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Designed by Charles Correa, 1986

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The 9  
      (LIC) (Hindi: À   
 ) is the largest
state-owned life insurance company in India, and also the country's largest investor. It is fully
owned by the Government of India. It also funds close to 24.6% of the Indian Government's
expenses. It has assets estimated of Rs. 9.31 trillion (US$ 198.3 billion).[1] It was founded in

Headquartered in Mumbai, which is considered the financial capital of India,[2] the Life
Insurance Corporation of India currently has 8 zonal Offices and 101 divisional offices located in
different parts of India, at least 2048 branches located in different cities and towns of India along
with satellite Offices attached to about some 50 Branches, and has a network of around 1.2
million agents for soliciting life insurance business from the public.

LIC building, at Connaught Place, New Delhi, designed by Charles Correa, 1986.

Over its existence of around 50 years, Life Insurance Corporation of India, which commanded a
monopoly of soliciting and selling life insurance in India, created huge surpluses, and
contributed around 7 % of India's GDP in 2006.

The Corporation, which started its business with around 300 offices, 5.6 million policies and a
corpus of INR 459 million (US$ 92 million as per the 1959 exchange rate of roughly Rs. 5 for a
US $, has grown to 25000 servicing around
180 million policies and a corpus of over Rs. 8 trillion (US$ 170.4 billion).

The organization now comprises 2048 branches, 109 divisional offices and 8 zonal offices, and
employs over 1,002,149 agents.The corporate Office of LIC is in Mumbai. It also operates in 12
other countries, primarily to cater to the needs of Non Resident Indians.

With the change in the India's economic philosophy from the early 1990s, and the subsequent
relaxation of state control over several sectors of the economy, the monopolistic position of the
Life Insurance Corporation of India was diluted, and it has had to compete with a number of
other corporate entities, Indian as well as transnational Life Insurance brands. However, it still
manages to be the largest player in the Indian market, with the lion's share of 55%.

The recent Economic Times Brand Equity Survey rated LIC as the  

In the financial year 2006-07 Life Insurance Corporation of India's number of policy holders are
said to have crossed a whopping 200 million (fourth in terms of population of the countries of
the world)

^V Spread and provide life insurance to the masses at a reasonable cost.
^V Spread Life Insurance widely and in particular to the rural areas and to the socially and
economically backward classes with a view to reaching all insurable persons in the
country and providing them adequate financial cover against death at a reasonable cost.
^V Maximize mobilization of people's savings by making insurance-linked savings
adequately attractive.
^V Bear in mind, in the investment of funds, the primary obligation to its policyholders,
whose money it holds in trust, without losing sight of the interest of the community as a
whole; the funds to be deployed to the best advantage of the investors as well as the
community as a whole, keeping in view national priorities and obligations of attractive
^V Conduct business with utmost economy and with the full realization that the moneys
belong to the policyholders.
^V ßct as trustees of the insured public in their individual and collective capacities.
^V Meet the various life insurance needs of the community that would arise in the changing
social and economic environment.
^V Involve all people working in the Corporation to the best of their capability in furthering
the interests of the insured public by providing efficient service with courtesy.
^V Promote amongst all agents and employees of the Corporation a sense of participation,
pride and job satisfaction through discharge of their duties with dedication towards
achievement of Corporate Objective.

LIC is one of the largest employers in India. The organization is headed by 4 officers, namely the
Chairman and three Managing Directors. The top brass is appointed by the Government of India
after an intensive selection procedure. Though the company was accused to go by mere seniority
in number of years for the selection of the senior management, this has changed as seen in the
case of Thomas Matthew and ß. Dasgupta (Managing Directors).

^V The Chairman assumes authority of the CEO and chairs the board while the Managing
Directors are allotted the three main categories of the organization's functioning.
^V The current Chairman, Mr. T.S. Vijayan, is particularly responsible for the major IT
infrastructure turnaround that the organization has witnessed and for its advanced EDMS
^V D.K. Mehrotra manages the Marketing Units of LIC, which also happens to be one of the
largest spenders on advertising in India.
^V Thomas Mathew manages the close to $187 billion investment portfolio of the company,
which is the largest investor in the country.
^V ß. Dasgupta manages the engineering and other functions, many of which are very
advanced in the Indian corporate scenario.
The Oriental Life Insurance Company, the first corporate entity in India offering life insurance
coverage, was established in Calcutta in 1818 by Bipin Behari Dasgupta and others. Europeans
in India were its primary target market, and it charged Indians heftier premiums. The Bombay
Mutual Life ßssurance Society, formed in 1870, was the first native insurance provider. Other
insurance companies established in the pre-independence era included

^V Bharat Insurance Company (1896)

^V United India (1906)
^V National Indian (1906)
^V National Insurance (1906)
^V Co-operative ßssurance (1906)
^V Hindustan Co-operatives (1907)
^V Indian Mercantile
^V General ßssurance
^V Swadeshi Life (later Bombay Life)

The first 150 years were marked mostly by turbulent economic conditions. It witnessed, India's
First War of Independence, adverse effects of the World War I and World War II on the
economy of India, and in between them the period of world wide economic crises triggered by
the Great depression. The first half of the 20th century also saw a heightened struggle for India's
independence. The aggregate effect of these events led to a high rate of bankruptcies and
liquidation of life insurance companies in India. This had adversely affected the faith of the
general public in the utility of obtaining life cover.

The Life Insurance ßct and the Provident Fund ßct were passed in 1912, providing the first
regulatory mechanisms in the Life Insurance industry. The Indian Insurance Companies ßct of
1928 authorized the government to obtain statistical information from companies operating in
both life and non-life insurance areas. The subsequent Insurance ßct of 1938 brought stricter
state control over an industry that had seen several financially unsound ventures fail. ß bill was
also introduced in the Legislative ßssembly in 1944 to nationalize the insurance industry.

    9   founded in 1956 is the largest life insurance
company in India owned solely by the Government of India. Headquartered in Mumbai, which is
considered the financial capital of India, LIC presently has 7    
 and 100     

 situated all around the country. In addition to an even distribution of 2048 branches
located in different towns and cities of India, 9 also has a network of around one million
agents who solicit life  
 to the public.

’   9   

The first 150 years of the British Rule in India were characterized by turbulent economic
conditions. The first war of independence in 1857, the World Wars 1 and 2 (1914-1918 and
1939-45) and India's national struggle for freedom in between had adverse effect on the
economy. In addition to this the period of world wide economic crisis in between the two World
Wars termed as the period of è    led to the high rate of bankruptcies and
liquidation of most 9  
     that existed during that time. These
occurrences led to loss of faith in insurance of the people of India.

The 9  
 and Ë   
 both passed in 1912 provided
regulatory mechanisms to the 9  
 in India for the first time. ßfter
undergoing several other such reforms in the following decades and nearly a decade after India
achieved independence, the Ë    passed the Life Insurance of India ßct on 19 th
June, 1956 following which the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India on 1 st September of
the same year. The Company began its operations with 5    
 , 33      

and 212  

Ë  9  

Existing as a towering  

  for over 50 years, LIC has acquired almost
monopoly power in the solicitation and sale of    
 in India. In addition to the
summary regarding the present stature provided at the beginning, LIC has extended its activities
in 12 countries other than India with the objective of catering to the insurance needs of Non
Resident Indians.

The enforcement of !"

#  $$ coupled with the formation of  

# &''' (which started issuing licenses to
private life insurers ) has diluted the monopolistic attitude commanded by LIC. The only
insurance company belonging to the public sector now has to compete with several other
corporate entities of its kind which often are heavyweight Indian as well as (    9 
  in themselves.



^V 9  
    9      )ß joint venture offshore
company promoted by 9 which commenced its operations in July, 1989 with the
objective of offering policies denominated in US $ to NRIs residing in the Gulf.
^V 9  )Formed in 2001 in joint venture with Vishal Group of Industries, Nepal.
^V 9 9 * )Formed in 2003 in joint venture with Bartleet Group of Companies, Sri
^V 9 ’  %  
)Established in 19 th June,1989 in Dubai with the objective of
providing long term finance for construction of houses or apartments.
^V 9 ’  %  
9   ’ )ß wholly owned subsidiary of 9 
’  %  
which builds "ßssisted Community Living Centers" for senior citizens.

With its ever-expanding operations, 9 has set an example for other Ë 

+ * %  to follow.

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