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Global journal of

Pharmacy & pharmaceutical Science

Review Article Glob J Pharmaceu Sci
Volume 1 Issue 1 - February 2017
Copyright © All rights are reserved by Sumera Ali
DOI: 10.19080/GJPPS.2017.01.555555

Infection Control in Labor and Delivery Room,

Learning from the Small Hospital Based Project
Savera Aziz Ali1 and Sumera Aziz Ali*
School of Nursing and Midwifery Aga Khan Hospital, Pakistan
Department of Community Health Sciences, Aga Khan University Hospital, Pakistan
Submission: January 04, 2017; Published: February 01, 2017
*Corresponding author: Sumera Ali, Department of Community Health Sciences, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan,
Tel: ; Email:


Background: It has been estimated that around 36% of the neonatal deaths occur due to infection in the lower and middle income countries.
Infection control is a more substantial area of concern, particularly in Labor and delivery room. Multiple factors can cause infection in the labor
room, therefore it is important to assess various factors of maternal and neonatal infection. Hence we explored multiple factors through this
project and developed the action plan to address those factors effectively.

Methods: During our Leadership and Management course, we conducted a project in Labor room pertaining to a prevalent issue. The whole
process from identification of the issue to the resolution was supposed to be in the light of leadership and management concepts. After a thorough
analysis and discussion, an action plan was formulated considering the resources, audience, facilities and time required for implementation and
evaluation. Every step was mentioned in the action plan for identification of issue till the evaluation of the project.

Findings: Factors of infection were grouped under six broad headings including staff, environment, practices, equipment, factors related to
patient and others. These were diagrammatically represented through “Fishbone” Diagram

Conclusion: Infection is a common issue in the hospital setting and we tried to assess the factors of infection in the labor room. We identified
multiple factors of infection and tried to address those factors by developing a simple action plan. We found that infection can be controlled by
taking very simple precautionary measures without incurring a lot of cost.

Keywords: Labor room; Infection; Factors; Action plan

health at risk which should not be overlooked. Multiple factors
Mothers and neonates are vulnerable to get infections from
can cause infection in the labor room, therefore it is important to
the surrounding environment of the Hospital [1]. The chances of
assess various factors of maternal and neonatal infection. Hence
infection increases, if the precautions are not taken appropriately,
we explored multiple factors through this project and developed
especially by nursing staff who is the prime person, responsible
the action plan to address those factors effectively.
for taking care of neonates in the Hospital. Infection control is
a more substantial area of concern in Labor and delivery room Overview of the project
because these neonates do not adapt to their surroundings
During our Leadership and Management course, we had to
immediately after they come out of the womb of mothers. In
carry out a project in Labor room pertaining to a prevalent issue.
addition to this, mothers might be exposed to infection due to
The whole process from identification of the issue of the resolution
multiple examinations by health care providers during the process
was supposed to be in the light of leadership and management
of labor [2]. Moreover, in lower middle income countries, neonatal
concepts [6]. Amongst multiple issues that were encountered
deaths are due to infections acquired at home or in the hospital
in Labor room, we selected “infection control” as an issue for
and around 36% of the neonatal deaths occur due to infection [3-
our project. We carried out a systematic process to collect data
5]. Healthcare professionals always aim to preserve the maternal
by using questionnaire andobservations. A questionnaire was
and newborn health, but sometimes little negligence can put their
developed after doing literature search. The target audience was

Glob J Pharmaceu Sci 1(2): GJPPS.MS.ID.555555 (2017) 001

Global Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

the nursing staff in the labor room. Through this questionnaire infection control policy. Likewise patient related factors included
and observation, it was identified that several factors could cause increased age, high parity and history of additional co-morbids.
infection. These factors and their cause and effect relationships This was diagrammatically represented through “Fishbone”
were grouped under six broad headings including staff, Diagram (Figure 1). Fishbone method was selected because it is
environment, practices, equipment, factors related to patient the most comprehensive way of analyzing complex problems and
and others [7,8]. For example, staff related factors included lack identifying its causes and effects. It is a type of method which sort
of awareness and sensitization about the causes of infection. out ideas into useful categories and also help to identify the root
Similarly with respect to equipment in the labor room, warmers causes of any problem [9].
were not found to be disinfected properly according to the hospital

Figure 1: Fish Bone Diagram Infection control in labor and delivery room.

Development of action plan solutions by involving various experts. Furthermore, multiple

people can share their ideas and opinions therefore sometimes
After a thorough analysis and discussion, an action plan was
there could be conflict between different team members, which
formulated considering the resources, audience, facilities and
need to be resolved through the principal of conflict management
time required for implementation and evaluation. Every step was
mentioned in the action plan for identification of issue till the
evaluation of the project. A multimodal Interventional approach Implementation of action plan
was planned, including visual and verbal reminders, educational
We implemented the action plan in the labor room on the
initiatives like educational and motivational sessions for staff
basis of different management principles. All interventions
through videos. Moreover, action plan also included reviewing
were done as planned and mentioned in the action plan, except
different policies with staff and providing pamphlets to each
a few modifications. We showed the videos of hand washing and
staff highlighting common and important preventive measures
suctioning techniques to the nursing staff. Moreover, we also tried
to control the infection. These interventions would cater the
to negotiate with the management and administrative staff to
principle of staff development by building the capacity of staff and
change the suctioning bottles after every 24 hours, as mentioned in
by improving their knowledge regarding infection control. It is
the infection control policy. We also reviewed different skills with
known fact that in the hospital premises, the chances of infection
staff, for example IV (Intravenous) canulation, suctioning, Foleys
are always possible; therefore precautionary measures should
catheterization and infection control policy. In addition to this, the
be taken to avoid the sudden rise in infection [10]. Moreover,
session also consisted of suctioning skill demonstration, which was
problem solving principle can be used to resolve this issue, which
performed by student nurse with particular emphasis on infection
is a rational-logical thought process, helping to resolve problems
control. Apart from this, we also reinforced the management staff
successfully using several incidents of decision making [11,12].
that they should not allow the attendants to enter the labor room
For problem solving process, different approaches were identified
with dirty shoes. The whole session was successful, which was
through brainstorming and literature review of the possible
reflected by the staff’s increased participation during the session

How to cite this article: Savera A, Sumera A. Infection Control in Labor and Delivery Room, Learning from the Small Hospital Based Project. Glob J
002 Pharmaceu Sci. 2017; 1(2) : 555555. DOI:10.19080/GJPPS.2017.01.555555
Global Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

and positive feedback from the staff at the end of the session. for us and it developed our organization and communication skills
Additionally, we provided pamphlets of infection control. We also too. Moreover, we also learned how to make and implement an
gave a brief presentation to reinforce and motivate nursing staff action plan to prevent the occurrence of any bad outcome very
regarding infection prevention practices. However, due to time effectively. Apart from this, we also learned how to handle such
limitation, we could not cater all the staff, therefore we provided large group efficiently, especially by maintaining their interest in
the presentation to receptor so that she could circulate that the session. Our group got great support from all the staff and our
presentation among staff for their reference. In addition to this, clinical faculty throughout our project. Their encouragement and
we also pasted the flyers on the notice board to remind the staff support were vital in the success of this project.
whenever needed. Finally, evaluation of nursing staff was done to
assess their learning through sessions.
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well. Apart from this, we encountered another great challenge of 6. Huber D (2013) Leadership and nursing care management (5th edn).
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during clinical hours, but we had to utilize our theory hours to 7. Sarah Saleem, Elizabeth M McClure, Janet Moore, Samina Iqbal, Syed
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8. Ofili AN, Okojie OH (2005) Assessment of the role of traditional birth
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problem solving process to identify whether our implementation Care 17(1): 55-60.

program proved to be successful. We can say that our project might 9. Bjørn Andersen, Tom Fagerhaug (2006) Root cause analysis: simplified
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Conclusion 11. Nelson LM (2013) 4 Collaborative I Problem Solving. Instructional-

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Infection is a common issue in the hospital setting and we 2:241.
tried to assess the factors of infection in the labor room. We 12. Marquis BL, Huston CJ (2009) Leadership roles and management
identified multiple factors of infection and tried to address those functions in nursing: Theory and application. Lippincott Williams &
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Articulation of the Guiding Principles by a Pioneer in the field.
without incurring a lot of cost. This project was a great learning Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

How to cite this article: Savera A, Sumera A. Infection Control in Labor and Delivery Room, Learning from the Small Hospital Based Project. Glob J
003 Pharmaceu Sci. 2017; 1(2) : 555555.DOI:10.19080/GJPPS.2017.01.555555
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How to cite this article: Savera A, Sumera A. Infection Control in Labor and Delivery Room, Learning from the Small Hospital Based Project. Glob J
004 Pharmaceu Sci. 2017; 1(2) : 555555. DOI:10.19080/GJPPS.2017.01.555555

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