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en Risk Factors of Premature Rupture of Mem

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Maryuni et al. Kesmas: National Public Health Journal.

2017; 11 (3): 133-137 Kesmas: National Public Health Journal


Risk Factors of Premature Rupture of Membrane

Faktor Risiko Ketuban Pecah Dini

Maryuni, Dedeh Kurniasih

Midwifery Studies Institute of Health Science Binawan, Jakarta, Indonesia

Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia based on 2012 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey is 359 per 100,000 live births. Causes of the maternal mor-
tality are still dominated by bleeding, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia and infections. One of causes of infections is premature rupture of membrane. Premature rup-
ture of membrane may increase morbidity and mortality among mothers and children. Incidence of premature rupture of membrane amount to 10% of all child-
births. This study aimed to analyze risk factors of premature rupture of membrane incidence at Mother and Child Hospital of ANNISA Citeureup, Bogor District
in 2014. This study was analytical and used a case control design. The samples consisted of 114 mothers who suffered from premature rupture of membrane
and control, 228 mothers who did not suffer from premature rupture of membrane. Results of this study showed that risk factors of premature rupture of mem-
brane were age, parity and education. Based on multivariate analysis, education was the most dominant risk factor for premature rupture of membrane inci-
Keywords: Education, pregnancy, premature rupture of membrane

Angka kematian ibu di Indonesia berdasarkan Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2012 sebanyak 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Penyebab
kematian ibu tersebut masih didominasi oleh pendarahan, pre-eklampsia/eklampsia, dan infeksi. Salah satu penyebab infeksi adalah ketuban pecah dini.
Ketuban pecah dini dapat meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pada ibu dan anak. Insiden kejadian ketuban pecah dini sekitar 10% dari seluruh persali-
nan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian ketuban pecah dini di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak (RSIA) ANNISA Citeureup, Kabupaten
Bogor tahun 2014. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan rancangan penelitian kasus kontrol. Sampel terdiri dari 114 orang kasus ibu yang men-
galami ketuban pecah dini dan kontrol sebanyak 228 ibu bersalin yang tidak mengalami ketuban pecah dini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor risiko ter-
hadap kejadian ketuban pecah dini yaitu usia, paritas dan pendidikan. Berdasarkan analisis multivariat, didapatkan faktor yang paling dominan berisiko ter-
hadap kejadian ketuban pecah dini yaitu pendidikan.
Kata kunci: Pendidikan, kehamilan, ketuban pecah dini

How to Cite: Maryuni, Kurniasih D. Risk factors of premature rupture of Correspondence: Maryuni, Midwifery Studies Binawan Institute of Health
membrane. Kesmas: National Public Health Journal. 2017; 11 (3): 133-137. Science, Kalibata Raya street No 25-30, Jakarta, Phone: +6221 8011777, e-mail:
(doi:10.21109/kesmas. v11i3.1153)
Received: August 9th 2016
Revised: November 11th 2016
Accepted: January 16rd 2017

Copyright @ 2017, Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, p-ISSN: 1907-7505, e-ISSN: 2460-0601, Accreditation Number: 56/DIKTI/Kep/2012,
Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 2017; 11 (3): 133-137

Introduction fetal malposition, younger than 20 years and older than

Every year, around the world, there are approximate- 35 years age of women, blood type factor, multi-gravidi-
ly 358,000 maternal deaths of which about 99% oc- ty/parity factor, smoking, socio-economic condition, an-
curred in poor countries and about 67% in developing tepartum bleeding, abortus records and prior preterm
countries including Indonesia.1 Maternal mortality rate partus, previous premature rupture of membrane
(MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) are highest in de- records, nutrition deficiency including bronze or ascorbic
veloping countries. Mortality and morbidity among preg- acid, excessive tension of uterus, narrow hips, mother’s
nant and birth-giving women are thus significant issues in fatigue at work, and trauma suffered such as sexual in-
developing countries. The MMR in Indonesia based on tercourse, internal check up and amniocentesis.9
2012 Indonesia Demography and Health Survey (IDHS) Several risk factors of premature rupture of membrane
data, was 359 per 100,000 live births, and IMR was 32 incidence include intrauterine infection at early pregnan-
per 1,000 live births.2 cy, the low social status of pregnant women, lack of treat-
Ministry of Health stated that West Java is one of nine ment during pregnancy, the low nutritional status during
provinces that contributes 70% of the Indonesian mater- pregnancy, sexual transmitted infections, bleeding per
nal mortality. West Java Province has the highest mater- vaginam, smoking during pregnancy and heavy weight of
nal mortality rate at 321 per 100,000 live births and it de- fetus.4 Premature rupture of membrane incidence at
creases to 123.29 per 100,000 live births in 2009. About Mother and Child Hospital of ANNISA Citeureup, Bogor
809 mothers are died because of bleeding, pre-eclamp- District in 2012 was 232 cases, 305 cases in 2013 as in-
sia/eclampsia and infections. One of infection causes is creased by 30% and 424 cases in 2014 as increased by
premature rupture of membrane.3 38%. This study aimed to analyze risk factors of prema-
Premature rupture of membrane is defined as the leak ture rupture of membrane incidence at Mother and Child
of amniotic membrane before childbirth and less than 37 Hospital of ANNISA Citeureup, Bogor District in 2014.
weeks gestation. Premature rupture of membrane inci-
dence is about 3 – 10% of childbirth. Premature rupture Method
of membrane incidence is almost 10% of all childbirths, This study was analytical study using case control de-
11% occurred in America and more in developing coun- sign. Population of study consisted of case population
tries. Premature rupture of membrane is the factor caus- (birth-giving mothers suffering from premature rupture
ing premature birth, also the high rate of perinatal pain of membrane) and control population (birth-giving moth-
and death. Moreover, 40% – 75% of deaths on neonatal ers who did not suffer from premature rupture of mem-
occurred because of premature rupture of membrane.4 In brane) at Mother and Child Hospital of ANNISA
China, premature rupture of membrane incidence with Citeureup, Bogor District in a year from January to
the age of pregnancy less than 37 weeks is 2.7% of 3% December 2014. This study aimed to analyze risk factors
all cases of childbirth with premature rupture of mem- of premature rupture of membrane incidence at Mother
brane.5 Premature rupture of membrane is wifery case and Child Hospital of ANNISA Citeureup, Bogor District
that often occurs related to complications, both among in 2014. Samples consisted of case as many as 114 moth-
mothers and fetus, even though pathogenesis of prema- ers who suffered from premature rupture of membrane
ture rupture of membrane itself is not yet known.6 and control as many as 228 mothers who did not suffer.
The quite high perinatal mortality is caused by deaths Variables of this study consisted of independent vari-
due to preterm partus, and the increasing incidence of in- ables, namely age, parity, multiple pregnancy, malposi-
fections because of obstructed labor, prolonged labor and tion and education; and the dependent variable was pre-
artificial labor often found in premature rupture of mem- mature rupture of membrane. Data collection in this
brane case management.7 Women with premature rup- study used medical records of childbirth, and reports of
ture of membrane are 50% more likely to give birth in 24 birth-giving mothers who suffered and did not suffer
to 48 hours, 70% – 90% to give birth in 7 days. from premature rupture of membrane. Instrument used
Premature rupture of membrane relates to the increase of was in the form of checklist. Statistical analysis technique
perinatal mortality and neonatal pain rate. Complications used bivariate and multivariate. The p value of less than
on perinatal include breathing disorder syndrome, infec- 0.05 was taken as significant. Inclusion of criteria were
tions, intraventricular bleeding, hypoplasia pulmonary all birth-giving mothers who suffered from premature
and bone disorders as well as umbilical cord prolapse.8 rupture of membrane at gestational age 37 weeks to 42
Cause of premature rupture of membrane is not yet weeks and recorded on medical record. Exclusion crite-
known certainly, however, the possible predisposing fac- ria were birth-giving mothers who suffered from prema-
tor is infection that occurs directly in amniotic membrane ture rupture of membrane at gestational age less than 28
or asenderen from vagina or cervix. Moreover, abnormal weeks or more than 42 weeks and not recorded on me-
physiology of amniotic membrane, incompetent cervix, dical records.

Maryuni et al, Risk Factors of Premature Rupture of Membrane

Table 1. Bivariate and Multivariate Results

Case Control
Variable Category p Value OR (95% CI)
n % n %

Age Risky 71 62.3 87 38.2 0.000 2.676 (1.683 – 4.254)

Not risky 43 37.7 141 61.8
Parity Second child or more 58 50.8 78 34.2 0.003 1.992 (1.260-3.149)
First Child 56 49.2 150 65.8
Multiple disorders Yes 9 7.8 0 0.0 0.000 2.000 (2.707 – 3.715)
No 105 92.2 228 100
Malposition Yes 13 11.4 0 0.0% 0.000 2.960 (2.769 – 3.832)
No 101 88.6 228 100
Education Lower than junior high school 65 57.1 61 26.8 0.000 3.632 (2.264 – 5.827)
Junior high school and higher 49 42.9 167 73.2

Table 2. Analysis Results of Logistic Regression Multivariate Model in Every Variable

95% CI
Variable B S.E Sig Exp (B)
Lower Upper

Age .945 .250 .000 2.573 1.577 4.199

Parity .681 .251 .007 1.976 1.208 3.231
Education 1.283 .251 .000 3.606 2.205 5.898

Constant -3.830 .689 .000 .022

Results high level of education.

Study results of influence of age to premature rupture All influential variables were then tested deeper to de-
of membrane incidence could be presented in Table 1. termine influence of or interaction between variables to
Based on Table 1, there was a significant relation be- premature rupture of membrane incidence by using mul-
tween age and premature rupture of membrane incidence tivariate logistic regression test. The test found three sig-
(p value = 0.000) and OR = 2.676 which means that nificant variables, namely age, parity and education.
mothers aged < 20 years and > 35 years were 2.676 times Multivariate analysis of this final model resulted = 0.198,
at risk of suffering from premature rupture of membrane. which means that three independent variables (age, pa-
There was a significant relation between parity and pre- rity and education) simultaneously showed 19.8% and
mature rupture of membrane incidence (p value = 0.003) premature rupture of membrane approximately 80%.
and OR = 1.992 which means that mothers who gave The most dominant variable was education with OR =
birth 2 or > were 1.992 times at risk of suffering from 3.606.
premature rupture of membrane. This study also showed
there was a significant relation between multiple preg- Discussion
nancy and premature rupture of membrane, results of There were more mothers suffering from premature
chi square test showed p = 0.000 < 0.05. Results of rupture of membrane (62.3%) in the group of risky age
analysis showed OR = 2.000 which means that mothers than in the group of not risky age (37.7%). This result of
who got multiple pregnancy were 2.000 times at risk of study is in line with study conducted by Swarini,9 finding
suffering from premature rupture of membrane and there a significant relation between age of mothers and prema-
was a significant relation between malposition p value = ture rupture of membrane incidence.
0.000 (< 0.05) and premature rupture of membrane. Age of mothers < 20 years belongs to the too young
Results also showed OR = 2.960 which means that moth- age with less mature condition of uterus for giving birth,
ers who got pregnant with malposition were 2.960 times so risky of suffering from premature rupture of mem-
at risk of suffering from premature rupture of membrane. brane. Meanwhile, age > 35 years belongs to the too old
Results of bivariate analysis on education level showed p age for giving birth, especially among old mothers and at
value = 0.000 which means that there was a significant high risk of suffering from premature rupture of mem-
relation between maternal education and premature rup- brane.10 Age > 35 years also makes condition and func-
ture of membrane. Analysis also showed OR score = tion of uterus decreasing. One of causes is uterus tissue
3.632 which means that mothers attaining low level of which is no longer fertile, meanwhile uterus wall is the
education were 3.632 times more likely to suffer from place where placenta attached to. This condition raises a
premature rupture of membrane than mothers attaining tendency of placenta previa occurrence or placenta does

Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 2017; 11 (3): 133-137

not attach to the place where it should be. Moreover, tis- incidence, so if there are multigravida mothers in preg-
sue of pelvic cavity and the muscles are weakening as in nancy check, health officers are expected to make plans,
line with the age getting older. This makes the pelvic ca- therefore premature rupture of membrane would not oc-
vity no longer easy to face and solve heavy complications cur or be handled without any complications.14
such as bleeding. In certain condition, its hormonal con- There was a significant relation between multiple
dition is not as optimum as the age before. That is why pregnancy and premature rupture of membrane inci-
the risk of miscarriage, amniotic fluid leak, fetal death dence as considered by p value = 0.000, OR = 2.676, CI
and other complications also increasing. Although the = 1.683 – 4.254, which concluded that mothers with
cause of premature rupture of membrane was not yet multiple pregnancy were 2.676 times more likely to get
known certainly, but the possible predisposing factors premature rupture of membrane incidence than mothers
were women’s age younger than 20 years and older than without multiple pregnancy. Results of this study are in
35 years, previous preterm birth and premature rupture accordance with a theory stating that cause of premature
of membrane records.7 The similar result was also found rupture of membrane could be due to excessive tension of
in study conducted by Purwanti et al.,11 that found rela- uterus, such as multiple pregnancy, hydramnion, fetal
tion between age of mothers and premature rupture of malposition like breech. Then it could be due to infec-
membrane incidence, birth-giving mothers aged > 35 tions that might raise biomechanical process on amniotic
years end to have declining health and uterine condition, membrane, so premature rupture of membrane easy to
also the weak pelvic cavity and its muscles in line with occur.7 Multiple preganancy may raise excessive tension
the age getting older. of uterus and at the end, it may raise contraction. If con-
Different perspective was stated by study of Dars et traction is excessive while labor signs such as cervix
al.,4 which showed that premature rupture of membrane opening is not yet maximum, thus premature rupture of
incidence mostly occurred among patients aged 20 – 30 membrane incidence may arise.15 The similar result of
years, but no significant relation was found between age study was showed by Susilawati that there was relation
and premature rupture of membrane incidence because between number of fetus and premature rupture of mem-
premature rupture of membrane incidence in this study brane incidence, the more number of fetus like in multi-
was influenced more by infection factor, the low socio- ple pregnancy, it would make stomach in tense exces-
economy and quality of antenatal care (ANC). sively, so premature rupture of membrane easy to oc-
Results of statistical test analyzing relation between cur.16
parity and premature rupture of membrane incidence Chi square test on malposition or breech showed a
found p value = 0.003, OR 1.992, CI = 12.260 - 3.149 significant relation between malposition and premature
which means that there was a significant relation be- rupture of membrane incidence with p value = 0.000 (OR
tween parity and premature rupture of membrane inci- = 2.960). Result of this study was in line with theory that
dence. Based on results of multivariate logistic regres- there was relation between malposition and premature
sion, variable parity had significant relation with prema- rupture of membrane incidence. In malposition, the low-
ture rupture of membrane incidence. This is line with est position of fetus does not cover the birth canal, so
theory stating that women who experience pregnancy there is no resistance on amniotic membrane that causes
more than twice need to be more careful of because get- the easy leak of amniotic membrane.13 According to
ting pregnant too often results the weak uterine condition causes of premature rupture of membrane, malpositions
as it is often in tense due to pregnancy.12 namely breech and latitude position are possible because
Multiparity is one of predisposing factors of prema- the lowest position of fetus does not cover the birth canal
ture rupture of membrane incidence because among mul- in maximum, so no resistance is found on amniotic mem-
tiparous women, incompetent cervix is often found, so brane. 11 Based on study conducted by Leihitu and
there is no resistance on amniotic membrane. Parity Ruhyana,17 there was a relation between fetal malposi-
(multi/grande multiparity) is the general cause of pre- tion and premature rupture of membrane incidence.
mature rupture of membrane incidence.13 Parity is one of In education, there was OR = 2.379 which means that
factors causing premature rupture of membrane because mothers with high level of education (> junior high
the increase of parity which enables cervix damage du- school) were 2.379 times more likely to get premature
ring delivery before. The too many number of child is rupture of membrane than mothers with low level of edu-
medical factor that becomes a background of maternal cation (< junior high school) and it was proven by chi
and perinatal mortality. The more number of born child square test analysis that maternal education and prema-
is, it may decrease reproductive health with risks inclu- ture rupture of membrane incidence with p = 0.000
ding abortus, preeclampsia, premature rupture of mem- showed a significant relation between maternal educa-
brane and low birthweight. Multigravida mothers have tion and premature rupture of membrane incidence.
risk of suffering from premature rupture of membrane Based on multivariate logistic regression, there were

Maryuni et al, Risk Factors of Premature Rupture of Membrane

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