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Urinary Bladder Diverticulum and Its Association With Malignancy: An Anatomical Study On Cadavers

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Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2010, 51(3):543–545


Urinary bladder diverticulum and its

association with malignancy: an
anatomical study on cadavers
Department of Anatomy,
Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre,
Whitefield, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Department of Ophthalmology,
Katihar Medical College, Katihar, Bihar, India
Department of Anatomy,
Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi U.P., India

Present work was directed to study the prevalence and anatomical basis of diverticulum formation and its association with malignancy
inside the urinary bladder on cadavers. Urinary bladder diverticulum and its complications including malignancy has been reported by
different authors based on their study on radiological findings and endoscopy. Present study was undertaken on cadavers to meet the
aforementioned objectives. Thirty properly embalmed cadavers (19 males and 11 females) of different ages were dissected. Sagittal
section of pelvis was studied. Urinary bladder was incised to expose the interior and it was examined for the presence of diverticulum
(including number and location). Detailed history of the cause of death of cadavers with diverticulum was studied to determine how many
of them suffered from urinary bladder diverticular carcinoma. 23.4% cadavers (31.6% males and 9.1% females) showed presence of
urinary bladder diverticulum. The location of the diverticulum in all the cadavers was on superior and lateral side of the ureteric opening on
the posterior surface of the urinary bladder. Diverticulum of one male cadaver aged 74 years was complicated by malignancy. Our study
observed greater prevalence of diverticulum formation as compared to previous reports. In the present work, 14.3% diverticulum of the
urinary bladder showed malignant change, which is more than earlier reports in the literature. Urinary bladder diverticulum should neither
be neglected nor ignored. Appropriate early treatment (including the cause) of the diverticulum should be undertaken to avoid
complications like malignancy which will finally ensure longevity.
Keywords: cadaver, anatomy, urinary bladder, diverticulum, malignancy.

 Introduction that 2–7% of patients with diverticula in the urinary

bladder develop neoplasm within the diverticula.
A diverticulum is an outpouching of a hollow (or a Correction of outlet obstruction is first suggested in
fluid filled) structure, which can be formed inside patients with diverticula formed secondary to obstruct-
different organs in the body. Increase in the intravesical ion; since many of these diverticula spontaneously
pressure (3–5 times) causes the urinary bladder mucosa resolve with relief of the obstruction. Many authors
to insinuate itself between muscle bundles of bladder have reported repeatedly regarding diverticulum for-
resulting in development of a mucosal extravasational mation in the urinary bladder based on endoscopy and
sac or saccule which further results in formation of imaging techniques [1–15]. Present work was under-
diverticulum [1, 2]. Regarding the site of diverticulum taken on cadavers to study the prevalence and anato-
formation; the most likely site to be affected is the area mical basis including the site and number of diverticu-
adjacent to the ureteral orifice where the longitudinal lum formation in the urinary bladder.
muscle fibers are absent and the outpouching is facili-
tated [3, 4].
 Material and Methods
Diverticula in urinary bladder is mucosal outpouch-
ing of the bladder not having the muscle layer resulting Thirty properly embalmed and formalin fixed cada-
in loss of its contractile activity which will finally lead vers were studied. Cadavers (19 males and 11 females)
to urinary stasis. This will later manifest as stone forma- were studied with age range between 25 to 75 years.
tion and urinary tract infection predisposing to malign- Pelvis of aforementioned cadavers was dissected to exa-
ancy. Faysal MH and Freiha FS [5] concluded that stasis mine the urinary bladder. Urinary bladder was incised to
of carcinogens in bladder diverticula predisposes the expose the internal mucosal surface and lumen. Mucosal
epithelium of urinary bladder to neoplasm formation. surface was checked for presence or absence of diver-
Shakeri S et al. [6] and Dondalsky M et al. [7] reported ticulum formation. Prevalence of diverticulum forma-
544 Prakash et al.
tion including its number in all the cadavers of different  Results
age and sex was recorded. Specimens were studied for
Seven out of thirty (23.4%) cadavers showed pre-
the site of diverticulum (superior, inferolateral or
sence of diverticulum in the urinary bladder. In six out
posterior surface). The diverticulum site was studied in of nineteen (31.6%) males and one out of eleven (9.1%)
relation to the ureteric opening on the posterior surface. females diverticulum was detected in the urinary
Detailed history including the cause of death of all the bladder (Figures 1 and 2).
cadavers were checked and studied to reveal how many One cadaver aged 29 years showed diverticulum;
of them suffered from urinary bladder diverticular whereas six cadavers with diverticulum were more than
carcinoma. 50 years of age (Table 1).

Figure 1 – Median view of the sagittal section of Figure 2 – Lateral view of the sagittal section of female
female pelvis showing diverticulum of the urinary pelvis showing diverticulum of the urinary bladder.
bladder. PB: Pubic bone; U: Urethra; V: Vagina; LM: PB: Pubic bone; S: Sacrum; UB: Urinary bladder; D:
Labia majora; R: Rectum; AC: Anal canal; UT: Diverticulum; U: Ureter.
Uterus; S: Sacrum; UB: Urinary bladder; D: Diverti-
culum; U: Ureter.
Table 1 – Details of the cadavers showing diverticulum formation in the urinary bladder
No. of Surface of urinary Diverticulum site in relation Presence of malignant
SN. Sex Age [years]
diverticulum bladder affected to the ureteric opening changes in the diverticulum
1. Male 50 1 No
2. Male 29 2 No
3. Female 70 1 No
4. Male 74 1 Posterior Above and outer side Yes
5. Male 66 1 No
6. Male 56 1 No
7. Male 61 1 No

In six out of thirty (16.7%) specimens, only one can be explained as follows. Majorities of cases diagno-
diverticulum was observed whereas one specimen sed as urinary bladder diverticulum are actually pseudo-
showed two diverticula in the urinary bladder (Table 1). diverticulum, which is difficult to distinguish through
All the seven specimens showed diverticulum formation endoscopy and radiological imaging techniques. They
in the posterior surface of the urinary bladder (Table 1). are composed of only mucosa and serosa, which is
The location of the diverticulum in all the seven formed in areas lacking muscle fibers.
cadavers was above and on the outer side of the ureteric Diverticulum of the urinary bladder is far more
opening (Table 1). History of one male cadaver aged common in males than females (ratio of 9:1) [6, 7].
74 years with one diverticulum formed on the upper and According to Russell RCG et al. [1], 95% of cases, the
lateral side of the ureteric opening on the posterior patient of bladder diverticula is a male over 50 years of
surface confirmed death by transitional cell carcinoma age. Our observation showed greater prevalence of
of the urinary bladder diverticulum (Table 1). diverticulum formation (31.6% in males and 9% in
females) as compared to aforementioned reports by
 Discussion different authors. Its prevalence is more in men as
In our study, 23.4% of cadavers showed presence of compared to women, which is multifactorial. One
diverticulum in the urinary bladder. The high prevalence important factor contributing to diversity between both
Urinary bladder diverticulum and its association with malignancy: an anatomical study on cadavers 545
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Corresponding author
Prakash, Associate Professor, MD, Department of Anatomy, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Centre, Whitefield, Bangalore, 560066 Karnataka, India; Phone +919480229670, +918028413838, Fax
+918028412956, +918028416199, e-mail:,

Received: May 3rd, 2009

Accepted: June 18th, 2010

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