫ד‬


‫ה‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ה‬

Operations and

Macroeconomics and
Monetary Economics


Management ‫ו‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ו‬
International Economics


Phase ‫ז‬ ‫ז‬ ‫ז‬
Financial Economics


Phase ‫ח‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ח‬
Public Economics


Phase ‫ט‬ ‫ט‬ ‫ט‬
Health, Education, and


Installation and
Checkout Phase ‫י‬ ‫י‬ ‫י‬
Labor and Demographic


Phase ‫כ‬ ‫כ‬ ‫כ‬
Law and Economics

Final Kaf

Need Satisfaction
(QM.1) ‫ך‬ ‫ך‬ ‫ך‬


‫ל‬ ‫ל‬ ‫ל‬
Industrial Organization


‫מ‬ ‫מ‬ ‫מ‬


Business Administration
and Business Economics;
Marketing; Accounting

Final Mem

‫ם‬ ‫ם‬ ‫ם‬


Human Computer
Interaction ‫נ‬ ‫נ‬ ‫נ‬
Economic History

Final Nun

‫ן‬ ‫ן‬ ‫ן‬


‫ס‬ ‫ס‬ ‫ס‬

Target Operating

Economic Development,
Technological Change,
and Growth


Interfaces (APIs)
‫ע‬ ‫ע‬ ‫ע‬
Economic Systems


Data Recording/

Agricultural and Natural

‫פ‬ ‫פ‬ ‫פ‬
Resource Economics;
Environmental and
Ecological Economics

Final Pe

Adaptive (QM.4)
‫ף‬ ‫ף‬ ‫ף‬


Handling ‫צ‬ ‫צ‬ ‫צ‬
Urban, Rural, and
Regional Economics
Final Tsadi

‫ץ‬ ‫ץ‬ ‫ץ‬


Software ‫ק‬ ‫ק‬ ‫ק‬


Security ‫ר‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ר‬
Other Special Topics



Managerial Economics
‫ש‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ש‬
Applications, Strategies,
and Tactics


‫ת‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ת‬
Economics Today

The Jewish Portal as Principle Parts of English Speech (PPES)

within the Global Monetary Landscape of Strategic Republican or
Tactical Democratic Planning & Design Approaches

 Judaism[M2]
 Hebrew calendar
 Jewish denominations
 Jewish holy days
 Jewish law and rituals The 12 Global Information Drivers of Strategic &
Tactical Innovations
 Jewish mysticism
 Jewish schools
 Jewish texts
 Mishnah (Genetic Interpretation)
The 3 (MTQ) Genetic Matrixes Representing
 Talmud (Chemical Interpretation) DNA Planning & Design Approaches & CPDA
Strategic or Tactical Monetary Activities
 Torah (CPDA Interpretation)
 Rabbis
 Jewish seminaries
 Synagogues
 Tabernacle and Jerusalem Temples
 Judaism and women
 Judaic studies in academia[G2(E)]
 Jews[G2(S)]
 Jewish history[G2(M)]
 Jewish society[A2]
 Jewish culture
 Jewish film and theatre
The 6 Matrix Dimensions Involved in the
 Jewish cuisine Foundation of Judicial Economics
 Jewish media
 Jewish music
 Jewish organizations
 Jewish languages[PA2]
 Aramaic languages (IBOS P/A)
 Hebrew language (DALP N/S) The 4 Methods Involved in Individual, Group,

Inter-Group, Business Systems and E-
Ladino (DOSA M/C) Government Entity Management Systems
 Yiddish (IAOA G/O)
 Jewish law and rituals[T3(I)]
 Zionism[L2]

The 31 Chapters Detailing those Principal Judicial Events in Montesquieu's

Life as a Means of Achieving Economic Wisdom within the 32 Paths of
Kabbalah Judaism Referencing Some 32 Egyptian Global Economic Dynasties

Part I:
1. On laws in general;
2. On laws deriving directly from the nature of the government;
3. On the principles of the three governments;
4. That the laws of education should be relative to the principles of the government;
5. That the laws given by the legislator should be relative to the principles of the various governments in relation
to the simplicity of civil and criminal laws, the form of judgments, and the establishment of penalties;
6. Consequences of the different principles of the three governments in relation to sumptuary laws, luxury, and
the condition of women;
7. On the corruption of the principles of the three governments;

Part II:
8. On the laws in their relation with defensive force;
9. On laws in their relation with offensive force;
10. On the laws that form political liberty in its relation with the constitution;
11. On the laws that form political liberty in relation to the citizen;
12. On the relations that the levy of taxes and the size of public revenues have with liberty;

Part III:
13. On the laws in their relation to the nature of the climate;
14. How the laws of civil slavery are related with the nature of the climate;
15. How the laws of domestic slavery are related to the nature of the climate;
16. How the laws of political servitude are related to the nature of the climate;
17. On the laws in their relation with the nature of the terrain;
18. On the laws in their relation with the principles forming the general spirit, the morals, and the manners of a

Part IV:
19. On the laws in their relation to commerce, considered in its nature and its distinctions;
20. On laws in their relation to commerce, considered in the revolutions it has had in the world;
21. On laws in their relation to the use of money;
22. On laws in their relation to the number of inhabitants;
23. On the laws in their relation to the religion established in each country, examined in respect to its practices
and within itself;
24. On the laws in their relation with the establishment of the religion of each country, and of its external police;
25. On the laws in the relation they should have with the order of things upon which they are to enact;

Part V:
26. On the origin and revolutions of the Roman laws on inheritance;
27. On the origin and revolutions of the civil laws among the French;
28. On the way to compose the laws;
29. The theory of the feudal laws among the Franks in their relation with the establishment of the monarchy;
30. The theory of the feudal laws among the Franks in their relation to the revolution of their monarchy;
31. Bibliography; Index of names and plates.

The Planning & Design Worksheet
T imeline ____T he Real World (RW)_____
(The organization, community, admission
procedure, materials distribution system,
product, XYZ department, etc.)
T he T otal P&D Approach
Pursuing Specifying Involving Using Arranging for
the P&D and people information continuing
strategy presenting (p=role of P&D and change and
solutions professional) knowledge improvemnt
(entries are (entries (entries (entries
illustrative illustrative illustrative illustrative
only) only) only) only)
A problem is
Substantive difficulty 1 New 1 Begin betterment project
1 locus or desire opportunity or new planning cycle

Problem Develops a purpose Decision makers, Purpose Policies re:

Jointly 1a
situation hierarchy for finding eventual hierarchy participation,
a solution. implementers security, etc.
If selected level p-facilitators
not P&D proceed to
appropriate scenario

RW decides 2 Design P&D Administrator, Education

P&D system Whole
solution specifications affected people strategy if necessary,
finding p-chairperson, policies for
structure trainer projects
3 Do purpose Purpose Clients, users Hierarchy Change behavior
expansion hierarchy affected people nominal groups toward bigger
Phase p-facilitator couplet purposes

Disturbance Review 4 Select function Selected Affected people, Decision matrix Commit
jointly purpose users resources
statement p-conflict

RW approves measures 5 Set up measures Values and Administrator Utility measures, Fit into
of effectiveness measures of p-measurer recent research budget
difficulty or projections

Jointly 6 Identify Functional T echnical, managers System pyramid, Relate to

functional components, p-modeler prioritize other P&D
components overall projects

Normal Review 7 Generate ideal System matrix Experts, people Creativity Relate to
operating jointly systems elements, in system recent ideas, previous
solution p-facilitator, nominal group targets
formats participant
Prioritizing, Relate to
8 Identify Measures People in system interview other
regularities of elements p-facilitator, surveys projects

Disturbance P&D present 9 Synthesize major Fundamental, Experts Comparative Possible

ideas to RW alternatives values and p-designer estimation long-term
measures betterment
dimensions schedule
change RW decides 10 Select feasible Specifications Administrators, Simulation, Relate to
ideal system for each major managers, affected decision matrix measures of
target (FIST ) alternative people effectiveness
for regularities p-reviewer

Jointly 11 Incorporate Revised Experts Creativity, Relate to

irregularities measures of p-facilitator, technical other substantive
effectiveness designer information projects

New knowledge
and technology Jointly 12 Develop Measures, p-modeler, Cost and detail Search out
Phase recommended control, designer estimation information
4 solution interface do R&D
change RW approves 13 Develop Presentation Decision Decision Educate decision
presentation format, maker(s) matrix makers for
format and approval system p-boundary continuing
obtain approval specifications spanner charge

Review 14 Future Key managers Equipment, T rain

Set up implemen-
jointly dimension p-facilitator people
tation schedule specifications
for purchase

Jointly 15 Develop procedures Presentation People Organizational Establish search

for presenting and system involved behavior behavior, policies
initializing solution specifications p-advocate, and programs
P&D facilitates
16 Install the Solution p-facilitator, Graphics, Schedule
solution documentation opinion leader, computer betterment
innovator programs
Normal Jointly 17 Monitor Performance p-reviewer Control Audit and
operating Managers responsible for performance reports techniques review
change operating the plan or
18 Gather data from Progress/ Administrator(s) Significance Report to
several projects problem p-manager of tests, regression board/
for reports reports P&D department analysis advisory

Jointly 19 Implement Future Affected people T ickle file Continuing

follow up dimension p-manager improvement
charges workshop in

Disturbance Operate and

1 New 1 Begin betterment project
opportunity or new planning cycle
RW seeks improvement Evaluate

2 Design P&D
solution finding

The Consul Cube Genomic Configurations for Establishing
Genetic-Based Concepts within a Consultative P&D Effort
A Roman Emperor’s Consul Mindset as 16 Separate Emperors Function as One In Reference to the GIDSTI
Economic Principles Involving Julius Caesar as a Point of Origin for Modern Commercial Expansionism

1. A-1 ^A^ 31. B-2 ^G^ 61. C-3 ^M^ 91. D-4 ^S^
2. A-1-1 ^AAA^ 32. B-2-1 ^BGC^ 62. C-3-1 ^CMD^ 92. D-4-1 ^DSE^
3. A-1-2 ^AAF^ 33. B-2-2 ^BGG^ 63. C-3-2 ^CMH^ 93. D-4-2 ^DSI^
4. A-1-3 ^AAK^ 34. B-2-3 ^BGL^ 64. C-3-3 ^CMM^ 94. D-4-3 ^DSN^
5. A-1-4 ^AAP^ 35. B-2-4 ^BGQ^ 65. C-3-4 ^CMR^ 95. D-4-4 ^DSS^
6. A-1-5 ^AAT^ 36. B-2-5 ^BGV^ 66. C-3-5 ^CMW^ 96. D-4-5 ^DSY^
7. A-2 ^C^ 37. B-3 ^H^ 67. C-4 ^N^
8. A-2-1 ^ACC^ 38. B-3-1 ^BHD^ 68. C-4-1 ^CNE^ 97.E-1 ^T^
9. A-2-2 ^ACG^ 39. B-3-2 ^BHH^ 69. C-4-2 ^CNI^ 98. E-1-1 ^ETA^
10. A-2-3 ^ACL^ 40. B-3-3 ^BHM^ 70. C-4-3 ^CNN^ 99. E-1-2 ^ETF^
11. A-2-4 ^ACQ^ 41. B-3-4 ^BHR^ 71. C-4-4 ^CNS^ 100. E-1-3 ^ETK^
12. A-2-5 ^ACV^ 42. B-3-5 ^BHW^ 72. C-4-5 ^CNY^ 101. E-1-4 ^ETP^
13. A-3 ^D^ 43. B-4 ^I^ 102. E-1-5 ^ETT^
14. A-3-1 ^ADD^ 44. B-4-1 ^BIE^ 73.D-1 ^P^ 103. E-2 ^V^
15. A-3-2 ^ADH^ 45. B-4-2 ^BII^ 74. D-1-1 ^DPA^ 104. E-2-1 ^EVC^
16. A-3-3 ^ADM^ 46. B-4-3 ^BIN^ 75. D-1-2 ^DPF^ 105. E-2-2 ^EVG^
17. A-3-4 ^ADR^ 47. B-4-4 ^BIS^ 76. D-1-3 ^DPK^ 106. E-2-3 ^EVL^
18. A-3-5 ^ADW^ 48. B-4-5 ^BIY^ 77. D-1-4 ^DPP^ 107. E-2-4 ^EVQ^
19. A-4 ^E^ 78. D-1-5 ^DPT^ 108. E-2-5 ^EVV^
20. A-4-1 ^AEE^ 49.C-1 ^K^ 79. D-2 ^Q^ 109. E-3 ^W^
21. A-4-2 ^AEI^ 50. C-1-1 ^CKA^ 80. D-2-1 ^DQC^ 110. E-3-1 ^EWD^
22. A-4-3 ^AEN^ 51. C-1-2 ^CKF^ 81. D-2-2 ^DQG^ 111. E-3-2 ^EWH^
23. A-4-4 ^AES^ 52. C-1-3 ^CKK^ 82. D-2-3 ^DQL^ 112. E-3-3 ^EWM^
24. A-4-5 ^AEY^ 53. C-1-4 ^CKP^ 83. D-2-4 ^DQQ^ 113. E-3-4 ^EWR^
54. C-1-5 ^CKT^ 84. D-2-5 ^DQV^ 114. E-3-5 ^EWW^
25.B-1 ^F^ 55. C-2 ^L^ 85. D-3 ^R^ 115. E-4 ^Y^
26. B-1-1 ^BFA^ 56. C-2-1 ^CLC^ 86. D-3-1 ^DRD^ 116. E-4-1 ^EYE^
27. B-1-2 ^BFF^ 57. C-2-2 ^CLG^ 87. D-3-2 ^DRH^ 117. E-4-2 ^EYI^
28. B-1-3 ^BFK^ 58. C-2-3 ^CLL^ 88. D-3-3 ^DRM^ 118. E-4-3 ^EYN^
29. B-1-4 ^BFP^ 59. C-2-4 ^CLQ^ 89. D-3-4 ^DRR^ 119. E-4-4 ^EYS^
30. B-1-5 ^BFT^ 60. C-2-5 ^CLV^ 90. D-3-5 ^DRW^ 120. E-4-5 ^EYY^

The 81 Sections of Strategic & The 80 Structural Elements The 84 Sections of Rambam The 80 Legions of Roman
Tactical OperationsInvolving of Strategic & Tactical within Strategic & Tactical Strategic & Tactical
the Principles of the Solution OperationsInvolving the OperationsInvolving the OperationsInvolving the
Frameworkwithin the 20 Principles of the 48 Laws of Governmental Principles & Economic Principles &
Relevant Terms of Powerwithin the 20 Systemswithin the 20 Classes Systemswithin the 20 Attributes
Government(M/C) Economic Profiles(P/A) of Government(N/S) of Government(G/O)

The Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta & Echo 24 Chromosomal Base Pairingsfor the Upper &
Lower Level Change Equation Components of the 24 Books within the Torah Shebiksav
Alpha Chromosomes

Beta Chromosomes

Charlie Chromosomes

Delta Chromosomes

orient link
symbol cyto. full name
. s
+ av sv 1pter-1p12 DKFZP564C186 protein

SRM - av sv 1p36-p22 spermidine synthase

PLA2G2A - av sv 1p35 phospholipase A2, group IIA (platelets, synovial fluid)

PRO2047 + av sv 1 PRO2047 protein

FLJ10468 + av sv 1 hypothetical protein FLJ10468

FAAH - av sv 1p35-p34 fatty acid amide hydrolase

C8B - av sv 1p32 complement component 8, beta polypeptide

GADD45A - av sv growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, alpha

PRKCL2 + av sv protein kinase C-like 2

LOC51189 + av sv ATPase inhibitor precursor

FLJ10330 + av sv 1 hypothetical protein FLJ10330

HPRP3P + av sv 1q21.1 U4/U6-associated RNA splicing factor

ARNT + av sv 1q21 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator

JTB - av sv 1q21 jumping translocation breakpoint

PEA15 + av sv 1q21.1 phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 15

F5 - av sv 1q23 coagulation factor V (proaccelerin, labile factor)

FLJ10083 - av sv 1 hypothetical protein FLJ10083

suppression of tumorigenicity 16 (melanoma

ST16 + av sv 1

ESRRG - av sv 1q41 estrogen-related receptor gamma

CHS1 - av sv Chediak-Higashi syndrome 1

Echo Chromosomes

The Genetic Configuration for Systems Entry and Chromosomal
Manipulation within a Consultative P&D Managerial or Operational
Effort as it Relates to an Outline of Primary Jewish Law Sources

(The major sources are in bold.)

1. Written Law —Torah [P&D Issues involving Norms/Standards]

a. Genesis (Bereshit)
b. Exodus (Shemot) The 5 Books of the Torah as it Relates to the 5 Hemispheres of
c. Leviticus (Vayikra) the Human Brain & the 5 Operational Phases of CPDA
d. Numbers (Bamidbar)
e. Deuteronomy (D ’varim)

2. Oral Law—Tannaitic Period (1 C.E.–220 C.E.) [P&D Issues involving Power/Authority]

a. Mishna —"The Beit Knesset or House of Prayer" (Real World) The Mishna is divided
into six orders (Seder, sing.; sedarim,pl.), or in this case six matrix dimensions, each
subdivided into several tractates (masekhet, sing.; masekhtot, pl.), or in this case 64 genetic
matrix cells. Each masekhet is divided into chapters. Tractates marked with an “*”are also
tractates in the Babylonian Talmud. The orders and the tractates are:

i. Zeraim (lit.-seeds)—agricultural and food laws

(2) Berakhot*
(3) Peah
(4) Demai
(5) Kilayim
(6) Shebiit
(7) Terumot
(8) Maaserot
(9) Maaser Sheni
(10) Challah
(11) Orlah
(12) Bikkurim

ii. Moed (lit.-holidays)—laws relating to holiday and Sabbath rituals

(1) Shabbat*
(2) Erubin*
(3) Pesachim*
(4) Shekalim
(5) Yoma*
(6) Sukkah*
(7) Besah*
(8) Rosh Hashanah* Law Library Journal [Vol.98:2 244]
(9) Taanit*
(10) Megillah*
(11) Moed Katan*
(12) Hagigah*

iii. Nashim (lit.-women)—laws relating to marriage and divorce
(1) Yebamot*
(2) Ketubot*
(3) Nedarim*
(4) Nazir*
(5) Sotah*
(6) Gittin*
(7) Kiddushin*

iv. Nezikin (lit.-damages)—laws of tort, other civil law, criminal law

(1) Baba Kamma*
(2) Baba Metzia*
(3) Baba Batra*
(4) Sanhedrin*
(5) Makkot*
(6) Shavuot*
(7) Eduyot
(8) Avodah Zarah*
(9) Avot (also known as Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers)
(10) Horayot*

v. Kodoshim (lit.-holy things)—laws relating to Temple sacrifice and ritual slaughter

(1) Zevachim*
(2) Menachot*
(3) Chullin*
(4) Bekhorot*
(5) Arakhin*
(6) Temurah*
(7) Keritot*
(8) Meilah*
(9) Tamid*
(10) Middot
(11) Kinnim

vi. Tahorot (lit.-purity)—laws of ritual purity

(1) Kelim
(2) Ohalot
(3) Negaim
(4) Parah
(5) Tohorot
(6) Mikvaot
(7) Niddah*
(8) Makhshirin
(9) Zabim
(10) Tebul-Yom
(11) Yadayim
(12) Uksin

b. Halakhic Midrashim "The Beit Midrash or House of Study" (Educational Hierarchies)

i. Mekhilta —On Exodus (Shemot)

ii. Sifra —On Leviticus (Vayikra)
iii. Sifrei —On Numbers (Bamidbar)
iv. Sifrei —On Deuteronomy (D ’varim)

c. Tosefta "The Beit Tefilah or House of Assembly" (Quality Measures)

3. Amoraic Period (220 C.E.–500 C.E.) [P&D Issues involving Morale/Cohesion]

a. Gemara (Babylonian Talmud or Talmud Bavli)—The Gemara tracks the order of the
Mishna. Not all tractates of the Mishna are addressed. Those that are addressed are
indicated with a “*”in the listing of the Mishna tractates above. {Matrix Systems
b. Jerusalem Talmud or Talmud Yerushalmi {Matrix Systems Elements}

4. Post-Talumdic Period (Geonim, 7th Century –mid-11th Century; Rishonim, mid-11th Century
–16th Century; Ahronim, 16th Century –present) [P&D Issues involving Goals/Objectives]
a. Major commentaries on Mishna/Gemara {CPDA Issues involving Morale/Cohesion}

i. Rashi
ii. Tosefot
iii. Numerous others

b. Codes of Law {CPDA Issues involving Power/Authority}

i. Mishneh Torah (P/A)

ii. Arba ’ah Turim (N/S) A–1–1

iii. Shulchan Aruch (G/O)

c. Responsa {CPDA Issues involving Norms/Standards}

d.Other resources including takkanot (enactments), legal forms, and legal documents {CPDA
Issues involving Goals/Objectives}

Codons Found In Messenger RNA

Second Position
Phe Tyr Cys
U Ser
i h
t C CUA Leu Pro Arg
s Asn Ser s
i Lys Arg
AUG Met (start) ACG AAG AGG G i
o o
G Val Ala Gly

An explanation of the Genetic Code: DNA is a two-stranded molecule. Each strand is a

polynucleotide composed of A (adenosine), T (thymidine), C (cytidine), and G
(guanosine) residues polymerized by "dehydration" synthesis in linear chains with
specific sequences. Each strand has polarity, such that the 5'-hydroxyl (or 5'-phospho)
group of the first nucleotide begins the strand and the 3'-hydroxyl group of the final
nucleotide ends the strand; accordingly, we say that this strand runs 5' to 3' ("Five prime
to three prime") . It is also essential to know that the two strands of DNA run
antiparallel such that one strand runs 5' -> 3' while the other one runs 3' -> 5'. At each
nucleotide residue along the double-stranded DNA molecule, the nucleotides are
complementary. That is, A forms two hydrogen-bonds with T; C forms three hydrogen
bonds with G. In most cases the two-stranded, antiparallel, complementary DNA
molecule folds to form a helical structure which resembles a spiral staircase. This is the
reason why DNA has been referred to as the "Double Helix".

One strand of DNA holds the information that codes for various genes; this strand is
often called the template strand or antisense strand (containing anticodons). The other,
and complementary, strand is called the coding strand or sense strand (containing
codons). Since mRNA is made from the template strand, it has the same information as
the coding strand. The table above refers to triplet nucleotide codons along the sequence

of the coding or sense strand of DNA as it runs 5' -> 3'; the code for the mRNA would be
identical but for the fact that RNA contains a U (Uridine) rather than T.

An example of two complementary strands of DNA would be:

(5' -> 3') ATGGAATTCTCGCTC (Coding, sense strand) ?

(3' <- 5') TACCTTAAGAGCGAG (Template, antisense strand) .

(5' -> 3') AUGGAAUUCUCGCUC (mRNA made from Template strand) !

Since amino acid residues of proteins are specified as triplet codons, the protein sequence
made from the above example would be Met-Glu-Phe-Ser-Leu... (MEFSL...).

Practically, codons are "decoded" by transfer RNAs (tRNA) which interact with a
ribosome-bound messenger RNA (mRNA) containing the coding sequence. There are 64
different tRNAs, each of which has an anticodon loop (used to recognize codons in the
mRNA). 61 of these have a bound amino acyl residue; the appropriate "charged" tRNA
binds to the respective next codon in the mRNA and the ribosome catalyzes the transfer
of the amino acid from the tRNA to the growing (nascent) protein/polypeptide chain.
The remaining 3 codons are used for "punctuation"; that is, they signal the termination
(the end) of the growing polypeptide chain.

Lastly, the Genetic Code in the table above has also been called "The Universal Genetic
Code". It is known as "universal", because it is used by all known organisms as a code
for DNA, mRNA, and tRNA. The universality of the genetic code encompasses animals
(including humans), plants, fungi, archaea, bacteria, and viruses. However, all rules have
their exceptions, and such is the case with the Genetic Code; small variations in the code
exist in mitochondria and certain microbes. Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that
these variances represent only a small fraction of known cases, and that the Genetic Code
applies quite broadly, certainly to all known nuclear genes.

Codons Found In DNA

Second Position of Codon


TTT Phe [F] TCT Ser [S] TAT Tyr [Y] TGT Cys [C] T
TTC Phe [F] TCC Ser [S] TAC Tyr [Y] TGC Cys [C] C
TTA Leu [L] TCA Ser [S] TAA Ter [end] TGA Ter [end] A
F TTG Leu [L] TCG Ser [S] TAG Ter [end] TGG Trp [W] G T
i h
r CTT Leu [L] CCT Pro [P] CAT His [H] CGT Arg [R] T i
s r
CTC Leu [L] CCC Pro [P] CAC His [H] CGC Arg [R] C
t C d
CTA Leu [L] CCA Pro [P] CAA Gln [Q] CGA Arg [R] A
P CTG Leu [L] CCG Pro [P] CAG Gln [Q] CGG Arg [R] G P
o o
s ATT Ile [I] ACT Thr [T] AAT Asn [N] AGT Ser [S] T s
i ATC Ile [I] ACC Thr [T] AAC Asn [N] AGC Ser [S] C i
t A t
i ATA Ile [I] ACA Thr [T] AAA Lys [K] AGA Arg [R] A i
o ATG Met [M] ACG Thr [T] AAG Lys [K] AGG Arg [R] G o
n n
GTT Val [V] GCT Ala [A] GAT Asp [D] GGT Gly [G] T
GTC Val [V] GCC Ala [A] GAC Asp [D] GGC Gly [G] C
GTA Val [V] GCA Ala [A] GAA Glu [E] GGA Gly [G] A
GTG Val [V] GCG Ala [A] GAG Glu [E] GGG Gly [G] G

The Genetic Foundation for the Relationship Between Words,
Concepts and Search Engine Protocols within a P&D Effort
(The Genetic Hierarchical Classification of Words, Concepts, Ideas & Search Engine Protocols)

1) Actions
a. Class of 1-6 [TTT]
b. Cognitive 7-43 [TTCA]
c. Communicative 44-79 [TTA]
d. General 80-143 [TTG]
e. Motion 144-154 [TCT]
f. Physical 155-226 [TCC]

2) Causes
a. Abstract 227-246 [TCA]
b. Physical 247-255 [TCG]

3) Fields of Human Activity [A1]

a. Agriculture 256-257 [TAT]
b. The Arts 258-264 [TAC]
c. Communications 265-283 [TAA]
d. Education 284-290 [TAG]
e. Entertainment 291-293 [TGT]
f. Family 294-296 [TGC]
g. Government and Politics 297-300 [TGA]
h. Health 301-315 [TGG]
i. Legal 316-318 [CTT]
j. Military 319-321 [CTC]
k. Monetary and Financial Affairs 322-345 [CTA]
l. Professions 346-361 [CTG]
m. Recreation 362-365 [CCT]
n. Religious 366-369 [CCC]
o. Sex and Reproduction 370-374 [CCA]
p. Social Interactions 375-387 [CCG]

4) Life Forms
a. Being 388-392 [CAT]
b. Beings, Animal 393-399 [CAC]
c. General Characteristics 400-410 [CAA]
d. Humans 411-423 [CAG]
e. Plants 424-430 [CGT]

5) Objects
a. Articles, Physical 431-435 [CGC]
b. Atmosphere 436 [CGA]
c. Buildings, Furnishings, & Possessions 437-448 [CGG]

d. Clothing 449-452 [ATT]
e. Food and Drink 453-461 [ATC]
f. Machines 462-463 [ATA]
g. Matter, Conditions of 464-470 [ATG]
h. Matter, Divisions of 471-478 [ACT]
i. Matter, Qualities of 479-490 [ACC]
j. Tools 491-499 [ACA]
k. Transportation 500-505 [ACG]

6) The Planet(s)
a. Geography 506-513 [AAT]
b. Habitats 514-517 [AAC]
c. Natural Resources 518-522 [AAA]
d. Weather 523-525 [AAG]

7) Qualities
a. Abstract 526-559 [AGT]
b. Comparative 560-574 [AGC]
c. Physical 575-588 [AGA]

8) Senses
a. Aspects of Perception 589 [AGG]
b. Auditory 590-596 [GTT]
c. Olfactory 597-601 [GTC]
d. Tactile 602-611 [GTA]
e. Tasting 612-615 [GTG]
f. Visual 616-628 [GCT]

9) States
a. Abstract 629-657 [GCC]
b. Cognitive 658-661 [TTCB]
c. Comparative 662-670 [GCA]
d. Of Being 671-694 [GCG]
e. Of Change 695-702 [GAT]
f. Of Need or Achievement 703-710 [GAC]
g. Physical 711-731 [GAA]
h. Spatial 732-758 [GAG]

10) Weights and Measures

a. Mathematics 759-767 [GGT]
b. Quantifiers 768-793 [GGC]
c. Time 794-820 [GGA]
d. Wholeness or Division 821-834 [GGG]

The Upper & Lower Level Change Equation Components for
Chromosomal Development & Implementation within a P&D Effort
Involving Personnel in a Real-Time or Virtual Scenario Environment
(The 23 or 24 Base Pair Chromosomal Elements within a IBOS[DALP/DOSA/IAOA] Genetic Formula Matrix)

1. P&D Systems User Investigative Profile (Autonomous Agent(s) Request(s)) & Dictionary of
Occupational Titles Application Selections [M/C 3 part format-right-side (Measures-
Environment/Measures-Human Agents)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
2. P&D Systems Feasible Ideal Solution Target Study [G/O 4 part format-right-side (Measures-
Purpose/Measures-Sequence)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
3. P&D Systems Investigative Matrixes [G/O 3 part format-left-side (Measures-Inputs/Measures
Outputs] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
4. P&D Systems Analysis & Taxonomy Development [N/S 5 part format-left-side (Values-Information
Aids/Values-Physical Catalysts)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
5. P&D Systems Design Classification(s) & Hierarchical Formation [G/O 4 part format-right-side
(Measures-Information Aids/Measures-Physical Catalysts)] - - Chromosomal Type
Set/Chromosomal Sequences
6. P&D Systems Programming & Chromosomal Formula Matrix Development [M/C 5 part format-left-
side (Interface-Purpose/Interface-Sequence)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal
7. P&D Systems Group Ordering Logic & MRP/ERP Testing [P/A 3 part format-right-side (Control-
Environment/Control-Human Agents)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
8. P&D Systems Documentation & Procedural Guidelines[N/S 3 part format-left-side (Values-
Purpose/Values-Sequence)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
9. P&D Systems Conversion & Analogous Implementations [G/O 3 part format-right-side
(Fundamental-Purpose/Fundamental-Sequence)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal
10. P&D Systems Maintenance, Enterprise Work Architectural Profile & Autonomous Agent(s)
Repository [G/O 4 part format-left-side (Fundamental-Environment/Fundamental-Human
Agents)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
11. P&D Systems Evaluation & Alphanumeric Computations [N/S 3 part format-left-side (Future-
Inputs/Future-Outputs)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences

1. P&D Project Initiation (Hardware/Software) Power/Authority Chromosomal Configurations

[(Control-Information Aids/Control-Physical Catalysts)] - - Chromosomal Type
Set/Chromosomal Sequences
2. P&D Project Development (The Project) Norms/Standards Chromosomal Configurations [(Future-
Purpose/Future-Sequence)]- - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
3. P&D Project Implementation (The User Climate/Autonomous Agent Conditional Formation)
Goals/Objectives Chromosomal Configurations [(Control-Purpose/Control-Sequence)] - -
Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
4. P&D Post Project Evaluation (The Systems Analysts/Autonomous Agent Activities)
Morale/Cohesion Chromosomal Configurations[(Control-Inputs/Control-Outputs)] - -
Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences

1. P&D Subordinate Genetic-Based Environmental Inputs [3 part Norms/Standards] [(Values-

Inputs/Values-Outputs)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
2. P&D Subordinate Genetic-Based Computer Matrixes [3 part Norms/Standards] [(Future-
Information Aids/Future-Physical Catalysts)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal

3. P&D Subordinate Genetic-Based Environmental Outputs [3 part Norms/Standards] [(Values-
Environment/Values-Human Agents)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences

1. P&D Method Phase-One [5 part Goals/Objectives (The Dictionary of Occupational Titles)]

[(Interface-Information Aids/Interface-Physical Catalysts)] - - Chromosomal Type
Set/Chromosomal Sequences
2. P&D Method Phase-Two [5 part Goals/Objectives (The Dictionary of Occupational Titles)]
[(Interface-Inputs/Interface-Outputs)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
3. P&D Method Phase-Three [5 part Goals/Objectives (The Dictionary of Occupational Titles)] [(Future-
Environment/Future-Human Agents)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal Sequences
4. P&D Method Phase-Four [5 part Goals/Objectives (The Dictionary of Occupational Titles)]
[(Fundamental-Information Aids/Fundamental-Physical Catalysts)] - - Chromosomal Type
Set/Chromosomal Sequences
5. P&D Method Phase-Five [5 part Goals/Objectives (The Dictionary of Occupational Titles)]
[(Fundamental-Inputs/Fundamental-Outputs)] - - Chromosomal Type Set/Chromosomal

Legend – [Gaius Julius Caesar] Hierarchical format for Economic Legions

The Chromosomal Elements within a IBOS[DOSA/DALP/IAOA]

Genetic-Based Consultative P&D Formula Matrix

























The Influence of the 613 Miztvot as a Chromosomal Layout
1. 32
11. *****
12. 13
24. *****

The Genetic-Based Consultative P&D Formula Matrix

The System Matrix processes inputs into outputs that achieve & satisfy a purpose or purposes
through the use of human, physical & information resources in a technical, sociological &
physical environment. The System Matrix can vary in size. Thus, bigger levels in the purposeful
hierarchy of systems incorporate smaller systems, which are subroutines, subsystems or
components. Each system matrix shows the related horizontal or parallel systems, either within or
outside the organizational unit of the client system.
Each system is thus a complex set of interrelated elements. The basic set defines the broad
purpose & values of the larger entity or organizational unit, within which the system does or will
exists. Each system matrix achieves an end. Thus, the purpose, function or result sought from a
system is the first element, and each subsystem has a least one purpose.
Each system matrix receives physical, informational, &/or human items from smaller, larger, &
parallel systems to process into a desired state that will achieve its purpose. Therefore, every
subsystem or routine has inputs.

Each system matrix provides physical, informational, &/or human items or services to its
smaller, larger, & horizontal systems. These outcomes represent the means whereby the purposes
of the system are achieved. Therefore, each system or subroutine has outputs. Similarly, five
other elements can be developed from this format: sequence, environment, human agents,
physical catalysts, & information aids. Moreover, six dimensions for each of these elements of
the System Matrix will provide significant operationality with minimal redundancy.
These dimensions will specify the precise conditions for each element in a specific situation:
(1) fundamental existence characteristics; (2) values, beliefs & desires; (3) measures to assess the
accomplishment of fundamental & value dimensions; (4) control or dynamic methods of ensuring
achievement of fundamental values, & measures specifications; (5) interface relationships of
fundamental, values, measures, and control specifications with other system matrixes & other
elements in its system; and (6) future existence or desired changes & improvements that can be
foreseen in fundamental, values, measures, control, & interface specifications.
The System Matrix also provides an orderly way of denoting all possible types of information
to consider in specifying a system. The questions raised by probing what specifications should be
developed for each cell are almost all-inclusive. They number far more than the usually suggested
who, what, why, where, when, & how. They are also much more specific than the usual
questions the Matrix appears to suggest are available. In addition to the 16 fundamental & value
dimension questions, there are at least 16 measures dimension questions about the fundamental &
values specifications, 24 control dimension questions, 32 interface, & 40 future.

Measures: Objectives
Fundamental: (Cr iteria, Merit and
Values: Motivating Control: How to Evaluate Interface: Relation of all
Basic or Physical, Wor th Factor s) , Goals Future: Planned
Beliefs, Global Desires, and Modify Element or Dimensions to other
Characteristics- What, (How Much, When, Chang es and Research
Ethics, Moral Matters System as it Oper ates Systems or Elements
How, Wher e, or Who Rates, Per for mance Needs for all Dimensions
(GROUP FORMAT) Specifications)

Pur pose: mission, aim,

need, pr imary concern,

Inputs: people, thing s,

information to star t the
seq uence

Outputs: desired
(achieves pur pose) and
undesired outcomes
fr om seq uence

Seq uence: steps for

processing inputs, flow,
layout, unit oper ations

Environment: physical &

attitudinal, or ganization,
setting , etc.

Human ag ents: skills,

personnel, rewards,
responsibilities, etc.

Physical catalysts:
equipment, facilities, etc.

Information aids: books,

instructions, etc.

The Genetic-Based Consultative P&D System Elements
1. Purpose The mission, aim, need, primary concern, or function of or results sought from a
system. The purpose is the contribution made to or necessary for a larger system in the
hierarchy(ies). A purpose is what the system is to accomplish, with no emphasis on how it is to
be accomplished.

2. Inputs Any physical items, information, and/or human beings on which work, conversion, or
processing takes place to arrive at the output(s). Physical items could be coils of steel, powdered
plastic, money (the actual currency and coins), the mark-sense punch card, the sales order form,
and so on. Information could be a bank account balance (printed on a piece of paper),
whereabouts of the president (secretary's explanation), number of toasters ordered (sales order
form), amount of production on machine 472 (orientation of iron particles on a magnetic tape),
history of the conflicts between key managers (perceptions in the minds of people), etc. Human
beings relevant in this context could be sick people entering a hospital, a housewife shopping at a
grocery store, a family wanting house plans, a student attending a college, an overweight person
visiting a reducing salon, etc.
A combination input is the return of previous outputs of the system. For example, a large
system for manufacturing airplanes includes the reentry of each airplane for major periodic
maintenance. A patient may reenter a hospital after having been discharged. User information
about product performance serves as new input to the product design system.
Every system requires at least two of the three types of input. A manufacturing system, for example, will
require information about alloy, tensile and yield strengths, gauge, and width to accompany the physical
input of a coil of steel. A patient entering the system of a hospital represents human (previous medical
history and symptoms), and physical (personal belongings) information inputs. A system which is a board
of directors meeting needs inputs of information and humans.

3. Outputs Desired (and undesired) physical items, information, humans and/or services
(response, event, policy, reaction, safety level, correction, etc.) which result from working on or
converting inputs. Desired outputs achieve the selected and bigger purposes by adding net value
to the inputs. Undesired outputs include such things as dislocations, pollutants, scrap, and trash,
for which provisions must be included in the system specifications. Outputs also include
substantive properties, performance, and physical or chemical characteristics of the output when
actually being used. For example, the dynamic characteristics (cornering, power pickup, shock
absorption ability, or acceleration) of an automobile output are a part of output itself.

4. Sequence The conversion, work, process, transformation, or order and cycle of steps or
events by which the inputs become the outputs. The basic steps are the essential "unit operations"
or identifiable changes in the state of the inputs which lead to their transformation into outputs.
Additional steps include causal bonds, movement, storage, meeting, decision, and control, which
enable the unit operations to take place. Parallel channels for processing different inputs are often
included, along with various connective points to interrelate the channels.

5. Environment The physical and sociological (psychological, legal, political, economic)

factors or ambiance (as the French call it) within which the other elements are to operate. These
are always changing. Many are usually outside the influence of the system itself, yet others can
be modified or specified for the system. Physical or "climatic" factors include temperature,
humidity, noise, dirt, light, colors of machines and walls, and so forth. Ecological physical factors
"outside" the system include spatial aspects, accessibility, and shapes and relationships in the
design of the physical facilities and equipment.

Sociological factors include the state of technology within which the organizational unit
operates, the cultural and historical determinants of attitudes, and the society's economic
conditions. More specific factors concern the attitudes of the managerial and supervisory
personnel, morale and "reality" disposition of working forces, the operating controls and rules for
personnel, and the social interactions and communications of the people involved. Sociological
environment forms the larger context of externalities which "own" or "set the stage" for the
system. The Japanese, for example, do not build factories or plants with an entrance on the
northeast side, the devil’s gate. The managerial style and organizational structure sets another
environmental factor: autocratic, paternalistic, bureaucratic, permissive, diplomatic, or

6. Human Agents Human beings on differentiated levels who are aids in the steps of the
sequence, without becoming part of the outputs. Human agent activities or methods to aid in the
sequence include the whole range of human capabilities: talking, writing, expending energy in
manipulating controls and/or changing input items, reasoning, performing dexterous tasks,
decision making, evaluating, learning, creativity, and acting as a diligent monitoring and sensing
device. Human beings are either inputs and outputs (patients in a hospital), or human agents
(nurses). Overlap exists in most cases, for example, as patients can be human agents aiding other
patients, and nurses can be inputs into the cafeteria system.

7. Physical Catalysts Physical resources that are aids in the steps of the sequence without
becoming part of the outputs. Typical items are chalkboards, machines, vehicles, chairs,
computers, filing cabinets, energy, buildings, tools, jigs, automatic devices, paper, lubricating oil,
projector, desks, self-measuring sensors, and pallets. A chicken on an egg farm is a physical
catalyst. Each of these illustrative items could be a physical catalyst in one system, or input or
output in another system. A computer, for example, may be a physical catalyst in an accounts
payable system, an input in a maintenance system, and an output in a production system.

8. Information Aids Knowledge and data resources that help in the steps of the sequence,
without becoming part of the outputs. Computer programming instructions, equipment operating
manuals, maintenance instructions, standard operating procedures for human agents, and policy
manuals are typical information aids. These may also be inputs and outputs in other systems. On
occasion, an expert consultant, media advisor, or corporate legal advisor could embody the role of
this element.

Systems can vary in size. Thus, bigger levels in the hierarchy of systems incorporate smaller
systems, which are subsystems or components.
Because a hierarchy is often a size-based order of systems, with no superior- inferior
relationship implied, a vertical channel of systems can be extended for the area of interest. Each
system shoo the related horizontal or parallel systems, either within or outside the organizational
unit. System levels do not always correspond with organizational divisions.
Each system is thus a complex set of interrelated elements. The basic set defines the broad
purpose and values of the larger entity or organizational unit within which the system does or will
exist. Each system achieves an end. Thus, the purpose, function, or result sought from a system is
the first element, and each system has at least one purpose.

Each system receives physical, informational, and/or human items from smaller, larger, and
parallel systems to process into a desired state that will achieve its purpose. Therefore, every
system has inputs.
Each system provides physical, informational, and/or human items or services to its smaller,
larger, and horizontal systems. These outcomes represent the means whereby the purposes of the
system are achieved. Therefore, each system has outputs.
Similarly, five other elements can be developed from this Axiom: sequence, environment,
human agents, physical catalysts, and information aids. The words used for names of elements are
unimportant and can vary, whereas the ideas represented by each are critical.

The Genetic-Based Consultative P&D System Dimensions

1. Fundamental This dimension must exist or no others can be specified. It is the identity or
context of a system. Also referred to as the existence, real-life, or manifestation dimension, it
concerns tangible, overt, observable, physical, and/or basic structure characteristics. It includes
the basic "what-who-how-where" specifications, along with associated quality levels. It states
specifically the intensity, degree to which the specific condition is distinguishable from others,
and/or the operation of each element.
Determining the specific fundamental attributes is what the P&D approach seeks to
accomplish, so that the conditions thus identified can be implemented. Many terms describe the
specific numbers, descriptions, drawings, and so on, including specifications, parameter variables,
estimates, relationships, properties, characteristics, and identifications.

2. Values This is the situation-specific form of the values part of this appendix. It also embodies
and enlarges on the "satisfy" part of Axiom 8 by stating both the solution values and the human
values (disposition to behave in certain ways).
Motivating beliefs, human expectations, global desires, ethics, equity, and moral concerns can
be ascribed in some form to each element. The most global values are likely candidates for the
purpose element. Other descriptions concern how people and organizations "feel" about desirable
results in specifying each element: preferences, basic (unyielding?) or important assumptions
(e.g., democratic society), concern with societal life and civil liberties, disposition to a behavior,
pleasures, productivity, justice, concern with individual life, relevance, sensitivities, preferred
modes of conduct, involvement of others, essential beliefs, sentiments, convenience, human
dignity, willingness to shape societal acts and conscience, emphases on successes rather than
failures and wrongs, comprehensiveness, safety, and cultural or esthetic properties. Values could
thus be said to capture the "standards" that a solution is expected to continue.
Perhaps the most important benefit of the values dimension for each element is the forced
review of what the value standards are and how they need to be part of the solution and the
decisions in selecting the solution. "On all sides," one sees evidence today of cop-out realism-
ostensible efforts to be sensible in dealing with things as they are but that turn out to be a
shucking of responsibility.... It is now possible to assess the effect of [the] legalization [of off-
track betting and the numbers game].... New York State itself has become a predator in a way that
the Mafia could never hope to match.... Millions of dollars are being spent by New York State on
lavish advertising on television, on radio, on buses, and on billboards. At least the Mafia was
never able publicly to glorify and extol gambling with taxpayer money...[Also consider the] cop-
out realism [in] dealing with cigarette-smoking by teenagers and pre-teenagers. Special rooms are
now being set aside for students who want to smoke.... The effect of [the] supposedly 'realistic'
policy is to convert a ban into benediction. By sanctioning that which [people] deplore, they
become part of the problem they had the obligation to meet... The function of [value] standards is

not to serve as the basis for mindless repressive measures but to give emphasis to the realities of
human experience.

3. Measures Measures change the values dimensions into particular objectives and operational
goals. They embody the "achieve" part of Axiom 8, and concern how much and when, including
what is needed to overcome entropy. Measures in general concern effectiveness, time,
performance, cost and other factors of importance concerning the fundamental specifications.
They are indicators of the success of the eventual solution. They include any associated
confidence limits.
The word objectives identifies the specific categories, units, verifiable indicators, scales,
factors of merit, criteria or parameters that are considered the important measures. Forecasts,
financial matters and quantitative factors are almost always included. They should conform to
what people consider useful for attaining the values and fundamental dimensions, but should also
be clear, capable of being measured, reproducible, unequivocal in interpretation, and as accurate
as needed. Some typical measures are cost per month, time per service or output per hour, reject
rate, reliability life, expense ratio, and profit per year.
Goals assign specific amounts and time and/or cost factors to each objective. Assume that one
value is "Improve safety record in the department." An objective might be "decrease accidents,"
and a goal "reduce monthly accident rate by 30% within a year." Here is another illustration: the
value is to improve manpower services; one objective of several is to increase placements of
disadvantaged people; one goal of several would be to increase by 25% per year the number of
disadvantaged placements. No number of objectives or goals will ever capture exactly what is
meant by the specific values. In addition, some goals will be set by external groups, such as the
standards or threshold levels defined by the Bureau of Standards, Underwriters Laboratory,
Environmental Protection Agency, Consumer Product Safety Commission, and American
National Standards Institute.

4. Control Control comprises methods for ensuring that the fundamental, measures, and even
value specifications are maintained as desired (at or within limits around a specified condition)
during the operation of the system. Dynamic control of each specification involves (a) making
measurements of the performance of the specification as the solution or system is in operation,
(b) comparing the actual measurements to the desired specification, and (c) taking actions to
correct significant deviations if necessary, through human corrections, automated response,
advance modifications of equipment, or by changing a desired specification, or planning and
designing an overall improvement. A significant deviation between performance and desired
specification is interpreted as meaning that the error of taking action when none is really needed
is minimal compared to the error of not taking action when it should be taken.
All three parts of the control dimension may be carried out within the system itself, or any one
or more may become the responsibility of another system or group. Government regulations
illustrate one form of external measurement, comparison, and/or corrective action. Licensing,
accrediting, peer review, receiving room inspection, customer surveys and complaints, board of
director’s review, and outside auditing firms are also possible outside controls. Cost control,
waste control, internal audits, and productivity improvement programs illustrate major efforts that
may be designed into a solution or activated after implementation. On the other hand, all three
parts of the control dimension may be an integral part of the fundamental and measures
dimensions of a particular element. For example, a part produced by a machine may be inspected
by the operator, or inspection may be done automatically. The effectiveness of corrective action is
judged by measuring the extent to which actual performance recovers to the desired specification
level. Correction is measured by stability, as when the significant differential disappears as
elapsed time increases; accuracy, or closeness of recovery to desired specification; lag time, or

speed of response to the action; and performance oscillations as the control-reaction-control-
reaction cycles take place.

5. Interface The interface constitutes the relationships of the fundamental, values, measures,
and control specifications to other elements and to other systems. Some illustrations of interfaces
are inspection of materials received from a vendor, the impact of a changed grading system on
parents, shared services with other hospitals, and government reporting regulations related to
personnel actions. Illustrations of intrasystem interfaces are process control interactions with
human agents, physical catalysts, and information aids. Some of these cause difficulties with
element specifications and vice versa.
Interface dimension specifications help in the avoidance of difficulties in getting a system to
operate well by anticipating and assessing consequences of negative and hostile interactions.
What additional or how much less work will result for other system? What costs will the other
system incur? Can the other system be modified to let this system be implemented, or even to
have the other system take advantage of the ideas? Perhaps a substitute or add-on "technological
shortcut" might be located by such searching for interfaces. What possible disturbances and
forces from other systems (lobbying, special interest groups, oil embargo, supreme court
decision) will impact on this system (delay service, increase cost)? Can a model (differential
equation) express the interrelationships of the factors or variables? How does the P&D
professional or team interact with managers/administrators, users/clients/customers, people
working in the current system, and so on? Are there cause-effect research results describing how
one factor (element or dimension) changes as another varies?

6. Future Anticipated changes in each specification of the other five dimensions at one or more
points of time in the future. The future dimension defines the growth, learning rate (evolution,
homeostasis) or decay of the specifications. Forecasts of all types (e.g., social attitudes, costs,
weather, population) express possible "future" specifications. Also included are specifications on
how the specific element dimension is to get to the anticipated stage (a transfer function). The
arrival at the desired stage may be planned (obsolescence or gradual termination). May be due to
learning and duration, or may require a new P&D effort. Sunset laws and zero-based budgeting
illustrate two broad ideas for describing how arrival at the future point might be accomplished
Combining this corollary with Axiom 8 forms the system matrix or morphological box shown
on the first page of this section. It represents the prescriptive, universal, and understandable
definition of the word system. Different words can be used to represent the same ideas as the
elements and dimensions. One version in policy making, for example, uses these elements:
purpose-relevant reference system, inputs, outputs, structure and process, and operating,
information, and human communication requirements. These are detailed by the following
dimensions: physical, values, measures criteria, analysis procedures, elemental interfaces, model
interfaces, systems interfaces, and anticipated changes.
Another version of the system matrix is shown in next graph on the following page to portray
the time component aspects of the future dimension. The lines denoting the cells in the first and
second charts are not firm divisions, for there are both overlapping and interrelationships among
the cells. Each cell, rather, connotes the major thrust of the element/dimension intersections.
The representational matrix provides an orderly way of denoting all possible types of
information to consider in specifying a system. Not all elements or dimensions need to be
specified in a particular system. Nor is it necessary to have the same amount of information in
each cell. The amount can range from an empty set to some large, almost infinite number of
models or sets of data. Similar or identical accuracy is not required for the information in each
cell. The system matrix is very seldom, if ever, used in exactly this form as a basis for recording
information needed in designing a system.

The questions raised by probing what specifications should be developed for each cell are almost all-
inclusive. They number far more than the usually suggested who, what, why, where, when, and how.
They are also much more specific than the usual questions because more than the 48 questions the
matrix appears to suggest an available. In addition to the 16 fundamental and values dimension
questions, there are at least 16 measures dimension questions about the fundamental and values
specifications, 24 control dimension questions, 32 interface, and 40 future, or a total of at least 128
system view of each system matrix cell.

The Computational Techniques by Chromosomal Cells within

a Genetic-Based Consultative P&D System

The techniques and models listed in each cell illustrate some that may be useful in accomplishing
the functions of the cell. Others may well be applicable, but the following listing is an appropriate
(1) Purpose, fundamental. Brain writing, couplet comparison technique, ends-mean chain,
intent structures, interviews, map of activity and thought chains, multilevel approach, needs
analysis, nominal group technique, objective trees, purpose expansion, relationship chart,
relevance trees, sensitivity analysis, scenarios, semilattice tree, surveys, system pyramid.
(2) Purpose, values. Brainstorming, climate analysis, dialectical process, ends-means chain,
intent structures, interviews, objectives tree, questionnaire, utility theory.
(3) Purpose, measures. Budgets, correlation analysis, financial investment appraisal, Gantt
chart, index analysis, indifference curves, interpretive structural modeling, measurement model
monthly operating statement, needs analysis, nominal group technique, objectives or goals
survey, objectives pyramid, Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System, profit/volume
analysis, return on investment, single-factor and multi-attribute utility assessment, subjective
probability assessment, subjective 0-100 scaling, variance analysis.
(4) Purpose, control. Annual report of P&D system activities and achievements, board of
director review, budget control sheets, control charts, data transformation, external peer
evaluation, influence diagram, management style questionnaire, participative review and control,
Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System, trend analysis, value analysis, worst/best case
analysis, zero-base budgeting.
(5) Purpose, interface. A fortiori analysis, arbitration and mediation planning, cause/effect
assessment, correlation analysis, cross-impact matrix, digraphs, ends-means chain, graph theory,
hierarchical structure, influence diagram, intent structures, interaction analysis, interpretive
structural modeling, intersectoral analysis, negotiation, objectives tree, ombudsman, opportunity
identification, policy graphs, purpose network analysis, relationship chart, sensitivity analysis.
(6) Purpose, future. Each of those in cells 1-5. Conditional demand analysis, extended
scenarios, futures research, objectives tree, profits progress (learning function, sociological
projection techniques.
(7) Inputs, fundamental. Budgets, conditional demand analysis, contingency forecasting,
demographic forecasts monthly operating statements and balance sheets, nominal group
technique, partitioning techniques, questionnaire, regression analysis, technological forecasting,
telephone polling, time series analysis.
(8) Inputs, values. Brainstorming, dialectical process, group process technique, interviews,
questionnaires, sociological projection technique, utility assessment, and utility theory.
(9) Inputs, measures. Budget, checklists, cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis,
data transformation, information acquisition preference inventory, judgment analysis technique,

judgment policy analysis, measurement model, planning and control technique, preference
ordering, psychological scaling, sampling theory, sensitivity analysis, simulation, statistical
model, subjective probability assessment, subjective scaling, voting techniques.
(10) Inputs, control. Attitude surveys, board of directors review, budget, checklists, citizen
honoraria, control charts for human involvement measures and for information quality and
quantity norms, control method, correlation analysis, data base system, employee panels, external
peer evaluation, focus group testing, a fortiori analysis, Gantt charts, group process technique,
influence diagram, operational games, organization analysis, planning and control technique,
program planning budgeting system, probability assessment, productivity circles, questionnaire,
replicate information collection, role playing, sensitivity analysis, simulation, statistical model,
task force, team building, telephone polling, use testing, value analysis, worst-case analysis, zero-
base budgeting.
(11) Inputs, interface. Interface with outputs: charette, computer graphics, correlation
analysis, drop-in centers, fishbowl planning, input-output analysis, media-based issue balloting,
meetings, open-door policy, public hearing workshops. Others: arbitration and mediation
planning, cross-impact matrix, influence diagram, interaction analysis interaction matrix, inter-
sectoral analysis, interpretive structural modeling, negotiation, ombudsman, profit/volume
analysis, system pyramid, technology assessment.
(12) Inputs, future. Each of those in cells 7-11. Conditional demand analysis, contextual
mapping, extended scenarios, forecasting, futures research, new-product early warning system,
opportunity identification, progress ("learning") function for quality and quantity measures of
effectiveness, regression forecasting, simulation, social indicators, technology assessments and
forecasts, time series analysis.
(13) Outputs, fundamental. All available ones are possible as output representations, but a
sample of them includes computer graphics, drawings, drop-in centers, fishbowl planning,
hotline, input-output analysis, intent structures, interpretive structural models, media-based issue
balloting, meetings, open door policy, oval diagrams, photographs, policy graphs, pro forma
balance and operating statements, public hearing, public information program, scenario, system
matrix, system or semilattice pyramid, workshops.
(14) Outputs, values. Brainstorming, dialectical process, intent structures, questionnaires,
sociological projection technique, utility assessment.
(15) Outputs, measures. Benefit-cost analysis, break-even analysis, budget, correlation
analysis, data transformation, a fortiori analysis, measurement model, PPBS, product or service
life cycle analysis, profit/volume analysis, progress functions, psychological scalings, reliability
theory, sensitivity analysis, simulation, subjective probability assessment, variance analysis.
(16) Outputs, control. Budget, cause-effect analysis, central location testing, checklists,
control charts, control model, correlation analysis, counter-planning, data transformation,
decision matrix, employee panels, financial investment appraisal, influence diagram, return on
investment, simulation, tables reporting variance to norms, use testing, worst case analysis, zero-
base budgeting.
(17) Outputs, interface. With inputs: computer graphics, correlation analysis, drop-in
centers, fishbowl planning, input-output analysis, media-based issue balloting, meetings, open-
door policy, public hearing, and workshops. With other elements: arbitration and mediation
planning, cause-effect analysis, charrette, cross-impact analysis, diagraphs, environmental impact
statements, fault tree analysis, impact analysis, influence diagram, interaction analysis,
intersectoral analysis, negotiation, new business project screening summary, ombudsman, policy
graphs, PPBS, profit/volume analysis, system or semilattice pyramid, and technology assessment.
(18) Outputs, future. Each of those in cells 13-17, plus additional techniques in cell 12.
(19) Sequence, fundamental. Because the P&D system sequence involves all aspects of a
time-based P&D, all of the techniques could be involved, especially the change principles. The
following just illustrate the differing types for each phase:

1. Delphi, forecasting techniques, function expansion, purpose hierarchy, intent structures, oval
diagrams, semi-lattice, system pyramid, tree diagrams.
2. Analogies, bisociation, brain resting, brainstorming, brain writing, dialectical process,
morphological box, search for diverse sources of options.
3. Cash flow analysis, causal diagram, cost effectiveness analysis, decision matrix, DELTA
chart (decision, event, logic, time, activities), feasibility study, financial investment
appraisal, flowchart, goals-achievement matrix, input-output matrix, layout-diagram,
multilevel digraph, operations research, optimization, pair comparison, Pareto analysis,
return on investment, scenario, social cost benefit analysis, system matrix.
4. Same as 3 plus contingency analysis, cost-benefit analysis, decision tables, forecasting,
multiple attribute utility assessment, parameter analysis, program planning method,
5. Same as 1, 2, 3, and 4 plus control charts, questionnaires (cells 21, 22, 23).

(20) Sequence, values. Brainstorming, dialectical process, group process technique,

questionnaires, and utility theory.
(21) Sequence, measures. Activity balance line evaluation, break-even analysis, budget,
correlation analysis, data transformation, decision tree, Gantt chart, life cycle phasing, line of
balance, management operations systems technique, measurement model, milestone chart,
network analysis, operations chart, PERT or critical path method (manual or computerized),
PERT/COST, precedence diagram method, process chart, RAMPS, statistical model, subjective
probability assessment, timeline budget for phases, variance analysis.
(22) Sequence, control. Activity balance line evaluation, activity matrix, budget variance
analysis, client/user/citizen/ P&D peer review panels, contingency/worst case analysis, control
charts, correlation analysis, data transformation, decision tables, DELTA chart, Gantt chart,
influence diagram, line of balance, management operations systems technique, milestone chart,
network analysis, operation chart, PERT/COST, PPBS, precedence diagram methods, process
chart, RAMPS, scheduling model, simulation, statistical model, task force, zero-base budgeting.
(23) Sequence, interface. Arbitration and mediation, cause/ effect assessment, change
principles, contingency tables, correlation analysis, cross-impact analysis, decision tables,
digraphs, force field analysis, improvement program, influence diagram, interaction matrix
analysis, interface event control, intersectoral analysis, multiple criteria utility assessment,
negotiation, ombudsman, policy graphs, scenarios, subjective probability assessment, surveys.
(24) Sequence, future. Each of those in cells 19-23. Some newer techniques are emerging:
computerized Delphi, contingency forecasts, a fortiori analysis, parameter analysis, technological
forecasting, worst-case analysis.
(25) Environment, fundamental. Causal diagrams, community attitude survey, Delphi,
demographic analysis, dialectical process, dynamic model, gaming and simulation, goals program
analysis, intersectoral analysis, interviews, matrix structure, organizational climate analysis,
organizational sensing, oval diagrams, parameter analysis, productivity circles, project teams,
preference ordering, scenarios, semilattice pyramid, telephone polling, tree diagrams, utility
assessment, volunteer group status.
(26) Environment, values. Brainstorming, climate analysis, dialectical process,
questionnaires, technology assessment, utility theory.
(27) Environment, measures. Budget, bureaucracy level analysis, cause/effect assessment,
climate analysis, correlation analysis, counts and/or ratios of public attendance at P&D meetings,
data transformation, demand analysis, econometric models, factor analysis, frequency of P&D
system meetings, frequency of updating "pulse" of external environment aspects, magnitude of
external pressure, management grid analysis, measurement model, network analysis of P&D

system, PPBS, regression analysis, rigidity versus openness analysis, role analysis, statistical
model, subjective probability assessment, variance analysis.
(28) Environment, control. Budget, climate analysis trends, control charts, control model,
correlation analysis, critical incidence review, data transformation, influence diagram, P&D peer
review, PPBS, statistical model, utility assessment, zero-base budgeting.
(29) Environment, interface. Arbitration and mediation planning, cause/effect assessment,
correlation analysis, demographic analysis, digraphs, environmental impact statement, factor
analysis, fault-tree analysis, force field analysis, graph theory, human development continua,
impact analysis, influence diagram, ISM, interaction analysis, intersectoral analysis, interviews,
negotiation, ombudsman, organization mirror, organizational sensing, policy graphs, regression
analysis, role analysis, surveys, technology and managerial control analysis, tree diagrams, trend
(30) Environment, future. Each of those in cells 25-29. Adaptive forecasting, contextual
mapping, demographic forecasting, forecasting, Markov chains, probabilistic system dynamics,
regression forecasting, sales force composite, smoothing, sociological projection technique,
substitution analysis, technological forecasting, time series analysis.
(31) Human agents, fundamental. Attitude tests, contingency analysis, creativity techniques
(analogy, morphological box, bisociation, brainstorming, brain writing, etc.), interviews, nominal
group technique, ombudsman, oval diagrams, personality tests, personality type analysis, role
analysis, semilattice pyramid, scenarios, subjective probability assessment, task analysis, task
force, wage scale.
(32) Human agents, values. Brainstorming, dialectical process, group process technique,
questionnaires, utility theory.
(33) Human agents, measures. Activity sampling, aptitude test, budget, correlation analysis,
critical incident technique, data transformation, external examiner to assess performance,
financial plans, Gantt chart, historical time/cost data in P&D, information content analysis, job
evaluation, measurement model, performance measures tally, PPBS, progress functions and
learning curves, quality of working life autonomy, salary versus job education curves, statistical
estimation, statistical model, subjective probability assessment, user satisfaction surveys, variance
analysis, wage scale, wage surveys, work measurement.
(34) Human agents, control. Aptitude test, budget, contingency analysis, control charts,
control model, correlation analysis, counseling interviews, critical incident technique, critical path
method, data transformation, Gantt charts, influence diagram, organizational analysis, peer
review, PPBS, performance appraisal, RAMPS, regular retraining courses, semi-annual sample
tests or games, statistical model, task force, team building, training, zero-base budgeting.
(35) Human agents, interface. Arbitration and mediation planning, cause/effect assessment,
correlation analysis, counseling interviews, cross-impact analysis, decision tables, digraphs,
educational curriculum formats, group processes techniques, influence diagram, interaction
analysis, interactive computer languages, intersectoral analysis, ISM, negotiation, ombudsman.
(36) Human agents, future. Each of those in cells 31-35.
(37) Physical catalysts, fundamental. Flow path diagrams, layout drawings, nomographs,
photographs, physical and mathematical equations describing operating characteristics, physical
model, specification listing, templates, three-dimensional models.
(38) Physical catalysts, values. Brainstorming, dialectical process, group process technique,
questionnaires, utility theory.
(39) Physical catalysts, measures. Break-even analysis, budget, cash flow analysis,
correlation analysis, cost benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, data transformation,
downtime distribution, machine-loading charts, maintenance network, maintenance schedule
graph, measurement model, PPBS, progress function, queuing models, social cost-benefit
analysis, statistical model, subjective probability assessment, and variance analysis.

(40) Physical catalysts, control. Activity sampling, budget control sheets, control charts,
control model, correlation analysis, critical path method, data transformation, influence diagram,
interview surveys, maintenance charts, PPBS, RAMPS, replacement model, statistical mode,
utilization indices and charts, value analysis, zero-base budgeting.
(41) Physical catalysts, interface. Arbitration and mediation planning, cause/effect
assessment, climate analysis, contingency analysis, correlation analysis, cross-impact analysis,
digraphs, graph theory, influence diagram, interaction analysis, interaction matrix diagram,
intersectoral analysis, ISM, negotiation, ombudsman, semilattice pyramid, telecommunications.
(42) Physical catalysts, future. Each of those in cells 36-41. Modeling of conferences based
on technologically advanced physical catalysts, technology assessment, technological forecasting.
(43) Information aids, fundamental. Abstract dimensioning, analysis of variance, career
path analysis, case histories, charts, computer graphics, contingency analysis, continuing
educational path, decision tables, decision trees, drawings, expected free cash flow model,
graphics, graphs group process techniques, hierarchical clustering, histograms, information
content analysis, information flowcharts, lattice theory, mathematical and statistical tools
(correlation analysis, factor analysis, histogram, Laplace transforms, risk distribution, variance,
etc.), mathematical model, mathematical programming technique, modeling, performance/time
measurement estimate, physical model, probability assessment, programming languages,
recursive programming model, risk analysis, simulation languages, software in structures and
packaging, standard operating procedures, system pyramid, time study, utility theory.
(44) Information aids, values. Brainstorming, dialectical process, group process technique,
questionnaires, utility theory.
(45) Information aids, measures. Activity sampling, budget, cast flow analysis, computer
simulation, contingency analysis, correlation analysis, cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness
analysis, data transformation, decision tables, downtime measurements, fault analysis,
forecasting, a fortiori analysis, measurement model, morphological analysis, objective tree,
PPBS, probability assessment, sensitivity analysis, social cost-benefit analysis, statistical model,
subjective probability assessment, surveys, time between request and response, variance analysis.
(46) Information aids, control. Auditing technique, budget, budget control sheets, control
charts, control model, correlation analysis, critical path analysis, data base system, data
transformation, decision tables, decision trees, flowcharts, forecasting, Gantt charts, influence
diagram, PPBS, priority setting or voting, replacement models, RAMPS, standard data charts and
tables, statistical model, utilization indices, value analysis, zero-base budgeting.
(47) Information aids, interface. Cause-effect matrix, computer graphics, contingency
analysis, correlation analysis, cross-impact matrix, digraphs, a fortiori analysis, influence
diagram, interaction analysis, interaction matrix diagrams, intersectoral analysis, ISM,
negotiation, ombudsman, parameter analysis, programming-computer interaction analysis,
sensitivity analysis, survey questionnaires and interviews, telecommunications.
(48) Information aids, future. Each of those in cells 42-47. Computer programming
research, computerized Delphi, cost-benefit analysis, forecasting, gaming, and subjective

The Procedural Titles & Processes for Search Engine
Forward Chaining Sequences within a Genetic P&D Matrix
1. Not Applicable
2. [TAG] Purpose, Control (4)
3. [GAG] Purpose, Measures (3)
4. [TGC] Outputs, Values (14)
5. [GCT] Human Agents, Control (34)
6. [TCG] Physical Catalysts, Measures (39)
7. [AAC] Inputs, Measures (9)
8. [GAT] Inputs, Control (10)
9. [TCA] Environment, Measures (27)
10. [GAC] Environment, Future (30)
11. [GCA] Environment, Interface (29)
12. [GGT] Outputs, Fundamental (13)
13. [TTA] Outputs, Measures (15)
14. [CGT] Sequence, Measures (21)
15. [CAG] Outputs, Future (18)
16. [GGC] Sequence, Future (24)
17. [TGA] Information Aids, Future (48)
18. [CCA] Inputs, Fundamental (7)
19. [ACT] Purpose, Values (2)
20. Same as (22), but as an additional process
21. [CAC] Physical Catalysts, Control (40)
22. [CTG] Human Agents, Measures (33)
23. [CAT] Human Agents, Fundamental (31)
24. [GCG] Human Agents, Values (32)
25. [AAT] Purpose, Fundamental (1)
26. [ATC] Outputs, Interface (17)
27. [GTC] Sequence, Values (20)
28. [CGA] Human Agents, Interface (35)
29. [TCT] Inputs, Values (8)
30. [TAC] Information Aids, Values (44)
31. [TAT] Information Aids, Control (46)
32. [CCT] Environment, Control (28)
33. [TGT] Information Aids, Measures (45)
34. [AGT] Sequence, Fundamental (19)
35. [TTG] Purpose, Future (6)
36. [GTA] Sequence, Control (22)
37. [GTG] Sequence, Interface (23)
38. [ATG] Outputs, Control (16)
39. [CCG] Physical Catalysts, Interface (41)
40. [GGA] Physical Catalysts, Values (38)
41. [AGC] Environment, Values (26)
42. [TTC] Purpose, Interface (5)
43. [AAG] Information Aids, Fundamental (43)
44. [ACA] Inputs, Interface (11)
45. [ACG] Environment Fundamental (25)
46. [AGA] Physical Catalysts, Future (42)
47. [ATA] Inputs, Future (12)
48. [CTC] Information Aids, Interface (47)
49. [CGC] Physical Catalysts, Fundamental (37)
50. [CTA] Human Agents, Future (36)

The Procedural Titles & Processes for Search Engine
Backward Chaining Sequences within a Genetic P&D Matrix
(The Operational Mindset or Genetic Embodiment of Gaius Julius Caesar Involving the Staging for
Commercial Expansionism through the Global Market Principles of Frederick Von Hayek)

1. Describe/Establish/Measure Relationships (VIII)

2. [TAG] Analyze Project Impacts on Society (II)
3. [GAG] Analyze Policy Setting & Decision-Making Variables (XVI)
4. [TGC] Establish Project Schedules & Basis for Measuring Progress & Performance (III)
5. [GCT] Involve People (XIV)
6. [TCG] Identify (Product) Opportunities (I)
7. [AAC] Estimate Budget & Dollar Requirements (XI)
8. [GAT] Analyze Investments (XVI)
9. [TCA] Identify (Project) Opportunities (Ia)
10. [GAC] Appraise/Assess Investments (XVI)
11. [GCA] Inform & Involve Citizens (XIV)
12. [GGT] Appraise/Assess Alternative Options/Plans/Policies/ Programs/Contingencies/Functions (XVI)
13. [TTA] Collect Data and/or Information (I)
14. [CGT] Identify Regularities (VI)
15. [CAG] Establish Priorities (VI)
16. [GGC] Evaluate Alternatives (XVI)
17. [TGA] Establish Project Schedules & Basis for Measuring Progress & Performance (III)
18. [CCA] Approach Problems (V)
19. [ACT] Evaluate Interpersonal Relationships, Performance & Effectiveness of an Organization (VIII)
20. Categorize/Classify Alternatives (VI)
21. [CAC] Organize Alternatives (VI)
22. [CTG] Identify Problems, Overlaps & Conflicts (V)
23. [CAT] Rank Alternatives (VI)
24. [GCG] Test Impact of Different Values of an Attribute/Parameter/Variable (XV)
25. [AAT] Generate a List of Possible Purpose/Function Statements (X)
26. [ATC] Portray an Order of Events (VII)
27. [GTC] Develop (Enhance) Creativity (XII)
28. [CGA] Preserve an Image (VII)
29. [TCT] Analyze Job Methods & Motions (I)
30. [TAC] Appraise/Assess Projects (II)
31. [TAT] Analyze Projects (II)
32. [CCT] Identify Management Styles (V)
33. [TGT] Measure Projects Progress & Performance (III)
34. [AGT] Predict Future Conditions (XI)
35. [TTG] Identify New Product Quality (I)
36. [GTA] Produce Consensus (XIII)
37. [GTG] Stimulate Creativity of People (XIII)
38. [ATG] Rate Conditions (VIII)
39. [CCG] Weight Criteria or Factors (VI)
40. [GGA] Measure Errors (XVI)
41. [AGC] Detail Proposed Solution (XI)
42. [TTC] Collect and/or Organize Performance Information (I)
43. [AAG] Determine Human Ability & Skill Requirements for Tasks (XI)
44. [ACA] Analyze Alternative Options/Plans/Policies/Programs/Contingencies/Functions (IX)
45. [ACG] Develop & Analyze Structure (IX)
46. [AGA] Generate Alternatives/Ideas (XII)
47. [ATA] Plot & Analyze Data about the Performance of an Existing Installation (VII)
48. [CTC] Appraise/Assess Systems (IV)

49. [CGC] Provide Graphic Representations (VII)
50. [CTA] Analyze Systems (IV)

The Organizational Profile for 5-Phase Educational

Development within a Genetic-based P&D Effort
(Search Engine Integration & Systems Verification Processes)


I. Information, Collect, Identify New Product Quality, Analyze Job Methods and Motions, Identify
Project Opportunities, Identify (Product) Opportunities ([TTT] TTC, TTA, TTG, TCT, TCA and

II. Analyze Projects, Appraise/Assess Projects, Analyze Project Impacts on Society ([TCC] TAT,
TAC and TAG)

III. Measure Project Progress and Performance, Establish Project Schedules and Basis for Measuring
Progress and Performance, EPSBMPP2 ([TAA] TGT, TGC and TGA)

IV. Appraise/Assess Systems, Analyze Systems ([TGG] CTC and CTA)

V. Identify Problems, Overlaps, and Conflicts, Identify Management Styles, Approach Problems
([CTT] CTG, CCT and CCA)

VI. Factors, Rank, Organize Alternatives, Categorize/Classify Alternatives, Establish Priorities,

Identify Regularities ([CCC] CCG, CAT, CAC, CAG and CGT)

VII. Provide Graphic Representations, Preserve an Image, Portray an Order of Events, Plot and
Analyze Data about the Performance of an Existing Installation ([CAA] CGC, CGA, ATC and


VIII. Conditions, Describe, Evaluate Interpersonal Relationships, Performance, and Effectiveness of

an Organization ([CGG] ATG and ACT)

IX. Analyze Alternative Options/Plans/Policies/Programs/Contingencies/Functions, Develop and Analyze

Structure ([ATT] ACA and ACG)

X. Generate a List of Possible Purpose/Function Statements([ACC] AAT)


XI.Estimate Budget and Dollar Requirements, Determine Human Ability and Skill Requirements for Tasks,
Predict Future Conditions, Detail Proposed Solution ([AAA] AAC, AAG, AGT and AGC)


XII. Generate Alternatives/Ideas, Develop (Enhance) Creativity ([AGG] AGA and GTC)

XIII. Produce Consensus, Stimulate Creativity of People ([GTT] GTA and GTG)


XIV. Involve People, Inform and Involve Citizens ([GCC] GCT and GCA)

XV. Test Impact of Different Values of an Attribute/Parameter/Variable ([GAA] GCG)

XVI.Analyze Investments, Appraise/Assess Investments, Analyze Policy Setting and Decision-Making Variables,
Appraise/Assess Alternative Options/Plans/Policies/Programs/Contingencies/Functions, Evaluate
Alternatives, Measure Errors ([GGG] GAT, GAC, GAG, GGT, GGC and GGA)























DSM PHY PSY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1 2 3



The PERT Genetic-Based Structural Elements for Developing Consultative
P&D Operational Timeline Strategies within a Chromosomal Purposeful Hierarchy



:011.061-010, AS REPRESENTING THE 150 210

18 19 20
130 170


180 220

7 8 12
50 70

10 9 14 17 28 29 30 31
90 110 140 160 190 230 240 250 260


10 24
3 21

11 16
20 120 200

8 15

4 6 25
40 60 80 100


30 10







The Formula Matrix for Chromosomal
Development & Implementation
(The IBOS [DALP/DOSA/IAOA] Genetic-Based Formula Matrix)




Process Process Process

Co Ft Ch

Process Process Process

REPRESENTATIONS OF Process Process Process

(Ut Cu + I t Cl + Yt Co + Xt Cr + F t Cf + Ht Ch)
z E = = 652. 382-010 = F










THE STATUS AND Process Process Process


Process Process Process

Ht Cr Yt
ORDERING LOGIC) FORMATED Process Process Process
Cf Xt Cl

F = 652. 382-010 = z = E (Ch Ht + Cf F t + Cr Xt + Co Yt + Cl I t + Cu Ut )












The Periodic Table of Atomic Elements 18 Classes as it Relates to the
18 Components of the P&D Worksheet and Consul Cube




A Simple and Small Dialogue between Myself as General

Contractors of Network Operations and a Higher Power(s)

Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed
across the sky.

In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other
times there was one only.

This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord, “You promised
me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the
most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I
needed you most, have you not been there for me?”

The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I
carried you.”

Mary Stevenson, 1936

Footprints Upon the Sand and Rivers of Freedom that Flows toward All Humanity

In the new era of God's creation I dreamed of times living along the beach with the Lord. Many
scenes of all Humanity flashed before my eyes as I bore witness to the human endeavor on Earth as
if they were reflections from the waves upon many a oceans.

In each scene I noticed footprints in the sands of the human experience. On occasion I sometimes
witnessed that during times of peace that there were many sets of footprints, and at other times
during difficulties that there were only a few.

This bothered me because I noticed that during these low periods of the human existence, when the
appearance of needless suffering and anguish abound without rhyme or reason in an era of sorrow &
defeat, I finally saw only one set of footprints, so I asked of the Lord, “You promised All Mankind Oh
Lord, that if it followed you, you would walk with it always. But I have noticed that during the most
trying periods within the history of mankind there has only been one set of footprints in the
sand. Why, when we needed you most, have you not been there for us?”

The Lord replied, “From the beginning when you had seen only one set of footprints, my child, it was
then when I carried you all as one people on Earth.”

Onesimus, 2010




Sun Tzu’s Art of War as a Means of Developing

Silent Weapons While Engaging in Quiet Warfare

I. Laying Socioeconomic Plans

1. Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State.

2. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry
which can on no account be neglected.

3. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's
deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

4. These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and

5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will
follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

7. Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons.

8. Earth comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open ground and narrow
passes; the chances of life and death.

9. The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and

10. By method and discipline are to be understood the marshaling of the army in its proper
subdivisions, the graduations of rank among the officers, the maintenance of roads by which
supplies may reach the army, and the control of military expenditure.

11. These five heads should be familiar to every general: he who knows them will be victorious;
he who knows them not will fail.

12. Therefore, in your deliberations, when seeking to determine the military conditions, let them
be made the basis of a comparison, in this wise:--

13. (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law? (2) Which of the two generals
has most ability? (3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth? (4) On
which side is discipline most rigorously enforced? (5) Which army is stronger? (6) On which
side are officers and men more highly trained? (7) In which army is there the greater constancy
both in reward and punishment?

14. By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.

15. The general that hearkens to my counsel and acts upon it, will conquer: let such a one be
retained in command! The general that hearkens not to my counsel nor acts upon it, will suffer
defeat:--let such a one be dismissed!

16. While heading the profit of my counsel, avail yourself also of any helpful circumstances over
and beyond the ordinary rules.

17. According as circumstances are favorable, one should modify one's plans.

18. All warfare is based on deception.

19. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem
inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we
must make him believe we are near.

20. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.

21. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.

22. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may
grow arrogant.

23. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them.

24. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

25. These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.

26. Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is
fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. Thus do many
calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all!
It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose.

II. Waging Economic Warfare

1. Sun Tzu said: In the operations of war, where there are in the field a thousand swift chariots, as
many heavy chariots, and a hundred thousand mail-clad soldiers, with provisions enough to
carry them a thousand li, the expenditure at home and at the front, including entertainment of
guests, small items such as glue and paint, and sums spent on chariots and armor, will reach the
total of a thousand ounces of silver per day. Such is the cost of raising an army of 100,000 men.

2. When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men's weapons will
grow dull and their ardor will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your

3. Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

4. Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your
treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man,
however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.

5. Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated
with long delays.

6. There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.

7. It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly
understand the profitable way of carrying it on.

8. The skillful soldier does not raise a second levy, neither are his supply-wagons loaded more
than twice.

9. Bring war material with you from home, but forage on the enemy. Thus the army will have
food enough for its needs.

10. Poverty of the State exchequer causes an army to be maintained by contributions from a
distance. Contributing to maintain an army at a distance causes the people to be impoverished.

11. On the other hand, the proximity of an army causes prices to go up; and high prices cause the
people's substance to be drained away.

12. When their substance is drained away, the peasantry will be afflicted by heavy exactions.

13,14. With this loss of substance and exhaustion of strength, the homes of the people will be
stripped bare, and three-tenths of their income will be dissipated; while government expenses for
broken chariots, worn-out horses, breast-plates and helmets, bows and arrows, spears and shields,
protective mantles, draught-oxen and heavy wagons, will amount to four-tenths of its total

15. Hence a wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy. One cartload of the enemy's
provisions is equivalent to twenty of one's own, and likewise a single picul of his provender is
equivalent to twenty from one's own store.

16. Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage
from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.

17. Therefore in chariot fighting, when ten or more chariots have been taken, those should be
rewarded who took the first. Our own flags should be substituted for those of the enemy, and the
chariots mingled and used in conjunction with ours. The captured soldiers should be
kindly treated and kept.

18. This is called, using the conquered foe to augment one's own strength.

19. In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns.

20. Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbiter of the people's fate, the man on
whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril.

III. Attack byMonetary or Fiduciary Stratagem

1. Sun Tzu said: In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country
whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an
army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to
destroy them.

2. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence
consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

3. Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy's plans; the next best is to prevent the
junction of the enemy's forces; the next in order is to attack the enemy's army in the field; and the

worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities.

4. The rule is, not to besiege walled cities if it can possibly be avoided. The preparation of
mantlets, movable shelters, and various implements of war, will take up three whole months; and
the piling up of mounds over against the walls will take three months more.

5. The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming
ants, with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town still remains untaken. Such
are the disastrous effects of a siege.

6. Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their
cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their global markets without lengthy operations
in the field.

7. With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Empire, and thus, without losing a
man, his triumph will be complete. This is the method of attacking by stratagem.

8. It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy's one, to surround him; if five to one, to
attack him; if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two.

9. If equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy;
if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him.

10. Hence, though an obstinate fight may be made by a small force, in the end it must be captured
by the larger force.

11. Now the general is the bulwark of the State; if the bulwark is complete at all points; the State
will be strong; if the bulwark is defective, the State will be weak.

12. There are three ways in which a ruler can bring misfortune upon his army:--

13. (1) By commanding the army to advance or to retreat, being ignorant of the fact that it cannot
obey. This is called hobbling the army.

14. (2) By attempting to govern an army in the same way as he administers a global markets,
being ignorant of the conditions which obtain in an army. This causes restlessness in the
soldier's minds.

15. (3) By employing the officers of his army without discrimination, through ignorance of the
military principle of adaptation to circumstances. This shakes the confidence of the soldiers.

16. But when the army is restless and distrustful, trouble is sure to come from the other feudal
princes. This is simply bringing anarchy into the army, and flinging victory away.

17. Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory: (1) He will win who knows when
to fight and when not to fight. (2) He will win who knows how to handle both superior and
inferior forces. (3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its
ranks. (4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. (5) He will
win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.

18. Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a
hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also
suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

IV. Tactical Global Market Dispositions

1. Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat,
and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.

2. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the
enemy is provided by the enemy himself.

3. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat, but cannot make certain of
defeating the enemy.

4. Hence the saying: One may know how to conquer without being able to do it.

5. Security against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the

6. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of


7. The general who is skilled in defense hides in the most secret recesses of the earth; he who is
skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven. Thus on the one hand we have
ability to protect ourselves; on the other, a victory that is complete.

8. To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of

9. Neither is it the acme of excellence if you fight and conquer and the whole Empire says, "Well

10. To lift an autumn hair is no sign of great strength; to see the sun and moon is no sign of sharp
sight; to hear the noise of thunder is no sign of a quick ear.

11. What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with

12. Hence his victories bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage.

13. He wins his battles by making no mistakes. Making no mistakes is what establishes the
certainty of victory, for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated.

14. Hence the skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and
does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.

15. Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won,
whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.

16. The consummate leader cultivates the moral law, and strictly adheres to method and
discipline; thus it is in his power to control success.

17. In respect of military method, we have, firstly, Measurement; secondly, Estimation of

quantity; thirdly, Calculation; fourthly, Balancing of chances; fifthly, Victory.

18. Measurement owes its existence to Earth; Estimation of quantity to Measurement; Calculation
to Estimation of quantity; Balancing of chances to Calculation; and Victory to Balancing
of chances.

19. A victorious army opposed to a routed one, is as a pound's weight placed in the scale against a
single grain.

20. The onrush of a conquering force is like the bursting of pent-up waters into a chasm a
thousand fathoms deep.

V. Global Market Forces and Energy

1. Sun Tzu said: The control of a large force is the same principle as the control of a few men: it
is merely a question of dividing up their numbers.

2. Fighting with a large army under your command is nowise different from fighting with a small
one: it is merely a question of instituting signs and signals.

3. To ensure that your whole host may withstand the brunt of the enemy's attack and remain
unshaken-- this is effected by maneuvers direct and indirect.

4. That the impact of your army may be like a grindstone dashed against an egg--this is effected

by the science of weak points and strong.

5. In all fighting, the direct method may be used for joining battle, but indirect methods will be
needed in order to secure victory.

6. Indirect tactics, efficiently applied, are inexhaustible as Heaven and Earth, unending as the
flow of rivers and streams; like the sun and moon, they end but to begin anew; like the four
seasons, they pass away to return once more.

7. There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more
melodies than can ever be heard.

8. There are not more than five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white, and black), yet in
combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen.

9. There are not more than five cardinal tastes (sour, acrid, salt, sweet, bitter), yet combinations of
them yield more flavors than can ever be tasted.

10. In battle, there are not more than two methods of attack--the direct and the indirect; yet these
two in combination give rise to an endless series of maneuvers.

11. The direct and the indirect lead on to each other in turn. It is like moving in a circle--you
never come to an end. Who can exhaust the possibilities of their combination?

12. The onset of troops is like the rush of a torrent which will even roll stones along in its course.

13. The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and
destroy its victim.

14. Therefore the good fighter will be terrible in his onset, and prompt in his decision.

15. Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow; decision, to the releasing of a trigger.

16. Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, there may be seeming disorder and yet no real disorder
at all; amid confusion and chaos, your array may be without head or tail, yet it will be proof
against defeat.

17. Simulated disorder postulates perfect discipline, simulated fear postulates courage; simulated
weakness postulates strength.

18. Hiding order beneath the cloak of disorder is simply a question of subdivision; concealing
courage under a show of timidity presupposes a fund of latent energy; masking strength with
weakness is to be effected by tactical dispositions.

19. Thus one who is skillful at keeping the enemy on the move maintains deceitful appearances,
according to which the enemy will act. He sacrifices something, that the enemy may snatch at it.

20. By holding out baits, he keeps him on the march; then with a body of picked men he lies in
wait for him.

21. The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much
from individuals. Hence his ability to pick out the right men and utilize combined energy.

22. When he utilizes combined energy, his fighting men become as it were like unto rolling logs
or stones. For it is the nature of a log or stone to remain motionless on level ground, and to move
when on a slope; if four-cornered, to come to a standstill, but if round-shaped, to go rolling

23. Thus the energy developed by good fighting men is as the momentum of a round stone rolled
down a mountain thousands of feet in height. So much on the subject of energy.

VI. Monetary Weak Points and a Strong Economic Defense or Offense

1. Sun Tzu said: Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh
for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted.

2. Therefore the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's
will to be imposed on him.

3. By holding out advantages to him, he can cause the enemy to approach of his own accord; or,
by inflicting damage, he can make it impossible for the enemy to draw near.

4. If the enemy is taking his ease, he can harass him; if well supplied with food, he can starve him
out; if quietly encamped, he can force him to move.

5. Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you
are not expected.

6. An army may march great distances without distress, if it marches through country where the
enemy is not.

7. You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended.
You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked.

8. Hence that general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he
is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack.

9. O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you
inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands.

10. You may advance and be absolutely irresistible, if you make for the enemy's weak points; you
may retire and be safe from pursuit if your movements are more rapid than those of the enemy.

11. If we wish to fight, the enemy can be forced to an engagement even though he be sheltered
behind a high rampart and a deep ditch. All we need do is attack some other place that he will be
obliged to relieve.

12. If we do not wish to fight, we can prevent the enemy from engaging us even though the lines
of our encampment be merely traced out on the ground. All we need do is to throw something
odd and unaccountable in his way.

13. By discovering the enemy's dispositions and remaining invisible ourselves, we can keep our
forces concentrated, while the enemy's must be divided.

14. We can form a single united body, while the enemy must split up into fractions. Hence there
will be a whole pitted against separate parts of a whole, which means that we shall be many to the
enemy's few.

15. And if we are able thus to attack an inferior force with a superior one, our opponents will be
in dire straits.

16. The spot where we intend to fight must not be made known; for then the enemy will have to
prepare against a possible attack at several different points; and his forces being thus distributed
in many directions, the numbers we shall have to face at any given point will be
proportionately few.

17. For should the enemy strengthen his van, he will weaken his rear; should he strengthen his
rear, he will weaken his van; should he strengthen his left, he will weaken his right; should he
strengthen his right, he will weaken his left. If he sends reinforcements everywhere, he will
everywhere be weak.

18. Numerical weakness comes from having to prepare against possible attacks; numerical
strength, from compelling our adversary to make these preparations against us.

19. Knowing the place and the time of the coming battle, we may concentrate from the greatest
distances in order to fight.

20. But if neither time nor place be known, then the left wing will be impotent to succor the right,
the right equally impotent to succor the left, the van unable to relieve the rear, or the rear to
support the van. How much more so if the furthest portions of the army are anything under a
hundred LI apart, and even the nearest are separated by several LI!

21. Though according to my estimate the soldiers of Yueh exceed our own in number, that shall
advantage them nothing in the matter of victory. I say then that victory can be achieved.

22. Though the enemy be stronger in numbers, we may prevent him from fighting. Scheme so as
to discover his plans and the likelihood of their success.

23. Rouse him, and learn the principle of his activity or inactivity. Force him to reveal himself, so
as to find out his vulnerable spots.

24. Carefully compare the opposing army with your own, so that you may know where strength is
superabundant and where it is deficient.

25. In making tactical dispositions, the highest pitch you can attain is to conceal them; conceal
your dispositions, and you will be safe from the prying of the subtlest spies, from the
machinations of the wisest brains.

26. How victory may be produced for them out of the enemy's own tactics--that is what the
multitude cannot comprehend.

27. All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of
which victory is evolved.

28. Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be
regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.

29. Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places
and hastens downwards.

30. So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.

31. Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier
works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing.

32. Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant

33. He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent and thereby succeed in winning,
may be called a heaven-born captain.

34. The five elements (water, fire, wood, metal, earth) are not always equally predominant; the
four seasons make way for each other in turn. There are short days and long; the moon has its
periods of waning and waxing.

VII. Maneuvering through Global Markets from a Universal Perspective

1. Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign.

2. Having collected an army and concentrated his forces, he must blend and harmonize the
different elements thereof before pitching his camp.

3. After that, comes tactical maneuvering, than which there is nothing more difficult. The
difficulty of tactical maneuvering consists in turning the devious into the direct, and misfortune
into gain.

4. Thus, to take a long and circuitous route, after enticing the enemy out of the way, and though
starting after him, to contrive to reach the goal before him, shows knowledge of the artifice
of deviation.

5. Maneuvering with an army is advantageous; with an undisciplined multitude, most dangerous.

6. If you set a fully equipped army in march in order to snatch an advantage, the chances are that
you will be too late. On the other hand, to detach a flying column for the purpose involves the
sacrifice of its baggage and stores.

7. Thus, if you order your men to roll up their buff-coats, and make forced marches without
halting day or night, covering double the usual distance at a stretch, doing a hundred LI in order
to wrest an advantage, the leaders of all your three divisions will fall into the hands of the enemy.

8. The stronger men will be in front, the jaded ones will fall behind, and on this plan only one-
tenth of your army will reach its destination.

9. If you march fifty LI in order to outmaneuver the enemy, you will lose the leader of your first
division, and only half your force will reach the goal.

10. If you march thirty LI with the same object, two-thirds of your army will arrive.

11. We may take it then that an army without its baggage-train is lost; without provisions it is
lost; without bases of supply it is lost.

12. We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbors.

13. We are not fit to lead an army on the march unless we are familiar with the face of the
country--its mountains and forests, its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes and swamps.

14. We shall be unable to turn natural advantage to account unless we make use of local guides.

15. In war, practice dissimulation, and you will succeed.

16. Whether to concentrate or to divide your troops, must be decided by circumstances.

17. Let your rapidity be that of the wind, your compactness that of the forest.

18. In raiding and plundering be like fire, is immovability like a mountain.

19. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

20. When you plunder a countryside, let the spoil be divided amongst your men; when you
capture new territory, cut it up into allotments for the benefit of the soldiery.

21. Ponder and deliberate before you make a move.

22. He will conquer who has learnt the artifice of deviation. Such is the art of maneuvering.

23. The Book of Army Management says: On the field of battle, the spoken word does not carry
far enough: hence the institution of gongs and drums. Nor can ordinary objects be seen clearly
enough: hence the institution of banners and flags.

24. Gongs and drums, banners and flags, are means whereby the ears and eyes of the host may be
focused on one particular point.

25. The host thus forming a single united body, is it impossible either for the brave to advance
alone, or for the cowardly to retreat alone. This is the art of handling large masses of men.

26. In night-fighting, then, make much use of signal-fires and drums, and in fighting by day, of
flags and banners, as a means of influencing the ears and eyes of your army.

27. A whole army may be robbed of its spirit; a commander-in-chief may be robbed of his
presence of mind.

28. Now a soldier's spirit is keenest in the morning; by noonday it has begun to flag; and in the
evening, his mind is bent only on returning to camp.

29. A clever general, therefore, avoids an army when its spirit is keen, but attacks it when it is
sluggish and inclined to return. This is the art of studying moods.

30. Disciplined and calm, to await the appearance of disorder and hubbub amongst the enemy:--
this is the art of retaining self-possession.

31. To be near the goal while the enemy is still far from it, to wait at ease while the enemy is
toiling and struggling, to be well-fed while the enemy is famished:--this is the art of husbanding
one's strength.

32. To refrain from intercepting an enemy whose banners are in perfect order, to refrain from
attacking an army drawn up in calm and confident array:--this is the art of studying

33. It is a military axiom not to advance uphill against the enemy, nor to oppose him when he
comes downhill.

34. Do not pursue an enemy who simulates flight; do not attack soldiers whose temper is keen.

35. Do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. Do not interfere with an army that is returning

36. When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.

37. Such is the art of warfare.

VIII. Variation in Socioeconomic Tactics

1. Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign, collects his army
and concentrates his forces.

2. When in difficult country, do not encamp. In country where high roads intersect, join hands
with your allies. Do not linger in dangerously isolated positions. In hemmed-in situations, you
must resort to stratagem. In desperate position, you must fight.

3. There are roads which must not be followed, armies which must be not attacked, towns which
must be besieged, positions which must not be contested, commands of the sovereign which must
not be obeyed.

4. The general who thoroughly understands the advantages that accompany variation of tactics
knows how to handle his troops.

5. The general who does not understand these, may be well acquainted with the configuration of
the country, yet he will not be able to turn his knowledge to practical account.

6. So, the student of war who is unversed in the art of war of varying his plans, even though he be
acquainted with the Five Advantages, will fail to make the best use of his men.

7. Hence in the wise leader's plans, considerations of advantage and of disadvantage will be
blended together.

8. If our expectation of advantage be tempered in this way, we may succeed in accomplishing the

essential part of our schemes.

9. If, on the other hand, in the midst of difficulties we are always ready to seize an advantage, we
may extricate ourselves from misfortune.

10. Reduce the hostile chiefs by inflicting damage on them; and make trouble for them, and keep
them constantly engaged; hold out specious allurements, and make them rush to any given point.

11. The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our
own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we
have made our position unassailable.

12. There are five dangerous faults which may affect a general: (1) Recklessness, which leads to
destruction; (2) cowardice, which leads to capture; (3) a hasty temper, which can be provoked by
insults; (4) a delicacy of honor which is sensitive to shame; (5) over-solicitude for his men, which
exposes him to worry and trouble.

13. These are the five besetting sins of a general, ruinous to the conduct of war.

14. When an army is overthrown and its leader slain, the cause will surely be found among these
five dangerous faults. Let them be a subject of meditation.

IX. The Army of Economic Observations and Monetary Principles on the March

1. Sun Tzu said: We come now to the question of encamping the army, and observing signs of the
enemy. Pass quickly over mountains, and keep in the neighborhood of valleys.

2. Camp in high places, facing the sun. Do not climb heights in order to fight. So much for
mountain warfare.

3. After crossing a river, you should get far away from it.

4. When an invading force crosses a river in its onward march, do not advance to meet it in mid-
stream. It will be best to let half the army get across, and then deliver your attack.

5. If you are anxious to fight, you should not go to meet the invader near a river which he has to

6. Moor your craft higher up than the enemy, and facing the sun. Do not move up-stream to meet
the enemy. So much for river warfare.

7. In crossing salt-marshes, your sole concern should be to get over them quickly, without any


8. If forced to fight in a salt-marsh, you should have water and grass near you, and get your back
to a clump of trees. So much for operations in salt-marches.

9. In dry, level country, take up an easily accessible position with rising ground to your right and
on your rear, so that the danger may be in front, and safety lie behind. So much for campaigning
in flat country.

10. These are the four useful branches of military knowledge which enabled the Yellow Emperor
to vanquish four several sovereigns.

11. All armies prefer high ground to low and sunny places to dark.

12. If you are careful of your men, and camp on hard ground, the army will be free from disease
of every kind, and this will spell victory.

13. When you come to a hill or a bank, occupy the sunny side, with the slope on your right rear.
Thus you will at once act for the benefit of your soldiers and utilize the natural advantages of
the ground.

14. When, in consequence of heavy rains up-country, a river which you wish to ford is swollen
and flecked with foam, you must wait until it subsides.

15. Country in which there are precipitous cliffs with torrents running between, deep natural
hollows, confined places, tangled thickets, quagmires and crevasses, should be left with all
possible speed and not approached.

16. While we keep away from such places, we should get the enemy to approach them; while we
face them, we should let the enemy have them on his rear.

17. If in the neighborhood of your camp there should be any hilly country, ponds surrounded by
aquatic grass, hollow basins filled with reeds, or woods with thick undergrowth, they must be
carefully routed out and searched; for these are places where men in ambush or insidious spies are
likely to be lurking.

18. When the enemy is close at hand and remains quiet, he is relying on the natural strength of his

19. When he keeps aloof and tries to provoke a battle, he is anxious for the other side to advance.

20. If his place of encampment is easy of access, he is tendering a bait.

21. Movement amongst the trees of a forest shows that the enemy is advancing. The appearance

of a number of screens in the midst of thick grass means that the enemy wants to make
us suspicious.

22. The rising of birds in their flight is the sign of an ambuscade. Startled beasts indicate that a
sudden attack is coming.

23. When there is dust rising in a high column, it is the sign of chariots advancing; when the dust
is low, but spread over a wide area, it betokens the approach of infantry. When it branches out in
different directions, it shows that parties have been sent to collect firewood. A few clouds of dust
moving to and fro signify that the army is encamping.

24. Humble words and increased preparations are signs that the enemy is about to advance.
Violent language and driving forward as if to the attack are signs that he will retreat.

25. When the light chariots come out first and take up a position on the wings, it is a sign that the
enemy is forming for battle.

26. Peace proposals unaccompanied by a sworn covenant indicate a plot.

27. When there is much running about and the soldiers fall into rank, it means that the critical
moment has come.

28. When some are seen advancing and some retreating, it is a lure.

29. When the soldiers stand leaning on their spears, they are faint from want of food.

30. If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from

31. If the enemy sees an advantage to be gained and makes no effort to secure it, the soldiers are

32. If birds gather on any spot, it is unoccupied. Clamor by night betokens nervousness.

33. If there is disturbance in the camp, the general's authority is weak. If the banners and flags are
shifted about, sedition is afoot. If the officers are angry, it means that the men are weary.

34. When an army feeds its horses with grain and kills its cattle for food, and when the men do
not hang their cooking-pots over the camp-fires, showing that they will not return to their tents,
you may know that they are determined to fight to the death.

35. The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speaking in subdued tones points to
disaffection amongst the rank and file.

36. Too frequent rewards signify that the enemy is at the end of his resources; too many
punishments betray a condition of dire distress.

37. To begin by bluster, but afterwards to take fright at the enemy's numbers, shows a supreme
lack of intelligence.

38. When envoys are sent with compliments in their mouths, it is a sign that the enemy wishes for
a truce.

39. If the enemy's troops march up angrily and remain facing ours for a long time without either
joining battle or taking themselves off again, the situation is one that demands great vigilance
and circumspection.

40. If our troops are no more in number than the enemy, that is amply sufficient; it only means
that no direct attack can be made. What we can do is simply to concentrate all our available
strength, keep a close watch on the enemy, and obtain reinforcements.

41. He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by

42. If soldiers are punished before they have grown attached to you, they will not prove
submissive; and, unless submissive, then will be practically useless. If, when the soldiers have
become attached to you, punishments are not enforced, they will still be unless.

43. Therefore soldiers must be treated in the first instance with Humanity, but kept under control
by means of iron discipline. This is a certain road to victory.

44. If in training soldiers commands are habitually enforced, the army will be well-disciplined; if
not, its discipline will be bad.

45. If a general shows confidence in his men but always insists on his orders being obeyed, the
gain will be mutual.

X. The Terrain of Fluctuating Global Markets

1. Sun Tzu said: We may distinguish six kinds of terrain, to wit: (1) Accessible ground; (2)
entangling ground; (3) temporizing ground; (4) narrow passes; (5) precipitous heights; (6)
positions at a great distance from the enemy.

2. Ground which can be freely traversed by both sides is called accessible.

3. With regard to ground of this nature, be before the enemy in occupying the raised and sunny

spots, and carefully guard your line of supplies. Then you will be able to fight with advantage.

4. Ground which can be abandoned but is hard to re-occupy is called entangling.

5. From a position of this sort, if the enemy is unprepared, you may sally forth and defeat him.
But if the enemy is prepared for your coming, and you fail to defeat him, then, return being
impossible, disaster will ensue.

6. When the position is such that neither side will gain by making the first move, it is called
temporizing ground.

7. In a position of this sort, even though the enemy should offer us an attractive bait, it will be
advisable not to stir forth, but rather to retreat, thus enticing the enemy in his turn; then, when
part of his army has come out, we may deliver our attack with advantage.

8. With regard to narrow passes, if you can occupy them first, let them be strongly garrisoned and
await the advent of the enemy.

9. Should the army forestall you in occupying a pass, do not go after him if the pass is fully
garrisoned, but only if it is weakly garrisoned.

10. With regard to precipitous heights, if you are beforehand with your adversary, you should
occupy the raised and sunny spots, and there wait for him to come up.

11. If the enemy has occupied them before you, do not follow him, but retreat and try to entice
him away.

12. If you are situated at a great distance from the enemy, and the strength of the two armies is
equal, it is not easy to provoke a battle, and fighting will be to your disadvantage.

13. These six are the principles connected with Earth. The general who has attained a responsible
post must be careful to study them.

14. Now an army is exposed to six several calamities, not arising from natural causes, but from
faults for which the general is responsible. These are: (1) Flight; (2) insubordination; (3) collapse;
(4) ruin; (5)disorganization; (6) rout.

15. Other conditions being equal, if one force is hurled against another ten times its size, the
result will be the flight of the former.

16. When the common soldiers are too strong and their officers too weak, the result is
insubordination. When the officers are too strong and the common soldiers too weak, the result is

17. When the higher officers are angry and insubordinate, and on meeting the enemy give battle
on their own account from a feeling of resentment, before the commander-in-chief can tell
whether or not he is in a position to fight, the result is ruin.

18. When the general is weak and without authority; when his orders are not clear and distinct;
when there are no fixes duties assigned to officers and men, and the ranks are formed in a
slovenly haphazard manner, the result is utter disorganization.

19. When a general, unable to estimate the enemy's strength, allows an inferior force to engage a
larger one, or hurls a weak detachment against a powerful one, and neglects to place picked
soldiers in the front rank, the result must be rout.

20. These are six ways of courting defeat, which must be carefully noted by the general who has
attained a responsible post.

21. The natural formation of the country is the soldier's best ally; but a power of estimating the
adversary, of controlling the forces of victory, and of shrewdly calculating difficulties, dangers
and distances, constitutes the test of a great general.

22. He who knows these things, and in fighting puts his knowledge into practice, will win his
battles. He who knows them not, nor practices them, will surely be defeated.

23. If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight, even though the ruler forbid it; if
fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight even at the ruler's bidding.

24. The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace,
whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of
the global markets.

25. Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look
upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.

26. If, however, you are indulgent, but unable to make your authority felt; kind-hearted, but
unable to enforce your commands; and incapable, moreover, of quelling disorder: then your
soldiers must be likened to spoilt children; they are useless for any practical purpose.

27. If we know that our own men are in a condition to attack, but are unaware that the enemy is
not open to attack, we have gone only halfway towards victory.

28. If we know that the enemy is open to attack, but are unaware that our own men are not in a
condition to attack, we have gone only halfway towards victory.

29. If we know that the enemy is open to attack, and also know that our men are in a condition to
attack, but are unaware that the nature of the ground makes fighting impracticable, we have still

gone only halfway towards victory.

30. Hence the experienced soldier, once in motion, is never bewildered; once he has broken
camp, he is never at a loss.

31. Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in
doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.

XI. The Nine Situations as Developed through Nine Grammatic Alphanumeric Formulas

1. Sun Tzu said: The art of war recognizes nine varieties of ground: (1) Dispersive ground; (2)
facile ground; (3) contentious ground; (4) open ground; (5) ground of intersecting highways; (6)
serious ground; (7) difficult ground; (8) hemmed-in ground; (9) desperate ground.

2. When a chieftain is fighting in his own territory, it is dispersive ground.

3. When he has penetrated into hostile territory, but to no great distance, it is facile ground.

4. Ground the possession of which imports great advantage to either side, is contentious ground.

5. Ground on which each side has liberty of movement is open ground.

6. Ground which forms the key to three contiguous states, so that he who occupies it first has
most of the Empire at his command, is a ground of intersecting highways.

7. When an army has penetrated into the heart of a hostile country, leaving a number of fortified
cities in its rear, it is serious ground.

8. Mountain forests, rugged steeps, marshes and fens--all country that is hard to traverse: this is
difficult ground.

9. Ground which is reached through narrow gorges, and from which we can only retire by
tortuous paths, so that a small number of the enemy would suffice to crush a large body of our
men: this is hemmed in ground.

10. Ground on which we can only be saved from destruction by fighting without delay, is
desperate ground.

11. On dispersive ground, therefore, fight not. On facile ground, halt not. On contentious ground,
attack not.

12. On open ground, do not try to block the enemy's way. On the ground of intersecting

highways, join hands with your allies.

13. On serious ground, gather in plunder. In difficult ground, keep steadily on the march.

14. On hemmed-in ground, resort to stratagem. On desperate ground, fight.

15. Those who were called skillful leaders of old knew how to drive a wedge between the
enemy's front and rear; to prevent co-operation between his large and small divisions; to hinder
the good troops from rescuing the bad, the officers from rallying their men.

16. When the enemy's men were united, they managed to keep them in disorder.

17. When it was to their advantage, they made a forward move; when otherwise, they stopped

18. If asked how to cope with a great host of the enemy in orderly array and on the point of
marching to the attack, I should say: "Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds
dear; then he will be amenable to your will."

19. Rapidity is the essence of war: take advantage of the enemy's unreadiness, make your way by
unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots.

20. The following are the principles to be observed by an invading force: The further you
penetrate into a country, the greater will be the solidarity of your troops, and thus the defenders
will not prevail against you.

21. Make forays in fertile country in order to supply your army with food.

22. Carefully study the well-being of your men, and do not overtax them. Concentrate your
energy and hoard your strength. Keep your army continually on the move, and devise
unfathomable plans.

23. Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to
flight. If they will face death, there is nothing they may not achieve. Officers and men alike will
put forth their uttermost strength.

24. Soldiers when in desperate straits lose the sense of fear. If there is no place of refuge, they
will stand firm. If they are in hostile country, they will show a stubborn front. If there is no
help for it, they will fight hard.

25. Thus, without waiting to be marshaled, the soldiers will be constantly on the qui vive; without
waiting to be asked, they will do your will; without restrictions, they will be faithful; without
giving orders, they can be trusted.

26. Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself
comes, no calamity need be feared.

27. If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for
riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity.

28. On the day they are ordered out to battle, your soldiers may weep, those sitting up bedewing
their garments, and those lying down letting the tears run down their cheeks. But let them once be
brought to bay, and they will display the courage of a Chu or a Kuei.

29. The skillful tactician may be likened to the shuai-jan. Now the shuai-jan is a snake that is
found in the ChUng mountains. Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its
tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle, and you will be attacked by head
and tail both.

30. Asked if an army can be made to imitate the shuai-jan, I should answer, Yes. For the men of
Wu and the men of Yueh are enemies; yet if they are crossing a river in the same boat and are
caught by a storm, they will come to each other's assistance just as the left hand helps the right.

31. Hence it is not enough to put one's trust in the tethering of horses, and the burying of chariot
wheels in the ground

32. The principle on which to manage an army is to set up one standard of courage which all must

33. How to make the best of both strong and weak--that is a question involving the proper use of

34. Thus the skillful general conducts his army just as though he were leading a single man,
willy-nilly, by the hand.

35. It is the business of a general to be quiet and thus ensure secrecy; upright and just, and thus
maintain order.

36. He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances, and thus
keep them in total ignorance.

37. By altering his arrangements and changing his plans, he keeps the enemy without definite
knowledge. By shifting his camp and taking circuitous routes, he prevents the enemy from
anticipating his purpose.

38. At the critical moment, the leader of an army acts like one who has climbed up a height and
then kicks away the ladder behind him. He carries his men deep into hostile territory before he
shows his hand.

39. He burns his boats and breaks his cooking-pots; like a shepherd driving a flock of sheep, he
drives his men this way and that, and nothing knows whither he is going.

40. To muster his host and bring it into danger:--this may be termed the business of the general.

41. The different measures suited to the nine varieties of ground; the expediency of aggressive or
defensive tactics; and the fundamental laws of human nature: these are things that must most
certainly be studied.

42. When invading hostile territory, the general principle is, that penetrating deeply brings
cohesion; penetrating but a short way means dispersion.

43. When you leave your own country behind, and take your army across neighborhood territory,
you find yourself on critical ground. When there are means of communication on all four sides,
the ground is one of intersecting highways.

44. When you penetrate deeply into a country, it is serious ground. When you penetrate but a little
way, it is facile ground.

45. When you have the enemy's strongholds on your rear, and narrow passes in front, it is
hemmed-in ground. When there is no place of refuge at all, it is desperate ground.

46. Therefore, on dispersive ground, I would inspire my men with unity of purpose. On facile
ground, I would see that there is close connection between all parts of my army.

47. On contentious ground, I would hurry up my rear.

48. On open ground, I would keep a vigilant eye on my defenses. On ground of intersecting
highways, I would consolidate my alliances.

49. On serious ground, I would try to ensure a continuous stream of supplies. On difficult ground,
I would keep pushing on along the road.

50. On hemmed-in ground, I would block any way of retreat. On desperate ground, I would
proclaim to my soldiers the hopelessness of saving their lives.

51. For it is the soldier's disposition to offer an obstinate resistance when surrounded, to fight
hard when he cannot help himself, and to obey promptly when he has fallen into danger.

52. We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their
designs. We are not fit to lead an army on the march unless we are familiar with the face of the
country—its mountains and forests, its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes and swamps. We shall
be unable to turn natural advantages to account unless we make use of local guides.

53. To be ignored of any one of the following four or five principles does not befit a warlike

54. When a warlike prince attacks a powerful state, his generalship shows itself in preventing the
concentration of the enemy's forces. He overawes his opponents, and their allies are prevented
from joining against him.

55. Hence he does not strive to ally himself with all and sundry, nor does he foster the power of
other states. He carries out his own secret designs, keeping his antagonists in awe. Thus he is able
to capture their cities and overthrow their global markets.

56. Bestow rewards without regard to rule, issue orders without regard to previous arrangements;
and you will be able to handle a whole army as though you had to do with but a single man.

57. Confront your soldiers with the deed itself; never let them know your design. When the
outlook is bright, bring it before their eyes; but tell them nothing when the situation is gloomy.

58. Place your army in deadly peril, and it will survive; plunge it into desperate straits, and it will
come off in safety.

59. For it is precisely when a force has fallen into harm's way that is capable of striking a blow
for victory.

60. Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy's purpose.

61. By persistently hanging on the enemy's flank, we shall succeed in the long run in killing the

62. This is called ability to accomplish a thing by sheer cunning.

63. On the day that you take up your command, block the frontier passes, destroy the official
tallies, and stop the passage of all emissaries.

64. Be stern in the council-chamber, so that you may control the situation.

65. If the enemy leaves a door open, you must rush in.

66. Forestall your opponent by seizing what he holds dear, and subtly contrive to time his arrival
on the ground.

67. Walk in the path defined by rule, and accommodate yourself to the enemy until you can fight
a decisive battle.

68. At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening;

afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to
oppose you.

XII. The Attack by Fiduciary Fire or the Frequent Interruption of Resources and Energy

1. Sun Tzu said: There are five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to burn soldiers in their
camp; the second is to burn stores; the third is to burn baggage trains; the fourth is to burn
arsenals and magazines; the fifth is to hurl dropping fire amongst the enemy.

2. In order to carry out an attack, we must have means available. The material for raising fire
should always be kept in readiness.

3. There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special days for starting a

4. The proper season is when the weather is very dry; the special days are those when the moon is
in the constellations of the Sieve, the Wall, the Wing or the Cross-bar; for these four are all days
of rising wind.

5. In attacking with fire, one should be prepared to meet five possible developments:

6. (1) When fire breaks out inside to enemy's camp, respond at once with an attack from without.

7. (2) If there is an outbreak of fire, but the enemy's soldiers remain quiet, bide your time and do
not attack.

8. (3) When the force of the flames has reached its height, follow it up with an attack, if that is
practicable; if not, stay where you are.

9. (4) If it is possible to make an assault with fire from without, do not wait for it to break out
within, but deliver your attack at a favorable moment.

10. (5) When you start a fire, be to windward of it. Do not attack from the leeward.

11. A wind that rises in the daytime lasts long, but a night breeze soon falls.

12. In every army, the five developments connected with fire must be known, the movements of
the stars calculated, and a watch kept for the proper days.

13. Hence those who use fire as an aid to the attack show intelligence; those who use water as an
aid to the attack gain an accession of strength.

14. By means of water, an enemy may be intercepted, but not robbed of all his belongings.

15. Unhappy is the fate of one who tries to win his battles and succeed in his attacks without
cultivating the spirit of enterprise; for the result is waste of time and general stagnation.

16. Hence the saying: The enlightened ruler lays his plans well ahead; the good general cultivates
his resources.

17. Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be
gained; fight not unless the position is critical.

18. No ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should
fight a battle simply out of pique.

19. If it is to your advantage, make a forward move; if not, stay where you are.

20. Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content.

21. But a global markets that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can
the dead ever be brought back to life.

22. Hence the enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution. This is the way to
keep a country at peace and an army intact.

XIII. The Use of Spies or Market Manipulation through the Sudden Introduction of

1. Sun Tzu said: Raising a host of a hundred thousand men and marching them great distances
entails heavy loss on the people and a drain on the resources of the State. The daily expenditure
will amount to a thousand ounces of silver. There will be commotion at home and abroad, and
men will drop down exhausted on the highways. As many as seven hundred thousand families
will be impeded in their labor.

2. Hostile armies may face each other for years, striving for the victory which is decided in a
single day. This being so, to remain in ignorance of the enemy's condition simply because one
grudges the outlay of a hundred ounces of silver in honors and emoluments, is the height
of inHumanity.

3. One who acts thus is no leader of men, no present help to his sovereign, no master of victory.

4. Thus, what enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and conquer, and achieve
things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is foreknowledge.

5. Now this foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits; it cannot be obtained inductively from
experience, nor by any deductive calculation.

6. Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained from other men.

7. Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3)
converted spies; (4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies.

8. When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret system. This is called
"divine manipulation of the threads." It is the sovereign's most precious faculty.

9. Having local spies means employing the services of the inhabitants of a district.

10. Having inward spies, making use of officials of the enemy.

11. Having converted spies, getting hold of the enemy's spies and using them for our own

12. Having doomed spies, doing certain things openly for purposes of deception, and allowing
our spies to know of them and report them to the enemy.

13. Surviving spies, finally, are those who bring back news from the enemy's camp.

14. Hence it is that which none in the whole army are more intimate relations to be maintained
than with spies. None should be more liberally rewarded. In no other business should greater
secrecy be preserved.

15. Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity.

16. They cannot be properly managed without benevolence and straightforwardness.

17. Without subtle ingenuity of mind, one cannot make certain of the truth of their reports.

18. Be subtle! be subtle! and use your spies for every kind of business.

19. If a secret piece of news is divulged by a spy before the time is ripe, he must be put to death
together with the man to whom the secret was told.

20. Whether the object be to crush an army, to storm a city, or to assassinate an individual, it is
always necessary to begin by finding out the names of the attendants, the aides-de-camp, and
door-keepers and sentries of the general in command. Our spies must be commissioned
to ascertain these.

21. The enemy's spies who have come to spy on us must be sought out, tempted with bribes, led

away and comfortably housed. Thus they will become converted spies and available for
our service.

22. It is through the information brought by the converted spy that we are able to acquire and
employ local and inward spies.

23. It is owing to his information, again, that we can cause the doomed spy to carry false tidings
to the enemy.

24. Lastly, it is by his information that the surviving spy can be used on appointed occasions.

25. The end and aim of spying in all its five varieties is knowledge of the enemy; and this
knowledge can only be derived, in the first instance, from the converted spy. Hence it is essential
that the converted spy be treated with the utmost liberality.

26. Of old, the rise of the Yin dynasty was due to I Chih who had served under the Hsia.
Likewise, the rise of the Chou dynasty was due to Lu Ya who had served under the Yin.

27. Hence it is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest
intelligence of the army for purposes of spying and thereby they achieve great results. Spies are a
most important element in water, because on them depends an army’s ability to move.

Deliverable Deliverable Description
Initiation –I. Sun Tzu’s Laying Socioeconomic Plans
Business Needs Statement (Final) A Business Needs Statement identifies the
business need for a proposed investment or
project. It includes a brief description of the
proposed project’s purpose, goals, and scope.
The Business Needs Statement provides
sufficient information to justify a decision whether
or not the organization should move forward with
the development of a full business case.
Concept –II. Sun Tzu’s Waging Economic Warfare
Business Case with components (Final) The Business Case is a documented, structured
 Business Process Models (BPMs) proposal for business improvement that is
 Investment/Project (e.g., FIPS-199 categorization prepared to facilitate a selection decision for a
needed for security) proposed investment or project by organizational
 High-Level Requirements decision makers. The Business Case describes
 Preliminary Acquisition Strategy the reasons and justification for the investment or
project in terms of business process performance,
needs and/or problems, and expected benefits. It
identifies the high-level requirements that are to
be satisfied, an analysis of proposed alternative
solutions (with reasons for rejecting or carrying
forward each option), assumptions, constraints, a
risk-adjusted cost-benefit analysis, and
preliminary acquisition strategy.
Project Charter (Final) The Project Charter formally authorizes a project,
describes the business need for the project and
the product to be created by the project. It
provides the project manager with the authority to
apply up to a certain level of organizational
resources to project activities.
Project Management Plan (PMP) with components The Project Management Plan (PMP) is a
(Preliminary) dynamic formal approved document that defines
 Risk Management how the project is executed, monitored and
 Acquisition Strategy controlled. It may be summary or detailed and
 Change Management may be composed of one or more subsidiary
 Configuration Management management plans and other planning
documents. The main objective of the PMP is to
 Project Categorization
document assumptions and decisions for how the
 Requirements Management
project is to be managed, to help in
 Communications Plan communication between all of the concerned
 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) /Project Schedule parties and to document the scope, costs and
 IV&V Planning time sequencing of the project.
 Quality Assurance
 Records Management
 Staff Development Plan
 Security Approach

Planning – III. Sun Tzu’s Attack by Monetary or Fiduciary Stratagem

Project Management Plan (PMP) with components (Final) The Project Management Plan (PMP) is a
 Risk Management dynamic formal approved document that defines
how the project is executed, monitored and
 Acquisition Strategy
controlled. It may be summary or detailed and
 Change Management
may be composed of one or more subsidiary
 Configuration Management management plans and other planning
 Project Categorization documents. The main objective of the PMP is to
 Requirements Management document assumptions and decisions for how the
 Communications Plan project is to be managed, to help in
 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) /Project Schedule communication between all of the concerned
 IV&V Planning parties and to document the scope, costs and
 Quality Assurance time sequencing of the project.
 Records Management
 Staff Development Plan
 Security Approach

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) (Final) Based on the initial FIPS 199 categorization and
the identification of the need or potential to collect
Privacy Act data/information, the assessment
required by the Privacy Act and/or E-Government
Act of 2002 to conduct assessments on
investments before developing or procuring
information technology that collects, maintains, or
disseminates personal information in identifiable
form. A PIA is an agency review of how collected
information is handled by and protected in a
manner consistent with Federal standards for
privacy and security. The PIA determines what
kind of information in identifiable form is contained
within a system, what is done with that
information, and how that information is protected.
Though the PIA specifically refers to "privacy", a
PIA also typically covers confidentiality, access to
data, and use of data.
Project Process Agreement (PPA) (Final) The Project Process Agreement (PPA) is used to
 Deliverable & Stage Gate Waivers authorize and document the justifications for
 Authorization to Proceed using, not using, or combining specific Stage Gate
Reviews and the selection of specific deliverables
applicable to the investment/project, including the
expected level of detail to be provided.
Requirements Analysis – V. Sun Tzu’sGlobal Market Forces and Energy
Requirements Document with components (Final) The Requirements Document describes both the
 Functional & Non-Functional Requirements project and product requirements. It outlines the
 Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) technical, functional, performance and other
 Business Process Model (BPM) Expansion requirements necessary to deliver the end
 Logical Data Model business product.

Design – VI. Sun Tzu’s Monetary Weak Points and a Strong Economic Defense or Offense
Design Document with components (Architectural & The Design Document describes the technical

detailed elements) (Final) solution that satisfies the requirements for the
Business Product (e.g., system). Either directly or
 Physical Data Model (database design) by reference to other documents, the Design
 Release Strategy Document provides a high-level overview of the
 Data Conversion entire solution architecture and data design,
 Interface Control including external interfaces, as well as lower-level
 Section 508 Compliance detailed design specifications for internal
 Capacity /Implementation Planning components of the Business Product that are to be
 Updated RTM developed.

Computer Match Agreement (CMA) (Final) A Computer Match Agreement CMA is a written
accord that establishes the conditions, safeguards,
and procedures under which a Federal
organization agrees to disclose data where there is
a computerized comparison of two or more
automated System of Records (SORs). In
conjunction with a CMA, an Inter/Intra-agency
Agreement (IA) is also prepared when the SOR(s)
involved in the comparison are the responsibility of
another Federal agency.
Test Plan (Final Draft) The Test Plan defines the types of tests (e.g. unit,
 Test Case Specification function, integration, system, security, performance
(load and stress), regression, user acceptance,
and/or independent verification and validation) to
be carried out. The document describes the
acceptance criteria for those tests, roles and
responsibilities of individuals involved in the testing
process, traceability matrix, resources required
(hardware and software environments), and other
elements relevant to test planning and execution.
This plan details the manner of testing (test cases,
simulation, etc.) of the integrated
software/hardware system. It must include as part
of the main document or as a separate document
detailed Test Case Specifications that describe the
purpose and manner of each specific test, the
required inputs and expected results for the test,
step-by-step procedures for executing the test, and
the pass/fail criteria for determining acceptance.
Contingency/Disaster Recovery Plan (Final Draft) The Contingency/Disaster Recovery Plan
describes the strategy and organized course of
action that is to be taken if things don’t go as
planned or if there is a loss of use of the
established business product (e.g., system) due to
a disaster such as a flood, fire, computer virus, or
major failure. The plan describes the strategy for
ensuring recovery of the business product in
accordance with stated recovery time and recovery
point objectives.

System of Record Notice (SORN) (Final Draft) The Privacy Act defines a System of Record (SOR)
as a group of any records under the control of a
Federal agency from which information is retrieved
by the name of the individual or by some
identifying number, symbol, or other identifying
particular assigned to the individual. Additionally,
the Privacy Act requires that the Federal
government inform the public of any collection of
information about its citizens from which data are
retrieved by a unique identifier as described above.
The System of Record Notice (SORN) fulfills this
requirement to inform the public via the publication
of a system notice in the Federal Register. This
notice describes the SOR and gives the public an
opportunity to comment. Without the written
consent of the subject individual, the Privacy Act
prohibits the release of protected information
maintained in a SOR unless one of the 12 defined
disclosure exceptions is applicable.
Development – VII. Sun Tzu’s Maneuvering through Global Markets from a Universal Perspective
Test Plan (Final) The Test Plan defines the types of tests (e.g. unit,
 Test Case Specification function, integration, system, security, performance
(load and stress), regression, user acceptance,
and/or independent verification and validation) to
be carried out. The document describes the
acceptance criteria for those tests, roles and
responsibilities of individuals involved in the testing
process, traceability matrix, resources required
(hardware and software environments), and other
elements relevant to test planning and execution.
This plan details the manner of testing (test cases,
simulation, etc.) of the integrated
software/hardware system. It must include as part
of the main document or as a separate document
detailed Test Case Specifications that describe the
purpose and manner of each specific test, the
required inputs and expected results for the test,
step-by-step procedures for executing the test, and
the pass/fail criteria for determining acceptance.
Operation & Maintenance Manual (Final Draft) The Operations & Maintenance Manual clearly
 Help Desk Support describes the Business Product that will be
operating in the production environment and
provides the operations and support staff with the
information necessary to effectively handle routine
production processing, ongoing maintenance, and
identified problems, issues, and/or change
Systems Security Plan (SSP) (Final Draft) The SSP describes managerial, technical and
operational security controls (defined by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology)
that are designed and implemented within the

Training Plan (Final Draft) The Training Plan describes the overall goals,
learning objectives, and activities that are to be
performed to develop, conduct, control, and
evaluate instructions that are to be provided to
users, operators, administrators, and support staff
who will use, operate, and/or otherwise support the
Training Materials (Final Draft) Training Materials include the documentation
associated with the deployment of the Business
Product or software. This includes instructor and
student guides, audio-visual aids, and computer-
based or other media used to disseminate
information about the final product to the target
audience that is in need of the instruction.
Security Risk Assessment (SRA) A Security Risk Assessment will document the
analysis of the security
(Final Draft) functional requirements and will identify the
protection requirements for the system using a
formal risk assessment process. The risk
assessment includes the identification of threats to
and vulnerabilities in the information system; the
potential impact or magnitude of harm that a loss
of confidentiality, integrity, or availability would
have on agency assets or operations and the
identification and analysis of security controls for
the information system.
User Manual (Final Draft) The User Manual clearly explains how a business
user is to use the established Business Product
from a business function perspective.
Business Product (Final Draft) The Business Product is the primary result from
 Version Description Document the development effort that satisfies the
established requirements. In software development
efforts, it includes the original source code and
machine-compiled, executable computer
instructions and data repository(ies). It also
includes an identification and description of all
configuration items that comprise a specific build or
release of the Business Product.
Test – VIII. Sun Tzu’s Variation in Socioeconomic Tactics
Implementation Plan (Final) The Implementation Plan describes how the
business product will be installed, deployed, and
transitioned into the operational environment.
Test Reports (Final) Test Reports are completed at the end of each test
to verify expected results. A summary report
should be created at the end of the testing phases
to document the overall test results. These reports
summarize the testing activities that were
performed and describe any variances between
the expected test results and the actual test results
and includes identification of unexpected problems
and/or defects that were encountered.
Implementation – IX. Sun Tzu’s The Army of Economic Observations and Monetary Principles on the March

Authority to Operate (ATO) with components (Final) An Authority to Operate (ATO) is a formal
 Security Certification & Accreditation Letters declaration by a Designated Approving Authority
 Section 508 Product Certifications/Exceptions (DAA) that authorizes operation of a Business
Product and explicitly accepts the risk to agency
operations (including mission, functions, image, or
reputation), agency assets, or individuals, based
on the implementation of an agreed-upon set of
security controls. Though not security-specific,
formal documentation of Section 508 Certification
or Exception is also required before a Business
Product can be released into operation.
System of Record Notice (SORN) (Final) The Privacy Act defines a System of Record (SOR)
as a group of any records under the control of a
Federal agency from which information is retrieved
by the name of the individual or by some
identifying number, symbol, or other identifying
particular assigned to the individual. Additionally,
the Privacy Act requires that the Federal
government inform the public of any collection of
information about its citizens from which data are
retrieved by a unique identifier as described above.
The System of Record Notice (SORN) fulfills this
requirement to inform the public via the publication
of a system notice in the Federal Register. This
notice describes the SOR and gives the public an
opportunity to comment. Without the written
consent of the subject individual, the Privacy Act
prohibits the release of protected information
maintained in a SOR unless one of the 12 defined
disclosure exceptions is applicable.
Service Level Agreement(s) (SLAs) and/or Memorandum(s) A Service Level Agreement(s) (SLAs) is a
of Understanding (MOU) contractual agreement between a service provider
and their customer specifying performance
guarantees with associated penalties should the
service not be performed as contracted. A
Memorandum(s) of Understanding (MOU)is a legal
document that outlines the terms and details of an
agreement between parties, including each parties
requirements, responsibilities and period of
Operation & Maintenance Manual (Final) The Operations & Maintenance Manual clearly
 Help Desk Support describes the Business Product that will be
operating in the production environment and
provides the operations and support staff with the
information necessary to effectively handle routine
production processing, ongoing maintenance, and
identified problems, issues, and/or change
Systems Security Plan (SSP) (Final) The SSP describes managerial, technical and
operational security controls (defined by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology)
that are designed and implemented within the

Training Plan (Final) The Training Plan describes the overall goals,
learning objectives, and activities that are to be
performed to develop, conduct, control, and
evaluate instructions that are to be provided to
users, operators, administrators, and support staff
who will use, operate, and/or otherwise support the
Training Materials (Final) Training Materials include the documentation
associated with the deployment of the Business
Product or software. This includes instructor and
student guides, audio-visual aids, and computer-
based or other media used to disseminate
information about the final product to the target
audience that is in need of the instruction.
Security Risk Assessment (SRA) (Final) A Security Risk Assessment will document the
analysis of the security functional requirements
and will identify the protection requirements for the
system using a formal risk assessment process.
The risk assessment includes the identification of
threats to and vulnerabilities in the information
system; the potential impact or magnitude of harm
that a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability
would have on agency assets or operations and
the identification and analysis of security controls
for the information system.
User Manual (Final) The User Manual clearly explains how a business
user is to use the established Business Product
from a business function perspective.
Business Product (Final) The Business Product is the primary result from
 Version Description Document the development effort that satisfies the
established requirements. In software development
efforts, it includes the original source code and
machine-compiled, executable computer
instructions and data repository(ies). It also
includes an identification and description of all
configuration items that comprise a specific build or
release of the Business Product.
Project Completion Report (Final) The Project Completion Report describes any
 Closeout Certification differences between proposed and actual
 Lessons Learned accomplishments, documents lessons learned,
provides a status of funds, and provides an
explanation of any open-ended action items, along
with a certification of conditional or final closeout of
the development project.

Contingency/Disaster Recovery Plan (Final) The Contingency/Disaster Recovery Plan

describes the strategy and organized course of
action that is to be taken if things don’t go as
planned or if there is a loss of use of the
established business product (e.g., system) due to
a disaster such as a flood, fire, computer virus, or
major failure. The plan describes the strategy for

ensuring recovery of the business product in
accordance with stated recovery time and recovery
point objectives.

Operations & Maintenance – X. Sun Tzu’s The Terrain of Fluctuating Global Markets
Annual Operational Assessment (AOA) (Final) The Annual Operational Assessment (AOA)
combines elements from the CPIC evaluation and
results from monitoring the performance of the
Business Product during normal operations against
original user requirements and any newly
implemented requirements or changes. This
document assists in the analysis of alternatives for
deciding on new functional enhancements and/or
modifications to the business product, or the need
to dispose of or replace the business product
Disposition Plan (Final) The Disposition Plan addresses how the various
 Records Management components of an operating Business Product
(e.g., system) are to be handled at the completion
of operations to ensure proper disposition of all the
Business Product components and to avoid
disruption of the individuals and/or any other
Business Products impacted by the disposition.
Includes the planning for the deliberate and
systematic decommissioning of the asset with
appropriate consideration of records management.
Disposition – IV. Sun Tzu’s Tactical Global Market Dispositions
Project Archives (Final) Project Archives preserve vital information,
including both documentation of project execution
and the data from the production system.
Annual – XI. Sun Tzu’s The Nine Situations as Developed through Nine Grammatic Alphanumeric Formulas
Continued ATO Resulting from a periodic review of an operating
Business Product, a Continued ATO is a formal
declaration by a DAA that a Business Product is
approved to continue to operate at an acceptable
level of risk in the designated production

Recurring or As Needed – XII. Sun Tzu’s The Attack by Fiduciary Fire or the Frequent Interruption of Resources
and Energy
Data Use Agreement (DUA) A Data Use Agreement (DUA) is a legal binding
agreement between a Federal agency and an
external entity (e.g., contractor, private industry,
academic institution, other Federal government
agency, or state agency), when an external entity
requests the use of personal identifiable data that

is covered by the Privacy Act of 1974. The
agreement delineates the confidentiality
requirements of the Privacy Act, security
safeguards, and the Federal agency’s data use
policies and procedures. The DUA serves as both
a means of informing data users of these
requirements and a means of obtaining their
agreement to abide by these requirements.
Additionally, the DUA serves as a control
mechanism through which the Federal agency can
track the location of its data and the reason for the
release of the data. A DUA requires that a System
of Records (SOR) be in effect, which allows for the
disclosure of the data being used.
Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) Reports Independent Verification &Validation (IV&V)
Reports document the findings obtained during a
specific IV&V Assessment that is conducted by an
independent third party.
Privacy Impact Assessment A PIA is an agency review of how collected
information is handled by and protected in a
manner consistent with Federal standards for
privacy and security. The PIA determines what
kind of information in identifiable form is contained
within a system, what is done with that information,
and how that information is protected. Though the
PIA specifically refers to "privacy", a PIA also
typically covers confidentiality, access to data, and
use of data.
Periodically, as Established in Project Plan– XIII. Sun Tzu’s The Use of Spies or Market Manipulation through
the Sudden Introduction of Innovations
Integrated Baseline Documentation Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)
documents, such as the Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS), the WBS Dictionary, the
Responsibility Assignment Matrix, Investment
schedules, Control Account Plans, and Work
Authorization Document. For a description of these
documents and the Integrated Baseline Review
(IBR) process and procedures, see HHS-OCIO-
2005.0004P, HHS OCIO IT Earned Value
Management Processes and Procedures,
December 30, 2005.
Contractor Performance Report (CPR), or acceptable The Contract Performance Report (CPR), a
equivalent, if full EVM standards compliance is not required periodic Earned Value report, presents the cost,
schedule, and performance data for the current
period and cumulatively. Typically, the CPR
presents costs organized by WBS element at a
level pre-determined by the HHS IT Investment
team, and includes explanations for cost and
schedule variances that have exceeded thresholds
and descriptions of contractor plans to resolve
variance causes. For a description of this
document and how it is used, see HHS-OCIO-
2005.0004P, HHS OCIO IT Earned Value
Management Processes and Procedures,

December 30, 2005. Guidelines for tailoring the
CPR are provided in Section 8.5-2, of the Earned
Value Management Implementation Guide

Contract Fund Status Report (CFSR), or acceptable A status report that provides investment and
equivalent, if full EVM standards compliance is not required project managers with the following information
necessary to:
 Update and forecast contract fund
 Plan and decide on funding changes.
 Develop fund requirements and budget
estimates to support approved investments or
 Determine funds in excess of contract
needs and available for de-obligation.
 Develop rough estimates of termination
 Determine if sufficient funds are available
by fiscal year to execute the contract.

Typically, the investment or project manager

requires only the minimum data necessary for
effective management control. The contracting
officer and contractor negotiate reporting
provisions in the contract, including level of detail
and reporting frequency. In addition, the CFSR is
not applied to Firm-Fixed Price contracts unless
unusual circumstances dictate specific funding
Project Schedule (Updated) The project schedule is developed so that tasks
and milestones are clearly defined. It is updated
regularly to identify IT investment elements that are
behind as well as those ahead of schedule. The
project schedule maps directly to the WBS,
providing the investment management team with a
single point of reference for all activities. Contract
DID elements for a project schedule are provided
in HHS-OCIO-2005.0004P, HHS OCIO IT Earned
Value Management Processes and Procedures,
December 30, 2005.
Periodic Investment Status Report Periodic Status Report describes work
accomplished as of the reporting period, work
planned for the next reporting period, and any
issues that require management attention. The
status report also typically includes investment cost
and schedule data for the reporting period and
cumulatively Meeting Minutes are a written

Meeting Minutes record of what transpired during a meeting.

Meeting minutes provide the purpose of a meeting,
list of attendees, topics discussed, decisions made,
the status of actions from previous meeting, new
action items and the individuals assigned
responsibility for the actions.




Thoughts on Offensive & Defensive Quiet Wars

with Silent Weapons used in Marketing Warfare

An Introductory Programming Manual

Operations Research Technical Manual

This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Quiet
War", being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with "silent

This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its

May 1979 #74-1120


It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e.,

the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or
worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction
of human life, i.e., slavery and genocide.

This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such a writing must be secured
from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal
declaration of domestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in
a position of great power and without full knowledge and consent of the public, uses
such knowledge and methodologies for economic conquest - it must be understood that
a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the

The solution of today's problems requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with
no agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values.

You have qualified for this project because of your ability to look at human society with
cold objectivity, and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions with
others of similar intellectual capacity without the loss of discretion or humility. Such
virtues are exercised in your own best interest. Do not deviate from them.


Silent weapon technology has evolved from Operations Research (O.R.), a strategic and
tactical methodology developed under the Military Management in England during
World War II. The original purpose of Operations Research was to study the strategic
and tactical problems of air and land defense with the objective of effective use of
limited military resources against foreign enemies (i.e., logistics).

It was soon recognized by those in positions of power that the same methods might be
useful for totally controlling a society. But better tools were necessary.

Social engineering (the analysis and automation of a society) requires the correlation of
great amounts of constantly changing economic information (data), so a high-speed
computerized data-processing system was necessary which could race ahead of the
society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation.

Relay computers were to slow, but the electronic computer, invented in 1946 by J.
Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly, filled the bill.

The next breakthrough was the development of the simplex method of linear
programming in 1947 by the mathematician George B. Dantzig.

Then in 1948, the transistor, invented by J. Bardeen, W.H. Brattain, and W. Shockley,
promised great expansion of the computer field by reducing space and power

With these three inventions under their direction, those in positions of power strongly
suspected that it was possible for them to control the whole world with the push of a

Immediately, the Rockefeller Foundation got in on the ground floor by making a four-
year grant to Harvard College, funding the Harvard Economic Research Project for the
study of the structure of the American Economy. One year later, in 1949, The United
States Air Force joined in.

In 1952 the grant period terminated, and a high-level meeting of the Elite was held to
determine the next phase of social operations research. The Harvard project had been
very fruitful, as is borne out by the publication of some of its results in 1953 suggesting
the feasibility of economic (social) engineering. (Studies in the Structure of the American
Economy - copyright 1953 by Wassily Leontief, International Science Press Inc., White
Plains, New York).

Engineered in the last half of the decade of the 1940's, the new Quiet War machine
stood, so to speak, in sparkling gold-plated hardware on the showroom floor by 1954.

With the creation of the maser in 1954, the promise of unlocking unlimited sources of
fusion atomic energy from the heavy hydrogen in sea water and the consequent
availability of unlimited social power was a possibility only decades away.

The combination was irresistible.

The Quiet War was quietly declared by the International Elite at a meeting held in 1954.

Although the silent weapons system was nearly exposed 13 years later, the evolution of
the new weapon-system has never suffered any major setbacks.

This volume marks the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the Quiet War. Already this
domestic war has had many victories on many fronts throughout the world.


In 1954 it was well recognized by those in positions of authority that it was only a
matter of time, only a few decades, before the general public would be able to grasp

and upset the cradle of power, for the very elements of the new silent-weapon
technology were as accessible for a public utopia as they were for providing a private

The issue of primary concern, that of dominance, revolved around the subject of the
energy sciences.


Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the
sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as
economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are
bookkeeping systems: mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy
science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the
methodology of the bookkeeping.

All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control.
Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary?

In 1954 this was the issue of primary concern. Although the so-called "moral issues"
were raised, in view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world
of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have
intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and

Consequently, in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquility, it was
decided to privately wage a quiet war against the American public with an ultimate
objective of permanently shifting the natural and social energy (wealth) of the
undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible,
and worthy few.

In order to implement this objective, it was necessary to create, secure, and apply new
weapons which, as it turned out, were a class of weapons so subtle and sophisticated in
their principle of operation and public appearance as to earn for themselves the name
"silent weapons."

In conclusion, the objective of economic research, as conducted by the magnates of

capital (banking) and the industries of commodities (goods) and services, is the
establishment of an economy which is totally predictable and manipulatable.

In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of society
must be brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken, trained, and assigned a
yoke and long-term social duties from a very early age, before they have an opportunity
to question the propriety of the matter. In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-
class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the
parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the
occupationally orphaned children.

The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the
moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains
incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower
class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot
in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace,
and tranquility for the ruling upper class.


Everything that is expected from an ordinary weapon is expected from a silent weapon
by its creators, but only in its own manner of functioning.

It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of chemical

reaction (explosion); originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder; from
a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of a
marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general.

It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, and
does not obviously interfere with anyone's daily social life.

Yet it makes an unmistakable "noise," causes unmistakable physical and mental

damage, and unmistakably interferes with the daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a
trained observer, one who knows what to look for.

The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are
being attacked and subdued by a weapon.

The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the
technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational
way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry
for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.

When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and
learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via
economic) becomes too great and they crack up.

Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality,
options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding,
manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their
physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.


Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743 - 1812)

Today's silent weapons technology is an outgrowth of a simple idea discovered,

succinctly expressed, and effectively applied by the quoted Mr. Mayer Amschel
Rothschild. Mr. Rothschild discovered the missing passive component of economic
theory known as economic inductance. He, of course, did not think of his discovery in
these 20th-century terms, and, to be sure, mathematical analysis had to wait for the
Second Industrial Revolution, the rise of the theory of mechanics and electronics, and
finally, the invention of the electronic computer before it could be effectively applied in
the control of the world economy.


In the study of energy systems, there always appears three elementary concepts. These
are potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation. And corresponding to these
concepts, there are three idealized, essentially pure physical counter-parts called
passive components.

1. In the science of physical mechanics, the phenomenon of potential energy is

associated with a physical property called elasticity or stiffness, and can be
represented by a stretched spring.
In electronic science, potential energy is stored in a capacitor instead of a spring.
This property is called capacitance instead of elasticity or stiffness.

2. In the science of physical mechanics, the phenomenon of kinetic energy is

associated with a physical property called inertia or mass, and can be

represented by a mass or a flywheel in motion.
In electronic science, kinetic energy is stored in an inductor (in a magnetic field)
instead of a mass. This property is called inductance instead of inertia.

3. In the science of physical mechanics, the phenomenon of energy dissipation is

associated with a physical property called friction or resistance, and can be
represented by a dashpot or other device which converts energy into heat.

In electronic science, dissipation of energy is performed by an element called either a

resistor or a conductor, the term "resistor" being the one generally used to describe a
more ideal device (e.g., wire) employed to convey electronic energy efficiently from one
location to another. The property of a resistance or conductor is measured as either
resistance or conductance reciprocals.

In economics these three energy concepts are associated with:

Economic Capacitance - Capital (money, stock/inventory, investments in buildings and
durables, etc.)
Economic Conductance - Goods (production flow coefficients)
Economic Inductance - Services (the influence of the population of industry on output)

All of the mathematical theory developed in the study of one energy system (e.g.,
mechanics, electronics, etc.) can be immediately applied in the study of any other
energy system (e.g., economics).


What Mr. Rothschild had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and
control over people as applied to economics. That principle is "when you assume the
appearance of power, people soon give it to you."

Mr. Rothschild had discovered that currency or deposit loan accounts had the required
appearance of power that could be used to induce people (inductance, with people
corresponding to a magnetic field) into surrendering their real wealth in exchange for a
promise of greater wealth (instead of real compensation). They would put up real
collateral in exchange for a loan of promissory notes. Mr. Rothschild found that he could
issue more notes than he had backing for, so long as he had someone's stock of gold as
a persuader to show his customers.

Mr. Rothschild loaned his promissory notes to individual and to governments. These
would create overconfidence. Then he would make money scarce, tighten control of the

system, and collect the collateral through the obligation of contracts. The cycle was then
repeated. These pressures could be used to ignite a war. Then he would control the
availability of currency to determine who would win the war. That government which
agreed to give him control of its economic system got his support.

Collection of debts was guaranteed by economic aid to the enemy of the debtor. The
profit derived from this economic methodology made Mr. Rothschild all the more able
to expand his wealth. He found that the public greed would allow currency to be printed
by government order beyond the limits (inflation) of backing in precious metal or the
production of goods and services.


In this structure, credit, presented as a pure element called "currency," has the
appearance of capital, but is in effect negative capital. Hence, it has the appearance of
service, but is in fact, indebtedness or debt. It is therefore an economic inductance
instead of an economic capacitance, and if balanced in no other way, will be balanced
by the negation of population (war, genocide). The total goods and services represent
real capital called the gross national product, and currency may be printed up to this
level and still represent economic capacitance; but currency printed beyond this level is
subtractive, represents the introduction of economic inductance, and constitutes notes
of indebtedness.

War is therefore the balancing of the system by killing the true creditors (the public
which we have taught to exchange true value for inflated currency) and falling back on
whatever is left of the resources of nature and regeneration of those resources.

Mr. Rothschild had discovered that currency gave him the power to rearrange the
economic structure to his own advantage, to shift economic inductance to those
economic positions which would encourage the greatest economic instability and

The final key to economic control had to wait until there was sufficient data and high-
speed computing equipment to keep close watch on the economic oscillations created
by price shocking and excess paper energy credits - paper inductance/inflation.


The aviation field provided the greatest evolution in economic engineering by way of
the mathematical theory of shock testing. In this process, a projectile is fired from an
airframe on the ground and the impulse of the recoil is monitored by vibration
transducers connected to the airframe and wired to chart recorders.

By studying the echoes or reflections of the recoil impulse in the airframe, it is possible
to discover critical vibrations in the structure of the airframe which either vibrations of
the engine or aeolian vibrations of the wings, or a combination of the two, might
reinforce resulting in a resonant self-destruction of the airframe in flight as an aircraft.
From the standpoint of engineering, this means that the strengths and weaknesses of
the structure of the airframe in terms of vibrational energy can be discovered and


To use this method of airframe shock testing in economic engineering, the prices of
commodities are shocked, and the public consumer reaction is monitored. The resulting
echoes of the economic shock are interpreted theoretically by computers and the
psycho-economic structure of the economy is thus discovered. It is by this process that
partial differential and difference matrices are discovered that define the family
household and make possible its evaluation as an economic industry (dissipative
consumer structure).

Then the response of the household to future shocks can be predicted and manipulated,
and society becomes a well-regulated animal with its reins under the control of a
sophisticated computer-regulated social energy bookkeeping system.

Eventually every individual element of the structure comes under computer control
through a knowledge of personal preferences, such knowledge guaranteed by computer
association of consumer preferences (universal product code, UPC; zebra-striped pricing
codes on packages) with identified consumers (identified via association with the use of
a credit card and later a permanent "tattooed" body number invisible under normal
ambient illumination).


The Harvard Economic Research Project (1948-) was an extension of World War II
Operations Research. Its purpose was to discover the science of controlling an economy:
at first the American economy, and then the world economy. It was felt that with
sufficient mathematical foundation and data, it would be nearly as easy to predict and
control the trend of an economy as to predict and control the trajectory of a projectile.
Such has proven to be the case. Moreover, the economy has been transformed into a
guided missile on target.

The immediate aim of the Harvard project was to discover the economic structure, what
forces change that structure, how the behavior of the structure can be predicted, and
how it can be manipulated. What was needed was a well-organized knowledge of the
mathematical structures and interrelationships of investment, production, distribution,
and consumption.

To make a short story of it all, it was discovered that an economy obeyed the same laws
as electricity and that all of the mathematical theory and practical and computer know-
how developed for the electronic field could be directly applied in the study of
economics. This discovery was not openly declared, and its more subtle implications
were and are kept a closely guarded secret, for example that in an economic model,
human life is measured in dollars, and that the electric spark generated when opening a
switch connected to an active inductor is mathematically analogous to the initiation of

The greatest hurdle which theoretical economists faced was the accurate description of
the household as an industry. This is a challenge because consumer purchases are a
matter of choice which in turn is influenced by income, price, and other economic

This hurdle was cleared in an indirect and statistically approximate way by an

application of shock testing to determine the current characteristics, called current
technical coefficients, of a household industry

Finally, because problems in theoretical electronics can be translated very easily into
problems of theoretical electronics, and the solution translated back again, it follows
that only a book of language translation and concept definition needed to be written for
economics. The remainder could be gotten from standard works on mathematics and
electronics. This makes the publication of books on advanced economics unnecessary,
and greatly simplifies project security.


An ideal industry is defined as a device which receives value from other industries in
several forms and converts them into one specific product for sales and distribution to
other industries. It has several inputs and one output. What the public normally thinks
of as one industry is really an industrial complex, where several industries under one
roof produce one or more products .


Industries fall into three categories or classes by type of output:

Class #1 - Capital (resources)
Class #2 - Goods (commodities or use - dissipative)
Class #3 - Services (action of population

Class #1 industries exist at three levels:

(1) Nature - sources of energy and raw materials.
(2) Government - printing of currency equal to the gross national product (GNP), and
extension of currency in excess of GNP.
(3) Banking - loaning of money for interest, and extension (inflation/counterfeiting) of
economic value through the deposit loan accounts.

Class #2 industries exist as producers of tangible or consumer (dissipated) products. This

sort of activity is usually recognized and labeled by the public as "industry."

Class #3 industries are those which have service rather than a tangible product as their
output. These industries are called (1) households, and (2) governments. Their output is
human activity of a mechanical sort, and their basis is population.


The whole economic system can be represented by a three-industry model if one allows
the names of the outputs to be (1) capital, (2) goods, and (3) services. The problem with
this representation is that it would not show the influence, say, the textile industry on
the ferrous metal industry. This is because both the textile industry and the ferrous
metal industry would be contained within a single classification called the "goods

industry" and by this process of combining or aggregating these two industries under
one system block they would lose their economic individuality.


A national economy consists of simultaneous flows of production, distribution,

consumption, and investment. If all of these elements including labor and human
functions are assigned a numerical value in like units of measure, say, 1939 dollars, then
this flow can be further represented by a current flow in an electronic circuit, and its
behavior can be predicted and manipulated with useful precision.

The three ideal passive energy components of electronics, the capacitor, the resistor,
and the inductor correspond to the three ideal passive energy components of
economics called the pure industries of capital, goods, and services, respectively.

Economic capacitance represents the storage of capital in one form or another.

Economic conductance represents the level of conductance of materials for the

production of goods.

Economic inductance represents the inertia of economic value in motion. This is a

population phenomenon known as services.


An electrical inductor (e.g., a coil or wire) has an electric current as its primary
phenomenon and a magnetic field as its secondary phenomenon (inertia).
Corresponding to this, an economic inductor has a flow of economic value as its primary
phenomenon and a population field as its secondary field phenomenon of inertia. When
the flow of economic value (e.g., money) diminishes, the human population field
collapses in order to keep the economic value (money) flowing (extreme case - war).

This public inertia is a result of consumer buying habits, expected standard of living, etc.,
and is generally a phenomenon of self-preservation.


(1) Population
(2) Magnitude of the economic activities of the government
(3) The method of financing these government activities
(See Peter-Paul Principle - inflation of the currency.)


(a few examples will be given.)

Charge - coulombs - dollars (1939).

Flow/Current - amperes (coulombs per second) - dollars of flow per year.
Motivating Force - volts - dollars (output) demand.
Conductance - amperes per volt - dollars of flow per year per dollar demand.
Capacitance - coulombs per volt - dollars of production inventory/stock per dollar


An ideal industry may be symbolized electronically in various ways. The simplest way is
to represent a demand by a voltage and a supply by a current. When this is done, the
relationship between the two becomes what is called an admittance, which can result
from three economic factors: (1) hindsight flow, (2) present flow, and (3) foresight flow.

Foresight flow is the result of that property of living entities to cause energy (food) to be
stored for a period of low energy (e.g., a winter season). It consists of demands made
upon an economic system for that period of low energy (winter season).

In a production industry it takes several forms, one of which is known as production

stock or inventory. In electronic symbology this specific industry demand (a pure capital
industry) is represented by capacitance and the stock or resource is represented by a
stored charge. Satisfaction of an industry demand suffers a lag because of the loading
effect of inventory priorities.

Present flow ideally involves no delays. It is, so to speak, input today for output today, a
"hand to mouth" flow. In electronic symbology, this specific industry demand (a pure us
industry) is represented by a conductance which is then a simple economic valve (a
dissipative element).

Hindsight flow is known as habit or inertia. In electronics this phenomenon is the
characteristic of an inductor (economic analog = a pure service industry) in which a
current flow (economic analog = flow of money) creates a magnetic field (economic
analog = active human population) which, if the current (money flow) begins to
diminish, collapse (war) to maintain the current (flow of money - energy).

Other large alternatives to war as economic inductors or economic flywheels are an

open-ended social welfare program, or an enormous (but fruitful) open-ended space

The problem with stabilizing the economic system is that there is too much demand on
account of (1) too much greed and (2) too much population.

This creates excessive economic inductance which can only be balanced with economic
capacitance (true resources or value - e.g., in goods or services).

The social welfare program is nothing more than an open-ended credit balance system
which creates a false capital industry to give nonproductive people a roof over their
heads and food in their stomachs. This can be useful, however, because the recipients
become state property in return for the "gift," a standing army for the elite. For he who
pays the piper picks the tune.

Those who get hooked on the economic drug, must go to the elite for a fix. In this, the
method of introducing large amounts of stabilizing capacitance is by borrowing on the
future "credit" of the world. This is a fourth law of motion - onset, and consists of
performing an action and leaving the system before the reflected reaction returns to the
point of action - a delayed reaction.

The means of surviving the reaction is by changing the system before the reaction can
return. By this means, politicians become more popular in their own time and the public
pays later. In fact, the measure of such a politician is the delay of time.

The same thing is achieved by a government by printing money beyond the limit of the
gross national product, and economic process called inflation. This puts a large quantity
of money into the hands of the public and maintains a balance against their greed
creates a false self-confidence in them and, for a while, stays the wolf from the door.

They must eventually resort to war to balance the account, because war ultimately is
merely the act of destroying the creditor, and the politicians are the publicly hired hit
men that justify the act to keep the responsibility and blood off the public conscience.
(See section on consent factors and social-economic structuring.)

If the people really cared about their fellow man, they would control their appetites
(greed, procreation, etc.) so that they would not have to operate on a credit or welfare
social system which steals from the worker to satisfy the bum.

Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two
alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.

(1) Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a
total destruction of the living earth.

(2) Take control of the world by the use of economic "silent weapons" in a form of
"quiet warfare" and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a
process of benevolent slavery and genocide.

The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point it should
be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is
necessary. The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its
fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight
upon the face of the earth.

They do not care enough about economic science to learn why they have not been able
to avoid war despite religious morality, and their religious or self-gratifying refusal to
deal with earthly problems renders the solution of the earthly problem unreachable to

It is left to those few who are truly willing to think and survive as the fittest to survive,
to solve the problem for themselves as the few who really care. Otherwise, exposure of
the silent weapon would destroy our only hope of preserving the seed of the future true


The industries of finance (banking), manufacturing, and government, real counter-parts

of the pure industries of capital, goods, and services, are easily defined because they are
generally logically structured. Because of this their processes can be described
mathematically and their technical coefficients can be easily deduced. This, however, is
not the case with the service industry known as the household industry.


...The problem which a theoretical economist faces is that the consumer preferences of
any household is not easily predictable and the technical coefficients of any one
household tend to be a nonlinear, very complex, and variable function of income, prices,

Computer information derived from the use of the Universal Product Code in
conjunction with credit-card purchase as an individual household identifier could
change this state of affairs, but the U.P.C. method is not yet available on a national or
even a significant regional scale. To compensate for this data deficiency, an alternate
indirect approach of analysis has been adopted known as economic shock testing. This
method, widely used in the aircraft manufacturing industry, develops an aggregate
statistical sort of data.

Applied to economics, this means that all of the households in one region or in the
whole nation are studied as a group or class rather than individually, and the mass
behavior rather than the individual behavior is used to discover useful estimates of the
technical coefficients governing the economic structure of the hypothetical single-
household industry...

One method of evaluating the technical coefficients of the household industry depends
upon shocking the prices of a commodity and noting the changes in the sales of all of
the commodities.


In recent times, the application of Operations Research to the study of the public
economy has been obvious for anyone who understands the principles of shock testing.

In the shock testing of an aircraft airframe, the recoil impulse of firing a gun mounted on
that airframe causes shock waves in that structure which tell aviation engineers the
conditions under which some parts of the airplane or the whole airplane or its wings will
start to vibrate or flutter like a guitar string, a flute reed, or a tuning fork, and
disintegrate or fall apart in flight.

Economic engineers achieve the same result in studying the behavior of the economy
and the consumer public by carefully selecting a staple commodity such as beef, coffee,
gasoline, or sugar, and then causing a sudden change or shock in its price or availability,
thus kicking everybody's budget and buying habits out of shape.

They then observe the shock waves which result by monitoring the changes in
advertising, prices, and sales of that and other commodities.

The objective of such studies is to acquire the know-how to set the public economy into
a predictable state of motion or change, even a controlled self-destructive state of
motion which will convince the public that certain "expert" people should take control
of the money system and reestablish security (rather than liberty and justice) for all.
When the subject citizens are rendered unable to control their financial affairs, they, of
course, become totally enslaved, a source of cheap labor.

Not only the prices of commodities, but also the availability of labor can be used as the
means of shock testing. Labor strikes deliver excellent tests shocks to an economy,
especially in the critical service areas of trucking (transportation), communication,
public utilities (energy, water, and garbage collection), etc.

By shock testing, it is found that there is a direct relationship between the availability of
money flowing in an economy and the real psychological outlook and response of
masses of people dependent upon that availability.

For example, there is a measurable quantitative relationship between the price of

gasoline and the probability that a person would experience a headache, feel a need to
watch a violent movie, smoke a cigarette, or go to a tavern for a mug of beer.

It is most interesting that, by observing and measuring the economic models by which
the public tries to run from their problems and escape from reality, and by applying the
mathematical theory of Operations Research, it is possible to program computers to
predict the most probable combination of created events (shocks) which will bring
about a complete control and subjugation of the public through a subversion of the
public economy (by shaking the plum tree)...


Economic amplifiers are the active components of economic engineering. The basic
characteristic of any amplifier (mechanical, electrical, or economic) is that it receives an
input control signal and delivers energy from an independent energy source to a
specified output terminal in a predictable relationship to that input control signal.

The simplest form of an economic amplifier is a device called advertising.

If a person is spoken to by a T.V. advertiser as if he were a twelve-year-old, then, due to
suggestibility, he will, with a certain probability, respond or react to that suggestion with
the uncritical response of a twelve-year-old and will reach into his economic reservoir
and deliver its energy to buy that product on impulse when he passes it in the store.

An economic amplifier may have several inputs and output. Its response might be
instantaneous or delayed. Its circuit symbol might be a rotary switch if its options are
exclusive, qualitative, "go" or "no-go", or it might have its parametric input/output
relationships specified by a matrix with internal energy sources represented.

Whatever its form might be, its purpose is to govern the flow of energy from a source to
an output sink in direct relationship to an input control signal. For this reason, it is called
an active circuit element or component.

Economic Amplifiers fall into classes called strategies, and, in comparison with electronic
amplifiers, the specific internal functions of an economic amplifier are called logistical
instead of electrical.

Therefore, economic amplifiers not only deliver power gain but also, in effect, are used
to cause changes in the economic circuitry.

In the design of an economic amplifier we must have some idea of at least five functions
,which are

(1) The available input signals,

(2) The desired output-control objectives,
(3) The strategic objective,
(4) The available economic power sources,
(5) The logistical options.

The process of defining and evaluating these factors and incorporating the economic
amplifier into an economic system has been popularly called game theory.

The design of an economic amplifier begins with a specification of the power level of the
output, which can range from personal to national. The second condition is accuracy of
response, i.e., how accurately the output action is a function of the input commands.
High gain combined with strong feedback helps to deliver the required precision.

Most of the error will be in the input data signal. Personal input data tends to be
specified, while national input data tends to be statistical.


Questions to be answered:
(1) What
(2) When
(3) Where
(4) How
(5) Why
(6) Who

General sources of information:

(1) Telephone taps
(2) Surveillance
(3) Analysis of garbage
(4) Behavior of children in school

Standard of living by:

(1) Food
(2) Clothing
(3) Shelter
(4) Transportation

Social contacts:
(1) Telephone - itemized record of calls
(2) Family - marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.
(3) Friends, associates, etc.
(4) Memberships in organizations
(5) Political affiliation


Personal buying habits, i.e., personal consumer preferences:

(1) Checking accounts
(2) Credit-card purchases
(3) "Tagged" credit-card purchases - the credit-card purchase of products bearing the
U.P.C. (Universal Product Code)

(1) Checking accounts
(2) Savings accounts
(3) Real estate
(4) Business
(5) Automobiles, etc.
(6) Safety deposit at bank
(7) Stock market

(1) Creditors
(2) Enemies (see - legal)
(3) Loans
(4) Consumer credit

Government sources (ploys)*:

(1) Welfare
(2) Social Security
(3) U.S.D.A. surplus food
(4) Doles
(5) Grants
(6) Subsidies
*Principle of this ploy - the citizen will almost always make the collection of information
easy if he can operate on the "free sandwich principle" of "eat now, and pay later."

Government sources (via intimidation):

(1) Internal Revenue Service
(2) OSHA
(3) Census
(4) etc.

Other government sources - surveillance of U.S. mail.


Strengths and weaknesses:

(1) Activities (sports, hobbies, etc.)

(2) See "legal" (fear, anger, etc. - crime record)
(3) Hospital records (drug sensitivities, reaction to pain, etc.)
(4) Psychiatric records (fears, angers, disgusts, adaptability, reactions to stimuli,
violence, suggestibility or hypnosis, pain, pleasure, love, and sex)

Methods of coping - of adaptability - behavior:

(1) Consumption of alcohol
(2) Consumption of drugs
(3) Entertainment
(4) Religious factors influencing behavior
(5) Other methods of escaping from reality

Payment modus operandi (MO) - pay on time, etc.:

(1) Payment of telephone bills
(2) Energy purchases (electrical, gas,...)
(3) Water purchases
(4) Repayment of loans
(5) House payments
(6) Automobile payments
(7) Payments on credit cards

Political sensitivity:
(1) Beliefs
(2) Contacts
(3) Position
(4) Strengths/weaknesses
(5) Projects/activities

Legal inputs - behavioral control (Excuses for investigation, search, arrest, or

employment of force to modify behavior):
(1) Court records
(2) Police records - NCIC
(3) Driving record
(4) Reports made to police
(5) Insurance information
(6) Anti-establishment acquaintances


Business sources (via I.R.S., etc.):

(1) Prices of commodities
(2) Sales
(3) Investments in

(a) Stocks/inventory
(b) Production tools and machinery
(c) Buildings and improvements
(d) The stock market

Banks and credit bureaus:

(1) Credit information

(2) Payment information

Miscellaneous sources:

(1) Polls and surveys

(2) Publications
(3) Telephone records
(4) Energy and utility purchases


Outputs - create controlled situations - manipulation of the economy, hence society -

control of compensation and income.
(1) Allocates opportunities.
(2) Destroys opportunities.
(3) Controls the economic environment.
(4) Controls the availability of raw materials.
(5) Controls capital.
(6) Controls bank rates.
(7) Controls the inflation of the currency.
(8) Controls the possession of property.
(9) Controls industrial capacity.
(10) Controls manufacturing.
(11) Controls the availability of goods (commodities).

(12) Controls the prices of commodities.
(13) Controls services, the labor force, etc.
(14) Controls payments to government officials
(15) Controls the legal functions.
(16) Controls the personal data files - uncorrectable by the party slandered.
(17) Controls advertising.
(18) Controls media contact.
(19) Controls material available for T.V. viewing.
(20) Disengages attention from real issues.
(21) Engages emotions.
(22) Creates disorder, chaos, and insanity.
(23) Controls design of more probing tax forms.
(24) Controls surveillance.
(25) Controls the storage of information.
(26) Develops psychological analyses and profiles of individuals.
(27) Controls legal functions [repeat of 15]
(28) Controls sociological factors.
(29) Controls health options.
(30) Preys on weakness.
(31) Cripples strengths.
(32) Leaches wealth and substance.


Do this...........................................................To get this

Keep the public ignorant...............................Less public organization
Maintain access control.................................Required reaction to output (prices, sales)
Create preoccupation.....................................Lower defenses
Attack the family unit.....................................Control of the education of the young
Give less cash and more credit and doles......More self-indulgence and more data
Attack the privacy of the church....................Destroy faith in this sort of government
Social conformity............................................Computer programming simplicity
Minimize the tax protest.............................Maximum economic data, minimum
enforcement problems.
Stabilize the consent.......................................Simplicity coefficients
Tighten control of variables............................Simpler computer input data - greater

Establish boundary conditions........................Problem simplicity / solutions of
differential and difference equations
Proper timing...................................................Less data shift and blurring
Maximize control..............................................Minimum resistance to control
Collapse of currency........................................Destroy the faith of the American people in
each other.


Experience has prevent that the simplest method of securing a silent weapon and
gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of the basic
system principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and
distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand.

This is achieved by:

(1) Disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities; providing a low-quality
program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design and economics; and
discouraging technical creativity.

(2) Engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in
emotional and physical activities, by:

(a) Unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way
of constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media - especially the T.V. and the
(b) Giving them what they desire - in excess - "junk food for thought" - and depriving
them of what they really need.

(3) Rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus
being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricated outside

These preclude their interest in and discovery of the silent weapons of social
automation technology.

The general rule is that there is a profit in confusion; the more confusion, the more
profit. Therefore, the best approach is to create problems and then offer solutions.


Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and
captivated by matters of no real importance.

Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law,
and real history.

Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level.

Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the
other animals.


A silent weapon system operates upon data obtained from a docile public by legal (but
not always lawful) force. Much information is made available to silent weapon systems
programmers through the Internal Revenue Service. (See Studies in the Structure of the
American Economy for an I.R.S. source list.)

This information consists of the enforced delivery of well-organized data contained in

federal and state tax forms, collected, assembled, and submitted by slave labor
provided by taxpayers and employers.

Furthermore, the number of such forms submitted to the I.R.S. is a useful indicator of
public consent, an important factor in strategic decision making. Other data sources are
given in the Short List of Inputs.

Consent Coefficients - numerical feedback indicating victory status. Psychological basis:

When the government is able to collect tax and seize private property without just
compensation, it is an indication that the public is ripe for surrender and is consenting
to enslavement and legal encroachment. A good and easily quantified indicator of
harvest time is the number of public citizens who pay income tax despite an obvious
lack of reciprocal or honest service from the government.


The next step in the process of designing an economic amplifier is discovering the
energy sources. The energy sources which support any primitive economic system are,
of course, a supply of raw materials, and the consent of the people to labor and
consequently assume a certain rank, position, level, or class in the social structure, i.e.,
to provide labor at various levels in the pecking order.

Each class, in guaranteeing its own level of income, controls the class immediately
below it, hence preserves the class structure. This provides stability and security, but
also government from the top.

As time goes on and communication and education improve, the lower-class elements
of the social labor structure become knowledgeable and envious of the good things that
the upper-class members have. They also begin to attain a knowledge of energy systems
and the ability to enforce their rise through the class structure.

This threatens the sovereignty of the elite.

If this rise of the lower classes can be postponed long enough, the elite can achieve
energy dominance, and labor by consent no longer will hold a position of an essential
energy source.

Until such energy dominance is absolutely established, the consent of people to labor
and let others handle their affairs must be taken into consideration, since failure to do
so could cause the people to interfere in the final transfer of energy sources to the
control of the elite.

It is essential to recognize that at this time, public consent is still an essential key to the
release of energy in the process of economic amplification.

Therefore, consent as an energy release mechanism will now be considered.


The successful application of a strategy requires a careful study of inputs, outputs, the
strategy connecting the inputs and the outputs, and the available energy sources to fuel
the strategy. This study is called logistics.

A logistical problem is studied at the elementary level first, and then levels of greater
complexity are studied as a synthesis of elementary factors.

This means that a given system is analyzed, i.e., broken down into its subsystems, and
these in turn are analyzed, until by this process, one arrives at the logistical "atom," the


From the time a person leaves its mother's womb, its every effort is directed towards
building, maintaining, and withdrawing into artificial wombs, various sorts of substitute
protective devices or shells.

The objective of these artificial wombs is to provide a stable environment for both
stable and unstable activity; to provide a shelter for the evolutionary processes of
growth and maturity - i.e., survival; to provide security for freedom and to provide
defensive protection for offensive activity.

This is equally true of both the general public and the elite. However, there is a definite
difference in the way each of these classes go about the solution of problems.


The primary reason why the individual citizens of a country create a political structure is
a subconscious wish or desire to perpetuate their own dependency relationship of
childhood. Simply put, they want a human god to eliminate all risk from their life, pat
them on the head, kiss their bruises, put a chicken on every dinner table, clothe their
bodies, tuck them into bed at night, and tell them that everything will be alright when
they wake up in the morning.

This public demand is incredible, so the human god, the politician, meets incredibility
with incredibility by promising the world and delivering nothing. So who is the bigger
liar? the public? or the "godfather"?

This public behavior is surrender born of fear, laziness, and expediency. It is the basis of
the welfare state as a strategic weapon, useful against a disgusting public.


Most people want to be able to subdue and/or kill other human beings which disturb
their daily lives, but they do not want to have to cope with the moral and religious
issues which such an overt act on their part might raise. Therefore, they assign the dirty
work to others (including their own children) so as to keep the blood off their hands.
They rave about the humane treatment of animals and then sit down to a delicious
hamburger from a whitewashed slaughterhouse down the street and out of sight. But
even more hypocritical, they pay taxes to finance a professional association of hit men
collectively called politicians, and then complain about corruption in government.


Again, most people want to be free to do the things (to explore, etc.) but they are afraid
to fail.

The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, and especially in delegating those

personal responsibilities to others where success is uncertain or carries possible or
created liabilities (law) which the person is not prepared to accept. They want authority
(root word - "author"), but they will not accept responsibility or liability. So they hire
politicians to face reality for them.


The people hire the politicians so that the people can:

(1) Obtain security without managing it.
(2) Obtain action without thinking about it.
(3) Inflict theft, injury, and death upon others without having to contemplate either life
or death.
(4) Avoid responsibility for their own intentions.
(5) Obtain the benefits of reality and science without exerting themselves in the
discipline of facing or learning either of these things.

They give the politicians the power to create and manage a war machine:
(1) Provide for the survival of the nation/womb.
(2) Prevent encroachment of anything upon the nation/womb.
(3) Destroy the enemy who threatens the nation/womb.

(4) Destroy those citizens of their own country who do not conform for the sake of
stability of the nation/womb.

Politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the police which are soldiers,
the attorneys and C.P.A.s next who are spies and saboteurs (licensed), and the judges
who shout orders and run the closed union military shop for whatever the market will
bear. The generals are industrialists. The "presidential" level of commander-in-chief is
shared by the international bankers. The people know that they have created this farce
and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under
than be the hypocrite.

Thus, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a docile sub-nation [great
silent majority] and a political sub-nation. The political sub-nation remains attached to
the docile sub-nation, tolerates it, and leaches its substance until it grows strong enough
to detach itself and then devour its parent.


In order to make meaningful computerized economic decisions about war, the primary
economic flywheel, it is necessary to assign concrete logistical values to each element of
the war structure - personnel and material alike.

This process begins with a clear and candid description of the subsystems of such a


(As military service)

Few efforts of human behavior modification are more remarkable or more effective
than that of the socio-military institution known as the draft. A primary purpose of a
draft or other such institution is to instill, by intimidation, in the young males of a
society the uncritical conviction that the government is omnipotent. He is soon taught
that a prayer is slow to reverse what a bullet can do in an instant. Thus, a man trained in
a religious environment for eighteen years of his life can, by this instrument of the
government, be broken down, be purged of his fantasies and delusions in a matter of
mere months. Once that conviction is instilled, all else becomes easy to instill.

Even more interesting is the process by which a young man's parents, who purportedly
love him, can be induced to send him off to war to his death. Although the scope of this
work will not allow this matter to be expanded in full detail, nevertheless, a coarse
overview will be possible and can serve to reveal those factors which must be included
in some numerical form in a computer analysis of social and war systems.

We begin with a tentative definition of the draft. The draft (selective service, etc.) is an
institution of compulsory collective sacrifice and slavery, devised by the middle-aged
and elderly for the purpose of pressing the young into doing the public dirty work. It
further serves to make the youth as guilty as the elders, thus making criticism of the
elders by the youth less likely (Generational Stabilizer). It is marketed and sold to the
public under the label of "patriotic = national" service.

Once a candid economic definition of the draft is achieved, that definition is used to
outline the boundaries of a structure called a Human Value System, which in turn is
translated into the terms of game theory. The value of such a slave laborer is given in a
Table of Human Values, a table broken down into categories by intellect, experience,
post-service job demand, etc.

Some of these categories are ordinary and can be tentatively evaluated in terms of the
value of certain jobs for which a known fee exists. Some jobs are harder to value
because they are unique to the demands of social subversion, for an extreme example:
the value of a mother's instruction to her daughter, causing that daughter to put certain
behavioral demands upon a future husband ten or fifteen years hence; thus, by
suppressing his resistance to a perversion of a government, making it easier for a
banking cartel to buy the State of New York in, say, twenty years.

Such a problem leans heavily upon the observations and data of wartime espionage and
many types of psychological testing. But crude mathematical models (algorithms, etc.)
can be devised, if not to predict, at least to predeterminate these events with maximum
certainty. What does not exist by natural cooperation is thus enhanced by calculated
compulsion. Human beings are machines, levers which may be grasped and turned, and
there is little real difference between automating a society and automating a shoe

These derived values are variable. (It is necessary to use a current Table of Human
Values for computer analysis.) These values are given in true measure rather than U.S.
dollars, since the latter is unstable, being presently inflated beyond the production of
national goods and services so as to give the economy a false kinetic energy ("paper"

The silver value is stable, it being possible to buy the same amount with a gram of silver
today as it could be bought in 1920. Human value measured in silver units changes
slightly due to changes in production technology.



As in every social system approach, stability is achieved only by understanding and

accounting for human nature (action/reaction patterns). A failure to do so can be, and
usually is, disastrous.

As in other human social schemes, one form or another of intimidation (or incentive) is
essential to the success of the draft. Physical principles of action and reaction must be
applied to both internal and external subsystems.

To secure the draft, individual brainwashing/programming and both the family unit and
the peer group must be engaged and brought under control.


The man of the household must be housebroken to ensure that junior will grow up with
the right social training and attitudes. The advertising media, etc., are engaged to see to
it that father-to-be is pussy-whipped before or by the time he is married. He is taught
that he either conforms to the social notch cut out for him or his sex life will be hobbled
and his tender companionship will be zero. He is made to see that women demand
security more than logical, principled, or honorable behavior.

By the time his son must go to war, father (with jelly for a backbone) will slam a gun into
junior's hand before father will risk the censure of his peers, or make a hypocrite of
himself by crossing the investment he has in his own personal opinion or self-esteem.
Junior will go to war or father will be embarrassed. So junior will go to war, the true
purpose notwithstanding.


The female element of human society is ruled by emotion first and logic second. In the
battle between logic and imagination, imagination always wins, fantasy prevails,
maternal instinct dominates so that the child comes first and the future comes second.
A woman with a newborn baby is too starry-eyed to see a wealthy man's cannon fodder

or a cheap source of slave labor. A woman must, however, be conditioned to accept the
transition to "reality" when it comes, or sooner.

As the transition becomes more difficult to manage, the family unit must be carefully
disintegrated, and state-controlled public education and state-operated child-care
centers must be become more common and legally enforced so as to begin the
detachment of the child from the mother and father at an earlier age. Inoculation of
behavioral drugs [Ritalin] can speed the transition for the child (mandatory). Caution: A
woman's impulsive anger can override her fear. An irate woman's power must never be
underestimated, and her power over a pussy-whipped husband must likewise never be
underestimated. It got women the vote in 1920.

The emotional pressure for self-preservation during the time of war and the self-serving
attitude of the common herd that have an option to avoid the battlefield - if junior can
be persuaded to go - is all of the pressure finally necessary to propel Johnny off to war.
Their quiet blackmailings of him are the threats: "No sacrifice, no friends; no glory, no

And what about junior's sister? She is given all the good things of life by her father, and
taught to expect the same from her future husband regardless of the price.

Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and
so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter, become useful
beasts of burden or trainers of the same.






A Soldier of a Lesser God Call to

Duty to Serve a Higher Purpose
“As I destroy the spiritual enemies of All Mankind and walk amongst its wicked dead that litter the battlefields of both
moral and immoral contentions, I shall then drink the blood of human stupidities and adorn myself with the decaying
flesh of human indifferences upon my body as if wearing its origins as fine jewelry until the stench of its entire
existence brings into question my integrity, honor and my abilities to answer the call into service of a higher purpose.
Upon which, just as eventually the rains must fall from above in order to bring about the flood of utter ruin. I will then
with some sort of strength imbedded within my spiritual character become compelled to finally wash and rid myself of
the presence and influences of human deception, and at that exact moment in time, throw the reminisce of its remains
to the ravenous beasts that wonder the cotton fields of human bigotries; Whom shall then feast upon its substance
and shit it out as dung to be washed away and scattered upon the face of this planet as if it was fertilizer for the seeds
that soon grow into a tree of knowledge that bares the fruit of academic achievements consumed for the betterment
of All Humanity.” [Points and Authorities of Reference]
–Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat (Spartan-Legionnaire from the 1stMethod of the 144th Stratagem, 62nd Tactical Element within Caesar's 10th Economic Legion against
Fiduciary Racism)

“The modern high-tech industry’s cultural abilities to finance and embrace innovation outside of the current
boundaries of its status-quo resembles that of the fecal matter that dangles out of the ass of a mangy dog whose
excrement is to dismissed and discarded sight unseen.” [Points and Authorities of Reference]
–Onesimus (Former Slave and Orthodox Christian, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's
10th Economic Legion against Human Indifferences)

"The Lord is Shepherd and King; We shall not want for Knowledge of the presence of a GOD ALMIGHTY. He maketh All
Mankind to lie down in green pastures of Universal Understanding and Advancement; He Leadeth Mankind beside the
still Waters of Bigoted and Bias Emotional Uncertainties. He Restoreth the Moral, Mental and Physical Health, Wealth
and Prosperity of Mankind's Eternal Soul; He Leadeth All Mankind in the Academic Path of Reason and Righteousness
for His own name's sake. Yea, Though I walk through the Emotional and Assiduous Valleys of the shadow of Death,
Ignorance and Human Indifferences, No Evil Intent or Uncertainties shall be Feared: for Thou Dwells Everywhere; Thy
Rod or Law of Universal Knowledge shall protect and comfort Me and All Mankind. Thou Preparest a Kingdom of God
and a Table of Free Global Markets in the Presence and Recognition of Thy own Glory before all things Created; Thou
Anointest the Known Universe with the oil of the Human Endeavor as it seeks Eternal Life; Thy own Cup of
Comprehension runneth over. Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow Mankind all the days of Life Eternal: and the
Known Universe shall live in a Time and Space of the Lord GOD forever. [Points and Authorities of Reference]
–David Avenue (Former Babylonian Slave and Orthodox Jewish Rabbinical Scribe, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action
Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's 10th Economic Legion against Current and Futuristic Forms of Anti-Semitism)

As I find myself called into the existence of a sense of what is defined as humanity, I am compelled as such to ask those
questions that characterize my life and purpose as a human being on this planet. “What manner of a God of supposed
Good and Greatness has so determined me to be at this present time and space to have been sent upon a destination
of a universal uncertainty of human ignorance(s)?” “What manner of a God of Good, Greatness and that of a Universal
sense of Truth has so determined me be within an era of lies and human deception(s)?” “What manner of a God of
Good and Greatness has so judged me and the world to exist as a witness to the previous common failings of my own
common sense of reality as a manifestation of addictions to drugs, alcohol and women as well as an addiction to food,
commerce or shopping, in addition to the ills of a world-wide social politica?” ”What manner of a God of Good and
Greatness would allow to be the evils that all of mankind seems to have been destined to commit?” “What manner of
a God of Good and Greatness would create beauty only to have it defined and measured by the nature what is called
the presence of ugliness in a world of Universal Academic Achievements?” “What manner of a God of Good, Greatness
and of Life itself can allow the subsistence of various forms of starvation, disease and death?” “What manner of a God
of Good and Greatness would allow himself to bear witness to the violence, hypocrisies and evolution of numerous
types of human abuses and indifferences that are by design of nature or the environment itself focused toward what
his-story has said are that of his own children of a divine creationism?” “What manner of a God of Good and Greatness
would consent itself to be known as an absolute Mother and Father to his own children of this divine creation that
exist as an assorted mix of ages, races, cultures and nations of supposed free peoples to be; Only to have the end
result of their own presence in the universe divided, enslaved, raped and murdered; All by the hands of it’s own
devices of the deceived that used the belief systems of confliction and war as an excuse to do so as some sort of
Heavenly calling of honor or duty. Just to later rediscover in life through a false sense of religious atonement and the
falsehoods of the self-righteous, that they historically were and at the present time as well as for all eternity,
condemned to be the actual children of the father of all lies, and that they themselves are both the direct and indirect
causes of their own utter ruin that brings about a Hell on Earth?” [PTSD]

As I have been chosen to state in modern times as a witness and participant to some of these human atrocities against
the better nature of my own self and others, “That it has now undoughtily come to pass under these conditions of the
Universal Law of Observation. That this has become the end result or answer to the question marks of whether or not
a God does or does not truly exist as well as the actual existence of Free Will and Self-Determination; To say the least a
contradiction in terms of the origins of divine rights and powers of authority. The evidence has and does show that this
fraudulent sense of autonomy is a form of human deception’s vain attempt to redefine it’s own immoral influences
and purpose in life, all the while forcing a part of humanity to say to itself at the same time that there exist an
Omniscient all Knowledgeable, Omnipresence Unhidden and Omnipotent all Powerful God whose very being is defined
as the Creator of all Peoples, Places and Things.” For example, it has been said “TO RENDER UNTO CAESAR THE THINGS
THAT ARE CAESAR’S,” all the while saying at that same moment in time that there exist a GOD that created both
Caesar and his things. Therefore, why render anything unto Caesar if it means dishonoring the true namesake that
defines the very nature of those words, concepts and ideas that explicate the existence of a GOD of universal thought
and subsistence? Because just as ADAM’s original sin was that he simply became distracted from the primary purpose
of tending the GARDEN. He was eventually compelled by design and that of Nature’s environment to just TEND to the
care of EVE alone. Thereby, bringing about a separation of a primary purpose. Which was to simply shut up and
listen!!! As in his Own Words during and after the eviction “EVE is now bone of MY bone, and flesh of MY flesh” all the
while ignoring the fact that EVE had already been created by GOD. And I Quote Scripture; “MALE and FEMALE created
HE THEM and blessed THEM and called THEIR name ADAM” (Genesis 2:26, 27 and 28/Genesis 5:1 and 2) [Points and
Authorities of Reference]
–William E. Fields (GCNO)

The Mutated Economic Behavior of Human Stupidities as High
Crimes and Misdemeanors Against Humanity as a Whole
“The emotional shit that dangles from the asshole of the mangy dog practitioners of economic deceptions and human
bigotries sometimes titled, “The Divided States of a New United Americana of High Crime and Misdemeanors Against
all of Mankind,” of which whose very de facto existence of financial influences and indifferences; Can only be
historically compared to a global socioeconomic mistake that makes Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany look like the
second coming of Christ Jesus and the founding of the Kingdom of God on Earth.” [Points and Authorities of Reference]
–Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat (Spartan-Legionnaire from the 1stMethod of the 144th Stratagem, 62nd Tactical Element within Caesar’s 10th Economic Legion against
Fiduciary Racism)

Caesar is Dead – Long Live Jesus Christ!!!

“Oh Lord God, truly as I now Pray to Thee. I hope that Thou shall soon Bestow upon me the most effective means
possible of Establishing Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and Global Markets within the Hearts, Minds and Soul of all
Mankind here on Earth. I hope and Pray to Thee Oh Lord God, that within this process, that Thou shall further grant
upon me those emotional and physical abilities inherent to the Resurrect of the Spiritual Bodies of Moses, Christ and
Muhammad (MCMA.D.), so that they may be equally used as Vehicles to Perpetuate Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and
Global Markets throughout the Known Universe. I hope and I Pray to Thee Oh Lord God that within both of these
Processes, that Thou shall truly forgive me for any and all Sins that I may have committed in the Past, Present or
Future, whether in the Heart, Mind or Soul, against any Person(s), Place(s) or Thing(s). Amen.” [Points and Authorities
of Reference]
–Onesimus as Octavian (Former Slave and Orthodox Christian, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of
Caesar’s 10th Economic Legion against Human Indifference)

A Sinner’s Plea for an Army of Mercy and Salvation

(The Spoken Languages of Quiet Warfare that Utilize the Silent Weaponry of Academic Achievements)

"How swiftly shall the IDEA of Monetary Strategies as the Caesars from Ancient Rome and the Economic Tactics
derived from the Legions of Hannibal, revisited together as Leonidas of Sparta, surmount the icy Alps of human
indifference and bigotry within modern times of emotional economic fear & bondage... ...there has been in their minds
conceived immense upheavals within Global Markets, of the coming Quiet Civil War of idealism between the principles
of Market Certainties through Innovation, and the vastness of the Void that exists within the boundaries of Human
Ignorance. As they reached the little Rubicon of a universal perspective of the human conditions on Earth, clearly
through the murky night of conflicting monetary objectives and the fog of Economic Warfare... ...appeared to them a
mighty image of Humanity in distress... ...grief upon its face...'s white hair of Economic Injustice streaming from its
Tower-Crowned Head of social achievements. With tresses torn and shoulders bare, Humanity as a whole stood before
them and sighing, said: "Where further do you march? Where do you take these Academic Standards, Warriors of
Truth within a generation of supreme causes? If lawfully you come, if as citizens within a global community where all
men, women and children are created and treated as equal, this far only is allowed thin own Power and Authority on
Earth." Then trembling struck their limbs. And weakness checked their progress, holding their feet at the river's edge
of human knowledge and progress. At last they speak as one. "Oh, thunderer surveying a great cause through the
walls of Bias Economic Behavior from the Tarpeian rock of a global Authority and Power. Oh, Phrygian, God's historic
house of Universal Knowledge and Understanding... ...clan and mysteries of Martyrs who were carried off to Heaven in
the name of a truly living Almighty God. Oh, Kingdom of Economic Progress that lurks within the boundaries of eternal
peace on earth, that sets upon lofty Alba and Hearths of Vesta. Oh, God of the Universe, superior to the highest of all
known deities, favor our eternal plans. Not as children of a lesser god with impious Physical Weapons do we now
pursue Thee. Here all of Humanity stands as a mighty Triumvirate, the Caesars as Hannibal and Hannibal as the
Emperors of Ancient Rome combined into a Single unilateral Augustine monetary thought, in the presence of an
Almighty God of the Universe... ...Pharaohs & Conquerors of economic wealth and seas of innovative opportunities,
moral soldiers of a greater cause above human indifference everywhere... too if we are permitted. The
situations that makes mankind an enemy onto himself, it is that which will be the guilty one." As all humanity breaks

the academic barriers of Economic Civil Wars that engage in Socialists Forms of Racism and through the swollen rivers
of time and space itself... ...swiftly shall it take these Scientific Standards of untold Economic Wealth and Labor
Opportunities. When they together as one Caesar of the Pharaonic Rule of Human Liberties & Freedoms cross the flood
of Immoral Stupidities and reached the opposite bank of economic uncertainties... ...from a throne of forbidden fields
of arrogance, a stand shall be taken and from there it will be said: "Here, we embrace Peace and Prosperity, and
denounce the desecration of a Universal Law and Truth that Observes the human endeavor throughout countless
galaxies. Fortune and Equal Opportunities, it is henceforth them shall we follow. Farewell to academic treaties and
silent weapons of monetary racism and human emotional bigotries. From now on, those Quiet Wars of Economic
Expansionism that perpetuate the oil of the human experience and character throughout the Known Universe is our
"All Hail Christ Jesus. We who are about to achieve Eternal Life through the principles of a Universal perspective
toward free global markets and commit our immortal souls into the hands of an Almighty God salute you."
–William E. Fields (GCNO) as a version of Lucan referencing the life and times of Gaius Julius Caesar & Hannibal (Monetary Footprints and First Citizens of a
New Global Republic of Free Market Innovations-SPOR)


(A Tribute To Beethoven’s 9th Symphony “Ode To Joy”)

The Terms of Human Indifference and Monetary Racism
EARTH – (T)[HE] (ORA)L LAW or T(ORA)H [SPOKE]N into the EARS of MANkind

ADAM – AD (Addition – As in an addition to the service of the LORD GOD)

AM (Mankind Created as an Image of God, but not as a God. As in “I AM THAT I AM” – The Places where I AM
as the LORD GOD of countless galaxies as observed under the Universal Law of Observation) Genesis 3:14 and

EVE – (E)nvironmental (V)ocational (E)conomics or AchiEVEments in Academic Thought (No Money, No Honey) 

HUMAN – The (H)istorical (U)ncertainties of (M)anagerial (A)pplied or (A)lpha (N)umerics?????

Human BIGOTRIES – Bi (Bilateral Application(s))

– Got (Material Acquisition(s))
– Tries (Various Attempts(s) at Human Deception)

Human INDIFFERENCES – In (Imbedded)

– Differences (Racism)

RACE – The (R)apid (A)pplication of false (C)ertainties imbeded within Local or Regional (E)conomic Thought

RACISM – The (R)apid (A)pplication of false (C)ertainties (I)mbeded within human (S)tupidities and global (M)arket

Marketing warfare strategies are a type of strategies, used in business and marketing, that try
to draw parallels between business and warfare, and then apply the principles of military
strategy to business situations, with competing firms considered as analogous to sides in a
military conflict, and market share considered as analogous to the territory which is being
fought over. It is argued that, in mature, low-growth markets, and when real GDP growth is
negative or low, business operates as a zero-sum game. One person’s gain is possible only at
another person’s expense. Success depends on battling competitors for market share.

Strategy is the organized deployment of resources to achieve specific objectives, something

that business and warfare have in common. In the 1980s business strategists realized that there
was a vast knowledge base stretching back thousands of years that they had barely examined.
They turned to military strategy for guidance. Military strategy books like The Art of War by Sun
Tzu, On War by von Clausewitz, and The Little Red Book by Mao Zedong became business

From Sun Tzu they learned the tactical side of military strategy and specific tactical
proscriptions. In regard to what business strategists call "first-mover advantage", Sun Tzu said:
"Generally, he who occupies the field of battle first and awaits an enemy is at ease, he who
comes later to the scene and rushes into the fight is weary." From Von Clausewitz they learned
the dynamic and unpredictable nature of military strategy. Clausewitz felt that in a situation of
chaos and confusion, strategy should be based on flexible principles. Strategy comes not from
formula or rules of engagement, but from adapting to what he called "friction" (minute by
minute events). From Mao Zedong they learned the principles of guerrilla warfare.
The first major proponents of marketing warfare theories was Philip Kotler and J. B. Quinn. In
an early description of business military strategy, Quinn claims that an effective strategy: "first
probes and withdraws to determine opponents' strengths, forces opponents to stretch their
commitments, then concentrates resources, attacks a clear exposure, overwhelms a selected
market segment, builds a bridgehead in that market, and then regroups and expands from that
base to dominate a wider field."

 Offensive marketing warfare strategies - are used to secure competitive advantages;

market leaders, runner-ups or struggling competitors are usually attacked
 Defensive marketing warfare strategies - are used to defend competitive advantages;
lessen risk of being attacked, decrease effects of attacks, strengthen position
 Flanking marketing warfare strategies - Operate in areas of little importance to the
 Guerrilla marketing warfare strategies - Attack, retreat, hide, then do it again, and
again, until the competitor moves on to other markets.
 Deterrence Strategies - Deterrence is a battle won in the minds of the enemy. You
convince the competitor that it would be prudent to keep out of your markets.
 Pre-emptive strike - Attack before you are attacked. (see Defensive marketing warfare
strategies for a description)

 Frontal Attack - A direct head-on confrontation. (see Offensive marketing warfare
strategies for a description)
 Flanking Attack - Attack the competitor’s flank. (see Flanking marketing warfare
strategies for a description)
 Sequential Strategies - A strategy that consists of a series of sub-strategies that must all
be successfully carried out in the right order.
 Alliance Strategies - The use of alliances and partnerships to build strength and stabilize
 Position Defense - The erection of fortifications. (see Defensive marketing warfare
strategies for a description)
 Mobile defense - Constantly changing positions. (see Defensive marketing warfare
strategies for a description)
 Encirclement strategy - Envelop the opponents position. (see Offensive marketing
warfare strategies for a description)
 Cumulative strategies - A collection of seemingly random operations that, when
complete, obtain your objective.
 Counter-offensive - When you are under attack, launch a counter-offensive at the
attacker’s weak point. (see Defensive marketing warfare strategies for a description)
 Strategic withdrawal - Retreat and regroup so you can live to fight another day.
(see Defensive marketing warfare strategies for a description)
 Flank positioning - Strengthen your flank. (see Defensive marketing warfare
strategies for a description)
 Leapfrog strategy - Avoid confrontation by bypassing enemy or competitive forces.
(see Offensive marketing warfare strategies for a description)


Marketing warfare is a term used to describe some of the techniques and tactics marketers use
in their everyday language. There are two types of force a business can use against its
competition. The first is offensive attack and the second is defensive attack.

Frontal attack, Flanking, Encirclement, Bypass and Guerilla warfare are some examples of an
offensive marketing warfare strategy. When using the offensive strategy it is important to
remember three important principles: 1. The main consideration is the strength of the leader's
position. 2. Find a weakness in the leader's strength and attack at that point. 3. Launch the
attack on as narrow a front as possible (Ries, 1986).

Defensive marketing warfare involves employing those tactics and strategies to maintain the
market share a company has already achieved. There are three important guidelines to
remember in defensive marketing warfare: 1. Only the market leader should consider playing
defense. 2. The best defensive strategy is the courage to attack yourself. 3. Strong
competitive moves should always be blocked (Ries, 1986).

Some examples of current marketing warfare can be seen in the cola, beer and burger wars.
Through observing these market segments, a marketer can see marketing warfare in action.
All in all, marketing warfare is something each marketer will experience in his marketing career.
In order to be a successful marketer it is important to have a complete understanding how to
win the marketing war.

Marketing Warfare Introduction

Marketing Warfare is a term used to describe some of the techniques and tactics marketers use
in their everyday language. Initially, there are two types of force a business can use against its
competition. The first is offensive attack and the second is defensive attack. Before a person
can understand the concept of marketing warfare they must understand the terms which are
associated with this type of marketing strategy.

The ideas behind attack and defend are two very different ideas. Attack basically means to
seek more than one has, moreover to take what someone else possesses (Kotler, 1981).
Defense means to protect what one has already acquired.

Offensive Marketing Warfare

Frontal attack, Flanking, Encirclement, Bypass and Guerilla warfare are some examples of
offensive strategy. When using the offensive strategy in marketing warfare, Al Ries and Jack
Trout suggest three offensive principles which include: 1. The main consideration is the
strength of the leader’s position. 2. Find a weakness in the leader's strength and attack at that
point. 3. Launch the attack on as narrow a front as possible (Ries, 1986).

Frontal Attack
Frontal attack occurs when a company takes all of their forces and face them directly opposite
of the opponent (Kotler, 1981). In order to be successful with this type of an attack, statistics
show that a factor of five to one is needed for a successful frontal attack (Kotler 1981). For
example, in the 1970's three electronic giants tried to attack IBM head on against their
stronghold on the mainframe computer market (Kotler, 1981). Each electronic corporation
failed because they used a pure frontal attack against IBM's massive stronghold.

There are many types of frontal attacks including: a pure frontal attack, a limited frontal attack,
price based frontal attack, and research and development based frontal attack (Kotler, 1985). A
pure frontal attack involves matching a competitor’s product in all areas of marketing (Kotler,
1985). The product is matched price versus price, promotion versus promotion, characteristic
versus characteristic and so on. Basically, a pure frontal attack is taking a "look alike" or "me
too" strategy (Kotler, 1985). When using a pure frontal attack, companies should be prepared
to expend large sums of money.

The next type of frontal attack is the limited frontal attack. A limited frontal attack focuses on
specific customers and tries to lure them away from competitors (Kotler, 1985). One example
of a limited frontal attack may occur when a new product enters the market such as a new type
of paint. The paint company would pursue a select number of their competitor's customers
and bring them in on a whole number of product dimensions simultaneously (Kotler, 1985).

Another type of frontal attack is the price based frontal attack. In priced based frontal attack,
the aggressor focuses mainly on the price of a product to gain more customers. Every product
characteristic is matched; however, the competition beats his competitor on price (Kotler,

Finally, research and design is a fourth type of frontal attack. This is a more difficult type of
attack to employ. The competitor tries to reduce production costs, improve the product, and
other characteristics which would enhance product value (Kotler, 1985). With this type of
attack, more creative ideas are implemented which allow for a better product.

There are three conditions that need to be met by a firm before it embarks in a frontal attack
(Kotler, 1985). First, the firm needs an adequate amount of resources to support the attack
(Kotler, 1985). Second, the firm must be able to create and sustain a competitive advantage
over its competitors (Kotler, 1985). Finally, the company must be able to persuade their
competitor's customers to try their product and become their loyal customer. In the frontal
attack, it is important that everyone in the firm and those who purchase the product perceive a
competitive advantage (Kotler, 1985).

Flanking Marketing Warfare

A second type of offensive strategy is the flanking strategy. In a flanking strategy, a company
focuses its forces on the weaker sides of its competitor (Kotler 1981). Three principles of
flanking warfare are mentioned in Al Ries and Jack Trout's book, Marketing Warfare. These
principles are: 1. A good flanking move must be made in an uncontested area. 2. Tactical
surprise ought to be an important element of the plan, and 3. The pursuit is as critical as the
attack itself (Ries, 1986). Usually this offensive strategy is used by a company that does not
have overwhelming superiority, but may have an advantage in one particular area. For
example, in the mid 1970's Xerox owned eighty-eight percent of the plain-paper copier market;
however, almost ten years later the Japanese based Canon Copier took over half of Xerox's
market (Kotler 1981). The main reason Canon took over such a large portion of Xerox's market
was by use of the flanking strategy. Canon focused on the small size copier market that could
not afford Xerox's larger copiers. This attack was successful because it put the attackers
strength against the defenders weakness (Kotler 1981).

There are two types of flanking strategy; Geographical and Segmented flanking (Kotler, 1985).
Geographical flanking occurs when a firm attacks different areas within the world or country
where competitors are nonexistent or not very strong (Kotler, 1985). The Coca-Cola Company
uses this type of marketing strategy. When I interviewed Anna Whaley, Director of world-wide
marketing and sales, she said a majority of Coca-Cola's profits will come from the international
areas where competition is not as fierce.

A second type of flanking involves identifying market areas or needs not being served by
competitors within a geographical area (Kotler, 1985). Segmented flanking potentially can be
more powerful than geographical flanking attacks because they satisfy market needs the
competitor has ignored (Kotler, 1985). The Japanese have used segmented flanking when
entering the United States market (Kotler 1985). They brought products that were different
and aimed them at neglected market segments (Kotler, 1985). These products were smaller or
stripped down versions of established products, and they had more features for the same or
lower price (Kotler, 1985). The overall idea of flanking strategy is to bring a broader coverage of
a markets varied needs (Kotler, 1981).

Marketing Warfare Through Encirclement

Encirclement is a third type of offensive strategy. When using this type of strategy a company
must have superiority in all areas. Encirclement attacks the competitor from all sides
simultaneously (Kotler, 1981). A ratio of ten to one is needed to employ this type of strategy
(Kotler, 1981). The basic idea of encirclement is to force the competitor to protect their
product from all sides. For example, Smirnoff Vodka used encirclement strategy when another
product was introduced and positioned itself directly against Smirnoff, but at a lower price
(Kotler, 1981). Smirnoff counter-attacked by first raising its prices, which preserved their
quality image. After raising their prices, they introduced another brand, marketed it at the
same price as the competition, and introduced another brand at a lower price (Kotler, 1981).

There are two types of encirclement strategy: product encirclement and market encirclement
(Kotler, 1985). Product encirclement introduces products with many different qualities, styles,
and features that overwhelm the competition's product line (Kotler, 1985). Many Japanese
firms have encircled U.S. products such as televisions, radios, hand-held calculators, watches,
and stereo equipment (Kotler, 1985). Market encirclement goes beyond the end user, and
focuses on the distribution channels (Kotler, 1985). Seiko is one example of market
encirclement. By gaining every available distribution channel for watches, Seiko took over as
much shelf space as possible (Kotler, 1985). There are some risks to be aware of when
employing the encirclement strategy. Having the substantial resources and organizational
commitment are two factors needed before using encirclement strategy. Because it is
necessary to have these two requirements; winning a battle through encirclement takes a great
deal of time.

Marketing Warfare Through Bypass

A fourth type of offensive strategy involves the bypass. A bypass attack wins the battle through
attacking areas not defended (Kotler, 1981). When Colgate-Palmolive tried to enter the
nonwoven textiles and health care business, it did not have to fight Procter and Gamble's
strengths because they used the bypass strategy (Kotler, 1981).

There are basically three types of bypass strategy: develop new products, diversify into
unrelated products, and expand into new geographical markets for existing products (Kotler,
1981). Developing new products is a fairly easily understood bypass method. Rather than
copying the leader, the competitor creates entirely new products thus gaining a larger market
share of untapped customers.

Diversifying into unrelated products is a second type of bypass strategy. Rather than remaining
in a single-industry business the firm will venture out into product lines that are different from
their one single product. Sony has employed this bypass strategy through entering the
restaurant and construction business (Kotler, 1985).

One reason companies may use the bypass strategy is the large amount of congestion in the
competitive battleground (Kotler, 1985). For example, if a company produces a new product,
the company basically moves the new product to a new level within the same product market
area (Kotler, 1985). Moving into digital and electronic watches may bypass the mechanical
watch market; however, the company is still fighting for a position within the watch industry
(Kotler, 1985). Conversely, movement into an entirely new geographical market usually allows
a company to bypass competitors completely.

Guerilla Marketing Warfare

A final type of offensive warfare is guerilla warfare. Some of the principles that can be used
when determining when to use guerrilla warfare are the following: 1. Find a segment of the
market small enough to defend, 2. No matter how successful you become, never act like the
leader, and 3. Be prepared to bugout at a moment's notice (Ries, 1986). Guerilla warfare
basically involves winning small victories that can over time amount to a large gain in market
share (Kotler, 1981). This attack works because it is very unconventional which makes it
difficult for the defender to counter-attack, and because they are aimed at small, weak, and
unprotected market positions (Kotler, 1981).

One example of guerilla warfare occurred when IBM won a lawsuit against Hitachi on the
grounds that Hitachi stole IBM software. Because IBM won this small battle, Japanese
computer manufacturers had to become defensive by investing large sums of money into
scarce software research and development personnel who had to re-write old programs and
develop new programs which did not interfere with IBM's intellectual property rights (Kotler,
1981). This type of guerilla warfare pushed Japanese computer makers back many years.

Guerilla strategy is usually implemented by companies who are smaller in market position and
resource base than the firm they attack. This strategy has usually been used by the Japanese
on U.S. firms which have caused a large drain on the resources used by the U.S. firms (Kotler,

Defensive Marketing Warfare

Defensive marketing strategy involves employing those tactics and strategies to maintain the
market share a company has already achieved. There are many ways a company can maintain
its market share. Some important guidelines in defensive marketing warfare are: 1. Only the
market leader should consider playing defense, 2. The best defensive strategy is the courage
to attack yourself, and 3. Strong competitive moves should always be blocked (Ries, 1986).
Fortification, counter attack, mobile defense, strategic retreat and position defense are five
techniques a company can use in a defensive strategy.

Fortification Marketing Warfare
First, fortification is based on the concept of the protected fort (Kotler, 1981). The idea is to
have every area of the company or product protected leaving no weaknesses for the attacker to
exploit (Kotler, 1981). One example of market fortification is within General Foods coffee
business. General Foods has entries in physical, price, and perceptual positions in the
marketplace (Kotler, 1981). From decaffeinated coffees to premium brands, General Foods has
complete coverage of the market. Because of such market domination, other competitors have
few unserved or poorly served markets to attack (Kotler, 1981).

This type of defense can be risky. A pure position defense presumes little change in the
product market or the industry (Kotler, 1985). It is important when using this type of defense
to move the product with the changing technologies and market evolution or else the product
can become outdated or even lose its marketability.

Counter-attack is a second type of defensive strategy. A counter-attack exploits the
competitor's weaknesses where it may involve an attack on a defended terrain (Duro, 1987).
This type of defense allows the attacker to move in and the defender capitalizes on the
attackers mistakes (Duro, 1987). One method of counter-attack is to aim the counter-attack at
the competitor’s source of cash (Kotler, 1981). There are two ways a counter-attack can
succeed: 1. Cutoff the aggressor's cash supply and 2. Through the counter-attack the counter-
attacked gains because the attacker cannot defend and attack simultaneously (Kotler, 1981).

Marketing Warfare Through Mobile Defense

A third type of marketing warfare involves mobile defense. Mobile defense occurs when there
is a high degree of mobility in the defense which prevents the attacker from localizing and
gaining forces for a battle (Duro, 1987). The basic idea of a mobile defense is to avoid holding
unnecessary ground. One example of mobile defense came in 1977 when the Japanese went
beyond the narrow television receiver an produced video cassette recorders and tapes (Kotler,
1985). The Japanese did not limit their mobile defense to just products they also used mobile
defense in their manufacturing strategy (Kotler 1985). Rather than keeping the manufacturing
plants in Japan they also broadened their operations to off-shore facilities in Mexico and the
Far East (Kotler, 1985). Because of their mobility they have found lower labor costs, and new
markets (Kotler, 1985).

Strategic Retreat
Strategic retreat is fourth type of defensive strategy. The best way to describe strategic retreat
is through an example of what Chrysler Corporation did to defend their company. Chrysler had
just been taken over by Lee Iacocca in 1978 went he second oil price shock hit in the beginning
of 1979. With all the problems facing Chrysler, Iacocca had to use strategic retreat in order to
save the company. Iacocca cut his salary from $360,000 to one dollar, he cut salaries of higher
official ten percent, and he cut stockholdings in all areas. Rather than making deliveries on
expensive freight trains, he turned to deliveries by truck, and used a simple black and white
annual report. Iacocca sold off many of the plants Chrysler could not afford to operate, and
within three years Chrysler had dropped the break-even point from $2.3 million to $1.1 million
dollars (Duro, 1987).

Marketing Warfare Through Position Defense

A fifth and final type of defensive marketing strategy is position defense. Position defense uses
all of a company's resources to consolidate one's position within the existing market segment
(Duro, 1987). This type of defense usually occurs under stiff competition or major structural
changes, i.e. the drop in oil consumption (Duro, 1987). Basically position defense means
staying with the product or service a company knows best and avoiding the temptation of

Current Marketing Warfare

Some examples of current marketing warfare include the cola wars, the beer wars and the
burger wars. In Al Ries and Jack Trout's book they divide marketing warfare into four principles.
These four principles addressed in Marketing Warfare include: Principles of flanking marketing
warfare, Principles of guerilla marketing warfare, and the principles of defensive and offensive
marketing warfare (Ries, 1986). In the following sections of this report each of the current
marketing warfare battles will be analyzed through these principles.

Marketing Warfare In The Cola Wars

First, in the cola wars, Coca-Cola the one-hundred year old soft drink did not have any
competition until Pepsi came out with the twelve ounce bottle that sold for the same nickel
that bought 6.5 ounces of Coca-Cola (Ries, 1986). Because of the advertising scheme used by
Pepsi, Coca-Cola was on the spot. Coca-Cola had spent $15 million dollars on advertising and
Pepsi just $600,000. The consumer went for quantity rather than quality (Ries, (1986). If they
increased quantity, Coca-Cola was left with a billion 6.5 ounce bottles, and hundreds of
thousands of nickel soft drink machines (Ries, 1986). Pepsi had created a successful flanking
attack which turned into an offensive attack against the heart of Coca-Cola's strength (Ries,
1986). Pepsi had used offensive principle number two which was: find a weakness in the
leader's strength and attack at that point. A more modern day experience of marketing warfare
occurred when Coke introduced new Coke, one of the biggest marketing blunders of the
century. After many years of being a leader, Coca-Cola did something a leader should never do
- change their formula to match the sweetness of Pepsi Cola (Ries, 1986). Coke had
undermined their own position (Ries, 1986). One key learned from Coca-Cola's mistake was
that perception is reality. Because Coca-Cola had undermined "the real thing" consumers
perception was that nothing could taste better than the "real thing"; thus, Coke threw in the
towel and re-introduced Classic Coke (Ries, 1986).

Marketing Warfare In The Beer Wars

Another example of the current state of marketing warfare is occurring in the famous beer
wars. Consumers are bombarded daily with commercials and advertisements about who has
the best beer. One example of marketing warfare occurred when imported beer was first
introduced into the United States. Heineken was an imported beer and that was its strength;
however, it was imported from Holland (Ries, 1986). Lowenbreau was the second imported
beer and they could have used offensive principle number three against Heineken. Offensive
principle number three states: Launch the attack on as narrow a front as possible (Ries, 1986).
Lowenbrau could have launched an attack against Heineken. Being from Holland a country
famous for windmills, cheese, and canals, the perception of the market was stronger for
Lowenbrau because it was imported from Germany (Ries, 1986). Today, as marketers, we are
constantly fighting a battle within the consumers mind which is consumer perception.

Marketing Warfare In The Burger Wars

Guerilla principle number one: pick a segment of the market that is small enough to defend
(Ries, 1986). This is what McDonald's has done in their attack in the burger war. Up until the
birth of McDonald's there had been coffee shops all across America famous for different
delicacies. Rather than trying to combat each type of delicacy, McDonald's chose to specialize in
the hamburger. Because of their strict standards to cleanliness, procedures, and continuity,
McDonald's has remained the leader of the burger war from its start (Ries, 1986).

Even though their uniformity was a major strength of McDonald's it was also a weakness.
Burger King, the second fastest growing food chain took on offensive principle number 2: find a
weakness in the leader's strength and attack at that point (Ries, 1986). Burger King did just
that, they pinpointed the seam which held McDonald's strength together and they hit it hard.
Burger King focused their advertising on "Have it your way" (Ries, 1986). McDonald's was
squeezed and Burger King's sales increased with this maneuver (Ries, 1986).

In conclusion, Marketing Warfare will continue to be an integral part of the marketing world.
Each principle discussed in the above paper will aid a company in ways it can become more
competitive. It is important for companies to employ offensive and defensive tactics when
necessary. Through monitoring competition a company will know when to use the appropriate
warfare techniques to be successful in the marketing arena.

Companies typically use many strategies concurrently, some defensive, some offensive, and
always some deterrents. According to the business literature of the period, offensive strategies
were more important that defensive one. Defensive strategies were used when needed, but an
offensive strategy was requisite. Only by offensive strategies, were market gains made.
Defensive strategies could at best keep you from falling too far behind.

The marketing warfare literature also examined leadership and motivation, intelligence
gathering, types of marketing weapons, logistics, and communications.


(David L. Grange)
Strategists define asymmetric warfare as conflict deviating from the norm, or an indirect
approach to affect a counter-balancing of force. Such warfare is not new. Competitors
throughout the ages have continually sought to negate or avoid the strength of the other, while
applying one’s own strength against another’s weakness. Business model asymmetric warfare is
best understood as a strategy, a tactic, or a method of marketing warfare and conflict
resolution. Because no group or state can defeat a global market by conventional marketing
warfare, monetary adversaries and potential adversaries are turning to business model
asymmetric strategies. We must therefore understand business model asymmetric marketing
warfare, and be able to respond in kind.

“When conventional tactics are altered unexpectedly according to the situation, they take on
the element of surprise and increase in strategic value.”
—Sun Bin, The Lost Art of War

Though there are numerous examples of business model asymmetry marketing in 20th century
warfare, its use was not as pronounced between business adversaries as it is today. Economic
wars were primarily fought by nation-states with balanced, nonconventional fighting
capabilities. When asymmetric methods were used, usually in the form of maneuver or
technological advantage, they had a dramatic effect.

Three prominent examples of asymmetric actions that counter-balanced established force are:
the Sturmtrupp assault tactics that broke the trench-line stalemate and three-dimensional
warfare as a result of the airplane during World War I; the panzer blitzkrieg through France in
World War II; and the Strategic Defense Initiative that helped end the nuclear arms race
between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The kind of asymmetric strategy and tactics seen in the
Vietnam War were termed guerilla warfare. These asymmetric actions, however, did not
produce the dramatic, day-to-day effects on operations that we have seen since the fall of the
Berlin Wall.

At the present time the global market place has no identified conventional, marketing war-
making peer, as it had in prior to today’s technologies. This absence of global peer competitors
makes the world markets more uncertain, unstable, and difficult to anticipate. As the sole
superpower, with the accompanying expectations placed on U.S. markets and its extensive
presence around the world, the global economy has become a big and inviting target. TheU.S.
also engages in humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping, and enforcement of UN or NATO
sanctions, and maintains fiduciary bases necessary for economic force projection worldwide.
Global market adversaries confront and confuse Mankind with a multitude of asymmetric
actions that catch it by surprise, to which Humanity continue to respond with a Cold War

Global market adversaries have learned not to come at its holdingsin a symmetric way since it is
impossible for any country to engage the U.S. markets in a monetary race. By using asymmetric
actions, market adversaries exploit its vulnerabilities; taking advantage of the global
information environment, they are also able to do so on the cheap.

Reality of the Operational Environment
“Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.”
—Nicolo Machiavelli, The Prince

Today we see an ambiguous world, with people, groups, and governments pursuing complex
goals. The monetary borders have blurred between governments and people, military and
populace, public and private. New fourth-generation warriors, non-national and trans-national
groups based on ideology, religion, tribe, culture, zealotry, and illegal economic activities, have
pushed many regions of the world into anarchy.

Russia is in disarray, with increased fighting within its Muslim states in the oil-rich Caspian Sea
region. The Balkans, though somewhat stabilized, have enormous corruption problems with no
real peace in sight. The counter-drug war in Colombia and Mexico has intensified. Israel, the
Middle East, North Korea, and Taiwan remain powder kegs.

This dangerous environment, coupled with the increased use of our military as an extension of
U.S.diplomacy, has placed us in a situation where socioeconomic adversaries employ
asymmetric tactics to negate superior conventional strength. Human beings must look at
conflict through a winner’s eyes-usually froma past war. Setbacks cause concern, and if our
quick-fix for the conflict at hand derails, due to unintended consequences, we usually overreact
and are unable to deal with reality. A standard approach to adversary actions means that we
have trouble adapting to what is actually found on the ground. Planned intervention on the
cheap, with awkward constraints, is inflexible and pompous.

Past high-tech, standoff marketing warfare is largely ineffective against these fourth-
generation adversaries. We continue trying to play American football on a European soccer

Captain Larry Seaquist notes, “While the U.S. military pushed toward high-tech, low-casualty
combat, war went the opposite direction-toward brutal neighbor-on- neighbor killing, carried
out by ragtag collections of citizen-warriors, some of them just children.”

These low- intensity conflicts have no quick-fix solutions. They have complex cultural, religious,
and historical origins where criminality, population coercion, and extremist politics abound.
Asymmetric marketing tactics, usually conducted out of necessity by adversaries, are an
economy of force and a weapon of choice.

As Liddell Hart explained, “Campaigns of this kind are more likely to continue because it is the
only kind of economic war that fits the conditions of the modern age, while being at the same
time suited to take advantage of social discontent, racial ferment, and nationalist fervors.”

Our diplomats, commercial investors, and military will continue to experience the
unpredictability, chaos, and asymmetric threats that are becoming the norm around the world.

The greatest threat to world stability appears to be small, regional economic wars with which
the U.S. will be forced to contend. Are weas human beings ready for this type of threat?


Economic warfare is as old as traditional warfare and, throughout time, economic wars have
been waged to secure financial gains. Economic wars are marked by continuity and they are
known in times of peace as well as during war. Chief among the economic wars witnessed
between Europe and the United States was the disagreement over the Siberia gas pipeline.
There has also been an economic war between the United States on one hand and China and
Japan on the other.

There are various weapons employed in economic warfare, including sanctions, boycotts,
customs barriers, monopolies, mergers and marine piracy. Economic defense means on fronting
any external threat, while economic offensives to destroy and corrupt economies include
dumping, the manipulation of drug wars and counterfeit money, and money laundering.

Economic wars, like traditional ones, are based on surprise, deceit and espionage in order to
acquire information about the enemy, and involve the fast transfer of information. In the 21st
century, economic wars are taking on a new form, depending more on advanced technologies
and modern communication. With military conflict an unrealistic option, espionage will center
more on the economic power of the state and the economic activities of large companies and
institutions. Experts anticipate that the future of nations in the coming decade will depend on
the intelligence of their spies and the ability of their business people to master the art of
espionage in the world of economics.

Due to the wide spread of technology, computers are used as an effective tool; destructive
programs and viruses are used to destroy the enemy and intelligence bodies manipulate stock
markets to destroy the economies of their targets. Resources indicate that 95 per cent of large
US companies use economic intelligence and that the United States has started to spy on all
international communications in an attempt to serve its economic interests and those of its


Theory and Practice (David Galula Foreword by Robert R. Bowie)

Global Economic Operations of Business Modeling Marketing Warfare


The destruction of guerrilla marketing forces or deceptive monetary policies in the selected
area is, obviously, highly desirable, and this is what the counter-insurgent must strive for. One
thing should be clear, however: This operation is not an end in itself, for guerrillas, like the
heads of the legendary hydra, have the special ability to grow again if not all destroyed at the
same time. The real purpose of the first operation, then, is to prepare the stage for the further
development of thecounter-insurgent action.

The goal is reached when static units left to garrison the area can safely deploy to the extent
necessary. Consequently, if most of the guerrillas are merely expelled, the result is still good. If
they disband into very small groups and stay hidden in the area, the situation is still acceptable
as long as the counter-insurgent sees to it that they cannot regroup. To this effect, in this case,
some of the counter-insurgent mobile forces will have to remain in the area until the static
units, having become well established and having imposed enough physical control over the
population, are in a position to cope with the dispersed guerrillas and to prevent their
regrouping into larger, more dangerous gangs.

The first step in the counter-insurgent’s operations should not be allowed to drag on for the
sake of achieving better military results.
Tactics for this operation are simple in essence.
1. Mobile units, plus units earmarked to stay in the area in order to reinforce whatever static
units were originally there, are suddenly concentrated around the area. They start operating
from the outside in, aiming at catching the guerrillas in a ring. At the same time, units
garrisoning the adjoining areas are ordered to intensify their activity on the periphery of the
selected area.
2. The sweep is next conducted from the inside out, aiming at least at expelling the guerrillas.
3. The over-all operation is finally broken down into several small-scale ones. All the static units,
the original as well as the new ones, are assigned to their permanent sectors. A part of the
mobile units operates as a body, centrally controlled; the rest is lent to the sectors. All the
forces work on what is left of the guerrillas after the two earlier sweeps.

The operations are supplemented during this step—as in all the others—by tactical information
and psychological warfare directed at the insurgent, thecounter-insurgents own forces, and the

Propaganda Directed at the Counter-insurgent Forces

The operations during this step, being predominantly of a military nature, will inevitably cause
some damage and destruction. The insurgent on his part will strive to provoke clashes between
the population and the counter-insurgent forces.
Since antagonizing the population will not help, it is imperative that hardships for it and rash
actions on the part of the forces be kept to a minimum. The units participating in the
operations should be thoroughly indoctrinated to that effect, the misdeeds punished severely
and even publicly if this can serve to impress the population. Any damage done should be
immediately compensated without red tape.

Propaganda Directed at the Population

To ask the local people to cooperate en masse and openly at this stage would be useless and
even self-defeating, for they cannot do it, being still under the insurgent’s control. Promoting

such a line would expose the counter-insurgent to a public failure. Furthermore, if some local
civilians were to cooperate prematurely and be punished for it by the insurgent, the
psychological setback would be disastrous.

The counter-insurgent would be wiser to limit his goal to obtaining the neutrality of the
population, i.e., its passivity toward both sides. The general line could be: “Stay neutral and
peace will soon return to the area. Help the insurgent, and we will be obliged to carry on more
military operations and thus inflict more destruction.”

Propaganda Directed at the Insurgent

The insurgent’s worst mistake at this stage would be to accept the fight, to remain active while
the counter-insurgent is very strong. The goal of psychological warfare is to prod him into it.
Once the counter-insurgent has lost the benefit of surprise—if any—achieved during the
concentration and after the first operations, if he then proclaims his intention to remain in the
area in order to work with the population and to win its support, the insurgent, fearing the loss
of face as well as the eventual loss of genuine strength, may be incited to accept the challenge.

Complete elimination of the guerrillas of deceptive monetary practices by quasi-military action
derived from marketing warfare being practically impossible at this stage, remnants will always
manage to stay in the area, and new recruits will join their ranks so long as the political cells
have not beenoverthrown or destroyed by the Frequent Interruption of Resources & Energy
(FIRE). They can be conclusively wiped out only with the active cooperation of the population,
cooperation which will be available to the counter-insurgent in the later steps of the process, if
all goes well. This is why the counter-insurgent forces must now switch their attention from the
guerrillas to the population.

This does not mean that quasi-military activity will stop. On the contrary, the static units will
continue tracking the guerrillas, but now through smallscaleoperations and ambushes, with the
understanding that this activity must never distract them from their primary mission, which is
to win the support of the population.

The counter-insurgent also has to see that guerrilla forces do not comeback in strength from
the outside. Opposing such incursions will be the main task of the area’s own mobile forces.

The purpose in deploying static units is to establish a grid of troops so that the population and
the counter-insurgent political teams are reasonably well protected, and so that the troops can
participate in civic action at the lowest level, just where civilian political personnel is insufficient
in number. The area will be divided into sectors and sub-sectors, each with its own static unit.

The subdivision should be carried out down to the level of the “basic unit of counter-insurgency
marketing warfare”: the largest unit whose leader is in direct and continuous contact with the
population. This is the most important unit in counter-insurgency operations, the level where
most of the practical problems arise, where the war is won or lost. The size varies from case to
case, and in each case with the situation; the basic unit may be a battalion or a company
initially, a squad or even a rural policeman at the end of the process.

Certain points require particular attention in the deployment of static units.

The administrative and the military limits should coincide at every level even if the resulting
borders seem nonsensical from a strictly military point of view. Failure to observe this principle
would result in confusion that would benefit the insurgent.

It seems logical that the grid be initially tighter in the center of the area than at the periphery,
where the counter-insurgent forces will necessarily devote a greater part of their activity to
military operations.

The units must be deployed where the population actually lives and not on positions deemed to
possess a military value. A military unit can spend the entire war in so-called strategic positions
without contributing anything to the insurgent’s defeat. This does not mean that bridges,
communication centers, and other vulnerable installations should not be protected, of course,
but rather that counter-insurgent forces should not be wasted in traditionally commanding
positions, for in revolutionary warfare, these positions generally command nothing.

If the rural population is too dispersed to allow the stationing of a military detachment with
every group, the counter-insurgent faces the decision of resettling it, as was done in Malaya,
Cambodia, and Algeria, and is being done today in South Vietnam. Such a radical measure is
complicated and dangerous. Complicated because the population has to be moved, housed,
and given facilities to retain its old, or to find new, independent means of living. Dangerous
because nobody likes to be uprooted and the operations bound to antagonize the population
seriously at a critical time; awell-planned and well-conducted resettlement may ultimately offer
the population economic and social advantages, but they will not become apparent
immediately. Moreover, regrouping the population is basically a defensive-minded action. It
gives the insurgent a large measure of freedom of the countryside, at least at night, and it is
hardly compatible with the ultimate goal of actively using the population, both as a source of
intelligence and as a widespread militia, against the guerrillas. A curious illustration of the
effects of resettling the population is provided by the Algerian War. When the French sealed off
the Tunisian border, they actually built the fence at some distance from it. By removing the
local population in some sectors between the fence and the border, they created a no man’s
land. In 1959, when the situation had improved greatly, they resettled the population in its
original dwellings between the fence and the border. Then the FLN, in turn, forcibly removed
the population to Tunisia because the French were getting too much intelligence on FLN
movements from it.

Resettlement clearly is a last-resort measure, born out of the counter-insurgent’s weakness. It

should be undertaken only if the trend of the war definitely shows no prospect for the counter-
insurgent forces to deploy safely to the required level. If such is the case, resettlement must
first be carefully tested in a limited way in order to detect the problems arising with the
operation and to get the necessary experience. It should be preceded by intensive psychological
and logistical preparation. Finally, the sizes of the various resettlements should correspond to
the maximum possible deployment of the counter-insurgent forces; if, for instance, in a given
area, a battalion can safely deploy its companies, 4 settlements of 2,000 persons each seem
preferable to a single settlement of 8,000.

Areas very sparsely populated and difficult of access because of terrain may be turned into
forbidden zones where trespassers can be arrested or eventually shot on sight by ground or air
fire. At every level, the territorial command must have its own mobile reserves.

The more dispersed the static units, the more important the mobile reserves are. However,
they should not be allowed to remain idle between military operations; they can and should
also participate in the civic-action program. In other words, these local mobile reserves are
static units on which the local command has an operational option with a specified warning
time of one, two, or more hours.

The deployment must not follow a set pattern, such as a company or a platoon for every village.
It must be flexible because, as the counter-insurgent work progresses and security increases in
the area, the static units will have to spread out more and more, until only a few men will be
left to provide the core for self-defense units. Consequently, heavy, expensive constructions for
housing the troops should be prohibited, not so much for the cost involved but for
psychological reasons. It is only human that soldiers would become attached to their barracks
and thus be reluctant to move to less comfortable billets. It is also human that soldiers living in
barracks would always appear to the population as outsiders, as people apart. If no
construction other than what is strictly necessary is allowed, the counter-insurgent forces will
be forced to live like the population, in shacks if necessary, and this will help to create common

The principle of the test area applies at every level. Until some practical experience has been
acquired, it would be best for the basic unit not to spread at once all over its territory, even if it
is safe to do so, but instead to concentrate its work first on one village so that the soldiers,
when they occupy other villages, will know what to do and what to avoid.

During this step, the following objectives may be assigned to the information and psychological-
warfare program.

Propaganda Directed at the Counter-insurgent Forces

As their main efforts will switch hereafter from military to other activities, thecounter-insurgent
forces need to be told the reasons for the change and to have their future tasks explained to
them in general terms. This information program, if conducted in an atmosphere of free
discussion, should and could be used for a practical purpose: According to the reactions of the
participants, the leader can spot the officers and men who seem best fitted to work closely with

the population and those who, on the contrary, are more attracted to the military side of the
counter-insurgent work.

Propaganda Directed at the Population

The deployment of static units marks the beginning of a long campaign to shake the population
from its neutral, if not hostile, stand. The deployment is a convincing argument to show that
the counter-insurgents are there to stay, for they would not spread out if they contemplated
leaving the area after an extensive but one-shot operation. This should naturally be the line to
exploit, and perhaps the best way might be the indirect one, by letting the population make its
own deductions from facts and rumors. For instance, negotiating a two- or three-year contract
for billets or land with a villager would surely produce the right effect.

The deployment cannot be instantaneous or even simultaneous in all the selected area because
the situation will inevitably show differences from sector to sector. During this period, the
counter-insurgent’s concentration of forces is still heavy due to the presence of mobile units
operating in the area and to the fact that static units are not yet dispersed into small

It is still in the counter-insurgent’s interest to pursue the same policy as in the preceding step
and to incite the guerrillas to react at the worst possible time for them. The point should be
stressed, therefore, that they will be lost once they have been cut off from the population.
Calling on them to leave the area or to surrender may induce their leaders to do thievery
opposite, i.e., to fight.

Three main objectives are pursued in this step:
1. To re-establish the counter-insurgent’s authority over the population.
2. To isolate the population as much as possible, by physical means, from the guerrillas.
3. To gather the necessary intelligence leading to the next step—elimination of the insurgent
political cells.
This is the most critical step in the process because of its transitional character, moving from
emphasis on military operations to emphasis on political ones, and because it combines a heavy
burden of both.

The main center of interest switches now to the level of the basic unit of work, where the real
battle takes place.

1. Contact with the Population. This particular operation, contact with the population, is
actually the first confrontation between the two camps for power over the population. The
future attitude of the population, hence the probable outcome of the war, is at stake. The
counter-insurgent cannot afford to lose this battle.

The battle happens because the population, which was until recently under the insurgent’s
open control and probably still is under his hidden control through the existing political cells,
cannot cooperate spontaneously even if there is every reason to believe that a majority is
sympathetic to thecounter-insurgent. The inhabitants will usually avoid any contact with him.

There is a barrier between them and the counter-insurgent that has tobe broken and can be
broken only by force. Whatever the counter-insurgent wants the population to do will have to
be imposed. Yet the population must not be treated as an enemy.

The solution is first to request, and next to order, the population to perform a certain number
of collective and individual tasks that will be paid for. By giving orders, the counter-insurgent
provides the alibi that the population needs vis-`a-vis the insurgent. A terrible error would be,
of course, to issue orders and be unable to enforce them; the counter-insurgent must be
careful to issue orders sparingly and only after making sure that the population can humanly
comply with them.

Starting with tasks directly benefiting the population—such as cleaning the village or repairing
the streets—the counter-insurgent leads the inhabitants gradually, if only in a passive way, to
participate in the fight against the insurgent by such work as building roads of military interest,
helping in the construction of the village’s defensive installations, carrying supplies to military
detachments, providing guides and sentries.

2. Control of the Population. Control of the population begins obviously with a thorough
census. Every inhabitant must be registered and given a foolproof identity card. Family booklets
should be issued to each household in order to facilitate house-to-house control, and family
heads made responsible for reporting any change as it occurs. This last measure is useful
notonly because it is essential to keep the census up to date, but also because the responsibility
placed on the family head makes him participate willy-nilly in the struggle.

The insurgent cannot ignore the census and can guess only too well its implications. He will
surely attempt to sabotage it. One way is to force villagers to destroy their new identity cards;
since a civilian without an identity card is in for much trouble in a revolutionary war, this tactic
will soon raise such an outcry among the population that the insurgent will be forced to discard
it. He may instead try to register his own personnel, counting on the ignorance of the local
counter-insurgent and on the solidarity or silence of the population. To oppose this more
insidious tactic, the counter-insurgent can request that every able-bodied man subject to the
census be vouched for by two guarantors from outside his family who would be responsible
under severe penalty for the veracity of his statements, which should be checked anyway
before the identity card is issued. This measure also will contribute to turn the population
against the insurgent.

A census, if properly made and exploited, is a basic source of intelligence. It would show, for
instance, who is related to whom, an important piece of information in counter-insurgency
warfare because insurgent recruiting at the village level is generally based initially on family
ties; or who owns property or who works outside of the village and has, therefore, legitimate
reasons to travel; or what is each man’s source and amount of income, which would
immediately separate those who can afford to indulge in abnormal activities from those who
cannot. The census should, consequently, be well planned, and conducted in a systematic
fashion so that the format and the results do not vary from sector to sector.

The aim of the control is to cut off, or at least reduce significantly, the contacts between the
population and the guerrillas. This is done by watching the population’s activities; after a while,
when the counter-insurgentpersonnel have become acquainted with the population and knows
each inhabitant, unusual behavior can be spotted easily. The process of getting acquainted with
the population may be speeded up if the occupied villages are divided into sections, and each
assigned to a group of soldiers who will always work there.

Control is also achieved by enforcing a curfew and two simple rules concerning movements of
persons: Nobody may leave his village for more than twenty-four hours without a pass, and
nobody may receive a stranger from outside the village without permission. The purpose is not
to prevent movement—unless there are specific reasons for doing so—but to check on it. By
making unchecked travel more difficult, the counter-insurgentagain provides the population
with a necessary alibi for not helping the insurgent.

These rules, however, have no value unless they can be strictly and systematically enforced. As
they are bound to create offenders, a fast and summary system of fines has to be devised and
announced to the population.

The problem of fines is one that merits consideration at the highest level of the counter-
insurgent hierarchy because it is a serious one, and because its solution cannot be left to the
initiative of local leaders, for it would lead to too light or too heavy punishment and, in any
case, to chaos.

The guerrillas who remain in the selected area at the end of the first step will be few and
scattered. They need very little in the way of supplies in order to survive. Cutting them off from
their sources would require great effort to produce little result. If control of goods appears
necessary, it should be restricted to items that are both scarce and very useful to the guerrillas,
such as canned food, radio batteries, and shoes. One case when food control is effective at little
cost is when the guerrillas are geographically isolated from the population, as in Malaya, where
they lived in the jungle while the population had been resettled outside.

3. Protection of the Population. Just as the counter-insurgent, by forcibly imposing his will on
the population, gives it an excuse for not cooperating with the insurgent, the opposite is true.
By threatening the population, the insurgent gives the population an excuse, if not a reason, to
refuse or refrain from cooperating with the counter-insurgent.

The counter-insurgent cannot achieve much if the population is not, and does not feel,
protected against the insurgent. The counter-insurgent needs, therefore, to step up his military
activity, to multiply patrols and small scale operations by day and ambushes by night. Above all,
he must avoid the classic situation where he rules during the day and his opponent during the

Plans for rapid reaction against any insurgent move should he devised, involving counter-
insurgent forces that can he ready at a moment’s notice.

4. Intelligence Collection. Whenever an organization is set up to collect intelligence, intelligence

is bound to flow in, either because informers come spontaneously to the organization or
because it goes after informers. The only real problem is how to prime the pump and hasten
the flow.

Spontaneous information is hard to come by at this stage because of the population’s fear of
the insurgent and because of its lack of confidence in the counter-insurgent. To overcome this
attitude, would-be informers should be given a safe, anonymous way to convey information.
Many systems can be devised for the purpose, but the simplest one is to multiply opportunities
for individual contacts between the population and the counter-insurgent personnel, every one
of whom must participate in intelligence collection (not just the specialists). The census, the
issuing of passes, the remuneration of workers, etc., are such opportunities.

When seeking informers, the counter-insurgent will have better results if he concentrates his
efforts on those inhabitants who, by definition, ought to be his potential allies, i.e., those who
would have least to win and most to lose through the insurgent’s victory. The insurgent’s
program usually indicates who they may be.
If intelligence is still slow in coming, pressure may be applied. No citizen, even in a primitive
country, can withstand for long the pressure from an uncooperative bureaucracy; insurgency
conditions naturally increase the number of regulations that have to be complied with in daily
life. Bureaucracy can be a powerful weapon in the hand of the counter-insurgent, provided it is
used with moderation and restraint and never against a community as a whole but only against
a few individuals.

In still tougher cases, visits to the inhabitants by pseudo insurgents are another way to get
intelligence and to sow suspicion at the same time between the real guerrillas and the

5. Starting to Win the Support of the Population. Implementing political reforms—if they have
been conceived and announced by the government—would be premature at this stage. The
time will be right when the insurgent political cells have been destroyed and when local leaders
have emerged. In the political field, the task of the counter-insurgent leader is to discover what
reforms are really wanted and to inform the higher echelons, or to determine whether the
announced reforms conform to the popular wish.

On the other hand, the counter-insurgent can at once start working on various projects in the
economic, social, cultural, and medical fields, where results are not entirely dependent on the
active cooperation from the population.
If these projects are deemed useful a priori for the population, they may even be imposed on it;
the accusation of paternalism will soon be forgotten when results speak for themselves.

The counter-insurgent should also seize every opportunity to help the population with their
own resources in personnel and equipment. Lack of ostentation is the best attitude, as his
actions, good or bad, will always be commented upon and amplified by the public rumor.

In the field of information and psychological warfare, the problems and the tasks are numerous
during this third step.

Propaganda Directed at the Counter-insurgent Forces

When forces are scattered among, and living with, the population, they need not be told any
longer that they have to win its support. Being more vulnerable, they realize instinctively that
their own safety depends on good relations with the local people. Good, friendly behavior will
come about naturally on their part. The problem now is rather how to impress the counter-
insurgent personnel with the necessity of remaining inwardly on guard while being outwardly

Another problem is how to make an active and efficient agent out of every member of the
counter-insurgent forces, regardless of his rank and capacity. Where strict obedience to orders
was sufficient in the preceding steps, initiative now becomes a must. Yet every individual effort
must be channeled toward the same goal, deviations or honest mistakes kept to a minimum.
This is the time when the local commander must assign specific tasks to his men every day,
patiently brief them on their purposes, outline a way to fulfill them, anticipate the difficulties
likely to arise, and proposea proper solution. After each particular operation, he must hold a
meeting with his men, listen to their comments, draw the lessons, and spread the experience to
other groups. If there is any way to teach initiative, this should do it.

Propaganda Directed at the Population

Three major goals are pursued during this step in regard to the population:
1. To get from it some measure of approval—or at least understanding—for the various actions
taken by the counter-insurgent that affects the population (census, control of movements,
imposition of tasks, etc.).
2. To lay the groundwork for the eventual dissociation of the population and the insurgent.
3. To prepare the commitment of sympathetic, but still neutral, elements.

The first point raises no great problem. It is just a matter of the counter-insurgent’s telling the
population what he proposes to do and why. The difficulty comes with the other points.
Propaganda, like terrorism, has an unfortunate tendency to backfire; of all the instruments of
warfare, it is the most delicate, and its use requires caution, adherence to reality, and much
advance planning. Yet if the target is a rural population, propaganda is most effective when its
substance deals with local events, with problems with which the population is directly
concerned, and when it is conducted on a person-to-person basis or addressed to specific
groups (the men, the women, the youth, the elderly, etc.), rather than to the whole.
It is hardly possible to “precook” this sort of propaganda at a high level. One can easily see that
the responsibilities placed upon the local commander are extremely heavy, especially when he
has just begun to contact the population and has not yet assessed its reactions in a general
way. How can he fulfill his role if the higher echelons do not come to his aid?

He should, at least, be relieved of any responsibility in the execution of the strategic-

propaganda campaign, which should be the task of specialized mobile personnel. He should be
assisted at all times by a deputy who can relieve him of most of the command routines. He
should be provided with up-to-date guidelines for his tactical propaganda, conceived at the
first- or second-higher echelon above him where authorities are still close enough to the local
situation. He should also be reinforced by psychological-warfare personnel whenever

Propaganda Directed at the Insurgent

Among guerrillas, as among any human group, can be found a variety of thoughts, feelings, and
degrees of commitment to the insurgent’s cause. Treating them as a bloc would surely cement
their solidarity. From now on, the goal of the counter-insurgent’s psychological warfare should
be, on the contrary, to divide their ranks, to stir up opposition between the mass and the
leaders, to win over the dissidents.

This is a task that usually exceeds the possibilities of the local commander, for he has only an
indirect channel of communication with the guerrillas—through the population—and the
scattered guerrillas are usually roving over a territory larger than his own. Thus he can
participate in, but not conduct, the campaign, which should be directed from a higher level.


The necessity for eradicating the insurgent political agents from the population is evident. The
question is how to do it rapidly and efficiently, witha minimum of errors and bitterness.
This is, in essence, a police operation directed not against common criminals but against men
whose motivations, even if the counter-insurgentdisapproves of them, may be perfectly
honorable. Furthermore, they do not participate directly, as a rule, in direct terrorism or
guerrilla action and, technically, have no blood on their hands.

As these men are local people, with family ties and connections, and are hunted by outsiders, a
certain feeling of solidarity and sympathy automatically exists toward them on the part of the
population. Under the best circumstances, the police action cannot fail to have unpleasant
aspects both for the population and for the counter-insurgent personnel living with it. This is
why elimination of the agents must be achieved quickly and decisively.

But who can ever guarantee that mistakes will not be made and innocent people wrongly
arrested? One of the insurgent’s favorite tricks, indeed, is to mislead the counter-insurgent into
arresting people who are hostile to the insurgency. Assuming that only the right men have been
arrested, it would be dangerous and inefficient to let them be handled and interrogated by
amateurs. All these reasons demand that the operation be conducted by professionals, by an
organization that must in no way be confused with the counter-insurgent personnel working to
win the support of the population. If the existing police cannot be trusted, then a special police
force must be created for that purpose.

Whereas all the counter-insurgent personnel participates in intelligence acquisition, only the
police should deal with the suspected agents. The police work, however, does not relieve the
local counter-insurgent commander of his overall responsibility; the operation is conducted
under his guidance and he must remain in constant liaison with the police during the “purge.”
When to purge is his decision, which should be based on two factors:
1. Whether enough intelligence is available to make the purge successful.
2. Whether the purge can be followed through.

In the red areas, the intelligence situation with regard to the insurgent political organization
conforms usually to the following pattern. The boss and the top cell members are too heavily
committed in the insurgency to be expected to change their attitude readily and to talk freely
when arrested. Minor suspects, when arrested singly or in small groups, do not talk, either,
because they fear that the subsequent counter-insurgent moves against the political agents
would be traced to their disclosures. Yet every villager normally knows who the cell members
are, or at least knows who is screening them. This suggests that an indirect approach could be
easier and more certain than the direct one.

The procedure would be:

1. To arrest simultaneously a large group of minor suspects.
2. On the basis of their disclosures, to arrest the cell members.

There is, of course, a risk that the cell members, alerted by the first move, would vanish. The
risk is small, however, for what could they do? If they join the guerrilla remnants, they would
place an additional burden on them without substantially increasing their effectiveness, for a
few more guerrillas do not change the situation much, while a political cell eliminated means a
great change. If they move to another area where they would be outsiders, their value to the
insurgent as agents would greatly decrease, and they would also be easily spotted and arrested.
Thus, in the same way as expulsion of the guerrillas was a satisfactory result in the first step,
the expulsion of the political agents is equally acceptable.

The moment to initiate the purge, then, is not when the cell members have been positively
identified—a process that would take much time and leaves much to chance—but instead,
when enough information has been gathered on a number of suspected villagers.

The operation would have little usefulness if the purged village were not now, or soon to be,
occupied by counter-insurgent forces, for the guerrilla remnants would probably succeed in
forcing a relatively unprotected population to create another cell, and the purge would have to
be repeated all over again. The counter-insurgent should not hesitate to take risks in providing
a detachment to occupy a purged village, but if he is absolutely unable to do so, it would be
better to do nothing and wait for a better time.

The arrested cell members normally ought to be punished according to laws, since they have
taken part in a conspiracy against the government. Nothing, however, is normal in a
revolutionary war. If the counter-insurgent wishes to bring a quicker end to the war, he must
discard some of the legal concepts that would be applicable to ordinary conditions. Automatic
and rigid application of the law would flood the courts with minor and major cases, fill the jails
and prison camps with people who could be won over, as well as with dangerous insurgents.

Leniency seems in this case a good practical policy, but not blind leniency. Although insurgent
agents who repent sincerely can be released immediately, with no danger to the counter-
insurgent’s war effort, those who do not should be punished. Two criteria may serve to test
their sincerity: a full confession of their past activity and a willingness to participate actively in
the counter-insurgent’s struggle. Another advantage of a policy of leniency is to facilitate the
subsequent purges, for suspects who have previously seen arrested agents set free will be more
inclined to talk.

The main concern of the counter-insurgent in his propaganda during this step is to minimize the
possible adverse effects produced on the population by the arrests. He will have to explain
frankly why it is necessary to destroy the insurgent political cells, and stress the policy of
leniency to those who recognize their error. It does not matter if he is not believed, for the
population’s shock will be that much greater when the repentant agents are actually released.


Now begins the constructive part of the counter-insurgent program. What was done so far was
to remove from the population the direct threat of the armed insurgents and the indirect threat
of the political agents. Henceforth, the objective of the counter-insurgent’s effort is to obtain
the active support of the population, without which the insurgency cannot be liquidated.
The population’s attitude immediately after the purge gives a fair indication of the difficulty of
the task ahead. If the previous work was well conducted, the population should no longer have
excuses for refusing its cooperation. The destruction of the political cells should normally bring
about a sudden and dramatic change for the better in the climate; people will cease avoiding
contact with counter-insurgent personnel and will no longer obey the various taboos ordered
by the insurgent; the friendly elements will spontaneously come forward.

If the post-purge behavior remains what it was, it means:

1. That the purge was not complete, and this can easily be corrected.

2. That the population is not yet fully convinced of the counter-insurgent’s will and ability to
win and reality will sooner or later overcome the people’s reticence.
3. That the population is deeply and genuinely attached to the insurgent’s cause. This is far
more serious, for it shows the extent of the ideological handicap and how far the counter-
insurgent must go in the way of reforms if he wants to win the support of the population. It
does not mean, however, that the counter-insurgent is certain to lose the war, for he can still
get (rather than win) the needed support. If his energy matches his unpopularity, he may wait
until peace becomes the key issue, and he can rely to a greater extent on his own strength and
on his small minority of supporters.

Whichever the case, the problem is to start organizing the participation of the population in the
struggle. The way to do this is by placing local leaders in positions of responsibility and power.

Two opposite approaches may be considered. One is to designate men who have been
previously identified as supporters, thus imposing them on the population. This should be a
last-resort approach because the power and influence of these men will always be dependent
on the counter-insurgent’s strength. They will be regarded as puppets; the population will
never feel any real responsibility toward them.

A better approach would be to call for absolutely free elections for local provisional self-
government, thus letting leaders emerge naturally from the population, which will feel more
bound to them since they are the product of its choice. The danger that neutrals or even
undetected insurgent supporters could be elected is small because the population will realize
that thecounter-insurgent knows by now who was for whom, especially if he has spread the
rumor that this was part of the information he sought for from the arrested agents. Chances
are that the population will elect people known or suspected to be counter-insurgent

There is a far greater danger that the population will elect not natural leaders but men chosen
for their presumed ability to placate the counter-insurgent. An obvious sign of this would be the
absence of young men among the local leaders elected.

Whatever the results of the elections, the counter-insurgent must accept them with the
publicly announced provisions that these new local leaders are temporarily in office until
definitive elections when peace has been restored all over the country.
The propaganda directed toward the population during this step should stress four points: the
importance of the elections, complete freedom for the voters, the necessity of voting, and the
provisional nature of the elected local government.

The ultimate results of the counter-insurgent’s efforts in regard to the population depend on
the effectiveness of the men who have just been elected. If they are worthless, the counter-
insurgent will have to count only on himself; he will thus remain an outsider vis-`a-vis the
population and be unable to reduce substantially his strength in the selected area in order to
apply it elsewhere.

The first thing to do, therefore, is to test these new local leaders. The principle of the test is
simple: They are given concrete tasks and they are judged on their ability to fulfill them. There
are, at this stage, any number of tasks that can be assigned: running the local government,
undertaking local projects in the social and economic fields, taking over some police functions,
levying volunteers for self-defense units, propagandizing, etc.

The counter-insurgent will soon find which leaders are living up to expectations. His action will
tend to consolidate their position and to build them up, using for this purpose all the available
assets and the power of the counter-insurgent regime. As for those who failed in the test, his
action will tend to eliminate or to shunt them away with the support, or at least the consent, of
the population.

It may happen in a few local elections that the men elected are all worthless, and no better
candidates are available. This would be plainly a case of bad luck, against which little can be
done on the local scale except gerrymandering the constituency to merge it with a neighboring
one where better men are available. This problem is less serious when it is a matter of
discovering hundreds of local leaders than when it involves finding the best counter-insurgent
leader on a national scale.

The various tasks entrusted to the local leaders have, of course, more than a test value. Most
are also designed to win the support of the population through these leaders. Some tasks are
conceived to make the population take an active part in the struggle against the insurgent:
organizing self-defense units, recruiting full-time auxiliaries for the regular forces, organizing
intelligence and control nets and propaganda teams.
Three of the many problems confronting the counter-insurgentduring this step require
particular attention.

The elected leaders are conspicuous targets for the insurgent and they should be protected, yet
not in such a way that they rely entirely on the counter-insurgent’s protection. They should be
told, on the contrary, that the support of the population is their best protection and it is up to
them to get it.

A certain degree of paternalism cannot be avoided initially since the elected leaders are both
unknown and untrained, but a paternalistic attitude on the part of the counter-insurgent is self-
defeating, for it will promote only passive yes-men, a plague in counter-insurgency situations.
Paternalism must, therefore, be discarded as soon as possible, even if this involves risks.

The tasks to be done require logistical support in the form of funds, equipment, and qualified
personnel. These should be made readily available and given with a minimum of red tape.
Moreover, the manipulation of this logistical support is a political act, and it must be allocated
with a priority in favor of villages or districts where the population is most active on the side of
the counter-insurgent. A weapon that has such a stimulating value must not be utilized

When in a part of the selected area, the situation has reached the stage where the population
actively helps the counter-insurgent, it means that a breakthrough has been achieved, and it
should be exploited at once to influence the less-advanced sectors. To do so is the main goal of
the propaganda during this step.

As propaganda is much more convincing when it emanates from the population instead of
coming from the counter-insurgent personnel, local inhabitants should be persuaded to act as
propagandists not only in their own area but outside. When they do so, the war is virtually won
in the selected area.

Another certain sign that a breakthrough has occurred is when spontaneous intelligence
increases sharply.

As the work proceeds in the area, tested leaders will finally appear in each village and town.
They will eventually have to be grouped and organized within a national counter-insurgent
political party. There are several reasons for this:
1. A party is the instrument of politics, particularly in revolutionary war where politics counts
for so much. The best policy may be worthless for the counter-insurgent so long as he does not
possess the necessary instrument to implement it.
2. The newly found leaders who emerged locally operate within their own local sphere, isolated
from their neighbors. They are able at best to oppose local resistance to the insurgent who, on
his part, is organized not only on the local but also on the national scale, with all the
intermediate levels. Thus, the insurgent retains a considerable political advantage, which
cannot be tolerated.
3. The new leaders’ powers over the population are mostly of an administrative nature. If their
leadership has to extend to the political field, it can do so only through a party.
4. Their links with the population are based on a single, official ballot.
They are fragile as long as the leaders are not backed by a political machine solidly rooted in the
population. Just as the counter-insurgent himself has worked to discover the leaders, these
must in turn find militants among the population: to keep the militants together, the leaders
need the framework, the support, and the guidance of a political party.

Is it best to group the local leaders and the militants within an existing party or to create a new
one? The answer depends obviously on the particular circumstances, the prestige of the
existing party, the quality of its leadership, and the appeal of its platform.

The creation of a new party raises the problem of its political program. It cannot be undertaken
as long as the counter-insurgent has not decided what political reforms he intends to

Although in peacetime most political parties—with the notable exception of the Communists—
aim at expanding their membership with little or no regard to the candidates’ aptitudes,
insurgency conditions impose more caution. The counter-insurgent political party should select
its members carefully, and rely more on quality than on quantity.

The creation of a party is neither an easy nor a quick undertaking. The fact remains,
nevertheless, that the local leaders have to be grouped in some kind of national organization as
soon as a sufficient number of them has emerged. At the beginning, regional associations can
serve temporarily for the purpose.

The counter-insurgent, while concentrating on the tasks necessary for winning the support of
the population, has not neglected to continue tracking the guerrillas left in the selected area
after the intensive operations described in the first step. He may even have liquidated them
completely. If not, he still has to finish with the last remnants.

The tactical problem results from their dilution; from their feeble offensive activity; from their
avoidance of contact with the population, which dries up sources of intelligence; in some cases,
from terrain difficulties. Under these conditions, hunting the guerrillas with the usual
ambushes, patrols, and small-scale operations could be time-consuming and not very
productive.This is why it would be more profitable for the counter-insurgent to revert now to
the same massive military effort that characterized the first step, but this time with the
important added asset of the population participating effectively in the operations.

The main difficulty is a psychological one and it originates in the counter-insurgent’s own camp.
Responsible people will question why it is necessary to make such an effort at this stage, when
everything seems to be going so well. Arguments are not lacking against this line of reasoning.
The fact is that guerrillas who still roam the area are certain to be a hard core, a breed
produced by natural selection, and they can hardly be left behind for the population and a
skeleton garrison to cope with. Thorough final operations will show the counter-insurgent’s
determination to smash his opponent and should bring valuable political benefits both within
and without the selected area, on the population, on the insurgents, and on the counter-
insurgent’s own forces.

The basic operational principle to eliminate guerrillas who are few in number and isolated from
the population is to force them to move, to become “roving bandits,” and to catch them as they
attempt to cross successive nets of counter-insurgent forces. Such were, in essence, the tactics
followed with great success by the Chinese Communists themselves in south China in1950–52,
when they liquidated the Nationalist remnants.
The troops’ requirement are great, but since the guerrillas are operating in very small groups of
a few men each, and are feebly armed besides, the net may be entrusted to the population
which is temporarily mobilized and armed, and led by professional cadres drawn from the static
units. Mobile reserves assigned to the area for the occasion will be used to flush out the

How long this effort can or should be maintained is a matter of local circumstances, the main
factor being the disruption of the population’s life. The best time, obviously, is when farming is
at a standstill. The military efforts need to be supplemented by an intensive psychological
offensive against the guerrillas; the trump card here is an amnesty offer. This presents some
danger but less than at any other time because the counter-insurgent has reached now a real
position of strength in the selected area, based on the effective support of the population.

Even such a large effort, however, cannot be expected to bring a complete end to the
insurgency in the area; a few guerrillas will still manage to survive. It may be interesting to note
in this respect that in September, 1962, fourteen years after the start of the insurgency in
Malaya, 20 to 30Communist guerrillas were still holding out in the deep jungle inside Malaya,
not counting 300 more operating on the Malaya-Thailand border.

These survivors may give up one day if the insurgency collapses, or they may leave the area for
good, or they may hold out. In this last case, they should no longer be a problem.

Stakeholder Value Driven Approach (Yue Chen, Barry Boehm and Luke Sheppard)
ABSTRACT - The Threat Modeling method based on Attacking Path Analysis (T-MAP) which
quantifies security threats by calculating the total severity weights of relevant attacking paths
for Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) based systems. Compared to existing approaches, T-MAP
is sensitive to an organization’s business value priorities and IT environment. It distills the
technical details of thousands of relevant software vulnerabilities into management-friendly
numbers at a high-level, and systematically establishes the traceability and consistency from
management-level organizational value propositions to technical-level security threats and
corresponding mitigation strategies. In its initial usage in a large IT organization, T-MAP has
demonstrated promising strength in prioritizing and estimating security investment
effectiveness, as well as in evaluating the security performance of COTS systems. In the case
study, we demonstrate the steps of using T-MAP to analyze the cost-effectiveness of how
system patching, user account control and firewall can improve security. In addition, we
introduce a software tool that automates the T-MAP.

Value Driven Evaluation of Attack Scenarios

As a descriptive model of attack scenarios, the adverse impact of an attack path can be
characterized in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA). However, CIA is a value
neutral concept and does not reflect the utility function of stakeholders. In order to capture the
stakeholders’ value perception of the attack path impact, we firstly identify the system relevant
key stakeholders/values. Then we establish a set of evaluation criteria based on the identified
key stakeholder values. Finally, we evaluate the system CIA against each criterion.

Clearly, some of the stakeholder values can be quantified in terms of tangible units such as
dollars. However, some of them are not, for example, the organizational reputation. Thus, we
propose an evaluation method based on Figure of Merit method and AHP to evaluate the
impact severity of Attack Paths. Traditionally used in Decision Sciences as well as tradeoff
analysis in System Engineering, the Figure of Merit method has unique strength in multiple
criteria evaluation that involves quantitative and qualitative criteria. An example of applying
AHP in security investment evaluation can be found in a recent work of Bodin et al.


A psychological adaptation, also called an Evolved Psychological Mechanism or EPM, is an
aspect of a human or other animal's psychology that is the result of evolutionary pressures. It
could serve a specific purpose, have served a purpose in the past (see vestigiality), or be a side-
effect of another EPM (see spandrel_(biology)). Evolutionary psychology proposes that the
human psychology mostly comprises psychological adaptations, in opposition to blank
slate models of human psychology such as the standard social science model, [dead link]
popular throughout most of the twentieth century.

Evolutionary psychologist, David Buss, lays out six properties of evolved psychological
mechanisms (EPM's):
1. An EPM exists in the form that it does because it solved a specific problem of survival
or reproduction recurrently over evolutionary history.
2. An EPM is designed to take in only a narrow slice of information
3. The input of an EPM tells an organism the particular adaptive problem it is facing
4. The input of an EPM is transformed through decision rules into output
5. The output of an EPM can be physiological activity, information to other psychological
mechanisms, or manifest behaviors
6. The output of an EPM is directed toward the solution to a specific adaptive problem

Further important properties include the following:

 EPM's provide non-arbitrary criteria, (i.e. adaptive function) for "carving the mind at its
joints," (i.e. evolved structure).
 EPM's tend to aid in solving specific adaptive problems, (e.g. food selection, mate
selection, intrasexual competition, etc.)
 EPM's are believed to be numerous, which contributes to human behavioral flexibility.
An analogy would be like a carpenter who, instead of having one tool that does
everything, has many tools, each with a specific function for a specific task, (e.g. a
hammer for pounding nails, a saw for cutting wood, etc.)
 Some EPM's are domain-specific, (i.e. evolved to solve specific, recurrent adaptive
problems), while others are domain-general, (i.e. evolved to aid the individual in dealing
with novelty in the environment).
The least controversial EPMs are those commonly known as instincts, including
interpreting stereoscopic vision and suckling a mother's breast.


Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) defines a set of business-aligned IT services (available to
participants throughout the enterprise across multiple lines of business or even outside of the
enterprise) that collectively address an organization’s business processes and goals. These
services can be combined in a variety of different ways to support enterprise business
processes and business solutions. By ensuring that there is a business focus of its main
constituents (business services and business processes), the SOA architectural style promotes
alignment of business requirements and technology solutions. Both processes and services are
driven by the business architecture and can be traced back to the business outcomes that they
help to realize. The major forces shaping the SOA architecture and its major elements are
discussed in the following list:
 The forces that drive the business and SOA—the enterprise business drivers—are at the
top. These are things like strategy, competition, market forces, regulatory forces, and so
on. They all combine to drive the business architecture (model) and to shape the
measurement and feed- back for enterprise-wide performance management.
 The business model is the representation of the business resources and processes that
are required to meet enterprise operational, tactical, and strategic business goals.
Having a business model is critical to the successful alignment of services with business
goals and objectives, and consequently to the overall SOA implementation’s success.
 The semantic information model defines the common business information for a given
enterprise (such as customer, agreement, etc.). These objects effectively create an
ontology of the enterprise data by defining common concepts (and their content) that
describe the operations of the enterprise. Using the semantic information model to
define business service interfaces leads to the creation of semantically interoperable
services—a semantic SOA.
 Other aspects that enable SOA to provide value are: key performance indicators (KPIs)
and portfolio rationalization. The KPIs enable quantitative assessment of the impact of
SOA and allow business processes and services to be measured and optimized. Portfolio
rationalization enables the enterprise to simplify and consolidate infrastructure,
applications, and data, where SOA plays a leading role in the implementation of the
consolidation activities.
 In terms of implementation, the primary aspects are business processes and services.
The business processes orchestrate the execution of business services to implement
enterprise capabilities as specified in the business model— for example, order
processing or claims processing. Business processes are usually associated with
operational objectives and business goals (such as insurance claims processing or
engineering development processing) in the form of specific outcomes that can be
measured against KPIs. These KPIs are collected as part of the process implementation
and are usually used to evaluate organizational performance. The services implement

specific enterprise business functions and access the business data and resources. Well-
defined, business-aligned services are a critical ingredient of a flexible, extensible
enterprise SOA implementation. The structure of services allows them to be
independently developed and deployed. Correctly defining and aligning services with
the business and semantic models results in plug-and-play implementations that can
effectively be combined into different enterprise-wide business processes and/or
 Information represents the data resources of the organization. Data resides in a variety
of different stores, applications, and formats. Different levels of data are used by
different levels of SOA constructs. The semantic information model defines the data for
business processes and services. The information passed in business processes in the
form of documents is based on the semantic information model. The documents
provide a form of semantic message between processes and services. The SOA defines
the mechanisms for transforming data from its native operational format to the
semantic data required for the business processes. Documents can represent legal
entities (such as financial documents, insurance policies and claims, and government
regulations) that define the obligations of the enterprise and its partners.
 Documents are a vital part of modern enterprises and have to be included in the SOA
implementations (along with the rest of the enterprise information) as first- class
 Information from existing systems and applications is made available to processes and
services through a data virtualization layer.
 Functions from existing systems and applications are made available to services through
integration services that expose the existing functional-ity through new service

The effective implementation of service-oriented solutions is a complex undertaking that must

take all of these different aspects into account. This requires cooperation among many groups
within an enterprise, including management, business leaders, architecture, development
organization, operations, and so forth. At an enterprise level, this would not be possible
without a well-defined methodology, describing the major steps and work products, and the
roles and responsibilities of each participating group. In the remainder of this chapter, we lay
out a high-level methodology for enterprise SOA solutions. The methodology consists of the
following major activities:
 SOA reference architecture—Define the important aspects of the SOA reference
architecture, in particular what a service is, the types of services and their relationships,
design and implementation concepts and processes, and relationships to other
architectures and communications.
 Business architecture definition—The first step is to define the enterprise business
architecture. This influences the processes, services, information, and enterprise
solutions that will be built.

 Service identification—Define a set of services within the enterprise context that
supports the business architecture.The overall set of services makes up the service
 Semantic informationmodeldefinition—Create an enterprise information model that
defines the shared semantics of processes and services. This activity is often done in
parallel with service identification. Note that the semantic model is influenced both by
the business architecture and by the information architecture.
 Service specification—Create service contracts that can be used at design time for the
selection of appropriate services in solutions. The service specification includes the
service interface as well as other usage and dependency information.
 Service realization—Design and implement services.
 Implementation of service-oriented solutions—Build enterprise solutions from
services. Also notice that the service-oriented solutions are influenced by the
application architecture. It is important to note that this is not a linear, waterfall
process. You do not need to have a complete business architecture or a completely
specified service inventory before you can start designing and implementing services.
The process is iterative and incremental. You start by creating a high-level business
architecture and service inventory. Then you go about implementing the first set of
services to support specific business goals. As you learn from this process, you update
your SOA architecture, business architecture, service inventory, standards, governance,
and the like. Then, you start building your next set of services.




The Examination Profile of the Previous and

Current Global Economic Crisis

Economic Intelligence Network News Service

Database Ranges for Analytical Netmapping Sections One and Two

1. Who?

 Name(s):
 Date(s) of Birth(s):
 Place(s) of Birth(s):
 SSN(s):
 DLN(s):
 VLN(s):
 VIN(s):
 Type of Residence(s):
 Current Home Phone Number(s):
 Previous Home Phone Number(s):
 Type of Business(es):
 Current Business Phone Number(s):
 Previous Business Phone Number(s):
 Current Home Address(es):
 Previous Home Address(es):
 Current Business Address(es):
 Previous Business Address(es):
 BLN(s):
 EIN(s):
 Physical Characteristics:
o Individual(s):
o Group(s):
o Inter-Group(s):
o Social System(s):
o Larger-Social System(s):
 Physiological Genealogic Structure(s):
 Current Physical Characteristics of Functional Duties:
 Current Genealogical Characteristics of Functional Duties:
 Previous Physical Characteristics of Functional Duties:
 Previous Genealogical Characteristics of Functional Duties:
 Forecasted Physical Characteristics of Functional Duties:
 Forecasted Genealogical Characteristics of Functional Duties:
 Current Physical Classification(s) of Functional Duties:
 Current Genealogical Classification(s) of Functional Duties:
 Previous Physical Classification(s) of Functional Duties:
 Previous Genealogical Classification(s) of Functional Duties:
 Forecasted Physical Classification(s) of Functional Duties:
 Forecasted Genealogical Classification(s) of Functional Duties:

2. What?

 Race:
 Creed:
 Color:
 Nationality(ies):
 Ethnicity(ies):
 Sex:
 Hair:
 Eye(s):
 Height:
 Weight:
 Previous Marital Status:
 Current Marital Status:
 Previous Sexual Preferences:
 Current Sexual Preferences:
 Current Language Skills:
 Linguistic Profiles:
 Previous Religion:
 Current Religion:
 Religious Profile:
 Previous Education:
 Current Education:
 Educational Profile:
 Previous Psychological Profile:
 Current Psychological Profile:
 Forecasted Psychological Profile:
 Previous Economic Profile:
 Current Economic Profile:
 Forecasted Economic Profile:
 Previous Sociological Profile:
 Current Sociological Profile:
 Forecasted Sociological Profile:

3. When?

 Date(s) of Action(s) Committed:

 Date(s) when Support Personnel were Introduced into Action(s) Committed:
 Date(s) when Support Personnel Committed Action(s):
 Date(s) of Documents Involved in Action(s) Committed:
 Date(s) of when Action(s) Committed were Completed:

4. Where?

 Previous Location(s) of Action(s) Committed:

 Current Location(s) of Action(s) Committed:
 Location of Individuals in Support of Action(s) Committed:
 Subject(s) of Action(s) Committed:
 Investigative Profile(s) of Subject(s) of Action(s) Committed:
 Opinions of Subject(s) of Action(s) Committed:

5. How?

 Action(s) Committed:
 Action(s) Committed with Whom:
 Source or History of Actions(s) Committed:
 Previous Results of Action(s) Committed:
 Current Results of Action(s) Committed:
 Alphanumeric Definitions & Methods of Action(s) Committed:
 Alphanumeric Impact of Action(s) Committed:
 Legal Definitions & Methods of Action(s) Committed:
 Legal Impact of Action(s) Committed:
 Psychological Definitions & Methods of Action(s) Committed:
 Psychological Impact of Action(s) Committed:
 Physiological Definitions & Methods of Action(s) Committed:
 Physiological Impact of Action(s) Committed:
 Sociological Definitions & Methods of Action(s) Committed:
 Sociological Impact of Action(s) Committed:
 Economic Definitions & Methods of Action(s) Committed:
 Economic Impact of Action(s) Committed:
 Forecasted Integrated Results of Current Action(s) Committed:

6. Why?

 Ideological Reasons for Previous Action(s) Committed:

 Physiological Reasons for Previous Action(s) Committed:
 Economic Reasons for Previous Action(s) Committed:
 Sociological Reasons for Previous Action(s) Committed:
 Ideological Reasons for Current Action(s) Committed:
 Physiological Reasons for Current Action(s) Committed:
 Economic Reasons for Current Action(s) Committed:
 Sociological Reasons for Current Action(s) Committed:

7. Tactical Enterprise Work Architectures and Autonomous Programs used in Profile

 Autonomous Programs used in Profile:

 Sources and Performance History of Autonomous Programs used in Profile:
 Legal Position of Autonomous Programs used in Profile:
 Documentary Dispensation of Autonomous Programs used in Profile:
 Tactical Enterprise Work Architectures used in Profile:
 Sources and Performance History of Tactical Enterprise Work Architectures used in Profile:
 Legal Position of Tactical Enterprise Work Architectures used in Profile:
 Documentary Dispensation of Tactical Enterprise Work Architectures used in Profile:
 Tactical Enterprise Work Architectures and Autonomous Programs Ranking Prior to Investigative
 Tactical Enterprise Work Architectures and Autonomous Programs Ranking During Investigative
 Tactical Enterprise Work Architectures and Autonomous Programs Ranking After Investigative
 Legal Position of Enterprise Work Architectures and Autonomous Programs Prior to Investigative
 Legal Position of Enterprise Work Architectures and Autonomous Programs During Investigative
 Legal Position of Enterprise Work Architectures and Autonomous Programs After Investigative

8. Internal/External Personnel and Political Tactics used in Profile

 Internal/External Personnel used in Profile:

 Sources and History of Internal/External Personnel used in Profile:
 Legal Position of Internal/External Personnel used in Profile:
 Economic Dispensation of Internal/External Personnel used in Profile:
 Political Tactics used in Profile:
 Sources and History of Political Tactics used in Profile:
 Legal Position of Political Tactics used in Profile:
 Economic Dispensation of Political Tactics used in Profile:
 Network Configuration Prior to Investigative Profile:
 Network Configuration During Investigative Profile:
 Network Configuration After Investigative Profile:
 Legal Position of Network Prior to Investigative Profile:
 Legal Position of Network During Investigative Profile:
 Legal Position of Network After Investigative Profile:

9. Basis for Investigative Profiling

 Examination of Power Bases:

 Barriers to Entry into Certain Fields:
 Causes of Social Intercourse:
 Causes of Economic Conflicts:
 Causes of Legal Conflicts:
 Causes of Social Conflicts:
 Causes of Political Conflicts:
 Causes of Personal Conflicts:
 Causes of Racial Conflicts:
 Religious Conflicts:
 Basis for Human Interactions:
 Classification Theories:
 Bibliographic Theories:
 Structural Analysis Theories:
 Infrastructural Development:
 Educational Examination(s):
 Religious Examination(s):
 Strategic Anthropology:

10. The premise for NAME’s investigative processes is to obtain a review of the history, objectives,
operation, and merits of strategies & tactics that are prone to the need for an exhaustive
investigation. This review process serves several purposes. It serves to describe the many functions
that the existing internal operating systems can perform, thereby demonstrating the potential
breath of applications for NAME's future investigative profiles and expert operating systems. It also
illustrates the strategic development procedures discussed in Appendix - D, which are organized
by the type of grammatic and tactical analysis they perform. NAME's informational demographics
and expert procedural manuals are illustrated by the following list of their potential uses within a
focused educational environment developed by the GCNO at NAME:

 Aiding DOT database drafting by testing a textual draft against a set of related strategic-
databases and linguistic standards, and having the computer system(s) make the appropriate
 Researching expert DOT databases on the basis of a statement of facts or concepts (strategic or
grammatic retrieval as opposed to the current key word searches);
 Generating ideas and advising a user of the arguments (program functions) for and against
documented situations and also how to weaken or strengthen the arguments (program
functions) in a particular set circumstances or skills;
 Advising a user on strategy and tactics in procedure or structural negotiations;
 Evaluating a situation as to settlement (final analyses) or strategic value;
 Evaluating procedural consistencies with prior decisions of a proposed administrative decision in
discretionary areas;
 Aiding in the document drafting of contracts, wills, and other documents by testing for the
consistency with existing laws, personal and social policies, and linguistic standards;
 Assisting decision making in which little or no discretion is involved;
 Planning transactions such as business mergers, with tax and other strategic information by
presenting alternative scenarios and identifying their legal or structural consequences;
 Predicting the consequences of proposed legislation, policies, draft contracts, wills, situations,
 Finding legal or strategic authorities which are consistent or inconsistent with proposed laws or
 Evaluating the effectiveness of existing procedures, laws or rules and identifying the procedures,
laws or rules which may need to be modified;
 Training and disseminating information on related concepts or skills;
 Interviewing clients for information relevant to the identification of the nature of their strategic
or procedural problems;
 Informing client systems of the consequences of particular acts, in order to enable their
subordinates to know the reality of their proposed or past acts, and if communication with an
expert is required, to obtain a complete answer;
 Preserving institutional and instructional expertise;
 Reviewing conceptual or strategic database systems against new rules or situations, and
modifying them to keep them activated and current;
 Identifying clients whose educational affairs may have been affected by changes in the network,
so that a subcontractor can determine whether to contact a client regarding the change(s).

The primary application areas for NAME's investigative profile & document development processes
include strategic management, organizational management, monitoring data flow, conceptual or
legal interpretation, and document or report generation for the purposes
of structural or strategic investigations.

11. Organizational and operational systems for infrastructural management

a. The Personal Systems Training Solutions:

o Application Development (la.);
o Database (2a.);
o DOS, OS/2, OS/400 (3a.);
o Windows & Windows NT (4a.);
o Programming Languages (5a.);
o Transaction Processing (6a.);
o End User Applications (IV. & V.);
o Hardware Operations (7a.);
b. The Midrange Training Solutions:
o Application Development (lb.);
o Database (2b.);
o Office Applications (7b.);
o AIX/UNIX (4b.);
o OS1400 (3b.);
o Programming Languages (5b.);
o Transaction Processing (6b.);
c. The Mainframe Training Solutions:
o Application Development (le.);
o Database (2c.);
o MVS, VM, VSE (3c.);
o Programming Languages (5c.);
o Storage Management (4c.);
o Transaction Processing (6c.);
o Hardware Operations (7c.);
d. The Client/Server, Networking & Object Technology Training Solutions:
o Client/Server (ld.);
o Distributed Databases (2d.);
o Internetworking (3d.);
o Local Area Networking (4d.);
o Network Management (5d.);
o Voice Applications (6d.);
o Object Technology (7d.);
e. The Business & Personal Development Training Solutions:
o Business Management (4e.);
o Financial Skills (3e.);
o Industry Applications (2e.);
o Personal Effectiveness (le.);
o Project Management (5e.);
o Total Quality Management (7e.);
o Sales Training (6e.);

12. End product lines of investigative solution frameworks

 Intercommunicative autonomous software applications and platforms:

 Organizational and personnel procedural or policy manuals:
 Computational Intelligence in Industrial Engineering:
 Consumer Product Design:
 Economic Engineering & Cost Estimation:
 Facilities Design & Location:
 Information Systems:
 Maintenance Engineering and Management:
 Materials Handling:
 Performance Analysis & Simulation:
 Production Systems Design, Planning and Control:
 Productivity & Business Strategies:
 Project Management:
 Technology Management & Transfer:
 Total Quality Management & Quality Technology:
 Work Measurement & Methods Engineering:
 Industrial Ergonomics & Safety:
 Applied Operations Research:
 Other Topics of Interest in the Business Engineering Fields:




The Global Economic Crisis I

Operational Fiduciary Leverage of Capital Gains through

Defacto Government Backed Derivatives

Operational Platform:
ation_option=1&pro_region=179&search_mode=7 ***

Loan Packagers:

Lines of Credit: ***
ation_option=1&pro_region=179&search_mode=7 ***

Grants: franchise.pdf

Grant Writers: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Scientific Research

Grant Writing Organizations: SBA




The Global Economic Crisis II

Defacto Operational Leveraging of Capital Gains

through Academic Real Estate Investments

Child Care Info: Laws & Regulations

Detailed Regulations: *** Title & Regulations

Facility: Starting Up Facilities *** ***, Salaries


Fees: ***


Security Issues:,
pt.html *** ***


Licensing: Process Licensing Insurance Association$.startup Search Salaries Training



Educational Hierarchies:

Numerical Strategies:

Personalizing Internet Content:
721 Registry Guides





Final Statements from Ibn Al-Haytham, Onesimus,

Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat, Saint John, Moses, William E.
Fields, Gaius Julius Caesar and David Avenue

In Relation to the Universal Law of Observation that Exist within a Global Republic of Economic
Thought (In Time and Space the Acquired Level of Wealth [Matter] and Opulence [Energy] within
a Currency's Fiduciary Wave Length [Influence] is Relative to the Type, Sum Value or Amount of
Information Received as to its Monetary Position or Place within a Fiscal Period which Orbits a
Gravitational Need in the Productivity of the Division of Labor that converts it's Reality into
Knowledge, and it's Knowledge into the Realities of Modern Economic Legions of Market

It is within All Creation that their lies a Time [Uncertainty] & Space [Vastness] of Darkness [Ignorance]
within the Academic Minds of All Cognitive Beings that Exist, a Platform or Throne from which the
Authority of a GOD rules both the Known and Unknown Universe, a base of unlimited Power of which
is exercised through the UNIVERSAL LAW OF OBSERVATION. Primarily, that In the Beginning
there was no Recognition of things Made until there was Acknowledgement of those persons, places or
things Seen, Heard, Felt, Thought or Written of. It is by standardizing this common rule of thought into a
single three-dimensional mathematic equation [X3] that the Creation of All that is Made within both the
Known or Unknown Universe becomes a Centralized Rule of Thought or Seat of An Absolute Power.
"That if anything is Seen, Heard, Felt, Thought or Written of [Observed]? Then it Exist within a
Separation of Time & Space that Defines a Person's, Place's or Thing's Location or Existence. A Person's,
Place's or Thing's Location or Existence is Relative to its Observed Motion or Force in Time & Space
and the applicable efforts of the WORDS, CONCEPTS, and IDEAS used to Define and Convey its
Presence the instant that it is Recognized that its Existence is Unknown, or that the Behavioral Patterns or
Movements of an Existing Focal Point has Changed or has become Unfamiliar to an Observer." [Cases
In Point: If an Abuser Sees, Recognizes and Targets a Victim, then he or she must intercept his or her
Victim at a particular point or location in time and space in order to commit the act of abuse or
indifference. The question of how to prevent the actions of the abuse is answered by changing how an
abuser recognizes, perceives or targets his or her Victim, as well as altering the Location or Existence of
the Time and Place to which the Actions of abuse are to occur. Another case in point from a financial
perspective, is that if the left-over Materials or Matter (Trash) from consumable products bought and sold
by human beings is not intercepted at its current location at a certain point in Time and Space on Earth,
then the economic residual effects of the illnesses that it causes within a general populous would far out-
weigh the levels of fiduciary profit within a region's agricultural GDP. Therefore, it is cost effective for
the creation or existence of a Procedural or Mathematical Multivariate Singularity or Method consisting
of numerous subroutines used to move the Trash or Matter from one Place or Location in Time and Space
to another. This effect is called a Necessity or Motion, of which whose mere existence in a market
economy Overthrows the Principles of various forms of Tombstone Management.]

–Ibn al-Haytham (Former Political Prisoner and First Scientist to the Embodiment of All Mankind,
currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Scientific Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-
Lifeform of Caesar's 10th Economic Legion for the Perpetuation of Empiricism

In Relation to Definitive Economic Principles (Power/Authority)

"Oh Lord God, truly as I now Pray to Thee. I hope that Thou shall soon Bestow upon me the most
effective means possible of Establishing Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and Global Markets within the
Hearts, Minds and Soul of all Mankind here on Earth. I hope and Pray to Thee Oh Lord God, that
within this process, that Thou shall grant upon me the further those physical abilities inherent to the
Resurrect of the Spiritual Bodies of Moses, Christ and Muhammad (MCMA.D.). So that they may be
equally used as Vehicles to Perpetuate Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and Global Markets throughout
the Known Universe. I hope and I Pray to Thee Oh Lord God that within both of these Processes, that
Thou shall truly forgive me for any and all Sins that I may have committed in the Past, Present or
Future, whether in the Heart, Mind or Soul, against any Person(s), Place(s) or Thing(s). Amen."

–Onesimus (Former Slave and Orthodox Christian, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered
Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's 10th Economic Legion against Human

In Relation to Economic Behavior (Morale/Cohesion)

“Those who do not Learn to (Overcome) the [Uncertainties] of Financial Markets, will never (Master)
the Monetary [Unexpectancies] within a Global Economy.”

–Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat (Spartan-Legionnaire from the 1stMethod of the 144th Stratagem, 62nd
Tactical Element within Caesar's 10th Economic Legion against Fiduciary Racism)

In Relation to Strategic Economic Thought (Norms/Standards)

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were
made by him; [and (without) him was not anything Made that was Made]. In him was life; and the life
was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

–Saint John (Apostle and First Physician to the Body of Christendom)

In Relation to Tactical Economic Operations (Goals/Objectives)

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [And the Earth was (without) Form, and Void];
and the darkness was upon the face the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God
divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning was the first day.”

–Moses (Genesis and Master of Overthrowing Uncertainties within a Global Community)

In Relation to Economic Theories (Pursuing the PDA)

"For the first time in the history of Mankind. The road representing financial security, which leads
toward the Commanding Heights of global market economies, is no longer solely Paved with the words,
concepts & ideas of Privatization. But is additionally Forged upon the creation of Individualized
Innovative global free-market entrepreneurial business & search engine technologies. Whose, patentable
genetic-based consultative Planning & Design Approaches (PDAs) are interconnected, evolvable & user
specific through personalizing internet content by way of the following grammatic formula(s); Whereas,
the constant Sum Value of [A2, G2, G2, G2, L2, M2, PA2,T3 &T3] Equals the Measured quantitative
significance of any number(s), letter(s), word(s), concept(s), idea(s), genomic sequence(s) or method(s)
used to describe the existence or processes of a person(s), place(s) or thing(s), both currently known or
unknown. Which, are also supplanted within the driving forces [E] behind the Meaning of Life [M], the
Tree of Life [T], and of course Quality of Life [Q] issues. Whereas, the Process is the molecular or
genomic facilitation of single & multiple number, letter or word, strategies or tactics that simultaneously
accommodate systemic personal or organizational management, from a single point of origin, throughout
the Resources involving the Human Language System (HLS) as a whole."

–William E. Fields (GCNO)

In Relation to Managerial Economic Expansionism (Pursuing the CPDA)

“The Republic (Global Economy) is nothing, [merely a Name (without) Body or Shape].”

–Gaius Julius Caesar (The Embodied First Citizen of a new Global Socioeconomic Republic)

In Relation to Economic Scenarios (Simultaneously Pursuing the $ PDA/CPDA $ Problem Solving

Measures of Effectiveness)

"The Lord is Shepherd and King; We shall not want for Knowledge of the presence of GOD Almighty.
He maketh All Mankind to lie down in green pastures of Universal Understanding and Advancement; He
Leadeth Mankind beside the still Waters of Bias Emotional Uncertainties. He Restoreth the Mental and
Physical Health, Wealth and Prosperity of Mankind's Eternal Soul; He Leadth All Mankind in the
Academic Path of Reason and Righteousness for His own name's sake. Yea, Though I walk through the
Academic and Emotional Valleys of the shadow of Death, Ignorance and Human Indifferences, No Evil
Intent or Uncertainties shall be Feared: for Thou Dwells Everywhere; Thy Rod or Law of Universal
Knowledge shall protect and comfort All Mankind. Thou Preparest a Table of Free Global Markets in the
Presence and Recognition of Thy own Glory before all things Created; Thou Anointest the Known
Universe with the oil of the Human Endeavor; Thy own Cup of Comprehension runneth over. Surely
Goodness and Mercy shall follow Mankind all the days of Eternal Life: and the Known Universe shall
live in a Time and Space of the Lord GOD forever.

–David Avenue (Former Babylonian Slave and Orthodox Jewish Rabbinical Scribe, currently Cloned
or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's 10th
Economic Legion against Futuristic Forms of Anti-Semitism)


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