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Question Bank Paper: Cost Accounting Mcqs

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COURSE: B.Com (Semester IV)
1. The basic objective of cost accounting is
a) Recording of cost
b) Reporting of cost
c) Cost control
d) EarningProfit

2. Standard costs imply

a) Predetermined cost for a period
b) Incurred cost
c) Conversion cost
d) Incremental cost

3. Material Management is needed

a) To keep material cost under control
b) To ensure continuous supply of material
c) To avoid over & under stocking of material
d) All the above

4. Cost of abnormal time is treated as

a) Direct Wages
b) Overheads
c) Costing P&L item
d) None of the above

5. Overhead means
a) The aggregate of indirect materials, indirect labour and indirect expenses
b) All expenses with respect to materials
c) All expenses with respect to labour
d) Direct and indirect expenses

6. When the actual overhead is more than the absorbed overhead, then it is called
a) Capacity costs
b) Over absorption
c) Under absorption
d) None of the above
7. Work in progress (WIP) in contract means
a) Work certified only
b) Work certified and work uncertified
c) Work uncertified only
d) None of these

8. Job costing is suitable for

a) Firms manufacturing goods on a continuous basis
b) Firms manufacturing goods to customer’s specific requirements
c) Departments/organisations rendering services
d) Continuous or mass production industries

9. Integrated accounting system is beneficial because

a) Perpetual inventory system can be dispensed with
b) No valuation of work in progress is necessary
c) Estimation of budgets easy
d) It eliminates problems of reconciliation

10. Composite unit is distinctive feature of

a) Job costing
b) Operating costing
c) Process costing
d) Contract costing

1. Differentiate between cost units and cost centre.
2. Differentiate between waste, scrap and defectives and explain their treatment in cost
3. From the following data, given by the personnel department, calculate the labour turnover
rate by applying:
i) Separation method
ii) Replacement method
iii) Flux method

Number of workers on the payroll:

At the beginning of the month 900
At the end of the month 1100
During the month 10 workers left, 40 persons were discharged and 150 workers were
recruited. Of these, 25 workers are recruited in the vacancies of those leaving, while the rest
were engaged for an expansion scheme.
4. In a company weekly minimum and maximum consumption of material A are 25 and 75
units respectively. The reorder quantity as fixed by the company is 350 units. The material is
received within 8 to 10 weeks from issue of supply order. Calculate minimum level and
maximum level of material A.
5. How would you treat abnormal loss and abnormal gain in process costing?
6. The budgeted expenses of three departments of Raja engineering company for the year 2014-
15 are as follows:
Direct material (₹) 120000 95000 90000
Direct wages (₹) 115000 80000 80000
Factory overheads (₹) 95000 65000 63750
Administrative 20000 20000 12000
overheads (₹)
Direct labour hours 10000 13000 7500

The company recovers factory overheads at direct labour rates and administration overheads
as percentage of factory cost.
The direct costs and labour hours incurred on job number 26 completed during the year are
as follows:
Department A Department B Department C
Direct material (₹) 6000 5000 4000
Direct wages (₹) 4200 3300 2250
Direct labour hours 1000 1200 600

What price should be charged for job number 26 to include a profit of 10% on cost?
7. Define Activity Based Costing. What are its special features?
8. XYZ ltd. which absorbs overheads at predetermined rates provides you the following

Overheads actually incurred ₹200000

Overheads absorbed ₹150000
Goods sold 13000 units
Stock of finished goods 10000 units
Stock of work in progress 10000 units (20% complete)
Unabsorbed overheads were due to rising price levels. How would under absorbed
overheads be treated in cost accounts?
9. What do you understand by “Integrated Accounts”? State the advantages of “Integrated
10. Prepare a Reconciliation account from the following details:
Profit as per cost accounts was of ₹60,000, while the profit as per financial accounts was of
₹59,700. Values of opening & closing stock as shown in cost & financial accounts were as
Financial Accounts Cost accounts
Raw Materials: ₹ ₹
Opening 25,300 25,000
Closing 30,000 29,600

Opening 16,000 15,500
Closing 20,000 19,900

1. “Cost accounting is a tool of managerial planning and control”. Explain the statement.
2. What do you understand by time keeping? What are the various methods of time keeping?
How time keeping is different from time booking?
3. The following is the record of receipts and issues of a certain material in a factory during a

March 2015
1 Opening stock 5000 units@ ₹10 per unit
5 Issued 3000 units
7 Received 6000 units@ ₹10.2 per unit
15 Issue 2500 units (stock verification reveals loss of
16 Received back from orders 1000 units (previously issued at₹9.15 per
17 Issued 4000 UNITS
25 Received 2200 units @ ₹10.30 per unit
27 Issued 3800 units
At what price will you issue the materials according to FIFO and LIFO methods using
perpetual inventory system?
4. A company manufactures a product with semi- annual demand of 16,000 units. One unit of
the product needs 3 litres of a chemical “R”. Cost per litre of R is ₹20. Cost of placing an
order is ₹1000 and carrying cost is 15% per annuam of average inventory.
Determine the Economic Order Quantity for R.Should the company accept an offer of 2%
discount by the supplier, if he wants to supply the annual requirement of R in 4 equal

5. The following particulars relate to processing machine treating a typical material

Cost of machine ₹10000
Estimated life 10 yrs
Scrap value ₹1000
Yearly working time (50 weeks of 44 hours each) 2200 hrs
Machine maintenance 200 hrs p.a.
Setting up time estimated at 5% of total productive time and is regarded as productive time
Electricity is 16 units per hr at 10 paise per unit.
Chemical required weekly ₹20
Maintenance cost per year ₹1200
Two attendants control the operations of machine together with six other machines. Their
combined weekly wages are ₹140
Departmental overhead allocated to this machine per annum ₹2000.
Calculate Machine Hour Rate.

6. Following figures have been extracted from the accounts of a manufacturing concern for the
month of January 2016:
i)Indirect materials:
Production department X ₹2400
Production department Y ₹1800
Production department Z ₹500
Maintenance department M ₹3000
Stores department S ₹800
ii) Indirect labour
Production department X ₹2500
Production department Y ₹3000
Production department Z ₹700
Maintenance department M ₹3000
Stores department S ₹1950
iii) Power and light ₹36000
iv) Rent and rates ₹16800
v) Insurance on assets ₹6000
vi) Meal charges ₹18000
Depreciation 6% per annum on capital value of assets
From the following additional information, calculate the share of overheads of each
production department.
Item Production departments Service departments
Area (Sq. feet) 8000 8000 6000 4000 2000
Capital value of assets (₹) 100000 120000 80000 60000 40000
Kilowatt hours 4000 4400 1600 1500 500
Number of employees 45 60 15 20 10
Direct labour hours 3600 3200 2200
Number of material 900 600 500

7. During the month 8000 units were introduced in process X, the cost per unit being
₹25.Labour and production overheads are ₹39000 and ₹78000, respectively. Opening stock
of work in progress in the process was 2000 units. The costs were:
Materials ₹15000 (100% complete)
Labour ₹1500 (60% complete)
Overheads ₹3000(60% complete)
At the end of the period there were 2000 units in process. Stage of completion was estimated
as 100% for material and 50% for both labour and overhead costs. Assuming FIFO method,
you are required to prepare:
i) Statement of equivalent production
ii) Statement of cost per unit
iii) Statement of evaluation, andProcess X account
8. The following information relates to a building contract for ₹10,00,000 for two years i.e.,
2014 and 2015.
2014 (₹) 2015 (₹)
Material issued 400000 89000
Direct wages 130000 100000
Direct expenses 22000 10000
Indirect expenses 6000 1400
Work certified 750000 1000000
Work uncertified 8000 -
Closing material at site 5000 7000
Plant issued 15000 3000
Cash received from contractee 600000 1000000

The value of plant at the end of 2014 and 2015 was ₹8000 and ₹7000 respectively. Prepare
Contract A/C and Contractees A/C for two years 2014 and 2015 taking into consideration
such profit for transfer to profit and loss A/C. Also show how work in progress will appear
in the balance sheet of the year 2014.

9. The following profit and loss A/C for the year ending 31 st march 2015 has been extracted
from the books of ABC Ltd.
Profit and loss a/c
(for the year ending 31.3.15)
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
To direct material 20000 By sales 45000
To direct labour 10000 By work in progress 1300
To factory expenses 9500 By finished stock in hand 2700
To administration expenses 5200 By net loss 2000
To selling and distribution expenses 3800
To interest on capital 1000
To goodwill written off 1500
51000 51000
Cost A/C manual states that the factory overheads are to be recovered at 100% of direct wages.
Administration overheads at 10% of works cost and selling and distribution overheads @ ₹1 per
unit sold. The units of product sold and in hand were 4000 and 257 respectively.
1) Statement of cost and profit as per cost A/C

2) Reconciliation statement
10. ABC Transport Company supplies the following details with respect of a truck of 5 tonne

Cost of truck ₹900000

Estimated life 10 years
Diesel, oil, grease etc. ₹150 per trip each way
Repairs and maintenance ₹5000 per month
Cleaner’s wages ₹2500 per month
Driver’s wages ₹5000 per month
Insurance ₹4800 per year
Tax ₹2400 per year
General supervision charges ₹4800 per year
The truck carries goods to and from city covering a distance of 50 miles each way. While
going to the city freight is available to the extent of full capacity and on return 20% of
capacity. Assuming that truck run on an average 25 days a month, work out
i) Operating cost per tonne mile, and

ii) Rate per trip that the company should charge if profit of 50% on freightage is to be

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