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Business Modelling of IPTV Operators: 1.1 Value of ICT Services

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Business modelling of IPTV operators

Ernst Nordström
Ernst Consulting & Education

1. Introduction
1.1 Value of ICT services

Traditional ICT systems provide basic value for most people, such as radio, TV, telephony,
and Internet data. ICT systems introduced the last 20 years provide extra value beyond the
basic value. A service with extra value is often referred to as value-added service. The extra
value spurs the subscriber to use their system more and allows the operator to drive up their
average revenue per user (ARPU). ICT systems with a more pronounced extra value
automatically gets a larger customer base. In some case (Irridium satellite mobile) the extra
value is not large enough to support a positive business case, and these services will disappear
from the market. Experts in the field tend to believe that to become successful, IPTV
operators must offer significant extra value compared to other DTV options such as DVB-T,
DVB-S and DVB-C.

1.2 IPTV players

IPTV players include telecommunication operators (telcos), equipment providers, and content
providers. Telco operators are expected to directly provide IPTV service to subscribers, in
which the operator takes the role of a service provider. In addition, operators may indirectly
support IPTV services by through the provision of network services over common data
networks, in which case the operator takes the role of a network provider. Equipment
providers include manufactures of IPTV network devices, and IPTV terminal devices.
Content providers include both major media producers, such as motion picture studios, as well
as other professional and amateur content originators, such as participants in peer-to-peer
content sharing.

2. Business planning
2.1 Definition

A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are
believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background
information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals. A business plan
presents the calculation of the financial indicators that enable the managers to evaluate the
financial performances of an enterprise in order to take best decisions for the overall
operation. Due to the high number of alternatives today and the need to find economical
feasibility in competition, the business evaluations are being used not only for the business
plan itself but as an iterative evaluation of those techno-economical alternatives to select the
ones that perform better in the competitive market.
A business plan summarises the results of the planning process:

• the objectives to reach (subscribers demand, sales)
• the future revenues expected from the plan and per service class;
• the planned expenses (investment and operations) as overall and per service class;
• the accounting statements and the financial indicators characterising the profitability
of the project.

Different types of business plans are possible:

• strategic business plans for evaluating a strategy:
o aid for making internal decisions for the whole company (strategic guidelines
at the national level, all markets)
• tactical business plans for specific projects:
o aid for making internal decisions for a particular area, or a market segment
• short term business plans for management control:
o aid for monitoring the implementation of projects
o preparation and follow-up of budgets

Figure 1. Relation between technical, business and operational plans (ITU-T,2008).

3. Business models
3.1 Definition

A business model is a framework for creating economic, social, and/or other forms of value.
The term business model is thus used for a broad range of informal and formal descriptions to
represent core aspects of a business, including purpose, offerings, strategies, infrastructure,
organizational structures, trading practices, and operational processes and policies.
(Chesbrough, 2002) states “a successful business model creates a heuristic logic that connects
technical potential with the realization of economic value”.
(Timmers, 1998) defines “a business model is architecture for the product, service,
information flows, including a description of various business actors and their roles, a
description of potential benefits for various actors, and a description of the sources of
(ECOSYS, 2004) proposes “Business model consist of service and information flows,
including a description of various business players, their roles and relationships, their relative
position within a value network and description of their cost structure and sources of

revenue.” This definition does not specify company internal value chains and competitive
strategies involved.
(Bouwman, 2008) states that “The business model concept in the STOF framework is defined
as a blueprint of how a network of cooperating organizations can create and capture value
from new innovative services”. The STOF model consists of four domains, namely the service
domain, the technology domain, the organisation domain, and the financial domain, each of
which interacts with the others and is affected by market dynamics, technological
developments and regulation.

The following set of parameters can act as a preliminary list for comparing two or more
business models aiming to provide similar value to a customer.
• Value to the end-user: quality, quantity, pricing and ease of access
• Complexity and coordination level: number of players and associated roles
• Power dynamics: players have different bargaining power
• Choice of technologies: architectural complexity, evolution path, scalability,
• Regulation: check relationships in business models with regulatory rules

In order to assess the relative bargaining power of a player in a relationship, the following
parameters should be considered. Here, the unit of analysis is a player.
• Nature of roles taken by player: a key role gives greater ability to control the value
• Number of roles: a larger number of roles gives greater control over the value network
• Number of customers: a larger number gives greater power
• Number of suppliers: a larger number gives greater power
• Number of substitutes: a larger number gives greater competition and weaker
bargaining power

Figure 2: STOF model (Bouwman, 2008).

3.1 Value models

In order to generate revenue the company needs to offer some benefit (value) to the
customers. Such value is derived from the operations, collaboration, or cooperation between
the actors involved in its creation, distribution and consumption. Both customer’s and
provider’s perspective are taken into account (consumer’s value and company’s value). From
the company’s perspective, defining a customer’s value is an intrinsic component of a
business model.
An important ingredient when designing a business model is to create a value model. The
value model consists of:
• Value proposition includes identification of the key value drivers and elements,
which enable the company to differentiate itself from the competitors, and
• Value configurations includes network of partners, which describe how the value is
created, who contribute to it (i.e. relationships), and how it is distributed and finally,
consumed. Value configurations reflect different value creation logics.

Each value configuration creates value by combining value elements and is enabled by value
drivers. The selection of relevant value elements depends on the given business
Probably the most used value configuration is a value chain; it originates in the
manufacturing economy (supply chain theory) and essentially encapsulates a set of
interconnected activities that bring a value/product/service to the market. Initially introduced
by Porter, it was used within a company to analyse the production, identify the activities and
linkages between the activities, and determine the transaction cost. The idea is further
generalised and applied to the complete industry, where a linear combination of several values
chains is observed—not only company’s value chain, but also value chains for suppliers and
customers. Such a combination of value chains constitutes a value system.
Value network configuration was proposed to depict a value configuration suitable for the
“mediator” industries. Examples of companies running such business include telecom
operators, banks, insurance companies, travel brokers. These industries are operating so that
single companies configure themselves (and its infrastructure) to mediate interactions and
exchanges across a network of their customers. The value network configuration helps tracing
the value flows relevant for the telecom industry (both tangible and intangible value

Figure 3. Value network of IPTV (Bouwman, 2008).

3.2 Portfolio models

The set of products/services offered by a company is called portfolio. The portfolio conveys
the value proposition of the company. In order to design a successful portfolio, the value
drivers of the business sector needs to be identified. To maintain its market position over time,
every company needs continuous research & development to evaluate prospects for new
products/services that can replace or extend the current portfolio.
Some companies, e.g. AT&T, ask user groups for suggestions of features of new services and
applications. Apple (S. Jobs) tend to rely more on experts for innovation of successful
services and applications.
Careful R&D on new technology, customer behaviour, market trends, etc. is necessary but not
sufficient for the portfolio to become successful. A second major requirement is an accurate
economic model of the prospects of the portfolio. Before any new item is launched its
expected impact on the profitability needs to be assessed. The demand from customers is
critically dependent on the functionality, quality and price of the portfolio. Advanced
functionality and high quality is not a guarantee for a large demand. If the long-term profit
gain is not large enough the profit expansion should be avoided.
Different customers segments have different needs and may respond to the offered portfolio
differently. Services that are classified as must-have services by some segments may generate
little demand from other segments. To sustain a positive business case, the portfolio content
needs to be differentiated, meaning that some of the offered value should be relatively unique
on the market. Some customers needs to explore a new service several times, to become
motivated users. The willingness to pay for technology and services normally decays with the
age of the customer.

Figure 4. Business model structure for planning (ITU-T, 2008).

3.3 Pricing models

We can identify three types of price discrimination. With first degree price discrimination
(also called personalized pricing), the supplier charges each user a different price for each unit
of the service and obtains the maximum profit what it would be possible for him to extract.
The consumers of his services are forced to pay right up to the level at which their consumer

surpluses are zero. In second degree price discrimination, the monopolist is not allowed to
tailor his offer to each customer separately. Instead he posts a set of offers and then each
customers can choose the offer he likes best. Prices are nonlinear, being defined for different
quantities. A supplier who offers ‘quantity discounts’ is employing this type of price
discrimination. Of course his profit is clearly less than he can obtain with first degree price
discrimination. The idea of third degree price discrimination is market segmentation. By
market segment we mean a class of customers. Customers in the same class pay the same
price, but customers in different classes are charges differently. This is perhaps the most
common form of price discrimination.
Service bundling is an example of second degree price discrimination that is popular among
IPTV operators. Service bundling is believed to have a positive impact on ARPU and
customer churn. The triple play service package includes telephony, Internet data, and IPTV.
The price for the triple play package is lower than the price for the sum of individual services.
Factors to consider the design of pricing scheme include technology risks, availability of
resources, competition, supplier and consumer behaviour, and political factors.
Any new technology has risks associated with unexpected costs, compatibility problems,
immature standards, arrival of new and better solutions, etc. Risk of system failure may be
estimated by reliability theory.
Resource consumption in a telecom network may be evaluated by mathematical modelling
followed by analysis and/or simulation. The network capacity (transmission speeds, buffer
memory) needed to provide a desired QoS for a given traffic demand may be calculated from
probability models of network traffic. The behaviour of the network can be described by a
continuous-time, discrete-state Markov process. It is shown in (Paschalidis, 2002) that
although dynamic (state-dependent) pricing policy is optimal, static pricing can come very
close to optimality and that a single price parameter (volume charge) may suffice, especially
when typical calls are relatively small. This leads to the familiar time-of-day pricing policies.
We also saw that a revenue-maximizing provider may set substantially different prices for two
services even if they have very similar resource requirements. This is consistent to what is
happening in other industries (e.g., in air travel all passengers receive essentially the same
service but can pay very different prices).
The market dynamics under monopoly, perfect competition and oligopoly may be modelled
and analysed with various mathematical tools. An excellent example is game theory which
was first studied in the context of oligopoly markets by Cournot, and Bertrand in the 19th
century. The work by Neumann and Nash laid the foundation of the field of game theory in
the mid 20th century. Game theory is today an established part of econometrics.
The choices made by suppliers and consumers dictates the supply and demand on the market.
Both suppliers and consumers aim at maximising the benefit or surplus they receive. The
suppliers aim at maximising the profit, which is the difference between revenue and cost. The
consumers aim at maximising the consumer surplus, which is the difference between
consumer utility (or willingness to pay) and price.
The regulators monitor the market and may take actions against unfair pricing, barriers
against fair competition, cartel formation, etc. Regulators implement the political policies
chosen by the government. Regulators normally attempt to maximise the welfare of the
market players, i.e. total benefit (surplus) of all suppliers and consumers.

3.4 Demand models
New customers arrive to the DTV market at a characteristic rate Λ [customers/day]. The
customers choose among the available operator firms with the objective of maximizing their
own net benefit or consumer surplus, defined as the difference between the maximum
willingness to pay (or utility) and the price for the service. The customers are shared among
the available DTV operators according to customers’ perception of offered functionality,
quality, and price.
A rich body of experimental research in mathematical psychology says that consumers choose
brands in an inherently probabilistic way. Random-utility models (RUMs) are based on a
probabilistic model of individual customer utility. They are useful for several reasons. First,
probabilistic models can be used to represent heterogeneity of preference among a population
of customers. Second, can also model uncertainty in choice outcomes due to the inability of
the firm to observe all the relevant variables affecting a given customer’s choice including
intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Finally, the econometrician typically does not the true
functional form for the utility function.

3.5 Revenue models

The revenue model states how to generate revenue from customers. On Internet, business
models are often based on advertising and free usage, possibly extended with a premium
model that gives extra content at some minor fee. Future advertising systems will be directed,
interactive and personalized. Subscribers will have possibility to respond the commercials
presented at the TV screen. They can ask for information that are relevant to their specific
interests. The DTV system can learn the preferences of each subscriber and present
personalized commercials. Intelligent advertising may be implemented by a learning system
based on AI techniques (Aghasaryan, 2008). The next generation advertising systems have
great promise to change peoples’ behaviour and attitudes towards TV commercials.
Revenue sources for DTV players include payment for services, content, rental of customer
premise equipment, and advertising. The demand from customers and the pricing of services
determine the amount of revenue. DTV players may implement revenue sharing with some
other player(s), in order to establish stable revenue streams and reduce the risk taking. For
example, the operator may share the revenue with content providers including major media
producers, and other professional and amateur content originators.

3.6 Cost models

Cost modelling provides input information for several kinds of decisions. Knowing the cost
per service is very important for pricing decisions, benchmarking, profitability analysis,
simulation for possible introductions of new technology or services etc. It is necessary that the
cost modelling and allocation process is performed as correct and fair as possible.
Economies of scale are defined as a reduction in the cost per unit resulting from increased
production, realized through operational efficiencies. The average cost per unit will decline
when more service units are offered. The cost of providing bandwidth for all services over
one network will be less than the sum of the costs of providing bandwidth for each service
over a separate network.
Economies of scope are when the cost of performing multiple business functions
simultaneously proves more efficient than performing each business function independently.

They have a positive effect on service costs as a result of usage of same technology. Due to
the reduced number of network-technologies used in the converged network, cost of
installation, reparation and maintenance will be smaller than in a not-converged network. This
effect, however, is more difficult to measure.
Costs are divided into capital expenditures (CapEx) and operating expenditures (OpEx).
CapEx costs contribute to the fixed infrastructure of the company and they are depreciated
over time. They are needed to expand the services to the customers. OpEx costs do not
contribute to the infrastructure itself and consequently are not subject to deprecation.
Variable costs are expenses that change in proportion to the activity of a business. In other
words, variable cost is the sum of marginal costs. It can also be considered normal costs.
Along with fixed costs, variable costs make up the two components of total cost. Not all
variable costs are direct costs, however; for example, variable manufacturing overhead costs
are variable costs that are not a direct costs, but indirect costs.Variable costs are sometimes
called unit-level costs as they vary with the number of units produced. Fixed costs are
business expenses that are not dependent on the activities of the business. They tend to be
time-related, such as salaries or rents being paid per month. This is in contrast to variable
costs, which are volume-related (and are paid per quantity.)
The direct costs are expenses that would not have been made if the product/service where not
produced. Shared costs are defined as cost of the usage of resources which are shared
amongst several processes/services. They can be divided in a fair way, e.g. according to
bandwidth usage. Joint costs refer to costs of resources which are inherent to each other
whereby providing the first resource will also provide the second resource and vice versa.
Common costs are defined a joint costs for which the resources are not directly associated to
the product or services sold. They are mainly seen as overhead.
Two approaches can be followed for allocating costs to the different services, dependent on
the considered starting point of the network modelling process. The first approach, top-down
method, an attempt is done to reduce the unaccounted-for common cost. One way to do this
is to refine accounting records, keeping more information on how the common cost is
generated. The cost of existing equipment is allocated to the elements needed to deliver the
service, through the use of cost drivers. Depending on the different cost bases, different costs
per service can be revealed. The second approach, the bottom-up method, each stand-alone
cost is computed from a model of the most efficient facility that specializes in the production
of that one product, using current technology.
A bottom-up method is, due to its characteristics particularly recommendable for regulatory
studies, because it is independent of the operator’s information, and it is also of interested for
operators to study and decide upon networks deployment.
Once all the processes have been described and costs have been categorized and assigned,
different types of costs per service can be calculated through different methodologies. The
first method is the Stand Alone Cost (SAC). It considers the cost per service as if there was
only one service offered. All shared/joint costs and common costs are added to the direct costs
of the considered service and are allocated to that service. The SAC is the highest cost level
the service can reach. This method is only used in a top-down approach to determine an upper
bound for the cost of a service. The Fully Allocated Cost (FAC) method allocates all costs to
all services. Direct costs are directly attributed to each cost consuming service, shared/joint
costs and common costs through cost drivers. This method can be used for top-down as well
as bottom-up approach. The hardest part when using this cost base is to find the right driver
for all costs. The Incremental Cost (IC) method only measures the change in total costs
when a substantial and discrete increment or decrement on output is generated. This

increment can be a newly offered service, but also an increase in output of one service. A well
known methodology to measure increment costs is through Long Run Incremental Costing
(LRIC). Long run implies that when a large increment occurs, capacity can be expanded.
Economies of scale will be playing an important role in the allocation of shared/joint cost,
resulting in a smaller part of the attributed costs than in FAC. The LRIC method is mainly
used with the bottom-up approach.

4. Revenue management of DTV operators

The fundamental question for the DTV industry is how to make DTV systems attractive
for the subscribers and profitable for operators. Revenue management aims at increasing the
revenue and thereby the profit via adjustments of the offered portfolio and service pricing
The first question is how to make the DTV offer attractive to subscribers. The Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) is intended to explain and predict the acceptance and use of
information technology (Kuo, 2009). Customers select operators based on comparison of
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived cost. The perceived usefulness and
the perceived ease of use are functions of the functionality (service, application and content
portfolio) and its quality (QoE). The perceived cost is a function of the price of the service.
The acceptance of IPTV is motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic TAM factors (Shin,
2007). Intrinsic factors include control and interactivity and extrinsic factors include special
individualized service and interoperability with other services.
Perceived QoS, known as Quality of Experience (QoE) in IPTV terminology, reflects the
customer’s experience of equipment quality, human factors, environment factors, and
transport quality. In the context of telecommunications networks is a purely subjective
measure from the user’s perspective of the overall value of the service provided.
The second question is how to make the DTV business case profitable for operators.
Experts in the field tend to believe that to become successful, IPTV operators must offer
significant extra value compared to other DTV alternatives. From a customer point of view,
the meaningful differences between alternative DTV offerings are functionality, quality and
price. The cost for expansion of the portfolio includes direct and shared costs for upgrading
head ends, middleware and subscriber equipment.
Services such as VoD, NVoD, tsTV and HDTV will become basic DTV functionality in the
future. Pioneering applications and a large mix of BTV and VoD content may be needed to
differentiate a IPTV operator on the market. Demand for portfolio components is likely to be
long-tailed (Andersson, 2006). Popular components can subsidise less popular components.
Today the largest IPTV operators offer 300 BTV channels and 10,000 VoD titles.
IPTV operators today tend to use simple pricing models for BTV and VoD services. For
example, TeliaSonera use a flat rate pricing scheme for the BTV service and a popularity-
based pricing scheme for the VoD service. In the future IPTV operators may use more
advanced pricing schemes, including time-of-day, congestion- or auction-based pricing
schemes. Factors to consider in the design of pricing scheme include technology risks,
availability of resources, competition, supplier and consumer behaviour, and political factors.
Knowledge of the price-demand function is a essential when formulating efficient pricing

5. Competition models

5.1 Roles of incumbents and new operators

An incumbent will most often seek to introduce innovations which complement its existing
portfolio of services. This applies in a monopoly situation as well as in a situation where
competitors have entered the market. New operators, on the other hand, will have a bigger
incentive to introduce technologies potentially substituting for existing solutions. This is a
theme lately popularized in the discussions on sustaining vs. disruptive innovations, where the
new wireless technologies have been a case in point as presumably disruptive technologies.
New wireless technologies will be introduced in the markets as means to compete with the
incumbent operators. However, it also turns out that incumbents are often able to adopt new
technologies even if they potentially substitute for some of the products in their existing
portfolio. This happens, for instance, when under pressure from new operators offering new
technology solutions.
However, as a starting point there is no doubt that incumbents will have a tendency to
implement new technology solutions which complement their product portfolios, while new
operators will have a greater incentive to market new technologies that will substitute for the
existing offers on the market. This also means that not only will competition enhance
innovative market offerings; innovations will also increase competition. There is thus a two-
way interrelationship between competition and innovation.

5.2 Bertrand model

The competition can be described as a multi-product oligopoly with probabilistic choices

between operators that are controlled by consumer surplus functions, defined as the difference
between the maximum willingness to pay (or utility) and the price for the service
To describe the optimal pricing problem faced by each operator we employ the following
notation. Let Nf denote the number of operators, and let Ns denote the number of DTV
services provided by all operators together. For each f ∈ Jf ={1,…, Nf}, there exists a set If ⊂
Js ={1,…, Ns}, that corresponds to the services i offered by operator f. The collection of all
these sets, {I f }f =f 1 , forms a partition of Js. The vector pf refers to the vector of prices of the

services offered by operator f.

The probability that a new customer selects operator f∈ S={1,…, Nf} is given by

Pf (Y, p ) = P (CS f (y f , p f ) ≥ max{CS g (y g , p g ) : g ∈ S })

where yf denotes a vector of service attributes related to the functionality and quality of the
DTV offering, and pf denotes a vector of expected prices for the offered DTV services (BTV,
tsTV, VoD, etc). The stochastic Logit model gives the following operator selection

Pf (Y, p ) =
exp − CS f (y f , p f )]
∑ exp[− CS
g (y , p )]
g g

In the Bertrand competition game, the operators should select pricing strategies in a rational
and selfish manner, with the objective to maximize its own profit:

( )
max π f (Y, p ) = ΛPf (Y, p ) p f − cUf + c Ff

where cUf denotes the cost for one unit of demand, and c Ff denotes the fixed costs. Note that
neither the operator fixed costs c Ff nor the overall customer arrival rate Λ play a role in
determining the prices that maximize expected profits. Therefore we only consider “demand-
normalized gross expected profits”, πˆ f (Y, p ) , referred to below as simply “profits”. We also
consider Y fixed, and cease to include this characteristic matrix as an argument. Finally, we
write c f = cUf as these are the only relevant costs for the price equilibrium.

Conceptually, a fixed number of operators decide on prices for a fixed set of services prior to
some time period in which these prices must remain fixed. During this purchasing period, a
fixed number of customers independently choose to purchase any of these services, following
a given RUM. This framework can be described as a two stage stochastic game, where in the
first stage the operators choose prices and in the second stage customers choose services to
maximize their own consumer surplus after sampling, or “drawing,” from the distribution of
random utilities.
(Morrow, 2009) shows that (i) there exists simultaneously stationary prices and (ii)
simultaneously stationary prices are in fact equilibrium. The results assume the consumer
surplus function is concave in the price parameter. The equilibrium in expected prices for
Logit stochastic demand is obtained by solving a system on nonlinear equations:

DP(p )(p − c ) + P(p ) = 0

where DP(p ) denotes the derivative matrix w.r.t. prices, (p-c) denotes a vector of margins,
and P(p ) denotes a vector of choice probabilities as function of prices.
The costs are sensitive competitive information that are not likely to be made public.

6. Adoption of digital TV
6.1 Technology adoption

Different models can be used for modelling the adoption of a new technology or service.
These models typically resemble an S-shaped curve for presenting the adoption as a function
of the time. Different mathematical formulations can be used for these S-curves, leading to
slight variations in the adoption models. Often used models within literature, both in telecom
and more in general, are Rogers, Bass, Fisher-Pry, and Gompertz. Roughly speaking,
information used for properly estimating the parameter values of these models can be gained
from two sources:
1. Fitting of the mathematical adoption models to existing adoption data available. This
requires sufficient data to be available and thus requires an existing customer base. For
IPTV this might not always be the case.

2. Extrapolation from existing comparable technologies. In the case of IPTV we could
make an extrapolation based on telecom broadband adoption on one hand and
broadcast television (color or black and white) on the other. For television as well as
broadband adoption, there is a lot of information available.

Figure 5. Cumulative market share as function of time (Verbrugge, 2008).

(Soto,2007) propose the following techniques for market and demand forecasting:
• Historical projection: ARMA, ARIMA, etc.
• Analogy with other demands
• Evolutionary (grow lifecycle)
• Causal on orginating factors
• Scenarios (alternatives and feasibility)
• Visionary (imagination)

6.2 Customers’ choice of DTV operator

Operators around the world are preparing for the transition from analog TV to digital TV. In
Europe, some countries have already made the transition (e.g. Sweden and Finland in 2007)
and the remaining European countries will do so by 2012. In countries with high coverage of
broadband access networks, this could lead the high adoption of IPTV. It could also lead to
more intense competition with other DTV offerings.
From a customer point of view, the meaningful differences between alternative DTV offerings
are functionality, quality and price. The functionality offered by the IPTV operator is given
by the system portfolio, which includes the services, applications and content. Note that a
service is an application that can serve other applications. IPTV offers both regular TV
broadcast services (BTV), video-on-demand (VoD), near video-on-demand (NVoD), and
even time-shifted TV (tsTV). Standard Definition TV (SDTV) and High Definition TV
(HDTV) formats are available for IPTV. A variety of applications already exists, or is under
development, including viewer-to-viewer communication, camera angle selection,
intelligent/associative search, feedback/voting in TV shows, betting, and karaoke on demand.
Leading IPTV operators offers a large content mix in terms of BTV channels and VoD titles.
Future IPTV networks will also provide contents originating from the users themselves as

done on Internet by YouTube. The quality perceived by the users is expressed by Quality of
Experience (QoE) metrics. The price for using the IPTV service is given by the subscription
and transaction tariffs, and rental charges for subscriber equipment.

Operator 1 quality
customer .
arrival functionality
Operator Nf quality

Figure 6. Customers’ choice of DTV operator.

6.3 Usage of IPTV services

Once an operator have been selected the new subscriber can start using the broadcast and on-
demand services offered by the IPTV system. The usage can be modelled by a frequency of
service requests, and a probabilistic Logit model for selection of broadcast channel package
and on-demand services. The arrival rates of decision requests for broadcast and on-demand
services are denoted by λbf and λ sf [requests/day]. No pricing game is associated with the
IPTV usage level.

Figure 7. Customers’ interest in IPTV services (Goetzpartners, 2009).

Studies show that 57 % of UK residents time-shift their TV viewing using VoD or PVR. This
gives an hint of the expected popularity of the time-shifted IPTV service (tsTV).

7. Analysis of IPTV business models

Figure 8. Interaction between analysis and business plan (ITU-T,2008).

7.1 Qualitative analysis

The star model is loosely based on Porter’s Five Forces. Developed in 1979 by Michael
Porter, the Five Forces group microeconomic forces within the marketplace into the following
five categories: bargaining power of customers, the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat
of substitute products, the threat of new entrants, and industry rivalry (Porter, 1998). This idea
provided companies with a method of analyzing a market in order to predict what forces
affect a product offering, resulting in an analysis on how the microeconomic influences work.
Since Porter’s model debut, other theories have been presented that also attempt to understand
market forces and apply knowledge gained from such analysis to improve business models. In
modifying Porter’s work, scholars have proposed further categorization of the forces within a
market to anywhere from six (Carr, 2005) to eight forces (Downes, 1997). Each of these
models provides significant qualitative information to companies requiring snapshots of the
marketplace in which a product is expected to launch.
As with other scholars, these authors found value in using Porter’s forces to analyze the IPTV
market by categorizing the microeconomic forces acting within a marketplace to allow
examination of potential market opportunities. In prior research, it had been difficult to
understand the strengths and weaknesses of an IPTV product offering beyond claims made by
companies. With IPTV in a major cycle of development, the marketplace reflected a rapidly
changing pricing of products and the lack in standards created to define what IPTV is. Not
only does the standard consumer want to know how they can benefit from IPTV, but, more
importantly, telecom providers need to know how they can profit from this growing
technology. Companies expecting to have successful launches of IPTV need a quantitative
way to gauge how all of the forces acting within a market could affect the success or failure of
an IPTV launch (Landow, 2008).

Major metrics of the star model:

1. Power Against Suppliers: This metric will allow each company to be rated at its
current level of bargaining power with respect to the suppliers of the end products.
The power of supply affects the costs of producing a product and will be reflected in
the value chain.

2. Power Against Customer Bargaining: This metric evaluates the customer’s
bargaining power with an IPTV service provider. The questions for this parameter also
discover costs the company passes on to consumers and if the company’s service to
customers is unique.
3. Power Against New Entrants: As part of this metric, companies are evaluated based
on their vulnerability to new entrant competition. Questions will also help evaluate the
evel of resistance the company poses to new entrants.
4. Power Against Substitution: This metric will help evaluate companies based on the
ease of customers substituting a product offering with another competing product. The
parameter evaluates the market power of the company with respect to the product
being offered. Specific questions target if there are high start-up costs for entrants,
whether nor not there are exit barriers for companies divesting from the market and if
the product can be replicated by others.
5. Power Against Competition: This metric will be used to evaluate the level of compe-
tition that the company faces in the overall market, otherwise known as rivalry within
the market. This metric evaluates whether the company is operating under healthy
competitive environment. Questions relate whether the company holds the patents and
intellectual property rights for goods and services.

Minor metrics of the star model:

A. Customer Loyalty: Stable Customer Base. This metric evaluates steps taken by a
company to influence and encourage customer loyalty. A higher rating will indicate
the company’s ability to retain its existing customer base. Additionally, the parameter
is also indicative of the company’s ability to utilize existing customers while adding
new subscribers. Finally, the rating also has influence on the ability of the company to
face competition from potential new entrants.
B. Product Usability: Interactivity Between Product and Customer. This parameter
reflects a company’s ability to envision requirements while providing user-friendly
interactive features to its customers. The parameter also evaluates incremental ARPU
generated from existing customers. Higher rating influences the company’s bargaining
power against customers. Additionally, differentiated services also result in higher
bargaining power against suppliers.
C. Secured Solution: Enabling Security within the Company and its Services. The
objective of secured services is not only to protect the legitimate users while accessing
the network but also to keep the malicious users away from any potential disruption of
the services. Content is one of the most important elements for IPTV services. Avail-
ability of secured infrastructure for delivery encourages access to premium contents
and attracts incremental subscribers.
D. Market Regulation: Business Operation within a Regulated Market. This factor
includes clarity of regulatory environment in the target country. An uncertain
regulatory environment will have high impact on planning development of newer
services. Additionally, increase in regulation of content will also result in increased
cost to suppliers.
E. Customer Satisfaction: Immediacy of Satisfaction. This parameter reflects the
operational efficacy of the company while handling problems reported by customers.
A higher satisfaction index results in increased market share influencing the
company’s ability to attain higher bargaining power against suppliers. Additionally,
the parameter also has influence on power against competing vendors.

Figure 9. Google vs. YouTube star model (Landow, 2008)

7.2 Quantitative analysis

Techno-economic analysis is the process of analysing different business cases to find out
adequate technological solution and/or the overall profitability of the case. The following
financial indicators characterise the profitability of the business case:
• Payback period
• Net Present Value (NPV)
• Return on Investment (ROI)
• Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
• Net Cash Flow (NCF)
• Discounted Payback Period (DPP)
• Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
• Operating income
• Revenue per service class

Figure 10. Key factors in competition: business feasibility.

8. IPTV business models

ICT players (service operator, network operator, content providers, content aggregators, third
party service provider, billing service operator) may use one of several business models:
• basic service provisioning model
• vertical bundling model
• capacity reseller model for content
• bit-pipe model

In the basic service provisioning model, the user buys service from the service operator. The
subsribers can either be an individual or business organisation. Service operator acts as the
main responsible player against the subscriber. In order to carry out its business, the service
operator needs to buy network access and transport services from the network operator.
Network operator is a player who operate both access and core portions of a network
In the vertical bundling model, the service providers takes on the additional roles as content
aggregator. Service operator is the key player in this model having a direct relationship with
the subscriber base, providing content through a portal and billing the subscriber for the
services. By assuming the role of content aggregator, a service operator can gain greater
control of the value network. This is also known as vertical bundling.
In the capacity reseller model for content, the third party such as content aggregator
provides content top the subscribes using a service operator’s network capacity. Here, the
service operator resells a part of its capacity and also provides billing services on behalf on
the content aggregator. The content aggregator in turn has to pay for the billing service and
capacity usage to the service operator. A revenue sharing model can also exist between these
players for content usage. These revenue models may differ depending on the type of content
In the bit-pipe model, content provisioning is done by content aggregators. Here, the third
party offers content to the subscribers over service operator’s network capacity. A third party
billing service operator (such as credit card agency or banks) will provide billing services on

behalf of the content aggregator. The service operator bills only its subscribers for the
transport of data, hence the “bit-pipe” model. Content aggregator and third party billing
service provider are the key players in this model.

Figure 11. Reference business model

Top 10 operators in September 2008:

1. Iliad (Free) - France
2. France Telecom (Orange) - France
3. PCCW - Hong Kong
4. Nuef Cegetel - France
5. Telefonica - Spain
6. Chunghwa Telecom - Taiwan
7. China Telecom - China
8. Belgacom - Belgium
9. TeliaSonera - Sweden
10. Fastweb - Italy

PCCW has shown to develop a viable business model that includes a basic free service. On
top of that, the operator has found that premium sports and HD offerings are important
reasons for subsriber and ARPU increase.

9. Costs of IPTV networks

Classification of CapEx costs for telco:
• network infrastructure (shared; two-phased scheme)
o e.g. equipment
• network software (shared; two-phased scheme)
o e.g. network management system
• non-telco specific infrastructure (common; not straightforward)
o e.g. land and buildings

Classification of OpEx costs for telco:

• OpEx for network in operation
o telco-specific continuous cost of infrastructure (shared; two-phased scheme)

o maintenance (shared; activity-based costing)
o reparation (shared; activity-based costing)
o service provisioning (direct; directly allocated)
o pricing and billing (shared; directly allocated)
o operational planning (shared; activity-based costing)
o marketing (direct; directly allocated)
• OpEx associated with setting-up the network
o up-front planning (shared; two-phased scheme)
o first-time installation (shared; two-phased scheme)
• non-telco specific OpEx
o non-telco continuous cost of infrastructure (common; not straightforward)
o non-telco specific administration (common; not straightforward)

Telco-specific continuous cost of infrastructure includes costs for floor space, power and
cooling energy, and leasing network equipment. Maintenance cost can be seen as the cost of
preventative measures such as monitoring and maintaining the network against possible
failures. Repair costs include diagnosis and analysis, travel by technicians to place the failure,
fixing the failure, and testing to verify the repair. Provisioning and service management
cost includes testing, service provisioning, service move or change, and service cessation.
Pricing and billing cost includes sending bills to customers and ensuring payment.
Operational network planning cost includes all planning performed in an existing network
such as day-to-day planning, re-optimisation, and planning upgrades. Marketing cost
includes promoting a new service, providing information concerning price, etc.
Up-front planning cost includes planning studies to evaluate the building of a new network,
changing the network topology, introducing a new technology or new service platform, etc.
First-time installation cost includes actual connecting and installation of the new component
into the network, as well as the necessary testing of the component and its installation.
Non-telco continuous cost of infrastructure includes leasing infrastructure not related to the
network itself such as buildings to house the personnel, energy for desktop PCs, heating,
cleaning of buildings, etc. Non-telco specific administration cost includes employee payroll
administration, office support staff, human resource department, etc. Non-telco-specific
administration and non-telco-specific cost of infrastructure can jointly be seen as “overhead”
See Section 3 for definitions of direct costs, shared costs and common costs. The two-
phased cost allocation scheme and activity-based costing are described in (Casier, 2006a,b).
Calculation of overall cost for a network scenario involves several steps:
1. Collecting equipment information
2. Dimensioning the network
3. Calculating total CapEx cost
4. Calculating OpEx for equipment installation
5. Calculating OpEx for a network that is up and running
6. Calculating the cost distribution over time

Alcatel-Lucent divides the CapEx costs for IPTV network infrastructure and software into 3
• Home network
o residential gateway

• IPTV service network
o security and monitoring
o IPTV HW platform
o IPTV SW platform
• Access network
o optical network
o access network
o IP & Ethernet aggregation
o data centre network
o system integration

The overall CapEx cost per subscriber reduces with the increased subscriber base, but the cost
of the home network component effectively remains constant.

Appendix A: Economic concepts and terms

The following terms and associated concepts are the most frequently used to analyze the
Telecom business and decide on best project alternatives with its specific properties due to the
multiplicity of diverse equipments, life cycles and operational practices. For a more detailed
economic terms definition refer to classical books of Economy.
Amortisation refers to the paying off of a debt with regular payments and it also has the
meaning of the accounting procedure that gradually reduces the cost value of an intangible
asset, that is, depreciation. Amortization is the method of liquidating a debt on an installment
basis; for example an amortized loan would be one where the principal amount of the loan
would be paid back in installment over the life of the loan. Sometimes used as an alternative
term for depreciation, in particular with regard to the process of writing off the cost of an
intangible asset, such as a lease or patent, over its useful life.
Assets are resources owned by an enterprise. In the balance sheet assets are listed in rising
order of liquidity. They include fixed assets (land and buildings, plant and machinery, etc),
current assets (inventories, account payable, etc.) and liquid assets (cash in hand, cash in
banks, cheques, etc).
Breakeven period is time required for project revenues (after deduction of operating
expenses) to offset investment expenditure. This method of comparing project avoids the need
for discounting calculations. It takes account, however, neither of the effects of the time factor
of the different alternatives, nor of what happens after breakeven.
Business case is a special instances of the business model are analysed to figure out the
quantitative foundation for the management decisions.
Business domain is an environment where the business is run including all relevant entities,
regulation, standards, etc.
Business model (BM) that can be understood as a snapshot of reality that enables effective
modelling and analysis of different aspects of the business.
Business modelling is the process of planning and designing business models—it is an
important input to strategic management, usually by assuring the qualitative results.
Business plan is a document that collects information on all relevant aspects of the BM -- (1)
industry and market models, (2) product, production and marketing process, and (3) financial
data (cash flow analysis, income statement, balance sheet).

Business situation is a particular situation of interest for the focal entity; it is described by the
market picture (customers, partners, competitors), technical solution (network, services,
applications, terminals), environment structure (regulation form, politics) and organisation of
the entity.
Cash flow consists of cash receipts and cash disbursements over a given period. Also funds
generated internally by the activity of an enterprise or a project equivalent to the balance
between the inflow of funds arising from revenues and the outflow of funds arising from
expenditures. The following diagram illustrates the main generators for the inflows to the
company classified in three categories: The first one at the left is the specific business
operating income due to the selling of services to customers and the most interesting to
analyze when comparing projects or evaluating strategies for the operator evolution. The other
two consider the generic financing capital increases either due to the shareholders by a capital
increase or to the external sources of capital by credits or loans.
Typical originators for the outflows in a company are also summarized in the diagram with
the first three concepts due to the proper activities of the Telecom activity itself like labor
force, network equipment investment and all technical, operation and administrative expenses.
The other three concepts reflect the generic outflows due to taxes, debt payment and
dividends for the shareholders that are needed to have an overall company running.
A detailed analysis of the specific Telecom associated inflows and outflows is the nucleus of
the operational business analysis when a decision has to be taken in a modernization of the
network, migration to NGN, introduction of new services, etc. Yearly cash flows are taken as
the main base for the evaluation of a company value, capability to generate business and
calculation of the NPV when transforming into present values and decide which evolution
alternative is recommended.
Main sources of inflows are due to the revenues of the different operation services and at the
end of evaluation period also the terminal value of those network elements that did not
reached the end of life cycle have to be taken into account as they have a positive value.
As main components of the outflows we have the major CapEx equipment investment at the
project start with the corresponding equipment extensions or upgrades for capacity increase in
subsequent years as well as equipment substitution when some of the elements reached their
end of life cycle. OpEx increases as a function of the cumulative invested CapEx through time
and is the main outflow component at the medium long term.
Net cash flow is derived from the difference of the inflows and outflows and provides the
main input for a more detailed dynamic evaluation of the project added value to a company.
Higher cash flows at the end of the evaluation period and a prompt turn into positive values
are good indicators for a better project.

Figure A1. Typical components as a basis for evaluation of a company (ITU-T,2008).
Churn is an annual rate at which the own customers or subscribers leave the service either to
move to a competitor, to migrate to other service or leave the market.
Depreciation represents loss of value of an asset over time, as a result of wear, aging or
obsolescence. With the method of linear (or straight-line) depreciation, the loss of value of an
asset is spread uniformly over the number of years of its useful life. Depreciation charges do
not give rise to an actual outflow of funds and the sums remain available to the enterprise.
Discounted cash flow (DCF) approach describes a method of valuing a project, company, or
asset using the concepts of the time value of money. All future cash flows are estimated and
discounted to give their present values. The discount rate used is generally the appropriate
cost of capital and may incorporate judgments of the uncertainty (riskiness) of the future cash
flows. Discounted cash flow analysis is widely used in investment finance, real estate
development, and corporate financial management.Very similar to NPV.
Discounted payback period (DPP) is an investment decision rule in which cash flows are
discounted at an interest rate and then one determines how long it takes for the sum of the
discounted cash flows to equal the initial investment.
Discount factor is the discount rate used to calculate the net present value of a company or
project. This rate has to consider the cost factors for the capital of the company such as
interest rate, and expected inflation in a strict sense. In a wider sense has to consider also the
risk rate for long term evaluation in large projects and new scenarios with uncertainty.
Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) is a measure of a firm’s profitability that
excludes interest and income tax expenses.

EBIT = Operating Income + Non-operating Income

Operating Income = Operating Revenue – Operating Expenses

Operating income is the difference between operating revenues and operating expenses
(OpEx), but it is also sometimes used as a synonym for EBIT and operating profit. A
professional investor contemplating a change to the capital structure of a firm (e.g., through a
leveraged buyout) first evaluates a firm’s fundamental earnings potential (reflected by
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization EBITDA and EBIT), and
then determines the optimal use of debt vs. equity. To calculate EBIT, expenses (e.g., the cost

of goods sold, selling and administrative expenses) are subtracted from revenues. Profit is
later obtained by subtracting interest and taxes from the result.
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) means all the
(annual) revenues minus operating costs that is the basic information for the evaluation of a
business from its own specific factors and the first indicator to be calculated and analysed.
The following diagram illustrates a simplified interrelation among main generators for the
EBITDA and the sequence to proceed in the obtention of the Net Income.
Economical value added (EVA) or net operating profit (after tax) minus the cost of the
capital used to generate that profit either in debt or in equity. It is a good indicator for the
point of view of the investors.
Future value (FV) is the value of a present amount at a future date. It is found by applying
compound interest r over a specified period of time.

FV = PV (1 + r ) n

Internal rate of return (IRR) is a capital budgeting metric used by firms to decide whether
they should make investments. It is an indicator of the efficiency or quality of an investment,
as opposed to NPV, which indicates value or magnitude.
The IRR is the annualized effective compounded return rate which can be earned on the
invested capital, i.e., the yield on the investment. Put another way, the internal rate of return
for an investment is the discount rate that makes the net present value of the investment’s
income stream total to zero.

IRR is the value of r that satifies:

NPV = ∑ =0
t =0 (1 + r )t
Objective is to have IRR ≥ required minimum IRR.
Advantages of IRR:
• Takes into account all CFs
• Takes into account timing of CFs (time value)

Disadvantages of IRR:
• Does not take into account size of project

Life cycle costing is the full cost of an asset over its life. This includes all costs associated
with acquiring, controlling, operating and disposing of the asset.
Net present value (NPV) is defined as the total present value (PV) of a time series of cash
flows. It is a standard method for using the time value of money to appraise long-term
projects. Used for capital budgeting, and widely throughout economics, it measures the excess
or shortfall of cash flows, in present value terms, once financing charges are met.


NPV = ∑
t =0 (1 + r )t
t - the time of the cash flow
r - the discount rate (minimum required return on investment)
CFt - the net cash flow (the amount of cash, inflow minus outflow) at time t
Projects with NPV<0 should be rejected. Projects with NPV>0 may be accepted. This does
not necessarily mean that they should be undertaken since NPV at the cost of capital may not
account for opportunity cost, i.e. comparison with other available investments. Projects with
NPV=0 adds no monetary value and the accept/reject decision should be based on other
criteria, e.g. strategic positioning or other factors not explicitly included in the calculation.
Advantages of NPV:
• Takes into accound all CFs
• Takes into account timing
• Takes into account size of the project (size of cash flows)

Disadvantages of NPV:
• Dependent on considered lifetime (t)
• Does not penalize huge intermediate losses

Figure A2. Typical NPV evolution for a new project as a function of the discount rate (ITU-
Payback period is the number of years required for a firm to recover the initial investment
required by a project from the cash inflows it generates. Short payback periods are preferred.
Like internal rate of return, the payback period metric takes essentially an “Investment” view
of the action, plan, or scenario, and its estimated cash flow stream. Payback period is the
length of time required to recover the cost of an investment (e.g. purchase of computer
software or hardware), usually measured in years. Other things being equal, the better
investment is the one with the shorter payback period. Also, payback periods are sometimes

used as a way of comparing alternative investments with respect to risk: other things being
equal, the investment with the shorter payback period is considered less risky.
Present value (PV) is the current monetary value of a future amount. The amount of money
that would have to be invested today at a given interest rate r over a specified period to equal
the future amount.

PV = FV /(1 + r ) n

PV is the currency value today of some future inflow, outflow, or balance of funds. In
essence, it is the discounting of future funds to their present value by taking into
account the time value of money. It is useful in providing a common basis for
comparing investment alternatives. See also discounted cash flow, future value, and
net present value.
Residual value is the value of an investment at the end of its economic or estimated life. At
the end of the period, residual value may be treated as a positive cash flow, and discounted as
such. The present value of the business attributable to the period beyond the forecast period.

Return on investment (ROI) is the ratio of money gained or lost (realized or unrealized) on
an investment relative to the amount of money invested. The amount of money gained or lost
may be referred to as interest, profit/loss, gain/loss, or net income/loss. The money invested
may be referred to as the asset, capital, principal, or the cost basis of the investment. ROI is
usually expressed as a percentage rather than a fraction. ROI does not indicate how long an
investment is held. However, ROI is most often stated as an annual or annualized rate of
return, and it is most often stated for a calendar or fiscal year.


V f − Vi
Vi - initial value of an investment
Vf - final value of an investment

The objective is to have ROI ≥ minimum required ROI.

Advantages of ROI:
• Takes into account CFs after payback time
• Takes into account size of project (size of cash flows)

Disadvantages of ROI:
• Does not take into account timing of CFs

Return on capital employed (ROCE) is net income divided by the sum of fixed assets and
working capital. Shows the company profitability from the point of view of the owners.

Techno-economic analysis is the process of analysing different business cases to find out
adequate technological solution and/or the overall profitability of the case—its input to the
strategic management includes the quantitative results.

Appendix B: Business modelling concepts and terms

B.1 Service domain terms

Value as the intrinsic property of the product that a customer is willing to pay for, is
described in a value proposal which together with value creation logic is combined into a
value model.
Value proposition includes identification of the key value drivers and elements, which enable
the company to differentiate itself from the competitors.

B.2 Technical domain terms

Capacity is capability of an equipment, network or sub network to handle the traffic flows
with an
associated grade of service.
Head end is central or regional communication end system that transmits video information
stored on VoD and broadcast servers.
Middleware implements IPTV by providing TV-Portal/EPG, user management, interactive
service, channel/package and program together with pay TV solutions.
Network infrastructure consists of core network, metro network, access network and home
Set-top box (STB) is a communication end system at the customer premise that receives
video information and supports user interactivity.
Security means service protection, content protection, consumer privacy, device protection
and network protection.
Traffic Engineering (TE) involves both capacity management and traffic management and
involves a trade off between effectiveness and simplicity.

B.3 Organisation domain terms

Roles are functions that the business entity playing this roles takes in order to realise the
product/deliver the service.
Relationships are the information flows between two roles; can be business related (e.g.
billing method, tariffing schemes, SLA negotiation, etc) or technical (e.g. signalling,
management, payment method, etc).
Value configurations includes network of partners, which describes how the value is created,
who contribute to it (i.e. relationships), and how it is distributed and finally, consumed. Value
configurations reflect value creation logics. The value chain and the value network are
examples of value configurations.
Value chain encapsulates a set of interconnected activities that bring a value/product/service
to the market.

Value network is a network of relationships that generates economic and other types of value
through dynamic exchanges between two or more participating players. The exchanges may
be tangible and intangible in nature.
Vertical integration refers to the extent to which a player controls the production and
distribution of services in a value chain.
Horizontal integration occurs when a firm in the same industry and in the same stage of
production is being taken-over or merged with/by another firm which is in the same industry
and in the same stage of production as of with the merged firm.

B.4 Financial domain terms

Operational Expenditure (OpEx) is all non-capitalised costs of operating the network either
associated to each network element, to running the services or generic company activities.
Typical operation cost associated to the network elements are:
- Maintenance
- Connection
- Rental
- Technical operation
- Decommissioning

Services associated operations include:

- Service activation
- Commercial operation
- Service marketing campaigns
- Balance of international traffic (if negative)
- Compensation to content providers, etc.

Generic operation costs consider:

- Labor costs
- Social charges

- Company marketing
- Administrative expenses
- Bad debt

Figure B1. Expenses calculation (ITU-T,2008).
Capital Expenditures (CapEx) are due to the purchase of a fixed asset to be installed at the
network segments and layers:
- Typically: land, building, exchange, cabinet, duct, fiber, cable, transmission system,
tower, BTS, computer, IT platform, car, etc.
- Costing more than a threshold defined internally in any company and following
current financial best practices in order to allow consideration as an asset and not as a
consumable or operation expense.
- Having an expected life of more than one year (value subject to specific parameters of
industry sectors and companies)

Revenues is an income statement term, referring to the sum of money owed the company for
sales of goods and services. Revenues (or “Sales”) are ordinarily the top line in the income
statement, against which most other costs and expenses are subtracted to calculate income. In
Britain, the term turnover is often used in place of revenues. The term revenues generally
mean “gross revenues,” that is, revenues before adjustments for customer discounts and

Figure B2. Services revenues calculation (ITU-T,2008).
Profit is another term for Net Income or Earnings. Surplus of sales revenues over costs or
expenditure during an accounting period or operating cycle. Leads to an increase in owners’
equity, though not necessarily to an increase in cash. It may be reflected in increased assets or
decreased liabilities. Net profit may refer to profits after tax (on profits) or to profits less
financial costs, depending on the purpose of the analysis.

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