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A Proposal For Patient Record Management

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Department of information technology

Faculty of computing and information technology, JKUAT

APRIL, 2018

I Yaseen T. Melly hereby declare that this Project proposal is original and
has not been published and/or submitted for any other Degree award to
any other University before.



I hereby submit this Project proposal for Examination with the approval
of the project supervisor.
Signed…………………………… Date……………………………


Department of information technology

Faculty of computing and information
Jomo Kenyatta university of agriculture
and technology,Nairobi cbd campus

I wish to dedicate this entire project report to our beloved mothers and
fathers for their tireless support they accorded to us ever since we were
I thank them for the spirit of hard work, courage and determination they
instilled in us through out our school days till today.
I also honor and owe our dear sisters and brothers for the happiness and
appreciation for the guidance protection and financial support they offered

First and fore most, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the
Almighty ALLAH for the gift of life, wisdom and understanding he has given
to me, a reason for my existence. And to my family for the love and support
they have provided through out my completion of the project.

I also thank the staff of Francis Hospital for having given their time at will
during my research Study and Analysis stage they have been particularly
helpful in providing the necessary data about the manual patient record
management system.

Special thanks go to Mr. Lawrence for initiating the ideas for my research
topic hence establishing a framework for the project proposal; he too has
been good and understanding.

Mr. Tobias Mwalili whom I regard as my mentor and supervisor, I thank

him for the expertise and intelligence he has displayed while supervising
this project. i believe this good work is a result of his good guidance and
I cannot forget my friends in the Faculty of Computing and Information
Technology for the academic interactions and company they have accorded
to me especially Anderson Lameck and Maxwell among others; they shall
always be remembered as having been good friends in a life time.


Table: 4.0 Hardware Requirement……………………………………………..20

Table: 4.1 Software Requirement………………………………………………20


TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………….v
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………...viii
LIST OF ABBREVIATION………………….………………………………….…….xi
1.0 introduction……………………………………………………………………….1
1.1 Background to the Study……….……………………………………………..1
1.2 Problem Statement………………………………………………………………3
1.3 Objectives of the study………………………………………………………….3
1.3.1 Main Objectives………………………………………………………………..3
1.3.2 Generial Objectives……………………………………………………………3
1.4 Scope………..……………………………………………………………………..4
1.5 Significant of the Study………………………………………………………..4
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………..….5
2.0 Intrduction……..………………………………………………………………...5
2.1 Previous studies from Francis Hospital ……………………5
2.1.1 Type of Information System…………………………………………………6
2.1.2 Quality of a good Information System…………………………………….7
2.1.3 Function of Patient Record Management System…………………......8
2.1.4 Related Case Study……………………………………………………………9
2.2 State of Art of Patient Record Management System………………….….9
2.2.1 State of Electronics of Patient Record Management System…..…..10
2.2.2 Administration of Patient Record Management System ………..….12

2.2.3 Problems of Administering of Patient Record

CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY………………………………..…………………13
3.0 Introduction……………………………………………………………………..13
3.1 Approch for the development of Patient Record Management
3.1.1 Data Collection Method………………………………………………….…14
3.1.2 Observation……………………………………………………………………14
3.1.3 Interviewing………………………………………….……………………..…14
3.1.4 Qusetionnaire…………………………………………………………………15
3.2 Database Design………..……………………………………………............15
3.2.1 System Implementation………………………………….......................16
3.2.2 System Testing and Validation………………………………..…………16
3.2.3 Development of the System………………………………………………..17
4.0 Intrduction…………………………………………………………….………...18
4.1 System Study ………………………………………………………………..…18
4.2 System Analysis………………………………………………………………..18
4.2.1 Existing Patient Record Management System………………………..18
4.2.2 Requirement Specification…………………………………………………19
4.2.3 User Requirement……………………………………………………………19
4.2.4 Functional and Non Functional Requirements……………………….20
4.2.5 System Requirements………………………………………………………20
4.2.6 Proposed features for the new system…………………………………..21


Patient record management systems in hospitals today necessitate a

competent administration when handling patients, generating reports
from cashier, patient details which serves as a key factor for the flow of
business transactions in St Francis Hospital. Unfortunately the current
Record management system leads to misplacement of drug details,
payment details, and late release of reports and insecurity to records. This
research project is aimed at computerizing all the records about patients,
staff and drug suppliers. In order to achieve this goal, a thorough System
Study and investigation was carried out and data was collected and
analyzed about the current system using document and data flow
diagrams. The concept of report production has been computerized hence,
no more delay in report generation to the hospital manager. Errors made
on hand held calculators are dealt out completely The method used to
develop the system include iterative waterfall model approach, dataflow,
logical and entity relationship diagram were used to design the system and
finally the language used were MySql, php, HTML, Css and JavaScript.


Terminology Meaning
ERD Entity Relation Diagram
ERM Entities Relationship Model
RAM Random Access Memory
ERM Electronic record managements
MYSQL My Structured Query Language
IT Information Technology
HTML Hyper Text Makeup Language
OLP On Line Password
SFHN St Francis Hospital
ERD Entity Relation Diagram
DFD Data Flow Diagram
SFHPRMS St Francis Hospital Patient Record
Management System
PIMS Patient Information Management
GUI Graphical User Interface
DBMS Database Management System
CDs Compact Disks
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
MB Mega Bit
GHZ Giga Hertz


1.0 Introduction
Generally Automation plays an important role in the global economy and
in daily experience. Engineers strive to combine automated devices with
mathematical and organizational tools to create complex systems for a
rapidly expanding range of applications.
The Patient Record Management System (PRMS) is an automated system
that is used to manage patient information and its administration. It is
meant to provide the Administration and Staff, with information in real-
time to make their work more interesting and less stressing.

1.1 Background of the Study

The scope of the service in St Francis hospital is basically curative and
preventive and is offered in clinic unit x-ray/ ultra sound, laboratory and
dental unit in the hospital. Other services include admission (ward)
inpatient (where drugs are issued), physiotherapy and family planning.
The hospital offers 24 hours services to its staff and the entire population.
The records of patients in St Francis hospital have over time been run
down due to large numbers of patients, this led to poor record keeping since
it’s a paper based system. The reason why the current system used is manual
has led to a variety of problems and these include; un necessary
duplication of the data especially for inpatients and outpatients,
inconsistence may occur since data is held more that once and hard to
analyze the data hence difficult to trace the flow of patient past medication
data. There are several departments in the new extension of St Francis
hospital which includes medicine surgery,

psychiatry, public health, ear, nose and throat, casualty, obstetrics and
gynecology among others.

According Jantz (2001) the emergence of computer based information

system has changed the world a great deal, both large and small system
have adopted the new methodology by use of personal computer; to fulfill
several roles in the production of information therefore computerizing the
documentation of patient record to enable easier manipulation of the input
process and output will bring us to this existing new world of information

Patients records and disease pattern documentation is concerned with

documentation of information obtained from patients and their particular
health system in order to function properly. If this information is not
documented perfectly causing some data to get misplaced, the health
system will not be efficient.

According tang (2001) In examining the document system that was in

existence at the hospital that is mostly manual much importance has been
placed on creating a system that document the inpatient record using a
computerized database system with a secure procedure for accessing it.

Patient information past and present is extremely vital in the provision of
Patient’s care which guides the physician in the making of right decision
about the diagnosis. The rapid growth of information technology and
system made to choose the health care industry to borrow a page from the
air industry for the sake of patient’s safety. Pilots have instant access to the
data they need in whether condition and mechanical function to make
information decision about navigation and delay.

1.2 Problem Statement

The absence of a well established information system to serve patient and
staff has led to inconveniences. This has tantamount to the loss of patient
and staff records.
This is basically because of the weakness of the existing system which
includes over reliance on paper based work. Paper files consume a lot of
the office space, slow recording, processing and retrieval of patient details.
Accessing and sharing of information by different departments is difficult
due to poor information management.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 Main Objectives
the major objective is to develop an operational Patient Information
Management System for St Francis Hospital

1.3.1 Specific Objectives

i. To review literature on related systems and analyze the
existing manual system.
ii. To collect data and identify the system‟s requirements
iii. To design an automated Patient Information Management
iv. To implement the system.
v. To test and validate the system.

1.4 Scope
This project is basically designed for St Francis hospital. This hospital
provides a lot of services to patients which includes; Daily treatment of
patients, Admission of patients, Keeps records about inpatients and
outpatients respectively, Billing of patients by use of a billing system and
other services, with departments that include radiography and ultra
sound, pathology, pharmacy, inpatient and outpatient, causality and
dental which information will be used for making reports for researchers
in various departments, drug/ stock taking unit at the central pharmacy
and medical practitioners.
The following are the language confined within the system to enable
development and implementation.
The database implementation will be achieved using Mysql for the
database development, server side scripting was done in java embedded in
html, and java web server wills facilitate simultaneous processing.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Currently the hospital operates a manual records system. With the
introduction of an automated system the following will be achieved;
i. The system is a land mark in the field of modern technology since
its automated it becomes a quick access to the required information
as it is only „one click away.

ii. In the field of ICT, decision support and information availability

which is required by the administration. This is because it is able to
generate reports daily, monthly and yearly. This makes it simple for
managers to make decisions.
iii. Electronic security is maintained as the staff and management are
able to login and access the system depending on their privileges.
They are also able to work on the policies and claims more effectively
and efficiently.


2 Introductions
In this section the research, location and analysis of the existing
knowledge related to the subject of inquiry are explored and cited. It also
sells at the relationship of the proposed research for purposes of good
representation and critical review of the existing literature.
Martin (1976), data within an organization is increasingly being regarded
as a basic resource needed to run the organization. As with other basic
resources, professional management and organization of data are needed.
The importance of efficient use of data for planning, predicting and other
functions will become so great in a computerized organization that it will
have a major effect on growth and survival of co-operations. In relation to
the above argument, the presence of an automated data
management system in St Francis hospital’s efficiency, timely decisions and
responses will be achieved.

2.1 Previous Studies from St Francis hspital

For the last few years the hospital employees have been able to collect data
from agents by providing them with a piece of paper with required fields to
fill. Its routine for every health worker to collect data, this should be
processed and stored completely. They avail the right information and
knowledge to the right person and institution in the form at the right time
and place. The information ranges from individual patient reports to
disease rebalance to mortality rate in the right persons and institutions
which include the counties that use the health service, the service provider
at local level, ministry of health and the donors.
The company's employees and patients are straining to process lots of
policy documents every day. Integrating and streamlining policy

Application and document processes would ease administrative headaches
for patients and greatly strengthen relationships with their customers
Streveler (2004) grouped the component making HIS into 2 which are
information processing and management. Information processing involves
data collection, transmission, processing, analysis and presentation of
information for use in patient care and health care management decisions.
Health management system cannot exist alone but as functional unit
aimed at improving the health of individuals and that of the community.

2.1.1 Types of Information System

According to FCIT ( 2005) there are various types of
information system of which the following are inclusive:
Transaction processing system (TPS): these are systems that perform
and record daily routine transactions necessary for businesses. As this
implies, TPS are designed to process routine transactions effectively and
Knowledge work system (KWS): these are systems that aid in the
creation integrations of new knowledge in to an organization. KWS exists
to help businesses create and share information. These are typically used
in an organization where employees create new knowledge and expertise
which can then be shared by other people in the organization to create
further opportunities. Good examples include firms of lawyers, accounts
and management consultants. KWS are built around system which allows
efficient categorization and distribution of knowledge. For example, the
knowledge itself might be contained in word processing documents,
spreadsheets, power point presentation, internet pages or whatever. To
share knowledge, a KWS would use a group of collaboration systems such
as an intranet.

Office Automated System (OAS): these are systems designed to increase
the product of data workers in an organization. Office automation system
improves the productivity of employees who need to process data and
information. Perhaps the best example is the wide rage of software systems
that exist to improve the productivity of employees working in an office
(e.g. Microsoft office) or system that allow employees to work from home or
whilst on the move.
Management information system (MIS): these are systems that serve
planning, control and decision making through routine summary and
reports. They are mainly concerned with internal source of information.
MIS usually take data from the transaction processing systems and
summarize it into a series of management reports.
Decision support system (DSS): these are systems that combine data,
model and analysis tools for non routine decision making
DSS are specifically design to help management make decisions in
situation where there is uncertainty about the possible outcomes of those
decisions. DSS comprises tool and techniques to help gather relevant
information and analyze the options and alternatives. DSS often involves
use of complex spreadsheet and database to create “what if models”.
Executive support system (ESS): these are systems that support non
routine decision making through advanced graphics and communications.
They gather and summarize the key internal and external information
used in an organization.

2.1.2 Qualities of a Good Information System

According to Comptroller (1995), an information system includes the
Efficiency: a good information system should allow for input and output
by providing an objective for recording and aggregation information. It

should be able to quickly collect and edit data, summarize results, and
adjust as well as correct errors promptly.
Effectiveness: a good information system should be able to attain its goals
or the goals of the organization. To simplify prompt decision
making, an organization‟s information system should be capable of providing
current information to appropriate users.
Performance: A good information system should be able to enhance
communication among employees, deliver complex material throughout an
Time lines: Information system should be designed to expedite capturing,
storing and reporting information in a real time scale when needed.
Consistency: A good information system should be reliable. Data should
be processed and compiled with consistency and uniformity. Variations in
how data is collected and reported can distort information and trend

2.1.3 Function of Patient Record Management System

According to Melongoza (2002) these are incorporated in the technical
(clinical) and business (administration) component of health service these
are divided into three (3); transactional control reporting, operating
planning and strategic planning.
Transactional functions: handle day to day operational and
administrative task of the organization example of this include the
following; order entry, service scheduling, treatment and other
personal staffing and scheduling.
Control reporting and operating function: provides summarized data
about the operation of the organization to the manager and health
care professional that permits the monitoring of various activities.
These tasks include medical record tracking, medical audit and peer

Strategic planning function: provides a frame work from decision
making with long range implications which include patient care
strategy like level of care, occupancy and service demand,
requirement and project cost.
Thus the patient management information system in this study ideally
consists of integrated approach to maintain patient related administrative
and clinical data considering the continuum of care dependent on the
services provided.

2.1.4 Related Case Study

Pioneering secure on line Patient Record management and collaboration
between doctors clinical and hospital using secured internet transmission
according to Mennel (2006).
In this project doctors are able to view patient medical records immediately
at their private offices using secure internet transmission. The project
aimed at increasing competitiveness of the medical profession by
improving the accuracy of medical records and efficient retrieval and usage
of medical records.
Patient medical records are very critical for doctors to establish their
diagnosis, with detailed and on-hand patients‟ medical records; doctors can
make appropriate medical decision efficiently.
Security was a critical issue in the storage and transferring of patient
medical records between hospitals and doctors‟ offices. All clients were
authenticated with a 2 patient identity number.

2.2 State of Art of Patient Record Management System

a medical record can be defined as confidential information kept for each
patient by heath care professional or organization. It contains the
patients’ personal details such as name, address, date of birth, a
summary of the patient medical history and documentation of each event

including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and outcome. Relevant
documents and correspondence are also included.

Traditionally, each healthcare provider involves in patient care kept an

independent record usually paper based, the main purpose of the medical
record of the summary of a person’s conduct with the health care provider
and treatment provided to ensure appropriate health care, information
from medical record also provide essential data for monitoring patient
care, clinical audit and accessing patterns of care and services delivered.
The management information system enables the medical record to form
a first link in the information chain producing the depersonalized
aggregated coded data for statistical.

2.2.1 Electronics of Patient Record Management System

An electronic heath record (EHR) is a medical record or any other
information relating to the past, present or future physical and mental
health or condition of a patient which resides in the computer that
captures, transmits, receives, stores, retrieves, links and manipulates
multimedia data for the primary purpose of providing health care and
health related services.
It also includes patient demographic, SOAP notes, problems, medications,
and vital sign posts medical history, immunizations, laboratory data and
radiology reports. An EHR automates and streamlines the clinical
workflow. The EHR has ability to generate a complete record clinical
patient encounter as well as supporting other care related activities
directly or indirectly via interface including evidence based on decision
support, quality management and outcome reporting.

Patient information system has benefits which accrue in the long run.

the following are the advantages of computers- base information system.
They are user friendly and the navigation is very easy.
They help in organizing and managing documents effectively. Since
the data is stored in a highly organized manner, accessing necessary
data is very easy.
It helps save time. People are able to access data needed in real time
thus enabling them access detailed information.
Accurate, current and reliable data is provided. As data can be
analyzed correctly and plans made can be implemented at
astounding speed due to proper automated systems.
They are installed to improve internal efficiency of the organization.
They increase security and protect the data from being misused.
They are extremely useful, especially during disaster recovery, as
paper documents can be lost, causing a business millions of dollars
in losses.

Hackers: information sent by use of the internet can easily be
hijacked and terminated by unauthorized persons before reaching
its destination.
Virus: this can destroy files by replicating themselves in the
document hence losing the meaning of the file.

2.2.2 Administration of Patient Record Management
The patient Record Management System is a system that can manage
multiple users of the system and can have the track of the right assigned
to them. It makes sure that all the users function with the system as per
the rights assigned to them and they can get their work done in efficient
It is a Customizable and strong administration system i.e. changes of
password of users at the administration point.
The information management system will be able to capture information
about an old patient the information captured will be easily managed by
the administrators more easily.

2.2.3 Problems of Administering Patient Management

According to Gordon the following are possible problem to encountered
while administering PRMS
It is not suitable for computer illiterate people
The user must be a member in order to make use of the system.
The systems do not do away with paper work completely; the
papers are still used at some point.


3.0 Introduction
This is a description of methods chosen to achieve the objectives of the
proposed system. It will go on to describe the techniques of data collection
that will be employed in the research study of the proposed systems.
The methods that will be applied to achieve the specific objectives are
namely: Literature review, Oral interviews, system analysis, system
design, Data modeling and Black box testing. The tools that will be used
to implement the system are MySQL, HTML and PHP.

3.1 Approach for the Development of PRMS

The system development life cycle (SDLC) I will chose to use the iterative
waterfall model. In this model, the system follows a series of events from
the requirement definition, system and software design, implementation
and unit testing, integration and system testing and operational
maintenance. I will also use different aspects from other models like
prototyping which helped us come up with system definition and analysis,
data flow diagrams (DFD) and entity relationship diagram (ERD). The ERD
was used to show the relationship between entities while the Data Flow
Diagrams were used to show the flow of data in the system.

Iterative waterfall model divides the system development lifecycle into

phases. During each phase of the lifecycle, a set of well defined activities
are carried out for instance at the Analysis stage (structured analysis of
requirement) was specifically carried out in focus of the functionality of
dataflow at St Francis Hospital. The system and structured analysis was
then transformed into software design (software

Architecture) to decompose the system into modules and representation of
relationships among the modules, data structures and algorithms for the
modules to be designed.

3.1.1 Data Collection Methods

I used the following methods during data collection: Observation,
Interviewing and Questionnaires as our research methods. Through this
I was able to collect raw data on PRMS at St Francis Hospital where
existing reports on the current system were obtained. Verbal interview
techniques were used to interview employees from the hospital.

3.1.2 Observation
I went to the hospital and observed their daily as regards their current
system and they were manually recording the patients’ records as
specified by the receptionists, doctors, pharmacist and cashier. A follow
up was made to determine the time it took to carry out the patient record
management. observed the system’s weaknesses like it was vulnerable to

3.1.3 Interviewing
Interviews were conducted with the medical supretendant and some
potential employees to find out what difficulties they encountered with the
existing system. These interviews were held to verify the information
collected using the questionnaires since there was room to search for
further information during the interview.

3.1.4 Questionnaires
The efficiencies and inefficiencies of the current system were reviewed by
issuing questionnaires to the users of the system. This helped me to
establish the requirements of the proposed system.

3.2 Database Design.

A relational database design will be used to design the database. A
relational database management system (RDBMS) is an excellent tool for
organizing large amount of data and defining the relationship between the
datasets in a consistent and understandable way. A RDBMS provides a
structure which is flexible enough to accommodate almost any kind of
Relationships between the tables will be defined by creating special
columns (keys), which contain the same set of values in each table. The
tables can be joined in different combinations to extract the needed data.
A RDBMS also offered flexibility that enabled redesign and regeneration of
reports from the database without need to re-enter the data.

Data dictionaries will be used to provide definitions of the data used; these
included the final data structures for the various tables and their
corresponding data fields, description and sizes
The user application programs and interface will be developed using PHP,
CSS, HTML, and Java Script with support of structured query language
(SQL) and MYSQL.

SQL is a language used to create, manipulate, examine and manage

relational databases.
The advantage of PHP and HTML is that you can run their programs on
any enabled platform without even recompiling the program.

3.2.1 System Implementation
This describes the tools used to implement the graphical user interface
and the database. MySQL will be used to create and connect relational
tables to the database.
HTML will be used to develop the GUI. PHP will be used to process queries
and request flash to integrate sounds and interfaces was done to develop
the model that meets all the requirements of this system.

3.2.2 Systems Testing and Validation

Testing will be done after the system is put in place. This will be done in
two ways:
Implementation and Unit testing will be carried out on individual modules
of the system to ensure that they are fully functional units. I will do this
by examining each unit which I checked to ensure that it functions as
required and that it adds clients’ data and other details and also ensured that this
data is sent to the database. The success of each individual unit gave me
the go ahead to carryout integration testing. All identified errors were dealt

I will carry out integration and system testing after different modules had
been put together to make a complete system. Integration is aimed at
ensuring that modules are compatible and they can be integrated to form
a complete working system. For example testing to ensure that when a

user is logged in, he/she is linked to the appropriate page, and could at
the same time access the database.
As one of the final specific objectives of this study, validation of the system
is very important. Validation of the system will done by comparing it to the
questions asked by the users at St Francis hospital. Most of their answers
matched what the system can do.

3.2.3 Development of the System

This section describes what is involved to come up with the system and
how the system works.
Front end: Html (hyper-text mark-up language) enable the
construction of easy and intuitive user interface for accessing the
database and any browser can display and html document.
Middle end: php enables links of the text entered in the created
graphic user interface to be sent to the database
Back end: Mysql its easy to use, inexpensive database language it
can run on a variety of operating system such as
window,linux,unix.os/2 and others , its secured with technical
support widely available on the internet but most of all it support
large database.

4.0 Introduction
The chapter describes the system study, analysis, design, strengths and
weaknesses of the current system

4.1 System Study

The study will is carried out at St Francis Hospital with the main purpose
of the study being to find out how the process of recording patient’s data is
carried out. The system that is currently being used in St Francis Hospital
is entirety manual.
When a patient requests drugs from the staff, all the information is
recorded manually from the drug dispenser similarly when the supplier
delivers drugs all the information from the dispenser to the account on
drugs is recorded manually. For cases that cannot be resolved are posted
to the respective staff to handle them and the status is sent to the
concerned receivers.

4.2 System Analysis

During the system study phase, requirements of PIMS are categorized into
user requirements, system and hardware requirements.

4.2.1 Existing Patient Record Management Systems

Refers to the literature review, observation, interviews and questionnaires
as explained in chapter 3 it should be noted that at St Francis Hospital I
was able to analyze existing systems as discussed below.
The current system was manual where data is written on different papers
and transferred to the different departments, human errors were
vulnerable since it was paper based and retrieval of files was time
consuming as they had to manually locate files some of which were even

lost and thus finding such information was hard. Per the statistics carried
90% of the users were not contented with the system reason that it was
not secure in terms of security and storage as it was prone to damages like
loss of important information, worn out papers, out break of fire, The speed
of recording and retrieval patients‟ information was average yet 10% were
some how okay with the system reason that the paper work can used for
future reference.
The users recommended that the proposed system should be user friendly,
multipurpose enough to handle a number of users at a go, could generate
feedback when request is submitted and use of passwords which could
deny access to unauthorized users of system which ensured security.

4.2.2 Requirements Specifications

After analyzing the data collected, I formulated a number of requirements
namely user requirement, system hardware software attribute. These were
grouped as user, functional, non-functional and systems requirements.

4.2.3 User Requirement

During data collection, I investigated and found out how the current
system operates, not only that but also tried out which problems are faced
and how best they can be settled.
The users described some of the basic requirements of the system this
includes Search for patients, Register staff, Update, staff records, patients
and View all types of reports

4.2.4 Functional and Non Functional Requirements
The following is the desired functionality of the new system.
Accept of submissions in form of raw patients, staff, and drug supply at
submit point, Perform analysis of financial, drug inventory, patients, and
drug supply, To authenticate the users of the system.

And non-functional requirement include the following

The system must verify and validate all user input and users must be
notified in case of errors detected in the course of using the system, The
system only allows the administrator to delete records in the database,
The system should allow room for expansion.

4.2.5 System Requirement

This section describes the hardware components and software
requirements needed for effective and efficient running of the system

Table 4.0 Hardware Requirement

Hardware Minimum System requirement
Processor 2.4 GHZ processor speed
Memory 128 MB RAM (256 MB Recommended)
Disk space 80 GB (including 20 GB for database
Management system)
Display 800 x 600 colors (1024 x 768 High
color- 16 bit Recommended)
The table above shows hardware components of the machine that allows the
system to function as required for using PIMS

Table 4.1 Software Requirements

Software Minimum System requirement
Operating System Windows2000 or later

Database Management System MYSQL
Run-time Environment Apache/tomcat5 server
The table above shows software requirements recommended to enable the
system to run as required for using PIMS

4.2.6 Proposed Features for the New System

The system should captured patients initials at the
receciptionist that can be used by all departments of the
The system should generate patient’s identity number

The system should identify treated and untreated patients

at doctor and pharmacist control panel concerning drug

4.3 System Design
After interpretation of the data, tables were drawn and process of
data determined to guide the researcher of the implementation
stage of the project. The tools, which were employed during this
methodology stage, were mainly tables, Data Flow Diagrams
(DFDs) and Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs). The design
ensures that only allows authorized users to access the system‟s

4.3.1 Logical Model

This figure shows the logical flow of events in the system, it caters for the
time when the user logs in and signs out from the system.


Log into

Yes No
Login Finished

Yes No
Manage Process
patient patient detail

Post detail to
View patient database

Treat patient Review

patient detail


Figure 4. 0 Logical flow of data in PRMS

4.3.2 System Architecture
This gives a high level view of the new system with the main components
of the system and the services they provide and how they communicate.
The system is implemented using a three-tier architecture that comprises
of user interface, process management and DBMS as illustrated below.

Front-end Process back-end

Report generation
Patient report
Account report

Graphical user
Data control
interface (GUI)
User authentication
User registration
View information Security strength
Edit Profiles Authentication
Data integrity

Patient data
Drug supplier data
Staff data
Account data

Figure 4.1 System Architecture of St Francis Hospital

4.3.3 Entity Relationship Diagrams

Entity Relationship diagrams is a specialized graphics that illustrate the

interrelationship between entities in a database. Here diagrams always use
symbols to represent different types of information.

Patient 1..* U write

Departm U Writer 1..* Register
1..* Aid
Manages e

Receipts Doctor Pharmac Cashier

Rid Did Pid Cid

Rname Dname Pname Cname 1..* Register

Figure 4.2 Entity Relationship Diagram

The diagram above is an entity relationship diagram that is a major data modeling
tool that helped database analysts to organize data into entities.

4.4 Database Design

The DBMS used was MySQl and this section includes details of the
database design. The conceptual and physical database design and the
data dictionary are described below. 4.6.2 Conceptual Database Design

After system investigation and analysis, the concept of the new system was
designed and all the relevant entities involved in the system were
identified. Therefore the following entities were chosen to capture this
i. Staff and payment.
ii. Patient details

4.4.1 Strength of the Current System

These were introduced to solve problems with the existing manual
systems. The automated Patient information Management system has
many advantages over the manual system. This can be explain as follow
The major benefit with this is that it helps the staff to accomplish
their daily functions more efficiently. No more need for paper work.

Quick access to the required information as it is only „one click


It solves the problem of time consuming, hence customers are served

on time.

It also enhances security as access to the system requires

authentication. This means that only authorized users can access
that system.

4.4.2 Weakness of the Current System

After a thorough investigation of the present system, the following
loopholes were identified.
Regular complaints by patients, hospital administrators, staff and drug
supplier concerning misplaced or lost financial payment forms.
The hospital administration finds it tiresome and time consuming when
computing patient, drug supplier and staff payment receipts and voucher

cards respectively, this leads to late release of reports concerning the
performance in the hospital
The hospital Administration currently uses health record files for storing
patients‟, drug suppliers‟, staffs‟ records on payment respectively. This system
of information storage is susceptible to security problems such as illegal
modification and update of records.

5.1 Introduction
This chapter emphasizes the actual system implementation. The system
was transformed from user requirement into a workable product. The
purpose of system implementation was to make sure that the correct
application is delivered to the end user. Besides that, this chapter also
emphasizes on how the testing is done to confirm to meets the user

5.1.1 User Requirement

For effective use of the system, it is important that users are fully involved
and are given opportunities to participate as much as possible This
rectifies numerous problems associated with change management, users
getting accustomed to using new way of doing things as opposed to
traditional system of patient records management system. During data
collection, the researcher investigated and found out how the current
system operates, not only that but also tried out which problems are faced
and how best they can be settled. The users described some of the basic
requirements of the system as;
Search for patients
Register staff.
Update, staff records, patients
View all types of reports.
Assign access rights and privileges to the system users.

5.1.2 Functional Requirement

The following is the desired functionality of the new system.
The system should accept have submissions in form of raw
patients, staff, and drug supply at the submitting point.

The system should perform analysis of financial, drug inventory,
patients, and drug supply.
The system should authenticate the users of the system.
The system should generation of reports on request.
The system should only allow the administrator to delete records in
the database.

5.1.3 Non Functional Requirement

The system should must verify and validate all user input and users
must be notified in case of errors detected in the course of using the
The system should allow room for expansion.
A system should have a high performance and reliability level.

5.1.4 Software Requirements

PHP (hypertext preprocessor)
PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for the web.
The goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically.
PHP allows interfacing to many different database systems that provides
an open database connectivity standard (ODBC) such as. MySQL, Oracle,
Microsoft products and others. Other advantages are low cost and
availability. PHP is portable across multiple platforms and is created as an

MySQL (My Structured Query Language)

MySQL is an open source relational database management system
(RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL), the most popular
language for adding, accessing, and processing data in a database. MySQL
is noted mainly for its speed, reliability, and flexibility. It is fast, robust
and scalable relational database management system. My SQL is

a true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL (structured programming
language) database server.

Apache web server

The apache web server is the software that responds to client requests by
providing resources, such as XHTML documents. Apache has other
powerful features included in a large set of modules, including mod Perl,
and many authentication modules.


5.2 Context Diagram for the Proposed System
Describes the system data flow from the users to the administration that
is the final user stage of the system.

Log in infor
Patient File
Patient? D1

Account Send
Log in
infor 2.0 infor
Admin Manage D2 Database
Out Account View infor

Report 3.0
Out View infor
Staff Staff Report

Figure: 5.0 Context diagram for the proposed system

5.2.1 Entity Relationship and their cardinality

This section demonstrates the binary relationships between two entities
of the system.
Patient Receptionist
1. . * 1. .1
Patient pays a consultation fee to the receptionist in order to
Be attended by the doctor.

Receive information from
Accountant Pharmacy
1..1 1..*

The accountant receive patient payment details from the

Pharmacy in order to clear patient.

Patient Accountant
1..1 1.. *

The patient pays from the accountant in order receive drugs

from The pharmacist desk

Issues drugs to
Pharmacy Patient

1..1 1..*
The pharmacy issue drugs to the patient after confirming
payment From the accountant.

5.2.2 Data Dictionary

This section contains different relational tables, entities, attributes and
data types

Table 5.0 Patient Request Table

Patient Varchar The name for the 20

name patient
Patient Varchar Patientidentification 10 Primary
number key
Drug code Varchar The code assigned to 10
the drug

Password Varchar User‟s name who sold 20 Foreign
drugs key
Qnty int The amount of drugs 11
Unitprice int Price per unit of drug 11
The table above shows the structure of the patient request table in the

Table 5.1 Payment Table

vounum varchar The number on the 10 Primary key
password varchar The type of the user who 10 Foreign key
recofficer varchar The officer receiving 20
paydate date The date when payment 20
is done
The table above shows the structure of the payment table in the database.

Table 5.2 User Table

Title varchar Position of the user 20
fname varchar The first b name of the user 10
telephone varchar User‟s phone contact 15 Primary key
username varchar The user type 20
password varchar User password 20 Primary key
The table above shows the structure of the User table in the database .

5.3 System Implementation

This describes the tools used to implement the graphical user interface
and the database. MySQL was used to create and connect relational

tables to the database. HTML was used to develop the GUI. PHP was used
to process queries and integrate interfaces was done to develop the model
that meets all the requirements of this system.

5.4 Systems Testing

Testing was done after the system was put in place. This was done in two
ways namely Unit Testing and integration testing.

5.4.1 Test Plan

The Software Test Plan (STP) is designed to prescribe the scope, approach,
resources, and schedule of all testing activities. The plan will identify items
to be tested, the features to be tested, the types of testing to be performed,
the personnel responsible for testing, the resources and schedule required
to complete testing. The purpose of the software test plan is such as:
To achieve the correct code and ensure all Functional and Design
Requirements are implemented as specified in the documentation.
To provide a procedure for Unit and System Testing.
To identify the test methods for Unit and System Testing.

5.4.2 Process of Test Plan

Identify the requirements to be tested. All test cases shall be
derived using the current design specification.
Identify particular test to use to test each module.
Identify the expected results for each test.
Perform the test.
Document the test data, test cases used during the testing
The following explain the ways in which testing is done.

5.4.3 Unit Testing

Unit testing was carried out on individual modules of the system to ensure
that they are fully functional units. We did this by examining
each unit, for example the Underwriter‟s page. It was checked to ensure
that it functions as required and that it adds patient‟s data and other details
and also ensured that this data is sent to the database. The success of
each individual unit gave us the go ahead to carryout integration testing.
All identified errors were dealt with.

5.4.4 Integration Testing

We carried out integration testing after different modules had been put
together to make a complete system. Integration was aimed at ensuring
that modules are compatible and they can be integrated to form a complete
working system. For example we tested to ensure that when a user is
logged in, he/she is linked to the appropriate page, and also could access
the database.

5.4.5 System Validation

As one of the specific objectives of this study, validation of the system was
very important. Validation of the system was done by comparing it to the
questions asked by the users at St Francis Hospital. Most of their answers
matched with what the system can do. JavaScript was used to validate
user input and the respective input. For example the system does not
accept blank field; the system also discriminate between numerical and
numerical characters.


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