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General Biology 2018 Module B

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The key takeaways are that bacteria are single-celled organisms that play an important role in ecosystems. Viruses infect cells by attaching to specific receptor molecules on the cell surface. Cell structure and function is an important topic covered.

Prokaryotic cells are smaller, lack organelles, and have no nucleus surrounded by a nuclear envelope. Eukaryotic cells are generally larger, have organelles like the nucleus surrounded by a nuclear envelope, mitochondria, chloroplasts, and a cytoskeleton.

Bacteria can acquire new DNA through three processes: conjugation, transduction, and transformation.


NMAT REVIEW 2018 a. the DNA of the viral genome is less stable than other viral
b. the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase has a high
1. Cell, the basic unit of life can be divided into two groups, likelihood of making replication errors.
prokaryotic and eukaryotic, based on fundamental c. the viral genome is altered every time it is incorporated
differences in their organization and size. As a cell increases into the host genome.
in size, d. antibodies produced by the host cell mutate the viral
a. its volume increases more rapidly than its surface area. genome when infection occurs.
b. its surface area increases more rapidly than its volume
c. its volume increases at the same rate as its surface area. 7. Which of the following is most likely to occur when cells
d. the relationship between the rate of increase in its from the root tips of Allium cepa are placed in a solution
volume and that of its surface area cannot be determined with higher concentration of water molecules than that of
the cells?
2. Bacteria are the oldest and most abundant organisms on a. Hemolysis
earth. The maintenance of life depends on them, since they b. Plasmolysis
play a vital role both in productivity and cycling the c. The cells will become turgid.
substances essential to all other life forms. The only d. The cells will become flaccid.
organism capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen is bacteria.
Which of the following statements is FALSE? For items 8 and 9, refer to this experimental set- up
a. bacteria are always single-celled Two solutions of the different salt concentrations
b. all bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission (X and Y) are enclosed in bags made of a differentially
c. certain bacteria are capable of living in an environment membrane. Both are immersed in a 0.5% salt solution.
containing H2 and O2
d. bacteria are much less diverse metabolically than
eukaryotes and hence survive only in very limited range of
habitats under very special circumstances

3. By what means do bacterial cells acquire new DNA?

a. by conjugation, the mating of two cells of the same
bacterial species
b. by transduction, the injection of viral DNA into bacterial 8. Water molecules will move from
cells a. X to Z and Z to Y c. Z to both X and Y
c. by transformation, the uptake of DNA from the b. Z to X and Y to Z d. X and Y to Z
d. all of the above 9. After enough time has elapsed, the salt concentration in
Z will be
4. How do various types of bacteria move? a. the same as X and Y
a. by the use of flagella, composed of a filament, hook, and b. greater than X and less than Y
motor c. greater than Y and less than X
b. by means of pili, which help cells twitch or glide along a d. greater than either Y or X
c. by using gas vesicles to regulate buoyancy in water 10. A contractile vacuole is an organelle that pumps excess
bodies water out of many freshwater protozoan cells. A freshwater
d. all of the above protozoan was placed in solution A and observed to form
contractile vacuoles at a rate of 11 per minute. The same
5. During viral infection, attachment is usually specific to a protozoan was then placed in solution B and observed to
particular cell type because form contractile vacuoles at a rate of 4 per minute. Based
a. the virus is attracted to the appropriate host cells by on this information, which of the following statements is
proteins secreted into the extracellular fluid. correct?
b. the virus recognizes and binds to specific molecules in a. Solution A is hypertonic to solution B.
the cytoplasm of the host cell. b. Solutions A and B are isotonic.
c. the virus recognizes and binds to specific molecules on c. Solution B is hypertonic to solution A.
the surface of the host cell. d. Solutions A and B are isotonic to the protozoan cell.
d. the virus releases specific proteins that make holes in the
membrane large enough for the virus to enter. 11. Animals which practice external fertilization ensues
success by
a. providing for a few large eggs that are easily reached by
b. neutralizing unfavorable environmental conditions
c. discharging a large numbers of gametes
d. timing activities under the cover of darkness

12. Ribosomes found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum

6. HIV, a retrovirus, has a high mutation rate because produce proteins which are to be secreted outside the cell.



Before leaving the cell, the proteins undergo modification b. Central Vacuole: increase cell surface area and storage
and packaging. What is the next organelle to which the c. Cytoskeleton: cell motion and internal organization
proteins could be transported? d. Lysosome: extracellular digestion
a. Centrosomes or MTOC
b. Nuclear Membrane 19. Casein, the protein found in milk, is broken down
c. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum initially by a process known as:
d. Golgi apparatus a. Glycolysis c. Transamination
b. Beta-oxidation d. Pentose phosphate pathway
13. Which of the following would you not expect to be
associated with a plasma membrane? 20. Compared to its energy content at rest, a vertebrate
a. Deoxyribonucleic acid c. Cholesterol muscle that has just undergone heavy exercise would have:
b. Phospholipids d. Glycoprotein a. more ATP and more ADP
b. less ATP and more ADP
Answer questions 14-16 based on the diagram below of a c. more ATP and less ADP
biochemical pathway. Arrows represent reactions catalyzed d. less ATP and less ADP
by the indicated enzyme. Letters represent chemical
compounds consumed or produced during the reactions. 21. When compared to a lung cell, a muscle cell would
a. more mitochondria
b. more rough endoplasmic reticulum
c. less mitochondria
d. less rough endoplasmic reticulum

22. Which of the following processes results to the complete

14. If the action of enzyme 1 is blocked with an inhibitor, oxidation of the substrate to ATP + CO2 + H2O?
a. Glycolysis c. Fermentation
which of the following statements is NOT true about the
effect on the pathway? b. Aerobic respiration d. Anaerobic respiration
a. Compound A will accumulate to a high level.
b. Compound B will accumulate to a high level. 23. Oxidative metabolism is carried out ____ of
c. Compound D will not be produced.
d. Compound E will not be produced. a. in the intermembrane space
b. on the surface of the inner membrane
c. in the inside of the outer membrane
15. If the action of enzyme 5 is blocked with an inhibitor,
which of the following statements is TRUE about the effect d. in the matrix
on the pathway?
24. The fact that large numbers of mitochondria are
a. Compound A will accumulate to a high level.
b. Compound B will accumulate to a high level. observed in the tubule cells of nephrons suggests that the
c. Compound D will accumulate to a high level. nephron is involved in the process of:
a. Passive transport c. Diffusion
d. Compound E will not be produced.
b. Active transport d. Osmosis
16. If enzyme 3 can process compound C three times faster
25. Cells, serving different functions, have varying organelle
than enzyme 4 can process compound C, which of the
following statements is TRUE? composition. One cell may have a greater number of a
a. Compound C will accumulate three times as much as specific organelle compared to the other. You would expect
a cell with reduced amount of ribosomes to
compound E.
b. Compound C will be consumed three times faster than a. not perform photosynthesis.
compound B. b. secrete little amount of material.
c. Compound D will be consumed three times faster than c. move passively.
d. synthesize little amount of proteins.
compound E.
d. Compound D will accumulate three times as much as
compound E. 26. When a cell secretes a signaling molecule that binds to
receptors on its own cell surface or neighboring cells of the
17. A drug called Brefeldin A blocks transport from the same cell type, this is called ____________ signaling.
endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. If a cell that a. direct intercellular
b. contact-dependent
typically secretes enzyme X is treated with Brefeldin A, what
effect will be observed on the secretion of enzyme X? c. autocrine
a. There will be no effect on secretion. d. paracrine
b. Secretion of enzyme X will increase.
c. Secretion of enzyme X will decrease.
d. Enzyme X will accumulate in the plasma membrane. A scientist was studying differential gene expression in a
variety of tissues from the same organism. He investigated
18. The cell is composed of different organelles with its
corresponding functions. Which of the following is not a eight different genes. The following chart describes which
correct association? genes are turned on and producing their respective proteins
in each of the different tissue types.
a. Nucleolus: assembly of ribosomes

c. Secretion of hormones for calcium regulation in blood and

d. Production of blood corpuscles

34. Cellular transport is the movement of materials across

membranes. It includes passive and active transport.
Which of the following is not a correct association?
a. active transport: movement of molecules/ions from an
area of higher to lower concentration which requires ATP
b. facilitated diffusion: net movement of molecules/ions
from an area of higher to lower concentration through
c. diffusion: net movement of solute molecules from an area
of higher to lower concentration
The chart will help you to answer question 27-29: d. All of the above is correct.

27. Which two cell types are the closest in the 35. Joe accidentally touched a hot pan. His arm jerked back
differentiation pathway? and an instant later, he felt a burning pain. How would you
a. 1 and 2 c. 3 and 4 explain that his arm moved before he felt the pain?
b. 2 and 5 d. 4 and 5 a. his limbic system blocked the pain momentarily, but the
important pain signals eventually got through.
28. Which two are the farthest apart in the differentiation b. his response was a spinal cord reflex that occurred before
pathway? the pain signals got to pain
a. 2 and 5 c. 1 and 7 c. it took a while for his brain to search long term memory
b. 2 and 3 d. 5 and 7 & figure out what was going on
d. the automatic nervous system responded to the danger
29. Gene 8 codes for a protein that digest fats. The cell type because the brain was too busy to react quickly
that expresses this gene is probably found in the
a. gallbladder c. liver 36. The cell cycle consists of four major phases: G 1 (gap)
b. stomach d. pancreas → S (DNA synthesis) → G2 (gap) → M (mitosis). The yeast
mutation cdc8 blocks the cell-cycle transition from G2 phase
30. Apoptosis is the process of into M phase. If the DNA content of a normal haploid yeast
a. cell migration cell is N, what is the DNA content of a haploid cdc8 mutant
b. cell signaling blocked in G2 phase?
c. signal transduction a. N
d. programmed cell death b. 2N
c. 3N
31. Prokaryotic cells do not contain a nucleus or any other d. 4N
membrane-bound organelle whereas, eukaryotic cells do.
The mature mammalian red blood cell has no nucleus; 37. Which of the following statements accurately describes
however, it is still considered a eukaryotic cell. What is the a difference between mitosis and meiosis?
possible explanation? a. Mitosis may produce diploid cells, whereas meiosis
a. Mammalian RBC’s have nuclei during the early phases produces haploid cells
but extrude them as they mature. b. Homologous chromosomes synapse during mitosis but
b. Mammalian RBC’s are prokaryotes having symbiotic do not synapse during meiosis
relationship with the mammalian host. c. Crossing over commonly occurs during meiosis, but it
c. Mammalian RBC’s failed to evolve. does not commonly occur during mitosis
d. Mature mammalian RBC’s lacking nuclei is a hoax. d. Both a and c are correct

32. A medical student survived a plane crash in an isolated 38. During crossing over in meiosis I,
island. He surveyed the area and found out that there was a. homologous chromosomes are not altered
available water, but no food. In what sequence are the b. homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material
following organic compounds used up by the body of the c. chromosomal damage occurs
medical student? d. genetic information is lost
a. Lipids first, carbohydrates next and proteins last
b. Carbohydrates first, lipids next and proteins last 39. Cell division is a process by which a parent cell divides
c. Proteins first, lipids next and carbohydrates last into two or more daughter cells done for reproduction,
d. Carbohydrates first, proteins next and lipids last repair, growth and development. Which of the following
33. The skeletal system includes all of the bones and joints stages of cell division is associated with its correct
in the body. Each bone is a complex living organ that is description?
made up of many cells, protein fibers, and minerals. Which a. Prophase: Nuclear envelope fragments and nucleolus
of the following is not a function of bones? reappears.
a. Place for muscle attachment b. Anaphase: The centromeres of sister chromatids are not
b. Protection of vital organs yet separated.



c. Metaphase: Chromosomes are now arranged in the 48. Flordeliza and her lover, Roman, carved their initials on
equatorial plate. the trunk of a Macopa tree at a height of 3 m. After 30
d. Telophase II: There are now two daughter haploid cells. years, Flordeliza came back to bury Roman’s ashes under
the foot of the tree. She noticed that their initials were still
40. What is the function of villi of a mammal? at the same height, even though the tree has grown. What
a. The villi help in the efficient absorption of meat. could be the possible explanation?
b. The villi protect the lining of the gastrointestinal tract a. the tree trunk shows primary growth.
from acidic chemicals. b. the tree trunk shows primary apical growth of the plant,
c. The villi are microscopic structures found in the stomach but apical elongation should not occur in that part of the
for better digestion. tree.
d. The villi increase the absorptive surface area of the c. trees lack apical meristems and so do not get taller.
intestinal epithelium d. Flordeliza is in a state of grief and is hallucinating.

41. Most vertebrates are made up of bones and have a bony 49. Which of the following statements best describes the
endoskeleton. Which of the following vertebrates does not chemical composition of biomembranes?
have bony endoskeleton? a. Biomembranes are bilayers of proteins with associated
a. Shark c. Salamander lipids and carbohydrates
b. Milk Fish d. King Cobra b. Biomembranes are composed of two layers—one layer of
phospholipids and one layer of proteins
42. Which of the following characteristics made some avian c. Biomembranes are bilayers of phospholipids with
organisms capable of flight? associated proteins and carbohydrates
a. They have large air-filled pneumatic cavities d. Biomembranes are composed of equal numbers of
b. They have two large-flight muscles, the pectoralis and phospholipids, proteins, and carbohydrates
c. They have skeleton consisting of hollow lightweight 50. When using microscopes, the resolution refers to
bones. a. the ratio between the size of the image produced by the
d. All of the following are adaptations for flight. microscope and the actual size of the object
b. the degree to which a particular structure looks different
43. Fungal cells differ from animal cells in that fungal cells from other structures around it
a. lack ribosomes, though these are present in animal cells c. the ability to observe certain dyes
b. lack mitochondria, though these occur in animal cells d. the ability to observe two adjacent objects as being
c. have cell walls, whereas animal cells lack rigid walls distinct from each other
d. lack cell walls, whereas animal cells possess walls

44. Symbiotic relationships occur in different interacting

species in wildlife. An example is the lichen, organisms
formed by a symbiotic relationship between algae or
canobacterium and a fungus. Which of the following is false
regarding lichens?
a. Lichens erode rock surfaces and harbor bits of organic
matter in their crusty bodies.
b. Lichens may be found on rocks, trees or soil.
c. Lichen can live in harsh conditions such as the tundra
without many nutrients.
d. All of the above are true.

45. Which of the following phylum includes organisms

whose cells are not organized into tissues?
a. Porifera c. Platyhelminthes
b. Cnidaria d. Nematoda

46. In some amphibians, the adult retains certain larval

characteristics, which is known as
a. metamorphosis c. parthenogenesis
b. paedomorphosis d. hermaphrodism

47. Which of the following is the ocean zone that remains

in perpetual darkness and is dominated by organisms with
a. Abyssal c. Neritic
b. Littoral d. Pelagic


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