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Nutri (Epi) Genomics and Metabolic Syndrome

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Published Online on 22 December 2016

Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad 82 No. 5 December 2016 pp. 1425-1436
 Printed in India. DOI: 10.16943/ptinsa/2006/48877

Review Article
Nutri (Epi) Genomics and Metabolic Syndrome
1Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, National Centre for Laboratory Animal Sciences, National Institute

of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad, India

2Endocrinology and Metabolism Division, National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical

Research, Hyderabad, India

1,2Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, National Centre for Laboratory Animal Sciences, National Institute

of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad, India

(Received on 07 June 2016; Accepted on 16 August 2016)

The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors such as obesity, insulin-resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia,
inflammation associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardio vascular diseases (CVD).
Rapid globalization, urbanization and industrialization have spawned epidemics of metabolic syndrome and it has become
one of the major threats among adolescents and children. It is influenced by the interaction of genes, nutrition, environment,
and lifestyle. The technological advances in life sciences have led to the realization that certain nutrients are not only
essential, but also specific quantity of each nutrient is necessary for optimal health. Therefore, it is important to understand
the biological impact of gene–nutrient-disease interactions, which will provide an insight into the pathogenesis and progression
of metabolic syndrome. The present review is focused on the role of gene-nutrient interactions (Nature vs Nurture) towards
the development of metabolic syndrome and associated co-morbidities and its epigenetic regulation.

Keywords: Epigenenomics; Nutrigenomics; Gene-nutrient Interactions; Metabolic Syndrome; Obesity; Type 2

Diabetes Mellitus; Cardio Vascular Diseases; Hypertension

Introduction diet could positively or negatively influence an

individual’s health (Sales et al., 2014). Bioactive
Nutrition clearly had a predominant and recognizable compounds in the diet and genetics are two major
role in health and disease since the times of the factors which determine the development of metabolic
renowned Greek physician Hippocrates. However, syndrome that comprises cardiovascular diseases,
our understanding of diet and its effects on health has diabetes, hypertension and obesity (Mutch et al.,
evolved with time from crude associations to 2005; Gaboon, 2011). Adequate amount of nutrients
conclusive facts (Mutch et al., 2005). The indeed prevent/delay the development of metabolic
technological developments in life sciences and the syndrome. To understand these interactions between
advent of modern science, have led to the realization genes and nutrients, the term “Nutrigenomics” was
that certain nutrients are not only essential, but also coined. Nutrigenomics implies the use of biochemistry,
specific quantity of each nutrient is necessary for physiology, nutrition, genomics, proteomics,
optimal health. Further, it is now realized that the metabolomics, transcriptomics and epigenomics to seek
nutrient/diet can directly contribute to diseases. and explain the existing reciprocal interactions between
Advances in genome sequencing and complete genes and nutrients at a molecular level.
elucidation of the Human Genome Project (HGP) has Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics are two sides of the
led to questions, whether the interaction between same coin. While the former describes how nutrients
genes/genotypes and bioactive compounds of nutrient/
*Author for Correspondence: E-mail:
1426 Naga Muralidhar Merugu et al.

affect metabolic pathways and homeostatic control individual co-ordinates their response to various dietary
epigenetically, the latter tries to understand how the nutrients (i.e. in the simplest terms: gene → diet
genetic make-up of an individual influences their interactions) (Mutch et al., 2005; Berna et al., 2014).
response to diet. The discovery of these gene-nutrient Further, it also shows why and how people respond
interactions would aid in personalized diets according differently to the same type of nutrient. It has the
to individual’s genotype (Sales et al., 2014). Further, potential to provide scientific evidence for personalized
understanding of gene–nutrient interactions would help dietary recommendations concerning health
in mitigating the symptoms of existing diseases and/ management based on the individual’s genetic makeup.
or to prevent future illnesses, especially in the area of Generally dietary bioactive compounds act on the
non-transmissible chronic diseases (NTCDs), which genome directly or indirectly and alter gene expression.
are currently considered as an important global public Some diet-regulated genes are likely to play a role in
health problem. the onset, progression, and/or severity of metabolic
syndrome. Further, dietary interventions based on
Nutrition, Genomics and Epigenomics knowledge of nutritional requirement, nutritional status
Nutrigenomics is the science of the effect of nutrients and genotype could be used to prevent, mitigate or
and bioactive components on gene expression and cure metabolic syndrome.
helps one understand how diet regulates gene function Epigenetics is defined as the study of changes
(transcription and translation), DNA methylation, in organisms caused by the modification of gene
proteome and metabolome (i.e. in the simplest terms: expression, rather than the alteration of the genetic
diet → gene interactions) which can be studied information itself. Epigenetic regulation is an essential
independently or in an integrated manner, to diagnose process in normal development that occurs all through
health status and/or to understand disease trajectory life. Further, it has been explained as the study of
(Elliott and Johnson, 2007; Gaboon, 2011). Recent external or environmental factors that turn genes on
developments in nutrigenomics has established the and off and affect how cells read genes. The
effects of ingested nutrients and other food excitement about epigenetics is how the gene
components on gene expression and its regulation in expression stably reprogrammed in response to
order to delineate the dietary components having transient external stimuli. It is required to achieve
beneficial or detrimental effects on health. It would stable expression or repression of genes in specific
also determine the individual nutritional requirements cell types or at specific time-points and constitutes
(personalized diet), association between diet and the link between genotype and phenotype. Most
metabolic syndrome which is essential to understand importantly, it could be inherited between generations
the aetiology of type-2 diabetes, obesity and steadily by mitosis and meiosis through cell
cardiovascular disease (CVD). Although humans have differentiation. Epigenetic conditions can illustrate the
99.9% identical gene sequences; 0.1% genetic reason why an organism produces many different cell
variation makes an individual unique from others with types during its development, despite the fact that most
respect to their phenotype, susceptibility to disease or of the cells in a multi-cellular organism share the same
health and their differential responses to nutrients genetic information. Epigenetic change is a regular
(Elliott and Johnson, 2007). Nutritional factors strongly and natural occurrence but can also be influenced by
affect the association of common gene variants with several factors including diet, environment/lifestyle,
multi-factorial chronic conditions. Evidently, major age and disease state. Studies have shown that the
metabolic diseases are closely inter-related, often effects of nutrition/diet could be passed on
through obesity, caused mainly by dysregulation of epigenetically to the offspring add weight to the idea
energy homeostasis. Under certain circumstances, diet that histones act as metabolic sensors, converting
can be a risk factor for some individuals, while in changes in metabolism into stable patterns of gene
others it may be beneficial (Rajoka et al., 2012). On expression. Three important mechanisms involved in
the other hand, nutrigenetics is to elucidate the effect epigenetic regulations include DNA methylation,
of genetic variation on the interaction between diet & histone modifications and non-coding RNA (siRNA/
disease, for example; phenylketonuria (PKU) and miRNAs) associated gene silencing. The interplay
describes how the genetic make-up of a particular and progressive combination of these regulatory
Nutri (EPI) Genomics and Metabolic Syndrome 1427

mechanisms may ‘‘lock’’ the epigenome in specific Interplay of various regulatory mechanisms are
states, thereby determining the fate and physiology expected to have regulatory roles in the inheritance
of a given cell (Katada et al., 2012). Thus, intake of and vulnerability to metabolic diseases i.e., obesity,
dietary methyl-groups (choline, methionine, genistein type 2 diabetes, hypertension and CVD by affecting
and folate) during critical periods of development can the expression(s) of the associated gene(s). Also,
alter promoter DNA and histone (de) methylation/ during specific developmental phases, intrauterine
(de) acetylation, resulting in life-long changes in gene atmosphere can vary the epigenetics of an individual
expression and thereby altering the epigenome and may work as a foundation for the metabolic
towards obesity in adulthood. Further, exposures to disease like obesity and other phenotypes during later
nutritional status (under-nutrition/over-nutrition) that stage of life. For example, variations in birth weight
occur at different developmental stages such as pre- are affected by several factors like in utero and
conception, in utero and early life may result in placental factors, maternal genes and BMI, paternal
epigenetic dysregulation, which put the individuals at genes, smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, and
a higher risk to develop chronic diseases later in life. exercise during pregnancy etc. In a similar manner,
poor/malnutrition during early and post-natal period
The methylome is the genomic distribution of also affects the mother’s metabolism to acclimatize
methylated DNA sequence present in a cell and is and favour storage of nutrients in mother’s body. A
capable of undergoing modification with respect to study on Pima Indians showed that paternally imprinted
the environment/diet or the developmental stage gene located on chromosome 11 position 80 cM
(Kanherkar et al., 2014). DNA methylation occurs influences birth weight (Lindsy et al., 2002). Similarly,
at the cytosine residues of DNA, especially in CpG in a study on Mexican Americans, quantitative trait
dinucleotides present in regions called CpG islands. loci (QTL) on chromosome 6q, was found to be
DNA methylation is generally associated with reduced associated with birth weight regulation (Arya et al.,
transcriptional activity through decreased binding of 2006). Hence, gene-environment (GXE) interactions
transcription factors and also by attracting methyl CpG play a significant role in the aetiology of obesity,
binding proteins that act as transcriptional repressors. perhaps via modifications in DNA methylation patterns
Over 85% of CpG dinucleotides are spread out in the (Kalashikam et al., 2014). Apart from the well
genome and located in repetitive sequences that are established fact that variations at DNA sequence level,
heavily hypermethylated/transcription - silenced in the the epigenetic incidents also seem to contribute to the
normal cells, a state crucial to the integrity of the development of metabolic diseases and its
chromatin structure of the genome (Zhu and Yao, epidemiology, which is evident from modern day
2007). Further, genetic variation could have an effect sedentary living style.
on promoter DNA methylation percentages and
subsequently on the regulation of gene expression Research studies have shown that during the
(Kalashikam et al., 2014). On the other hand, histones early years of life, monozygotic (MZ) twins are
are globular proteins around which DNA is packaged epigenetically indistinguishable from each other.
to make chromatin. Enzyme modifications, such as Interestingly, with increasing age, remarkable
methylation and acetylation of lysine residues in their differences become noticeable in their overall content
amino termini, lead to the conformational change in and genomic distributions of 5-methylcytosine in DNA
histones. Acetylation leads to increased DNA and histone acetylations. Similarly, diet/environment
accessibility, and methylation can either increase or could have an influence on individual’s BMI and health.
decrease DNA accessibility depending upon the A comparative study of epigenetic metastability of
specific type of methylation and histone modification 6,000 unique genomic regions between matched
(Yasui et al., 2003). DNA methylation and histone monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins
modification often work in tandem, as MBPs (methyl demarcated epigenetic differences in both the MZ
– CpG - binding proteins) recruited by DNA and DZ twins (Kaminsky et al., 2009). Molecular
methylation that may exert their effects through mechanisms of heritability may not be limited to
recruitment of histone deacetylases, resulting in differences in DNA sequence only. Indeed, epigenetic
chromatin condensation and transcriptional modifications also act as one of the very important
inactivation. governing factors in unravelling the secrets behind
1428 Naga Muralidhar Merugu et al.

the blue prints of DNA sequence. Latest developments regulation, signal transduction and through alterations
indicate that epigenetic research would add a new in chromatin structure and protein function. All
dimension by explaining inter-individual variations in organisms in the universe, simple or complex, have
body weight. With the use of advanced technologies, the ability to respond to nutrient or nutrient/ hormonal
epigenetic profile of the metabolic diseases like obesity, signals, which regulate gene expression i.e., synthesis
CVD etc associated genes can be discerned and could of mRNA, encoding the enzymes involved in their
be applied in a genome-wide approach. Latest metabolism (Qi and Cho, 2008). Nutrients such as
technological developments and ongoing research on macronutrients (fatty acids, proteins and
epigenetics aspects are continuously uncovering the carbohydrates) and micronutrients (minerals and
role of epigenetics in a variety of human disorders vitamins) along with phytochemicals in food regulate/
and fatal diseases. The renewed interest in epigenetics alter gene expression. Nutrients act as signalling
has led to new findings about the relationship between molecules that activate cellular sensing mechanisms,
epigenetic changes and a host of disorders including which in turn degrade them (nutrients) into metabolites.
various cancers, mental retardation, immunity, Hence, the modifications in gene expression may
neuropsychiatry and paediatrics. Specifically, it is very affect muscle, liver, pancreatic β cells, hypothalamus,
important to explore more about diet and epigenetic adipose tissue etc. The effects of these gene-nutrient
changes and its relation with development of metabolic interactions can be deleterious or protective thereby
diseases. regulating energy homeostasis and metabolic
pathways. Use of high throughput technologies has
To understand the development and or facilitated the collection of important information by
progression of metabolic disease, the present day studying the interaction of bioactive food components
predictors are circumscribed by heritability, with genome at cellular and molecular level.
environmental factors such as diet, lifestyle, and gut Development of metabolic syndrome is practically
microbiome. It is very clear that advances in linked with unbalanced nutrient intakes and generation
nutrigenomics and epigenomics would further the of reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen species
understanding of the complex interplay between (RNS). The nutrients keep the desired balance
genotype, phenotype and environment, which are between total oxidation status and total antioxidant
required for development of personalised nutrition in response of the organism to maintain a balance
the future. Improving diet and other lifestyle between these two variables (Rajoka et al., 2012).
behaviours’ has considerable potential for reducing
the global burden of non-communicable diseases, Metabolic Syndrome (Mets)
especially metabolic diseases and promoting better
health. The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a clinical entity of
substantial heterogeneity, represented by a cluster of
Gene-nutrient Interaction biochemical and physiological abnormalities
(Goyenechea et al., 2008; Phillips, 2013). The major
Gene-nutrient interactions are complex and hard to risk factors for developing MetS are physical
predict, thus demonstrating the need for highly inactivity, diets rich in fats (particularly saturated fatty
controlled genotypes and environmental conditions that acids) and carbohydrates, contributing to the clinical
allow identification of different regulatory patterns features such as central obesity, insulin resistance,
(Doo and Kim, 2015). Differences in genetic make- inflammation, hypertension and dyslipidaemia.
up or genotype are the factors that determine the Clustering of these risk factors leads to an increased
phenotype; on the other hand nutrient imbalances could risk for the development of type 2 diabetes and
also play a key role (Nature Vs Nurture). Whether cardiovascular disease (Roche et al., 2005; Qing Song
dietary intervention affect the outcome of phenotype et al., 2006; Taylor et al., 2013; Han et al., 2016).
(GXE=P) is determined by the diseased condition Therefore, it is important to understand the biological
known to have genetic and/or environmental impact of gene–nutrient-disease interactions that
components (nutritional) (Perusse and Bouchard, provide an insight into the pathogenesis and
2000). A large number of studies have shown that progression of metabolic syndrome.
nutrients alter gene expression at the level of gene
Nutri (EPI) Genomics and Metabolic Syndrome 1429

Obesity gene was shown to be associated with obesity and

also the carriers of -2549A allele have higher leptin
Obesity is an important clinical and public health levels and lower weight loss despite they were
challenge, characterized by excess adipose tissue subjected to low calorie intake (Basic et al., 2012). A
accumulation resulting from an imbalance in energy clear understanding of potential gene-nutrient
intake and expenditure. It has become one of the major interactions, would give possible insights to manipulate
threats in the industrialized world not only among diet in such a way to minimize the metabolic risk for
adults, but also among adolescents and children. It is obesity.
influenced by the interaction of genes, nutrition,
environment and lifestyle. Apart from environmental Insulin resistance (IR) and impaired glucose
and social factors, genetic differences play an tolerance (IGT)
important role in the development of obesity (Rao et
al., 2014). Central adiposity is the primary causal Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is a pre-
factor in developing insulin resistance, the hallmark diabetic state of hyperglycaemia that is associated
of metabolic syndrome (MetS) (Roberts et al., 2013). with insulin resistance and increased risk of
Several studies have reported that mutations in a cardiovascular pathology (Nathan et al., 2007). Insulin
number of genes including leptin (LEP), leptin receptor is a pancreatic hormone that helps the body use
(LEPR), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), fat mass and glucose, the main source of energy which travels in
obesity- associated gene (FTO) and melanocortin-4 bloodstream to cells throughout the body. As blood
receptor (MC4R) are associated with fat accumulation glucose level increases after a meal, the pancreas
and obesity development (Martínez et al., 2007; release insulin to clear excess glucose from circulation.
Fawcett et al., 2010; Deliard et al., 2013; Muller et Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body
al., 2014). Youssef et al. (2013) have reported that produces insulin but it is not used properly by
high energy intake is associated with the Trp 64 Arg metabolically active tissues such as muscle, adipose,
polymorphism of ADRB3 gene, leading to significant and liver cells. As a result, their bodies need more
increase in the risk of obesity. A promoter variant insulin to help glucose enter the cells and over time
rs11872992 in MC4R has shown that increased food this results in a condition called “hyperinsulinemia”.
intake and decreased energy expenditure leads to Subsequently, excess glucose builds up in the
increased risk for obesity. A mis-sense variant in the bloodstream, setting the stage for diabetes.
IL6R (interleukin 6 receptor) gene, Asp 358 Ala (T > Intervention studies have shown that high fat diets
G substitution) interacts significantly with dietary exacerbate insulin resistance and low-fat diets, have
energy intake and the risk of abdominal obesity. a beneficial effect (Zivkovic et al., 2007).
Intake of total fat and saturated fatty acid (SFA) was Polymorphisms in adiponectin gene (APM1, ADIPOQ,
significantly associated with waist circumference in ACRP30), and its receptors (ADIPOR1 and
individuals carrying the peroxisome proliferator- ADIPOR2) are strongly associated with obesity, type
activated receptor alpha (PPARa) Leu 162/Leu 162 2 diabetes and insulin resistance (Tschritter et al.,
genotype, but not in those with the Val 162 allele 2003; Kitamoto et al., 2015). Further, studies reported
(Youssef et al., 2013). A population-based study that homozygosity of G allele rs3790433 for the leptin
showed Gly 482 Ser of the PPARGC1A gene was receptor (LEPR) was also associated with increased
associated with increased risk of obesity only in elderly risk of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome
men (age > 50) with low physical activity (Ridderstrale (Ferguson et al., 2010). Haplotype of the adiponectin
et al., 2006). Recently, a significant interaction gene is associated with several features of insulin
between the FTO gene variant rs9939609 and physical resistance in non-diabetic individuals, including low
activity in relation to obesity risk has been reported in serum adiponectin levels. In addition, associations of
a Danish population (Phillips, 2013). FTO gene was two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs); the
one of the first genes to be associated with BMI, +276G>T (rs1501299), the +45T>G, (rs2241766)
with increased intake of nutrients and decreased polymorphism in the adiponectin gene is associated
satiety found to be more prevalent in subjects with with higher insulin levels and insulin resistance
MetS. Another study reported that a G>A transition (Melistas et al., 2009). The presence of the risk allele
at position -2549 in the promoter region of the LEP for KCNQ1(Potassium Voltage-Gated Channel
1430 Naga Muralidhar Merugu et al.

Subfamily Q Member 1) variants rs2237897, (rs4862417, rs6552828, rs13120078, rs9997745, and

rs2237892, and rs2283228 were found to be associated rs12503643) have been associated with insulin
with increased fasting glucose level and decreased resistance and dyslipidemia (Phillips et al., 2010). A
β-cell function (Tan et al., 2009). A non-synonymous number of lipid sensitive transcription factors, including
variant of N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) [rs1208 FXR, LXR, RXR, PPAR, PGC1alpha, PGC1 beta,
(803A>G, K268R)] is strongly associated with SREBP-1a and SREBP-1c, have been implicated in
decreased insulin sensitivity that is independent of the development of the MetS. PPAR is a good
BMI (Knowles et al., 2015). One of the most studied candidate gene for the MetS because of its multiple
polymorphism (rs1801253) in the ADRB1 gene codes roles in adipocyte differentiation, fatty acid metabolism,
for arginine or glycine at amino acid 389 (Arg389Gly) insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis. The
found to be associated with high levels of insulin and Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPAR has been identified
insulin resistance (Lima et al., 2007), and this allele is as the most widely reproduced genetic variation for
more prevalent in subjects with high body mass index the risk of T2DM and an excellent example of the
(BMI). The intestinal fatty acid-binding protein relevance of gene–nutrient interactions in the
(IFBP), coded by the FABP2 gene, is one of the most development of T2DM and MetS (Altshuler et al.,
abundant proteins in enterocytes and its genetic 2000).
variation was associated with insulin resistance in Pima
Indians. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase β (ACC2) plays a Hypertension
key role in fatty acid synthesis and oxidation pathways, Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common
and studies showed that polymorphisms in ACC2 gene disease worldwide. Arterial hypertension constitutes
(rs2075263, rs2268387, rs2284685, rs2284689) were an important pathogenic element in obesity-associated
associated with impaired insulin sensitivity and metabolic syndrome, and CVD. Major risk factors
metabolic syndrome (MetS) (Phillips et al., 2010). for pathogenesis of hypertension include genetics,
Dyslipidemia nutrients (sodium, chloride, low potassium and low
calcium, low omega-3 fatty acid), obesity and other
Dyslipidemia is one of the very early features of MetS environmental factors (Rajoka et al., 2012). The genes
and frequently precedes IGT. The pathological responsible for renal water and electrolyte balance
condition of dyslipidemia are associated with abnormal act directly by impacting the function of renal sodium
amount of lipids in circulation, particularly elevated transporters and indirectly by altering the expression
levels of low density lipoprotein (LDLs) and of adrenal/mineralocorticoid hormones. Polymorphic
decreased levels of high density lipoprotein (HDLs) genes implicated in blood pressure regulation include
(Bitzur et al., 2009). Dyslipidemia result in high levels renin-angiotensin; including those encoding
of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), with more than 700 angiotensinogen (AGT), angiotensin converting
distinct mutations in LDL receptor genes. Increased enzyme (ACE) and aldosterone synthetase
triglycerides and decreased HDL cholesterol levels (CYP11B2). Angiotensin has two genotypes -AA
are mainly associated with mutations in the lipoprotein and GG. On the same type of diet, individuals with
lipase (LPL) and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genes, AA genotype were found to have reduced blood
which are important for lipoprotein metabolism. pressure, but not individuals with GG genotype.
Several variants of the APOA1/C3/A4/A5 and Heterozygote AG genotype had intermediate level of
APOE/C1/C2 gene clusters have been consistently blood pressure (Gard, 2010). Sodium transport/
associated with the characteristic dyslipidemia of the metabolism-related genes, such as those encoding for
MetS. Apo E4, an iso-form of APOE, is very strongly epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) subunits, 11B-
associated with vascular inflammation and hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and adducin are of
cardiovascular disease or increased risk for interest, given the well-proven association between
myocardial infarction (Phillips et al, 2008). Long-chain dietary salt intake and hypertension. Recent genome-
acyl CoA synthetase 1 (ACSL1) involved in wide association studies (GWAS) have identified an
mitochondrial beta-oxidation of long chain fatty acids association between blood pressure and the gene
and play an important role in fatty acid metabolism. encoding for folate-metabolising enzyme, methylene
Studies showed that polymorphisms in ACSL1 gene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and showed an
Nutri (EPI) Genomics and Metabolic Syndrome 1431

increased risk of hypertension in people homozygous development of metabolic syndrome (Nino-Fong et

for the 677C→T polymorphism. Riboflavin in the al., 2007). Adipose tissue not only acts as major energy
form of FAD acts as a cofactor for MTHFR. CVD storage tissue but is also a metabolically dynamic
patients with the relevant MTHFR 677 TT genotype endocrine organ and an important source of several
had significantly higher blood pressure as compared bioactive compounds such as hormones, cytokines,
to CC or CT genotypes (McNulty et al., 2014). These chemokines, growth factors and complement proteins.
patients were highly responsive to riboflavin These substances play a central role in the whole
intervention. Gene-based association scan found IGF1, body homeostasis by influencing a variety of biological
SLC4A4, WWOX, and SFMBT1 associated with and physiological processes such as food intake,
hypertension (Yang et al., 2012). IGF encodes insulin- energy balance, insulin action, glucose/lipid
like growth factor 1, which is associated with metabolism, angiogenesis /vascular remodelling, blood
cardiovascular disorders, metabolic syndrome, pressure, and coagulation. Excessive fat storage in
decreased body weight/size and changes in insulin adipose tissue due to positive energy balance (excess
levels in mice. SLC4A4 (Solute Carrier Family 4 nutrient intake) leads to hypoxia and hypoxia-induced
Member 4) encodes the electrogenic sodium fibrosis, adipose tissue cell death, and adipocyte stress,
bicarbonate co-transporter 1 and is associated with which in turn trigger the chronic systemic low grade
decreased body weight/size and abnormal ion inflammation. Studies have shown that TNF-α-
homeostasis in mice. Similarly, WWOX encodes the 308G>A polymorphism in the promoter region is
WW domain-containing protein, which is related to associated with increased plasma TNF-a
hypoglycaemia and hyperphosphataemia. SFMBT1, concentrations and is associated with insulin
which encodes the Scm-like with four MBT domains resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic
protein 1, is a novel hypertension gene. syndrome (Hoffstedt et al., 2000; Vendrell et al.,
2003; Gupta et al., 2012). The association between -
Inflammation 174G>C polymorphism (rs1800795) in the promoter
Diet is an important regulatory factor in immune region of the IL-6 gene and insulin resistance is
response; while malnutrition leads to susceptibility to modified by body mass index (BMI) (Underwood et
infections due to immuno-suppression, over-nutrition al., 2012). A study showed that the concomitant
leads to immuno-activation due to susceptibility to presence of promoter polymorphisms of TNF-a (G-
inflammatory condition. Therefore, optimal nutrition 308A) and IL-6 (C-124G) in obese subjects with
is required for a healthy immune balance. impaired glucose tolerance carry twice the risk of
Observational and interventional studies suggest that conversion to type 2 diabetes, when compared with
diets rich in trans fats and/or saturated FAs are highly other genotypes (Kubaszek et al., 2003).
related to the immune response by increasing the Consequential Risks Associated With Metabolic
circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines; interleukin-6 Syndrome
(IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP), tumour necrosis
factor- alpha (TNF-α) (Hansongyi et al., 2013). Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)
Therefore, high fat and/or carbohydrate diet causes
excessive body fat accumulation, impairs immune Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus characterized by
system and affects the inflammatory status. Obesity hyperglycaemia, results from defects in insulin
(a crude index of adiposity/BMI) is associated with secretion and activity or both. It is associated with
alterations in immunity (a chronic low-grade dysfunction and failure of different organs, such as
inflammation) in which there is an elevation of a blood vessels, heart and kidneys. T2DM is clinically
variety of circulating adipokines, including leptin, defined as having an overnight fasting serum glucose
adiponectin, resistin, and visfatin, as well as pro- > 126 mg/dL or a haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) > 6.5%.
inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, CRP, interferon Diabetes is more prevalent among specific ethnic/
gamma (IFN-γ), and TNF-α etc (Shoelson et al., racial groups, providing evidence for genetic
2007; Hansongyi et al., 2013). These elevated pro- predisposition. Genetic and functional data indicate
inflammatory molecules produced by the adipose that CAPN10 (which encodes cysteine protease
tissue are implicated as active participants in the calpain 10) plays an important role in insulin resistance
1432 Naga Muralidhar Merugu et al.

and intermediate phenotypes. Calpain 10 (CAPN10) citrus fruits have also been shown to protect against
was the first T2DM susceptibility gene identified T2DM by activating peroxisome proliferator activated
through a genome-wide scan followed by positional receptors (PPARs) in liver and adipose tissue. Studies
cloning (Dedoussis et al., 2007). CAPN10 variants in mice showed that bilberry anthocyanin
have been linked with several MetS phenotypes, supplementation improved insulin sensitivity in T2DM
including hyper triglyceridemia, BMI and by down regulating the expression of gluconeogenic
hypertension. Studies have reported that six genes enzymes and up regulation of peroxisome proliferator
account for majority of the monogenic forms of activated receptor alpha(PPARα), long chain carnitine
diabetes. These are hepatic nuclear factors (HNF- palmitoyltransferse I (L-Cpt-1), Glucose transporter
1α, 4α and 1β), glucokinase (GCK), insulin promoter type 4 (Glut4) and aconitase (Aco) expression in the
factor-1 (IPF-1), and neuro D1 transcription factor liver (Takikawa et al., 2010). The dietary flavones,
(NEUROD1) (Gloyn, 2003). Further, Transcription apigenin and luteolin found in celery, parsley were
factor 7–like 2 (TCF7L2) gene variants (rs7903146 shown to protect the cells from cytokine-induced
SNP ) are specially associated with an increased risk apoptosis by inhibiting inducible nitric oxide synthase
both for T2DM and MetS by causing excess fat and (iNos) expression. The major dietary isoflavones;
glycogen deposition in the liver, glucose intolerance daidzein and genistein, primarily present in soy foods
and hyperlipidaemia (Phillips, 2013). A study reported have been shown to improve glucose tolerance and
that the gene, Two pore segment channel 2(TPCN2) circulating insulin concentration by increasing islet â
plays a role in metabolic regulation, and the single cell proliferation, β cell mass and survival (Kim et al.,
nucleotide polymorphism rs1551305 in TPCN2 is 2007). The genotype and diet interaction studies
associated with type 2 diabetes risk (Fan et al., 2016). showed that peroxisome proliferator-activated
The KCNJ11 gene, a member of the potassium receptor gamma (PPARG) Pro12Ala genotype
channel gene and the common polymorphisms (SNPs) modified the association between total dietary fat
in KCNJ11 gene, such as rs5219, rs5215, rs5210, intake and risk for obesity. The Pro/Pro homozygotes
rs5218, rs886288, and rs2285676 were shown to be of PPARG have been reported to be at increased
involved in diabetes (Haghvirdizadeh, 2015). A study risk for obesity and insulin resistance (Roche et al.,
reported that KCNJ11 SNPs 74 (3p+215), 76 (A190) 2005). Scavenger Receptor Class B Member
and 77 (E23K) showed significant association with 1(SCARB1) genetic variability plays a significant role
T2DM (Dedoussis et al., 2007). FABP (FABP1) is in lipoprotein metabolism. Research findings show that
an abundant cytosolic lipid-binding protein that subjects carrying the A allele in exon 1 at the SCARB1
regulates lipid transport and metabolism. The c.334- gene locus (SCARB1 exon 1, rs4238001) were
135G>A polymorphism (rs2197076) located in the 3 associated with significant increase in insulin
prime un-translated region (UTR) of the FABP1 gene sensitivity after the consumption of a MUFA-rich diet
was associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes and compared to the effect on G/G individuals (Dedoussis
the homeostatic model assessment index (HOMA et al., 2007). The fatty acid (FA)-binding protein 2
index) (Mansego et al., 2012). (FABP2) gene that codes for intestinal FABP
(IFABP), is crucial for fat absorption and transport.
Several studies in humans and animal models Subjects with the Thr54 allele had higher FFA
have shown anti-diabetic effects of dietary flavonoids concentrations than did those who were homozygous
on glucose homeostasis by regulating expression of for the Ala54 allele when consuming a saturated fatty
different genes in pancreas, liver, skeletal muscle and acid (SFA)-rich diet. This suggests a plausible
white adipose that are involved in various cellular mechanism for the FABP2 Ala54/Thr54
pathways. Consumption of anthocyanins, particularly polymorphism-diet interaction for the determination
from blueberries, apples and pears, was consistently of insulin sensitivity and T2D (Dedoussis et al., 2007).
associated with a lower risk of T2DM (Berna et al.,
2014). These compounds were shown to regulate Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
carbohydrate digestion, insulin secretion, insulin
signalling and glucose uptake in insulin-sensitive CVD can be characterized as a group of multi-
tissues by modulating intracellular pathways. Naringin factorial conditions that include cerebro vascular
and hesperidin, the two major flavanones present in diseases (stroke with transitory ischemic attack),
Nutri (EPI) Genomics and Metabolic Syndrome 1433

peripheral vasculopathy and cardiac ischemic disease Conclusion

(CHD), which includes acute myocardial infarction
(AMI), angina pectoris and sudden death (Jannes et Since ancient times, humans have known that
al., 2004). The major risk factors associated with environment and food can interfere with an individual’s
cardiovascular diseases are age, family history, health / disease condition, and have indeed used food
sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, hypertension, and plants as medicines. Human genome has provided
obesity, diabetes and high blood cholesterol. All these and increased the information on the genetic order of
pathological entities are closely related to both genetic polymorphic markers and the SNP map of the humans.
factors and environmental influences (Rajoka et al., This provides powerful molecular tools to decipher
2012). CVD may also result from a variety of genetic the role of nutrition in human health and disease and
causes, including single-gene mutations, interaction help in defining optimal diets. Advanced genetic
of multiple genes and environmental factors. analysis may provide opportunities to understand the
basis of complex traits and the role of individual
Obesity per se is a major cardiovascular risk genotypes on the development of polygenic diet-
factor and polymorphic genes involved in controlling related diseases such as CVD and T2DM. Adequate
energy balance provide ‘‘favourable’’ or dietary nutrients not only prevent or delay chronic
‘‘unfavourable’’ background for the development of disorders, but also decrease the progression and
CVD. Elevated plasma levels of total cholesterol, LDL severity of chronic diseases. The challenge for
cholesterol and triglycerides predispose to the nutrigenomics researcher is to discover the genes,
development of atherosclerotic plaques. their associations to diets (Gene X diet interaction)
Apolipoprotein (apo) A-1 is a key component of HDL and development of chronic diseases (gene-diet-
and both apo A-1 and HDL cholesterol have been disease interaction). Trials should be designed
identified as protective factors for CVD. Genetic effectively taking into consideration, the ‘ethics’ as
variation in genes encoding apolipoproteins, some well the ‘ways of implementing research and science
enzymes and hormones can alter individual’s sensitivity into the need of the society’. Therefore, the use of
to develop the CVD (Ordovas, 2006). Individuals individual genetic information, avoiding obesogens
with the E4 allele in the apolipoprotein E gene show (foreign chemical compounds that disrupt normal
higher low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol (bad development and balance of lipid metabolism, which
cholesterol) levels with increased dietary fat intake in some cases, can lead to obesity) and a healthy
compared with those with the other (E1, E2 and E3) lifestyle could help to improve the management of
alleles receiving equivalent amounts of dietary fat. metabolic syndrome. The knowledge of genetics and
Polymorphism in genes encoding lipid transport epigenetics reinforces the importance of nutrition in
proteins, their receptors, and lipid-processing enzymes health and disease. It is very clear that advances in
and inflammation- related proteins are associated with nutrigenomics and epigenomics would undoubtedly
the characteristic changes in blood lipid concentrations. further the understanding of the complex interplay
between genotype, phenotype and environment,
which are required to enhance the development
of personalised nutrition in the future.

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