Dungo V Lopena (Dancel)
Dungo V Lopena (Dancel)
Dungo V Lopena (Dancel)
motion to set aside was denied by the lower court. Duñgo
[J. Regala] filed a Notice of Appeal from the order approving the
foreclosure sale, as well as the order denying his motion to
set aside. The approval of the record on appeal however,
Summary and Doctrine was opposed by the respondents who claimed that the
judgment was not appealable having been rendered by
A compromise in itself is a contract. Under Art 1878, a virtue of the compromise agreement. The lower court
third person cannot bind another to a compromise dismissed the appeal.
agreement unless the third person has obtained a
special power of attorney for that purpose from the party II. ISSUES:
intended to be bound.
Was the compromise agreement of January 15,
Although the Civil Code expressly requires a special 1960, the Order of the same date approving the
power of attorney so that one may compromise an same, and, all the proceedings subsequent thereto,
interest of another, it is incorrect to conclude that its valid or void insofar as the petitioner herein is
concerned? NO.
absence renders the compromise agreement void. It is
merely unenforceable. III. RATIO:
When it appears that the client, on becoming aware of A compromise in itself is a contract.1 Under Art 1878, a
the compromise and judgment thereon, fails to third person cannot bind another to a compromise
repudiate promptly the action of his attorney, he will not agreement unless the third person has obtained a
be heard to contest its validity. special power of attorney for that purpose from the
party intended to be bound.
Subsequently, on May 3, 1960, a so-called Tri-Party WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari and mandamus filed
Agreement was drawn. The signatories to it were Anastacio by the herein petitioner is hereby DISMISSED. The order of
Duñgo and Rodrigo S. Gonzales as debtors, Adriano Lopena the lower court dismissing the appeal is her by affirmed
and Rosa Ramos as creditors, and, one Emma R. Santos as