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Draft Guidelines on the Preparation of BE Project Report


A Project report is a documentation of a Graduate student’s project work - a record of the

original work done by the students. It provides information about the student’s project work to
the future scope. The Department is required to preserve a proper copy of the student’s report for
archiving and cataloging it in the Departmental Library, making it available to others for
academic purpose. Standardization, readability, conformance to ethical norms, and durability are
the four overriding criteria for an acceptable form of a report.
The objective of this document is to provide a set of guidelines that help a research students to
prepare the report to satisfy the above-mentioned criteria.
1. The final copy of the project report has to contain all the modifications/corrections
suggested by the Guide and the members of Project Review Committee (PRC) and is to
be submitted after the student’s successfully completion the project in the viva-voce
2. The report has to include a declaration by the students to the effect that he/she has not
resorted to any unethical practice while carrying out the Project work and preparing the
3. The contribution of the students must be explicit in the Introduction chapter of the report.
4. The report must not have any plagiarism. Create content in your own word as guided by
the Guide or PRC members for minimum plagiarism (as per instruction of AICTE (the
letter is attached herewith in the last page number 8))

Report Size
The maximum number of pages of the Report should be preferably between 50 -75

Paper Size
1. The standard A4 paper size of a Report is 21.5 cm (8½ inch) wide and 28 cm (11 inches)
2. Oversized figures and tables, if any, should be reduced to fit within the size of the paper,
but the reduction should not be so drastic as to impair clarity of the contents. One may
also fold these pages to fit within the paper size.
Single-Sided Printing
It is suggested that the report be printed on one side of the paper only.
Non-Paper Material

1. Digital or magnetic disc, such as CDs and DVDs, may be included in the report. They
have to be provided in a closed pocket attached to the inside of the back cover page of the
report. It should be borne in mind that their formats may become obsolete due to rapid
change in technology, making it impossible for the Library to guarantee their preservation
and use.
2. All non-paper materials, as above, must have a label each indicating the name of the
students, the date of submission and Project Title.

Page Numbering

1. Page numbers for the prefacing materials of the report shall be in small Roman numerals
and should be centered at the bottom of the pages.
2. Page numbers for the body of the report should be in integer numerals and should be in
the right at the bottom of the pages. The pagination should start with the first page of
Chapter 1 to end of the chapter-1 and similarly for other chapters (including tables,
figures, and appendices)


1. The report submitted for examination has to be Hardbound (Blue Color). The reports
should have, on their spines, the abbreviated title of the report, Branch and the year of
submission of the report. (See Sample 1 in the attached project file format page no 10).

After the text of the report is written, it is to be formatted in an appropriate manner for printing.
The following guidelines are provided to format the report for easy readability.


1. The preferred font size of the text in the report is 12 point, but in no case should it be less
than 11-point. The minimum font size of materials within a table or a figure can be 8
point, however.
2. The preferred font type is Times New Roman


1. Select the margin sizes for the entire document is normal (Top/Bottom/Left/Right: 1 inch)
for reference go to page layout menu select - margins). The text of the report, including
headings, figures, tables, and notes, but excluding page numbers, must be accommodated
within the page area.

Line Spacing

1. The line spacing in the main text must be one-and-a-half (1.5) lines. Single line spacing
should be given for quotations, abstract, declaration, report approval, figure captions,
table titles, figure legends, footnotes, and references.
2. Equations, tables, figures, and quotations should be set off from the main text with two
line spacing.
3. Two consecutive paragraphs should be separated by two line spacing.


Title of the Report

It may be noted that other students can have electronic access to the abstract
(internationally) and the report. Search engines use the words of the title (and other
keywords) to locate their contents. Use of formulae, symbols, Greek letters should be
substituted by their word equivalents, because they do not appear on most computer

Cover Page

1. Cover page should contain the title of the report name of the team members and guide
name (See Sample 1 front page in the attached project file format page no 10).

2. The spine of the report (when finally submitted after the Viva-Voce Examination) should
be provided with an abbreviated title of the report, branch and the year of submission of
the report. (See Sample 1 in the attached project file format page no 10).

Title Page (First Inner Page)

The title page (first inner page) should be similar to the cover page except university logo (see
sample 2 in the attached project file format page no 1
Declaration by the Students

The students has to give a declaration to the effect that the data used for the work, the work
depicted in the report, and the written material contained in the report are not copied from others
and that due permission has been taken from, and due credit has been given to, the sources
whenever they are used. (See Sample 3 in the attached project file format page no. 2)


It should be limited, preferably, to one page.


Chapter numbers, chapter names, section numbers, section headings, subsection numbers, and
subsection headings, along with the corresponding page numbers, should be given in the
Contents (See Sample 4 in the attached project file format page no 6)
List of Symbols

All the symbols used in the report are to be given here along with their explanations and units of
measurement (if applicable).


1. The abstract of the report should be limited to 200-300 words.

2. A list of keywords should follow the abstract.


The report should be written in American English, not a mixed mode. However, because of
increasing acceptance of both styles and blurring of the distinction between the two, what is
important is that consistency should be maintained throughout the text.

 Indian authors often use both styles without knowing whether the style they follow while
writing is American or British. Also many American words are from Cambridge
Dictionary. Further, there are subtle differences in the British and American styles with
regard to punctuation, abbreviations, quotations which are increasingly accepted by the
proponents of both styles, and hence the distinction between them has blurred over the

 The chapters should have numbers in Arabic numerals and should be written as Chapter-
1, Chapter-2. This should be followed by the title of the chapter (e.g. Introduction). The
font size should be 14-point, bold for the titles.

 Figures, tables, graphs should be positioned within the body of the text immediately after
citation and should not be positioned separately.(Note: Figure number with caption
should be in the bottom of the figure and Table number with caption should be top of the


1. Author-date style of referencing is the preferred style for the project report of the
2. IEEE style to be followed.
3. Reference details must include the title of the source. (See Sample 5 in the attached
project file format page no 8)


1. Each appendix should be identified as Appendix A, Appendix B.

2. It should also have a title.
3. The appendices and their titles should be listed in the Contents.
4. Section and sub-section headings, equations, figures, and tables should be identified as
A.1, A.2 in accordance with their appearance in the appendix.

Page numbering:

Cover page, Certificate, Acknowledgements, Abstract and Contents shall not contain any
page number. All pages of chapters including tables, graphs, figures, and appendices shall
contain page number at the right hand top corner preferably half inch from the top and
three fourth inches from right hand side of the paper.
Arabic numerals shall be used for all pages of chapters and roman numerals for

All copies should be hard bound with the specified color cover page (in no case spiral
binding of thesis will be accepted).
The number of copies shall be one for each students, one copy for the Guide and one
copy for department library.
i.e. No of Copy to be bind:-
a) Individual copy of Each Student.
b) Two Group Copies.
For example there are 4 members in a team so total file will be 6 ( 4 individual Copies + 2 Group
copies (1 for university/college and 1 for guide)

No. pages in the report:

The number of pages in the report should be between 50 –75.

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