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Question Paper of Fluid Mechanics

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PART A – (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

1. Calculate the density, specific weight and weight of one litre of petrol of specific
gravity = 0.7.
2. Define Specific gravity.
3. Define Kinematic viscosity.
4. State ‘Newton’s law of viscosity.
5. What is the effect of viscosity on temperature?
6. Define Capillarity.
7. Define Compressibility.
8. What are the different types of fluids?
9. Differentiate between Compressible and incompressible flow.
10. State the applications of Bernoulli’s equation .
11. Calculate the specific weight, density and specific gravity of one litre of a liquid which
weighs 7 N.
12. Define Specific weight.
13. Mention the units of viscosities.
14. Brief on the effect of temperature on viscosity in gases.
15. Define Surface Tension.
16. What is Bulk modulus?
17. Define Control Volume.
18. Differentiate between rotational and irrotational flow.
19. State the assumptions made in deriving Bernoulli’s equation.
20. Define control volume.
PART B – (2 × 15 = 30 marks)

1. a (i) A 15 cm diameter vertical cylinder rotates concentrically inside another cylinder

of diameter 15.10 cm. Both cylinders are 25 cm high. The space between the cylinders
is filled with a liquid whose viscosity is unknown. If a torque of 12.0 Nm is required to
rotate the inner cylinder at 100 r.p.m., determine the viscosity of the fluid.

(ii) Calculate the capillary effect in millimetres in a glass tube of 4 mm diameter, when
immersed in (i) water, and (ii) mercury. The temperature of the liquid is 20°C and the
values of the surface tension of water and mercury at 20°C in contact with air are
0.073575 N/m and 0.51 N/m respectively. The angle of contact for water is zero that for
mercury 130°. Take density of water at 20°C as equal to 998 kg/m 3. (7)
b. Derive from first principles, the Euler's equation of motion for a steady flow along a
streamline. Hence derive the Bernoulli's equation. State the various assumptions
involved in the above derivation. (15)

2. a. A pipe line carrying oil of specific gravity 0.87, changes in diameter from 200 mm
diameter at a position A to 500 mm diameter at a position B which is 4 metres at a
higher level. If the pressures at A and B are 9.81 N/cm 2 and 5.886 N/cm2 respectively
and the discharge is 200 litres/s determine the loss of head and direction of flow.
b. A horizontal venturimeter with inlet diameter 20 cm and throat diameter 10 cm is used
to measure the flow of oil of sp. gr. 0.8. The discharge of oil through venturimeter is 60
litres/s. Find the reading of the oil-mercury differential manometer. Take Cd = 0.98. (15)

3. a (i) The space between two square flat parallel plates is filled with oil. Each side of
the plate is 60 cm. The thickness of the oil film is 12.5 mm. The upper plate, which
moves at 2.5 metre per sec requires a force of 98.1 N to maintain the speed.
Determine:(i) the dynamic viscosity of the oil in poise, and (ii) the kinematic viscosity of
the oil in stokes, if the specific gravity of the oil is 0.95. (8)

(ii) A 15 cm diameter vertical cylinder rotates concentrically inside another cylinder

of diameter 15.10 cm. Both cylinders are 25 cm high. The space between the cylinders
is filled with a liquid whose viscosity is unknown. If a torque of 12.0 Nm is required to
rotate the inner cylinder at 100 r.p.m., determine the viscosity of the fluid. (7)
b. A vertical gap 2.2 cm wide of infinite extent contains a fluid of viscosity 2.0 N s/m 2 and
specific gravity 0.9. A metallic plate 1.2 m x 1.2 m x 0.2 cm is to be lifted up with a
constant velocity of 0.15 m/sec, through the gap. If the plate is in the middle of the gap,
find the force required. The weight of the plate is 40 N. (15)
4. a. The water is flowing through a pipe having diameters 20 cm and 10 cm at sections
1 and 2 respectively. The rate of flow through pipe is 35 litres/s. The section 1 is 6 m
above datum and section 2 is 4 m above datum. If the pressure at section 1 is 39.24
N/cm2, find the intensity of pressure at section 2. (15)
b. An oil of sp. gr. 0.8 is flowing through a venturimeter having inlet diameter 20 cm
and throat diameter 10 cm. The oil-mercury differential manometer shows a reading of
25 cm. Calculate the discharge of oil through the horizontal venturimeter. Take C d=
0.98. (15)

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