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6 Lab: Motor Constants: 6.1 Prelab

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Prelab Participation Lab

√ √√ √ √√ √ √√ Name:
+ −0 + −0 + −0

6 Lab: Motor Constants

Motors are useful for actuating and controlling systems. Understanding how they work
is helpful for designing and building real systems. Two quantities that characterize a
motor’s function are the motor torque constant km and the motor voltage constant
kv that appear in the following formulas

Tm = km im vm = kv ωm

where Tm is the motor torque, im is the current passing through the motor, vm is motor
back-EMF voltage, and ωm is the motor’s angular speed.
The values of these constants are usually found on a motor specification sheet
that is experimentally determined by the motor’s manufacturer. The motors and encoders
used in this lab were purchased second-hand. Since the motor constants are not known,
we will run an experiment to determine their values.

6.1 PreLab
Soon, you will do your own MIPSI lab. You will choose a physical system, and use the
MIPSI technique, i.e., Model, Identifiers, Physics, Simplify and Solve, and Interpret
your results. To prepare for the future MIPSI lab, brainstorm two physical systems that
have an interesting question to be answered and are not a Ph.D. dissertation.
Short system description and question to be answered Rough system schematic

Short system description and question to be answered Rough system schematic

6.2 Experimental
A schematic of an ideal DC motor is shown to the
Armature Armature
right. This motor model includes the voltage sup- vi resistance v a inductance vm
plied to the motor (vi ), the motor’s coil resistance Rm Lm
Rotor inertia J
(Rm ), the motor’s inductance (Lm ), and the mo-
+ Voltage Source
tor’s back-EMF (vm ). The ODE that relates the vi
vm Motor TLOAD
- -
motor’s angular speed ωm to the input voltage vi Viscous damping b
This electro-mechanical ODE is in the homework.

Lm J ω¨m + (Lm b + Rm J) ω˙m + (Rm b + km kv ) ωm = km vi − Rm TLoad − Lm ṪLoad

No load speed
Shown to the right is the linear relationship be-
tween the motor’s steady-state angular speed ωm 16

and a constant value of TLoad (when vi is constant).

ωm (rad/sec)
vi = 20 volts

Notice that increasing the input voltage vi in- 8 vi = 12 volts

creases the line’s offset. Stall torque

Note: The slope of this line is called the motor’s vi = 4 volts

speed-torque gradient constant, kgradient . 0

0 2 4 6 8 10
TLoad (N*m)

6.2.1 Stall torque

Write the ODE governing TLoad when both vi and ωm are constant and determine the
steady-state part of TLoad as a function of ωm and vi when both vi and ωm are constant.
Lm ṪLoad + Rm TLoad = km vi − (Rm b + km kv ) ωm

TLoad | vi is constant = ωm + vi
ωm is constant

Solve for km in terms of the steady-state value of TLoad when vi is constant and the motor
is stalled, i.e., ωm (t) = 0.

km = TLoad

While the motor is stalled, use the multi-meter to measure the resistance of the motor
coil at several angular positions.

Average Resistance Rm ≈ Ohms

Using the motor attached to the cart via the wire, measure the stall torque for an
appropriate range of vi from 3 to 5 volts. Assume the spring is linear. Note the length of
the moment arm. Do not stall the motor for long or it will overheat and burn out.
Approx. vi Measured vi Cart Displacement Force Torque km
Average km

6.2.2 No-load angular speed

Solve for kv in terms of the steady-state value of ωm when vi is constant and there is no
load on the motor, i.e., TLoad (t) = 0.

kv =

6.2.3 Estimation with an Encoder

We use an several pieces of equipment to measure and record the motor’s angular speed,
• Encoder:
Our optical quadrature encoder determines our motor’s rotational
speed by detecting alternating light and dark patterns on a disk.
For example, the encoder on the right shows 8 transitions (from light
to dark or vice-versa). A quadrature encoder has the ability to detect
both angular speed and direction. Our encoder has 1000 transi-
tions (500 black sections and 500 white sections) and counts 1000 tics
rev .
• Oscilloscope:
The oscilloscope receives a digital signal from the encoder (i.e., bits
of one and zero) and displays them to the screen. For example, the
oscilloscope pattern to the right shows bits of one (“high bits”) τperiod

and bits of zero (“low bits”). The value τperiod is the time interval
from a transition from low to high to the next transition from low
to high, e.g., measured in microseconds (10-6 seconds).
Using a motor without load, measure the steady-state value of ωm (use the oscilloscope
and a single output channel of the encoder) for an appropriate range of vi from 0 to 6 volts.

1 interval 1 rev 106 µsec 2 π rad 12566 rad

ωm = ∗ ∗ ∗ ≈
τperiod µsec 500 intervals 1 sec 1 rev τperiod sec

Complete the following table assuming b ≈ 0.

Approx. vi Measured vi Period X Angular speed ωm ( rad

) kv
Average kv
†In lab 1 we found that these motors are dominated by Coulomb friction. Based on the
data just taken, find a better estimate for kv by including a friction loading term, Tf .
Also find the magnitude of the frictional loading Tf in N m.

6.2.4 Comparison and verification

Determine the percent error11 in the difference in your estimates for km and kv .
km − kv
∗ 100 = %
• If km and kv differ more than 10%, why do think that this is the case?

• Which estimate do you think is more accurate and why?

• What measurement would you perform to improve your accuracy?

The definition of “volt” unit leads to (for an ideal DC motor) km = kv when SI units are used.

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