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The key takeaways are that film temperature control plays a crucial role in fired heater design, especially for heaters processing heavy feedstocks. Methods discussed for controlling film temperature include steam injection, reducing tube size, using double firing, and lowering the average heat flux.

Some methods discussed for controlling film temperature include steam injection, reducing tube size, using double firing, and lowering the average heat flux. Steam injection works by injecting steam to reduce the film temperature. Reducing tube size increases velocity and heat transfer. Double firing uses two rows of burners.

Film temperature control is important because oil degradation starts at the fluid film temperature, exceeding the film temperature limit can lead to coking, and overheating accelerates fouling rates. This causes more frequent shutdowns and reduced profitability.

Controlling film temperature in fired

Film temperature control is critical to the sucessful design of fired heaters,
especially for heaters employed in upgrading heavy feedstocks


WorleyParsons Canada

irect-fired heaters have to a costly result. Secondly, if Fouling requires more heat
been widely used in the the film temperature exceeds input and a hotter tube metal
oil refining and chemical the limitation, the stationary temperature to maintain the
process industries to heat the fluid film on the inside tube same heater outlet temperature.
crude oil contained in tubular surfaces is subject to thermal These factors cause heaters to
coils by the combustion of fuel decomposition, which results shut down much more
within an internally insulated in coke deposition at that loca- frequently and eventually
enclosure. A successful fired tion. Coke deposits increase reduce the whole plant’s
heater design relies on many resistance to heat transfer and profitability.
factors. Film temperature raise the tube metal’s tempera- Due to the importance of the
control is one of the key factors ture. Once the tube wall film temperature, its control has
that play a crucial role in fired temperature reaches the design become a hot topic for fired
heater design, particularly for temperature, the heater must heater designs, especially for
units processing heavy feed- be shut down for decoking crude heaters, vacuum heaters
stocks that are thermally to avoid coil damage. Thirdly, and coker heaters. In this article,
unstable, such as Canadian oil overheating of the fluid film some feasible methods of
sands-based feedstocks. accelerates the fouling rate. controlling the film temperature
Film temperature determines
the susceptibility of a process
fluid towards coking. Bulk oil 380
temperature plus a temperature
rise across the oil film sets the
Film temperature, ºC

film temperature. In most 340

applications, it is the oil film
temperature, not the bulk oil 320
temperature, that limits the
heater duty and the oil life.1
Film temperature is an impor- 280
tant factor in fired heater
design for many reasons. 260 With steam injection
Firstly, oil degradation starts in Without steam injection
the fluid film, since this is the
hottest place for the bulk oil. From inlet to outlet
Fluid life is shortened because
of degradation, which can lead Figure 1 Effect of steam injection on film temperatures PTQ Q1 2013 1

occurs after steam injection into
420 the process fluid.
Reducing tube size
Film temperature, ºC

400 Depending on the allowable

pressure drop, fired heater coils
390 are usually divided into multi-
ple passes to accommodate the
total flow and to meet pressure
370 drop requirements. For a given
flow rate and the number of
360 6.625 in tubes flow passes, oil mass velocity
4.5 in tubes increases with reducing tube
size. A higher oil mass velocity
From inlet to outlet reduces the oil residence time
and increases the film heat
Figure 2 Effect of tube size on film temperatures transfer coefficient, therefore
lowering the film temperature.
for fired heater design are heater at a design duty of 63 Figure 2 shows the effect of
presented. Methods including MW with diluted bitumen as tube size on film temperatures.
steam injection, reducing tube the process feed. The simula- The horizontal axis represents
size, using double firing and tion was performed with a the heater coil growth from
lowering the average heat flux commercial fired heater rating radiant inlet to radiant outlet.
are discussed, and some meth- program, FRNC-5PC, which The results come from the
ods are presented with has been widely used and has simulation of a small heater
accompanying examples. been proven to be reliable in with a design duty of 15 MW.
predicting heater performance. The heater is a vertical cylindri-
Steam injection Selecting the correct location cal type with four-pass flow.
Steam injection is one of the and amount of steam injection To demonstrate the effect of
best options for lowering the is critical. It must be injected tube size on the film tempera-
film temperature, as long as upstream of the heater tubes ture, the radiant tube size is
there are no unintended conse- with the highest film tempera- changed from 6.625in to 4.5in,
quences downstream of the ture, yet far enough with no change in the size of
units. Steam reduces the oil downstream in the radiant the convection tubes. More
residence time by increasing section to minimise incremental radiant tubes have been added
the fluid velocity. High fluid pressure drop to ensure charge to the radiant section to
velocity improves heat transfer pump capacity is not compensate for surface loss
in the film layer, which lowers exceeded.2 caused by the reduction in tube
the differential temperature Steam injection can also size, to keep the same heat flux.
between the tube wall and the change the flow regime for Case 1 is for the heater with all
bulk fluid. Figure 1 shows the two-phase flow. The problem tubes sized at 6.625in, while
effect of steam injection on associated with slug flow can case 2 is for the same heater
film temperature for one crude be mitigated by steam injection. with tube sizes changed from
heater. The horizontal axis However, it is not the intention 6.625in 4.5in, for the radiant
represents the radiant coil of this article to discuss the coils only. It can be seen that
growth from inlet to outlet. It effect of steam injection on the the film temperature in the
can be seen that the film flow regime because it is not radiant section has been
temperature drops around related to the topic. Caution is decreased because of the reduc-
20°C after injecting 1 wt% of advised in selecting a suitable tion in tube size.
steam into the fluid. The steam condition to match the Reducing the tube size
results shown in Figure 1 arise process fluid condition, to increases the heater pressure
from the simulation of a crude make sure that no condensation drop, which requires a much

2 PTQ Q1 2013

higher pump head upstream of
the heater. Since film tempera- 380
ture control is basically 360
intended to control the peak

Film temperature, ºC
film temperature, it is advisable
to reduce tube sizes for tubes 320
with peak film temperature 300
only, to minimise the increase
in pressure drop caused by 280
reducing tube sizes. 260

Double fired vs single fired
A fired heater can be single or 220 Single fired
double fired. The heat flux on Double fired
the tube’s circumferential
surface is not uniform because From inlet to outlet
of the shading of radiant heat.
The single-fired heater receives Figure 3 Comparison of the film temperature between single and double firing
radiant heat on one side of the
process tubes (directly from the can be calculated by the follow- of a vacuum heater with a
burner flame), while the other ing equations:4 design duty of 50 MW. It can be
side of the tubes, facing the seen that using double fired can
heater wall, gains radiant heat greatly reduce the film tempera-
from the refractory. The portion Tf = Tb + ∆Tf (2) ture of the radiant coil for the
of the tube facing the burners heater.
has a higher local heat flux,
qm Do (3)
while the side facing the refrac- ∆Tf = ( ) Lowering the average heat flux
tory is much lower. For a given Kf Di The first step in designing a
fired heater with nominal two fired heater is to set up the
diameter tube spacing and a where Tf and Tb are film allowable average radiant heat
very uniform longitudinal heat temperature and oil bulk flux. For a given heater, either
flux distribution, the local peak temperature, respectively. ∆Tf single or double fired, it is
heat flux (qm) is approximately is the film temperature rise and helpful to control the film
1.8 times the average heat flux Kf is a film heat transfer temperature by lowering the
(qa) for single-fired heating. In coefficient. average heat flux. From
contrast, the double-fired heater From the equations, it can be Equation 1, the localised heat
has radiant heat on both sides seen that it is the localised heat flux reduces with lower aver-
of the tubes, which greatly flux, not the average heat flux, age heat flux, no matter
reduces the peak flux to about that directly governs the film whether it is single or double
1.2 times the average heat flux.3 temperature. For a heater with a fired. Oil film temperature
The correlations mentioned given average heat flux, a depends on the heat flux and
above for single and double double-fired heater has a lower oil mass velocity. Decreasing
fired can be simply represented localised heat flux distribution the heat flux reduces the oil
in the following equation: than a single-fired heater. A film temperature at a fixed
lower localised heat flux reduces mass velocity.5
qm = Xqa (1) the film temperature at that The average radiant section
location. Figure 3 shows a heat flux is defined as the total
where X represents the time comparison of the film tempera- radiant section absorbed duty
factor, which is approximately ture between single and double divided by the total radiant
equal to 1.8 and 1.2 for single firing for the same heater with section tube surface area. For a
and double fired, respectively. the same average heat flux. The given radiant duty of a fired
The local film temperature results are from the simulation heater, the only way to lower PTQ Q1 2013 3

the average heat flux is to ter more or less significant heat References
increase the radiant section’s flux imbalances. This heat flux 1 Pelini R G, Heat flux and film
surface area. It may be reasona- imbalance can cause high film temperature in fired thermal-fluid
ble to assume a relatively low temperatures and high rates of heaters, Chemical Engineering, Dec 2008.
average heat flux to design a fouling formation. Efforts 2 Hanson D, Martin M, Low capital
revamp increases vacuum gas oil yield,
fired heater with very tight film should be made to optimise the
March, Oil & Gas Journal, 2002.
temperature control. However, design parameters to minimise
3 Romero S, Delayed coker fired heater
it is also noted that oil resi- the heat flux imbalance. These design and operations, Rio Oil & Gas
dence time increases as the design parameters include radi- Expo and Conference, 2010.
surface area increases, which ant section height to width 4 API 530, Calculation of heater-tube
may partially counteract the ratio, burner to tube distance, thickness in petroleum refineries, 6th ed,
benefit of decreasing the film number of burners, flame shape Sept 2008.
temperature by lowering the and dimensions, and radiant 5 Golden S W, Barletta T, Designing
average heat flux. A lower section tube layout.7 vacuum units, Separations, Apr 2006.
average heat flux means more Flame impingement can 6 Martin G R, Heat-flux imbalance in
capital cost in the heater coils, cause extremely high localised fired heaters cause operating problems,
Hydrocarbon Processing, May 1998.
which is another drawback in heat flux, which results in a
7 Nogay R, Prasad A, Better design
controlling the film tempera- higher film temperature and
method for fired heaters, Hydrocarbon
ture by reducing the average rapid coke formation. Flame Processing, Nov 1985.
heat flux. Thus, the effect on impingement occurs when a 8 Vinayagam K, Minimizing flame
heater design of lowering the flame actually touches or impingements in fired heaters, Chemical
average heat flux should be engulfs the tubes. Vinayagam Engineering, May 2007.
carefully evaluated before a has discussed the causes of
Jinyu Jiao is a Mechanical Engineer
decision is made. flame impingement for a fired
with WorleyParsons in Calgary, Canada.
heater.8 Some precautions need
He holds an MS degree in mechanical
Other design considerations to be considered in the design engineering as well as a PhD in chemical
There are other design consid- of fired heaters to prevent engineering.
erations that should not be flame impingement occurring; Yuriy Morayko is a Mechanical Engineer
neglected when designing a for instance, an adequate fire with WorleyParsons in Calgary, Canada.
fired heater with better film box to contain the flame, more He holds a BSc degree in mechanical
temperature control. The radi- and equally spaced burners, engineering.
ant section heat flux at any the correct type of burners, and Morten Theilgaard is a Mechanical
point in the heater is controlled improved distribution of Department Manager for WorleyParsons
by the temperature difference combustion air flow. in Calgary, Canada. He holds a BSc in
mechanical engineering.
between the hot flue gas and
Michael Ho has eight years’ experience
oil in the tube. The heat trans- Summary
in the oil and gas industry in an EPCM
fer rate increases with the Film temperature control is environment. He holds master’s and
temperature difference between critical to the successful design bachelor’s degrees in mechanical
the hot flue gas and the cold of fired heaters, especially for engineering.
oil.6 In a vertical up-fired heater, those heaters employed in
it is not rare to see that heat upgrading heavy feedstocks.
flux is low at the floor and This article has discussed
gradually increases along the several ways to control the film
length of the flame. It temperature in the design of LINKS
is highest at the point where fired heaters. These methods
More articles from the following
maximum combustion takes have been discussed in detail
place in the flame, then reduces and have proved to be effective Automation & Process Control
at the top of the fire box. Thus, means of controlling film Thermal Technology
real fired heaters may encoun- temperature.

4 PTQ Q1 2013

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