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STORM SURGE MODELING AND FORECAST FOR THE on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) simulations for the
SOUTH-WESTERN ATLANTIC OCEAN SWAO area with approximately 10km resolution, which
Ricardo de Camargo1 , Joseph Harari2 and will be forced by predicted wind fields provided by RAMS
Pedro L.S. Dias1 as described above. The use of mesoscale wind fields in
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Institute of Astronomy previous hindcasting simulations shown better results in
and Geophysics of University of São Paulo. comparison to wind fields directly from global models.
Department of Physical Oceanography, Institute of Oceanogra- — ( November 19, 1999 ) .
phy of University of São Paulo.
Presented by Igor G. Pacca
Storm surges over the Atlantic Coast of South Amer- AND THE FLASH FLOODS
ica have important effects in terms of coastal erosion, Augusto J. Pereira Filho
sediment dynamics and harbor activities, among many Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas, Instituto Astronômico
others. The aim of this project is to present a numeri- e Geofísico, Universidade de São Paulo.
cal system for storm surge forecasts in the South-Western Presented by Igor G. Pacca
Atlantic Ocean, basically from the northern Argentinean
The Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP) is one
shelf (42◦ S) to the Rio de Janeiro coast (21◦ S), hereafter
of the largest urban environments of the planet with about
called SWAO region. The idealized system would be able
sixteen million inhabitants. Flash floods in the MASP are
to provide disturbances in the surface elevation and shelf
more often in the summer (Pereira Filho et al. 1991).
currents fields related to the passage of meteorological
Anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns developed
systems over the studied area. It is very important to men-
under the influence of the El Niño in South America dur-
tion the cyclogenetic characteristics of the region of inter-
ing February 1998. A large-scale high-pressure system
est, which play an important role for storm surge events.
anomaly over the State of São Paulo inhibited organized
Mesoscale meteorological forecasts for the study
rainfall. Rainfall accumulations were above average along
area can be supplied by operational runs of the Regional
the coastline and below average elsewhere (Climanálise
Atmospheric Modelling Systems (RAMS) at the Depart-
1998). Furthermore, heavy showers and flash floods were
ment of Atmospheric Sciences of University of São Paulo.
above average in the MASP within this period. These
The model assimilates large scale analysed and predicted
events were monitored with the São Paulo weather radar
fields provided by global models (normally NCEP and
(Braga Junior 1988). Radar measurements were used to
CPTEC, and occasionally ECMWF) and improves the
estimate the rainfall spatial frequency and distribution.
forecast considering regional aspects in a 32km grid.
The results indicate a nucleous of rainfall accumulation
The oceanic part of the proposed system is based
over the MASP higher than four times the spatial average

An. Acad. Bras. Ci., (2000) 72 (2)


within 150km from the São Paulo weather radar. Simi- main is represented by the weathering mantle (soil and
larly, there is a nucleous of high rainfall probability over weathered rock), which achieves more than 100m thick-
the MASP between 1400 UTC and 2000 UTC. GOES- ness, and is associated to unconfined aquifers with great
8 IR data reveals above average temperatures within the lateral continuity. The thickness and permeability of the
MASP caused by the local heat island effect (Lombardo weathering mantle are strongly influenced by the geolog-
1984). Furthermore, surface data from IAGUSP indicate ical basement. The Porous Domain is exploited by ex-
the increase of moisture content due to inflow of the sea cavated wells. The mean annual rainfall in the area is
breeze (De Oliveira & Silva Dias 1982). These data sug- of 1,442.5mm. Approximately 28% of the rainfall takes
gest there might be a strong interaction between the heat part in the aquifer recharge. The main groundwater use is
island and the sea breeze to destabilize the atmosphere. domestic. The waters have good physical-chemical qual-
On the other hand, infiltration has been largely reduced ity. Bacteriological contamination in water samples from
within the MASP with a proportional increase in surface the weathering mantle is related to the technical construc-
runoff. Since the summer rainfall tend to be higher within tive deficiencies of the excavated wells and the nearness
the MASP, it can be inferred that there is higher risk of flash between cesspit and well. Technical constructive prob-
floods in this area. Moreover, the urban environment tends lems with sanitary protection and procedures of unacti-
to have a positive feedback on flash floods. Higher tem- vation and abandonment of the deep groundwater wells
peratures combined with the sea breeze moisture inflow were recognized. — ( November 19, 1999 ) .
generate stronger updrafts and higher rainfall accumula-
tions that results in large amounts of runoff and associated
flash floods. Therefore, as the MASP increases, the flash
floods tend to be more destructive. — ( November 19,
1999 ) .
Elaine Medeiros de Mattos∗ and Naomi Ussami
Departamento de Geofísica, Instituto Astronômico e Geofísico,
RIVER BASIN Presented by Igor G. Pacca
José Luiz G. Zoby and Uriel Duarte Topex-Poseidon radar altimetry operating since
Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo. 1992 was originally designed to study large scale oceano-
Presented by Igor G. Pacca graphic processes with high accuracy. Satellite repeating
The Sobradinho river basin is located in the center- tracking period is almost 10 days. Topex sensor data
north portion of the Distrito Federal and comprises an over continental areas have been used to monitor wa-
area of 144 km2 . At least 22,500 persons depend exclu- ter level variations over large lakes and rivers in remote
sively on the groundwater. The studied area is geologi- areas, where gauge stations are not available or water-
cally composed by metasedimentary rocks of proterozoic level data are not easily accessible (Birkett, C.M., 1998,
age covered by a thick weathering mantle. Two aquifer Water Resour. Res., 34, 1223). Along track data are
domains were individualized in the hydrogeological con- ∼500m spaced and the average lateral track spacing is
text, which are the Porous Domain and the Fractured Do- ∼350km near the equator. In the present work we discuss
main. The Fractured Domain was classified in two sys- the results of monitoring three different sites within the
tems named Paranoá and Canastra. The Paranoá System Pantanal Wetland, SW Brazil, between years 1993 and
was subdivided in four aquifer systems: Sandy Metary- 1998, using the averaged altimeter data. Site number
thmite (mean yield 26.7 m3 /h), Quartzite (mean yield 8.7 one is a large lake located on the eastern margin of the
m3 /h), Clayey Metarythmite (mean yield 4.6 m3 /h) and Paraguay river, close to Ladario gauge station. Water
Psamitic-Pelitic Carbonated (mean yield 15.7 m3 /h). As layer is more than 3-m thick and the accuracy in mea-
there were no wells in the Canastra System it remained suring water level variation is ±12cm. Site number two
individed. The main producing fractures in the wells are is separated from site one by ∼350km and it is located
concentrated until the 100m deepness. The Porous Do- between Cuiabá and São Lourenço rivers. In this area,

An. Acad. Bras. Ci., (2000) 72 (2)


a larger dispersion in measured data is observed due to many other international institutions. The EGM96 is a
the size of water body and a more complex reflected geopotential model complete up to degree and order 360,
signal waveform possibly caused by the topographic in- which means a spatial resolution of 30 arc minutes. As the
terference. In spite of this dispersion, it is still possible effective resolution provided by the geopotential models
to recognize a time shift of 3 months in the maximum- changes from one region to another, the use of EGM96
minimum water levels between sites one and two. In model in representing the deterministic component of the
areas where the water layer is less than 0.5m, large scatter anomalous gravity field in São Paulo state (latitude: 17◦
of altimeter data is observed during the dry season. In to 27◦ S; longitude: 42◦ to 55◦ ), raise up the following
those areas it is only possible to discriminate between question: What is the best degree of the model to repre-
dry and wet periods. The use of radar waveform data sent this component? To answer this question, two digi-
(echo) can improve the estimate of water level variation. tal gravimetric models with resolutions of 30 arc minutes
Better lateral coverage can be obtained by using radar (MGD30) and 60 arc minutes (MGD60) have been used.
altimeter data from ERS 1/2 missions but in this case, the The methodology consists in computing the differences
repeating period is 35 days. — ( November 19, 1999 ) . between the models MGD30 and MGD60 with the val-
∗ FAPESP Scholarship (I.C. # 98/07682-8). ues obtained from the model EGM96 up to degree 360
E-mail: (EGM30) and 180 (EGM60), respectivelly, and to com-
pute the statistics of the differences. The results of the
statistical analysis show that, in the studied region, the ef-
TESTS ON THE GEOPOTENTIAL MODEL EGM96 IN fective spatial resolution provided by the model EGM96
SÃO PAULO STATE REGION corresponds to degree 180, which means 60 arc minutes.
Sérgio F. Souza1,2 and Nelsi C. de Sá1 — ( November 19, 1999 ) .
Departamento de Geofísica, Instituto Astronômico e Geofísico,
Universidade de São Paulo.
Departamento de Geodésia, Instituto de Geociências, Universi-
dade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
Davyson de L. Moreira1 , Patrícia O. dos Santos1 ,
The geopotential models defined by sets of coeffi-
Nuno A. Pereira2 , Geraldo L. Cardoso2 , Elsie F.
cients which represent the anomalous gravitational poten-
Guimarães3 and Maria Auxiliadora C. Kaplan1
tial expanded in spherical harmonics, are computed by 1
Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Fe-
combining data of different kind and accuracy. Today,
deral do Rio de Janeiro.
the geopotential models have become part of the geodesic 2
Departamento de Farmacologia Básica e Clínica, Universidade
reference systems, and are being widely used as refer-
Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
ence field of the terrestrial and oceanic gravity data for 3
Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro.
local and regional representations of the Earth’s gravity
field. However the geographic distribution of the avail- The leaf essential oil from Piper solmsianum was
able gravity data for the computation of high degree co- obtained by hydrodistillation using a Clevenger-type
efficients is still very irregular in global terms, and the apparatus. GC/MS analysis of this oil showed to be
gravity field computed from these models reflects this de- composed by monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and aryl-
ficiency. Therefore, in representing the anomalous gravity pronanoids. Sarisan (39.23%) and 3-carene (23.29%)
field in regions with lack of gravity data, the spatial resolu- were identified as the major constituents of the volatile
tion corresponding to the higher degree of the geopotential mixture. The P. solmsianum essential oil and its major
model must be tested in order to select the best degree to compound (sarisan) were tested to verify their influence
be used. The Earth Gravitational Model 1996 (EGM96), upon mice behaviour. Groups of adult albino mice were
available since 1998, was computed from a joint work by used in each experiment. Emulsions of the essential oil
National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), NASA (5.0% and 10.0%, v/v) and of sarisan (5.0%, v/v) were
through the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the prepared. The animals received the essential oil i.p. in
Ohio State University (OSU), with the colaboration of the preliminary tests. The oil was also tested with pen-

An. Acad. Bras. Ci., (2000) 72 (2)


tobarbital (30mg/kg s.c.) and with diazepam (2.5mg/kg acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The analysis of AFLP
s.c.). Pure emulsions of sarisan were also tested as well as products showed genetic variation among and within
combination of sarisan with pentobarbital. Both essential populations of Plectranthus. — ( November 23, 1999 ) .
oil and sarisan showed to have exciting and depressant ∗ Supported by: CNPq/CAPES.
effects on the tested animals. — ( November 23, 1999 ) .
∗ Supported by: CNPq/CAPES.


GENETIC DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN Plectranthus Rachel O. Castilho, Ilélia de Souza, Úrsula P.
grandis CRAMER AND Plectranthus barbatus ANDR. Guimarães and Maria Auxiliadora C. Kaplan
(LAMIACEAE)∗ Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Federal
Helna Célia R. Passinho1 , Rogério Margis1,2 , do Rio de Janeiro.
Durvalina Félix1 , Carla S. Maia3 and Chrysobalanus icaco L. and Licania tomentosa
Maria Auxiliadora C. Kaplan1,3 Aubl., known as abajeru and oiti, respectively, belong to
Laboratório de Genética Molecular Vegetal, Instituto de Chrysobalanaceae, order Rosales, superorder Rosiflorae
Biofísica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. (sensu Dahlgren 1980). The family Chrysobalanaceae en-
Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Química, Universi- compasses 17 genera and about 450 species represented
dade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. by trees and shrubs. Several species are cultivated for
Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Federal their fruits. The most important of them is coco plum,
do Rio de Janeiro. Chrysobalanus icaco. In Brazil Licania rigida is grown
The genus Plectranthus belongs to the family for oil extraction which is used as a substitute of tung
Lamiaceae, sub-family Nepetoidea, superorder Lami- oil, while the oil of Licania arborea is used in candle and
iflorae (Dahlgren 1980) and encompasses 350 species soap industry. C. icaco and L. tomentosa leaf infusions are
widespread in subtropical and tropical regions. Several used popularly in Brazil as diurectic and hypoglycemic
species of Plectranthus, have economic importance for agents. These ethnopharmacological indications have
being source of aromatic essential oil, and as ornamen- been experimentally confirmed for abajeru. The 5%
tal plants. Besides, they are used as spices in cookery, infusion of abajeru has shown a distinct hypoglycemic
being appreciated by the flavour. In Brazil Plectranthus effect, correcting the fasting hyperglycemia caused by
grandis and Plectranthus barbatus are usually used in alloxan, and presenting a protection effect against alloxan
folk medicine to treat many diseases, the most popu- toxic doses. The chemical features of Chrysobalanaceae
lar use being for gastric lesions. The increased use of species includes flavonoids, terpenoids (triterpenes and
these phytomedicines and the frequent mix-up of simi- diterpenes), steroids and tannins. The plant materials
lar Lamiaceae species or “quasi-species” have brought for this study were collected in Rio de Janeiro and ex-
strong health problem for the population. Thus this tracted successively with hexane and methanol. The
study intent to look for an irrefutable method to validate resulting methanol extract was fractionated by liquid-
the medicinal plant material. The Amplified Fragment liquid partition with hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate
Length Polymorphism (AFLP) is a multilocus marker and butanol. It was possible to isolate from C. icaco
technique, which shows higher informative value when and L. tomentosa, using chromatographic methodology,
compared with others DNA based fingerprinting methods steroids, triterpenoids and flavonoids. These compounds
and it has been used as a valuable tool to study patterns have been identified by comparison of the spectral data
of genetic variability. The genomic DNAs have been (NMR 1 H, 13 C, MS/GC) with the literature records. The
extracted from plant leaves using a hexadecyltrimethy- antimicrobial activity was determined for C. icaco and
lamine bromide (CTAB) extraction method; digested L. tomentosa extracts and fractions using the disk diffu-
with EcoRI and Msel enzimes; selectivity amplified by sion method. Analgesic and antiinflammatory activities
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and analysed by poly- were evaluated for C. icaco and showed activities of

An. Acad. Bras. Ci., (2000) 72 (2)


84,4% and 60,3% respectively. The methanol extract extraction with hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate
from C. icaco leaves was investigated for their activity and methanol. The obtained extracts were evaluated for
in HeLa cells and as angiogenic/antiangiogenic. The leishmanicide activity on Leishmania amazonensis pro-
results showed drastic inhibition in HeLa cells and mod- mastigote forms. The dichloromethane extract showed
ification of the protein profile for high concentrations 90% inhibition and the biomonitored fractionation of
(100 and 200 µg/ml) after 48h of incubation. The angio- this extract led to an acid triterpene, the ursolic acid,
genic/antiangiogenic potential was made in corioalantoid as the active compound. — ( November 23, 1999 ) .
membrane (CAM) model. The results showed an aver- ∗ Supported by: CNPq/CAPES.
age reduction about 44% of the new vessels formation.
Thus C. icaco extract has potencial activities for cancer
and diabetic treatments. — ( November 23, 1999 ) .
“Sapium glandulatum COMPLEX” (EUPHORBIACEAE)∗
∗ Supported by: CNPq/CAPES.
Luci de Senna Valle1 and Maria Auxiliadora C.
Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Federal
purpurascens BERG∗ do Rio de Janeiro.
Rodrigo R. Oliveira1 , Daise Lopes2 , Jorge P.P. The genus Sapium Jacq belongs to the family Eu-
Carauta3 , Eduardo Caio T. Santos4 , Bartira R. phorbiaceae and it is formed mainly by neotropical
Bergmann4 and Maria Auxiliadora C. Kaplan1 species. The known “Sapium glandulatum Complex”
Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Fe- shows controversy points in its characterization that need
deral do Rio de Janeiro. to be clarified. Two species Sapium glandulatum (Vell.)
EMBRAPA-RJ. Pax and S. sellowianum (Mull. Arg.) Huber were se-
FEEMA-RJ. lected for a detailed analysis in order to achieve better
Instituto de Biofísica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. taxonomic positions. Studies on palinology, anatomical
The genus Cecropia comprises about 50 tree species, and chemical ecology, for the first time have been realized
well distributed in South and Central Americas. In Brazil, for this differentiation between them. The obtained results
Cecropia representatives can be found in the North (Ama- about pollen grain ornamentation showed clear differen-
zon Forest), Central-Western part, as well as Southeast and tiation between these species. The stomata distribution
South. However they are rarely found in the Northeast dry was another taxonomic character that helped to separate
areas. the two considered species. S. glandulatum showed an-
Cecropia purpurascens Berg is a tree of 6-15m high fistomatic leaves while for S. sellowianum the presented
very common in the surroundings of Manaus and shows leaves are hipostomatics. Leaf epicuticular waxes were
quite distinct morphological features. Cecropia species extracted from the two species and evaluated monthly
are used by native South American populations to treat for one and half year. Thus the variability of leaf waxes
several ailments. Among the therapeutic effects attributed and water contents as well as leaf condensed tannins and
to these plant are: diuretic, cardiotonic, astringent, anti- total phenolic compounds could be esteemed and corre-
inflammatory, to control high blood pressure, to treat bron- lated with meteorological data. The epicuticular waxes
chitis and asthma. Some species have been used also as showed to contain n-hydrocarbons, preferentially with
leishmanicide drug. Particularly this aspect has stimulated odd carbon number chains, that were useful to distinguish
the pharmacological study of Cecropia purpurascens that the two refered Sapium species. While S. glandulatum,
has been used by the Amazon population for this purpose. either from forest or from restinga, produces the major
Cecropia purpurascens was collected near Manaus, hydrocarbon constituents having C27 and C29 chains, S.
AM and a botanical sample is kept at Alberto Castel- sellowianum has the two main hydrocarbons with C25 and
lanos, Herbarium FEEMA-RJ under the register num- C27 chains. Search for essential oils was unsuccessful for
ber GUA43134. Leaves were submitte to successive the tried plants. Chromatographic profile pointed out the

An. Acad. Bras. Ci., (2000) 72 (2)


presence of forbol ester (TPA) in S. glandulatum and S. showed higher production for P. scandens. Both species
sellowianum. Preliminary studies on analgesic and anti- exhibited relatively great amounts of total phenols, among
inflammatory activities of leaf aqueous extracts from S. which plumbagin is the major component. — ( November
glandulatum and S. sellowianum gave good results. This 23, 1999 ) .
plant material showed to have toxic property and to be skin
irritant. The obtained results brought new knowledge on
the “Sapium glandulatum Complex” involved taxa and
odorus grandiflorus (CHAM. & SCHL.) MICH.∗
allowed the identification of S. glandulatum and S. sel-
Daniel S. Pimenta1,2,3 , Maria Raquel Figueiredo2
lowianum as distinct species. — ( November 23, 1999 ) .
and Maria Auxiliadora C. Kaplan1,4
∗ Supported by: CNPq/CAPES.
Biologia Celular e Molecular, IOC/FIOCRUZ.
Laboratório de Química de Produtos Naturais, Far-
Departamento de Botânica, UFJF.
Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Federal
Selma R. de Paiva1,2,3 , Maria Raquel Figueiredo3 and do Rio de Janeiro.
Maria Auxiliadora C. Kaplan1,2,4
The family Alismataceae comprises aquatic or semi-
Programa em Biotecnologia Vegetal, Universidade Federal do
aquatic herbs with erect or floating leaves that grow as
Rio de Janeiro.
amphiphytes or hydrophytes in fresh water. The genus
Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Echinodorus is restricted to the western hemisphere,
Laboratório de Química de Produtos Naturais, Far-Manguinhos,
occurring from the United States of America until Ar-
gentina. Echinodorus grandiflorus known as “chapéu
Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Federal
de couro” is used in folk medicine to treat several dis-
do Rio de Janeiro.
eases, such as throat and skin inflammations, arthritis,
The genus Plumbago belongs to the family rheumatism and syphilis. The plant also acts as a di-
Plumbaginaceae, order Plumbaginales, superorder Malv- uretic agent and as uric acid eliminator. This work has
iflorae (sensu Dahlgren, 1980) and it comprises approxi- quantified the leaf and inflorescence productions and has
mately 25 genera with about 500 species. Many biological evaluated the chemical profile of E. grandiflorus culti-
activities are assigned to these plants such as bactericide, vated in Tanguá, Rio de Janeiro State. It was observed
fungicide and parasiticide. Two species were selected for that plants submitted to higher sunlight levels showed an
ecological and chemical studies, Plumbago scandens L. increased production of leaves and inflorescences com-
and Plumbago auriculata Lam. (sin. Plumbago capensis pared to those growing in shadowed places. Among the
Thunb). Both species were collected monthly during one chemical groups detected, flavonoids were clearly altered
year in the campus of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de by cultivation treatments, showing a greater production
Janeiro and have the leaf epicuticular waxes extracted in in plants exposed to higher sunlight levels after the in-
chloroform. P. scandens and P. auriculata showed vari- florescences being removed. — ( November 23, 1999 ) .
ation in the epicuticular wax contents during the year of ∗ Supported by: CNPq/CAPES.
study. P. auriculata presented the wax highest values in
July 1997 and May 1998 while P. scandens showed the
maximum wax value in May 1998. It has been observed
ARYLPROPANOIDS FROM Neoregelia cruenta (R. GRA-
also that the highest epicuticular wax productions hap-
pened after the months with higher levels of temperature
Mami Yano1 and Maria Auxiliadora C. Kaplan1,2
and rainy weather. The epicuticular wax linear hidrocar-
bons showed carbon chains from C23 to C35 , being C29 Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro.
and C31 the major representatives of the series. The quan- Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, CCS, Universidade

tification of condensed tannins for the Plumbago species Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

An. Acad. Bras. Ci., (2000) 72 (2)


Neoregelia cruenta (R. Graham) L.B. Smith is dichloromethane fraction; 3β-O-glycopyranosyl sitos-
a monocotyledonous species belonging to the family terol and 2-glyceryl ester of ferulic acid from the ethyl
Bromeliaceae, order Bromeliales, superorder Liliiflorae acetate fraction; and, from the butanolic fraction, 2 new
(sensu Dahlgren, 1980) that has wide distribution on the glycosides of ananasic acid. — ( November 23, 1999 ) .
restingas of Rio de Janeiro State. There are no records ∗ Supported by: CNPq/CAPES.
in the literature about the chemical composition of this
species, neither about its pharmacological potentialities.
From the hexanic extract was isolated: a mixture of
glyceryl 1,3-bis-p-hydroxycinnamate, glyceryl 1,3-bis-
Nidularium innocentii LEMAIRE∗
p-methoxycinnamate, glyceryl 1-p-methoxycinnamate-
Luciana Moreira Chedier1,2 , Maria Raquel
3-p-methoxydihydrocinnamate and glyceryl 1-p-
Figueiredo1 and Maria Auxiliadora C. Kaplan2,3
hidroxycinnamate. Identification of these products
Laboratório de Química de Produtos Naturais/PN3, Far-
were carried out by spectroscopic analysis and com-
parison with literature data. — ( November 23, 1999 ) .
Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
∗ Supported by: CNPq/CAPES.
Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais/Universidade Federal
do Rio de Janeiro.

Nidularium innocentii Lemaire belongs to the fam-

SECONDARY METABOLITES FROM Ananas bracteatus ily Bromeliaceae, order Bromeliales, superorder Liliiflo-
LINDLEY (BROMELIACEAE)∗ rae (sensu Dahlgren, 1982). This family consists of 50
Fabíola D. Rocha and genera and about 2500 species, many of which have eco-
Maria Auxiliadora C. Kaplan nomic value as Ananas comosus (L.) Merril (pineapple)
Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Federal or are used in popular medicine as anti-inflammatory,
do Rio de Janeiro. analgesic, anti-helmintic and diuretic agents. Among
Ananas bracteatus belongs to the family Bromeli- the secondary metabolites, flavonoids, terpenoids and
aceae which fascinates by the exuberance, diversity and steroids are the common representatives. N. innocentii
beauty of its species as well as its adaptation abil- was collected at Poço das Antas National Park, Silva
ity to the different surroundings (wet, dry, arid, rocky, Jardim, RJ. Leaves and rhizomes/roots after drying, were
sunny or shady places). The family complexity gener- ground and submitted in sequence to extraction with
ates taxonomic and systematic problems difficult to solve. hexane and methanol, yielding the hexane and methanol
Therefore an increasing interest has been stimulated to extracts. Methanol extract of rhizomes/roots suspended
know more about the secondary metabolism products of in water were submitted to liquid-liquid partitions with
Bromeliaceae species, particularly Ananas bracteatus, in hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and butanol. All
order to contribute to answer some of those systematic the extracts and fractions have been evaluated for anal-
questions. gesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplasic and tripanosomi-
Purification of the hexane and the methanolic ex- cidal activities. The hexane fraction of rhizomes/roots
tracts from leaves and hexane extract from fruits of A. methanol extract was submitted to silicagel adsorption
bracteatus, through chromatographic techniques, led chromatography. 3-Oxo-friedelin was obtained from a
to 9 compounds that were characterized by spectro- fraction eluted with hexane/ethyl acetate 5% and the
scopic analyses as: campesterol, 3β, 6β-cholestanodiol, steroids campesterol, sitosterol and stigmasterol were
stigmasterol and sitosterol, from the leaf hexane ex- eluted with hexane/ethyl acetate 15%. The hexane ex-
tract; campesterol, stigmasterol and sitosterol from tract of leaves upon chromatographic techniques yielded
fruit hexane extract. The methanolic extract from a fusidane derivative. The compounds were identified
leaves yielded 2-glyceryl ester of p-coumaric acid, a by spectroscopic analysis. — ( November 23, 1999 ) .
new compound 2-glyceryl ester of ferulic acid, and ∗ Supported by: CNPq/CAPES.
5,7,4’-trihydroxy-3,3’-5’-trimethoxy flavone from the

An. Acad. Bras. Ci., (2000) 72 (2)

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