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Global medical ethics

Ethical issues in funding research and development

of drugs for neglected tropical diseases
L Oprea,1 A Braunack-Mayer,1 C A Gericke1,2
Discipline of Public Health, The ABSTRACT Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Neglected and tropical diseases, pervasive in developing countries have been made to avert the risk of
Australia; 2 European
countries, are important contributors to global health communicable diseases in the developing world.10
Observatory on Health Systems
and Policies, Brussels, Belgium inequalities. They remain largely untreated due to lack of The World Health Organization (WHO) has
effective and affordable treatments. Resource-poor developed a comprehensive plan to deal with
Correspondence to: countries cannot afford to develop the public health neglected diseases.1 However, after eight years
Professor C Gericke, Chair in
Public Health Policy, Director,
interventions needed to control neglected diseases. In with only 0.3% of the GDP of OECD countries
Centre for Health Services addition, neglected diseases do not represent an spent to reach Millenium Developing Goals,11
Research, The University of attractive market for pharmaceutical industry. Although a tropical diseases still remain neglected, deepening
Adelaide, 10 Pulteney Street, number of international commitments, stated in the the global inequalities in health.3
MDP 207, Adelaide SA 5005,
Australia; christian.gericke@ Millennium Development Goals, have been made to avert This delay can be explained in part by the form the risk of communicable diseases, tropical diseases still that international cooperation has generally taken,
remain neglected due to delays in international assis- which has been mainly limited to promoting the
Received 13 August 2008 tance. This delay can be explained by the form national interests of countries.12 This approach
Revised 14 December 2008 international cooperation has generally taken, which is tends to balance national interests of developed
Accepted 19 December 2008
limited to promoting countries’ national interests, rather countries against those of resource-poor countries,
than social justice at a global level. This restricts the restricting international cooperation to humanitar-
international responsibility for global inequalities in health ian assistance to a range of vulnerable groups
to a humanitarian assistance. whose needs are not met by the market economy
We propose an alternative view, arguing that expanding and limiting the responsibility of OECD countries
the scope of international cooperation by promoting for reducing global health inequalities.12 13
shared health and economic value at a global level will In this paper we propose an alternative view,
create new opportunities for innovative, effective and arguing that expanding the scope of international
affordable interventions worldwide. It will also promote cooperation by promoting shared health and
neglected diseases as a global research priority. We build economic value as a common good at a global
our argument on a proposal to replace the patenting level will create new opportunities for innovative,
system that currently regulates pharmaceutical research effective and affordable interventions worldwide.
with a global fund to reward this research based on actual It will also promote neglected diseases as a global
decreases in morbidity and mortality at a global level. We research priority. We build our argument on an
argue that this approach is beneficent because it will expanded version of Thomas Pogge’s proposal to
decrease global health inequalities and promote social create a global fund in parallel with a patenting
justice worldwide. system to reward pharmaceutical research at a
global level based on actual health gains measured
in terms of decreased morbidity and mortality at a
Neglected diseases—communicable infectious and community level.4 14 We take Thomas Pogge’s
parasitic infections other than malaria, tuberculosis proposal one step further by suggesting that the
and HIV—are pervasive in developing countries, WHO Global Plan to Combat Neglected Diseases1
and they predominantly affect the worst-off in should include collaboration with international
those societies.1 They are responsible for significant financial organisations and national governments
inequalities between rich and poor countries,2–5 and to replace the current patenting system by a global
remain largely untreated due to a lack of safe, fund to reward pharmaceutical research on the
effective and affordable treatments.6 Resource-poor global scale. In our view, the creation of parallel
countries can not afford to develop the public funding systems will not be able to overcome the
health interventions required to improve the health market failure of the global pharmaceutical mar-
of their populations.7 Additionally, the incentives ket.
that exist at the international level to promote We argue that this approach promotes: (a)
research and development into rare and neglected beneficence, as it will promote research on
diseases have little impact on these diseases, neglected diseases as a global priority because it
because the treatment of such diseases does not focuses research interests on the worst-off in all
represent an attractive market for the pharmaceu- societies; and (b) social justice at a global level. In
tical industry.8 9 the following discussion we will analyse the
In 2000, a number of international commit- expected impact of the proposed mechanism from
ments, stated in the United Nations Millennium the perspectives of beneficence and social justice
Development Goals, and international pledges of respectively. Finally, we draw a number of conclu-
annual public contributions of 0.7% of the gross sions for international health policy and practice
domestic product (GDP) of Organisation for based on this analysis.

310 J Med Ethics 2009;35:310–314. doi:10.1136/jme.2008.027078

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Global medical ethics

BENEFICENCE 1970, the average share of GDP for pharmaceuticals in most

Changing the patenting system to a global fund which rewards OECD countries has increased 1.5% more per year than their
pharmaceutical research based on actual health gains measured GDP growth20 whereas the drug spending growth rate between
in terms of decreased morbidity and mortality produced by 1995–9 has been more than twice that of overall healthcare
newly developed drugs and other health technologies is spending.21 It is highly unlikely that the health gains achieved
beneficent. Such a fund would expand the opportunities for through this higher pharmaceutical spending justify the costs
innovative, effective and affordable drugs in any country. In which means that the current incentive system operating in the
addition, it could decrease the inequalities in health between pharmaceutical market is inefficient. The opportunity cost to
global poor and rich because it can focus research interests on societies in both developed and developing countries in terms of
resource-poor countries and on the worst-off in any given benefits foregone is substantial.
society. Thus, it has the potential to support the Global Plan to Thomas Pogge4 14 has proposed a reform plan to solve these
Combat Neglected and Tropical Diseases by promoting societal failures. It consists of three components that aim to
neglected diseases as a research priority at a global level. promote community health in both developed and developing
The current patenting system, under which global pharma- countries. First, the plan allows any new essential medicine to
ceutical research is developed, subordinates global and national be provided as a global public good that can be used free of
health and economic needs to the commercial interests of charge by any pharmaceutical company. This eliminates the
pharmaceutical industry. The patenting system attempts to market’s failure to drive prices down due to lack of competition
promote pharmaceutical research by rewarding pharmaceutical imposed by the actual patenting system. Second, inventor
companies with market exclusivity for their products.15 Such a companies are to be entitled to a multiyear patent on any
system does not provide enough market incentives to develop essential medicines they invent but during the life of the patent
innovative, effective and affordable medicines or health they would be rewarded from public funds proportional to the
technologies because it focuses the market competition between impact of their medicines on the global burden of diseases.
pharmaceutical companies on bargaining for global commercial Under this component, companies would freely opt to register
power, rather than on adding societal value. It encourages their medicines under the proposed scheme or under the actual
pharmaceutical companies to acquire global monopolies for patenting system. This freedom of choice on the companies’
their products, through a complex international system that part would allow the preservation of nonessential medicines—
allows the registration of patents in different jurisdictions those medicines that address medical conditions which add little
around the world.4 There is evidence that market monopolies to the global burden of diseases such as drugs for impotence or
undermine businesses’ potential to find innovative, effective acne—for which people in affluent nations would be willing to
and affordable products and produce marginal benefits for pay. Third, because this plan might cost between US$45–90
consumers.16 billion annually on a global scale, there is a need to develop a
In this way, the current patenting system impedes both fair, feasible and realistic allocation of these costs, as well as
health gains and economic development in both developed and convincing arguments in support of this allocation.
developing nations. It clearly diverts pharmaceutical research Although we agree with the general principle of this proposal,
from the health needs of developing countries whose economies we argue that it would better reach its scope to improve global
cannot secure sufficient financial returns to recoup companies’ health if it promoted a unitary system to reward new
investments in pharmaceutical research.8 At the moment, the pharmaceuticals based on their actual impact on health. By
incentives for pharmaceutical research are best related to the doing so it would create new opportunities for the development
methods that are used to assess health technologies’ cost- of innovative, effective and affordable therapies. It would
effectiveness. Health technology assessment usually involves an reorient market competition between pharmaceutical compa-
evaluation of the incremental cost-effectiveness of the new nies away from bargaining for commercial power and towards
therapy compared to alternative treatments for the disease in adding value for the global community. By removing market
question.17 Developing ‘‘me-too’’ medicines that produce small monopolies for pharmaceutical products, the new mechanism
health improvements in a large number of people thus offers would promote open markets and, by rewarding decreases in
better financial rewards for pharmaceutical companies than morbidity and mortality, it would focus market competition on
developing innovative medicines that produce major improve- improving community health. Limiting this mechanism to
ments in a smaller number of people.18 essential medicines for resource-poor countries and allowing the
Through these pathways the patenting system discourages current patenting system to continue for all other medicines
responsibility on the part of pharmaceutical companies for the would maintain current global market monopolies and the
production of innovative, effective and affordable drugs. Not inherent market failure. This would maintain incentives for
surprisingly, this system has led to only 16 new drugs for pharmaceutical companies to develop expensive drugs with a
neglected diseases out of the 1393 chemical entities marketed low index of innovation and which especially target developed
between 1975 and 1999, and to only 21 drugs included in the markets. This is so because the costs of innovation are higher18
WHO list of essential medicines.6 The current patenting system and, in the absence of competition, pharmaceutical companies
fosters the development of expensive medicines with a low will select the easiest path precluding even the intended
index of innovation. The real markets for pharmaceutical development of essential medicines. In addition, the coexistence
companies are healthcare systems worldwide. In high income of both systems would put an extra financial burden on
countries, healthcare (including the provision of pharmaceuti- developed countries, which would have to bear both the costs of
cals) is predominantly funded from public sources, either developing essential medicines and those incurred by market
general taxation or social health insurance.19 In developing monopolies.
countries the share of national public financing is much smaller In our view, combining market and community incentives for
and most of the burden of purchasing medicines falls on all new pharmaceuticals has a higher potential to promote the
households. However, in some low income countries the share development of innovative and affordable medicines. Our
of international public financing can be quite substantial. Since approach would promote shared health and economic value

J Med Ethics 2009;35:310–314. doi:10.1136/jme.2008.027078 311

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Global medical ethics

for all countries. The new fund would shift the focus of anaemia, chronic diarrhoea, malnutrition, infertility and blind-
pharmaceutical research from the health needs of developed ness,24 25 and decreasing susceptibility to tuberculosis, malaria
countries, where pharmaceutical industry is located,6 to a global and HIV/AIDS.26–29
level. This approach would better meet the health and economic Our approach would also support the private public partner-
needs of all countries. In rewarding pharmaceutical research for ships (PPP) promoted by the WHO Global Plan to Combat
actual health gains, it would focus the business interests of Neglected and Tropical Diseases as a solution to promote
pharmaceutical companies on resource-poor settings where research for neglected diseases.1 It would make these partner-
there is the highest scope for health improvement.21 In this ships central to sustainable business interests in the long run. A
way, it could incorporate the health needs of resource-poor global fund would also support participation in other public or
countries into global research agendas, while simultaneously commercial partnerships to make drugs for neglected diseases
continuing to support the research needs of developed countries, affordable.4
such as treatment for the epidemic of chronic, non-communic- Thus, our approach meets the requirements of beneficence,
able diseases.22 23 promoting multiple opportunities for innovative, effective and
Focusing business interests on resource-poor settings would affordable drugs at a global level and increasing the access to
also prompt the pharmaceutical industry to find the most these medicines of individuals across the whole social spectrum.
affordable therapeutic solutions to decrease morbidity and
mortality in these countries. For example, they could cooperate SOCIAL JUSTICE
with smaller pharmaceutical companies to produce generic A fund to reward global pharmaceutical research can promote
drugs that will be more accessible for people living in resource- social justice because it supports human rights in all countries.
poor areas.4 In turn, open markets would allow OECD countries We are using a human rights framework in this section because
access to effective and affordable therapies developed in poorer it provides the main political tool to assess policy from an
countries and this would decrease their healthcare costs. ethical perspective at the international level.30 First, we argue
Pogge14 has argued that, in the absence of the current that this approach removes conflicts between the collective
patenting system, medicines for diseases such as impotence or health and economic rights of different countries. Thus it
acne may disappear because their treatment can add little to the promotes health and economic freedom and avoids discrimina-
reduction in the global burden of diseases. In our view, tion. Second, we explore the relation between individual rights,
medicines for these diseases will not disappear because a global such as the right to health and property rights, and argue that
approach would increase the number of people with these this approach removes the conflicts between rights.
medical conditions. In addition, collaborative approaches such A global fund can promote collective health and economic
as those already mentioned may increase the capacity of rights in all countries, because it reconfigures international
pharmaceutical companies to make these medicines viable by cooperation as global social justice, rather than only as
increasing their biological effectiveness and by marketing them humanitarian assistance to vulnerable countries. In our view,
at affordable prices to reach patients from all social groups. an emphasis on promoting shared economic and health value
The fact that this approach would reward innovation means provides better political arguments for developing pharmaceu-
that more expensive drugs with a very low index of innovation tical research as a global public good rather than an emphasis on
and which produce little improvement in health status may national interests. A focus on national interests requires
disappear because this approach would give pharmaceutical balancing the national interests of developed countries and
manufacturers an incentive to develop the most effective developing countries13 towards promoting pharmaceutical
therapeutic solutions. A fund that rewards real gains in research as a global public good because its costs will be
community health, measured through decreases in morbidity supported by developed countries in the first instance.
and mortality, would expand the scope for innovation in Ex ante and ex post arguments underlining the national
pharmaceutical products. It would promote the health needs of interest of developed countries to support global pharmaceutical
individuals in all social groups while, at the same time, offering research have been made.14 31 Ex ante, it is in the interests of
the greatest benefits for the worst-off social groups. developed countries to control infectious disease in the
This redistribution effect is desirable from a beneficence developing world to prevent epidemics in their own countries
perspective because it has the potential to promote shared in the context of increased global mobility. Ex post, it is
responsibility on the part of countries, communities, research legitimate to compensate developing countries for deficits in
organisations and pharmaceutical companies for people’s health and economic rights brought upon them through unjust
health. It would also support collaborative and multidisciplinary actions in and by developed nations.31 For instance, the brain
research focused on finding creative and comprehensive drain from developing to developed countries resulting from
biological, culturally sensitive and affordable solutions to specific policies in developed countries to recruit much sought
increase the access of different social groups in different after professionals such as doctors and nurses from developing
communities around the world to newly developed medicines. countries has created a rights-deficit in developing nations. In
Through all these pathways a fund that rewards global our view, these arguments, although they might be correct, are
pharmaceutical research would focus research interests on not enough to justify the market failure observed in global
resource-poor countries and on the worst-off social groups pharmaceutical research. First, both ex ante and ex post
globally. In our view it would highlight neglected diseases as a arguments cannot inform policy with respect to the amount
global research priority in several ways. It would make the of resource allocation. For instance, it may be difficult to assess
required funds for neglected diseases available through direct the retrospective harm produced by developed nations in some
contributions from all countries, instead of mainly OECD countries to quantify the amount of actual allocations that may
countries. In addition, it would focus research interests on be needed as compensation. Second, because this balance of
neglected diseases because eradicating these diseases would be interests between countries is litigious in nature it may
associated with significant health gains at a community level, in undermine the collaborative approaches needed by this mechan-
part through minimising the impact of co-morbidities such as ism to reach its full benefits.

312 J Med Ethics 2009;35:310–314. doi:10.1136/jme.2008.027078

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Global medical ethics

By contrast, a focus on shared economic and health values because it removes market exclusivity, our approach expands
focuses on the points of intersection between countries’ business opportunities for pharmaceutical companies.
national interests promoting ex ante relational justice. It
emphasises that solidarity between countries could expand
their health and economic freedom. First, this fund would avoid
We have argued that an emphasis on international cooperation
the current division of research and development in two
devoted to promoting countries’ shared health and economic
separate markets: one lucrative and the other of no interest to
value can support research for neglected diseases as a global
companies, with the inherent health and economic discrimina-
priority. We have built our argument on Thomas Pogge’s
tion against people living in low income countries.
proposal4 to develop a global fund to reward global pharma-
Second, the proposed mechanism has the potential to be
ceutical research based on community health gains measured in
Pareto-efficient32—there would only be winners and no losers
terms of decreased morbidity and mortality. We have argued
on the consumer side—because it establishes an instrumental
that this approach is beneficent because it has the potential to
relationship between the economic and health opportunities of
improve global health through rewarding the development of
different countries. For instance, by promoting health in innovative, effective and affordable therapies in all countries. At
resource-poor countries our approach would expand the the same time, this approach offers the greatest benefits to the
opportunities for effective and affordable therapies in OECD worst-off social groups within countries and decreases global
countries. This would focus research on areas with the greatest inequalities in health.
scope for health and economic improvement and, through this, We have also argued that such a global fund can promote
lead to reductions in the global gradient in health. It would also social justice at the global level by shifting international
avoid health and economic discrimination because it does not relations away from an emphasis on national interests and
take anything away from better-off countries. Thus it would toward shared economic and health values via increased
have the potential to increase the solidarity between countries, solidarity between countries. It focuses on the points of
prompting them to nourish their relationships to expand each intersection between countries’ health and economic interests,
others’ opportunities and indirectly to maximise their interests. instead of on conflicts between national interests. Thus it has
This shift from promoting national interests to promoting the potential to promote solidarity between countries to
shared value is significant for research ethics in resource-poor decrease global health inequalities. At the individual level this
settings. It would decrease the tensions between pharmaceutical approach can both increase human freedom and avoid
research interests and access to outcomes of research for low- discrimination.
resource communities which participate in research. Although a To some the proposed mechanism may sound utopian and it
recent guideline33 has stressed the importance of fair benefits for could be argued that it challenges the current reliance of
participating communities in developing countries, several governments and international organisations on market forces
authors have emphasised the difficulties to find adequate tools to regulate research and development of pharmaceuticals.
to assess the level, allocation and priority setting for funding However, in the existing system governments in many
development.8 This approach does not solve these distributive countries hold monopsony power in the pharmaceutical market
problems but it can help to decrease the public burden by and use it to extensively regulate pharmaceutical licensing,
making these benefits accessible, increasing responsibility on the pricing and reimbursement. Adding a new policy instrument to
part of pharmaceutical industry to ensure that communities redress market failure in driving innovative drug development is
have access to research outcomes. therefore not utopian but in the interest of both societies in
Our approach would also invert the relationship between the developed countries and global society overall.
collective right to health and the commercial rights of
pharmaceutical companies. Currently, market exclusivity sub- Competing interests: CAG has received research support, travel grants and
speakers’ honoraria from the pharmaceutical companies Janssen Cilag, Eli Lilly,
ordinates community health needs to the property rights of Aventis, Novo Nordisk, Laboratoires Biocodex, Roche Diagnostics and
shareholders of pharmaceutical companies. Our approach would GlaxoSmithKline.
remove this tension by subordinating the commercial rights of Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
pharmaceutical companies, which are institutional rights, to
community health needs. This approach is justified because the
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314 J Med Ethics 2009;35:310–314. doi:10.1136/jme.2008.027078

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Ethical issues in funding research and

development of drugs for neglected tropical
L Oprea, A Braunack-Mayer and C A Gericke

J Med Ethics 2009 35: 310-314

doi: 10.1136/jme.2008.027078

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