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1. Harappa people had a common (1) a and b (2) b and c

burial system which is proved (3) a and c (4) a , b and c
(1) the earth burial head of the 6. Which part of rigveda gives an
dead normally laid towards the account of the origin of the
north universe?
(2) the burial of commonly used (1) II MANDAL
item with the dead (2) IV MANDAL
(3) both a and b (3) X MANDAL
(4) none (4) IX MANDAL

2. In the harrapan time seals were 7. The manu smriti mainly deals
made of made of with:
(1) lead (2) stealite (1) Law (2) social order
(3) gold (4) silver (3) state craft (4) economics

3. In which Upanishad is mentioned 8. Who is the founder of nanada

satymev jayate dynasty?
(1) Isha upnishad (1) bimbisara
(2) mundaka upnishad (2)mahapadmananda
(3) prasana upnishad (3) ajadsatru
(4) chandogya upnishad (4) dhanananda

4. The religion of early Vedic 9. Which was the first capital of

Aryans was primarily of maghadha?
(1) bhakti (1) patliputra (2) vaishali
(2)image worship of yajanas (3) rajgriha (4) champa
(3) worship of nature and yajanas
(4) worship of nature and bhakti 10. Arrange the following dynasties
in the chronological order:
5. In the rigveda age: a. nanda
a. there was no purdah system b.sungas
b. no dowry system c.maurya
c. no divorce system d.haryanka
d. no sati system

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(1) b,c,d,a (2) d,a,c,b 15. Consider the following statement:

(3) a,b,c,d (4) c,d,b,a a.bimbisara has founded
11. The southernmost mahajanpada in b.vajji was the name of ancient
ancient India was: north india
(1) avavnti (2) asmka Which of the statement is correct:
(3) chedis (4) mallas (1) only a
(2) only b
12. Which of the following is (3) both a and b
correctly matched? (4) none
Vedas ------ upnishada
(1) rigveda --- aitrya and 16. tripitaka text is related with which
kaushikaki religion:
(2)sam veda --- chhandogya (1) jainism (2) buddhism
and kena (3) both (4) saivism
(3) yajurva veda --- katha
(4) athrava veda -- prasana and 17. Who founded the lingayat
mundaka movement?
(1) basava (2) ramanuja
13. The purushsukta which refers to (3) shankrachrya (4) kamban
the origin of caste, is found in the
(1) athravaveda (2) rigveda 18. which of the following was not a
(3) samaveda (4) yajurveda capital of magadh empire:
(1) girivraja (2) rajgriha
14. Between which rivers the ancient (3) patliputra (4) kosambi
town taxila town situated:
(1) Jhelum and Chenab 19. Who is appointed the governer of
(2) indus and Jhelum RBI recently?
(3) Chenab and ravi (1) raghram rajan
(4) ravi and beas (2) urjit patel
(3) ss mundra
(4) p j nayak

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20. who is the CEO of niti ayog? 25. shyam benegal committee is
(1) arvind pangriya related with:
(2) Amitabh kant (1) Literature
(3) raghuram rajan (2) cinemography
(4) Deepak Mishra (3) both 1 and 2
(4) Conservation of folk dances
21. 51st jnanpith award has been
given to: 26. The green filed project is related
(1) raghuveer choudhary with:
(2) arundhati roy (1) Mustard oil
(3) balcahndra nemede (2) Rice field
(4) anuradha roy (3) Manufacturing
(4) Aviation sector
22. NATI folk dance which is the
largest folk dance in the world is 27. Which of the following is wrong
related with: about PMFBY ?
(1) kollam ,tamilnadu (1) 2 % premium for kharif crop
(2)kullu in himachal (2) 1.5 % premium for rabi crop
(3) Gujarat (3) 5% for horticulture crop
(4) Maharashtra (4) it only covers field in rural
agricultural field of backward and
23. Which state has been declared water deficient district of India
first orginc state in india ?
(1) manipur 28. The union govt and World Bank
(2) sikkim has inked an agreement for Bihar
(3) himachal Pradesh kosi development project worth
(4) uttarakhand (1) 200 million (2) 250 million
(3) 300 million (4) 500 million
24. The first bullet train has been
finalized on the route in Jan 2016 29. The initial fund for the startup
(1) Delhi –Mumbai corridor India is
(2) Kolkata –Mumbai corridor (1) 10,000 crore (2) 12,000 crore
(3) Chennai-Bangalore corridor (3) 15,000 crore (4) 20,000 crore
(4) Mumbai –Ahmedabad corridor

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30. Operation green hunt is related 35. Which of the following city has
with: been chosen for smart city in
(1) Search for modified crops Bihar
(2) action against deforestation (1) East champaran
(3) action against naxalism (2) saharasa
(4) Search for habitable planet (3) darbhanga
outside earth atmosphere (4) Bhagalpur

31. A counter terrorism joint exercise 36. MUDRA bank,a bank for
Shakti-2016 in rajsthan was in financing MSME is being
between india and other country? regulated by
(1) Nepal (2) USA (1) Finance ministry
(3) france (4) UK (2) SEBI
(3) RBI
32. First time any foreign country (4) NITI AYOG
army participated in republic day
parade on 26th January 2016 .the
country is
37. Consider the following statement
(1) nepal (2) bangladesh regarding Asian infrastructure
(3) USA (4) france investment bank .
a. India is the founding member
33. jallikattu a famous bull fighting of this bank
dance is celebrated in the state : b.india have maximum
(1) maharastra shareholding in the bank
(2) Andhra pradesh c.headquater of this bank is in
(3) kerala china.
(4) tamilnadu Choose the correct answer:
(1) a ,b only (2) b,c only
34. Justice lodha committee was (3) a,c only (4) a,b and c
recently in news is related with
(1) cinema certification 38. Which disease has been declared
(2) environment conservation free from Liberia and some
(3) governance of BCCI African countries?
(4) international affair of ICC (1) zika (2) Ebola
(3) AIDS (4) malaria

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39. 14TH pravasi divas were held in 44. dsashavatar is most developed in
which city of india: the region :
(1) delhi (2) jaipur (1) konkan region
(3) hyderabad (4) banglore (2) west –north india
(3) bihar
40. The nai manzil scheme has been (4) west Bengal
launched in jan 2016 in the state:
(1) bihar 45 Oddisi dance is famous for:
(2)west bengal (1) Hands movement
(3) telangana (2) Speaking song
(4)jammu and Kashmir (3) Slow motion
(4) Offering for yaksha
41. ―rail-tel‖ a free wi-fi system has
been launched by Indian railway 46. Which of the following is not
in collaboration of associated with Bihar:
(1) National informatics system (1) jat-jatin (2) jhijhiya
(2) Intel (3) sarhul (4) all of the
(3) Microsoft above
(4) Google
47. Which of the following dance
42. International solar alliance is one forms are associated with
of its fisrt kind initiated by govt of undivided bihar?
india with france have
headquater in (1) chhau (2) gotipua
(1) Paris (2) new delhi (3) tamamsha
(3) Noida (4) Mumbai (4) None of the above

43. Which of the following dance is 48. Which of the following is not a
not correctly matched? folk dance?
(1) bihu assam (1) gidhha
(2) kuchupudi--- tamilnadu (2)garba
(3) kathakali — kerala (3) thabal chongba
(4) sattariya — Manipur (4) sattariya

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49. Which of the following is not a 55. kathak and dhrupad has been
folk dance of Chhattisgarh? originated originally in:
(1) sua (2) ghumar (1) UP (2) bihar
(3) karma (4) panthi (3) MP (4) rahsthan

50 .khayal and alap associated with 56. natya sastra was written by:
(1) north indian dance (1) bahahrat muni (2) tandu muni
(2) north indian dance (3) narard muni (4) ved vyas
(3) south india dance
(4) south india music \57. Yakshagana is related with:
(1) tamilnadu
51. mohiniattam and modiyettu is (2) rajsthan
related with (3) west Bengal
(1) tamilnadu (4) Karnataka
(2) andhrapradesh
(3) tamilnadu 58. The oldest form of Hindustani
(4) kerala music from the following is:
(1) ghazal
52. Karma is a folk dance of the (2) Dhrupad
following: (3) thumari
(1) jharkhnad and chhhatisgarh (4) None of the above
(2) bihar
(3) orissa 59. lilavati was written by:
(4)jharkhnad,chhhatisgarh,Mahar (1) brahamachrya
(2) bhaskaracharya
(3) ramanujan
53. Which of the following not a
(4) bishakhdattha
string instrument:
(1) violin (2) ukuleke
60. Hitopadesh was composed by:
(3) veena (4) mridnagam
(1) Sridhar namdar
54. kalbelia is a dance form of :
(3) kalidas
(1) rajsthan (2) bihar
(4) ved vyas
(3) jharkhand (4) chhatisgarh

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61. Upanishad was translated in 66. Who wrote neel darpan :

Persian during the reign: (1) rabindra nath tagore
(1) aurangjeb (2) dinbandhu mitra
(2) shahjahan (3) abindra nath jain
(3) Jahangir (4) bankim Chandra chatarjee
(4) akbar
67. Which of the following place is
62. Which of the book is not written not associated with the lord
by kalidasa Buddha?
(1) raghuvnasham (1) Ujjain
(2)ritushamhara (2) Avanti
(3) mrichhkatikam (3) Kushinagar
(4)abhigyan shakuntalam (4) Shravasti

63. Geet govind a Jaidev work is in 68. Which king of the Gupta Dynasty
the language of: was called the ‗Napoleon Of
(1) prakrit (2) pali India‘?
(3) sanskrit (4) hindi (1) Samudragupta
(2)Chandragupta Vikramaditya
64. Sankaracharya is related with (3) Srigupta
which philosophy (4) Chandragupta 1
(1) samkhya
(2) adavit 69. Who among the following
(3) nyaya organized Ashwamedha Yajna?
(4) None of the above (1) Ajatshatru
(2) Ashoka
65. Who among the following is a (3) Samudragupta
proponent of madhyamika (4) Chandragupta
(1) sankara 70. The six distinct school of indian
(2) nagarjuna philosophy-sankhya,
(3) basava yoga,Nyaya,Vaishasika,mimansa,
(4) None of the above vedanta become fully articulated
during the
(1) Vedic age (2) Gupta age
(3) kushana age (4) Maurya age

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71. Which of the following was the 76. Who was the founder of the
official language of Gupta Gupta Dynasty?
Period? (1) Chandragupta1
(1) Pali (2) Magadhi (2) Srigupta
(3) Prakrit (4) Sanskrit (3) Samudragupta
(4) Skandgupta
72. Which of the following Gupta
Kings granted permission to 77. Who was the court poet of
Meghverma, the ruler of Sri Samudragupta?
Lanka to build a Buddhist Tempe (1) Asvaghosha (2) Nagarjuna
at Gaya?
(3) Aryabhatta (4) Harisena
(1) Chandragupta1
(2) Samudragupta
78. The Prayaga / Allahabad Pillar
(3) Chandragupta 2 inscription is associated with
(4) Skandagupta which one of the following?
(1) Mahapadmananda
73. Aryabhatta & Varahmihira (2)Chandragupta Maurya
belongs to which age? (3) Ashoka
(1) Guptas (2) Cholas (4) Samudragupta
(3) Mauryas (4) Mughals 79. Which of the following was not
composed by ‗Harshvardhana?
74. Shudrak‘s Mrichhakatikam is a (1) Harshacharitra (2) Ratnavali
(1) Drama (2) Novel (3) Priyadarshika (4) Nagananda
(3) Poem (4) Short story
80. Which one of the following rules
75. Samudragupta has been given the checked Harshvaedhana‘s
title of indian Napoleon by the expedition in South India?
historian (1) Pulkesin 1
(1) Romila Thapar (2) Pulakesin 2
(2) VA Smith (3) Vikramaditya 1
(3) RC Mazumdar (4) Vikramaditya 2
(4) RS Sharma

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81. The rock-cut temples of 84. Match the following

Mahabalipuram were built under
the patronage of the A.History of ancient India 1. RC
(1) Chola Kings Majumdar
(2) Pandya Kings
(3) Pallava Kings B. Indo Aryans 2. PV
(4) Satvahana Kings Kane

82 Which of the following pairs is C. History &culture of India 3. KA

not correctly matched? Nilakanth Shastri
(1) Karpuramanjari : Harsha
(2) Malavikagnimtra : Kalidas D.History of Dharamsastra
(3) Mudrakshasa : Visakhadatta 4.Rajendra Lal
(4) Saundarananda : Asvaghosha Mitra
83. Which of the following A B C D
statements is/are correct? (1) 3 4 1 2
(a) The Ajanta caves have been (2) 1 4 3 2
painted with scenes from Jainism. (3) 3 2 1 4
(b) The crowning achievement of (4) 1 3 4 2
Ellora Caves is the colossal
monolithic Kailashnath Templre. 85. The earliest coins called the
(c) The Ajanta caves have been Punch-marked coins were largely
built over a period of eight made of
centuries by different rulers. (1) gold (2) silver
Select correct answer using the (3) copper (4) iron
codes given below
(1) b&c
86. The earliest inscriptions were
(2) a&c written in which language?
(3) only b (1) Pali (2) Prakrit
(d) All of these (3) Sanskrit (4) Tamil

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87. Which of the ‗epics‘ is also

known as ‗Satasahsri Samiti ? 93. What does the painting in ajanata
(1) licta (2) ramayana depicts
(3) mahabaharata (4) rig veda (1) Ramayana (2) mahabharata
(3) jatakas (4) panchtantra
88. Ellora caves have representartion
from which religion? 94. When was the panchtantra
(1) hinduism (2) jianism written?
(3) budhhism (4) all of the (1) maurya period
above (2) kanishka period
(3) gupta period
89. Vivekananad rock memorial is (4) harsha period
situated at
(1) kanyakumari 95. Which of the following sources of
(2) rameswaram islam is associated with the
(3)dakshineshwar teachings of prophet of
(4)mount abu mohammad
(1) quran (2)hidya
90. Which of the following represent (3) fiqah (4) sunah
the devotional song of the Sikhs
sung in gurudwara on religious 96. Taxila university is situated in
occasion? (1)india (2) china
(1) shabads (2) gurupurbas (3) bangladesh (4) Pakistan
(3) kirtans (4) bhjanas
97. bhagataism revolves around the
91. The indian legal and judicial deity
system were founded in (1) shiva (2) bhagavatai
(1) Later vedic period (3) arjuna (4) Vishnu
(2) pre maurayan period
(3) maurayan period
(4) gupta period

92. Which of the following is the

oldest dynasty?
(1) maurya (2) gupta
(3) kushan (4) kanva

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98. fa-hein and huen tsang visited 103. Consider the following ruler
(1) Chandra gupta maurya and b.fa-hein
harsha respectively c.huien-tsnag
(2) Chandra gupta maurya and d.megasthnese
krishnadeva respectively Choose the correct chronological
(3) Chandra gupta maurya and order of their visit to India:
smaudrgupta respectively (1) 4,3,1,2 (2) 2.4,3,1
(4) Chandra gupta vikrmaditya (3) 4,2,3,1 (4) 1,2,4,3
and harsha respectively
104. The first major inscription in
100. The decimal system in india classical Sanskrit is that of
first known in the period
(1)Chandragupta vikramditya
(1) AD 2nd century (2) kanishka 1
(2) AD 3rd century (3) rudrdaman
(3) AD 4th century (4) samudrgupt
(4) AD 5th century

101. Which of the following is a

book on medicine?
(1) charaka samhita
105. which of the following is not
(2) lokayata correctly matched
(3) brihatsamhita (1) bimbisar - maghadha
(4) surya sidhhanta (2) bindusar - maurya
(3) agnimitra - sunga
102. Which of the following is (4) sasanka - kanva
correctly matched:
(1)kautilya— arthsahtra
106. which of the following was
(2)hala --gathasapsati known as chaloclithic age
(3) banabhatta--budhhcharita (1) Paleolithic age
(4)kalidasa- abhigyanshakuntalam (2) copper stone age
(3) Neolithic age
(4) iron age

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107. The cultivation of cereals 111. Who authored Buddhist Pali

started in text Anagatvamsa
(1) Neolithic age (1) Kassapa
(2) mesolthic age (2) Buddhapalita
(3) paleolithic age (3) Nagasena
(4) none of these (4) Asvaghosha

108. Carbon-dating is used to 112. Who produced the Shunyavada

determine the age of doctrine
(1) Fossils (2) Plants (1) Buddhapalita (2) Dinnaga
(3) Rocks (4) None of (3) Dharmakiti (4) Nagarjuna
113. The principle governers of the
109. Which of the following Vijayanagar Empire between
statements is/are incorrect? (1) AD 1485 & 1502
1. A lay follower of Jainism & not (2) AD1509 & 1530
include discipline in his life. (3) AD 1533 & 1545
2. A jaina monk is expected to lead (4) AD 155 & 1565
of life free from all 114. The term ‗Govikarta‘ was used
rigorousnesses. in the Vedic age for
(1) Only 1 (1) Courier
(2) Neither 1 nor 2 (2) head of forest department
(3) Both 1&2 (3) the Queen (4) the Priest
(4) Only 2
115. Which republican state had its
110. The rock-cut caves of Badami capital at Ramagrana?
& Aihole having the figures of (1) Kohyas (2) Kalamas
jaina Tirthankaras were built by
(3) Bhaggas (4) Magadh
(1) Chalukya
(2) Chandellas
116. Which Mahajanpada
(3) Pallavas correspondence to modern
(4) Rashtrakutas Munger & Bhagalpur district of
(1) vajji (2) malla
(3) anga (4) magadh

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117. Name the Mahajanapadas 122. Which of the following aspects

which was a confederacy of eight has not been dealt within the
republican clans? Arthashastra?
(1) vatsa (2) vajji (1) Eradication of famine
(3) magadh (4) malla (2) Method of cultivation
(3) Qualities of ministers
118. The first king to have a (4) Spy system
standing army was
(1) jarasandha 123. Which one of the following
(2) brihadratha does not appear on the abacus of
(3) bimbisara the Sarnath Lion capitol of
(4) mahapadma nanda Ashoka?
(1) Bull (2) Deer
119. The ancient name of North (3) Elephant (4) Horse
Bihar was
(1) vajji (2) vatsa 124. Who among the following
(3) surasena (4) Avanti historical personalities of India is
also known as Vishnigupta?
120. When Alexander invaded (1) Bilhana
India, who was the rulers of (2) Kalidasa
Magadha? (3) Patanjali
(1) Haryankas (2) Shishunagas (4) Chanakya
(3) Nandas (4) Mauryas
125. Which one of the following
121. Which one of the followibg places has no Ashokan edicts?
rulers of Magadha was the (1) Girnar (2) Kandhar
contemporary of Alexander the (3) Patliputra (4) Topra
(1) Mahapadmananda 126. Who among the following was
(2) Dhananada appointed by Ashoka to
(3) Sukalp administer justice in his empire?
(4) Chandragupta mauraya (1) Sharmana
(2) Uparika
(3) Rajuka
(4) Kumar Amatya

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127. Who deciphered the Brahmi 132. St Thomas is said to have

inscription of Ashoka first time? come to India to propagate
(1) James Princep Christianity during the reign of
(2) HD Sankaliya (1) Shenguttavan (Chera)
(3) SR Goyal (2)Karikal (Chola )
(4) VN Mishra (3) Nendujelian (Pandya)
(4) Gondapharnese (Parthian)
128. By which name was Chanakya
known in his childhood? 133. Who started the Saka Era &
(1) Ajaya (2) Chanakya when?
(3) Vishnugupta (4) Deogupta (1) Kdphises in 58 BC
(2) Vikramaditya in 58 BC
129. Who constructed Sanchi (3) Rudradaman I in AD 78
Stupa? (4) Kanishka in AD 78
(1) Chandragupta
(2) Kautilya 134. In the kingdom of Satvahanas
(3) Gautam Buddha of ancient India, a district was
(4) Ashoka called?
(1) Ahara (2) Kataka
130. Who was called by Vindhya (3) Rashtra (4) Vihara
(1) Simuka 135. At which of the following places
(2) Gautamiputra Satkarni was the headless statue of
(3) Ashoka Kanishka found?
(4) Chandragupta Maurya (1) Allahabad (2) Mathura
(3) Sanchi (4) Taxila
131. Who is ancient India Assumed
the title Amritraghata? 136. Which one of the following
(1) Ajatashatru dynasties was associated with
Gandhara School of Art?
(2) Chandragupta Maurya
(1) Chalukyas (2) Guptas
(3) Bindusara
(3) Kushans (4) Mauryas
(4) Ashoka

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137. A Buddhist Council during the 143. Purushmedha i.e., male

reign of Kanishka was held at sacrifice , is refurred to in
(1) Magadha (2) Patliputra (1) Krishna Yajurveda
(3) Kashmir (4) Rajgriha (2) Shukla Yajurveda
(3) Shatapatha Brahmin
138. Which Chinese general (4) Panchvisha Brahmin
defected Kanishha?
(1) Pen Chao (2) Pan Yang 144. Who composed the Gayatri
(3) Chi Huang Ti (4) Ho Ti Mantra?
(1) Vishwamitra (2) Vashistha
139. Which river has not been (3) Indra (4) Parikshhit
mentioned in Rig veda?
(1) Sindhu (2) Saraswati 145. Which one of the following
(3) Yamuna (4) Periyar statements is correct?
(1) The grama of the Rigvedic
140. The word ‗Gotra‘ occurs for Aryans usually refers to a group
the first time in of Kinsfold & not a village.
(1) Rigveda (2) Samveda (2) The Ayans of early vedic times
(3) Yajurveda (4) Atharvaveda tamed elephants & used them in
141. Which one of the following is (3) Rigveda mentions swayambara
the distinctive feature between a & marriage of widows
Nastika & Astika system in India? (4) The Rigveda mentions
(1) Belief in the existence of god Vindhyas & Satpura Mountains &
the Narmada River
(2) Belief in the doctrine of rebirth
(3) Belief in the aunthenticity of
the vedas 146. What does Baudhayan theorem
(Baudhayan Sulva Sutra) relate
(4) Belief in the existence of
heaven & hell
(1) Lengths of sides of a right-
angled triangle
142. Nyaya Darshan was
(2) Calculation of the value of pi
propagated by
(3) Logarithmic calculations
(1) Gautama (2) Kapil
(4) None of the above
(3) Kanada (4) Jaimini

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147. K veeramani justice award was

given in jan 2016 to
(1) prashant bhusan
(2) anna hazare
(3) nitish kumar
(4) arvind kejriwal

148. Who won Australian open

women doubles in 2016
(1) sania mirza and serena
(2) William sistors
(3) sania mirza and maria
(4) martina hingis and sania mirza

149. Which of the following

countries quota under IMF has not
been increased in 2016
(1) indian and UK
(2) USA and IRAN
(3) inadia and china
(4)india and Russia

150. Mrinalini sharabhai who

passed away in 2016 was related
(1) Music (2) dance
(3) theater (4) cinema

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