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How To Tame A Demon

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How to Tame a


A Short Practical Guide to

Organized Intimidation
Stalking, Electronic
Torture, and Mind Control
By Robert Duncan BA, MS,

Higher Order Thinkers Publishing,

Boise ID 83703
Please obey copyrights. We put our
mental energy, creativity, research, and
skills into information distribution.
Information wants to be free but do not
distribute this book in any form without
author or publisher consent.

ISBN -13: 978-1492912668

ISBN-10: 1492912662
© 2014 by Higher Order Thinkers

Special thanks goes to Cynthia Hamil,

who is a great soul and inspiration to
all. Chet Slater
( is
thanked for the book cover design, an
incredibly talented artist. Mark Hammes
( is
thanked for ideas and editing.

Caution: The advice in this book is just

that. Always consult a medical
professional for treatment, check your
local laws, and many suggestions may be
dangerous. The author and publisher take
no responsibility for damages that may
result from outcomes by reading this

To the heroes, those who care about

humankind’s future, freedom, due
process, and brave enough to take
on powerful corrupt institutions
which lead to tyranny.
Table of Contents
Glossary of Terms
Government Mind Control Programs
The Awakening
What is their game?
Assumption of Life Goals
Goals of a Targeted Individual
The Controllers’ End Game
Traps to Avoid
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a “TI” (Targeted Individual)?
Why me? Did I do something wrong?
How long will I be in this program?
How many people have had these
What is their agenda?
Seeking Help or Assistance
Why won’t my family and friends
believe me?
It is so blatant and obvious why
doesn’t society stop it?
Will it ever end?
Should I get life insurance?
Why don’t people believe me?
Is there a way off this EH torture and
organized stalking list?
Should I trust doctors?
Should I go to the police or FBI?
Why does valium and xanex help to
defeat some of the effects?
I went to a doctor. Should I take the
Should I believe what they, “The
voices”, tell me?
Should I tell my family and friends
what is happening to me?
Are there support groups for what I’m
going through?
What are “Trolls”?
Is there any hope?
Shielding and Blocking Signal
Is there shielding?
I feel like they are messing with my
heart’s rhythm. Is there any defense
against it?
Can I do anything about blocking
synthetic telepathy (V2K)?
Do tin foil hats work?
Coping Strategies:
My mail is being delayed and
tampered with. What can I do?
Will moving help?
Will yoga, meditation, and hypnosis
work to alter the brain frequencies
and be harder to clone and adapt to?
My memory can be wiped and is very
foggy. What can I do to help my
How do I rid myself of the bad
memories and bad dreams?
How do I stop others from controlling
I am in a thought and behavioral rut.
How do I steer it in another direction?
Can I stop dream manipulation?
I am in constant panic and confused.
What should I do?
My jaw snaps down as I’m about to
fall asleep or I feel like I may
My neighbors seem to be in on it.
Should I move?
How do I stop them from controlling
my emotions?
What can I do about the break-ins?
They said I will be homeless in a
year. Can they do it?
Does prayer help?
What do I do about sleep deprivation?
How about fatigue?
Psychological Methods Used:
What is Group Organized Stalking?
What is Media Stalking?
Don’t they realize that by torturing the
world’s population that it will reach a
breaking point?
Could our country be controlled
through blackmail and mind control
Are my neighbors using microwave
weapons on me?
How is mind control possible?
How do they know what is important
to me and what will give me stress?
How do the handlers know all my
Do I have a choice of how I am
Do the brain frequencies matter? Why
did they serialize my thoughts and
slow me down?
How are memories erased and how
are they implanted?
How does government herd the
people and weed out the malcontent’s
and dissidents and anyone smart
enough to question those without
checks and balances?
How are split personalities created?
They say that if I do an act of murder
that they will free me from the torture.
Is that true?
Why hasn’t the news covered this
most important topic?
Isn’t there a whistle blower who will
come forward to save us?
Will they attack my family too?
Are they trying to kill me?
Are they stealing my creative and
intellectual property and giving them
to someone else or stifling its
Are they black-mailing me?
What does “crazy” mean to the
average person?
I think they are slandering me. Are
Why is stress used for programming?
Capabilities, effects, and technology
What are some electronic assault
What is the frequency?
How do they keep a lock-on the target
and be able to see through walls?
Is this being done by satellites or
Am I micro-chipped or nano-
Can they make me kill someone
against my will bypassing my
conscious will and then make me not
remember it?
Are computers involved in mind
Can other animals be used?
Can a targeted person pass a lie
detector test or purposefully fail one?
Can the government technology create
extreme emotions in people who are
not aware of the technology, be
influenced emotionally, or subliminal
suggestions be put into them?
How can they access my memories?
Can they make me experience
something like smells and tastes that I
have never smelled before or pains
that I have never felt before?
Can my memories be transferred or
false memories put into my mind?
Can psychopathic personalities be
created using this technology for false
flag purposes?
How can I tell the difference between
DEWs and various resonance
frequencies versus RNM (remote
neural monitoring and EEG cloning)?
What are the long term effects of these
energies and experimentation on me?
Do they currently have the ability to
record all my memories from life until
Can they insert languages or skills
into the mind of the target?
Can they get my passwords?
What are some long term effects of
torture, trauma, and stress induction?
Why do some people hear voices?
How do they see me? Am I showing
up like an infrared body scan, or are
they literally viewing me through my
TV’s and other appliances?
What is the frequency? Is it ELF
(extremely low frequency) or
Microwaves attacking me?
Can they read my mind? Are they only
able to scan the way that my brain
processes my thoughts? How clearly
are they able to understand and
interpret my thoughts?
Are my telephones tapped?
Are the voices human or an artificial
intelligence program?
I initially heard sounds perceived at a
distance. Now it is heard after a
month in my head. Why is this?
How can they target me even when I
am near someone else?
Why can’t anyone hear what I record
on a device or see what I see on
Is anything private?
How do I prevent electronic warfare
weapons ruining my electronics and
stalling my car?
Legal Issues:
Is there legal recourse?
Who is behind it?
What is being done? What has been
tried to bring awareness to the general
Are they stealing my intellectual
I have been fighting a court case to
keep me out of mandatory
psychological evaluation and
incarceration. Are there any expert
witnesses that will testify on my
behalf about the technology?
How do I prove it?
Who do you send proof to? Who has
the power to stop it?
General advice:
I’m sorry this short book has taken
so long to write. What the reader should
realize is that s/he is not alone. 10’s of
thousands of people are going through
something similar around the world.
This book hopes to give some practical
advice and understanding of how
different perspectives can cause
confusion and frustration for the target
and hopes to consolidate some solutions
others have found. There are people that
have been released from the programs
but this is rare. It is more realistic to
expect the intensity of the various attacks
to be lessened and whereby personal
physical and psychological coping
mechanisms are found.
This book is basically a
compilation of the most commonly asked
questions a novice asks when brought
into these horrific government programs
of experimentation, manipulation, and
silent assassination. The questions are
answered as simply and succinctly as
This book is not meant to
produce false hope. It hopes to alleviate
suffering. It offers suggestions from
hundreds of TIs through anecdotal
stories. It seems that what works for one
person does not necessarily work for
another. Large scale studies have not
been done because of the lack of
government grants in this area for the
“fringe”. As more and more people
come forward, the fringe will become
the norm.

“All truth passes through three phases.

First it is ridiculed. Secondly, it is
violently opposed. Third, it is accepted
as being self evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer

The Catholic Church used

exorcism to cast out demons who were
possessing people. In modern times
many labeled mentally ill can be
described as demonically possessed. In
today’s world there is a group within the
government that is using a transmitted
technological demon that can induce
symptoms of what would appear to be
both demon possession and mental
illness. This worldwide, remotely
transmitted technological demon was
originally unleashed upon humankind
under the guise of “national security, but
is now being used as an instrument of
oppression, tyranny, totalitarianism, and
world domination. This book hopes to
help people learn how to tame that
A person who is targeted by
this technological demon or is subjected
to any form of government harassment or
terrorism is known as a "Targeted
Individual (TI)”. There are a vast
number of Targeted individuals in
today’s society. That number grows
larger everyday as these technologies
advance and the conquest for world
domination proliferates.
The experiences of targeted
individuals have many commonalities.
This short self help book hopes to bring
these different experiences together and
offer some solutions to alleviate further
trauma and mental scarring through
understanding and some practical
We will take a journey from all
the different perspectives of these
experiences to help combine the jargon
from many different fields. When one
starts down this path of being victimized
by this "demon", they ask themselves
many questions and often come up with
the common answers, but get tricked into
going down the wrong path which will
lead them to misguided theories and
false conclusions often against their best
Unfortunately by the time most
people read this book they have made
many mistakes and walked down a
confusing undesirable path.
This book is written in a very
different style than most. It is a book of
the most commonly asked questions from
people about the topic of government
mind control projects. The questions are
answered as briefly as possible so that
the reader can grasp the fundamentals of
what to expect during the
experimentation, interrogation, and
programming. But first let us take the
time to read and understand the
following terms for our mutual language
in order to understand on how tame this
Glossary of Terms

AI – Short for “Artificial

Intelligence”. These are
computer programs that
simulate human intelligence
including speech recognition
and natural language
Algorithm – A step by step
Data mining – The science of
using algorithms to parse out
information, alerts, and
categorizations of extremely
large databases.
DEW – Directed Energy
Weapons. The general
classification of these
weapons can include
microwave, lasers, sound, and
even building shaking. Any
type of energy that can be
directed at a biological or
structural target.
Electronic warfare – These
involve weapons systems that
interfere and can take control
of electronics such as alarm
systems, car locks, electronic
garage doors, computers, etc.
EM - Electromagnetics
Gas lighting – Techniques
used to produce paranoia in a
Information Warfare – The
use of electronic warfare,
computer network operations,
psychological operations and
deception to influence, disrupt,
corrupt, or usurp the decision
making process of a group or
individual. This is a general
classification that involves
perceptions of human beings
and their belief systems. It can
include cyber or cybernetic
Martha Mitchell Effect – A
psychological misdiagnosis of
delusion in which the subject’s
story being strange ends up
being true.
Memetics – is the study of
ideas and concepts viewed
like living organisms such as
genetics. Ideas that bread in
host minds, mutate, and evolve
as they spread.
NLP – The acronym stands for
“Neural Linguistic
Programming”. The techniques
are used in advertising and
positive hypnosis but the CIA
uses it in their techniques to
program others to kill which
includes various drugs and
mind control techniques or for
reprogram a person from one
loyalty to another.
Perp – Short for perpetrator.
Someone involved in nefarious
Psychotronics – This is old
terminology meaning the
effects of electromagnetic
fields on the human mind.
Psyops – Short for
psychological operations.
Passing information to a group
or individual to influence their
emotions, motives, reasoning,
and ultimately their behavior.
Such uses include propaganda.
The purpose of psychological
operations is to fool that group
or individual into doing what
the instigator wants them to
do. It is even used against
politicians to increase war
PTSD – Post traumatic stress
disorder. It often occurs after
traumatic events and leave
mental scars which are
difficult to cure. It is
purposefully induced for
interrogations, brainwashing,
and mind control.
SATAN – An above top secret
mind control weapon system
used worldwide for eugenics
of so called dissidents. It
stands for “silent assassination
through adaptive neural
Synthetic telepathy – It is the
most common terminology for
direct brain to computer to
brain communication
artificially. The technology can
transmit emotions, words, and
sensory perception
bidirectionally to the “hive
mind”, usually 2-6 people in a
TI – “Targeted Individual”.
This acronym is commonly
used to mean when you are on
a government “re-education”
or silent assignation list.
Trolls – These are agent
provocateurs mostly on the
internet whether government
affiliated or not.
V2K – This is another old but
commonly used acronym to
mean “voice to skull” often
called “V2S” but this term
doesn’t define the type of
technology used for
transmission of voices. There
are 4 published technologies.
Government Mind Control
Many of the discovered
government mind control programs use
trauma based conditioning. Here is a
short list of revealed programs. Project
Bluebird, initiated in 1949, was the first
CIA behavior modification program.
Bluebird morphed into Project
Artichoke to create programmed
assassins and split personality spies.
Then the CIA added to the goals of the
program into its most famous mind
control program, MKultra, for
espionage, counter-espionage, and
clandestine manipulation of global
politics. Thousands of pages were
declassified on this program during the
70’s Church hearings. These programs
were followed by many others under
new names and budgets such as
MKdelta, MKsearch, Chatter, Spell
Binder, MkNaomi, etc. The current
programs are classified but MKultra
continues in new forms and under new
names and budgets. Another common
program is a trauma induced form of
mind control call Monarch
programming. Project Stargate was a
cover story of psychic spying however it
used very advanced remote sensing and
influencing technologies on human
beings which has become global. The
leaked newer programs follow Disney
The Awakening
The first thing one notices is
that there is something wrong with the
world, society, the news, and people are
acting unusual and unaware of a better
world that could be created or should
exist already. Freedom is an illusion.
When the pains and mental
distortion occur, the target will suffer
from disillusionment, loss of free will,
and feelings of being watched with
feedback of the monitoring 24/7.
Depending on the program that the
specific target has been placed in some
will experience tinnitus, V2K, and
organized stalking. The target will often
notice campaigns of defamation and
slander run against them.
The target will realize that
news is propaganda and the rest of
society is unaware, not fully awake,
almost hypnotized or too self centered to
think of others suffering. They see the
lies of politicians and government as just
another kind of crime industry.
What is their game?
Every action a TI can do damns
them. It is a checkmate before the target
even realizes they are at war with an
unknown enemy. It is not exactly fair, but
neither is war or life in general.
There are many experiments
and reasons for doing these horrific long
term crimes against humanity in order to
sample points of culture, languages, and
countries, but let’s look at some of the
most brutal programming and silent
assassination methods the US
government is doing to create false flag
fear in the general public.
Here is simple flow chart of
how to create a suicide or a programmed
For more details on the programs of
mind control, read the book “Project:
Soul Catcher Volume 2. Secrets of
Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare

Assumption of Life Goals

We, society, generally agree on
certain life goals: excel in a job, seek
happiness, and longevity. The mind
control aggressors understand these
general metrics of success for which one
strives, and use this knowledge in their
mission to destroy someone, break down
their will to resistance, and ultimately to
control or dispose of them. These tactics
and techniques are to make the target
irrelevant in the participation of the
worldwide collective consciousness that
is fundamental in creating a viable
future. These life goals are what the TI
is trying to keep or restore in their
struggle against the secret forces of

Goals of a Targeted
Once the target realizes that
they are in the program, they have
immediate goals in response to their
pain and terrorism. The first is to make
people believe them. This is a difficult
task to prove to people what they are
experiencing. Next they want to stop the
targeting and get relief and their lives
back. They seek answers and ask, “why
me?”, “who is behind it?”, and “how it
is done?”. In the beginning they seek the
simplest answers, but after a few years
and more investigation they realize it is
much, much bigger than they first
realized and the politics and technology
is far more complex and sophisticated
than they first thought.

The Controllers’ End Game

What are they up to? The
answer is kind of disappointing.
Everyone thinks their lives are the most
important but that isn’t true to the war
machine. TIs are just a data point
amongst 10s of thousands. The short
answer is data collection of mind
control, practice, improve the victory of
all possible outcomes, plausible
deniable assassinations, false flag
terrorism, and to incite wars. There is
more than one purpose for the torture
and mind control experiments and
Traps to Avoid
The most difficult problem for
the average person is to avoid the traps
and obvious moves one makes when first
indoctrinated into the program.
Unfortunately this war game has 60
years of study of how the target will
react and what counter moves and
counter intelligence can be done to the
target. It is a game of “Damned if you
do and damned if you don’t”. This
book hopes to demonstrate the trade-offs
of decisions the target needs to make and
to help the TI understand the potential
consequences of those decisions.
Here is a quick list and common traps a
TI often falls for:
Avoid the addiction of drama
and gossip on internet support
groups. Website information is
good but TIs rarely get along or
can organize themselves in
numbers great enough to get
main stream media attention.
Do not live with other TIs
except under rare conditions.
The stresses caused by
everything and the induced
paranoia and destabilization of
emotions always ends in
dysfunction and accusations in
the group. Encourage new
friendships by not talking about
your situation too much, but also
avoid isolation.
Don’t lose your finances by
moving or spending too much on
technical research for passive or
active shielding unless you are
an expert.
Typical Faraday cages do not
work like those built with
chicken wire. Other types have
had some success with some
Stress relievers are very
important such as hypnosis,
sleeping with music, positive
affirmations. Surround yourself
while emotionally sensitive with
positive people. Some TIs can
be a positive influence but other
will turn on you. Don’t assume
because you have a common
goal that people can act
respectfully. TIs with more
emotional development will be
a better support group. Choose
Be honest with Shrinks. Why?
Use only private shrinks and not
public ones. Even though the
government under the un-
American Patriot Act can grab
your records, at least some
government agencies can’t. Later
in this book you will understand
your choices. Read on.
Do not believe the lies of the
handlers of who they are and
what they will do in the
negotiation phase to release you
from the program.
Use sanity checks. 24 hour loop
security cameras and audio
meters in cars and home. Video
of compasses of magnetic field
readings and volt meter readings
on body. Video of oscilloscope
readings on body and spectrum
Never commit an act of violence
against yourself or others unless
you are in a revolution or at

There is no way as of yet to

show that your private thoughts
are communicated by other
people unless you can recruit
some of the world’s best
scientists and have millions of
dollars to spend. While this is
very disturbing, proof cannot be
gathered in this way for the
typical TI. It is a personal
experience that only those in the
program will experience and
know to be true.

TIs think their experiences are

personal and find the “reason” why they
are targeted and who “they” are. You,
the TI, needs to understand that this is
part of the game they play with you.
Frequently Asked
The following questions are
typically asked from TIs. The answers to
many of these questions are still unclear,
but for a quick understanding of the
options a TI has, and to understand the
consequences of their decisions, this
format and summary answers provide a
concise foundation for new people
brought into the program.

What is a “TI” (Targeted Individual)?

A “TI” is an abbreviation for
targeted individual. A TI will
experience defamation of character in
their community, harassment, electronic
torture, directed energy attacks, break-
ins, organized stalking, gas lighting, or a
combination of the previous.
There are many reasons a
government targets a particular person.
If you have ever worked for the
government with a security clearance,
you will periodically get spied upon and
tested to see if you will speak about
secrets that you know or if you are still
aligned with that country’s values. You
will be set up, discredited, or killed if
the answer is not what they want. The
US is the epicenter of the thrust for
world domination and absolute control
Many other people are just
mind control test victims who provide
practice for the armature spies and data
points for these newer technologies to
control society, economics, and world

Why me? Did I do something wrong?

This is usually the first question
asked by a target for these high tech
projects. There are many answers. In the
1960’s, the gifted children who were
intelligent and creative were brought
into the programs. These qualities are
probably still used but in any covert
program the patterns must be hidden
from the general public and independent
researchers. Counter intelligence must
be considered to hide the development
and use from U.S. enemies and the
progress made in mind control for
enhancement or deprecation of the
There seems to be certain
sectors and classifications that are
outliers in the data that we have
collected on the population of targeted
individuals. People, who have a drug
abuse history, live alone in an apartment
complex, whistle blowers, enemies of
the state like peace protesters and so
called dissidents become statistical
outliers in the study. The government
agencies try to make it as diverse as
possible throughout the social strata for
data collection.
New TIs get the “shame game”
and think back to who might have the
power to put them on a torture and slow
kill list. It is a distraction of the truth. Do
serial killers have a pattern? The US
government is like a serial killer in
terms of collecting data on every walk of
life to understand the kill capabilities
and disablement of individuals when
they use these programs in war and
peace time. The “shame game” is used to
extract secrets and black mail on the
target. The world is always at war. The
databases are huge like the human
genome project or the human mind
project but this is important for the next
generation of cognitive warfare.
Some researcher say the
intelligence agencies involved in mind
control are only looking for unusual
minds for their cognitive databases and
how to re-educate the target for
conformity of thought and as a way to
hide their experimentation on the fridge
elements of society, those that are
Practical advice: One of the
primary tactics of these mind control
programs is to lead the TI down a false
path of blame of themselves, a particular
group or person leading them to believe
that that group or person is behind their
misery and harassment. Don’t jump to
conclusion right away. Remember
voices can be transformed and mimicked
and thereby false correlations created.

How long will I be in this program?

Usually the programs are for
life but the torture phase of the program
generally lasts a few years. It is different
for every TI. Some, a very few, get
released from the program other than
through death, but their lives are in
shambles of course. There is no known
way to buy your way out of the program
once in it.
For those that have escaped the
program, it is because they figured out
all the psychological mechanisms of
mind control and their handlers gave up
on them. Knowledge of thyself and the
human condition is power.
Practical advice for survival of
these programs is to stay grounded, be
logical, analytical, educate yourself, and
use the scientific method.

How many people have had these

This is a difficult question.
People who have come forward can only
be tracked by internet groups. Those that
are too disabled due to the
experimentation are not counted. The
estimates are based on several sample
points. It is at a minimum of 10,000
people and at the maximum every human
is affected in small and large ways. The
count is based on not the small
influences over populations but those
that are direct torture victims of the mind
control technologies. These experiments
or control of the minds of the masses
using direct electromagnetic stimulation
over the population started as early as
1965. More and more are indoctrinated
depending on war and black budgets.
Many TIs become too scrambled to
understand what is happening to them
and hence can’t be counted.

What is their agenda?

For the TI, there are many
purposes for their handlers and scientific
data of behavioral responses. The
ultimate goal has been the same since the
dawn of human tribes: conquest, control
the population, and ultimately world
They are using a swath of
cultures and language to perfect the
ultimate mind control
weapon/technology on the population.
The handlers are practicing the various
techniques to control their subjects and
the scientists use the data to evaluate the
effectiveness of those technologies and
techiques. There are of course multiple
purposes. Creating programmed
assassins in order to induce fear into the
rest of the masses so that they will give
up gun rights and allow the government
to monitor all communication for fear of
“terrorist”. This is a new technology but
a very old false flag strategy to
manipulate the average people.
Remember 95% of government
employees are morally good and have no
idea how they are just cogs and pawns in
this complex game. I don’t know if being
purposefully ignorant gets them into
heaven but don’t assume they are
consciously aware of the bigger picture
anymore than an SS soldier killing Jews
and just following orders.
TI’s make the mistake that the
police or FBI, federal police, would
know about these technologies and
strategies. Please don’t fall for level 1
and contact them. This only creates the
track record that many others have fallen
for, discrediting the TI, and then allows
further programming in case they are
successful Manchurian candidates for
the 4 major “news” channels. It is far
more unlikely that they will release you
from the program after such events of
discrediting. There have been several
FBI and police officers who have been
put into the program. Even with their
clout, they could not get help.
Seeking Help or Assistance

Why won’t my family and friends

believe me?
Articulation of a complex topic
is important. Credibility is based on
accuracy of grammar and spelling even
if you are a scientist. It is difficult for the
TI to eloquently explain their experience
given how they will disrupt the mind and
capabilities of thought. On top of that,
people in society have been conditioned
to believe that people who make such
claims are crazy. “Crazy” is just a
discrediting word as well as the words
“Conspiracy Theorist”. This was
intentional to hide these secret activities
from 98% of the public. The Pentagon
released a paper that said they could
falsely imprison up to 1.6% of a
population without a successful
revolution due to the rest of the public
having sympathy for the cause. The US
imprisons more than any other country
per capita at roughly 1.3%. There are
about 1.6% of potential people that
could be put into secret mind prisons.
There are many ways to propagandize
and deceive those that haven’t
experienced the true nature of their
handlers. Yes, we are all human animals
according to CIA documents. They are
Yes it is frustrating that
something so obvious to you, a TI, others
cannot perceive. Try to imagine
explaining color to a completely color
blind person? You can’t do it, if they
don’t have the neural wiring for color
perception. Try to get sympathy from a
person who has never experienced long
duration torture. Or similarly, try to
explain calculus to someone with only a
basic arithmetic education. It takes many
years of study and research. Most don’t
have the patience to understand the
Don’t get angry at them. They
are unaware and happy with that. They
have been conditioned to believe such
technologies do not exist. Try to slowly
encourage them to read articles and
books on the topic.

It is so blatant and obvious why

doesn’t society stop it?
Until you have been tortured,
you can’t possibly understand what it is
like. Unless you have been raped, you
can’t imagine what it is like. It is
impossible to empathize and understand
fully what people have gone through and
walk a mile in their shoes. The best that
a friend or family member can do is
sympathize with the target of US mind
control experiment subjects and all the
torture and psycho-terrorism that it
Most people are too busy
providing for their families and
themselves to care or realize that this is
happening to people all around the
world. They are distracted by relaxing
and useless information on TV. All large
truths are slowly understood by the
Remember before this
happened to you, what did you believe
and how would you view someone who
told you about what is happening to you?
In about 20 to 50 years, society
will believe it was being done like the
slaughter of Indians for their land. But
they will believe they are a moral and
good society then. It took hundreds of
years to make most of humankind
believe the Earth isn’t flat.
Will it ever end?
There are very few TIs that
have had it end completely. With the
negativity of the synthetic telepathy the
best that a current TI can expect is to
find some relief. “The game” is for the
human animal to understand the
technology completely and therefore it
has little effect on their psychology. A
plaque outside of the CIA’s Langley
building states, “Ye shall know the truth
and the truth shall set you free.” More
you understand about the psychological
war games that are being played with
you, the target, less affect it has.
There is dampening shielding
which works a little bit but there are
more advanced methods that can give
relief that require active electronic
jamming. The FCC will have a field day
when we release these technologies and
they have to start arresting people who
are seeking relief from government radar
torture. Others have been released from
the torture and brainwashing programs
due to developing advanced techniques
and collecting evidence that may be
acceptable in court. Generally the blogs
and forums will never hear from these
people once they are released from the
mind control programs and begin to
rebuild their lives. It is human nature to
repress such horrific memories.
Don’t believe that this world
domination strategy and control over the
entire world’s population will stop due
to some congressional investigation. It
didn’t stop after the Church hearings.
Presidents and congress are not in
control. The agencies are quite willing
to lie to the American people how far
this has gone and how many egregious
mistakes they have made to justify their
budgets. No one can do an independent
cost benefit analysis without being
labeled a whistle blower and traitor.

Should I get life insurance?

This is a difficult question for
many TIs. On the one hand they feel that
they are going to be killed quickly and
want to leave something for their
families, but many TIs get paranoid that
the people doing this to them took out
life insurance policies on them and that
is why they are slowly killing them. This
is very improbable since only
government has access to mind control
technologies on the most part. This is
usually just another stress and typical
paranoia induction into the target. The
brain searches for reasons why these
government sponsored serial killers and
torturers are doing it to them. The
reasons are much more complex than the
average person can understand and
people have trouble with being part of a
random sample of such horrendous
Other TIs have taken out
million dollar life insurance policies on
themselves to donate to a TI foundation
for research in shielding and political
activism. It provides a sense of justice
and changing the world even after one’s

Why don’t people believe me?

This is the most frequent
complaint of new TIs especially those
with V2K. What is so obvious to the
target cannot even be fathomed by those
who have not been put through the
programs. It is like trying to explain the
rainbow to a completely colorblind
person. It is not possible. They are not
wired for those perceptions, plus they
are scared that maybe they will be
indoctrinated and tortured too if they do
believe. It is like asking someone to
believe in a different God or country.
People will not give up their world
view, the beliefs and sample points of
their life experiences that shape their
Additionally, the average
person does not have the desire to learn
physics, understand the diabolical
underside of something they want to
have pride in, nor the time in their busy
lives to do it. Many people just give up
and say the common man can’t change
anything. It is just easier for the average
person to say the TI is crazy, then the TI
out of frustration says those that do not
believe or research are ignorant or
dumb. Name calling doesn’t achieve
anything. Most people strive for
mediocrity and have the need to be
herded thereby flocking to the common
sports team, political party, or popular
belief such as fads. Unfortunately the
CIA has been very good at promoting
“Conspiracy Theorists” as crazy so the
theorists’ testimony is not pondered by
the general public.
Practical advice is to show
people documents but don’t flood them
with information. Don’t get frustrated
with the person that does not believe
you. What is your goal to get them to
believe? Do you want sympathy or
someone to listen to you? That is what
psychologist get paid for. There is
nothing your friends and family can do
for you and the stranger simply won’t
care and distance themselves from you.

Is there a way off this EH torture and

organized stalking list?
Not unless you are a famous
politician, but you would not have been
put on the mind control and behavior
modification list while you served the
public most likely. This is not to say that
politicians are not subconsciously mind
controlled by neural remote monitoring
and influence. It just means that they are
not made aware of it. Clearly this
technology can be used to determine
who gets elected in a so called
Be careful, several TIs have
fallen for a trick. They are told through
synthetic telepathy that if they put
$10,000 or more at some location like a
garbage can they will be released. This
is part of the program to deplete a
target’s finances. One cannot buy their
way out of these government behavior
modification, torture, and kill programs.

Should I trust doctors?

Just like in any profession there
are good ones and bad ones. Use
doctors recommended by friends. Be
realistic what they can and will do for
you. Private doctors are preferred over
state affiliated ones like the VA. You
really have no choice but to try some of
the solutions that modern medicine
offers. This advice has been given
throughout this book. Even chemicals
can alter the effectiveness of EM
technology. It is TIs fears that tell them
that the doctor will implant them again
or give them deadly drugs. This is rarely
the case and it doesn’t hurt to try new
things. Also, not all pains and problems
are due to the SATAN weapon system.
Don’t give the mind hackers more power
than they actually have.
Don’t blame everything on
technology. Don’t give the program more
power than they have. It is a common
belief that technological induced
symptoms cannot be helped with
medicine. The body is an
electromagnetic chemical reaction.
Yes, chemicals like drugs can help the
body and be used as countermeasures to
electromagnetically induced problems.
Drugs can be used to affect the body’s
electrical-chemical processes.
One TI went to see two
psychologists and four psychiatrists and
told them the same story and brought
some literature on the topic. One of the
psychologist and one psychiatrist
believed the story. One psychologist
diagnosed the TI as schizoaffective, One
psychiatrist diagnosed the TI as bipolar.
Another psychiatrist diagnosed the TI as
a mix-state and yet another diagnosed the
TI as schizophrenic. Obviously,
depending on what the TI is looking for
as a diagnosis, it depends on the doctor.
If it is for a court case, the TI should
shop around to prove their sanity. If they
are looking to be classified as disabled
they will want another diagnosis. When
doctors misdiagnose a patient it is call
“The Marsha Mitchell Effect”. No
matter how outrageous their story, it
ends up being true.

Should I go to the police or FBI?

You may be locked up for 72
hours if you tell your story. The police
usually give a psychological evaluation
for such claims. Don’t fall for it. They
don’t have the authority to stop it nor the
technical and psychological warfare
education to understand it. In this chess
game “who are the kings and queens?”
you should be asking. No local or state
judge can stop this level of covert
warfare on the world’s population. Be
realistic. There are people who operate
above laws and have a “license” to kill.

Why does valium and xanex help to

defeat some of the effects?
It is advisable to keep valium
on hand for a heavy attack. There are a
couple of reasons for this. First of all
most of the tactics involve increasing
stress levels to panic mode. It is a
runaway process. This can break the
intended cycle. The Russians
hypothesized that a person could be
scared to death by a runaway panic
mode stressing the heart and arteries
blood pressure increasing the risk of
stroke using psychotronic weaponry.
Also, one doctor who studied the brain
and hypothesized about psychotronics
said that the brain has neurons that act
like the clocking mechanism in a
computer. Valium changes that clocking
mechanism and thereby might break the
auto-correlations of the impinging
external signal of influence on the brain
and temporarily disengage the brain

I went to a doctor. Should I take the

This is a personal decision.
Medications have side effects. But if the
target is truly tortured and other
shielding hasn’t helped to reduce the
tortuous effects, it is rational to try
something new. Remember medications
usually take a few weeks before an
effect will be felt. Many TIs are worried
about turning into a zombie or the doctor
purposefully poisoning them. My advice
is to try everything including chemical
defenses along with the other types of
shielding and jamming techniques.
Nothing will work a 100% but you can
lessen the effects with trade-offs. It is
always a game of “Damned if you do
and damned if you don’t.”

Should I believe what they, “The

voices”, tell me?
Almost never! “The Devil
always lies”, is a good motto. These are
part of the mind control experiments.
Make the target believe almost anything
is the goal. Unless you have been
subjected to these brainwashing and
programming technologies it is difficult
to understand how powerful they are. In
60+ years of development, the
technologies and tactics have nearly
been perfected, but you won’t hear about
it in the mass media. Every country
controls their mass media to program the
simple people. Humans create their
reality by the sample points of
information that they are given.
There is a problem in logic
with always lying and the programmers
are figuring it out. If they always lie,
then you deduce information with the
negative logic. They can’t do random,
because the target can figure out when
they are lying or telling the truth using
some emotional feedback loops.
Obviously they can’t always tell the truth
because then their game will more
quickly be learned by society and the
target. This is a kind of poker game. You
must figure out when the opponent is
lying. The practical advice is to just
throw out all the information if the V2K
TI can.
They gain the trust of the TI by
initially using feedback on what the TI is
doing at the moment. Once the trust is
gained the deception begins.

Should I tell my family and friends

what is happening to me?
This is a difficult situation to
avoid. It is such a life changing
experience that you, the target, have
difficulty believing that the people
closest to you can’t believe you and 10’s
of thousands of others’ testimony. There
is a trade off by doing this. Your family
will first believe that a mental illness
has taken hold. A certain percentage will
be believed, but at a cost. Their family
will worry and empathize with the
target’s suffering. They will not be able
to do anything about it. Sympathy feels
good for the target but it is not
productive for their social networks.
Do you want your mother to cry
over your suffering? Do you want many
of your friends to decide you’re crazy or
scare them that they will be next if they
talk to you? Most friends will run and
distance themselves from the target. The
target will believe that it is a slander
campaign being done but it is what they
said to their friends that causes the
reactions. These are the decisions that
you must make. Damned if you do and
damned if you don’t.

Are there support groups for what I’m

going through?
I don’t recommend many
support groups because TIs get sucked
into the addiction of drama on the
hundreds of internet groups. There are a
few useful ones but I won’t recommend
them. Many of the others get the victims
addicted to lies and drama like a soap
opera that they can never escape.
Negativity becomes an addiction for
some people. Misery loves company. It
is not good for psychological health.
Surround yourself with positive people
and mostly non-TIs if you want to feel
better about the world. It is costly to
undo the damage of many trolls surfing
the internet. The anger and bipolarism
that is induced into many TIs create
strife of hatred and anger on the general
public and to their family, friends, and
strangers trying to help them. They know
not what they do. They shoot themselves
in the foot and expect people to care. It
is a very unfortunate situation. They can
never take back the damage they do for
the movement, and this planning is of
course intentional from those who
understand the average emotional
reactions. Emotional control is of
extreme importance to make the enemy
act irrational and make bad decisions.
You are the enemy to the powers that be.
However there is some relief in
not feeling alone and some good
resources are out there to help the target
understand the programming. Be
selective in who you friend on Facebook
or which support groups you join.

What are “Trolls”?

Trolls deserve a mention.
Trolls is a term for a psychological
illness where people on the internet
infiltrate celebrity groups or any cause
and enjoy pretending they are one of the
group then creating strife through rumor
or spoofing other people’s identities.
This is an outlet for sociopaths and
anarchists. Trolls are experts at getting
under your skin and use fake identities
because of their cowardly acts that
would classify as libel, stalking, and
harassment. There is another group of
paranoids that hang in the internet
support groups that don’t have any
strategy to fix their situation and think
everyone is a troll, agent, or “perp”.
They accidentally do the dirty works of
these classifications of people. This
book is most relevant to new “TIs”.
They have a multivariable, large chess
game to play, psychological war games.
Not everyone understands “game theory”
and just react to each confrontation that
they encounter. Only those that see the
future and many moves ahead of time can
be useful to change the future if they
know to change the rules of the game and
get out of their “Skinner Box”.
The only practical advice, like
much of the advice in this book, is to
ignore them. If you are on Facebook, you
can report them but they will just create
new accounts. Most troll accounts have
very little history and few friends are
some clues to avoid friending them.
The support groups you can do
nothing about and hope the moderator
can remove them but sometimes the
moderator falls into the antagonist role.
Drama is an addiction for some people.
Look at how popular soup opera’s are.
With all the signals and pain induced
into a target, it is difficult for them not to
become bi-polar and experience extreme
emotions and become overly sensitive to
attacks on their character.
We will discuss strategy in
more detail later. Strategy is the art of
seeing all possibilities given your
opponent’s rational countermoves as
many levels as the war game master. The
most important skill to learn is strategy
usually learned in a business school,
military, or the simple game of chess.
Psychological warfare games are no
different. Know they know the possible
moves you will make and how to silence
your voice. Most TI “protectors” are not
very responsible and are waiting for a
confession 50 years later which is
useless to alleviate any suffering now
but will occupy your emotions and time.
Learn from their failures. We hope we
can speed it up so that it wasn’t a
strategy of observing but one of fast
forwarding the outcome to alleviate the
pain of those suffering.
Remember that most TIs mean
well, but they don’t understand the
strategy. Longer they have been a
victim/target shows that they never
broke through that level of the game.
Don’t assume in this case that time
equals wisdom. Always look for newer
researchers who are smart and have
creative ideas.

Is there any hope?

There is power in numbers and
with those voices the whole might be
eventually heard but there is a lot of
work to be done to unify TIs’
understanding of both the technologies
and strategies to communicate to the
public. Congress seems impotent to
investigate at the moment. More people
they put into the program, the more
research that will be done for shielding
and the more the general public will
hear about it. Media is becoming more
open to the idea of ELF and microwave
weapons being tested and used for
Shielding and Blocking
Signal Questions:

Pain signals are the most

difficult to block besides the V2K. Most
new TIs do not understand how complex
and big these programs are and blame
the experience on their neighbors and
crime organizations. Who has the power
to investigate and stop it and why is it
worldwide? Who has this kind of budget
and who wants control over the
population? Decide for yourself.

Is there shielding?
This is the million dollar
question. Defenses can be classified
into these groups: passive shielding,
active adaptive jamming, chemical, and
Passive shielding is the first
approach everyone tries. This is where
the “Tin foil hat” was introduced as an
early and naïve form of shielding.
Unfortunately I have never seen any
solid studies done to say that it works. A
simple double blind study has never
been done properly. In fact other
scientific research shows that it may
amplify the return signal to the receiver
and turn your body into an antenna. Some
TIs use space blankets/Mylar to try and
deflect RADAR energy. Some charge
their Mylar sheets to high voltage static
electricity levels and find some
dampening effects of symptoms. Many
have built faraday sleeping cages with
specific designs that claim they help
them. Some TIs have used refrigerators
for shielding with claimed success
during heavy assaults. Obviously be
aware of your oxygen levels. If you fall
asleep in a refrigerator you will die.
I would recommend using the
materials that the government uses on the
stealth bomber to reduce any RADAR
signature and bio-effects on the body and
nervous system. Use sharp angles with a
deflective material and other materials
that absorb like Teflon, ceramic, and
doped rubber. You will have to research
this yourself; the others might still be
classified. Full spectrum Radar is used
which means that there is not just a
narrow single signal frequency that
needs to be dampened. Nothing is a
100%. Mu-metal which dampens
magnetic fields have had some success
with TIs. One TI even built a super-
conductive coffin shielding device
cooled by liquid nitrogen. It worked
perfectly. Don’t try that yourself. It is
very dangerous. Some TIs use magnets
rotating on their bodies. Again no good
scientific studies have been done mostly
because it is too expensive to get enough
TIs in the same place at the same time to
conduct the study and rule out the
placebo effect.
The unfortunate quality about
passive shielding is that it isn’t practical
and doesn’t do the full job. The
FCC(federal communication
commission) may not like this
recommendation but people’s lives are
at stake. Electronic warfare is where it
is at. The techniques to jam the spectrum
is complicated and beyond the scope of
this book. It is not just jamming because
that can be overpowered; it is adaptive
jamming using semi-chaotic patterns.
This means that there are particular
frequencies that will lock onto a target
and their environment; you need to
create ghost signals that the government
systems try to track. These change, and
thus the false signals must change. Your
jammer/ghoster needs to be very
sophisticated and be reading the signal
spectrum in real time. There are several
algorithms that can work. Project: Soul
Catcher vol 1 goes into more of the
scientific details.
Most TIs do not have the skill
or money to build such a device and
program the computer. There are
cheaper tricks that can sort of do it.
Chaotic random high powered magnetic
pulsers or the opposite, random high
voltage static electric fluctuating sheets.
There are several technologies being
used such as NMR (nuclear magnetic
resonance) and ESR (electron spin
resonance) for example. Can you create
a reverse MR Imager and ES resonator?
I.e. add energy into the system as well as
monitor the subject’s signature return
Other methods with active
jammers are to halt the correlation of the
brain signals from those being inserted.
There is a problem with that though. It
adds noise into the neural networks of
the brain which has side effects on the
target. Power levels are very important.
There appears to be a window. General
pink noise does not work for long. Some
published psychological papers theorize
that there are beneficial effects to adding
noise to the brain such as creativity.
There are many pieces to how
the mind control technology works. The
idea is to disrupt as many of them as you
can and you might get some relief. It
takes a while to reconfigure an
autonomous mind to the network. There
are many factors. One is neural chemical
sensitivity. It has been hypothesized that
a sensitizer is used on TIs, a chemical
agent that bonds permanently to the
nerve cells of a TI. Most TIs are
distrustful of doctors and the
pharmaceutical industry in general. This
is where the TI needs to make a
decision. If a pill once a day might stop
the torture, should they try it? The TI
does not want to be diagnosed with a
mental disorder. There is the taboo of
such a diagnosis but if the TI uses a
private doctor it will not be known.
Also the TI has the concern that if they
are diagnosed that they will be
discredited and if the brain washing and
mind control program continues, they
may be tortured worse. Damned if you
do and damned if you don’t. Even if the
mental instability is caused by an
external signal, it makes some sense that
chemicals might be able to dampen bio-
amplification of these signals. Of course
some drugs leave extreme side effects
like turning the target into a zombie. If a
TI chooses this course, the practical
advice is not to talk about EH and
organized stalking, just discuss the
symptoms. Generally a TI will be
prescribed an anti-depressant, a mood
stabilizer, or another drug to lower the
brain activity in the frontal lobes. The
technology creates huge emotional
swings, the torture creates depression,
and EEG cloning over excites the frontal
lobes, a kind of dopamine dump. From
one study, 25% of those forced to take
medications were grateful.
Now let’s talk about mental
defenses. This only applies to TIs with
V2K. It is part of every breakdown
process of the individual and the human
will, degradation and fear. It is used in
every military indoctrination process.
The psychological techniques can be
quite complex if changing a person from
one loyalty to another. Understanding the
handler’s objectives is key for
resistance and the counter resistance
techniques employed. Understanding
torture and brain washing techniques is a
must for psychological defenses. SERE
is a US program to give soldiers a sense
of what torture would entail if captured
by the enemy. Study torture so that you
can grasp why you are being tortured in
certain ways. To help defeat the
psychological trauma, be confident who
you are and what values you stand for.
See a psychologist and try positive
affirmations and hypnotism to counteract
the negativity from the V2K. Surround
yourself by positive people and limit
your time on the conspiracy web blogs.
Misery loves company but it is a
downward spiral for many.
There are other mental rewiring
techniques to subdue the eternal
correlated signals which are meant to
create a different personality in the
target. This is the gist of the techniques
to explore. A TI gets programmed using
subliminal synthetic telepathy and during
their sleep cycles often called NLP
(neural linguistic programming). The
resistance goals are to de-correlate the
programming. There are several
discovered technologies and tactics that
may help to alleviate some of the
programming. The big question that TIs
with V2K ask, “Is there a jammer?”
Why do commercials work or
government propaganda on less
conscious, self aware human beings?
Some TIs have displayed their EEG
(electroencephalographic) readings
before and after some experiments. What
these TIs did was to listen to music,
their tinnitus frequency, white noise
while they slept, or during the daytime
for 6 months. The results of their EEG
and brain function were very hopeful.
Let’s look at the theory of why this might
have had a positive effect on their
When information in neural
networks (wetware) is being overrided,
it is changing the synaptic connection
strengths of dendrites and synapses
under time delay informational
microcircuits and macro circuit
responses. It is like having multiple
minds in a single brain depending on the
timing circuits of the brain which gives
rise to reality perception in the
brain/mind. This is one method of how
multiple personality disorder can be
induced and state dependent memory.
These theories of neural networks which
use timings in the brain for alter realities
are classified for now.
Here is a list of things to try:
White noise generators or
complete silence while

Negative ion generators.

Especially if they oscillate
their spray and have a random
intensity of dispersal of ions.
This appears to have a jamming

Strong magnetic pulsers often

called EMPs or induction

ELF scramblers 20,000 Hz to

1/3 of a Hertz. There are many
psychotronically active
frequencies in those ranges
especially the lowest ranges.

Door jams and dead bolts are a

good idea for sleeping areas.
Voice activated or movement
activated recording devices
help to defend against break-
ins. One could put flour on the
floor to view footsteps and use
other clever subtle break-in
detection methods. Under
carpet pressure sensors work

It appears that there are

detrimental effects from a
signal piggy backing the
alternating current power lines
and the static electricity the
body accumulates.
Earthing/grounding helps some
TIs. Use true ground because
the body acts like an antenna
and capacitor, inductor, and

Changing the capacitance of the

body helps others temporarily
because it changes the
resonance. Such examples are
extending and touching a long
metal pole while extending the
arms in particular directions.
Be sure not to fall for the
torture technique of “stress
positions” that are used on TIs
and part of all torture

Some TIs have experimented

with 3-D magnetic coils. One
powerful one on each axis
around their environment x,y,z
at low oscillation frequencies
at slightly different timings.
This would jam some of the
NMR imaging technologies if
done correctly.

Since a wide range of

frequencies and wide bands are
used, jammers at various
ranges disrupt the signal to
noise ratio of the receiving
sensors necessary for RNM
(remote neural monitoring).

One experimenter found relief

using coils of different sizes
with poles of certain vertical
lengths surrounding his/her
environment helped. They were
horizontal tesla coils.

Faraday cage designs using

ceramic, Teflon, rubber, mu-
metal at sharp angle reflection
of radar energy and other
dampening materials have
helped some TIs.

Electronic warfare signal

communication jammers
Remember as of yet, only superductor
chambers have provided real TIs with
relief. Nothing on the market is 100%
effective and you will have to
experiment with yourself to find what
works for you.

I feel like they are messing with my

heart’s rhythm. Is there any defense
against it?
The technology can increase
blood pressure and cause arrhythmias by
training the heart to beat improperly.
These are common methods at the
beginning of the torture and probability
of kill programs. Strokes can also be
introduced in this fashion. Some
defenses TIs have written about is
during an intense attack wear a thick
leather jacket. This seems to absorb
some of the RADAR energy. Other
practical advice would be to keep some
Beta-blockers on hand. This stops the
brain from being able to increase your
heart rate. Since this is mind control they
use the release of hormones triggered by
certain brain pathways to increase the
heart into a runaway panic. Amazingly
hypnotic distractions such as clapping or
plucking the ears can snap the brain
entrainments out of track with temporary
beneficial results. What does that tell
you about the mental technique being
used? Neural feedback and biofeedback
has helped others.

Can I do anything about blocking

synthetic telepathy (V2K)?
It depends on the stage of the
target brain’s adaptation to the synthetic
auditory signals. Many studies show that
an overactive Vegas nerve can cause
“auditory responses” like tinnitus and
“psychotic symptoms”. Some research
has shown that electrical stimulation at
the right current can quell some of the
effects of synthetic telepathy and tinnitus.
The program usually evolves in
this way with TIs who develop synthetic
telepathy. First it starts off as far away
voices in white noise from anything that
makes noise, or sounds like voices from
the neighbors and apartments next door,
then it evolves into perfect voices as
clear as a mobile phone, then as true
synthetic telepathy. There are examples
where this evolution is not true and
reversed. There appears to be several
technologies or algorithms working.
Why is this? It appears that the
technology must piggy back neural
signals at first. Both pitch and direction
is heard and then over time it becomes a
whisper in the mind. The idea of
synthetic telepathy is that one cannot
disguise his own internal voice and
thoughts from those injected.
Separating synthetic telepathy
and mind control is difficult. It is a
sophisticated set of technologies and
tactics. Let’s discuss a few of the known
technologies and a couple of lesser
known ones. Most researchers claim that
“the microwave hearing effect” is the
technology behind synthetic telepathy
(V2K). This is only one way that voices
can be inserted into the human mind’s
perception. “If you can insert voices into
the enemy’s head, I will find a way to
talk them to their death.” - Colonel in
the U.S. Army. The microwave hearing
effect as described by Dr. Frey causes
the brain to expand ever so slightly
according to the pulse and that is how it
is heard by stimulating the inner ear. Of
course, brain damage is a major concern
with this technology.
What most researchers don’t
consider is that an external excitation
can be correlated in the brain of the
target using both the microwave hearing
effect and specific brain entrainment
signals. Once auto-correlated, what the
brain’s neural networks do, only the
entrainment signals are necessary to give
rise to the auditory cues and not the other
kinds of pseudo auditory stimulus via
any means. At this stage it is true
synthetic telepathy. The target’s brain
must adapt to the signals over about a
year before the other mind control
trickery can be done to them although
this time period is debated by
Many targets believe that an
ultrasonic heterodyning is occurring to
them. This could be done but ultrasonic
energies can’t penetrate much and
diffuse over distance very quickly (See
American Technology Corporation). It
was made famous in the US by a
billboard in Time Square NY of a
Paranormal Activity movie
In t the early stages, the sounds
piggyback the normal nerve signals.
These can be dampened by being in an
acoustic anechoic chamber or putting
mineral oil in the ears with ear plugs.
Without any stimulation to the audio
cortex the piggy backing signal cannot be
correlated by the brain and can delay the
onset of the rest of the mind control
program. Some EEG (electro-
encephalograph) signals are helped by
playing music into the mind while the
target sleeps over a period of about 6
months. This disrupts the correlation as
the target gets programmed while they
sleep. Unfortunately it only seems to
delay the full mapping of the audio
cortex responses if targeted 24/7.
Counter arguments have been
made by researchers that the microwave
hearing effect is not the source of the
communication to the target. Several
well microwave shielded environments
have been created. The communication
can penetrate them and with
oscilloscopes and power spectral
scopes have shown that RF wavelengths
under 450Mhtz still penetrate while
mobile phones won’t pick up any
signals. This is a counter indication that
microwaves are not necessary to
accomplish synthetic telepathy.
One interesting experiment to
try is a time delayed voice response.
Most TIs do not have the technical
expertise to build one themselves, but
they can find one in any city’s science
discovery center. Since the nerves of
speech are easily deciphered and many
companies have formed to show this
(including NASA), one way to screw up
the V2K is to use one of these machines.
Why does it work? Everything is about
auto-correlation. If you screw up the
sound that is being made by time
delaying it, their instruments also cannot
correlate the speech sent back to the
computers or the person’s hearing
Some TIs find that Mu-metal
surrounding their head dampens the
effects. Mu-metal is a magnetic field
dampening material. There are many
theories by scientists that point to ion
cyclotronic resonance as the mode of
action in the nervous system. This
requires the Earth’s magnetic field to do
it or a kind of magnetic scalar wave and
it is in the ELF (extremely low
frequency) modulation range of ions in
the human body.
Other experimenters have
researched Stealth bombers defenses for
a low Radar profile. These materials
help too. Sorry, due to national security
they cannot be listed here but some
researchers give hints like Teflon,
rubber, and high dielectric materials.
Try to lower the RADAR profile on
your body. It is worldwide so you can’t
run from it but you can dampen some
effects by randomly fluctuating high
electron static fields and magnetic
In the case of fluctuating
magnetic fields, slowly apposing poles
of magnetic fields have had beneficial
effects and EMP (electromagnetic
pulses) at high intensity at unpredictable
intervals have had some success. Why?
Study NMR/ESR and signal intelligence
Other experimenters have used
simple acoustic sound waves distract the
brain from interpreting external sound
signals. Binaural beats at 7.8 hertz and
3.3 hertz have helped others.

Do tin foil hats work?

Please don’t try this. This was
an early experiment that may have
provided temporary relief for some
investigators but this has been shown by
many experiments not to work plus it
discredits the person using it. If you
want to try it, hide it under a hat. Society
has been programmed to believe that you
are crazy for trying it. MIT and other
people have done experiments to show
that it actually enhances the body
electrical properties like an antenna.
Coping Strategies:

My mail is being delayed and

tampered with. What can I do?
Unfortunately all the
government systems are connected. Try
to keep track of bills so they don’t start
to deplete your finances through delayed
credit card payment scams. They even
try to isolate the target by delaying
delivery of invitations, etc. Complaining
to the post master General has had no
effects. Remember every division of
government is segmented and controlled
by an integrated all inclusive system
when you have been put on the list. I’m
sorry I helped to integrate the system to
give too much power to a partially
corrupt government. We all know
absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Will moving help?

Moving will not help in
general. If stalking is your problem and
you believe people are moving next to
you, moving into a small town
community in a house where you know
everyone can help. This is rarely the
case and people move and move but it
will happen to them anywhere in the
world. The EH will follow after a few
days to any new location. One of the
objectives is to deplete the targets
finances over time. A very few targets
were held captive in their apartments
and houses initially. If they left, they
would be targeted with torturous pains,
and then the handlers would reverse the
program and make the targets run from
each location.
Using many anecdotal stories
from TI interviews, one can come to a
conclusion without expensive testing of
their own. Several TIs literally bought
tickets on a plane at random leaving
their state 30 minutes before departure.
They still had the V2K and when they
landed they were stalked. Some have
gone to places where there is no mobile
phone reception like islands but still had
the V2K and even inside caves. No one
has gone into a submarine yet a mile
underwater and reported their results.
What does that tell you? Can you
escape? There is a place in Virginia
called “The Quiet Zone” that does not
allow much electromagnetics in their
community due to RADAR reception.
Many “electrically sensitive” people
move there.

Will yoga, meditation, and hypnosis

work to alter the brain frequencies
and be harder to clone and adapt to?
Some TIs have found relief
from bio-feedback and neuro-feedback
systems to control the brain into a sound
state of mind and body, often called the
Alpha wave dominant state. There are
sounds that create a binaural beat
frequency of 8.7 Hertz which is the
resonance of the Earth and provides
some relief. Hypnosis works to create
empowering messages and diffuse some
of the negative messaging the handlers
use in V2K on their victims. The
handlers’ game is to maximum stress on
the target so everything that can be done
to alleviate the stress lessens the
handler’s power over the target.
Unfortunately trauma and stress
induction on the human psyche is
cumulative. All you can do is delay the
effects and their ultimate goal of control
over the mind and breakdown of their

My memory can be wiped and is very

foggy. What can I do to help my
Slowing down the mind can
help. Thiothixene is a drug that is a
dopamine suppressant in the frontal
lobes. Since it appears that mind control
signals can only add energy into the
brains circuitry it usually creates
dysfunction by over activation of neural
circuitry. Side effects include dumbing
down and zombie like states if taken in
too high of doses. These are choices of
the lesser of two evils. Keep routines
and write stuff down. Overactive frontal
lobes can cause hypergraphia and
disjointed thoughts leading to a
diagnosis of schizophrenia. Consult your
doctor for other advice of chemical
blockers, but remember the choices you
must make in describing your symptoms
to your doctor. They know nothing about
mind control weaponry and will not
believe it.

How do I rid myself of the bad

memories and bad dreams?
There is a lot of research to
alleviate PTSD symptoms such as bad
dreams and memories. There are new
drugs but they have to be taken at the
time of the induction of PTSD. One
doctor is using MDMA to help soldiers
cope with PTSD but the DEA obviously
is very wary.
Practical advice is to create
new positive experiences such as travel
and spending time with friends and even
volunteering. Anti-depressant drugs can
help too. For self survival sake, getting
your message out once like in a book or
internet site can help with catharsis. Do
not focus on it and revisit the trauma
over and over again. This is another
choice a TI must make.
Some find solace by fighting
and bringing awareness to the masses.
Some psychologists suggest not
revisiting the trauma over and over again
and to forget it. The downside is that a
former TI will feel that they did nothing
to help bring awareness to the cause and
help future generations from similar US
government sponsored tortures.
How do I stop others from controlling
There are many forms of
control. We are discussing government
mind control programs when you are
targeted. First kind of advice is don’t let
them make you paranoid. They will use
every means from mail tampering and
following you in cars to make you
paranoid. Once you reach that state,
everything that seems out of the ordinary
you will decide is due to their
subversion tactics. Accept each incident
as if they are natural disasters and adapt
accordingly. I know it is hard to let go of
your previously perfect life. Know
thyself and know what is external.
Paranoia will destroy ya. More you
understand about their mind control
tactics, less control they will have over
you. This is true with propaganda news
on television too.

I am in a thought and behavioral rut.

How do I steer it in another direction?
This is a tough question. Brain
entrainments and ruts of thought are
some of the toughest to break. The
programmers don’t have control of your
daily life. Trying new things and meeting
new stimulating people often help or
even reading a book. It is called
depatterning. Even certain drugs can
help depattern the individual from the
detrimental thought processes by
electromagnetic induction to some
Can I stop dream manipulation?
Part of the stress, fear, and
panic induction involves dream
manipulation in the early stages of
programming the target. These are like
horror movies played while the person
is in their weakest condition; their sleep
state. These are not normal dreams.
These are played specifically for the
target. Often dreams of fighting with
friends and family are played into the
subconscious state in the attempt to
affect the target’s view of their personal
The technology of EEG cloning
is quite impressive in how the mind of
the target of the injected dream sequence
will interpret the first person and third
person characters. Some cultures like
Native American Indians put much
prophetic meaning into their dream
world, and thus it is a means of behavior
Anti-depressants have some
effect to diminish the horror dreams or at
least disassociate from the first person
experience. Some people can control
their dreams with practice and have
supernatural powers; this is called lucid
Other techniques are to drown
out the programming with music in the
background while they sleep or even a
simple fan that creates white noise.
I am in constant panic and confused.
What should I do?
The most obvious statement is
to make sure you are not taking speedy
medications like Ritalin or Adderall.
They will typically amplify the condition
and are used by the CIA for
brainwashing and programming. Consult
your doctor if you need to get off these
drugs without serious side effects.
Panic feeds on itself and leads
to poor judgment. It was hypothesized
for psychic warfare that you can kill
someone by spooking them to death
through a runaway brain/heart feedback
loop. So, ironically the panic, that
people are trying to kill you, is what
will kill you. Take a deep breath.
Valium has been recommended
by a doctor who studied psychotronic
weaponry as a means to diffuse some of
the effects. Be sure not to get addicted to
such medications.

My jaw snaps down as I’m about to

fall asleep or I feel like I may
There are some solutions to this
type of torture: CPAP (Continuous
airway pressure) or soft gel mouth
piece. This is usually a temporary
torture less than a month. Sometimes
these conditions can be a side effect of
medications but it is a common torture
for sleep deprivation if you are a TI.
My neighbors seem to be in on it.
Should I move?
If you are a true target, no,
moving won’t work. They will buy
houses and apartments next to you and
even if you go to a hotel they will follow
you. Their budget is much bigger than
yours. It is unclear whether the beginning
stages of targeting require specialized
localized instruments or if this is yet
another false flag to make the target
believe it is a localized weapon and not
From the anecdotal stories only
moving to a small community or isolated
place helps with organized stalking. The
electronic torture and mind control is
worldwide. No one has been in a
submarine several miles under the ocean
to see if the technologies work there, but
through understanding of the science,
ELF (extremely low frequencies)
penetrates the entire Earth at certain
power levels.

How do I stop them from controlling

my emotions?
Unfortunately this is a major
goal of the programming methods,
inducing everything from extreme anger
to fear. Only some drugs can reduce the
emotional effects but meditation and
relaxation methods work too. The
handlers goal is to induce an artificial
What can I do about the break-ins?
If you live alone, it is obviously
easier for the agency to break in. They
are often called black bag jobs. They
need no warrants for these black
operations. They operate outside the
law. If you have a dog, they will poison
it usually. Alarm systems are easily
cracked by these agencies. They want to
make sure all your evidence is destroyed
while they stalk and gas light you. You
have captured faces of agents that they
don’t want published. Typically they
will only destroy or take something
personal to you.
This is not recommended but it
has stopped break-ins for at least one TI.
The agents are naturally cowards and
don’t want to be harmed or caught. The
technology does not allow for very
accurate information of floor space from
the target’s mind or the through wall
radar. Booby traps detour the break-ins.
Door locks and alarm systems are easily
disabled on the most part. High tech
alarms that use radar, floor pressure, and
electro-capacitive systems they won’t
try to beat. But something as simple as
exploding dye packs like they use in
banks or high voltage electrified systems
are enough to detour the government
agents and their pawns from simple
stalking tactics.
Many TIs put 24 hour computer
loops with cameras in their home and
outside that go directly to the internet.
This just becomes too problematic by
the NSA, FBI, or CIA. They can’t simply
disable electronically the computer
systems and wipe the drives clean
anymore. The government, random
criminals, terrorists, and mafia have
become on the most part become
indistinguishable from each other.
Now if you go to the extremes
of electroshock to get your predator or
chemical or dye explosive packs, you
must be a very meticulous human being
so that you don’t trigger your own traps
for the invaders.
Audio recording are good too.
This was mentioned in other parts of this
short book. The majority of TIs is single
and live in apartments. Their neighbors
come in and out from above and next
door. To insure that you are not crazy,
you need to install simple sound meters
around the ceiling or adjacent apartment
and use a video camera to record how
their movement is correlated to yours. It
is a gas lighting technique. This is truly
proof that can be accepted by a court of
law. It often used in the beginning of
governments programs of mind control.

They said I will be homeless in a year.

Can they do it?
Yes, they absolutely have done
this with many TIs during the program.
Watch out for financial depletion
objectives. Know your limits. Like most
sensitive jobs you will never be able to
get a security clearance or run for office.
Don’t work for the evil side of humanity
Paranoia will destroy you.
People are attracted to happy, friendly
people. You are not in a condition to
easily fake it during job interviews.
Don’t burn bridges with your last
employer. Yes there are a lot of evil and
selfish people in the world. It doesn’t
mean they talk to each other and
organized something to get you. If you
exude a negative feeling towards the
world because you are being harmed, the
average person who doesn’t know what
you are going through will respond
negatively too.
The handlers of the target will
try many tactics to make the target lose
their wealth and power. Let’s give a few
examples here that are common. “If you
give your wealth away, you will show
your purity. Put your most valued
possession in the trashcan.” Yes
someone fell for that because no one
wants to be tortured by remote
resonance energy weapons. Did it stop?
Of course not.
Once you are homeless, they
will attack you more. Don’t isolate
yourself from family and support

Does prayer help?

Hope and comfort is a useful
psychological tool however a TI can
find it. If religion helps you through the
hard times, use it. Make a note of it at
the end of this book. To find whatever
works for you is the goal.
The technological demon preys
off of hatred and hopelessness. It
amplifies the targets emotional state to
drive them to bi-polar, a cycle of mania
and depression. One aspect of the mind
control break down process is
commonly known; create false hope and
then crush it over and over again.
One danger to avoid with
religion is that many of the tricks the
handlers use involve religious
deception. Don’t assume the voice of
God you might hear is his. Remember
the weapon systems, such as synthetic
telepathy or the others that project
voices into your head are often referred
to as “voice of God” weapons.

What do I do about sleep deprivation?

Unfortunately this is one of the
greatest and most common torture and
interrogation techniques which now can
be done remotely using these EM
resonance weapons. While no one wants
to take drugs, only Ambien, melatonin,
and such substitutes have ever provided
some relief. There is always a tradeoff.
Sleep in exchange for a hypnotic state
that makes you sleep walk and do things
you don’t remember and then get
paranoid that someone was in your home
after the events, or do nothing and suffer
until you collapse in a few days. It is
another damned if you do and damned if
you don’t scenario.

How about fatigue?

Wish there was better news but
you are in a program that can alter your
metabolism too. Your government has
left no stone unturned when developing
the capabilities of these weapons. There
are two known ways that this can be
induced: The proton drive in the Creb
cycle of the cells can be interfered with
and a rhythm inside the brain that
induces sleep normally known as the
Delta level induction. Also, the added
energy into the brain to make it more
active than normal causes mental fatigue
more quickly. There is no real practical
advice to be given. Of course the person
could use caffeine or Adderall but these
have a negative impact on the target
longer term.
Psychological Methods

What is Group Organized Stalking?

Government mind control
programs and intimidation techniques
often use many groups of stalkers.
Stalkers present themselves through
correlation of events and often convey
specialized knowledge of which only the
target would know. This is part of
“spooking” the target. It is done
intentionally and meant to heighten
paranoia. Targets ask themselves, “What
well funded organization can do this?
And why are they doing it to me?”
The target gets confused by the
time they realize they have been
targeted. It is usually a gradually onset.
One reason is to mimic the symptoms of
paranoid schizophrenics. The major goal
is to induce paranoia. The target is
usually first stalked by ground agents
then once paranoia gets induced they
don’t need to use the technique that much
anymore. The mind will naturally
ascribe all coincidental events as if
“they” are doing it. There are several
techniques used to stalk the target. Let’s
cover a few examples.
With over 950 claimed targets
of organized stalking interviews, most of
the stalkers use these techniques to put
fear into the victim.
Destruction or theft of
intellectual property or
possessions that are personal
and often not of value to a
common thief.
Repeating a conversation that
is esoteric and of personal
interest to the target by a
Groups acting in a strange way
to intimidate often called
“street theater”.

There are several techniques that

have been published in various counter
intelligence manuals that employ stalking
as a form of intimidation. COINTEL-pro
is one of the most well known programs.
The provocateurs want the target to
know that they are under surveillance. It
is not incompetence on their part that
they are noticed. The government has no
shame that they are using your tax
dollars against you.
Some researchers speculate that
the newer technologies of mind control
allow for a new form of stalking using
commoners that are not aware that they
are participating in the stalking program
against the target.
Now let’s look from a psychological
perspective. Everyone is trained to
believe that if someone thinks people are
stalking them, especially the CIA, they
have a mental illness called “paranoid
schizophrenia”. How were we taught
this? Hearing another person in your
head can also be diagnosed as a mania
stage of bipolarism. What differentiates
a technology from a naturally occurring
mental illness? The DSM manual of
psychiatric disorders is of no use and
many professionals don’t use it.
Disabling a target is an objective.
Inducing symptoms of mental illness is
the game. “Causing irrational behavior
in public” is an MK-Ultra objective to
discredit the target, often called “Gas
Gas lighting occurs in many
real and induced forms of hyper
sensitization. Some are real perspectives
and others are sensitization of the set
triggers which evolve on their own. This
is all quite intentional for those in the
program. It is like how people are
sensitized to hearing their name called in
a crowded room. This can be done with
any color, symbol, or numerology.
Here is some practical advice
to the newly indoctrinated into these
programs with regards to gang stalking.
The reason they use multiple people and
groups to intimidate the targets is to
induce an overall feeling that the world
is against them. Once triggered, the
minds of the target will assume that all
bad things that happen to them are due to
this organization, while most will be
random bad luck events and criminal
activity that happen to all people.
Ask the people or person what
they are talking about. Don’t be afraid.
Interject yourself in the conversation to
find out why they are talking about what
they are. Some people might be
standoffish, but if you approach them in
a friendly manner, you might learn that
you possibly misheard what they were
saying or realize they are not hired nor
aware they are being used for your
program. The brain basically filters
information and recognizes patterns. If it
becomes sensitized then the filters don’t
work and the recognition algorithms
become too sensitive and the TI will
begin to see patterns where there are
none. This is why TIs must always use
the scientific method to keep themselves
in check. But even then false
correlations are purposefully inserted
into the target. For example, a TI might
recognize that when some particular
neighbor comes home they get a
headache. After many events like this,
the TI will come to the conclusion that
the neighbor is causing the headache
with some kind of weapon. The
correlation could be real but the
conclusion may be wrong.
Another example is how many
TIs get sensitized to coughing around
them. One TI, for example accused
another TI of being a “perp” (short for
perpetrator) because they had a chronic
cough due to smoking. Other TIs assured
him that no one paid her to do it. It was a
reflex. The TI said this happens to them
everywhere. But what most TI’s don’t
realize is that unwitting innocent people
around them can be triggered to cough
through the use of psychotronic
Yet another example of
sensitization is of colors. Some TIs will
see more cars of one color at a given
time or people wearing ties of certain
colors that represent something. Being
overly aware and sensitized does not
mean that the observation is wrong, just
not all possibilities are prioritized.
There is always a very small probability
that every car on a street might be red. A
TI will see these improbable events that
happen every day to everyone as a
message directed at them from the
powers that be. Sensitizing a TI is easy
in plain sight because the average person
would just blow it off, but a TI is more
aware due to their knowledge of DEWs
(directed energy weapons at the biology)
or V2K technology (microwave hearing
One of the most important
countermeasures in the beginning stages
is to try and lower the paranoia induced
and for the TI to keep social ties with
their family and friends who cannot
understand or believe what is going on.
The TI is angry and frustrated and will
lash out with those who would normally
want to help them, but the average
person has a limited amount of patience
and is conditioned to believe that people
who speak of such things are mentally ill
with all the associated taboos of the
Many TIs fall into the belief
that it is done locally by a typical
criminal organization like drug cartels,
KKK, or anti some social alignment.
They fail to realize that this is happening
in every country all over the world to
people of different walks of life. Only
governments or an alien species would
have such power to organize or control a
technology more powerful than an
atomic bomb in term of manipulating the
human race’s future. The practical
advice is to keep an open mind that it
may be much bigger than a mafia or an
angry co-worker who would have you
put into the program. These conclusions
are generally red herrings.

What is Media Stalking?

After much thought about TIs
media stalking experiences, I can only
come to a few logical conclusions of
how it is done. First let’s start off by
describing the subjective experience.
People say that television shows, news
agencies, internet groups, radio and
other kinds of media know their thoughts
and are giving feedback to them just
after their thoughts occur as if the person
is talking directly to the targeted
individual. This situation is caused by a
combination of group stalking, gas
lighting and psychotronics. The TI’s
whole reality has been hijacked. They
are looking for answers everywhere. At
this point psychotronic technology will
be used to transmit a type of paranoia
where random connections between
things seem more relevant. All it takes
is one random comment to be made by
someone in the media that seems to be
connected to a TI’s experience. The TI
will then become fixated on that media
person and will find conspiracy where
there is only coincidence.
There is a neuroscience
principle that describes how Déjà vu
works. The basic description is when
the brain stores information; the timing is
occasionally off creating an error of
perception of information storage and
retrieval. The brain will retrieve a
memory milliseconds after it was just
written into the memory giving the
perception that the thought occurred
before. This might explain some media
There are many popular
examples of TIs that were “media
stalked” and what they did. David
Letterman had his. Dan Rather was beat
up by two Tis. President Reagan’s
shooter was communicating with his TV.
This can be a dangerous invoked
delusion most likely part of the typical
Manchurian Candidate, programmed
assassin projects.

Don’t they realize that by torturing

the world’s population that it will
reach a breaking point?
According to Pentagon
documents, 1.6% of any population can
be falsely imprisoned such as with
electronic weapons without a successful
revolution by the other masses becoming
sympathetic to the cause. And of course
they have planned for it. Guns need to be
taken from the citizens and concentration
camps prepared. New weapons that
suppress movements, control
information flow, and spread
propaganda are being developed. World
war takes time to prepare for. Germany
was eventually defeated because they
took on too many fronts. The US and
allies are a bit more careful this time but
using the same strategies of propaganda
and false flag attacks.
They are getting better at
manipulating the minds of the simple
masses, those that keep their heads in the
sand, cross their fingers, and hope for
the best. It is a very good short term
survival strategy that the wolves will
attack those on the fringes first, but of
course those people who do nothing will
be forgotten in time due to their
cowardice. No one of importance in the
history of the human race went with the
flow and common beliefs of the time.

Could our country be controlled

through blackmail and mind control
You’re naive if you don’t think
this is how it works around the world.
Read the torture memos and many other
independent investigations. The majority
of US citizens believe that the US
doesn’t torture which shows how out of
touch they are with reality.
Unfortunately they don’t even know the
newer plausibly denied methods of
torture like microwave stimulation of the
nervous system that leaves no physical
evidence of prolonged maximum pain
from no touch torture technologies.
We always knew that the
government collected all data on
Americans like they do in Russia and
China. The color of the flag may change
but the systems of control remain the
same. America is just more of a war
machine and better at it. Do they make
mistakes of classifying good humans
with terrorists? Do we hear about the
mistakes they make? Of course not!
There are no true checks and balances.
We have no citizen secrets with the
NSA’s PRISM and profiling algorithms
but “they” can be trusted in the torture,
blackmail, and kill machinery. What is
wrong here? Democracy is an illusion
for the masses. Politicians are groomed
and placed into their positions.
Pyschotronics is just another tool to use
on politicians and the public to shape
their views.

Are my neighbors using microwave

weapons on me?
This cannot be disproven yet.
What we do know is that the agencies
will put in neighbors into the community
to spook the target. They may be testing
localized weapons but the real weapons
are global and you cannot escape from
them. Currently the theory is to make the
target know that they are a focus of the
government and to increase the fear
factor. They purposely allow the target
to see instruments and equipment that
they are bringing into their abodes to
create the delusion that it is localized
and not global. If one creates a
correlation of pain when their neighbors
arrive, the person will of course believe
their neighbor is doing it to them. They
will call the police and the neighbor
will say the target is crazy thereby
creating a track record for the target
furthering their journey down the rabbit
This is not to say that localized
microwave weapons are not real. They
are such as ADS (Active Denial
System). But this just makes the game
more complex, from the simple to the
complex and worldwide.

How is mind control possible?

There has been much secret
development for the newest weapon of
mass destruction and control of the
minds of populations, neuroweapons.
Notice how all the research went black
where there should be huge amounts of
experimentation and data.
There is no simple answer
without much mathematics and physics
terms. In short there are many
biochemical processes that rely on
Hydrogen, Calcium, Chloride,
Potassium, and Sodium ions which affect
metabolism, cellular communication,
and specifically neuron communication.
Even the human body can be viewed as a
spectrum of relaxation times under
different magnetic field strength and
radio frequencies as a signature. The
brain has been deciphered on the most
part and how to rewire it to receive
audible communication and induce pain
and sporadic dysfunction in the systems.
Don’t focus on a single frequency
because the frequencies depend on the
electromagnetic environment and signal
to noise estimations and autocorrelation
It is the most top secret and
devastating weapon to the information of
minds and biology ever conceived by the
war machine.

How do they know what is important

to me and what will give me stress?
Stress responses via the
polygraph, EEG, and MRI have been
studied thoroughly. It is an important
indicator during interrogation and
security clearance reviews. During
psychotronic torture the stress response
is important to optimize misery and
suffering. For example if a TI has
synthetic telepathy, with every abusive
statement that is issued the stress
response is analyzed. The data is then
used to repeat the most effective abusive
statements. If organized stalking
provides the greatest stress response
then that is what is repeated on the
target. The obvious practical advice is
to let go, ignore, be confident, remove
your pride, and accept your
circumstances. Easier said than done.
There are other brain signals
that represent importance of an object to
the target. This is why personal
possession are stolen or vandalized with
only importance to the target, not usually
of much material value.
And of course there are the
usually death threats about your family,
sleep deprivation, and the torture pain
signals that very little can be done about
that will always invoke extreme stress
reactions. But this has become
commonplace in the new U.S. mind
control programs around the world.

How do the handlers know all my

There are many common human
fears that they play off of such as
suffocation (water boarding), killing
your family, being fried by microwaves
or fire (ADS), slander and loss of
reputation, etc. These are the basis of the
fear of death and loss of quality of life.
They bring the TI as many times to near
death as they can, hopefully without
actually killing the target. This creates
the trauma that allows them to reprogram
the values and psyche of the target.
Stress reactions help them focus
on the target’s individual fears such as
stalking, invasion of privacy, rape,
stroke, harming their children, etc. The
US intelligence uses over a thousand
techniques that cannot be listed here
because you would cry and be ashamed
at what your tax dollars fund. Read the
enhanced interrogation memos or
“Project: Soul Catcher v2” for more
details of torture techniques.

Do I have a choice of how I am

No, in typical Monarch
programming techniques a personality
profile is assessed and the target will be
used and programmed accordingly. In
recent years the thrust has been to
choose the most difficult program to
shape a person. So for example if you
are non-violent, they will try to make
you into a programmed assassin. It is
even heard of that the programmers will
try to change the sexual orientation of a
target. They know that a target with
anger issues is too easy to program into
a psycho-bomb. They are trying the most
difficult personalities to change to the
opposite of what they are.
People are programmed since
pledging their allegiance to their country
in childhood. They are programmed by
advertising and propaganda on
television and even history books they
read. But direct mind control through
retraining the brain patterns and using
Skinner behaviorism techniques alters
the freedom of a soul and programs them
including their religions. We are
programmed through life experiences,
subtle and direct forces.
Knowledge and awareness of
these programming techniques can set
you free.

Do the brain frequencies matter? Why

did they serialize my thoughts and
slow me down?
It is interesting why they
serialize thoughts into words. This
process can slow down the parallel
processing of the brain if you think in
pictures but when under mind control the
frontal lobes become over active. Brain
frequencies matter very much in terms of
the timing of the circuits and correlation
of various brain subcomponents as well
as the external signals that have now
been autocorrelated to the targets mind.
Serializing the targets thoughts are
important for mind reading as the subject
sounds out every word they are thinking.
Targets’ minds are rewired for this over
months. It is an interesting experiment
that when the target changes their
dominant brainwaves through drugs or
meditation that the signals get interrupted

How are memories erased and how

are they implanted?
This is a complex topic
covered in other books. The CIA
psychologists have been working on this
for over 60 years. It is part of a system
of programming for a programmed
assassin and mind control slave. There
are several ways in which to erase
memories and implant other memories in
their place. Read “Project: Soul Catcher
vol. 2” for more details on memory
erasure and implantation.
How does government herd the people
and weed out the malcontent’s and
dissidents and anyone smart enough to
question those without checks and
This is nothing new in any
government including the history of the
US. There was Co-intel pro which was
counter intelligence and a program to
squash out any movement such as civil
rights for African Americans. America’s
history isn’t that proud. Steal land and
wipe out the Indians, enslave blacks,
don’t let women to vote, etc., and now
destroy the very ideals of freedom and
moral righteousness we claimed since
the beginning from our Bill or Rights.
Everyone in America has been
profiled and classified into some list.
With any government the idea is to bring
the people together into common
objectives. One old technique is to
always be at war with another tribe.
With these newer mind reading
technologies, the dissidents, and those
that think differently can be weeded out
silently. This makes sure no sudden or
new ideas emerge for social justice and
thereby stabilizes the foreseeable future.
The usual propaganda machine is always
at work and give the simple minded
majority, 90%, their belief systems of
reality. There are no good sheppards in
government. Today people can lose their
rights if they are classified as “non-
combants” or other word games to get
around the rule of law and the
constitution. It is a game of full world
domination of all cultures to normalize
them and homogenize the world. How

How are split personalities created?

This technique devised by the
CIA, was used to create “Manchurian
Candidates”, and other programmed
assassins. This has been tried with
drugs, hypnosis, and electroshock. Now
with the relatively newer processes of
direct mind control, and directed energy
torture to split the personality it has been
much more plausibly denied. Some
example of uses are to manipulate the
population for gun control by eliminating
guns using a false flag technique of
“psychopaths” going on killing sprees.
Typical media manipulation techniques
are usually employed.

They say that if I do an act of murder

that they will free me from the
torture. Is that true?
Remember it is always about
mind control. Your handlers will tell
lies constantly to try and make you do a
particular behavioral act. Don’t do it! It
is a trick to dispose of you and your
testimony of these projects. As they roll
this out worldwide, every testimony
counts and adds up. According to theory
if 5% of the population begins to believe
the truth, the rest will eventually follow.
Remember this is about false flag
terrorism to take away gun rights and
other rights of the western nations. This
is a secret type of the Northwoods
doctrine by the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
enemies at the highest level of treason
for the US and its constitution. You can’t
be a general without conquering
countries and warfare. Think about their
twisted reality to make a better world.

Why hasn’t the news covered this

most important topic?
The mass news media and
corporations are owned by a few
people. Americans believe their media
is free from propaganda and only Russia
and China do it. Nothing could be further
from the truth. Torture of Americans by
the government is a very taboo topic.
Also the evidence is difficult to come
by. What is obvious to the target appears
like a mental issue to an outsider.
Alternative media covers the topic but
that doesn’t help the population to take
action. The hope from TIs is that once
the topic hits main stream media people
will protest and somehow stop the
torture and silent kill weapons. The US
government cannot admit what it has
done and is doing. It would mean the
destruction of the US and a greater
holocaust than Nazi Germany would
have to be admitted. All trust and
legitimacy would be lost forever.
Isn’t there a whistle blower who will
come forward to save us?
This is like asking someone to
be Jesus. They will be assassinated or
locked-up in solitary confinement for
life. What are you doing to save people
around the world whom you don’t know,
the starving or homeless for example? It
is asking too great of a sacrifice from a
single person. Whistle blowers would
be discredited and dragged through the
gutter by the government and media at
first. They are giving up their career,
their freedom, and potentially their
loved ones. You know the drill. Look at
what happened to Edward Snowden and
other whistle blowers. On top of that,
most scientists who worked on the
technology only know a small piece of
the puzzle and were deceived as to what
that piece would be used for.

Will they attack my family too?

There are a limited number of
testimonies that say the entire family is
attacked. A psychologist will say that a
mental illness must run in the family’s
genetic line, but they don’t know how the
technology works. Yes, part of the
psychological breakdown and terrorism
through V2K are very common threats of
killing and torturing the rest of the
target’s family. There is little evidence
that they follow through with their
threats, but this is unknown. Studies cost
money and the government is not giving
out grants for this topic.

Are they trying to kill me?

Initially the program seems to
be to kill the target. It is difficult to
know if it is just high risk programming
methods to make the target believe they
are killing them or if they are acquiring
data on the short term kill rates for the
weapons systems. Often the program
progresses to have the target kill
themselves or others. There are various
ways that they try to kill the target such
as putting them to sleep while driving on
the highway or depolarizing the nerves
in the heart for the remote heart attack
weapons portion or increase blood
pressure to cause a stroke. Depression
signals and V2K psychological
breakdown help with suicidal
programming. If the target can survive
the early deadly stages, the program
progresses to other mind control
experiments. However, they can only
kill the target indirectly through mind
control and body electricity appears to
be the rule. If they wanted the target
dead, they could stage any number of
poisons or car wrecks etc. Near perfect
plausible deniability is a must for these
assassinations by the government. The
operators are of course keeping track of
targets’ cancer rates and other long term
effects from the energies they are
subjected to. This is why they are
lifelong experiments.
As one TI, who was released
from the program, stated, “Don’t fear
death because there are things far worse
than death.”

Are they stealing my creative and

intellectual property and giving them
to someone else or stifling its release?
Yes and no. This is a common
tactic used to increase the target’s
frustration and it obviously can be done,
but the handlers are more interested in
the target’s creative defensive measures
and how the system can counteract the
defenses. This is the majority of
intellectual property that they are
stealing from citizens.
Certainly, more vocal you are
about these government programs the
more torture you will receive. This is
behavior modification and mind control
so of course they will stifle the release
of books on this topic and torture you
more when you are more vocal.

Are they black-mailing me?

Unless you are in a political
position or have ambition to become
one, it is an empty threat. They will
threaten to set you up by local authorities
but generally this doesn’t happen. It is
usually just an empty threat that the
intelligence agencies give like ”we will
kill your family if you tell anyone what
we have done to you.” No, George Bush
Jr. nor Obama know what is going on in
terms of how their draconian policies
are actually implemented and abused.
They are merely figure heads and
puppets. They get blamed for their
administration but they are clueless and
programmed. The idea of threats is to
increase the targets stress and panic. The
police will not believe you and there is
nothing they can do to protect you from a
technology this sophisticated. They
would have become scientists and not
police officers if they could understand
it. There are many pawns in this war

What does “crazy” mean to the

average person?
“Crazy”, as a word, is
generally used as a discrediting word by
those who do not want to do the research
to understand how the person of interest
they are discrediting thinks. It is
generally a word used by lazy thinkers.
Many famous geniuses were classified
as crazy by their colleagues such as
Einstein, Edison, and Galileo and
hundreds of others by lazy thinking
people. Most of these types of people
who use the word crazy were those who
it took 300 years to make them believe
the Earth wasn’t flat and square. They
exist today in the same proportions of
the population when discussing
technology. They wait to see it on their
hypnotube and see what those around
them believe.
The discrediting word “dumb”
can at least be proven by IQ tests as a
standard of society. Crazy can mean
emotional or unorganized thoughts and
irrational beliefs. It appears that when
the average person uses the word
“crazy” they mean something they don’t
understand. In some subcultures “crazy”
means to be eccentric or wild.
According to the DSM manual on
psychiatric illnesses over 20% now
increasing to 40% of American’s are
classified with one or more mental
illnesses at some point in their lives. It
almost appears that they are defining
“normal” as an emotionally flat and self
centered personality as the prototype of
mental health. That sounds more like
sociopathy. Perhaps those behaviors that
are against the person’s best interest and
survival instincts such as charitable acts
or being a soldier is considered mentally
ill and crazy.
Unfortunately in today’s age,
people who don’t understand ELF,
microwave, and biological resonance
weapons believe that victims of such
weapons are “crazy” when they talk
about them. The psychiatry community
has done a great disservice to the
credibility of their profession for not
taking the time to understand these
technologies and their possible uses.
The natural reaction to being
tortured with “invisible rays” gets
classified as “crazy” with the targets
extreme emotional reaction which is
quite appropriate for what they are going
through and anyone who speaks about
these weapons are “conspiracy theorist”.
Understand the propaganda. The people
who partook in the systems if they are
still alive when it is revealed will never
apologize for it and in order not to not
look stupid will say they knew it all
Practical advice: forgive them
for they know not what they do.

I think they are slandering me. Are

Slander can be done whether
government sponsored or not. Generally
speaking, not unless you are working for
a political cause will they do that. It is
usually that your friends and family
notice you acting paranoid and your
language can cause them to act
differently towards you.
What is the worry about
slandering? Job loss, loss of social
networks and support groups, but it is
also a primitive drive about reputation
and pride in legacy of family name. They
prey off of all fears. Remember they
study pure evil according to the human
Paranoia is purposely induced
through brain entrainments and organized
stalking and other gas lighting
techniques. The internet has created an
open door for people with opinions.
Trolls on the internet like to stir things
up using slander and libel when they
can. Generally there isn’t anything you
can do about it. It would be difficult to
sue any of them. Be sure not to release
personal information on the internet. The
trolls will use any information against
you to slander you or steal your identity.
You will want to tell your life story on
the internet but leave out specific
information. One technique trolls and
stalkers use on the internet is to use
slander in hopes you will feel the need
to respond out of anger thereby releasing
more information about yourself to be
used against you later.
Being on radio or the internet
brings you into the spotlight. This is a
decision that every TI must make. More
often your name appears, more you will
become a target even from other TIs.
Some people feel that their story of
horrific suffering needs to be told for
posterity sake, but if you put your story
on the internet, potential employers
might find it and judge you for it. But if
you do nothing, you are furthering the
suffering of others for not trying to bring
light to what is going on. There is power
in numbers. But you are damned if you
do and damned if you don’t.
Many TIs suspect that
subliminal messaging about their
character is done to their friends and
family or possible employers. What can
you do about it? Sit a good friend down
and ask them if they have heard
anything? Google yourself on the
I suspect most of the suspicion
about slander is from V2K.
Remember that no one is
exempt from others’ opinions. Imagine if
you were the president, half the people
always hate you. People misunderstand
intentions and communications all the
time. Remember how many rumors you
heard about someone in the playground?
At best, rumors may hurt some of your
personal relationships. It would be
difficult to prove someone is going to
your potential employer and libeling you
unless they say something. One of the
best things you can do is to volunteer
and let people know. Slander falls off of
people with good charitable works.
Most people who believe the
target, assumes that s/he deserved it.
S/he sinned in some way. This is called
the “shame game”.
Remember, that the majority of
people are still in the Matrix of the
propaganda and lies. They do not know
what is going on. “You must see it for
yourself.” – Morpheus from the movie
The Matrix.
Know thy audience when
speaking. One type of speech to
communicate your circumstances does
not necessarily work for every audience.
Why is stress used for
Torture is ineffectively used for
interrogation is what many interrogation
experts claim. Without proof the CIA
claims it works. All other studies show
that soft interrogation works better. But
the powers that be do it in the Pentagon
and CIA helping the USA lose its soft
power and the moral high ground which
it had for many decades. These policies
now endanger our troops since we don’t
abide by torture treaties anymore and
just allow language to be redefined with
euphemisms like “enhanced
Many doctors who betray their
oath to do no harm decided that if the
target of interrogation can be soften up,
i.e. induced PTSD, they are more likely
to talk. This is the basis of Bush’s and
Cheney’s torture schools’ philosophy.
In terms of brainwashing and
programming the strategy is very
different to change a loyalty and
alignment from one flag and tribe to
another. Every human needs purpose be
it a child, husband, a career, a country, a
religion, or other. We have classified all
human emotions and tribes now in our
databases as profiles from genetics to
Stress releases certain
hormones like cortisol that affects short
term memory and long term memory of
the human being. This is important to
split personalities to avoid the trauma
and to make the split personality
remember how painful it is to remember
thereby causing repression. The process
is very difficult and complicated to
describe but works with years of torture.
The target will often attack the people
helping them. They cannot help
themselves. It is all they can hold onto.
Cheryl Welsh, a lawyer and neural
weapons expert said to me, “TIs are
their own worst enemy”. There are no
truer words.
Capabilities, effects, and
technology questions:

What are some electronic assault

There are many common
symptoms of DEWS(directed energy
weapons), microwave weapons, and
EEG induction weapons: bodily pains
and sensations that have no human
experience analog, fatigue, involuntary
speech like Tourette Syndrome, bee
stings, projection of odd sounds, limb
jerking, sleep deprivation, headaches,
teeth pain, eye pain, heat, genital
assaults, heart palpitations, etc. In the
lab even parts of the brain can be
stimulated to feel a spiritual presence in
kind warmth and the opposite has been
One major difficulty is sorting
out what are naturally occurring
illnesses and those induced by
technology. All illnesses can be
mimicked and induced by electronic
assaults. The TI begins to believe all
pains and illnesses are caused directly
or indirectly by these weapons. There
are a couple problems with that. The TI
will not try common medications which
might alleviate the pain and secondly,
they begin to believe these people and
the weapons are all powerful. The
practical advice for the TI is to try the
obvious medical advice first and if that
doesn’t work try electronic assault
shielding. This is also true with
organized stalking. There are common
criminals which should not be confused
with government agent stalking

What is the frequency?

This question was asked by two
TIs that beat up Dan Rather, the news
reporter, because they believed they
were being media stalked by him. They
were just Manchurian candidates sent
after him probably because he started to
reveal too much truth about conspiracy
theories that ended up being true. They
asked him, “What is the frequency
Kenneth?” The question all targeted
individuals end up asking about the
government’s EM-bio neuro-weapons.
The problem is that there is not
just one frequency. It is full spectrum.
There are some frequencies that
manipulate the human nervous system
that are specific to the magnetic and
electric field strength surrounding the
target. There are some that related to
SARs (Specific absorption rate). There
are ultra-wide frequency bands and
those that hop. There are some that have
resonances to the average size of brain
cells or entire organs. Some frequencies
are used just for surveillance and others
to inject energy into the brain patterns to
control them. The list goes on. The
frequency question is posed incorrectly.
Even Sony has 4 patents to use
ultrasonics to manipulate perception for
video games.
I will give two examples and
show how the magnetic and electric
fields surrounding a target can be solved
using a couple surveillance technologies
and simultaneous equations. I’ll show
that there are specific frequencies that
can manipulate the human nervous
system using reverse MRI, reverse ESR,
and ion cyclotron resonant heating. Even
microwaves have been shown to alter
brain function based on frequency pulses
and intensity both in American and
Russian university literature. These
equations will be revealed in “Project:
Soul Catcher Volume 1”.
How do they keep a lock-on the target
and be able to see through walls?
This very common question can
only be understood through advanced
physics. For the simple disbeliever, you
only need to look at how many bars you
have on your mobile phone and how the
telecom companies can triangulate on
them. Understand for yourself how that
works? Lower the electromagnetic
frequency, deeper the penetration into
the Earth and structures. How can one
communicate to nuclear submarines?
The TI’s next question will be, “How
does the technology tune into one person
and not another?” How do mobile
phones do it? We all have unique
resonances and signatures. Dr. Becker
stated that the brain has a 3000 Q factor
(quality factor) which means each brain
has very specific bandwidths for
influence like mobile phones. How many
products do you own that have RFID
chips in them? You would be surprised
at the answer. The brain itself is a very
advanced specific encryption code but
with some generalizations of emotional
cluster signatures. Only the sender and
receiver know the private key encryption
with the particular cognitive model. Get
all the cognitive models and you will
have all the brain codes. For example
NASA tracks 26,000 golf ball sized
pieces of space junk around the Earth’s
orbit. Can 7 billion unique brain
signatures be tracked on Earth?

Is this being done by satellites or

The question is where are the
sensors and emitters? The same antennas
can be used as both. Redundancy is key
for any warfare weapon and especially
one that is global in reach. Most
sophisticated Radar systems use
synthetic apertures, which means that
they use beam forming to electronically
steer the beam instantaneously or to
multiple locations at once. Intersecting
these connected phased arrays creates a
tighter intensity on a location and
multiple locations at once. A
mathematical term called an inverse
Fourier Transform allows for these
calculations in real time. Holography is
another term of similar concepts when
computer calculated.
The entire system is global,
fully integrated, and uses every
technology available just like PRISM in
information warfare. Most researchers
want to point the finger at one particular
entity like HAARP or Satellites. The
problem with the data is that some of the
first mind control subjects came forward
right about the time the first satellite was
launched (1961) which did nothing of
importance. Satellites are of course used
for spying all over the world now but
they don’t fully explain the previous
capabilities of mind control and may be
used now as a redundant system.
HAARP wasn’t built until 1991. These
may all play a part to expand the global
mind control agenda but it isn’t the full
answer. Over the horizon Radar and
Ionosondes could also have those
capabilities and have been around since
WWII. No matter the military instrument,
you can’t bring it into a court room since
they are heavily guarded. Trying to point
the blame on the power grids, cell phone
towers, and neighbors with modified
microwave oven weapons is sort of
pointless in the sense these EH weapons
are global now and can be used with

Am I micro-chipped or nano-chipped?
There are many studies going
on. Several groups use radio frequency
detectors to scan the subject. There are
some very interesting results which
show TIs who have a positive signal at
locations on their body and non-TIs
(controls) with no radio signals. Is this
proof? Of course a type of RFID chip
would make tracking humans much
easier and have been used in the past.
But with all the MRIs and x-rays that
have been done on TIs, very few find
anything except for what specialist call
imaging anomalies. The theories have
changed that the implants must be even
smaller and they can’t be picked up with
those kinds of imaging technologies,
called nanochips. There is a problem
with both nanochips and microchip
theories which have been tested. It is
that chips at that scale cannot withstand
a very high electromagnetic pulse
without shorting them out. Also RFID
frequencies would change under a strong
magnet due to inductance and hence be
untrackable. It is a logical conclusion
that the technology would require a
microchip to send and receive signals
but so far it appears to be more complex
than this. Microchip theories also
provide hope for the target. If they can
just find and remove them, they will get
their lives back and freedom from mind
control and torture (behavior
modification and reprogramming).
Let’s say a TI finds a chip and
removes it. Still, who can they sue? It
isn’t practical to go on that hunt. An MRI
doesn’t hurt anyone if you can afford
one. It still hasn’t provided enough
evidence or relief if a RFID chip is
There have been many
anecdotal stories from TIs that metal
detectors go off on certain parts of their
bodies other than fillings in their teeth.
None of these stories have been verified
by independent investigators and there
are other theories of electronics of how
bodies which have inductive and
capacitive effects interact with some
kinds of sensing technologies.
The current best theories
involve doping agents that bond
permanently to the target’s biology
which act as contrast agents with certain
EM interaction frequencies. However
the use of biometrics such as brain
pattern signatures and body resonances
to identify and track targets are more
useful for secret warfare, mind control,
and interrogations.

Can they make me kill someone

against my will bypassing my
conscious will and then make me not
remember it?
The CIA has been studying
these psychological mechanisms for
many, many decades. Some
hypnotherapists and psychologists claim
that one cannot be forced to do
something against their primary moral
compass under hypnosis. There is
evidence that in some cases this is not
true. Yes, memories can be repressed
and when remembered, the psychologist
will call it false memory syndrome.
Obviously there needs to be more rigid
tests. Psychology is in its infancy as a
profession like when medical doctors
used bleeding people to release the evil
The answer is yes but with a
small percentage of programmed targets.
There are many examples in history for
plausible deniability of assassinations
by programmed civilians, indirection by
government for the media to play off of.
Try your best not to allow government to
use you in this way to create terrorism
for false flag operations and take away
more rights from the citizens. It is a very
old false flag scam. Currently it is being
used to scare the public into forfeiting
gun rights and justifying more
surveillance and tyrannical control.

Are computers involved in mind

The human brain is one of the
most powerful computers on the planet.
It was theorized that if signals from
brains of two or more humans could be
combined, each brain would learn how
to interpret the other brains signals to
some extent. Since the early
experiments, computers are very much
used to interpret brain patterns and
signals for mind control. Not only do
they help automate and scale the mind
control programming, torture, and ‘re-
education’ over the population, they act
as a firewall so that targets cannot get
too much information from the handler in
the old bi-directional feedback
mechanisms. They now can record pains
from every human being and play them
back as torture on others to some extent,
but the databases of these brain signals
are necessary for programming thoughts
and emotional signatures into the
population. It sounds science fictional
like, doesn’t it? It improves every year.
Computers are also necessary for
improving the cognitive models and
transforms between the variations of
humans’ minds and languages.

Can other animals be used?

There are many documented
experiments from human to ape, human
to dolphin to some degree of success,
but the most famous are a bull,
dragonfly, and mice with probes directly
inserted into the brain. A cat’s vision
was also deciphered onto a computer
screen with invasive probes. Imagine if
they could turn a person’s pet into a spy.

Can a targeted person pass a lie

detector test or purposefully fail one?
This question was brought up
by a TI because they said they went
through a series of tests and experiments
to do just that. This was all done
remotely using synthetic telepathy (V2K)
as the means of communication. The
handler would ask a set of questions then
look at an instrument to see if there was
a guilt response, i.e. a stress response.
They tried hypnosis and implanting false
memories in the target to see if that
would invoke a guilt response. This was
all done remotely. Then they said to the
target after they asked each of the
questions, “Press on your sternum.”
Each question was not supposed to
invoke a guilt response but the pressing
on the sternum would invoke a spike in
the remote truth telling device. The
handler was very amused that the signal
they were using was so easily defeated.
In brief, yes a targeted
individual can remotely be manipulated
to pass or fail a polygraph using
preprogrammed hypnotic triggers or a
remote, real time induced physiological
response. Uses might include
discrediting a target or a captured spy.

Can the government technology

create extreme emotions in people
who are not aware of the technology,
be influenced emotionally, or
subliminal suggestions be put into
All emotions have been
catalogued and easily transferred onto an
unaware target. Symptoms of bipolarism
can be artificially induced. You can
imagine the uses of such power. The
controllers can keep a population placid
or incited to war. At the individual level
friends could be made to be enemies
thereby social networks controlled.
There are drugs that can smooth
emotional responses even created by
artificial electromagnetic means.
Knowledge of oneself and taking some
deep breaths can diminish some of these
extreme emotional entrainments. In many
ways this is a test of forgiveness and
emotional control.

How can they access my memories?

Part of the interrogation process
is to make the target believe that the
handler has more knowledge than they
actually do. In physical renditions they
use false newspapers with fake dates
and headlines and the little intelligence
that they have to make the target believe
the “event” has already occurred and
they are free to talk about it. They use
sleep deprivation and questioning. The
person sleeps and forgets a week later,
then they bring up the information that
the target gave out under questioning
when they were sleep deprived or
drugged a week later. This makes the
target believe the interrogators know
everything about them. They continue
this process and walk the target back
through their history, while all along the
handlers knew very little other than NSA
communication intercepts. It is done the
same way with remote mind control
interrogations too.
Word and picture associations
will trigger certain memories in the
target. These can be shared with the
handler under ideal conditions and the
specific brain signatures recorded and
replayed. These are often used to get
floor plan layouts let’s say of secret
bases or houses. This technique can also
be used to rewrite the episodic
memories too. Later in this book you
will see how passwords can be cracked
using a variation of this technique.
Practical advice is to stay
grounded during this type of remote mind
interrogation and remember to give the
handler false information. A week later
the handler will bring it up and you will
be reminded that they only know what
you tell them. Don’t laugh at their
ignorance or you will show your hand in
the bluffing poker game. You will get a
chuckle out of their ignorance and mental
games they play.
There are more sophisticated
techniques that inject random neural
noise to trigger memories, bidirectional
associated memories, word
associations, etc. It is beyond the scope
of this book to describe the details of
these techniques.
Can they make me experience
something like smells and tastes that I
have never smelled before or pains
that I have never felt before?
From our research and
investigations, yes they can. It is usually
common for pungent smells to be used
on a TI like burning rubber, onions,
ammonia, pencil lead, etc. , but there are
some pains that cannot be described by
targeted human beings in these
neurological weapons testing of torture
and behavior modification. Pungent
smells are more easily EEG cloned to
the target. If humans have never felt
certain pains, there are no words in any
language that can describe them. For
example a fairly common artificial
torture is to make the target feel like
there is an electric worm crawling
through their body. How do you describe
that to a doctor? There is no common
human experience that we have given a
name for that to communicate to others
without the experience.

Can my memories be transferred or

false memories put into my mind?
Other questions cover some of
the techniques. Yes, this is a very
important part of the research being
tested. It doesn’t work on everyone but
hypnosis and another more sophisticated
technique (episodic memory
replacement) can be used to insert or
replace memories. In mind control
processes, bringing up a previous
memory then rewriting it, is one way to
replace an earlier memory in a target.
Unfortunately, real memories
that were repressed are often called
false memory syndrome by naïve
psychologists. The psychologists are not
sophisticated enough to test for memory
The best advice is to stay
grounded and make sure you have
continuous memories throughout your
life. If there is a false memory, it won’t
be associated with any logical
chronology of continuous and nearby
memories in the mind space.

Can psychopathic personalities be

created using this technology for false
flag purposes?
Unfortunately, this is one of the
most important tests of the technology. It
usually involves killing their father or
someone that the target very much loves.
This is the ultimate test of the power of
remote neural influencing technologies.
There are many examples of this for the
researchers of this technology.
Politicians don’t seem to have a clue.
Our research group found TIs that were
programmed to kill famous politicians
like Hillary Clinton. We don’t get into
the details of the programming and
deprogramming methods in this book.
Anyone reading this book knows the US
government has been hijacked by now.
The “programmed assassins”, if
successful, are easily written off as
psychopaths. This creates a false sense
of terrorism and gives the government
provocation to disarm the citizens. Fear
and false flag operations work on the
simple minded population throughout
If you are of non-violent
character, remember your core values. If
a rage is put into you, sleep it off and try
to keep guns away from you if you are
controlled. Some mood stabilizing drugs
can help defend against a psychotronic
emotional attack and remember that
voice morphing and transformation is
common to misdirect the mind control
subject to a particular target of their
remote torture.

How can I tell the difference between

DEWs and various resonance
frequencies versus RNM (remote
neural monitoring and EEG cloning)?
DEWs (directed energy
weapons) is a classification of weapons
that can direct energy at a target such as
particle beams, lasers, maser, and
phased array microwave weapons.
Many of these kinds of weapons are to
heat and destroy and use ionizing
radiation at their power levels. Some of
the more secret and complex weapons
that attack the human nervous system and
electronics fall under many different
classification of weapons such as non-
lethal, directed energy with non-ionizing
radiation, and resonance weapons.
DEWs will leave burns on a person, but
often the pains caused by RNM and EEG
cloning are confused to be DEWs.
Resonance weapons are directed to the
individual so they can be classified as
directed energy, but the energy is
directed at molecules and ions in the
specific body. These are better
described as resonance weapons. Just
like identifying a star with spectral lines
and spatial resolution, identifying life
forms on Earth is very similar.
The science of remote neural
monitoring and EEG
(electroencephalographic) cloning are
generally regarded differently than
directed energy attacks which also
causes pain and nervous system
malfunction. Typical DEW attacks are
only skin deep. EEG cloning is much
more complex and can cause similar
pains on the body but with no physical
evidence. The pains are perceived
through the pain circuits of the mind and
The advice is only useful for
directed energy weapons. Space
blankets imbedded in clothing can
deflect microwave weapons such as
ADS (active denial systems). Lasers
cannot penetrate homes and most
clothing. However resonance weapons
can only be jammed using active
adaptive noise by slow frequency semi-
chaotic magnetic and electric fields.

What are the long term effects of

these energies and experimentation on
The most deadly effects are on
the mind itself. Interfering with a
person’s decision making processes
lowers their survival abilities and even
their will to live.
Of course with all energy
exposure there is an increased risk of
various types of cancers. There are many
secondary and tertiary long term health
effects of prolonged stress caused by the
torture and experimentation including
heart arrhythmias.
Do they currently have the ability to
record all my memories from life until
Not yet, but they are working
diligently on it. There is a chip called
“Soul Catcher” that is supposed to do
this and then be put into a baby and
basically create immortality for that
person. Imagine an Einstein or a Hitler
living for ever. Some people will do
anything to cheat death.

Can they insert languages or skills

into the mind of the target?
To some extent they can insert
skills into the target that were not
previously studied. There is accelerated
education using aspects of the
technology and a shared hive mind with
participants. Obviously there is much
funding of research for this capability.

Can they get my passwords?

They can crack your passwords
even while you are dreaming. This is a
very important feat for mind hacking by
the NSA and other intel agencies. There
was a team that used OTS (off the shelf)
parts for less than $500 to hack
passwords by brain feedback. What they
used is what is called the delay of the
P300 brain signal. This is the
recognition signal. So by showing the
subject digit by digit and reading the
results, they were able to crack
passwords of a consensual subject. The
NSA techniques are similar. There are
backdoors to all computer systems of
spying but this is one through the mind.
There are ways to defeat this
mind hacking technique with computer
passwords. There are programs that
generate a password that even the user
cannot see. The passwords are cut and
paste only but blocked out. The only
password that the user needs to know is
that of the password database. A hacker
would have to have physical access to
the computer or a keystroke logger and
go to great lengths to get the others. If
you are a target, nothing is private and
certain government agencies will even
use your medical information to silently
assassinate you if that is their objective.
What are some long term effects of
torture, trauma, and stress induction?
It depends on the person and
any programming done at the time. In
general torture sensitizes the animal or
person to violence. Several of the
Guantanamo Bay torture subjects who
were released appeared to be sluggish
schizophrenics according to medical
doctors. For many tortured people, they
become timid and empty of hope. It can
cause a passive aggressive condition
too. The mental scarring becomes worse
based on the duration and intensity of
torture methods employed. Nightmares
and flashbacks are common later in life.
Behaviors such as alcoholism and
smoking are common ways a target
copes with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress
Disorders) if they survive.
Stress coping mechanisms,
psychotherapy, support groups, and
desensitization methods sometimes work
to some extent. With TIs, the torture and
torment often never ends if nothing new
is tried. Surrounding oneself around
positive, supportive people and
meditation helps. There are some drugs
being experimented with that reduce
PTSD but they must be taken during the
trauma. One controversial doctor is
experimenting with MDMA to alleviate
PTSD effects.
Why do some people hear voices?
For researchers of
psychotronics, it is easiest to identify a
real target due to the types of speech
they hear through V2K. Some targets
only hear tinnitus or hissing and these
cases are more difficult to diagnose
although mentioned as a side effect of
the microwave hearing effect.
V2K/synthetic telepathy is most
useful for mind control, programming,
interrogation, and disablement of the
target. Disablement occurs by wasting
brain cycles of the target and constant
In over a decade of searching
we haven’t been able to find a deaf
person who hears synthetic telepathy. Is
the rate of manic/depressive and
schizophrenia the same in people who
are deaf? Does sign language have its
equivalent to voices in the head? What
does this tell you about how the
technology works?
“How do I hear my sentences
completed before I speak them?” is
another common question from TIs who
have “V2K”. “V2K” is an old term and
should be outdated when speaking about
synthetic telepathy and the microwave
hearing effect. These are completely
different effects but related. It is called
predictive sentence completion and uses
artificial intelligence programs usually
using Markov models of speech.
The adaptation of the audio
cortex of the brain to the external signals
goes through stages before it become
true telepathy in many cases. This is how
voices are thrown at a distance of the
neighbors and family in isolated rooms
or through white noise sounds at first. It
has pitch, distance, and directionality.
Eventually over time it usually turns into
a voice directly communicating in your
head with no direction or distance clues
once the brain has fully adapted to the
external communication signals.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
can be of use for some people to
diminish some of the effects. 30 minutes
a day of practicing to not respond to the
voices helps. Reading entrainments of
the brain to sound out words is complex.
There is another technical method that
screws up speech that simply gives
feedback to the ears from the mouth with
a time delayed phase. This system can
be found in most science centers for

How do they see me? Am I showing up

like an infrared body scan, or are they
literally viewing me through my TV’s
and other appliances?
This is a very interesting
question. There are so many
technologies involved. Yes. With the
newer TVs the video cam can be hacked
just like on a computer or a mobile
phone device. Traditional bugs can be
used, pinhole cameras, etc. However,
that is not how much of the more
advanced systems work by the
government. Radar methods,
spectroscopy, and other imagine
methods are used to view a wide area
and signal processing it into an image.
NMR(nuclear magnetic resonance) and
EPR(electron paramagnetic spin
resonance) are used at Earth Gauss
levels. These techniques are difficult for
the average person to understand. Now it
becomes more difficult to believe but
EEG (electroencephalographic) cloning
is how mind control works bi-
directionally. Yes, it is possible under
certain conditions to clone the senses
including vision. This means that the
handler can actually see through the
targets eyes to some extent. There are
about 26 high tech methods of
surveillance and they are all used on the
targeted individual.

What is the frequency? Is it ELF

(extremely low frequency) or
Microwaves attacking me?
This is a common
misunderstanding of the technologies.
All the methods used against a TI are
multi-modal from multiple sources and
everything from spread spectrum to
narrow bands. Yes, pulsed microwaves
at different frequencies and intensity
affect brain wave function and nerve
cells. Some can release
neurotransmitters in the brain to confuse
the target like drugs. Pulsed microwaves
can communicate with the brain and
create a low frequency carrier wave
(ELF). However, without brainwave
feedback all these technologies cannot
do direct mind control. These
transmitters and receivers require a
body electrical feedback from the target.
How is it done? Too complicated to
discuss here but the ELF is important in
turning the targets environment into an
NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and
ESP (electron and free radical spin
resonance) machines with some other
waves to increase signal to noise ratio at
Earth Gauss levels. This is why people
confuse microwave technology, radio
frequency technology, and ELF
technology. It is not a single frequency.
Biology is responsive to many kinds of
energies and frequencies. These frailty
and weaknesses of human biology are
very understood by the weapons
scientists studying these new classes of
Scientists artificially classify
the entire spectrum of electromagnetic
waves into sections. Of course the
spectrum is continuous. Microwaves are
the wavelengths from 1 millimeter to 1
meter. They are used in radar and
communications as well as to cook food.
ELF waves are at the longest
wavelengths we classify. They are
waves classified as cycles from 3 to 300
Hz, or wavelength of 100,000 meters to
1000 kilometers. Interesting to note that
at ELF wavelengths the electric and
magnetic component of the waves are
usually measured separately. This is
important when we discuss increasing
the local magnetic field for localized
NMR and ESR surveillance
technologies over the Earth.
One of the reasons people
speak about microwaves is due to the
research on microwaves affecting the
firing frequencies of neurons. Another
reason is because they penetrate
buildings and can be focused using
phased array beam steering and synthetic
apertures. They are also instrumental in
what has been patented as the
microwave hearing effect. Microwaves
can heat the organs of a body and cause
many other bio-weapons effects too.
Other UHF frequencies can interfere
with cellular communication in the body.
Pulsed microwaves can create
low frequency bands. We hear those
near speaker amplifiers when our
mobile phones are called for example.
So this is an example of microwaves
creating ELF waves. How does a simple
transistor radio work? High frequency
with a diode/transistor can create an
ELF auditory signal in a speaker.
Neurons act like transistors and diodes
too. Even Dr. Becker in his book “The
Body Electric” says bones are an NPN
junction, a type of transistor.
ELF waves are what
brainwaves work on and audio
communication. But most ignore the
much higher frequencies created by
individual neural firings. In fact the
brain operates at ELF frequencies and
microwave frequencies due to the
individual firing neurons in the 100s of
billions there must be a large Q factor
(quality factor) that determines the
narrow frequencies to trigger micro and
macro circuits of the specific brain to
target individual minds.
Obviously this is important but more
interestingly is how to focus ELF waves
on a target and to increase the localized
field for NMR, ESR, and ion cyclotron
resonance for signal to noise ratios.
Project Soul Catcher Vol 1 will get into
more of the science while Vol 2 reveals
the psychology of programming.
There are many questions for
scientists that hear ELF waves are
targeting an individual. The first is that
ELF waves cannot be focused, so the
original signal must be above ELF
waves. However there are many
biochemical processes that act as diodes
and can transform the interpretation of
beat frequencies of higher frequencies
waves into ELF waves interpreted in the
body. There are many mid frequencies
waves that can penetrate the ground to
submarines and used for Earth
penetrating tomography which can even
map out the core of the Earth. ELF
waves have traditionally been used to
communicate with submarines deep
under salt water.

Can they read my mind? Are they only

able to scan the way that my brain
processes my thoughts? How clearly
are they able to understand and
interpret my thoughts?
There are many complicated
tactics to mind reading from the ancient
psychics to modern day EEG cloning
methods. Forgetting the art of illusion
and magic from the old, modern day
mind reading is done with brain
monitoring methods, background NSA
information, and synthetic telepathy
interrogation techniques.
One of the most important
tactics to read minds is a variation on
CIA interrogation. In some physical
renditions they use sleep deprivation,
and some drugs to erase the memory of
the target then give them a fake
newspaper saying a certain event
happened to see if they confess and hope
they give out more information. The
same technique is used in EEG
heterodyning techniques. They walk the
target back in time gathering their
personal history making the target think
they know more about them than they
actually do. The interrogators get points
to determine how well they did with the
researched history of the government
profiles on the target and their collected
data using V2K and EEG cloning
Under ideal circumstances all
the senses can be cloned and some
memories recalled.
Besides these mind tricks, as
Col. Alexander said about EEG
synchronization techniques, “Secrets
begin to slip.”

Are my telephones tapped?

As Edward Snowden revealed
our government has everything from
computer search histories to every voice
call recorded. Yes, they have been
tapped for decades. Some lesser known
but interesting tactics the intelligence
agencies use is voice transformation or
often called morphing which is heavily
used on targets and sometimes the
target’s circle of influence using the
voice of the target to destroy and alter
social circles. Voice mails can be
deleted, scrambled, or intercepted and
replaced. The information can be
tampered with and used against any
target. Social networks, banking
accounts, medical history, etc. are all
just a keystroke away for the NSA. What
is the information used for? Everything
from blackmail, destruction of the
target’s life, or to control a target are

Are the voices human or an artificial

intelligence program?
They are both. Using real
humans at the beginning of the program
but later on they use AI programs to do
most of the work and scale the weapon
system with fewer personnel. An astute
target can usually differentiate between
the two modes or mixed modes by
observing that the artificial natural
language program is more repetitive and
doesn’t remember well.

I initially heard sounds perceived at a

distance. Now it is heard after a
month in my head. Why is this?
This is how the program
generally starts off with voices
projected through walls and strangers
conversations heard at great distances.
Often the voices can be heard as clear as
day through white noise generators
piggybacking other sound stimuli. It is
theorized that this is the beginning stages
of the brain rewiring itself to perceive
the auto-correlated external voice signal
modulations. It takes a while for the
brain to adapt to its new senses. Other
researchers claim they are completely
different technologies being used for
projection versus V2K audio cortex
rewiring and the microwave hearing
effect. Later on after the brain has been
rewired the audio cortex interprets the
external signal just like a source from
the inner ear but with no directionality.
Soon the signal does not need to be that
strong to be amplified by the brain and
interpreted into words. At this stage it is
true synthetic telepathy.

How can they target me even when I

am near someone else?
This is another million dollar
question. Notice that most targeting is
done in private and away from other
people in terms of the body pain and
tortures. NSA satellites can see a 1cm
square resolution in the visual space on
Earth but this question goes much deeper
in terms of electronic warfare on the
human body and mind. It all depends on
the frequencies of resonance and the
intensity. In another book written by this
author the physics will be revealed.
Resonance is when the nucleus, ions,
organs, cells, protons, electrons, etc. are
absorbing energy from the target.
Imagine a reverse NMR (nuclear
magnetic resonance) where energy can
be added to the targeted parts of the
body and atoms of interest.
How does resonance work?
How can an MRI see different atom’s
nuclei in the human body? It gets much
more complex and one must study
concepts like the Zeeman splitting and
general spectroscopy. It requires
understanding of beam steering, synthetic
apertures, and phased arrays to name a
few topics. “Project Soul Catcher Vol.
1” covers these concepts in more detail
of imagining, surveillance, and
tomography sciences if it ever is
If Dr. Becker and his
colleagues are correct the brain’s
circuitry has a 3000 Q factor for its
micro and macro circuitry. This means it
can act like a mobile phone in terms of
its reception and amplification without
affecting the other brains nearby because
of the narrow bandwidth.

Why can’t anyone hear what I record

on a device or see what I see on
These are complex questions.
This book is only to summarize many
researchers’ and independent
testimonies’ of TIs experiences. All the
recordings seem to only be able to be
heard by the target themselves. The
recordings only serve to discredit the
target to others. Why can only the target
hear the messages in white noise or
otherwise? This is another difficult
question to answer simply. This
involves a neural encoding technique
that is beyond the scope of this book.
The practical advice is to let a close
friend hear or see what you believe you
experience on the recording. They will
usually say that it is nothing intelligible
to them. So don’t broadcast it or use it as
evidence for others. This is a common
trick to discredit the target.

Is anything private?
You must get used to no privacy
like being in jail, a mind prison
specifically designed for you. What is
the human need for privacy? Yes, you
are a prisoner in your own country and
in your own home.
NSA does more harm than good
but they don’t release those statistics.
How many people’s lives have they
destroyed? How many innocent families
that just blindly trusted their government
were destroyed by their manipulation?
Just by using full spectrum information
gathering (PRISM) and information
attacks on innocent people have they
created madness in the person? They
justify their budget by their own
analysis. “We prevented 10 pipe bomb
attacks?” they might say to the senate
intelligence committee, but at what cost?
Their damage is never assessed
independently or properly.
What most Americans never
realized until they are assaulted by their
government is that they never had
privacy. Every conversation has nearly
been recorded. They use voice sampling
software on everyone to project those
voices to other people on phones or
through V2K when desired for a false
flag operation or to route out “terrorist”
networks. Every transaction made
anywhere except through old cash and
bit coin has been recorded. Edward
Snowden only informed the public of the
tip of the iceberg. Yes, shocking that our
government has been lying to the
population at least since J.F. Kennedy’s
assassination. America’s values have
been turned on its head.

How do I prevent electronic warfare

weapons ruining my electronics and
stalling my car?
TIs have many barriers to
gather proof and retain their livelihood.
Electronic warfare is also used in
conjunction with bio-resonance weapons
and illegal surveillance technologies.
The US government operates secretively
as a crime organization when all will be
known. It only takes a few bad apples at
the top of the intelligence agencies to
control all of world events and
manipulate media for the less than
informed busy slaves.
Anything which generates a
radio frequency can be monitored and
subverted. TI’s typically have their car
engines stall while driving, their car
alarms disabled, their electronic garage
doors manipulated, computer drives
purged, their house alarms disabled,
mobile phone messages scrambled, and
other electronic warfare done on them.
One must remember PRISM that
Snowden revealed about the NSA. The
attacks are a full electronic assault in the
full information spectrum including the
human mind.

“They say that they are going to

kill me and my family if I don’t
do what they say.
I’ve gathered some proof but
they steal my data or erase it.” –
a TI

Unfortunately there is little

practical advice that can be given. You
could use nothing but mechanical means
to defeat some of these technologies. For
example you could use an alarm system
and cameras that leave video images on
the internet with password protection.
By the time you come back they
wouldn’t have had time to hack it or
steal your data. The reality of the
situation is that you must just come to
accept what the NSA and other agencies
are doing and try to live your life the
best you can.
Legal Issues:

Is there legal recourse?

Everybody’s instinct is to go to
the FBI and convince them it is some
kind of major crime mafia with top
secret weapons. This is a delusion,
misunderstanding, and misdirection. The
FBI will not investigate. Guess why?
One, they don’t have the equipment nor
expertise and two, because this is done
by government at the highest levels of
secrecy. Not everyone in government is
in the know. In fact the majority do not
know. You are just going to sound like
another “tin foil” hat believer, alien
abductee, or mental patient. It is
probably not worth your time to
complain to them. The FBI mean well
but they are programmed in false beliefs
for their government jobs. If they are
smart enough to understand and believe
TIs, they will resign or be fired. The
system of total control is in place. Some
call it order, but they misunderstand the
bigger picture of how the people with
less than virtuous qualities rise to the
top. When the good people resign in
protest, they are simply replaced by the
humans that are not emotionally
intelligent and are addicted to power
and pride.
Many lawsuits have been filed
and different legal strategies tried. As to
date, I haven’t heard of any that have
worked. The US government is capped
at $100,000 for misbehavior anyway
unless congress approves a larger
amount. Most TIs lives are worth far
more than that. It is cost effective for
them to grab a TI, use plausible
deniability, and hope only future
generations might sue with a presidential
apology for a previous one’s mistakes.
Most governments rule by a truly
criminal mindset. You must defeat
unbelievable power and wealth, some of
which you contributed in taxes to be
used against you. Gathering evidence is
very expensive and time consuming.
There are other problems.
Some attorneys will take your money but
won’t produce results. It is not always
their fault. Gathering proof is so
technologically difficult. Finding an
expert witness who isn’t afraid of being
assassinated to testify is another hurdle.
Plus you will find difficulty pointing the
finger at a particular intelligence agency
due to government secrets. You need to
show the tools of torture and how they
are used. Again you will be up against
propaganda words like “national
security” or “executive privilege”, “state
secrets”, etc. What if satellites were
involved for example? How do you
bring one into court? Think it all the way
through. You can produce piles of books
and documents but the court will just
stare blankly at you and not read through
it. Science and legalese are very
different vocabularies. What is obvious
to you is not even fathomable by those
who have not survived these programs
of torture.
Another important
consideration is that of information
overload. Always summarize and bullet
point your facts. Many TIs overwhelm
anyone whom they approach by too much
information. Yes, these programs are the
most sophisticated in the world, but most
people don’t know how their mobile
phone works or their television. Keep it
as simple as possible when conveying
your message to the uneducated and less

Who is behind it?

In the beginning stages of the
mind control programming every TI
believes they know who is behind it.
They cannot be talked out of it. The
actual algorithm for determining who is
a target is mostly random unless it
involves protestors, counter-intelligence
operations, intelligence gathering, or
whistle-blowers. They try to find easy
targets that usually live alone in
apartments, but even families can be
broken apart. The idea is to isolate the
target. They especially take a swath from
a variety of every language and culture
on which to test mind control. If you are
single and living in an apartment, you
are an easy target. Welcome to the New
World Order.
People talk about aliens
because 60 year advanced technology
seems like magic to the general
population. Mind control and the brain
code being deciphered are quite real but
require a lot of education to understand.
NSA, CIA, DIA, and the alphabet soup
agencies are the conditioned and
indoctrinated unbeknownst to themselves
of how they are manipulated. It is the
liars, the power hungry and greedy of the
military and corporate forces that trick
scientists and politicians to do their
bidding. For the rest of the population
who have yet to be tortured by
government agencies this seems as a
shock or conspiracy theory. In the other
portion of the population, the
government is there to make them feel
secure in their cages. Many believe it is
an ex-boyfriend or lover, boss, neighbor,
doctor, or dentist, etc. doing this to them.
These are red herrings. Please don’t fall
for this trickery of the devil.

What is being done? What has been

tried to bring awareness to the
general public?
Groups and individuals have
tried billboards, news paper
advertisements, protests, petitions,
world courts, testimony to the senate
intelligence committee, television
shows, news, radio, fliers, internet,
books, movies, etc. Some legal
strategies and even some illegal
strategies have been tried including
spree killings.
How long did it take to give
African-Americans human rights? How
long did it take to allow women to vote
in the US? Why? Change and
understanding is a slow process. It is
also difficult when politicians will not
risk anything to better the morals and
ethics of their tax base unless they get
money or votes from it. Before you were
a TI would you have believed someone
who told you this was happening? It was
a clever tactic used by the Germans in
WWII to take people away slowly so no
revolt occurred. As one CIA agent says,
“The Nazis didn’t lose the war they just
had to move.” It is not about the Jews
now. It is something much more complex
and evil.
Many TIs make the mistake to
only talk to people who know about the
technology and topic. This really doesn’t
do any good. The point is to raise
awareness to those who do not know,
make them care, and then make them act
for the movement of these very important
human rights.
It will take a creative,
simultaneous, well organized,
worldwide event that is non-violent and
global to awaken the collective
consciousness. Mass media is a joke and
controlled in every country. They may
make themselves irrelevant.
Are they stealing my intellectual
This is the spy game. Yes, they
do this. Usually the TI is told that to
make them angry and stress them out
more. The handlers and spy agencies
want to be in control of all new ideas
and who brings them to market or
warfare. It is impossible to prove but the
capability is there and is part of
corporate espionage.

I have been fighting a court case to

keep me out of mandatory
psychological evaluation and
incarceration. Are there any expert
witnesses that will testify on my
behalf about the technology?
Everything in life costs money,
especially justice. There are some cases
that have been won with protesters
outside the court building and a good
presentation by your lawyer.
Unfortunately you won’t get any real
justice to be kept out of mental hospitals
if the court orders it. However, no one
will testify who has worked on the
technology due to their oath to secrecy
and the repercussions.

How do I prove it?

One of the biggest hurdles for
TIs to prove something as large as this
or to publicize it is money and
credibility. They face other hurdles such
as scientific expertise and a potential
cover up.
There is the criminal standard
and the civil standard. Government can’t
be easily sued due to the crime cabals
“national secrets” get out of jail free
card. Certain government groups act
exactly like a crime organization.
Money obviously solves many
issues in terms of justice, but can you
imagine the US government admitting to
torturing and silently killing 10,000’s of
Americans over the last few decades
with these biologically active electronic
warfare methods? It won’t and cannot
happen without total collapse of trust.
An emergency state of the union would
be declared and all information streams
taken over. Crimes against humanity at
this level haven’t been rivaled since the
Jewish holocaust.
Many industries and systems of
government are utilized to silence the
victims, such as psychiatry and general
propaganda of the “tin foil hat” crowd.
None of these people in the legal system
have worked for the government in
psychological warfare or electronic
warfare so they can easily ignore the
proof and evidence that the targets may
acquire. Most people cannot change
their world view so suddenly.
Ultimately if these police
officers, judges, and other professions
are ever informed they will feel very
bad of what they did to the victims of
these secret government programs. I
think some Germans may have felt guilty
to have just done their jobs. It is an
offensive and repulsive argument for
immoral behavior of the pawns who just
say “I was just doing my job”, and who
think god will forgive them. They
ultimately will be forgotten in history for
turning a blind eye to this silent
So, before we start talking
about proof, we must ask ourselves for
whom is the proof? Are they friends,
family, media, the public, news
agencies, or an international court? The
language used and evidence presented
depend heavily on the audience for
persuasion of their fundamental belief
systems. Know what you want from
them: support, sympathy, activism, a
congressional investigation, etc.
Remember you are asking most people
to change their fundamental model of
reality that maybe their government or
their god is wrong. It is a monumental
task for any average human being to
understand these systems. You are
asking them to have a complete change
in their world perspective. That scares
most people. It is like putting a house cat
in a car. They get very scared that they
never knew what was going on in the
world. Their view of history comes
crashing down and their importance in
the world which affects their ego is
destroyed. Without getting too
psychological, the ego and pride is what
motivates most individuals, which is
itself an “optical delusion of
consciousness” as Einstein said.
Obtaining “proof” and evidence
is very difficult when going against
government agencies who have
perfected plausible deniability and can
lie to congress and courts without
consequences. From a scientific
standpoint, it is difficult to create control
group shielding experiments. A control
group is necessary to exclude the
placebo effect. A control group is used
to separate independent variables.
Most TIs don’t realize they are
targeted until they are financially
destitute and can’t afford to fly to labs
around the country to participate in
studies. Devising experiments that
cannot be tampered with is another
hurdle too.
There are many kinds of
evidence that TI’s try to gather
depending on the variation of the mind
control programs that they are

Organized intimidation stalking

by foot or car
This type of stalking is difficult
to prove because stalking laws are
written generally for individual people.
Using a group of stalkers and different
people for each encounter avoids proof
and may even avoid the intention of the
law. Many TIs notice the cars but they
can change license plates and it is
similar to organized stalking. It tends to
be useless to write down every car’s
license plate. Plus a TI doesn’t have
access to lookup every person with the
license plate unless they have special
Some TIs keep databases of
their stalkers in hopes of finding
commonality and proof. Other put out
motion detection video cameras and
such. It is a difficult task to assemble the
clips for proof. A jury could be
convinced that any commonality is just
people who use the same routes to their
Stalking – office
This is an especially dangerous
perception if true or inserted into the
target. The outcome will be the same and
that is dismissal from the job. Bridges
are usually burned and the TI is left
without a good reference for their next
job. It is not worth pursuing this kind of
stalking for a beneficial outcome. There
are of course psychopathic corporate
personalities that have nothing to do
with the government stalking programs.

Stalking – internet
There is no way to prove if the
stalking is just obsessive compulsives
on the internet or organized stalking. The
FBI has no interest in these kinds of
crimes unless a child kills themselves
from the abuse. The general stalking is
caused from “trolls”.

Phone harassment
Phone harassment is another of
the many ways to drive the target to
panic and to dysfunction. It is all the
small ways that add up for the
government program purposes. Of
course you can record some of the
harassment but generally the police will
not get involved nor can they do anything
about the federal government. Several
TIs have been set up by fake calls
according to the phone company to
terrorist organizations according to
actions the FBI has taken. Remember the
NSA has infinite power in terms of
surveillance and setting people up and
tampering with phone records. They can
change all records to make you
disappear in history or set you up to look
like you belong to a terrorist network.
This has been used to intimidate targets
to shut up.

V2K recordings
These never have worked. Only
the target can hear them. It is an
interesting phenomenon how a TI will
reinterpret the recording to hear the
same V2K voices, laughs, or sentences.
The recordings end up being a way to
make the target look crazy because no
one else can decode the speech. It is
frustrating for the target. There are many
theories of how this works but it is
beyond the scope of this book.

Muscle spasms
A couple TIs tried to correlate
muscle spasms that they believe were
artificially induced to weapon beam
attacks. They recorded the movement
and the muscle to electrical interference
recorded in a microphone. Maybe it is
evidence but it is not enough to convince
the public. The public needs to
understand the full range of capabilities
and how the technology works. In any
case a local judge who isn’t corrupted
by the government minions be able to
stop it.
MRI/xray of implants
This is generally the first
explanation of how the tricks of the
technology are done. So the TI will get
scanned for implants and get MRIs and
X-rays. These techniques sometimes
display imaging anomalies. Very few
have had surgery to find any kind of
implant and if so, doctors will generally
not operate to remove the tissue or
anomaly. To date it is difficult to find a
TI that has been released from the
program from some micro-implant
device. Due to this result, the more
common believe is that the targets have
nano-implants that are undetectable.
While certain chemicals, dyes, and
contrast agents that bind permanently to
the cells of interest of the body have
been developed, they cannot be
considered “implants”. The very nuclei
of the atoms in the body, ions in the
nervous system, complex protein
structures on cells, and free electrons
and radicals under the Earth’s magnetic
field act as a transmitter and receiver.

Vandalism, break-ins
Many TIs track vandalism and
break-ins into their homes and cars.
This is difficult proof for a court
because the jury will just assume that it
is random and not part of the bigger
The obvious advice is if the TI
has the money to buy 48hr loop video
cameras everywhere in their home and
outside, the “perps” will be caught. The
TI will say that they are stealing the
tapes if they can’t see anything. There is
software that will password protect and
record every frame to the internet. This
may be enough to stop the break-ins. One
TI had the organized break-ins and
stalking stopped by booby-trapping their
house with high voltage drawers and
exploding die packs, etc. Do not try this
yourself. It requires a very sharp mind
and the TI will more than likely hurt
themselves. It worked for this one TI
because the agents that are being trained
are cowards and novices.
Burns can only be done by
lasers, but lasers do not penetrate walls
in the wavelengths to burn small spots
on the human body. The physics doesn’t
match the situation that the burns
occurred. There are many other
explanations. The biotechnology can
cause the body to attack itself. Police
investigations have nothing to go on.

Many TIs complain that they are
being poisoned and tested on with drugs.
One might be able to get some very
expensive blood work done to test this.
One famous FBI agent, Ted Gunderson,
who was put on the government list after
retirement found high levels of heavy
metals and arsenic in his blood stream.
Not even someone of his credentials
could find justice.

Yet to be tried
There are many attempts at
defenses such as Faraday sleeping cages
and magnetic scrambling devices and
such but the problem is that none of these
systems have yet had an independent
double blind study done to validate the
relief that these victims have felt. All
devices potentially suffer from the
placebo effect. In the 70’s the
government said that some people were
just electrically sensitive.

Pain levels and vital signs

correlated with EM energy
Another experiment that several
researchers have tried, but which hasn’t
been written up in a proper scientific
paper, is that of the pain level of the TI
with all EM energy and frequencies that
are being absorbed in the target. There
are two problems with this experiment.
First the handlers are very observant of
what recording instruments are being
used and to shut the fields down when
others are observing the target and
recording. The other is the believability
of the target of what their pain level is.
This experiment has to be another blind
study but without any observers present
so it must be computer automated.

V2K/synthetic telepathy
There are about 4 technologies
that can project voices into humans’
hearing perception that is unnatural.
There is ultrasonic heterodyning,
microwave hearing effect, EEG
cloning/synthetic telepathy, and bone
conductance as examples.
The most difficult to decipher
are synthetic telepathy and the
microwave hearing effect due to the lack
of the expensive equipment and mastery
of the technologies by the average
person. The cognitive models for
synthetic telepathy are way too advanced
for the average person and the
microwave hearing effect is a heating
effect of the brain to vibrate the inner
ear. These experiments are too
expensive to conduct for proof. Let’s say
a jammer or superconductor shielding is
available. It still relies on the statements
and credibility of the targets’
testimonies. In addition the government
in the past just says these people are
“electrically sensitive”. The government
has a play book to discredit all scientific
studies independent researchers can do
in order to dismiss it to the general
public. Unfortunately pictures cannot be
taken and leaked like in US torture
camps, Abu Gharaib and Guantanamo
Different sized compasses
Some interesting evidence that
a TI collected using a video camera and
compasses showed how a compass
needle near his body while moving it up
and down parallel to the floor in the
field surrounding him rotated in a
clockwise fashion while going down his
body and counter clockwise while
pulling it up during an assault. The
experiment was well done in that there
was nothing nearby and nothing else
could cause such an effect except a
strong field or the very nuclei in his
atoms being synchronized in the their
magnetic moment, part of a NMR/EPR
resonance weapon.
Another TI caught on video a
compass needle oscillating about 30
degrees and 1/3 of a cycle per second
continuously during an attack.
Other observations and
experiments showed different levels of
intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field
when tested on different days. This
experiment was done by displacing the
compass needle 90 degrees from
magnetic north and timing how long it
took to find magnetic north again. What
could cause this change of field strength?

Voltage readings on body

During some attacks TIs have
recorded voltages on their body between
0.03 volts to 0.7 volts, enough to power
a quartz watch. Explain this? What could
be creating static electricity on the body
at that level? Some microwave energies

Radio frequency scanners on

the body
Radio frequency scanners have
been used by several people to test
targeted people against a control group
in microwave Faraday cages. TIs give
off radio signals at certain parts of their
body while the control group, non-TIs,
did not. One should not conclude that it
is an implanted RFID chip giving off the
energy however.

Oscilloscope traces off the

Oscilloscope traces off the
human body
The human body acts like an
antenna. Two instruments that one may
want to have to gather evidence of the
resonance weapons and bio reactive
signals, ELF, radio, and microwave, are
an oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.
Deciding what is noise in the
environment and what are the signals of
interest requires much research and
understanding and should not be
attempted by a novice.
At different times the TI will
experience different technologies being
used. A good place to start in
understanding signal intelligence
warfare is to read a book on Navy Radar
systems. These signals do show up often
in a TIs environment. Is this proof? The
Navy, Air Force, and NSA can just say
they always have them running
everywhere. The signals seem way too
strong and obvious at TI locations who
are being tortured to be a coincidence.
There are different types of Radar
signals which can be identified with
some study.
Mostly one should be focused
on all the atoms and free radicals in the
body that give off a resonance under a
magnetic field, be it the Earth’s natural
magnetic field or an artificially created
one of more strength. The strength of the
field determines the relaxation times,
signal to noise ratio, and resonance
frequencies where the atoms or electrons
begin to absorb and resonate energy. Try
to understand the equations of NMR and
ESR/EPR to get an understanding of the
shapes and frequency ranges that you
would be interested in. Staying away
from power lines is a good idea.

Who do you send proof to? Who has

the power to stop it?
No one with military grade
technical expertise would go to a trial
and stick their neck out that far given the
powers that be. For the vast majority,
people will not risk their career,
livelihood, and reputation to investigate.
People like Edward Snowden are
exceptionally rare. Who wants to
destroy their life and their comforts to
do the right thing?
General advice:
When writing your testimony to
anyone in power: you must be concise,
tell them what you want from them, and
always spell check and use proper
grammar. Anyone from a formal
education will disregard a poorly
worded letter. You generally only have
one shot to get your information across.

The greatest heart break one can

is to be betrayed by their own

These pages are dedicated for a TI to

take notes on what works for them. Often
a TI when heavily targeted forgets what
defenses they have found to alleviate
some of the assault effects. When
confused and in pain refer to these note
pages for steps to take.

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