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PLC Based Inspection, Packaging and Storing of Materials

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

PLC Based Inspection, Packaging and Storing of Materials

Neeraj Kumar Maurya1, Md. Allauddin Khan2, Harshit Prakash Singh3, Shivendra Kaura4
1 Bachelor of Technology, Electrical & Electronics Department, G L Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, UP,

2 Bachelor of Technology, Electrical & Electronics Department, G L Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, UP,

3 Bachelor of Technology, Electrical & Electronics Department, G L Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, UP,
4Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Department, G L Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, UP, India

Abstract – This Paper comprises of Inspection, Packing
and Automated Storage and of any manufactured
component. Whenever a company manufactures
components, they can substitute this system in place of their
quality assurance system, their packaging system and
warehousing system. Using this application process time
and accuracy can be optimized due to minimum human
interaction. This system may have higher initial cost, but its
advantages are far more beneficial. Packing that is sound, in
line with the warehouse layout, which also optimizes the
utilization of space available and lowers the freight cost.
Minimization of manpower requirements leads to reduced
cost per package. This system examines the manufactured
component as per specifications, sorts out the ineligible Fig -1: Project Layout
components, then it packs them in the shipping box. The
entire system is controlled by Programmable Logic The term inspection can be defined as the activity of
Controller (PLC). This system helps you to understand the examining the products, its components, sub-assemblies,
whole working of a real system which is currently employed or materials out of which it is made, and to determine
in the industry. whether they follow to design specifications. Inspection
has become an essential part of any manufacturing system.
Key Words: Automation, PLC, Ladder logic It is the means of rejecting nonconformities and assuring
programming, Sensors, Motors etc…
good quality products. Steps of inspection include
1. INTRODUCTION presentation of item, Examination for non-conforming
features, Decision based on evaluation and Action
This system comprises a miniature model of process of depending on Decision (accept or reject item).
reception, put-away, storage, retrieval, packaging, Automated inspection is defined as the automation of one
shipment preparation, replenishment and inventory or more steps involved in the inspection procedure.
Completely automated inspection system in which steps of
This system is distributed in several sections:- presentation, examination, decisions and action are
A. Conveyor Belt 1 performed automatically. Automated system operates
B. Conveyor Belt 2 with high accuracy for simple inspection tasks such as
automatic gauging of a simple dimension on a part. With
C. Rolling Disc
the increase in complexity of inspection, the error rate

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

tends to decreases, compared to manual inspection. The Structure Dimensions: - 6inch *4inch
process of automated packaging of inspection passed item Belt Dimension: 13inch *3.8inch *.01inch
is also an advantage. For safety of item during shipping
As the material come on the belt, the belt will start moving
and handling certain standards have to be followed. automatically. It means the presence of object will sense
Automated Warehousing is based on Automatic Storage by the sensor and will respond to the belt 1 as per ladder
and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS), automated robotic logic. The First sensor will sense the presence of the object
systems for storing and retrieving items in a warehouse. only. The conveyor has many components as well like
Solutions are tailored for industry purposes such as conveyor belt, conveyor pulley, shaft, and mechanical
production storage, cold or deepfreeze storage,
distribution centers. Modern warehouse system design
offers infinite innovative possibilities. The main taken into
consideration are product type, product diversity, number
of articles.

This system is comprises of following:-

Mechanical Structure: -

 Conveyor 1
 Conveyor 2
 Rejection Assembly Fig -2: Conveyor Belt 1
 Rolling Disc

Instrumentation Devices:- 2.2 Rejection Assembly

 PLC (IDAC) It performs on-line/post-process inspection. It consists of

 Photo Sensors- 3Nos(PNP, 4 wire, 18mm dia, rejection mechanism with 12V DC Motor of 30 RPM and
8mm rang one proximity sensors for whole inspection of the Metal
 Inductive Proximity Sensor(PNP, 3wire, 18mm Article. The motor in rejection mechanism converts
dia, 3mm range, 10-30V ) rotational movement in prismatic movement for rejection
 Buzzer (220V) Arm. It will reject the article if it does not fulfill design
 DC Motors- 4Nos(12v, 100 rpm and 45 rpm)
specification of the product.
 DC Power Supply ( 12V )
 Emergency Switch
 Power Adapter ( 220V AC- 12V DC)


 Programming Software: IDAC Logic WindLDR

 Ladder Diagram of Project


It consists of conveyor belt placed on to the platform &

will be rotated on rollers by 12V DC motor. The product
which is manufactured will be placed onto the conveyor
platform for transportation and then it will undergo Fig -3: Rejection Assembly
inspection counting. The counting will undergo by the
timer and buzzer. Other conveyor has same dimension as 2.3 Conveyor Belt 2
conveyor 1.
The dimensions of the conveyor 1 are same as conveyor 2.
2.1 Conveyor Belt 1 It consists of conveyor belt placed on to the platform &
will be rotated on rollers by 12V DC motor. The product
Height: - 7inch,
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

which is manufactured will be placed onto the conveyor

platform for transportation. This belt carries the metallic
objects and will put the object upon the rolling disc.

Height- 7inchStructure
Structure Dimensions: - 6inch *4inch
Belt Dimension: 13inch *3.8inch *.01inch

Fig -6: IDAC PLC

3.1 Proximity Sensors

Proximity sensors are entirely solid state electronic

controls that contain no moving parts to wear out as do
mechanical Switches. They necessitate no physical contact
for Actuation, no cams or linkages, have no contacts to
bounce or arc and are fully encapsulated.

Inductive Proximity Sensor: -

Two, three, or four-wire proximity sensors contain a

Fig -4: Conveyor Belt 2 transistor oscillator and a snap-action amplifier. This
provides exceedingly high accuracy to a set switching
2.4 Rolling Disc point, even with very slowly approaching targets.
Dimension- 14inch dia The sensors can drive electromechanical relays, counters,
solenoids, or electronic modules, and interface directly
with logic systems or programmable controllers without
additional interface circuitry. They are available with
either NPN output transistors (current sinking) or PNP
output transistors (current sourcing).

Three sensors are used in this system. Two photo sensors

both ends of conveyor 1, both have same function will
sense the presence of the object. One Inductive proximity
Fig -5: Rolling Disc sensors are placed conveyor structure. Proximity sensors
will sense the metal part of any object & it will be generate
a signal proportionally so object will be stopped.

A PLC or programmable controller is an industrial digital

computer which has been ruggedized and adapted for the
control of manufacturing processes, such as assembly
lines, or robotic devices, or any activity that requires high
reliability control and ease of programming and process
fault diagnosis. In this system made of hard real time IDEC
PLC automation purpose. An IDEC PLC is Japanese PLC
which is used in the modern day to day industries.
Fig -7: Proximity Sensor Circuit

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Here 4 DC motors are used WindLDR is the software tool you use to create control
Conveyor 1- 1Nos projects for Vision controllers. After you plan the control
Conveyor 2- 1Nos task, use WindLDR to write, debug, and download the PLC
Rejection Assembly- 1Nos control and HMI applications into the controller. You write
Rolling Disc- 1Nos
the PLC application using the Ladder Editor. The HMI
application configures the operating panel's function. You
use the HMI Editor to create the Displays that are shown
on the controller's screen. Displays tell your operators
what to do. You can have your operators log in with a
password, enter set points and other data, and instruct the
operator what to do in case of a system problem or alarm.
A Display can contain both text and images.

Input Addressing Output Addressing

Sensor1 I0000 Motor1 Q0001
Fig -8: DC motor Sensor2 I0001 Motor2 Q0002
Sensor3 I0002 Motor3 Q0003
Specifications:- Sensor4 I0003 Motor4 Q0004
 Shaft diameter: 6mm Buzzer Q0005
 Rated volt: 12VDC
 No load Current: 0.72A
 Rated Power: 10W
 Rated speed: 50±5%rpm
 Rated Torque : 6N.m

3.3 Buzzer

Fig -9: 220V Buzzer

 Sound output: 121dB
 Voltage input: 24VDC
 Voltage tolerance: +/- 25 %
 Current mA: 375mA
 Alarm tones: 5
 Operation Temp: –25 to +55ºC Fig -10: Ladder Logic Program of Project

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


The operation of both the conveyor belts is carried out.

The operation of sensors, actuators and all other electrical
devices are carried out by PLC. The motor operation their
delay mechanism, counter operations sensing unit all are
carried out by PLC. It shows that the mechanical process
or manmade operation can be operated without human
intervention and therefore reduces the human effort. It
drives the whole circuitry of sensors which are either PNP
or NPN sensors which depict the output which maybe
either positive or negative on the wiring and operation.


With the application of this project the automation part

can be made more effective in the industrial scenario. The
cost of production can be reduced as the human efforts are .
also reduced. It provides finest of products with minimum
of delay in its operation process. More skilled workers are
employed which improves the industry statistics. The
large quantity products demand can be countered with the
help of automation. Safety of workers are also ensured
with the use of automation control in the industry and any
kind of defects are also lowered which is more often in
case of the human intervention.

[1] Programmable logic controllers, by John W. Webb

Ronald A. Reis, Prentice Hall, 2003
[2] Manual of Inductive Proximity Sensor, by BCH Electric
[3] Manual of IDEC PLC
[4] Manual of 2 C/O Relay Modules, by Connect well
Industries Pvt. Ltd.
[5] windsormachines
[6] “Process control instrumentation Technology” by
Curtis Johnson

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 5

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