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PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-7



PART-A: Hand in your answers in class on scantron on Wednesday 22 September-2010. The

questions have been numbered so you can use the back side of an older scantron. Write your
name, class (1401) and HW # 7 on the scantron.

51. Find the angular speed of Earth around the Sun in radians per second.
(a) 2.22 x 10−6 rad/s (b) 1.16 x 10−7 rad/s (c) 3.17 x 10−8 rad/s (d) 4.52 x 10−7 rad/s (e) 1.99 x
10−7 rad/s

Earth moves 2 radians around the Sun in 1 year. The average angular speed is then

2 rad � 1 y � -7
w av = � �= 1.99 �10 rad s
1 y �3.156 �107 s �

which is choice (e).

52. A grindstone increases in angular speed from 4.00 rad/s to 12.00 rad/s in 4.00 s.
Through what angle does it turn during that time if the angular acceleration is constant?
(a) 8.00 rad (b) 12.0 rad (c) 16.0 rad (d) 32.0 rad (e) 64.0 rad
The angular displacement will be

�w f + w i � 12.00 rad s + 4.00 rad s �

Dq = w av �
Dt = � �Dt = �
� �

( 4.00 s) = 32.0 rad
� 2 � 2

53. A cyclist rides a bicycle with a wheel radius of 0.500 m across campus. A piece of
plastic on the front rim makes a clicking sound every time it passes through the fork. If the
cyclist counts 320 clicks between her apartment and the cafeteria, how far has she traveled?
(a) 0.50 km (b) 0.80 km (c) 1.0 km (d) 1.5 km (e) 1.8 km
The wheel has a radius of 0.500 m and made 320 revolutions. The distance traveled is

�2 rad �
s = rq = ( 0.500 m ) ( 320 rev ) � = 1.00 �103 m = 1.00 km
�1 rev ��

54. A 0.400-kg object attached to the end of a string of length 0.500 m is swung in a
circular path and in a vertical plane. If a constant angular speed of 8.00 rad/s is maintained,
what is the tension in the string when the object is at the top of the circular path?
(a) 8.88 N (b) 10.5 N (c) 12.8 N (d) 19.6 N (e) None of these
At the top of the circular path, both the tension in the string and the gravitational force act downward, toward the 

center of the circle, and together supply the needed centripetal force. Thus, Fc = T + mg = mrw2 or

( )
T = m rw 2 - g = ( 0.400 kg ) �
( 0.500 m ) ( 8.00 rad s ) 2 - 9.80 m s2 �
� �
= 8.88 N

55. A merry-go-round rotates with constant angular speed. As a rider moves from the rim of
the merry-go-round toward the center, what happens to the magnitude of total centripetal force
that must be exerted on him?
(a) It increases. (b) It is not zero, but remains the same. (c) It decreases. (d) It’s always zero. (e)
It increases or decreases, depending on the direction of rotation.
The required centripetal force is Fc = mac = m2/r = mrw2. When are both constant, the centripetal force is directly

PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-7
proportional to the radius of the circular path. Thus, as the rider moves toward the center of the merry­

go­round, the centripetal force decreases and the correct choice is (c).

56. The gravitational force exerted on an astronaut on Earth’s surface is 650 N down. When
she is in the International Space Station, is the gravitational force on her
(a) larger, (b) exactly the same, (c) smaller, (d) nearly but not exactly zero, or (e) exactly zero?
According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, the gravitational force one body exerts on the other decreases 

as the distance separating the two bodies increases. When on Earth’s surface, the astronaut’s distance 

from the center of the Earth is Earth’s radius r0 = RE. If h is the altitude at which the station orbits above 

the surface, her distance from Earth’s center when on the station is r’ = RE + h > r0. Thus, she 

experiences a smaller force while on the space station and (c) is the correct choice.

57. An object is located on the surface of a spherical planet of mass M and radius R. The
escape speed from the planet does not depend on which of the following?
(a) M (b) the density of the planet (c) R (d) the acceleration due to gravity on that planet (e) the
mass of the object
The mass of a spherical body of radius R and density  is M = V = (4R3/3). The escape velocity from the 

surface of this body may then be written in either of the following equivalent forms:

2GM 2G �4 R 3 � 8GR 2

     vesc =     and   vesc = =
R R �
� 3 � � 3

We see that the escape velocity depends on the three properties (mass, density, and radius) of the planet. 

Also, the weight of an object on the surface of the planet is Fg = mg = GMm/R2, giving

G � �4 R 3 �� 4
       g = GM R =

� �= GR
R2 � �
� 3 � �� 3

The acceleration of gravity at the planet surface then depends on the same properties as does the escape 

velocity. Changing the value of g would necessarily change the escape velocity. Of the listed quantities, 

the only one that does not affect the escape velocity is choice (e), the mass of the object on the planet’s 


58. What is the gravitational acceleration close to the surface of a planet with twice the
mass and twice the radius of Earth? Answer as a multiple of g, the gravitational acceleration
near Earth’s surface.
(a) 0.25g (b) 0.5g (c) g (d) 2g (e) 4g
The weight of an object of mass m at the surface of a spherical body of mass M and radius R is Fg = mg = 

GMm/R2. Thus, the acceleration of gravity at the surface is g = GM/R2.

For Earth,

       g E = R 2

PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-7
and for the planet,

GM p G ( 2M E ) 1 �GM E � 1
     g p = R 2 = = = g E = 0.5 g E
p ( 2 RE ) 2 2 �
� RE2 �
� 2

meaning that choice (b) is the correct response.

59. Halley’s comet has a period of approximately 76 years and moves in an elliptical orbit
in which its distance from the Sun at closest approach is a small fraction of its maximum
distance. Estimate the comet’s maximum distance from the Sun in astronomical units AU (the
distance from Earth to the Sun).
(a) 3 AU (b) 6 AU (c) 10 AU (d) 18 AU (e) 36 AU
We assume that the elliptical orbit is so elongated that Sun, at one foci, is almost at one end of the major axis. If 

the period, T, is expressed in years and the semi­major axis, a, in astronomical units (AU), Kepler’s third

law states that T2 = a3. Thus, for Halley’s comet, with a period of T = 76 y, the semi­major axis of its 

orbit is

   a = 3
( 76) 2 = 18 AU

The length of the major axis, and the approximate maximum distance from the Sun, is 2a = 36 AU, 

making the correct answer for this question choice (e).

60. A potter’s wheel moves uniformly from rest to an angular speed of 1.00 rev/s in 30.0 s.
Find its angular acceleration in radians per second per second.
a. 0.1 r/s2 b. 0.15 r/s2 b. 0.2 r/s2 d. 0.25 r/s2

Dw 1.00 rev s - 0 � rev ��2 rad �

a= = 3.33 �10 -2 2 ��
=� = 0.209 rad s 2
Dt 30.0 s � s ��1 rev � �

61. The 20-g centrifuge at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, is
a cylindrical tube 58 ft long with a radius of 29 ft (Fig. P7.18). If a rider sits in a chair at the
end of one arm facing the center, how many revolutions per minute would be required to create
a horizontal normal force equal in magnitude to 20.0 times the rider’s weight?
a. 25 rpm b. 30 rmp c. 35 rpm d. 40 rpm e. 45 rpm

normal force exerted by the wall behind the person’s back will supply the necessary centripetal acceleration, 

n = mac = mr w 2

where r = 29 ft is the radius of the circular path followed by the person.

If it is desired to have n = 20  weight = 20mg, then it is necessary that  m r w = 20 m g , or

PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-7

20 g (
20 9.8  m s2 ) = 4.7 
rad � 1 rev ��60  s �
w = = �= 45  rev min
r ( 29  ft ) ( 1 m 3.281  ft ) s � ��
�2    rad ��1 min �

62. A 55.0-kg ice skater is moving at 4.00 m/s when she grabs the loose end of a rope, the
opposite end of which is tied to a pole. She then moves in a circle of radius 0.800 m around the
pole. Determine the force exerted by the horizontal rope on her arms.
a. 900 N b. 1100 N c. 1300 N d. 1500 N
(a) From Fr = mac, we have
�v2 � ( 55.0 kg ) ( 4.00  m s )
T = m � t �= = 1.10 �103  N = 1.10 kN
�r � 0.800 m

63. A satellite moves in a circular orbit around Earth at a speed of 5 000 m/s. Determine the
satellite’s altitude above the surface of Earth
a. 9.57 x 106 m b. 8.57 x 106 m c. 7.57 x 106 m
a) The gravitational force must supply the required centripetal acceleration, so

G mE m �vt2 �
    r 2 = m �
�r � �

This reduces to
G mE
    r = vt2

which gives

r =

6.67 �10 -11   N �
m 2 � 5.98 �10  kg
= 1.595 �10 7  m
� kg2 � � ( 5 000  m s ) 2

The altitude above the surface of the Earth is then

    h = r - RE = 1.595 �10  m - 6.38 �10  m = 9.57 �10  m

7 6 6

64. A satellite moves in a circular orbit around Earth at a speed of 5 000 m/s. Determine the
period of the satellite’s orbit.
a. 5.2 h b. 5.6 h c. 5.9 h

(b) The time required to complete one orbit is

T =
circumference of orbit
2  1.595 �107  m )
= 2.00 �10 4  s = 5.57 h
    orbital speed 5 000  m s

PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-7

PART-B: Hand in your solutions to the following questions in class, on Wed-22 Oct -2010.

65. If a car’s wheels are replaced with wheels of greater diameter, will the reading of the
speedometer change? Explain.

For the same distance travelled in same time, the wheels will turn less number of times.
Speedometer will show less speed.

66. At night, you are farther away from the Sun than during the day. What’s more, the force
exerted by the Sun on you is downward into Earth at night and upward into the sky during the
day. If you had a sensitive enough bathroom scale, would you appear to weigh more at night
than during the day?

67. Correct the following statement: “The race car rounds the turn at a constant velocity of
90 miles per hour.”

Velocity should be changed to speed since direction is changing, and magnitude of velocity is

68. Because of Earth’s rotation about its axis, you weigh slightly less at the equator than at
the poles. Explain.

The apparent outward force at the equator should reduce the weight. There is also the effect of
different diameters of the earth at the poles and the equator

69. Is it possible for a car to move in a circular path in such a way that it has a tangential
acceleration but no centripetal acceleration?

Yes, when its speed is zero, but acceleration (rate of change of speed) is not zero.

70. A pail of water is swung in a vertical circle. The length of the cord is 1.3 meter. What
should be the minimum angular speed so that the water does not spill when the pail is upside

PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-7
71. 75. In a popular amusement park ride, a rotating cylinder of radius 3.00 m is set in
rotation at an angular speed of 5.00 rad/s, as in Figure P7.75. The floor then drops away,
leaving the riders suspended against the wall in a vertical position. What minimum coefficient
of friction between a rider’s clothing and the wall is needed to keep the rider from slipping?
(Hint: Recall that the magnitude of the maximum force of static friction is equal to µn, where n
is the normal force—in this case, the force causing the centripetal acceleration.)

The normal force exerted on the person by the cylindrical wall must provide the centripetal

acceleration, so n = m (r w2).

If the minimum acceptable coefficient of friction is present, the person is on the verge of slipping and 

the maximum static friction force equals the person’s weight, or  ( fs ) max = ( ms ) min n = mg.


mg g 9.80  m s2
   ( m s ) min = n = r w 2 = = 0.131
( 3.00 m ) ( 5.00  rad s ) 2

72. 53. The Solar Maximum Mission Satellite was placed in a circular orbit about 150 mi
above Earth. Determine (a) the orbital speed of the satellite and (b) the time required for one
complete revolution.

The radius of the satellite’s orbit is

( )
r = RE + h = 6.38 �106  m + 1.50 �102  mi ( 1 609 m 1 mi ) = 6.62 �10 6  m

(a) The required centripetal acceleration is produced by the gravitational force, so

�vt2 � G M E m
   m �r �= r2 ,
� �

which gives

   vt =

6.67 10 -11   N �
m 2 � 5.98 �10  kg
) = 7.76 �10 3   m s
   vt = � �
� kg2 � � 6.62 �106  m

(b) The time for one complete revolution is

PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-7

2 r (
2  6.62 �106  m )
   T = = = 5.36 �103  s = 89.3 min
vt 7.76 �103   m s

73. 46. A synchronous satellite, which always remains above the same point on a planet’s
equator, is put in circular orbit around Jupiter to study that planet’s famous red spot. Jupiter
rotates once every 9.84 h. Use the data of Table 7.3 to find the altitude of the satellite.

A synchronous satellite will have an orbital period equal to Jupiter’s rotation period, so the satellite can have the 

red spot in sight at all times. Thus, the desired orbital period is

�3 600 s �
   T = 9.84 h �
� 1 h � �
= 3.54 �10 4  s

Kepler’s third law gives the period of a satellite in orbit around Jupiter as

4 2
   T r3
2 =
GM Jupiter

The required radius of the circular orbit is therefore


r = �
�GM Jupiter T 2 �
= � (
�6.67 �‫�״‬
10 -11   N m 2 kg2 1.90 )( )(
10 27  kg 3.54 10 4  s )2 �
� = 1.59 �108 m

� 4 4 2
2 � �

� �

and the altitude of the satellite above Jupiter’s surface should be

   h = r - RJupiter = 1.59 �10  m - 6.99 �10  m = 8.91 �10  m

8 7 7

74 43. Io, a satellite of Jupiter, has an orbital period of 1.77 days and an orbital radius of
4.22 X 105 km. From these data, determine the mass of Jupiter.

The gravitational force exerted on Io by Jupiter provides the centripetal acceleration, so

�v 2 � G M m r v2
m � t �= , or  M = t
�r � r 2

The orbital speed of Io is

vt =
2 r
2  4.22 �108  m ) = 1.73 �10 4   m s
T ( 1.77 days ) ( 86 400  s day )

M =
( 4.22 �108  m ) ( 1.73 �10 4   m s ) 2 = 1.90 �10 27  kg
6.67 �10 -11   N �m 2 kg 2

PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-7

75 18. The 20-g centrifuge at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View,
California, is a cylindrical tube 58 ft long with a radius of 29 ft (Fig. P7.18). If a rider sits in a
chair at the end of one arm facing the center, how many revolutions per minute would be
required to create a horizontal normal force equal in magnitude to 20.0 times the rider’s

The normal force exerted by the wall behind the 

person’s back will supply the necessary 

centripetal acceleration, or

Figure P7.18

n = mac = mr w 2

where r = 29 ft is the radius of the circular path followed by the person.

If it is desired to have n = 20  weight = 20mg, then it is necessary that  m r w = 20 m g , or

20 g (
20 9.8  m s2 ) = 4.7 
rad � 1 rev ��60  s �
w = = �= 45  rev min
r ( 29  ft ) ( 1 m 3.281  ft ) s � ��
�2    rad ��1 min �

76. 24. A sample of blood is placed in a centrifuge of radius 15.0 cm. The mass of a red
blood cell is 3.0 X 10−16 kg, and the magnitude of the force acting on it as it settles out of the
plasma is 4.0 X 10−11 N. At how many revolutions per second should the centrifuge be

Since  Fc = m = m r w 2 , the needed angular velocity is

Fc 4.0 �10 -11  N

   w  =  mr = 
( )
3.0 �10 -16  kg ( 0.150 m )

PHYS-1401: College Physics-I CRN 55178 Khalid Bukhari HW-7
�1 rev �
( )
= 9.4 �102   rad s �
�2   rad �

= 1.5 �10 2   rev s

77 A motorcyclist going at 60 mph on a flat road turns to the right in an arc of radius 300
m. What should be his tilt angle so that he does not fall. If the coefficient of friction between
the tires and the road is 0.7, will his motorcycle slip?

Tan θ = v2 / rg

V = 60 *1.6 *1000 / 3600 = 26.67 m/s

Tan θ = (26.67)2 / 300 * 9.8

Tan θ = 0.242

θ = 13.6°

V2/rg = 0.242, and µ is bigger than this, so it will not slip.

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