Mm322 Lab 5 - LVDT
Mm322 Lab 5 - LVDT
Mm322 Lab 5 - LVDT
Experiment No.: 5
*Students will write by themselves.
The purpose of the lab was to learn through experiments how to use a Linear Variable
Differential Transformer (LVDT) followed by measuring displacement variation and
LVDT (02), Micrometer, Analogue Gauging System (MERCER 122L)
The Linear Variable Differential Transformer is a position sensing device that provides an AC
output voltage proportional to the displacement of its core passing through its windings. LVDTs
provide linear output for small displacements where the core remains within the primary coils.
The exact distance is a function of the geometry of the LVDT.
An LVDT is much like any other transformer in that it consists of a primary coil, secondary
coils, and a magnetic core. An alternating current, known as the carrier signal, is produced in the
primary coil. The changing current in the primary coil produces a varying magnetic field around
the core. This magnetic field induces an alternating (AC) voltage in the secondary coils that are
in proximity to the core. As with any transformer, the voltage of the induced signal in the
secondary coil is linearly related to the number of coils.
As the core is displaced, the number of coils in the secondary coil exposed to the coil changes
linearly. Therefore the amplitude of the induced signal varies linearly with displacement.
Figure: Cross section of LVDT
The LVDT indicates direction of displacement by having the two secondary coils whose outputs
are balanced against one another. The secondary coils in an LVDT are connected in the opposite
sense (one clockwise, the other counter clockwise). Thus when the same varying magnetic field
is applied to both secondary coils, their output voltages have the same amplitude but differ in
sign. The outputs from the two secondary coils are summed together, usually by simply
connecting the secondary coils together at a common center point. At an equilibrium position
(generally zero displacement) a zero output signal is produced.
The induced AC signal is then demodulated so that a DC voltage that is sensitive to the
amplitude and phase of the AC signal is produced.
Applications of LVDT are: Automotive appliances, Automotive Test Laboratories, Die casting
machinery, Fossil fuel and Nuclear Power
*Write any other (05) application area
Experimental setup:
1. Connect the LVDT with the micrometer.
2. Connect the LVDT with the Analogue Gauging System.
3. Connect the Analogue Gauging System with the power supply.
4. Set the position of LVDT such that a range of voltage from +10 to -10 volts can be
5. Change the LVDT displacement using the micrometer.
6. Record the micrometer and Gauge system reading in the Table 1.
Table 1
Resultant Displacement of Resultant Displacement of
S. No. LVDT-1 LVDT-2
Displacement (µm)
(µm) (µm)