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Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Introduction

Continuous Beam and Slab Design

The Continuous Beam and Slab Design module designs single and multi-span reinforced concrete
beams and slabs. Sections can be rectangular, T, L or I-shaped. The program can analyse sub-frames
(including columns) and automates the pattern loading and moment redistribution at ultimate limit
state. It also calculates elastic and long-term deflections that include the effects of concrete cracking,
shrinkage and creep. You can also use the program to generate reinforcement and detailed bending
schedules for a variety of beam and slab configurations.

Continuous Beam and Slab Design can be used on its own or as a post-processor for frame analyses
in Sumo Structural Modeller and Frame Analysis. Using the Design Links function in those modules,
you can transfer beams complete with geometry and moment and shear force envelopes to this module
for detailed design and reinforcement detailing.

Help topics

Theory and application:

Sub-frame analysis and

pattern loading Using the program:
Moment redistribution
Flexural reinforcement Analysis input
calculation Viewing analysis
Flat slab design using output
strips Viewing detailed
Deflection calculation calculations
Suggested design procedures: reinforcement
Flat slabs
Coffer slabs
Troubleshooting tips
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Theory and Application > Design scope
Design Scope
The Continuous Beam and Slab Design module designs and details continuous concrete beams and
slabs. You can design structures ranging from simply supported single span to twenty-span continuous
beams and slabs. Cross-sections can be any combination of rectangular, I, T and L-sections. Spans
can have constant or tapered sections.

Entered dead and live loads are automatically applied as pattern loads during the analysis. At
ultimate limit state, moments and shears are redistributed to a specified percentage.

You can also use the program to generate reinforcement bending schedules for various types of beams
and slabs. Reinforcement layout drawings and bending schedules can be edited using Padds and
Codes of Practice
The list of supported concrete design codes is fluid: new codes are being added, and older ones are
removed. At the time of writing, the following concrete design codes were supported:

ACI 318 - 1999

ACI 318 - 2005
ACI 318 - 2011
AS 3600 - 2001
AS 3600 - 2009
BS 8110 - 1985
BS 8110 - 1997
CP 65 - 1999
CSA A23.3 - 1994
CSA A23.3-04 - 2010
Eurocode 2 - 2004
HK Concrete - 2004
HK Concrete - 2013
IS:456 - 2000
SABS 0100 - 2000

The program generates reinforcement bending schedules using shape codes from the following codes:

BS 4466 - 1989
BS 8666 - 2005
SANS 282 - 2004
SANS 282 - 2011
Units of Measurement
The program supports metric units of measurement only.
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Theory and Application > Sub-frame analysis
Sub-Frame Analysis
The program constructs a 2D frame model of the beam/slab and any specified columns. It performs
analyses at serviceability limit state (SLS) and ultimate limit state (ULS):

It uses the gross uncracked concrete sections in the analysis; separate adjustments are made for
cracking in the assessment for long-term deflections. The analysis does not include any checks for the
slenderness limits of columns or beam flanges.

SLS: Elastic deflections are calculated by analysing the beam/slab with gross uncracked
sections. Sections are then evaluated for cracking at 250 mm intervals, assuming the
reinforcement required at ultimate limit state. The long-term deflections are then calculated by
integrating the curvature diagrams.
ULS: The beam/slab is subjected to pattern loading. The resultant bending moment envelope is
then redistributed with a specified percentage, and the shear force envelope adjusted to maintain
equilibrium. The required reinforcement is then calculated.
Pattern loading at ULS
The program considers several pattern load cases for its ULS calculation:

Three load combinations of dead and live load.

If wind load are specified, another set of combinations of dead, live and wind loads.

Combination of dead load and live load

For all structures (irrespective if you enter wind loads as well) the dead and live loads are multiplied
by the specified ULS load factors. Unity load factors are used at serviceability limit state. The
following load cases are considered:

1. Maximum loads on all spans

2. Maximum load on alternate spans and minimum dead load on other spans
3. Maximum load on any two adjacent spans and minimum dead load on other spans (not
applicable to BS 8110 and some derived codes)


Maximum load = dead plus live loads with their maximum ULS factors
Minimum dead load = dead load only with a ULS factor of 1.0

The diagrams below show the load cases considered. The ULS load factors are for illustration
purposes only and will vary depending on the design code.

Combination of dead load, live load and wind load

If you enter wind loads, the program considers the following additional load cases:

1. Dead load plus wind load, by superimposing the following:

Dead load envelope determined by pattern dead loading:
Maximum dead load on all spans.
Maximum dead load on even-numbered spans and minimum dead load on odd-
numbered spans.
Maximum dead load on odd-numbered spans and minimum dead load elsewhere.
Wind load bending moment diagram as entered
2. Combination of dead load, live load and wind load with the specified load factors.

Special considerations
There may be additional considerations with for some codes. Here are some examples:
Load factor for minimum dead load: Some codes suggests a constant ULS dead load factor (e.g.
the older SABS 0100 - 1992 used 1.2) for all pattern load cases. In contrast, the BS 8110 codes
suggest a minimum ULS dead load factor of 1.0 for calculating the minimum ultimate dead load.
The program uses the more conservative approach given by the BS 8110 codes at all times, i.e. a
ULS load factor of 1.0 for minimum dead load and the maximum load factor specified for
maximum dead load.
Considering dead load only: The older SANS 10162 - 1989 loading code prescribes an
additional load case of 1.5×DL. This load case is not considered during the analysis – if
required, you should adjustment the applied loads manually. In cases where the dead load is
large in comparison with the live load, e.g. lightly loaded roof slabs, this load case can be
incorporated by increasing the entered dead load or increasing the ULS dead load factor. This
adjustment applies to cases where 1.5×DL > 1.2×DL + 1.6×LL or, in other words, LL < 19%.
Using an increased dead load factor of 1.4 instead of the normal 1.2 will satisfy all cases except
where 1.5×DL > 1.4×DL + 1.6×LL or, in other words, LL < 6%×DL.
Eurocode 2 - 2004 clause requires a non-zero design moment be used at all supports,
even when simple supports are assumed in the design. The program uses a minimum support
moment equal to 0.15 × maximum bending moment in the span.
Loading at SLS
The SLS analysis used for calculating deflections considers two sets of load cases:

When calculating elastic deflections, the program uses pattern loading similar to ULS (see
above) but with load factors of 1.0.
When determining long-term deflections, all spans of the beam/slab are subjected to the
maximum design SLS load with a load factor of 1.0.

More information

Dead and live loads input

Wind loads input
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Theory and Application > Moment redistribution
Moment Redistribution
The program can redistribute bending moments at the ultimate limit state. It does this by adjusting the
support moments downward with the specified percentage. If you set the method of moment
redistribution is set to "optimised", the program will further minimise the design moments by
redistributing the sagging span moments upward as well.

Note: No moment redistribution is done for serviceability limit state calculations.

The program calculates the bending moment envelopes for pattern loading and then redistributes the
moments as set out below. Shear forces are adjusted appropriately to maintain equilibrium.
Downwards redistribution
The downward distribution method aims to reduce the hogging moments at the columns without
increasing the sagging moments at midspan. The redistribution of moments procedure is performed as

1. The maximum hogging moment at each column or internal support is adjusted downward by the
specified maximum percentage.
2. The corresponding span moments are adjusted downward to maintain static equilibrium. The
downward adjustment of hogging moments above is limited to prevent any increase in the
maximum span moments of end spans.
3. The shear forces for the same load cases are adjusted to maintain static equilibrium.
Optimised redistribution
The optimised distribution procedure takes the above procedure a step further by upward distribution
of the span moments. The envelopes for the three pattern load cases are redistributed as follows:

1. The maximum hogging moment at each internal support is adjusted downward by the specified
percentage. This adjustment affects the moment diagram for the load case where the maximum
design load is applied to all spans.
2. The relevant span moments are adjusted accordingly to maintain static equilibrium.
3. The minimum hogging moment at each internal support is subsequently adjusted upward to as
close as possible to the reduced maximum support moment, whilst remaining in the permissible
redistribution range. A second load case is thus affected for each span.
4. The relevant span moments are adjusted in line with this redistribution of the column moments to
maintain static equilibrium.
5. For each span, the moment diagram for the remaining third load case is adjusted to as near as
possible to the span moments obtained in the previous step. The adjustment is made in such a
way that it remains within the permissible redistribution range.
6. Finally, the shear force envelope is adjusted to maintain static equilibrium.
7. The following general principles are applied when redistributing moments:
8. Equilibrium is maintained between internal and external forces for all relevant combinations of
design ultimate load.
9. The neutral axis depth is checked at all cross sections where moments are redistributed. If, for
the specified percentage of moment redistribution, the neutral axis depth is greater than the
limiting value of (ßb- 0.4)d, compression reinforcement is added to the section to sufficiently
reduce the neutral axis depth.
10. The amount of moment redistribution is limited to the specified percentage. The maximum
amount of redistribution allowed by the codes is 30%.

Note: The exact amount of moment redistribution specified is always applied, irrespective of the
degree of ductility of the relevant sections. Where necessary, ductility is improved by limiting the
neutral axis depth. This is achieved by adding additional compression reinforcement.
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Theory and Application > Flat slab design using strips
Flat Slab Design using Strips
The program can design a flat slab by breaking it into strips over the columns and in the middle (in-
between columns). The design is a two-step process:

1. Initial analysis: When entering the input data for a flat slab, you should use its whole width, i.e.
the transverse column spacing (half the spacing to the left plus half the spacing to the right). The
program will then calculate bending moments and shear forces for the whole panel width.
2. Evaluating the reinforcement: When generating reinforcement, however, the program considers
the column and middle strips separately. The program does the column and middle strip
subdivision as suggested by the design codes. The procedure is taken a step further by narrowing
the column strip and widening the middle strip to achieve a simpler reinforcement layout – a
procedure allowed by the codes.
Division into column and middle strips
The various design codes follow have similar but not identical proportions for dividing flat slabs into
column and middle strips. The program follows a rational approach by using the column and middle
strip proportions specified in BS 8110 - 1997, and then adjusting the strips widths to simplify
reinforcement detailing.

The slab design and detailing procedure is as follows:

1. The width of the column strip is initially taken as half the panel width. The total design moment
is then distributed between the column and middle strips as follows:
Bending moment Column strip Middle strip
Moment over
75% 25%
Moment in-between
55% 45%
Tip: You can override the default bending moment distribution percentages and column strip
widths for each span on the Detailing Parameters screen.
2. Reinforcement is calculated for each of the column and middle strips.
Adjustment of column and middle strips
Reinforcement should be concentrated near the columns. BS 8110 - 1997 requires that two-thirds of
the column strip reinforcement be concentrated in its middle half. It also state that a column strip may
not be taken wider than half the panel width, thereby implying that it would be acceptable to make the
column strip narrower than the half the panel width.

To simplify the reinforcement layout and still comply with the code provisions, the program narrows
the column strip and widens the middle strip. The widening of the middle strip is done as follows:

1. The middle strip is widened by fifty percent from half the panel width to three-quarters of the
panel width.
2. The reinforcement in the middle strip is accordingly increased by fifty percent. Reinforcement
added to the middle strip is taken from the column strip.

The column strip is subsequently narrowed as follows:

1. The column strip is narrowed to a quarter of the panel width.

2. As explained above, reinforcement is taken from the column strip and put into the widened
middle strip.
3. The remaining reinforcement is checked and additional reinforcement added where necessary.
This is done to ensure that the amount of reinforcement resisting hogging moment is greater than
or equal to two-thirds of the reinforcement required for the original column strip.
Designing the slab for shear
The program considers the column strip like a normal beam when doing shear calculations. A
possible approach to the shear design of the slab is:

Consider the column strip like a beam and provide stirrups equal to or exceeding the calculated
required shear steel.
In addition to the above, perform a punching shear check at all columns.
Implications of modifying the column and middle strips
In applying the above modifications, the moment capacity is not reduced. The generated reinforcement
will be equal to, or slightly greater, than the amount that would be calculated using the normal middle
and column strip layout.

The above technique gives simplified reinforcement details:

A narrower column strip is obtained with a uniform transverse distribution of main bars and a
narrow zone of shear links.
Detailing of the adjoining middle strips is also simplified by the usage of uniform reinforcement

More information

Suggested design procedure for flat slabs

Suggested design procedure for coffer slabs
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Theory and Application > Flexural reinforcement calculation
Flexural Reinforcement Calculation
The regular code formulae apply when calculating flexural reinforcement for rectangular sections and
for flanged sections where the neutral axis falls inside the flange.
Design of T and L-sections
If the neutral axis falls outside the flange of a T or L-section, the program designs the section by
considering it as two sub sections. The first sub section consists of the flange without the central web
part of the section and the remaining central portion defines the second sub-section. The
reinforcement calculation is then performed as follows:

Considering the total section, the moment required to put the flange portion in compression can
be calculated using the normal code formulae. This moment is then applied to the flange sub
section and the required reinforcement calculated using the effective depth of the total section.
The same moment is then subtracted from the total applied moment. The resulting moment is then
applied to the central sub section and the reinforcement calculated.
The tension reinforcement for the actual section is then taken as the sum of the calculated
reinforcement for the two sub sections. If compression reinforcement is required for the central
sub section, it is used as the required compression reinforcement for the actual section.
Multiple layers of main steel
The programs assumes a single layer of main steel in the top and bottom of the section. If you want to
design for multiple layers of main steel, enter an effective cover for the top and bottom steel in the
parameters. If all layers of steel can be assumed to yield under ULS, then you can take the effective
cover to be the estimated centroid of the steel.

When creating a bending schedule, you can use the format T1 (top-most), T2 (second from top), B1
(bottom-most), B2 (second from bottom) and so forth to indicate the layer.

Note: The program does not consider middle reinforcement (i.e. bars located in the side faces of
beams) in the ULS calculations.
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Theory and Application > Deflection calculation
Deflection Calculation
The program calculates elastic (short-term) and long-term deflections. In both cases, it uses the SLS
loading with no moment redistribution. Adjustments are made for concrete cracking in the long-term
deflection calculation.
Elastic deflections
Short-term elastic deflections are calculated using SLS loading: all spans fully loaded with dead and
live load a factors of 1.0. Gross uncracked concrete sections are used.
Long-term deflections
To calculate the long-term deflections, the program first evaluates the concrete cracking:

The full SLS design load is applied to all spans to obtain the elastic moment diagram.
The program checks for cracking of the beam/slab section at 250 mm intervals along its length.
Where cracked, the flexural stiffness of the cracked transformed section is calculated.

Next, the long-term deflection components are calculated by numerically integrating the curvature
(M/EI) diagrams:

Shrinkage deflection is calculated by applying the specified shrinkage strain. Unsymmetrical

beams and unsymmetrical reinforcement layouts will cause a curvature in the beam.
The creep deflection is calculated by applying the total dead load and the permanent portion of
the live load on the beam. The modulus of elasticity of the concrete is reduced in accordance
with the relevant design code.
The instantaneous deflection is calculated by applying the transient portion of the live load on
the transformed crack section.
The long-term deflection components are summed to yield the total long-term deflection.

Note: While the program calculates deflections using SLS loading, ULS loading indirectly affects
long-term deflections. The ULS loading and any specified moment distribution determine the required
steel (or the amount of reinforcement you enter), which in turn influences concrete cracking and the
long-term deflections.
Plastic behaviour
When calculating the curvatures for integration, elastic moments are used together with cracked
transformed sections, which implies plastic behaviour. Although this procedure is performed in
accordance with the design codes, the use of elastic moments together with cracked sections in the
same calculation is a contradiction of principles. As a result of this, long-term deflection diagrams
may show slight slope discontinuities at supports, especially in cases of severe cracking.
Crack control with reinforcement
The calculation of the cracked transformed section properties is based on the amount of reinforcement
required at ULS. However, if you generate reinforcement for the beam/slab, then the program will use
that entered reinforcement instead. You can thus control deflections by manipulating reinforcement
quantities. This option is available for the following "beam types" on the Detailing Parameters tab:

Type 1: normal beam

Type 2: slab (one-way spanning)
Type 5: rib

Note: While the calculation of deflections is purely an SLS requirement, the situation at ULS can play
a significant role because of the effect of the amount of reinforcement on the stiffness of cracked
Suggestion: To understand the extend of cracking in the beam/slab under SLS loading, refer to the
crack file file design output.
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Input > Parameters
Parameters Input
Enter the following design parameters:

fcu: Characteristic cube strength of concrete in SABS 0100, BS 8110 and derived codes (MPa).
fc': Characteristic cylinder strength of concrete in ACI 318 and CSA A23.3 codes (MPa).
fck : Characteristic cylinder strength of concrete in Eurocode 2 (MPa).

Note: Depending on the selected design code used, the characteristic concrete strength is expressed
as cube strength or cylinder strength. A rough conversion between the two entities is cylinder strength
= 0.8 × cube strength.

fy: Characteristic strength of main reinforcement (MPa).

fyv: Characteristic strength of shear reinforcement (MPa).

Note: In some regions it is common practice to use a lower grade steel (e.g. mild steel) for shear
reinforcement. Elsewhere the same steel grade is used for main and shear reinforcement.

% Redistribution: Percentage of bending moment redistribution to be applied.

Method: Method of moment redistribution, i.e. downward or optimised.
Cover to centre top: Distance from the top surface of the concrete to the centre of the top steel
Cover to bottom centre: Distance from the soffit to the centre of the bottom steel (mm).

Suggestion: If designing a beam for multiple layers of main steel in the top or bottom, enter the
effective cover.

DL factor: Maximum ULS dead load factor.

LL factor: Maximum ULS live load factor.

Note: The ULS dead and live load factors are used to calculate the ULS design loads. The ULS dead
and live loads are then automatically applied as pattern loads during analysis.

Density: Concrete density used for calculation of own weight (kN/m3).

Suggestion: The program calculates the own weight of the structure by multiplying the specified
density with the cross-section area. To use a special value of own weight, you may leave the density
field blank and enter the self-weight in the Loads input table.

% LL perm: Portion of live load to be considered as permanent.

Φ Creep Coefficient: The thirty-year creep factor.
εcs : Thirty-year free shrinkage train of plain concrete.
Note: The permanent portion of the live load is considered together with the dead load and creep
coefficient when the program calculates the creep component of the long term deflections. The free
shrinkage strain is used to calculate the long-term deflection component due to shrinkage.
Notes on creep and shrinkage
The graphs displayed on-screen give typical values for the creep factor and drying shrinkage strain in
the United Kingdom and South Africa. In both graphs, the effective section thickness is defined for
uniform sections as twice the cross sectional area divided by the exposed perimeter. If drying is
prevented by immersion in water or by sealing, the effective section thickness may be taken as 600

Creep and shrinkage of plain concrete are primarily dependent on the relative humidity of the air
surrounding the concrete. Where detailed calculations are being made, stresses and relative humidity
may vary considerably during the lifetime of the structure and appropriate judgements should be

More information

Sub-frame analysis
Moment redistribution
Deflection calculation
Sections input
Spans input
Supports input
Dead and live loads input
Wind load input
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Input > Sections
Sections Input
You can define rectangular, I, T, L and inverted T and L-sections. Every section comprises a
rectangular web area with optional top and bottom flanges.

Note: If you are using the Design Links function in Sumo Structural Modeller or Frame Analysis to
design a beam/slab in Continuous Beam and Slab Design, then the section geometry will be defined
in your original frame model. This input tab will be unavailable.

The top levels of all sections are aligned vertically by default and they are placed with their webs
symmetrically around the vertical beam/slab centre line. The web and/or flanges can be move
horizontally to obtain eccentric sections, for example L-sections. Whole sections can also be moved
up or down to obtain vertical eccentricity.

Note: In the sub-frame analysis, the centroids all beam segments are assumed to be on a straight line.
Vertical and horizontal offsets of sections are use used for presentation and detailing purposes only
and has no effect on the design results.

Section definitions are displayed graphically as they are entered. Section cross-sections are
displayed as viewed from the left end of the beam/slab. Use the 3D button for a rendering of the

Enter the following dimensions for each section:

Sec no: The section number is used in the Spans input table to identify specific sections
Bw: Width of the web (mm)
D: Overall section depth, including any flanges (mm)
Bf top: Width of optional top flange (mm)
Hf top: Depth of optional top flange (mm)
Bf bot: Width of optional bottom flange (mm)
Hf bot: Depth of optional bottom flange (mm)
Y-offset: Vertical offset the section (mm), with a positive value moving the section upward;
enter zero or leave blank to align the top surface with the datum line.
Web offset: Horizontal offset of the web portion (mm), with a positive value moving the web to
the right; enter zero or leave blank to position the web on the structure's centre line
Flange offset: Horizontal offset of both the top and bottom flanges (mm), with a positive value
moving the flanges to the right; enter zero or leave blank to position the flanges on the structure's
centre line.
Entering flanged sections
There is more than one way of entering a flanged sections. Using a T-section as example:

1. Enter a thin web with a wide top flange.

2. Enter wide web (width of top flange) with a thin bottom flange (width of downstand).

Bf- Hf- Bf- Hf- Y-

Sec. Bw D Web Flange
top top bot bot offset
No. (mm) (mm) offset offset
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 300 500 600 200
2 600 500 300 300

The two approaches give the same overall section area and stiffness, an hence the same resulting
bending moments and shear. There is one significant difference in the design, however. The shear
design procedure considers the entered web area, i.e. Bw × D. This makes approach 1 above the
correct approach in most cases.

Suggestion: To better visualise the sections, use the 3D function in the picture toolbar. Note that the
rendering requires you to enter the span information as well.

More information

Design parameters input

Spans input
Supports input
Dead and live loads input
Wind load input
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Input > Spans
Spans Input
Cross-sections entered in the Sections input table are used here with segment lengths to define spans
of constant or varying sections.

Note: If you are using the Design Links function in Sumo Structural Modeller or Frame Analysis to
design a beam/slab in Continuous Beam and Slab Design, then the span layout will be defined in
your original frame model. This input tab will be unavailable.

Spans are defined by specifying one or more span segments between supports, each with a unique set
of section properties. The following data should be input for each span:

Span no: Span number between 1 and 50 (the maximum). If left blank, the span number as was
applicable to the previous row is used, i.e. another segment for the current span.
Section length: Length of span or span segment (m).
Sec No Left: Section number to use at the left end of the span segment.
Sec No Right: Section number to use at the right end of the span segment. If left blank, the
section number at the left end is used, i.e. a prismatic section is assumed. If the entered section
number differs from the one at the left end, the section dimensions are varied linearly along the
length of the segment, e.g. a tapered section.
Varying sections
Wen using varying cross sections on a span segment, the section definitions are interpreted literally. If
a rectangular section should taper to an L-section, for example, the flange will taper from zero
thickness at the rectangular section to the actual thickness at the L-section. If the flange thickness
should remain constant, you can enter a dummy flange for the rectangular section. The flange should
be defined marginally wider, say 0.1mm, than the web and its depth made equal to the desired flange

Suggestion: To better visualise the spans, use the 3D function in the picture toolbar.

More information

Design parameters input

Sections input
Supports input
Dead and live loads input
Wind load input
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Input > Supports
Supports Input
You can specify simple supports, columns below and above, fixed ends and cantilever ends. To allow
a more accurate sub-frame analysis, columns can be specified below and above the beam/slab. If you
do not enter any support data, the program uses simple supports.

Note: If you are using the Design Links function in Sumo Structural Modeller or Frame Analysis to
design a beam/slab in Continuous Beam and Slab Design, then the supports will be defined in your
original frame model. This input tab will be unavailable.

To input supports other than simple supports, enter the following information:

Sup no: The number of the support corresponding to the span number. Support 1 is the left-most
Code: The exterior supports (left-most and right-most supports) can be freed (cantilevered) or
made fixed by entering 'C' or 'F' respectively. By fixing a support, full rotational fixity is
assumed, e.g. the beam/slab frames into a very stiff shaft or column.
Column D: Depth/diameter of a rectangular/circular column below or above (mm). The depth is
measured in the span direction of the beam/slab.
Column B: Width of the column (mm). If zero or left blank, a circular column is assumed.
Column H: Height of the column (m).

Suggestion: For the sake of accurate generation of the main reinforcement during detailing, you can
specify a width for simple supports at the ends of the beam/slab. Simply enter a value for D and leave
B and H blank. In the analysis, the support will still be considered as a normal simple support.
However, when generating reinforcement bars, the program will extend the bars a distance equal to
half the support depth past the support centre line.

Column code: A column can be pinned at its remote end by specifying 'P'. Enter 'F' or leave this
field blank to make the column fixed at its remote end.

Suggestion: To better visualise column supports, use the 3D function in the picture toolbar.

More information

Design parameters input

Sections input
Spans input
Dead and live loads input
Wind load input
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Input > Loads
Dead and Live Loads Input
The design loading comprises three types of loads: dead loads, live loads, and wind loads. The dead
loads and wind loads are automatically combined into pattern loads during the sub-frame analysis.
The Loads input table deals with entering the dead loads and wind loads. For wind loads, use the
Wind load input table.

Note: If you are using the Design Links function in Sumo Structural Modeller or Frame Analysis to
design a beam/slab in Continuous Beam and Slab Design, then the shear force and bending moment
envelopes will be determined in your original frame analysis. This input tab will be unavailable.

Distributed loads, point loads and moments can be entered on the same line. Use as many lines as
necessary to define each load case. Defined loads as follows:

Case D,L: Enter 'D' or 'L' for dead load or live load respectively. If left blank, the previous
load type is assumed. Use as many lines as necessary to define a load case.
Span: Number of the span on which the load is applied. If left blank, the previous span number
is assumed, i.e. a continuation of the load on the current span.
Wleft: Distributed load intensity (kN/m) applied at the left-hand starting position of the load. If
you do not enter a value, the program will use a value of zero.
Wright: Distributed load intensity (kN/m) applied on the right-hand ending position of the load. If
you leave this field blank, the value is made equal to Wleft, i.e. a uniformly distributed load is
P: Point load (kN).
M: Moment (kNm).
a: The start position of the distributed load, position of the point load or position of the moment
(m). The distance is measured from the left-hand edge of the beam. If you leave this field blank,
a value of zero is used, i.e. the load is taken to start at the left-hand edge of the beam.
b: The end position of the distributed load, measured from the start position of the load (m).
Leave this field blank if you want the load to extend up to the right hand edge of the beam.

Note: A portion of the live load can be considered as permanent for deflection calculation; specify
this in the Parameters input table.

Suggestion: If you enter a concrete density on the Parameters input page, the own weight of the
beam/slab is automatically calculated and included with the dead load. If you want to model a special
dead load value, then you can specify a zero density and enter a dead load value in the Loads input
table instead.

More information

Pattern loading
Design parameters input
Sections input
Spans input
Supports input
Wind load input
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Input > Wind loads
Wind Load Input
If the beam/slab is part of a sway frame subject to wind loading, you can enter the bending moments
caused by the wind load. The program does not calculate the wind forces; perform a separate frame
analysis and then enter the resulting bending moments.

Note: If you are using the Design Links function in Sumo Structural Modeller or Frame Analysis to
design a beam/slab in Continuous Beam and Slab Design, then the shear force and bending moment
envelopes will be determined in your original frame analysis. This input tab will be unavailable.

The program considers wind load in two design load combinations:

1. Wind load combined with the dead load envelope.

2. Combination of dead load, live load and wind load.

To define the wind load case, enter its bending moment diagram:

Span: Number of the span on which the load is applied. If left blank, the previous span number
is assumed, i.e. a continuation of the load on the current span.
Mleft: Bending moment at the left end of the span (kNm).
Mright: Bending moment at the right end of the span (kNm).
Load factors: Enter the load factors for the combinations DL + WL as well as DL + LL + WL.

Note: You do not need to enter shear forces due to wind load. The program will automatically
calculate shear forces that are in equilibrium with the entered bending moments.

More information

Pattern loading
Design parameters input
Sections input
Spans input
Supports input
Dead and live loads input
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Input > Examples
The Help menu includes examples that illustrates the input of typical beam and slab geometries,
material properties and the design loads:

Two-span beam with a cantilever. The beam uses a combinations of solid and T-sections in each
Four-span flat slab. The slab forms part of a frame with columns above and below.

More information

Design parameters input

Sections input
Spans input
Supports input
Dead and live loads input
Wind load input
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Design Output > Viewing diagrams
Viewing Diagrams
When you go to the View tab, the program performs the sub-frame analysis and design calculations.
This usually occurs almost instantaneously.

The program presents the design results graphically and in tabular format. Output data, including
graphics and tabled values, can be selectively appended to the Calcsheet using the Add to Calcsheet
function on each output page.

You can view diagrams for deflection, shear force and bending moment, as well as steel requirements
for shear and bending moment.

The elastic deflection envelope represents the deflections due to SLS pattern

The long-term deflection diagram represents the behaviour of the beam/slab under full SLS loading,
taking into account the effects of shrinkage and creep:

The green line represents the total long-term deflection.

The shrinkage deflection is shown in red.
The creep deflection (long-term deflection due to permanent loads) is given by the distance
between the red and blue lines.
The distance between the blue and green lines represents instantaneous deflection due to
transient loads.

Note: Long-term deflections in beams are influenced by reinforcement layout. Initial long-term
deflection values are based on the reinforcement required at ultimate limit state. Once reinforcement
has been generated for a beam or one-way slab, the long-term deflections will be based on the actual
reinforcement instead.
Shear force and bending moments envelopes
The shear force and bending moment diagrams show the envelopes (in red) due to ULS pattern
loading together with the section capacities (in grey).
Steel diagrams
The diagrams show the steel required (in blue) to resits the ULS design shear forces and bending
moments and shear reinforcement envelopes are given for ULS pattern loading. The bending
reinforcement diagram shows the steel required in the top and bottom face of the section above and
below the zero line respectively. Compression reinforcement (if required) is included in the values.
The nominal steel requirement is superimposed on the diagrams (in black).

More information

Deflection calculation
Pattern loading
Using the Calcsheet
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Design Output > Output tables
Viewing Output Tables
Go to the Output File tab to display the design results in tabular format. Results include bending
moments and reinforcement, shear forces and reinforcement, column reactions and deflections. To see
how reinforcement was calculated, use the Detailed Calculations function on the Steel diagram tab.

The Crack File tab display detail of the cracked status, effective stiffness and concrete stresses in the
beam/slab at regular intervals. This information is particularly useful when trying to identify zones of
excessive cracking and its effect on the long-term deflection calculations.

More information

Viewing diagrams
Viewing detailed calculations
Using the Calcsheet
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Design Output > Detailed calculations
Viewing Detailed Calculations
You can extract the detailed design calculations for flexure and shear at any point along the length of
the beam/slab:

View the Steel diagrams.

Use the Detailed Calculations button to specify a location (distance from the left end of the

With the detailed calculations visible, you can either print them or send add them to the Calcsheet.

More information

Viewing diagrams
Viewing output tables
Using the Calcsheet
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Design Output > Using the Calcsheet
Using the Calcsheet
You can collect items from the input and design output the Calcsheet for printing or sending to
PROKON CalcPad. Various settings are available to include input and design diagram and tabular
Collecting information in the Calcsheet
There are two methods for getting information in the Calcsheet:

1. Use the Output Settings button to select the items that you want to include in the Calcsheet:
Data File object (see below).
Input tables.
Input sketches: cross-sections and an elevation showing the supports and dead and live
Deflection, shear and bending moment diagrams.
Output file; complete or the support reactions only.
Output table that summarises the cracked status.
Tables listing the generated/entered reinforcement.
Reinforcing layout diagrams
Reinforcing graphs, showing required and generated/entered reinforcement.
2. Additionally, you can extract the detailed design calculations for flexure and shear and add them
to the Calcsheet.
Recalling a data file
If you enable the Data File option before sending the Calcsheet to Calcpad, you can later recall the
design by double-clicking the relevant object in Calcpad. A data file embedded in Calcpad is saved
as part of a project and therefore does not need to be saved in the design module as well.

More information

Viewing diagrams
Viewing output tables
Viewing detailed calculations
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Reinforcement Detailing > Detailing parameters
Detailing Parameters
You can use the program can to create reinforcement layouts and bending schedules for most types of
continuous beam and slabs. Use the automatic bar generation feature an then edit the bars to suit your
requirements. Finally, generated a Padds file (sketch and bending schedule) for further processing in
Padds or AutoPadds.

The detailing parameters set the rules to be used by the program when generating reinforcement:

Beam/slab type: The program has pre-set detailing rules for different types of beams and slabs:

Type Description Main reinforcement
Nominal reinforcement Beam shear
1 Normal beam
as for beams reinforcement
One-way Nominal reinforcement No shear
spanning flat slab as for slabs reinforcement
Column strip Main reinforcement in
No shear
3 portion of a flat accordance with moment
slab on columns distribution between
column and middle
Middle strip perform separate
strips. Nominal
4 portion of flat punching shear
reinforcement as for
slab on columns slabs checks
Nominal reinforcement
5 Rib reinforcement as
as for slabs
for beams

Maximum bar length: Absolute maximum main bar length (m) to be used, e.g. 13 m.
Minimum diameter: The minimum bar diameter to be used for top bars, bottom bars and
stirrups (mm).
Maximum diameter: The maximum main bar diameter to be used in each if the indicated
positions (mm).

Suggestion: To force the program to use a specific bar diameter, you can enter the same value for
both the minimum and maximum diameters.

Note: The default bar types used for main bars and stirrups, e.g. mild steel or high tensile, are
determined by the yield strength values entered on the Parameters input table. High tensile steel
markings, e.g. 'T' or 'Y', will be used for specified values of fy and fyv exceeding 350MPa.

Stirrup shape code: Preferred shape code to use for stirrups. Valid shape codes include:
BS 4466 and BS 8666: 55, 61, 77, 78 and 79.
SANS 282: 55, 60, 72, 73 and 74.
First bar mark: The mark of the first bar in the top, bottom or side of the beam/slab. Any
alphanumerical string of up to five characters may be specified. The rightmost numerical or
alpha portion of the bar mark is incremented for subsequent bars. Examples of valid marks
'001' will increment to 002, 003 etc.
'A' will increments to B, C, etc.
'B002' will increment to B003, B004 etc.

Note: Middle bars are generated for all beams with effective depth of 650 mm or greater.

Cover to stirrups: Concrete cover to use at the top, bottom and sides of all stirrups (mm).
Minimum stirrup percentage: Nominal shear reinforcement is calculated according to the code
provisions for beams and slabs. In some cases, it may be acceptable to provide less than the
nominal amount stirrups, e.g. for fixing top bars in a flat slab. The minimum amount of stirrups to
be generated can be entered as a percentage of the calculated nominal shear reinforcement.

Note: For beams and ribs, the minimum stirrup percentage should not be taken less than 100% of
nominal shear reinforcement.

Loose method of detailing: The envisaged construction technique can be taken into account
when detailing reinforcement:
With the 'loose method' of detailing, also referred to as the 'splice-bar method', span
reinforcement and link hangers are stopped short about 100 mm inside each column face.
This is done at all internal columns were congestion of column and beam reinforcement is
likely to occur. The span bars and stirrups are often made into a cage, lifted and lowered
between supports. For continuity, separate splice bars are provided through the vertical
bars of each internal column to extend a lap length plus 100 mm into each span. Top bars
will extend over supports for the required distance and lapped with nominal top bars or
link hangers. Allowance is made for a lap length of 40• and a 100 mm tolerance for the
bottom splice bars that are acting in compression.
Alternatively, where accessibility during construction allows, the 'normal' method of
detailing usually yields a more economical reinforcement layout. This method allows
bottom bars to be lapped at support centre lines. Top bars will extend over supports for the
required distance and lapped with link hangers. Where more practical, top bars over
adjacent supports may be joined. Adjacent spans are sometimes detailed together.

Note: The 'normal' method of detailing may give rise to congested reinforcement layouts at beam-
column junctions, especially on the bottom beam/slab layer. Reinforcement layout details at such
points may required additional checking.

Suggestion: If you find yourself often using the same detailing parameters, consider using the option
to Save as Default and Load Defaults functions to recall them as needed.

Flat slab detailing

When designing a flat slab and selecting the column strip or middle strip (type 3 or 4 above), the
program accepts additional input for the distribution of bending moment between the column an
middle strips. If you deem the default flat slab detailing parameters to be inappropriate, e.g. when
designing a continuous slab with irregular span lengths, you can specify the bending moment
distribution to the column and middle strips:

Percentage: Enter the percentage of negative (supports) and positive (span) bending moment to
distribute for the columns strip.
Width: Enter the width of the column strip for each span.
Generating reinforcement
Use the Generate Reinforcing to have the program generate bars according the entered detailing

The goal of the automatic reinforcement generation function is to achieve a reasonable and optimised
reinforcement layout for any typical beam or slab layout. More complicated layouts will likely
require editing of the generated reinforcement.
Editing reinforcement
You can modify the generated reinforcement to suite your requirements by editing the information on
the Main Reinforcing, Stirrups, Shear Reinforcing and Sections tabs.

Note: Very complicated layouts may require more detailed editing using Padds or AutoPadds.

More information:

Main reinforcing detailing

Stirrups and shear reinforcing detailing
Generating sections
3D view of reinforcement
Bending schedule creation
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Reinforcement Detailing > Main reinforcing
Main Reinforcing Detailing
The main reinforcement bars are defined by the following parameters:

b The quantity, type and diameter of the bar, example '2T20' or '2Y16'. The bar defined at the
cursor position is highlighted in the elevation.
Mark: An alphanumerical string of up to five characters in length, example 'A', '01' or 'A001'.
Shape code: Standard bar shape code. Valid shape codes for main bars include 20, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 51.
Span: The beam/slab span number.
Offset: Distance from the left end of the span to the start point of the bar (m). A negative value
makes the bar start to the left of the beginning of the span, i.e. in the previous span.
Length: Length of the bar as seen in elevation (m).
Hook: If a bar has a hook or bend, enter 'L' or 'R' to it on the left or right side. If this field is left
blank, an 'L' is assumed.
Layer: Position the bar in the top, middle or bottom layer. Use the letters 'T', 'M' or 'B' with an
optional number, e.g. 'T' or 'T1' (top-most) and 'T2' (second from top).

Note: When detailing a beam with multiple layers of main steel (e.g. T1 and T2), you should adjust
the design parameters with appropriate values for concrete cover.

The bending reinforcement diagram is shown on the lower half of the screen. The diagrams for
required (in blue), nominal (in black) and entered (in red) reinforcement are superimposed for easy
comparison. The diagram for entered reinforcement takes into account bond stress development.
Editing functions
The program automatically numbers (bar marks) the bars when using the Generate Reinforcing
function. Once you add and delete bars, the bars may no longer be numbered in sequence. To fix this,
use the Renumber Bars function.

To add a bar, use one or more of the following techniques:

Go to a new line in the table (or press CTRL+I to insert a new line) and enter the bar
Use the Add Top Bar, Add Middle Bar and Add Bottom Bar functions.

To delete a bar:

Move the cursor to the line in the table (or click it with the mouse) and press CTRL+D.
Delete the selected bar with the Delete Bar function.

More information:

Detailing parameters
Stirrups and shear reinforcing detailing
Generating sections
3D view of reinforcement
Bending schedule creation
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Reinforcement Detailing > Shear reinforcing
Stirrups and Shear Reinforcing Detailing
Detailing shear reinforcement is a two-step process:

Define the stirrup layouts

Distribute the stirrups along the length of the beam/slab
Defining stirrup layouts
Enter stirrup layouts using the following parameters:

Stirrup number: Enter a stirrup configuration number. Configuration numbers are used on the
Shear reinforcing input page (see page 6-32) to reference specific configuration. If left blank, the
number applicable to the previous row is assumed, i.e. an extended definition of the current
Section number: Concrete cross section number as defined on the Sections input page (see page
6-33). If left blank, the number applicable to previous row in the table is used.
Bars: Type and diameter of bar, example 'R10'.

Note: Mild steel bars are often used for shear reinforcement; you can specify this in the Parameters
input table. However, in zones where much shear reinforcement is required, you may prefer using
high yield stirrups. You can do this by entering 'T' or 'Y' bars instead of 'R' bars. In such a case, the
yield strength ratio of the main and shear reinforcement, i.e. fy/fyv as entered, will be used to
transpose the entered stirrup areas to equivalent mild steel areas.

Bar mark: Any alphanumerical string of up to five characters in length, e.g. 'SA1', '01' or 'S001'.
Shape code: Standard double leg bar shape code. The following shape codes can be used:
BS 4466 and B S8886: 55, 61, 77, 78 and 74.
SANS 282: 55, 60, 72, 73 and 74.

The program sizes the stirrups to fit the section web. The first stirrup entered is put against the web
sides. Subsequent stirrups are positioned in such a way that vertical legs are spaced equally.

Suggestion: For a quick adjustment of a cross-section's location, use the mouse to drag the section
along the length of the beam/slab.
Distributing the shear reinforcing
To distribute stirrup layouts over the length of the beam/slab, enter the following values:

Stirrup number: The stirrup configuration number to distribute.

Spacing: Link spacing (mm).
Span: The beam/slab span number.
Offset: Distance from the left of the span to the start point of the distribution zone (m). A
negative value makes the zone start to the left of the beginning of the span, i.e. in the previous
Length: Length of the stirrup distribution zone (m).

The problem displays the shear reinforcement diagrams at the bottom of the screen, superimposing the
required reinforcement (blue) and entered reinforcement (red). The required steel diagram takes into
account shear enhancements at the supports.

In some situations it may be acceptable to enter less shear steel than the calculated amount of nominal
sheer steel, e.g. when the stirrups are merely used as hangers to aid the position of the main steel in a
flat slab. This option can be set as in the Detailing Parameters input table.

More information:

Detailing parameters
Main reinforcing detailing
Generating sections
3D view of reinforcement
Bending schedule creation
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Reinforcement Detailing > Detailing sections
Generating Cross-Sections
You can generate cross-sections of the beam/slab to display the reinforcement layout. Cross-sections
are included in generated Padds drawings. To to this, enter the location of the section and optionally
adjust the horizontal offsets for the main bars.

For each cross-section required, enter the following values:

Label: The cross-section designation, e.g. 'A'.

Span no: The beam/slab span number.
Offset: The position of the section, given as a distance from the left end of the span (m).

The program displays the selected sections on the screen together with the location
of the main bars. If the default bar locations are not perfect, then you can adjust their positions:

Mark: The main bar's mark.

Horizontal offsets: The distance from the left edge of the section to bar (mm). In the case of
multiple bars with the same mark, a comma-separated list of offsets will be shown.

Suggestion: For a quick adjustment of a bar's position, use the mouse to drag the bar in the section.

More information:

Detailing parameters
Main reinforcing detailing
Stirrups and shear reinforcing detailing
3D view of reinforcement
Bending schedule creation
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Reinforcement Detailing > 3D view
3D View of Reinforcement
Use the 3D View tab to render the beam/slab reinforcement. This should help you spot any obvious
layout congestion and gaps in the reinforcement and possible collisions with other elements.

Suggestion: To correct layout problems with main bars, reposition the affected bars on the Sections

More information:

Detailing parameters
Main reinforcing detailing
Stirrups and shear reinforcing detailing
Generating sections
Bending schedule creation
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Reinforcement Detailing > Bending schedule
Bending Schedule Creation
You can generate a complete Padds drawing of reinforcement layout and bar bending schedule. The
parameters allow flexibility in the bending schedule creation, e.g. you can have the details of a
beam/slab on a single bending schedule or split it onto more than one schedule to improve clarity.
Each bending schedule can then be given a unique name and the associated spans entered.

The following information should be entered:

File name: The name of the Padds drawing and bending schedule file
Span: The first and last span to include in the drawing. For clarity, a beam/slab with many spans
can be scheduled put on more than one bending schedule.
Grid lines: Optionally display grid lines and numbers appear on the bending schedule drawing.
Columns: Optionally display column faces on the bending schedule drawing.
First grid: The name or number of the first grid. Use one or two letters and/or numbers.
Numbering: Specify whether grids must be numbered in ascending or descending order, i.e. 'A',
'B' and 'C' or 'C', 'B' and 'A'
Drawing size: Select A4 or A5 drawing size. If A4 is selected, the drawing is scaled to fit on a
full page and the accompanying schedule on a separate page. The A5 selection will scale the
drawing to fit on the same page with the schedule. Typically, a maximum of three to four spans
can be shown with enough clarity in A5 format and four to six spans in A4 format.

Note: When combining a drawing and schedule on the same page, the number of schedule lines is
limited to a maximum of twenty four in Padds. Using more lines will result in the drawing and
schedule being printed on separate pages.

Text height: Size of text headings and descriptions (mm).

Use the Generate Schedule function to create and display the Padds bending schedule.
Editing and printing bending schedules in Padds
Detailed editing and printing of bending schedules are done with Padds and AutoPadds. For Padds,
follow the steps below to edit the drawing and schedule:

In Padds, choose Open on the File menu and double-click the relevant file name. The file will
be opened and displayed in two cascaded widows. The active windows will contain the
drawing of the column base and the other window the bar schedule. If the bar schedule does not
display, enable it on the Window menu with the Show/Hide Bending Schedule command.
Make any necessary changes to the drawing, e.g. editing or adding bars and adding construction

To print the bending schedule, click the Title Block & Print button at the bottom of the bar schedule,
enter the relevant information and print to paper, file or PDF.

Note: The modify the appearance of the bending schedule and add your company logo, click the Page
Setup button.

More information:

Detailing parameters
Main reinforcing detailing
Stirrups and shear reinforcing detailing
Generating sections
3D view of reinforcement
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Suggested Procedures > Flat slab design
Suggested Design Procedure for Flat Slabs
The suggestions are given by way of an example.

Consider a flat slab with a regular rectangular column layout of 6.0 m by 5.5 m.
Typical strip over a row of internal columns (Strip A)
The strip is modelled as a 6000 mm wide panel, i.e. 3000 mm either side of the columns. The
program calculates moments and shear forces for the whole panel width. It then details a column strip
and a middle strip, 1500 mm and 4500 mm wide respectively. For an explanation of the division into
column and middle strips.
External strip (Strip B)
The external strip, strip B, is defined as the portion over the external columns that extending halfway
to the first row of internal columns. Strip C is the first internal strip and it extends to midspan on both

Consider the end panel, i.e. the portion between edge columns and the first row of internal columns
or, in other word, strip B together with half of strip C. The portion over the internal columns (portion
of strip C) will tend to attract more moment than the portion over the external columns (strip B).
Using a rule of thumb, a reasonable moment distribution ratio would be about 62.5% to 37.5%.

The external strip (strip B) can thus be conservatively modelled as a panel with width equal to half
the transverse column spacing, i.e. 3000 mm, carrying the full load for that area. The program will
analyse the strip and the generate reinforcement for a column strip, 750 mm wide, and a middle strip,
2250 mm wide.
First internal strip (Strip C)
The first internal strip can subsequently be modelled using the same width as a typical internal panel,
i.e. 6000 mm. Because of the moment distribution explained above, the loading is increased to 50% +
62.5% = 112.5% of the typical panel loading. The small overlap in loading between the edge and first
internal panels should take care of any adverse effects due to pattern loading.

Note: If the own weight is modelled using a density, you should account for the increased loading by
either increase the density value by 12.5% or increasing the applied dead load.

The program will analyse the panel and generate a column strip, 1500 mm wide, and a middle strip
4500 mm wide.
Reinforcement layout
Careful combination of the column and middle strips generated above, should yield a reasonably
economical reinforcement layout:

For typical internal strips (strip A), use the generated column strip (CA) and middle strip (MA).
For the column strip over the external row of columns, use no less than the column strip
reinforcement (CB) generated for the external strip (strip B).
For the column strip over the first row of internal columns, use no less than the column strip
reinforcement (CC) generated for the first internal strip (strip C).
The first middle strip from the edge (MC/MB) can be conservatively taken as the worst of
middle strip generated for the first internal strip (MC) and twice that generated for the external
strip (MB).

More information

Using column strips and middle strips to design flat slabs

Suggested design procedure for coffer slabs
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Suggested Procedures > Coffer slab design
Suggested Design Procedure for Coffer Slabs
Coffer slabs can normally be designed and detailed using the design procedure for flat slabs. This
should be also a reasonable design approach for coffer slabs if the following conditions are met:

The solid bands should be as wide or slightly wider than the generated column strips, i.e. L/4 or
Assuming that the concrete compression zone of each coffer rib falls in the coffer flange, the slab
can be modelled as a solid slab.
Setting the density to zero and appropriately increasing the applied dead load can model the own
weight of the slab.
The linear shear requirements should be verified for the column strips, i.e. solid bands. The
areas around columns slab should also be checked for punching shear.
The coffer webs should be checked for linear shear and compression reinforcement.

Note: You should validate the design procedure by checking that, in zones of sagging moment, the
concrete compression zones of coffer ribs fall within the coffer flanges. Zones of hogging moment
should be located inside solid bands.

More information

Using columns strips and middle strips to design flat slabs

Suggested design procedure for flat slabs
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > Suggested Procedures > Troubleshooting tips
Troubleshooting Tips
Input errors
The Input tables incorporate extensive error checking. However, errors sometime still slip through
and cause problems during the analysis. Common input errors include:

Using incorrect units of measurement. For example, section dimensions should be entered in
millimetres not metre, and span lengths should be entered in metre and not millimetre.
Entering too large reinforcement cover values on the Parameters input screen, gives incorrect
reinforcement. Cover values should not be wrongly set to a value larger than half the overall
section depth.
Not entering section numbers when defining spans on the Spans input screens causes numeric
instability. Consequently, the program uses zero section properties.
Unexpected high required main steel
Sometime the required amount steel is high because the section in heavily loaded:

The demand on the section may be so high that compression reinforcement is required.
The steel may not be offering much resistance due to a small lever arm: check slab sections for
steel depth close to neutral axis.
Follow along the Detailed Calculations to see how the steel was calculated.
Very large long-term deflections

The cause of unexpected large long-term deflections can usually be determined

by examining the design output. The largest component in the long-term deflection diagram is usually
the first clue:

Shrinkage: The likely cause of large shrinkage deflection is vastly unsymmetrical top and
bottom reinforcement. Adding bottom reinforcement over supports and top reinforcement at in
the middle of spans generally induces negative shrinkage deflection, i.e. uplift.
Creep: Large creep deflections (long-term deflection under permanent load) are often caused by
excessive cracking, especially over the supports. Compare the span to depth ratios with the
recommended values in the relevant design code.
Instantaneous: If there is excessive cracking, the reduced stiffness will have a direct impact on
the instantaneous deflection component.

To verify the extent of cracking along the length of the beam/slab, you can study the contents of the
Crack File. Check the cracked status and stiffness of the relevant sections. The extent of cracking
along the length of the beam/slab is usually a good indication of its serviceability.

More information

Flexural reinforcement calculation

Viewing detailed calculations
Deflection Calculation
Continuous Beam and Slab Design > About this Help
About this Help
This document forms part of the Online Help for PROKON® Structural Analysis and Design
version 3.0. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names and
data used in examples are fictitious.

Publishing date: 21 December 2015

© Copyright 1998-2015 Prokon Software Consultants (Pty) Ltd

All rights reserved


View list of changes for this document


PROKON is a registered trademark of Prokon Software Consultants (Pty) Ltd

Microsoft, Windows and Office are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
AutoCAD and Revit are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc.



Added information on designing beams with multiple layers of main steel.


Corrected "no topic found" error when searching.


Additional notes regarding the indirect effect of ULS loading and moment redistribution on long-
term deflections.


Added provision for Eurocode 2 - 2004 clause that requires non-zero bending moments
at simple supports.


Added description for overriding bending moment percentages and column strip widths on
Detailing Parameters tab.
Corrected Help link for Theory button on Detailing Parameters tab.


Corrected description of pattern load cases to include maximum DL and LL on any two adjacent


Added symbol definition for Eurocode 2 characteristic cylinder strength fck.


Inclusion in Version Info system.

Clarification of concrete cube strength and cylinder strength.
Added information on pattern loading for wind loads.
Added annotations for force and steel diagrams.
Added references to Design Links from Sumo Structural Modeller and Frame Analysis.

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