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Guide Line For SS Material in WATER

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Peer Reviewed

Guidelines for Using Stainless Steel in the Water

and Desalination Industries

1Brown and Caldwell, Walnut Creek, Calif.

2Carollo Engineers, Boise, Idaho

Stainless steels are corrosion-resistant, but to take full systems must be defined, including chlorides, pH, free
advantage of their corrosion-resistant properties, stainless chlorine in solution, bacteria, and temperature.
steel piping and components must be properly specified, Considering the environments that occur during idle,
installed, and operated. The recommendations included in startup, normal operations, and shutdown conditions
this article are intended to arm engineers and operators within treatment and conveyance facilities is also
with a screening-level tool for avoiding misapplication. To important. Once the stainless steel is specified and
properly select the right grade of stainless steel for the manufactured, proper care over its shipping, installation,
various environmental conditions existing in different and operation must be taken to protect the integrity of the
areas of the process, equipment, piping, and conveyance materials to minimize corrosion.

Keywords: chloride, corrosion, free chlorine, stainless steel

Stainless steel is widely used in critical components of handling, installation, and operation can make the
drinking water, wastewater, and water reuse treatment stainless steel susceptible to corrosion, negating some
and conveyance systems, including well casings, reverse or all of the benefits from purchasing higher-cost,
osmosis (RO) and other membrane treatment equipment, higher-performance materials.
ultraviolet (UV) disinfection systems, and ozone genera- With five families of stainless steel and more than 120
tors. Stainless steels are corrosion-resistant. However, alloys and compositions, selecting the right stainless steel
contrary to popular belief, they are prone to failures from for any application is not a simple task. Furthermore,
corrosion, including intergranular corrosion as a result although information on the nature and use of stainless
of welding, stress corrosion cracking, and microbiologi- steel is abundant and comes from many sources, this
cally induced corrosion (MIC). Thus, to take full advan- information is not readily available to water and desalina-
tage of the corrosion-resistant properties of stainless steel, tion industry professionals. The information does not
piping and components must be properly specified, han- come in a format that allows engineers and owners pro-
dled, installed, and operated. curing stainless steel materials to easily incorporate rec-
ommendations into construction documents or to make
BACKGROUND operational decisions that may change the environment
Engineers have few available resources that are tailored to which existing stainless steel materials are exposed.
to water treatment and intended for selecting stainless There is no general consensus in the industry to match or
steel materials and specifying the appropriate methods select stainless steel for typical applications in municipal
to use when handling these materials during construc- infrastructure.
tion. Engineers and operators want a high enough grade In response to these challenges, Guidelines for the Use of
of stainless steel for the required corrosion protection, Stainless Steel in the Water and Desalination Industries, a
but they do not want to use a higher and thus more jointly sponsored project of the US Bureau of Reclamation
expensive grade than is required. Furthermore, improper and the Water Research Foundation, was developed (Mackey
et al. 2015). The guidelines presented in this project help
water and desalination engineers accomplish three things:
A full report of this project, Guidelines for the Use of Stainless (1) properly specify the type of stainless steel used for differ-
Steel in the Water and Desalination Industries (#4431), is available
for free to Water Research Foundation subscribers by logging on
ent applications on the basis of water quality considerations;
to (2) properly specify construction standards that, if followed,

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can help extend the useful life of stainless steel materials to concern in water system applications—crevice corrosion
more than 20 years; and (3) identify appropriate operating and pitting corrosion—because they can lead to pinholes
conditions to avoid stainless steel corrosion as much as pos- and stress corrosion cracking. Environmental factors play
sible. This article is a primer on stainless steel corrosion and an important role in how quickly corrosion develops as
provides recommendations for its best use based on data in well as in corrosion severity.
the peer-reviewed literature and corrosion experiments. Crevice corrosion. Crevice corrosion forms when two
Guidelines for the specification, preparation, and handling halves of a tight metal-to-metal (or metal-to-other material)
of stainless steel are presented in the report to facilitate the joint or multiple joints are immersed in an aqueous solu-
development of detailed stainless steel specifications. tion, creating an electrochemical cell. Depending on the
What is stainless steel? A metallic alloy is any metal degree of tightness, dissolved oxygen either penetrates
made of multiple elements, such as chromium, nickel, and or is kept from penetrating the crevice, which may
molybdenum. Generally, a metallic alloy is considered weaken the oxide film trapped between the contacting
“stainless” when its chromium content is greater than surfaces (Kain et al. 1984). When this oxide layer weak-
approximately 12% by weight, with iron as the majority ens, chromium, iron, and nickel ions from the surface
of the balance. layers are diffused inside the crevice and combine with
Higher alloyed stainless steels have more chromium, the hydroxyl ions diffusing from the bulk solution the
which provides corrosion resistance by forming a thin, stainless steel material is immersed in. This leaves an
adherent, and corrosion-resistant oxide film on a clean electrically unbalanced relationship, which causes an
surface. When exposed to oxygen, whether in air or in anode to form inside the crevice and a cathode to form
water, this layer will naturally form to prevent corrosion on the metal’s surface as follows:
(Tuthill 1994). The protective layer is less effective when
the original oxide surface layer becomes damaged or     Cathodic reaction:   O2 + 2 H2O + 4e– ↔ 4 OH–  (1)
scratched, although when exposed to oxygen again, the
protective film will rapidly re-form. An important part of     Anodic reaction:     M = Mn+ + ne–  (2)
stainless steel preparation is passivation—i.e., removal of
free iron compounds from the surface of the metal and where e– = electrons, M is the metal, Mn+ is metal with a
the subsequent formation of a passive (inert) surface layer. positive charge of n, and ne– is n electrons. If significant
Stainless steel has five families, each characterized by its concentrations of chloride are present (e.g., brackish
microstructure: martensitic, ferritic, austenitic, duplex (50/50 waters) or free chlorine is present, this electrically unbal-
austenite/ferrite-mixed structure), and precipitation-hardened anced relationship can be exacerbated (Figure 1). As the
structures. The families are further characterized by their pH inside the crevice drops, chloride ions from the bulk
microstructures, which result from their particular composi- solution diffuse into the crevice to balance the anodic
tions. Ferritic and martensitic alloys are iron–chromium oxidation reaction by combining with the hydrogen ion.
alloys. Martensitic alloys can be hardened with heat treat- The decreasing pH increases the potential for the passive
ment, while ferritic alloys cannot. Both ferritic and martens- film to degrade and for crevice corrosion to begin.
itic grades belong to the 400 series of stainless steels, which Inside the crevice, the anodic oxidation reaction con-
provide strength but only minimal corrosion resistance. sumes oxygen. However, by limiting the diffusion of dis-
Austenitic stainless steels are iron–chromium–nickel alloys, solved oxygen in the confined space, the gap’s tightness
with nickel providing malleability and weldability. These slows the reaction rate. At the crevice gap, chlorides and
materials belong to the 300 series of stainless steel alloys, pH mostly initiate corrosion by accelerating the electro-
which provide corrosion resistance in a variety of waters (e.g., chemical reaction at the corrosion site (Oldfield 1984). In
brackish waters and high free chlorine waters; Avery et al. waters of normal bulk or free solution pH (6.5–8.0 pH),
1999). Duplex stainless steel is a mixture of two structures crevice corrosion is rare for
or phases, austenite and ferrite; the higher alloyed duplex •• Type 304/304L stainless steel with exposure to up to
materials are known as the superduplex alloys (Davidson & 200 mg/L chlorides when free chlorine concentra-
Redmond 1988); these have higher corrosion resistance. Lean tions are less than 2 mg/L and
duplex materials are a series of low-alloyed duplex materials •• Type 316/316L stainless steel with exposure to up to
that offer higher strength with resistance to stress corrosion 1,000 mg/L chlorides when free chlorine concentra-
cracking that is similar to the standard austenitic grades. The tions are less than 4 mg/L.
structure and strength of precipitation-hardened materials Furthermore, the dimension of the crevice gap is critical
can be modified by heat treatment. to crevice corrosion initiation, and environmental condi-
Mechanisms of stainless steel corrosion. As mentioned tions influence the rate at which corrosion occurs, with
previously, stainless steel’s protective film is less effective crevice corrosion being less likely to occur under low-
when the oxide surface layer becomes damaged or oxygen conditions (Nickel Development Institute 1987).
scratched, which can cause corrosion in those areas. Two Pitting corrosion. Similar to crevice corrosion, pitting
main types of stainless steel corrosion are of particular corrosion creates an adjacent anode and cathode, and

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FIGURE 1 Illustration of crevice corrosion

Source: Mackey et al. 2015. © Water Research Foundation 2015. Reprinted with permission.

4e–—4 electrons, H+—hydrogen ion, HCl—hydrogen chloride, H2O—water, Mn+—metal with positive charge n, O2—oxygen, OH–—hydroxide

oxide breakdown begins in the presence of chloride ions. where protective films break down. Pitting can be initi-
Figure 2 shows a cell forming, with oxygen evolution ated at nonmetallic inclusions, such as manganese sulfide
and chloride ingress. The chloride ion from the bulk deposits, where cut ends expose these stringers (end-grain
solution penetrates the cell to form an electrochemically attack) to aggressive environments, such as those contain-
active cell environment, which can precipitate salt films ing chloride ions.
at the bottom of the pit cell, increasing the chemical For a stainless steel alloy in an aggressive water
attack there while reducing the local pH. The drop in environment, adding molybdenum, nitrogen, and chro-
local pH accelerates the corrosion attack, where a very mium improves resistance to crevice corrosion and
low pH regime inside the pit facilitates pitting (Nickel pitting corrosion.
Development Institute 1987).
At the surface of metal substrates, pitting occurs ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON CORROSION
around passive surfaces, at nonmetallic inclusions, or IN WATER TREATMENT
Microbes. Microbes are found in a variety of waters and
soils that can sometimes be deleterious to stainless steels.
Under stagnant and slow-flowing water conditions, slimes
FIGURE 2 MIC tubercule formed on a root weld
and bacterial films can attach to crevices and rough sur-
faces. Rough inside weld surfaces (root passes) result from
poor welding that causes incomplete through-wall welds,
allowing destructive microorganisms to attach.
Depending on the water source or soil characteristics,
the bacteria can be either aerobic or anaerobic and, in
some cases, can be facultative. In the initial stages, bacte-
ria form a biofilm. The biofilm can cause a biomound and
a hardened shell, or “tubercule,” to form, which is essen-
tially a concentration of microbial cells that form on
metal surfaces. Tubercules often shelter corrosive micro-
environments from the bulk process solutions that can
accumulate and accelerate the corrosion attack and
cause bulbous caverns to form in the pipe’s cross section
(Figure 2). After biomounds and tubercule(s) form,
Source: Mackey et al. 2015. © Water Research Foundation 2015.
Reprinted with permission.
anodic and cathodic sites develop, forming a corrosion
site that produces a corrosion cell.

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Soils. Like water, soil serves as an environmental the two dissimilar metallic materials. These dielectric
medium for the corrosion of stainless steel materials. In unions may include flange isolation kits that also contain
buried stainless steel, crevice corrosion, pitting, and MIC isolators to ensure that flange bolts do not contact the
attack are all common. Soil chemistry, stainless steel dissimilar metals. Other factors that can affect galvanic
alloy composition, stray current, and construction and corrosion include anode-to-cathode ratio, the presence of
fabrication practices all influence the type of corrosion aggressive ions facilitating the galvanic reaction, and
that occurs. Corrosion resistance depends mainly on the resistance to current flow in the conducting materials and
soil’s characteristics—resistivity, acidity, and chloride in the connection between them.
and sulfate content. The various nickel–chromium stainless steels can gener-
Chlorine and chloramine. Along with oxygen, chlorine is ally be coupled to one another without serious galvanic
the primary oxidant in cooling waters, potable waters, effects. However, there are two important exceptions:
and treated wastewaters. Chlorine can be added to water •• If Type 316L stainless steel is welded with Type 308L
in several forms, such as chlorine gas, liquid sodium filler metal instead of Type 316L stainless steel, the
hypochlorite, and calcium hypochlorite granules. weld metal will likely suffer severe corrosion at the
Chlorine dissociates in bulk aqueous environments to weld. The 308L type of steel with a small overall
form hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite, which are very surface area of weld versus the more passive 316L
effective for disinfection of suspended bacteria and viruses with a large area of general material body will pro-
but are not particularly effective for disinfection of bio- vide a very high cathode-to-anode ratio and result in
films. Where chlorinated solutions are alkaline, meaning a high current density. This can cause severe and
their pH values are between 7.0 and 8.5–9 (the typical rapid galvanic corrosion.
range for potable water), most stainless steels can resist •• If there are hard-facing overlays for the rotating-seal
the threat of pitting or crevice corrosion. faces of marine tail shafts, it is important to pay close
Free chlorine can react with ammonia and ammoniated attention to each alloy’s position.
compounds to form chloramines. The extent to which free Carbon in the form of graphite-containing gaskets,
chlorine converts to chloramine will affect the water’s O-ring seals, packing, and graphite-lubricated gaskets
corrosivity. As more free chlorine converts to chloramines, can initiate severe galvanic corrosion of stainless steels,
the condition is less corrosive. When combined with high which means that using graphite that is in contact with
free chlorine concentrations, chloride has a synergistic stainless steel can be problematic.
effect on corrosion. Figures 3–7 present general guidelines
for selecting different steels as a function of chlorine and CONSTRUCTION AND FABRICATION INFLUENCES
chloride concentrations, though no simple chlorine or In addition to environmental factors, construction and
chloride threshold guarantees there will not be corrosion fabrication methods can significantly influence stainless
at lower concentrations. steel’s ability to prevent corrosion. Welding methods, con-
Dissimilar metals and galvanic corrosion. Two metals tact between different metals, cleaning, passivation, and
electrically connecting with each other while immersed surface finishes may all influence the metal’s ability to form
in an aqueous environment create an electric cell that and maintain a protective chromium oxide film on its sur-
allows for galvanic corrosion to occur. The potential is face. The presence and geometry of crevices may also have
expressed as voltage. The corrosion potential (voltage an effect. Furthermore, if the material is improperly handled
value) of each metal is determined by comparing it with during delivery (i.e., handling and packing during transport)
a known standard, such as platinum or a saturated calo- or installation (i.e., handling and preparation during instal-
mel half cell (the other half being the alloy evaluated), lation), the metal surface can be damaged or contaminated.
which is typically immersed in seawater. The metal with
the highest voltage is the cathode (corrosion protected), GUIDELINES FOR SPECIFYING AND SELECTING
while the other is the sacrificial anode. The greater the STAINLESS STEEL
difference in voltage potential, the greater the driving Most stainless steel corrosion can be anticipated and
force for galvanic corrosion. avoided. Good design; appropriate material selection;
A solution’s ionic strength and electrical conductivity proper specification and control over material quality,
can also influence the system’s corrosion characteristics, fabrication, and construction methods; and correct com-
meaning high-concentration chloride solutions have missioning and operating practices can ensure a long
higher ionic strengths and electrical conductivities than service life. The following guidelines can help engineers
demineralized water solutions. The first defense for gal- and end users select, procure, and use stainless steel mate-
vanic corrosion is to prevent joining or connecting two rials to improve service life in a cost-effective way. The
dissimilar metals in the design phase; if that is not feasi- guidelines are broken into the following parts:
ble, then any other means of electrical isolation may be •• General background information and recommendations
used, such as dielectric coatings and unions. Dielectric •• Methods for specifying the quality of materials to be
unions generally consist of a plastic liner that separates incorporated into the work

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•• Methods for specifying the proper construction and to note that PREN resistance is a guideline and should
operation conditions to protect the integrity of the be considered in concert with application-specific con-
stainless steel materials ditions, such as free chlorine and chloride resistance
This organization follows the MasterFormat1 structure, data for brackish water applications.
a specification outline commonly used in the construction Conversely to wrought plate or tubular products, some
industry and by engineers developing design documents lean duplex alloys (e.g., LDX 2101, PREN = 27) are
and specifications for construction projects. To make deci- equally resistant to pitting, may be less expensive, and
sions on process changes and to determine whether existing may be more available at certain times. Allowing for
stainless steel materials are suitable, this article includes either alloy type might lower costs. Similarly, stainless
decision trees to help end users evaluate pertinent water steel cast products (e.g., valves and fittings) may be more
chemistry and material compatibility issues (Figures 3–7). available in 316 than in 304. Thus, if the designer allows
The full details and list of other specifications used to the substitution of 316 for 304, this may also reduce cost
construct this section are included in Mackey et al. (2015). or delivery time without sacrificing quality.
Part 1: general requirements. Following the commonly General service in potable water treatment. For most
used specification outline, the “general requirements” conditions in potable water service, Type 304L has ade-
section provides background information, reference stan- quate corrosion resistance as long as the surface is kept
dards, and administrative/procedural requirements for clean and free of defects. Type 316L is a more conserva-
stainless steel pipe or equipment specifications. Because tive choice, with improved corrosion resistance in the
stainless steel–containing parts can be wrought (i.e., presence of sediment and other deposits in higher concen-
formed from flat sheets of metal), extruded tubular mate- trations of residual chlorine. The designer should use
rial, cast (i.e., molten metal poured in a casting to form a nickel–chromium–molybdenum (Ni-Cr-Mo) alloys, >6%
shape), or machined, the necessary background informa- Mo stainless steels, cement-lined steel, or ductile iron pipe
tion pertinent to a purchasing specification will vary immediately downstream of chlorine or potassium per-
greatly. These general requirements are detailed in manganate injection (Avery et al. 1999).
Mackey et al. (2015). Chloride and free chlorine. The chloride concentration
Part 2: product requirements. This section describes in water is an important part of determining stainless
the quality of materials to be incorporated into the steel’s resistance to crevice corrosion. The designer should
work, including the names of acceptable manufacturers also know that the presence of oxygen significantly
where appropriate. Quality requirements may include increases the risk of crevice corrosion from chloride.
finishing techniques to use. Key design and specifica- In fully de-aerated water, much higher chloride con-
tion recommendations on a number of critical topics centrations can be tolerated. Stainless steels are gener-
are included. ally resistant to crevice corrosion in totally de-aerated
Other important product elements that should have waters, even sea­water (Avery et al. 1999). However,
corrosion resistance considered in their specifications chlorine and chlorides can have a synergistic effect,
include wall thickness, fittings and joints, fasteners, post- leading to more significant crevice corrosion at lower
fabrication surface finishing, and water or soil chemistry chloride concentrations (Avery et al. 1999). Table 1
where applicable. Detailed information on these topics contains guidelines for alloy selection based on chloride
can be found in Mackey et al. (2015). and chlorine concentrations at water temperatures typ-
Material and manufacturing. To identify the grade of ical for municipal water treatment applications.
stainless steel and manufacturing process suitable for the Even without the synergistic influence of chloride on
intended service, the designer should consider a number the ability of a free chlorine residual to accelerate cor-
of factors. One factor is whether the specifier allows the rosion, a chlorine residual in potable water can contrib-
supplier to furnish the most economical stainless steel ute to crevice corrosion. Type 304L becomes vulnerable
grade that meets requirements. For example, for wrought to crevice corrosion when long-term chlorine exposure
plate or tubular products, Type 316L (PREN = 25) is a ranges from 3 to 5 mg/L, while 316L is more resistant.
commonly specified austenitic alloy that fluctuates in Corrosion testing has shown that when 5 mg/L chlorine
price on the basis of market forces. was added to the environment, all stainless steels
The comparative pitting resistance between corrosion- tested (316L, 2205 duplex, 2507 superduplex, and
resistant alloys is established using a mathematical rela- 254SMO) were vulnerable to greater crevice corrosion
tionship based on the critical influence of key alloying attack. Table 2 presents guidelines recommended for
elements common to various stainless steel alloys. This long-term exposure to chlorine in potable water (i.e.,
mathematical relationship is known as the pitting chloride ≤250 mg/L at ambient temperatures).
resistant equivalent number, or PREN. The higher the High temperatures. The designer should consider using
PREN, the more resistant the alloy generally is to pit- heat-treated pipe (ASTM [American Society of Testing
ting. The most common definition of the PREN for- and Materials] A312) or tube (ASTM A269) rather than
mula is %Cr + 3.3 × %Mo + 16 × %N. It is important unannealed pipe or tube (ASTM A778) for materials used

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FIGURE 3 Decision tree 1: overview of material selection

1. 2X safety factor is applied to
Which Metal chloride concentraons.
Is Most 2. No safety factor applied to
Appropriate? chlorine concentraons.

Cl- < 200 mg/L Cl- < 1,000 mg/L Cl- < 10,000 mg/L
Cl2 Cl2 Cl2

Go to Figure 4 Go to Figure 5 Go to Figure 6 Go to Figure 7

Source: Mackey et al. 2015. © Water Research Foundation 2015. Reprinted with permission.

Cl–—chloride, Cl2—chlorine

FIGURE 4 Decision tree 2: for chloride concentrations <200 mg/L

1. 2x safety factor is applied to
< 200 mg/L chloride concentraons.
2. No safety factor applied to
chlorine concentraons.

Cl2 Cl2

Type Cl-
< 100 mg/L LDX 2101


Source: Mackey et al. 2015. © Water Research Foundation 2015. Reprinted with permission.

Cl–—chloride, Cl2—chlorine

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FIGURE 5 Decision tree 3: for chloride concentrations between 200 and 1,000 mg/L

1. 2x safety factor is applied to
chloride concentraons.
Cl- < 1,000 mg/L 2. No safety factor applied to
chlorine concentraons.

Cl2 Cl2

or Duplex
or LDX 2101

Source: Mackey et al. 2015. © Water Research Foundation 2015. Reprinted with permission.

Cl–—chloride, Cl2—chlorine, PREN—pitting resistant equivalent number

FIGURE 6 Decision tree 4: for chloride concentrations between 1,000 and 10,000 mg/L

1. 2x safety factor is applied to
chloride concentraons.
Cl- < 10,000 mg/L 2. No safety factor applied to
chlorine concentraons.

Cl2 Cl2

Austenic Austenic
or Duplex or Duplex

Source: Mackey et al. 2015. © Water Research Foundation 2015. Reprinted with permission.

Cl–—chloride, Cl2—chlorine, PREN—pitting resistant equivalent number

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FIGURE 7 Decision tree 5: for chloride concentrations ≥10,000 mg/L

1. 2x safety factor is applied to
chloride concentraons.
Cl- 2. No safety factor applied to
chlorine concentraons.

Cl2 = 0 mg/L Cl2 > 0 mg/L

Austenic Consult a
or Duplex Corrosion

Source: Mackey et al. 2015. © Water Research Foundation 2015. Reprinted with permission.

Cl–—chloride, Cl2—chlorine, PREN—pitting resistant equivalent number

in temperatures greater than 400°F. For temperatures •• Dual-certified material offers the material properties
greater than 800°F, consider using grades of stainless steel of extra-low-carbon stainless steel, making it suitable
other than 304L and 316L. Duplex stainless steels should for welding (flat and rolled products), with nitrogen
not be used at temperatures above 550°F to avoid sigma additions that meet the minimum mechanical proper-
phase embrittlement. ties offered by standard material.
Heat treatment of stainless steel pipe and tube. The ASTM A312 covers heat-treated pipe for austenitic
designer must choose between unannealed or annealed (heat- stainless steel, and ASTM A790 covers heat-treated
treated) stainless steel products, which are both allowed by pipe for ferritic–austenitic (duplex) stainless steels.
AWWA C220 (AWWA 2012). ASTM A778 covers un­­ The companion standards for heat-treated fittings are
annealed pipe and tube, including tubular products with ASTM A403 (austenitic) and ASTM A890 (duplex).
outside diameters between 3 and 48 in. as well as nominal The outside diameter and wall thickness dimensions
wall thicknesses between 0.062 and 0.500 in. ASTM A778 are defined by ASME B36.19. More stainless steel
also covers tubular products with other diameters or wall alloys are covered by these standards, including all the
thicknesses as long as they meet the rest of the standard’s extra-low-carbon grades included in ASTM A778.
requirements. ASTM A778 is the prevalent pipe standard Characteristics of heat-treated pipe and fittings are
used in the water industry and is adequate for most general as follows:
service applications. The standard allows for field welding •• Heat-treated pipe is typically more expensive than
and modification without subsequent heat treatment. unannealed pipe and fittings.
Characteristics of unannealed pipes and fittings are •• Field welding requires post-weld field annealing to
as follows: preserve corrosion protection for standard grade
•• Unannealed pipe is typically less expensive than heat- materials like 304 and 316. This is further reason to
treated pipe and is often the first choice if it meets use low-carbon or dual-grade materials (e.g., 304L,
the application’s requirements. 304/304L, 316L, and 316/316L).
•• Unannealed pipe and fitting material usage is ASTM A269 covers heat-treated tubes made of austen-
restricted to extra-low-carbon alloys in the 300 series itic alloys. Tubing for special high-temperature applications
(e.g., 304L, 316L) and dual-certified material (e.g., is covered by ASTM A249. ASTM A789, A790, A928,
304/304L, 316/316L). and A358 cover additional grades of ferritic–austenitic

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TABLE 1 Guidelines for alloy selection based on chloride and chlorine concentration

Service Stainless Steel Grade Pipe Manufacturing Process

For low chloride water service with chloride concentrations <200 mg/L and/or free chlorine <2 mg/L at ambient temperatures
Piping ≥3-in. NPS Type 304L stainless steel in accordance In accordance with ASTM A778
with ASTM A240
Piping <3-in. NPS Type 304L stainless steel in accordance In accordance with ASTM A312
with ASTM A240
Chloride concentrations <1,000 mg/L and/or free chlorine <4 mg/L at ambient temperatures
Piping ≥3-in. NPS Type 316L or LDX 2101 stainless steel in accordance Type 316L in accordance with ASTM A778
with ASTM A240
Type LDX 2101 in accordance with ASTM A790
Piping <3-in. NPS Type 316L or LDX 2101 stainless steel in accordance Type 316L in accordance with ASTM A312
with ASTM A240
Type LDX 2101 in accordance with ASTM A790
Chloride concentrations between 1,000 and 10,000 mg/L
All piping diameters No free chlorine at ambient temperatures; austenitic or In accordance with ASTM A312, ASTM A790, or
duplex grades of material with PREN > 33 ASTM A928

Free chlorine <5 mg/L at ambient temperatures; aus- In accordance with ASTM A312, ASTM A778, ASTM
tenitic or duplex grades of material with PREN ≥43a A790, or ASTM A928

Brackish water, seawater, and other waters with chloride concentrations between 10,000–20,000 mg/L and no free chlorine present
All piping diameters Austenitic and duplex grades of material with PREN > 43 In accordance with ASTM A312, ASTM A790, or
Chloride concentrations greater than 20,000 mg/L and no free chlorineb
All piping diameters Austenitic and duplex grades of material with PREN > 45 In accordance with ASTM A312, ASTM A790, or
ASTM—American Society of Testing and Materials, NPS—nominal pipe size, PREN—pitting resistant equivalent number

aSignificant corrosion was observed at low chlorine concentrations for duplex stainless steel with PREN = 34. Significantly higher PREN-value steel may be
  warranted. Zeron 100 or similar high-PREN alloy may also be suitable.
bCombined chloride–free chlorine data are not available. Consult with a corrosion specialist when choosing materials for such conditions.

(duplex) stainless steels. The companion standards for descaled, passivated, and shipped to the field for assembly.
heat-treated fittings are ASTM A403 (austenitic) and Quality control issues, such as maintaining a protective
ASTM A890 (duplex). inert gas shield and ensuring full penetration welds
Welded joints. This discussion is restricted to circumfer- (Figure 8), are typically more difficult in the field. Post-weld
ential weld joints used to connect pipe sections and fittings. treatment to remove weld heat tint oxide is also difficult.
Ideally, welding should be limited to shop welding when The designer should note the following minimum weld
fabricating piping sections. The fabricated sections are then fabrication requirements for drinking water service:
•• Use full-penetration welds, free of cracks, overlaps,
and cold laps.
•• Limit misalignment for manual welds to 1∕16 in. or
TABLE 2 Guidelines for alloy selection based on
half the wall thickness, whichever is less.
chlorine concentration in potable water
•• Limit weld reinforcement and root convexity to 1∕16
in. or agreed-upon limit.
Alloy Performance •• Limit undercut to 1∕32 in. or 10% of base metal thick-
Type 304L Acceptable for service where residual ness, whichever is less.
stainless steel chlorine in solution is ≤2 mg/L at
ambient temperatures. Cleaning. Cleaning includes all operations necessary
Type 316L Acceptable for service where residual to remove surface contaminants from stainless steel.
stainless steel chlorine in solution is ≤4 mg/L at These operations are performed to achieve maximum
ambient temperatures.
corrosion resistance of the metal, to minimize product
Alloy with For residual chlorine concentration >4
PREN > 33 mg/L, seek the advice of a metallurgist contamination, and to achieve the desired appearance
or corrosion consultant. (ASTM A380).
PREN—pitting resistant equivalent number Visual inspection at the job site should confirm that
stainless steel items are free of paint, oil, grease, welding

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flux, slag, heat-treating and hot-forming scale, dirt, trash, The designer should specify that stainless steel materi-
metal and abrasive particles and chips, and other gross als will be passivated after fabrication in accordance with
contamination. Dust may be present on exterior surfaces ASTM A380 with final cleaning per ASTM A380 Table
but should not be on interior surfaces (ASTM A380). A2.1, Part II, and in accordance with ASTM A967. The
Descaling. Descaling removes heavy, tightly adherent specified finish requirement should be to remove free
oxide films caused by hot-forming, heat treatment, weld- iron; to heat-tint oxides, weld scale, and other impurities;
ing, and other high-temperature operations. Descaling can and to obtain a passive finished surface.
be mechanical or chemical, which is referred to as “pick- Electropolishing. Electropolishing is a form of passiv-
ling” (ASTM A380). Mechanical grinding is an effective ation used occasionally in water industry applications in
way to remove localized scale, such as the scale produced which fabricated stainless steel materials are the anode for
from welding (ASTM A380). a current passed through an acid electrolyte. Performed
Most pickling solutions will loosen weld and heat- before cleaning and descaling, electropolishing smooths,
treating scale but may not remove them completely. As a polishes, deburrs, and cleans stainless steel parts, resulting
result, the designer should use intermittent scrubbing as in a smooth, high-luster finish. Electropolishing is not,
required to ensure a completely cleaned surface. The however, the same as mechanical polishing, which results
designer should avoid over-pickling after any chemical in a mirror-like finish. It is also less expensive than mechan-
descaling treatment and thoroughly rinse and water-jet ical polishing. Electropolishing offers the following benefits:
spray the component to remove excess acid before it can •• It greatly reduces the potential for MIC because it is
cause acid attack on the base metal (ASTM A380). more difficult for bacteria to adhere well to the
Preventing or removing all heat tint from welds is smooth surface.
critical when maximum resistance to MIC or crevice •• It provides a higher level of corrosion resistance in
corrosion is required (Tuthill 1994). ASTM standards high-chloride (and high-chlorine) environments such
require pipe and fittings to be free of scale; however, as brackish and seawater RO applications.
they do not explicitly require that all heat tint be •• It forces the installer to “respect” the pipe, because
removed. AWWA C220 (AWWA 2012) requires that “the abuse and damage, which will likely cause corrosion,
pipe shall be free from scale and contaminating iron easily show.
particles. Contaminating iron particles and heat tint •• The polished look is aesthetically attractive and
shall be removed . . .”. In the heat-affected zone (HAZ) enhances the appearance of the finished facility.
of welds, heat tint is scale and, if this standard is not Source quality control. Establishing specifications to hold
included, the specification should include a requirement materials to the defined standards is a critical first step in
similar to the AWWA C220 language.
The designer should specify that stainless steel materi-
als will be descaled after fabrication in accordance with
FIGURE 8 Full penetration weld fabrication examples
ASTM A380, including the use of nitric-hydrofluoric acid
per ASTM A380 Table A2.1, Part I, or should be cleaned
with citric acid per ASTM A380 Table A2.1, Part III.
Passivation. The term “passivation” is commonly
applied to several different operations or processes relat-
ing to stainless steels. Unless otherwise specified, this
definition of passivation is taken to mean a specified
requirement for passivation under ASTM A380 (see
§ There are three potential definitions of the
term, as defined in ASTM A380:
•• Removal of exogenous iron or iron compounds
from the surface of a stainless steel by means of a
chemical dissolution
•• The process by which a stainless steel will spontane-
ously form a chemically inactive surface when exposed
to air or other oxygen-containing environments.
•• Chemical treatment with a mild oxidant, such as a
nitric acid solution, to enhance spontaneous forma-
tion of the protective passive film
Passivation does not indicate the separate process of des-
caling, including pickling, although descaling may be neces- Source: Mackey et al. 2015. © Water Research Foundation 2015.
sary before passivation can be effective. To avoid ambiguity, Reprinted with permission.
the designer should precisely define the intended meaning.

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minimizing stainless steel corrosion. Once the specifications Field quality control. Pipe should be visually in­
are in place, the manufacturer can provide written certifica- spected for welding defects such as crevices, pits, cracks,
tion under the requirements of the governing standard that protrusions, and oxidation deposits. Any defects should
the materials conform to the standard’s requirements. be repaired. Additionally, welds in liquid oxygen and
To protect the stainless steel surface’s integrity, the follow- ozone service piping should be examined and inspected
ing shipping and handling procedures are recommended: in accordance with ASME B31.3.
•• Encapsulate all flanges and pipe ends in dense foam. Protection. Following these rules provides suitable
•• Securely strap all elements to pallets with nylon protection that preserves the appearance and finish of
straps. Using metallic straps should be prohibited. stainless steel:
•• Cap ends of tube, pipe, fittings, and valves with non- •• Do not allow bare cables, chains, hooks, metal bars,
metallic plugs. or skids to come in contact with stainless steel.
•• Load pallets so no stainless steel material bears the •• Store stainless steel materials away from other
weight of pallets above. metals.
•• Have the purchaser inspect materials on delivery and •• Do not store stainless steel materials in contact with
reject material because of improper shipping methods the ground.
or damage during shipment. •• Do not store stainless steel outside without protec-
Part 3: execution requirements. Design. Stainless steel tion, such as plastic wrap.
failures in drinking water applications due to MIC are •• Do not use wrapping or protection that might absorb
common. High-chloride services, such as brackish water and stain the surface of the stainless steel, such
water, seawater, and RO concentrate applications, also as cardboard.
pose special corrosion challenges for stainless steel. •• With electropolished stainless steel, use disposable
Thus, the design must provide ways to avoid condi- latex gloves or an equivalent. Do not handle with
tions that promote MIC and provide resistance to bare hands or gloves contaminated with oils, metals,
chloride-crevice corrosion, pitting, and stress corrosion or other materials.
cracking. Helpful design recommendations include Decision trees for selecting stainless steel materials for
the following: drinking water. The decision trees presented in Figures 3–7
•• Avoid stagnant water conditions. Drain promptly and serve as guidelines for selecting stainless steel for differ-
completely after completing hydrostatic testing and ent free chlorine–chloride environments. It is important
shutting down the facility. to note that the use of these guidelines does not guaran-
•• Design stainless steel pipe systems and vessels so they tee that selecting steels according to these decision trees
drain completely. will prevent corrosion. However, like the specification
•• Avoid dead legs, low points, and areas that cannot be guidelines presented in the previous sections, these deci-
drained completely. sion trees are based on the best available science to
•• Use reference standards and specify practices that minimize corrosion.
require full-penetration welds with smooth internal
•• Require post-field weld descaling and passivation. Without readily available resources that help engineers
•• Consider the use of electropolished stainless steel in understand the right ways to select stainless steel materi-
areas or applications susceptible to MIC or high als and to specify appropriate construction methods,
chloride concentrations. stainless steel will continue to be misapplied, leading to
•• Select stainless steel materials with an appropriate premature corrosion. The recommendations included in
PREN for the chloride concentration using the guide- this article arm engineers and operators with the right
lines provided in this section or seek expert advice. tools for avoiding misapplication, helping them preserve
•• Provide isolation between dissimilar metals to elimi- stainless steel conveyance systems.
nate galvanic corrosion. When selecting a stainless steel, engineers must define
Field welding. Writing specifications that prohibit field the various environments existing in different areas of
welding wherever possible is strongly recommended. If the process equipment, piping, and conveyance systems,
there are compelling reasons to permit field welding, fol- including chlorides, pH, free chlorine in solution, bacte-
lowing these guidelines is suggested: ria, and temperature. Engineers must also consider envi-
•• Require that all field welding complies with the same ronments that occur during idling, startup, normal
requirements as shop fabrication welding and post- operations, and shutdown conditions within treatment
weld finish treatment. and conveyance facilities. Furthermore, once the stain-
•• Require that 100% of field welds are subject to less steel is specified and manufactured, proper care over
radiographic testing. This requirement may be its shipping, installation, and operation must be taken
relaxed after a statistically significant number of field to protect the integrity of the stainless steel materials to
welds are demonstrated to be acceptable. minimize corrosion.

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2017 © American Water Works Association

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ASTM, 2016. ASTM Standard A789: Standard Specification for
The authors gratefully acknowledge Stephen Lamb’s Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for
General Service. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.
contributions to the report this article is based on. This work
was co-sponsored by the Water Research Foundation and
ASTM, 2016. ASTM Standard A790: Standard Specification for
the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation through its project sponsor,
Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe.
Eastern Municipal Water District. Funding was also pro- ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa. https://doi.
vided by The Nickel Institute and Corrosion Probe, Inc. org/10.1520/A0790_A0790M-16.
WRF, USBR. These entities assume no responsibility for the ASTM, 2015. ASTM Standard A269: Standard Specification for
content of the research study reported in this publication or Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for
for the opinions or statements of fact expressed in the report; General Service. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.
any mention of trade names for commercial products does
not represent or imply their approval or endorsement. ASTM, 2015. ASTM Standard A358: Standard Specification for Electric-
Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Pipe
for High-Temperature Service and General Applications. ASTM
ENDNOTE International, West Conshohocken, Pa.
1MasterFormat®, Construction Specifications Institute, Alexandria, Va.
ASTM, 2014. ASTM Standard A403: Standard Specification for Wrought
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Fittings. ASTM International, West
Erin D. Mackey is a supervising Conshohocken, Pa.
engineer at Brown and Caldwell, 201 ASTM, 2014. ASTM Standard A928: Standard Specification for Ferritic/
N. Civic Dr., Ste. 300, Walnut Creek, Austenitic (Duplex) Stainless Steel Pipe Electric Fusion Welded
CA 94526 USA; emackey@brwncald. with Addition of Filler Metal. ASTM International, West
com. She is a technical specialist in Conshohocken, Pa.
drinking water and reuse and leads ASTM, 2013. ASTM Standard A380: Standard Practice for Cleaning,
the Northern California One Water Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment,
and Systems. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.
practice for Brown and Caldwell.
Thomas F. Seacord is vice-president and chief
ASTM, 2013. ASTM Standard A890: Standard Specification for
technologist for desalination at Carollo Engineers,
Castings, Iron-Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum Corrosion-
12592 W. Explorer Dr., Ste. 200, Boise, ID 83713 USA; Resistant, Duplex (Austenitic/Ferritic) for General Application. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa. https://doi.
org/10.1520/A0890_A0890M. ASTM, 2013. ASTM Standard A967: Standard Specification for Chemical
Passivation Treatments for Stainless Steel Parts. ASTM International,
West Conshohocken, Pa.
Date of submission: 08/10/2016 REFERENCES
Date of acceptance: 12/21/2016 Avery, R.E.; Lamb, S.; Powell, C.A.; & Tuthill, A.H., 1999. Stainless Steel
for Potable Water Treatment Plants. Technical paper, May 1999
RESOURCES Series Paper #10087. The Nickel Institute, Toronto.
ASME (American Society for Mechanical Engineers), 2009. ASME AWWA, 2012. AWWA C220-12 Stainless-Steel Pipe, 1/2 in. (13 mm) and
Standard B31.3, Process Piping Guide. ASME, New York. Larger. AWWA, Denver.
ASME, 2004. ASME Standard B36.19, Stainless Steel Pipe. ASME, Davidson, R.M. & Redmond, J.D., 1988. Practical Guide to Using 6 Mo
New York. Austenitic Stainless Steel: NiDI Technical Series #10 032. The
ASTM, 2016. ASTM A249: Standard Specification for Welded Austenitic Nickel Institute, Toronto.
Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes. Kain, R.M.; Tuthill, A.H.; & Hoxie, E.C., 1984. The Resistance of Type 304
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10.1520/A0249_A0249M-16A. Journal of Materials for Energy Systems, 5:4:205.
ASTM, 2016. ASTM Standard A312: Standard Specification for Mackey, E.D.; Seacord, T.F.; & Lamb, S., 2015. Guidelines for the Use of
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Steel Pipes. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa. https:// Research Foundation, Denver.
Nickel Development Institute, 1987. Guidelines for the Selection of
ASTM, 2016. ASTM Standard A403: Standard Specification for Wrought Stainless Steels for Marine Environments Natural Waters and
Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings. ASTM International, Brines, Publ. N 11003. The Nickel Institute, Toronto, Ont.
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Oldfield, J., 1984. Prediction of Crevice Corrosion Resistance of Stainless
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