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PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-6


PART-A: Hand in your answers in class on scantron on Wednesday 22 September-2010. The

questions have been numbered so you can use the back side of an older scantron. Write your
name, class (1401) and HW # 6 on the scantron.

1. A 57.0-g tennis ball is traveling straight at a player at 21.0 m/s. The player volleys the ball
straight back at 25.0 m/s. If the ball remains in contact with the racket for 0.060 s, what average
force acts on the ball?
(a) 22.6 kg · m/s2 (b) 32.5 kg · m/s2 (c) 43.7 kg · m/s2 (d) 72.1 kg · m/s2 (e) 102 kg ·m/s2
The impulse given to the ball is I = Fav (D t) = mv f - mvi = m (v f - vi ) . Choosing the direction of the final 

velocity of the ball as the positive direction, this gives

Fav =
m v f - vi ) = ( 57.0 �10 -3  kg
+25.0  m s - ( -21.0  m s ) �
� �= 43.7  kg �m s2 = 43.7 N
( Dt ) 0.060 s

and the correct choice is (c).

2. A car of mass m traveling at speed v crashes into the rear of a truck of mass 2m that is at rest
and in neutral at an intersection. If the collision is perfectly inelastic, what is the speed of the
combined car and truck after the collision?
(a) v (b) v/2 (c) v/3 (d) 2v (e) None of these
Assuming that the collision was head­on so that, after impact, the wreckage moves in original direction of the car’s

motion, conservation of momentum during the impact gives

( mc + mt ) v f = mc v0c + mt v0t = mc v + mt ( 0 )


� mc � � m � v
vf = � �v = � �v =
�c + mt � �m + 2 m � 3

showing that (c) is the correct choice.

3. A small china bowl having kinetic energy E is sliding along a frictionless countertop when a
server, with perfect timing, places a rice ball into the bowl as it passes him. If the bowl and rice
ball have the same mass, what is the kinetic energy of the system thereafter?
(a) 2E (b) E (c) E/2 (d) E/4 (e) E/8

The mass in motion after the rice ball is added to the bowl is twice the original moving mass. Therefore, to 

conserve momentum, the speed of the (rice ball + bowl) after the event must be one half of the initial 

speed of the bowl (i.e., f = i /2). The final kinetic energy is then
1 � E
( m + mbowl ) v2f = 12 ( 2mbowl ) �
�vi � 1 �1
KE f = = � mbowl vi2 �=
2 ball �2 �� 2 �2 � 2

and the correct choice is (c). 
PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-6

4. In a game of billiards, a red billiard ball is traveling in the positive x-direction with speed v
and the cue ball is traveling in the negative x-direction with speed 3v when the two balls collide
head on. Which statement is true concerning their velocities subsequent to the collision?
Neglect any effects of spin.
(a) red ball: –v; cue ball: 3v (b) red ball: v; cue ball: 2v (c) red ball: –3v; cue ball: v (d) red ball:
v; cue ball: 3v (e) The velocities can’t be determined without knowing the mass of each ball.
Billiard balls all have the same mass and collisions between them may be considered to be elastic. The dual 

requirements of conservation of kinetic energy and conservation of momentum in a one­dimensional, 

elastic collision are summarized by the two relations:
m1v1i + m2 v2 i = m1v1 f + m2 v2 f



v1i - v2i = - v1 f - v2 f )

In this case, m1 = m2 and the masses cancel out of the first equation. Call the cue ball #1 and the red ball 

#2 so that 1i = –3, 2i = +, 1f = cue, and 2f = red. Then, the two equations become:

-3v + v = vcue + vred or vcue + vred = - 2v



-3v - v = - ( vcue - vred ) or vcue - vred = 4v


Adding the final versions of these equations yields 2cue = 2, or cue = . Substituting this result into 

either [1] or [2] above then yields red = –3. Thus, the correct response for this question is (c).

5. A 5-kg cart moving to the right with a speed of 6 m/s collides with a concrete wall and
rebounds with a speed of 2 m/s. Is the change in momentum of the cart
(a) 0, (b) 40 kg · m/s, (c) 240 kg · m/s, (d) 230 kg · m/s, or (e) 210 kg · m/s?
We choose the original direction of motion of the cart as the positive direction. Then, i = 6 m/s and f = –2 m/s. 

The change in the momentum of the cart is

( )
D p = mv f - mvi = m v f - vi = ( 5 kg ) ( - 2  m s - 6  m s ) = -40  kg �m s

and choice (c) is the correct answer.
PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-6
6. A 0.10-kg object moving initially with a velocity of 0.20 m/s eastward makes an elastic
head-on collision with a 0.15-kg object initially at rest. What is the final velocity of the 0.10-kg
object after the collision?
(a) 0.16 m/s eastward (b) 0.16 m/s westward (c) 0.040 m/s eastward (d) 0.040 m/s westward (e)
None of these
Requirements of conserving both momentum and kinetic energy in this one­dimensional, elastic collision are 

summarized by the equations
m1v1i + m2 v2 i = m1v1 f + m2 v2 f



v1i - v2 i = - v1 f - v2 f )

Choosing eastward as the positive direction, we have m1 = 0.10 kg, 1i = +0.20 m/s, m2 = 0.15 kg, and 2i

= 0. The general equations then become

(0.10 kg)(+0.20 m/s) + (0.15 kg)(0) = (0.10 kg) 1f + (0.15 kg) 2f

or, after simplifying,

1f + 1.502f = 0.20 m/s



0.20 m/s – 0 = –1f + 2f  or 2f  = 1f + 0.20 m/s


Substitute the final version of [2] into the final version of [1] to obtain 2.50v1f = –0.10 m/s yielding

1f = –0.040 m/s or 1f = 0.040 m/s westward

This means that (d) the correct choice for this question.

7. A 0.004-kg bullet is fired into a 0.200-kg block of wood at rest on a horizontal surface. After
impact, the block with the embedded bullet slides 8.00 m before coming to rest. If the
coefficient of friction is 0.400, what is the speed of the bullet before impact?
(a) 96 m/s (b) 112 m/s (c) 286 m/s (d) 404 m/s (e) 812 m/s
First, consider the motion of the block, with embedded bullet, from just after impact until it comes to rest. During 

this time, the only force doing work on the block is the friction force between it and the horizontal 

surface. The work–energy theorem then gives

1 1
Wnet = ( fk cos 180�) D x = m v2 - mtotal vi2
2 total f 2

Since f = 0 and fk = kn = k (mtotalg), this becomes
PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-6
( )
-  k mtotal g D x = 0 - m v2
2 total i
or vi = 2  k g ( D x )

and the speed of the (block with embedded bullet) just after impact is

vi = (
2 ( 0.400 ) 9.80  m s2 ) ( 8.00 m ) = 7.92  m s

Conservation of momentum from just before impact to just after gives mbullet0 = mtotal, so the speed of 

the bullet before impact is

�m � �0.200 kg + 0.004 kg �
v0 = � total �vi = � �( 7.92  m s ) = 404  m s
�mbullet � � 0.004 kg �

which is seen to be choice (d).

8. If two particles have equal momenta, are their kinetic energies equal?
(a) yes, always (b) no, never (c) no, except when their masses are equal (d) no, except when
their speeds are the same (e) yes, as long as they move along parallel lines
The kinetic energy of a particle may be written as
KE =
m v2
m 2 v2
( mv ) =
2 2m 2m 2m

The ratio of the kinetic energies of two particles is then

( KE ) 2 p2 2 m2 �p � �m �
= 22 = �2 �� 1 �
( KE ) 1 p1 2m1 �p1 � �m2 �

We see that, if the magnitudes of the momenta are equal (p2 – p1), the kinetic energies will be equal only 

if the masses are also equal. The correct response is then (c).

9. If two particles have equal kinetic energies, are their momenta equal?
(a) yes, always (b) no, never (c) yes, as long as their masses are equal (d) yes, if both their
masses and directions of motion are the same (e) no, unless they are moving perpendicular to
each other
Expressing the kinetic energy as KE = p2/2m (see questions 9 and 10), we see that the ratio of the magnitudes of 

the momenta of two particles is

p2 2m2 ( KE ) 2 �m2 �( KE ) 2
= =  
p1 2m1 ( KE ) 1

�m ��( KE )
1 1

Thus, we see that if the particles have equal kinetic energies [(KE)2 = (KE)1], the magnitudes of their 

momenta are equal only if the masses are also equal. However, momentum is a vector quantity and we 

can say the two particles have equal momenta only it both the magnitudes and directions are equal, 

making choice (d) the correct answer.
PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-6

10. A 3.00-kg steel ball strikes a wall with a speed of 10.0 m/s at an angle of 60.0° with the
surface. It bounces off with the same speed and angle. If the ball is in contact with the wall for
0.200 s, what is the average force exerted by the wall on the ball?
a. -260 N b. -360 N c. -460 N d. -560 N
ur r D py
Dp D px
F av =
so ( Fav ) x =
( Fav ) y =


( )
( )
- vy �
�= m [ v cos 60.0 �- v cos 60.0 �
i� ] =0
( Fav ) y =
Dt Dt

(  ) - ( x ) i �
� x f ( - sin 60.0 �) - ( + sin 60.0 �) �
�= m �
� �
( Fav ) x = Dt Dt

-2 mv sin 60.0 � - 2 ( 3.00 kg ) ( 10.0  m s ) sin 60.0 �

= =
Dt 0.200 s
= -260 N
Fav = 260 N in the negative  x­direction or perpendicular to the wall

11. A 10.0-g bullet is fired into a stationary block of wood (m = 5.00 kg). The bullet imbeds
into the block. The speed of the bullet-plus-wood combination immediately after the collision is
0.600 m/s. What was the original speed of the bullet?
a- 201 m/s b- 301 m/s c- 401 m/s
(mv + MV)i = (mv + MV)f
0.1v +5x0 = 5.01x0.6
V = 301 m/s

12. A railroad car of mass 2.50  104 kg is moving with a speed of 4.00 m/s. It collides and
couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and
moving in the same direction with an initial speed of 2.00 m/s. What is the speed of the four
cars immediately after the collision?
a. 1.5 m/s b. 2.5 m/s c. 3.5 m/s d. 4.5 m/s
(mv +3mV)i = 4mVf
m factored out
4 + 3x2 = 4 Vf
Vf = 2.5 m/s

13. A 45.0-kg girl is standing on a plank that has a mass of 150 kg. The plank, originally at rest,
is free to slide on a frozen lake that constitutes a flat, frictionless supporting surface. The girl
PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-6
begins to walk along the plank at a constant velocity 1.50 î m/s relative to the plank. What is
her velocity relative to the ice surface?
a- 3.15 i m/s b- 2.15 i m/s c- 1.15 i m/s

w.r.t. ground: (conservation of momentum)

0 = 45 ( 1.5 + Vp ) + 150 Vp
-45 x 1.5 = (45+150) Vp
Vp =-0.346
1.5 + Vp = 1.15 m/s

14. Two automobiles of equal mass approach an intersection. One vehicle is traveling with
velocity 13.0 m/s toward the east, and the other is traveling north with speed v2i. Neither driver
sees the other. The vehicles collide in the intersection and stick together, leaving parallel skid
marks at an angle of 55.0° north of east. What was the speed of the northward-moving vehicle?
a. 21.5 mile/hr b. 31.5 mile/hr c. 41.5 mile/hr

X-dir: m x 13 = 2 m V Cos 55
V = 11.3
Y-dir: m V2 = 2 m V Sin 55
V2 = 18.51 m/s

18.51 m/s = 41.65 miles/hr

15. The first stage of a Saturn V space vehicle consumed fuel and oxidizer at the rate of 1.50 
104 kg/s, with an exhaust speed of 2.60  103 m/s. Find the acceleration the vehicle had just as
it lifted off the launch pad on the Earth, taking the vehicle’s initial mass as 3.00  106 kg. Note:
You must include the gravitational force to solve this.
a – 5.2 m/s2 b – 4.2 m/s2 c – 3.2 m/s2

Thrust = Ve (ΔM / Δt)

= 2.6 x 103 x 1.5 x 104 = 39 x 106 N
F = thrust – weight = ma
a = (39 x 106 - 3 x 106 x 9.8) / (3 x 106)
= 3.2 m/s2

PART-B: Hand in your solutions to the following questions in class, on Wed-22 Oct -2010.

16. In perfectly inelastic collisions between two objects, there are events in which all of the
original kinetic energy is transformed to forms other than kinetic. Give an example of such an

Bullet on fixed, heavy block of wood

Head on collision of vehicles of equal mass and speed
PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-6

17. If two objects collide and one is initially at rest, is it possible for both to be at rest after the
collision? Is it possible for only one to be at rest after the collision? Explain.

By cons of mom…. No
By cons of mom…. Yes (elastic head-on collision of equal masses, one initially at rest)

18. A more ordinary example of conservation of momentum than a rocket ship occurs in a
kitchen dishwashing machine. In this device, water at high pressure is forced out of small holes
on the spray arms. Use conservation of momentum to explain why the arms rotate, directing
water to all the dishes.

To conserve momentum, downward motion of water balanced by upward motion of rotor.

19. An air bag inflates when a collision occurs, protecting a passenger (Figure CQ6.12) from
serious injury. Why does the air bag soften the blow?

Increase time of impulse

Increase area of contact
Air loss form bag softens impact

20. An open box slides across a frictionless, icy surface of a frozen lake. What happens to the
speed of the box as water from a rain shower falls vertically downward into the box? Explain.

Mass increases, momentum remains same >> velocity decreases.

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