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Rights of Shareholders Under The Companies Act

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B. S. Kothari*

The separation of ownership and control and dispersal of shareholders

all over the country make it of considerable importance to know the rights,
privileges and liabilities of the shareholders In the last few years, the role,
functions, duties and rights of shareholders have been discussed quite
frequently. It is felt that shareholders are not taking active interest in the
working and management of companies. There are several matters where
the management's decisions are to be approved by ordinary or special
resolution under the Com'panies Act but the general meetings are not well
attended. Recently, groups of shareholders in certain companies have
fought their issues through wide publicity in the press. The shareholders'
democracy has not yet become effect ive due to lack of vigorous and well
developed shareholders' opinion in spite of about 200 provisions in the
Companies Act relating to the rights of the shareholders

John Galbraith in his book The New Industrial State has observed
that "the annual meeting of the large American Corporal ion is perhaps our
most elaborate exercise in popular illusion". The same applies with equal
force in India. The shareholder in a large company does not feel like
attending the general meetings as all the powers vest in the directors or
controlling shareholders. He is only interested in the value of his shares
and dividends. If he finds that he is not getting a good yield or there are
no prospects of appreciation in the value of his shares, he changes his
investment to shares of other companies. The present paper attempts to
show the reforms desired to strengthen the position of the shareholders.

Rights of Shareholders
The rights of the shareholders may be broadly divided into three

I. The rights of the individual shareholder,

2. The rights of the minority shareholders, and
3. The rights of the majority shareholders.
·~•.A.• F.e.A., J.P.
210 Some Problems oj Monopoly and Company Law

An individual shareholder is entitled to get copies of the memorandum

and articles of association, I trust deed securing issue of debentures, ~
register of members," minutes of the proceedings of general meetings;'
register of contracts, companies and firms in which directors are interested,"
contract or board resolution appointing manager, managing director, ctc.,"
registers of loans to companies under the same management," investments
maintained under sections 372(9). 356, 358, 359 and 360. 6 The Companies
Act further gives a shareholder the right to inspect the register and index
of members and debentnre holders, annual returns," registers of invest-
merits,'? charges," contracts," directors," directors' shareholdings;'" loans
to companies under the same management;" investments in shares of other
companies" and the minute books of general meetingsY However, a
shareholder does not enjoy the right to inspect the books of account"
. the reason being that the interests of the company may suffer if important
and vital information regarding the day-to. day working of the company is
made available to the shareholders who may be competitors or may give
out the information to rivals.

The right of inspection of books of account is available in certain

States in the U.S.A., and in Japan to a specitied number of shareholders.
There appears to be no sound reason why in India also a respectable
minority of ten per cent or so should not be provided the right of inspection
of books of account. A person holding ten per cent of the equity paid up
capital has got a reasonable stake and will not like to harm the interests
of the company. The competitors have their own way of getting the
information by 'commercial spying' and it should not be taken for gran
that the person holding one-tenth of tbe shareholding can be easily
influenced by tbe competitors to part with the information. The right to

1. Companies Act 1956. (hereinafter referred to CI\) section 39(1).

2. CA section 118(1).
3. CA section 163(4).
4. CA section 196(2).
5. CA section 301(5).
6. CA section 302(6).
7. CA section 370( IF).
8. CA section 362.
9. CA section 163.
10. CA section 49.
II. CA section 144.
12. CA section 301(5).
13. CA section 304.
14. CA section 314.
15. CA section 370.
16. CA section 372.
17. 'CA section 196.
18. Maharani Lalita Rajya Laksluni v. Indian Motor Company (f/a::aribach) Limbed,
(1962) 32 Compo Cas. 207. I:
Rights of Shareholders under the Companies Act 211

inspect books of account is an important mel hod of obtaining useful

information about a company by the shareholders so that they may take
necessary action against the management for mismanaging the affairs of
the company. Further, one-tenth of the shareholders can apply to the
government for investigation /alnder section 235 or may move the Court
for relief against oppression or mismanagement under sections 397 and 398
but they cannot approach the authorities for taking action unless they have
the means to obtain information. As a safeguard against misuse, the
.right may be granted subject to the approval of the Government who
should be empowered to refuse the permission if the. company is able to
satisfy that the right is likely to be misused or that the shareholder is
moved by improper motives.

Right of Shareholders to Receive Notice of Meetings
Notice of every meeting must be given to every shareholder either
personally or by post at his registered address in India or if he has no
registered address in India, to the address, if any, within India supplied
by him to the company for giving notices to him. A notice calling
a meeting must state the place. day and hour of the meeting and the
statement of the business to be transacted thereat. The Calcutta High
Court has held in Biswanath Prasad Khaitan v. Nell' Central Jute Mills
Company LimitedP that the notice convening an extraordinary general
a meeting must be fairly and intelligently framed and it must not be
misleading or equivocal. A benevolent construction will not be applied
in constructing a notice. Twenty one days' notice must be given for
calling any kind of general meeting and for passing any kind of resolution,
whether ordinary or special. A general meeting may be called by giving
shorter notice if, in the case of an Annual General Meeting, all the members
entitled to attend and vote agree to it in writing and in the case of other
general meetings only when members holding 95 per cent of the total voting
power agree to do so. The twenty one days length of notice has been
fixed to provide time to the shareholders to organise themselves and
canvass opinion 011 the agenda and resolutions to be considered at the
general meeting. The right of the individual shareholder to receive the
notice of twenty one days cannot be taken away by the majority of
shareholders even by passing a special resolution. Even if it could be
proved that a member would not have attended the meeting, that will not
excuse the convener of the meeting from giving him proper notice."

Voting Rights
Every member of a company limited by shares and holding any
equity share capital shall have a right to vote in respect of such capital

19. (196t) 31 Camp. Cas. 125.

20'l\ Young v. Ladies Imperial Club Limited. (1920)2 K. D. 523.
212 Some Problems of Monopoly and Company Law

on every resolution placed before the company and his voting right on a
poll shall be proportionate to his share of the paid up equity capital of
the company." A member holding any preference share capital shall
have a right to vote only on resolutions which directly affect the rights
attached to preference shares. 22 Every equity shareholder has a right to
vote upon such questions as the company is legally competent to deal
with even if he may have a personal interest in the subject-matter opposed
to or different from the general or particular interests of the company."
The shareholder's vote is a right to property and prima facie may be
exercised by a shargholder as he thinks fit in his own interest."! If
a shareholder's name is entered in the register of shareholders of the
company, he cannot be prevented from enjoying the right to vote
on the ground that his Dame has not been on the register for
any specified period before the date of voting." A company cannot
by its articles of association or otherwise impose a restriction that a
shareholder holding less than a minimum number of shares shall not be
entitled to vote. 28 However, section 181 permits a company to put
restrictions on the exercise of the voting right on two grounds, namely, (I)
non-payment of calls, or (2) when the company has any right of lien and
exercises it. A private company not a subsidiaw of a public company is
exempted from the operation of section 182 and can, therefore, put
restrictions on the exercise of voting rights of members in its articles of
association in addition to the above grounds.

Prior to the Companies Act 1956, the persons who did not have
much financial interest in the company could control the voting rights and
dominate the affairs of the company by issuing and owning deferred or
founders' shares with disproportionate voting rights. The disproportionate
or excessive voting rights on share capital issued before the commencement
of tbe Companies Act 1956, have ceased to exist by the end of the year
after the commencement of the Act. The paid up capital of the company
is the pivot around which the voting rights revolve and as such no
artificial majority can be created by persons not having a financial stake
in the affairs of the company. The Act recognises two kinds of capital,
namely equity share capital and preference share capital. A private
company unless it is a subsidiary of a public company is, however, free

21. CA section 87(1).

22. CA section 87(2).
23. Northwest Transportation Compo Limited V. Henry (1887) 12 A.C. 589 (P.C.).
24. Imperial Chemical Industrtes Limited, I" reo (1938)8 Compo Cas. /8/. Per Lord
25. Anantha Lakshmi v. Hindustan Investment and Financial Trust Limited, A.I.R. (1951)
"~adras 927.

, r
26. CA section 182. See also Pasari Flour Mills Limited. In reo (1962) 32 Compo Cas.
Rights of Shareholders under tJz~ Companies Act 213

to issue shares of different kinds and with disproportionate voting rights

and rights as to dividend and capital.

Right to Appoint Proxy

Section 176 gives a verY,.important right to a shareholder, who is
entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the company, to appoint another
person (whether a member or not) as his proxy to attend and vote instead
of himself. It is not convenient for a shareholder generally to attend the
meetings of a company situated at a far away place. But through the
system of proxy he can make lise of his right to vote by appointing a man
of his choice as his proxy. The Companies Act prolribits the directors to
canvass proxies at the expense of the company. It is obligatory on the
part of a company to inform the shareholders ofth~ right to appoint a proxy
by giving in every notice calling a meeting of the company a statement or
note with 'reasonable prominence' that a member entitled to attend and
vote at a meeting of the company shall be entitled to appoint his proxy to
attend and vote instead of himself and that the proxy need not be a member.
If this information is omitted, every officer of the company who is ill
default is liable to a fine. This provision is not applicable to a private com-
pany unless it is a subsidiary of a public company and also to companies
limited by guarantee not having a share capital unless their articles provide
for proxy voting.

It is not permissible for a public company or a private company

which is subsidiary of a public company to provide any stipulation requiring
the lodging of proxy more than 48 hours before the meeting. If an
instrument appointing a proxy is in any of the forms set out in Schedule
IX, the company cannot question it on the ground that it fails to comply
with any special requirements for such an instrument contained in the
articles. A company cannot also refuse to accept the proxy merely because
there is a minor mistake of misprint in it. 27 The omission of the dale of
execution on the instruments of proxy is not a serious defect on which the
proxy can be declared void." The company may supply to a member a
form of proxy and a list of persons willing to act as proxies provided such a
form and the list of persons are made available on request to every membe r,
but the company cannot issue any invitation to members to appoint a
named person as a proxy. If a member wants the proxy not to use his
discretion but to vote in a particular manner, he may use the 'two way
form' and strike out the words in favour of or against contained in the
form, to cast his vote on the question at issue.
A proxy is not entitled to speak at the meeting. It, however, needs
to be considered whether the proxy should be provided the right to speak

27. Oliver v, Jolin Dalgleish, (1964)34 Compo Cas. 623.

21.\ In re Toto Iron & Steel Compo")' Limited, (1928)30 Born. L.R. 197.
214 Some Problems"o/ MOllopoly and Company Law

in the meeting so that effective control may be exercised hy the shareholders

through their agents by asking pertinent questions on the working of the
company or the adoption of any resolution. The shareholders in India
are spread far and wide and it is not possible for them, particularly the
ladies who are also shareholders, to allen? the meetings of the companies.
The reason for not allowing the proxy the right to speak at a meeting is
that the same may be abused by some of the shareholders, who, out of
malice or ulterior motives, may appoint certain undesirable persons as
their mouthpieces for harassing the management. If a certain shareholder
is determined to harass the management by asking questions and making
impassioned speechef, he can easily get one share transferred in the name
of his mouthpiece who will then be able to speak and vote. It does not
seem convincing not to 'aHow proxies to speak at the meetings.

Postal Voting
The resolutions are required to be passed at the general meeting of
the shareholders and hence postal voting is not allowed. It should be
considered whether postal voting should be allowed in India in the case of
big public companies whose shareholdings are spread all over the country."
Gower has very rightly said that. general referendum is by far the best
method of obtaining the views of the members as a whole but the fiction is
preserved that the result is determined after oral discussion at a meeting
and by those present thereat all hough everyone knows that personal
attendance is the exception rather than the rule and that the result is
normally determined by proxies lodged before the meetingis even held.

Right of Proxy to Vote by Show of Hands

Voting at the general meetings is done by show of hands unless a
poll is demanded." In the ease of a vote by show of hands a member
present by proxy has no right to vote. It is not a satisfactory position
that the proxy is not entitled to vote on show of hands. The law. of
course, permits that the articles may give this right but usually there is no
practice to give the proxy the right to vote on a show of hands. The proxy
should be given tbe statutory right to votc on show of hands as otherwise
the result can never give a correct and true picture of the opinion of the
members on any controversial resolution.

Demand for Poll

A poll may be demanded under section 179 by the following persons:

(a) In the case of a public company, by at least five members having

the right to vote on the resolution and present in person or by

29. CA section t89.

30. CA section 177.
Rights of Shareholders under the Companies Act 215

lb) In the case of private company, by one member having the right
to vote on the resolution and present in person or by proxy if
not more than seven members are personally present, and by
two members present in person or by proxy if more than seven
members are personall] present. '
(c) By any member or members present in person or by proxy and
having not less than one-tenth of the total voting power in
respect of the resolution, or
. (d) By any member or members present in person or by proxy and
holding shares in the company conferring a right to vote on
the resolution being shares on which an aggregate sum has been
paid whieh is not less than one-tenth of she total sum paid up
on all the shares conferring that right.

II would appear from the above that a proxy may demand or may
join in demanding a poll.

It is obligatory that if a poll is demanded on a question of adjourn-

ment, it shall be taken forthwith. If a poll is demanded on any other
question, not being a question relating to the election of a Chairman
which is provided for in section 175. the poll rn ly be taken at any time as
directed by the Chairman, but not later than 48 hours from the time the
demand for the poll is nude. Where a poll is taken, the meeting is
regarded as continuing until the ascertainment of the result of the poll.
Section 183 gives a mern'ier the right to use his votes differently on a
poll. A member entitled to more than one vote or his proxy or other
person entitled to vote for him as the case may be, need not, if he votes
on a poll at a meeting of the company, use all his votes in the same way.
A private company which is not a subsidiary of a public company is,
however, not bound to follow the provisions of section 179 or ll:SO
regarding the demand for a poll or time for taking a poll and may make its
own provisions by articles in respect thereof as it may think fit.

Where a poll is to be taken, the Chairman of the meeting shall appoint

two scrutinisers to scrutinise the votes given on the poll and to report to
him. Of the two scrutinisers appointed, one shall have to be a member,
not being an officer or employee of the company, present at the meeting
provided that such a member is available and is willing to be appointed.

Rigbt to Speak at a Meeting

A shareholder has a right to be heard at a meeting in reasonable
terms and for a reasonable time. 3 1 A company meeting is a privileged
occasion and statements made thereat by a shareholder will not make him
liable for defamation in the absence of malice.

31., Parashurom Dattaram Shamdusani v. Tata Industrial Bank Ltd., A.LR. (I92S)
Bombay 49.
216 Some Problems 'of Monopoly and Company Law

Right of Appeal Against Refusal to Register Transfer of Shares

If a company refuses to register any transfer of shares or transmission
of right, whether in pursuance of any power under its articles or otherwise,
it shall within two months from the ,date on which the instrument of
transfer or the intimation of such transmission as the case may be, was
delivered to the company, send notices of the refusal to the transferee
and the transferor or to the persons giving intimation of such transmission
as the case may be. Section III gives the right to the transferor and the
transferee or to the persons who gave intimation of the transmission by
operation of law, as the case may be. where the company is a public
company, or private company which is a subsidiary of a public company,
to appeal to the Governments! against any refusal of the company to
register the transfer or transmission or against failure on the part of the
company to send notices of its refusal as mentioned above. The trans-
ferability of a share is a very important right to the shareholder of a
public company as it adds to its negotiability and hence the right of
appeal to the Government is an important safeguard against capricious
and malafide refusal to register the transfer of shares. The alternative
remedy against refusal to register the shares is to apply to the Court for
rectification of the members' register." It was held by the Supreme Court
in Harinaga r Sligar Mills Ltd., v. Shyam Sunder J!lul1jhunwala,3' that in an
appeal under section 11 \(3) the dispute relates to the civil rights and in
deciding the appeal the Government acts as a tribunal and not as an
executive body. It has been held further in Arjan Singh v~'Pallipat Woollen
and General Mills Co. Ltd.,3s that section 1SS does not purport to confer
over-riding powers on the Court and hence the Court will not entertain
a petition where the aggrieved shareholder has availed of the alternative
remedy under section 1II of the Act. However, an order passed by the
Government under section III is appealable to the Supreme Court by
special leave under article 136 of the Constitution.

Right to Apply to the Government to Call Annual General Meeting

If default is made in holding an Annual General Meeting in
accordance with section 16fl, any member may apply to the Governmcnt
under section 167, and the Government may give directions for calling,
holding and conducting the meeting. The fact that the annual accounts
of the company were not ready cannot be an excuse for not calling the
Annual General Meeting." For failure to call the Annual General
Meeting under section 168, the guilty direclors can be held liable under

32. Hereinafter the Government means Central Government unless otherwise slated.
33. CA section t55.
34. (I96t)31 Compo Cas. 387.
35. (1963)33 Camp, Cas. 534.
36. E.I. Sombero Ltd., 111 re (1958)28 Compo Cas. 619.
Rights of Shareholders under the Companies Act 217

section 210(5), in addition to their being convicted, for default in not

placing before the Annual General Meeting the balance sheet and profit
and loss account for the year concerned. An extraordinary general
meeting convened in accordance with the requisition of the shareholders
cannot be considered to be anannual general meeting." .
Any member of the company who is entitled to vote at the meeting
has a right to apply to the Court under section 186 to direct the holding
of a meeting other than an Annual General Meetinp, if for any reasons it is
contended that it is impracticable to hold the !1,1eeting. The mere fact
that a member owes to the company a sum of money or that the company
has a lien on his shares for his debts and engagements does not deprive
the member of his right to be present at any general meeting or to vote
therein and he can therefore present an application to the Court under
section 186 for an order directing the caJIing of a meeting." The word
'impracticable' used in the section is more limited than the word
'impossible' and means impracticable from a reasonable point of view.
If there is a serious doubt and controversy as to who are the directors
and where there is a possibility that one or other or both the meetings
called by the quarelling groups of directors may be invalid, section 186
may be invoked."
Rigbt to Convene Extraordinary General Meeting
A certain specified number of shareholders enjoy the right to
convene an extraordinary general meeting of the company under section
169 of the Act. It is obligatory on the part of the directors to call an
extraordinary general meeting on the valid requisition of holders of not less
than one-tenth of the equity capital carrying voting rights. If the directors
fail to call an extraordinary meeting within twenty one days from the
date of the deposit of a valid requisition in regard to any matters for
consideration on a day not later than 45 days from the date of deposit of
the requisition, the meeting may be called by the requisitionists themselves
or by such of the requisitionists as represent either a majority in value of
the paid- up share capital held by all of them or not less than one-tenth
of such of the paid-up share capital carrying a voting right, whichever is
less. If the registered office of the company is locked up, the requisitionists
can hold the meeting at some other place 40 The requisitionists are
entitled to realise reasonable expenses incurred by them in calling such
meeting and the company shall recover the same from the fees or other
remuneration of the default ing directors.

37. Emperor v, Nasurbhai Abdullbha! Lal]i (1923)25 Born. L.R. 224.

38. Supra note 26.
39. Lothian Jute Mills Comp, Limitcd.Tn rc (t951)2t Comp, Cas. 290.
Rathna Vall/sam; Chettiar v. Maniekavelu Chettiar and others, (1951)21 Compo
f· Cas. 93.
218 Some Problems oj'Monopoly and Company Law

Legal Actions by Shareholders

Although a shareholder is bound to accept the decision of the
majority by virtue of his contract with the company and other members,
the individual member has got certain right such as the right to vote at the
meeting, to speak at the meeting, to move an amendment to a resolution,
to appoint proxy, to receive and sue for dividends which have been declared
and such rights cannot be taken away by the majority action of the
shareholders.. According to the rule of law laid down in the well known
case of Foss v. Harbottlei? an individual shareholder cannot sue for a
wrong done to the company except in certain circumstances.

The reasons for this rule may be summarised below:

1. The proper plaintiff in an action in respect of a wrong alleged

to be done to a company is prima facie the company itself.
2. If the irregularity complained of is a transaction which can be
effectively rectified by a simple majority of the members, there is
no use of litigation.
3. If each shareholder is permitted to sue the company, the company
would be harassed by a multiplicity of suits.

The rule in Foss v. Harbottle, greatly strengthened the position of the

majority. However, due to the separation of control and ownership and
the development of the concept of modern corporation, certain exceptions
have been recognised by subsequent judicial decisions and an individual
shareholder is allowed to sue in the following cases:

1. Where the legal action is to restrain the directors from com-

miting an ultra vires or illegal act.
2. Where the act complained of is a fraud against the minority andl
or is a failure on the part of the majority to act bonafide in the
best interests of the company.
3. Where the shareholder seeks to restrain the company from acting
on a resolution which has been passed by a simple majority when
it should have been passed by a qualified majority, i e., as a
special resolution.
4. Where the directors are acting in contravention of the Companies
Act or the Articles of (he company.
S. Where tbe shareholder complains that his personal rights as
shareholder have been infringed or may be infringed.
6. Where the shareholder submits that in the interest of the justice,
the procedural rule requiring a suit by the company should be

41. (1843)2 Hare. 461.

Rights of Shareholders under the Companies Act 219

Foss v. Harbottle laid more emphasis on the procedural character of

the action, based on the reason that a company is a separate legal entity
and if it sustains a legal injury, it does not follow that all the members indi-
vidually suffer legal injury too. The exceptions given to the shareholders to
file a suit on behalf of the company is that where the persons in control of
the company do not take steps to enforce the rights of the company, the
shareholders as representatives of the company are allowed to sue.
Pennington in his book Company Law has described such individual
member's action as "derivative action" as the right to sue is derived from
the company. The company, however, must be wade a defendant in the
action as the money recovered will be in favour of the company.

Compulsory Audit-Safeguard to Shareholders ..

The provisions of compulsory audit of the companies by chartered
accountants is a great safeguard for the shareholders. The auditors have
to examine the accounts and certify that the profit and loss account gives
a true and accurate view of the profit or loss of the year and the balance
sheet gives a true and accurate view of the state of affairs of the company.
The auditors of the company are also required to state in their report
whether in their opinion proper books of account as required by law have
been kept. The auditors can be held liable if they have failed in their duties
to carry out the audit properly and report to the shareholders faithfully.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India takes a very serious view
of the failure ef the duty of chartered accountants and ensures, by taking
appropriate action against erring members, a high standard of audit. It is
due to the faith in the integrity of chartered accountants that a demand is
being made in certain quarters that the scope of normal statutory audit
should be enlarged and auditors should be called upon to express their
opinion on the propriety of the transactions also. so that the shareholders'
interests may be served better.

Importance of Directors' Report

Prior to the Companies Act 1956, the directors' report sent to the
shareholders was in most cases a skeletal document giving little informa-
tion about the working of the company. The preparation of directors'
report depends to a large extent on the initiative and judgment of the
directors. Section 217 has made it obligatory for the directors to give
information as to the state of the company's affairs and to set out the
material changes and commitments, if any, affecting the financial position
of the company which have occurred between the end of the financial year
of the company to which the balance sheet relates and the date of the

The report must also contain the information in respect of the sums,
if any. which the board proposes to carry to any reserves and the sum
220 Some Problems oj Monopoly and Company Law

which the board recommends for being paid by way of dividend. The
board is bound to give full information and explanations in its report on
every reservation, qualification or adverse remark contained in the
auditors' report.
The directors, at present, are not bound to give reasons in the board
report regarding the non-declaration of dividends, even where the profits
of the company are sufficient to declare the dividend. It should be made
compulsory on the part of directors, where no dividend hac; been declared
in spite of sufficient profits, to give the reasons for ploughing back the
profits and to annex a statement explaining the uses of such funds. There
should also be a tbe Act for issuing half-yearly working report
by the directors so that the shareholders are posted with the latest develop-
ments in the company. This will create confidence in the investors and
will help in the growth of the corporate sector.

Utility of Unit-wise Arcounts

It is not obligatory on the part of a company dealing in various
kinds of business activities to prepare a unit-wise profit and loss account
or balance sheet. Many companies are doing different types of businesses
such as sugar, chemicals, cement, fertilisers etc., but are not publishing
units-wise accounts of such distinct business activities. The result is that
the shareholders are not in a position to know whether a particular
business activity is profitable or not. These units claim- themselves as
independent industrial undertakings before income-tax authorities for the
purposes of getting benefit of tax holiday as per section 84 of the Income-
tax Act. These companies maintain separate books of account for each unit
and also file profit and loss account of each unit with the income tax
authorities for claiming tax benefit. Some of the companies publish unit-
wise accounts but a majority of such companies do not do so. It is.
therefore, necessary to consider whether any provision should be made in
the Companies Act requiring such companies to publish unit-wise account.
The legislation may create certain difficulties for companies. The rigid
definition of a 'unit' may create hardship for the companies in the
maintenance of independent accounts for each unit and add to their cost.
There are bound to be certain common overhead expenses and allocation
of such expenses between different units may also cause difficulty. The
question is. how long. the shareholders can be denied the information
regarding the working result of the various units. It may be argued that
such compulsory provision does not exist even in advanced countries of
the world. But the companies in such advanced countries give a lot of
information to the shareholders. In America the companies give many
types. of charts and statements such as statement of surplus, financial
information dealing witb events such as revaluation, written-off debts,
discounts and exchanges in surplus, progress report, statement showing
Rights of Shareholders under the.Companies Act 221

why no dividend has been declared. Some of the progressive companies

in India are also giving a lot of meaningful information which is not
required by law. The rest of the companies should also start publishing
unit-wise accounts, wherever practicable, so that legal compulsion may not
be necessary.

Disclosure of Material Facts

The compulsory disclosure of material facts in respect of certain
resolutions is a method of giving important information to the shareholder
so that they may appraise the soundness of the proposal on which they
are asked to vote. According to section 173, if any t'tem of business to
be transacted at a meeting is deemed special, the directors must explain the
reasons for the proposed resolution in an explanatory statement to be
annexed to the notice setting out all material facts regarding it and the
nature of the concern or interest, if any, of every director and manager.

The proceedings at the meeting may be declared invalid for insuffi-

cient disclosure in the notice. It has been held that if the directors want
the sanction of the shareholders, they must give a fair, reasonable and full
statement of the facts upon which they are asking the shoreholders to vote.
If there is a large body of shareholders who resiJe at long distances from
the registered office of the company, it is not enough on the part of the
company to keep available for inspection a copy of the proposed resolutions
at the registered office and merely give the shareholders notice of the fact
that a copy of' the proposed resolution will be available for inspection at
the registered office of the company."

Rigbt to Get Company's Affairs Investigated

A specified number of shareholders have got the right to get the
affairs of the company investigated through the Government under section
235 of the Act. In the case of a company having a share capital, two
hundred members or members holding not less than one-tenth of the total
voting power, or, in the case of a company not having a share capital,
one-fifth number of persons on the company's register of members may
request the Government to appoint inspector or inspectors to investigate
the affairs of the company. Such minority shareholders will, however,
have to satisfy the Government that they have good reasons for requiring
the investigation. Since the shareholders have got no right to inspect the
books of account, it is difficult for them to furnish satisfactory evidence in
support of their petition. But if prima facie the Government feels that
the allegations have some force, they may collect facts before ordering
investigation by surprise inspection of books of account under section 209
of the Act without any stigma of investigation harmful to the company.

42. Bimal Sing" Kothari v. Muir Mills Company Limited, (1952)22 Compo Cas.
~ 248.
222 Some Problems, of Monopoly and Company Law

It needs to be considered whether it should be made mandatory on the

part of the Government to order investigation if requested by over 200
members or holders of twenty per cent of the issued shares unless it considers
that the application is vexatious, and made out of malice. However, the wide
powers given to the Government under ~ection 237 of the Act are a great,
safeguard to the shareholders against abuses and malpractices by the
management. It is incumbent on the part of the Government to appoint an
inspector to investigate the affairs of a company where a demand is made
by the shareholders by passing a special resolution or where the Court by
order declares that the affairs of a company ought to be investigated by
an inspector appointed by the Government. The Government has further
powers to order investigation if in its opinion, there are circumstances
suggesting: •

(i) that the business of the company is being conducted with intent
to defraud its members, creditors or otherwise for a fraudulent or
unlawful purpose,

(ii) that persons concerned with management are guilty of fraud,

misfeasance or other misconduct towards the company or its

(iii) that the members of the company have not been given all the
information with regard to its affairs which they might reasonably
expect. c

The shareholders can persuade the Government under this section to

order investigation by pointing out the areas of malpractices even if they
have no positive proof.

In fact, the Government has used this power in a number of cases.

However, the Supreme Court has held that although formation of opinion
by the Government under section 237 is a purely subjective process,
the expression 'circumstances suggesting' points out that there must exist
circumstances from which the government forms an opinion and if it is
shown that the circumstances do not exist or that they are such that it is
impossible for anyone to form an opinion therefrom suggestive of the
aforesaid things, the opinion is chaJlengable. It further held that the
existence of circumstances has to be proved at least prima facie. 43 The
Government has powers under section 247 to investigate as to who are
the persons financially interested in the success or failure of the company
or who control or materially influence the policy of the company. It may
be said in the words of Gower that the Government has ceased to be a
merely vigilant onlooker and has become a watch-dog with sharp teeth.

43. Barium Chemicals LId. v. Company Law Board, (1966)36 Compo Cas. 639.
Rights of Shareholders under tile 'Companies Act 223

Protection of Minority Shareholders

Although the corporate action is governed by the rule of majority,
it has been recognised that the majority should not be allowed to act in a
manner fraudulent, oppressive or unfair to the interests of tl>.e company
or the minority shareholders. there are certain rights enjoyed by
individual shareholders which cannot be by passed by the majority action.
No shareholder can be compelled, by making any alteration in the
Memorandum and Articles of Association after the date on which he
becamea member, to take or to subscribe for more shares than the number
held by him at the date on which the alteration is made, or which in any
way increases his liability to contribute to the share capital or otherwise
pay money to the company. )

Pre-emptive Right of Minority Shareholders

Section 81 of the Companies Act gives a very important right to the
minority shareholders of a public company to participate in the further
issue of shares in proportion to their existing shareholdings so that the
minority cannot be freezed out or reduced to a relatively insignificant
voting power. The directors are required to offer the new issue of shares
first to the existing shareholders before issuing it to outsiders. The
directors can issue further shares to outsiders only with the consent of
a special resolution or by an ordinary resolution with the permission of the
Government. The requirement of a special resolution is not sufficient as
there is a scopc'for the majority of seventy five per cent to freeze out the
minority. As a safeguard to the interests of the minority shareholders,
the sanction of the Government should be made compulsory, even where
shares are offered to outsiders with the sanction of a special resol ution
so that the matter may be screened by the Government in the interest of
the company by hearing the dissentient shareholders. It is possible for the
majority of seventy five per cent to decide to exclude the existing share-
holders and then allot the new shares to outsiders who may in reality
be the nominees of the majority. The usual ground for issuing the shares
to outsiders is that the company requires money for expansion. If some
of the shareholders are in a position to make an additional contribution of
capital, majority should not be allowed to curtail the pre-emptive rights
of the minority shareholders. A similar situation arose in Shantiprosad
Jain v. Kalinga Tubes Limited,u where the minority was willing to con-
tribute but the majority shareholders decided to offer the additional
capital to outsiders and not to the existing shareholders. The Supreme
Court held that the majority shareholders were not bound to accept the
view of the minority shareholders that the new shares should be alloted
only to the existing shareholders. The mere fact that the majority share-
holders decided to offer the new shares to others and not to the existing

44. •
(1965)35 Comp. Cas. 351.
224 Some Problems of Monopoly and Company Law

shareholders could hardly be said to be oppressive of the minority share-

holders. The minority shareholders in this case could not prove that the
new allottees were mere benamidars or stooges of the majority group and
that the majority had a desire to oppress the minority. It further observed
that the fact that the majority group might be able to get the support of
the new shareholders did not necessarily mean oppression of the minority
nor was the fact that the shares were issued to the friends of the majority
group of any significance in the matter of oppression, for if shares were
issued privately, they were bound to go to the friends of the directors and
that the haste in rssuing the new shares could not be said to be a part of
the design to oppress the minority.

It may be noted that the pre-emptive right is not available to share-

holders where the capital of the company is increased by the conversion
of debentures and loans into shares as per the exercise of option given in
the loan agreement or debentures instrument and the terms are approved
by special resolution of the company and by the Government.

]f there is oppression of the minority of shareholders and mismanage-

ment, a minimum of one hundred members or members holding not less
than one-tenth voting power may petition the Court under section 397
and 398 or as an alternative remedy may apply to the Government under
section 408. The Government may also authorise any member or members
if in its opinion circumstances exist which make it just and equitable to
do so. The preference shareholders may also join in the petition. A
member may apply to the court in a representative capacity by obtaining
the consent of the requisite number of members in writing.

An order under section ~97 granting relief against oppression will be

made by the Court only if it is satisfied that the affairs of the company
are being conducted in a manner oppressive to any member or members.
and secondly, that the facts of the case are such that it would be 'just and
equitable' to make an order for winding up of the company but the
making of such an order would unfairly prejudice the members. Further,
it has been laid down by the Supreme Court in Sha ittprasnd Jain:« case
that there must be a continuous course of conduct which involves at least an
element of lack of probity or fair dealing continuing up to the d.ite of
petition and not merely an isolated act of impropriety to bring the case
within the ambit of this section as the words 'arc being conducted' implies
a continuity of wrongful acts. Further the oppression must he such that it
would be just and equitable to wind up the company. The purpose and
object of the section is to provide an alternative remedy to a petition for
winding up by putting an end promptly and speedily to acts of oppression
arid mismanagement, it is submitted that the Companies Act should be
amended to make it clear that oppression means isolated acts as well as a
course of misconduct. The expression 'just and equitable to wind up'
Rigtus of Shareholders under tln Companies Act 225

should be deleted from this section thereby breaking the link with winding
up so that all that would have to be proved would be 'oppression' in the
wider Sense. Every member of the company is entitled to have the affairs
of the company conducted fairly, properly, regularly and according to law
and therefore it does not seem proper why the power to approach the Court
should not be given to every member instead of allowing it to a specified
number of shareholders only.

The Courts have been given wide powers under section 402 to deal
with the petitions under section 397 and 398 to award compensation to
shareholders who have been oppressed to remove th~ directors and other
managerial personnel and order the appointment of directors on the
principle of proportional representation and m3Y provide for the regulation
of the conduct of the company's affairs.

The Government has also been vested with the powers under section
408 to prevent mismanagement or oppression The Government can
appoint two persons as directors to hold office for a period not exceeding
three years or may direct the company to provide for proportional
representation for appointment of directors by amending the articles of
of association of the company. The Government can also prevent changes
in the board of directors likely to affect the company prejudicially.

Representation of Minority Interests on the Board

Section 255 of the Companies Act allows a company to adopt
proportional representation whereby the minority shareholders may look
for a chance of representation on the board, but in actual practice only a
microscopic minority of the companies have adopted it. The proportional
representation was not made compulsory for the companies as it was felt
that the Board of Directors may become a contesting field for warring
factions of shareholders and the smooth working of the company may be
rendered virtually impossible. It is now being felt that the option given
to the companies to adopt proportional representation for appointment of
directors has no value. Unless a respectable minority of the shareholders
are allowed some right of representation on the Board, they cannot know
about the real state of affairs. Compulsory provisions to elect directors
by the method of proportional representation or cumulative voting exist
in a number of States in the U.S.A. It is to be considered whether the
system of proportional representation should be made compulsory in India.
The High Courts have powers to force cumulative voting upon a company
if they find that the minority is oppressed under a system of straight voting.
The Government also has powers under section 403 to direct the
company to amend its articles and to make appointments of directors
according to proportional representation to prevent mismanagement and
oppression of members. However, such appointments by the order of a
Court or of the Government arc only possible in certain exceptional cases
226 Some Problems uf Monopoly and Company Law

and cannot be treated as a substitute for the right to seek representation

on the board by the minority shareholders. In fact, the Government has
used these powers very sparingly and has preferred to appoint non-members
instead of shareholders as directors under sub-section (I) of section 408.

Rights of Dissenting Sbarebolders and tbe Appraisal Remedy

If the rights attached to any class of shares are varied, the sharehol-
ders holding not less than ten per cent of the issued shares of that class
who did not consent and/or vote in favour of the resolution for the
variation, may apply, to the Court under section 107 to have the variation
cancelled. Where any such application is made, the variation shall not
have effect unless confirmed by the Court. The Court may after hearing
the applicant and any other persons who apply to the Court to be heard
and appear to the Court to be interested in the application, may, if it is
satisfied that the variation would unfairly prejudice the shareholders of the
class represented by the applicant, disallow the variation. Where there is
a contract or a scheme involving the transfer of shares to another company
approved by nine-tenth of the shareholders under section 391, the
dissentient shareholders may go to the Court for relief. This is called
the Appraisal Remedy in the U.S.A. as it enables the minority to have
their shares sold at a fair price. This is an important safeguard to the
minority shareholders against the majority. However, unless there is
unfair dealing to the minorities, the minorities are made to fall in line with
the majority by Courts as the minority cannot be allowed to act un-

Requirement of passing a Special Resolution

The requirement of gelling the sanction of shareholders by special
resolution in many important matters is a great safeguard to the interests
of minority shareholders. The votes cast in favour of a special resolution,
whether on a show of hands or on poll by the members entitled to vote,
must be at least three times the number of votes cast against the
resolution. The shareholders must be informed in the notice calling
the general meeting or otherwise of the intention to propose the
resolution as a special resolution. The directors must disclose all material
facts necessary for the purpose of passing the special resolution in the
explanatory statement. A special resolution is required for many matters
such as to alter the provisions of the memorandum of association," to
commence any new business," to offer a further issue of shares to outsiders.s?
to reduce the share capital," to keep registers and documents at any other

45. CA section 17.

46. , CA section 149(2A).
47. CA section 81.
48. CA section 100.
Rights of Shareholders under the Companies Act 227

place within the city other than the registered office,4t to pay interest out
of the capital.s" to allow the holding of an office of profit by the directors
or their relatives etc. ,51 to authorise remuneration by way of commission
to a director who is neither in the whole-time employment of the company.
nor a managing director;" to '"give loans to companies un"'der the same
management, etc. 53

It is usually seen that special resolutions are also passed without

much. discussion and deliberations. Although the special resolution
require three-fourth majority of votes but as most of, the members do not
attend or even use their right to appoint proxies, the passing of the special
resolution does not really reflect the wishes of th~ three-fourth majority
of shareholders on the register of members but of only those present in
the meeting by person or proxy. It is, therefore, desirable that to enable
the majority of shareholders to exercise their judgment, postal voting as
suggested earlier should at least be permitted in case of special resolutions.

A special resolution cannot be normally amended and must be voted

upon in the exact form in which it appears in the notice. However, if a
special resolution is framed in such a way that it gives possible indication
of modification by using the words 'to pass it with such modification as
thought fir', the widely held view is that an amendment may be moved to
the special resolution by a shareholder. The amendment must, however,
be germane to the subject-matter and should not go beyond the material
facts set out in the explanatory statement or the scope of the original

Right of Majority Shareholders to Remove Directors

The shareholders have a right to remove. by an ordinary resolution,
a director with whom they are dissatisfied before the expiry of the period
of his office, except in the following cases:

(a) Where a director has been appointed hy the Government in

pursuance of section 408.

(b) In the case of a private company, if the director holds office

for life on April I, 1952.

(c) Where the company has availed itself of the option given to it
under section 265 to appoint not less than two-third of the
total number of directors according to the principle of propor-
tional representation.
49. CA section 163.
SO. CA section 208.
51. CA section 314.
52•• CA section 309(4).
53. CA section 370.
228 • Monopoly and Company Law
Some Problems of

Exercise of Power by Shareholders in General Meeting

The board of directors is usually vested with all the powers of
management by the articles of association of the company. Section 293
provides certain restrictions on such powers. The directors cannot, except
with the consent of the company in general meeting, sell, lease or other-
wise dispose of the whole or substantially the whole ofthe undertaking of
the company or, where the company owns more than one undertaking,
the whole or substantially the whole of any such undertaking; remit or give
time for the repayment of any debt due from a director; invest otherwise
than in trust securhics the amount of compensation received by the
company in respect of compulsory acquisition; borrow money exceeding
the paid up capital and tree reserves of the company; and contribute to
charitable and other funds not directly relating to the business of the
company or the welfare of its employees any amount exceeding twenty
five thousand rupees or five per cent of its average net profits during the
three financial years immediately preceding, whichever is greater. If the
shareholders want to retain more powers in their hands, they can amend
the articles and usurp more powers for themselves, The power of the
directors to recommend a dividend or to declare an interim dividend is
exclusive and the members cannot resolve that larger dividends shall be paid
to them than those decided by the directors.

The Controlling Shareholders

A ninety per cent majority of the shareholders is i~ a posinon to
compel the ten per cent dissentient shareholders to sell out their shares.
The majority of shareholders who control the board of directors can also
compel the minority shareholders to sell their shareholdings by not
declaring dividends in spite of good profits in the company. It is
therefore necessary to consider how the controlling shareholders may be
made to act in the bona fide interest of the company as well as the other
minority shareholders. The controlling shareholders unlike the directors
do not stand in any fiduciary relationship and are therefore not required
to act in good faith in the interest of others. The controlling shareholders,
it appears, are not liable to account to the other shareholders for the larger
price obtained by them on sale of the block of their shares than that
which the other shareholders have obtained in a take-over bid, although
there are provisions in the Companies Act for making the directors
responsible for it. It is submitted that the controlling shareholders should
be obliged to account for such profit. Such provisions exist in the U.S.A.
It has been held in a number of decisions of various American courts
that the controlling shareholders are liable to account to the other

Conclusions :
I. A right of inspection should be given to the shareholders to
Rights of Shareholders under t,'le Companies Act 229

inspect the books of account, in the present phase of development of the


2. An obligation should be imposed on the directors to give reasons

in the board report regarding. the non-declaration of dividends where
the profits of the company are sufficient for guaranteeing declaration of

3. Responsibility should be laid down for issuing half-yearly

progress reports of the companies and for publishing unit-wise profit and
loss Accounts.

4. (a) A proxy should be given the rightt.o speak at the meetings

considering the socio-economic conditions of India.

(h) Postal voting should be permitled in the case of big com-

panies whose shareholding is spread far and wide.

(e) A proxy shond be entitled to vote on a show of hands.

5. Duties and obligations of the controlling shareholders should be

specifically laid down.

6. The representation of a specified minority should be made

compulsory on the Board of Directors.

7. The denial of the pre-emptive right to the minority shareholders

by a special resolution should be made effective subject to the approval
of the Government to avoid freezing out the interest of the minority

8. Sections 397 and 398 of the Companies Act should be amended

to make it clear that oppression covers isolated acts of oppression also and
to delete the expression 'just and equitable to wind up' from section 397
and thus delink it from 'winding up' and make this alternative remedy
effective against oppression and mismanagement as well.

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